11.8 kBJavaScriptView Raw
1"use strict";
2var __assign = (this && this.__assign) || function () {
3 __assign = Object.assign || function(t) {
4 for (var s, i = 1, n = arguments.length; i < n; i++) {
5 s = arguments[i];
6 for (var p in s) if (Object.prototype.hasOwnProperty.call(s, p))
7 t[p] = s[p];
8 }
9 return t;
10 };
11 return __assign.apply(this, arguments);
13var __createBinding = (this && this.__createBinding) || (Object.create ? (function(o, m, k, k2) {
14 if (k2 === undefined) k2 = k;
15 Object.defineProperty(o, k2, { enumerable: true, get: function() { return m[k]; } });
16}) : (function(o, m, k, k2) {
17 if (k2 === undefined) k2 = k;
18 o[k2] = m[k];
20exports.__esModule = true;
21exports.SassFormatter = exports.defaultSassFormatterConfig = void 0;
22var utility_1 = require("./utility");
23var suf_regex_1 = require("suf-regex");
24var state_1 = require("./state");
25var format_header_1 = require("./formatters/format.header");
26var format_property_1 = require("./formatters/format.property");
27var format_blockComment_1 = require("./formatters/format.blockComment");
28var format_atForwardOrAtUse_1 = require("./formatters/format.atForwardOrAtUse");
29var sassTextLine_1 = require("./sassTextLine");
30var logger_1 = require("./logger");
31var config_1 = require("./config");
32__createBinding(exports, config_1, "defaultSassFormatterConfig");
33var SassFormatter = /** @class */ (function () {
34 function SassFormatter() {
35 }
36 SassFormatter.Format = function (text, config) {
37 var STATE = new state_1.FormattingState();
38 STATE.lines = text.split(/\r?\n/);
39 STATE.CONFIG = __assign(__assign({}, STATE.CONFIG), config);
40 STATE.LINE_ENDING = STATE.CONFIG.lineEnding === 'LF' ? '\n' : '\r\n';
41 for (var i = 0; i < STATE.lines.length; i++) {
42 STATE.currentLine = i;
43 this.formatLine(new sassTextLine_1.SassTextLine(STATE.lines[i]), STATE);
44 }
46 this.addNewLine(STATE);
47 }
48 if (STATE.CONFIG.debug) {
49 logger_1.LogDebugResult(STATE.RESULT);
50 logger_1.ResetDebugLog();
51 }
52 return STATE.RESULT;
53 };
54 SassFormatter.formatLine = function (line, STATE) {
55 if (suf_regex_1.isBlockCommentStart(line.get())) {
56 STATE.CONTEXT.isInBlockComment = true;
57 STATE.CONTEXT.blockCommentDistance = suf_regex_1.getDistance(line.get(), STATE.CONFIG.tabSize);
58 }
59 else if (STATE.CONTEXT.isInBlockComment &&
60 STATE.CONTEXT.blockCommentDistance >= suf_regex_1.getDistance(line.get(), STATE.CONFIG.tabSize)) {
61 STATE.CONTEXT.isInBlockComment = false;
62 STATE.CONTEXT.blockCommentDistance = 0;
63 }
64 if (STATE.CONTEXT.ignoreLine) {
65 STATE.CONTEXT.ignoreLine = false;
66 this.addNewLine(STATE);
67 STATE.RESULT += line.get();
68 logger_1.PushDebugInfo({
69 title: 'IGNORED',
70 lineNumber: STATE.currentLine,
71 oldLineText: line.get(),
72 debug: STATE.CONFIG.debug,
73 newLineText: 'NULL'
74 });
75 }
76 else if (STATE.CONTEXT.isInBlockComment) {
77 this.handleCommentBlock(STATE, line);
78 }
79 else {
80 if (suf_regex_1.isIgnore(line.get())) {
81 STATE.CONTEXT.ignoreLine = true;
82 this.addNewLine(STATE);
83 STATE.RESULT += line.get();
84 logger_1.PushDebugInfo({
85 title: 'IGNORE',
86 lineNumber: STATE.currentLine,
87 oldLineText: line.get(),
88 debug: STATE.CONFIG.debug,
89 newLineText: 'NULL'
90 });
91 }
92 else {
93 if (suf_regex_1.isSassSpace(line.get())) {
94 STATE.CONTEXT.allowSpace = true;
95 }
96 // ####### Empty Line #######
97 if (line.isEmptyOrWhitespace ||
98 (STATE.CONFIG.convert ? suf_regex_1.isBracketOrWhitespace(line.get()) : false)) {
99 this.handleEmptyLine(STATE, line);
100 }
101 else {
102 STATE.setLocalContext({
103 isAtKeyframesPoint: utility_1.isKeyframePointAndSetIndentation(line, STATE),
104 indentation: utility_1.getIndentationOffset(line.get(), STATE.CONTEXT.indentation, STATE.CONFIG.tabSize),
105 isIf: /[\t ]*@if/i.test(line.get()),
106 isElse: /[\t ]*@else/i.test(line.get()),
107 isAtKeyframes: suf_regex_1.isKeyframes(line.get()),
108 isReset: suf_regex_1.isReset(line.get()),
109 isAnd: suf_regex_1.isAnd(line.get()),
110 isProp: suf_regex_1.isProperty(line.get()),
111 isAdjacentSelector: suf_regex_1.isAdjacentSelector(line.get()),
112 isHtmlTag: suf_regex_1.isHtmlTag(line.get().trim().split(' ')[0]),
113 isClassOrIdSelector: suf_regex_1.isClassOrId(line.get()),
114 isAtExtend: suf_regex_1.isAtExtend(line.get()),
115 isInterpolatedProp: suf_regex_1.isInterpolatedProperty(line.get()),
116 isInclude: suf_regex_1.isInclude(line.get()),
117 isVariable: suf_regex_1.isVar(line.get()),
118 isImport: suf_regex_1.isAtImport(line.get()),
119 isNestPropHead: /^[\t ]* \S*[\t ]*:[\t ]*$/.test(line.get())
120 });
121 if (STATE.CONFIG.debug) {
122 if (/\/\/[\t ]*info[\t ]*$/.test(line.get())) {
124 }
125 }
126 // ####### Is @forward or @use #######
127 if (suf_regex_1.isAtForwardOrAtUse(line.get())) {
128 this.addNewLine(STATE);
129 STATE.RESULT += format_atForwardOrAtUse_1.FormatAtForwardOrAtUse(line, STATE);
130 }
131 // ####### Block Header #######
132 else if (this.isBlockHeader(line, STATE)) {
133 this.addNewLine(STATE);
134 STATE.RESULT += format_header_1.FormatBlockHeader(line, STATE);
135 }
136 // ####### Properties or Vars #######
137 else if (this.isProperty(STATE)) {
138 STATE.CONTEXT.firstCommaHeader.exists = false;
139 this.addNewLine(STATE);
140 STATE.RESULT += format_property_1.FormatProperty(line, STATE);
141 }
142 else {
143 logger_1.PushDebugInfo({
144 title: 'NO CHANGE',
145 lineNumber: STATE.currentLine,
146 oldLineText: line.get(),
147 debug: STATE.CONFIG.debug,
148 newLineText: 'NULL'
149 });
150 this.addNewLine(STATE);
151 STATE.RESULT += line.get();
152 }
153 // set CONTEXT Variables
154 STATE.CONTEXT.wasLastLineSelector =
155 STATE.LOCAL_CONTEXT.isClassOrIdSelector ||
156 STATE.LOCAL_CONTEXT.isAdjacentSelector ||
158 }
159 }
160 }
161 };
162 SassFormatter.handleCommentBlock = function (STATE, line) {
163 this.addNewLine(STATE);
164 var edit = format_blockComment_1.FormatHandleBlockComment(line.get(), STATE);
165 STATE.RESULT += edit;
166 if (suf_regex_1.isBlockCommentEnd(line.get())) {
167 STATE.CONTEXT.isInBlockComment = false;
168 }
169 logger_1.PushDebugInfo({
170 title: 'COMMENT BLOCK',
171 lineNumber: STATE.currentLine,
172 oldLineText: STATE.lines[STATE.currentLine],
173 newLineText: edit,
174 debug: STATE.CONFIG.debug
175 });
176 };
177 SassFormatter.handleEmptyLine = function (STATE, line) {
178 STATE.CONTEXT.firstCommaHeader.exists = false;
179 var pass = true; // its not useless, trust me.
180 /*istanbul ignore else */
181 if (STATE.CONFIG.deleteEmptyRows && !STATE.CONTEXT.isLastLine) {
182 var nextLine = new sassTextLine_1.SassTextLine(STATE.lines[STATE.currentLine + 1]);
183 var compact = !suf_regex_1.isProperty(nextLine.get());
184 var nextLineWillBeDeleted = STATE.CONFIG.convert
185 ? suf_regex_1.isBracketOrWhitespace(nextLine.get())
186 : false;
187 if ((compact && !STATE.CONTEXT.allowSpace && nextLine.isEmptyOrWhitespace) ||
188 (compact && !STATE.CONTEXT.allowSpace && nextLineWillBeDeleted)) {
189 logger_1.PushDebugInfo({
190 title: 'EMPTY LINE: DELETE',
191 nextLine: nextLine,
192 lineNumber: STATE.currentLine,
193 oldLineText: STATE.lines[STATE.currentLine],
194 newLineText: 'DELETED',
195 debug: STATE.CONFIG.debug
196 });
197 pass = false;
198 }
199 }
200 if (line.get().length > 0 && pass) {
201 logger_1.PushDebugInfo({
203 lineNumber: STATE.currentLine,
204 oldLineText: STATE.lines[STATE.currentLine],
205 newLineText: 'NEWLINE',
206 debug: STATE.CONFIG.debug
207 });
208 this.addNewLine(STATE);
209 }
210 else if (pass) {
211 logger_1.PushDebugInfo({
212 title: 'EMPTY LINE',
213 lineNumber: STATE.currentLine,
214 oldLineText: STATE.lines[STATE.currentLine],
215 newLineText: 'NEWLINE',
216 debug: STATE.CONFIG.debug
217 });
218 this.addNewLine(STATE);
219 }
220 };
221 SassFormatter.isBlockHeader = function (line, STATE) {
222 return (!STATE.LOCAL_CONTEXT.isInterpolatedProp &&
223 !STATE.LOCAL_CONTEXT.isAtExtend &&
224 !STATE.LOCAL_CONTEXT.isImport &&
225 (STATE.LOCAL_CONTEXT.isAdjacentSelector ||
228 (STATE.LOCAL_CONTEXT.isHtmlTag && !/^[\t ]*style[\t ]*:/.test(line.get())) ||
229 STATE.LOCAL_CONTEXT.isInclude ||
230 STATE.LOCAL_CONTEXT.isNestPropHead ||
231 suf_regex_1.isPseudo(line.get()) ||
232 suf_regex_1.isSelectorOperator(line.get()) ||
233 suf_regex_1.isStar(line.get()) ||
234 suf_regex_1.isBracketSelector(line.get()) ||
235 suf_regex_1.isCssSelector(line.get())) // adds all lines that start with [@.#%=]
236 );
237 };
238 SassFormatter.isProperty = function (STATE) {
239 return (STATE.LOCAL_CONTEXT.isImport ||
241 STATE.LOCAL_CONTEXT.isVariable ||
242 STATE.LOCAL_CONTEXT.isInterpolatedProp ||
244 STATE.LOCAL_CONTEXT.isAtKeyframesPoint);
245 };
246 /** Adds new Line If not first line. */
247 SassFormatter.addNewLine = function (STATE) {
248 if (!STATE.CONTEXT.isFirstLine) {
250 }
251 else {
252 STATE.CONTEXT.isFirstLine = false;
253 }
254 };
255 return SassFormatter;
257exports.SassFormatter = SassFormatter;