3.1 kBTypeScriptView Raw
1import { SfdxCommand, flags } from '@salesforce/command';
2import { Dictionary } from '@salesforce/ts-types';
3import Output = flags.Output;
4export declare abstract class ToolbeltCommand extends SfdxCommand {
5 protected static supportsPerfLogLevelFlag: boolean;
6 protected static schema: {
7 name: string;
8 flag: string;
9 };
10 static theDescription: string;
11 static deprecated: {
12 version: number;
13 /**
14 * Add the "Use <to> instead." messaging.
15 */
16 to?: string;
17 /**
18 * Use the default messaging but append an additional message at the end.
19 */
20 message?: string;
21 /**
22 * Override the default messaging.
23 */
24 messageOverride?: string;
25 };
26 /**
27 * In order to get the help property displayed during --help, we need to append it onto the description.
28 * This means that all commands that extend ToolbeltCommand can't use `public static readme description = ''`.
29 * To get around this, we use the `theDescription` name instead.
30 *
31 * When commands migrate to SfdxCommand, they should change the messages for description to include both the
32 * description and the help messages.
33 */
34 static readonly description: string;
35 static readonly extraHelp: string;
36 static readonly flags: Output;
37 private legacyContext?;
38 /**
39 * Call to stringify parsed flags for backward compatibility.
40 * Don't invoke this if you wish to use new-style parsed flags.
41 */
42 protected stringifyFlags(): void;
43 /**
44 * This is a bridge to for all old cli-engine commands.
45 * All new oclif commands should be refactored to NOT use
46 * this method anymore, and should move the old Command classes
47 * in lib that have a validate and execute method to be in the
48 * actual oclif command class.
49 *
50 * TODO Provide instructions on how to get people to move off of execLegacyCommand
51 * * Remove src/lib/path/to/*Command file and put logic in the oclif/force/path/to/command file
52 * * Change getColumnData to protected static results {} // TODO more info here.
53 * * Remove getHumanSuccessMessage and just put it at the end of your run command
54 * * Remove getHumanErrorMessage and throw an SfdxError
55 * * ...
56 * @param command
57 */
58 protected execLegacyCommand(command: any, context: any, stdin?: any): Promise<any>;
59 /**
60 * returns true if a wildcard like expansion or behavior is detected
61 * @param param the next parameter passed into the cli
62 */
63 checkIfWildcardError(param: string): boolean;
64 /**
65 * SfdxError.wrap does not keep actions, so we need to convert ourselves if using almError
66 * @param err
67 */
68 protected catch(err: Error): Promise<void>;
69 protected getJsonResultObject(result: any, status: any): any;
70 protected resolveLegacyContext(): Promise<Dictionary<any>>;
71 protected legacyOutput(command: any, obj: any): void;
72 protected readonly statics: typeof ToolbeltCommand;
73 protected static logPerfMetrics(obj: any): any;