4.82 kBMarkdownView Raw
1### Changelog
3- 2.6.8 (2022-03-03)
4 - Bugfixes:
5 - Solve circular imports (#465)
7- 2.6.8 (2021-02-04)
8 - Bugfixes:
9 - Solve circular imports (#444)
11- 2.6.6 (2020-08-23)
12 - Bugfixes:
13 - Fixed broken npm package (#417)
15- 2.6.5 (2020-08-23)
16 - Bugfixes:
17 - `luxon`-less binary should not contain any `luxon` imports (#410)
18 - Fixed `toText` pluralization of “minutes“ (#415)
19- 2.6.4 (2019-12-18)
20 - Bugfixes:
21 - Calculating series with unknown timezones will produce infinite loop (#320)
22 - Internal:
23 - Upgrade build dependencies
24- 2.6.3 (2019-11-24)
25 - Features
26 - Allow passing `WeekdayStr` to `byweekday` like the types suggest is possible (#371)
27- 2.6.2 (2019-06-08)
28 - Features
29 - Allow two digits for `BYDAY` (#330)
30 - Add a quick way to format `until` in `toText` (#313)
31 - Add support for parsing an rrule string without frequency (#339)
32 - Add getters for `rrules`, `exrules`, `rdates`, `exdates` (#347)
33- 2.6.0 (2019-01-03)
34 - Bugfixes:
35 - Fix sourcemap structure (#303)
36- 2.5.6 (2018-09-30)
37 - Bugfixes:
38 - Validate date inputs (#281)
39- 2.5.5 (2018-09-06)
40 - Bugfixes:
41 - Don't emit `RDATE;TZID=UTC` for rdates
42- 2.5.3 (2018-09-06)
43 - Bugfixes:
44 - Prevented emitting `DTSTART;TZID=UTC` when UTC is explicitly set as tzid
45- 2.5.2 (2018-09-05)
46 - Bugfixes:
47 - Permitted RRuleSets with no rrules to have tzid
48- 2.5.1 (2018-09-02)
49 - Bugfixes:
50 - Conformed output & parsing to RFC 5545 (#295)
51- 2.4.1 (2018-08-16)
52 - Features:
53 - Added codecov (#265)
54 - Bugfixes:
55 - Fixed RRULE parsing issue (#266)
56- 2.4.0 (2018-08-16)
57 - Features:
58 - Implement `TZID` support (#38, #261)
59 - Bugfixes:
60 - Fixed an error in Typescript output (#264)
61- 2.3.6 (2018-08-14)
62 - Bugfixes:
63 - Point package.json to es5-compiled bundle (#260)
64- 2.3.5 (2018-08-14)
65 - Features:
66 - Return text "every day" when all days are selected
67 - Bugfixes:
68 - Sort monthdays correctly from toText() (#101)
69 - Accept 0 as a valid monthday/weekday value (#153)
70 - Support 3-digit years (#202)
71- 2.3.4 (2018-08-10)
72 - Fixed support for eastern hemisphere timezones (#247)
73- 2.3.3 (2018-08-08)
74 - Fixed typescript error (#244)
75- 2.3.2 (2018-08-07)
76 - Fixed deploy on npm (#239)
77- 2.3.0 (2018-08-06)
78 - Converted to [Typescript](https://www.typescriptlang.org/) (#229)
79 - Add es5 and es6 distributions
80 - Fixed a bug where recurrences in DST were 1 hour off if the host system used DST (#233)
81 - Fixed numeric handling of weekday strings
82- 2.2.8 (2018-02-16)
83 - Added `fromText()` and `toText()` support for rules with `RRule.MINUTELY` frequency.
84 - Added support for `VALUE=DATE` as a `RDATE` param.
85 - Added typescript definitions.
86 - Merged in the now obsolete `arolson101/rrule` fork (many thanks to @arolson101).
87 - Fixed `RRule` mutating passed-in `options` in some cases.
88 - Fixed unexpected results with dates lower than 1970.
89 - Fixed `RRule.DAILY` frequency when only 1 `BYHOUR` is provided.
90 - Fixed the internal `isLeapYear()` to only accept integers instead of relying on `instanceof` to check the parameter type.
91- 2.2.0 (2017-03-11)
92 - Added support `RRuleSet`, which allows more complex recurrence setups,
93 mixing multiple rules, dates, exclusion rules, and exclusion dates.
94 - Added Millisecond precision
95 - Millisecond offset extracted from `dtstart` (`dtstart.getTime() % 1000`)
96 - Each recurrence is returned with the same offset
97 - Added some NLP support for hourly and byhour.
98 - Fixed export in nlp.js.
99- 2.1.0
100 - Removed dependency on Underscore.js (thanks, @gsf).
101 - Various small bugfixes and improvements.
102- 2.0.1
103 - Added bower.json.
104- 2.0.0 (2013-07-16)
105 - Fixed a February 28-related issue.
106 - More flexible, backwards-incompatible API:
107 - `freq` is now `options.freq`.
108 - `options.cache` is now `noCache`.
109 - `iterator` has to return `true`
110 - `dtstart` and `options` arguments removed from `RRule.fromString`
111 (use `RRule.parseString` and modify `options` manually instead).
112 - `today` argument removed from `Rule.prototype.toText`
113 (never actually used).
114 - `rule.toString()` now includes `DTSTART` (if explicitly specified
115 in `options`).
116 - Day constants `.clone` is now `.nth`, eg. `RRule.FR.nth(-1)`
117 (last Friday).
118 - Added `RRule.parseString`
119 - Added `RRule.parseText`
120 - Added `RRule.optionsToString`
121- 1.1.0 (2013-05-21)
122 - Added a [demo app](http://jakubroztocil.github.io/rrule/).
123 - Handle dates in `UNTIL` in `RRule.fromString`.
124 - Added support for RequireJS.
125 - Added `options` argument to `RRule.fromString`.
126- 1.0.1 (2013-02-26)
127 - Fixed leap years (thanks @jessevogt)
128- 1.0.0 (2013-01-24)
129 - Fixed timezone offset issues related to DST (thanks @evro).
130- 1.0.0-beta (2012-08-15)
131 - Initial public release.