5.13 kBJSONView Raw
2 "publish" : {
3 "description" : "publishes a Lightning community to make it live",
4 "longDescription" : "Publishes your Lightning community to make it live. Each time you publish it, you update the live community with the most recent updates.",
5 "help" : "When you publish a Lightning community for the first time, you make the community’s URL live and enable login access for community members.\nAdditionally, to send a welcome email to all community members, you must activate the Lightning community. (Activation is also required to successfully set up SEO for Lightning communities.) To activate a community, update the status field of the Network type in the Metadata API. Alternatively, in Experience Workspaces, go to Administration | Settings, and click Activate.\nSubsequently, each time you publish the community, you update the live site with all changes made to the community since it was last published.\nAn email notification informs you when your changes are live.\nExample:\n$ sfdx force:community:publish --name \"My Customer Community\"",
6 "flags" : {
7 "name" : {
8 "description" : "name of the Lightning community to publish",
9 "longDescription" : "The name of the Lightning community that you want to publish."
10 }
11 },
12 "response" : {
13 "styleHeader" : "Publish Community Result",
14 "message" : "We’re publishing your changes now. You’ll receive an email confirmation when your changes are live."
15 },
16 "error" : {
17 "communityNotExists" : "The %s community doesn't exist. Verify the community name and try publishing it again."
18 }
19 },
20 "create" : {
21 "longDescription" : "Creates a community using a template.",
22 "description" : "creates a community using a template",
23 "help" : "See Which Community Template Should I Use? in Salesforce Help for more information about the different template types.\nWhen you execute this command, it creates the community in preview status, which means that it isn’t yet live. After you finish building your community, you can make it live. \nIf you have a Lightning community, publish the community using the sfdx force:community:publish command to make it live.\nIf you have a Salesforce Tabs + Visualforce community, activate the community to make it live by updating the status field of the Network type in the Metadata API. Alternatively, in Experience Workspaces, go to Administration | Settings, and click Activate.\nFor Lightning communities, activating the community just sends out a welcome email to community members.\nExamples:\n$ sfdx force:community:create --name \"My Customer Community\" --templatename \"Customer Service\" --urlpathprefix customers --description \"My customer community\"\n$ sfdx force:community:create -n partnercommunity -t \"Partner Central\" -p partners",
24 "flags" : {
25 "name" : {
26 "description" : "name of the community to create",
27 "longDescription" : "The name of the community to create."
28 },
29 "templateName" : {
30 "description" : "template to use to create a community",
31 "longDescription" : "The template to use to create the community, such as the Customer Service template. Run force:community:template:list to see which templates are available in your org."
32 },
33 "urlPathPrefix" : {
34 "description" : "URL to append to the domain created when Communities was enabled for this org",
35 "longDescription" : "The URL to append to the domain that you created when you enabled Communities for this org. For example, if your Communities domain name is UniversalTelco.force.com and you’re creating a customer community, enter \"customers\" to create the unique URL \nUniversalTelco.force.com/customers."
36 },
37 "description" : {
38 "description" : "description of the community",
39 "longDescription" : "The description of the community. The description displays in All Communities in Setup and helps with community identification."
40 }
41 },
42 "response" : {
43 "action" : "We’re creating your community. Run sfdx force:org:open -p _ui/networks/setup/SetupNetworksPage to view a list of your communities, and to confirm when this community is ready.",
44 "styleHeader": "Create Community Result",
45 "createMessage" : "Your community is being created."
46 }
47 },
48 "list" : {
49 "description" : "retrieves the list of templates available in your org",
50 "longDescription" : "Retrieves the list of templates available in your org for creating a community.",
51 "help" : "See Which Community Template Should I Use? in Salesforce Help for more information about the different template types.\nExample:\n$ sfdx force:community:template:list",
52 "response" : {
53 "styledHeader" : "Community list template result",
54 "TotalField" : "Total "
55 }
56 }