2.05 kBJSONView Raw
2 "UserNotFound": "User %s not found.",
3 "MultiUserFound": "We found more than one user ID for the user %s.",
4 "SandboxInfoNotFound": "We can't find a sandbox org with the sandbox name %s.",
5 "MultiSandboxInfoFound": "We found more than one sandbox org with the sandbox name %s.",
6 "SandboxProcessNotFoundByInfoId": "We can't find a SandboxProcess for the sandbox org with the SandboxInfo ID %s.",
7 "MultiSandboxProcessFoundByInfoId": "We found more than one SandboxProcess for the sandbox org with the SandboxInfo ID %s.",
8 "SandboxProcessNotFoundBySandboxName": "We can't find a SandboxProcess with the SandboxName %s.",
9 "MultiSandboxProcessNotFoundBySandboxName": "We found more than one SandboxProcess with the SandboxName %s.",
10 "NotSandboxProcessId": "The job ID %s is not a valid sandbox job (process) ID.",
11 "SandboxInfoCreateFailed": "The sandbox org creation failed with a result of %s.",
12 "wrongOrgType" : "The -t | --type value must be sandbox; %s is unknown.",
13 "orgCliInvalidNumericParam" : "Invalid value for %s. Provide a positive numerical value.",
14 "pollingTimeout" : "Sandbox status is %s; timed out waiting for completion.",
15 "missingAuthUsername" : "The sandbox %s does not have an authorized username.",
16 "RequiresUsernameError": "This command requires a production org username set either with a flag or by default in the config.",
17 "RequiresDevhubUsernameError": "This command requires a dev hub org username set either with a flag or by default in the config.",
18 "sandboxDeleteFailed": "The sandbox org deletion failed with a result of %s.",
19 "sandboxProcessNotFoundByOrgId": "We can't find a SandboxProcess for the sandbox org %s.",
20 "multiSandboxProcessFoundByOrgId": "We found more than one SandboxProcess for the sandbox org %s.",
21 "missingProdOrgUsername": "The user who created this sandbox is missing from the sandbox configuration.",
22 "DevhubNotAuthorized": "We couldn't create this sandbox or scratch org because the associated Dev Hub isn't authorized. Authorize the Dev Hub and try again."