14.3 kBTypeScriptView Raw
1import {FileImporter, Importer} from './importer';
2import {Logger} from './logger';
3import {Value} from './value';
4import {PromiseOr} from './util/promise_or';
7 * Syntaxes supported by Sass:
8 *
9 * - `'scss'` is the [SCSS
10 * syntax](https://sass-lang.com/documentation/syntax#scss).
11 * - `'indented'` is the [indented
12 * syntax](https://sass-lang.com/documentation/syntax#the-indented-syntax)
13 * - `'css'` is plain CSS, which is parsed like SCSS but forbids the use of any
14 * special Sass features.
15 *
16 * @category Options
17 */
18export type Syntax = 'scss' | 'indented' | 'css';
21 * Possible output styles for the compiled CSS:
22 *
23 * - `"expanded"` (the default for Dart Sass) writes each selector and
24 * declaration on its own line.
25 *
26 * - `"compressed"` removes as many extra characters as possible, and writes
27 * the entire stylesheet on a single line.
28 *
29 * @category Options
30 */
31export type OutputStyle = 'expanded' | 'compressed';
34 * A callback that implements a custom Sass function. This can be passed to
35 * [[Options.functions]].
36 *
37 * ```js
38 * const result = sass.compile('style.scss', {
39 * functions: {
40 * "sum($arg1, $arg2)": (args) => {
41 * const value1 = args[0].assertNumber('arg1').value;
42 * const value2 = args[1].assertNumber('arg2')
43 * .convertValueToMatch(arg1, 'arg2', 'arg1');
44 * return new sass.SassNumber(value1 + value2).coerceToMatch(arg1);
45 * }
46 * }
47 * });
48 * ```
49 *
50 * @typeParam sync - A `CustomFunction<'sync'>` must return synchronously, but
51 * in return it can be passed to [[compile]] and [[compileString]] in addition
52 * to [[compileAsync]] and [[compileStringAsync]].
53 *
54 * A `CustomFunction<'async'>` may either return synchronously or
55 * asynchronously, but it can only be used with [[compileAsync]] and
56 * [[compileStringAsync]].
57 *
58 * @param args - An array of arguments passed by the function's caller. If the
59 * function takes [arbitrary
60 * arguments](https://sass-lang.com/documentation/at-rules/function#taking-arbitrary-arguments),
61 * the last element will be a [[SassArgumentList]].
62 *
63 * @returns The function's result. This may be in the form of a `Promise`, but
64 * if it is the function may only be passed to [[compileAsync]] and
65 * [[compileStringAsync]], not [[compile]] or [[compileString]].
66 *
67 * @throws any - This function may throw an error, which the Sass compiler will
68 * treat as the function call failing. If the exception object has a `message`
69 * property, it will be used as the wrapped exception's message; otherwise, the
70 * exception object's `toString()` will be used. This means it's safe for custom
71 * functions to throw plain strings.
72 *
73 * @category Custom Function
74 */
75export type CustomFunction<sync extends 'sync' | 'async'> = (
76 args: Value[]
77) => PromiseOr<Value, sync>;
80 * Options that can be passed to [[compile]], [[compileAsync]],
81 * [[compileString]], or [[compileStringAsync]].
82 *
83 * @typeParam sync - This lets the TypeScript checker verify that asynchronous
84 * [[Importer]]s, [[FileImporter]]s, and [[CustomFunction]]s aren't passed to
85 * [[compile]] or [[compileString]].
86 *
87 * @category Options
88 */
89export interface Options<sync extends 'sync' | 'async'> {
90 /**
91 * If this is `true`, the compiler will exclusively use ASCII characters in
92 * its error and warning messages. Otherwise, it may use non-ASCII Unicode
93 * characters as well.
94 *
95 * @defaultValue `false`
96 * @category Messages
97 */
98 alertAscii?: boolean;
100 /**
101 * If this is `true`, the compiler will use ANSI color escape codes in its
102 * error and warning messages. If it's `false`, it won't use these. If it's
103 * undefined, the compiler will determine whether or not to use colors
104 * depending on whether the user is using an interactive terminal.
105 *
106 * @category Messages
107 */
108 alertColor?: boolean;
110 /**
111 * Additional built-in Sass functions that are available in all stylesheets.
112 * This option takes an object whose keys are Sass function signatures like
113 * you'd write for the [`@function
114 * rule`](https://sass-lang.com/documentation/at-rules/function) and whose
115 * values are [[CustomFunction]]s.
116 *
117 * Functions are passed JavaScript representations of [Sass value
118 * types](https://sass-lang.com/documentation/js-api#value-types), and must
119 * return the same.
120 *
121 * When writing custom functions, it's important to make them as user-friendly
122 * and as close to the standards set by Sass's core functions as possible. Some
123 * good guidelines to follow include:
124 *
125 * * Use `Value.assert*` methods, like [[Value.assertString]], to cast untyped
126 * `Value` objects to more specific types. For values that were passed
127 * directly as arguments, pass in the argument name as well. This ensures
128 * that the user gets good error messages when they pass in the wrong type
129 * to your function.
130 *
131 * * Individual classes may have more specific `assert*` methods, like
132 * [[SassNumber.assertInt]], which should be used when possible.
133 *
134 * * In Sass, every value counts as a list. Rather than trying to detect the
135 * [[SassList]] type, you should use [[Value.asList]] to treat all values as
136 * lists.
137 *
138 * * When manipulating values like lists, strings, and numbers that have
139 * metadata (comma versus space separated, bracketed versus unbracketed,
140 * quoted versus unquoted, units), the output metadata should match the
141 * input metadata.
142 *
143 * * When in doubt, lists should default to comma-separated, strings should
144 * default to quoted, and numbers should default to unitless.
145 *
146 * * In Sass, lists and strings use one-based indexing and use negative
147 * indices to index from the end of value. Functions should follow these
148 * conventions. [[Value.sassIndexToListIndex]] and
149 * [[SassString.sassIndexToStringIndex]] can be used to do this
150 * automatically.
151 *
152 * * String indexes in Sass refer to Unicode code points while JavaScript
153 * string indices refer to UTF-16 code units. For example, the character
154 * U+1F60A SMILING FACE WITH SMILING EYES is a single Unicode code point but
155 * is represented in UTF-16 as two code units (`0xD83D` and `0xDE0A`). So in
156 * JavaScript, `"a😊b".charCodeAt(1)` returns `0xD83D`, whereas in Sass
157 * `str-slice("a😊b", 1, 1)` returns `"😊"`. Functions should follow Sass's
158 * convention. [[SassString.sassIndexToStringIndex]] can be used to do this
159 * automatically, and the [[SassString.sassLength]] getter can be used to
160 * access a string's length in code points.
161 *
162 * @example
163 *
164 * ```js
165 * sass.compileString(`
166 * h1 {
167 * font-size: pow(2, 5) * 1px;
168 * }`, {
169 * functions: {
170 * // Note: in real code, you should use `math.pow()` from the built-in
171 * // `sass:math` module.
172 * 'pow($base, $exponent)': function(args) {
173 * const base = args[0].assertNumber('base').assertNoUnits('base');
174 * const exponent =
175 * args[1].assertNumber('exponent').assertNoUnits('exponent');
176 *
177 * return new sass.SassNumber(Math.pow(base.value, exponent.value));
178 * }
179 * }
180 * });
181 * ```
182 *
183 * @category Plugins
184 */
185 functions?: Record<string, CustomFunction<sync>>;
187 /**
188 * Custom importers that control how Sass resolves loads from rules like
189 * [`@use`](https://sass-lang.com/documentation/at-rules/use) and
190 * [`@import`](https://sass-lang.com/documentation/at-rules/import).
191 *
192 * Loads are resolved by trying, in order:
193 *
194 * - The importer that was used to load the current stylesheet, with the
195 * loaded URL resolved relative to the current stylesheet's canonical URL.
196 *
197 * - Each [[Importer]] or [[FileImporter]] in [[importers]], in order.
198 *
199 * - Each load path in [[loadPaths]], in order.
200 *
201 * If none of these return a Sass file, the load fails and Sass throws an
202 * error.
203 *
204 * @category Plugins
205 */
206 importers?: (Importer<sync> | FileImporter<sync>)[];
208 /**
209 * Paths in which to look for stylesheets loaded by rules like
210 * [`@use`](https://sass-lang.com/documentation/at-rules/use) and
211 * [`@import`](https://sass-lang.com/documentation/at-rules/import).
212 *
213 * A load path `loadPath` is equivalent to the following [[FileImporter]]:
214 *
215 * ```js
216 * {
217 * findFileUrl(url) {
218 * // Load paths only support relative URLs.
219 * if (/^[a-z]+:/i.test(url)) return null;
220 * return new URL(url, pathToFileURL(loadPath));
221 * }
222 * }
223 * ```
224 *
225 * @category Input
226 */
227 loadPaths?: string[];
229 /**
230 * An object to use to handle warnings and/or debug messages from Sass.
231 *
232 * By default, Sass emits warnings and debug messages to standard error, but
233 * if [[Logger.warn]] or [[Logger.debug]] is set, this will invoke them
234 * instead.
235 *
236 * The special value [[Logger.silent]] can be used to easily silence all
237 * messages.
238 *
239 * @category Messages
240 */
241 logger?: Logger;
243 /**
244 * If this option is set to `true`, Sass won’t print warnings that are caused
245 * by dependencies. A “dependency” is defined as any file that’s loaded
246 * through [[loadPaths]] or [[importer]]. Stylesheets that are imported
247 * relative to the entrypoint are not considered dependencies.
248 *
249 * This is useful for silencing deprecation warnings that you can’t fix on
250 * your own. However, please <em>also</em> notify your dependencies of the deprecations
251 * so that they can get fixed as soon as possible!
252 *
253 * **Heads up!** If [[compileString]] or [[compileStringAsync]] is called
254 * without [[StringWithoutImporter.url]], <em>all</em> stylesheets it loads
255 * will be considered dependencies. Since it doesn’t have a path of its own,
256 * everything it loads is coming from a load path rather than a relative
257 * import.
258 *
259 * @defaultValue `false`
260 * @category Messages
261 */
262 quietDeps?: boolean;
264 /**
265 * Whether or not Sass should generate a source map. If it does, the source
266 * map will be available as [[CompileResult.sourceMap]].
267 *
268 * **Heads up!** Sass doesn't automatically add a `sourceMappingURL` comment
269 * to the generated CSS. It's up to callers to do that, since callers have
270 * full knowledge of where the CSS and the source map will exist in relation
271 * to one another and how they'll be served to the browser.
272 *
273 * @defaultValue `false`
274 * @category Output
275 */
276 sourceMap?: boolean;
278 /**
279 * The [[OutputStyle]] of the compiled CSS.
280 *
281 * @example
282 *
283 * ```js
284 * const source = `
285 * h1 {
286 * font-size: 40px;
287 * code {
288 * font-face: Roboto Mono;
289 * }
290 * }`;
291 *
292 * let result = sass.compileString(source, {style: "expanded"});
293 * console.log(result.css.toString());
294 * // h1 {
295 * // font-size: 40px;
296 * // }
297 * // h1 code {
298 * // font-face: Roboto Mono;
299 * // }
300 *
301 * result = sass.compileString(source, {style: "compressed"})
302 * console.log(result.css.toString());
303 * // h1{font-size:40px}h1 code{font-face:Roboto Mono}
304 * ```
305 *
306 * @category Output
307 */
308 style?: OutputStyle;
310 /**
311 * By default, Dart Sass will print only five instances of the same
312 * deprecation warning per compilation to avoid deluging users in console
313 * noise. If you set `verbose` to `true`, it will instead print every
314 * deprecation warning it encounters.
315 *
316 * @defaultValue `false`
317 * @category Messages
318 */
319 verbose?: boolean;
323 * Options that can be passed to [[compileString]] or [[compileStringAsync]].
324 *
325 * If the [[StringOptionsWithImporter.importer]] field isn't passed, the
326 * entrypoint file can't load files relative to itself and the [[url]] field is
327 * optional.
328 *
329 * @typeParam sync - This lets the TypeScript checker verify that asynchronous
330 * [[Importer]]s, [[FileImporter]]s, and [[CustomFunction]]s aren't passed to
331 * [[compile]] or [[compileString]].
332 *
333 * @category Options
334 */
335export interface StringOptionsWithoutImporter<sync extends 'sync' | 'async'>
336 extends Options<sync> {
337 /**
338 * The [[Syntax]] to use to parse the entrypoint stylesheet.
339 *
340 * @default `'scss'`
341 *
342 * @category Input
343 */
344 syntax?: Syntax;
346 /**
347 * The canonical URL of the entrypoint stylesheet. If this isn't passed along
348 * with [[StringOptionsWithoutImporter.importer]], it's optional and only used
349 * for error reporting.
350 *
351 * @category Input
352 */
353 url?: URL;
357 * Options that can be passed to [[compileString]] or [[compileStringAsync]].
358 *
359 * If the [[StringOptionsWithImporter.importer]] field is passed, the entrypoint
360 * file uses it to load files relative to itself and the [[url]] field is
361 * mandatory.
362 *
363 * @typeParam sync - This lets the TypeScript checker verify that asynchronous
364 * [[Importer]]s, [[FileImporter]]s, and [[CustomFunction]]s aren't passed to
365 * [[compile]] or [[compileString]].
366 *
367 * @category Options
368 */
369export interface StringOptionsWithImporter<sync extends 'sync' | 'async'>
370 extends StringOptionsWithoutImporter<sync> {
371 /**
372 * The importer to use to handle loads that are relative to the entrypoint
373 * stylesheet.
374 *
375 * A relative load's URL is first resolved relative to [[url]], then passed to
376 * [[importer]]. If the importer doesn't recognize it, it's then passed to
377 * [[importers]] and [[loadPaths]].
378 *
379 * @category Input
380 */
381 importer: Importer<sync> | FileImporter<sync>;
383 /**
384 * The canonical URL of the entrypoint stylesheet. If this is passed along
385 * with [[importer]], it's used to resolve relative loads in the entrypoint
386 * stylesheet.
387 *
388 * @category Input
389 */
390 url: URL;
394 * Options that can be passed to [[compileString]] or [[compileStringAsync]].
395 *
396 * This is a [[StringOptionsWithImporter]] if it has a
397 * [[StringOptionsWithImporter.importer]] field, and a
398 * [[StringOptionsWithoutImporter]] otherwise.
399 *
400 * @typeParam sync - This lets the TypeScript checker verify that asynchronous
401 * [[Importer]]s, [[FileImporter]]s, and [[CustomFunction]]s aren't passed to
402 * [[compile]] or [[compileString]].
403 *
404 * @category Options
405 */
406export type StringOptions<sync extends 'sync' | 'async'> =
407 | StringOptionsWithImporter<sync>
408 | StringOptionsWithoutImporter<sync>;