827 BJSONView Raw
2 "cliDescription": "list the statuses of running and completed ISV Hammer tests",
3 "cliLongDescription": "Lists the statuses of running and completed ISV Hammer tests.",
4 "help": "If you supply a --packageversionid value, this command returns test statuses for only the tests associated with the specified package version. If you don’t include the --packageversionid parameter, the command lists all test statuses.\n\nExamples:\n $ sfdx force:package:hammertest:list -u you@yourpackagingorg.com -i 04t...\n $ sfdx force:package:hammertest:list -u you@yourpackagingorg.com",
5 "packageversionid": "ID of the package version to list results for",
6 "packageversionidLong": "The ID of the package version to list test results for (starts with 04t).",
7 "humanSuccess": "Successfully listed test statuses."
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