3.91 kBJSONView Raw
2 "_comment": "Copyright (c) 2016, salesforce.com, inc. All rights reserved. Licensed under the BSD 3-Clause license. For full license text, see LICENSE.txt file in the repo root or https://opensource.org/licenses/BSD-3-Clause",
3 "$schema": "http://json-schema.org/draft-04/schema#",
4 "type": "array",
5 "title": "Data Import Plan",
6 "description": "Schema for SFDX Toolbelt's data import plan JSON.",
7 "items": {
8 "type": "object",
9 "title": "SObject Type",
10 "description": "Definition of records to be insert per SObject Type",
11 "properties": {
12 "sobject": {
13 "type": "string",
14 "title": "Name of SObject",
15 "description": "Child file references must have SObject roots of this type"
16 },
17 "saveRefs": {
18 "type": "boolean",
19 "title": "Save References",
20 "description": "Post-save, save references (Name/ID) to be used for reference replacement in subsequent saves. Applies to all data files for this SObject type.",
21 "default": false
22 },
23 "resolveRefs": {
24 "type": "boolean",
25 "title": "Resolve References",
26 "description": "Pre-save, replace @<reference> with ID from previous save. Applies to all data files for this SObject type.",
27 "default": false
28 },
29 "files": {
30 "type": "array",
31 "title": "Files",
32 "description": "An array of files paths to load",
33 "items": {
34 "title": "Filepath.",
35 "description": "Filepath string or object to point to a JSON or XML file having data defined in SObject Tree format.",
36 "oneOf": [
37 {
38 "type": "string"
39 },
40 {
41 "type": "object",
42 "properties": {
43 "file": {
44 "type": "string",
45 "title": "Filepath schema",
46 "description": "Filepath to JSON or XML file having data defined in SObject Tree format"
47 },
48 "contentType": {
49 "title": "Filepath schema.",
50 "description": "If data file extension is not .json or .xml, provide content type.",
51 "enum": [
52 "application/json",
53 "application/xml"
54 ]
55 },
56 "saveRefs": {
57 "type": "boolean",
58 "title": "Save References",
59 "description": "Post-save, save references (Name/ID) to be used for reference replacement in subsequent saves. Overrides SObject-level 'saveRefs' setting."
60 },
61 "resolveRefs": {
62 "type": "boolean",
63 "title": "Resolve References",
64 "description": "Pre-save, replace @<reference> with ID from previous save. Overrides SObject-level 'replaceRefs' setting."
65 }
66 },
67 "required": [
68 "file"
69 ]
70 }
71 ]
72 }
73 }
74 },
75 "required": [
76 "sobject",
77 "files"
78 ]
79 }