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1module.exports = {
2 mdapiCliExclusiveFlagError: 'Specify either --%s or --%s but not both.',
3 mdDeployCommandCliNoRestDeploy:
4 'REST deploy is not available for this org. This feature is currently for internal Salesforce use only.',
5 mdDeployCommandCliDescription: 'deploy metadata to an org using Metadata API',
6 mdDeployCommandCliLong:
7 'Deploys file representations of components into an org by creating or updating the ' +
8 'components they represent. You can deploy and retrieve up to 10,000 files or 400 MB (39 MB compressed) ' +
9 'at one time. The default target username is the admin user for the default scratch org.',
10 mdDeployReportCommandCliDescription: 'check the status of a metadata deployment',
11 mdDeployReportCommandCliLong: 'Checks the current status of an asynchronous metadata deployment.',
12 mdDeployReportCommandCliHelp:
13 'Specify the job ID for the deploy you want to check. You can also specify a wait time ' +
14 '(minutes) to check for updates to the deploy status.',
15 mdDeployCommandCliHelp:
16 'Specify the location of the files to deploy as a .zip file or by the root of the ' +
17 'directory tree containing the files. To check the status of a deployment, specify its job ID. To run quick deploy of a ' +
18 'recently validated package, use --validateddeployrequestid with the validated ID.' +
19 '\n\nTo wait for the command to finish running no matter how long the deployment takes, set --wait to -1: ' +
20 '"sfdx force mdapi:deploy -w -1 ...".',
21 mdDeployCommandCliCheckOnly: 'validate deploy but don’t save to the org',
22 mdDeployCommandCliCheckOnlyLong:
23 'Validates the deployed metadata and runs all Apex tests, but prevents the ' +
24 'deployment from being saved to the org.' +
25 '\nIf you change a field type from Master-Detail to Lookup or vice versa, that change isn’t supported when ' +
26 'using the --checkonly parameter to test a deployment (validation). This kind of change isn’t supported for ' +
27 'test deployments to avoid the risk of data loss or corruption. If a change that isn’t supported for test ' +
28 'deployments is included in a deployment package, the test deployment fails and issues an error.' +
29 '\nIf your deployment package changes a field type from Master-Detail to Lookup or vice versa, you can ' +
30 'still validate the changes prior to deploying to Production by performing a full deployment to another ' +
31 'test Sandbox. A full deployment includes a validation of the changes as part of the deployment process.' +
32 '\nNote: A Metadata API deployment that includes Master-Detail relationships deletes all detail records in ' +
33 'the Recycle Bin in the following cases.' +
34 '\n1. For a deployment with a new Master-Detail field, soft delete (send to the Recycle Bin) all detail ' +
35 'records before proceeding to deploy the Master-Detail field, or the deployment fails. During the deployment, ' +
36 'detail records are permanently deleted from the Recycle Bin and cannot be recovered.' +
37 '\n2. For a deployment that converts a Lookup field relationship to a Master-Detail relationship, ' +
38 'detail records must reference a master record or be soft-deleted (sent to the Recycle Bin) for the deployment ' +
39 'to succeed. However, a successful deployment permanently deletes any detail records in the Recycle Bin.',
40 mdDeployCommandCliDeployDir: 'root of directory tree of files to deploy',
41 mdDeployCommandCliDeployDirLong:
42 'The root of the directory tree that contains the files to deploy. The root ' +
43 'must contain a valid package.xml file describing the entities in the directory structure. Required to ' +
44 'initiate a deployment if you don’t use --zipfile. If you specify both --zipfile and --deploydir, a zip ' +
45 'file of the contents of the --deploydir directory is written to the location specified by --zipfile.',
46 mdapiCliWait: 'wait time for command to finish in minutes (default: %s)',
47 mdapiCliWaitLong: 'The number of minutes to wait for the command to complete. The default is –1 (no limit).',
48 mdDeployCommandCliJobId:
49 'job ID of the deployment you want to check; defaults to your most recent CLI deployment if not specified',
50 mdDeployCommandCliJobIdLong:
51 'The job ID (asyncId) of the deployment you want to check. If not specified, the default value is the ID ' +
52 'of the most recent metadata deployment you ran using Salesforce CLI. Use with -w to resume waiting.',
53 mdDeployCommandCliTestLevel: 'deployment testing level',
54 mdDeployCommandCliTestLevelLong:
55 'Specifies which level of deployment tests to run. Valid values are:\n' +
56 'NoTestRun—No tests are run. This test level applies only to deployments to development environments, ' +
57 'such as sandbox, Developer Edition, or trial orgs. This test level is the default for development ' +
58 'environments.\n' +
59 'RunSpecifiedTests—Runs only the tests that you specify in the --runtests option. Code coverage ' +
60 'requirements differ from the default coverage requirements when using this test level. Executed tests ' +
61 'must comprise a minimum of 75% code coverage for each class and trigger in the deployment package. This ' +
62 'coverage is computed for each class and trigger individually and is different than the overall coverage ' +
63 'percentage.\n' +
64 'RunLocalTests—All tests in your org are run, except the ones that originate from installed managed ' +
65 'packages. This test level is the default for production deployments that include Apex classes or triggers.\n' +
66 'RunAllTestsInOrg—All tests in your org are run, including tests of managed packages.\n' +
67 'If you don’t specify a test level, the default behavior depends on the contents of your deployment ' +
68 'package. For more information, see “Running Tests in a Deployment” in the Metadata API Developer Guide.',
69 mdDeployCommandCliRunTests: 'tests to run if --testlevel RunSpecifiedTests',
70 mdDeployCommandCliRunTestsLong:
71 'Lists the Apex classes containing the deployment tests to run. Use this parameter when you set --testlevel to RunSpecifiedTests.',
72 mdDeployCommandCliIgnoreErrors: 'ignore any errors and do not roll back deployment',
73 mdDeployCommandCliIgnoreErrorsLong:
74 'Ignores the deploy errors, and continues with the ' +
75 'deploy operation. The default is false. Keep this parameter set to false when deploying to a production org. ' +
76 'If set to true, components without errors are deployed, and components with errors are skipped.',
77 mdDeployCommandCliIgnoreWarnings: 'whether a warning will allow a deployment to complete successfully',
78 mdDeployCommandCliIgnoreWarningsLong:
79 'If a warning occurs and ignoreWarnings is set to true, the success field in ' +
80 'DeployMessage is true. When ignoreWarnings is set to false, success is set to false, and the warning is treated like an error.\n' +
81 'This field is available in API version 18.0 and later. Prior to version 18.0, there was no distinction between warnings and errors. ' +
82 'All problems were treated as errors and prevented a successful deployment.',
83 mdDeployCommandCliZipFile: 'path to .zip file of metadata to deploy',
84 mdDeployCommandCliZipFileLong:
85 'The path to the .zip file of metadata files to deploy. You must indicate this option or --deploydir.' +
86 'If you specify both --zipfile and --deploydir, a .zip file of the contents of the deploy directory is created at the path ' +
87 'specified for the .zip file.',
88 mdDeployCommandCliVerbose: 'verbose output of deploy results',
89 mdDeployCommandCliVerboseLong: 'Indicates that you want verbose output from the deploy operation.',
90 mdDeployReportCommandCliVerboseLong: 'Indicates that you want verbose output for deploy results.',
91 mdDeployCommandCliValidatedDeployRequestId: 'request ID of the validated deployment to run a Quick Deploy',
92 mdDeployCommandCliValidatedDeployRequestIdLong:
93 'Specifies the ID of a package with recently validated components to run a Quick Deploy. Deploying a validation helps you shorten your ' +
94 'deployment time because tests aren’t rerun. If you have a recent successful validation, you can deploy the validated components without running tests. A validation ' +
95 'doesn’t save any components in the org. You use a validation only to check the success or failure messages that you would receive with an actual deployment. ' +
96 'To validate your components, add the -c | --checkonly flag when you run "sfdx force:mdapi:deploy". This flag sets the checkOnly="true" parameter for your deployment. Before deploying a ' +
97 'recent validation, ensure that the following requirements are met:' +
98 '\n1. The components have been validated successfully for the target environment within the last 10 days.' +
99 '\n2. As part of the validation, Apex tests in the target org have passed.' +
100 '\n3. Code coverage requirements are met.' +
101 '\n - If all tests in the org or all local tests are run, overall code coverage is at least 75%, and Apex triggers have some coverage.' +
102 '\n - If specific tests are run with the RunSpecifiedTests test level, each class and trigger that was deployed is covered by at least 75% individually.'