5.72 kBJavaScriptView Raw
2 * jQuery.scrollTo
3 * Copyright (c) 2007-2015 Ariel Flesler - aflesler<a>gmail<d>com | http://flesler.blogspot.com
4 * Licensed under MIT
5 * http://flesler.blogspot.com/2007/10/jqueryscrollto.html
6 * @projectDescription Lightweight, cross-browser and highly customizable animated scrolling with jQuery
7 * @author Ariel Flesler
8 * @version 2.1.1
9 */
10;(function(factory) {
11 'use strict';
12 if (typeof define === 'function' && define.amd) {
13 // AMD
14 define(['jquery'], factory);
15 } else if (typeof module !== 'undefined' && module.exports) {
16 // CommonJS
17 module.exports = factory(require('jquery'));
18 } else {
19 // Global
20 factory(jQuery);
21 }
22})(function($) {
23 'use strict';
25 var $scrollTo = $.scrollTo = function(target, duration, settings) {
26 return $(window).scrollTo(target, duration, settings);
27 };
29 $scrollTo.defaults = {
30 axis:'xy',
31 duration: 0,
32 limit:true
33 };
35 function isWin(elem) {
36 return !elem.nodeName ||
37 $.inArray(elem.nodeName.toLowerCase(), ['iframe','#document','html','body']) !== -1;
38 }
40 $.fn.scrollTo = function(target, duration, settings) {
41 if (typeof duration === 'object') {
42 settings = duration;
43 duration = 0;
44 }
45 if (typeof settings === 'function') {
46 settings = { onAfter:settings };
47 }
48 if (target === 'max') {
49 target = 9e9;
50 }
52 settings = $.extend({}, $scrollTo.defaults, settings);
53 // Speed is still recognized for backwards compatibility
54 duration = duration || settings.duration;
55 // Make sure the settings are given right
56 var queue = settings.queue && settings.axis.length > 1;
57 if (queue) {
58 // Let's keep the overall duration
59 duration /= 2;
60 }
61 settings.offset = both(settings.offset);
62 settings.over = both(settings.over);
64 return this.each(function() {
65 // Null target yields nothing, just like jQuery does
66 if (target === null) return;
68 var win = isWin(this),
69 elem = win ? this.contentWindow || window : this,
70 $elem = $(elem),
71 targ = target,
72 attr = {},
73 toff;
75 switch (typeof targ) {
76 // A number will pass the regex
77 case 'number':
78 case 'string':
79 if (/^([+-]=?)?\d+(\.\d+)?(px|%)?$/.test(targ)) {
80 targ = both(targ);
81 // We are done
82 break;
83 }
84 // Relative/Absolute selector
85 targ = win ? $(targ) : $(targ, elem);
86 if (!targ.length) return;
87 /* falls through */
88 case 'object':
89 // DOMElement / jQuery
90 if (targ.is || targ.style) {
91 // Get the real position of the target
92 toff = (targ = $(targ)).offset();
93 }
94 }
96 var offset = $.isFunction(settings.offset) && settings.offset(elem, targ) || settings.offset;
98 $.each(settings.axis.split(''), function(i, axis) {
99 var Pos = axis === 'x' ? 'Left' : 'Top',
100 pos = Pos.toLowerCase(),
101 key = 'scroll' + Pos,
102 prev = $elem[key](),
103 max = $scrollTo.max(elem, axis);
105 if (toff) {// jQuery / DOMElement
106 attr[key] = toff[pos] + (win ? 0 : prev - $elem.offset()[pos]);
108 // If it's a dom element, reduce the margin
109 if (settings.margin) {
110 attr[key] -= parseInt(targ.css('margin'+Pos), 10) || 0;
111 attr[key] -= parseInt(targ.css('border'+Pos+'Width'), 10) || 0;
112 }
114 attr[key] += offset[pos] || 0;
116 if (settings.over[pos]) {
117 // Scroll to a fraction of its width/height
118 attr[key] += targ[axis === 'x'?'width':'height']() * settings.over[pos];
119 }
120 } else {
121 var val = targ[pos];
122 // Handle percentage values
123 attr[key] = val.slice && val.slice(-1) === '%' ?
124 parseFloat(val) / 100 * max
125 : val;
126 }
128 // Number or 'number'
129 if (settings.limit && /^\d+$/.test(attr[key])) {
130 // Check the limits
131 attr[key] = attr[key] <= 0 ? 0 : Math.min(attr[key], max);
132 }
134 // Don't waste time animating, if there's no need.
135 if (!i && settings.axis.length > 1) {
136 if (prev === attr[key]) {
137 // No animation needed
138 attr = {};
139 } else if (queue) {
140 // Intermediate animation
141 animate(settings.onAfterFirst);
142 // Don't animate this axis again in the next iteration.
143 attr = {};
144 }
145 }
146 });
148 animate(settings.onAfter);
150 function animate(callback) {
151 var opts = $.extend({}, settings, {
152 // The queue setting conflicts with animate()
153 // Force it to always be true
154 queue: true,
155 duration: duration,
156 complete: callback && function() {
157 callback.call(elem, targ, settings);
158 }
159 });
160 $elem.animate(attr, opts);
161 }
162 });
163 };
165 // Max scrolling position, works on quirks mode
166 // It only fails (not too badly) on IE, quirks mode.
167 $scrollTo.max = function(elem, axis) {
168 var Dim = axis === 'x' ? 'Width' : 'Height',
169 scroll = 'scroll'+Dim;
171 if (!isWin(elem))
172 return elem[scroll] - $(elem)[Dim.toLowerCase()]();
174 var size = 'client' + Dim,
175 doc = elem.ownerDocument || elem.document,
176 html = doc.documentElement,
177 body = doc.body;
179 return Math.max(html[scroll], body[scroll]) - Math.min(html[size], body[size]);
180 };
182 function both(val) {
183 return $.isFunction(val) || $.isPlainObject(val) ? val : { top:val, left:val };
184 }
186 // Add special hooks so that window scroll properties can be animated
187 $.Tween.propHooks.scrollLeft =
188 $.Tween.propHooks.scrollTop = {
189 get: function(t) {
190 return $(t.elem)[t.prop]();
191 },
192 set: function(t) {
193 var curr = this.get(t);
194 // If interrupt is true and user scrolled, stop animating
195 if (t.options.interrupt && t._last && t._last !== curr) {
196 return $(t.elem).stop();
197 }
198 var next = Math.round(t.now);
199 // Don't waste CPU
200 // Browsers don't render floating point scroll
201 if (curr !== next) {
202 $(t.elem)[t.prop](next);
203 t._last = this.get(t);
204 }
205 }
206 };
208 // AMD requirement
209 return $scrollTo;