1 | # rollup-plugin-babel-minify
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3 | [![Build Status](https://github.com/Comandeer/rollup-plugin-babel-minify/workflows/CI/badge.svg)](https://github.com/Comandeer/rollup-plugin-babel-minify/actions) [![codecov](https://codecov.io/gh/Comandeer/rollup-plugin-babel-minify/branch/master/graph/badge.svg)](https://codecov.io/gh/Comandeer/rollup-plugin-babel-minify) [![Dependency Status](https://david-dm.org/Comandeer/rollup-plugin-babel-minify.svg)](https://david-dm.org/Comandeer/rollup-plugin-babel-minify) [![devDependencies Status](https://david-dm.org/Comandeer/rollup-plugin-babel-minify/dev-status.svg)](https://david-dm.org/Comandeer/rollup-plugin-babel-minify?type=dev) [![npm](https://img.shields.io/npm/v/rollup-plugin-babel-minify.svg)](https://www.npmjs.com/package/rollup-plugin-babel-minify)
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5 | Allows using [babel-minify](https://github.com/babel/minify) with [Rollup](https://rollupjs.org/guide/en).
6 |
7 | ## ☠️ Project is deprecated! ☠️
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9 | Version 10.0.0, released on 2020-03-14, will be the last version of the project, as [`babel-minify` is basically dead](https://github.com/babel/minify/issues/952). Please consider using [`rollup-plugin-terser`](https://www.npmjs.com/package/rollup-plugin-terser) instead.
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11 | ## Installation
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13 | ```bash
14 | npm install rollup-plugin-babel-minify [--save-dev]
15 | ```
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17 | ## Usage
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19 | ```javascript
20 | import { rollup } from 'rollup';
21 | import minify from 'rollup-plugin-babel-minify';
22 |
23 | rollup( {
24 | input: './src/index.js',
25 | plugins: [
26 | minify( {
27 | // Options for babel-minify.
28 | } )
29 | ]
30 | } );
31 | ```
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33 | For the list of options, check [babel-minify preset's docs](https://github.com/babel/minify/blob/master/packages/babel-preset-minify/README.md#options).
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35 | There are additional options:
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37 | * `comments` (default: `true`): indicates if comments should be preserved in source;
38 | * `banner` (default: `undefined`): the comment which should be prepended to the transformed bundle;
39 | * `bannerNewLine` (since 4.0.0, default: `false`): indicates if the banner comment should be followed by a new line;
40 | * `sourceMap` (default: `true`): indicates if sourcemap should be generated;
41 | * `plugins` (since 6.2.0): indicates which Babel plugins should be loaded alongside [minify preset](https://github.com/babel/minify/tree/master/packages/babel-preset-minify); two plugins are loaded by default:
42 | * [`@comandeer/babel-plugin-banner`](https://www.npmjs.com/package/@comandeer/babel-plugin-banner),
43 | * [`@babel/plugin-syntax-dynamic-import`](https://www.npmjs.com/package/@babel/plugin-syntax-dynamic-import) (since 7.0.0).
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45 | Check [API docs](https://comandeer.github.io/rollup-plugin-babel-minify) for more detailed description.
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47 | ## License
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49 | See [LICENSE](./LICENSE) file for details.