12.1 kBJavaScriptView Raw
2 * RVerify.js v0.1.2
3 * (c) 2020 Feng L.H.
4 * Released under the MIT License.
5 */
6;(function (root, factory) {
7 if (typeof define === 'function' && define.amd) {
8 define(factory);
9 } else if (typeof exports === 'object') {
10 module.exports = factory();
11 } else {
12 root.RVerify = factory();
13 }
14})(this, function () {
15 'use strict';
17 var RVerify = {};
19 RVerify.version = '0.1.1';
21 var Settings = {
22 mask: 0.5,
23 maskClosable: false,
24 closeIcon:
25 '<svg t="1590331085919" class="icon" viewBox="0 0 1024 1024" version="1.1" xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg" p-id="3734" width="20" height="20"><path d="M512 451.67l225.835-225.835a42.667 42.667 0 0 1 60.33 60.33L572.331 512l225.834 225.835a42.667 42.667 0 0 1-60.33 60.33L512 572.331 286.165 798.165a42.667 42.667 0 1 1-60.33-60.33L451.669 512 225.835 286.165a42.667 42.667 0 0 1 60.33-60.33L512 451.669z" p-id="3735" fill="#8a8a8a"></path></svg>',
26 sliderIcon:
27 '<svg t="1590338601818" class="icon" viewBox="0 0 1024 1024" version="1.1" xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg" p-id="6547" width="20" height="20"><path d="M512.299934 1023.800044c-10.797617 0-21.595234-3.999117-29.993381-11.797396-17.496139-16.496359-18.195984-44.090269-1.799602-61.586408l412.508958-437.10353c8.398147-8.898036 8.298169-23.894726-0.599868-32.692784L481.606708 74.409578c-17.096227-16.896271-17.296183-44.490181-0.299934-61.586408 16.896271-16.896271 44.390203-17.196205 61.586408-0.299934l410.809333 406.11037c42.290666 41.790777 43.590379 111.075485 2.699404 154.465909l-412.508958 437.003552c-8.69808 9.097992-20.195543 13.696977-31.593027 13.696977z" p-id="6548"></path><path d="M86.093999 924.821889c-10.697639 0-21.495256-3.999117-29.793425-11.897374-17.496139-16.496359-18.295962-44.090269-1.799603-61.586408l315.930274-334.626147c8.398147-9.097992 8.298169-24.094682-0.599868-32.792762L55.500751 173.587689c-16.996249-16.896271-17.196205-44.490181-0.299934-61.686386 16.896271-16.996249 44.390203-17.296183 61.586408-0.199956L431.017873 422.032856c42.290666 41.790777 43.490402 111.075485 2.799382 154.465909l-315.930273 334.626147c-8.69808 9.097992-20.195543 13.696977-31.792983 13.696977z" p-id="6549"></path></svg>',
28 extraIcon:
29 '<svg t="1590289223124" class="icon" viewBox="0 0 1024 1024" version="1.1" xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg" p-id="2770" width="15" height="15"><path d="M512.002558 64.24521c-247.292176 0-447.75786 200.464661-447.75786 447.756837 0 247.287059 200.464661 447.752744 447.75786 447.752744 247.286036 0 447.75172-200.464661 447.75172-447.752744C959.754279 264.710894 759.288594 64.24521 512.002558 64.24521zM512.010745 735.87586c-20.602224 0-37.319977-16.718777-37.319977-37.323047 0-20.597107 16.717753-37.319977 37.319977-37.319977 20.60427 0 37.297464 16.72287 37.297464 37.319977C549.308209 719.158107 532.613992 735.87586 512.010745 735.87586zM549.308209 567.969733c0 20.600177-16.693194 37.293371-37.297464 37.293371-20.602224 0-37.319977-16.693194-37.319977-37.293371L474.690768 325.420581c0-20.605294 16.717753-37.297464 37.319977-37.297464 20.60427 0 37.297464 16.693194 37.297464 37.297464L549.308209 567.969733z" p-id="2771" fill="#4E6EF2"></path></svg>',
30 tolerance: 10,
31 duration: 500,
32 title: '身份验证',
33 text: '拖动滑块,使图片角度为正',
34 extra: null,
35 extraColor: '#4E6EF2',
36 extraLink: 'https://github.com/zpfz',
37 zIndex: 9999,
38 album: [],
39 };
41 var checkFlag = false;
43 // Configure
44 RVerify.configure = function (options) {
45 checkFlag = true;
46 var key, value;
47 for (key in options) {
48 value = options[key];
49 if (value !== undefined && options.hasOwnProperty(key)){
50 Settings[key] = value;
51 }
52 }
53 return this;
54 };
56 // Action
57 RVerify.action = function (callback) {
58 if (!checkFlag){
59 throw new Error('Please make sure RVerify.configure method is executed before RVerify.action');
60 }
62 if (Settings.extra !== null && typeof Settings.extra !== 'undefined') {
63 var _extra;
64 _extra =
65 '<div class="rv-extra"><span>' +
66 Settings.extraIcon +
67 '</span><a href="' +
68 Settings.extraLink +
69 '" target="_blank" rel="noopener noreferrer">' +
70 Settings.extra +
71 '</a></div>';
72 } else {
73 _extra = '';
74 }
76 var modal =
77 '<div class="rv-root"><div class="rv-mask"></div><div class="rv-wrap"><div class="rv-close">' +
78 Settings.closeIcon +
79 '</div><div class="rv-title">' +
80 Settings.title +
81 '</div><div class="rv-content"><div class="rv-text">' +
82 Settings.text +
83 '</div><div class="rv-image"><img src="' +
84 getRandomImg(Settings.album) +
85 '" draggable="false" class="rv-img"><div class="rv-image-mask"><svg t="1590812400512" class="rv-image-mask-success" viewBox="0 0 1024 1024" version="1.1" xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg" p-id="2647" width="80" height="80"><path d="M927.97968 108.360629a50.575037 50.575037 0 0 0-69.085501 18.517689l-391.898737 678.933747-316.000056-182.409708A50.575037 50.575037 0 0 0 100.427574 711.005546l359.812488 207.690002a50.553362 50.553362 0 0 0 69.078276-18.517689L946.504593 177.44613a50.575037 50.575037 0 0 0-18.524913-69.085501z" fill="#ffffff" p-id="2648"></path></svg><svg t="1590815914523" class="rv-image-mask-error" viewBox="0 0 1024 1024" version="1.1" xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg" p-id="3574" width="80" height="80"><path d="M441.23 511.44L79.4 149.62c-17.44-19.25-16.72-48.81 1.65-67.18 18.38-18.37 47.93-19.1 67.18-1.65l361.83 361.82L871.89 80.79a48.718 48.718 0 0 1 47.95-14.55 48.725 48.725 0 0 1 35.43 35.43 48.728 48.728 0 0 1-14.54 47.95L578.89 511.44l361.83 361.83a48.734 48.734 0 0 1 14.54 47.95 48.709 48.709 0 0 1-35.43 35.43 48.768 48.768 0 0 1-47.95-14.55L510.06 580.27 148.23 942.1c-19.25 17.44-48.8 16.72-67.18-1.65-18.37-18.37-19.09-47.93-1.65-67.18l361.83-361.83z" p-id="3575" fill="#ffffff"></path></svg></div></div><div class="rv-control"><div class="rv-bar">' +
86 '</div><div class="rv-slider">' +
87 Settings.sliderIcon +
88 '</div></div>' +
89 _extra +
90 '</div></div></div>';
92 var createNode = document.createElement('div');
93 createNode.innerHTML = modal;
94 $('body').appendChild(createNode);
96 var root = $('.rv-root'),
97 bar = $('.rv-bar'),
98 slider = $('.rv-slider'),
99 close = $('.rv-close'),
100 img = $('.rv-img'),
101 control = $('.rv-control'),
102 wrap = $('.rv-wrap'),
103 mask = $('.rv-mask'),
104 maskImg = $('.rv-image-mask'),
105 maskSuccess = $('.rv-image-mask-success'),
106 maskError = $('.rv-image-mask-error'),
107 footer = $('.rv-extra');
109 var distance = bar.offsetWidth - slider.offsetWidth;
110 // Flag
111 var result = 0;
113 // Check isMobile and bind different events
114 var touchMove,
115 inMobile = isMobile(),
116 downX,
117 touching = false;
118 if (isMobile()) {
119 slider.ontouchstart = touchStart;
120 document.ontouchmove = touchMove;
121 document.ontouchend = touchEnd;
122 } else {
123 slider.onmousedown = touchStart;
124 document.onmousemove = touchMove;
125 document.onmouseup = touchEnd;
126 }
128 // Init
129 mask.style['background-color'] = 'rgba(0, 0, 0,' + Settings.mask + ')';
130 mask.style['z-index'] = Settings.zIndex;
131 wrap.style['z-index'] = Settings.zIndex;
132 img.style.transform = 'rotate(' + RandomAngle(Settings.tolerance) + 'deg)';
133 if (Settings.extra !== null && typeof Settings.extra !== 'undefined') {
134 footer.style.color = Settings.extraColor;
135 }
137 var currentAngle = getImgAngle();
139 // Close
140 close.onclick = function () {
141 result = 2;
142 root.parentNode.remove();
143 callback(result);
144 };
146 // Mask
147 mask.onclick = function () {
148 if (Settings.maskClosable == true) {
149 result = 2;
150 root.parentNode.remove();
151 callback(result);
152 }
153 };
155 // Touch Move
156 function touchMove(e) {
157 if (!touching) return;
158 var e = e || window.event;
159 var moveX = inMobile ? e.touches[0].clientX : e.clientX;
160 var offsetX = moveX - downX;
161 var targetAngle = (offsetX / distance) * 360;
163 if (offsetX > distance) {
164 offsetX = distance;
165 } else if (offsetX < 0) {
166 offsetX = 0;
167 } else {
168 slider.style.left = offsetX + 'px';
169 targetAngle = currentAngle + targetAngle;
170 img.style.transform = 'rotate(' + targetAngle + 'deg)';
171 }
172 }
174 // Touch Start
175 function touchStart(e) {
176 // Clear transition
177 slider.style.transition = '';
178 img.style.transition = '';
179 slider.classList.add('rv-slider-normal');
181 var e = e || window.event;
182 downX = inMobile ? e.touches[0].clientX : e.clientX;
183 touching = true;
184 }
186 // Touch End
187 function touchEnd() {
188 slider.classList.remove('rv-slider-normal');
190 if (!touching) return;
191 if (ReturnResult(getImgAngle())) {
192 maskImg.style.cssText = 'visibility: visible;opacity: 1';
193 maskSuccess.style.cssText = 'visibility: visible;opacity: 1';
194 slider.style['pointer-events'] = 'none';
195 slider.classList.add('rv-slider-success');
197 // Call back
198 setTimeout(function () {
199 result = 1;
200 root.parentNode.remove();
201 callback(result);
202 }, Settings.duration);
203 } else {
204 maskImg.style.cssText = 'visibility: visible;opacity: 1';
205 maskError.style.cssText = 'visibility: visible;opacity: 1';
206 slider.style['pointer-events'] = 'none';
207 control.style.animation = 'shake .15s infinite';
208 slider.classList.add('rv-slider-error');
209 setTimeout(function () {
210 img.src = getRandomImg(Settings.album);
211 maskImg.style.cssText = '';
212 maskError.style.cssText = '';
213 slider.classList.remove('rv-slider-error');
214 control.style.animation = '';
215 slider.style.left = 0;
216 img.style.transform = 'rotate(' + RandomAngle(Settings.tolerance) + 'deg)';
217 currentAngle = getImgAngle();
218 slider.style.transition =
219 'background .2s ease-in-out,border-color .2s ease-in-out,box-shadow .2s ease-in-out,left .5s ease-in-out';
220 img.style.transition = 'transform .5s ease-in-out';
221 slider.style['pointer-events'] = '';
222 }, 500);
223 callback(result);
224 }
225 touching = false;
226 }
227 };
229 // Random number
230 function getRandomNumber(a, b) {
231 return Math.round(Math.random() * (b - a) + a);
232 }
234 // Random image
235 function getRandomImg(imgArr) {
236 return imgArr[getRandomNumber(0, imgArr.length - 1)];
237 }
238 // Random interval
239 function RandomAngle(tolerance) {
240 if (tolerance < 5 || tolerance > 45) {
241 console.error('Please make sure the tolerance value is between 5°~45°.');
242 } else {
243 return (
244 Math.floor(Math.random() * (360 - tolerance - 1 - (tolerance + 1))) +
245 (tolerance + 1)
246 );
247 }
248 }
250 // Get image angle
251 function getImgAngle() {
252 return parseFloat(
253 $('.rv-img').style['transform'].replace(/[^0-9\\.\\^0-9]/gi, '')
254 );
255 }
257 // Check result
258 function ReturnResult(angle) {
259 if (angle > 360) {
260 angle = angle - 360;
261 return VerifyAngle(angle);
262 } else {
263 return VerifyAngle(angle);
264 }
265 }
266 // Verify angle
267 function VerifyAngle(angle) {
268 if (angle <= Settings.tolerance || angle >= 360 - Settings.tolerance) {
269 return true;
270 } else {
271 return false;
272 }
273 }
275 // Check isMobile
276 function isMobile() {
277 return 'ontouchstart' in window;
278 }
280 // Global query selector
281 var $ = function (selector) {
282 return document.querySelector(selector);
283 };
285 if (typeof window !== 'undefined') {
286 window.RVerify = RVerify;
287 }
289 return RVerify;