9.61 kBTypeScriptView Raw
1interface SandboxOptions {
2 /**
3 * A token derived from your master token or a JWT token accepted by Extend server if you are using Security V2.
4 */
5 token: string,
6 /**
7 * The container with which this Sandbox instance should be associated.
8 */
9 container: string,
10 /**
11 * [optional] The URL of the webtask cluster. Defaults to the public 'webtask.it.auth0.com' cluster.
12 */
13 url?: string
14 }
16 interface SandboxMethodOptions {
17 /**
18 * The name of the webtask.
19 */
20 name: string,
21 /**
22 * [optional] Set the webtask container. Defaults to the profile's container.
23 */
24 container?: string
25 }
27 interface GetWebtaskOptions extends SandboxMethodOptions {
28 /**
29 * [optional] Decrypt the webtask's secrets.
30 */
31 decrypt?: boolean,
32 /**
33 * [optional] Fetch the code associated with the webtask.
34 */
35 fetch_code?: boolean
36 }
38 interface CreateWebtaskOptions extends SandboxMethodOptions {
39 /**
40 * Set the webtask secrets.
41 */
42 secrets: object,
43 /**
44 * Set the webtask metadata.
45 */
46 meta: object,
47 /**
48 * Set the webtask hostname.
49 */
50 host: string
51 }
53 interface RemoveWebtaskOptions extends SandboxMethodOptions { }
55 interface ListWebtasksOptions {
56 /**
57 * [optional] Set the webtask container. Defaults to the profile's container.
58 */
59 container?: string,
60 /**
61 * [optional] Metadata describing the webtask. This is a set of string key value pairs. Only webtasks with matching metadata will be returned.
62 */
63 meta?: object,
64 /**
65 * [optional] Skip this many named webtasks
66 */
67 offset?: number,
68 /**
69 * [optional] Limit the results to this many named webtasks.
70 */
71 limit?: number
72 }
74 interface CreateCronJobOptions extends SandboxMethodOptions {
75 /**
76 * The name of the cron job.
77 */
78 name: string,
79 /**
80 * [optional] The webtask token that will be used to run the job.
81 */
82 token?: string,
83 /**
84 * The cron schedule that will be used to determine when the job will be run. For example: '5 4 * * *'.
85 */
86 schedule: string,
87 /**
88 * The cron timezone (IANA timezone).
89 */
90 tz: string,
91 /**
92 * The cron metadata (set of string key value pairs).
93 */
94 meta: string
95 }
97 interface RemoveCronJobOptions extends SandboxMethodOptions {
98 /**
99 * The name of the cron job.
100 */
101 name: string
102 }
104 interface SetCronJobStateOptions extends SandboxMethodOptions {
105 /**
106 * The name of the cron job.
107 */
108 name: string,
109 /**
110 * The new state of the cron job (active/inactive).
111 */
112 state: string
113 }
115 interface ListCronJobsOptions {
116 /**
117 * [optional] Set the webtask container. Defaults to the profile's container.
118 */
119 container?: string
120 }
122 interface GetCronJobOptions extends SandboxMethodOptions {
123 /**
124 * The name of the cron job.
125 */
126 name: string,
127 }
129 interface GetCronJobHistoryOptions extends SandboxMethodOptions {
130 /**
131 * The name of the cron job.
132 */
133 name: string,
134 /**
135 * [optional] The offset to use when paging through results.
136 */
137 offset?: number,
138 /**
139 * [optional] The limit to use when paging through results.
140 */
141 limit?: number
142 }
144 interface RevokeTokenOptions {
145 /**
146 * The token that should be revoked
147 */
148 token: string
149 }
151 interface ListNodeModuleVersionsOptions {
152 /**
153 * Name of the node module
154 */
155 name: string
156 }
158 interface EnsureNodeModulesOptions {
159 /**
160 * Array of { name, version } pairs
161 */
162 modules: object[],
163 /**
164 * Trigger a rebuild of the modules (Requires administrative token)
165 */
166 reset: boolean
167 }
169 interface WebtaskStorage {
170 /**
171 * The data to be stored
172 */
173 data: object,
174 /**
175 * [optional] Pass in an optional string to be used for optimistic concurrency control to prevent simultaneous updates of the same data.
176 */
177 etag?: number
178 }
180 interface UpdateStorageOptions extends SandboxMethodOptions {
181 storage: WebtaskStorage
182 }
184 interface GetStorageOptions extends SandboxMethodOptions { }
186 interface CreateLogStreamOptions {
187 /**
188 * Define if the data will shown as JSON or not.
189 */
190 json: boolean
191 }
193 interface SandboxResponseClaims {
194 /**
195 * The name of the webtask
196 */
197 jtn: string,
198 /**
199 * The container name
200 */
201 ten: string
202 }
204 interface GetWebtaskResponse {
205 /**
206 * The claims which are part of the webtask
207 */
208 claims: SandboxResponseClaims,
209 /**
210 * The meta associated to the webtask
211 */
212 meta: object,
213 /**
214 * The secrets associated to the webtask (only if `decrypt: true`)
215 */
216 secrets: object,
217 /**
218 * The code of the webtask (only if `fetch_code: true`)
219 */
220 code: string,
221 /**
222 * The container name
223 */
224 container: string,
225 /**
226 * The URL to execute the webtask
227 */
228 url: string
229 }
231 interface CreateWebtaskResponse {
232 /**
233 * The claims which are part of the webtask
234 */
235 claims: SandboxResponseClaims,
236 /**
237 * The meta associated to the webtask
238 */
239 meta: object,
240 /**
241 * The secrets associated to the webtask (only if `decrypt: true`)
242 */
243 container: string,
244 /**
245 * The URL to execute the webtask
246 */
247 url: string
248 }
250 interface ModuleResponse {
251 /**
252 * The name of the module
253 */
254 name: string,
255 /**
256 * The version of the module
257 */
258 version: string,
259 /**
260 * The state of the module (available, queued or failed)
261 */
262 state: string
263 // "name": "express",
264 // "version": "4.12.4",
265 // "state": "available"
266 }
268 interface SandboxProfile {
269 /**
270 * [deprecated] Use 'createWebtask'.
271 */
272 create(options: object) : Promise<any>,
274 /**
275 * [deprecated] Use 'createWebtask'.
276 */
277 createRaw(options: object) : Promise<any>,
279 /**
280 * [deprecated] Use 'createWebtask'.
281 */
282 createUrl(options: object) : Promise<any>,
284 /**
285 * [deprecated] Use 'createWebtask'.
286 */
287 createTokenRaw(options: object) : Promise<any>,
289 /**
290 * Create a stream of logs from the webtask container
291 *
292 * Note that the logs will include messages from our infrastructure.
293 */
294 createLogStream(options: CreateLogStreamOptions) : any,
296 /**
297 * Read a named webtask
298 */
299 getWebtask(options: GetWebtaskOptions) : Promise<GetWebtaskResponse>,
301 /**
302 * Create a named webtask
303 */
304 createWebtask(options: CreateWebtaskOptions) : Promise<CreateWebtaskResponse>,
306 /**
307 * Remove a named webtask from the webtask container
308 */
309 removeWebtask(options: RemoveWebtaskOptions) : Promise<boolean>,
311 /**
312 * [deprecated] Update an existing webtask's code, secrets or other claims
313 *
314 * Note that this method should be used with caution as there is the potential for a race condition where another agent updates the webtask between the time that the webtask details and claims are resolved and when the webtask update is issued.
315 */
316 updateWebtask(options: object) : Promise<any>,
318 /**
319 * List named webtasks from the webtask container
320 */
321 listWebtasks(options: ListWebtasksOptions) : Promise<GetWebtaskResponse[]>,
323 /**
324 * Create a cron job from an already-existing webtask
325 */
326 createCronJob(options: CreateCronJobOptions) : Promise<any>,
328 /**
329 * Remove an existing cron job
330 */
331 removeCronJob(options: RemoveCronJobOptions) : Promise<any>,
333 /**
334 * Set an existing cron job's state
335 */
336 setCronJobState(options: SetCronJobStateOptions) : Promise<any>,
338 /**
339 * List cron jobs associated with this profile
340 */
341 listCronJobs(options: ListCronJobsOptions) : Promise<any>,
343 /**
344 * Get a CronJob instance associated with an existing cron job
345 */
346 getCronJob(options: GetCronJobOptions) : Promise<any>,
348 /**
349 * Get the historical results of executions of an existing cron job.
350 */
351 getCronJobHistory(options, GetCronJobHistoryOptions) : Promise<any>,
353 /**
354 * [deprecated] Use 'getWebtask'.
355 */
356 inspectToken(options: object) : Promise<any>,
358 /**
359 * [deprecated] Use 'getWebtask'.
360 */
361 inspectWebtask(options: object) : Promise<any>,
363 /**
364 * Revoke a webtask token
365 */
366 revokeToken(options: RevokeTokenOptions) : Promise<any>,
368 /**
369 * List versions of a given node module that are available on the platform
370 */
371 listNodeModuleVersions(options: ListNodeModuleVersionsOptions) : Promise<ModuleResponse[]>,
373 /**
374 * Ensure that a set of modules are available on the platform
375 */
376 ensureNodeModules(options: EnsureNodeModulesOptions) : Promise<ModuleResponse[]>,
378 /**
379 * Update the storage associated to the a webtask
380 */
381 updateStorage(options: UpdateStorageOptions) : Promise<any>,
383 /**
384 * Read the storage associated to the a webtask
385 */
386 getStorage(options: GetStorageOptions) : Promise<any>
387 }
389 declare var Sandbox: SandboxJS.SandboxStatic;
391 declare module SandboxJS {
392 interface SandboxStatic {
393 /**
394 * Create a Sandbox instance
395 */
396 init (options: SandboxOptions) : SandboxProfile,
398 /**
399 * [deprecated] Create a Sandbox instance from a webtask token
400 */
401 fromToken (token, options: SandboxOptions)
402 }
403 }
405 declare module "sandboxjs" {
406 export = Sandbox;
407 }
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