1 | # Rivet Icons
2 |
3 | [Icons](https://rivet.iu.edu/icons-stickers/) (`16px` square) for Indiana University's Rivet Design System.
4 |
5 | [Migrate from v2 to v3](MIGRATION.md).
6 |
7 | ## Contents
8 |
9 | 1. [Usage](#usage)
10 | 1. [HTML API](#html-api)
11 | 1. [CSS API](#css-api)
12 | 1. [JavaScript API](#javascript-api)
13 | 1. [Request a new icon](#request-a-new-icon)
14 |
15 | ## Usage
16 |
17 | ### Development
18 |
19 | This approach is recommended for development, prototyping, or restrictive production environments.
20 |
21 | Link to:
22 |
23 | - The Rivet Icon Element styles (`./dist/rivet-icon-element.css`)
24 | - The bundle containing all the icons (`./dist/rivet-icons.js`)
25 |
26 | These files can be linked from a service like [UNPKG](https://unpkg.com/browse/rivet-icons/).
27 |
28 | ```html
29 | <!doctype html>
30 | <html lang="en">
31 | <head>
32 | <link rel="stylesheet" href="https://unpkg.com/rivet-icons/dist/rivet-icon-element.css">
33 | <script type="module" src="https://unpkg.com/rivet-icons/dist/rivet-icons.js"></script>
34 | </head>
35 | <body>
36 | <rvt-icon name="heart"></rvt-icon>
37 | <rvt-icon name="heart-solid"></rvt-icon>
38 | </body>
39 | </html>
40 | ```
41 |
42 | ### Production
43 |
44 | For production, install the npm package.
45 |
46 | ```
47 | npm install --save rivet-icons
48 | ```
49 |
50 | Create a custom module which imports only the icons needed. The icon module name (such as `./dist/heart.js`) matches its corresponding SVG file name (such as `./src/icons/heart.svg`).
51 |
52 | ```js
53 | // ./src/icons.js
54 | import 'rivet-icons/dist/heart.js';
55 | import 'rivet-icons/dist/heart-solid.js';
56 | ```
57 |
58 | Link to:
59 |
60 | - The Rivet Icon Element styles (`./dist/rivet-icon-element.css`)
61 | - The custom module (for example, `./src/icons.js`)
62 |
63 | ```html
64 | <!doctype html>
65 | <html lang="en">
66 | <head>
67 | <link rel="stylesheet" href="./node_modules/rivet-icons/dist/rivet-icon-element.css">
68 | <script type="module" src="./src/icons.js"></script>
69 | </head>
70 | <body>
71 | <rvt-icon name="heart"></rvt-icon>
72 | <rvt-icon name="heart-solid"></rvt-icon>
73 | </body>
74 | </html>
75 | ```
76 |
77 | ### Accessibility
78 |
79 | By default, stickers are considered decorative images and hidden from screen reader users.
80 |
81 | Ask this question to test if alternative text is needed: "Would this content still make sense to sighted users if the icon was removed?" If no, then add alternative text using the Rivet class `rvt-sr-only`.
82 |
83 | In this first example, the link text of "Favorites" is presented to all users. The icon acts as a visual anchor and perhaps a legend to the rest of the page. No additional accessible description is needed.
84 |
85 | ```html
86 | <a href="/favorites">
87 | <rvt-icon name="heart"></rvt-icon>
88 | Favorites
89 | </a>
90 | ```
91 |
92 | In this second example, this icon is used to visually indicate the pressed state of the button. It is "heart" if the button is not pressed. It is "heart-solid" if the button is pressed. `aria-pressed` communicates the necessary information to screen readers. This attribute value changes the icon via the [CSS API](#--name-variable) in order to communicate equivalent information to visual users.
93 |
94 | ```html
95 | <button aria-pressed="true" class="favorite">
96 | <rvt-icon></rvt-icon>
97 | Favorite
98 | </button>
99 | ```
100 |
101 | In this case, even if a text label for sighted users is not wanted, it is required for screen reader users.
102 |
103 | ```html
104 | <button aria-pressed="true" class="favorite">
105 | <rvt-icon></rvt-icon>
106 | <span class="rvt-sr-only">Favorite</span>
107 | </button>
108 | ```
109 |
110 | ### Testing
111 |
112 | Download or clone this repo, then install dependencies.
113 |
114 | ```
115 | npm install
116 | ```
117 |
118 | Start the server to launch the local test environment.
119 |
120 | ```
121 | npm run start
122 | ```
123 |
124 | ## HTML API
125 |
126 | ### `name` attribute
127 |
128 | Use the `name` attribute to declare the icon to be rendered. The name of an icon matches its corresponding SVG file name (`./src/icons/*.svg`).
129 |
130 | ```html
131 | <rvt-icon name="heart"></rvt-icon>
132 | ```
133 |
134 | ## CSS API
135 |
136 | ### `--name` variable
137 |
138 | Change the icon in CSS by setting the `--name` variable on the `rvt-icon` element to the desired icon name, such as `var(--heart)` for the "heart" icon.
139 |
140 | In this example, the button toggles the value of `aria-pressed` for screen reader users, while the icon updates between the solid heart and outlined heart for visual users.
141 |
142 | ```html
143 | <button aria-pressed="true" class="favorite">
144 | <rvt-icon></rvt-icon>
145 | Favorite
146 | </button>
147 | <style>
148 | .favorite[aria-pressed="false"] > rvt-icon {
149 | --name: var(--heart);
150 | }
151 | .favorite[aria-pressed="true"] > rvt-icon {
152 | --name: var(--heart-solid);
153 | }
154 | </style>
155 | ```
156 |
157 | The `--name` CSS variable declaration overrides the `name` HTML attribute. In this case, the icon will render as `heart-solid`, not `heart`.
158 |
159 | ```html
160 | <rvt-icon name="heart" class="heart-solid"></rvt-icon>
161 | <style>
162 | .heart-solid {
163 | --name: var(--heart-solid);
164 | }
165 | </style>
166 | ```
167 |
168 | ### `color` property
169 |
170 | Change the icon color with the CSS `color` property. It is recommended to use the [Rivet color utility classes](https://rivet.uits.iu.edu/utilities/color/).
171 |
172 | ```html
173 | <rvt-icon name="heart" class="rvt-color-orange"></rvt-icon>
174 | ```
175 |
176 | ## JavaScript API
177 |
178 | ### `registerIcon()` function
179 |
180 | If the provided icon set does not have an icon you need, first [request a new icon](#request-a-new-icon) from the Rivet team.
181 |
182 | If you must proceed with designing your own SVG icon, follow these specifications so they best align with the provided icon set:
183 |
184 | - `16px` square grid
185 | - `2px` stroke for all icon outlines
186 | - Expand all strokes before exporting and merge/flatten artwork in to one group.
187 | - Set `fill` attribute to `currentColor` on exported SVGs.
188 |
189 | Use the `registerIcon()` function to register the name and SVG code for this custom icon. Then, it can be used like any of the provided icons.
190 |
191 | ```js
192 | // ./src/icon-diamond.js
193 | import { registerIcon } from 'rivet-icons';
194 |
195 | const name = 'diamond';
196 | const svg = `<svg><polyline points="8,2 14,8 8,14 2,8" /></svg>`;
197 |
198 | registerIcon(name, svg);
199 | ```
200 |
201 | If left unspecified, the `<svg>` will default to the following attributes when rendered:
202 |
203 | ```html
204 | <svg
205 | aria-hidden="true"
206 | fill="currentColor"
207 | focusable="false"
208 | height="16"
209 | viewBox="0 0 16 16"
210 | width="16"
211 | xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg"
212 | >
213 | ```
214 |
215 | Include this custom icon in the module for the custom icon set.
216 |
217 | ```diff
218 | // ./src/icons.js
219 | import 'rivet-icons/dist/heart.js';
220 | import 'rivet-icons/dist/heart-solid.js';
221 | + import './icon-diamond.js';
222 | ```
223 |
224 | ## Request a new icon
225 |
226 | [Submit a Rivet support request](https://rivet.uits.iu.edu/help/#support-request-form) to request a new icon.