3.98 kBJSONView Raw
2 "commandSuccess": "Successfully created scratch org: %s, username: %s",
3 "commandSandboxSuccess": "The sandbox org creation process %s is in progress. Run \"sfdx force:org:status -n %s\" to check for status. If the org is ready, checking the status also authorizes the org for use with Salesforce CLI.",
4 "commandDescription": "create a scratch or sandbox org",
5 "commandLongDescription": "Creates a scratch org or a sandbox org using the values specified in a configuration file or key=value pairs that you specify on the command line. Values specified on the command line override values in the configuration file. This release contains a beta version of the sandbox CLI operations, which means it’s a high-quality feature with known limitations.",
6 "commandHelp": "Specify a configuration file or provide key=value pairs while creating a scratch org or a sandbox. When creating scratch orgs, —targetdevhubusername (-v) must be a Dev Hub org. When creating sandboxes, the --targetusername (-u) must be a production org with sandbox licenses. The —type (-t) is required if creating a sandbox.\n\nExamples:\n $ sfdx force:org:create -f config/enterprise-scratch-def.json -a MyScratchOrg\n $ sfdx force:org:create edition=Developer -a MyScratchOrg -s -v devHub\n $ sfdx force:org:create -f config/enterprise-scratch-def.json -a ScratchOrgWithOverrides username=testuser1@mycompany.org\n $ sfdx force:org:create -t sandbox -f config/dev-sandbox-def.json -a MyDevSandbox -u prodOrg",
7 "clientidFlagDescription": "connected app consumer key; not supported for sandbox org creation",
8 "clientidFlagLongDescription": "A connected app consumer key, as configured in your Dev Hub or production org. This parameter is not supported for sandbox org creation.",
9 "commandClientIdNotSupported" : "-i | --clientid is not supported for the sandbox org create command. Its value, %s, has been ignored.",
10 "setdefaultusernameFlagDescription": "set the created org as the default username",
11 "setdefaultusernameFlagLongDescription": "Sets the created org as the default username.",
12 "setaliasFlagDescription": "alias for the created org",
13 "setaliasFlagLongDescription": "An alias for the created org.",
14 "definitionfileFlagDescription": "path to an org definition file",
15 "definitionfileFlagLongDescription": "The path to an org definition file. Either --definitionfile or a vararg value for edition (for example, edition=Developer) is required. Varargs override the values in the scratch org definition file.",
16 "definitionjsonFlagDescription": "org definition in JSON format",
17 "definitionjsonFlagLongDescription": "Org definition in JSON format. Either --definitionfile or --definitionjson is required.",
18 "nonamespaceFlagDescription": "create the scratch org with no namespace",
19 "nonamespaceFlagLongDescription": "Creates the scratch org with no namespace. Scratch orgs without a namespace are useful when testing installations of packages with namespaces.",
20 "noancestorsFlagDescription": "do not include second-generation package ancestors in the scratch org",
21 "noancestorsFlagLongDescription": "Prevents the inclusion of second-generation package ancestors in the scratch org.",
22 "envFlagDescription": "environment where the scratch org is created: %s",
23 "envFlagLongDescription": "Environment where the scratch org is created: %s.",
24 "commandUnauthorized": "You don't have access to the %s object",
25 "orgTimeoutHintNoIdAction": "Increase the wait timeout value and run the org creation command again.",
26 "typeFlagDescription": "type of org to create; sandbox org creation is in beta",
27 "typeFlagLongDescription": "The type of org to create. The creation of sandbox orgs is available as a beta release.",
28 "durationdaysFlagDescription": "duration of the scratch org (in days) (default:7, min:1, max:30)",
29 "durationdaysFlagLongDescription": "Sets the duration of the scratch org, in days. Valid values are from 1-30. The default is 7 days."
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