2.55 kBJSONView Raw
2 "list": {
3 "description": "list auth connection information",
4 "longDescription": "Lists auth connection information for the usernames you’ve authorized. Unlike org:list, this command doesn’t check whether orgs are still valid."
5 },
6 "device": {
7 "description": "authorize an org using a device code",
8 "longDescription": "Authorize an org using a device code. You must open a browser, navigate to the verification URL, and enter the code. Log in, if not already logged in, and you’ll be prompted to allow the device to connect to the org.",
9 "actionRequired": "Action Required!",
10 "enterCode": "Enter %s user code in the verification URL %s",
11 "loginSuccess": "Login successful for %s. You can now close the browser.",
12 "warnAuth": "Logging in to a business or production org is not recommended on a demo or shared machine. Run \"sfdx force:auth:logout --targetusername <your username> --noprompt\" when finished using this org",
13 "example1": "sfdx force:auth:device:login -d -a TestOrg1",
14 "example2": "sfdx force:auth:device:login -i <OAuth client id>",
15 "example3": "sfdx force:auth:device:login -r https://test.salesforce.com",
17 "errors": {
18 "pollingTimeout": "The device authorization request timed out. After executing force:auth:device:login, you must approve access to the device within 10 minutes. This can happen if the URL wasn’t copied into the browser, login was not attempted, or the 2FA process was not completed within 10 minutes. Request authorization again.",
19 "access_denied": "The user has logged into the URL via a browser, but has denied access to the app. Re-request the user to approve the app.",
20 "authorization_pending": "The user has not yet approved the device for access",
21 "invalid_grant": "Something went wrong, such as two device flow commands are running concurrently. Stop all in-progress authorization commands, and try again.",
22 "invalid_request": "Something went wrong, such as two device flow commands are running concurrently. Stop all in-progress authorization commands, and try again.",
23 "invalid_client_id": "Invalid client credentials. Verify the OAuth client secret and ID.",
24 "server_error": "Authorization requests have exceeded the limit. Wait an hour and try again.",
25 "slow_down": "Something went wrong. Cancel all currently running commands, and try again."
26 }
27 },
28 "JwtGrantError": "We encountered a JSON web token error, which is likely not an issue with Salesforce CLI. Here’s the error: %s"