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1# Riot Lol API
3This module lets you query the Riot API for LeagueOfLegends data.
5You'll need a developer key from https://developer.riotgames.com.
7This module was developed for people that need to poll the Riot API with a *very high* throughput (with peaks above the standard production rate limit of 300 calls / second / region).
9If you don't need this kind of performance, you'll probably be better with other modules -- have a look at [lol-js](https://www.npmjs.com/package/lol-js) for instance :)
11## Installation
13npm install --save riot-lol-api
16## Usage
18var RiotRequest = require('riot-lol-api');
20var riotRequest = new RiotRequest('my_api_key');
22// 'summoner' is a string to identify the method being used currently
23// See note about rate-limiting in the README.
24// Also see https://developer.riotgames.com/rate-limiting.html#method-headers
25riotRequest.request('euw1', 'summoner', '/lol/summoner/v3/summoners/by-name/graphistos', function(err, data) {});
28The library will take care of rate limiting and automatically retry on 500 and 503.
30It will also maintain a very high request concurrency, dynamically updating concurrency to ensure you remain a good citizen and don't get blacklisted.
32Ensure that your network adapter can deal with the traffic!
33If necessary, you can distribute the library across multiple servers -- I'm currently using it with a production key distributed on 4 servers sending > 35 millions calls a day.
35## Caching
36The second argument in the constructor lets you define a cache object. This object should expose two keys, `get` and `set`. The default implementation does no caching:
39var cache = {
40 get: function(region, endpoint, cb) {
41 // Try to read from cache,
42 // Return cb(null, data) if data is already available in your cache.
43 // If it's a cache-miss, you still need to call cb(null, null) for the request to proceed.
44 // Do not just call cb(null)!
45 cb(null, null);
46 },
47 set: function(region, endpoint, cacheStrategy, data) {
48 // Use this function to store `data`, which is the result of the API call to `endpoint` on `region`.
49 }
53`cacheStrategy` is a value over which you have total control when you call `.request()`:
57riotRequest.request('euw1', 'summoner', '/lol/summoner/v3/summoners/by-name/graphistos', YOUR_CACHE_STRATEGY, function(err, data) {});
60When unspecified, `cacheStrategy` will default to `false`, and cache won't be used.
61If the value is not falsy, the cache will be used and the value will be forwarded to you (in your `.set` cache method). The most common use case would be to send how long you want to store the data in cache, but this is completely up to you.
63You may want to use a package like `lru-cache` to help you with caching -- note that you can plug any system you want (Redis, Riak, file system), just ensure you call `cb(null, data)`. If you send an error in the first argument, the library will forward this error directly to the callback specified in `.request()`.
65You'll notice that the `set()` function has no callback, this is intentional. You can start async operations from here, but the system won't wait for your operation to complete before moving on to other requests.
67In some situations, the `get()` function might be called more than once per endpoint. For performance, when a request is queued, it is checked instantly if it's in cache: if it isn't, it's added in a queue, and when the worker start that task he will ask the cache again in case the same request was already queued and has since then been cached.
69## Rate limiting
70The Riot API rate limiting is complex -- see https://developer.riotgames.com/rate-limiting.html for all the nitty gritty.
72This library abstracts most of it away, automatically reading the headers values and adjusting this behavior to ensure your key doesn't get blacklisted.
74However, when you call `.request`, you need to specifiy a string to identify the method currently being used.
76A list of all the buckets is available in https://developer.riotgames.com/rate-limiting.html#method-headers, but the TL;DR is that for every type of request you send, you should have some kind of tag: for instance, all requests for recent games can be tagged with "recent-games" (the second parameter to `.request(region, tag, endpoint)`. `riot-lol-api` will then ensure that all rate limits (both for the app and for the method) are respected per region.
78If the above paragraph didn't make any sense, go and check out the official Riot link above and then come back to this section ;)
80Here is a sample code excerpt:
83riotRequest.request('euw1', 'summoner', '/lol/summoner/v3/summoners/by-name/graphistos', function(err, data) {});
84riotRequest.request('euw1', 'champion-mastery', '/lol/champion-mastery/v3/champion-masteries/by-summoner/4203456', function(err, data) {});
85riotRequest.request('euw1', 'league', '/lol/league/v3/positions/by-summoner/4203456', function(err, data) {});
88## Logging
89The library use `debug` for logging. To see logs, set this environment variable: `DEBUG=riot-lol-api:*`.
91## Errors
92Errors when trying to read the cache are forwarded directly to the requester.
94HTTP errrors on the Riot API side will expose three properties:
96* `.statusCode` containing the return code from the API (the most common one is 503. Note that the library is retrying by default all 5XX errors, so if you see it in your code it means that the error happened twice)
97* `riotInternal` a flag set to true to help you distinguish network errors (fairly common) from more standard errors (e.g. from your cache)
98* `extra`, an object exposing details about the request: endpoint, region, status code, whether the failure is due to a timeout... You may want to send this object directly to you error monitoring system.
100Please remember that the library will automatically retry once when it receives a 500 and 503.
102## Dealing with regions and platforms
103For convenience, the library exposes a function `getPlatformFromRegion()` that takes a region as parameter (e.g "euw") and returns the associaed platform to use with the Riot API ("EUW1"). This can be useful for building URLs.
105Additionally, there is also a `.REGIONS` property with an array of all valid Riot regions lowercased.
107## Advanced topics
108Honestly, skip this section if you're using the library for the first time. I started using this option past 20 million calls a day...
110### Throttler
111Use case: throttle some process to ensure other processes always have enough requests available. For example, let's say you have a worker downloading games in the background, and you also have a frontend that can request games from the API in realtime to answer user requests. You always want the frontend to be able to request in realtime, but by default it's very likely your worker will use all capacity every 10s.
112To prevent this, the library expose a function named `setThrottler(platform, method, throttle)` (and `setThrottler(method, throttle)` which is automatically applied to all platforms).
114For this particular use case, in your worker, you'd call `setThrottler('match', 100)` (replace `match` with the method name you use to qualify the request type when you call `.request()`). The library will then try to reserve 100 requests for other use (for instance, assuming you can do 250 calls per second, the worker will consume around 150 requests, leaving 100 requests for other processes). Exact count isn't guaranteed, but the closer you get to the specified limit, the smaller the concurrency will be (down to a minimum of 1).