164 kBJavaScriptView Raw
1"use strict";
3 * Copyright (c) 2016, salesforce.com, inc.
4 * All rights reserved.
5 * Licensed under the BSD 3-Clause license.
6 * For full license text, see LICENSE.txt file in the repo root or https://opensource.org/licenses/BSD-3-Clause
7 */
8const os = require("os");
9const util = require("util");
10const ts_types_1 = require("@salesforce/ts-types");
11const TARGET_USERNAME_PARAM = 'targetusername';
12const PERF_LOG_LEVEL_PARAM = 'perflog';
13const messages = {
14 default: {
15 en_US: {
16 // common
17 actionRequiredHeader: 'Action Required!',
18 // errors
19 PathToBundleComponenet: 'You must specify the Aura bundle folder, not an individual component.',
20 WildCardError: 'ERROR: This command doesn\'t support wildcards. Remove the wildcard, and run the command again.\nSee --help for examples.',
21 GeneralCommandFailure: 'This command failed.',
22 InvalidProjectWorkspace: 'This directory does not contain a valid Salesforce DX project.',
23 MissingClientConfig: 'Missing a client configuration. Please run the config command.',
24 TestMessage: 'This is a test message do not change.',
25 MissingAppConfig: 'The current project is invalid. sfdx-project.json is missing.',
26 OldSfdxWorkspaceJsonPresent: 'Project file %s/sfdx-workspace.json needs to be renamed to sfdx-project.json',
27 UndefinedLocalizationLabel: 'Missing label %s:%s for locale %s.',
28 LoginServerNotFound: 'The hostname for the login server is not found: %s:%s',
29 InvalidProjectDescriptor: 'This project descriptor is in invalid. The attribute [%s] is not found.',
30 MissingRequiredParameter: 'A required parameter [%s] is missing.',
31 InvalidParameter: 'Invalid [%s] parameter: %s',
32 MissingScratchOrgNamespace: 'The [NamespacePrefix] is missing from the ScratchOrgInfo.',
33 MaxOrgIds: 'The maximum number of local orgs (%s) has been reached',
34 MaxOrgIdsAction: 'Use "sfdx force:org:list --clean" to remove outdated org configurations.',
35 UserSessionIsInvalid: '%s: The user session for this org is expired or invalid. Please run config.',
36 MissingScratchOrgDef: 'A scratch org definition file not found at %s. Please create it.',
37 NonScratchOrgPush: 'You can push source only to scratch orgs using this command. ' +
38 'Use "sfdx force:source:deploy" or "sfdx force:mdapi:deploy" to deploy changes to orgs that don’t have change tracking.',
39 ProblemQueryingOrganizationSettingsDetail: 'No organization settings found',
40 ProblemSettingOrgPrefs: 'Cannot set org preferences. %s',
41 ProblemDeployingSettings: 'Failed to deploy settings to scratch org.',
42 PathDoesNotExist: 'The specified path [%s] does not exist',
43 InvalidArgumentFilePath: 'Invalid argument to --%s. You specified a directory path [%s], but a file is required.',
44 InvalidArgumentDirectoryPath: 'Invalid argument to --%s. You specified a file path [%s], but a directory is required.',
45 InvalidValueForDefaultPath: 'In sfdx-project.json, set the default to true or false. Example: [{ "path": "packageDirectory1", "default": true }, { "path": "packageDirectory2", "default": false }]',
46 MultipleDefaultPaths: 'In sfdx-project.json, indicate only one package directory (path) as the default.',
47 MissingDefaultPath: 'In sfdx-project.json, be sure to specify which package directory (path) is the default. Example: [{ "path": "packageDirectory1", "default": true }, { "path": "packageDirectory2" }]',
48 InvalidPackageDirectory: 'The path %s, specified in sfdx-project.json, does not exist. Be sure this directory is included in your project root.',
49 InvalidAbsolutePath: 'The path %s, specified in sfdx-project.json, must be indicated as a relative path to the project root.',
50 IncorrectLogLevel: 'valid values are {%s}',
51 LoggerNameRequired: 'A logger name is required',
52 InvalidVariableReference: 'Invalid variable reference: variable "%s" not found or unset.',
53 ValidationSchemaFieldErrors: 'Schema validation failed with following errors:\n%s',
54 ValidationSchemaUnknown: 'Schema validation failed with unknown error',
55 InvalidJson: 'An error occurred parsing "%s"',
56 JsonParseError: 'Parse error in file %s on line %s\n%s\n',
57 InvalidJsonCasing: 'All JSON input must have heads down camelcase keys. E.g., { sfdcLoginUrl: "https://login.salesforce.com" }\nFound "%s" in\n%s',
58 NoWorkspaceOrUser: `Command must be executed in a project directory or with the --${TARGET_USERNAME_PARAM} flag.`,
59 OrgDataNotAvailableError: 'An attempt to refresh the authentication token failed with a "Data Not Found Error". The org identified by username %s doesn\'t appear to exist. Likely cause is that the org was deleted by another user or has expired.',
60 OrgDataNotAvailableErrorAction: 'Run "sfdx force:org:list --clean" to remove stale org authentications.\nUse "sfdx force:config" to update the defaultusername.\nUse "sfdx force:org:create" to create a new org.\nUse "sfdx force:auth" to authenticate an existing org.',
61 InvalidCommandGroup: 'You have specified an invalid command group in which to stash your values. Please verify that you are specifying a valid command or register your command in stash.js under Stash#Commands.',
62 // help
63 schemaInfoOption: 'display schema information for the --%s configuration file to stdout; if you use this option, all other options except --json are ignored',
64 schemaInfoOptionLong: 'Displays the schema information for the configuration file. If you use this option, all other options, except --json, are ignored.',
65 invalidInstanceUrlForAccessTokenAction: 'Verify that the instanceUrl config setting is set to the instance that the access token belongs to.' +
66 '\nUse "sfdx force:config:list" to view your current setting.' +
67 '\nUse "sfdx force:config:set instanceUrl=<instance URL> --global" to set your instanceUrl to the correct instance.',
68 invalidBooleanConfigValue: 'The config value can only be set to true or false.',
69 cliForceConfigHelp: 'configures this project with a scratch org',
70 cliForceConfigHelpClientId: 'specify the connected app client ID for the master org',
71 cliForceConfigHelpClientSecret: 'specify the connected app client secret for the master org',
72 cliForceConfigHelpClientRedirectUri: 'specify the connected app redirect uri for the master org',
73 cliForceConfigHelpUsername: 'the master org username',
74 cliForceConfigHelpPassword: 'the master org password',
75 cliForceConfigHelpSuccess: 'successfully updated the SFDC accessToken',
76 cliForceSyncHelp: 'synchronize Salesforce source between the scratch org and the project',
77 cliForceSyncUpHelp: 'synchronize project source to the scratch org',
78 cliForceSyncDownHelp: 'synchronize scratch org source to the project',
79 cliForceHelp: 'tools for the Salesforce developer',
80 cliForceSyncTypeHelp: '[All | Changed] Sync all or only the changed source. All is default.',
81 cliForceRefreshHelp: 'Refreshes the auth token for the scratch org.',
82 cliForceRefreshSuccess: 'Successfully reset the org auth token. Chive on!',
83 cliForceCreateHelpType: 'The type of source to create. Values: [ScratchOrg]]',
84 cliForceCreateHelpFile: 'Path to a file containing org signup parameters, in JSON format.',
85 cliForceCreateHelpJson: 'The org signup parameters in JSON format.',
86 cliForceCreateHelpPassword: 'Password for the admin user.',
87 cliForceCreateMessageWrongType: 'Unsupported type. Valid types are [%s].',
88 cliForceCreateMessageSuccess: 'Scratch org successfully created with id: %s',
89 cliForceCreateMessagePassword: 'Setting org password...',
90 cliForceCreateMessagePasswordOk: 'Ok',
91 cliForceCreateNoConfig: 'Please specify an org configuration via file and/or key=value pairs',
92 cliForceTestRunHelp: 'Invoke Apex tests in a given org.',
93 cliForceTestRunHelp_results: 'Wait for results. Display results when tests are complete. If false, use "getTestResults -i [runTestId]" command to get results.',
94 cliForceTestRunHelp_classIds: 'Apex Class Ids to test.',
95 cliForceTestRunHelp_suiteIds: 'Test Suite Ids to test (WIP).',
96 cliForceTestGetResultsHelp: 'Retrieve test results for given runTestId in a given org.',
97 cliForceTestGetResultsHelp_id: 'Id of test run.',
98 oauthBrowserSuccess: 'Successfully updated the auth configuration for the org.',
99 closeTheBrowser: 'You may now close the browser.',
100 urlStateMismatch: 'The Oauth redirect listener encountered an http request that is not trusted. Ignoring.',
101 keyChainItemCreateFailed: 'Attempting to create an encryption key failed. %s',
102 UnsupportedOperatingSystem: 'Unsupported Operating System: %s',
103 invalidEncryptedFormat: 'The encrypted data is not properly formatted.',
104 invalidEncryptedFormatAction: 'If attempting to create a scratch org then re-authorize. Otherwise create a new scratch org.',
105 authDecryptFailed: 'Failed to decipher auth data. reason: %s.',
106 genericTimeoutMessage: 'Socket timeout occurred while listening for results.',
107 genericTimeoutCommandWaitMessageAction: 'Use command "%s" to retry. You may consider increasing --wait parameter value to increase timeout.',
108 genericTimeoutWaitMessageAction: 'You may consider increasing the --wait parameter value to increase timeout.',
109 subscriberHandshakeTimeout: 'Subscriber handshake failed due to a socket timeout.',
110 subscriberHandshakeTimeoutAction: 'Check your connection to force.com and try again',
111 herokuTopicDescription: 'tools for the Salesforce developer',
112 invalidApiVersion: 'An invalid api version is being reported by config. (apiVersion=%s)',
113 streamingWait: 'the streaming client socket timeout (in minutes)',
114 streamingWaitLong: 'Sets the streaming client socket timeout, in minutes. ' +
115 'If the streaming client socket has no contact from the server for a number of minutes, the client exits. ' +
116 'Specify a longer wait time if timeouts occur frequently.',
117 createOrgCommandDuration: 'duration of the scratch org (in days) (default:7, min:1, max:30)',
118 createOrgCommandDurationLong: 'Sets the duration of the scratch org, in days. ' + 'Valid values are from 1-30. The default is 7 days.',
119 unrecognizedScratchOrgOption: '%s is not a supported option for scratch org configuration.',
120 herokuNamespaceDescription: 'tools for the Salesforce developer',
121 jsonOutputOption: 'format output as json',
122 jsonOutputOptionLong: 'Format output as JSON.',
123 loglevelOption: 'logging level for this command invocation',
124 loglevelOptionLong: 'The logging level for this command invocation. Logs are stored in $HOME/.sfdx/sfdx.log.',
125 usernameOption: 'username or alias for the target org',
126 usernameOptionLong: 'A username or alias for the target org.',
127 targetUsernameOption: 'username or alias for the target org; overrides default target org',
128 targetUsernameOptionLong: 'A username or alias for the target org. Overrides the default target org.',
129 perfLogLevelOption: 'get API performance data',
130 perfLogLevelOptionLong: 'Gets data on API performance metrics from the server. The data is stored in $HOME/.sfdx/apiPerformanceLog.json',
131 invalidPortNumber: 'Invalid OAuth redirect port number defined: %s',
132 ClientSecretRequired: 'The client secret is required.',
133 authorizeCommandMissingJwtOption: 'Both username and file must be provided.',
134 authorizeCommandMissingClientId: 'The client ID is required for the JWT-based authentication process',
135 authorizeCommandSuccess: 'Successfully authorized %s with org ID %s',
136 authorizeCommandCloseBrowser: 'You may now close the browser',
137 createOrgCommandSuccess: 'Successfully created scratch org: %s, username: %s',
138 createOrgCommandDescription: 'create a scratch org',
139 createOrgCommandDescriptionLong: 'Creates a scratch org using values specified in a configuration file or ' +
140 'key=value pairs that you specify on the command line. Values specified on the command line override values in the configuration file.',
141 createOrgCommandHelp: 'To set up a connected app for your new scratch org, specify the value that was ' +
142 'returned when you created a connected app in your Dev Hub org as --clientid.' +
143 '\n\nExamples:' +
144 '\n $ sfdx force:org:create -f config/enterprise-scratch-def.json -a TestOrg1' +
145 '\n $ sfdx force:org:create -a MyDevOrg -s -v me@myhub.org edition=Developer' +
146 '\n $ sfdx force:org:create -f config/enterprise-scratch-def.json -a OrgWithOverrides username=testuser1@mycompany.org',
147 createOrgCommandClientId: 'connected app consumer key',
148 createOrgCommandClientIdLong: 'Connected app consumer key, as configured in your Dev Hub.',
149 createOrgCommandSet: 'set the created org as the default username',
150 createOrgCommandSetLong: 'Sets the created org as the default username.',
151 createOrgCommandAlias: 'set an alias for the created scratch org',
152 createOrgCommandAliasLong: 'Sets an alias for the created scratch org.',
153 createOrgTargetDevhubUsername: 'username or alias for the dev hub org; overrides default dev hub org',
154 createOrgTargetDevhubUsernameLong: 'A username or alias for the target Dev Hub org. Overrides the default Dev Hub org.',
155 createOrgCommandFile: 'path to a scratch org definition file',
156 createOrgCommandFileLong: 'Path to a scratch org definition file. Either --definitionfile or ' +
157 'a vararg value for edition (for example, edition=Developer) is required. ' +
158 'Varargs override the values in the scratch org definition file.',
159 createOrgCommandObject: 'scratch org definition in json format ',
160 createOrgCommandObjectLong: 'Scratch org definition in JSON format. Either --definitionfile or ' + '--definitionjson is required.',
161 createOrgCommandNoNamespace: 'creates the scratch org with no namespace',
162 createOrgCommandNoNamespaceLong: 'Creates the scratch org with no namespace. Useful when using a scratch ' +
163 'org to test installations of packages with namespaces.',
164 createOrgCommandNoAncestors: 'do not include second-generation package ancestors in the scratch org',
165 createOrgCommandNoAncestorsLong: 'Do not include second-generation package ancestors in the scratch org.',
166 createOrgCommandEnv: 'environment where the scratch org is created: [%s]',
167 createOrgCommandEnvLong: 'Environment where the scratch org is created: [%s].',
168 createOrgCommandUnauthorized: 'You do not have access to the [%s] object',
169 createOrgTimeoutHintNoIdAction: 'Retry creating the org but increase the wait timeout.',
170 apexReportCommandNoTestFound: 'No test found with the given names [%s]',
171 apexReportCommandNoJobId: 'No test run job ID found.',
172 apexReportCommandInvalidJobId: 'Invalid test run job ID: ',
173 apexReportCommandInvalidResponse: 'Invalid API response: %s',
174 apexReportCommandTestResultRetrievalFailed: 'Unable to get test results for job [%s]: [%s]',
175 apexReportCommandCodeCoverageRetrievalFailed: 'Unable to get code coverage for job [%s]: [%s]',
176 CoverageWithoutReporter: 'A result format is required when specifying codecoverage',
177 apexTestApiInvalidReporter: 'Unknown result format type. Must be one of the following values: %s',
178 apexTestApiInvalidTestRunId: 'Test run job ID not found: %s',
179 apexTestApiInvalidTestLevel: 'Unknown testlevel `%s`. Must be one of the following values: [%s]',
180 apexTestApiIncorrectTestLevel: 'When specifying classnames, suitenames, or tests, the provided testlevel must be RunSpecifiedTests',
181 apexTestApiInvalidParams: 'Specify either classnames, suitenames, or tests',
182 InvalidAsyncTestJob: 'Unable to invoke async test job: %s',
183 InvalidAsyncTestJobUnknownAction: 'Try running the tests in the Developer Console by using force:org:open, or create a new scratch org and try again.',
184 InvalidAsyncTestJobNoneFound: 'Unable to invoke any tests. Ensure the tests are loaded into the org or valid inputs are supplied.',
185 unsupportedValueForEnv: 'Unsupported value for env: [%s]',
186 unsupportedValueForDuration: 'Unsupported value for durationdays (must be 1-30): [%s]',
187 invalid_client: 'Invalid client credentials. Verify the OAuth client secret and ID.',
188 signupFailed: 'The request to create a scratch org failed with error code: %s.',
189 signupFailedUnknown: 'An unknown server error occurred. Please try again. If you still see this error, contact Salesforce support for assistance. Include the information from "sfdx force:data:record:get -s ScratchOrgInfo -i %s -u %s".',
190 signupFailedAction: 'See https://developer.salesforce.com/docs/atlas.en-us.api.meta/api/sforce_api_objects_signuprequest.htm for information on error code %s.',
191 signupUnexpected: 'The request to create a scratch org returned an unexpected status',
192 signupFieldsMissing: 'Required fields are missing for org creation: [%s]',
193 signupDuplicateSettingsSpecified: "You cannot use 'settings' and `'orgPreferences' in your scratch definition file, please specify one or the other.",
194 pushCommandAsyncRequestInvalidated: 'Salesforce cancelled the job because the results might not be valid. Is there a newer compile request?',
195 pushCommandAsyncRequestUnexpected: 'An unexpected error occurred during deploy.',
196 pushCommandCliInvalidUsernameOption: 'Invalid value for username',
197 pullCommandConflictMsg: 'We couldn’t complete the pull operation due to conflicts. Verify that you want to keep the remote versions, then run "sfdx force:source:pull -f" with the --forceoverwrite (-f) option.',
198 MissingMetadataExtension: "Expected file at path: %s to end with the '-meta.xml' extension. Please rename the file to %s",
199 MissingMetadataFileWithMetaExt: "Expected metadata file with '-meta.xml' extension at path: %s",
200 MissingMetadataFile: 'Expected metadata file at path: %s',
201 MissingContentFile: 'Expected content file(s) at path(s): %s',
202 MissingContentOrMetadataFile: 'Expected file at path: %s',
203 UnsupportedMimeTypes: 'The following MIME types are not supported: %s',
204 statusCommandCliDescription: 'list local changes and/or changes in a scratch org',
205 statusCommandCliLongDescription: 'Lists changes that have been made locally, in a scratch org, or both.',
206 statusCommandCliHelp: 'Examples:' +
207 '\n $ sfdx force:source:status -l' +
208 '\n $ sfdx force:source:status -r' +
209 '\n $ sfdx force:source:status -a' +
210 '\n $ sfdx force:source:status -a -u me@example.com --json',
211 statusCommandAllOptionDescription: 'list all the changes that have been made',
212 statusCommandAllOptionDescriptionLong: 'Lists all the changes that have been made.',
213 statusCommandLocalOptionDescription: 'list the changes that have been made locally',
214 statusCommandLocalOptionDescriptionLong: 'Lists the changes that have been made locally.',
215 statusCommandRemoteOptionDescription: 'list the changes that have been made in the scratch org',
216 statusCommandRemoteOptionDescriptionLong: 'Lists the changes that have been made in the scratch org.',
217 statusCommandHumanSuccess: 'Source Status',
218 mdapiPullCommandNoDataReturned: 'No metadata was returned by the retrieve',
219 // mdapi general-purpose messages
220 mdapiCliWaitTimeExceededError: 'Your %s request did not complete within the specified wait time [%s minutes]. Try again with a longer wait time.',
221 mdapiCliExclusiveFlagError: 'Specify either --%s or --%s but not both.',
222 mdapiCliInvalidWaitError: 'Specify the number of minutes to wait as a numerical value greater than or equal to -1. You can specify a decimal value if it is greater than 0.',
223 mdapiDeployFailed: 'The metadata deploy operation failed.',
224 // mdapi main topic short and long descriptions
225 mdapiTopicDescription: 'retrieve and deploy metadata using Metadata API',
226 mdapiTopicLongDescription: 'Use the mdapi commands to retrieve and deploy Metadata API–formatted files that ' +
227 'represent components in an org, or to convert Metadata API–formatted metadata into the source format used in ' +
228 'Salesforce DX projects.',
229 // mdapi:deploy messages
230 mdDeployCommandCliInvalidUsernameOption: 'That target username doesn’t exist. Try again with a valid target username.',
231 mdDeployCommandCliZipFileError: 'The --zipfile parameter requires a file path to a zip file. Try again.',
232 mdDeployCommandCliWaitTimeExceededError: 'The deploy request did not complete within the specified wait time [%s minutes].\n' +
233 'To check the status of this deployment, run "sfdx force:mdapi:deploy:report"',
234 mdDeployCommandCliInvalidJobIdError: 'The job for [%s] doesn’t exist. Try again with a valid job ID.',
235 mdDeployCommandCliInvalidRequestIdError: 'The value [%s] provided for ID is not valid. It should be 15 or 18 characters long.',
236 mdDeployCommandCliInvalidRollbackError: 'The rollbackonerror parameter cannot be %s. Specify either "true" or "false"',
237 mdDeployCommandCliNoRestDeploy: 'REST deploy is not available for this org. This feature is currently for internal Salesforce use only.',
238 // mdapi:describemetadata
239 mdDescribeMetadataCommandCliDescription: 'display the metadata types enabled for your org',
240 mdDescribeMetadataCommandCliLong: 'Displays details about metadata types enabled for your org. Use this information to identify the ' +
241 'syntax needed for a <name> element in package.xml. The most recent API version is the default, or you can specify an older version.',
242 mdDescribeMetadataCommandCliHelp: 'The default target username is the admin user for the default scratch org. The username must have ' +
243 'the Modify All Data permission or the Modify Metadata permission (Beta). For more information about permissions, see Salesforce Help.' +
244 '\n\nExamples:' +
245 '\n $ sfdx force:mdapi:describemetadata -a 43.0' +
246 '\n $ sfdx force:mdapi:describemetadata -u me@example.com' +
247 '\n $ sfdx force:mdapi:describemetadata -f /path/to/outputfilename.txt' +
248 '\n $ sfdx force:mdapi:describemetadata -u me@example.com -f /path/to/outputfilename.txt',
249 mdDescribeMetadataCommandCliApiVersion: 'API version to use (the default is %s)',
250 mdDescribeMetadataCommandCliApiVersionLong: 'The API version to use. The default is the latest API version (%s).',
251 mdDescribeMetadataCommandCliResultFile: 'path to the file where results are stored',
252 mdDescribeMetadataCommandCliResultFileLong: 'The path to the file where the results of the command are stored. Directing the output to a file makes it easier to extract relevant information for your package.xml manifest file. The default output destination is the console.',
253 mdDescribeMetadataCommandCliFilterKnown: 'filter metadata known by the CLI',
254 mdDescribeMetadataCommandCliFilterKnownLong: 'Filters all the known metadata from the result such that all that is left are the types not yet fully supported by the CLI.',
255 mdDescribeMetadataCommandCliInvalidApiVersionError: 'To display metadata from an earlier API version, use --apiversion and specify a positive numerical value less than or equal to the current API version (%s).',
256 // mdapi:listmetadata
257 mdListmetadataCommandCliDescription: 'display properties of metadata components of a specified type',
258 mdListmetadataCommandCliLong: 'Displays properties of metadata components of a specified type. This call is useful when you want to identify ' +
259 'individual components in your manifest file or if you want a high-level view of particular components in your organization. ' +
260 'For example, you could use this target to return a list of names of all Layout components in your org, then use this information in a retrieve operation that returns a subset of these components.',
261 mdListmetadataCommandCliHelp: 'The default target username is the admin user for the default scratch org.' +
262 '\n\nExamples:' +
263 '\n $ sfdx force:mdapi:listmetadata -m CustomObject' +
264 '\n $ sfdx force:mdapi:listmetadata -m CustomObject -a 43.0' +
265 '\n $ sfdx force:mdapi:listmetadata -m CustomObject -u me@example.com' +
266 '\n $ sfdx force:mdapi:listmetadata -m CustomObject -f /path/to/outputfilename.txt' +
267 '\n $ sfdx force:mdapi:listmetadata -m Dashboard --folder foldername' +
268 '\n $ sfdx force:mdapi:listmetadata -m Dashboard --folder foldername -a 43.0' +
269 '\n $ sfdx force:mdapi:listmetadata -m Dashboard --folder foldername -u me@example.com' +
270 '\n $ sfdx force:mdapi:listmetadata -m Dashboard --folder foldername -f /path/to/outputfilename.txt' +
271 '\n $ sfdx force:mdapi:listmetadata -m CustomObject -u me@example.com -f /path/to/outputfilename.txt',
272 mdListmetadataCommandCliApiVersion: 'API version to use (the default is %s)',
273 mdListmetadataCommandCliApiVersionLong: 'The API version to use. The default is the latest API version (%s).',
274 mdListmetadataCommandCliResultFile: 'path to the file where results are stored',
275 mdListmetadataCommandCliResultFileLong: 'The path to the file where the results of the command are stored. The default output destination is the console.',
276 mdListmetadataCommandCliInvalidApiVersionError: 'To display metadata from an earlier API version, use --apiversion and specify a positive numerical value less than or equal to the current API version (%s).',
277 mdListmetadataCommandCliMetadatatype: 'metadata type to be retrieved, such as CustomObject; metadata type value is case-sensitive',
278 mdListmetadataCommandCliMetadatatypeLong: 'The metadata type to be retrieved, such as CustomObject or Report. The metadata type value is case-sensitive.',
279 mdListmetadataCommandCliFolder: 'folder associated with the component; required for components that use folders; folder names are case-sensitive',
280 mdListmetadataCommandCliFolderLong: 'The folder associated with the component. This parameter is required for components that use folders, such as Dashboard, Document, EmailTemplate, or Report. The folder name value is case-sensitive.',
281 // mdapi:retrieve messages
282 mdRetrieveCommandCliInvalidUsernameOption: 'That target username doesn’t exist. Try again with a valid target username.',
283 mdRetrieveCommandCliWaitTimeExceededError: 'The retrieve request did not complete within the specified wait time [%s minutes].\n' +
284 'To check the status of this retrieve, run "sfdx force:mdapi:retrieve:report%s"',
285 mdRetrieveCommandCliTooManyPackagesError: 'You specified [%s]. Try again and specify only one package when using --singlepackage.',
286 mdRetrieveCommandCliInvalidProjectError: 'You can’t create a manifest from an artifact when you’re not in a project. ' +
287 'Move into a valid project or specify the manifest location using a parameter (--packagenames, --unpackaged).',
288 mdRetrieveCommandCliInvalidApiVersionError: 'Specify the API version as a positive numerical value less than or equal to the current API version (%s).',
289 mdapiRetrieveFailed: 'The metadata retrieve operation failed: %s',
290 pollTimeout: 'polling timeout in milliseconds (default %s ms)',
291 pollInterval: 'polling interval in milliseconds (default %s ms)',
292 waitParamValidValueError: 'Invalid value was specified for wait. Please provide a wait value greater than %s minutes.',
293 orgTopicDescription: 'manage your orgs',
294 orgTopicDescriptionLong: 'Use the org commands to manage the orgs you use with Salesforce CLI. Create and delete scratch orgs, ' +
295 'list your created and authorized orgs, and open orgs in your browser.',
296 orgShapeTopicDescription: 'manage your org shapes',
297 orgShapeTopicDescriptionLong: 'Use the org:shape commands to manage the org shapes you use with Salesforce CLI. Create and delete org shapes, ' +
298 'and list your created org shapes.',
299 openCommandCliDescription: 'open an org in your browser',
300 openCommandCliDescriptionLong: 'Opens an org in your browser.',
301 openCommandCliHelp: 'Opens your default scratch org, or another org that you specify.' +
302 '\n\nTo open a specific page, specify the portion of the URL after "yourInstance.salesforce.com/" as --path. ' +
303 '\nFor example, specify "--path lightning" to open Lightning Experience, or specify "--path /apex/YourPage" to open ' +
304 'a Visualforce page.' +
305 '\n\nTo generate a URL but not launch your browser, specify --urlonly.' +
306 '\n\nExamples:' +
307 '\n $ sfdx force:org:open' +
308 '\n $ sfdx force:org:open -u me@my.org' +
309 '\n $ sfdx force:org:open -u MyTestOrg1' +
310 '\n $ sfdx force:org:open -r -p lightning',
311 openCommandCliPath: 'navigation URL path',
312 openCommandCliPathLong: 'Navigation URL path (not including domain).',
313 openCommandUrlonly: 'display navigation URL, but don’t launch browser',
314 openCommandUrlonlyLong: 'Displays a navigation URL, but doesn’t launch your browser.',
315 openCommandContainerAction: `You are in a headless environment. To access the org %s, open this URL in a browser:${os.EOL}${os.EOL}%s`,
316 openCommandHumanSuccess: 'Access org %s as user %s with the following URL: %s',
317 openCommandDomainWaiting: 'Waiting to resolve the Lightning Experience-enabled custom domain...',
318 openCommandDomainTimeoutError: 'The Lightning Experience-enabled custom domain is unavailable.',
319 openCommandDomainTimeoutAction: 'The Lightning Experience-enabled custom domain may take a few more minutes to resolve. Try the "force:org:open" command again.',
320 accessTokenLoginUrlNotSet: 'The instance URL is not set, or is incorrect for the given access token. API Error: %s',
321 displayCommandCliDescription: 'get org description',
322 displayCommandCliDescriptionLong: 'Gets the description for the current or target org.',
323 displayCommandCliHelp: 'Output includes your access token, client ID, connected status, ' +
324 'org ID, instance URL, username, and alias, if applicable. ' +
325 '\n\nUse --verbose to include the SFDX auth URL. Including --verbose displays the sfdxAuthUrl property ' +
326 'only if you authenticated to the org using force:auth:web:login (not force:auth:jwt:grant).' +
327 '\n\nExamples:' +
328 '\n $ sfdx force:org:display' +
329 '\n $ sfdx force:org:display -u me@my.org' +
330 '\n $ sfdx force:org:display -u TestOrg1 --json' +
331 '\n $ sfdx force:org:display -u TestOrg1 --json > tmp/MyOrgDesc.json',
332 displayCommandHumanSuccess: 'Org Description',
333 userTopicDescription: 'perform user-related admin tasks',
334 userTopicDescriptionLong: 'Use the user commands to perform user-related admin tasks.',
335 assignCommandCliDescription: 'assign a permission set to one or more users of an org',
336 assignCommandCliDescriptionLong: 'Assigns a named permission set to one or more users of an org.',
337 assignCommandCliHelp: 'Defaults to the defaultusername.' +
338 '\n\nExamples:' +
339 '\n $ sfdx force:user:permset:assign -n DreamHouse' +
340 '\n $ sfdx force:user:permset:assign -n DreamHouse -u me@my.org' +
341 '\n $ sfdx force:user:permset:assign -n DreamHouse -o user1@my.org,user2,user3',
342 assignCommandCliName: 'the name of the permission set to assign',
343 assignCommandCliNameLong: 'The name of the permission set to assign.',
344 assignCommandPermissionSetNotFoundError: 'Permission set "%s" not found in target org. Do you need to push source?',
345 assignCommandPermissionSetNotFoundForNSError: 'Permission set "%s" for namespace "%s" not found in target org. Do you need to push source or install the package?',
346 assignCommandOnBehalfOf: 'comma-separated list of usernames or aliases to assign the permission set to',
347 assignCommandOnBehalfOfLong: 'Comma-separated list of usernames or aliases to assign the permission set to.',
348 pullCommandMetadataTypeLabel: 'Metadata Type',
349 pullCommandMetadataTypePath: 'Metadata Path',
350 pullCommandCliPreExecute: 'Pulling source changes from org %s as user %s',
351 pullCommandHumanSuccess: 'Pulled Source',
352 packageCliDescription: 'develop and install packages',
353 packageCliDescriptionLong: 'Use the package commands to develop and install packages.',
354 package1CliDescription: 'develop first-generation managed and unmanaged packages',
355 package1CliDescriptionLong: 'Use the package1 commands to create and view first-generation package versions in your Dev Hub org.',
356 package1VersionCreateCommandCliDescription: 'create a first-generation package version in the release org',
357 package1VersionCreateCommandCliDescriptionLong: 'Creates a first-generation package version in the release org.',
358 package1VersionCreateCommandCliHelp: 'The package version is based on the contents of the specified metadata package. Omit -m if you want to create an unmanaged package version.',
359 package1VersionCreateCommandId: 'ID of the metadata package (starts with 033) of which you’re creating a new version',
360 package1VersionCreateCommandIdLong: 'ID of the metadata package (starts with 033) of which you’re creating a new version.',
361 package1VersionCreateCommandName: 'package version name',
362 package1VersionCreateCommandNameLong: 'Package version name.',
363 package1VersionCreateCommandDescription: 'package version description',
364 package1VersionCreateCommandDescriptionLong: 'Package version description.',
365 package1VersionCreateCommandVersion: 'package version in major.minor format, for example, 3.2',
366 package1VersionCreateCommandVersionLong: 'Package version in major.minor format, for example, 3.2.',
367 package1VersionCreateCommandReleaseNotes: 'release notes URL',
368 package1VersionCreateCommandReleaseNotesLong: 'Release notes URL.',
369 package1VersionCreateCommandPostInstall: 'post install URL',
370 package1VersionCreateCommandPostInstallLong: 'Post install URL.',
371 package1VersionCreateCommandManagedReleased: 'create a managed package version',
372 package1VersionCreateCommandManagedReleasedLong: 'Creates a managed package version. To create a beta version, don’t include this parameter.',
373 package1VersionCreateCommandInstallationKey: 'installation key for key-protected package (default: null)',
374 package1VersionCreateCommandInstallationKeyLong: 'Installation key for creating the key-protected package. The default is null.',
375 package1VersionCreateCommandWait: 'minutes to wait for the package version to be created (default: 2 minutes)',
376 package1VersionCreateCommandWaitLong: 'Minutes to wait for the package version to be created. The default is 2 minutes.',
377 package1VersionCreateCommandNotANumber: 'Field %s must contain only a numeric value: %s.',
378 package1VersionCreateCommandInvalidVersion: 'Version supplied, %s, is not formatted correctly. Enter in major.minor format, for example, 3.2.',
379 package1VersionCreateCommandTimeout: 'Stopped waiting for package upload to finish. Wait time exceeded. waitTimeInMinutes = %s.',
380 package1VersionCreateCommandUploadFailure: `Package upload failed. ${os.EOL}%s`,
381 package1VersionCreateCommandUploadFailureDefault: 'Package version creation failed with unknown error',
382 package1VersionCreateHumanSuccess: 'Successfully created package version: %s for package %s.',
383 package1VersionListCommandLongDescription: 'Lists the versions for the specified package or all first-generation packages in the org.',
384 package1VersionListCommandCliDescription: 'list package versions for the specified first-generation package or for the org',
385 package1VersionListCommandCliHelp: 'If a metadata package ID is specified, lists all versions of the specified package. ' +
386 'Otherwise, lists all package versions for the org. For each package version, the list includes the package ' +
387 'version ID, metadata package ID, name, version number, and release state.',
388 package1VersionListCommandPackageId: 'metadata package ID (starts with 033)',
389 package1VersionListCommandPackageIdLong: 'Metadata package ID (starts with 033) whose package versions you want to list. If not specified, shows all versions for all packages (managed and unmanaged) in the org.',
390 package1VersionListHumanSuccess: 'Successfully created the package version list.',
391 package1VersionListAction: 'Verify that you entered a valid package ID and that you are authorized in the org. Then try again.',
392 package1VersionDisplayCommandLongDescription: 'Displays detailed information about an individual first-generation package version.',
393 package1VersionDisplayCommandCliDescription: 'display details about a first-generation package version',
394 package1VersionDisplayCommandCliHelp: 'Display detailed information about an individual package version, including metadata package ID, name, the release state, and build number.',
395 package1VersionDisplayCommandPackageId: 'metadata package version ID (starts with 04t)',
396 package1VersionDisplayCommandPackageIdLong: 'ID (starts with 04t) of the metadata package version whose details you want to display.',
397 package1VersionDisplayHumanSuccess: 'Successfully displayed the package version.',
398 package1VersionDisplayAction: 'Verify that you entered a valid package version ID and try again.',
399 package2VersionUpdateSetAsReleasedYesNo: "Are you sure you want to release package version %s? You can't undo this action. Release package (y/n)?",
400 packageVersionUpdateSetAsReleasedYesNo: "Are you sure you want to release package version %s? You can't undo this action. Release package (y/n)?",
401 attemptingToDeleteExpiredOrDeleted: 'Attempting to delete an expired or deleted org',
402 insufficientAccessToDelete: 'You do not have the appropriate permissions to delete a scratch org. Please contact your Salesforce admin.',
403 deleteOrgConfigOnlyCommandSuccess: 'Successfully deleted scratch org %s.',
404 deleteOrgCommandSuccess: 'Successfully marked scratch org %s for deletion',
405 deleteOrgCommandQueryError: 'Error querying for DevHubMember %s. We received %s results',
406 deleteOrgCommandPathError: 'The scratch org config for scratch org %s does not exist',
407 deleteOrgHubError: 'The Dev Hub org cannot be deleted.',
408 logoutOrgCommandSuccess: 'Successfully logged out of orgs.',
409 defaultOrgNotFound: 'No %s org found',
410 defaultOrgNotFoundAction: 'Run the "sfdx force:auth" commands with --setdefaultusername to connect to an org and set it ' +
411 'as your default org.\nRun "force:org:create" with --setdefaultusername to create a scratch org and set it as ' +
412 'your default org.\nRun "sfdx force:config:set defaultusername=<username>" to set your default username.',
413 defaultOrgNotFoundDevHubAction: 'Run the "sfdx force:auth" commands with --setdefaultdevhubusername to connect to a ' +
414 'Dev Hub org and set it as your default Dev Hub.\nRun "force:org:list" to see a list of locally registered orgs.' +
415 '\nRun "sfdx force:config:set defaultdevhubusername=<username>" to set your default Dev Hub username.',
416 namedOrgNotFound: 'No org configuration found for name %s',
417 noResultsFound: 'No results found',
418 invalidVersionString: 'Invalid API version string.',
419 fullNameIsRequired: 'The fullName attribute is required.',
420 metadataTypeIsRequired: 'The metadata type attribute is required.',
421 unexpectedSmmToolingFullNameFormat: 'Unexpected format for FullName: %s.',
422 invalidResponseFromQuery: 'Invalid response from query: %s.',
423 docTopicDescription: 'display help for force commands',
424 docTopicLongDescription: 'Use the doc commands to display descriptions and help for commands in the force namespace.',
425 docCommandsDisplayDescription: 'display help for force commands',
426 docCommandsDisplayDescriptionLong: 'Displays help for commands in the force namespace.',
427 docCommandsDisplayHelp: 'Displays --help output for commands in the force namespace.' +
428 '\nTo display more details about the commands’ parameters, include the --json flag.',
429 docCommandsListDescription: 'list the force commands',
430 docCommandsListDescriptionLong: 'Lists the commands in the force namespace.',
431 docCommandsListUsageDescription: 'list only docopt usage strings',
432 docCommandsListUsageDescriptionLong: 'Lists docopt usage strings instead of command names and descriptions.',
433 docCommandsListHelp: 'Displays a list of commands in the force namespace and their descriptions.',
434 keyChainServiceCommandFailed: 'Command failed with response.\n%s',
435 keyChainServiceRequired: 'Can’t get or set a keychain value without a service name.',
436 keyChainAccountRequired: 'Can’t get or set a keychain value without an account name.',
437 keyChainPasswordNotFound: 'Could not find password.',
438 keyChainUserCanceled: 'User canceled authentication',
439 keyChainCredentialParseError: 'A parse error occurred while setting a credential.',
440 keychainGetCommandFailedAction: 'Determine why this command failed to get an encryption key for user %s: [%s].',
441 keychainSetCommandFailedAction: 'Determine why this command failed to set an encryption key for user %s: [%s].',
442 keychainPasswordNotFoundAction: 'Ensure a valid password is returned with the following command: [%s].',
443 retrieveKeyChainItemFailedAction: 'Ensure that user %s has a login keychain item named %s. If not re-run authorization.',
444 genericUnixKeychainInvalidPerms: 'Invalid file permissions for secret file',
445 genericUnixKeychainInvalidPermsAction: 'Ensure the file %s has the file permission octal value of %s.',
446 genericUnixKeychainServiceAccountMismatch: 'The service and account specified in %s do not match the version of the toolbelt.',
447 genericUnixKeychainServiceAccountMismatchAction: 'Check your toolbelt version and re-auth.',
448 dataExportInvalidSoql: 'Invalid SOQL query: %s',
449 dataExportSoqlFailed: 'Error invoking SOQL query: %s',
450 dataExportFailed: 'Export failed for soql query: %s. Error: %s.',
451 dataExportQueryMalformed: 'The provided SOQL is malformed: %s',
452 dataExportQueryMalformedAction: 'Check the SOQL syntax and try again.',
453 dataExportRecordCount: 'Processed %s records from query: %s',
454 dataExportRecordCountWarning: 'Query returned more than 200 records. Please run the command using the plan option instead.\n Record Count: %s \nQuery: %s',
455 dataExportSoqlNotProvided: 'Provide a SOQL query statement or file containing a SOQL statement.',
456 dataImportFileNotProvided: 'Provide a data plan or file(s).',
457 dataImportFileNotFound: 'Cannot find data file. Indicate a valid path: %s.',
458 dataImportFileUnknownContentType: 'Unable to determine content type for file: %s.',
459 dataImportFileUnsupported: 'Content type: %s not supported.',
460 dataImportTooManyFiles: 'Specify either sobjecttreefiles or a plan, but not both.',
461 dataImportFileEmpty: 'Data file is empty: %s.',
462 dataImportFileInvalidJson: 'data file is invalid JSON: %s',
463 dataImportFileNoRefId: 'Found references in file, but no reference-id content found (%s). Was parent SObjects saved first?',
464 dataImportFailed: 'Import failed from file: %s. Results: %s.',
465 sourceConflictDetected: 'Source conflict(s) detected.',
466 oauthInvalidGrant: 'This org appears to have a problem with its OAuth configuration. Reason: %s \nusername: %s, \nclientId: %s, \nloginUrl: %s, \nprivateKey: %s',
467 oauthInvalidGrantAction: 'Verify the OAuth configuration for this org. For JWT:' +
468 `${os.EOL}Ensure the private key is correct and the cert associated with the connected app has not expired.` +
469 `${os.EOL}Ensure the following OAuth scopes are configured [api, refresh_token, offline_access].` +
470 `${os.EOL}Ensure the username is assigned to a profile or perm set associated with the connected app.` +
471 `${os.EOL}Ensure the connected app is configured to pre-authorize admins.`,
472 notSpecified: '<Not Specified>',
473 warnApiVersion: 'apiVersion configuration overridden at %s',
474 metadataTypeNotSupported: 'No CLI support for type: %s. For details, visit ' +
475 'https://developer.salesforce.com/docs/metadata-coverage and select your API version. Skipping...'
476 }
477 },
478 IndexErrorProcessor: {
479 en_US: {
480 apiMisMatch: 'The configured apiVersion %s is not supported for this org. The max apiVersion is %s',
481 apiMisMatchAction: 'Run "sfdx force" to see if the locally configured apiVersion is same or less than the org’s supported max apiVersion.' +
482 `${os.EOL}Run "sfdx force:config:list" to determine if apiVersion is overridden.` +
483 `${os.EOL}Install the latest version of the salesforcedx plug-in by running sfdx plugins:install salesforcedx@latest.`,
484 server500: 'The salesforce.com servers are temporarily unable to respond to your request. We apologize for the inconvenience.' +
485 `${os.EOL}Thank you for your patience, and please try again in a few moments.`,
486 server500Action: 'Visit http://trust.salesforce.com for current system status and availability.'
487 }
488 },
489 apex: {
490 en_US: {
491 apexTestApiReportHint: 'Run "sfdx force:apex:test:report %s" to retrieve test results.',
492 apexTestApiReportForFormatHint: 'Run "sfdx force:apex:test:report %s --resultformat <format>" to retrieve test results in a different format.',
493 apexTestApiReportHintWithTimeoutAction: 'Run "sfdx force:apex:test:report -i %s" to retrieve the test results. Or increase the streaming timeout by specifying the wait parameter.',
494 description: 'work with Apex code',
495 longDescription: 'Use the apex commands to create Apex classes, execute anonymous blocks, view your logs, run Apex tests, and view Apex test results.',
496 apexCommandParamCodeCoverage: 'retrieve code coverage results',
497 apexCommandParamCodeCoverageLong: 'Retrieves code coverage results.',
498 apexCommandParamTestArtifactDir: 'directory to store test run files',
499 apexCommandParamTestArtifactDirLong: 'Directory to store test run files.',
500 apexTestCommandDescription: 'invoke Apex tests',
501 apexTestCommandDescriptionLong: 'Runs Apex tests.',
502 apexTestCommandHelp: 'By default, runs all Apex tests in the org’s namespace.' +
503 '\n\nTo run specific test classes, specify class names or suite names, or set a --testlevel value.' +
504 '\n\nTo run specific test methods, use --tests.' +
505 '\n\nExamples:' +
506 '\n $ sfdx force:apex:test:run' +
507 '\n $ sfdx force:apex:test:run -n MyClassTest,MyOtherClassTest -r human' +
508 '\n $ sfdx force:apex:test:run -s MySuite,MyOtherSuite -c --json' +
509 '\n $ sfdx force:apex:test:run -t MyClassTest.testCoolFeature,MyClassTest.testAwesomeFeature,AnotherClassTest,namespace.TheirClassTest.testThis -r human' +
510 '\n $ sfdx force:apex:test:run -l RunLocalTests -d <path to outputdir> -u me@my.org',
511 apexTestCommandParamTestNames: 'comma-separated list of Apex test class names to run',
512 apexTestCommandParamTestNamesLong: 'Comma-separated list of Apex test class names to run. You can specify only one of ' +
513 'classnames, suitenames, or tests.',
514 apexTestCommandParamTestSuites: 'comma-separated list of Apex test suite names to run',
515 apexTestCommandParamTestSuitesLong: 'Comma-separated list of Apex test suite names to run. You can only specify one of ' +
516 'classnames, suitenames, or tests.',
517 apexTestCommandParamTests: 'comma-separated list of Apex test class names or IDs and, if applicable, test methods to run',
518 apexTestCommandParamTestsLong: 'Comma-separated list of Apex test class names or IDs and test methods, if applicable, ' +
519 'to run. You can only specify one of classnames, suitenames, or tests.',
520 apexTestCommandParamTestLevel: 'testlevel enum value',
521 apexTestCommandParamTestLevelLong: 'Specifies which tests to run, using one of these TestLevel enum values:' +
522 '\nRunSpecifiedTests—Only the tests that you specify are run.' +
523 '\nRunLocalTests—All tests in your org are run, except the ones that originate from installed managed packages.' +
524 '\nRunAllTestsInOrg—All tests are in your org and in installed managed packages are run.',
525 apexTestCommandParamReporter: 'test result format emitted to stdout; --json flag overrides this parameter',
526 apexTestCommandParamReporterLong: 'Format to use when displaying test results. If you also specify the --json flag, --json overrides this parameter.',
527 apexTestCommandParamSynchronous: 'run tests from a single class synchronously',
528 apexTestCommandParamSynchronousLong: "Runs test methods from a single Apex class synchronously. If you don't specify this flag, tests are run asynchronously.",
529 apexTestCommandResultFormatDeprecation: 'In salesforcedx v41 and earlier, the --resultformat parameter caused the ' +
530 'apex:test:run command to wait for test results rather than finishing immediately and returning a test run ID. In salesforcedx v42 and later, the --resultformat parameter will no longer cause the command to wait. To wait for test results, include the --wait parameter.',
531 apexTestCommandInvalidTestlevel: 'To use the testlevel value RunSpecifiedTests, specify either classnames or suitenames.',
532 apexTestCommandInvalidSynchronousParams: 'Synchronous test runs can include test methods from only one Apex class. Omit the --synchronous flag or include tests from only one class.',
533 apexTestSynchronousRunFailed: 'Unable to run tests synchronously: [%s]',
534 apexReportCommandDescription: 'display test results',
535 apexReportCommandDescriptionLong: 'Displays the test results for a specific test run.',
536 apexReportCommandHelp: 'Displays test results for an enqueued or completed asynchronous Apex test run.' +
537 '\n\nExamples:' +
538 '\n $ sfdx force:apex:test:report -i <test run id>' +
539 '\n $ sfdx force:apex:test:report -i <test run id> -r junit' +
540 '\n $ sfdx force:apex:test:report -i <test run id> -c --json',
541 apexReportCommandParamTestRunId: 'ID of test run',
542 apexReportCommandParamTestRunIdLong: 'The ID of test run.',
543 apexReportCommandParamReporter: 'test result format emitted to stdout; --json flag overrides this parameter',
544 apexReportCommandParamReporterLong: 'Format to use when displaying test results. If you also specify the --json flag, --json overrides this parameter.',
545 invalidValueForSocketTimeoutHandler: 'provide a valid function for the socket timeout handler.',
546 verboseDescription: 'display Apex test processing details',
547 verboseLongDescription: 'Displays Apex test processing details. If JSON format is specified, processing details aren’t displayed.'
548 }
549 },
550 apexPreCompile: {
551 en_US: {
552 missingOrg: 'Invalid or missing org.',
553 precompileTimedOut: 'The precompile operation timed out.',
554 precompileTimedOutAction: 'Increase the timeout attribute and try again.',
555 precompileQueryError: 'An error occurred querying the state of the Apex cache - %s',
556 precompileWarmerError: 'An error occurred running Apex pre-compilation - %s',
557 invalidTimeout: 'Timeout value must be greater than zero.',
558 invalidPollInterval: 'Poll interval must be greater than zero.'
559 }
560 },
561 apexPreCompileCommand: {
562 en_US: {
563 invalidTimeout: 'Invalid timeout value. Value must be greater than %s minutes.',
564 precompileDescription: 'how long to wait (in minutes) for Apex pre-compilation',
565 precompileLongDescription: 'Specifies how long to wait (in minutes) for Apex pre-compilation to complete before running the tests or timing out.'
566 }
567 },
568 demoMode: {
569 en_US: {
570 warnAuth: 'Logging in to a business or production org is not recommended on a demo or shared machine. ' +
571 'Please run "sfdx force:auth:logout --targetusername <your username> --noprompt"' +
572 ` when finished using this org, which is similar to logging out of the org in the browser.${os.EOL}` +
573 `${os.EOL}Do you want to authorize this org, %s, for use with the Salesforce CLI? `,
574 warnAuthWebLogin: 'A response of "n" lets you keep using the org in the browser, but doesn\'t save authorization ' +
575 'details on this computer. ',
576 warnAuthQuestion: `${os.EOL}Authorize org (y/n)?`,
577 noPrompt: 'do not prompt for auth confirmation in demo mode',
578 noPromptLong: 'Do not prompt for auth confirmation in demo mode.',
579 demoModeCloseBrowser: "Your auth information wasn't stored by the Salesforce CLI. Please log out of your browser session" +
580 " when you're finished using this org."
581 }
582 },
583 auth: {
584 en_US: {
585 description: 'authorize an org for use with the Salesforce CLI',
586 longDescription: 'Use the auth commands to authorize a Salesforce org for use with the Salesforce CLI.',
587 clientId: 'OAuth client ID (sometimes called the consumer key)',
588 clientIdLong: 'The OAuth client ID (sometimes referred to as the consumer key).',
589 setDefaultDevHub: 'set the authenticated org as the default dev hub org for scratch org creation',
590 setDefaultDevHubLong: 'Sets the authenticated org as the default Dev Hub org for scratch org creation.',
591 setDefaultUsername: 'set the authenticated org as the default username that all commands run against',
592 setDefaultUsernameLong: 'Sets the authenticated org as the default username that all commands run against.',
593 setAlias: 'set an alias for the authenticated org',
594 setAliasLong: 'Sets an alias for the authenticated org.',
595 instanceUrl: 'the login URL of the instance the org lives on',
596 instanceUrlLong: 'The login URL of the Salesforce instance that the org lives on.'
597 }
598 },
599 auth_weblogin: {
600 en_US: {
601 help: 'To log in to a sandbox, set --instanceurl to https://test.salesforce.com.' +
602 '\n\nExamples:' +
603 '\n $ sfdx force:auth:web:login -a TestOrg1' +
604 '\n $ sfdx force:auth:web:login -i <OAuth client id>' +
605 '\n $ sfdx force:auth:web:login -r https://test.salesforce.com',
606 description: 'authorize an org using the web login flow',
607 longDescription: 'Authorizes a Salesforce org by opening a browser so you can log in through salesforce.com.',
608 stdin: 'OAuth client secret of personal connected app?',
609 disableMasking: 'disable masking of user input (for use with problematic terminals)',
610 disableMaskingLong: 'Disables masking of user input (for use with problematic terminals).'
611 }
612 },
613 auth_logout: {
614 en_US: {
615 help: 'By default, this command logs you out from your default scratch org.' +
616 `${os.EOL}Examples:` +
617 `${os.EOL} $ sfdx force:auth:logout -u me@my.org` +
618 `${os.EOL} $ sfdx force:auth:logout -a` +
619 `${os.EOL} $ sfdx force:auth:logout -p`,
620 description: 'log out from authorized orgs',
621 longDescription: 'Logs you out from one or all of your authorized Salesforce orgs.',
622 noPrompt: 'do not prompt for confirmation',
623 noPromptLong: 'Do not prompt for confirmation.',
624 all: 'include all authenticated orgs',
625 allLong: 'Includes all authenticated orgs: for example, Dev Hubs, sandboxes, DE orgs, and expired, deleted, and unknown-status scratch orgs.',
626 logoutCommandYesNo: `Are you sure you want to log out from these org(s)?%s${os.EOL}${os.EOL}` +
627 'Important: You need a password to reauthorize scratch orgs. By default, scratch orgs have no password. If you still need your scratch orgs, run ' +
628 '"sfdx force:user:password:generate" before logging out. If you don\'t need the scratch orgs anymore, run "sfdx force:org:delete" instead of logging out.' +
629 `${os.EOL}${os.EOL}Log out (y/n)?`,
630 specifiedBothUserAndAllError: 'Specify either --targetusername or --all.'
631 }
632 },
633 auth_jwt: {
634 en_US: {
635 help: 'Authorizes a Salesforce org using a private key file that has been uploaded to a personal connected app.' +
636 '\n\nIf you specify an --instanceurl value, this value overrides the sfdcLoginUrl value ' +
637 'in your sfdx-project.json file. To specify a My Domain URL, use the format ' +
638 '<yourdomain>.my.salesforce.com (not <yourdomain>.lightning.force.com).' +
639 '\n\nExamples:' +
640 '\n $ sfdx force:auth:jwt:grant -u me@my.org -f <path to jwt key file> -i <OAuth client id>' +
641 '\n $ sfdx force:auth:jwt:grant -u me@my.org -f <path to jwt key file> -i <OAuth client id> -s -a MyDefaultOrg' +
642 '\n $ sfdx force:auth:jwt:grant -u me@acme.org -f <path to jwt key file> -i <OAuth client id> -r https://acme.my.salesforce.com',
643 description: 'authorize an org using the JWT flow',
644 longDescription: 'Authorizes a Salesforce org using the JWT flow.',
645 username: 'authentication username',
646 usernameLong: 'The authentication username.',
647 key: 'path to a file containing the private key',
648 keyLong: 'Path to a file containing the private key.'
649 }
650 },
651 auth_sfdxurl: {
652 en_US: {
653 description: 'authorize an org using an SFDX auth URL',
654 longDescription: 'Authorizes a Salesforce org using an SFDX auth URL.',
655 help: 'Authorize a Salesforce org using an SFDX auth URL stored within a file.' +
656 '\nThe file must have the format "%s" or "%s".' +
657 '\nThe file must contain only the URL or be a JSON file that has a top-level property named sfdxAuthUrl.' +
658 '\n\nExamples:' +
659 '\n $ sfdx force:auth:sfdxurl:store -f <path to sfdxAuthUrl file>' +
660 '\n $ sfdx force:auth:sfdxurl:store -f <path to sfdxAuthUrl file> -s -a MyDefaultOrg',
661 file: 'path to a file containing the sfdx url',
662 fileLong: 'Path to a file containing the SFDX URL.',
663 InvalidSfdxAuthUrl: 'Invalid or missing SFDX auth URL.' +
664 '\nEnsure the file exists, and that it either a) contains only the URL, or ' +
665 'b) is a JSON file with a top-level property named sfdxAuthUrl.' +
666 '\nEnsure the URL is in the correct format "%s" or "%s".'
667 }
668 },
669 varargs_command: {
670 en_US: {
671 ArgsRequired: 'Please provide required name=value pairs for the command, quoting any values containing spaces.',
672 InvalidArgsFormat: 'Setting variables must be in the format <key>=<value> or <key>="<value with spaces>" but found %s.',
673 DuplicateArgs: "Cannot set variable name '%s' twice for the same command."
674 }
675 },
676 alias: {
677 en_US: {
678 description: 'manage username aliases',
679 longDescription: 'Use the alias commands to manage username aliases.',
680 NoAliasesFound: 'Nothing to set',
681 InvalidFormat: 'Setting aliases must be in the format <key>=<value> but found: [%s]'
682 }
683 },
684 aliasSetCommand: {
685 en_US: {
686 help: 'You can associate an alias with only one username at a time. If you’ve set an alias multiple times, ' +
687 'the alias points to the most recent username.' +
688 '\n\nTo delete an alias, run "sfdx force:alias:set" with no username.' +
689 '\n\nExamples:' +
690 '\n $ sfdx force:alias:set YourAlias=username@example.com' +
691 '\n $ sfdx force:alias:set YourAlias=username@example.com YourOtherAlias=devhub@example.com' +
692 '\n $ sfdx force:alias:set AliasToDelete=',
693 description: 'set username aliases for the Salesforce CLI',
694 longDescription: 'Sets an alias that the Salesforce CLI can use for various commands and tasks.'
695 }
696 },
697 aliasListCommand: {
698 en_US: {
699 help: 'Example: \n $ sfdx force:alias:list',
700 description: 'list username aliases for the Salesforce CLI',
701 longDescription: 'Lists the aliases that the Salesforce CLI can use for various commands and tasks.'
702 }
703 },
704 config: {
705 en_US: {
706 description: 'configure the Salesforce CLI',
707 longDescription: 'Use the config commands to view and set your Salesforce CLI configuration values. ' +
708 'Set your default Dev Hub and scratch org, and your default instance URL, either globally or at the project level.'
709 }
710 },
711 sfdxConfig: {
712 en_US: {
713 invalidConfigValue: 'Invalid config value. %s',
714 invalidApiVersion: 'Specify a valid Salesforce API version, for example, 42.0.',
715 invalidInstanceUrl: 'Specify a valid Salesforce instance URL.',
716 UnknownConfigKey: 'Unknown config key: %s'
717 }
718 },
719 configSetCommand: {
720 en_US: {
721 help: 'Sets the configuration variables that the Salesforce CLI uses for various commands and tasks. ' +
722 'Local variables apply only to your current project. Global variables apply in any directory.' +
723 '\n\nExamples:' +
724 '\n $ sfdx force:config:set defaultusername=me@my.org defaultdevhubusername=me@myhub.org' +
725 '\n $ sfdx force:config:set defaultdevhubusername=me@myhub.org -g',
726 description: 'set config vars for the Salesforce CLI',
727 descriptionLong: 'Sets the local and global configuration variables for the Salesforce CLI.',
728 global: 'set config var globally (to be used from any directory)',
729 globalLong: 'Sets the configuration variables globally, so they can be used from any directory.',
730 globalHelp: 'Add the --global flag to set config outside of a project.',
731 InvalidOrgValue: 'Unknown org value. Valid values are %s',
732 NoConfigKeysFound: 'Please provide config name(s) and value(s) to set.',
733 InvalidConfigFormat: 'Setting config vars must be in the format <key>=<value> but found %s',
734 DuplicateConfigKey: 'Trying to set config name "%s" twice in the same command'
735 }
736 },
737 configGetCommand: {
738 en_US: {
739 help: 'To see your default scratch org username, include "defaultusername".' +
740 '\nTo see your default Dev Hub, include "defaultdevhubusername".' +
741 '\nTo see your default instance URL, include "instanceUrl".' +
742 '\nTo see the locations where your values are set, include the --verbose flag.' +
743 '\n\nExamples:' +
744 '\n $ sfdx force:config:get defaultusername' +
745 '\n $ sfdx force:config:get defaultusername defaultdevhubusername instanceUrl' +
746 '\n $ sfdx force:config:get defaultusername defaultdevhubusername --verbose',
747 description: 'get config var values for given names',
748 descriptionLong: 'Gets the Salesforce CLI configuration values for your default scratch org, ' +
749 'your default Dev Hub org, your default instance URL, or any combination of the three.',
750 sfdxProjectValidationFailure: 'sfdx-project.json file did not validate against the schema.',
751 NoConfigKeysFound: 'Please provide config name(s) to get.'
752 }
753 },
754 configListCommand: {
755 en_US: {
756 help: 'Lists the config variables that the Salesforce CLI uses for various commands and tasks.',
757 description: 'list config vars for the Salesforce CLI',
758 descriptionLong: 'Lists the configuration variables for the Salesforce CLI.',
759 key: 'Name',
760 value: 'Value',
761 location: 'Location'
762 }
763 },
764 data: {
765 en_US: {
766 description: 'manipulate records in your org',
767 longDescription: 'Use the data commands to manipulate records in your org. Commands are available to help you work with ' +
768 'various APIs. Import CSV files with the Bulk API. Export and import data that includes master-detail relationships with ' +
769 'the SObject Tree Save API. Perform simple CRUD operations on individual records with the REST API.',
770 dataImportCommandCliDescription: 'import data into an org using SObject Tree Save API',
771 dataImportCommandCliDescriptionLong: 'Imports data into an org using the SObject Tree Save API. This data can include ' +
772 'master-detail relationships.',
773 dataImportCommandCliHelp: 'To generate JSON files for use with force:data:tree:import, run "sfdx force:data:tree:export".' +
774 '\n\nExamples:\nTo import records as individual files, first run the export commands:' +
775 '\n $ sfdx force:data:tree:export -q "SELECT Id, Name FROM Account"' +
776 '\n $ sfdx force:data:tree:export -q "SELECT Id, LastName, FirstName FROM Contact"' +
777 '\nThen run the import command:' +
778 '\n $ sfdx force:data:tree:import -f Contact.json,Account.json -u me@my.org' +
779 '\n\nTo import multiple data files as part of a plan, first run the export command with the -p | --plan flag:' +
780 '\n $ sfdx force:data:tree:export -p -q "SELECT Id, Name, (SELECT Id, LastName, FirstName FROM Contacts) FROM Account"' +
781 '\nThen run the import command, supplying a filepath value for the -p | --plan parameter:' +
782 '\n $ sfdx force:data:tree:import -p Account-Contact-plan.json -u me@my.org' +
783 '\n\nThe SObject Tree API supports requests that contain up to 200 records. For more information, see the REST API ' +
784 'Developer Guide: https://developer.salesforce.com/docs/atlas.en-us.api_rest.meta/api_rest/resources_composite_sobject_tree.htm',
785 dataImportCommandCliFiles: 'comma-delimited, ordered paths of json files containing collection of record trees to insert',
786 dataImportCommandCliFilesLong: 'Comma-delimited, ordered paths of JSON files containing a collection of record trees to insert. ' +
787 'Either --sobjecttreefiles or --plan is required.',
788 dataImportCommandCliContentType: 'if data file extension is not .json, provide content type (applies to all files)',
789 dataImportCommandCliContentTypeLong: 'If the data file extension is not .json, provide the content type (applies to all files).',
790 dataImportCommandCliPlan: 'path to plan to insert multiple data files that have master-detail relationships',
791 dataImportCommandCliPlanLong: 'Path to plan to insert multiple data files that have master-detail relationships. ' +
792 'Either --sobjecttreefiles or --plan is required.',
793 dataImportCommandValidationFailure: 'Data plan file %s did not validate against the schema.' +
794 '\nDid you run the force:data:tree:export command with the --plan flag?' +
795 '\nMake sure you are importing a plan file.' +
796 '\nYou can get help with the import plan schema by running $ sfdx force:data:tree:import --confighelp' +
797 '\n\n%s',
798 dataExportCommandCliDescription: 'export data from an org into sObject tree format for force:data:tree:import consumption',
799 dataExportCommandCliDescriptionLong: 'Exports data from an org into sObject tree format for force:data:tree:import consumption.',
800 dataExportCommandCliHelp: 'Generates JSON files for use with the force:data:tree:import command.' +
801 '\n\nExamples:' +
802 '\n $ sfdx force:data:tree:export -q "SELECT Id, Name, (SELECT Name, Address__c FROM Properties__r) FROM Broker__c"' +
803 '\n $ sfdx force:data:tree:export -q <path to file containing soql query> -x export-demo -d /tmp/sfdx-out -p' +
804 '\n\nFor more information and examples, run "sfdx force:data:tree:import -h".' +
805 '\n\nThe query for export can return a maximum of 2,000 records. For more information, see the REST API ' +
806 'Developer Guide: https://developer.salesforce.com/docs/atlas.en-us.api_rest.meta/api_rest/resources_composite_sobject_tree.htm',
807 dataExportCommandCliSoql: 'soql query, or filepath of file containing a soql query, to retrieve records',
808 dataExportCommandCliSoqlLong: 'A SOQL query statement or the path of a file containing a SOQL query statement ' +
809 'to retrieve the records to export.',
810 dataExportCommandCliPrefix: 'prefix of generated files',
811 dataExportCommandCliPrefixLong: 'Prefix of generated files.',
812 dataExportCommandCliDir: 'directory to store files',
813 dataExportCommandCliDirLong: 'Directory to store generated files.',
814 dataExportCommandCliPlan: 'generate mulitple sobject tree files and a plan definition file for aggregated import',
815 dataExportCommandCliPlanLong: 'Generates multiple sObject tree files and a plan definition file for aggregated import.'
816 }
817 },
818 versionCommand: {
819 en_US: {
820 versionDescription: 'display the Salesforce API version',
821 MissingVersionAttribute: 'Missing version attribute from package.json',
822 UnexpectedVersionFormat: 'The version specified in package.json is unexpected: %s'
823 }
824 },
825 mdapiConvertCommand: {
826 en_US: {
827 description: 'convert metadata from the Metadata API format into the source format',
828 longDescription: 'Converts metadata retrieved via Metadata API into the source format used in Salesforce DX projects.',
829 help: 'To use Salesforce CLI to work with components that you retrieved via Metadata API, ' +
830 'first convert your files from the metadata format to the source format using "sfdx force:mdapi:convert".' +
831 '\n\nTo convert files from the source format back to the metadata format, so that you can deploy them ' +
832 'using "sfdx force:mdapi:deploy", run "sfdx force:source:convert".' +
833 '\n\nExamples:' +
834 '\n $ sfdx force:mdapi:convert -r path/to/metadata' +
835 '\n $ sfdx force:mdapi:convert -r path/to/metadata -d path/to/outputdir',
836 rootParam: 'the root directory containing the Metadata API–formatted metadata',
837 rootParamLongDescription: 'The root directory that contains the metadata you retrieved using Metadata API.',
838 outputDirectoryParam: 'the output directory to store the source–formatted files',
839 outputDirectoryParamLongDescription: 'The directory to store your files in after they’re converted to the ' +
840 'source format. Can be an absolute or relative path.',
841 tableName: 'Converted Source',
842 tableNameDups: 'Duplicates',
843 dupsExplanation: 'Review any duplicate files (.dup) in the destination directory. You may need to merge the files. Otherwise, delete the unneeded one. Duplicate files are ignored by the force:source commands.'
844 }
845 },
846 mdapiConvertApi: {
847 en_US: {
848 invalidPath: 'the path specified is not a directory or doesn’t contain a package.xml',
849 errorProcessingPath: 'An error was encountered processing path: %s'
850 }
851 },
852 scratchOrgApi: {
853 en_US: {
854 noOrgsFound: 'No orgs can be found.',
855 noOrgsFoundAction: 'Use one of the commands in force:auth or force:org:create to add or create new scratch orgs.'
856 }
857 },
858 org_shape_list: {
859 en_US: {
860 description: 'list all org shapes you’ve created',
861 longDescription: 'Lists all org shapes that you’ve created using the Salesforce CLI.',
862 verbose: 'list more information about each org shape',
863 verboseLong: 'Lists more information about each org shape.',
864 noOrgShapes: 'No org shapes found.',
865 help: 'Examples:' +
866 '\n $ sfdx force:org:shape:list' +
867 '\n $ sfdx force:org:shape:list --json' +
868 '\n $ sfdx force:org:shape:list --json > tmp/MyOrgShapeList.json'
869 }
870 },
871 org_shape_delete: {
872 en_US: {
873 description: 'delete all org shapes for a target org',
874 longDescription: 'Deletes all org shapes that you’ve created for an org using the Salesforce CLI.',
875 verbose: 'list more information about each org shape',
876 verboseLong: 'Lists more information about each org shape.',
877 usernameOption: 'username for the target org',
878 usernameOptionLong: 'Username for the target org.',
879 targetUsernameOption: 'username for the target org',
880 targetUsernameOptionLong: 'Username for the target org.',
881 noPrompt: 'do not prompt for confirmation',
882 noPromptLong: 'Do not prompt for confirmation.',
883 noAccess: 'The org with name: %s needs to be enabled for org shape before shapes can be deleted.',
884 deleteCommandYesNo: 'Delete shapes for org with name: %s? Are you sure (y/n)?',
885 humanSuccess: 'Successfully deleted shape(s) from org: %s.',
886 noShapesHumanSuccess: 'No org shapes found for org: %s.',
887 help: 'Examples:' +
888 '\n $ sfdx force:org:shape:delete -u me@my.org' +
889 '\n $ sfdx force:org:shape:delete -u MyOrgAlias -p' +
890 '\n $ sfdx force:org:shape:delete -u me@my.org --json' +
891 '\n $ sfdx force:org:shape:delete -u me@my.org -p --json > tmp/MyOrgShapeDelete.json'
892 }
893 },
894 org_list: {
895 en_US: {
896 description: 'list all orgs you’ve created or authenticated to',
897 longDescription: 'Lists all orgs that the Salesforce CLI has created or authenticated to.',
898 verbose: 'list more information about each org',
899 verboseLong: 'Lists more information about each org.',
900 all: 'include expired, deleted, and unknown-status scratch orgs',
901 allLong: 'Lists all authenticated orgs, including expired, deleted, and unknown-status scratch orgs.',
902 clean: 'remove all local org authorizations for non-active orgs',
903 cleanLong: 'Remove all local org authorizations for deleted or expired orgs.',
904 prompt: 'Found (%s) org configurations to delete. Are you sure (yes/no)?',
905 noPrompt: 'do not prompt for confirmation',
906 noPromptLong: 'Do not prompt for confirmation.',
907 noActiveScratchOrgs: 'No active scratch orgs found. Specify --all to see all scratch orgs',
908 help: 'Examples:' +
909 '\n $ sfdx force:org:list' +
910 '\n $ sfdx force:org:list --verbose --json' +
911 '\n $ sfdx force:org:list --verbose --json > tmp/MyOrgList.json'
912 }
913 },
914 package_install_get: {
915 en_US: {
916 cliDescription: 'retrieve the status of a package installation request',
917 cliDescriptionLong: 'Retrieves the status of a package installation request.',
918 help: 'Examples:' +
919 '\n $ sfdx force:package:install:get -i 0Hf...' +
920 '\n $ sfdx force:package:install:get -i 0Hf... -u me@example.com',
921 requestId: 'ID of the package install request you want to check',
922 requestIdLong: 'The ID of the package install request you want to check.',
923 IN_PROGRESS: 'PackageInstallRequest is currently InProgress. You can continue to query the status using' +
924 '\nsfdx force:package:install:get -i %s -u %s',
925 UNKNOWN: this.InProgress,
926 SUCCESS: 'Successfully installed package [%s]'
927 }
928 },
929 package_uninstall_get: {
930 en_US: {
931 cliDescription: 'retrieve the status of a package uninstall request',
932 cliDescriptionLong: 'Retrieves the status of a package uninstall request.',
933 help: 'Examples:' +
934 '\n $ sfdx force:package:uninstall:get -i 06y...' +
935 '\n $ sfdx force:package:uninstall:get -i 06y... -u me@example.com',
936 requestId: 'ID of the package uninstall request you want to check',
937 requestIdLong: 'The ID of the package uninstall request you want to check.',
938 InProgress: 'PackageUninstallRequest is currently InProgress. You can continue to query the status using' +
939 '\nsfdx force:package:uninstall:get -i %s -u %s',
940 Unknown: this.InProgress,
941 Success: 'Successfully uninstalled package [%s]'
942 }
943 },
944 package_install_report: {
945 en_US: {
946 cliDescription: 'retrieve the status of a package installation request',
947 cliDescriptionLong: 'Retrieves the status of a package installation request.',
948 help: 'Examples:' +
949 '\n $ sfdx force:package:install:report -i 0Hf...' +
950 '\n $ sfdx force:package:install:report -i 0Hf... -u me@example.com',
951 requestId: 'ID of the package install request you want to check',
952 requestIdLong: 'The ID of the package install request you want to check.',
953 IN_PROGRESS: 'PackageInstallRequest is currently InProgress. You can continue to query the status using' +
954 '\nsfdx force:package:install:report -i %s -u %s',
955 UNKNOWN: this.InProgress,
956 SUCCESS: 'Successfully installed package [%s]'
957 }
958 },
959 package_uninstall_report: {
960 en_US: {
961 cliDescription: 'retrieve status of package uninstall request',
962 cliDescriptionLong: 'Retrieves the status of a package uninstall request.',
963 help: 'Examples:' +
964 '\n $ sfdx force:package:uninstall:report -i 06y...' +
965 '\n $ sfdx force:package:uninstall:report -i 06y... -u me@example.com',
966 requestId: 'ID of the package uninstall request you want to check',
967 requestIdLong: 'The ID of the package uninstall request you want to check.',
968 InProgress: 'PackageUninstallRequest is currently InProgress. You can continue to query the status using' +
969 '\nsfdx force:package:uninstall:report -i %s -u %s',
970 Unknown: this.InProgress,
971 Success: 'Successfully uninstalled package [%s]'
972 }
973 },
974 package1_version_create_get: {
975 en_US: {
976 cliDescription: 'retrieve the status of a package version creation request',
977 cliDescriptionLong: 'Retrieves the status of a package version creation request.',
978 help: 'Examples:' +
979 '\n $ sfdx force:package:version:create:report -i 08c...' +
980 '\n $ sfdx force:package:version:create:report -i 08c... -v devhub@example.com',
981 requestId: 'PackageUploadRequest ID',
982 requestIdLong: 'The ID of the PackageUploadRequest.',
983 IN_PROGRESS: 'PackageUploadRequest is still InProgress. You can query the status using' +
984 '\nsfdx force:package1:version:create:get -i %s -u %s',
985 SUCCESS: 'Successfully uploaded package [%s]',
986 QUEUED: 'PackageUploadRequest has been enqueued. You can query the status using' +
987 '\nsfdx force:package1:version:create:get -i %s -u %s'
988 }
989 },
990 package_install: {
991 en_US: {
992 cliDescription: 'install a package in the target org',
993 cliDescriptionLong: 'Installs a package in the target org.',
994 help: 'Supply the ID of the package version to install. ' +
995 'The package installs in your default target org unless ' +
996 'you supply the username for a different target org.' +
997 '\n\nFor package upgrades, to specify options for component deprecation ' +
998 'or deletion of removed components, include an --upgradetype value. ' +
999 'To delete components that can be safely deleted and deprecate the ' +
1000 'others, specify --upgradetype Mixed (the default). To deprecate all ' +
1001 'removed components, specify --upgradetype DeprecateOnly. To delete all removed components, ' +
1002 "except for custom objects and custom fields, that don't have dependencies, specify " +
1003 '--upgradetype Delete. (Note: This option can result in the loss of data that is associated with the deleted components.) ' +
1004 'The default is Mixed.' +
1005 '\n\nExamples:' +
1006 '\n $ sfdx force:package:install --package 04t... -u me@example.com' +
1007 '\n $ sfdx force:package:install --package awesome_package_alias' +
1008 '\n $ sfdx force:package:install --package "Awesome Package Alias"' +
1009 '\n $ sfdx force:package:install --package 04t... -t DeprecateOnly',
1010 id: 'ID of the package version to install (starts with 04t)',
1011 idLong: 'The ID of the package version to install (starts with 04t).',
1012 wait: 'number of minutes to wait for installation status',
1013 waitLong: 'Maximum number of minutes to wait for installation status. The default is 0.',
1014 installationKey: 'installation key for key-protected package (default: null)',
1015 installationKeyLong: 'Installation key for installing a key-protected package. The default is null.',
1016 noPrompt: 'do not prompt for confirmation',
1017 noPromptLong: 'Allows the following without an explicit confirmation response: 1) Remote Site Settings and Content Security Policy websites to send or receive data, ' +
1018 'and 2) --upgradetype Delete to proceed.',
1019 promptRss: 'This package might send or receive data from these third-party websites:\n\n' +
1020 '%s' +
1021 '\n\nGrant access (y/n)?',
1022 promptUpgradeType: 'Please confirm usage of the --upgradetype Delete operation. This can result in the loss of data associated with the deleted components. Proceed with caution.' +
1023 '\n\nProceed (y/n)?',
1024 promptUpgradeTypeDeny: 'The installation has been canceled because confirmation was not granted for the --upgradetype Delete operation. ' +
1025 'If you want to install the package, run "sfdx force:package:install" again.',
1026 publishWait: 'number of minutes to wait for subscriber package version ID to become available in the target org ',
1027 publishWaitLong: 'Maximum number of minutes to wait for the Subscriber Package Version ID to become available ' +
1028 'in the target org before canceling the install request. The default is 0.',
1029 humanSuccess: 'Successfully installed package ID %s.',
1030 publishWaitProgress: 'Waiting for the Subscriber Package Version ID to be published to the target org.',
1031 errorApvIdNotPublished: 'The package version is not fully available. If this is a recently created package ' +
1032 'version, try again in a few minutes or contact the package publisher.',
1033 package: 'ID (starts with 04t) or alias of the package version to install',
1034 packageLong: 'The ID (starts with 04t) or alias of the package version to install.',
1035 securityType: 'security access type for the installed package (deprecation notice: The default --securitytype value will change from AllUsers to AdminsOnly in v47.0 or later.)',
1036 securityTypeLong: "Security access type for the installed package.\nDeprecation notice: The --securitytype parameter's default value will change from AllUsers to AdminsOnly in an upcoming release (v47.0 or later).",
1037 upgradeType: 'the upgrade type for the package installation',
1038 upgradeTypeLong: 'For package upgrades, specifies whether to mark all removed components as deprecated (DeprecateOnly), ' +
1039 'to delete removed components that can be safely deleted and deprecate the others (Mixed), ' +
1040 "or to delete all removed components, except for custom objects and custom fields, that don't have dependencies (Delete).",
1041 apexCompile: 'compile all Apex in the org and package, or only Apex in the package',
1042 apexCompileLong: 'For unlocked packages only, specifies whether to compile all Apex in the org and package, or only the Apex in the package.',
1043 errorRequiredFlags: 'Include either a %s value or a %s value.',
1044 invalidIdOrPackage: 'Invalid alias or ID: %s. Either your alias is invalid or undefined, or the ID provided is invalid.',
1045 deprecateSecurityTypeDefault: "[Deprecation notice: The --securitytype parameter's default value will change from AllUsers to AdminsOnly in an upcoming release (v47.0 or later).]"
1046 }
1047 },
1048 package_version_promote: {
1049 en_US: {
1050 cliDescription: 'promote a package version to released',
1051 cliDescriptionLong: 'Promotes a package version to released status.',
1052 help: 'Supply the ID or alias of the package version you want ' +
1053 'to promote. Promotes the package version to released status.' +
1054 '\n\nExamples:' +
1055 '\n $ sfdx force:package:version:promote -p 04t...' +
1056 '\n $ sfdx force:package:version:promote -p awesome_package_alias' +
1057 '\n $ sfdx force:package:version:promote -p "Awesome Package Alias"',
1058 package: 'ID (starts with 04t) or alias of the package version to promote',
1059 packageLong: 'The ID (starts with 04t) or alias of the package version to promote.',
1060 packageVersionPromoteSetAsReleasedYesNo: "Are you sure you want to release package version %s? You can't undo this action. Release package (y/n)?",
1061 setasreleasedForce: 'no prompt to confirm setting the package version as released',
1062 setasreleasedForceLong: 'Do not prompt to confirm setting the package version as released.',
1063 humanSuccess: 'Successfully promoted the package version, ID: %s, to released.',
1064 previouslyReleasedMessage: 'You already promoted a package version with this major.minor.patch version number. For a given major.minor.patch number, you can promote only one version.',
1065 previouslyReleasedAction: 'Create a new package version with a different --versionumber, then promote the package version.\n' +
1066 'sfdx force:package:version:create -p <name> -n <versionnum> -k <key>\n' +
1067 'sfdx force:package:version:promote -p 05ixxx'
1068 }
1069 },
1070 package_uninstall: {
1071 en_US: {
1072 cliDescription: 'uninstall a second-generation package from the target org',
1073 cliDescriptionLong: 'Uninstalls a second-generation package from ' +
1074 'the target org. To uninstall a first-generation package, ' +
1075 'use the Salesforce user interface.',
1076 help: 'Specify the package ID for a second-generation package.' +
1077 '\n\nExamples:' +
1078 '\n $ sfdx force:package:uninstall -p 04t... -u me@example.com' +
1079 '\n $ sfdx force:package:uninstall -p undesirable_package_alias' +
1080 '\n $ sfdx force:package:uninstall -p "Undesirable Package Alias"' +
1081 '\n\nTo list the org’s installed packages, run ' +
1082 '"sfdx force:package:installed:list".' +
1083 '\n\nTo uninstall a first-generation package, from Setup, ' +
1084 'enter Installed Packages in the Quick Find box, then ' +
1085 'select Installed Packages.',
1086 id: 'ID of the package to uninstall (starts with 04t)',
1087 idLong: 'The ID of the second-generation package to uninstall (starts with 04t).',
1088 wait: 'number of minutes to wait for uninstall status',
1089 waitLong: 'Maximum number of minutes to wait for uninstall status. The default is 0.',
1090 defaultErrorMessage: "Can't uninstall the package %s during uninstall request %s.",
1091 humanSuccess: 'Successfully uninstalled package ID %s.',
1092 action: 'Verify installed package ID and resolve errors, then try again.',
1093 package: 'ID (starts with 04t) or alias of the package version to uninstall',
1094 packageLong: 'The ID (starts with 04t) or alias of the package version to uninstall.',
1095 errorRequiredFlags: 'Include either a %s value or a %s value.',
1096 invalidIdOrPackage: 'Invalid alias or ID: %s. Either your alias is invalid or undefined, or the ID provided is invalid.'
1097 }
1098 },
1099 packaging: {
1100 en_US: {
1101 topicHelp: 'develop, install, and manage packages',
1102 topicHelpLong: 'Use the package commands to develop, install, and manage packages.',
1103 createdLastDaysDescription: 'created in the last specified number of days (starting at 00:00:00 of first day to now; 0 for today)',
1104 createdLastDaysLongDescription: 'Filters the list based on the specified maximum number of days since the request was created ' +
1105 '(starting at 00:00:00 of first day to now; 0 for today).',
1106 modifiedLastDaysDescription: 'list items modified in the specified last number of days (starting at 00:00:00 of first day to now; 0 for today)',
1107 modifiedLastDaysLongDescription: 'Lists the items modified in the specified last number of days, starting at 00:00:00 of first day to now. Use 0 for today.',
1108 invalidIdOrAlias: "The %s: %s isn't defined in the sfdx-project.json. Add it to the packageDirectories section and add the alias to packageAliases with its %s ID.",
1109 invalidDaysNumber: 'Provide a valid positive number for %s.',
1110 invalidStatus: "Invalid status '%s'. Please provide one of these statuses: %s",
1111 packageNotEnabledAction: 'Packaging is not enabled on this org. Verify that you are authenticated to the desired org and try again. Otherwise, contact Salesforce Customer Support for more information.',
1112 packageInstanceNotEnabled: 'Your org does not have permission to specify a build instance for your package version. Verify that you are authenticated to the desired org and try again. Otherwise, contact Salesforce Customer Support for more information.',
1113 packageSourceOrgNotEnabled: 'Your Dev Hub does not have permission to specify a source org for your build org. Verify that you are authenticated to the correct Dev Hub and try again. Otherwise, contact Salesforce Customer Support for assistance.',
1114 installStatus: 'Waiting for the package install request to complete. Status = %s',
1115 errorMissingVersionNumber: 'The VersionNumber property must be specified.',
1116 errorInvalidVersionNumber: 'VersionNumber must be in the format major.minor.patch.build but the value found is [%s].',
1117 errorInvalidBuildNumber: "The provided VersionNumber '%s' is invalid. Provide an integer value or use the keyword '%s' for the build number.",
1118 errorInvalidPatchNumber: "The provided VersionNumber '%s' is not supported. Provide a patch number of 0.",
1119 errorInvalidMajorMinorNumber: "The provided VersionNumber '%s' is invalid. Provide an integer value for the %s number.",
1120 errorInvalidAncestorVersionFormat: 'The ancestor versionNumber must be in the format major.minor but the value found is [%s].',
1121 errorInvalidPackageId: "The provided package ID '%s' is invalid.",
1122 errorNoMatchingAncestor: "The ancestorId for ancestorVersion [%s] can't be found. Package ID [%s].",
1123 errorAncestorIdVersionMismatch: 'The ancestorVersion in sfdx-project.json is not the version expected for the ancestorId you supplied. ancestorVersion [%s]. ancestorID [%s].',
1124 errorpackageAncestorIdsKeyNotSupported: 'The package2AncestorIds key is no longer supported in a scratch org definition. Ancestors defined in sfdx-project.json will be included in the scratch org.',
1125 errorInvalidIdNoMatchingVersionId: 'The %s %s is invalid, as a corresponding %s was not found',
1126 errorIdTypeMismatch: 'ID type mismatch: an ID of type %s is required, but an ID of type %s was specified: %s',
1127 updatedSfdxProject: 'sfdx-project.json has been updated.',
1128 errorSfdxProjectFileWrite: 'sfdx-project.json could not be updated with the following entry for this package: \n%s\nReason: %s\n',
1129 invalidPackageTypeAction: 'Specify Unlocked or Managed for package type.',
1130 invalidPackageTypeMessage: 'Invalid package type',
1131 idNotFoundAction: 'It`s possible that this package was created on a different Dev Hub. Authenticate to the Dev Hub org that owns the package, and reference that Dev Hub when running the command.',
1132 malformedPackageVersionIdAction: 'Use "sfdx force:package:version:list" to verify the 05i package version ID.',
1133 malformedPackageVersionIdMessage: 'We can’t find this package version ID for this Dev Hub.',
1134 malformedPackageIdAction: 'Use "sfdx force:package:list" to verify the 0Ho package version ID.',
1135 malformedPackageIdMessage: 'We can’t find this package ID for this Dev Hub.'
1136 }
1137 },
1138 // Is this used anywhere? It seems like a duplicate.
1139 package_install_request: {
1140 en_US: {
1141 cliDescription: '(deprecated) retrieve the status of a package install request',
1142 cliDescriptionLong: 'Retrieves the status of a package installion request.',
1143 help: 'Examples:' +
1144 '\n $ sfdx force:package:install:get -i 0Hf...' +
1145 '\n $ sfdx force:package:install:get -i 0Hf... -u me@example.com',
1146 requestId: 'Package Installation Request ID',
1147 requestIdLong: 'ID of the package install request.',
1148 IN_PROGRESS: 'The package installation request is still In Progress or Unknown. You can query the status using ' +
1149 '\n $ sfdx force:package:install:get -i %s -u %s',
1150 UNKNOWN: this.InProgress,
1151 SUCCESS: 'Successfully installed package [%s].'
1152 }
1153 },
1154 package_create: {
1155 en_US: {
1156 cliDescription: 'create a package',
1157 cliLongDescription: 'Creates a package.',
1158 help: 'First, use this command to create a package. Then create a package version.' +
1159 '\n\nIf you don’t have a namespace defined in your sfdx-project.json file, use --nonamespace.' +
1160 '\n\nYour --name value must be unique within your namespace.' +
1161 '\n\nExamples:' +
1162 '\n $ sfdx force:package:create -n YourPackageName -t Unlocked -r force-app' +
1163 '\n $ sfdx force:package:create -n YourPackageName -d "Your Package Descripton" -t Unlocked -r force-app' +
1164 "\n\nRun 'sfdx force:package:list' to list all packages in the Dev Hub org.",
1165 name: 'package name',
1166 nameLong: 'Name of the package to create.',
1167 description: 'package description',
1168 descriptionLong: 'Description of the package.',
1169 noNamespace: 'creates the package with no namespace; available only for unlocked packages.',
1170 noNamespaceLong: 'Creates the package with no namespace. Available only for unlocked packages. ' +
1171 'Useful when you’re migrating an existing org to packages. ' +
1172 'But, use a namespaced package for new metadata.',
1173 packageType: 'package type',
1174 packageTypeLong: 'Package type for the package.' +
1175 '\nThe options for package type are Managed and Unlocked ' +
1176 '(Managed=DeveloperManagedSubscriberManaged, Unlocked=DeveloperControlledSubscriberEditable). ' +
1177 'Managed packages are currently in beta.' +
1178 '\nThese options determine upgrade and editability rules.',
1179 path: 'path to directory that contains the contents of the package',
1180 longPath: 'The path to the directory that contains the contents of the package.',
1181 errorPathNotSpecified: 'Add a valid path to packageDirectories in the sfdx-project.json file. ' +
1182 'When the --path parameter is specified, the path is automatically added to the sfdx-project.json file.\n%s\n',
1183 humanSuccess: 'Successfully created a package.'
1184 }
1185 },
1186 package_update: {
1187 en_US: {
1188 cliDescription: 'update package details',
1189 cliLongDescription: 'Updates details about a package. Does not create a package version.',
1190 help: 'Specify a new value for each option you want to update.' +
1191 '\n\nExamples:' +
1192 '\n $ sfdx force:package:update -p "Your Package Alias" -n "New Package Name"' +
1193 '\n $ sfdx force:package:update -p 0Ho... -d "New Package Description"' +
1194 '\n\nRun "sfdx force:package:list" to list all packages in the Dev Hub org.',
1195 package: 'ID (starts with 0Ho) or alias of the package to update',
1196 packageLong: 'The ID (starts with 0Ho) or alias of the package to update.',
1197 name: 'new package name',
1198 nameLong: 'New name of the package.',
1199 description: 'new package description',
1200 descriptionLong: 'New description of the package.',
1201 humanSuccess: 'Successfully updated the package.'
1202 }
1203 },
1204 package_list: {
1205 en_US: {
1206 cliDescription: 'list all packages in the Dev Hub org',
1207 cliLongDescription: 'Lists all packages in the Dev Hub org.',
1208 help: 'You can view the namespace, IDs, and other details for each package.' +
1209 '\n\nExamples:' +
1210 '\n $ sfdx force:package:list -v devhub@example.com' +
1211 '\n $ sfdx force:package:list -v devhub@example.com --verbose',
1212 namespace: 'Namespace Prefix',
1213 name: 'Name',
1214 id: 'Id',
1215 packageId: 'Subscriber Package Id',
1216 alias: 'Alias',
1217 description: 'Description',
1218 packageType: 'Type',
1219 verboseDescription: 'display extended package detail',
1220 verboseLongDescription: 'Displays extended package details.'
1221 }
1222 },
1223 package_version_create: {
1224 en_US: {
1225 cliDescription: 'create a package version',
1226 cliLongDescription: 'Creates a package version in the Dev Hub org.',
1227 help: 'The package version is based on the package contents in the specified directory.' +
1228 '\n\nTo retrieve details about a package version create request, including status and package version ID (04t), ' +
1229 'run "sfdx force:package:version:create:report -i 08c...".' +
1230 '\n\nWe recommend specifying the --installationkey to protect the contents of your package and to prevent unauthorized installation of your package.' +
1231 '\n\nTo list package version creation requests in the org, run "sfdx force:package:version:create:list".' +
1232 '\n\nExamples:' +
1233 '\n $ sfdx force:package:version:create -d common -k password123' +
1234 '\n $ sfdx force:package:version:create -p "Your Package Alias" -k password123' +
1235 '\n $ sfdx force:package:version:create -p 0Ho... -k password123',
1236 package: 'ID (starts with 0Ho) or alias of the package to create a version of',
1237 longPackage: 'The ID (starts with 0Ho) or alias of the package to create a version of.',
1238 path: 'path to directory that contains the contents of the package',
1239 longPath: 'The path to the directory that contains the contents of the package.',
1240 definitionfile: 'path to a definition file similar to scratch org definition file that contains the list of features ' +
1241 'and org preferences that the metadata of the package version depends on',
1242 longDefinitionfile: 'The path to a definition file similar to scratch org definition file that contains the list of features ' +
1243 'and org preferences that the metadata of the package version depends on.',
1244 dir: 'path to directory that contains the contents of the package version',
1245 longDir: 'The path to the directory that contains the contents of the package version.',
1246 branch: 'the package version’s branch',
1247 longBranch: 'The package version’s branch.',
1248 tag: 'the package version’s tag',
1249 longTag: 'The package version’s tag.',
1250 key: 'installation key for key-protected package (either ' +
1251 '--installationkey or --installationkeybypass is required)',
1252 longKey: 'Installation key for creating the key-protected ' +
1253 'package. Either an --installationkey value or the ' +
1254 '--installationkeybypass flag is required.',
1255 keyBypass: 'bypass the installation key requirement (either ' +
1256 '--installationkey or --installationkeybypass is required)',
1257 longKeyBypass: 'Bypasses the installation key requirement. ' +
1258 'If you bypass this requirement, anyone can install your package. ' +
1259 'Either an --installationkey value or the ' +
1260 '--installationkeybypass flag is required.',
1261 preserve: 'temp files are preserved that would otherwise be deleted',
1262 longPreserve: 'Specifies that the temp files are preserved that would otherwise be deleted',
1263 validateschema: 'sfdx-project.json is validated against JSON schema',
1264 longValidateschema: 'Specifies that the sfdx-project.json file should be validated against JSON schema.',
1265 tempFileLocation: 'The temp files are located at: %s.',
1266 wait: 'minutes to wait for the package version to be created',
1267 longWait: 'The number of minutes to wait for the package version to be created.',
1268 instance: 'the instance where the package version will be created——for example, NA50',
1269 longInstance: 'The instance where the package version will be created——for example, NA50.',
1270 sourceorg: 'the source org ID used to copy the org shape for the build org',
1271 longSourceorg: 'The source org ID used to copy the org shape for the build org.',
1272 versionname: 'the name of the package version to be created',
1273 longVersionname: 'The name of the package version to be created. Overrides the sfdx-project.json value.',
1274 versionnumber: 'the version number of the package version to be created',
1275 longVersionnumber: 'The version number of the package version to be created. Overrides the sfdx-project.json value.',
1276 versiondescription: 'the description of the package version to be created',
1277 longVersiondescription: 'The description of the package version to be created. Overrides the sfdx-project.json value.',
1278 defaultVersionName: 'versionName is blank in sfdx-project.json, so it will be set to this default value based on the versionNumber: %s',
1279 InProgress: 'Package version creation request is InProgress. Run "sfdx force:package:version:create:report -i %s" to query for status.',
1280 Queued: 'Package version creation request is Queued. Run "sfdx force:package:version:create:report -i %s" to query for status.',
1281 Success: 'Successfully created the package version [%s]. Subscriber Package Version Id: %s' +
1282 '\nPackage Installation URL: %s%s' +
1283 '\nAs an alternative, you can use the "sfdx force:package:install" command.',
1284 errorMissingFlags: 'Include either a %s value or a %s value. The value must match one of the packageDirectories specified in sfdx-project.json.',
1285 errorMissingFlagsInstallationKey: 'A required parameter is missing. Include either an %s value or %s.',
1286 errorNoMatchingPackageDirectory: 'The %s value [%s], doesn’t match the %s value in any packageDirectories specified in sfdx-project.json.',
1287 errorDirectoryIdMismatch: 'The %s value, [%s], and %s value, [%s], ' +
1288 'were both found in sfdx-project.json but don’t match. ' +
1289 'If you supply both values, they must match the path and ' +
1290 'package values in one of the packageDirectories.',
1291 errorDependencyPair: 'Dependency must specify either a subscriberPackageVersionId or both packageId and versionNumber: %s.',
1292 errorNoIdInHub: 'No package ID was found in Dev Hub for package ID: %s.',
1293 errorPackageAndPackageIdCollision: 'You can’t have both "package" ' + 'and "packageId" (deprecated) defined as dependencies in sfdx-project.json.',
1294 errorPackageAndIdCollision: 'You can’t have both "package" and ' + '"id" (deprecated) defined in your sfdx-project.json file.',
1295 errorMissingPackage: 'The package %s isn’t defined in the sfdx-project.json file. ' +
1296 'Add it to the packageDirectories section and add the alias to packageAliases with its 0Ho ID.',
1297 errorEmptyPackageDirs: 'sfdx-project.json must contain a packageDirectories entry for a package. You can run the force:package:create command to auto-populate such an entry.',
1298 unknownError: 'Package version creation failed with unknown error.',
1299 undefinedStatus: 'Package version creation returned with status: %s.'
1300 }
1301 },
1302 package_version_create_list: {
1303 en_US: {
1304 cliDescription: 'list package version creation requests',
1305 cliLongDescription: 'Lists all requests to create second-generation package versions in the Dev Hub org.',
1306 statusDescription: 'filter the list by version creation request status',
1307 statusLongDescription: 'Filters the list based on the status of version creation requests.',
1308 help: 'Shows the details of each request to create a package version in the Dev Hub org.' +
1309 '\n\nAll filter parameters are applied using the AND logical operator (not OR).' +
1310 '\n\nTo get information about a specific request, run "sfdx force:package:version:create:report" and supply the request ID.' +
1311 '\n\nExamples:' +
1312 '\n $ sfdx force:package:version:create:list' +
1313 '\n $ sfdx force:package:version:create:list --createdlastdays 3' +
1314 '\n $ sfdx force:package:version:create:list --status Error' +
1315 '\n $ sfdx force:package:version:create:list -s InProgress' +
1316 '\n $ sfdx force:package:version:create:list -c 3 -s Success',
1317 id: 'ID',
1318 status: 'Status',
1319 packageId: 'Package Id',
1320 packageVersionId: 'Package Version Id',
1321 subscriberPackageVersionId: 'Subscriber Package Version Id',
1322 branch: 'Branch',
1323 tag: 'Tag',
1324 installUrl: 'Installation URL'
1325 }
1326 },
1327 package_version_create_report: {
1328 en_US: {
1329 cliDescription: 'retrieve details about a package version creation request',
1330 cliLongDescription: 'Retrieves details about a package version creation request in the Dev Hub org.',
1331 help: 'Specify the request ID for which you want to view details. ' +
1332 'If applicable, the command displays errors related to the request.' +
1333 '\n\nExamples:' +
1334 '\n $ sfdx force:package:version:create:report -i 08c...' +
1335 '\n $ sfdx force:package:version:create:report -i 08c... -v devhub@example.com' +
1336 '\n\nTo show all requests in the org, run "sfdx force:package:version:create:list".',
1337 requestId: 'package version creation request ID (starts with 08c)',
1338 requestIdLong: 'The ID (starts with 08c) of the package version creation request you want to display.',
1339 error: 'Error',
1340 truncatedErrors: '...\n\nTo see all errors, run: sfdx force:data:soql:query -t -q "SELECT Message FROM Package2VersionCreateRequestError WHERE ParentRequest.Id =\'%s\'"\n'
1341 }
1342 },
1343 package_version_update: {
1344 en_US: {
1345 cliDescription: 'update a package version',
1346 cliLongDescription: 'Updates a second-generation package version in the Dev Hub org.',
1347 help: 'Specify a new value for each option you want to update.' +
1348 '\n\nExamples:' +
1349 '\n $ sfdx force:package:version:update -p "Your Package Alias" -k password123' +
1350 "\n $ sfdx force:package:version:update -p 04t... -b master -t 'Release 1.0.7'" +
1351 '\n $ sfdx force:package:version:update -p 04t... -e "New Package Version Description"' +
1352 '\n\nTo display details about a package version, run "sfdx force:package:version:report".',
1353 package: 'ID (starts with 04t) or alias of the package to update a version of',
1354 packageLong: 'The ID (starts with 04t) or alias of the package to update a version of.',
1355 name: 'new package version name',
1356 nameLong: 'The new package version name.',
1357 description: 'new package version description',
1358 descriptionLong: 'The new package version description.',
1359 branch: 'new package version branch',
1360 branchLong: 'The new package version branch.',
1361 tag: 'new package version tag',
1362 tagLong: 'The new package version tag.',
1363 key: 'new installation key for key-protected package (default: null)',
1364 longKey: 'The new installation key for the key-protected package. The default is null.',
1365 humanSuccess: 'Successfully updated the package version.',
1366 previousReleased: 'To release the new package version, run "sfdx force:package:version:update -s <new package version ID>".'
1367 }
1368 },
1369 package_version_report: {
1370 en_US: {
1371 cliDescription: 'retrieve details about a package version in the Dev Hub org',
1372 cliLongDescription: 'Retrieves details about a package version in the Dev Hub org.',
1373 help: 'Examples:' +
1374 '\n $ sfdx force:package:version:report -p 04t...' +
1375 '\n $ sfdx force:package:version:report -p "Your Package Alias"' +
1376 '\n\nTo update package version values, run "sfdx force:package:version:update".',
1377 package: 'ID (starts with 04t) or alias of the package to retrieve details for',
1378 packageLong: 'The ID (starts with 04t) or alias of the package to retrieve details for.',
1379 verboseDescription: 'displays extended package version details',
1380 verboseLongDescription: 'Displays extended package version details.'
1381 }
1382 },
1383 package_version_list: {
1384 en_US: {
1385 cliDescription: 'list all package versions in the Dev Hub org',
1386 cliLongDescription: 'Lists all package versions in the Dev Hub org.',
1387 conciseDescription: 'display limited package version details',
1388 conciseLongDescription: 'Displays limited package version details.',
1389 packagesDescription: 'filter results on specified comma-delimited packages (aliases or 0Ho IDs)',
1390 packagesLongDescription: 'Filters results on the specified comma-delimited packages (aliases or 0Ho IDs).',
1391 releasedDescription: 'display released versions only',
1392 releasedLongDescription: 'Displays released versions only (IsReleased=true).',
1393 orderByDescription: 'order by the specified package version fields',
1394 orderByLongDescription: 'Orders the list by the specified package version fields.',
1395 verboseDescription: 'display extended package version details',
1396 verboseLongDescription: 'Displays extended package version details.',
1397 help: 'Displays details of each package version in the org.' +
1398 '\n\nUse --concise or --verbose to display limited or additional details, respectively.' +
1399 '\n\nAll filter parameters are applied using the AND logical operator (not OR).' +
1400 '\n\nExamples:' +
1401 '\n $ sfdx force:package:version:list --verbose --createdlastdays 3 --released --orderby PatchVersion' +
1402 '\n $ sfdx force:package:version:list --packages 0Ho000000000000,0Ho000000000001 --released --modifiedlastdays 0' +
1403 '\n $ sfdx force:package:version:list --released' +
1404 '\n $ sfdx force:package:version:list --concise --modifiedlastdays 0' +
1405 '\n $ sfdx force:package:version:list --concise -c 3 -r' +
1406 '\n $ sfdx force:package:version:list --packages exp-mgr,exp-mgr-util --released --modifiedlastdays 0',
1407 name: 'Name',
1408 description: 'Description',
1409 version: 'Version',
1410 id: 'Package Version Id',
1411 alias: 'Alias',
1412 subscriberPackageVersionId: 'Subscriber Package Version Id',
1413 packageId: 'Package Id',
1414 packageBranch: 'Branch',
1415 packageTag: 'Tag',
1416 installUrl: 'Installation URL',
1417 installKey: 'Installation Key'
1418 }
1419 },
1420 package_installed_list: {
1421 en_US: {
1422 cliDescription: 'list the org’s installed packages',
1423 cliLongDescription: 'Lists all packages installed in the target org.',
1424 help: 'Examples:' +
1425 '\n $ sfdx force:package:installed:list' +
1426 '\n $ sfdx force:package:installed:list -u me@example.com',
1427 username: 'a username or alias for the target org',
1428 id: 'ID',
1429 subscriberPackageId: 'Package ID',
1430 subscriberPackageName: 'Package Name',
1431 subscriberPackageNamespace: 'Namespace',
1432 subscriberPackageVersionId: 'Package Version ID',
1433 subscriberPackageVersionName: 'Version Name',
1434 subscriberPackageVersionNumber: 'Version'
1435 }
1436 },
1437 // ******************************************* PACKAGE 2 LEGACY ********************************************
1438 package2: {
1439 en_US: {
1440 topicHelp: 'develop second-generation packages',
1441 topicHelpLong: 'Use the package2 commands to create, install, and manage second-generation packages.',
1442 createdLastDaysDescription: 'created in the last specified number of days (starting at 00:00:00 of first day to now; 0 for today)',
1443 createdLastDaysLongDescription: 'Filters the list based on the specified maximum number of days since the request was created ' +
1444 '(starting at 00:00:00 of first day to now; 0 for today).',
1445 modifiedLastDaysDescription: 'list items modified in the specified last number of days (starting at 00:00:00 of first day to now; 0 for today)',
1446 modifiedLastDaysLongDescription: 'Lists the items modified in the specified last number of days, starting at 00:00:00 of first day to now. Use 0 for today.',
1447 invalidId: 'Invalid %s: %s. Provide a valid ID that starts with %s.',
1448 invalidDaysNumber: 'Provide a valid positive number for %s.',
1449 invalidStatus: "Invalid status '%s'. Please provide one of these statuses: %s",
1450 package2NotEnabledAction: 'Second-generation packaging is not enabled on this org. Verify that you are authenticated to the desired org and try again. Otherwise, contact Salesforce Customer Support for more information.',
1451 package2InstanceNotEnabled: 'Your org does not have permission to specify a build instance for your package version. Verify that you are authenticated to the desired org and try again. Otherwise, contact Salesforce Customer Support for more information.',
1452 package2SourceOrgNotEnabled: 'Your Dev Hub does not have permission to specify a source org for your build org. Verify that you are authenticated to the correct Dev Hub and try again. Otherwise, contact Salesforce Customer Support for assistance.',
1453 installStatus: 'Waiting for the package install request to complete. Status = %s',
1454 errorMissingVersionNumber: 'The VersionNumber property must be specified.',
1455 errorInvalidVersionNumber: 'VersionNumber must be in the format major.minor.patch.build but the value found is [%s].',
1456 errorInvalidBuildNumber: "The provided VersionNumber '%s' is invalid. Provide an integer value or use the keyword '%s' for the build number.",
1457 errorInvalidPatchNumber: "The provided VersionNumber '%s' is not supported. Provide a patch number of 0.",
1458 errorInvalidMajorMinorNumber: "The provided VersionNumber '%s' is invalid. Provide an integer value for the %s number.",
1459 errorInvalidAncestorVersionFormat: 'The ancestor versionNumber must be in the format major.minor but the value found is [%s].',
1460 errorNoMatchingAncestor: "The ancestorId for ancestorVersion [%s] can't be found. Package 2 ID [%s].",
1461 errorAncestorIdVersionMismatch: 'The ancestorVersion in sfdx-project.json is not the version expected for the ancestorId you supplied. ancestorVersion [%s]. ancestorID [%s].',
1462 errorpackage2AncestorIdsKeyNotSupported: 'The package2AncestorIds key is no longer supported in a scratch org definition. Ancestors defined in sfdx-project.json will be included in the scratch org.'
1463 }
1464 },
1465 package2_create: {
1466 en_US: {
1467 cliDescription: 'create a second-generation package',
1468 cliLongDescription: 'Creates a second-generation package.',
1469 help: 'First, use this command to create a second-generation package. Then create a package version.' +
1470 '\n\nYour --name value must be unique within your namespace.' +
1471 '\n\nExamples:' +
1472 "\n $ sfdx force:package2:create -n PackageName -d 'My New Package' -o Unlocked" +
1473 "\n\nRun 'sfdx force:package2:list' to list all second-generation packages in the Dev Hub org.",
1474 name: 'package name',
1475 nameLong: 'Name of the second-generation package to create.',
1476 description: 'package description',
1477 descriptionLong: 'Description of the second-generation package.',
1478 noNamespace: 'creates the package with no namespace; available only for developer-controlled packages.',
1479 noNamespaceLong: 'Creates the package with no namespace. Available only for developer-controlled packages. ' +
1480 'Useful when migrating an existing org to packages, but new metadata should use a namespaced package.',
1481 containerOptions: '[*Managed | Unlocked] container options for the package2 ' +
1482 '(Managed=DeveloperManagedSubscriberManaged, Unlocked=DeveloperControlledSubscriberEditable)',
1483 containerOptionsLong: 'Container options for the package2. ' +
1484 '\nManaged is default. Other options include Unlocked. (Managed=DeveloperManagedSubscriberManaged, Unlocked=DeveloperControlledSubscriberEditable). ' +
1485 '\nThese options determine the upgrade and editability rules.',
1486 humanSuccess: 'Successfully created a second-generation package (package2).'
1487 }
1488 },
1489 package2_update: {
1490 en_US: {
1491 cliDescription: 'update a second-generation package',
1492 cliLongDescription: 'Updates a second-generation package.',
1493 help: 'Specify a new value for each option you want to update.' +
1494 '\n\nExamples:' +
1495 "\n $ sfdx force:package2:update --package2id 0Ho... --name 'AAnalytics'" +
1496 "\n $ sfdx force:package2:update -i 0Ho... -d 'Advanced Analytics'" +
1497 "\n\nRun 'sfdx force:package2:list' to list all second-generation packages in the Dev Hub org.",
1498 id: 'id of the package (starts with 0Ho)',
1499 idLong: 'ID of package (starts with 0Ho).',
1500 name: 'package name',
1501 nameLong: 'Name of the package to update.',
1502 description: 'package description',
1503 descriptionLong: 'Description of the package.',
1504 humanSuccess: 'Successfully updated the package. ID: %s.'
1505 }
1506 },
1507 package2_list: {
1508 en_US: {
1509 cliDescription: 'list all second-generation packages in the Dev Hub org',
1510 cliLongDescription: 'Lists all second-generation packages in the Dev Hub org.',
1511 help: 'You can view the namespace, IDs, and other details for each package.',
1512 namespace: 'Namespace Prefix',
1513 name: 'Name',
1514 id: 'Id',
1515 package2Id: 'Subscriber Package2 Id',
1516 description: 'Description',
1517 containerOptions: 'Options'
1518 }
1519 },
1520 package2_version_create: {
1521 en_US: {
1522 cliDescription: 'create a second-generation package version',
1523 cliLongDescription: 'Creates a second-generation package (package2) version in the Dev Hub org.',
1524 help: 'The package version is based on the package contents in the specified directory.' +
1525 '\n\nTo retrieve details about a package version create request, including status and package2 version ID (05i), ' +
1526 'run "sfdx force:package2:version:create:get -i 08c...".' +
1527 '\n\nTo list package version creation requests in the org, run "sfdx force:package2:version:create:list".' +
1528 '\n\nExamples:' +
1529 '\n $ sfdx force:package2:version:create -d common' +
1530 '\n $ sfdx force:package2:version:create -i 0Ho... -d common',
1531 package2Id: 'ID of the parent package (starts with 0Ho)',
1532 longPackage2Id: 'ID of parent package (starts with 0Ho).',
1533 dir: 'path to directory that contains the contents of the package version',
1534 longDir: 'The path to the directory that contains the contents of the package version.',
1535 branch: 'the package version’s branch',
1536 longBranch: 'The package version’s branch.',
1537 tag: 'the package version’s tag',
1538 longTag: 'The package version’s tag.',
1539 key: 'installation key for key-protected package (default: null)',
1540 longKey: 'Installation key for creating the key-protected package. The default is null.',
1541 preserve: 'temp files are preserved that would otherwise be deleted',
1542 longPreserve: 'Specifies that the temp files are preserved that would otherwise be deleted',
1543 validateschema: 'sfdx-project.json is validated against JSON schema',
1544 longValidateschema: 'Specifies that the sfdx-project.json file should be validated against JSON schema',
1545 tempFileLocation: 'The temp files are located at: %s.',
1546 wait: 'minutes to wait for the package version to be created',
1547 longWait: 'The number of minutes to wait for the package version to be created.',
1548 instance: 'the instance where the package version will be created——for example, NA50',
1549 longInstance: 'The instance where the package version will be created——for example, NA50.',
1550 sourceorg: 'the source org ID used to copy the org shape for the build org',
1551 longSourceorg: 'The source org ID used to copy the org shape for the build org.',
1552 InProgress: 'Package2 version creation request is InProgress. Run "sfdx force:package2:version:create:get -i %s" to query for status.',
1553 Queued: 'Package2 version creation request is Queued. Run "sfdx force:package2:version:create:get -i %s" to query for status.',
1554 Success: 'Successfully created the package2 version [%s]. Package2 Version Id: %s. Subscriber Package2 Version Id: %s.' +
1555 '\nPackage Installation URL: %s%s' +
1556 '\nAs an alternative, you can use the "sfdx force:package:install" command.',
1557 errorMissingFlags: 'Include either a %s value or a %s value. The value must match one of the packageDirectories specified in sfdx-project.json.',
1558 errorNoMatchingPackageDirectory: 'The %s value [%s], doesn’t match the %s value in any packageDirectories specified in sfdx-project.json.',
1559 errorDirectoryIdMismatch: 'The %s value, [%s], and %s value, [%s], were both found in sfdx-project.json but don’t match. If you supply both values, they must match the path and id values in one of the packageDirectories.',
1560 errorDependencyPair: 'Dependency must specify either a subscriberPackageVersionId or both packageId and versionNumber: %s.',
1561 errorNoIdInHub: 'No package2 ID was found in Dev Hub for package2 ID: %s.',
1562 errorEmptyPackageDirs: 'sfdx-project.json must contain a packageDirectories entry for a package. It has no entries, currently.',
1563 unknownError: 'Package2 version creation failed with unknown error.',
1564 undefinedStatus: 'Package2 version creation returned with status: %s.'
1565 }
1566 },
1567 package2_version_create_list: {
1568 en_US: {
1569 cliDescription: 'list package version creation requests',
1570 cliLongDescription: 'Lists all requests to create second-generation package (package2) versions in the Dev Hub org.',
1571 statusDescription: 'filter the list by version creation request status',
1572 statusLongDescription: 'Filters the list based on the status of version creation requests.',
1573 help: "Shows the details of each request to create a package2 version that's run in the Dev Hub org." +
1574 '\n\nAll filter parameters are applied using the AND logical operator (not OR).' +
1575 '\n\nTo get information about a specific request, run "sfdx force:package2:version:create:get" and supply the request ID.' +
1576 '\n\nExamples:' +
1577 '\n $ sfdx force:package2:version:create:list' +
1578 '\n $ sfdx force:package2:version:create:list --createdlastdays 3' +
1579 '\n $ sfdx force:package2:version:create:list --status Error' +
1580 '\n $ sfdx force:package2:version:create:list -s InProgress' +
1581 '\n $ sfdx force:package2:version:create:list -c 3 -s Success',
1582 id: 'ID',
1583 status: 'Status',
1584 package2Id: 'Package2 Id',
1585 package2VersionId: 'Package2 Version Id',
1586 subscriberPackageVersionId: 'Subscriber Package2 Version Id',
1587 branch: 'Branch',
1588 tag: 'Tag',
1589 installUrl: 'Installation URL'
1590 }
1591 },
1592 package2_version_create_get: {
1593 en_US: {
1594 cliDescription: 'retrieve a package version creation request',
1595 cliLongDescription: 'Retrieves a second-generation package version creation request in the Dev Hub org.',
1596 help: 'Specify the request ID for which you want to view details. ' +
1597 'If applicable, the command displays errors related to the request.' +
1598 '\n\nExamples:' +
1599 '\n $ sfdx force:package2:version:create:get --package2createrequestid 08c...' +
1600 '\n\nTo show all requests in the org, run "sfdx force:package2:version:create:list".',
1601 requestId: 'package2 version creation request ID (starts with 08c)',
1602 requestIdLong: 'The ID of the package2 version creation request you want to display.',
1603 error: 'Error',
1604 truncatedErrors: '...\n\nTo see all errors, run: sfdx force:data:soql:query -t -q "SELECT Message FROM Package2VersionCreateRequestError WHERE ParentRequest.Id =\'%s\'"\n'
1605 }
1606 },
1607 package2_version_update: {
1608 en_US: {
1609 cliDescription: 'update a second-generation package version',
1610 cliLongDescription: 'Updates a second-generation package version in the Dev Hub org.',
1611 help: 'Specify a new value for each option you want to update.' +
1612 '\n\nExamples:' +
1613 '\n $ sfdx force:package2:version:update --package2versionid 05i... --setasreleased' +
1614 "\n $ sfdx force:package2:version:update -i 05i... -b master -t 'Release 1.0.7'" +
1615 '\n\nTo display details about a package2 version, run "sfdx force:package2:version:get".',
1616 id: 'the package version ID (starts wtih 05i)',
1617 idLong: 'The package version ID (starts with 05i).',
1618 name: 'the package version name',
1619 nameLong: 'The package version name.',
1620 description: 'the package version description',
1621 descriptionLong: 'The second-generation package version description.',
1622 branch: 'the package version branch',
1623 branchLong: 'The second-generation package version branch.',
1624 tag: 'the package version tag',
1625 tagLong: 'The second-generation package version tag.',
1626 key: 'installation key for key-protected package (default: null)',
1627 longKey: 'Installation key for creating the key-protected package. The default is null.',
1628 setasreleased: 'set the package version as released (can’t be undone)',
1629 setasreleasedLong: 'Sets the second-generation package version as released. Second-generation packages can’t be changed to ' +
1630 'beta after they’ve been released.',
1631 setasreleasedForce: 'no prompt to confirm setting the package version as released',
1632 setasreleasedForceLong: 'No prompt to confirm setting the package version as released.',
1633 humanSuccess: 'Successfully updated the package version. ID: %s.',
1634 previousReleased: 'To release the new package2 version, run "sfdx force:package2:version:update -s <new package2 version ID>".'
1635 }
1636 },
1637 package2_version_get: {
1638 en_US: {
1639 cliDescription: 'retrieve a package version in the Dev Hub org',
1640 cliLongDescription: 'Retrieves a package version in the Dev Hub org.',
1641 help: 'Examples:' +
1642 '\n $ sfdx force:package2:version:get --package2versionid 05i...' +
1643 '\n\nTo update package version values, run "sfdx force:package2:version:update".'
1644 }
1645 },
1646 package2_version_list: {
1647 en_US: {
1648 cliDescription: 'list all package versions in the Dev Hub org',
1649 cliLongDescription: 'Lists all package2 versions in the Dev Hub org.',
1650 conciseDescription: 'display limited package2 version details',
1651 conciseLongDescription: 'Displays limited package2 version details.',
1652 package2IdsDescription: 'filter results on specified comma-delimited package2 ids (start with 0Ho)',
1653 package2IdsLongDescription: 'Filters results on the specified comma-delimited package2 IDs (start with 0Ho).',
1654 releasedDescription: 'display released versions only',
1655 releasedLongDescription: 'Displays released versions only (IsReleased=true).',
1656 orderByDescription: 'order by the specified package2 version fields',
1657 orderByLongDescription: 'Orders the list by the specified package2 version fields.',
1658 verboseDescription: 'display extended package2 versions detail',
1659 verboseLongDescription: 'Display extended package2 versions detail.',
1660 help: 'Displays details of each package2 version in the org.' +
1661 '\n\nUse --concise or --verbose to display limited or additional details, respectively.' +
1662 '\n\nAll filter parameters are applied using the AND logical operator (not OR).' +
1663 '\n\nExamples:' +
1664 '\n $ sfdx force:package2:version:list --verbose --createdlastdays 3 --released --orderby PatchVersion' +
1665 '\n $ sfdx force:package2:version:list --package2ids 0Ho000000000000,0Ho000000000001 --released --modifiedlastdays 0' +
1666 '\n $ sfdx force:package2:version:list --released' +
1667 '\n $ sfdx force:package2:version:list --concise --modifiedlastdays 0' +
1668 '\n $ sfdx force:package2:version:list --concise -c 3 -r',
1669 name: 'Name',
1670 description: 'Description',
1671 version: 'Version',
1672 id: 'Package2 Version Id',
1673 subscriberPackageVersionId: 'Subscriber Package2 Version Id',
1674 package2Id: 'Package2 Id',
1675 package2Branch: 'Branch',
1676 package2Tag: 'Tag',
1677 installUrl: 'Installation URL'
1678 }
1679 },
1680 // ************************************ END OF PACKAGE2 LEGACY *****************************************
1681 signup: {
1682 en_US: {
1683 quantifiedFeatureWithoutQuantityWarning: "The feature %s will be deprecated in a future release. It's been replaced by %s:<value>, which requires you to specify a quantity.",
1684 deprecatedFeatureWarning: 'The feature %s has been deprecated. It has been removed from the list of requested features.',
1685 INVALID_ID_FIELD: 'Provide a valid template ID, in the format 0TTxxxxxxxxxxxx.',
1686 'T-0002': 'We couldn’t find a template or snapshot with the ID or name specified in the scratch org definition. If you’re sure the ID is correct, contact Salesforce Support.',
1687 'T-0003': 'The template specified in the scratch org definition is unapproved. Contact Salesforce Support to request template approval.',
1688 'S-1006': 'Provide a valid email address in your scratch org definition or your %s file.',
1689 'S-2006': 'Provide a valid country code in your scratch org definition or your %s file.',
1690 'S-1017': 'Specify a namespace that’s used by a release org associated with your Dev Hub org.',
1691 'S-1018': 'Provide a valid My Domain value. This value can’t include double hyphens, end in a hyphen, include restricted words, or be more than 40 characters long.',
1692 'S-1019': 'The My Domain value you chose is already in use.',
1693 'S-1026': 'Provide a valid namespace value. This value must begin with a letter. It can’t include consecutive underscores, end in an underscore, be more than 15 characters long, or be a restricted or reserved namespace. Only alphanumeric characters and underscores are allowed.',
1694 'S-9999': 'A fatal signup error occurred. Please try again. If you still see this error, contact Salesforce Support for assistance.',
1695 'C-1007': "The username provided to the org:create command is already in use. Run 'force:org:list --clean' to remove stale org authentications or create the org with a different username.",
1696 'C-1015': 'We encountered a problem while registering your My Domain value with the DNS provider. Please try again.',
1697 'C-1016': 'We encountered a problem while attempting to configure and approve the Connected App for your org. Verify the Connected App configuration with your Salesforce admin.',
1698 'C-1017': 'Provide a valid namespace prefix. This value must begin with a letter. It can’t include consecutive underscores, end in an underscore, be more than 15 characters long, or be a restricted or reserved namespace. Only alphanumeric characters and underscores are allowed.',
1699 'C-1020': "We couldn't find a template with the ID specified in the scratch org definition. If you’re sure the ID is correct, contact Salesforce Support.",
1700 'C-1027': 'The template specified in the Scratch Definition isn’t supported. Specify a generic edition (such as Developer or Enterprise), or specify a template ID.',
1701 'C-9999': 'A fatal signup error occurred. Please try again. If you still see this error, contact Salesforce Support for assistance.',
1702 MyDomainResolverTimeoutError: 'Successfully created org with ID: %s and name: %s. However, the My Domain URL %s has not finished propagating. Some commands may not work as expected until the My Domain DNS propagation is complete.',
1703 SourceStatusResetFailure: 'Successfully created org with ID: %s and name: %s. Unfortunately, source tracking isn’t working as expected. If you run force:source:status, the results may be incorrect. Try again by creating another scratch org.'
1704 }
1705 },
1706 generatePassword: {
1707 en_US: {
1708 description: 'generate a password for scratch org users',
1709 longDescription: 'Generates a password for scratch org users. Targets the usernames listed with the --onbehalfof parameter ' +
1710 'or the --targetusername parameter. Defaults to the defaultusername.',
1711 help: 'Generates and sets a random password for one or more scratch org users.' +
1712 `${os.EOL}${os.EOL}If you haven’t set a default Dev Hub, or if your scratch org isn’t associated with your default Dev Hub, ` +
1713 '--targetdevhubusername is required.' +
1714 `${os.EOL}${os.EOL}To see a password that was previously generated, run "sfdx force:user:display".` +
1715 `${os.EOL}${os.EOL}Examples:` +
1716 `${os.EOL} $ sfdx force:user:password:generate` +
1717 `${os.EOL} $ sfdx force:user:password:generate -u me@my.org --json` +
1718 `${os.EOL} $ sfdx force:user:password:generate -o user1@my.org,user2@my.org,user3@my.org`,
1719 onbehalfofParam: 'comma-separated list of usernames for which to generate passwords',
1720 onbehalfofParamLong: 'A comma-separated list of usernames for which to generate passwords.',
1721 noOrgProvided: 'Please specify the org for the user(s)',
1722 notFoundOnDevHub: 'The scratch org does not belong to the dev hub username %s.',
1723 userNotFound: 'The username "%s" was not found for scratch org %s',
1724 usersNotFound: 'The usernames "%s" were not found for scratch org %s',
1725 notADevHub: 'The provided dev hub username %s is not a valid dev hub.',
1726 action: 'Specify the dev hub username that the scratch org belongs to with --targetdevhubusername or set a default run "sfdx force:config:set defaultdevhubusername=<username>".',
1727 success: 'Successfully set the password "%s" for user %s.',
1728 successMultiple: `Successfully set passwords:${os.EOL}`,
1729 viewWithCommand: 'You can see the password again by running "sfdx force:user:display -u %s".',
1730 noSelfSetAction: 'Create a scratch org with the SelfSetPasswordInApi org preference enabled and try again.'
1731 }
1732 },
1733 user_create: {
1734 en_US: {
1735 description: 'create a user for a scratch org',
1736 longDescription: 'Creates a user for a scratch org.',
1737 help: 'Create a user for a scratch org, optionally setting an alias for use by the CLI, ' +
1738 'assigning permission sets (e.g., permsets=ps1,ps2), generating a password (e.g., generatepassword=true), ' +
1739 'and setting User sObject fields.' +
1740 `${os.EOL}${os.EOL}Examples:` +
1741 `${os.EOL} $ sfdx force:user:create` +
1742 `${os.EOL} $ sfdx force:user:create -a testuser1 -f config/project-user-def.json` +
1743 `${os.EOL} $ sfdx force:user:create username=testuser1@my.org email=me@my.org permsets=DreamHouse` +
1744 `${os.EOL} $ sfdx force:user:create -f config/project-user-def.json email=me@my.org generatepassword=true`,
1745 definitionfileParam: 'file path to a user definition',
1746 definitionfileParamLong: 'File path to a user definition.',
1747 setaliasParam: 'set an alias for the created username to reference within the CLI',
1748 setaliasParamLong: 'Sets an alias for the created username to reference within the CLI.',
1749 noOrgProvided: 'Please specify the org where the user should be created.',
1750 userNotCreated: 'User must be created before %s',
1751 licenseLimitExceeded: 'There are no available user licenses for the user profile "%s".',
1752 duplicateUsername: 'The username "%s" already exists in this or another Salesforce org. Usernames must be unique across all Salesforce orgs.',
1753 profileNameNotFound: 'Profile name "%s" not found in target org. Do you need to push source?',
1754 success: `Successfully created user "%s" with ID [%s] for org %s.${os.EOL}You can see more details about this user by running "sfdx force:user:display -u %s".`
1755 }
1756 },
1757 user_list: {
1758 en_US: {
1759 description: 'lists all users of a scratch org',
1760 longDescription: 'Lists all users of a scratch org that the Salesforce CLI has created or authenticated.',
1761 help: 'The original scratch org admin is marked with "(A)"' +
1762 `${os.EOL}Examples:` +
1763 `${os.EOL} $ sfdx force:user:list` +
1764 `${os.EOL} $ sfdx force:user:list -u me@my.org --json` +
1765 `${os.EOL} $ sfdx force:user:list --json > tmp/MyUserList.json`,
1766 noOrgProvided: 'Please specify the target org of the users to list via the --targetusername flag or setting a default username.',
1767 usersInOrg: 'Users in org %s'
1768 }
1769 },
1770 user_display: {
1771 en_US: {
1772 description: 'displays information about a user of a scratch org',
1773 longDescription: 'Displays information about a user of a scratch org that the Salesforce CLI has created or authenticated.',
1774 help: 'Output includes the profile name, org ID, access token, instance URL, login URL, and alias if applicable.' +
1775 `${os.EOL}Examples:` +
1776 `${os.EOL} $ sfdx force:user:display` +
1777 `${os.EOL} $ sfdx force:user:display -u me@my.org --json`,
1778 noOrgProvided: 'Please specify the user to display via the --targetusername flag or setting a default username.'
1779 }
1780 },
1781 source: {
1782 en_US: {
1783 description: 'sync your project with your orgs',
1784 longDescription: 'Use the source commands to push and pull source to and from your scratch orgs, ' +
1785 'to deploy and retrieve source to and from non-source-tracked orgs, ' +
1786 'to see synchronization changes between your project and scratch orgs, and to convert your source ' +
1787 'to the metadata format for Metadata API deployments.'
1788 }
1789 },
1790 source_convert: {
1791 en_US: {
1792 description: 'convert source into Metadata API format',
1793 longDescription: 'Converts source-formatted files into metadata that you can deploy using Metadata API.',
1794 help: 'To convert source-formatted files into the metadata format, so that you can deploy them using Metadata API, ' +
1795 'run "sfdx force:source:convert". Then deploy the metadata using "sfdx force:mdapi:deploy".' +
1796 '\n\nTo convert Metadata API–formatted files into the source format, run "sfdx force:mdapi:convert".' +
1797 '\n\nTo specify a package name that includes spaces, enclose the name in single quotes.' +
1798 '\n\nExamples:' +
1799 '\n $ sfdx force:source:convert -r path/to/source' +
1800 "\n $ sfdx force:source:convert -r path/to/source -d path/to/outputdir -n 'My Package'",
1801 rootParam: 'a source directory other than the default package to convert',
1802 rootParamLongDescription: 'A directory other than the default package directory that contains the source-formatted files to convert.',
1803 outputDirectoryParam: 'output directory to store the Metadata API–formatted files in',
1804 outputDirectoryParamLongDescription: 'The output directory to store the Metadata API–formatted metadata files in.',
1805 packageNameParam: 'name of the package to associate with the metadata-formatted files',
1806 packageNameParamLongDescription: 'The name of the package to associate with the metadata-formatted files.'
1807 }
1808 },
1809 sourceConvertCommand: {
1810 en_US: {
1811 success: 'Source was successfully converted to Metadata API format and written to the location: %s',
1812 invalidRootDirectory: 'The package root directory does not exist: %s',
1813 noSourceInRootDirectory: 'The package root directory is empty.',
1814 rootDirectoryNotASourceDirectory: 'The package root directory is not a source directory'
1815 }
1816 },
1817 lightning: {
1818 en_US: {
1819 mainTopicDescriptionHelp: 'create Aura components and Lightning web components, and test Aura components',
1820 mainTopicLongDescriptionHelp: 'Use the lightning commands to create Aura components and Lightning web components ' +
1821 'and to test Aura components. As of API version 45.0, you can build Lightning components using two programming models: ' +
1822 'Lightning Web Components, and the original model, Aura Components. Lightning web components and Aura components can ' +
1823 'coexist and interoperate on a page.'
1824 }
1825 },
1826 lightning_test: {
1827 en_US: {
1828 lightningTestCommandDescription: 'invoke Aura component tests',
1829 lightningTestCommandDescriptionLong: 'Runs Aura component tests. The Lightning Testing Service (LTS) ' +
1830 'unmanaged package must be installed in your org. For details, see the LTS documentation.',
1831 lightningTestCommandParamAppName: 'name of your Lightning test application',
1832 lightningTestCommandParamAppNameLong: 'Name of your Lightning test application. The name is case insensitive, ' +
1833 'and ".app" is optional, so "Test" and "test.app" are equivalent.' +
1834 '\nDefault value: Test.app',
1835 lightningCommandParamTestArtifactDir: 'directory path to store test run artifacts: for example, log files and test results',
1836 lightningCommandParamTestArtifactDirLong: 'Directory path to store test run artifacts: log files, test results, and so on.',
1837 lightningTestCommandParamReporter: 'test result format emitted to stdout; --json flag overrides this parameter',
1838 lightningTestCommandParamReporterLong: 'Format to use when displaying test results. If you also specify the --json ' +
1839 'flag, --json overrides this parameter.',
1840 lightningTestCommandParamConfig: 'path to config file for the test',
1841 lightningTestCommandParamConfigLong: 'Path to a test configuration file to configure WebDriver and other settings. ' +
1842 'For details, see the LTS documentation.',
1843 lightningTestCommandParamLeaveBrowserOpen: 'leave browser open',
1844 lightningTestCommandParamLeaveBrowserOpenLong: 'Leaves browser open after the test finishes so that you can view ' + 'the test suite results.',
1845 lightningTestCommandParamTimeout: 'time (ms) to wait for results element in dom',
1846 lightningTestCommandParamTimeoutLong: 'Time, in milliseconds, to wait for the results element to be present in the DOM, ' +
1847 'before failing and moving on to the next test.',
1848 lightningTestCommandHelp: 'Examples:' +
1849 '\n $ sfdx force:lightning:test:run' +
1850 '\n $ sfdx force:lightning:test:run -a tests -r human' +
1851 '\n $ sfdx force:lightning:test:run -f config/myConfigFile.json -d testResultFolder',
1852 lightningTestInvalidReporter: 'Unknown result format type. Must be one of the following values: %s',
1853 lightningTestResultRetrievalFailed: 'Unable to get test results: %s',
1854 lightningTestBrowserError: 'Something went wrong with the test app: %s',
1855 lightningTestInstallCommandDescription: 'install Lightning Testing Service unmanaged package in your org',
1856 lightningTestInstallCommandDescriptionLong: 'Installs a Lightning Testing Service (LTS) unmanaged package into your org.',
1857 lightningTestInstallCommandParamWait: 'number of minutes to wait for installation status',
1858 lightningTestInstallCommandParamWaitLong: 'Maximum number of minutes to wait for installation status.',
1859 lightningTestInstallCommandParamVersion: 'release version of Lightning Testing Service',
1860 lightningTestInstallCommandParamVersionLong: 'The release version of LTS unmanaged package you want to install.',
1861 lightningTestInstallCommandParamType: "type of unmanaged package. 'full' option contains both jasmine and mocha, plus examples",
1862 lightningTestInstallCommandParamTypeLong: "Type of LTS unmanaged package to install. 'jasmine' and 'mocha' contains the essentials for development, 'full' contains both, and adds sample components and tests in the package. 'full' is best for 'kicking the tires' of LTS.",
1863 lightningTestInstallCommandHelp: 'Examples:' +
1864 '\n $ sfdx force:lightning:test:install' +
1865 '\n $ sfdx force:lightning:test:install -w 0 -r v1.0' +
1866 '\n $ sfdx force:lightning:test:install -t jasmine',
1867 scratchOrgOnly: 'Lightning Testing Service can only run in scratch orgs, because tests can permanently change org data.',
1868 waitNotNumber: 'The value specified for wait argument, %s, is not a number.',
1869 invalidType: 'The value specified for type argument, %s, is invalid.',
1870 invalidVersion: "Release tag %s doesn't exist. For the list of available releases, go to https://github.com/forcedotcom/LightningTestingService/releases.",
1871 packageIdRetrievalIssue: 'An error occurred trying to reach %s to retrieve the LTS package ID. See the debug log for details.',
1872 packageIdExtractionIssue: 'Unable to extract a package ID from the response from %s. See the debug log for details.',
1873 testRunError: 'Something went wrong with the test run. It might be an environmental or configuration issue.' +
1874 '\nError Message: %s'
1875 }
1876 },
1877 limits: {
1878 en_US: {
1879 mainTopicDescriptionHelp: 'view your org’s limits',
1880 mainTopicLongDescriptionHelp: 'Use the limits commands to view your org’s limits ' + 'and how close you are to reaching them.'
1881 }
1882 },
1883 schema: {
1884 en_US: {
1885 mainTopicDescriptionHelp: 'view standard and custom objects',
1886 mainTopicLongDescriptionHelp: 'Use the schema commands to view information about the ' + 'standard and custom objects in your org.'
1887 }
1888 },
1889 visualforce: {
1890 en_US: {
1891 mainTopicDescriptionHelp: 'create and edit Visualforce files',
1892 mainTopicLongDescriptionHelp: 'Use the visualforce commands to create Visualforce pages and components.'
1893 }
1894 },
1895 project: {
1896 en_US: {
1897 mainTopicDescriptionHelp: 'set up a Salesforce DX project',
1898 mainTopicLongDescriptionHelp: 'Use the project commands to set up a Salesforce DX project.'
1899 }
1900 },
1901 projectUpgrade: {
1902 en_US: {
1903 commandDescription: 'update project config files to the latest format',
1904 commandDescriptionLong: 'Updates project configuration and definition files to the latest format.',
1905 commandHelp: 'Examples:' + '\n $ sfdx force:project:upgrade' + '\n $ sfdx force:project:upgrade -f',
1906 forceOption: 'run all upgrades even if project has already been upgraded',
1907 forceOptionLong: 'Run all upgrades, even if the project definition files have already been upgraded.',
1908 error_validProject: 'Need a valid project to upgrade',
1909 error_upgradeFailed: 'Failed to upgrade: %s',
1910 prompt_renameProjectFile: 'Found old project file in %s. To continue upgrade, you must rename it to %s. Would you like to continue (yes/no)?',
1911 prompt_queuedActions: 'Found %s project update(s) to perform. Do you want to continue (list/yes/no)?',
1912 prompt_continue: 'Do you want to continue (yes/no)?',
1913 prompt_orgDefPattern: 'Check for old org definition files in the "config" directory using the pattern "config/*def.json" by entering "D" or "DEFAULT". Otherwise, enter the pattern to find your org definition files, such as "orgs/my-org-*def.json". To skip conversion of org definition files, enter "SKIP".',
1914 skipping: 'Skipping %s upgrades.',
1915 uptodate: 'Your project is up to date.',
1916 action_orgDefConversion: 'Upgrade %s org definition files to new format.',
1917 action_headsDownProject: 'Upgrade %s to headsDownCamelCase',
1918 action_removeUseDecomposition: 'Remove useDecomposition from %s'
1919 }
1920 },
1921 org_shape: {
1922 en_US: {
1923 create_shape_command_description: 'create a snapshot of org edition, features, and licenses',
1924 create_shape_command_description_long: 'Creates a snapshot of org edition, features, and licenses to use for scratch org creation, ' +
1925 'allowing your scratch org to look like another org for testing.',
1926 create_shape_command_help: 'Examples:' +
1927 '\n $ sfdx force:org:shape:create -u me@my.org' +
1928 '\n $ sfdx force:org:shape:create -u me@my.org --json --loglevel debug',
1929 create_shape_command_username: 'a username or alias for the target org',
1930 create_shape_command_username_long: 'Username or alias of the previously authorized org from which you want to create an org shape.',
1931 create_shape_command_no_access: 'The org needs to be enabled for org shape before one can be created.',
1932 create_shape_command_success: 'Successfully enqueued ShapeRepresentation creation for ID %s.'
1933 }
1934 },
1935 orgSnapshot: {
1936 en_US: {
1937 createSnapshotCmdDescription: 'snapshot a scratch org',
1938 createSnapshotCmdDescriptionLong: 'Creates a snapshot of a scratch org.',
1939 createSnapshotCmdHelp: 'A snapshot is a point-in-time export of a scratch org. The export is stored in Salesforce ' +
1940 'and referenced by its unique name in a scratch definition file.' +
1941 '\n\nUse "sfdx force:org:snapshot:get" to get details, including status, about a snapshot creation request.' +
1942 '\n\nWith "snapshot" in your scratch org definition file, use "sfdx force:org:create" to create a scratch org from a snapshot.' +
1943 '\n\nExamples:' +
1944 '\n\n $ sfdx force:org:snapshot:create --sourceorg 00Dxx0000000000 --snapshotname Dependencies --description "Contains PackageA v1.1.0"' +
1945 '\n\n $ sfdx force:org:snapshot:create -o myuser@myorg -n NightlyBranch -d "Contains PkgA v2.1.0 and PkgB 3.3.0"',
1946 createSnapshotCmdSourceOrgDescription: 'ID or locally authenticated username or alias of scratch org to snapshot',
1947 createSnapshotCmdSourceOrgDescriptionLong: 'The org ID, or a locally authenticated username or alias, of the scratch org to snapshot.',
1948 createSnapshotCmdNameDescription: 'unique name of snapshot',
1949 createSnapshotCmdNameDescriptionLong: 'The unique name of the snapshot. Use this name to create scratch orgs from the snapshot.',
1950 createSnapshotCmdDescriptionDescription: 'description of snapshot',
1951 createSnapshotCmdDescriptionDescriptionLong: 'A description of the snapshot. Use this description to document the contents ' +
1952 'of the snapshot. We suggest that you include a reference point, such as a version control system tag or commit ID.',
1953 getSnapshotCmdDescription: 'get details about a scratch org snapshot',
1954 getSnapshotCmdDescriptionLong: 'Retrieves details about a scratch org snapshot.',
1955 getSnapshotCmdHelp: 'Use "sfdx force:org:snapshot:create" to create a snapshot.' +
1956 '\n\nUse "sfdx force:org:snapshot:list" to retrieve all snapshots.' +
1957 '\n\nExamples:' +
1958 '\n\n $ sfdx force:org:snapshot:get --snapshot 0Oo...' +
1959 '\n\n $ sfdx force:org:snapshot:get -s Dependencies',
1960 getSnapshotCmdSnapshotDescription: 'name or ID of snapshot to retrieve',
1961 getSnapshotCmdSnapshotDescriptionLong: 'The name or ID (starts with 0Oo) of the snapshot to retrieve.',
1962 listSnapshotCmdDescription: 'list scratch org snapshots',
1963 listSnapshotCmdDescriptionLong: 'Lists scratch org snapshots for your Dev Hub.',
1964 listSnapshotCmdHelp: 'Use "sfdx force:org:snapshot:get" to get details about a snapshot request.' +
1965 '\n\nUse "sfdx force:org:snapshot:create" to create a snapshot.' +
1966 '\n\nExamples:' +
1967 '\n\n $ sfdx force:org:snapshot:list' +
1968 '\n\n $ sfdx force:org:snapshot:list -v OtherDevHub@example.com',
1969 deleteSnapshotCmdDescription: 'delete a scratch org snapshot',
1970 deleteSnapshotCmdDescriptionLong: 'Deletes a scratch org snapshot.',
1971 deleteSnapshotCmdHelp: 'Examples:' +
1972 '\n\n $ sfdx force:org:snapshot:delete --snapshot 0Oo...' +
1973 '\n\n $ sfdx force:org:snapshot:delete -s BaseSnapshot',
1974 deleteSnapshotCmdSnapshotDescription: 'name or ID of snapshot to delete',
1975 deleteSnapshotCmdSnapshotDescriptionLong: 'The name or ID (starts with 0Oo) of the snapshot to delete.',
1976 snapshotNotEnabled: 'Org snapshots aren’t enabled for your Dev Hub.',
1977 sourceOrgInvalid: 'Provide a valid name or ID for your source org.',
1978 nameInvalid: 'Provide a valid name for your snapshot.',
1979 snapshotInvalid: 'Provide a valid name or ID for your snapshot.',
1980 unsupportedSnapshotOrgCreateOptions: 'Org snapshots don’t support one or more options you specified: %s'
1981 }
1982 }
1984const _getLocale = function () {
1985 return 'en_US';
1987module.exports = function (locale = _getLocale()) {
1988 return {
1989 getMessage(label, args, bundle = 'default') {
1990 const bundleLocale = messages[bundle][locale];
1991 if (util.isNullOrUndefined(bundleLocale)) {
1992 return null;
1993 }
1994 if (util.isNullOrUndefined(bundleLocale[label])) {
1995 throw new Error(util.format(bundleLocale.UndefinedLocalizationLabel, bundle, label, locale));
1996 }
1997 if (util.isNullOrUndefined(args)) {
1998 return bundleLocale[label];
1999 }
2000 else {
2001 if (!ts_types_1.isArray(args))
2002 args = [args];
2003 const everyone = [].concat(bundleLocale[label], args);
2004 // @ts-ignore TODO: typings want a min of one arg but the line above guarantees that
2005 return util.format(...everyone);
2006 }
2007 },
2008 getLocale() {
2009 return _getLocale();
2010 },
2011 get targetusername() {
2013 },
2014 get perflog() {
2016 }
2017 };
2020//# sourceMappingURL=messages.js.map