3.35 kBTypeScriptView Raw
1import { Observable } from '../Observable';
2import { ObservableInput, SchedulerLike, ObservedValueOf, ObservableInputTuple } from '../types';
3import { Subscriber } from '../Subscriber';
4import { AnyCatcher } from '../AnyCatcher';
6 * You have passed `any` here, we can't figure out if it is
7 * an array or an object, so you're getting `unknown`. Use better types.
8 * @param arg Something typed as `any`
9 */
10export declare function combineLatest<T extends AnyCatcher>(arg: T): Observable<unknown>;
11export declare function combineLatest(sources: []): Observable<never>;
12export declare function combineLatest<A extends readonly unknown[]>(sources: readonly [...ObservableInputTuple<A>]): Observable<A>;
13/** @deprecated The `scheduler` parameter will be removed in v8. Use `scheduled` and `combineLatestAll`. Details: https://rxjs.dev/deprecations/scheduler-argument */
14export declare function combineLatest<A extends readonly unknown[], R>(sources: readonly [...ObservableInputTuple<A>], resultSelector: (...values: A) => R, scheduler: SchedulerLike): Observable<R>;
15export declare function combineLatest<A extends readonly unknown[], R>(sources: readonly [...ObservableInputTuple<A>], resultSelector: (...values: A) => R): Observable<R>;
16/** @deprecated The `scheduler` parameter will be removed in v8. Use `scheduled` and `combineLatestAll`. Details: https://rxjs.dev/deprecations/scheduler-argument */
17export declare function combineLatest<A extends readonly unknown[]>(sources: readonly [...ObservableInputTuple<A>], scheduler: SchedulerLike): Observable<A>;
18/** @deprecated Pass an array of sources instead. The rest-parameters signature will be removed in v8. Details: https://rxjs.dev/deprecations/array-argument */
19export declare function combineLatest<A extends readonly unknown[]>(...sources: [...ObservableInputTuple<A>]): Observable<A>;
20/** @deprecated The `scheduler` parameter will be removed in v8. Use `scheduled` and `combineLatestAll`. Details: https://rxjs.dev/deprecations/scheduler-argument */
21export declare function combineLatest<A extends readonly unknown[], R>(...sourcesAndResultSelectorAndScheduler: [...ObservableInputTuple<A>, (...values: A) => R, SchedulerLike]): Observable<R>;
22/** @deprecated Pass an array of sources instead. The rest-parameters signature will be removed in v8. Details: https://rxjs.dev/deprecations/array-argument */
23export declare function combineLatest<A extends readonly unknown[], R>(...sourcesAndResultSelector: [...ObservableInputTuple<A>, (...values: A) => R]): Observable<R>;
24/** @deprecated The `scheduler` parameter will be removed in v8. Use `scheduled` and `combineLatestAll`. Details: https://rxjs.dev/deprecations/scheduler-argument */
25export declare function combineLatest<A extends readonly unknown[]>(...sourcesAndScheduler: [...ObservableInputTuple<A>, SchedulerLike]): Observable<A>;
26export declare function combineLatest(sourcesObject: {
27 [K in any]: never;
28}): Observable<never>;
29export declare function combineLatest<T extends Record<string, ObservableInput<any>>>(sourcesObject: T): Observable<{
30 [K in keyof T]: ObservedValueOf<T[K]>;
32export declare function combineLatestInit(observables: ObservableInput<any>[], scheduler?: SchedulerLike, valueTransform?: (values: any[]) => any): (subscriber: Subscriber<any>) => void;
33//# sourceMappingURL=combineLatest.d.ts.map
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