2.73 kBJavaScriptView Raw
1var fs = require('fs')
2 , loadWallet = require('../utils/loadWallet')
3 , crypto = require('crypto')
4 , Progress = require('progress')
5 , writeHeader = require('../utils/writeHeader')
6 , printHeader = require('../utils/printHeader')
7 , bs58 = require('bs58')
8 , headersFromArgs = require('../utils/headersFromArgs')
9 , isUtf8 = require('is-utf8')
10 , createMessage = require('../lib/message').create
11 , translateHeader = require('../utils/translateHeader')
13module.exports = function (inFile, outFile, options) {
14 options.headers = headersFromArgs()
15 options.headers['hash-algorithm'] = options.hash
16 if (!options.armor) {
17 if (!outFile) {
18 outFile = inFile + '.salty-sig'
19 }
20 try {
21 fs.statSync(outFile)
22 if (!options.parent.force) {
23 throw new Error('Refusing to overwrite ' + outFile + '. Use --force to ignore this.')
24 }
25 }
26 catch (err) {
27 if (err && err.code !== 'ENOENT') {
28 throw err
29 }
30 }
31 }
32 loadWallet(options.parent.wallet, function (err, wallet) {
33 if (err) throw err
34 var inStat = fs.statSync(inFile)
35 var inStream = fs.createReadStream(inFile)
36 var chunks = []
37 var header = {
38 'from-salty-id': wallet.pubkey.pubkey
39 }
40 if (options.armor) {
41 options.headers['content-transfer-encoding'] = '8bit'
42 inStream.on('data', function (chunk) {
43 if (!isUtf8(chunk)) {
44 header['content-transfer-encoding'] = 'base64'
45 }
46 chunks.push(chunk)
47 })
48 }
49 else {
50 var bar = new Progress(' hashing [:bar] :percent ETA: :etas', { total: inStat.size, width: 80 })
51 inStream.on('data', function (chunk) {
52 bar.tick(chunk.length)
53 })
54 }
55 Object.keys(options.headers).forEach(function (k) {
56 header[k] = options.headers[k]
57 })
58 var hashStream = crypto.createHash(header['hash-algorithm'])
59 hashStream.once('data', function (hash) {
60 if (!options.armor) {
61 bar.terminate()
62 }
63 header['hash'] = hash.toString('hex')
64 var headerStr = writeHeader(header)
65 //console.log('headerStr', JSON.stringify(headerStr, null, 2))
66 header['signature'] = bs58.encode(wallet.sign(Buffer(headerStr), true))
67 var finalHeader = writeHeader(header)
68 if (options.armor) {
69 var buf = Buffer.concat(chunks)
70 var out = createMessage(header, buf)
71 header = options.translate ? translateHeader(header, wallet.recipients) : header
72 printHeader(header)
73 console.log(out)
74 }
75 else {
76 fs.writeFileSync(outFile, finalHeader)
77 printHeader(header)
78 console.log('Wrote signature to', outFile)
79 }
80 })
81 inStream.pipe(hashStream)
82 inStream.resume()
83 })
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