5.38 kBHTMLView Raw
1<!DOCTYPE html>
3 <head>
4 <meta charset="utf-8">
6 <title>doc</title>
7 <style>
8 /*github.com style (c) Vasily Polovnyov <vast@whiteants.net>*/
9 pre code {
10 display: block; padding: 0.5em;
11 color: #333;
12 background: #f8f8ff
13 }
14 pre .comment,
15 pre .template_comment,
16 pre .diff .header,
17 pre .javadoc {
18 color: #998;
19 font-style: italic
20 }
21 pre .keyword,
22 pre .css .rule .keyword,
23 pre .winutils,
24 pre .javascript .title,
25 pre .nginx .title,
26 pre .subst,
27 pre .request,
28 pre .status {
29 color: #333;
30 font-weight: bold
31 }
32 pre .number,
33 pre .hexcolor,
34 pre .ruby .constant {
35 color: #099;
36 }
37 pre .string,
38 pre .tag .value,
39 pre .phpdoc,
40 pre .tex .formula {
41 color: #d14
42 }
43 pre .title,
44 pre .id {
45 color: #900;
46 font-weight: bold
47 }
48 pre .javascript .title,
49 pre .lisp .title,
50 pre .clojure .title,
51 pre .subst {
52 font-weight: normal
53 }
54 pre .class .title,
55 pre .haskell .type,
56 pre .vhdl .literal,
57 pre .tex .command {
58 color: #458;
59 font-weight: bold
60 }
61 pre .tag,
62 pre .tag .title,
63 pre .rules .property,
64 pre .django .tag .keyword {
65 color: #000080;
66 font-weight: normal
67 }
68 pre .attribute,
69 pre .variable,
70 pre .lisp .body {
71 color: #008080
72 }
73 pre .regexp {
74 color: #009926
75 }
76 pre .class {
77 color: #458;
78 font-weight: bold
79 }
80 pre .symbol,
81 pre .ruby .symbol .string,
82 pre .lisp .keyword,
83 pre .tex .special,
84 pre .prompt {
85 color: #990073
86 }
87 pre .built_in,
88 pre .lisp .title,
89 pre .clojure .built_in {
90 color: #0086b3
91 }
92 pre .preprocessor,
93 pre .pi,
94 pre .doctype,
95 pre .shebang,
96 pre .cdata {
97 color: #999;
98 font-weight: bold
99 }
100 pre .deletion {
101 background: #fdd
102 }
103 pre .addition {
104 background: #dfd
105 }
106 pre .diff .change {
107 background: #0086b3
108 }
109 pre .chunk {
110 color: #aaa
111 }
112 </style>
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114 <body>
115 <h1 id="history-">History:</h1>
117<li>1.0 initial release</li>
118<li>1.1 added support for multiline placeholders in textareas</li>
119<li>1.2 Allow label to wrap the input element by noah <a href="https://github.com/ginader/HTML5-placeholder-polyfill/pull/1">https://github.com/ginader/HTML5-placeholder-polyfill/pull/1</a></li>
120<li>1.3 New option to read placeholder to Screenreaders. Turned on by default</li>
121<li>1.4 made placeholder more rubust to allow labels being offscreen + added minified version of the 3rd party libs</li>
122<li>1.5 emptying the native placeholder to prevent double rendering in Browsers with partial support</li>
123<li>1.6 optional reformat when a textarea is being resized - requires <a href="http://benalman.com/projects/jquery-resize-plugin/">http://benalman.com/projects/jquery-resize-plugin/</a></li>
124<li>1.7 feature detection is now included in the polyfill so you can simply include it without the need for Modernizr</li>
125<li>1.8 replacing the HTML5 Boilerplate .visuallyhidden technique with one that still allows the placeholder to be rendered</li>
126<li>1.8.1 bugfix for implicit labels</li>
127<li>1.9 New option &quot;hideOnFocus&quot; which, if set to false will mimic the behavior of mobile safari and chrome (remove label when typed instead of onfocus)</li>
128<li>1.9.1 added reformat event on window resize</li>
129<li>1.9.2 more flexible way to &quot;fix&quot; labels that are hidden using clip() thanks to grahambates: <a href="https://github.com/ginader/HTML5-placeholder-polyfill/issues/12">https://github.com/ginader/HTML5-placeholder-polyfill/issues/12</a></li>
130<li>2.0 new easier configuration technique and new options forceApply and AutoInit and support for setters and getters</li>
131<li>2.0.1 changed check for empty field so a space character is no longer ignored</li>
132<li>2.0.2 allow rerun of the placeholder() to cover generated elements - existing polyfilled placeholder will be repositioned. Fixing: <a href="https://github.com/ginader/HTML5-placeholder-polyfill/issues/15">https://github.com/ginader/HTML5-placeholder-polyfill/issues/15</a></li>
133<li>2.0.3 turn debugging of for production. fix <a href="https://github.com/ginader/HTML5-placeholder-polyfill/issues/18">https://github.com/ginader/HTML5-placeholder-polyfill/issues/18</a></li>
134<li>2.0.4 moved to grunt as build tool and restructured the project</li>
135<li>2.0.5 added markdown conversion</li>
136<li>2.0.6 fix for issue <a href="https://github.com/ginader/HTML5-placeholder-polyfill/pull/23">https://github.com/ginader/HTML5-placeholder-polyfill/pull/23</a> - thanks to christiangeek</li>
137<li>2.0.7 fix for issue <a href="https://github.com/ginader/HTML5-placeholder-polyfill/pull/44">https://github.com/ginader/HTML5-placeholder-polyfill/pull/44</a> - thanks to randallb for the report</li>
138<li>2.0.8 added Bower config</li>
139<li>2.0.9 fix for issue <a href="https://github.com/ginader/HTML5-placeholder-polyfill/pull/58">https://github.com/ginader/HTML5-placeholder-polyfill/pull/58</a> - thanks to samuelcole for the commit</li>
142 </body>