1 | # rollup-plugin-copy
2 |
3 | [![Build Status](https://travis-ci.com/vladshcherbin/rollup-plugin-copy.svg?branch=master)](https://travis-ci.com/vladshcherbin/rollup-plugin-copy)
4 | [![Codecov](https://codecov.io/gh/vladshcherbin/rollup-plugin-copy/branch/master/graph/badge.svg)](https://codecov.io/gh/vladshcherbin/rollup-plugin-copy)
5 |
6 | Copy files and folders, with glob support.
7 |
8 | ## Installation
9 |
10 | ```bash
11 | # yarn
12 | yarn add rollup-plugin-copy -D
13 |
14 | # npm
15 | npm install rollup-plugin-copy -D
16 | ```
17 |
18 | ## Usage
19 |
20 | ```js
21 | // rollup.config.js
22 | import copy from 'rollup-plugin-copy'
23 |
24 | export default {
25 | input: 'src/index.js',
26 | output: {
27 | file: 'dist/app.js',
28 | format: 'cjs'
29 | },
30 | plugins: [
31 | copy({
32 | targets: [
33 | { src: 'src/index.html', dest: 'dist/public' },
34 | { src: ['assets/fonts/arial.woff', 'assets/fonts/arial.woff2'], dest: 'dist/public/fonts' },
35 | { src: 'assets/images/**/*', dest: 'dist/public/images' }
36 | ]
37 | })
38 | ]
39 | }
40 | ```
41 |
42 | ### Configuration
43 |
44 | There are some useful options:
45 |
46 | #### targets
47 |
48 | Type: `Array` | Default: `[]`
49 |
50 | Array of targets to copy. A target is an object with properties:
51 |
52 | - **src** (`string` `Array`): Path or glob of what to copy
53 | - **dest** (`string` `Array`): One or more destinations where to copy
54 | - **rename** (`string` `Function`): Change destination file or folder name
55 | - **transform** (`Function`): Modify file contents
56 |
57 | Each object should have **src** and **dest** properties, **rename** and **transform** are optional. [globby](https://github.com/sindresorhus/globby) is used inside, check it for [glob pattern](https://github.com/sindresorhus/globby#globbing-patterns) examples.
58 |
59 | ##### File
60 |
61 | ```js
62 | copy({
63 | targets: [{ src: 'src/index.html', dest: 'dist/public' }]
64 | })
65 | ```
66 |
67 | ##### Folder
68 |
69 | ```js
70 | copy({
71 | targets: [{ src: 'assets/images', dest: 'dist/public' }]
72 | })
73 | ```
74 |
75 | ##### Glob
76 |
77 | ```js
78 | copy({
79 | targets: [{ src: 'assets/*', dest: 'dist/public' }]
80 | })
81 | ```
82 |
83 | ##### Glob: multiple items
84 |
85 | ```js
86 | copy({
87 | targets: [{ src: ['src/index.html', 'src/styles.css', 'assets/images'], dest: 'dist/public' }]
88 | })
89 | ```
90 |
91 | ##### Glob: negated patterns
92 |
93 | ```js
94 | copy({
95 | targets: [{ src: ['assets/images/**/*', '!**/*.gif'], dest: 'dist/public/images' }]
96 | })
97 | ```
98 |
99 | ##### Multiple targets
100 |
101 | ```js
102 | copy({
103 | targets: [
104 | { src: 'src/index.html', dest: 'dist/public' },
105 | { src: 'assets/images/**/*', dest: 'dist/public/images' }
106 | ]
107 | })
108 | ```
109 |
110 | ##### Multiple destinations
111 |
112 | ```js
113 | copy({
114 | targets: [{ src: 'src/index.html', dest: ['dist/public', 'build/public'] }]
115 | })
116 | ```
117 |
118 | ##### Rename with a string
119 |
120 | ```js
121 | copy({
122 | targets: [{ src: 'src/app.html', dest: 'dist/public', rename: 'index.html' }]
123 | })
124 | ```
125 |
126 | ##### Rename with a function
127 |
128 | ```js
129 | copy({
130 | targets: [{
131 | src: 'assets/docs/*',
132 | dest: 'dist/public/docs',
133 | rename: (name, extension, fullPath) => `${name}-v1.${extension}`
134 | }]
135 | })
136 | ```
137 |
138 | ##### Transform file contents
139 |
140 | ```js
141 | copy({
142 | targets: [{
143 | src: 'src/index.html',
144 | dest: 'dist/public',
145 | transform: (contents, filename) => contents.toString().replace('__SCRIPT__', 'app.js')
146 | }]
147 | })
148 | ```
149 |
150 | #### verbose
151 |
152 | Type: `boolean` | Default: `false`
153 |
154 | Output copied items to console.
155 |
156 | ```js
157 | copy({
158 | targets: [{ src: 'assets/*', dest: 'dist/public' }],
159 | verbose: true
160 | })
161 | ```
162 |
163 | #### hook
164 |
165 | Type: `string` | Default: `buildEnd`
166 |
167 | [Rollup hook](https://rollupjs.org/guide/en/#hooks) the plugin should use. By default, plugin runs when rollup has finished bundling, before bundle is written to disk.
168 |
169 | ```js
170 | copy({
171 | targets: [{ src: 'assets/*', dest: 'dist/public' }],
172 | hook: 'writeBundle'
173 | })
174 | ```
175 |
176 | #### copyOnce
177 |
178 | Type: `boolean` | Default: `false`
179 |
180 | Copy items once. Useful in watch mode.
181 |
182 | ```js
183 | copy({
184 | targets: [{ src: 'assets/*', dest: 'dist/public' }],
185 | copyOnce: true
186 | })
187 |
188 | ```
189 | #### copySync
190 |
191 | Type: `boolean` | Default: `false`
192 |
193 | Copy items synchronous.
194 |
195 | ```js
196 | copy({
197 | targets: [{ src: 'assets/*', dest: 'dist/public' }],
198 | copySync: true
199 | })
200 | ```
201 |
202 | #### flatten
203 |
204 | Type: `boolean` | Default: `true`
205 |
206 | Remove the directory structure of copied files.
207 |
208 | ```js
209 | copy({
210 | targets: [{ src: 'assets/**/*', dest: 'dist/public' }],
211 | flatten: false
212 | })
213 | ```
214 |
215 | All other options are passed to packages, used inside:
216 | - [globby](https://github.com/sindresorhus/globby)
217 | - [fs-extra copy function](https://github.com/jprichardson/node-fs-extra/blob/7.0.0/docs/copy.md)
218 |
219 | ## Original Author
220 |
221 | [Cédric Meuter](https://github.com/meuter)
222 |
223 | ## License
224 |
225 | MIT