1 | "use strict";
2 | Object.defineProperty(exports, "__esModule", { value: true });
3 | function lockfile(prop, opts = {}) {
4 | const Lockfile = require('./lockfile').default;
5 | return methodDecorator(function ({ original, propertyName }) {
6 | return function (...args) {
7 | const lockfile = this[prop];
8 | if (!(lockfile instanceof Lockfile)) {
9 | throw new Error('prop does not point to a Lockfile instance');
10 | }
11 | if (opts.sync) {
12 | lockfile.addSync({ reason: propertyName.toString() });
13 | try {
14 | return original.apply(this, args);
15 | }
16 | finally {
17 | lockfile.removeSync();
18 | }
19 | }
20 | else {
21 | return (async () => {
22 | await lockfile.add({ reason: propertyName.toString() });
23 | try {
24 | return await original.apply(this, args);
25 | }
26 | finally {
27 | await lockfile.remove();
28 | }
29 | })();
30 | }
31 | };
32 | });
33 | }
34 | exports.lockfile = lockfile;
35 | function rwlockfile(prop, type, opts = {}) {
36 | const RWLockfile = require('./rwlockfile').default;
37 | return methodDecorator(function ({ original, propertyName }) {
38 | return async function (...args) {
39 | const lockfile = this[prop];
40 | if (!(lockfile instanceof RWLockfile)) {
41 | throw new Error('prop does not point to a Lockfile instance');
42 | }
43 | const addOpts = {
44 | reason: propertyName.toString(),
45 | };
46 | if (opts.ifLocked) {
47 | addOpts.ifLocked = () => this[opts.ifLocked]();
48 | }
49 | await lockfile.add(type, addOpts);
50 | let result;
51 | try {
52 | result = await original.apply(this, args);
53 | }
54 | finally {
55 | await lockfile.remove(type);
56 | }
57 | return result;
58 | };
59 | });
60 | }
61 | exports.rwlockfile = rwlockfile;
62 | function onceAtATime(argKey) {
63 | return methodDecorator(function ({ original }) {
64 | const key = Symbol('onceAtATime');
65 | return async function (...args) {
66 | const subKey = argKey !== undefined ? args[argKey] : key;
67 | const cache = (this[key] = this[key] || {});
68 | if (cache[subKey])
69 | return cache[subKey];
70 | cache[subKey] = original.apply(this, args);
71 | try {
72 | return await cache[subKey];
73 | }
74 | finally {
75 | delete cache[subKey];
76 | }
77 | };
78 | });
79 | }
80 | exports.onceAtATime = onceAtATime;
81 | function methodDecorator(fn) {
82 | return (target, propertyName, descriptor) => {
83 | if (isMethodDecorator(descriptor)) {
84 | descriptor.value = fn({ target, propertyName, descriptor, original: descriptor.value });
85 | return descriptor;
86 | }
87 | else {
88 | throw new Error(`${propertyName} on ${target} is not a a method`);
89 | }
90 | };
91 | }
92 | function isMethodDecorator(prop) {
93 | if (!prop)
94 | return false;
95 | return !!prop.value;
96 | }