3.43 kBJSONView Raw
2 "description": "delete source from your project and from a non-source-tracked org",
3 "longDescription": "Deletes source files from your project and from a non-source-tracked org, such as a sandbox.",
4 "help": "Use this command to delete components from orgs that don’t have source tracking, such as sandboxes.\nTo remove deleted items from scratch orgs, which have change tracking, use \"sfdx force:source:push\".\n\nExamples:\n $ sfdx force:source:delete -p path/to/source\n $ sfdx force:source:delete -m <metadata>",
5 "sourcePathDescription": "comma-separated list of paths to the local metadata to delete",
6 "sourcePathLongDescription": "A comma-separated list of paths to the local metadata to delete. The supplied paths can be a single file (in which case the operation is applied to only one file) or a folder (in which case the operation is applied to all metadata types in the directory and its sub-directories).\nIf you specify this parameter, don’t specify --manifest or --metadata.",
7 "metadataParamDescription": "comma-separated list of names of metadata components to delete",
8 "metadataParamLongDescription": "A comma-separated list of names of metadata components to delete from your project and your org.",
9 "noPromptParamDescription": "do not prompt for delete confirmation",
10 "noPromptParamLongDescription": "Do not prompt for delete confirmation.",
11 "sourceDeletePrompt": "This operation will delete the following files on your computer and in your org: \n%s\n\nAre you sure you want to proceed (y/n)?",
12 "sourceDeleteFailure": "The delete operation failed in the org. Review the error messages below, delete any files locally if needed, and re-run the command if applicable.",
13 "deleteCommandCliCheckOnly": "validate delete command but do not delete from the org or delete files locally",
14 "deleteCommandCliCheckOnlyLong": "Validates the deleted metadata and runs all Apex tests, but prevents the deletion from being saved to the org. \nIf you change a field type from Master-Detail to Lookup or vice versa, that change isn’t supported when using the --checkonly parameter to test a deletion (validation). This kind of change isn’t supported for test deletions to avoid the risk of data loss or corruption. If a change that isn’t supported for test deletions is included in a deletion package, the test deletion fails and issues an error.\nIf your deletion package changes a field type from Master-Detail to Lookup or vice versa, you can still validate the changes prior to deploying to Production by performing a full deletion to another test Sandbox. A full deletion includes a validation of the changes as part of the deletion process.\nNote: A Metadata API deletion that includes Master-Detail relationships deletes all detail records in the Recycle Bin in the following cases.\n1. For a deletion with a new Master-Detail field, soft delete (send to the Recycle Bin) all detail records before proceeding to delete the Master-Detail field, or the deletion fails. During the deletion, detail records are permanently deleted from the Recycle Bin and cannot be recovered.\n2. For a deletion that converts a Lookup field relationship to a Master-Detail relationship, detail records must reference a master record or be soft-deleted (sent to the Recycle Bin) for the deletion to succeed. However, a successful deletion permanently deletes any detail records in the Recycle Bin."