5.36 kBJavaScriptView Raw
1import RRElement from './rrelement';
2import RRDiagramToSVG from './rrdiagramtosvg';
3import LayoutInfo from './layoutinfo';
4import { escapeXml, getFontInfo } from '../utils/utils';
6const Type = {
8 RULE: 2,
12export default class RRText extends RRElement {
14 static get Type() {
15 return Type;
16 }
18 /**
19 *
20 * @param {Type} type
21 * @param {string} text
22 * @param {?string} link
23 */
24 constructor(type, text, link) {
25 super();
26 this.type = type;
27 this.text = text;
28 this.link = link;
29 this.fontInfo = null;
30 }
32 getType() {
33 return this.type;
34 }
36 getText() {
37 return this.text;
38 }
40 getLink() {
41 return this.link;
42 }
44 computeLayoutInfo(rrDiagramToSVG) {
45 const insets = {
46 top: 5,
47 left: 10,
48 bottom: 5,
49 right: 10,
50 };
51 let cssTextClass;
52 if (this.type == Type.RULE) {
53 cssTextClass = rrDiagramToSVG.cssRuleTextClass;
54 } else if (this.type == Type.LITERAL) {
55 cssTextClass = rrDiagramToSVG.cssLiteralTextClass;
56 } else if (this.type == Type.SPECIAL_SEQUENCE) {
57 cssTextClass = rrDiagramToSVG.cssSpecialSequenceTextClass;
58 } else {
59 throw 'Unknown type: type';
60 }
61 this.fontInfo = getFontInfo(this.text, cssTextClass);
62 let width = this.fontInfo.textWidth;
63 let height = this.fontInfo.height;
64 const fontYOffset = this.fontInfo.descent;
65 const connectorOffset = insets.top + height - fontYOffset;
66 width += insets.left + insets.right;
67 height += insets.top + insets.bottom;
68 this.setLayoutInfo(new LayoutInfo(width, height, connectorOffset));
69 }
71 toSVG(rrDiagramToSVG, xOffset, yOffset, svgContent) {
72 const insets = {
73 top: 5,
74 left: 10,
75 bottom: 5,
76 right: 10,
77 };
78 const layoutInfo = this.getLayoutInfo();
79 const width = layoutInfo.getWidth();
80 const height = layoutInfo.getHeight();
81 if (this.link != null) {
82 svgContent.addElement("<a xlink:href=\"" + escapeXml(this.link)/* + "\" xlink:title=\"" + escapeXml(this.text)*/ + "\">");
83 }
84 let cssClass;
85 let cssTextClass;
86 let shape;
87 if (this.type == Type.RULE) {
88 cssClass = rrDiagramToSVG.cssRuleClass;
89 cssTextClass = rrDiagramToSVG.cssRuleTextClass;
90 shape = rrDiagramToSVG.ruleShape;
91 } else if (this.type == Type.LITERAL) {
92 cssClass = rrDiagramToSVG.cssLiteralClass;
93 cssTextClass = rrDiagramToSVG.cssLiteralTextClass;
94 shape = rrDiagramToSVG.literalShape;
95 } else if (this.type == Type.SPECIAL_SEQUENCE) {
96 cssClass = rrDiagramToSVG.cssSpecialSequenceClass;
97 cssTextClass = rrDiagramToSVG.cssSpecialSequenceTextClass;
98 shape = rrDiagramToSVG.specialSequenceShape;
99 } else {
100 throw 'Unknown type: type';
101 }
102 if (shape == RRDiagramToSVG.BoxShape.RECTANGLE) {
103 svgContent.addElement("<rect class=\"" + cssClass + "\" x=\"" + xOffset + "\" y=\"" + yOffset + "\" width=\"" + width + "\" height=\"" + height + "\"/>");
104 } else if (shape == RRDiagramToSVG.BoxShape.ROUNDED_RECTANGLE) {
105 const rx = Math.floor((insets.left + insets.right + insets.top + insets.bottom) / 4);
106 svgContent.addElement("<rect class=\"" + cssClass + "\" x=\"" + xOffset + "\" y=\"" + yOffset + "\" width=\"" + width + "\" height=\"" + height + "\" rx=\"" + rx + "\"/>");
107 } else if (shape == RRDiagramToSVG.BoxShape.HEXAGON) {
108 // We don't calculate the exact length of the connector: it goes behind the shape.
109 // We should calculate if we want to support transparent shapes.
110 const connectorOffset = layoutInfo.getConnectorOffset();
111 svgContent.addLineConnector(xOffset, yOffset + connectorOffset, xOffset + insets.left, yOffset + connectorOffset);
112 svgContent.addElement("<polygon class=\"" + escapeXml(cssClass) + "\" points=\"" + xOffset + " " + (yOffset + Math.floor(height / 2)) + " " + (xOffset + insets.left) + " " + yOffset + " " + (xOffset + width - insets.right) + " " + yOffset + " " + (xOffset + width) + " " + (yOffset + Math.floor(height / 2)) + " " + (xOffset + width - insets.right) + " " + (yOffset + height) + " " + (xOffset + insets.left) + " " + (yOffset + height) + "\"/>");
113 svgContent.addLineConnector(xOffset + width, yOffset + connectorOffset, xOffset + width - insets.right, yOffset + connectorOffset);
114 }
115 const fontYOffset = this.fontInfo.descent;
116 const textHeight = this.fontInfo.textHeight;
117 const textXOffset = xOffset + insets.left;
118 const textYOffset = yOffset + insets.top + textHeight - fontYOffset;
119 svgContent.addElement("<text class=\"" + escapeXml(cssTextClass) + "\" x=\"" + textXOffset + "\" y=\"" + textYOffset + "\">" + escapeXml(this.text) + "</text>");
120 if (this.link != null) {
121 svgContent.addElement("</a>");
122 }
123 }