1 | [npm]: https://img.shields.io/npm/v/rollup-plugin-bundle-inject
2 | [npm-url]: https://www.npmjs.com/package/rollup-plugin-bundle-inject
3 | [size]: https://packagephobia.now.sh/badge?p=rollup-plugin-bundle-inject
4 | [size-url]: https://packagephobia.now.sh/result?p=rollup-plugin-bundle-inject
5 |
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8 |
9 | # rollup-plugin-bundle-inject
10 |
11 | 🍣 Inject JS or CSS bundle into a template where necessary
12 |
13 | ## Install
14 |
15 | Using npm:
16 |
17 | ```bash
18 | npm install rollup-plugin-bundle-inject --save-dev
19 | ```
20 |
21 | ## Usage
22 |
23 | Create a `rollup.config.js` [configuration file](https://www.rollupjs.org/guide/en/#configuration-files) and import the plugin:
24 |
25 | ```js
26 | const bundleInject = require("rollup-plugin-bundle-inject");
27 |
28 | module.exports = {
29 | input: "./src/index.js",
30 | output: {
31 | dir: "./public/dist",
32 | format: "cjs",
33 | },
34 | plugins: [
35 | bundleInject({
36 | // specify the template
37 | target: "./public/index.html",
38 | }),
39 | ],
40 | };
41 | ```
42 |
43 | Once build successfully, an HTML file should be written to the bundle output destination.
44 |
45 | ## Options
46 |
47 | ### `target`
48 |
49 | Type: `String`<br>
50 | Default: `''`
51 |
52 | Specifies the template.
53 |
54 | \_Note: This field is required, it will throw an error if you don't specify a valid value.
55 |
56 | ## Example
57 |
58 | By default, CSS bundle will inject into the end of the `<head>`, JS bundle will inject into the end of the `<body>`.
59 |
60 | ```html
61 | <!DOCTYPE html>
62 | <html>
63 | <head>
64 | <title>Rollup bundle inject example</title>
65 | <meta charset="utf-8" />
66 | <style>
67 | /* Content of bundle.css will goes here */
68 | </style>
69 | </head>
70 | <body>
71 | <h1>Hello World!</h1>
72 | <script>
73 | /* Content of bundle.js will goes here */
74 | </script>
75 | </body>
76 | </html>
77 | ```
78 |
79 | you could decide where should be the bundle injected, by using the tag `<!-- inject:css -->` and `<!-- inject:js -->`.
80 |
81 | ```html
82 | <!DOCTYPE html>
83 | <html>
84 | <head>
85 | <title>Rollup bundle inject example</title>
86 | <meta charset="utf-8" />
87 | <!-- inject:css -->
88 | <link type="text/css" rel="stylesheet" href="bootstrap.css" />
89 | <script src="jquery.js"></script>
90 | <!-- inject:js -->
91 | </head>
92 | <body>
93 | <h1>Hello World!</h1>
94 | </body>
95 | </html>
96 | ```