1 | import { dirname } from 'path';
2 | import { createFilter } from 'rollup-pluginutils';
3 |
4 | function scss(options = {}) {
5 | const filter = createFilter(options.include || ['/**/*.css', '/**/*.scss', '/**/*.sass'], options.exclude);
6 | const insertStyleFnName = '___$insertStylesToHeader';
7 | const styles = {};
8 | const fileName = options.fileName ||
9 | (options.output === 'string' ? options.output : undefined);
10 | const name = options.name || 'output.css';
11 | const prefix = options.prefix ? options.prefix + '\n' : '';
12 | let includePaths = options.includePaths || ['node_modules/'];
13 | includePaths.push(process.cwd());
14 | const compileToCSS = async function (scss) {
15 | // Compile SASS to CSS
16 | if (scss.length) {
17 | includePaths = includePaths.filter((v, i, a) => a.indexOf(v) === i);
18 | try {
19 | const sass = options.sass || loadSassLibrary();
20 | const render = sass.renderSync(Object.assign({
21 | data: prefix + scss,
22 | outFile: fileName || name,
23 | includePaths,
24 | importer: (url, prev, done) => {
25 | /* If a path begins with `.`, then it's a local import and this
26 | * importer cannot handle it. This check covers both `.` and
27 | * `..`.
28 | *
29 | * Additionally, if an import path begins with `url` or `http`,
30 | * then it's a remote import, this importer also cannot handle
31 | * that. */
32 | if (url.startsWith('.') ||
33 | url.startsWith('url') ||
34 | url.startsWith('http')) {
35 | /* The importer returns `null` to defer processing the import
36 | * back to the sass compiler. */
37 | return null;
38 | }
39 | /* If the requested path begins with a `~`, we remove it. This
40 | * character is used by webpack-contrib's sass-loader to
41 | * indicate the import is from the node_modules folder. Since
42 | * this is so standard in the JS world, the importer supports
43 | * it, by removing it and ignoring it. */
44 | const cleanUrl = url.startsWith('~')
45 | ? url.replace('~', '')
46 | : url;
47 | /* Now, the importer uses `require.resolve()` to attempt
48 | * to resolve the path to the requested file. In the case
49 | * of a standard node_modules project, this will use Node's
50 | * `require.resolve()`. In the case of a Plug 'n Play project,
51 | * this will use the `require.resolve()` provided by the
52 | * package manager.
53 | *
54 | * This statement is surrounded by a try/catch block because
55 | * if Node or the package manager cannot resolve the requested
56 | * file, they will throw an error, so the importer needs to
57 | * defer to sass, by returning `null`.
58 | *
59 | * The paths property tells `require.resolve()` where to begin
60 | * resolution (i.e. who is requesting the file). */
61 | try {
62 | const resolved = require.resolve(cleanUrl, {
63 | paths: [prefix + scss]
64 | });
65 | /* Since `require.resolve()` will throw an error if a file
66 | * doesn't exist. It's safe to assume the file exists and
67 | * pass it off to the sass compiler. */
68 | return { file: resolved };
69 | }
70 | catch (e) {
71 | /* Just because `require.resolve()` couldn't find the file
72 | * doesn't mean it doesn't exist. It may still be a local
73 | * import that just doesn't list a relative path, so defer
74 | * processing back to sass by returning `null` */
75 | return null;
76 | }
77 | }
78 | }, options));
79 | const css = render.css.toString();
80 | const map = render.map ? render.map.toString() : '';
81 | // Possibly process CSS (e.g. by PostCSS)
82 | if (typeof options.processor === 'function') {
83 | const result = await options.processor(css, map, styles);
84 | // TODO: figure out how to check for
85 | // @ts-ignore
86 | const postcss = result;
87 | // PostCSS support
88 | if (typeof postcss.process === 'function') {
89 | return Promise.resolve(postcss.process(css, {
90 | from: undefined,
91 | to: fileName || name,
92 | map: map ? { prev: map, inline: false } : null
93 | }));
94 | }
95 | // @ts-ignore
96 | const output = result;
97 | return stringToCSS(output);
98 | }
99 | return { css, map };
100 | }
101 | catch (e) {
102 | if (options.failOnError) {
103 | throw e;
104 | }
105 | console.log();
106 | console.log(red('Error:\n\t' + e.message));
107 | if (e.message.includes('Invalid CSS')) {
108 | console.log(green('Solution:\n\t' + 'fix your Sass code'));
109 | console.log('Line: ' + e.line);
110 | console.log('Column: ' + e.column);
111 | }
112 | if (e.message.includes('sass') && e.message.includes('find module')) {
113 | console.log(green('Solution:\n\t' + 'npm install --save-dev sass'));
114 | }
115 | if (e.message.includes('node-sass') && e.message.includes('bindings')) {
116 | console.log(green('Solution:\n\t' + 'npm rebuild node-sass --force'));
117 | }
118 | console.log();
119 | }
120 | }
121 | return { css: '', map: '' };
122 | };
123 | return {
124 | name: 'scss',
125 | intro() {
126 | return options.insert === true
127 | ? insertStyleFn.replace(/insertStyleFn/, insertStyleFnName)
128 | : '';
129 | },
130 | async transform(code, id) {
131 | if (!filter(id)) {
132 | return;
133 | }
134 | // Add the include path before doing any processing
135 | includePaths.push(dirname(id));
136 | // Rebuild all scss files if anything happens to this folder
137 | // TODO: check if it's possible to get a list of all dependent scss files
138 | // and only watch those
139 | if (options.watch) {
140 | const files = Array.isArray(options.watch)
141 | ? options.watch
142 | : [options.watch];
143 | files.forEach(file => this.addWatchFile(file));
144 | }
145 | if (options.insert === true) {
146 | // When the 'insert' is enabled, the stylesheet will be inserted into <head/> tag.
147 | const { css, map } = await compileToCSS(code);
148 | return {
149 | code: 'export default ' +
150 | insertStyleFnName +
151 | '(' +
152 | JSON.stringify(css) +
153 | ')',
154 | map: { mappings: '' }
155 | };
156 | }
157 | else if (options.output === false) {
158 | // When output is disabled, the stylesheet is exported as a string
159 | const { css, map } = await compileToCSS(code);
160 | return {
161 | code: 'export default ' + JSON.stringify(css),
162 | map: { mappings: '' }
163 | };
164 | }
165 | // Map of every stylesheet
166 | styles[id] = code;
167 | return '';
168 | },
169 | async generateBundle(opts) {
170 | // No stylesheet needed
171 | if (options.output === false || options.insert === true) {
172 | return;
173 | }
174 | // Combine all stylesheets
175 | let scss = '';
176 | for (const id in styles) {
177 | scss += styles[id] || '';
178 | }
179 | const compiled = await compileToCSS(scss);
180 | if (typeof compiled !== 'object' || typeof compiled.css !== 'string') {
181 | return;
182 | }
183 | // Emit styles through callback
184 | if (typeof options.output === 'function') {
185 | options.output(compiled.css, styles);
186 | return;
187 | }
188 | // Don't create unwanted empty stylesheets
189 | if (!compiled.css.length) {
190 | return;
191 | }
192 | // Emit styles to file
193 | this.emitFile({
194 | type: 'asset',
195 | source: compiled.css,
196 | name,
197 | fileName
198 | });
199 | if (options.sourceMap && compiled.map) {
200 | let sourcemap = compiled.map;
201 | if (typeof compiled.map.toString === 'function') {
202 | sourcemap = compiled.map.toString();
203 | }
204 | this.emitFile({
205 | type: 'asset',
206 | source: sourcemap,
207 | name: name && name + '.map',
208 | fileName: fileName && fileName + '.map'
209 | });
210 | }
211 | }
212 | };
213 | }
214 | /**
215 | * Create a style tag and append to head tag
216 | *
217 | * @param {String} css style
218 | * @return {String} css style
219 | */
220 | const insertStyleFn = `function insertStyleFn(css) {
221 | if (!css) {
222 | return
223 | }
224 | if (typeof window === 'undefined') {
225 | return
226 | }
227 |
228 | const style = document.createElement('style');
229 |
230 | style.setAttribute('type', 'text/css');
231 | style.innerHTML = css;
232 | document.head.appendChild(style);
233 | return css
234 | }`;
235 | function loadSassLibrary() {
236 | try {
237 | return require('sass');
238 | }
239 | catch (e) {
240 | return require('node-sass');
241 | }
242 | }
243 | function stringToCSS(input) {
244 | if (typeof input === 'string') {
245 | return { css: input, map: '' };
246 | }
247 | return input;
248 | }
249 | function red(text) {
250 | return '\x1b[1m\x1b[31m' + text + '\x1b[0m';
251 | }
252 | function green(text) {
253 | return '\x1b[1m\x1b[32m' + text + '\x1b[0m';
254 | }
255 |
256 | export { scss as default };