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1var prompt = require('cli-prompt')
2 , fs = require('fs')
3 , loadWallet = require('../utils/loadWallet')
4 , libWallet = require('../lib/wallet')
5 , path = require('path')
7module.exports = function (options) {
8 var walletDir = options.parent.wallet
9 try {
10 var stat = fs.statSync(path.join(walletDir, 'id_salty'))
11 }
12 catch (e) {
13 if (e.code === 'ENOENT') {
14 if (e && e.code === 'ENOENT') {
15 process.stderr.write('Creating wallet...\n')
16 }
17 fs.mkdirSync(options.parent.wallet, parseInt('0700', 8))
18 return doInit()
19 }
20 throw e
21 }
22 process.stderr.write('Wallet exists. Update it? (y/n): ')
23 prompt(null, function (resp) {
24 if (resp.match(/^y/i)) {
25 loadWallet(walletDir, function (err, wallet) {
26 if (err) throw err
27 doInit(wallet)
28 })
29 }
30 else {
31 console.error('Cancelled.')
32 }
33 })
35 function doInit (wallet) {
36 prompt.multi([
37 {
38 label: 'Your name',
39 key: 'name',
40 default: wallet && wallet.pubkey.name
41 },
42 {
43 label: 'Your email address',
44 key: 'email',
45 default: wallet && wallet.pubkey.email
46 },
47 {
48 label: 'Create a passphrase',
49 key: 'passphrase',
50 type: 'password'
51 },
52 {
53 label: 'Verify passphrase',
54 key: 'passphrase2',
55 type: 'password',
56 validate: function (val) {
57 var ret = val === this.passphrase
58 if (!ret) process.stderr.write('Passphrase did not match!\n')
59 return ret
60 }
61 }
62 ], function (info) {
63 var isUpdate = !!wallet
64 if (!wallet) {
65 wallet = libWallet.create(info)
66 }
67 else {
68 wallet.name = info.name
69 wallet.email = info.email
70 }
71 var str = wallet.toPEM(info.passphrase)
72 fs.writeFileSync(path.join(walletDir, 'id_salty'), str + '\n', {mode: parseInt('0600', 8)})
73 fs.writeFileSync(path.join(walletDir, 'id_salty.pub'), wallet.pubkey.toString() + '\n', {mode: parseInt('0644', 8)})
74 if (isUpdate) {
75 console.log('\nWallet updated at ' + walletDir)
76 }
77 else {
78 console.log('\nWallet created at ' + walletDir)
79 console.log('Hint: Share this string with your peers so they can\n\tsalty import \'<pubkey>\'')
80 console.log('...allowing them to `salty encrypt` messages to you!\n\n\t' + wallet.pubkey.toString() + '\n')
81 }
82 })
83 }
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