744 BTypeScriptView Raw
1import { OperatorFunction, SchedulerLike, ValueFromArray } from '../types';
2export declare function startWith<T>(value: null): OperatorFunction<T, T | null>;
3export declare function startWith<T>(value: undefined): OperatorFunction<T, T | undefined>;
4/** @deprecated The `scheduler` parameter will be removed in v8. Use `scheduled` and `concatAll`. Details: https://rxjs.dev/deprecations/scheduler-argument */
5export declare function startWith<T, A extends readonly unknown[] = T[]>(...valuesAndScheduler: [...A, SchedulerLike]): OperatorFunction<T, T | ValueFromArray<A>>;
6export declare function startWith<T, A extends readonly unknown[] = T[]>(...values: A): OperatorFunction<T, T | ValueFromArray<A>>;
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