4.42 kBJavaScriptView Raw
1'use strict'
4 TEMP_FILE_NAME = require('./const').TEMP_FILE_NAME, // skip temporary files (created by editors), e.g. /.name.tag, /~name.tag, /name~.tag
5 path = require('path'),
6 rollup = require('rollup'),
7 chalk = require('chalk'),
8 sh = require('shelljs')
10module.exports = {
12 /**
13 * Find any file in certain folder
14 * @param { RegExp } extRegex - regular expression containing the file extension
15 * @param { String } from - files path
16 * @returns { Array } array containing the files found
17 */
18 find(extRegex, from) {
19 return sh
20 .find(from)
21 .filter((f) => extRegex.test(f) && TEMP_FILE_NAME.test(f))
22 },
24 /**
25 * Loop files paths strings contained in an array remapping them to a different location
26 * @param { RegExp } extRegex - regular expression containing the file extension
27 * @param { String } from - path where the files are located
28 * @param { String } to - path where the new files must be created
29 * @param { String } base - base path
30 * @param { String } extension - base path
31 * @returns { Array } array containing all the paths to the new files that must be created
32 */
33 remap(extRegex, from, to, base, extension) {
34 return from
35 .map((from) => path.join(to, path.relative(base, from)
36 .replace(extRegex, `.${extension || 'js'}`)))
37 },
39 /**
40 * Relative path to where the command line gets executed
41 * @param { String } path - the whole file path where a file is located on the machine
42 * @returns { String } path relative to the current folder where the command line gets executed
43 */
44 toRelative(path) {
45 return path.replace(sh.pwd().toString() + '/', '')
46 },
48 /**
49 * Extend any object with other properties
50 * @param { Object } src - source object
51 * @returns { Object } the resulting extended object
52 *
53 * var obj = { foo: 'baz' }
54 * extend(obj, {bar: 'bar', foo: 'bar'})
55 * console.log(obj) => {bar: 'bar', foo: 'bar'}
56 *
57 */
58 extend(src) {
59 var obj, args = arguments
60 for (var i = 1; i < args.length; ++i) {
61 if (obj = args[i]) {
62 for (var key in obj) {
63 if (typeof obj[key] === 'object' && typeof src[key] === 'object')
64 src[key] = this.extend(src[key], obj[key])
65 else if (typeof obj[key] !== 'undefined')
66 src[key] = obj[key]
67 }
68 }
69 }
70 return src
71 },
73 /**
74 * Try to read the option from a file
75 * @param { String } src - path to the config file
76 * @returns { Object } cli options options
77 */
78 loadConfigFile(src) {
79 src = path.resolve(src)
81 // add the extension if it's missing
82 if (src.slice(-3) !== '.js') src += '.js'
84 // borrowed from the rollup cli
85 // https://github.com/rollup/rollup/blob/master/bin/runRollup.js
86 return rollup.rollup({
87 entry: src,
88 onwarn: this.log
89 }).then((bundle) => {
90 var
91 opts,
92 code = bundle.generate({
93 format: 'cjs'
94 }).code,
95 // temporarily override require
96 jsLoader = require.extensions['.js']
99 require.extensions['.js' ]= function(m, filename) {
100 if (filename === src) m._compile(code, filename)
101 else jsLoader(m, filename)
102 }
104 try {
105 opts = require(src)
106 } catch (err) {
107 this.err(err)
108 }
110 require.extensions['.js'] = jsLoader
112 return opts
114 }).catch((err) => {
115 this.log('It was not possible to load your config file, are you sure the path is correct?')
116 this.err(err)
117 })
119 },
120 /**
121 * Helper to output stuff in the terminal
122 * @param { * } msg - normally this should be a string
123 */
124 log(msg) {
125 /* istanbul ignore next */
126 if (!global.isSilent) console.log(msg)
127 },
128 /**
129 * Throw an error and kill the process
130 * @param { String } msg - error message
131 */
132 err(msg) {
133 msg += '\n'
134 /* istanbul ignore next */
135 if (!global.isSilent) process.stderr.write(chalk.red(msg)) || process.exit(1)
136 else throw msg
137 },
138 /**
139 * Get the current riot-cli release
140 * @returns { String } this should always return the riot version in use unless riot-cli gets used as standalone module
141 */
142 getVersion() {
143 return `
144 riot-cli: ${require('../package.json').version} - https://github.com/riot/cli
145 riot-compiler: ${require('riot-compiler/package.json').version} - https://github.com/riot/compiler
147 }