9.54 kBJSONView Raw
2 "HelpDefaults": "If not supplied, the apiversion, template, and outputdir use default values.\n",
3 "HelpOutputDirRelative": "The outputdir can be an absolute path or relative to the current working directory.\n",
4 "HelpOutputDirRelativeLightning": "If you don’t specify an outputdir, we create a subfolder in your current working directory with the name of your bundle. For example, if the current working directory is force-app and your Lightning bundle is called myBundle, we create force-app/myBundle/ to store the files in the bundle.\n",
5 "HelpExamplesTitle": "\nExamples:\n",
6 "OutputDirFlagDescription": "folder for saving the created files",
7 "OutputDirFlagLongDescription": "The directory to store the newly created files. The location can be an absolute path or relative to the current working directory. The default is the current directory.",
8 "TemplateFlagDescription": "template to use for file creation",
9 "TemplateFlagLongDescription": "The template to use to create the file. Supplied parameter values or default values are filled into a copy of the template.",
10 "TargetDirOutput": "target dir = %s",
11 "App": "app",
12 "Event": "event",
13 "Interface": "interface",
14 "Test": "test",
15 "Component": "component",
16 "Page": "page",
18 "AlphaNumericNameError": "Name must contain only alphanumeric characters.",
19 "NameMustStartWithLetterError": "Name must start with a letter.",
20 "EndWithUnderscoreError": "Name can't end with an underscore.",
21 "DoubleUnderscoreError": "Name can't contain 2 consecutive underscores.",
23 "ApexClassDescription": "create an Apex class",
24 "ApexClassLongDescription": "Creates an Apex class in the specified directory or the current working directory. If you don’t explicitly set the API version, it defaults to the current API version. The .cls file and associated metadata file are created.",
25 "ApexClassNameFlagDescription": "name of the generated Apex class",
26 "ApexClassNameFlagLongDescription": "The name of the new Apex class. The name can be up to 40 characters and must start with a letter.",
27 "ApexTriggerDescription": "create an Apex trigger",
28 "ApexTriggerLongDescription": "Creates an Apex trigger in the specified directory or the current working directory. If you don’t explicitly set the API version, it defaults to the current API version. The .trigger file and associated metadata file are created.",
29 "ApexTriggerEventsFlagDescription": "events that fire the trigger",
30 "ApexTriggerEventsFlagLongDescription": "The events that cause the trigger to fire.",
31 "ApexTriggerNameFlagDescription": "name of the generated Apex trigger",
32 "ApexTriggerNameFlagLongDescription": "The name of the new Apex trigger. The name can be up to 40 characters and must start with a letter.",
33 "ApexTriggerSObjectFlagDescription": "sObject to create a trigger on",
34 "ApexTriggerSObjectFlagLongDescription": "The sObject to create an Apex trigger on.",
36 "LightningDescription": "create a Lightning %s",
37 "LightningLongDescription": "Creates a Lightning %s bundle in the specified directory or the current working directory. The bundle consists of multiple files in a folder with the designated name.",
38 "LightningNameFlagDescription": "name of the generated Lightning %s",
39 "LightningNameFlagLongDescription": "The Lightning %s name. The name can be up to 40 characters and must start with a letter.",
40 "LightningCmpDescription": "create a bundle for an Aura component or a Lightning web component",
41 "LightningCmpLongDescription": "Creates a bundle for an Aura component or a Lightning web component in the specified directory or the current working directory. The bundle consists of multiple files in a folder with the designated name.",
42 "LightningCmpHelpExtra": "\nTo create a Lightning web component, pass --type lwc to the command. If you don’t include a --type value, Salesforce CLI creates an Aura component by default.",
43 "LightningCmpTypeFlagDescription": "type of the Lightning component",
44 "LightningCmpTypeFlagLongDescription": "The type of the new Lightning component.",
45 "LightningInternalFlagDescription": "create lightning bundles without creating a -meta.xml file",
46 "LightningTestDescription": "create a Lightning test",
47 "LightningTestLongDescription": "Creates a Lightning test in the specified directory or the current working directory. The .resource file and associated metadata file are created.",
48 "LightningTestNameFlagLongDescription": "The name of the new Lightning test. The name can be up to 40 characters and must start with a letter.",
50 "ProjectDescription": "create a Salesforce DX project",
51 "ProjectLongDescription": "Creates a Salesforce DX project in the specified directory or the current working directory. The command creates the necessary configuration files and folders.",
52 "ProjectNameFlagDescription": "name of the generated project",
53 "ProjectNameFlagLongDescription": "The name for the new project. Any valid folder name is accepted.",
54 "ProjectTemplateFlagDescription": "template to use for project creation",
55 "ProjectTemplateFlagLongDescription": "The template to use to create the project. Supplied parameter values or default values are filled into a copy of the template.",
56 "ProjectNamespaceFlagDescription": "project associated namespace",
57 "ProjectNamespaceFlagLongDescription": "The namespace associated with this project and any connected scratch orgs.",
58 "ProjectPackageFlagDescription": "default package directory name",
59 "ProjectPackageFlagLongDescription": "The default package directory name. Metadata items such as classes and Lightning bundles are placed inside this folder.",
60 "ProjectManifestFlagDescription": "generate a manifest (package.xml) for change-set based development",
61 "ProjectManifestFlagLongDescription": "Generates a default manifest (package.xml) for fetching Apex, Visualforce, Lightning components, and static resources.",
62 "ProjectLoginUrlDescription": "Salesforce instance login URL",
63 "ProjectLoginUrlLongDescription": "The login URL for the Salesforce instance being used. Normally defaults to https://login.salesforce.com.",
65 "VFDescription": "create a Visualforce %s",
66 "VFLongDescription": "Creates a Visualforce %s in the specified directory or the current working directory. The command creates the .%s file and associated metadata file.",
67 "VFNameFlagDescription": "name of the generated Visualforce %s",
68 "VFNameFlagLongDescription": "The Visualforce %s name. The name can be up to 40 characters and must start with a letter.",
69 "VFLabelFlagDescription": "Visualforce %s label",
70 "VFLabelFlagLongDescription": "The label saved in the metadata for the Visualforce %s.",
72 "LightningAppBundle": "A Lightning Application Bundle",
73 "LightningComponentBundle": "A Lightning Component Bundle",
74 "LightningEventBundle": "A Lightning Event Bundle",
75 "LightningInterfaceBundle": "A Lightning Interface Bundle",
76 "LightningTest": "A Lightning Test",
78 "MissingClassnameFlag": "Missing required flag:\n -n, --classname CLASSNAME name of the generated Apex class\nSee more help with --help\n",
79 "MissingTriggernameFlag": "Missing required flag:\n -n, --triggername TRIGGERNAME name of the generated Apex trigger\nSee more help with --help\n",
80 "MissingAuraDir": "Lightning bundles must have a parent folder named 'aura'.",
81 "MissingAuraFolder": "Lightning bundles must have a parent folder named 'aura'.",
82 "MissingAppname": "Missing required flag:\n -n, --appname APPNAME name of the generated Lightning app\nSee more help with --help\n",
83 "MissingLWCDir": "Lightning bundles must have a parent folder named 'lwc'.",
84 "MissingComponentName": "Missing required flag:\n -n, --componentname COMPONENTNAME name of the generated Lightning component\nSee more help with --help\n",
85 "MissingLWCFolder": "Lightning bundles must have a parent folder named 'lwc'.",
86 "MissingEventname": "Missing required flag:\n -n, --eventname EVENTNAME name of the generated Lightning event\nSee more help with --help\n",
87 "MissingInterfacename": "Missing required flag:\n -n, --interfacename INTERFACENAME name of the generated Lightning interface\nSee more help with --help\n",
88 "MissingProjectname": "Missing required flag:\n -n, --projectname PROJECTNAME name of the generated project\nSee more help with --help\n",
89 "MissingComponentnameFlag": "Missing required flag:\n -n, --componentname COMPONENTNAME name of the generated Visualforce component\nSee more help with --help\n",
90 "MissingPagenameFlag": "Missing required flag:\n -n, --pagename PAGENAME name of the generated Visualforce page\nSee more help with --help\n",
91 "MissingTestName": "Missing required flag:\n -n, --testname TESTNAME name of the generated Lightning test\nSee more help with --help\n",
93 "InvalidTemplate": "Expected --template=foo to be one of:",
94 "StandardReadMe": "This guide helps Salesforce developers who are new to Visual Studio Code go",
95 "EmptyReadMe": "# Salesforce App",
97 "AnalyticsTemplateDescription": "add an Analytics template to your workspace",
98 "AnalyticsTemplateLongDescription": "Creates a simple Analytics template in the specified directory. If you don’t explicitly set the API version, it defaults to the current API version. The associated metadata files are created.",
99 "AnalyticsTemplateNameFlagDescription": "name of the Analytics template",
100 "AnalyticsTemplateNameFlagLongDescription": "The name of the Analytics template.",
101 "MissingWaveTemplatesDir": "Analytics templates must have a parent folder named 'waveTemplates'."