1 | # rollup-plugin-license
2 |
3 | [](https://greenkeeper.io/)
4 | [](https://travis-ci.org/mjeanroy/rollup-plugin-license)
5 | [](https://badge.fury.io/js/rollup-plugin-license)
6 |
7 | Rollup plugin that can be used to:
8 | - Prepend a banner from a file.
9 | - Create a file containing all third-parties used in the bundle (and display the license of each dependency).
10 |
11 | ## How to use
12 |
13 | Install the plugin with NPM:
14 |
15 | ```npm install --save-dev rollup-plugin-license```
16 |
17 | Then add it to your rollup configuration:
18 |
19 | ```javascript
20 | const path = require('path');
21 | const license = require('rollup-plugin-license');
22 |
23 | module.exports = {
24 | plugins: [
25 | license({
26 | sourcemap: true,
27 | cwd: process.cwd(), // The default
28 |
29 | banner: {
30 | commentStyle: 'regular', // The default
31 |
32 | content: {
33 | file: path.join(__dirname, 'LICENSE'),
34 | encoding: 'utf-8', // Default is utf-8
35 | },
36 |
37 | // Optional, may be an object or a function returning an object.
38 | data() {
39 | return {
40 | foo: 'foo',
41 | };
42 | },
43 | },
44 |
45 | thirdParty: {
46 | includePrivate: true, // Default is false.
47 | includeSelf: true, // Default is false.
48 | multipleVersions: true, // Default is false.
49 | output: {
50 | file: path.join(__dirname, 'dist', 'dependencies.txt'),
51 | encoding: 'utf-8', // Default is utf-8.
52 | },
53 | },
54 | }),
55 | ],
56 | }
57 | ```
58 |
59 | ## Banner
60 |
61 | ### Banner file
62 |
63 | The banner file can be a text file and it will be converted to a block comment automatically if needed.
64 |
65 | Note that the content will be translated to a lodash template with the following data model:
66 | - `pkg`: The content of the project `package.json`.
67 | - `dependencies`: An array of all the dependencies included in the bundle.
68 | - `moment`: The `moment` object.
69 | - `_`: The lodash object.
70 | - `data` A custom data object, defined in banner options.
71 |
72 | Here is a valid banner:
73 |
74 | ```text
75 | Bundle of <%= pkg.name %>
76 | Generated: <%= moment().format('YYYY-MM-DD') %>
77 | Version: <%= pkg.version %>
78 | Dependencies:
79 | <% _.forEach(dependencies, function (dependency) { %>
80 | <%= dependency.name %> -- <%= dependency.version %>
81 | <% }) %>
82 | ```
83 |
84 | ### Comment style
85 |
86 | Since version 0.10.0, it is possible to customize banner style using the `commentStyle` option:
87 |
88 | ```javascript
89 | license({
90 | banner: {
91 | commentStyle: 'regular', // The default
92 | content: {
93 | file: path.join(__dirname, 'LICENSE'),
94 | },
95 | },
96 | })
97 | ```
98 |
99 | Following options are available:
100 |
101 | - `regular`: "classic" comment block is used (this is the default), for example:
102 |
103 | ```javascript
104 | /**
105 | * This is the `regular` style.
106 | */
107 | ```
108 |
109 | - `ignored`: a comment block with prefix ignored by minifiers, for example:
110 |
111 | ```javascript
112 | /*!
113 | * This is the `ignored` style.
114 | */
115 | ```
116 |
117 | - `slash`: banner is prepended using "slash" comments, for example:
118 |
119 | ```javascript
120 | //
121 | // This is the `slash` style.
122 | //
123 | ```
124 |
125 | - `none`: nothing done, be careful to prepenbd a banner already "commented".
126 |
127 | ### Banner as a "simple" string
128 |
129 | Since version 0.3.0, `banner` can be a simple string that will be used directly:
130 |
131 | ```javascript
132 | const license = require('rollup-plugin-license');
133 |
134 | module.exports = {
135 | plugins: [
136 | license({
137 | banner: `Copyright <%= moment().format('YYYY') %>`,
138 | }),
139 | ],
140 | }
141 | ```
142 |
143 | If you want to add some options to banner (such as the comment style to use), and still define it as a `string` (insead of pointing to a file), you can also define the banner like this (since version `0.11.0`):
144 |
145 | ```javascript
146 | const license = require('rollup-plugin-license');
147 |
148 | module.exports = {
149 | plugins: [
150 | license({
151 | banner: {
152 | content: `Copyright <%= moment().format('YYYY') %>`,
153 | commentStyle: 'ignored',
154 | },
155 | }),
156 | ],
157 | }
158 | ```
159 |
160 | ### Deprecated format
161 |
162 | Until version 0.10.0, banner file was defined as:
163 |
164 |
165 | ```javascript
166 | const path = require('path');
167 | const license = require('rollup-plugin-license');
168 |
169 | module.exports = {
170 | plugins: [
171 | license({
172 | banner: {
173 | file: path.join(__dirname, 'LICENSE'),
174 | encoding: 'utf-8',
175 | },
176 | }),
177 | ],
178 | };
179 | ```
180 |
181 | This format has been deprecated with version 0.11.0 and removed with version 1.0.O, and the banner file should be defined inside `banner.content` entry:
182 |
183 | ```javascript
184 | const path = require('path');
185 | const license = require('rollup-plugin-license');
186 |
187 | module.exports = {
188 | plugins: [
189 | license({
190 | banner: {
191 | content: {
192 | file: path.join(__dirname, 'LICENSE'),
193 | encoding: 'utf-8',
194 | },
195 | },
196 | }),
197 | ],
198 | };
199 | ```
200 |
201 | ## Dependencies output
202 |
203 | A file containing a summary of all dependencies can be generated automatically using the following options:
204 |
205 | ```javascript
206 | license({
207 | thirdParty: {
208 | output: path.join(__dirname, 'dist', 'dependencies.txt'),
209 | includePrivate: true, // Default is false.
210 | },
211 | })
212 | ```
213 |
214 | Starting with version `0.12.0`, you can have more control by defining `output` as an object, for example:
215 |
216 | ```javascript
217 | license({
218 | thirdParty: {
219 | includePrivate: false,
220 | output: {
221 | file: path.join(__dirname, 'dist', 'dependencies.txt'), // Path of the license report
222 | encoding: 'utf-8', // default is UTF-8
223 |
224 | // Template function that can be defined to customize report output
225 | template(dependencies) {
226 | return dependencies.map((dependency) => `${dependency.name}:${dependency.version} -- ${dependency.license}`).join('\n');
227 | },
228 | },
229 | },
230 | })
231 | ```
232 |
233 | Note that the template option can also be a lodash template:
234 |
235 | ```javascript
236 | license({
237 | thirdParty: {
238 | includePrivate: false,
239 | output: {
240 | file: path.join(__dirname, 'dist', 'dependencies.txt'),
241 |
242 | // Lodash template that can be defined to customize report output
243 | template: `
244 | <% _.forEach(dependencies, function (dependency) { %>
245 | <%= dependency.name %>:<%= dependency.version%> -- <%= dependency.license %>
246 | <% }) %>
247 | `,
248 | },
249 | },
250 | })
251 | ```
252 |
253 | For example, it can be relatively easy to produce a JSON output instead of a text file:
254 |
255 | ```javascript
256 | license({
257 | thirdParty: {
258 | includePrivate: false,
259 | output: {
260 | file: path.join(__dirname, 'dist', 'dependencies.json'),
261 | template(dependencies) {
262 | return JSON.stringify(dependencies);
263 | }
264 | },
265 | },
266 | })
267 | ```
268 |
269 | By default, the "self" package is ignored (by "self", we mean the package being built), but startint with version 3.4.0, you can force inclusion using the `includeSelf` option:
270 |
271 | ```javascript
272 | license({
273 | thirdParty: {
274 | includeSelf: true,
275 | output: {
276 | file: path.join(__dirname, 'dist', 'dependencies.json'),
277 | template(dependencies) {
278 | return JSON.stringify(dependencies);
279 | }
280 | },
281 | },
282 | })
283 | ```
284 |
285 | ## License Checks
286 |
287 | Starting with version 0.13, it is possible to ensure that dependencies does not violate any license restriction.
288 | For example, suppose you want to limit dependencies with MIT or Apache-2.0 licenses, simply define the restriction such as:
289 |
290 | ```javascript
291 | license({
292 | thirdParty: {
293 | allow: '(MIT OR Apache-2.0)',
294 | },
295 | })
296 | ```
297 |
298 | Note that the `allow` value here should be a valid SPDX pattern (more information [here](https://www.npmjs.com/package/spdx-expression-validate)).
299 |
300 | The `allow` option here will print a warning to the console for all license violation. Note that, if you want more control, it can also be defined as function:
301 |
302 | ```javascript
303 | license({
304 | thirdParty: {
305 | allow(dependency) {
306 | return dependency.license === 'MIT';
307 | },
308 | },
309 | })
310 | ```
311 |
312 | The function defined here allow only MIT licenses, and will print a warning for anything else.
313 |
314 | Finally, if emitting a warning is not enought for you, you can also choose to fail the build:
315 |
316 | ```javascript
317 | license({
318 | thirdParty: {
319 | allow: {
320 | test: 'MIT', // Or a function that should returns `true` or `false`
321 | failOnUnlicensed: true, // Fail if a dependency does not specify any licenses, default is `false`
322 | failOnViolation: true, // Fail if a dependency specify a license that does not match given requirement, default is `false`
323 | },
324 | },
325 | })
326 | ```
327 |
328 | Starting with version `3.1.0`, you can also use the `multipleVersions` option to track dependencies in different version as a different dependency.
329 | It can be particularly useful in case a dependency changed its license between two versions.
330 |
331 | Note that this option is `false` by default (mainly to keep backward compatibility).
332 |
333 | ```javascript
334 | license({
335 | thirdParty: {
336 | includePrivate: false,
337 | multipleVersions: true,
338 | output: {
339 | file: path.join(__dirname, 'dist', 'dependencies.txt'), // Path of the license report
340 | encoding: 'utf-8', // default is UTF-8
341 | template(dependencies) {
342 | return dependencies.map((dependency) => `${dependency.name}:${dependency.version} -- ${dependency.license}`).join('\n');
343 | },
344 | },
345 | },
346 | })
347 | ```
348 |
349 | ## Changelogs
350 |
351 | - 3.5.0
352 | - Remove `mkidrp` dependency ([#1743](https://github.com/mjeanroy/rollup-plugin-license/pull/1743))
353 | - Replace `glob` with `fdir` dependency ([#1742](https://github.com/mjeanroy/rollup-plugin-license/pull/1742))
354 | - Dependency upgrades
355 | - 3.4.1
356 | - Add the license for the package itself without having to specify `includePrivate` flag (see [comment](https://github.com/mjeanroy/rollup-plugin-license/issues/1685#issuecomment-2110103508)).
357 | - 3.4.0
358 | - Allow adding the license for the package itself into the thirdParty output [#1685](https://github.com/mjeanroy/rollup-plugin-license/issues/1685)
359 | - Dependency upgrades
360 | - 3.3.1
361 | - Ensure the `multipleVersions` option is correctly validated ([#1682](https://github.com/mjeanroy/rollup-plugin-license/issues/1682))
362 | - 3.3.0
363 | - Include notice file in the third party output ([#1683](https://github.com/mjeanroy/rollup-plugin-license/issues/1683))
364 | - Dependency upgrades
365 | - 3.2.0
366 | - Support rollup ^4.0.0
367 | - Dependency upgrades
368 | - 3.1.0
369 | - Add `thirdParty.multipleVersions` option ([#1528](https://github.com/mjeanroy/rollup-plugin-license/pull/1528))
370 | - 3.0.0
371 | - Support rollup^3.0.0
372 | - 2.8.0
373 | - Relax production dependency versions ([#1128]()https://github.com/mjeanroy/rollup-plugin-license/issues/1128)
374 | - Update dependencies
375 | - 2.7.0
376 | - Update dependencies ([#1077](https://github.com/mjeanroy/rollup-plugin-license/issues/1077))
377 | - 2.6.0
378 | - Improve case insensitive search ([PR](https://github.com/mjeanroy/rollup-plugin-license/pull/931)), thanks [@codepunkt](https://github.com/codepunkt)!
379 | - Search for `LICENCE` or `LICENSE` files ([PR](https://github.com/mjeanroy/rollup-plugin-license/pull/931)), thanks [@codepunkt](https://github.com/codepunkt)!
380 | - 2.5.0
381 | - Look for dependencies' license files case insensitively, thanks [@Luke-zhang-04](https://github.com/Luke-zhang-04)!
382 | - 2.4.0
383 | - Typings added
384 | - Update dependencies
385 | - 2.0.0
386 | - Support node >= 10
387 | - Update dependencies
388 | - 1.0.0
389 | - Remove support for rollup < 1.0.0
390 | - Remove support for deprecated options.
391 | - Support node >= 6
392 | - 0.14.0
393 | - Update rollup peer dependency
394 | - Produce a single file as dist output
395 | - Update dependencies
396 | - 0.13.0
397 | - Add license checking (see [#381](https://github.com/mjeanroy/rollup-plugin-license/issues/381)).
398 | - 0.12.1
399 | - Restore compatibility with Node6
400 | - 0.12.0
401 | - Improve `output` configuration (see [#379](https://github.com/mjeanroy/rollup-plugin-license/issues/379)).
402 | - Improve option object validation and warning.
403 | - Deprecate `thirdParty.encoding` option.
404 | - Dev dependencies updates.
405 | - 0.11.0
406 | - Fail if the banner file does not exist (breaking change).
407 | - Deprecate `banner.file` / `banner.encoding` entries, use `banner.content.file` / `banner.content.encoding` instead (see [#428](https://github.com/mjeanroy/rollup-plugin-license/issues/428)).
408 | - Allow comment style to be defined with a "string" banner (see [#308](https://github.com/mjeanroy/rollup-plugin-license/issues/308) and [#428](https://github.com/mjeanroy/rollup-plugin-license/issues/428)).
409 | - Dev dependencies updates.
410 | - 0.10.0
411 | - Support different comment style for banner (see [#308](https://github.com/mjeanroy/rollup-plugin-license/issues/308)).
412 | - Do not include tree shaken dependencies (see [#380](https://github.com/mjeanroy/rollup-plugin-license/issues/380))
413 | - Various dependency updates.
414 | - 0.9.0
415 | - Fix for `NULL` character (see [#1](https://github.com/mjeanroy/rollup-plugin-license/issues/1)).
416 | - Various dependency updates.
417 | - 0.8.1
418 | - Add rollup as a peer dependency.
419 | - 0.8.0
420 | - Deprecate `sourceMap` option (use `sourcemap` option in lowercase) to keep it consistent with rollup.
421 | - Fix deprecate call with rollup >= 1, keep compatibility with legacy versions of rollup.
422 | - Upgrade dependencies.
423 | - 0.7.0
424 | - Add a way to specify custom data object when rendering banner.
425 | - Add `cwd` option to specify custom working directory (optional option).
426 | - Upgrade dependencies.
427 | - 0.6.0
428 | - Upgrade `commenting` dependency.
429 | - 0.5.0
430 | - Feat: Sourcemap is now enable by default to ensure compatibility with other rollup plugins.
431 | - Fix: Add compatibility with rollup >= 0.48.0 (the new `sourcemap` option).
432 | - Fix: Ensure plugin `sourcemp` is used instead of the "global" one in rollup options.
433 | - Chore: dependency updates.
434 | - 0.4.0
435 | - Dependency update (`moment`).
436 | - Dependency update (`magic-string`).
437 | - 0.3.0
438 | - Add encoding option for banner and third-party output file.
439 | - Banner can be a simple string.
440 |
441 | ## License
442 |
443 | MIT License (MIT)
444 |
445 | ## Contributing
446 |
447 | If you find a bug or think about enhancement, feel free to contribute and submit an issue or a pull request.