1 | import { AddOperation, RemoveOperation, ReplaceOperation, MoveOperation, CopyOperation, TestOperation, Operation } from './diff';
2 | export declare class MissingError extends Error {
3 | path: string;
4 | constructor(path: string);
5 | }
6 | export declare class TestError extends Error {
7 | actual: any;
8 | expected: any;
9 | constructor(actual: any, expected: any);
10 | }
11 | /**
12 | > o If the target location specifies an array index, a new value is
13 | > inserted into the array at the specified index.
14 | > o If the target location specifies an object member that does not
15 | > already exist, a new member is added to the object.
16 | > o If the target location specifies an object member that does exist,
17 | > that member's value is replaced.
18 | */
19 | export declare function add(object: any, operation: AddOperation): MissingError | null;
20 | /**
21 | > The "remove" operation removes the value at the target location.
22 | > The target location MUST exist for the operation to be successful.
23 | */
24 | export declare function remove(object: any, operation: RemoveOperation): MissingError | null;
25 | /**
26 | > The "replace" operation replaces the value at the target location
27 | > with a new value. The operation object MUST contain a "value" member
28 | > whose content specifies the replacement value.
29 | > The target location MUST exist for the operation to be successful.
30 |
31 | > This operation is functionally identical to a "remove" operation for
32 | > a value, followed immediately by an "add" operation at the same
33 | > location with the replacement value.
34 |
35 | Even more simply, it's like the add operation with an existence check.
36 | */
37 | export declare function replace(object: any, operation: ReplaceOperation): MissingError | null;
38 | /**
39 | > The "move" operation removes the value at a specified location and
40 | > adds it to the target location.
41 | > The operation object MUST contain a "from" member, which is a string
42 | > containing a JSON Pointer value that references the location in the
43 | > target document to move the value from.
44 | > This operation is functionally identical to a "remove" operation on
45 | > the "from" location, followed immediately by an "add" operation at
46 | > the target location with the value that was just removed.
47 |
48 | > The "from" location MUST NOT be a proper prefix of the "path"
49 | > location; i.e., a location cannot be moved into one of its children.
50 |
51 | TODO: throw if the check described in the previous paragraph fails.
52 | */
53 | export declare function move(object: any, operation: MoveOperation): MissingError | null;
54 | /**
55 | > The "copy" operation copies the value at a specified location to the
56 | > target location.
57 | > The operation object MUST contain a "from" member, which is a string
58 | > containing a JSON Pointer value that references the location in the
59 | > target document to copy the value from.
60 | > The "from" location MUST exist for the operation to be successful.
61 |
62 | > This operation is functionally identical to an "add" operation at the
63 | > target location using the value specified in the "from" member.
64 |
65 | Alternatively, it's like 'move' without the 'remove'.
66 | */
67 | export declare function copy(object: any, operation: CopyOperation): MissingError | null;
68 | /**
69 | > The "test" operation tests that a value at the target location is
70 | > equal to a specified value.
71 | > The operation object MUST contain a "value" member that conveys the
72 | > value to be compared to the target location's value.
73 | > The target location MUST be equal to the "value" value for the
74 | > operation to be considered successful.
75 | */
76 | export declare function test(object: any, operation: TestOperation): TestError | null;
77 | export declare class InvalidOperationError extends Error {
78 | operation: Operation;
79 | constructor(operation: Operation);
80 | }
81 | /**
82 | Switch on `operation.op`, applying the corresponding patch function for each
83 | case to `object`.
84 | */
85 | export declare function apply(object: any, operation: Operation): MissingError | InvalidOperationError | TestError | null;