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1import { AxiosError, AxiosInstance, AxiosRequestConfig } from 'axios';
3 * Configuration for the Axios `request` method.
4 */
5export interface RetryConfig {
6 /**
7 * The number of times to retry the request. Defaults to 3.
8 */
9 retry?: number;
10 /**
11 * The number of retries already attempted.
12 */
13 currentRetryAttempt?: number;
14 /**
15 * The amount of time to initially delay the retry. Defaults to 100.
16 */
17 retryDelay?: number;
18 /**
19 * The instance of the axios object to which the interceptor is attached.
20 */
21 instance?: AxiosInstance;
22 /**
23 * The HTTP Methods that will be automatically retried.
24 * Defaults to ['GET','PUT','HEAD','OPTIONS','DELETE']
25 */
26 httpMethodsToRetry?: string[];
27 /**
28 * The HTTP response status codes that will automatically be retried.
29 * Defaults to: [[100, 199], [429, 429], [500, 599]]
30 */
31 statusCodesToRetry?: number[][];
32 /**
33 * Function to invoke when a retry attempt is made.
34 */
35 onRetryAttempt?: (err: AxiosError) => void;
36 /**
37 * Function to invoke which determines if you should retry
38 */
39 shouldRetry?: (err: AxiosError) => boolean;
40 /**
41 * When there is no response, the number of retries to attempt. Defaults to 2.
42 */
43 noResponseRetries?: number;
44 /**
45 * Backoff Type; 'linear', 'static' or 'exponential'.
46 */
47 backoffType?: 'linear' | 'static' | 'exponential';
48 /**
49 * Whether to check for 'Retry-After' header in response and use value as delay. Defaults to true.
50 */
51 checkRetryAfter?: boolean;
52 /**
53 * Max permitted Retry-After value (in ms) - rejects if greater. Defaults to 5 mins.
54 */
55 maxRetryAfter?: number;
56 /**
57 * Ceiling for calculated delay (in ms) - delay will not exceed this value.
58 */
59 maxRetryDelay?: number;
61export declare type RaxConfig = {
62 raxConfig: RetryConfig;
63} & AxiosRequestConfig;
65 * Attach the interceptor to the Axios instance.
66 * @param instance The optional Axios instance on which to attach the
67 * interceptor.
68 * @returns The id of the interceptor attached to the axios instance.
69 */
70export declare function attach(instance?: AxiosInstance): number;
72 * Eject the Axios interceptor that is providing retry capabilities.
73 * @param interceptorId The interceptorId provided in the config.
74 * @param instance The axios instance using this interceptor.
75 */
76export declare function detach(interceptorId: number, instance?: AxiosInstance): void;
78 * Determine based on config if we should retry the request.
79 * @param err The AxiosError passed to the interceptor.
80 */
81export declare function shouldRetryRequest(err: AxiosError): boolean;
83 * Acquire the raxConfig object from an AxiosError if available.
84 * @param err The Axios error with a config object.
85 */
86export declare function getConfig(err: AxiosError): RetryConfig | undefined;
87declare module 'axios' {
88 interface AxiosRequestConfig {
89 raxConfig?: RetryConfig;
90 }