43.7 kBJavaScriptView Raw
1// Copyright (c) Microsoft, All rights reserved. See License.txt in the project root for license information.
3;(function (undefined) {
5 var objectTypes = {
6 'function': true,
7 'object': true
8 };
10 function checkGlobal(value) {
11 return (value && value.Object === Object) ? value : null;
12 }
14 var freeExports = (objectTypes[typeof exports] && exports && !exports.nodeType) ? exports : null;
15 var freeModule = (objectTypes[typeof module] && module && !module.nodeType) ? module : null;
16 var freeGlobal = checkGlobal(freeExports && freeModule && typeof global === 'object' && global);
17 var freeSelf = checkGlobal(objectTypes[typeof self] && self);
18 var freeWindow = checkGlobal(objectTypes[typeof window] && window);
19 var moduleExports = (freeModule && freeModule.exports === freeExports) ? freeExports : null;
20 var thisGlobal = checkGlobal(objectTypes[typeof this] && this);
21 var root = freeGlobal || ((freeWindow !== (thisGlobal && thisGlobal.window)) && freeWindow) || freeSelf || thisGlobal || Function('return this')();
23 var Rx = {
24 internals: {},
25 config: {
26 Promise: root.Promise
27 },
28 helpers: { }
29 };
31// Defaults
33 noop = Rx.helpers.noop = function () { },
34 defaultNow = Rx.helpers.defaultNow = (function () { return !!Date.now ? Date.now : function () { return +new Date; }; }()),
35 defaultError = Rx.helpers.defaultError = function (err) { throw err; },
36 isPromise = Rx.helpers.isPromise = function (p) { return !!p && !isFunction(p.subscribe) && isFunction(p.then); },
37 defaultSubComparer = Rx.helpers.defaultSubComparer = function (x, y) { return x > y ? 1 : (x < y ? -1 : 0); }
38 isFunction = Rx.helpers.isFunction = (function () {
39 var isFn = function (value) {
40 return typeof value == 'function' || false;
41 };
43 // fallback for older versions of Chrome and Safari
44 if (isFn(/x/)) {
45 isFn = function(value) {
46 return typeof value == 'function' && toString.call(value) == '[object Function]';
47 };
48 }
49 return isFn;
50 }());
52 var NotImplementedError = Rx.NotImplementedError = function (message) {
53 this.message = message || 'This operation is not implemented';
54 Error.call(this);
55 };
56 NotImplementedError.prototype = Error.prototype;
58 var NotSupportedError = Rx.NotSupportedError = function (message) {
59 this.message = message || 'This operation is not supported';
60 Error.call(this);
61 };
62 NotSupportedError.prototype = Error.prototype;
64 var notImplemented = Rx.helpers.notImplemented = function () {
65 throw new NotImplementedError();
66 };
68 var notSupported = Rx.helpers.notSupported = function () {
69 throw new NotSupportedError();
70 };
72 var errorObj = {e: {}};
74 function tryCatcherGen(tryCatchTarget) {
75 return function tryCatcher() {
76 try {
77 return tryCatchTarget.apply(this, arguments);
78 } catch (e) {
79 errorObj.e = e;
80 return errorObj;
81 }
82 };
83 }
85 var tryCatch = Rx.internals.tryCatch = function tryCatch(fn) {
86 if (!isFunction(fn)) { throw new TypeError('fn must be a function'); }
87 return tryCatcherGen(fn);
88 };
90 function thrower(e) {
91 throw e;
92 }
94 Rx.config.longStackSupport = false;
95 var hasStacks = false, stacks = tryCatch(function () { throw new Error(); })();
96 hasStacks = !!stacks.e && !!stacks.e.stack;
98 // All code after this point will be filtered from stack traces reported by RxJS
99 var rStartingLine = captureLine(), rFileName;
101 var STACK_JUMP_SEPARATOR = 'From previous event:';
103 function makeStackTraceLong(error, observable) {
104 // If possible, transform the error stack trace by removing Node and RxJS
105 // cruft, then concatenating with the stack trace of `observable`.
106 if (hasStacks &&
107 observable.stack &&
108 typeof error === 'object' &&
109 error !== null &&
110 error.stack &&
111 error.stack.indexOf(STACK_JUMP_SEPARATOR) === -1
112 ) {
113 var stacks = [];
114 for (var o = observable; !!o; o = o.source) {
115 if (o.stack) {
116 stacks.unshift(o.stack);
117 }
118 }
119 stacks.unshift(error.stack);
121 var concatedStacks = stacks.join('\n' + STACK_JUMP_SEPARATOR + '\n');
122 error.stack = filterStackString(concatedStacks);
123 }
124 }
126 function filterStackString(stackString) {
127 var lines = stackString.split('\n'), desiredLines = [];
128 for (var i = 0, len = lines.length; i < len; i++) {
129 var line = lines[i];
131 if (!isInternalFrame(line) && !isNodeFrame(line) && line) {
132 desiredLines.push(line);
133 }
134 }
135 return desiredLines.join('\n');
136 }
138 function isInternalFrame(stackLine) {
139 var fileNameAndLineNumber = getFileNameAndLineNumber(stackLine);
140 if (!fileNameAndLineNumber) {
141 return false;
142 }
143 var fileName = fileNameAndLineNumber[0], lineNumber = fileNameAndLineNumber[1];
145 return fileName === rFileName &&
146 lineNumber >= rStartingLine &&
147 lineNumber <= rEndingLine;
148 }
150 function isNodeFrame(stackLine) {
151 return stackLine.indexOf('(module.js:') !== -1 ||
152 stackLine.indexOf('(node.js:') !== -1;
153 }
155 function captureLine() {
156 if (!hasStacks) { return; }
158 try {
159 throw new Error();
160 } catch (e) {
161 var lines = e.stack.split('\n');
162 var firstLine = lines[0].indexOf('@') > 0 ? lines[1] : lines[2];
163 var fileNameAndLineNumber = getFileNameAndLineNumber(firstLine);
164 if (!fileNameAndLineNumber) { return; }
166 rFileName = fileNameAndLineNumber[0];
167 return fileNameAndLineNumber[1];
168 }
169 }
171 function getFileNameAndLineNumber(stackLine) {
172 // Named functions: 'at functionName (filename:lineNumber:columnNumber)'
173 var attempt1 = /at .+ \((.+):(\d+):(?:\d+)\)$/.exec(stackLine);
174 if (attempt1) { return [attempt1[1], Number(attempt1[2])]; }
176 // Anonymous functions: 'at filename:lineNumber:columnNumber'
177 var attempt2 = /at ([^ ]+):(\d+):(?:\d+)$/.exec(stackLine);
178 if (attempt2) { return [attempt2[1], Number(attempt2[2])]; }
180 // Firefox style: 'function@filename:lineNumber or @filename:lineNumber'
181 var attempt3 = /.*@(.+):(\d+)$/.exec(stackLine);
182 if (attempt3) { return [attempt3[1], Number(attempt3[2])]; }
183 }
185 var hasProp = {}.hasOwnProperty,
186 slice = Array.prototype.slice;
188 var inherits = Rx.internals.inherits = function (child, parent) {
189 function __() { this.constructor = child; }
190 __.prototype = parent.prototype;
191 child.prototype = new __();
192 };
194 var addProperties = Rx.internals.addProperties = function (obj) {
195 for(var sources = [], i = 1, len = arguments.length; i < len; i++) { sources.push(arguments[i]); }
196 for (var idx = 0, ln = sources.length; idx < ln; idx++) {
197 var source = sources[idx];
198 for (var prop in source) {
199 obj[prop] = source[prop];
200 }
201 }
202 };
204 // Rx Utils
205 var addRef = Rx.internals.addRef = function (xs, r) {
206 return new AnonymousObservable(function (observer) {
207 return new BinaryDisposable(r.getDisposable(), xs.subscribe(observer));
208 });
209 };
211 function arrayInitialize(count, factory) {
212 var a = new Array(count);
213 for (var i = 0; i < count; i++) {
214 a[i] = factory();
215 }
216 return a;
217 }
219 /**
220 * Represents a group of disposable resources that are disposed together.
221 * @constructor
222 */
223 var CompositeDisposable = Rx.CompositeDisposable = function () {
224 var args = [], i, len;
225 if (Array.isArray(arguments[0])) {
226 args = arguments[0];
227 } else {
228 len = arguments.length;
229 args = new Array(len);
230 for(i = 0; i < len; i++) { args[i] = arguments[i]; }
231 }
232 this.disposables = args;
233 this.isDisposed = false;
234 this.length = args.length;
235 };
237 var CompositeDisposablePrototype = CompositeDisposable.prototype;
239 /**
240 * Adds a disposable to the CompositeDisposable or disposes the disposable if the CompositeDisposable is disposed.
241 * @param {Mixed} item Disposable to add.
242 */
243 CompositeDisposablePrototype.add = function (item) {
244 if (this.isDisposed) {
245 item.dispose();
246 } else {
247 this.disposables.push(item);
248 this.length++;
249 }
250 };
252 /**
253 * Removes and disposes the first occurrence of a disposable from the CompositeDisposable.
254 * @param {Mixed} item Disposable to remove.
255 * @returns {Boolean} true if found; false otherwise.
256 */
257 CompositeDisposablePrototype.remove = function (item) {
258 var shouldDispose = false;
259 if (!this.isDisposed) {
260 var idx = this.disposables.indexOf(item);
261 if (idx !== -1) {
262 shouldDispose = true;
263 this.disposables.splice(idx, 1);
264 this.length--;
265 item.dispose();
266 }
267 }
268 return shouldDispose;
269 };
271 /**
272 * Disposes all disposables in the group and removes them from the group.
273 */
274 CompositeDisposablePrototype.dispose = function () {
275 if (!this.isDisposed) {
276 this.isDisposed = true;
277 var len = this.disposables.length, currentDisposables = new Array(len);
278 for(var i = 0; i < len; i++) { currentDisposables[i] = this.disposables[i]; }
279 this.disposables = [];
280 this.length = 0;
282 for (i = 0; i < len; i++) {
283 currentDisposables[i].dispose();
284 }
285 }
286 };
288 /**
289 * Provides a set of static methods for creating Disposables.
290 * @param {Function} dispose Action to run during the first call to dispose. The action is guaranteed to be run at most once.
291 */
292 var Disposable = Rx.Disposable = function (action) {
293 this.isDisposed = false;
294 this.action = action || noop;
295 };
297 /** Performs the task of cleaning up resources. */
298 Disposable.prototype.dispose = function () {
299 if (!this.isDisposed) {
300 this.action();
301 this.isDisposed = true;
302 }
303 };
305 /**
306 * Creates a disposable object that invokes the specified action when disposed.
307 * @param {Function} dispose Action to run during the first call to dispose. The action is guaranteed to be run at most once.
308 * @return {Disposable} The disposable object that runs the given action upon disposal.
309 */
310 var disposableCreate = Disposable.create = function (action) { return new Disposable(action); };
312 /**
313 * Gets the disposable that does nothing when disposed.
314 */
315 var disposableEmpty = Disposable.empty = { dispose: noop };
317 /**
318 * Validates whether the given object is a disposable
319 * @param {Object} Object to test whether it has a dispose method
320 * @returns {Boolean} true if a disposable object, else false.
321 */
322 var isDisposable = Disposable.isDisposable = function (d) {
323 return d && isFunction(d.dispose);
324 };
326 var checkDisposed = Disposable.checkDisposed = function (disposable) {
327 if (disposable.isDisposed) { throw new ObjectDisposedError(); }
328 };
330 var disposableFixup = Disposable._fixup = function (result) {
331 return isDisposable(result) ? result : disposableEmpty;
332 };
334 // Single assignment
335 var SingleAssignmentDisposable = Rx.SingleAssignmentDisposable = function () {
336 this.isDisposed = false;
337 this.current = null;
338 };
339 SingleAssignmentDisposable.prototype.getDisposable = function () {
340 return this.current;
341 };
342 SingleAssignmentDisposable.prototype.setDisposable = function (value) {
343 if (this.current) { throw new Error('Disposable has already been assigned'); }
344 var shouldDispose = this.isDisposed;
345 !shouldDispose && (this.current = value);
346 shouldDispose && value && value.dispose();
347 };
348 SingleAssignmentDisposable.prototype.dispose = function () {
349 if (!this.isDisposed) {
350 this.isDisposed = true;
351 var old = this.current;
352 this.current = null;
353 old && old.dispose();
354 }
355 };
357 // Multiple assignment disposable
358 var SerialDisposable = Rx.SerialDisposable = function () {
359 this.isDisposed = false;
360 this.current = null;
361 };
362 SerialDisposable.prototype.getDisposable = function () {
363 return this.current;
364 };
365 SerialDisposable.prototype.setDisposable = function (value) {
366 var shouldDispose = this.isDisposed;
367 if (!shouldDispose) {
368 var old = this.current;
369 this.current = value;
370 }
371 old && old.dispose();
372 shouldDispose && value && value.dispose();
373 };
374 SerialDisposable.prototype.dispose = function () {
375 if (!this.isDisposed) {
376 this.isDisposed = true;
377 var old = this.current;
378 this.current = null;
379 }
380 old && old.dispose();
381 };
383 var BinaryDisposable = Rx.BinaryDisposable = function (first, second) {
384 this._first = first;
385 this._second = second;
386 this.isDisposed = false;
387 };
389 BinaryDisposable.prototype.dispose = function () {
390 if (!this.isDisposed) {
391 this.isDisposed = true;
392 var old1 = this._first;
393 this._first = null;
394 old1 && old1.dispose();
395 var old2 = this._second;
396 this._second = null;
397 old2 && old2.dispose();
398 }
399 };
401 var NAryDisposable = Rx.NAryDisposable = function (disposables) {
402 this._disposables = disposables;
403 this.isDisposed = false;
404 };
406 NAryDisposable.prototype.dispose = function () {
407 if (!this.isDisposed) {
408 this.isDisposed = true;
409 for (var i = 0, len = this._disposables.length; i < len; i++) {
410 this._disposables[i].dispose();
411 }
412 this._disposables.length = 0;
413 }
414 };
416 var ScheduledItem = Rx.internals.ScheduledItem = function (scheduler, state, action, dueTime, comparer) {
417 this.scheduler = scheduler;
418 this.state = state;
419 this.action = action;
420 this.dueTime = dueTime;
421 this.comparer = comparer || defaultSubComparer;
422 this.disposable = new SingleAssignmentDisposable();
423 };
425 ScheduledItem.prototype.invoke = function () {
426 this.disposable.setDisposable(this.invokeCore());
427 };
429 ScheduledItem.prototype.compareTo = function (other) {
430 return this.comparer(this.dueTime, other.dueTime);
431 };
433 ScheduledItem.prototype.isCancelled = function () {
434 return this.disposable.isDisposed;
435 };
437 ScheduledItem.prototype.invokeCore = function () {
438 return disposableFixup(this.action(this.scheduler, this.state));
439 };
441 /** Provides a set of static properties to access commonly used schedulers. */
442 var Scheduler = Rx.Scheduler = (function () {
444 function Scheduler() { }
446 /** Determines whether the given object is a scheduler */
447 Scheduler.isScheduler = function (s) {
448 return s instanceof Scheduler;
449 };
451 var schedulerProto = Scheduler.prototype;
453 /**
454 * Schedules an action to be executed.
455 * @param state State passed to the action to be executed.
456 * @param {Function} action Action to be executed.
457 * @returns {Disposable} The disposable object used to cancel the scheduled action (best effort).
458 */
459 schedulerProto.schedule = function (state, action) {
460 throw new NotImplementedError();
461 };
463 /**
464 * Schedules an action to be executed after dueTime.
465 * @param state State passed to the action to be executed.
466 * @param {Function} action Action to be executed.
467 * @param {Number} dueTime Relative time after which to execute the action.
468 * @returns {Disposable} The disposable object used to cancel the scheduled action (best effort).
469 */
470 schedulerProto.scheduleFuture = function (state, dueTime, action) {
471 var dt = dueTime;
472 dt instanceof Date && (dt = dt - this.now());
473 dt = Scheduler.normalize(dt);
475 if (dt === 0) { return this.schedule(state, action); }
477 return this._scheduleFuture(state, dt, action);
478 };
480 schedulerProto._scheduleFuture = function (state, dueTime, action) {
481 throw new NotImplementedError();
482 };
484 /** Gets the current time according to the local machine's system clock. */
485 Scheduler.now = defaultNow;
487 /** Gets the current time according to the local machine's system clock. */
488 Scheduler.prototype.now = defaultNow;
490 /**
491 * Normalizes the specified TimeSpan value to a positive value.
492 * @param {Number} timeSpan The time span value to normalize.
493 * @returns {Number} The specified TimeSpan value if it is zero or positive; otherwise, 0
494 */
495 Scheduler.normalize = function (timeSpan) {
496 timeSpan < 0 && (timeSpan = 0);
497 return timeSpan;
498 };
500 return Scheduler;
501 }());
503 var normalizeTime = Scheduler.normalize, isScheduler = Scheduler.isScheduler;
505 (function (schedulerProto) {
507 function invokeRecImmediate(scheduler, pair) {
508 var state = pair[0], action = pair[1], group = new CompositeDisposable();
509 action(state, innerAction);
510 return group;
512 function innerAction(state2) {
513 var isAdded = false, isDone = false;
515 var d = scheduler.schedule(state2, scheduleWork);
516 if (!isDone) {
517 group.add(d);
518 isAdded = true;
519 }
521 function scheduleWork(_, state3) {
522 if (isAdded) {
523 group.remove(d);
524 } else {
525 isDone = true;
526 }
527 action(state3, innerAction);
528 return disposableEmpty;
529 }
530 }
531 }
533 function invokeRecDate(scheduler, pair) {
534 var state = pair[0], action = pair[1], group = new CompositeDisposable();
535 action(state, innerAction);
536 return group;
538 function innerAction(state2, dueTime1) {
539 var isAdded = false, isDone = false;
541 var d = scheduler.scheduleFuture(state2, dueTime1, scheduleWork);
542 if (!isDone) {
543 group.add(d);
544 isAdded = true;
545 }
547 function scheduleWork(_, state3) {
548 if (isAdded) {
549 group.remove(d);
550 } else {
551 isDone = true;
552 }
553 action(state3, innerAction);
554 return disposableEmpty;
555 }
556 }
557 }
559 /**
560 * Schedules an action to be executed recursively.
561 * @param {Mixed} state State passed to the action to be executed.
562 * @param {Function} action Action to execute recursively. The last parameter passed to the action is used to trigger recursive scheduling of the action, passing in recursive invocation state.
563 * @returns {Disposable} The disposable object used to cancel the scheduled action (best effort).
564 */
565 schedulerProto.scheduleRecursive = function (state, action) {
566 return this.schedule([state, action], invokeRecImmediate);
567 };
569 /**
570 * Schedules an action to be executed recursively after a specified relative or absolute due time.
571 * @param {Mixed} state State passed to the action to be executed.
572 * @param {Function} action Action to execute recursively. The last parameter passed to the action is used to trigger recursive scheduling of the action, passing in the recursive due time and invocation state.
573 * @param {Number | Date} dueTime Relative or absolute time after which to execute the action for the first time.
574 * @returns {Disposable} The disposable object used to cancel the scheduled action (best effort).
575 */
576 schedulerProto.scheduleRecursiveFuture = function (state, dueTime, action) {
577 return this.scheduleFuture([state, action], dueTime, invokeRecDate);
578 };
580 }(Scheduler.prototype));
582 (function (schedulerProto) {
584 /**
585 * Schedules a periodic piece of work by dynamically discovering the scheduler's capabilities. The periodic task will be scheduled using window.setInterval for the base implementation.
586 * @param {Mixed} state Initial state passed to the action upon the first iteration.
587 * @param {Number} period Period for running the work periodically.
588 * @param {Function} action Action to be executed, potentially updating the state.
589 * @returns {Disposable} The disposable object used to cancel the scheduled recurring action (best effort).
590 */
591 schedulerProto.schedulePeriodic = function(state, period, action) {
592 if (typeof root.setInterval === 'undefined') { throw new NotSupportedError(); }
593 period = normalizeTime(period);
594 var s = state, id = root.setInterval(function () { s = action(s); }, period);
595 return disposableCreate(function () { root.clearInterval(id); });
596 };
598 }(Scheduler.prototype));
600 var SchedulePeriodicRecursive = Rx.internals.SchedulePeriodicRecursive = (function () {
601 function createTick(self) {
602 return function tick(command, recurse) {
603 recurse(0, self._period);
604 var state = tryCatch(self._action)(self._state);
605 if (state === errorObj) {
606 self._cancel.dispose();
607 thrower(state.e);
608 }
609 self._state = state;
610 };
611 }
613 function SchedulePeriodicRecursive(scheduler, state, period, action) {
614 this._scheduler = scheduler;
615 this._state = state;
616 this._period = period;
617 this._action = action;
618 }
620 SchedulePeriodicRecursive.prototype.start = function () {
621 var d = new SingleAssignmentDisposable();
622 this._cancel = d;
623 d.setDisposable(this._scheduler.scheduleRecursiveFuture(0, this._period, createTick(this)));
625 return d;
626 };
628 return SchedulePeriodicRecursive;
629 }());
631 /** Gets a scheduler that schedules work immediately on the current thread. */
632 var ImmediateScheduler = (function (__super__) {
633 inherits(ImmediateScheduler, __super__);
634 function ImmediateScheduler() {
635 __super__.call(this);
636 }
638 ImmediateScheduler.prototype.schedule = function (state, action) {
639 return disposableFixup(action(this, state));
640 };
642 return ImmediateScheduler;
643 }(Scheduler));
645 var immediateScheduler = Scheduler.immediate = new ImmediateScheduler();
647 /**
648 * Gets a scheduler that schedules work as soon as possible on the current thread.
649 */
650 var CurrentThreadScheduler = (function (__super__) {
651 var queue;
653 function runTrampoline () {
654 while (queue.length > 0) {
655 var item = queue.dequeue();
656 !item.isCancelled() && item.invoke();
657 }
658 }
660 inherits(CurrentThreadScheduler, __super__);
661 function CurrentThreadScheduler() {
662 __super__.call(this);
663 }
665 CurrentThreadScheduler.prototype.schedule = function (state, action) {
666 var si = new ScheduledItem(this, state, action, this.now());
668 if (!queue) {
669 queue = new PriorityQueue(4);
670 queue.enqueue(si);
672 var result = tryCatch(runTrampoline)();
673 queue = null;
674 if (result === errorObj) { thrower(result.e); }
675 } else {
676 queue.enqueue(si);
677 }
678 return si.disposable;
679 };
681 CurrentThreadScheduler.prototype.scheduleRequired = function () { return !queue; };
683 return CurrentThreadScheduler;
684 }(Scheduler));
686 var currentThreadScheduler = Scheduler.currentThread = new CurrentThreadScheduler();
688 var scheduleMethod, clearMethod;
690 var localTimer = (function () {
691 var localSetTimeout, localClearTimeout = noop;
692 if (!!root.setTimeout) {
693 localSetTimeout = root.setTimeout;
694 localClearTimeout = root.clearTimeout;
695 } else if (!!root.WScript) {
696 localSetTimeout = function (fn, time) {
697 root.WScript.Sleep(time);
698 fn();
699 };
700 } else {
701 throw new NotSupportedError();
702 }
704 return {
705 setTimeout: localSetTimeout,
706 clearTimeout: localClearTimeout
707 };
708 }());
709 var localSetTimeout = localTimer.setTimeout,
710 localClearTimeout = localTimer.clearTimeout;
712 (function () {
714 var nextHandle = 1, tasksByHandle = {}, currentlyRunning = false;
716 clearMethod = function (handle) {
717 delete tasksByHandle[handle];
718 };
720 function runTask(handle) {
721 if (currentlyRunning) {
722 localSetTimeout(function () { runTask(handle); }, 0);
723 } else {
724 var task = tasksByHandle[handle];
725 if (task) {
726 currentlyRunning = true;
727 var result = tryCatch(task)();
728 clearMethod(handle);
729 currentlyRunning = false;
730 if (result === errorObj) { thrower(result.e); }
731 }
732 }
733 }
735 var reNative = new RegExp('^' +
736 String(toString)
737 .replace(/[.*+?^${}()|[\]\\]/g, '\\$&')
738 .replace(/toString| for [^\]]+/g, '.*?') + '$'
739 );
741 var setImmediate = typeof (setImmediate = freeGlobal && moduleExports && freeGlobal.setImmediate) == 'function' &&
742 !reNative.test(setImmediate) && setImmediate;
744 function postMessageSupported () {
745 // Ensure not in a worker
746 if (!root.postMessage || root.importScripts) { return false; }
747 var isAsync = false, oldHandler = root.onmessage;
748 // Test for async
749 root.onmessage = function () { isAsync = true; };
750 root.postMessage('', '*');
751 root.onmessage = oldHandler;
753 return isAsync;
754 }
756 // Use in order, setImmediate, nextTick, postMessage, MessageChannel, script readystatechanged, setTimeout
757 if (isFunction(setImmediate)) {
758 scheduleMethod = function (action) {
759 var id = nextHandle++;
760 tasksByHandle[id] = action;
761 setImmediate(function () { runTask(id); });
763 return id;
764 };
765 } else if (typeof process !== 'undefined' && {}.toString.call(process) === '[object process]') {
766 scheduleMethod = function (action) {
767 var id = nextHandle++;
768 tasksByHandle[id] = action;
769 process.nextTick(function () { runTask(id); });
771 return id;
772 };
773 } else if (postMessageSupported()) {
774 var MSG_PREFIX = 'ms.rx.schedule' + Math.random();
776 var onGlobalPostMessage = function (event) {
777 // Only if we're a match to avoid any other global events
778 if (typeof event.data === 'string' && event.data.substring(0, MSG_PREFIX.length) === MSG_PREFIX) {
779 runTask(event.data.substring(MSG_PREFIX.length));
780 }
781 };
783 root.addEventListener('message', onGlobalPostMessage, false);
785 scheduleMethod = function (action) {
786 var id = nextHandle++;
787 tasksByHandle[id] = action;
788 root.postMessage(MSG_PREFIX + currentId, '*');
789 return id;
790 };
791 } else if (!!root.MessageChannel) {
792 var channel = new root.MessageChannel();
794 channel.port1.onmessage = function (e) { runTask(e.data); };
796 scheduleMethod = function (action) {
797 var id = nextHandle++;
798 tasksByHandle[id] = action;
799 channel.port2.postMessage(id);
800 return id;
801 };
802 } else if ('document' in root && 'onreadystatechange' in root.document.createElement('script')) {
804 scheduleMethod = function (action) {
805 var scriptElement = root.document.createElement('script');
806 var id = nextHandle++;
807 tasksByHandle[id] = action;
809 scriptElement.onreadystatechange = function () {
810 runTask(id);
811 scriptElement.onreadystatechange = null;
812 scriptElement.parentNode.removeChild(scriptElement);
813 scriptElement = null;
814 };
815 root.document.documentElement.appendChild(scriptElement);
816 return id;
817 };
819 } else {
820 scheduleMethod = function (action) {
821 var id = nextHandle++;
822 tasksByHandle[id] = action;
823 localSetTimeout(function () {
824 runTask(id);
825 }, 0);
827 return id;
828 };
829 }
830 }());
832 /**
833 * Gets a scheduler that schedules work via a timed callback based upon platform.
834 */
835 var DefaultScheduler = (function (__super__) {
836 inherits(DefaultScheduler, __super__);
837 function DefaultScheduler() {
838 __super__.call(this);
839 }
841 function scheduleAction(disposable, action, scheduler, state) {
842 return function schedule() {
843 disposable.setDisposable(Disposable._fixup(action(scheduler, state)));
844 };
845 }
847 function ClearDisposable(id) {
848 this._id = id;
849 this.isDisposed = false;
850 }
852 ClearDisposable.prototype.dispose = function () {
853 if (!this.isDisposed) {
854 this.isDisposed = true;
855 clearMethod(this._id);
856 }
857 };
859 function LocalClearDisposable(id) {
860 this._id = id;
861 this.isDisposed = false;
862 }
864 LocalClearDisposable.prototype.dispose = function () {
865 if (!this.isDisposed) {
866 this.isDisposed = true;
867 localClearTimeout(this._id);
868 }
869 };
871 DefaultScheduler.prototype.schedule = function (state, action) {
872 var disposable = new SingleAssignmentDisposable(),
873 id = scheduleMethod(scheduleAction(disposable, action, this, state));
874 return new BinaryDisposable(disposable, new ClearDisposable(id));
875 };
877 DefaultScheduler.prototype._scheduleFuture = function (state, dueTime, action) {
878 if (dueTime === 0) { return this.schedule(state, action); }
879 var disposable = new SingleAssignmentDisposable(),
880 id = localSetTimeout(scheduleAction(disposable, action, this, state), dueTime);
881 return new BinaryDisposable(disposable, new LocalClearDisposable(id));
882 };
884 return DefaultScheduler;
885 }(Scheduler));
887 var defaultScheduler = Scheduler['default'] = Scheduler.async = new DefaultScheduler();
889 function IndexedItem(id, value) {
890 this.id = id;
891 this.value = value;
892 }
894 IndexedItem.prototype.compareTo = function (other) {
895 var c = this.value.compareTo(other.value);
896 c === 0 && (c = this.id - other.id);
897 return c;
898 };
900 var PriorityQueue = Rx.internals.PriorityQueue = function (capacity) {
901 this.items = new Array(capacity);
902 this.length = 0;
903 };
905 var priorityProto = PriorityQueue.prototype;
906 priorityProto.isHigherPriority = function (left, right) {
907 return this.items[left].compareTo(this.items[right]) < 0;
908 };
910 priorityProto.percolate = function (index) {
911 if (index >= this.length || index < 0) { return; }
912 var parent = index - 1 >> 1;
913 if (parent < 0 || parent === index) { return; }
914 if (this.isHigherPriority(index, parent)) {
915 var temp = this.items[index];
916 this.items[index] = this.items[parent];
917 this.items[parent] = temp;
918 this.percolate(parent);
919 }
920 };
922 priorityProto.heapify = function (index) {
923 +index || (index = 0);
924 if (index >= this.length || index < 0) { return; }
925 var left = 2 * index + 1,
926 right = 2 * index + 2,
927 first = index;
928 if (left < this.length && this.isHigherPriority(left, first)) {
929 first = left;
930 }
931 if (right < this.length && this.isHigherPriority(right, first)) {
932 first = right;
933 }
934 if (first !== index) {
935 var temp = this.items[index];
936 this.items[index] = this.items[first];
937 this.items[first] = temp;
938 this.heapify(first);
939 }
940 };
942 priorityProto.peek = function () { return this.items[0].value; };
944 priorityProto.removeAt = function (index) {
945 this.items[index] = this.items[--this.length];
946 this.items[this.length] = undefined;
947 this.heapify();
948 };
950 priorityProto.dequeue = function () {
951 var result = this.peek();
952 this.removeAt(0);
953 return result;
954 };
956 priorityProto.enqueue = function (item) {
957 var index = this.length++;
958 this.items[index] = new IndexedItem(PriorityQueue.count++, item);
959 this.percolate(index);
960 };
962 priorityProto.remove = function (item) {
963 for (var i = 0; i < this.length; i++) {
964 if (this.items[i].value === item) {
965 this.removeAt(i);
966 return true;
967 }
968 }
969 return false;
970 };
971 PriorityQueue.count = 0;
973 /**
974 * Supports push-style iteration over an observable sequence.
975 */
976 var Observer = Rx.Observer = function () { };
978 /**
979 * Creates an observer from the specified OnNext, along with optional OnError, and OnCompleted actions.
980 * @param {Function} [onNext] Observer's OnNext action implementation.
981 * @param {Function} [onError] Observer's OnError action implementation.
982 * @param {Function} [onCompleted] Observer's OnCompleted action implementation.
983 * @returns {Observer} The observer object implemented using the given actions.
984 */
985 var observerCreate = Observer.create = function (onNext, onError, onCompleted) {
986 onNext || (onNext = noop);
987 onError || (onError = defaultError);
988 onCompleted || (onCompleted = noop);
989 return new AnonymousObserver(onNext, onError, onCompleted);
990 };
992 /**
993 * Abstract base class for implementations of the Observer class.
994 * This base class enforces the grammar of observers where OnError and OnCompleted are terminal messages.
995 */
996 var AbstractObserver = Rx.internals.AbstractObserver = (function (__super__) {
997 inherits(AbstractObserver, __super__);
999 /**
1000 * Creates a new observer in a non-stopped state.
1001 */
1002 function AbstractObserver() {
1003 this.isStopped = false;
1004 }
1006 // Must be implemented by other observers
1007 AbstractObserver.prototype.next = notImplemented;
1008 AbstractObserver.prototype.error = notImplemented;
1009 AbstractObserver.prototype.completed = notImplemented;
1011 /**
1012 * Notifies the observer of a new element in the sequence.
1013 * @param {Any} value Next element in the sequence.
1014 */
1015 AbstractObserver.prototype.onNext = function (value) {
1016 !this.isStopped && this.next(value);
1017 };
1019 /**
1020 * Notifies the observer that an exception has occurred.
1021 * @param {Any} error The error that has occurred.
1022 */
1023 AbstractObserver.prototype.onError = function (error) {
1024 if (!this.isStopped) {
1025 this.isStopped = true;
1026 this.error(error);
1027 }
1028 };
1030 /**
1031 * Notifies the observer of the end of the sequence.
1032 */
1033 AbstractObserver.prototype.onCompleted = function () {
1034 if (!this.isStopped) {
1035 this.isStopped = true;
1036 this.completed();
1037 }
1038 };
1040 /**
1041 * Disposes the observer, causing it to transition to the stopped state.
1042 */
1043 AbstractObserver.prototype.dispose = function () { this.isStopped = true; };
1045 AbstractObserver.prototype.fail = function (e) {
1046 if (!this.isStopped) {
1047 this.isStopped = true;
1048 this.error(e);
1049 return true;
1050 }
1052 return false;
1053 };
1055 return AbstractObserver;
1056 }(Observer));
1058 /**
1059 * Class to create an Observer instance from delegate-based implementations of the on* methods.
1060 */
1061 var AnonymousObserver = Rx.AnonymousObserver = (function (__super__) {
1062 inherits(AnonymousObserver, __super__);
1064 /**
1065 * Creates an observer from the specified OnNext, OnError, and OnCompleted actions.
1066 * @param {Any} onNext Observer's OnNext action implementation.
1067 * @param {Any} onError Observer's OnError action implementation.
1068 * @param {Any} onCompleted Observer's OnCompleted action implementation.
1069 */
1070 function AnonymousObserver(onNext, onError, onCompleted) {
1071 __super__.call(this);
1072 this._onNext = onNext;
1073 this._onError = onError;
1074 this._onCompleted = onCompleted;
1075 }
1077 /**
1078 * Calls the onNext action.
1079 * @param {Any} value Next element in the sequence.
1080 */
1081 AnonymousObserver.prototype.next = function (value) {
1082 this._onNext(value);
1083 };
1085 /**
1086 * Calls the onError action.
1087 * @param {Any} error The error that has occurred.
1088 */
1089 AnonymousObserver.prototype.error = function (error) {
1090 this._onError(error);
1091 };
1093 /**
1094 * Calls the onCompleted action.
1095 */
1096 AnonymousObserver.prototype.completed = function () {
1097 this._onCompleted();
1098 };
1100 return AnonymousObserver;
1101 }(AbstractObserver));
1103 var observableProto;
1105 /**
1106 * Represents a push-style collection.
1107 */
1108 var Observable = Rx.Observable = (function () {
1110 function makeSubscribe(self, subscribe) {
1111 return function (o) {
1112 var oldOnError = o.onError;
1113 o.onError = function (e) {
1114 makeStackTraceLong(e, self);
1115 oldOnError.call(o, e);
1116 };
1118 return subscribe.call(self, o);
1119 };
1120 }
1122 function Observable() {
1123 if (Rx.config.longStackSupport && hasStacks) {
1124 var oldSubscribe = this._subscribe;
1125 var e = tryCatch(thrower)(new Error()).e;
1126 this.stack = e.stack.substring(e.stack.indexOf('\n') + 1);
1127 this._subscribe = makeSubscribe(this, oldSubscribe);
1128 }
1129 }
1131 observableProto = Observable.prototype;
1133 /**
1134 * Determines whether the given object is an Observable
1135 * @param {Any} An object to determine whether it is an Observable
1136 * @returns {Boolean} true if an Observable, else false.
1137 */
1138 Observable.isObservable = function (o) {
1139 return o && isFunction(o.subscribe);
1140 };
1142 /**
1143 * Subscribes an o to the observable sequence.
1144 * @param {Mixed} [oOrOnNext] The object that is to receive notifications or an action to invoke for each element in the observable sequence.
1145 * @param {Function} [onError] Action to invoke upon exceptional termination of the observable sequence.
1146 * @param {Function} [onCompleted] Action to invoke upon graceful termination of the observable sequence.
1147 * @returns {Diposable} A disposable handling the subscriptions and unsubscriptions.
1148 */
1149 observableProto.subscribe = observableProto.forEach = function (oOrOnNext, onError, onCompleted) {
1150 return this._subscribe(typeof oOrOnNext === 'object' ?
1151 oOrOnNext :
1152 observerCreate(oOrOnNext, onError, onCompleted));
1153 };
1155 /**
1156 * Subscribes to the next value in the sequence with an optional "this" argument.
1157 * @param {Function} onNext The function to invoke on each element in the observable sequence.
1158 * @param {Any} [thisArg] Object to use as this when executing callback.
1159 * @returns {Disposable} A disposable handling the subscriptions and unsubscriptions.
1160 */
1161 observableProto.subscribeOnNext = function (onNext, thisArg) {
1162 return this._subscribe(observerCreate(typeof thisArg !== 'undefined' ? function(x) { onNext.call(thisArg, x); } : onNext));
1163 };
1165 /**
1166 * Subscribes to an exceptional condition in the sequence with an optional "this" argument.
1167 * @param {Function} onError The function to invoke upon exceptional termination of the observable sequence.
1168 * @param {Any} [thisArg] Object to use as this when executing callback.
1169 * @returns {Disposable} A disposable handling the subscriptions and unsubscriptions.
1170 */
1171 observableProto.subscribeOnError = function (onError, thisArg) {
1172 return this._subscribe(observerCreate(null, typeof thisArg !== 'undefined' ? function(e) { onError.call(thisArg, e); } : onError));
1173 };
1175 /**
1176 * Subscribes to the next value in the sequence with an optional "this" argument.
1177 * @param {Function} onCompleted The function to invoke upon graceful termination of the observable sequence.
1178 * @param {Any} [thisArg] Object to use as this when executing callback.
1179 * @returns {Disposable} A disposable handling the subscriptions and unsubscriptions.
1180 */
1181 observableProto.subscribeOnCompleted = function (onCompleted, thisArg) {
1182 return this._subscribe(observerCreate(null, null, typeof thisArg !== 'undefined' ? function() { onCompleted.call(thisArg); } : onCompleted));
1183 };
1185 return Observable;
1186 })();
1188 var AnonymousObservable = Rx.AnonymousObservable = (function (__super__) {
1189 inherits(AnonymousObservable, __super__);
1191 // Fix subscriber to check for undefined or function returned to decorate as Disposable
1192 function fixSubscriber(subscriber) {
1193 return subscriber && isFunction(subscriber.dispose) ? subscriber :
1194 isFunction(subscriber) ? disposableCreate(subscriber) : disposableEmpty;
1195 }
1197 function setDisposable(s, state) {
1198 var ado = state[0], self = state[1];
1199 var sub = tryCatch(self.__subscribe).call(self, ado);
1200 if (sub === errorObj && !ado.fail(errorObj.e)) { thrower(errorObj.e); }
1201 ado.setDisposable(fixSubscriber(sub));
1202 }
1204 function AnonymousObservable(subscribe, parent) {
1205 this.source = parent;
1206 this.__subscribe = subscribe;
1207 __super__.call(this);
1208 }
1210 AnonymousObservable.prototype._subscribe = function (o) {
1211 var ado = new AutoDetachObserver(o), state = [ado, this];
1213 if (currentThreadScheduler.scheduleRequired()) {
1214 currentThreadScheduler.schedule(state, setDisposable);
1215 } else {
1216 setDisposable(null, state);
1217 }
1218 return ado;
1219 };
1221 return AnonymousObservable;
1223 }(Observable));
1225 var ObservableBase = Rx.ObservableBase = (function (__super__) {
1226 inherits(ObservableBase, __super__);
1228 function fixSubscriber(subscriber) {
1229 return subscriber && isFunction(subscriber.dispose) ? subscriber :
1230 isFunction(subscriber) ? disposableCreate(subscriber) : disposableEmpty;
1231 }
1233 function setDisposable(s, state) {
1234 var ado = state[0], self = state[1];
1235 var sub = tryCatch(self.subscribeCore).call(self, ado);
1236 if (sub === errorObj && !ado.fail(errorObj.e)) { thrower(errorObj.e); }
1237 ado.setDisposable(fixSubscriber(sub));
1238 }
1240 function ObservableBase() {
1241 __super__.call(this);
1242 }
1244 ObservableBase.prototype._subscribe = function (o) {
1245 var ado = new AutoDetachObserver(o), state = [ado, this];
1247 if (currentThreadScheduler.scheduleRequired()) {
1248 currentThreadScheduler.schedule(state, setDisposable);
1249 } else {
1250 setDisposable(null, state);
1251 }
1252 return ado;
1253 };
1255 ObservableBase.prototype.subscribeCore = notImplemented;
1257 return ObservableBase;
1258 }(Observable));
1260 var AutoDetachObserver = (function (__super__) {
1261 inherits(AutoDetachObserver, __super__);
1263 function AutoDetachObserver(observer) {
1264 __super__.call(this);
1265 this.observer = observer;
1266 this.m = new SingleAssignmentDisposable();
1267 }
1269 var AutoDetachObserverPrototype = AutoDetachObserver.prototype;
1271 AutoDetachObserverPrototype.next = function (value) {
1272 var result = tryCatch(this.observer.onNext).call(this.observer, value);
1273 if (result === errorObj) {
1274 this.dispose();
1275 thrower(result.e);
1276 }
1277 };
1279 AutoDetachObserverPrototype.error = function (err) {
1280 var result = tryCatch(this.observer.onError).call(this.observer, err);
1281 this.dispose();
1282 result === errorObj && thrower(result.e);
1283 };
1285 AutoDetachObserverPrototype.completed = function () {
1286 var result = tryCatch(this.observer.onCompleted).call(this.observer);
1287 this.dispose();
1288 result === errorObj && thrower(result.e);
1289 };
1291 AutoDetachObserverPrototype.setDisposable = function (value) { this.m.setDisposable(value); };
1292 AutoDetachObserverPrototype.getDisposable = function () { return this.m.getDisposable(); };
1294 AutoDetachObserverPrototype.dispose = function () {
1295 __super__.prototype.dispose.call(this);
1296 this.m.dispose();
1297 };
1299 return AutoDetachObserver;
1300 }(AbstractObserver));
1302 /**
1303 * Creates an observable sequence from a specified subscribe method implementation.
1304 * @example
1305 * var res = Rx.Observable.create(function (observer) { return function () { } );
1306 * var res = Rx.Observable.create(function (observer) { return Rx.Disposable.empty; } );
1307 * var res = Rx.Observable.create(function (observer) { } );
1308 * @param {Function} subscribe Implementation of the resulting observable sequence's subscribe method, returning a function that will be wrapped in a Disposable.
1309 * @returns {Observable} The observable sequence with the specified implementation for the Subscribe method.
1310 */
1311 Observable.create = function (subscribe, parent) {
1312 return new AnonymousObservable(subscribe, parent);
1313 };
1315 if (typeof define == 'function' && typeof define.amd == 'object' && define.amd) {
1316 root.Rx = Rx;
1318 define(function() {
1319 return Rx;
1320 });
1321 } else if (freeExports && freeModule) {
1322 // in Node.js or RingoJS
1323 if (moduleExports) {
1324 (freeModule.exports = Rx).Rx = Rx;
1325 } else {
1326 freeExports.Rx = Rx;
1327 }
1328 } else {
1329 // in a browser or Rhino
1330 root.Rx = Rx;
1331 }
1333 // All code before this point will be filtered from stack traces.
1334 var rEndingLine = captureLine();