4.25 MBJavaScriptView Raw
1exports.load = function(_cli_pkg_requires) {
2// make sure to keep this as 'var'
3// we don't want block scoping
5var dartNodePreambleSelf = typeof global !== "undefined" ? global : window;
7var self = Object.create(dartNodePreambleSelf);
9self.scheduleImmediate = typeof setImmediate !== "undefined"
10 ? function (cb) {
11 setImmediate(cb);
12 }
13 : function(cb) {
14 setTimeout(cb, 0);
15 };
17// CommonJS globals.
18self.exports = exports;
20// Node.js specific exports, check to see if they exist & or polyfilled
22if (typeof process !== "undefined") {
23 self.process = process;
26if (typeof __dirname !== "undefined") {
27 self.__dirname = __dirname;
30if (typeof __filename !== "undefined") {
31 self.__filename = __filename;
34if (typeof Buffer !== "undefined") {
35 self.Buffer = Buffer;
38// if we're running in a browser, Dart supports most of this out of box
39// make sure we only run these in Node.js environment
41var dartNodeIsActuallyNode = !dartNodePreambleSelf.window
43try {
44 // Check if we're in a Web Worker instead.
45 if ("undefined" !== typeof WorkerGlobalScope && dartNodePreambleSelf instanceof WorkerGlobalScope) {
46 dartNodeIsActuallyNode = false;
47 }
49 // Check if we're in Electron, with Node.js integration, and override if true.
50 if ("undefined" !== typeof process && process.versions && process.versions.hasOwnProperty('electron') && process.versions.hasOwnProperty('node')) {
51 dartNodeIsActuallyNode = true;
52 }
53} catch(e) {}
55if (dartNodeIsActuallyNode) {
56 // This line is to:
57 // 1) Prevent Webpack from bundling.
58 // 2) In Webpack on Node.js, make sure we're using the native Node.js require, which is available via __non_webpack_require__
59 // https://github.com/mbullington/node_preamble.dart/issues/18#issuecomment-527305561
60 var url = ("undefined" !== typeof __webpack_require__ ? __non_webpack_require__ : require)("url");
62 // Setting `self.location=` in Electron throws a `TypeError`, so we define it
63 // as a property instead to be safe.
64 Object.defineProperty(self, "location", {
65 value: {
66 get href() {
67 if (url.pathToFileURL) {
68 return url.pathToFileURL(process.cwd()).href + "/";
69 } else {
70 // This isn't really a correct transformation, but it's the best we have
71 // for versions of Node <10.12.0 which introduced `url.pathToFileURL()`.
72 // For example, it will fail for paths that contain characters that need
73 // to be escaped in URLs.
74 return "file://" + (function() {
75 var cwd = process.cwd();
76 if (process.platform != "win32") return cwd;
77 return "/" + cwd.replace(/\\/g, "/");
78 })() + "/"
79 }
80 }
81 }
82 });
84 (function() {
85 function computeCurrentScript() {
86 try {
87 throw new Error();
88 } catch(e) {
89 var stack = e.stack;
90 var re = new RegExp("^ *at [^(]*\\((.*):[0-9]*:[0-9]*\\)$", "mg");
91 var lastMatch = null;
92 do {
93 var match = re.exec(stack);
94 if (match != null) lastMatch = match;
95 } while (match != null);
96 return lastMatch[1];
97 }
98 }
100 // Setting `self.document=` isn't known to throw an error anywhere like
101 // `self.location=` does on Electron, but it's better to be future-proof
102 // just in case..
103 var cachedCurrentScript = null;
104 Object.defineProperty(self, "document", {
105 value: {
106 get currentScript() {
107 if (cachedCurrentScript == null) {
108 cachedCurrentScript = {src: computeCurrentScript()};
109 }
110 return cachedCurrentScript;
111 }
112 }
113 });
114 })();
116 self.dartDeferredLibraryLoader = function(uri, successCallback, errorCallback) {
117 try {
118 load(uri);
119 successCallback();
120 } catch (error) {
121 errorCallback(error);
122 }
123 };
126self.util = require("util");
127self.immutable = require("immutable");
128self.fs = require("fs");
129self.chokidar = _cli_pkg_requires.chokidar;
130self.readline = _cli_pkg_requires.readline;
131// Generated by dart2js (NullSafetyMode.sound, trust primitives, omit checks, lax runtime type, no-legacy-javascript, new-holders, csp), the Dart to JavaScript compiler version: 2.15.1.
132// The code supports the following hooks:
133// dartPrint(message):
134// if this function is defined it is called instead of the Dart [print]
135// method.
137// dartMainRunner(main, args):
138// if this function is defined, the Dart [main] method will not be invoked
139// directly. Instead, a closure that will invoke [main], and its arguments
140// [args] is passed to [dartMainRunner].
142// dartDeferredLibraryLoader(uri, successCallback, errorCallback, loadId):
143// if this function is defined, it will be called when a deferred library
144// is loaded. It should load and eval the javascript of `uri`, and call
145// successCallback. If it fails to do so, it should call errorCallback with
146// an error. The loadId argument is the deferred import that resulted in
147// this uri being loaded.
149// dartCallInstrumentation(id, qualifiedName):
150// if this function is defined, it will be called at each entry of a
151// method or constructor. Used only when compiling programs with
152// --experiment-call-instrumentation.
153(function dartProgram() {
154 function copyProperties(from, to) {
155 var keys = Object.keys(from);
156 for (var i = 0; i < keys.length; i++) {
157 var key = keys[i];
158 to[key] = from[key];
159 }
160 }
161 function mixinPropertiesHard(from, to) {
162 var keys = Object.keys(from);
163 for (var i = 0; i < keys.length; i++) {
164 var key = keys[i];
165 if (!to.hasOwnProperty(key))
166 to[key] = from[key];
167 }
168 }
169 function mixinPropertiesEasy(from, to) {
170 Object.assign(to, from);
171 }
172 var supportsDirectProtoAccess = function() {
173 var cls = function() {
174 };
175 cls.prototype = {p: {}};
176 var object = new cls();
177 if (!(object.__proto__ && object.__proto__.p === cls.prototype.p))
178 return false;
179 try {
180 if (typeof navigator != "undefined" && typeof navigator.userAgent == "string" && navigator.userAgent.indexOf("Chrome/") >= 0)
181 return true;
182 if (typeof version == "function" && version.length == 0) {
183 var v = version();
184 if (/^\d+\.\d+\.\d+\.\d+$/.test(v))
185 return true;
186 }
187 } catch (_) {
188 }
189 return false;
190 }();
191 function setFunctionNamesIfNecessary(holders) {
192 function t() {
193 }
194 ;
195 if (typeof t.name == "string")
196 return;
197 for (var i = 0; i < holders.length; i++) {
198 var holder = holders[i];
199 var keys = Object.keys(holder);
200 for (var j = 0; j < keys.length; j++) {
201 var key = keys[j];
202 var f = holder[key];
203 if (typeof f == "function")
204 f.name = key;
205 }
206 }
207 }
208 function inherit(cls, sup) {
209 cls.prototype.constructor = cls;
210 cls.prototype["$is" + cls.name] = cls;
211 if (sup != null) {
212 if (supportsDirectProtoAccess) {
213 cls.prototype.__proto__ = sup.prototype;
214 return;
215 }
216 var clsPrototype = Object.create(sup.prototype);
217 copyProperties(cls.prototype, clsPrototype);
218 cls.prototype = clsPrototype;
219 }
220 }
221 function inheritMany(sup, classes) {
222 for (var i = 0; i < classes.length; i++)
223 inherit(classes[i], sup);
224 }
225 function mixinEasy(cls, mixin) {
226 mixinPropertiesEasy(mixin.prototype, cls.prototype);
227 cls.prototype.constructor = cls;
228 }
229 function mixinHard(cls, mixin) {
230 mixinPropertiesHard(mixin.prototype, cls.prototype);
231 cls.prototype.constructor = cls;
232 }
233 function lazyOld(holder, name, getterName, initializer) {
234 var uninitializedSentinel = holder;
235 holder[name] = uninitializedSentinel;
236 holder[getterName] = function() {
237 holder[getterName] = function() {
238 A.throwCyclicInit(name);
239 };
240 var result;
241 var sentinelInProgress = initializer;
242 try {
243 if (holder[name] === uninitializedSentinel) {
244 result = holder[name] = sentinelInProgress;
245 result = holder[name] = initializer();
246 } else
247 result = holder[name];
248 } finally {
249 if (result === sentinelInProgress)
250 holder[name] = null;
251 holder[getterName] = function() {
252 return this[name];
253 };
254 }
255 return result;
256 };
257 }
258 function lazy(holder, name, getterName, initializer) {
259 var uninitializedSentinel = holder;
260 holder[name] = uninitializedSentinel;
261 holder[getterName] = function() {
262 if (holder[name] === uninitializedSentinel)
263 holder[name] = initializer();
264 holder[getterName] = function() {
265 return this[name];
266 };
267 return holder[name];
268 };
269 }
270 function lazyFinal(holder, name, getterName, initializer) {
271 var uninitializedSentinel = holder;
272 holder[name] = uninitializedSentinel;
273 holder[getterName] = function() {
274 if (holder[name] === uninitializedSentinel) {
275 var value = initializer();
276 if (holder[name] !== uninitializedSentinel)
277 A.throwLateFieldADI(name);
278 holder[name] = value;
279 }
280 holder[getterName] = function() {
281 return this[name];
282 };
283 return holder[name];
284 };
285 }
286 function makeConstList(list) {
287 list.immutable$list = Array;
288 list.fixed$length = Array;
289 return list;
290 }
291 function convertToFastObject(properties) {
292 function t() {
293 }
294 t.prototype = properties;
295 new t();
296 return properties;
297 }
298 function convertAllToFastObject(arrayOfObjects) {
299 for (var i = 0; i < arrayOfObjects.length; ++i)
300 convertToFastObject(arrayOfObjects[i]);
301 }
302 var functionCounter = 0;
303 function instanceTearOffGetter(isIntercepted, parameters) {
304 var cache = null;
305 return isIntercepted ? function(receiver) {
306 if (cache === null)
307 cache = A.closureFromTearOff(parameters);
308 return new cache(receiver, this);
309 } : function() {
310 if (cache === null)
311 cache = A.closureFromTearOff(parameters);
312 return new cache(this, null);
313 };
314 }
315 function staticTearOffGetter(parameters) {
316 var cache = null;
317 return function() {
318 if (cache === null)
319 cache = A.closureFromTearOff(parameters).prototype;
320 return cache;
321 };
322 }
323 var typesOffset = 0;
324 function tearOffParameters(container, isStatic, isIntercepted, requiredParameterCount, optionalParameterDefaultValues, callNames, funsOrNames, funType, applyIndex, needsDirectAccess) {
325 if (typeof funType == "number")
326 funType += typesOffset;
327 return {co: container, iS: isStatic, iI: isIntercepted, rC: requiredParameterCount, dV: optionalParameterDefaultValues, cs: callNames, fs: funsOrNames, fT: funType, aI: applyIndex || 0, nDA: needsDirectAccess};
328 }
329 function installStaticTearOff(holder, getterName, requiredParameterCount, optionalParameterDefaultValues, callNames, funsOrNames, funType, applyIndex) {
330 var parameters = tearOffParameters(holder, true, false, requiredParameterCount, optionalParameterDefaultValues, callNames, funsOrNames, funType, applyIndex, false);
331 var getterFunction = staticTearOffGetter(parameters);
332 holder[getterName] = getterFunction;
333 }
334 function installInstanceTearOff(prototype, getterName, isIntercepted, requiredParameterCount, optionalParameterDefaultValues, callNames, funsOrNames, funType, applyIndex, needsDirectAccess) {
335 isIntercepted = !!isIntercepted;
336 var parameters = tearOffParameters(prototype, false, isIntercepted, requiredParameterCount, optionalParameterDefaultValues, callNames, funsOrNames, funType, applyIndex, !!needsDirectAccess);
337 var getterFunction = instanceTearOffGetter(isIntercepted, parameters);
338 prototype[getterName] = getterFunction;
339 }
340 function setOrUpdateInterceptorsByTag(newTags) {
341 var tags = init.interceptorsByTag;
342 if (!tags) {
343 init.interceptorsByTag = newTags;
344 return;
345 }
346 copyProperties(newTags, tags);
347 }
348 function setOrUpdateLeafTags(newTags) {
349 var tags = init.leafTags;
350 if (!tags) {
351 init.leafTags = newTags;
352 return;
353 }
354 copyProperties(newTags, tags);
355 }
356 function updateTypes(newTypes) {
357 var types = init.types;
358 var length = types.length;
359 types.push.apply(types, newTypes);
360 return length;
361 }
362 function updateHolder(holder, newHolder) {
363 copyProperties(newHolder, holder);
364 return holder;
365 }
366 var hunkHelpers = function() {
367 var mkInstance = function(isIntercepted, requiredParameterCount, optionalParameterDefaultValues, callNames, applyIndex) {
368 return function(container, getterName, name, funType) {
369 return installInstanceTearOff(container, getterName, isIntercepted, requiredParameterCount, optionalParameterDefaultValues, callNames, [name], funType, applyIndex, false);
370 };
371 },
372 mkStatic = function(requiredParameterCount, optionalParameterDefaultValues, callNames, applyIndex) {
373 return function(container, getterName, name, funType) {
374 return installStaticTearOff(container, getterName, requiredParameterCount, optionalParameterDefaultValues, callNames, [name], funType, applyIndex);
375 };
376 };
377 return {inherit: inherit, inheritMany: inheritMany, mixin: mixinEasy, mixinHard: mixinHard, installStaticTearOff: installStaticTearOff, installInstanceTearOff: installInstanceTearOff, _instance_0u: mkInstance(0, 0, null, ["call$0"], 0), _instance_1u: mkInstance(0, 1, null, ["call$1"], 0), _instance_2u: mkInstance(0, 2, null, ["call$2"], 0), _instance_0i: mkInstance(1, 0, null, ["call$0"], 0), _instance_1i: mkInstance(1, 1, null, ["call$1"], 0), _instance_2i: mkInstance(1, 2, null, ["call$2"], 0), _static_0: mkStatic(0, null, ["call$0"], 0), _static_1: mkStatic(1, null, ["call$1"], 0), _static_2: mkStatic(2, null, ["call$2"], 0), makeConstList: makeConstList, lazy: lazy, lazyFinal: lazyFinal, lazyOld: lazyOld, updateHolder: updateHolder, convertToFastObject: convertToFastObject, setFunctionNamesIfNecessary: setFunctionNamesIfNecessary, updateTypes: updateTypes, setOrUpdateInterceptorsByTag: setOrUpdateInterceptorsByTag, setOrUpdateLeafTags: setOrUpdateLeafTags};
378 }();
379 function initializeDeferredHunk(hunk) {
380 typesOffset = init.types.length;
381 hunk(hunkHelpers, init, holders, $);
382 }
383 var A = {JS_CONST: function JS_CONST() {
384 },
385 CastIterable_CastIterable(source, $S, $T) {
386 if ($S._eval$1("EfficientLengthIterable<0>")._is(source))
387 return new A._EfficientLengthCastIterable(source, $S._eval$1("@<0>")._bind$1($T)._eval$1("_EfficientLengthCastIterable<1,2>"));
388 return new A.CastIterable(source, $S._eval$1("@<0>")._bind$1($T)._eval$1("CastIterable<1,2>"));
389 },
390 LateError$fieldADI(fieldName) {
391 return new A.LateError("Field '" + fieldName + "' has been assigned during initialization.");
392 },
393 LateError$localNI(localName) {
394 return new A.LateError("Local '" + localName + "' has not been initialized.");
395 },
396 hexDigitValue(char) {
397 var letter,
398 digit = char ^ 48;
399 if (digit <= 9)
400 return digit;
401 letter = char | 32;
402 if (97 <= letter && letter <= 102)
403 return letter - 87;
404 return -1;
405 },
406 SystemHash_combine(hash, value) {
407 hash = hash + value & 536870911;
408 hash = hash + ((hash & 524287) << 10) & 536870911;
409 return hash ^ hash >>> 6;
410 },
411 SystemHash_finish(hash) {
412 hash = hash + ((hash & 67108863) << 3) & 536870911;
413 hash ^= hash >>> 11;
414 return hash + ((hash & 16383) << 15) & 536870911;
415 },
416 checkNotNullable(value, $name, $T) {
417 return value;
418 },
419 SubListIterable$(_iterable, _start, _endOrLength, $E) {
420 A.RangeError_checkNotNegative(_start, "start");
421 if (_endOrLength != null) {
422 A.RangeError_checkNotNegative(_endOrLength, "end");
423 if (_start > _endOrLength)
424 A.throwExpression(A.RangeError$range(_start, 0, _endOrLength, "start", null));
425 }
426 return new A.SubListIterable(_iterable, _start, _endOrLength, $E._eval$1("SubListIterable<0>"));
427 },
428 MappedIterable_MappedIterable(iterable, $function, $S, $T) {
429 if (type$.EfficientLengthIterable_dynamic._is(iterable))
430 return new A.EfficientLengthMappedIterable(iterable, $function, $S._eval$1("@<0>")._bind$1($T)._eval$1("EfficientLengthMappedIterable<1,2>"));
431 return new A.MappedIterable(iterable, $function, $S._eval$1("@<0>")._bind$1($T)._eval$1("MappedIterable<1,2>"));
432 },
433 TakeIterable_TakeIterable(iterable, takeCount, $E) {
434 var _s9_ = "takeCount";
435 A.ArgumentError_checkNotNull(takeCount, _s9_);
436 A.RangeError_checkNotNegative(takeCount, _s9_);
437 if (type$.EfficientLengthIterable_dynamic._is(iterable))
438 return new A.EfficientLengthTakeIterable(iterable, takeCount, $E._eval$1("EfficientLengthTakeIterable<0>"));
439 return new A.TakeIterable(iterable, takeCount, $E._eval$1("TakeIterable<0>"));
440 },
441 SkipIterable_SkipIterable(iterable, count, $E) {
442 var _s5_ = "count";
443 if (type$.EfficientLengthIterable_dynamic._is(iterable)) {
444 A.ArgumentError_checkNotNull(count, _s5_);
445 A.RangeError_checkNotNegative(count, _s5_);
446 return new A.EfficientLengthSkipIterable(iterable, count, $E._eval$1("EfficientLengthSkipIterable<0>"));
447 }
448 A.ArgumentError_checkNotNull(count, _s5_);
449 A.RangeError_checkNotNegative(count, _s5_);
450 return new A.SkipIterable(iterable, count, $E._eval$1("SkipIterable<0>"));
451 },
452 FollowedByIterable_FollowedByIterable$firstEfficient(first, second, $E) {
453 if ($E._eval$1("EfficientLengthIterable<0>")._is(second))
454 return new A.EfficientLengthFollowedByIterable(first, second, $E._eval$1("EfficientLengthFollowedByIterable<0>"));
455 return new A.FollowedByIterable(first, second, $E._eval$1("FollowedByIterable<0>"));
456 },
457 IterableElementError_noElement() {
458 return new A.StateError("No element");
459 },
460 IterableElementError_tooMany() {
461 return new A.StateError("Too many elements");
462 },
463 IterableElementError_tooFew() {
464 return new A.StateError("Too few elements");
465 },
466 Sort_sort(a, compare) {
467 A.Sort__doSort(a, 0, J.get$length$asx(a) - 1, compare);
468 },
469 Sort__doSort(a, left, right, compare) {
470 if (right - left <= 32)
471 A.Sort__insertionSort(a, left, right, compare);
472 else
473 A.Sort__dualPivotQuicksort(a, left, right, compare);
474 },
475 Sort__insertionSort(a, left, right, compare) {
476 var i, t1, el, j, j0;
477 for (i = left + 1, t1 = J.getInterceptor$asx(a); i <= right; ++i) {
478 el = t1.$index(a, i);
479 j = i;
480 while (true) {
481 if (!(j > left && compare.call$2(t1.$index(a, j - 1), el) > 0))
482 break;
483 j0 = j - 1;
484 t1.$indexSet(a, j, t1.$index(a, j0));
485 j = j0;
486 }
487 t1.$indexSet(a, j, el);
488 }
489 },
490 Sort__dualPivotQuicksort(a, left, right, compare) {
491 var t0, less, great, k, ak, comp, great0, less0, pivots_are_equal, t2,
492 sixth = B.JSInt_methods._tdivFast$1(right - left + 1, 6),
493 index1 = left + sixth,
494 index5 = right - sixth,
495 index3 = B.JSInt_methods._tdivFast$1(left + right, 2),
496 index2 = index3 - sixth,
497 index4 = index3 + sixth,
498 t1 = J.getInterceptor$asx(a),
499 el1 = t1.$index(a, index1),
500 el2 = t1.$index(a, index2),
501 el3 = t1.$index(a, index3),
502 el4 = t1.$index(a, index4),
503 el5 = t1.$index(a, index5);
504 if (compare.call$2(el1, el2) > 0) {
505 t0 = el2;
506 el2 = el1;
507 el1 = t0;
508 }
509 if (compare.call$2(el4, el5) > 0) {
510 t0 = el5;
511 el5 = el4;
512 el4 = t0;
513 }
514 if (compare.call$2(el1, el3) > 0) {
515 t0 = el3;
516 el3 = el1;
517 el1 = t0;
518 }
519 if (compare.call$2(el2, el3) > 0) {
520 t0 = el3;
521 el3 = el2;
522 el2 = t0;
523 }
524 if (compare.call$2(el1, el4) > 0) {
525 t0 = el4;
526 el4 = el1;
527 el1 = t0;
528 }
529 if (compare.call$2(el3, el4) > 0) {
530 t0 = el4;
531 el4 = el3;
532 el3 = t0;
533 }
534 if (compare.call$2(el2, el5) > 0) {
535 t0 = el5;
536 el5 = el2;
537 el2 = t0;
538 }
539 if (compare.call$2(el2, el3) > 0) {
540 t0 = el3;
541 el3 = el2;
542 el2 = t0;
543 }
544 if (compare.call$2(el4, el5) > 0) {
545 t0 = el5;
546 el5 = el4;
547 el4 = t0;
548 }
549 t1.$indexSet(a, index1, el1);
550 t1.$indexSet(a, index3, el3);
551 t1.$indexSet(a, index5, el5);
552 t1.$indexSet(a, index2, t1.$index(a, left));
553 t1.$indexSet(a, index4, t1.$index(a, right));
554 less = left + 1;
555 great = right - 1;
556 if (J.$eq$(compare.call$2(el2, el4), 0)) {
557 for (k = less; k <= great; ++k) {
558 ak = t1.$index(a, k);
559 comp = compare.call$2(ak, el2);
560 if (comp === 0)
561 continue;
562 if (comp < 0) {
563 if (k !== less) {
564 t1.$indexSet(a, k, t1.$index(a, less));
565 t1.$indexSet(a, less, ak);
566 }
567 ++less;
568 } else
569 for (; true;) {
570 comp = compare.call$2(t1.$index(a, great), el2);
571 if (comp > 0) {
572 --great;
573 continue;
574 } else {
575 great0 = great - 1;
576 if (comp < 0) {
577 t1.$indexSet(a, k, t1.$index(a, less));
578 less0 = less + 1;
579 t1.$indexSet(a, less, t1.$index(a, great));
580 t1.$indexSet(a, great, ak);
581 great = great0;
582 less = less0;
583 break;
584 } else {
585 t1.$indexSet(a, k, t1.$index(a, great));
586 t1.$indexSet(a, great, ak);
587 great = great0;
588 break;
589 }
590 }
591 }
592 }
593 pivots_are_equal = true;
594 } else {
595 for (k = less; k <= great; ++k) {
596 ak = t1.$index(a, k);
597 if (compare.call$2(ak, el2) < 0) {
598 if (k !== less) {
599 t1.$indexSet(a, k, t1.$index(a, less));
600 t1.$indexSet(a, less, ak);
601 }
602 ++less;
603 } else if (compare.call$2(ak, el4) > 0)
604 for (; true;)
605 if (compare.call$2(t1.$index(a, great), el4) > 0) {
606 --great;
607 if (great < k)
608 break;
609 continue;
610 } else {
611 great0 = great - 1;
612 if (compare.call$2(t1.$index(a, great), el2) < 0) {
613 t1.$indexSet(a, k, t1.$index(a, less));
614 less0 = less + 1;
615 t1.$indexSet(a, less, t1.$index(a, great));
616 t1.$indexSet(a, great, ak);
617 less = less0;
618 } else {
619 t1.$indexSet(a, k, t1.$index(a, great));
620 t1.$indexSet(a, great, ak);
621 }
622 great = great0;
623 break;
624 }
625 }
626 pivots_are_equal = false;
627 }
628 t2 = less - 1;
629 t1.$indexSet(a, left, t1.$index(a, t2));
630 t1.$indexSet(a, t2, el2);
631 t2 = great + 1;
632 t1.$indexSet(a, right, t1.$index(a, t2));
633 t1.$indexSet(a, t2, el4);
634 A.Sort__doSort(a, left, less - 2, compare);
635 A.Sort__doSort(a, great + 2, right, compare);
636 if (pivots_are_equal)
637 return;
638 if (less < index1 && great > index5) {
639 for (; J.$eq$(compare.call$2(t1.$index(a, less), el2), 0);)
640 ++less;
641 for (; J.$eq$(compare.call$2(t1.$index(a, great), el4), 0);)
642 --great;
643 for (k = less; k <= great; ++k) {
644 ak = t1.$index(a, k);
645 if (compare.call$2(ak, el2) === 0) {
646 if (k !== less) {
647 t1.$indexSet(a, k, t1.$index(a, less));
648 t1.$indexSet(a, less, ak);
649 }
650 ++less;
651 } else if (compare.call$2(ak, el4) === 0)
652 for (; true;)
653 if (compare.call$2(t1.$index(a, great), el4) === 0) {
654 --great;
655 if (great < k)
656 break;
657 continue;
658 } else {
659 great0 = great - 1;
660 if (compare.call$2(t1.$index(a, great), el2) < 0) {
661 t1.$indexSet(a, k, t1.$index(a, less));
662 less0 = less + 1;
663 t1.$indexSet(a, less, t1.$index(a, great));
664 t1.$indexSet(a, great, ak);
665 less = less0;
666 } else {
667 t1.$indexSet(a, k, t1.$index(a, great));
668 t1.$indexSet(a, great, ak);
669 }
670 great = great0;
671 break;
672 }
673 }
674 A.Sort__doSort(a, less, great, compare);
675 } else
676 A.Sort__doSort(a, less, great, compare);
677 },
678 _CastIterableBase: function _CastIterableBase() {
679 },
680 CastIterator: function CastIterator(t0, t1) {
681 this._source = t0;
682 this.$ti = t1;
683 },
684 CastIterable: function CastIterable(t0, t1) {
685 this._source = t0;
686 this.$ti = t1;
687 },
688 _EfficientLengthCastIterable: function _EfficientLengthCastIterable(t0, t1) {
689 this._source = t0;
690 this.$ti = t1;
691 },
692 _CastListBase: function _CastListBase() {
693 },
694 _CastListBase_sort_closure: function _CastListBase_sort_closure(t0, t1) {
695 this.$this = t0;
696 this.compare = t1;
697 },
698 CastList: function CastList(t0, t1) {
699 this._source = t0;
700 this.$ti = t1;
701 },
702 CastSet: function CastSet(t0, t1, t2) {
703 this._source = t0;
704 this._emptySet = t1;
705 this.$ti = t2;
706 },
707 CastMap: function CastMap(t0, t1) {
708 this._source = t0;
709 this.$ti = t1;
710 },
711 CastMap_forEach_closure: function CastMap_forEach_closure(t0, t1) {
712 this.$this = t0;
713 this.f = t1;
714 },
715 CastMap_entries_closure: function CastMap_entries_closure(t0) {
716 this.$this = t0;
717 },
718 LateError: function LateError(t0) {
719 this._message = t0;
720 },
721 CodeUnits: function CodeUnits(t0) {
722 this._string = t0;
723 },
724 nullFuture_closure: function nullFuture_closure() {
725 },
726 SentinelValue: function SentinelValue() {
727 },
728 EfficientLengthIterable: function EfficientLengthIterable() {
729 },
730 ListIterable: function ListIterable() {
731 },
732 SubListIterable: function SubListIterable(t0, t1, t2, t3) {
733 var _ = this;
734 _.__internal$_iterable = t0;
735 _._start = t1;
736 _._endOrLength = t2;
737 _.$ti = t3;
738 },
739 ListIterator: function ListIterator(t0, t1) {
740 var _ = this;
741 _.__internal$_iterable = t0;
742 _.__internal$_length = t1;
743 _.__internal$_index = 0;
744 _.__internal$_current = null;
745 },
746 MappedIterable: function MappedIterable(t0, t1, t2) {
747 this.__internal$_iterable = t0;
748 this._f = t1;
749 this.$ti = t2;
750 },
751 EfficientLengthMappedIterable: function EfficientLengthMappedIterable(t0, t1, t2) {
752 this.__internal$_iterable = t0;
753 this._f = t1;
754 this.$ti = t2;
755 },
756 MappedIterator: function MappedIterator(t0, t1) {
757 this.__internal$_current = null;
758 this._iterator = t0;
759 this._f = t1;
760 },
761 MappedListIterable: function MappedListIterable(t0, t1, t2) {
762 this._source = t0;
763 this._f = t1;
764 this.$ti = t2;
765 },
766 WhereIterable: function WhereIterable(t0, t1, t2) {
767 this.__internal$_iterable = t0;
768 this._f = t1;
769 this.$ti = t2;
770 },
771 WhereIterator: function WhereIterator(t0, t1) {
772 this._iterator = t0;
773 this._f = t1;
774 },
775 ExpandIterable: function ExpandIterable(t0, t1, t2) {
776 this.__internal$_iterable = t0;
777 this._f = t1;
778 this.$ti = t2;
779 },
780 ExpandIterator: function ExpandIterator(t0, t1, t2) {
781 var _ = this;
782 _._iterator = t0;
783 _._f = t1;
784 _._currentExpansion = t2;
785 _.__internal$_current = null;
786 },
787 TakeIterable: function TakeIterable(t0, t1, t2) {
788 this.__internal$_iterable = t0;
789 this._takeCount = t1;
790 this.$ti = t2;
791 },
792 EfficientLengthTakeIterable: function EfficientLengthTakeIterable(t0, t1, t2) {
793 this.__internal$_iterable = t0;
794 this._takeCount = t1;
795 this.$ti = t2;
796 },
797 TakeIterator: function TakeIterator(t0, t1) {
798 this._iterator = t0;
799 this._remaining = t1;
800 },
801 SkipIterable: function SkipIterable(t0, t1, t2) {
802 this.__internal$_iterable = t0;
803 this._skipCount = t1;
804 this.$ti = t2;
805 },
806 EfficientLengthSkipIterable: function EfficientLengthSkipIterable(t0, t1, t2) {
807 this.__internal$_iterable = t0;
808 this._skipCount = t1;
809 this.$ti = t2;
810 },
811 SkipIterator: function SkipIterator(t0, t1) {
812 this._iterator = t0;
813 this._skipCount = t1;
814 },
815 SkipWhileIterable: function SkipWhileIterable(t0, t1, t2) {
816 this.__internal$_iterable = t0;
817 this._f = t1;
818 this.$ti = t2;
819 },
820 SkipWhileIterator: function SkipWhileIterator(t0, t1) {
821 this._iterator = t0;
822 this._f = t1;
823 this._hasSkipped = false;
824 },
825 EmptyIterable: function EmptyIterable(t0) {
826 this.$ti = t0;
827 },
828 EmptyIterator: function EmptyIterator() {
829 },
830 FollowedByIterable: function FollowedByIterable(t0, t1, t2) {
831 this.__internal$_first = t0;
832 this._second = t1;
833 this.$ti = t2;
834 },
835 EfficientLengthFollowedByIterable: function EfficientLengthFollowedByIterable(t0, t1, t2) {
836 this.__internal$_first = t0;
837 this._second = t1;
838 this.$ti = t2;
839 },
840 FollowedByIterator: function FollowedByIterator(t0, t1) {
841 this._currentIterator = t0;
842 this._nextIterable = t1;
843 },
844 WhereTypeIterable: function WhereTypeIterable(t0, t1) {
845 this._source = t0;
846 this.$ti = t1;
847 },
848 WhereTypeIterator: function WhereTypeIterator(t0, t1) {
849 this._source = t0;
850 this.$ti = t1;
851 },
852 FixedLengthListMixin: function FixedLengthListMixin() {
853 },
854 UnmodifiableListMixin: function UnmodifiableListMixin() {
855 },
856 UnmodifiableListBase: function UnmodifiableListBase() {
857 },
858 ReversedListIterable: function ReversedListIterable(t0, t1) {
859 this._source = t0;
860 this.$ti = t1;
861 },
862 Symbol: function Symbol(t0) {
863 this.__internal$_name = t0;
864 },
865 __CastListBase__CastIterableBase_ListMixin: function __CastListBase__CastIterableBase_ListMixin() {
866 },
867 ConstantMap_ConstantMap$from(other, $K, $V) {
868 var allStrings, k, object, t2,
869 keys = A.List_List$from(other.get$keys(other), true, $K),
870 t1 = keys.length,
871 _i = 0;
872 while (true) {
873 if (!(_i < t1)) {
874 allStrings = true;
875 break;
876 }
877 k = keys[_i];
878 if (typeof k != "string" || "__proto__" === k) {
879 allStrings = false;
880 break;
881 }
882 ++_i;
883 }
884 if (allStrings) {
885 object = {};
886 for (_i = 0; t2 = keys.length, _i < t2; keys.length === t1 || (0, A.throwConcurrentModificationError)(keys), ++_i) {
887 k = keys[_i];
888 object[k] = other.$index(0, k);
889 }
890 return new A.ConstantStringMap(t2, object, keys, $K._eval$1("@<0>")._bind$1($V)._eval$1("ConstantStringMap<1,2>"));
891 }
892 return new A.ConstantMapView(A.LinkedHashMap_LinkedHashMap$from(other, $K, $V), $K._eval$1("@<0>")._bind$1($V)._eval$1("ConstantMapView<1,2>"));
893 },
894 ConstantMap__throwUnmodifiable() {
895 throw A.wrapException(A.UnsupportedError$("Cannot modify unmodifiable Map"));
896 },
897 instantiate1(f, T1) {
898 var t1 = new A.Instantiation1(f, T1._eval$1("Instantiation1<0>"));
899 t1.Instantiation$1(f);
900 return t1;
901 },
902 unminifyOrTag(rawClassName) {
903 var preserved = init.mangledGlobalNames[rawClassName];
904 if (preserved != null)
905 return preserved;
906 return rawClassName;
907 },
908 isJsIndexable(object, record) {
909 var result;
910 if (record != null) {
911 result = record.x;
912 if (result != null)
913 return result;
914 }
915 return type$.JavaScriptIndexingBehavior_dynamic._is(object);
916 },
917 S(value) {
918 var result;
919 if (typeof value == "string")
920 return value;
921 if (typeof value == "number") {
922 if (value !== 0)
923 return "" + value;
924 } else if (true === value)
925 return "true";
926 else if (false === value)
927 return "false";
928 else if (value == null)
929 return "null";
930 result = J.toString$0$(value);
931 return result;
932 },
933 Primitives_objectHashCode(object) {
934 var hash = object.$identityHash;
935 if (hash == null) {
936 hash = Math.random() * 0x3fffffff | 0;
937 object.$identityHash = hash;
938 }
939 return hash;
940 },
941 Primitives_parseInt(source, radix) {
942 var decimalMatch, maxCharCode, digitsPart, t1, i, _null = null,
943 match = /^\s*[+-]?((0x[a-f0-9]+)|(\d+)|([a-z0-9]+))\s*$/i.exec(source);
944 if (match == null)
945 return _null;
946 decimalMatch = match[3];
947 if (radix == null) {
948 if (decimalMatch != null)
949 return parseInt(source, 10);
950 if (match[2] != null)
951 return parseInt(source, 16);
952 return _null;
953 }
954 if (radix < 2 || radix > 36)
955 throw A.wrapException(A.RangeError$range(radix, 2, 36, "radix", _null));
956 if (radix === 10 && decimalMatch != null)
957 return parseInt(source, 10);
958 if (radix < 10 || decimalMatch == null) {
959 maxCharCode = radix <= 10 ? 47 + radix : 86 + radix;
960 digitsPart = match[1];
961 for (t1 = digitsPart.length, i = 0; i < t1; ++i)
962 if ((B.JSString_methods._codeUnitAt$1(digitsPart, i) | 32) > maxCharCode)
963 return _null;
964 }
965 return parseInt(source, radix);
966 },
967 Primitives_parseDouble(source) {
968 var result, trimmed;
969 if (!/^\s*[+-]?(?:Infinity|NaN|(?:\.\d+|\d+(?:\.\d*)?)(?:[eE][+-]?\d+)?)\s*$/.test(source))
970 return null;
971 result = parseFloat(source);
972 if (isNaN(result)) {
973 trimmed = B.JSString_methods.trim$0(source);
974 if (trimmed === "NaN" || trimmed === "+NaN" || trimmed === "-NaN")
975 return result;
976 return null;
977 }
978 return result;
979 },
980 Primitives_objectTypeName(object) {
981 return A.Primitives__objectTypeNameNewRti(object);
982 },
983 Primitives__objectTypeNameNewRti(object) {
984 var dispatchName, t1, $constructor, constructorName;
985 if (object instanceof A.Object)
986 return A._rtiToString(A.instanceType(object), null);
987 if (J.getInterceptor$(object) === B.Interceptor_methods || type$.UnknownJavaScriptObject._is(object)) {
988 dispatchName = B.C_JS_CONST(object);
989 t1 = dispatchName !== "Object" && dispatchName !== "";
990 if (t1)
991 return dispatchName;
992 $constructor = object.constructor;
993 if (typeof $constructor == "function") {
994 constructorName = $constructor.name;
995 if (typeof constructorName == "string")
996 t1 = constructorName !== "Object" && constructorName !== "";
997 else
998 t1 = false;
999 if (t1)
1000 return constructorName;
1001 }
1002 }
1003 return A._rtiToString(A.instanceType(object), null);
1004 },
1005 Primitives_currentUri() {
1006 if (!!self.location)
1007 return self.location.href;
1008 return null;
1009 },
1010 Primitives__fromCharCodeApply(array) {
1011 var result, i, i0, chunkEnd,
1012 end = array.length;
1013 if (end <= 500)
1014 return String.fromCharCode.apply(null, array);
1015 for (result = "", i = 0; i < end; i = i0) {
1016 i0 = i + 500;
1017 chunkEnd = i0 < end ? i0 : end;
1018 result += String.fromCharCode.apply(null, array.slice(i, chunkEnd));
1019 }
1020 return result;
1021 },
1022 Primitives_stringFromCodePoints(codePoints) {
1023 var t1, _i, i,
1024 a = A._setArrayType([], type$.JSArray_int);
1025 for (t1 = codePoints.length, _i = 0; _i < codePoints.length; codePoints.length === t1 || (0, A.throwConcurrentModificationError)(codePoints), ++_i) {
1026 i = codePoints[_i];
1027 if (!A._isInt(i))
1028 throw A.wrapException(A.argumentErrorValue(i));
1029 if (i <= 65535)
1030 a.push(i);
1031 else if (i <= 1114111) {
1032 a.push(55296 + (B.JSInt_methods._shrOtherPositive$1(i - 65536, 10) & 1023));
1033 a.push(56320 + (i & 1023));
1034 } else
1035 throw A.wrapException(A.argumentErrorValue(i));
1036 }
1037 return A.Primitives__fromCharCodeApply(a);
1038 },
1039 Primitives_stringFromCharCodes(charCodes) {
1040 var t1, _i, i;
1041 for (t1 = charCodes.length, _i = 0; _i < t1; ++_i) {
1042 i = charCodes[_i];
1043 if (!A._isInt(i))
1044 throw A.wrapException(A.argumentErrorValue(i));
1045 if (i < 0)
1046 throw A.wrapException(A.argumentErrorValue(i));
1047 if (i > 65535)
1048 return A.Primitives_stringFromCodePoints(charCodes);
1049 }
1050 return A.Primitives__fromCharCodeApply(charCodes);
1051 },
1052 Primitives_stringFromNativeUint8List(charCodes, start, end) {
1053 var i, result, i0, chunkEnd;
1054 if (end <= 500 && start === 0 && end === charCodes.length)
1055 return String.fromCharCode.apply(null, charCodes);
1056 for (i = start, result = ""; i < end; i = i0) {
1057 i0 = i + 500;
1058 chunkEnd = i0 < end ? i0 : end;
1059 result += String.fromCharCode.apply(null, charCodes.subarray(i, chunkEnd));
1060 }
1061 return result;
1062 },
1063 Primitives_stringFromCharCode(charCode) {
1064 var bits;
1065 if (0 <= charCode) {
1066 if (charCode <= 65535)
1067 return String.fromCharCode(charCode);
1068 if (charCode <= 1114111) {
1069 bits = charCode - 65536;
1070 return String.fromCharCode((B.JSInt_methods._shrOtherPositive$1(bits, 10) | 55296) >>> 0, bits & 1023 | 56320);
1071 }
1072 }
1073 throw A.wrapException(A.RangeError$range(charCode, 0, 1114111, null, null));
1074 },
1075 Primitives_lazyAsJsDate(receiver) {
1076 if (receiver.date === void 0)
1077 receiver.date = new Date(receiver._core$_value);
1078 return receiver.date;
1079 },
1080 Primitives_getYear(receiver) {
1081 var t1 = A.Primitives_lazyAsJsDate(receiver).getFullYear() + 0;
1082 return t1;
1083 },
1084 Primitives_getMonth(receiver) {
1085 var t1 = A.Primitives_lazyAsJsDate(receiver).getMonth() + 1;
1086 return t1;
1087 },
1088 Primitives_getDay(receiver) {
1089 var t1 = A.Primitives_lazyAsJsDate(receiver).getDate() + 0;
1090 return t1;
1091 },
1092 Primitives_getHours(receiver) {
1093 var t1 = A.Primitives_lazyAsJsDate(receiver).getHours() + 0;
1094 return t1;
1095 },
1096 Primitives_getMinutes(receiver) {
1097 var t1 = A.Primitives_lazyAsJsDate(receiver).getMinutes() + 0;
1098 return t1;
1099 },
1100 Primitives_getSeconds(receiver) {
1101 var t1 = A.Primitives_lazyAsJsDate(receiver).getSeconds() + 0;
1102 return t1;
1103 },
1104 Primitives_getMilliseconds(receiver) {
1105 var t1 = A.Primitives_lazyAsJsDate(receiver).getMilliseconds() + 0;
1106 return t1;
1107 },
1108 Primitives_functionNoSuchMethod($function, positionalArguments, namedArguments) {
1109 var $arguments, namedArgumentList, t1 = {};
1110 t1.argumentCount = 0;
1111 $arguments = [];
1112 namedArgumentList = [];
1113 t1.argumentCount = positionalArguments.length;
1114 B.JSArray_methods.addAll$1($arguments, positionalArguments);
1115 t1.names = "";
1116 if (namedArguments != null && !namedArguments.get$isEmpty(namedArguments))
1117 namedArguments.forEach$1(0, new A.Primitives_functionNoSuchMethod_closure(t1, namedArgumentList, $arguments));
1118 "" + t1.argumentCount;
1119 return J.noSuchMethod$1$($function, new A.JSInvocationMirror(B.Symbol_call, 0, $arguments, namedArgumentList, 0));
1120 },
1121 Primitives_applyFunction($function, positionalArguments, namedArguments) {
1122 var t1, argumentCount, jsStub;
1123 if (Array.isArray(positionalArguments))
1124 t1 = namedArguments == null || namedArguments.get$isEmpty(namedArguments);
1125 else
1126 t1 = false;
1127 if (t1) {
1128 argumentCount = positionalArguments.length;
1129 if (argumentCount === 0) {
1130 if (!!$function.call$0)
1131 return $function.call$0();
1132 } else if (argumentCount === 1) {
1133 if (!!$function.call$1)
1134 return $function.call$1(positionalArguments[0]);
1135 } else if (argumentCount === 2) {
1136 if (!!$function.call$2)
1137 return $function.call$2(positionalArguments[0], positionalArguments[1]);
1138 } else if (argumentCount === 3) {
1139 if (!!$function.call$3)
1140 return $function.call$3(positionalArguments[0], positionalArguments[1], positionalArguments[2]);
1141 } else if (argumentCount === 4) {
1142 if (!!$function.call$4)
1143 return $function.call$4(positionalArguments[0], positionalArguments[1], positionalArguments[2], positionalArguments[3]);
1144 } else if (argumentCount === 5)
1145 if (!!$function.call$5)
1146 return $function.call$5(positionalArguments[0], positionalArguments[1], positionalArguments[2], positionalArguments[3], positionalArguments[4]);
1147 jsStub = $function["call" + "$" + argumentCount];
1148 if (jsStub != null)
1149 return jsStub.apply($function, positionalArguments);
1150 }
1151 return A.Primitives__generalApplyFunction($function, positionalArguments, namedArguments);
1152 },
1153 Primitives__generalApplyFunction($function, positionalArguments, namedArguments) {
1154 var defaultValuesClosure, t1, defaultValues, interceptor, jsFunction, maxArguments, missingDefaults, keys, _i, defaultValue, used, t2,
1155 $arguments = Array.isArray(positionalArguments) ? positionalArguments : A.List_List$of(positionalArguments, true, type$.dynamic),
1156 argumentCount = $arguments.length,
1157 requiredParameterCount = $function.$requiredArgCount;
1158 if (argumentCount < requiredParameterCount)
1159 return A.Primitives_functionNoSuchMethod($function, $arguments, namedArguments);
1160 defaultValuesClosure = $function.$defaultValues;
1161 t1 = defaultValuesClosure == null;
1162 defaultValues = !t1 ? defaultValuesClosure() : null;
1163 interceptor = J.getInterceptor$($function);
1164 jsFunction = interceptor["call*"];
1165 if (typeof jsFunction == "string")
1166 jsFunction = interceptor[jsFunction];
1167 if (t1) {
1168 if (namedArguments != null && namedArguments.get$isNotEmpty(namedArguments))
1169 return A.Primitives_functionNoSuchMethod($function, $arguments, namedArguments);
1170 if (argumentCount === requiredParameterCount)
1171 return jsFunction.apply($function, $arguments);
1172 return A.Primitives_functionNoSuchMethod($function, $arguments, namedArguments);
1173 }
1174 if (Array.isArray(defaultValues)) {
1175 if (namedArguments != null && namedArguments.get$isNotEmpty(namedArguments))
1176 return A.Primitives_functionNoSuchMethod($function, $arguments, namedArguments);
1177 maxArguments = requiredParameterCount + defaultValues.length;
1178 if (argumentCount > maxArguments)
1179 return A.Primitives_functionNoSuchMethod($function, $arguments, null);
1180 if (argumentCount < maxArguments) {
1181 missingDefaults = defaultValues.slice(argumentCount - requiredParameterCount);
1182 if ($arguments === positionalArguments)
1183 $arguments = A.List_List$of($arguments, true, type$.dynamic);
1184 B.JSArray_methods.addAll$1($arguments, missingDefaults);
1185 }
1186 return jsFunction.apply($function, $arguments);
1187 } else {
1188 if (argumentCount > requiredParameterCount)
1189 return A.Primitives_functionNoSuchMethod($function, $arguments, namedArguments);
1190 if ($arguments === positionalArguments)
1191 $arguments = A.List_List$of($arguments, true, type$.dynamic);
1192 keys = Object.keys(defaultValues);
1193 if (namedArguments == null)
1194 for (t1 = keys.length, _i = 0; _i < keys.length; keys.length === t1 || (0, A.throwConcurrentModificationError)(keys), ++_i) {
1195 defaultValue = defaultValues[keys[_i]];
1196 if (B.C__Required === defaultValue)
1197 return A.Primitives_functionNoSuchMethod($function, $arguments, namedArguments);
1198 B.JSArray_methods.add$1($arguments, defaultValue);
1199 }
1200 else {
1201 for (t1 = keys.length, used = 0, _i = 0; _i < keys.length; keys.length === t1 || (0, A.throwConcurrentModificationError)(keys), ++_i) {
1202 t2 = keys[_i];
1203 if (namedArguments.containsKey$1(t2)) {
1204 ++used;
1205 B.JSArray_methods.add$1($arguments, namedArguments.$index(0, t2));
1206 } else {
1207 defaultValue = defaultValues[t2];
1208 if (B.C__Required === defaultValue)
1209 return A.Primitives_functionNoSuchMethod($function, $arguments, namedArguments);
1210 B.JSArray_methods.add$1($arguments, defaultValue);
1211 }
1212 }
1213 if (used !== namedArguments.get$length(namedArguments))
1214 return A.Primitives_functionNoSuchMethod($function, $arguments, namedArguments);
1215 }
1216 return jsFunction.apply($function, $arguments);
1217 }
1218 },
1219 diagnoseIndexError(indexable, index) {
1220 var $length, _s5_ = "index";
1221 if (!A._isInt(index))
1222 return new A.ArgumentError(true, index, _s5_, null);
1223 $length = J.get$length$asx(indexable);
1224 if (index < 0 || index >= $length)
1225 return A.IndexError$(index, indexable, _s5_, null, $length);
1226 return A.RangeError$value(index, _s5_, null);
1227 },
1228 diagnoseRangeError(start, end, $length) {
1229 if (start < 0 || start > $length)
1230 return A.RangeError$range(start, 0, $length, "start", null);
1231 if (end != null)
1232 if (end < start || end > $length)
1233 return A.RangeError$range(end, start, $length, "end", null);
1234 return new A.ArgumentError(true, end, "end", null);
1235 },
1236 argumentErrorValue(object) {
1237 return new A.ArgumentError(true, object, null, null);
1238 },
1239 checkNum(value) {
1240 return value;
1241 },
1242 wrapException(ex) {
1243 var wrapper, t1;
1244 if (ex == null)
1245 ex = new A.NullThrownError();
1246 wrapper = new Error();
1247 wrapper.dartException = ex;
1248 t1 = A.toStringWrapper;
1249 if ("defineProperty" in Object) {
1250 Object.defineProperty(wrapper, "message", {get: t1});
1251 wrapper.name = "";
1252 } else
1253 wrapper.toString = t1;
1254 return wrapper;
1255 },
1256 toStringWrapper() {
1257 return J.toString$0$(this.dartException);
1258 },
1259 throwExpression(ex) {
1260 throw A.wrapException(ex);
1261 },
1262 throwConcurrentModificationError(collection) {
1263 throw A.wrapException(A.ConcurrentModificationError$(collection));
1264 },
1265 TypeErrorDecoder_extractPattern(message) {
1266 var match, $arguments, argumentsExpr, expr, method, receiver;
1267 message = A.quoteStringForRegExp(message.replace(String({}), "$receiver$"));
1268 match = message.match(/\\\$[a-zA-Z]+\\\$/g);
1269 if (match == null)
1270 match = A._setArrayType([], type$.JSArray_String);
1271 $arguments = match.indexOf("\\$arguments\\$");
1272 argumentsExpr = match.indexOf("\\$argumentsExpr\\$");
1273 expr = match.indexOf("\\$expr\\$");
1274 method = match.indexOf("\\$method\\$");
1275 receiver = match.indexOf("\\$receiver\\$");
1276 return new A.TypeErrorDecoder(message.replace(new RegExp("\\\\\\$arguments\\\\\\$", "g"), "((?:x|[^x])*)").replace(new RegExp("\\\\\\$argumentsExpr\\\\\\$", "g"), "((?:x|[^x])*)").replace(new RegExp("\\\\\\$expr\\\\\\$", "g"), "((?:x|[^x])*)").replace(new RegExp("\\\\\\$method\\\\\\$", "g"), "((?:x|[^x])*)").replace(new RegExp("\\\\\\$receiver\\\\\\$", "g"), "((?:x|[^x])*)"), $arguments, argumentsExpr, expr, method, receiver);
1277 },
1278 TypeErrorDecoder_provokeCallErrorOn(expression) {
1279 return function($expr$) {
1280 var $argumentsExpr$ = "$arguments$";
1281 try {
1282 $expr$.$method$($argumentsExpr$);
1283 } catch (e) {
1284 return e.message;
1285 }
1286 }(expression);
1287 },
1288 TypeErrorDecoder_provokePropertyErrorOn(expression) {
1289 return function($expr$) {
1290 try {
1291 $expr$.$method$;
1292 } catch (e) {
1293 return e.message;
1294 }
1295 }(expression);
1296 },
1297 JsNoSuchMethodError$(_message, match) {
1298 var t1 = match == null,
1299 t2 = t1 ? null : match.method;
1300 return new A.JsNoSuchMethodError(_message, t2, t1 ? null : match.receiver);
1301 },
1302 unwrapException(ex) {
1303 if (ex == null)
1304 return new A.NullThrownFromJavaScriptException(ex);
1305 if (ex instanceof A.ExceptionAndStackTrace)
1306 return A.saveStackTrace(ex, ex.dartException);
1307 if (typeof ex !== "object")
1308 return ex;
1309 if ("dartException" in ex)
1310 return A.saveStackTrace(ex, ex.dartException);
1311 return A._unwrapNonDartException(ex);
1312 },
1313 saveStackTrace(ex, error) {
1314 if (type$.Error._is(error))
1315 if (error.$thrownJsError == null)
1316 error.$thrownJsError = ex;
1317 return error;
1318 },
1319 _unwrapNonDartException(ex) {
1320 var message, number, ieErrorCode, t1, nsme, notClosure, nullCall, nullLiteralCall, undefCall, undefLiteralCall, nullProperty, undefProperty, undefLiteralProperty, match, _null = null;
1321 if (!("message" in ex))
1322 return ex;
1323 message = ex.message;
1324 if ("number" in ex && typeof ex.number == "number") {
1325 number = ex.number;
1326 ieErrorCode = number & 65535;
1327 if ((B.JSInt_methods._shrOtherPositive$1(number, 16) & 8191) === 10)
1328 switch (ieErrorCode) {
1329 case 438:
1330 return A.saveStackTrace(ex, A.JsNoSuchMethodError$(A.S(message) + " (Error " + ieErrorCode + ")", _null));
1331 case 445:
1332 case 5007:
1333 t1 = A.S(message) + " (Error " + ieErrorCode + ")";
1334 return A.saveStackTrace(ex, new A.NullError(t1, _null));
1335 }
1336 }
1337 if (ex instanceof TypeError) {
1338 nsme = $.$get$TypeErrorDecoder_noSuchMethodPattern();
1339 notClosure = $.$get$TypeErrorDecoder_notClosurePattern();
1340 nullCall = $.$get$TypeErrorDecoder_nullCallPattern();
1341 nullLiteralCall = $.$get$TypeErrorDecoder_nullLiteralCallPattern();
1342 undefCall = $.$get$TypeErrorDecoder_undefinedCallPattern();
1343 undefLiteralCall = $.$get$TypeErrorDecoder_undefinedLiteralCallPattern();
1344 nullProperty = $.$get$TypeErrorDecoder_nullPropertyPattern();
1345 $.$get$TypeErrorDecoder_nullLiteralPropertyPattern();
1346 undefProperty = $.$get$TypeErrorDecoder_undefinedPropertyPattern();
1347 undefLiteralProperty = $.$get$TypeErrorDecoder_undefinedLiteralPropertyPattern();
1348 match = nsme.matchTypeError$1(message);
1349 if (match != null)
1350 return A.saveStackTrace(ex, A.JsNoSuchMethodError$(message, match));
1351 else {
1352 match = notClosure.matchTypeError$1(message);
1353 if (match != null) {
1354 match.method = "call";
1355 return A.saveStackTrace(ex, A.JsNoSuchMethodError$(message, match));
1356 } else {
1357 match = nullCall.matchTypeError$1(message);
1358 if (match == null) {
1359 match = nullLiteralCall.matchTypeError$1(message);
1360 if (match == null) {
1361 match = undefCall.matchTypeError$1(message);
1362 if (match == null) {
1363 match = undefLiteralCall.matchTypeError$1(message);
1364 if (match == null) {
1365 match = nullProperty.matchTypeError$1(message);
1366 if (match == null) {
1367 match = nullLiteralCall.matchTypeError$1(message);
1368 if (match == null) {
1369 match = undefProperty.matchTypeError$1(message);
1370 if (match == null) {
1371 match = undefLiteralProperty.matchTypeError$1(message);
1372 t1 = match != null;
1373 } else
1374 t1 = true;
1375 } else
1376 t1 = true;
1377 } else
1378 t1 = true;
1379 } else
1380 t1 = true;
1381 } else
1382 t1 = true;
1383 } else
1384 t1 = true;
1385 } else
1386 t1 = true;
1387 if (t1)
1388 return A.saveStackTrace(ex, new A.NullError(message, match == null ? _null : match.method));
1389 }
1390 }
1391 return A.saveStackTrace(ex, new A.UnknownJsTypeError(typeof message == "string" ? message : ""));
1392 }
1393 if (ex instanceof RangeError) {
1394 if (typeof message == "string" && message.indexOf("call stack") !== -1)
1395 return new A.StackOverflowError();
1396 message = function(ex) {
1397 try {
1398 return String(ex);
1399 } catch (e) {
1400 }
1401 return null;
1402 }(ex);
1403 return A.saveStackTrace(ex, new A.ArgumentError(false, _null, _null, typeof message == "string" ? message.replace(/^RangeError:\s*/, "") : message));
1404 }
1405 if (typeof InternalError == "function" && ex instanceof InternalError)
1406 if (typeof message == "string" && message === "too much recursion")
1407 return new A.StackOverflowError();
1408 return ex;
1409 },
1410 getTraceFromException(exception) {
1411 var trace;
1412 if (exception instanceof A.ExceptionAndStackTrace)
1413 return exception.stackTrace;
1414 if (exception == null)
1415 return new A._StackTrace(exception);
1416 trace = exception.$cachedTrace;
1417 if (trace != null)
1418 return trace;
1419 return exception.$cachedTrace = new A._StackTrace(exception);
1420 },
1421 objectHashCode(object) {
1422 if (object == null || typeof object != "object")
1423 return J.get$hashCode$(object);
1424 else
1425 return A.Primitives_objectHashCode(object);
1426 },
1427 fillLiteralMap(keyValuePairs, result) {
1428 var index, index0, index1,
1429 $length = keyValuePairs.length;
1430 for (index = 0; index < $length; index = index1) {
1431 index0 = index + 1;
1432 index1 = index0 + 1;
1433 result.$indexSet(0, keyValuePairs[index], keyValuePairs[index0]);
1434 }
1435 return result;
1436 },
1437 fillLiteralSet(values, result) {
1438 var index,
1439 $length = values.length;
1440 for (index = 0; index < $length; ++index)
1441 result.add$1(0, values[index]);
1442 return result;
1443 },
1444 invokeClosure(closure, numberOfArguments, arg1, arg2, arg3, arg4) {
1445 switch (numberOfArguments) {
1446 case 0:
1447 return closure.call$0();
1448 case 1:
1449 return closure.call$1(arg1);
1450 case 2:
1451 return closure.call$2(arg1, arg2);
1452 case 3:
1453 return closure.call$3(arg1, arg2, arg3);
1454 case 4:
1455 return closure.call$4(arg1, arg2, arg3, arg4);
1456 }
1457 throw A.wrapException(new A._Exception("Unsupported number of arguments for wrapped closure"));
1458 },
1459 convertDartClosureToJS(closure, arity) {
1460 var $function;
1461 if (closure == null)
1462 return null;
1463 $function = closure.$identity;
1464 if (!!$function)
1465 return $function;
1466 $function = function(closure, arity, invoke) {
1467 return function(a1, a2, a3, a4) {
1468 return invoke(closure, arity, a1, a2, a3, a4);
1469 };
1470 }(closure, arity, A.invokeClosure);
1471 closure.$identity = $function;
1472 return $function;
1473 },
1474 Closure_fromTearOff(parameters) {
1475 var $prototype, $constructor, t2, trampoline, applyTrampoline, i, stub, stub0, stubName, stubCallName,
1476 container = parameters.co,
1477 isStatic = parameters.iS,
1478 isIntercepted = parameters.iI,
1479 needsDirectAccess = parameters.nDA,
1480 applyTrampolineIndex = parameters.aI,
1481 funsOrNames = parameters.fs,
1482 callNames = parameters.cs,
1483 $name = funsOrNames[0],
1484 callName = callNames[0],
1485 $function = container[$name],
1486 t1 = parameters.fT;
1487 t1.toString;
1488 $prototype = isStatic ? Object.create(new A.StaticClosure().constructor.prototype) : Object.create(new A.BoundClosure(null, null).constructor.prototype);
1489 $prototype.$initialize = $prototype.constructor;
1490 if (isStatic)
1491 $constructor = function static_tear_off() {
1492 this.$initialize();
1493 };
1494 else
1495 $constructor = function tear_off(a, b) {
1496 this.$initialize(a, b);
1497 };
1498 $prototype.constructor = $constructor;
1499 $constructor.prototype = $prototype;
1500 $prototype.$_name = $name;
1501 $prototype.$_target = $function;
1502 t2 = !isStatic;
1503 if (t2)
1504 trampoline = A.Closure_forwardCallTo($name, $function, isIntercepted, needsDirectAccess);
1505 else {
1506 $prototype.$static_name = $name;
1507 trampoline = $function;
1508 }
1509 $prototype.$signature = A.Closure__computeSignatureFunctionNewRti(t1, isStatic, isIntercepted);
1510 $prototype[callName] = trampoline;
1511 for (applyTrampoline = trampoline, i = 1; i < funsOrNames.length; ++i) {
1512 stub = funsOrNames[i];
1513 if (typeof stub == "string") {
1514 stub0 = container[stub];
1515 stubName = stub;
1516 stub = stub0;
1517 } else
1518 stubName = "";
1519 stubCallName = callNames[i];
1520 if (stubCallName != null) {
1521 if (t2)
1522 stub = A.Closure_forwardCallTo(stubName, stub, isIntercepted, needsDirectAccess);
1523 $prototype[stubCallName] = stub;
1524 }
1525 if (i === applyTrampolineIndex)
1526 applyTrampoline = stub;
1527 }
1528 $prototype["call*"] = applyTrampoline;
1529 $prototype.$requiredArgCount = parameters.rC;
1530 $prototype.$defaultValues = parameters.dV;
1531 return $constructor;
1532 },
1533 Closure__computeSignatureFunctionNewRti(functionType, isStatic, isIntercepted) {
1534 if (typeof functionType == "number")
1535 return functionType;
1536 if (typeof functionType == "string") {
1537 if (isStatic)
1538 throw A.wrapException("Cannot compute signature for static tearoff.");
1539 return function(recipe, evalOnReceiver) {
1540 return function() {
1541 return evalOnReceiver(this, recipe);
1542 };
1543 }(functionType, A.BoundClosure_evalRecipe);
1544 }
1545 throw A.wrapException("Error in functionType of tearoff");
1546 },
1547 Closure_cspForwardCall(arity, needsDirectAccess, stubName, $function) {
1548 var getReceiver = A.BoundClosure_receiverOf;
1549 switch (needsDirectAccess ? -1 : arity) {
1550 case 0:
1551 return function(entry, receiverOf) {
1552 return function() {
1553 return receiverOf(this)[entry]();
1554 };
1555 }(stubName, getReceiver);
1556 case 1:
1557 return function(entry, receiverOf) {
1558 return function(a) {
1559 return receiverOf(this)[entry](a);
1560 };
1561 }(stubName, getReceiver);
1562 case 2:
1563 return function(entry, receiverOf) {
1564 return function(a, b) {
1565 return receiverOf(this)[entry](a, b);
1566 };
1567 }(stubName, getReceiver);
1568 case 3:
1569 return function(entry, receiverOf) {
1570 return function(a, b, c) {
1571 return receiverOf(this)[entry](a, b, c);
1572 };
1573 }(stubName, getReceiver);
1574 case 4:
1575 return function(entry, receiverOf) {
1576 return function(a, b, c, d) {
1577 return receiverOf(this)[entry](a, b, c, d);
1578 };
1579 }(stubName, getReceiver);
1580 case 5:
1581 return function(entry, receiverOf) {
1582 return function(a, b, c, d, e) {
1583 return receiverOf(this)[entry](a, b, c, d, e);
1584 };
1585 }(stubName, getReceiver);
1586 default:
1587 return function(f, receiverOf) {
1588 return function() {
1589 return f.apply(receiverOf(this), arguments);
1590 };
1591 }($function, getReceiver);
1592 }
1593 },
1594 Closure_forwardCallTo(stubName, $function, isIntercepted, needsDirectAccess) {
1595 var arity, t1;
1596 if (isIntercepted)
1597 return A.Closure_forwardInterceptedCallTo(stubName, $function, needsDirectAccess);
1598 arity = $function.length;
1599 t1 = A.Closure_cspForwardCall(arity, needsDirectAccess, stubName, $function);
1600 return t1;
1601 },
1602 Closure_cspForwardInterceptedCall(arity, needsDirectAccess, stubName, $function) {
1603 var getReceiver = A.BoundClosure_receiverOf,
1604 getInterceptor = A.BoundClosure_interceptorOf;
1605 switch (needsDirectAccess ? -1 : arity) {
1606 case 0:
1607 throw A.wrapException(new A.RuntimeError("Intercepted function with no arguments."));
1608 case 1:
1609 return function(entry, interceptorOf, receiverOf) {
1610 return function() {
1611 return interceptorOf(this)[entry](receiverOf(this));
1612 };
1613 }(stubName, getInterceptor, getReceiver);
1614 case 2:
1615 return function(entry, interceptorOf, receiverOf) {
1616 return function(a) {
1617 return interceptorOf(this)[entry](receiverOf(this), a);
1618 };
1619 }(stubName, getInterceptor, getReceiver);
1620 case 3:
1621 return function(entry, interceptorOf, receiverOf) {
1622 return function(a, b) {
1623 return interceptorOf(this)[entry](receiverOf(this), a, b);
1624 };
1625 }(stubName, getInterceptor, getReceiver);
1626 case 4:
1627 return function(entry, interceptorOf, receiverOf) {
1628 return function(a, b, c) {
1629 return interceptorOf(this)[entry](receiverOf(this), a, b, c);
1630 };
1631 }(stubName, getInterceptor, getReceiver);
1632 case 5:
1633 return function(entry, interceptorOf, receiverOf) {
1634 return function(a, b, c, d) {
1635 return interceptorOf(this)[entry](receiverOf(this), a, b, c, d);
1636 };
1637 }(stubName, getInterceptor, getReceiver);
1638 case 6:
1639 return function(entry, interceptorOf, receiverOf) {
1640 return function(a, b, c, d, e) {
1641 return interceptorOf(this)[entry](receiverOf(this), a, b, c, d, e);
1642 };
1643 }(stubName, getInterceptor, getReceiver);
1644 default:
1645 return function(f, interceptorOf, receiverOf) {
1646 return function() {
1647 var a = [receiverOf(this)];
1648 Array.prototype.push.apply(a, arguments);
1649 return f.apply(interceptorOf(this), a);
1650 };
1651 }($function, getInterceptor, getReceiver);
1652 }
1653 },
1654 Closure_forwardInterceptedCallTo(stubName, $function, needsDirectAccess) {
1655 var receiverField, arity, t1,
1656 interceptorField = $.BoundClosure__interceptorFieldNameCache;
1657 interceptorField == null ? $.BoundClosure__interceptorFieldNameCache = A.BoundClosure__computeFieldNamed("interceptor") : interceptorField;
1658 receiverField = $.BoundClosure__receiverFieldNameCache;
1659 receiverField == null ? $.BoundClosure__receiverFieldNameCache = A.BoundClosure__computeFieldNamed("receiver") : receiverField;
1660 arity = $function.length;
1661 t1 = A.Closure_cspForwardInterceptedCall(arity, needsDirectAccess, stubName, $function);
1662 return t1;
1663 },
1664 closureFromTearOff(parameters) {
1665 return A.Closure_fromTearOff(parameters);
1666 },
1667 BoundClosure_evalRecipe(closure, recipe) {
1668 return A._Universe_evalInEnvironment(init.typeUniverse, A.instanceType(closure._receiver), recipe);
1669 },
1670 BoundClosure_receiverOf(closure) {
1671 return closure._receiver;
1672 },
1673 BoundClosure_interceptorOf(closure) {
1674 return closure._interceptor;
1675 },
1676 BoundClosure__computeFieldNamed(fieldName) {
1677 var t1, i, $name,
1678 template = new A.BoundClosure("receiver", "interceptor"),
1679 names = J.JSArray_markFixedList(Object.getOwnPropertyNames(template));
1680 for (t1 = names.length, i = 0; i < t1; ++i) {
1681 $name = names[i];
1682 if (template[$name] === fieldName)
1683 return $name;
1684 }
1685 throw A.wrapException(A.ArgumentError$("Field name " + fieldName + " not found.", null));
1686 },
1687 throwCyclicInit(staticName) {
1688 throw A.wrapException(new A.CyclicInitializationError(staticName));
1689 },
1690 getIsolateAffinityTag($name) {
1691 return init.getIsolateTag($name);
1692 },
1693 defineProperty(obj, property, value) {
1694 Object.defineProperty(obj, property, {value: value, enumerable: false, writable: true, configurable: true});
1695 },
1696 lookupAndCacheInterceptor(obj) {
1697 var interceptor, interceptorClass, altTag, mark, t1,
1698 tag = $.getTagFunction.call$1(obj),
1699 record = $.dispatchRecordsForInstanceTags[tag];
1700 if (record != null) {
1701 Object.defineProperty(obj, init.dispatchPropertyName, {value: record, enumerable: false, writable: true, configurable: true});
1702 return record.i;
1703 }
1704 interceptor = $.interceptorsForUncacheableTags[tag];
1705 if (interceptor != null)
1706 return interceptor;
1707 interceptorClass = init.interceptorsByTag[tag];
1708 if (interceptorClass == null) {
1709 altTag = $.alternateTagFunction.call$2(obj, tag);
1710 if (altTag != null) {
1711 record = $.dispatchRecordsForInstanceTags[altTag];
1712 if (record != null) {
1713 Object.defineProperty(obj, init.dispatchPropertyName, {value: record, enumerable: false, writable: true, configurable: true});
1714 return record.i;
1715 }
1716 interceptor = $.interceptorsForUncacheableTags[altTag];
1717 if (interceptor != null)
1718 return interceptor;
1719 interceptorClass = init.interceptorsByTag[altTag];
1720 tag = altTag;
1721 }
1722 }
1723 if (interceptorClass == null)
1724 return null;
1725 interceptor = interceptorClass.prototype;
1726 mark = tag[0];
1727 if (mark === "!") {
1728 record = A.makeLeafDispatchRecord(interceptor);
1729 $.dispatchRecordsForInstanceTags[tag] = record;
1730 Object.defineProperty(obj, init.dispatchPropertyName, {value: record, enumerable: false, writable: true, configurable: true});
1731 return record.i;
1732 }
1733 if (mark === "~") {
1734 $.interceptorsForUncacheableTags[tag] = interceptor;
1735 return interceptor;
1736 }
1737 if (mark === "-") {
1738 t1 = A.makeLeafDispatchRecord(interceptor);
1739 Object.defineProperty(Object.getPrototypeOf(obj), init.dispatchPropertyName, {value: t1, enumerable: false, writable: true, configurable: true});
1740 return t1.i;
1741 }
1742 if (mark === "+")
1743 return A.patchInteriorProto(obj, interceptor);
1744 if (mark === "*")
1745 throw A.wrapException(A.UnimplementedError$(tag));
1746 if (init.leafTags[tag] === true) {
1747 t1 = A.makeLeafDispatchRecord(interceptor);
1748 Object.defineProperty(Object.getPrototypeOf(obj), init.dispatchPropertyName, {value: t1, enumerable: false, writable: true, configurable: true});
1749 return t1.i;
1750 } else
1751 return A.patchInteriorProto(obj, interceptor);
1752 },
1753 patchInteriorProto(obj, interceptor) {
1754 var proto = Object.getPrototypeOf(obj);
1755 Object.defineProperty(proto, init.dispatchPropertyName, {value: J.makeDispatchRecord(interceptor, proto, null, null), enumerable: false, writable: true, configurable: true});
1756 return interceptor;
1757 },
1758 makeLeafDispatchRecord(interceptor) {
1759 return J.makeDispatchRecord(interceptor, false, null, !!interceptor.$isJavaScriptIndexingBehavior);
1760 },
1761 makeDefaultDispatchRecord(tag, interceptorClass, proto) {
1762 var interceptor = interceptorClass.prototype;
1763 if (init.leafTags[tag] === true)
1764 return A.makeLeafDispatchRecord(interceptor);
1765 else
1766 return J.makeDispatchRecord(interceptor, proto, null, null);
1767 },
1768 initNativeDispatch() {
1769 if (true === $.initNativeDispatchFlag)
1770 return;
1771 $.initNativeDispatchFlag = true;
1772 A.initNativeDispatchContinue();
1773 },
1774 initNativeDispatchContinue() {
1775 var map, tags, fun, i, tag, proto, record, interceptorClass;
1776 $.dispatchRecordsForInstanceTags = Object.create(null);
1777 $.interceptorsForUncacheableTags = Object.create(null);
1778 A.initHooks();
1779 map = init.interceptorsByTag;
1780 tags = Object.getOwnPropertyNames(map);
1781 if (typeof window != "undefined") {
1782 window;
1783 fun = function() {
1784 };
1785 for (i = 0; i < tags.length; ++i) {
1786 tag = tags[i];
1787 proto = $.prototypeForTagFunction.call$1(tag);
1788 if (proto != null) {
1789 record = A.makeDefaultDispatchRecord(tag, map[tag], proto);
1790 if (record != null) {
1791 Object.defineProperty(proto, init.dispatchPropertyName, {value: record, enumerable: false, writable: true, configurable: true});
1792 fun.prototype = proto;
1793 }
1794 }
1795 }
1796 }
1797 for (i = 0; i < tags.length; ++i) {
1798 tag = tags[i];
1799 if (/^[A-Za-z_]/.test(tag)) {
1800 interceptorClass = map[tag];
1801 map["!" + tag] = interceptorClass;
1802 map["~" + tag] = interceptorClass;
1803 map["-" + tag] = interceptorClass;
1804 map["+" + tag] = interceptorClass;
1805 map["*" + tag] = interceptorClass;
1806 }
1807 }
1808 },
1809 initHooks() {
1810 var transformers, i, transformer, getTag, getUnknownTag, prototypeForTag,
1811 hooks = B.C_JS_CONST0();
1812 hooks = A.applyHooksTransformer(B.C_JS_CONST1, A.applyHooksTransformer(B.C_JS_CONST2, A.applyHooksTransformer(B.C_JS_CONST3, A.applyHooksTransformer(B.C_JS_CONST3, A.applyHooksTransformer(B.C_JS_CONST4, A.applyHooksTransformer(B.C_JS_CONST5, A.applyHooksTransformer(B.C_JS_CONST6(B.C_JS_CONST), hooks)))))));
1813 if (typeof dartNativeDispatchHooksTransformer != "undefined") {
1814 transformers = dartNativeDispatchHooksTransformer;
1815 if (typeof transformers == "function")
1816 transformers = [transformers];
1817 if (transformers.constructor == Array)
1818 for (i = 0; i < transformers.length; ++i) {
1819 transformer = transformers[i];
1820 if (typeof transformer == "function")
1821 hooks = transformer(hooks) || hooks;
1822 }
1823 }
1824 getTag = hooks.getTag;
1825 getUnknownTag = hooks.getUnknownTag;
1826 prototypeForTag = hooks.prototypeForTag;
1827 $.getTagFunction = new A.initHooks_closure(getTag);
1828 $.alternateTagFunction = new A.initHooks_closure0(getUnknownTag);
1829 $.prototypeForTagFunction = new A.initHooks_closure1(prototypeForTag);
1830 },
1831 applyHooksTransformer(transformer, hooks) {
1832 return transformer(hooks) || hooks;
1833 },
1834 JSSyntaxRegExp_makeNative(source, multiLine, caseSensitive, unicode, dotAll, global) {
1835 var m = multiLine ? "m" : "",
1836 i = caseSensitive ? "" : "i",
1837 u = unicode ? "u" : "",
1838 s = dotAll ? "s" : "",
1839 g = global ? "g" : "",
1840 regexp = function(source, modifiers) {
1841 try {
1842 return new RegExp(source, modifiers);
1843 } catch (e) {
1844 return e;
1845 }
1846 }(source, m + i + u + s + g);
1847 if (regexp instanceof RegExp)
1848 return regexp;
1849 throw A.wrapException(A.FormatException$("Illegal RegExp pattern (" + String(regexp) + ")", source, null));
1850 },
1851 stringContainsUnchecked(receiver, other, startIndex) {
1852 var t1;
1853 if (typeof other == "string")
1854 return receiver.indexOf(other, startIndex) >= 0;
1855 else if (other instanceof A.JSSyntaxRegExp) {
1856 t1 = B.JSString_methods.substring$1(receiver, startIndex);
1857 return other._nativeRegExp.test(t1);
1858 } else {
1859 t1 = J.allMatches$1$s(other, B.JSString_methods.substring$1(receiver, startIndex));
1860 return !t1.get$isEmpty(t1);
1861 }
1862 },
1863 escapeReplacement(replacement) {
1864 if (replacement.indexOf("$", 0) >= 0)
1865 return replacement.replace(/\$/g, "$$$$");
1866 return replacement;
1867 },
1868 stringReplaceFirstRE(receiver, regexp, replacement, startIndex) {
1869 var match = regexp._execGlobal$2(receiver, startIndex);
1870 if (match == null)
1871 return receiver;
1872 return A.stringReplaceRangeUnchecked(receiver, match._match.index, match.get$end(match), replacement);
1873 },
1874 quoteStringForRegExp(string) {
1875 if (/[[\]{}()*+?.\\^$|]/.test(string))
1876 return string.replace(/[[\]{}()*+?.\\^$|]/g, "\\$&");
1877 return string;
1878 },
1879 stringReplaceAllUnchecked(receiver, pattern, replacement) {
1880 var nativeRegexp;
1881 if (typeof pattern == "string")
1882 return A.stringReplaceAllUncheckedString(receiver, pattern, replacement);
1883 if (pattern instanceof A.JSSyntaxRegExp) {
1884 nativeRegexp = pattern.get$_nativeGlobalVersion();
1885 nativeRegexp.lastIndex = 0;
1886 return receiver.replace(nativeRegexp, A.escapeReplacement(replacement));
1887 }
1888 throw A.wrapException("String.replaceAll(Pattern) UNIMPLEMENTED");
1889 },
1890 stringReplaceAllUncheckedString(receiver, pattern, replacement) {
1891 var $length, t1, i, index;
1892 if (pattern === "") {
1893 if (receiver === "")
1894 return replacement;
1895 $length = receiver.length;
1896 t1 = "" + replacement;
1897 for (i = 0; i < $length; ++i)
1898 t1 = t1 + receiver[i] + replacement;
1899 return t1.charCodeAt(0) == 0 ? t1 : t1;
1900 }
1901 index = receiver.indexOf(pattern, 0);
1902 if (index < 0)
1903 return receiver;
1904 if (receiver.length < 500 || replacement.indexOf("$", 0) >= 0)
1905 return receiver.split(pattern).join(replacement);
1906 return receiver.replace(new RegExp(A.quoteStringForRegExp(pattern), "g"), A.escapeReplacement(replacement));
1907 },
1908 stringReplaceFirstUnchecked(receiver, pattern, replacement, startIndex) {
1909 var index, t1, matches, match;
1910 if (typeof pattern == "string") {
1911 index = receiver.indexOf(pattern, startIndex);
1912 if (index < 0)
1913 return receiver;
1914 return A.stringReplaceRangeUnchecked(receiver, index, index + pattern.length, replacement);
1915 }
1916 if (pattern instanceof A.JSSyntaxRegExp)
1917 return startIndex === 0 ? receiver.replace(pattern._nativeRegExp, A.escapeReplacement(replacement)) : A.stringReplaceFirstRE(receiver, pattern, replacement, startIndex);
1918 t1 = J.allMatches$2$s(pattern, receiver, startIndex);
1919 matches = t1.get$iterator(t1);
1920 if (!matches.moveNext$0())
1921 return receiver;
1922 match = matches.get$current(matches);
1923 return B.JSString_methods.replaceRange$3(receiver, match.get$start(match), match.get$end(match), replacement);
1924 },
1925 stringReplaceRangeUnchecked(receiver, start, end, replacement) {
1926 var prefix = receiver.substring(0, start),
1927 suffix = receiver.substring(end);
1928 return prefix + replacement + suffix;
1929 },
1930 ConstantMapView: function ConstantMapView(t0, t1) {
1931 this._map = t0;
1932 this.$ti = t1;
1933 },
1934 ConstantMap: function ConstantMap() {
1935 },
1936 ConstantStringMap: function ConstantStringMap(t0, t1, t2, t3) {
1937 var _ = this;
1938 _.__js_helper$_length = t0;
1939 _._jsObject = t1;
1940 _.__js_helper$_keys = t2;
1941 _.$ti = t3;
1942 },
1943 ConstantStringMap_values_closure: function ConstantStringMap_values_closure(t0) {
1944 this.$this = t0;
1945 },
1946 _ConstantMapKeyIterable: function _ConstantMapKeyIterable(t0, t1) {
1947 this.__js_helper$_map = t0;
1948 this.$ti = t1;
1949 },
1950 Instantiation: function Instantiation() {
1951 },
1952 Instantiation1: function Instantiation1(t0, t1) {
1953 this._genericClosure = t0;
1954 this.$ti = t1;
1955 },
1956 JSInvocationMirror: function JSInvocationMirror(t0, t1, t2, t3, t4) {
1957 var _ = this;
1958 _.__js_helper$_memberName = t0;
1959 _.__js_helper$_kind = t1;
1960 _._arguments = t2;
1961 _._namedArgumentNames = t3;
1962 _._typeArgumentCount = t4;
1963 },
1964 Primitives_functionNoSuchMethod_closure: function Primitives_functionNoSuchMethod_closure(t0, t1, t2) {
1965 this._box_0 = t0;
1966 this.namedArgumentList = t1;
1967 this.$arguments = t2;
1968 },
1969 TypeErrorDecoder: function TypeErrorDecoder(t0, t1, t2, t3, t4, t5) {
1970 var _ = this;
1971 _._pattern = t0;
1972 _._arguments = t1;
1973 _._argumentsExpr = t2;
1974 _._expr = t3;
1975 _._method = t4;
1976 _._receiver = t5;
1977 },
1978 NullError: function NullError(t0, t1) {
1979 this.__js_helper$_message = t0;
1980 this._method = t1;
1981 },
1982 JsNoSuchMethodError: function JsNoSuchMethodError(t0, t1, t2) {
1983 this.__js_helper$_message = t0;
1984 this._method = t1;
1985 this._receiver = t2;
1986 },
1987 UnknownJsTypeError: function UnknownJsTypeError(t0) {
1988 this.__js_helper$_message = t0;
1989 },
1990 NullThrownFromJavaScriptException: function NullThrownFromJavaScriptException(t0) {
1991 this._irritant = t0;
1992 },
1993 ExceptionAndStackTrace: function ExceptionAndStackTrace(t0, t1) {
1994 this.dartException = t0;
1995 this.stackTrace = t1;
1996 },
1997 _StackTrace: function _StackTrace(t0) {
1998 this._exception = t0;
1999 this._trace = null;
2000 },
2001 Closure: function Closure() {
2002 },
2003 Closure0Args: function Closure0Args() {
2004 },
2005 Closure2Args: function Closure2Args() {
2006 },
2007 TearOffClosure: function TearOffClosure() {
2008 },
2009 StaticClosure: function StaticClosure() {
2010 },
2011 BoundClosure: function BoundClosure(t0, t1) {
2012 this._receiver = t0;
2013 this._interceptor = t1;
2014 },
2015 RuntimeError: function RuntimeError(t0) {
2016 this.message = t0;
2017 },
2018 _Required: function _Required() {
2019 },
2020 JsLinkedHashMap: function JsLinkedHashMap(t0) {
2021 var _ = this;
2022 _.__js_helper$_length = 0;
2023 _._last = _._first = _.__js_helper$_rest = _._nums = _._strings = null;
2024 _._modifications = 0;
2025 _.$ti = t0;
2026 },
2027 JsLinkedHashMap_values_closure: function JsLinkedHashMap_values_closure(t0) {
2028 this.$this = t0;
2029 },
2030 JsLinkedHashMap_addAll_closure: function JsLinkedHashMap_addAll_closure(t0) {
2031 this.$this = t0;
2032 },
2033 LinkedHashMapCell: function LinkedHashMapCell(t0, t1) {
2034 var _ = this;
2035 _.hashMapCellKey = t0;
2036 _.hashMapCellValue = t1;
2037 _._previous = _._next = null;
2038 },
2039 LinkedHashMapKeyIterable: function LinkedHashMapKeyIterable(t0, t1) {
2040 this.__js_helper$_map = t0;
2041 this.$ti = t1;
2042 },
2043 LinkedHashMapKeyIterator: function LinkedHashMapKeyIterator(t0, t1) {
2044 var _ = this;
2045 _.__js_helper$_map = t0;
2046 _._modifications = t1;
2047 _.__js_helper$_current = _._cell = null;
2048 },
2049 initHooks_closure: function initHooks_closure(t0) {
2050 this.getTag = t0;
2051 },
2052 initHooks_closure0: function initHooks_closure0(t0) {
2053 this.getUnknownTag = t0;
2054 },
2055 initHooks_closure1: function initHooks_closure1(t0) {
2056 this.prototypeForTag = t0;
2057 },
2058 JSSyntaxRegExp: function JSSyntaxRegExp(t0, t1) {
2059 var _ = this;
2060 _.pattern = t0;
2061 _._nativeRegExp = t1;
2062 _._nativeAnchoredRegExp = _._nativeGlobalRegExp = null;
2063 },
2064 _MatchImplementation: function _MatchImplementation(t0) {
2065 this._match = t0;
2066 },
2067 _AllMatchesIterable: function _AllMatchesIterable(t0, t1, t2) {
2068 this._re = t0;
2069 this.__js_helper$_string = t1;
2070 this.__js_helper$_start = t2;
2071 },
2072 _AllMatchesIterator: function _AllMatchesIterator(t0, t1, t2) {
2073 var _ = this;
2074 _._regExp = t0;
2075 _.__js_helper$_string = t1;
2076 _._nextIndex = t2;
2077 _.__js_helper$_current = null;
2078 },
2079 StringMatch: function StringMatch(t0, t1) {
2080 this.start = t0;
2081 this.pattern = t1;
2082 },
2083 _StringAllMatchesIterable: function _StringAllMatchesIterable(t0, t1, t2) {
2084 this._input = t0;
2085 this._pattern = t1;
2086 this.__js_helper$_index = t2;
2087 },
2088 _StringAllMatchesIterator: function _StringAllMatchesIterator(t0, t1, t2) {
2089 var _ = this;
2090 _._input = t0;
2091 _._pattern = t1;
2092 _.__js_helper$_index = t2;
2093 _.__js_helper$_current = null;
2094 },
2095 throwLateFieldADI(fieldName) {
2096 return A.throwExpression(A.LateError$fieldADI(fieldName));
2097 },
2098 _Cell$() {
2099 var t1 = new A._Cell("");
2100 return t1._value = t1;
2101 },
2102 _Cell$named(_name) {
2103 var t1 = new A._Cell(_name);
2104 return t1._value = t1;
2105 },
2106 _lateReadCheck(value, $name) {
2107 if (value === $)
2108 throw A.wrapException(new A.LateError("Field '" + $name + "' has not been initialized."));
2109 return value;
2110 },
2111 _lateWriteOnceCheck(value, $name) {
2112 if (value !== $)
2113 throw A.wrapException(new A.LateError("Field '" + $name + "' has already been initialized."));
2114 },
2115 _lateInitializeOnceCheck(value, $name) {
2116 if (value !== $)
2117 throw A.wrapException(A.LateError$fieldADI($name));
2118 },
2119 _Cell: function _Cell(t0) {
2120 this.__late_helper$_name = t0;
2121 this._value = null;
2122 },
2123 _ensureNativeList(list) {
2124 return list;
2125 },
2126 NativeInt8List__create1(arg) {
2127 return new Int8Array(arg);
2128 },
2129 _checkValidIndex(index, list, $length) {
2130 if (index >>> 0 !== index || index >= $length)
2131 throw A.wrapException(A.diagnoseIndexError(list, index));
2132 },
2133 _checkValidRange(start, end, $length) {
2134 var t1;
2135 if (!(start >>> 0 !== start))
2136 if (end == null)
2137 t1 = start > $length;
2138 else
2139 t1 = end >>> 0 !== end || start > end || end > $length;
2140 else
2141 t1 = true;
2142 if (t1)
2143 throw A.wrapException(A.diagnoseRangeError(start, end, $length));
2144 if (end == null)
2145 return $length;
2146 return end;
2147 },
2148 NativeTypedData: function NativeTypedData() {
2149 },
2150 NativeTypedArray: function NativeTypedArray() {
2151 },
2152 NativeTypedArrayOfDouble: function NativeTypedArrayOfDouble() {
2153 },
2154 NativeTypedArrayOfInt: function NativeTypedArrayOfInt() {
2155 },
2156 NativeFloat32List: function NativeFloat32List() {
2157 },
2158 NativeFloat64List: function NativeFloat64List() {
2159 },
2160 NativeInt16List: function NativeInt16List() {
2161 },
2162 NativeInt32List: function NativeInt32List() {
2163 },
2164 NativeInt8List: function NativeInt8List() {
2165 },
2166 NativeUint16List: function NativeUint16List() {
2167 },
2168 NativeUint32List: function NativeUint32List() {
2169 },
2170 NativeUint8ClampedList: function NativeUint8ClampedList() {
2171 },
2172 NativeUint8List: function NativeUint8List() {
2173 },
2174 _NativeTypedArrayOfDouble_NativeTypedArray_ListMixin: function _NativeTypedArrayOfDouble_NativeTypedArray_ListMixin() {
2175 },
2176 _NativeTypedArrayOfDouble_NativeTypedArray_ListMixin_FixedLengthListMixin: function _NativeTypedArrayOfDouble_NativeTypedArray_ListMixin_FixedLengthListMixin() {
2177 },
2178 _NativeTypedArrayOfInt_NativeTypedArray_ListMixin: function _NativeTypedArrayOfInt_NativeTypedArray_ListMixin() {
2179 },
2180 _NativeTypedArrayOfInt_NativeTypedArray_ListMixin_FixedLengthListMixin: function _NativeTypedArrayOfInt_NativeTypedArray_ListMixin_FixedLengthListMixin() {
2181 },
2182 Rti__getQuestionFromStar(universe, rti) {
2183 var question = rti._precomputed1;
2184 return question == null ? rti._precomputed1 = A._Universe__lookupQuestionRti(universe, rti._primary, true) : question;
2185 },
2186 Rti__getFutureFromFutureOr(universe, rti) {
2187 var future = rti._precomputed1;
2188 return future == null ? rti._precomputed1 = A._Universe__lookupInterfaceRti(universe, "Future", [rti._primary]) : future;
2189 },
2190 Rti__isUnionOfFunctionType(rti) {
2191 var kind = rti._kind;
2192 if (kind === 6 || kind === 7 || kind === 8)
2193 return A.Rti__isUnionOfFunctionType(rti._primary);
2194 return kind === 11 || kind === 12;
2195 },
2196 Rti__getCanonicalRecipe(rti) {
2197 return rti._canonicalRecipe;
2198 },
2199 findType(recipe) {
2200 return A._Universe_eval(init.typeUniverse, recipe, false);
2201 },
2202 instantiatedGenericFunctionType(genericFunctionRti, instantiationRti) {
2203 var t1, cache, key, probe, rti;
2204 if (genericFunctionRti == null)
2205 return null;
2206 t1 = instantiationRti._rest;
2207 cache = genericFunctionRti._bindCache;
2208 if (cache == null)
2209 cache = genericFunctionRti._bindCache = new Map();
2210 key = instantiationRti._canonicalRecipe;
2211 probe = cache.get(key);
2212 if (probe != null)
2213 return probe;
2214 rti = A._substitute(init.typeUniverse, genericFunctionRti._primary, t1, 0);
2215 cache.set(key, rti);
2216 return rti;
2217 },
2218 _substitute(universe, rti, typeArguments, depth) {
2219 var baseType, substitutedBaseType, interfaceTypeArguments, substitutedInterfaceTypeArguments, base, substitutedBase, $arguments, substitutedArguments, returnType, substitutedReturnType, functionParameters, substitutedFunctionParameters, bounds, substitutedBounds, index, argument,
2220 kind = rti._kind;
2221 switch (kind) {
2222 case 5:
2223 case 1:
2224 case 2:
2225 case 3:
2226 case 4:
2227 return rti;
2228 case 6:
2229 baseType = rti._primary;
2230 substitutedBaseType = A._substitute(universe, baseType, typeArguments, depth);
2231 if (substitutedBaseType === baseType)
2232 return rti;
2233 return A._Universe__lookupStarRti(universe, substitutedBaseType, true);
2234 case 7:
2235 baseType = rti._primary;
2236 substitutedBaseType = A._substitute(universe, baseType, typeArguments, depth);
2237 if (substitutedBaseType === baseType)
2238 return rti;
2239 return A._Universe__lookupQuestionRti(universe, substitutedBaseType, true);
2240 case 8:
2241 baseType = rti._primary;
2242 substitutedBaseType = A._substitute(universe, baseType, typeArguments, depth);
2243 if (substitutedBaseType === baseType)
2244 return rti;
2245 return A._Universe__lookupFutureOrRti(universe, substitutedBaseType, true);
2246 case 9:
2247 interfaceTypeArguments = rti._rest;
2248 substitutedInterfaceTypeArguments = A._substituteArray(universe, interfaceTypeArguments, typeArguments, depth);
2249 if (substitutedInterfaceTypeArguments === interfaceTypeArguments)
2250 return rti;
2251 return A._Universe__lookupInterfaceRti(universe, rti._primary, substitutedInterfaceTypeArguments);
2252 case 10:
2253 base = rti._primary;
2254 substitutedBase = A._substitute(universe, base, typeArguments, depth);
2255 $arguments = rti._rest;
2256 substitutedArguments = A._substituteArray(universe, $arguments, typeArguments, depth);
2257 if (substitutedBase === base && substitutedArguments === $arguments)
2258 return rti;
2259 return A._Universe__lookupBindingRti(universe, substitutedBase, substitutedArguments);
2260 case 11:
2261 returnType = rti._primary;
2262 substitutedReturnType = A._substitute(universe, returnType, typeArguments, depth);
2263 functionParameters = rti._rest;
2264 substitutedFunctionParameters = A._substituteFunctionParameters(universe, functionParameters, typeArguments, depth);
2265 if (substitutedReturnType === returnType && substitutedFunctionParameters === functionParameters)
2266 return rti;
2267 return A._Universe__lookupFunctionRti(universe, substitutedReturnType, substitutedFunctionParameters);
2268 case 12:
2269 bounds = rti._rest;
2270 depth += bounds.length;
2271 substitutedBounds = A._substituteArray(universe, bounds, typeArguments, depth);
2272 base = rti._primary;
2273 substitutedBase = A._substitute(universe, base, typeArguments, depth);
2274 if (substitutedBounds === bounds && substitutedBase === base)
2275 return rti;
2276 return A._Universe__lookupGenericFunctionRti(universe, substitutedBase, substitutedBounds, true);
2277 case 13:
2278 index = rti._primary;
2279 if (index < depth)
2280 return rti;
2281 argument = typeArguments[index - depth];
2282 if (argument == null)
2283 return rti;
2284 return argument;
2285 default:
2286 throw A.wrapException(A.AssertionError$("Attempted to substitute unexpected RTI kind " + kind));
2287 }
2288 },
2289 _substituteArray(universe, rtiArray, typeArguments, depth) {
2290 var changed, i, rti, substitutedRti,
2291 $length = rtiArray.length,
2292 result = A._Utils_newArrayOrEmpty($length);
2293 for (changed = false, i = 0; i < $length; ++i) {
2294 rti = rtiArray[i];
2295 substitutedRti = A._substitute(universe, rti, typeArguments, depth);
2296 if (substitutedRti !== rti)
2297 changed = true;
2298 result[i] = substitutedRti;
2299 }
2300 return changed ? result : rtiArray;
2301 },
2302 _substituteNamed(universe, namedArray, typeArguments, depth) {
2303 var changed, i, t1, t2, rti, substitutedRti,
2304 $length = namedArray.length,
2305 result = A._Utils_newArrayOrEmpty($length);
2306 for (changed = false, i = 0; i < $length; i += 3) {
2307 t1 = namedArray[i];
2308 t2 = namedArray[i + 1];
2309 rti = namedArray[i + 2];
2310 substitutedRti = A._substitute(universe, rti, typeArguments, depth);
2311 if (substitutedRti !== rti)
2312 changed = true;
2313 result.splice(i, 3, t1, t2, substitutedRti);
2314 }
2315 return changed ? result : namedArray;
2316 },
2317 _substituteFunctionParameters(universe, functionParameters, typeArguments, depth) {
2318 var result,
2319 requiredPositional = functionParameters._requiredPositional,
2320 substitutedRequiredPositional = A._substituteArray(universe, requiredPositional, typeArguments, depth),
2321 optionalPositional = functionParameters._optionalPositional,
2322 substitutedOptionalPositional = A._substituteArray(universe, optionalPositional, typeArguments, depth),
2323 named = functionParameters._named,
2324 substitutedNamed = A._substituteNamed(universe, named, typeArguments, depth);
2325 if (substitutedRequiredPositional === requiredPositional && substitutedOptionalPositional === optionalPositional && substitutedNamed === named)
2326 return functionParameters;
2327 result = new A._FunctionParameters();
2328 result._requiredPositional = substitutedRequiredPositional;
2329 result._optionalPositional = substitutedOptionalPositional;
2330 result._named = substitutedNamed;
2331 return result;
2332 },
2333 _setArrayType(target, rti) {
2334 target[init.arrayRti] = rti;
2335 return target;
2336 },
2337 closureFunctionType(closure) {
2338 var signature = closure.$signature;
2339 if (signature != null) {
2340 if (typeof signature == "number")
2341 return A.getTypeFromTypesTable(signature);
2342 return closure.$signature();
2343 }
2344 return null;
2345 },
2346 instanceOrFunctionType(object, testRti) {
2347 var rti;
2348 if (A.Rti__isUnionOfFunctionType(testRti))
2349 if (object instanceof A.Closure) {
2350 rti = A.closureFunctionType(object);
2351 if (rti != null)
2352 return rti;
2353 }
2354 return A.instanceType(object);
2355 },
2356 instanceType(object) {
2357 var rti;
2358 if (object instanceof A.Object) {
2359 rti = object.$ti;
2360 return rti != null ? rti : A._instanceTypeFromConstructor(object);
2361 }
2362 if (Array.isArray(object))
2363 return A._arrayInstanceType(object);
2364 return A._instanceTypeFromConstructor(J.getInterceptor$(object));
2365 },
2366 _arrayInstanceType(object) {
2367 var rti = object[init.arrayRti],
2368 defaultRti = type$.JSArray_dynamic;
2369 if (rti == null)
2370 return defaultRti;
2371 if (rti.constructor !== defaultRti.constructor)
2372 return defaultRti;
2373 return rti;
2374 },
2375 _instanceType(object) {
2376 var rti = object.$ti;
2377 return rti != null ? rti : A._instanceTypeFromConstructor(object);
2378 },
2379 _instanceTypeFromConstructor(instance) {
2380 var $constructor = instance.constructor,
2381 probe = $constructor.$ccache;
2382 if (probe != null)
2383 return probe;
2384 return A._instanceTypeFromConstructorMiss(instance, $constructor);
2385 },
2386 _instanceTypeFromConstructorMiss(instance, $constructor) {
2387 var effectiveConstructor = instance instanceof A.Closure ? instance.__proto__.__proto__.constructor : $constructor,
2388 rti = A._Universe_findErasedType(init.typeUniverse, effectiveConstructor.name);
2389 $constructor.$ccache = rti;
2390 return rti;
2391 },
2392 getTypeFromTypesTable(index) {
2393 var rti,
2394 table = init.types,
2395 type = table[index];
2396 if (typeof type == "string") {
2397 rti = A._Universe_eval(init.typeUniverse, type, false);
2398 table[index] = rti;
2399 return rti;
2400 }
2401 return type;
2402 },
2403 getRuntimeType(object) {
2404 var rti = object instanceof A.Closure ? A.closureFunctionType(object) : null;
2405 return A.createRuntimeType(rti == null ? A.instanceType(object) : rti);
2406 },
2407 createRuntimeType(rti) {
2408 var recipe, starErasedRecipe, starErasedRti,
2409 type = rti._cachedRuntimeType;
2410 if (type != null)
2411 return type;
2412 recipe = rti._canonicalRecipe;
2413 starErasedRecipe = recipe.replace(/\*/g, "");
2414 if (starErasedRecipe === recipe)
2415 return rti._cachedRuntimeType = new A._Type(rti);
2416 starErasedRti = A._Universe_eval(init.typeUniverse, starErasedRecipe, true);
2417 type = starErasedRti._cachedRuntimeType;
2418 return rti._cachedRuntimeType = type == null ? starErasedRti._cachedRuntimeType = new A._Type(starErasedRti) : type;
2419 },
2420 typeLiteral(recipe) {
2421 return A.createRuntimeType(A._Universe_eval(init.typeUniverse, recipe, false));
2422 },
2423 _installSpecializedIsTest(object) {
2424 var t1, unstarred, isFn, $name, testRti = this;
2425 if (testRti === type$.Object)
2426 return A._finishIsFn(testRti, object, A._isObject);
2427 if (!A.isStrongTopType(testRti))
2428 if (!(testRti === type$.legacy_Object))
2429 t1 = false;
2430 else
2431 t1 = true;
2432 else
2433 t1 = true;
2434 if (t1)
2435 return A._finishIsFn(testRti, object, A._isTop);
2436 t1 = testRti._kind;
2437 unstarred = t1 === 6 ? testRti._primary : testRti;
2438 if (unstarred === type$.int)
2439 isFn = A._isInt;
2440 else if (unstarred === type$.double || unstarred === type$.num)
2441 isFn = A._isNum;
2442 else if (unstarred === type$.String)
2443 isFn = A._isString;
2444 else
2445 isFn = unstarred === type$.bool ? A._isBool : null;
2446 if (isFn != null)
2447 return A._finishIsFn(testRti, object, isFn);
2448 if (unstarred._kind === 9) {
2449 $name = unstarred._primary;
2450 if (unstarred._rest.every(A.isTopType)) {
2451 testRti._specializedTestResource = "$is" + $name;
2452 if ($name === "List")
2453 return A._finishIsFn(testRti, object, A._isListTestViaProperty);
2454 return A._finishIsFn(testRti, object, A._isTestViaProperty);
2455 }
2456 } else if (t1 === 7)
2457 return A._finishIsFn(testRti, object, A._generalNullableIsTestImplementation);
2458 return A._finishIsFn(testRti, object, A._generalIsTestImplementation);
2459 },
2460 _finishIsFn(testRti, object, isFn) {
2461 testRti._is = isFn;
2462 return testRti._is(object);
2463 },
2464 _installSpecializedAsCheck(object) {
2465 var t1, testRti = this,
2466 asFn = A._generalAsCheckImplementation;
2467 if (!A.isStrongTopType(testRti))
2468 if (!(testRti === type$.legacy_Object))
2469 t1 = false;
2470 else
2471 t1 = true;
2472 else
2473 t1 = true;
2474 if (t1)
2475 asFn = A._asTop;
2476 else if (testRti === type$.Object)
2477 asFn = A._asObject;
2478 else {
2479 t1 = A.isNullable(testRti);
2480 if (t1)
2481 asFn = A._generalNullableAsCheckImplementation;
2482 }
2483 testRti._as = asFn;
2484 return testRti._as(object);
2485 },
2486 _nullIs(testRti) {
2487 var t1,
2488 kind = testRti._kind;
2489 if (!A.isStrongTopType(testRti))
2490 if (!(testRti === type$.legacy_Object))
2491 if (!(testRti === type$.legacy_Never))
2492 if (kind !== 7)
2493 t1 = kind === 8 && A._nullIs(testRti._primary) || testRti === type$.Null || testRti === type$.JSNull;
2494 else
2495 t1 = true;
2496 else
2497 t1 = true;
2498 else
2499 t1 = true;
2500 else
2501 t1 = true;
2502 return t1;
2503 },
2504 _generalIsTestImplementation(object) {
2505 var testRti = this;
2506 if (object == null)
2507 return A._nullIs(testRti);
2508 return A._isSubtype(init.typeUniverse, A.instanceOrFunctionType(object, testRti), null, testRti, null);
2509 },
2510 _generalNullableIsTestImplementation(object) {
2511 if (object == null)
2512 return true;
2513 return this._primary._is(object);
2514 },
2515 _isTestViaProperty(object) {
2516 var tag, testRti = this;
2517 if (object == null)
2518 return A._nullIs(testRti);
2519 tag = testRti._specializedTestResource;
2520 if (object instanceof A.Object)
2521 return !!object[tag];
2522 return !!J.getInterceptor$(object)[tag];
2523 },
2524 _isListTestViaProperty(object) {
2525 var tag, testRti = this;
2526 if (object == null)
2527 return A._nullIs(testRti);
2528 if (typeof object != "object")
2529 return false;
2530 if (Array.isArray(object))
2531 return true;
2532 tag = testRti._specializedTestResource;
2533 if (object instanceof A.Object)
2534 return !!object[tag];
2535 return !!J.getInterceptor$(object)[tag];
2536 },
2537 _generalAsCheckImplementation(object) {
2538 var t1, testRti = this;
2539 if (object == null) {
2540 t1 = A.isNullable(testRti);
2541 if (t1)
2542 return object;
2543 } else if (testRti._is(object))
2544 return object;
2545 A._failedAsCheck(object, testRti);
2546 },
2547 _generalNullableAsCheckImplementation(object) {
2548 var testRti = this;
2549 if (object == null)
2550 return object;
2551 else if (testRti._is(object))
2552 return object;
2553 A._failedAsCheck(object, testRti);
2554 },
2555 _failedAsCheck(object, testRti) {
2556 throw A.wrapException(A._TypeError$fromMessage(A._Error_compose(object, A.instanceOrFunctionType(object, testRti), A._rtiToString(testRti, null))));
2557 },
2558 _Error_compose(object, objectRti, checkedTypeDescription) {
2559 var objectDescription = A.Error_safeToString(object),
2560 objectTypeDescription = A._rtiToString(objectRti == null ? A.instanceType(object) : objectRti, null);
2561 return objectDescription + ": type '" + objectTypeDescription + "' is not a subtype of type '" + checkedTypeDescription + "'";
2562 },
2563 _TypeError$fromMessage(message) {
2564 return new A._TypeError("TypeError: " + message);
2565 },
2566 _TypeError__TypeError$forType(object, type) {
2567 return new A._TypeError("TypeError: " + A._Error_compose(object, null, type));
2568 },
2569 _isObject(object) {
2570 return object != null;
2571 },
2572 _asObject(object) {
2573 if (object != null)
2574 return object;
2575 throw A.wrapException(A._TypeError__TypeError$forType(object, "Object"));
2576 },
2577 _isTop(object) {
2578 return true;
2579 },
2580 _asTop(object) {
2581 return object;
2582 },
2583 _isBool(object) {
2584 return true === object || false === object;
2585 },
2586 _asBool(object) {
2587 if (true === object)
2588 return true;
2589 if (false === object)
2590 return false;
2591 throw A.wrapException(A._TypeError__TypeError$forType(object, "bool"));
2592 },
2593 _asBoolS(object) {
2594 if (true === object)
2595 return true;
2596 if (false === object)
2597 return false;
2598 if (object == null)
2599 return object;
2600 throw A.wrapException(A._TypeError__TypeError$forType(object, "bool"));
2601 },
2602 _asBoolQ(object) {
2603 if (true === object)
2604 return true;
2605 if (false === object)
2606 return false;
2607 if (object == null)
2608 return object;
2609 throw A.wrapException(A._TypeError__TypeError$forType(object, "bool?"));
2610 },
2611 _asDouble(object) {
2612 if (typeof object == "number")
2613 return object;
2614 throw A.wrapException(A._TypeError__TypeError$forType(object, "double"));
2615 },
2616 _asDoubleS(object) {
2617 if (typeof object == "number")
2618 return object;
2619 if (object == null)
2620 return object;
2621 throw A.wrapException(A._TypeError__TypeError$forType(object, "double"));
2622 },
2623 _asDoubleQ(object) {
2624 if (typeof object == "number")
2625 return object;
2626 if (object == null)
2627 return object;
2628 throw A.wrapException(A._TypeError__TypeError$forType(object, "double?"));
2629 },
2630 _isInt(object) {
2631 return typeof object == "number" && Math.floor(object) === object;
2632 },
2633 _asInt(object) {
2634 if (typeof object == "number" && Math.floor(object) === object)
2635 return object;
2636 throw A.wrapException(A._TypeError__TypeError$forType(object, "int"));
2637 },
2638 _asIntS(object) {
2639 if (typeof object == "number" && Math.floor(object) === object)
2640 return object;
2641 if (object == null)
2642 return object;
2643 throw A.wrapException(A._TypeError__TypeError$forType(object, "int"));
2644 },
2645 _asIntQ(object) {
2646 if (typeof object == "number" && Math.floor(object) === object)
2647 return object;
2648 if (object == null)
2649 return object;
2650 throw A.wrapException(A._TypeError__TypeError$forType(object, "int?"));
2651 },
2652 _isNum(object) {
2653 return typeof object == "number";
2654 },
2655 _asNum(object) {
2656 if (typeof object == "number")
2657 return object;
2658 throw A.wrapException(A._TypeError__TypeError$forType(object, "num"));
2659 },
2660 _asNumS(object) {
2661 if (typeof object == "number")
2662 return object;
2663 if (object == null)
2664 return object;
2665 throw A.wrapException(A._TypeError__TypeError$forType(object, "num"));
2666 },
2667 _asNumQ(object) {
2668 if (typeof object == "number")
2669 return object;
2670 if (object == null)
2671 return object;
2672 throw A.wrapException(A._TypeError__TypeError$forType(object, "num?"));
2673 },
2674 _isString(object) {
2675 return typeof object == "string";
2676 },
2677 _asString(object) {
2678 if (typeof object == "string")
2679 return object;
2680 throw A.wrapException(A._TypeError__TypeError$forType(object, "String"));
2681 },
2682 _asStringS(object) {
2683 if (typeof object == "string")
2684 return object;
2685 if (object == null)
2686 return object;
2687 throw A.wrapException(A._TypeError__TypeError$forType(object, "String"));
2688 },
2689 _asStringQ(object) {
2690 if (typeof object == "string")
2691 return object;
2692 if (object == null)
2693 return object;
2694 throw A.wrapException(A._TypeError__TypeError$forType(object, "String?"));
2695 },
2696 _rtiArrayToString(array, genericContext) {
2697 var s, sep, i;
2698 for (s = "", sep = "", i = 0; i < array.length; ++i, sep = ", ")
2699 s += sep + A._rtiToString(array[i], genericContext);
2700 return s;
2701 },
2702 _functionRtiToString(functionType, genericContext, bounds) {
2703 var boundsLength, outerContextLength, offset, i, t1, t2, typeParametersText, typeSep, boundRti, kind, t3, parameters, requiredPositional, requiredPositionalLength, optionalPositional, optionalPositionalLength, named, namedLength, returnTypeText, argumentsText, sep, _s2_ = ", ";
2704 if (bounds != null) {
2705 boundsLength = bounds.length;
2706 if (genericContext == null) {
2707 genericContext = A._setArrayType([], type$.JSArray_String);
2708 outerContextLength = null;
2709 } else
2710 outerContextLength = genericContext.length;
2711 offset = genericContext.length;
2712 for (i = boundsLength; i > 0; --i)
2713 genericContext.push("T" + (offset + i));
2714 for (t1 = type$.nullable_Object, t2 = type$.legacy_Object, typeParametersText = "<", typeSep = "", i = 0; i < boundsLength; ++i, typeSep = _s2_) {
2715 typeParametersText = B.JSString_methods.$add(typeParametersText + typeSep, genericContext[genericContext.length - 1 - i]);
2716 boundRti = bounds[i];
2717 kind = boundRti._kind;
2718 if (!(kind === 2 || kind === 3 || kind === 4 || kind === 5 || boundRti === t1))
2719 if (!(boundRti === t2))
2720 t3 = false;
2721 else
2722 t3 = true;
2723 else
2724 t3 = true;
2725 if (!t3)
2726 typeParametersText += " extends " + A._rtiToString(boundRti, genericContext);
2727 }
2728 typeParametersText += ">";
2729 } else {
2730 typeParametersText = "";
2731 outerContextLength = null;
2732 }
2733 t1 = functionType._primary;
2734 parameters = functionType._rest;
2735 requiredPositional = parameters._requiredPositional;
2736 requiredPositionalLength = requiredPositional.length;
2737 optionalPositional = parameters._optionalPositional;
2738 optionalPositionalLength = optionalPositional.length;
2739 named = parameters._named;
2740 namedLength = named.length;
2741 returnTypeText = A._rtiToString(t1, genericContext);
2742 for (argumentsText = "", sep = "", i = 0; i < requiredPositionalLength; ++i, sep = _s2_)
2743 argumentsText += sep + A._rtiToString(requiredPositional[i], genericContext);
2744 if (optionalPositionalLength > 0) {
2745 argumentsText += sep + "[";
2746 for (sep = "", i = 0; i < optionalPositionalLength; ++i, sep = _s2_)
2747 argumentsText += sep + A._rtiToString(optionalPositional[i], genericContext);
2748 argumentsText += "]";
2749 }
2750 if (namedLength > 0) {
2751 argumentsText += sep + "{";
2752 for (sep = "", i = 0; i < namedLength; i += 3, sep = _s2_) {
2753 argumentsText += sep;
2754 if (named[i + 1])
2755 argumentsText += "required ";
2756 argumentsText += A._rtiToString(named[i + 2], genericContext) + " " + named[i];
2757 }
2758 argumentsText += "}";
2759 }
2760 if (outerContextLength != null) {
2761 genericContext.toString;
2762 genericContext.length = outerContextLength;
2763 }
2764 return typeParametersText + "(" + argumentsText + ") => " + returnTypeText;
2765 },
2766 _rtiToString(rti, genericContext) {
2767 var s, questionArgument, argumentKind, $name, $arguments, t1,
2768 kind = rti._kind;
2769 if (kind === 5)
2770 return "erased";
2771 if (kind === 2)
2772 return "dynamic";
2773 if (kind === 3)
2774 return "void";
2775 if (kind === 1)
2776 return "Never";
2777 if (kind === 4)
2778 return "any";
2779 if (kind === 6) {
2780 s = A._rtiToString(rti._primary, genericContext);
2781 return s;
2782 }
2783 if (kind === 7) {
2784 questionArgument = rti._primary;
2785 s = A._rtiToString(questionArgument, genericContext);
2786 argumentKind = questionArgument._kind;
2787 return (argumentKind === 11 || argumentKind === 12 ? "(" + s + ")" : s) + "?";
2788 }
2789 if (kind === 8)
2790 return "FutureOr<" + A._rtiToString(rti._primary, genericContext) + ">";
2791 if (kind === 9) {
2792 $name = A._unminifyOrTag(rti._primary);
2793 $arguments = rti._rest;
2794 return $arguments.length > 0 ? $name + ("<" + A._rtiArrayToString($arguments, genericContext) + ">") : $name;
2795 }
2796 if (kind === 11)
2797 return A._functionRtiToString(rti, genericContext, null);
2798 if (kind === 12)
2799 return A._functionRtiToString(rti._primary, genericContext, rti._rest);
2800 if (kind === 13) {
2801 t1 = rti._primary;
2802 return genericContext[genericContext.length - 1 - t1];
2803 }
2804 return "?";
2805 },
2806 _unminifyOrTag(rawClassName) {
2807 var preserved = init.mangledGlobalNames[rawClassName];
2808 if (preserved != null)
2809 return preserved;
2810 return rawClassName;
2811 },
2812 _Universe_findRule(universe, targetType) {
2813 var rule = universe.tR[targetType];
2814 for (; typeof rule == "string";)
2815 rule = universe.tR[rule];
2816 return rule;
2817 },
2818 _Universe_findErasedType(universe, cls) {
2819 var $length, erased, $arguments, i, $interface,
2820 t1 = universe.eT,
2821 probe = t1[cls];
2822 if (probe == null)
2823 return A._Universe_eval(universe, cls, false);
2824 else if (typeof probe == "number") {
2825 $length = probe;
2826 erased = A._Universe__lookupTerminalRti(universe, 5, "#");
2827 $arguments = A._Utils_newArrayOrEmpty($length);
2828 for (i = 0; i < $length; ++i)
2829 $arguments[i] = erased;
2830 $interface = A._Universe__lookupInterfaceRti(universe, cls, $arguments);
2831 t1[cls] = $interface;
2832 return $interface;
2833 } else
2834 return probe;
2835 },
2836 _Universe_addRules(universe, rules) {
2837 return A._Utils_objectAssign(universe.tR, rules);
2838 },
2839 _Universe_addErasedTypes(universe, types) {
2840 return A._Utils_objectAssign(universe.eT, types);
2841 },
2842 _Universe_eval(universe, recipe, normalize) {
2843 var rti,
2844 t1 = universe.eC,
2845 probe = t1.get(recipe);
2846 if (probe != null)
2847 return probe;
2848 rti = A._Parser_parse(A._Parser_create(universe, null, recipe, normalize));
2849 t1.set(recipe, rti);
2850 return rti;
2851 },
2852 _Universe_evalInEnvironment(universe, environment, recipe) {
2853 var probe, rti,
2854 cache = environment._evalCache;
2855 if (cache == null)
2856 cache = environment._evalCache = new Map();
2857 probe = cache.get(recipe);
2858 if (probe != null)
2859 return probe;
2860 rti = A._Parser_parse(A._Parser_create(universe, environment, recipe, true));
2861 cache.set(recipe, rti);
2862 return rti;
2863 },
2864 _Universe_bind(universe, environment, argumentsRti) {
2865 var argumentsRecipe, probe, rti,
2866 cache = environment._bindCache;
2867 if (cache == null)
2868 cache = environment._bindCache = new Map();
2869 argumentsRecipe = argumentsRti._canonicalRecipe;
2870 probe = cache.get(argumentsRecipe);
2871 if (probe != null)
2872 return probe;
2873 rti = A._Universe__lookupBindingRti(universe, environment, argumentsRti._kind === 10 ? argumentsRti._rest : [argumentsRti]);
2874 cache.set(argumentsRecipe, rti);
2875 return rti;
2876 },
2877 _Universe__installTypeTests(universe, rti) {
2878 rti._as = A._installSpecializedAsCheck;
2879 rti._is = A._installSpecializedIsTest;
2880 return rti;
2881 },
2882 _Universe__lookupTerminalRti(universe, kind, key) {
2883 var rti, t1,
2884 probe = universe.eC.get(key);
2885 if (probe != null)
2886 return probe;
2887 rti = new A.Rti(null, null);
2888 rti._kind = kind;
2889 rti._canonicalRecipe = key;
2890 t1 = A._Universe__installTypeTests(universe, rti);
2891 universe.eC.set(key, t1);
2892 return t1;
2893 },
2894 _Universe__lookupStarRti(universe, baseType, normalize) {
2895 var t1,
2896 key = baseType._canonicalRecipe + "*",
2897 probe = universe.eC.get(key);
2898 if (probe != null)
2899 return probe;
2900 t1 = A._Universe__createStarRti(universe, baseType, key, normalize);
2901 universe.eC.set(key, t1);
2902 return t1;
2903 },
2904 _Universe__createStarRti(universe, baseType, key, normalize) {
2905 var baseKind, t1, rti;
2906 if (normalize) {
2907 baseKind = baseType._kind;
2908 if (!A.isStrongTopType(baseType))
2909 t1 = baseType === type$.Null || baseType === type$.JSNull || baseKind === 7 || baseKind === 6;
2910 else
2911 t1 = true;
2912 if (t1)
2913 return baseType;
2914 }
2915 rti = new A.Rti(null, null);
2916 rti._kind = 6;
2917 rti._primary = baseType;
2918 rti._canonicalRecipe = key;
2919 return A._Universe__installTypeTests(universe, rti);
2920 },
2921 _Universe__lookupQuestionRti(universe, baseType, normalize) {
2922 var t1,
2923 key = baseType._canonicalRecipe + "?",
2924 probe = universe.eC.get(key);
2925 if (probe != null)
2926 return probe;
2927 t1 = A._Universe__createQuestionRti(universe, baseType, key, normalize);
2928 universe.eC.set(key, t1);
2929 return t1;
2930 },
2931 _Universe__createQuestionRti(universe, baseType, key, normalize) {
2932 var baseKind, t1, starArgument, rti;
2933 if (normalize) {
2934 baseKind = baseType._kind;
2935 if (!A.isStrongTopType(baseType))
2936 if (!(baseType === type$.Null || baseType === type$.JSNull))
2937 if (baseKind !== 7)
2938 t1 = baseKind === 8 && A.isNullable(baseType._primary);
2939 else
2940 t1 = true;
2941 else
2942 t1 = true;
2943 else
2944 t1 = true;
2945 if (t1)
2946 return baseType;
2947 else if (baseKind === 1 || baseType === type$.legacy_Never)
2948 return type$.Null;
2949 else if (baseKind === 6) {
2950 starArgument = baseType._primary;
2951 if (starArgument._kind === 8 && A.isNullable(starArgument._primary))
2952 return starArgument;
2953 else
2954 return A.Rti__getQuestionFromStar(universe, baseType);
2955 }
2956 }
2957 rti = new A.Rti(null, null);
2958 rti._kind = 7;
2959 rti._primary = baseType;
2960 rti._canonicalRecipe = key;
2961 return A._Universe__installTypeTests(universe, rti);
2962 },
2963 _Universe__lookupFutureOrRti(universe, baseType, normalize) {
2964 var t1,
2965 key = baseType._canonicalRecipe + "/",
2966 probe = universe.eC.get(key);
2967 if (probe != null)
2968 return probe;
2969 t1 = A._Universe__createFutureOrRti(universe, baseType, key, normalize);
2970 universe.eC.set(key, t1);
2971 return t1;
2972 },
2973 _Universe__createFutureOrRti(universe, baseType, key, normalize) {
2974 var t1, t2, rti;
2975 if (normalize) {
2976 t1 = baseType._kind;
2977 if (!A.isStrongTopType(baseType))
2978 if (!(baseType === type$.legacy_Object))
2979 t2 = false;
2980 else
2981 t2 = true;
2982 else
2983 t2 = true;
2984 if (t2 || baseType === type$.Object)
2985 return baseType;
2986 else if (t1 === 1)
2987 return A._Universe__lookupInterfaceRti(universe, "Future", [baseType]);
2988 else if (baseType === type$.Null || baseType === type$.JSNull)
2989 return type$.nullable_Future_Null;
2990 }
2991 rti = new A.Rti(null, null);
2992 rti._kind = 8;
2993 rti._primary = baseType;
2994 rti._canonicalRecipe = key;
2995 return A._Universe__installTypeTests(universe, rti);
2996 },
2997 _Universe__lookupGenericFunctionParameterRti(universe, index) {
2998 var rti, t1,
2999 key = "" + index + "^",
3000 probe = universe.eC.get(key);
3001 if (probe != null)
3002 return probe;
3003 rti = new A.Rti(null, null);
3004 rti._kind = 13;
3005 rti._primary = index;
3006 rti._canonicalRecipe = key;
3007 t1 = A._Universe__installTypeTests(universe, rti);
3008 universe.eC.set(key, t1);
3009 return t1;
3010 },
3011 _Universe__canonicalRecipeJoin($arguments) {
3012 var s, sep, i,
3013 $length = $arguments.length;
3014 for (s = "", sep = "", i = 0; i < $length; ++i, sep = ",")
3015 s += sep + $arguments[i]._canonicalRecipe;
3016 return s;
3017 },
3018 _Universe__canonicalRecipeJoinNamed($arguments) {
3019 var s, sep, i, t1, nameSep, s0,
3020 $length = $arguments.length;
3021 for (s = "", sep = "", i = 0; i < $length; i += 3, sep = ",") {
3022 t1 = $arguments[i];
3023 nameSep = $arguments[i + 1] ? "!" : ":";
3024 s0 = $arguments[i + 2]._canonicalRecipe;
3025 s += sep + t1 + nameSep + s0;
3026 }
3027 return s;
3028 },
3029 _Universe__lookupInterfaceRti(universe, $name, $arguments) {
3030 var probe, rti, t1,
3031 s = $name;
3032 if ($arguments.length > 0)
3033 s += "<" + A._Universe__canonicalRecipeJoin($arguments) + ">";
3034 probe = universe.eC.get(s);
3035 if (probe != null)
3036 return probe;
3037 rti = new A.Rti(null, null);
3038 rti._kind = 9;
3039 rti._primary = $name;
3040 rti._rest = $arguments;
3041 if ($arguments.length > 0)
3042 rti._precomputed1 = $arguments[0];
3043 rti._canonicalRecipe = s;
3044 t1 = A._Universe__installTypeTests(universe, rti);
3045 universe.eC.set(s, t1);
3046 return t1;
3047 },
3048 _Universe__lookupBindingRti(universe, base, $arguments) {
3049 var newBase, newArguments, key, probe, rti, t1;
3050 if (base._kind === 10) {
3051 newBase = base._primary;
3052 newArguments = base._rest.concat($arguments);
3053 } else {
3054 newArguments = $arguments;
3055 newBase = base;
3056 }
3057 key = newBase._canonicalRecipe + (";<" + A._Universe__canonicalRecipeJoin(newArguments) + ">");
3058 probe = universe.eC.get(key);
3059 if (probe != null)
3060 return probe;
3061 rti = new A.Rti(null, null);
3062 rti._kind = 10;
3063 rti._primary = newBase;
3064 rti._rest = newArguments;
3065 rti._canonicalRecipe = key;
3066 t1 = A._Universe__installTypeTests(universe, rti);
3067 universe.eC.set(key, t1);
3068 return t1;
3069 },
3070 _Universe__lookupFunctionRti(universe, returnType, parameters) {
3071 var sep, t1, key, probe, rti,
3072 s = returnType._canonicalRecipe,
3073 requiredPositional = parameters._requiredPositional,
3074 requiredPositionalLength = requiredPositional.length,
3075 optionalPositional = parameters._optionalPositional,
3076 optionalPositionalLength = optionalPositional.length,
3077 named = parameters._named,
3078 namedLength = named.length,
3079 recipe = "(" + A._Universe__canonicalRecipeJoin(requiredPositional);
3080 if (optionalPositionalLength > 0) {
3081 sep = requiredPositionalLength > 0 ? "," : "";
3082 t1 = A._Universe__canonicalRecipeJoin(optionalPositional);
3083 recipe += sep + "[" + t1 + "]";
3084 }
3085 if (namedLength > 0) {
3086 sep = requiredPositionalLength > 0 ? "," : "";
3087 t1 = A._Universe__canonicalRecipeJoinNamed(named);
3088 recipe += sep + "{" + t1 + "}";
3089 }
3090 key = s + (recipe + ")");
3091 probe = universe.eC.get(key);
3092 if (probe != null)
3093 return probe;
3094 rti = new A.Rti(null, null);
3095 rti._kind = 11;
3096 rti._primary = returnType;
3097 rti._rest = parameters;
3098 rti._canonicalRecipe = key;
3099 t1 = A._Universe__installTypeTests(universe, rti);
3100 universe.eC.set(key, t1);
3101 return t1;
3102 },
3103 _Universe__lookupGenericFunctionRti(universe, baseFunctionType, bounds, normalize) {
3104 var t1,
3105 key = baseFunctionType._canonicalRecipe + ("<" + A._Universe__canonicalRecipeJoin(bounds) + ">"),
3106 probe = universe.eC.get(key);
3107 if (probe != null)
3108 return probe;
3109 t1 = A._Universe__createGenericFunctionRti(universe, baseFunctionType, bounds, key, normalize);
3110 universe.eC.set(key, t1);
3111 return t1;
3112 },
3113 _Universe__createGenericFunctionRti(universe, baseFunctionType, bounds, key, normalize) {
3114 var $length, typeArguments, count, i, bound, substitutedBase, substitutedBounds, rti;
3115 if (normalize) {
3116 $length = bounds.length;
3117 typeArguments = A._Utils_newArrayOrEmpty($length);
3118 for (count = 0, i = 0; i < $length; ++i) {
3119 bound = bounds[i];
3120 if (bound._kind === 1) {
3121 typeArguments[i] = bound;
3122 ++count;
3123 }
3124 }
3125 if (count > 0) {
3126 substitutedBase = A._substitute(universe, baseFunctionType, typeArguments, 0);
3127 substitutedBounds = A._substituteArray(universe, bounds, typeArguments, 0);
3128 return A._Universe__lookupGenericFunctionRti(universe, substitutedBase, substitutedBounds, bounds !== substitutedBounds);
3129 }
3130 }
3131 rti = new A.Rti(null, null);
3132 rti._kind = 12;
3133 rti._primary = baseFunctionType;
3134 rti._rest = bounds;
3135 rti._canonicalRecipe = key;
3136 return A._Universe__installTypeTests(universe, rti);
3137 },
3138 _Parser_create(universe, environment, recipe, normalize) {
3139 return {u: universe, e: environment, r: recipe, s: [], p: 0, n: normalize};
3140 },
3141 _Parser_parse(parser) {
3142 var t2, i, ch, t3, array, head, base, parameters, optionalPositional, named, item,
3143 source = parser.r,
3144 t1 = parser.s;
3145 for (t2 = source.length, i = 0; i < t2;) {
3146 ch = source.charCodeAt(i);
3147 if (ch >= 48 && ch <= 57)
3148 i = A._Parser_handleDigit(i + 1, ch, source, t1);
3149 else if ((((ch | 32) >>> 0) - 97 & 65535) < 26 || ch === 95 || ch === 36)
3150 i = A._Parser_handleIdentifier(parser, i, source, t1, false);
3151 else if (ch === 46)
3152 i = A._Parser_handleIdentifier(parser, i, source, t1, true);
3153 else {
3154 ++i;
3155 switch (ch) {
3156 case 44:
3157 break;
3158 case 58:
3159 t1.push(false);
3160 break;
3161 case 33:
3162 t1.push(true);
3163 break;
3164 case 59:
3165 t1.push(A._Parser_toType(parser.u, parser.e, t1.pop()));
3166 break;
3167 case 94:
3168 t1.push(A._Universe__lookupGenericFunctionParameterRti(parser.u, t1.pop()));
3169 break;
3170 case 35:
3171 t1.push(A._Universe__lookupTerminalRti(parser.u, 5, "#"));
3172 break;
3173 case 64:
3174 t1.push(A._Universe__lookupTerminalRti(parser.u, 2, "@"));
3175 break;
3176 case 126:
3177 t1.push(A._Universe__lookupTerminalRti(parser.u, 3, "~"));
3178 break;
3179 case 60:
3180 t1.push(parser.p);
3181 parser.p = t1.length;
3182 break;
3183 case 62:
3184 t3 = parser.u;
3185 array = t1.splice(parser.p);
3186 A._Parser_toTypes(parser.u, parser.e, array);
3187 parser.p = t1.pop();
3188 head = t1.pop();
3189 if (typeof head == "string")
3190 t1.push(A._Universe__lookupInterfaceRti(t3, head, array));
3191 else {
3192 base = A._Parser_toType(t3, parser.e, head);
3193 switch (base._kind) {
3194 case 11:
3195 t1.push(A._Universe__lookupGenericFunctionRti(t3, base, array, parser.n));
3196 break;
3197 default:
3198 t1.push(A._Universe__lookupBindingRti(t3, base, array));
3199 break;
3200 }
3201 }
3202 break;
3203 case 38:
3204 A._Parser_handleExtendedOperations(parser, t1);
3205 break;
3206 case 42:
3207 t3 = parser.u;
3208 t1.push(A._Universe__lookupStarRti(t3, A._Parser_toType(t3, parser.e, t1.pop()), parser.n));
3209 break;
3210 case 63:
3211 t3 = parser.u;
3212 t1.push(A._Universe__lookupQuestionRti(t3, A._Parser_toType(t3, parser.e, t1.pop()), parser.n));
3213 break;
3214 case 47:
3215 t3 = parser.u;
3216 t1.push(A._Universe__lookupFutureOrRti(t3, A._Parser_toType(t3, parser.e, t1.pop()), parser.n));
3217 break;
3218 case 40:
3219 t1.push(parser.p);
3220 parser.p = t1.length;
3221 break;
3222 case 41:
3223 t3 = parser.u;
3224 parameters = new A._FunctionParameters();
3225 optionalPositional = t3.sEA;
3226 named = t3.sEA;
3227 head = t1.pop();
3228 if (typeof head == "number")
3229 switch (head) {
3230 case -1:
3231 optionalPositional = t1.pop();
3232 break;
3233 case -2:
3234 named = t1.pop();
3235 break;
3236 default:
3237 t1.push(head);
3238 break;
3239 }
3240 else
3241 t1.push(head);
3242 array = t1.splice(parser.p);
3243 A._Parser_toTypes(parser.u, parser.e, array);
3244 parser.p = t1.pop();
3245 parameters._requiredPositional = array;
3246 parameters._optionalPositional = optionalPositional;
3247 parameters._named = named;
3248 t1.push(A._Universe__lookupFunctionRti(t3, A._Parser_toType(t3, parser.e, t1.pop()), parameters));
3249 break;
3250 case 91:
3251 t1.push(parser.p);
3252 parser.p = t1.length;
3253 break;
3254 case 93:
3255 array = t1.splice(parser.p);
3256 A._Parser_toTypes(parser.u, parser.e, array);
3257 parser.p = t1.pop();
3258 t1.push(array);
3259 t1.push(-1);
3260 break;
3261 case 123:
3262 t1.push(parser.p);
3263 parser.p = t1.length;
3264 break;
3265 case 125:
3266 array = t1.splice(parser.p);
3267 A._Parser_toTypesNamed(parser.u, parser.e, array);
3268 parser.p = t1.pop();
3269 t1.push(array);
3270 t1.push(-2);
3271 break;
3272 default:
3273 throw "Bad character " + ch;
3274 }
3275 }
3276 }
3277 item = t1.pop();
3278 return A._Parser_toType(parser.u, parser.e, item);
3279 },
3280 _Parser_handleDigit(i, digit, source, stack) {
3281 var t1, ch,
3282 value = digit - 48;
3283 for (t1 = source.length; i < t1; ++i) {
3284 ch = source.charCodeAt(i);
3285 if (!(ch >= 48 && ch <= 57))
3286 break;
3287 value = value * 10 + (ch - 48);
3288 }
3289 stack.push(value);
3290 return i;
3291 },
3292 _Parser_handleIdentifier(parser, start, source, stack, hasPeriod) {
3293 var t1, ch, t2, string, environment, recipe,
3294 i = start + 1;
3295 for (t1 = source.length; i < t1; ++i) {
3296 ch = source.charCodeAt(i);
3297 if (ch === 46) {
3298 if (hasPeriod)
3299 break;
3300 hasPeriod = true;
3301 } else {
3302 if (!((((ch | 32) >>> 0) - 97 & 65535) < 26 || ch === 95 || ch === 36))
3303 t2 = ch >= 48 && ch <= 57;
3304 else
3305 t2 = true;
3306 if (!t2)
3307 break;
3308 }
3309 }
3310 string = source.substring(start, i);
3311 if (hasPeriod) {
3312 t1 = parser.u;
3313 environment = parser.e;
3314 if (environment._kind === 10)
3315 environment = environment._primary;
3316 recipe = A._Universe_findRule(t1, environment._primary)[string];
3317 if (recipe == null)
3318 A.throwExpression('No "' + string + '" in "' + A.Rti__getCanonicalRecipe(environment) + '"');
3319 stack.push(A._Universe_evalInEnvironment(t1, environment, recipe));
3320 } else
3321 stack.push(string);
3322 return i;
3323 },
3324 _Parser_handleExtendedOperations(parser, stack) {
3325 var $top = stack.pop();
3326 if (0 === $top) {
3327 stack.push(A._Universe__lookupTerminalRti(parser.u, 1, "0&"));
3328 return;
3329 }
3330 if (1 === $top) {
3331 stack.push(A._Universe__lookupTerminalRti(parser.u, 4, "1&"));
3332 return;
3333 }
3334 throw A.wrapException(A.AssertionError$("Unexpected extended operation " + A.S($top)));
3335 },
3336 _Parser_toType(universe, environment, item) {
3337 if (typeof item == "string")
3338 return A._Universe__lookupInterfaceRti(universe, item, universe.sEA);
3339 else if (typeof item == "number")
3340 return A._Parser_indexToType(universe, environment, item);
3341 else
3342 return item;
3343 },
3344 _Parser_toTypes(universe, environment, items) {
3345 var i,
3346 $length = items.length;
3347 for (i = 0; i < $length; ++i)
3348 items[i] = A._Parser_toType(universe, environment, items[i]);
3349 },
3350 _Parser_toTypesNamed(universe, environment, items) {
3351 var i,
3352 $length = items.length;
3353 for (i = 2; i < $length; i += 3)
3354 items[i] = A._Parser_toType(universe, environment, items[i]);
3355 },
3356 _Parser_indexToType(universe, environment, index) {
3357 var typeArguments, len,
3358 kind = environment._kind;
3359 if (kind === 10) {
3360 if (index === 0)
3361 return environment._primary;
3362 typeArguments = environment._rest;
3363 len = typeArguments.length;
3364 if (index <= len)
3365 return typeArguments[index - 1];
3366 index -= len;
3367 environment = environment._primary;
3368 kind = environment._kind;
3369 } else if (index === 0)
3370 return environment;
3371 if (kind !== 9)
3372 throw A.wrapException(A.AssertionError$("Indexed base must be an interface type"));
3373 typeArguments = environment._rest;
3374 if (index <= typeArguments.length)
3375 return typeArguments[index - 1];
3376 throw A.wrapException(A.AssertionError$("Bad index " + index + " for " + environment.toString$0(0)));
3377 },
3378 _isSubtype(universe, s, sEnv, t, tEnv) {
3379 var t1, sKind, leftTypeVariable, tKind, sBounds, tBounds, sLength, i, sBound, tBound;
3380 if (s === t)
3381 return true;
3382 if (!A.isStrongTopType(t))
3383 if (!(t === type$.legacy_Object))
3384 t1 = false;
3385 else
3386 t1 = true;
3387 else
3388 t1 = true;
3389 if (t1)
3390 return true;
3391 sKind = s._kind;
3392 if (sKind === 4)
3393 return true;
3394 if (A.isStrongTopType(s))
3395 return false;
3396 if (s._kind !== 1)
3397 t1 = false;
3398 else
3399 t1 = true;
3400 if (t1)
3401 return true;
3402 leftTypeVariable = sKind === 13;
3403 if (leftTypeVariable)
3404 if (A._isSubtype(universe, sEnv[s._primary], sEnv, t, tEnv))
3405 return true;
3406 tKind = t._kind;
3407 t1 = s === type$.Null || s === type$.JSNull;
3408 if (t1) {
3409 if (tKind === 8)
3410 return A._isSubtype(universe, s, sEnv, t._primary, tEnv);
3411 return t === type$.Null || t === type$.JSNull || tKind === 7 || tKind === 6;
3412 }
3413 if (t === type$.Object) {
3414 if (sKind === 8)
3415 return A._isSubtype(universe, s._primary, sEnv, t, tEnv);
3416 if (sKind === 6)
3417 return A._isSubtype(universe, s._primary, sEnv, t, tEnv);
3418 return sKind !== 7;
3419 }
3420 if (sKind === 6)
3421 return A._isSubtype(universe, s._primary, sEnv, t, tEnv);
3422 if (tKind === 6) {
3423 t1 = A.Rti__getQuestionFromStar(universe, t);
3424 return A._isSubtype(universe, s, sEnv, t1, tEnv);
3425 }
3426 if (sKind === 8) {
3427 if (!A._isSubtype(universe, s._primary, sEnv, t, tEnv))
3428 return false;
3429 return A._isSubtype(universe, A.Rti__getFutureFromFutureOr(universe, s), sEnv, t, tEnv);
3430 }
3431 if (sKind === 7) {
3432 t1 = A._isSubtype(universe, type$.Null, sEnv, t, tEnv);
3433 return t1 && A._isSubtype(universe, s._primary, sEnv, t, tEnv);
3434 }
3435 if (tKind === 8) {
3436 if (A._isSubtype(universe, s, sEnv, t._primary, tEnv))
3437 return true;
3438 return A._isSubtype(universe, s, sEnv, A.Rti__getFutureFromFutureOr(universe, t), tEnv);
3439 }
3440 if (tKind === 7) {
3441 t1 = A._isSubtype(universe, s, sEnv, type$.Null, tEnv);
3442 return t1 || A._isSubtype(universe, s, sEnv, t._primary, tEnv);
3443 }
3444 if (leftTypeVariable)
3445 return false;
3446 t1 = sKind !== 11;
3447 if ((!t1 || sKind === 12) && t === type$.Function)
3448 return true;
3449 if (tKind === 12) {
3450 if (s === type$.JavaScriptFunction)
3451 return true;
3452 if (sKind !== 12)
3453 return false;
3454 sBounds = s._rest;
3455 tBounds = t._rest;
3456 sLength = sBounds.length;
3457 if (sLength !== tBounds.length)
3458 return false;
3459 sEnv = sEnv == null ? sBounds : sBounds.concat(sEnv);
3460 tEnv = tEnv == null ? tBounds : tBounds.concat(tEnv);
3461 for (i = 0; i < sLength; ++i) {
3462 sBound = sBounds[i];
3463 tBound = tBounds[i];
3464 if (!A._isSubtype(universe, sBound, sEnv, tBound, tEnv) || !A._isSubtype(universe, tBound, tEnv, sBound, sEnv))
3465 return false;
3466 }
3467 return A._isFunctionSubtype(universe, s._primary, sEnv, t._primary, tEnv);
3468 }
3469 if (tKind === 11) {
3470 if (s === type$.JavaScriptFunction)
3471 return true;
3472 if (t1)
3473 return false;
3474 return A._isFunctionSubtype(universe, s, sEnv, t, tEnv);
3475 }
3476 if (sKind === 9) {
3477 if (tKind !== 9)
3478 return false;
3479 return A._isInterfaceSubtype(universe, s, sEnv, t, tEnv);
3480 }
3481 return false;
3482 },
3483 _isFunctionSubtype(universe, s, sEnv, t, tEnv) {
3484 var sParameters, tParameters, sRequiredPositional, tRequiredPositional, sRequiredPositionalLength, tRequiredPositionalLength, requiredPositionalDelta, sOptionalPositional, tOptionalPositional, sOptionalPositionalLength, tOptionalPositionalLength, i, t1, sNamed, tNamed, sNamedLength, tNamedLength, sIndex, tIndex, tName, sName, sIsRequired;
3485 if (!A._isSubtype(universe, s._primary, sEnv, t._primary, tEnv))
3486 return false;
3487 sParameters = s._rest;
3488 tParameters = t._rest;
3489 sRequiredPositional = sParameters._requiredPositional;
3490 tRequiredPositional = tParameters._requiredPositional;
3491 sRequiredPositionalLength = sRequiredPositional.length;
3492 tRequiredPositionalLength = tRequiredPositional.length;
3493 if (sRequiredPositionalLength > tRequiredPositionalLength)
3494 return false;
3495 requiredPositionalDelta = tRequiredPositionalLength - sRequiredPositionalLength;
3496 sOptionalPositional = sParameters._optionalPositional;
3497 tOptionalPositional = tParameters._optionalPositional;
3498 sOptionalPositionalLength = sOptionalPositional.length;
3499 tOptionalPositionalLength = tOptionalPositional.length;
3500 if (sRequiredPositionalLength + sOptionalPositionalLength < tRequiredPositionalLength + tOptionalPositionalLength)
3501 return false;
3502 for (i = 0; i < sRequiredPositionalLength; ++i) {
3503 t1 = sRequiredPositional[i];
3504 if (!A._isSubtype(universe, tRequiredPositional[i], tEnv, t1, sEnv))
3505 return false;
3506 }
3507 for (i = 0; i < requiredPositionalDelta; ++i) {
3508 t1 = sOptionalPositional[i];
3509 if (!A._isSubtype(universe, tRequiredPositional[sRequiredPositionalLength + i], tEnv, t1, sEnv))
3510 return false;
3511 }
3512 for (i = 0; i < tOptionalPositionalLength; ++i) {
3513 t1 = sOptionalPositional[requiredPositionalDelta + i];
3514 if (!A._isSubtype(universe, tOptionalPositional[i], tEnv, t1, sEnv))
3515 return false;
3516 }
3517 sNamed = sParameters._named;
3518 tNamed = tParameters._named;
3519 sNamedLength = sNamed.length;
3520 tNamedLength = tNamed.length;
3521 for (sIndex = 0, tIndex = 0; tIndex < tNamedLength; tIndex += 3) {
3522 tName = tNamed[tIndex];
3523 for (; true;) {
3524 if (sIndex >= sNamedLength)
3525 return false;
3526 sName = sNamed[sIndex];
3527 sIndex += 3;
3528 if (tName < sName)
3529 return false;
3530 sIsRequired = sNamed[sIndex - 2];
3531 if (sName < tName) {
3532 if (sIsRequired)
3533 return false;
3534 continue;
3535 }
3536 t1 = tNamed[tIndex + 1];
3537 if (sIsRequired && !t1)
3538 return false;
3539 t1 = sNamed[sIndex - 1];
3540 if (!A._isSubtype(universe, tNamed[tIndex + 2], tEnv, t1, sEnv))
3541 return false;
3542 break;
3543 }
3544 }
3545 for (; sIndex < sNamedLength;) {
3546 if (sNamed[sIndex + 1])
3547 return false;
3548 sIndex += 3;
3549 }
3550 return true;
3551 },
3552 _isInterfaceSubtype(universe, s, sEnv, t, tEnv) {
3553 var rule, recipes, $length, supertypeArgs, i, t1, t2,
3554 sName = s._primary,
3555 tName = t._primary;
3556 for (; sName !== tName;) {
3557 rule = universe.tR[sName];
3558 if (rule == null)
3559 return false;
3560 if (typeof rule == "string") {
3561 sName = rule;
3562 continue;
3563 }
3564 recipes = rule[tName];
3565 if (recipes == null)
3566 return false;
3567 $length = recipes.length;
3568 supertypeArgs = $length > 0 ? new Array($length) : init.typeUniverse.sEA;
3569 for (i = 0; i < $length; ++i)
3570 supertypeArgs[i] = A._Universe_evalInEnvironment(universe, s, recipes[i]);
3571 return A._areArgumentsSubtypes(universe, supertypeArgs, null, sEnv, t._rest, tEnv);
3572 }
3573 t1 = s._rest;
3574 t2 = t._rest;
3575 return A._areArgumentsSubtypes(universe, t1, null, sEnv, t2, tEnv);
3576 },
3577 _areArgumentsSubtypes(universe, sArgs, sVariances, sEnv, tArgs, tEnv) {
3578 var i, t1, t2,
3579 $length = sArgs.length;
3580 for (i = 0; i < $length; ++i) {
3581 t1 = sArgs[i];
3582 t2 = tArgs[i];
3583 if (!A._isSubtype(universe, t1, sEnv, t2, tEnv))
3584 return false;
3585 }
3586 return true;
3587 },
3588 isNullable(t) {
3589 var t1,
3590 kind = t._kind;
3591 if (!(t === type$.Null || t === type$.JSNull))
3592 if (!A.isStrongTopType(t))
3593 if (kind !== 7)
3594 if (!(kind === 6 && A.isNullable(t._primary)))
3595 t1 = kind === 8 && A.isNullable(t._primary);
3596 else
3597 t1 = true;
3598 else
3599 t1 = true;
3600 else
3601 t1 = true;
3602 else
3603 t1 = true;
3604 return t1;
3605 },
3606 isTopType(t) {
3607 var t1;
3608 if (!A.isStrongTopType(t))
3609 if (!(t === type$.legacy_Object))
3610 t1 = false;
3611 else
3612 t1 = true;
3613 else
3614 t1 = true;
3615 return t1;
3616 },
3617 isStrongTopType(t) {
3618 var kind = t._kind;
3619 return kind === 2 || kind === 3 || kind === 4 || kind === 5 || t === type$.nullable_Object;
3620 },
3621 _Utils_objectAssign(o, other) {
3622 var i, key,
3623 keys = Object.keys(other),
3624 $length = keys.length;
3625 for (i = 0; i < $length; ++i) {
3626 key = keys[i];
3627 o[key] = other[key];
3628 }
3629 },
3630 _Utils_newArrayOrEmpty($length) {
3631 return $length > 0 ? new Array($length) : init.typeUniverse.sEA;
3632 },
3633 Rti: function Rti(t0, t1) {
3634 var _ = this;
3635 _._as = t0;
3636 _._is = t1;
3637 _._cachedRuntimeType = _._specializedTestResource = _._precomputed1 = null;
3638 _._kind = 0;
3639 _._canonicalRecipe = _._bindCache = _._evalCache = _._rest = _._primary = null;
3640 },
3641 _FunctionParameters: function _FunctionParameters() {
3642 this._named = this._optionalPositional = this._requiredPositional = null;
3643 },
3644 _Type: function _Type(t0) {
3645 this._rti = t0;
3646 },
3647 _Error: function _Error() {
3648 },
3649 _TypeError: function _TypeError(t0) {
3650 this.__rti$_message = t0;
3651 },
3652 _AsyncRun__initializeScheduleImmediate() {
3653 var div, span, t1 = {};
3654 if (self.scheduleImmediate != null)
3655 return A.async__AsyncRun__scheduleImmediateJsOverride$closure();
3656 if (self.MutationObserver != null && self.document != null) {
3657 div = self.document.createElement("div");
3658 span = self.document.createElement("span");
3659 t1.storedCallback = null;
3660 new self.MutationObserver(A.convertDartClosureToJS(new A._AsyncRun__initializeScheduleImmediate_internalCallback(t1), 1)).observe(div, {childList: true});
3661 return new A._AsyncRun__initializeScheduleImmediate_closure(t1, div, span);
3662 } else if (self.setImmediate != null)
3663 return A.async__AsyncRun__scheduleImmediateWithSetImmediate$closure();
3664 return A.async__AsyncRun__scheduleImmediateWithTimer$closure();
3665 },
3666 _AsyncRun__scheduleImmediateJsOverride(callback) {
3667 self.scheduleImmediate(A.convertDartClosureToJS(new A._AsyncRun__scheduleImmediateJsOverride_internalCallback(callback), 0));
3668 },
3669 _AsyncRun__scheduleImmediateWithSetImmediate(callback) {
3670 self.setImmediate(A.convertDartClosureToJS(new A._AsyncRun__scheduleImmediateWithSetImmediate_internalCallback(callback), 0));
3671 },
3672 _AsyncRun__scheduleImmediateWithTimer(callback) {
3673 A.Timer__createTimer(B.Duration_0, callback);
3674 },
3675 Timer__createTimer(duration, callback) {
3676 var milliseconds = B.JSInt_methods._tdivFast$1(duration._duration, 1000);
3677 return A._TimerImpl$(milliseconds < 0 ? 0 : milliseconds, callback);
3678 },
3679 _TimerImpl$(milliseconds, callback) {
3680 var t1 = new A._TimerImpl(true);
3681 t1._TimerImpl$2(milliseconds, callback);
3682 return t1;
3683 },
3684 _TimerImpl$periodic(milliseconds, callback) {
3685 var t1 = new A._TimerImpl(false);
3686 t1._TimerImpl$periodic$2(milliseconds, callback);
3687 return t1;
3688 },
3689 _makeAsyncAwaitCompleter($T) {
3690 return new A._AsyncAwaitCompleter(new A._Future($.Zone__current, $T._eval$1("_Future<0>")), $T._eval$1("_AsyncAwaitCompleter<0>"));
3691 },
3692 _asyncStartSync(bodyFunction, completer) {
3693 bodyFunction.call$2(0, null);
3694 completer.isSync = true;
3695 return completer._future;
3696 },
3697 _asyncAwait(object, bodyFunction) {
3698 A._awaitOnObject(object, bodyFunction);
3699 },
3700 _asyncReturn(object, completer) {
3701 completer.complete$1(object);
3702 },
3703 _asyncRethrow(object, completer) {
3704 completer.completeError$2(A.unwrapException(object), A.getTraceFromException(object));
3705 },
3706 _awaitOnObject(object, bodyFunction) {
3707 var t1, future,
3708 thenCallback = new A._awaitOnObject_closure(bodyFunction),
3709 errorCallback = new A._awaitOnObject_closure0(bodyFunction);
3710 if (object instanceof A._Future)
3711 object._thenAwait$1$2(thenCallback, errorCallback, type$.dynamic);
3712 else {
3713 t1 = type$.dynamic;
3714 if (type$.Future_dynamic._is(object))
3715 object.then$1$2$onError(0, thenCallback, errorCallback, t1);
3716 else {
3717 future = new A._Future($.Zone__current, type$._Future_dynamic);
3718 future._state = 8;
3719 future._resultOrListeners = object;
3720 future._thenAwait$1$2(thenCallback, errorCallback, t1);
3721 }
3722 }
3723 },
3724 _wrapJsFunctionForAsync($function) {
3725 var $protected = function(fn, ERROR) {
3726 return function(errorCode, result) {
3727 while (true)
3728 try {
3729 fn(errorCode, result);
3730 break;
3731 } catch (error) {
3732 result = error;
3733 errorCode = ERROR;
3734 }
3735 };
3736 }($function, 1);
3737 return $.Zone__current.registerBinaryCallback$3$1(new A._wrapJsFunctionForAsync_closure($protected), type$.void, type$.int, type$.dynamic);
3738 },
3739 _IterationMarker_yieldStar(values) {
3740 return new A._IterationMarker(values, 1);
3741 },
3742 _IterationMarker_endOfIteration() {
3743 return B._IterationMarker_null_2;
3744 },
3745 _IterationMarker_uncaughtError(error) {
3746 return new A._IterationMarker(error, 3);
3747 },
3748 _makeSyncStarIterable(body, $T) {
3749 return new A._SyncStarIterable(body, $T._eval$1("_SyncStarIterable<0>"));
3750 },
3751 AsyncError$(error, stackTrace) {
3752 var t1 = A.checkNotNullable(error, "error", type$.Object);
3753 return new A.AsyncError(t1, stackTrace == null ? A.AsyncError_defaultStackTrace(error) : stackTrace);
3754 },
3755 AsyncError_defaultStackTrace(error) {
3756 var stackTrace;
3757 if (type$.Error._is(error)) {
3758 stackTrace = error.get$stackTrace();
3759 if (stackTrace != null)
3760 return stackTrace;
3761 }
3762 return B._StringStackTrace_3uE;
3763 },
3764 Future_Future$value(value, $T) {
3765 var t1;
3766 $T._as(value);
3767 t1 = new A._Future($.Zone__current, $T._eval$1("_Future<0>"));
3768 t1._asyncComplete$1(value);
3769 return t1;
3770 },
3771 Future_Future$error(error, stackTrace, $T) {
3772 var t1, replacement;
3773 A.checkNotNullable(error, "error", type$.Object);
3774 t1 = $.Zone__current;
3775 if (t1 !== B.C__RootZone) {
3776 replacement = t1.errorCallback$2(error, stackTrace);
3777 if (replacement != null) {
3778 error = replacement.error;
3779 stackTrace = replacement.stackTrace;
3780 }
3781 }
3782 if (stackTrace == null)
3783 stackTrace = A.AsyncError_defaultStackTrace(error);
3784 t1 = new A._Future($.Zone__current, $T._eval$1("_Future<0>"));
3785 t1._asyncCompleteError$2(error, stackTrace);
3786 return t1;
3787 },
3788 Future_wait(futures, $T) {
3789 var error, stackTrace, handleError, future, pos, e, st, t1, t2, exception, _box_0 = {}, cleanUp = null,
3790 eagerError = false,
3791 _future = new A._Future($.Zone__current, $T._eval$1("_Future<List<0>>"));
3792 _box_0.values = null;
3793 _box_0.remaining = 0;
3794 error = A._Cell$named("error");
3795 stackTrace = A._Cell$named("stackTrace");
3796 handleError = new A.Future_wait_handleError(_box_0, cleanUp, eagerError, _future, error, stackTrace);
3797 try {
3798 for (t1 = J.get$iterator$ax(futures), t2 = type$.Null; t1.moveNext$0();) {
3799 future = t1.get$current(t1);
3800 pos = _box_0.remaining;
3801 J.then$1$2$onError$x(future, new A.Future_wait_closure(_box_0, pos, _future, cleanUp, eagerError, error, stackTrace, $T), handleError, t2);
3802 ++_box_0.remaining;
3803 }
3804 t1 = _box_0.remaining;
3805 if (t1 === 0) {
3806 t1 = _future;
3807 t1._completeWithValue$1(A._setArrayType([], $T._eval$1("JSArray<0>")));
3808 return t1;
3809 }
3810 _box_0.values = A.List_List$filled(t1, null, false, $T._eval$1("0?"));
3811 } catch (exception) {
3812 e = A.unwrapException(exception);
3813 st = A.getTraceFromException(exception);
3814 if (_box_0.remaining === 0 || eagerError)
3815 return A.Future_Future$error(e, st, $T._eval$1("List<0>"));
3816 else {
3817 error._value = e;
3818 stackTrace._value = st;
3819 }
3820 }
3821 return _future;
3822 },
3823 _Future$zoneValue(value, _zone, $T) {
3824 var t1 = new A._Future(_zone, $T._eval$1("_Future<0>"));
3825 t1._state = 8;
3826 t1._resultOrListeners = value;
3827 return t1;
3828 },
3829 _Future__chainCoreFuture(source, target) {
3830 var t1, listeners;
3831 for (; t1 = source._state, (t1 & 4) !== 0;)
3832 source = source._resultOrListeners;
3833 if ((t1 & 24) !== 0) {
3834 listeners = target._removeListeners$0();
3835 target._cloneResult$1(source);
3836 A._Future__propagateToListeners(target, listeners);
3837 } else {
3838 listeners = target._resultOrListeners;
3839 target._state = target._state & 1 | 4;
3840 target._resultOrListeners = source;
3841 source._prependListeners$1(listeners);
3842 }
3843 },
3844 _Future__propagateToListeners(source, listeners) {
3845 var t2, _box_0, t3, t4, hasError, nextListener, nextListener0, sourceResult, t5, zone, oldZone, result, current, _box_1 = {},
3846 t1 = _box_1.source = source;
3847 for (t2 = type$.Future_dynamic; true;) {
3848 _box_0 = {};
3849 t3 = t1._state;
3850 t4 = (t3 & 16) === 0;
3851 hasError = !t4;
3852 if (listeners == null) {
3853 if (hasError && (t3 & 1) === 0) {
3854 t2 = t1._resultOrListeners;
3855 t1._zone.handleUncaughtError$2(t2.error, t2.stackTrace);
3856 }
3857 return;
3858 }
3859 _box_0.listener = listeners;
3860 nextListener = listeners._nextListener;
3861 for (t1 = listeners; nextListener != null; t1 = nextListener, nextListener = nextListener0) {
3862 t1._nextListener = null;
3863 A._Future__propagateToListeners(_box_1.source, t1);
3864 _box_0.listener = nextListener;
3865 nextListener0 = nextListener._nextListener;
3866 }
3867 t3 = _box_1.source;
3868 sourceResult = t3._resultOrListeners;
3869 _box_0.listenerHasError = hasError;
3870 _box_0.listenerValueOrError = sourceResult;
3871 if (t4) {
3872 t5 = t1.state;
3873 t5 = (t5 & 1) !== 0 || (t5 & 15) === 8;
3874 } else
3875 t5 = true;
3876 if (t5) {
3877 zone = t1.result._zone;
3878 if (hasError) {
3879 t1 = t3._zone;
3880 t1 = !(t1 === zone || t1.get$errorZone() === zone.get$errorZone());
3881 } else
3882 t1 = false;
3883 if (t1) {
3884 t1 = _box_1.source;
3885 t2 = t1._resultOrListeners;
3886 t1._zone.handleUncaughtError$2(t2.error, t2.stackTrace);
3887 return;
3888 }
3889 oldZone = $.Zone__current;
3890 if (oldZone !== zone)
3891 $.Zone__current = zone;
3892 else
3893 oldZone = null;
3894 t1 = _box_0.listener.state;
3895 if ((t1 & 15) === 8)
3896 new A._Future__propagateToListeners_handleWhenCompleteCallback(_box_0, _box_1, hasError).call$0();
3897 else if (t4) {
3898 if ((t1 & 1) !== 0)
3899 new A._Future__propagateToListeners_handleValueCallback(_box_0, sourceResult).call$0();
3900 } else if ((t1 & 2) !== 0)
3901 new A._Future__propagateToListeners_handleError(_box_1, _box_0).call$0();
3902 if (oldZone != null)
3903 $.Zone__current = oldZone;
3904 t1 = _box_0.listenerValueOrError;
3905 if (t2._is(t1)) {
3906 t3 = _box_0.listener.$ti;
3907 t3 = t3._eval$1("Future<2>")._is(t1) || !t3._rest[1]._is(t1);
3908 } else
3909 t3 = false;
3910 if (t3) {
3911 result = _box_0.listener.result;
3912 if ((t1._state & 24) !== 0) {
3913 current = result._resultOrListeners;
3914 result._resultOrListeners = null;
3915 listeners = result._reverseListeners$1(current);
3916 result._state = t1._state & 30 | result._state & 1;
3917 result._resultOrListeners = t1._resultOrListeners;
3918 _box_1.source = t1;
3919 continue;
3920 } else
3921 A._Future__chainCoreFuture(t1, result);
3922 return;
3923 }
3924 }
3925 result = _box_0.listener.result;
3926 current = result._resultOrListeners;
3927 result._resultOrListeners = null;
3928 listeners = result._reverseListeners$1(current);
3929 t1 = _box_0.listenerHasError;
3930 t3 = _box_0.listenerValueOrError;
3931 if (!t1) {
3932 result._state = 8;
3933 result._resultOrListeners = t3;
3934 } else {
3935 result._state = result._state & 1 | 16;
3936 result._resultOrListeners = t3;
3937 }
3938 _box_1.source = result;
3939 t1 = result;
3940 }
3941 },
3942 _registerErrorHandler(errorHandler, zone) {
3943 if (type$.dynamic_Function_Object_StackTrace._is(errorHandler))
3944 return zone.registerBinaryCallback$3$1(errorHandler, type$.dynamic, type$.Object, type$.StackTrace);
3945 if (type$.dynamic_Function_Object._is(errorHandler))
3946 return zone.registerUnaryCallback$2$1(errorHandler, type$.dynamic, type$.Object);
3947 throw A.wrapException(A.ArgumentError$value(errorHandler, "onError", string$.Error_));
3948 },
3949 _microtaskLoop() {
3950 var entry, next;
3951 for (entry = $._nextCallback; entry != null; entry = $._nextCallback) {
3952 $._lastPriorityCallback = null;
3953 next = entry.next;
3954 $._nextCallback = next;
3955 if (next == null)
3956 $._lastCallback = null;
3957 entry.callback.call$0();
3958 }
3959 },
3960 _startMicrotaskLoop() {
3961 $._isInCallbackLoop = true;
3962 try {
3963 A._microtaskLoop();
3964 } finally {
3965 $._lastPriorityCallback = null;
3966 $._isInCallbackLoop = false;
3967 if ($._nextCallback != null)
3968 $.$get$_AsyncRun__scheduleImmediateClosure().call$1(A.async___startMicrotaskLoop$closure());
3969 }
3970 },
3971 _scheduleAsyncCallback(callback) {
3972 var newEntry = new A._AsyncCallbackEntry(callback),
3973 lastCallback = $._lastCallback;
3974 if (lastCallback == null) {
3975 $._nextCallback = $._lastCallback = newEntry;
3976 if (!$._isInCallbackLoop)
3977 $.$get$_AsyncRun__scheduleImmediateClosure().call$1(A.async___startMicrotaskLoop$closure());
3978 } else
3979 $._lastCallback = lastCallback.next = newEntry;
3980 },
3981 _schedulePriorityAsyncCallback(callback) {
3982 var entry, lastPriorityCallback, next,
3983 t1 = $._nextCallback;
3984 if (t1 == null) {
3985 A._scheduleAsyncCallback(callback);
3986 $._lastPriorityCallback = $._lastCallback;
3987 return;
3988 }
3989 entry = new A._AsyncCallbackEntry(callback);
3990 lastPriorityCallback = $._lastPriorityCallback;
3991 if (lastPriorityCallback == null) {
3992 entry.next = t1;
3993 $._nextCallback = $._lastPriorityCallback = entry;
3994 } else {
3995 next = lastPriorityCallback.next;
3996 entry.next = next;
3997 $._lastPriorityCallback = lastPriorityCallback.next = entry;
3998 if (next == null)
3999 $._lastCallback = entry;
4000 }
4001 },
4002 scheduleMicrotask(callback) {
4003 var t1, _null = null,
4004 currentZone = $.Zone__current;
4005 if (B.C__RootZone === currentZone) {
4006 A._rootScheduleMicrotask(_null, _null, B.C__RootZone, callback);
4007 return;
4008 }
4009 if (B.C__RootZone === currentZone.get$_scheduleMicrotask().zone)
4010 t1 = B.C__RootZone.get$errorZone() === currentZone.get$errorZone();
4011 else
4012 t1 = false;
4013 if (t1) {
4014 A._rootScheduleMicrotask(_null, _null, currentZone, currentZone.registerCallback$1$1(callback, type$.void));
4015 return;
4016 }
4017 t1 = $.Zone__current;
4018 t1.scheduleMicrotask$1(t1.bindCallbackGuarded$1(callback));
4019 },
4020 Stream_Stream$fromFuture(future, $T) {
4021 var _null = null,
4022 t1 = $T._eval$1("_SyncStreamController<0>"),
4023 controller = new A._SyncStreamController(_null, _null, _null, _null, t1);
4024 future.then$1$2$onError(0, new A.Stream_Stream$fromFuture_closure(controller, $T), new A.Stream_Stream$fromFuture_closure0(controller), type$.Null);
4025 return new A._ControllerStream(controller, t1._eval$1("_ControllerStream<1>"));
4026 },
4027 StreamIterator_StreamIterator(stream) {
4028 return new A._StreamIterator(A.checkNotNullable(stream, "stream", type$.Object));
4029 },
4030 StreamController_StreamController(onCancel, onListen, onPause, onResume, sync, $T) {
4031 return sync ? new A._SyncStreamController(onListen, onPause, onResume, onCancel, $T._eval$1("_SyncStreamController<0>")) : new A._AsyncStreamController(onListen, onPause, onResume, onCancel, $T._eval$1("_AsyncStreamController<0>"));
4032 },
4033 _runGuarded(notificationHandler) {
4034 var e, s, exception;
4035 if (notificationHandler == null)
4036 return;
4037 try {
4038 notificationHandler.call$0();
4039 } catch (exception) {
4040 e = A.unwrapException(exception);
4041 s = A.getTraceFromException(exception);
4042 $.Zone__current.handleUncaughtError$2(e, s);
4043 }
4044 },
4045 _ControllerSubscription$(_controller, onData, onError, onDone, cancelOnError, $T) {
4046 var t1 = $.Zone__current,
4047 t2 = cancelOnError ? 1 : 0,
4048 t3 = A._BufferingStreamSubscription__registerDataHandler(t1, onData, $T),
4049 t4 = A._BufferingStreamSubscription__registerErrorHandler(t1, onError),
4050 t5 = onDone == null ? A.async___nullDoneHandler$closure() : onDone;
4051 return new A._ControllerSubscription(_controller, t3, t4, t1.registerCallback$1$1(t5, type$.void), t1, t2, $T._eval$1("_ControllerSubscription<0>"));
4052 },
4053 _BufferingStreamSubscription__registerDataHandler(zone, handleData, $T) {
4054 var t1 = handleData == null ? A.async___nullDataHandler$closure() : handleData;
4055 return zone.registerUnaryCallback$2$1(t1, type$.void, $T);
4056 },
4057 _BufferingStreamSubscription__registerErrorHandler(zone, handleError) {
4058 if (handleError == null)
4059 handleError = A.async___nullErrorHandler$closure();
4060 if (type$.void_Function_Object_StackTrace._is(handleError))
4061 return zone.registerBinaryCallback$3$1(handleError, type$.dynamic, type$.Object, type$.StackTrace);
4062 if (type$.void_Function_Object._is(handleError))
4063 return zone.registerUnaryCallback$2$1(handleError, type$.dynamic, type$.Object);
4064 throw A.wrapException(A.ArgumentError$("handleError callback must take either an Object (the error), or both an Object (the error) and a StackTrace.", null));
4065 },
4066 _nullDataHandler(value) {
4067 },
4068 _nullErrorHandler(error, stackTrace) {
4069 $.Zone__current.handleUncaughtError$2(error, stackTrace);
4070 },
4071 _nullDoneHandler() {
4072 },
4073 Timer_Timer(duration, callback) {
4074 var t1 = $.Zone__current;
4075 if (t1 === B.C__RootZone)
4076 return t1.createTimer$2(duration, callback);
4077 return t1.createTimer$2(duration, t1.bindCallbackGuarded$1(callback));
4078 },
4079 _rootHandleUncaughtError($self, $parent, zone, error, stackTrace) {
4080 A._rootHandleError(error, stackTrace);
4081 },
4082 _rootHandleError(error, stackTrace) {
4083 A._schedulePriorityAsyncCallback(new A._rootHandleError_closure(error, stackTrace));
4084 },
4085 _rootRun($self, $parent, zone, f) {
4086 var old,
4087 t1 = $.Zone__current;
4088 if (t1 === zone)
4089 return f.call$0();
4090 $.Zone__current = zone;
4091 old = t1;
4092 try {
4093 t1 = f.call$0();
4094 return t1;
4095 } finally {
4096 $.Zone__current = old;
4097 }
4098 },
4099 _rootRunUnary($self, $parent, zone, f, arg) {
4100 var old,
4101 t1 = $.Zone__current;
4102 if (t1 === zone)
4103 return f.call$1(arg);
4104 $.Zone__current = zone;
4105 old = t1;
4106 try {
4107 t1 = f.call$1(arg);
4108 return t1;
4109 } finally {
4110 $.Zone__current = old;
4111 }
4112 },
4113 _rootRunBinary($self, $parent, zone, f, arg1, arg2) {
4114 var old,
4115 t1 = $.Zone__current;
4116 if (t1 === zone)
4117 return f.call$2(arg1, arg2);
4118 $.Zone__current = zone;
4119 old = t1;
4120 try {
4121 t1 = f.call$2(arg1, arg2);
4122 return t1;
4123 } finally {
4124 $.Zone__current = old;
4125 }
4126 },
4127 _rootRegisterCallback($self, $parent, zone, f) {
4128 return f;
4129 },
4130 _rootRegisterUnaryCallback($self, $parent, zone, f) {
4131 return f;
4132 },
4133 _rootRegisterBinaryCallback($self, $parent, zone, f) {
4134 return f;
4135 },
4136 _rootErrorCallback($self, $parent, zone, error, stackTrace) {
4137 return null;
4138 },
4139 _rootScheduleMicrotask($self, $parent, zone, f) {
4140 var t1, t2;
4141 if (B.C__RootZone !== zone) {
4142 t1 = B.C__RootZone.get$errorZone();
4143 t2 = zone.get$errorZone();
4144 f = t1 !== t2 ? zone.bindCallbackGuarded$1(f) : zone.bindCallback$1$1(f, type$.void);
4145 }
4146 A._scheduleAsyncCallback(f);
4147 },
4148 _rootCreateTimer($self, $parent, zone, duration, callback) {
4149 return A.Timer__createTimer(duration, B.C__RootZone !== zone ? zone.bindCallback$1$1(callback, type$.void) : callback);
4150 },
4151 _rootCreatePeriodicTimer($self, $parent, zone, duration, callback) {
4152 var milliseconds;
4153 if (B.C__RootZone !== zone)
4154 callback = zone.bindUnaryCallback$2$1(callback, type$.void, type$.Timer);
4155 milliseconds = B.JSInt_methods._tdivFast$1(duration._duration, 1000);
4156 return A._TimerImpl$periodic(milliseconds < 0 ? 0 : milliseconds, callback);
4157 },
4158 _rootPrint($self, $parent, zone, line) {
4159 A.printString(line);
4160 },
4161 _printToZone(line) {
4162 $.Zone__current.print$1(line);
4163 },
4164 _rootFork($self, $parent, zone, specification, zoneValues) {
4165 var valueMap, t1, handleUncaughtError;
4166 $.printToZone = A.async___printToZone$closure();
4167 if (specification == null)
4168 specification = B._ZoneSpecification_ALf;
4169 if (zoneValues == null)
4170 valueMap = zone.get$_async$_map();
4171 else {
4172 t1 = type$.nullable_Object;
4173 valueMap = A.HashMap_HashMap$from(zoneValues, t1, t1);
4174 }
4175 t1 = new A._CustomZone(zone.get$_run(), zone.get$_runUnary(), zone.get$_runBinary(), zone.get$_registerCallback(), zone.get$_registerUnaryCallback(), zone.get$_registerBinaryCallback(), zone.get$_errorCallback(), zone.get$_scheduleMicrotask(), zone.get$_createTimer(), zone.get$_createPeriodicTimer(), zone.get$_print(), zone.get$_fork(), zone.get$_handleUncaughtError(), zone, valueMap);
4176 handleUncaughtError = specification.handleUncaughtError;
4177 if (handleUncaughtError != null)
4178 t1._handleUncaughtError = new A._ZoneFunction(t1, handleUncaughtError);
4179 return t1;
4180 },
4181 runZoned(body, zoneValues, $R) {
4182 A.checkNotNullable(body, "body", $R._eval$1("0()"));
4183 return A._runZoned(body, zoneValues, null, $R);
4184 },
4185 _runZoned(body, zoneValues, specification, $R) {
4186 return $.Zone__current.fork$2$specification$zoneValues(specification, zoneValues).run$1$1(0, body, $R);
4187 },
4188 _AsyncRun__initializeScheduleImmediate_internalCallback: function _AsyncRun__initializeScheduleImmediate_internalCallback(t0) {
4189 this._box_0 = t0;
4190 },
4191 _AsyncRun__initializeScheduleImmediate_closure: function _AsyncRun__initializeScheduleImmediate_closure(t0, t1, t2) {
4192 this._box_0 = t0;
4193 this.div = t1;
4194 this.span = t2;
4195 },
4196 _AsyncRun__scheduleImmediateJsOverride_internalCallback: function _AsyncRun__scheduleImmediateJsOverride_internalCallback(t0) {
4197 this.callback = t0;
4198 },
4199 _AsyncRun__scheduleImmediateWithSetImmediate_internalCallback: function _AsyncRun__scheduleImmediateWithSetImmediate_internalCallback(t0) {
4200 this.callback = t0;
4201 },
4202 _TimerImpl: function _TimerImpl(t0) {
4203 this._once = t0;
4204 this._handle = null;
4205 this._tick = 0;
4206 },
4207 _TimerImpl_internalCallback: function _TimerImpl_internalCallback(t0, t1) {
4208 this.$this = t0;
4209 this.callback = t1;
4210 },
4211 _TimerImpl$periodic_closure: function _TimerImpl$periodic_closure(t0, t1, t2, t3) {
4212 var _ = this;
4213 _.$this = t0;
4214 _.milliseconds = t1;
4215 _.start = t2;
4216 _.callback = t3;
4217 },
4218 _AsyncAwaitCompleter: function _AsyncAwaitCompleter(t0, t1) {
4219 this._future = t0;
4220 this.isSync = false;
4221 this.$ti = t1;
4222 },
4223 _awaitOnObject_closure: function _awaitOnObject_closure(t0) {
4224 this.bodyFunction = t0;
4225 },
4226 _awaitOnObject_closure0: function _awaitOnObject_closure0(t0) {
4227 this.bodyFunction = t0;
4228 },
4229 _wrapJsFunctionForAsync_closure: function _wrapJsFunctionForAsync_closure(t0) {
4230 this.$protected = t0;
4231 },
4232 _IterationMarker: function _IterationMarker(t0, t1) {
4233 this.value = t0;
4234 this.state = t1;
4235 },
4236 _SyncStarIterator: function _SyncStarIterator(t0) {
4237 var _ = this;
4238 _._body = t0;
4239 _._suspendedBodies = _._nestedIterator = _._async$_current = null;
4240 },
4241 _SyncStarIterable: function _SyncStarIterable(t0, t1) {
4242 this._outerHelper = t0;
4243 this.$ti = t1;
4244 },
4245 AsyncError: function AsyncError(t0, t1) {
4246 this.error = t0;
4247 this.stackTrace = t1;
4248 },
4249 Future_wait_handleError: function Future_wait_handleError(t0, t1, t2, t3, t4, t5) {
4250 var _ = this;
4251 _._box_0 = t0;
4252 _.cleanUp = t1;
4253 _.eagerError = t2;
4254 _._future = t3;
4255 _.error = t4;
4256 _.stackTrace = t5;
4257 },
4258 Future_wait_closure: function Future_wait_closure(t0, t1, t2, t3, t4, t5, t6, t7) {
4259 var _ = this;
4260 _._box_0 = t0;
4261 _.pos = t1;
4262 _._future = t2;
4263 _.cleanUp = t3;
4264 _.eagerError = t4;
4265 _.error = t5;
4266 _.stackTrace = t6;
4267 _.T = t7;
4268 },
4269 _Completer: function _Completer() {
4270 },
4271 _AsyncCompleter: function _AsyncCompleter(t0, t1) {
4272 this.future = t0;
4273 this.$ti = t1;
4274 },
4275 _SyncCompleter: function _SyncCompleter(t0, t1) {
4276 this.future = t0;
4277 this.$ti = t1;
4278 },
4279 _FutureListener: function _FutureListener(t0, t1, t2, t3, t4) {
4280 var _ = this;
4281 _._nextListener = null;
4282 _.result = t0;
4283 _.state = t1;
4284 _.callback = t2;
4285 _.errorCallback = t3;
4286 _.$ti = t4;
4287 },
4288 _Future: function _Future(t0, t1) {
4289 var _ = this;
4290 _._state = 0;
4291 _._zone = t0;
4292 _._resultOrListeners = null;
4293 _.$ti = t1;
4294 },
4295 _Future__addListener_closure: function _Future__addListener_closure(t0, t1) {
4296 this.$this = t0;
4297 this.listener = t1;
4298 },
4299 _Future__prependListeners_closure: function _Future__prependListeners_closure(t0, t1) {
4300 this._box_0 = t0;
4301 this.$this = t1;
4302 },
4303 _Future__chainForeignFuture_closure: function _Future__chainForeignFuture_closure(t0) {
4304 this.$this = t0;
4305 },
4306 _Future__chainForeignFuture_closure0: function _Future__chainForeignFuture_closure0(t0) {
4307 this.$this = t0;
4308 },
4309 _Future__chainForeignFuture_closure1: function _Future__chainForeignFuture_closure1(t0, t1, t2) {
4310 this.$this = t0;
4311 this.e = t1;
4312 this.s = t2;
4313 },
4314 _Future__asyncCompleteWithValue_closure: function _Future__asyncCompleteWithValue_closure(t0, t1) {
4315 this.$this = t0;
4316 this.value = t1;
4317 },
4318 _Future__chainFuture_closure: function _Future__chainFuture_closure(t0, t1) {
4319 this.$this = t0;
4320 this.value = t1;
4321 },
4322 _Future__asyncCompleteError_closure: function _Future__asyncCompleteError_closure(t0, t1, t2) {
4323 this.$this = t0;
4324 this.error = t1;
4325 this.stackTrace = t2;
4326 },
4327 _Future__propagateToListeners_handleWhenCompleteCallback: function _Future__propagateToListeners_handleWhenCompleteCallback(t0, t1, t2) {
4328 this._box_0 = t0;
4329 this._box_1 = t1;
4330 this.hasError = t2;
4331 },
4332 _Future__propagateToListeners_handleWhenCompleteCallback_closure: function _Future__propagateToListeners_handleWhenCompleteCallback_closure(t0) {
4333 this.originalSource = t0;
4334 },
4335 _Future__propagateToListeners_handleValueCallback: function _Future__propagateToListeners_handleValueCallback(t0, t1) {
4336 this._box_0 = t0;
4337 this.sourceResult = t1;
4338 },
4339 _Future__propagateToListeners_handleError: function _Future__propagateToListeners_handleError(t0, t1) {
4340 this._box_1 = t0;
4341 this._box_0 = t1;
4342 },
4343 _AsyncCallbackEntry: function _AsyncCallbackEntry(t0) {
4344 this.callback = t0;
4345 this.next = null;
4346 },
4347 Stream: function Stream() {
4348 },
4349 Stream_Stream$fromFuture_closure: function Stream_Stream$fromFuture_closure(t0, t1) {
4350 this.controller = t0;
4351 this.T = t1;
4352 },
4353 Stream_Stream$fromFuture_closure0: function Stream_Stream$fromFuture_closure0(t0) {
4354 this.controller = t0;
4355 },
4356 Stream_length_closure: function Stream_length_closure(t0, t1) {
4357 this._box_0 = t0;
4358 this.$this = t1;
4359 },
4360 Stream_length_closure0: function Stream_length_closure0(t0, t1) {
4361 this._box_0 = t0;
4362 this.future = t1;
4363 },
4364 StreamTransformerBase: function StreamTransformerBase() {
4365 },
4366 _StreamController: function _StreamController() {
4367 },
4368 _StreamController__subscribe_closure: function _StreamController__subscribe_closure(t0) {
4369 this.$this = t0;
4370 },
4371 _StreamController__recordCancel_complete: function _StreamController__recordCancel_complete(t0) {
4372 this.$this = t0;
4373 },
4374 _SyncStreamControllerDispatch: function _SyncStreamControllerDispatch() {
4375 },
4376 _AsyncStreamControllerDispatch: function _AsyncStreamControllerDispatch() {
4377 },
4378 _AsyncStreamController: function _AsyncStreamController(t0, t1, t2, t3, t4) {
4379 var _ = this;
4380 _._varData = null;
4381 _._state = 0;
4382 _._doneFuture = null;
4383 _.onListen = t0;
4384 _.onPause = t1;
4385 _.onResume = t2;
4386 _.onCancel = t3;
4387 _.$ti = t4;
4388 },
4389 _SyncStreamController: function _SyncStreamController(t0, t1, t2, t3, t4) {
4390 var _ = this;
4391 _._varData = null;
4392 _._state = 0;
4393 _._doneFuture = null;
4394 _.onListen = t0;
4395 _.onPause = t1;
4396 _.onResume = t2;
4397 _.onCancel = t3;
4398 _.$ti = t4;
4399 },
4400 _ControllerStream: function _ControllerStream(t0, t1) {
4401 this._controller = t0;
4402 this.$ti = t1;
4403 },
4404 _ControllerSubscription: function _ControllerSubscription(t0, t1, t2, t3, t4, t5, t6) {
4405 var _ = this;
4406 _._controller = t0;
4407 _._onData = t1;
4408 _._onError = t2;
4409 _._onDone = t3;
4410 _._zone = t4;
4411 _._state = t5;
4412 _._pending = _._cancelFuture = null;
4413 _.$ti = t6;
4414 },
4415 _AddStreamState: function _AddStreamState() {
4416 },
4417 _AddStreamState_cancel_closure: function _AddStreamState_cancel_closure(t0) {
4418 this.$this = t0;
4419 },
4420 _StreamControllerAddStreamState: function _StreamControllerAddStreamState(t0, t1, t2) {
4421 this.varData = t0;
4422 this.addStreamFuture = t1;
4423 this.addSubscription = t2;
4424 },
4425 _BufferingStreamSubscription: function _BufferingStreamSubscription() {
4426 },
4427 _BufferingStreamSubscription__sendError_sendError: function _BufferingStreamSubscription__sendError_sendError(t0, t1, t2) {
4428 this.$this = t0;
4429 this.error = t1;
4430 this.stackTrace = t2;
4431 },
4432 _BufferingStreamSubscription__sendDone_sendDone: function _BufferingStreamSubscription__sendDone_sendDone(t0) {
4433 this.$this = t0;
4434 },
4435 _StreamImpl: function _StreamImpl() {
4436 },
4437 _DelayedEvent: function _DelayedEvent() {
4438 },
4439 _DelayedData: function _DelayedData(t0) {
4440 this.value = t0;
4441 this.next = null;
4442 },
4443 _DelayedError: function _DelayedError(t0, t1) {
4444 this.error = t0;
4445 this.stackTrace = t1;
4446 this.next = null;
4447 },
4448 _DelayedDone: function _DelayedDone() {
4449 },
4450 _PendingEvents: function _PendingEvents() {
4451 },
4452 _PendingEvents_schedule_closure: function _PendingEvents_schedule_closure(t0, t1) {
4453 this.$this = t0;
4454 this.dispatch = t1;
4455 },
4456 _StreamImplEvents: function _StreamImplEvents() {
4457 this.lastPendingEvent = this.firstPendingEvent = null;
4458 this._state = 0;
4459 },
4460 _StreamIterator: function _StreamIterator(t0) {
4461 this._subscription = null;
4462 this._stateData = t0;
4463 this._async$_hasValue = false;
4464 },
4465 _ForwardingStream: function _ForwardingStream() {
4466 },
4467 _ForwardingStreamSubscription: function _ForwardingStreamSubscription(t0, t1, t2, t3, t4, t5, t6) {
4468 var _ = this;
4469 _._stream = t0;
4470 _._subscription = null;
4471 _._onData = t1;
4472 _._onError = t2;
4473 _._onDone = t3;
4474 _._zone = t4;
4475 _._state = t5;
4476 _._pending = _._cancelFuture = null;
4477 _.$ti = t6;
4478 },
4479 _ExpandStream: function _ExpandStream(t0, t1, t2) {
4480 this._expand = t0;
4481 this._async$_source = t1;
4482 this.$ti = t2;
4483 },
4484 _ZoneFunction: function _ZoneFunction(t0, t1) {
4485 this.zone = t0;
4486 this.$function = t1;
4487 },
4488 _RunNullaryZoneFunction: function _RunNullaryZoneFunction(t0, t1) {
4489 this.zone = t0;
4490 this.$function = t1;
4491 },
4492 _RunUnaryZoneFunction: function _RunUnaryZoneFunction(t0, t1) {
4493 this.zone = t0;
4494 this.$function = t1;
4495 },
4496 _RunBinaryZoneFunction: function _RunBinaryZoneFunction(t0, t1) {
4497 this.zone = t0;
4498 this.$function = t1;
4499 },
4500 _RegisterNullaryZoneFunction: function _RegisterNullaryZoneFunction(t0, t1) {
4501 this.zone = t0;
4502 this.$function = t1;
4503 },
4504 _RegisterUnaryZoneFunction: function _RegisterUnaryZoneFunction(t0, t1) {
4505 this.zone = t0;
4506 this.$function = t1;
4507 },
4508 _RegisterBinaryZoneFunction: function _RegisterBinaryZoneFunction(t0, t1) {
4509 this.zone = t0;
4510 this.$function = t1;
4511 },
4512 _ZoneSpecification: function _ZoneSpecification(t0, t1, t2, t3, t4, t5, t6, t7, t8, t9, t10, t11, t12) {
4513 var _ = this;
4514 _.handleUncaughtError = t0;
4515 _.run = t1;
4516 _.runUnary = t2;
4517 _.runBinary = t3;
4518 _.registerCallback = t4;
4519 _.registerUnaryCallback = t5;
4520 _.registerBinaryCallback = t6;
4521 _.errorCallback = t7;
4522 _.scheduleMicrotask = t8;
4523 _.createTimer = t9;
4524 _.createPeriodicTimer = t10;
4525 _.print = t11;
4526 _.fork = t12;
4527 },
4528 _ZoneDelegate: function _ZoneDelegate(t0) {
4529 this._delegationTarget = t0;
4530 },
4531 _Zone: function _Zone() {
4532 },
4533 _CustomZone: function _CustomZone(t0, t1, t2, t3, t4, t5, t6, t7, t8, t9, t10, t11, t12, t13, t14) {
4534 var _ = this;
4535 _._run = t0;
4536 _._runUnary = t1;
4537 _._runBinary = t2;
4538 _._registerCallback = t3;
4539 _._registerUnaryCallback = t4;
4540 _._registerBinaryCallback = t5;
4541 _._errorCallback = t6;
4542 _._scheduleMicrotask = t7;
4543 _._createTimer = t8;
4544 _._createPeriodicTimer = t9;
4545 _._print = t10;
4546 _._fork = t11;
4547 _._handleUncaughtError = t12;
4548 _._delegateCache = null;
4549 _.parent = t13;
4550 _._async$_map = t14;
4551 },
4552 _CustomZone_bindCallback_closure: function _CustomZone_bindCallback_closure(t0, t1, t2) {
4553 this.$this = t0;
4554 this.registered = t1;
4555 this.R = t2;
4556 },
4557 _CustomZone_bindUnaryCallback_closure: function _CustomZone_bindUnaryCallback_closure(t0, t1, t2, t3) {
4558 var _ = this;
4559 _.$this = t0;
4560 _.registered = t1;
4561 _.T = t2;
4562 _.R = t3;
4563 },
4564 _CustomZone_bindCallbackGuarded_closure: function _CustomZone_bindCallbackGuarded_closure(t0, t1) {
4565 this.$this = t0;
4566 this.registered = t1;
4567 },
4568 _rootHandleError_closure: function _rootHandleError_closure(t0, t1) {
4569 this.error = t0;
4570 this.stackTrace = t1;
4571 },
4572 _RootZone: function _RootZone() {
4573 },
4574 _RootZone_bindCallback_closure: function _RootZone_bindCallback_closure(t0, t1, t2) {
4575 this.$this = t0;
4576 this.f = t1;
4577 this.R = t2;
4578 },
4579 _RootZone_bindUnaryCallback_closure: function _RootZone_bindUnaryCallback_closure(t0, t1, t2, t3) {
4580 var _ = this;
4581 _.$this = t0;
4582 _.f = t1;
4583 _.T = t2;
4584 _.R = t3;
4585 },
4586 _RootZone_bindCallbackGuarded_closure: function _RootZone_bindCallbackGuarded_closure(t0, t1) {
4587 this.$this = t0;
4588 this.f = t1;
4589 },
4590 HashMap_HashMap($K, $V) {
4591 return new A._HashMap($K._eval$1("@<0>")._bind$1($V)._eval$1("_HashMap<1,2>"));
4592 },
4593 _HashMap__getTableEntry(table, key) {
4594 var entry = table[key];
4595 return entry === table ? null : entry;
4596 },
4597 _HashMap__setTableEntry(table, key, value) {
4598 if (value == null)
4599 table[key] = table;
4600 else
4601 table[key] = value;
4602 },
4603 _HashMap__newHashTable() {
4604 var table = Object.create(null);
4605 A._HashMap__setTableEntry(table, "<non-identifier-key>", table);
4606 delete table["<non-identifier-key>"];
4607 return table;
4608 },
4609 LinkedHashMap_LinkedHashMap(equals, hashCode, isValidKey, $K, $V) {
4610 if (isValidKey == null)
4611 if (hashCode == null) {
4612 if (equals == null)
4613 return new A.JsLinkedHashMap($K._eval$1("@<0>")._bind$1($V)._eval$1("JsLinkedHashMap<1,2>"));
4614 hashCode = A.collection___defaultHashCode$closure();
4615 } else {
4616 if (A.core__identityHashCode$closure() === hashCode && A.core__identical$closure() === equals)
4617 return A._LinkedIdentityHashMap__LinkedIdentityHashMap$es6($K, $V);
4618 if (equals == null)
4619 equals = A.collection___defaultEquals$closure();
4620 }
4621 else {
4622 if (hashCode == null)
4623 hashCode = A.collection___defaultHashCode$closure();
4624 if (equals == null)
4625 equals = A.collection___defaultEquals$closure();
4626 }
4627 return A._LinkedCustomHashMap$(equals, hashCode, isValidKey, $K, $V);
4628 },
4629 LinkedHashMap_LinkedHashMap$_literal(keyValuePairs, $K, $V) {
4630 return A.fillLiteralMap(keyValuePairs, new A.JsLinkedHashMap($K._eval$1("@<0>")._bind$1($V)._eval$1("JsLinkedHashMap<1,2>")));
4631 },
4632 LinkedHashMap_LinkedHashMap$_empty($K, $V) {
4633 return new A.JsLinkedHashMap($K._eval$1("@<0>")._bind$1($V)._eval$1("JsLinkedHashMap<1,2>"));
4634 },
4635 _LinkedIdentityHashMap__LinkedIdentityHashMap$es6($K, $V) {
4636 return new A._LinkedIdentityHashMap($K._eval$1("@<0>")._bind$1($V)._eval$1("_LinkedIdentityHashMap<1,2>"));
4637 },
4638 _LinkedCustomHashMap$(_equals, _hashCode, validKey, $K, $V) {
4639 var t1 = validKey != null ? validKey : new A._LinkedCustomHashMap_closure($K);
4640 return new A._LinkedCustomHashMap(_equals, _hashCode, t1, $K._eval$1("@<0>")._bind$1($V)._eval$1("_LinkedCustomHashMap<1,2>"));
4641 },
4642 LinkedHashSet_LinkedHashSet($E) {
4643 return new A._LinkedHashSet($E._eval$1("_LinkedHashSet<0>"));
4644 },
4645 LinkedHashSet_LinkedHashSet$_empty($E) {
4646 return new A._LinkedHashSet($E._eval$1("_LinkedHashSet<0>"));
4647 },
4648 LinkedHashSet_LinkedHashSet$_literal(values, $E) {
4649 return A.fillLiteralSet(values, new A._LinkedHashSet($E._eval$1("_LinkedHashSet<0>")));
4650 },
4651 _LinkedHashSet__newHashTable() {
4652 var table = Object.create(null);
4653 table["<non-identifier-key>"] = table;
4654 delete table["<non-identifier-key>"];
4655 return table;
4656 },
4657 _LinkedHashSetIterator$(_set, _modifications) {
4658 var t1 = new A._LinkedHashSetIterator(_set, _modifications);
4659 t1._collection$_cell = _set._collection$_first;
4660 return t1;
4661 },
4662 UnmodifiableListView$(source, $E) {
4663 return new A.UnmodifiableListView(source, $E._eval$1("UnmodifiableListView<0>"));
4664 },
4665 _defaultEquals(a, b) {
4666 return J.$eq$(a, b);
4667 },
4668 _defaultHashCode(a) {
4669 return J.get$hashCode$(a);
4670 },
4671 HashMap_HashMap$from(other, $K, $V) {
4672 var result = A.HashMap_HashMap($K, $V);
4673 other.forEach$1(0, new A.HashMap_HashMap$from_closure(result, $K, $V));
4674 return result;
4675 },
4676 IterableBase_iterableToShortString(iterable, leftDelimiter, rightDelimiter) {
4677 var parts, t1;
4678 if (A._isToStringVisiting(iterable)) {
4679 if (leftDelimiter === "(" && rightDelimiter === ")")
4680 return "(...)";
4681 return leftDelimiter + "..." + rightDelimiter;
4682 }
4683 parts = A._setArrayType([], type$.JSArray_String);
4684 $._toStringVisiting.push(iterable);
4685 try {
4686 A._iterablePartsToStrings(iterable, parts);
4687 } finally {
4688 $._toStringVisiting.pop();
4689 }
4690 t1 = A.StringBuffer__writeAll(leftDelimiter, parts, ", ") + rightDelimiter;
4691 return t1.charCodeAt(0) == 0 ? t1 : t1;
4692 },
4693 IterableBase_iterableToFullString(iterable, leftDelimiter, rightDelimiter) {
4694 var buffer, t1;
4695 if (A._isToStringVisiting(iterable))
4696 return leftDelimiter + "..." + rightDelimiter;
4697 buffer = new A.StringBuffer(leftDelimiter);
4698 $._toStringVisiting.push(iterable);
4699 try {
4700 t1 = buffer;
4701 t1._contents = A.StringBuffer__writeAll(t1._contents, iterable, ", ");
4702 } finally {
4703 $._toStringVisiting.pop();
4704 }
4705 buffer._contents += rightDelimiter;
4706 t1 = buffer._contents;
4707 return t1.charCodeAt(0) == 0 ? t1 : t1;
4708 },
4709 _isToStringVisiting(o) {
4710 var t1, i;
4711 for (t1 = $._toStringVisiting.length, i = 0; i < t1; ++i)
4712 if (o === $._toStringVisiting[i])
4713 return true;
4714 return false;
4715 },
4716 _iterablePartsToStrings(iterable, parts) {
4717 var next, ultimateString, penultimateString, penultimate, ultimate, ultimate0, elision,
4718 it = iterable.get$iterator(iterable),
4719 $length = 0, count = 0;
4720 while (true) {
4721 if (!($length < 80 || count < 3))
4722 break;
4723 if (!it.moveNext$0())
4724 return;
4725 next = A.S(it.get$current(it));
4726 parts.push(next);
4727 $length += next.length + 2;
4728 ++count;
4729 }
4730 if (!it.moveNext$0()) {
4731 if (count <= 5)
4732 return;
4733 ultimateString = parts.pop();
4734 penultimateString = parts.pop();
4735 } else {
4736 penultimate = it.get$current(it);
4737 ++count;
4738 if (!it.moveNext$0()) {
4739 if (count <= 4) {
4740 parts.push(A.S(penultimate));
4741 return;
4742 }
4743 ultimateString = A.S(penultimate);
4744 penultimateString = parts.pop();
4745 $length += ultimateString.length + 2;
4746 } else {
4747 ultimate = it.get$current(it);
4748 ++count;
4749 for (; it.moveNext$0(); penultimate = ultimate, ultimate = ultimate0) {
4750 ultimate0 = it.get$current(it);
4751 ++count;
4752 if (count > 100) {
4753 while (true) {
4754 if (!($length > 75 && count > 3))
4755 break;
4756 $length -= parts.pop().length + 2;
4757 --count;
4758 }
4759 parts.push("...");
4760 return;
4761 }
4762 }
4763 penultimateString = A.S(penultimate);
4764 ultimateString = A.S(ultimate);
4765 $length += ultimateString.length + penultimateString.length + 4;
4766 }
4767 }
4768 if (count > parts.length + 2) {
4769 $length += 5;
4770 elision = "...";
4771 } else
4772 elision = null;
4773 while (true) {
4774 if (!($length > 80 && parts.length > 3))
4775 break;
4776 $length -= parts.pop().length + 2;
4777 if (elision == null) {
4778 $length += 5;
4779 elision = "...";
4780 }
4781 }
4782 if (elision != null)
4783 parts.push(elision);
4784 parts.push(penultimateString);
4785 parts.push(ultimateString);
4786 },
4787 LinkedHashMap_LinkedHashMap$from(other, $K, $V) {
4788 var result = A.LinkedHashMap_LinkedHashMap(null, null, null, $K, $V);
4789 other.forEach$1(0, new A.LinkedHashMap_LinkedHashMap$from_closure(result, $K, $V));
4790 return result;
4791 },
4792 LinkedHashMap_LinkedHashMap$of(other, $K, $V) {
4793 var t1 = A.LinkedHashMap_LinkedHashMap(null, null, null, $K, $V);
4794 t1.addAll$1(0, other);
4795 return t1;
4796 },
4797 LinkedHashSet_LinkedHashSet$from(elements, $E) {
4798 var t1, _i,
4799 result = A.LinkedHashSet_LinkedHashSet($E);
4800 for (t1 = elements.length, _i = 0; _i < elements.length; elements.length === t1 || (0, A.throwConcurrentModificationError)(elements), ++_i)
4801 result.add$1(0, $E._as(elements[_i]));
4802 return result;
4803 },
4804 LinkedHashSet_LinkedHashSet$of(elements, $E) {
4805 var t1 = A.LinkedHashSet_LinkedHashSet($E);
4806 t1.addAll$1(0, elements);
4807 return t1;
4808 },
4809 ListMixin__compareAny(a, b) {
4810 var t1 = type$.Comparable_dynamic;
4811 return J.compareTo$1$ns(t1._as(a), t1._as(b));
4812 },
4813 MapBase_mapToString(m) {
4814 var result, t1 = {};
4815 if (A._isToStringVisiting(m))
4816 return "{...}";
4817 result = new A.StringBuffer("");
4818 try {
4819 $._toStringVisiting.push(m);
4820 result._contents += "{";
4821 t1.first = true;
4822 m.forEach$1(0, new A.MapBase_mapToString_closure(t1, result));
4823 result._contents += "}";
4824 } finally {
4825 $._toStringVisiting.pop();
4826 }
4827 t1 = result._contents;
4828 return t1.charCodeAt(0) == 0 ? t1 : t1;
4829 },
4830 MapBase__fillMapWithIterables(map, keys, values) {
4831 var keyIterator = keys.get$iterator(keys),
4832 valueIterator = values.get$iterator(values),
4833 hasNextKey = keyIterator.moveNext$0(),
4834 hasNextValue = valueIterator.moveNext$0();
4835 while (true) {
4836 if (!(hasNextKey && hasNextValue))
4837 break;
4838 map.$indexSet(0, keyIterator.get$current(keyIterator), valueIterator.get$current(valueIterator));
4839 hasNextKey = keyIterator.moveNext$0();
4840 hasNextValue = valueIterator.moveNext$0();
4841 }
4842 if (hasNextKey || hasNextValue)
4843 throw A.wrapException(A.ArgumentError$("Iterables do not have same length.", null));
4844 },
4845 ListQueue$($E) {
4846 return new A.ListQueue(A.List_List$filled(A.ListQueue__calculateCapacity(null), null, false, $E._eval$1("0?")), $E._eval$1("ListQueue<0>"));
4847 },
4848 ListQueue__calculateCapacity(initialCapacity) {
4849 return 8;
4850 },
4851 ListQueue_ListQueue$of(elements, $E) {
4852 var t1 = A.ListQueue$($E);
4853 t1.addAll$1(0, elements);
4854 return t1;
4855 },
4856 ListQueue__nextPowerOf2(number) {
4857 var nextNumber;
4858 number = (number << 1 >>> 0) - 1;
4859 for (; true; number = nextNumber) {
4860 nextNumber = (number & number - 1) >>> 0;
4861 if (nextNumber === 0)
4862 return number;
4863 }
4864 },
4865 _ListQueueIterator$(queue) {
4866 return new A._ListQueueIterator(queue, queue._collection$_tail, queue._modificationCount, queue._collection$_head);
4867 },
4868 _UnmodifiableSetMixin__throwUnmodifiable() {
4869 throw A.wrapException(A.UnsupportedError$("Cannot change an unmodifiable set"));
4870 },
4871 _HashMap: function _HashMap(t0) {
4872 var _ = this;
4873 _._collection$_length = 0;
4874 _._keys = _._collection$_rest = _._collection$_nums = _._collection$_strings = null;
4875 _.$ti = t0;
4876 },
4877 _HashMap_values_closure: function _HashMap_values_closure(t0) {
4878 this.$this = t0;
4879 },
4880 _HashMap_addAll_closure: function _HashMap_addAll_closure(t0) {
4881 this.$this = t0;
4882 },
4883 _IdentityHashMap: function _IdentityHashMap(t0) {
4884 var _ = this;
4885 _._collection$_length = 0;
4886 _._keys = _._collection$_rest = _._collection$_nums = _._collection$_strings = null;
4887 _.$ti = t0;
4888 },
4889 _HashMapKeyIterable: function _HashMapKeyIterable(t0, t1) {
4890 this._map = t0;
4891 this.$ti = t1;
4892 },
4893 _HashMapKeyIterator: function _HashMapKeyIterator(t0, t1) {
4894 var _ = this;
4895 _._map = t0;
4896 _._keys = t1;
4897 _._offset = 0;
4898 _._collection$_current = null;
4899 },
4900 _LinkedIdentityHashMap: function _LinkedIdentityHashMap(t0) {
4901 var _ = this;
4902 _.__js_helper$_length = 0;
4903 _._last = _._first = _.__js_helper$_rest = _._nums = _._strings = null;
4904 _._modifications = 0;
4905 _.$ti = t0;
4906 },
4907 _LinkedCustomHashMap: function _LinkedCustomHashMap(t0, t1, t2, t3) {
4908 var _ = this;
4909 _._equals = t0;
4910 _._hashCode = t1;
4911 _._validKey = t2;
4912 _.__js_helper$_length = 0;
4913 _._last = _._first = _.__js_helper$_rest = _._nums = _._strings = null;
4914 _._modifications = 0;
4915 _.$ti = t3;
4916 },
4917 _LinkedCustomHashMap_closure: function _LinkedCustomHashMap_closure(t0) {
4918 this.K = t0;
4919 },
4920 _LinkedHashSet: function _LinkedHashSet(t0) {
4921 var _ = this;
4922 _._collection$_length = 0;
4923 _._collection$_last = _._collection$_first = _._collection$_rest = _._collection$_nums = _._collection$_strings = null;
4924 _._collection$_modifications = 0;
4925 _.$ti = t0;
4926 },
4927 _LinkedIdentityHashSet: function _LinkedIdentityHashSet(t0) {
4928 var _ = this;
4929 _._collection$_length = 0;
4930 _._collection$_last = _._collection$_first = _._collection$_rest = _._collection$_nums = _._collection$_strings = null;
4931 _._collection$_modifications = 0;
4932 _.$ti = t0;
4933 },
4934 _LinkedHashSetCell: function _LinkedHashSetCell(t0) {
4935 this._element = t0;
4936 this._collection$_previous = this._collection$_next = null;
4937 },
4938 _LinkedHashSetIterator: function _LinkedHashSetIterator(t0, t1) {
4939 var _ = this;
4940 _._set = t0;
4941 _._collection$_modifications = t1;
4942 _._collection$_current = _._collection$_cell = null;
4943 },
4944 UnmodifiableListView: function UnmodifiableListView(t0, t1) {
4945 this._collection$_source = t0;
4946 this.$ti = t1;
4947 },
4948 HashMap_HashMap$from_closure: function HashMap_HashMap$from_closure(t0, t1, t2) {
4949 this.result = t0;
4950 this.K = t1;
4951 this.V = t2;
4952 },
4953 IterableBase: function IterableBase() {
4954 },
4955 LinkedHashMap_LinkedHashMap$from_closure: function LinkedHashMap_LinkedHashMap$from_closure(t0, t1, t2) {
4956 this.result = t0;
4957 this.K = t1;
4958 this.V = t2;
4959 },
4960 ListBase: function ListBase() {
4961 },
4962 ListMixin: function ListMixin() {
4963 },
4964 MapBase: function MapBase() {
4965 },
4966 MapBase_mapToString_closure: function MapBase_mapToString_closure(t0, t1) {
4967 this._box_0 = t0;
4968 this.result = t1;
4969 },
4970 MapMixin: function MapMixin() {
4971 },
4972 MapMixin_entries_closure: function MapMixin_entries_closure(t0) {
4973 this.$this = t0;
4974 },
4975 UnmodifiableMapBase: function UnmodifiableMapBase() {
4976 },
4977 _MapBaseValueIterable: function _MapBaseValueIterable(t0, t1) {
4978 this._map = t0;
4979 this.$ti = t1;
4980 },
4981 _MapBaseValueIterator: function _MapBaseValueIterator(t0, t1) {
4982 this._keys = t0;
4983 this._map = t1;
4984 this._collection$_current = null;
4985 },
4986 _UnmodifiableMapMixin: function _UnmodifiableMapMixin() {
4987 },
4988 MapView: function MapView() {
4989 },
4990 UnmodifiableMapView: function UnmodifiableMapView(t0, t1) {
4991 this._map = t0;
4992 this.$ti = t1;
4993 },
4994 ListQueue: function ListQueue(t0, t1) {
4995 var _ = this;
4996 _._collection$_table = t0;
4997 _._modificationCount = _._collection$_tail = _._collection$_head = 0;
4998 _.$ti = t1;
4999 },
5000 _ListQueueIterator: function _ListQueueIterator(t0, t1, t2, t3) {
5001 var _ = this;
5002 _._queue = t0;
5003 _._collection$_end = t1;
5004 _._modificationCount = t2;
5005 _._collection$_position = t3;
5006 _._collection$_current = null;
5007 },
5008 SetMixin: function SetMixin() {
5009 },
5010 _SetBase: function _SetBase() {
5011 },
5012 _UnmodifiableSetMixin: function _UnmodifiableSetMixin() {
5013 },
5014 _UnmodifiableSet: function _UnmodifiableSet(t0, t1) {
5015 this._map = t0;
5016 this.$ti = t1;
5017 },
5018 _ListBase_Object_ListMixin: function _ListBase_Object_ListMixin() {
5019 },
5020 _UnmodifiableMapView_MapView__UnmodifiableMapMixin: function _UnmodifiableMapView_MapView__UnmodifiableMapMixin() {
5021 },
5022 __SetBase_Object_SetMixin: function __SetBase_Object_SetMixin() {
5023 },
5024 __UnmodifiableSet__SetBase__UnmodifiableSetMixin: function __UnmodifiableSet__SetBase__UnmodifiableSetMixin() {
5025 },
5026 Utf8Decoder__convertIntercepted(allowMalformed, codeUnits, start, end) {
5027 var casted, result;
5028 if (codeUnits instanceof Uint8Array) {
5029 casted = codeUnits;
5030 end = casted.length;
5031 if (end - start < 15)
5032 return null;
5033 result = A.Utf8Decoder__convertInterceptedUint8List(allowMalformed, casted, start, end);
5034 if (result != null && allowMalformed)
5035 if (result.indexOf("\ufffd") >= 0)
5036 return null;
5037 return result;
5038 }
5039 return null;
5040 },
5041 Utf8Decoder__convertInterceptedUint8List(allowMalformed, codeUnits, start, end) {
5042 var decoder = allowMalformed ? $.$get$Utf8Decoder__decoderNonfatal() : $.$get$Utf8Decoder__decoder();
5043 if (decoder == null)
5044 return null;
5045 if (0 === start && end === codeUnits.length)
5046 return A.Utf8Decoder__useTextDecoder(decoder, codeUnits);
5047 return A.Utf8Decoder__useTextDecoder(decoder, codeUnits.subarray(start, A.RangeError_checkValidRange(start, end, codeUnits.length)));
5048 },
5049 Utf8Decoder__useTextDecoder(decoder, codeUnits) {
5050 var t1, exception;
5051 try {
5052 t1 = decoder.decode(codeUnits);
5053 return t1;
5054 } catch (exception) {
5055 }
5056 return null;
5057 },
5058 Base64Codec__checkPadding(source, sourceIndex, sourceEnd, firstPadding, paddingCount, $length) {
5059 if (B.JSInt_methods.$mod($length, 4) !== 0)
5060 throw A.wrapException(A.FormatException$("Invalid base64 padding, padded length must be multiple of four, is " + $length, source, sourceEnd));
5061 if (firstPadding + paddingCount !== $length)
5062 throw A.wrapException(A.FormatException$("Invalid base64 padding, '=' not at the end", source, sourceIndex));
5063 if (paddingCount > 2)
5064 throw A.wrapException(A.FormatException$("Invalid base64 padding, more than two '=' characters", source, sourceIndex));
5065 },
5066 _Base64Encoder_encodeChunk(alphabet, bytes, start, end, isLast, output, outputIndex, state) {
5067 var t1, i, byteOr, byte, outputIndex0, outputIndex1,
5068 bits = state >>> 2,
5069 expectedChars = 3 - (state & 3);
5070 for (t1 = J.getInterceptor$asx(bytes), i = start, byteOr = 0; i < end; ++i) {
5071 byte = t1.$index(bytes, i);
5072 byteOr = (byteOr | byte) >>> 0;
5073 bits = (bits << 8 | byte) & 16777215;
5074 --expectedChars;
5075 if (expectedChars === 0) {
5076 outputIndex0 = outputIndex + 1;
5077 output[outputIndex] = B.JSString_methods._codeUnitAt$1(alphabet, bits >>> 18 & 63);
5078 outputIndex = outputIndex0 + 1;
5079 output[outputIndex0] = B.JSString_methods._codeUnitAt$1(alphabet, bits >>> 12 & 63);
5080 outputIndex0 = outputIndex + 1;
5081 output[outputIndex] = B.JSString_methods._codeUnitAt$1(alphabet, bits >>> 6 & 63);
5082 outputIndex = outputIndex0 + 1;
5083 output[outputIndex0] = B.JSString_methods._codeUnitAt$1(alphabet, bits & 63);
5084 bits = 0;
5085 expectedChars = 3;
5086 }
5087 }
5088 if (byteOr >= 0 && byteOr <= 255) {
5089 if (isLast && expectedChars < 3) {
5090 outputIndex0 = outputIndex + 1;
5091 outputIndex1 = outputIndex0 + 1;
5092 if (3 - expectedChars === 1) {
5093 output[outputIndex] = B.JSString_methods._codeUnitAt$1(alphabet, bits >>> 2 & 63);
5094 output[outputIndex0] = B.JSString_methods._codeUnitAt$1(alphabet, bits << 4 & 63);
5095 output[outputIndex1] = 61;
5096 output[outputIndex1 + 1] = 61;
5097 } else {
5098 output[outputIndex] = B.JSString_methods._codeUnitAt$1(alphabet, bits >>> 10 & 63);
5099 output[outputIndex0] = B.JSString_methods._codeUnitAt$1(alphabet, bits >>> 4 & 63);
5100 output[outputIndex1] = B.JSString_methods._codeUnitAt$1(alphabet, bits << 2 & 63);
5101 output[outputIndex1 + 1] = 61;
5102 }
5103 return 0;
5104 }
5105 return (bits << 2 | 3 - expectedChars) >>> 0;
5106 }
5107 for (i = start; i < end;) {
5108 byte = t1.$index(bytes, i);
5109 if (byte < 0 || byte > 255)
5110 break;
5111 ++i;
5112 }
5113 throw A.wrapException(A.ArgumentError$value(bytes, "Not a byte value at index " + i + ": 0x" + J.toRadixString$1$n(t1.$index(bytes, i), 16), null));
5114 },
5115 JsonUnsupportedObjectError$(unsupportedObject, cause, partialResult) {
5116 return new A.JsonUnsupportedObjectError(unsupportedObject, cause);
5117 },
5118 _defaultToEncodable(object) {
5119 return object.toJson$0();
5120 },
5121 _JsonStringStringifier$(_sink, _toEncodable) {
5122 return new A._JsonStringStringifier(_sink, [], A.convert___defaultToEncodable$closure());
5123 },
5124 _JsonStringStringifier_stringify(object, toEncodable, indent) {
5125 var t1,
5126 output = new A.StringBuffer(""),
5127 stringifier = A._JsonStringStringifier$(output, toEncodable);
5128 stringifier.writeObject$1(object);
5129 t1 = output._contents;
5130 return t1.charCodeAt(0) == 0 ? t1 : t1;
5131 },
5132 _Utf8Decoder_errorDescription(state) {
5133 switch (state) {
5134 case 65:
5135 return "Missing extension byte";
5136 case 67:
5137 return "Unexpected extension byte";
5138 case 69:
5139 return "Invalid UTF-8 byte";
5140 case 71:
5141 return "Overlong encoding";
5142 case 73:
5143 return "Out of unicode range";
5144 case 75:
5145 return "Encoded surrogate";
5146 case 77:
5147 return "Unfinished UTF-8 octet sequence";
5148 default:
5149 return "";
5150 }
5151 },
5152 _Utf8Decoder__makeUint8List(codeUnits, start, end) {
5153 var t1, i, b,
5154 $length = end - start,
5155 bytes = new Uint8Array($length);
5156 for (t1 = J.getInterceptor$asx(codeUnits), i = 0; i < $length; ++i) {
5157 b = t1.$index(codeUnits, start + i);
5158 bytes[i] = (b & 4294967040) >>> 0 !== 0 ? 255 : b;
5159 }
5160 return bytes;
5161 },
5162 Utf8Decoder__decoder_closure: function Utf8Decoder__decoder_closure() {
5163 },
5164 Utf8Decoder__decoderNonfatal_closure: function Utf8Decoder__decoderNonfatal_closure() {
5165 },
5166 AsciiCodec: function AsciiCodec() {
5167 },
5168 _UnicodeSubsetEncoder: function _UnicodeSubsetEncoder() {
5169 },
5170 AsciiEncoder: function AsciiEncoder(t0) {
5171 this._subsetMask = t0;
5172 },
5173 Base64Codec: function Base64Codec() {
5174 },
5175 Base64Encoder: function Base64Encoder() {
5176 },
5177 _Base64Encoder: function _Base64Encoder(t0) {
5178 this._convert$_state = 0;
5179 this._alphabet = t0;
5180 },
5181 _Base64EncoderSink: function _Base64EncoderSink() {
5182 },
5183 _Utf8Base64EncoderSink: function _Utf8Base64EncoderSink(t0, t1) {
5184 this._sink = t0;
5185 this._encoder = t1;
5186 },
5187 ByteConversionSink: function ByteConversionSink() {
5188 },
5189 ByteConversionSinkBase: function ByteConversionSinkBase() {
5190 },
5191 ChunkedConversionSink: function ChunkedConversionSink() {
5192 },
5193 Codec: function Codec() {
5194 },
5195 Converter: function Converter() {
5196 },
5197 Encoding: function Encoding() {
5198 },
5199 JsonUnsupportedObjectError: function JsonUnsupportedObjectError(t0, t1) {
5200 this.unsupportedObject = t0;
5201 this.cause = t1;
5202 },
5203 JsonCyclicError: function JsonCyclicError(t0, t1) {
5204 this.unsupportedObject = t0;
5205 this.cause = t1;
5206 },
5207 JsonCodec: function JsonCodec() {
5208 },
5209 JsonEncoder: function JsonEncoder(t0) {
5210 this._toEncodable = t0;
5211 },
5212 _JsonStringifier: function _JsonStringifier() {
5213 },
5214 _JsonStringifier_writeMap_closure: function _JsonStringifier_writeMap_closure(t0, t1) {
5215 this._box_0 = t0;
5216 this.keyValueList = t1;
5217 },
5218 _JsonStringStringifier: function _JsonStringStringifier(t0, t1, t2) {
5219 this._sink = t0;
5220 this._seen = t1;
5221 this._toEncodable = t2;
5222 },
5223 StringConversionSinkBase: function StringConversionSinkBase() {
5224 },
5225 StringConversionSinkMixin: function StringConversionSinkMixin() {
5226 },
5227 _StringSinkConversionSink: function _StringSinkConversionSink(t0) {
5228 this._stringSink = t0;
5229 },
5230 _StringCallbackSink: function _StringCallbackSink(t0, t1) {
5231 this._convert$_callback = t0;
5232 this._stringSink = t1;
5233 },
5234 _Utf8StringSinkAdapter: function _Utf8StringSinkAdapter(t0, t1, t2) {
5235 this._decoder = t0;
5236 this._sink = t1;
5237 this._stringSink = t2;
5238 },
5239 Utf8Codec: function Utf8Codec() {
5240 },
5241 Utf8Encoder: function Utf8Encoder() {
5242 },
5243 _Utf8Encoder: function _Utf8Encoder(t0) {
5244 this._bufferIndex = 0;
5245 this._convert$_buffer = t0;
5246 },
5247 Utf8Decoder: function Utf8Decoder(t0) {
5248 this._allowMalformed = t0;
5249 },
5250 _Utf8Decoder: function _Utf8Decoder(t0) {
5251 this.allowMalformed = t0;
5252 this._convert$_state = 16;
5253 this._charOrIndex = 0;
5254 },
5255 identityHashCode(object) {
5256 return A.objectHashCode(object);
5257 },
5258 Function_apply($function, positionalArguments) {
5259 return A.Primitives_applyFunction($function, positionalArguments, null);
5260 },
5261 Expando$() {
5262 return new A.Expando(new WeakMap());
5263 },
5264 Expando__checkType(object) {
5265 var t1 = A._isBool(object) || typeof object == "number" || typeof object == "string";
5266 if (t1)
5267 throw A.wrapException(A.ArgumentError$value(object, string$.Expand, null));
5268 },
5269 int_parse(source, radix) {
5270 var value = A.Primitives_parseInt(source, radix);
5271 if (value != null)
5272 return value;
5273 throw A.wrapException(A.FormatException$(source, null, null));
5274 },
5275 double_parse(source) {
5276 var value = A.Primitives_parseDouble(source);
5277 if (value != null)
5278 return value;
5279 throw A.wrapException(A.FormatException$("Invalid double", source, null));
5280 },
5281 Error__objectToString(object) {
5282 if (object instanceof A.Closure)
5283 return object.toString$0(0);
5284 return "Instance of '" + A.Primitives_objectTypeName(object) + "'";
5285 },
5286 List_List$filled($length, fill, growable, $E) {
5287 var i,
5288 result = growable ? J.JSArray_JSArray$growable($length, $E) : J.JSArray_JSArray$fixed($length, $E);
5289 if ($length !== 0 && fill != null)
5290 for (i = 0; i < result.length; ++i)
5291 result[i] = fill;
5292 return result;
5293 },
5294 List_List$from(elements, growable, $E) {
5295 var t1,
5296 list = A._setArrayType([], $E._eval$1("JSArray<0>"));
5297 for (t1 = J.get$iterator$ax(elements); t1.moveNext$0();)
5298 list.push(t1.get$current(t1));
5299 if (growable)
5300 return list;
5301 return J.JSArray_markFixedList(list);
5302 },
5303 List_List$of(elements, growable, $E) {
5304 var t1;
5305 if (growable)
5306 return A.List_List$_of(elements, $E);
5307 t1 = J.JSArray_markFixedList(A.List_List$_of(elements, $E));
5308 return t1;
5309 },
5310 List_List$_of(elements, $E) {
5311 var list, t1;
5312 if (Array.isArray(elements))
5313 return A._setArrayType(elements.slice(0), $E._eval$1("JSArray<0>"));
5314 list = A._setArrayType([], $E._eval$1("JSArray<0>"));
5315 for (t1 = J.get$iterator$ax(elements); t1.moveNext$0();)
5316 list.push(t1.get$current(t1));
5317 return list;
5318 },
5319 List_List$unmodifiable(elements, $E) {
5320 return J.JSArray_markUnmodifiableList(A.List_List$from(elements, false, $E));
5321 },
5322 String_String$fromCharCodes(charCodes, start, end) {
5323 var array, len;
5324 if (Array.isArray(charCodes)) {
5325 array = charCodes;
5326 len = array.length;
5327 end = A.RangeError_checkValidRange(start, end, len);
5328 return A.Primitives_stringFromCharCodes(start > 0 || end < len ? array.slice(start, end) : array);
5329 }
5330 if (type$.NativeUint8List._is(charCodes))
5331 return A.Primitives_stringFromNativeUint8List(charCodes, start, A.RangeError_checkValidRange(start, end, charCodes.length));
5332 return A.String__stringFromIterable(charCodes, start, end);
5333 },
5334 String_String$fromCharCode(charCode) {
5335 return A.Primitives_stringFromCharCode(charCode);
5336 },
5337 String__stringFromIterable(charCodes, start, end) {
5338 var t1, it, i, list, _null = null;
5339 if (start < 0)
5340 throw A.wrapException(A.RangeError$range(start, 0, J.get$length$asx(charCodes), _null, _null));
5341 t1 = end == null;
5342 if (!t1 && end < start)
5343 throw A.wrapException(A.RangeError$range(end, start, J.get$length$asx(charCodes), _null, _null));
5344 it = J.get$iterator$ax(charCodes);
5345 for (i = 0; i < start; ++i)
5346 if (!it.moveNext$0())
5347 throw A.wrapException(A.RangeError$range(start, 0, i, _null, _null));
5348 list = [];
5349 if (t1)
5350 for (; it.moveNext$0();)
5351 list.push(it.get$current(it));
5352 else
5353 for (i = start; i < end; ++i) {
5354 if (!it.moveNext$0())
5355 throw A.wrapException(A.RangeError$range(end, start, i, _null, _null));
5356 list.push(it.get$current(it));
5357 }
5358 return A.Primitives_stringFromCharCodes(list);
5359 },
5360 RegExp_RegExp(source, multiLine) {
5361 return new A.JSSyntaxRegExp(source, A.JSSyntaxRegExp_makeNative(source, multiLine, true, false, false, false));
5362 },
5363 identical(a, b) {
5364 return a == null ? b == null : a === b;
5365 },
5366 StringBuffer__writeAll(string, objects, separator) {
5367 var iterator = J.get$iterator$ax(objects);
5368 if (!iterator.moveNext$0())
5369 return string;
5370 if (separator.length === 0) {
5371 do
5372 string += A.S(iterator.get$current(iterator));
5373 while (iterator.moveNext$0());
5374 } else {
5375 string += A.S(iterator.get$current(iterator));
5376 for (; iterator.moveNext$0();)
5377 string = string + separator + A.S(iterator.get$current(iterator));
5378 }
5379 return string;
5380 },
5381 NoSuchMethodError$(receiver, memberName, positionalArguments, namedArguments) {
5382 return new A.NoSuchMethodError(receiver, memberName, positionalArguments, namedArguments);
5383 },
5384 Uri_base() {
5385 var uri = A.Primitives_currentUri();
5386 if (uri != null)
5387 return A.Uri_parse(uri);
5388 throw A.wrapException(A.UnsupportedError$("'Uri.base' is not supported"));
5389 },
5390 _Uri__uriEncode(canonicalTable, text, encoding, spaceToPlus) {
5391 var t1, bytes, i, t2, byte,
5392 _s16_ = "0123456789ABCDEF";
5393 if (encoding === B.C_Utf8Codec) {
5394 t1 = $.$get$_Uri__needsNoEncoding()._nativeRegExp;
5395 t1 = t1.test(text);
5396 } else
5397 t1 = false;
5398 if (t1)
5399 return text;
5400 bytes = encoding.get$encoder().convert$1(text);
5401 for (t1 = bytes.length, i = 0, t2 = ""; i < t1; ++i) {
5402 byte = bytes[i];
5403 if (byte < 128 && (canonicalTable[byte >>> 4] & 1 << (byte & 15)) !== 0)
5404 t2 += A.Primitives_stringFromCharCode(byte);
5405 else
5406 t2 = spaceToPlus && byte === 32 ? t2 + "+" : t2 + "%" + _s16_[byte >>> 4 & 15] + _s16_[byte & 15];
5407 }
5408 return t2.charCodeAt(0) == 0 ? t2 : t2;
5409 },
5410 StackTrace_current() {
5411 var stackTrace, exception;
5412 if ($.$get$_hasErrorStackProperty())
5413 return A.getTraceFromException(new Error());
5414 try {
5415 throw A.wrapException("");
5416 } catch (exception) {
5417 stackTrace = A.getTraceFromException(exception);
5418 return stackTrace;
5419 }
5420 },
5421 DateTime$_withValue(_value, isUtc) {
5422 var t1;
5423 if (Math.abs(_value) <= 864e13)
5424 t1 = false;
5425 else
5426 t1 = true;
5427 if (t1)
5428 A.throwExpression(A.ArgumentError$("DateTime is outside valid range: " + _value, null));
5429 A.checkNotNullable(false, "isUtc", type$.bool);
5430 return new A.DateTime(_value, false);
5431 },
5432 DateTime__fourDigits(n) {
5433 var absN = Math.abs(n),
5434 sign = n < 0 ? "-" : "";
5435 if (absN >= 1000)
5436 return "" + n;
5437 if (absN >= 100)
5438 return sign + "0" + absN;
5439 if (absN >= 10)
5440 return sign + "00" + absN;
5441 return sign + "000" + absN;
5442 },
5443 DateTime__threeDigits(n) {
5444 if (n >= 100)
5445 return "" + n;
5446 if (n >= 10)
5447 return "0" + n;
5448 return "00" + n;
5449 },
5450 DateTime__twoDigits(n) {
5451 if (n >= 10)
5452 return "" + n;
5453 return "0" + n;
5454 },
5455 Duration$(milliseconds) {
5456 return new A.Duration(1000 * milliseconds);
5457 },
5458 Error_safeToString(object) {
5459 if (typeof object == "number" || A._isBool(object) || object == null)
5460 return J.toString$0$(object);
5461 if (typeof object == "string")
5462 return JSON.stringify(object);
5463 return A.Error__objectToString(object);
5464 },
5465 AssertionError$(message) {
5466 return new A.AssertionError(message);
5467 },
5468 ArgumentError$(message, $name) {
5469 return new A.ArgumentError(false, null, $name, message);
5470 },
5471 ArgumentError$value(value, $name, message) {
5472 return new A.ArgumentError(true, value, $name, message);
5473 },
5474 ArgumentError_checkNotNull(argument, $name) {
5475 return argument;
5476 },
5477 RangeError$(message) {
5478 var _null = null;
5479 return new A.RangeError(_null, _null, false, _null, _null, message);
5480 },
5481 RangeError$value(value, $name, message) {
5482 return new A.RangeError(null, null, true, value, $name, message == null ? "Value not in range" : message);
5483 },
5484 RangeError$range(invalidValue, minValue, maxValue, $name, message) {
5485 return new A.RangeError(minValue, maxValue, true, invalidValue, $name, message == null ? "Invalid value" : message);
5486 },
5487 RangeError_checkValueInInterval(value, minValue, maxValue, $name) {
5488 if (value < minValue || value > maxValue)
5489 throw A.wrapException(A.RangeError$range(value, minValue, maxValue, $name, null));
5490 return value;
5491 },
5492 RangeError_checkValidIndex(index, indexable, $name) {
5493 var $length = indexable.get$length(indexable);
5494 if (0 > index || index >= $length)
5495 throw A.wrapException(A.IndexError$(index, indexable, $name == null ? "index" : $name, null, $length));
5496 return index;
5497 },
5498 RangeError_checkValidRange(start, end, $length) {
5499 if (0 > start || start > $length)
5500 throw A.wrapException(A.RangeError$range(start, 0, $length, "start", null));
5501 if (end != null) {
5502 if (start > end || end > $length)
5503 throw A.wrapException(A.RangeError$range(end, start, $length, "end", null));
5504 return end;
5505 }
5506 return $length;
5507 },
5508 RangeError_checkNotNegative(value, $name) {
5509 if (value < 0)
5510 throw A.wrapException(A.RangeError$range(value, 0, null, $name, null));
5511 return value;
5512 },
5513 IndexError$(invalidValue, indexable, $name, message, $length) {
5514 var t1 = $length == null ? J.get$length$asx(indexable) : $length;
5515 return new A.IndexError(t1, true, invalidValue, $name, "Index out of range");
5516 },
5517 UnsupportedError$(message) {
5518 return new A.UnsupportedError(message);
5519 },
5520 UnimplementedError$(message) {
5521 return new A.UnimplementedError(message);
5522 },
5523 StateError$(message) {
5524 return new A.StateError(message);
5525 },
5526 ConcurrentModificationError$(modifiedObject) {
5527 return new A.ConcurrentModificationError(modifiedObject);
5528 },
5529 FormatException$(message, source, offset) {
5530 return new A.FormatException(message, source, offset);
5531 },
5532 Iterable_Iterable$generate(count, generator, $E) {
5533 if (count <= 0)
5534 return new A.EmptyIterable($E._eval$1("EmptyIterable<0>"));
5535 return new A._GeneratorIterable(count, generator, $E._eval$1("_GeneratorIterable<0>"));
5536 },
5537 Map_castFrom(source, $K, $V, K2, V2) {
5538 return new A.CastMap(source, $K._eval$1("@<0>")._bind$1($V)._bind$1(K2)._bind$1(V2)._eval$1("CastMap<1,2,3,4>"));
5539 },
5540 Object_hash(object1, object2, object3) {
5541 var t1, t2;
5542 if (B.C_SentinelValue === object3) {
5543 t1 = J.get$hashCode$(object1);
5544 object2 = J.get$hashCode$(object2);
5545 return A.SystemHash_finish(A.SystemHash_combine(A.SystemHash_combine($.$get$_hashSeed(), t1), object2));
5546 }
5547 t1 = J.get$hashCode$(object1);
5548 object2 = J.get$hashCode$(object2);
5549 object3 = J.get$hashCode$(object3);
5550 t2 = $.$get$_hashSeed();
5551 return A.SystemHash_finish(A.SystemHash_combine(A.SystemHash_combine(A.SystemHash_combine(t2, t1), object2), object3));
5552 },
5553 print(object) {
5554 var line = A.S(object),
5555 toZone = $.printToZone;
5556 if (toZone == null)
5557 A.printString(line);
5558 else
5559 toZone.call$1(line);
5560 },
5561 Set_castFrom(source, newSet, $S, $T) {
5562 return new A.CastSet(source, newSet, $S._eval$1("@<0>")._bind$1($T)._eval$1("CastSet<1,2>"));
5563 },
5564 _combineSurrogatePair(start, end) {
5565 return 65536 + ((start & 1023) << 10) + (end & 1023);
5566 },
5567 Uri_Uri$dataFromString($content, encoding, mimeType) {
5568 var encodingName, t1,
5569 buffer = new A.StringBuffer(""),
5570 indices = A._setArrayType([-1], type$.JSArray_int);
5571 if (encoding == null)
5572 encodingName = null;
5573 else
5574 encodingName = "utf-8";
5575 if (encoding == null)
5576 encoding = B.C_AsciiCodec;
5577 A.UriData__writeUri(mimeType, encodingName, null, buffer, indices);
5578 indices.push(buffer._contents.length);
5579 buffer._contents += ",";
5580 A.UriData__uriEncodeBytes(B.List_CVk, encoding.encode$1($content), buffer);
5581 t1 = buffer._contents;
5582 return new A.UriData(t1.charCodeAt(0) == 0 ? t1 : t1, indices, null).get$uri();
5583 },
5584 Uri_parse(uri) {
5585 var delta, indices, schemeEnd, hostStart, portStart, pathStart, queryStart, fragmentStart, isSimple, scheme, t1, t2, schemeAuth, queryStart0, pathStart0, userInfoStart, userInfo, host, portNumber, port, path, query, _null = null,
5586 end = uri.length;
5587 if (end >= 5) {
5588 delta = ((B.JSString_methods._codeUnitAt$1(uri, 4) ^ 58) * 3 | B.JSString_methods._codeUnitAt$1(uri, 0) ^ 100 | B.JSString_methods._codeUnitAt$1(uri, 1) ^ 97 | B.JSString_methods._codeUnitAt$1(uri, 2) ^ 116 | B.JSString_methods._codeUnitAt$1(uri, 3) ^ 97) >>> 0;
5589 if (delta === 0)
5590 return A.UriData__parse(end < end ? B.JSString_methods.substring$2(uri, 0, end) : uri, 5, _null).get$uri();
5591 else if (delta === 32)
5592 return A.UriData__parse(B.JSString_methods.substring$2(uri, 5, end), 0, _null).get$uri();
5593 }
5594 indices = A.List_List$filled(8, 0, false, type$.int);
5595 indices[0] = 0;
5596 indices[1] = -1;
5597 indices[2] = -1;
5598 indices[7] = -1;
5599 indices[3] = 0;
5600 indices[4] = 0;
5601 indices[5] = end;
5602 indices[6] = end;
5603 if (A._scan(uri, 0, end, 0, indices) >= 14)
5604 indices[7] = end;
5605 schemeEnd = indices[1];
5606 if (schemeEnd >= 0)
5607 if (A._scan(uri, 0, schemeEnd, 20, indices) === 20)
5608 indices[7] = schemeEnd;
5609 hostStart = indices[2] + 1;
5610 portStart = indices[3];
5611 pathStart = indices[4];
5612 queryStart = indices[5];
5613 fragmentStart = indices[6];
5614 if (fragmentStart < queryStart)
5615 queryStart = fragmentStart;
5616 if (pathStart < hostStart)
5617 pathStart = queryStart;
5618 else if (pathStart <= schemeEnd)
5619 pathStart = schemeEnd + 1;
5620 if (portStart < hostStart)
5621 portStart = pathStart;
5622 isSimple = indices[7] < 0;
5623 if (isSimple)
5624 if (hostStart > schemeEnd + 3) {
5625 scheme = _null;
5626 isSimple = false;
5627 } else {
5628 t1 = portStart > 0;
5629 if (t1 && portStart + 1 === pathStart) {
5630 scheme = _null;
5631 isSimple = false;
5632 } else {
5633 if (!(queryStart < end && queryStart === pathStart + 2 && B.JSString_methods.startsWith$2(uri, "..", pathStart)))
5634 t2 = queryStart > pathStart + 2 && B.JSString_methods.startsWith$2(uri, "/..", queryStart - 3);
5635 else
5636 t2 = true;
5637 if (t2) {
5638 scheme = _null;
5639 isSimple = false;
5640 } else {
5641 if (schemeEnd === 4)
5642 if (B.JSString_methods.startsWith$2(uri, "file", 0)) {
5643 if (hostStart <= 0) {
5644 if (!B.JSString_methods.startsWith$2(uri, "/", pathStart)) {
5645 schemeAuth = "file:///";
5646 delta = 3;
5647 } else {
5648 schemeAuth = "file://";
5649 delta = 2;
5650 }
5651 uri = schemeAuth + B.JSString_methods.substring$2(uri, pathStart, end);
5652 schemeEnd -= 0;
5653 t1 = delta - 0;
5654 queryStart += t1;
5655 fragmentStart += t1;
5656 end = uri.length;
5657 hostStart = 7;
5658 portStart = 7;
5659 pathStart = 7;
5660 } else if (pathStart === queryStart) {
5661 ++fragmentStart;
5662 queryStart0 = queryStart + 1;
5663 uri = B.JSString_methods.replaceRange$3(uri, pathStart, queryStart, "/");
5664 ++end;
5665 queryStart = queryStart0;
5666 }
5667 scheme = "file";
5668 } else if (B.JSString_methods.startsWith$2(uri, "http", 0)) {
5669 if (t1 && portStart + 3 === pathStart && B.JSString_methods.startsWith$2(uri, "80", portStart + 1)) {
5670 fragmentStart -= 3;
5671 pathStart0 = pathStart - 3;
5672 queryStart -= 3;
5673 uri = B.JSString_methods.replaceRange$3(uri, portStart, pathStart, "");
5674 end -= 3;
5675 pathStart = pathStart0;
5676 }
5677 scheme = "http";
5678 } else
5679 scheme = _null;
5680 else if (schemeEnd === 5 && B.JSString_methods.startsWith$2(uri, "https", 0)) {
5681 if (t1 && portStart + 4 === pathStart && B.JSString_methods.startsWith$2(uri, "443", portStart + 1)) {
5682 fragmentStart -= 4;
5683 pathStart0 = pathStart - 4;
5684 queryStart -= 4;
5685 uri = B.JSString_methods.replaceRange$3(uri, portStart, pathStart, "");
5686 end -= 3;
5687 pathStart = pathStart0;
5688 }
5689 scheme = "https";
5690 } else
5691 scheme = _null;
5692 isSimple = true;
5693 }
5694 }
5695 }
5696 else
5697 scheme = _null;
5698 if (isSimple) {
5699 if (end < uri.length) {
5700 uri = B.JSString_methods.substring$2(uri, 0, end);
5701 schemeEnd -= 0;
5702 hostStart -= 0;
5703 portStart -= 0;
5704 pathStart -= 0;
5705 queryStart -= 0;
5706 fragmentStart -= 0;
5707 }
5708 return new A._SimpleUri(uri, schemeEnd, hostStart, portStart, pathStart, queryStart, fragmentStart, scheme);
5709 }
5710 if (scheme == null)
5711 if (schemeEnd > 0)
5712 scheme = A._Uri__makeScheme(uri, 0, schemeEnd);
5713 else {
5714 if (schemeEnd === 0)
5715 A._Uri__fail(uri, 0, "Invalid empty scheme");
5716 scheme = "";
5717 }
5718 if (hostStart > 0) {
5719 userInfoStart = schemeEnd + 3;
5720 userInfo = userInfoStart < hostStart ? A._Uri__makeUserInfo(uri, userInfoStart, hostStart - 1) : "";
5721 host = A._Uri__makeHost(uri, hostStart, portStart, false);
5722 t1 = portStart + 1;
5723 if (t1 < pathStart) {
5724 portNumber = A.Primitives_parseInt(B.JSString_methods.substring$2(uri, t1, pathStart), _null);
5725 port = A._Uri__makePort(portNumber == null ? A.throwExpression(A.FormatException$("Invalid port", uri, t1)) : portNumber, scheme);
5726 } else
5727 port = _null;
5728 } else {
5729 port = _null;
5730 host = port;
5731 userInfo = "";
5732 }
5733 path = A._Uri__makePath(uri, pathStart, queryStart, _null, scheme, host != null);
5734 query = queryStart < fragmentStart ? A._Uri__makeQuery(uri, queryStart + 1, fragmentStart, _null) : _null;
5735 return A._Uri$_internal(scheme, userInfo, host, port, path, query, fragmentStart < end ? A._Uri__makeFragment(uri, fragmentStart + 1, end) : _null);
5736 },
5737 Uri_decodeComponent(encodedComponent) {
5738 return A._Uri__uriDecode(encodedComponent, 0, encodedComponent.length, B.C_Utf8Codec, false);
5739 },
5740 Uri__parseIPv4Address(host, start, end) {
5741 var i, partStart, partIndex, char, part, partIndex0,
5742 _s43_ = "IPv4 address should contain exactly 4 parts",
5743 _s37_ = "each part must be in the range 0..255",
5744 error = new A.Uri__parseIPv4Address_error(host),
5745 result = new Uint8Array(4);
5746 for (i = start, partStart = i, partIndex = 0; i < end; ++i) {
5747 char = B.JSString_methods.codeUnitAt$1(host, i);
5748 if (char !== 46) {
5749 if ((char ^ 48) > 9)
5750 error.call$2("invalid character", i);
5751 } else {
5752 if (partIndex === 3)
5753 error.call$2(_s43_, i);
5754 part = A.int_parse(B.JSString_methods.substring$2(host, partStart, i), null);
5755 if (part > 255)
5756 error.call$2(_s37_, partStart);
5757 partIndex0 = partIndex + 1;
5758 result[partIndex] = part;
5759 partStart = i + 1;
5760 partIndex = partIndex0;
5761 }
5762 }
5763 if (partIndex !== 3)
5764 error.call$2(_s43_, end);
5765 part = A.int_parse(B.JSString_methods.substring$2(host, partStart, end), null);
5766 if (part > 255)
5767 error.call$2(_s37_, partStart);
5768 result[partIndex] = part;
5769 return result;
5770 },
5771 Uri_parseIPv6Address(host, start, end) {
5772 var parts, i, partStart, wildcardSeen, seenDot, char, atEnd, t1, last, bytes, wildCardLength, index, value, j,
5773 error = new A.Uri_parseIPv6Address_error(host),
5774 parseHex = new A.Uri_parseIPv6Address_parseHex(error, host);
5775 if (host.length < 2)
5776 error.call$1("address is too short");
5777 parts = A._setArrayType([], type$.JSArray_int);
5778 for (i = start, partStart = i, wildcardSeen = false, seenDot = false; i < end; ++i) {
5779 char = B.JSString_methods.codeUnitAt$1(host, i);
5780 if (char === 58) {
5781 if (i === start) {
5782 ++i;
5783 if (B.JSString_methods.codeUnitAt$1(host, i) !== 58)
5784 error.call$2("invalid start colon.", i);
5785 partStart = i;
5786 }
5787 if (i === partStart) {
5788 if (wildcardSeen)
5789 error.call$2("only one wildcard `::` is allowed", i);
5790 parts.push(-1);
5791 wildcardSeen = true;
5792 } else
5793 parts.push(parseHex.call$2(partStart, i));
5794 partStart = i + 1;
5795 } else if (char === 46)
5796 seenDot = true;
5797 }
5798 if (parts.length === 0)
5799 error.call$1("too few parts");
5800 atEnd = partStart === end;
5801 t1 = B.JSArray_methods.get$last(parts);
5802 if (atEnd && t1 !== -1)
5803 error.call$2("expected a part after last `:`", end);
5804 if (!atEnd)
5805 if (!seenDot)
5806 parts.push(parseHex.call$2(partStart, end));
5807 else {
5808 last = A.Uri__parseIPv4Address(host, partStart, end);
5809 parts.push((last[0] << 8 | last[1]) >>> 0);
5810 parts.push((last[2] << 8 | last[3]) >>> 0);
5811 }
5812 if (wildcardSeen) {
5813 if (parts.length > 7)
5814 error.call$1("an address with a wildcard must have less than 7 parts");
5815 } else if (parts.length !== 8)
5816 error.call$1("an address without a wildcard must contain exactly 8 parts");
5817 bytes = new Uint8Array(16);
5818 for (t1 = parts.length, wildCardLength = 9 - t1, i = 0, index = 0; i < t1; ++i) {
5819 value = parts[i];
5820 if (value === -1)
5821 for (j = 0; j < wildCardLength; ++j) {
5822 bytes[index] = 0;
5823 bytes[index + 1] = 0;
5824 index += 2;
5825 }
5826 else {
5827 bytes[index] = B.JSInt_methods._shrOtherPositive$1(value, 8);
5828 bytes[index + 1] = value & 255;
5829 index += 2;
5830 }
5831 }
5832 return bytes;
5833 },
5834 _Uri$_internal(scheme, _userInfo, _host, _port, path, _query, _fragment) {
5835 return new A._Uri(scheme, _userInfo, _host, _port, path, _query, _fragment);
5836 },
5837 _Uri__Uri(host, path, pathSegments, scheme) {
5838 var userInfo, query, fragment, port, isFile, t1, hasAuthority, t2, _null = null;
5839 scheme = scheme == null ? "" : A._Uri__makeScheme(scheme, 0, scheme.length);
5840 userInfo = A._Uri__makeUserInfo(_null, 0, 0);
5841 host = A._Uri__makeHost(host, 0, host == null ? 0 : host.length, false);
5842 query = A._Uri__makeQuery(_null, 0, 0, _null);
5843 fragment = A._Uri__makeFragment(_null, 0, 0);
5844 port = A._Uri__makePort(_null, scheme);
5845 isFile = scheme === "file";
5846 if (host == null)
5847 t1 = userInfo.length !== 0 || port != null || isFile;
5848 else
5849 t1 = false;
5850 if (t1)
5851 host = "";
5852 t1 = host == null;
5853 hasAuthority = !t1;
5854 path = A._Uri__makePath(path, 0, path == null ? 0 : path.length, pathSegments, scheme, hasAuthority);
5855 t2 = scheme.length === 0;
5856 if (t2 && t1 && !B.JSString_methods.startsWith$1(path, "/"))
5857 path = A._Uri__normalizeRelativePath(path, !t2 || hasAuthority);
5858 else
5859 path = A._Uri__removeDotSegments(path);
5860 return A._Uri$_internal(scheme, userInfo, t1 && B.JSString_methods.startsWith$1(path, "//") ? "" : host, port, path, query, fragment);
5861 },
5862 _Uri__defaultPort(scheme) {
5863 if (scheme === "http")
5864 return 80;
5865 if (scheme === "https")
5866 return 443;
5867 return 0;
5868 },
5869 _Uri__compareScheme(scheme, uri) {
5870 var t1, i, schemeChar, uriChar, delta, lowerChar;
5871 for (t1 = scheme.length, i = 0; i < t1; ++i) {
5872 schemeChar = B.JSString_methods._codeUnitAt$1(scheme, i);
5873 uriChar = B.JSString_methods._codeUnitAt$1(uri, i);
5874 delta = schemeChar ^ uriChar;
5875 if (delta !== 0) {
5876 if (delta === 32) {
5877 lowerChar = uriChar | delta;
5878 if (97 <= lowerChar && lowerChar <= 122)
5879 continue;
5880 }
5881 return false;
5882 }
5883 }
5884 return true;
5885 },
5886 _Uri__fail(uri, index, message) {
5887 throw A.wrapException(A.FormatException$(message, uri, index));
5888 },
5889 _Uri__Uri$file(path, windows) {
5890 return windows ? A._Uri__makeWindowsFileUrl(path, false) : A._Uri__makeFileUri(path, false);
5891 },
5892 _Uri__checkNonWindowsPathReservedCharacters(segments, argumentError) {
5893 var t1, _i, segment, t2, t3;
5894 for (t1 = segments.length, _i = 0; _i < t1; ++_i) {
5895 segment = segments[_i];
5896 t2 = J.getInterceptor$asx(segment);
5897 t3 = t2.get$length(segment);
5898 if (0 > t3)
5899 A.throwExpression(A.RangeError$range(0, 0, t2.get$length(segment), null, null));
5900 if (A.stringContainsUnchecked(segment, "/", 0)) {
5901 t1 = A.UnsupportedError$("Illegal path character " + A.S(segment));
5902 throw A.wrapException(t1);
5903 }
5904 }
5905 },
5906 _Uri__checkWindowsPathReservedCharacters(segments, argumentError, firstSegment) {
5907 var t1, t2, t3, t4;
5908 for (t1 = A.SubListIterable$(segments, firstSegment, null, A._arrayInstanceType(segments)._precomputed1), t1 = new A.ListIterator(t1, t1.get$length(t1)), t2 = A._instanceType(t1)._precomputed1; t1.moveNext$0();) {
5909 t3 = t2._as(t1.__internal$_current);
5910 t4 = A.RegExp_RegExp('["*/:<>?\\\\|]', false);
5911 if (A.stringContainsUnchecked(t3, t4, 0))
5912 if (argumentError)
5913 throw A.wrapException(A.ArgumentError$("Illegal character in path", null));
5914 else
5915 throw A.wrapException(A.UnsupportedError$("Illegal character in path: " + t3));
5916 }
5917 },
5918 _Uri__checkWindowsDriveLetter(charCode, argumentError) {
5919 var t1,
5920 _s21_ = "Illegal drive letter ";
5921 if (!(65 <= charCode && charCode <= 90))
5922 t1 = 97 <= charCode && charCode <= 122;
5923 else
5924 t1 = true;
5925 if (t1)
5926 return;
5927 if (argumentError)
5928 throw A.wrapException(A.ArgumentError$(_s21_ + A.String_String$fromCharCode(charCode), null));
5929 else
5930 throw A.wrapException(A.UnsupportedError$(_s21_ + A.String_String$fromCharCode(charCode)));
5931 },
5932 _Uri__makeFileUri(path, slashTerminated) {
5933 var _null = null,
5934 segments = A._setArrayType(path.split("/"), type$.JSArray_String);
5935 if (B.JSString_methods.startsWith$1(path, "/"))
5936 return A._Uri__Uri(_null, _null, segments, "file");
5937 else
5938 return A._Uri__Uri(_null, _null, segments, _null);
5939 },
5940 _Uri__makeWindowsFileUrl(path, slashTerminated) {
5941 var t1, pathSegments, pathStart, hostPart, _s1_ = "\\", _null = null, _s4_ = "file";
5942 if (B.JSString_methods.startsWith$1(path, "\\\\?\\"))
5943 if (B.JSString_methods.startsWith$2(path, "UNC\\", 4))
5944 path = B.JSString_methods.replaceRange$3(path, 0, 7, _s1_);
5945 else {
5946 path = B.JSString_methods.substring$1(path, 4);
5947 if (path.length < 3 || B.JSString_methods._codeUnitAt$1(path, 1) !== 58 || B.JSString_methods._codeUnitAt$1(path, 2) !== 92)
5948 throw A.wrapException(A.ArgumentError$("Windows paths with \\\\?\\ prefix must be absolute", _null));
5949 }
5950 else
5951 path = A.stringReplaceAllUnchecked(path, "/", _s1_);
5952 t1 = path.length;
5953 if (t1 > 1 && B.JSString_methods._codeUnitAt$1(path, 1) === 58) {
5954 A._Uri__checkWindowsDriveLetter(B.JSString_methods._codeUnitAt$1(path, 0), true);
5955 if (t1 === 2 || B.JSString_methods._codeUnitAt$1(path, 2) !== 92)
5956 throw A.wrapException(A.ArgumentError$("Windows paths with drive letter must be absolute", _null));
5957 pathSegments = A._setArrayType(path.split(_s1_), type$.JSArray_String);
5958 A._Uri__checkWindowsPathReservedCharacters(pathSegments, true, 1);
5959 return A._Uri__Uri(_null, _null, pathSegments, _s4_);
5960 }
5961 if (B.JSString_methods.startsWith$1(path, _s1_))
5962 if (B.JSString_methods.startsWith$2(path, _s1_, 1)) {
5963 pathStart = B.JSString_methods.indexOf$2(path, _s1_, 2);
5964 t1 = pathStart < 0;
5965 hostPart = t1 ? B.JSString_methods.substring$1(path, 2) : B.JSString_methods.substring$2(path, 2, pathStart);
5966 pathSegments = A._setArrayType((t1 ? "" : B.JSString_methods.substring$1(path, pathStart + 1)).split(_s1_), type$.JSArray_String);
5967 A._Uri__checkWindowsPathReservedCharacters(pathSegments, true, 0);
5968 return A._Uri__Uri(hostPart, _null, pathSegments, _s4_);
5969 } else {
5970 pathSegments = A._setArrayType(path.split(_s1_), type$.JSArray_String);
5971 A._Uri__checkWindowsPathReservedCharacters(pathSegments, true, 0);
5972 return A._Uri__Uri(_null, _null, pathSegments, _s4_);
5973 }
5974 else {
5975 pathSegments = A._setArrayType(path.split(_s1_), type$.JSArray_String);
5976 A._Uri__checkWindowsPathReservedCharacters(pathSegments, true, 0);
5977 return A._Uri__Uri(_null, _null, pathSegments, _null);
5978 }
5979 },
5980 _Uri__makePort(port, scheme) {
5981 if (port != null && port === A._Uri__defaultPort(scheme))
5982 return null;
5983 return port;
5984 },
5985 _Uri__makeHost(host, start, end, strictIPv6) {
5986 var t1, t2, index, zoneIDstart, zoneID, i;
5987 if (host == null)
5988 return null;
5989 if (start === end)
5990 return "";
5991 if (B.JSString_methods.codeUnitAt$1(host, start) === 91) {
5992 t1 = end - 1;
5993 if (B.JSString_methods.codeUnitAt$1(host, t1) !== 93)
5994 A._Uri__fail(host, start, "Missing end `]` to match `[` in host");
5995 t2 = start + 1;
5996 index = A._Uri__checkZoneID(host, t2, t1);
5997 if (index < t1) {
5998 zoneIDstart = index + 1;
5999 zoneID = A._Uri__normalizeZoneID(host, B.JSString_methods.startsWith$2(host, "25", zoneIDstart) ? index + 3 : zoneIDstart, t1, "%25");
6000 } else
6001 zoneID = "";
6002 A.Uri_parseIPv6Address(host, t2, index);
6003 return B.JSString_methods.substring$2(host, start, index).toLowerCase() + zoneID + "]";
6004 }
6005 for (i = start; i < end; ++i)
6006 if (B.JSString_methods.codeUnitAt$1(host, i) === 58) {
6007 index = B.JSString_methods.indexOf$2(host, "%", start);
6008 index = index >= start && index < end ? index : end;
6009 if (index < end) {
6010 zoneIDstart = index + 1;
6011 zoneID = A._Uri__normalizeZoneID(host, B.JSString_methods.startsWith$2(host, "25", zoneIDstart) ? index + 3 : zoneIDstart, end, "%25");
6012 } else
6013 zoneID = "";
6014 A.Uri_parseIPv6Address(host, start, index);
6015 return "[" + B.JSString_methods.substring$2(host, start, index) + zoneID + "]";
6016 }
6017 return A._Uri__normalizeRegName(host, start, end);
6018 },
6019 _Uri__checkZoneID(host, start, end) {
6020 var index = B.JSString_methods.indexOf$2(host, "%", start);
6021 return index >= start && index < end ? index : end;
6022 },
6023 _Uri__normalizeZoneID(host, start, end, prefix) {
6024 var index, sectionStart, isNormalized, char, replacement, t1, t2, tail, sourceLength, slice,
6025 buffer = prefix !== "" ? new A.StringBuffer(prefix) : null;
6026 for (index = start, sectionStart = index, isNormalized = true; index < end;) {
6027 char = B.JSString_methods.codeUnitAt$1(host, index);
6028 if (char === 37) {
6029 replacement = A._Uri__normalizeEscape(host, index, true);
6030 t1 = replacement == null;
6031 if (t1 && isNormalized) {
6032 index += 3;
6033 continue;
6034 }
6035 if (buffer == null)
6036 buffer = new A.StringBuffer("");
6037 t2 = buffer._contents += B.JSString_methods.substring$2(host, sectionStart, index);
6038 if (t1)
6039 replacement = B.JSString_methods.substring$2(host, index, index + 3);
6040 else if (replacement === "%")
6041 A._Uri__fail(host, index, "ZoneID should not contain % anymore");
6042 buffer._contents = t2 + replacement;
6043 index += 3;
6044 sectionStart = index;
6045 isNormalized = true;
6046 } else if (char < 127 && (B.List_nxB[char >>> 4] & 1 << (char & 15)) !== 0) {
6047 if (isNormalized && 65 <= char && 90 >= char) {
6048 if (buffer == null)
6049 buffer = new A.StringBuffer("");
6050 if (sectionStart < index) {
6051 buffer._contents += B.JSString_methods.substring$2(host, sectionStart, index);
6052 sectionStart = index;
6053 }
6054 isNormalized = false;
6055 }
6056 ++index;
6057 } else {
6058 if ((char & 64512) === 55296 && index + 1 < end) {
6059 tail = B.JSString_methods.codeUnitAt$1(host, index + 1);
6060 if ((tail & 64512) === 56320) {
6061 char = (char & 1023) << 10 | tail & 1023 | 65536;
6062 sourceLength = 2;
6063 } else
6064 sourceLength = 1;
6065 } else
6066 sourceLength = 1;
6067 slice = B.JSString_methods.substring$2(host, sectionStart, index);
6068 if (buffer == null) {
6069 buffer = new A.StringBuffer("");
6070 t1 = buffer;
6071 } else
6072 t1 = buffer;
6073 t1._contents += slice;
6074 t1._contents += A._Uri__escapeChar(char);
6075 index += sourceLength;
6076 sectionStart = index;
6077 }
6078 }
6079 if (buffer == null)
6080 return B.JSString_methods.substring$2(host, start, end);
6081 if (sectionStart < end)
6082 buffer._contents += B.JSString_methods.substring$2(host, sectionStart, end);
6083 t1 = buffer._contents;
6084 return t1.charCodeAt(0) == 0 ? t1 : t1;
6085 },
6086 _Uri__normalizeRegName(host, start, end) {
6087 var index, sectionStart, buffer, isNormalized, char, replacement, t1, slice, t2, sourceLength, tail;
6088 for (index = start, sectionStart = index, buffer = null, isNormalized = true; index < end;) {
6089 char = B.JSString_methods.codeUnitAt$1(host, index);
6090 if (char === 37) {
6091 replacement = A._Uri__normalizeEscape(host, index, true);
6092 t1 = replacement == null;
6093 if (t1 && isNormalized) {
6094 index += 3;
6095 continue;
6096 }
6097 if (buffer == null)
6098 buffer = new A.StringBuffer("");
6099 slice = B.JSString_methods.substring$2(host, sectionStart, index);
6100 t2 = buffer._contents += !isNormalized ? slice.toLowerCase() : slice;
6101 if (t1) {
6102 replacement = B.JSString_methods.substring$2(host, index, index + 3);
6103 sourceLength = 3;
6104 } else if (replacement === "%") {
6105 replacement = "%25";
6106 sourceLength = 1;
6107 } else
6108 sourceLength = 3;
6109 buffer._contents = t2 + replacement;
6110 index += sourceLength;
6111 sectionStart = index;
6112 isNormalized = true;
6113 } else if (char < 127 && (B.List_qNA[char >>> 4] & 1 << (char & 15)) !== 0) {
6114 if (isNormalized && 65 <= char && 90 >= char) {
6115 if (buffer == null)
6116 buffer = new A.StringBuffer("");
6117 if (sectionStart < index) {
6118 buffer._contents += B.JSString_methods.substring$2(host, sectionStart, index);
6119 sectionStart = index;
6120 }
6121 isNormalized = false;
6122 }
6123 ++index;
6124 } else if (char <= 93 && (B.List_2Vk[char >>> 4] & 1 << (char & 15)) !== 0)
6125 A._Uri__fail(host, index, "Invalid character");
6126 else {
6127 if ((char & 64512) === 55296 && index + 1 < end) {
6128 tail = B.JSString_methods.codeUnitAt$1(host, index + 1);
6129 if ((tail & 64512) === 56320) {
6130 char = (char & 1023) << 10 | tail & 1023 | 65536;
6131 sourceLength = 2;
6132 } else
6133 sourceLength = 1;
6134 } else
6135 sourceLength = 1;
6136 slice = B.JSString_methods.substring$2(host, sectionStart, index);
6137 if (!isNormalized)
6138 slice = slice.toLowerCase();
6139 if (buffer == null) {
6140 buffer = new A.StringBuffer("");
6141 t1 = buffer;
6142 } else
6143 t1 = buffer;
6144 t1._contents += slice;
6145 t1._contents += A._Uri__escapeChar(char);
6146 index += sourceLength;
6147 sectionStart = index;
6148 }
6149 }
6150 if (buffer == null)
6151 return B.JSString_methods.substring$2(host, start, end);
6152 if (sectionStart < end) {
6153 slice = B.JSString_methods.substring$2(host, sectionStart, end);
6154 buffer._contents += !isNormalized ? slice.toLowerCase() : slice;
6155 }
6156 t1 = buffer._contents;
6157 return t1.charCodeAt(0) == 0 ? t1 : t1;
6158 },
6159 _Uri__makeScheme(scheme, start, end) {
6160 var i, containsUpperCase, codeUnit;
6161 if (start === end)
6162 return "";
6163 if (!A._Uri__isAlphabeticCharacter(B.JSString_methods._codeUnitAt$1(scheme, start)))
6164 A._Uri__fail(scheme, start, "Scheme not starting with alphabetic character");
6165 for (i = start, containsUpperCase = false; i < end; ++i) {
6166 codeUnit = B.JSString_methods._codeUnitAt$1(scheme, i);
6167 if (!(codeUnit < 128 && (B.List_JYB[codeUnit >>> 4] & 1 << (codeUnit & 15)) !== 0))
6168 A._Uri__fail(scheme, i, "Illegal scheme character");
6169 if (65 <= codeUnit && codeUnit <= 90)
6170 containsUpperCase = true;
6171 }
6172 scheme = B.JSString_methods.substring$2(scheme, start, end);
6173 return A._Uri__canonicalizeScheme(containsUpperCase ? scheme.toLowerCase() : scheme);
6174 },
6175 _Uri__canonicalizeScheme(scheme) {
6176 if (scheme === "http")
6177 return "http";
6178 if (scheme === "file")
6179 return "file";
6180 if (scheme === "https")
6181 return "https";
6182 if (scheme === "package")
6183 return "package";
6184 return scheme;
6185 },
6186 _Uri__makeUserInfo(userInfo, start, end) {
6187 if (userInfo == null)
6188 return "";
6189 return A._Uri__normalizeOrSubstring(userInfo, start, end, B.List_gRj, false);
6190 },
6191 _Uri__makePath(path, start, end, pathSegments, scheme, hasAuthority) {
6192 var result,
6193 isFile = scheme === "file",
6194 ensureLeadingSlash = isFile || hasAuthority;
6195 if (path == null) {
6196 if (pathSegments == null)
6197 return isFile ? "/" : "";
6198 result = new A.MappedListIterable(pathSegments, new A._Uri__makePath_closure(), A._arrayInstanceType(pathSegments)._eval$1("MappedListIterable<1,String>")).join$1(0, "/");
6199 } else if (pathSegments != null)
6200 throw A.wrapException(A.ArgumentError$("Both path and pathSegments specified", null));
6201 else
6202 result = A._Uri__normalizeOrSubstring(path, start, end, B.List_qg4, true);
6203 if (result.length === 0) {
6204 if (isFile)
6205 return "/";
6206 } else if (ensureLeadingSlash && !B.JSString_methods.startsWith$1(result, "/"))
6207 result = "/" + result;
6208 return A._Uri__normalizePath(result, scheme, hasAuthority);
6209 },
6210 _Uri__normalizePath(path, scheme, hasAuthority) {
6211 var t1 = scheme.length === 0;
6212 if (t1 && !hasAuthority && !B.JSString_methods.startsWith$1(path, "/"))
6213 return A._Uri__normalizeRelativePath(path, !t1 || hasAuthority);
6214 return A._Uri__removeDotSegments(path);
6215 },
6216 _Uri__makeQuery(query, start, end, queryParameters) {
6217 if (query != null)
6218 return A._Uri__normalizeOrSubstring(query, start, end, B.List_CVk, true);
6219 return null;
6220 },
6221 _Uri__makeFragment(fragment, start, end) {
6222 if (fragment == null)
6223 return null;
6224 return A._Uri__normalizeOrSubstring(fragment, start, end, B.List_CVk, true);
6225 },
6226 _Uri__normalizeEscape(source, index, lowerCase) {
6227 var firstDigit, secondDigit, firstDigitValue, secondDigitValue, value,
6228 t1 = index + 2;
6229 if (t1 >= source.length)
6230 return "%";
6231 firstDigit = B.JSString_methods.codeUnitAt$1(source, index + 1);
6232 secondDigit = B.JSString_methods.codeUnitAt$1(source, t1);
6233 firstDigitValue = A.hexDigitValue(firstDigit);
6234 secondDigitValue = A.hexDigitValue(secondDigit);
6235 if (firstDigitValue < 0 || secondDigitValue < 0)
6236 return "%";
6237 value = firstDigitValue * 16 + secondDigitValue;
6238 if (value < 127 && (B.List_nxB[B.JSInt_methods._shrOtherPositive$1(value, 4)] & 1 << (value & 15)) !== 0)
6239 return A.Primitives_stringFromCharCode(lowerCase && 65 <= value && 90 >= value ? (value | 32) >>> 0 : value);
6240 if (firstDigit >= 97 || secondDigit >= 97)
6241 return B.JSString_methods.substring$2(source, index, index + 3).toUpperCase();
6242 return null;
6243 },
6244 _Uri__escapeChar(char) {
6245 var codeUnits, flag, encodedBytes, index, byte,
6246 _s16_ = "0123456789ABCDEF";
6247 if (char < 128) {
6248 codeUnits = new Uint8Array(3);
6249 codeUnits[0] = 37;
6250 codeUnits[1] = B.JSString_methods._codeUnitAt$1(_s16_, char >>> 4);
6251 codeUnits[2] = B.JSString_methods._codeUnitAt$1(_s16_, char & 15);
6252 } else {
6253 if (char > 2047)
6254 if (char > 65535) {
6255 flag = 240;
6256 encodedBytes = 4;
6257 } else {
6258 flag = 224;
6259 encodedBytes = 3;
6260 }
6261 else {
6262 flag = 192;
6263 encodedBytes = 2;
6264 }
6265 codeUnits = new Uint8Array(3 * encodedBytes);
6266 for (index = 0; --encodedBytes, encodedBytes >= 0; flag = 128) {
6267 byte = B.JSInt_methods._shrReceiverPositive$1(char, 6 * encodedBytes) & 63 | flag;
6268 codeUnits[index] = 37;
6269 codeUnits[index + 1] = B.JSString_methods._codeUnitAt$1(_s16_, byte >>> 4);
6270 codeUnits[index + 2] = B.JSString_methods._codeUnitAt$1(_s16_, byte & 15);
6271 index += 3;
6272 }
6273 }
6274 return A.String_String$fromCharCodes(codeUnits, 0, null);
6275 },
6276 _Uri__normalizeOrSubstring(component, start, end, charTable, escapeDelimiters) {
6277 var t1 = A._Uri__normalize(component, start, end, charTable, escapeDelimiters);
6278 return t1 == null ? B.JSString_methods.substring$2(component, start, end) : t1;
6279 },
6280 _Uri__normalize(component, start, end, charTable, escapeDelimiters) {
6281 var t1, index, sectionStart, buffer, char, replacement, sourceLength, t2, tail, _null = null;
6282 for (t1 = !escapeDelimiters, index = start, sectionStart = index, buffer = _null; index < end;) {
6283 char = B.JSString_methods.codeUnitAt$1(component, index);
6284 if (char < 127 && (charTable[char >>> 4] & 1 << (char & 15)) !== 0)
6285 ++index;
6286 else {
6287 if (char === 37) {
6288 replacement = A._Uri__normalizeEscape(component, index, false);
6289 if (replacement == null) {
6290 index += 3;
6291 continue;
6292 }
6293 if ("%" === replacement) {
6294 replacement = "%25";
6295 sourceLength = 1;
6296 } else
6297 sourceLength = 3;
6298 } else if (t1 && char <= 93 && (B.List_2Vk[char >>> 4] & 1 << (char & 15)) !== 0) {
6299 A._Uri__fail(component, index, "Invalid character");
6300 sourceLength = _null;
6301 replacement = sourceLength;
6302 } else {
6303 if ((char & 64512) === 55296) {
6304 t2 = index + 1;
6305 if (t2 < end) {
6306 tail = B.JSString_methods.codeUnitAt$1(component, t2);
6307 if ((tail & 64512) === 56320) {
6308 char = (char & 1023) << 10 | tail & 1023 | 65536;
6309 sourceLength = 2;
6310 } else
6311 sourceLength = 1;
6312 } else
6313 sourceLength = 1;
6314 } else
6315 sourceLength = 1;
6316 replacement = A._Uri__escapeChar(char);
6317 }
6318 if (buffer == null) {
6319 buffer = new A.StringBuffer("");
6320 t2 = buffer;
6321 } else
6322 t2 = buffer;
6323 t2._contents += B.JSString_methods.substring$2(component, sectionStart, index);
6324 t2._contents += A.S(replacement);
6325 index += sourceLength;
6326 sectionStart = index;
6327 }
6328 }
6329 if (buffer == null)
6330 return _null;
6331 if (sectionStart < end)
6332 buffer._contents += B.JSString_methods.substring$2(component, sectionStart, end);
6333 t1 = buffer._contents;
6334 return t1.charCodeAt(0) == 0 ? t1 : t1;
6335 },
6336 _Uri__mayContainDotSegments(path) {
6337 if (B.JSString_methods.startsWith$1(path, "."))
6338 return true;
6339 return B.JSString_methods.indexOf$1(path, "/.") !== -1;
6340 },
6341 _Uri__removeDotSegments(path) {
6342 var output, t1, t2, appendSlash, _i, segment;
6343 if (!A._Uri__mayContainDotSegments(path))
6344 return path;
6345 output = A._setArrayType([], type$.JSArray_String);
6346 for (t1 = path.split("/"), t2 = t1.length, appendSlash = false, _i = 0; _i < t2; ++_i) {
6347 segment = t1[_i];
6348 if (J.$eq$(segment, "..")) {
6349 if (output.length !== 0) {
6350 output.pop();
6351 if (output.length === 0)
6352 output.push("");
6353 }
6354 appendSlash = true;
6355 } else if ("." === segment)
6356 appendSlash = true;
6357 else {
6358 output.push(segment);
6359 appendSlash = false;
6360 }
6361 }
6362 if (appendSlash)
6363 output.push("");
6364 return B.JSArray_methods.join$1(output, "/");
6365 },
6366 _Uri__normalizeRelativePath(path, allowScheme) {
6367 var output, t1, t2, appendSlash, _i, segment;
6368 if (!A._Uri__mayContainDotSegments(path))
6369 return !allowScheme ? A._Uri__escapeScheme(path) : path;
6370 output = A._setArrayType([], type$.JSArray_String);
6371 for (t1 = path.split("/"), t2 = t1.length, appendSlash = false, _i = 0; _i < t2; ++_i) {
6372 segment = t1[_i];
6373 if (".." === segment)
6374 if (output.length !== 0 && B.JSArray_methods.get$last(output) !== "..") {
6375 output.pop();
6376 appendSlash = true;
6377 } else {
6378 output.push("..");
6379 appendSlash = false;
6380 }
6381 else if ("." === segment)
6382 appendSlash = true;
6383 else {
6384 output.push(segment);
6385 appendSlash = false;
6386 }
6387 }
6388 t1 = output.length;
6389 if (t1 !== 0)
6390 t1 = t1 === 1 && output[0].length === 0;
6391 else
6392 t1 = true;
6393 if (t1)
6394 return "./";
6395 if (appendSlash || B.JSArray_methods.get$last(output) === "..")
6396 output.push("");
6397 if (!allowScheme)
6398 output[0] = A._Uri__escapeScheme(output[0]);
6399 return B.JSArray_methods.join$1(output, "/");
6400 },
6401 _Uri__escapeScheme(path) {
6402 var i, char,
6403 t1 = path.length;
6404 if (t1 >= 2 && A._Uri__isAlphabeticCharacter(B.JSString_methods._codeUnitAt$1(path, 0)))
6405 for (i = 1; i < t1; ++i) {
6406 char = B.JSString_methods._codeUnitAt$1(path, i);
6407 if (char === 58)
6408 return B.JSString_methods.substring$2(path, 0, i) + "%3A" + B.JSString_methods.substring$1(path, i + 1);
6409 if (char > 127 || (B.List_JYB[char >>> 4] & 1 << (char & 15)) === 0)
6410 break;
6411 }
6412 return path;
6413 },
6414 _Uri__packageNameEnd(uri, path) {
6415 if (uri.isScheme$1("package") && uri._host == null)
6416 return A._skipPackageNameChars(path, 0, path.length);
6417 return -1;
6418 },
6419 _Uri__toWindowsFilePath(uri) {
6420 var hasDriveLetter, t2, host,
6421 segments = uri.get$pathSegments(),
6422 t1 = segments.length;
6423 if (t1 > 0 && J.get$length$asx(segments[0]) === 2 && J.codeUnitAt$1$s(segments[0], 1) === 58) {
6424 A._Uri__checkWindowsDriveLetter(J.codeUnitAt$1$s(segments[0], 0), false);
6425 A._Uri__checkWindowsPathReservedCharacters(segments, false, 1);
6426 hasDriveLetter = true;
6427 } else {
6428 A._Uri__checkWindowsPathReservedCharacters(segments, false, 0);
6429 hasDriveLetter = false;
6430 }
6431 t2 = uri.get$hasAbsolutePath() && !hasDriveLetter ? "" + "\\" : "";
6432 if (uri.get$hasAuthority()) {
6433 host = uri.get$host();
6434 if (host.length !== 0)
6435 t2 = t2 + "\\" + host + "\\";
6436 }
6437 t2 = A.StringBuffer__writeAll(t2, segments, "\\");
6438 t1 = hasDriveLetter && t1 === 1 ? t2 + "\\" : t2;
6439 return t1.charCodeAt(0) == 0 ? t1 : t1;
6440 },
6441 _Uri__hexCharPairToByte(s, pos) {
6442 var byte, i, charCode;
6443 for (byte = 0, i = 0; i < 2; ++i) {
6444 charCode = B.JSString_methods._codeUnitAt$1(s, pos + i);
6445 if (48 <= charCode && charCode <= 57)
6446 byte = byte * 16 + charCode - 48;
6447 else {
6448 charCode |= 32;
6449 if (97 <= charCode && charCode <= 102)
6450 byte = byte * 16 + charCode - 87;
6451 else
6452 throw A.wrapException(A.ArgumentError$("Invalid URL encoding", null));
6453 }
6454 }
6455 return byte;
6456 },
6457 _Uri__uriDecode(text, start, end, encoding, plusToSpace) {
6458 var simple, codeUnit, t1, bytes,
6459 i = start;
6460 while (true) {
6461 if (!(i < end)) {
6462 simple = true;
6463 break;
6464 }
6465 codeUnit = B.JSString_methods._codeUnitAt$1(text, i);
6466 if (codeUnit <= 127)
6467 if (codeUnit !== 37)
6468 t1 = false;
6469 else
6470 t1 = true;
6471 else
6472 t1 = true;
6473 if (t1) {
6474 simple = false;
6475 break;
6476 }
6477 ++i;
6478 }
6479 if (simple) {
6480 if (B.C_Utf8Codec !== encoding)
6481 t1 = false;
6482 else
6483 t1 = true;
6484 if (t1)
6485 return B.JSString_methods.substring$2(text, start, end);
6486 else
6487 bytes = new A.CodeUnits(B.JSString_methods.substring$2(text, start, end));
6488 } else {
6489 bytes = A._setArrayType([], type$.JSArray_int);
6490 for (t1 = text.length, i = start; i < end; ++i) {
6491 codeUnit = B.JSString_methods._codeUnitAt$1(text, i);
6492 if (codeUnit > 127)
6493 throw A.wrapException(A.ArgumentError$("Illegal percent encoding in URI", null));
6494 if (codeUnit === 37) {
6495 if (i + 3 > t1)
6496 throw A.wrapException(A.ArgumentError$("Truncated URI", null));
6497 bytes.push(A._Uri__hexCharPairToByte(text, i + 1));
6498 i += 2;
6499 } else
6500 bytes.push(codeUnit);
6501 }
6502 }
6503 return B.Utf8Decoder_false.convert$1(bytes);
6504 },
6505 _Uri__isAlphabeticCharacter(codeUnit) {
6506 var lowerCase = codeUnit | 32;
6507 return 97 <= lowerCase && lowerCase <= 122;
6508 },
6509 UriData__writeUri(mimeType, charsetName, parameters, buffer, indices) {
6510 var t1, slashIndex;
6511 if (mimeType == null || mimeType === "text/plain")
6512 mimeType = "";
6513 if (mimeType.length === 0 || mimeType === "application/octet-stream")
6514 t1 = buffer._contents += mimeType;
6515 else {
6516 slashIndex = A.UriData__validateMimeType(mimeType);
6517 if (slashIndex < 0)
6518 throw A.wrapException(A.ArgumentError$value(mimeType, "mimeType", "Invalid MIME type"));
6519 t1 = buffer._contents += A._Uri__uriEncode(B.List_qFt, B.JSString_methods.substring$2(mimeType, 0, slashIndex), B.C_Utf8Codec, false);
6520 buffer._contents = t1 + "/";
6521 t1 = buffer._contents += A._Uri__uriEncode(B.List_qFt, B.JSString_methods.substring$1(mimeType, slashIndex + 1), B.C_Utf8Codec, false);
6522 }
6523 if (charsetName != null) {
6524 indices.push(t1.length);
6525 indices.push(buffer._contents.length + 8);
6526 buffer._contents += ";charset=";
6527 buffer._contents += A._Uri__uriEncode(B.List_qFt, charsetName, B.C_Utf8Codec, false);
6528 }
6529 },
6530 UriData__validateMimeType(mimeType) {
6531 var t1, slashIndex, i;
6532 for (t1 = mimeType.length, slashIndex = -1, i = 0; i < t1; ++i) {
6533 if (B.JSString_methods._codeUnitAt$1(mimeType, i) !== 47)
6534 continue;
6535 if (slashIndex < 0) {
6536 slashIndex = i;
6537 continue;
6538 }
6539 return -1;
6540 }
6541 return slashIndex;
6542 },
6543 UriData__parse(text, start, sourceUri) {
6544 var t1, i, slashIndex, char, equalsIndex, lastSeparator, t2, data,
6545 _s17_ = "Invalid MIME type",
6546 indices = A._setArrayType([start - 1], type$.JSArray_int);
6547 for (t1 = text.length, i = start, slashIndex = -1, char = null; i < t1; ++i) {
6548 char = B.JSString_methods._codeUnitAt$1(text, i);
6549 if (char === 44 || char === 59)
6550 break;
6551 if (char === 47) {
6552 if (slashIndex < 0) {
6553 slashIndex = i;
6554 continue;
6555 }
6556 throw A.wrapException(A.FormatException$(_s17_, text, i));
6557 }
6558 }
6559 if (slashIndex < 0 && i > start)
6560 throw A.wrapException(A.FormatException$(_s17_, text, i));
6561 for (; char !== 44;) {
6562 indices.push(i);
6563 ++i;
6564 for (equalsIndex = -1; i < t1; ++i) {
6565 char = B.JSString_methods._codeUnitAt$1(text, i);
6566 if (char === 61) {
6567 if (equalsIndex < 0)
6568 equalsIndex = i;
6569 } else if (char === 59 || char === 44)
6570 break;
6571 }
6572 if (equalsIndex >= 0)
6573 indices.push(equalsIndex);
6574 else {
6575 lastSeparator = B.JSArray_methods.get$last(indices);
6576 if (char !== 44 || i !== lastSeparator + 7 || !B.JSString_methods.startsWith$2(text, "base64", lastSeparator + 1))
6577 throw A.wrapException(A.FormatException$("Expecting '='", text, i));
6578 break;
6579 }
6580 }
6581 indices.push(i);
6582 t2 = i + 1;
6583 if ((indices.length & 1) === 1)
6584 text = B.C_Base64Codec.normalize$3(text, t2, t1);
6585 else {
6586 data = A._Uri__normalize(text, t2, t1, B.List_CVk, true);
6587 if (data != null)
6588 text = B.JSString_methods.replaceRange$3(text, t2, t1, data);
6589 }
6590 return new A.UriData(text, indices, sourceUri);
6591 },
6592 UriData__uriEncodeBytes(canonicalTable, bytes, buffer) {
6593 var t1, byteOr, i, byte, t2, t3,
6594 _s16_ = "0123456789ABCDEF";
6595 for (t1 = J.getInterceptor$asx(bytes), byteOr = 0, i = 0; i < t1.get$length(bytes); ++i) {
6596 byte = t1.$index(bytes, i);
6597 byteOr |= byte;
6598 t2 = byte < 128 && (canonicalTable[B.JSInt_methods._shrOtherPositive$1(byte, 4)] & 1 << (byte & 15)) !== 0;
6599 t3 = buffer._contents;
6600 if (t2)
6601 buffer._contents = t3 + A.Primitives_stringFromCharCode(byte);
6602 else {
6603 t2 = t3 + A.Primitives_stringFromCharCode(37);
6604 buffer._contents = t2;
6605 t2 += A.Primitives_stringFromCharCode(B.JSString_methods._codeUnitAt$1(_s16_, B.JSInt_methods._shrOtherPositive$1(byte, 4)));
6606 buffer._contents = t2;
6607 buffer._contents = t2 + A.Primitives_stringFromCharCode(B.JSString_methods._codeUnitAt$1(_s16_, byte & 15));
6608 }
6609 }
6610 if ((byteOr & 4294967040) >>> 0 !== 0)
6611 for (i = 0; i < t1.get$length(bytes); ++i) {
6612 byte = t1.$index(bytes, i);
6613 if (byte < 0 || byte > 255)
6614 throw A.wrapException(A.ArgumentError$value(byte, "non-byte value", null));
6615 }
6616 },
6617 _createTables() {
6618 var _i, t1, t2, t3, b,
6619 _s77_ = "0123456789ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz-._~!$&'()*+,;=",
6620 _s1_ = ".", _s1_0 = ":", _s1_1 = "/", _s1_2 = "?", _s1_3 = "#",
6621 tables = J.JSArray_JSArray$allocateGrowable(22, type$.Uint8List);
6622 for (_i = 0; _i < 22; ++_i)
6623 tables[_i] = new Uint8Array(96);
6624 t1 = new A._createTables_build(tables);
6625 t2 = new A._createTables_setChars();
6626 t3 = new A._createTables_setRange();
6627 b = t1.call$2(0, 225);
6628 t2.call$3(b, _s77_, 1);
6629 t2.call$3(b, _s1_, 14);
6630 t2.call$3(b, _s1_0, 34);
6631 t2.call$3(b, _s1_1, 3);
6632 t2.call$3(b, _s1_2, 172);
6633 t2.call$3(b, _s1_3, 205);
6634 b = t1.call$2(14, 225);
6635 t2.call$3(b, _s77_, 1);
6636 t2.call$3(b, _s1_, 15);
6637 t2.call$3(b, _s1_0, 34);
6638 t2.call$3(b, _s1_1, 234);
6639 t2.call$3(b, _s1_2, 172);
6640 t2.call$3(b, _s1_3, 205);
6641 b = t1.call$2(15, 225);
6642 t2.call$3(b, _s77_, 1);
6643 t2.call$3(b, "%", 225);
6644 t2.call$3(b, _s1_0, 34);
6645 t2.call$3(b, _s1_1, 9);
6646 t2.call$3(b, _s1_2, 172);
6647 t2.call$3(b, _s1_3, 205);
6648 b = t1.call$2(1, 225);
6649 t2.call$3(b, _s77_, 1);
6650 t2.call$3(b, _s1_0, 34);
6651 t2.call$3(b, _s1_1, 10);
6652 t2.call$3(b, _s1_2, 172);
6653 t2.call$3(b, _s1_3, 205);
6654 b = t1.call$2(2, 235);
6655 t2.call$3(b, _s77_, 139);
6656 t2.call$3(b, _s1_1, 131);
6657 t2.call$3(b, _s1_, 146);
6658 t2.call$3(b, _s1_2, 172);
6659 t2.call$3(b, _s1_3, 205);
6660 b = t1.call$2(3, 235);
6661 t2.call$3(b, _s77_, 11);
6662 t2.call$3(b, _s1_1, 68);
6663 t2.call$3(b, _s1_, 18);
6664 t2.call$3(b, _s1_2, 172);
6665 t2.call$3(b, _s1_3, 205);
6666 b = t1.call$2(4, 229);
6667 t2.call$3(b, _s77_, 5);
6668 t3.call$3(b, "AZ", 229);
6669 t2.call$3(b, _s1_0, 102);
6670 t2.call$3(b, "@", 68);
6671 t2.call$3(b, "[", 232);
6672 t2.call$3(b, _s1_1, 138);
6673 t2.call$3(b, _s1_2, 172);
6674 t2.call$3(b, _s1_3, 205);
6675 b = t1.call$2(5, 229);
6676 t2.call$3(b, _s77_, 5);
6677 t3.call$3(b, "AZ", 229);
6678 t2.call$3(b, _s1_0, 102);
6679 t2.call$3(b, "@", 68);
6680 t2.call$3(b, _s1_1, 138);
6681 t2.call$3(b, _s1_2, 172);
6682 t2.call$3(b, _s1_3, 205);
6683 b = t1.call$2(6, 231);
6684 t3.call$3(b, "19", 7);
6685 t2.call$3(b, "@", 68);
6686 t2.call$3(b, _s1_1, 138);
6687 t2.call$3(b, _s1_2, 172);
6688 t2.call$3(b, _s1_3, 205);
6689 b = t1.call$2(7, 231);
6690 t3.call$3(b, "09", 7);
6691 t2.call$3(b, "@", 68);
6692 t2.call$3(b, _s1_1, 138);
6693 t2.call$3(b, _s1_2, 172);
6694 t2.call$3(b, _s1_3, 205);
6695 t2.call$3(t1.call$2(8, 8), "]", 5);
6696 b = t1.call$2(9, 235);
6697 t2.call$3(b, _s77_, 11);
6698 t2.call$3(b, _s1_, 16);
6699 t2.call$3(b, _s1_1, 234);
6700 t2.call$3(b, _s1_2, 172);
6701 t2.call$3(b, _s1_3, 205);
6702 b = t1.call$2(16, 235);
6703 t2.call$3(b, _s77_, 11);
6704 t2.call$3(b, _s1_, 17);
6705 t2.call$3(b, _s1_1, 234);
6706 t2.call$3(b, _s1_2, 172);
6707 t2.call$3(b, _s1_3, 205);
6708 b = t1.call$2(17, 235);
6709 t2.call$3(b, _s77_, 11);
6710 t2.call$3(b, _s1_1, 9);
6711 t2.call$3(b, _s1_2, 172);
6712 t2.call$3(b, _s1_3, 205);
6713 b = t1.call$2(10, 235);
6714 t2.call$3(b, _s77_, 11);
6715 t2.call$3(b, _s1_, 18);
6716 t2.call$3(b, _s1_1, 234);
6717 t2.call$3(b, _s1_2, 172);
6718 t2.call$3(b, _s1_3, 205);
6719 b = t1.call$2(18, 235);
6720 t2.call$3(b, _s77_, 11);
6721 t2.call$3(b, _s1_, 19);
6722 t2.call$3(b, _s1_1, 234);
6723 t2.call$3(b, _s1_2, 172);
6724 t2.call$3(b, _s1_3, 205);
6725 b = t1.call$2(19, 235);
6726 t2.call$3(b, _s77_, 11);
6727 t2.call$3(b, _s1_1, 234);
6728 t2.call$3(b, _s1_2, 172);
6729 t2.call$3(b, _s1_3, 205);
6730 b = t1.call$2(11, 235);
6731 t2.call$3(b, _s77_, 11);
6732 t2.call$3(b, _s1_1, 10);
6733 t2.call$3(b, _s1_2, 172);
6734 t2.call$3(b, _s1_3, 205);
6735 b = t1.call$2(12, 236);
6736 t2.call$3(b, _s77_, 12);
6737 t2.call$3(b, _s1_2, 12);
6738 t2.call$3(b, _s1_3, 205);
6739 b = t1.call$2(13, 237);
6740 t2.call$3(b, _s77_, 13);
6741 t2.call$3(b, _s1_2, 13);
6742 t3.call$3(t1.call$2(20, 245), "az", 21);
6743 b = t1.call$2(21, 245);
6744 t3.call$3(b, "az", 21);
6745 t3.call$3(b, "09", 21);
6746 t2.call$3(b, "+-.", 21);
6747 return tables;
6748 },
6749 _scan(uri, start, end, state, indices) {
6750 var i, table, char, transition,
6751 tables = $.$get$_scannerTables();
6752 for (i = start; i < end; ++i) {
6753 table = tables[state];
6754 char = B.JSString_methods._codeUnitAt$1(uri, i) ^ 96;
6755 transition = table[char > 95 ? 31 : char];
6756 state = transition & 31;
6757 indices[transition >>> 5] = i;
6758 }
6759 return state;
6760 },
6761 _SimpleUri__packageNameEnd(uri) {
6762 if (uri._schemeEnd === 7 && B.JSString_methods.startsWith$1(uri._uri, "package") && uri._hostStart <= 0)
6763 return A._skipPackageNameChars(uri._uri, uri._pathStart, uri._queryStart);
6764 return -1;
6765 },
6766 _skipPackageNameChars(source, start, end) {
6767 var i, dots, char;
6768 for (i = start, dots = 0; i < end; ++i) {
6769 char = B.JSString_methods.codeUnitAt$1(source, i);
6770 if (char === 47)
6771 return dots !== 0 ? i : -1;
6772 if (char === 37 || char === 58)
6773 return -1;
6774 dots |= char ^ 46;
6775 }
6776 return -1;
6777 },
6778 NoSuchMethodError_toString_closure: function NoSuchMethodError_toString_closure(t0, t1) {
6779 this._box_0 = t0;
6780 this.sb = t1;
6781 },
6782 DateTime: function DateTime(t0, t1) {
6783 this._core$_value = t0;
6784 this.isUtc = t1;
6785 },
6786 Duration: function Duration(t0) {
6787 this._duration = t0;
6788 },
6789 Error: function Error() {
6790 },
6791 AssertionError: function AssertionError(t0) {
6792 this.message = t0;
6793 },
6794 TypeError: function TypeError() {
6795 },
6796 NullThrownError: function NullThrownError() {
6797 },
6798 ArgumentError: function ArgumentError(t0, t1, t2, t3) {
6799 var _ = this;
6800 _._hasValue = t0;
6801 _.invalidValue = t1;
6802 _.name = t2;
6803 _.message = t3;
6804 },
6805 RangeError: function RangeError(t0, t1, t2, t3, t4, t5) {
6806 var _ = this;
6807 _.start = t0;
6808 _.end = t1;
6809 _._hasValue = t2;
6810 _.invalidValue = t3;
6811 _.name = t4;
6812 _.message = t5;
6813 },
6814 IndexError: function IndexError(t0, t1, t2, t3, t4) {
6815 var _ = this;
6816 _.length = t0;
6817 _._hasValue = t1;
6818 _.invalidValue = t2;
6819 _.name = t3;
6820 _.message = t4;
6821 },
6822 NoSuchMethodError: function NoSuchMethodError(t0, t1, t2, t3) {
6823 var _ = this;
6824 _._core$_receiver = t0;
6825 _._memberName = t1;
6826 _._core$_arguments = t2;
6827 _._namedArguments = t3;
6828 },
6829 UnsupportedError: function UnsupportedError(t0) {
6830 this.message = t0;
6831 },
6832 UnimplementedError: function UnimplementedError(t0) {
6833 this.message = t0;
6834 },
6835 StateError: function StateError(t0) {
6836 this.message = t0;
6837 },
6838 ConcurrentModificationError: function ConcurrentModificationError(t0) {
6839 this.modifiedObject = t0;
6840 },
6841 OutOfMemoryError: function OutOfMemoryError() {
6842 },
6843 StackOverflowError: function StackOverflowError() {
6844 },
6845 CyclicInitializationError: function CyclicInitializationError(t0) {
6846 this.variableName = t0;
6847 },
6848 _Exception: function _Exception(t0) {
6849 this.message = t0;
6850 },
6851 FormatException: function FormatException(t0, t1, t2) {
6852 this.message = t0;
6853 this.source = t1;
6854 this.offset = t2;
6855 },
6856 Expando: function Expando(t0) {
6857 this._jsWeakMap = t0;
6858 },
6859 Iterable: function Iterable() {
6860 },
6861 _GeneratorIterable: function _GeneratorIterable(t0, t1, t2) {
6862 this.length = t0;
6863 this._generator = t1;
6864 this.$ti = t2;
6865 },
6866 Iterator: function Iterator() {
6867 },
6868 MapEntry: function MapEntry(t0, t1, t2) {
6869 this.key = t0;
6870 this.value = t1;
6871 this.$ti = t2;
6872 },
6873 Null: function Null() {
6874 },
6875 Object: function Object() {
6876 },
6877 _StringStackTrace: function _StringStackTrace(t0) {
6878 this._stackTrace = t0;
6879 },
6880 Runes: function Runes(t0) {
6881 this.string = t0;
6882 },
6883 RuneIterator: function RuneIterator(t0) {
6884 var _ = this;
6885 _.string = t0;
6886 _._nextPosition = _._position = 0;
6887 _._currentCodePoint = -1;
6888 },
6889 StringBuffer: function StringBuffer(t0) {
6890 this._contents = t0;
6891 },
6892 Uri__parseIPv4Address_error: function Uri__parseIPv4Address_error(t0) {
6893 this.host = t0;
6894 },
6895 Uri_parseIPv6Address_error: function Uri_parseIPv6Address_error(t0) {
6896 this.host = t0;
6897 },
6898 Uri_parseIPv6Address_parseHex: function Uri_parseIPv6Address_parseHex(t0, t1) {
6899 this.error = t0;
6900 this.host = t1;
6901 },
6902 _Uri: function _Uri(t0, t1, t2, t3, t4, t5, t6) {
6903 var _ = this;
6904 _.scheme = t0;
6905 _._userInfo = t1;
6906 _._host = t2;
6907 _._port = t3;
6908 _.path = t4;
6909 _._query = t5;
6910 _._fragment = t6;
6911 _.___Uri_hashCode = _.___Uri_pathSegments = _.___Uri__text = $;
6912 },
6913 _Uri__makePath_closure: function _Uri__makePath_closure() {
6914 },
6915 UriData: function UriData(t0, t1, t2) {
6916 this._text = t0;
6917 this._separatorIndices = t1;
6918 this._uriCache = t2;
6919 },
6920 _createTables_build: function _createTables_build(t0) {
6921 this.tables = t0;
6922 },
6923 _createTables_setChars: function _createTables_setChars() {
6924 },
6925 _createTables_setRange: function _createTables_setRange() {
6926 },
6927 _SimpleUri: function _SimpleUri(t0, t1, t2, t3, t4, t5, t6, t7) {
6928 var _ = this;
6929 _._uri = t0;
6930 _._schemeEnd = t1;
6931 _._hostStart = t2;
6932 _._portStart = t3;
6933 _._pathStart = t4;
6934 _._queryStart = t5;
6935 _._fragmentStart = t6;
6936 _._schemeCache = t7;
6937 _._hashCodeCache = null;
6938 },
6939 _DataUri: function _DataUri(t0, t1, t2, t3, t4, t5, t6) {
6940 var _ = this;
6941 _.scheme = t0;
6942 _._userInfo = t1;
6943 _._host = t2;
6944 _._port = t3;
6945 _.path = t4;
6946 _._query = t5;
6947 _._fragment = t6;
6948 _.___Uri_hashCode = _.___Uri_pathSegments = _.___Uri__text = $;
6949 },
6950 _convertDataTree(data) {
6951 var t1 = new A._convertDataTree__convert(new A._IdentityHashMap(type$._IdentityHashMap_dynamic_dynamic)).call$1(data);
6952 t1.toString;
6953 return t1;
6954 },
6955 callConstructor(constr, $arguments) {
6956 var args, factoryFunction;
6957 if ($arguments instanceof Array)
6958 switch ($arguments.length) {
6959 case 0:
6960 return new constr();
6961 case 1:
6962 return new constr($arguments[0]);
6963 case 2:
6964 return new constr($arguments[0], $arguments[1]);
6965 case 3:
6966 return new constr($arguments[0], $arguments[1], $arguments[2]);
6967 case 4:
6968 return new constr($arguments[0], $arguments[1], $arguments[2], $arguments[3]);
6969 }
6970 args = [null];
6971 B.JSArray_methods.addAll$1(args, $arguments);
6972 factoryFunction = constr.bind.apply(constr, args);
6973 String(factoryFunction);
6974 return new factoryFunction();
6975 },
6976 _convertDataTree__convert: function _convertDataTree__convert(t0) {
6977 this._convertedObjects = t0;
6978 },
6979 max(a, b) {
6980 return Math.max(A.checkNum(a), A.checkNum(b));
6981 },
6982 pow(x, exponent) {
6983 return Math.pow(x, exponent);
6984 },
6985 Random_Random() {
6986 return B.C__JSRandom;
6987 },
6988 _JSRandom: function _JSRandom() {
6989 },
6990 ArgParser: function ArgParser(t0, t1, t2, t3, t4, t5, t6) {
6991 var _ = this;
6992 _._arg_parser$_options = t0;
6993 _._aliases = t1;
6994 _.options = t2;
6995 _.commands = t3;
6996 _._optionsAndSeparators = t4;
6997 _.allowTrailingOptions = t5;
6998 _.usageLineLength = t6;
6999 },
7000 ArgParser__addOption_closure: function ArgParser__addOption_closure(t0) {
7001 this.$this = t0;
7002 },
7003 ArgParserException$(message, commands) {
7004 return new A.ArgParserException(commands == null ? B.List_empty : A.List_List$unmodifiable(commands, type$.String), message, null, null);
7005 },
7006 ArgParserException: function ArgParserException(t0, t1, t2, t3) {
7007 var _ = this;
7008 _.commands = t0;
7009 _.message = t1;
7010 _.source = t2;
7011 _.offset = t3;
7012 },
7013 ArgResults: function ArgResults(t0, t1, t2, t3) {
7014 var _ = this;
7015 _._parser = t0;
7016 _._parsed = t1;
7017 _.name = t2;
7018 _.rest = t3;
7019 },
7020 Option: function Option(t0, t1, t2, t3, t4, t5, t6, t7, t8, t9, t10, t11, t12) {
7021 var _ = this;
7022 _.name = t0;
7023 _.abbr = t1;
7024 _.help = t2;
7025 _.valueHelp = t3;
7026 _.allowed = t4;
7027 _.allowedHelp = t5;
7028 _.defaultsTo = t6;
7029 _.negatable = t7;
7030 _.callback = t8;
7031 _.type = t9;
7032 _.splitCommas = t10;
7033 _.mandatory = t11;
7034 _.hide = t12;
7035 },
7036 OptionType: function OptionType(t0) {
7037 this.name = t0;
7038 },
7039 Parser$(_commandName, _grammar, _args, _parent, rest) {
7040 var t1 = A._setArrayType([], type$.JSArray_String);
7041 if (rest != null)
7042 B.JSArray_methods.addAll$1(t1, rest);
7043 return new A.Parser0(_commandName, _parent, _grammar, _args, t1, A.LinkedHashMap_LinkedHashMap$_empty(type$.String, type$.dynamic));
7044 },
7045 _isLetterOrDigit(codeUnit) {
7046 var t1;
7047 if (!(codeUnit >= 65 && codeUnit <= 90))
7048 if (!(codeUnit >= 97 && codeUnit <= 122))
7049 t1 = codeUnit >= 48 && codeUnit <= 57;
7050 else
7051 t1 = true;
7052 else
7053 t1 = true;
7054 return t1;
7055 },
7056 Parser0: function Parser0(t0, t1, t2, t3, t4, t5) {
7057 var _ = this;
7058 _._commandName = t0;
7059 _._parser$_parent = t1;
7060 _._grammar = t2;
7061 _._args = t3;
7062 _._parser$_rest = t4;
7063 _._results = t5;
7064 },
7065 Parser_parse_closure: function Parser_parse_closure(t0) {
7066 this.$this = t0;
7067 },
7068 Parser__setOption_closure: function Parser__setOption_closure() {
7069 },
7070 _Usage: function _Usage(t0, t1, t2) {
7071 var _ = this;
7072 _._usage$_optionsAndSeparators = t0;
7073 _._buffer = t1;
7074 _._currentColumn = 0;
7075 _.___Usage__columnWidths = $;
7076 _._newlinesNeeded = 0;
7077 _.lineLength = t2;
7078 },
7079 _Usage__writeOption_closure: function _Usage__writeOption_closure() {
7080 },
7081 _Usage__buildAllowedList_closure: function _Usage__buildAllowedList_closure(t0) {
7082 this.option = t0;
7083 },
7084 ErrorResult: function ErrorResult(t0, t1) {
7085 this.error = t0;
7086 this.stackTrace = t1;
7087 },
7088 ValueResult: function ValueResult(t0, t1) {
7089 this.value = t0;
7090 this.$ti = t1;
7091 },
7092 StreamCompleter: function StreamCompleter(t0, t1) {
7093 this._stream_completer$_stream = t0;
7094 this.$ti = t1;
7095 },
7096 _CompleterStream: function _CompleterStream(t0) {
7097 this._sourceStream = this._stream_completer$_controller = null;
7098 this.$ti = t0;
7099 },
7100 StreamGroup: function StreamGroup(t0, t1, t2) {
7101 var _ = this;
7102 _.__StreamGroup__controller = $;
7103 _._closed = false;
7104 _._stream_group$_state = t0;
7105 _._subscriptions = t1;
7106 _.$ti = t2;
7107 },
7108 StreamGroup_add_closure: function StreamGroup_add_closure() {
7109 },
7110 StreamGroup_add_closure0: function StreamGroup_add_closure0(t0, t1) {
7111 this.$this = t0;
7112 this.stream = t1;
7113 },
7114 StreamGroup__onListen_closure: function StreamGroup__onListen_closure() {
7115 },
7116 StreamGroup__onCancel_closure: function StreamGroup__onCancel_closure(t0) {
7117 this.$this = t0;
7118 },
7119 StreamGroup__listenToStream_closure: function StreamGroup__listenToStream_closure(t0, t1) {
7120 this.$this = t0;
7121 this.stream = t1;
7122 },
7123 _StreamGroupState: function _StreamGroupState(t0) {
7124 this.name = t0;
7125 },
7126 StreamQueue: function StreamQueue(t0, t1, t2, t3) {
7127 var _ = this;
7128 _._stream_queue$_source = t0;
7129 _._stream_queue$_subscription = null;
7130 _._isDone = false;
7131 _._eventsReceived = 0;
7132 _._eventQueue = t1;
7133 _._requestQueue = t2;
7134 _.$ti = t3;
7135 },
7136 StreamQueue__ensureListening_closure: function StreamQueue__ensureListening_closure(t0) {
7137 this.$this = t0;
7138 },
7139 StreamQueue__ensureListening_closure1: function StreamQueue__ensureListening_closure1(t0) {
7140 this.$this = t0;
7141 },
7142 StreamQueue__ensureListening_closure0: function StreamQueue__ensureListening_closure0(t0) {
7143 this.$this = t0;
7144 },
7145 _NextRequest: function _NextRequest(t0, t1) {
7146 this._completer = t0;
7147 this.$ti = t1;
7148 },
7149 Repl: function Repl(t0, t1, t2, t3) {
7150 var _ = this;
7151 _.prompt = t0;
7152 _.continuation = t1;
7153 _.validator = t2;
7154 _.__Repl__adapter = $;
7155 _.history = t3;
7156 },
7157 alwaysValid_closure: function alwaysValid_closure() {
7158 },
7159 ReplAdapter: function ReplAdapter(t0) {
7160 this.repl = t0;
7161 this.rl = null;
7162 },
7163 ReplAdapter_runAsync_closure: function ReplAdapter_runAsync_closure(t0, t1, t2, t3) {
7164 var _ = this;
7165 _._box_0 = t0;
7166 _.$this = t1;
7167 _.rl = t2;
7168 _.runController = t3;
7169 },
7170 ReplAdapter_runAsync__closure: function ReplAdapter_runAsync__closure(t0) {
7171 this.lineController = t0;
7172 },
7173 Stdin: function Stdin() {
7174 },
7175 Stdout: function Stdout() {
7176 },
7177 ReadlineModule: function ReadlineModule() {
7178 },
7179 ReadlineOptions: function ReadlineOptions() {
7180 },
7181 ReadlineInterface: function ReadlineInterface() {
7182 },
7183 EmptyUnmodifiableSet: function EmptyUnmodifiableSet(t0) {
7184 this.$ti = t0;
7185 },
7186 _EmptyUnmodifiableSet_IterableBase_UnmodifiableSetMixin: function _EmptyUnmodifiableSet_IterableBase_UnmodifiableSetMixin() {
7187 },
7188 DefaultEquality: function DefaultEquality() {
7189 },
7190 IterableEquality: function IterableEquality() {
7191 },
7192 ListEquality: function ListEquality() {
7193 },
7194 _MapEntry: function _MapEntry(t0, t1, t2) {
7195 this.equality = t0;
7196 this.key = t1;
7197 this.value = t2;
7198 },
7199 MapEquality: function MapEquality() {
7200 },
7201 QueueList$(initialCapacity, $E) {
7202 return new A.QueueList(A.List_List$filled(A.QueueList__computeInitialCapacity(initialCapacity), null, false, $E._eval$1("0?")), 0, 0, $E._eval$1("QueueList<0>"));
7203 },
7204 QueueList_QueueList$from(source, $E) {
7205 var $length, queue, t1;
7206 if (type$.List_dynamic._is(source)) {
7207 $length = J.get$length$asx(source);
7208 queue = A.QueueList$($length + 1, $E);
7209 J.setRange$4$ax(queue._table, 0, $length, source, 0);
7210 queue._tail = $length;
7211 return queue;
7212 } else {
7213 t1 = A.QueueList$(null, $E);
7214 t1.addAll$1(0, source);
7215 return t1;
7216 }
7217 },
7218 QueueList__computeInitialCapacity(initialCapacity) {
7219 if (initialCapacity == null || initialCapacity < 8)
7220 return 8;
7221 ++initialCapacity;
7222 if ((initialCapacity & initialCapacity - 1) >>> 0 === 0)
7223 return initialCapacity;
7224 return A.QueueList__nextPowerOf2(initialCapacity);
7225 },
7226 QueueList__nextPowerOf2(number) {
7227 var nextNumber;
7228 number = (number << 1 >>> 0) - 1;
7229 for (; true; number = nextNumber) {
7230 nextNumber = (number & number - 1) >>> 0;
7231 if (nextNumber === 0)
7232 return number;
7233 }
7234 },
7235 QueueList: function QueueList(t0, t1, t2, t3) {
7236 var _ = this;
7237 _._table = t0;
7238 _._head = t1;
7239 _._tail = t2;
7240 _.$ti = t3;
7241 },
7242 _CastQueueList: function _CastQueueList(t0, t1, t2, t3, t4) {
7243 var _ = this;
7244 _._queue_list$_delegate = t0;
7245 _._table = t1;
7246 _._head = t2;
7247 _._tail = t3;
7248 _.$ti = t4;
7249 },
7250 _QueueList_Object_ListMixin: function _QueueList_Object_ListMixin() {
7251 },
7252 UnmodifiableSetMixin__throw() {
7253 throw A.wrapException(A.UnsupportedError$("Cannot modify an unmodifiable Set"));
7254 },
7255 UnmodifiableSetView: function UnmodifiableSetView(t0, t1) {
7256 this._base = t0;
7257 this.$ti = t1;
7258 },
7259 UnmodifiableSetMixin: function UnmodifiableSetMixin() {
7260 },
7261 _UnmodifiableSetView_DelegatingSet_UnmodifiableSetMixin: function _UnmodifiableSetView_DelegatingSet_UnmodifiableSetMixin() {
7262 },
7263 _DelegatingIterableBase: function _DelegatingIterableBase() {
7264 },
7265 DelegatingSet: function DelegatingSet(t0, t1) {
7266 this._base = t0;
7267 this.$ti = t1;
7268 },
7269 MapKeySet: function MapKeySet(t0, t1) {
7270 this._baseMap = t0;
7271 this.$ti = t1;
7272 },
7273 MapKeySet_difference_closure: function MapKeySet_difference_closure(t0, t1) {
7274 this.$this = t0;
7275 this.other = t1;
7276 },
7277 _MapKeySet__DelegatingIterableBase_UnmodifiableSetMixin: function _MapKeySet__DelegatingIterableBase_UnmodifiableSetMixin() {
7278 },
7279 BufferModule: function BufferModule() {
7280 },
7281 BufferConstants: function BufferConstants() {
7282 },
7283 Buffer: function Buffer() {
7284 },
7285 ConsoleModule: function ConsoleModule() {
7286 },
7287 Console: function Console() {
7288 },
7289 EventEmitter: function EventEmitter() {
7290 },
7291 fs() {
7292 var t1 = $._fs;
7293 return t1 == null ? $._fs = self.fs : t1;
7294 },
7295 FS: function FS() {
7296 },
7297 FSConstants: function FSConstants() {
7298 },
7299 FSWatcher: function FSWatcher() {
7300 },
7301 ReadStream: function ReadStream() {
7302 },
7303 ReadStreamOptions: function ReadStreamOptions() {
7304 },
7305 WriteStream: function WriteStream() {
7306 },
7307 WriteStreamOptions: function WriteStreamOptions() {
7308 },
7309 FileOptions: function FileOptions() {
7310 },
7311 StatOptions: function StatOptions() {
7312 },
7313 MkdirOptions: function MkdirOptions() {
7314 },
7315 RmdirOptions: function RmdirOptions() {
7316 },
7317 WatchOptions: function WatchOptions() {
7318 },
7319 WatchFileOptions: function WatchFileOptions() {
7320 },
7321 Stats: function Stats() {
7322 },
7323 Promise: function Promise() {
7324 },
7325 Date: function Date() {
7326 },
7327 JsError: function JsError() {
7328 },
7329 Atomics: function Atomics() {
7330 },
7331 Modules: function Modules() {
7332 },
7333 Module1: function Module1() {
7334 },
7335 Net: function Net() {
7336 },
7337 Socket: function Socket() {
7338 },
7339 NetAddress: function NetAddress() {
7340 },
7341 NetServer: function NetServer() {
7342 },
7343 NodeJsError: function NodeJsError() {
7344 },
7345 JsAssertionError: function JsAssertionError() {
7346 },
7347 JsRangeError: function JsRangeError() {
7348 },
7349 JsReferenceError: function JsReferenceError() {
7350 },
7351 JsSyntaxError: function JsSyntaxError() {
7352 },
7353 JsTypeError: function JsTypeError() {
7354 },
7355 JsSystemError: function JsSystemError() {
7356 },
7357 Process: function Process() {
7358 },
7359 CPUUsage: function CPUUsage() {
7360 },
7361 Release: function Release() {
7362 },
7363 StreamModule: function StreamModule() {
7364 },
7365 Readable: function Readable() {
7366 },
7367 Writable: function Writable() {
7368 },
7369 Duplex: function Duplex() {
7370 },
7371 Transform: function Transform() {
7372 },
7373 WritableOptions: function WritableOptions() {
7374 },
7375 ReadableOptions: function ReadableOptions() {
7376 },
7377 Immediate: function Immediate() {
7378 },
7379 Timeout: function Timeout() {
7380 },
7381 TTY: function TTY() {
7382 },
7383 TTYReadStream: function TTYReadStream() {
7384 },
7385 TTYWriteStream: function TTYWriteStream() {
7386 },
7387 jsify(dartObject) {
7388 if (A._isBasicType(dartObject))
7389 return dartObject;
7390 return A._convertDataTree(dartObject);
7391 },
7392 _isBasicType(value) {
7393 return false;
7394 },
7395 promiseToFuture(promise, $T) {
7396 var t1 = new A._Future($.Zone__current, $T._eval$1("_Future<0>")),
7397 completer = new A._SyncCompleter(t1, $T._eval$1("_SyncCompleter<0>"));
7398 J.then$2$x(promise, A.allowInterop(new A.promiseToFuture_closure(completer)), A.allowInterop(new A.promiseToFuture_closure0(completer)));
7399 return t1;
7400 },
7401 futureToPromise(future, $T) {
7402 return new self.Promise(A.allowInterop(new A.futureToPromise_closure(future, $T)));
7403 },
7404 Util: function Util() {
7405 },
7406 promiseToFuture_closure: function promiseToFuture_closure(t0) {
7407 this.completer = t0;
7408 },
7409 promiseToFuture_closure0: function promiseToFuture_closure0(t0) {
7410 this.completer = t0;
7411 },
7412 futureToPromise_closure: function futureToPromise_closure(t0, t1) {
7413 this.future = t0;
7414 this.T = t1;
7415 },
7416 futureToPromise__closure: function futureToPromise__closure(t0, t1) {
7417 this.resolve = t0;
7418 this.T = t1;
7419 },
7420 Context_Context(style) {
7421 var current = style == null ? A.current() : ".";
7422 if (style == null)
7423 style = $.$get$Style_platform();
7424 return new A.Context(type$.InternalStyle._as(style), current);
7425 },
7426 _parseUri(uri) {
7427 if (typeof uri == "string")
7428 return A.Uri_parse(uri);
7429 if (type$.Uri._is(uri))
7430 return uri;
7431 throw A.wrapException(A.ArgumentError$value(uri, "uri", "Value must be a String or a Uri"));
7432 },
7433 _validateArgList(method, args) {
7434 var numArgs, i, numArgs0, message, t1, t2, t3, t4;
7435 for (numArgs = args.length, i = 1; i < numArgs; ++i) {
7436 if (args[i] == null || args[i - 1] != null)
7437 continue;
7438 for (; numArgs >= 1; numArgs = numArgs0) {
7439 numArgs0 = numArgs - 1;
7440 if (args[numArgs0] != null)
7441 break;
7442 }
7443 message = new A.StringBuffer("");
7444 t1 = "" + (method + "(");
7445 message._contents = t1;
7446 t2 = A._arrayInstanceType(args);
7447 t3 = t2._eval$1("SubListIterable<1>");
7448 t4 = new A.SubListIterable(args, 0, numArgs, t3);
7449 t4.SubListIterable$3(args, 0, numArgs, t2._precomputed1);
7450 t3 = t1 + new A.MappedListIterable(t4, new A._validateArgList_closure(), t3._eval$1("MappedListIterable<ListIterable.E,String>")).join$1(0, ", ");
7451 message._contents = t3;
7452 message._contents = t3 + ("): part " + (i - 1) + " was null, but part " + i + " was not.");
7453 throw A.wrapException(A.ArgumentError$(message.toString$0(0), null));
7454 }
7455 },
7456 Context: function Context(t0, t1) {
7457 this.style = t0;
7458 this._context$_current = t1;
7459 },
7460 Context_joinAll_closure: function Context_joinAll_closure() {
7461 },
7462 Context_split_closure: function Context_split_closure() {
7463 },
7464 _validateArgList_closure: function _validateArgList_closure() {
7465 },
7466 _PathDirection: function _PathDirection(t0) {
7467 this.name = t0;
7468 },
7469 _PathRelation: function _PathRelation(t0) {
7470 this.name = t0;
7471 },
7472 InternalStyle: function InternalStyle() {
7473 },
7474 ParsedPath_ParsedPath$parse(path, style) {
7475 var t1, parts, separators, start, i,
7476 root = style.getRoot$1(path),
7477 isRootRelative = style.isRootRelative$1(path);
7478 if (root != null)
7479 path = B.JSString_methods.substring$1(path, root.length);
7480 t1 = type$.JSArray_String;
7481 parts = A._setArrayType([], t1);
7482 separators = A._setArrayType([], t1);
7483 t1 = path.length;
7484 if (t1 !== 0 && style.isSeparator$1(B.JSString_methods._codeUnitAt$1(path, 0))) {
7485 separators.push(path[0]);
7486 start = 1;
7487 } else {
7488 separators.push("");
7489 start = 0;
7490 }
7491 for (i = start; i < t1; ++i)
7492 if (style.isSeparator$1(B.JSString_methods._codeUnitAt$1(path, i))) {
7493 parts.push(B.JSString_methods.substring$2(path, start, i));
7494 separators.push(path[i]);
7495 start = i + 1;
7496 }
7497 if (start < t1) {
7498 parts.push(B.JSString_methods.substring$1(path, start));
7499 separators.push("");
7500 }
7501 return new A.ParsedPath(style, root, isRootRelative, parts, separators);
7502 },
7503 ParsedPath: function ParsedPath(t0, t1, t2, t3, t4) {
7504 var _ = this;
7505 _.style = t0;
7506 _.root = t1;
7507 _.isRootRelative = t2;
7508 _.parts = t3;
7509 _.separators = t4;
7510 },
7511 ParsedPath__splitExtension_closure: function ParsedPath__splitExtension_closure() {
7512 },
7513 ParsedPath__splitExtension_closure0: function ParsedPath__splitExtension_closure0() {
7514 },
7515 PathException$(message) {
7516 return new A.PathException(message);
7517 },
7518 PathException: function PathException(t0) {
7519 this.message = t0;
7520 },
7521 PathMap__create(context, $V) {
7522 var t1 = {};
7523 t1.context = context;
7524 t1.context = $.$get$context();
7525 return A.LinkedHashMap_LinkedHashMap(new A.PathMap__create_closure(t1), new A.PathMap__create_closure0(t1), new A.PathMap__create_closure1(), type$.nullable_String, $V);
7526 },
7527 PathMap: function PathMap(t0, t1) {
7528 this._map = t0;
7529 this.$ti = t1;
7530 },
7531 PathMap__create_closure: function PathMap__create_closure(t0) {
7532 this._box_0 = t0;
7533 },
7534 PathMap__create_closure0: function PathMap__create_closure0(t0) {
7535 this._box_0 = t0;
7536 },
7537 PathMap__create_closure1: function PathMap__create_closure1() {
7538 },
7539 Style__getPlatformStyle() {
7540 if (A.Uri_base().get$scheme() !== "file")
7541 return $.$get$Style_url();
7542 var t1 = A.Uri_base();
7543 if (!B.JSString_methods.endsWith$1(t1.get$path(t1), "/"))
7544 return $.$get$Style_url();
7545 if (A._Uri__Uri(null, "a/b", null, null).toFilePath$0() === "a\\b")
7546 return $.$get$Style_windows();
7547 return $.$get$Style_posix();
7548 },
7549 Style: function Style() {
7550 },
7551 PosixStyle: function PosixStyle(t0, t1, t2) {
7552 this.separatorPattern = t0;
7553 this.needsSeparatorPattern = t1;
7554 this.rootPattern = t2;
7555 },
7556 UrlStyle: function UrlStyle(t0, t1, t2, t3) {
7557 var _ = this;
7558 _.separatorPattern = t0;
7559 _.needsSeparatorPattern = t1;
7560 _.rootPattern = t2;
7561 _.relativeRootPattern = t3;
7562 },
7563 WindowsStyle: function WindowsStyle(t0, t1, t2, t3) {
7564 var _ = this;
7565 _.separatorPattern = t0;
7566 _.needsSeparatorPattern = t1;
7567 _.rootPattern = t2;
7568 _.relativeRootPattern = t3;
7569 },
7570 WindowsStyle_absolutePathToUri_closure: function WindowsStyle_absolutePathToUri_closure() {
7571 },
7572 CssMediaQuery: function CssMediaQuery(t0, t1, t2) {
7573 this.modifier = t0;
7574 this.type = t1;
7575 this.features = t2;
7576 },
7577 _SingletonCssMediaQueryMergeResult: function _SingletonCssMediaQueryMergeResult(t0) {
7578 this._media_query$_name = t0;
7579 },
7580 MediaQuerySuccessfulMergeResult: function MediaQuerySuccessfulMergeResult(t0) {
7581 this.query = t0;
7582 },
7583 ModifiableCssAtRule$($name, span, childless, value) {
7584 var t1 = A._setArrayType([], type$.JSArray_ModifiableCssNode);
7585 return new A.ModifiableCssAtRule($name, value, childless, span, new A.UnmodifiableListView(t1, type$.UnmodifiableListView_ModifiableCssNode), t1);
7586 },
7587 ModifiableCssAtRule: function ModifiableCssAtRule(t0, t1, t2, t3, t4, t5) {
7588 var _ = this;
7589 _.name = t0;
7590 _.value = t1;
7591 _.isChildless = t2;
7592 _.span = t3;
7593 _.children = t4;
7594 _._children = t5;
7595 _._indexInParent = _._parent = null;
7596 _.isGroupEnd = false;
7597 },
7598 ModifiableCssComment: function ModifiableCssComment(t0, t1) {
7599 var _ = this;
7600 _.text = t0;
7601 _.span = t1;
7602 _._indexInParent = _._parent = null;
7603 _.isGroupEnd = false;
7604 },
7605 ModifiableCssDeclaration$($name, value, span, parsedAsCustomProperty, valueSpanForMap) {
7606 var t1 = valueSpanForMap == null ? value.get$span(value) : valueSpanForMap;
7607 if (parsedAsCustomProperty)
7608 if (!J.startsWith$1$s($name.get$value($name), "--"))
7609 A.throwExpression(A.ArgumentError$(string$.parsed, null));
7610 else if (!(value.get$value(value) instanceof A.SassString))
7611 A.throwExpression(A.ArgumentError$(string$.If_par + value.toString$0(0) + "` of type " + A.getRuntimeType(value.get$value(value)).toString$0(0) + ").", null));
7612 return new A.ModifiableCssDeclaration($name, value, parsedAsCustomProperty, t1, span);
7613 },
7614 ModifiableCssDeclaration: function ModifiableCssDeclaration(t0, t1, t2, t3, t4) {
7615 var _ = this;
7616 _.name = t0;
7617 _.value = t1;
7618 _.parsedAsCustomProperty = t2;
7619 _.valueSpanForMap = t3;
7620 _.span = t4;
7621 _._indexInParent = _._parent = null;
7622 _.isGroupEnd = false;
7623 },
7624 ModifiableCssImport$(url, span, media, supports) {
7625 return new A.ModifiableCssImport(url, supports, media == null ? null : A.List_List$unmodifiable(media, type$.CssMediaQuery), span);
7626 },
7627 ModifiableCssImport: function ModifiableCssImport(t0, t1, t2, t3) {
7628 var _ = this;
7629 _.url = t0;
7630 _.supports = t1;
7631 _.media = t2;
7632 _.span = t3;
7633 _._indexInParent = _._parent = null;
7634 _.isGroupEnd = false;
7635 },
7636 ModifiableCssKeyframeBlock$(selector, span) {
7637 var t1 = A._setArrayType([], type$.JSArray_ModifiableCssNode);
7638 return new A.ModifiableCssKeyframeBlock(selector, span, new A.UnmodifiableListView(t1, type$.UnmodifiableListView_ModifiableCssNode), t1);
7639 },
7640 ModifiableCssKeyframeBlock: function ModifiableCssKeyframeBlock(t0, t1, t2, t3) {
7641 var _ = this;
7642 _.selector = t0;
7643 _.span = t1;
7644 _.children = t2;
7645 _._children = t3;
7646 _._indexInParent = _._parent = null;
7647 _.isGroupEnd = false;
7648 },
7649 ModifiableCssMediaRule$(queries, span) {
7650 var t1 = A.List_List$unmodifiable(queries, type$.CssMediaQuery),
7651 t2 = A._setArrayType([], type$.JSArray_ModifiableCssNode);
7652 if (J.get$isEmpty$asx(queries))
7653 A.throwExpression(A.ArgumentError$value(queries, "queries", "may not be empty."));
7654 return new A.ModifiableCssMediaRule(t1, span, new A.UnmodifiableListView(t2, type$.UnmodifiableListView_ModifiableCssNode), t2);
7655 },
7656 ModifiableCssMediaRule: function ModifiableCssMediaRule(t0, t1, t2, t3) {
7657 var _ = this;
7658 _.queries = t0;
7659 _.span = t1;
7660 _.children = t2;
7661 _._children = t3;
7662 _._indexInParent = _._parent = null;
7663 _.isGroupEnd = false;
7664 },
7665 ModifiableCssNode: function ModifiableCssNode() {
7666 },
7667 ModifiableCssParentNode: function ModifiableCssParentNode() {
7668 },
7669 ModifiableCssStyleRule$(selector, span, originalSelector) {
7670 var t1 = A._setArrayType([], type$.JSArray_ModifiableCssNode);
7671 return new A.ModifiableCssStyleRule(selector, originalSelector, span, new A.UnmodifiableListView(t1, type$.UnmodifiableListView_ModifiableCssNode), t1);
7672 },
7673 ModifiableCssStyleRule: function ModifiableCssStyleRule(t0, t1, t2, t3, t4) {
7674 var _ = this;
7675 _.selector = t0;
7676 _.originalSelector = t1;
7677 _.span = t2;
7678 _.children = t3;
7679 _._children = t4;
7680 _._indexInParent = _._parent = null;
7681 _.isGroupEnd = false;
7682 },
7683 ModifiableCssStylesheet$(span) {
7684 var t1 = A._setArrayType([], type$.JSArray_ModifiableCssNode);
7685 return new A.ModifiableCssStylesheet(span, new A.UnmodifiableListView(t1, type$.UnmodifiableListView_ModifiableCssNode), t1);
7686 },
7687 ModifiableCssStylesheet: function ModifiableCssStylesheet(t0, t1, t2) {
7688 var _ = this;
7689 _.span = t0;
7690 _.children = t1;
7691 _._children = t2;
7692 _._indexInParent = _._parent = null;
7693 _.isGroupEnd = false;
7694 },
7695 ModifiableCssSupportsRule$(condition, span) {
7696 var t1 = A._setArrayType([], type$.JSArray_ModifiableCssNode);
7697 return new A.ModifiableCssSupportsRule(condition, span, new A.UnmodifiableListView(t1, type$.UnmodifiableListView_ModifiableCssNode), t1);
7698 },
7699 ModifiableCssSupportsRule: function ModifiableCssSupportsRule(t0, t1, t2, t3) {
7700 var _ = this;
7701 _.condition = t0;
7702 _.span = t1;
7703 _.children = t2;
7704 _._children = t3;
7705 _._indexInParent = _._parent = null;
7706 _.isGroupEnd = false;
7707 },
7708 ModifiableCssValue: function ModifiableCssValue(t0, t1, t2) {
7709 this.value = t0;
7710 this.span = t1;
7711 this.$ti = t2;
7712 },
7713 CssNode: function CssNode() {
7714 },
7715 CssParentNode: function CssParentNode() {
7716 },
7717 CssStylesheet: function CssStylesheet(t0, t1) {
7718 this.children = t0;
7719 this.span = t1;
7720 },
7721 CssValue: function CssValue(t0, t1, t2) {
7722 this.value = t0;
7723 this.span = t1;
7724 this.$ti = t2;
7725 },
7726 AstNode: function AstNode() {
7727 },
7728 _FakeAstNode: function _FakeAstNode(t0) {
7729 this._callback = t0;
7730 },
7731 Argument: function Argument(t0, t1, t2) {
7732 this.name = t0;
7733 this.defaultValue = t1;
7734 this.span = t2;
7735 },
7736 ArgumentDeclaration_ArgumentDeclaration$parse(contents, url) {
7737 return A.ScssParser$(contents, null, url).parseArgumentDeclaration$0();
7738 },
7739 ArgumentDeclaration: function ArgumentDeclaration(t0, t1, t2) {
7740 this.$arguments = t0;
7741 this.restArgument = t1;
7742 this.span = t2;
7743 },
7744 ArgumentDeclaration_verify_closure: function ArgumentDeclaration_verify_closure() {
7745 },
7746 ArgumentDeclaration_verify_closure0: function ArgumentDeclaration_verify_closure0() {
7747 },
7748 ArgumentInvocation$empty(span) {
7749 return new A.ArgumentInvocation(B.List_empty7, B.Map_empty2, null, null, span);
7750 },
7751 ArgumentInvocation: function ArgumentInvocation(t0, t1, t2, t3, t4) {
7752 var _ = this;
7753 _.positional = t0;
7754 _.named = t1;
7755 _.rest = t2;
7756 _.keywordRest = t3;
7757 _.span = t4;
7758 },
7759 AtRootQuery: function AtRootQuery(t0, t1, t2, t3) {
7760 var _ = this;
7761 _.include = t0;
7762 _.names = t1;
7763 _._all = t2;
7764 _._at_root_query$_rule = t3;
7765 },
7766 ConfiguredVariable: function ConfiguredVariable(t0, t1, t2, t3) {
7767 var _ = this;
7768 _.name = t0;
7769 _.expression = t1;
7770 _.isGuarded = t2;
7771 _.span = t3;
7772 },
7773 BinaryOperationExpression: function BinaryOperationExpression(t0, t1, t2, t3) {
7774 var _ = this;
7775 _.operator = t0;
7776 _.left = t1;
7777 _.right = t2;
7778 _.allowsSlash = t3;
7779 },
7780 BinaryOperator: function BinaryOperator(t0, t1, t2) {
7781 this.name = t0;
7782 this.operator = t1;
7783 this.precedence = t2;
7784 },
7785 BooleanExpression: function BooleanExpression(t0, t1) {
7786 this.value = t0;
7787 this.span = t1;
7788 },
7789 CalculationExpression__verifyArguments($arguments) {
7790 return A.List_List$unmodifiable(new A.MappedListIterable($arguments, new A.CalculationExpression__verifyArguments_closure(), A._arrayInstanceType($arguments)._eval$1("MappedListIterable<1,@>")), type$.Expression);
7791 },
7792 CalculationExpression__verify(expression) {
7793 var t1,
7794 _s29_ = "Invalid calculation argument ";
7795 if (expression instanceof A.NumberExpression)
7796 return;
7797 if (expression instanceof A.CalculationExpression)
7798 return;
7799 if (expression instanceof A.VariableExpression)
7800 return;
7801 if (expression instanceof A.FunctionExpression)
7802 return;
7803 if (expression instanceof A.IfExpression)
7804 return;
7805 if (expression instanceof A.StringExpression) {
7806 if (expression.hasQuotes)
7807 throw A.wrapException(A.ArgumentError$(_s29_ + expression.toString$0(0) + ".", null));
7808 } else if (expression instanceof A.ParenthesizedExpression)
7809 A.CalculationExpression__verify(expression.expression);
7810 else if (expression instanceof A.BinaryOperationExpression) {
7811 A.CalculationExpression__verify(expression.left);
7812 A.CalculationExpression__verify(expression.right);
7813 t1 = expression.operator;
7814 if (t1 === B.BinaryOperator_AcR0)
7815 return;
7816 if (t1 === B.BinaryOperator_iyO)
7817 return;
7818 if (t1 === B.BinaryOperator_O1M)
7819 return;
7820 if (t1 === B.BinaryOperator_RTB)
7821 return;
7822 throw A.wrapException(A.ArgumentError$(_s29_ + expression.toString$0(0) + ".", null));
7823 } else
7824 throw A.wrapException(A.ArgumentError$(_s29_ + expression.toString$0(0) + ".", null));
7825 },
7826 CalculationExpression: function CalculationExpression(t0, t1, t2) {
7827 this.name = t0;
7828 this.$arguments = t1;
7829 this.span = t2;
7830 },
7831 CalculationExpression__verifyArguments_closure: function CalculationExpression__verifyArguments_closure() {
7832 },
7833 ColorExpression: function ColorExpression(t0, t1) {
7834 this.value = t0;
7835 this.span = t1;
7836 },
7837 FunctionExpression: function FunctionExpression(t0, t1, t2, t3) {
7838 var _ = this;
7839 _.namespace = t0;
7840 _.originalName = t1;
7841 _.$arguments = t2;
7842 _.span = t3;
7843 },
7844 IfExpression: function IfExpression(t0, t1) {
7845 this.$arguments = t0;
7846 this.span = t1;
7847 },
7848 InterpolatedFunctionExpression: function InterpolatedFunctionExpression(t0, t1, t2) {
7849 this.name = t0;
7850 this.$arguments = t1;
7851 this.span = t2;
7852 },
7853 ListExpression: function ListExpression(t0, t1, t2, t3) {
7854 var _ = this;
7855 _.contents = t0;
7856 _.separator = t1;
7857 _.hasBrackets = t2;
7858 _.span = t3;
7859 },
7860 ListExpression_toString_closure: function ListExpression_toString_closure(t0) {
7861 this.$this = t0;
7862 },
7863 MapExpression: function MapExpression(t0, t1) {
7864 this.pairs = t0;
7865 this.span = t1;
7866 },
7867 MapExpression_toString_closure: function MapExpression_toString_closure() {
7868 },
7869 NullExpression: function NullExpression(t0) {
7870 this.span = t0;
7871 },
7872 NumberExpression: function NumberExpression(t0, t1, t2) {
7873 this.value = t0;
7874 this.unit = t1;
7875 this.span = t2;
7876 },
7877 ParenthesizedExpression: function ParenthesizedExpression(t0, t1) {
7878 this.expression = t0;
7879 this.span = t1;
7880 },
7881 SelectorExpression: function SelectorExpression(t0) {
7882 this.span = t0;
7883 },
7884 StringExpression_quoteText(text) {
7885 var t1,
7886 quote = A.StringExpression__bestQuote(A._setArrayType([text], type$.JSArray_String)),
7887 buffer = new A.StringBuffer("");
7888 buffer._contents = "" + A.Primitives_stringFromCharCode(quote);
7889 A.StringExpression__quoteInnerText(text, quote, buffer, true);
7890 t1 = buffer._contents += A.Primitives_stringFromCharCode(quote);
7891 return t1.charCodeAt(0) == 0 ? t1 : t1;
7892 },
7893 StringExpression__quoteInnerText(text, quote, buffer, $static) {
7894 var t1, t2, i, codeUnit, next, t3;
7895 for (t1 = text.length, t2 = t1 - 1, i = 0; i < t1; ++i) {
7896 codeUnit = B.JSString_methods._codeUnitAt$1(text, i);
7897 if (codeUnit === 10 || codeUnit === 13 || codeUnit === 12) {
7898 buffer.writeCharCode$1(92);
7899 buffer.writeCharCode$1(97);
7900 if (i !== t2) {
7901 next = B.JSString_methods._codeUnitAt$1(text, i + 1);
7902 if (next === 32 || next === 9 || next === 10 || next === 13 || next === 12 || A.isHex(next))
7903 buffer.writeCharCode$1(32);
7904 }
7905 } else {
7906 if (codeUnit !== quote)
7907 if (codeUnit !== 92)
7908 t3 = $static && codeUnit === 35 && i < t2 && B.JSString_methods._codeUnitAt$1(text, i + 1) === 123;
7909 else
7910 t3 = true;
7911 else
7912 t3 = true;
7913 if (t3)
7914 buffer.writeCharCode$1(92);
7915 buffer.writeCharCode$1(codeUnit);
7916 }
7917 }
7918 },
7919 StringExpression__bestQuote(strings) {
7920 var t1, containsDoubleQuote, t2, t3, i, codeUnit;
7921 for (t1 = J.get$iterator$ax(strings), containsDoubleQuote = false; t1.moveNext$0();) {
7922 t2 = t1.get$current(t1);
7923 for (t3 = t2.length, i = 0; i < t3; ++i) {
7924 codeUnit = B.JSString_methods._codeUnitAt$1(t2, i);
7925 if (codeUnit === 39)
7926 return 34;
7927 if (codeUnit === 34)
7928 containsDoubleQuote = true;
7929 }
7930 }
7931 return containsDoubleQuote ? 39 : 34;
7932 },
7933 StringExpression: function StringExpression(t0, t1) {
7934 this.text = t0;
7935 this.hasQuotes = t1;
7936 },
7937 UnaryOperationExpression: function UnaryOperationExpression(t0, t1, t2) {
7938 this.operator = t0;
7939 this.operand = t1;
7940 this.span = t2;
7941 },
7942 UnaryOperator: function UnaryOperator(t0, t1) {
7943 this.name = t0;
7944 this.operator = t1;
7945 },
7946 ValueExpression: function ValueExpression(t0, t1) {
7947 this.value = t0;
7948 this.span = t1;
7949 },
7950 VariableExpression: function VariableExpression(t0, t1, t2) {
7951 this.namespace = t0;
7952 this.name = t1;
7953 this.span = t2;
7954 },
7955 DynamicImport: function DynamicImport(t0, t1) {
7956 this.urlString = t0;
7957 this.span = t1;
7958 },
7959 StaticImport: function StaticImport(t0, t1, t2, t3) {
7960 var _ = this;
7961 _.url = t0;
7962 _.supports = t1;
7963 _.media = t2;
7964 _.span = t3;
7965 },
7966 Interpolation$(contents, span) {
7967 var t1 = new A.Interpolation(A.List_List$unmodifiable(contents, type$.Object), span);
7968 t1.Interpolation$2(contents, span);
7969 return t1;
7970 },
7971 Interpolation: function Interpolation(t0, t1) {
7972 this.contents = t0;
7973 this.span = t1;
7974 },
7975 Interpolation_toString_closure: function Interpolation_toString_closure() {
7976 },
7977 AtRootRule$(children, span, query) {
7978 var t1 = A.List_List$unmodifiable(children, type$.Statement),
7979 t2 = B.JSArray_methods.any$1(t1, new A.ParentStatement_closure());
7980 return new A.AtRootRule(query, span, t1, t2);
7981 },
7982 AtRootRule: function AtRootRule(t0, t1, t2, t3) {
7983 var _ = this;
7984 _.query = t0;
7985 _.span = t1;
7986 _.children = t2;
7987 _.hasDeclarations = t3;
7988 },
7989 AtRule$($name, span, children, value) {
7990 var t1 = children == null ? null : A.List_List$unmodifiable(children, type$.Statement),
7991 t2 = t1 == null ? null : B.JSArray_methods.any$1(t1, new A.ParentStatement_closure());
7992 return new A.AtRule($name, value, span, t1, t2 === true);
7993 },
7994 AtRule: function AtRule(t0, t1, t2, t3, t4) {
7995 var _ = this;
7996 _.name = t0;
7997 _.value = t1;
7998 _.span = t2;
7999 _.children = t3;
8000 _.hasDeclarations = t4;
8001 },
8002 CallableDeclaration: function CallableDeclaration() {
8003 },
8004 ContentBlock$($arguments, children, span) {
8005 var t1 = A.List_List$unmodifiable(children, type$.Statement),
8006 t2 = B.JSArray_methods.any$1(t1, new A.ParentStatement_closure());
8007 return new A.ContentBlock("@content", $arguments, span, t1, t2);
8008 },
8009 ContentBlock: function ContentBlock(t0, t1, t2, t3, t4) {
8010 var _ = this;
8011 _.name = t0;
8012 _.$arguments = t1;
8013 _.span = t2;
8014 _.children = t3;
8015 _.hasDeclarations = t4;
8016 },
8017 ContentRule: function ContentRule(t0, t1) {
8018 this.$arguments = t0;
8019 this.span = t1;
8020 },
8021 DebugRule: function DebugRule(t0, t1) {
8022 this.expression = t0;
8023 this.span = t1;
8024 },
8025 Declaration$($name, value, span) {
8026 if (B.JSString_methods.startsWith$1($name.get$initialPlain(), "--") && !(value instanceof A.StringExpression))
8027 A.throwExpression(A.ArgumentError$(string$.Declarwu + value.toString$0(0) + "` of type " + value.get$runtimeType(value).toString$0(0) + ").", null));
8028 return new A.Declaration($name, value, span, null, false);
8029 },
8030 Declaration$nested($name, children, span, value) {
8031 var t1 = A.List_List$unmodifiable(children, type$.Statement),
8032 t2 = B.JSArray_methods.any$1(t1, new A.ParentStatement_closure());
8033 if (B.JSString_methods.startsWith$1($name.get$initialPlain(), "--") && !(value instanceof A.StringExpression))
8034 A.throwExpression(A.ArgumentError$(string$.Declarwa, null));
8035 return new A.Declaration($name, value, span, t1, t2);
8036 },
8037 Declaration: function Declaration(t0, t1, t2, t3, t4) {
8038 var _ = this;
8039 _.name = t0;
8040 _.value = t1;
8041 _.span = t2;
8042 _.children = t3;
8043 _.hasDeclarations = t4;
8044 },
8045 EachRule$(variables, list, children, span) {
8046 var t1 = A.List_List$unmodifiable(variables, type$.String),
8047 t2 = A.List_List$unmodifiable(children, type$.Statement),
8048 t3 = B.JSArray_methods.any$1(t2, new A.ParentStatement_closure());
8049 return new A.EachRule(t1, list, span, t2, t3);
8050 },
8051 EachRule: function EachRule(t0, t1, t2, t3, t4) {
8052 var _ = this;
8053 _.variables = t0;
8054 _.list = t1;
8055 _.span = t2;
8056 _.children = t3;
8057 _.hasDeclarations = t4;
8058 },
8059 EachRule_toString_closure: function EachRule_toString_closure() {
8060 },
8061 ErrorRule: function ErrorRule(t0, t1) {
8062 this.expression = t0;
8063 this.span = t1;
8064 },
8065 ExtendRule: function ExtendRule(t0, t1, t2) {
8066 this.selector = t0;
8067 this.isOptional = t1;
8068 this.span = t2;
8069 },
8070 ForRule$(variable, from, to, children, span, exclusive) {
8071 var t1 = A.List_List$unmodifiable(children, type$.Statement),
8072 t2 = B.JSArray_methods.any$1(t1, new A.ParentStatement_closure());
8073 return new A.ForRule(variable, from, to, exclusive, span, t1, t2);
8074 },
8075 ForRule: function ForRule(t0, t1, t2, t3, t4, t5, t6) {
8076 var _ = this;
8077 _.variable = t0;
8078 _.from = t1;
8079 _.to = t2;
8080 _.isExclusive = t3;
8081 _.span = t4;
8082 _.children = t5;
8083 _.hasDeclarations = t6;
8084 },
8085 ForwardRule: function ForwardRule(t0, t1, t2, t3, t4, t5, t6, t7) {
8086 var _ = this;
8087 _.url = t0;
8088 _.shownMixinsAndFunctions = t1;
8089 _.shownVariables = t2;
8090 _.hiddenMixinsAndFunctions = t3;
8091 _.hiddenVariables = t4;
8092 _.prefix = t5;
8093 _.configuration = t6;
8094 _.span = t7;
8095 },
8096 FunctionRule$($name, $arguments, children, span, comment) {
8097 var t1 = A.List_List$unmodifiable(children, type$.Statement),
8098 t2 = B.JSArray_methods.any$1(t1, new A.ParentStatement_closure());
8099 return new A.FunctionRule($name, $arguments, span, t1, t2);
8100 },
8101 FunctionRule: function FunctionRule(t0, t1, t2, t3, t4) {
8102 var _ = this;
8103 _.name = t0;
8104 _.$arguments = t1;
8105 _.span = t2;
8106 _.children = t3;
8107 _.hasDeclarations = t4;
8108 },
8109 IfClause$(expression, children) {
8110 var t1 = A.List_List$unmodifiable(children, type$.Statement);
8111 return new A.IfClause(expression, t1, B.JSArray_methods.any$1(t1, new A.IfRuleClause$__closure()));
8112 },
8113 ElseClause$(children) {
8114 var t1 = A.List_List$unmodifiable(children, type$.Statement);
8115 return new A.ElseClause(t1, B.JSArray_methods.any$1(t1, new A.IfRuleClause$__closure()));
8116 },
8117 IfRule: function IfRule(t0, t1, t2) {
8118 this.clauses = t0;
8119 this.lastClause = t1;
8120 this.span = t2;
8121 },
8122 IfRule_toString_closure: function IfRule_toString_closure() {
8123 },
8124 IfRuleClause: function IfRuleClause() {
8125 },
8126 IfRuleClause$__closure: function IfRuleClause$__closure() {
8127 },
8128 IfRuleClause$___closure: function IfRuleClause$___closure() {
8129 },
8130 IfClause: function IfClause(t0, t1, t2) {
8131 this.expression = t0;
8132 this.children = t1;
8133 this.hasDeclarations = t2;
8134 },
8135 ElseClause: function ElseClause(t0, t1) {
8136 this.children = t0;
8137 this.hasDeclarations = t1;
8138 },
8139 ImportRule: function ImportRule(t0, t1) {
8140 this.imports = t0;
8141 this.span = t1;
8142 },
8143 IncludeRule: function IncludeRule(t0, t1, t2, t3, t4) {
8144 var _ = this;
8145 _.namespace = t0;
8146 _.name = t1;
8147 _.$arguments = t2;
8148 _.content = t3;
8149 _.span = t4;
8150 },
8151 LoudComment: function LoudComment(t0) {
8152 this.text = t0;
8153 },
8154 MediaRule$(query, children, span) {
8155 var t1 = A.List_List$unmodifiable(children, type$.Statement),
8156 t2 = B.JSArray_methods.any$1(t1, new A.ParentStatement_closure());
8157 return new A.MediaRule(query, span, t1, t2);
8158 },
8159 MediaRule: function MediaRule(t0, t1, t2, t3) {
8160 var _ = this;
8161 _.query = t0;
8162 _.span = t1;
8163 _.children = t2;
8164 _.hasDeclarations = t3;
8165 },
8166 MixinRule$($name, $arguments, children, span, comment) {
8167 var t1 = A.List_List$unmodifiable(children, type$.Statement),
8168 t2 = B.JSArray_methods.any$1(t1, new A.ParentStatement_closure());
8169 return new A.MixinRule($name, $arguments, span, t1, t2);
8170 },
8171 MixinRule: function MixinRule(t0, t1, t2, t3, t4) {
8172 var _ = this;
8173 _.__MixinRule_hasContent = $;
8174 _.name = t0;
8175 _.$arguments = t1;
8176 _.span = t2;
8177 _.children = t3;
8178 _.hasDeclarations = t4;
8179 },
8180 _HasContentVisitor: function _HasContentVisitor() {
8181 },
8182 ParentStatement: function ParentStatement() {
8183 },
8184 ParentStatement_closure: function ParentStatement_closure() {
8185 },
8186 ParentStatement__closure: function ParentStatement__closure() {
8187 },
8188 ReturnRule: function ReturnRule(t0, t1) {
8189 this.expression = t0;
8190 this.span = t1;
8191 },
8192 SilentComment: function SilentComment(t0, t1) {
8193 this.text = t0;
8194 this.span = t1;
8195 },
8196 StyleRule$(selector, children, span) {
8197 var t1 = A.List_List$unmodifiable(children, type$.Statement),
8198 t2 = B.JSArray_methods.any$1(t1, new A.ParentStatement_closure());
8199 return new A.StyleRule(selector, span, t1, t2);
8200 },
8201 StyleRule: function StyleRule(t0, t1, t2, t3) {
8202 var _ = this;
8203 _.selector = t0;
8204 _.span = t1;
8205 _.children = t2;
8206 _.hasDeclarations = t3;
8207 },
8208 Stylesheet$(children, span) {
8209 var t1 = A._setArrayType([], type$.JSArray_UseRule),
8210 t2 = A._setArrayType([], type$.JSArray_ForwardRule),
8211 t3 = A.List_List$unmodifiable(children, type$.Statement),
8212 t4 = B.JSArray_methods.any$1(t3, new A.ParentStatement_closure());
8213 t1 = new A.Stylesheet(span, false, t1, t2, t3, t4);
8214 t1.Stylesheet$internal$3$plainCss(children, span, false);
8215 return t1;
8216 },
8217 Stylesheet$internal(children, span, plainCss) {
8218 var t1 = A._setArrayType([], type$.JSArray_UseRule),
8219 t2 = A._setArrayType([], type$.JSArray_ForwardRule),
8220 t3 = A.List_List$unmodifiable(children, type$.Statement),
8221 t4 = B.JSArray_methods.any$1(t3, new A.ParentStatement_closure());
8222 t1 = new A.Stylesheet(span, plainCss, t1, t2, t3, t4);
8223 t1.Stylesheet$internal$3$plainCss(children, span, plainCss);
8224 return t1;
8225 },
8226 Stylesheet_Stylesheet$parse(contents, syntax, logger, url) {
8227 var t1, t2;
8228 switch (syntax) {
8229 case B.Syntax_Sass:
8230 t1 = A.SpanScanner$(contents, url);
8231 t2 = logger == null ? B.StderrLogger_false : logger;
8232 return new A.SassParser(A.LinkedHashMap_LinkedHashMap$_empty(type$.String, type$.VariableDeclaration), t1, t2).parse$0();
8233 case B.Syntax_SCSS:
8234 return A.ScssParser$(contents, logger, url).parse$0();
8235 case B.Syntax_CSS:
8236 t1 = A.SpanScanner$(contents, url);
8237 t2 = logger == null ? B.StderrLogger_false : logger;
8238 return new A.CssParser(A.LinkedHashMap_LinkedHashMap$_empty(type$.String, type$.VariableDeclaration), t1, t2).parse$0();
8239 default:
8240 throw A.wrapException(A.ArgumentError$("Unknown syntax " + syntax.toString$0(0) + ".", null));
8241 }
8242 },
8243 Stylesheet: function Stylesheet(t0, t1, t2, t3, t4, t5) {
8244 var _ = this;
8245 _.span = t0;
8246 _.plainCss = t1;
8247 _._uses = t2;
8248 _._forwards = t3;
8249 _.children = t4;
8250 _.hasDeclarations = t5;
8251 },
8252 SupportsRule$(condition, children, span) {
8253 var t1 = A.List_List$unmodifiable(children, type$.Statement),
8254 t2 = B.JSArray_methods.any$1(t1, new A.ParentStatement_closure());
8255 return new A.SupportsRule(condition, span, t1, t2);
8256 },
8257 SupportsRule: function SupportsRule(t0, t1, t2, t3) {
8258 var _ = this;
8259 _.condition = t0;
8260 _.span = t1;
8261 _.children = t2;
8262 _.hasDeclarations = t3;
8263 },
8264 UseRule: function UseRule(t0, t1, t2, t3) {
8265 var _ = this;
8266 _.url = t0;
8267 _.namespace = t1;
8268 _.configuration = t2;
8269 _.span = t3;
8270 },
8271 VariableDeclaration$($name, expression, span, comment, global, guarded, namespace) {
8272 if (namespace != null && global)
8273 A.throwExpression(A.ArgumentError$(string$.Other_, null));
8274 return new A.VariableDeclaration(namespace, $name, expression, guarded, global, span);
8275 },
8276 VariableDeclaration: function VariableDeclaration(t0, t1, t2, t3, t4, t5) {
8277 var _ = this;
8278 _.namespace = t0;
8279 _.name = t1;
8280 _.expression = t2;
8281 _.isGuarded = t3;
8282 _.isGlobal = t4;
8283 _.span = t5;
8284 },
8285 WarnRule: function WarnRule(t0, t1) {
8286 this.expression = t0;
8287 this.span = t1;
8288 },
8289 WhileRule$(condition, children, span) {
8290 var t1 = A.List_List$unmodifiable(children, type$.Statement),
8291 t2 = B.JSArray_methods.any$1(t1, new A.ParentStatement_closure());
8292 return new A.WhileRule(condition, span, t1, t2);
8293 },
8294 WhileRule: function WhileRule(t0, t1, t2, t3) {
8295 var _ = this;
8296 _.condition = t0;
8297 _.span = t1;
8298 _.children = t2;
8299 _.hasDeclarations = t3;
8300 },
8301 SupportsAnything: function SupportsAnything(t0, t1) {
8302 this.contents = t0;
8303 this.span = t1;
8304 },
8305 SupportsDeclaration: function SupportsDeclaration(t0, t1, t2) {
8306 this.name = t0;
8307 this.value = t1;
8308 this.span = t2;
8309 },
8310 SupportsFunction: function SupportsFunction(t0, t1, t2) {
8311 this.name = t0;
8312 this.$arguments = t1;
8313 this.span = t2;
8314 },
8315 SupportsInterpolation: function SupportsInterpolation(t0, t1) {
8316 this.expression = t0;
8317 this.span = t1;
8318 },
8319 SupportsNegation: function SupportsNegation(t0, t1) {
8320 this.condition = t0;
8321 this.span = t1;
8322 },
8323 SupportsOperation: function SupportsOperation(t0, t1, t2, t3) {
8324 var _ = this;
8325 _.left = t0;
8326 _.right = t1;
8327 _.operator = t2;
8328 _.span = t3;
8329 },
8330 Selector: function Selector() {
8331 },
8332 AttributeSelector: function AttributeSelector(t0, t1, t2, t3) {
8333 var _ = this;
8334 _.name = t0;
8335 _.op = t1;
8336 _.value = t2;
8337 _.modifier = t3;
8338 },
8339 AttributeOperator: function AttributeOperator(t0) {
8340 this._attribute$_text = t0;
8341 },
8342 ClassSelector: function ClassSelector(t0) {
8343 this.name = t0;
8344 },
8345 ComplexSelector$(components, lineBreak) {
8346 var t1 = A.List_List$unmodifiable(components, type$.ComplexSelectorComponent);
8347 if (t1.length === 0)
8348 A.throwExpression(A.ArgumentError$("components may not be empty.", null));
8349 return new A.ComplexSelector(t1, lineBreak);
8350 },
8351 ComplexSelector: function ComplexSelector(t0, t1) {
8352 var _ = this;
8353 _.components = t0;
8354 _.lineBreak = t1;
8355 _._complex$_maxSpecificity = _._minSpecificity = null;
8356 _.__ComplexSelector_isInvisible = $;
8357 },
8358 ComplexSelector_isInvisible_closure: function ComplexSelector_isInvisible_closure() {
8359 },
8360 Combinator: function Combinator(t0) {
8361 this._complex$_text = t0;
8362 },
8363 CompoundSelector$(components) {
8364 var t1 = A.List_List$unmodifiable(components, type$.SimpleSelector);
8365 if (t1.length === 0)
8366 A.throwExpression(A.ArgumentError$("components may not be empty.", null));
8367 return new A.CompoundSelector(t1);
8368 },
8369 CompoundSelector: function CompoundSelector(t0) {
8370 this.components = t0;
8371 this._maxSpecificity = this._compound$_minSpecificity = null;
8372 },
8373 CompoundSelector_isInvisible_closure: function CompoundSelector_isInvisible_closure() {
8374 },
8375 IDSelector: function IDSelector(t0) {
8376 this.name = t0;
8377 },
8378 IDSelector_unify_closure: function IDSelector_unify_closure(t0) {
8379 this.$this = t0;
8380 },
8381 SelectorList$(components) {
8382 var t1 = A.List_List$unmodifiable(components, type$.ComplexSelector);
8383 if (t1.length === 0)
8384 A.throwExpression(A.ArgumentError$("components may not be empty.", null));
8385 return new A.SelectorList(t1);
8386 },
8387 SelectorList_SelectorList$parse(contents, allowParent, allowPlaceholder, logger) {
8388 return A.SelectorParser$(contents, allowParent, allowPlaceholder, logger, null).parse$0();
8389 },
8390 SelectorList: function SelectorList(t0) {
8391 this.components = t0;
8392 },
8393 SelectorList_isInvisible_closure: function SelectorList_isInvisible_closure() {
8394 },
8395 SelectorList_asSassList_closure: function SelectorList_asSassList_closure() {
8396 },
8397 SelectorList_asSassList__closure: function SelectorList_asSassList__closure() {
8398 },
8399 SelectorList_unify_closure: function SelectorList_unify_closure(t0) {
8400 this.other = t0;
8401 },
8402 SelectorList_unify__closure: function SelectorList_unify__closure(t0) {
8403 this.complex1 = t0;
8404 },
8405 SelectorList_unify___closure: function SelectorList_unify___closure() {
8406 },
8407 SelectorList_resolveParentSelectors_closure: function SelectorList_resolveParentSelectors_closure(t0, t1, t2) {
8408 this.$this = t0;
8409 this.implicitParent = t1;
8410 this.parent = t2;
8411 },
8412 SelectorList_resolveParentSelectors__closure: function SelectorList_resolveParentSelectors__closure(t0) {
8413 this.complex = t0;
8414 },
8415 SelectorList_resolveParentSelectors__closure0: function SelectorList_resolveParentSelectors__closure0(t0) {
8416 this._box_0 = t0;
8417 },
8418 SelectorList__complexContainsParentSelector_closure: function SelectorList__complexContainsParentSelector_closure() {
8419 },
8420 SelectorList__complexContainsParentSelector__closure: function SelectorList__complexContainsParentSelector__closure() {
8421 },
8422 SelectorList__resolveParentSelectorsCompound_closure: function SelectorList__resolveParentSelectorsCompound_closure() {
8423 },
8424 SelectorList__resolveParentSelectorsCompound_closure0: function SelectorList__resolveParentSelectorsCompound_closure0(t0) {
8425 this.parent = t0;
8426 },
8427 SelectorList__resolveParentSelectorsCompound_closure1: function SelectorList__resolveParentSelectorsCompound_closure1(t0, t1) {
8428 this.compound = t0;
8429 this.resolvedMembers = t1;
8430 },
8431 ParentSelector: function ParentSelector(t0) {
8432 this.suffix = t0;
8433 },
8434 PlaceholderSelector: function PlaceholderSelector(t0) {
8435 this.name = t0;
8436 },
8437 PseudoSelector$($name, argument, element, selector) {
8438 var t1 = !element,
8439 t2 = t1 && !A.PseudoSelector__isFakePseudoElement($name);
8440 return new A.PseudoSelector($name, A.unvendor($name), t2, t1, argument, selector);
8441 },
8442 PseudoSelector__isFakePseudoElement($name) {
8443 switch (B.JSString_methods._codeUnitAt$1($name, 0)) {
8444 case 97:
8445 case 65:
8446 return A.equalsIgnoreCase($name, "after");
8447 case 98:
8448 case 66:
8449 return A.equalsIgnoreCase($name, "before");
8450 case 102:
8451 case 70:
8452 return A.equalsIgnoreCase($name, "first-line") || A.equalsIgnoreCase($name, "first-letter");
8453 default:
8454 return false;
8455 }
8456 },
8457 PseudoSelector: function PseudoSelector(t0, t1, t2, t3, t4, t5) {
8458 var _ = this;
8459 _.name = t0;
8460 _.normalizedName = t1;
8461 _.isClass = t2;
8462 _.isSyntacticClass = t3;
8463 _.argument = t4;
8464 _.selector = t5;
8465 _._pseudo$_maxSpecificity = _._pseudo$_minSpecificity = null;
8466 },
8467 PseudoSelector_unify_closure: function PseudoSelector_unify_closure() {
8468 },
8469 QualifiedName: function QualifiedName(t0, t1) {
8470 this.name = t0;
8471 this.namespace = t1;
8472 },
8473 SimpleSelector: function SimpleSelector() {
8474 },
8475 TypeSelector: function TypeSelector(t0) {
8476 this.name = t0;
8477 },
8478 UniversalSelector: function UniversalSelector(t0) {
8479 this.namespace = t0;
8480 },
8481 compileAsync(path, charset, importCache, logger, quietDeps, sourceMap, style, syntax, verbose) {
8482 return A.compileAsync$body(path, charset, importCache, logger, quietDeps, sourceMap, style, syntax, verbose);
8483 },
8484 compileAsync$body(path, charset, importCache, logger, quietDeps, sourceMap, style, syntax, verbose) {
8485 var $async$goto = 0,
8486 $async$completer = A._makeAsyncAwaitCompleter(type$.CompileResult),
8487 $async$returnValue, t1, terseLogger, t2, stylesheet, result;
8488 var $async$compileAsync = A._wrapJsFunctionForAsync(function($async$errorCode, $async$result) {
8489 if ($async$errorCode === 1)
8490 return A._asyncRethrow($async$result, $async$completer);
8491 while (true)
8492 switch ($async$goto) {
8493 case 0:
8494 // Function start
8495 if (!verbose) {
8496 t1 = logger == null ? new A.StderrLogger(false) : logger;
8497 terseLogger = new A.TerseLogger(A.LinkedHashMap_LinkedHashMap$_empty(type$.String, type$.int), t1);
8498 logger = terseLogger;
8499 } else
8500 terseLogger = null;
8501 t1 = syntax === A.Syntax_forPath(path);
8502 $async$goto = t1 ? 3 : 5;
8503 break;
8504 case 3:
8505 // then
8506 t1 = $.$get$context();
8507 t2 = t1.absolute$7(".", null, null, null, null, null, null);
8508 $async$goto = 6;
8509 return A._asyncAwait(importCache.importCanonical$3$originalUrl(new A.FilesystemImporter(t2), t1.toUri$1(J.$eq$(J.get$platform$x(self.process), "win32") || J.$eq$(J.get$platform$x(self.process), "darwin") ? A._realCasePath(t1.absolute$7(t1.normalize$1(path), null, null, null, null, null, null)) : t1.canonicalize$1(0, path)), t1.toUri$1(path)), $async$compileAsync);
8510 case 6:
8511 // returning from await.
8512 t2 = $async$result;
8513 t2.toString;
8514 stylesheet = t2;
8515 // goto join
8516 $async$goto = 4;
8517 break;
8518 case 5:
8519 // else
8520 t1 = A.readFile(path);
8521 t2 = $.$get$context();
8522 stylesheet = A.Stylesheet_Stylesheet$parse(t1, syntax, logger, t2.toUri$1(path));
8523 t1 = t2;
8524 case 4:
8525 // join
8526 $async$goto = 7;
8527 return A._asyncAwait(A._compileStylesheet0(stylesheet, logger, importCache, null, new A.FilesystemImporter(t1.absolute$7(".", null, null, null, null, null, null)), null, style, true, null, null, quietDeps, sourceMap, charset), $async$compileAsync);
8528 case 7:
8529 // returning from await.
8530 result = $async$result;
8531 if (terseLogger != null)
8532 terseLogger.summarize$1$node(false);
8533 $async$returnValue = result;
8534 // goto return
8535 $async$goto = 1;
8536 break;
8537 case 1:
8538 // return
8539 return A._asyncReturn($async$returnValue, $async$completer);
8540 }
8541 });
8542 return A._asyncStartSync($async$compileAsync, $async$completer);
8543 },
8544 compileStringAsync(source, charset, importCache, importer, logger, quietDeps, sourceMap, style, syntax, verbose) {
8545 return A.compileStringAsync$body(source, charset, importCache, importer, logger, quietDeps, sourceMap, style, syntax, verbose);
8546 },
8547 compileStringAsync$body(source, charset, importCache, importer, logger, quietDeps, sourceMap, style, syntax, verbose) {
8548 var $async$goto = 0,
8549 $async$completer = A._makeAsyncAwaitCompleter(type$.CompileResult),
8550 $async$returnValue, t1, terseLogger, stylesheet, result;
8551 var $async$compileStringAsync = A._wrapJsFunctionForAsync(function($async$errorCode, $async$result) {
8552 if ($async$errorCode === 1)
8553 return A._asyncRethrow($async$result, $async$completer);
8554 while (true)
8555 switch ($async$goto) {
8556 case 0:
8557 // Function start
8558 if (!verbose) {
8559 t1 = logger == null ? new A.StderrLogger(false) : logger;
8560 terseLogger = new A.TerseLogger(A.LinkedHashMap_LinkedHashMap$_empty(type$.String, type$.int), t1);
8561 logger = terseLogger;
8562 } else
8563 terseLogger = null;
8564 stylesheet = A.Stylesheet_Stylesheet$parse(source, syntax, logger, null);
8565 $async$goto = 3;
8566 return A._asyncAwait(A._compileStylesheet0(stylesheet, logger, importCache, null, importer, null, style, true, null, null, quietDeps, sourceMap, charset), $async$compileStringAsync);
8567 case 3:
8568 // returning from await.
8569 result = $async$result;
8570 if (terseLogger != null)
8571 terseLogger.summarize$1$node(false);
8572 $async$returnValue = result;
8573 // goto return
8574 $async$goto = 1;
8575 break;
8576 case 1:
8577 // return
8578 return A._asyncReturn($async$returnValue, $async$completer);
8579 }
8580 });
8581 return A._asyncStartSync($async$compileStringAsync, $async$completer);
8582 },
8583 _compileStylesheet0(stylesheet, logger, importCache, nodeImporter, importer, functions, style, useSpaces, indentWidth, lineFeed, quietDeps, sourceMap, charset) {
8584 var $async$goto = 0,
8585 $async$completer = A._makeAsyncAwaitCompleter(type$.CompileResult),
8586 $async$returnValue, serializeResult, resultSourceMap, $async$temp1;
8587 var $async$_compileStylesheet0 = A._wrapJsFunctionForAsync(function($async$errorCode, $async$result) {
8588 if ($async$errorCode === 1)
8589 return A._asyncRethrow($async$result, $async$completer);
8590 while (true)
8591 switch ($async$goto) {
8592 case 0:
8593 // Function start
8594 $async$temp1 = A;
8595 $async$goto = 3;
8596 return A._asyncAwait(A._EvaluateVisitor$0(functions, importCache, logger, nodeImporter, quietDeps, sourceMap).run$2(0, importer, stylesheet), $async$_compileStylesheet0);
8597 case 3:
8598 // returning from await.
8599 serializeResult = $async$temp1.serialize($async$result.stylesheet, charset, indentWidth, false, lineFeed, sourceMap, style, true);
8600 resultSourceMap = serializeResult.sourceMap;
8601 if (resultSourceMap != null && true)
8602 A.mapInPlace(resultSourceMap.urls, new A._compileStylesheet_closure0(stylesheet, importCache));
8603 $async$returnValue = new A.CompileResult(serializeResult);
8604 // goto return
8605 $async$goto = 1;
8606 break;
8607 case 1:
8608 // return
8609 return A._asyncReturn($async$returnValue, $async$completer);
8610 }
8611 });
8612 return A._asyncStartSync($async$_compileStylesheet0, $async$completer);
8613 },
8614 _compileStylesheet_closure0: function _compileStylesheet_closure0(t0, t1) {
8615 this.stylesheet = t0;
8616 this.importCache = t1;
8617 },
8618 AsyncEnvironment$() {
8619 var t1 = type$.String,
8620 t2 = type$.Module_AsyncCallable,
8621 t3 = type$.AstNode,
8622 t4 = type$.int,
8623 t5 = type$.AsyncCallable,
8624 t6 = type$.JSArray_Map_String_AsyncCallable;
8625 return new A.AsyncEnvironment(A.LinkedHashMap_LinkedHashMap$_empty(t1, t2), A.LinkedHashMap_LinkedHashMap$_empty(t1, t3), A.LinkedHashMap_LinkedHashMap$_empty(t2, t3), A.LinkedHashMap_LinkedHashMap$_empty(t2, t3), null, null, A._setArrayType([], type$.JSArray_Module_AsyncCallable), A._setArrayType([A.LinkedHashMap_LinkedHashMap$_empty(t1, type$.Value)], type$.JSArray_Map_String_Value), A._setArrayType([A.LinkedHashMap_LinkedHashMap$_empty(t1, t3)], type$.JSArray_Map_String_AstNode), A.LinkedHashMap_LinkedHashMap$_empty(t1, t4), A._setArrayType([A.LinkedHashMap_LinkedHashMap$_empty(t1, t5)], t6), A.LinkedHashMap_LinkedHashMap$_empty(t1, t4), A._setArrayType([A.LinkedHashMap_LinkedHashMap$_empty(t1, t5)], t6), A.LinkedHashMap_LinkedHashMap$_empty(t1, t4), null);
8626 },
8627 AsyncEnvironment$_(_modules, _namespaceNodes, _globalModules, _importedModules, _forwardedModules, _nestedForwardedModules, _allModules, _variables, _variableNodes, _functions, _mixins, _content) {
8628 var t1 = type$.String,
8629 t2 = type$.int;
8630 return new A.AsyncEnvironment(_modules, _namespaceNodes, _globalModules, _importedModules, _forwardedModules, _nestedForwardedModules, _allModules, _variables, _variableNodes, A.LinkedHashMap_LinkedHashMap$_empty(t1, t2), _functions, A.LinkedHashMap_LinkedHashMap$_empty(t1, t2), _mixins, A.LinkedHashMap_LinkedHashMap$_empty(t1, t2), _content);
8631 },
8632 _EnvironmentModule__EnvironmentModule0(environment, css, extensionStore, forwarded) {
8633 var t1, t2, t3, t4, t5, t6;
8634 if (forwarded == null)
8635 forwarded = B.Set_empty0;
8636 t1 = A._EnvironmentModule__makeModulesByVariable0(forwarded);
8637 t2 = A._EnvironmentModule__memberMap0(B.JSArray_methods.get$first(environment._async_environment$_variables), forwarded.map$1$1(0, new A._EnvironmentModule__EnvironmentModule_closure5(), type$.Map_String_Value), type$.Value);
8638 t3 = A._EnvironmentModule__memberMap0(B.JSArray_methods.get$first(environment._async_environment$_variableNodes), forwarded.map$1$1(0, new A._EnvironmentModule__EnvironmentModule_closure6(), type$.Map_String_AstNode), type$.AstNode);
8639 t4 = type$.Map_String_AsyncCallable;
8640 t5 = type$.AsyncCallable;
8641 t6 = A._EnvironmentModule__memberMap0(B.JSArray_methods.get$first(environment._async_environment$_functions), forwarded.map$1$1(0, new A._EnvironmentModule__EnvironmentModule_closure7(), t4), t5);
8642 t5 = A._EnvironmentModule__memberMap0(B.JSArray_methods.get$first(environment._async_environment$_mixins), forwarded.map$1$1(0, new A._EnvironmentModule__EnvironmentModule_closure8(), t4), t5);
8643 t4 = J.get$isNotEmpty$asx(css.get$children(css)) || B.JSArray_methods.any$1(environment._async_environment$_allModules, new A._EnvironmentModule__EnvironmentModule_closure9());
8644 return A._EnvironmentModule$_0(environment, css, extensionStore, t1, t2, t3, t6, t5, t4, !extensionStore.get$isEmpty(extensionStore) || B.JSArray_methods.any$1(environment._async_environment$_allModules, new A._EnvironmentModule__EnvironmentModule_closure10()));
8645 },
8646 _EnvironmentModule__makeModulesByVariable0(forwarded) {
8647 var modulesByVariable, t1, t2, t3, t4, t5;
8648 if (forwarded.get$isEmpty(forwarded))
8649 return B.Map_empty3;
8650 modulesByVariable = A.LinkedHashMap_LinkedHashMap$_empty(type$.String, type$.Module_AsyncCallable);
8651 for (t1 = forwarded.get$iterator(forwarded); t1.moveNext$0();) {
8652 t2 = t1.get$current(t1);
8653 if (t2 instanceof A._EnvironmentModule0) {
8654 for (t3 = t2._async_environment$_modulesByVariable, t3 = t3.get$values(t3), t3 = t3.get$iterator(t3); t3.moveNext$0();) {
8655 t4 = t3.get$current(t3);
8656 t5 = t4.get$variables();
8657 A.setAll(modulesByVariable, t5.get$keys(t5), t4);
8658 }
8659 A.setAll(modulesByVariable, J.get$keys$z(B.JSArray_methods.get$first(t2._async_environment$_environment._async_environment$_variables)), t2);
8660 } else {
8661 t3 = t2.get$variables();
8662 A.setAll(modulesByVariable, t3.get$keys(t3), t2);
8663 }
8664 }
8665 return modulesByVariable;
8666 },
8667 _EnvironmentModule__memberMap0(localMap, otherMaps, $V) {
8668 var t1, t2, t3;
8669 localMap = new A.PublicMemberMapView(localMap, $V._eval$1("PublicMemberMapView<0>"));
8670 if (otherMaps.get$isEmpty(otherMaps))
8671 return localMap;
8672 t1 = A._setArrayType([], $V._eval$1("JSArray<Map<String,0>>"));
8673 for (t2 = otherMaps.get$iterator(otherMaps); t2.moveNext$0();) {
8674 t3 = t2.get$current(t2);
8675 if (t3.get$isNotEmpty(t3))
8676 t1.push(t3);
8677 }
8678 t1.push(localMap);
8679 if (t1.length === 1)
8680 return localMap;
8681 return A.MergedMapView$(t1, type$.String, $V);
8682 },
8683 _EnvironmentModule$_0(_environment, css, extensionStore, _modulesByVariable, variables, variableNodes, functions, mixins, transitivelyContainsCss, transitivelyContainsExtensions) {
8684 return new A._EnvironmentModule0(_environment._async_environment$_allModules, variables, variableNodes, functions, mixins, extensionStore, css, transitivelyContainsCss, transitivelyContainsExtensions, _environment, _modulesByVariable);
8685 },
8686 AsyncEnvironment: function AsyncEnvironment(t0, t1, t2, t3, t4, t5, t6, t7, t8, t9, t10, t11, t12, t13, t14) {
8687 var _ = this;
8688 _._async_environment$_modules = t0;
8689 _._async_environment$_namespaceNodes = t1;
8690 _._async_environment$_globalModules = t2;
8691 _._async_environment$_importedModules = t3;
8692 _._async_environment$_forwardedModules = t4;
8693 _._async_environment$_nestedForwardedModules = t5;
8694 _._async_environment$_allModules = t6;
8695 _._async_environment$_variables = t7;
8696 _._async_environment$_variableNodes = t8;
8697 _._async_environment$_variableIndices = t9;
8698 _._async_environment$_functions = t10;
8699 _._async_environment$_functionIndices = t11;
8700 _._async_environment$_mixins = t12;
8701 _._async_environment$_mixinIndices = t13;
8702 _._async_environment$_content = t14;
8703 _._async_environment$_inMixin = false;
8704 _._async_environment$_inSemiGlobalScope = true;
8705 _._async_environment$_lastVariableIndex = _._async_environment$_lastVariableName = null;
8706 },
8707 AsyncEnvironment_importForwards_closure: function AsyncEnvironment_importForwards_closure() {
8708 },
8709 AsyncEnvironment_importForwards_closure0: function AsyncEnvironment_importForwards_closure0() {
8710 },
8711 AsyncEnvironment_importForwards_closure1: function AsyncEnvironment_importForwards_closure1() {
8712 },
8713 AsyncEnvironment__getVariableFromGlobalModule_closure: function AsyncEnvironment__getVariableFromGlobalModule_closure(t0) {
8714 this.name = t0;
8715 },
8716 AsyncEnvironment_setVariable_closure: function AsyncEnvironment_setVariable_closure(t0, t1) {
8717 this.$this = t0;
8718 this.name = t1;
8719 },
8720 AsyncEnvironment_setVariable_closure0: function AsyncEnvironment_setVariable_closure0(t0) {
8721 this.name = t0;
8722 },
8723 AsyncEnvironment_setVariable_closure1: function AsyncEnvironment_setVariable_closure1(t0, t1) {
8724 this.$this = t0;
8725 this.name = t1;
8726 },
8727 AsyncEnvironment__getFunctionFromGlobalModule_closure: function AsyncEnvironment__getFunctionFromGlobalModule_closure(t0) {
8728 this.name = t0;
8729 },
8730 AsyncEnvironment__getMixinFromGlobalModule_closure: function AsyncEnvironment__getMixinFromGlobalModule_closure(t0) {
8731 this.name = t0;
8732 },
8733 AsyncEnvironment_toModule_closure: function AsyncEnvironment_toModule_closure() {
8734 },
8735 AsyncEnvironment_toDummyModule_closure: function AsyncEnvironment_toDummyModule_closure() {
8736 },
8737 AsyncEnvironment__fromOneModule_closure: function AsyncEnvironment__fromOneModule_closure(t0, t1) {
8738 this.callback = t0;
8739 this.T = t1;
8740 },
8741 AsyncEnvironment__fromOneModule__closure: function AsyncEnvironment__fromOneModule__closure(t0, t1) {
8742 this.entry = t0;
8743 this.T = t1;
8744 },
8745 _EnvironmentModule0: function _EnvironmentModule0(t0, t1, t2, t3, t4, t5, t6, t7, t8, t9, t10) {
8746 var _ = this;
8747 _.upstream = t0;
8748 _.variables = t1;
8749 _.variableNodes = t2;
8750 _.functions = t3;
8751 _.mixins = t4;
8752 _.extensionStore = t5;
8753 _.css = t6;
8754 _.transitivelyContainsCss = t7;
8755 _.transitivelyContainsExtensions = t8;
8756 _._async_environment$_environment = t9;
8757 _._async_environment$_modulesByVariable = t10;
8758 },
8759 _EnvironmentModule__EnvironmentModule_closure5: function _EnvironmentModule__EnvironmentModule_closure5() {
8760 },
8761 _EnvironmentModule__EnvironmentModule_closure6: function _EnvironmentModule__EnvironmentModule_closure6() {
8762 },
8763 _EnvironmentModule__EnvironmentModule_closure7: function _EnvironmentModule__EnvironmentModule_closure7() {
8764 },
8765 _EnvironmentModule__EnvironmentModule_closure8: function _EnvironmentModule__EnvironmentModule_closure8() {
8766 },
8767 _EnvironmentModule__EnvironmentModule_closure9: function _EnvironmentModule__EnvironmentModule_closure9() {
8768 },
8769 _EnvironmentModule__EnvironmentModule_closure10: function _EnvironmentModule__EnvironmentModule_closure10() {
8770 },
8771 AsyncImportCache__toImporters(importers, loadPaths, packageConfig) {
8772 var t2, t3, _i, path, _null = null,
8773 sassPath = A._asStringQ(type$.Object._as(J.get$env$x(self.process)).SASS_PATH),
8774 t1 = A._setArrayType([], type$.JSArray_AsyncImporter_2);
8775 for (t2 = J.get$iterator$ax(loadPaths); t2.moveNext$0();) {
8776 t3 = t2.get$current(t2);
8777 t1.push(new A.FilesystemImporter($.$get$context().absolute$7(t3, _null, _null, _null, _null, _null, _null)));
8778 }
8779 if (sassPath != null) {
8780 t2 = sassPath.split(J.$eq$(J.get$platform$x(self.process), "win32") ? ";" : ":");
8781 t3 = t2.length;
8782 _i = 0;
8783 for (; _i < t3; ++_i) {
8784 path = t2[_i];
8785 t1.push(new A.FilesystemImporter($.$get$context().absolute$7(path, _null, _null, _null, _null, _null, _null)));
8786 }
8787 }
8788 return t1;
8789 },
8790 AsyncImportCache: function AsyncImportCache(t0, t1, t2, t3, t4, t5) {
8791 var _ = this;
8792 _._async_import_cache$_importers = t0;
8793 _._async_import_cache$_logger = t1;
8794 _._async_import_cache$_canonicalizeCache = t2;
8795 _._async_import_cache$_relativeCanonicalizeCache = t3;
8796 _._async_import_cache$_importCache = t4;
8797 _._async_import_cache$_resultsCache = t5;
8798 },
8799 AsyncImportCache_canonicalize_closure: function AsyncImportCache_canonicalize_closure(t0, t1, t2, t3, t4) {
8800 var _ = this;
8801 _.$this = t0;
8802 _.baseUrl = t1;
8803 _.url = t2;
8804 _.baseImporter = t3;
8805 _.forImport = t4;
8806 },
8807 AsyncImportCache_canonicalize_closure0: function AsyncImportCache_canonicalize_closure0(t0, t1, t2) {
8808 this.$this = t0;
8809 this.url = t1;
8810 this.forImport = t2;
8811 },
8812 AsyncImportCache__canonicalize_closure: function AsyncImportCache__canonicalize_closure(t0, t1) {
8813 this.importer = t0;
8814 this.url = t1;
8815 },
8816 AsyncImportCache_importCanonical_closure: function AsyncImportCache_importCanonical_closure(t0, t1, t2, t3, t4) {
8817 var _ = this;
8818 _.$this = t0;
8819 _.importer = t1;
8820 _.canonicalUrl = t2;
8821 _.originalUrl = t3;
8822 _.quiet = t4;
8823 },
8824 AsyncImportCache_humanize_closure: function AsyncImportCache_humanize_closure(t0) {
8825 this.canonicalUrl = t0;
8826 },
8827 AsyncImportCache_humanize_closure0: function AsyncImportCache_humanize_closure0() {
8828 },
8829 AsyncImportCache_humanize_closure1: function AsyncImportCache_humanize_closure1() {
8830 },
8831 AsyncBuiltInCallable$mixin($name, $arguments, callback, url) {
8832 return new A.AsyncBuiltInCallable($name, A.ScssParser$("@mixin " + $name + "(" + $arguments + ") {", null, url).parseArgumentDeclaration$0(), new A.AsyncBuiltInCallable$mixin_closure(callback));
8833 },
8834 AsyncBuiltInCallable: function AsyncBuiltInCallable(t0, t1, t2) {
8835 this.name = t0;
8836 this._async_built_in$_arguments = t1;
8837 this._async_built_in$_callback = t2;
8838 },
8839 AsyncBuiltInCallable$mixin_closure: function AsyncBuiltInCallable$mixin_closure(t0) {
8840 this.callback = t0;
8841 },
8842 BuiltInCallable$function($name, $arguments, callback, url) {
8843 return new A.BuiltInCallable($name, A._setArrayType([new A.Tuple2(A.ScssParser$("@function " + $name + "(" + $arguments + ") {", null, url).parseArgumentDeclaration$0(), callback, type$.Tuple2_of_ArgumentDeclaration_and_Value_Function_List_Value)], type$.JSArray_Tuple2_of_ArgumentDeclaration_and_Value_Function_List_Value));
8844 },
8845 BuiltInCallable$mixin($name, $arguments, callback, url) {
8846 return new A.BuiltInCallable($name, A._setArrayType([new A.Tuple2(A.ScssParser$("@mixin " + $name + "(" + $arguments + ") {", null, url).parseArgumentDeclaration$0(), new A.BuiltInCallable$mixin_closure(callback), type$.Tuple2_of_ArgumentDeclaration_and_Value_Function_List_Value)], type$.JSArray_Tuple2_of_ArgumentDeclaration_and_Value_Function_List_Value));
8847 },
8848 BuiltInCallable$overloadedFunction($name, overloads) {
8849 var t2, t3, t4, t5, t6, t7,
8850 t1 = A._setArrayType([], type$.JSArray_Tuple2_of_ArgumentDeclaration_and_Value_Function_List_Value);
8851 for (t2 = overloads.get$entries(overloads), t2 = t2.get$iterator(t2), t3 = type$.Tuple2_of_ArgumentDeclaration_and_Value_Function_List_Value, t4 = type$.String, t5 = type$.VariableDeclaration; t2.moveNext$0();) {
8852 t6 = t2.get$current(t2);
8853 t7 = A.SpanScanner$("@function " + $name + "(" + A.S(t6.key) + ") {", null);
8854 t1.push(new A.Tuple2(new A.ScssParser(A.LinkedHashMap_LinkedHashMap$_empty(t4, t5), t7, B.StderrLogger_false).parseArgumentDeclaration$0(), t6.value, t3));
8855 }
8856 return new A.BuiltInCallable($name, t1);
8857 },
8858 BuiltInCallable: function BuiltInCallable(t0, t1) {
8859 this.name = t0;
8860 this._overloads = t1;
8861 },
8862 BuiltInCallable$mixin_closure: function BuiltInCallable$mixin_closure(t0) {
8863 this.callback = t0;
8864 },
8865 PlainCssCallable: function PlainCssCallable(t0) {
8866 this.name = t0;
8867 },
8868 UserDefinedCallable: function UserDefinedCallable(t0, t1, t2) {
8869 this.declaration = t0;
8870 this.environment = t1;
8871 this.$ti = t2;
8872 },
8873 _compileStylesheet(stylesheet, logger, importCache, nodeImporter, importer, functions, style, useSpaces, indentWidth, lineFeed, quietDeps, sourceMap, charset) {
8874 var serializeResult = A.serialize(A._EvaluateVisitor$(functions, importCache, logger, nodeImporter, quietDeps, sourceMap).run$2(0, importer, stylesheet).stylesheet, charset, indentWidth, false, lineFeed, sourceMap, style, true),
8875 resultSourceMap = serializeResult.sourceMap;
8876 if (resultSourceMap != null && true)
8877 A.mapInPlace(resultSourceMap.urls, new A._compileStylesheet_closure(stylesheet, importCache));
8878 return new A.CompileResult(serializeResult);
8879 },
8880 _compileStylesheet_closure: function _compileStylesheet_closure(t0, t1) {
8881 this.stylesheet = t0;
8882 this.importCache = t1;
8883 },
8884 CompileResult: function CompileResult(t0) {
8885 this._serialize = t0;
8886 },
8887 Configuration: function Configuration(t0) {
8888 this._values = t0;
8889 },
8890 Configuration_toString_closure: function Configuration_toString_closure() {
8891 },
8892 ExplicitConfiguration: function ExplicitConfiguration(t0, t1) {
8893 this.nodeWithSpan = t0;
8894 this._values = t1;
8895 },
8896 ConfiguredValue: function ConfiguredValue(t0, t1, t2) {
8897 this.value = t0;
8898 this.configurationSpan = t1;
8899 this.assignmentNode = t2;
8900 },
8901 Environment$() {
8902 var t1 = type$.String,
8903 t2 = type$.Module_Callable,
8904 t3 = type$.AstNode,
8905 t4 = type$.int,
8906 t5 = type$.Callable,
8907 t6 = type$.JSArray_Map_String_Callable;
8908 return new A.Environment(A.LinkedHashMap_LinkedHashMap$_empty(t1, t2), A.LinkedHashMap_LinkedHashMap$_empty(t1, t3), A.LinkedHashMap_LinkedHashMap$_empty(t2, t3), A.LinkedHashMap_LinkedHashMap$_empty(t2, t3), null, null, A._setArrayType([], type$.JSArray_Module_Callable), A._setArrayType([A.LinkedHashMap_LinkedHashMap$_empty(t1, type$.Value)], type$.JSArray_Map_String_Value), A._setArrayType([A.LinkedHashMap_LinkedHashMap$_empty(t1, t3)], type$.JSArray_Map_String_AstNode), A.LinkedHashMap_LinkedHashMap$_empty(t1, t4), A._setArrayType([A.LinkedHashMap_LinkedHashMap$_empty(t1, t5)], t6), A.LinkedHashMap_LinkedHashMap$_empty(t1, t4), A._setArrayType([A.LinkedHashMap_LinkedHashMap$_empty(t1, t5)], t6), A.LinkedHashMap_LinkedHashMap$_empty(t1, t4), null);
8909 },
8910 Environment$_(_modules, _namespaceNodes, _globalModules, _importedModules, _forwardedModules, _nestedForwardedModules, _allModules, _variables, _variableNodes, _functions, _mixins, _content) {
8911 var t1 = type$.String,
8912 t2 = type$.int;
8913 return new A.Environment(_modules, _namespaceNodes, _globalModules, _importedModules, _forwardedModules, _nestedForwardedModules, _allModules, _variables, _variableNodes, A.LinkedHashMap_LinkedHashMap$_empty(t1, t2), _functions, A.LinkedHashMap_LinkedHashMap$_empty(t1, t2), _mixins, A.LinkedHashMap_LinkedHashMap$_empty(t1, t2), _content);
8914 },
8915 _EnvironmentModule__EnvironmentModule(environment, css, extensionStore, forwarded) {
8916 var t1, t2, t3, t4, t5, t6;
8917 if (forwarded == null)
8918 forwarded = B.Set_empty;
8919 t1 = A._EnvironmentModule__makeModulesByVariable(forwarded);
8920 t2 = A._EnvironmentModule__memberMap(B.JSArray_methods.get$first(environment._variables), forwarded.map$1$1(0, new A._EnvironmentModule__EnvironmentModule_closure(), type$.Map_String_Value), type$.Value);
8921 t3 = A._EnvironmentModule__memberMap(B.JSArray_methods.get$first(environment._variableNodes), forwarded.map$1$1(0, new A._EnvironmentModule__EnvironmentModule_closure0(), type$.Map_String_AstNode), type$.AstNode);
8922 t4 = type$.Map_String_Callable;
8923 t5 = type$.Callable;
8924 t6 = A._EnvironmentModule__memberMap(B.JSArray_methods.get$first(environment._functions), forwarded.map$1$1(0, new A._EnvironmentModule__EnvironmentModule_closure1(), t4), t5);
8925 t5 = A._EnvironmentModule__memberMap(B.JSArray_methods.get$first(environment._mixins), forwarded.map$1$1(0, new A._EnvironmentModule__EnvironmentModule_closure2(), t4), t5);
8926 t4 = J.get$isNotEmpty$asx(css.get$children(css)) || B.JSArray_methods.any$1(environment._allModules, new A._EnvironmentModule__EnvironmentModule_closure3());
8927 return A._EnvironmentModule$_(environment, css, extensionStore, t1, t2, t3, t6, t5, t4, !extensionStore.get$isEmpty(extensionStore) || B.JSArray_methods.any$1(environment._allModules, new A._EnvironmentModule__EnvironmentModule_closure4()));
8928 },
8929 _EnvironmentModule__makeModulesByVariable(forwarded) {
8930 var modulesByVariable, t1, t2, t3, t4, t5;
8931 if (forwarded.get$isEmpty(forwarded))
8932 return B.Map_empty;
8933 modulesByVariable = A.LinkedHashMap_LinkedHashMap$_empty(type$.String, type$.Module_Callable);
8934 for (t1 = forwarded.get$iterator(forwarded); t1.moveNext$0();) {
8935 t2 = t1.get$current(t1);
8936 if (t2 instanceof A._EnvironmentModule) {
8937 for (t3 = t2._modulesByVariable, t3 = t3.get$values(t3), t3 = t3.get$iterator(t3); t3.moveNext$0();) {
8938 t4 = t3.get$current(t3);
8939 t5 = t4.get$variables();
8940 A.setAll(modulesByVariable, t5.get$keys(t5), t4);
8941 }
8942 A.setAll(modulesByVariable, J.get$keys$z(B.JSArray_methods.get$first(t2._environment$_environment._variables)), t2);
8943 } else {
8944 t3 = t2.get$variables();
8945 A.setAll(modulesByVariable, t3.get$keys(t3), t2);
8946 }
8947 }
8948 return modulesByVariable;
8949 },
8950 _EnvironmentModule__memberMap(localMap, otherMaps, $V) {
8951 var t1, t2, t3;
8952 localMap = new A.PublicMemberMapView(localMap, $V._eval$1("PublicMemberMapView<0>"));
8953 if (otherMaps.get$isEmpty(otherMaps))
8954 return localMap;
8955 t1 = A._setArrayType([], $V._eval$1("JSArray<Map<String,0>>"));
8956 for (t2 = otherMaps.get$iterator(otherMaps); t2.moveNext$0();) {
8957 t3 = t2.get$current(t2);
8958 if (t3.get$isNotEmpty(t3))
8959 t1.push(t3);
8960 }
8961 t1.push(localMap);
8962 if (t1.length === 1)
8963 return localMap;
8964 return A.MergedMapView$(t1, type$.String, $V);
8965 },
8966 _EnvironmentModule$_(_environment, css, extensionStore, _modulesByVariable, variables, variableNodes, functions, mixins, transitivelyContainsCss, transitivelyContainsExtensions) {
8967 return new A._EnvironmentModule(_environment._allModules, variables, variableNodes, functions, mixins, extensionStore, css, transitivelyContainsCss, transitivelyContainsExtensions, _environment, _modulesByVariable);
8968 },
8969 Environment: function Environment(t0, t1, t2, t3, t4, t5, t6, t7, t8, t9, t10, t11, t12, t13, t14) {
8970 var _ = this;
8971 _._environment$_modules = t0;
8972 _._namespaceNodes = t1;
8973 _._globalModules = t2;
8974 _._importedModules = t3;
8975 _._forwardedModules = t4;
8976 _._nestedForwardedModules = t5;
8977 _._allModules = t6;
8978 _._variables = t7;
8979 _._variableNodes = t8;
8980 _._variableIndices = t9;
8981 _._functions = t10;
8982 _._functionIndices = t11;
8983 _._mixins = t12;
8984 _._mixinIndices = t13;
8985 _._content = t14;
8986 _._inMixin = false;
8987 _._inSemiGlobalScope = true;
8988 _._lastVariableIndex = _._lastVariableName = null;
8989 },
8990 Environment_importForwards_closure: function Environment_importForwards_closure() {
8991 },
8992 Environment_importForwards_closure0: function Environment_importForwards_closure0() {
8993 },
8994 Environment_importForwards_closure1: function Environment_importForwards_closure1() {
8995 },
8996 Environment__getVariableFromGlobalModule_closure: function Environment__getVariableFromGlobalModule_closure(t0) {
8997 this.name = t0;
8998 },
8999 Environment_setVariable_closure: function Environment_setVariable_closure(t0, t1) {
9000 this.$this = t0;
9001 this.name = t1;
9002 },
9003 Environment_setVariable_closure0: function Environment_setVariable_closure0(t0) {
9004 this.name = t0;
9005 },
9006 Environment_setVariable_closure1: function Environment_setVariable_closure1(t0, t1) {
9007 this.$this = t0;
9008 this.name = t1;
9009 },
9010 Environment__getFunctionFromGlobalModule_closure: function Environment__getFunctionFromGlobalModule_closure(t0) {
9011 this.name = t0;
9012 },
9013 Environment__getMixinFromGlobalModule_closure: function Environment__getMixinFromGlobalModule_closure(t0) {
9014 this.name = t0;
9015 },
9016 Environment_toModule_closure: function Environment_toModule_closure() {
9017 },
9018 Environment_toDummyModule_closure: function Environment_toDummyModule_closure() {
9019 },
9020 Environment__fromOneModule_closure: function Environment__fromOneModule_closure(t0, t1) {
9021 this.callback = t0;
9022 this.T = t1;
9023 },
9024 Environment__fromOneModule__closure: function Environment__fromOneModule__closure(t0, t1) {
9025 this.entry = t0;
9026 this.T = t1;
9027 },
9028 _EnvironmentModule: function _EnvironmentModule(t0, t1, t2, t3, t4, t5, t6, t7, t8, t9, t10) {
9029 var _ = this;
9030 _.upstream = t0;
9031 _.variables = t1;
9032 _.variableNodes = t2;
9033 _.functions = t3;
9034 _.mixins = t4;
9035 _.extensionStore = t5;
9036 _.css = t6;
9037 _.transitivelyContainsCss = t7;
9038 _.transitivelyContainsExtensions = t8;
9039 _._environment$_environment = t9;
9040 _._modulesByVariable = t10;
9041 },
9042 _EnvironmentModule__EnvironmentModule_closure: function _EnvironmentModule__EnvironmentModule_closure() {
9043 },
9044 _EnvironmentModule__EnvironmentModule_closure0: function _EnvironmentModule__EnvironmentModule_closure0() {
9045 },
9046 _EnvironmentModule__EnvironmentModule_closure1: function _EnvironmentModule__EnvironmentModule_closure1() {
9047 },
9048 _EnvironmentModule__EnvironmentModule_closure2: function _EnvironmentModule__EnvironmentModule_closure2() {
9049 },
9050 _EnvironmentModule__EnvironmentModule_closure3: function _EnvironmentModule__EnvironmentModule_closure3() {
9051 },
9052 _EnvironmentModule__EnvironmentModule_closure4: function _EnvironmentModule__EnvironmentModule_closure4() {
9053 },
9054 SassException$(message, span) {
9055 return new A.SassException(message, span);
9056 },
9057 MultiSpanSassRuntimeException$(message, span, primaryLabel, secondarySpans, trace) {
9058 return new A.MultiSpanSassRuntimeException(trace, primaryLabel, A.ConstantMap_ConstantMap$from(secondarySpans, type$.FileSpan, type$.String), message, span);
9059 },
9060 SassFormatException$(message, span) {
9061 return new A.SassFormatException(message, span);
9062 },
9063 SassScriptException$(message) {
9064 return new A.SassScriptException(message);
9065 },
9066 MultiSpanSassScriptException$(message, primaryLabel, secondarySpans) {
9067 return new A.MultiSpanSassScriptException(primaryLabel, A.ConstantMap_ConstantMap$from(secondarySpans, type$.FileSpan, type$.String), message);
9068 },
9069 SassException: function SassException(t0, t1) {
9070 this._span_exception$_message = t0;
9071 this._span = t1;
9072 },
9073 MultiSpanSassException: function MultiSpanSassException(t0, t1, t2, t3) {
9074 var _ = this;
9075 _.primaryLabel = t0;
9076 _.secondarySpans = t1;
9077 _._span_exception$_message = t2;
9078 _._span = t3;
9079 },
9080 SassRuntimeException: function SassRuntimeException(t0, t1, t2) {
9081 this.trace = t0;
9082 this._span_exception$_message = t1;
9083 this._span = t2;
9084 },
9085 MultiSpanSassRuntimeException: function MultiSpanSassRuntimeException(t0, t1, t2, t3, t4) {
9086 var _ = this;
9087 _.trace = t0;
9088 _.primaryLabel = t1;
9089 _.secondarySpans = t2;
9090 _._span_exception$_message = t3;
9091 _._span = t4;
9092 },
9093 SassFormatException: function SassFormatException(t0, t1) {
9094 this._span_exception$_message = t0;
9095 this._span = t1;
9096 },
9097 SassScriptException: function SassScriptException(t0) {
9098 this.message = t0;
9099 },
9100 MultiSpanSassScriptException: function MultiSpanSassScriptException(t0, t1, t2) {
9101 this.primaryLabel = t0;
9102 this.secondarySpans = t1;
9103 this.message = t2;
9104 },
9105 compileStylesheet(options, graph, source, destination, ifModified) {
9106 return A.compileStylesheet$body(options, graph, source, destination, ifModified);
9107 },
9108 compileStylesheet$body(options, graph, source, destination, ifModified) {
9109 var $async$goto = 0,
9110 $async$completer = A._makeAsyncAwaitCompleter(type$.void),
9111 $async$returnValue, $async$handler = 2, $async$currentError, $async$next = [], syntax, result, importCache, error, exception, t2, t3, t4, t5, t6, t7, t8, t9, result0, logger, terseLogger, stylesheet, css, buffer, sourceName, destinationName, t1, importer, $async$exception;
9112 var $async$compileStylesheet = A._wrapJsFunctionForAsync(function($async$errorCode, $async$result) {
9113 if ($async$errorCode === 1) {
9114 $async$currentError = $async$result;
9115 $async$goto = $async$handler;
9116 }
9117 while (true)
9118 switch ($async$goto) {
9119 case 0:
9120 // Function start
9121 t1 = $.$get$context();
9122 importer = new A.FilesystemImporter(t1.absolute$7(".", null, null, null, null, null, null));
9123 if (ifModified)
9124 try {
9125 if (source != null && destination != null && !graph.modifiedSince$3(t1.toUri$1(source), A.modificationTime(destination), importer)) {
9126 // goto return
9127 $async$goto = 1;
9128 break;
9129 }
9130 } catch (exception) {
9131 if (!(A.unwrapException(exception) instanceof A.FileSystemException))
9132 throw exception;
9133 }
9134 syntax = null;
9135 if (A._asBoolQ(options._ifParsed$1("indented")) === true)
9136 syntax = B.Syntax_Sass;
9137 else if (source != null)
9138 syntax = A.Syntax_forPath(source);
9139 else
9140 syntax = B.Syntax_SCSS;
9141 result = null;
9142 $async$handler = 4;
9143 t1 = options._options;
9144 $async$goto = A._asBool(t1.$index(0, "async")) ? 7 : 9;
9145 break;
9146 case 7:
9147 // then
9148 t2 = type$.List_String._as(t1.$index(0, "load-path"));
9149 t3 = A._asBool(t1.$index(0, "quiet")) ? $.$get$Logger_quiet() : new A.StderrLogger(options.get$color());
9150 t4 = type$.nullable_Tuple3_AsyncImporter_Uri_Uri;
9151 t5 = type$.Uri;
9152 t2 = A.AsyncImportCache__toImporters(null, t2, null);
9153 importCache = new A.AsyncImportCache(t2, t3, A.LinkedHashMap_LinkedHashMap$_empty(type$.Tuple2_Uri_bool, t4), A.LinkedHashMap_LinkedHashMap$_empty(type$.Tuple4_of_Uri_and_bool_and_AsyncImporter_and_nullable_Uri, t4), A.LinkedHashMap_LinkedHashMap$_empty(t5, type$.nullable_Stylesheet), A.LinkedHashMap_LinkedHashMap$_empty(t5, type$.ImporterResult));
9154 $async$goto = source == null ? 10 : 12;
9155 break;
9156 case 10:
9157 // then
9158 $async$goto = 13;
9159 return A._asyncAwait(A.readStdin(), $async$compileStylesheet);
9160 case 13:
9161 // returning from await.
9162 t2 = $async$result;
9163 t3 = syntax;
9164 t4 = A._asBool(t1.$index(0, "quiet")) ? $.$get$Logger_quiet() : new A.StderrLogger(options.get$color());
9165 t5 = $.$get$context().absolute$7(".", null, null, null, null, null, null);
9166 t6 = J.$eq$(t1.$index(0, "style"), "compressed") ? B.OutputStyle_compressed : B.OutputStyle_expanded;
9167 t7 = A._asBool(t1.$index(0, "quiet-deps"));
9168 t8 = A._asBool(t1.$index(0, "verbose"));
9169 t9 = options.get$emitSourceMap();
9170 $async$goto = 14;
9171 return A._asyncAwait(A.compileStringAsync(t2, A._asBool(t1.$index(0, "charset")), importCache, new A.FilesystemImporter(t5), t4, t7, t9, t6, t3, t8), $async$compileStylesheet);
9172 case 14:
9173 // returning from await.
9174 result0 = $async$result;
9175 // goto join
9176 $async$goto = 11;
9177 break;
9178 case 12:
9179 // else
9180 t2 = syntax;
9181 t3 = A._asBool(t1.$index(0, "quiet")) ? $.$get$Logger_quiet() : new A.StderrLogger(options.get$color());
9182 t4 = J.$eq$(t1.$index(0, "style"), "compressed") ? B.OutputStyle_compressed : B.OutputStyle_expanded;
9183 t5 = A._asBool(t1.$index(0, "quiet-deps"));
9184 t6 = A._asBool(t1.$index(0, "verbose"));
9185 t7 = options.get$emitSourceMap();
9186 $async$goto = 15;
9187 return A._asyncAwait(A.compileAsync(source, A._asBool(t1.$index(0, "charset")), importCache, t3, t5, t7, t4, t2, t6), $async$compileStylesheet);
9188 case 15:
9189 // returning from await.
9190 result0 = $async$result;
9191 case 11:
9192 // join
9193 result = result0;
9194 // goto join
9195 $async$goto = 8;
9196 break;
9197 case 9:
9198 // else
9199 $async$goto = source == null ? 16 : 18;
9200 break;
9201 case 16:
9202 // then
9203 $async$goto = 19;
9204 return A._asyncAwait(A.readStdin(), $async$compileStylesheet);
9205 case 19:
9206 // returning from await.
9207 t2 = $async$result;
9208 t3 = syntax;
9209 logger = A._asBool(t1.$index(0, "quiet")) ? $.$get$Logger_quiet() : new A.StderrLogger(options.get$color());
9210 t4 = $.$get$context().absolute$7(".", null, null, null, null, null, null);
9211 t5 = J.$eq$(t1.$index(0, "style"), "compressed") ? B.OutputStyle_compressed : B.OutputStyle_expanded;
9212 t6 = A._asBool(t1.$index(0, "quiet-deps"));
9213 t7 = A._asBool(t1.$index(0, "verbose"));
9214 t8 = options.get$emitSourceMap();
9215 t1 = A._asBool(t1.$index(0, "charset"));
9216 if (!t7) {
9217 terseLogger = new A.TerseLogger(A.LinkedHashMap_LinkedHashMap$_empty(type$.String, type$.int), logger);
9218 logger = terseLogger;
9219 } else
9220 terseLogger = null;
9221 stylesheet = A.Stylesheet_Stylesheet$parse(t2, t3 == null ? B.Syntax_SCSS : t3, logger, null);
9222 result0 = A._compileStylesheet(stylesheet, logger, graph.importCache, null, new A.FilesystemImporter(t4), null, t5, true, null, null, t6, t8, t1);
9223 if (terseLogger != null)
9224 terseLogger.summarize$1$node(false);
9225 // goto join
9226 $async$goto = 17;
9227 break;
9228 case 18:
9229 // else
9230 t2 = syntax;
9231 logger = A._asBool(t1.$index(0, "quiet")) ? $.$get$Logger_quiet() : new A.StderrLogger(options.get$color());
9232 importCache = graph.importCache;
9233 t3 = J.$eq$(t1.$index(0, "style"), "compressed") ? B.OutputStyle_compressed : B.OutputStyle_expanded;
9234 t4 = A._asBool(t1.$index(0, "quiet-deps"));
9235 t5 = A._asBool(t1.$index(0, "verbose"));
9236 t6 = options.get$emitSourceMap();
9237 t1 = A._asBool(t1.$index(0, "charset"));
9238 if (!t5) {
9239 terseLogger = new A.TerseLogger(A.LinkedHashMap_LinkedHashMap$_empty(type$.String, type$.int), logger);
9240 logger = terseLogger;
9241 } else
9242 terseLogger = null;
9243 t5 = t2 == null || t2 === A.Syntax_forPath(source);
9244 if (t5) {
9245 t2 = $.$get$context();
9246 t5 = t2.absolute$7(".", null, null, null, null, null, null);
9247 t5 = importCache.importCanonical$3$originalUrl(new A.FilesystemImporter(t5), t2.toUri$1(J.$eq$(J.get$platform$x(self.process), "win32") || J.$eq$(J.get$platform$x(self.process), "darwin") ? A._realCasePath(t2.absolute$7(t2.normalize$1(source), null, null, null, null, null, null)) : t2.canonicalize$1(0, source)), t2.toUri$1(source));
9248 t5.toString;
9249 stylesheet = t5;
9250 } else {
9251 t5 = A.readFile(source);
9252 if (t2 == null)
9253 t2 = A.Syntax_forPath(source);
9254 t7 = $.$get$context();
9255 stylesheet = A.Stylesheet_Stylesheet$parse(t5, t2, logger, t7.toUri$1(source));
9256 t2 = t7;
9257 }
9258 result0 = A._compileStylesheet(stylesheet, logger, importCache, null, new A.FilesystemImporter(t2.absolute$7(".", null, null, null, null, null, null)), null, t3, true, null, null, t4, t6, t1);
9259 if (terseLogger != null)
9260 terseLogger.summarize$1$node(false);
9261 case 17:
9262 // join
9263 result = result0;
9264 case 8:
9265 // join
9266 $async$handler = 2;
9267 // goto after finally
9268 $async$goto = 6;
9269 break;
9270 case 4:
9271 // catch
9272 $async$handler = 3;
9273 $async$exception = $async$currentError;
9274 t1 = A.unwrapException($async$exception);
9275 if (t1 instanceof A.SassException) {
9276 error = t1;
9277 if (options.get$emitErrorCss())
9278 if (destination == null)
9279 A.print(error.toCssString$0());
9280 else {
9281 A.ensureDir($.$get$context().dirname$1(destination));
9282 A.writeFile(destination, error.toCssString$0() + "\n");
9283 }
9284 throw $async$exception;
9285 } else
9286 throw $async$exception;
9287 // goto after finally
9288 $async$goto = 6;
9289 break;
9290 case 3:
9291 // uncaught
9292 // goto rethrow
9293 $async$goto = 2;
9294 break;
9295 case 6:
9296 // after finally
9297 css = result._serialize.css + A._writeSourceMap(options, result._serialize.sourceMap, destination);
9298 if (destination == null) {
9299 if (css.length !== 0)
9300 A.print(css);
9301 } else {
9302 A.ensureDir($.$get$context().dirname$1(destination));
9303 A.writeFile(destination, css + "\n");
9304 }
9305 t1 = options._options;
9306 if (!A._asBool(t1.$index(0, "quiet")))
9307 t1 = !A._asBool(t1.$index(0, "update")) && !A._asBool(t1.$index(0, "watch"));
9308 else
9309 t1 = true;
9310 if (t1) {
9311 // goto return
9312 $async$goto = 1;
9313 break;
9314 }
9315 buffer = new A.StringBuffer("");
9316 t1 = options.get$color() ? buffer._contents = "" + "\x1b[32m" : "";
9317 if (source == null)
9318 sourceName = "stdin";
9319 else {
9320 t2 = $.$get$context();
9321 sourceName = t2.prettyUri$1(t2.toUri$1(source));
9322 }
9323 destination.toString;
9324 t2 = $.$get$context();
9325 destinationName = t2.prettyUri$1(t2.toUri$1(destination));
9326 t1 += "Compiled " + sourceName + " to " + destinationName + ".";
9327 buffer._contents = t1;
9328 if (options.get$color())
9329 buffer._contents = t1 + "\x1b[0m";
9330 A.print(buffer);
9331 case 1:
9332 // return
9333 return A._asyncReturn($async$returnValue, $async$completer);
9334 case 2:
9335 // rethrow
9336 return A._asyncRethrow($async$currentError, $async$completer);
9337 }
9338 });
9339 return A._asyncStartSync($async$compileStylesheet, $async$completer);
9340 },
9341 _writeSourceMap(options, sourceMap, destination) {
9342 var t1, sourceMapText, url, sourceMapPath, t2;
9343 if (sourceMap == null)
9344 return "";
9345 if (destination != null) {
9346 t1 = $.$get$context();
9347 sourceMap.targetUrl = t1.toUri$1(A.ParsedPath_ParsedPath$parse(destination, t1.style).get$basename()).toString$0(0);
9348 }
9349 A.mapInPlace(sourceMap.urls, new A._writeSourceMap_closure(options, destination));
9350 t1 = options._options;
9351 sourceMapText = B.C_JsonCodec.encode$2$toEncodable(sourceMap.toJson$1$includeSourceContents(A._asBool(t1.$index(0, "embed-sources"))), null);
9352 if (A._asBool(t1.$index(0, "embed-source-map")))
9353 url = A.Uri_Uri$dataFromString(sourceMapText, B.C_Utf8Codec, "application/json");
9354 else {
9355 destination.toString;
9356 sourceMapPath = destination + ".map";
9357 t2 = $.$get$context();
9358 A.ensureDir(t2.dirname$1(sourceMapPath));
9359 A.writeFile(sourceMapPath, sourceMapText);
9360 url = t2.toUri$1(t2.relative$2$from(sourceMapPath, t2.dirname$1(destination)));
9361 }
9362 t1 = (J.$eq$(t1.$index(0, "style"), "compressed") ? B.OutputStyle_compressed : B.OutputStyle_expanded) === B.OutputStyle_compressed ? "" : "\n\n";
9363 return t1 + ("/*# sourceMappingURL=" + url.toString$0(0) + " */");
9364 },
9365 _writeSourceMap_closure: function _writeSourceMap_closure(t0, t1) {
9366 this.options = t0;
9367 this.destination = t1;
9368 },
9369 ExecutableOptions__separator(text) {
9370 var t1 = $.$get$ExecutableOptions__separatorBar(),
9371 t2 = B.JSString_methods.$mul(t1, 3) + " ";
9372 t2 = t2 + (J.$eq$(self.process.stdout.isTTY, true) ? "\x1b[1m" : "") + text;
9373 return t2 + (J.$eq$(self.process.stdout.isTTY, true) ? "\x1b[0m" : "") + " " + B.JSString_methods.$mul(t1, 35 - text.length);
9374 },
9375 ExecutableOptions__fail(message) {
9376 return A.throwExpression(A.UsageException$(message));
9377 },
9378 ExecutableOptions_ExecutableOptions$parse(args) {
9379 var options, error, t1, exception;
9380 try {
9381 t1 = A.Parser$(null, $.$get$ExecutableOptions__parser(), A.ListQueue_ListQueue$of(args, type$.String), null, null).parse$0();
9382 if (t1.wasParsed$1("poll") && !A._asBool(t1.$index(0, "watch")))
9383 A.ExecutableOptions__fail("--poll may not be passed without --watch.");
9384 options = new A.ExecutableOptions(t1);
9385 if (A._asBool(options._options.$index(0, "help")))
9386 A.ExecutableOptions__fail("Compile Sass to CSS.");
9387 return options;
9388 } catch (exception) {
9389 t1 = A.unwrapException(exception);
9390 if (type$.FormatException._is(t1)) {
9391 error = t1;
9392 A.ExecutableOptions__fail(J.get$message$x(error));
9393 } else
9394 throw exception;
9395 }
9396 },
9397 UsageException$(message) {
9398 return new A.UsageException(message);
9399 },
9400 ExecutableOptions: function ExecutableOptions(t0) {
9401 var _ = this;
9402 _._options = t0;
9403 _.__ExecutableOptions_interactive = $;
9404 _._sourcesToDestinations = null;
9405 _.__ExecutableOptions__sourceDirectoriesToDestinations = $;
9406 },
9407 ExecutableOptions__parser_closure: function ExecutableOptions__parser_closure() {
9408 },
9409 ExecutableOptions_interactive_closure: function ExecutableOptions_interactive_closure(t0) {
9410 this.$this = t0;
9411 },
9412 ExecutableOptions_emitErrorCss_closure: function ExecutableOptions_emitErrorCss_closure() {
9413 },
9414 UsageException: function UsageException(t0) {
9415 this.message = t0;
9416 },
9417 watch(options, graph) {
9418 return A.watch$body(options, graph);
9419 },
9420 watch$body(options, graph) {
9421 var $async$goto = 0,
9422 $async$completer = A._makeAsyncAwaitCompleter(type$.void),
9423 $async$returnValue, t1, t2, t3, t4, t5, t6, dirWatcher, watcher;
9424 var $async$watch = A._wrapJsFunctionForAsync(function($async$errorCode, $async$result) {
9425 if ($async$errorCode === 1)
9426 return A._asyncRethrow($async$result, $async$completer);
9427 while (true)
9428 switch ($async$goto) {
9429 case 0:
9430 // Function start
9431 options._ensureSources$0();
9432 t1 = type$.String;
9433 t2 = A._lateReadCheck(options.__ExecutableOptions__sourceDirectoriesToDestinations, "_sourceDirectoriesToDestinations").cast$2$0(0, t1, t1);
9434 t2 = A.List_List$of(t2.get$keys(t2), true, t1);
9435 for (options._ensureSources$0(), t3 = options._sourcesToDestinations.cast$2$0(0, t1, t1), t3 = J.get$iterator$ax(t3.get$keys(t3)); t3.moveNext$0();) {
9436 t4 = t3.get$current(t3);
9437 t2.push($.$get$context().dirname$1(t4));
9438 }
9439 t3 = options._options;
9440 B.JSArray_methods.addAll$1(t2, type$.List_String._as(t3.$index(0, "load-path")));
9441 t4 = A._asBool(t3.$index(0, "poll"));
9442 t5 = type$.Stream_WatchEvent;
9443 t6 = A.PathMap__create(null, t5);
9444 t5 = new A.StreamGroup(B._StreamGroupState_dormant, A.LinkedHashMap_LinkedHashMap$_empty(t5, type$.nullable_StreamSubscription_WatchEvent), type$.StreamGroup_WatchEvent);
9445 t5.__StreamGroup__controller = A.StreamController_StreamController(t5.get$_onCancel(), t5.get$_onListen(), t5.get$_onPause(), t5.get$_onResume(), true, type$.WatchEvent);
9446 dirWatcher = new A.MultiDirWatcher(new A.PathMap(t6, type$.PathMap_Stream_WatchEvent), t5, t4);
9447 $async$goto = 3;
9448 return A._asyncAwait(A.Future_wait(new A.MappedListIterable(t2, new A.watch_closure(dirWatcher), A._arrayInstanceType(t2)._eval$1("MappedListIterable<1,Future<~>>")), type$.void), $async$watch);
9449 case 3:
9450 // returning from await.
9451 watcher = new A._Watcher(options, graph);
9452 options._ensureSources$0(), t1 = options._sourcesToDestinations.cast$2$0(0, t1, t1), t1 = t1.get$entries(t1), t1 = t1.get$iterator(t1);
9453 case 4:
9454 // for condition
9455 if (!t1.moveNext$0()) {
9456 // goto after for
9457 $async$goto = 5;
9458 break;
9459 }
9460 t2 = t1.get$current(t1);
9461 t4 = $.$get$context();
9462 t5 = t4.absolute$7(".", null, null, null, null, null, null);
9463 t6 = t2.key;
9464 graph.addCanonical$4$recanonicalize(new A.FilesystemImporter(t5), t4.toUri$1(J.$eq$(J.get$platform$x(self.process), "win32") || J.$eq$(J.get$platform$x(self.process), "darwin") ? A._realCasePath(t4.absolute$7(t4.normalize$1(t6), null, null, null, null, null, null)) : t4.canonicalize$1(0, t6)), t4.toUri$1(t6), false);
9465 $async$goto = 6;
9466 return A._asyncAwait(watcher.compile$3$ifModified(0, t6, t2.value, true), $async$watch);
9467 case 6:
9468 // returning from await.
9469 if (!$async$result && A._asBool(t3.$index(0, "stop-on-error"))) {
9470 t1 = A._lateReadCheck(dirWatcher._group.__StreamGroup__controller, "_controller");
9471 t1._subscribe$4(null, null, null, false).cancel$0();
9472 // goto return
9473 $async$goto = 1;
9474 break;
9475 }
9476 // goto for condition
9477 $async$goto = 4;
9478 break;
9479 case 5:
9480 // after for
9481 A.print("Sass is watching for changes. Press Ctrl-C to stop.\n");
9482 $async$goto = 7;
9483 return A._asyncAwait(watcher.watch$1(0, dirWatcher), $async$watch);
9484 case 7:
9485 // returning from await.
9486 case 1:
9487 // return
9488 return A._asyncReturn($async$returnValue, $async$completer);
9489 }
9490 });
9491 return A._asyncStartSync($async$watch, $async$completer);
9492 },
9493 watch_closure: function watch_closure(t0) {
9494 this.dirWatcher = t0;
9495 },
9496 _Watcher: function _Watcher(t0, t1) {
9497 this._watch$_options = t0;
9498 this._graph = t1;
9499 },
9500 _Watcher__debounceEvents_closure: function _Watcher__debounceEvents_closure() {
9501 },
9502 EmptyExtensionStore: function EmptyExtensionStore() {
9503 },
9504 Extension: function Extension(t0, t1, t2, t3, t4) {
9505 var _ = this;
9506 _.extender = t0;
9507 _.target = t1;
9508 _.mediaContext = t2;
9509 _.isOptional = t3;
9510 _.span = t4;
9511 },
9512 Extender: function Extender(t0, t1, t2) {
9513 var _ = this;
9514 _.selector = t0;
9515 _.isOriginal = t1;
9516 _._extension = null;
9517 _.span = t2;
9518 },
9519 ExtensionStore__extendOrReplace(selector, source, targets, mode, span) {
9520 var t1, t2, t3, t4, t5, t6, t7, t8, t9, _i, complex, t10, t11, t12, _i0, simple, t13, _i1, t14, t15,
9521 extender = A.ExtensionStore$_mode(mode);
9522 if (!selector.get$isInvisible())
9523 extender._originals.addAll$1(0, selector.components);
9524 for (t1 = targets.components, t2 = t1.length, t3 = source.components, t4 = t3.length, t5 = type$.ComplexSelector, t6 = type$.Extension, t7 = type$.CompoundSelector, t8 = type$.SimpleSelector, t9 = type$.Map_ComplexSelector_Extension, _i = 0; _i < t2; ++_i) {
9525 complex = t1[_i];
9526 t10 = complex.components;
9527 if (t10.length !== 1)
9528 throw A.wrapException(A.SassScriptException$("Can't extend complex selector " + A.S(complex) + "."));
9529 t11 = A.LinkedHashMap_LinkedHashMap$_empty(t8, t9);
9530 for (t10 = t7._as(B.JSArray_methods.get$first(t10)).components, t12 = t10.length, _i0 = 0; _i0 < t12; ++_i0) {
9531 simple = t10[_i0];
9532 t13 = A.LinkedHashMap_LinkedHashMap$_empty(t5, t6);
9533 for (_i1 = 0; _i1 < t4; ++_i1) {
9534 complex = t3[_i1];
9535 if (complex._complex$_maxSpecificity == null)
9536 complex._computeSpecificity$0();
9537 complex._complex$_maxSpecificity.toString;
9538 t14 = new A.Extender(complex, false, span);
9539 t15 = new A.Extension(t14, simple, null, true, span);
9540 t14._extension = t15;
9541 t13.$indexSet(0, complex, t15);
9542 }
9543 t11.$indexSet(0, simple, t13);
9544 }
9545 selector = extender._extendList$3(selector, span, t11);
9546 }
9547 return selector;
9548 },
9549 ExtensionStore$() {
9550 var t1 = type$.SimpleSelector;
9551 return new A.ExtensionStore(A.LinkedHashMap_LinkedHashMap$_empty(t1, type$.Set_ModifiableCssValue_SelectorList), A.LinkedHashMap_LinkedHashMap$_empty(t1, type$.Map_ComplexSelector_Extension), A.LinkedHashMap_LinkedHashMap$_empty(t1, type$.List_Extension), A.LinkedHashMap_LinkedHashMap$_empty(type$.ModifiableCssValue_SelectorList, type$.List_CssMediaQuery), A._LinkedIdentityHashMap__LinkedIdentityHashMap$es6(t1, type$.int), new A._LinkedIdentityHashSet(type$._LinkedIdentityHashSet_ComplexSelector), B.ExtendMode_normal);
9552 },
9553 ExtensionStore$_mode(_mode) {
9554 var t1 = type$.SimpleSelector;
9555 return new A.ExtensionStore(A.LinkedHashMap_LinkedHashMap$_empty(t1, type$.Set_ModifiableCssValue_SelectorList), A.LinkedHashMap_LinkedHashMap$_empty(t1, type$.Map_ComplexSelector_Extension), A.LinkedHashMap_LinkedHashMap$_empty(t1, type$.List_Extension), A.LinkedHashMap_LinkedHashMap$_empty(type$.ModifiableCssValue_SelectorList, type$.List_CssMediaQuery), A._LinkedIdentityHashMap__LinkedIdentityHashMap$es6(t1, type$.int), new A._LinkedIdentityHashSet(type$._LinkedIdentityHashSet_ComplexSelector), _mode);
9556 },
9557 ExtensionStore: function ExtensionStore(t0, t1, t2, t3, t4, t5, t6) {
9558 var _ = this;
9559 _._selectors = t0;
9560 _._extensions = t1;
9561 _._extensionsByExtender = t2;
9562 _._mediaContexts = t3;
9563 _._sourceSpecificity = t4;
9564 _._originals = t5;
9565 _._mode = t6;
9566 },
9567 ExtensionStore_extensionsWhereTarget_closure: function ExtensionStore_extensionsWhereTarget_closure() {
9568 },
9569 ExtensionStore__registerSelector_closure: function ExtensionStore__registerSelector_closure() {
9570 },
9571 ExtensionStore_addExtension_closure: function ExtensionStore_addExtension_closure() {
9572 },
9573 ExtensionStore_addExtension_closure0: function ExtensionStore_addExtension_closure0() {
9574 },
9575 ExtensionStore_addExtension_closure1: function ExtensionStore_addExtension_closure1(t0) {
9576 this.complex = t0;
9577 },
9578 ExtensionStore__extendExistingExtensions_closure: function ExtensionStore__extendExistingExtensions_closure() {
9579 },
9580 ExtensionStore__extendExistingExtensions_closure0: function ExtensionStore__extendExistingExtensions_closure0() {
9581 },
9582 ExtensionStore_addExtensions_closure: function ExtensionStore_addExtensions_closure(t0, t1) {
9583 this._box_0 = t0;
9584 this.$this = t1;
9585 },
9586 ExtensionStore_addExtensions__closure1: function ExtensionStore_addExtensions__closure1(t0, t1, t2, t3, t4) {
9587 var _ = this;
9588 _._box_0 = t0;
9589 _.existingSources = t1;
9590 _.extensionsForTarget = t2;
9591 _.selectorsForTarget = t3;
9592 _.target = t4;
9593 },
9594 ExtensionStore_addExtensions___closure: function ExtensionStore_addExtensions___closure() {
9595 },
9596 ExtensionStore_addExtensions_closure0: function ExtensionStore_addExtensions_closure0(t0, t1) {
9597 this._box_0 = t0;
9598 this.$this = t1;
9599 },
9600 ExtensionStore_addExtensions__closure: function ExtensionStore_addExtensions__closure(t0, t1) {
9601 this.$this = t0;
9602 this.newExtensions = t1;
9603 },
9604 ExtensionStore_addExtensions__closure0: function ExtensionStore_addExtensions__closure0(t0, t1) {
9605 this.$this = t0;
9606 this.newExtensions = t1;
9607 },
9608 ExtensionStore__extendComplex_closure: function ExtensionStore__extendComplex_closure(t0) {
9609 this.complex = t0;
9610 },
9611 ExtensionStore__extendComplex_closure0: function ExtensionStore__extendComplex_closure0(t0, t1, t2) {
9612 this._box_0 = t0;
9613 this.$this = t1;
9614 this.complex = t2;
9615 },
9616 ExtensionStore__extendComplex__closure: function ExtensionStore__extendComplex__closure() {
9617 },
9618 ExtensionStore__extendComplex__closure0: function ExtensionStore__extendComplex__closure0(t0, t1, t2, t3) {
9619 var _ = this;
9620 _._box_0 = t0;
9621 _.$this = t1;
9622 _.complex = t2;
9623 _.path = t3;
9624 },
9625 ExtensionStore__extendComplex___closure: function ExtensionStore__extendComplex___closure() {
9626 },
9627 ExtensionStore__extendCompound_closure: function ExtensionStore__extendCompound_closure(t0) {
9628 this.mediaQueryContext = t0;
9629 },
9630 ExtensionStore__extendCompound_closure0: function ExtensionStore__extendCompound_closure0(t0, t1) {
9631 this._box_1 = t0;
9632 this.mediaQueryContext = t1;
9633 },
9634 ExtensionStore__extendCompound__closure: function ExtensionStore__extendCompound__closure() {
9635 },
9636 ExtensionStore__extendCompound__closure0: function ExtensionStore__extendCompound__closure0(t0) {
9637 this._box_0 = t0;
9638 },
9639 ExtensionStore__extendCompound_closure1: function ExtensionStore__extendCompound_closure1() {
9640 },
9641 ExtensionStore__extendCompound_closure2: function ExtensionStore__extendCompound_closure2() {
9642 },
9643 ExtensionStore__extendCompound_closure3: function ExtensionStore__extendCompound_closure3(t0) {
9644 this.original = t0;
9645 },
9646 ExtensionStore__extendSimple_withoutPseudo: function ExtensionStore__extendSimple_withoutPseudo(t0, t1, t2, t3) {
9647 var _ = this;
9648 _.$this = t0;
9649 _.extensions = t1;
9650 _.targetsUsed = t2;
9651 _.simpleSpan = t3;
9652 },
9653 ExtensionStore__extendSimple_closure: function ExtensionStore__extendSimple_closure(t0, t1, t2) {
9654 this.$this = t0;
9655 this.withoutPseudo = t1;
9656 this.simpleSpan = t2;
9657 },
9658 ExtensionStore__extendSimple_closure0: function ExtensionStore__extendSimple_closure0() {
9659 },
9660 ExtensionStore__extendPseudo_closure: function ExtensionStore__extendPseudo_closure() {
9661 },
9662 ExtensionStore__extendPseudo_closure0: function ExtensionStore__extendPseudo_closure0() {
9663 },
9664 ExtensionStore__extendPseudo_closure1: function ExtensionStore__extendPseudo_closure1() {
9665 },
9666 ExtensionStore__extendPseudo_closure2: function ExtensionStore__extendPseudo_closure2(t0) {
9667 this.pseudo = t0;
9668 },
9669 ExtensionStore__extendPseudo_closure3: function ExtensionStore__extendPseudo_closure3(t0) {
9670 this.pseudo = t0;
9671 },
9672 ExtensionStore__trim_closure: function ExtensionStore__trim_closure(t0, t1) {
9673 this._box_0 = t0;
9674 this.complex1 = t1;
9675 },
9676 ExtensionStore__trim_closure0: function ExtensionStore__trim_closure0(t0, t1) {
9677 this._box_0 = t0;
9678 this.complex1 = t1;
9679 },
9680 ExtensionStore_clone_closure: function ExtensionStore_clone_closure(t0, t1, t2, t3) {
9681 var _ = this;
9682 _.$this = t0;
9683 _.newSelectors = t1;
9684 _.oldToNewSelectors = t2;
9685 _.newMediaContexts = t3;
9686 },
9687 unifyComplex(complexes) {
9688 var t2, unifiedBase, base, t3, t4, _i, complexesWithoutBases,
9689 t1 = J.getInterceptor$asx(complexes);
9690 if (t1.get$length(complexes) === 1)
9691 return complexes;
9692 for (t2 = t1.get$iterator(complexes), unifiedBase = null; t2.moveNext$0();) {
9693 base = J.get$last$ax(t2.get$current(t2));
9694 if (!(base instanceof A.CompoundSelector))
9695 return null;
9696 if (unifiedBase == null)
9697 unifiedBase = base.components;
9698 else
9699 for (t3 = base.components, t4 = t3.length, _i = 0; _i < t4; ++_i) {
9700 unifiedBase = t3[_i].unify$1(unifiedBase);
9701 if (unifiedBase == null)
9702 return null;
9703 }
9704 }
9705 t1 = t1.map$1$1(complexes, new A.unifyComplex_closure(), type$.List_ComplexSelectorComponent);
9706 complexesWithoutBases = A.List_List$of(t1, true, t1.$ti._eval$1("ListIterable.E"));
9707 t1 = B.JSArray_methods.get$last(complexesWithoutBases);
9708 unifiedBase.toString;
9709 J.add$1$ax(t1, A.CompoundSelector$(unifiedBase));
9710 return A.weave(complexesWithoutBases);
9711 },
9712 unifyCompound(compound1, compound2) {
9713 var t1, result, _i, unified;
9714 for (t1 = compound1.length, result = compound2, _i = 0; _i < t1; ++_i, result = unified) {
9715 unified = compound1[_i].unify$1(result);
9716 if (unified == null)
9717 return null;
9718 }
9719 return A.CompoundSelector$(result);
9720 },
9721 unifyUniversalAndElement(selector1, selector2) {
9722 var namespace1, name1, t1, namespace2, name2, namespace, $name, _null = null,
9723 _s45_ = string$.must_b;
9724 if (selector1 instanceof A.UniversalSelector) {
9725 namespace1 = selector1.namespace;
9726 name1 = _null;
9727 } else if (selector1 instanceof A.TypeSelector) {
9728 t1 = selector1.name;
9729 namespace1 = t1.namespace;
9730 name1 = t1.name;
9731 } else
9732 throw A.wrapException(A.ArgumentError$value(selector1, "selector1", _s45_));
9733 if (selector2 instanceof A.UniversalSelector) {
9734 namespace2 = selector2.namespace;
9735 name2 = _null;
9736 } else if (selector2 instanceof A.TypeSelector) {
9737 t1 = selector2.name;
9738 namespace2 = t1.namespace;
9739 name2 = t1.name;
9740 } else
9741 throw A.wrapException(A.ArgumentError$value(selector2, "selector2", _s45_));
9742 if (namespace1 == namespace2 || namespace2 === "*")
9743 namespace = namespace1;
9744 else {
9745 if (namespace1 !== "*")
9746 return _null;
9747 namespace = namespace2;
9748 }
9749 if (name1 == name2 || name2 == null)
9750 $name = name1;
9751 else {
9752 if (!(name1 == null || name1 === "*"))
9753 return _null;
9754 $name = name2;
9755 }
9756 return $name == null ? new A.UniversalSelector(namespace) : new A.TypeSelector(new A.QualifiedName($name, namespace));
9757 },
9758 weave(complexes) {
9759 var t2, t3, t4, t5, target, _i, parents, newPrefixes, parentPrefixes, t6,
9760 t1 = type$.JSArray_List_ComplexSelectorComponent,
9761 prefixes = A._setArrayType([J.toList$0$ax(B.JSArray_methods.get$first(complexes))], t1);
9762 for (t2 = A.SubListIterable$(complexes, 1, null, A._arrayInstanceType(complexes)._precomputed1), t2 = new A.ListIterator(t2, t2.get$length(t2)), t3 = A._instanceType(t2)._precomputed1; t2.moveNext$0();) {
9763 t4 = t3._as(t2.__internal$_current);
9764 t5 = J.getInterceptor$asx(t4);
9765 if (t5.get$isEmpty(t4))
9766 continue;
9767 target = t5.get$last(t4);
9768 if (t5.get$length(t4) === 1) {
9769 for (t4 = prefixes.length, _i = 0; _i < prefixes.length; prefixes.length === t4 || (0, A.throwConcurrentModificationError)(prefixes), ++_i)
9770 J.add$1$ax(prefixes[_i], target);
9771 continue;
9772 }
9773 parents = t5.take$1(t4, t5.get$length(t4) - 1).toList$0(0);
9774 newPrefixes = A._setArrayType([], t1);
9775 for (t4 = prefixes.length, _i = 0; _i < prefixes.length; prefixes.length === t4 || (0, A.throwConcurrentModificationError)(prefixes), ++_i) {
9776 parentPrefixes = A._weaveParents(prefixes[_i], parents);
9777 if (parentPrefixes == null)
9778 continue;
9779 for (t5 = parentPrefixes.get$iterator(parentPrefixes); t5.moveNext$0();) {
9780 t6 = t5.get$current(t5);
9781 J.add$1$ax(t6, target);
9782 newPrefixes.push(t6);
9783 }
9784 }
9785 prefixes = newPrefixes;
9786 }
9787 return prefixes;
9788 },
9789 _weaveParents(parents1, parents2) {
9790 var finalCombinators, root1, root2, root, groups1, groups2, lcs, t2, choices, t3, _i, group, t4, t5, _null = null,
9791 t1 = type$.ComplexSelectorComponent,
9792 queue1 = A.ListQueue_ListQueue$of(parents1, t1),
9793 queue2 = A.ListQueue_ListQueue$of(parents2, t1),
9794 initialCombinators = A._mergeInitialCombinators(queue1, queue2);
9795 if (initialCombinators == null)
9796 return _null;
9797 finalCombinators = A._mergeFinalCombinators(queue1, queue2, _null);
9798 if (finalCombinators == null)
9799 return _null;
9800 root1 = A._firstIfRoot(queue1);
9801 root2 = A._firstIfRoot(queue2);
9802 t1 = root1 != null;
9803 if (t1 && root2 != null) {
9804 root = A.unifyCompound(root1.components, root2.components);
9805 if (root == null)
9806 return _null;
9807 queue1.addFirst$1(root);
9808 queue2.addFirst$1(root);
9809 } else if (t1)
9810 queue2.addFirst$1(root1);
9811 else if (root2 != null)
9812 queue1.addFirst$1(root2);
9813 groups1 = A._groupSelectors(queue1);
9814 groups2 = A._groupSelectors(queue2);
9815 t1 = type$.List_ComplexSelectorComponent;
9816 lcs = A.longestCommonSubsequence(groups2, groups1, new A._weaveParents_closure(), t1);
9817 t2 = type$.JSArray_Iterable_ComplexSelectorComponent;
9818 choices = A._setArrayType([A._setArrayType([initialCombinators], t2)], type$.JSArray_List_Iterable_ComplexSelectorComponent);
9819 for (t3 = lcs.length, _i = 0; _i < lcs.length; lcs.length === t3 || (0, A.throwConcurrentModificationError)(lcs), ++_i) {
9820 group = lcs[_i];
9821 t4 = A._chunks(groups1, groups2, new A._weaveParents_closure0(group), t1);
9822 t5 = A._arrayInstanceType(t4)._eval$1("MappedListIterable<1,Iterable<ComplexSelectorComponent>>");
9823 choices.push(A.List_List$of(new A.MappedListIterable(t4, new A._weaveParents_closure1(), t5), true, t5._eval$1("ListIterable.E")));
9824 choices.push(A._setArrayType([group], t2));
9825 groups1.removeFirst$0();
9826 groups2.removeFirst$0();
9827 }
9828 t2 = A._chunks(groups1, groups2, new A._weaveParents_closure2(), t1);
9829 t3 = A._arrayInstanceType(t2)._eval$1("MappedListIterable<1,Iterable<ComplexSelectorComponent>>");
9830 choices.push(A.List_List$of(new A.MappedListIterable(t2, new A._weaveParents_closure3(), t3), true, t3._eval$1("ListIterable.E")));
9831 B.JSArray_methods.addAll$1(choices, finalCombinators);
9832 return J.map$1$1$ax(A.paths(new A.WhereIterable(choices, new A._weaveParents_closure4(), type$.WhereIterable_List_Iterable_ComplexSelectorComponent), type$.Iterable_ComplexSelectorComponent), new A._weaveParents_closure5(), t1);
9833 },
9834 _firstIfRoot(queue) {
9835 var first;
9836 if (queue._collection$_head === queue._collection$_tail)
9837 return null;
9838 first = queue.get$first(queue);
9839 if (first instanceof A.CompoundSelector) {
9840 if (!A._hasRoot(first))
9841 return null;
9842 queue.removeFirst$0();
9843 return first;
9844 } else
9845 return null;
9846 },
9847 _mergeInitialCombinators(components1, components2) {
9848 var t4, combinators2, lcs,
9849 t1 = type$.JSArray_Combinator,
9850 combinators1 = A._setArrayType([], t1),
9851 t2 = type$.Combinator,
9852 t3 = components1.$ti._precomputed1;
9853 while (true) {
9854 if (!components1.get$isEmpty(components1)) {
9855 t4 = components1._collection$_head;
9856 if (t4 === components1._collection$_tail)
9857 A.throwExpression(A.IterableElementError_noElement());
9858 t4 = t3._as(components1._collection$_table[t4]) instanceof A.Combinator;
9859 } else
9860 t4 = false;
9861 if (!t4)
9862 break;
9863 combinators1.push(t2._as(components1.removeFirst$0()));
9864 }
9865 combinators2 = A._setArrayType([], t1);
9866 t1 = components2.$ti._precomputed1;
9867 while (true) {
9868 if (!components2.get$isEmpty(components2)) {
9869 t3 = components2._collection$_head;
9870 if (t3 === components2._collection$_tail)
9871 A.throwExpression(A.IterableElementError_noElement());
9872 t3 = t1._as(components2._collection$_table[t3]) instanceof A.Combinator;
9873 } else
9874 t3 = false;
9875 if (!t3)
9876 break;
9877 combinators2.push(t2._as(components2.removeFirst$0()));
9878 }
9879 lcs = A.longestCommonSubsequence(combinators1, combinators2, null, t2);
9880 if (B.C_ListEquality.equals$2(0, lcs, combinators1))
9881 return combinators2;
9882 if (B.C_ListEquality.equals$2(0, lcs, combinators2))
9883 return combinators1;
9884 return null;
9885 },
9886 _mergeFinalCombinators(components1, components2, result) {
9887 var t1, combinators1, t2, combinators2, lcs, combinator1, combinator2, compound1, compound2, choices, unified, followingSiblingSelector, nextSiblingSelector, _null = null;
9888 if (result == null)
9889 result = A.QueueList$(_null, type$.List_List_ComplexSelectorComponent);
9890 if (components1._collection$_head === components1._collection$_tail || !(components1.get$last(components1) instanceof A.Combinator))
9891 t1 = components2._collection$_head === components2._collection$_tail || !(components2.get$last(components2) instanceof A.Combinator);
9892 else
9893 t1 = false;
9894 if (t1)
9895 return result;
9896 t1 = type$.JSArray_Combinator;
9897 combinators1 = A._setArrayType([], t1);
9898 t2 = type$.Combinator;
9899 while (true) {
9900 if (!(!components1.get$isEmpty(components1) && components1.get$last(components1) instanceof A.Combinator))
9901 break;
9902 combinators1.push(t2._as(components1.removeLast$0(0)));
9903 }
9904 combinators2 = A._setArrayType([], t1);
9905 while (true) {
9906 if (!(!components2.get$isEmpty(components2) && components2.get$last(components2) instanceof A.Combinator))
9907 break;
9908 combinators2.push(t2._as(components2.removeLast$0(0)));
9909 }
9910 t1 = combinators1.length;
9911 if (t1 > 1 || combinators2.length > 1) {
9912 lcs = A.longestCommonSubsequence(combinators1, combinators2, _null, t2);
9913 if (B.C_ListEquality.equals$2(0, lcs, combinators1))
9914 result.addFirst$1(A._setArrayType([A.List_List$of(new A.ReversedListIterable(combinators2, type$.ReversedListIterable_Combinator), true, type$.ComplexSelectorComponent)], type$.JSArray_List_ComplexSelectorComponent));
9915 else if (B.C_ListEquality.equals$2(0, lcs, combinators2))
9916 result.addFirst$1(A._setArrayType([A.List_List$of(new A.ReversedListIterable(combinators1, type$.ReversedListIterable_Combinator), true, type$.ComplexSelectorComponent)], type$.JSArray_List_ComplexSelectorComponent));
9917 else
9918 return _null;
9919 return result;
9920 }
9921 combinator1 = t1 === 0 ? _null : B.JSArray_methods.get$first(combinators1);
9922 combinator2 = combinators2.length === 0 ? _null : B.JSArray_methods.get$first(combinators2);
9923 t1 = combinator1 != null;
9924 if (t1 && combinator2 != null) {
9925 t1 = type$.CompoundSelector;
9926 compound1 = t1._as(components1.removeLast$0(0));
9927 compound2 = t1._as(components2.removeLast$0(0));
9928 t1 = combinator1 === B.Combinator_CzM;
9929 if (t1 && combinator2 === B.Combinator_CzM)
9930 if (A.compoundIsSuperselector(compound1, compound2, _null))
9931 result.addFirst$1(A._setArrayType([A._setArrayType([compound2, B.Combinator_CzM], type$.JSArray_ComplexSelectorComponent)], type$.JSArray_List_ComplexSelectorComponent));
9932 else {
9933 t1 = type$.JSArray_ComplexSelectorComponent;
9934 t2 = type$.JSArray_List_ComplexSelectorComponent;
9935 if (A.compoundIsSuperselector(compound2, compound1, _null))
9936 result.addFirst$1(A._setArrayType([A._setArrayType([compound1, B.Combinator_CzM], t1)], t2));
9937 else {
9938 choices = A._setArrayType([A._setArrayType([compound1, B.Combinator_CzM, compound2, B.Combinator_CzM], t1), A._setArrayType([compound2, B.Combinator_CzM, compound1, B.Combinator_CzM], t1)], t2);
9939 unified = A.unifyCompound(compound1.components, compound2.components);
9940 if (unified != null)
9941 choices.push(A._setArrayType([unified, B.Combinator_CzM], t1));
9942 result.addFirst$1(choices);
9943 }
9944 }
9945 else {
9946 if (!(t1 && combinator2 === B.Combinator_uzg))
9947 t2 = combinator1 === B.Combinator_uzg && combinator2 === B.Combinator_CzM;
9948 else
9949 t2 = true;
9950 if (t2) {
9951 followingSiblingSelector = t1 ? compound1 : compound2;
9952 nextSiblingSelector = t1 ? compound2 : compound1;
9953 t1 = type$.JSArray_ComplexSelectorComponent;
9954 t2 = type$.JSArray_List_ComplexSelectorComponent;
9955 if (A.compoundIsSuperselector(followingSiblingSelector, nextSiblingSelector, _null))
9956 result.addFirst$1(A._setArrayType([A._setArrayType([nextSiblingSelector, B.Combinator_uzg], t1)], t2));
9957 else {
9958 unified = A.unifyCompound(compound1.components, compound2.components);
9959 t2 = A._setArrayType([A._setArrayType([followingSiblingSelector, B.Combinator_CzM, nextSiblingSelector, B.Combinator_uzg], t1)], t2);
9960 if (unified != null)
9961 t2.push(A._setArrayType([unified, B.Combinator_uzg], t1));
9962 result.addFirst$1(t2);
9963 }
9964 } else {
9965 if (combinator1 === B.Combinator_sgq)
9966 t2 = combinator2 === B.Combinator_uzg || combinator2 === B.Combinator_CzM;
9967 else
9968 t2 = false;
9969 if (t2) {
9970 result.addFirst$1(A._setArrayType([A._setArrayType([compound2, combinator2], type$.JSArray_ComplexSelectorComponent)], type$.JSArray_List_ComplexSelectorComponent));
9971 components1._add$1(compound1);
9972 components1._add$1(B.Combinator_sgq);
9973 } else {
9974 if (combinator2 === B.Combinator_sgq)
9975 t1 = combinator1 === B.Combinator_uzg || t1;
9976 else
9977 t1 = false;
9978 if (t1) {
9979 result.addFirst$1(A._setArrayType([A._setArrayType([compound1, combinator1], type$.JSArray_ComplexSelectorComponent)], type$.JSArray_List_ComplexSelectorComponent));
9980 components2._add$1(compound2);
9981 components2._add$1(B.Combinator_sgq);
9982 } else if (combinator1 === combinator2) {
9983 unified = A.unifyCompound(compound1.components, compound2.components);
9984 if (unified == null)
9985 return _null;
9986 result.addFirst$1(A._setArrayType([A._setArrayType([unified, combinator1], type$.JSArray_ComplexSelectorComponent)], type$.JSArray_List_ComplexSelectorComponent));
9987 } else
9988 return _null;
9989 }
9990 }
9991 }
9992 return A._mergeFinalCombinators(components1, components2, result);
9993 } else if (t1) {
9994 if (combinator1 === B.Combinator_sgq)
9995 if (!components2.get$isEmpty(components2)) {
9996 t1 = type$.CompoundSelector;
9997 t1 = A.compoundIsSuperselector(t1._as(components2.get$last(components2)), t1._as(components1.get$last(components1)), _null);
9998 } else
9999 t1 = false;
10000 else
10001 t1 = false;
10002 if (t1)
10003 components2.removeLast$0(0);
10004 result.addFirst$1(A._setArrayType([A._setArrayType([components1.removeLast$0(0), combinator1], type$.JSArray_ComplexSelectorComponent)], type$.JSArray_List_ComplexSelectorComponent));
10005 return A._mergeFinalCombinators(components1, components2, result);
10006 } else {
10007 if (combinator2 === B.Combinator_sgq)
10008 if (!components1.get$isEmpty(components1)) {
10009 t1 = type$.CompoundSelector;
10010 t1 = A.compoundIsSuperselector(t1._as(components1.get$last(components1)), t1._as(components2.get$last(components2)), _null);
10011 } else
10012 t1 = false;
10013 else
10014 t1 = false;
10015 if (t1)
10016 components1.removeLast$0(0);
10017 t1 = components2.removeLast$0(0);
10018 combinator2.toString;
10019 result.addFirst$1(A._setArrayType([A._setArrayType([t1, combinator2], type$.JSArray_ComplexSelectorComponent)], type$.JSArray_List_ComplexSelectorComponent));
10020 return A._mergeFinalCombinators(components1, components2, result);
10021 }
10022 },
10023 _mustUnify(complex1, complex2) {
10024 var t2, t3, t4,
10025 t1 = A.LinkedHashSet_LinkedHashSet$_empty(type$.SimpleSelector);
10026 for (t2 = J.get$iterator$ax(complex1); t2.moveNext$0();) {
10027 t3 = t2.get$current(t2);
10028 if (t3 instanceof A.CompoundSelector)
10029 for (t3 = B.JSArray_methods.get$iterator(t3.components), t4 = new A.WhereIterator(t3, A.functions___isUnique$closure()); t4.moveNext$0();)
10030 t1.add$1(0, t3.get$current(t3));
10031 }
10032 if (t1._collection$_length === 0)
10033 return false;
10034 return J.any$1$ax(complex2, new A._mustUnify_closure(t1));
10035 },
10036 _isUnique(simple) {
10037 var t1;
10038 if (!(simple instanceof A.IDSelector))
10039 t1 = simple instanceof A.PseudoSelector && !simple.isClass;
10040 else
10041 t1 = true;
10042 return t1;
10043 },
10044 _chunks(queue1, queue2, done, $T) {
10045 var chunk2, t2,
10046 t1 = $T._eval$1("JSArray<0>"),
10047 chunk1 = A._setArrayType([], t1);
10048 for (; !done.call$1(queue1);)
10049 chunk1.push(queue1.removeFirst$0());
10050 chunk2 = A._setArrayType([], t1);
10051 for (; !done.call$1(queue2);)
10052 chunk2.push(queue2.removeFirst$0());
10053 t1 = chunk1.length === 0;
10054 if (t1 && chunk2.length === 0)
10055 return A._setArrayType([], $T._eval$1("JSArray<List<0>>"));
10056 if (t1)
10057 return A._setArrayType([chunk2], $T._eval$1("JSArray<List<0>>"));
10058 if (chunk2.length === 0)
10059 return A._setArrayType([chunk1], $T._eval$1("JSArray<List<0>>"));
10060 t1 = A.List_List$of(chunk1, true, $T);
10061 B.JSArray_methods.addAll$1(t1, chunk2);
10062 t2 = A.List_List$of(chunk2, true, $T);
10063 B.JSArray_methods.addAll$1(t2, chunk1);
10064 return A._setArrayType([t1, t2], $T._eval$1("JSArray<List<0>>"));
10065 },
10066 paths(choices, $T) {
10067 return J.fold$2$ax(choices, A._setArrayType([A._setArrayType([], $T._eval$1("JSArray<0>"))], $T._eval$1("JSArray<List<0>>")), new A.paths_closure($T));
10068 },
10069 _groupSelectors(complex) {
10070 var t1, t2, group, t3, t4,
10071 groups = A.QueueList$(null, type$.List_ComplexSelectorComponent),
10072 iterator = A._ListQueueIterator$(complex);
10073 if (!iterator.moveNext$0())
10074 return groups;
10075 t1 = A._instanceType(iterator)._precomputed1;
10076 t2 = type$.JSArray_ComplexSelectorComponent;
10077 group = A._setArrayType([t1._as(iterator._collection$_current)], t2);
10078 groups._queue_list$_add$1(group);
10079 for (; iterator.moveNext$0();) {
10080 t3 = B.JSArray_methods.get$last(group) instanceof A.Combinator || t1._as(iterator._collection$_current) instanceof A.Combinator;
10081 t4 = iterator._collection$_current;
10082 if (t3)
10083 group.push(t1._as(t4));
10084 else {
10085 group = A._setArrayType([t1._as(t4)], t2);
10086 groups._queue_list$_add$1(group);
10087 }
10088 }
10089 return groups;
10090 },
10091 _hasRoot(compound) {
10092 return B.JSArray_methods.any$1(compound.components, new A._hasRoot_closure());
10093 },
10094 listIsSuperselector(list1, list2) {
10095 return B.JSArray_methods.every$1(list2, new A.listIsSuperselector_closure(list1));
10096 },
10097 complexIsParentSuperselector(complex1, complex2) {
10098 var t2, base,
10099 t1 = J.getInterceptor$ax(complex1);
10100 if (t1.get$first(complex1) instanceof A.Combinator)
10101 return false;
10102 t2 = J.getInterceptor$ax(complex2);
10103 if (t2.get$first(complex2) instanceof A.Combinator)
10104 return false;
10105 if (t1.get$length(complex1) > t2.get$length(complex2))
10106 return false;
10107 base = A.CompoundSelector$(A._setArrayType([new A.PlaceholderSelector("<temp>")], type$.JSArray_SimpleSelector));
10108 t1 = type$.ComplexSelectorComponent;
10109 t2 = A.List_List$of(complex1, true, t1);
10110 t2.push(base);
10111 t1 = A.List_List$of(complex2, true, t1);
10112 t1.push(base);
10113 return A.complexIsSuperselector(t2, t1);
10114 },
10115 complexIsSuperselector(complex1, complex2) {
10116 var t1, t2, t3, i1, i2, remaining1, remaining2, t4, t5, t6, afterSuperselector, afterSuperselector0, compound2, i10, combinator1, combinator2;
10117 if (B.JSArray_methods.get$last(complex1) instanceof A.Combinator)
10118 return false;
10119 if (B.JSArray_methods.get$last(complex2) instanceof A.Combinator)
10120 return false;
10121 for (t1 = A._arrayInstanceType(complex2), t2 = t1._precomputed1, t1 = t1._eval$1("SubListIterable<1>"), t3 = type$.CompoundSelector, i1 = 0, i2 = 0; true;) {
10122 remaining1 = complex1.length - i1;
10123 remaining2 = complex2.length - i2;
10124 if (remaining1 === 0 || remaining2 === 0)
10125 return false;
10126 if (remaining1 > remaining2)
10127 return false;
10128 t4 = complex1[i1];
10129 if (t4 instanceof A.Combinator)
10130 return false;
10131 if (complex2[i2] instanceof A.Combinator)
10132 return false;
10133 t3._as(t4);
10134 if (remaining1 === 1) {
10135 t5 = t3._as(B.JSArray_methods.get$last(complex2));
10136 t6 = complex2.length - 1;
10137 t3 = new A.SubListIterable(complex2, 0, t6, t1);
10138 t3.SubListIterable$3(complex2, 0, t6, t2);
10139 return A.compoundIsSuperselector(t4, t5, t3.skip$1(0, i2));
10140 }
10141 afterSuperselector = i2 + 1;
10142 for (afterSuperselector0 = afterSuperselector; afterSuperselector0 < complex2.length; ++afterSuperselector0) {
10143 t5 = afterSuperselector0 - 1;
10144 compound2 = complex2[t5];
10145 if (compound2 instanceof A.CompoundSelector) {
10146 t6 = new A.SubListIterable(complex2, 0, t5, t1);
10147 t6.SubListIterable$3(complex2, 0, t5, t2);
10148 if (A.compoundIsSuperselector(t4, compound2, t6.skip$1(0, afterSuperselector)))
10149 break;
10150 }
10151 }
10152 if (afterSuperselector0 === complex2.length)
10153 return false;
10154 i10 = i1 + 1;
10155 combinator1 = complex1[i10];
10156 combinator2 = complex2[afterSuperselector0];
10157 if (combinator1 instanceof A.Combinator) {
10158 if (!(combinator2 instanceof A.Combinator))
10159 return false;
10160 if (combinator1 === B.Combinator_CzM) {
10161 if (combinator2 === B.Combinator_sgq)
10162 return false;
10163 } else if (combinator2 !== combinator1)
10164 return false;
10165 if (remaining1 === 3 && remaining2 > 3)
10166 return false;
10167 i1 += 2;
10168 i2 = afterSuperselector0 + 1;
10169 } else {
10170 if (combinator2 instanceof A.Combinator) {
10171 if (combinator2 !== B.Combinator_sgq)
10172 return false;
10173 i2 = afterSuperselector0 + 1;
10174 } else
10175 i2 = afterSuperselector0;
10176 i1 = i10;
10177 }
10178 }
10179 },
10180 compoundIsSuperselector(compound1, compound2, parents) {
10181 var t1, t2, _i, simple1, simple2;
10182 for (t1 = compound1.components, t2 = t1.length, _i = 0; _i < t2; ++_i) {
10183 simple1 = t1[_i];
10184 if (simple1 instanceof A.PseudoSelector && simple1.selector != null) {
10185 if (!A._selectorPseudoIsSuperselector(simple1, compound2, parents))
10186 return false;
10187 } else if (!A._simpleIsSuperselectorOfCompound(simple1, compound2))
10188 return false;
10189 }
10190 for (t1 = compound2.components, t2 = t1.length, _i = 0; _i < t2; ++_i) {
10191 simple2 = t1[_i];
10192 if (simple2 instanceof A.PseudoSelector && !simple2.isClass && simple2.selector == null && !A._simpleIsSuperselectorOfCompound(simple2, compound1))
10193 return false;
10194 }
10195 return true;
10196 },
10197 _simpleIsSuperselectorOfCompound(simple, compound) {
10198 return B.JSArray_methods.any$1(compound.components, new A._simpleIsSuperselectorOfCompound_closure(simple));
10199 },
10200 _selectorPseudoIsSuperselector(pseudo1, compound2, parents) {
10201 var selector1_ = pseudo1.selector;
10202 if (selector1_ == null)
10203 throw A.wrapException(A.ArgumentError$("Selector " + pseudo1.toString$0(0) + " must have a selector argument.", null));
10204 switch (pseudo1.normalizedName) {
10205 case "is":
10206 case "matches":
10207 case "any":
10208 return A._selectorPseudoArgs(compound2, pseudo1.name, true).any$1(0, new A._selectorPseudoIsSuperselector_closure(selector1_)) || B.JSArray_methods.any$1(selector1_.components, new A._selectorPseudoIsSuperselector_closure0(parents, compound2));
10209 case "has":
10210 case "host":
10211 case "host-context":
10212 return A._selectorPseudoArgs(compound2, pseudo1.name, true).any$1(0, new A._selectorPseudoIsSuperselector_closure1(selector1_));
10213 case "slotted":
10214 return A._selectorPseudoArgs(compound2, pseudo1.name, false).any$1(0, new A._selectorPseudoIsSuperselector_closure2(selector1_));
10215 case "not":
10216 return B.JSArray_methods.every$1(selector1_.components, new A._selectorPseudoIsSuperselector_closure3(compound2, pseudo1));
10217 case "current":
10218 return A._selectorPseudoArgs(compound2, pseudo1.name, true).any$1(0, new A._selectorPseudoIsSuperselector_closure4(selector1_));
10219 case "nth-child":
10220 case "nth-last-child":
10221 return B.JSArray_methods.any$1(compound2.components, new A._selectorPseudoIsSuperselector_closure5(pseudo1, selector1_));
10222 default:
10223 throw A.wrapException("unreachable");
10224 }
10225 },
10226 _selectorPseudoArgs(compound, $name, isClass) {
10227 var t1 = type$.WhereTypeIterable_PseudoSelector;
10228 return A.IterableNullableExtension_whereNotNull(new A.MappedIterable(new A.WhereIterable(new A.WhereTypeIterable(compound.components, t1), new A._selectorPseudoArgs_closure(isClass, $name), t1._eval$1("WhereIterable<Iterable.E>")), new A._selectorPseudoArgs_closure0(), t1._eval$1("MappedIterable<Iterable.E,SelectorList?>")), type$.SelectorList);
10229 },
10230 unifyComplex_closure: function unifyComplex_closure() {
10231 },
10232 _weaveParents_closure: function _weaveParents_closure() {
10233 },
10234 _weaveParents_closure0: function _weaveParents_closure0(t0) {
10235 this.group = t0;
10236 },
10237 _weaveParents_closure1: function _weaveParents_closure1() {
10238 },
10239 _weaveParents__closure1: function _weaveParents__closure1() {
10240 },
10241 _weaveParents_closure2: function _weaveParents_closure2() {
10242 },
10243 _weaveParents_closure3: function _weaveParents_closure3() {
10244 },
10245 _weaveParents__closure0: function _weaveParents__closure0() {
10246 },
10247 _weaveParents_closure4: function _weaveParents_closure4() {
10248 },
10249 _weaveParents_closure5: function _weaveParents_closure5() {
10250 },
10251 _weaveParents__closure: function _weaveParents__closure() {
10252 },
10253 _mustUnify_closure: function _mustUnify_closure(t0) {
10254 this.uniqueSelectors = t0;
10255 },
10256 _mustUnify__closure: function _mustUnify__closure(t0) {
10257 this.uniqueSelectors = t0;
10258 },
10259 paths_closure: function paths_closure(t0) {
10260 this.T = t0;
10261 },
10262 paths__closure: function paths__closure(t0, t1) {
10263 this.paths = t0;
10264 this.T = t1;
10265 },
10266 paths___closure: function paths___closure(t0, t1) {
10267 this.option = t0;
10268 this.T = t1;
10269 },
10270 _hasRoot_closure: function _hasRoot_closure() {
10271 },
10272 listIsSuperselector_closure: function listIsSuperselector_closure(t0) {
10273 this.list1 = t0;
10274 },
10275 listIsSuperselector__closure: function listIsSuperselector__closure(t0) {
10276 this.complex1 = t0;
10277 },
10278 _simpleIsSuperselectorOfCompound_closure: function _simpleIsSuperselectorOfCompound_closure(t0) {
10279 this.simple = t0;
10280 },
10281 _simpleIsSuperselectorOfCompound__closure: function _simpleIsSuperselectorOfCompound__closure(t0) {
10282 this.simple = t0;
10283 },
10284 _selectorPseudoIsSuperselector_closure: function _selectorPseudoIsSuperselector_closure(t0) {
10285 this.selector1 = t0;
10286 },
10287 _selectorPseudoIsSuperselector_closure0: function _selectorPseudoIsSuperselector_closure0(t0, t1) {
10288 this.parents = t0;
10289 this.compound2 = t1;
10290 },
10291 _selectorPseudoIsSuperselector_closure1: function _selectorPseudoIsSuperselector_closure1(t0) {
10292 this.selector1 = t0;
10293 },
10294 _selectorPseudoIsSuperselector_closure2: function _selectorPseudoIsSuperselector_closure2(t0) {
10295 this.selector1 = t0;
10296 },
10297 _selectorPseudoIsSuperselector_closure3: function _selectorPseudoIsSuperselector_closure3(t0, t1) {
10298 this.compound2 = t0;
10299 this.pseudo1 = t1;
10300 },
10301 _selectorPseudoIsSuperselector__closure: function _selectorPseudoIsSuperselector__closure(t0, t1) {
10302 this.complex = t0;
10303 this.pseudo1 = t1;
10304 },
10305 _selectorPseudoIsSuperselector___closure: function _selectorPseudoIsSuperselector___closure(t0) {
10306 this.simple2 = t0;
10307 },
10308 _selectorPseudoIsSuperselector___closure0: function _selectorPseudoIsSuperselector___closure0(t0) {
10309 this.simple2 = t0;
10310 },
10311 _selectorPseudoIsSuperselector_closure4: function _selectorPseudoIsSuperselector_closure4(t0) {
10312 this.selector1 = t0;
10313 },
10314 _selectorPseudoIsSuperselector_closure5: function _selectorPseudoIsSuperselector_closure5(t0, t1) {
10315 this.pseudo1 = t0;
10316 this.selector1 = t1;
10317 },
10318 _selectorPseudoArgs_closure: function _selectorPseudoArgs_closure(t0, t1) {
10319 this.isClass = t0;
10320 this.name = t1;
10321 },
10322 _selectorPseudoArgs_closure0: function _selectorPseudoArgs_closure0() {
10323 },
10324 MergedExtension_merge(left, right) {
10325 var t4, t5, t6,
10326 t1 = left.extender,
10327 t2 = t1.selector,
10328 t3 = B.C_ListEquality.equals$2(0, t2.components, right.extender.selector.components);
10329 if (!t3 || !left.target.$eq(0, right.target))
10330 throw A.wrapException(A.ArgumentError$(left.toString$0(0) + " and " + right.toString$0(0) + " aren't the same extension.", null));
10331 t3 = left.mediaContext;
10332 t4 = t3 == null;
10333 if (!t4) {
10334 t5 = right.mediaContext;
10335 t5 = t5 != null && !B.C_ListEquality.equals$2(0, t3, t5);
10336 } else
10337 t5 = false;
10338 if (t5)
10339 throw A.wrapException(A.SassException$("From " + left.span.message$1(0, "") + string$.x0aYou_m, right.span));
10340 if (right.isOptional && right.mediaContext == null)
10341 return left;
10342 if (left.isOptional && t4)
10343 return right;
10344 t5 = left.target;
10345 t6 = left.span;
10346 if (t4)
10347 t3 = right.mediaContext;
10348 t2.get$maxSpecificity();
10349 t1 = new A.Extender(t2, false, t1.span);
10350 return t1._extension = new A.MergedExtension(left, right, t1, t5, t3, true, t6);
10351 },
10352 MergedExtension: function MergedExtension(t0, t1, t2, t3, t4, t5, t6) {
10353 var _ = this;
10354 _.left = t0;
10355 _.right = t1;
10356 _.extender = t2;
10357 _.target = t3;
10358 _.mediaContext = t4;
10359 _.isOptional = t5;
10360 _.span = t6;
10361 },
10362 ExtendMode: function ExtendMode(t0) {
10363 this.name = t0;
10364 },
10365 globalFunctions_closure: function globalFunctions_closure() {
10366 },
10367 _updateComponents($arguments, adjust, change, scale) {
10368 var keywords, alpha, red, green, blue, hueNumber, t2, hue, saturation, lightness, whiteness, blackness, hasRgb, hasSL, hasWB, t3, t4, t5, _null = null,
10369 t1 = J.getInterceptor$asx($arguments),
10370 color = t1.$index($arguments, 0).assertColor$1("color"),
10371 argumentList = type$.SassArgumentList._as(t1.$index($arguments, 1));
10372 if (argumentList._list$_contents.length !== 0)
10373 throw A.wrapException(A.SassScriptException$(string$.Only_op));
10374 argumentList._wereKeywordsAccessed = true;
10375 keywords = A.LinkedHashMap_LinkedHashMap$of(argumentList._keywords, type$.String, type$.Value);
10376 t1 = new A._updateComponents_getParam(keywords, scale, change);
10377 alpha = t1.call$2("alpha", 1);
10378 red = t1.call$2("red", 255);
10379 green = t1.call$2("green", 255);
10380 blue = t1.call$2("blue", 255);
10381 if (scale)
10382 hueNumber = _null;
10383 else {
10384 t2 = keywords.remove$1(0, "hue");
10385 hueNumber = t2 == null ? _null : t2.assertNumber$1("hue");
10386 }
10387 t2 = hueNumber == null;
10388 if (!t2)
10389 A._checkAngle(hueNumber, "hue");
10390 hue = t2 ? _null : hueNumber._number$_value;
10391 saturation = t1.call$3$checkPercent("saturation", 100, true);
10392 lightness = t1.call$3$checkPercent("lightness", 100, true);
10393 whiteness = t1.call$3$assertPercent("whiteness", 100, true);
10394 blackness = t1.call$3$assertPercent("blackness", 100, true);
10395 if (keywords.get$isNotEmpty(keywords))
10396 throw A.wrapException(A.SassScriptException$("No " + A.pluralize("argument", keywords.get$length(keywords), _null) + " named " + A.S(A.toSentence(keywords.get$keys(keywords).map$1$1(0, new A._updateComponents_closure(), type$.Object), "or")) + "."));
10397 hasRgb = red != null || green != null || blue != null;
10398 hasSL = saturation != null || lightness != null;
10399 hasWB = whiteness != null || blackness != null;
10400 if (hasRgb)
10401 t1 = hasSL || hasWB || hue != null;
10402 else
10403 t1 = false;
10404 if (t1)
10405 throw A.wrapException(A.SassScriptException$(string$.RGB_pa + (hasWB ? "HWB" : "HSL") + " parameters."));
10406 if (hasSL && hasWB)
10407 throw A.wrapException(A.SassScriptException$(string$.HSL_pa));
10408 t1 = new A._updateComponents_updateValue(change, adjust);
10409 t2 = new A._updateComponents_updateRgb(t1);
10410 if (hasRgb) {
10411 t3 = t2.call$2(color.get$red(color), red);
10412 t4 = t2.call$2(color.get$green(color), green);
10413 t2 = t2.call$2(color.get$blue(color), blue);
10414 return color.changeRgb$4$alpha$blue$green$red(t1.call$3(color._alpha, alpha, 1), t2, t4, t3);
10415 } else if (hasWB) {
10416 if (change)
10417 t2 = hue;
10418 else {
10419 t2 = color.get$hue(color);
10420 t2 += hue == null ? 0 : hue;
10421 }
10422 t3 = t1.call$3(color.get$whiteness(color), whiteness, 100);
10423 t4 = t1.call$3(color.get$blackness(color), blackness, 100);
10424 t5 = color._alpha;
10425 t1 = t1.call$3(t5, alpha, 1);
10426 if (t2 == null)
10427 t2 = color.get$hue(color);
10428 if (t3 == null)
10429 t3 = color.get$whiteness(color);
10430 if (t4 == null)
10431 t4 = color.get$blackness(color);
10432 return A.SassColor_SassColor$hwb(t2, t3, t4, t1 == null ? t5 : t1);
10433 } else {
10434 t2 = hue == null;
10435 if (!t2 || hasSL) {
10436 if (change)
10437 t2 = hue;
10438 else {
10439 t3 = color.get$hue(color);
10440 t3 += t2 ? 0 : hue;
10441 t2 = t3;
10442 }
10443 t3 = t1.call$3(color.get$saturation(color), saturation, 100);
10444 t4 = t1.call$3(color.get$lightness(color), lightness, 100);
10445 return color.changeHsl$4$alpha$hue$lightness$saturation(t1.call$3(color._alpha, alpha, 1), t2, t4, t3);
10446 } else if (alpha != null)
10447 return color.changeAlpha$1(t1.call$3(color._alpha, alpha, 1));
10448 else
10449 return color;
10450 }
10451 },
10452 _functionString($name, $arguments) {
10453 return new A.SassString($name + "(" + J.map$1$1$ax($arguments, new A._functionString_closure(), type$.String).join$1(0, ", ") + ")", false);
10454 },
10455 _removedColorFunction($name, argument, negative) {
10456 return A.BuiltInCallable$function($name, "$color, $amount", new A._removedColorFunction_closure($name, argument, negative), "sass:color");
10457 },
10458 _rgb($name, $arguments) {
10459 var t2, red, green, blue,
10460 t1 = J.getInterceptor$asx($arguments),
10461 alpha = t1.get$length($arguments) > 3 ? t1.$index($arguments, 3) : null;
10462 if (!t1.$index($arguments, 0).get$isSpecialNumber())
10463 if (!t1.$index($arguments, 1).get$isSpecialNumber())
10464 if (!t1.$index($arguments, 2).get$isSpecialNumber()) {
10465 t2 = alpha == null ? null : alpha.get$isSpecialNumber();
10466 t2 = t2 === true;
10467 } else
10468 t2 = true;
10469 else
10470 t2 = true;
10471 else
10472 t2 = true;
10473 if (t2)
10474 return A._functionString($name, $arguments);
10475 red = t1.$index($arguments, 0).assertNumber$1("red");
10476 green = t1.$index($arguments, 1).assertNumber$1("green");
10477 blue = t1.$index($arguments, 2).assertNumber$1("blue");
10478 return A.SassColor$rgb(A.fuzzyRound(A._percentageOrUnitless(red, 255, "red")), A.fuzzyRound(A._percentageOrUnitless(green, 255, "green")), A.fuzzyRound(A._percentageOrUnitless(blue, 255, "blue")), A.NullableExtension_andThen(alpha, new A._rgb_closure()), null);
10479 },
10480 _rgbTwoArg($name, $arguments) {
10481 var first, color,
10482 t1 = J.getInterceptor$asx($arguments);
10483 if (t1.$index($arguments, 0).get$isVar())
10484 return A._functionString($name, $arguments);
10485 else if (t1.$index($arguments, 1).get$isVar()) {
10486 first = t1.$index($arguments, 0);
10487 if (first instanceof A.SassColor)
10488 return new A.SassString($name + "(" + first.get$red(first) + ", " + first.get$green(first) + ", " + first.get$blue(first) + ", " + A.serializeValue(t1.$index($arguments, 1), false, true) + ")", false);
10489 else
10490 return A._functionString($name, $arguments);
10491 } else if (t1.$index($arguments, 1).get$isSpecialNumber()) {
10492 color = t1.$index($arguments, 0).assertColor$1("color");
10493 return new A.SassString($name + "(" + color.get$red(color) + ", " + color.get$green(color) + ", " + color.get$blue(color) + ", " + A.serializeValue(t1.$index($arguments, 1), false, true) + ")", false);
10494 }
10495 return t1.$index($arguments, 0).assertColor$1("color").changeAlpha$1(A._percentageOrUnitless(t1.$index($arguments, 1).assertNumber$1("alpha"), 1, "alpha"));
10496 },
10497 _hsl($name, $arguments) {
10498 var t2, hue, saturation, lightness,
10499 _s10_ = "saturation",
10500 _s9_ = "lightness",
10501 t1 = J.getInterceptor$asx($arguments),
10502 alpha = t1.get$length($arguments) > 3 ? t1.$index($arguments, 3) : null;
10503 if (!t1.$index($arguments, 0).get$isSpecialNumber())
10504 if (!t1.$index($arguments, 1).get$isSpecialNumber())
10505 if (!t1.$index($arguments, 2).get$isSpecialNumber()) {
10506 t2 = alpha == null ? null : alpha.get$isSpecialNumber();
10507 t2 = t2 === true;
10508 } else
10509 t2 = true;
10510 else
10511 t2 = true;
10512 else
10513 t2 = true;
10514 if (t2)
10515 return A._functionString($name, $arguments);
10516 hue = t1.$index($arguments, 0).assertNumber$1("hue");
10517 saturation = t1.$index($arguments, 1).assertNumber$1(_s10_);
10518 lightness = t1.$index($arguments, 2).assertNumber$1(_s9_);
10519 A._checkAngle(hue, "hue");
10520 A._checkPercent(saturation, _s10_);
10521 A._checkPercent(lightness, _s9_);
10522 return A.SassColor$hsl(hue._number$_value, B.JSNumber_methods.clamp$2(saturation._number$_value, 0, 100), B.JSNumber_methods.clamp$2(lightness._number$_value, 0, 100), A.NullableExtension_andThen(alpha, new A._hsl_closure()));
10523 },
10524 _checkAngle(angle, $name) {
10525 var t1, t2, t3, actualUnit,
10526 _s31_ = "To preserve current behavior: $";
10527 if (!angle.get$hasUnits() || angle.hasUnit$1("deg"))
10528 return;
10529 t1 = "" + ("$" + A.S($name) + ": Passing a unit other than deg (" + angle.toString$0(0) + ") is deprecated.\n") + "\n";
10530 if (angle.compatibleWithUnit$1("deg")) {
10531 t2 = "You're passing " + angle.toString$0(0) + string$.x2c_whici;
10532 t3 = type$.JSArray_String;
10533 t3 = t1 + (t2 + new A.SingleUnitSassNumber("deg", angle._number$_value, null).toString$0(0) + ".\n") + (string$.Soon__ + angle.coerce$2(A._setArrayType(["deg"], t3), A._setArrayType([], t3)).toString$0(0) + ".\n") + "\n";
10534 actualUnit = B.JSArray_methods.get$first(angle.get$numeratorUnits(angle));
10535 t3 = t3 + (_s31_ + A.S($name) + " * 1deg/1" + actualUnit + "\n") + ("To migrate to new behavior: 0deg + $" + A.S($name) + "\n") + "\n";
10536 t1 = t3;
10537 } else
10538 t1 = t1 + (_s31_ + A.S($name) + A._removeUnits(angle) + "\n") + "\n";
10539 t1 += "See https://sass-lang.com/d/color-units";
10540 A.EvaluationContext_current().warn$2$deprecation(0, t1.charCodeAt(0) == 0 ? t1 : t1, true);
10541 },
10542 _checkPercent(number, $name) {
10543 var t1;
10544 if (number.hasUnit$1("%"))
10545 return;
10546 t1 = "$" + $name + ": Passing a number without unit % (" + number.toString$0(0) + string$.x29x20is_d + $name + A._removeUnits(number) + " * 1%";
10547 A.EvaluationContext_current().warn$2$deprecation(0, t1, true);
10548 },
10549 _removeUnits(number) {
10550 var t2,
10551 t1 = number.get$denominatorUnits(number);
10552 t1 = new A.MappedListIterable(t1, new A._removeUnits_closure(), A._arrayInstanceType(t1)._eval$1("MappedListIterable<1,String>")).join$0(0);
10553 t2 = number.get$numeratorUnits(number);
10554 return t1 + new A.MappedListIterable(t2, new A._removeUnits_closure0(), A._arrayInstanceType(t2)._eval$1("MappedListIterable<1,String>")).join$0(0);
10555 },
10556 _hwb($arguments) {
10557 var _s9_ = "whiteness",
10558 _s9_0 = "blackness",
10559 t1 = J.getInterceptor$asx($arguments),
10560 alpha = t1.get$length($arguments) > 3 ? t1.$index($arguments, 3) : null,
10561 hue = t1.$index($arguments, 0).assertNumber$1("hue"),
10562 whiteness = t1.$index($arguments, 1).assertNumber$1(_s9_),
10563 blackness = t1.$index($arguments, 2).assertNumber$1(_s9_0);
10564 whiteness.assertUnit$2("%", _s9_);
10565 blackness.assertUnit$2("%", _s9_0);
10566 return A.SassColor_SassColor$hwb(hue._number$_value, whiteness.valueInRange$3(0, 100, _s9_), blackness.valueInRange$3(0, 100, _s9_0), A.NullableExtension_andThen(alpha, new A._hwb_closure()));
10567 },
10568 _parseChannels($name, argumentNames, channels) {
10569 var list, t1, channels0, alphaFromSlashList, isCommaSeparated, isBracketed, buffer, maybeSlashSeparated, slash,
10570 _s17_ = "$channels must be";
10571 if (channels.get$isVar())
10572 return A._functionString($name, A._setArrayType([channels], type$.JSArray_Value));
10573 if (channels.get$separator(channels) === B.ListSeparator_1gm) {
10574 list = channels.get$asList();
10575 t1 = list.length;
10576 if (t1 !== 2)
10577 throw A.wrapException(A.SassScriptException$(string$.Only_2 + t1 + " " + A.pluralize("was", list.length, "were") + " passed."));
10578 channels0 = list[0];
10579 alphaFromSlashList = list[1];
10580 if (!alphaFromSlashList.get$isSpecialNumber())
10581 alphaFromSlashList.assertNumber$1("alpha");
10582 if (list[0].get$isVar())
10583 return A._functionString($name, A._setArrayType([channels], type$.JSArray_Value));
10584 } else {
10585 channels0 = channels;
10586 alphaFromSlashList = null;
10587 }
10588 isCommaSeparated = channels0.get$separator(channels0) === B.ListSeparator_kWM;
10589 isBracketed = channels0.get$hasBrackets();
10590 if (isCommaSeparated || isBracketed) {
10591 buffer = new A.StringBuffer(_s17_);
10592 if (isBracketed) {
10593 t1 = _s17_ + " an unbracketed";
10594 buffer._contents = t1;
10595 } else
10596 t1 = _s17_;
10597 if (isCommaSeparated) {
10598 t1 += isBracketed ? "," : " a";
10599 buffer._contents = t1;
10600 t1 = buffer._contents = t1 + " space-separated";
10601 }
10602 buffer._contents = t1 + " list.";
10603 throw A.wrapException(A.SassScriptException$(buffer.toString$0(0)));
10604 }
10605 list = channels0.get$asList();
10606 t1 = list.length;
10607 if (t1 > 3)
10608 throw A.wrapException(A.SassScriptException$("Only 3 elements allowed, but " + t1 + " were passed."));
10609 else if (t1 < 3) {
10610 if (!B.JSArray_methods.any$1(list, new A._parseChannels_closure()))
10611 if (list.length !== 0) {
10612 t1 = B.JSArray_methods.get$last(list);
10613 if (t1 instanceof A.SassString)
10614 if (t1._hasQuotes) {
10615 t1 = t1._string$_text;
10616 t1 = A.startsWithIgnoreCase(t1, "var(") && B.JSString_methods.contains$1(t1, "/");
10617 } else
10618 t1 = false;
10619 else
10620 t1 = false;
10621 } else
10622 t1 = false;
10623 else
10624 t1 = true;
10625 if (t1)
10626 return A._functionString($name, A._setArrayType([channels], type$.JSArray_Value));
10627 else
10628 throw A.wrapException(A.SassScriptException$("Missing element " + argumentNames[list.length] + "."));
10629 }
10630 if (alphaFromSlashList != null) {
10631 t1 = A.List_List$of(list, true, type$.Value);
10632 t1.push(alphaFromSlashList);
10633 return t1;
10634 }
10635 maybeSlashSeparated = list[2];
10636 if (maybeSlashSeparated instanceof A.SassNumber) {
10637 slash = maybeSlashSeparated.asSlash;
10638 if (slash == null)
10639 return list;
10640 return A._setArrayType([list[0], list[1], slash.item1, slash.item2], type$.JSArray_Value);
10641 } else if (maybeSlashSeparated instanceof A.SassString && !maybeSlashSeparated._hasQuotes && B.JSString_methods.contains$1(maybeSlashSeparated._string$_text, "/"))
10642 return A._functionString($name, A._setArrayType([channels0], type$.JSArray_Value));
10643 else
10644 return list;
10645 },
10646 _percentageOrUnitless(number, max, $name) {
10647 var value;
10648 if (!number.get$hasUnits())
10649 value = number._number$_value;
10650 else if (number.hasUnit$1("%"))
10651 value = max * number._number$_value / 100;
10652 else
10653 throw A.wrapException(A.SassScriptException$("$" + $name + ": Expected " + number.toString$0(0) + ' to have no units or "%".'));
10654 return B.JSNumber_methods.clamp$2(value, 0, max);
10655 },
10656 _mixColors(color1, color2, weight) {
10657 var weightScale = weight.valueInRange$3(0, 100, "weight") / 100,
10658 normalizedWeight = weightScale * 2 - 1,
10659 t1 = color1._alpha,
10660 t2 = color2._alpha,
10661 alphaDistance = t1 - t2,
10662 t3 = normalizedWeight * alphaDistance,
10663 weight1 = ((t3 === -1 ? normalizedWeight : (normalizedWeight + alphaDistance) / (1 + t3)) + 1) / 2,
10664 weight2 = 1 - weight1;
10665 return A.SassColor$rgb(A.fuzzyRound(color1.get$red(color1) * weight1 + color2.get$red(color2) * weight2), A.fuzzyRound(color1.get$green(color1) * weight1 + color2.get$green(color2) * weight2), A.fuzzyRound(color1.get$blue(color1) * weight1 + color2.get$blue(color2) * weight2), t1 * weightScale + t2 * (1 - weightScale), null);
10666 },
10667 _opacify($arguments) {
10668 var t1 = J.getInterceptor$asx($arguments),
10669 color = t1.$index($arguments, 0).assertColor$1("color");
10670 return color.changeAlpha$1(B.JSNumber_methods.clamp$2(color._alpha + t1.$index($arguments, 1).assertNumber$1("amount").valueInRange$3(0, 1, "amount"), 0, 1));
10671 },
10672 _transparentize($arguments) {
10673 var t1 = J.getInterceptor$asx($arguments),
10674 color = t1.$index($arguments, 0).assertColor$1("color");
10675 return color.changeAlpha$1(B.JSNumber_methods.clamp$2(color._alpha - t1.$index($arguments, 1).assertNumber$1("amount").valueInRange$3(0, 1, "amount"), 0, 1));
10676 },
10677 _function4($name, $arguments, callback) {
10678 return A.BuiltInCallable$function($name, $arguments, callback, "sass:color");
10679 },
10680 global_closure: function global_closure() {
10681 },
10682 global_closure0: function global_closure0() {
10683 },
10684 global_closure1: function global_closure1() {
10685 },
10686 global_closure2: function global_closure2() {
10687 },
10688 global_closure3: function global_closure3() {
10689 },
10690 global_closure4: function global_closure4() {
10691 },
10692 global_closure5: function global_closure5() {
10693 },
10694 global_closure6: function global_closure6() {
10695 },
10696 global_closure7: function global_closure7() {
10697 },
10698 global_closure8: function global_closure8() {
10699 },
10700 global_closure9: function global_closure9() {
10701 },
10702 global_closure10: function global_closure10() {
10703 },
10704 global_closure11: function global_closure11() {
10705 },
10706 global_closure12: function global_closure12() {
10707 },
10708 global_closure13: function global_closure13() {
10709 },
10710 global_closure14: function global_closure14() {
10711 },
10712 global_closure15: function global_closure15() {
10713 },
10714 global_closure16: function global_closure16() {
10715 },
10716 global_closure17: function global_closure17() {
10717 },
10718 global_closure18: function global_closure18() {
10719 },
10720 global_closure19: function global_closure19() {
10721 },
10722 global_closure20: function global_closure20() {
10723 },
10724 global_closure21: function global_closure21() {
10725 },
10726 global_closure22: function global_closure22() {
10727 },
10728 global_closure23: function global_closure23() {
10729 },
10730 global_closure24: function global_closure24() {
10731 },
10732 global__closure: function global__closure() {
10733 },
10734 global_closure25: function global_closure25() {
10735 },
10736 module_closure: function module_closure() {
10737 },
10738 module_closure0: function module_closure0() {
10739 },
10740 module_closure1: function module_closure1() {
10741 },
10742 module_closure2: function module_closure2() {
10743 },
10744 module_closure3: function module_closure3() {
10745 },
10746 module_closure4: function module_closure4() {
10747 },
10748 module_closure5: function module_closure5() {
10749 },
10750 module_closure6: function module_closure6() {
10751 },
10752 module__closure: function module__closure() {
10753 },
10754 module_closure7: function module_closure7() {
10755 },
10756 _red_closure: function _red_closure() {
10757 },
10758 _green_closure: function _green_closure() {
10759 },
10760 _blue_closure: function _blue_closure() {
10761 },
10762 _mix_closure: function _mix_closure() {
10763 },
10764 _hue_closure: function _hue_closure() {
10765 },
10766 _saturation_closure: function _saturation_closure() {
10767 },
10768 _lightness_closure: function _lightness_closure() {
10769 },
10770 _complement_closure: function _complement_closure() {
10771 },
10772 _adjust_closure: function _adjust_closure() {
10773 },
10774 _scale_closure: function _scale_closure() {
10775 },
10776 _change_closure: function _change_closure() {
10777 },
10778 _ieHexStr_closure: function _ieHexStr_closure() {
10779 },
10780 _ieHexStr_closure_hexString: function _ieHexStr_closure_hexString() {
10781 },
10782 _updateComponents_getParam: function _updateComponents_getParam(t0, t1, t2) {
10783 this.keywords = t0;
10784 this.scale = t1;
10785 this.change = t2;
10786 },
10787 _updateComponents_closure: function _updateComponents_closure() {
10788 },
10789 _updateComponents_updateValue: function _updateComponents_updateValue(t0, t1) {
10790 this.change = t0;
10791 this.adjust = t1;
10792 },
10793 _updateComponents_updateRgb: function _updateComponents_updateRgb(t0) {
10794 this.updateValue = t0;
10795 },
10796 _functionString_closure: function _functionString_closure() {
10797 },
10798 _removedColorFunction_closure: function _removedColorFunction_closure(t0, t1, t2) {
10799 this.name = t0;
10800 this.argument = t1;
10801 this.negative = t2;
10802 },
10803 _rgb_closure: function _rgb_closure() {
10804 },
10805 _hsl_closure: function _hsl_closure() {
10806 },
10807 _removeUnits_closure: function _removeUnits_closure() {
10808 },
10809 _removeUnits_closure0: function _removeUnits_closure0() {
10810 },
10811 _hwb_closure: function _hwb_closure() {
10812 },
10813 _parseChannels_closure: function _parseChannels_closure() {
10814 },
10815 _function3($name, $arguments, callback) {
10816 return A.BuiltInCallable$function($name, $arguments, callback, "sass:list");
10817 },
10818 _length_closure0: function _length_closure0() {
10819 },
10820 _nth_closure: function _nth_closure() {
10821 },
10822 _setNth_closure: function _setNth_closure() {
10823 },
10824 _join_closure: function _join_closure() {
10825 },
10826 _append_closure0: function _append_closure0() {
10827 },
10828 _zip_closure: function _zip_closure() {
10829 },
10830 _zip__closure: function _zip__closure() {
10831 },
10832 _zip__closure0: function _zip__closure0(t0) {
10833 this._box_0 = t0;
10834 },
10835 _zip__closure1: function _zip__closure1(t0) {
10836 this._box_0 = t0;
10837 },
10838 _index_closure0: function _index_closure0() {
10839 },
10840 _separator_closure: function _separator_closure() {
10841 },
10842 _isBracketed_closure: function _isBracketed_closure() {
10843 },
10844 _slash_closure: function _slash_closure() {
10845 },
10846 _modify(map, keys, modify, addNesting) {
10847 var keyIterator = J.get$iterator$ax(keys);
10848 return keyIterator.moveNext$0() ? new A._modify__modifyNestedMap(keyIterator, modify, addNesting).call$1(map) : modify.call$1(map);
10849 },
10850 _deepMergeImpl(map1, map2) {
10851 var t1 = {},
10852 t2 = map2._map$_contents;
10853 if (t2.get$isEmpty(t2))
10854 return map1;
10855 t1.mutable = false;
10856 t1.result = t2;
10857 map1._map$_contents.forEach$1(0, new A._deepMergeImpl_closure(t1, new A._deepMergeImpl__ensureMutable(t1)));
10858 if (t1.mutable) {
10859 t2 = type$.Value;
10860 t2 = new A.SassMap(A.ConstantMap_ConstantMap$from(t1.result, t2, t2));
10861 t1 = t2;
10862 } else
10863 t1 = map2;
10864 return t1;
10865 },
10866 _function2($name, $arguments, callback) {
10867 return A.BuiltInCallable$function($name, $arguments, callback, "sass:map");
10868 },
10869 _get_closure: function _get_closure() {
10870 },
10871 _set_closure: function _set_closure() {
10872 },
10873 _set__closure0: function _set__closure0(t0) {
10874 this.$arguments = t0;
10875 },
10876 _set_closure0: function _set_closure0() {
10877 },
10878 _set__closure: function _set__closure(t0) {
10879 this.args = t0;
10880 },
10881 _merge_closure: function _merge_closure() {
10882 },
10883 _merge_closure0: function _merge_closure0() {
10884 },
10885 _merge__closure: function _merge__closure(t0) {
10886 this.map2 = t0;
10887 },
10888 _deepMerge_closure: function _deepMerge_closure() {
10889 },
10890 _deepRemove_closure: function _deepRemove_closure() {
10891 },
10892 _deepRemove__closure: function _deepRemove__closure(t0) {
10893 this.keys = t0;
10894 },
10895 _remove_closure: function _remove_closure() {
10896 },
10897 _remove_closure0: function _remove_closure0() {
10898 },
10899 _keys_closure: function _keys_closure() {
10900 },
10901 _values_closure: function _values_closure() {
10902 },
10903 _hasKey_closure: function _hasKey_closure() {
10904 },
10905 _modify__modifyNestedMap: function _modify__modifyNestedMap(t0, t1, t2) {
10906 this.keyIterator = t0;
10907 this.modify = t1;
10908 this.addNesting = t2;
10909 },
10910 _deepMergeImpl__ensureMutable: function _deepMergeImpl__ensureMutable(t0) {
10911 this._box_0 = t0;
10912 },
10913 _deepMergeImpl_closure: function _deepMergeImpl_closure(t0, t1) {
10914 this._box_0 = t0;
10915 this._ensureMutable = t1;
10916 },
10917 _fuzzyRoundIfZero(number) {
10918 if (!(Math.abs(number - 0) < $.$get$epsilon()))
10919 return number;
10920 return B.JSNumber_methods.get$isNegative(number) ? -0.0 : 0;
10921 },
10922 _numberFunction($name, transform) {
10923 return A.BuiltInCallable$function($name, "$number", new A._numberFunction_closure(transform), "sass:math");
10924 },
10925 _function1($name, $arguments, callback) {
10926 return A.BuiltInCallable$function($name, $arguments, callback, "sass:math");
10927 },
10928 _ceil_closure: function _ceil_closure() {
10929 },
10930 _clamp_closure: function _clamp_closure() {
10931 },
10932 _floor_closure: function _floor_closure() {
10933 },
10934 _max_closure: function _max_closure() {
10935 },
10936 _min_closure: function _min_closure() {
10937 },
10938 _abs_closure: function _abs_closure() {
10939 },
10940 _hypot_closure: function _hypot_closure() {
10941 },
10942 _hypot__closure: function _hypot__closure() {
10943 },
10944 _log_closure: function _log_closure() {
10945 },
10946 _pow_closure: function _pow_closure() {
10947 },
10948 _sqrt_closure: function _sqrt_closure() {
10949 },
10950 _acos_closure: function _acos_closure() {
10951 },
10952 _asin_closure: function _asin_closure() {
10953 },
10954 _atan_closure: function _atan_closure() {
10955 },
10956 _atan2_closure: function _atan2_closure() {
10957 },
10958 _cos_closure: function _cos_closure() {
10959 },
10960 _sin_closure: function _sin_closure() {
10961 },
10962 _tan_closure: function _tan_closure() {
10963 },
10964 _compatible_closure: function _compatible_closure() {
10965 },
10966 _isUnitless_closure: function _isUnitless_closure() {
10967 },
10968 _unit_closure: function _unit_closure() {
10969 },
10970 _percentage_closure: function _percentage_closure() {
10971 },
10972 _randomFunction_closure: function _randomFunction_closure() {
10973 },
10974 _div_closure: function _div_closure() {
10975 },
10976 _numberFunction_closure: function _numberFunction_closure(t0) {
10977 this.transform = t0;
10978 },
10979 _function5($name, $arguments, callback) {
10980 return A.BuiltInCallable$function($name, $arguments, callback, "sass:meta");
10981 },
10982 global_closure26: function global_closure26() {
10983 },
10984 global_closure27: function global_closure27() {
10985 },
10986 global_closure28: function global_closure28() {
10987 },
10988 global_closure29: function global_closure29() {
10989 },
10990 local_closure: function local_closure() {
10991 },
10992 local_closure0: function local_closure0() {
10993 },
10994 local__closure: function local__closure() {
10995 },
10996 _prependParent(compound) {
10997 var t2, _null = null,
10998 t1 = compound.components,
10999 first = B.JSArray_methods.get$first(t1);
11000 if (first instanceof A.UniversalSelector)
11001 return _null;
11002 if (first instanceof A.TypeSelector) {
11003 t2 = first.name;
11004 if (t2.namespace != null)
11005 return _null;
11006 t2 = A._setArrayType([new A.ParentSelector(t2.name)], type$.JSArray_SimpleSelector);
11007 B.JSArray_methods.addAll$1(t2, A.SubListIterable$(t1, 1, _null, A._arrayInstanceType(t1)._precomputed1));
11008 return A.CompoundSelector$(t2);
11009 } else {
11010 t2 = A._setArrayType([new A.ParentSelector(_null)], type$.JSArray_SimpleSelector);
11011 B.JSArray_methods.addAll$1(t2, t1);
11012 return A.CompoundSelector$(t2);
11013 }
11014 },
11015 _function0($name, $arguments, callback) {
11016 return A.BuiltInCallable$function($name, $arguments, callback, "sass:selector");
11017 },
11018 _nest_closure: function _nest_closure() {
11019 },
11020 _nest__closure: function _nest__closure(t0) {
11021 this._box_0 = t0;
11022 },
11023 _nest__closure0: function _nest__closure0() {
11024 },
11025 _append_closure: function _append_closure() {
11026 },
11027 _append__closure: function _append__closure() {
11028 },
11029 _append__closure0: function _append__closure0() {
11030 },
11031 _append___closure: function _append___closure(t0) {
11032 this.parent = t0;
11033 },
11034 _extend_closure: function _extend_closure() {
11035 },
11036 _replace_closure: function _replace_closure() {
11037 },
11038 _unify_closure: function _unify_closure() {
11039 },
11040 _isSuperselector_closure: function _isSuperselector_closure() {
11041 },
11042 _simpleSelectors_closure: function _simpleSelectors_closure() {
11043 },
11044 _simpleSelectors__closure: function _simpleSelectors__closure() {
11045 },
11046 _parse_closure: function _parse_closure() {
11047 },
11048 _codepointForIndex(index, lengthInCodepoints, allowNegative) {
11049 var result;
11050 if (index === 0)
11051 return 0;
11052 if (index > 0)
11053 return Math.min(index - 1, lengthInCodepoints);
11054 result = lengthInCodepoints + index;
11055 if (result < 0 && !allowNegative)
11056 return 0;
11057 return result;
11058 },
11059 _function($name, $arguments, callback) {
11060 return A.BuiltInCallable$function($name, $arguments, callback, "sass:string");
11061 },
11062 _unquote_closure: function _unquote_closure() {
11063 },
11064 _quote_closure: function _quote_closure() {
11065 },
11066 _length_closure: function _length_closure() {
11067 },
11068 _insert_closure: function _insert_closure() {
11069 },
11070 _index_closure: function _index_closure() {
11071 },
11072 _slice_closure: function _slice_closure() {
11073 },
11074 _toUpperCase_closure: function _toUpperCase_closure() {
11075 },
11076 _toLowerCase_closure: function _toLowerCase_closure() {
11077 },
11078 _uniqueId_closure: function _uniqueId_closure() {
11079 },
11080 ImportCache$(loadPaths, logger) {
11081 var t1 = type$.nullable_Tuple3_Importer_Uri_Uri,
11082 t2 = type$.Uri,
11083 t3 = A.ImportCache__toImporters(null, loadPaths, null),
11084 t4 = logger == null ? B.StderrLogger_false : logger;
11085 return new A.ImportCache(t3, t4, A.LinkedHashMap_LinkedHashMap$_empty(type$.Tuple2_Uri_bool, t1), A.LinkedHashMap_LinkedHashMap$_empty(type$.Tuple4_of_Uri_and_bool_and_Importer_and_nullable_Uri, t1), A.LinkedHashMap_LinkedHashMap$_empty(t2, type$.nullable_Stylesheet), A.LinkedHashMap_LinkedHashMap$_empty(t2, type$.ImporterResult));
11086 },
11087 ImportCache__toImporters(importers, loadPaths, packageConfig) {
11088 var t2, t3, _i, path, _null = null,
11089 sassPath = A._asStringQ(type$.Object._as(J.get$env$x(self.process)).SASS_PATH),
11090 t1 = A._setArrayType([], type$.JSArray_Importer_2);
11091 for (t2 = J.get$iterator$ax(loadPaths); t2.moveNext$0();) {
11092 t3 = t2.get$current(t2);
11093 t1.push(new A.FilesystemImporter($.$get$context().absolute$7(t3, _null, _null, _null, _null, _null, _null)));
11094 }
11095 if (sassPath != null) {
11096 t2 = sassPath.split(J.$eq$(J.get$platform$x(self.process), "win32") ? ";" : ":");
11097 t3 = t2.length;
11098 _i = 0;
11099 for (; _i < t3; ++_i) {
11100 path = t2[_i];
11101 t1.push(new A.FilesystemImporter($.$get$context().absolute$7(path, _null, _null, _null, _null, _null, _null)));
11102 }
11103 }
11104 return t1;
11105 },
11106 ImportCache: function ImportCache(t0, t1, t2, t3, t4, t5) {
11107 var _ = this;
11108 _._importers = t0;
11109 _._logger = t1;
11110 _._canonicalizeCache = t2;
11111 _._relativeCanonicalizeCache = t3;
11112 _._importCache = t4;
11113 _._resultsCache = t5;
11114 },
11115 ImportCache_canonicalize_closure: function ImportCache_canonicalize_closure(t0, t1, t2, t3, t4) {
11116 var _ = this;
11117 _.$this = t0;
11118 _.baseUrl = t1;
11119 _.url = t2;
11120 _.baseImporter = t3;
11121 _.forImport = t4;
11122 },
11123 ImportCache_canonicalize_closure0: function ImportCache_canonicalize_closure0(t0, t1, t2) {
11124 this.$this = t0;
11125 this.url = t1;
11126 this.forImport = t2;
11127 },
11128 ImportCache__canonicalize_closure: function ImportCache__canonicalize_closure(t0, t1) {
11129 this.importer = t0;
11130 this.url = t1;
11131 },
11132 ImportCache_importCanonical_closure: function ImportCache_importCanonical_closure(t0, t1, t2, t3, t4) {
11133 var _ = this;
11134 _.$this = t0;
11135 _.importer = t1;
11136 _.canonicalUrl = t2;
11137 _.originalUrl = t3;
11138 _.quiet = t4;
11139 },
11140 ImportCache_humanize_closure: function ImportCache_humanize_closure(t0) {
11141 this.canonicalUrl = t0;
11142 },
11143 ImportCache_humanize_closure0: function ImportCache_humanize_closure0() {
11144 },
11145 ImportCache_humanize_closure1: function ImportCache_humanize_closure1() {
11146 },
11147 Importer: function Importer() {
11148 },
11149 AsyncImporter: function AsyncImporter() {
11150 },
11151 FilesystemImporter: function FilesystemImporter(t0) {
11152 this._loadPath = t0;
11153 },
11154 FilesystemImporter_canonicalize_closure: function FilesystemImporter_canonicalize_closure() {
11155 },
11156 ImporterResult: function ImporterResult(t0, t1, t2) {
11157 this.contents = t0;
11158 this._sourceMapUrl = t1;
11159 this.syntax = t2;
11160 },
11161 fromImport() {
11162 var t1 = A._asBoolQ($.Zone__current.$index(0, B.Symbol__inImportRule));
11163 return t1 === true;
11164 },
11165 resolveImportPath(path) {
11166 var t1,
11167 extension = A.ParsedPath_ParsedPath$parse(path, $.$get$context().style)._splitExtension$1(1)[1];
11168 if (extension === ".sass" || extension === ".scss" || extension === ".css") {
11169 t1 = A.fromImport() ? new A.resolveImportPath_closure(path, extension).call$0() : null;
11170 return t1 == null ? A._exactlyOne(A._tryPath(path)) : t1;
11171 }
11172 t1 = A.fromImport() ? new A.resolveImportPath_closure0(path).call$0() : null;
11173 if (t1 == null)
11174 t1 = A._exactlyOne(A._tryPathWithExtensions(path));
11175 return t1 == null ? A._tryPathAsDirectory(path) : t1;
11176 },
11177 _tryPathWithExtensions(path) {
11178 var result = A._tryPath(path + ".sass");
11179 B.JSArray_methods.addAll$1(result, A._tryPath(path + ".scss"));
11180 return result.length !== 0 ? result : A._tryPath(path + ".css");
11181 },
11182 _tryPath(path) {
11183 var t1 = $.$get$context(),
11184 partial = A.join(t1.dirname$1(path), "_" + A.ParsedPath_ParsedPath$parse(path, t1.style).get$basename(), null);
11185 t1 = A._setArrayType([], type$.JSArray_String);
11186 if (A.fileExists(partial))
11187 t1.push(partial);
11188 if (A.fileExists(path))
11189 t1.push(path);
11190 return t1;
11191 },
11192 _tryPathAsDirectory(path) {
11193 var t1;
11194 if (!A.dirExists(path))
11195 return null;
11196 t1 = A.fromImport() ? new A._tryPathAsDirectory_closure(path).call$0() : null;
11197 return t1 == null ? A._exactlyOne(A._tryPathWithExtensions(A.join(path, "index", null))) : t1;
11198 },
11199 _exactlyOne(paths) {
11200 var t1 = paths.length;
11201 if (t1 === 0)
11202 return null;
11203 if (t1 === 1)
11204 return B.JSArray_methods.get$first(paths);
11205 throw A.wrapException(string$.It_s_n + B.JSArray_methods.map$1$1(paths, new A._exactlyOne_closure(), type$.String).join$1(0, "\n"));
11206 },
11207 resolveImportPath_closure: function resolveImportPath_closure(t0, t1) {
11208 this.path = t0;
11209 this.extension = t1;
11210 },
11211 resolveImportPath_closure0: function resolveImportPath_closure0(t0) {
11212 this.path = t0;
11213 },
11214 _tryPathAsDirectory_closure: function _tryPathAsDirectory_closure(t0) {
11215 this.path = t0;
11216 },
11217 _exactlyOne_closure: function _exactlyOne_closure() {
11218 },
11219 InterpolationBuffer: function InterpolationBuffer(t0, t1) {
11220 this._interpolation_buffer$_text = t0;
11221 this._interpolation_buffer$_contents = t1;
11222 },
11223 _realCasePath(path) {
11224 var prefix, t1;
11225 if (!(J.$eq$(J.get$platform$x(self.process), "win32") || J.$eq$(J.get$platform$x(self.process), "darwin")))
11226 return path;
11227 if (J.$eq$(J.get$platform$x(self.process), "win32")) {
11228 prefix = B.JSString_methods.substring$2(path, 0, $.$get$context().style.rootLength$1(path));
11229 t1 = prefix.length;
11230 if (t1 !== 0 && A.isAlphabetic0(B.JSString_methods._codeUnitAt$1(prefix, 0)))
11231 path = prefix.toUpperCase() + B.JSString_methods.substring$1(path, t1);
11232 }
11233 return new A._realCasePath_helper().call$1(path);
11234 },
11235 _realCasePath_helper: function _realCasePath_helper() {
11236 },
11237 _realCasePath_helper_closure: function _realCasePath_helper_closure(t0, t1, t2) {
11238 this.helper = t0;
11239 this.dirname = t1;
11240 this.path = t2;
11241 },
11242 _realCasePath_helper__closure: function _realCasePath_helper__closure(t0) {
11243 this.basename = t0;
11244 },
11245 readFile(path) {
11246 var sourceFile, t1, i,
11247 contents = A._asString(A._readFile(path, "utf8"));
11248 if (!B.JSString_methods.contains$1(contents, "\ufffd"))
11249 return contents;
11250 sourceFile = A.SourceFile$fromString(contents, $.$get$context().toUri$1(path));
11251 for (t1 = contents.length, i = 0; i < t1; ++i) {
11252 if (B.JSString_methods._codeUnitAt$1(contents, i) !== 65533)
11253 continue;
11254 throw A.wrapException(A.SassException$("Invalid UTF-8.", A.FileLocation$_(sourceFile, i).pointSpan$0()));
11255 }
11256 return contents;
11257 },
11258 _readFile(path, encoding) {
11259 return A._systemErrorToFileSystemException(new A._readFile_closure(path, encoding));
11260 },
11261 writeFile(path, contents) {
11262 return A._systemErrorToFileSystemException(new A.writeFile_closure(path, contents));
11263 },
11264 deleteFile(path) {
11265 return A._systemErrorToFileSystemException(new A.deleteFile_closure(path));
11266 },
11267 readStdin() {
11268 return A.readStdin$body();
11269 },
11270 readStdin$body() {
11271 var $async$goto = 0,
11272 $async$completer = A._makeAsyncAwaitCompleter(type$.String),
11273 $async$returnValue, sink, t1, t2, completer;
11274 var $async$readStdin = A._wrapJsFunctionForAsync(function($async$errorCode, $async$result) {
11275 if ($async$errorCode === 1)
11276 return A._asyncRethrow($async$result, $async$completer);
11277 while (true)
11278 switch ($async$goto) {
11279 case 0:
11280 // Function start
11281 t1 = {};
11282 t2 = new A._Future($.Zone__current, type$._Future_String);
11283 completer = new A._AsyncCompleter(t2, type$._AsyncCompleter_String);
11284 t1.contents = null;
11285 sink = new A._StringCallbackSink(new A.readStdin_closure(t1, completer), new A.StringBuffer("")).asUtf8Sink$1(false);
11286 J.on$2$x(J.get$stdin$x(self.process), "data", A.allowInterop(new A.readStdin_closure0(sink)));
11287 J.on$2$x(J.get$stdin$x(self.process), "end", A.allowInterop(new A.readStdin_closure1(sink)));
11288 J.on$2$x(J.get$stdin$x(self.process), "error", A.allowInterop(new A.readStdin_closure2(completer)));
11289 $async$returnValue = t2;
11290 // goto return
11291 $async$goto = 1;
11292 break;
11293 case 1:
11294 // return
11295 return A._asyncReturn($async$returnValue, $async$completer);
11296 }
11297 });
11298 return A._asyncStartSync($async$readStdin, $async$completer);
11299 },
11300 fileExists(path) {
11301 return A._systemErrorToFileSystemException(new A.fileExists_closure(path));
11302 },
11303 dirExists(path) {
11304 return A._systemErrorToFileSystemException(new A.dirExists_closure(path));
11305 },
11306 ensureDir(path) {
11307 return A._systemErrorToFileSystemException(new A.ensureDir_closure(path));
11308 },
11309 listDir(path, recursive) {
11310 return A._systemErrorToFileSystemException(new A.listDir_closure(recursive, path));
11311 },
11312 modificationTime(path) {
11313 return A._systemErrorToFileSystemException(new A.modificationTime_closure(path));
11314 },
11315 _systemErrorToFileSystemException(callback) {
11316 var error, t1, exception, t2;
11317 try {
11318 t1 = callback.call$0();
11319 return t1;
11320 } catch (exception) {
11321 error = A.unwrapException(exception);
11322 if (!type$.JsSystemError._is(error))
11323 throw exception;
11324 t1 = error;
11325 t2 = J.getInterceptor$x(t1);
11326 throw A.wrapException(new A.FileSystemException(J.substring$2$s(t2.get$message(t1), (A.S(t2.get$code(t1)) + ": ").length, J.get$length$asx(t2.get$message(t1)) - (", " + A.S(t2.get$syscall(t1)) + " '" + A.S(t2.get$path(t1)) + "'").length), J.get$path$x(error)));
11327 }
11328 },
11329 isWindows() {
11330 return J.$eq$(J.get$platform$x(self.process), "win32");
11331 },
11332 watchDir(path, poll) {
11333 var t2, t3, t1 = {},
11334 watcher = J.watch$2$x(self.chokidar, path, {disableGlobbing: true, usePolling: poll});
11335 t1.controller = null;
11336 t2 = J.getInterceptor$x(watcher);
11337 t2.on$2(watcher, "add", A.allowInterop(new A.watchDir_closure(t1)));
11338 t2.on$2(watcher, "change", A.allowInterop(new A.watchDir_closure0(t1)));
11339 t2.on$2(watcher, "unlink", A.allowInterop(new A.watchDir_closure1(t1)));
11340 t2.on$2(watcher, "error", A.allowInterop(new A.watchDir_closure2(t1)));
11341 t3 = new A._Future($.Zone__current, type$._Future_Stream_WatchEvent);
11342 t2.on$2(watcher, "ready", A.allowInterop(new A.watchDir_closure3(t1, watcher, new A._AsyncCompleter(t3, type$._AsyncCompleter_Stream_WatchEvent))));
11343 return t3;
11344 },
11345 FileSystemException: function FileSystemException(t0, t1) {
11346 this.message = t0;
11347 this.path = t1;
11348 },
11349 Stderr: function Stderr(t0) {
11350 this._stderr = t0;
11351 },
11352 _readFile_closure: function _readFile_closure(t0, t1) {
11353 this.path = t0;
11354 this.encoding = t1;
11355 },
11356 writeFile_closure: function writeFile_closure(t0, t1) {
11357 this.path = t0;
11358 this.contents = t1;
11359 },
11360 deleteFile_closure: function deleteFile_closure(t0) {
11361 this.path = t0;
11362 },
11363 readStdin_closure: function readStdin_closure(t0, t1) {
11364 this._box_0 = t0;
11365 this.completer = t1;
11366 },
11367 readStdin_closure0: function readStdin_closure0(t0) {
11368 this.sink = t0;
11369 },
11370 readStdin_closure1: function readStdin_closure1(t0) {
11371 this.sink = t0;
11372 },
11373 readStdin_closure2: function readStdin_closure2(t0) {
11374 this.completer = t0;
11375 },
11376 fileExists_closure: function fileExists_closure(t0) {
11377 this.path = t0;
11378 },
11379 dirExists_closure: function dirExists_closure(t0) {
11380 this.path = t0;
11381 },
11382 ensureDir_closure: function ensureDir_closure(t0) {
11383 this.path = t0;
11384 },
11385 listDir_closure: function listDir_closure(t0, t1) {
11386 this.recursive = t0;
11387 this.path = t1;
11388 },
11389 listDir__closure: function listDir__closure(t0) {
11390 this.path = t0;
11391 },
11392 listDir__closure0: function listDir__closure0() {
11393 },
11394 listDir_closure_list: function listDir_closure_list() {
11395 },
11396 listDir__list_closure: function listDir__list_closure(t0, t1) {
11397 this.parent = t0;
11398 this.list = t1;
11399 },
11400 modificationTime_closure: function modificationTime_closure(t0) {
11401 this.path = t0;
11402 },
11403 watchDir_closure: function watchDir_closure(t0) {
11404 this._box_0 = t0;
11405 },
11406 watchDir_closure0: function watchDir_closure0(t0) {
11407 this._box_0 = t0;
11408 },
11409 watchDir_closure1: function watchDir_closure1(t0) {
11410 this._box_0 = t0;
11411 },
11412 watchDir_closure2: function watchDir_closure2(t0) {
11413 this._box_0 = t0;
11414 },
11415 watchDir_closure3: function watchDir_closure3(t0, t1, t2) {
11416 this._box_0 = t0;
11417 this.watcher = t1;
11418 this.completer = t2;
11419 },
11420 watchDir__closure: function watchDir__closure(t0) {
11421 this.watcher = t0;
11422 },
11423 _QuietLogger: function _QuietLogger() {
11424 },
11425 StderrLogger: function StderrLogger(t0) {
11426 this.color = t0;
11427 },
11428 TerseLogger: function TerseLogger(t0, t1) {
11429 this._warningCounts = t0;
11430 this._inner = t1;
11431 },
11432 TerseLogger_summarize_closure: function TerseLogger_summarize_closure() {
11433 },
11434 TerseLogger_summarize_closure0: function TerseLogger_summarize_closure0() {
11435 },
11436 TrackingLogger: function TrackingLogger(t0) {
11437 this._tracking$_logger = t0;
11438 this._emittedDebug = this._emittedWarning = false;
11439 },
11440 BuiltInModule$($name, functions, mixins, variables, $T) {
11441 var t1 = A._Uri__Uri(null, $name, null, "sass"),
11442 t2 = A.BuiltInModule__callableMap(functions, $T),
11443 t3 = A.BuiltInModule__callableMap(mixins, $T),
11444 t4 = variables == null ? B.Map_empty1 : new A.UnmodifiableMapView(variables, type$.UnmodifiableMapView_String_Value);
11445 return new A.BuiltInModule(t1, t2, t3, t4, $T._eval$1("BuiltInModule<0>"));
11446 },
11447 BuiltInModule__callableMap(callables, $T) {
11448 var t2, _i, callable,
11449 t1 = type$.String;
11450 if (callables == null)
11451 t1 = A.LinkedHashMap_LinkedHashMap$_empty(t1, $T);
11452 else {
11453 t1 = A.LinkedHashMap_LinkedHashMap$_empty(t1, $T);
11454 for (t2 = callables.length, _i = 0; _i < callables.length; callables.length === t2 || (0, A.throwConcurrentModificationError)(callables), ++_i) {
11455 callable = callables[_i];
11456 t1.$indexSet(0, J.get$name$x(callable), callable);
11457 }
11458 t1 = new A.UnmodifiableMapView(t1, type$.$env_1_1_String._bind$1($T)._eval$1("UnmodifiableMapView<1,2>"));
11459 }
11460 return new A.UnmodifiableMapView(t1, type$.$env_1_1_String._bind$1($T)._eval$1("UnmodifiableMapView<1,2>"));
11461 },
11462 BuiltInModule: function BuiltInModule(t0, t1, t2, t3, t4) {
11463 var _ = this;
11464 _.url = t0;
11465 _.functions = t1;
11466 _.mixins = t2;
11467 _.variables = t3;
11468 _.$ti = t4;
11469 },
11470 ForwardedModuleView_ifNecessary(inner, rule, $T) {
11471 var t1;
11472 if (rule.prefix == null)
11473 if (rule.shownMixinsAndFunctions == null)
11474 if (rule.shownVariables == null) {
11475 t1 = rule.hiddenMixinsAndFunctions;
11476 if (t1 == null)
11477 t1 = null;
11478 else {
11479 t1 = t1._base;
11480 t1 = t1.get$isEmpty(t1);
11481 }
11482 if (t1 === true) {
11483 t1 = rule.hiddenVariables;
11484 if (t1 == null)
11485 t1 = null;
11486 else {
11487 t1 = t1._base;
11488 t1 = t1.get$isEmpty(t1);
11489 }
11490 t1 = t1 === true;
11491 } else
11492 t1 = false;
11493 } else
11494 t1 = false;
11495 else
11496 t1 = false;
11497 else
11498 t1 = false;
11499 if (t1)
11500 return inner;
11501 else
11502 return A.ForwardedModuleView$(inner, rule, $T);
11503 },
11504 ForwardedModuleView$(_inner, _rule, $T) {
11505 var t1 = _rule.prefix,
11506 t2 = _rule.shownVariables,
11507 t3 = _rule.hiddenVariables,
11508 t4 = _rule.shownMixinsAndFunctions,
11509 t5 = _rule.hiddenMixinsAndFunctions;
11510 return new A.ForwardedModuleView(_inner, _rule, A.ForwardedModuleView__forwardedMap(_inner.get$variables(), t1, t2, t3, type$.Value), A.ForwardedModuleView__forwardedMap(_inner.get$variableNodes(), t1, t2, t3, type$.AstNode), A.ForwardedModuleView__forwardedMap(_inner.get$functions(_inner), t1, t4, t5, $T), A.ForwardedModuleView__forwardedMap(_inner.get$mixins(), t1, t4, t5, $T), $T._eval$1("ForwardedModuleView<0>"));
11511 },
11512 ForwardedModuleView__forwardedMap(map, prefix, safelist, blocklist, $V) {
11513 var t2,
11514 t1 = prefix == null;
11515 if (t1)
11516 if (safelist == null)
11517 if (blocklist != null) {
11518 t2 = blocklist._base;
11519 t2 = t2.get$isEmpty(t2);
11520 } else
11521 t2 = true;
11522 else
11523 t2 = false;
11524 else
11525 t2 = false;
11526 if (t2)
11527 return map;
11528 if (!t1)
11529 map = new A.PrefixedMapView(map, prefix, $V._eval$1("PrefixedMapView<0>"));
11530 if (safelist != null)
11531 map = new A.LimitedMapView(map, safelist._base.intersection$1(new A.MapKeySet(map, type$.MapKeySet_nullable_Object)), type$.$env_1_1_String._bind$1($V)._eval$1("LimitedMapView<1,2>"));
11532 else {
11533 if (blocklist != null) {
11534 t1 = blocklist._base;
11535 t1 = t1.get$isNotEmpty(t1);
11536 } else
11537 t1 = false;
11538 if (t1)
11539 map = A.LimitedMapView$blocklist(map, blocklist, type$.String, $V);
11540 }
11541 return map;
11542 },
11543 ForwardedModuleView: function ForwardedModuleView(t0, t1, t2, t3, t4, t5, t6) {
11544 var _ = this;
11545 _._forwarded_view$_inner = t0;
11546 _._rule = t1;
11547 _.variables = t2;
11548 _.variableNodes = t3;
11549 _.functions = t4;
11550 _.mixins = t5;
11551 _.$ti = t6;
11552 },
11553 ShadowedModuleView_ifNecessary(inner, functions, mixins, variables, $T) {
11554 return A.ShadowedModuleView__needsBlocklist(inner.get$variables(), variables) || A.ShadowedModuleView__needsBlocklist(inner.get$functions(inner), functions) || A.ShadowedModuleView__needsBlocklist(inner.get$mixins(), mixins) ? new A.ShadowedModuleView(inner, A.ShadowedModuleView__shadowedMap(inner.get$variables(), variables, type$.Value), A.ShadowedModuleView__shadowedMap(inner.get$variableNodes(), variables, type$.AstNode), A.ShadowedModuleView__shadowedMap(inner.get$functions(inner), functions, $T), A.ShadowedModuleView__shadowedMap(inner.get$mixins(), mixins, $T), $T._eval$1("ShadowedModuleView<0>")) : null;
11555 },
11556 ShadowedModuleView__shadowedMap(map, blocklist, $V) {
11557 var t1 = A.ShadowedModuleView__needsBlocklist(map, blocklist);
11558 return !t1 ? map : A.LimitedMapView$blocklist(map, blocklist, type$.String, $V);
11559 },
11560 ShadowedModuleView__needsBlocklist(map, blocklist) {
11561 var t1 = map.get$isNotEmpty(map) && blocklist.any$1(0, map.get$containsKey());
11562 return t1;
11563 },
11564 ShadowedModuleView: function ShadowedModuleView(t0, t1, t2, t3, t4, t5) {
11565 var _ = this;
11566 _._shadowed_view$_inner = t0;
11567 _.variables = t1;
11568 _.variableNodes = t2;
11569 _.functions = t3;
11570 _.mixins = t4;
11571 _.$ti = t5;
11572 },
11573 JSArray0: function JSArray0() {
11574 },
11575 Chokidar: function Chokidar() {
11576 },
11577 ChokidarOptions: function ChokidarOptions() {
11578 },
11579 ChokidarWatcher: function ChokidarWatcher() {
11580 },
11581 JSFunction: function JSFunction() {
11582 },
11583 NodeImporterResult: function NodeImporterResult() {
11584 },
11585 RenderContext: function RenderContext() {
11586 },
11587 RenderContextOptions: function RenderContextOptions() {
11588 },
11589 RenderContextResult: function RenderContextResult() {
11590 },
11591 RenderContextResultStats: function RenderContextResultStats() {
11592 },
11593 JSClass: function JSClass() {
11594 },
11595 JSUrl: function JSUrl() {
11596 },
11597 _PropertyDescriptor: function _PropertyDescriptor() {
11598 },
11599 AtRootQueryParser: function AtRootQueryParser(t0, t1) {
11600 this.scanner = t0;
11601 this.logger = t1;
11602 },
11603 AtRootQueryParser_parse_closure: function AtRootQueryParser_parse_closure(t0) {
11604 this.$this = t0;
11605 },
11606 _disallowedFunctionNames_closure: function _disallowedFunctionNames_closure() {
11607 },
11608 CssParser: function CssParser(t0, t1, t2) {
11609 var _ = this;
11610 _._isUseAllowed = true;
11611 _._inParentheses = _._inStyleRule = _._stylesheet$_inUnknownAtRule = _._inControlDirective = _._inContentBlock = _._stylesheet$_inMixin = false;
11612 _._globalVariables = t0;
11613 _.lastSilentComment = null;
11614 _.scanner = t1;
11615 _.logger = t2;
11616 },
11617 KeyframeSelectorParser$(contents, logger) {
11618 var t1 = A.SpanScanner$(contents, null);
11619 return new A.KeyframeSelectorParser(t1, logger);
11620 },
11621 KeyframeSelectorParser: function KeyframeSelectorParser(t0, t1) {
11622 this.scanner = t0;
11623 this.logger = t1;
11624 },
11625 KeyframeSelectorParser_parse_closure: function KeyframeSelectorParser_parse_closure(t0) {
11626 this.$this = t0;
11627 },
11628 MediaQueryParser: function MediaQueryParser(t0, t1) {
11629 this.scanner = t0;
11630 this.logger = t1;
11631 },
11632 MediaQueryParser_parse_closure: function MediaQueryParser_parse_closure(t0) {
11633 this.$this = t0;
11634 },
11635 Parser_isIdentifier(text) {
11636 var t1, t2, exception, logger = null;
11637 try {
11638 t1 = logger;
11639 t2 = A.SpanScanner$(text, null);
11640 new A.Parser(t2, t1 == null ? B.StderrLogger_false : t1)._parseIdentifier$0();
11641 return true;
11642 } catch (exception) {
11643 if (A.unwrapException(exception) instanceof A.SassFormatException)
11644 return false;
11645 else
11646 throw exception;
11647 }
11648 },
11649 Parser: function Parser(t0, t1) {
11650 this.scanner = t0;
11651 this.logger = t1;
11652 },
11653 Parser__parseIdentifier_closure: function Parser__parseIdentifier_closure(t0) {
11654 this.$this = t0;
11655 },
11656 Parser_scanIdentChar_matches: function Parser_scanIdentChar_matches(t0, t1) {
11657 this.caseSensitive = t0;
11658 this.char = t1;
11659 },
11660 SassParser: function SassParser(t0, t1, t2) {
11661 var _ = this;
11662 _._currentIndentation = 0;
11663 _._spaces = _._nextIndentationEnd = _._nextIndentation = null;
11664 _._isUseAllowed = true;
11665 _._inParentheses = _._inStyleRule = _._stylesheet$_inUnknownAtRule = _._inControlDirective = _._inContentBlock = _._stylesheet$_inMixin = false;
11666 _._globalVariables = t0;
11667 _.lastSilentComment = null;
11668 _.scanner = t1;
11669 _.logger = t2;
11670 },
11671 SassParser_children_closure: function SassParser_children_closure(t0, t1, t2) {
11672 this.$this = t0;
11673 this.child = t1;
11674 this.children = t2;
11675 },
11676 ScssParser$(contents, logger, url) {
11677 var t1 = A.SpanScanner$(contents, url),
11678 t2 = logger == null ? B.StderrLogger_false : logger;
11679 return new A.ScssParser(A.LinkedHashMap_LinkedHashMap$_empty(type$.String, type$.VariableDeclaration), t1, t2);
11680 },
11681 ScssParser: function ScssParser(t0, t1, t2) {
11682 var _ = this;
11683 _._isUseAllowed = true;
11684 _._inParentheses = _._inStyleRule = _._stylesheet$_inUnknownAtRule = _._inControlDirective = _._inContentBlock = _._stylesheet$_inMixin = false;
11685 _._globalVariables = t0;
11686 _.lastSilentComment = null;
11687 _.scanner = t1;
11688 _.logger = t2;
11689 },
11690 SelectorParser$(contents, allowParent, allowPlaceholder, logger, url) {
11691 var t1 = A.SpanScanner$(contents, url);
11692 return new A.SelectorParser(allowParent, allowPlaceholder, t1, logger == null ? B.StderrLogger_false : logger);
11693 },
11694 SelectorParser: function SelectorParser(t0, t1, t2, t3) {
11695 var _ = this;
11696 _._allowParent = t0;
11697 _._allowPlaceholder = t1;
11698 _.scanner = t2;
11699 _.logger = t3;
11700 },
11701 SelectorParser_parse_closure: function SelectorParser_parse_closure(t0) {
11702 this.$this = t0;
11703 },
11704 SelectorParser_parseCompoundSelector_closure: function SelectorParser_parseCompoundSelector_closure(t0) {
11705 this.$this = t0;
11706 },
11707 StylesheetParser: function StylesheetParser() {
11708 },
11709 StylesheetParser_parse_closure: function StylesheetParser_parse_closure(t0) {
11710 this.$this = t0;
11711 },
11712 StylesheetParser_parse__closure: function StylesheetParser_parse__closure(t0) {
11713 this.$this = t0;
11714 },
11715 StylesheetParser_parse__closure0: function StylesheetParser_parse__closure0() {
11716 },
11717 StylesheetParser_parseArgumentDeclaration_closure: function StylesheetParser_parseArgumentDeclaration_closure(t0) {
11718 this.$this = t0;
11719 },
11720 StylesheetParser_parseVariableDeclaration_closure: function StylesheetParser_parseVariableDeclaration_closure(t0) {
11721 this.$this = t0;
11722 },
11723 StylesheetParser_parseUseRule_closure: function StylesheetParser_parseUseRule_closure(t0) {
11724 this.$this = t0;
11725 },
11726 StylesheetParser__parseSingleProduction_closure: function StylesheetParser__parseSingleProduction_closure(t0, t1, t2) {
11727 this.$this = t0;
11728 this.production = t1;
11729 this.T = t2;
11730 },
11731 StylesheetParser__statement_closure: function StylesheetParser__statement_closure(t0) {
11732 this.$this = t0;
11733 },
11734 StylesheetParser_variableDeclarationWithoutNamespace_closure: function StylesheetParser_variableDeclarationWithoutNamespace_closure(t0, t1) {
11735 this.$this = t0;
11736 this.start = t1;
11737 },
11738 StylesheetParser_variableDeclarationWithoutNamespace_closure0: function StylesheetParser_variableDeclarationWithoutNamespace_closure0(t0) {
11739 this.declaration = t0;
11740 },
11741 StylesheetParser__declarationOrBuffer_closure: function StylesheetParser__declarationOrBuffer_closure(t0) {
11742 this.name = t0;
11743 },
11744 StylesheetParser__declarationOrBuffer_closure0: function StylesheetParser__declarationOrBuffer_closure0(t0, t1) {
11745 this._box_0 = t0;
11746 this.name = t1;
11747 },
11748 StylesheetParser__styleRule_closure: function StylesheetParser__styleRule_closure(t0, t1, t2, t3) {
11749 var _ = this;
11750 _._box_0 = t0;
11751 _.$this = t1;
11752 _.wasInStyleRule = t2;
11753 _.start = t3;
11754 },
11755 StylesheetParser__propertyOrVariableDeclaration_closure: function StylesheetParser__propertyOrVariableDeclaration_closure(t0) {
11756 this._box_0 = t0;
11757 },
11758 StylesheetParser__propertyOrVariableDeclaration_closure0: function StylesheetParser__propertyOrVariableDeclaration_closure0(t0, t1) {
11759 this._box_0 = t0;
11760 this.value = t1;
11761 },
11762 StylesheetParser__atRootRule_closure: function StylesheetParser__atRootRule_closure(t0) {
11763 this.query = t0;
11764 },
11765 StylesheetParser__atRootRule_closure0: function StylesheetParser__atRootRule_closure0() {
11766 },
11767 StylesheetParser__eachRule_closure: function StylesheetParser__eachRule_closure(t0, t1, t2, t3) {
11768 var _ = this;
11769 _.$this = t0;
11770 _.wasInControlDirective = t1;
11771 _.variables = t2;
11772 _.list = t3;
11773 },
11774 StylesheetParser__functionRule_closure: function StylesheetParser__functionRule_closure(t0, t1, t2) {
11775 this.name = t0;
11776 this.$arguments = t1;
11777 this.precedingComment = t2;
11778 },
11779 StylesheetParser__forRule_closure: function StylesheetParser__forRule_closure(t0, t1) {
11780 this._box_0 = t0;
11781 this.$this = t1;
11782 },
11783 StylesheetParser__forRule_closure0: function StylesheetParser__forRule_closure0(t0, t1, t2, t3, t4, t5) {
11784 var _ = this;
11785 _._box_0 = t0;
11786 _.$this = t1;
11787 _.wasInControlDirective = t2;
11788 _.variable = t3;
11789 _.from = t4;
11790 _.to = t5;
11791 },
11792 StylesheetParser__memberList_closure: function StylesheetParser__memberList_closure(t0, t1, t2) {
11793 this.$this = t0;
11794 this.variables = t1;
11795 this.identifiers = t2;
11796 },
11797 StylesheetParser__includeRule_closure: function StylesheetParser__includeRule_closure(t0) {
11798 this.contentArguments_ = t0;
11799 },
11800 StylesheetParser_mediaRule_closure: function StylesheetParser_mediaRule_closure(t0) {
11801 this.query = t0;
11802 },
11803 StylesheetParser__mixinRule_closure: function StylesheetParser__mixinRule_closure(t0, t1, t2, t3) {
11804 var _ = this;
11805 _.$this = t0;
11806 _.name = t1;
11807 _.$arguments = t2;
11808 _.precedingComment = t3;
11809 },
11810 StylesheetParser_mozDocumentRule_closure: function StylesheetParser_mozDocumentRule_closure(t0, t1, t2, t3) {
11811 var _ = this;
11812 _._box_0 = t0;
11813 _.$this = t1;
11814 _.name = t2;
11815 _.value = t3;
11816 },
11817 StylesheetParser_supportsRule_closure: function StylesheetParser_supportsRule_closure(t0) {
11818 this.condition = t0;
11819 },
11820 StylesheetParser__whileRule_closure: function StylesheetParser__whileRule_closure(t0, t1, t2) {
11821 this.$this = t0;
11822 this.wasInControlDirective = t1;
11823 this.condition = t2;
11824 },
11825 StylesheetParser_unknownAtRule_closure: function StylesheetParser_unknownAtRule_closure(t0, t1) {
11826 this._box_0 = t0;
11827 this.name = t1;
11828 },
11829 StylesheetParser_expression_resetState: function StylesheetParser_expression_resetState(t0, t1, t2) {
11830 this._box_0 = t0;
11831 this.$this = t1;
11832 this.start = t2;
11833 },
11834 StylesheetParser_expression_resolveOneOperation: function StylesheetParser_expression_resolveOneOperation(t0, t1) {
11835 this._box_0 = t0;
11836 this.$this = t1;
11837 },
11838 StylesheetParser_expression_resolveOperations: function StylesheetParser_expression_resolveOperations(t0, t1) {
11839 this._box_0 = t0;
11840 this.resolveOneOperation = t1;
11841 },
11842 StylesheetParser_expression_addSingleExpression: function StylesheetParser_expression_addSingleExpression(t0, t1, t2, t3) {
11843 var _ = this;
11844 _._box_0 = t0;
11845 _.$this = t1;
11846 _.resetState = t2;
11847 _.resolveOperations = t3;
11848 },
11849 StylesheetParser_expression_addOperator: function StylesheetParser_expression_addOperator(t0, t1, t2) {
11850 this._box_0 = t0;
11851 this.$this = t1;
11852 this.resolveOneOperation = t2;
11853 },
11854 StylesheetParser_expression_resolveSpaceExpressions: function StylesheetParser_expression_resolveSpaceExpressions(t0, t1, t2) {
11855 this._box_0 = t0;
11856 this.$this = t1;
11857 this.resolveOperations = t2;
11858 },
11859 StylesheetParser__expressionUntilComma_closure: function StylesheetParser__expressionUntilComma_closure(t0) {
11860 this.$this = t0;
11861 },
11862 StylesheetParser__unicodeRange_closure: function StylesheetParser__unicodeRange_closure() {
11863 },
11864 StylesheetParser__unicodeRange_closure0: function StylesheetParser__unicodeRange_closure0() {
11865 },
11866 StylesheetParser_namespacedExpression_closure: function StylesheetParser_namespacedExpression_closure(t0, t1) {
11867 this.$this = t0;
11868 this.start = t1;
11869 },
11870 StylesheetParser_trySpecialFunction_closure: function StylesheetParser_trySpecialFunction_closure() {
11871 },
11872 StylesheetParser__expressionUntilComparison_closure: function StylesheetParser__expressionUntilComparison_closure(t0) {
11873 this.$this = t0;
11874 },
11875 StylesheetParser__publicIdentifier_closure: function StylesheetParser__publicIdentifier_closure(t0, t1) {
11876 this.$this = t0;
11877 this.start = t1;
11878 },
11879 StylesheetNode$_(_stylesheet, importer, canonicalUrl, allUpstream) {
11880 var t1 = new A.StylesheetNode(_stylesheet, importer, canonicalUrl, allUpstream.item1, allUpstream.item2, A.LinkedHashSet_LinkedHashSet$_empty(type$.StylesheetNode));
11881 t1.StylesheetNode$_$4(_stylesheet, importer, canonicalUrl, allUpstream);
11882 return t1;
11883 },
11884 StylesheetGraph: function StylesheetGraph(t0, t1, t2) {
11885 this._nodes = t0;
11886 this.importCache = t1;
11887 this._transitiveModificationTimes = t2;
11888 },
11889 StylesheetGraph_modifiedSince_transitiveModificationTime: function StylesheetGraph_modifiedSince_transitiveModificationTime(t0) {
11890 this.$this = t0;
11891 },
11892 StylesheetGraph_modifiedSince_transitiveModificationTime_closure: function StylesheetGraph_modifiedSince_transitiveModificationTime_closure(t0, t1) {
11893 this.node = t0;
11894 this.transitiveModificationTime = t1;
11895 },
11896 StylesheetGraph__add_closure: function StylesheetGraph__add_closure(t0, t1, t2, t3) {
11897 var _ = this;
11898 _.$this = t0;
11899 _.url = t1;
11900 _.baseImporter = t2;
11901 _.baseUrl = t3;
11902 },
11903 StylesheetGraph_addCanonical_closure: function StylesheetGraph_addCanonical_closure(t0, t1, t2, t3) {
11904 var _ = this;
11905 _.$this = t0;
11906 _.importer = t1;
11907 _.canonicalUrl = t2;
11908 _.originalUrl = t3;
11909 },
11910 StylesheetGraph_reload_closure: function StylesheetGraph_reload_closure(t0, t1, t2) {
11911 this.$this = t0;
11912 this.node = t1;
11913 this.canonicalUrl = t2;
11914 },
11915 StylesheetGraph__recanonicalizeImportsForNode_closure: function StylesheetGraph__recanonicalizeImportsForNode_closure(t0, t1, t2, t3, t4, t5) {
11916 var _ = this;
11917 _.$this = t0;
11918 _.importer = t1;
11919 _.canonicalUrl = t2;
11920 _.node = t3;
11921 _.forImport = t4;
11922 _.newMap = t5;
11923 },
11924 StylesheetGraph__nodeFor_closure: function StylesheetGraph__nodeFor_closure(t0, t1, t2, t3, t4) {
11925 var _ = this;
11926 _.$this = t0;
11927 _.url = t1;
11928 _.baseImporter = t2;
11929 _.baseUrl = t3;
11930 _.forImport = t4;
11931 },
11932 StylesheetGraph__nodeFor_closure0: function StylesheetGraph__nodeFor_closure0(t0, t1, t2, t3) {
11933 var _ = this;
11934 _.$this = t0;
11935 _.importer = t1;
11936 _.canonicalUrl = t2;
11937 _.resolvedUrl = t3;
11938 },
11939 StylesheetNode: function StylesheetNode(t0, t1, t2, t3, t4, t5) {
11940 var _ = this;
11941 _._stylesheet = t0;
11942 _.importer = t1;
11943 _.canonicalUrl = t2;
11944 _._upstream = t3;
11945 _._upstreamImports = t4;
11946 _._downstream = t5;
11947 },
11948 Syntax_forPath(path) {
11949 switch (A.ParsedPath_ParsedPath$parse(path, $.$get$context().style)._splitExtension$1(1)[1]) {
11950 case ".sass":
11951 return B.Syntax_Sass;
11952 case ".css":
11953 return B.Syntax_CSS;
11954 default:
11955 return B.Syntax_SCSS;
11956 }
11957 },
11958 Syntax: function Syntax(t0) {
11959 this._syntax$_name = t0;
11960 },
11961 LimitedMapView$blocklist(_map, blocklist, $K, $V) {
11962 var t2, key,
11963 t1 = A.LinkedHashSet_LinkedHashSet$_empty($K);
11964 for (t2 = J.get$iterator$ax(_map.get$keys(_map)); t2.moveNext$0();) {
11965 key = t2.get$current(t2);
11966 if (!blocklist.contains$1(0, key))
11967 t1.add$1(0, key);
11968 }
11969 return new A.LimitedMapView(_map, t1, $K._eval$1("@<0>")._bind$1($V)._eval$1("LimitedMapView<1,2>"));
11970 },
11971 LimitedMapView: function LimitedMapView(t0, t1, t2) {
11972 this._limited_map_view$_map = t0;
11973 this._limited_map_view$_keys = t1;
11974 this.$ti = t2;
11975 },
11976 MergedMapView$(maps, $K, $V) {
11977 var t1 = $K._eval$1("@<0>")._bind$1($V);
11978 t1 = new A.MergedMapView(A.LinkedHashMap_LinkedHashMap$_empty($K, t1._eval$1("Map<1,2>")), t1._eval$1("MergedMapView<1,2>"));
11979 t1.MergedMapView$1(maps, $K, $V);
11980 return t1;
11981 },
11982 MergedMapView: function MergedMapView(t0, t1) {
11983 this._mapsByKey = t0;
11984 this.$ti = t1;
11985 },
11986 MultiDirWatcher: function MultiDirWatcher(t0, t1, t2) {
11987 this._watchers = t0;
11988 this._group = t1;
11989 this._poll = t2;
11990 },
11991 NoSourceMapBuffer: function NoSourceMapBuffer(t0) {
11992 this._no_source_map_buffer$_buffer = t0;
11993 },
11994 PrefixedMapView: function PrefixedMapView(t0, t1, t2) {
11995 this._prefixed_map_view$_map = t0;
11996 this._prefix = t1;
11997 this.$ti = t2;
11998 },
11999 _PrefixedKeys: function _PrefixedKeys(t0) {
12000 this._view = t0;
12001 },
12002 _PrefixedKeys_iterator_closure: function _PrefixedKeys_iterator_closure(t0) {
12003 this.$this = t0;
12004 },
12005 PublicMemberMapView: function PublicMemberMapView(t0, t1) {
12006 this._public_member_map_view$_inner = t0;
12007 this.$ti = t1;
12008 },
12009 SourceMapBuffer: function SourceMapBuffer(t0, t1) {
12010 var _ = this;
12011 _._source_map_buffer$_buffer = t0;
12012 _._entries = t1;
12013 _._column = _._line = 0;
12014 _._inSpan = false;
12015 },
12016 SourceMapBuffer_buildSourceMap_closure: function SourceMapBuffer_buildSourceMap_closure(t0, t1) {
12017 this._box_0 = t0;
12018 this.prefixLength = t1;
12019 },
12020 UnprefixedMapView: function UnprefixedMapView(t0, t1, t2) {
12021 this._unprefixed_map_view$_map = t0;
12022 this._unprefixed_map_view$_prefix = t1;
12023 this.$ti = t2;
12024 },
12025 _UnprefixedKeys: function _UnprefixedKeys(t0) {
12026 this._unprefixed_map_view$_view = t0;
12027 },
12028 _UnprefixedKeys_iterator_closure: function _UnprefixedKeys_iterator_closure(t0) {
12029 this.$this = t0;
12030 },
12031 _UnprefixedKeys_iterator_closure0: function _UnprefixedKeys_iterator_closure0(t0) {
12032 this.$this = t0;
12033 },
12034 toSentence(iter, conjunction) {
12035 var t1 = iter.__internal$_iterable,
12036 t2 = J.getInterceptor$asx(t1);
12037 if (t2.get$length(t1) === 1)
12038 return J.toString$0$(iter._f.call$1(t2.get$first(t1)));
12039 return A.TakeIterable_TakeIterable(iter, t2.get$length(t1) - 1, A._instanceType(iter)._eval$1("Iterable.E")).join$1(0, ", ") + (" " + conjunction + " " + A.S(iter._f.call$1(t2.get$last(t1))));
12040 },
12041 indent(string, indentation) {
12042 return new A.MappedListIterable(A._setArrayType(string.split("\n"), type$.JSArray_String), new A.indent_closure(indentation), type$.MappedListIterable_String_String).join$1(0, "\n");
12043 },
12044 pluralize($name, number, plural) {
12045 if (number === 1)
12046 return $name;
12047 if (plural != null)
12048 return plural;
12049 return $name + "s";
12050 },
12051 trimAscii(string, excludeEscape) {
12052 var t1,
12053 start = A._firstNonWhitespace(string);
12054 if (start == null)
12055 t1 = "";
12056 else {
12057 t1 = A._lastNonWhitespace(string, true);
12058 t1.toString;
12059 t1 = B.JSString_methods.substring$2(string, start, t1 + 1);
12060 }
12061 return t1;
12062 },
12063 trimAsciiRight(string, excludeEscape) {
12064 var end = A._lastNonWhitespace(string, excludeEscape);
12065 return end == null ? "" : B.JSString_methods.substring$2(string, 0, end + 1);
12066 },
12067 _firstNonWhitespace(string) {
12068 var t1, i, t2;
12069 for (t1 = string.length, i = 0; i < t1; ++i) {
12070 t2 = B.JSString_methods._codeUnitAt$1(string, i);
12071 if (!(t2 === 32 || t2 === 9 || t2 === 10 || t2 === 13 || t2 === 12))
12072 return i;
12073 }
12074 return null;
12075 },
12076 _lastNonWhitespace(string, excludeEscape) {
12077 var t1, i, codeUnit;
12078 for (t1 = string.length, i = t1 - 1; i >= 0; --i) {
12079 codeUnit = B.JSString_methods.codeUnitAt$1(string, i);
12080 if (!(codeUnit === 32 || codeUnit === 9 || codeUnit === 10 || codeUnit === 13 || codeUnit === 12))
12081 if (excludeEscape && i !== 0 && i !== t1 && codeUnit === 92)
12082 return i + 1;
12083 else
12084 return i;
12085 }
12086 return null;
12087 },
12088 isPublic(member) {
12089 var start = B.JSString_methods._codeUnitAt$1(member, 0);
12090 return start !== 45 && start !== 95;
12091 },
12092 flattenVertically(iterable, $T) {
12093 var result,
12094 t1 = iterable.$ti._eval$1("@<ListIterable.E>")._bind$1($T._eval$1("QueueList<0>"))._eval$1("MappedListIterable<1,2>"),
12095 queues = A.List_List$of(new A.MappedListIterable(iterable, new A.flattenVertically_closure($T), t1), true, t1._eval$1("ListIterable.E"));
12096 if (queues.length === 1)
12097 return B.JSArray_methods.get$first(queues);
12098 result = A._setArrayType([], $T._eval$1("JSArray<0>"));
12099 for (; queues.length !== 0;) {
12100 if (!!queues.fixed$length)
12101 A.throwExpression(A.UnsupportedError$("removeWhere"));
12102 B.JSArray_methods._removeWhere$2(queues, new A.flattenVertically_closure0(result, $T), true);
12103 }
12104 return result;
12105 },
12106 firstOrNull(iterable) {
12107 var iterator = J.get$iterator$ax(iterable);
12108 return iterator.moveNext$0() ? iterator.get$current(iterator) : null;
12109 },
12110 codepointIndexToCodeUnitIndex(string, codepointIndex) {
12111 var codeUnitIndex, i, codeUnitIndex0;
12112 for (codeUnitIndex = 0, i = 0; i < codepointIndex; ++i) {
12113 codeUnitIndex0 = codeUnitIndex + 1;
12114 codeUnitIndex = B.JSString_methods._codeUnitAt$1(string, codeUnitIndex) >>> 10 === 54 ? codeUnitIndex0 + 1 : codeUnitIndex0;
12115 }
12116 return codeUnitIndex;
12117 },
12118 codeUnitIndexToCodepointIndex(string, codeUnitIndex) {
12119 var codepointIndex, i;
12120 for (codepointIndex = 0, i = 0; i < codeUnitIndex; i = (B.JSString_methods._codeUnitAt$1(string, i) >>> 10 === 54 ? i + 1 : i) + 1)
12121 ++codepointIndex;
12122 return codepointIndex;
12123 },
12124 frameForSpan(span, member, url) {
12125 var t2, t3, t4,
12126 t1 = url == null ? span.file.url : url;
12127 if (t1 == null)
12128 t1 = $.$get$_noSourceUrl();
12129 t2 = span.file;
12130 t3 = span._file$_start;
12131 t4 = A.FileLocation$_(t2, t3);
12132 t4 = t4.file.getLine$1(t4.offset);
12133 t3 = A.FileLocation$_(t2, t3);
12134 return new A.Frame(t1, t4 + 1, t3.file.getColumn$1(t3.offset) + 1, member);
12135 },
12136 declarationName(span) {
12137 var text = A.String_String$fromCharCodes(B.NativeUint32List_methods.sublist$2(span.file._decodedChars, span._file$_start, span._end), 0, null);
12138 return A.trimAsciiRight(B.JSString_methods.substring$2(text, 0, B.JSString_methods.indexOf$1(text, ":")), false);
12139 },
12140 unvendor($name) {
12141 var i,
12142 t1 = $name.length;
12143 if (t1 < 2)
12144 return $name;
12145 if (B.JSString_methods._codeUnitAt$1($name, 0) !== 45)
12146 return $name;
12147 if (B.JSString_methods._codeUnitAt$1($name, 1) === 45)
12148 return $name;
12149 for (i = 2; i < t1; ++i)
12150 if (B.JSString_methods._codeUnitAt$1($name, i) === 45)
12151 return B.JSString_methods.substring$1($name, i + 1);
12152 return $name;
12153 },
12154 equalsIgnoreCase(string1, string2) {
12155 var t1, i;
12156 if (string1 === string2)
12157 return true;
12158 if (string1 == null || false)
12159 return false;
12160 t1 = string1.length;
12161 if (t1 !== string2.length)
12162 return false;
12163 for (i = 0; i < t1; ++i)
12164 if (!A.characterEqualsIgnoreCase(B.JSString_methods._codeUnitAt$1(string1, i), B.JSString_methods._codeUnitAt$1(string2, i)))
12165 return false;
12166 return true;
12167 },
12168 startsWithIgnoreCase(string, prefix) {
12169 var i,
12170 t1 = prefix.length;
12171 if (string.length < t1)
12172 return false;
12173 for (i = 0; i < t1; ++i)
12174 if (!A.characterEqualsIgnoreCase(B.JSString_methods._codeUnitAt$1(string, i), B.JSString_methods._codeUnitAt$1(prefix, i)))
12175 return false;
12176 return true;
12177 },
12178 mapInPlace(list, $function) {
12179 var i;
12180 for (i = 0; i < list.length; ++i)
12181 list[i] = $function.call$1(list[i]);
12182 },
12183 longestCommonSubsequence(list1, list2, select, $T) {
12184 var t1, _length, lengths, t2, t3, _i, selections, i, i0, j, selection, j0;
12185 if (select == null)
12186 select = new A.longestCommonSubsequence_closure($T);
12187 t1 = J.getInterceptor$asx(list1);
12188 _length = t1.get$length(list1) + 1;
12189 lengths = J.JSArray_JSArray$allocateFixed(_length, type$.List_int);
12190 for (t2 = J.getInterceptor$asx(list2), t3 = type$.int, _i = 0; _i < _length; ++_i)
12191 lengths[_i] = A.List_List$filled(t2.get$length(list2) + 1, 0, false, t3);
12192 _length = t1.get$length(list1);
12193 selections = J.JSArray_JSArray$allocateFixed(_length, $T._eval$1("List<0?>"));
12194 for (t3 = $T._eval$1("0?"), _i = 0; _i < _length; ++_i)
12195 selections[_i] = A.List_List$filled(t2.get$length(list2), null, false, t3);
12196 for (i = 0; i < t1.get$length(list1); i = i0)
12197 for (i0 = i + 1, j = 0; j < t2.get$length(list2); j = j0) {
12198 selection = select.call$2(t1.$index(list1, i), t2.$index(list2, j));
12199 selections[i][j] = selection;
12200 t3 = lengths[i0];
12201 j0 = j + 1;
12202 t3[j0] = selection == null ? Math.max(t3[j], lengths[i][j0]) : lengths[i][j] + 1;
12203 }
12204 return new A.longestCommonSubsequence_backtrack(selections, lengths, $T).call$2(t1.get$length(list1) - 1, t2.get$length(list2) - 1);
12205 },
12206 removeFirstWhere(list, test, orElse) {
12207 var i;
12208 for (i = 0; i < list.length; ++i) {
12209 if (!test.call$1(list[i]))
12210 continue;
12211 B.JSArray_methods.removeAt$1(list, i);
12212 return;
12213 }
12214 orElse.call$0();
12215 },
12216 mapAddAll2(destination, source, K1, K2, $V) {
12217 source.forEach$1(0, new A.mapAddAll2_closure(destination, K1, K2, $V));
12218 },
12219 setAll(map, keys, value) {
12220 var t1;
12221 for (t1 = J.get$iterator$ax(keys); t1.moveNext$0();)
12222 map.$indexSet(0, t1.get$current(t1), value);
12223 },
12224 rotateSlice(list, start, end) {
12225 var i, next,
12226 element = list.$index(0, end - 1);
12227 for (i = start; i < end; ++i, element = next) {
12228 next = list.$index(0, i);
12229 list.$indexSet(0, i, element);
12230 }
12231 },
12232 mapAsync(iterable, callback, $E, $F) {
12233 return A.mapAsync$body(iterable, callback, $E, $F, $F._eval$1("Iterable<0>"));
12234 },
12235 mapAsync$body(iterable, callback, $E, $F, $async$type) {
12236 var $async$goto = 0,
12237 $async$completer = A._makeAsyncAwaitCompleter($async$type),
12238 $async$returnValue, t2, _i, t1, $async$temp1;
12239 var $async$mapAsync = A._wrapJsFunctionForAsync(function($async$errorCode, $async$result) {
12240 if ($async$errorCode === 1)
12241 return A._asyncRethrow($async$result, $async$completer);
12242 while (true)
12243 switch ($async$goto) {
12244 case 0:
12245 // Function start
12246 t1 = A._setArrayType([], $F._eval$1("JSArray<0>"));
12247 t2 = iterable.length, _i = 0;
12248 case 3:
12249 // for condition
12250 if (!(_i < t2)) {
12251 // goto after for
12252 $async$goto = 5;
12253 break;
12254 }
12255 $async$temp1 = t1;
12256 $async$goto = 6;
12257 return A._asyncAwait(callback.call$1(iterable[_i]), $async$mapAsync);
12258 case 6:
12259 // returning from await.
12260 $async$temp1.push($async$result);
12261 case 4:
12262 // for update
12263 ++_i;
12264 // goto for condition
12265 $async$goto = 3;
12266 break;
12267 case 5:
12268 // after for
12269 $async$returnValue = t1;
12270 // goto return
12271 $async$goto = 1;
12272 break;
12273 case 1:
12274 // return
12275 return A._asyncReturn($async$returnValue, $async$completer);
12276 }
12277 });
12278 return A._asyncStartSync($async$mapAsync, $async$completer);
12279 },
12280 putIfAbsentAsync(map, key, ifAbsent, $K, $V) {
12281 return A.putIfAbsentAsync$body(map, key, ifAbsent, $K, $V, $V);
12282 },
12283 putIfAbsentAsync$body(map, key, ifAbsent, $K, $V, $async$type) {
12284 var $async$goto = 0,
12285 $async$completer = A._makeAsyncAwaitCompleter($async$type),
12286 $async$returnValue, value;
12287 var $async$putIfAbsentAsync = A._wrapJsFunctionForAsync(function($async$errorCode, $async$result) {
12288 if ($async$errorCode === 1)
12289 return A._asyncRethrow($async$result, $async$completer);
12290 while (true)
12291 switch ($async$goto) {
12292 case 0:
12293 // Function start
12294 if (map.containsKey$1(key)) {
12295 $async$returnValue = $V._as(map.$index(0, key));
12296 // goto return
12297 $async$goto = 1;
12298 break;
12299 }
12300 $async$goto = 3;
12301 return A._asyncAwait(ifAbsent.call$0(), $async$putIfAbsentAsync);
12302 case 3:
12303 // returning from await.
12304 value = $async$result;
12305 map.$indexSet(0, key, value);
12306 $async$returnValue = value;
12307 // goto return
12308 $async$goto = 1;
12309 break;
12310 case 1:
12311 // return
12312 return A._asyncReturn($async$returnValue, $async$completer);
12313 }
12314 });
12315 return A._asyncStartSync($async$putIfAbsentAsync, $async$completer);
12316 },
12317 copyMapOfMap(map, K1, K2, $V) {
12318 var t2, t3, t4, t5,
12319 t1 = A.LinkedHashMap_LinkedHashMap$_empty(K1, K2._eval$1("@<0>")._bind$1($V)._eval$1("Map<1,2>"));
12320 for (t2 = map.get$entries(map), t2 = t2.get$iterator(t2); t2.moveNext$0();) {
12321 t3 = t2.get$current(t2);
12322 t4 = t3.key;
12323 t3 = t3.value;
12324 t5 = A.LinkedHashMap_LinkedHashMap(null, null, null, K2, $V);
12325 t5.addAll$1(0, t3);
12326 t1.$indexSet(0, t4, t5);
12327 }
12328 return t1;
12329 },
12330 copyMapOfList(map, $K, $E) {
12331 var t2, t3,
12332 t1 = A.LinkedHashMap_LinkedHashMap$_empty($K, $E._eval$1("List<0>"));
12333 for (t2 = map.get$entries(map), t2 = t2.get$iterator(t2); t2.moveNext$0();) {
12334 t3 = t2.get$current(t2);
12335 t1.$indexSet(0, t3.key, J.toList$0$ax(t3.value));
12336 }
12337 return t1;
12338 },
12339 consumeEscapedCharacter(scanner) {
12340 var first, value, i, next, t1;
12341 scanner.expectChar$1(92);
12342 first = scanner.peekChar$0();
12343 if (first == null)
12344 return 65533;
12345 else if (first === 10 || first === 13 || first === 12)
12346 scanner.error$1(0, "Expected escape sequence.");
12347 else if (A.isHex(first)) {
12348 for (value = 0, i = 0; i < 6; ++i) {
12349 next = scanner.peekChar$0();
12350 if (next == null || !A.isHex(next))
12351 break;
12352 value = (value << 4 >>> 0) + A.asHex(scanner.readChar$0());
12353 }
12354 t1 = scanner.peekChar$0();
12355 if (t1 === 32 || t1 === 9 || t1 === 10 || t1 === 13 || t1 === 12)
12356 scanner.readChar$0();
12357 if (value !== 0)
12358 t1 = value >= 55296 && value <= 57343 || value >= 1114111;
12359 else
12360 t1 = true;
12361 if (t1)
12362 return 65533;
12363 else
12364 return value;
12365 } else
12366 return scanner.readChar$0();
12367 },
12368 throwWithTrace(error, trace) {
12369 A.attachTrace(error, trace);
12370 throw A.wrapException(error);
12371 },
12372 attachTrace(error, trace) {
12373 var t1;
12374 if (trace.toString$0(0).length === 0)
12375 return;
12376 t1 = $.$get$_traces();
12377 A.Expando__checkType(error);
12378 t1 = t1._jsWeakMap;
12379 if (t1.get(error) == null)
12380 t1.set(error, trace);
12381 },
12382 getTrace(error) {
12383 var t1;
12384 if (typeof error == "string" || typeof error == "number" || A._isBool(error))
12385 t1 = null;
12386 else {
12387 t1 = $.$get$_traces();
12388 A.Expando__checkType(error);
12389 t1 = t1._jsWeakMap.get(error);
12390 }
12391 return t1;
12392 },
12393 indent_closure: function indent_closure(t0) {
12394 this.indentation = t0;
12395 },
12396 flattenVertically_closure: function flattenVertically_closure(t0) {
12397 this.T = t0;
12398 },
12399 flattenVertically_closure0: function flattenVertically_closure0(t0, t1) {
12400 this.result = t0;
12401 this.T = t1;
12402 },
12403 longestCommonSubsequence_closure: function longestCommonSubsequence_closure(t0) {
12404 this.T = t0;
12405 },
12406 longestCommonSubsequence_backtrack: function longestCommonSubsequence_backtrack(t0, t1, t2) {
12407 this.selections = t0;
12408 this.lengths = t1;
12409 this.T = t2;
12410 },
12411 mapAddAll2_closure: function mapAddAll2_closure(t0, t1, t2, t3) {
12412 var _ = this;
12413 _.destination = t0;
12414 _.K1 = t1;
12415 _.K2 = t2;
12416 _.V = t3;
12417 },
12418 Value: function Value() {
12419 },
12420 SassArgumentList$(contents, keywords, separator) {
12421 var t1 = type$.Value;
12422 t1 = new A.SassArgumentList(A.ConstantMap_ConstantMap$from(keywords, type$.String, t1), A.List_List$unmodifiable(contents, t1), separator, false);
12423 t1.SassList$3$brackets(contents, separator, false);
12424 return t1;
12425 },
12426 SassArgumentList: function SassArgumentList(t0, t1, t2, t3) {
12427 var _ = this;
12428 _._keywords = t0;
12429 _._wereKeywordsAccessed = false;
12430 _._list$_contents = t1;
12431 _._separator = t2;
12432 _._hasBrackets = t3;
12433 },
12434 SassBoolean: function SassBoolean(t0) {
12435 this.value = t0;
12436 },
12437 SassCalculation_calc(argument) {
12438 argument = A.SassCalculation__simplify(argument);
12439 if (argument instanceof A.SassNumber)
12440 return argument;
12441 if (argument instanceof A.SassCalculation)
12442 return argument;
12443 return new A.SassCalculation("calc", A.List_List$unmodifiable([argument], type$.Object));
12444 },
12445 SassCalculation_min($arguments) {
12446 var minimum, _i, arg, t2,
12447 args = A.List_List$unmodifiable(new A.MappedListIterable($arguments, A.calculation_SassCalculation__simplify$closure(), A._arrayInstanceType($arguments)._eval$1("MappedListIterable<1,@>")), type$.Object),
12448 t1 = args.length;
12449 if (t1 === 0)
12450 throw A.wrapException(A.ArgumentError$("min() must have at least one argument.", null));
12451 for (minimum = null, _i = 0; _i < t1; ++_i) {
12452 arg = args[_i];
12453 if (arg instanceof A.SassNumber)
12454 t2 = minimum != null && !minimum.isComparableTo$1(arg);
12455 else
12456 t2 = true;
12457 if (t2) {
12458 minimum = null;
12459 break;
12460 } else if (minimum == null || minimum.greaterThan$1(arg).value)
12461 minimum = arg;
12462 }
12463 if (minimum != null)
12464 return minimum;
12465 A.SassCalculation__verifyCompatibleNumbers(args);
12466 return new A.SassCalculation("min", args);
12467 },
12468 SassCalculation_max($arguments) {
12469 var maximum, _i, arg, t2,
12470 args = A.List_List$unmodifiable(new A.MappedListIterable($arguments, A.calculation_SassCalculation__simplify$closure(), A._arrayInstanceType($arguments)._eval$1("MappedListIterable<1,@>")), type$.Object),
12471 t1 = args.length;
12472 if (t1 === 0)
12473 throw A.wrapException(A.ArgumentError$("max() must have at least one argument.", null));
12474 for (maximum = null, _i = 0; _i < t1; ++_i) {
12475 arg = args[_i];
12476 if (arg instanceof A.SassNumber)
12477 t2 = maximum != null && !maximum.isComparableTo$1(arg);
12478 else
12479 t2 = true;
12480 if (t2) {
12481 maximum = null;
12482 break;
12483 } else if (maximum == null || maximum.lessThan$1(arg).value)
12484 maximum = arg;
12485 }
12486 if (maximum != null)
12487 return maximum;
12488 A.SassCalculation__verifyCompatibleNumbers(args);
12489 return new A.SassCalculation("max", args);
12490 },
12491 SassCalculation_clamp(min, value, max) {
12492 var t1, args;
12493 if (value == null && max != null)
12494 throw A.wrapException(A.ArgumentError$("If value is null, max must also be null.", null));
12495 min = A.SassCalculation__simplify(min);
12496 value = A.NullableExtension_andThen(value, A.calculation_SassCalculation__simplify$closure());
12497 max = A.NullableExtension_andThen(max, A.calculation_SassCalculation__simplify$closure());
12498 if (min instanceof A.SassNumber && value instanceof A.SassNumber && max instanceof A.SassNumber && min.hasCompatibleUnits$1(value) && min.hasCompatibleUnits$1(max)) {
12499 if (value.lessThanOrEquals$1(min).value)
12500 return min;
12501 if (value.greaterThanOrEquals$1(max).value)
12502 return max;
12503 return value;
12504 }
12505 t1 = [min];
12506 if (value != null)
12507 t1.push(value);
12508 if (max != null)
12509 t1.push(max);
12510 args = A.List_List$unmodifiable(t1, type$.Object);
12511 A.SassCalculation__verifyCompatibleNumbers(args);
12512 A.SassCalculation__verifyLength(args, 3);
12513 return new A.SassCalculation("clamp", args);
12514 },
12515 SassCalculation_operateInternal(operator, left, right, inMinMax) {
12516 var t1, t2;
12517 left = A.SassCalculation__simplify(left);
12518 right = A.SassCalculation__simplify(right);
12519 t1 = operator === B.CalculationOperator_Iem;
12520 if (t1 || operator === B.CalculationOperator_uti) {
12521 if (left instanceof A.SassNumber)
12522 if (right instanceof A.SassNumber)
12523 t2 = inMinMax ? left.isComparableTo$1(right) : left.hasCompatibleUnits$1(right);
12524 else
12525 t2 = false;
12526 else
12527 t2 = false;
12528 if (t2)
12529 return t1 ? left.plus$1(right) : left.minus$1(right);
12530 A.SassCalculation__verifyCompatibleNumbers(A._setArrayType([left, right], type$.JSArray_Object));
12531 if (right instanceof A.SassNumber) {
12532 t2 = right._number$_value;
12533 t2 = t2 < 0 && !(Math.abs(t2 - 0) < $.$get$epsilon());
12534 } else
12535 t2 = false;
12536 if (t2) {
12537 right = right.times$1(new A.UnitlessSassNumber(-1, null));
12538 operator = t1 ? B.CalculationOperator_uti : B.CalculationOperator_Iem;
12539 }
12540 return new A.CalculationOperation(operator, left, right);
12541 } else if (left instanceof A.SassNumber && right instanceof A.SassNumber)
12542 return operator === B.CalculationOperator_Dih ? left.times$1(right) : left.dividedBy$1(right);
12543 else
12544 return new A.CalculationOperation(operator, left, right);
12545 },
12546 SassCalculation__simplify(arg) {
12547 var _s32_ = " can't be used in a calculation.";
12548 if (arg instanceof A.SassNumber || arg instanceof A.CalculationInterpolation || arg instanceof A.CalculationOperation)
12549 return arg;
12550 else if (arg instanceof A.SassString) {
12551 if (!arg._hasQuotes)
12552 return arg;
12553 throw A.wrapException(A.SassCalculation__exception("Quoted string " + arg.toString$0(0) + _s32_));
12554 } else if (arg instanceof A.SassCalculation)
12555 return arg.name === "calc" ? arg.$arguments[0] : arg;
12556 else if (arg instanceof A.Value)
12557 throw A.wrapException(A.SassCalculation__exception("Value " + arg.toString$0(0) + _s32_));
12558 else
12559 throw A.wrapException(A.ArgumentError$("Unexpected calculation argument " + A.S(arg) + ".", null));
12560 },
12561 SassCalculation__verifyCompatibleNumbers(args) {
12562 var t1, _i, t2, arg, i, number1, j, number2;
12563 for (t1 = args.length, _i = 0; t2 = args.length, _i < t2; args.length === t1 || (0, A.throwConcurrentModificationError)(args), ++_i) {
12564 arg = args[_i];
12565 if (!(arg instanceof A.SassNumber))
12566 continue;
12567 if (arg.get$numeratorUnits(arg).length > 1 || arg.get$denominatorUnits(arg).length !== 0)
12568 throw A.wrapException(A.SassCalculation__exception("Number " + arg.toString$0(0) + " isn't compatible with CSS calculations."));
12569 }
12570 for (t1 = t2, i = 0; i < t1 - 1; ++i) {
12571 number1 = args[i];
12572 if (!(number1 instanceof A.SassNumber))
12573 continue;
12574 for (j = i + 1; t1 = args.length, j < t1; ++j) {
12575 number2 = args[j];
12576 if (!(number2 instanceof A.SassNumber))
12577 continue;
12578 if (number1.hasPossiblyCompatibleUnits$1(number2))
12579 continue;
12580 throw A.wrapException(A.SassCalculation__exception(number1.toString$0(0) + " and " + number2.toString$0(0) + " are incompatible."));
12581 }
12582 }
12583 },
12584 SassCalculation__verifyLength(args, expectedLength) {
12585 var t1 = args.length;
12586 if (t1 === expectedLength)
12587 return;
12588 if (B.JSArray_methods.any$1(args, new A.SassCalculation__verifyLength_closure()))
12589 return;
12590 throw A.wrapException(A.SassCalculation__exception("" + expectedLength + " arguments required, but only " + t1 + " " + A.pluralize("was", t1, "were") + " passed."));
12591 },
12592 SassCalculation__exception(message) {
12593 return new A.SassScriptException(message);
12594 },
12595 SassCalculation: function SassCalculation(t0, t1) {
12596 this.name = t0;
12597 this.$arguments = t1;
12598 },
12599 SassCalculation__verifyLength_closure: function SassCalculation__verifyLength_closure() {
12600 },
12601 CalculationOperation: function CalculationOperation(t0, t1, t2) {
12602 this.operator = t0;
12603 this.left = t1;
12604 this.right = t2;
12605 },
12606 CalculationOperator: function CalculationOperator(t0, t1, t2) {
12607 this.name = t0;
12608 this.operator = t1;
12609 this.precedence = t2;
12610 },
12611 CalculationInterpolation: function CalculationInterpolation(t0) {
12612 this.value = t0;
12613 },
12614 SassColor$rgb(_red, _green, _blue, alpha, originalSpan) {
12615 var t1 = new A.SassColor(_red, _green, _blue, null, null, null, alpha == null ? 1 : A.fuzzyAssertRange(alpha, 0, 1, "alpha"), originalSpan);
12616 A.RangeError_checkValueInInterval(t1.get$red(t1), 0, 255, "red");
12617 A.RangeError_checkValueInInterval(t1.get$green(t1), 0, 255, "green");
12618 A.RangeError_checkValueInInterval(t1.get$blue(t1), 0, 255, "blue");
12619 return t1;
12620 },
12621 SassColor$hsl(hue, saturation, lightness, alpha) {
12622 var _null = null,
12623 t1 = B.JSNumber_methods.$mod(hue, 360),
12624 t2 = A.fuzzyAssertRange(saturation, 0, 100, "saturation"),
12625 t3 = A.fuzzyAssertRange(lightness, 0, 100, "lightness");
12626 return new A.SassColor(_null, _null, _null, t1, t2, t3, alpha == null ? 1 : A.fuzzyAssertRange(alpha, 0, 1, "alpha"), _null);
12627 },
12628 SassColor_SassColor$hwb(hue, whiteness, blackness, alpha) {
12629 var t2, t1 = {},
12630 scaledHue = B.JSNumber_methods.$mod(hue, 360) / 360,
12631 scaledWhiteness = t1.scaledWhiteness = A.fuzzyAssertRange(whiteness, 0, 100, "whiteness") / 100,
12632 scaledBlackness = A.fuzzyAssertRange(blackness, 0, 100, "blackness") / 100,
12633 sum = scaledWhiteness + scaledBlackness;
12634 if (sum > 1) {
12635 t2 = t1.scaledWhiteness = scaledWhiteness / sum;
12636 scaledBlackness /= sum;
12637 } else
12638 t2 = scaledWhiteness;
12639 t2 = new A.SassColor_SassColor$hwb_toRgb(t1, 1 - t2 - scaledBlackness);
12640 return A.SassColor$rgb(t2.call$1(scaledHue + 0.3333333333333333), t2.call$1(scaledHue), t2.call$1(scaledHue - 0.3333333333333333), alpha, null);
12641 },
12642 SassColor__hueToRgb(m1, m2, hue) {
12643 if (hue < 0)
12644 ++hue;
12645 if (hue > 1)
12646 --hue;
12647 if (hue < 0.16666666666666666)
12648 return m1 + (m2 - m1) * hue * 6;
12649 else if (hue < 0.5)
12650 return m2;
12651 else if (hue < 0.6666666666666666)
12652 return m1 + (m2 - m1) * (0.6666666666666666 - hue) * 6;
12653 else
12654 return m1;
12655 },
12656 SassColor: function SassColor(t0, t1, t2, t3, t4, t5, t6, t7) {
12657 var _ = this;
12658 _._red = t0;
12659 _._green = t1;
12660 _._blue = t2;
12661 _._hue = t3;
12662 _._saturation = t4;
12663 _._lightness = t5;
12664 _._alpha = t6;
12665 _.originalSpan = t7;
12666 },
12667 SassColor_SassColor$hwb_toRgb: function SassColor_SassColor$hwb_toRgb(t0, t1) {
12668 this._box_0 = t0;
12669 this.factor = t1;
12670 },
12671 SassFunction: function SassFunction(t0) {
12672 this.callable = t0;
12673 },
12674 SassList$(contents, _separator, brackets) {
12675 var t1 = new A.SassList(A.List_List$unmodifiable(contents, type$.Value), _separator, brackets);
12676 t1.SassList$3$brackets(contents, _separator, brackets);
12677 return t1;
12678 },
12679 SassList: function SassList(t0, t1, t2) {
12680 this._list$_contents = t0;
12681 this._separator = t1;
12682 this._hasBrackets = t2;
12683 },
12684 SassList_isBlank_closure: function SassList_isBlank_closure() {
12685 },
12686 ListSeparator: function ListSeparator(t0, t1) {
12687 this._list$_name = t0;
12688 this.separator = t1;
12689 },
12690 SassMap: function SassMap(t0) {
12691 this._map$_contents = t0;
12692 },
12693 SassMap_asList_closure: function SassMap_asList_closure(t0) {
12694 this.result = t0;
12695 },
12696 _SassNull: function _SassNull() {
12697 },
12698 conversionFactor(unit1, unit2) {
12699 var innerMap;
12700 if (unit1 === unit2)
12701 return 1;
12702 innerMap = B.Map_K2BWj.$index(0, unit1);
12703 if (innerMap == null)
12704 return null;
12705 return innerMap.$index(0, unit2);
12706 },
12707 SassNumber_SassNumber(value, unit) {
12708 return unit == null ? new A.UnitlessSassNumber(value, null) : new A.SingleUnitSassNumber(unit, value, null);
12709 },
12710 SassNumber_SassNumber$withUnits(value, denominatorUnits, numeratorUnits) {
12711 var t1, numerators, unsimplifiedDenominators, denominators, _i, denominator, simplifiedAway, i, factor, _null = null;
12712 if (denominatorUnits == null || denominatorUnits.length === 0) {
12713 t1 = numeratorUnits.length;
12714 if (t1 === 0)
12715 return new A.UnitlessSassNumber(value, _null);
12716 else if (t1 === 1)
12717 return new A.SingleUnitSassNumber(numeratorUnits[0], value, _null);
12718 else
12719 return new A.ComplexSassNumber(A.List_List$unmodifiable(numeratorUnits, type$.String), B.List_empty, value, _null);
12720 } else {
12721 t1 = numeratorUnits.length;
12722 if (t1 === 0)
12723 return new A.ComplexSassNumber(B.List_empty, A.List_List$unmodifiable(denominatorUnits, type$.String), value, _null);
12724 else {
12725 numerators = A._setArrayType(numeratorUnits.slice(0), A._arrayInstanceType(numeratorUnits));
12726 unsimplifiedDenominators = A._setArrayType(denominatorUnits.slice(0), A.instanceType(denominatorUnits)._eval$1("JSArray<1>"));
12727 denominators = A._setArrayType([], type$.JSArray_String);
12728 for (t1 = unsimplifiedDenominators.length, _i = 0; _i < unsimplifiedDenominators.length; unsimplifiedDenominators.length === t1 || (0, A.throwConcurrentModificationError)(unsimplifiedDenominators), ++_i) {
12729 denominator = unsimplifiedDenominators[_i];
12730 i = 0;
12731 while (true) {
12732 if (!(i < numerators.length)) {
12733 simplifiedAway = false;
12734 break;
12735 }
12736 c$0: {
12737 factor = A.conversionFactor(denominator, numerators[i]);
12738 if (factor == null)
12739 break c$0;
12740 value *= factor;
12741 B.JSArray_methods.removeAt$1(numerators, i);
12742 simplifiedAway = true;
12743 break;
12744 }
12745 ++i;
12746 }
12747 if (!simplifiedAway)
12748 denominators.push(denominator);
12749 }
12750 if (denominatorUnits.length === 0) {
12751 t1 = numeratorUnits.length;
12752 if (t1 === 0)
12753 return new A.UnitlessSassNumber(value, _null);
12754 else if (t1 === 1)
12755 return new A.SingleUnitSassNumber(B.JSArray_methods.get$single(numeratorUnits), value, _null);
12756 }
12757 t1 = type$.String;
12758 return new A.ComplexSassNumber(A.List_List$unmodifiable(numerators, t1), A.List_List$unmodifiable(denominators, t1), value, _null);
12759 }
12760 }
12761 },
12762 SassNumber: function SassNumber() {
12763 },
12764 SassNumber__coerceOrConvertValue__compatibilityException: function SassNumber__coerceOrConvertValue__compatibilityException(t0, t1, t2, t3, t4, t5, t6) {
12765 var _ = this;
12766 _.$this = t0;
12767 _.other = t1;
12768 _.otherName = t2;
12769 _.otherHasUnits = t3;
12770 _.name = t4;
12771 _.newNumerators = t5;
12772 _.newDenominators = t6;
12773 },
12774 SassNumber__coerceOrConvertValue_closure: function SassNumber__coerceOrConvertValue_closure(t0, t1) {
12775 this._box_0 = t0;
12776 this.newNumerator = t1;
12777 },
12778 SassNumber__coerceOrConvertValue_closure0: function SassNumber__coerceOrConvertValue_closure0(t0) {
12779 this._compatibilityException = t0;
12780 },
12781 SassNumber__coerceOrConvertValue_closure1: function SassNumber__coerceOrConvertValue_closure1(t0, t1) {
12782 this._box_0 = t0;
12783 this.newDenominator = t1;
12784 },
12785 SassNumber__coerceOrConvertValue_closure2: function SassNumber__coerceOrConvertValue_closure2(t0) {
12786 this._compatibilityException = t0;
12787 },
12788 SassNumber_plus_closure: function SassNumber_plus_closure() {
12789 },
12790 SassNumber_minus_closure: function SassNumber_minus_closure() {
12791 },
12792 SassNumber_multiplyUnits_closure: function SassNumber_multiplyUnits_closure(t0, t1) {
12793 this._box_0 = t0;
12794 this.numerator = t1;
12795 },
12796 SassNumber_multiplyUnits_closure0: function SassNumber_multiplyUnits_closure0(t0, t1) {
12797 this.newNumerators = t0;
12798 this.numerator = t1;
12799 },
12800 SassNumber_multiplyUnits_closure1: function SassNumber_multiplyUnits_closure1(t0, t1) {
12801 this._box_0 = t0;
12802 this.numerator = t1;
12803 },
12804 SassNumber_multiplyUnits_closure2: function SassNumber_multiplyUnits_closure2(t0, t1) {
12805 this.newNumerators = t0;
12806 this.numerator = t1;
12807 },
12808 SassNumber__areAnyConvertible_closure: function SassNumber__areAnyConvertible_closure(t0) {
12809 this.units2 = t0;
12810 },
12811 SassNumber__canonicalizeUnitList_closure: function SassNumber__canonicalizeUnitList_closure() {
12812 },
12813 SassNumber__canonicalMultiplier_closure: function SassNumber__canonicalMultiplier_closure(t0) {
12814 this.$this = t0;
12815 },
12816 ComplexSassNumber: function ComplexSassNumber(t0, t1, t2, t3) {
12817 var _ = this;
12818 _._numeratorUnits = t0;
12819 _._denominatorUnits = t1;
12820 _._number$_value = t2;
12821 _.hashCache = null;
12822 _.asSlash = t3;
12823 },
12824 SingleUnitSassNumber: function SingleUnitSassNumber(t0, t1, t2) {
12825 var _ = this;
12826 _._unit = t0;
12827 _._number$_value = t1;
12828 _.hashCache = null;
12829 _.asSlash = t2;
12830 },
12831 SingleUnitSassNumber__coerceToUnit_closure: function SingleUnitSassNumber__coerceToUnit_closure(t0, t1) {
12832 this.$this = t0;
12833 this.unit = t1;
12834 },
12835 SingleUnitSassNumber__coerceValueToUnit_closure: function SingleUnitSassNumber__coerceValueToUnit_closure(t0) {
12836 this.$this = t0;
12837 },
12838 SingleUnitSassNumber_multiplyUnits_closure: function SingleUnitSassNumber_multiplyUnits_closure(t0, t1) {
12839 this._box_0 = t0;
12840 this.$this = t1;
12841 },
12842 SingleUnitSassNumber_multiplyUnits_closure0: function SingleUnitSassNumber_multiplyUnits_closure0(t0, t1) {
12843 this._box_0 = t0;
12844 this.$this = t1;
12845 },
12846 UnitlessSassNumber: function UnitlessSassNumber(t0, t1) {
12847 this._number$_value = t0;
12848 this.hashCache = null;
12849 this.asSlash = t1;
12850 },
12851 SassString$(_text, quotes) {
12852 return new A.SassString(_text, quotes);
12853 },
12854 SassString: function SassString(t0, t1) {
12855 var _ = this;
12856 _._string$_text = t0;
12857 _._hasQuotes = t1;
12858 _.__SassString__sassLength = $;
12859 _._hashCache = null;
12860 },
12861 _EvaluateVisitor$0(functions, importCache, logger, nodeImporter, quietDeps, sourceMap) {
12862 var t1 = type$.Uri,
12863 t2 = type$.Module_AsyncCallable,
12864 t3 = A._setArrayType([], type$.JSArray_Tuple2_String_AstNode),
12865 t4 = logger == null ? B.StderrLogger_false : logger;
12866 t3 = new A._EvaluateVisitor0(importCache, nodeImporter, A.LinkedHashMap_LinkedHashMap$_empty(type$.String, type$.AsyncCallable), A.LinkedHashMap_LinkedHashMap$_empty(t1, t2), A.LinkedHashMap_LinkedHashMap$_empty(t1, t2), A.LinkedHashMap_LinkedHashMap$_empty(t1, type$.AstNode), t4, A.LinkedHashSet_LinkedHashSet$_empty(type$.Tuple2_String_SourceSpan), quietDeps, sourceMap, A.AsyncEnvironment$(), A.LinkedHashSet_LinkedHashSet$_empty(t1), A.LinkedHashMap_LinkedHashMap$_empty(t1, type$.nullable_AstNode), t3, B.Configuration_Map_empty);
12867 t3._EvaluateVisitor$6$functions$importCache$logger$nodeImporter$quietDeps$sourceMap0(functions, importCache, logger, nodeImporter, quietDeps, sourceMap);
12868 return t3;
12869 },
12870 _EvaluateVisitor0: function _EvaluateVisitor0(t0, t1, t2, t3, t4, t5, t6, t7, t8, t9, t10, t11, t12, t13, t14) {
12871 var _ = this;
12872 _._async_evaluate$_importCache = t0;
12873 _._async_evaluate$_nodeImporter = t1;
12874 _._async_evaluate$_builtInFunctions = t2;
12875 _._async_evaluate$_builtInModules = t3;
12876 _._async_evaluate$_modules = t4;
12877 _._async_evaluate$_moduleNodes = t5;
12878 _._async_evaluate$_logger = t6;
12879 _._async_evaluate$_warningsEmitted = t7;
12880 _._async_evaluate$_quietDeps = t8;
12881 _._async_evaluate$_sourceMap = t9;
12882 _._async_evaluate$_environment = t10;
12883 _._async_evaluate$_declarationName = _._async_evaluate$__parent = _._async_evaluate$_mediaQueries = _._async_evaluate$_styleRuleIgnoringAtRoot = null;
12884 _._async_evaluate$_member = "root stylesheet";
12885 _._async_evaluate$_importSpan = _._async_evaluate$_callableNode = null;
12886 _._async_evaluate$_inKeyframes = _._async_evaluate$_atRootExcludingStyleRule = _._async_evaluate$_inUnknownAtRule = _._async_evaluate$_inFunction = false;
12887 _._async_evaluate$_loadedUrls = t11;
12888 _._async_evaluate$_activeModules = t12;
12889 _._async_evaluate$_stack = t13;
12890 _._async_evaluate$_importer = null;
12891 _._async_evaluate$_inDependency = false;
12892 _._async_evaluate$__extensionStore = _._async_evaluate$_outOfOrderImports = _._async_evaluate$__endOfImports = _._async_evaluate$__root = _._async_evaluate$__stylesheet = null;
12893 _._async_evaluate$_configuration = t14;
12894 },
12895 _EvaluateVisitor_closure9: function _EvaluateVisitor_closure9(t0) {
12896 this.$this = t0;
12897 },
12898 _EvaluateVisitor_closure10: function _EvaluateVisitor_closure10(t0) {
12899 this.$this = t0;
12900 },
12901 _EvaluateVisitor_closure11: function _EvaluateVisitor_closure11(t0) {
12902 this.$this = t0;
12903 },
12904 _EvaluateVisitor_closure12: function _EvaluateVisitor_closure12(t0) {
12905 this.$this = t0;
12906 },
12907 _EvaluateVisitor_closure13: function _EvaluateVisitor_closure13(t0) {
12908 this.$this = t0;
12909 },
12910 _EvaluateVisitor_closure14: function _EvaluateVisitor_closure14(t0) {
12911 this.$this = t0;
12912 },
12913 _EvaluateVisitor_closure15: function _EvaluateVisitor_closure15(t0) {
12914 this.$this = t0;
12915 },
12916 _EvaluateVisitor_closure16: function _EvaluateVisitor_closure16(t0) {
12917 this.$this = t0;
12918 },
12919 _EvaluateVisitor__closure4: function _EvaluateVisitor__closure4(t0, t1, t2) {
12920 this.$this = t0;
12921 this.name = t1;
12922 this.module = t2;
12923 },
12924 _EvaluateVisitor_closure17: function _EvaluateVisitor_closure17(t0) {
12925 this.$this = t0;
12926 },
12927 _EvaluateVisitor_closure18: function _EvaluateVisitor_closure18(t0) {
12928 this.$this = t0;
12929 },
12930 _EvaluateVisitor__closure2: function _EvaluateVisitor__closure2(t0, t1, t2) {
12931 this.values = t0;
12932 this.span = t1;
12933 this.callableNode = t2;
12934 },
12935 _EvaluateVisitor__closure3: function _EvaluateVisitor__closure3(t0) {
12936 this.$this = t0;
12937 },
12938 _EvaluateVisitor_run_closure0: function _EvaluateVisitor_run_closure0(t0, t1, t2) {
12939 this.$this = t0;
12940 this.node = t1;
12941 this.importer = t2;
12942 },
12943 _EvaluateVisitor__loadModule_closure1: function _EvaluateVisitor__loadModule_closure1(t0, t1) {
12944 this.callback = t0;
12945 this.builtInModule = t1;
12946 },
12947 _EvaluateVisitor__loadModule_closure2: function _EvaluateVisitor__loadModule_closure2(t0, t1, t2, t3, t4, t5, t6) {
12948 var _ = this;
12949 _.$this = t0;
12950 _.url = t1;
12951 _.nodeWithSpan = t2;
12952 _.baseUrl = t3;
12953 _.namesInErrors = t4;
12954 _.configuration = t5;
12955 _.callback = t6;
12956 },
12957 _EvaluateVisitor__loadModule__closure0: function _EvaluateVisitor__loadModule__closure0(t0, t1) {
12958 this.$this = t0;
12959 this.message = t1;
12960 },
12961 _EvaluateVisitor__execute_closure0: function _EvaluateVisitor__execute_closure0(t0, t1, t2, t3, t4, t5) {
12962 var _ = this;
12963 _.$this = t0;
12964 _.importer = t1;
12965 _.stylesheet = t2;
12966 _.extensionStore = t3;
12967 _.configuration = t4;
12968 _.css = t5;
12969 },
12970 _EvaluateVisitor__combineCss_closure2: function _EvaluateVisitor__combineCss_closure2() {
12971 },
12972 _EvaluateVisitor__combineCss_closure3: function _EvaluateVisitor__combineCss_closure3(t0) {
12973 this.selectors = t0;
12974 },
12975 _EvaluateVisitor__combineCss_closure4: function _EvaluateVisitor__combineCss_closure4() {
12976 },
12977 _EvaluateVisitor__extendModules_closure1: function _EvaluateVisitor__extendModules_closure1(t0) {
12978 this.originalSelectors = t0;
12979 },
12980 _EvaluateVisitor__extendModules_closure2: function _EvaluateVisitor__extendModules_closure2() {
12981 },
12982 _EvaluateVisitor__topologicalModules_visitModule0: function _EvaluateVisitor__topologicalModules_visitModule0(t0, t1) {
12983 this.seen = t0;
12984 this.sorted = t1;
12985 },
12986 _EvaluateVisitor_visitAtRootRule_closure2: function _EvaluateVisitor_visitAtRootRule_closure2(t0, t1) {
12987 this.$this = t0;
12988 this.resolved = t1;
12989 },
12990 _EvaluateVisitor_visitAtRootRule_closure3: function _EvaluateVisitor_visitAtRootRule_closure3(t0, t1) {
12991 this.$this = t0;
12992 this.node = t1;
12993 },
12994 _EvaluateVisitor_visitAtRootRule_closure4: function _EvaluateVisitor_visitAtRootRule_closure4(t0, t1) {
12995 this.$this = t0;
12996 this.node = t1;
12997 },
12998 _EvaluateVisitor__scopeForAtRoot_closure5: function _EvaluateVisitor__scopeForAtRoot_closure5(t0, t1, t2) {
12999 this.$this = t0;
13000 this.newParent = t1;
13001 this.node = t2;
13002 },
13003 _EvaluateVisitor__scopeForAtRoot_closure6: function _EvaluateVisitor__scopeForAtRoot_closure6(t0, t1) {
13004 this.$this = t0;
13005 this.innerScope = t1;
13006 },
13007 _EvaluateVisitor__scopeForAtRoot_closure7: function _EvaluateVisitor__scopeForAtRoot_closure7(t0, t1) {
13008 this.$this = t0;
13009 this.innerScope = t1;
13010 },
13011 _EvaluateVisitor__scopeForAtRoot__closure0: function _EvaluateVisitor__scopeForAtRoot__closure0(t0, t1) {
13012 this.innerScope = t0;
13013 this.callback = t1;
13014 },
13015 _EvaluateVisitor__scopeForAtRoot_closure8: function _EvaluateVisitor__scopeForAtRoot_closure8(t0, t1) {
13016 this.$this = t0;
13017 this.innerScope = t1;
13018 },
13019 _EvaluateVisitor__scopeForAtRoot_closure9: function _EvaluateVisitor__scopeForAtRoot_closure9() {
13020 },
13021 _EvaluateVisitor__scopeForAtRoot_closure10: function _EvaluateVisitor__scopeForAtRoot_closure10(t0, t1) {
13022 this.$this = t0;
13023 this.innerScope = t1;
13024 },
13025 _EvaluateVisitor_visitContentRule_closure0: function _EvaluateVisitor_visitContentRule_closure0(t0, t1) {
13026 this.$this = t0;
13027 this.content = t1;
13028 },
13029 _EvaluateVisitor_visitDeclaration_closure1: function _EvaluateVisitor_visitDeclaration_closure1(t0) {
13030 this.$this = t0;
13031 },
13032 _EvaluateVisitor_visitDeclaration_closure2: function _EvaluateVisitor_visitDeclaration_closure2(t0, t1) {
13033 this.$this = t0;
13034 this.children = t1;
13035 },
13036 _EvaluateVisitor_visitEachRule_closure2: function _EvaluateVisitor_visitEachRule_closure2(t0, t1, t2) {
13037 this.$this = t0;
13038 this.node = t1;
13039 this.nodeWithSpan = t2;
13040 },
13041 _EvaluateVisitor_visitEachRule_closure3: function _EvaluateVisitor_visitEachRule_closure3(t0, t1, t2) {
13042 this.$this = t0;
13043 this.node = t1;
13044 this.nodeWithSpan = t2;
13045 },
13046 _EvaluateVisitor_visitEachRule_closure4: function _EvaluateVisitor_visitEachRule_closure4(t0, t1, t2, t3) {
13047 var _ = this;
13048 _.$this = t0;
13049 _.list = t1;
13050 _.setVariables = t2;
13051 _.node = t3;
13052 },
13053 _EvaluateVisitor_visitEachRule__closure0: function _EvaluateVisitor_visitEachRule__closure0(t0, t1, t2) {
13054 this.$this = t0;
13055 this.setVariables = t1;
13056 this.node = t2;
13057 },
13058 _EvaluateVisitor_visitEachRule___closure0: function _EvaluateVisitor_visitEachRule___closure0(t0) {
13059 this.$this = t0;
13060 },
13061 _EvaluateVisitor_visitExtendRule_closure0: function _EvaluateVisitor_visitExtendRule_closure0(t0, t1) {
13062 this.$this = t0;
13063 this.targetText = t1;
13064 },
13065 _EvaluateVisitor_visitAtRule_closure2: function _EvaluateVisitor_visitAtRule_closure2(t0) {
13066 this.$this = t0;
13067 },
13068 _EvaluateVisitor_visitAtRule_closure3: function _EvaluateVisitor_visitAtRule_closure3(t0, t1) {
13069 this.$this = t0;
13070 this.children = t1;
13071 },
13072 _EvaluateVisitor_visitAtRule__closure0: function _EvaluateVisitor_visitAtRule__closure0(t0, t1) {
13073 this.$this = t0;
13074 this.children = t1;
13075 },
13076 _EvaluateVisitor_visitAtRule_closure4: function _EvaluateVisitor_visitAtRule_closure4() {
13077 },
13078 _EvaluateVisitor_visitForRule_closure4: function _EvaluateVisitor_visitForRule_closure4(t0, t1) {
13079 this.$this = t0;
13080 this.node = t1;
13081 },
13082 _EvaluateVisitor_visitForRule_closure5: function _EvaluateVisitor_visitForRule_closure5(t0, t1) {
13083 this.$this = t0;
13084 this.node = t1;
13085 },
13086 _EvaluateVisitor_visitForRule_closure6: function _EvaluateVisitor_visitForRule_closure6(t0) {
13087 this.fromNumber = t0;
13088 },
13089 _EvaluateVisitor_visitForRule_closure7: function _EvaluateVisitor_visitForRule_closure7(t0, t1) {
13090 this.toNumber = t0;
13091 this.fromNumber = t1;
13092 },
13093 _EvaluateVisitor_visitForRule_closure8: function _EvaluateVisitor_visitForRule_closure8(t0, t1, t2, t3, t4, t5) {
13094 var _ = this;
13095 _._box_0 = t0;
13096 _.$this = t1;
13097 _.node = t2;
13098 _.from = t3;
13099 _.direction = t4;
13100 _.fromNumber = t5;
13101 },
13102 _EvaluateVisitor_visitForRule__closure0: function _EvaluateVisitor_visitForRule__closure0(t0) {
13103 this.$this = t0;
13104 },
13105 _EvaluateVisitor_visitForwardRule_closure1: function _EvaluateVisitor_visitForwardRule_closure1(t0, t1) {
13106 this.$this = t0;
13107 this.node = t1;
13108 },
13109 _EvaluateVisitor_visitForwardRule_closure2: function _EvaluateVisitor_visitForwardRule_closure2(t0, t1) {
13110 this.$this = t0;
13111 this.node = t1;
13112 },
13113 _EvaluateVisitor_visitIfRule_closure0: function _EvaluateVisitor_visitIfRule_closure0(t0, t1) {
13114 this._box_0 = t0;
13115 this.$this = t1;
13116 },
13117 _EvaluateVisitor_visitIfRule__closure0: function _EvaluateVisitor_visitIfRule__closure0(t0) {
13118 this.$this = t0;
13119 },
13120 _EvaluateVisitor__visitDynamicImport_closure0: function _EvaluateVisitor__visitDynamicImport_closure0(t0, t1) {
13121 this.$this = t0;
13122 this.$import = t1;
13123 },
13124 _EvaluateVisitor__visitDynamicImport__closure3: function _EvaluateVisitor__visitDynamicImport__closure3(t0) {
13125 this.$this = t0;
13126 },
13127 _EvaluateVisitor__visitDynamicImport__closure4: function _EvaluateVisitor__visitDynamicImport__closure4() {
13128 },
13129 _EvaluateVisitor__visitDynamicImport__closure5: function _EvaluateVisitor__visitDynamicImport__closure5() {
13130 },
13131 _EvaluateVisitor__visitDynamicImport__closure6: function _EvaluateVisitor__visitDynamicImport__closure6(t0, t1, t2, t3, t4, t5) {
13132 var _ = this;
13133 _.$this = t0;
13134 _.result = t1;
13135 _.stylesheet = t2;
13136 _.loadsUserDefinedModules = t3;
13137 _.environment = t4;
13138 _.children = t5;
13139 },
13140 _EvaluateVisitor__visitStaticImport_closure0: function _EvaluateVisitor__visitStaticImport_closure0(t0) {
13141 this.$this = t0;
13142 },
13143 _EvaluateVisitor_visitIncludeRule_closure3: function _EvaluateVisitor_visitIncludeRule_closure3(t0, t1) {
13144 this.$this = t0;
13145 this.node = t1;
13146 },
13147 _EvaluateVisitor_visitIncludeRule_closure4: function _EvaluateVisitor_visitIncludeRule_closure4(t0) {
13148 this.node = t0;
13149 },
13150 _EvaluateVisitor_visitIncludeRule_closure6: function _EvaluateVisitor_visitIncludeRule_closure6(t0) {
13151 this.$this = t0;
13152 },
13153 _EvaluateVisitor_visitIncludeRule_closure5: function _EvaluateVisitor_visitIncludeRule_closure5(t0, t1, t2, t3) {
13154 var _ = this;
13155 _.$this = t0;
13156 _.contentCallable = t1;
13157 _.mixin = t2;
13158 _.nodeWithSpan = t3;
13159 },
13160 _EvaluateVisitor_visitIncludeRule__closure0: function _EvaluateVisitor_visitIncludeRule__closure0(t0, t1, t2) {
13161 this.$this = t0;
13162 this.mixin = t1;
13163 this.nodeWithSpan = t2;
13164 },
13165 _EvaluateVisitor_visitIncludeRule___closure0: function _EvaluateVisitor_visitIncludeRule___closure0(t0, t1, t2) {
13166 this.$this = t0;
13167 this.mixin = t1;
13168 this.nodeWithSpan = t2;
13169 },
13170 _EvaluateVisitor_visitIncludeRule____closure0: function _EvaluateVisitor_visitIncludeRule____closure0(t0, t1) {
13171 this.$this = t0;
13172 this.statement = t1;
13173 },
13174 _EvaluateVisitor_visitMediaRule_closure2: function _EvaluateVisitor_visitMediaRule_closure2(t0, t1) {
13175 this.$this = t0;
13176 this.queries = t1;
13177 },
13178 _EvaluateVisitor_visitMediaRule_closure3: function _EvaluateVisitor_visitMediaRule_closure3(t0, t1, t2, t3) {
13179 var _ = this;
13180 _.$this = t0;
13181 _.mergedQueries = t1;
13182 _.queries = t2;
13183 _.node = t3;
13184 },
13185 _EvaluateVisitor_visitMediaRule__closure0: function _EvaluateVisitor_visitMediaRule__closure0(t0, t1) {
13186 this.$this = t0;
13187 this.node = t1;
13188 },
13189 _EvaluateVisitor_visitMediaRule___closure0: function _EvaluateVisitor_visitMediaRule___closure0(t0, t1) {
13190 this.$this = t0;
13191 this.node = t1;
13192 },
13193 _EvaluateVisitor_visitMediaRule_closure4: function _EvaluateVisitor_visitMediaRule_closure4(t0) {
13194 this.mergedQueries = t0;
13195 },
13196 _EvaluateVisitor__visitMediaQueries_closure0: function _EvaluateVisitor__visitMediaQueries_closure0(t0, t1) {
13197 this.$this = t0;
13198 this.resolved = t1;
13199 },
13200 _EvaluateVisitor_visitStyleRule_closure6: function _EvaluateVisitor_visitStyleRule_closure6(t0, t1) {
13201 this.$this = t0;
13202 this.selectorText = t1;
13203 },
13204 _EvaluateVisitor_visitStyleRule_closure7: function _EvaluateVisitor_visitStyleRule_closure7(t0, t1) {
13205 this.$this = t0;
13206 this.node = t1;
13207 },
13208 _EvaluateVisitor_visitStyleRule_closure8: function _EvaluateVisitor_visitStyleRule_closure8() {
13209 },
13210 _EvaluateVisitor_visitStyleRule_closure9: function _EvaluateVisitor_visitStyleRule_closure9(t0, t1) {
13211 this.$this = t0;
13212 this.selectorText = t1;
13213 },
13214 _EvaluateVisitor_visitStyleRule_closure10: function _EvaluateVisitor_visitStyleRule_closure10(t0, t1) {
13215 this._box_0 = t0;
13216 this.$this = t1;
13217 },
13218 _EvaluateVisitor_visitStyleRule_closure11: function _EvaluateVisitor_visitStyleRule_closure11(t0, t1, t2) {
13219 this.$this = t0;
13220 this.rule = t1;
13221 this.node = t2;
13222 },
13223 _EvaluateVisitor_visitStyleRule__closure0: function _EvaluateVisitor_visitStyleRule__closure0(t0, t1) {
13224 this.$this = t0;
13225 this.node = t1;
13226 },
13227 _EvaluateVisitor_visitStyleRule_closure12: function _EvaluateVisitor_visitStyleRule_closure12() {
13228 },
13229 _EvaluateVisitor_visitSupportsRule_closure1: function _EvaluateVisitor_visitSupportsRule_closure1(t0, t1) {
13230 this.$this = t0;
13231 this.node = t1;
13232 },
13233 _EvaluateVisitor_visitSupportsRule__closure0: function _EvaluateVisitor_visitSupportsRule__closure0(t0, t1) {
13234 this.$this = t0;
13235 this.node = t1;
13236 },
13237 _EvaluateVisitor_visitSupportsRule_closure2: function _EvaluateVisitor_visitSupportsRule_closure2() {
13238 },
13239 _EvaluateVisitor_visitVariableDeclaration_closure2: function _EvaluateVisitor_visitVariableDeclaration_closure2(t0, t1, t2) {
13240 this.$this = t0;
13241 this.node = t1;
13242 this.override = t2;
13243 },
13244 _EvaluateVisitor_visitVariableDeclaration_closure3: function _EvaluateVisitor_visitVariableDeclaration_closure3(t0, t1) {
13245 this.$this = t0;
13246 this.node = t1;
13247 },
13248 _EvaluateVisitor_visitVariableDeclaration_closure4: function _EvaluateVisitor_visitVariableDeclaration_closure4(t0, t1, t2) {
13249 this.$this = t0;
13250 this.node = t1;
13251 this.value = t2;
13252 },
13253 _EvaluateVisitor_visitUseRule_closure0: function _EvaluateVisitor_visitUseRule_closure0(t0, t1) {
13254 this.$this = t0;
13255 this.node = t1;
13256 },
13257 _EvaluateVisitor_visitWarnRule_closure0: function _EvaluateVisitor_visitWarnRule_closure0(t0, t1) {
13258 this.$this = t0;
13259 this.node = t1;
13260 },
13261 _EvaluateVisitor_visitWhileRule_closure0: function _EvaluateVisitor_visitWhileRule_closure0(t0, t1) {
13262 this.$this = t0;
13263 this.node = t1;
13264 },
13265 _EvaluateVisitor_visitWhileRule__closure0: function _EvaluateVisitor_visitWhileRule__closure0(t0) {
13266 this.$this = t0;
13267 },
13268 _EvaluateVisitor_visitBinaryOperationExpression_closure0: function _EvaluateVisitor_visitBinaryOperationExpression_closure0(t0, t1) {
13269 this.$this = t0;
13270 this.node = t1;
13271 },
13272 _EvaluateVisitor_visitBinaryOperationExpression_closure_recommendation0: function _EvaluateVisitor_visitBinaryOperationExpression_closure_recommendation0() {
13273 },
13274 _EvaluateVisitor_visitVariableExpression_closure0: function _EvaluateVisitor_visitVariableExpression_closure0(t0, t1) {
13275 this.$this = t0;
13276 this.node = t1;
13277 },
13278 _EvaluateVisitor_visitUnaryOperationExpression_closure0: function _EvaluateVisitor_visitUnaryOperationExpression_closure0(t0, t1) {
13279 this.node = t0;
13280 this.operand = t1;
13281 },
13282 _EvaluateVisitor__visitCalculationValue_closure0: function _EvaluateVisitor__visitCalculationValue_closure0(t0, t1, t2) {
13283 this.$this = t0;
13284 this.node = t1;
13285 this.inMinMax = t2;
13286 },
13287 _EvaluateVisitor_visitListExpression_closure0: function _EvaluateVisitor_visitListExpression_closure0(t0) {
13288 this.$this = t0;
13289 },
13290 _EvaluateVisitor_visitFunctionExpression_closure1: function _EvaluateVisitor_visitFunctionExpression_closure1(t0, t1) {
13291 this.$this = t0;
13292 this.node = t1;
13293 },
13294 _EvaluateVisitor_visitFunctionExpression_closure2: function _EvaluateVisitor_visitFunctionExpression_closure2(t0, t1, t2) {
13295 this._box_0 = t0;
13296 this.$this = t1;
13297 this.node = t2;
13298 },
13299 _EvaluateVisitor_visitInterpolatedFunctionExpression_closure0: function _EvaluateVisitor_visitInterpolatedFunctionExpression_closure0(t0, t1, t2) {
13300 this.$this = t0;
13301 this.node = t1;
13302 this.$function = t2;
13303 },
13304 _EvaluateVisitor__runUserDefinedCallable_closure0: function _EvaluateVisitor__runUserDefinedCallable_closure0(t0, t1, t2, t3, t4, t5) {
13305 var _ = this;
13306 _.$this = t0;
13307 _.callable = t1;
13308 _.evaluated = t2;
13309 _.nodeWithSpan = t3;
13310 _.run = t4;
13311 _.V = t5;
13312 },
13313 _EvaluateVisitor__runUserDefinedCallable__closure0: function _EvaluateVisitor__runUserDefinedCallable__closure0(t0, t1, t2, t3, t4, t5) {
13314 var _ = this;
13315 _.$this = t0;
13316 _.evaluated = t1;
13317 _.callable = t2;
13318 _.nodeWithSpan = t3;
13319 _.run = t4;
13320 _.V = t5;
13321 },
13322 _EvaluateVisitor__runUserDefinedCallable___closure0: function _EvaluateVisitor__runUserDefinedCallable___closure0(t0, t1, t2, t3, t4, t5) {
13323 var _ = this;
13324 _.$this = t0;
13325 _.evaluated = t1;
13326 _.callable = t2;
13327 _.nodeWithSpan = t3;
13328 _.run = t4;
13329 _.V = t5;
13330 },
13331 _EvaluateVisitor__runUserDefinedCallable____closure0: function _EvaluateVisitor__runUserDefinedCallable____closure0() {
13332 },
13333 _EvaluateVisitor__runFunctionCallable_closure0: function _EvaluateVisitor__runFunctionCallable_closure0(t0, t1) {
13334 this.$this = t0;
13335 this.callable = t1;
13336 },
13337 _EvaluateVisitor__runBuiltInCallable_closure1: function _EvaluateVisitor__runBuiltInCallable_closure1(t0, t1, t2) {
13338 this.overload = t0;
13339 this.evaluated = t1;
13340 this.namedSet = t2;
13341 },
13342 _EvaluateVisitor__runBuiltInCallable_closure2: function _EvaluateVisitor__runBuiltInCallable_closure2() {
13343 },
13344 _EvaluateVisitor__evaluateArguments_closure3: function _EvaluateVisitor__evaluateArguments_closure3() {
13345 },
13346 _EvaluateVisitor__evaluateArguments_closure4: function _EvaluateVisitor__evaluateArguments_closure4(t0, t1) {
13347 this.$this = t0;
13348 this.restNodeForSpan = t1;
13349 },
13350 _EvaluateVisitor__evaluateArguments_closure5: function _EvaluateVisitor__evaluateArguments_closure5(t0, t1, t2, t3) {
13351 var _ = this;
13352 _.$this = t0;
13353 _.named = t1;
13354 _.restNodeForSpan = t2;
13355 _.namedNodes = t3;
13356 },
13357 _EvaluateVisitor__evaluateArguments_closure6: function _EvaluateVisitor__evaluateArguments_closure6() {
13358 },
13359 _EvaluateVisitor__evaluateMacroArguments_closure3: function _EvaluateVisitor__evaluateMacroArguments_closure3(t0) {
13360 this.restArgs = t0;
13361 },
13362 _EvaluateVisitor__evaluateMacroArguments_closure4: function _EvaluateVisitor__evaluateMacroArguments_closure4(t0, t1, t2) {
13363 this.$this = t0;
13364 this.restNodeForSpan = t1;
13365 this.restArgs = t2;
13366 },
13367 _EvaluateVisitor__evaluateMacroArguments_closure5: function _EvaluateVisitor__evaluateMacroArguments_closure5(t0, t1, t2, t3) {
13368 var _ = this;
13369 _.$this = t0;
13370 _.named = t1;
13371 _.restNodeForSpan = t2;
13372 _.restArgs = t3;
13373 },
13374 _EvaluateVisitor__evaluateMacroArguments_closure6: function _EvaluateVisitor__evaluateMacroArguments_closure6(t0, t1, t2) {
13375 this.$this = t0;
13376 this.keywordRestNodeForSpan = t1;
13377 this.keywordRestArgs = t2;
13378 },
13379 _EvaluateVisitor__addRestMap_closure0: function _EvaluateVisitor__addRestMap_closure0(t0, t1, t2, t3, t4, t5) {
13380 var _ = this;
13381 _.$this = t0;
13382 _.values = t1;
13383 _.convert = t2;
13384 _.expressionNode = t3;
13385 _.map = t4;
13386 _.nodeWithSpan = t5;
13387 },
13388 _EvaluateVisitor__verifyArguments_closure0: function _EvaluateVisitor__verifyArguments_closure0(t0, t1, t2) {
13389 this.$arguments = t0;
13390 this.positional = t1;
13391 this.named = t2;
13392 },
13393 _EvaluateVisitor_visitStringExpression_closure0: function _EvaluateVisitor_visitStringExpression_closure0(t0) {
13394 this.$this = t0;
13395 },
13396 _EvaluateVisitor_visitCssAtRule_closure1: function _EvaluateVisitor_visitCssAtRule_closure1(t0, t1) {
13397 this.$this = t0;
13398 this.node = t1;
13399 },
13400 _EvaluateVisitor_visitCssAtRule_closure2: function _EvaluateVisitor_visitCssAtRule_closure2() {
13401 },
13402 _EvaluateVisitor_visitCssKeyframeBlock_closure1: function _EvaluateVisitor_visitCssKeyframeBlock_closure1(t0, t1) {
13403 this.$this = t0;
13404 this.node = t1;
13405 },
13406 _EvaluateVisitor_visitCssKeyframeBlock_closure2: function _EvaluateVisitor_visitCssKeyframeBlock_closure2() {
13407 },
13408 _EvaluateVisitor_visitCssMediaRule_closure2: function _EvaluateVisitor_visitCssMediaRule_closure2(t0, t1) {
13409 this.$this = t0;
13410 this.node = t1;
13411 },
13412 _EvaluateVisitor_visitCssMediaRule_closure3: function _EvaluateVisitor_visitCssMediaRule_closure3(t0, t1, t2) {
13413 this.$this = t0;
13414 this.mergedQueries = t1;
13415 this.node = t2;
13416 },
13417 _EvaluateVisitor_visitCssMediaRule__closure0: function _EvaluateVisitor_visitCssMediaRule__closure0(t0, t1) {
13418 this.$this = t0;
13419 this.node = t1;
13420 },
13421 _EvaluateVisitor_visitCssMediaRule___closure0: function _EvaluateVisitor_visitCssMediaRule___closure0(t0, t1) {
13422 this.$this = t0;
13423 this.node = t1;
13424 },
13425 _EvaluateVisitor_visitCssMediaRule_closure4: function _EvaluateVisitor_visitCssMediaRule_closure4(t0) {
13426 this.mergedQueries = t0;
13427 },
13428 _EvaluateVisitor_visitCssStyleRule_closure1: function _EvaluateVisitor_visitCssStyleRule_closure1(t0, t1, t2) {
13429 this.$this = t0;
13430 this.rule = t1;
13431 this.node = t2;
13432 },
13433 _EvaluateVisitor_visitCssStyleRule__closure0: function _EvaluateVisitor_visitCssStyleRule__closure0(t0, t1) {
13434 this.$this = t0;
13435 this.node = t1;
13436 },
13437 _EvaluateVisitor_visitCssStyleRule_closure2: function _EvaluateVisitor_visitCssStyleRule_closure2() {
13438 },
13439 _EvaluateVisitor_visitCssSupportsRule_closure1: function _EvaluateVisitor_visitCssSupportsRule_closure1(t0, t1) {
13440 this.$this = t0;
13441 this.node = t1;
13442 },
13443 _EvaluateVisitor_visitCssSupportsRule__closure0: function _EvaluateVisitor_visitCssSupportsRule__closure0(t0, t1) {
13444 this.$this = t0;
13445 this.node = t1;
13446 },
13447 _EvaluateVisitor_visitCssSupportsRule_closure2: function _EvaluateVisitor_visitCssSupportsRule_closure2() {
13448 },
13449 _EvaluateVisitor__performInterpolation_closure0: function _EvaluateVisitor__performInterpolation_closure0(t0, t1, t2) {
13450 this.$this = t0;
13451 this.warnForColor = t1;
13452 this.interpolation = t2;
13453 },
13454 _EvaluateVisitor__serialize_closure0: function _EvaluateVisitor__serialize_closure0(t0, t1) {
13455 this.value = t0;
13456 this.quote = t1;
13457 },
13458 _EvaluateVisitor__expressionNode_closure0: function _EvaluateVisitor__expressionNode_closure0(t0, t1) {
13459 this.$this = t0;
13460 this.expression = t1;
13461 },
13462 _EvaluateVisitor__withoutSlash_recommendation0: function _EvaluateVisitor__withoutSlash_recommendation0() {
13463 },
13464 _EvaluateVisitor__stackFrame_closure0: function _EvaluateVisitor__stackFrame_closure0(t0) {
13465 this.$this = t0;
13466 },
13467 _EvaluateVisitor__stackTrace_closure0: function _EvaluateVisitor__stackTrace_closure0(t0) {
13468 this.$this = t0;
13469 },
13470 _ImportedCssVisitor0: function _ImportedCssVisitor0(t0) {
13471 this._async_evaluate$_visitor = t0;
13472 },
13473 _ImportedCssVisitor_visitCssAtRule_closure0: function _ImportedCssVisitor_visitCssAtRule_closure0() {
13474 },
13475 _ImportedCssVisitor_visitCssMediaRule_closure0: function _ImportedCssVisitor_visitCssMediaRule_closure0(t0) {
13476 this.hasBeenMerged = t0;
13477 },
13478 _ImportedCssVisitor_visitCssStyleRule_closure0: function _ImportedCssVisitor_visitCssStyleRule_closure0() {
13479 },
13480 _ImportedCssVisitor_visitCssSupportsRule_closure0: function _ImportedCssVisitor_visitCssSupportsRule_closure0() {
13481 },
13482 EvaluateResult: function EvaluateResult(t0) {
13483 this.stylesheet = t0;
13484 },
13485 _EvaluationContext0: function _EvaluationContext0(t0, t1) {
13486 this._async_evaluate$_visitor = t0;
13487 this._async_evaluate$_defaultWarnNodeWithSpan = t1;
13488 },
13489 _ArgumentResults0: function _ArgumentResults0(t0, t1, t2, t3, t4) {
13490 var _ = this;
13491 _.positional = t0;
13492 _.positionalNodes = t1;
13493 _.named = t2;
13494 _.namedNodes = t3;
13495 _.separator = t4;
13496 },
13497 _LoadedStylesheet0: function _LoadedStylesheet0(t0, t1, t2) {
13498 this.stylesheet = t0;
13499 this.importer = t1;
13500 this.isDependency = t2;
13501 },
13502 cloneCssStylesheet(stylesheet, extensionStore) {
13503 var result = extensionStore.clone$0();
13504 return new A.Tuple2(new A._CloneCssVisitor(result.item2)._visitChildren$2(A.ModifiableCssStylesheet$(stylesheet.get$span(stylesheet)), stylesheet), result.item1, type$.Tuple2_ModifiableCssStylesheet_ExtensionStore);
13505 },
13506 _CloneCssVisitor: function _CloneCssVisitor(t0) {
13507 this._oldToNewSelectors = t0;
13508 },
13509 _EvaluateVisitor$(functions, importCache, logger, nodeImporter, quietDeps, sourceMap) {
13510 var t1 = type$.Uri,
13511 t2 = type$.Module_Callable,
13512 t3 = A._setArrayType([], type$.JSArray_Tuple2_String_AstNode),
13513 t4 = logger == null ? B.StderrLogger_false : logger;
13514 t3 = new A._EvaluateVisitor(importCache, nodeImporter, A.LinkedHashMap_LinkedHashMap$_empty(type$.String, type$.Callable), A.LinkedHashMap_LinkedHashMap$_empty(t1, t2), A.LinkedHashMap_LinkedHashMap$_empty(t1, t2), A.LinkedHashMap_LinkedHashMap$_empty(t1, type$.AstNode), t4, A.LinkedHashSet_LinkedHashSet$_empty(type$.Tuple2_String_SourceSpan), quietDeps, sourceMap, A.Environment$(), A.LinkedHashSet_LinkedHashSet$_empty(t1), A.LinkedHashMap_LinkedHashMap$_empty(t1, type$.nullable_AstNode), t3, B.Configuration_Map_empty);
13515 t3._EvaluateVisitor$6$functions$importCache$logger$nodeImporter$quietDeps$sourceMap(functions, importCache, logger, nodeImporter, quietDeps, sourceMap);
13516 return t3;
13517 },
13518 Evaluator: function Evaluator(t0, t1) {
13519 this._visitor = t0;
13520 this._importer = t1;
13521 },
13522 _EvaluateVisitor: function _EvaluateVisitor(t0, t1, t2, t3, t4, t5, t6, t7, t8, t9, t10, t11, t12, t13, t14) {
13523 var _ = this;
13524 _._evaluate$_importCache = t0;
13525 _._nodeImporter = t1;
13526 _._builtInFunctions = t2;
13527 _._builtInModules = t3;
13528 _._modules = t4;
13529 _._moduleNodes = t5;
13530 _._evaluate$_logger = t6;
13531 _._warningsEmitted = t7;
13532 _._quietDeps = t8;
13533 _._sourceMap = t9;
13534 _._environment = t10;
13535 _._declarationName = _.__parent = _._mediaQueries = _._styleRuleIgnoringAtRoot = null;
13536 _._member = "root stylesheet";
13537 _._importSpan = _._callableNode = null;
13538 _._inKeyframes = _._atRootExcludingStyleRule = _._inUnknownAtRule = _._inFunction = false;
13539 _._loadedUrls = t11;
13540 _._activeModules = t12;
13541 _._stack = t13;
13542 _._importer = null;
13543 _._inDependency = false;
13544 _.__extensionStore = _._outOfOrderImports = _.__endOfImports = _.__root = _.__stylesheet = null;
13545 _._configuration = t14;
13546 },
13547 _EvaluateVisitor_closure: function _EvaluateVisitor_closure(t0) {
13548 this.$this = t0;
13549 },
13550 _EvaluateVisitor_closure0: function _EvaluateVisitor_closure0(t0) {
13551 this.$this = t0;
13552 },
13553 _EvaluateVisitor_closure1: function _EvaluateVisitor_closure1(t0) {
13554 this.$this = t0;
13555 },
13556 _EvaluateVisitor_closure2: function _EvaluateVisitor_closure2(t0) {
13557 this.$this = t0;
13558 },
13559 _EvaluateVisitor_closure3: function _EvaluateVisitor_closure3(t0) {
13560 this.$this = t0;
13561 },
13562 _EvaluateVisitor_closure4: function _EvaluateVisitor_closure4(t0) {
13563 this.$this = t0;
13564 },
13565 _EvaluateVisitor_closure5: function _EvaluateVisitor_closure5(t0) {
13566 this.$this = t0;
13567 },
13568 _EvaluateVisitor_closure6: function _EvaluateVisitor_closure6(t0) {
13569 this.$this = t0;
13570 },
13571 _EvaluateVisitor__closure1: function _EvaluateVisitor__closure1(t0, t1, t2) {
13572 this.$this = t0;
13573 this.name = t1;
13574 this.module = t2;
13575 },
13576 _EvaluateVisitor_closure7: function _EvaluateVisitor_closure7(t0) {
13577 this.$this = t0;
13578 },
13579 _EvaluateVisitor_closure8: function _EvaluateVisitor_closure8(t0) {
13580 this.$this = t0;
13581 },
13582 _EvaluateVisitor__closure: function _EvaluateVisitor__closure(t0, t1, t2) {
13583 this.values = t0;
13584 this.span = t1;
13585 this.callableNode = t2;
13586 },
13587 _EvaluateVisitor__closure0: function _EvaluateVisitor__closure0(t0) {
13588 this.$this = t0;
13589 },
13590 _EvaluateVisitor_run_closure: function _EvaluateVisitor_run_closure(t0, t1, t2) {
13591 this.$this = t0;
13592 this.node = t1;
13593 this.importer = t2;
13594 },
13595 _EvaluateVisitor_runExpression_closure: function _EvaluateVisitor_runExpression_closure(t0, t1, t2) {
13596 this.$this = t0;
13597 this.importer = t1;
13598 this.expression = t2;
13599 },
13600 _EvaluateVisitor_runExpression__closure: function _EvaluateVisitor_runExpression__closure(t0, t1) {
13601 this.$this = t0;
13602 this.expression = t1;
13603 },
13604 _EvaluateVisitor_runStatement_closure: function _EvaluateVisitor_runStatement_closure(t0, t1, t2) {
13605 this.$this = t0;
13606 this.importer = t1;
13607 this.statement = t2;
13608 },
13609 _EvaluateVisitor_runStatement__closure: function _EvaluateVisitor_runStatement__closure(t0, t1) {
13610 this.$this = t0;
13611 this.statement = t1;
13612 },
13613 _EvaluateVisitor__loadModule_closure: function _EvaluateVisitor__loadModule_closure(t0, t1) {
13614 this.callback = t0;
13615 this.builtInModule = t1;
13616 },
13617 _EvaluateVisitor__loadModule_closure0: function _EvaluateVisitor__loadModule_closure0(t0, t1, t2, t3, t4, t5, t6) {
13618 var _ = this;
13619 _.$this = t0;
13620 _.url = t1;
13621 _.nodeWithSpan = t2;
13622 _.baseUrl = t3;
13623 _.namesInErrors = t4;
13624 _.configuration = t5;
13625 _.callback = t6;
13626 },
13627 _EvaluateVisitor__loadModule__closure: function _EvaluateVisitor__loadModule__closure(t0, t1) {
13628 this.$this = t0;
13629 this.message = t1;
13630 },
13631 _EvaluateVisitor__execute_closure: function _EvaluateVisitor__execute_closure(t0, t1, t2, t3, t4, t5) {
13632 var _ = this;
13633 _.$this = t0;
13634 _.importer = t1;
13635 _.stylesheet = t2;
13636 _.extensionStore = t3;
13637 _.configuration = t4;
13638 _.css = t5;
13639 },
13640 _EvaluateVisitor__combineCss_closure: function _EvaluateVisitor__combineCss_closure() {
13641 },
13642 _EvaluateVisitor__combineCss_closure0: function _EvaluateVisitor__combineCss_closure0(t0) {
13643 this.selectors = t0;
13644 },
13645 _EvaluateVisitor__combineCss_closure1: function _EvaluateVisitor__combineCss_closure1() {
13646 },
13647 _EvaluateVisitor__extendModules_closure: function _EvaluateVisitor__extendModules_closure(t0) {
13648 this.originalSelectors = t0;
13649 },
13650 _EvaluateVisitor__extendModules_closure0: function _EvaluateVisitor__extendModules_closure0() {
13651 },
13652 _EvaluateVisitor__topologicalModules_visitModule: function _EvaluateVisitor__topologicalModules_visitModule(t0, t1) {
13653 this.seen = t0;
13654 this.sorted = t1;
13655 },
13656 _EvaluateVisitor_visitAtRootRule_closure: function _EvaluateVisitor_visitAtRootRule_closure(t0, t1) {
13657 this.$this = t0;
13658 this.resolved = t1;
13659 },
13660 _EvaluateVisitor_visitAtRootRule_closure0: function _EvaluateVisitor_visitAtRootRule_closure0(t0, t1) {
13661 this.$this = t0;
13662 this.node = t1;
13663 },
13664 _EvaluateVisitor_visitAtRootRule_closure1: function _EvaluateVisitor_visitAtRootRule_closure1(t0, t1) {
13665 this.$this = t0;
13666 this.node = t1;
13667 },
13668 _EvaluateVisitor__scopeForAtRoot_closure: function _EvaluateVisitor__scopeForAtRoot_closure(t0, t1, t2) {
13669 this.$this = t0;
13670 this.newParent = t1;
13671 this.node = t2;
13672 },
13673 _EvaluateVisitor__scopeForAtRoot_closure0: function _EvaluateVisitor__scopeForAtRoot_closure0(t0, t1) {
13674 this.$this = t0;
13675 this.innerScope = t1;
13676 },
13677 _EvaluateVisitor__scopeForAtRoot_closure1: function _EvaluateVisitor__scopeForAtRoot_closure1(t0, t1) {
13678 this.$this = t0;
13679 this.innerScope = t1;
13680 },
13681 _EvaluateVisitor__scopeForAtRoot__closure: function _EvaluateVisitor__scopeForAtRoot__closure(t0, t1) {
13682 this.innerScope = t0;
13683 this.callback = t1;
13684 },
13685 _EvaluateVisitor__scopeForAtRoot_closure2: function _EvaluateVisitor__scopeForAtRoot_closure2(t0, t1) {
13686 this.$this = t0;
13687 this.innerScope = t1;
13688 },
13689 _EvaluateVisitor__scopeForAtRoot_closure3: function _EvaluateVisitor__scopeForAtRoot_closure3() {
13690 },
13691 _EvaluateVisitor__scopeForAtRoot_closure4: function _EvaluateVisitor__scopeForAtRoot_closure4(t0, t1) {
13692 this.$this = t0;
13693 this.innerScope = t1;
13694 },
13695 _EvaluateVisitor_visitContentRule_closure: function _EvaluateVisitor_visitContentRule_closure(t0, t1) {
13696 this.$this = t0;
13697 this.content = t1;
13698 },
13699 _EvaluateVisitor_visitDeclaration_closure: function _EvaluateVisitor_visitDeclaration_closure(t0) {
13700 this.$this = t0;
13701 },
13702 _EvaluateVisitor_visitDeclaration_closure0: function _EvaluateVisitor_visitDeclaration_closure0(t0, t1) {
13703 this.$this = t0;
13704 this.children = t1;
13705 },
13706 _EvaluateVisitor_visitEachRule_closure: function _EvaluateVisitor_visitEachRule_closure(t0, t1, t2) {
13707 this.$this = t0;
13708 this.node = t1;
13709 this.nodeWithSpan = t2;
13710 },
13711 _EvaluateVisitor_visitEachRule_closure0: function _EvaluateVisitor_visitEachRule_closure0(t0, t1, t2) {
13712 this.$this = t0;
13713 this.node = t1;
13714 this.nodeWithSpan = t2;
13715 },
13716 _EvaluateVisitor_visitEachRule_closure1: function _EvaluateVisitor_visitEachRule_closure1(t0, t1, t2, t3) {
13717 var _ = this;
13718 _.$this = t0;
13719 _.list = t1;
13720 _.setVariables = t2;
13721 _.node = t3;
13722 },
13723 _EvaluateVisitor_visitEachRule__closure: function _EvaluateVisitor_visitEachRule__closure(t0, t1, t2) {
13724 this.$this = t0;
13725 this.setVariables = t1;
13726 this.node = t2;
13727 },
13728 _EvaluateVisitor_visitEachRule___closure: function _EvaluateVisitor_visitEachRule___closure(t0) {
13729 this.$this = t0;
13730 },
13731 _EvaluateVisitor_visitExtendRule_closure: function _EvaluateVisitor_visitExtendRule_closure(t0, t1) {
13732 this.$this = t0;
13733 this.targetText = t1;
13734 },
13735 _EvaluateVisitor_visitAtRule_closure: function _EvaluateVisitor_visitAtRule_closure(t0) {
13736 this.$this = t0;
13737 },
13738 _EvaluateVisitor_visitAtRule_closure0: function _EvaluateVisitor_visitAtRule_closure0(t0, t1) {
13739 this.$this = t0;
13740 this.children = t1;
13741 },
13742 _EvaluateVisitor_visitAtRule__closure: function _EvaluateVisitor_visitAtRule__closure(t0, t1) {
13743 this.$this = t0;
13744 this.children = t1;
13745 },
13746 _EvaluateVisitor_visitAtRule_closure1: function _EvaluateVisitor_visitAtRule_closure1() {
13747 },
13748 _EvaluateVisitor_visitForRule_closure: function _EvaluateVisitor_visitForRule_closure(t0, t1) {
13749 this.$this = t0;
13750 this.node = t1;
13751 },
13752 _EvaluateVisitor_visitForRule_closure0: function _EvaluateVisitor_visitForRule_closure0(t0, t1) {
13753 this.$this = t0;
13754 this.node = t1;
13755 },
13756 _EvaluateVisitor_visitForRule_closure1: function _EvaluateVisitor_visitForRule_closure1(t0) {
13757 this.fromNumber = t0;
13758 },
13759 _EvaluateVisitor_visitForRule_closure2: function _EvaluateVisitor_visitForRule_closure2(t0, t1) {
13760 this.toNumber = t0;
13761 this.fromNumber = t1;
13762 },
13763 _EvaluateVisitor_visitForRule_closure3: function _EvaluateVisitor_visitForRule_closure3(t0, t1, t2, t3, t4, t5) {
13764 var _ = this;
13765 _._box_0 = t0;
13766 _.$this = t1;
13767 _.node = t2;
13768 _.from = t3;
13769 _.direction = t4;
13770 _.fromNumber = t5;
13771 },
13772 _EvaluateVisitor_visitForRule__closure: function _EvaluateVisitor_visitForRule__closure(t0) {
13773 this.$this = t0;
13774 },
13775 _EvaluateVisitor_visitForwardRule_closure: function _EvaluateVisitor_visitForwardRule_closure(t0, t1) {
13776 this.$this = t0;
13777 this.node = t1;
13778 },
13779 _EvaluateVisitor_visitForwardRule_closure0: function _EvaluateVisitor_visitForwardRule_closure0(t0, t1) {
13780 this.$this = t0;
13781 this.node = t1;
13782 },
13783 _EvaluateVisitor_visitIfRule_closure: function _EvaluateVisitor_visitIfRule_closure(t0, t1) {
13784 this._box_0 = t0;
13785 this.$this = t1;
13786 },
13787 _EvaluateVisitor_visitIfRule__closure: function _EvaluateVisitor_visitIfRule__closure(t0) {
13788 this.$this = t0;
13789 },
13790 _EvaluateVisitor__visitDynamicImport_closure: function _EvaluateVisitor__visitDynamicImport_closure(t0, t1) {
13791 this.$this = t0;
13792 this.$import = t1;
13793 },
13794 _EvaluateVisitor__visitDynamicImport__closure: function _EvaluateVisitor__visitDynamicImport__closure(t0) {
13795 this.$this = t0;
13796 },
13797 _EvaluateVisitor__visitDynamicImport__closure0: function _EvaluateVisitor__visitDynamicImport__closure0() {
13798 },
13799 _EvaluateVisitor__visitDynamicImport__closure1: function _EvaluateVisitor__visitDynamicImport__closure1() {
13800 },
13801 _EvaluateVisitor__visitDynamicImport__closure2: function _EvaluateVisitor__visitDynamicImport__closure2(t0, t1, t2, t3, t4, t5) {
13802 var _ = this;
13803 _.$this = t0;
13804 _.result = t1;
13805 _.stylesheet = t2;
13806 _.loadsUserDefinedModules = t3;
13807 _.environment = t4;
13808 _.children = t5;
13809 },
13810 _EvaluateVisitor__visitStaticImport_closure: function _EvaluateVisitor__visitStaticImport_closure(t0) {
13811 this.$this = t0;
13812 },
13813 _EvaluateVisitor_visitIncludeRule_closure: function _EvaluateVisitor_visitIncludeRule_closure(t0, t1) {
13814 this.$this = t0;
13815 this.node = t1;
13816 },
13817 _EvaluateVisitor_visitIncludeRule_closure0: function _EvaluateVisitor_visitIncludeRule_closure0(t0) {
13818 this.node = t0;
13819 },
13820 _EvaluateVisitor_visitIncludeRule_closure2: function _EvaluateVisitor_visitIncludeRule_closure2(t0) {
13821 this.$this = t0;
13822 },
13823 _EvaluateVisitor_visitIncludeRule_closure1: function _EvaluateVisitor_visitIncludeRule_closure1(t0, t1, t2, t3) {
13824 var _ = this;
13825 _.$this = t0;
13826 _.contentCallable = t1;
13827 _.mixin = t2;
13828 _.nodeWithSpan = t3;
13829 },
13830 _EvaluateVisitor_visitIncludeRule__closure: function _EvaluateVisitor_visitIncludeRule__closure(t0, t1, t2) {
13831 this.$this = t0;
13832 this.mixin = t1;
13833 this.nodeWithSpan = t2;
13834 },
13835 _EvaluateVisitor_visitIncludeRule___closure: function _EvaluateVisitor_visitIncludeRule___closure(t0, t1, t2) {
13836 this.$this = t0;
13837 this.mixin = t1;
13838 this.nodeWithSpan = t2;
13839 },
13840 _EvaluateVisitor_visitIncludeRule____closure: function _EvaluateVisitor_visitIncludeRule____closure(t0, t1) {
13841 this.$this = t0;
13842 this.statement = t1;
13843 },
13844 _EvaluateVisitor_visitMediaRule_closure: function _EvaluateVisitor_visitMediaRule_closure(t0, t1) {
13845 this.$this = t0;
13846 this.queries = t1;
13847 },
13848 _EvaluateVisitor_visitMediaRule_closure0: function _EvaluateVisitor_visitMediaRule_closure0(t0, t1, t2, t3) {
13849 var _ = this;
13850 _.$this = t0;
13851 _.mergedQueries = t1;
13852 _.queries = t2;
13853 _.node = t3;
13854 },
13855 _EvaluateVisitor_visitMediaRule__closure: function _EvaluateVisitor_visitMediaRule__closure(t0, t1) {
13856 this.$this = t0;
13857 this.node = t1;
13858 },
13859 _EvaluateVisitor_visitMediaRule___closure: function _EvaluateVisitor_visitMediaRule___closure(t0, t1) {
13860 this.$this = t0;
13861 this.node = t1;
13862 },
13863 _EvaluateVisitor_visitMediaRule_closure1: function _EvaluateVisitor_visitMediaRule_closure1(t0) {
13864 this.mergedQueries = t0;
13865 },
13866 _EvaluateVisitor__visitMediaQueries_closure: function _EvaluateVisitor__visitMediaQueries_closure(t0, t1) {
13867 this.$this = t0;
13868 this.resolved = t1;
13869 },
13870 _EvaluateVisitor_visitStyleRule_closure: function _EvaluateVisitor_visitStyleRule_closure(t0, t1) {
13871 this.$this = t0;
13872 this.selectorText = t1;
13873 },
13874 _EvaluateVisitor_visitStyleRule_closure0: function _EvaluateVisitor_visitStyleRule_closure0(t0, t1) {
13875 this.$this = t0;
13876 this.node = t1;
13877 },
13878 _EvaluateVisitor_visitStyleRule_closure1: function _EvaluateVisitor_visitStyleRule_closure1() {
13879 },
13880 _EvaluateVisitor_visitStyleRule_closure2: function _EvaluateVisitor_visitStyleRule_closure2(t0, t1) {
13881 this.$this = t0;
13882 this.selectorText = t1;
13883 },
13884 _EvaluateVisitor_visitStyleRule_closure3: function _EvaluateVisitor_visitStyleRule_closure3(t0, t1) {
13885 this._box_0 = t0;
13886 this.$this = t1;
13887 },
13888 _EvaluateVisitor_visitStyleRule_closure4: function _EvaluateVisitor_visitStyleRule_closure4(t0, t1, t2) {
13889 this.$this = t0;
13890 this.rule = t1;
13891 this.node = t2;
13892 },
13893 _EvaluateVisitor_visitStyleRule__closure: function _EvaluateVisitor_visitStyleRule__closure(t0, t1) {
13894 this.$this = t0;
13895 this.node = t1;
13896 },
13897 _EvaluateVisitor_visitStyleRule_closure5: function _EvaluateVisitor_visitStyleRule_closure5() {
13898 },
13899 _EvaluateVisitor_visitSupportsRule_closure: function _EvaluateVisitor_visitSupportsRule_closure(t0, t1) {
13900 this.$this = t0;
13901 this.node = t1;
13902 },
13903 _EvaluateVisitor_visitSupportsRule__closure: function _EvaluateVisitor_visitSupportsRule__closure(t0, t1) {
13904 this.$this = t0;
13905 this.node = t1;
13906 },
13907 _EvaluateVisitor_visitSupportsRule_closure0: function _EvaluateVisitor_visitSupportsRule_closure0() {
13908 },
13909 _EvaluateVisitor_visitVariableDeclaration_closure: function _EvaluateVisitor_visitVariableDeclaration_closure(t0, t1, t2) {
13910 this.$this = t0;
13911 this.node = t1;
13912 this.override = t2;
13913 },
13914 _EvaluateVisitor_visitVariableDeclaration_closure0: function _EvaluateVisitor_visitVariableDeclaration_closure0(t0, t1) {
13915 this.$this = t0;
13916 this.node = t1;
13917 },
13918 _EvaluateVisitor_visitVariableDeclaration_closure1: function _EvaluateVisitor_visitVariableDeclaration_closure1(t0, t1, t2) {
13919 this.$this = t0;
13920 this.node = t1;
13921 this.value = t2;
13922 },
13923 _EvaluateVisitor_visitUseRule_closure: function _EvaluateVisitor_visitUseRule_closure(t0, t1) {
13924 this.$this = t0;
13925 this.node = t1;
13926 },
13927 _EvaluateVisitor_visitWarnRule_closure: function _EvaluateVisitor_visitWarnRule_closure(t0, t1) {
13928 this.$this = t0;
13929 this.node = t1;
13930 },
13931 _EvaluateVisitor_visitWhileRule_closure: function _EvaluateVisitor_visitWhileRule_closure(t0, t1) {
13932 this.$this = t0;
13933 this.node = t1;
13934 },
13935 _EvaluateVisitor_visitWhileRule__closure: function _EvaluateVisitor_visitWhileRule__closure(t0) {
13936 this.$this = t0;
13937 },
13938 _EvaluateVisitor_visitBinaryOperationExpression_closure: function _EvaluateVisitor_visitBinaryOperationExpression_closure(t0, t1) {
13939 this.$this = t0;
13940 this.node = t1;
13941 },
13942 _EvaluateVisitor_visitBinaryOperationExpression_closure_recommendation: function _EvaluateVisitor_visitBinaryOperationExpression_closure_recommendation() {
13943 },
13944 _EvaluateVisitor_visitVariableExpression_closure: function _EvaluateVisitor_visitVariableExpression_closure(t0, t1) {
13945 this.$this = t0;
13946 this.node = t1;
13947 },
13948 _EvaluateVisitor_visitUnaryOperationExpression_closure: function _EvaluateVisitor_visitUnaryOperationExpression_closure(t0, t1) {
13949 this.node = t0;
13950 this.operand = t1;
13951 },
13952 _EvaluateVisitor__visitCalculationValue_closure: function _EvaluateVisitor__visitCalculationValue_closure(t0, t1, t2) {
13953 this.$this = t0;
13954 this.node = t1;
13955 this.inMinMax = t2;
13956 },
13957 _EvaluateVisitor_visitListExpression_closure: function _EvaluateVisitor_visitListExpression_closure(t0) {
13958 this.$this = t0;
13959 },
13960 _EvaluateVisitor_visitFunctionExpression_closure: function _EvaluateVisitor_visitFunctionExpression_closure(t0, t1) {
13961 this.$this = t0;
13962 this.node = t1;
13963 },
13964 _EvaluateVisitor_visitFunctionExpression_closure0: function _EvaluateVisitor_visitFunctionExpression_closure0(t0, t1, t2) {
13965 this._box_0 = t0;
13966 this.$this = t1;
13967 this.node = t2;
13968 },
13969 _EvaluateVisitor_visitInterpolatedFunctionExpression_closure: function _EvaluateVisitor_visitInterpolatedFunctionExpression_closure(t0, t1, t2) {
13970 this.$this = t0;
13971 this.node = t1;
13972 this.$function = t2;
13973 },
13974 _EvaluateVisitor__runUserDefinedCallable_closure: function _EvaluateVisitor__runUserDefinedCallable_closure(t0, t1, t2, t3, t4, t5) {
13975 var _ = this;
13976 _.$this = t0;
13977 _.callable = t1;
13978 _.evaluated = t2;
13979 _.nodeWithSpan = t3;
13980 _.run = t4;
13981 _.V = t5;
13982 },
13983 _EvaluateVisitor__runUserDefinedCallable__closure: function _EvaluateVisitor__runUserDefinedCallable__closure(t0, t1, t2, t3, t4, t5) {
13984 var _ = this;
13985 _.$this = t0;
13986 _.evaluated = t1;
13987 _.callable = t2;
13988 _.nodeWithSpan = t3;
13989 _.run = t4;
13990 _.V = t5;
13991 },
13992 _EvaluateVisitor__runUserDefinedCallable___closure: function _EvaluateVisitor__runUserDefinedCallable___closure(t0, t1, t2, t3, t4, t5) {
13993 var _ = this;
13994 _.$this = t0;
13995 _.evaluated = t1;
13996 _.callable = t2;
13997 _.nodeWithSpan = t3;
13998 _.run = t4;
13999 _.V = t5;
14000 },
14001 _EvaluateVisitor__runUserDefinedCallable____closure: function _EvaluateVisitor__runUserDefinedCallable____closure() {
14002 },
14003 _EvaluateVisitor__runFunctionCallable_closure: function _EvaluateVisitor__runFunctionCallable_closure(t0, t1) {
14004 this.$this = t0;
14005 this.callable = t1;
14006 },
14007 _EvaluateVisitor__runBuiltInCallable_closure: function _EvaluateVisitor__runBuiltInCallable_closure(t0, t1, t2) {
14008 this.overload = t0;
14009 this.evaluated = t1;
14010 this.namedSet = t2;
14011 },
14012 _EvaluateVisitor__runBuiltInCallable_closure0: function _EvaluateVisitor__runBuiltInCallable_closure0() {
14013 },
14014 _EvaluateVisitor__evaluateArguments_closure: function _EvaluateVisitor__evaluateArguments_closure() {
14015 },
14016 _EvaluateVisitor__evaluateArguments_closure0: function _EvaluateVisitor__evaluateArguments_closure0(t0, t1) {
14017 this.$this = t0;
14018 this.restNodeForSpan = t1;
14019 },
14020 _EvaluateVisitor__evaluateArguments_closure1: function _EvaluateVisitor__evaluateArguments_closure1(t0, t1, t2, t3) {
14021 var _ = this;
14022 _.$this = t0;
14023 _.named = t1;
14024 _.restNodeForSpan = t2;
14025 _.namedNodes = t3;
14026 },
14027 _EvaluateVisitor__evaluateArguments_closure2: function _EvaluateVisitor__evaluateArguments_closure2() {
14028 },
14029 _EvaluateVisitor__evaluateMacroArguments_closure: function _EvaluateVisitor__evaluateMacroArguments_closure(t0) {
14030 this.restArgs = t0;
14031 },
14032 _EvaluateVisitor__evaluateMacroArguments_closure0: function _EvaluateVisitor__evaluateMacroArguments_closure0(t0, t1, t2) {
14033 this.$this = t0;
14034 this.restNodeForSpan = t1;
14035 this.restArgs = t2;
14036 },
14037 _EvaluateVisitor__evaluateMacroArguments_closure1: function _EvaluateVisitor__evaluateMacroArguments_closure1(t0, t1, t2, t3) {
14038 var _ = this;
14039 _.$this = t0;
14040 _.named = t1;
14041 _.restNodeForSpan = t2;
14042 _.restArgs = t3;
14043 },
14044 _EvaluateVisitor__evaluateMacroArguments_closure2: function _EvaluateVisitor__evaluateMacroArguments_closure2(t0, t1, t2) {
14045 this.$this = t0;
14046 this.keywordRestNodeForSpan = t1;
14047 this.keywordRestArgs = t2;
14048 },
14049 _EvaluateVisitor__addRestMap_closure: function _EvaluateVisitor__addRestMap_closure(t0, t1, t2, t3, t4, t5) {
14050 var _ = this;
14051 _.$this = t0;
14052 _.values = t1;
14053 _.convert = t2;
14054 _.expressionNode = t3;
14055 _.map = t4;
14056 _.nodeWithSpan = t5;
14057 },
14058 _EvaluateVisitor__verifyArguments_closure: function _EvaluateVisitor__verifyArguments_closure(t0, t1, t2) {
14059 this.$arguments = t0;
14060 this.positional = t1;
14061 this.named = t2;
14062 },
14063 _EvaluateVisitor_visitStringExpression_closure: function _EvaluateVisitor_visitStringExpression_closure(t0) {
14064 this.$this = t0;
14065 },
14066 _EvaluateVisitor_visitCssAtRule_closure: function _EvaluateVisitor_visitCssAtRule_closure(t0, t1) {
14067 this.$this = t0;
14068 this.node = t1;
14069 },
14070 _EvaluateVisitor_visitCssAtRule_closure0: function _EvaluateVisitor_visitCssAtRule_closure0() {
14071 },
14072 _EvaluateVisitor_visitCssKeyframeBlock_closure: function _EvaluateVisitor_visitCssKeyframeBlock_closure(t0, t1) {
14073 this.$this = t0;
14074 this.node = t1;
14075 },
14076 _EvaluateVisitor_visitCssKeyframeBlock_closure0: function _EvaluateVisitor_visitCssKeyframeBlock_closure0() {
14077 },
14078 _EvaluateVisitor_visitCssMediaRule_closure: function _EvaluateVisitor_visitCssMediaRule_closure(t0, t1) {
14079 this.$this = t0;
14080 this.node = t1;
14081 },
14082 _EvaluateVisitor_visitCssMediaRule_closure0: function _EvaluateVisitor_visitCssMediaRule_closure0(t0, t1, t2) {
14083 this.$this = t0;
14084 this.mergedQueries = t1;
14085 this.node = t2;
14086 },
14087 _EvaluateVisitor_visitCssMediaRule__closure: function _EvaluateVisitor_visitCssMediaRule__closure(t0, t1) {
14088 this.$this = t0;
14089 this.node = t1;
14090 },
14091 _EvaluateVisitor_visitCssMediaRule___closure: function _EvaluateVisitor_visitCssMediaRule___closure(t0, t1) {
14092 this.$this = t0;
14093 this.node = t1;
14094 },
14095 _EvaluateVisitor_visitCssMediaRule_closure1: function _EvaluateVisitor_visitCssMediaRule_closure1(t0) {
14096 this.mergedQueries = t0;
14097 },
14098 _EvaluateVisitor_visitCssStyleRule_closure: function _EvaluateVisitor_visitCssStyleRule_closure(t0, t1, t2) {
14099 this.$this = t0;
14100 this.rule = t1;
14101 this.node = t2;
14102 },
14103 _EvaluateVisitor_visitCssStyleRule__closure: function _EvaluateVisitor_visitCssStyleRule__closure(t0, t1) {
14104 this.$this = t0;
14105 this.node = t1;
14106 },
14107 _EvaluateVisitor_visitCssStyleRule_closure0: function _EvaluateVisitor_visitCssStyleRule_closure0() {
14108 },
14109 _EvaluateVisitor_visitCssSupportsRule_closure: function _EvaluateVisitor_visitCssSupportsRule_closure(t0, t1) {
14110 this.$this = t0;
14111 this.node = t1;
14112 },
14113 _EvaluateVisitor_visitCssSupportsRule__closure: function _EvaluateVisitor_visitCssSupportsRule__closure(t0, t1) {
14114 this.$this = t0;
14115 this.node = t1;
14116 },
14117 _EvaluateVisitor_visitCssSupportsRule_closure0: function _EvaluateVisitor_visitCssSupportsRule_closure0() {
14118 },
14119 _EvaluateVisitor__performInterpolation_closure: function _EvaluateVisitor__performInterpolation_closure(t0, t1, t2) {
14120 this.$this = t0;
14121 this.warnForColor = t1;
14122 this.interpolation = t2;
14123 },
14124 _EvaluateVisitor__serialize_closure: function _EvaluateVisitor__serialize_closure(t0, t1) {
14125 this.value = t0;
14126 this.quote = t1;
14127 },
14128 _EvaluateVisitor__expressionNode_closure: function _EvaluateVisitor__expressionNode_closure(t0, t1) {
14129 this.$this = t0;
14130 this.expression = t1;
14131 },
14132 _EvaluateVisitor__withoutSlash_recommendation: function _EvaluateVisitor__withoutSlash_recommendation() {
14133 },
14134 _EvaluateVisitor__stackFrame_closure: function _EvaluateVisitor__stackFrame_closure(t0) {
14135 this.$this = t0;
14136 },
14137 _EvaluateVisitor__stackTrace_closure: function _EvaluateVisitor__stackTrace_closure(t0) {
14138 this.$this = t0;
14139 },
14140 _ImportedCssVisitor: function _ImportedCssVisitor(t0) {
14141 this._visitor = t0;
14142 },
14143 _ImportedCssVisitor_visitCssAtRule_closure: function _ImportedCssVisitor_visitCssAtRule_closure() {
14144 },
14145 _ImportedCssVisitor_visitCssMediaRule_closure: function _ImportedCssVisitor_visitCssMediaRule_closure(t0) {
14146 this.hasBeenMerged = t0;
14147 },
14148 _ImportedCssVisitor_visitCssStyleRule_closure: function _ImportedCssVisitor_visitCssStyleRule_closure() {
14149 },
14150 _ImportedCssVisitor_visitCssSupportsRule_closure: function _ImportedCssVisitor_visitCssSupportsRule_closure() {
14151 },
14152 _EvaluationContext: function _EvaluationContext(t0, t1) {
14153 this._visitor = t0;
14154 this._defaultWarnNodeWithSpan = t1;
14155 },
14156 _ArgumentResults: function _ArgumentResults(t0, t1, t2, t3, t4) {
14157 var _ = this;
14158 _.positional = t0;
14159 _.positionalNodes = t1;
14160 _.named = t2;
14161 _.namedNodes = t3;
14162 _.separator = t4;
14163 },
14164 _LoadedStylesheet: function _LoadedStylesheet(t0, t1, t2) {
14165 this.stylesheet = t0;
14166 this.importer = t1;
14167 this.isDependency = t2;
14168 },
14169 _FindDependenciesVisitor: function _FindDependenciesVisitor(t0, t1) {
14170 this._usesAndForwards = t0;
14171 this._imports = t1;
14172 },
14173 RecursiveStatementVisitor: function RecursiveStatementVisitor() {
14174 },
14175 serialize(node, charset, indentWidth, inspect, lineFeed, sourceMap, style, useSpaces) {
14176 var t1, css, t2, prefix,
14177 visitor = A._SerializeVisitor$(2, inspect, lineFeed, true, sourceMap, style, true);
14178 node.accept$1(visitor);
14179 t1 = visitor._serialize$_buffer;
14180 css = t1.toString$0(0);
14181 if (charset) {
14182 t2 = new A.CodeUnits(css);
14183 t2 = t2.any$1(t2, new A.serialize_closure());
14184 } else
14185 t2 = false;
14186 if (t2)
14187 prefix = style === B.OutputStyle_compressed ? "\ufeff" : '@charset "UTF-8";\n';
14188 else
14189 prefix = "";
14190 t2 = prefix + css;
14191 return new A.SerializeResult(t2, sourceMap ? t1.buildSourceMap$1$prefix(prefix) : null);
14192 },
14193 serializeValue(value, inspect, quote) {
14194 var visitor = A._SerializeVisitor$(null, inspect, null, quote, false, null, true);
14195 value.accept$1(visitor);
14196 return visitor._serialize$_buffer.toString$0(0);
14197 },
14198 serializeSelector(selector, inspect) {
14199 var visitor = A._SerializeVisitor$(null, true, null, true, false, null, true);
14200 selector.accept$1(visitor);
14201 return visitor._serialize$_buffer.toString$0(0);
14202 },
14203 _SerializeVisitor$(indentWidth, inspect, lineFeed, quote, sourceMap, style, useSpaces) {
14204 var t1 = sourceMap ? new A.SourceMapBuffer(new A.StringBuffer(""), A._setArrayType([], type$.JSArray_Entry)) : new A.NoSourceMapBuffer(new A.StringBuffer("")),
14205 t2 = style == null ? B.OutputStyle_expanded : style,
14206 t3 = indentWidth == null ? 2 : indentWidth;
14207 A.RangeError_checkValueInInterval(t3, 0, 10, "indentWidth");
14208 return new A._SerializeVisitor(t1, t2, inspect, quote, 32, t3, B.C_LineFeed);
14209 },
14210 serialize_closure: function serialize_closure() {
14211 },
14212 _SerializeVisitor: function _SerializeVisitor(t0, t1, t2, t3, t4, t5, t6) {
14213 var _ = this;
14214 _._serialize$_buffer = t0;
14215 _._indentation = 0;
14216 _._style = t1;
14217 _._inspect = t2;
14218 _._quote = t3;
14219 _._indentCharacter = t4;
14220 _._indentWidth = t5;
14221 _._serialize$_lineFeed = t6;
14222 },
14223 _SerializeVisitor_visitCssComment_closure: function _SerializeVisitor_visitCssComment_closure(t0, t1) {
14224 this.$this = t0;
14225 this.node = t1;
14226 },
14227 _SerializeVisitor_visitCssAtRule_closure: function _SerializeVisitor_visitCssAtRule_closure(t0, t1) {
14228 this.$this = t0;
14229 this.node = t1;
14230 },
14231 _SerializeVisitor_visitCssMediaRule_closure: function _SerializeVisitor_visitCssMediaRule_closure(t0, t1) {
14232 this.$this = t0;
14233 this.node = t1;
14234 },
14235 _SerializeVisitor_visitCssImport_closure: function _SerializeVisitor_visitCssImport_closure(t0, t1) {
14236 this.$this = t0;
14237 this.node = t1;
14238 },
14239 _SerializeVisitor_visitCssImport__closure: function _SerializeVisitor_visitCssImport__closure(t0, t1) {
14240 this.$this = t0;
14241 this.node = t1;
14242 },
14243 _SerializeVisitor_visitCssKeyframeBlock_closure: function _SerializeVisitor_visitCssKeyframeBlock_closure(t0, t1) {
14244 this.$this = t0;
14245 this.node = t1;
14246 },
14247 _SerializeVisitor_visitCssStyleRule_closure: function _SerializeVisitor_visitCssStyleRule_closure(t0, t1) {
14248 this.$this = t0;
14249 this.node = t1;
14250 },
14251 _SerializeVisitor_visitCssSupportsRule_closure: function _SerializeVisitor_visitCssSupportsRule_closure(t0, t1) {
14252 this.$this = t0;
14253 this.node = t1;
14254 },
14255 _SerializeVisitor_visitCssDeclaration_closure: function _SerializeVisitor_visitCssDeclaration_closure(t0, t1) {
14256 this.$this = t0;
14257 this.node = t1;
14258 },
14259 _SerializeVisitor_visitCssDeclaration_closure0: function _SerializeVisitor_visitCssDeclaration_closure0(t0, t1) {
14260 this.$this = t0;
14261 this.node = t1;
14262 },
14263 _SerializeVisitor_visitList_closure: function _SerializeVisitor_visitList_closure() {
14264 },
14265 _SerializeVisitor_visitList_closure0: function _SerializeVisitor_visitList_closure0(t0, t1) {
14266 this.$this = t0;
14267 this.value = t1;
14268 },
14269 _SerializeVisitor_visitList_closure1: function _SerializeVisitor_visitList_closure1(t0) {
14270 this.$this = t0;
14271 },
14272 _SerializeVisitor_visitMap_closure: function _SerializeVisitor_visitMap_closure(t0) {
14273 this.$this = t0;
14274 },
14275 _SerializeVisitor_visitSelectorList_closure: function _SerializeVisitor_visitSelectorList_closure() {
14276 },
14277 _SerializeVisitor__write_closure: function _SerializeVisitor__write_closure(t0, t1) {
14278 this.$this = t0;
14279 this.value = t1;
14280 },
14281 _SerializeVisitor__visitChildren_closure: function _SerializeVisitor__visitChildren_closure(t0, t1, t2) {
14282 this._box_0 = t0;
14283 this.$this = t1;
14284 this.children = t2;
14285 },
14286 OutputStyle: function OutputStyle(t0) {
14287 this._name = t0;
14288 },
14289 LineFeed: function LineFeed() {
14290 },
14291 SerializeResult: function SerializeResult(t0, t1) {
14292 this.css = t0;
14293 this.sourceMap = t1;
14294 },
14295 _IterableExtension__search(_this, callback) {
14296 var t1, value;
14297 for (t1 = J.get$iterator$ax(_this); t1.moveNext$0();) {
14298 value = callback.call$1(t1.get$current(t1));
14299 if (value != null)
14300 return value;
14301 }
14302 },
14303 StatementSearchVisitor: function StatementSearchVisitor() {
14304 },
14305 StatementSearchVisitor_visitIfRule_closure: function StatementSearchVisitor_visitIfRule_closure(t0) {
14306 this.$this = t0;
14307 },
14308 StatementSearchVisitor_visitIfRule__closure0: function StatementSearchVisitor_visitIfRule__closure0(t0) {
14309 this.$this = t0;
14310 },
14311 StatementSearchVisitor_visitIfRule_closure0: function StatementSearchVisitor_visitIfRule_closure0(t0) {
14312 this.$this = t0;
14313 },
14314 StatementSearchVisitor_visitIfRule__closure: function StatementSearchVisitor_visitIfRule__closure(t0) {
14315 this.$this = t0;
14316 },
14317 StatementSearchVisitor_visitChildren_closure: function StatementSearchVisitor_visitChildren_closure(t0) {
14318 this.$this = t0;
14319 },
14320 Entry: function Entry(t0, t1, t2) {
14321 this.source = t0;
14322 this.target = t1;
14323 this.identifierName = t2;
14324 },
14325 SingleMapping_SingleMapping$fromEntries(entries) {
14326 var lines, t1, t2, urls, names, files, targetEntries, t3, t4, lineNum, _i, sourceEntry, t5, t6, sourceUrl, t7, urlId,
14327 sourceEntries = J.toList$0$ax(entries);
14328 B.JSArray_methods.sort$0(sourceEntries);
14329 lines = A._setArrayType([], type$.JSArray_TargetLineEntry);
14330 t1 = type$.String;
14331 t2 = type$.int;
14332 urls = A.LinkedHashMap_LinkedHashMap$_empty(t1, t2);
14333 names = A.LinkedHashMap_LinkedHashMap$_empty(t1, t2);
14334 files = A.LinkedHashMap_LinkedHashMap$_empty(t2, type$.SourceFile);
14335 targetEntries = A._Cell$();
14336 for (t2 = sourceEntries.length, t3 = type$.JSArray_TargetEntry, t4 = targetEntries.__late_helper$_name, lineNum = null, _i = 0; _i < sourceEntries.length; sourceEntries.length === t2 || (0, A.throwConcurrentModificationError)(sourceEntries), ++_i) {
14337 sourceEntry = sourceEntries[_i];
14338 if (lineNum == null || sourceEntry.target.line > lineNum) {
14339 lineNum = sourceEntry.target.line;
14340 t5 = A._setArrayType([], t3);
14341 targetEntries._value = t5;
14342 lines.push(new A.TargetLineEntry(lineNum, t5));
14343 }
14344 t5 = sourceEntry.source;
14345 t6 = t5.file;
14346 sourceUrl = t6.url;
14347 t7 = sourceUrl == null ? "" : sourceUrl.toString$0(0);
14348 urlId = urls.putIfAbsent$2(t7, new A.SingleMapping_SingleMapping$fromEntries_closure(urls));
14349 files.putIfAbsent$2(urlId, new A.SingleMapping_SingleMapping$fromEntries_closure0(sourceEntry));
14350 t7 = targetEntries._value;
14351 if (t7 === targetEntries)
14352 A.throwExpression(A.LateError$localNI(t4));
14353 t5 = t5.offset;
14354 J.add$1$ax(t7, new A.TargetEntry(sourceEntry.target.column, urlId, t6.getLine$1(t5), t6.getColumn$1(t5), null));
14355 }
14356 t2 = urls.get$values(urls).map$1$1(0, new A.SingleMapping_SingleMapping$fromEntries_closure1(files), type$.nullable_SourceFile).toList$0(0);
14357 t3 = urls.get$keys(urls).toList$0(0);
14358 t4 = names.get$keys(names);
14359 return new A.SingleMapping(t3, A.List_List$of(t4, true, A._instanceType(t4)._eval$1("Iterable.E")), t2, lines, null, A.LinkedHashMap_LinkedHashMap$_empty(t1, type$.dynamic));
14360 },
14361 Mapping: function Mapping() {
14362 },
14363 SingleMapping: function SingleMapping(t0, t1, t2, t3, t4, t5) {
14364 var _ = this;
14365 _.urls = t0;
14366 _.names = t1;
14367 _.files = t2;
14368 _.lines = t3;
14369 _.targetUrl = t4;
14370 _.sourceRoot = null;
14371 _.extensions = t5;
14372 },
14373 SingleMapping_SingleMapping$fromEntries_closure: function SingleMapping_SingleMapping$fromEntries_closure(t0) {
14374 this.urls = t0;
14375 },
14376 SingleMapping_SingleMapping$fromEntries_closure0: function SingleMapping_SingleMapping$fromEntries_closure0(t0) {
14377 this.sourceEntry = t0;
14378 },
14379 SingleMapping_SingleMapping$fromEntries_closure1: function SingleMapping_SingleMapping$fromEntries_closure1(t0) {
14380 this.files = t0;
14381 },
14382 SingleMapping_toJson_closure: function SingleMapping_toJson_closure() {
14383 },
14384 SingleMapping_toJson_closure0: function SingleMapping_toJson_closure0(t0) {
14385 this.result = t0;
14386 },
14387 TargetLineEntry: function TargetLineEntry(t0, t1) {
14388 this.line = t0;
14389 this.entries = t1;
14390 },
14391 TargetEntry: function TargetEntry(t0, t1, t2, t3, t4) {
14392 var _ = this;
14393 _.column = t0;
14394 _.sourceUrlId = t1;
14395 _.sourceLine = t2;
14396 _.sourceColumn = t3;
14397 _.sourceNameId = t4;
14398 },
14399 SourceFile$fromString(text, url) {
14400 var t1 = new A.CodeUnits(text),
14401 t2 = A._setArrayType([0], type$.JSArray_int),
14402 t3 = typeof url == "string" ? A.Uri_parse(url) : type$.nullable_Uri._as(url);
14403 t2 = new A.SourceFile(t3, t2, new Uint32Array(A._ensureNativeList(t1.toList$0(t1))));
14404 t2.SourceFile$decoded$2$url(t1, url);
14405 return t2;
14406 },
14407 SourceFile$decoded(decodedChars, url) {
14408 var t1 = A._setArrayType([0], type$.JSArray_int),
14409 t2 = typeof url == "string" ? A.Uri_parse(url) : type$.nullable_Uri._as(url);
14410 t1 = new A.SourceFile(t2, t1, new Uint32Array(A._ensureNativeList(J.toList$0$ax(decodedChars))));
14411 t1.SourceFile$decoded$2$url(decodedChars, url);
14412 return t1;
14413 },
14414 FileLocation$_(file, offset) {
14415 if (offset < 0)
14416 A.throwExpression(A.RangeError$("Offset may not be negative, was " + offset + "."));
14417 else if (offset > file._decodedChars.length)
14418 A.throwExpression(A.RangeError$("Offset " + offset + string$.x20must_ + file.get$length(file) + "."));
14419 return new A.FileLocation(file, offset);
14420 },
14421 _FileSpan$(file, _start, _end) {
14422 if (_end < _start)
14423 A.throwExpression(A.ArgumentError$("End " + _end + " must come after start " + _start + ".", null));
14424 else if (_end > file._decodedChars.length)
14425 A.throwExpression(A.RangeError$("End " + _end + string$.x20must_ + file.get$length(file) + "."));
14426 else if (_start < 0)
14427 A.throwExpression(A.RangeError$("Start may not be negative, was " + _start + "."));
14428 return new A._FileSpan(file, _start, _end);
14429 },
14430 FileSpanExtension_subspan(_this, start, end) {
14431 var startOffset,
14432 t1 = _this._end,
14433 t2 = _this._file$_start,
14434 t3 = t1 - t2;
14435 A.RangeError_checkValidRange(start, end, t3);
14436 if (start === 0)
14437 t3 = end == null || end === t3;
14438 else
14439 t3 = false;
14440 if (t3)
14441 return _this;
14442 t3 = _this.file;
14443 startOffset = A.FileLocation$_(t3, t2).offset;
14444 t1 = end == null ? A.FileLocation$_(t3, t1).offset : startOffset + end;
14445 return t3.span$2(0, startOffset + start, t1);
14446 },
14447 SourceFile: function SourceFile(t0, t1, t2) {
14448 var _ = this;
14449 _.url = t0;
14450 _._lineStarts = t1;
14451 _._decodedChars = t2;
14452 _._cachedLine = null;
14453 },
14454 FileLocation: function FileLocation(t0, t1) {
14455 this.file = t0;
14456 this.offset = t1;
14457 },
14458 _FileSpan: function _FileSpan(t0, t1, t2) {
14459 this.file = t0;
14460 this._file$_start = t1;
14461 this._end = t2;
14462 },
14463 Highlighter$(span, color) {
14464 var t1 = A.Highlighter__collateLines(A._setArrayType([A._Highlight$(span, null, true)], type$.JSArray__Highlight)),
14465 t2 = new A.Highlighter_closure(color).call$0(),
14466 t3 = B.JSInt_methods.toString$0(B.JSArray_methods.get$last(t1).number + 1),
14467 t4 = A.Highlighter__contiguous(t1) ? 0 : 3,
14468 t5 = A._arrayInstanceType(t1);
14469 return new A.Highlighter(t1, t2, null, 1 + Math.max(t3.length, t4), new A.MappedListIterable(t1, new A.Highlighter$__closure(), t5._eval$1("MappedListIterable<1,int>")).reduce$1(0, B.CONSTANT), !A.isAllTheSame(new A.MappedListIterable(t1, new A.Highlighter$__closure0(), t5._eval$1("MappedListIterable<1,Object?>"))), new A.StringBuffer(""));
14470 },
14471 Highlighter$multiple(primarySpan, primaryLabel, secondarySpans, color, primaryColor, secondaryColor) {
14472 var t2, t3, t4, t5, t6,
14473 t1 = A._setArrayType([A._Highlight$(primarySpan, primaryLabel, true)], type$.JSArray__Highlight);
14474 for (t2 = secondarySpans.get$entries(secondarySpans), t2 = t2.get$iterator(t2); t2.moveNext$0();) {
14475 t3 = t2.get$current(t2);
14476 t1.push(A._Highlight$(t3.key, t3.value, false));
14477 }
14478 t1 = A.Highlighter__collateLines(t1);
14479 if (color)
14480 t2 = "\x1b[31m";
14481 else
14482 t2 = null;
14483 if (color)
14484 t3 = "\x1b[34m";
14485 else
14486 t3 = null;
14487 t4 = B.JSInt_methods.toString$0(B.JSArray_methods.get$last(t1).number + 1);
14488 t5 = A.Highlighter__contiguous(t1) ? 0 : 3;
14489 t6 = A._arrayInstanceType(t1);
14490 return new A.Highlighter(t1, t2, t3, 1 + Math.max(t4.length, t5), new A.MappedListIterable(t1, new A.Highlighter$__closure(), t6._eval$1("MappedListIterable<1,int>")).reduce$1(0, B.CONSTANT), !A.isAllTheSame(new A.MappedListIterable(t1, new A.Highlighter$__closure0(), t6._eval$1("MappedListIterable<1,Object?>"))), new A.StringBuffer(""));
14491 },
14492 Highlighter__contiguous(lines) {
14493 var i, thisLine, nextLine;
14494 for (i = 0; i < lines.length - 1;) {
14495 thisLine = lines[i];
14496 ++i;
14497 nextLine = lines[i];
14498 if (thisLine.number + 1 !== nextLine.number && J.$eq$(thisLine.url, nextLine.url))
14499 return false;
14500 }
14501 return true;
14502 },
14503 Highlighter__collateLines(highlights) {
14504 var t1, t2,
14505 highlightsByUrl = A.groupBy(highlights, new A.Highlighter__collateLines_closure(), type$._Highlight, type$.Object);
14506 for (t1 = highlightsByUrl.get$values(highlightsByUrl), t1 = t1.get$iterator(t1); t1.moveNext$0();)
14507 J.sort$1$ax(t1.get$current(t1), new A.Highlighter__collateLines_closure0());
14508 t1 = highlightsByUrl.get$entries(highlightsByUrl);
14509 t2 = A._instanceType(t1)._eval$1("ExpandIterable<Iterable.E,_Line>");
14510 return A.List_List$of(new A.ExpandIterable(t1, new A.Highlighter__collateLines_closure1(), t2), true, t2._eval$1("Iterable.E"));
14511 },
14512 _Highlight$(span, label, primary) {
14513 return new A._Highlight(new A._Highlight_closure(span).call$0(), primary, label);
14514 },
14515 _Highlight__normalizeNewlines(span) {
14516 var endOffset, t1, i, t2, t3, t4,
14517 text = span.get$text();
14518 if (!B.JSString_methods.contains$1(text, "\r\n"))
14519 return span;
14520 endOffset = span.get$end(span).get$offset();
14521 for (t1 = text.length - 1, i = 0; i < t1; ++i)
14522 if (B.JSString_methods._codeUnitAt$1(text, i) === 13 && B.JSString_methods._codeUnitAt$1(text, i + 1) === 10)
14523 --endOffset;
14524 t1 = span.get$start(span);
14525 t2 = span.get$sourceUrl(span);
14526 t3 = span.get$end(span).get$line();
14527 t2 = A.SourceLocation$(endOffset, span.get$end(span).get$column(), t3, t2);
14528 t3 = A.stringReplaceAllUnchecked(text, "\r\n", "\n");
14529 t4 = span.get$context(span);
14530 return A.SourceSpanWithContext$(t1, t2, t3, A.stringReplaceAllUnchecked(t4, "\r\n", "\n"));
14531 },
14532 _Highlight__normalizeTrailingNewline(span) {
14533 var context, text, start, end, t1, t2, t3;
14534 if (!B.JSString_methods.endsWith$1(span.get$context(span), "\n"))
14535 return span;
14536 if (B.JSString_methods.endsWith$1(span.get$text(), "\n\n"))
14537 return span;
14538 context = B.JSString_methods.substring$2(span.get$context(span), 0, span.get$context(span).length - 1);
14539 text = span.get$text();
14540 start = span.get$start(span);
14541 end = span.get$end(span);
14542 if (B.JSString_methods.endsWith$1(span.get$text(), "\n")) {
14543 t1 = A.findLineStart(span.get$context(span), span.get$text(), span.get$start(span).get$column());
14544 t1.toString;
14545 t1 = t1 + span.get$start(span).get$column() + span.get$length(span) === span.get$context(span).length;
14546 } else
14547 t1 = false;
14548 if (t1) {
14549 text = B.JSString_methods.substring$2(span.get$text(), 0, span.get$text().length - 1);
14550 if (text.length === 0)
14551 end = start;
14552 else {
14553 t1 = span.get$end(span).get$offset();
14554 t2 = span.get$sourceUrl(span);
14555 t3 = span.get$end(span).get$line();
14556 end = A.SourceLocation$(t1 - 1, A._Highlight__lastLineLength(context), t3 - 1, t2);
14557 start = span.get$start(span).get$offset() === span.get$end(span).get$offset() ? end : span.get$start(span);
14558 }
14559 }
14560 return A.SourceSpanWithContext$(start, end, text, context);
14561 },
14562 _Highlight__normalizeEndOfLine(span) {
14563 var text, t1, t2, t3, t4;
14564 if (span.get$end(span).get$column() !== 0)
14565 return span;
14566 if (span.get$end(span).get$line() === span.get$start(span).get$line())
14567 return span;
14568 text = B.JSString_methods.substring$2(span.get$text(), 0, span.get$text().length - 1);
14569 t1 = span.get$start(span);
14570 t2 = span.get$end(span).get$offset();
14571 t3 = span.get$sourceUrl(span);
14572 t4 = span.get$end(span).get$line();
14573 t3 = A.SourceLocation$(t2 - 1, text.length - B.JSString_methods.lastIndexOf$1(text, "\n") - 1, t4 - 1, t3);
14574 return A.SourceSpanWithContext$(t1, t3, text, B.JSString_methods.endsWith$1(span.get$context(span), "\n") ? B.JSString_methods.substring$2(span.get$context(span), 0, span.get$context(span).length - 1) : span.get$context(span));
14575 },
14576 _Highlight__lastLineLength(text) {
14577 var t1 = text.length;
14578 if (t1 === 0)
14579 return 0;
14580 else if (B.JSString_methods.codeUnitAt$1(text, t1 - 1) === 10)
14581 return t1 === 1 ? 0 : t1 - B.JSString_methods.lastIndexOf$2(text, "\n", t1 - 2) - 1;
14582 else
14583 return t1 - B.JSString_methods.lastIndexOf$1(text, "\n") - 1;
14584 },
14585 Highlighter: function Highlighter(t0, t1, t2, t3, t4, t5, t6) {
14586 var _ = this;
14587 _._lines = t0;
14588 _._primaryColor = t1;
14589 _._secondaryColor = t2;
14590 _._paddingBeforeSidebar = t3;
14591 _._maxMultilineSpans = t4;
14592 _._multipleFiles = t5;
14593 _._highlighter$_buffer = t6;
14594 },
14595 Highlighter_closure: function Highlighter_closure(t0) {
14596 this.color = t0;
14597 },
14598 Highlighter$__closure: function Highlighter$__closure() {
14599 },
14600 Highlighter$___closure: function Highlighter$___closure() {
14601 },
14602 Highlighter$__closure0: function Highlighter$__closure0() {
14603 },
14604 Highlighter__collateLines_closure: function Highlighter__collateLines_closure() {
14605 },
14606 Highlighter__collateLines_closure0: function Highlighter__collateLines_closure0() {
14607 },
14608 Highlighter__collateLines_closure1: function Highlighter__collateLines_closure1() {
14609 },
14610 Highlighter__collateLines__closure: function Highlighter__collateLines__closure(t0) {
14611 this.line = t0;
14612 },
14613 Highlighter_highlight_closure: function Highlighter_highlight_closure() {
14614 },
14615 Highlighter__writeFileStart_closure: function Highlighter__writeFileStart_closure(t0) {
14616 this.$this = t0;
14617 },
14618 Highlighter__writeMultilineHighlights_closure: function Highlighter__writeMultilineHighlights_closure(t0, t1, t2) {
14619 this.$this = t0;
14620 this.startLine = t1;
14621 this.line = t2;
14622 },
14623 Highlighter__writeMultilineHighlights_closure0: function Highlighter__writeMultilineHighlights_closure0(t0, t1) {
14624 this.$this = t0;
14625 this.highlight = t1;
14626 },
14627 Highlighter__writeMultilineHighlights_closure1: function Highlighter__writeMultilineHighlights_closure1(t0) {
14628 this.$this = t0;
14629 },
14630 Highlighter__writeMultilineHighlights_closure2: function Highlighter__writeMultilineHighlights_closure2(t0, t1, t2, t3, t4, t5, t6) {
14631 var _ = this;
14632 _._box_0 = t0;
14633 _.$this = t1;
14634 _.current = t2;
14635 _.startLine = t3;
14636 _.line = t4;
14637 _.highlight = t5;
14638 _.endLine = t6;
14639 },
14640 Highlighter__writeMultilineHighlights__closure: function Highlighter__writeMultilineHighlights__closure(t0, t1) {
14641 this._box_0 = t0;
14642 this.$this = t1;
14643 },
14644 Highlighter__writeMultilineHighlights__closure0: function Highlighter__writeMultilineHighlights__closure0(t0, t1) {
14645 this.$this = t0;
14646 this.vertical = t1;
14647 },
14648 Highlighter__writeHighlightedText_closure: function Highlighter__writeHighlightedText_closure(t0, t1, t2, t3) {
14649 var _ = this;
14650 _.$this = t0;
14651 _.text = t1;
14652 _.startColumn = t2;
14653 _.endColumn = t3;
14654 },
14655 Highlighter__writeIndicator_closure: function Highlighter__writeIndicator_closure(t0, t1, t2) {
14656 this.$this = t0;
14657 this.line = t1;
14658 this.highlight = t2;
14659 },
14660 Highlighter__writeIndicator_closure0: function Highlighter__writeIndicator_closure0(t0, t1, t2) {
14661 this.$this = t0;
14662 this.line = t1;
14663 this.highlight = t2;
14664 },
14665 Highlighter__writeIndicator_closure1: function Highlighter__writeIndicator_closure1(t0, t1, t2, t3) {
14666 var _ = this;
14667 _.$this = t0;
14668 _.coversWholeLine = t1;
14669 _.line = t2;
14670 _.highlight = t3;
14671 },
14672 Highlighter__writeSidebar_closure: function Highlighter__writeSidebar_closure(t0, t1, t2) {
14673 this._box_0 = t0;
14674 this.$this = t1;
14675 this.end = t2;
14676 },
14677 _Highlight: function _Highlight(t0, t1, t2) {
14678 this.span = t0;
14679 this.isPrimary = t1;
14680 this.label = t2;
14681 },
14682 _Highlight_closure: function _Highlight_closure(t0) {
14683 this.span = t0;
14684 },
14685 _Line: function _Line(t0, t1, t2, t3) {
14686 var _ = this;
14687 _.text = t0;
14688 _.number = t1;
14689 _.url = t2;
14690 _.highlights = t3;
14691 },
14692 SourceLocation$(offset, column, line, sourceUrl) {
14693 if (offset < 0)
14694 A.throwExpression(A.RangeError$("Offset may not be negative, was " + offset + "."));
14695 else if (line < 0)
14696 A.throwExpression(A.RangeError$("Line may not be negative, was " + line + "."));
14697 else if (column < 0)
14698 A.throwExpression(A.RangeError$("Column may not be negative, was " + column + "."));
14699 return new A.SourceLocation(sourceUrl, offset, line, column);
14700 },
14701 SourceLocation: function SourceLocation(t0, t1, t2, t3) {
14702 var _ = this;
14703 _.sourceUrl = t0;
14704 _.offset = t1;
14705 _.line = t2;
14706 _.column = t3;
14707 },
14708 SourceLocationMixin: function SourceLocationMixin() {
14709 },
14710 SourceSpanBase: function SourceSpanBase() {
14711 },
14712 SourceSpanException: function SourceSpanException() {
14713 },
14714 SourceSpanFormatException: function SourceSpanFormatException(t0, t1, t2) {
14715 this.source = t0;
14716 this._span_exception$_message = t1;
14717 this._span = t2;
14718 },
14719 SourceSpanMixin: function SourceSpanMixin() {
14720 },
14721 SourceSpanWithContext$(start, end, text, _context) {
14722 var t1 = new A.SourceSpanWithContext(_context, start, end, text);
14723 t1.SourceSpanBase$3(start, end, text);
14724 if (!B.JSString_methods.contains$1(_context, text))
14725 A.throwExpression(A.ArgumentError$('The context line "' + _context + '" must contain "' + text + '".', null));
14726 if (A.findLineStart(_context, text, start.get$column()) == null)
14727 A.throwExpression(A.ArgumentError$('The span text "' + text + '" must start at column ' + (start.get$column() + 1) + ' in a line within "' + _context + '".', null));
14728 return t1;
14729 },
14730 SourceSpanWithContext: function SourceSpanWithContext(t0, t1, t2, t3) {
14731 var _ = this;
14732 _._context = t0;
14733 _.start = t1;
14734 _.end = t2;
14735 _.text = t3;
14736 },
14737 Chain_Chain$parse(chain) {
14738 var t1, t2,
14739 _s51_ = string$.x3d_____;
14740 if (chain.length === 0)
14741 return new A.Chain(A.List_List$unmodifiable(A._setArrayType([], type$.JSArray_Trace), type$.Trace));
14742 t1 = $.$get$vmChainGap();
14743 if (B.JSString_methods.contains$1(chain, t1)) {
14744 t1 = B.JSString_methods.split$1(chain, t1);
14745 t2 = A._arrayInstanceType(t1);
14746 return new A.Chain(A.List_List$unmodifiable(new A.MappedIterable(new A.WhereIterable(t1, new A.Chain_Chain$parse_closure(), t2._eval$1("WhereIterable<1>")), new A.Chain_Chain$parse_closure0(), t2._eval$1("MappedIterable<1,Trace>")), type$.Trace));
14747 }
14748 if (!B.JSString_methods.contains$1(chain, _s51_))
14749 return new A.Chain(A.List_List$unmodifiable(A._setArrayType([A.Trace_Trace$parse(chain)], type$.JSArray_Trace), type$.Trace));
14750 return new A.Chain(A.List_List$unmodifiable(new A.MappedListIterable(A._setArrayType(chain.split(_s51_), type$.JSArray_String), new A.Chain_Chain$parse_closure1(), type$.MappedListIterable_String_Trace), type$.Trace));
14751 },
14752 Chain: function Chain(t0) {
14753 this.traces = t0;
14754 },
14755 Chain_Chain$parse_closure: function Chain_Chain$parse_closure() {
14756 },
14757 Chain_Chain$parse_closure0: function Chain_Chain$parse_closure0() {
14758 },
14759 Chain_Chain$parse_closure1: function Chain_Chain$parse_closure1() {
14760 },
14761 Chain_toTrace_closure: function Chain_toTrace_closure() {
14762 },
14763 Chain_toString_closure0: function Chain_toString_closure0() {
14764 },
14765 Chain_toString__closure0: function Chain_toString__closure0() {
14766 },
14767 Chain_toString_closure: function Chain_toString_closure(t0) {
14768 this.longest = t0;
14769 },
14770 Chain_toString__closure: function Chain_toString__closure(t0) {
14771 this.longest = t0;
14772 },
14773 Frame_Frame$parseVM(frame) {
14774 return A.Frame__catchFormatException(frame, new A.Frame_Frame$parseVM_closure(frame));
14775 },
14776 Frame_Frame$parseV8(frame) {
14777 return A.Frame__catchFormatException(frame, new A.Frame_Frame$parseV8_closure(frame));
14778 },
14779 Frame_Frame$_parseFirefoxEval(frame) {
14780 return A.Frame__catchFormatException(frame, new A.Frame_Frame$_parseFirefoxEval_closure(frame));
14781 },
14782 Frame_Frame$parseFirefox(frame) {
14783 return A.Frame__catchFormatException(frame, new A.Frame_Frame$parseFirefox_closure(frame));
14784 },
14785 Frame_Frame$parseFriendly(frame) {
14786 return A.Frame__catchFormatException(frame, new A.Frame_Frame$parseFriendly_closure(frame));
14787 },
14788 Frame__uriOrPathToUri(uriOrPath) {
14789 if (B.JSString_methods.contains$1(uriOrPath, $.$get$Frame__uriRegExp()))
14790 return A.Uri_parse(uriOrPath);
14791 else if (B.JSString_methods.contains$1(uriOrPath, $.$get$Frame__windowsRegExp()))
14792 return A._Uri__Uri$file(uriOrPath, true);
14793 else if (B.JSString_methods.startsWith$1(uriOrPath, "/"))
14794 return A._Uri__Uri$file(uriOrPath, false);
14795 if (B.JSString_methods.contains$1(uriOrPath, "\\"))
14796 return $.$get$windows().toUri$1(uriOrPath);
14797 return A.Uri_parse(uriOrPath);
14798 },
14799 Frame__catchFormatException(text, body) {
14800 var t1, exception;
14801 try {
14802 t1 = body.call$0();
14803 return t1;
14804 } catch (exception) {
14805 if (type$.FormatException._is(A.unwrapException(exception)))
14806 return new A.UnparsedFrame(A._Uri__Uri(null, "unparsed", null, null), text);
14807 else
14808 throw exception;
14809 }
14810 },
14811 Frame: function Frame(t0, t1, t2, t3) {
14812 var _ = this;
14813 _.uri = t0;
14814 _.line = t1;
14815 _.column = t2;
14816 _.member = t3;
14817 },
14818 Frame_Frame$parseVM_closure: function Frame_Frame$parseVM_closure(t0) {
14819 this.frame = t0;
14820 },
14821 Frame_Frame$parseV8_closure: function Frame_Frame$parseV8_closure(t0) {
14822 this.frame = t0;
14823 },
14824 Frame_Frame$parseV8_closure_parseLocation: function Frame_Frame$parseV8_closure_parseLocation(t0) {
14825 this.frame = t0;
14826 },
14827 Frame_Frame$_parseFirefoxEval_closure: function Frame_Frame$_parseFirefoxEval_closure(t0) {
14828 this.frame = t0;
14829 },
14830 Frame_Frame$parseFirefox_closure: function Frame_Frame$parseFirefox_closure(t0) {
14831 this.frame = t0;
14832 },
14833 Frame_Frame$parseFriendly_closure: function Frame_Frame$parseFriendly_closure(t0) {
14834 this.frame = t0;
14835 },
14836 LazyTrace: function LazyTrace(t0) {
14837 this._thunk = t0;
14838 this.__LazyTrace__trace = $;
14839 },
14840 LazyTrace_terse_closure: function LazyTrace_terse_closure(t0) {
14841 this.$this = t0;
14842 },
14843 Trace_Trace$from(trace) {
14844 if (type$.Trace._is(trace))
14845 return trace;
14846 if (trace instanceof A.Chain)
14847 return trace.toTrace$0();
14848 return new A.LazyTrace(new A.Trace_Trace$from_closure(trace));
14849 },
14850 Trace_Trace$parse(trace) {
14851 var error, t1, exception;
14852 try {
14853 if (trace.length === 0) {
14854 t1 = A.Trace$(A._setArrayType([], type$.JSArray_Frame), null);
14855 return t1;
14856 }
14857 if (B.JSString_methods.contains$1(trace, $.$get$_v8Trace())) {
14858 t1 = A.Trace$parseV8(trace);
14859 return t1;
14860 }
14861 if (B.JSString_methods.contains$1(trace, "\tat ")) {
14862 t1 = A.Trace$parseJSCore(trace);
14863 return t1;
14864 }
14865 if (B.JSString_methods.contains$1(trace, $.$get$_firefoxSafariTrace()) || B.JSString_methods.contains$1(trace, $.$get$_firefoxEvalTrace())) {
14866 t1 = A.Trace$parseFirefox(trace);
14867 return t1;
14868 }
14869 if (B.JSString_methods.contains$1(trace, string$.x3d_____)) {
14870 t1 = A.Chain_Chain$parse(trace).toTrace$0();
14871 return t1;
14872 }
14873 if (B.JSString_methods.contains$1(trace, $.$get$_friendlyTrace())) {
14874 t1 = A.Trace$parseFriendly(trace);
14875 return t1;
14876 }
14877 t1 = A.Trace$parseVM(trace);
14878 return t1;
14879 } catch (exception) {
14880 t1 = A.unwrapException(exception);
14881 if (type$.FormatException._is(t1)) {
14882 error = t1;
14883 throw A.wrapException(A.FormatException$(J.get$message$x(error) + "\nStack trace:\n" + trace, null, null));
14884 } else
14885 throw exception;
14886 }
14887 },
14888 Trace$parseVM(trace) {
14889 var t1 = A.List_List$unmodifiable(A.Trace__parseVM(trace), type$.Frame);
14890 return new A.Trace(t1, new A._StringStackTrace(trace));
14891 },
14892 Trace__parseVM(trace) {
14893 var $frames,
14894 t1 = B.JSString_methods.trim$0(trace),
14895 t2 = $.$get$vmChainGap(),
14896 t3 = type$.WhereIterable_String,
14897 lines = new A.WhereIterable(A._setArrayType(A.stringReplaceAllUnchecked(t1, t2, "").split("\n"), type$.JSArray_String), new A.Trace__parseVM_closure(), t3);
14898 if (!lines.get$iterator(lines).moveNext$0())
14899 return A._setArrayType([], type$.JSArray_Frame);
14900 t1 = A.TakeIterable_TakeIterable(lines, lines.get$length(lines) - 1, t3._eval$1("Iterable.E"));
14901 t1 = A.MappedIterable_MappedIterable(t1, new A.Trace__parseVM_closure0(), A._instanceType(t1)._eval$1("Iterable.E"), type$.Frame);
14902 $frames = A.List_List$of(t1, true, A._instanceType(t1)._eval$1("Iterable.E"));
14903 if (!J.endsWith$1$s(lines.get$last(lines), ".da"))
14904 B.JSArray_methods.add$1($frames, A.Frame_Frame$parseVM(lines.get$last(lines)));
14905 return $frames;
14906 },
14907 Trace$parseV8(trace) {
14908 var t1 = A.SubListIterable$(A._setArrayType(trace.split("\n"), type$.JSArray_String), 1, null, type$.String).super$Iterable$skipWhile(0, new A.Trace$parseV8_closure()),
14909 t2 = type$.Frame;
14910 t2 = A.List_List$unmodifiable(A.MappedIterable_MappedIterable(t1, new A.Trace$parseV8_closure0(), t1.$ti._eval$1("Iterable.E"), t2), t2);
14911 return new A.Trace(t2, new A._StringStackTrace(trace));
14912 },
14913 Trace$parseJSCore(trace) {
14914 var t1 = A.List_List$unmodifiable(new A.MappedIterable(new A.WhereIterable(A._setArrayType(trace.split("\n"), type$.JSArray_String), new A.Trace$parseJSCore_closure(), type$.WhereIterable_String), new A.Trace$parseJSCore_closure0(), type$.MappedIterable_String_Frame), type$.Frame);
14915 return new A.Trace(t1, new A._StringStackTrace(trace));
14916 },
14917 Trace$parseFirefox(trace) {
14918 var t1 = A.List_List$unmodifiable(new A.MappedIterable(new A.WhereIterable(A._setArrayType(B.JSString_methods.trim$0(trace).split("\n"), type$.JSArray_String), new A.Trace$parseFirefox_closure(), type$.WhereIterable_String), new A.Trace$parseFirefox_closure0(), type$.MappedIterable_String_Frame), type$.Frame);
14919 return new A.Trace(t1, new A._StringStackTrace(trace));
14920 },
14921 Trace$parseFriendly(trace) {
14922 var t1 = trace.length === 0 ? A._setArrayType([], type$.JSArray_Frame) : new A.MappedIterable(new A.WhereIterable(A._setArrayType(B.JSString_methods.trim$0(trace).split("\n"), type$.JSArray_String), new A.Trace$parseFriendly_closure(), type$.WhereIterable_String), new A.Trace$parseFriendly_closure0(), type$.MappedIterable_String_Frame);
14923 t1 = A.List_List$unmodifiable(t1, type$.Frame);
14924 return new A.Trace(t1, new A._StringStackTrace(trace));
14925 },
14926 Trace$($frames, original) {
14927 var t1 = A.List_List$unmodifiable($frames, type$.Frame);
14928 return new A.Trace(t1, new A._StringStackTrace(original == null ? "" : original));
14929 },
14930 Trace: function Trace(t0, t1) {
14931 this.frames = t0;
14932 this.original = t1;
14933 },
14934 Trace_Trace$from_closure: function Trace_Trace$from_closure(t0) {
14935 this.trace = t0;
14936 },
14937 Trace__parseVM_closure: function Trace__parseVM_closure() {
14938 },
14939 Trace__parseVM_closure0: function Trace__parseVM_closure0() {
14940 },
14941 Trace$parseV8_closure: function Trace$parseV8_closure() {
14942 },
14943 Trace$parseV8_closure0: function Trace$parseV8_closure0() {
14944 },
14945 Trace$parseJSCore_closure: function Trace$parseJSCore_closure() {
14946 },
14947 Trace$parseJSCore_closure0: function Trace$parseJSCore_closure0() {
14948 },
14949 Trace$parseFirefox_closure: function Trace$parseFirefox_closure() {
14950 },
14951 Trace$parseFirefox_closure0: function Trace$parseFirefox_closure0() {
14952 },
14953 Trace$parseFriendly_closure: function Trace$parseFriendly_closure() {
14954 },
14955 Trace$parseFriendly_closure0: function Trace$parseFriendly_closure0() {
14956 },
14957 Trace_terse_closure: function Trace_terse_closure() {
14958 },
14959 Trace_foldFrames_closure: function Trace_foldFrames_closure(t0) {
14960 this.oldPredicate = t0;
14961 },
14962 Trace_foldFrames_closure0: function Trace_foldFrames_closure0(t0) {
14963 this._box_0 = t0;
14964 },
14965 Trace_toString_closure0: function Trace_toString_closure0() {
14966 },
14967 Trace_toString_closure: function Trace_toString_closure(t0) {
14968 this.longest = t0;
14969 },
14970 UnparsedFrame: function UnparsedFrame(t0, t1) {
14971 this.uri = t0;
14972 this.member = t1;
14973 },
14974 TransformByHandlers_transformByHandlers(_this, onData, onDone, $S, $T) {
14975 var _null = null, t1 = {},
14976 controller = A.StreamController_StreamController(_null, _null, _null, _null, true, $T);
14977 t1.subscription = null;
14978 controller.onListen = new A.TransformByHandlers_transformByHandlers_closure(t1, _this, onData, controller, A.instantiate1(A.from_handlers__TransformByHandlers__defaultHandleError$closure(), $T), onDone, $S);
14979 return controller.get$stream();
14980 },
14981 TransformByHandlers__defaultHandleError(error, stackTrace, sink) {
14982 sink.addError$2(error, stackTrace);
14983 },
14984 TransformByHandlers_transformByHandlers_closure: function TransformByHandlers_transformByHandlers_closure(t0, t1, t2, t3, t4, t5, t6) {
14985 var _ = this;
14986 _._box_1 = t0;
14987 _._this = t1;
14988 _.handleData = t2;
14989 _.controller = t3;
14990 _.handleError = t4;
14991 _.handleDone = t5;
14992 _.S = t6;
14993 },
14994 TransformByHandlers_transformByHandlers__closure: function TransformByHandlers_transformByHandlers__closure(t0, t1, t2) {
14995 this.handleData = t0;
14996 this.controller = t1;
14997 this.S = t2;
14998 },
14999 TransformByHandlers_transformByHandlers__closure1: function TransformByHandlers_transformByHandlers__closure1(t0, t1) {
15000 this.handleError = t0;
15001 this.controller = t1;
15002 },
15003 TransformByHandlers_transformByHandlers__closure0: function TransformByHandlers_transformByHandlers__closure0(t0, t1, t2) {
15004 this._box_0 = t0;
15005 this.handleDone = t1;
15006 this.controller = t2;
15007 },
15008 TransformByHandlers_transformByHandlers__closure2: function TransformByHandlers_transformByHandlers__closure2(t0, t1) {
15009 this._box_1 = t0;
15010 this._box_0 = t1;
15011 },
15012 RateLimit__debounceAggregate(_this, duration, collect, leading, trailing, $T, $S) {
15013 var t1 = {};
15014 t1.soFar = t1.timer = null;
15015 t1.emittedLatestAsLeading = t1.shouldClose = t1.hasPending = false;
15016 return A.TransformByHandlers_transformByHandlers(_this, new A.RateLimit__debounceAggregate_closure(t1, $S, collect, false, duration, true, $T), new A.RateLimit__debounceAggregate_closure0(t1, true, $S), $T, $S);
15017 },
15018 _collect($event, soFar, $T) {
15019 var t1 = soFar == null ? A._setArrayType([], $T._eval$1("JSArray<0>")) : soFar;
15020 J.add$1$ax(t1, $event);
15021 return t1;
15022 },
15023 RateLimit__debounceAggregate_closure: function RateLimit__debounceAggregate_closure(t0, t1, t2, t3, t4, t5, t6) {
15024 var _ = this;
15025 _._box_0 = t0;
15026 _.S = t1;
15027 _.collect = t2;
15028 _.leading = t3;
15029 _.duration = t4;
15030 _.trailing = t5;
15031 _.T = t6;
15032 },
15033 RateLimit__debounceAggregate_closure_emit: function RateLimit__debounceAggregate_closure_emit(t0, t1, t2) {
15034 this._box_0 = t0;
15035 this.sink = t1;
15036 this.S = t2;
15037 },
15038 RateLimit__debounceAggregate__closure: function RateLimit__debounceAggregate__closure(t0, t1, t2, t3) {
15039 var _ = this;
15040 _._box_0 = t0;
15041 _.trailing = t1;
15042 _.emit = t2;
15043 _.sink = t3;
15044 },
15045 RateLimit__debounceAggregate_closure0: function RateLimit__debounceAggregate_closure0(t0, t1, t2) {
15046 this._box_0 = t0;
15047 this.trailing = t1;
15048 this.S = t2;
15049 },
15050 StringScannerException$(message, span, source) {
15051 return new A.StringScannerException(source, message, span);
15052 },
15053 StringScannerException: function StringScannerException(t0, t1, t2) {
15054 this.source = t0;
15055 this._span_exception$_message = t1;
15056 this._span = t2;
15057 },
15058 LineScanner$(string) {
15059 return new A.LineScanner(null, string);
15060 },
15061 LineScanner: function LineScanner(t0, t1) {
15062 var _ = this;
15063 _._line_scanner$_column = _._line_scanner$_line = 0;
15064 _.sourceUrl = t0;
15065 _.string = t1;
15066 _._string_scanner$_position = 0;
15067 _._lastMatchPosition = _._lastMatch = null;
15068 },
15069 SpanScanner$(string, sourceUrl) {
15070 var t2,
15071 t1 = A.SourceFile$fromString(string, sourceUrl);
15072 if (sourceUrl == null)
15073 t2 = null;
15074 else
15075 t2 = typeof sourceUrl == "string" ? A.Uri_parse(sourceUrl) : type$.Uri._as(sourceUrl);
15076 return new A.SpanScanner(t1, t2, string);
15077 },
15078 SpanScanner: function SpanScanner(t0, t1, t2) {
15079 var _ = this;
15080 _._sourceFile = t0;
15081 _.sourceUrl = t1;
15082 _.string = t2;
15083 _._string_scanner$_position = 0;
15084 _._lastMatchPosition = _._lastMatch = null;
15085 },
15086 _SpanScannerState: function _SpanScannerState(t0, t1) {
15087 this._scanner = t0;
15088 this.position = t1;
15089 },
15090 StringScanner$(string, position, sourceUrl) {
15091 var t1;
15092 if (sourceUrl == null)
15093 t1 = null;
15094 else
15095 t1 = typeof sourceUrl == "string" ? A.Uri_parse(sourceUrl) : type$.Uri._as(sourceUrl);
15096 return new A.StringScanner(t1, string);
15097 },
15098 StringScanner: function StringScanner(t0, t1) {
15099 var _ = this;
15100 _.sourceUrl = t0;
15101 _.string = t1;
15102 _._string_scanner$_position = 0;
15103 _._lastMatchPosition = _._lastMatch = null;
15104 },
15105 AsciiGlyphSet: function AsciiGlyphSet() {
15106 },
15107 UnicodeGlyphSet: function UnicodeGlyphSet() {
15108 },
15109 Tuple2: function Tuple2(t0, t1, t2) {
15110 this.item1 = t0;
15111 this.item2 = t1;
15112 this.$ti = t2;
15113 },
15114 Tuple3: function Tuple3(t0, t1, t2, t3) {
15115 var _ = this;
15116 _.item1 = t0;
15117 _.item2 = t1;
15118 _.item3 = t2;
15119 _.$ti = t3;
15120 },
15121 Tuple4: function Tuple4(t0, t1, t2, t3, t4) {
15122 var _ = this;
15123 _.item1 = t0;
15124 _.item2 = t1;
15125 _.item3 = t2;
15126 _.item4 = t3;
15127 _.$ti = t4;
15128 },
15129 WatchEvent: function WatchEvent(t0, t1) {
15130 this.type = t0;
15131 this.path = t1;
15132 },
15133 ChangeType: function ChangeType(t0) {
15134 this._watch_event$_name = t0;
15135 },
15136 SupportsAnything0: function SupportsAnything0(t0, t1) {
15137 this.contents = t0;
15138 this.span = t1;
15139 },
15140 Argument0: function Argument0(t0, t1, t2) {
15141 this.name = t0;
15142 this.defaultValue = t1;
15143 this.span = t2;
15144 },
15145 ArgumentDeclaration_ArgumentDeclaration$parse0(contents, url) {
15146 return A.ScssParser$0(contents, null, url).parseArgumentDeclaration$0();
15147 },
15148 ArgumentDeclaration0: function ArgumentDeclaration0(t0, t1, t2) {
15149 this.$arguments = t0;
15150 this.restArgument = t1;
15151 this.span = t2;
15152 },
15153 ArgumentDeclaration_verify_closure1: function ArgumentDeclaration_verify_closure1() {
15154 },
15155 ArgumentDeclaration_verify_closure2: function ArgumentDeclaration_verify_closure2() {
15156 },
15157 ArgumentInvocation$empty0(span) {
15158 return new A.ArgumentInvocation0(B.List_empty17, B.Map_empty9, null, null, span);
15159 },
15160 ArgumentInvocation0: function ArgumentInvocation0(t0, t1, t2, t3, t4) {
15161 var _ = this;
15162 _.positional = t0;
15163 _.named = t1;
15164 _.rest = t2;
15165 _.keywordRest = t3;
15166 _.span = t4;
15167 },
15168 argumentListClass_closure: function argumentListClass_closure() {
15169 },
15170 argumentListClass__closure: function argumentListClass__closure() {
15171 },
15172 argumentListClass__closure0: function argumentListClass__closure0() {
15173 },
15174 SassArgumentList$0(contents, keywords, separator) {
15175 var t1 = type$.Value_2;
15176 t1 = new A.SassArgumentList0(A.ConstantMap_ConstantMap$from(keywords, type$.String, t1), A.List_List$unmodifiable(contents, t1), separator, false);
15177 t1.SassList$3$brackets0(contents, separator, false);
15178 return t1;
15179 },
15180 SassArgumentList0: function SassArgumentList0(t0, t1, t2, t3) {
15181 var _ = this;
15182 _._argument_list$_keywords = t0;
15183 _._argument_list$_wereKeywordsAccessed = false;
15184 _._list1$_contents = t1;
15185 _._list1$_separator = t2;
15186 _._list1$_hasBrackets = t3;
15187 },
15188 JSArray1: function JSArray1() {
15189 },
15190 AsyncImporter0: function AsyncImporter0() {
15191 },
15192 NodeToDartAsyncImporter: function NodeToDartAsyncImporter(t0, t1) {
15193 this._async0$_canonicalize = t0;
15194 this._load = t1;
15195 },
15196 AsyncBuiltInCallable$mixin0($name, $arguments, callback, url) {
15197 return new A.AsyncBuiltInCallable0($name, A.ScssParser$0("@mixin " + $name + "(" + $arguments + ") {", null, url).parseArgumentDeclaration$0(), new A.AsyncBuiltInCallable$mixin_closure0(callback));
15198 },
15199 AsyncBuiltInCallable0: function AsyncBuiltInCallable0(t0, t1, t2) {
15200 this.name = t0;
15201 this._async_built_in0$_arguments = t1;
15202 this._async_built_in0$_callback = t2;
15203 },
15204 AsyncBuiltInCallable$mixin_closure0: function AsyncBuiltInCallable$mixin_closure0(t0) {
15205 this.callback = t0;
15206 },
15207 compileAsync0(path, charset, functions, importCache, indentWidth, lineFeed, logger, nodeImporter, quietDeps, sourceMap, style, syntax, useSpaces, verbose) {
15208 var $async$goto = 0,
15209 $async$completer = A._makeAsyncAwaitCompleter(type$.CompileResult_2),
15210 $async$returnValue, terseLogger, t1, t2, t3, stylesheet, t4, result;
15211 var $async$compileAsync0 = A._wrapJsFunctionForAsync(function($async$errorCode, $async$result) {
15212 if ($async$errorCode === 1)
15213 return A._asyncRethrow($async$result, $async$completer);
15214 while (true)
15215 switch ($async$goto) {
15216 case 0:
15217 // Function start
15218 if (!verbose) {
15219 terseLogger = new A.TerseLogger0(A.LinkedHashMap_LinkedHashMap$_empty(type$.String, type$.int), logger);
15220 logger = terseLogger;
15221 } else
15222 terseLogger = null;
15223 t1 = nodeImporter == null;
15224 if (t1)
15225 t2 = syntax == null || syntax === A.Syntax_forPath0(path);
15226 else
15227 t2 = false;
15228 $async$goto = t2 ? 3 : 5;
15229 break;
15230 case 3:
15231 // then
15232 if (importCache == null)
15233 importCache = A.AsyncImportCache$none(logger);
15234 t2 = $.$get$context();
15235 t3 = t2.absolute$7(".", null, null, null, null, null, null);
15236 $async$goto = 6;
15237 return A._asyncAwait(importCache.importCanonical$3$originalUrl(new A.FilesystemImporter0(t3), t2.toUri$1(J.$eq$(J.get$platform$x(self.process), "win32") || J.$eq$(J.get$platform$x(self.process), "darwin") ? A._realCasePath0(t2.absolute$7(t2.normalize$1(path), null, null, null, null, null, null)) : t2.canonicalize$1(0, path)), t2.toUri$1(path)), $async$compileAsync0);
15238 case 6:
15239 // returning from await.
15240 t3 = $async$result;
15241 t3.toString;
15242 stylesheet = t3;
15243 // goto join
15244 $async$goto = 4;
15245 break;
15246 case 5:
15247 // else
15248 t2 = A.readFile0(path);
15249 t3 = syntax == null ? A.Syntax_forPath0(path) : syntax;
15250 t4 = $.$get$context();
15251 stylesheet = A.Stylesheet_Stylesheet$parse0(t2, t3, logger, t4.toUri$1(path));
15252 t2 = t4;
15253 case 4:
15254 // join
15255 $async$goto = 7;
15256 return A._asyncAwait(A._compileStylesheet2(stylesheet, logger, importCache, nodeImporter, new A.FilesystemImporter0(t2.absolute$7(".", null, null, null, null, null, null)), functions, style, useSpaces, indentWidth, lineFeed, quietDeps, sourceMap, charset), $async$compileAsync0);
15257 case 7:
15258 // returning from await.
15259 result = $async$result;
15260 if (terseLogger != null)
15261 terseLogger.summarize$1$node(!t1);
15262 $async$returnValue = result;
15263 // goto return
15264 $async$goto = 1;
15265 break;
15266 case 1:
15267 // return
15268 return A._asyncReturn($async$returnValue, $async$completer);
15269 }
15270 });
15271 return A._asyncStartSync($async$compileAsync0, $async$completer);
15272 },
15273 compileStringAsync0(source, charset, functions, importCache, importer, indentWidth, lineFeed, logger, nodeImporter, quietDeps, sourceMap, style, syntax, url, useSpaces, verbose) {
15274 var $async$goto = 0,
15275 $async$completer = A._makeAsyncAwaitCompleter(type$.CompileResult_2),
15276 $async$returnValue, terseLogger, stylesheet, result;
15277 var $async$compileStringAsync0 = A._wrapJsFunctionForAsync(function($async$errorCode, $async$result) {
15278 if ($async$errorCode === 1)
15279 return A._asyncRethrow($async$result, $async$completer);
15280 while (true)
15281 switch ($async$goto) {
15282 case 0:
15283 // Function start
15284 if (!verbose) {
15285 terseLogger = new A.TerseLogger0(A.LinkedHashMap_LinkedHashMap$_empty(type$.String, type$.int), logger);
15286 logger = terseLogger;
15287 } else
15288 terseLogger = null;
15289 stylesheet = A.Stylesheet_Stylesheet$parse0(source, syntax == null ? B.Syntax_SCSS0 : syntax, logger, url);
15290 $async$goto = 3;
15291 return A._asyncAwait(A._compileStylesheet2(stylesheet, logger, importCache, nodeImporter, importer == null ? new A.FilesystemImporter0($.$get$context().absolute$7(".", null, null, null, null, null, null)) : importer, functions, style, useSpaces, indentWidth, lineFeed, quietDeps, sourceMap, charset), $async$compileStringAsync0);
15292 case 3:
15293 // returning from await.
15294 result = $async$result;
15295 if (terseLogger != null)
15296 terseLogger.summarize$1$node(nodeImporter != null);
15297 $async$returnValue = result;
15298 // goto return
15299 $async$goto = 1;
15300 break;
15301 case 1:
15302 // return
15303 return A._asyncReturn($async$returnValue, $async$completer);
15304 }
15305 });
15306 return A._asyncStartSync($async$compileStringAsync0, $async$completer);
15307 },
15308 _compileStylesheet2(stylesheet, logger, importCache, nodeImporter, importer, functions, style, useSpaces, indentWidth, lineFeed, quietDeps, sourceMap, charset) {
15309 var $async$goto = 0,
15310 $async$completer = A._makeAsyncAwaitCompleter(type$.CompileResult_2),
15311 $async$returnValue, evaluateResult, serializeResult, resultSourceMap;
15312 var $async$_compileStylesheet2 = A._wrapJsFunctionForAsync(function($async$errorCode, $async$result) {
15313 if ($async$errorCode === 1)
15314 return A._asyncRethrow($async$result, $async$completer);
15315 while (true)
15316 switch ($async$goto) {
15317 case 0:
15318 // Function start
15319 $async$goto = 3;
15320 return A._asyncAwait(A._EvaluateVisitor$2(functions, importCache, logger, nodeImporter, quietDeps, sourceMap).run$2(0, importer, stylesheet), $async$_compileStylesheet2);
15321 case 3:
15322 // returning from await.
15323 evaluateResult = $async$result;
15324 serializeResult = A.serialize0(evaluateResult.stylesheet, charset, indentWidth, false, lineFeed, sourceMap, style, useSpaces);
15325 resultSourceMap = serializeResult.sourceMap;
15326 if (resultSourceMap != null && importCache != null)
15327 A.mapInPlace0(resultSourceMap.urls, new A._compileStylesheet_closure2(stylesheet, importCache));
15328 $async$returnValue = new A.CompileResult0(evaluateResult, serializeResult);
15329 // goto return
15330 $async$goto = 1;
15331 break;
15332 case 1:
15333 // return
15334 return A._asyncReturn($async$returnValue, $async$completer);
15335 }
15336 });
15337 return A._asyncStartSync($async$_compileStylesheet2, $async$completer);
15338 },
15339 _compileStylesheet_closure2: function _compileStylesheet_closure2(t0, t1) {
15340 this.stylesheet = t0;
15341 this.importCache = t1;
15342 },
15343 AsyncEnvironment$0() {
15344 var t1 = type$.String,
15345 t2 = type$.Module_AsyncCallable_2,
15346 t3 = type$.AstNode_2,
15347 t4 = type$.int,
15348 t5 = type$.AsyncCallable_2,
15349 t6 = type$.JSArray_Map_String_AsyncCallable_2;
15350 return new A.AsyncEnvironment0(A.LinkedHashMap_LinkedHashMap$_empty(t1, t2), A.LinkedHashMap_LinkedHashMap$_empty(t1, t3), A.LinkedHashMap_LinkedHashMap$_empty(t2, t3), A.LinkedHashMap_LinkedHashMap$_empty(t2, t3), null, null, A._setArrayType([], type$.JSArray_Module_AsyncCallable_2), A._setArrayType([A.LinkedHashMap_LinkedHashMap$_empty(t1, type$.Value_2)], type$.JSArray_Map_String_Value_2), A._setArrayType([A.LinkedHashMap_LinkedHashMap$_empty(t1, t3)], type$.JSArray_Map_String_AstNode_2), A.LinkedHashMap_LinkedHashMap$_empty(t1, t4), A._setArrayType([A.LinkedHashMap_LinkedHashMap$_empty(t1, t5)], t6), A.LinkedHashMap_LinkedHashMap$_empty(t1, t4), A._setArrayType([A.LinkedHashMap_LinkedHashMap$_empty(t1, t5)], t6), A.LinkedHashMap_LinkedHashMap$_empty(t1, t4), null);
15351 },
15352 AsyncEnvironment$_0(_modules, _namespaceNodes, _globalModules, _importedModules, _forwardedModules, _nestedForwardedModules, _allModules, _variables, _variableNodes, _functions, _mixins, _content) {
15353 var t1 = type$.String,
15354 t2 = type$.int;
15355 return new A.AsyncEnvironment0(_modules, _namespaceNodes, _globalModules, _importedModules, _forwardedModules, _nestedForwardedModules, _allModules, _variables, _variableNodes, A.LinkedHashMap_LinkedHashMap$_empty(t1, t2), _functions, A.LinkedHashMap_LinkedHashMap$_empty(t1, t2), _mixins, A.LinkedHashMap_LinkedHashMap$_empty(t1, t2), _content);
15356 },
15357 _EnvironmentModule__EnvironmentModule2(environment, css, extensionStore, forwarded) {
15358 var t1, t2, t3, t4, t5, t6;
15359 if (forwarded == null)
15360 forwarded = B.Set_empty3;
15361 t1 = A._EnvironmentModule__makeModulesByVariable2(forwarded);
15362 t2 = A._EnvironmentModule__memberMap2(B.JSArray_methods.get$first(environment._async_environment0$_variables), forwarded.map$1$1(0, new A._EnvironmentModule__EnvironmentModule_closure17(), type$.Map_String_Value_2), type$.Value_2);
15363 t3 = A._EnvironmentModule__memberMap2(B.JSArray_methods.get$first(environment._async_environment0$_variableNodes), forwarded.map$1$1(0, new A._EnvironmentModule__EnvironmentModule_closure18(), type$.Map_String_AstNode_2), type$.AstNode_2);
15364 t4 = type$.Map_String_AsyncCallable_2;
15365 t5 = type$.AsyncCallable_2;
15366 t6 = A._EnvironmentModule__memberMap2(B.JSArray_methods.get$first(environment._async_environment0$_functions), forwarded.map$1$1(0, new A._EnvironmentModule__EnvironmentModule_closure19(), t4), t5);
15367 t5 = A._EnvironmentModule__memberMap2(B.JSArray_methods.get$first(environment._async_environment0$_mixins), forwarded.map$1$1(0, new A._EnvironmentModule__EnvironmentModule_closure20(), t4), t5);
15368 t4 = J.get$isNotEmpty$asx(css.get$children(css)) || B.JSArray_methods.any$1(environment._async_environment0$_allModules, new A._EnvironmentModule__EnvironmentModule_closure21());
15369 return A._EnvironmentModule$_2(environment, css, extensionStore, t1, t2, t3, t6, t5, t4, !extensionStore.get$isEmpty(extensionStore) || B.JSArray_methods.any$1(environment._async_environment0$_allModules, new A._EnvironmentModule__EnvironmentModule_closure22()));
15370 },
15371 _EnvironmentModule__makeModulesByVariable2(forwarded) {
15372 var modulesByVariable, t1, t2, t3, t4, t5;
15373 if (forwarded.get$isEmpty(forwarded))
15374 return B.Map_empty10;
15375 modulesByVariable = A.LinkedHashMap_LinkedHashMap$_empty(type$.String, type$.Module_AsyncCallable_2);
15376 for (t1 = forwarded.get$iterator(forwarded); t1.moveNext$0();) {
15377 t2 = t1.get$current(t1);
15378 if (t2 instanceof A._EnvironmentModule2) {
15379 for (t3 = t2._async_environment0$_modulesByVariable, t3 = t3.get$values(t3), t3 = t3.get$iterator(t3); t3.moveNext$0();) {
15380 t4 = t3.get$current(t3);
15381 t5 = t4.get$variables();
15382 A.setAll0(modulesByVariable, t5.get$keys(t5), t4);
15383 }
15384 A.setAll0(modulesByVariable, J.get$keys$z(B.JSArray_methods.get$first(t2._async_environment0$_environment._async_environment0$_variables)), t2);
15385 } else {
15386 t3 = t2.get$variables();
15387 A.setAll0(modulesByVariable, t3.get$keys(t3), t2);
15388 }
15389 }
15390 return modulesByVariable;
15391 },
15392 _EnvironmentModule__memberMap2(localMap, otherMaps, $V) {
15393 var t1, t2, t3;
15394 localMap = new A.PublicMemberMapView0(localMap, $V._eval$1("PublicMemberMapView0<0>"));
15395 if (otherMaps.get$isEmpty(otherMaps))
15396 return localMap;
15397 t1 = A._setArrayType([], $V._eval$1("JSArray<Map<String,0>>"));
15398 for (t2 = otherMaps.get$iterator(otherMaps); t2.moveNext$0();) {
15399 t3 = t2.get$current(t2);
15400 if (t3.get$isNotEmpty(t3))
15401 t1.push(t3);
15402 }
15403 t1.push(localMap);
15404 if (t1.length === 1)
15405 return localMap;
15406 return A.MergedMapView$0(t1, type$.String, $V);
15407 },
15408 _EnvironmentModule$_2(_environment, css, extensionStore, _modulesByVariable, variables, variableNodes, functions, mixins, transitivelyContainsCss, transitivelyContainsExtensions) {
15409 return new A._EnvironmentModule2(_environment._async_environment0$_allModules, variables, variableNodes, functions, mixins, extensionStore, css, transitivelyContainsCss, transitivelyContainsExtensions, _environment, _modulesByVariable);
15410 },
15411 AsyncEnvironment0: function AsyncEnvironment0(t0, t1, t2, t3, t4, t5, t6, t7, t8, t9, t10, t11, t12, t13, t14) {
15412 var _ = this;
15413 _._async_environment0$_modules = t0;
15414 _._async_environment0$_namespaceNodes = t1;
15415 _._async_environment0$_globalModules = t2;
15416 _._async_environment0$_importedModules = t3;
15417 _._async_environment0$_forwardedModules = t4;
15418 _._async_environment0$_nestedForwardedModules = t5;
15419 _._async_environment0$_allModules = t6;
15420 _._async_environment0$_variables = t7;
15421 _._async_environment0$_variableNodes = t8;
15422 _._async_environment0$_variableIndices = t9;
15423 _._async_environment0$_functions = t10;
15424 _._async_environment0$_functionIndices = t11;
15425 _._async_environment0$_mixins = t12;
15426 _._async_environment0$_mixinIndices = t13;
15427 _._async_environment0$_content = t14;
15428 _._async_environment0$_inMixin = false;
15429 _._async_environment0$_inSemiGlobalScope = true;
15430 _._async_environment0$_lastVariableIndex = _._async_environment0$_lastVariableName = null;
15431 },
15432 AsyncEnvironment_importForwards_closure2: function AsyncEnvironment_importForwards_closure2() {
15433 },
15434 AsyncEnvironment_importForwards_closure3: function AsyncEnvironment_importForwards_closure3() {
15435 },
15436 AsyncEnvironment_importForwards_closure4: function AsyncEnvironment_importForwards_closure4() {
15437 },
15438 AsyncEnvironment__getVariableFromGlobalModule_closure0: function AsyncEnvironment__getVariableFromGlobalModule_closure0(t0) {
15439 this.name = t0;
15440 },
15441 AsyncEnvironment_setVariable_closure2: function AsyncEnvironment_setVariable_closure2(t0, t1) {
15442 this.$this = t0;
15443 this.name = t1;
15444 },
15445 AsyncEnvironment_setVariable_closure3: function AsyncEnvironment_setVariable_closure3(t0) {
15446 this.name = t0;
15447 },
15448 AsyncEnvironment_setVariable_closure4: function AsyncEnvironment_setVariable_closure4(t0, t1) {
15449 this.$this = t0;
15450 this.name = t1;
15451 },
15452 AsyncEnvironment__getFunctionFromGlobalModule_closure0: function AsyncEnvironment__getFunctionFromGlobalModule_closure0(t0) {
15453 this.name = t0;
15454 },
15455 AsyncEnvironment__getMixinFromGlobalModule_closure0: function AsyncEnvironment__getMixinFromGlobalModule_closure0(t0) {
15456 this.name = t0;
15457 },
15458 AsyncEnvironment_toModule_closure0: function AsyncEnvironment_toModule_closure0() {
15459 },
15460 AsyncEnvironment_toDummyModule_closure0: function AsyncEnvironment_toDummyModule_closure0() {
15461 },
15462 AsyncEnvironment__fromOneModule_closure0: function AsyncEnvironment__fromOneModule_closure0(t0, t1) {
15463 this.callback = t0;
15464 this.T = t1;
15465 },
15466 AsyncEnvironment__fromOneModule__closure0: function AsyncEnvironment__fromOneModule__closure0(t0, t1) {
15467 this.entry = t0;
15468 this.T = t1;
15469 },
15470 _EnvironmentModule2: function _EnvironmentModule2(t0, t1, t2, t3, t4, t5, t6, t7, t8, t9, t10) {
15471 var _ = this;
15472 _.upstream = t0;
15473 _.variables = t1;
15474 _.variableNodes = t2;
15475 _.functions = t3;
15476 _.mixins = t4;
15477 _.extensionStore = t5;
15478 _.css = t6;
15479 _.transitivelyContainsCss = t7;
15480 _.transitivelyContainsExtensions = t8;
15481 _._async_environment0$_environment = t9;
15482 _._async_environment0$_modulesByVariable = t10;
15483 },
15484 _EnvironmentModule__EnvironmentModule_closure17: function _EnvironmentModule__EnvironmentModule_closure17() {
15485 },
15486 _EnvironmentModule__EnvironmentModule_closure18: function _EnvironmentModule__EnvironmentModule_closure18() {
15487 },
15488 _EnvironmentModule__EnvironmentModule_closure19: function _EnvironmentModule__EnvironmentModule_closure19() {
15489 },
15490 _EnvironmentModule__EnvironmentModule_closure20: function _EnvironmentModule__EnvironmentModule_closure20() {
15491 },
15492 _EnvironmentModule__EnvironmentModule_closure21: function _EnvironmentModule__EnvironmentModule_closure21() {
15493 },
15494 _EnvironmentModule__EnvironmentModule_closure22: function _EnvironmentModule__EnvironmentModule_closure22() {
15495 },
15496 _EvaluateVisitor$2(functions, importCache, logger, nodeImporter, quietDeps, sourceMap) {
15497 var t4,
15498 t1 = type$.Uri,
15499 t2 = type$.Module_AsyncCallable_2,
15500 t3 = A._setArrayType([], type$.JSArray_Tuple2_String_AstNode_2);
15501 if (nodeImporter == null)
15502 t4 = importCache == null ? A.AsyncImportCache$none(logger) : importCache;
15503 else
15504 t4 = null;
15505 t1 = new A._EvaluateVisitor2(t4, nodeImporter, A.LinkedHashMap_LinkedHashMap$_empty(type$.String, type$.AsyncCallable_2), A.LinkedHashMap_LinkedHashMap$_empty(t1, t2), A.LinkedHashMap_LinkedHashMap$_empty(t1, t2), A.LinkedHashMap_LinkedHashMap$_empty(t1, type$.AstNode_2), logger, A.LinkedHashSet_LinkedHashSet$_empty(type$.Tuple2_String_SourceSpan), quietDeps, sourceMap, A.AsyncEnvironment$0(), A.LinkedHashSet_LinkedHashSet$_empty(t1), A.LinkedHashMap_LinkedHashMap$_empty(t1, type$.nullable_AstNode_2), t3, B.Configuration_Map_empty0);
15506 t1._EvaluateVisitor$6$functions$importCache$logger$nodeImporter$quietDeps$sourceMap2(functions, importCache, logger, nodeImporter, quietDeps, sourceMap);
15507 return t1;
15508 },
15509 _EvaluateVisitor2: function _EvaluateVisitor2(t0, t1, t2, t3, t4, t5, t6, t7, t8, t9, t10, t11, t12, t13, t14) {
15510 var _ = this;
15511 _._async_evaluate0$_importCache = t0;
15512 _._async_evaluate0$_nodeImporter = t1;
15513 _._async_evaluate0$_builtInFunctions = t2;
15514 _._async_evaluate0$_builtInModules = t3;
15515 _._async_evaluate0$_modules = t4;
15516 _._async_evaluate0$_moduleNodes = t5;
15517 _._async_evaluate0$_logger = t6;
15518 _._async_evaluate0$_warningsEmitted = t7;
15519 _._async_evaluate0$_quietDeps = t8;
15520 _._async_evaluate0$_sourceMap = t9;
15521 _._async_evaluate0$_environment = t10;
15522 _._async_evaluate0$_declarationName = _._async_evaluate0$__parent = _._async_evaluate0$_mediaQueries = _._async_evaluate0$_styleRuleIgnoringAtRoot = null;
15523 _._async_evaluate0$_member = "root stylesheet";
15524 _._async_evaluate0$_importSpan = _._async_evaluate0$_callableNode = null;
15525 _._async_evaluate0$_inKeyframes = _._async_evaluate0$_atRootExcludingStyleRule = _._async_evaluate0$_inUnknownAtRule = _._async_evaluate0$_inFunction = false;
15526 _._async_evaluate0$_loadedUrls = t11;
15527 _._async_evaluate0$_activeModules = t12;
15528 _._async_evaluate0$_stack = t13;
15529 _._async_evaluate0$_importer = null;
15530 _._async_evaluate0$_inDependency = false;
15531 _._async_evaluate0$__extensionStore = _._async_evaluate0$_outOfOrderImports = _._async_evaluate0$__endOfImports = _._async_evaluate0$__root = _._async_evaluate0$__stylesheet = null;
15532 _._async_evaluate0$_configuration = t14;
15533 },
15534 _EvaluateVisitor_closure29: function _EvaluateVisitor_closure29(t0) {
15535 this.$this = t0;
15536 },
15537 _EvaluateVisitor_closure30: function _EvaluateVisitor_closure30(t0) {
15538 this.$this = t0;
15539 },
15540 _EvaluateVisitor_closure31: function _EvaluateVisitor_closure31(t0) {
15541 this.$this = t0;
15542 },
15543 _EvaluateVisitor_closure32: function _EvaluateVisitor_closure32(t0) {
15544 this.$this = t0;
15545 },
15546 _EvaluateVisitor_closure33: function _EvaluateVisitor_closure33(t0) {
15547 this.$this = t0;
15548 },
15549 _EvaluateVisitor_closure34: function _EvaluateVisitor_closure34(t0) {
15550 this.$this = t0;
15551 },
15552 _EvaluateVisitor_closure35: function _EvaluateVisitor_closure35(t0) {
15553 this.$this = t0;
15554 },
15555 _EvaluateVisitor_closure36: function _EvaluateVisitor_closure36(t0) {
15556 this.$this = t0;
15557 },
15558 _EvaluateVisitor__closure10: function _EvaluateVisitor__closure10(t0, t1, t2) {
15559 this.$this = t0;
15560 this.name = t1;
15561 this.module = t2;
15562 },
15563 _EvaluateVisitor_closure37: function _EvaluateVisitor_closure37(t0) {
15564 this.$this = t0;
15565 },
15566 _EvaluateVisitor_closure38: function _EvaluateVisitor_closure38(t0) {
15567 this.$this = t0;
15568 },
15569 _EvaluateVisitor__closure8: function _EvaluateVisitor__closure8(t0, t1, t2) {
15570 this.values = t0;
15571 this.span = t1;
15572 this.callableNode = t2;
15573 },
15574 _EvaluateVisitor__closure9: function _EvaluateVisitor__closure9(t0) {
15575 this.$this = t0;
15576 },
15577 _EvaluateVisitor_run_closure2: function _EvaluateVisitor_run_closure2(t0, t1, t2) {
15578 this.$this = t0;
15579 this.node = t1;
15580 this.importer = t2;
15581 },
15582 _EvaluateVisitor__loadModule_closure5: function _EvaluateVisitor__loadModule_closure5(t0, t1) {
15583 this.callback = t0;
15584 this.builtInModule = t1;
15585 },
15586 _EvaluateVisitor__loadModule_closure6: function _EvaluateVisitor__loadModule_closure6(t0, t1, t2, t3, t4, t5, t6) {
15587 var _ = this;
15588 _.$this = t0;
15589 _.url = t1;
15590 _.nodeWithSpan = t2;
15591 _.baseUrl = t3;
15592 _.namesInErrors = t4;
15593 _.configuration = t5;
15594 _.callback = t6;
15595 },
15596 _EvaluateVisitor__loadModule__closure2: function _EvaluateVisitor__loadModule__closure2(t0, t1) {
15597 this.$this = t0;
15598 this.message = t1;
15599 },
15600 _EvaluateVisitor__execute_closure2: function _EvaluateVisitor__execute_closure2(t0, t1, t2, t3, t4, t5) {
15601 var _ = this;
15602 _.$this = t0;
15603 _.importer = t1;
15604 _.stylesheet = t2;
15605 _.extensionStore = t3;
15606 _.configuration = t4;
15607 _.css = t5;
15608 },
15609 _EvaluateVisitor__combineCss_closure8: function _EvaluateVisitor__combineCss_closure8() {
15610 },
15611 _EvaluateVisitor__combineCss_closure9: function _EvaluateVisitor__combineCss_closure9(t0) {
15612 this.selectors = t0;
15613 },
15614 _EvaluateVisitor__combineCss_closure10: function _EvaluateVisitor__combineCss_closure10() {
15615 },
15616 _EvaluateVisitor__extendModules_closure5: function _EvaluateVisitor__extendModules_closure5(t0) {
15617 this.originalSelectors = t0;
15618 },
15619 _EvaluateVisitor__extendModules_closure6: function _EvaluateVisitor__extendModules_closure6() {
15620 },
15621 _EvaluateVisitor__topologicalModules_visitModule2: function _EvaluateVisitor__topologicalModules_visitModule2(t0, t1) {
15622 this.seen = t0;
15623 this.sorted = t1;
15624 },
15625 _EvaluateVisitor_visitAtRootRule_closure8: function _EvaluateVisitor_visitAtRootRule_closure8(t0, t1) {
15626 this.$this = t0;
15627 this.resolved = t1;
15628 },
15629 _EvaluateVisitor_visitAtRootRule_closure9: function _EvaluateVisitor_visitAtRootRule_closure9(t0, t1) {
15630 this.$this = t0;
15631 this.node = t1;
15632 },
15633 _EvaluateVisitor_visitAtRootRule_closure10: function _EvaluateVisitor_visitAtRootRule_closure10(t0, t1) {
15634 this.$this = t0;
15635 this.node = t1;
15636 },
15637 _EvaluateVisitor__scopeForAtRoot_closure17: function _EvaluateVisitor__scopeForAtRoot_closure17(t0, t1, t2) {
15638 this.$this = t0;
15639 this.newParent = t1;
15640 this.node = t2;
15641 },
15642 _EvaluateVisitor__scopeForAtRoot_closure18: function _EvaluateVisitor__scopeForAtRoot_closure18(t0, t1) {
15643 this.$this = t0;
15644 this.innerScope = t1;
15645 },
15646 _EvaluateVisitor__scopeForAtRoot_closure19: function _EvaluateVisitor__scopeForAtRoot_closure19(t0, t1) {
15647 this.$this = t0;
15648 this.innerScope = t1;
15649 },
15650 _EvaluateVisitor__scopeForAtRoot__closure2: function _EvaluateVisitor__scopeForAtRoot__closure2(t0, t1) {
15651 this.innerScope = t0;
15652 this.callback = t1;
15653 },
15654 _EvaluateVisitor__scopeForAtRoot_closure20: function _EvaluateVisitor__scopeForAtRoot_closure20(t0, t1) {
15655 this.$this = t0;
15656 this.innerScope = t1;
15657 },
15658 _EvaluateVisitor__scopeForAtRoot_closure21: function _EvaluateVisitor__scopeForAtRoot_closure21() {
15659 },
15660 _EvaluateVisitor__scopeForAtRoot_closure22: function _EvaluateVisitor__scopeForAtRoot_closure22(t0, t1) {
15661 this.$this = t0;
15662 this.innerScope = t1;
15663 },
15664 _EvaluateVisitor_visitContentRule_closure2: function _EvaluateVisitor_visitContentRule_closure2(t0, t1) {
15665 this.$this = t0;
15666 this.content = t1;
15667 },
15668 _EvaluateVisitor_visitDeclaration_closure5: function _EvaluateVisitor_visitDeclaration_closure5(t0) {
15669 this.$this = t0;
15670 },
15671 _EvaluateVisitor_visitDeclaration_closure6: function _EvaluateVisitor_visitDeclaration_closure6(t0, t1) {
15672 this.$this = t0;
15673 this.children = t1;
15674 },
15675 _EvaluateVisitor_visitEachRule_closure8: function _EvaluateVisitor_visitEachRule_closure8(t0, t1, t2) {
15676 this.$this = t0;
15677 this.node = t1;
15678 this.nodeWithSpan = t2;
15679 },
15680 _EvaluateVisitor_visitEachRule_closure9: function _EvaluateVisitor_visitEachRule_closure9(t0, t1, t2) {
15681 this.$this = t0;
15682 this.node = t1;
15683 this.nodeWithSpan = t2;
15684 },
15685 _EvaluateVisitor_visitEachRule_closure10: function _EvaluateVisitor_visitEachRule_closure10(t0, t1, t2, t3) {
15686 var _ = this;
15687 _.$this = t0;
15688 _.list = t1;
15689 _.setVariables = t2;
15690 _.node = t3;
15691 },
15692 _EvaluateVisitor_visitEachRule__closure2: function _EvaluateVisitor_visitEachRule__closure2(t0, t1, t2) {
15693 this.$this = t0;
15694 this.setVariables = t1;
15695 this.node = t2;
15696 },
15697 _EvaluateVisitor_visitEachRule___closure2: function _EvaluateVisitor_visitEachRule___closure2(t0) {
15698 this.$this = t0;
15699 },
15700 _EvaluateVisitor_visitExtendRule_closure2: function _EvaluateVisitor_visitExtendRule_closure2(t0, t1) {
15701 this.$this = t0;
15702 this.targetText = t1;
15703 },
15704 _EvaluateVisitor_visitAtRule_closure8: function _EvaluateVisitor_visitAtRule_closure8(t0) {
15705 this.$this = t0;
15706 },
15707 _EvaluateVisitor_visitAtRule_closure9: function _EvaluateVisitor_visitAtRule_closure9(t0, t1) {
15708 this.$this = t0;
15709 this.children = t1;
15710 },
15711 _EvaluateVisitor_visitAtRule__closure2: function _EvaluateVisitor_visitAtRule__closure2(t0, t1) {
15712 this.$this = t0;
15713 this.children = t1;
15714 },
15715 _EvaluateVisitor_visitAtRule_closure10: function _EvaluateVisitor_visitAtRule_closure10() {
15716 },
15717 _EvaluateVisitor_visitForRule_closure14: function _EvaluateVisitor_visitForRule_closure14(t0, t1) {
15718 this.$this = t0;
15719 this.node = t1;
15720 },
15721 _EvaluateVisitor_visitForRule_closure15: function _EvaluateVisitor_visitForRule_closure15(t0, t1) {
15722 this.$this = t0;
15723 this.node = t1;
15724 },
15725 _EvaluateVisitor_visitForRule_closure16: function _EvaluateVisitor_visitForRule_closure16(t0) {
15726 this.fromNumber = t0;
15727 },
15728 _EvaluateVisitor_visitForRule_closure17: function _EvaluateVisitor_visitForRule_closure17(t0, t1) {
15729 this.toNumber = t0;
15730 this.fromNumber = t1;
15731 },
15732 _EvaluateVisitor_visitForRule_closure18: function _EvaluateVisitor_visitForRule_closure18(t0, t1, t2, t3, t4, t5) {
15733 var _ = this;
15734 _._box_0 = t0;
15735 _.$this = t1;
15736 _.node = t2;
15737 _.from = t3;
15738 _.direction = t4;
15739 _.fromNumber = t5;
15740 },
15741 _EvaluateVisitor_visitForRule__closure2: function _EvaluateVisitor_visitForRule__closure2(t0) {
15742 this.$this = t0;
15743 },
15744 _EvaluateVisitor_visitForwardRule_closure5: function _EvaluateVisitor_visitForwardRule_closure5(t0, t1) {
15745 this.$this = t0;
15746 this.node = t1;
15747 },
15748 _EvaluateVisitor_visitForwardRule_closure6: function _EvaluateVisitor_visitForwardRule_closure6(t0, t1) {
15749 this.$this = t0;
15750 this.node = t1;
15751 },
15752 _EvaluateVisitor_visitIfRule_closure2: function _EvaluateVisitor_visitIfRule_closure2(t0, t1) {
15753 this._box_0 = t0;
15754 this.$this = t1;
15755 },
15756 _EvaluateVisitor_visitIfRule__closure2: function _EvaluateVisitor_visitIfRule__closure2(t0) {
15757 this.$this = t0;
15758 },
15759 _EvaluateVisitor__visitDynamicImport_closure2: function _EvaluateVisitor__visitDynamicImport_closure2(t0, t1) {
15760 this.$this = t0;
15761 this.$import = t1;
15762 },
15763 _EvaluateVisitor__visitDynamicImport__closure11: function _EvaluateVisitor__visitDynamicImport__closure11(t0) {
15764 this.$this = t0;
15765 },
15766 _EvaluateVisitor__visitDynamicImport__closure12: function _EvaluateVisitor__visitDynamicImport__closure12() {
15767 },
15768 _EvaluateVisitor__visitDynamicImport__closure13: function _EvaluateVisitor__visitDynamicImport__closure13() {
15769 },
15770 _EvaluateVisitor__visitDynamicImport__closure14: function _EvaluateVisitor__visitDynamicImport__closure14(t0, t1, t2, t3, t4, t5) {
15771 var _ = this;
15772 _.$this = t0;
15773 _.result = t1;
15774 _.stylesheet = t2;
15775 _.loadsUserDefinedModules = t3;
15776 _.environment = t4;
15777 _.children = t5;
15778 },
15779 _EvaluateVisitor__visitStaticImport_closure2: function _EvaluateVisitor__visitStaticImport_closure2(t0) {
15780 this.$this = t0;
15781 },
15782 _EvaluateVisitor_visitIncludeRule_closure11: function _EvaluateVisitor_visitIncludeRule_closure11(t0, t1) {
15783 this.$this = t0;
15784 this.node = t1;
15785 },
15786 _EvaluateVisitor_visitIncludeRule_closure12: function _EvaluateVisitor_visitIncludeRule_closure12(t0) {
15787 this.node = t0;
15788 },
15789 _EvaluateVisitor_visitIncludeRule_closure14: function _EvaluateVisitor_visitIncludeRule_closure14(t0) {
15790 this.$this = t0;
15791 },
15792 _EvaluateVisitor_visitIncludeRule_closure13: function _EvaluateVisitor_visitIncludeRule_closure13(t0, t1, t2, t3) {
15793 var _ = this;
15794 _.$this = t0;
15795 _.contentCallable = t1;
15796 _.mixin = t2;
15797 _.nodeWithSpan = t3;
15798 },
15799 _EvaluateVisitor_visitIncludeRule__closure2: function _EvaluateVisitor_visitIncludeRule__closure2(t0, t1, t2) {
15800 this.$this = t0;
15801 this.mixin = t1;
15802 this.nodeWithSpan = t2;
15803 },
15804 _EvaluateVisitor_visitIncludeRule___closure2: function _EvaluateVisitor_visitIncludeRule___closure2(t0, t1, t2) {
15805 this.$this = t0;
15806 this.mixin = t1;
15807 this.nodeWithSpan = t2;
15808 },
15809 _EvaluateVisitor_visitIncludeRule____closure2: function _EvaluateVisitor_visitIncludeRule____closure2(t0, t1) {
15810 this.$this = t0;
15811 this.statement = t1;
15812 },
15813 _EvaluateVisitor_visitMediaRule_closure8: function _EvaluateVisitor_visitMediaRule_closure8(t0, t1) {
15814 this.$this = t0;
15815 this.queries = t1;
15816 },
15817 _EvaluateVisitor_visitMediaRule_closure9: function _EvaluateVisitor_visitMediaRule_closure9(t0, t1, t2, t3) {
15818 var _ = this;
15819 _.$this = t0;
15820 _.mergedQueries = t1;
15821 _.queries = t2;
15822 _.node = t3;
15823 },
15824 _EvaluateVisitor_visitMediaRule__closure2: function _EvaluateVisitor_visitMediaRule__closure2(t0, t1) {
15825 this.$this = t0;
15826 this.node = t1;
15827 },
15828 _EvaluateVisitor_visitMediaRule___closure2: function _EvaluateVisitor_visitMediaRule___closure2(t0, t1) {
15829 this.$this = t0;
15830 this.node = t1;
15831 },
15832 _EvaluateVisitor_visitMediaRule_closure10: function _EvaluateVisitor_visitMediaRule_closure10(t0) {
15833 this.mergedQueries = t0;
15834 },
15835 _EvaluateVisitor__visitMediaQueries_closure2: function _EvaluateVisitor__visitMediaQueries_closure2(t0, t1) {
15836 this.$this = t0;
15837 this.resolved = t1;
15838 },
15839 _EvaluateVisitor_visitStyleRule_closure20: function _EvaluateVisitor_visitStyleRule_closure20(t0, t1) {
15840 this.$this = t0;
15841 this.selectorText = t1;
15842 },
15843 _EvaluateVisitor_visitStyleRule_closure21: function _EvaluateVisitor_visitStyleRule_closure21(t0, t1) {
15844 this.$this = t0;
15845 this.node = t1;
15846 },
15847 _EvaluateVisitor_visitStyleRule_closure22: function _EvaluateVisitor_visitStyleRule_closure22() {
15848 },
15849 _EvaluateVisitor_visitStyleRule_closure23: function _EvaluateVisitor_visitStyleRule_closure23(t0, t1) {
15850 this.$this = t0;
15851 this.selectorText = t1;
15852 },
15853 _EvaluateVisitor_visitStyleRule_closure24: function _EvaluateVisitor_visitStyleRule_closure24(t0, t1) {
15854 this._box_0 = t0;
15855 this.$this = t1;
15856 },
15857 _EvaluateVisitor_visitStyleRule_closure25: function _EvaluateVisitor_visitStyleRule_closure25(t0, t1, t2) {
15858 this.$this = t0;
15859 this.rule = t1;
15860 this.node = t2;
15861 },
15862 _EvaluateVisitor_visitStyleRule__closure2: function _EvaluateVisitor_visitStyleRule__closure2(t0, t1) {
15863 this.$this = t0;
15864 this.node = t1;
15865 },
15866 _EvaluateVisitor_visitStyleRule_closure26: function _EvaluateVisitor_visitStyleRule_closure26() {
15867 },
15868 _EvaluateVisitor_visitSupportsRule_closure5: function _EvaluateVisitor_visitSupportsRule_closure5(t0, t1) {
15869 this.$this = t0;
15870 this.node = t1;
15871 },
15872 _EvaluateVisitor_visitSupportsRule__closure2: function _EvaluateVisitor_visitSupportsRule__closure2(t0, t1) {
15873 this.$this = t0;
15874 this.node = t1;
15875 },
15876 _EvaluateVisitor_visitSupportsRule_closure6: function _EvaluateVisitor_visitSupportsRule_closure6() {
15877 },
15878 _EvaluateVisitor_visitVariableDeclaration_closure8: function _EvaluateVisitor_visitVariableDeclaration_closure8(t0, t1, t2) {
15879 this.$this = t0;
15880 this.node = t1;
15881 this.override = t2;
15882 },
15883 _EvaluateVisitor_visitVariableDeclaration_closure9: function _EvaluateVisitor_visitVariableDeclaration_closure9(t0, t1) {
15884 this.$this = t0;
15885 this.node = t1;
15886 },
15887 _EvaluateVisitor_visitVariableDeclaration_closure10: function _EvaluateVisitor_visitVariableDeclaration_closure10(t0, t1, t2) {
15888 this.$this = t0;
15889 this.node = t1;
15890 this.value = t2;
15891 },
15892 _EvaluateVisitor_visitUseRule_closure2: function _EvaluateVisitor_visitUseRule_closure2(t0, t1) {
15893 this.$this = t0;
15894 this.node = t1;
15895 },
15896 _EvaluateVisitor_visitWarnRule_closure2: function _EvaluateVisitor_visitWarnRule_closure2(t0, t1) {
15897 this.$this = t0;
15898 this.node = t1;
15899 },
15900 _EvaluateVisitor_visitWhileRule_closure2: function _EvaluateVisitor_visitWhileRule_closure2(t0, t1) {
15901 this.$this = t0;
15902 this.node = t1;
15903 },
15904 _EvaluateVisitor_visitWhileRule__closure2: function _EvaluateVisitor_visitWhileRule__closure2(t0) {
15905 this.$this = t0;
15906 },
15907 _EvaluateVisitor_visitBinaryOperationExpression_closure2: function _EvaluateVisitor_visitBinaryOperationExpression_closure2(t0, t1) {
15908 this.$this = t0;
15909 this.node = t1;
15910 },
15911 _EvaluateVisitor_visitBinaryOperationExpression_closure_recommendation2: function _EvaluateVisitor_visitBinaryOperationExpression_closure_recommendation2() {
15912 },
15913 _EvaluateVisitor_visitVariableExpression_closure2: function _EvaluateVisitor_visitVariableExpression_closure2(t0, t1) {
15914 this.$this = t0;
15915 this.node = t1;
15916 },
15917 _EvaluateVisitor_visitUnaryOperationExpression_closure2: function _EvaluateVisitor_visitUnaryOperationExpression_closure2(t0, t1) {
15918 this.node = t0;
15919 this.operand = t1;
15920 },
15921 _EvaluateVisitor__visitCalculationValue_closure2: function _EvaluateVisitor__visitCalculationValue_closure2(t0, t1, t2) {
15922 this.$this = t0;
15923 this.node = t1;
15924 this.inMinMax = t2;
15925 },
15926 _EvaluateVisitor_visitListExpression_closure2: function _EvaluateVisitor_visitListExpression_closure2(t0) {
15927 this.$this = t0;
15928 },
15929 _EvaluateVisitor_visitFunctionExpression_closure5: function _EvaluateVisitor_visitFunctionExpression_closure5(t0, t1) {
15930 this.$this = t0;
15931 this.node = t1;
15932 },
15933 _EvaluateVisitor_visitFunctionExpression_closure6: function _EvaluateVisitor_visitFunctionExpression_closure6(t0, t1, t2) {
15934 this._box_0 = t0;
15935 this.$this = t1;
15936 this.node = t2;
15937 },
15938 _EvaluateVisitor_visitInterpolatedFunctionExpression_closure2: function _EvaluateVisitor_visitInterpolatedFunctionExpression_closure2(t0, t1, t2) {
15939 this.$this = t0;
15940 this.node = t1;
15941 this.$function = t2;
15942 },
15943 _EvaluateVisitor__runUserDefinedCallable_closure2: function _EvaluateVisitor__runUserDefinedCallable_closure2(t0, t1, t2, t3, t4, t5) {
15944 var _ = this;
15945 _.$this = t0;
15946 _.callable = t1;
15947 _.evaluated = t2;
15948 _.nodeWithSpan = t3;
15949 _.run = t4;
15950 _.V = t5;
15951 },
15952 _EvaluateVisitor__runUserDefinedCallable__closure2: function _EvaluateVisitor__runUserDefinedCallable__closure2(t0, t1, t2, t3, t4, t5) {
15953 var _ = this;
15954 _.$this = t0;
15955 _.evaluated = t1;
15956 _.callable = t2;
15957 _.nodeWithSpan = t3;
15958 _.run = t4;
15959 _.V = t5;
15960 },
15961 _EvaluateVisitor__runUserDefinedCallable___closure2: function _EvaluateVisitor__runUserDefinedCallable___closure2(t0, t1, t2, t3, t4, t5) {
15962 var _ = this;
15963 _.$this = t0;
15964 _.evaluated = t1;
15965 _.callable = t2;
15966 _.nodeWithSpan = t3;
15967 _.run = t4;
15968 _.V = t5;
15969 },
15970 _EvaluateVisitor__runUserDefinedCallable____closure2: function _EvaluateVisitor__runUserDefinedCallable____closure2() {
15971 },
15972 _EvaluateVisitor__runFunctionCallable_closure2: function _EvaluateVisitor__runFunctionCallable_closure2(t0, t1) {
15973 this.$this = t0;
15974 this.callable = t1;
15975 },
15976 _EvaluateVisitor__runBuiltInCallable_closure5: function _EvaluateVisitor__runBuiltInCallable_closure5(t0, t1, t2) {
15977 this.overload = t0;
15978 this.evaluated = t1;
15979 this.namedSet = t2;
15980 },
15981 _EvaluateVisitor__runBuiltInCallable_closure6: function _EvaluateVisitor__runBuiltInCallable_closure6() {
15982 },
15983 _EvaluateVisitor__evaluateArguments_closure11: function _EvaluateVisitor__evaluateArguments_closure11() {
15984 },
15985 _EvaluateVisitor__evaluateArguments_closure12: function _EvaluateVisitor__evaluateArguments_closure12(t0, t1) {
15986 this.$this = t0;
15987 this.restNodeForSpan = t1;
15988 },
15989 _EvaluateVisitor__evaluateArguments_closure13: function _EvaluateVisitor__evaluateArguments_closure13(t0, t1, t2, t3) {
15990 var _ = this;
15991 _.$this = t0;
15992 _.named = t1;
15993 _.restNodeForSpan = t2;
15994 _.namedNodes = t3;
15995 },
15996 _EvaluateVisitor__evaluateArguments_closure14: function _EvaluateVisitor__evaluateArguments_closure14() {
15997 },
15998 _EvaluateVisitor__evaluateMacroArguments_closure11: function _EvaluateVisitor__evaluateMacroArguments_closure11(t0) {
15999 this.restArgs = t0;
16000 },
16001 _EvaluateVisitor__evaluateMacroArguments_closure12: function _EvaluateVisitor__evaluateMacroArguments_closure12(t0, t1, t2) {
16002 this.$this = t0;
16003 this.restNodeForSpan = t1;
16004 this.restArgs = t2;
16005 },
16006 _EvaluateVisitor__evaluateMacroArguments_closure13: function _EvaluateVisitor__evaluateMacroArguments_closure13(t0, t1, t2, t3) {
16007 var _ = this;
16008 _.$this = t0;
16009 _.named = t1;
16010 _.restNodeForSpan = t2;
16011 _.restArgs = t3;
16012 },
16013 _EvaluateVisitor__evaluateMacroArguments_closure14: function _EvaluateVisitor__evaluateMacroArguments_closure14(t0, t1, t2) {
16014 this.$this = t0;
16015 this.keywordRestNodeForSpan = t1;
16016 this.keywordRestArgs = t2;
16017 },
16018 _EvaluateVisitor__addRestMap_closure2: function _EvaluateVisitor__addRestMap_closure2(t0, t1, t2, t3, t4, t5) {
16019 var _ = this;
16020 _.$this = t0;
16021 _.values = t1;
16022 _.convert = t2;
16023 _.expressionNode = t3;
16024 _.map = t4;
16025 _.nodeWithSpan = t5;
16026 },
16027 _EvaluateVisitor__verifyArguments_closure2: function _EvaluateVisitor__verifyArguments_closure2(t0, t1, t2) {
16028 this.$arguments = t0;
16029 this.positional = t1;
16030 this.named = t2;
16031 },
16032 _EvaluateVisitor_visitStringExpression_closure2: function _EvaluateVisitor_visitStringExpression_closure2(t0) {
16033 this.$this = t0;
16034 },
16035 _EvaluateVisitor_visitCssAtRule_closure5: function _EvaluateVisitor_visitCssAtRule_closure5(t0, t1) {
16036 this.$this = t0;
16037 this.node = t1;
16038 },
16039 _EvaluateVisitor_visitCssAtRule_closure6: function _EvaluateVisitor_visitCssAtRule_closure6() {
16040 },
16041 _EvaluateVisitor_visitCssKeyframeBlock_closure5: function _EvaluateVisitor_visitCssKeyframeBlock_closure5(t0, t1) {
16042 this.$this = t0;
16043 this.node = t1;
16044 },
16045 _EvaluateVisitor_visitCssKeyframeBlock_closure6: function _EvaluateVisitor_visitCssKeyframeBlock_closure6() {
16046 },
16047 _EvaluateVisitor_visitCssMediaRule_closure8: function _EvaluateVisitor_visitCssMediaRule_closure8(t0, t1) {
16048 this.$this = t0;
16049 this.node = t1;
16050 },
16051 _EvaluateVisitor_visitCssMediaRule_closure9: function _EvaluateVisitor_visitCssMediaRule_closure9(t0, t1, t2) {
16052 this.$this = t0;
16053 this.mergedQueries = t1;
16054 this.node = t2;
16055 },
16056 _EvaluateVisitor_visitCssMediaRule__closure2: function _EvaluateVisitor_visitCssMediaRule__closure2(t0, t1) {
16057 this.$this = t0;
16058 this.node = t1;
16059 },
16060 _EvaluateVisitor_visitCssMediaRule___closure2: function _EvaluateVisitor_visitCssMediaRule___closure2(t0, t1) {
16061 this.$this = t0;
16062 this.node = t1;
16063 },
16064 _EvaluateVisitor_visitCssMediaRule_closure10: function _EvaluateVisitor_visitCssMediaRule_closure10(t0) {
16065 this.mergedQueries = t0;
16066 },
16067 _EvaluateVisitor_visitCssStyleRule_closure5: function _EvaluateVisitor_visitCssStyleRule_closure5(t0, t1, t2) {
16068 this.$this = t0;
16069 this.rule = t1;
16070 this.node = t2;
16071 },
16072 _EvaluateVisitor_visitCssStyleRule__closure2: function _EvaluateVisitor_visitCssStyleRule__closure2(t0, t1) {
16073 this.$this = t0;
16074 this.node = t1;
16075 },
16076 _EvaluateVisitor_visitCssStyleRule_closure6: function _EvaluateVisitor_visitCssStyleRule_closure6() {
16077 },
16078 _EvaluateVisitor_visitCssSupportsRule_closure5: function _EvaluateVisitor_visitCssSupportsRule_closure5(t0, t1) {
16079 this.$this = t0;
16080 this.node = t1;
16081 },
16082 _EvaluateVisitor_visitCssSupportsRule__closure2: function _EvaluateVisitor_visitCssSupportsRule__closure2(t0, t1) {
16083 this.$this = t0;
16084 this.node = t1;
16085 },
16086 _EvaluateVisitor_visitCssSupportsRule_closure6: function _EvaluateVisitor_visitCssSupportsRule_closure6() {
16087 },
16088 _EvaluateVisitor__performInterpolation_closure2: function _EvaluateVisitor__performInterpolation_closure2(t0, t1, t2) {
16089 this.$this = t0;
16090 this.warnForColor = t1;
16091 this.interpolation = t2;
16092 },
16093 _EvaluateVisitor__serialize_closure2: function _EvaluateVisitor__serialize_closure2(t0, t1) {
16094 this.value = t0;
16095 this.quote = t1;
16096 },
16097 _EvaluateVisitor__expressionNode_closure2: function _EvaluateVisitor__expressionNode_closure2(t0, t1) {
16098 this.$this = t0;
16099 this.expression = t1;
16100 },
16101 _EvaluateVisitor__withoutSlash_recommendation2: function _EvaluateVisitor__withoutSlash_recommendation2() {
16102 },
16103 _EvaluateVisitor__stackFrame_closure2: function _EvaluateVisitor__stackFrame_closure2(t0) {
16104 this.$this = t0;
16105 },
16106 _EvaluateVisitor__stackTrace_closure2: function _EvaluateVisitor__stackTrace_closure2(t0) {
16107 this.$this = t0;
16108 },
16109 _ImportedCssVisitor2: function _ImportedCssVisitor2(t0) {
16110 this._async_evaluate0$_visitor = t0;
16111 },
16112 _ImportedCssVisitor_visitCssAtRule_closure2: function _ImportedCssVisitor_visitCssAtRule_closure2() {
16113 },
16114 _ImportedCssVisitor_visitCssMediaRule_closure2: function _ImportedCssVisitor_visitCssMediaRule_closure2(t0) {
16115 this.hasBeenMerged = t0;
16116 },
16117 _ImportedCssVisitor_visitCssStyleRule_closure2: function _ImportedCssVisitor_visitCssStyleRule_closure2() {
16118 },
16119 _ImportedCssVisitor_visitCssSupportsRule_closure2: function _ImportedCssVisitor_visitCssSupportsRule_closure2() {
16120 },
16121 EvaluateResult0: function EvaluateResult0(t0, t1) {
16122 this.stylesheet = t0;
16123 this.loadedUrls = t1;
16124 },
16125 _EvaluationContext2: function _EvaluationContext2(t0, t1) {
16126 this._async_evaluate0$_visitor = t0;
16127 this._async_evaluate0$_defaultWarnNodeWithSpan = t1;
16128 },
16129 _ArgumentResults2: function _ArgumentResults2(t0, t1, t2, t3, t4) {
16130 var _ = this;
16131 _.positional = t0;
16132 _.positionalNodes = t1;
16133 _.named = t2;
16134 _.namedNodes = t3;
16135 _.separator = t4;
16136 },
16137 _LoadedStylesheet2: function _LoadedStylesheet2(t0, t1, t2) {
16138 this.stylesheet = t0;
16139 this.importer = t1;
16140 this.isDependency = t2;
16141 },
16142 NodeToDartAsyncFileImporter: function NodeToDartAsyncFileImporter(t0) {
16143 this._findFileUrl = t0;
16144 },
16145 AsyncImportCache$(importers, loadPaths, logger, packageConfig) {
16146 var t1 = type$.nullable_Tuple3_AsyncImporter_Uri_Uri_2,
16147 t2 = type$.Uri,
16148 t3 = A.AsyncImportCache__toImporters0(importers, loadPaths, packageConfig);
16149 return new A.AsyncImportCache0(t3, logger, A.LinkedHashMap_LinkedHashMap$_empty(type$.Tuple2_Uri_bool, t1), A.LinkedHashMap_LinkedHashMap$_empty(type$.Tuple4_of_Uri_and_bool_and_AsyncImporter_and_nullable_Uri_2, t1), A.LinkedHashMap_LinkedHashMap$_empty(t2, type$.nullable_Stylesheet_2), A.LinkedHashMap_LinkedHashMap$_empty(t2, type$.ImporterResult_2));
16150 },
16151 AsyncImportCache$none(logger) {
16152 var t1 = type$.nullable_Tuple3_AsyncImporter_Uri_Uri_2,
16153 t2 = type$.Uri;
16154 return new A.AsyncImportCache0(B.List_empty21, logger, A.LinkedHashMap_LinkedHashMap$_empty(type$.Tuple2_Uri_bool, t1), A.LinkedHashMap_LinkedHashMap$_empty(type$.Tuple4_of_Uri_and_bool_and_AsyncImporter_and_nullable_Uri_2, t1), A.LinkedHashMap_LinkedHashMap$_empty(t2, type$.nullable_Stylesheet_2), A.LinkedHashMap_LinkedHashMap$_empty(t2, type$.ImporterResult_2));
16155 },
16156 AsyncImportCache__toImporters0(importers, loadPaths, packageConfig) {
16157 var t2, t3, _i, path, _null = null,
16158 sassPath = A._asStringQ(type$.Object._as(J.get$env$x(self.process)).SASS_PATH),
16159 t1 = A._setArrayType([], type$.JSArray_AsyncImporter);
16160 if (importers != null)
16161 B.JSArray_methods.addAll$1(t1, importers);
16162 if (loadPaths != null)
16163 for (t2 = J.get$iterator$ax(loadPaths); t2.moveNext$0();) {
16164 t3 = t2.get$current(t2);
16165 t1.push(new A.FilesystemImporter0($.$get$context().absolute$7(t3, _null, _null, _null, _null, _null, _null)));
16166 }
16167 if (sassPath != null) {
16168 t2 = sassPath.split(J.$eq$(J.get$platform$x(self.process), "win32") ? ";" : ":");
16169 t3 = t2.length;
16170 _i = 0;
16171 for (; _i < t3; ++_i) {
16172 path = t2[_i];
16173 t1.push(new A.FilesystemImporter0($.$get$context().absolute$7(path, _null, _null, _null, _null, _null, _null)));
16174 }
16175 }
16176 return t1;
16177 },
16178 AsyncImportCache0: function AsyncImportCache0(t0, t1, t2, t3, t4, t5) {
16179 var _ = this;
16180 _._async_import_cache0$_importers = t0;
16181 _._async_import_cache0$_logger = t1;
16182 _._async_import_cache0$_canonicalizeCache = t2;
16183 _._async_import_cache0$_relativeCanonicalizeCache = t3;
16184 _._async_import_cache0$_importCache = t4;
16185 _._async_import_cache0$_resultsCache = t5;
16186 },
16187 AsyncImportCache_canonicalize_closure1: function AsyncImportCache_canonicalize_closure1(t0, t1, t2, t3, t4) {
16188 var _ = this;
16189 _.$this = t0;
16190 _.baseUrl = t1;
16191 _.url = t2;
16192 _.baseImporter = t3;
16193 _.forImport = t4;
16194 },
16195 AsyncImportCache_canonicalize_closure2: function AsyncImportCache_canonicalize_closure2(t0, t1, t2) {
16196 this.$this = t0;
16197 this.url = t1;
16198 this.forImport = t2;
16199 },
16200 AsyncImportCache__canonicalize_closure0: function AsyncImportCache__canonicalize_closure0(t0, t1) {
16201 this.importer = t0;
16202 this.url = t1;
16203 },
16204 AsyncImportCache_importCanonical_closure0: function AsyncImportCache_importCanonical_closure0(t0, t1, t2, t3, t4) {
16205 var _ = this;
16206 _.$this = t0;
16207 _.importer = t1;
16208 _.canonicalUrl = t2;
16209 _.originalUrl = t3;
16210 _.quiet = t4;
16211 },
16212 AsyncImportCache_humanize_closure2: function AsyncImportCache_humanize_closure2(t0) {
16213 this.canonicalUrl = t0;
16214 },
16215 AsyncImportCache_humanize_closure3: function AsyncImportCache_humanize_closure3() {
16216 },
16217 AsyncImportCache_humanize_closure4: function AsyncImportCache_humanize_closure4() {
16218 },
16219 AtRootQueryParser0: function AtRootQueryParser0(t0, t1) {
16220 this.scanner = t0;
16221 this.logger = t1;
16222 },
16223 AtRootQueryParser_parse_closure0: function AtRootQueryParser_parse_closure0(t0) {
16224 this.$this = t0;
16225 },
16226 AtRootQuery0: function AtRootQuery0(t0, t1, t2, t3) {
16227 var _ = this;
16228 _.include = t0;
16229 _.names = t1;
16230 _._at_root_query0$_all = t2;
16231 _._at_root_query0$_rule = t3;
16232 },
16233 AtRootRule$0(children, span, query) {
16234 var t1 = A.List_List$unmodifiable(children, type$.Statement_2),
16235 t2 = B.JSArray_methods.any$1(t1, new A.ParentStatement_closure0());
16236 return new A.AtRootRule0(query, span, t1, t2);
16237 },
16238 AtRootRule0: function AtRootRule0(t0, t1, t2, t3) {
16239 var _ = this;
16240 _.query = t0;
16241 _.span = t1;
16242 _.children = t2;
16243 _.hasDeclarations = t3;
16244 },
16245 ModifiableCssAtRule$0($name, span, childless, value) {
16246 var t1 = A._setArrayType([], type$.JSArray_ModifiableCssNode_2);
16247 return new A.ModifiableCssAtRule0($name, value, childless, span, new A.UnmodifiableListView(t1, type$.UnmodifiableListView_ModifiableCssNode_2), t1);
16248 },
16249 ModifiableCssAtRule0: function ModifiableCssAtRule0(t0, t1, t2, t3, t4, t5) {
16250 var _ = this;
16251 _.name = t0;
16252 _.value = t1;
16253 _.isChildless = t2;
16254 _.span = t3;
16255 _.children = t4;
16256 _._node1$_children = t5;
16257 _._node1$_indexInParent = _._node1$_parent = null;
16258 _.isGroupEnd = false;
16259 },
16260 AtRule$0($name, span, children, value) {
16261 var t1 = children == null ? null : A.List_List$unmodifiable(children, type$.Statement_2),
16262 t2 = t1 == null ? null : B.JSArray_methods.any$1(t1, new A.ParentStatement_closure0());
16263 return new A.AtRule0($name, value, span, t1, t2 === true);
16264 },
16265 AtRule0: function AtRule0(t0, t1, t2, t3, t4) {
16266 var _ = this;
16267 _.name = t0;
16268 _.value = t1;
16269 _.span = t2;
16270 _.children = t3;
16271 _.hasDeclarations = t4;
16272 },
16273 AttributeSelector0: function AttributeSelector0(t0, t1, t2, t3) {
16274 var _ = this;
16275 _.name = t0;
16276 _.op = t1;
16277 _.value = t2;
16278 _.modifier = t3;
16279 },
16280 AttributeOperator0: function AttributeOperator0(t0) {
16281 this._attribute0$_text = t0;
16282 },
16283 BinaryOperationExpression0: function BinaryOperationExpression0(t0, t1, t2, t3) {
16284 var _ = this;
16285 _.operator = t0;
16286 _.left = t1;
16287 _.right = t2;
16288 _.allowsSlash = t3;
16289 },
16290 BinaryOperator0: function BinaryOperator0(t0, t1, t2) {
16291 this.name = t0;
16292 this.operator = t1;
16293 this.precedence = t2;
16294 },
16295 BooleanExpression0: function BooleanExpression0(t0, t1) {
16296 this.value = t0;
16297 this.span = t1;
16298 },
16299 legacyBooleanClass_closure: function legacyBooleanClass_closure() {
16300 },
16301 legacyBooleanClass__closure: function legacyBooleanClass__closure() {
16302 },
16303 legacyBooleanClass__closure0: function legacyBooleanClass__closure0() {
16304 },
16305 booleanClass_closure: function booleanClass_closure() {
16306 },
16307 booleanClass__closure: function booleanClass__closure() {
16308 },
16309 SassBoolean0: function SassBoolean0(t0) {
16310 this.value = t0;
16311 },
16312 BuiltInCallable$function0($name, $arguments, callback, url) {
16313 return new A.BuiltInCallable0($name, A._setArrayType([new A.Tuple2(A.ScssParser$0("@function " + $name + "(" + $arguments + ") {", null, url).parseArgumentDeclaration$0(), callback, type$.Tuple2_of_ArgumentDeclaration_and_Value_Function_List_Value_2)], type$.JSArray_Tuple2_of_ArgumentDeclaration_and_Value_Function_List_Value_2));
16314 },
16315 BuiltInCallable$mixin0($name, $arguments, callback, url) {
16316 return new A.BuiltInCallable0($name, A._setArrayType([new A.Tuple2(A.ScssParser$0("@mixin " + $name + "(" + $arguments + ") {", null, url).parseArgumentDeclaration$0(), new A.BuiltInCallable$mixin_closure0(callback), type$.Tuple2_of_ArgumentDeclaration_and_Value_Function_List_Value_2)], type$.JSArray_Tuple2_of_ArgumentDeclaration_and_Value_Function_List_Value_2));
16317 },
16318 BuiltInCallable$parsed($name, $arguments, callback) {
16319 return new A.BuiltInCallable0($name, A._setArrayType([new A.Tuple2($arguments, callback, type$.Tuple2_of_ArgumentDeclaration_and_Value_Function_List_Value_2)], type$.JSArray_Tuple2_of_ArgumentDeclaration_and_Value_Function_List_Value_2));
16320 },
16321 BuiltInCallable$overloadedFunction0($name, overloads) {
16322 var t2, t3, t4, t5, t6, t7,
16323 t1 = A._setArrayType([], type$.JSArray_Tuple2_of_ArgumentDeclaration_and_Value_Function_List_Value_2);
16324 for (t2 = overloads.get$entries(overloads), t2 = t2.get$iterator(t2), t3 = type$.Tuple2_of_ArgumentDeclaration_and_Value_Function_List_Value_2, t4 = type$.String, t5 = type$.VariableDeclaration_2; t2.moveNext$0();) {
16325 t6 = t2.get$current(t2);
16326 t7 = A.SpanScanner$("@function " + $name + "(" + A.S(t6.key) + ") {", null);
16327 t1.push(new A.Tuple2(new A.ScssParser0(A.LinkedHashMap_LinkedHashMap$_empty(t4, t5), t7, B.StderrLogger_false0).parseArgumentDeclaration$0(), t6.value, t3));
16328 }
16329 return new A.BuiltInCallable0($name, t1);
16330 },
16331 BuiltInCallable0: function BuiltInCallable0(t0, t1) {
16332 this.name = t0;
16333 this._built_in$_overloads = t1;
16334 },
16335 BuiltInCallable$mixin_closure0: function BuiltInCallable$mixin_closure0(t0) {
16336 this.callback = t0;
16337 },
16338 BuiltInModule$0($name, functions, mixins, variables, $T) {
16339 var t1 = A._Uri__Uri(null, $name, null, "sass"),
16340 t2 = A.BuiltInModule__callableMap0(functions, $T),
16341 t3 = A.BuiltInModule__callableMap0(mixins, $T),
16342 t4 = variables == null ? B.Map_empty8 : new A.UnmodifiableMapView(variables, type$.UnmodifiableMapView_String_Value_2);
16343 return new A.BuiltInModule0(t1, t2, t3, t4, $T._eval$1("BuiltInModule0<0>"));
16344 },
16345 BuiltInModule__callableMap0(callables, $T) {
16346 var t2, _i, callable,
16347 t1 = type$.String;
16348 if (callables == null)
16349 t1 = A.LinkedHashMap_LinkedHashMap$_empty(t1, $T);
16350 else {
16351 t1 = A.LinkedHashMap_LinkedHashMap$_empty(t1, $T);
16352 for (t2 = callables.length, _i = 0; _i < callables.length; callables.length === t2 || (0, A.throwConcurrentModificationError)(callables), ++_i) {
16353 callable = callables[_i];
16354 t1.$indexSet(0, J.get$name$x(callable), callable);
16355 }
16356 t1 = new A.UnmodifiableMapView(t1, type$.$env_1_1_String._bind$1($T)._eval$1("UnmodifiableMapView<1,2>"));
16357 }
16358 return new A.UnmodifiableMapView(t1, type$.$env_1_1_String._bind$1($T)._eval$1("UnmodifiableMapView<1,2>"));
16359 },
16360 BuiltInModule0: function BuiltInModule0(t0, t1, t2, t3, t4) {
16361 var _ = this;
16362 _.url = t0;
16363 _.functions = t1;
16364 _.mixins = t2;
16365 _.variables = t3;
16366 _.$ti = t4;
16367 },
16368 CalculationExpression__verifyArguments0($arguments) {
16369 return A.List_List$unmodifiable(new A.MappedListIterable($arguments, new A.CalculationExpression__verifyArguments_closure0(), A._arrayInstanceType($arguments)._eval$1("MappedListIterable<1,@>")), type$.Expression_2);
16370 },
16371 CalculationExpression__verify0(expression) {
16372 var t1,
16373 _s29_ = "Invalid calculation argument ";
16374 if (expression instanceof A.NumberExpression0)
16375 return;
16376 if (expression instanceof A.CalculationExpression0)
16377 return;
16378 if (expression instanceof A.VariableExpression0)
16379 return;
16380 if (expression instanceof A.FunctionExpression0)
16381 return;
16382 if (expression instanceof A.IfExpression0)
16383 return;
16384 if (expression instanceof A.StringExpression0) {
16385 if (expression.hasQuotes)
16386 throw A.wrapException(A.ArgumentError$(_s29_ + expression.toString$0(0) + ".", null));
16387 } else if (expression instanceof A.ParenthesizedExpression0)
16388 A.CalculationExpression__verify0(expression.expression);
16389 else if (expression instanceof A.BinaryOperationExpression0) {
16390 A.CalculationExpression__verify0(expression.left);
16391 A.CalculationExpression__verify0(expression.right);
16392 t1 = expression.operator;
16393 if (t1 === B.BinaryOperator_AcR2)
16394 return;
16395 if (t1 === B.BinaryOperator_iyO0)
16396 return;
16397 if (t1 === B.BinaryOperator_O1M0)
16398 return;
16399 if (t1 === B.BinaryOperator_RTB0)
16400 return;
16401 throw A.wrapException(A.ArgumentError$(_s29_ + expression.toString$0(0) + ".", null));
16402 } else
16403 throw A.wrapException(A.ArgumentError$(_s29_ + expression.toString$0(0) + ".", null));
16404 },
16405 CalculationExpression0: function CalculationExpression0(t0, t1, t2) {
16406 this.name = t0;
16407 this.$arguments = t1;
16408 this.span = t2;
16409 },
16410 CalculationExpression__verifyArguments_closure0: function CalculationExpression__verifyArguments_closure0() {
16411 },
16412 SassCalculation_calc0(argument) {
16413 argument = A.SassCalculation__simplify0(argument);
16414 if (argument instanceof A.SassNumber0)
16415 return argument;
16416 if (argument instanceof A.SassCalculation0)
16417 return argument;
16418 return new A.SassCalculation0("calc", A.List_List$unmodifiable([argument], type$.Object));
16419 },
16420 SassCalculation_min0($arguments) {
16421 var minimum, _i, arg, t2,
16422 args = A.List_List$unmodifiable(new A.MappedListIterable($arguments, A.calculation0_SassCalculation__simplify$closure(), A._arrayInstanceType($arguments)._eval$1("MappedListIterable<1,@>")), type$.Object),
16423 t1 = args.length;
16424 if (t1 === 0)
16425 throw A.wrapException(A.ArgumentError$("min() must have at least one argument.", null));
16426 for (minimum = null, _i = 0; _i < t1; ++_i) {
16427 arg = args[_i];
16428 if (arg instanceof A.SassNumber0)
16429 t2 = minimum != null && !minimum.isComparableTo$1(arg);
16430 else
16431 t2 = true;
16432 if (t2) {
16433 minimum = null;
16434 break;
16435 } else if (minimum == null || minimum.greaterThan$1(arg).value)
16436 minimum = arg;
16437 }
16438 if (minimum != null)
16439 return minimum;
16440 A.SassCalculation__verifyCompatibleNumbers0(args);
16441 return new A.SassCalculation0("min", args);
16442 },
16443 SassCalculation_max0($arguments) {
16444 var maximum, _i, arg, t2,
16445 args = A.List_List$unmodifiable(new A.MappedListIterable($arguments, A.calculation0_SassCalculation__simplify$closure(), A._arrayInstanceType($arguments)._eval$1("MappedListIterable<1,@>")), type$.Object),
16446 t1 = args.length;
16447 if (t1 === 0)
16448 throw A.wrapException(A.ArgumentError$("max() must have at least one argument.", null));
16449 for (maximum = null, _i = 0; _i < t1; ++_i) {
16450 arg = args[_i];
16451 if (arg instanceof A.SassNumber0)
16452 t2 = maximum != null && !maximum.isComparableTo$1(arg);
16453 else
16454 t2 = true;
16455 if (t2) {
16456 maximum = null;
16457 break;
16458 } else if (maximum == null || maximum.lessThan$1(arg).value)
16459 maximum = arg;
16460 }
16461 if (maximum != null)
16462 return maximum;
16463 A.SassCalculation__verifyCompatibleNumbers0(args);
16464 return new A.SassCalculation0("max", args);
16465 },
16466 SassCalculation_clamp0(min, value, max) {
16467 var t1, args;
16468 if (value == null && max != null)
16469 throw A.wrapException(A.ArgumentError$("If value is null, max must also be null.", null));
16470 min = A.SassCalculation__simplify0(min);
16471 value = A.NullableExtension_andThen0(value, A.calculation0_SassCalculation__simplify$closure());
16472 max = A.NullableExtension_andThen0(max, A.calculation0_SassCalculation__simplify$closure());
16473 if (min instanceof A.SassNumber0 && value instanceof A.SassNumber0 && max instanceof A.SassNumber0 && min.hasCompatibleUnits$1(value) && min.hasCompatibleUnits$1(max)) {
16474 if (value.lessThanOrEquals$1(min).value)
16475 return min;
16476 if (value.greaterThanOrEquals$1(max).value)
16477 return max;
16478 return value;
16479 }
16480 t1 = [min];
16481 if (value != null)
16482 t1.push(value);
16483 if (max != null)
16484 t1.push(max);
16485 args = A.List_List$unmodifiable(t1, type$.Object);
16486 A.SassCalculation__verifyCompatibleNumbers0(args);
16487 A.SassCalculation__verifyLength0(args, 3);
16488 return new A.SassCalculation0("clamp", args);
16489 },
16490 SassCalculation_operateInternal0(operator, left, right, inMinMax) {
16491 var t1, t2;
16492 left = A.SassCalculation__simplify0(left);
16493 right = A.SassCalculation__simplify0(right);
16494 t1 = operator === B.CalculationOperator_Iem0;
16495 if (t1 || operator === B.CalculationOperator_uti0) {
16496 if (left instanceof A.SassNumber0)
16497 if (right instanceof A.SassNumber0)
16498 t2 = inMinMax ? left.isComparableTo$1(right) : left.hasCompatibleUnits$1(right);
16499 else
16500 t2 = false;
16501 else
16502 t2 = false;
16503 if (t2)
16504 return t1 ? left.plus$1(right) : left.minus$1(right);
16505 A.SassCalculation__verifyCompatibleNumbers0(A._setArrayType([left, right], type$.JSArray_Object));
16506 if (right instanceof A.SassNumber0) {
16507 t2 = right._number1$_value;
16508 t2 = t2 < 0 && !(Math.abs(t2 - 0) < $.$get$epsilon0());
16509 } else
16510 t2 = false;
16511 if (t2) {
16512 right = right.times$1(new A.UnitlessSassNumber0(-1, null));
16513 operator = t1 ? B.CalculationOperator_uti0 : B.CalculationOperator_Iem0;
16514 }
16515 return new A.CalculationOperation0(operator, left, right);
16516 } else if (left instanceof A.SassNumber0 && right instanceof A.SassNumber0)
16517 return operator === B.CalculationOperator_Dih0 ? left.times$1(right) : left.dividedBy$1(right);
16518 else
16519 return new A.CalculationOperation0(operator, left, right);
16520 },
16521 SassCalculation__simplify0(arg) {
16522 var _s32_ = " can't be used in a calculation.";
16523 if (arg instanceof A.SassNumber0 || arg instanceof A.CalculationInterpolation0 || arg instanceof A.CalculationOperation0)
16524 return arg;
16525 else if (arg instanceof A.SassString0) {
16526 if (!arg._string0$_hasQuotes)
16527 return arg;
16528 throw A.wrapException(A.SassCalculation__exception0("Quoted string " + arg.toString$0(0) + _s32_));
16529 } else if (arg instanceof A.SassCalculation0)
16530 return arg.name === "calc" ? arg.$arguments[0] : arg;
16531 else if (arg instanceof A.Value0)
16532 throw A.wrapException(A.SassCalculation__exception0("Value " + arg.toString$0(0) + _s32_));
16533 else
16534 throw A.wrapException(A.ArgumentError$("Unexpected calculation argument " + A.S(arg) + ".", null));
16535 },
16536 SassCalculation__verifyCompatibleNumbers0(args) {
16537 var t1, _i, t2, arg, i, number1, j, number2;
16538 for (t1 = args.length, _i = 0; t2 = args.length, _i < t2; args.length === t1 || (0, A.throwConcurrentModificationError)(args), ++_i) {
16539 arg = args[_i];
16540 if (!(arg instanceof A.SassNumber0))
16541 continue;
16542 if (arg.get$numeratorUnits(arg).length > 1 || arg.get$denominatorUnits(arg).length !== 0)
16543 throw A.wrapException(A.SassCalculation__exception0("Number " + arg.toString$0(0) + " isn't compatible with CSS calculations."));
16544 }
16545 for (t1 = t2, i = 0; i < t1 - 1; ++i) {
16546 number1 = args[i];
16547 if (!(number1 instanceof A.SassNumber0))
16548 continue;
16549 for (j = i + 1; t1 = args.length, j < t1; ++j) {
16550 number2 = args[j];
16551 if (!(number2 instanceof A.SassNumber0))
16552 continue;
16553 if (number1.hasPossiblyCompatibleUnits$1(number2))
16554 continue;
16555 throw A.wrapException(A.SassCalculation__exception0(number1.toString$0(0) + " and " + number2.toString$0(0) + " are incompatible."));
16556 }
16557 }
16558 },
16559 SassCalculation__verifyLength0(args, expectedLength) {
16560 var t1 = args.length;
16561 if (t1 === expectedLength)
16562 return;
16563 if (B.JSArray_methods.any$1(args, new A.SassCalculation__verifyLength_closure0()))
16564 return;
16565 throw A.wrapException(A.SassCalculation__exception0("" + expectedLength + " arguments required, but only " + t1 + " " + A.pluralize0("was", t1, "were") + " passed."));
16566 },
16567 SassCalculation__exception0(message) {
16568 return new A.SassScriptException0(message);
16569 },
16570 SassCalculation0: function SassCalculation0(t0, t1) {
16571 this.name = t0;
16572 this.$arguments = t1;
16573 },
16574 SassCalculation__verifyLength_closure0: function SassCalculation__verifyLength_closure0() {
16575 },
16576 CalculationOperation0: function CalculationOperation0(t0, t1, t2) {
16577 this.operator = t0;
16578 this.left = t1;
16579 this.right = t2;
16580 },
16581 CalculationOperator0: function CalculationOperator0(t0, t1, t2) {
16582 this.name = t0;
16583 this.operator = t1;
16584 this.precedence = t2;
16585 },
16586 CalculationInterpolation0: function CalculationInterpolation0(t0) {
16587 this.value = t0;
16588 },
16589 CallableDeclaration0: function CallableDeclaration0() {
16590 },
16591 Chokidar0: function Chokidar0() {
16592 },
16593 ChokidarOptions0: function ChokidarOptions0() {
16594 },
16595 ChokidarWatcher0: function ChokidarWatcher0() {
16596 },
16597 ClassSelector0: function ClassSelector0(t0) {
16598 this.name = t0;
16599 },
16600 cloneCssStylesheet0(stylesheet, extensionStore) {
16601 var result = extensionStore.clone$0();
16602 return new A.Tuple2(new A._CloneCssVisitor0(result.item2)._clone_css$_visitChildren$2(A.ModifiableCssStylesheet$0(stylesheet.get$span(stylesheet)), stylesheet), result.item1, type$.Tuple2_ModifiableCssStylesheet_ExtensionStore_2);
16603 },
16604 _CloneCssVisitor0: function _CloneCssVisitor0(t0) {
16605 this._clone_css$_oldToNewSelectors = t0;
16606 },
16607 ColorExpression0: function ColorExpression0(t0, t1) {
16608 this.value = t0;
16609 this.span = t1;
16610 },
16611 _updateComponents0($arguments, adjust, change, scale) {
16612 var keywords, alpha, red, green, blue, hueNumber, t2, hue, saturation, lightness, whiteness, blackness, hasRgb, hasSL, hasWB, t3, t4, _null = null,
16613 t1 = J.getInterceptor$asx($arguments),
16614 color = t1.$index($arguments, 0).assertColor$1("color"),
16615 argumentList = type$.SassArgumentList_2._as(t1.$index($arguments, 1));
16616 if (argumentList._list1$_contents.length !== 0)
16617 throw A.wrapException(A.SassScriptException$0(string$.Only_op));
16618 argumentList._argument_list$_wereKeywordsAccessed = true;
16619 keywords = A.LinkedHashMap_LinkedHashMap$of(argumentList._argument_list$_keywords, type$.String, type$.Value_2);
16620 t1 = new A._updateComponents_getParam0(keywords, scale, change);
16621 alpha = t1.call$2("alpha", 1);
16622 red = t1.call$2("red", 255);
16623 green = t1.call$2("green", 255);
16624 blue = t1.call$2("blue", 255);
16625 if (scale)
16626 hueNumber = _null;
16627 else {
16628 t2 = keywords.remove$1(0, "hue");
16629 hueNumber = t2 == null ? _null : t2.assertNumber$1("hue");
16630 }
16631 t2 = hueNumber == null;
16632 if (!t2)
16633 A._checkAngle0(hueNumber, "hue");
16634 hue = t2 ? _null : hueNumber._number1$_value;
16635 saturation = t1.call$3$checkPercent("saturation", 100, true);
16636 lightness = t1.call$3$checkPercent("lightness", 100, true);
16637 whiteness = t1.call$3$assertPercent("whiteness", 100, true);
16638 blackness = t1.call$3$assertPercent("blackness", 100, true);
16639 if (keywords.get$isNotEmpty(keywords))
16640 throw A.wrapException(A.SassScriptException$0("No " + A.pluralize0("argument", keywords.get$length(keywords), _null) + " named " + A.S(A.toSentence0(keywords.get$keys(keywords).map$1$1(0, new A._updateComponents_closure0(), type$.Object), "or")) + "."));
16641 hasRgb = red != null || green != null || blue != null;
16642 hasSL = saturation != null || lightness != null;
16643 hasWB = whiteness != null || blackness != null;
16644 if (hasRgb)
16645 t1 = hasSL || hasWB || hue != null;
16646 else
16647 t1 = false;
16648 if (t1)
16649 throw A.wrapException(A.SassScriptException$0(string$.RGB_pa + (hasWB ? "HWB" : "HSL") + " parameters."));
16650 if (hasSL && hasWB)
16651 throw A.wrapException(A.SassScriptException$0(string$.HSL_pa));
16652 t1 = new A._updateComponents_updateValue0(change, adjust);
16653 t2 = new A._updateComponents_updateRgb0(t1);
16654 if (hasRgb) {
16655 t3 = t2.call$2(color.get$red(color), red);
16656 t4 = t2.call$2(color.get$green(color), green);
16657 t2 = t2.call$2(color.get$blue(color), blue);
16658 return color.changeRgb$4$alpha$blue$green$red(t1.call$3(color._color0$_alpha, alpha, 1), t2, t4, t3);
16659 } else if (hasWB) {
16660 if (change)
16661 t2 = hue;
16662 else {
16663 t2 = color.get$hue(color);
16664 t2 += hue == null ? 0 : hue;
16665 }
16666 t3 = t1.call$3(color.get$whiteness(color), whiteness, 100);
16667 t4 = t1.call$3(color.get$blackness(color), blackness, 100);
16668 return color.changeHwb$4$alpha$blackness$hue$whiteness(t1.call$3(color._color0$_alpha, alpha, 1), t4, t2, t3);
16669 } else {
16670 t2 = hue == null;
16671 if (!t2 || hasSL) {
16672 if (change)
16673 t2 = hue;
16674 else {
16675 t3 = color.get$hue(color);
16676 t3 += t2 ? 0 : hue;
16677 t2 = t3;
16678 }
16679 t3 = t1.call$3(color.get$saturation(color), saturation, 100);
16680 t4 = t1.call$3(color.get$lightness(color), lightness, 100);
16681 return color.changeHsl$4$alpha$hue$lightness$saturation(t1.call$3(color._color0$_alpha, alpha, 1), t2, t4, t3);
16682 } else if (alpha != null)
16683 return color.changeAlpha$1(t1.call$3(color._color0$_alpha, alpha, 1));
16684 else
16685 return color;
16686 }
16687 },
16688 _functionString0($name, $arguments) {
16689 return new A.SassString0($name + "(" + J.map$1$1$ax($arguments, new A._functionString_closure0(), type$.String).join$1(0, ", ") + ")", false);
16690 },
16691 _removedColorFunction0($name, argument, negative) {
16692 return A.BuiltInCallable$function0($name, "$color, $amount", new A._removedColorFunction_closure0($name, argument, negative), "sass:color");
16693 },
16694 _rgb0($name, $arguments) {
16695 var t2, red, green, blue,
16696 t1 = J.getInterceptor$asx($arguments),
16697 alpha = t1.get$length($arguments) > 3 ? t1.$index($arguments, 3) : null;
16698 if (!t1.$index($arguments, 0).get$isSpecialNumber())
16699 if (!t1.$index($arguments, 1).get$isSpecialNumber())
16700 if (!t1.$index($arguments, 2).get$isSpecialNumber()) {
16701 t2 = alpha == null ? null : alpha.get$isSpecialNumber();
16702 t2 = t2 === true;
16703 } else
16704 t2 = true;
16705 else
16706 t2 = true;
16707 else
16708 t2 = true;
16709 if (t2)
16710 return A._functionString0($name, $arguments);
16711 red = t1.$index($arguments, 0).assertNumber$1("red");
16712 green = t1.$index($arguments, 1).assertNumber$1("green");
16713 blue = t1.$index($arguments, 2).assertNumber$1("blue");
16714 return A.SassColor$rgb0(A.fuzzyRound0(A._percentageOrUnitless0(red, 255, "red")), A.fuzzyRound0(A._percentageOrUnitless0(green, 255, "green")), A.fuzzyRound0(A._percentageOrUnitless0(blue, 255, "blue")), A.NullableExtension_andThen0(alpha, new A._rgb_closure0()), null);
16715 },
16716 _rgbTwoArg0($name, $arguments) {
16717 var first, color,
16718 t1 = J.getInterceptor$asx($arguments);
16719 if (t1.$index($arguments, 0).get$isVar())
16720 return A._functionString0($name, $arguments);
16721 else if (t1.$index($arguments, 1).get$isVar()) {
16722 first = t1.$index($arguments, 0);
16723 if (first instanceof A.SassColor0)
16724 return new A.SassString0($name + "(" + first.get$red(first) + ", " + first.get$green(first) + ", " + first.get$blue(first) + ", " + A.serializeValue0(t1.$index($arguments, 1), false, true) + ")", false);
16725 else
16726 return A._functionString0($name, $arguments);
16727 } else if (t1.$index($arguments, 1).get$isSpecialNumber()) {
16728 color = t1.$index($arguments, 0).assertColor$1("color");
16729 return new A.SassString0($name + "(" + color.get$red(color) + ", " + color.get$green(color) + ", " + color.get$blue(color) + ", " + A.serializeValue0(t1.$index($arguments, 1), false, true) + ")", false);
16730 }
16731 return t1.$index($arguments, 0).assertColor$1("color").changeAlpha$1(A._percentageOrUnitless0(t1.$index($arguments, 1).assertNumber$1("alpha"), 1, "alpha"));
16732 },
16733 _hsl0($name, $arguments) {
16734 var t2, hue, saturation, lightness,
16735 _s10_ = "saturation",
16736 _s9_ = "lightness",
16737 t1 = J.getInterceptor$asx($arguments),
16738 alpha = t1.get$length($arguments) > 3 ? t1.$index($arguments, 3) : null;
16739 if (!t1.$index($arguments, 0).get$isSpecialNumber())
16740 if (!t1.$index($arguments, 1).get$isSpecialNumber())
16741 if (!t1.$index($arguments, 2).get$isSpecialNumber()) {
16742 t2 = alpha == null ? null : alpha.get$isSpecialNumber();
16743 t2 = t2 === true;
16744 } else
16745 t2 = true;
16746 else
16747 t2 = true;
16748 else
16749 t2 = true;
16750 if (t2)
16751 return A._functionString0($name, $arguments);
16752 hue = t1.$index($arguments, 0).assertNumber$1("hue");
16753 saturation = t1.$index($arguments, 1).assertNumber$1(_s10_);
16754 lightness = t1.$index($arguments, 2).assertNumber$1(_s9_);
16755 A._checkAngle0(hue, "hue");
16756 A._checkPercent0(saturation, _s10_);
16757 A._checkPercent0(lightness, _s9_);
16758 return A.SassColor$hsl0(hue._number1$_value, B.JSNumber_methods.clamp$2(saturation._number1$_value, 0, 100), B.JSNumber_methods.clamp$2(lightness._number1$_value, 0, 100), A.NullableExtension_andThen0(alpha, new A._hsl_closure0()));
16759 },
16760 _checkAngle0(angle, $name) {
16761 var t1, t2, t3, actualUnit,
16762 _s31_ = "To preserve current behavior: $";
16763 if (!angle.get$hasUnits() || angle.hasUnit$1("deg"))
16764 return;
16765 t1 = "" + ("$" + A.S($name) + ": Passing a unit other than deg (" + angle.toString$0(0) + ") is deprecated.\n") + "\n";
16766 if (angle.compatibleWithUnit$1("deg")) {
16767 t2 = "You're passing " + angle.toString$0(0) + string$.x2c_whici;
16768 t3 = type$.JSArray_String;
16769 t3 = t1 + (t2 + new A.SingleUnitSassNumber0("deg", angle._number1$_value, null).toString$0(0) + ".\n") + (string$.Soon__ + angle.coerce$2(A._setArrayType(["deg"], t3), A._setArrayType([], t3)).toString$0(0) + ".\n") + "\n";
16770 actualUnit = B.JSArray_methods.get$first(angle.get$numeratorUnits(angle));
16771 t3 = t3 + (_s31_ + A.S($name) + " * 1deg/1" + actualUnit + "\n") + ("To migrate to new behavior: 0deg + $" + A.S($name) + "\n") + "\n";
16772 t1 = t3;
16773 } else
16774 t1 = t1 + (_s31_ + A.S($name) + A._removeUnits0(angle) + "\n") + "\n";
16775 t1 += "See https://sass-lang.com/d/color-units";
16776 A.EvaluationContext_current0().warn$2$deprecation(0, t1.charCodeAt(0) == 0 ? t1 : t1, true);
16777 },
16778 _checkPercent0(number, $name) {
16779 var t1;
16780 if (number.hasUnit$1("%"))
16781 return;
16782 t1 = "$" + $name + ": Passing a number without unit % (" + number.toString$0(0) + string$.x29x20is_d + $name + A._removeUnits0(number) + " * 1%";
16783 A.EvaluationContext_current0().warn$2$deprecation(0, t1, true);
16784 },
16785 _removeUnits0(number) {
16786 var t2,
16787 t1 = number.get$denominatorUnits(number);
16788 t1 = new A.MappedListIterable(t1, new A._removeUnits_closure1(), A._arrayInstanceType(t1)._eval$1("MappedListIterable<1,String>")).join$0(0);
16789 t2 = number.get$numeratorUnits(number);
16790 return t1 + new A.MappedListIterable(t2, new A._removeUnits_closure2(), A._arrayInstanceType(t2)._eval$1("MappedListIterable<1,String>")).join$0(0);
16791 },
16792 _hwb0($arguments) {
16793 var _s9_ = "whiteness",
16794 _s9_0 = "blackness",
16795 t1 = J.getInterceptor$asx($arguments),
16796 alpha = t1.get$length($arguments) > 3 ? t1.$index($arguments, 3) : null,
16797 hue = t1.$index($arguments, 0).assertNumber$1("hue"),
16798 whiteness = t1.$index($arguments, 1).assertNumber$1(_s9_),
16799 blackness = t1.$index($arguments, 2).assertNumber$1(_s9_0);
16800 whiteness.assertUnit$2("%", _s9_);
16801 blackness.assertUnit$2("%", _s9_0);
16802 return A.SassColor_SassColor$hwb0(hue._number1$_value, whiteness.valueInRange$3(0, 100, _s9_), blackness.valueInRange$3(0, 100, _s9_0), A.NullableExtension_andThen0(alpha, new A._hwb_closure0()));
16803 },
16804 _parseChannels0($name, argumentNames, channels) {
16805 var list, t1, channels0, alphaFromSlashList, isCommaSeparated, isBracketed, buffer, maybeSlashSeparated, slash,
16806 _s17_ = "$channels must be";
16807 if (channels.get$isVar())
16808 return A._functionString0($name, A._setArrayType([channels], type$.JSArray_Value_2));
16809 if (channels.get$separator(channels) === B.ListSeparator_1gm0) {
16810 list = channels.get$asList();
16811 t1 = list.length;
16812 if (t1 !== 2)
16813 throw A.wrapException(A.SassScriptException$0(string$.Only_2 + t1 + " " + A.pluralize0("was", list.length, "were") + " passed."));
16814 channels0 = list[0];
16815 alphaFromSlashList = list[1];
16816 if (!alphaFromSlashList.get$isSpecialNumber())
16817 alphaFromSlashList.assertNumber$1("alpha");
16818 if (list[0].get$isVar())
16819 return A._functionString0($name, A._setArrayType([channels], type$.JSArray_Value_2));
16820 } else {
16821 channels0 = channels;
16822 alphaFromSlashList = null;
16823 }
16824 isCommaSeparated = channels0.get$separator(channels0) === B.ListSeparator_kWM0;
16825 isBracketed = channels0.get$hasBrackets();
16826 if (isCommaSeparated || isBracketed) {
16827 buffer = new A.StringBuffer(_s17_);
16828 if (isBracketed) {
16829 t1 = _s17_ + " an unbracketed";
16830 buffer._contents = t1;
16831 } else
16832 t1 = _s17_;
16833 if (isCommaSeparated) {
16834 t1 += isBracketed ? "," : " a";
16835 buffer._contents = t1;
16836 t1 = buffer._contents = t1 + " space-separated";
16837 }
16838 buffer._contents = t1 + " list.";
16839 throw A.wrapException(A.SassScriptException$0(buffer.toString$0(0)));
16840 }
16841 list = channels0.get$asList();
16842 t1 = list.length;
16843 if (t1 > 3)
16844 throw A.wrapException(A.SassScriptException$0("Only 3 elements allowed, but " + t1 + " were passed."));
16845 else if (t1 < 3) {
16846 if (!B.JSArray_methods.any$1(list, new A._parseChannels_closure0()))
16847 if (list.length !== 0) {
16848 t1 = B.JSArray_methods.get$last(list);
16849 if (t1 instanceof A.SassString0)
16850 if (t1._string0$_hasQuotes) {
16851 t1 = t1._string0$_text;
16852 t1 = A.startsWithIgnoreCase0(t1, "var(") && B.JSString_methods.contains$1(t1, "/");
16853 } else
16854 t1 = false;
16855 else
16856 t1 = false;
16857 } else
16858 t1 = false;
16859 else
16860 t1 = true;
16861 if (t1)
16862 return A._functionString0($name, A._setArrayType([channels], type$.JSArray_Value_2));
16863 else
16864 throw A.wrapException(A.SassScriptException$0("Missing element " + argumentNames[list.length] + "."));
16865 }
16866 if (alphaFromSlashList != null) {
16867 t1 = A.List_List$of(list, true, type$.Value_2);
16868 t1.push(alphaFromSlashList);
16869 return t1;
16870 }
16871 maybeSlashSeparated = list[2];
16872 if (maybeSlashSeparated instanceof A.SassNumber0) {
16873 slash = maybeSlashSeparated.asSlash;
16874 if (slash == null)
16875 return list;
16876 return A._setArrayType([list[0], list[1], slash.item1, slash.item2], type$.JSArray_Value_2);
16877 } else if (maybeSlashSeparated instanceof A.SassString0 && !maybeSlashSeparated._string0$_hasQuotes && B.JSString_methods.contains$1(maybeSlashSeparated._string0$_text, "/"))
16878 return A._functionString0($name, A._setArrayType([channels0], type$.JSArray_Value_2));
16879 else
16880 return list;
16881 },
16882 _percentageOrUnitless0(number, max, $name) {
16883 var value;
16884 if (!number.get$hasUnits())
16885 value = number._number1$_value;
16886 else if (number.hasUnit$1("%"))
16887 value = max * number._number1$_value / 100;
16888 else
16889 throw A.wrapException(A.SassScriptException$0("$" + $name + ": Expected " + number.toString$0(0) + ' to have no units or "%".'));
16890 return B.JSNumber_methods.clamp$2(value, 0, max);
16891 },
16892 _mixColors0(color1, color2, weight) {
16893 var weightScale = weight.valueInRange$3(0, 100, "weight") / 100,
16894 normalizedWeight = weightScale * 2 - 1,
16895 t1 = color1._color0$_alpha,
16896 t2 = color2._color0$_alpha,
16897 alphaDistance = t1 - t2,
16898 t3 = normalizedWeight * alphaDistance,
16899 weight1 = ((t3 === -1 ? normalizedWeight : (normalizedWeight + alphaDistance) / (1 + t3)) + 1) / 2,
16900 weight2 = 1 - weight1;
16901 return A.SassColor$rgb0(A.fuzzyRound0(color1.get$red(color1) * weight1 + color2.get$red(color2) * weight2), A.fuzzyRound0(color1.get$green(color1) * weight1 + color2.get$green(color2) * weight2), A.fuzzyRound0(color1.get$blue(color1) * weight1 + color2.get$blue(color2) * weight2), t1 * weightScale + t2 * (1 - weightScale), null);
16902 },
16903 _opacify0($arguments) {
16904 var t1 = J.getInterceptor$asx($arguments),
16905 color = t1.$index($arguments, 0).assertColor$1("color");
16906 return color.changeAlpha$1(B.JSNumber_methods.clamp$2(color._color0$_alpha + t1.$index($arguments, 1).assertNumber$1("amount").valueInRange$3(0, 1, "amount"), 0, 1));
16907 },
16908 _transparentize0($arguments) {
16909 var t1 = J.getInterceptor$asx($arguments),
16910 color = t1.$index($arguments, 0).assertColor$1("color");
16911 return color.changeAlpha$1(B.JSNumber_methods.clamp$2(color._color0$_alpha - t1.$index($arguments, 1).assertNumber$1("amount").valueInRange$3(0, 1, "amount"), 0, 1));
16912 },
16913 _function11($name, $arguments, callback) {
16914 return A.BuiltInCallable$function0($name, $arguments, callback, "sass:color");
16915 },
16916 global_closure30: function global_closure30() {
16917 },
16918 global_closure31: function global_closure31() {
16919 },
16920 global_closure32: function global_closure32() {
16921 },
16922 global_closure33: function global_closure33() {
16923 },
16924 global_closure34: function global_closure34() {
16925 },
16926 global_closure35: function global_closure35() {
16927 },
16928 global_closure36: function global_closure36() {
16929 },
16930 global_closure37: function global_closure37() {
16931 },
16932 global_closure38: function global_closure38() {
16933 },
16934 global_closure39: function global_closure39() {
16935 },
16936 global_closure40: function global_closure40() {
16937 },
16938 global_closure41: function global_closure41() {
16939 },
16940 global_closure42: function global_closure42() {
16941 },
16942 global_closure43: function global_closure43() {
16943 },
16944 global_closure44: function global_closure44() {
16945 },
16946 global_closure45: function global_closure45() {
16947 },
16948 global_closure46: function global_closure46() {
16949 },
16950 global_closure47: function global_closure47() {
16951 },
16952 global_closure48: function global_closure48() {
16953 },
16954 global_closure49: function global_closure49() {
16955 },
16956 global_closure50: function global_closure50() {
16957 },
16958 global_closure51: function global_closure51() {
16959 },
16960 global_closure52: function global_closure52() {
16961 },
16962 global_closure53: function global_closure53() {
16963 },
16964 global_closure54: function global_closure54() {
16965 },
16966 global_closure55: function global_closure55() {
16967 },
16968 global__closure0: function global__closure0() {
16969 },
16970 global_closure56: function global_closure56() {
16971 },
16972 module_closure8: function module_closure8() {
16973 },
16974 module_closure9: function module_closure9() {
16975 },
16976 module_closure10: function module_closure10() {
16977 },
16978 module_closure11: function module_closure11() {
16979 },
16980 module_closure12: function module_closure12() {
16981 },
16982 module_closure13: function module_closure13() {
16983 },
16984 module_closure14: function module_closure14() {
16985 },
16986 module_closure15: function module_closure15() {
16987 },
16988 module__closure0: function module__closure0() {
16989 },
16990 module_closure16: function module_closure16() {
16991 },
16992 _red_closure0: function _red_closure0() {
16993 },
16994 _green_closure0: function _green_closure0() {
16995 },
16996 _blue_closure0: function _blue_closure0() {
16997 },
16998 _mix_closure0: function _mix_closure0() {
16999 },
17000 _hue_closure0: function _hue_closure0() {
17001 },
17002 _saturation_closure0: function _saturation_closure0() {
17003 },
17004 _lightness_closure0: function _lightness_closure0() {
17005 },
17006 _complement_closure0: function _complement_closure0() {
17007 },
17008 _adjust_closure0: function _adjust_closure0() {
17009 },
17010 _scale_closure0: function _scale_closure0() {
17011 },
17012 _change_closure0: function _change_closure0() {
17013 },
17014 _ieHexStr_closure0: function _ieHexStr_closure0() {
17015 },
17016 _ieHexStr_closure_hexString0: function _ieHexStr_closure_hexString0() {
17017 },
17018 _updateComponents_getParam0: function _updateComponents_getParam0(t0, t1, t2) {
17019 this.keywords = t0;
17020 this.scale = t1;
17021 this.change = t2;
17022 },
17023 _updateComponents_closure0: function _updateComponents_closure0() {
17024 },
17025 _updateComponents_updateValue0: function _updateComponents_updateValue0(t0, t1) {
17026 this.change = t0;
17027 this.adjust = t1;
17028 },
17029 _updateComponents_updateRgb0: function _updateComponents_updateRgb0(t0) {
17030 this.updateValue = t0;
17031 },
17032 _functionString_closure0: function _functionString_closure0() {
17033 },
17034 _removedColorFunction_closure0: function _removedColorFunction_closure0(t0, t1, t2) {
17035 this.name = t0;
17036 this.argument = t1;
17037 this.negative = t2;
17038 },
17039 _rgb_closure0: function _rgb_closure0() {
17040 },
17041 _hsl_closure0: function _hsl_closure0() {
17042 },
17043 _removeUnits_closure1: function _removeUnits_closure1() {
17044 },
17045 _removeUnits_closure2: function _removeUnits_closure2() {
17046 },
17047 _hwb_closure0: function _hwb_closure0() {
17048 },
17049 _parseChannels_closure0: function _parseChannels_closure0() {
17050 },
17051 _NodeSassColor: function _NodeSassColor() {
17052 },
17053 legacyColorClass_closure: function legacyColorClass_closure() {
17054 },
17055 legacyColorClass_closure0: function legacyColorClass_closure0() {
17056 },
17057 legacyColorClass_closure1: function legacyColorClass_closure1() {
17058 },
17059 legacyColorClass_closure2: function legacyColorClass_closure2() {
17060 },
17061 legacyColorClass_closure3: function legacyColorClass_closure3() {
17062 },
17063 legacyColorClass_closure4: function legacyColorClass_closure4() {
17064 },
17065 legacyColorClass_closure5: function legacyColorClass_closure5() {
17066 },
17067 legacyColorClass_closure6: function legacyColorClass_closure6() {
17068 },
17069 legacyColorClass_closure7: function legacyColorClass_closure7() {
17070 },
17071 colorClass_closure: function colorClass_closure() {
17072 },
17073 colorClass__closure: function colorClass__closure() {
17074 },
17075 colorClass__closure0: function colorClass__closure0() {
17076 },
17077 colorClass__closure1: function colorClass__closure1() {
17078 },
17079 colorClass__closure2: function colorClass__closure2() {
17080 },
17081 colorClass__closure3: function colorClass__closure3() {
17082 },
17083 colorClass__closure4: function colorClass__closure4() {
17084 },
17085 colorClass__closure5: function colorClass__closure5() {
17086 },
17087 colorClass__closure6: function colorClass__closure6() {
17088 },
17089 colorClass__closure7: function colorClass__closure7() {
17090 },
17091 colorClass__closure8: function colorClass__closure8() {
17092 },
17093 colorClass__closure9: function colorClass__closure9() {
17094 },
17095 _Channels: function _Channels() {
17096 },
17097 SassColor$rgb0(_red, _green, _blue, alpha, originalSpan) {
17098 var t1 = new A.SassColor0(_red, _green, _blue, null, null, null, alpha == null ? 1 : A.fuzzyAssertRange0(alpha, 0, 1, "alpha"), originalSpan);
17099 A.RangeError_checkValueInInterval(t1.get$red(t1), 0, 255, "red");
17100 A.RangeError_checkValueInInterval(t1.get$green(t1), 0, 255, "green");
17101 A.RangeError_checkValueInInterval(t1.get$blue(t1), 0, 255, "blue");
17102 return t1;
17103 },
17104 SassColor$hsl0(hue, saturation, lightness, alpha) {
17105 var _null = null,
17106 t1 = B.JSNumber_methods.$mod(hue, 360),
17107 t2 = A.fuzzyAssertRange0(saturation, 0, 100, "saturation"),
17108 t3 = A.fuzzyAssertRange0(lightness, 0, 100, "lightness");
17109 return new A.SassColor0(_null, _null, _null, t1, t2, t3, alpha == null ? 1 : A.fuzzyAssertRange0(alpha, 0, 1, "alpha"), _null);
17110 },
17111 SassColor_SassColor$hwb0(hue, whiteness, blackness, alpha) {
17112 var t2, t1 = {},
17113 scaledHue = B.JSNumber_methods.$mod(hue, 360) / 360,
17114 scaledWhiteness = t1.scaledWhiteness = A.fuzzyAssertRange0(whiteness, 0, 100, "whiteness") / 100,
17115 scaledBlackness = A.fuzzyAssertRange0(blackness, 0, 100, "blackness") / 100,
17116 sum = scaledWhiteness + scaledBlackness;
17117 if (sum > 1) {
17118 t2 = t1.scaledWhiteness = scaledWhiteness / sum;
17119 scaledBlackness /= sum;
17120 } else
17121 t2 = scaledWhiteness;
17122 t2 = new A.SassColor_SassColor$hwb_toRgb0(t1, 1 - t2 - scaledBlackness);
17123 return A.SassColor$rgb0(t2.call$1(scaledHue + 0.3333333333333333), t2.call$1(scaledHue), t2.call$1(scaledHue - 0.3333333333333333), alpha, null);
17124 },
17125 SassColor__hueToRgb0(m1, m2, hue) {
17126 if (hue < 0)
17127 ++hue;
17128 if (hue > 1)
17129 --hue;
17130 if (hue < 0.16666666666666666)
17131 return m1 + (m2 - m1) * hue * 6;
17132 else if (hue < 0.5)
17133 return m2;
17134 else if (hue < 0.6666666666666666)
17135 return m1 + (m2 - m1) * (0.6666666666666666 - hue) * 6;
17136 else
17137 return m1;
17138 },
17139 SassColor0: function SassColor0(t0, t1, t2, t3, t4, t5, t6, t7) {
17140 var _ = this;
17141 _._color0$_red = t0;
17142 _._color0$_green = t1;
17143 _._color0$_blue = t2;
17144 _._color0$_hue = t3;
17145 _._color0$_saturation = t4;
17146 _._color0$_lightness = t5;
17147 _._color0$_alpha = t6;
17148 _.originalSpan = t7;
17149 },
17150 SassColor_SassColor$hwb_toRgb0: function SassColor_SassColor$hwb_toRgb0(t0, t1) {
17151 this._box_0 = t0;
17152 this.factor = t1;
17153 },
17154 ModifiableCssComment0: function ModifiableCssComment0(t0, t1) {
17155 var _ = this;
17156 _.text = t0;
17157 _.span = t1;
17158 _._node1$_indexInParent = _._node1$_parent = null;
17159 _.isGroupEnd = false;
17160 },
17161 compile0(path, options) {
17162 var result, error, stackTrace, t2, t3, t4, t5, t6, t7, t8, t9, exception, _null = null,
17163 t1 = options == null,
17164 color0 = t1 ? _null : J.get$alertColor$x(options),
17165 color = color0 == null ? J.$eq$(self.process.stdout.isTTY, true) : color0,
17166 ascii0 = t1 ? _null : J.get$alertAscii$x(options),
17167 ascii = ascii0 == null ? $._glyphs === B.C_AsciiGlyphSet : ascii0;
17168 try {
17169 t2 = t1 ? _null : J.get$loadPaths$x(options);
17170 t3 = t1 ? _null : J.get$quietDeps$x(options);
17171 if (t3 == null)
17172 t3 = false;
17173 t4 = A._parseOutputStyle0(t1 ? _null : J.get$style$x(options));
17174 t5 = t1 ? _null : J.get$verbose$x(options);
17175 if (t5 == null)
17176 t5 = false;
17177 t6 = t1 ? _null : J.get$sourceMap$x(options);
17178 if (t6 == null)
17179 t6 = false;
17180 t7 = t1 ? _null : J.get$logger$x(options);
17181 t8 = ascii;
17182 if (t8 == null)
17183 t8 = $._glyphs === B.C_AsciiGlyphSet;
17184 t8 = new A.NodeToDartLogger(t7, new A.StderrLogger0(color), t8);
17185 if (t1)
17186 t7 = _null;
17187 else {
17188 t7 = J.get$importers$x(options);
17189 t7 = t7 == null ? _null : J.map$1$1$ax(t7, A.compile___parseImporter$closure(), type$.Importer);
17190 }
17191 t9 = A._parseFunctions0(t1 ? _null : J.get$functions$x(options), false);
17192 result = A.compile(path, true, new A.CastList(t9, A._arrayInstanceType(t9)._eval$1("CastList<1,Callable0>")), A.ImportCache$0(t7, t2, t8, _null), _null, _null, t8, _null, t3, t6, t4, _null, true, t5);
17193 t1 = t1 ? _null : J.get$sourceMapIncludeSources$x(options);
17194 if (t1 == null)
17195 t1 = false;
17196 t1 = A._convertResult(result, t1);
17197 return t1;
17198 } catch (exception) {
17199 t1 = A.unwrapException(exception);
17200 if (t1 instanceof A.SassException0) {
17201 error = t1;
17202 stackTrace = A.getTraceFromException(exception);
17203 A.throwNodeException(error, ascii, color, stackTrace);
17204 } else
17205 throw exception;
17206 }
17207 },
17208 compileString0(text, options) {
17209 var result, error, stackTrace, t2, t3, t4, t5, t6, t7, t8, t9, t10, t11, t12, exception, _null = null,
17210 t1 = options == null,
17211 color0 = t1 ? _null : J.get$alertColor$x(options),
17212 color = color0 == null ? J.$eq$(self.process.stdout.isTTY, true) : color0,
17213 ascii0 = t1 ? _null : J.get$alertAscii$x(options),
17214 ascii = ascii0 == null ? $._glyphs === B.C_AsciiGlyphSet : ascii0;
17215 try {
17216 t2 = A.parseSyntax(t1 ? _null : J.get$syntax$x(options));
17217 t3 = t1 ? _null : A.NullableExtension_andThen0(J.get$url$x(options), A.utils1__jsToDartUrl$closure());
17218 t4 = t1 ? _null : J.get$loadPaths$x(options);
17219 t5 = t1 ? _null : J.get$quietDeps$x(options);
17220 if (t5 == null)
17221 t5 = false;
17222 t6 = A._parseOutputStyle0(t1 ? _null : J.get$style$x(options));
17223 t7 = t1 ? _null : J.get$verbose$x(options);
17224 if (t7 == null)
17225 t7 = false;
17226 t8 = t1 ? _null : J.get$sourceMap$x(options);
17227 if (t8 == null)
17228 t8 = false;
17229 t9 = t1 ? _null : J.get$logger$x(options);
17230 t10 = ascii;
17231 if (t10 == null)
17232 t10 = $._glyphs === B.C_AsciiGlyphSet;
17233 t10 = new A.NodeToDartLogger(t9, new A.StderrLogger0(color), t10);
17234 if (t1)
17235 t9 = _null;
17236 else {
17237 t9 = J.get$importers$x(options);
17238 t9 = t9 == null ? _null : J.map$1$1$ax(t9, A.compile___parseImporter$closure(), type$.Importer);
17239 }
17240 t11 = t1 ? _null : A.NullableExtension_andThen0(J.get$importer$x(options), A.compile___parseImporter$closure());
17241 if (t11 == null)
17242 t11 = (t1 ? _null : J.get$url$x(options)) == null ? new A.NoOpImporter() : _null;
17243 t12 = A._parseFunctions0(t1 ? _null : J.get$functions$x(options), false);
17244 result = A.compileString(text, true, new A.CastList(t12, A._arrayInstanceType(t12)._eval$1("CastList<1,Callable0>")), A.ImportCache$0(t9, t4, t10, _null), t11, _null, _null, t10, _null, t5, t8, t6, t2, t3, true, t7);
17245 t1 = t1 ? _null : J.get$sourceMapIncludeSources$x(options);
17246 if (t1 == null)
17247 t1 = false;
17248 t1 = A._convertResult(result, t1);
17249 return t1;
17250 } catch (exception) {
17251 t1 = A.unwrapException(exception);
17252 if (t1 instanceof A.SassException0) {
17253 error = t1;
17254 stackTrace = A.getTraceFromException(exception);
17255 A.throwNodeException(error, ascii, color, stackTrace);
17256 } else
17257 throw exception;
17258 }
17259 },
17260 compileAsync1(path, options) {
17261 var ascii,
17262 t1 = options == null,
17263 color = t1 ? null : J.get$alertColor$x(options);
17264 if (color == null)
17265 color = J.$eq$(self.process.stdout.isTTY, true);
17266 ascii = t1 ? null : J.get$alertAscii$x(options);
17267 if (ascii == null)
17268 ascii = $._glyphs === B.C_AsciiGlyphSet;
17269 return A._wrapAsyncSassExceptions(A.futureToPromise0(new A.compileAsync_closure(path, color, options, ascii).call$0()), ascii, color);
17270 },
17271 compileStringAsync1(text, options) {
17272 var ascii,
17273 t1 = options == null,
17274 color = t1 ? null : J.get$alertColor$x(options);
17275 if (color == null)
17276 color = J.$eq$(self.process.stdout.isTTY, true);
17277 ascii = t1 ? null : J.get$alertAscii$x(options);
17278 if (ascii == null)
17279 ascii = $._glyphs === B.C_AsciiGlyphSet;
17280 return A._wrapAsyncSassExceptions(A.futureToPromise0(new A.compileStringAsync_closure(text, options, color, ascii).call$0()), ascii, color);
17281 },
17282 _convertResult(result, includeSourceContents) {
17283 var loadedUrls,
17284 t1 = result._compile_result$_serialize,
17285 t2 = t1.sourceMap,
17286 sourceMap = t2 == null ? null : t2.toJson$1$includeSourceContents(includeSourceContents);
17287 if (type$.Map_String_dynamic._is(sourceMap) && !sourceMap.containsKey$1("sources"))
17288 sourceMap.$indexSet(0, "sources", A._setArrayType([], type$.JSArray_String));
17289 t2 = result._evaluate.loadedUrls;
17290 loadedUrls = A.toJSArray(new A.EfficientLengthMappedIterable(t2, A.utils1__dartToJSUrl$closure(), A._instanceType(t2)._eval$1("EfficientLengthMappedIterable<1,Object?>")));
17291 t1 = t1.css;
17292 return sourceMap == null ? {css: t1, loadedUrls: loadedUrls} : {css: t1, sourceMap: A.jsify(sourceMap), loadedUrls: loadedUrls};
17293 },
17294 _wrapAsyncSassExceptions(promise, ascii, color) {
17295 return J.then$2$x(promise, null, A.allowInterop(new A._wrapAsyncSassExceptions_closure(color, ascii)));
17296 },
17297 _parseOutputStyle0(style) {
17298 if (style == null || style === "expanded")
17299 return B.OutputStyle_expanded0;
17300 if (style === "compressed")
17301 return B.OutputStyle_compressed0;
17302 A.jsThrow(new self.Error('Unknown output style "' + A.S(style) + '".'));
17303 },
17304 _parseAsyncImporter(importer) {
17305 var t1, findFileUrl, canonicalize, load;
17306 if (importer == null)
17307 A.jsThrow(new self.Error("Importers may not be null."));
17308 type$.NodeImporter._as(importer);
17309 t1 = J.getInterceptor$x(importer);
17310 findFileUrl = t1.get$findFileUrl(importer);
17311 canonicalize = t1.get$canonicalize(importer);
17312 load = t1.get$load(importer);
17313 if (findFileUrl == null) {
17314 if (canonicalize == null || load == null)
17315 A.jsThrow(new self.Error(string$.An_impu));
17316 return new A.NodeToDartAsyncImporter(canonicalize, load);
17317 } else if (canonicalize != null || load != null)
17318 A.jsThrow(new self.Error(string$.An_impa));
17319 else
17320 return new A.NodeToDartAsyncFileImporter(findFileUrl);
17321 },
17322 _parseImporter0(importer) {
17323 var t1, findFileUrl, canonicalize, load;
17324 if (importer == null)
17325 A.jsThrow(new self.Error("Importers may not be null."));
17326 type$.NodeImporter._as(importer);
17327 t1 = J.getInterceptor$x(importer);
17328 findFileUrl = t1.get$findFileUrl(importer);
17329 canonicalize = t1.get$canonicalize(importer);
17330 load = t1.get$load(importer);
17331 if (findFileUrl == null) {
17332 if (canonicalize == null || load == null)
17333 A.jsThrow(new self.Error(string$.An_impu));
17334 return new A.NodeToDartImporter(canonicalize, load);
17335 } else if (canonicalize != null || load != null)
17336 A.jsThrow(new self.Error(string$.An_impa));
17337 else
17338 return new A.NodeToDartFileImporter(findFileUrl);
17339 },
17340 _parseFunctions0(functions, asynch) {
17341 var result;
17342 if (functions == null)
17343 return B.List_empty20;
17344 result = A._setArrayType([], type$.JSArray_AsyncCallable_2);
17345 A.jsForEach(functions, new A._parseFunctions_closure0(asynch, result));
17346 return result;
17347 },
17348 compileAsync_closure: function compileAsync_closure(t0, t1, t2, t3) {
17349 var _ = this;
17350 _.path = t0;
17351 _.color = t1;
17352 _.options = t2;
17353 _.ascii = t3;
17354 },
17355 compileAsync__closure: function compileAsync__closure() {
17356 },
17357 compileStringAsync_closure: function compileStringAsync_closure(t0, t1, t2, t3) {
17358 var _ = this;
17359 _.text = t0;
17360 _.options = t1;
17361 _.color = t2;
17362 _.ascii = t3;
17363 },
17364 compileStringAsync__closure: function compileStringAsync__closure() {
17365 },
17366 compileStringAsync__closure0: function compileStringAsync__closure0() {
17367 },
17368 _wrapAsyncSassExceptions_closure: function _wrapAsyncSassExceptions_closure(t0, t1) {
17369 this.color = t0;
17370 this.ascii = t1;
17371 },
17372 _parseFunctions_closure0: function _parseFunctions_closure0(t0, t1) {
17373 this.asynch = t0;
17374 this.result = t1;
17375 },
17376 _parseFunctions__closure2: function _parseFunctions__closure2(t0, t1) {
17377 this._box_0 = t0;
17378 this.callback = t1;
17379 },
17380 _parseFunctions__closure3: function _parseFunctions__closure3(t0, t1) {
17381 this._box_0 = t0;
17382 this.callback = t1;
17383 },
17384 compile(path, charset, functions, importCache, indentWidth, lineFeed, logger, nodeImporter, quietDeps, sourceMap, style, syntax, useSpaces, verbose) {
17385 var terseLogger, t1, t2, t3, stylesheet, t4, result, _null = null;
17386 if (!verbose) {
17387 terseLogger = new A.TerseLogger0(A.LinkedHashMap_LinkedHashMap$_empty(type$.String, type$.int), logger);
17388 logger = terseLogger;
17389 } else
17390 terseLogger = _null;
17391 t1 = nodeImporter == null;
17392 if (t1)
17393 t2 = syntax == null || syntax === A.Syntax_forPath0(path);
17394 else
17395 t2 = false;
17396 if (t2) {
17397 if (importCache == null)
17398 importCache = A.ImportCache$none(logger);
17399 t2 = $.$get$context();
17400 t3 = t2.absolute$7(".", _null, _null, _null, _null, _null, _null);
17401 t3 = importCache.importCanonical$3$originalUrl(new A.FilesystemImporter0(t3), t2.toUri$1(J.$eq$(J.get$platform$x(self.process), "win32") || J.$eq$(J.get$platform$x(self.process), "darwin") ? A._realCasePath0(t2.absolute$7(t2.normalize$1(path), _null, _null, _null, _null, _null, _null)) : t2.canonicalize$1(0, path)), t2.toUri$1(path));
17402 t3.toString;
17403 stylesheet = t3;
17404 } else {
17405 t2 = A.readFile0(path);
17406 t3 = syntax == null ? A.Syntax_forPath0(path) : syntax;
17407 t4 = $.$get$context();
17408 stylesheet = A.Stylesheet_Stylesheet$parse0(t2, t3, logger, t4.toUri$1(path));
17409 t2 = t4;
17410 }
17411 result = A._compileStylesheet1(stylesheet, logger, importCache, nodeImporter, new A.FilesystemImporter0(t2.absolute$7(".", _null, _null, _null, _null, _null, _null)), functions, style, useSpaces, indentWidth, lineFeed, quietDeps, sourceMap, charset);
17412 if (terseLogger != null)
17413 terseLogger.summarize$1$node(!t1);
17414 return result;
17415 },
17416 compileString(source, charset, functions, importCache, importer, indentWidth, lineFeed, logger, nodeImporter, quietDeps, sourceMap, style, syntax, url, useSpaces, verbose) {
17417 var terseLogger, stylesheet, result, _null = null;
17418 if (!verbose) {
17419 terseLogger = new A.TerseLogger0(A.LinkedHashMap_LinkedHashMap$_empty(type$.String, type$.int), logger);
17420 logger = terseLogger;
17421 } else
17422 terseLogger = _null;
17423 stylesheet = A.Stylesheet_Stylesheet$parse0(source, syntax == null ? B.Syntax_SCSS0 : syntax, logger, url);
17424 result = A._compileStylesheet1(stylesheet, logger, importCache, nodeImporter, importer == null ? new A.FilesystemImporter0($.$get$context().absolute$7(".", _null, _null, _null, _null, _null, _null)) : importer, functions, style, useSpaces, indentWidth, lineFeed, quietDeps, sourceMap, charset);
17425 if (terseLogger != null)
17426 terseLogger.summarize$1$node(nodeImporter != null);
17427 return result;
17428 },
17429 _compileStylesheet1(stylesheet, logger, importCache, nodeImporter, importer, functions, style, useSpaces, indentWidth, lineFeed, quietDeps, sourceMap, charset) {
17430 var evaluateResult = A._EvaluateVisitor$1(functions, importCache, logger, nodeImporter, quietDeps, sourceMap).run$2(0, importer, stylesheet),
17431 serializeResult = A.serialize0(evaluateResult.stylesheet, charset, indentWidth, false, lineFeed, sourceMap, style, useSpaces),
17432 resultSourceMap = serializeResult.sourceMap;
17433 if (resultSourceMap != null && importCache != null)
17434 A.mapInPlace0(resultSourceMap.urls, new A._compileStylesheet_closure1(stylesheet, importCache));
17435 return new A.CompileResult0(evaluateResult, serializeResult);
17436 },
17437 _compileStylesheet_closure1: function _compileStylesheet_closure1(t0, t1) {
17438 this.stylesheet = t0;
17439 this.importCache = t1;
17440 },
17441 CompileOptions: function CompileOptions() {
17442 },
17443 CompileStringOptions: function CompileStringOptions() {
17444 },
17445 NodeCompileResult: function NodeCompileResult() {
17446 },
17447 CompileResult0: function CompileResult0(t0, t1) {
17448 this._evaluate = t0;
17449 this._compile_result$_serialize = t1;
17450 },
17451 ComplexSassNumber0: function ComplexSassNumber0(t0, t1, t2, t3) {
17452 var _ = this;
17453 _._complex1$_numeratorUnits = t0;
17454 _._complex1$_denominatorUnits = t1;
17455 _._number1$_value = t2;
17456 _.hashCache = null;
17457 _.asSlash = t3;
17458 },
17459 ComplexSelector$0(components, lineBreak) {
17460 var t1 = A.List_List$unmodifiable(components, type$.ComplexSelectorComponent_2);
17461 if (t1.length === 0)
17462 A.throwExpression(A.ArgumentError$("components may not be empty.", null));
17463 return new A.ComplexSelector0(t1, lineBreak);
17464 },
17465 ComplexSelector0: function ComplexSelector0(t0, t1) {
17466 var _ = this;
17467 _.components = t0;
17468 _.lineBreak = t1;
17469 _._complex0$_maxSpecificity = _._complex0$_minSpecificity = null;
17470 _._complex0$__ComplexSelector_isInvisible = $;
17471 },
17472 ComplexSelector_isInvisible_closure0: function ComplexSelector_isInvisible_closure0() {
17473 },
17474 Combinator0: function Combinator0(t0) {
17475 this._complex0$_text = t0;
17476 },
17477 CompoundSelector$0(components) {
17478 var t1 = A.List_List$unmodifiable(components, type$.SimpleSelector_2);
17479 if (t1.length === 0)
17480 A.throwExpression(A.ArgumentError$("components may not be empty.", null));
17481 return new A.CompoundSelector0(t1);
17482 },
17483 CompoundSelector0: function CompoundSelector0(t0) {
17484 this.components = t0;
17485 this._compound0$_maxSpecificity = this._compound0$_minSpecificity = null;
17486 },
17487 CompoundSelector_isInvisible_closure0: function CompoundSelector_isInvisible_closure0() {
17488 },
17489 Configuration0: function Configuration0(t0) {
17490 this._configuration$_values = t0;
17491 },
17492 Configuration_toString_closure0: function Configuration_toString_closure0() {
17493 },
17494 ExplicitConfiguration0: function ExplicitConfiguration0(t0, t1) {
17495 this.nodeWithSpan = t0;
17496 this._configuration$_values = t1;
17497 },
17498 ConfiguredValue0: function ConfiguredValue0(t0, t1, t2) {
17499 this.value = t0;
17500 this.configurationSpan = t1;
17501 this.assignmentNode = t2;
17502 },
17503 ConfiguredVariable0: function ConfiguredVariable0(t0, t1, t2, t3) {
17504 var _ = this;
17505 _.name = t0;
17506 _.expression = t1;
17507 _.isGuarded = t2;
17508 _.span = t3;
17509 },
17510 ContentBlock$0($arguments, children, span) {
17511 var t1 = A.List_List$unmodifiable(children, type$.Statement_2),
17512 t2 = B.JSArray_methods.any$1(t1, new A.ParentStatement_closure0());
17513 return new A.ContentBlock0("@content", $arguments, span, t1, t2);
17514 },
17515 ContentBlock0: function ContentBlock0(t0, t1, t2, t3, t4) {
17516 var _ = this;
17517 _.name = t0;
17518 _.$arguments = t1;
17519 _.span = t2;
17520 _.children = t3;
17521 _.hasDeclarations = t4;
17522 },
17523 ContentRule0: function ContentRule0(t0, t1) {
17524 this.$arguments = t0;
17525 this.span = t1;
17526 },
17527 _disallowedFunctionNames_closure0: function _disallowedFunctionNames_closure0() {
17528 },
17529 CssParser0: function CssParser0(t0, t1, t2) {
17530 var _ = this;
17531 _._stylesheet0$_isUseAllowed = true;
17532 _._stylesheet0$_inParentheses = _._stylesheet0$_inStyleRule = _._stylesheet0$_inUnknownAtRule = _._stylesheet0$_inControlDirective = _._stylesheet0$_inContentBlock = _._stylesheet0$_inMixin = false;
17533 _._stylesheet0$_globalVariables = t0;
17534 _.lastSilentComment = null;
17535 _.scanner = t1;
17536 _.logger = t2;
17537 },
17538 DebugRule0: function DebugRule0(t0, t1) {
17539 this.expression = t0;
17540 this.span = t1;
17541 },
17542 ModifiableCssDeclaration$0($name, value, span, parsedAsCustomProperty, valueSpanForMap) {
17543 var t1 = valueSpanForMap == null ? value.get$span(value) : valueSpanForMap;
17544 if (parsedAsCustomProperty)
17545 if (!J.startsWith$1$s($name.get$value($name), "--"))
17546 A.throwExpression(A.ArgumentError$(string$.parsed, null));
17547 else if (!(value.get$value(value) instanceof A.SassString0))
17548 A.throwExpression(A.ArgumentError$(string$.If_par + value.toString$0(0) + "` of type " + A.getRuntimeType(value.get$value(value)).toString$0(0) + ").", null));
17549 return new A.ModifiableCssDeclaration0($name, value, parsedAsCustomProperty, t1, span);
17550 },
17551 ModifiableCssDeclaration0: function ModifiableCssDeclaration0(t0, t1, t2, t3, t4) {
17552 var _ = this;
17553 _.name = t0;
17554 _.value = t1;
17555 _.parsedAsCustomProperty = t2;
17556 _.valueSpanForMap = t3;
17557 _.span = t4;
17558 _._node1$_indexInParent = _._node1$_parent = null;
17559 _.isGroupEnd = false;
17560 },
17561 Declaration$0($name, value, span) {
17562 if (B.JSString_methods.startsWith$1($name.get$initialPlain(), "--") && !(value instanceof A.StringExpression0))
17563 A.throwExpression(A.ArgumentError$(string$.Declarwu + value.toString$0(0) + "` of type " + value.get$runtimeType(value).toString$0(0) + ").", null));
17564 return new A.Declaration0($name, value, span, null, false);
17565 },
17566 Declaration$nested0($name, children, span, value) {
17567 var t1 = A.List_List$unmodifiable(children, type$.Statement_2),
17568 t2 = B.JSArray_methods.any$1(t1, new A.ParentStatement_closure0());
17569 if (B.JSString_methods.startsWith$1($name.get$initialPlain(), "--") && !(value instanceof A.StringExpression0))
17570 A.throwExpression(A.ArgumentError$(string$.Declarwa, null));
17571 return new A.Declaration0($name, value, span, t1, t2);
17572 },
17573 Declaration0: function Declaration0(t0, t1, t2, t3, t4) {
17574 var _ = this;
17575 _.name = t0;
17576 _.value = t1;
17577 _.span = t2;
17578 _.children = t3;
17579 _.hasDeclarations = t4;
17580 },
17581 SupportsDeclaration0: function SupportsDeclaration0(t0, t1, t2) {
17582 this.name = t0;
17583 this.value = t1;
17584 this.span = t2;
17585 },
17586 DynamicImport0: function DynamicImport0(t0, t1) {
17587 this.urlString = t0;
17588 this.span = t1;
17589 },
17590 EachRule$0(variables, list, children, span) {
17591 var t1 = A.List_List$unmodifiable(variables, type$.String),
17592 t2 = A.List_List$unmodifiable(children, type$.Statement_2),
17593 t3 = B.JSArray_methods.any$1(t2, new A.ParentStatement_closure0());
17594 return new A.EachRule0(t1, list, span, t2, t3);
17595 },
17596 EachRule0: function EachRule0(t0, t1, t2, t3, t4) {
17597 var _ = this;
17598 _.variables = t0;
17599 _.list = t1;
17600 _.span = t2;
17601 _.children = t3;
17602 _.hasDeclarations = t4;
17603 },
17604 EachRule_toString_closure0: function EachRule_toString_closure0() {
17605 },
17606 EmptyExtensionStore0: function EmptyExtensionStore0() {
17607 },
17608 Environment$0() {
17609 var t1 = type$.String,
17610 t2 = type$.Module_Callable_2,
17611 t3 = type$.AstNode_2,
17612 t4 = type$.int,
17613 t5 = type$.Callable_2,
17614 t6 = type$.JSArray_Map_String_Callable_2;
17615 return new A.Environment0(A.LinkedHashMap_LinkedHashMap$_empty(t1, t2), A.LinkedHashMap_LinkedHashMap$_empty(t1, t3), A.LinkedHashMap_LinkedHashMap$_empty(t2, t3), A.LinkedHashMap_LinkedHashMap$_empty(t2, t3), null, null, A._setArrayType([], type$.JSArray_Module_Callable_2), A._setArrayType([A.LinkedHashMap_LinkedHashMap$_empty(t1, type$.Value_2)], type$.JSArray_Map_String_Value_2), A._setArrayType([A.LinkedHashMap_LinkedHashMap$_empty(t1, t3)], type$.JSArray_Map_String_AstNode_2), A.LinkedHashMap_LinkedHashMap$_empty(t1, t4), A._setArrayType([A.LinkedHashMap_LinkedHashMap$_empty(t1, t5)], t6), A.LinkedHashMap_LinkedHashMap$_empty(t1, t4), A._setArrayType([A.LinkedHashMap_LinkedHashMap$_empty(t1, t5)], t6), A.LinkedHashMap_LinkedHashMap$_empty(t1, t4), null);
17616 },
17617 Environment$_0(_modules, _namespaceNodes, _globalModules, _importedModules, _forwardedModules, _nestedForwardedModules, _allModules, _variables, _variableNodes, _functions, _mixins, _content) {
17618 var t1 = type$.String,
17619 t2 = type$.int;
17620 return new A.Environment0(_modules, _namespaceNodes, _globalModules, _importedModules, _forwardedModules, _nestedForwardedModules, _allModules, _variables, _variableNodes, A.LinkedHashMap_LinkedHashMap$_empty(t1, t2), _functions, A.LinkedHashMap_LinkedHashMap$_empty(t1, t2), _mixins, A.LinkedHashMap_LinkedHashMap$_empty(t1, t2), _content);
17621 },
17622 _EnvironmentModule__EnvironmentModule1(environment, css, extensionStore, forwarded) {
17623 var t1, t2, t3, t4, t5, t6;
17624 if (forwarded == null)
17625 forwarded = B.Set_empty2;
17626 t1 = A._EnvironmentModule__makeModulesByVariable1(forwarded);
17627 t2 = A._EnvironmentModule__memberMap1(B.JSArray_methods.get$first(environment._environment0$_variables), forwarded.map$1$1(0, new A._EnvironmentModule__EnvironmentModule_closure11(), type$.Map_String_Value_2), type$.Value_2);
17628 t3 = A._EnvironmentModule__memberMap1(B.JSArray_methods.get$first(environment._environment0$_variableNodes), forwarded.map$1$1(0, new A._EnvironmentModule__EnvironmentModule_closure12(), type$.Map_String_AstNode_2), type$.AstNode_2);
17629 t4 = type$.Map_String_Callable_2;
17630 t5 = type$.Callable_2;
17631 t6 = A._EnvironmentModule__memberMap1(B.JSArray_methods.get$first(environment._environment0$_functions), forwarded.map$1$1(0, new A._EnvironmentModule__EnvironmentModule_closure13(), t4), t5);
17632 t5 = A._EnvironmentModule__memberMap1(B.JSArray_methods.get$first(environment._environment0$_mixins), forwarded.map$1$1(0, new A._EnvironmentModule__EnvironmentModule_closure14(), t4), t5);
17633 t4 = J.get$isNotEmpty$asx(css.get$children(css)) || B.JSArray_methods.any$1(environment._environment0$_allModules, new A._EnvironmentModule__EnvironmentModule_closure15());
17634 return A._EnvironmentModule$_1(environment, css, extensionStore, t1, t2, t3, t6, t5, t4, !extensionStore.get$isEmpty(extensionStore) || B.JSArray_methods.any$1(environment._environment0$_allModules, new A._EnvironmentModule__EnvironmentModule_closure16()));
17635 },
17636 _EnvironmentModule__makeModulesByVariable1(forwarded) {
17637 var modulesByVariable, t1, t2, t3, t4, t5;
17638 if (forwarded.get$isEmpty(forwarded))
17639 return B.Map_empty6;
17640 modulesByVariable = A.LinkedHashMap_LinkedHashMap$_empty(type$.String, type$.Module_Callable_2);
17641 for (t1 = forwarded.get$iterator(forwarded); t1.moveNext$0();) {
17642 t2 = t1.get$current(t1);
17643 if (t2 instanceof A._EnvironmentModule1) {
17644 for (t3 = t2._environment0$_modulesByVariable, t3 = t3.get$values(t3), t3 = t3.get$iterator(t3); t3.moveNext$0();) {
17645 t4 = t3.get$current(t3);
17646 t5 = t4.get$variables();
17647 A.setAll0(modulesByVariable, t5.get$keys(t5), t4);
17648 }
17649 A.setAll0(modulesByVariable, J.get$keys$z(B.JSArray_methods.get$first(t2._environment0$_environment._environment0$_variables)), t2);
17650 } else {
17651 t3 = t2.get$variables();
17652 A.setAll0(modulesByVariable, t3.get$keys(t3), t2);
17653 }
17654 }
17655 return modulesByVariable;
17656 },
17657 _EnvironmentModule__memberMap1(localMap, otherMaps, $V) {
17658 var t1, t2, t3;
17659 localMap = new A.PublicMemberMapView0(localMap, $V._eval$1("PublicMemberMapView0<0>"));
17660 if (otherMaps.get$isEmpty(otherMaps))
17661 return localMap;
17662 t1 = A._setArrayType([], $V._eval$1("JSArray<Map<String,0>>"));
17663 for (t2 = otherMaps.get$iterator(otherMaps); t2.moveNext$0();) {
17664 t3 = t2.get$current(t2);
17665 if (t3.get$isNotEmpty(t3))
17666 t1.push(t3);
17667 }
17668 t1.push(localMap);
17669 if (t1.length === 1)
17670 return localMap;
17671 return A.MergedMapView$0(t1, type$.String, $V);
17672 },
17673 _EnvironmentModule$_1(_environment, css, extensionStore, _modulesByVariable, variables, variableNodes, functions, mixins, transitivelyContainsCss, transitivelyContainsExtensions) {
17674 return new A._EnvironmentModule1(_environment._environment0$_allModules, variables, variableNodes, functions, mixins, extensionStore, css, transitivelyContainsCss, transitivelyContainsExtensions, _environment, _modulesByVariable);
17675 },
17676 Environment0: function Environment0(t0, t1, t2, t3, t4, t5, t6, t7, t8, t9, t10, t11, t12, t13, t14) {
17677 var _ = this;
17678 _._environment0$_modules = t0;
17679 _._environment0$_namespaceNodes = t1;
17680 _._environment0$_globalModules = t2;
17681 _._environment0$_importedModules = t3;
17682 _._environment0$_forwardedModules = t4;
17683 _._environment0$_nestedForwardedModules = t5;
17684 _._environment0$_allModules = t6;
17685 _._environment0$_variables = t7;
17686 _._environment0$_variableNodes = t8;
17687 _._environment0$_variableIndices = t9;
17688 _._environment0$_functions = t10;
17689 _._environment0$_functionIndices = t11;
17690 _._environment0$_mixins = t12;
17691 _._environment0$_mixinIndices = t13;
17692 _._environment0$_content = t14;
17693 _._environment0$_inMixin = false;
17694 _._environment0$_inSemiGlobalScope = true;
17695 _._environment0$_lastVariableIndex = _._environment0$_lastVariableName = null;
17696 },
17697 Environment_importForwards_closure2: function Environment_importForwards_closure2() {
17698 },
17699 Environment_importForwards_closure3: function Environment_importForwards_closure3() {
17700 },
17701 Environment_importForwards_closure4: function Environment_importForwards_closure4() {
17702 },
17703 Environment__getVariableFromGlobalModule_closure0: function Environment__getVariableFromGlobalModule_closure0(t0) {
17704 this.name = t0;
17705 },
17706 Environment_setVariable_closure2: function Environment_setVariable_closure2(t0, t1) {
17707 this.$this = t0;
17708 this.name = t1;
17709 },
17710 Environment_setVariable_closure3: function Environment_setVariable_closure3(t0) {
17711 this.name = t0;
17712 },
17713 Environment_setVariable_closure4: function Environment_setVariable_closure4(t0, t1) {
17714 this.$this = t0;
17715 this.name = t1;
17716 },
17717 Environment__getFunctionFromGlobalModule_closure0: function Environment__getFunctionFromGlobalModule_closure0(t0) {
17718 this.name = t0;
17719 },
17720 Environment__getMixinFromGlobalModule_closure0: function Environment__getMixinFromGlobalModule_closure0(t0) {
17721 this.name = t0;
17722 },
17723 Environment_toModule_closure0: function Environment_toModule_closure0() {
17724 },
17725 Environment_toDummyModule_closure0: function Environment_toDummyModule_closure0() {
17726 },
17727 Environment__fromOneModule_closure0: function Environment__fromOneModule_closure0(t0, t1) {
17728 this.callback = t0;
17729 this.T = t1;
17730 },
17731 Environment__fromOneModule__closure0: function Environment__fromOneModule__closure0(t0, t1) {
17732 this.entry = t0;
17733 this.T = t1;
17734 },
17735 _EnvironmentModule1: function _EnvironmentModule1(t0, t1, t2, t3, t4, t5, t6, t7, t8, t9, t10) {
17736 var _ = this;
17737 _.upstream = t0;
17738 _.variables = t1;
17739 _.variableNodes = t2;
17740 _.functions = t3;
17741 _.mixins = t4;
17742 _.extensionStore = t5;
17743 _.css = t6;
17744 _.transitivelyContainsCss = t7;
17745 _.transitivelyContainsExtensions = t8;
17746 _._environment0$_environment = t9;
17747 _._environment0$_modulesByVariable = t10;
17748 },
17749 _EnvironmentModule__EnvironmentModule_closure11: function _EnvironmentModule__EnvironmentModule_closure11() {
17750 },
17751 _EnvironmentModule__EnvironmentModule_closure12: function _EnvironmentModule__EnvironmentModule_closure12() {
17752 },
17753 _EnvironmentModule__EnvironmentModule_closure13: function _EnvironmentModule__EnvironmentModule_closure13() {
17754 },
17755 _EnvironmentModule__EnvironmentModule_closure14: function _EnvironmentModule__EnvironmentModule_closure14() {
17756 },
17757 _EnvironmentModule__EnvironmentModule_closure15: function _EnvironmentModule__EnvironmentModule_closure15() {
17758 },
17759 _EnvironmentModule__EnvironmentModule_closure16: function _EnvironmentModule__EnvironmentModule_closure16() {
17760 },
17761 ErrorRule0: function ErrorRule0(t0, t1) {
17762 this.expression = t0;
17763 this.span = t1;
17764 },
17765 _EvaluateVisitor$1(functions, importCache, logger, nodeImporter, quietDeps, sourceMap) {
17766 var t4,
17767 t1 = type$.Uri,
17768 t2 = type$.Module_Callable_2,
17769 t3 = A._setArrayType([], type$.JSArray_Tuple2_String_AstNode_2);
17770 if (nodeImporter == null)
17771 t4 = importCache == null ? A.ImportCache$none(logger) : importCache;
17772 else
17773 t4 = null;
17774 t1 = new A._EvaluateVisitor1(t4, nodeImporter, A.LinkedHashMap_LinkedHashMap$_empty(type$.String, type$.Callable_2), A.LinkedHashMap_LinkedHashMap$_empty(t1, t2), A.LinkedHashMap_LinkedHashMap$_empty(t1, t2), A.LinkedHashMap_LinkedHashMap$_empty(t1, type$.AstNode_2), logger, A.LinkedHashSet_LinkedHashSet$_empty(type$.Tuple2_String_SourceSpan), quietDeps, sourceMap, A.Environment$0(), A.LinkedHashSet_LinkedHashSet$_empty(t1), A.LinkedHashMap_LinkedHashMap$_empty(t1, type$.nullable_AstNode_2), t3, B.Configuration_Map_empty0);
17775 t1._EvaluateVisitor$6$functions$importCache$logger$nodeImporter$quietDeps$sourceMap1(functions, importCache, logger, nodeImporter, quietDeps, sourceMap);
17776 return t1;
17777 },
17778 _EvaluateVisitor1: function _EvaluateVisitor1(t0, t1, t2, t3, t4, t5, t6, t7, t8, t9, t10, t11, t12, t13, t14) {
17779 var _ = this;
17780 _._evaluate0$_importCache = t0;
17781 _._evaluate0$_nodeImporter = t1;
17782 _._evaluate0$_builtInFunctions = t2;
17783 _._evaluate0$_builtInModules = t3;
17784 _._evaluate0$_modules = t4;
17785 _._evaluate0$_moduleNodes = t5;
17786 _._evaluate0$_logger = t6;
17787 _._evaluate0$_warningsEmitted = t7;
17788 _._evaluate0$_quietDeps = t8;
17789 _._evaluate0$_sourceMap = t9;
17790 _._evaluate0$_environment = t10;
17791 _._evaluate0$_declarationName = _._evaluate0$__parent = _._evaluate0$_mediaQueries = _._evaluate0$_styleRuleIgnoringAtRoot = null;
17792 _._evaluate0$_member = "root stylesheet";
17793 _._evaluate0$_importSpan = _._evaluate0$_callableNode = null;
17794 _._evaluate0$_inKeyframes = _._evaluate0$_atRootExcludingStyleRule = _._evaluate0$_inUnknownAtRule = _._evaluate0$_inFunction = false;
17795 _._evaluate0$_loadedUrls = t11;
17796 _._evaluate0$_activeModules = t12;
17797 _._evaluate0$_stack = t13;
17798 _._evaluate0$_importer = null;
17799 _._evaluate0$_inDependency = false;
17800 _._evaluate0$__extensionStore = _._evaluate0$_outOfOrderImports = _._evaluate0$__endOfImports = _._evaluate0$__root = _._evaluate0$__stylesheet = null;
17801 _._evaluate0$_configuration = t14;
17802 },
17803 _EvaluateVisitor_closure19: function _EvaluateVisitor_closure19(t0) {
17804 this.$this = t0;
17805 },
17806 _EvaluateVisitor_closure20: function _EvaluateVisitor_closure20(t0) {
17807 this.$this = t0;
17808 },
17809 _EvaluateVisitor_closure21: function _EvaluateVisitor_closure21(t0) {
17810 this.$this = t0;
17811 },
17812 _EvaluateVisitor_closure22: function _EvaluateVisitor_closure22(t0) {
17813 this.$this = t0;
17814 },
17815 _EvaluateVisitor_closure23: function _EvaluateVisitor_closure23(t0) {
17816 this.$this = t0;
17817 },
17818 _EvaluateVisitor_closure24: function _EvaluateVisitor_closure24(t0) {
17819 this.$this = t0;
17820 },
17821 _EvaluateVisitor_closure25: function _EvaluateVisitor_closure25(t0) {
17822 this.$this = t0;
17823 },
17824 _EvaluateVisitor_closure26: function _EvaluateVisitor_closure26(t0) {
17825 this.$this = t0;
17826 },
17827 _EvaluateVisitor__closure7: function _EvaluateVisitor__closure7(t0, t1, t2) {
17828 this.$this = t0;
17829 this.name = t1;
17830 this.module = t2;
17831 },
17832 _EvaluateVisitor_closure27: function _EvaluateVisitor_closure27(t0) {
17833 this.$this = t0;
17834 },
17835 _EvaluateVisitor_closure28: function _EvaluateVisitor_closure28(t0) {
17836 this.$this = t0;
17837 },
17838 _EvaluateVisitor__closure5: function _EvaluateVisitor__closure5(t0, t1, t2) {
17839 this.values = t0;
17840 this.span = t1;
17841 this.callableNode = t2;
17842 },
17843 _EvaluateVisitor__closure6: function _EvaluateVisitor__closure6(t0) {
17844 this.$this = t0;
17845 },
17846 _EvaluateVisitor_run_closure1: function _EvaluateVisitor_run_closure1(t0, t1, t2) {
17847 this.$this = t0;
17848 this.node = t1;
17849 this.importer = t2;
17850 },
17851 _EvaluateVisitor__loadModule_closure3: function _EvaluateVisitor__loadModule_closure3(t0, t1) {
17852 this.callback = t0;
17853 this.builtInModule = t1;
17854 },
17855 _EvaluateVisitor__loadModule_closure4: function _EvaluateVisitor__loadModule_closure4(t0, t1, t2, t3, t4, t5, t6) {
17856 var _ = this;
17857 _.$this = t0;
17858 _.url = t1;
17859 _.nodeWithSpan = t2;
17860 _.baseUrl = t3;
17861 _.namesInErrors = t4;
17862 _.configuration = t5;
17863 _.callback = t6;
17864 },
17865 _EvaluateVisitor__loadModule__closure1: function _EvaluateVisitor__loadModule__closure1(t0, t1) {
17866 this.$this = t0;
17867 this.message = t1;
17868 },
17869 _EvaluateVisitor__execute_closure1: function _EvaluateVisitor__execute_closure1(t0, t1, t2, t3, t4, t5) {
17870 var _ = this;
17871 _.$this = t0;
17872 _.importer = t1;
17873 _.stylesheet = t2;
17874 _.extensionStore = t3;
17875 _.configuration = t4;
17876 _.css = t5;
17877 },
17878 _EvaluateVisitor__combineCss_closure5: function _EvaluateVisitor__combineCss_closure5() {
17879 },
17880 _EvaluateVisitor__combineCss_closure6: function _EvaluateVisitor__combineCss_closure6(t0) {
17881 this.selectors = t0;
17882 },
17883 _EvaluateVisitor__combineCss_closure7: function _EvaluateVisitor__combineCss_closure7() {
17884 },
17885 _EvaluateVisitor__extendModules_closure3: function _EvaluateVisitor__extendModules_closure3(t0) {
17886 this.originalSelectors = t0;
17887 },
17888 _EvaluateVisitor__extendModules_closure4: function _EvaluateVisitor__extendModules_closure4() {
17889 },
17890 _EvaluateVisitor__topologicalModules_visitModule1: function _EvaluateVisitor__topologicalModules_visitModule1(t0, t1) {
17891 this.seen = t0;
17892 this.sorted = t1;
17893 },
17894 _EvaluateVisitor_visitAtRootRule_closure5: function _EvaluateVisitor_visitAtRootRule_closure5(t0, t1) {
17895 this.$this = t0;
17896 this.resolved = t1;
17897 },
17898 _EvaluateVisitor_visitAtRootRule_closure6: function _EvaluateVisitor_visitAtRootRule_closure6(t0, t1) {
17899 this.$this = t0;
17900 this.node = t1;
17901 },
17902 _EvaluateVisitor_visitAtRootRule_closure7: function _EvaluateVisitor_visitAtRootRule_closure7(t0, t1) {
17903 this.$this = t0;
17904 this.node = t1;
17905 },
17906 _EvaluateVisitor__scopeForAtRoot_closure11: function _EvaluateVisitor__scopeForAtRoot_closure11(t0, t1, t2) {
17907 this.$this = t0;
17908 this.newParent = t1;
17909 this.node = t2;
17910 },
17911 _EvaluateVisitor__scopeForAtRoot_closure12: function _EvaluateVisitor__scopeForAtRoot_closure12(t0, t1) {
17912 this.$this = t0;
17913 this.innerScope = t1;
17914 },
17915 _EvaluateVisitor__scopeForAtRoot_closure13: function _EvaluateVisitor__scopeForAtRoot_closure13(t0, t1) {
17916 this.$this = t0;
17917 this.innerScope = t1;
17918 },
17919 _EvaluateVisitor__scopeForAtRoot__closure1: function _EvaluateVisitor__scopeForAtRoot__closure1(t0, t1) {
17920 this.innerScope = t0;
17921 this.callback = t1;
17922 },
17923 _EvaluateVisitor__scopeForAtRoot_closure14: function _EvaluateVisitor__scopeForAtRoot_closure14(t0, t1) {
17924 this.$this = t0;
17925 this.innerScope = t1;
17926 },
17927 _EvaluateVisitor__scopeForAtRoot_closure15: function _EvaluateVisitor__scopeForAtRoot_closure15() {
17928 },
17929 _EvaluateVisitor__scopeForAtRoot_closure16: function _EvaluateVisitor__scopeForAtRoot_closure16(t0, t1) {
17930 this.$this = t0;
17931 this.innerScope = t1;
17932 },
17933 _EvaluateVisitor_visitContentRule_closure1: function _EvaluateVisitor_visitContentRule_closure1(t0, t1) {
17934 this.$this = t0;
17935 this.content = t1;
17936 },
17937 _EvaluateVisitor_visitDeclaration_closure3: function _EvaluateVisitor_visitDeclaration_closure3(t0) {
17938 this.$this = t0;
17939 },
17940 _EvaluateVisitor_visitDeclaration_closure4: function _EvaluateVisitor_visitDeclaration_closure4(t0, t1) {
17941 this.$this = t0;
17942 this.children = t1;
17943 },
17944 _EvaluateVisitor_visitEachRule_closure5: function _EvaluateVisitor_visitEachRule_closure5(t0, t1, t2) {
17945 this.$this = t0;
17946 this.node = t1;
17947 this.nodeWithSpan = t2;
17948 },
17949 _EvaluateVisitor_visitEachRule_closure6: function _EvaluateVisitor_visitEachRule_closure6(t0, t1, t2) {
17950 this.$this = t0;
17951 this.node = t1;
17952 this.nodeWithSpan = t2;
17953 },
17954 _EvaluateVisitor_visitEachRule_closure7: function _EvaluateVisitor_visitEachRule_closure7(t0, t1, t2, t3) {
17955 var _ = this;
17956 _.$this = t0;
17957 _.list = t1;
17958 _.setVariables = t2;
17959 _.node = t3;
17960 },
17961 _EvaluateVisitor_visitEachRule__closure1: function _EvaluateVisitor_visitEachRule__closure1(t0, t1, t2) {
17962 this.$this = t0;
17963 this.setVariables = t1;
17964 this.node = t2;
17965 },
17966 _EvaluateVisitor_visitEachRule___closure1: function _EvaluateVisitor_visitEachRule___closure1(t0) {
17967 this.$this = t0;
17968 },
17969 _EvaluateVisitor_visitExtendRule_closure1: function _EvaluateVisitor_visitExtendRule_closure1(t0, t1) {
17970 this.$this = t0;
17971 this.targetText = t1;
17972 },
17973 _EvaluateVisitor_visitAtRule_closure5: function _EvaluateVisitor_visitAtRule_closure5(t0) {
17974 this.$this = t0;
17975 },
17976 _EvaluateVisitor_visitAtRule_closure6: function _EvaluateVisitor_visitAtRule_closure6(t0, t1) {
17977 this.$this = t0;
17978 this.children = t1;
17979 },
17980 _EvaluateVisitor_visitAtRule__closure1: function _EvaluateVisitor_visitAtRule__closure1(t0, t1) {
17981 this.$this = t0;
17982 this.children = t1;
17983 },
17984 _EvaluateVisitor_visitAtRule_closure7: function _EvaluateVisitor_visitAtRule_closure7() {
17985 },
17986 _EvaluateVisitor_visitForRule_closure9: function _EvaluateVisitor_visitForRule_closure9(t0, t1) {
17987 this.$this = t0;
17988 this.node = t1;
17989 },
17990 _EvaluateVisitor_visitForRule_closure10: function _EvaluateVisitor_visitForRule_closure10(t0, t1) {
17991 this.$this = t0;
17992 this.node = t1;
17993 },
17994 _EvaluateVisitor_visitForRule_closure11: function _EvaluateVisitor_visitForRule_closure11(t0) {
17995 this.fromNumber = t0;
17996 },
17997 _EvaluateVisitor_visitForRule_closure12: function _EvaluateVisitor_visitForRule_closure12(t0, t1) {
17998 this.toNumber = t0;
17999 this.fromNumber = t1;
18000 },
18001 _EvaluateVisitor_visitForRule_closure13: function _EvaluateVisitor_visitForRule_closure13(t0, t1, t2, t3, t4, t5) {
18002 var _ = this;
18003 _._box_0 = t0;
18004 _.$this = t1;
18005 _.node = t2;
18006 _.from = t3;
18007 _.direction = t4;
18008 _.fromNumber = t5;
18009 },
18010 _EvaluateVisitor_visitForRule__closure1: function _EvaluateVisitor_visitForRule__closure1(t0) {
18011 this.$this = t0;
18012 },
18013 _EvaluateVisitor_visitForwardRule_closure3: function _EvaluateVisitor_visitForwardRule_closure3(t0, t1) {
18014 this.$this = t0;
18015 this.node = t1;
18016 },
18017 _EvaluateVisitor_visitForwardRule_closure4: function _EvaluateVisitor_visitForwardRule_closure4(t0, t1) {
18018 this.$this = t0;
18019 this.node = t1;
18020 },
18021 _EvaluateVisitor_visitIfRule_closure1: function _EvaluateVisitor_visitIfRule_closure1(t0, t1) {
18022 this._box_0 = t0;
18023 this.$this = t1;
18024 },
18025 _EvaluateVisitor_visitIfRule__closure1: function _EvaluateVisitor_visitIfRule__closure1(t0) {
18026 this.$this = t0;
18027 },
18028 _EvaluateVisitor__visitDynamicImport_closure1: function _EvaluateVisitor__visitDynamicImport_closure1(t0, t1) {
18029 this.$this = t0;
18030 this.$import = t1;
18031 },
18032 _EvaluateVisitor__visitDynamicImport__closure7: function _EvaluateVisitor__visitDynamicImport__closure7(t0) {
18033 this.$this = t0;
18034 },
18035 _EvaluateVisitor__visitDynamicImport__closure8: function _EvaluateVisitor__visitDynamicImport__closure8() {
18036 },
18037 _EvaluateVisitor__visitDynamicImport__closure9: function _EvaluateVisitor__visitDynamicImport__closure9() {
18038 },
18039 _EvaluateVisitor__visitDynamicImport__closure10: function _EvaluateVisitor__visitDynamicImport__closure10(t0, t1, t2, t3, t4, t5) {
18040 var _ = this;
18041 _.$this = t0;
18042 _.result = t1;
18043 _.stylesheet = t2;
18044 _.loadsUserDefinedModules = t3;
18045 _.environment = t4;
18046 _.children = t5;
18047 },
18048 _EvaluateVisitor__visitStaticImport_closure1: function _EvaluateVisitor__visitStaticImport_closure1(t0) {
18049 this.$this = t0;
18050 },
18051 _EvaluateVisitor_visitIncludeRule_closure7: function _EvaluateVisitor_visitIncludeRule_closure7(t0, t1) {
18052 this.$this = t0;
18053 this.node = t1;
18054 },
18055 _EvaluateVisitor_visitIncludeRule_closure8: function _EvaluateVisitor_visitIncludeRule_closure8(t0) {
18056 this.node = t0;
18057 },
18058 _EvaluateVisitor_visitIncludeRule_closure10: function _EvaluateVisitor_visitIncludeRule_closure10(t0) {
18059 this.$this = t0;
18060 },
18061 _EvaluateVisitor_visitIncludeRule_closure9: function _EvaluateVisitor_visitIncludeRule_closure9(t0, t1, t2, t3) {
18062 var _ = this;
18063 _.$this = t0;
18064 _.contentCallable = t1;
18065 _.mixin = t2;
18066 _.nodeWithSpan = t3;
18067 },
18068 _EvaluateVisitor_visitIncludeRule__closure1: function _EvaluateVisitor_visitIncludeRule__closure1(t0, t1, t2) {
18069 this.$this = t0;
18070 this.mixin = t1;
18071 this.nodeWithSpan = t2;
18072 },
18073 _EvaluateVisitor_visitIncludeRule___closure1: function _EvaluateVisitor_visitIncludeRule___closure1(t0, t1, t2) {
18074 this.$this = t0;
18075 this.mixin = t1;
18076 this.nodeWithSpan = t2;
18077 },
18078 _EvaluateVisitor_visitIncludeRule____closure1: function _EvaluateVisitor_visitIncludeRule____closure1(t0, t1) {
18079 this.$this = t0;
18080 this.statement = t1;
18081 },
18082 _EvaluateVisitor_visitMediaRule_closure5: function _EvaluateVisitor_visitMediaRule_closure5(t0, t1) {
18083 this.$this = t0;
18084 this.queries = t1;
18085 },
18086 _EvaluateVisitor_visitMediaRule_closure6: function _EvaluateVisitor_visitMediaRule_closure6(t0, t1, t2, t3) {
18087 var _ = this;
18088 _.$this = t0;
18089 _.mergedQueries = t1;
18090 _.queries = t2;
18091 _.node = t3;
18092 },
18093 _EvaluateVisitor_visitMediaRule__closure1: function _EvaluateVisitor_visitMediaRule__closure1(t0, t1) {
18094 this.$this = t0;
18095 this.node = t1;
18096 },
18097 _EvaluateVisitor_visitMediaRule___closure1: function _EvaluateVisitor_visitMediaRule___closure1(t0, t1) {
18098 this.$this = t0;
18099 this.node = t1;
18100 },
18101 _EvaluateVisitor_visitMediaRule_closure7: function _EvaluateVisitor_visitMediaRule_closure7(t0) {
18102 this.mergedQueries = t0;
18103 },
18104 _EvaluateVisitor__visitMediaQueries_closure1: function _EvaluateVisitor__visitMediaQueries_closure1(t0, t1) {
18105 this.$this = t0;
18106 this.resolved = t1;
18107 },
18108 _EvaluateVisitor_visitStyleRule_closure13: function _EvaluateVisitor_visitStyleRule_closure13(t0, t1) {
18109 this.$this = t0;
18110 this.selectorText = t1;
18111 },
18112 _EvaluateVisitor_visitStyleRule_closure14: function _EvaluateVisitor_visitStyleRule_closure14(t0, t1) {
18113 this.$this = t0;
18114 this.node = t1;
18115 },
18116 _EvaluateVisitor_visitStyleRule_closure15: function _EvaluateVisitor_visitStyleRule_closure15() {
18117 },
18118 _EvaluateVisitor_visitStyleRule_closure16: function _EvaluateVisitor_visitStyleRule_closure16(t0, t1) {
18119 this.$this = t0;
18120 this.selectorText = t1;
18121 },
18122 _EvaluateVisitor_visitStyleRule_closure17: function _EvaluateVisitor_visitStyleRule_closure17(t0, t1) {
18123 this._box_0 = t0;
18124 this.$this = t1;
18125 },
18126 _EvaluateVisitor_visitStyleRule_closure18: function _EvaluateVisitor_visitStyleRule_closure18(t0, t1, t2) {
18127 this.$this = t0;
18128 this.rule = t1;
18129 this.node = t2;
18130 },
18131 _EvaluateVisitor_visitStyleRule__closure1: function _EvaluateVisitor_visitStyleRule__closure1(t0, t1) {
18132 this.$this = t0;
18133 this.node = t1;
18134 },
18135 _EvaluateVisitor_visitStyleRule_closure19: function _EvaluateVisitor_visitStyleRule_closure19() {
18136 },
18137 _EvaluateVisitor_visitSupportsRule_closure3: function _EvaluateVisitor_visitSupportsRule_closure3(t0, t1) {
18138 this.$this = t0;
18139 this.node = t1;
18140 },
18141 _EvaluateVisitor_visitSupportsRule__closure1: function _EvaluateVisitor_visitSupportsRule__closure1(t0, t1) {
18142 this.$this = t0;
18143 this.node = t1;
18144 },
18145 _EvaluateVisitor_visitSupportsRule_closure4: function _EvaluateVisitor_visitSupportsRule_closure4() {
18146 },
18147 _EvaluateVisitor_visitVariableDeclaration_closure5: function _EvaluateVisitor_visitVariableDeclaration_closure5(t0, t1, t2) {
18148 this.$this = t0;
18149 this.node = t1;
18150 this.override = t2;
18151 },
18152 _EvaluateVisitor_visitVariableDeclaration_closure6: function _EvaluateVisitor_visitVariableDeclaration_closure6(t0, t1) {
18153 this.$this = t0;
18154 this.node = t1;
18155 },
18156 _EvaluateVisitor_visitVariableDeclaration_closure7: function _EvaluateVisitor_visitVariableDeclaration_closure7(t0, t1, t2) {
18157 this.$this = t0;
18158 this.node = t1;
18159 this.value = t2;
18160 },
18161 _EvaluateVisitor_visitUseRule_closure1: function _EvaluateVisitor_visitUseRule_closure1(t0, t1) {
18162 this.$this = t0;
18163 this.node = t1;
18164 },
18165 _EvaluateVisitor_visitWarnRule_closure1: function _EvaluateVisitor_visitWarnRule_closure1(t0, t1) {
18166 this.$this = t0;
18167 this.node = t1;
18168 },
18169 _EvaluateVisitor_visitWhileRule_closure1: function _EvaluateVisitor_visitWhileRule_closure1(t0, t1) {
18170 this.$this = t0;
18171 this.node = t1;
18172 },
18173 _EvaluateVisitor_visitWhileRule__closure1: function _EvaluateVisitor_visitWhileRule__closure1(t0) {
18174 this.$this = t0;
18175 },
18176 _EvaluateVisitor_visitBinaryOperationExpression_closure1: function _EvaluateVisitor_visitBinaryOperationExpression_closure1(t0, t1) {
18177 this.$this = t0;
18178 this.node = t1;
18179 },
18180 _EvaluateVisitor_visitBinaryOperationExpression_closure_recommendation1: function _EvaluateVisitor_visitBinaryOperationExpression_closure_recommendation1() {
18181 },
18182 _EvaluateVisitor_visitVariableExpression_closure1: function _EvaluateVisitor_visitVariableExpression_closure1(t0, t1) {
18183 this.$this = t0;
18184 this.node = t1;
18185 },
18186 _EvaluateVisitor_visitUnaryOperationExpression_closure1: function _EvaluateVisitor_visitUnaryOperationExpression_closure1(t0, t1) {
18187 this.node = t0;
18188 this.operand = t1;
18189 },
18190 _EvaluateVisitor__visitCalculationValue_closure1: function _EvaluateVisitor__visitCalculationValue_closure1(t0, t1, t2) {
18191 this.$this = t0;
18192 this.node = t1;
18193 this.inMinMax = t2;
18194 },
18195 _EvaluateVisitor_visitListExpression_closure1: function _EvaluateVisitor_visitListExpression_closure1(t0) {
18196 this.$this = t0;
18197 },
18198 _EvaluateVisitor_visitFunctionExpression_closure3: function _EvaluateVisitor_visitFunctionExpression_closure3(t0, t1) {
18199 this.$this = t0;
18200 this.node = t1;
18201 },
18202 _EvaluateVisitor_visitFunctionExpression_closure4: function _EvaluateVisitor_visitFunctionExpression_closure4(t0, t1, t2) {
18203 this._box_0 = t0;
18204 this.$this = t1;
18205 this.node = t2;
18206 },
18207 _EvaluateVisitor_visitInterpolatedFunctionExpression_closure1: function _EvaluateVisitor_visitInterpolatedFunctionExpression_closure1(t0, t1, t2) {
18208 this.$this = t0;
18209 this.node = t1;
18210 this.$function = t2;
18211 },
18212 _EvaluateVisitor__runUserDefinedCallable_closure1: function _EvaluateVisitor__runUserDefinedCallable_closure1(t0, t1, t2, t3, t4, t5) {
18213 var _ = this;
18214 _.$this = t0;
18215 _.callable = t1;
18216 _.evaluated = t2;
18217 _.nodeWithSpan = t3;
18218 _.run = t4;
18219 _.V = t5;
18220 },
18221 _EvaluateVisitor__runUserDefinedCallable__closure1: function _EvaluateVisitor__runUserDefinedCallable__closure1(t0, t1, t2, t3, t4, t5) {
18222 var _ = this;
18223 _.$this = t0;
18224 _.evaluated = t1;
18225 _.callable = t2;
18226 _.nodeWithSpan = t3;
18227 _.run = t4;
18228 _.V = t5;
18229 },
18230 _EvaluateVisitor__runUserDefinedCallable___closure1: function _EvaluateVisitor__runUserDefinedCallable___closure1(t0, t1, t2, t3, t4, t5) {
18231 var _ = this;
18232 _.$this = t0;
18233 _.evaluated = t1;
18234 _.callable = t2;
18235 _.nodeWithSpan = t3;
18236 _.run = t4;
18237 _.V = t5;
18238 },
18239 _EvaluateVisitor__runUserDefinedCallable____closure1: function _EvaluateVisitor__runUserDefinedCallable____closure1() {
18240 },
18241 _EvaluateVisitor__runFunctionCallable_closure1: function _EvaluateVisitor__runFunctionCallable_closure1(t0, t1) {
18242 this.$this = t0;
18243 this.callable = t1;
18244 },
18245 _EvaluateVisitor__runBuiltInCallable_closure3: function _EvaluateVisitor__runBuiltInCallable_closure3(t0, t1, t2) {
18246 this.overload = t0;
18247 this.evaluated = t1;
18248 this.namedSet = t2;
18249 },
18250 _EvaluateVisitor__runBuiltInCallable_closure4: function _EvaluateVisitor__runBuiltInCallable_closure4() {
18251 },
18252 _EvaluateVisitor__evaluateArguments_closure7: function _EvaluateVisitor__evaluateArguments_closure7() {
18253 },
18254 _EvaluateVisitor__evaluateArguments_closure8: function _EvaluateVisitor__evaluateArguments_closure8(t0, t1) {
18255 this.$this = t0;
18256 this.restNodeForSpan = t1;
18257 },
18258 _EvaluateVisitor__evaluateArguments_closure9: function _EvaluateVisitor__evaluateArguments_closure9(t0, t1, t2, t3) {
18259 var _ = this;
18260 _.$this = t0;
18261 _.named = t1;
18262 _.restNodeForSpan = t2;
18263 _.namedNodes = t3;
18264 },
18265 _EvaluateVisitor__evaluateArguments_closure10: function _EvaluateVisitor__evaluateArguments_closure10() {
18266 },
18267 _EvaluateVisitor__evaluateMacroArguments_closure7: function _EvaluateVisitor__evaluateMacroArguments_closure7(t0) {
18268 this.restArgs = t0;
18269 },
18270 _EvaluateVisitor__evaluateMacroArguments_closure8: function _EvaluateVisitor__evaluateMacroArguments_closure8(t0, t1, t2) {
18271 this.$this = t0;
18272 this.restNodeForSpan = t1;
18273 this.restArgs = t2;
18274 },
18275 _EvaluateVisitor__evaluateMacroArguments_closure9: function _EvaluateVisitor__evaluateMacroArguments_closure9(t0, t1, t2, t3) {
18276 var _ = this;
18277 _.$this = t0;
18278 _.named = t1;
18279 _.restNodeForSpan = t2;
18280 _.restArgs = t3;
18281 },
18282 _EvaluateVisitor__evaluateMacroArguments_closure10: function _EvaluateVisitor__evaluateMacroArguments_closure10(t0, t1, t2) {
18283 this.$this = t0;
18284 this.keywordRestNodeForSpan = t1;
18285 this.keywordRestArgs = t2;
18286 },
18287 _EvaluateVisitor__addRestMap_closure1: function _EvaluateVisitor__addRestMap_closure1(t0, t1, t2, t3, t4, t5) {
18288 var _ = this;
18289 _.$this = t0;
18290 _.values = t1;
18291 _.convert = t2;
18292 _.expressionNode = t3;
18293 _.map = t4;
18294 _.nodeWithSpan = t5;
18295 },
18296 _EvaluateVisitor__verifyArguments_closure1: function _EvaluateVisitor__verifyArguments_closure1(t0, t1, t2) {
18297 this.$arguments = t0;
18298 this.positional = t1;
18299 this.named = t2;
18300 },
18301 _EvaluateVisitor_visitStringExpression_closure1: function _EvaluateVisitor_visitStringExpression_closure1(t0) {
18302 this.$this = t0;
18303 },
18304 _EvaluateVisitor_visitCssAtRule_closure3: function _EvaluateVisitor_visitCssAtRule_closure3(t0, t1) {
18305 this.$this = t0;
18306 this.node = t1;
18307 },
18308 _EvaluateVisitor_visitCssAtRule_closure4: function _EvaluateVisitor_visitCssAtRule_closure4() {
18309 },
18310 _EvaluateVisitor_visitCssKeyframeBlock_closure3: function _EvaluateVisitor_visitCssKeyframeBlock_closure3(t0, t1) {
18311 this.$this = t0;
18312 this.node = t1;
18313 },
18314 _EvaluateVisitor_visitCssKeyframeBlock_closure4: function _EvaluateVisitor_visitCssKeyframeBlock_closure4() {
18315 },
18316 _EvaluateVisitor_visitCssMediaRule_closure5: function _EvaluateVisitor_visitCssMediaRule_closure5(t0, t1) {
18317 this.$this = t0;
18318 this.node = t1;
18319 },
18320 _EvaluateVisitor_visitCssMediaRule_closure6: function _EvaluateVisitor_visitCssMediaRule_closure6(t0, t1, t2) {
18321 this.$this = t0;
18322 this.mergedQueries = t1;
18323 this.node = t2;
18324 },
18325 _EvaluateVisitor_visitCssMediaRule__closure1: function _EvaluateVisitor_visitCssMediaRule__closure1(t0, t1) {
18326 this.$this = t0;
18327 this.node = t1;
18328 },
18329 _EvaluateVisitor_visitCssMediaRule___closure1: function _EvaluateVisitor_visitCssMediaRule___closure1(t0, t1) {
18330 this.$this = t0;
18331 this.node = t1;
18332 },
18333 _EvaluateVisitor_visitCssMediaRule_closure7: function _EvaluateVisitor_visitCssMediaRule_closure7(t0) {
18334 this.mergedQueries = t0;
18335 },
18336 _EvaluateVisitor_visitCssStyleRule_closure3: function _EvaluateVisitor_visitCssStyleRule_closure3(t0, t1, t2) {
18337 this.$this = t0;
18338 this.rule = t1;
18339 this.node = t2;
18340 },
18341 _EvaluateVisitor_visitCssStyleRule__closure1: function _EvaluateVisitor_visitCssStyleRule__closure1(t0, t1) {
18342 this.$this = t0;
18343 this.node = t1;
18344 },
18345 _EvaluateVisitor_visitCssStyleRule_closure4: function _EvaluateVisitor_visitCssStyleRule_closure4() {
18346 },
18347 _EvaluateVisitor_visitCssSupportsRule_closure3: function _EvaluateVisitor_visitCssSupportsRule_closure3(t0, t1) {
18348 this.$this = t0;
18349 this.node = t1;
18350 },
18351 _EvaluateVisitor_visitCssSupportsRule__closure1: function _EvaluateVisitor_visitCssSupportsRule__closure1(t0, t1) {
18352 this.$this = t0;
18353 this.node = t1;
18354 },
18355 _EvaluateVisitor_visitCssSupportsRule_closure4: function _EvaluateVisitor_visitCssSupportsRule_closure4() {
18356 },
18357 _EvaluateVisitor__performInterpolation_closure1: function _EvaluateVisitor__performInterpolation_closure1(t0, t1, t2) {
18358 this.$this = t0;
18359 this.warnForColor = t1;
18360 this.interpolation = t2;
18361 },
18362 _EvaluateVisitor__serialize_closure1: function _EvaluateVisitor__serialize_closure1(t0, t1) {
18363 this.value = t0;
18364 this.quote = t1;
18365 },
18366 _EvaluateVisitor__expressionNode_closure1: function _EvaluateVisitor__expressionNode_closure1(t0, t1) {
18367 this.$this = t0;
18368 this.expression = t1;
18369 },
18370 _EvaluateVisitor__withoutSlash_recommendation1: function _EvaluateVisitor__withoutSlash_recommendation1() {
18371 },
18372 _EvaluateVisitor__stackFrame_closure1: function _EvaluateVisitor__stackFrame_closure1(t0) {
18373 this.$this = t0;
18374 },
18375 _EvaluateVisitor__stackTrace_closure1: function _EvaluateVisitor__stackTrace_closure1(t0) {
18376 this.$this = t0;
18377 },
18378 _ImportedCssVisitor1: function _ImportedCssVisitor1(t0) {
18379 this._evaluate0$_visitor = t0;
18380 },
18381 _ImportedCssVisitor_visitCssAtRule_closure1: function _ImportedCssVisitor_visitCssAtRule_closure1() {
18382 },
18383 _ImportedCssVisitor_visitCssMediaRule_closure1: function _ImportedCssVisitor_visitCssMediaRule_closure1(t0) {
18384 this.hasBeenMerged = t0;
18385 },
18386 _ImportedCssVisitor_visitCssStyleRule_closure1: function _ImportedCssVisitor_visitCssStyleRule_closure1() {
18387 },
18388 _ImportedCssVisitor_visitCssSupportsRule_closure1: function _ImportedCssVisitor_visitCssSupportsRule_closure1() {
18389 },
18390 _EvaluationContext1: function _EvaluationContext1(t0, t1) {
18391 this._evaluate0$_visitor = t0;
18392 this._evaluate0$_defaultWarnNodeWithSpan = t1;
18393 },
18394 _ArgumentResults1: function _ArgumentResults1(t0, t1, t2, t3, t4) {
18395 var _ = this;
18396 _.positional = t0;
18397 _.positionalNodes = t1;
18398 _.named = t2;
18399 _.namedNodes = t3;
18400 _.separator = t4;
18401 },
18402 _LoadedStylesheet1: function _LoadedStylesheet1(t0, t1, t2) {
18403 this.stylesheet = t0;
18404 this.importer = t1;
18405 this.isDependency = t2;
18406 },
18407 throwNodeException(exception, ascii, color, trace) {
18408 var wasAscii, jsException, trace0;
18409 trace = trace;
18410 wasAscii = $._glyphs === B.C_AsciiGlyphSet;
18411 $._glyphs = ascii ? B.C_AsciiGlyphSet : B.C_UnicodeGlyphSet;
18412 try {
18413 jsException = type$._NodeException._as(A.callConstructor($.$get$exceptionClass(), [exception, B.JSString_methods.replaceFirst$2(exception.toString$1$color(0, color), "Error: ", "")]));
18414 trace0 = A.getTrace0(exception);
18415 trace = trace0 == null ? trace : trace0;
18416 if (trace != null)
18417 A.attachJsStack(jsException, trace);
18418 A.jsThrow(jsException);
18419 } finally {
18420 $._glyphs = wasAscii ? B.C_AsciiGlyphSet : B.C_UnicodeGlyphSet;
18421 }
18422 },
18423 _NodeException: function _NodeException() {
18424 },
18425 exceptionClass_closure: function exceptionClass_closure() {
18426 },
18427 exceptionClass__closure: function exceptionClass__closure() {
18428 },
18429 exceptionClass__closure0: function exceptionClass__closure0() {
18430 },
18431 exceptionClass__closure1: function exceptionClass__closure1() {
18432 },
18433 SassException$0(message, span) {
18434 return new A.SassException0(message, span);
18435 },
18436 MultiSpanSassRuntimeException$0(message, span, primaryLabel, secondarySpans, trace) {
18437 return new A.MultiSpanSassRuntimeException0(trace, primaryLabel, A.ConstantMap_ConstantMap$from(secondarySpans, type$.FileSpan, type$.String), message, span);
18438 },
18439 SassFormatException$0(message, span) {
18440 return new A.SassFormatException0(message, span);
18441 },
18442 SassScriptException$0(message) {
18443 return new A.SassScriptException0(message);
18444 },
18445 MultiSpanSassScriptException$0(message, primaryLabel, secondarySpans) {
18446 return new A.MultiSpanSassScriptException0(primaryLabel, A.ConstantMap_ConstantMap$from(secondarySpans, type$.FileSpan, type$.String), message);
18447 },
18448 SassException0: function SassException0(t0, t1) {
18449 this._span_exception$_message = t0;
18450 this._span = t1;
18451 },
18452 MultiSpanSassException0: function MultiSpanSassException0(t0, t1, t2, t3) {
18453 var _ = this;
18454 _.primaryLabel = t0;
18455 _.secondarySpans = t1;
18456 _._span_exception$_message = t2;
18457 _._span = t3;
18458 },
18459 SassRuntimeException0: function SassRuntimeException0(t0, t1, t2) {
18460 this.trace = t0;
18461 this._span_exception$_message = t1;
18462 this._span = t2;
18463 },
18464 MultiSpanSassRuntimeException0: function MultiSpanSassRuntimeException0(t0, t1, t2, t3, t4) {
18465 var _ = this;
18466 _.trace = t0;
18467 _.primaryLabel = t1;
18468 _.secondarySpans = t2;
18469 _._span_exception$_message = t3;
18470 _._span = t4;
18471 },
18472 SassFormatException0: function SassFormatException0(t0, t1) {
18473 this._span_exception$_message = t0;
18474 this._span = t1;
18475 },
18476 SassScriptException0: function SassScriptException0(t0) {
18477 this.message = t0;
18478 },
18479 MultiSpanSassScriptException0: function MultiSpanSassScriptException0(t0, t1, t2) {
18480 this.primaryLabel = t0;
18481 this.secondarySpans = t1;
18482 this.message = t2;
18483 },
18484 Exports: function Exports() {
18485 },
18486 LoggerNamespace: function LoggerNamespace() {
18487 },
18488 ExtendRule0: function ExtendRule0(t0, t1, t2) {
18489 this.selector = t0;
18490 this.isOptional = t1;
18491 this.span = t2;
18492 },
18493 Extension0: function Extension0(t0, t1, t2, t3, t4) {
18494 var _ = this;
18495 _.extender = t0;
18496 _.target = t1;
18497 _.mediaContext = t2;
18498 _.isOptional = t3;
18499 _.span = t4;
18500 },
18501 Extender0: function Extender0(t0, t1, t2) {
18502 var _ = this;
18503 _.selector = t0;
18504 _.isOriginal = t1;
18505 _._extension$_extension = null;
18506 _.span = t2;
18507 },
18508 ExtensionStore__extendOrReplace0(selector, source, targets, mode, span) {
18509 var t1, t2, t3, t4, t5, t6, t7, t8, t9, _i, complex, t10, t11, t12, _i0, simple, t13, _i1, t14, t15,
18510 extender = A.ExtensionStore$_mode0(mode);
18511 if (!selector.get$isInvisible())
18512 extender._extension_store$_originals.addAll$1(0, selector.components);
18513 for (t1 = targets.components, t2 = t1.length, t3 = source.components, t4 = t3.length, t5 = type$.ComplexSelector_2, t6 = type$.Extension_2, t7 = type$.CompoundSelector_2, t8 = type$.SimpleSelector_2, t9 = type$.Map_ComplexSelector_Extension_2, _i = 0; _i < t2; ++_i) {
18514 complex = t1[_i];
18515 t10 = complex.components;
18516 if (t10.length !== 1)
18517 throw A.wrapException(A.SassScriptException$0("Can't extend complex selector " + A.S(complex) + "."));
18518 t11 = A.LinkedHashMap_LinkedHashMap$_empty(t8, t9);
18519 for (t10 = t7._as(B.JSArray_methods.get$first(t10)).components, t12 = t10.length, _i0 = 0; _i0 < t12; ++_i0) {
18520 simple = t10[_i0];
18521 t13 = A.LinkedHashMap_LinkedHashMap$_empty(t5, t6);
18522 for (_i1 = 0; _i1 < t4; ++_i1) {
18523 complex = t3[_i1];
18524 if (complex._complex0$_maxSpecificity == null)
18525 complex._complex0$_computeSpecificity$0();
18526 complex._complex0$_maxSpecificity.toString;
18527 t14 = new A.Extender0(complex, false, span);
18528 t15 = new A.Extension0(t14, simple, null, true, span);
18529 t14._extension$_extension = t15;
18530 t13.$indexSet(0, complex, t15);
18531 }
18532 t11.$indexSet(0, simple, t13);
18533 }
18534 selector = extender._extension_store$_extendList$3(selector, span, t11);
18535 }
18536 return selector;
18537 },
18538 ExtensionStore$0() {
18539 var t1 = type$.SimpleSelector_2;
18540 return new A.ExtensionStore0(A.LinkedHashMap_LinkedHashMap$_empty(t1, type$.Set_ModifiableCssValue_SelectorList_2), A.LinkedHashMap_LinkedHashMap$_empty(t1, type$.Map_ComplexSelector_Extension_2), A.LinkedHashMap_LinkedHashMap$_empty(t1, type$.List_Extension_2), A.LinkedHashMap_LinkedHashMap$_empty(type$.ModifiableCssValue_SelectorList_2, type$.List_CssMediaQuery_2), A._LinkedIdentityHashMap__LinkedIdentityHashMap$es6(t1, type$.int), new A._LinkedIdentityHashSet(type$._LinkedIdentityHashSet_ComplexSelector_2), B.ExtendMode_normal0);
18541 },
18542 ExtensionStore$_mode0(_mode) {
18543 var t1 = type$.SimpleSelector_2;
18544 return new A.ExtensionStore0(A.LinkedHashMap_LinkedHashMap$_empty(t1, type$.Set_ModifiableCssValue_SelectorList_2), A.LinkedHashMap_LinkedHashMap$_empty(t1, type$.Map_ComplexSelector_Extension_2), A.LinkedHashMap_LinkedHashMap$_empty(t1, type$.List_Extension_2), A.LinkedHashMap_LinkedHashMap$_empty(type$.ModifiableCssValue_SelectorList_2, type$.List_CssMediaQuery_2), A._LinkedIdentityHashMap__LinkedIdentityHashMap$es6(t1, type$.int), new A._LinkedIdentityHashSet(type$._LinkedIdentityHashSet_ComplexSelector_2), _mode);
18545 },
18546 ExtensionStore0: function ExtensionStore0(t0, t1, t2, t3, t4, t5, t6) {
18547 var _ = this;
18548 _._extension_store$_selectors = t0;
18549 _._extension_store$_extensions = t1;
18550 _._extension_store$_extensionsByExtender = t2;
18551 _._extension_store$_mediaContexts = t3;
18552 _._extension_store$_sourceSpecificity = t4;
18553 _._extension_store$_originals = t5;
18554 _._extension_store$_mode = t6;
18555 },
18556 ExtensionStore_extensionsWhereTarget_closure0: function ExtensionStore_extensionsWhereTarget_closure0() {
18557 },
18558 ExtensionStore__registerSelector_closure0: function ExtensionStore__registerSelector_closure0() {
18559 },
18560 ExtensionStore_addExtension_closure2: function ExtensionStore_addExtension_closure2() {
18561 },
18562 ExtensionStore_addExtension_closure3: function ExtensionStore_addExtension_closure3() {
18563 },
18564 ExtensionStore_addExtension_closure4: function ExtensionStore_addExtension_closure4(t0) {
18565 this.complex = t0;
18566 },
18567 ExtensionStore__extendExistingExtensions_closure1: function ExtensionStore__extendExistingExtensions_closure1() {
18568 },
18569 ExtensionStore__extendExistingExtensions_closure2: function ExtensionStore__extendExistingExtensions_closure2() {
18570 },
18571 ExtensionStore_addExtensions_closure1: function ExtensionStore_addExtensions_closure1(t0, t1) {
18572 this._box_0 = t0;
18573 this.$this = t1;
18574 },
18575 ExtensionStore_addExtensions__closure4: function ExtensionStore_addExtensions__closure4(t0, t1, t2, t3, t4) {
18576 var _ = this;
18577 _._box_0 = t0;
18578 _.existingSources = t1;
18579 _.extensionsForTarget = t2;
18580 _.selectorsForTarget = t3;
18581 _.target = t4;
18582 },
18583 ExtensionStore_addExtensions___closure0: function ExtensionStore_addExtensions___closure0() {
18584 },
18585 ExtensionStore_addExtensions_closure2: function ExtensionStore_addExtensions_closure2(t0, t1) {
18586 this._box_0 = t0;
18587 this.$this = t1;
18588 },
18589 ExtensionStore_addExtensions__closure2: function ExtensionStore_addExtensions__closure2(t0, t1) {
18590 this.$this = t0;
18591 this.newExtensions = t1;
18592 },
18593 ExtensionStore_addExtensions__closure3: function ExtensionStore_addExtensions__closure3(t0, t1) {
18594 this.$this = t0;
18595 this.newExtensions = t1;
18596 },
18597 ExtensionStore__extendComplex_closure1: function ExtensionStore__extendComplex_closure1(t0) {
18598 this.complex = t0;
18599 },
18600 ExtensionStore__extendComplex_closure2: function ExtensionStore__extendComplex_closure2(t0, t1, t2) {
18601 this._box_0 = t0;
18602 this.$this = t1;
18603 this.complex = t2;
18604 },
18605 ExtensionStore__extendComplex__closure1: function ExtensionStore__extendComplex__closure1() {
18606 },
18607 ExtensionStore__extendComplex__closure2: function ExtensionStore__extendComplex__closure2(t0, t1, t2, t3) {
18608 var _ = this;
18609 _._box_0 = t0;
18610 _.$this = t1;
18611 _.complex = t2;
18612 _.path = t3;
18613 },
18614 ExtensionStore__extendComplex___closure0: function ExtensionStore__extendComplex___closure0() {
18615 },
18616 ExtensionStore__extendCompound_closure4: function ExtensionStore__extendCompound_closure4(t0) {
18617 this.mediaQueryContext = t0;
18618 },
18619 ExtensionStore__extendCompound_closure5: function ExtensionStore__extendCompound_closure5(t0, t1) {
18620 this._box_1 = t0;
18621 this.mediaQueryContext = t1;
18622 },
18623 ExtensionStore__extendCompound__closure1: function ExtensionStore__extendCompound__closure1() {
18624 },
18625 ExtensionStore__extendCompound__closure2: function ExtensionStore__extendCompound__closure2(t0) {
18626 this._box_0 = t0;
18627 },
18628 ExtensionStore__extendCompound_closure6: function ExtensionStore__extendCompound_closure6() {
18629 },
18630 ExtensionStore__extendCompound_closure7: function ExtensionStore__extendCompound_closure7() {
18631 },
18632 ExtensionStore__extendCompound_closure8: function ExtensionStore__extendCompound_closure8(t0) {
18633 this.original = t0;
18634 },
18635 ExtensionStore__extendSimple_withoutPseudo0: function ExtensionStore__extendSimple_withoutPseudo0(t0, t1, t2, t3) {
18636 var _ = this;
18637 _.$this = t0;
18638 _.extensions = t1;
18639 _.targetsUsed = t2;
18640 _.simpleSpan = t3;
18641 },
18642 ExtensionStore__extendSimple_closure1: function ExtensionStore__extendSimple_closure1(t0, t1, t2) {
18643 this.$this = t0;
18644 this.withoutPseudo = t1;
18645 this.simpleSpan = t2;
18646 },
18647 ExtensionStore__extendSimple_closure2: function ExtensionStore__extendSimple_closure2() {
18648 },
18649 ExtensionStore__extendPseudo_closure4: function ExtensionStore__extendPseudo_closure4() {
18650 },
18651 ExtensionStore__extendPseudo_closure5: function ExtensionStore__extendPseudo_closure5() {
18652 },
18653 ExtensionStore__extendPseudo_closure6: function ExtensionStore__extendPseudo_closure6() {
18654 },
18655 ExtensionStore__extendPseudo_closure7: function ExtensionStore__extendPseudo_closure7(t0) {
18656 this.pseudo = t0;
18657 },
18658 ExtensionStore__extendPseudo_closure8: function ExtensionStore__extendPseudo_closure8(t0) {
18659 this.pseudo = t0;
18660 },
18661 ExtensionStore__trim_closure1: function ExtensionStore__trim_closure1(t0, t1) {
18662 this._box_0 = t0;
18663 this.complex1 = t1;
18664 },
18665 ExtensionStore__trim_closure2: function ExtensionStore__trim_closure2(t0, t1) {
18666 this._box_0 = t0;
18667 this.complex1 = t1;
18668 },
18669 ExtensionStore_clone_closure0: function ExtensionStore_clone_closure0(t0, t1, t2, t3) {
18670 var _ = this;
18671 _.$this = t0;
18672 _.newSelectors = t1;
18673 _.oldToNewSelectors = t2;
18674 _.newMediaContexts = t3;
18675 },
18676 FiberClass: function FiberClass() {
18677 },
18678 Fiber: function Fiber() {
18679 },
18680 NodeToDartFileImporter: function NodeToDartFileImporter(t0) {
18681 this._file0$_findFileUrl = t0;
18682 },
18683 FilesystemImporter$(loadPath) {
18684 var _null = null;
18685 return new A.FilesystemImporter0($.$get$context().absolute$7(loadPath, _null, _null, _null, _null, _null, _null));
18686 },
18687 FilesystemImporter0: function FilesystemImporter0(t0) {
18688 this._filesystem$_loadPath = t0;
18689 },
18690 FilesystemImporter_canonicalize_closure0: function FilesystemImporter_canonicalize_closure0() {
18691 },
18692 ForRule$0(variable, from, to, children, span, exclusive) {
18693 var t1 = A.List_List$unmodifiable(children, type$.Statement_2),
18694 t2 = B.JSArray_methods.any$1(t1, new A.ParentStatement_closure0());
18695 return new A.ForRule0(variable, from, to, exclusive, span, t1, t2);
18696 },
18697 ForRule0: function ForRule0(t0, t1, t2, t3, t4, t5, t6) {
18698 var _ = this;
18699 _.variable = t0;
18700 _.from = t1;
18701 _.to = t2;
18702 _.isExclusive = t3;
18703 _.span = t4;
18704 _.children = t5;
18705 _.hasDeclarations = t6;
18706 },
18707 ForwardRule0: function ForwardRule0(t0, t1, t2, t3, t4, t5, t6, t7) {
18708 var _ = this;
18709 _.url = t0;
18710 _.shownMixinsAndFunctions = t1;
18711 _.shownVariables = t2;
18712 _.hiddenMixinsAndFunctions = t3;
18713 _.hiddenVariables = t4;
18714 _.prefix = t5;
18715 _.configuration = t6;
18716 _.span = t7;
18717 },
18718 ForwardedModuleView_ifNecessary0(inner, rule, $T) {
18719 var t1;
18720 if (rule.prefix == null)
18721 if (rule.shownMixinsAndFunctions == null)
18722 if (rule.shownVariables == null) {
18723 t1 = rule.hiddenMixinsAndFunctions;
18724 if (t1 == null)
18725 t1 = null;
18726 else {
18727 t1 = t1._base;
18728 t1 = t1.get$isEmpty(t1);
18729 }
18730 if (t1 === true) {
18731 t1 = rule.hiddenVariables;
18732 if (t1 == null)
18733 t1 = null;
18734 else {
18735 t1 = t1._base;
18736 t1 = t1.get$isEmpty(t1);
18737 }
18738 t1 = t1 === true;
18739 } else
18740 t1 = false;
18741 } else
18742 t1 = false;
18743 else
18744 t1 = false;
18745 else
18746 t1 = false;
18747 if (t1)
18748 return inner;
18749 else
18750 return A.ForwardedModuleView$0(inner, rule, $T);
18751 },
18752 ForwardedModuleView$0(_inner, _rule, $T) {
18753 var t1 = _rule.prefix,
18754 t2 = _rule.shownVariables,
18755 t3 = _rule.hiddenVariables,
18756 t4 = _rule.shownMixinsAndFunctions,
18757 t5 = _rule.hiddenMixinsAndFunctions;
18758 return new A.ForwardedModuleView0(_inner, _rule, A.ForwardedModuleView__forwardedMap0(_inner.get$variables(), t1, t2, t3, type$.Value_2), A.ForwardedModuleView__forwardedMap0(_inner.get$variableNodes(), t1, t2, t3, type$.AstNode_2), A.ForwardedModuleView__forwardedMap0(_inner.get$functions(_inner), t1, t4, t5, $T), A.ForwardedModuleView__forwardedMap0(_inner.get$mixins(), t1, t4, t5, $T), $T._eval$1("ForwardedModuleView0<0>"));
18759 },
18760 ForwardedModuleView__forwardedMap0(map, prefix, safelist, blocklist, $V) {
18761 var t2,
18762 t1 = prefix == null;
18763 if (t1)
18764 if (safelist == null)
18765 if (blocklist != null) {
18766 t2 = blocklist._base;
18767 t2 = t2.get$isEmpty(t2);
18768 } else
18769 t2 = true;
18770 else
18771 t2 = false;
18772 else
18773 t2 = false;
18774 if (t2)
18775 return map;
18776 if (!t1)
18777 map = new A.PrefixedMapView0(map, prefix, $V._eval$1("PrefixedMapView0<0>"));
18778 if (safelist != null)
18779 map = new A.LimitedMapView0(map, safelist._base.intersection$1(new A.MapKeySet(map, type$.MapKeySet_nullable_Object)), type$.$env_1_1_String._bind$1($V)._eval$1("LimitedMapView0<1,2>"));
18780 else {
18781 if (blocklist != null) {
18782 t1 = blocklist._base;
18783 t1 = t1.get$isNotEmpty(t1);
18784 } else
18785 t1 = false;
18786 if (t1)
18787 map = A.LimitedMapView$blocklist0(map, blocklist, type$.String, $V);
18788 }
18789 return map;
18790 },
18791 ForwardedModuleView0: function ForwardedModuleView0(t0, t1, t2, t3, t4, t5, t6) {
18792 var _ = this;
18793 _._forwarded_view0$_inner = t0;
18794 _._forwarded_view0$_rule = t1;
18795 _.variables = t2;
18796 _.variableNodes = t3;
18797 _.functions = t4;
18798 _.mixins = t5;
18799 _.$ti = t6;
18800 },
18801 FunctionExpression0: function FunctionExpression0(t0, t1, t2, t3) {
18802 var _ = this;
18803 _.namespace = t0;
18804 _.originalName = t1;
18805 _.$arguments = t2;
18806 _.span = t3;
18807 },
18808 JSFunction0: function JSFunction0() {
18809 },
18810 SupportsFunction0: function SupportsFunction0(t0, t1, t2) {
18811 this.name = t0;
18812 this.$arguments = t1;
18813 this.span = t2;
18814 },
18815 functionClass_closure: function functionClass_closure() {
18816 },
18817 functionClass__closure: function functionClass__closure() {
18818 },
18819 functionClass__closure0: function functionClass__closure0() {
18820 },
18821 SassFunction0: function SassFunction0(t0) {
18822 this.callable = t0;
18823 },
18824 FunctionRule$0($name, $arguments, children, span, comment) {
18825 var t1 = A.List_List$unmodifiable(children, type$.Statement_2),
18826 t2 = B.JSArray_methods.any$1(t1, new A.ParentStatement_closure0());
18827 return new A.FunctionRule0($name, $arguments, span, t1, t2);
18828 },
18829 FunctionRule0: function FunctionRule0(t0, t1, t2, t3, t4) {
18830 var _ = this;
18831 _.name = t0;
18832 _.$arguments = t1;
18833 _.span = t2;
18834 _.children = t3;
18835 _.hasDeclarations = t4;
18836 },
18837 unifyComplex0(complexes) {
18838 var t2, unifiedBase, base, t3, t4, _i, complexesWithoutBases,
18839 t1 = J.getInterceptor$asx(complexes);
18840 if (t1.get$length(complexes) === 1)
18841 return complexes;
18842 for (t2 = t1.get$iterator(complexes), unifiedBase = null; t2.moveNext$0();) {
18843 base = J.get$last$ax(t2.get$current(t2));
18844 if (!(base instanceof A.CompoundSelector0))
18845 return null;
18846 if (unifiedBase == null)
18847 unifiedBase = base.components;
18848 else
18849 for (t3 = base.components, t4 = t3.length, _i = 0; _i < t4; ++_i) {
18850 unifiedBase = t3[_i].unify$1(unifiedBase);
18851 if (unifiedBase == null)
18852 return null;
18853 }
18854 }
18855 t1 = t1.map$1$1(complexes, new A.unifyComplex_closure0(), type$.List_ComplexSelectorComponent_2);
18856 complexesWithoutBases = A.List_List$of(t1, true, t1.$ti._eval$1("ListIterable.E"));
18857 t1 = B.JSArray_methods.get$last(complexesWithoutBases);
18858 unifiedBase.toString;
18859 J.add$1$ax(t1, A.CompoundSelector$0(unifiedBase));
18860 return A.weave0(complexesWithoutBases);
18861 },
18862 unifyCompound0(compound1, compound2) {
18863 var t1, result, _i, unified;
18864 for (t1 = compound1.length, result = compound2, _i = 0; _i < t1; ++_i, result = unified) {
18865 unified = compound1[_i].unify$1(result);
18866 if (unified == null)
18867 return null;
18868 }
18869 return A.CompoundSelector$0(result);
18870 },
18871 unifyUniversalAndElement0(selector1, selector2) {
18872 var namespace1, name1, t1, namespace2, name2, namespace, $name, _null = null,
18873 _s45_ = string$.must_b;
18874 if (selector1 instanceof A.UniversalSelector0) {
18875 namespace1 = selector1.namespace;
18876 name1 = _null;
18877 } else if (selector1 instanceof A.TypeSelector0) {
18878 t1 = selector1.name;
18879 namespace1 = t1.namespace;
18880 name1 = t1.name;
18881 } else
18882 throw A.wrapException(A.ArgumentError$value(selector1, "selector1", _s45_));
18883 if (selector2 instanceof A.UniversalSelector0) {
18884 namespace2 = selector2.namespace;
18885 name2 = _null;
18886 } else if (selector2 instanceof A.TypeSelector0) {
18887 t1 = selector2.name;
18888 namespace2 = t1.namespace;
18889 name2 = t1.name;
18890 } else
18891 throw A.wrapException(A.ArgumentError$value(selector2, "selector2", _s45_));
18892 if (namespace1 == namespace2 || namespace2 === "*")
18893 namespace = namespace1;
18894 else {
18895 if (namespace1 !== "*")
18896 return _null;
18897 namespace = namespace2;
18898 }
18899 if (name1 == name2 || name2 == null)
18900 $name = name1;
18901 else {
18902 if (!(name1 == null || name1 === "*"))
18903 return _null;
18904 $name = name2;
18905 }
18906 return $name == null ? new A.UniversalSelector0(namespace) : new A.TypeSelector0(new A.QualifiedName0($name, namespace));
18907 },
18908 weave0(complexes) {
18909 var t2, t3, t4, t5, target, _i, parents, newPrefixes, parentPrefixes, t6,
18910 t1 = type$.JSArray_List_ComplexSelectorComponent_2,
18911 prefixes = A._setArrayType([J.toList$0$ax(B.JSArray_methods.get$first(complexes))], t1);
18912 for (t2 = A.SubListIterable$(complexes, 1, null, A._arrayInstanceType(complexes)._precomputed1), t2 = new A.ListIterator(t2, t2.get$length(t2)), t3 = A._instanceType(t2)._precomputed1; t2.moveNext$0();) {
18913 t4 = t3._as(t2.__internal$_current);
18914 t5 = J.getInterceptor$asx(t4);
18915 if (t5.get$isEmpty(t4))
18916 continue;
18917 target = t5.get$last(t4);
18918 if (t5.get$length(t4) === 1) {
18919 for (t4 = prefixes.length, _i = 0; _i < prefixes.length; prefixes.length === t4 || (0, A.throwConcurrentModificationError)(prefixes), ++_i)
18920 J.add$1$ax(prefixes[_i], target);
18921 continue;
18922 }
18923 parents = t5.take$1(t4, t5.get$length(t4) - 1).toList$0(0);
18924 newPrefixes = A._setArrayType([], t1);
18925 for (t4 = prefixes.length, _i = 0; _i < prefixes.length; prefixes.length === t4 || (0, A.throwConcurrentModificationError)(prefixes), ++_i) {
18926 parentPrefixes = A._weaveParents0(prefixes[_i], parents);
18927 if (parentPrefixes == null)
18928 continue;
18929 for (t5 = parentPrefixes.get$iterator(parentPrefixes); t5.moveNext$0();) {
18930 t6 = t5.get$current(t5);
18931 J.add$1$ax(t6, target);
18932 newPrefixes.push(t6);
18933 }
18934 }
18935 prefixes = newPrefixes;
18936 }
18937 return prefixes;
18938 },
18939 _weaveParents0(parents1, parents2) {
18940 var finalCombinators, root1, root2, root, groups1, groups2, lcs, t2, choices, t3, _i, group, t4, t5, _null = null,
18941 t1 = type$.ComplexSelectorComponent_2,
18942 queue1 = A.ListQueue_ListQueue$of(parents1, t1),
18943 queue2 = A.ListQueue_ListQueue$of(parents2, t1),
18944 initialCombinators = A._mergeInitialCombinators0(queue1, queue2);
18945 if (initialCombinators == null)
18946 return _null;
18947 finalCombinators = A._mergeFinalCombinators0(queue1, queue2, _null);
18948 if (finalCombinators == null)
18949 return _null;
18950 root1 = A._firstIfRoot0(queue1);
18951 root2 = A._firstIfRoot0(queue2);
18952 t1 = root1 != null;
18953 if (t1 && root2 != null) {
18954 root = A.unifyCompound0(root1.components, root2.components);
18955 if (root == null)
18956 return _null;
18957 queue1.addFirst$1(root);
18958 queue2.addFirst$1(root);
18959 } else if (t1)
18960 queue2.addFirst$1(root1);
18961 else if (root2 != null)
18962 queue1.addFirst$1(root2);
18963 groups1 = A._groupSelectors0(queue1);
18964 groups2 = A._groupSelectors0(queue2);
18965 t1 = type$.List_ComplexSelectorComponent_2;
18966 lcs = A.longestCommonSubsequence0(groups2, groups1, new A._weaveParents_closure6(), t1);
18967 t2 = type$.JSArray_Iterable_ComplexSelectorComponent_2;
18968 choices = A._setArrayType([A._setArrayType([initialCombinators], t2)], type$.JSArray_List_Iterable_ComplexSelectorComponent_2);
18969 for (t3 = lcs.length, _i = 0; _i < lcs.length; lcs.length === t3 || (0, A.throwConcurrentModificationError)(lcs), ++_i) {
18970 group = lcs[_i];
18971 t4 = A._chunks0(groups1, groups2, new A._weaveParents_closure7(group), t1);
18972 t5 = A._arrayInstanceType(t4)._eval$1("MappedListIterable<1,Iterable<ComplexSelectorComponent0>>");
18973 choices.push(A.List_List$of(new A.MappedListIterable(t4, new A._weaveParents_closure8(), t5), true, t5._eval$1("ListIterable.E")));
18974 choices.push(A._setArrayType([group], t2));
18975 groups1.removeFirst$0();
18976 groups2.removeFirst$0();
18977 }
18978 t2 = A._chunks0(groups1, groups2, new A._weaveParents_closure9(), t1);
18979 t3 = A._arrayInstanceType(t2)._eval$1("MappedListIterable<1,Iterable<ComplexSelectorComponent0>>");
18980 choices.push(A.List_List$of(new A.MappedListIterable(t2, new A._weaveParents_closure10(), t3), true, t3._eval$1("ListIterable.E")));
18981 B.JSArray_methods.addAll$1(choices, finalCombinators);
18982 return J.map$1$1$ax(A.paths0(new A.WhereIterable(choices, new A._weaveParents_closure11(), type$.WhereIterable_List_Iterable_ComplexSelectorComponent_2), type$.Iterable_ComplexSelectorComponent_2), new A._weaveParents_closure12(), t1);
18983 },
18984 _firstIfRoot0(queue) {
18985 var first;
18986 if (queue._collection$_head === queue._collection$_tail)
18987 return null;
18988 first = queue.get$first(queue);
18989 if (first instanceof A.CompoundSelector0) {
18990 if (!A._hasRoot0(first))
18991 return null;
18992 queue.removeFirst$0();
18993 return first;
18994 } else
18995 return null;
18996 },
18997 _mergeInitialCombinators0(components1, components2) {
18998 var t4, combinators2, lcs,
18999 t1 = type$.JSArray_Combinator_2,
19000 combinators1 = A._setArrayType([], t1),
19001 t2 = type$.Combinator_2,
19002 t3 = components1.$ti._precomputed1;
19003 while (true) {
19004 if (!components1.get$isEmpty(components1)) {
19005 t4 = components1._collection$_head;
19006 if (t4 === components1._collection$_tail)
19007 A.throwExpression(A.IterableElementError_noElement());
19008 t4 = t3._as(components1._collection$_table[t4]) instanceof A.Combinator0;
19009 } else
19010 t4 = false;
19011 if (!t4)
19012 break;
19013 combinators1.push(t2._as(components1.removeFirst$0()));
19014 }
19015 combinators2 = A._setArrayType([], t1);
19016 t1 = components2.$ti._precomputed1;
19017 while (true) {
19018 if (!components2.get$isEmpty(components2)) {
19019 t3 = components2._collection$_head;
19020 if (t3 === components2._collection$_tail)
19021 A.throwExpression(A.IterableElementError_noElement());
19022 t3 = t1._as(components2._collection$_table[t3]) instanceof A.Combinator0;
19023 } else
19024 t3 = false;
19025 if (!t3)
19026 break;
19027 combinators2.push(t2._as(components2.removeFirst$0()));
19028 }
19029 lcs = A.longestCommonSubsequence0(combinators1, combinators2, null, t2);
19030 if (B.C_ListEquality.equals$2(0, lcs, combinators1))
19031 return combinators2;
19032 if (B.C_ListEquality.equals$2(0, lcs, combinators2))
19033 return combinators1;
19034 return null;
19035 },
19036 _mergeFinalCombinators0(components1, components2, result) {
19037 var t1, combinators1, t2, combinators2, lcs, combinator1, combinator2, compound1, compound2, choices, unified, followingSiblingSelector, nextSiblingSelector, _null = null;
19038 if (result == null)
19039 result = A.QueueList$(_null, type$.List_List_ComplexSelectorComponent_2);
19040 if (components1._collection$_head === components1._collection$_tail || !(components1.get$last(components1) instanceof A.Combinator0))
19041 t1 = components2._collection$_head === components2._collection$_tail || !(components2.get$last(components2) instanceof A.Combinator0);
19042 else
19043 t1 = false;
19044 if (t1)
19045 return result;
19046 t1 = type$.JSArray_Combinator_2;
19047 combinators1 = A._setArrayType([], t1);
19048 t2 = type$.Combinator_2;
19049 while (true) {
19050 if (!(!components1.get$isEmpty(components1) && components1.get$last(components1) instanceof A.Combinator0))
19051 break;
19052 combinators1.push(t2._as(components1.removeLast$0(0)));
19053 }
19054 combinators2 = A._setArrayType([], t1);
19055 while (true) {
19056 if (!(!components2.get$isEmpty(components2) && components2.get$last(components2) instanceof A.Combinator0))
19057 break;
19058 combinators2.push(t2._as(components2.removeLast$0(0)));
19059 }
19060 t1 = combinators1.length;
19061 if (t1 > 1 || combinators2.length > 1) {
19062 lcs = A.longestCommonSubsequence0(combinators1, combinators2, _null, t2);
19063 if (B.C_ListEquality.equals$2(0, lcs, combinators1))
19064 result.addFirst$1(A._setArrayType([A.List_List$of(new A.ReversedListIterable(combinators2, type$.ReversedListIterable_Combinator_2), true, type$.ComplexSelectorComponent_2)], type$.JSArray_List_ComplexSelectorComponent_2));
19065 else if (B.C_ListEquality.equals$2(0, lcs, combinators2))
19066 result.addFirst$1(A._setArrayType([A.List_List$of(new A.ReversedListIterable(combinators1, type$.ReversedListIterable_Combinator_2), true, type$.ComplexSelectorComponent_2)], type$.JSArray_List_ComplexSelectorComponent_2));
19067 else
19068 return _null;
19069 return result;
19070 }
19071 combinator1 = t1 === 0 ? _null : B.JSArray_methods.get$first(combinators1);
19072 combinator2 = combinators2.length === 0 ? _null : B.JSArray_methods.get$first(combinators2);
19073 t1 = combinator1 != null;
19074 if (t1 && combinator2 != null) {
19075 t1 = type$.CompoundSelector_2;
19076 compound1 = t1._as(components1.removeLast$0(0));
19077 compound2 = t1._as(components2.removeLast$0(0));
19078 t1 = combinator1 === B.Combinator_CzM0;
19079 if (t1 && combinator2 === B.Combinator_CzM0)
19080 if (A.compoundIsSuperselector0(compound1, compound2, _null))
19081 result.addFirst$1(A._setArrayType([A._setArrayType([compound2, B.Combinator_CzM0], type$.JSArray_ComplexSelectorComponent_2)], type$.JSArray_List_ComplexSelectorComponent_2));
19082 else {
19083 t1 = type$.JSArray_ComplexSelectorComponent_2;
19084 t2 = type$.JSArray_List_ComplexSelectorComponent_2;
19085 if (A.compoundIsSuperselector0(compound2, compound1, _null))
19086 result.addFirst$1(A._setArrayType([A._setArrayType([compound1, B.Combinator_CzM0], t1)], t2));
19087 else {
19088 choices = A._setArrayType([A._setArrayType([compound1, B.Combinator_CzM0, compound2, B.Combinator_CzM0], t1), A._setArrayType([compound2, B.Combinator_CzM0, compound1, B.Combinator_CzM0], t1)], t2);
19089 unified = A.unifyCompound0(compound1.components, compound2.components);
19090 if (unified != null)
19091 choices.push(A._setArrayType([unified, B.Combinator_CzM0], t1));
19092 result.addFirst$1(choices);
19093 }
19094 }
19095 else {
19096 if (!(t1 && combinator2 === B.Combinator_uzg0))
19097 t2 = combinator1 === B.Combinator_uzg0 && combinator2 === B.Combinator_CzM0;
19098 else
19099 t2 = true;
19100 if (t2) {
19101 followingSiblingSelector = t1 ? compound1 : compound2;
19102 nextSiblingSelector = t1 ? compound2 : compound1;
19103 t1 = type$.JSArray_ComplexSelectorComponent_2;
19104 t2 = type$.JSArray_List_ComplexSelectorComponent_2;
19105 if (A.compoundIsSuperselector0(followingSiblingSelector, nextSiblingSelector, _null))
19106 result.addFirst$1(A._setArrayType([A._setArrayType([nextSiblingSelector, B.Combinator_uzg0], t1)], t2));
19107 else {
19108 unified = A.unifyCompound0(compound1.components, compound2.components);
19109 t2 = A._setArrayType([A._setArrayType([followingSiblingSelector, B.Combinator_CzM0, nextSiblingSelector, B.Combinator_uzg0], t1)], t2);
19110 if (unified != null)
19111 t2.push(A._setArrayType([unified, B.Combinator_uzg0], t1));
19112 result.addFirst$1(t2);
19113 }
19114 } else {
19115 if (combinator1 === B.Combinator_sgq0)
19116 t2 = combinator2 === B.Combinator_uzg0 || combinator2 === B.Combinator_CzM0;
19117 else
19118 t2 = false;
19119 if (t2) {
19120 result.addFirst$1(A._setArrayType([A._setArrayType([compound2, combinator2], type$.JSArray_ComplexSelectorComponent_2)], type$.JSArray_List_ComplexSelectorComponent_2));
19121 components1._add$1(compound1);
19122 components1._add$1(B.Combinator_sgq0);
19123 } else {
19124 if (combinator2 === B.Combinator_sgq0)
19125 t1 = combinator1 === B.Combinator_uzg0 || t1;
19126 else
19127 t1 = false;
19128 if (t1) {
19129 result.addFirst$1(A._setArrayType([A._setArrayType([compound1, combinator1], type$.JSArray_ComplexSelectorComponent_2)], type$.JSArray_List_ComplexSelectorComponent_2));
19130 components2._add$1(compound2);
19131 components2._add$1(B.Combinator_sgq0);
19132 } else if (combinator1 === combinator2) {
19133 unified = A.unifyCompound0(compound1.components, compound2.components);
19134 if (unified == null)
19135 return _null;
19136 result.addFirst$1(A._setArrayType([A._setArrayType([unified, combinator1], type$.JSArray_ComplexSelectorComponent_2)], type$.JSArray_List_ComplexSelectorComponent_2));
19137 } else
19138 return _null;
19139 }
19140 }
19141 }
19142 return A._mergeFinalCombinators0(components1, components2, result);
19143 } else if (t1) {
19144 if (combinator1 === B.Combinator_sgq0)
19145 if (!components2.get$isEmpty(components2)) {
19146 t1 = type$.CompoundSelector_2;
19147 t1 = A.compoundIsSuperselector0(t1._as(components2.get$last(components2)), t1._as(components1.get$last(components1)), _null);
19148 } else
19149 t1 = false;
19150 else
19151 t1 = false;
19152 if (t1)
19153 components2.removeLast$0(0);
19154 result.addFirst$1(A._setArrayType([A._setArrayType([components1.removeLast$0(0), combinator1], type$.JSArray_ComplexSelectorComponent_2)], type$.JSArray_List_ComplexSelectorComponent_2));
19155 return A._mergeFinalCombinators0(components1, components2, result);
19156 } else {
19157 if (combinator2 === B.Combinator_sgq0)
19158 if (!components1.get$isEmpty(components1)) {
19159 t1 = type$.CompoundSelector_2;
19160 t1 = A.compoundIsSuperselector0(t1._as(components1.get$last(components1)), t1._as(components2.get$last(components2)), _null);
19161 } else
19162 t1 = false;
19163 else
19164 t1 = false;
19165 if (t1)
19166 components1.removeLast$0(0);
19167 t1 = components2.removeLast$0(0);
19168 combinator2.toString;
19169 result.addFirst$1(A._setArrayType([A._setArrayType([t1, combinator2], type$.JSArray_ComplexSelectorComponent_2)], type$.JSArray_List_ComplexSelectorComponent_2));
19170 return A._mergeFinalCombinators0(components1, components2, result);
19171 }
19172 },
19173 _mustUnify0(complex1, complex2) {
19174 var t2, t3, t4,
19175 t1 = A.LinkedHashSet_LinkedHashSet$_empty(type$.SimpleSelector_2);
19176 for (t2 = J.get$iterator$ax(complex1); t2.moveNext$0();) {
19177 t3 = t2.get$current(t2);
19178 if (t3 instanceof A.CompoundSelector0)
19179 for (t3 = B.JSArray_methods.get$iterator(t3.components), t4 = new A.WhereIterator(t3, A.functions0___isUnique$closure()); t4.moveNext$0();)
19180 t1.add$1(0, t3.get$current(t3));
19181 }
19182 if (t1._collection$_length === 0)
19183 return false;
19184 return J.any$1$ax(complex2, new A._mustUnify_closure0(t1));
19185 },
19186 _isUnique0(simple) {
19187 var t1;
19188 if (!(simple instanceof A.IDSelector0))
19189 t1 = simple instanceof A.PseudoSelector0 && !simple.isClass;
19190 else
19191 t1 = true;
19192 return t1;
19193 },
19194 _chunks0(queue1, queue2, done, $T) {
19195 var chunk2, t2,
19196 t1 = $T._eval$1("JSArray<0>"),
19197 chunk1 = A._setArrayType([], t1);
19198 for (; !done.call$1(queue1);)
19199 chunk1.push(queue1.removeFirst$0());
19200 chunk2 = A._setArrayType([], t1);
19201 for (; !done.call$1(queue2);)
19202 chunk2.push(queue2.removeFirst$0());
19203 t1 = chunk1.length === 0;
19204 if (t1 && chunk2.length === 0)
19205 return A._setArrayType([], $T._eval$1("JSArray<List<0>>"));
19206 if (t1)
19207 return A._setArrayType([chunk2], $T._eval$1("JSArray<List<0>>"));
19208 if (chunk2.length === 0)
19209 return A._setArrayType([chunk1], $T._eval$1("JSArray<List<0>>"));
19210 t1 = A.List_List$of(chunk1, true, $T);
19211 B.JSArray_methods.addAll$1(t1, chunk2);
19212 t2 = A.List_List$of(chunk2, true, $T);
19213 B.JSArray_methods.addAll$1(t2, chunk1);
19214 return A._setArrayType([t1, t2], $T._eval$1("JSArray<List<0>>"));
19215 },
19216 paths0(choices, $T) {
19217 return J.fold$2$ax(choices, A._setArrayType([A._setArrayType([], $T._eval$1("JSArray<0>"))], $T._eval$1("JSArray<List<0>>")), new A.paths_closure0($T));
19218 },
19219 _groupSelectors0(complex) {
19220 var t1, t2, group, t3, t4,
19221 groups = A.QueueList$(null, type$.List_ComplexSelectorComponent_2),
19222 iterator = A._ListQueueIterator$(complex);
19223 if (!iterator.moveNext$0())
19224 return groups;
19225 t1 = A._instanceType(iterator)._precomputed1;
19226 t2 = type$.JSArray_ComplexSelectorComponent_2;
19227 group = A._setArrayType([t1._as(iterator._collection$_current)], t2);
19228 groups._queue_list$_add$1(group);
19229 for (; iterator.moveNext$0();) {
19230 t3 = B.JSArray_methods.get$last(group) instanceof A.Combinator0 || t1._as(iterator._collection$_current) instanceof A.Combinator0;
19231 t4 = iterator._collection$_current;
19232 if (t3)
19233 group.push(t1._as(t4));
19234 else {
19235 group = A._setArrayType([t1._as(t4)], t2);
19236 groups._queue_list$_add$1(group);
19237 }
19238 }
19239 return groups;
19240 },
19241 _hasRoot0(compound) {
19242 return B.JSArray_methods.any$1(compound.components, new A._hasRoot_closure0());
19243 },
19244 listIsSuperselector0(list1, list2) {
19245 return B.JSArray_methods.every$1(list2, new A.listIsSuperselector_closure0(list1));
19246 },
19247 complexIsParentSuperselector0(complex1, complex2) {
19248 var t2, base,
19249 t1 = J.getInterceptor$ax(complex1);
19250 if (t1.get$first(complex1) instanceof A.Combinator0)
19251 return false;
19252 t2 = J.getInterceptor$ax(complex2);
19253 if (t2.get$first(complex2) instanceof A.Combinator0)
19254 return false;
19255 if (t1.get$length(complex1) > t2.get$length(complex2))
19256 return false;
19257 base = A.CompoundSelector$0(A._setArrayType([new A.PlaceholderSelector0("<temp>")], type$.JSArray_SimpleSelector_2));
19258 t1 = type$.ComplexSelectorComponent_2;
19259 t2 = A.List_List$of(complex1, true, t1);
19260 t2.push(base);
19261 t1 = A.List_List$of(complex2, true, t1);
19262 t1.push(base);
19263 return A.complexIsSuperselector0(t2, t1);
19264 },
19265 complexIsSuperselector0(complex1, complex2) {
19266 var t1, t2, t3, i1, i2, remaining1, remaining2, t4, t5, t6, afterSuperselector, afterSuperselector0, compound2, i10, combinator1, combinator2;
19267 if (B.JSArray_methods.get$last(complex1) instanceof A.Combinator0)
19268 return false;
19269 if (B.JSArray_methods.get$last(complex2) instanceof A.Combinator0)
19270 return false;
19271 for (t1 = A._arrayInstanceType(complex2), t2 = t1._precomputed1, t1 = t1._eval$1("SubListIterable<1>"), t3 = type$.CompoundSelector_2, i1 = 0, i2 = 0; true;) {
19272 remaining1 = complex1.length - i1;
19273 remaining2 = complex2.length - i2;
19274 if (remaining1 === 0 || remaining2 === 0)
19275 return false;
19276 if (remaining1 > remaining2)
19277 return false;
19278 t4 = complex1[i1];
19279 if (t4 instanceof A.Combinator0)
19280 return false;
19281 if (complex2[i2] instanceof A.Combinator0)
19282 return false;
19283 t3._as(t4);
19284 if (remaining1 === 1) {
19285 t5 = t3._as(B.JSArray_methods.get$last(complex2));
19286 t6 = complex2.length - 1;
19287 t3 = new A.SubListIterable(complex2, 0, t6, t1);
19288 t3.SubListIterable$3(complex2, 0, t6, t2);
19289 return A.compoundIsSuperselector0(t4, t5, t3.skip$1(0, i2));
19290 }
19291 afterSuperselector = i2 + 1;
19292 for (afterSuperselector0 = afterSuperselector; afterSuperselector0 < complex2.length; ++afterSuperselector0) {
19293 t5 = afterSuperselector0 - 1;
19294 compound2 = complex2[t5];
19295 if (compound2 instanceof A.CompoundSelector0) {
19296 t6 = new A.SubListIterable(complex2, 0, t5, t1);
19297 t6.SubListIterable$3(complex2, 0, t5, t2);
19298 if (A.compoundIsSuperselector0(t4, compound2, t6.skip$1(0, afterSuperselector)))
19299 break;
19300 }
19301 }
19302 if (afterSuperselector0 === complex2.length)
19303 return false;
19304 i10 = i1 + 1;
19305 combinator1 = complex1[i10];
19306 combinator2 = complex2[afterSuperselector0];
19307 if (combinator1 instanceof A.Combinator0) {
19308 if (!(combinator2 instanceof A.Combinator0))
19309 return false;
19310 if (combinator1 === B.Combinator_CzM0) {
19311 if (combinator2 === B.Combinator_sgq0)
19312 return false;
19313 } else if (combinator2 !== combinator1)
19314 return false;
19315 if (remaining1 === 3 && remaining2 > 3)
19316 return false;
19317 i1 += 2;
19318 i2 = afterSuperselector0 + 1;
19319 } else {
19320 if (combinator2 instanceof A.Combinator0) {
19321 if (combinator2 !== B.Combinator_sgq0)
19322 return false;
19323 i2 = afterSuperselector0 + 1;
19324 } else
19325 i2 = afterSuperselector0;
19326 i1 = i10;
19327 }
19328 }
19329 },
19330 compoundIsSuperselector0(compound1, compound2, parents) {
19331 var t1, t2, _i, simple1, simple2;
19332 for (t1 = compound1.components, t2 = t1.length, _i = 0; _i < t2; ++_i) {
19333 simple1 = t1[_i];
19334 if (simple1 instanceof A.PseudoSelector0 && simple1.selector != null) {
19335 if (!A._selectorPseudoIsSuperselector0(simple1, compound2, parents))
19336 return false;
19337 } else if (!A._simpleIsSuperselectorOfCompound0(simple1, compound2))
19338 return false;
19339 }
19340 for (t1 = compound2.components, t2 = t1.length, _i = 0; _i < t2; ++_i) {
19341 simple2 = t1[_i];
19342 if (simple2 instanceof A.PseudoSelector0 && !simple2.isClass && simple2.selector == null && !A._simpleIsSuperselectorOfCompound0(simple2, compound1))
19343 return false;
19344 }
19345 return true;
19346 },
19347 _simpleIsSuperselectorOfCompound0(simple, compound) {
19348 return B.JSArray_methods.any$1(compound.components, new A._simpleIsSuperselectorOfCompound_closure0(simple));
19349 },
19350 _selectorPseudoIsSuperselector0(pseudo1, compound2, parents) {
19351 var selector1_ = pseudo1.selector;
19352 if (selector1_ == null)
19353 throw A.wrapException(A.ArgumentError$("Selector " + pseudo1.toString$0(0) + " must have a selector argument.", null));
19354 switch (pseudo1.normalizedName) {
19355 case "is":
19356 case "matches":
19357 case "any":
19358 return A._selectorPseudoArgs0(compound2, pseudo1.name, true).any$1(0, new A._selectorPseudoIsSuperselector_closure6(selector1_)) || B.JSArray_methods.any$1(selector1_.components, new A._selectorPseudoIsSuperselector_closure7(parents, compound2));
19359 case "has":
19360 case "host":
19361 case "host-context":
19362 return A._selectorPseudoArgs0(compound2, pseudo1.name, true).any$1(0, new A._selectorPseudoIsSuperselector_closure8(selector1_));
19363 case "slotted":
19364 return A._selectorPseudoArgs0(compound2, pseudo1.name, false).any$1(0, new A._selectorPseudoIsSuperselector_closure9(selector1_));
19365 case "not":
19366 return B.JSArray_methods.every$1(selector1_.components, new A._selectorPseudoIsSuperselector_closure10(compound2, pseudo1));
19367 case "current":
19368 return A._selectorPseudoArgs0(compound2, pseudo1.name, true).any$1(0, new A._selectorPseudoIsSuperselector_closure11(selector1_));
19369 case "nth-child":
19370 case "nth-last-child":
19371 return B.JSArray_methods.any$1(compound2.components, new A._selectorPseudoIsSuperselector_closure12(pseudo1, selector1_));
19372 default:
19373 throw A.wrapException("unreachable");
19374 }
19375 },
19376 _selectorPseudoArgs0(compound, $name, isClass) {
19377 var t1 = type$.WhereTypeIterable_PseudoSelector_2;
19378 return A.IterableNullableExtension_whereNotNull(new A.MappedIterable(new A.WhereIterable(new A.WhereTypeIterable(compound.components, t1), new A._selectorPseudoArgs_closure1(isClass, $name), t1._eval$1("WhereIterable<Iterable.E>")), new A._selectorPseudoArgs_closure2(), t1._eval$1("MappedIterable<Iterable.E,SelectorList0?>")), type$.SelectorList_2);
19379 },
19380 unifyComplex_closure0: function unifyComplex_closure0() {
19381 },
19382 _weaveParents_closure6: function _weaveParents_closure6() {
19383 },
19384 _weaveParents_closure7: function _weaveParents_closure7(t0) {
19385 this.group = t0;
19386 },
19387 _weaveParents_closure8: function _weaveParents_closure8() {
19388 },
19389 _weaveParents__closure4: function _weaveParents__closure4() {
19390 },
19391 _weaveParents_closure9: function _weaveParents_closure9() {
19392 },
19393 _weaveParents_closure10: function _weaveParents_closure10() {
19394 },
19395 _weaveParents__closure3: function _weaveParents__closure3() {
19396 },
19397 _weaveParents_closure11: function _weaveParents_closure11() {
19398 },
19399 _weaveParents_closure12: function _weaveParents_closure12() {
19400 },
19401 _weaveParents__closure2: function _weaveParents__closure2() {
19402 },
19403 _mustUnify_closure0: function _mustUnify_closure0(t0) {
19404 this.uniqueSelectors = t0;
19405 },
19406 _mustUnify__closure0: function _mustUnify__closure0(t0) {
19407 this.uniqueSelectors = t0;
19408 },
19409 paths_closure0: function paths_closure0(t0) {
19410 this.T = t0;
19411 },
19412 paths__closure0: function paths__closure0(t0, t1) {
19413 this.paths = t0;
19414 this.T = t1;
19415 },
19416 paths___closure0: function paths___closure0(t0, t1) {
19417 this.option = t0;
19418 this.T = t1;
19419 },
19420 _hasRoot_closure0: function _hasRoot_closure0() {
19421 },
19422 listIsSuperselector_closure0: function listIsSuperselector_closure0(t0) {
19423 this.list1 = t0;
19424 },
19425 listIsSuperselector__closure0: function listIsSuperselector__closure0(t0) {
19426 this.complex1 = t0;
19427 },
19428 _simpleIsSuperselectorOfCompound_closure0: function _simpleIsSuperselectorOfCompound_closure0(t0) {
19429 this.simple = t0;
19430 },
19431 _simpleIsSuperselectorOfCompound__closure0: function _simpleIsSuperselectorOfCompound__closure0(t0) {
19432 this.simple = t0;
19433 },
19434 _selectorPseudoIsSuperselector_closure6: function _selectorPseudoIsSuperselector_closure6(t0) {
19435 this.selector1 = t0;
19436 },
19437 _selectorPseudoIsSuperselector_closure7: function _selectorPseudoIsSuperselector_closure7(t0, t1) {
19438 this.parents = t0;
19439 this.compound2 = t1;
19440 },
19441 _selectorPseudoIsSuperselector_closure8: function _selectorPseudoIsSuperselector_closure8(t0) {
19442 this.selector1 = t0;
19443 },
19444 _selectorPseudoIsSuperselector_closure9: function _selectorPseudoIsSuperselector_closure9(t0) {
19445 this.selector1 = t0;
19446 },
19447 _selectorPseudoIsSuperselector_closure10: function _selectorPseudoIsSuperselector_closure10(t0, t1) {
19448 this.compound2 = t0;
19449 this.pseudo1 = t1;
19450 },
19451 _selectorPseudoIsSuperselector__closure0: function _selectorPseudoIsSuperselector__closure0(t0, t1) {
19452 this.complex = t0;
19453 this.pseudo1 = t1;
19454 },
19455 _selectorPseudoIsSuperselector___closure1: function _selectorPseudoIsSuperselector___closure1(t0) {
19456 this.simple2 = t0;
19457 },
19458 _selectorPseudoIsSuperselector___closure2: function _selectorPseudoIsSuperselector___closure2(t0) {
19459 this.simple2 = t0;
19460 },
19461 _selectorPseudoIsSuperselector_closure11: function _selectorPseudoIsSuperselector_closure11(t0) {
19462 this.selector1 = t0;
19463 },
19464 _selectorPseudoIsSuperselector_closure12: function _selectorPseudoIsSuperselector_closure12(t0, t1) {
19465 this.pseudo1 = t0;
19466 this.selector1 = t1;
19467 },
19468 _selectorPseudoArgs_closure1: function _selectorPseudoArgs_closure1(t0, t1) {
19469 this.isClass = t0;
19470 this.name = t1;
19471 },
19472 _selectorPseudoArgs_closure2: function _selectorPseudoArgs_closure2() {
19473 },
19474 globalFunctions_closure0: function globalFunctions_closure0() {
19475 },
19476 IDSelector0: function IDSelector0(t0) {
19477 this.name = t0;
19478 },
19479 IDSelector_unify_closure0: function IDSelector_unify_closure0(t0) {
19480 this.$this = t0;
19481 },
19482 IfExpression0: function IfExpression0(t0, t1) {
19483 this.$arguments = t0;
19484 this.span = t1;
19485 },
19486 IfClause$0(expression, children) {
19487 var t1 = A.List_List$unmodifiable(children, type$.Statement_2);
19488 return new A.IfClause0(expression, t1, B.JSArray_methods.any$1(t1, new A.IfRuleClause$__closure0()));
19489 },
19490 ElseClause$0(children) {
19491 var t1 = A.List_List$unmodifiable(children, type$.Statement_2);
19492 return new A.ElseClause0(t1, B.JSArray_methods.any$1(t1, new A.IfRuleClause$__closure0()));
19493 },
19494 IfRule0: function IfRule0(t0, t1, t2) {
19495 this.clauses = t0;
19496 this.lastClause = t1;
19497 this.span = t2;
19498 },
19499 IfRule_toString_closure0: function IfRule_toString_closure0() {
19500 },
19501 IfRuleClause0: function IfRuleClause0() {
19502 },
19503 IfRuleClause$__closure0: function IfRuleClause$__closure0() {
19504 },
19505 IfRuleClause$___closure0: function IfRuleClause$___closure0() {
19506 },
19507 IfClause0: function IfClause0(t0, t1, t2) {
19508 this.expression = t0;
19509 this.children = t1;
19510 this.hasDeclarations = t2;
19511 },
19512 ElseClause0: function ElseClause0(t0, t1) {
19513 this.children = t0;
19514 this.hasDeclarations = t1;
19515 },
19516 jsToDartList(list) {
19517 return self.immutable.isOrderedMap(list) ? J.toArray$0$x(type$.ImmutableList._as(list)) : type$.List_dynamic._as(list);
19518 },
19519 dartMapToImmutableMap(dartMap) {
19520 var t1, t2,
19521 immutableMap = J.asMutable$0$x(new self.immutable.OrderedMap());
19522 for (t1 = dartMap.get$entries(dartMap), t1 = t1.get$iterator(t1); t1.moveNext$0();) {
19523 t2 = t1.get$current(t1);
19524 immutableMap = J.$set$2$x(immutableMap, t2.key, t2.value);
19525 }
19526 return J.asImmutable$0$x(immutableMap);
19527 },
19528 immutableMapToDartMap(immutableMap) {
19529 var dartMap = A.LinkedHashMap_LinkedHashMap$_empty(type$.Object, type$.nullable_Object);
19530 J.forEach$1$x(immutableMap, A.allowInterop(new A.immutableMapToDartMap_closure(dartMap)));
19531 return dartMap;
19532 },
19533 ImmutableList: function ImmutableList() {
19534 },
19535 ImmutableMap: function ImmutableMap() {
19536 },
19537 immutableMapToDartMap_closure: function immutableMapToDartMap_closure(t0) {
19538 this.dartMap = t0;
19539 },
19540 NodeImporter__addSassPath($async$includePaths) {
19541 return A._makeSyncStarIterable(function() {
19542 var includePaths = $async$includePaths;
19543 var $async$goto = 0, $async$handler = 2, $async$currentError, sassPath;
19544 return function $async$NodeImporter__addSassPath($async$errorCode, $async$result) {
19545 if ($async$errorCode === 1) {
19546 $async$currentError = $async$result;
19547 $async$goto = $async$handler;
19548 }
19549 while (true)
19550 switch ($async$goto) {
19551 case 0:
19552 // Function start
19553 $async$goto = 3;
19554 return A._IterationMarker_yieldStar(includePaths);
19555 case 3:
19556 // after yield
19557 sassPath = A._asStringQ(type$.Object._as(J.get$env$x(self.process)).SASS_PATH);
19558 if (sassPath == null) {
19559 // goto return
19560 $async$goto = 1;
19561 break;
19562 }
19563 $async$goto = 4;
19564 return A._IterationMarker_yieldStar(A._setArrayType(sassPath.split(J.$eq$(J.get$platform$x(self.process), "win32") ? ";" : ":"), type$.JSArray_String));
19565 case 4:
19566 // after yield
19567 case 1:
19568 // return
19569 return A._IterationMarker_endOfIteration();
19570 case 2:
19571 // rethrow
19572 return A._IterationMarker_uncaughtError($async$currentError);
19573 }
19574 };
19575 }, type$.String);
19576 },
19577 NodeImporter: function NodeImporter(t0, t1, t2) {
19578 this._implementation$_options = t0;
19579 this._includePaths = t1;
19580 this._implementation$_importers = t2;
19581 },
19582 NodeImporter__tryPath_closure: function NodeImporter__tryPath_closure(t0) {
19583 this.path = t0;
19584 },
19585 NodeImporter__tryPath_closure0: function NodeImporter__tryPath_closure0() {
19586 },
19587 ModifiableCssImport$0(url, span, media, supports) {
19588 return new A.ModifiableCssImport0(url, supports, media == null ? null : A.List_List$unmodifiable(media, type$.CssMediaQuery_2), span);
19589 },
19590 ModifiableCssImport0: function ModifiableCssImport0(t0, t1, t2, t3) {
19591 var _ = this;
19592 _.url = t0;
19593 _.supports = t1;
19594 _.media = t2;
19595 _.span = t3;
19596 _._node1$_indexInParent = _._node1$_parent = null;
19597 _.isGroupEnd = false;
19598 },
19599 ImportCache$0(importers, loadPaths, logger, packageConfig) {
19600 var t1 = type$.nullable_Tuple3_Importer_Uri_Uri_2,
19601 t2 = type$.Uri,
19602 t3 = A.ImportCache__toImporters0(importers, loadPaths, packageConfig);
19603 return new A.ImportCache0(t3, logger, A.LinkedHashMap_LinkedHashMap$_empty(type$.Tuple2_Uri_bool, t1), A.LinkedHashMap_LinkedHashMap$_empty(type$.Tuple4_of_Uri_and_bool_and_Importer_and_nullable_Uri_2, t1), A.LinkedHashMap_LinkedHashMap$_empty(t2, type$.nullable_Stylesheet_2), A.LinkedHashMap_LinkedHashMap$_empty(t2, type$.ImporterResult_2));
19604 },
19605 ImportCache$none(logger) {
19606 var t1 = type$.nullable_Tuple3_Importer_Uri_Uri_2,
19607 t2 = type$.Uri;
19608 return new A.ImportCache0(B.List_empty19, logger, A.LinkedHashMap_LinkedHashMap$_empty(type$.Tuple2_Uri_bool, t1), A.LinkedHashMap_LinkedHashMap$_empty(type$.Tuple4_of_Uri_and_bool_and_Importer_and_nullable_Uri_2, t1), A.LinkedHashMap_LinkedHashMap$_empty(t2, type$.nullable_Stylesheet_2), A.LinkedHashMap_LinkedHashMap$_empty(t2, type$.ImporterResult_2));
19609 },
19610 ImportCache__toImporters0(importers, loadPaths, packageConfig) {
19611 var t2, t3, _i, path, _null = null,
19612 sassPath = A._asStringQ(type$.Object._as(J.get$env$x(self.process)).SASS_PATH),
19613 t1 = A._setArrayType([], type$.JSArray_Importer);
19614 if (importers != null)
19615 B.JSArray_methods.addAll$1(t1, importers);
19616 if (loadPaths != null)
19617 for (t2 = J.get$iterator$ax(loadPaths); t2.moveNext$0();) {
19618 t3 = t2.get$current(t2);
19619 t1.push(new A.FilesystemImporter0($.$get$context().absolute$7(t3, _null, _null, _null, _null, _null, _null)));
19620 }
19621 if (sassPath != null) {
19622 t2 = sassPath.split(J.$eq$(J.get$platform$x(self.process), "win32") ? ";" : ":");
19623 t3 = t2.length;
19624 _i = 0;
19625 for (; _i < t3; ++_i) {
19626 path = t2[_i];
19627 t1.push(new A.FilesystemImporter0($.$get$context().absolute$7(path, _null, _null, _null, _null, _null, _null)));
19628 }
19629 }
19630 return t1;
19631 },
19632 ImportCache0: function ImportCache0(t0, t1, t2, t3, t4, t5) {
19633 var _ = this;
19634 _._import_cache$_importers = t0;
19635 _._import_cache$_logger = t1;
19636 _._import_cache$_canonicalizeCache = t2;
19637 _._import_cache$_relativeCanonicalizeCache = t3;
19638 _._import_cache$_importCache = t4;
19639 _._import_cache$_resultsCache = t5;
19640 },
19641 ImportCache_canonicalize_closure1: function ImportCache_canonicalize_closure1(t0, t1, t2, t3, t4) {
19642 var _ = this;
19643 _.$this = t0;
19644 _.baseUrl = t1;
19645 _.url = t2;
19646 _.baseImporter = t3;
19647 _.forImport = t4;
19648 },
19649 ImportCache_canonicalize_closure2: function ImportCache_canonicalize_closure2(t0, t1, t2) {
19650 this.$this = t0;
19651 this.url = t1;
19652 this.forImport = t2;
19653 },
19654 ImportCache__canonicalize_closure0: function ImportCache__canonicalize_closure0(t0, t1) {
19655 this.importer = t0;
19656 this.url = t1;
19657 },
19658 ImportCache_importCanonical_closure0: function ImportCache_importCanonical_closure0(t0, t1, t2, t3, t4) {
19659 var _ = this;
19660 _.$this = t0;
19661 _.importer = t1;
19662 _.canonicalUrl = t2;
19663 _.originalUrl = t3;
19664 _.quiet = t4;
19665 },
19666 ImportCache_humanize_closure2: function ImportCache_humanize_closure2(t0) {
19667 this.canonicalUrl = t0;
19668 },
19669 ImportCache_humanize_closure3: function ImportCache_humanize_closure3() {
19670 },
19671 ImportCache_humanize_closure4: function ImportCache_humanize_closure4() {
19672 },
19673 ImportRule0: function ImportRule0(t0, t1) {
19674 this.imports = t0;
19675 this.span = t1;
19676 },
19677 NodeImporter0: function NodeImporter0() {
19678 },
19679 CanonicalizeOptions: function CanonicalizeOptions() {
19680 },
19681 NodeImporterResult0: function NodeImporterResult0() {
19682 },
19683 Importer0: function Importer0() {
19684 },
19685 NodeImporterResult1: function NodeImporterResult1() {
19686 },
19687 IncludeRule0: function IncludeRule0(t0, t1, t2, t3, t4) {
19688 var _ = this;
19689 _.namespace = t0;
19690 _.name = t1;
19691 _.$arguments = t2;
19692 _.content = t3;
19693 _.span = t4;
19694 },
19695 InterpolatedFunctionExpression0: function InterpolatedFunctionExpression0(t0, t1, t2) {
19696 this.name = t0;
19697 this.$arguments = t1;
19698 this.span = t2;
19699 },
19700 Interpolation$0(contents, span) {
19701 var t1 = new A.Interpolation0(A.List_List$unmodifiable(contents, type$.Object), span);
19702 t1.Interpolation$20(contents, span);
19703 return t1;
19704 },
19705 Interpolation0: function Interpolation0(t0, t1) {
19706 this.contents = t0;
19707 this.span = t1;
19708 },
19709 Interpolation_toString_closure0: function Interpolation_toString_closure0() {
19710 },
19711 SupportsInterpolation0: function SupportsInterpolation0(t0, t1) {
19712 this.expression = t0;
19713 this.span = t1;
19714 },
19715 InterpolationBuffer0: function InterpolationBuffer0(t0, t1) {
19716 this._interpolation_buffer0$_text = t0;
19717 this._interpolation_buffer0$_contents = t1;
19718 },
19719 _realCasePath0(path) {
19720 var prefix, t1;
19721 if (!(J.$eq$(J.get$platform$x(self.process), "win32") || J.$eq$(J.get$platform$x(self.process), "darwin")))
19722 return path;
19723 if (J.$eq$(J.get$platform$x(self.process), "win32")) {
19724 prefix = B.JSString_methods.substring$2(path, 0, $.$get$context().style.rootLength$1(path));
19725 t1 = prefix.length;
19726 if (t1 !== 0 && A.isAlphabetic1(B.JSString_methods._codeUnitAt$1(prefix, 0)))
19727 path = prefix.toUpperCase() + B.JSString_methods.substring$1(path, t1);
19728 }
19729 return new A._realCasePath_helper0().call$1(path);
19730 },
19731 _realCasePath_helper0: function _realCasePath_helper0() {
19732 },
19733 _realCasePath_helper_closure0: function _realCasePath_helper_closure0(t0, t1, t2) {
19734 this.helper = t0;
19735 this.dirname = t1;
19736 this.path = t2;
19737 },
19738 _realCasePath_helper__closure0: function _realCasePath_helper__closure0(t0) {
19739 this.basename = t0;
19740 },
19741 ModifiableCssKeyframeBlock$0(selector, span) {
19742 var t1 = A._setArrayType([], type$.JSArray_ModifiableCssNode_2);
19743 return new A.ModifiableCssKeyframeBlock0(selector, span, new A.UnmodifiableListView(t1, type$.UnmodifiableListView_ModifiableCssNode_2), t1);
19744 },
19745 ModifiableCssKeyframeBlock0: function ModifiableCssKeyframeBlock0(t0, t1, t2, t3) {
19746 var _ = this;
19747 _.selector = t0;
19748 _.span = t1;
19749 _.children = t2;
19750 _._node1$_children = t3;
19751 _._node1$_indexInParent = _._node1$_parent = null;
19752 _.isGroupEnd = false;
19753 },
19754 KeyframeSelectorParser$0(contents, logger) {
19755 var t1 = A.SpanScanner$(contents, null);
19756 return new A.KeyframeSelectorParser0(t1, logger);
19757 },
19758 KeyframeSelectorParser0: function KeyframeSelectorParser0(t0, t1) {
19759 this.scanner = t0;
19760 this.logger = t1;
19761 },
19762 KeyframeSelectorParser_parse_closure0: function KeyframeSelectorParser_parse_closure0(t0) {
19763 this.$this = t0;
19764 },
19765 render(options, callback) {
19766 var fiber = J.get$fiber$x(options);
19767 if (fiber != null)
19768 J.run$0$x(fiber.call$1(A.allowInterop(new A.render_closure(callback, options))));
19769 else
19770 A._renderAsync(options).then$1$2$onError(0, new A.render_closure0(callback), new A.render_closure1(callback), type$.Null);
19771 },
19772 _renderAsync(options) {
19773 var $async$goto = 0,
19774 $async$completer = A._makeAsyncAwaitCompleter(type$.RenderResult),
19775 $async$returnValue, t2, t3, t4, t5, t6, t7, t8, t9, t10, t11, t12, t13, t14, t15, result, start, t1, data, file;
19776 var $async$_renderAsync = A._wrapJsFunctionForAsync(function($async$errorCode, $async$result) {
19777 if ($async$errorCode === 1)
19778 return A._asyncRethrow($async$result, $async$completer);
19779 while (true)
19780 switch ($async$goto) {
19781 case 0:
19782 // Function start
19783 start = new A.DateTime(Date.now(), false);
19784 t1 = J.getInterceptor$x(options);
19785 data = t1.get$data(options);
19786 file = A.NullableExtension_andThen0(t1.get$file(options), A.path__absolute$closure());
19787 $async$goto = data != null ? 3 : 5;
19788 break;
19789 case 3:
19790 // then
19791 t2 = A._parseImporter(options, start);
19792 t3 = A._parseFunctions(options, start, true);
19793 t4 = t1.get$indentedSyntax(options);
19794 t4 = !J.$eq$(t4, false) && t4 != null ? B.Syntax_Sass0 : null;
19795 t5 = A._parseOutputStyle(t1.get$outputStyle(options));
19796 t6 = J.$eq$(t1.get$indentType(options), "tab");
19797 t7 = A._parseIndentWidth(t1.get$indentWidth(options));
19798 t8 = A._parseLineFeed(t1.get$linefeed(options));
19799 t9 = file == null ? "stdin" : $.$get$context().toUri$1(file).toString$0(0);
19800 t10 = t1.get$quietDeps(options);
19801 if (t10 == null)
19802 t10 = false;
19803 t11 = t1.get$verbose(options);
19804 if (t11 == null)
19805 t11 = false;
19806 t12 = t1.get$charset(options);
19807 if (t12 == null)
19808 t12 = true;
19809 t13 = A._enableSourceMaps(options);
19810 t1 = t1.get$logger(options);
19811 t14 = J.$eq$(self.process.stdout.isTTY, true);
19812 t15 = $._glyphs;
19813 $async$goto = 6;
19814 return A._asyncAwait(A.compileStringAsync0(data, t12, t3, null, null, t7, t8, new A.NodeToDartLogger(t1, new A.StderrLogger0(t14), t15 === B.C_AsciiGlyphSet), t2, t10, t13, t5, t4, t9, !t6, t11), $async$_renderAsync);
19815 case 6:
19816 // returning from await.
19817 result = $async$result;
19818 // goto join
19819 $async$goto = 4;
19820 break;
19821 case 5:
19822 // else
19823 $async$goto = file != null ? 7 : 9;
19824 break;
19825 case 7:
19826 // then
19827 t2 = A._parseImporter(options, start);
19828 t3 = A._parseFunctions(options, start, true);
19829 t4 = t1.get$indentedSyntax(options);
19830 t4 = !J.$eq$(t4, false) && t4 != null ? B.Syntax_Sass0 : null;
19831 t5 = A._parseOutputStyle(t1.get$outputStyle(options));
19832 t6 = J.$eq$(t1.get$indentType(options), "tab");
19833 t7 = A._parseIndentWidth(t1.get$indentWidth(options));
19834 t8 = A._parseLineFeed(t1.get$linefeed(options));
19835 t9 = t1.get$quietDeps(options);
19836 if (t9 == null)
19837 t9 = false;
19838 t10 = t1.get$verbose(options);
19839 if (t10 == null)
19840 t10 = false;
19841 t11 = t1.get$charset(options);
19842 if (t11 == null)
19843 t11 = true;
19844 t12 = A._enableSourceMaps(options);
19845 t1 = t1.get$logger(options);
19846 t13 = J.$eq$(self.process.stdout.isTTY, true);
19847 t14 = $._glyphs;
19848 $async$goto = 10;
19849 return A._asyncAwait(A.compileAsync0(file, t11, t3, null, t7, t8, new A.NodeToDartLogger(t1, new A.StderrLogger0(t13), t14 === B.C_AsciiGlyphSet), t2, t9, t12, t5, t4, !t6, t10), $async$_renderAsync);
19850 case 10:
19851 // returning from await.
19852 result = $async$result;
19853 // goto join
19854 $async$goto = 8;
19855 break;
19856 case 9:
19857 // else
19858 throw A.wrapException(A.ArgumentError$(string$.Either, null));
19859 case 8:
19860 // join
19861 case 4:
19862 // join
19863 $async$returnValue = A._newRenderResult(options, result, start);
19864 // goto return
19865 $async$goto = 1;
19866 break;
19867 case 1:
19868 // return
19869 return A._asyncReturn($async$returnValue, $async$completer);
19870 }
19871 });
19872 return A._asyncStartSync($async$_renderAsync, $async$completer);
19873 },
19874 renderSync(options) {
19875 var start, result, data, file, error, stackTrace, error0, stackTrace0, t1, t2, t3, t4, t5, t6, t7, t8, t9, t10, t11, t12, t13, t14, t15, exception, _null = null;
19876 try {
19877 start = new A.DateTime(Date.now(), false);
19878 result = null;
19879 t1 = J.getInterceptor$x(options);
19880 data = t1.get$data(options);
19881 file = A.NullableExtension_andThen0(t1.get$file(options), A.path__absolute$closure());
19882 if (data != null) {
19883 t2 = A._parseImporter(options, start);
19884 t3 = A._parseFunctions(options, start, false);
19885 t4 = t1.get$indentedSyntax(options);
19886 t4 = !J.$eq$(t4, false) && t4 != null ? B.Syntax_Sass0 : _null;
19887 t5 = A._parseOutputStyle(t1.get$outputStyle(options));
19888 t6 = J.$eq$(t1.get$indentType(options), "tab");
19889 t7 = A._parseIndentWidth(t1.get$indentWidth(options));
19890 t8 = A._parseLineFeed(t1.get$linefeed(options));
19891 t9 = file == null ? "stdin" : $.$get$context().toUri$1(file).toString$0(0);
19892 t10 = t1.get$quietDeps(options);
19893 if (t10 == null)
19894 t10 = false;
19895 t11 = t1.get$verbose(options);
19896 if (t11 == null)
19897 t11 = false;
19898 t12 = t1.get$charset(options);
19899 if (t12 == null)
19900 t12 = true;
19901 t13 = A._enableSourceMaps(options);
19902 t1 = t1.get$logger(options);
19903 t14 = J.$eq$(self.process.stdout.isTTY, true);
19904 t15 = $._glyphs;
19905 result = A.compileString(data, t12, new A.CastList(t3, A._arrayInstanceType(t3)._eval$1("CastList<1,Callable0>")), _null, _null, t7, t8, new A.NodeToDartLogger(t1, new A.StderrLogger0(t14), t15 === B.C_AsciiGlyphSet), t2, t10, t13, t5, t4, t9, !t6, t11);
19906 } else if (file != null) {
19907 t2 = A._parseImporter(options, start);
19908 t3 = A._parseFunctions(options, start, false);
19909 t4 = t1.get$indentedSyntax(options);
19910 t4 = !J.$eq$(t4, false) && t4 != null ? B.Syntax_Sass0 : _null;
19911 t5 = A._parseOutputStyle(t1.get$outputStyle(options));
19912 t6 = J.$eq$(t1.get$indentType(options), "tab");
19913 t7 = A._parseIndentWidth(t1.get$indentWidth(options));
19914 t8 = A._parseLineFeed(t1.get$linefeed(options));
19915 t9 = t1.get$quietDeps(options);
19916 if (t9 == null)
19917 t9 = false;
19918 t10 = t1.get$verbose(options);
19919 if (t10 == null)
19920 t10 = false;
19921 t11 = t1.get$charset(options);
19922 if (t11 == null)
19923 t11 = true;
19924 t12 = A._enableSourceMaps(options);
19925 t1 = t1.get$logger(options);
19926 t13 = J.$eq$(self.process.stdout.isTTY, true);
19927 t14 = $._glyphs;
19928 result = A.compile(file, t11, new A.CastList(t3, A._arrayInstanceType(t3)._eval$1("CastList<1,Callable0>")), _null, t7, t8, new A.NodeToDartLogger(t1, new A.StderrLogger0(t13), t14 === B.C_AsciiGlyphSet), t2, t9, t12, t5, t4, !t6, t10);
19929 } else {
19930 t1 = A.ArgumentError$(string$.Either, _null);
19931 throw A.wrapException(t1);
19932 }
19933 t1 = A._newRenderResult(options, result, start);
19934 return t1;
19935 } catch (exception) {
19936 t1 = A.unwrapException(exception);
19937 if (t1 instanceof A.SassException0) {
19938 error = t1;
19939 stackTrace = A.getTraceFromException(exception);
19940 A.jsThrow(A._wrapException(error, stackTrace));
19941 } else {
19942 error0 = t1;
19943 stackTrace0 = A.getTraceFromException(exception);
19944 t1 = J.toString$0$(error0);
19945 t2 = A.getTrace0(error0);
19946 A.jsThrow(A._newRenderError(t1, t2 == null ? stackTrace0 : t2, _null, _null, _null, 3));
19947 }
19948 }
19949 },
19950 _wrapException(exception, stackTrace) {
19951 var file, t1, t2, t3, t4,
19952 url = A.SourceSpanException.prototype.get$span.call(exception, exception).file.url;
19953 if (url == null)
19954 file = "stdin";
19955 else
19956 file = url.get$scheme() === "file" ? $.$get$context().style.pathFromUri$1(A._parseUri(url)) : url.toString$0(0);
19957 t1 = B.JSString_methods.replaceFirst$2(exception.toString$0(0), "Error: ", "");
19958 t2 = A.getTrace0(exception);
19959 if (t2 == null)
19960 t2 = stackTrace;
19961 t3 = A.SourceSpanException.prototype.get$span.call(exception, exception);
19962 t3 = A.FileLocation$_(t3.file, t3._file$_start);
19963 t3 = t3.file.getLine$1(t3.offset);
19964 t4 = A.SourceSpanException.prototype.get$span.call(exception, exception);
19965 t4 = A.FileLocation$_(t4.file, t4._file$_start);
19966 return A._newRenderError(t1, t2, t4.file.getColumn$1(t4.offset) + 1, file, t3 + 1, 1);
19967 },
19968 _parseFunctions(options, start, asynch) {
19969 var result,
19970 functions = J.get$functions$x(options);
19971 if (functions == null)
19972 return B.List_empty20;
19973 result = A._setArrayType([], type$.JSArray_AsyncCallable_2);
19974 A.jsForEach(functions, new A._parseFunctions_closure(options, start, result, asynch));
19975 return result;
19976 },
19977 _parseImporter(options, start) {
19978 var importers, t2, t3, contextOptions, fiber,
19979 t1 = J.getInterceptor$x(options);
19980 if (t1.get$importer(options) == null)
19981 importers = A._setArrayType([], type$.JSArray_JSFunction);
19982 else {
19983 t2 = type$.List_nullable_Object;
19984 t3 = type$.JSFunction;
19985 importers = t2._is(t1.get$importer(options)) ? J.cast$1$0$ax(t2._as(t1.get$importer(options)), t3) : A._setArrayType([t3._as(t1.get$importer(options))], type$.JSArray_JSFunction);
19986 }
19987 t2 = J.getInterceptor$asx(importers);
19988 contextOptions = t2.get$isNotEmpty(importers) ? A._contextOptions(options, start) : new A.Object();
19989 fiber = t1.get$fiber(options);
19990 if (fiber != null) {
19991 t2 = t2.map$1$1(importers, new A._parseImporter_closure(fiber), type$.JSFunction);
19992 importers = A.List_List$of(t2, true, t2.$ti._eval$1("ListIterable.E"));
19993 }
19994 t1 = t1.get$includePaths(options);
19995 if (t1 == null)
19996 t1 = [];
19997 t2 = type$.String;
19998 return new A.NodeImporter(contextOptions, A.List_List$unmodifiable(A.NodeImporter__addSassPath(A.List_List$from(t1, true, t2)), t2), A.List_List$unmodifiable(J.cast$1$0$ax(importers, type$.dynamic), type$.JSFunction));
19999 },
20000 _contextOptions(options, start) {
20001 var includePaths, t3, t4, t5, t6, t7,
20002 t1 = J.getInterceptor$x(options),
20003 t2 = t1.get$includePaths(options);
20004 if (t2 == null)
20005 t2 = [];
20006 includePaths = A.List_List$from(t2, true, type$.String);
20007 t2 = t1.get$file(options);
20008 t3 = t1.get$data(options);
20009 t4 = A._setArrayType([A.current()], type$.JSArray_String);
20010 B.JSArray_methods.addAll$1(t4, includePaths);
20011 t4 = B.JSArray_methods.join$1(t4, J.$eq$(J.get$platform$x(self.process), "win32") ? ";" : ":");
20012 t5 = J.$eq$(t1.get$indentType(options), "tab") ? 1 : 0;
20013 t6 = A._parseIndentWidth(t1.get$indentWidth(options));
20014 if (t6 == null)
20015 t6 = 2;
20016 t7 = A._parseLineFeed(t1.get$linefeed(options));
20017 t1 = t1.get$file(options);
20018 if (t1 == null)
20019 t1 = "data";
20020 return {file: t2, data: t3, includePaths: t4, precision: 10, style: 1, indentType: t5, indentWidth: t6, linefeed: t7.text, result: {stats: {start: start._core$_value, entry: t1}}};
20021 },
20022 _parseOutputStyle(style) {
20023 if (style == null || style === "expanded")
20024 return B.OutputStyle_expanded0;
20025 if (style === "compressed")
20026 return B.OutputStyle_compressed0;
20027 throw A.wrapException(A.ArgumentError$('Unsupported output style "' + A.S(style) + '".', null));
20028 },
20029 _parseIndentWidth(width) {
20030 if (width == null)
20031 return null;
20032 return A._isInt(width) ? width : A.int_parse(J.toString$0$(width), null);
20033 },
20034 _parseLineFeed(str) {
20035 switch (str) {
20036 case "cr":
20037 return B.LineFeed_kMT;
20038 case "crlf":
20039 return B.LineFeed_Mss;
20040 case "lfcr":
20041 return B.LineFeed_a1Y;
20042 default:
20043 return B.LineFeed_D6m;
20044 }
20045 },
20046 _newRenderResult(options, result, start) {
20047 var t3, sourceMapOption, sourceMapPath, t4, sourceMapDir, outFile, t5, file, sourceMapDirUrl, i, source, t6, t7, buffer, indices, url, t8, t9, _null = null,
20048 t1 = Date.now(),
20049 t2 = result._compile_result$_serialize,
20050 css = t2.css,
20051 sourceMapBytes = type$.Null._as(self.undefined);
20052 if (A._enableSourceMaps(options)) {
20053 t3 = J.getInterceptor$x(options);
20054 sourceMapOption = t3.get$sourceMap(options);
20055 if (typeof sourceMapOption == "string")
20056 sourceMapPath = sourceMapOption;
20057 else {
20058 t4 = t3.get$outFile(options);
20059 t4.toString;
20060 sourceMapPath = J.$add$ansx(t4, ".map");
20061 }
20062 t4 = $.$get$context();
20063 sourceMapDir = t4.dirname$1(sourceMapPath);
20064 t2 = t2.sourceMap;
20065 t2.toString;
20066 t2.sourceRoot = t3.get$sourceMapRoot(options);
20067 outFile = t3.get$outFile(options);
20068 t5 = outFile == null;
20069 if (t5) {
20070 file = t3.get$file(options);
20071 if (file == null)
20072 t2.targetUrl = "stdin.css";
20073 else
20074 t2.targetUrl = t4.toUri$1(t4.withoutExtension$1(file) + ".css").toString$0(0);
20075 } else
20076 t2.targetUrl = t4.toUri$1(t4.relative$2$from(outFile, sourceMapDir)).toString$0(0);
20077 sourceMapDirUrl = t4.toUri$1(sourceMapDir).toString$0(0);
20078 for (t4 = t2.urls, i = 0; i < t4.length; ++i) {
20079 source = t4[i];
20080 if (source === "stdin")
20081 continue;
20082 t6 = $.$get$url();
20083 t7 = t6.style;
20084 if (t7.rootLength$1(source) <= 0 || t7.isRootRelative$1(source))
20085 continue;
20086 t4[i] = t6.relative$2$from(source, sourceMapDirUrl);
20087 }
20088 t4 = t3.get$sourceMapContents(options);
20089 sourceMapBytes = self.Buffer.from(B.C_JsonCodec.encode$2$toEncodable(t2.toJson$1$includeSourceContents(!J.$eq$(t4, false) && t4 != null), _null), "utf8");
20090 t2 = t3.get$omitSourceMapUrl(options);
20091 if (!(!J.$eq$(t2, false) && t2 != null)) {
20092 t2 = t3.get$sourceMapEmbed(options);
20093 if (!J.$eq$(t2, false) && t2 != null) {
20094 buffer = new A.StringBuffer("");
20095 indices = A._setArrayType([-1], type$.JSArray_int);
20096 A.UriData__writeUri("application/json", _null, _null, buffer, indices);
20097 indices.push(buffer._contents.length);
20098 t2 = buffer._contents += ";base64,";
20099 indices.push(t2.length - 1);
20100 t2 = B.C_Base64Encoder.startChunkedConversion$1(new A._StringSinkConversionSink(buffer));
20101 t3 = sourceMapBytes.length;
20102 A.RangeError_checkValidRange(0, t3, t3);
20103 t2._convert$_add$4(sourceMapBytes, 0, t3, true);
20104 t2 = buffer._contents;
20105 url = new A.UriData(t2.charCodeAt(0) == 0 ? t2 : t2, indices, _null).get$uri();
20106 } else {
20107 if (t5)
20108 t2 = sourceMapPath;
20109 else {
20110 t2 = $.$get$context();
20111 t2 = t2.relative$2$from(sourceMapPath, t2.dirname$1(outFile));
20112 }
20113 url = $.$get$context().toUri$1(t2);
20114 }
20115 css += "\n\n/*# sourceMappingURL=" + url.toString$0(0) + " */";
20116 }
20117 }
20118 t2 = self.Buffer.from(css, "utf8");
20119 t3 = J.get$file$x(options);
20120 if (t3 == null)
20121 t3 = "data";
20122 t4 = start._core$_value;
20123 t1 = new A.DateTime(t1, false)._core$_value;
20124 t5 = B.JSInt_methods._tdivFast$1(A.Duration$(t1 - t4)._duration, 1000);
20125 t6 = A._setArrayType([], type$.JSArray_String);
20126 for (t7 = result._evaluate.loadedUrls, t7 = A._LinkedHashSetIterator$(t7, t7._collection$_modifications), t8 = A._instanceType(t7)._precomputed1; t7.moveNext$0();) {
20127 t9 = t8._as(t7._collection$_current);
20128 if (t9.get$scheme() === "file")
20129 t6.push($.$get$context().style.pathFromUri$1(A._parseUri(t9)));
20130 else
20131 t6.push(t9.toString$0(0));
20132 }
20133 return {css: t2, map: sourceMapBytes, stats: {entry: t3, start: t4, end: t1, duration: t5, includedFiles: t6}};
20134 },
20135 _enableSourceMaps(options) {
20136 var t2,
20137 t1 = J.getInterceptor$x(options);
20138 if (typeof t1.get$sourceMap(options) != "string") {
20139 t2 = t1.get$sourceMap(options);
20140 t1 = !J.$eq$(t2, false) && t2 != null && t1.get$outFile(options) != null;
20141 } else
20142 t1 = true;
20143 return t1;
20144 },
20145 _newRenderError(message, stackTrace, column, file, line, $status) {
20146 var error = new self.Error(message);
20147 error.formatted = "Error: " + message;
20148 if (line != null)
20149 error.line = line;
20150 if (column != null)
20151 error.column = column;
20152 if (file != null)
20153 error.file = file;
20154 error.status = $status;
20155 A.attachJsStack(error, stackTrace);
20156 return error;
20157 },
20158 render_closure: function render_closure(t0, t1) {
20159 this.callback = t0;
20160 this.options = t1;
20161 },
20162 render_closure0: function render_closure0(t0) {
20163 this.callback = t0;
20164 },
20165 render_closure1: function render_closure1(t0) {
20166 this.callback = t0;
20167 },
20168 _parseFunctions_closure: function _parseFunctions_closure(t0, t1, t2, t3) {
20169 var _ = this;
20170 _.options = t0;
20171 _.start = t1;
20172 _.result = t2;
20173 _.asynch = t3;
20174 },
20175 _parseFunctions__closure: function _parseFunctions__closure(t0, t1, t2) {
20176 this.fiber = t0;
20177 this.callback = t1;
20178 this.context = t2;
20179 },
20180 _parseFunctions___closure0: function _parseFunctions___closure0(t0) {
20181 this.currentFiber = t0;
20182 },
20183 _parseFunctions____closure: function _parseFunctions____closure(t0, t1) {
20184 this.currentFiber = t0;
20185 this.result = t1;
20186 },
20187 _parseFunctions___closure1: function _parseFunctions___closure1(t0) {
20188 this.fiber = t0;
20189 },
20190 _parseFunctions__closure0: function _parseFunctions__closure0(t0, t1) {
20191 this.callback = t0;
20192 this.context = t1;
20193 },
20194 _parseFunctions__closure1: function _parseFunctions__closure1(t0, t1) {
20195 this.callback = t0;
20196 this.context = t1;
20197 },
20198 _parseFunctions___closure: function _parseFunctions___closure(t0) {
20199 this.completer = t0;
20200 },
20201 _parseImporter_closure: function _parseImporter_closure(t0) {
20202 this.fiber = t0;
20203 },
20204 _parseImporter__closure: function _parseImporter__closure(t0, t1) {
20205 this.fiber = t0;
20206 this.importer = t1;
20207 },
20208 _parseImporter___closure: function _parseImporter___closure(t0) {
20209 this.currentFiber = t0;
20210 },
20211 _parseImporter____closure: function _parseImporter____closure(t0, t1) {
20212 this.currentFiber = t0;
20213 this.result = t1;
20214 },
20215 _parseImporter___closure0: function _parseImporter___closure0(t0) {
20216 this.fiber = t0;
20217 },
20218 LimitedMapView$blocklist0(_map, blocklist, $K, $V) {
20219 var t2, key,
20220 t1 = A.LinkedHashSet_LinkedHashSet$_empty($K);
20221 for (t2 = J.get$iterator$ax(_map.get$keys(_map)); t2.moveNext$0();) {
20222 key = t2.get$current(t2);
20223 if (!blocklist.contains$1(0, key))
20224 t1.add$1(0, key);
20225 }
20226 return new A.LimitedMapView0(_map, t1, $K._eval$1("@<0>")._bind$1($V)._eval$1("LimitedMapView0<1,2>"));
20227 },
20228 LimitedMapView0: function LimitedMapView0(t0, t1, t2) {
20229 this._limited_map_view0$_map = t0;
20230 this._limited_map_view0$_keys = t1;
20231 this.$ti = t2;
20232 },
20233 ListExpression0: function ListExpression0(t0, t1, t2, t3) {
20234 var _ = this;
20235 _.contents = t0;
20236 _.separator = t1;
20237 _.hasBrackets = t2;
20238 _.span = t3;
20239 },
20240 ListExpression_toString_closure0: function ListExpression_toString_closure0(t0) {
20241 this.$this = t0;
20242 },
20243 _function10($name, $arguments, callback) {
20244 return A.BuiltInCallable$function0($name, $arguments, callback, "sass:list");
20245 },
20246 _length_closure2: function _length_closure2() {
20247 },
20248 _nth_closure0: function _nth_closure0() {
20249 },
20250 _setNth_closure0: function _setNth_closure0() {
20251 },
20252 _join_closure0: function _join_closure0() {
20253 },
20254 _append_closure2: function _append_closure2() {
20255 },
20256 _zip_closure0: function _zip_closure0() {
20257 },
20258 _zip__closure2: function _zip__closure2() {
20259 },
20260 _zip__closure3: function _zip__closure3(t0) {
20261 this._box_0 = t0;
20262 },
20263 _zip__closure4: function _zip__closure4(t0) {
20264 this._box_0 = t0;
20265 },
20266 _index_closure2: function _index_closure2() {
20267 },
20268 _separator_closure0: function _separator_closure0() {
20269 },
20270 _isBracketed_closure0: function _isBracketed_closure0() {
20271 },
20272 _slash_closure0: function _slash_closure0() {
20273 },
20274 SelectorList$0(components) {
20275 var t1 = A.List_List$unmodifiable(components, type$.ComplexSelector_2);
20276 if (t1.length === 0)
20277 A.throwExpression(A.ArgumentError$("components may not be empty.", null));
20278 return new A.SelectorList0(t1);
20279 },
20280 SelectorList_SelectorList$parse0(contents, allowParent, allowPlaceholder, logger) {
20281 return A.SelectorParser$0(contents, allowParent, allowPlaceholder, logger, null).parse$0();
20282 },
20283 SelectorList0: function SelectorList0(t0) {
20284 this.components = t0;
20285 },
20286 SelectorList_isInvisible_closure0: function SelectorList_isInvisible_closure0() {
20287 },
20288 SelectorList_asSassList_closure0: function SelectorList_asSassList_closure0() {
20289 },
20290 SelectorList_asSassList__closure0: function SelectorList_asSassList__closure0() {
20291 },
20292 SelectorList_unify_closure0: function SelectorList_unify_closure0(t0) {
20293 this.other = t0;
20294 },
20295 SelectorList_unify__closure0: function SelectorList_unify__closure0(t0) {
20296 this.complex1 = t0;
20297 },
20298 SelectorList_unify___closure0: function SelectorList_unify___closure0() {
20299 },
20300 SelectorList_resolveParentSelectors_closure0: function SelectorList_resolveParentSelectors_closure0(t0, t1, t2) {
20301 this.$this = t0;
20302 this.implicitParent = t1;
20303 this.parent = t2;
20304 },
20305 SelectorList_resolveParentSelectors__closure1: function SelectorList_resolveParentSelectors__closure1(t0) {
20306 this.complex = t0;
20307 },
20308 SelectorList_resolveParentSelectors__closure2: function SelectorList_resolveParentSelectors__closure2(t0) {
20309 this._box_0 = t0;
20310 },
20311 SelectorList__complexContainsParentSelector_closure0: function SelectorList__complexContainsParentSelector_closure0() {
20312 },
20313 SelectorList__complexContainsParentSelector__closure0: function SelectorList__complexContainsParentSelector__closure0() {
20314 },
20315 SelectorList__resolveParentSelectorsCompound_closure2: function SelectorList__resolveParentSelectorsCompound_closure2() {
20316 },
20317 SelectorList__resolveParentSelectorsCompound_closure3: function SelectorList__resolveParentSelectorsCompound_closure3(t0) {
20318 this.parent = t0;
20319 },
20320 SelectorList__resolveParentSelectorsCompound_closure4: function SelectorList__resolveParentSelectorsCompound_closure4(t0, t1) {
20321 this.compound = t0;
20322 this.resolvedMembers = t1;
20323 },
20324 _NodeSassList: function _NodeSassList() {
20325 },
20326 legacyListClass_closure: function legacyListClass_closure() {
20327 },
20328 legacyListClass__closure: function legacyListClass__closure() {
20329 },
20330 legacyListClass_closure0: function legacyListClass_closure0() {
20331 },
20332 legacyListClass_closure1: function legacyListClass_closure1() {
20333 },
20334 legacyListClass_closure2: function legacyListClass_closure2() {
20335 },
20336 legacyListClass_closure3: function legacyListClass_closure3() {
20337 },
20338 legacyListClass_closure4: function legacyListClass_closure4() {
20339 },
20340 listClass_closure: function listClass_closure() {
20341 },
20342 listClass__closure: function listClass__closure() {
20343 },
20344 listClass__closure0: function listClass__closure0() {
20345 },
20346 _ConstructorOptions: function _ConstructorOptions() {
20347 },
20348 SassList$0(contents, _separator, brackets) {
20349 var t1 = new A.SassList0(A.List_List$unmodifiable(contents, type$.Value_2), _separator, brackets);
20350 t1.SassList$3$brackets0(contents, _separator, brackets);
20351 return t1;
20352 },
20353 SassList0: function SassList0(t0, t1, t2) {
20354 this._list1$_contents = t0;
20355 this._list1$_separator = t1;
20356 this._list1$_hasBrackets = t2;
20357 },
20358 SassList_isBlank_closure0: function SassList_isBlank_closure0() {
20359 },
20360 ListSeparator0: function ListSeparator0(t0, t1) {
20361 this._list1$_name = t0;
20362 this.separator = t1;
20363 },
20364 NodeLogger: function NodeLogger() {
20365 },
20366 WarnOptions: function WarnOptions() {
20367 },
20368 DebugOptions: function DebugOptions() {
20369 },
20370 _QuietLogger0: function _QuietLogger0() {
20371 },
20372 LoudComment0: function LoudComment0(t0) {
20373 this.text = t0;
20374 },
20375 MapExpression0: function MapExpression0(t0, t1) {
20376 this.pairs = t0;
20377 this.span = t1;
20378 },
20379 MapExpression_toString_closure0: function MapExpression_toString_closure0() {
20380 },
20381 _modify0(map, keys, modify, addNesting) {
20382 var keyIterator = J.get$iterator$ax(keys);
20383 return keyIterator.moveNext$0() ? new A._modify__modifyNestedMap0(keyIterator, modify, addNesting).call$1(map) : modify.call$1(map);
20384 },
20385 _deepMergeImpl0(map1, map2) {
20386 var t1 = {},
20387 t2 = map2._map0$_contents;
20388 if (t2.get$isEmpty(t2))
20389 return map1;
20390 t1.mutable = false;
20391 t1.result = t2;
20392 map1._map0$_contents.forEach$1(0, new A._deepMergeImpl_closure0(t1, new A._deepMergeImpl__ensureMutable0(t1)));
20393 if (t1.mutable) {
20394 t2 = type$.Value_2;
20395 t2 = new A.SassMap0(A.ConstantMap_ConstantMap$from(t1.result, t2, t2));
20396 t1 = t2;
20397 } else
20398 t1 = map2;
20399 return t1;
20400 },
20401 _function9($name, $arguments, callback) {
20402 return A.BuiltInCallable$function0($name, $arguments, callback, "sass:map");
20403 },
20404 _get_closure0: function _get_closure0() {
20405 },
20406 _set_closure1: function _set_closure1() {
20407 },
20408 _set__closure2: function _set__closure2(t0) {
20409 this.$arguments = t0;
20410 },
20411 _set_closure2: function _set_closure2() {
20412 },
20413 _set__closure1: function _set__closure1(t0) {
20414 this.args = t0;
20415 },
20416 _merge_closure1: function _merge_closure1() {
20417 },
20418 _merge_closure2: function _merge_closure2() {
20419 },
20420 _merge__closure0: function _merge__closure0(t0) {
20421 this.map2 = t0;
20422 },
20423 _deepMerge_closure0: function _deepMerge_closure0() {
20424 },
20425 _deepRemove_closure0: function _deepRemove_closure0() {
20426 },
20427 _deepRemove__closure0: function _deepRemove__closure0(t0) {
20428 this.keys = t0;
20429 },
20430 _remove_closure1: function _remove_closure1() {
20431 },
20432 _remove_closure2: function _remove_closure2() {
20433 },
20434 _keys_closure0: function _keys_closure0() {
20435 },
20436 _values_closure0: function _values_closure0() {
20437 },
20438 _hasKey_closure0: function _hasKey_closure0() {
20439 },
20440 _modify__modifyNestedMap0: function _modify__modifyNestedMap0(t0, t1, t2) {
20441 this.keyIterator = t0;
20442 this.modify = t1;
20443 this.addNesting = t2;
20444 },
20445 _deepMergeImpl__ensureMutable0: function _deepMergeImpl__ensureMutable0(t0) {
20446 this._box_0 = t0;
20447 },
20448 _deepMergeImpl_closure0: function _deepMergeImpl_closure0(t0, t1) {
20449 this._box_0 = t0;
20450 this._ensureMutable = t1;
20451 },
20452 _NodeSassMap: function _NodeSassMap() {
20453 },
20454 legacyMapClass_closure: function legacyMapClass_closure() {
20455 },
20456 legacyMapClass__closure: function legacyMapClass__closure() {
20457 },
20458 legacyMapClass__closure0: function legacyMapClass__closure0() {
20459 },
20460 legacyMapClass_closure0: function legacyMapClass_closure0() {
20461 },
20462 legacyMapClass_closure1: function legacyMapClass_closure1() {
20463 },
20464 legacyMapClass_closure2: function legacyMapClass_closure2() {
20465 },
20466 legacyMapClass_closure3: function legacyMapClass_closure3() {
20467 },
20468 legacyMapClass_closure4: function legacyMapClass_closure4() {
20469 },
20470 mapClass_closure: function mapClass_closure() {
20471 },
20472 mapClass__closure: function mapClass__closure() {
20473 },
20474 mapClass__closure0: function mapClass__closure0() {
20475 },
20476 mapClass__closure1: function mapClass__closure1() {
20477 },
20478 SassMap0: function SassMap0(t0) {
20479 this._map0$_contents = t0;
20480 },
20481 SassMap_asList_closure0: function SassMap_asList_closure0(t0) {
20482 this.result = t0;
20483 },
20484 _fuzzyRoundIfZero0(number) {
20485 if (!(Math.abs(number - 0) < $.$get$epsilon0()))
20486 return number;
20487 return B.JSNumber_methods.get$isNegative(number) ? -0.0 : 0;
20488 },
20489 _numberFunction0($name, transform) {
20490 return A.BuiltInCallable$function0($name, "$number", new A._numberFunction_closure0(transform), "sass:math");
20491 },
20492 _function8($name, $arguments, callback) {
20493 return A.BuiltInCallable$function0($name, $arguments, callback, "sass:math");
20494 },
20495 _ceil_closure0: function _ceil_closure0() {
20496 },
20497 _clamp_closure0: function _clamp_closure0() {
20498 },
20499 _floor_closure0: function _floor_closure0() {
20500 },
20501 _max_closure0: function _max_closure0() {
20502 },
20503 _min_closure0: function _min_closure0() {
20504 },
20505 _abs_closure0: function _abs_closure0() {
20506 },
20507 _hypot_closure0: function _hypot_closure0() {
20508 },
20509 _hypot__closure0: function _hypot__closure0() {
20510 },
20511 _log_closure0: function _log_closure0() {
20512 },
20513 _pow_closure0: function _pow_closure0() {
20514 },
20515 _sqrt_closure0: function _sqrt_closure0() {
20516 },
20517 _acos_closure0: function _acos_closure0() {
20518 },
20519 _asin_closure0: function _asin_closure0() {
20520 },
20521 _atan_closure0: function _atan_closure0() {
20522 },
20523 _atan2_closure0: function _atan2_closure0() {
20524 },
20525 _cos_closure0: function _cos_closure0() {
20526 },
20527 _sin_closure0: function _sin_closure0() {
20528 },
20529 _tan_closure0: function _tan_closure0() {
20530 },
20531 _compatible_closure0: function _compatible_closure0() {
20532 },
20533 _isUnitless_closure0: function _isUnitless_closure0() {
20534 },
20535 _unit_closure0: function _unit_closure0() {
20536 },
20537 _percentage_closure0: function _percentage_closure0() {
20538 },
20539 _randomFunction_closure0: function _randomFunction_closure0() {
20540 },
20541 _div_closure0: function _div_closure0() {
20542 },
20543 _numberFunction_closure0: function _numberFunction_closure0(t0) {
20544 this.transform = t0;
20545 },
20546 CssMediaQuery0: function CssMediaQuery0(t0, t1, t2) {
20547 this.modifier = t0;
20548 this.type = t1;
20549 this.features = t2;
20550 },
20551 _SingletonCssMediaQueryMergeResult0: function _SingletonCssMediaQueryMergeResult0(t0) {
20552 this._media_query1$_name = t0;
20553 },
20554 MediaQuerySuccessfulMergeResult0: function MediaQuerySuccessfulMergeResult0(t0) {
20555 this.query = t0;
20556 },
20557 MediaQueryParser0: function MediaQueryParser0(t0, t1) {
20558 this.scanner = t0;
20559 this.logger = t1;
20560 },
20561 MediaQueryParser_parse_closure0: function MediaQueryParser_parse_closure0(t0) {
20562 this.$this = t0;
20563 },
20564 ModifiableCssMediaRule$0(queries, span) {
20565 var t1 = A.List_List$unmodifiable(queries, type$.CssMediaQuery_2),
20566 t2 = A._setArrayType([], type$.JSArray_ModifiableCssNode_2);
20567 if (J.get$isEmpty$asx(queries))
20568 A.throwExpression(A.ArgumentError$value(queries, "queries", "may not be empty."));
20569 return new A.ModifiableCssMediaRule0(t1, span, new A.UnmodifiableListView(t2, type$.UnmodifiableListView_ModifiableCssNode_2), t2);
20570 },
20571 ModifiableCssMediaRule0: function ModifiableCssMediaRule0(t0, t1, t2, t3) {
20572 var _ = this;
20573 _.queries = t0;
20574 _.span = t1;
20575 _.children = t2;
20576 _._node1$_children = t3;
20577 _._node1$_indexInParent = _._node1$_parent = null;
20578 _.isGroupEnd = false;
20579 },
20580 MediaRule$0(query, children, span) {
20581 var t1 = A.List_List$unmodifiable(children, type$.Statement_2),
20582 t2 = B.JSArray_methods.any$1(t1, new A.ParentStatement_closure0());
20583 return new A.MediaRule0(query, span, t1, t2);
20584 },
20585 MediaRule0: function MediaRule0(t0, t1, t2, t3) {
20586 var _ = this;
20587 _.query = t0;
20588 _.span = t1;
20589 _.children = t2;
20590 _.hasDeclarations = t3;
20591 },
20592 MergedExtension_merge0(left, right) {
20593 var t4, t5, t6,
20594 t1 = left.extender,
20595 t2 = t1.selector,
20596 t3 = B.C_ListEquality.equals$2(0, t2.components, right.extender.selector.components);
20597 if (!t3 || !left.target.$eq(0, right.target))
20598 throw A.wrapException(A.ArgumentError$(left.toString$0(0) + " and " + right.toString$0(0) + " aren't the same extension.", null));
20599 t3 = left.mediaContext;
20600 t4 = t3 == null;
20601 if (!t4) {
20602 t5 = right.mediaContext;
20603 t5 = t5 != null && !B.C_ListEquality.equals$2(0, t3, t5);
20604 } else
20605 t5 = false;
20606 if (t5)
20607 throw A.wrapException(A.SassException$0("From " + left.span.message$1(0, "") + string$.x0aYou_m, right.span));
20608 if (right.isOptional && right.mediaContext == null)
20609 return left;
20610 if (left.isOptional && t4)
20611 return right;
20612 t5 = left.target;
20613 t6 = left.span;
20614 if (t4)
20615 t3 = right.mediaContext;
20616 t2.get$maxSpecificity();
20617 t1 = new A.Extender0(t2, false, t1.span);
20618 return t1._extension$_extension = new A.MergedExtension0(left, right, t1, t5, t3, true, t6);
20619 },
20620 MergedExtension0: function MergedExtension0(t0, t1, t2, t3, t4, t5, t6) {
20621 var _ = this;
20622 _.left = t0;
20623 _.right = t1;
20624 _.extender = t2;
20625 _.target = t3;
20626 _.mediaContext = t4;
20627 _.isOptional = t5;
20628 _.span = t6;
20629 },
20630 MergedMapView$0(maps, $K, $V) {
20631 var t1 = $K._eval$1("@<0>")._bind$1($V);
20632 t1 = new A.MergedMapView0(A.LinkedHashMap_LinkedHashMap$_empty($K, t1._eval$1("Map<1,2>")), t1._eval$1("MergedMapView0<1,2>"));
20633 t1.MergedMapView$10(maps, $K, $V);
20634 return t1;
20635 },
20636 MergedMapView0: function MergedMapView0(t0, t1) {
20637 this._merged_map_view$_mapsByKey = t0;
20638 this.$ti = t1;
20639 },
20640 _function12($name, $arguments, callback) {
20641 return A.BuiltInCallable$function0($name, $arguments, callback, "sass:meta");
20642 },
20643 global_closure57: function global_closure57() {
20644 },
20645 global_closure58: function global_closure58() {
20646 },
20647 global_closure59: function global_closure59() {
20648 },
20649 global_closure60: function global_closure60() {
20650 },
20651 local_closure1: function local_closure1() {
20652 },
20653 local_closure2: function local_closure2() {
20654 },
20655 local__closure0: function local__closure0() {
20656 },
20657 MixinRule$0($name, $arguments, children, span, comment) {
20658 var t1 = A.List_List$unmodifiable(children, type$.Statement_2),
20659 t2 = B.JSArray_methods.any$1(t1, new A.ParentStatement_closure0());
20660 return new A.MixinRule0($name, $arguments, span, t1, t2);
20661 },
20662 MixinRule0: function MixinRule0(t0, t1, t2, t3, t4) {
20663 var _ = this;
20664 _._mixin_rule$__MixinRule_hasContent = $;
20665 _.name = t0;
20666 _.$arguments = t1;
20667 _.span = t2;
20668 _.children = t3;
20669 _.hasDeclarations = t4;
20670 },
20671 _HasContentVisitor0: function _HasContentVisitor0() {
20672 },
20673 ExtendMode0: function ExtendMode0(t0) {
20674 this.name = t0;
20675 },
20676 SupportsNegation0: function SupportsNegation0(t0, t1) {
20677 this.condition = t0;
20678 this.span = t1;
20679 },
20680 NoOpImporter: function NoOpImporter() {
20681 },
20682 NoSourceMapBuffer0: function NoSourceMapBuffer0(t0) {
20683 this._no_source_map_buffer0$_buffer = t0;
20684 },
20685 AstNode0: function AstNode0() {
20686 },
20687 _FakeAstNode0: function _FakeAstNode0(t0) {
20688 this._node2$_callback = t0;
20689 },
20690 CssNode0: function CssNode0() {
20691 },
20692 CssParentNode0: function CssParentNode0() {
20693 },
20694 readFile0(path) {
20695 var sourceFile, t1, i,
20696 contents = A._asString(A._readFile0(path, "utf8"));
20697 if (!B.JSString_methods.contains$1(contents, "\ufffd"))
20698 return contents;
20699 sourceFile = A.SourceFile$fromString(contents, $.$get$context().toUri$1(path));
20700 for (t1 = contents.length, i = 0; i < t1; ++i) {
20701 if (B.JSString_methods._codeUnitAt$1(contents, i) !== 65533)
20702 continue;
20703 throw A.wrapException(A.SassException$0("Invalid UTF-8.", A.FileLocation$_(sourceFile, i).pointSpan$0()));
20704 }
20705 return contents;
20706 },
20707 _readFile0(path, encoding) {
20708 return A._systemErrorToFileSystemException0(new A._readFile_closure0(path, encoding));
20709 },
20710 fileExists0(path) {
20711 return A._systemErrorToFileSystemException0(new A.fileExists_closure0(path));
20712 },
20713 dirExists0(path) {
20714 return A._systemErrorToFileSystemException0(new A.dirExists_closure0(path));
20715 },
20716 listDir0(path) {
20717 return A._systemErrorToFileSystemException0(new A.listDir_closure0(false, path));
20718 },
20719 _systemErrorToFileSystemException0(callback) {
20720 var error, t1, exception, t2;
20721 try {
20722 t1 = callback.call$0();
20723 return t1;
20724 } catch (exception) {
20725 error = A.unwrapException(exception);
20726 if (!type$.JsSystemError._is(error))
20727 throw exception;
20728 t1 = error;
20729 t2 = J.getInterceptor$x(t1);
20730 throw A.wrapException(new A.FileSystemException0(J.substring$2$s(t2.get$message(t1), (A.S(t2.get$code(t1)) + ": ").length, J.get$length$asx(t2.get$message(t1)) - (", " + A.S(t2.get$syscall(t1)) + " '" + A.S(t2.get$path(t1)) + "'").length), J.get$path$x(error)));
20731 }
20732 },
20733 FileSystemException0: function FileSystemException0(t0, t1) {
20734 this.message = t0;
20735 this.path = t1;
20736 },
20737 Stderr0: function Stderr0(t0) {
20738 this._node0$_stderr = t0;
20739 },
20740 _readFile_closure0: function _readFile_closure0(t0, t1) {
20741 this.path = t0;
20742 this.encoding = t1;
20743 },
20744 fileExists_closure0: function fileExists_closure0(t0) {
20745 this.path = t0;
20746 },
20747 dirExists_closure0: function dirExists_closure0(t0) {
20748 this.path = t0;
20749 },
20750 listDir_closure0: function listDir_closure0(t0, t1) {
20751 this.recursive = t0;
20752 this.path = t1;
20753 },
20754 listDir__closure1: function listDir__closure1(t0) {
20755 this.path = t0;
20756 },
20757 listDir__closure2: function listDir__closure2() {
20758 },
20759 listDir_closure_list0: function listDir_closure_list0() {
20760 },
20761 listDir__list_closure0: function listDir__list_closure0(t0, t1) {
20762 this.parent = t0;
20763 this.list = t1;
20764 },
20765 ModifiableCssNode0: function ModifiableCssNode0() {
20766 },
20767 ModifiableCssParentNode0: function ModifiableCssParentNode0() {
20768 },
20769 main() {
20770 J.set$compile$x(self.exports, A.allowInteropNamed("sass.compile", A.compile__compile$closure()));
20771 J.set$compileString$x(self.exports, A.allowInteropNamed("sass.compileString", A.compile__compileString$closure()));
20772 J.set$compileAsync$x(self.exports, A.allowInteropNamed("sass.compileAsync", A.compile__compileAsync$closure()));
20773 J.set$compileStringAsync$x(self.exports, A.allowInteropNamed("sass.compileStringAsync", A.compile__compileStringAsync$closure()));
20774 J.set$Value$x(self.exports, $.$get$valueClass());
20775 J.set$SassBoolean$x(self.exports, $.$get$booleanClass());
20776 J.set$SassArgumentList$x(self.exports, $.$get$argumentListClass());
20777 J.set$SassColor$x(self.exports, $.$get$colorClass());
20778 J.set$SassFunction$x(self.exports, $.$get$functionClass());
20779 J.set$SassList$x(self.exports, $.$get$listClass());
20780 J.set$SassMap$x(self.exports, $.$get$mapClass());
20781 J.set$SassNumber$x(self.exports, $.$get$numberClass());
20782 J.set$SassString$x(self.exports, $.$get$stringClass());
20783 J.set$sassNull$x(self.exports, B.C__SassNull0);
20784 J.set$sassTrue$x(self.exports, B.SassBoolean_true0);
20785 J.set$sassFalse$x(self.exports, B.SassBoolean_false0);
20786 J.set$Exception$x(self.exports, $.$get$exceptionClass());
20787 J.set$Logger$x(self.exports, {silent: {warn: A.allowInteropNamed("sass.Logger.silent.warn", new A.main_closure0()), debug: A.allowInteropNamed("sass.Logger.silent.debug", new A.main_closure1())}});
20788 J.set$info$x(self.exports, "dart-sass\t1.49.5\t(Sass Compiler)\t[Dart]\ndart2js\t2.15.1\t(Dart Compiler)\t[Dart]");
20789 A.updateSourceSpanPrototype();
20790 J.set$render$x(self.exports, A.allowInteropNamed("sass.render", A.legacy__render$closure()));
20791 J.set$renderSync$x(self.exports, A.allowInteropNamed("sass.renderSync", A.legacy__renderSync$closure()));
20792 J.set$types$x(self.exports, {Boolean: $.$get$legacyBooleanClass(), Color: $.$get$legacyColorClass(), List: $.$get$legacyListClass(), Map: $.$get$legacyMapClass(), Null: $.$get$legacyNullClass(), Number: $.$get$legacyNumberClass(), String: $.$get$legacyStringClass(), Error: self.Error});
20793 J.set$NULL$x(self.exports, B.C__SassNull0);
20794 J.set$TRUE$x(self.exports, B.SassBoolean_true0);
20795 J.set$FALSE$x(self.exports, B.SassBoolean_false0);
20796 },
20797 main_closure0: function main_closure0() {
20798 },
20799 main_closure1: function main_closure1() {
20800 },
20801 NodeToDartLogger: function NodeToDartLogger(t0, t1, t2) {
20802 this._node = t0;
20803 this._fallback = t1;
20804 this._ascii = t2;
20805 },
20806 NodeToDartLogger_warn_closure: function NodeToDartLogger_warn_closure(t0, t1, t2, t3, t4) {
20807 var _ = this;
20808 _.$this = t0;
20809 _.message = t1;
20810 _.span = t2;
20811 _.trace = t3;
20812 _.deprecation = t4;
20813 },
20814 NodeToDartLogger_debug_closure: function NodeToDartLogger_debug_closure(t0, t1, t2) {
20815 this.$this = t0;
20816 this.message = t1;
20817 this.span = t2;
20818 },
20819 NullExpression0: function NullExpression0(t0) {
20820 this.span = t0;
20821 },
20822 legacyNullClass_closure: function legacyNullClass_closure() {
20823 },
20824 legacyNullClass__closure: function legacyNullClass__closure() {
20825 },
20826 _SassNull0: function _SassNull0() {
20827 },
20828 NumberExpression0: function NumberExpression0(t0, t1, t2) {
20829 this.value = t0;
20830 this.unit = t1;
20831 this.span = t2;
20832 },
20833 _parseNumber(value, unit) {
20834 var invalidUnit, operands, t1, numerator, denominator, numeratorUnits, denominatorUnits;
20835 if (unit == null || unit.length === 0)
20836 return new A.UnitlessSassNumber0(value, null);
20837 if (!J.contains$1$asx(unit, "*") && !B.JSString_methods.contains$1(unit, "/"))
20838 return new A.SingleUnitSassNumber0(unit, value, null);
20839 invalidUnit = new A.ArgumentError(true, unit, "unit", "is invalid.");
20840 operands = unit.split("/");
20841 t1 = operands.length;
20842 if (t1 > 2)
20843 throw A.wrapException(invalidUnit);
20844 numerator = operands[0];
20845 denominator = t1 === 1 ? null : operands[1];
20846 t1 = type$.JSArray_String;
20847 numeratorUnits = numerator.length === 0 ? A._setArrayType([], t1) : A._setArrayType(numerator.split("*"), t1);
20848 if (B.JSArray_methods.any$1(numeratorUnits, new A._parseNumber_closure()))
20849 throw A.wrapException(invalidUnit);
20850 denominatorUnits = denominator == null ? A._setArrayType([], t1) : A._setArrayType(denominator.split("*"), t1);
20851 if (B.JSArray_methods.any$1(denominatorUnits, new A._parseNumber_closure0()))
20852 throw A.wrapException(invalidUnit);
20853 return A.SassNumber_SassNumber$withUnits0(value, denominatorUnits, numeratorUnits);
20854 },
20855 _NodeSassNumber: function _NodeSassNumber() {
20856 },
20857 legacyNumberClass_closure: function legacyNumberClass_closure() {
20858 },
20859 legacyNumberClass_closure0: function legacyNumberClass_closure0() {
20860 },
20861 legacyNumberClass_closure1: function legacyNumberClass_closure1() {
20862 },
20863 legacyNumberClass_closure2: function legacyNumberClass_closure2() {
20864 },
20865 legacyNumberClass_closure3: function legacyNumberClass_closure3() {
20866 },
20867 _parseNumber_closure: function _parseNumber_closure() {
20868 },
20869 _parseNumber_closure0: function _parseNumber_closure0() {
20870 },
20871 numberClass_closure: function numberClass_closure() {
20872 },
20873 numberClass__closure: function numberClass__closure() {
20874 },
20875 numberClass__closure0: function numberClass__closure0() {
20876 },
20877 numberClass__closure1: function numberClass__closure1() {
20878 },
20879 numberClass__closure2: function numberClass__closure2() {
20880 },
20881 numberClass__closure3: function numberClass__closure3() {
20882 },
20883 numberClass__closure4: function numberClass__closure4() {
20884 },
20885 numberClass__closure5: function numberClass__closure5() {
20886 },
20887 numberClass__closure6: function numberClass__closure6() {
20888 },
20889 numberClass__closure7: function numberClass__closure7() {
20890 },
20891 numberClass__closure8: function numberClass__closure8() {
20892 },
20893 numberClass__closure9: function numberClass__closure9() {
20894 },
20895 numberClass__closure10: function numberClass__closure10() {
20896 },
20897 numberClass__closure11: function numberClass__closure11() {
20898 },
20899 numberClass__closure12: function numberClass__closure12() {
20900 },
20901 numberClass__closure13: function numberClass__closure13() {
20902 },
20903 numberClass__closure14: function numberClass__closure14() {
20904 },
20905 numberClass__closure15: function numberClass__closure15() {
20906 },
20907 numberClass__closure16: function numberClass__closure16() {
20908 },
20909 numberClass__closure17: function numberClass__closure17() {
20910 },
20911 numberClass__closure18: function numberClass__closure18() {
20912 },
20913 numberClass__closure19: function numberClass__closure19() {
20914 },
20915 _ConstructorOptions0: function _ConstructorOptions0() {
20916 },
20917 conversionFactor0(unit1, unit2) {
20918 var innerMap;
20919 if (unit1 === unit2)
20920 return 1;
20921 innerMap = B.Map_K2BWj.$index(0, unit1);
20922 if (innerMap == null)
20923 return null;
20924 return innerMap.$index(0, unit2);
20925 },
20926 SassNumber_SassNumber0(value, unit) {
20927 return unit == null ? new A.UnitlessSassNumber0(value, null) : new A.SingleUnitSassNumber0(unit, value, null);
20928 },
20929 SassNumber_SassNumber$withUnits0(value, denominatorUnits, numeratorUnits) {
20930 var t1, numerators, t2, unsimplifiedDenominators, denominators, t3, _i, denominator, simplifiedAway, i, factor, _null = null;
20931 if (denominatorUnits == null || J.get$isEmpty$asx(denominatorUnits))
20932 if (numeratorUnits == null || J.get$isEmpty$asx(numeratorUnits))
20933 return new A.UnitlessSassNumber0(value, _null);
20934 else {
20935 t1 = J.getInterceptor$asx(numeratorUnits);
20936 if (t1.get$length(numeratorUnits) === 1)
20937 return new A.SingleUnitSassNumber0(t1.$index(numeratorUnits, 0), value, _null);
20938 else
20939 return new A.ComplexSassNumber0(A.List_List$unmodifiable(numeratorUnits, type$.String), B.List_empty, value, _null);
20940 }
20941 else if (numeratorUnits == null || J.get$isEmpty$asx(numeratorUnits))
20942 return new A.ComplexSassNumber0(B.List_empty, A.List_List$unmodifiable(denominatorUnits, type$.String), value, _null);
20943 else {
20944 t1 = J.getInterceptor$ax(numeratorUnits);
20945 numerators = t1.toList$0(numeratorUnits);
20946 t2 = J.getInterceptor$ax(denominatorUnits);
20947 unsimplifiedDenominators = t2.toList$0(denominatorUnits);
20948 denominators = A._setArrayType([], type$.JSArray_String);
20949 for (t3 = unsimplifiedDenominators.length, _i = 0; _i < unsimplifiedDenominators.length; unsimplifiedDenominators.length === t3 || (0, A.throwConcurrentModificationError)(unsimplifiedDenominators), ++_i) {
20950 denominator = unsimplifiedDenominators[_i];
20951 i = 0;
20952 while (true) {
20953 if (!(i < numerators.length)) {
20954 simplifiedAway = false;
20955 break;
20956 }
20957 c$0: {
20958 factor = A.conversionFactor0(denominator, numerators[i]);
20959 if (factor == null)
20960 break c$0;
20961 value *= factor;
20962 B.JSArray_methods.removeAt$1(numerators, i);
20963 simplifiedAway = true;
20964 break;
20965 }
20966 ++i;
20967 }
20968 if (!simplifiedAway)
20969 denominators.push(denominator);
20970 }
20971 if (t2.get$isEmpty(denominatorUnits))
20972 if (t1.get$isEmpty(numeratorUnits))
20973 return new A.UnitlessSassNumber0(value, _null);
20974 else if (t1.get$length(numeratorUnits) === 1)
20975 return new A.SingleUnitSassNumber0(t1.get$single(numeratorUnits), value, _null);
20976 t1 = type$.String;
20977 return new A.ComplexSassNumber0(A.List_List$unmodifiable(numerators, t1), A.List_List$unmodifiable(denominators, t1), value, _null);
20978 }
20979 },
20980 SassNumber0: function SassNumber0() {
20981 },
20982 SassNumber__coerceOrConvertValue__compatibilityException0: function SassNumber__coerceOrConvertValue__compatibilityException0(t0, t1, t2, t3, t4, t5, t6) {
20983 var _ = this;
20984 _.$this = t0;
20985 _.other = t1;
20986 _.otherName = t2;
20987 _.otherHasUnits = t3;
20988 _.name = t4;
20989 _.newNumerators = t5;
20990 _.newDenominators = t6;
20991 },
20992 SassNumber__coerceOrConvertValue_closure3: function SassNumber__coerceOrConvertValue_closure3(t0, t1) {
20993 this._box_0 = t0;
20994 this.newNumerator = t1;
20995 },
20996 SassNumber__coerceOrConvertValue_closure4: function SassNumber__coerceOrConvertValue_closure4(t0) {
20997 this._compatibilityException = t0;
20998 },
20999 SassNumber__coerceOrConvertValue_closure5: function SassNumber__coerceOrConvertValue_closure5(t0, t1) {
21000 this._box_0 = t0;
21001 this.newDenominator = t1;
21002 },
21003 SassNumber__coerceOrConvertValue_closure6: function SassNumber__coerceOrConvertValue_closure6(t0) {
21004 this._compatibilityException = t0;
21005 },
21006 SassNumber_plus_closure0: function SassNumber_plus_closure0() {
21007 },
21008 SassNumber_minus_closure0: function SassNumber_minus_closure0() {
21009 },
21010 SassNumber_multiplyUnits_closure3: function SassNumber_multiplyUnits_closure3(t0, t1) {
21011 this._box_0 = t0;
21012 this.numerator = t1;
21013 },
21014 SassNumber_multiplyUnits_closure4: function SassNumber_multiplyUnits_closure4(t0, t1) {
21015 this.newNumerators = t0;
21016 this.numerator = t1;
21017 },
21018 SassNumber_multiplyUnits_closure5: function SassNumber_multiplyUnits_closure5(t0, t1) {
21019 this._box_0 = t0;
21020 this.numerator = t1;
21021 },
21022 SassNumber_multiplyUnits_closure6: function SassNumber_multiplyUnits_closure6(t0, t1) {
21023 this.newNumerators = t0;
21024 this.numerator = t1;
21025 },
21026 SassNumber__areAnyConvertible_closure0: function SassNumber__areAnyConvertible_closure0(t0) {
21027 this.units2 = t0;
21028 },
21029 SassNumber__canonicalizeUnitList_closure0: function SassNumber__canonicalizeUnitList_closure0() {
21030 },
21031 SassNumber__canonicalMultiplier_closure0: function SassNumber__canonicalMultiplier_closure0(t0) {
21032 this.$this = t0;
21033 },
21034 SupportsOperation0: function SupportsOperation0(t0, t1, t2, t3) {
21035 var _ = this;
21036 _.left = t0;
21037 _.right = t1;
21038 _.operator = t2;
21039 _.span = t3;
21040 },
21041 ParentSelector0: function ParentSelector0(t0) {
21042 this.suffix = t0;
21043 },
21044 ParentStatement0: function ParentStatement0() {
21045 },
21046 ParentStatement_closure0: function ParentStatement_closure0() {
21047 },
21048 ParentStatement__closure0: function ParentStatement__closure0() {
21049 },
21050 ParenthesizedExpression0: function ParenthesizedExpression0(t0, t1) {
21051 this.expression = t0;
21052 this.span = t1;
21053 },
21054 Parser_isIdentifier0(text) {
21055 var t1, t2, exception, logger = null;
21056 try {
21057 t1 = logger;
21058 t2 = A.SpanScanner$(text, null);
21059 new A.Parser1(t2, t1 == null ? B.StderrLogger_false0 : t1)._parser0$_parseIdentifier$0();
21060 return true;
21061 } catch (exception) {
21062 if (A.unwrapException(exception) instanceof A.SassFormatException0)
21063 return false;
21064 else
21065 throw exception;
21066 }
21067 },
21068 Parser1: function Parser1(t0, t1) {
21069 this.scanner = t0;
21070 this.logger = t1;
21071 },
21072 Parser__parseIdentifier_closure0: function Parser__parseIdentifier_closure0(t0) {
21073 this.$this = t0;
21074 },
21075 Parser_scanIdentChar_matches0: function Parser_scanIdentChar_matches0(t0, t1) {
21076 this.caseSensitive = t0;
21077 this.char = t1;
21078 },
21079 PlaceholderSelector0: function PlaceholderSelector0(t0) {
21080 this.name = t0;
21081 },
21082 PlainCssCallable0: function PlainCssCallable0(t0) {
21083 this.name = t0;
21084 },
21085 PrefixedMapView0: function PrefixedMapView0(t0, t1, t2) {
21086 this._prefixed_map_view0$_map = t0;
21087 this._prefixed_map_view0$_prefix = t1;
21088 this.$ti = t2;
21089 },
21090 _PrefixedKeys0: function _PrefixedKeys0(t0) {
21091 this._prefixed_map_view0$_view = t0;
21092 },
21093 _PrefixedKeys_iterator_closure0: function _PrefixedKeys_iterator_closure0(t0) {
21094 this.$this = t0;
21095 },
21096 PseudoSelector$0($name, argument, element, selector) {
21097 var t1 = !element,
21098 t2 = t1 && !A.PseudoSelector__isFakePseudoElement0($name);
21099 return new A.PseudoSelector0($name, A.unvendor0($name), t2, t1, argument, selector);
21100 },
21101 PseudoSelector__isFakePseudoElement0($name) {
21102 switch (B.JSString_methods._codeUnitAt$1($name, 0)) {
21103 case 97:
21104 case 65:
21105 return A.equalsIgnoreCase0($name, "after");
21106 case 98:
21107 case 66:
21108 return A.equalsIgnoreCase0($name, "before");
21109 case 102:
21110 case 70:
21111 return A.equalsIgnoreCase0($name, "first-line") || A.equalsIgnoreCase0($name, "first-letter");
21112 default:
21113 return false;
21114 }
21115 },
21116 PseudoSelector0: function PseudoSelector0(t0, t1, t2, t3, t4, t5) {
21117 var _ = this;
21118 _.name = t0;
21119 _.normalizedName = t1;
21120 _.isClass = t2;
21121 _.isSyntacticClass = t3;
21122 _.argument = t4;
21123 _.selector = t5;
21124 _._pseudo0$_maxSpecificity = _._pseudo0$_minSpecificity = null;
21125 },
21126 PseudoSelector_unify_closure0: function PseudoSelector_unify_closure0() {
21127 },
21128 PublicMemberMapView0: function PublicMemberMapView0(t0, t1) {
21129 this._public_member_map_view0$_inner = t0;
21130 this.$ti = t1;
21131 },
21132 QualifiedName0: function QualifiedName0(t0, t1) {
21133 this.name = t0;
21134 this.namespace = t1;
21135 },
21136 createJSClass($name, $constructor) {
21137 return type$.JSClass._as(A.allowInteropCaptureThisNamed($name, $constructor));
21138 },
21139 JSClassExtension_injectSuperclass(_this, superclass) {
21140 var t1 = J.getInterceptor$x(superclass),
21141 t2 = J.getInterceptor$x(_this);
21142 self.Object.setPrototypeOf(t1.get$$prototype(superclass), J.get$$prototype$x(type$.JSClass._as(self.Object.getPrototypeOf(t2.get$$prototype(_this)).constructor)));
21143 self.Object.setPrototypeOf(t2.get$$prototype(_this), self.Object.create(t1.get$$prototype(superclass)));
21144 },
21145 JSClassExtension_setCustomInspect(_this, inspect) {
21146 J.get$$prototype$x(_this)[self.util.inspect.custom] = A.allowInteropCaptureThis(new A.JSClassExtension_setCustomInspect_closure(inspect));
21147 },
21148 JSClassExtension_get_defineMethod(_this) {
21149 return new A.JSClassExtension_get_defineMethod_closure(_this);
21150 },
21151 JSClassExtension_defineMethods(_this, methods) {
21152 methods.forEach$1(0, A.JSClassExtension_get_defineMethod(_this));
21153 },
21154 JSClassExtension_get_defineGetter(_this) {
21155 return new A.JSClassExtension_get_defineGetter_closure(_this);
21156 },
21157 JSClass0: function JSClass0() {
21158 },
21159 JSClassExtension_setCustomInspect_closure: function JSClassExtension_setCustomInspect_closure(t0) {
21160 this.inspect = t0;
21161 },
21162 JSClassExtension_get_defineMethod_closure: function JSClassExtension_get_defineMethod_closure(t0) {
21163 this._this = t0;
21164 },
21165 JSClassExtension_get_defineGetter_closure: function JSClassExtension_get_defineGetter_closure(t0) {
21166 this._this = t0;
21167 },
21168 RenderContext0: function RenderContext0() {
21169 },
21170 RenderContextOptions0: function RenderContextOptions0() {
21171 },
21172 RenderContextResult0: function RenderContextResult0() {
21173 },
21174 RenderContextResultStats0: function RenderContextResultStats0() {
21175 },
21176 RenderOptions: function RenderOptions() {
21177 },
21178 RenderResult: function RenderResult() {
21179 },
21180 RenderResultStats: function RenderResultStats() {
21181 },
21182 ImporterResult$(contents, sourceMapUrl, syntax) {
21183 var t2,
21184 t1 = syntax == null;
21185 if (t1)
21186 t2 = B.Syntax_SCSS0;
21187 else
21188 t2 = syntax;
21189 if ((sourceMapUrl == null ? null : sourceMapUrl.get$scheme()) === "")
21190 A.throwExpression(A.ArgumentError$value(sourceMapUrl, "sourceMapUrl", "must be absolute"));
21191 else if (t1 && true)
21192 A.throwExpression(A.ArgumentError$("The syntax parameter must be passed.", null));
21193 return new A.ImporterResult0(contents, sourceMapUrl, t2);
21194 },
21195 ImporterResult0: function ImporterResult0(t0, t1, t2) {
21196 this.contents = t0;
21197 this._result$_sourceMapUrl = t1;
21198 this.syntax = t2;
21199 },
21200 ReturnRule0: function ReturnRule0(t0, t1) {
21201 this.expression = t0;
21202 this.span = t1;
21203 },
21204 main0(args) {
21205 return A.main$body(args);
21206 },
21207 main$body(args) {
21208 var $async$goto = 0,
21209 $async$completer = A._makeAsyncAwaitCompleter(type$.void),
21210 $async$returnValue, $async$handler = 2, $async$currentError, $async$next = [], printError, graph, source, destination, error, stackTrace, error0, stackTrace0, path, error1, error2, stackTrace1, buffer, options, t1, t2, t3, exception, t4, t5, _box_0, $async$exception, $async$exception1, $async$temp1;
21211 var $async$main0 = A._wrapJsFunctionForAsync(function($async$errorCode, $async$result) {
21212 if ($async$errorCode === 1) {
21213 $async$currentError = $async$result;
21214 $async$goto = $async$handler;
21215 }
21216 while (true)
21217 switch ($async$goto) {
21218 case 0:
21219 // Function start
21220 _box_0 = {};
21221 _box_0.printedError = false;
21222 printError = new A.main_printError(_box_0);
21223 _box_0.options = null;
21224 $async$handler = 4;
21225 options = A.ExecutableOptions_ExecutableOptions$parse(args);
21226 _box_0.options = options;
21227 t1 = options._options;
21228 $._glyphs = !(t1.wasParsed$1("unicode") ? A._asBool(t1.$index(0, "unicode")) : $._glyphs !== B.C_AsciiGlyphSet) ? B.C_AsciiGlyphSet : B.C_UnicodeGlyphSet;
21229 $async$goto = A._asBool(_box_0.options._options.$index(0, "version")) ? 7 : 8;
21230 break;
21231 case 7:
21232 // then
21233 $async$temp1 = A;
21234 $async$goto = 9;
21235 return A._asyncAwait(A._loadVersion(), $async$main0);
21236 case 9:
21237 // returning from await.
21238 $async$temp1.print($async$result);
21239 J.set$exitCode$x(self.process, 0);
21240 // goto return
21241 $async$goto = 1;
21242 break;
21243 case 8:
21244 // join
21245 $async$goto = _box_0.options.get$interactive() ? 10 : 11;
21246 break;
21247 case 10:
21248 // then
21249 $async$goto = 12;
21250 return A._asyncAwait(A.repl(_box_0.options), $async$main0);
21251 case 12:
21252 // returning from await.
21253 // goto return
21254 $async$goto = 1;
21255 break;
21256 case 11:
21257 // join
21258 t1 = type$.List_String._as(_box_0.options._options.$index(0, "load-path"));
21259 t2 = _box_0.options;
21260 t3 = type$.Uri;
21261 graph = new A.StylesheetGraph(A.LinkedHashMap_LinkedHashMap$_empty(t3, type$.StylesheetNode), A.ImportCache$(t1, A._asBool(t2._options.$index(0, "quiet")) ? $.$get$Logger_quiet() : new A.StderrLogger(t2.get$color())), A.LinkedHashMap_LinkedHashMap$_empty(t3, type$.DateTime));
21262 $async$goto = A._asBool(_box_0.options._options.$index(0, "watch")) ? 13 : 14;
21263 break;
21264 case 13:
21265 // then
21266 $async$goto = 15;
21267 return A._asyncAwait(A.watch(_box_0.options, graph), $async$main0);
21268 case 15:
21269 // returning from await.
21270 // goto return
21271 $async$goto = 1;
21272 break;
21273 case 14:
21274 // join
21275 t1 = _box_0.options, t1._ensureSources$0(), t1 = t1._sourcesToDestinations, t1 = J.get$iterator$ax(t1.get$keys(t1));
21276 case 16:
21277 // for condition
21278 if (!t1.moveNext$0()) {
21279 // goto after for
21280 $async$goto = 17;
21281 break;
21282 }
21283 source = t1.get$current(t1);
21284 t2 = _box_0.options;
21285 t2._ensureSources$0();
21286 destination = t2._sourcesToDestinations.$index(0, source);
21287 $async$handler = 19;
21288 t2 = _box_0.options;
21289 $async$goto = 22;
21290 return A._asyncAwait(A.compileStylesheet(t2, graph, source, destination, A._asBool(t2._options.$index(0, "update"))), $async$main0);
21291 case 22:
21292 // returning from await.
21293 $async$handler = 4;
21294 // goto after finally
21295 $async$goto = 21;
21296 break;
21297 case 19:
21298 // catch
21299 $async$handler = 18;
21300 $async$exception = $async$currentError;
21301 t2 = A.unwrapException($async$exception);
21302 if (t2 instanceof A.SassException) {
21303 error = t2;
21304 stackTrace = A.getTraceFromException($async$exception);
21305 new A.main_closure(_box_0, destination).call$0();
21306 t2 = _box_0.options._options;
21307 if (!t2._parser.options._map.containsKey$1("color"))
21308 A.throwExpression(A.ArgumentError$('Could not find an option named "color".', null));
21309 t2 = t2._parsed.containsKey$1("color") ? A._asBool(t2.$index(0, "color")) : J.$eq$(self.process.stdout.isTTY, true);
21310 t2 = J.toString$1$color$(error, t2);
21311 if (A._asBool(_box_0.options._options.$index(0, "trace"))) {
21312 t3 = error;
21313 t4 = typeof t3 == "string";
21314 if (t4 || typeof t3 == "number" || A._isBool(t3))
21315 t3 = null;
21316 else {
21317 t5 = $.$get$_traces();
21318 t4 = A._isBool(t3) || typeof t3 == "number" || t4;
21319 if (t4)
21320 A.throwExpression(A.ArgumentError$value(t3, string$.Expand, null));
21321 t3 = t5._jsWeakMap.get(t3);
21322 }
21323 if (t3 == null)
21324 t3 = stackTrace;
21325 } else
21326 t3 = null;
21327 printError.call$2(t2, t3);
21328 if (J.get$exitCode$x(self.process) !== 66)
21329 J.set$exitCode$x(self.process, 65);
21330 if (A._asBool(_box_0.options._options.$index(0, "stop-on-error"))) {
21331 // goto return
21332 $async$goto = 1;
21333 break;
21334 }
21335 } else if (t2 instanceof A.FileSystemException) {
21336 error0 = t2;
21337 stackTrace0 = A.getTraceFromException($async$exception);
21338 path = error0.path;
21339 t2 = path == null ? error0.message : "Error reading " + $.$get$context().relative$2$from(path, null) + ": " + error0.message + ".";
21340 if (A._asBool(_box_0.options._options.$index(0, "trace"))) {
21341 t3 = error0;
21342 t4 = typeof t3 == "string";
21343 if (t4 || typeof t3 == "number" || A._isBool(t3))
21344 t3 = null;
21345 else {
21346 t5 = $.$get$_traces();
21347 t4 = A._isBool(t3) || typeof t3 == "number" || t4;
21348 if (t4)
21349 A.throwExpression(A.ArgumentError$value(t3, string$.Expand, null));
21350 t3 = t5._jsWeakMap.get(t3);
21351 }
21352 if (t3 == null)
21353 t3 = stackTrace0;
21354 } else
21355 t3 = null;
21356 printError.call$2(t2, t3);
21357 J.set$exitCode$x(self.process, 66);
21358 if (A._asBool(_box_0.options._options.$index(0, "stop-on-error"))) {
21359 // goto return
21360 $async$goto = 1;
21361 break;
21362 }
21363 } else
21364 throw $async$exception;
21365 // goto after finally
21366 $async$goto = 21;
21367 break;
21368 case 18:
21369 // uncaught
21370 // goto catch
21371 $async$goto = 4;
21372 break;
21373 case 21:
21374 // after finally
21375 // goto for condition
21376 $async$goto = 16;
21377 break;
21378 case 17:
21379 // after for
21380 $async$handler = 2;
21381 // goto after finally
21382 $async$goto = 6;
21383 break;
21384 case 4:
21385 // catch
21386 $async$handler = 3;
21387 $async$exception1 = $async$currentError;
21388 t1 = A.unwrapException($async$exception1);
21389 if (t1 instanceof A.UsageException) {
21390 error1 = t1;
21391 A.print(error1.message + "\n");
21392 A.print("Usage: sass <input.scss> [output.css]\n sass <input.scss>:<output.css> <input/>:<output/> <dir/>\n");
21393 t1 = $.$get$ExecutableOptions__parser();
21394 A.print(new A._Usage(t1._optionsAndSeparators, new A.StringBuffer(""), t1.usageLineLength).generate$0());
21395 J.set$exitCode$x(self.process, 64);
21396 } else {
21397 error2 = t1;
21398 stackTrace1 = A.getTraceFromException($async$exception1);
21399 buffer = new A.StringBuffer("");
21400 t1 = _box_0.options;
21401 if (t1 != null && t1.get$color())
21402 buffer._contents += "\x1b[31m\x1b[1m";
21403 buffer._contents += "Unexpected exception:";
21404 t1 = _box_0.options;
21405 if (t1 != null && t1.get$color())
21406 buffer._contents += "\x1b[0m";
21407 buffer._contents += "\n";
21408 buffer._contents += A.S(error2) + "\n";
21409 t1 = buffer._contents;
21410 t2 = A.getTrace(error2);
21411 if (t2 == null)
21412 t2 = stackTrace1;
21413 printError.call$2(t1.charCodeAt(0) == 0 ? t1 : t1, t2);
21414 J.set$exitCode$x(self.process, 255);
21415 }
21416 // goto after finally
21417 $async$goto = 6;
21418 break;
21419 case 3:
21420 // uncaught
21421 // goto rethrow
21422 $async$goto = 2;
21423 break;
21424 case 6:
21425 // after finally
21426 case 1:
21427 // return
21428 return A._asyncReturn($async$returnValue, $async$completer);
21429 case 2:
21430 // rethrow
21431 return A._asyncRethrow($async$currentError, $async$completer);
21432 }
21433 });
21434 return A._asyncStartSync($async$main0, $async$completer);
21435 },
21436 _loadVersion() {
21437 var $async$goto = 0,
21438 $async$completer = A._makeAsyncAwaitCompleter(type$.String),
21439 $async$returnValue;
21440 var $async$_loadVersion = A._wrapJsFunctionForAsync(function($async$errorCode, $async$result) {
21441 if ($async$errorCode === 1)
21442 return A._asyncRethrow($async$result, $async$completer);
21443 while (true)
21444 switch ($async$goto) {
21445 case 0:
21446 // Function start
21447 $async$returnValue = "1.49.5 compiled with dart2js 2.15.1";
21448 // goto return
21449 $async$goto = 1;
21450 break;
21451 case 1:
21452 // return
21453 return A._asyncReturn($async$returnValue, $async$completer);
21454 }
21455 });
21456 return A._asyncStartSync($async$_loadVersion, $async$completer);
21457 },
21458 main_printError: function main_printError(t0) {
21459 this._box_0 = t0;
21460 },
21461 main_closure: function main_closure(t0, t1) {
21462 this._box_0 = t0;
21463 this.destination = t1;
21464 },
21465 SassParser0: function SassParser0(t0, t1, t2) {
21466 var _ = this;
21467 _._sass0$_currentIndentation = 0;
21468 _._sass0$_spaces = _._sass0$_nextIndentationEnd = _._sass0$_nextIndentation = null;
21469 _._stylesheet0$_isUseAllowed = true;
21470 _._stylesheet0$_inParentheses = _._stylesheet0$_inStyleRule = _._stylesheet0$_inUnknownAtRule = _._stylesheet0$_inControlDirective = _._stylesheet0$_inContentBlock = _._stylesheet0$_inMixin = false;
21471 _._stylesheet0$_globalVariables = t0;
21472 _.lastSilentComment = null;
21473 _.scanner = t1;
21474 _.logger = t2;
21475 },
21476 SassParser_children_closure0: function SassParser_children_closure0(t0, t1, t2) {
21477 this.$this = t0;
21478 this.child = t1;
21479 this.children = t2;
21480 },
21481 _translateReturnValue(val) {
21482 if (type$.Future_dynamic._is(val))
21483 return A.futureToPromise(val, type$.dynamic);
21484 else
21485 return val;
21486 },
21487 main1() {
21488 new Uint8Array(0);
21489 A.main();
21490 J.set$cli_pkg_main_0_$x(self.exports, A._wrapMain(A.sass__main$closure()));
21491 },
21492 _wrapMain(main) {
21493 if (type$.dynamic_Function._is(main))
21494 return A.allowInterop(new A._wrapMain_closure(main));
21495 else
21496 return A.allowInterop(new A._wrapMain_closure0(main));
21497 },
21498 _Exports: function _Exports() {
21499 },
21500 _wrapMain_closure: function _wrapMain_closure(t0) {
21501 this.main = t0;
21502 },
21503 _wrapMain_closure0: function _wrapMain_closure0(t0) {
21504 this.main = t0;
21505 },
21506 ScssParser$0(contents, logger, url) {
21507 var t1 = A.SpanScanner$(contents, url),
21508 t2 = logger == null ? B.StderrLogger_false0 : logger;
21509 return new A.ScssParser0(A.LinkedHashMap_LinkedHashMap$_empty(type$.String, type$.VariableDeclaration_2), t1, t2);
21510 },
21511 ScssParser0: function ScssParser0(t0, t1, t2) {
21512 var _ = this;
21513 _._stylesheet0$_isUseAllowed = true;
21514 _._stylesheet0$_inParentheses = _._stylesheet0$_inStyleRule = _._stylesheet0$_inUnknownAtRule = _._stylesheet0$_inControlDirective = _._stylesheet0$_inContentBlock = _._stylesheet0$_inMixin = false;
21515 _._stylesheet0$_globalVariables = t0;
21516 _.lastSilentComment = null;
21517 _.scanner = t1;
21518 _.logger = t2;
21519 },
21520 Selector0: function Selector0() {
21521 },
21522 SelectorExpression0: function SelectorExpression0(t0) {
21523 this.span = t0;
21524 },
21525 _prependParent0(compound) {
21526 var t2, _null = null,
21527 t1 = compound.components,
21528 first = B.JSArray_methods.get$first(t1);
21529 if (first instanceof A.UniversalSelector0)
21530 return _null;
21531 if (first instanceof A.TypeSelector0) {
21532 t2 = first.name;
21533 if (t2.namespace != null)
21534 return _null;
21535 t2 = A._setArrayType([new A.ParentSelector0(t2.name)], type$.JSArray_SimpleSelector_2);
21536 B.JSArray_methods.addAll$1(t2, A.SubListIterable$(t1, 1, _null, A._arrayInstanceType(t1)._precomputed1));
21537 return A.CompoundSelector$0(t2);
21538 } else {
21539 t2 = A._setArrayType([new A.ParentSelector0(_null)], type$.JSArray_SimpleSelector_2);
21540 B.JSArray_methods.addAll$1(t2, t1);
21541 return A.CompoundSelector$0(t2);
21542 }
21543 },
21544 _function7($name, $arguments, callback) {
21545 return A.BuiltInCallable$function0($name, $arguments, callback, "sass:selector");
21546 },
21547 _nest_closure0: function _nest_closure0() {
21548 },
21549 _nest__closure1: function _nest__closure1(t0) {
21550 this._box_0 = t0;
21551 },
21552 _nest__closure2: function _nest__closure2() {
21553 },
21554 _append_closure1: function _append_closure1() {
21555 },
21556 _append__closure1: function _append__closure1() {
21557 },
21558 _append__closure2: function _append__closure2() {
21559 },
21560 _append___closure0: function _append___closure0(t0) {
21561 this.parent = t0;
21562 },
21563 _extend_closure0: function _extend_closure0() {
21564 },
21565 _replace_closure0: function _replace_closure0() {
21566 },
21567 _unify_closure0: function _unify_closure0() {
21568 },
21569 _isSuperselector_closure0: function _isSuperselector_closure0() {
21570 },
21571 _simpleSelectors_closure0: function _simpleSelectors_closure0() {
21572 },
21573 _simpleSelectors__closure0: function _simpleSelectors__closure0() {
21574 },
21575 _parse_closure0: function _parse_closure0() {
21576 },
21577 SelectorParser$0(contents, allowParent, allowPlaceholder, logger, url) {
21578 var t1 = A.SpanScanner$(contents, url);
21579 return new A.SelectorParser0(allowParent, allowPlaceholder, t1, logger == null ? B.StderrLogger_false0 : logger);
21580 },
21581 SelectorParser0: function SelectorParser0(t0, t1, t2, t3) {
21582 var _ = this;
21583 _._selector$_allowParent = t0;
21584 _._selector$_allowPlaceholder = t1;
21585 _.scanner = t2;
21586 _.logger = t3;
21587 },
21588 SelectorParser_parse_closure0: function SelectorParser_parse_closure0(t0) {
21589 this.$this = t0;
21590 },
21591 SelectorParser_parseCompoundSelector_closure0: function SelectorParser_parseCompoundSelector_closure0(t0) {
21592 this.$this = t0;
21593 },
21594 serialize0(node, charset, indentWidth, inspect, lineFeed, sourceMap, style, useSpaces) {
21595 var t1, css, t2, prefix,
21596 visitor = A._SerializeVisitor$0(indentWidth == null ? 2 : indentWidth, inspect, lineFeed, true, sourceMap, style, useSpaces);
21597 node.accept$1(visitor);
21598 t1 = visitor._serialize0$_buffer;
21599 css = t1.toString$0(0);
21600 if (charset) {
21601 t2 = new A.CodeUnits(css);
21602 t2 = t2.any$1(t2, new A.serialize_closure0());
21603 } else
21604 t2 = false;
21605 if (t2)
21606 prefix = style === B.OutputStyle_compressed0 ? "\ufeff" : '@charset "UTF-8";\n';
21607 else
21608 prefix = "";
21609 t2 = prefix + css;
21610 return new A.SerializeResult0(t2, sourceMap ? t1.buildSourceMap$1$prefix(prefix) : null);
21611 },
21612 serializeValue0(value, inspect, quote) {
21613 var visitor = A._SerializeVisitor$0(null, inspect, null, quote, false, null, true);
21614 value.accept$1(visitor);
21615 return visitor._serialize0$_buffer.toString$0(0);
21616 },
21617 serializeSelector0(selector, inspect) {
21618 var visitor = A._SerializeVisitor$0(null, true, null, true, false, null, true);
21619 selector.accept$1(visitor);
21620 return visitor._serialize0$_buffer.toString$0(0);
21621 },
21622 _SerializeVisitor$0(indentWidth, inspect, lineFeed, quote, sourceMap, style, useSpaces) {
21623 var t1 = sourceMap ? new A.SourceMapBuffer0(new A.StringBuffer(""), A._setArrayType([], type$.JSArray_Entry)) : new A.NoSourceMapBuffer0(new A.StringBuffer("")),
21624 t2 = style == null ? B.OutputStyle_expanded0 : style,
21625 t3 = useSpaces ? 32 : 9,
21626 t4 = indentWidth == null ? 2 : indentWidth,
21627 t5 = lineFeed == null ? B.LineFeed_D6m : lineFeed;
21628 A.RangeError_checkValueInInterval(t4, 0, 10, "indentWidth");
21629 return new A._SerializeVisitor0(t1, t2, inspect, quote, t3, t4, t5);
21630 },
21631 serialize_closure0: function serialize_closure0() {
21632 },
21633 _SerializeVisitor0: function _SerializeVisitor0(t0, t1, t2, t3, t4, t5, t6) {
21634 var _ = this;
21635 _._serialize0$_buffer = t0;
21636 _._serialize0$_indentation = 0;
21637 _._serialize0$_style = t1;
21638 _._serialize0$_inspect = t2;
21639 _._serialize0$_quote = t3;
21640 _._serialize0$_indentCharacter = t4;
21641 _._serialize0$_indentWidth = t5;
21642 _._lineFeed = t6;
21643 },
21644 _SerializeVisitor_visitCssComment_closure0: function _SerializeVisitor_visitCssComment_closure0(t0, t1) {
21645 this.$this = t0;
21646 this.node = t1;
21647 },
21648 _SerializeVisitor_visitCssAtRule_closure0: function _SerializeVisitor_visitCssAtRule_closure0(t0, t1) {
21649 this.$this = t0;
21650 this.node = t1;
21651 },
21652 _SerializeVisitor_visitCssMediaRule_closure0: function _SerializeVisitor_visitCssMediaRule_closure0(t0, t1) {
21653 this.$this = t0;
21654 this.node = t1;
21655 },
21656 _SerializeVisitor_visitCssImport_closure0: function _SerializeVisitor_visitCssImport_closure0(t0, t1) {
21657 this.$this = t0;
21658 this.node = t1;
21659 },
21660 _SerializeVisitor_visitCssImport__closure0: function _SerializeVisitor_visitCssImport__closure0(t0, t1) {
21661 this.$this = t0;
21662 this.node = t1;
21663 },
21664 _SerializeVisitor_visitCssKeyframeBlock_closure0: function _SerializeVisitor_visitCssKeyframeBlock_closure0(t0, t1) {
21665 this.$this = t0;
21666 this.node = t1;
21667 },
21668 _SerializeVisitor_visitCssStyleRule_closure0: function _SerializeVisitor_visitCssStyleRule_closure0(t0, t1) {
21669 this.$this = t0;
21670 this.node = t1;
21671 },
21672 _SerializeVisitor_visitCssSupportsRule_closure0: function _SerializeVisitor_visitCssSupportsRule_closure0(t0, t1) {
21673 this.$this = t0;
21674 this.node = t1;
21675 },
21676 _SerializeVisitor_visitCssDeclaration_closure1: function _SerializeVisitor_visitCssDeclaration_closure1(t0, t1) {
21677 this.$this = t0;
21678 this.node = t1;
21679 },
21680 _SerializeVisitor_visitCssDeclaration_closure2: function _SerializeVisitor_visitCssDeclaration_closure2(t0, t1) {
21681 this.$this = t0;
21682 this.node = t1;
21683 },
21684 _SerializeVisitor_visitList_closure2: function _SerializeVisitor_visitList_closure2() {
21685 },
21686 _SerializeVisitor_visitList_closure3: function _SerializeVisitor_visitList_closure3(t0, t1) {
21687 this.$this = t0;
21688 this.value = t1;
21689 },
21690 _SerializeVisitor_visitList_closure4: function _SerializeVisitor_visitList_closure4(t0) {
21691 this.$this = t0;
21692 },
21693 _SerializeVisitor_visitMap_closure0: function _SerializeVisitor_visitMap_closure0(t0) {
21694 this.$this = t0;
21695 },
21696 _SerializeVisitor_visitSelectorList_closure0: function _SerializeVisitor_visitSelectorList_closure0() {
21697 },
21698 _SerializeVisitor__write_closure0: function _SerializeVisitor__write_closure0(t0, t1) {
21699 this.$this = t0;
21700 this.value = t1;
21701 },
21702 _SerializeVisitor__visitChildren_closure0: function _SerializeVisitor__visitChildren_closure0(t0, t1, t2) {
21703 this._box_0 = t0;
21704 this.$this = t1;
21705 this.children = t2;
21706 },
21707 OutputStyle0: function OutputStyle0(t0) {
21708 this._serialize0$_name = t0;
21709 },
21710 LineFeed0: function LineFeed0(t0, t1) {
21711 this.name = t0;
21712 this.text = t1;
21713 },
21714 SerializeResult0: function SerializeResult0(t0, t1) {
21715 this.css = t0;
21716 this.sourceMap = t1;
21717 },
21718 ShadowedModuleView_ifNecessary0(inner, functions, mixins, variables, $T) {
21719 return A.ShadowedModuleView__needsBlocklist0(inner.get$variables(), variables) || A.ShadowedModuleView__needsBlocklist0(inner.get$functions(inner), functions) || A.ShadowedModuleView__needsBlocklist0(inner.get$mixins(), mixins) ? new A.ShadowedModuleView0(inner, A.ShadowedModuleView__shadowedMap0(inner.get$variables(), variables, type$.Value_2), A.ShadowedModuleView__shadowedMap0(inner.get$variableNodes(), variables, type$.AstNode_2), A.ShadowedModuleView__shadowedMap0(inner.get$functions(inner), functions, $T), A.ShadowedModuleView__shadowedMap0(inner.get$mixins(), mixins, $T), $T._eval$1("ShadowedModuleView0<0>")) : null;
21720 },
21721 ShadowedModuleView__shadowedMap0(map, blocklist, $V) {
21722 var t1 = A.ShadowedModuleView__needsBlocklist0(map, blocklist);
21723 return !t1 ? map : A.LimitedMapView$blocklist0(map, blocklist, type$.String, $V);
21724 },
21725 ShadowedModuleView__needsBlocklist0(map, blocklist) {
21726 var t1 = map.get$isNotEmpty(map) && blocklist.any$1(0, map.get$containsKey());
21727 return t1;
21728 },
21729 ShadowedModuleView0: function ShadowedModuleView0(t0, t1, t2, t3, t4, t5) {
21730 var _ = this;
21731 _._shadowed_view0$_inner = t0;
21732 _.variables = t1;
21733 _.variableNodes = t2;
21734 _.functions = t3;
21735 _.mixins = t4;
21736 _.$ti = t5;
21737 },
21738 SilentComment0: function SilentComment0(t0, t1) {
21739 this.text = t0;
21740 this.span = t1;
21741 },
21742 SimpleSelector0: function SimpleSelector0() {
21743 },
21744 SingleUnitSassNumber0: function SingleUnitSassNumber0(t0, t1, t2) {
21745 var _ = this;
21746 _._single_unit$_unit = t0;
21747 _._number1$_value = t1;
21748 _.hashCache = null;
21749 _.asSlash = t2;
21750 },
21751 SingleUnitSassNumber__coerceToUnit_closure0: function SingleUnitSassNumber__coerceToUnit_closure0(t0, t1) {
21752 this.$this = t0;
21753 this.unit = t1;
21754 },
21755 SingleUnitSassNumber__coerceValueToUnit_closure0: function SingleUnitSassNumber__coerceValueToUnit_closure0(t0) {
21756 this.$this = t0;
21757 },
21758 SingleUnitSassNumber_multiplyUnits_closure1: function SingleUnitSassNumber_multiplyUnits_closure1(t0, t1) {
21759 this._box_0 = t0;
21760 this.$this = t1;
21761 },
21762 SingleUnitSassNumber_multiplyUnits_closure2: function SingleUnitSassNumber_multiplyUnits_closure2(t0, t1) {
21763 this._box_0 = t0;
21764 this.$this = t1;
21765 },
21766 SourceMapBuffer0: function SourceMapBuffer0(t0, t1) {
21767 var _ = this;
21768 _._source_map_buffer0$_buffer = t0;
21769 _._source_map_buffer0$_entries = t1;
21770 _._source_map_buffer0$_column = _._source_map_buffer0$_line = 0;
21771 _._source_map_buffer0$_inSpan = false;
21772 },
21773 SourceMapBuffer_buildSourceMap_closure0: function SourceMapBuffer_buildSourceMap_closure0(t0, t1) {
21774 this._box_0 = t0;
21775 this.prefixLength = t1;
21776 },
21777 updateSourceSpanPrototype() {
21778 var span = A.SourceFile$fromString("", null).span$1(0, 0),
21779 t1 = type$.JSClass,
21780 t2 = t1._as(span.constructor),
21781 t3 = type$.String,
21782 t4 = type$.Function;
21783 A.LinkedHashMap_LinkedHashMap$_literal(["start", new A.updateSourceSpanPrototype_closure(), "end", new A.updateSourceSpanPrototype_closure0(), "url", new A.updateSourceSpanPrototype_closure1(), "text", new A.updateSourceSpanPrototype_closure2(), "context", new A.updateSourceSpanPrototype_closure3()], t3, t4).forEach$1(0, A.JSClassExtension_get_defineGetter(t2));
21784 t1 = t1._as(A.FileLocation$_(span.file, span._file$_start).constructor);
21785 A.LinkedHashMap_LinkedHashMap$_literal(["line", new A.updateSourceSpanPrototype_closure4(), "column", new A.updateSourceSpanPrototype_closure5()], t3, t4).forEach$1(0, A.JSClassExtension_get_defineGetter(t1));
21786 },
21787 updateSourceSpanPrototype_closure: function updateSourceSpanPrototype_closure() {
21788 },
21789 updateSourceSpanPrototype_closure0: function updateSourceSpanPrototype_closure0() {
21790 },
21791 updateSourceSpanPrototype_closure1: function updateSourceSpanPrototype_closure1() {
21792 },
21793 updateSourceSpanPrototype_closure2: function updateSourceSpanPrototype_closure2() {
21794 },
21795 updateSourceSpanPrototype_closure3: function updateSourceSpanPrototype_closure3() {
21796 },
21797 updateSourceSpanPrototype_closure4: function updateSourceSpanPrototype_closure4() {
21798 },
21799 updateSourceSpanPrototype_closure5: function updateSourceSpanPrototype_closure5() {
21800 },
21801 _IterableExtension__search0(_this, callback) {
21802 var t1, value;
21803 for (t1 = J.get$iterator$ax(_this); t1.moveNext$0();) {
21804 value = callback.call$1(t1.get$current(t1));
21805 if (value != null)
21806 return value;
21807 }
21808 },
21809 StatementSearchVisitor0: function StatementSearchVisitor0() {
21810 },
21811 StatementSearchVisitor_visitIfRule_closure1: function StatementSearchVisitor_visitIfRule_closure1(t0) {
21812 this.$this = t0;
21813 },
21814 StatementSearchVisitor_visitIfRule__closure2: function StatementSearchVisitor_visitIfRule__closure2(t0) {
21815 this.$this = t0;
21816 },
21817 StatementSearchVisitor_visitIfRule_closure2: function StatementSearchVisitor_visitIfRule_closure2(t0) {
21818 this.$this = t0;
21819 },
21820 StatementSearchVisitor_visitIfRule__closure1: function StatementSearchVisitor_visitIfRule__closure1(t0) {
21821 this.$this = t0;
21822 },
21823 StatementSearchVisitor_visitChildren_closure0: function StatementSearchVisitor_visitChildren_closure0(t0) {
21824 this.$this = t0;
21825 },
21826 StaticImport0: function StaticImport0(t0, t1, t2, t3) {
21827 var _ = this;
21828 _.url = t0;
21829 _.supports = t1;
21830 _.media = t2;
21831 _.span = t3;
21832 },
21833 StderrLogger0: function StderrLogger0(t0) {
21834 this.color = t0;
21835 },
21836 StringExpression_quoteText0(text) {
21837 var t1,
21838 quote = A.StringExpression__bestQuote0(A._setArrayType([text], type$.JSArray_String)),
21839 buffer = new A.StringBuffer("");
21840 buffer._contents = "" + A.Primitives_stringFromCharCode(quote);
21841 A.StringExpression__quoteInnerText0(text, quote, buffer, true);
21842 t1 = buffer._contents += A.Primitives_stringFromCharCode(quote);
21843 return t1.charCodeAt(0) == 0 ? t1 : t1;
21844 },
21845 StringExpression__quoteInnerText0(text, quote, buffer, $static) {
21846 var t1, t2, i, codeUnit, next, t3;
21847 for (t1 = text.length, t2 = t1 - 1, i = 0; i < t1; ++i) {
21848 codeUnit = B.JSString_methods._codeUnitAt$1(text, i);
21849 if (codeUnit === 10 || codeUnit === 13 || codeUnit === 12) {
21850 buffer.writeCharCode$1(92);
21851 buffer.writeCharCode$1(97);
21852 if (i !== t2) {
21853 next = B.JSString_methods._codeUnitAt$1(text, i + 1);
21854 if (next === 32 || next === 9 || next === 10 || next === 13 || next === 12 || A.isHex0(next))
21855 buffer.writeCharCode$1(32);
21856 }
21857 } else {
21858 if (codeUnit !== quote)
21859 if (codeUnit !== 92)
21860 t3 = $static && codeUnit === 35 && i < t2 && B.JSString_methods._codeUnitAt$1(text, i + 1) === 123;
21861 else
21862 t3 = true;
21863 else
21864 t3 = true;
21865 if (t3)
21866 buffer.writeCharCode$1(92);
21867 buffer.writeCharCode$1(codeUnit);
21868 }
21869 }
21870 },
21871 StringExpression__bestQuote0(strings) {
21872 var t1, containsDoubleQuote, t2, t3, i, codeUnit;
21873 for (t1 = J.get$iterator$ax(strings), containsDoubleQuote = false; t1.moveNext$0();) {
21874 t2 = t1.get$current(t1);
21875 for (t3 = t2.length, i = 0; i < t3; ++i) {
21876 codeUnit = B.JSString_methods._codeUnitAt$1(t2, i);
21877 if (codeUnit === 39)
21878 return 34;
21879 if (codeUnit === 34)
21880 containsDoubleQuote = true;
21881 }
21882 }
21883 return containsDoubleQuote ? 39 : 34;
21884 },
21885 StringExpression0: function StringExpression0(t0, t1) {
21886 this.text = t0;
21887 this.hasQuotes = t1;
21888 },
21889 _codepointForIndex0(index, lengthInCodepoints, allowNegative) {
21890 var result;
21891 if (index === 0)
21892 return 0;
21893 if (index > 0)
21894 return Math.min(index - 1, lengthInCodepoints);
21895 result = lengthInCodepoints + index;
21896 if (result < 0 && !allowNegative)
21897 return 0;
21898 return result;
21899 },
21900 _function6($name, $arguments, callback) {
21901 return A.BuiltInCallable$function0($name, $arguments, callback, "sass:string");
21902 },
21903 _unquote_closure0: function _unquote_closure0() {
21904 },
21905 _quote_closure0: function _quote_closure0() {
21906 },
21907 _length_closure1: function _length_closure1() {
21908 },
21909 _insert_closure0: function _insert_closure0() {
21910 },
21911 _index_closure1: function _index_closure1() {
21912 },
21913 _slice_closure0: function _slice_closure0() {
21914 },
21915 _toUpperCase_closure0: function _toUpperCase_closure0() {
21916 },
21917 _toLowerCase_closure0: function _toLowerCase_closure0() {
21918 },
21919 _uniqueId_closure0: function _uniqueId_closure0() {
21920 },
21921 _NodeSassString: function _NodeSassString() {
21922 },
21923 legacyStringClass_closure: function legacyStringClass_closure() {
21924 },
21925 legacyStringClass_closure0: function legacyStringClass_closure0() {
21926 },
21927 legacyStringClass_closure1: function legacyStringClass_closure1() {
21928 },
21929 stringClass_closure: function stringClass_closure() {
21930 },
21931 stringClass__closure: function stringClass__closure() {
21932 },
21933 stringClass__closure0: function stringClass__closure0() {
21934 },
21935 stringClass__closure1: function stringClass__closure1() {
21936 },
21937 stringClass__closure2: function stringClass__closure2() {
21938 },
21939 stringClass__closure3: function stringClass__closure3() {
21940 },
21941 _ConstructorOptions1: function _ConstructorOptions1() {
21942 },
21943 SassString$0(_text, quotes) {
21944 return new A.SassString0(_text, quotes);
21945 },
21946 SassString0: function SassString0(t0, t1) {
21947 var _ = this;
21948 _._string0$_text = t0;
21949 _._string0$_hasQuotes = t1;
21950 _._string0$__SassString__sassLength = $;
21951 _._string0$_hashCache = null;
21952 },
21953 ModifiableCssStyleRule$0(selector, span, originalSelector) {
21954 var t1 = A._setArrayType([], type$.JSArray_ModifiableCssNode_2);
21955 return new A.ModifiableCssStyleRule0(selector, originalSelector, span, new A.UnmodifiableListView(t1, type$.UnmodifiableListView_ModifiableCssNode_2), t1);
21956 },
21957 ModifiableCssStyleRule0: function ModifiableCssStyleRule0(t0, t1, t2, t3, t4) {
21958 var _ = this;
21959 _.selector = t0;
21960 _.originalSelector = t1;
21961 _.span = t2;
21962 _.children = t3;
21963 _._node1$_children = t4;
21964 _._node1$_indexInParent = _._node1$_parent = null;
21965 _.isGroupEnd = false;
21966 },
21967 StyleRule$0(selector, children, span) {
21968 var t1 = A.List_List$unmodifiable(children, type$.Statement_2),
21969 t2 = B.JSArray_methods.any$1(t1, new A.ParentStatement_closure0());
21970 return new A.StyleRule0(selector, span, t1, t2);
21971 },
21972 StyleRule0: function StyleRule0(t0, t1, t2, t3) {
21973 var _ = this;
21974 _.selector = t0;
21975 _.span = t1;
21976 _.children = t2;
21977 _.hasDeclarations = t3;
21978 },
21979 CssStylesheet0: function CssStylesheet0(t0, t1) {
21980 this.children = t0;
21981 this.span = t1;
21982 },
21983 ModifiableCssStylesheet$0(span) {
21984 var t1 = A._setArrayType([], type$.JSArray_ModifiableCssNode_2);
21985 return new A.ModifiableCssStylesheet0(span, new A.UnmodifiableListView(t1, type$.UnmodifiableListView_ModifiableCssNode_2), t1);
21986 },
21987 ModifiableCssStylesheet0: function ModifiableCssStylesheet0(t0, t1, t2) {
21988 var _ = this;
21989 _.span = t0;
21990 _.children = t1;
21991 _._node1$_children = t2;
21992 _._node1$_indexInParent = _._node1$_parent = null;
21993 _.isGroupEnd = false;
21994 },
21995 StylesheetParser0: function StylesheetParser0() {
21996 },
21997 StylesheetParser_parse_closure0: function StylesheetParser_parse_closure0(t0) {
21998 this.$this = t0;
21999 },
22000 StylesheetParser_parse__closure1: function StylesheetParser_parse__closure1(t0) {
22001 this.$this = t0;
22002 },
22003 StylesheetParser_parse__closure2: function StylesheetParser_parse__closure2() {
22004 },
22005 StylesheetParser_parseArgumentDeclaration_closure0: function StylesheetParser_parseArgumentDeclaration_closure0(t0) {
22006 this.$this = t0;
22007 },
22008 StylesheetParser__parseSingleProduction_closure0: function StylesheetParser__parseSingleProduction_closure0(t0, t1, t2) {
22009 this.$this = t0;
22010 this.production = t1;
22011 this.T = t2;
22012 },
22013 StylesheetParser_parseSignature_closure: function StylesheetParser_parseSignature_closure(t0, t1) {
22014 this.$this = t0;
22015 this.requireParens = t1;
22016 },
22017 StylesheetParser__statement_closure0: function StylesheetParser__statement_closure0(t0) {
22018 this.$this = t0;
22019 },
22020 StylesheetParser_variableDeclarationWithoutNamespace_closure1: function StylesheetParser_variableDeclarationWithoutNamespace_closure1(t0, t1) {
22021 this.$this = t0;
22022 this.start = t1;
22023 },
22024 StylesheetParser_variableDeclarationWithoutNamespace_closure2: function StylesheetParser_variableDeclarationWithoutNamespace_closure2(t0) {
22025 this.declaration = t0;
22026 },
22027 StylesheetParser__declarationOrBuffer_closure1: function StylesheetParser__declarationOrBuffer_closure1(t0) {
22028 this.name = t0;
22029 },
22030 StylesheetParser__declarationOrBuffer_closure2: function StylesheetParser__declarationOrBuffer_closure2(t0, t1) {
22031 this._box_0 = t0;
22032 this.name = t1;
22033 },
22034 StylesheetParser__styleRule_closure0: function StylesheetParser__styleRule_closure0(t0, t1, t2, t3) {
22035 var _ = this;
22036 _._box_0 = t0;
22037 _.$this = t1;
22038 _.wasInStyleRule = t2;
22039 _.start = t3;
22040 },
22041 StylesheetParser__propertyOrVariableDeclaration_closure1: function StylesheetParser__propertyOrVariableDeclaration_closure1(t0) {
22042 this._box_0 = t0;
22043 },
22044 StylesheetParser__propertyOrVariableDeclaration_closure2: function StylesheetParser__propertyOrVariableDeclaration_closure2(t0, t1) {
22045 this._box_0 = t0;
22046 this.value = t1;
22047 },
22048 StylesheetParser__atRootRule_closure1: function StylesheetParser__atRootRule_closure1(t0) {
22049 this.query = t0;
22050 },
22051 StylesheetParser__atRootRule_closure2: function StylesheetParser__atRootRule_closure2() {
22052 },
22053 StylesheetParser__eachRule_closure0: function StylesheetParser__eachRule_closure0(t0, t1, t2, t3) {
22054 var _ = this;
22055 _.$this = t0;
22056 _.wasInControlDirective = t1;
22057 _.variables = t2;
22058 _.list = t3;
22059 },
22060 StylesheetParser__functionRule_closure0: function StylesheetParser__functionRule_closure0(t0, t1, t2) {
22061 this.name = t0;
22062 this.$arguments = t1;
22063 this.precedingComment = t2;
22064 },
22065 StylesheetParser__forRule_closure1: function StylesheetParser__forRule_closure1(t0, t1) {
22066 this._box_0 = t0;
22067 this.$this = t1;
22068 },
22069 StylesheetParser__forRule_closure2: function StylesheetParser__forRule_closure2(t0, t1, t2, t3, t4, t5) {
22070 var _ = this;
22071 _._box_0 = t0;
22072 _.$this = t1;
22073 _.wasInControlDirective = t2;
22074 _.variable = t3;
22075 _.from = t4;
22076 _.to = t5;
22077 },
22078 StylesheetParser__memberList_closure0: function StylesheetParser__memberList_closure0(t0, t1, t2) {
22079 this.$this = t0;
22080 this.variables = t1;
22081 this.identifiers = t2;
22082 },
22083 StylesheetParser__includeRule_closure0: function StylesheetParser__includeRule_closure0(t0) {
22084 this.contentArguments_ = t0;
22085 },
22086 StylesheetParser_mediaRule_closure0: function StylesheetParser_mediaRule_closure0(t0) {
22087 this.query = t0;
22088 },
22089 StylesheetParser__mixinRule_closure0: function StylesheetParser__mixinRule_closure0(t0, t1, t2, t3) {
22090 var _ = this;
22091 _.$this = t0;
22092 _.name = t1;
22093 _.$arguments = t2;
22094 _.precedingComment = t3;
22095 },
22096 StylesheetParser_mozDocumentRule_closure0: function StylesheetParser_mozDocumentRule_closure0(t0, t1, t2, t3) {
22097 var _ = this;
22098 _._box_0 = t0;
22099 _.$this = t1;
22100 _.name = t2;
22101 _.value = t3;
22102 },
22103 StylesheetParser_supportsRule_closure0: function StylesheetParser_supportsRule_closure0(t0) {
22104 this.condition = t0;
22105 },
22106 StylesheetParser__whileRule_closure0: function StylesheetParser__whileRule_closure0(t0, t1, t2) {
22107 this.$this = t0;
22108 this.wasInControlDirective = t1;
22109 this.condition = t2;
22110 },
22111 StylesheetParser_unknownAtRule_closure0: function StylesheetParser_unknownAtRule_closure0(t0, t1) {
22112 this._box_0 = t0;
22113 this.name = t1;
22114 },
22115 StylesheetParser_expression_resetState0: function StylesheetParser_expression_resetState0(t0, t1, t2) {
22116 this._box_0 = t0;
22117 this.$this = t1;
22118 this.start = t2;
22119 },
22120 StylesheetParser_expression_resolveOneOperation0: function StylesheetParser_expression_resolveOneOperation0(t0, t1) {
22121 this._box_0 = t0;
22122 this.$this = t1;
22123 },
22124 StylesheetParser_expression_resolveOperations0: function StylesheetParser_expression_resolveOperations0(t0, t1) {
22125 this._box_0 = t0;
22126 this.resolveOneOperation = t1;
22127 },
22128 StylesheetParser_expression_addSingleExpression0: function StylesheetParser_expression_addSingleExpression0(t0, t1, t2, t3) {
22129 var _ = this;
22130 _._box_0 = t0;
22131 _.$this = t1;
22132 _.resetState = t2;
22133 _.resolveOperations = t3;
22134 },
22135 StylesheetParser_expression_addOperator0: function StylesheetParser_expression_addOperator0(t0, t1, t2) {
22136 this._box_0 = t0;
22137 this.$this = t1;
22138 this.resolveOneOperation = t2;
22139 },
22140 StylesheetParser_expression_resolveSpaceExpressions0: function StylesheetParser_expression_resolveSpaceExpressions0(t0, t1, t2) {
22141 this._box_0 = t0;
22142 this.$this = t1;
22143 this.resolveOperations = t2;
22144 },
22145 StylesheetParser__expressionUntilComma_closure0: function StylesheetParser__expressionUntilComma_closure0(t0) {
22146 this.$this = t0;
22147 },
22148 StylesheetParser__unicodeRange_closure1: function StylesheetParser__unicodeRange_closure1() {
22149 },
22150 StylesheetParser__unicodeRange_closure2: function StylesheetParser__unicodeRange_closure2() {
22151 },
22152 StylesheetParser_namespacedExpression_closure0: function StylesheetParser_namespacedExpression_closure0(t0, t1) {
22153 this.$this = t0;
22154 this.start = t1;
22155 },
22156 StylesheetParser_trySpecialFunction_closure0: function StylesheetParser_trySpecialFunction_closure0() {
22157 },
22158 StylesheetParser__expressionUntilComparison_closure0: function StylesheetParser__expressionUntilComparison_closure0(t0) {
22159 this.$this = t0;
22160 },
22161 StylesheetParser__publicIdentifier_closure0: function StylesheetParser__publicIdentifier_closure0(t0, t1) {
22162 this.$this = t0;
22163 this.start = t1;
22164 },
22165 Stylesheet$internal0(children, span, plainCss) {
22166 var t1 = A._setArrayType([], type$.JSArray_UseRule_2),
22167 t2 = A._setArrayType([], type$.JSArray_ForwardRule_2),
22168 t3 = A.List_List$unmodifiable(children, type$.Statement_2),
22169 t4 = B.JSArray_methods.any$1(t3, new A.ParentStatement_closure0());
22170 t1 = new A.Stylesheet0(span, plainCss, t1, t2, t3, t4);
22171 t1.Stylesheet$internal$3$plainCss0(children, span, plainCss);
22172 return t1;
22173 },
22174 Stylesheet_Stylesheet$parse0(contents, syntax, logger, url) {
22175 var t1, t2;
22176 switch (syntax) {
22177 case B.Syntax_Sass0:
22178 t1 = A.SpanScanner$(contents, url);
22179 t2 = logger == null ? B.StderrLogger_false0 : logger;
22180 return new A.SassParser0(A.LinkedHashMap_LinkedHashMap$_empty(type$.String, type$.VariableDeclaration_2), t1, t2).parse$0();
22181 case B.Syntax_SCSS0:
22182 return A.ScssParser$0(contents, logger, url).parse$0();
22183 case B.Syntax_CSS0:
22184 t1 = A.SpanScanner$(contents, url);
22185 t2 = logger == null ? B.StderrLogger_false0 : logger;
22186 return new A.CssParser0(A.LinkedHashMap_LinkedHashMap$_empty(type$.String, type$.VariableDeclaration_2), t1, t2).parse$0();
22187 default:
22188 throw A.wrapException(A.ArgumentError$("Unknown syntax " + syntax.toString$0(0) + ".", null));
22189 }
22190 },
22191 Stylesheet0: function Stylesheet0(t0, t1, t2, t3, t4, t5) {
22192 var _ = this;
22193 _.span = t0;
22194 _.plainCss = t1;
22195 _._stylesheet1$_uses = t2;
22196 _._stylesheet1$_forwards = t3;
22197 _.children = t4;
22198 _.hasDeclarations = t5;
22199 },
22200 ModifiableCssSupportsRule$0(condition, span) {
22201 var t1 = A._setArrayType([], type$.JSArray_ModifiableCssNode_2);
22202 return new A.ModifiableCssSupportsRule0(condition, span, new A.UnmodifiableListView(t1, type$.UnmodifiableListView_ModifiableCssNode_2), t1);
22203 },
22204 ModifiableCssSupportsRule0: function ModifiableCssSupportsRule0(t0, t1, t2, t3) {
22205 var _ = this;
22206 _.condition = t0;
22207 _.span = t1;
22208 _.children = t2;
22209 _._node1$_children = t3;
22210 _._node1$_indexInParent = _._node1$_parent = null;
22211 _.isGroupEnd = false;
22212 },
22213 SupportsRule$0(condition, children, span) {
22214 var t1 = A.List_List$unmodifiable(children, type$.Statement_2),
22215 t2 = B.JSArray_methods.any$1(t1, new A.ParentStatement_closure0());
22216 return new A.SupportsRule0(condition, span, t1, t2);
22217 },
22218 SupportsRule0: function SupportsRule0(t0, t1, t2, t3) {
22219 var _ = this;
22220 _.condition = t0;
22221 _.span = t1;
22222 _.children = t2;
22223 _.hasDeclarations = t3;
22224 },
22225 NodeToDartImporter: function NodeToDartImporter(t0, t1) {
22226 this._sync$_canonicalize = t0;
22227 this._sync$_load = t1;
22228 },
22229 Syntax_forPath0(path) {
22230 switch (A.ParsedPath_ParsedPath$parse(path, $.$get$context().style)._splitExtension$1(1)[1]) {
22231 case ".sass":
22232 return B.Syntax_Sass0;
22233 case ".css":
22234 return B.Syntax_CSS0;
22235 default:
22236 return B.Syntax_SCSS0;
22237 }
22238 },
22239 Syntax0: function Syntax0(t0) {
22240 this._syntax0$_name = t0;
22241 },
22242 TerseLogger0: function TerseLogger0(t0, t1) {
22243 this._terse$_warningCounts = t0;
22244 this._terse$_inner = t1;
22245 },
22246 TerseLogger_summarize_closure1: function TerseLogger_summarize_closure1() {
22247 },
22248 TerseLogger_summarize_closure2: function TerseLogger_summarize_closure2() {
22249 },
22250 TypeSelector0: function TypeSelector0(t0) {
22251 this.name = t0;
22252 },
22253 Types: function Types() {
22254 },
22255 UnaryOperationExpression0: function UnaryOperationExpression0(t0, t1, t2) {
22256 this.operator = t0;
22257 this.operand = t1;
22258 this.span = t2;
22259 },
22260 UnaryOperator0: function UnaryOperator0(t0, t1) {
22261 this.name = t0;
22262 this.operator = t1;
22263 },
22264 UnitlessSassNumber0: function UnitlessSassNumber0(t0, t1) {
22265 this._number1$_value = t0;
22266 this.hashCache = null;
22267 this.asSlash = t1;
22268 },
22269 UniversalSelector0: function UniversalSelector0(t0) {
22270 this.namespace = t0;
22271 },
22272 UnprefixedMapView0: function UnprefixedMapView0(t0, t1, t2) {
22273 this._unprefixed_map_view0$_map = t0;
22274 this._unprefixed_map_view0$_prefix = t1;
22275 this.$ti = t2;
22276 },
22277 _UnprefixedKeys0: function _UnprefixedKeys0(t0) {
22278 this._unprefixed_map_view0$_view = t0;
22279 },
22280 _UnprefixedKeys_iterator_closure1: function _UnprefixedKeys_iterator_closure1(t0) {
22281 this.$this = t0;
22282 },
22283 _UnprefixedKeys_iterator_closure2: function _UnprefixedKeys_iterator_closure2(t0) {
22284 this.$this = t0;
22285 },
22286 JSUrl0: function JSUrl0() {
22287 },
22288 UseRule0: function UseRule0(t0, t1, t2, t3) {
22289 var _ = this;
22290 _.url = t0;
22291 _.namespace = t1;
22292 _.configuration = t2;
22293 _.span = t3;
22294 },
22295 UserDefinedCallable0: function UserDefinedCallable0(t0, t1, t2) {
22296 this.declaration = t0;
22297 this.environment = t1;
22298 this.$ti = t2;
22299 },
22300 fromImport0() {
22301 var t1 = A._asBoolQ($.Zone__current.$index(0, B.Symbol__inImportRule));
22302 return t1 === true;
22303 },
22304 resolveImportPath0(path) {
22305 var t1,
22306 extension = A.ParsedPath_ParsedPath$parse(path, $.$get$context().style)._splitExtension$1(1)[1];
22307 if (extension === ".sass" || extension === ".scss" || extension === ".css") {
22308 t1 = A.fromImport0() ? new A.resolveImportPath_closure1(path, extension).call$0() : null;
22309 return t1 == null ? A._exactlyOne0(A._tryPath0(path)) : t1;
22310 }
22311 t1 = A.fromImport0() ? new A.resolveImportPath_closure2(path).call$0() : null;
22312 if (t1 == null)
22313 t1 = A._exactlyOne0(A._tryPathWithExtensions0(path));
22314 return t1 == null ? A._tryPathAsDirectory0(path) : t1;
22315 },
22316 _tryPathWithExtensions0(path) {
22317 var result = A._tryPath0(path + ".sass");
22318 B.JSArray_methods.addAll$1(result, A._tryPath0(path + ".scss"));
22319 return result.length !== 0 ? result : A._tryPath0(path + ".css");
22320 },
22321 _tryPath0(path) {
22322 var t1 = $.$get$context(),
22323 partial = A.join(t1.dirname$1(path), "_" + A.ParsedPath_ParsedPath$parse(path, t1.style).get$basename(), null);
22324 t1 = A._setArrayType([], type$.JSArray_String);
22325 if (A.fileExists0(partial))
22326 t1.push(partial);
22327 if (A.fileExists0(path))
22328 t1.push(path);
22329 return t1;
22330 },
22331 _tryPathAsDirectory0(path) {
22332 var t1;
22333 if (!A.dirExists0(path))
22334 return null;
22335 t1 = A.fromImport0() ? new A._tryPathAsDirectory_closure0(path).call$0() : null;
22336 return t1 == null ? A._exactlyOne0(A._tryPathWithExtensions0(A.join(path, "index", null))) : t1;
22337 },
22338 _exactlyOne0(paths) {
22339 var t1 = paths.length;
22340 if (t1 === 0)
22341 return null;
22342 if (t1 === 1)
22343 return B.JSArray_methods.get$first(paths);
22344 throw A.wrapException(string$.It_s_n + B.JSArray_methods.map$1$1(paths, new A._exactlyOne_closure0(), type$.String).join$1(0, "\n"));
22345 },
22346 resolveImportPath_closure1: function resolveImportPath_closure1(t0, t1) {
22347 this.path = t0;
22348 this.extension = t1;
22349 },
22350 resolveImportPath_closure2: function resolveImportPath_closure2(t0) {
22351 this.path = t0;
22352 },
22353 _tryPathAsDirectory_closure0: function _tryPathAsDirectory_closure0(t0) {
22354 this.path = t0;
22355 },
22356 _exactlyOne_closure0: function _exactlyOne_closure0() {
22357 },
22358 jsThrow(error) {
22359 return type$.Never._as($.$get$_jsThrow().call$1(error));
22360 },
22361 attachJsStack(error, trace) {
22362 var traceString = trace.toString$0(0),
22363 firstRealLine = B.JSString_methods.indexOf$1(traceString, "\n at");
22364 if (firstRealLine !== -1)
22365 traceString = B.JSString_methods.substring$1(traceString, firstRealLine + 1);
22366 error.stack = "Error: " + A.S(J.get$message$x(error)) + "\n" + traceString;
22367 },
22368 jsForEach(object, callback) {
22369 var t1, t2;
22370 for (t1 = J.get$iterator$ax(self.Object.keys(object)); t1.moveNext$0();) {
22371 t2 = t1.get$current(t1);
22372 callback.call$2(t2, object[t2]);
22373 }
22374 },
22375 defineGetter(object, $name, get, value) {
22376 self.Object.defineProperty(object, $name, get == null ? {value: value, enumerable: false} : {get: A.allowInteropCaptureThis(get), enumerable: false});
22377 },
22378 allowInteropNamed($name, $function) {
22379 $function = A.allowInterop($function);
22380 A.defineGetter($function, "name", null, $name);
22381 A._hideDartProperties($function);
22382 return $function;
22383 },
22384 allowInteropCaptureThisNamed($name, $function) {
22385 $function = A.allowInteropCaptureThis($function);
22386 A.defineGetter($function, "name", null, $name);
22387 A._hideDartProperties($function);
22388 return $function;
22389 },
22390 _hideDartProperties(object) {
22391 var t1, t2, t3, t4;
22392 for (t1 = J.cast$1$0$ax(self.Object.getOwnPropertyNames(object), type$.String), t1 = new A.ListIterator(t1, t1.get$length(t1)), t2 = A._instanceType(t1)._precomputed1; t1.moveNext$0();) {
22393 t3 = t2._as(t1.__internal$_current);
22394 if (B.JSString_methods.startsWith$1(t3, "_")) {
22395 t4 = {value: object[t3], enumerable: false};
22396 self.Object.defineProperty(object, t3, t4);
22397 }
22398 }
22399 },
22400 futureToPromise0(future) {
22401 return new self.Promise(A.allowInterop(new A.futureToPromise_closure0(future)));
22402 },
22403 jsToDartUrl(url) {
22404 return A.Uri_parse(J.toString$0$(url));
22405 },
22406 dartToJSUrl(url) {
22407 return new self.URL(url.toString$0(0));
22408 },
22409 toJSArray(iterable) {
22410 var t1, t2,
22411 array = new self.Array();
22412 for (t1 = J.get$iterator$ax(iterable), t2 = J.getInterceptor$x(array); t1.moveNext$0();)
22413 t2.push$1(array, t1.get$current(t1));
22414 return array;
22415 },
22416 objectToMap(object) {
22417 var map = A.LinkedHashMap_LinkedHashMap$_empty(type$.String, type$.nullable_Object);
22418 A.jsForEach(object, new A.objectToMap_closure(map));
22419 return map;
22420 },
22421 jsToDartSeparator(separator) {
22422 switch (separator) {
22423 case " ":
22424 return B.ListSeparator_woc0;
22425 case ",":
22426 return B.ListSeparator_kWM0;
22427 case "/":
22428 return B.ListSeparator_1gm0;
22429 case null:
22430 return B.ListSeparator_undecided_null0;
22431 default:
22432 A.jsThrow(new self.Error('Unknown separator "' + A.S(separator) + '".'));
22433 }
22434 },
22435 parseSyntax(syntax) {
22436 if (syntax == null || syntax === "scss")
22437 return B.Syntax_SCSS0;
22438 if (syntax === "indented")
22439 return B.Syntax_Sass0;
22440 if (syntax === "css")
22441 return B.Syntax_CSS0;
22442 A.jsThrow(new self.Error('Unknown syntax "' + A.S(syntax) + '".'));
22443 },
22444 _PropertyDescriptor0: function _PropertyDescriptor0() {
22445 },
22446 futureToPromise_closure0: function futureToPromise_closure0(t0) {
22447 this.future = t0;
22448 },
22449 futureToPromise__closure0: function futureToPromise__closure0(t0) {
22450 this.resolve = t0;
22451 },
22452 futureToPromise__closure1: function futureToPromise__closure1(t0) {
22453 this.reject = t0;
22454 },
22455 objectToMap_closure: function objectToMap_closure(t0) {
22456 this.map = t0;
22457 },
22458 toSentence0(iter, conjunction) {
22459 var t1 = iter.__internal$_iterable,
22460 t2 = J.getInterceptor$asx(t1);
22461 if (t2.get$length(t1) === 1)
22462 return J.toString$0$(iter._f.call$1(t2.get$first(t1)));
22463 return A.TakeIterable_TakeIterable(iter, t2.get$length(t1) - 1, A._instanceType(iter)._eval$1("Iterable.E")).join$1(0, ", ") + (" " + conjunction + " " + A.S(iter._f.call$1(t2.get$last(t1))));
22464 },
22465 indent0(string, indentation) {
22466 return new A.MappedListIterable(A._setArrayType(string.split("\n"), type$.JSArray_String), new A.indent_closure0(indentation), type$.MappedListIterable_String_String).join$1(0, "\n");
22467 },
22468 pluralize0($name, number, plural) {
22469 if (number === 1)
22470 return $name;
22471 if (plural != null)
22472 return plural;
22473 return $name + "s";
22474 },
22475 trimAscii0(string, excludeEscape) {
22476 var t1,
22477 start = A._firstNonWhitespace0(string);
22478 if (start == null)
22479 t1 = "";
22480 else {
22481 t1 = A._lastNonWhitespace0(string, true);
22482 t1.toString;
22483 t1 = B.JSString_methods.substring$2(string, start, t1 + 1);
22484 }
22485 return t1;
22486 },
22487 trimAsciiRight0(string, excludeEscape) {
22488 var end = A._lastNonWhitespace0(string, excludeEscape);
22489 return end == null ? "" : B.JSString_methods.substring$2(string, 0, end + 1);
22490 },
22491 _firstNonWhitespace0(string) {
22492 var t1, i, t2;
22493 for (t1 = string.length, i = 0; i < t1; ++i) {
22494 t2 = B.JSString_methods._codeUnitAt$1(string, i);
22495 if (!(t2 === 32 || t2 === 9 || t2 === 10 || t2 === 13 || t2 === 12))
22496 return i;
22497 }
22498 return null;
22499 },
22500 _lastNonWhitespace0(string, excludeEscape) {
22501 var t1, i, codeUnit;
22502 for (t1 = string.length, i = t1 - 1; i >= 0; --i) {
22503 codeUnit = B.JSString_methods.codeUnitAt$1(string, i);
22504 if (!(codeUnit === 32 || codeUnit === 9 || codeUnit === 10 || codeUnit === 13 || codeUnit === 12))
22505 if (excludeEscape && i !== 0 && i !== t1 && codeUnit === 92)
22506 return i + 1;
22507 else
22508 return i;
22509 }
22510 return null;
22511 },
22512 isPublic0(member) {
22513 var start = B.JSString_methods._codeUnitAt$1(member, 0);
22514 return start !== 45 && start !== 95;
22515 },
22516 flattenVertically0(iterable, $T) {
22517 var result,
22518 t1 = iterable.$ti._eval$1("@<ListIterable.E>")._bind$1($T._eval$1("QueueList<0>"))._eval$1("MappedListIterable<1,2>"),
22519 queues = A.List_List$of(new A.MappedListIterable(iterable, new A.flattenVertically_closure1($T), t1), true, t1._eval$1("ListIterable.E"));
22520 if (queues.length === 1)
22521 return B.JSArray_methods.get$first(queues);
22522 result = A._setArrayType([], $T._eval$1("JSArray<0>"));
22523 for (; queues.length !== 0;) {
22524 if (!!queues.fixed$length)
22525 A.throwExpression(A.UnsupportedError$("removeWhere"));
22526 B.JSArray_methods._removeWhere$2(queues, new A.flattenVertically_closure2(result, $T), true);
22527 }
22528 return result;
22529 },
22530 firstOrNull0(iterable) {
22531 var iterator = J.get$iterator$ax(iterable);
22532 return iterator.moveNext$0() ? iterator.get$current(iterator) : null;
22533 },
22534 codepointIndexToCodeUnitIndex0(string, codepointIndex) {
22535 var codeUnitIndex, i, codeUnitIndex0;
22536 for (codeUnitIndex = 0, i = 0; i < codepointIndex; ++i) {
22537 codeUnitIndex0 = codeUnitIndex + 1;
22538 codeUnitIndex = B.JSString_methods._codeUnitAt$1(string, codeUnitIndex) >>> 10 === 54 ? codeUnitIndex0 + 1 : codeUnitIndex0;
22539 }
22540 return codeUnitIndex;
22541 },
22542 codeUnitIndexToCodepointIndex0(string, codeUnitIndex) {
22543 var codepointIndex, i;
22544 for (codepointIndex = 0, i = 0; i < codeUnitIndex; i = (B.JSString_methods._codeUnitAt$1(string, i) >>> 10 === 54 ? i + 1 : i) + 1)
22545 ++codepointIndex;
22546 return codepointIndex;
22547 },
22548 frameForSpan0(span, member, url) {
22549 var t2, t3, t4,
22550 t1 = url == null ? span.file.url : url;
22551 if (t1 == null)
22552 t1 = $.$get$_noSourceUrl0();
22553 t2 = span.file;
22554 t3 = span._file$_start;
22555 t4 = A.FileLocation$_(t2, t3);
22556 t4 = t4.file.getLine$1(t4.offset);
22557 t3 = A.FileLocation$_(t2, t3);
22558 return new A.Frame(t1, t4 + 1, t3.file.getColumn$1(t3.offset) + 1, member);
22559 },
22560 declarationName0(span) {
22561 var text = A.String_String$fromCharCodes(B.NativeUint32List_methods.sublist$2(span.file._decodedChars, span._file$_start, span._end), 0, null);
22562 return A.trimAsciiRight0(B.JSString_methods.substring$2(text, 0, B.JSString_methods.indexOf$1(text, ":")), false);
22563 },
22564 unvendor0($name) {
22565 var i,
22566 t1 = $name.length;
22567 if (t1 < 2)
22568 return $name;
22569 if (B.JSString_methods._codeUnitAt$1($name, 0) !== 45)
22570 return $name;
22571 if (B.JSString_methods._codeUnitAt$1($name, 1) === 45)
22572 return $name;
22573 for (i = 2; i < t1; ++i)
22574 if (B.JSString_methods._codeUnitAt$1($name, i) === 45)
22575 return B.JSString_methods.substring$1($name, i + 1);
22576 return $name;
22577 },
22578 equalsIgnoreCase0(string1, string2) {
22579 var t1, i;
22580 if (string1 === string2)
22581 return true;
22582 if (string1 == null || false)
22583 return false;
22584 t1 = string1.length;
22585 if (t1 !== string2.length)
22586 return false;
22587 for (i = 0; i < t1; ++i)
22588 if (!A.characterEqualsIgnoreCase0(B.JSString_methods._codeUnitAt$1(string1, i), B.JSString_methods._codeUnitAt$1(string2, i)))
22589 return false;
22590 return true;
22591 },
22592 startsWithIgnoreCase0(string, prefix) {
22593 var i,
22594 t1 = prefix.length;
22595 if (string.length < t1)
22596 return false;
22597 for (i = 0; i < t1; ++i)
22598 if (!A.characterEqualsIgnoreCase0(B.JSString_methods._codeUnitAt$1(string, i), B.JSString_methods._codeUnitAt$1(prefix, i)))
22599 return false;
22600 return true;
22601 },
22602 mapInPlace0(list, $function) {
22603 var i;
22604 for (i = 0; i < list.length; ++i)
22605 list[i] = $function.call$1(list[i]);
22606 },
22607 longestCommonSubsequence0(list1, list2, select, $T) {
22608 var t1, _length, lengths, t2, t3, _i, selections, i, i0, j, selection, j0;
22609 if (select == null)
22610 select = new A.longestCommonSubsequence_closure0($T);
22611 t1 = J.getInterceptor$asx(list1);
22612 _length = t1.get$length(list1) + 1;
22613 lengths = J.JSArray_JSArray$allocateFixed(_length, type$.List_int);
22614 for (t2 = J.getInterceptor$asx(list2), t3 = type$.int, _i = 0; _i < _length; ++_i)
22615 lengths[_i] = A.List_List$filled(t2.get$length(list2) + 1, 0, false, t3);
22616 _length = t1.get$length(list1);
22617 selections = J.JSArray_JSArray$allocateFixed(_length, $T._eval$1("List<0?>"));
22618 for (t3 = $T._eval$1("0?"), _i = 0; _i < _length; ++_i)
22619 selections[_i] = A.List_List$filled(t2.get$length(list2), null, false, t3);
22620 for (i = 0; i < t1.get$length(list1); i = i0)
22621 for (i0 = i + 1, j = 0; j < t2.get$length(list2); j = j0) {
22622 selection = select.call$2(t1.$index(list1, i), t2.$index(list2, j));
22623 selections[i][j] = selection;
22624 t3 = lengths[i0];
22625 j0 = j + 1;
22626 t3[j0] = selection == null ? Math.max(t3[j], lengths[i][j0]) : lengths[i][j] + 1;
22627 }
22628 return new A.longestCommonSubsequence_backtrack0(selections, lengths, $T).call$2(t1.get$length(list1) - 1, t2.get$length(list2) - 1);
22629 },
22630 removeFirstWhere0(list, test, orElse) {
22631 var i;
22632 for (i = 0; i < list.length; ++i) {
22633 if (!test.call$1(list[i]))
22634 continue;
22635 B.JSArray_methods.removeAt$1(list, i);
22636 return;
22637 }
22638 orElse.call$0();
22639 },
22640 mapAddAll20(destination, source, K1, K2, $V) {
22641 source.forEach$1(0, new A.mapAddAll2_closure0(destination, K1, K2, $V));
22642 },
22643 setAll0(map, keys, value) {
22644 var t1;
22645 for (t1 = J.get$iterator$ax(keys); t1.moveNext$0();)
22646 map.$indexSet(0, t1.get$current(t1), value);
22647 },
22648 rotateSlice0(list, start, end) {
22649 var i, next,
22650 element = list.$index(0, end - 1);
22651 for (i = start; i < end; ++i, element = next) {
22652 next = list.$index(0, i);
22653 list.$indexSet(0, i, element);
22654 }
22655 },
22656 mapAsync0(iterable, callback, $E, $F) {
22657 return A.mapAsync$body0(iterable, callback, $E, $F, $F._eval$1("Iterable<0>"));
22658 },
22659 mapAsync$body0(iterable, callback, $E, $F, $async$type) {
22660 var $async$goto = 0,
22661 $async$completer = A._makeAsyncAwaitCompleter($async$type),
22662 $async$returnValue, t2, _i, t1, $async$temp1;
22663 var $async$mapAsync0 = A._wrapJsFunctionForAsync(function($async$errorCode, $async$result) {
22664 if ($async$errorCode === 1)
22665 return A._asyncRethrow($async$result, $async$completer);
22666 while (true)
22667 switch ($async$goto) {
22668 case 0:
22669 // Function start
22670 t1 = A._setArrayType([], $F._eval$1("JSArray<0>"));
22671 t2 = iterable.length, _i = 0;
22672 case 3:
22673 // for condition
22674 if (!(_i < t2)) {
22675 // goto after for
22676 $async$goto = 5;
22677 break;
22678 }
22679 $async$temp1 = t1;
22680 $async$goto = 6;
22681 return A._asyncAwait(callback.call$1(iterable[_i]), $async$mapAsync0);
22682 case 6:
22683 // returning from await.
22684 $async$temp1.push($async$result);
22685 case 4:
22686 // for update
22687 ++_i;
22688 // goto for condition
22689 $async$goto = 3;
22690 break;
22691 case 5:
22692 // after for
22693 $async$returnValue = t1;
22694 // goto return
22695 $async$goto = 1;
22696 break;
22697 case 1:
22698 // return
22699 return A._asyncReturn($async$returnValue, $async$completer);
22700 }
22701 });
22702 return A._asyncStartSync($async$mapAsync0, $async$completer);
22703 },
22704 putIfAbsentAsync0(map, key, ifAbsent, $K, $V) {
22705 return A.putIfAbsentAsync$body0(map, key, ifAbsent, $K, $V, $V);
22706 },
22707 putIfAbsentAsync$body0(map, key, ifAbsent, $K, $V, $async$type) {
22708 var $async$goto = 0,
22709 $async$completer = A._makeAsyncAwaitCompleter($async$type),
22710 $async$returnValue, value;
22711 var $async$putIfAbsentAsync0 = A._wrapJsFunctionForAsync(function($async$errorCode, $async$result) {
22712 if ($async$errorCode === 1)
22713 return A._asyncRethrow($async$result, $async$completer);
22714 while (true)
22715 switch ($async$goto) {
22716 case 0:
22717 // Function start
22718 if (map.containsKey$1(key)) {
22719 $async$returnValue = $V._as(map.$index(0, key));
22720 // goto return
22721 $async$goto = 1;
22722 break;
22723 }
22724 $async$goto = 3;
22725 return A._asyncAwait(ifAbsent.call$0(), $async$putIfAbsentAsync0);
22726 case 3:
22727 // returning from await.
22728 value = $async$result;
22729 map.$indexSet(0, key, value);
22730 $async$returnValue = value;
22731 // goto return
22732 $async$goto = 1;
22733 break;
22734 case 1:
22735 // return
22736 return A._asyncReturn($async$returnValue, $async$completer);
22737 }
22738 });
22739 return A._asyncStartSync($async$putIfAbsentAsync0, $async$completer);
22740 },
22741 copyMapOfMap0(map, K1, K2, $V) {
22742 var t2, t3, t4, t5,
22743 t1 = A.LinkedHashMap_LinkedHashMap$_empty(K1, K2._eval$1("@<0>")._bind$1($V)._eval$1("Map<1,2>"));
22744 for (t2 = map.get$entries(map), t2 = t2.get$iterator(t2); t2.moveNext$0();) {
22745 t3 = t2.get$current(t2);
22746 t4 = t3.key;
22747 t3 = t3.value;
22748 t5 = A.LinkedHashMap_LinkedHashMap(null, null, null, K2, $V);
22749 t5.addAll$1(0, t3);
22750 t1.$indexSet(0, t4, t5);
22751 }
22752 return t1;
22753 },
22754 copyMapOfList0(map, $K, $E) {
22755 var t2, t3,
22756 t1 = A.LinkedHashMap_LinkedHashMap$_empty($K, $E._eval$1("List<0>"));
22757 for (t2 = map.get$entries(map), t2 = t2.get$iterator(t2); t2.moveNext$0();) {
22758 t3 = t2.get$current(t2);
22759 t1.$indexSet(0, t3.key, J.toList$0$ax(t3.value));
22760 }
22761 return t1;
22762 },
22763 consumeEscapedCharacter0(scanner) {
22764 var first, value, i, next, t1;
22765 scanner.expectChar$1(92);
22766 first = scanner.peekChar$0();
22767 if (first == null)
22768 return 65533;
22769 else if (first === 10 || first === 13 || first === 12)
22770 scanner.error$1(0, "Expected escape sequence.");
22771 else if (A.isHex0(first)) {
22772 for (value = 0, i = 0; i < 6; ++i) {
22773 next = scanner.peekChar$0();
22774 if (next == null || !A.isHex0(next))
22775 break;
22776 value = (value << 4 >>> 0) + A.asHex0(scanner.readChar$0());
22777 }
22778 t1 = scanner.peekChar$0();
22779 if (t1 === 32 || t1 === 9 || t1 === 10 || t1 === 13 || t1 === 12)
22780 scanner.readChar$0();
22781 if (value !== 0)
22782 t1 = value >= 55296 && value <= 57343 || value >= 1114111;
22783 else
22784 t1 = true;
22785 if (t1)
22786 return 65533;
22787 else
22788 return value;
22789 } else
22790 return scanner.readChar$0();
22791 },
22792 throwWithTrace0(error, trace) {
22793 A.attachTrace0(error, trace);
22794 throw A.wrapException(error);
22795 },
22796 attachTrace0(error, trace) {
22797 var t1;
22798 if (typeof error == "string" || typeof error == "number" || A._isBool(error))
22799 return;
22800 if (trace.toString$0(0).length === 0)
22801 return;
22802 t1 = $.$get$_traces0();
22803 A.Expando__checkType(error);
22804 t1 = t1._jsWeakMap;
22805 if (t1.get(error) == null)
22806 t1.set(error, trace);
22807 },
22808 getTrace0(error) {
22809 var t1;
22810 if (typeof error == "string" || typeof error == "number" || A._isBool(error))
22811 t1 = null;
22812 else {
22813 t1 = $.$get$_traces0();
22814 A.Expando__checkType(error);
22815 t1 = t1._jsWeakMap.get(error);
22816 }
22817 return t1;
22818 },
22819 indent_closure0: function indent_closure0(t0) {
22820 this.indentation = t0;
22821 },
22822 flattenVertically_closure1: function flattenVertically_closure1(t0) {
22823 this.T = t0;
22824 },
22825 flattenVertically_closure2: function flattenVertically_closure2(t0, t1) {
22826 this.result = t0;
22827 this.T = t1;
22828 },
22829 longestCommonSubsequence_closure0: function longestCommonSubsequence_closure0(t0) {
22830 this.T = t0;
22831 },
22832 longestCommonSubsequence_backtrack0: function longestCommonSubsequence_backtrack0(t0, t1, t2) {
22833 this.selections = t0;
22834 this.lengths = t1;
22835 this.T = t2;
22836 },
22837 mapAddAll2_closure0: function mapAddAll2_closure0(t0, t1, t2, t3) {
22838 var _ = this;
22839 _.destination = t0;
22840 _.K1 = t1;
22841 _.K2 = t2;
22842 _.V = t3;
22843 },
22844 CssValue0: function CssValue0(t0, t1, t2) {
22845 this.value = t0;
22846 this.span = t1;
22847 this.$ti = t2;
22848 },
22849 ValueExpression0: function ValueExpression0(t0, t1) {
22850 this.value = t0;
22851 this.span = t1;
22852 },
22853 ModifiableCssValue0: function ModifiableCssValue0(t0, t1, t2) {
22854 this.value = t0;
22855 this.span = t1;
22856 this.$ti = t2;
22857 },
22858 valueClass_closure: function valueClass_closure() {
22859 },
22860 valueClass__closure: function valueClass__closure() {
22861 },
22862 valueClass__closure0: function valueClass__closure0() {
22863 },
22864 valueClass__closure1: function valueClass__closure1() {
22865 },
22866 valueClass__closure2: function valueClass__closure2() {
22867 },
22868 valueClass__closure3: function valueClass__closure3() {
22869 },
22870 valueClass__closure4: function valueClass__closure4() {
22871 },
22872 valueClass__closure5: function valueClass__closure5() {
22873 },
22874 valueClass__closure6: function valueClass__closure6() {
22875 },
22876 valueClass__closure7: function valueClass__closure7() {
22877 },
22878 valueClass__closure8: function valueClass__closure8() {
22879 },
22880 valueClass__closure9: function valueClass__closure9() {
22881 },
22882 valueClass__closure10: function valueClass__closure10() {
22883 },
22884 valueClass__closure11: function valueClass__closure11() {
22885 },
22886 valueClass__closure12: function valueClass__closure12() {
22887 },
22888 valueClass__closure13: function valueClass__closure13() {
22889 },
22890 valueClass__closure14: function valueClass__closure14() {
22891 },
22892 valueClass__closure15: function valueClass__closure15() {
22893 },
22894 valueClass__closure16: function valueClass__closure16() {
22895 },
22896 Value0: function Value0() {
22897 },
22898 VariableExpression0: function VariableExpression0(t0, t1, t2) {
22899 this.namespace = t0;
22900 this.name = t1;
22901 this.span = t2;
22902 },
22903 VariableDeclaration$0($name, expression, span, comment, global, guarded, namespace) {
22904 if (namespace != null && global)
22905 A.throwExpression(A.ArgumentError$(string$.Other_, null));
22906 return new A.VariableDeclaration0(namespace, $name, expression, guarded, global, span);
22907 },
22908 VariableDeclaration0: function VariableDeclaration0(t0, t1, t2, t3, t4, t5) {
22909 var _ = this;
22910 _.namespace = t0;
22911 _.name = t1;
22912 _.expression = t2;
22913 _.isGuarded = t3;
22914 _.isGlobal = t4;
22915 _.span = t5;
22916 },
22917 WarnRule0: function WarnRule0(t0, t1) {
22918 this.expression = t0;
22919 this.span = t1;
22920 },
22921 WhileRule$0(condition, children, span) {
22922 var t1 = A.List_List$unmodifiable(children, type$.Statement_2),
22923 t2 = B.JSArray_methods.any$1(t1, new A.ParentStatement_closure0());
22924 return new A.WhileRule0(condition, span, t1, t2);
22925 },
22926 WhileRule0: function WhileRule0(t0, t1, t2, t3) {
22927 var _ = this;
22928 _.condition = t0;
22929 _.span = t1;
22930 _.children = t2;
22931 _.hasDeclarations = t3;
22932 },
22933 printString(string) {
22934 if (typeof dartPrint == "function") {
22935 dartPrint(string);
22936 return;
22937 }
22938 if (typeof console == "object" && typeof console.log != "undefined") {
22939 console.log(string);
22940 return;
22941 }
22942 if (typeof window == "object")
22943 return;
22944 if (typeof print == "function") {
22945 print(string);
22946 return;
22947 }
22948 throw "Unable to print message: " + String(string);
22949 },
22950 _convertDartFunctionFast(f) {
22951 var ret,
22952 existing = f.$dart_jsFunction;
22953 if (existing != null)
22954 return existing;
22955 ret = function(_call, f) {
22956 return function() {
22957 return _call(f, Array.prototype.slice.apply(arguments));
22958 };
22959 }(A._callDartFunctionFast, f);
22960 ret[$.$get$DART_CLOSURE_PROPERTY_NAME()] = f;
22961 f.$dart_jsFunction = ret;
22962 return ret;
22963 },
22964 _convertDartFunctionFastCaptureThis(f) {
22965 var ret,
22966 existing = f._$dart_jsFunctionCaptureThis;
22967 if (existing != null)
22968 return existing;
22969 ret = function(_call, f) {
22970 return function() {
22971 return _call(f, this, Array.prototype.slice.apply(arguments));
22972 };
22973 }(A._callDartFunctionFastCaptureThis, f);
22974 ret[$.$get$DART_CLOSURE_PROPERTY_NAME()] = f;
22975 f._$dart_jsFunctionCaptureThis = ret;
22976 return ret;
22977 },
22978 _callDartFunctionFast(callback, $arguments) {
22979 return A.Function_apply(callback, $arguments);
22980 },
22981 _callDartFunctionFastCaptureThis(callback, $self, $arguments) {
22982 var t1 = [$self];
22983 B.JSArray_methods.addAll$1(t1, $arguments);
22984 return A.Function_apply(callback, t1);
22985 },
22986 allowInterop(f) {
22987 if (typeof f == "function")
22988 return f;
22989 else
22990 return A._convertDartFunctionFast(f);
22991 },
22992 allowInteropCaptureThis(f) {
22993 if (typeof f == "function")
22994 throw A.wrapException(A.ArgumentError$("Function is already a JS function so cannot capture this.", null));
22995 else
22996 return A._convertDartFunctionFastCaptureThis(f);
22997 },
22998 mergeMaps(map1, map2, $K, $V) {
22999 var result = A.LinkedHashMap_LinkedHashMap$of(map1, $K, $V);
23000 result.addAll$1(0, map2);
23001 return result;
23002 },
23003 groupBy(values, key, $S, $T) {
23004 var t1, t2, _i, element, t3, t4,
23005 map = A.LinkedHashMap_LinkedHashMap$_empty($T, $S._eval$1("List<0>"));
23006 for (t1 = values.length, t2 = $S._eval$1("JSArray<0>"), _i = 0; _i < values.length; values.length === t1 || (0, A.throwConcurrentModificationError)(values), ++_i) {
23007 element = values[_i];
23008 t3 = key.call$1(element);
23009 t4 = map.$index(0, t3);
23010 if (t4 == null) {
23011 t4 = A._setArrayType([], t2);
23012 map.$indexSet(0, t3, t4);
23013 t3 = t4;
23014 } else
23015 t3 = t4;
23016 J.add$1$ax(t3, element);
23017 }
23018 return map;
23019 },
23020 minBy(values, orderBy) {
23021 var t1, t2, minValue, minOrderBy, element, elementOrderBy;
23022 for (t1 = new A.MappedIterator(J.get$iterator$ax(values.__internal$_iterable), values._f), t2 = A._instanceType(t1)._rest[1], minValue = null, minOrderBy = null; t1.moveNext$0();) {
23023 element = t2._as(t1.__internal$_current);
23024 elementOrderBy = orderBy.call$1(element);
23025 if (minOrderBy == null || A.defaultCompare(elementOrderBy, minOrderBy) < 0) {
23026 minOrderBy = elementOrderBy;
23027 minValue = element;
23028 }
23029 }
23030 return minValue;
23031 },
23032 IterableNullableExtension_whereNotNull(_this, $T) {
23033 return A.IterableNullableExtension_whereNotNull$body(_this, $T, $T);
23034 },
23035 IterableNullableExtension_whereNotNull$body($async$_this, $async$$T, $async$type) {
23036 return A._makeSyncStarIterable(function() {
23037 var _this = $async$_this,
23038 $T = $async$$T;
23039 var $async$goto = 0, $async$handler = 1, $async$currentError, t1, element;
23040 return function $async$IterableNullableExtension_whereNotNull($async$errorCode, $async$result) {
23041 if ($async$errorCode === 1) {
23042 $async$currentError = $async$result;
23043 $async$goto = $async$handler;
23044 }
23045 while (true)
23046 switch ($async$goto) {
23047 case 0:
23048 // Function start
23049 t1 = _this.get$iterator(_this);
23050 case 2:
23051 // for condition
23052 if (!t1.moveNext$0()) {
23053 // goto after for
23054 $async$goto = 3;
23055 break;
23056 }
23057 element = t1.get$current(t1);
23058 $async$goto = element != null ? 4 : 5;
23059 break;
23060 case 4:
23061 // then
23062 $async$goto = 6;
23063 return element;
23064 case 6:
23065 // after yield
23066 case 5:
23067 // join
23068 // goto for condition
23069 $async$goto = 2;
23070 break;
23071 case 3:
23072 // after for
23073 // implicit return
23074 return A._IterationMarker_endOfIteration();
23075 case 1:
23076 // rethrow
23077 return A._IterationMarker_uncaughtError($async$currentError);
23078 }
23079 };
23080 }, $async$type);
23081 },
23082 IterableIntegerExtension_get_sum(_this) {
23083 var t1, t2, result;
23084 for (t1 = new A.MappedIterator(J.get$iterator$ax(_this.__internal$_iterable), _this._f), t2 = A._instanceType(t1)._rest[1], result = 0; t1.moveNext$0();)
23085 result += t2._as(t1.__internal$_current);
23086 return result;
23087 },
23088 ListExtensions_mapIndexed(_this, convert, $E, $R) {
23089 return A.ListExtensions_mapIndexed$body(_this, convert, $E, $R, $R);
23090 },
23091 ListExtensions_mapIndexed$body($async$_this, $async$convert, $async$$E, $async$$R, $async$type) {
23092 return A._makeSyncStarIterable(function() {
23093 var _this = $async$_this,
23094 convert = $async$convert,
23095 $E = $async$$E,
23096 $R = $async$$R;
23097 var $async$goto = 0, $async$handler = 1, $async$currentError, t1, index;
23098 return function $async$ListExtensions_mapIndexed($async$errorCode, $async$result) {
23099 if ($async$errorCode === 1) {
23100 $async$currentError = $async$result;
23101 $async$goto = $async$handler;
23102 }
23103 while (true)
23104 switch ($async$goto) {
23105 case 0:
23106 // Function start
23107 t1 = _this.length, index = 0;
23108 case 2:
23109 // for condition
23110 if (!(index < t1)) {
23111 // goto after for
23112 $async$goto = 4;
23113 break;
23114 }
23115 $async$goto = 5;
23116 return convert.call$2(index, _this[index]);
23117 case 5:
23118 // after yield
23119 case 3:
23120 // for update
23121 ++index;
23122 // goto for condition
23123 $async$goto = 2;
23124 break;
23125 case 4:
23126 // after for
23127 // implicit return
23128 return A._IterationMarker_endOfIteration();
23129 case 1:
23130 // rethrow
23131 return A._IterationMarker_uncaughtError($async$currentError);
23132 }
23133 };
23134 }, $async$type);
23135 },
23136 defaultCompare(value1, value2) {
23137 return J.compareTo$1$ns(type$.Comparable_nullable_Object._as(value1), value2);
23138 },
23139 current() {
23140 var exception, t1, path, lastIndex, uri = null;
23141 try {
23142 uri = A.Uri_base();
23143 } catch (exception) {
23144 if (type$.Exception._is(A.unwrapException(exception))) {
23145 t1 = $._current;
23146 if (t1 != null)
23147 return t1;
23148 throw exception;
23149 } else
23150 throw exception;
23151 }
23152 if (J.$eq$(uri, $._currentUriBase)) {
23153 t1 = $._current;
23154 t1.toString;
23155 return t1;
23156 }
23157 $._currentUriBase = uri;
23158 if ($.$get$Style_platform() == $.$get$Style_url())
23159 t1 = $._current = uri.resolve$1(".").toString$0(0);
23160 else {
23161 path = uri.toFilePath$0();
23162 lastIndex = path.length - 1;
23163 t1 = $._current = lastIndex === 0 ? path : B.JSString_methods.substring$2(path, 0, lastIndex);
23164 }
23165 return t1;
23166 },
23167 absolute(part1, part2, part3, part4, part5, part6, part7) {
23168 return $.$get$context().absolute$7(part1, part2, part3, part4, part5, part6, part7);
23169 },
23170 join(part1, part2, part3) {
23171 var _null = null;
23172 return $.$get$context().join$8(0, part1, part2, part3, _null, _null, _null, _null, _null);
23173 },
23174 prettyUri(uri) {
23175 return $.$get$context().prettyUri$1(uri);
23176 },
23177 isAlphabetic(char) {
23178 var t1;
23179 if (!(char >= 65 && char <= 90))
23180 t1 = char >= 97 && char <= 122;
23181 else
23182 t1 = true;
23183 return t1;
23184 },
23185 isDriveLetter(path, index) {
23186 var t1 = path.length,
23187 t2 = index + 2;
23188 if (t1 < t2)
23189 return false;
23190 if (!A.isAlphabetic(B.JSString_methods.codeUnitAt$1(path, index)))
23191 return false;
23192 if (B.JSString_methods.codeUnitAt$1(path, index + 1) !== 58)
23193 return false;
23194 if (t1 === t2)
23195 return true;
23196 return B.JSString_methods.codeUnitAt$1(path, t2) === 47;
23197 },
23198 _combine(hash, value) {
23199 hash = hash + value & 536870911;
23200 hash = hash + ((hash & 524287) << 10) & 536870911;
23201 return hash ^ hash >>> 6;
23202 },
23203 _finish(hash) {
23204 hash = hash + ((hash & 67108863) << 3) & 536870911;
23205 hash ^= hash >>> 11;
23206 return hash + ((hash & 16383) << 15) & 536870911;
23207 },
23208 EvaluationContext_current() {
23209 var context = $.Zone__current.$index(0, B.Symbol__evaluationContext);
23210 if (type$.EvaluationContext._is(context))
23211 return context;
23212 throw A.wrapException(A.StateError$(string$.No_Sass));
23213 },
23214 repl(options) {
23215 return A.repl$body(options);
23216 },
23217 repl$body(options) {
23218 var $async$goto = 0,
23219 $async$completer = A._makeAsyncAwaitCompleter(type$.void),
23220 $async$handler = 1, $async$currentError, $async$next = [], repl, logger, evaluator, line, declaration, error, stackTrace, t4, t5, t6, t7, t8, line0, toZone, exception, t1, t2, t3, repl0;
23221 var $async$repl = A._wrapJsFunctionForAsync(function($async$errorCode, $async$result) {
23222 if ($async$errorCode === 1) {
23223 $async$currentError = $async$result;
23224 $async$goto = $async$handler;
23225 }
23226 while (true)
23227 switch ($async$goto) {
23228 case 0:
23229 // Function start
23230 t1 = A._setArrayType([], type$.JSArray_String);
23231 t2 = B.JSString_methods.$mul(" ", 3);
23232 t3 = $.$get$alwaysValid();
23233 repl0 = new A.Repl(">> ", t2, t3, t1);
23234 repl0.__Repl__adapter = new A.ReplAdapter(repl0);
23235 repl = repl0;
23236 t1 = options._options;
23237 logger = new A.TrackingLogger(A._asBool(t1.$index(0, "quiet")) ? $.$get$Logger_quiet() : new A.StderrLogger(options.get$color()));
23238 t2 = $.$get$context().absolute$7(".", null, null, null, null, null, null);
23239 evaluator = new A.Evaluator(A._EvaluateVisitor$(null, A.ImportCache$(type$.List_String._as(t1.$index(0, "load-path")), logger), logger, null, false, false), new A.FilesystemImporter(t2));
23240 t2 = new A._StreamIterator(A.checkNotNullable(A._lateReadCheck(repl.__Repl__adapter, "_adapter").runAsync$0(), "stream", type$.Object));
23241 $async$handler = 2;
23242 t1 = type$.Expression, t3 = type$.String, t4 = type$.VariableDeclaration;
23243 case 5:
23244 // for condition
23245 $async$goto = 7;
23246 return A._asyncAwait(t2.moveNext$0(), $async$repl);
23247 case 7:
23248 // returning from await.
23249 if (!$async$result) {
23250 // goto after for
23251 $async$goto = 6;
23252 break;
23253 }
23254 line = t2.get$current(t2);
23255 if (J.trim$0$s(line).length === 0) {
23256 // goto for condition
23257 $async$goto = 5;
23258 break;
23259 }
23260 try {
23261 if (J.startsWith$1$s(line, "@")) {
23262 t5 = evaluator;
23263 t6 = logger;
23264 t7 = A.SpanScanner$(line, null);
23265 if (t6 == null)
23266 t6 = B.StderrLogger_false;
23267 t6 = new A.ScssParser(A.LinkedHashMap_LinkedHashMap$_empty(t3, t4), t7, t6).parseUseRule$0();
23268 t5._visitor.runStatement$2(t5._importer, t6);
23269 // goto for condition
23270 $async$goto = 5;
23271 break;
23272 }
23273 t5 = A.SpanScanner$(line, null);
23274 if (new A.Parser(t5, B.StderrLogger_false)._isVariableDeclarationLike$0()) {
23275 t5 = logger;
23276 t6 = A.SpanScanner$(line, null);
23277 if (t5 == null)
23278 t5 = B.StderrLogger_false;
23279 declaration = new A.ScssParser(A.LinkedHashMap_LinkedHashMap$_empty(t3, t4), t6, t5).parseVariableDeclaration$0();
23280 t5 = evaluator;
23281 t5._visitor.runStatement$2(t5._importer, declaration);
23282 t5 = evaluator;
23283 t6 = declaration.name;
23284 t7 = declaration.span;
23285 t8 = declaration.namespace;
23286 line0 = t5._visitor.runExpression$2(t5._importer, new A.VariableExpression(t8, t6, t7)).toString$0(0);
23287 toZone = $.printToZone;
23288 if (toZone == null)
23289 A.printString(line0);
23290 else
23291 toZone.call$1(line0);
23292 } else {
23293 t5 = evaluator;
23294 t6 = logger;
23295 t7 = A.SpanScanner$(line, null);
23296 if (t6 == null)
23297 t6 = B.StderrLogger_false;
23298 t6 = new A.ScssParser(A.LinkedHashMap_LinkedHashMap$_empty(t3, t4), t7, t6);
23299 t6 = t6._parseSingleProduction$1$1(t6.get$expression(), t1);
23300 line0 = t5._visitor.runExpression$2(t5._importer, t6).toString$0(0);
23301 toZone = $.printToZone;
23302 if (toZone == null)
23303 A.printString(line0);
23304 else
23305 toZone.call$1(line0);
23306 }
23307 } catch (exception) {
23308 t5 = A.unwrapException(exception);
23309 if (t5 instanceof A.SassException) {
23310 error = t5;
23311 stackTrace = A.getTraceFromException(exception);
23312 t5 = error;
23313 t6 = typeof t5 == "string";
23314 if (t6 || typeof t5 == "number" || A._isBool(t5))
23315 t5 = null;
23316 else {
23317 t7 = $.$get$_traces();
23318 t6 = A._isBool(t5) || typeof t5 == "number" || t6;
23319 if (t6)
23320 A.throwExpression(A.ArgumentError$value(t5, string$.Expand, null));
23321 t5 = t7._jsWeakMap.get(t5);
23322 }
23323 if (t5 == null)
23324 t5 = stackTrace;
23325 A._logError(error, t5, line, repl, options, logger);
23326 } else
23327 throw exception;
23328 }
23329 // goto for condition
23330 $async$goto = 5;
23331 break;
23332 case 6:
23333 // after for
23334 $async$next.push(4);
23335 // goto finally
23336 $async$goto = 3;
23337 break;
23338 case 2:
23339 // uncaught
23340 $async$next = [1];
23341 case 3:
23342 // finally
23343 $async$handler = 1;
23344 $async$goto = 8;
23345 return A._asyncAwait(t2.cancel$0(), $async$repl);
23346 case 8:
23347 // returning from await.
23348 // goto the next finally handler
23349 $async$goto = $async$next.pop();
23350 break;
23351 case 4:
23352 // after finally
23353 // implicit return
23354 return A._asyncReturn(null, $async$completer);
23355 case 1:
23356 // rethrow
23357 return A._asyncRethrow($async$currentError, $async$completer);
23358 }
23359 });
23360 return A._asyncStartSync($async$repl, $async$completer);
23361 },
23362 _logError(error, stackTrace, line, repl, options, logger) {
23363 var t1, t2, spacesBeforeError;
23364 if (A.SourceSpanException.prototype.get$span.call(error, error).file.url == null)
23365 if (!A._asBool(options._options.$index(0, "quiet")))
23366 t1 = logger._emittedDebug || logger._emittedWarning;
23367 else
23368 t1 = false;
23369 else
23370 t1 = true;
23371 if (t1) {
23372 A.print(error.toString$1$color(0, options.get$color()));
23373 return;
23374 }
23375 t1 = options.get$color() ? "" + "\x1b[31m" : "";
23376 t2 = A.SourceSpanException.prototype.get$span.call(error, error);
23377 t2 = A.FileLocation$_(t2.file, t2._file$_start);
23378 spacesBeforeError = repl.prompt.length + t2.file.getColumn$1(t2.offset);
23379 if (options.get$color()) {
23380 t2 = A.SourceSpanException.prototype.get$span.call(error, error);
23381 t2 = A.FileLocation$_(t2.file, t2._file$_start);
23382 t2 = t2.file.getColumn$1(t2.offset) < line.length;
23383 } else
23384 t2 = false;
23385 if (t2) {
23386 t1 += "\x1b[1F\x1b[" + spacesBeforeError + "C";
23387 t2 = A.SourceSpanException.prototype.get$span.call(error, error);
23388 t2 = t1 + (A.String_String$fromCharCodes(B.NativeUint32List_methods.sublist$2(t2.file._decodedChars, t2._file$_start, t2._end), 0, null) + "\n");
23389 t1 = t2;
23390 }
23391 t1 += B.JSString_methods.$mul(" ", spacesBeforeError);
23392 t2 = A.SourceSpanException.prototype.get$span.call(error, error);
23393 t2 = t1 + (B.JSString_methods.$mul("^", Math.max(1, t2._end - t2._file$_start)) + "\n");
23394 t1 = options.get$color() ? t2 + "\x1b[0m" : t2;
23395 t1 += "Error: " + error._span_exception$_message + "\n";
23396 if (A._asBool(options._options.$index(0, "trace")))
23397 t1 += A.Trace_Trace$from(stackTrace).get$terse().toString$0(0);
23398 A.print(B.JSString_methods.trimRight$0(t1.charCodeAt(0) == 0 ? t1 : t1));
23399 },
23400 isWhitespace(character) {
23401 return character === 32 || character === 9 || character === 10 || character === 13 || character === 12;
23402 },
23403 isNewline(character) {
23404 return character === 10 || character === 13 || character === 12;
23405 },
23406 isAlphabetic0(character) {
23407 var t1;
23408 if (!(character >= 97 && character <= 122))
23409 t1 = character >= 65 && character <= 90;
23410 else
23411 t1 = true;
23412 return t1;
23413 },
23414 isDigit(character) {
23415 return character != null && character >= 48 && character <= 57;
23416 },
23417 isHex(character) {
23418 if (character == null)
23419 return false;
23420 if (A.isDigit(character))
23421 return true;
23422 if (character >= 97 && character <= 102)
23423 return true;
23424 if (character >= 65 && character <= 70)
23425 return true;
23426 return false;
23427 },
23428 asHex(character) {
23429 if (character <= 57)
23430 return character - 48;
23431 if (character <= 70)
23432 return 10 + character - 65;
23433 return 10 + character - 97;
23434 },
23435 hexCharFor(number) {
23436 return number < 10 ? 48 + number : 87 + number;
23437 },
23438 opposite(character) {
23439 switch (character) {
23440 case 40:
23441 return 41;
23442 case 123:
23443 return 125;
23444 case 91:
23445 return 93;
23446 default:
23447 throw A.wrapException(A.ArgumentError$('"' + A.String_String$fromCharCode(character) + "\" isn't a brace-like character.", null));
23448 }
23449 },
23450 characterEqualsIgnoreCase(character1, character2) {
23451 var upperCase1;
23452 if (character1 === character2)
23453 return true;
23454 if ((character1 ^ character2) >>> 0 !== 32)
23455 return false;
23456 upperCase1 = (character1 & 4294967263) >>> 0;
23457 return upperCase1 >= 65 && upperCase1 <= 90;
23458 },
23459 NullableExtension_andThen(_this, fn) {
23460 return _this == null ? null : fn.call$1(_this);
23461 },
23462 SetExtension_removeNull(_this, $T) {
23463 _this.remove$1(0, null);
23464 return A.Set_castFrom(_this, _this.get$_newSimilarSet(), A._instanceType(_this)._precomputed1, $T);
23465 },
23466 fuzzyHashCode(number) {
23467 return number == 1 / 0 || number == -1 / 0 || isNaN(number) ? B.JSNumber_methods.get$hashCode(number) : B.JSInt_methods.get$hashCode(B.JSNumber_methods.round$0(number * $.$get$_inverseEpsilon()));
23468 },
23469 fuzzyLessThan(number1, number2) {
23470 return number1 < number2 && !(Math.abs(number1 - number2) < $.$get$epsilon());
23471 },
23472 fuzzyLessThanOrEquals(number1, number2) {
23473 return number1 < number2 || Math.abs(number1 - number2) < $.$get$epsilon();
23474 },
23475 fuzzyGreaterThan(number1, number2) {
23476 return number1 > number2 && !(Math.abs(number1 - number2) < $.$get$epsilon());
23477 },
23478 fuzzyGreaterThanOrEquals(number1, number2) {
23479 return number1 > number2 || Math.abs(number1 - number2) < $.$get$epsilon();
23480 },
23481 fuzzyIsInt(number) {
23482 if (number == 1 / 0 || number == -1 / 0 || isNaN(number))
23483 return false;
23484 if (A._isInt(number))
23485 return true;
23486 return Math.abs(B.JSNumber_methods.$mod(Math.abs(number - 0.5), 1) - 0.5) < $.$get$epsilon();
23487 },
23488 fuzzyRound(number) {
23489 var t1;
23490 if (number > 0) {
23491 t1 = B.JSNumber_methods.$mod(number, 1);
23492 return t1 < 0.5 && !(Math.abs(t1 - 0.5) < $.$get$epsilon()) ? B.JSNumber_methods.floor$0(number) : B.JSNumber_methods.ceil$0(number);
23493 } else {
23494 t1 = B.JSNumber_methods.$mod(number, 1);
23495 return t1 < 0.5 || Math.abs(t1 - 0.5) < $.$get$epsilon() ? B.JSNumber_methods.floor$0(number) : B.JSNumber_methods.ceil$0(number);
23496 }
23497 },
23498 fuzzyCheckRange(number, min, max) {
23499 var t1 = $.$get$epsilon();
23500 if (Math.abs(number - min) < t1)
23501 return min;
23502 if (Math.abs(number - max) < t1)
23503 return max;
23504 if (number > min && number < max)
23505 return number;
23506 return null;
23507 },
23508 fuzzyAssertRange(number, min, max, $name) {
23509 var result = A.fuzzyCheckRange(number, min, max);
23510 if (result != null)
23511 return result;
23512 throw A.wrapException(A.RangeError$range(number, min, max, $name, "must be between " + min + " and " + max));
23513 },
23514 SpanExtensions_trimLeft(_this) {
23515 var t5,
23516 t1 = _this._file$_start,
23517 t2 = _this._end,
23518 t3 = _this.file._decodedChars,
23519 t4 = t3.length,
23520 start = 0;
23521 while (true) {
23522 t5 = B.JSString_methods._codeUnitAt$1(A.String_String$fromCharCodes(new Uint32Array(t3.subarray(t1, A._checkValidRange(t1, t2, t4))), 0, null), start);
23523 if (!(t5 === 32 || t5 === 9 || t5 === 10 || t5 === 13 || t5 === 12))
23524 break;
23525 ++start;
23526 }
23527 return A.FileSpanExtension_subspan(_this, start, null);
23528 },
23529 SpanExtensions_trimRight(_this) {
23530 var t5,
23531 t1 = _this._file$_start,
23532 t2 = _this._end,
23533 t3 = _this.file._decodedChars,
23534 end = A.String_String$fromCharCodes(B.NativeUint32List_methods.sublist$2(t3, t1, t2), 0, null).length - 1,
23535 t4 = t3.length;
23536 while (true) {
23537 t5 = B.JSString_methods.codeUnitAt$1(A.String_String$fromCharCodes(new Uint32Array(t3.subarray(t1, A._checkValidRange(t1, t2, t4))), 0, null), end);
23538 if (!(t5 === 32 || t5 === 9 || t5 === 10 || t5 === 13 || t5 === 12))
23539 break;
23540 --end;
23541 }
23542 return A.FileSpanExtension_subspan(_this, 0, end + 1);
23543 },
23544 encodeVlq(value) {
23545 var res, signBit, digit, t1;
23546 if (value < $.$get$MIN_INT32() || value > $.$get$MAX_INT32())
23547 throw A.wrapException(A.ArgumentError$("expected 32 bit int, got: " + value, null));
23548 res = A._setArrayType([], type$.JSArray_String);
23549 if (value < 0) {
23550 value = -value;
23551 signBit = 1;
23552 } else
23553 signBit = 0;
23554 value = value << 1 | signBit;
23555 do {
23556 digit = value & 31;
23557 value = value >>> 5;
23558 t1 = value > 0;
23559 res.push(string$.ABCDEF[t1 ? digit | 32 : digit]);
23560 } while (t1);
23561 return res;
23562 },
23563 isAllTheSame(iter) {
23564 var firstValue, t1, t2;
23565 if (iter.get$length(iter) === 0)
23566 return true;
23567 firstValue = iter.get$first(iter);
23568 for (t1 = A.SubListIterable$(iter, 1, null, iter.$ti._eval$1("ListIterable.E")), t1 = new A.ListIterator(t1, t1.get$length(t1)), t2 = A._instanceType(t1)._precomputed1; t1.moveNext$0();)
23569 if (!J.$eq$(t2._as(t1.__internal$_current), firstValue))
23570 return false;
23571 return true;
23572 },
23573 replaceFirstNull(list, element) {
23574 var index = B.JSArray_methods.indexOf$1(list, null);
23575 if (index < 0)
23576 throw A.wrapException(A.ArgumentError$(A.S(list) + " contains no null elements.", null));
23577 list[index] = element;
23578 },
23579 replaceWithNull(list, element) {
23580 var index = B.JSArray_methods.indexOf$1(list, element);
23581 if (index < 0)
23582 throw A.wrapException(A.ArgumentError$(A.S(list) + " contains no elements matching " + element.toString$0(0) + ".", null));
23583 list[index] = null;
23584 },
23585 countCodeUnits(string, codeUnit) {
23586 var t1, t2, count;
23587 for (t1 = new A.CodeUnits(string), t1 = new A.ListIterator(t1, t1.get$length(t1)), t2 = A._instanceType(t1)._precomputed1, count = 0; t1.moveNext$0();)
23588 if (t2._as(t1.__internal$_current) === codeUnit)
23589 ++count;
23590 return count;
23591 },
23592 findLineStart(context, text, column) {
23593 var beginningOfLine, index, lineStart;
23594 if (text.length === 0)
23595 for (beginningOfLine = 0; true;) {
23596 index = B.JSString_methods.indexOf$2(context, "\n", beginningOfLine);
23597 if (index === -1)
23598 return context.length - beginningOfLine >= column ? beginningOfLine : null;
23599 if (index - beginningOfLine >= column)
23600 return beginningOfLine;
23601 beginningOfLine = index + 1;
23602 }
23603 index = B.JSString_methods.indexOf$1(context, text);
23604 for (; index !== -1;) {
23605 lineStart = index === 0 ? 0 : B.JSString_methods.lastIndexOf$2(context, "\n", index - 1) + 1;
23606 if (column === index - lineStart)
23607 return lineStart;
23608 index = B.JSString_methods.indexOf$2(context, text, index + 1);
23609 }
23610 return null;
23611 },
23612 validateErrorArgs(string, match, position, $length) {
23613 var t2,
23614 t1 = position != null;
23615 if (t1)
23616 if (position < 0)
23617 throw A.wrapException(A.RangeError$("position must be greater than or equal to 0."));
23618 else if (position > string.length)
23619 throw A.wrapException(A.RangeError$("position must be less than or equal to the string length."));
23620 t2 = $length != null;
23621 if (t2 && $length < 0)
23622 throw A.wrapException(A.RangeError$("length must be greater than or equal to 0."));
23623 if (t1 && t2 && position + $length > string.length)
23624 throw A.wrapException(A.RangeError$("position plus length must not go beyond the end of the string."));
23625 },
23626 isWhitespace0(character) {
23627 return character === 32 || character === 9 || character === 10 || character === 13 || character === 12;
23628 },
23629 isNewline0(character) {
23630 return character === 10 || character === 13 || character === 12;
23631 },
23632 isAlphabetic1(character) {
23633 var t1;
23634 if (!(character >= 97 && character <= 122))
23635 t1 = character >= 65 && character <= 90;
23636 else
23637 t1 = true;
23638 return t1;
23639 },
23640 isDigit0(character) {
23641 return character != null && character >= 48 && character <= 57;
23642 },
23643 isHex0(character) {
23644 if (character == null)
23645 return false;
23646 if (A.isDigit0(character))
23647 return true;
23648 if (character >= 97 && character <= 102)
23649 return true;
23650 if (character >= 65 && character <= 70)
23651 return true;
23652 return false;
23653 },
23654 asHex0(character) {
23655 if (character <= 57)
23656 return character - 48;
23657 if (character <= 70)
23658 return 10 + character - 65;
23659 return 10 + character - 97;
23660 },
23661 hexCharFor0(number) {
23662 return number < 10 ? 48 + number : 87 + number;
23663 },
23664 opposite0(character) {
23665 switch (character) {
23666 case 40:
23667 return 41;
23668 case 123:
23669 return 125;
23670 case 91:
23671 return 93;
23672 default:
23673 throw A.wrapException(A.ArgumentError$('"' + A.String_String$fromCharCode(character) + "\" isn't a brace-like character.", null));
23674 }
23675 },
23676 characterEqualsIgnoreCase0(character1, character2) {
23677 var upperCase1;
23678 if (character1 === character2)
23679 return true;
23680 if ((character1 ^ character2) >>> 0 !== 32)
23681 return false;
23682 upperCase1 = (character1 & 4294967263) >>> 0;
23683 return upperCase1 >= 65 && upperCase1 <= 90;
23684 },
23685 EvaluationContext_current0() {
23686 var context = $.Zone__current.$index(0, B.Symbol__evaluationContext);
23687 if (type$.EvaluationContext_2._is(context))
23688 return context;
23689 throw A.wrapException(A.StateError$(string$.No_Sass));
23690 },
23691 NullableExtension_andThen0(_this, fn) {
23692 return _this == null ? null : fn.call$1(_this);
23693 },
23694 fuzzyHashCode0(number) {
23695 return number == 1 / 0 || number == -1 / 0 || isNaN(number) ? B.JSNumber_methods.get$hashCode(number) : B.JSInt_methods.get$hashCode(B.JSNumber_methods.round$0(number * $.$get$_inverseEpsilon0()));
23696 },
23697 fuzzyLessThan0(number1, number2) {
23698 return number1 < number2 && !(Math.abs(number1 - number2) < $.$get$epsilon0());
23699 },
23700 fuzzyLessThanOrEquals0(number1, number2) {
23701 return number1 < number2 || Math.abs(number1 - number2) < $.$get$epsilon0();
23702 },
23703 fuzzyGreaterThan0(number1, number2) {
23704 return number1 > number2 && !(Math.abs(number1 - number2) < $.$get$epsilon0());
23705 },
23706 fuzzyGreaterThanOrEquals0(number1, number2) {
23707 return number1 > number2 || Math.abs(number1 - number2) < $.$get$epsilon0();
23708 },
23709 fuzzyIsInt0(number) {
23710 if (number == 1 / 0 || number == -1 / 0 || isNaN(number))
23711 return false;
23712 if (A._isInt(number))
23713 return true;
23714 return Math.abs(B.JSNumber_methods.$mod(Math.abs(number - 0.5), 1) - 0.5) < $.$get$epsilon0();
23715 },
23716 fuzzyRound0(number) {
23717 var t1;
23718 if (number > 0) {
23719 t1 = B.JSNumber_methods.$mod(number, 1);
23720 return t1 < 0.5 && !(Math.abs(t1 - 0.5) < $.$get$epsilon0()) ? B.JSNumber_methods.floor$0(number) : B.JSNumber_methods.ceil$0(number);
23721 } else {
23722 t1 = B.JSNumber_methods.$mod(number, 1);
23723 return t1 < 0.5 || Math.abs(t1 - 0.5) < $.$get$epsilon0() ? B.JSNumber_methods.floor$0(number) : B.JSNumber_methods.ceil$0(number);
23724 }
23725 },
23726 fuzzyCheckRange0(number, min, max) {
23727 var t1 = $.$get$epsilon0();
23728 if (Math.abs(number - min) < t1)
23729 return min;
23730 if (Math.abs(number - max) < t1)
23731 return max;
23732 if (number > min && number < max)
23733 return number;
23734 return null;
23735 },
23736 fuzzyAssertRange0(number, min, max, $name) {
23737 var result = A.fuzzyCheckRange0(number, min, max);
23738 if (result != null)
23739 return result;
23740 throw A.wrapException(A.RangeError$range(number, min, max, $name, "must be between " + min + " and " + max));
23741 },
23742 SpanExtensions_trimLeft0(_this) {
23743 var t5,
23744 t1 = _this._file$_start,
23745 t2 = _this._end,
23746 t3 = _this.file._decodedChars,
23747 t4 = t3.length,
23748 start = 0;
23749 while (true) {
23750 t5 = B.JSString_methods._codeUnitAt$1(A.String_String$fromCharCodes(new Uint32Array(t3.subarray(t1, A._checkValidRange(t1, t2, t4))), 0, null), start);
23751 if (!(t5 === 32 || t5 === 9 || t5 === 10 || t5 === 13 || t5 === 12))
23752 break;
23753 ++start;
23754 }
23755 return A.FileSpanExtension_subspan(_this, start, null);
23756 },
23757 SpanExtensions_trimRight0(_this) {
23758 var t5,
23759 t1 = _this._file$_start,
23760 t2 = _this._end,
23761 t3 = _this.file._decodedChars,
23762 end = A.String_String$fromCharCodes(B.NativeUint32List_methods.sublist$2(t3, t1, t2), 0, null).length - 1,
23763 t4 = t3.length;
23764 while (true) {
23765 t5 = B.JSString_methods.codeUnitAt$1(A.String_String$fromCharCodes(new Uint32Array(t3.subarray(t1, A._checkValidRange(t1, t2, t4))), 0, null), end);
23766 if (!(t5 === 32 || t5 === 9 || t5 === 10 || t5 === 13 || t5 === 12))
23767 break;
23768 --end;
23769 }
23770 return A.FileSpanExtension_subspan(_this, 0, end + 1);
23771 },
23772 unwrapValue(object) {
23773 var value;
23774 if (object != null) {
23775 if (object instanceof A.Value0)
23776 return object;
23777 value = object.dartValue;
23778 if (value != null && value instanceof A.Value0)
23779 return value;
23780 if (object instanceof self.Error)
23781 throw A.wrapException(object);
23782 }
23783 throw A.wrapException(A.S(object) + " must be a Sass value type.");
23784 },
23785 wrapValue(value) {
23786 if (value instanceof A.SassColor0)
23787 return A.callConstructor($.$get$legacyColorClass(), [null, null, null, null, value]);
23788 if (value instanceof A.SassList0)
23789 return A.callConstructor($.$get$legacyListClass(), [null, null, value]);
23790 if (value instanceof A.SassMap0)
23791 return A.callConstructor($.$get$legacyMapClass(), [null, value]);
23792 if (value instanceof A.SassNumber0)
23793 return A.callConstructor($.$get$legacyNumberClass(), [null, null, value]);
23794 if (value instanceof A.SassString0)
23795 return A.callConstructor($.$get$legacyStringClass(), [null, value]);
23796 return value;
23797 }
23798 },
23799 J = {
23800 makeDispatchRecord(interceptor, proto, extension, indexability) {
23801 return {i: interceptor, p: proto, e: extension, x: indexability};
23802 },
23803 getNativeInterceptor(object) {
23804 var proto, objectProto, $constructor, interceptor, t1,
23805 record = object[init.dispatchPropertyName];
23806 if (record == null)
23807 if ($.initNativeDispatchFlag == null) {
23808 A.initNativeDispatch();
23809 record = object[init.dispatchPropertyName];
23810 }
23811 if (record != null) {
23812 proto = record.p;
23813 if (false === proto)
23814 return record.i;
23815 if (true === proto)
23816 return object;
23817 objectProto = Object.getPrototypeOf(object);
23818 if (proto === objectProto)
23819 return record.i;
23820 if (record.e === objectProto)
23821 throw A.wrapException(A.UnimplementedError$("Return interceptor for " + A.S(proto(object, record))));
23822 }
23823 $constructor = object.constructor;
23824 if ($constructor == null)
23825 interceptor = null;
23826 else {
23828 if (t1 == null)
23829 t1 = $._JS_INTEROP_INTERCEPTOR_TAG = init.getIsolateTag("_$dart_js");
23830 interceptor = $constructor[t1];
23831 }
23832 if (interceptor != null)
23833 return interceptor;
23834 interceptor = A.lookupAndCacheInterceptor(object);
23835 if (interceptor != null)
23836 return interceptor;
23837 if (typeof object == "function")
23838 return B.JavaScriptFunction_methods;
23839 proto = Object.getPrototypeOf(object);
23840 if (proto == null)
23841 return B.PlainJavaScriptObject_methods;
23842 if (proto === Object.prototype)
23843 return B.PlainJavaScriptObject_methods;
23844 if (typeof $constructor == "function") {
23846 if (t1 == null)
23847 t1 = $._JS_INTEROP_INTERCEPTOR_TAG = init.getIsolateTag("_$dart_js");
23848 Object.defineProperty($constructor, t1, {value: B.UnknownJavaScriptObject_methods, enumerable: false, writable: true, configurable: true});
23849 return B.UnknownJavaScriptObject_methods;
23850 }
23851 return B.UnknownJavaScriptObject_methods;
23852 },
23853 JSArray_JSArray$fixed($length, $E) {
23854 if ($length < 0 || $length > 4294967295)
23855 throw A.wrapException(A.RangeError$range($length, 0, 4294967295, "length", null));
23856 return J.JSArray_JSArray$markFixed(new Array($length), $E);
23857 },
23858 JSArray_JSArray$allocateFixed($length, $E) {
23859 if ($length > 4294967295)
23860 throw A.wrapException(A.RangeError$range($length, 0, 4294967295, "length", null));
23861 return J.JSArray_JSArray$markFixed(new Array($length), $E);
23862 },
23863 JSArray_JSArray$growable($length, $E) {
23864 if ($length < 0)
23865 throw A.wrapException(A.ArgumentError$("Length must be a non-negative integer: " + $length, null));
23866 return A._setArrayType(new Array($length), $E._eval$1("JSArray<0>"));
23867 },
23868 JSArray_JSArray$allocateGrowable($length, $E) {
23869 if ($length < 0)
23870 throw A.wrapException(A.ArgumentError$("Length must be a non-negative integer: " + $length, null));
23871 return A._setArrayType(new Array($length), $E._eval$1("JSArray<0>"));
23872 },
23873 JSArray_JSArray$markFixed(allocation, $E) {
23874 return J.JSArray_markFixedList(A._setArrayType(allocation, $E._eval$1("JSArray<0>")));
23875 },
23876 JSArray_markFixedList(list) {
23877 list.fixed$length = Array;
23878 return list;
23879 },
23880 JSArray_markUnmodifiableList(list) {
23881 list.fixed$length = Array;
23882 list.immutable$list = Array;
23883 return list;
23884 },
23885 JSArray__compareAny(a, b) {
23886 return J.compareTo$1$ns(a, b);
23887 },
23888 JSString__isWhitespace(codeUnit) {
23889 if (codeUnit < 256)
23890 switch (codeUnit) {
23891 case 9:
23892 case 10:
23893 case 11:
23894 case 12:
23895 case 13:
23896 case 32:
23897 case 133:
23898 case 160:
23899 return true;
23900 default:
23901 return false;
23902 }
23903 switch (codeUnit) {
23904 case 5760:
23905 case 8192:
23906 case 8193:
23907 case 8194:
23908 case 8195:
23909 case 8196:
23910 case 8197:
23911 case 8198:
23912 case 8199:
23913 case 8200:
23914 case 8201:
23915 case 8202:
23916 case 8232:
23917 case 8233:
23918 case 8239:
23919 case 8287:
23920 case 12288:
23921 case 65279:
23922 return true;
23923 default:
23924 return false;
23925 }
23926 },
23927 JSString__skipLeadingWhitespace(string, index) {
23928 var t1, codeUnit;
23929 for (t1 = string.length; index < t1;) {
23930 codeUnit = B.JSString_methods._codeUnitAt$1(string, index);
23931 if (codeUnit !== 32 && codeUnit !== 13 && !J.JSString__isWhitespace(codeUnit))
23932 break;
23933 ++index;
23934 }
23935 return index;
23936 },
23937 JSString__skipTrailingWhitespace(string, index) {
23938 var index0, codeUnit;
23939 for (; index > 0; index = index0) {
23940 index0 = index - 1;
23941 codeUnit = B.JSString_methods.codeUnitAt$1(string, index0);
23942 if (codeUnit !== 32 && codeUnit !== 13 && !J.JSString__isWhitespace(codeUnit))
23943 break;
23944 }
23945 return index;
23946 },
23947 getInterceptor$(receiver) {
23948 if (typeof receiver == "number") {
23949 if (Math.floor(receiver) == receiver)
23950 return J.JSInt.prototype;
23951 return J.JSNumNotInt.prototype;
23952 }
23953 if (typeof receiver == "string")
23954 return J.JSString.prototype;
23955 if (receiver == null)
23956 return J.JSNull.prototype;
23957 if (typeof receiver == "boolean")
23958 return J.JSBool.prototype;
23959 if (receiver.constructor == Array)
23960 return J.JSArray.prototype;
23961 if (typeof receiver != "object") {
23962 if (typeof receiver == "function")
23963 return J.JavaScriptFunction.prototype;
23964 return receiver;
23965 }
23966 if (receiver instanceof A.Object)
23967 return receiver;
23968 return J.getNativeInterceptor(receiver);
23969 },
23970 getInterceptor$ansx(receiver) {
23971 if (typeof receiver == "number")
23972 return J.JSNumber.prototype;
23973 if (typeof receiver == "string")
23974 return J.JSString.prototype;
23975 if (receiver == null)
23976 return receiver;
23977 if (receiver.constructor == Array)
23978 return J.JSArray.prototype;
23979 if (typeof receiver != "object") {
23980 if (typeof receiver == "function")
23981 return J.JavaScriptFunction.prototype;
23982 return receiver;
23983 }
23984 if (receiver instanceof A.Object)
23985 return receiver;
23986 return J.getNativeInterceptor(receiver);
23987 },
23988 getInterceptor$asx(receiver) {
23989 if (typeof receiver == "string")
23990 return J.JSString.prototype;
23991 if (receiver == null)
23992 return receiver;
23993 if (receiver.constructor == Array)
23994 return J.JSArray.prototype;
23995 if (typeof receiver != "object") {
23996 if (typeof receiver == "function")
23997 return J.JavaScriptFunction.prototype;
23998 return receiver;
23999 }
24000 if (receiver instanceof A.Object)
24001 return receiver;
24002 return J.getNativeInterceptor(receiver);
24003 },
24004 getInterceptor$ax(receiver) {
24005 if (receiver == null)
24006 return receiver;
24007 if (receiver.constructor == Array)
24008 return J.JSArray.prototype;
24009 if (typeof receiver != "object") {
24010 if (typeof receiver == "function")
24011 return J.JavaScriptFunction.prototype;
24012 return receiver;
24013 }
24014 if (receiver instanceof A.Object)
24015 return receiver;
24016 return J.getNativeInterceptor(receiver);
24017 },
24018 getInterceptor$n(receiver) {
24019 if (typeof receiver == "number")
24020 return J.JSNumber.prototype;
24021 if (receiver == null)
24022 return receiver;
24023 if (!(receiver instanceof A.Object))
24024 return J.UnknownJavaScriptObject.prototype;
24025 return receiver;
24026 },
24027 getInterceptor$ns(receiver) {
24028 if (typeof receiver == "number")
24029 return J.JSNumber.prototype;
24030 if (typeof receiver == "string")
24031 return J.JSString.prototype;
24032 if (receiver == null)
24033 return receiver;
24034 if (!(receiver instanceof A.Object))
24035 return J.UnknownJavaScriptObject.prototype;
24036 return receiver;
24037 },
24038 getInterceptor$s(receiver) {
24039 if (typeof receiver == "string")
24040 return J.JSString.prototype;
24041 if (receiver == null)
24042 return receiver;
24043 if (!(receiver instanceof A.Object))
24044 return J.UnknownJavaScriptObject.prototype;
24045 return receiver;
24046 },
24047 getInterceptor$u(receiver) {
24048 if (receiver == null)
24049 return J.JSNull.prototype;
24050 if (!(receiver instanceof A.Object))
24051 return J.UnknownJavaScriptObject.prototype;
24052 return receiver;
24053 },
24054 getInterceptor$x(receiver) {
24055 if (receiver == null)
24056 return receiver;
24057 if (typeof receiver != "object") {
24058 if (typeof receiver == "function")
24059 return J.JavaScriptFunction.prototype;
24060 return receiver;
24061 }
24062 if (receiver instanceof A.Object)
24063 return receiver;
24064 return J.getNativeInterceptor(receiver);
24065 },
24066 getInterceptor$z(receiver) {
24067 if (receiver == null)
24068 return receiver;
24069 if (!(receiver instanceof A.Object))
24070 return J.UnknownJavaScriptObject.prototype;
24071 return receiver;
24072 },
24073 set$Exception$x(receiver, value) {
24074 return J.getInterceptor$x(receiver).set$Exception(receiver, value);
24075 },
24076 set$FALSE$x(receiver, value) {
24077 return J.getInterceptor$x(receiver).set$FALSE(receiver, value);
24078 },
24079 set$Logger$x(receiver, value) {
24080 return J.getInterceptor$x(receiver).set$Logger(receiver, value);
24081 },
24082 set$NULL$x(receiver, value) {
24083 return J.getInterceptor$x(receiver).set$NULL(receiver, value);
24084 },
24085 set$SassArgumentList$x(receiver, value) {
24086 return J.getInterceptor$x(receiver).set$SassArgumentList(receiver, value);
24087 },
24088 set$SassBoolean$x(receiver, value) {
24089 return J.getInterceptor$x(receiver).set$SassBoolean(receiver, value);
24090 },
24091 set$SassColor$x(receiver, value) {
24092 return J.getInterceptor$x(receiver).set$SassColor(receiver, value);
24093 },
24094 set$SassFunction$x(receiver, value) {
24095 return J.getInterceptor$x(receiver).set$SassFunction(receiver, value);
24096 },
24097 set$SassList$x(receiver, value) {
24098 return J.getInterceptor$x(receiver).set$SassList(receiver, value);
24099 },
24100 set$SassMap$x(receiver, value) {
24101 return J.getInterceptor$x(receiver).set$SassMap(receiver, value);
24102 },
24103 set$SassNumber$x(receiver, value) {
24104 return J.getInterceptor$x(receiver).set$SassNumber(receiver, value);
24105 },
24106 set$SassString$x(receiver, value) {
24107 return J.getInterceptor$x(receiver).set$SassString(receiver, value);
24108 },
24109 set$TRUE$x(receiver, value) {
24110 return J.getInterceptor$x(receiver).set$TRUE(receiver, value);
24111 },
24112 set$Value$x(receiver, value) {
24113 return J.getInterceptor$x(receiver).set$Value(receiver, value);
24114 },
24115 set$cli_pkg_main_0_$x(receiver, value) {
24116 return J.getInterceptor$x(receiver).set$cli_pkg_main_0_(receiver, value);
24117 },
24118 set$compile$x(receiver, value) {
24119 return J.getInterceptor$x(receiver).set$compile(receiver, value);
24120 },
24121 set$compileAsync$x(receiver, value) {
24122 return J.getInterceptor$x(receiver).set$compileAsync(receiver, value);
24123 },
24124 set$compileString$x(receiver, value) {
24125 return J.getInterceptor$x(receiver).set$compileString(receiver, value);
24126 },
24127 set$compileStringAsync$x(receiver, value) {
24128 return J.getInterceptor$x(receiver).set$compileStringAsync(receiver, value);
24129 },
24130 set$context$x(receiver, value) {
24131 return J.getInterceptor$x(receiver).set$context(receiver, value);
24132 },
24133 set$dartValue$x(receiver, value) {
24134 return J.getInterceptor$x(receiver).set$dartValue(receiver, value);
24135 },
24136 set$exitCode$x(receiver, value) {
24137 return J.getInterceptor$x(receiver).set$exitCode(receiver, value);
24138 },
24139 set$info$x(receiver, value) {
24140 return J.getInterceptor$x(receiver).set$info(receiver, value);
24141 },
24142 set$length$asx(receiver, value) {
24143 return J.getInterceptor$asx(receiver).set$length(receiver, value);
24144 },
24145 set$render$x(receiver, value) {
24146 return J.getInterceptor$x(receiver).set$render(receiver, value);
24147 },
24148 set$renderSync$x(receiver, value) {
24149 return J.getInterceptor$x(receiver).set$renderSync(receiver, value);
24150 },
24151 set$sassFalse$x(receiver, value) {
24152 return J.getInterceptor$x(receiver).set$sassFalse(receiver, value);
24153 },
24154 set$sassNull$x(receiver, value) {
24155 return J.getInterceptor$x(receiver).set$sassNull(receiver, value);
24156 },
24157 set$sassTrue$x(receiver, value) {
24158 return J.getInterceptor$x(receiver).set$sassTrue(receiver, value);
24159 },
24160 set$types$x(receiver, value) {
24161 return J.getInterceptor$x(receiver).set$types(receiver, value);
24162 },
24163 get$$prototype$x(receiver) {
24164 return J.getInterceptor$x(receiver).get$$prototype(receiver);
24165 },
24166 get$_dartException$x(receiver) {
24167 return J.getInterceptor$x(receiver).get$_dartException(receiver);
24168 },
24169 get$alertAscii$x(receiver) {
24170 return J.getInterceptor$x(receiver).get$alertAscii(receiver);
24171 },
24172 get$alertColor$x(receiver) {
24173 return J.getInterceptor$x(receiver).get$alertColor(receiver);
24174 },
24175 get$blue$x(receiver) {
24176 return J.getInterceptor$x(receiver).get$blue(receiver);
24177 },
24178 get$brackets$x(receiver) {
24179 return J.getInterceptor$x(receiver).get$brackets(receiver);
24180 },
24181 get$code$x(receiver) {
24182 return J.getInterceptor$x(receiver).get$code(receiver);
24183 },
24184 get$current$x(receiver) {
24185 return J.getInterceptor$x(receiver).get$current(receiver);
24186 },
24187 get$dartValue$x(receiver) {
24188 return J.getInterceptor$x(receiver).get$dartValue(receiver);
24189 },
24190 get$debug$x(receiver) {
24191 return J.getInterceptor$x(receiver).get$debug(receiver);
24192 },
24193 get$denominatorUnits$x(receiver) {
24194 return J.getInterceptor$x(receiver).get$denominatorUnits(receiver);
24195 },
24196 get$end$z(receiver) {
24197 return J.getInterceptor$z(receiver).get$end(receiver);
24198 },
24199 get$env$x(receiver) {
24200 return J.getInterceptor$x(receiver).get$env(receiver);
24201 },
24202 get$exitCode$x(receiver) {
24203 return J.getInterceptor$x(receiver).get$exitCode(receiver);
24204 },
24205 get$fiber$x(receiver) {
24206 return J.getInterceptor$x(receiver).get$fiber(receiver);
24207 },
24208 get$file$x(receiver) {
24209 return J.getInterceptor$x(receiver).get$file(receiver);
24210 },
24211 get$first$ax(receiver) {
24212 return J.getInterceptor$ax(receiver).get$first(receiver);
24213 },
24214 get$functions$x(receiver) {
24215 return J.getInterceptor$x(receiver).get$functions(receiver);
24216 },
24217 get$green$x(receiver) {
24218 return J.getInterceptor$x(receiver).get$green(receiver);
24219 },
24220 get$hashCode$(receiver) {
24221 return J.getInterceptor$(receiver).get$hashCode(receiver);
24222 },
24223 get$importer$x(receiver) {
24224 return J.getInterceptor$x(receiver).get$importer(receiver);
24225 },
24226 get$importers$x(receiver) {
24227 return J.getInterceptor$x(receiver).get$importers(receiver);
24228 },
24229 get$isEmpty$asx(receiver) {
24230 return J.getInterceptor$asx(receiver).get$isEmpty(receiver);
24231 },
24232 get$isNotEmpty$asx(receiver) {
24233 return J.getInterceptor$asx(receiver).get$isNotEmpty(receiver);
24234 },
24235 get$isTTY$x(receiver) {
24236 return J.getInterceptor$x(receiver).get$isTTY(receiver);
24237 },
24238 get$iterator$ax(receiver) {
24239 return J.getInterceptor$ax(receiver).get$iterator(receiver);
24240 },
24241 get$keys$z(receiver) {
24242 return J.getInterceptor$z(receiver).get$keys(receiver);
24243 },
24244 get$last$ax(receiver) {
24245 return J.getInterceptor$ax(receiver).get$last(receiver);
24246 },
24247 get$length$asx(receiver) {
24248 return J.getInterceptor$asx(receiver).get$length(receiver);
24249 },
24250 get$loadPaths$x(receiver) {
24251 return J.getInterceptor$x(receiver).get$loadPaths(receiver);
24252 },
24253 get$logger$x(receiver) {
24254 return J.getInterceptor$x(receiver).get$logger(receiver);
24255 },
24256 get$message$x(receiver) {
24257 return J.getInterceptor$x(receiver).get$message(receiver);
24258 },
24259 get$mtime$x(receiver) {
24260 return J.getInterceptor$x(receiver).get$mtime(receiver);
24261 },
24262 get$name$x(receiver) {
24263 return J.getInterceptor$x(receiver).get$name(receiver);
24264 },
24265 get$numeratorUnits$x(receiver) {
24266 return J.getInterceptor$x(receiver).get$numeratorUnits(receiver);
24267 },
24268 get$options$x(receiver) {
24269 return J.getInterceptor$x(receiver).get$options(receiver);
24270 },
24271 get$parent$z(receiver) {
24272 return J.getInterceptor$z(receiver).get$parent(receiver);
24273 },
24274 get$path$x(receiver) {
24275 return J.getInterceptor$x(receiver).get$path(receiver);
24276 },
24277 get$platform$x(receiver) {
24278 return J.getInterceptor$x(receiver).get$platform(receiver);
24279 },
24280 get$quietDeps$x(receiver) {
24281 return J.getInterceptor$x(receiver).get$quietDeps(receiver);
24282 },
24283 get$quotes$x(receiver) {
24284 return J.getInterceptor$x(receiver).get$quotes(receiver);
24285 },
24286 get$red$x(receiver) {
24287 return J.getInterceptor$x(receiver).get$red(receiver);
24288 },
24289 get$reversed$ax(receiver) {
24290 return J.getInterceptor$ax(receiver).get$reversed(receiver);
24291 },
24292 get$runtimeType$u(receiver) {
24293 return J.getInterceptor$u(receiver).get$runtimeType(receiver);
24294 },
24295 get$separator$x(receiver) {
24296 return J.getInterceptor$x(receiver).get$separator(receiver);
24297 },
24298 get$single$ax(receiver) {
24299 return J.getInterceptor$ax(receiver).get$single(receiver);
24300 },
24301 get$sourceMap$x(receiver) {
24302 return J.getInterceptor$x(receiver).get$sourceMap(receiver);
24303 },
24304 get$sourceMapIncludeSources$x(receiver) {
24305 return J.getInterceptor$x(receiver).get$sourceMapIncludeSources(receiver);
24306 },
24307 get$span$z(receiver) {
24308 return J.getInterceptor$z(receiver).get$span(receiver);
24309 },
24310 get$stderr$x(receiver) {
24311 return J.getInterceptor$x(receiver).get$stderr(receiver);
24312 },
24313 get$stdin$x(receiver) {
24314 return J.getInterceptor$x(receiver).get$stdin(receiver);
24315 },
24316 get$style$x(receiver) {
24317 return J.getInterceptor$x(receiver).get$style(receiver);
24318 },
24319 get$syntax$x(receiver) {
24320 return J.getInterceptor$x(receiver).get$syntax(receiver);
24321 },
24322 get$trace$z(receiver) {
24323 return J.getInterceptor$z(receiver).get$trace(receiver);
24324 },
24325 get$url$x(receiver) {
24326 return J.getInterceptor$x(receiver).get$url(receiver);
24327 },
24328 get$values$z(receiver) {
24329 return J.getInterceptor$z(receiver).get$values(receiver);
24330 },
24331 get$verbose$x(receiver) {
24332 return J.getInterceptor$x(receiver).get$verbose(receiver);
24333 },
24334 get$warn$x(receiver) {
24335 return J.getInterceptor$x(receiver).get$warn(receiver);
24336 },
24337 $add$ansx(receiver, a0) {
24338 if (typeof receiver == "number" && typeof a0 == "number")
24339 return receiver + a0;
24340 return J.getInterceptor$ansx(receiver).$add(receiver, a0);
24341 },
24342 $eq$(receiver, a0) {
24343 if (receiver == null)
24344 return a0 == null;
24345 if (typeof receiver != "object")
24346 return a0 != null && receiver === a0;
24347 return J.getInterceptor$(receiver).$eq(receiver, a0);
24348 },
24349 $index$asx(receiver, a0) {
24350 if (typeof a0 === "number")
24351 if (receiver.constructor == Array || typeof receiver == "string" || A.isJsIndexable(receiver, receiver[init.dispatchPropertyName]))
24352 if (a0 >>> 0 === a0 && a0 < receiver.length)
24353 return receiver[a0];
24354 return J.getInterceptor$asx(receiver).$index(receiver, a0);
24355 },
24356 $indexSet$ax(receiver, a0, a1) {
24357 if (typeof a0 === "number")
24358 if ((receiver.constructor == Array || A.isJsIndexable(receiver, receiver[init.dispatchPropertyName])) && !receiver.immutable$list && a0 >>> 0 === a0 && a0 < receiver.length)
24359 return receiver[a0] = a1;
24360 return J.getInterceptor$ax(receiver).$indexSet(receiver, a0, a1);
24361 },
24362 $set$2$x(receiver, a0, a1) {
24363 return J.getInterceptor$x(receiver).$set$2(receiver, a0, a1);
24364 },
24365 add$1$ax(receiver, a0) {
24366 return J.getInterceptor$ax(receiver).add$1(receiver, a0);
24367 },
24368 addAll$1$ax(receiver, a0) {
24369 return J.getInterceptor$ax(receiver).addAll$1(receiver, a0);
24370 },
24371 allMatches$1$s(receiver, a0) {
24372 return J.getInterceptor$s(receiver).allMatches$1(receiver, a0);
24373 },
24374 allMatches$2$s(receiver, a0, a1) {
24375 return J.getInterceptor$s(receiver).allMatches$2(receiver, a0, a1);
24376 },
24377 any$1$ax(receiver, a0) {
24378 return J.getInterceptor$ax(receiver).any$1(receiver, a0);
24379 },
24380 apply$2$x(receiver, a0, a1) {
24381 return J.getInterceptor$x(receiver).apply$2(receiver, a0, a1);
24382 },
24383 asImmutable$0$x(receiver) {
24384 return J.getInterceptor$x(receiver).asImmutable$0(receiver);
24385 },
24386 asMutable$0$x(receiver) {
24387 return J.getInterceptor$x(receiver).asMutable$0(receiver);
24388 },
24389 canonicalize$4$baseImporter$baseUrl$forImport$x(receiver, a0, a1, a2, a3) {
24390 return J.getInterceptor$x(receiver).canonicalize$4$baseImporter$baseUrl$forImport(receiver, a0, a1, a2, a3);
24391 },
24392 cast$1$0$ax(receiver, $T1) {
24393 return J.getInterceptor$ax(receiver).cast$1$0(receiver, $T1);
24394 },
24395 close$0$x(receiver) {
24396 return J.getInterceptor$x(receiver).close$0(receiver);
24397 },
24398 codeUnitAt$1$s(receiver, a0) {
24399 return J.getInterceptor$s(receiver).codeUnitAt$1(receiver, a0);
24400 },
24401 compareTo$1$ns(receiver, a0) {
24402 return J.getInterceptor$ns(receiver).compareTo$1(receiver, a0);
24403 },
24404 contains$1$asx(receiver, a0) {
24405 return J.getInterceptor$asx(receiver).contains$1(receiver, a0);
24406 },
24407 createInterface$1$x(receiver, a0) {
24408 return J.getInterceptor$x(receiver).createInterface$1(receiver, a0);
24409 },
24410 elementAt$1$ax(receiver, a0) {
24411 return J.getInterceptor$ax(receiver).elementAt$1(receiver, a0);
24412 },
24413 endsWith$1$s(receiver, a0) {
24414 return J.getInterceptor$s(receiver).endsWith$1(receiver, a0);
24415 },
24416 every$1$ax(receiver, a0) {
24417 return J.getInterceptor$ax(receiver).every$1(receiver, a0);
24418 },
24419 existsSync$1$x(receiver, a0) {
24420 return J.getInterceptor$x(receiver).existsSync$1(receiver, a0);
24421 },
24422 expand$1$1$ax(receiver, a0, $T1) {
24423 return J.getInterceptor$ax(receiver).expand$1$1(receiver, a0, $T1);
24424 },
24425 fillRange$3$ax(receiver, a0, a1, a2) {
24426 return J.getInterceptor$ax(receiver).fillRange$3(receiver, a0, a1, a2);
24427 },
24428 fold$2$ax(receiver, a0, a1) {
24429 return J.getInterceptor$ax(receiver).fold$2(receiver, a0, a1);
24430 },
24431 forEach$1$x(receiver, a0) {
24432 return J.getInterceptor$x(receiver).forEach$1(receiver, a0);
24433 },
24434 getRange$2$ax(receiver, a0, a1) {
24435 return J.getInterceptor$ax(receiver).getRange$2(receiver, a0, a1);
24436 },
24437 getTime$0$x(receiver) {
24438 return J.getInterceptor$x(receiver).getTime$0(receiver);
24439 },
24440 isDirectory$0$x(receiver) {
24441 return J.getInterceptor$x(receiver).isDirectory$0(receiver);
24442 },
24443 isFile$0$x(receiver) {
24444 return J.getInterceptor$x(receiver).isFile$0(receiver);
24445 },
24446 join$0$ax(receiver) {
24447 return J.getInterceptor$ax(receiver).join$0(receiver);
24448 },
24449 join$1$ax(receiver, a0) {
24450 return J.getInterceptor$ax(receiver).join$1(receiver, a0);
24451 },
24452 listen$1$z(receiver, a0) {
24453 return J.getInterceptor$z(receiver).listen$1(receiver, a0);
24454 },
24455 map$1$1$ax(receiver, a0, $T1) {
24456 return J.getInterceptor$ax(receiver).map$1$1(receiver, a0, $T1);
24457 },
24458 matchAsPrefix$2$s(receiver, a0, a1) {
24459 return J.getInterceptor$s(receiver).matchAsPrefix$2(receiver, a0, a1);
24460 },
24461 mkdirSync$1$x(receiver, a0) {
24462 return J.getInterceptor$x(receiver).mkdirSync$1(receiver, a0);
24463 },
24464 noSuchMethod$1$(receiver, a0) {
24465 return J.getInterceptor$(receiver).noSuchMethod$1(receiver, a0);
24466 },
24467 on$2$x(receiver, a0, a1) {
24468 return J.getInterceptor$x(receiver).on$2(receiver, a0, a1);
24469 },
24470 readFileSync$2$x(receiver, a0, a1) {
24471 return J.getInterceptor$x(receiver).readFileSync$2(receiver, a0, a1);
24472 },
24473 readdirSync$1$x(receiver, a0) {
24474 return J.getInterceptor$x(receiver).readdirSync$1(receiver, a0);
24475 },
24476 remove$1$z(receiver, a0) {
24477 return J.getInterceptor$z(receiver).remove$1(receiver, a0);
24478 },
24479 run$0$x(receiver) {
24480 return J.getInterceptor$x(receiver).run$0(receiver);
24481 },
24482 run$1$x(receiver, a0) {
24483 return J.getInterceptor$x(receiver).run$1(receiver, a0);
24484 },
24485 setRange$4$ax(receiver, a0, a1, a2, a3) {
24486 return J.getInterceptor$ax(receiver).setRange$4(receiver, a0, a1, a2, a3);
24487 },
24488 skip$1$ax(receiver, a0) {
24489 return J.getInterceptor$ax(receiver).skip$1(receiver, a0);
24490 },
24491 sort$1$ax(receiver, a0) {
24492 return J.getInterceptor$ax(receiver).sort$1(receiver, a0);
24493 },
24494 startsWith$1$s(receiver, a0) {
24495 return J.getInterceptor$s(receiver).startsWith$1(receiver, a0);
24496 },
24497 statSync$1$x(receiver, a0) {
24498 return J.getInterceptor$x(receiver).statSync$1(receiver, a0);
24499 },
24500 substring$1$s(receiver, a0) {
24501 return J.getInterceptor$s(receiver).substring$1(receiver, a0);
24502 },
24503 substring$2$s(receiver, a0, a1) {
24504 return J.getInterceptor$s(receiver).substring$2(receiver, a0, a1);
24505 },
24506 take$1$ax(receiver, a0) {
24507 return J.getInterceptor$ax(receiver).take$1(receiver, a0);
24508 },
24509 then$1$1$x(receiver, a0, $T1) {
24510 return J.getInterceptor$x(receiver).then$1$1(receiver, a0, $T1);
24511 },
24512 then$1$2$onError$x(receiver, a0, a1, $T1) {
24513 return J.getInterceptor$x(receiver).then$1$2$onError(receiver, a0, a1, $T1);
24514 },
24515 then$2$x(receiver, a0, a1) {
24516 return J.getInterceptor$x(receiver).then$2(receiver, a0, a1);
24517 },
24518 toArray$0$x(receiver) {
24519 return J.getInterceptor$x(receiver).toArray$0(receiver);
24520 },
24521 toList$0$ax(receiver) {
24522 return J.getInterceptor$ax(receiver).toList$0(receiver);
24523 },
24524 toList$1$growable$ax(receiver, a0) {
24525 return J.getInterceptor$ax(receiver).toList$1$growable(receiver, a0);
24526 },
24527 toRadixString$1$n(receiver, a0) {
24528 return J.getInterceptor$n(receiver).toRadixString$1(receiver, a0);
24529 },
24530 toSet$0$ax(receiver) {
24531 return J.getInterceptor$ax(receiver).toSet$0(receiver);
24532 },
24533 toString$0$(receiver) {
24534 return J.getInterceptor$(receiver).toString$0(receiver);
24535 },
24536 toString$1$color$(receiver, a0) {
24537 return J.getInterceptor$(receiver).toString$1$color(receiver, a0);
24538 },
24539 trim$0$s(receiver) {
24540 return J.getInterceptor$s(receiver).trim$0(receiver);
24541 },
24542 unlinkSync$1$x(receiver, a0) {
24543 return J.getInterceptor$x(receiver).unlinkSync$1(receiver, a0);
24544 },
24545 watch$2$x(receiver, a0, a1) {
24546 return J.getInterceptor$x(receiver).watch$2(receiver, a0, a1);
24547 },
24548 where$1$ax(receiver, a0) {
24549 return J.getInterceptor$ax(receiver).where$1(receiver, a0);
24550 },
24551 write$1$x(receiver, a0) {
24552 return J.getInterceptor$x(receiver).write$1(receiver, a0);
24553 },
24554 writeFileSync$2$x(receiver, a0, a1) {
24555 return J.getInterceptor$x(receiver).writeFileSync$2(receiver, a0, a1);
24556 },
24557 yield$0$x(receiver) {
24558 return J.getInterceptor$x(receiver).yield$0(receiver);
24559 },
24560 Interceptor: function Interceptor() {
24561 },
24562 JSBool: function JSBool() {
24563 },
24564 JSNull: function JSNull() {
24565 },
24566 JavaScriptObject: function JavaScriptObject() {
24567 },
24568 PlainJavaScriptObject: function PlainJavaScriptObject() {
24569 },
24570 UnknownJavaScriptObject: function UnknownJavaScriptObject() {
24571 },
24572 JavaScriptFunction: function JavaScriptFunction() {
24573 },
24574 JSArray: function JSArray(t0) {
24575 this.$ti = t0;
24576 },
24577 JSUnmodifiableArray: function JSUnmodifiableArray(t0) {
24578 this.$ti = t0;
24579 },
24580 ArrayIterator: function ArrayIterator(t0, t1) {
24581 var _ = this;
24582 _._iterable = t0;
24583 _._length = t1;
24584 _._index = 0;
24585 _._current = null;
24586 },
24587 JSNumber: function JSNumber() {
24588 },
24589 JSInt: function JSInt() {
24590 },
24591 JSNumNotInt: function JSNumNotInt() {
24592 },
24593 JSString: function JSString() {
24594 }
24595 },
24596 B = {};
24597 var holders = [A, J, B];
24598 hunkHelpers.setFunctionNamesIfNecessary(holders);
24599 var $ = {};
24600 A.JS_CONST.prototype = {};
24601 J.Interceptor.prototype = {
24602 $eq(receiver, other) {
24603 return receiver === other;
24604 },
24605 get$hashCode(receiver) {
24606 return A.Primitives_objectHashCode(receiver);
24607 },
24608 toString$0(receiver) {
24609 return "Instance of '" + A.Primitives_objectTypeName(receiver) + "'";
24610 },
24611 noSuchMethod$1(receiver, invocation) {
24612 throw A.wrapException(A.NoSuchMethodError$(receiver, invocation.get$memberName(), invocation.get$positionalArguments(), invocation.get$namedArguments()));
24613 }
24614 };
24615 J.JSBool.prototype = {
24616 toString$0(receiver) {
24617 return String(receiver);
24618 },
24619 get$hashCode(receiver) {
24620 return receiver ? 519018 : 218159;
24621 },
24622 $isbool: 1
24623 };
24624 J.JSNull.prototype = {
24625 $eq(receiver, other) {
24626 return null == other;
24627 },
24628 toString$0(receiver) {
24629 return "null";
24630 },
24631 get$hashCode(receiver) {
24632 return 0;
24633 },
24634 get$runtimeType(receiver) {
24635 return B.Type_Null_Yyn;
24636 },
24637 $isNull: 1
24638 };
24639 J.JavaScriptObject.prototype = {
24640 get$hashCode(receiver) {
24641 return 0;
24642 },
24643 toString$0(receiver) {
24644 return String(receiver);
24645 },
24646 $isPromise: 1,
24647 $isJsSystemError: 1,
24648 $is_NodeSassColor: 1,
24649 $is_Channels: 1,
24650 $isCompileOptions: 1,
24651 $isCompileStringOptions: 1,
24652 $isNodeCompileResult: 1,
24653 $is_NodeException: 1,
24654 $isFiber: 1,
24655 $isJSFunction0: 1,
24656 $isImmutableList: 1,
24657 $isImmutableMap: 1,
24658 $isNodeImporter0: 1,
24659 $isNodeImporterResult0: 1,
24660 $isNodeImporterResult1: 1,
24661 $is_NodeSassList: 1,
24662 $is_ConstructorOptions: 1,
24663 $isWarnOptions: 1,
24664 $isDebugOptions: 1,
24665 $is_NodeSassMap: 1,
24666 $is_NodeSassNumber: 1,
24667 $is_ConstructorOptions0: 1,
24668 $isJSClass0: 1,
24669 $isRenderContextOptions0: 1,
24670 $isRenderOptions: 1,
24671 $isRenderResult: 1,
24672 $is_NodeSassString: 1,
24673 $is_ConstructorOptions1: 1,
24674 $isJSUrl0: 1,
24675 get$isTTY(obj) {
24676 return obj.isTTY;
24677 },
24678 get$write(obj) {
24679 return obj.write;
24680 },
24681 write$1(receiver, p0) {
24682 return receiver.write(p0);
24683 },
24684 createInterface$1(receiver, p0) {
24685 return receiver.createInterface(p0);
24686 },
24687 on$2(receiver, p0, p1) {
24688 return receiver.on(p0, p1);
24689 },
24690 get$close(obj) {
24691 return obj.close;
24692 },
24693 close$0(receiver) {
24694 return receiver.close();
24695 },
24696 setPrompt$1(receiver, p0) {
24697 return receiver.setPrompt(p0);
24698 },
24699 get$length(obj) {
24700 return obj.length;
24701 },
24702 toString$0(receiver) {
24703 return receiver.toString();
24704 },
24705 clear$0(receiver) {
24706 return receiver.clear();
24707 },
24708 get$debug(obj) {
24709 return obj.debug;
24710 },
24711 debug$2(receiver, p0, p1) {
24712 return receiver.debug(p0, p1);
24713 },
24714 get$warn(obj) {
24715 return obj.warn;
24716 },
24717 warn$1(receiver, p0) {
24718 return receiver.warn(p0);
24719 },
24720 existsSync$1(receiver, p0) {
24721 return receiver.existsSync(p0);
24722 },
24723 mkdirSync$1(receiver, p0) {
24724 return receiver.mkdirSync(p0);
24725 },
24726 readdirSync$1(receiver, p0) {
24727 return receiver.readdirSync(p0);
24728 },
24729 readFileSync$2(receiver, p0, p1) {
24730 return receiver.readFileSync(p0, p1);
24731 },
24732 statSync$1(receiver, p0) {
24733 return receiver.statSync(p0);
24734 },
24735 unlinkSync$1(receiver, p0) {
24736 return receiver.unlinkSync(p0);
24737 },
24738 watch$2(receiver, p0, p1) {
24739 return receiver.watch(p0, p1);
24740 },
24741 writeFileSync$2(receiver, p0, p1) {
24742 return receiver.writeFileSync(p0, p1);
24743 },
24744 get$path(obj) {
24745 return obj.path;
24746 },
24747 isDirectory$0(receiver) {
24748 return receiver.isDirectory();
24749 },
24750 isFile$0(receiver) {
24751 return receiver.isFile();
24752 },
24753 get$mtime(obj) {
24754 return obj.mtime;
24755 },
24756 then$1$1(receiver, p0) {
24757 return receiver.then(p0);
24758 },
24759 then$2(receiver, p0, p1) {
24760 return receiver.then(p0, p1);
24761 },
24762 getTime$0(receiver) {
24763 return receiver.getTime();
24764 },
24765 get$message(obj) {
24766 return obj.message;
24767 },
24768 message$1(receiver, p0) {
24769 return receiver.message(p0);
24770 },
24771 get$code(obj) {
24772 return obj.code;
24773 },
24774 get$syscall(obj) {
24775 return obj.syscall;
24776 },
24777 get$env(obj) {
24778 return obj.env;
24779 },
24780 get$exitCode(obj) {
24781 return obj.exitCode;
24782 },
24783 set$exitCode(obj, v) {
24784 return obj.exitCode = v;
24785 },
24786 get$platform(obj) {
24787 return obj.platform;
24788 },
24789 get$stderr(obj) {
24790 return obj.stderr;
24791 },
24792 get$stdin(obj) {
24793 return obj.stdin;
24794 },
24795 get$name(obj) {
24796 return obj.name;
24797 },
24798 push$1(receiver, p0) {
24799 return receiver.push(p0);
24800 },
24801 call$0(receiver) {
24802 return receiver.call();
24803 },
24804 call$1(receiver, p0) {
24805 return receiver.call(p0);
24806 },
24807 call$2(receiver, p0, p1) {
24808 return receiver.call(p0, p1);
24809 },
24810 call$3$1(receiver, p0) {
24811 return receiver.call(p0);
24812 },
24813 call$2$1(receiver, p0) {
24814 return receiver.call(p0);
24815 },
24816 call$1$1(receiver, p0) {
24817 return receiver.call(p0);
24818 },
24819 call$3(receiver, p0, p1, p2) {
24820 return receiver.call(p0, p1, p2);
24821 },
24822 call$3$3(receiver, p0, p1, p2) {
24823 return receiver.call(p0, p1, p2);
24824 },
24825 call$2$2(receiver, p0, p1) {
24826 return receiver.call(p0, p1);
24827 },
24828 call$1$0(receiver) {
24829 return receiver.call();
24830 },
24831 call$2$0(receiver) {
24832 return receiver.call();
24833 },
24834 call$2$3(receiver, p0, p1, p2) {
24835 return receiver.call(p0, p1, p2);
24836 },
24837 call$1$2(receiver, p0, p1) {
24838 return receiver.call(p0, p1);
24839 },
24840 apply$2(receiver, p0, p1) {
24841 return receiver.apply(p0, p1);
24842 },
24843 get$file(obj) {
24844 return obj.file;
24845 },
24846 get$contents(obj) {
24847 return obj.contents;
24848 },
24849 get$options(obj) {
24850 return obj.options;
24851 },
24852 get$data(obj) {
24853 return obj.data;
24854 },
24855 get$includePaths(obj) {
24856 return obj.includePaths;
24857 },
24858 get$style(obj) {
24859 return obj.style;
24860 },
24861 get$indentType(obj) {
24862 return obj.indentType;
24863 },
24864 get$indentWidth(obj) {
24865 return obj.indentWidth;
24866 },
24867 get$linefeed(obj) {
24868 return obj.linefeed;
24869 },
24870 set$context(obj, v) {
24871 return obj.context = v;
24872 },
24873 get$$prototype(obj) {
24874 return obj.prototype;
24875 },
24876 get$dartValue(obj) {
24877 return obj.dartValue;
24878 },
24879 set$dartValue(obj, v) {
24880 return obj.dartValue = v;
24881 },
24882 get$red(obj) {
24883 return obj.red;
24884 },
24885 get$green(obj) {
24886 return obj.green;
24887 },
24888 get$blue(obj) {
24889 return obj.blue;
24890 },
24891 get$hue(obj) {
24892 return obj.hue;
24893 },
24894 get$saturation(obj) {
24895 return obj.saturation;
24896 },
24897 get$lightness(obj) {
24898 return obj.lightness;
24899 },
24900 get$whiteness(obj) {
24901 return obj.whiteness;
24902 },
24903 get$blackness(obj) {
24904 return obj.blackness;
24905 },
24906 get$alpha(obj) {
24907 return obj.alpha;
24908 },
24909 get$alertAscii(obj) {
24910 return obj.alertAscii;
24911 },
24912 get$alertColor(obj) {
24913 return obj.alertColor;
24914 },
24915 get$loadPaths(obj) {
24916 return obj.loadPaths;
24917 },
24918 get$quietDeps(obj) {
24919 return obj.quietDeps;
24920 },
24921 get$verbose(obj) {
24922 return obj.verbose;
24923 },
24924 get$sourceMap(obj) {
24925 return obj.sourceMap;
24926 },
24927 get$sourceMapIncludeSources(obj) {
24928 return obj.sourceMapIncludeSources;
24929 },
24930 get$logger(obj) {
24931 return obj.logger;
24932 },
24933 get$importers(obj) {
24934 return obj.importers;
24935 },
24936 get$functions(obj) {
24937 return obj.functions;
24938 },
24939 get$syntax(obj) {
24940 return obj.syntax;
24941 },
24942 get$url(obj) {
24943 return obj.url;
24944 },
24945 get$importer(obj) {
24946 return obj.importer;
24947 },
24948 get$_dartException(obj) {
24949 return obj._dartException;
24950 },
24951 set$renderSync(obj, v) {
24952 return obj.renderSync = v;
24953 },
24954 set$compileString(obj, v) {
24955 return obj.compileString = v;
24956 },
24957 set$compileStringAsync(obj, v) {
24958 return obj.compileStringAsync = v;
24959 },
24960 set$compile(obj, v) {
24961 return obj.compile = v;
24962 },
24963 set$compileAsync(obj, v) {
24964 return obj.compileAsync = v;
24965 },
24966 set$info(obj, v) {
24967 return obj.info = v;
24968 },
24969 set$Exception(obj, v) {
24970 return obj.Exception = v;
24971 },
24972 set$Logger(obj, v) {
24973 return obj.Logger = v;
24974 },
24975 set$Value(obj, v) {
24976 return obj.Value = v;
24977 },
24978 set$SassArgumentList(obj, v) {
24979 return obj.SassArgumentList = v;
24980 },
24981 set$SassBoolean(obj, v) {
24982 return obj.SassBoolean = v;
24983 },
24984 set$SassColor(obj, v) {
24985 return obj.SassColor = v;
24986 },
24987 set$SassFunction(obj, v) {
24988 return obj.SassFunction = v;
24989 },
24990 set$SassList(obj, v) {
24991 return obj.SassList = v;
24992 },
24993 set$SassMap(obj, v) {
24994 return obj.SassMap = v;
24995 },
24996 set$SassNumber(obj, v) {
24997 return obj.SassNumber = v;
24998 },
24999 set$SassString(obj, v) {
25000 return obj.SassString = v;
25001 },
25002 set$sassNull(obj, v) {
25003 return obj.sassNull = v;
25004 },
25005 set$sassTrue(obj, v) {
25006 return obj.sassTrue = v;
25007 },
25008 set$sassFalse(obj, v) {
25009 return obj.sassFalse = v;
25010 },
25011 set$render(obj, v) {
25012 return obj.render = v;
25013 },
25014 set$types(obj, v) {
25015 return obj.types = v;
25016 },
25017 set$NULL(obj, v) {
25018 return obj.NULL = v;
25019 },
25020 set$TRUE(obj, v) {
25021 return obj.TRUE = v;
25022 },
25023 set$FALSE(obj, v) {
25024 return obj.FALSE = v;
25025 },
25026 get$current(obj) {
25027 return obj.current;
25028 },
25029 yield$0(receiver) {
25030 return receiver.yield();
25031 },
25032 run$1$1(receiver, p0) {
25033 return receiver.run(p0);
25034 },
25035 run$1(receiver, p0) {
25036 return receiver.run(p0);
25037 },
25038 run$0(receiver) {
25039 return receiver.run();
25040 },
25041 toArray$0(receiver) {
25042 return receiver.toArray();
25043 },
25044 asMutable$0(receiver) {
25045 return receiver.asMutable();
25046 },
25047 asImmutable$0(receiver) {
25048 return receiver.asImmutable();
25049 },
25050 $set$2(receiver, p0, p1) {
25051 return receiver.set(p0, p1);
25052 },
25053 forEach$1(receiver, p0) {
25054 return receiver.forEach(p0);
25055 },
25056 get$canonicalize(obj) {
25057 return obj.canonicalize;
25058 },
25059 canonicalize$1(receiver, p0) {
25060 return receiver.canonicalize(p0);
25061 },
25062 get$load(obj) {
25063 return obj.load;
25064 },
25065 load$1(receiver, p0) {
25066 return receiver.load(p0);
25067 },
25068 get$findFileUrl(obj) {
25069 return obj.findFileUrl;
25070 },
25071 get$sourceMapUrl(obj) {
25072 return obj.sourceMapUrl;
25073 },
25074 get$separator(obj) {
25075 return obj.separator;
25076 },
25077 get$brackets(obj) {
25078 return obj.brackets;
25079 },
25080 get$numeratorUnits(obj) {
25081 return obj.numeratorUnits;
25082 },
25083 get$denominatorUnits(obj) {
25084 return obj.denominatorUnits;
25085 },
25086 get$indentedSyntax(obj) {
25087 return obj.indentedSyntax;
25088 },
25089 get$omitSourceMapUrl(obj) {
25090 return obj.omitSourceMapUrl;
25091 },
25092 get$outFile(obj) {
25093 return obj.outFile;
25094 },
25095 get$outputStyle(obj) {
25096 return obj.outputStyle;
25097 },
25098 get$fiber(obj) {
25099 return obj.fiber;
25100 },
25101 get$sourceMapContents(obj) {
25102 return obj.sourceMapContents;
25103 },
25104 get$sourceMapEmbed(obj) {
25105 return obj.sourceMapEmbed;
25106 },
25107 get$sourceMapRoot(obj) {
25108 return obj.sourceMapRoot;
25109 },
25110 get$charset(obj) {
25111 return obj.charset;
25112 },
25113 set$cli_pkg_main_0_(obj, v) {
25114 return obj.cli_pkg_main_0_ = v;
25115 },
25116 get$quotes(obj) {
25117 return obj.quotes;
25118 }
25119 };
25120 J.PlainJavaScriptObject.prototype = {};
25121 J.UnknownJavaScriptObject.prototype = {};
25122 J.JavaScriptFunction.prototype = {
25123 toString$0(receiver) {
25124 var dartClosure = receiver[$.$get$DART_CLOSURE_PROPERTY_NAME()];
25125 if (dartClosure == null)
25126 return this.super$JavaScriptObject$toString(receiver);
25127 return "JavaScript function for " + A.S(J.toString$0$(dartClosure));
25128 },
25129 $isFunction: 1
25130 };
25131 J.JSArray.prototype = {
25132 cast$1$0(receiver, $R) {
25133 return new A.CastList(receiver, A._arrayInstanceType(receiver)._eval$1("@<1>")._bind$1($R)._eval$1("CastList<1,2>"));
25134 },
25135 add$1(receiver, value) {
25136 if (!!receiver.fixed$length)
25137 A.throwExpression(A.UnsupportedError$("add"));
25138 receiver.push(value);
25139 },
25140 removeAt$1(receiver, index) {
25141 var t1;
25142 if (!!receiver.fixed$length)
25143 A.throwExpression(A.UnsupportedError$("removeAt"));
25144 t1 = receiver.length;
25145 if (index >= t1)
25146 throw A.wrapException(A.RangeError$value(index, null, null));
25147 return receiver.splice(index, 1)[0];
25148 },
25149 insert$2(receiver, index, value) {
25150 var t1;
25151 if (!!receiver.fixed$length)
25152 A.throwExpression(A.UnsupportedError$("insert"));
25153 t1 = receiver.length;
25154 if (index > t1)
25155 throw A.wrapException(A.RangeError$value(index, null, null));
25156 receiver.splice(index, 0, value);
25157 },
25158 insertAll$2(receiver, index, iterable) {
25159 var insertionLength, end;
25160 if (!!receiver.fixed$length)
25161 A.throwExpression(A.UnsupportedError$("insertAll"));
25162 A.RangeError_checkValueInInterval(index, 0, receiver.length, "index");
25163 if (!type$.EfficientLengthIterable_dynamic._is(iterable))
25164 iterable = J.toList$0$ax(iterable);
25165 insertionLength = J.get$length$asx(iterable);
25166 receiver.length = receiver.length + insertionLength;
25167 end = index + insertionLength;
25168 this.setRange$4(receiver, end, receiver.length, receiver, index);
25169 this.setRange$3(receiver, index, end, iterable);
25170 },
25171 removeLast$0(receiver) {
25172 if (!!receiver.fixed$length)
25173 A.throwExpression(A.UnsupportedError$("removeLast"));
25174 if (receiver.length === 0)
25175 throw A.wrapException(A.diagnoseIndexError(receiver, -1));
25176 return receiver.pop();
25177 },
25178 _removeWhere$2(receiver, test, removeMatching) {
25179 var i, element, t1, retained = [],
25180 end = receiver.length;
25181 for (i = 0; i < end; ++i) {
25182 element = receiver[i];
25183 if (!test.call$1(element))
25184 retained.push(element);
25185 if (receiver.length !== end)
25186 throw A.wrapException(A.ConcurrentModificationError$(receiver));
25187 }
25188 t1 = retained.length;
25189 if (t1 === end)
25190 return;
25191 this.set$length(receiver, t1);
25192 for (i = 0; i < retained.length; ++i)
25193 receiver[i] = retained[i];
25194 },
25195 where$1(receiver, f) {
25196 return new A.WhereIterable(receiver, f, A._arrayInstanceType(receiver)._eval$1("WhereIterable<1>"));
25197 },
25198 expand$1$1(receiver, f, $T) {
25199 return new A.ExpandIterable(receiver, f, A._arrayInstanceType(receiver)._eval$1("@<1>")._bind$1($T)._eval$1("ExpandIterable<1,2>"));
25200 },
25201 addAll$1(receiver, collection) {
25202 var t1;
25203 if (!!receiver.fixed$length)
25204 A.throwExpression(A.UnsupportedError$("addAll"));
25205 if (Array.isArray(collection)) {
25206 this._addAllFromArray$1(receiver, collection);
25207 return;
25208 }
25209 for (t1 = J.get$iterator$ax(collection); t1.moveNext$0();)
25210 receiver.push(t1.get$current(t1));
25211 },
25212 _addAllFromArray$1(receiver, array) {
25213 var i,
25214 len = array.length;
25215 if (len === 0)
25216 return;
25217 if (receiver === array)
25218 throw A.wrapException(A.ConcurrentModificationError$(receiver));
25219 for (i = 0; i < len; ++i)
25220 receiver.push(array[i]);
25221 },
25222 map$1$1(receiver, f, $T) {
25223 return new A.MappedListIterable(receiver, f, A._arrayInstanceType(receiver)._eval$1("@<1>")._bind$1($T)._eval$1("MappedListIterable<1,2>"));
25224 },
25225 join$1(receiver, separator) {
25226 var i,
25227 list = A.List_List$filled(receiver.length, "", false, type$.String);
25228 for (i = 0; i < receiver.length; ++i)
25229 list[i] = A.S(receiver[i]);
25230 return list.join(separator);
25231 },
25232 join$0($receiver) {
25233 return this.join$1($receiver, "");
25234 },
25235 take$1(receiver, n) {
25236 return A.SubListIterable$(receiver, 0, A.checkNotNullable(n, "count", type$.int), A._arrayInstanceType(receiver)._precomputed1);
25237 },
25238 skip$1(receiver, n) {
25239 return A.SubListIterable$(receiver, n, null, A._arrayInstanceType(receiver)._precomputed1);
25240 },
25241 fold$1$2(receiver, initialValue, combine) {
25242 var value, i,
25243 $length = receiver.length;
25244 for (value = initialValue, i = 0; i < $length; ++i) {
25245 value = combine.call$2(value, receiver[i]);
25246 if (receiver.length !== $length)
25247 throw A.wrapException(A.ConcurrentModificationError$(receiver));
25248 }
25249 return value;
25250 },
25251 fold$2($receiver, initialValue, combine) {
25252 return this.fold$1$2($receiver, initialValue, combine, type$.dynamic);
25253 },
25254 elementAt$1(receiver, index) {
25255 return receiver[index];
25256 },
25257 sublist$2(receiver, start, end) {
25258 var end0 = receiver.length;
25259 if (start > end0)
25260 throw A.wrapException(A.RangeError$range(start, 0, end0, "start", null));
25261 if (end == null)
25262 end = end0;
25263 else if (end < start || end > end0)
25264 throw A.wrapException(A.RangeError$range(end, start, end0, "end", null));
25265 if (start === end)
25266 return A._setArrayType([], A._arrayInstanceType(receiver));
25267 return A._setArrayType(receiver.slice(start, end), A._arrayInstanceType(receiver));
25268 },
25269 sublist$1($receiver, start) {
25270 return this.sublist$2($receiver, start, null);
25271 },
25272 getRange$2(receiver, start, end) {
25273 A.RangeError_checkValidRange(start, end, receiver.length);
25274 return A.SubListIterable$(receiver, start, end, A._arrayInstanceType(receiver)._precomputed1);
25275 },
25276 get$first(receiver) {
25277 if (receiver.length > 0)
25278 return receiver[0];
25279 throw A.wrapException(A.IterableElementError_noElement());
25280 },
25281 get$last(receiver) {
25282 var t1 = receiver.length;
25283 if (t1 > 0)
25284 return receiver[t1 - 1];
25285 throw A.wrapException(A.IterableElementError_noElement());
25286 },
25287 get$single(receiver) {
25288 var t1 = receiver.length;
25289 if (t1 === 1)
25290 return receiver[0];
25291 if (t1 === 0)
25292 throw A.wrapException(A.IterableElementError_noElement());
25293 throw A.wrapException(A.IterableElementError_tooMany());
25294 },
25295 removeRange$2(receiver, start, end) {
25296 if (!!receiver.fixed$length)
25297 A.throwExpression(A.UnsupportedError$("removeRange"));
25298 A.RangeError_checkValidRange(start, end, receiver.length);
25299 receiver.splice(start, end - start);
25300 },
25301 setRange$4(receiver, start, end, iterable, skipCount) {
25302 var $length, otherList, otherStart, t1, i;
25303 if (!!receiver.immutable$list)
25304 A.throwExpression(A.UnsupportedError$("setRange"));
25305 A.RangeError_checkValidRange(start, end, receiver.length);
25306 $length = end - start;
25307 if ($length === 0)
25308 return;
25309 A.RangeError_checkNotNegative(skipCount, "skipCount");
25310 if (type$.List_dynamic._is(iterable)) {
25311 otherList = iterable;
25312 otherStart = skipCount;
25313 } else {
25314 otherList = J.skip$1$ax(iterable, skipCount).toList$1$growable(0, false);
25315 otherStart = 0;
25316 }
25317 t1 = J.getInterceptor$asx(otherList);
25318 if (otherStart + $length > t1.get$length(otherList))
25319 throw A.wrapException(A.IterableElementError_tooFew());
25320 if (otherStart < start)
25321 for (i = $length - 1; i >= 0; --i)
25322 receiver[start + i] = t1.$index(otherList, otherStart + i);
25323 else
25324 for (i = 0; i < $length; ++i)
25325 receiver[start + i] = t1.$index(otherList, otherStart + i);
25326 },
25327 setRange$3($receiver, start, end, iterable) {
25328 return this.setRange$4($receiver, start, end, iterable, 0);
25329 },
25330 fillRange$3(receiver, start, end, fillValue) {
25331 var i;
25332 if (!!receiver.immutable$list)
25333 A.throwExpression(A.UnsupportedError$("fill range"));
25334 A.RangeError_checkValidRange(start, end, receiver.length);
25335 A._arrayInstanceType(receiver)._precomputed1._as(fillValue);
25336 for (i = start; i < end; ++i)
25337 receiver[i] = fillValue;
25338 },
25339 any$1(receiver, test) {
25340 var i,
25341 end = receiver.length;
25342 for (i = 0; i < end; ++i) {
25343 if (test.call$1(receiver[i]))
25344 return true;
25345 if (receiver.length !== end)
25346 throw A.wrapException(A.ConcurrentModificationError$(receiver));
25347 }
25348 return false;
25349 },
25350 every$1(receiver, test) {
25351 var i,
25352 end = receiver.length;
25353 for (i = 0; i < end; ++i) {
25354 if (!test.call$1(receiver[i]))
25355 return false;
25356 if (receiver.length !== end)
25357 throw A.wrapException(A.ConcurrentModificationError$(receiver));
25358 }
25359 return true;
25360 },
25361 get$reversed(receiver) {
25362 return new A.ReversedListIterable(receiver, A._arrayInstanceType(receiver)._eval$1("ReversedListIterable<1>"));
25363 },
25364 sort$1(receiver, compare) {
25365 if (!!receiver.immutable$list)
25366 A.throwExpression(A.UnsupportedError$("sort"));
25367 A.Sort_sort(receiver, compare == null ? J._interceptors_JSArray__compareAny$closure() : compare);
25368 },
25369 sort$0($receiver) {
25370 return this.sort$1($receiver, null);
25371 },
25372 indexOf$1(receiver, element) {
25373 var i,
25374 $length = receiver.length;
25375 if (0 >= $length)
25376 return -1;
25377 for (i = 0; i < $length; ++i)
25378 if (J.$eq$(receiver[i], element))
25379 return i;
25380 return -1;
25381 },
25382 contains$1(receiver, other) {
25383 var i;
25384 for (i = 0; i < receiver.length; ++i)
25385 if (J.$eq$(receiver[i], other))
25386 return true;
25387 return false;
25388 },
25389 get$isEmpty(receiver) {
25390 return receiver.length === 0;
25391 },
25392 get$isNotEmpty(receiver) {
25393 return receiver.length !== 0;
25394 },
25395 toString$0(receiver) {
25396 return A.IterableBase_iterableToFullString(receiver, "[", "]");
25397 },
25398 toList$1$growable(receiver, growable) {
25399 var t1 = A._setArrayType(receiver.slice(0), A._arrayInstanceType(receiver));
25400 return t1;
25401 },
25402 toList$0($receiver) {
25403 return this.toList$1$growable($receiver, true);
25404 },
25405 toSet$0(receiver) {
25406 return A.LinkedHashSet_LinkedHashSet$from(receiver, A._arrayInstanceType(receiver)._precomputed1);
25407 },
25408 get$iterator(receiver) {
25409 return new J.ArrayIterator(receiver, receiver.length);
25410 },
25411 get$hashCode(receiver) {
25412 return A.Primitives_objectHashCode(receiver);
25413 },
25414 get$length(receiver) {
25415 return receiver.length;
25416 },
25417 set$length(receiver, newLength) {
25418 if (!!receiver.fixed$length)
25419 A.throwExpression(A.UnsupportedError$("set length"));
25420 if (newLength < 0)
25421 throw A.wrapException(A.RangeError$range(newLength, 0, null, "newLength", null));
25422 if (newLength > receiver.length)
25423 A._arrayInstanceType(receiver)._precomputed1._as(null);
25424 receiver.length = newLength;
25425 },
25426 $index(receiver, index) {
25427 if (!(index >= 0 && index < receiver.length))
25428 throw A.wrapException(A.diagnoseIndexError(receiver, index));
25429 return receiver[index];
25430 },
25431 $indexSet(receiver, index, value) {
25432 if (!!receiver.immutable$list)
25433 A.throwExpression(A.UnsupportedError$("indexed set"));
25434 if (!(index >= 0 && index < receiver.length))
25435 throw A.wrapException(A.diagnoseIndexError(receiver, index));
25436 receiver[index] = value;
25437 },
25438 $add(receiver, other) {
25439 var t1 = A.List_List$of(receiver, true, A._arrayInstanceType(receiver)._precomputed1);
25440 this.addAll$1(t1, other);
25441 return t1;
25442 },
25443 indexWhere$1(receiver, test) {
25444 var i;
25445 if (0 >= receiver.length)
25446 return -1;
25447 for (i = 0; i < receiver.length; ++i)
25448 if (test.call$1(receiver[i]))
25449 return i;
25450 return -1;
25451 },
25452 $isEfficientLengthIterable: 1,
25453 $isIterable: 1,
25454 $isList: 1
25455 };
25456 J.JSUnmodifiableArray.prototype = {};
25457 J.ArrayIterator.prototype = {
25458 get$current(_) {
25459 return A._instanceType(this)._precomputed1._as(this._current);
25460 },
25461 moveNext$0() {
25462 var t2, _this = this,
25463 t1 = _this._iterable,
25464 $length = t1.length;
25465 if (_this._length !== $length)
25466 throw A.wrapException(A.throwConcurrentModificationError(t1));
25467 t2 = _this._index;
25468 if (t2 >= $length) {
25469 _this._current = null;
25470 return false;
25471 }
25472 _this._current = t1[t2];
25473 _this._index = t2 + 1;
25474 return true;
25475 }
25476 };
25477 J.JSNumber.prototype = {
25478 compareTo$1(receiver, b) {
25479 var bIsNegative;
25480 if (receiver < b)
25481 return -1;
25482 else if (receiver > b)
25483 return 1;
25484 else if (receiver === b) {
25485 if (receiver === 0) {
25486 bIsNegative = this.get$isNegative(b);
25487 if (this.get$isNegative(receiver) === bIsNegative)
25488 return 0;
25489 if (this.get$isNegative(receiver))
25490 return -1;
25491 return 1;
25492 }
25493 return 0;
25494 } else if (isNaN(receiver)) {
25495 if (isNaN(b))
25496 return 0;
25497 return 1;
25498 } else
25499 return -1;
25500 },
25501 get$isNegative(receiver) {
25502 return receiver === 0 ? 1 / receiver < 0 : receiver < 0;
25503 },
25504 ceil$0(receiver) {
25505 var truncated, d;
25506 if (receiver >= 0) {
25507 if (receiver <= 2147483647) {
25508 truncated = receiver | 0;
25509 return receiver === truncated ? truncated : truncated + 1;
25510 }
25511 } else if (receiver >= -2147483648)
25512 return receiver | 0;
25513 d = Math.ceil(receiver);
25514 if (isFinite(d))
25515 return d;
25516 throw A.wrapException(A.UnsupportedError$("" + receiver + ".ceil()"));
25517 },
25518 floor$0(receiver) {
25519 var truncated, d;
25520 if (receiver >= 0) {
25521 if (receiver <= 2147483647)
25522 return receiver | 0;
25523 } else if (receiver >= -2147483648) {
25524 truncated = receiver | 0;
25525 return receiver === truncated ? truncated : truncated - 1;
25526 }
25527 d = Math.floor(receiver);
25528 if (isFinite(d))
25529 return d;
25530 throw A.wrapException(A.UnsupportedError$("" + receiver + ".floor()"));
25531 },
25532 round$0(receiver) {
25533 if (receiver > 0) {
25534 if (receiver !== 1 / 0)
25535 return Math.round(receiver);
25536 } else if (receiver > -1 / 0)
25537 return 0 - Math.round(0 - receiver);
25538 throw A.wrapException(A.UnsupportedError$("" + receiver + ".round()"));
25539 },
25540 clamp$2(receiver, lowerLimit, upperLimit) {
25541 if (B.JSInt_methods.compareTo$1(lowerLimit, upperLimit) > 0)
25542 throw A.wrapException(A.argumentErrorValue(lowerLimit));
25543 if (this.compareTo$1(receiver, lowerLimit) < 0)
25544 return lowerLimit;
25545 if (this.compareTo$1(receiver, upperLimit) > 0)
25546 return upperLimit;
25547 return receiver;
25548 },
25549 toRadixString$1(receiver, radix) {
25550 var result, match, exponent, t1;
25551 if (radix < 2 || radix > 36)
25552 throw A.wrapException(A.RangeError$range(radix, 2, 36, "radix", null));
25553 result = receiver.toString(radix);
25554 if (B.JSString_methods.codeUnitAt$1(result, result.length - 1) !== 41)
25555 return result;
25556 match = /^([\da-z]+)(?:\.([\da-z]+))?\(e\+(\d+)\)$/.exec(result);
25557 if (match == null)
25558 A.throwExpression(A.UnsupportedError$("Unexpected toString result: " + result));
25559 result = match[1];
25560 exponent = +match[3];
25561 t1 = match[2];
25562 if (t1 != null) {
25563 result += t1;
25564 exponent -= t1.length;
25565 }
25566 return result + B.JSString_methods.$mul("0", exponent);
25567 },
25568 toString$0(receiver) {
25569 if (receiver === 0 && 1 / receiver < 0)
25570 return "-0.0";
25571 else
25572 return "" + receiver;
25573 },
25574 get$hashCode(receiver) {
25575 var absolute, floorLog2, factor, scaled,
25576 intValue = receiver | 0;
25577 if (receiver === intValue)
25578 return intValue & 536870911;
25579 absolute = Math.abs(receiver);
25580 floorLog2 = Math.log(absolute) / 0.6931471805599453 | 0;
25581 factor = Math.pow(2, floorLog2);
25582 scaled = absolute < 1 ? absolute / factor : factor / absolute;
25583 return ((scaled * 9007199254740992 | 0) + (scaled * 3542243181176521 | 0)) * 599197 + floorLog2 * 1259 & 536870911;
25584 },
25585 $add(receiver, other) {
25586 return receiver + other;
25587 },
25588 $mod(receiver, other) {
25589 var result = receiver % other;
25590 if (result === 0)
25591 return 0;
25592 if (result > 0)
25593 return result;
25594 if (other < 0)
25595 return result - other;
25596 else
25597 return result + other;
25598 },
25599 $tdiv(receiver, other) {
25600 if ((receiver | 0) === receiver)
25601 if (other >= 1 || other < -1)
25602 return receiver / other | 0;
25603 return this._tdivSlow$1(receiver, other);
25604 },
25605 _tdivFast$1(receiver, other) {
25606 return (receiver | 0) === receiver ? receiver / other | 0 : this._tdivSlow$1(receiver, other);
25607 },
25608 _tdivSlow$1(receiver, other) {
25609 var quotient = receiver / other;
25610 if (quotient >= -2147483648 && quotient <= 2147483647)
25611 return quotient | 0;
25612 if (quotient > 0) {
25613 if (quotient !== 1 / 0)
25614 return Math.floor(quotient);
25615 } else if (quotient > -1 / 0)
25616 return Math.ceil(quotient);
25617 throw A.wrapException(A.UnsupportedError$("Result of truncating division is " + A.S(quotient) + ": " + A.S(receiver) + " ~/ " + other));
25618 },
25619 _shrOtherPositive$1(receiver, other) {
25620 var t1;
25621 if (receiver > 0)
25622 t1 = this._shrBothPositive$1(receiver, other);
25623 else {
25624 t1 = other > 31 ? 31 : other;
25625 t1 = receiver >> t1 >>> 0;
25626 }
25627 return t1;
25628 },
25629 _shrReceiverPositive$1(receiver, other) {
25630 if (0 > other)
25631 throw A.wrapException(A.argumentErrorValue(other));
25632 return this._shrBothPositive$1(receiver, other);
25633 },
25634 _shrBothPositive$1(receiver, other) {
25635 return other > 31 ? 0 : receiver >>> other;
25636 },
25637 $isComparable: 1,
25638 $isdouble: 1,
25639 $isnum: 1
25640 };
25641 J.JSInt.prototype = {$isint: 1};
25642 J.JSNumNotInt.prototype = {};
25643 J.JSString.prototype = {
25644 codeUnitAt$1(receiver, index) {
25645 if (index < 0)
25646 throw A.wrapException(A.diagnoseIndexError(receiver, index));
25647 if (index >= receiver.length)
25648 A.throwExpression(A.diagnoseIndexError(receiver, index));
25649 return receiver.charCodeAt(index);
25650 },
25651 _codeUnitAt$1(receiver, index) {
25652 if (index >= receiver.length)
25653 throw A.wrapException(A.diagnoseIndexError(receiver, index));
25654 return receiver.charCodeAt(index);
25655 },
25656 allMatches$2(receiver, string, start) {
25657 var t1 = string.length;
25658 if (start > t1)
25659 throw A.wrapException(A.RangeError$range(start, 0, t1, null, null));
25660 return new A._StringAllMatchesIterable(string, receiver, start);
25661 },
25662 allMatches$1($receiver, string) {
25663 return this.allMatches$2($receiver, string, 0);
25664 },
25665 matchAsPrefix$2(receiver, string, start) {
25666 var t1, i, _null = null;
25667 if (start < 0 || start > string.length)
25668 throw A.wrapException(A.RangeError$range(start, 0, string.length, _null, _null));
25669 t1 = receiver.length;
25670 if (start + t1 > string.length)
25671 return _null;
25672 for (i = 0; i < t1; ++i)
25673 if (this.codeUnitAt$1(string, start + i) !== this._codeUnitAt$1(receiver, i))
25674 return _null;
25675 return new A.StringMatch(start, receiver);
25676 },
25677 $add(receiver, other) {
25678 return receiver + other;
25679 },
25680 endsWith$1(receiver, other) {
25681 var otherLength = other.length,
25682 t1 = receiver.length;
25683 if (otherLength > t1)
25684 return false;
25685 return other === this.substring$1(receiver, t1 - otherLength);
25686 },
25687 replaceFirst$2(receiver, from, to) {
25688 A.RangeError_checkValueInInterval(0, 0, receiver.length, "startIndex");
25689 return A.stringReplaceFirstUnchecked(receiver, from, to, 0);
25690 },
25691 split$1(receiver, pattern) {
25692 if (typeof pattern == "string")
25693 return A._setArrayType(receiver.split(pattern), type$.JSArray_String);
25694 else if (pattern instanceof A.JSSyntaxRegExp && pattern.get$_nativeAnchoredVersion().exec("").length - 2 === 0)
25695 return A._setArrayType(receiver.split(pattern._nativeRegExp), type$.JSArray_String);
25696 else
25697 return this._defaultSplit$1(receiver, pattern);
25698 },
25699 replaceRange$3(receiver, start, end, replacement) {
25700 var e = A.RangeError_checkValidRange(start, end, receiver.length);
25701 return A.stringReplaceRangeUnchecked(receiver, start, e, replacement);
25702 },
25703 _defaultSplit$1(receiver, pattern) {
25704 var t1, start, $length, match, matchStart, matchEnd,
25705 result = A._setArrayType([], type$.JSArray_String);
25706 for (t1 = J.allMatches$1$s(pattern, receiver), t1 = t1.get$iterator(t1), start = 0, $length = 1; t1.moveNext$0();) {
25707 match = t1.get$current(t1);
25708 matchStart = match.get$start(match);
25709 matchEnd = match.get$end(match);
25710 $length = matchEnd - matchStart;
25711 if ($length === 0 && start === matchStart)
25712 continue;
25713 result.push(this.substring$2(receiver, start, matchStart));
25714 start = matchEnd;
25715 }
25716 if (start < receiver.length || $length > 0)
25717 result.push(this.substring$1(receiver, start));
25718 return result;
25719 },
25720 startsWith$2(receiver, pattern, index) {
25721 var endIndex;
25722 if (index < 0 || index > receiver.length)
25723 throw A.wrapException(A.RangeError$range(index, 0, receiver.length, null, null));
25724 if (typeof pattern == "string") {
25725 endIndex = index + pattern.length;
25726 if (endIndex > receiver.length)
25727 return false;
25728 return pattern === receiver.substring(index, endIndex);
25729 }
25730 return J.matchAsPrefix$2$s(pattern, receiver, index) != null;
25731 },
25732 startsWith$1($receiver, pattern) {
25733 return this.startsWith$2($receiver, pattern, 0);
25734 },
25735 substring$2(receiver, start, end) {
25736 return receiver.substring(start, A.RangeError_checkValidRange(start, end, receiver.length));
25737 },
25738 substring$1($receiver, start) {
25739 return this.substring$2($receiver, start, null);
25740 },
25741 trim$0(receiver) {
25742 var startIndex, t1, endIndex0,
25743 result = receiver.trim(),
25744 endIndex = result.length;
25745 if (endIndex === 0)
25746 return result;
25747 if (this._codeUnitAt$1(result, 0) === 133) {
25748 startIndex = J.JSString__skipLeadingWhitespace(result, 1);
25749 if (startIndex === endIndex)
25750 return "";
25751 } else
25752 startIndex = 0;
25753 t1 = endIndex - 1;
25754 endIndex0 = this.codeUnitAt$1(result, t1) === 133 ? J.JSString__skipTrailingWhitespace(result, t1) : endIndex;
25755 if (startIndex === 0 && endIndex0 === endIndex)
25756 return result;
25757 return result.substring(startIndex, endIndex0);
25758 },
25759 trimRight$0(receiver) {
25760 var result, endIndex, t1;
25761 if (typeof receiver.trimRight != "undefined") {
25762 result = receiver.trimRight();
25763 endIndex = result.length;
25764 if (endIndex === 0)
25765 return result;
25766 t1 = endIndex - 1;
25767 if (this.codeUnitAt$1(result, t1) === 133)
25768 endIndex = J.JSString__skipTrailingWhitespace(result, t1);
25769 } else {
25770 endIndex = J.JSString__skipTrailingWhitespace(receiver, receiver.length);
25771 result = receiver;
25772 }
25773 if (endIndex === result.length)
25774 return result;
25775 if (endIndex === 0)
25776 return "";
25777 return result.substring(0, endIndex);
25778 },
25779 $mul(receiver, times) {
25780 var s, result;
25781 if (0 >= times)
25782 return "";
25783 if (times === 1 || receiver.length === 0)
25784 return receiver;
25785 if (times !== times >>> 0)
25786 throw A.wrapException(B.C_OutOfMemoryError);
25787 for (s = receiver, result = ""; true;) {
25788 if ((times & 1) === 1)
25789 result = s + result;
25790 times = times >>> 1;
25791 if (times === 0)
25792 break;
25793 s += s;
25794 }
25795 return result;
25796 },
25797 padLeft$2(receiver, width, padding) {
25798 var delta = width - receiver.length;
25799 if (delta <= 0)
25800 return receiver;
25801 return this.$mul(padding, delta) + receiver;
25802 },
25803 padRight$1(receiver, width) {
25804 var delta = width - receiver.length;
25805 if (delta <= 0)
25806 return receiver;
25807 return receiver + this.$mul(" ", delta);
25808 },
25809 indexOf$2(receiver, pattern, start) {
25810 var t1;
25811 if (start < 0 || start > receiver.length)
25812 throw A.wrapException(A.RangeError$range(start, 0, receiver.length, null, null));
25813 t1 = receiver.indexOf(pattern, start);
25814 return t1;
25815 },
25816 indexOf$1($receiver, pattern) {
25817 return this.indexOf$2($receiver, pattern, 0);
25818 },
25819 lastIndexOf$2(receiver, pattern, start) {
25820 var t1, t2, i;
25821 if (start == null)
25822 start = receiver.length;
25823 else if (start < 0 || start > receiver.length)
25824 throw A.wrapException(A.RangeError$range(start, 0, receiver.length, null, null));
25825 if (typeof pattern == "string") {
25826 t1 = pattern.length;
25827 t2 = receiver.length;
25828 if (start + t1 > t2)
25829 start = t2 - t1;
25830 return receiver.lastIndexOf(pattern, start);
25831 }
25832 for (t1 = J.getInterceptor$s(pattern), i = start; i >= 0; --i)
25833 if (t1.matchAsPrefix$2(pattern, receiver, i) != null)
25834 return i;
25835 return -1;
25836 },
25837 lastIndexOf$1($receiver, pattern) {
25838 return this.lastIndexOf$2($receiver, pattern, null);
25839 },
25840 contains$2(receiver, other, startIndex) {
25841 var t1 = receiver.length;
25842 if (startIndex > t1)
25843 throw A.wrapException(A.RangeError$range(startIndex, 0, t1, null, null));
25844 return A.stringContainsUnchecked(receiver, other, startIndex);
25845 },
25846 contains$1($receiver, other) {
25847 return this.contains$2($receiver, other, 0);
25848 },
25849 get$isNotEmpty(receiver) {
25850 return receiver.length !== 0;
25851 },
25852 compareTo$1(receiver, other) {
25853 var t1;
25854 if (receiver === other)
25855 t1 = 0;
25856 else
25857 t1 = receiver < other ? -1 : 1;
25858 return t1;
25859 },
25860 toString$0(receiver) {
25861 return receiver;
25862 },
25863 get$hashCode(receiver) {
25864 var t1, hash, i;
25865 for (t1 = receiver.length, hash = 0, i = 0; i < t1; ++i) {
25866 hash = hash + receiver.charCodeAt(i) & 536870911;
25867 hash = hash + ((hash & 524287) << 10) & 536870911;
25868 hash ^= hash >> 6;
25869 }
25870 hash = hash + ((hash & 67108863) << 3) & 536870911;
25871 hash ^= hash >> 11;
25872 return hash + ((hash & 16383) << 15) & 536870911;
25873 },
25874 get$length(receiver) {
25875 return receiver.length;
25876 },
25877 $isComparable: 1,
25878 $isString: 1
25879 };
25880 A._CastIterableBase.prototype = {
25881 get$iterator(_) {
25882 var t1 = A._instanceType(this);
25883 return new A.CastIterator(J.get$iterator$ax(this.get$_source()), t1._eval$1("@<1>")._bind$1(t1._rest[1])._eval$1("CastIterator<1,2>"));
25884 },
25885 get$length(_) {
25886 return J.get$length$asx(this.get$_source());
25887 },
25888 get$isEmpty(_) {
25889 return J.get$isEmpty$asx(this.get$_source());
25890 },
25891 get$isNotEmpty(_) {
25892 return J.get$isNotEmpty$asx(this.get$_source());
25893 },
25894 skip$1(_, count) {
25895 var t1 = A._instanceType(this);
25896 return A.CastIterable_CastIterable(J.skip$1$ax(this.get$_source(), count), t1._precomputed1, t1._rest[1]);
25897 },
25898 take$1(_, count) {
25899 var t1 = A._instanceType(this);
25900 return A.CastIterable_CastIterable(J.take$1$ax(this.get$_source(), count), t1._precomputed1, t1._rest[1]);
25901 },
25902 elementAt$1(_, index) {
25903 return A._instanceType(this)._rest[1]._as(J.elementAt$1$ax(this.get$_source(), index));
25904 },
25905 get$first(_) {
25906 return A._instanceType(this)._rest[1]._as(J.get$first$ax(this.get$_source()));
25907 },
25908 get$last(_) {
25909 return A._instanceType(this)._rest[1]._as(J.get$last$ax(this.get$_source()));
25910 },
25911 get$single(_) {
25912 return A._instanceType(this)._rest[1]._as(J.get$single$ax(this.get$_source()));
25913 },
25914 contains$1(_, other) {
25915 return J.contains$1$asx(this.get$_source(), other);
25916 },
25917 toString$0(_) {
25918 return J.toString$0$(this.get$_source());
25919 }
25920 };
25921 A.CastIterator.prototype = {
25922 moveNext$0() {
25923 return this._source.moveNext$0();
25924 },
25925 get$current(_) {
25926 var t1 = this._source;
25927 return this.$ti._rest[1]._as(t1.get$current(t1));
25928 }
25929 };
25930 A.CastIterable.prototype = {
25931 get$_source() {
25932 return this._source;
25933 }
25934 };
25935 A._EfficientLengthCastIterable.prototype = {$isEfficientLengthIterable: 1};
25936 A._CastListBase.prototype = {
25937 $index(_, index) {
25938 return this.$ti._rest[1]._as(J.$index$asx(this._source, index));
25939 },
25940 $indexSet(_, index, value) {
25941 J.$indexSet$ax(this._source, index, this.$ti._precomputed1._as(value));
25942 },
25943 set$length(_, $length) {
25944 J.set$length$asx(this._source, $length);
25945 },
25946 add$1(_, value) {
25947 J.add$1$ax(this._source, this.$ti._precomputed1._as(value));
25948 },
25949 sort$1(_, compare) {
25950 var t1 = compare == null ? null : new A._CastListBase_sort_closure(this, compare);
25951 J.sort$1$ax(this._source, t1);
25952 },
25953 getRange$2(_, start, end) {
25954 var t1 = this.$ti;
25955 return A.CastIterable_CastIterable(J.getRange$2$ax(this._source, start, end), t1._precomputed1, t1._rest[1]);
25956 },
25957 setRange$4(_, start, end, iterable, skipCount) {
25958 var t1 = this.$ti;
25959 J.setRange$4$ax(this._source, start, end, A.CastIterable_CastIterable(iterable, t1._rest[1], t1._precomputed1), skipCount);
25960 },
25961 fillRange$3(_, start, end, fillValue) {
25962 J.fillRange$3$ax(this._source, start, end, this.$ti._precomputed1._as(fillValue));
25963 },
25964 $isEfficientLengthIterable: 1,
25965 $isList: 1
25966 };
25967 A._CastListBase_sort_closure.prototype = {
25968 call$2(v1, v2) {
25969 var t1 = this.$this.$ti._rest[1];
25970 return this.compare.call$2(t1._as(v1), t1._as(v2));
25971 },
25972 $signature() {
25973 return this.$this.$ti._eval$1("int(1,1)");
25974 }
25975 };
25976 A.CastList.prototype = {
25977 cast$1$0(_, $R) {
25978 return new A.CastList(this._source, this.$ti._eval$1("@<1>")._bind$1($R)._eval$1("CastList<1,2>"));
25979 },
25980 get$_source() {
25981 return this._source;
25982 }
25983 };
25984 A.CastSet.prototype = {
25985 add$1(_, value) {
25986 return this._source.add$1(0, this.$ti._precomputed1._as(value));
25987 },
25988 addAll$1(_, elements) {
25989 var t1 = this.$ti;
25990 this._source.addAll$1(0, A.CastIterable_CastIterable(elements, t1._rest[1], t1._precomputed1));
25991 },
25992 difference$1(other) {
25993 var t1, _this = this;
25994 if (_this._emptySet != null)
25995 return _this._conditionalAdd$2(other, false);
25996 t1 = _this.$ti;
25997 return new A.CastSet(_this._source.difference$1(other), null, t1._eval$1("@<1>")._bind$1(t1._rest[1])._eval$1("CastSet<1,2>"));
25998 },
25999 _conditionalAdd$2(other, otherContains) {
26000 var t3, castElement,
26001 emptySet = this._emptySet,
26002 t1 = this.$ti,
26003 t2 = t1._rest[1],
26004 result = emptySet == null ? A.LinkedHashSet_LinkedHashSet(t2) : emptySet.call$1$0(t2);
26005 for (t2 = this._source, t2 = t2.get$iterator(t2), t3 = other._source, t1 = t1._rest[1]; t2.moveNext$0();) {
26006 castElement = t1._as(t2.get$current(t2));
26007 if (otherContains === t3.contains$1(0, castElement))
26008 result.add$1(0, castElement);
26009 }
26010 return result;
26011 },
26012 toSet$0(_) {
26013 var emptySet = this._emptySet,
26014 t1 = this.$ti._rest[1],
26015 result = emptySet == null ? A.LinkedHashSet_LinkedHashSet(t1) : emptySet.call$1$0(t1);
26016 result.addAll$1(0, this);
26017 return result;
26018 },
26019 $isEfficientLengthIterable: 1,
26020 $isSet: 1,
26021 get$_source() {
26022 return this._source;
26023 }
26024 };
26025 A.CastMap.prototype = {
26026 cast$2$0(_, RK, RV) {
26027 var t1 = this.$ti;
26028 return new A.CastMap(this._source, t1._eval$1("@<1>")._bind$1(t1._rest[1])._bind$1(RK)._bind$1(RV)._eval$1("CastMap<1,2,3,4>"));
26029 },
26030 containsKey$1(key) {
26031 return this._source.containsKey$1(key);
26032 },
26033 $index(_, key) {
26034 return this.$ti._eval$1("4?")._as(this._source.$index(0, key));
26035 },
26036 $indexSet(_, key, value) {
26037 var t1 = this.$ti;
26038 this._source.$indexSet(0, t1._precomputed1._as(key), t1._rest[1]._as(value));
26039 },
26040 addAll$1(_, other) {
26041 var t1 = this.$ti;
26042 this._source.addAll$1(0, new A.CastMap(other, t1._eval$1("@<3>")._bind$1(t1._rest[3])._bind$1(t1._precomputed1)._bind$1(t1._rest[1])._eval$1("CastMap<1,2,3,4>")));
26043 },
26044 remove$1(_, key) {
26045 return this.$ti._eval$1("4?")._as(this._source.remove$1(0, key));
26046 },
26047 forEach$1(_, f) {
26048 this._source.forEach$1(0, new A.CastMap_forEach_closure(this, f));
26049 },
26050 get$keys(_) {
26051 var t1 = this._source,
26052 t2 = this.$ti;
26053 return A.CastIterable_CastIterable(t1.get$keys(t1), t2._precomputed1, t2._rest[2]);
26054 },
26055 get$values(_) {
26056 var t1 = this._source,
26057 t2 = this.$ti;
26058 return A.CastIterable_CastIterable(t1.get$values(t1), t2._rest[1], t2._rest[3]);
26059 },
26060 get$length(_) {
26061 var t1 = this._source;
26062 return t1.get$length(t1);
26063 },
26064 get$isEmpty(_) {
26065 var t1 = this._source;
26066 return t1.get$isEmpty(t1);
26067 },
26068 get$isNotEmpty(_) {
26069 var t1 = this._source;
26070 return t1.get$isNotEmpty(t1);
26071 },
26072 get$entries(_) {
26073 var t1 = this._source;
26074 return t1.get$entries(t1).map$1$1(0, new A.CastMap_entries_closure(this), this.$ti._eval$1("MapEntry<3,4>"));
26075 }
26076 };
26077 A.CastMap_forEach_closure.prototype = {
26078 call$2(key, value) {
26079 var t1 = this.$this.$ti;
26080 this.f.call$2(t1._rest[2]._as(key), t1._rest[3]._as(value));
26081 },
26082 $signature() {
26083 return this.$this.$ti._eval$1("~(1,2)");
26084 }
26085 };
26086 A.CastMap_entries_closure.prototype = {
26087 call$1(e) {
26088 var t1 = this.$this.$ti,
26089 t2 = t1._rest[3];
26090 return new A.MapEntry(t1._rest[2]._as(e.key), t2._as(e.value), t1._eval$1("@<3>")._bind$1(t2)._eval$1("MapEntry<1,2>"));
26091 },
26092 $signature() {
26093 return this.$this.$ti._eval$1("MapEntry<3,4>(MapEntry<1,2>)");
26094 }
26095 };
26096 A.LateError.prototype = {
26097 toString$0(_) {
26098 var t1 = "LateInitializationError: " + this._message;
26099 return t1;
26100 }
26101 };
26102 A.CodeUnits.prototype = {
26103 get$length(_) {
26104 return this._string.length;
26105 },
26106 $index(_, i) {
26107 return B.JSString_methods.codeUnitAt$1(this._string, i);
26108 }
26109 };
26110 A.nullFuture_closure.prototype = {
26111 call$0() {
26112 return A.Future_Future$value(null, type$.Null);
26113 },
26114 $signature: 2
26115 };
26116 A.SentinelValue.prototype = {};
26117 A.EfficientLengthIterable.prototype = {};
26118 A.ListIterable.prototype = {
26119 get$iterator(_) {
26120 return new A.ListIterator(this, this.get$length(this));
26121 },
26122 get$isEmpty(_) {
26123 return this.get$length(this) === 0;
26124 },
26125 get$first(_) {
26126 if (this.get$length(this) === 0)
26127 throw A.wrapException(A.IterableElementError_noElement());
26128 return this.elementAt$1(0, 0);
26129 },
26130 get$last(_) {
26131 var _this = this;
26132 if (_this.get$length(_this) === 0)
26133 throw A.wrapException(A.IterableElementError_noElement());
26134 return _this.elementAt$1(0, _this.get$length(_this) - 1);
26135 },
26136 get$single(_) {
26137 var _this = this;
26138 if (_this.get$length(_this) === 0)
26139 throw A.wrapException(A.IterableElementError_noElement());
26140 if (_this.get$length(_this) > 1)
26141 throw A.wrapException(A.IterableElementError_tooMany());
26142 return _this.elementAt$1(0, 0);
26143 },
26144 contains$1(_, element) {
26145 var i, _this = this,
26146 $length = _this.get$length(_this);
26147 for (i = 0; i < $length; ++i) {
26148 if (J.$eq$(_this.elementAt$1(0, i), element))
26149 return true;
26150 if ($length !== _this.get$length(_this))
26151 throw A.wrapException(A.ConcurrentModificationError$(_this));
26152 }
26153 return false;
26154 },
26155 any$1(_, test) {
26156 var i, _this = this,
26157 $length = _this.get$length(_this);
26158 for (i = 0; i < $length; ++i) {
26159 if (test.call$1(_this.elementAt$1(0, i)))
26160 return true;
26161 if ($length !== _this.get$length(_this))
26162 throw A.wrapException(A.ConcurrentModificationError$(_this));
26163 }
26164 return false;
26165 },
26166 join$1(_, separator) {
26167 var first, t1, i, _this = this,
26168 $length = _this.get$length(_this);
26169 if (separator.length !== 0) {
26170 if ($length === 0)
26171 return "";
26172 first = A.S(_this.elementAt$1(0, 0));
26173 if ($length !== _this.get$length(_this))
26174 throw A.wrapException(A.ConcurrentModificationError$(_this));
26175 for (t1 = first, i = 1; i < $length; ++i) {
26176 t1 = t1 + separator + A.S(_this.elementAt$1(0, i));
26177 if ($length !== _this.get$length(_this))
26178 throw A.wrapException(A.ConcurrentModificationError$(_this));
26179 }
26180 return t1.charCodeAt(0) == 0 ? t1 : t1;
26181 } else {
26182 for (i = 0, t1 = ""; i < $length; ++i) {
26183 t1 += A.S(_this.elementAt$1(0, i));
26184 if ($length !== _this.get$length(_this))
26185 throw A.wrapException(A.ConcurrentModificationError$(_this));
26186 }
26187 return t1.charCodeAt(0) == 0 ? t1 : t1;
26188 }
26189 },
26190 join$0($receiver) {
26191 return this.join$1($receiver, "");
26192 },
26193 where$1(_, test) {
26194 return this.super$Iterable$where(0, test);
26195 },
26196 map$1$1(_, toElement, $T) {
26197 return new A.MappedListIterable(this, toElement, A._instanceType(this)._eval$1("@<ListIterable.E>")._bind$1($T)._eval$1("MappedListIterable<1,2>"));
26198 },
26199 reduce$1(_, combine) {
26200 var value, i, _this = this,
26201 $length = _this.get$length(_this);
26202 if ($length === 0)
26203 throw A.wrapException(A.IterableElementError_noElement());
26204 value = _this.elementAt$1(0, 0);
26205 for (i = 1; i < $length; ++i) {
26206 value = combine.call$2(value, _this.elementAt$1(0, i));
26207 if ($length !== _this.get$length(_this))
26208 throw A.wrapException(A.ConcurrentModificationError$(_this));
26209 }
26210 return value;
26211 },
26212 fold$1$2(_, initialValue, combine) {
26213 var value, i, _this = this,
26214 $length = _this.get$length(_this);
26215 for (value = initialValue, i = 0; i < $length; ++i) {
26216 value = combine.call$2(value, _this.elementAt$1(0, i));
26217 if ($length !== _this.get$length(_this))
26218 throw A.wrapException(A.ConcurrentModificationError$(_this));
26219 }
26220 return value;
26221 },
26222 fold$2($receiver, initialValue, combine) {
26223 return this.fold$1$2($receiver, initialValue, combine, type$.dynamic);
26224 },
26225 skip$1(_, count) {
26226 return A.SubListIterable$(this, count, null, A._instanceType(this)._eval$1("ListIterable.E"));
26227 },
26228 take$1(_, count) {
26229 return A.SubListIterable$(this, 0, A.checkNotNullable(count, "count", type$.int), A._instanceType(this)._eval$1("ListIterable.E"));
26230 },
26231 toList$1$growable(_, growable) {
26232 return A.List_List$of(this, true, A._instanceType(this)._eval$1("ListIterable.E"));
26233 },
26234 toList$0($receiver) {
26235 return this.toList$1$growable($receiver, true);
26236 },
26237 toSet$0(_) {
26238 var i, _this = this,
26239 result = A.LinkedHashSet_LinkedHashSet(A._instanceType(_this)._eval$1("ListIterable.E"));
26240 for (i = 0; i < _this.get$length(_this); ++i)
26241 result.add$1(0, _this.elementAt$1(0, i));
26242 return result;
26243 }
26244 };
26245 A.SubListIterable.prototype = {
26246 SubListIterable$3(_iterable, _start, _endOrLength, $E) {
26247 var endOrLength,
26248 t1 = this._start;
26249 A.RangeError_checkNotNegative(t1, "start");
26250 endOrLength = this._endOrLength;
26251 if (endOrLength != null) {
26252 A.RangeError_checkNotNegative(endOrLength, "end");
26253 if (t1 > endOrLength)
26254 throw A.wrapException(A.RangeError$range(t1, 0, endOrLength, "start", null));
26255 }
26256 },
26257 get$_endIndex() {
26258 var $length = J.get$length$asx(this.__internal$_iterable),
26259 endOrLength = this._endOrLength;
26260 if (endOrLength == null || endOrLength > $length)
26261 return $length;
26262 return endOrLength;
26263 },
26264 get$_startIndex() {
26265 var $length = J.get$length$asx(this.__internal$_iterable),
26266 t1 = this._start;
26267 if (t1 > $length)
26268 return $length;
26269 return t1;
26270 },
26271 get$length(_) {
26272 var endOrLength,
26273 $length = J.get$length$asx(this.__internal$_iterable),
26274 t1 = this._start;
26275 if (t1 >= $length)
26276 return 0;
26277 endOrLength = this._endOrLength;
26278 if (endOrLength == null || endOrLength >= $length)
26279 return $length - t1;
26280 return endOrLength - t1;
26281 },
26282 elementAt$1(_, index) {
26283 var _this = this,
26284 realIndex = _this.get$_startIndex() + index;
26285 if (index < 0 || realIndex >= _this.get$_endIndex())
26286 throw A.wrapException(A.IndexError$(index, _this, "index", null, null));
26287 return J.elementAt$1$ax(_this.__internal$_iterable, realIndex);
26288 },
26289 skip$1(_, count) {
26290 var newStart, endOrLength, _this = this;
26291 A.RangeError_checkNotNegative(count, "count");
26292 newStart = _this._start + count;
26293 endOrLength = _this._endOrLength;
26294 if (endOrLength != null && newStart >= endOrLength)
26295 return new A.EmptyIterable(_this.$ti._eval$1("EmptyIterable<1>"));
26296 return A.SubListIterable$(_this.__internal$_iterable, newStart, endOrLength, _this.$ti._precomputed1);
26297 },
26298 take$1(_, count) {
26299 var endOrLength, t1, newEnd, _this = this;
26300 A.RangeError_checkNotNegative(count, "count");
26301 endOrLength = _this._endOrLength;
26302 t1 = _this._start;
26303 newEnd = t1 + count;
26304 if (endOrLength == null)
26305 return A.SubListIterable$(_this.__internal$_iterable, t1, newEnd, _this.$ti._precomputed1);
26306 else {
26307 if (endOrLength < newEnd)
26308 return _this;
26309 return A.SubListIterable$(_this.__internal$_iterable, t1, newEnd, _this.$ti._precomputed1);
26310 }
26311 },
26312 toList$1$growable(_, growable) {
26313 var $length, result, i, _this = this,
26314 start = _this._start,
26315 t1 = _this.__internal$_iterable,
26316 t2 = J.getInterceptor$asx(t1),
26317 end = t2.get$length(t1),
26318 endOrLength = _this._endOrLength;
26319 if (endOrLength != null && endOrLength < end)
26320 end = endOrLength;
26321 $length = end - start;
26322 if ($length <= 0) {
26323 t1 = _this.$ti._precomputed1;
26324 return growable ? J.JSArray_JSArray$growable(0, t1) : J.JSArray_JSArray$fixed(0, t1);
26325 }
26326 result = A.List_List$filled($length, t2.elementAt$1(t1, start), growable, _this.$ti._precomputed1);
26327 for (i = 1; i < $length; ++i) {
26328 result[i] = t2.elementAt$1(t1, start + i);
26329 if (t2.get$length(t1) < end)
26330 throw A.wrapException(A.ConcurrentModificationError$(_this));
26331 }
26332 return result;
26333 },
26334 toList$0($receiver) {
26335 return this.toList$1$growable($receiver, true);
26336 }
26337 };
26338 A.ListIterator.prototype = {
26339 get$current(_) {
26340 return A._instanceType(this)._precomputed1._as(this.__internal$_current);
26341 },
26342 moveNext$0() {
26343 var t3, _this = this,
26344 t1 = _this.__internal$_iterable,
26345 t2 = J.getInterceptor$asx(t1),
26346 $length = t2.get$length(t1);
26347 if (_this.__internal$_length !== $length)
26348 throw A.wrapException(A.ConcurrentModificationError$(t1));
26349 t3 = _this.__internal$_index;
26350 if (t3 >= $length) {
26351 _this.__internal$_current = null;
26352 return false;
26353 }
26354 _this.__internal$_current = t2.elementAt$1(t1, t3);
26355 ++_this.__internal$_index;
26356 return true;
26357 }
26358 };
26359 A.MappedIterable.prototype = {
26360 get$iterator(_) {
26361 return new A.MappedIterator(J.get$iterator$ax(this.__internal$_iterable), this._f);
26362 },
26363 get$length(_) {
26364 return J.get$length$asx(this.__internal$_iterable);
26365 },
26366 get$isEmpty(_) {
26367 return J.get$isEmpty$asx(this.__internal$_iterable);
26368 },
26369 get$first(_) {
26370 return this._f.call$1(J.get$first$ax(this.__internal$_iterable));
26371 },
26372 get$last(_) {
26373 return this._f.call$1(J.get$last$ax(this.__internal$_iterable));
26374 },
26375 get$single(_) {
26376 return this._f.call$1(J.get$single$ax(this.__internal$_iterable));
26377 },
26378 elementAt$1(_, index) {
26379 return this._f.call$1(J.elementAt$1$ax(this.__internal$_iterable, index));
26380 }
26381 };
26382 A.EfficientLengthMappedIterable.prototype = {$isEfficientLengthIterable: 1};
26383 A.MappedIterator.prototype = {
26384 moveNext$0() {
26385 var _this = this,
26386 t1 = _this._iterator;
26387 if (t1.moveNext$0()) {
26388 _this.__internal$_current = _this._f.call$1(t1.get$current(t1));
26389 return true;
26390 }
26391 _this.__internal$_current = null;
26392 return false;
26393 },
26394 get$current(_) {
26395 return A._instanceType(this)._rest[1]._as(this.__internal$_current);
26396 }
26397 };
26398 A.MappedListIterable.prototype = {
26399 get$length(_) {
26400 return J.get$length$asx(this._source);
26401 },
26402 elementAt$1(_, index) {
26403 return this._f.call$1(J.elementAt$1$ax(this._source, index));
26404 }
26405 };
26406 A.WhereIterable.prototype = {
26407 get$iterator(_) {
26408 return new A.WhereIterator(J.get$iterator$ax(this.__internal$_iterable), this._f);
26409 },
26410 map$1$1(_, toElement, $T) {
26411 return new A.MappedIterable(this, toElement, this.$ti._eval$1("@<1>")._bind$1($T)._eval$1("MappedIterable<1,2>"));
26412 }
26413 };
26414 A.WhereIterator.prototype = {
26415 moveNext$0() {
26416 var t1, t2;
26417 for (t1 = this._iterator, t2 = this._f; t1.moveNext$0();)
26418 if (t2.call$1(t1.get$current(t1)))
26419 return true;
26420 return false;
26421 },
26422 get$current(_) {
26423 var t1 = this._iterator;
26424 return t1.get$current(t1);
26425 }
26426 };
26427 A.ExpandIterable.prototype = {
26428 get$iterator(_) {
26429 return new A.ExpandIterator(J.get$iterator$ax(this.__internal$_iterable), this._f, B.C_EmptyIterator);
26430 }
26431 };
26432 A.ExpandIterator.prototype = {
26433 get$current(_) {
26434 return A._instanceType(this)._rest[1]._as(this.__internal$_current);
26435 },
26436 moveNext$0() {
26437 var t2, t3, _this = this,
26438 t1 = _this._currentExpansion;
26439 if (t1 == null)
26440 return false;
26441 for (t2 = _this._iterator, t3 = _this._f; !t1.moveNext$0();) {
26442 _this.__internal$_current = null;
26443 if (t2.moveNext$0()) {
26444 _this._currentExpansion = null;
26445 t1 = J.get$iterator$ax(t3.call$1(t2.get$current(t2)));
26446 _this._currentExpansion = t1;
26447 } else
26448 return false;
26449 }
26450 t1 = _this._currentExpansion;
26451 _this.__internal$_current = t1.get$current(t1);
26452 return true;
26453 }
26454 };
26455 A.TakeIterable.prototype = {
26456 get$iterator(_) {
26457 return new A.TakeIterator(J.get$iterator$ax(this.__internal$_iterable), this._takeCount);
26458 }
26459 };
26460 A.EfficientLengthTakeIterable.prototype = {
26461 get$length(_) {
26462 var iterableLength = J.get$length$asx(this.__internal$_iterable),
26463 t1 = this._takeCount;
26464 if (iterableLength > t1)
26465 return t1;
26466 return iterableLength;
26467 },
26468 $isEfficientLengthIterable: 1
26469 };
26470 A.TakeIterator.prototype = {
26471 moveNext$0() {
26472 if (--this._remaining >= 0)
26473 return this._iterator.moveNext$0();
26474 this._remaining = -1;
26475 return false;
26476 },
26477 get$current(_) {
26478 var t1;
26479 if (this._remaining < 0)
26480 return A._instanceType(this)._precomputed1._as(null);
26481 t1 = this._iterator;
26482 return t1.get$current(t1);
26483 }
26484 };
26485 A.SkipIterable.prototype = {
26486 skip$1(_, count) {
26487 A.ArgumentError_checkNotNull(count, "count");
26488 A.RangeError_checkNotNegative(count, "count");
26489 return new A.SkipIterable(this.__internal$_iterable, this._skipCount + count, A._instanceType(this)._eval$1("SkipIterable<1>"));
26490 },
26491 get$iterator(_) {
26492 return new A.SkipIterator(J.get$iterator$ax(this.__internal$_iterable), this._skipCount);
26493 }
26494 };
26495 A.EfficientLengthSkipIterable.prototype = {
26496 get$length(_) {
26497 var $length = J.get$length$asx(this.__internal$_iterable) - this._skipCount;
26498 if ($length >= 0)
26499 return $length;
26500 return 0;
26501 },
26502 skip$1(_, count) {
26503 A.ArgumentError_checkNotNull(count, "count");
26504 A.RangeError_checkNotNegative(count, "count");
26505 return new A.EfficientLengthSkipIterable(this.__internal$_iterable, this._skipCount + count, this.$ti);
26506 },
26507 $isEfficientLengthIterable: 1
26508 };
26509 A.SkipIterator.prototype = {
26510 moveNext$0() {
26511 var t1, i;
26512 for (t1 = this._iterator, i = 0; i < this._skipCount; ++i)
26513 t1.moveNext$0();
26514 this._skipCount = 0;
26515 return t1.moveNext$0();
26516 },
26517 get$current(_) {
26518 var t1 = this._iterator;
26519 return t1.get$current(t1);
26520 }
26521 };
26522 A.SkipWhileIterable.prototype = {
26523 get$iterator(_) {
26524 return new A.SkipWhileIterator(J.get$iterator$ax(this.__internal$_iterable), this._f);
26525 }
26526 };
26527 A.SkipWhileIterator.prototype = {
26528 moveNext$0() {
26529 var t1, t2, _this = this;
26530 if (!_this._hasSkipped) {
26531 _this._hasSkipped = true;
26532 for (t1 = _this._iterator, t2 = _this._f; t1.moveNext$0();)
26533 if (!t2.call$1(t1.get$current(t1)))
26534 return true;
26535 }
26536 return _this._iterator.moveNext$0();
26537 },
26538 get$current(_) {
26539 var t1 = this._iterator;
26540 return t1.get$current(t1);
26541 }
26542 };
26543 A.EmptyIterable.prototype = {
26544 get$iterator(_) {
26545 return B.C_EmptyIterator;
26546 },
26547 get$isEmpty(_) {
26548 return true;
26549 },
26550 get$length(_) {
26551 return 0;
26552 },
26553 get$first(_) {
26554 throw A.wrapException(A.IterableElementError_noElement());
26555 },
26556 get$last(_) {
26557 throw A.wrapException(A.IterableElementError_noElement());
26558 },
26559 get$single(_) {
26560 throw A.wrapException(A.IterableElementError_noElement());
26561 },
26562 elementAt$1(_, index) {
26563 throw A.wrapException(A.RangeError$range(index, 0, 0, "index", null));
26564 },
26565 contains$1(_, element) {
26566 return false;
26567 },
26568 join$1(_, separator) {
26569 return "";
26570 },
26571 join$0($receiver) {
26572 return this.join$1($receiver, "");
26573 },
26574 where$1(_, test) {
26575 return this;
26576 },
26577 map$1$1(_, toElement, $T) {
26578 return new A.EmptyIterable($T._eval$1("EmptyIterable<0>"));
26579 },
26580 skip$1(_, count) {
26581 A.RangeError_checkNotNegative(count, "count");
26582 return this;
26583 },
26584 take$1(_, count) {
26585 A.RangeError_checkNotNegative(count, "count");
26586 return this;
26587 },
26588 toList$1$growable(_, growable) {
26589 var t1 = J.JSArray_JSArray$growable(0, this.$ti._precomputed1);
26590 return t1;
26591 },
26592 toList$0($receiver) {
26593 return this.toList$1$growable($receiver, true);
26594 },
26595 toSet$0(_) {
26596 return A.LinkedHashSet_LinkedHashSet(this.$ti._precomputed1);
26597 }
26598 };
26599 A.EmptyIterator.prototype = {
26600 moveNext$0() {
26601 return false;
26602 },
26603 get$current(_) {
26604 throw A.wrapException(A.IterableElementError_noElement());
26605 }
26606 };
26607 A.FollowedByIterable.prototype = {
26608 get$iterator(_) {
26609 return new A.FollowedByIterator(J.get$iterator$ax(this.__internal$_first), this._second);
26610 },
26611 get$length(_) {
26612 var t1 = this._second;
26613 return J.get$length$asx(this.__internal$_first) + t1.get$length(t1);
26614 },
26615 get$isEmpty(_) {
26616 var t1;
26617 if (J.get$isEmpty$asx(this.__internal$_first)) {
26618 t1 = this._second;
26619 t1 = t1.get$isEmpty(t1);
26620 } else
26621 t1 = false;
26622 return t1;
26623 },
26624 get$isNotEmpty(_) {
26625 var t1;
26626 if (!J.get$isNotEmpty$asx(this.__internal$_first)) {
26627 t1 = this._second;
26628 t1 = t1.get$isNotEmpty(t1);
26629 } else
26630 t1 = true;
26631 return t1;
26632 },
26633 contains$1(_, value) {
26634 var t1;
26635 if (!J.contains$1$asx(this.__internal$_first, value)) {
26636 t1 = this._second;
26637 t1 = t1.contains$1(t1, value);
26638 } else
26639 t1 = true;
26640 return t1;
26641 },
26642 get$first(_) {
26643 var t1,
26644 iterator = J.get$iterator$ax(this.__internal$_first);
26645 if (iterator.moveNext$0())
26646 return iterator.get$current(iterator);
26647 t1 = this._second;
26648 return t1.get$first(t1);
26649 },
26650 get$last(_) {
26651 var last,
26652 t1 = this._second,
26653 iterator = t1.get$iterator(t1);
26654 if (iterator.moveNext$0()) {
26655 last = iterator.get$current(iterator);
26656 for (; iterator.moveNext$0();)
26657 last = iterator.get$current(iterator);
26658 return last;
26659 }
26660 return J.get$last$ax(this.__internal$_first);
26661 }
26662 };
26663 A.EfficientLengthFollowedByIterable.prototype = {
26664 elementAt$1(_, index) {
26665 var t1 = this.__internal$_first,
26666 t2 = J.getInterceptor$asx(t1),
26667 firstLength = t2.get$length(t1);
26668 if (index < firstLength)
26669 return t2.elementAt$1(t1, index);
26670 t1 = this._second;
26671 return t1.elementAt$1(t1, index - firstLength);
26672 },
26673 get$first(_) {
26674 var t1 = this.__internal$_first,
26675 t2 = J.getInterceptor$asx(t1);
26676 if (t2.get$isNotEmpty(t1))
26677 return t2.get$first(t1);
26678 t1 = this._second;
26679 return t1.get$first(t1);
26680 },
26681 get$last(_) {
26682 var t1 = this._second;
26683 if (t1.get$isNotEmpty(t1))
26684 return t1.get$last(t1);
26685 return J.get$last$ax(this.__internal$_first);
26686 },
26687 $isEfficientLengthIterable: 1
26688 };
26689 A.FollowedByIterator.prototype = {
26690 moveNext$0() {
26691 var t1, _this = this;
26692 if (_this._currentIterator.moveNext$0())
26693 return true;
26694 t1 = _this._nextIterable;
26695 if (t1 != null) {
26696 t1 = t1.get$iterator(t1);
26697 _this._currentIterator = t1;
26698 _this._nextIterable = null;
26699 return t1.moveNext$0();
26700 }
26701 return false;
26702 },
26703 get$current(_) {
26704 var t1 = this._currentIterator;
26705 return t1.get$current(t1);
26706 }
26707 };
26708 A.WhereTypeIterable.prototype = {
26709 get$iterator(_) {
26710 return new A.WhereTypeIterator(J.get$iterator$ax(this._source), this.$ti._eval$1("WhereTypeIterator<1>"));
26711 }
26712 };
26713 A.WhereTypeIterator.prototype = {
26714 moveNext$0() {
26715 var t1, t2;
26716 for (t1 = this._source, t2 = this.$ti._precomputed1; t1.moveNext$0();)
26717 if (t2._is(t1.get$current(t1)))
26718 return true;
26719 return false;
26720 },
26721 get$current(_) {
26722 var t1 = this._source;
26723 return this.$ti._precomputed1._as(t1.get$current(t1));
26724 }
26725 };
26726 A.FixedLengthListMixin.prototype = {
26727 set$length(receiver, newLength) {
26728 throw A.wrapException(A.UnsupportedError$("Cannot change the length of a fixed-length list"));
26729 },
26730 add$1(receiver, value) {
26731 throw A.wrapException(A.UnsupportedError$("Cannot add to a fixed-length list"));
26732 }
26733 };
26734 A.UnmodifiableListMixin.prototype = {
26735 $indexSet(_, index, value) {
26736 throw A.wrapException(A.UnsupportedError$("Cannot modify an unmodifiable list"));
26737 },
26738 set$length(_, newLength) {
26739 throw A.wrapException(A.UnsupportedError$("Cannot change the length of an unmodifiable list"));
26740 },
26741 add$1(_, value) {
26742 throw A.wrapException(A.UnsupportedError$("Cannot add to an unmodifiable list"));
26743 },
26744 sort$1(_, compare) {
26745 throw A.wrapException(A.UnsupportedError$("Cannot modify an unmodifiable list"));
26746 },
26747 setRange$4(_, start, end, iterable, skipCount) {
26748 throw A.wrapException(A.UnsupportedError$("Cannot modify an unmodifiable list"));
26749 },
26750 fillRange$3(_, start, end, fillValue) {
26751 throw A.wrapException(A.UnsupportedError$("Cannot modify an unmodifiable list"));
26752 }
26753 };
26754 A.UnmodifiableListBase.prototype = {};
26755 A.ReversedListIterable.prototype = {
26756 get$length(_) {
26757 return J.get$length$asx(this._source);
26758 },
26759 elementAt$1(_, index) {
26760 var t1 = this._source,
26761 t2 = J.getInterceptor$asx(t1);
26762 return t2.elementAt$1(t1, t2.get$length(t1) - 1 - index);
26763 }
26764 };
26765 A.Symbol.prototype = {
26766 get$hashCode(_) {
26767 var hash = this._hashCode;
26768 if (hash != null)
26769 return hash;
26770 hash = 664597 * J.get$hashCode$(this.__internal$_name) & 536870911;
26771 this._hashCode = hash;
26772 return hash;
26773 },
26774 toString$0(_) {
26775 return 'Symbol("' + A.S(this.__internal$_name) + '")';
26776 },
26777 $eq(_, other) {
26778 if (other == null)
26779 return false;
26780 return other instanceof A.Symbol && this.__internal$_name == other.__internal$_name;
26781 },
26782 $isSymbol0: 1
26783 };
26784 A.__CastListBase__CastIterableBase_ListMixin.prototype = {};
26785 A.ConstantMapView.prototype = {};
26786 A.ConstantMap.prototype = {
26787 cast$2$0(_, RK, RV) {
26788 var t1 = A._instanceType(this);
26789 return A.Map_castFrom(this, t1._precomputed1, t1._rest[1], RK, RV);
26790 },
26791 get$isEmpty(_) {
26792 return this.get$length(this) === 0;
26793 },
26794 get$isNotEmpty(_) {
26795 return this.get$length(this) !== 0;
26796 },
26797 toString$0(_) {
26798 return A.MapBase_mapToString(this);
26799 },
26800 $indexSet(_, key, val) {
26801 A.ConstantMap__throwUnmodifiable();
26802 },
26803 remove$1(_, key) {
26804 A.ConstantMap__throwUnmodifiable();
26805 },
26806 addAll$1(_, other) {
26807 A.ConstantMap__throwUnmodifiable();
26808 },
26809 get$entries(_) {
26810 return this.entries$body$ConstantMap(0, A._instanceType(this)._eval$1("MapEntry<1,2>"));
26811 },
26812 entries$body$ConstantMap($async$_, $async$type) {
26813 var $async$self = this;
26814 return A._makeSyncStarIterable(function() {
26815 var _ = $async$_;
26816 var $async$goto = 0, $async$handler = 1, $async$currentError, t1, t2, key;
26817 return function $async$get$entries($async$errorCode, $async$result) {
26818 if ($async$errorCode === 1) {
26819 $async$currentError = $async$result;
26820 $async$goto = $async$handler;
26821 }
26822 while (true)
26823 switch ($async$goto) {
26824 case 0:
26825 // Function start
26826 t1 = $async$self.get$keys($async$self), t1 = t1.get$iterator(t1), t2 = A._instanceType($async$self), t2 = t2._eval$1("@<1>")._bind$1(t2._rest[1])._eval$1("MapEntry<1,2>");
26827 case 2:
26828 // for condition
26829 if (!t1.moveNext$0()) {
26830 // goto after for
26831 $async$goto = 3;
26832 break;
26833 }
26834 key = t1.get$current(t1);
26835 $async$goto = 4;
26836 return new A.MapEntry(key, $async$self.$index(0, key), t2);
26837 case 4:
26838 // after yield
26839 // goto for condition
26840 $async$goto = 2;
26841 break;
26842 case 3:
26843 // after for
26844 // implicit return
26845 return A._IterationMarker_endOfIteration();
26846 case 1:
26847 // rethrow
26848 return A._IterationMarker_uncaughtError($async$currentError);
26849 }
26850 };
26851 }, $async$type);
26852 },
26853 $isMap: 1
26854 };
26855 A.ConstantStringMap.prototype = {
26856 get$length(_) {
26857 return this.__js_helper$_length;
26858 },
26859 containsKey$1(key) {
26860 if (typeof key != "string")
26861 return false;
26862 if ("__proto__" === key)
26863 return false;
26864 return this._jsObject.hasOwnProperty(key);
26865 },
26866 $index(_, key) {
26867 if (!this.containsKey$1(key))
26868 return null;
26869 return this._jsObject[key];
26870 },
26871 forEach$1(_, f) {
26872 var t1, t2, i, key,
26873 keys = this.__js_helper$_keys;
26874 for (t1 = keys.length, t2 = this._jsObject, i = 0; i < t1; ++i) {
26875 key = keys[i];
26876 f.call$2(key, t2[key]);
26877 }
26878 },
26879 get$keys(_) {
26880 return new A._ConstantMapKeyIterable(this, this.$ti._eval$1("_ConstantMapKeyIterable<1>"));
26881 },
26882 get$values(_) {
26883 var t1 = this.$ti;
26884 return A.MappedIterable_MappedIterable(this.__js_helper$_keys, new A.ConstantStringMap_values_closure(this), t1._precomputed1, t1._rest[1]);
26885 }
26886 };
26887 A.ConstantStringMap_values_closure.prototype = {
26888 call$1(key) {
26889 return this.$this._jsObject[key];
26890 },
26891 $signature() {
26892 return this.$this.$ti._eval$1("2(1)");
26893 }
26894 };
26895 A._ConstantMapKeyIterable.prototype = {
26896 get$iterator(_) {
26897 var t1 = this.__js_helper$_map.__js_helper$_keys;
26898 return new J.ArrayIterator(t1, t1.length);
26899 },
26900 get$length(_) {
26901 return this.__js_helper$_map.__js_helper$_keys.length;
26902 }
26903 };
26904 A.Instantiation.prototype = {
26905 Instantiation$1(_genericClosure) {
26906 if (false)
26907 A.instantiatedGenericFunctionType(0, 0);
26908 },
26909 $eq(_, other) {
26910 if (other == null)
26911 return false;
26912 return other instanceof A.Instantiation && this._genericClosure.$eq(0, other._genericClosure) && A.getRuntimeType(this) === A.getRuntimeType(other);
26913 },
26914 get$hashCode(_) {
26915 return A.Object_hash(this._genericClosure, A.getRuntimeType(this), B.C_SentinelValue);
26916 },
26917 toString$0(_) {
26918 var types = "<" + B.JSArray_methods.join$1(this.get$_types(), ", ") + ">";
26919 return this._genericClosure.toString$0(0) + " with " + types;
26920 }
26921 };
26922 A.Instantiation1.prototype = {
26923 get$_types() {
26924 return [A.createRuntimeType(this.$ti._precomputed1)];
26925 },
26926 call$0() {
26927 return this._genericClosure.call$1$0(this.$ti._rest[0]);
26928 },
26929 call$2(a0, a1) {
26930 return this._genericClosure.call$1$2(a0, a1, this.$ti._rest[0]);
26931 },
26932 call$3(a0, a1, a2) {
26933 return this._genericClosure.call$1$3(a0, a1, a2, this.$ti._rest[0]);
26934 },
26935 call$4(a0, a1, a2, a3) {
26936 return this._genericClosure.call$1$4(a0, a1, a2, a3, this.$ti._rest[0]);
26937 },
26938 $signature() {
26939 return A.instantiatedGenericFunctionType(A.closureFunctionType(this._genericClosure), this.$ti);
26940 }
26941 };
26942 A.JSInvocationMirror.prototype = {
26943 get$memberName() {
26944 var t1 = this.__js_helper$_memberName;
26945 return t1;
26946 },
26947 get$positionalArguments() {
26948 var t1, argumentCount, list, index, _this = this;
26949 if (_this.__js_helper$_kind === 1)
26950 return B.List_empty9;
26951 t1 = _this._arguments;
26952 argumentCount = t1.length - _this._namedArgumentNames.length - _this._typeArgumentCount;
26953 if (argumentCount === 0)
26954 return B.List_empty9;
26955 list = [];
26956 for (index = 0; index < argumentCount; ++index)
26957 list.push(t1[index]);
26958 return J.JSArray_markUnmodifiableList(list);
26959 },
26960 get$namedArguments() {
26961 var t1, namedArgumentCount, t2, namedArgumentsStartIndex, map, i, _this = this;
26962 if (_this.__js_helper$_kind !== 0)
26963 return B.Map_empty4;
26964 t1 = _this._namedArgumentNames;
26965 namedArgumentCount = t1.length;
26966 t2 = _this._arguments;
26967 namedArgumentsStartIndex = t2.length - namedArgumentCount - _this._typeArgumentCount;
26968 if (namedArgumentCount === 0)
26969 return B.Map_empty4;
26970 map = new A.JsLinkedHashMap(type$.JsLinkedHashMap_Symbol_dynamic);
26971 for (i = 0; i < namedArgumentCount; ++i)
26972 map.$indexSet(0, new A.Symbol(t1[i]), t2[namedArgumentsStartIndex + i]);
26973 return new A.ConstantMapView(map, type$.ConstantMapView_Symbol_dynamic);
26974 }
26975 };
26976 A.Primitives_functionNoSuchMethod_closure.prototype = {
26977 call$2($name, argument) {
26978 var t1 = this._box_0;
26979 t1.names = t1.names + "$" + $name;
26980 this.namedArgumentList.push($name);
26981 this.$arguments.push(argument);
26982 ++t1.argumentCount;
26983 },
26984 $signature: 250
26985 };
26986 A.TypeErrorDecoder.prototype = {
26987 matchTypeError$1(message) {
26988 var result, t1, _this = this,
26989 match = new RegExp(_this._pattern).exec(message);
26990 if (match == null)
26991 return null;
26992 result = Object.create(null);
26993 t1 = _this._arguments;
26994 if (t1 !== -1)
26995 result.arguments = match[t1 + 1];
26996 t1 = _this._argumentsExpr;
26997 if (t1 !== -1)
26998 result.argumentsExpr = match[t1 + 1];
26999 t1 = _this._expr;
27000 if (t1 !== -1)
27001 result.expr = match[t1 + 1];
27002 t1 = _this._method;
27003 if (t1 !== -1)
27004 result.method = match[t1 + 1];
27005 t1 = _this._receiver;
27006 if (t1 !== -1)
27007 result.receiver = match[t1 + 1];
27008 return result;
27009 }
27010 };
27011 A.NullError.prototype = {
27012 toString$0(_) {
27013 var t1 = this._method;
27014 if (t1 == null)
27015 return "NoSuchMethodError: " + this.__js_helper$_message;
27016 return "NoSuchMethodError: method not found: '" + t1 + "' on null";
27017 }
27018 };
27019 A.JsNoSuchMethodError.prototype = {
27020 toString$0(_) {
27021 var t2, _this = this,
27022 _s38_ = "NoSuchMethodError: method not found: '",
27023 t1 = _this._method;
27024 if (t1 == null)
27025 return "NoSuchMethodError: " + _this.__js_helper$_message;
27026 t2 = _this._receiver;
27027 if (t2 == null)
27028 return _s38_ + t1 + "' (" + _this.__js_helper$_message + ")";
27029 return _s38_ + t1 + "' on '" + t2 + "' (" + _this.__js_helper$_message + ")";
27030 }
27031 };
27032 A.UnknownJsTypeError.prototype = {
27033 toString$0(_) {
27034 var t1 = this.__js_helper$_message;
27035 return t1.length === 0 ? "Error" : "Error: " + t1;
27036 }
27037 };
27038 A.NullThrownFromJavaScriptException.prototype = {
27039 toString$0(_) {
27040 return "Throw of null ('" + (this._irritant === null ? "null" : "undefined") + "' from JavaScript)";
27041 },
27042 $isException: 1
27043 };
27044 A.ExceptionAndStackTrace.prototype = {};
27045 A._StackTrace.prototype = {
27046 toString$0(_) {
27047 var trace,
27048 t1 = this._trace;
27049 if (t1 != null)
27050 return t1;
27051 t1 = this._exception;
27052 trace = t1 !== null && typeof t1 === "object" ? t1.stack : null;
27053 return this._trace = trace == null ? "" : trace;
27054 },
27055 $isStackTrace: 1
27056 };
27057 A.Closure.prototype = {
27058 toString$0(_) {
27059 var $constructor = this.constructor,
27060 $name = $constructor == null ? null : $constructor.name;
27061 return "Closure '" + A.unminifyOrTag($name == null ? "unknown" : $name) + "'";
27062 },
27063 $isFunction: 1,
27064 get$$call() {
27065 return this;
27066 },
27067 "call*": "call$1",
27068 $requiredArgCount: 1,
27069 $defaultValues: null
27070 };
27071 A.Closure0Args.prototype = {"call*": "call$0", $requiredArgCount: 0};
27072 A.Closure2Args.prototype = {"call*": "call$2", $requiredArgCount: 2};
27073 A.TearOffClosure.prototype = {};
27074 A.StaticClosure.prototype = {
27075 toString$0(_) {
27076 var $name = this.$static_name;
27077 if ($name == null)
27078 return "Closure of unknown static method";
27079 return "Closure '" + A.unminifyOrTag($name) + "'";
27080 }
27081 };
27082 A.BoundClosure.prototype = {
27083 $eq(_, other) {
27084 if (other == null)
27085 return false;
27086 if (this === other)
27087 return true;
27088 if (!(other instanceof A.BoundClosure))
27089 return false;
27090 return this.$_target === other.$_target && this._receiver === other._receiver;
27091 },
27092 get$hashCode(_) {
27093 return (A.objectHashCode(this._receiver) ^ A.Primitives_objectHashCode(this.$_target)) >>> 0;
27094 },
27095 toString$0(_) {
27096 return "Closure '" + this.$_name + "' of " + ("Instance of '" + A.Primitives_objectTypeName(this._receiver) + "'");
27097 }
27098 };
27099 A.RuntimeError.prototype = {
27100 toString$0(_) {
27101 return "RuntimeError: " + this.message;
27102 },
27103 get$message(receiver) {
27104 return this.message;
27105 }
27106 };
27107 A._Required.prototype = {};
27108 A.JsLinkedHashMap.prototype = {
27109 get$length(_) {
27110 return this.__js_helper$_length;
27111 },
27112 get$isEmpty(_) {
27113 return this.__js_helper$_length === 0;
27114 },
27115 get$isNotEmpty(_) {
27116 return !this.get$isEmpty(this);
27117 },
27118 get$keys(_) {
27119 return new A.LinkedHashMapKeyIterable(this, A._instanceType(this)._eval$1("LinkedHashMapKeyIterable<1>"));
27120 },
27121 get$values(_) {
27122 var _this = this,
27123 t1 = A._instanceType(_this);
27124 return A.MappedIterable_MappedIterable(_this.get$keys(_this), new A.JsLinkedHashMap_values_closure(_this), t1._precomputed1, t1._rest[1]);
27125 },
27126 containsKey$1(key) {
27127 var strings, nums, _this = this;
27128 if (typeof key == "string") {
27129 strings = _this._strings;
27130 if (strings == null)
27131 return false;
27132 return _this._containsTableEntry$2(strings, key);
27133 } else if (typeof key == "number" && (key & 0x3ffffff) === key) {
27134 nums = _this._nums;
27135 if (nums == null)
27136 return false;
27137 return _this._containsTableEntry$2(nums, key);
27138 } else
27139 return _this.internalContainsKey$1(key);
27140 },
27141 internalContainsKey$1(key) {
27142 var _this = this,
27143 rest = _this.__js_helper$_rest;
27144 if (rest == null)
27145 return false;
27146 return _this.internalFindBucketIndex$2(_this._getTableBucket$2(rest, _this.internalComputeHashCode$1(key)), key) >= 0;
27147 },
27148 addAll$1(_, other) {
27149 other.forEach$1(0, new A.JsLinkedHashMap_addAll_closure(this));
27150 },
27151 $index(_, key) {
27152 var strings, cell, t1, nums, _this = this, _null = null;
27153 if (typeof key == "string") {
27154 strings = _this._strings;
27155 if (strings == null)
27156 return _null;
27157 cell = _this._getTableCell$2(strings, key);
27158 t1 = cell == null ? _null : cell.hashMapCellValue;
27159 return t1;
27160 } else if (typeof key == "number" && (key & 0x3ffffff) === key) {
27161 nums = _this._nums;
27162 if (nums == null)
27163 return _null;
27164 cell = _this._getTableCell$2(nums, key);
27165 t1 = cell == null ? _null : cell.hashMapCellValue;
27166 return t1;
27167 } else
27168 return _this.internalGet$1(key);
27169 },
27170 internalGet$1(key) {
27171 var bucket, index, _this = this,
27172 rest = _this.__js_helper$_rest;
27173 if (rest == null)
27174 return null;
27175 bucket = _this._getTableBucket$2(rest, _this.internalComputeHashCode$1(key));
27176 index = _this.internalFindBucketIndex$2(bucket, key);
27177 if (index < 0)
27178 return null;
27179 return bucket[index].hashMapCellValue;
27180 },
27181 $indexSet(_, key, value) {
27182 var strings, nums, _this = this;
27183 if (typeof key == "string") {
27184 strings = _this._strings;
27185 _this._addHashTableEntry$3(strings == null ? _this._strings = _this._newHashTable$0() : strings, key, value);
27186 } else if (typeof key == "number" && (key & 0x3ffffff) === key) {
27187 nums = _this._nums;
27188 _this._addHashTableEntry$3(nums == null ? _this._nums = _this._newHashTable$0() : nums, key, value);
27189 } else
27190 _this.internalSet$2(key, value);
27191 },
27192 internalSet$2(key, value) {
27193 var hash, bucket, index, _this = this,
27194 rest = _this.__js_helper$_rest;
27195 if (rest == null)
27196 rest = _this.__js_helper$_rest = _this._newHashTable$0();
27197 hash = _this.internalComputeHashCode$1(key);
27198 bucket = _this._getTableBucket$2(rest, hash);
27199 if (bucket == null)
27200 _this._setTableEntry$3(rest, hash, [_this._newLinkedCell$2(key, value)]);
27201 else {
27202 index = _this.internalFindBucketIndex$2(bucket, key);
27203 if (index >= 0)
27204 bucket[index].hashMapCellValue = value;
27205 else
27206 bucket.push(_this._newLinkedCell$2(key, value));
27207 }
27208 },
27209 putIfAbsent$2(key, ifAbsent) {
27210 var value, _this = this;
27211 if (_this.containsKey$1(key))
27212 return A._instanceType(_this)._rest[1]._as(_this.$index(0, key));
27213 value = ifAbsent.call$0();
27214 _this.$indexSet(0, key, value);
27215 return value;
27216 },
27217 remove$1(_, key) {
27218 var _this = this;
27219 if (typeof key == "string")
27220 return _this.__js_helper$_removeHashTableEntry$2(_this._strings, key);
27221 else if (typeof key == "number" && (key & 0x3ffffff) === key)
27222 return _this.__js_helper$_removeHashTableEntry$2(_this._nums, key);
27223 else
27224 return _this.internalRemove$1(key);
27225 },
27226 internalRemove$1(key) {
27227 var hash, bucket, index, cell, _this = this,
27228 rest = _this.__js_helper$_rest;
27229 if (rest == null)
27230 return null;
27231 hash = _this.internalComputeHashCode$1(key);
27232 bucket = _this._getTableBucket$2(rest, hash);
27233 index = _this.internalFindBucketIndex$2(bucket, key);
27234 if (index < 0)
27235 return null;
27236 cell = bucket.splice(index, 1)[0];
27237 _this.__js_helper$_unlinkCell$1(cell);
27238 if (bucket.length === 0)
27239 _this._deleteTableEntry$2(rest, hash);
27240 return cell.hashMapCellValue;
27241 },
27242 clear$0(_) {
27243 var _this = this;
27244 if (_this.__js_helper$_length > 0) {
27245 _this._strings = _this._nums = _this.__js_helper$_rest = _this._first = _this._last = null;
27246 _this.__js_helper$_length = 0;
27247 _this._modified$0();
27248 }
27249 },
27250 forEach$1(_, action) {
27251 var _this = this,
27252 cell = _this._first,
27253 modifications = _this._modifications;
27254 for (; cell != null;) {
27255 action.call$2(cell.hashMapCellKey, cell.hashMapCellValue);
27256 if (modifications !== _this._modifications)
27257 throw A.wrapException(A.ConcurrentModificationError$(_this));
27258 cell = cell._next;
27259 }
27260 },
27261 _addHashTableEntry$3(table, key, value) {
27262 var cell = this._getTableCell$2(table, key);
27263 if (cell == null)
27264 this._setTableEntry$3(table, key, this._newLinkedCell$2(key, value));
27265 else
27266 cell.hashMapCellValue = value;
27267 },
27268 __js_helper$_removeHashTableEntry$2(table, key) {
27269 var cell;
27270 if (table == null)
27271 return null;
27272 cell = this._getTableCell$2(table, key);
27273 if (cell == null)
27274 return null;
27275 this.__js_helper$_unlinkCell$1(cell);
27276 this._deleteTableEntry$2(table, key);
27277 return cell.hashMapCellValue;
27278 },
27279 _modified$0() {
27280 this._modifications = this._modifications + 1 & 67108863;
27281 },
27282 _newLinkedCell$2(key, value) {
27283 var t1, _this = this,
27284 cell = new A.LinkedHashMapCell(key, value);
27285 if (_this._first == null)
27286 _this._first = _this._last = cell;
27287 else {
27288 t1 = _this._last;
27289 t1.toString;
27290 cell._previous = t1;
27291 _this._last = t1._next = cell;
27292 }
27293 ++_this.__js_helper$_length;
27294 _this._modified$0();
27295 return cell;
27296 },
27297 __js_helper$_unlinkCell$1(cell) {
27298 var _this = this,
27299 previous = cell._previous,
27300 next = cell._next;
27301 if (previous == null)
27302 _this._first = next;
27303 else
27304 previous._next = next;
27305 if (next == null)
27306 _this._last = previous;
27307 else
27308 next._previous = previous;
27309 --_this.__js_helper$_length;
27310 _this._modified$0();
27311 },
27312 internalComputeHashCode$1(key) {
27313 return J.get$hashCode$(key) & 0x3ffffff;
27314 },
27315 internalFindBucketIndex$2(bucket, key) {
27316 var $length, i;
27317 if (bucket == null)
27318 return -1;
27319 $length = bucket.length;
27320 for (i = 0; i < $length; ++i)
27321 if (J.$eq$(bucket[i].hashMapCellKey, key))
27322 return i;
27323 return -1;
27324 },
27325 toString$0(_) {
27326 return A.MapBase_mapToString(this);
27327 },
27328 _getTableCell$2(table, key) {
27329 return table[key];
27330 },
27331 _getTableBucket$2(table, key) {
27332 return table[key];
27333 },
27334 _setTableEntry$3(table, key, value) {
27335 table[key] = value;
27336 },
27337 _deleteTableEntry$2(table, key) {
27338 delete table[key];
27339 },
27340 _containsTableEntry$2(table, key) {
27341 return this._getTableCell$2(table, key) != null;
27342 },
27343 _newHashTable$0() {
27344 var _s20_ = "<non-identifier-key>",
27345 table = Object.create(null);
27346 this._setTableEntry$3(table, _s20_, table);
27347 this._deleteTableEntry$2(table, _s20_);
27348 return table;
27349 }
27350 };
27351 A.JsLinkedHashMap_values_closure.prototype = {
27352 call$1(each) {
27353 var t1 = this.$this;
27354 return A._instanceType(t1)._rest[1]._as(t1.$index(0, each));
27355 },
27356 $signature() {
27357 return A._instanceType(this.$this)._eval$1("2(1)");
27358 }
27359 };
27360 A.JsLinkedHashMap_addAll_closure.prototype = {
27361 call$2(key, value) {
27362 this.$this.$indexSet(0, key, value);
27363 },
27364 $signature() {
27365 return A._instanceType(this.$this)._eval$1("~(1,2)");
27366 }
27367 };
27368 A.LinkedHashMapCell.prototype = {};
27369 A.LinkedHashMapKeyIterable.prototype = {
27370 get$length(_) {
27371 return this.__js_helper$_map.__js_helper$_length;
27372 },
27373 get$isEmpty(_) {
27374 return this.__js_helper$_map.__js_helper$_length === 0;
27375 },
27376 get$iterator(_) {
27377 var t1 = this.__js_helper$_map,
27378 t2 = new A.LinkedHashMapKeyIterator(t1, t1._modifications);
27379 t2._cell = t1._first;
27380 return t2;
27381 },
27382 contains$1(_, element) {
27383 return this.__js_helper$_map.containsKey$1(element);
27384 }
27385 };
27386 A.LinkedHashMapKeyIterator.prototype = {
27387 get$current(_) {
27388 return this.__js_helper$_current;
27389 },
27390 moveNext$0() {
27391 var cell, _this = this,
27392 t1 = _this.__js_helper$_map;
27393 if (_this._modifications !== t1._modifications)
27394 throw A.wrapException(A.ConcurrentModificationError$(t1));
27395 cell = _this._cell;
27396 if (cell == null) {
27397 _this.__js_helper$_current = null;
27398 return false;
27399 } else {
27400 _this.__js_helper$_current = cell.hashMapCellKey;
27401 _this._cell = cell._next;
27402 return true;
27403 }
27404 }
27405 };
27406 A.initHooks_closure.prototype = {
27407 call$1(o) {
27408 return this.getTag(o);
27409 },
27410 $signature: 98
27411 };
27412 A.initHooks_closure0.prototype = {
27413 call$2(o, tag) {
27414 return this.getUnknownTag(o, tag);
27415 },
27416 $signature: 264
27417 };
27418 A.initHooks_closure1.prototype = {
27419 call$1(tag) {
27420 return this.prototypeForTag(tag);
27421 },
27422 $signature: 368
27423 };
27424 A.JSSyntaxRegExp.prototype = {
27425 toString$0(_) {
27426 return "RegExp/" + this.pattern + "/" + this._nativeRegExp.flags;
27427 },
27428 get$_nativeGlobalVersion() {
27429 var _this = this,
27430 t1 = _this._nativeGlobalRegExp;
27431 if (t1 != null)
27432 return t1;
27433 t1 = _this._nativeRegExp;
27434 return _this._nativeGlobalRegExp = A.JSSyntaxRegExp_makeNative(_this.pattern, t1.multiline, !t1.ignoreCase, t1.unicode, t1.dotAll, true);
27435 },
27436 get$_nativeAnchoredVersion() {
27437 var _this = this,
27438 t1 = _this._nativeAnchoredRegExp;
27439 if (t1 != null)
27440 return t1;
27441 t1 = _this._nativeRegExp;
27442 return _this._nativeAnchoredRegExp = A.JSSyntaxRegExp_makeNative(_this.pattern + "|()", t1.multiline, !t1.ignoreCase, t1.unicode, t1.dotAll, true);
27443 },
27444 firstMatch$1(string) {
27445 var m = this._nativeRegExp.exec(string);
27446 if (m == null)
27447 return null;
27448 return new A._MatchImplementation(m);
27449 },
27450 allMatches$2(_, string, start) {
27451 var t1 = string.length;
27452 if (start > t1)
27453 throw A.wrapException(A.RangeError$range(start, 0, t1, null, null));
27454 return new A._AllMatchesIterable(this, string, start);
27455 },
27456 allMatches$1($receiver, string) {
27457 return this.allMatches$2($receiver, string, 0);
27458 },
27459 _execGlobal$2(string, start) {
27460 var match,
27461 regexp = this.get$_nativeGlobalVersion();
27462 regexp.lastIndex = start;
27463 match = regexp.exec(string);
27464 if (match == null)
27465 return null;
27466 return new A._MatchImplementation(match);
27467 },
27468 _execAnchored$2(string, start) {
27469 var match,
27470 regexp = this.get$_nativeAnchoredVersion();
27471 regexp.lastIndex = start;
27472 match = regexp.exec(string);
27473 if (match == null)
27474 return null;
27475 if (match.pop() != null)
27476 return null;
27477 return new A._MatchImplementation(match);
27478 },
27479 matchAsPrefix$2(_, string, start) {
27480 if (start < 0 || start > string.length)
27481 throw A.wrapException(A.RangeError$range(start, 0, string.length, null, null));
27482 return this._execAnchored$2(string, start);
27483 }
27484 };
27485 A._MatchImplementation.prototype = {
27486 get$start(_) {
27487 return this._match.index;
27488 },
27489 get$end(_) {
27490 var t1 = this._match;
27491 return t1.index + t1[0].length;
27492 },
27493 $isMatch: 1,
27494 $isRegExpMatch: 1
27495 };
27496 A._AllMatchesIterable.prototype = {
27497 get$iterator(_) {
27498 return new A._AllMatchesIterator(this._re, this.__js_helper$_string, this.__js_helper$_start);
27499 }
27500 };
27501 A._AllMatchesIterator.prototype = {
27502 get$current(_) {
27503 return type$.RegExpMatch._as(this.__js_helper$_current);
27504 },
27505 moveNext$0() {
27506 var t1, t2, t3, match, nextIndex, _this = this,
27507 string = _this.__js_helper$_string;
27508 if (string == null)
27509 return false;
27510 t1 = _this._nextIndex;
27511 t2 = string.length;
27512 if (t1 <= t2) {
27513 t3 = _this._regExp;
27514 match = t3._execGlobal$2(string, t1);
27515 if (match != null) {
27516 _this.__js_helper$_current = match;
27517 nextIndex = match.get$end(match);
27518 if (match._match.index === nextIndex) {
27519 if (t3._nativeRegExp.unicode) {
27520 t1 = _this._nextIndex;
27521 t3 = t1 + 1;
27522 if (t3 < t2) {
27523 t1 = B.JSString_methods.codeUnitAt$1(string, t1);
27524 if (t1 >= 55296 && t1 <= 56319) {
27525 t1 = B.JSString_methods.codeUnitAt$1(string, t3);
27526 t1 = t1 >= 56320 && t1 <= 57343;
27527 } else
27528 t1 = false;
27529 } else
27530 t1 = false;
27531 } else
27532 t1 = false;
27533 nextIndex = (t1 ? nextIndex + 1 : nextIndex) + 1;
27534 }
27535 _this._nextIndex = nextIndex;
27536 return true;
27537 }
27538 }
27539 _this.__js_helper$_string = _this.__js_helper$_current = null;
27540 return false;
27541 }
27542 };
27543 A.StringMatch.prototype = {
27544 get$end(_) {
27545 return this.start + this.pattern.length;
27546 },
27547 $isMatch: 1,
27548 get$start(receiver) {
27549 return this.start;
27550 }
27551 };
27552 A._StringAllMatchesIterable.prototype = {
27553 get$iterator(_) {
27554 return new A._StringAllMatchesIterator(this._input, this._pattern, this.__js_helper$_index);
27555 },
27556 get$first(_) {
27557 var t1 = this._pattern,
27558 index = this._input.indexOf(t1, this.__js_helper$_index);
27559 if (index >= 0)
27560 return new A.StringMatch(index, t1);
27561 throw A.wrapException(A.IterableElementError_noElement());
27562 }
27563 };
27564 A._StringAllMatchesIterator.prototype = {
27565 moveNext$0() {
27566 var index, end, _this = this,
27567 t1 = _this.__js_helper$_index,
27568 t2 = _this._pattern,
27569 t3 = t2.length,
27570 t4 = _this._input,
27571 t5 = t4.length;
27572 if (t1 + t3 > t5) {
27573 _this.__js_helper$_current = null;
27574 return false;
27575 }
27576 index = t4.indexOf(t2, t1);
27577 if (index < 0) {
27578 _this.__js_helper$_index = t5 + 1;
27579 _this.__js_helper$_current = null;
27580 return false;
27581 }
27582 end = index + t3;
27583 _this.__js_helper$_current = new A.StringMatch(index, t2);
27584 _this.__js_helper$_index = end === _this.__js_helper$_index ? end + 1 : end;
27585 return true;
27586 },
27587 get$current(_) {
27588 var t1 = this.__js_helper$_current;
27589 t1.toString;
27590 return t1;
27591 }
27592 };
27593 A._Cell.prototype = {
27594 _readLocal$0() {
27595 var t1 = this._value;
27596 if (t1 === this)
27597 throw A.wrapException(new A.LateError("Local '" + this.__late_helper$_name + "' has not been initialized."));
27598 return t1;
27599 }
27600 };
27601 A.NativeTypedData.prototype = {
27602 _invalidPosition$3(receiver, position, $length, $name) {
27603 var t1 = A.RangeError$range(position, 0, $length, $name, null);
27604 throw A.wrapException(t1);
27605 },
27606 _checkPosition$3(receiver, position, $length, $name) {
27607 if (position >>> 0 !== position || position > $length)
27608 this._invalidPosition$3(receiver, position, $length, $name);
27609 }
27610 };
27611 A.NativeTypedArray.prototype = {
27612 get$length(receiver) {
27613 return receiver.length;
27614 },
27615 _setRangeFast$4(receiver, start, end, source, skipCount) {
27616 var count, sourceLength,
27617 targetLength = receiver.length;
27618 this._checkPosition$3(receiver, start, targetLength, "start");
27619 this._checkPosition$3(receiver, end, targetLength, "end");
27620 if (start > end)
27621 throw A.wrapException(A.RangeError$range(start, 0, end, null, null));
27622 count = end - start;
27623 if (skipCount < 0)
27624 throw A.wrapException(A.ArgumentError$(skipCount, null));
27625 sourceLength = source.length;
27626 if (sourceLength - skipCount < count)
27627 throw A.wrapException(A.StateError$("Not enough elements"));
27628 if (skipCount !== 0 || sourceLength !== count)
27629 source = source.subarray(skipCount, skipCount + count);
27630 receiver.set(source, start);
27631 },
27632 $isJavaScriptIndexingBehavior: 1
27633 };
27634 A.NativeTypedArrayOfDouble.prototype = {
27635 $index(receiver, index) {
27636 A._checkValidIndex(index, receiver, receiver.length);
27637 return receiver[index];
27638 },
27639 $indexSet(receiver, index, value) {
27640 A._checkValidIndex(index, receiver, receiver.length);
27641 receiver[index] = value;
27642 },
27643 setRange$4(receiver, start, end, iterable, skipCount) {
27644 if (type$.NativeTypedArrayOfDouble._is(iterable)) {
27645 this._setRangeFast$4(receiver, start, end, iterable, skipCount);
27646 return;
27647 }
27648 this.super$ListMixin$setRange(receiver, start, end, iterable, skipCount);
27649 },
27650 $isEfficientLengthIterable: 1,
27651 $isIterable: 1,
27652 $isList: 1
27653 };
27654 A.NativeTypedArrayOfInt.prototype = {
27655 $indexSet(receiver, index, value) {
27656 A._checkValidIndex(index, receiver, receiver.length);
27657 receiver[index] = value;
27658 },
27659 setRange$4(receiver, start, end, iterable, skipCount) {
27660 if (type$.NativeTypedArrayOfInt._is(iterable)) {
27661 this._setRangeFast$4(receiver, start, end, iterable, skipCount);
27662 return;
27663 }
27664 this.super$ListMixin$setRange(receiver, start, end, iterable, skipCount);
27665 },
27666 $isEfficientLengthIterable: 1,
27667 $isIterable: 1,
27668 $isList: 1
27669 };
27670 A.NativeFloat32List.prototype = {
27671 sublist$2(receiver, start, end) {
27672 return new Float32Array(receiver.subarray(start, A._checkValidRange(start, end, receiver.length)));
27673 }
27674 };
27675 A.NativeFloat64List.prototype = {
27676 sublist$2(receiver, start, end) {
27677 return new Float64Array(receiver.subarray(start, A._checkValidRange(start, end, receiver.length)));
27678 }
27679 };
27680 A.NativeInt16List.prototype = {
27681 $index(receiver, index) {
27682 A._checkValidIndex(index, receiver, receiver.length);
27683 return receiver[index];
27684 },
27685 sublist$2(receiver, start, end) {
27686 return new Int16Array(receiver.subarray(start, A._checkValidRange(start, end, receiver.length)));
27687 }
27688 };
27689 A.NativeInt32List.prototype = {
27690 $index(receiver, index) {
27691 A._checkValidIndex(index, receiver, receiver.length);
27692 return receiver[index];
27693 },
27694 sublist$2(receiver, start, end) {
27695 return new Int32Array(receiver.subarray(start, A._checkValidRange(start, end, receiver.length)));
27696 }
27697 };
27698 A.NativeInt8List.prototype = {
27699 $index(receiver, index) {
27700 A._checkValidIndex(index, receiver, receiver.length);
27701 return receiver[index];
27702 },
27703 sublist$2(receiver, start, end) {
27704 return new Int8Array(receiver.subarray(start, A._checkValidRange(start, end, receiver.length)));
27705 }
27706 };
27707 A.NativeUint16List.prototype = {
27708 $index(receiver, index) {
27709 A._checkValidIndex(index, receiver, receiver.length);
27710 return receiver[index];
27711 },
27712 sublist$2(receiver, start, end) {
27713 return new Uint16Array(receiver.subarray(start, A._checkValidRange(start, end, receiver.length)));
27714 }
27715 };
27716 A.NativeUint32List.prototype = {
27717 $index(receiver, index) {
27718 A._checkValidIndex(index, receiver, receiver.length);
27719 return receiver[index];
27720 },
27721 sublist$2(receiver, start, end) {
27722 return new Uint32Array(receiver.subarray(start, A._checkValidRange(start, end, receiver.length)));
27723 }
27724 };
27725 A.NativeUint8ClampedList.prototype = {
27726 get$length(receiver) {
27727 return receiver.length;
27728 },
27729 $index(receiver, index) {
27730 A._checkValidIndex(index, receiver, receiver.length);
27731 return receiver[index];
27732 },
27733 sublist$2(receiver, start, end) {
27734 return new Uint8ClampedArray(receiver.subarray(start, A._checkValidRange(start, end, receiver.length)));
27735 }
27736 };
27737 A.NativeUint8List.prototype = {
27738 get$length(receiver) {
27739 return receiver.length;
27740 },
27741 $index(receiver, index) {
27742 A._checkValidIndex(index, receiver, receiver.length);
27743 return receiver[index];
27744 },
27745 sublist$2(receiver, start, end) {
27746 return new Uint8Array(receiver.subarray(start, A._checkValidRange(start, end, receiver.length)));
27747 },
27748 $isNativeUint8List: 1,
27749 $isUint8List: 1
27750 };
27751 A._NativeTypedArrayOfDouble_NativeTypedArray_ListMixin.prototype = {};
27752 A._NativeTypedArrayOfDouble_NativeTypedArray_ListMixin_FixedLengthListMixin.prototype = {};
27753 A._NativeTypedArrayOfInt_NativeTypedArray_ListMixin.prototype = {};
27754 A._NativeTypedArrayOfInt_NativeTypedArray_ListMixin_FixedLengthListMixin.prototype = {};
27755 A.Rti.prototype = {
27756 _eval$1(recipe) {
27757 return A._Universe_evalInEnvironment(init.typeUniverse, this, recipe);
27758 },
27759 _bind$1(typeOrTuple) {
27760 return A._Universe_bind(init.typeUniverse, this, typeOrTuple);
27761 }
27762 };
27763 A._FunctionParameters.prototype = {};
27764 A._Type.prototype = {
27765 toString$0(_) {
27766 return A._rtiToString(this._rti, null);
27767 }
27768 };
27769 A._Error.prototype = {
27770 toString$0(_) {
27771 return this.__rti$_message;
27772 }
27773 };
27774 A._TypeError.prototype = {
27775 get$message(_) {
27776 return this.__rti$_message;
27777 },
27778 $isTypeError: 1
27779 };
27780 A._AsyncRun__initializeScheduleImmediate_internalCallback.prototype = {
27781 call$1(_) {
27782 var t1 = this._box_0,
27783 f = t1.storedCallback;
27784 t1.storedCallback = null;
27785 f.call$0();
27786 },
27787 $signature: 65
27788 };
27789 A._AsyncRun__initializeScheduleImmediate_closure.prototype = {
27790 call$1(callback) {
27791 var t1, t2;
27792 this._box_0.storedCallback = callback;
27793 t1 = this.div;
27794 t2 = this.span;
27795 t1.firstChild ? t1.removeChild(t2) : t1.appendChild(t2);
27796 },
27797 $signature: 26
27798 };
27799 A._AsyncRun__scheduleImmediateJsOverride_internalCallback.prototype = {
27800 call$0() {
27801 this.callback.call$0();
27802 },
27803 $signature: 1
27804 };
27805 A._AsyncRun__scheduleImmediateWithSetImmediate_internalCallback.prototype = {
27806 call$0() {
27807 this.callback.call$0();
27808 },
27809 $signature: 1
27810 };
27811 A._TimerImpl.prototype = {
27812 _TimerImpl$2(milliseconds, callback) {
27813 if (self.setTimeout != null)
27814 this._handle = self.setTimeout(A.convertDartClosureToJS(new A._TimerImpl_internalCallback(this, callback), 0), milliseconds);
27815 else
27816 throw A.wrapException(A.UnsupportedError$("`setTimeout()` not found."));
27817 },
27818 _TimerImpl$periodic$2(milliseconds, callback) {
27819 if (self.setTimeout != null)
27820 this._handle = self.setInterval(A.convertDartClosureToJS(new A._TimerImpl$periodic_closure(this, milliseconds, Date.now(), callback), 0), milliseconds);
27821 else
27822 throw A.wrapException(A.UnsupportedError$("Periodic timer."));
27823 },
27824 cancel$0() {
27825 if (self.setTimeout != null) {
27826 var t1 = this._handle;
27827 if (t1 == null)
27828 return;
27829 if (this._once)
27830 self.clearTimeout(t1);
27831 else
27832 self.clearInterval(t1);
27833 this._handle = null;
27834 } else
27835 throw A.wrapException(A.UnsupportedError$("Canceling a timer."));
27836 }
27837 };
27838 A._TimerImpl_internalCallback.prototype = {
27839 call$0() {
27840 var t1 = this.$this;
27841 t1._handle = null;
27842 t1._tick = 1;
27843 this.callback.call$0();
27844 },
27845 $signature: 0
27846 };
27847 A._TimerImpl$periodic_closure.prototype = {
27848 call$0() {
27849 var duration, _this = this,
27850 t1 = _this.$this,
27851 tick = t1._tick + 1,
27852 t2 = _this.milliseconds;
27853 if (t2 > 0) {
27854 duration = Date.now() - _this.start;
27855 if (duration > (tick + 1) * t2)
27856 tick = B.JSInt_methods.$tdiv(duration, t2);
27857 }
27858 t1._tick = tick;
27859 _this.callback.call$1(t1);
27860 },
27861 $signature: 1
27862 };
27863 A._AsyncAwaitCompleter.prototype = {
27864 complete$1(value) {
27865 var t1, _this = this;
27866 if (value == null)
27867 value = _this.$ti._precomputed1._as(value);
27868 if (!_this.isSync)
27869 _this._future._asyncComplete$1(value);
27870 else {
27871 t1 = _this._future;
27872 if (_this.$ti._eval$1("Future<1>")._is(value))
27873 t1._chainFuture$1(value);
27874 else
27875 t1._completeWithValue$1(value);
27876 }
27877 },
27878 completeError$2(e, st) {
27879 var t1 = this._future;
27880 if (this.isSync)
27881 t1._completeError$2(e, st);
27882 else
27883 t1._asyncCompleteError$2(e, st);
27884 }
27885 };
27886 A._awaitOnObject_closure.prototype = {
27887 call$1(result) {
27888 return this.bodyFunction.call$2(0, result);
27889 },
27890 $signature: 123
27891 };
27892 A._awaitOnObject_closure0.prototype = {
27893 call$2(error, stackTrace) {
27894 this.bodyFunction.call$2(1, new A.ExceptionAndStackTrace(error, stackTrace));
27895 },
27896 $signature: 295
27897 };
27898 A._wrapJsFunctionForAsync_closure.prototype = {
27899 call$2(errorCode, result) {
27900 this.$protected(errorCode, result);
27901 },
27902 $signature: 335
27903 };
27904 A._IterationMarker.prototype = {
27905 toString$0(_) {
27906 return "IterationMarker(" + this.state + ", " + A.S(this.value) + ")";
27907 }
27908 };
27909 A._SyncStarIterator.prototype = {
27910 get$current(_) {
27911 var nested = this._nestedIterator;
27912 if (nested == null)
27913 return this._async$_current;
27914 return nested.get$current(nested);
27915 },
27916 moveNext$0() {
27917 var t1, value, state, suspendedBodies, inner, _this = this;
27918 for (; true;) {
27919 t1 = _this._nestedIterator;
27920 if (t1 != null)
27921 if (t1.moveNext$0())
27922 return true;
27923 else
27924 _this._nestedIterator = null;
27925 value = function(body, SUCCESS, ERROR) {
27926 var errorValue,
27927 errorCode = SUCCESS;
27928 while (true)
27929 try {
27930 return body(errorCode, errorValue);
27931 } catch (error) {
27932 errorValue = error;
27933 errorCode = ERROR;
27934 }
27935 }(_this._body, 0, 1);
27936 if (value instanceof A._IterationMarker) {
27937 state = value.state;
27938 if (state === 2) {
27939 suspendedBodies = _this._suspendedBodies;
27940 if (suspendedBodies == null || suspendedBodies.length === 0) {
27941 _this._async$_current = null;
27942 return false;
27943 }
27944 _this._body = suspendedBodies.pop();
27945 continue;
27946 } else {
27947 t1 = value.value;
27948 if (state === 3)
27949 throw t1;
27950 else {
27951 inner = J.get$iterator$ax(t1);
27952 if (inner instanceof A._SyncStarIterator) {
27953 t1 = _this._suspendedBodies;
27954 if (t1 == null)
27955 t1 = _this._suspendedBodies = [];
27956 t1.push(_this._body);
27957 _this._body = inner._body;
27958 continue;
27959 } else {
27960 _this._nestedIterator = inner;
27961 continue;
27962 }
27963 }
27964 }
27965 } else {
27966 _this._async$_current = value;
27967 return true;
27968 }
27969 }
27970 return false;
27971 }
27972 };
27973 A._SyncStarIterable.prototype = {
27974 get$iterator(_) {
27975 return new A._SyncStarIterator(this._outerHelper());
27976 }
27977 };
27978 A.AsyncError.prototype = {
27979 toString$0(_) {
27980 return A.S(this.error);
27981 },
27982 $isError: 1,
27983 get$stackTrace() {
27984 return this.stackTrace;
27985 }
27986 };
27987 A.Future_wait_handleError.prototype = {
27988 call$2(theError, theStackTrace) {
27989 var _this = this,
27990 t1 = _this._box_0,
27991 t2 = --t1.remaining;
27992 if (t1.values != null) {
27993 t1.values = null;
27994 if (t1.remaining === 0 || _this.eagerError)
27995 _this._future._completeError$2(theError, theStackTrace);
27996 else {
27997 _this.error._value = theError;
27998 _this.stackTrace._value = theStackTrace;
27999 }
28000 } else if (t2 === 0 && !_this.eagerError)
28001 _this._future._completeError$2(_this.error._readLocal$0(), _this.stackTrace._readLocal$0());
28002 },
28003 $signature: 69
28004 };
28005 A.Future_wait_closure.prototype = {
28006 call$1(value) {
28007 var valueList, _this = this,
28008 t1 = _this._box_0;
28009 --t1.remaining;
28010 valueList = t1.values;
28011 if (valueList != null) {
28012 J.$indexSet$ax(valueList, _this.pos, value);
28013 if (t1.remaining === 0)
28014 _this._future._completeWithValue$1(A.List_List$from(valueList, true, _this.T));
28015 } else if (t1.remaining === 0 && !_this.eagerError)
28016 _this._future._completeError$2(_this.error._readLocal$0(), _this.stackTrace._readLocal$0());
28017 },
28018 $signature() {
28019 return this.T._eval$1("Null(0)");
28020 }
28021 };
28022 A._Completer.prototype = {
28023 completeError$2(error, stackTrace) {
28024 var replacement;
28025 A.checkNotNullable(error, "error", type$.Object);
28026 if ((this.future._state & 30) !== 0)
28027 throw A.wrapException(A.StateError$("Future already completed"));
28028 replacement = $.Zone__current.errorCallback$2(error, stackTrace);
28029 if (replacement != null) {
28030 error = replacement.error;
28031 stackTrace = replacement.stackTrace;
28032 } else if (stackTrace == null)
28033 stackTrace = A.AsyncError_defaultStackTrace(error);
28034 this._completeError$2(error, stackTrace);
28035 },
28036 completeError$1(error) {
28037 return this.completeError$2(error, null);
28038 }
28039 };
28040 A._AsyncCompleter.prototype = {
28041 complete$1(value) {
28042 var t1 = this.future;
28043 if ((t1._state & 30) !== 0)
28044 throw A.wrapException(A.StateError$("Future already completed"));
28045 t1._asyncComplete$1(value);
28046 },
28047 complete$0() {
28048 return this.complete$1(null);
28049 },
28050 _completeError$2(error, stackTrace) {
28051 this.future._asyncCompleteError$2(error, stackTrace);
28052 }
28053 };
28054 A._SyncCompleter.prototype = {
28055 complete$1(value) {
28056 var t1 = this.future;
28057 if ((t1._state & 30) !== 0)
28058 throw A.wrapException(A.StateError$("Future already completed"));
28059 t1._complete$1(value);
28060 },
28061 _completeError$2(error, stackTrace) {
28062 this.future._completeError$2(error, stackTrace);
28063 }
28064 };
28065 A._FutureListener.prototype = {
28066 matchesErrorTest$1(asyncError) {
28067 if ((this.state & 15) !== 6)
28068 return true;
28069 return this.result._zone.runUnary$2$2(this.callback, asyncError.error, type$.bool, type$.Object);
28070 },
28071 handleError$1(asyncError) {
28072 var exception,
28073 errorCallback = this.errorCallback,
28074 result = null,
28075 t1 = type$.dynamic,
28076 t2 = type$.Object,
28077 t3 = asyncError.error,
28078 t4 = this.result._zone;
28079 if (type$.dynamic_Function_Object_StackTrace._is(errorCallback))
28080 result = t4.runBinary$3$3(errorCallback, t3, asyncError.stackTrace, t1, t2, type$.StackTrace);
28081 else
28082 result = t4.runUnary$2$2(errorCallback, t3, t1, t2);
28083 try {
28084 t1 = result;
28085 return t1;
28086 } catch (exception) {
28087 if (type$.TypeError._is(A.unwrapException(exception))) {
28088 if ((this.state & 1) !== 0)
28089 throw A.wrapException(A.ArgumentError$("The error handler of Future.then must return a value of the returned future's type", "onError"));
28090 throw A.wrapException(A.ArgumentError$("The error handler of Future.catchError must return a value of the future's type", "onError"));
28091 } else
28092 throw exception;
28093 }
28094 }
28095 };
28096 A._Future.prototype = {
28097 then$1$2$onError(_, f, onError, $R) {
28098 var result, t1,
28099 currentZone = $.Zone__current;
28100 if (currentZone === B.C__RootZone) {
28101 if (onError != null && !type$.dynamic_Function_Object_StackTrace._is(onError) && !type$.dynamic_Function_Object._is(onError))
28102 throw A.wrapException(A.ArgumentError$value(onError, "onError", string$.Error_));
28103 } else {
28104 f = currentZone.registerUnaryCallback$2$1(f, $R._eval$1("0/"), this.$ti._precomputed1);
28105 if (onError != null)
28106 onError = A._registerErrorHandler(onError, currentZone);
28107 }
28108 result = new A._Future($.Zone__current, $R._eval$1("_Future<0>"));
28109 t1 = onError == null ? 1 : 3;
28110 this._addListener$1(new A._FutureListener(result, t1, f, onError, this.$ti._eval$1("@<1>")._bind$1($R)._eval$1("_FutureListener<1,2>")));
28111 return result;
28112 },
28113 then$1$1($receiver, f, $R) {
28114 return this.then$1$2$onError($receiver, f, null, $R);
28115 },
28116 _thenAwait$1$2(f, onError, $E) {
28117 var result = new A._Future($.Zone__current, $E._eval$1("_Future<0>"));
28118 this._addListener$1(new A._FutureListener(result, 19, f, onError, this.$ti._eval$1("@<1>")._bind$1($E)._eval$1("_FutureListener<1,2>")));
28119 return result;
28120 },
28121 whenComplete$1(action) {
28122 var t1 = this.$ti,
28123 t2 = $.Zone__current,
28124 result = new A._Future(t2, t1);
28125 if (t2 !== B.C__RootZone)
28126 action = t2.registerCallback$1$1(action, type$.dynamic);
28127 this._addListener$1(new A._FutureListener(result, 8, action, null, t1._eval$1("@<1>")._bind$1(t1._precomputed1)._eval$1("_FutureListener<1,2>")));
28128 return result;
28129 },
28130 _setErrorObject$1(error) {
28131 this._state = this._state & 1 | 16;
28132 this._resultOrListeners = error;
28133 },
28134 _cloneResult$1(source) {
28135 this._state = source._state & 30 | this._state & 1;
28136 this._resultOrListeners = source._resultOrListeners;
28137 },
28138 _addListener$1(listener) {
28139 var _this = this,
28140 t1 = _this._state;
28141 if (t1 <= 3) {
28142 listener._nextListener = _this._resultOrListeners;
28143 _this._resultOrListeners = listener;
28144 } else {
28145 if ((t1 & 4) !== 0) {
28146 t1 = _this._resultOrListeners;
28147 if ((t1._state & 24) === 0) {
28148 t1._addListener$1(listener);
28149 return;
28150 }
28151 _this._cloneResult$1(t1);
28152 }
28153 _this._zone.scheduleMicrotask$1(new A._Future__addListener_closure(_this, listener));
28154 }
28155 },
28156 _prependListeners$1(listeners) {
28157 var t1, existingListeners, next, cursor, next0, _this = this, _box_0 = {};
28158 _box_0.listeners = listeners;
28159 if (listeners == null)
28160 return;
28161 t1 = _this._state;
28162 if (t1 <= 3) {
28163 existingListeners = _this._resultOrListeners;
28164 _this._resultOrListeners = listeners;
28165 if (existingListeners != null) {
28166 next = listeners._nextListener;
28167 for (cursor = listeners; next != null; cursor = next, next = next0)
28168 next0 = next._nextListener;
28169 cursor._nextListener = existingListeners;
28170 }
28171 } else {
28172 if ((t1 & 4) !== 0) {
28173 t1 = _this._resultOrListeners;
28174 if ((t1._state & 24) === 0) {
28175 t1._prependListeners$1(listeners);
28176 return;
28177 }
28178 _this._cloneResult$1(t1);
28179 }
28180 _box_0.listeners = _this._reverseListeners$1(listeners);
28181 _this._zone.scheduleMicrotask$1(new A._Future__prependListeners_closure(_box_0, _this));
28182 }
28183 },
28184 _removeListeners$0() {
28185 var current = this._resultOrListeners;
28186 this._resultOrListeners = null;
28187 return this._reverseListeners$1(current);
28188 },
28189 _reverseListeners$1(listeners) {
28190 var current, prev, next;
28191 for (current = listeners, prev = null; current != null; prev = current, current = next) {
28192 next = current._nextListener;
28193 current._nextListener = prev;
28194 }
28195 return prev;
28196 },
28197 _chainForeignFuture$1(source) {
28198 var e, s, exception, _this = this;
28199 _this._state ^= 2;
28200 try {
28201 source.then$1$2$onError(0, new A._Future__chainForeignFuture_closure(_this), new A._Future__chainForeignFuture_closure0(_this), type$.Null);
28202 } catch (exception) {
28203 e = A.unwrapException(exception);
28204 s = A.getTraceFromException(exception);
28205 A.scheduleMicrotask(new A._Future__chainForeignFuture_closure1(_this, e, s));
28206 }
28207 },
28208 _complete$1(value) {
28209 var listeners, _this = this,
28210 t1 = _this.$ti;
28211 if (t1._eval$1("Future<1>")._is(value))
28212 if (t1._is(value))
28213 A._Future__chainCoreFuture(value, _this);
28214 else
28215 _this._chainForeignFuture$1(value);
28216 else {
28217 listeners = _this._removeListeners$0();
28218 _this._state = 8;
28219 _this._resultOrListeners = value;
28220 A._Future__propagateToListeners(_this, listeners);
28221 }
28222 },
28223 _completeWithValue$1(value) {
28224 var _this = this,
28225 listeners = _this._removeListeners$0();
28226 _this._state = 8;
28227 _this._resultOrListeners = value;
28228 A._Future__propagateToListeners(_this, listeners);
28229 },
28230 _completeError$2(error, stackTrace) {
28231 var listeners = this._removeListeners$0();
28232 this._setErrorObject$1(A.AsyncError$(error, stackTrace));
28233 A._Future__propagateToListeners(this, listeners);
28234 },
28235 _asyncComplete$1(value) {
28236 if (this.$ti._eval$1("Future<1>")._is(value)) {
28237 this._chainFuture$1(value);
28238 return;
28239 }
28240 this._asyncCompleteWithValue$1(value);
28241 },
28242 _asyncCompleteWithValue$1(value) {
28243 this._state ^= 2;
28244 this._zone.scheduleMicrotask$1(new A._Future__asyncCompleteWithValue_closure(this, value));
28245 },
28246 _chainFuture$1(value) {
28247 var _this = this;
28248 if (_this.$ti._is(value)) {
28249 if ((value._state & 16) !== 0) {
28250 _this._state ^= 2;
28251 _this._zone.scheduleMicrotask$1(new A._Future__chainFuture_closure(_this, value));
28252 } else
28253 A._Future__chainCoreFuture(value, _this);
28254 return;
28255 }
28256 _this._chainForeignFuture$1(value);
28257 },
28258 _asyncCompleteError$2(error, stackTrace) {
28259 this._state ^= 2;
28260 this._zone.scheduleMicrotask$1(new A._Future__asyncCompleteError_closure(this, error, stackTrace));
28261 },
28262 $isFuture: 1
28263 };
28264 A._Future__addListener_closure.prototype = {
28265 call$0() {
28266 A._Future__propagateToListeners(this.$this, this.listener);
28267 },
28268 $signature: 0
28269 };
28270 A._Future__prependListeners_closure.prototype = {
28271 call$0() {
28272 A._Future__propagateToListeners(this.$this, this._box_0.listeners);
28273 },
28274 $signature: 0
28275 };
28276 A._Future__chainForeignFuture_closure.prototype = {
28277 call$1(value) {
28278 var error, stackTrace, exception,
28279 t1 = this.$this;
28280 t1._state ^= 2;
28281 try {
28282 t1._completeWithValue$1(t1.$ti._precomputed1._as(value));
28283 } catch (exception) {
28284 error = A.unwrapException(exception);
28285 stackTrace = A.getTraceFromException(exception);
28286 t1._completeError$2(error, stackTrace);
28287 }
28288 },
28289 $signature: 65
28290 };
28291 A._Future__chainForeignFuture_closure0.prototype = {
28292 call$2(error, stackTrace) {
28293 this.$this._completeError$2(error, stackTrace);
28294 },
28295 $signature: 68
28296 };
28297 A._Future__chainForeignFuture_closure1.prototype = {
28298 call$0() {
28299 this.$this._completeError$2(this.e, this.s);
28300 },
28301 $signature: 0
28302 };
28303 A._Future__asyncCompleteWithValue_closure.prototype = {
28304 call$0() {
28305 this.$this._completeWithValue$1(this.value);
28306 },
28307 $signature: 0
28308 };
28309 A._Future__chainFuture_closure.prototype = {
28310 call$0() {
28311 A._Future__chainCoreFuture(this.value, this.$this);
28312 },
28313 $signature: 0
28314 };
28315 A._Future__asyncCompleteError_closure.prototype = {
28316 call$0() {
28317 this.$this._completeError$2(this.error, this.stackTrace);
28318 },
28319 $signature: 0
28320 };
28321 A._Future__propagateToListeners_handleWhenCompleteCallback.prototype = {
28322 call$0() {
28323 var e, s, t1, exception, t2, originalSource, _this = this, completeResult = null;
28324 try {
28325 t1 = _this._box_0.listener;
28326 completeResult = t1.result._zone.run$1$1(0, t1.callback, type$.dynamic);
28327 } catch (exception) {
28328 e = A.unwrapException(exception);
28329 s = A.getTraceFromException(exception);
28330 t1 = _this.hasError && _this._box_1.source._resultOrListeners.error === e;
28331 t2 = _this._box_0;
28332 if (t1)
28333 t2.listenerValueOrError = _this._box_1.source._resultOrListeners;
28334 else
28335 t2.listenerValueOrError = A.AsyncError$(e, s);
28336 t2.listenerHasError = true;
28337 return;
28338 }
28339 if (completeResult instanceof A._Future && (completeResult._state & 24) !== 0) {
28340 if ((completeResult._state & 16) !== 0) {
28341 t1 = _this._box_0;
28342 t1.listenerValueOrError = completeResult._resultOrListeners;
28343 t1.listenerHasError = true;
28344 }
28345 return;
28346 }
28347 if (type$.Future_dynamic._is(completeResult)) {
28348 originalSource = _this._box_1.source;
28349 t1 = _this._box_0;
28350 t1.listenerValueOrError = J.then$1$1$x(completeResult, new A._Future__propagateToListeners_handleWhenCompleteCallback_closure(originalSource), type$.dynamic);
28351 t1.listenerHasError = false;
28352 }
28353 },
28354 $signature: 0
28355 };
28356 A._Future__propagateToListeners_handleWhenCompleteCallback_closure.prototype = {
28357 call$1(_) {
28358 return this.originalSource;
28359 },
28360 $signature: 308
28361 };
28362 A._Future__propagateToListeners_handleValueCallback.prototype = {
28363 call$0() {
28364 var e, s, t1, t2, t3, exception;
28365 try {
28366 t1 = this._box_0;
28367 t2 = t1.listener;
28368 t3 = t2.$ti;
28369 t1.listenerValueOrError = t2.result._zone.runUnary$2$2(t2.callback, this.sourceResult, t3._eval$1("2/"), t3._precomputed1);
28370 } catch (exception) {
28371 e = A.unwrapException(exception);
28372 s = A.getTraceFromException(exception);
28373 t1 = this._box_0;
28374 t1.listenerValueOrError = A.AsyncError$(e, s);
28375 t1.listenerHasError = true;
28376 }
28377 },
28378 $signature: 0
28379 };
28380 A._Future__propagateToListeners_handleError.prototype = {
28381 call$0() {
28382 var asyncError, e, s, t1, exception, t2, _this = this;
28383 try {
28384 asyncError = _this._box_1.source._resultOrListeners;
28385 t1 = _this._box_0;
28386 if (t1.listener.matchesErrorTest$1(asyncError) && t1.listener.errorCallback != null) {
28387 t1.listenerValueOrError = t1.listener.handleError$1(asyncError);
28388 t1.listenerHasError = false;
28389 }
28390 } catch (exception) {
28391 e = A.unwrapException(exception);
28392 s = A.getTraceFromException(exception);
28393 t1 = _this._box_1.source._resultOrListeners;
28394 t2 = _this._box_0;
28395 if (t1.error === e)
28396 t2.listenerValueOrError = t1;
28397 else
28398 t2.listenerValueOrError = A.AsyncError$(e, s);
28399 t2.listenerHasError = true;
28400 }
28401 },
28402 $signature: 0
28403 };
28404 A._AsyncCallbackEntry.prototype = {};
28405 A.Stream.prototype = {
28406 get$isBroadcast() {
28407 return false;
28408 },
28409 get$length(_) {
28410 var t1 = {},
28411 future = new A._Future($.Zone__current, type$._Future_int);
28412 t1.count = 0;
28413 this.listen$4$cancelOnError$onDone$onError(0, new A.Stream_length_closure(t1, this), true, new A.Stream_length_closure0(t1, future), future.get$_completeError());
28414 return future;
28415 }
28416 };
28417 A.Stream_Stream$fromFuture_closure.prototype = {
28418 call$1(value) {
28419 var t1 = this.controller;
28420 t1._async$_add$1(value);
28421 t1._closeUnchecked$0();
28422 },
28423 $signature() {
28424 return this.T._eval$1("Null(0)");
28425 }
28426 };
28427 A.Stream_Stream$fromFuture_closure0.prototype = {
28428 call$2(error, stackTrace) {
28429 var t1 = this.controller;
28430 t1._addError$2(error, stackTrace);
28431 t1._closeUnchecked$0();
28432 },
28433 $signature: 326
28434 };
28435 A.Stream_length_closure.prototype = {
28436 call$1(_) {
28437 ++this._box_0.count;
28438 },
28439 $signature() {
28440 return A._instanceType(this.$this)._eval$1("~(Stream.T)");
28441 }
28442 };
28443 A.Stream_length_closure0.prototype = {
28444 call$0() {
28445 this.future._complete$1(this._box_0.count);
28446 },
28447 $signature: 0
28448 };
28449 A.StreamTransformerBase.prototype = {};
28450 A._StreamController.prototype = {
28451 get$stream() {
28452 return new A._ControllerStream(this, A._instanceType(this)._eval$1("_ControllerStream<1>"));
28453 },
28454 get$_pendingEvents() {
28455 if ((this._state & 8) === 0)
28456 return this._varData;
28457 return this._varData.varData;
28458 },
28459 _ensurePendingEvents$0() {
28460 var events, state, _this = this;
28461 if ((_this._state & 8) === 0) {
28462 events = _this._varData;
28463 return events == null ? _this._varData = new A._StreamImplEvents() : events;
28464 }
28465 state = _this._varData;
28466 events = state.varData;
28467 return events == null ? state.varData = new A._StreamImplEvents() : events;
28468 },
28469 get$_subscription() {
28470 var varData = this._varData;
28471 return (this._state & 8) !== 0 ? varData.varData : varData;
28472 },
28473 _badEventState$0() {
28474 if ((this._state & 4) !== 0)
28475 return new A.StateError("Cannot add event after closing");
28476 return new A.StateError("Cannot add event while adding a stream");
28477 },
28478 addStream$2$cancelOnError(source, cancelOnError) {
28479 var t2, t3, t4, _this = this,
28480 t1 = _this._state;
28481 if (t1 >= 4)
28482 throw A.wrapException(_this._badEventState$0());
28483 if ((t1 & 2) !== 0) {
28484 t1 = new A._Future($.Zone__current, type$._Future_dynamic);
28485 t1._asyncComplete$1(null);
28486 return t1;
28487 }
28488 t1 = _this._varData;
28489 t2 = new A._Future($.Zone__current, type$._Future_dynamic);
28490 t3 = source.listen$4$cancelOnError$onDone$onError(0, _this.get$_async$_add(), false, _this.get$_close(), _this.get$_addError());
28491 t4 = _this._state;
28492 if ((t4 & 1) !== 0 ? (_this.get$_subscription()._state & 4) !== 0 : (t4 & 2) === 0)
28493 t3.pause$0(0);
28494 _this._varData = new A._StreamControllerAddStreamState(t1, t2, t3);
28495 _this._state |= 8;
28496 return t2;
28497 },
28498 _ensureDoneFuture$0() {
28499 var t1 = this._doneFuture;
28500 if (t1 == null)
28501 t1 = this._doneFuture = (this._state & 2) !== 0 ? $.$get$Future__nullFuture() : new A._Future($.Zone__current, type$._Future_void);
28502 return t1;
28503 },
28504 add$1(_, value) {
28505 if (this._state >= 4)
28506 throw A.wrapException(this._badEventState$0());
28507 this._async$_add$1(value);
28508 },
28509 addError$2(error, stackTrace) {
28510 var replacement;
28511 A.checkNotNullable(error, "error", type$.Object);
28512 if (this._state >= 4)
28513 throw A.wrapException(this._badEventState$0());
28514 replacement = $.Zone__current.errorCallback$2(error, stackTrace);
28515 if (replacement != null) {
28516 error = replacement.error;
28517 stackTrace = replacement.stackTrace;
28518 } else if (stackTrace == null)
28519 stackTrace = A.AsyncError_defaultStackTrace(error);
28520 this._addError$2(error, stackTrace);
28521 },
28522 addError$1(error) {
28523 return this.addError$2(error, null);
28524 },
28525 close$0(_) {
28526 var _this = this,
28527 t1 = _this._state;
28528 if ((t1 & 4) !== 0)
28529 return _this._ensureDoneFuture$0();
28530 if (t1 >= 4)
28531 throw A.wrapException(_this._badEventState$0());
28532 _this._closeUnchecked$0();
28533 return _this._ensureDoneFuture$0();
28534 },
28535 _closeUnchecked$0() {
28536 var t1 = this._state |= 4;
28537 if ((t1 & 1) !== 0)
28538 this._sendDone$0();
28539 else if ((t1 & 3) === 0)
28540 this._ensurePendingEvents$0().add$1(0, B.C__DelayedDone);
28541 },
28542 _async$_add$1(value) {
28543 var t1 = this._state;
28544 if ((t1 & 1) !== 0)
28545 this._sendData$1(value);
28546 else if ((t1 & 3) === 0)
28547 this._ensurePendingEvents$0().add$1(0, new A._DelayedData(value));
28548 },
28549 _addError$2(error, stackTrace) {
28550 var t1 = this._state;
28551 if ((t1 & 1) !== 0)
28552 this._sendError$2(error, stackTrace);
28553 else if ((t1 & 3) === 0)
28554 this._ensurePendingEvents$0().add$1(0, new A._DelayedError(error, stackTrace));
28555 },
28556 _close$0() {
28557 var addState = this._varData;
28558 this._varData = addState.varData;
28559 this._state &= 4294967287;
28560 addState.addStreamFuture._asyncComplete$1(null);
28561 },
28562 _subscribe$4(onData, onError, onDone, cancelOnError) {
28563 var subscription, pendingEvents, t1, addState, _this = this;
28564 if ((_this._state & 3) !== 0)
28565 throw A.wrapException(A.StateError$("Stream has already been listened to."));
28566 subscription = A._ControllerSubscription$(_this, onData, onError, onDone, cancelOnError, A._instanceType(_this)._precomputed1);
28567 pendingEvents = _this.get$_pendingEvents();
28568 t1 = _this._state |= 1;
28569 if ((t1 & 8) !== 0) {
28570 addState = _this._varData;
28571 addState.varData = subscription;
28572 addState.addSubscription.resume$0(0);
28573 } else
28574 _this._varData = subscription;
28575 subscription._setPendingEvents$1(pendingEvents);
28576 subscription._guardCallback$1(new A._StreamController__subscribe_closure(_this));
28577 return subscription;
28578 },
28579 _recordCancel$1(subscription) {
28580 var onCancel, cancelResult, e, s, exception, result0, t1, _this = this, result = null;
28581 if ((_this._state & 8) !== 0)
28582 result = _this._varData.cancel$0();
28583 _this._varData = null;
28584 _this._state = _this._state & 4294967286 | 2;
28585 onCancel = _this.onCancel;
28586 if (onCancel != null)
28587 if (result == null)
28588 try {
28589 cancelResult = onCancel.call$0();
28590 if (type$.Future_void._is(cancelResult))
28591 result = cancelResult;
28592 } catch (exception) {
28593 e = A.unwrapException(exception);
28594 s = A.getTraceFromException(exception);
28595 result0 = new A._Future($.Zone__current, type$._Future_void);
28596 result0._asyncCompleteError$2(e, s);
28597 result = result0;
28598 }
28599 else
28600 result = result.whenComplete$1(onCancel);
28601 t1 = new A._StreamController__recordCancel_complete(_this);
28602 if (result != null)
28603 result = result.whenComplete$1(t1);
28604 else
28605 t1.call$0();
28606 return result;
28607 },
28608 _recordPause$1(subscription) {
28609 if ((this._state & 8) !== 0)
28610 this._varData.addSubscription.pause$0(0);
28611 A._runGuarded(this.onPause);
28612 },
28613 _recordResume$1(subscription) {
28614 if ((this._state & 8) !== 0)
28615 this._varData.addSubscription.resume$0(0);
28616 A._runGuarded(this.onResume);
28617 },
28618 $isEventSink: 1,
28619 set$onPause(val) {
28620 return this.onPause = val;
28621 },
28622 set$onResume(val) {
28623 return this.onResume = val;
28624 },
28625 set$onCancel(val) {
28626 return this.onCancel = val;
28627 }
28628 };
28629 A._StreamController__subscribe_closure.prototype = {
28630 call$0() {
28631 A._runGuarded(this.$this.onListen);
28632 },
28633 $signature: 0
28634 };
28635 A._StreamController__recordCancel_complete.prototype = {
28636 call$0() {
28637 var doneFuture = this.$this._doneFuture;
28638 if (doneFuture != null && (doneFuture._state & 30) === 0)
28639 doneFuture._asyncComplete$1(null);
28640 },
28641 $signature: 0
28642 };
28643 A._SyncStreamControllerDispatch.prototype = {
28644 _sendData$1(data) {
28645 this.get$_subscription()._async$_add$1(data);
28646 },
28647 _sendError$2(error, stackTrace) {
28648 this.get$_subscription()._addError$2(error, stackTrace);
28649 },
28650 _sendDone$0() {
28651 this.get$_subscription()._close$0();
28652 }
28653 };
28654 A._AsyncStreamControllerDispatch.prototype = {
28655 _sendData$1(data) {
28656 this.get$_subscription()._addPending$1(new A._DelayedData(data));
28657 },
28658 _sendError$2(error, stackTrace) {
28659 this.get$_subscription()._addPending$1(new A._DelayedError(error, stackTrace));
28660 },
28661 _sendDone$0() {
28662 this.get$_subscription()._addPending$1(B.C__DelayedDone);
28663 }
28664 };
28665 A._AsyncStreamController.prototype = {};
28666 A._SyncStreamController.prototype = {};
28667 A._ControllerStream.prototype = {
28668 get$hashCode(_) {
28669 return (A.Primitives_objectHashCode(this._controller) ^ 892482866) >>> 0;
28670 },
28671 $eq(_, other) {
28672 if (other == null)
28673 return false;
28674 if (this === other)
28675 return true;
28676 return other instanceof A._ControllerStream && other._controller === this._controller;
28677 }
28678 };
28679 A._ControllerSubscription.prototype = {
28680 _async$_onCancel$0() {
28681 return this._controller._recordCancel$1(this);
28682 },
28683 _async$_onPause$0() {
28684 this._controller._recordPause$1(this);
28685 },
28686 _async$_onResume$0() {
28687 this._controller._recordResume$1(this);
28688 }
28689 };
28690 A._AddStreamState.prototype = {
28691 cancel$0() {
28692 var cancel = this.addSubscription.cancel$0();
28693 return cancel.whenComplete$1(new A._AddStreamState_cancel_closure(this));
28694 }
28695 };
28696 A._AddStreamState_cancel_closure.prototype = {
28697 call$0() {
28698 this.$this.addStreamFuture._asyncComplete$1(null);
28699 },
28700 $signature: 1
28701 };
28702 A._StreamControllerAddStreamState.prototype = {};
28703 A._BufferingStreamSubscription.prototype = {
28704 _setPendingEvents$1(pendingEvents) {
28705 var _this = this;
28706 if (pendingEvents == null)
28707 return;
28708 _this._pending = pendingEvents;
28709 if (pendingEvents.lastPendingEvent != null) {
28710 _this._state = (_this._state | 64) >>> 0;
28711 pendingEvents.schedule$1(_this);
28712 }
28713 },
28714 pause$1(_, resumeSignal) {
28715 var t2, t3, _this = this,
28716 t1 = _this._state;
28717 if ((t1 & 8) !== 0)
28718 return;
28719 t2 = (t1 + 128 | 4) >>> 0;
28720 _this._state = t2;
28721 if (t1 < 128) {
28722 t3 = _this._pending;
28723 if (t3 != null)
28724 if (t3._state === 1)
28725 t3._state = 3;
28726 }
28727 if ((t1 & 4) === 0 && (t2 & 32) === 0)
28728 _this._guardCallback$1(_this.get$_async$_onPause());
28729 },
28730 pause$0($receiver) {
28731 return this.pause$1($receiver, null);
28732 },
28733 resume$0(_) {
28734 var _this = this,
28735 t1 = _this._state;
28736 if ((t1 & 8) !== 0)
28737 return;
28738 if (t1 >= 128) {
28739 t1 = _this._state = t1 - 128;
28740 if (t1 < 128)
28741 if ((t1 & 64) !== 0 && _this._pending.lastPendingEvent != null)
28742 _this._pending.schedule$1(_this);
28743 else {
28744 t1 = (t1 & 4294967291) >>> 0;
28745 _this._state = t1;
28746 if ((t1 & 32) === 0)
28747 _this._guardCallback$1(_this.get$_async$_onResume());
28748 }
28749 }
28750 },
28751 cancel$0() {
28752 var _this = this,
28753 t1 = (_this._state & 4294967279) >>> 0;
28754 _this._state = t1;
28755 if ((t1 & 8) === 0)
28756 _this._cancel$0();
28757 t1 = _this._cancelFuture;
28758 return t1 == null ? $.$get$Future__nullFuture() : t1;
28759 },
28760 _cancel$0() {
28761 var t2, _this = this,
28762 t1 = _this._state = (_this._state | 8) >>> 0;
28763 if ((t1 & 64) !== 0) {
28764 t2 = _this._pending;
28765 if (t2._state === 1)
28766 t2._state = 3;
28767 }
28768 if ((t1 & 32) === 0)
28769 _this._pending = null;
28770 _this._cancelFuture = _this._async$_onCancel$0();
28771 },
28772 _async$_add$1(data) {
28773 var t1 = this._state;
28774 if ((t1 & 8) !== 0)
28775 return;
28776 if (t1 < 32)
28777 this._sendData$1(data);
28778 else
28779 this._addPending$1(new A._DelayedData(data));
28780 },
28781 _addError$2(error, stackTrace) {
28782 var t1 = this._state;
28783 if ((t1 & 8) !== 0)
28784 return;
28785 if (t1 < 32)
28786 this._sendError$2(error, stackTrace);
28787 else
28788 this._addPending$1(new A._DelayedError(error, stackTrace));
28789 },
28790 _close$0() {
28791 var _this = this,
28792 t1 = _this._state;
28793 if ((t1 & 8) !== 0)
28794 return;
28795 t1 = (t1 | 2) >>> 0;
28796 _this._state = t1;
28797 if (t1 < 32)
28798 _this._sendDone$0();
28799 else
28800 _this._addPending$1(B.C__DelayedDone);
28801 },
28802 _async$_onPause$0() {
28803 },
28804 _async$_onResume$0() {
28805 },
28806 _async$_onCancel$0() {
28807 return null;
28808 },
28809 _addPending$1($event) {
28810 var t1, _this = this,
28811 pending = _this._pending;
28812 if (pending == null)
28813 pending = new A._StreamImplEvents();
28814 _this._pending = pending;
28815 pending.add$1(0, $event);
28816 t1 = _this._state;
28817 if ((t1 & 64) === 0) {
28818 t1 = (t1 | 64) >>> 0;
28819 _this._state = t1;
28820 if (t1 < 128)
28821 pending.schedule$1(_this);
28822 }
28823 },
28824 _sendData$1(data) {
28825 var _this = this,
28826 t1 = _this._state;
28827 _this._state = (t1 | 32) >>> 0;
28828 _this._zone.runUnaryGuarded$1$2(_this._onData, data, A._instanceType(_this)._eval$1("_BufferingStreamSubscription.T"));
28829 _this._state = (_this._state & 4294967263) >>> 0;
28830 _this._checkState$1((t1 & 4) !== 0);
28831 },
28832 _sendError$2(error, stackTrace) {
28833 var cancelFuture, _this = this,
28834 t1 = _this._state,
28835 t2 = new A._BufferingStreamSubscription__sendError_sendError(_this, error, stackTrace);
28836 if ((t1 & 1) !== 0) {
28837 _this._state = (t1 | 16) >>> 0;
28838 _this._cancel$0();
28839 cancelFuture = _this._cancelFuture;
28840 if (cancelFuture != null && cancelFuture !== $.$get$Future__nullFuture())
28841 cancelFuture.whenComplete$1(t2);
28842 else
28843 t2.call$0();
28844 } else {
28845 t2.call$0();
28846 _this._checkState$1((t1 & 4) !== 0);
28847 }
28848 },
28849 _sendDone$0() {
28850 var cancelFuture, _this = this,
28851 t1 = new A._BufferingStreamSubscription__sendDone_sendDone(_this);
28852 _this._cancel$0();
28853 _this._state = (_this._state | 16) >>> 0;
28854 cancelFuture = _this._cancelFuture;
28855 if (cancelFuture != null && cancelFuture !== $.$get$Future__nullFuture())
28856 cancelFuture.whenComplete$1(t1);
28857 else
28858 t1.call$0();
28859 },
28860 _guardCallback$1(callback) {
28861 var _this = this,
28862 t1 = _this._state;
28863 _this._state = (t1 | 32) >>> 0;
28864 callback.call$0();
28865 _this._state = (_this._state & 4294967263) >>> 0;
28866 _this._checkState$1((t1 & 4) !== 0);
28867 },
28868 _checkState$1(wasInputPaused) {
28869 var t2, isInputPaused, _this = this,
28870 t1 = _this._state;
28871 if ((t1 & 64) !== 0 && _this._pending.lastPendingEvent == null) {
28872 t1 = _this._state = (t1 & 4294967231) >>> 0;
28873 if ((t1 & 4) !== 0)
28874 if (t1 < 128) {
28875 t2 = _this._pending;
28876 t2 = t2 == null ? null : t2.lastPendingEvent == null;
28877 t2 = t2 !== false;
28878 } else
28879 t2 = false;
28880 else
28881 t2 = false;
28882 if (t2) {
28883 t1 = (t1 & 4294967291) >>> 0;
28884 _this._state = t1;
28885 }
28886 }
28887 for (; true; wasInputPaused = isInputPaused) {
28888 if ((t1 & 8) !== 0) {
28889 _this._pending = null;
28890 return;
28891 }
28892 isInputPaused = (t1 & 4) !== 0;
28893 if (wasInputPaused === isInputPaused)
28894 break;
28895 _this._state = (t1 ^ 32) >>> 0;
28896 if (isInputPaused)
28897 _this._async$_onPause$0();
28898 else
28899 _this._async$_onResume$0();
28900 t1 = (_this._state & 4294967263) >>> 0;
28901 _this._state = t1;
28902 }
28903 if ((t1 & 64) !== 0 && t1 < 128)
28904 _this._pending.schedule$1(_this);
28905 },
28906 $isStreamSubscription: 1
28907 };
28908 A._BufferingStreamSubscription__sendError_sendError.prototype = {
28909 call$0() {
28910 var onError, t3, t4,
28911 t1 = this.$this,
28912 t2 = t1._state;
28913 if ((t2 & 8) !== 0 && (t2 & 16) === 0)
28914 return;
28915 t1._state = (t2 | 32) >>> 0;
28916 onError = t1._onError;
28917 t2 = this.error;
28918 t3 = type$.Object;
28919 t4 = t1._zone;
28920 if (type$.void_Function_Object_StackTrace._is(onError))
28921 t4.runBinaryGuarded$2$3(onError, t2, this.stackTrace, t3, type$.StackTrace);
28922 else
28923 t4.runUnaryGuarded$1$2(onError, t2, t3);
28924 t1._state = (t1._state & 4294967263) >>> 0;
28925 },
28926 $signature: 0
28927 };
28928 A._BufferingStreamSubscription__sendDone_sendDone.prototype = {
28929 call$0() {
28930 var t1 = this.$this,
28931 t2 = t1._state;
28932 if ((t2 & 16) === 0)
28933 return;
28934 t1._state = (t2 | 42) >>> 0;
28935 t1._zone.runGuarded$1(t1._onDone);
28936 t1._state = (t1._state & 4294967263) >>> 0;
28937 },
28938 $signature: 0
28939 };
28940 A._StreamImpl.prototype = {
28941 listen$4$cancelOnError$onDone$onError(_, onData, cancelOnError, onDone, onError) {
28942 return this._controller._subscribe$4(onData, onError, onDone, cancelOnError === true);
28943 },
28944 listen$1($receiver, onData) {
28945 return this.listen$4$cancelOnError$onDone$onError($receiver, onData, null, null, null);
28946 },
28947 listen$3$onDone$onError($receiver, onData, onDone, onError) {
28948 return this.listen$4$cancelOnError$onDone$onError($receiver, onData, null, onDone, onError);
28949 }
28950 };
28951 A._DelayedEvent.prototype = {
28952 get$next() {
28953 return this.next;
28954 },
28955 set$next(val) {
28956 return this.next = val;
28957 }
28958 };
28959 A._DelayedData.prototype = {
28960 perform$1(dispatch) {
28961 dispatch._sendData$1(this.value);
28962 }
28963 };
28964 A._DelayedError.prototype = {
28965 perform$1(dispatch) {
28966 dispatch._sendError$2(this.error, this.stackTrace);
28967 }
28968 };
28969 A._DelayedDone.prototype = {
28970 perform$1(dispatch) {
28971 dispatch._sendDone$0();
28972 },
28973 get$next() {
28974 return null;
28975 },
28976 set$next(_) {
28977 throw A.wrapException(A.StateError$("No events after a done."));
28978 }
28979 };
28980 A._PendingEvents.prototype = {
28981 schedule$1(dispatch) {
28982 var _this = this,
28983 t1 = _this._state;
28984 if (t1 === 1)
28985 return;
28986 if (t1 >= 1) {
28987 _this._state = 1;
28988 return;
28989 }
28990 A.scheduleMicrotask(new A._PendingEvents_schedule_closure(_this, dispatch));
28991 _this._state = 1;
28992 }
28993 };
28994 A._PendingEvents_schedule_closure.prototype = {
28995 call$0() {
28996 var $event, nextEvent,
28997 t1 = this.$this,
28998 oldState = t1._state;
28999 t1._state = 0;
29000 if (oldState === 3)
29001 return;
29002 $event = t1.firstPendingEvent;
29003 nextEvent = $event.get$next();
29004 t1.firstPendingEvent = nextEvent;
29005 if (nextEvent == null)
29006 t1.lastPendingEvent = null;
29007 $event.perform$1(this.dispatch);
29008 },
29009 $signature: 0
29010 };
29011 A._StreamImplEvents.prototype = {
29012 add$1(_, $event) {
29013 var _this = this,
29014 lastEvent = _this.lastPendingEvent;
29015 if (lastEvent == null)
29016 _this.firstPendingEvent = _this.lastPendingEvent = $event;
29017 else {
29018 lastEvent.set$next($event);
29019 _this.lastPendingEvent = $event;
29020 }
29021 }
29022 };
29023 A._StreamIterator.prototype = {
29024 get$current(_) {
29025 if (this._async$_hasValue)
29026 return this._stateData;
29027 return null;
29028 },
29029 moveNext$0() {
29030 var future, _this = this,
29031 subscription = _this._subscription;
29032 if (subscription != null) {
29033 if (_this._async$_hasValue) {
29034 future = new A._Future($.Zone__current, type$._Future_bool);
29035 _this._stateData = future;
29036 _this._async$_hasValue = false;
29037 subscription.resume$0(0);
29038 return future;
29039 }
29040 throw A.wrapException(A.StateError$("Already waiting for next."));
29041 }
29042 return _this._initializeOrDone$0();
29043 },
29044 _initializeOrDone$0() {
29045 var future, subscription, _this = this,
29046 stateData = _this._stateData;
29047 if (stateData != null) {
29048 future = new A._Future($.Zone__current, type$._Future_bool);
29049 _this._stateData = future;
29050 subscription = stateData.listen$4$cancelOnError$onDone$onError(0, _this.get$_onData(), true, _this.get$_onDone(), _this.get$_onError());
29051 if (_this._stateData != null)
29052 _this._subscription = subscription;
29053 return future;
29054 }
29055 return $.$get$Future__falseFuture();
29056 },
29057 cancel$0() {
29058 var _this = this,
29059 subscription = _this._subscription,
29060 stateData = _this._stateData;
29061 _this._stateData = null;
29062 if (subscription != null) {
29063 _this._subscription = null;
29064 if (!_this._async$_hasValue)
29065 stateData._asyncComplete$1(false);
29066 else
29067 _this._async$_hasValue = false;
29068 return subscription.cancel$0();
29069 }
29070 return $.$get$Future__nullFuture();
29071 },
29072 _onData$1(data) {
29073 var moveNextFuture, t1, _this = this;
29074 if (_this._subscription == null)
29075 return;
29076 moveNextFuture = _this._stateData;
29077 _this._stateData = data;
29078 _this._async$_hasValue = true;
29079 moveNextFuture._complete$1(true);
29080 if (_this._async$_hasValue) {
29081 t1 = _this._subscription;
29082 if (t1 != null)
29083 t1.pause$0(0);
29084 }
29085 },
29086 _onError$2(error, stackTrace) {
29087 var _this = this,
29088 subscription = _this._subscription,
29089 moveNextFuture = _this._stateData;
29090 _this._stateData = _this._subscription = null;
29091 if (subscription != null)
29092 moveNextFuture._completeError$2(error, stackTrace);
29093 else
29094 moveNextFuture._asyncCompleteError$2(error, stackTrace);
29095 },
29096 _onDone$0() {
29097 var _this = this,
29098 subscription = _this._subscription,
29099 moveNextFuture = _this._stateData;
29100 _this._stateData = _this._subscription = null;
29101 if (subscription != null)
29102 moveNextFuture._completeWithValue$1(false);
29103 else
29104 moveNextFuture._asyncCompleteWithValue$1(false);
29105 }
29106 };
29107 A._ForwardingStream.prototype = {
29108 get$isBroadcast() {
29109 return this._async$_source.get$isBroadcast();
29110 },
29111 listen$4$cancelOnError$onDone$onError(_, onData, cancelOnError, onDone, onError) {
29112 var t1 = this.$ti,
29113 t2 = t1._rest[1],
29114 t3 = $.Zone__current,
29115 t4 = cancelOnError === true ? 1 : 0,
29116 t5 = A._BufferingStreamSubscription__registerDataHandler(t3, onData, t2),
29117 t6 = A._BufferingStreamSubscription__registerErrorHandler(t3, onError),
29118 t7 = onDone == null ? A.async___nullDoneHandler$closure() : onDone;
29119 t2 = new A._ForwardingStreamSubscription(this, t5, t6, t3.registerCallback$1$1(t7, type$.void), t3, t4, t1._eval$1("@<1>")._bind$1(t2)._eval$1("_ForwardingStreamSubscription<1,2>"));
29120 t2._subscription = this._async$_source.listen$3$onDone$onError(0, t2.get$_handleData(), t2.get$_handleDone(), t2.get$_handleError());
29121 return t2;
29122 },
29123 listen$1($receiver, onData) {
29124 return this.listen$4$cancelOnError$onDone$onError($receiver, onData, null, null, null);
29125 },
29126 listen$3$onDone$onError($receiver, onData, onDone, onError) {
29127 return this.listen$4$cancelOnError$onDone$onError($receiver, onData, null, onDone, onError);
29128 }
29129 };
29130 A._ForwardingStreamSubscription.prototype = {
29131 _async$_add$1(data) {
29132 if ((this._state & 2) !== 0)
29133 return;
29134 this.super$_BufferingStreamSubscription$_add(data);
29135 },
29136 _addError$2(error, stackTrace) {
29137 if ((this._state & 2) !== 0)
29138 return;
29139 this.super$_BufferingStreamSubscription$_addError(error, stackTrace);
29140 },
29141 _async$_onPause$0() {
29142 var t1 = this._subscription;
29143 if (t1 != null)
29144 t1.pause$0(0);
29145 },
29146 _async$_onResume$0() {
29147 var t1 = this._subscription;
29148 if (t1 != null)
29149 t1.resume$0(0);
29150 },
29151 _async$_onCancel$0() {
29152 var subscription = this._subscription;
29153 if (subscription != null) {
29154 this._subscription = null;
29155 return subscription.cancel$0();
29156 }
29157 return null;
29158 },
29159 _handleData$1(data) {
29160 this._stream._handleData$2(data, this);
29161 },
29162 _handleError$2(error, stackTrace) {
29163 this._addError$2(error, stackTrace);
29164 },
29165 _handleDone$0() {
29166 this._close$0();
29167 }
29168 };
29169 A._ExpandStream.prototype = {
29170 _handleData$2(inputEvent, sink) {
29171 var value, e, s, t1, exception, error, stackTrace, replacement;
29172 try {
29173 for (t1 = J.get$iterator$ax(this._expand.call$1(inputEvent)); t1.moveNext$0();) {
29174 value = t1.get$current(t1);
29175 sink._async$_add$1(value);
29176 }
29177 } catch (exception) {
29178 e = A.unwrapException(exception);
29179 s = A.getTraceFromException(exception);
29180 error = e;
29181 stackTrace = s;
29182 replacement = $.Zone__current.errorCallback$2(error, stackTrace);
29183 if (replacement != null) {
29184 error = replacement.error;
29185 stackTrace = replacement.stackTrace;
29186 }
29187 sink._addError$2(error, stackTrace);
29188 }
29189 }
29190 };
29191 A._ZoneFunction.prototype = {};
29192 A._RunNullaryZoneFunction.prototype = {};
29193 A._RunUnaryZoneFunction.prototype = {};
29194 A._RunBinaryZoneFunction.prototype = {};
29195 A._RegisterNullaryZoneFunction.prototype = {};
29196 A._RegisterUnaryZoneFunction.prototype = {};
29197 A._RegisterBinaryZoneFunction.prototype = {};
29198 A._ZoneSpecification.prototype = {$isZoneSpecification: 1};
29199 A._ZoneDelegate.prototype = {$isZoneDelegate: 1};
29200 A._Zone.prototype = {
29201 _processUncaughtError$3(zone, error, stackTrace) {
29202 var handler, parentDelegate, parentZone, currentZone, e, s, t1, exception,
29203 implementation = this.get$_handleUncaughtError(),
29204 implZone = implementation.zone;
29205 if (implZone === B.C__RootZone) {
29206 A._rootHandleError(error, stackTrace);
29207 return;
29208 }
29209 handler = implementation.$function;
29210 parentDelegate = implZone.get$_parentDelegate();
29211 t1 = J.get$parent$z(implZone);
29212 t1.toString;
29213 parentZone = t1;
29214 currentZone = $.Zone__current;
29215 try {
29216 $.Zone__current = parentZone;
29217 handler.call$5(implZone, parentDelegate, zone, error, stackTrace);
29218 $.Zone__current = currentZone;
29219 } catch (exception) {
29220 e = A.unwrapException(exception);
29221 s = A.getTraceFromException(exception);
29222 $.Zone__current = currentZone;
29223 t1 = error === e ? stackTrace : s;
29224 parentZone._processUncaughtError$3(implZone, e, t1);
29225 }
29226 },
29227 $isZone: 1
29228 };
29229 A._CustomZone.prototype = {
29230 get$_delegate() {
29231 var t1 = this._delegateCache;
29232 return t1 == null ? this._delegateCache = new A._ZoneDelegate(this) : t1;
29233 },
29234 get$_parentDelegate() {
29235 return this.parent.get$_delegate();
29236 },
29237 get$errorZone() {
29238 return this._handleUncaughtError.zone;
29239 },
29240 runGuarded$1(f) {
29241 var e, s, exception;
29242 try {
29243 this.run$1$1(0, f, type$.void);
29244 } catch (exception) {
29245 e = A.unwrapException(exception);
29246 s = A.getTraceFromException(exception);
29247 this._processUncaughtError$3(this, e, s);
29248 }
29249 },
29250 runUnaryGuarded$1$2(f, arg, $T) {
29251 var e, s, exception;
29252 try {
29253 this.runUnary$2$2(f, arg, type$.void, $T);
29254 } catch (exception) {
29255 e = A.unwrapException(exception);
29256 s = A.getTraceFromException(exception);
29257 this._processUncaughtError$3(this, e, s);
29258 }
29259 },
29260 runBinaryGuarded$2$3(f, arg1, arg2, T1, T2) {
29261 var e, s, exception;
29262 try {
29263 this.runBinary$3$3(f, arg1, arg2, type$.void, T1, T2);
29264 } catch (exception) {
29265 e = A.unwrapException(exception);
29266 s = A.getTraceFromException(exception);
29267 this._processUncaughtError$3(this, e, s);
29268 }
29269 },
29270 bindCallback$1$1(f, $R) {
29271 return new A._CustomZone_bindCallback_closure(this, this.registerCallback$1$1(f, $R), $R);
29272 },
29273 bindUnaryCallback$2$1(f, $R, $T) {
29274 return new A._CustomZone_bindUnaryCallback_closure(this, this.registerUnaryCallback$2$1(f, $R, $T), $T, $R);
29275 },
29276 bindCallbackGuarded$1(f) {
29277 return new A._CustomZone_bindCallbackGuarded_closure(this, this.registerCallback$1$1(f, type$.void));
29278 },
29279 $index(_, key) {
29280 var value,
29281 t1 = this._async$_map,
29282 result = t1.$index(0, key);
29283 if (result != null || t1.containsKey$1(key))
29284 return result;
29285 value = this.parent.$index(0, key);
29286 if (value != null)
29287 t1.$indexSet(0, key, value);
29288 return value;
29289 },
29290 handleUncaughtError$2(error, stackTrace) {
29291 this._processUncaughtError$3(this, error, stackTrace);
29292 },
29293 fork$2$specification$zoneValues(specification, zoneValues) {
29294 var implementation = this._fork,
29295 t1 = implementation.zone;
29296 return implementation.$function.call$5(t1, t1.get$_parentDelegate(), this, specification, zoneValues);
29297 },
29298 run$1$1(_, f) {
29299 var implementation = this._run,
29300 t1 = implementation.zone;
29301 return implementation.$function.call$4(t1, t1.get$_parentDelegate(), this, f);
29302 },
29303 runUnary$2$2(f, arg) {
29304 var implementation = this._runUnary,
29305 t1 = implementation.zone;
29306 return implementation.$function.call$5(t1, t1.get$_parentDelegate(), this, f, arg);
29307 },
29308 runBinary$3$3(f, arg1, arg2) {
29309 var implementation = this._runBinary,
29310 t1 = implementation.zone;
29311 return implementation.$function.call$6(t1, t1.get$_parentDelegate(), this, f, arg1, arg2);
29312 },
29313 registerCallback$1$1(callback) {
29314 var implementation = this._registerCallback,
29315 t1 = implementation.zone;
29316 return implementation.$function.call$4(t1, t1.get$_parentDelegate(), this, callback);
29317 },
29318 registerUnaryCallback$2$1(callback) {
29319 var implementation = this._registerUnaryCallback,
29320 t1 = implementation.zone;
29321 return implementation.$function.call$4(t1, t1.get$_parentDelegate(), this, callback);
29322 },
29323 registerBinaryCallback$3$1(callback) {
29324 var implementation = this._registerBinaryCallback,
29325 t1 = implementation.zone;
29326 return implementation.$function.call$4(t1, t1.get$_parentDelegate(), this, callback);
29327 },
29328 errorCallback$2(error, stackTrace) {
29329 var implementation, implementationZone;
29330 A.checkNotNullable(error, "error", type$.Object);
29331 implementation = this._errorCallback;
29332 implementationZone = implementation.zone;
29333 if (implementationZone === B.C__RootZone)
29334 return null;
29335 return implementation.$function.call$5(implementationZone, implementationZone.get$_parentDelegate(), this, error, stackTrace);
29336 },
29337 scheduleMicrotask$1(f) {
29338 var implementation = this._scheduleMicrotask,
29339 t1 = implementation.zone;
29340 return implementation.$function.call$4(t1, t1.get$_parentDelegate(), this, f);
29341 },
29342 createTimer$2(duration, f) {
29343 var implementation = this._createTimer,
29344 t1 = implementation.zone;
29345 return implementation.$function.call$5(t1, t1.get$_parentDelegate(), this, duration, f);
29346 },
29347 print$1(line) {
29348 var implementation = this._print,
29349 t1 = implementation.zone;
29350 return implementation.$function.call$4(t1, t1.get$_parentDelegate(), this, line);
29351 },
29352 get$_run() {
29353 return this._run;
29354 },
29355 get$_runUnary() {
29356 return this._runUnary;
29357 },
29358 get$_runBinary() {
29359 return this._runBinary;
29360 },
29361 get$_registerCallback() {
29362 return this._registerCallback;
29363 },
29364 get$_registerUnaryCallback() {
29365 return this._registerUnaryCallback;
29366 },
29367 get$_registerBinaryCallback() {
29368 return this._registerBinaryCallback;
29369 },
29370 get$_errorCallback() {
29371 return this._errorCallback;
29372 },
29373 get$_scheduleMicrotask() {
29374 return this._scheduleMicrotask;
29375 },
29376 get$_createTimer() {
29377 return this._createTimer;
29378 },
29379 get$_createPeriodicTimer() {
29380 return this._createPeriodicTimer;
29381 },
29382 get$_print() {
29383 return this._print;
29384 },
29385 get$_fork() {
29386 return this._fork;
29387 },
29388 get$_handleUncaughtError() {
29389 return this._handleUncaughtError;
29390 },
29391 get$parent(receiver) {
29392 return this.parent;
29393 },
29394 get$_async$_map() {
29395 return this._async$_map;
29396 }
29397 };
29398 A._CustomZone_bindCallback_closure.prototype = {
29399 call$0() {
29400 return this.$this.run$1$1(0, this.registered, this.R);
29401 },
29402 $signature() {
29403 return this.R._eval$1("0()");
29404 }
29405 };
29406 A._CustomZone_bindUnaryCallback_closure.prototype = {
29407 call$1(arg) {
29408 var _this = this;
29409 return _this.$this.runUnary$2$2(_this.registered, arg, _this.R, _this.T);
29410 },
29411 $signature() {
29412 return this.R._eval$1("@<0>")._bind$1(this.T)._eval$1("1(2)");
29413 }
29414 };
29415 A._CustomZone_bindCallbackGuarded_closure.prototype = {
29416 call$0() {
29417 return this.$this.runGuarded$1(this.registered);
29418 },
29419 $signature: 0
29420 };
29421 A._rootHandleError_closure.prototype = {
29422 call$0() {
29423 var error = A.wrapException(this.error);
29424 error.stack = this.stackTrace.toString$0(0);
29425 throw error;
29426 },
29427 $signature: 0
29428 };
29429 A._RootZone.prototype = {
29430 get$_run() {
29431 return B._RunNullaryZoneFunction__RootZone__rootRun;
29432 },
29433 get$_runUnary() {
29434 return B._RunUnaryZoneFunction__RootZone__rootRunUnary;
29435 },
29436 get$_runBinary() {
29437 return B._RunBinaryZoneFunction__RootZone__rootRunBinary;
29438 },
29439 get$_registerCallback() {
29440 return B._RegisterNullaryZoneFunction__RootZone__rootRegisterCallback;
29441 },
29442 get$_registerUnaryCallback() {
29443 return B._RegisterUnaryZoneFunction_Bqo;
29444 },
29445 get$_registerBinaryCallback() {
29446 return B._RegisterBinaryZoneFunction_kGu;
29447 },
29448 get$_errorCallback() {
29449 return B._ZoneFunction__RootZone__rootErrorCallback;
29450 },
29451 get$_scheduleMicrotask() {
29452 return B._ZoneFunction__RootZone__rootScheduleMicrotask;
29453 },
29454 get$_createTimer() {
29455 return B._ZoneFunction__RootZone__rootCreateTimer;
29456 },
29457 get$_createPeriodicTimer() {
29458 return B._ZoneFunction_3bB;
29459 },
29460 get$_print() {
29461 return B._ZoneFunction__RootZone__rootPrint;
29462 },
29463 get$_fork() {
29464 return B._ZoneFunction__RootZone__rootFork;
29465 },
29466 get$_handleUncaughtError() {
29467 return B._ZoneFunction_NMc;
29468 },
29469 get$parent(_) {
29470 return null;
29471 },
29472 get$_async$_map() {
29473 return $.$get$_RootZone__rootMap();
29474 },
29475 get$_delegate() {
29476 var t1 = $._RootZone__rootDelegate;
29477 return t1 == null ? $._RootZone__rootDelegate = new A._ZoneDelegate(this) : t1;
29478 },
29479 get$_parentDelegate() {
29480 var t1 = $._RootZone__rootDelegate;
29481 return t1 == null ? $._RootZone__rootDelegate = new A._ZoneDelegate(this) : t1;
29482 },
29483 get$errorZone() {
29484 return this;
29485 },
29486 runGuarded$1(f) {
29487 var e, s, exception;
29488 try {
29489 if (B.C__RootZone === $.Zone__current) {
29490 f.call$0();
29491 return;
29492 }
29493 A._rootRun(null, null, this, f);
29494 } catch (exception) {
29495 e = A.unwrapException(exception);
29496 s = A.getTraceFromException(exception);
29497 A._rootHandleError(e, s);
29498 }
29499 },
29500 runUnaryGuarded$1$2(f, arg) {
29501 var e, s, exception;
29502 try {
29503 if (B.C__RootZone === $.Zone__current) {
29504 f.call$1(arg);
29505 return;
29506 }
29507 A._rootRunUnary(null, null, this, f, arg);
29508 } catch (exception) {
29509 e = A.unwrapException(exception);
29510 s = A.getTraceFromException(exception);
29511 A._rootHandleError(e, s);
29512 }
29513 },
29514 runBinaryGuarded$2$3(f, arg1, arg2) {
29515 var e, s, exception;
29516 try {
29517 if (B.C__RootZone === $.Zone__current) {
29518 f.call$2(arg1, arg2);
29519 return;
29520 }
29521 A._rootRunBinary(null, null, this, f, arg1, arg2);
29522 } catch (exception) {
29523 e = A.unwrapException(exception);
29524 s = A.getTraceFromException(exception);
29525 A._rootHandleError(e, s);
29526 }
29527 },
29528 bindCallback$1$1(f, $R) {
29529 return new A._RootZone_bindCallback_closure(this, f, $R);
29530 },
29531 bindUnaryCallback$2$1(f, $R, $T) {
29532 return new A._RootZone_bindUnaryCallback_closure(this, f, $T, $R);
29533 },
29534 bindCallbackGuarded$1(f) {
29535 return new A._RootZone_bindCallbackGuarded_closure(this, f);
29536 },
29537 $index(_, key) {
29538 return null;
29539 },
29540 handleUncaughtError$2(error, stackTrace) {
29541 A._rootHandleError(error, stackTrace);
29542 },
29543 fork$2$specification$zoneValues(specification, zoneValues) {
29544 return A._rootFork(null, null, this, specification, zoneValues);
29545 },
29546 run$1$1(_, f) {
29547 if ($.Zone__current === B.C__RootZone)
29548 return f.call$0();
29549 return A._rootRun(null, null, this, f);
29550 },
29551 runUnary$2$2(f, arg) {
29552 if ($.Zone__current === B.C__RootZone)
29553 return f.call$1(arg);
29554 return A._rootRunUnary(null, null, this, f, arg);
29555 },
29556 runBinary$3$3(f, arg1, arg2) {
29557 if ($.Zone__current === B.C__RootZone)
29558 return f.call$2(arg1, arg2);
29559 return A._rootRunBinary(null, null, this, f, arg1, arg2);
29560 },
29561 registerCallback$1$1(f) {
29562 return f;
29563 },
29564 registerUnaryCallback$2$1(f) {
29565 return f;
29566 },
29567 registerBinaryCallback$3$1(f) {
29568 return f;
29569 },
29570 errorCallback$2(error, stackTrace) {
29571 return null;
29572 },
29573 scheduleMicrotask$1(f) {
29574 A._rootScheduleMicrotask(null, null, this, f);
29575 },
29576 createTimer$2(duration, f) {
29577 return A.Timer__createTimer(duration, f);
29578 },
29579 print$1(line) {
29580 A.printString(line);
29581 }
29582 };
29583 A._RootZone_bindCallback_closure.prototype = {
29584 call$0() {
29585 return this.$this.run$1$1(0, this.f, this.R);
29586 },
29587 $signature() {
29588 return this.R._eval$1("0()");
29589 }
29590 };
29591 A._RootZone_bindUnaryCallback_closure.prototype = {
29592 call$1(arg) {
29593 var _this = this;
29594 return _this.$this.runUnary$2$2(_this.f, arg, _this.R, _this.T);
29595 },
29596 $signature() {
29597 return this.R._eval$1("@<0>")._bind$1(this.T)._eval$1("1(2)");
29598 }
29599 };
29600 A._RootZone_bindCallbackGuarded_closure.prototype = {
29601 call$0() {
29602 return this.$this.runGuarded$1(this.f);
29603 },
29604 $signature: 0
29605 };
29606 A._HashMap.prototype = {
29607 get$length(_) {
29608 return this._collection$_length;
29609 },
29610 get$isEmpty(_) {
29611 return this._collection$_length === 0;
29612 },
29613 get$isNotEmpty(_) {
29614 return this._collection$_length !== 0;
29615 },
29616 get$keys(_) {
29617 return new A._HashMapKeyIterable(this, A._instanceType(this)._eval$1("_HashMapKeyIterable<1>"));
29618 },
29619 get$values(_) {
29620 var t1 = A._instanceType(this);
29621 return A.MappedIterable_MappedIterable(new A._HashMapKeyIterable(this, t1._eval$1("_HashMapKeyIterable<1>")), new A._HashMap_values_closure(this), t1._precomputed1, t1._rest[1]);
29622 },
29623 containsKey$1(key) {
29624 var strings, nums;
29625 if (typeof key == "string" && key !== "__proto__") {
29626 strings = this._collection$_strings;
29627 return strings == null ? false : strings[key] != null;
29628 } else if (typeof key == "number" && (key & 1073741823) === key) {
29629 nums = this._collection$_nums;
29630 return nums == null ? false : nums[key] != null;
29631 } else
29632 return this._containsKey$1(key);
29633 },
29634 _containsKey$1(key) {
29635 var rest = this._collection$_rest;
29636 if (rest == null)
29637 return false;
29638 return this._findBucketIndex$2(this._getBucket$2(rest, key), key) >= 0;
29639 },
29640 addAll$1(_, other) {
29641 other.forEach$1(0, new A._HashMap_addAll_closure(this));
29642 },
29643 $index(_, key) {
29644 var strings, t1, nums;
29645 if (typeof key == "string" && key !== "__proto__") {
29646 strings = this._collection$_strings;
29647 t1 = strings == null ? null : A._HashMap__getTableEntry(strings, key);
29648 return t1;
29649 } else if (typeof key == "number" && (key & 1073741823) === key) {
29650 nums = this._collection$_nums;
29651 t1 = nums == null ? null : A._HashMap__getTableEntry(nums, key);
29652 return t1;
29653 } else
29654 return this._get$1(key);
29655 },
29656 _get$1(key) {
29657 var bucket, index,
29658 rest = this._collection$_rest;
29659 if (rest == null)
29660 return null;
29661 bucket = this._getBucket$2(rest, key);
29662 index = this._findBucketIndex$2(bucket, key);
29663 return index < 0 ? null : bucket[index + 1];
29664 },
29665 $indexSet(_, key, value) {
29666 var strings, nums, _this = this;
29667 if (typeof key == "string" && key !== "__proto__") {
29668 strings = _this._collection$_strings;
29669 _this._collection$_addHashTableEntry$3(strings == null ? _this._collection$_strings = A._HashMap__newHashTable() : strings, key, value);
29670 } else if (typeof key == "number" && (key & 1073741823) === key) {
29671 nums = _this._collection$_nums;
29672 _this._collection$_addHashTableEntry$3(nums == null ? _this._collection$_nums = A._HashMap__newHashTable() : nums, key, value);
29673 } else
29674 _this._set$2(key, value);
29675 },
29676 _set$2(key, value) {
29677 var hash, bucket, index, _this = this,
29678 rest = _this._collection$_rest;
29679 if (rest == null)
29680 rest = _this._collection$_rest = A._HashMap__newHashTable();
29681 hash = _this._computeHashCode$1(key);
29682 bucket = rest[hash];
29683 if (bucket == null) {
29684 A._HashMap__setTableEntry(rest, hash, [key, value]);
29685 ++_this._collection$_length;
29686 _this._keys = null;
29687 } else {
29688 index = _this._findBucketIndex$2(bucket, key);
29689 if (index >= 0)
29690 bucket[index + 1] = value;
29691 else {
29692 bucket.push(key, value);
29693 ++_this._collection$_length;
29694 _this._keys = null;
29695 }
29696 }
29697 },
29698 remove$1(_, key) {
29699 var t1;
29700 if (typeof key == "string" && key !== "__proto__")
29701 return this._removeHashTableEntry$2(this._collection$_strings, key);
29702 else {
29703 t1 = this._remove$1(key);
29704 return t1;
29705 }
29706 },
29707 _remove$1(key) {
29708 var hash, bucket, index, result, _this = this,
29709 rest = _this._collection$_rest;
29710 if (rest == null)
29711 return null;
29712 hash = _this._computeHashCode$1(key);
29713 bucket = rest[hash];
29714 index = _this._findBucketIndex$2(bucket, key);
29715 if (index < 0)
29716 return null;
29717 --_this._collection$_length;
29718 _this._keys = null;
29719 result = bucket.splice(index, 2)[1];
29720 if (0 === bucket.length)
29721 delete rest[hash];
29722 return result;
29723 },
29724 forEach$1(_, action) {
29725 var $length, t1, i, key, _this = this,
29726 keys = _this._computeKeys$0();
29727 for ($length = keys.length, t1 = A._instanceType(_this)._rest[1], i = 0; i < $length; ++i) {
29728 key = keys[i];
29729 action.call$2(key, t1._as(_this.$index(0, key)));
29730 if (keys !== _this._keys)
29731 throw A.wrapException(A.ConcurrentModificationError$(_this));
29732 }
29733 },
29734 _computeKeys$0() {
29735 var strings, names, entries, index, i, nums, rest, bucket, $length, i0, _this = this,
29736 result = _this._keys;
29737 if (result != null)
29738 return result;
29739 result = A.List_List$filled(_this._collection$_length, null, false, type$.dynamic);
29740 strings = _this._collection$_strings;
29741 if (strings != null) {
29742 names = Object.getOwnPropertyNames(strings);
29743 entries = names.length;
29744 for (index = 0, i = 0; i < entries; ++i) {
29745 result[index] = names[i];
29746 ++index;
29747 }
29748 } else
29749 index = 0;
29750 nums = _this._collection$_nums;
29751 if (nums != null) {
29752 names = Object.getOwnPropertyNames(nums);
29753 entries = names.length;
29754 for (i = 0; i < entries; ++i) {
29755 result[index] = +names[i];
29756 ++index;
29757 }
29758 }
29759 rest = _this._collection$_rest;
29760 if (rest != null) {
29761 names = Object.getOwnPropertyNames(rest);
29762 entries = names.length;
29763 for (i = 0; i < entries; ++i) {
29764 bucket = rest[names[i]];
29765 $length = bucket.length;
29766 for (i0 = 0; i0 < $length; i0 += 2) {
29767 result[index] = bucket[i0];
29768 ++index;
29769 }
29770 }
29771 }
29772 return _this._keys = result;
29773 },
29774 _collection$_addHashTableEntry$3(table, key, value) {
29775 if (table[key] == null) {
29776 ++this._collection$_length;
29777 this._keys = null;
29778 }
29779 A._HashMap__setTableEntry(table, key, value);
29780 },
29781 _removeHashTableEntry$2(table, key) {
29782 var value;
29783 if (table != null && table[key] != null) {
29784 value = A._HashMap__getTableEntry(table, key);
29785 delete table[key];
29786 --this._collection$_length;
29787 this._keys = null;
29788 return value;
29789 } else
29790 return null;
29791 },
29792 _computeHashCode$1(key) {
29793 return J.get$hashCode$(key) & 1073741823;
29794 },
29795 _getBucket$2(table, key) {
29796 return table[this._computeHashCode$1(key)];
29797 },
29798 _findBucketIndex$2(bucket, key) {
29799 var $length, i;
29800 if (bucket == null)
29801 return -1;
29802 $length = bucket.length;
29803 for (i = 0; i < $length; i += 2)
29804 if (J.$eq$(bucket[i], key))
29805 return i;
29806 return -1;
29807 }
29808 };
29809 A._HashMap_values_closure.prototype = {
29810 call$1(each) {
29811 var t1 = this.$this;
29812 return A._instanceType(t1)._rest[1]._as(t1.$index(0, each));
29813 },
29814 $signature() {
29815 return A._instanceType(this.$this)._eval$1("2(1)");
29816 }
29817 };
29818 A._HashMap_addAll_closure.prototype = {
29819 call$2(key, value) {
29820 this.$this.$indexSet(0, key, value);
29821 },
29822 $signature() {
29823 return A._instanceType(this.$this)._eval$1("~(1,2)");
29824 }
29825 };
29826 A._IdentityHashMap.prototype = {
29827 _computeHashCode$1(key) {
29828 return A.objectHashCode(key) & 1073741823;
29829 },
29830 _findBucketIndex$2(bucket, key) {
29831 var $length, i, t1;
29832 if (bucket == null)
29833 return -1;
29834 $length = bucket.length;
29835 for (i = 0; i < $length; i += 2) {
29836 t1 = bucket[i];
29837 if (t1 == null ? key == null : t1 === key)
29838 return i;
29839 }
29840 return -1;
29841 }
29842 };
29843 A._HashMapKeyIterable.prototype = {
29844 get$length(_) {
29845 return this._map._collection$_length;
29846 },
29847 get$isEmpty(_) {
29848 return this._map._collection$_length === 0;
29849 },
29850 get$iterator(_) {
29851 var t1 = this._map;
29852 return new A._HashMapKeyIterator(t1, t1._computeKeys$0());
29853 },
29854 contains$1(_, element) {
29855 return this._map.containsKey$1(element);
29856 }
29857 };
29858 A._HashMapKeyIterator.prototype = {
29859 get$current(_) {
29860 return A._instanceType(this)._precomputed1._as(this._collection$_current);
29861 },
29862 moveNext$0() {
29863 var _this = this,
29864 keys = _this._keys,
29865 offset = _this._offset,
29866 t1 = _this._map;
29867 if (keys !== t1._keys)
29868 throw A.wrapException(A.ConcurrentModificationError$(t1));
29869 else if (offset >= keys.length) {
29870 _this._collection$_current = null;
29871 return false;
29872 } else {
29873 _this._collection$_current = keys[offset];
29874 _this._offset = offset + 1;
29875 return true;
29876 }
29877 }
29878 };
29879 A._LinkedIdentityHashMap.prototype = {
29880 internalComputeHashCode$1(key) {
29881 return A.objectHashCode(key) & 1073741823;
29882 },
29883 internalFindBucketIndex$2(bucket, key) {
29884 var $length, i, t1;
29885 if (bucket == null)
29886 return -1;
29887 $length = bucket.length;
29888 for (i = 0; i < $length; ++i) {
29889 t1 = bucket[i].hashMapCellKey;
29890 if (t1 == null ? key == null : t1 === key)
29891 return i;
29892 }
29893 return -1;
29894 }
29895 };
29896 A._LinkedCustomHashMap.prototype = {
29897 $index(_, key) {
29898 if (!this._validKey.call$1(key))
29899 return null;
29900 return this.super$JsLinkedHashMap$internalGet(key);
29901 },
29902 $indexSet(_, key, value) {
29903 this.super$JsLinkedHashMap$internalSet(key, value);
29904 },
29905 containsKey$1(key) {
29906 if (!this._validKey.call$1(key))
29907 return false;
29908 return this.super$JsLinkedHashMap$internalContainsKey(key);
29909 },
29910 remove$1(_, key) {
29911 if (!this._validKey.call$1(key))
29912 return null;
29913 return this.super$JsLinkedHashMap$internalRemove(key);
29914 },
29915 internalComputeHashCode$1(key) {
29916 return this._hashCode.call$1(key) & 1073741823;
29917 },
29918 internalFindBucketIndex$2(bucket, key) {
29919 var $length, t1, i;
29920 if (bucket == null)
29921 return -1;
29922 $length = bucket.length;
29923 for (t1 = this._equals, i = 0; i < $length; ++i)
29924 if (t1.call$2(bucket[i].hashMapCellKey, key))
29925 return i;
29926 return -1;
29927 }
29928 };
29929 A._LinkedCustomHashMap_closure.prototype = {
29930 call$1(v) {
29931 return this.K._is(v);
29932 },
29933 $signature: 138
29934 };
29935 A._LinkedHashSet.prototype = {
29936 _newSet$0() {
29937 return new A._LinkedHashSet(A._instanceType(this)._eval$1("_LinkedHashSet<1>"));
29938 },
29939 _newSimilarSet$1$0($R) {
29940 return new A._LinkedHashSet($R._eval$1("_LinkedHashSet<0>"));
29941 },
29942 _newSimilarSet$0() {
29943 return this._newSimilarSet$1$0(type$.dynamic);
29944 },
29945 get$iterator(_) {
29946 var t1 = new A._LinkedHashSetIterator(this, this._collection$_modifications);
29947 t1._collection$_cell = this._collection$_first;
29948 return t1;
29949 },
29950 get$length(_) {
29951 return this._collection$_length;
29952 },
29953 get$isEmpty(_) {
29954 return this._collection$_length === 0;
29955 },
29956 get$isNotEmpty(_) {
29957 return this._collection$_length !== 0;
29958 },
29959 contains$1(_, object) {
29960 var strings, nums;
29961 if (typeof object == "string" && object !== "__proto__") {
29962 strings = this._collection$_strings;
29963 if (strings == null)
29964 return false;
29965 return strings[object] != null;
29966 } else if (typeof object == "number" && (object & 1073741823) === object) {
29967 nums = this._collection$_nums;
29968 if (nums == null)
29969 return false;
29970 return nums[object] != null;
29971 } else
29972 return this._contains$1(object);
29973 },
29974 _contains$1(object) {
29975 var rest = this._collection$_rest;
29976 if (rest == null)
29977 return false;
29978 return this._findBucketIndex$2(rest[this._computeHashCode$1(object)], object) >= 0;
29979 },
29980 get$first(_) {
29981 var first = this._collection$_first;
29982 if (first == null)
29983 throw A.wrapException(A.StateError$("No elements"));
29984 return first._element;
29985 },
29986 get$last(_) {
29987 var last = this._collection$_last;
29988 if (last == null)
29989 throw A.wrapException(A.StateError$("No elements"));
29990 return last._element;
29991 },
29992 add$1(_, element) {
29993 var strings, nums, _this = this;
29994 if (typeof element == "string" && element !== "__proto__") {
29995 strings = _this._collection$_strings;
29996 return _this._collection$_addHashTableEntry$2(strings == null ? _this._collection$_strings = A._LinkedHashSet__newHashTable() : strings, element);
29997 } else if (typeof element == "number" && (element & 1073741823) === element) {
29998 nums = _this._collection$_nums;
29999 return _this._collection$_addHashTableEntry$2(nums == null ? _this._collection$_nums = A._LinkedHashSet__newHashTable() : nums, element);
30000 } else
30001 return _this._add$1(element);
30002 },
30003 _add$1(element) {
30004 var hash, bucket, _this = this,
30005 rest = _this._collection$_rest;
30006 if (rest == null)
30007 rest = _this._collection$_rest = A._LinkedHashSet__newHashTable();
30008 hash = _this._computeHashCode$1(element);
30009 bucket = rest[hash];
30010 if (bucket == null)
30011 rest[hash] = [_this._collection$_newLinkedCell$1(element)];
30012 else {
30013 if (_this._findBucketIndex$2(bucket, element) >= 0)
30014 return false;
30015 bucket.push(_this._collection$_newLinkedCell$1(element));
30016 }
30017 return true;
30018 },
30019 remove$1(_, object) {
30020 var _this = this;
30021 if (typeof object == "string" && object !== "__proto__")
30022 return _this._removeHashTableEntry$2(_this._collection$_strings, object);
30023 else if (typeof object == "number" && (object & 1073741823) === object)
30024 return _this._removeHashTableEntry$2(_this._collection$_nums, object);
30025 else
30026 return _this._remove$1(object);
30027 },
30028 _remove$1(object) {
30029 var hash, bucket, index, cell, _this = this,
30030 rest = _this._collection$_rest;
30031 if (rest == null)
30032 return false;
30033 hash = _this._computeHashCode$1(object);
30034 bucket = rest[hash];
30035 index = _this._findBucketIndex$2(bucket, object);
30036 if (index < 0)
30037 return false;
30038 cell = bucket.splice(index, 1)[0];
30039 if (0 === bucket.length)
30040 delete rest[hash];
30041 _this._unlinkCell$1(cell);
30042 return true;
30043 },
30044 _collection$_addHashTableEntry$2(table, element) {
30045 if (table[element] != null)
30046 return false;
30047 table[element] = this._collection$_newLinkedCell$1(element);
30048 return true;
30049 },
30050 _removeHashTableEntry$2(table, element) {
30051 var cell;
30052 if (table == null)
30053 return false;
30054 cell = table[element];
30055 if (cell == null)
30056 return false;
30057 this._unlinkCell$1(cell);
30058 delete table[element];
30059 return true;
30060 },
30061 _collection$_modified$0() {
30062 this._collection$_modifications = this._collection$_modifications + 1 & 1073741823;
30063 },
30064 _collection$_newLinkedCell$1(element) {
30065 var t1, _this = this,
30066 cell = new A._LinkedHashSetCell(element);
30067 if (_this._collection$_first == null)
30068 _this._collection$_first = _this._collection$_last = cell;
30069 else {
30070 t1 = _this._collection$_last;
30071 t1.toString;
30072 cell._collection$_previous = t1;
30073 _this._collection$_last = t1._collection$_next = cell;
30074 }
30075 ++_this._collection$_length;
30076 _this._collection$_modified$0();
30077 return cell;
30078 },
30079 _unlinkCell$1(cell) {
30080 var _this = this,
30081 previous = cell._collection$_previous,
30082 next = cell._collection$_next;
30083 if (previous == null)
30084 _this._collection$_first = next;
30085 else
30086 previous._collection$_next = next;
30087 if (next == null)
30088 _this._collection$_last = previous;
30089 else
30090 next._collection$_previous = previous;
30091 --_this._collection$_length;
30092 _this._collection$_modified$0();
30093 },
30094 _computeHashCode$1(element) {
30095 return J.get$hashCode$(element) & 1073741823;
30096 },
30097 _findBucketIndex$2(bucket, element) {
30098 var $length, i;
30099 if (bucket == null)
30100 return -1;
30101 $length = bucket.length;
30102 for (i = 0; i < $length; ++i)
30103 if (J.$eq$(bucket[i]._element, element))
30104 return i;
30105 return -1;
30106 }
30107 };
30108 A._LinkedIdentityHashSet.prototype = {
30109 _newSet$0() {
30110 return new A._LinkedIdentityHashSet(this.$ti);
30111 },
30112 _newSimilarSet$1$0($R) {
30113 return new A._LinkedIdentityHashSet($R._eval$1("_LinkedIdentityHashSet<0>"));
30114 },
30115 _newSimilarSet$0() {
30116 return this._newSimilarSet$1$0(type$.dynamic);
30117 },
30118 _computeHashCode$1(key) {
30119 return A.objectHashCode(key) & 1073741823;
30120 },
30121 _findBucketIndex$2(bucket, element) {
30122 var $length, i, t1;
30123 if (bucket == null)
30124 return -1;
30125 $length = bucket.length;
30126 for (i = 0; i < $length; ++i) {
30127 t1 = bucket[i]._element;
30128 if (t1 == null ? element == null : t1 === element)
30129 return i;
30130 }
30131 return -1;
30132 }
30133 };
30134 A._LinkedHashSetCell.prototype = {};
30135 A._LinkedHashSetIterator.prototype = {
30136 get$current(_) {
30137 return A._instanceType(this)._precomputed1._as(this._collection$_current);
30138 },
30139 moveNext$0() {
30140 var _this = this,
30141 cell = _this._collection$_cell,
30142 t1 = _this._set;
30143 if (_this._collection$_modifications !== t1._collection$_modifications)
30144 throw A.wrapException(A.ConcurrentModificationError$(t1));
30145 else if (cell == null) {
30146 _this._collection$_current = null;
30147 return false;
30148 } else {
30149 _this._collection$_current = cell._element;
30150 _this._collection$_cell = cell._collection$_next;
30151 return true;
30152 }
30153 }
30154 };
30155 A.UnmodifiableListView.prototype = {
30156 cast$1$0(_, $R) {
30157 return new A.UnmodifiableListView(J.cast$1$0$ax(this._collection$_source, $R), $R._eval$1("UnmodifiableListView<0>"));
30158 },
30159 get$length(_) {
30160 return J.get$length$asx(this._collection$_source);
30161 },
30162 $index(_, index) {
30163 return J.elementAt$1$ax(this._collection$_source, index);
30164 }
30165 };
30166 A.HashMap_HashMap$from_closure.prototype = {
30167 call$2(k, v) {
30168 this.result.$indexSet(0, this.K._as(k), this.V._as(v));
30169 },
30170 $signature: 202
30171 };
30172 A.IterableBase.prototype = {};
30173 A.LinkedHashMap_LinkedHashMap$from_closure.prototype = {
30174 call$2(k, v) {
30175 this.result.$indexSet(0, this.K._as(k), this.V._as(v));
30176 },
30177 $signature: 202
30178 };
30179 A.ListBase.prototype = {$isEfficientLengthIterable: 1, $isIterable: 1, $isList: 1};
30180 A.ListMixin.prototype = {
30181 get$iterator(receiver) {
30182 return new A.ListIterator(receiver, this.get$length(receiver));
30183 },
30184 elementAt$1(receiver, index) {
30185 return this.$index(receiver, index);
30186 },
30187 get$isEmpty(receiver) {
30188 return this.get$length(receiver) === 0;
30189 },
30190 get$isNotEmpty(receiver) {
30191 return !this.get$isEmpty(receiver);
30192 },
30193 get$first(receiver) {
30194 if (this.get$length(receiver) === 0)
30195 throw A.wrapException(A.IterableElementError_noElement());
30196 return this.$index(receiver, 0);
30197 },
30198 get$last(receiver) {
30199 if (this.get$length(receiver) === 0)
30200 throw A.wrapException(A.IterableElementError_noElement());
30201 return this.$index(receiver, this.get$length(receiver) - 1);
30202 },
30203 get$single(receiver) {
30204 if (this.get$length(receiver) === 0)
30205 throw A.wrapException(A.IterableElementError_noElement());
30206 if (this.get$length(receiver) > 1)
30207 throw A.wrapException(A.IterableElementError_tooMany());
30208 return this.$index(receiver, 0);
30209 },
30210 contains$1(receiver, element) {
30211 var i,
30212 $length = this.get$length(receiver);
30213 for (i = 0; i < $length; ++i) {
30214 if (J.$eq$(this.$index(receiver, i), element))
30215 return true;
30216 if ($length !== this.get$length(receiver))
30217 throw A.wrapException(A.ConcurrentModificationError$(receiver));
30218 }
30219 return false;
30220 },
30221 every$1(receiver, test) {
30222 var i,
30223 $length = this.get$length(receiver);
30224 for (i = 0; i < $length; ++i) {
30225 if (!test.call$1(this.$index(receiver, i)))
30226 return false;
30227 if ($length !== this.get$length(receiver))
30228 throw A.wrapException(A.ConcurrentModificationError$(receiver));
30229 }
30230 return true;
30231 },
30232 any$1(receiver, test) {
30233 var i,
30234 $length = this.get$length(receiver);
30235 for (i = 0; i < $length; ++i) {
30236 if (test.call$1(this.$index(receiver, i)))
30237 return true;
30238 if ($length !== this.get$length(receiver))
30239 throw A.wrapException(A.ConcurrentModificationError$(receiver));
30240 }
30241 return false;
30242 },
30243 lastWhere$2$orElse(receiver, test, orElse) {
30244 var i, element,
30245 $length = this.get$length(receiver);
30246 for (i = $length - 1; i >= 0; --i) {
30247 element = this.$index(receiver, i);
30248 if (test.call$1(element))
30249 return element;
30250 if ($length !== this.get$length(receiver))
30251 throw A.wrapException(A.ConcurrentModificationError$(receiver));
30252 }
30253 if (orElse != null)
30254 return orElse.call$0();
30255 throw A.wrapException(A.IterableElementError_noElement());
30256 },
30257 join$1(receiver, separator) {
30258 var t1;
30259 if (this.get$length(receiver) === 0)
30260 return "";
30261 t1 = A.StringBuffer__writeAll("", receiver, separator);
30262 return t1.charCodeAt(0) == 0 ? t1 : t1;
30263 },
30264 join$0($receiver) {
30265 return this.join$1($receiver, "");
30266 },
30267 where$1(receiver, test) {
30268 return new A.WhereIterable(receiver, test, A.instanceType(receiver)._eval$1("WhereIterable<ListMixin.E>"));
30269 },
30270 map$1$1(receiver, f, $T) {
30271 return new A.MappedListIterable(receiver, f, A.instanceType(receiver)._eval$1("@<ListMixin.E>")._bind$1($T)._eval$1("MappedListIterable<1,2>"));
30272 },
30273 expand$1$1(receiver, f, $T) {
30274 return new A.ExpandIterable(receiver, f, A.instanceType(receiver)._eval$1("@<ListMixin.E>")._bind$1($T)._eval$1("ExpandIterable<1,2>"));
30275 },
30276 skip$1(receiver, count) {
30277 return A.SubListIterable$(receiver, count, null, A.instanceType(receiver)._eval$1("ListMixin.E"));
30278 },
30279 take$1(receiver, count) {
30280 return A.SubListIterable$(receiver, 0, A.checkNotNullable(count, "count", type$.int), A.instanceType(receiver)._eval$1("ListMixin.E"));
30281 },
30282 toList$1$growable(receiver, growable) {
30283 var t1, first, result, i, _this = this;
30284 if (_this.get$isEmpty(receiver)) {
30285 t1 = J.JSArray_JSArray$growable(0, A.instanceType(receiver)._eval$1("ListMixin.E"));
30286 return t1;
30287 }
30288 first = _this.$index(receiver, 0);
30289 result = A.List_List$filled(_this.get$length(receiver), first, true, A.instanceType(receiver)._eval$1("ListMixin.E"));
30290 for (i = 1; i < _this.get$length(receiver); ++i)
30291 result[i] = _this.$index(receiver, i);
30292 return result;
30293 },
30294 toList$0($receiver) {
30295 return this.toList$1$growable($receiver, true);
30296 },
30297 toSet$0(receiver) {
30298 var i,
30299 result = A.LinkedHashSet_LinkedHashSet(A.instanceType(receiver)._eval$1("ListMixin.E"));
30300 for (i = 0; i < this.get$length(receiver); ++i)
30301 result.add$1(0, this.$index(receiver, i));
30302 return result;
30303 },
30304 add$1(receiver, element) {
30305 var t1 = this.get$length(receiver);
30306 this.set$length(receiver, t1 + 1);
30307 this.$indexSet(receiver, t1, element);
30308 },
30309 cast$1$0(receiver, $R) {
30310 return new A.CastList(receiver, A.instanceType(receiver)._eval$1("@<ListMixin.E>")._bind$1($R)._eval$1("CastList<1,2>"));
30311 },
30312 sort$1(receiver, compare) {
30313 A.Sort_sort(receiver, compare == null ? A.collection_ListMixin__compareAny$closure() : compare);
30314 },
30315 sublist$2(receiver, start, end) {
30316 var listLength = this.get$length(receiver);
30317 A.RangeError_checkValidRange(start, end, listLength);
30318 return A.List_List$from(this.getRange$2(receiver, start, end), true, A.instanceType(receiver)._eval$1("ListMixin.E"));
30319 },
30320 getRange$2(receiver, start, end) {
30321 A.RangeError_checkValidRange(start, end, this.get$length(receiver));
30322 return A.SubListIterable$(receiver, start, end, A.instanceType(receiver)._eval$1("ListMixin.E"));
30323 },
30324 fillRange$3(receiver, start, end, fill) {
30325 var i;
30326 A.instanceType(receiver)._eval$1("ListMixin.E")._as(fill);
30327 A.RangeError_checkValidRange(start, end, this.get$length(receiver));
30328 for (i = start; i < end; ++i)
30329 this.$indexSet(receiver, i, fill);
30330 },
30331 setRange$4(receiver, start, end, iterable, skipCount) {
30332 var $length, otherStart, otherList, t1, i;
30333 A.RangeError_checkValidRange(start, end, this.get$length(receiver));
30334 $length = end - start;
30335 if ($length === 0)
30336 return;
30337 A.RangeError_checkNotNegative(skipCount, "skipCount");
30338 if (A.instanceType(receiver)._eval$1("List<ListMixin.E>")._is(iterable)) {
30339 otherStart = skipCount;
30340 otherList = iterable;
30341 } else {
30342 otherList = J.skip$1$ax(iterable, skipCount).toList$1$growable(0, false);
30343 otherStart = 0;
30344 }
30345 t1 = J.getInterceptor$asx(otherList);
30346 if (otherStart + $length > t1.get$length(otherList))
30347 throw A.wrapException(A.IterableElementError_tooFew());
30348 if (otherStart < start)
30349 for (i = $length - 1; i >= 0; --i)
30350 this.$indexSet(receiver, start + i, t1.$index(otherList, otherStart + i));
30351 else
30352 for (i = 0; i < $length; ++i)
30353 this.$indexSet(receiver, start + i, t1.$index(otherList, otherStart + i));
30354 },
30355 get$reversed(receiver) {
30356 return new A.ReversedListIterable(receiver, A.instanceType(receiver)._eval$1("ReversedListIterable<ListMixin.E>"));
30357 },
30358 toString$0(receiver) {
30359 return A.IterableBase_iterableToFullString(receiver, "[", "]");
30360 }
30361 };
30362 A.MapBase.prototype = {};
30363 A.MapBase_mapToString_closure.prototype = {
30364 call$2(k, v) {
30365 var t2,
30366 t1 = this._box_0;
30367 if (!t1.first)
30368 this.result._contents += ", ";
30369 t1.first = false;
30370 t1 = this.result;
30371 t2 = t1._contents += A.S(k);
30372 t1._contents = t2 + ": ";
30373 t1._contents += A.S(v);
30374 },
30375 $signature: 200
30376 };
30377 A.MapMixin.prototype = {
30378 cast$2$0(_, RK, RV) {
30379 var t1 = A._instanceType(this);
30380 return A.Map_castFrom(this, t1._eval$1("MapMixin.K"), t1._eval$1("MapMixin.V"), RK, RV);
30381 },
30382 forEach$1(_, action) {
30383 var t1, t2, key, _this = this;
30384 for (t1 = J.get$iterator$ax(_this.get$keys(_this)), t2 = A._instanceType(_this)._eval$1("MapMixin.V"); t1.moveNext$0();) {
30385 key = t1.get$current(t1);
30386 action.call$2(key, t2._as(_this.$index(0, key)));
30387 }
30388 },
30389 addAll$1(_, other) {
30390 var t1, t2, key;
30391 for (t1 = J.get$iterator$ax(other.get$keys(other)), t2 = A._instanceType(this)._eval$1("MapMixin.V"); t1.moveNext$0();) {
30392 key = t1.get$current(t1);
30393 this.$indexSet(0, key, t2._as(other.$index(0, key)));
30394 }
30395 },
30396 get$entries(_) {
30397 var _this = this;
30398 return J.map$1$1$ax(_this.get$keys(_this), new A.MapMixin_entries_closure(_this), A._instanceType(_this)._eval$1("MapEntry<MapMixin.K,MapMixin.V>"));
30399 },
30400 containsKey$1(key) {
30401 return J.contains$1$asx(this.get$keys(this), key);
30402 },
30403 get$length(_) {
30404 return J.get$length$asx(this.get$keys(this));
30405 },
30406 get$isEmpty(_) {
30407 return J.get$isEmpty$asx(this.get$keys(this));
30408 },
30409 get$isNotEmpty(_) {
30410 return J.get$isNotEmpty$asx(this.get$keys(this));
30411 },
30412 get$values(_) {
30413 var t1 = A._instanceType(this);
30414 return new A._MapBaseValueIterable(this, t1._eval$1("@<MapMixin.K>")._bind$1(t1._eval$1("MapMixin.V"))._eval$1("_MapBaseValueIterable<1,2>"));
30415 },
30416 toString$0(_) {
30417 return A.MapBase_mapToString(this);
30418 },
30419 $isMap: 1
30420 };
30421 A.MapMixin_entries_closure.prototype = {
30422 call$1(key) {
30423 var t1 = this.$this,
30424 t2 = A._instanceType(t1),
30425 t3 = t2._eval$1("MapMixin.V");
30426 return new A.MapEntry(key, t3._as(t1.$index(0, key)), t2._eval$1("@<MapMixin.K>")._bind$1(t3)._eval$1("MapEntry<1,2>"));
30427 },
30428 $signature() {
30429 return A._instanceType(this.$this)._eval$1("MapEntry<MapMixin.K,MapMixin.V>(MapMixin.K)");
30430 }
30431 };
30432 A.UnmodifiableMapBase.prototype = {};
30433 A._MapBaseValueIterable.prototype = {
30434 get$length(_) {
30435 var t1 = this._map;
30436 return t1.get$length(t1);
30437 },
30438 get$isEmpty(_) {
30439 var t1 = this._map;
30440 return t1.get$isEmpty(t1);
30441 },
30442 get$isNotEmpty(_) {
30443 var t1 = this._map;
30444 return t1.get$isNotEmpty(t1);
30445 },
30446 get$first(_) {
30447 var t1 = this._map;
30448 return this.$ti._rest[1]._as(t1.$index(0, J.get$first$ax(t1.get$keys(t1))));
30449 },
30450 get$single(_) {
30451 var t1 = this._map;
30452 return this.$ti._rest[1]._as(t1.$index(0, J.get$single$ax(t1.get$keys(t1))));
30453 },
30454 get$last(_) {
30455 var t1 = this._map;
30456 return this.$ti._rest[1]._as(t1.$index(0, J.get$last$ax(t1.get$keys(t1))));
30457 },
30458 get$iterator(_) {
30459 var t1 = this._map;
30460 return new A._MapBaseValueIterator(J.get$iterator$ax(t1.get$keys(t1)), t1);
30461 }
30462 };
30463 A._MapBaseValueIterator.prototype = {
30464 moveNext$0() {
30465 var _this = this,
30466 t1 = _this._keys;
30467 if (t1.moveNext$0()) {
30468 _this._collection$_current = _this._map.$index(0, t1.get$current(t1));
30469 return true;
30470 }
30471 _this._collection$_current = null;
30472 return false;
30473 },
30474 get$current(_) {
30475 return A._instanceType(this)._rest[1]._as(this._collection$_current);
30476 }
30477 };
30478 A._UnmodifiableMapMixin.prototype = {
30479 $indexSet(_, key, value) {
30480 throw A.wrapException(A.UnsupportedError$("Cannot modify unmodifiable map"));
30481 },
30482 addAll$1(_, other) {
30483 throw A.wrapException(A.UnsupportedError$("Cannot modify unmodifiable map"));
30484 },
30485 remove$1(_, key) {
30486 throw A.wrapException(A.UnsupportedError$("Cannot modify unmodifiable map"));
30487 }
30488 };
30489 A.MapView.prototype = {
30490 cast$2$0(_, RK, RV) {
30491 return this._map.cast$2$0(0, RK, RV);
30492 },
30493 $index(_, key) {
30494 return this._map.$index(0, key);
30495 },
30496 $indexSet(_, key, value) {
30497 this._map.$indexSet(0, key, value);
30498 },
30499 addAll$1(_, other) {
30500 this._map.addAll$1(0, other);
30501 },
30502 containsKey$1(key) {
30503 return this._map.containsKey$1(key);
30504 },
30505 forEach$1(_, action) {
30506 this._map.forEach$1(0, action);
30507 },
30508 get$isEmpty(_) {
30509 var t1 = this._map;
30510 return t1.get$isEmpty(t1);
30511 },
30512 get$isNotEmpty(_) {
30513 var t1 = this._map;
30514 return t1.get$isNotEmpty(t1);
30515 },
30516 get$length(_) {
30517 var t1 = this._map;
30518 return t1.get$length(t1);
30519 },
30520 get$keys(_) {
30521 var t1 = this._map;
30522 return t1.get$keys(t1);
30523 },
30524 remove$1(_, key) {
30525 return this._map.remove$1(0, key);
30526 },
30527 toString$0(_) {
30528 return this._map.toString$0(0);
30529 },
30530 get$values(_) {
30531 var t1 = this._map;
30532 return t1.get$values(t1);
30533 },
30534 get$entries(_) {
30535 var t1 = this._map;
30536 return t1.get$entries(t1);
30537 },
30538 $isMap: 1
30539 };
30540 A.UnmodifiableMapView.prototype = {
30541 cast$2$0(_, RK, RV) {
30542 return new A.UnmodifiableMapView(this._map.cast$2$0(0, RK, RV), RK._eval$1("@<0>")._bind$1(RV)._eval$1("UnmodifiableMapView<1,2>"));
30543 }
30544 };
30545 A.ListQueue.prototype = {
30546 get$iterator(_) {
30547 var _this = this;
30548 return new A._ListQueueIterator(_this, _this._collection$_tail, _this._modificationCount, _this._collection$_head);
30549 },
30550 get$isEmpty(_) {
30551 return this._collection$_head === this._collection$_tail;
30552 },
30553 get$length(_) {
30554 return (this._collection$_tail - this._collection$_head & this._collection$_table.length - 1) >>> 0;
30555 },
30556 get$first(_) {
30557 var _this = this,
30558 t1 = _this._collection$_head;
30559 if (t1 === _this._collection$_tail)
30560 throw A.wrapException(A.IterableElementError_noElement());
30561 return _this.$ti._precomputed1._as(_this._collection$_table[t1]);
30562 },
30563 get$last(_) {
30564 var _this = this,
30565 t1 = _this._collection$_head,
30566 t2 = _this._collection$_tail;
30567 if (t1 === t2)
30568 throw A.wrapException(A.IterableElementError_noElement());
30569 t1 = _this._collection$_table;
30570 return _this.$ti._precomputed1._as(t1[(t2 - 1 & t1.length - 1) >>> 0]);
30571 },
30572 get$single(_) {
30573 var _this = this;
30574 if (_this._collection$_head === _this._collection$_tail)
30575 throw A.wrapException(A.IterableElementError_noElement());
30576 if (_this.get$length(_this) > 1)
30577 throw A.wrapException(A.IterableElementError_tooMany());
30578 return _this.$ti._precomputed1._as(_this._collection$_table[_this._collection$_head]);
30579 },
30580 elementAt$1(_, index) {
30581 var t1, _this = this;
30582 A.RangeError_checkValidIndex(index, _this, null);
30583 t1 = _this._collection$_table;
30584 return _this.$ti._precomputed1._as(t1[(_this._collection$_head + index & t1.length - 1) >>> 0]);
30585 },
30586 toList$1$growable(_, growable) {
30587 var t1, list, t2, t3, i, _this = this,
30588 mask = _this._collection$_table.length - 1,
30589 $length = (_this._collection$_tail - _this._collection$_head & mask) >>> 0;
30590 if ($length === 0) {
30591 t1 = J.JSArray_JSArray$growable(0, _this.$ti._precomputed1);
30592 return t1;
30593 }
30594 t1 = _this.$ti._precomputed1;
30595 list = A.List_List$filled($length, _this.get$first(_this), true, t1);
30596 for (t2 = _this._collection$_table, t3 = _this._collection$_head, i = 0; i < $length; ++i)
30597 list[i] = t1._as(t2[(t3 + i & mask) >>> 0]);
30598 return list;
30599 },
30600 toList$0($receiver) {
30601 return this.toList$1$growable($receiver, true);
30602 },
30603 add$1(_, value) {
30604 this._add$1(value);
30605 },
30606 addAll$1(_, elements) {
30607 var addCount, $length, t2, t3, t4, newTable, endSpace, preSpace, _this = this,
30608 t1 = _this.$ti;
30609 if (t1._eval$1("List<1>")._is(elements)) {
30610 addCount = J.get$length$asx(elements);
30611 $length = _this.get$length(_this);
30612 t2 = $length + addCount;
30613 t3 = _this._collection$_table;
30614 t4 = t3.length;
30615 if (t2 >= t4) {
30616 newTable = A.List_List$filled(A.ListQueue__nextPowerOf2(t2 + B.JSInt_methods._shrOtherPositive$1(t2, 1)), null, false, t1._eval$1("1?"));
30617 _this._collection$_tail = _this._collection$_writeToList$1(newTable);
30618 _this._collection$_table = newTable;
30619 _this._collection$_head = 0;
30620 B.JSArray_methods.setRange$4(newTable, $length, t2, elements, 0);
30621 _this._collection$_tail += addCount;
30622 } else {
30623 t1 = _this._collection$_tail;
30624 endSpace = t4 - t1;
30625 if (addCount < endSpace) {
30626 B.JSArray_methods.setRange$4(t3, t1, t1 + addCount, elements, 0);
30627 _this._collection$_tail += addCount;
30628 } else {
30629 preSpace = addCount - endSpace;
30630 B.JSArray_methods.setRange$4(t3, t1, t1 + endSpace, elements, 0);
30631 B.JSArray_methods.setRange$4(_this._collection$_table, 0, preSpace, elements, endSpace);
30632 _this._collection$_tail = preSpace;
30633 }
30634 }
30635 ++_this._modificationCount;
30636 } else
30637 for (t1 = J.get$iterator$ax(elements); t1.moveNext$0();)
30638 _this._add$1(t1.get$current(t1));
30639 },
30640 clear$0(_) {
30641 var t2, t3, _this = this,
30642 i = _this._collection$_head,
30643 t1 = _this._collection$_tail;
30644 if (i !== t1) {
30645 for (t2 = _this._collection$_table, t3 = t2.length - 1; i !== t1; i = (i + 1 & t3) >>> 0)
30646 t2[i] = null;
30647 _this._collection$_head = _this._collection$_tail = 0;
30648 ++_this._modificationCount;
30649 }
30650 },
30651 toString$0(_) {
30652 return A.IterableBase_iterableToFullString(this, "{", "}");
30653 },
30654 addFirst$1(value) {
30655 var _this = this,
30656 t1 = _this._collection$_head,
30657 t2 = _this._collection$_table;
30658 t1 = _this._collection$_head = (t1 - 1 & t2.length - 1) >>> 0;
30659 t2[t1] = value;
30660 if (t1 === _this._collection$_tail)
30661 _this._collection$_grow$0();
30662 ++_this._modificationCount;
30663 },
30664 removeFirst$0() {
30665 var t2, result, _this = this,
30666 t1 = _this._collection$_head;
30667 if (t1 === _this._collection$_tail)
30668 throw A.wrapException(A.IterableElementError_noElement());
30669 ++_this._modificationCount;
30670 t2 = _this._collection$_table;
30671 result = _this.$ti._precomputed1._as(t2[t1]);
30672 t2[t1] = null;
30673 _this._collection$_head = (t1 + 1 & t2.length - 1) >>> 0;
30674 return result;
30675 },
30676 removeLast$0(_) {
30677 var result, _this = this,
30678 t1 = _this._collection$_head,
30679 t2 = _this._collection$_tail;
30680 if (t1 === t2)
30681 throw A.wrapException(A.IterableElementError_noElement());
30682 ++_this._modificationCount;
30683 t1 = _this._collection$_table;
30684 t2 = _this._collection$_tail = (t2 - 1 & t1.length - 1) >>> 0;
30685 result = _this.$ti._precomputed1._as(t1[t2]);
30686 t1[t2] = null;
30687 return result;
30688 },
30689 _add$1(element) {
30690 var _this = this,
30691 t1 = _this._collection$_table,
30692 t2 = _this._collection$_tail;
30693 t1[t2] = element;
30694 t1 = (t2 + 1 & t1.length - 1) >>> 0;
30695 _this._collection$_tail = t1;
30696 if (_this._collection$_head === t1)
30697 _this._collection$_grow$0();
30698 ++_this._modificationCount;
30699 },
30700 _collection$_grow$0() {
30701 var _this = this,
30702 newTable = A.List_List$filled(_this._collection$_table.length * 2, null, false, _this.$ti._eval$1("1?")),
30703 t1 = _this._collection$_table,
30704 t2 = _this._collection$_head,
30705 split = t1.length - t2;
30706 B.JSArray_methods.setRange$4(newTable, 0, split, t1, t2);
30707 B.JSArray_methods.setRange$4(newTable, split, split + _this._collection$_head, _this._collection$_table, 0);
30708 _this._collection$_head = 0;
30709 _this._collection$_tail = _this._collection$_table.length;
30710 _this._collection$_table = newTable;
30711 },
30712 _collection$_writeToList$1(target) {
30713 var $length, firstPartSize, _this = this,
30714 t1 = _this._collection$_head,
30715 t2 = _this._collection$_tail,
30716 t3 = _this._collection$_table;
30717 if (t1 <= t2) {
30718 $length = t2 - t1;
30719 B.JSArray_methods.setRange$4(target, 0, $length, t3, t1);
30720 return $length;
30721 } else {
30722 firstPartSize = t3.length - t1;
30723 B.JSArray_methods.setRange$4(target, 0, firstPartSize, t3, t1);
30724 B.JSArray_methods.setRange$4(target, firstPartSize, firstPartSize + _this._collection$_tail, _this._collection$_table, 0);
30725 return _this._collection$_tail + firstPartSize;
30726 }
30727 },
30728 $isQueue: 1
30729 };
30730 A._ListQueueIterator.prototype = {
30731 get$current(_) {
30732 return A._instanceType(this)._precomputed1._as(this._collection$_current);
30733 },
30734 moveNext$0() {
30735 var t2, _this = this,
30736 t1 = _this._queue;
30737 if (_this._modificationCount !== t1._modificationCount)
30738 A.throwExpression(A.ConcurrentModificationError$(t1));
30739 t2 = _this._collection$_position;
30740 if (t2 === _this._collection$_end) {
30741 _this._collection$_current = null;
30742 return false;
30743 }
30744 t1 = t1._collection$_table;
30745 _this._collection$_current = t1[t2];
30746 _this._collection$_position = (t2 + 1 & t1.length - 1) >>> 0;
30747 return true;
30748 }
30749 };
30750 A.SetMixin.prototype = {
30751 get$isEmpty(_) {
30752 return this.get$length(this) === 0;
30753 },
30754 get$isNotEmpty(_) {
30755 return this.get$length(this) !== 0;
30756 },
30757 addAll$1(_, elements) {
30758 var t1;
30759 for (t1 = J.get$iterator$ax(elements); t1.moveNext$0();)
30760 this.add$1(0, t1.get$current(t1));
30761 },
30762 removeAll$1(elements) {
30763 var t1;
30764 for (t1 = J.get$iterator$ax(elements); t1.moveNext$0();)
30765 this.remove$1(0, t1.get$current(t1));
30766 },
30767 toList$1$growable(_, growable) {
30768 return A.List_List$of(this, true, A._instanceType(this)._precomputed1);
30769 },
30770 toList$0($receiver) {
30771 return this.toList$1$growable($receiver, true);
30772 },
30773 map$1$1(_, f, $T) {
30774 return new A.EfficientLengthMappedIterable(this, f, A._instanceType(this)._eval$1("@<1>")._bind$1($T)._eval$1("EfficientLengthMappedIterable<1,2>"));
30775 },
30776 get$single(_) {
30777 var it, _this = this;
30778 if (_this.get$length(_this) > 1)
30779 throw A.wrapException(A.IterableElementError_tooMany());
30780 it = _this.get$iterator(_this);
30781 if (!it.moveNext$0())
30782 throw A.wrapException(A.IterableElementError_noElement());
30783 return it.get$current(it);
30784 },
30785 toString$0(_) {
30786 return A.IterableBase_iterableToFullString(this, "{", "}");
30787 },
30788 where$1(_, f) {
30789 return new A.WhereIterable(this, f, A._instanceType(this)._eval$1("WhereIterable<1>"));
30790 },
30791 join$1(_, separator) {
30792 var t1,
30793 iterator = this.get$iterator(this);
30794 if (!iterator.moveNext$0())
30795 return "";
30796 if (separator === "") {
30797 t1 = "";
30798 do
30799 t1 += A.S(iterator.get$current(iterator));
30800 while (iterator.moveNext$0());
30801 } else {
30802 t1 = "" + A.S(iterator.get$current(iterator));
30803 for (; iterator.moveNext$0();)
30804 t1 = t1 + separator + A.S(iterator.get$current(iterator));
30805 }
30806 return t1.charCodeAt(0) == 0 ? t1 : t1;
30807 },
30808 join$0($receiver) {
30809 return this.join$1($receiver, "");
30810 },
30811 any$1(_, test) {
30812 var t1;
30813 for (t1 = this.get$iterator(this); t1.moveNext$0();)
30814 if (test.call$1(t1.get$current(t1)))
30815 return true;
30816 return false;
30817 },
30818 take$1(_, n) {
30819 return A.TakeIterable_TakeIterable(this, n, A._instanceType(this)._precomputed1);
30820 },
30821 skip$1(_, n) {
30822 return A.SkipIterable_SkipIterable(this, n, A._instanceType(this)._precomputed1);
30823 },
30824 get$first(_) {
30825 var it = this.get$iterator(this);
30826 if (!it.moveNext$0())
30827 throw A.wrapException(A.IterableElementError_noElement());
30828 return it.get$current(it);
30829 },
30830 get$last(_) {
30831 var result,
30832 it = this.get$iterator(this);
30833 if (!it.moveNext$0())
30834 throw A.wrapException(A.IterableElementError_noElement());
30835 do
30836 result = it.get$current(it);
30837 while (it.moveNext$0());
30838 return result;
30839 },
30840 elementAt$1(_, index) {
30841 var t1, elementIndex, element, _s5_ = "index";
30842 A.checkNotNullable(index, _s5_, type$.int);
30843 A.RangeError_checkNotNegative(index, _s5_);
30844 for (t1 = this.get$iterator(this), elementIndex = 0; t1.moveNext$0();) {
30845 element = t1.get$current(t1);
30846 if (index === elementIndex)
30847 return element;
30848 ++elementIndex;
30849 }
30850 throw A.wrapException(A.IndexError$(index, this, _s5_, null, elementIndex));
30851 }
30852 };
30853 A._SetBase.prototype = {
30854 difference$1(other) {
30855 var t1, t2, element,
30856 result = this._newSet$0();
30857 for (t1 = this.get$iterator(this), t2 = other._source; t1.moveNext$0();) {
30858 element = t1.get$current(t1);
30859 if (!t2.contains$1(0, element))
30860 result.add$1(0, element);
30861 }
30862 return result;
30863 },
30864 intersection$1(other) {
30865 var t1, t2, element,
30866 result = this._newSet$0();
30867 for (t1 = this.get$iterator(this), t2 = other._baseMap; t1.moveNext$0();) {
30868 element = t1.get$current(t1);
30869 if (t2.containsKey$1(element))
30870 result.add$1(0, element);
30871 }
30872 return result;
30873 },
30874 toSet$0(_) {
30875 var t1 = this._newSet$0();
30876 t1.addAll$1(0, this);
30877 return t1;
30878 },
30879 $isEfficientLengthIterable: 1,
30880 $isIterable: 1,
30881 $isSet: 1
30882 };
30883 A._UnmodifiableSetMixin.prototype = {
30884 add$1(_, value) {
30885 return A._UnmodifiableSetMixin__throwUnmodifiable();
30886 },
30887 addAll$1(_, elements) {
30888 return A._UnmodifiableSetMixin__throwUnmodifiable();
30889 },
30890 remove$1(_, value) {
30891 return A._UnmodifiableSetMixin__throwUnmodifiable();
30892 }
30893 };
30894 A._UnmodifiableSet.prototype = {
30895 _newSet$0() {
30896 return A.LinkedHashSet_LinkedHashSet(this.$ti._precomputed1);
30897 },
30898 contains$1(_, element) {
30899 return this._map.containsKey$1(element);
30900 },
30901 get$iterator(_) {
30902 var t1 = this._map;
30903 return J.get$iterator$ax(t1.get$keys(t1));
30904 },
30905 get$length(_) {
30906 var t1 = this._map;
30907 return t1.get$length(t1);
30908 }
30909 };
30910 A._ListBase_Object_ListMixin.prototype = {};
30911 A._UnmodifiableMapView_MapView__UnmodifiableMapMixin.prototype = {};
30912 A.__SetBase_Object_SetMixin.prototype = {};
30913 A.__UnmodifiableSet__SetBase__UnmodifiableSetMixin.prototype = {};
30914 A.Utf8Decoder__decoder_closure.prototype = {
30915 call$0() {
30916 var t1, exception;
30917 try {
30918 t1 = new TextDecoder("utf-8", {fatal: true});
30919 return t1;
30920 } catch (exception) {
30921 }
30922 return null;
30923 },
30924 $signature: 79
30925 };
30926 A.Utf8Decoder__decoderNonfatal_closure.prototype = {
30927 call$0() {
30928 var t1, exception;
30929 try {
30930 t1 = new TextDecoder("utf-8", {fatal: false});
30931 return t1;
30932 } catch (exception) {
30933 }
30934 return null;
30935 },
30936 $signature: 79
30937 };
30938 A.AsciiCodec.prototype = {
30939 encode$1(source) {
30940 return B.AsciiEncoder_127.convert$1(source);
30941 },
30942 get$encoder() {
30943 return B.AsciiEncoder_127;
30944 }
30945 };
30946 A._UnicodeSubsetEncoder.prototype = {
30947 convert$1(string) {
30948 var t1, i, codeUnit,
30949 $length = A.RangeError_checkValidRange(0, null, string.length) - 0,
30950 result = new Uint8Array($length);
30951 for (t1 = ~this._subsetMask, i = 0; i < $length; ++i) {
30952 codeUnit = B.JSString_methods._codeUnitAt$1(string, i);
30953 if ((codeUnit & t1) !== 0)
30954 throw A.wrapException(A.ArgumentError$value(string, "string", "Contains invalid characters."));
30955 result[i] = codeUnit;
30956 }
30957 return result;
30958 }
30959 };
30960 A.AsciiEncoder.prototype = {};
30961 A.Base64Codec.prototype = {
30962 get$encoder() {
30963 return B.C_Base64Encoder;
30964 },
30965 normalize$3(source, start, end) {
30966 var inverseAlphabet, i, sliceStart, buffer, firstPadding, firstPaddingSourceIndex, paddingCount, i0, char, i1, digit1, digit2, char0, value, t1, t2, endLength, $length,
30967 _s31_ = "Invalid base64 encoding length ";
30968 end = A.RangeError_checkValidRange(start, end, source.length);
30969 inverseAlphabet = $.$get$_Base64Decoder__inverseAlphabet();
30970 for (i = start, sliceStart = i, buffer = null, firstPadding = -1, firstPaddingSourceIndex = -1, paddingCount = 0; i < end; i = i0) {
30971 i0 = i + 1;
30972 char = B.JSString_methods._codeUnitAt$1(source, i);
30973 if (char === 37) {
30974 i1 = i0 + 2;
30975 if (i1 <= end) {
30976 digit1 = A.hexDigitValue(B.JSString_methods._codeUnitAt$1(source, i0));
30977 digit2 = A.hexDigitValue(B.JSString_methods._codeUnitAt$1(source, i0 + 1));
30978 char0 = digit1 * 16 + digit2 - (digit2 & 256);
30979 if (char0 === 37)
30980 char0 = -1;
30981 i0 = i1;
30982 } else
30983 char0 = -1;
30984 } else
30985 char0 = char;
30986 if (0 <= char0 && char0 <= 127) {
30987 value = inverseAlphabet[char0];
30988 if (value >= 0) {
30989 char0 = B.JSString_methods.codeUnitAt$1(string$.ABCDEF, value);
30990 if (char0 === char)
30991 continue;
30992 char = char0;
30993 } else {
30994 if (value === -1) {
30995 if (firstPadding < 0) {
30996 t1 = buffer == null ? null : buffer._contents.length;
30997 if (t1 == null)
30998 t1 = 0;
30999 firstPadding = t1 + (i - sliceStart);
31000 firstPaddingSourceIndex = i;
31001 }
31002 ++paddingCount;
31003 if (char === 61)
31004 continue;
31005 }
31006 char = char0;
31007 }
31008 if (value !== -2) {
31009 if (buffer == null) {
31010 buffer = new A.StringBuffer("");
31011 t1 = buffer;
31012 } else
31013 t1 = buffer;
31014 t2 = t1._contents += B.JSString_methods.substring$2(source, sliceStart, i);
31015 t1._contents = t2 + A.Primitives_stringFromCharCode(char);
31016 sliceStart = i0;
31017 continue;
31018 }
31019 }
31020 throw A.wrapException(A.FormatException$("Invalid base64 data", source, i));
31021 }
31022 if (buffer != null) {
31023 t1 = buffer._contents += B.JSString_methods.substring$2(source, sliceStart, end);
31024 t2 = t1.length;
31025 if (firstPadding >= 0)
31026 A.Base64Codec__checkPadding(source, firstPaddingSourceIndex, end, firstPadding, paddingCount, t2);
31027 else {
31028 endLength = B.JSInt_methods.$mod(t2 - 1, 4) + 1;
31029 if (endLength === 1)
31030 throw A.wrapException(A.FormatException$(_s31_, source, end));
31031 for (; endLength < 4;) {
31032 t1 += "=";
31033 buffer._contents = t1;
31034 ++endLength;
31035 }
31036 }
31037 t1 = buffer._contents;
31038 return B.JSString_methods.replaceRange$3(source, start, end, t1.charCodeAt(0) == 0 ? t1 : t1);
31039 }
31040 $length = end - start;
31041 if (firstPadding >= 0)
31042 A.Base64Codec__checkPadding(source, firstPaddingSourceIndex, end, firstPadding, paddingCount, $length);
31043 else {
31044 endLength = B.JSInt_methods.$mod($length, 4);
31045 if (endLength === 1)
31046 throw A.wrapException(A.FormatException$(_s31_, source, end));
31047 if (endLength > 1)
31048 source = B.JSString_methods.replaceRange$3(source, end, end, endLength === 2 ? "==" : "=");
31049 }
31050 return source;
31051 }
31052 };
31053 A.Base64Encoder.prototype = {
31054 convert$1(input) {
31055 var t1 = J.getInterceptor$asx(input);
31056 if (t1.get$isEmpty(input))
31057 return "";
31058 t1 = new A._Base64Encoder(string$.ABCDEF).encode$4(input, 0, t1.get$length(input), true);
31059 t1.toString;
31060 return A.String_String$fromCharCodes(t1, 0, null);
31061 },
31062 startChunkedConversion$1(sink) {
31063 return new A._Utf8Base64EncoderSink(new A._Utf8StringSinkAdapter(new A._Utf8Decoder(false), sink, sink._stringSink), new A._Base64Encoder(string$.ABCDEF));
31064 }
31065 };
31066 A._Base64Encoder.prototype = {
31067 createBuffer$1(bufferLength) {
31068 return new Uint8Array(bufferLength);
31069 },
31070 encode$4(bytes, start, end, isLast) {
31071 var output, _this = this,
31072 byteCount = (_this._convert$_state & 3) + (end - start),
31073 fullChunks = B.JSInt_methods._tdivFast$1(byteCount, 3),
31074 bufferLength = fullChunks * 4;
31075 if (isLast && byteCount - fullChunks * 3 > 0)
31076 bufferLength += 4;
31077 output = _this.createBuffer$1(bufferLength);
31078 _this._convert$_state = A._Base64Encoder_encodeChunk(_this._alphabet, bytes, start, end, isLast, output, 0, _this._convert$_state);
31079 if (bufferLength > 0)
31080 return output;
31081 return null;
31082 }
31083 };
31084 A._Base64EncoderSink.prototype = {
31085 add$1(_, source) {
31086 this._convert$_add$4(source, 0, source.get$length(source), false);
31087 }
31088 };
31089 A._Utf8Base64EncoderSink.prototype = {
31090 _convert$_add$4(source, start, end, isLast) {
31091 var buffer = this._encoder.encode$4(source, start, end, isLast);
31092 if (buffer != null)
31093 this._sink.addSlice$4(buffer, 0, buffer.length, isLast);
31094 }
31095 };
31096 A.ByteConversionSink.prototype = {};
31097 A.ByteConversionSinkBase.prototype = {};
31098 A.ChunkedConversionSink.prototype = {};
31099 A.Codec.prototype = {
31100 encode$1(input) {
31101 return this.get$encoder().convert$1(input);
31102 }
31103 };
31104 A.Converter.prototype = {};
31105 A.Encoding.prototype = {};
31106 A.JsonUnsupportedObjectError.prototype = {
31107 toString$0(_) {
31108 var safeString = A.Error_safeToString(this.unsupportedObject);
31109 return (this.cause != null ? "Converting object to an encodable object failed:" : "Converting object did not return an encodable object:") + " " + safeString;
31110 }
31111 };
31112 A.JsonCyclicError.prototype = {
31113 toString$0(_) {
31114 return "Cyclic error in JSON stringify";
31115 }
31116 };
31117 A.JsonCodec.prototype = {
31118 encode$2$toEncodable(value, toEncodable) {
31119 var t1 = A._JsonStringStringifier_stringify(value, this.get$encoder()._toEncodable, null);
31120 return t1;
31121 },
31122 get$encoder() {
31123 return B.JsonEncoder_null;
31124 }
31125 };
31126 A.JsonEncoder.prototype = {
31127 convert$1(object) {
31128 var t1,
31129 output = new A.StringBuffer(""),
31130 stringifier = A._JsonStringStringifier$(output, this._toEncodable);
31131 stringifier.writeObject$1(object);
31132 t1 = output._contents;
31133 return t1.charCodeAt(0) == 0 ? t1 : t1;
31134 }
31135 };
31136 A._JsonStringifier.prototype = {
31137 writeStringContent$1(s) {
31138 var offset, i, charCode, t1, t2, _this = this,
31139 $length = s.length;
31140 for (offset = 0, i = 0; i < $length; ++i) {
31141 charCode = B.JSString_methods._codeUnitAt$1(s, i);
31142 if (charCode > 92) {
31143 if (charCode >= 55296) {
31144 t1 = charCode & 64512;
31145 if (t1 === 55296) {
31146 t2 = i + 1;
31147 t2 = !(t2 < $length && (B.JSString_methods._codeUnitAt$1(s, t2) & 64512) === 56320);
31148 } else
31149 t2 = false;
31150 if (!t2)
31151 if (t1 === 56320) {
31152 t1 = i - 1;
31153 t1 = !(t1 >= 0 && (B.JSString_methods.codeUnitAt$1(s, t1) & 64512) === 55296);
31154 } else
31155 t1 = false;
31156 else
31157 t1 = true;
31158 if (t1) {
31159 if (i > offset)
31160 _this.writeStringSlice$3(s, offset, i);
31161 offset = i + 1;
31162 _this.writeCharCode$1(92);
31163 _this.writeCharCode$1(117);
31164 _this.writeCharCode$1(100);
31165 t1 = charCode >>> 8 & 15;
31166 _this.writeCharCode$1(t1 < 10 ? 48 + t1 : 87 + t1);
31167 t1 = charCode >>> 4 & 15;
31168 _this.writeCharCode$1(t1 < 10 ? 48 + t1 : 87 + t1);
31169 t1 = charCode & 15;
31170 _this.writeCharCode$1(t1 < 10 ? 48 + t1 : 87 + t1);
31171 }
31172 }
31173 continue;
31174 }
31175 if (charCode < 32) {
31176 if (i > offset)
31177 _this.writeStringSlice$3(s, offset, i);
31178 offset = i + 1;
31179 _this.writeCharCode$1(92);
31180 switch (charCode) {
31181 case 8:
31182 _this.writeCharCode$1(98);
31183 break;
31184 case 9:
31185 _this.writeCharCode$1(116);
31186 break;
31187 case 10:
31188 _this.writeCharCode$1(110);
31189 break;
31190 case 12:
31191 _this.writeCharCode$1(102);
31192 break;
31193 case 13:
31194 _this.writeCharCode$1(114);
31195 break;
31196 default:
31197 _this.writeCharCode$1(117);
31198 _this.writeCharCode$1(48);
31199 _this.writeCharCode$1(48);
31200 t1 = charCode >>> 4 & 15;
31201 _this.writeCharCode$1(t1 < 10 ? 48 + t1 : 87 + t1);
31202 t1 = charCode & 15;
31203 _this.writeCharCode$1(t1 < 10 ? 48 + t1 : 87 + t1);
31204 break;
31205 }
31206 } else if (charCode === 34 || charCode === 92) {
31207 if (i > offset)
31208 _this.writeStringSlice$3(s, offset, i);
31209 offset = i + 1;
31210 _this.writeCharCode$1(92);
31211 _this.writeCharCode$1(charCode);
31212 }
31213 }
31214 if (offset === 0)
31215 _this.writeString$1(s);
31216 else if (offset < $length)
31217 _this.writeStringSlice$3(s, offset, $length);
31218 },
31219 _checkCycle$1(object) {
31220 var t1, t2, i, t3;
31221 for (t1 = this._seen, t2 = t1.length, i = 0; i < t2; ++i) {
31222 t3 = t1[i];
31223 if (object == null ? t3 == null : object === t3)
31224 throw A.wrapException(new A.JsonCyclicError(object, null));
31225 }
31226 t1.push(object);
31227 },
31228 writeObject$1(object) {
31229 var customJson, e, t1, exception, _this = this;
31230 if (_this.writeJsonValue$1(object))
31231 return;
31232 _this._checkCycle$1(object);
31233 try {
31234 customJson = _this._toEncodable.call$1(object);
31235 if (!_this.writeJsonValue$1(customJson)) {
31236 t1 = A.JsonUnsupportedObjectError$(object, null, _this.get$_partialResult());
31237 throw A.wrapException(t1);
31238 }
31239 _this._seen.pop();
31240 } catch (exception) {
31241 e = A.unwrapException(exception);
31242 t1 = A.JsonUnsupportedObjectError$(object, e, _this.get$_partialResult());
31243 throw A.wrapException(t1);
31244 }
31245 },
31246 writeJsonValue$1(object) {
31247 var success, _this = this;
31248 if (typeof object == "number") {
31249 if (!isFinite(object))
31250 return false;
31251 _this.writeNumber$1(object);
31252 return true;
31253 } else if (object === true) {
31254 _this.writeString$1("true");
31255 return true;
31256 } else if (object === false) {
31257 _this.writeString$1("false");
31258 return true;
31259 } else if (object == null) {
31260 _this.writeString$1("null");
31261 return true;
31262 } else if (typeof object == "string") {
31263 _this.writeString$1('"');
31264 _this.writeStringContent$1(object);
31265 _this.writeString$1('"');
31266 return true;
31267 } else if (type$.List_dynamic._is(object)) {
31268 _this._checkCycle$1(object);
31269 _this.writeList$1(object);
31270 _this._seen.pop();
31271 return true;
31272 } else if (type$.Map_dynamic_dynamic._is(object)) {
31273 _this._checkCycle$1(object);
31274 success = _this.writeMap$1(object);
31275 _this._seen.pop();
31276 return success;
31277 } else
31278 return false;
31279 },
31280 writeList$1(list) {
31281 var t1, i, _this = this;
31282 _this.writeString$1("[");
31283 t1 = J.getInterceptor$asx(list);
31284 if (t1.get$isNotEmpty(list)) {
31285 _this.writeObject$1(t1.$index(list, 0));
31286 for (i = 1; i < t1.get$length(list); ++i) {
31287 _this.writeString$1(",");
31288 _this.writeObject$1(t1.$index(list, i));
31289 }
31290 }
31291 _this.writeString$1("]");
31292 },
31293 writeMap$1(map) {
31294 var t1, keyValueList, i, separator, _this = this, _box_0 = {};
31295 if (map.get$isEmpty(map)) {
31296 _this.writeString$1("{}");
31297 return true;
31298 }
31299 t1 = map.get$length(map) * 2;
31300 keyValueList = A.List_List$filled(t1, null, false, type$.nullable_Object);
31301 i = _box_0.i = 0;
31302 _box_0.allStringKeys = true;
31303 map.forEach$1(0, new A._JsonStringifier_writeMap_closure(_box_0, keyValueList));
31304 if (!_box_0.allStringKeys)
31305 return false;
31306 _this.writeString$1("{");
31307 for (separator = '"'; i < t1; i += 2, separator = ',"') {
31308 _this.writeString$1(separator);
31309 _this.writeStringContent$1(A._asString(keyValueList[i]));
31310 _this.writeString$1('":');
31311 _this.writeObject$1(keyValueList[i + 1]);
31312 }
31313 _this.writeString$1("}");
31314 return true;
31315 }
31316 };
31317 A._JsonStringifier_writeMap_closure.prototype = {
31318 call$2(key, value) {
31319 var t1, t2, t3, i;
31320 if (typeof key != "string")
31321 this._box_0.allStringKeys = false;
31322 t1 = this.keyValueList;
31323 t2 = this._box_0;
31324 t3 = t2.i;
31325 i = t2.i = t3 + 1;
31326 t1[t3] = key;
31327 t2.i = i + 1;
31328 t1[i] = value;
31329 },
31330 $signature: 200
31331 };
31332 A._JsonStringStringifier.prototype = {
31333 get$_partialResult() {
31334 var t1 = this._sink._contents;
31335 return t1.charCodeAt(0) == 0 ? t1 : t1;
31336 },
31337 writeNumber$1(number) {
31338 this._sink._contents += B.JSNumber_methods.toString$0(number);
31339 },
31340 writeString$1(string) {
31341 this._sink._contents += string;
31342 },
31343 writeStringSlice$3(string, start, end) {
31344 this._sink._contents += B.JSString_methods.substring$2(string, start, end);
31345 },
31346 writeCharCode$1(charCode) {
31347 this._sink._contents += A.Primitives_stringFromCharCode(charCode);
31348 }
31349 };
31350 A.StringConversionSinkBase.prototype = {};
31351 A.StringConversionSinkMixin.prototype = {
31352 add$1(_, str) {
31353 this.addSlice$4(str, 0, str.length, false);
31354 }
31355 };
31356 A._StringSinkConversionSink.prototype = {
31357 close$0(_) {
31358 },
31359 addSlice$4(str, start, end, isLast) {
31360 var t1, i;
31361 if (start !== 0 || end !== str.length)
31362 for (t1 = this._stringSink, i = start; i < end; ++i)
31363 t1._contents += A.Primitives_stringFromCharCode(B.JSString_methods._codeUnitAt$1(str, i));
31364 else
31365 this._stringSink._contents += str;
31366 if (isLast)
31367 this.close$0(0);
31368 },
31369 add$1(_, str) {
31370 this._stringSink._contents += str;
31371 }
31372 };
31373 A._StringCallbackSink.prototype = {
31374 close$0(_) {
31375 var t1 = this._stringSink,
31376 t2 = t1._contents;
31377 t1._contents = "";
31378 this._convert$_callback.call$1(t2.charCodeAt(0) == 0 ? t2 : t2);
31379 },
31380 asUtf8Sink$1(allowMalformed) {
31381 return new A._Utf8StringSinkAdapter(new A._Utf8Decoder(allowMalformed), this, this._stringSink);
31382 }
31383 };
31384 A._Utf8StringSinkAdapter.prototype = {
31385 close$0(_) {
31386 this._decoder.flush$1(this._stringSink);
31387 this._sink.close$0(0);
31388 },
31389 add$1(_, chunk) {
31390 this.addSlice$4(chunk, 0, J.get$length$asx(chunk), false);
31391 },
31392 addSlice$4(codeUnits, startIndex, endIndex, isLast) {
31393 this._stringSink._contents += this._decoder.convertGeneral$4(codeUnits, startIndex, endIndex, false);
31394 if (isLast)
31395 this.close$0(0);
31396 }
31397 };
31398 A.Utf8Codec.prototype = {
31399 get$encoder() {
31400 return B.C_Utf8Encoder;
31401 }
31402 };
31403 A.Utf8Encoder.prototype = {
31404 convert$1(string) {
31405 var t1, encoder,
31406 end = A.RangeError_checkValidRange(0, null, string.length),
31407 $length = end - 0;
31408 if ($length === 0)
31409 return new Uint8Array(0);
31410 t1 = new Uint8Array($length * 3);
31411 encoder = new A._Utf8Encoder(t1);
31412 if (encoder._fillBuffer$3(string, 0, end) !== end) {
31413 B.JSString_methods.codeUnitAt$1(string, end - 1);
31414 encoder._writeReplacementCharacter$0();
31415 }
31416 return B.NativeUint8List_methods.sublist$2(t1, 0, encoder._bufferIndex);
31417 }
31418 };
31419 A._Utf8Encoder.prototype = {
31420 _writeReplacementCharacter$0() {
31421 var _this = this,
31422 t1 = _this._convert$_buffer,
31423 t2 = _this._bufferIndex,
31424 t3 = _this._bufferIndex = t2 + 1;
31425 t1[t2] = 239;
31426 t2 = _this._bufferIndex = t3 + 1;
31427 t1[t3] = 191;
31428 _this._bufferIndex = t2 + 1;
31429 t1[t2] = 189;
31430 },
31431 _writeSurrogate$2(leadingSurrogate, nextCodeUnit) {
31432 var rune, t1, t2, t3, _this = this;
31433 if ((nextCodeUnit & 64512) === 56320) {
31434 rune = 65536 + ((leadingSurrogate & 1023) << 10) | nextCodeUnit & 1023;
31435 t1 = _this._convert$_buffer;
31436 t2 = _this._bufferIndex;
31437 t3 = _this._bufferIndex = t2 + 1;
31438 t1[t2] = rune >>> 18 | 240;
31439 t2 = _this._bufferIndex = t3 + 1;
31440 t1[t3] = rune >>> 12 & 63 | 128;
31441 t3 = _this._bufferIndex = t2 + 1;
31442 t1[t2] = rune >>> 6 & 63 | 128;
31443 _this._bufferIndex = t3 + 1;
31444 t1[t3] = rune & 63 | 128;
31445 return true;
31446 } else {
31447 _this._writeReplacementCharacter$0();
31448 return false;
31449 }
31450 },
31451 _fillBuffer$3(str, start, end) {
31452 var t1, t2, stringIndex, codeUnit, t3, stringIndex0, t4, _this = this;
31453 if (start !== end && (B.JSString_methods.codeUnitAt$1(str, end - 1) & 64512) === 55296)
31454 --end;
31455 for (t1 = _this._convert$_buffer, t2 = t1.length, stringIndex = start; stringIndex < end; ++stringIndex) {
31456 codeUnit = B.JSString_methods._codeUnitAt$1(str, stringIndex);
31457 if (codeUnit <= 127) {
31458 t3 = _this._bufferIndex;
31459 if (t3 >= t2)
31460 break;
31461 _this._bufferIndex = t3 + 1;
31462 t1[t3] = codeUnit;
31463 } else {
31464 t3 = codeUnit & 64512;
31465 if (t3 === 55296) {
31466 if (_this._bufferIndex + 4 > t2)
31467 break;
31468 stringIndex0 = stringIndex + 1;
31469 if (_this._writeSurrogate$2(codeUnit, B.JSString_methods._codeUnitAt$1(str, stringIndex0)))
31470 stringIndex = stringIndex0;
31471 } else if (t3 === 56320) {
31472 if (_this._bufferIndex + 3 > t2)
31473 break;
31474 _this._writeReplacementCharacter$0();
31475 } else if (codeUnit <= 2047) {
31476 t3 = _this._bufferIndex;
31477 t4 = t3 + 1;
31478 if (t4 >= t2)
31479 break;
31480 _this._bufferIndex = t4;
31481 t1[t3] = codeUnit >>> 6 | 192;
31482 _this._bufferIndex = t4 + 1;
31483 t1[t4] = codeUnit & 63 | 128;
31484 } else {
31485 t3 = _this._bufferIndex;
31486 if (t3 + 2 >= t2)
31487 break;
31488 t4 = _this._bufferIndex = t3 + 1;
31489 t1[t3] = codeUnit >>> 12 | 224;
31490 t3 = _this._bufferIndex = t4 + 1;
31491 t1[t4] = codeUnit >>> 6 & 63 | 128;
31492 _this._bufferIndex = t3 + 1;
31493 t1[t3] = codeUnit & 63 | 128;
31494 }
31495 }
31496 }
31497 return stringIndex;
31498 }
31499 };
31500 A.Utf8Decoder.prototype = {
31501 convert$1(codeUnits) {
31502 var t1 = this._allowMalformed,
31503 result = A.Utf8Decoder__convertIntercepted(t1, codeUnits, 0, null);
31504 if (result != null)
31505 return result;
31506 return new A._Utf8Decoder(t1).convertGeneral$4(codeUnits, 0, null, true);
31507 }
31508 };
31509 A._Utf8Decoder.prototype = {
31510 convertGeneral$4(codeUnits, start, maybeEnd, single) {
31511 var bytes, errorOffset, result, t1, message, _this = this,
31512 end = A.RangeError_checkValidRange(start, maybeEnd, J.get$length$asx(codeUnits));
31513 if (start === end)
31514 return "";
31515 if (type$.Uint8List._is(codeUnits)) {
31516 bytes = codeUnits;
31517 errorOffset = 0;
31518 } else {
31519 bytes = A._Utf8Decoder__makeUint8List(codeUnits, start, end);
31520 end -= start;
31521 errorOffset = start;
31522 start = 0;
31523 }
31524 result = _this._convertRecursive$4(bytes, start, end, single);
31525 t1 = _this._convert$_state;
31526 if ((t1 & 1) !== 0) {
31527 message = A._Utf8Decoder_errorDescription(t1);
31528 _this._convert$_state = 0;
31529 throw A.wrapException(A.FormatException$(message, codeUnits, errorOffset + _this._charOrIndex));
31530 }
31531 return result;
31532 },
31533 _convertRecursive$4(bytes, start, end, single) {
31534 var mid, s1, _this = this;
31535 if (end - start > 1000) {
31536 mid = B.JSInt_methods._tdivFast$1(start + end, 2);
31537 s1 = _this._convertRecursive$4(bytes, start, mid, false);
31538 if ((_this._convert$_state & 1) !== 0)
31539 return s1;
31540 return s1 + _this._convertRecursive$4(bytes, mid, end, single);
31541 }
31542 return _this.decodeGeneral$4(bytes, start, end, single);
31543 },
31544 flush$1(sink) {
31545 var state = this._convert$_state;
31546 this._convert$_state = 0;
31547 if (state <= 32)
31548 return;
31549 if (this.allowMalformed)
31550 sink._contents += A.Primitives_stringFromCharCode(65533);
31551 else
31552 throw A.wrapException(A.FormatException$(A._Utf8Decoder_errorDescription(77), null, null));
31553 },
31554 decodeGeneral$4(bytes, start, end, single) {
31555 var t1, type, t2, i0, markEnd, i1, m, _this = this, _65533 = 65533,
31556 state = _this._convert$_state,
31557 char = _this._charOrIndex,
31558 buffer = new A.StringBuffer(""),
31559 i = start + 1,
31560 byte = bytes[start];
31561 $label0$0:
31562 for (t1 = _this.allowMalformed; true;) {
31563 for (; true; i = i0) {
31565 char = state <= 32 ? byte & 61694 >>> type : (byte & 63 | char << 6) >>> 0;
31566 state = B.JSString_methods._codeUnitAt$1(" \x000:XECCCCCN:lDb \x000:XECCCCCNvlDb \x000:XECCCCCN:lDb AAAAA\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00AAAAA00000AAAAA:::::AAAAAGG000AAAAA00KKKAAAAAG::::AAAAA:IIIIAAAAA000\x800AAAAA\x00\x00\x00\x00 AAAAA", state + type);
31567 if (state === 0) {
31568 buffer._contents += A.Primitives_stringFromCharCode(char);
31569 if (i === end)
31570 break $label0$0;
31571 break;
31572 } else if ((state & 1) !== 0) {
31573 if (t1)
31574 switch (state) {
31575 case 69:
31576 case 67:
31577 buffer._contents += A.Primitives_stringFromCharCode(_65533);
31578 break;
31579 case 65:
31580 buffer._contents += A.Primitives_stringFromCharCode(_65533);
31581 --i;
31582 break;
31583 default:
31584 t2 = buffer._contents += A.Primitives_stringFromCharCode(_65533);
31585 buffer._contents = t2 + A.Primitives_stringFromCharCode(_65533);
31586 break;
31587 }
31588 else {
31589 _this._convert$_state = state;
31590 _this._charOrIndex = i - 1;
31591 return "";
31592 }
31593 state = 0;
31594 }
31595 if (i === end)
31596 break $label0$0;
31597 i0 = i + 1;
31598 byte = bytes[i];
31599 }
31600 i0 = i + 1;
31601 byte = bytes[i];
31602 if (byte < 128) {
31603 while (true) {
31604 if (!(i0 < end)) {
31605 markEnd = end;
31606 break;
31607 }
31608 i1 = i0 + 1;
31609 byte = bytes[i0];
31610 if (byte >= 128) {
31611 markEnd = i1 - 1;
31612 i0 = i1;
31613 break;
31614 }
31615 i0 = i1;
31616 }
31617 if (markEnd - i < 20)
31618 for (m = i; m < markEnd; ++m)
31619 buffer._contents += A.Primitives_stringFromCharCode(bytes[m]);
31620 else
31621 buffer._contents += A.String_String$fromCharCodes(bytes, i, markEnd);
31622 if (markEnd === end)
31623 break $label0$0;
31624 i = i0;
31625 } else
31626 i = i0;
31627 }
31628 if (single && state > 32)
31629 if (t1)
31630 buffer._contents += A.Primitives_stringFromCharCode(_65533);
31631 else {
31632 _this._convert$_state = 77;
31633 _this._charOrIndex = end;
31634 return "";
31635 }
31636 _this._convert$_state = state;
31637 _this._charOrIndex = char;
31638 t1 = buffer._contents;
31639 return t1.charCodeAt(0) == 0 ? t1 : t1;
31640 }
31641 };
31642 A.NoSuchMethodError_toString_closure.prototype = {
31643 call$2(key, value) {
31644 var t1 = this.sb,
31645 t2 = this._box_0,
31646 t3 = t1._contents += t2.comma;
31647 t3 += key.__internal$_name;
31648 t1._contents = t3;
31649 t1._contents = t3 + ": ";
31650 t1._contents += A.Error_safeToString(value);
31651 t2.comma = ", ";
31652 },
31653 $signature: 341
31654 };
31655 A.DateTime.prototype = {
31656 add$1(_, duration) {
31657 return A.DateTime$_withValue(B.JSInt_methods.$add(this._core$_value, duration.get$inMilliseconds()), false);
31658 },
31659 $eq(_, other) {
31660 if (other == null)
31661 return false;
31662 return other instanceof A.DateTime && this._core$_value === other._core$_value && true;
31663 },
31664 compareTo$1(_, other) {
31665 return B.JSInt_methods.compareTo$1(this._core$_value, other._core$_value);
31666 },
31667 get$hashCode(_) {
31668 var t1 = this._core$_value;
31669 return (t1 ^ B.JSInt_methods._shrOtherPositive$1(t1, 30)) & 1073741823;
31670 },
31671 toString$0(_) {
31672 var _this = this,
31673 y = A.DateTime__fourDigits(A.Primitives_getYear(_this)),
31674 m = A.DateTime__twoDigits(A.Primitives_getMonth(_this)),
31675 d = A.DateTime__twoDigits(A.Primitives_getDay(_this)),
31676 h = A.DateTime__twoDigits(A.Primitives_getHours(_this)),
31677 min = A.DateTime__twoDigits(A.Primitives_getMinutes(_this)),
31678 sec = A.DateTime__twoDigits(A.Primitives_getSeconds(_this)),
31679 ms = A.DateTime__threeDigits(A.Primitives_getMilliseconds(_this)),
31680 t1 = y + "-" + m + "-" + d + " " + h + ":" + min + ":" + sec + "." + ms;
31681 return t1;
31682 },
31683 $isComparable: 1
31684 };
31685 A.Duration.prototype = {
31686 $eq(_, other) {
31687 if (other == null)
31688 return false;
31689 return other instanceof A.Duration && this._duration === other._duration;
31690 },
31691 get$hashCode(_) {
31692 return B.JSInt_methods.get$hashCode(this._duration);
31693 },
31694 compareTo$1(_, other) {
31695 return B.JSInt_methods.compareTo$1(this._duration, other._duration);
31696 },
31697 toString$0(_) {
31698 var minutes, minutesPadding, seconds, secondsPadding, paddedMicroseconds,
31699 microseconds = this._duration,
31700 hours = B.JSInt_methods._tdivFast$1(microseconds, 3600000000);
31701 microseconds %= 3600000000;
31702 if (microseconds < 0)
31703 microseconds = -microseconds;
31704 minutes = B.JSInt_methods._tdivFast$1(microseconds, 60000000);
31705 microseconds %= 60000000;
31706 minutesPadding = minutes < 10 ? "0" : "";
31707 seconds = B.JSInt_methods._tdivFast$1(microseconds, 1000000);
31708 secondsPadding = seconds < 10 ? "0" : "";
31709 paddedMicroseconds = B.JSString_methods.padLeft$2(B.JSInt_methods.toString$0(microseconds % 1000000), 6, "0");
31710 return "" + hours + ":" + minutesPadding + minutes + ":" + secondsPadding + seconds + "." + paddedMicroseconds;
31711 },
31712 $isComparable: 1
31713 };
31714 A.Error.prototype = {
31715 get$stackTrace() {
31716 return A.getTraceFromException(this.$thrownJsError);
31717 }
31718 };
31719 A.AssertionError.prototype = {
31720 toString$0(_) {
31721 var t1 = this.message;
31722 if (t1 != null)
31723 return "Assertion failed: " + A.Error_safeToString(t1);
31724 return "Assertion failed";
31725 },
31726 get$message(receiver) {
31727 return this.message;
31728 }
31729 };
31730 A.TypeError.prototype = {};
31731 A.NullThrownError.prototype = {
31732 toString$0(_) {
31733 return "Throw of null.";
31734 }
31735 };
31736 A.ArgumentError.prototype = {
31737 get$_errorName() {
31738 return "Invalid argument" + (!this._hasValue ? "(s)" : "");
31739 },
31740 get$_errorExplanation() {
31741 return "";
31742 },
31743 toString$0(_) {
31744 var explanation, errorValue, _this = this,
31745 $name = _this.name,
31746 nameString = $name == null ? "" : " (" + $name + ")",
31747 message = _this.message,
31748 messageString = message == null ? "" : ": " + A.S(message),
31749 prefix = _this.get$_errorName() + nameString + messageString;
31750 if (!_this._hasValue)
31751 return prefix;
31752 explanation = _this.get$_errorExplanation();
31753 errorValue = A.Error_safeToString(_this.invalidValue);
31754 return prefix + explanation + ": " + errorValue;
31755 },
31756 get$message(receiver) {
31757 return this.message;
31758 }
31759 };
31760 A.RangeError.prototype = {
31761 get$_errorName() {
31762 return "RangeError";
31763 },
31764 get$_errorExplanation() {
31765 var explanation,
31766 start = this.start,
31767 end = this.end;
31768 if (start == null)
31769 explanation = end != null ? ": Not less than or equal to " + A.S(end) : "";
31770 else if (end == null)
31771 explanation = ": Not greater than or equal to " + A.S(start);
31772 else if (end > start)
31773 explanation = ": Not in inclusive range " + A.S(start) + ".." + A.S(end);
31774 else
31775 explanation = end < start ? ": Valid value range is empty" : ": Only valid value is " + A.S(start);
31776 return explanation;
31777 }
31778 };
31779 A.IndexError.prototype = {
31780 get$_errorName() {
31781 return "RangeError";
31782 },
31783 get$_errorExplanation() {
31784 if (this.invalidValue < 0)
31785 return ": index must not be negative";
31786 var t1 = this.length;
31787 if (t1 === 0)
31788 return ": no indices are valid";
31789 return ": index should be less than " + t1;
31790 },
31791 $isRangeError: 1,
31792 get$length(receiver) {
31793 return this.length;
31794 }
31795 };
31796 A.NoSuchMethodError.prototype = {
31797 toString$0(_) {
31798 var $arguments, t1, _i, t2, t3, argument, receiverText, actualParameters, _this = this, _box_0 = {},
31799 sb = new A.StringBuffer("");
31800 _box_0.comma = "";
31801 $arguments = _this._core$_arguments;
31802 for (t1 = $arguments.length, _i = 0, t2 = "", t3 = ""; _i < t1; ++_i, t3 = ", ") {
31803 argument = $arguments[_i];
31804 sb._contents = t2 + t3;
31805 t2 = sb._contents += A.Error_safeToString(argument);
31806 _box_0.comma = ", ";
31807 }
31808 _this._namedArguments.forEach$1(0, new A.NoSuchMethodError_toString_closure(_box_0, sb));
31809 receiverText = A.Error_safeToString(_this._core$_receiver);
31810 actualParameters = sb.toString$0(0);
31811 t1 = "NoSuchMethodError: method not found: '" + _this._memberName.__internal$_name + "'\nReceiver: " + receiverText + "\nArguments: [" + actualParameters + "]";
31812 return t1;
31813 }
31814 };
31815 A.UnsupportedError.prototype = {
31816 toString$0(_) {
31817 return "Unsupported operation: " + this.message;
31818 },
31819 get$message(receiver) {
31820 return this.message;
31821 }
31822 };
31823 A.UnimplementedError.prototype = {
31824 toString$0(_) {
31825 var t1 = "UnimplementedError: " + this.message;
31826 return t1;
31827 },
31828 get$message(receiver) {
31829 return this.message;
31830 }
31831 };
31832 A.StateError.prototype = {
31833 toString$0(_) {
31834 return "Bad state: " + this.message;
31835 },
31836 get$message(receiver) {
31837 return this.message;
31838 }
31839 };
31840 A.ConcurrentModificationError.prototype = {
31841 toString$0(_) {
31842 var t1 = this.modifiedObject;
31843 if (t1 == null)
31844 return "Concurrent modification during iteration.";
31845 return "Concurrent modification during iteration: " + A.Error_safeToString(t1) + ".";
31846 }
31847 };
31848 A.OutOfMemoryError.prototype = {
31849 toString$0(_) {
31850 return "Out of Memory";
31851 },
31852 get$stackTrace() {
31853 return null;
31854 },
31855 $isError: 1
31856 };
31857 A.StackOverflowError.prototype = {
31858 toString$0(_) {
31859 return "Stack Overflow";
31860 },
31861 get$stackTrace() {
31862 return null;
31863 },
31864 $isError: 1
31865 };
31866 A.CyclicInitializationError.prototype = {
31867 toString$0(_) {
31868 var t1 = "Reading static variable '" + this.variableName + "' during its initialization";
31869 return t1;
31870 }
31871 };
31872 A._Exception.prototype = {
31873 toString$0(_) {
31874 return "Exception: " + this.message;
31875 },
31876 $isException: 1,
31877 get$message(receiver) {
31878 return this.message;
31879 }
31880 };
31881 A.FormatException.prototype = {
31882 toString$0(_) {
31883 var t1, lineNum, lineStart, previousCharWasCR, i, char, lineEnd, end, start, prefix, postfix, slice,
31884 message = this.message,
31885 report = "" !== message ? "FormatException: " + message : "FormatException",
31886 offset = this.offset,
31887 source = this.source;
31888 if (typeof source == "string") {
31889 if (offset != null)
31890 t1 = offset < 0 || offset > source.length;
31891 else
31892 t1 = false;
31893 if (t1)
31894 offset = null;
31895 if (offset == null) {
31896 if (source.length > 78)
31897 source = B.JSString_methods.substring$2(source, 0, 75) + "...";
31898 return report + "\n" + source;
31899 }
31900 for (lineNum = 1, lineStart = 0, previousCharWasCR = false, i = 0; i < offset; ++i) {
31901 char = B.JSString_methods._codeUnitAt$1(source, i);
31902 if (char === 10) {
31903 if (lineStart !== i || !previousCharWasCR)
31904 ++lineNum;
31905 lineStart = i + 1;
31906 previousCharWasCR = false;
31907 } else if (char === 13) {
31908 ++lineNum;
31909 lineStart = i + 1;
31910 previousCharWasCR = true;
31911 }
31912 }
31913 report = lineNum > 1 ? report + (" (at line " + lineNum + ", character " + (offset - lineStart + 1) + ")\n") : report + (" (at character " + (offset + 1) + ")\n");
31914 lineEnd = source.length;
31915 for (i = offset; i < lineEnd; ++i) {
31916 char = B.JSString_methods.codeUnitAt$1(source, i);
31917 if (char === 10 || char === 13) {
31918 lineEnd = i;
31919 break;
31920 }
31921 }
31922 if (lineEnd - lineStart > 78)
31923 if (offset - lineStart < 75) {
31924 end = lineStart + 75;
31925 start = lineStart;
31926 prefix = "";
31927 postfix = "...";
31928 } else {
31929 if (lineEnd - offset < 75) {
31930 start = lineEnd - 75;
31931 end = lineEnd;
31932 postfix = "";
31933 } else {
31934 start = offset - 36;
31935 end = offset + 36;
31936 postfix = "...";
31937 }
31938 prefix = "...";
31939 }
31940 else {
31941 end = lineEnd;
31942 start = lineStart;
31943 prefix = "";
31944 postfix = "";
31945 }
31946 slice = B.JSString_methods.substring$2(source, start, end);
31947 return report + prefix + slice + postfix + "\n" + B.JSString_methods.$mul(" ", offset - start + prefix.length) + "^\n";
31948 } else
31949 return offset != null ? report + (" (at offset " + A.S(offset) + ")") : report;
31950 },
31951 $isException: 1,
31952 get$message(receiver) {
31953 return this.message;
31954 }
31955 };
31956 A.Expando.prototype = {
31957 toString$0(_) {
31958 return "Expando:null";
31959 }
31960 };
31961 A.Iterable.prototype = {
31962 cast$1$0(_, $R) {
31963 return A.CastIterable_CastIterable(this, A._instanceType(this)._eval$1("Iterable.E"), $R);
31964 },
31965 followedBy$1(_, other) {
31966 var _this = this,
31967 t1 = A._instanceType(_this);
31968 if (t1._eval$1("EfficientLengthIterable<Iterable.E>")._is(_this))
31969 return A.FollowedByIterable_FollowedByIterable$firstEfficient(_this, other, t1._eval$1("Iterable.E"));
31970 return new A.FollowedByIterable(_this, other, t1._eval$1("FollowedByIterable<Iterable.E>"));
31971 },
31972 map$1$1(_, toElement, $T) {
31973 return A.MappedIterable_MappedIterable(this, toElement, A._instanceType(this)._eval$1("Iterable.E"), $T);
31974 },
31975 where$1(_, test) {
31976 return new A.WhereIterable(this, test, A._instanceType(this)._eval$1("WhereIterable<Iterable.E>"));
31977 },
31978 expand$1$1(_, toElements, $T) {
31979 return new A.ExpandIterable(this, toElements, A._instanceType(this)._eval$1("@<Iterable.E>")._bind$1($T)._eval$1("ExpandIterable<1,2>"));
31980 },
31981 contains$1(_, element) {
31982 var t1;
31983 for (t1 = this.get$iterator(this); t1.moveNext$0();)
31984 if (J.$eq$(t1.get$current(t1), element))
31985 return true;
31986 return false;
31987 },
31988 fold$1$2(_, initialValue, combine) {
31989 var t1, value;
31990 for (t1 = this.get$iterator(this), value = initialValue; t1.moveNext$0();)
31991 value = combine.call$2(value, t1.get$current(t1));
31992 return value;
31993 },
31994 fold$2($receiver, initialValue, combine) {
31995 return this.fold$1$2($receiver, initialValue, combine, type$.dynamic);
31996 },
31997 join$1(_, separator) {
31998 var t1,
31999 iterator = this.get$iterator(this);
32000 if (!iterator.moveNext$0())
32001 return "";
32002 if (separator === "") {
32003 t1 = "";
32004 do
32005 t1 += A.S(J.toString$0$(iterator.get$current(iterator)));
32006 while (iterator.moveNext$0());
32007 } else {
32008 t1 = "" + A.S(J.toString$0$(iterator.get$current(iterator)));
32009 for (; iterator.moveNext$0();)
32010 t1 = t1 + separator + A.S(J.toString$0$(iterator.get$current(iterator)));
32011 }
32012 return t1.charCodeAt(0) == 0 ? t1 : t1;
32013 },
32014 join$0($receiver) {
32015 return this.join$1($receiver, "");
32016 },
32017 any$1(_, test) {
32018 var t1;
32019 for (t1 = this.get$iterator(this); t1.moveNext$0();)
32020 if (test.call$1(t1.get$current(t1)))
32021 return true;
32022 return false;
32023 },
32024 toList$1$growable(_, growable) {
32025 return A.List_List$of(this, growable, A._instanceType(this)._eval$1("Iterable.E"));
32026 },
32027 toList$0($receiver) {
32028 return this.toList$1$growable($receiver, true);
32029 },
32030 toSet$0(_) {
32031 return A.LinkedHashSet_LinkedHashSet$of(this, A._instanceType(this)._eval$1("Iterable.E"));
32032 },
32033 get$length(_) {
32034 var count,
32035 it = this.get$iterator(this);
32036 for (count = 0; it.moveNext$0();)
32037 ++count;
32038 return count;
32039 },
32040 get$isEmpty(_) {
32041 return !this.get$iterator(this).moveNext$0();
32042 },
32043 get$isNotEmpty(_) {
32044 return !this.get$isEmpty(this);
32045 },
32046 take$1(_, count) {
32047 return A.TakeIterable_TakeIterable(this, count, A._instanceType(this)._eval$1("Iterable.E"));
32048 },
32049 skip$1(_, count) {
32050 return A.SkipIterable_SkipIterable(this, count, A._instanceType(this)._eval$1("Iterable.E"));
32051 },
32052 skipWhile$1(_, test) {
32053 return new A.SkipWhileIterable(this, test, A._instanceType(this)._eval$1("SkipWhileIterable<Iterable.E>"));
32054 },
32055 get$first(_) {
32056 var it = this.get$iterator(this);
32057 if (!it.moveNext$0())
32058 throw A.wrapException(A.IterableElementError_noElement());
32059 return it.get$current(it);
32060 },
32061 get$last(_) {
32062 var result,
32063 it = this.get$iterator(this);
32064 if (!it.moveNext$0())
32065 throw A.wrapException(A.IterableElementError_noElement());
32066 do
32067 result = it.get$current(it);
32068 while (it.moveNext$0());
32069 return result;
32070 },
32071 get$single(_) {
32072 var result,
32073 it = this.get$iterator(this);
32074 if (!it.moveNext$0())
32075 throw A.wrapException(A.IterableElementError_noElement());
32076 result = it.get$current(it);
32077 if (it.moveNext$0())
32078 throw A.wrapException(A.IterableElementError_tooMany());
32079 return result;
32080 },
32081 elementAt$1(_, index) {
32082 var t1, elementIndex, element;
32083 A.RangeError_checkNotNegative(index, "index");
32084 for (t1 = this.get$iterator(this), elementIndex = 0; t1.moveNext$0();) {
32085 element = t1.get$current(t1);
32086 if (index === elementIndex)
32087 return element;
32088 ++elementIndex;
32089 }
32090 throw A.wrapException(A.IndexError$(index, this, "index", null, elementIndex));
32091 },
32092 toString$0(_) {
32093 return A.IterableBase_iterableToShortString(this, "(", ")");
32094 }
32095 };
32096 A._GeneratorIterable.prototype = {
32097 elementAt$1(_, index) {
32098 A.RangeError_checkValidIndex(index, this, null);
32099 return this._generator.call$1(index);
32100 },
32101 get$length(receiver) {
32102 return this.length;
32103 }
32104 };
32105 A.Iterator.prototype = {};
32106 A.MapEntry.prototype = {
32107 toString$0(_) {
32108 return "MapEntry(" + A.S(this.key) + ": " + A.S(this.value) + ")";
32109 }
32110 };
32111 A.Null.prototype = {
32112 get$hashCode(_) {
32113 return A.Object.prototype.get$hashCode.call(this, this);
32114 },
32115 toString$0(_) {
32116 return "null";
32117 }
32118 };
32119 A.Object.prototype = {$isObject: 1,
32120 $eq(_, other) {
32121 return this === other;
32122 },
32123 get$hashCode(_) {
32124 return A.Primitives_objectHashCode(this);
32125 },
32126 toString$0(_) {
32127 return "Instance of '" + A.Primitives_objectTypeName(this) + "'";
32128 },
32129 noSuchMethod$1(_, invocation) {
32130 throw A.wrapException(A.NoSuchMethodError$(this, invocation.get$memberName(), invocation.get$positionalArguments(), invocation.get$namedArguments()));
32131 },
32132 get$runtimeType(_) {
32133 var rti = this instanceof A.Closure ? A.closureFunctionType(this) : null;
32134 return A.createRuntimeType(rti == null ? A.instanceType(this) : rti);
32135 },
32136 toString() {
32137 return this.toString$0(this);
32138 }
32139 };
32140 A._StringStackTrace.prototype = {
32141 toString$0(_) {
32142 return this._stackTrace;
32143 },
32144 $isStackTrace: 1
32145 };
32146 A.Runes.prototype = {
32147 get$iterator(_) {
32148 return new A.RuneIterator(this.string);
32149 },
32150 get$last(_) {
32151 var code, previousCode,
32152 t1 = this.string,
32153 t2 = t1.length;
32154 if (t2 === 0)
32155 throw A.wrapException(A.StateError$("No elements."));
32156 code = B.JSString_methods.codeUnitAt$1(t1, t2 - 1);
32157 if ((code & 64512) === 56320 && t2 > 1) {
32158 previousCode = B.JSString_methods.codeUnitAt$1(t1, t2 - 2);
32159 if ((previousCode & 64512) === 55296)
32160 return A._combineSurrogatePair(previousCode, code);
32161 }
32162 return code;
32163 }
32164 };
32165 A.RuneIterator.prototype = {
32166 get$current(_) {
32167 return this._currentCodePoint;
32168 },
32169 moveNext$0() {
32170 var codeUnit, nextPosition, nextCodeUnit, _this = this,
32171 t1 = _this._position = _this._nextPosition,
32172 t2 = _this.string,
32173 t3 = t2.length;
32174 if (t1 === t3) {
32175 _this._currentCodePoint = -1;
32176 return false;
32177 }
32178 codeUnit = B.JSString_methods._codeUnitAt$1(t2, t1);
32179 nextPosition = t1 + 1;
32180 if ((codeUnit & 64512) === 55296 && nextPosition < t3) {
32181 nextCodeUnit = B.JSString_methods._codeUnitAt$1(t2, nextPosition);
32182 if ((nextCodeUnit & 64512) === 56320) {
32183 _this._nextPosition = nextPosition + 1;
32184 _this._currentCodePoint = A._combineSurrogatePair(codeUnit, nextCodeUnit);
32185 return true;
32186 }
32187 }
32188 _this._nextPosition = nextPosition;
32189 _this._currentCodePoint = codeUnit;
32190 return true;
32191 }
32192 };
32193 A.StringBuffer.prototype = {
32194 get$length(_) {
32195 return this._contents.length;
32196 },
32197 write$1(_, obj) {
32198 this._contents += A.S(obj);
32199 },
32200 writeCharCode$1(charCode) {
32201 this._contents += A.Primitives_stringFromCharCode(charCode);
32202 },
32203 toString$0(_) {
32204 var t1 = this._contents;
32205 return t1.charCodeAt(0) == 0 ? t1 : t1;
32206 }
32207 };
32208 A.Uri__parseIPv4Address_error.prototype = {
32209 call$2(msg, position) {
32210 throw A.wrapException(A.FormatException$("Illegal IPv4 address, " + msg, this.host, position));
32211 },
32212 $signature: 352
32213 };
32214 A.Uri_parseIPv6Address_error.prototype = {
32215 call$2(msg, position) {
32216 throw A.wrapException(A.FormatException$("Illegal IPv6 address, " + msg, this.host, position));
32217 },
32218 call$1(msg) {
32219 return this.call$2(msg, null);
32220 },
32221 $signature: 364
32222 };
32223 A.Uri_parseIPv6Address_parseHex.prototype = {
32224 call$2(start, end) {
32225 var value;
32226 if (end - start > 4)
32227 this.error.call$2("an IPv6 part can only contain a maximum of 4 hex digits", start);
32228 value = A.int_parse(B.JSString_methods.substring$2(this.host, start, end), 16);
32229 if (value < 0 || value > 65535)
32230 this.error.call$2("each part must be in the range of `0x0..0xFFFF`", start);
32231 return value;
32232 },
32233 $signature: 366
32234 };
32235 A._Uri.prototype = {
32236 get$_text() {
32237 var t1, t2, t3, t4, _this = this,
32238 value = _this.___Uri__text;
32239 if (value === $) {
32240 t1 = _this.scheme;
32241 t2 = t1.length !== 0 ? "" + t1 + ":" : "";
32242 t3 = _this._host;
32243 t4 = t3 == null;
32244 if (!t4 || t1 === "file") {
32245 t1 = t2 + "//";
32246 t2 = _this._userInfo;
32247 if (t2.length !== 0)
32248 t1 = t1 + t2 + "@";
32249 if (!t4)
32250 t1 += t3;
32251 t2 = _this._port;
32252 if (t2 != null)
32253 t1 = t1 + ":" + A.S(t2);
32254 } else
32255 t1 = t2;
32256 t1 += _this.path;
32257 t2 = _this._query;
32258 if (t2 != null)
32259 t1 = t1 + "?" + t2;
32260 t2 = _this._fragment;
32261 if (t2 != null)
32262 t1 = t1 + "#" + t2;
32263 A._lateInitializeOnceCheck(_this.___Uri__text, "_text");
32264 value = _this.___Uri__text = t1.charCodeAt(0) == 0 ? t1 : t1;
32265 }
32266 return value;
32267 },
32268 get$pathSegments() {
32269 var pathToSplit, result, _this = this,
32270 value = _this.___Uri_pathSegments;
32271 if (value === $) {
32272 pathToSplit = _this.path;
32273 if (pathToSplit.length !== 0 && B.JSString_methods._codeUnitAt$1(pathToSplit, 0) === 47)
32274 pathToSplit = B.JSString_methods.substring$1(pathToSplit, 1);
32275 result = pathToSplit.length === 0 ? B.List_empty : A.List_List$unmodifiable(new A.MappedListIterable(A._setArrayType(pathToSplit.split("/"), type$.JSArray_String), A.core_Uri_decodeComponent$closure(), type$.MappedListIterable_String_dynamic), type$.String);
32276 A._lateInitializeOnceCheck(_this.___Uri_pathSegments, "pathSegments");
32277 value = _this.___Uri_pathSegments = result;
32278 }
32279 return value;
32280 },
32281 get$hashCode(_) {
32282 var result, _this = this,
32283 value = _this.___Uri_hashCode;
32284 if (value === $) {
32285 result = B.JSString_methods.get$hashCode(_this.get$_text());
32286 A._lateInitializeOnceCheck(_this.___Uri_hashCode, "hashCode");
32287 _this.___Uri_hashCode = result;
32288 value = result;
32289 }
32290 return value;
32291 },
32292 get$userInfo() {
32293 return this._userInfo;
32294 },
32295 get$host() {
32296 var host = this._host;
32297 if (host == null)
32298 return "";
32299 if (B.JSString_methods.startsWith$1(host, "["))
32300 return B.JSString_methods.substring$2(host, 1, host.length - 1);
32301 return host;
32302 },
32303 get$port(_) {
32304 var t1 = this._port;
32305 return t1 == null ? A._Uri__defaultPort(this.scheme) : t1;
32306 },
32307 get$query() {
32308 var t1 = this._query;
32309 return t1 == null ? "" : t1;
32310 },
32311 get$fragment() {
32312 var t1 = this._fragment;
32313 return t1 == null ? "" : t1;
32314 },
32315 isScheme$1(scheme) {
32316 var thisScheme = this.scheme;
32317 if (scheme.length !== thisScheme.length)
32318 return false;
32319 return A._Uri__compareScheme(scheme, thisScheme);
32320 },
32321 _mergePaths$2(base, reference) {
32322 var backCount, refStart, baseEnd, newEnd, delta, t1;
32323 for (backCount = 0, refStart = 0; B.JSString_methods.startsWith$2(reference, "../", refStart);) {
32324 refStart += 3;
32325 ++backCount;
32326 }
32327 baseEnd = B.JSString_methods.lastIndexOf$1(base, "/");
32328 while (true) {
32329 if (!(baseEnd > 0 && backCount > 0))
32330 break;
32331 newEnd = B.JSString_methods.lastIndexOf$2(base, "/", baseEnd - 1);
32332 if (newEnd < 0)
32333 break;
32334 delta = baseEnd - newEnd;
32335 t1 = delta !== 2;
32336 if (!t1 || delta === 3)
32337 if (B.JSString_methods.codeUnitAt$1(base, newEnd + 1) === 46)
32338 t1 = !t1 || B.JSString_methods.codeUnitAt$1(base, newEnd + 2) === 46;
32339 else
32340 t1 = false;
32341 else
32342 t1 = false;
32343 if (t1)
32344 break;
32345 --backCount;
32346 baseEnd = newEnd;
32347 }
32348 return B.JSString_methods.replaceRange$3(base, baseEnd + 1, null, B.JSString_methods.substring$1(reference, refStart - 3 * backCount));
32349 },
32350 resolve$1(reference) {
32351 return this.resolveUri$1(A.Uri_parse(reference));
32352 },
32353 resolveUri$1(reference) {
32354 var targetScheme, targetUserInfo, targetHost, targetPort, targetPath, targetQuery, packageNameEnd, packageName, mergedPath, t1, _this = this, _null = null;
32355 if (reference.get$scheme().length !== 0) {
32356 targetScheme = reference.get$scheme();
32357 if (reference.get$hasAuthority()) {
32358 targetUserInfo = reference.get$userInfo();
32359 targetHost = reference.get$host();
32360 targetPort = reference.get$hasPort() ? reference.get$port(reference) : _null;
32361 } else {
32362 targetPort = _null;
32363 targetHost = targetPort;
32364 targetUserInfo = "";
32365 }
32366 targetPath = A._Uri__removeDotSegments(reference.get$path(reference));
32367 targetQuery = reference.get$hasQuery() ? reference.get$query() : _null;
32368 } else {
32369 targetScheme = _this.scheme;
32370 if (reference.get$hasAuthority()) {
32371 targetUserInfo = reference.get$userInfo();
32372 targetHost = reference.get$host();
32373 targetPort = A._Uri__makePort(reference.get$hasPort() ? reference.get$port(reference) : _null, targetScheme);
32374 targetPath = A._Uri__removeDotSegments(reference.get$path(reference));
32375 targetQuery = reference.get$hasQuery() ? reference.get$query() : _null;
32376 } else {
32377 targetUserInfo = _this._userInfo;
32378 targetHost = _this._host;
32379 targetPort = _this._port;
32380 targetPath = _this.path;
32381 if (reference.get$path(reference) === "")
32382 targetQuery = reference.get$hasQuery() ? reference.get$query() : _this._query;
32383 else {
32384 packageNameEnd = A._Uri__packageNameEnd(_this, targetPath);
32385 if (packageNameEnd > 0) {
32386 packageName = B.JSString_methods.substring$2(targetPath, 0, packageNameEnd);
32387 targetPath = reference.get$hasAbsolutePath() ? packageName + A._Uri__removeDotSegments(reference.get$path(reference)) : packageName + A._Uri__removeDotSegments(_this._mergePaths$2(B.JSString_methods.substring$1(targetPath, packageName.length), reference.get$path(reference)));
32388 } else if (reference.get$hasAbsolutePath())
32389 targetPath = A._Uri__removeDotSegments(reference.get$path(reference));
32390 else if (targetPath.length === 0)
32391 if (targetHost == null)
32392 targetPath = targetScheme.length === 0 ? reference.get$path(reference) : A._Uri__removeDotSegments(reference.get$path(reference));
32393 else
32394 targetPath = A._Uri__removeDotSegments("/" + reference.get$path(reference));
32395 else {
32396 mergedPath = _this._mergePaths$2(targetPath, reference.get$path(reference));
32397 t1 = targetScheme.length === 0;
32398 if (!t1 || targetHost != null || B.JSString_methods.startsWith$1(targetPath, "/"))
32399 targetPath = A._Uri__removeDotSegments(mergedPath);
32400 else
32401 targetPath = A._Uri__normalizeRelativePath(mergedPath, !t1 || targetHost != null);
32402 }
32403 targetQuery = reference.get$hasQuery() ? reference.get$query() : _null;
32404 }
32405 }
32406 }
32407 return A._Uri$_internal(targetScheme, targetUserInfo, targetHost, targetPort, targetPath, targetQuery, reference.get$hasFragment() ? reference.get$fragment() : _null);
32408 },
32409 get$hasAuthority() {
32410 return this._host != null;
32411 },
32412 get$hasPort() {
32413 return this._port != null;
32414 },
32415 get$hasQuery() {
32416 return this._query != null;
32417 },
32418 get$hasFragment() {
32419 return this._fragment != null;
32420 },
32421 get$hasAbsolutePath() {
32422 return B.JSString_methods.startsWith$1(this.path, "/");
32423 },
32424 toFilePath$0() {
32425 var pathSegments, _this = this,
32426 t1 = _this.scheme;
32427 if (t1 !== "" && t1 !== "file")
32428 throw A.wrapException(A.UnsupportedError$("Cannot extract a file path from a " + t1 + " URI"));
32429 t1 = _this._query;
32430 if ((t1 == null ? "" : t1) !== "")
32431 throw A.wrapException(A.UnsupportedError$(string$.Cannotfq));
32432 t1 = _this._fragment;
32433 if ((t1 == null ? "" : t1) !== "")
32434 throw A.wrapException(A.UnsupportedError$(string$.Cannotff));
32435 t1 = $.$get$_Uri__isWindowsCached();
32436 if (t1)
32437 t1 = A._Uri__toWindowsFilePath(_this);
32438 else {
32439 if (_this._host != null && _this.get$host() !== "")
32440 A.throwExpression(A.UnsupportedError$(string$.Cannotn));
32441 pathSegments = _this.get$pathSegments();
32442 A._Uri__checkNonWindowsPathReservedCharacters(pathSegments, false);
32443 t1 = A.StringBuffer__writeAll(B.JSString_methods.startsWith$1(_this.path, "/") ? "" + "/" : "", pathSegments, "/");
32444 t1 = t1.charCodeAt(0) == 0 ? t1 : t1;
32445 }
32446 return t1;
32447 },
32448 toString$0(_) {
32449 return this.get$_text();
32450 },
32451 $eq(_, other) {
32452 var t1, t2, _this = this;
32453 if (other == null)
32454 return false;
32455 if (_this === other)
32456 return true;
32457 if (type$.Uri._is(other))
32458 if (_this.scheme === other.get$scheme())
32459 if (_this._host != null === other.get$hasAuthority())
32460 if (_this._userInfo === other.get$userInfo())
32461 if (_this.get$host() === other.get$host())
32462 if (_this.get$port(_this) === other.get$port(other))
32463 if (_this.path === other.get$path(other)) {
32464 t1 = _this._query;
32465 t2 = t1 == null;
32466 if (!t2 === other.get$hasQuery()) {
32467 if (t2)
32468 t1 = "";
32469 if (t1 === other.get$query()) {
32470 t1 = _this._fragment;
32471 t2 = t1 == null;
32472 if (!t2 === other.get$hasFragment()) {
32473 if (t2)
32474 t1 = "";
32475 t1 = t1 === other.get$fragment();
32476 } else
32477 t1 = false;
32478 } else
32479 t1 = false;
32480 } else
32481 t1 = false;
32482 } else
32483 t1 = false;
32484 else
32485 t1 = false;
32486 else
32487 t1 = false;
32488 else
32489 t1 = false;
32490 else
32491 t1 = false;
32492 else
32493 t1 = false;
32494 else
32495 t1 = false;
32496 return t1;
32497 },
32498 $isUri: 1,
32499 get$scheme() {
32500 return this.scheme;
32501 },
32502 get$path(receiver) {
32503 return this.path;
32504 }
32505 };
32506 A._Uri__makePath_closure.prototype = {
32507 call$1(s) {
32508 return A._Uri__uriEncode(B.List_qg40, s, B.C_Utf8Codec, false);
32509 },
32510 $signature: 5
32511 };
32512 A.UriData.prototype = {
32513 get$uri() {
32514 var t2, queryIndex, end, query, _this = this, _null = null,
32515 t1 = _this._uriCache;
32516 if (t1 == null) {
32517 t1 = _this._text;
32518 t2 = _this._separatorIndices[0] + 1;
32519 queryIndex = B.JSString_methods.indexOf$2(t1, "?", t2);
32520 end = t1.length;
32521 if (queryIndex >= 0) {
32522 query = A._Uri__normalizeOrSubstring(t1, queryIndex + 1, end, B.List_CVk, false);
32523 end = queryIndex;
32524 } else
32525 query = _null;
32526 t1 = _this._uriCache = new A._DataUri("data", "", _null, _null, A._Uri__normalizeOrSubstring(t1, t2, end, B.List_qg4, false), query, _null);
32527 }
32528 return t1;
32529 },
32530 toString$0(_) {
32531 var t1 = this._text;
32532 return this._separatorIndices[0] === -1 ? "data:" + t1 : t1;
32533 }
32534 };
32535 A._createTables_build.prototype = {
32536 call$2(state, defaultTransition) {
32537 var t1 = this.tables[state];
32538 B.NativeUint8List_methods.fillRange$3(t1, 0, 96, defaultTransition);
32539 return t1;
32540 },
32541 $signature: 504
32542 };
32543 A._createTables_setChars.prototype = {
32544 call$3(target, chars, transition) {
32545 var t1, i;
32546 for (t1 = chars.length, i = 0; i < t1; ++i)
32547 target[B.JSString_methods._codeUnitAt$1(chars, i) ^ 96] = transition;
32548 },
32549 $signature: 196
32550 };
32551 A._createTables_setRange.prototype = {
32552 call$3(target, range, transition) {
32553 var i, n;
32554 for (i = B.JSString_methods._codeUnitAt$1(range, 0), n = B.JSString_methods._codeUnitAt$1(range, 1); i <= n; ++i)
32555 target[(i ^ 96) >>> 0] = transition;
32556 },
32557 $signature: 196
32558 };
32559 A._SimpleUri.prototype = {
32560 get$hasAuthority() {
32561 return this._hostStart > 0;
32562 },
32563 get$hasPort() {
32564 return this._hostStart > 0 && this._portStart + 1 < this._pathStart;
32565 },
32566 get$hasQuery() {
32567 return this._queryStart < this._fragmentStart;
32568 },
32569 get$hasFragment() {
32570 return this._fragmentStart < this._uri.length;
32571 },
32572 get$hasAbsolutePath() {
32573 return B.JSString_methods.startsWith$2(this._uri, "/", this._pathStart);
32574 },
32575 get$scheme() {
32576 var t1 = this._schemeCache;
32577 return t1 == null ? this._schemeCache = this._computeScheme$0() : t1;
32578 },
32579 _computeScheme$0() {
32580 var t2, _this = this,
32581 t1 = _this._schemeEnd;
32582 if (t1 <= 0)
32583 return "";
32584 t2 = t1 === 4;
32585 if (t2 && B.JSString_methods.startsWith$1(_this._uri, "http"))
32586 return "http";
32587 if (t1 === 5 && B.JSString_methods.startsWith$1(_this._uri, "https"))
32588 return "https";
32589 if (t2 && B.JSString_methods.startsWith$1(_this._uri, "file"))
32590 return "file";
32591 if (t1 === 7 && B.JSString_methods.startsWith$1(_this._uri, "package"))
32592 return "package";
32593 return B.JSString_methods.substring$2(_this._uri, 0, t1);
32594 },
32595 get$userInfo() {
32596 var t1 = this._hostStart,
32597 t2 = this._schemeEnd + 3;
32598 return t1 > t2 ? B.JSString_methods.substring$2(this._uri, t2, t1 - 1) : "";
32599 },
32600 get$host() {
32601 var t1 = this._hostStart;
32602 return t1 > 0 ? B.JSString_methods.substring$2(this._uri, t1, this._portStart) : "";
32603 },
32604 get$port(_) {
32605 var t1, _this = this;
32606 if (_this.get$hasPort())
32607 return A.int_parse(B.JSString_methods.substring$2(_this._uri, _this._portStart + 1, _this._pathStart), null);
32608 t1 = _this._schemeEnd;
32609 if (t1 === 4 && B.JSString_methods.startsWith$1(_this._uri, "http"))
32610 return 80;
32611 if (t1 === 5 && B.JSString_methods.startsWith$1(_this._uri, "https"))
32612 return 443;
32613 return 0;
32614 },
32615 get$path(_) {
32616 return B.JSString_methods.substring$2(this._uri, this._pathStart, this._queryStart);
32617 },
32618 get$query() {
32619 var t1 = this._queryStart,
32620 t2 = this._fragmentStart;
32621 return t1 < t2 ? B.JSString_methods.substring$2(this._uri, t1 + 1, t2) : "";
32622 },
32623 get$fragment() {
32624 var t1 = this._fragmentStart,
32625 t2 = this._uri;
32626 return t1 < t2.length ? B.JSString_methods.substring$1(t2, t1 + 1) : "";
32627 },
32628 get$pathSegments() {
32629 var parts, i,
32630 start = this._pathStart,
32631 end = this._queryStart,
32632 t1 = this._uri;
32633 if (B.JSString_methods.startsWith$2(t1, "/", start))
32634 ++start;
32635 if (start === end)
32636 return B.List_empty;
32637 parts = A._setArrayType([], type$.JSArray_String);
32638 for (i = start; i < end; ++i)
32639 if (B.JSString_methods.codeUnitAt$1(t1, i) === 47) {
32640 parts.push(B.JSString_methods.substring$2(t1, start, i));
32641 start = i + 1;
32642 }
32643 parts.push(B.JSString_methods.substring$2(t1, start, end));
32644 return A.List_List$unmodifiable(parts, type$.String);
32645 },
32646 _isPort$1(port) {
32647 var portDigitStart = this._portStart + 1;
32648 return portDigitStart + port.length === this._pathStart && B.JSString_methods.startsWith$2(this._uri, port, portDigitStart);
32649 },
32650 removeFragment$0() {
32651 var _this = this,
32652 t1 = _this._fragmentStart,
32653 t2 = _this._uri;
32654 if (t1 >= t2.length)
32655 return _this;
32656 return new A._SimpleUri(B.JSString_methods.substring$2(t2, 0, t1), _this._schemeEnd, _this._hostStart, _this._portStart, _this._pathStart, _this._queryStart, t1, _this._schemeCache);
32657 },
32658 resolve$1(reference) {
32659 return this.resolveUri$1(A.Uri_parse(reference));
32660 },
32661 resolveUri$1(reference) {
32662 if (reference instanceof A._SimpleUri)
32663 return this._simpleMerge$2(this, reference);
32664 return this._toNonSimple$0().resolveUri$1(reference);
32665 },
32666 _simpleMerge$2(base, ref) {
32667 var t2, t3, t4, isSimple, delta, refStart, basePathStart, packageNameEnd, basePathStart0, baseStart, baseEnd, baseUri, baseStart0, backCount, refStart0, insert,
32668 t1 = ref._schemeEnd;
32669 if (t1 > 0)
32670 return ref;
32671 t2 = ref._hostStart;
32672 if (t2 > 0) {
32673 t3 = base._schemeEnd;
32674 if (t3 <= 0)
32675 return ref;
32676 t4 = t3 === 4;
32677 if (t4 && B.JSString_methods.startsWith$1(base._uri, "file"))
32678 isSimple = ref._pathStart !== ref._queryStart;
32679 else if (t4 && B.JSString_methods.startsWith$1(base._uri, "http"))
32680 isSimple = !ref._isPort$1("80");
32681 else
32682 isSimple = !(t3 === 5 && B.JSString_methods.startsWith$1(base._uri, "https")) || !ref._isPort$1("443");
32683 if (isSimple) {
32684 delta = t3 + 1;
32685 return new A._SimpleUri(B.JSString_methods.substring$2(base._uri, 0, delta) + B.JSString_methods.substring$1(ref._uri, t1 + 1), t3, t2 + delta, ref._portStart + delta, ref._pathStart + delta, ref._queryStart + delta, ref._fragmentStart + delta, base._schemeCache);
32686 } else
32687 return this._toNonSimple$0().resolveUri$1(ref);
32688 }
32689 refStart = ref._pathStart;
32690 t1 = ref._queryStart;
32691 if (refStart === t1) {
32692 t2 = ref._fragmentStart;
32693 if (t1 < t2) {
32694 t3 = base._queryStart;
32695 delta = t3 - t1;
32696 return new A._SimpleUri(B.JSString_methods.substring$2(base._uri, 0, t3) + B.JSString_methods.substring$1(ref._uri, t1), base._schemeEnd, base._hostStart, base._portStart, base._pathStart, t1 + delta, t2 + delta, base._schemeCache);
32697 }
32698 t1 = ref._uri;
32699 if (t2 < t1.length) {
32700 t3 = base._fragmentStart;
32701 return new A._SimpleUri(B.JSString_methods.substring$2(base._uri, 0, t3) + B.JSString_methods.substring$1(t1, t2), base._schemeEnd, base._hostStart, base._portStart, base._pathStart, base._queryStart, t2 + (t3 - t2), base._schemeCache);
32702 }
32703 return base.removeFragment$0();
32704 }
32705 t2 = ref._uri;
32706 if (B.JSString_methods.startsWith$2(t2, "/", refStart)) {
32707 basePathStart = base._pathStart;
32708 packageNameEnd = A._SimpleUri__packageNameEnd(this);
32709 basePathStart0 = packageNameEnd > 0 ? packageNameEnd : basePathStart;
32710 delta = basePathStart0 - refStart;
32711 return new A._SimpleUri(B.JSString_methods.substring$2(base._uri, 0, basePathStart0) + B.JSString_methods.substring$1(t2, refStart), base._schemeEnd, base._hostStart, base._portStart, basePathStart, t1 + delta, ref._fragmentStart + delta, base._schemeCache);
32712 }
32713 baseStart = base._pathStart;
32714 baseEnd = base._queryStart;
32715 if (baseStart === baseEnd && base._hostStart > 0) {
32716 for (; B.JSString_methods.startsWith$2(t2, "../", refStart);)
32717 refStart += 3;
32718 delta = baseStart - refStart + 1;
32719 return new A._SimpleUri(B.JSString_methods.substring$2(base._uri, 0, baseStart) + "/" + B.JSString_methods.substring$1(t2, refStart), base._schemeEnd, base._hostStart, base._portStart, baseStart, t1 + delta, ref._fragmentStart + delta, base._schemeCache);
32720 }
32721 baseUri = base._uri;
32722 packageNameEnd = A._SimpleUri__packageNameEnd(this);
32723 if (packageNameEnd >= 0)
32724 baseStart0 = packageNameEnd;
32725 else
32726 for (baseStart0 = baseStart; B.JSString_methods.startsWith$2(baseUri, "../", baseStart0);)
32727 baseStart0 += 3;
32728 backCount = 0;
32729 while (true) {
32730 refStart0 = refStart + 3;
32731 if (!(refStart0 <= t1 && B.JSString_methods.startsWith$2(t2, "../", refStart)))
32732 break;
32733 ++backCount;
32734 refStart = refStart0;
32735 }
32736 for (insert = ""; baseEnd > baseStart0;) {
32737 --baseEnd;
32738 if (B.JSString_methods.codeUnitAt$1(baseUri, baseEnd) === 47) {
32739 if (backCount === 0) {
32740 insert = "/";
32741 break;
32742 }
32743 --backCount;
32744 insert = "/";
32745 }
32746 }
32747 if (baseEnd === baseStart0 && base._schemeEnd <= 0 && !B.JSString_methods.startsWith$2(baseUri, "/", baseStart)) {
32748 refStart -= backCount * 3;
32749 insert = "";
32750 }
32751 delta = baseEnd - refStart + insert.length;
32752 return new A._SimpleUri(B.JSString_methods.substring$2(baseUri, 0, baseEnd) + insert + B.JSString_methods.substring$1(t2, refStart), base._schemeEnd, base._hostStart, base._portStart, baseStart, t1 + delta, ref._fragmentStart + delta, base._schemeCache);
32753 },
32754 toFilePath$0() {
32755 var t2, t3, _this = this,
32756 t1 = _this._schemeEnd;
32757 if (t1 >= 0) {
32758 t2 = !(t1 === 4 && B.JSString_methods.startsWith$1(_this._uri, "file"));
32759 t1 = t2;
32760 } else
32761 t1 = false;
32762 if (t1)
32763 throw A.wrapException(A.UnsupportedError$("Cannot extract a file path from a " + _this.get$scheme() + " URI"));
32764 t1 = _this._queryStart;
32765 t2 = _this._uri;
32766 if (t1 < t2.length) {
32767 if (t1 < _this._fragmentStart)
32768 throw A.wrapException(A.UnsupportedError$(string$.Cannotfq));
32769 throw A.wrapException(A.UnsupportedError$(string$.Cannotff));
32770 }
32771 t3 = $.$get$_Uri__isWindowsCached();
32772 if (t3)
32773 t1 = A._Uri__toWindowsFilePath(_this);
32774 else {
32775 if (_this._hostStart < _this._portStart)
32776 A.throwExpression(A.UnsupportedError$(string$.Cannotn));
32777 t1 = B.JSString_methods.substring$2(t2, _this._pathStart, t1);
32778 }
32779 return t1;
32780 },
32781 get$hashCode(_) {
32782 var t1 = this._hashCodeCache;
32783 return t1 == null ? this._hashCodeCache = B.JSString_methods.get$hashCode(this._uri) : t1;
32784 },
32785 $eq(_, other) {
32786 if (other == null)
32787 return false;
32788 if (this === other)
32789 return true;
32790 return type$.Uri._is(other) && this._uri === other.toString$0(0);
32791 },
32792 _toNonSimple$0() {
32793 var _this = this, _null = null,
32794 t1 = _this.get$scheme(),
32795 t2 = _this.get$userInfo(),
32796 t3 = _this._hostStart > 0 ? _this.get$host() : _null,
32797 t4 = _this.get$hasPort() ? _this.get$port(_this) : _null,
32798 t5 = _this._uri,
32799 t6 = _this._queryStart,
32800 t7 = B.JSString_methods.substring$2(t5, _this._pathStart, t6),
32801 t8 = _this._fragmentStart;
32802 t6 = t6 < t8 ? _this.get$query() : _null;
32803 return A._Uri$_internal(t1, t2, t3, t4, t7, t6, t8 < t5.length ? _this.get$fragment() : _null);
32804 },
32805 toString$0(_) {
32806 return this._uri;
32807 },
32808 $isUri: 1
32809 };
32810 A._DataUri.prototype = {};
32811 A._convertDataTree__convert.prototype = {
32812 call$1(o) {
32813 var convertedMap, key, convertedList,
32814 t1 = this._convertedObjects;
32815 if (t1.containsKey$1(o))
32816 return t1.$index(0, o);
32817 if (type$.Map_dynamic_dynamic._is(o)) {
32818 convertedMap = {};
32819 t1.$indexSet(0, o, convertedMap);
32820 for (t1 = J.get$iterator$ax(o.get$keys(o)); t1.moveNext$0();) {
32821 key = t1.get$current(t1);
32822 convertedMap[key] = this.call$1(o.$index(0, key));
32823 }
32824 return convertedMap;
32825 } else if (type$.Iterable_dynamic._is(o)) {
32826 convertedList = [];
32827 t1.$indexSet(0, o, convertedList);
32828 B.JSArray_methods.addAll$1(convertedList, J.map$1$1$ax(o, this, type$.dynamic));
32829 return convertedList;
32830 } else
32831 return o;
32832 },
32833 $signature: 547
32834 };
32835 A._JSRandom.prototype = {
32836 nextInt$1(max) {
32837 if (max <= 0 || max > 4294967296)
32838 throw A.wrapException(A.RangeError$("max must be in range 0 < max \u2264 2^32, was " + max));
32839 return Math.random() * max >>> 0;
32840 },
32841 nextDouble$0() {
32842 return Math.random();
32843 }
32844 };
32845 A.ArgParser.prototype = {
32846 addFlag$6$abbr$defaultsTo$help$hide$negatable($name, abbr, defaultsTo, help, hide, negatable) {
32847 var _null = null;
32848 this._addOption$12$aliases$hide$negatable($name, abbr, help, _null, _null, _null, defaultsTo, _null, B.OptionType_nMZ, B.List_empty, hide, negatable);
32849 },
32850 addFlag$2$hide($name, hide) {
32851 return this.addFlag$6$abbr$defaultsTo$help$hide$negatable($name, null, false, null, hide, true);
32852 },
32853 addFlag$2$help($name, help) {
32854 return this.addFlag$6$abbr$defaultsTo$help$hide$negatable($name, null, false, help, false, true);
32855 },
32856 addFlag$3$defaultsTo$help($name, defaultsTo, help) {
32857 return this.addFlag$6$abbr$defaultsTo$help$hide$negatable($name, null, defaultsTo, help, false, true);
32858 },
32859 addFlag$3$help$negatable($name, help, negatable) {
32860 return this.addFlag$6$abbr$defaultsTo$help$hide$negatable($name, null, false, help, false, negatable);
32861 },
32862 addFlag$4$abbr$help$negatable($name, abbr, help, negatable) {
32863 return this.addFlag$6$abbr$defaultsTo$help$hide$negatable($name, abbr, false, help, false, negatable);
32864 },
32865 addFlag$3$abbr$help($name, abbr, help) {
32866 return this.addFlag$6$abbr$defaultsTo$help$hide$negatable($name, abbr, false, help, false, true);
32867 },
32868 addOption$7$abbr$allowed$defaultsTo$help$hide$valueHelp($name, abbr, allowed, defaultsTo, help, hide, valueHelp) {
32869 this._addOption$12$aliases$hide$mandatory($name, abbr, help, valueHelp, allowed, null, defaultsTo, null, B.OptionType_YwU, B.List_empty, hide, false);
32870 },
32871 addOption$2$hide($name, hide) {
32872 return this.addOption$7$abbr$allowed$defaultsTo$help$hide$valueHelp($name, null, null, null, null, hide, null);
32873 },
32874 addOption$6$abbr$allowed$defaultsTo$help$valueHelp($name, abbr, allowed, defaultsTo, help, valueHelp) {
32875 return this.addOption$7$abbr$allowed$defaultsTo$help$hide$valueHelp($name, abbr, allowed, defaultsTo, help, false, valueHelp);
32876 },
32877 addOption$4$allowed$defaultsTo$help($name, allowed, defaultsTo, help) {
32878 return this.addOption$7$abbr$allowed$defaultsTo$help$hide$valueHelp($name, null, allowed, defaultsTo, help, false, null);
32879 },
32880 addMultiOption$5$abbr$help$splitCommas$valueHelp($name, abbr, help, splitCommas, valueHelp) {
32881 var t1 = A._setArrayType([], type$.JSArray_String);
32882 this._addOption$12$aliases$hide$splitCommas($name, abbr, help, valueHelp, null, null, t1, null, B.OptionType_qyr, B.List_empty, false, false);
32883 },
32884 _addOption$14$aliases$hide$mandatory$negatable$splitCommas($name, abbr, help, valueHelp, allowed, allowedHelp, defaultsTo, callback, type, aliases, hide, mandatory, negatable, splitCommas) {
32885 var existing, t2, option, _i, _this = this, _null = null,
32886 t1 = A._setArrayType([$name], type$.JSArray_String);
32887 B.JSArray_methods.addAll$1(t1, aliases);
32888 if (B.JSArray_methods.any$1(t1, new A.ArgParser__addOption_closure(_this)))
32889 throw A.wrapException(A.ArgumentError$('Duplicate option or alias "' + $name + '".', _null));
32890 t1 = abbr != null;
32891 if (t1) {
32892 existing = _this.findByAbbreviation$1(abbr);
32893 if (existing != null)
32894 throw A.wrapException(A.ArgumentError$('Abbreviation "' + abbr + '" is already used by "' + existing.name + '".', _null));
32895 }
32896 t2 = allowed == null ? _null : A.List_List$unmodifiable(allowed, type$.String);
32897 option = new A.Option($name, abbr, help, valueHelp, t2, _null, defaultsTo, negatable, callback, type, splitCommas == null ? type === B.OptionType_qyr : splitCommas, false, hide);
32898 if ($name.length === 0)
32899 A.throwExpression(A.ArgumentError$("Name cannot be empty.", _null));
32900 else if (B.JSString_methods.startsWith$1($name, "-"))
32901 A.throwExpression(A.ArgumentError$("Name " + $name + ' cannot start with "-".', _null));
32902 t2 = $.$get$Option__invalidChars()._nativeRegExp;
32903 if (t2.test($name))
32904 A.throwExpression(A.ArgumentError$('Name "' + $name + '" contains invalid characters.', _null));
32905 if (t1) {
32906 if (abbr.length !== 1)
32907 A.throwExpression(A.ArgumentError$("Abbreviation must be null or have length 1.", _null));
32908 else if (abbr === "-")
32909 A.throwExpression(A.ArgumentError$('Abbreviation cannot be "-".', _null));
32910 if (t2.test(abbr))
32911 A.throwExpression(A.ArgumentError$("Abbreviation is an invalid character.", _null));
32912 }
32913 _this._arg_parser$_options.$indexSet(0, $name, option);
32914 _this._optionsAndSeparators.push(option);
32915 for (t1 = _this._aliases, _i = 0; false; ++_i)
32916 t1.$indexSet(0, aliases[_i], $name);
32917 },
32918 _addOption$12$aliases$hide$mandatory($name, abbr, help, valueHelp, allowed, allowedHelp, defaultsTo, callback, type, aliases, hide, mandatory) {
32919 return this._addOption$14$aliases$hide$mandatory$negatable$splitCommas($name, abbr, help, valueHelp, allowed, allowedHelp, defaultsTo, callback, type, aliases, hide, mandatory, false, null);
32920 },
32921 _addOption$12$aliases$hide$negatable($name, abbr, help, valueHelp, allowed, allowedHelp, defaultsTo, callback, type, aliases, hide, negatable) {
32922 return this._addOption$14$aliases$hide$mandatory$negatable$splitCommas($name, abbr, help, valueHelp, allowed, allowedHelp, defaultsTo, callback, type, aliases, hide, false, negatable, null);
32923 },
32924 _addOption$12$aliases$hide$splitCommas($name, abbr, help, valueHelp, allowed, allowedHelp, defaultsTo, callback, type, aliases, hide, splitCommas) {
32925 return this._addOption$14$aliases$hide$mandatory$negatable$splitCommas($name, abbr, help, valueHelp, allowed, allowedHelp, defaultsTo, callback, type, aliases, hide, false, false, splitCommas);
32926 },
32927 findByAbbreviation$1(abbr) {
32928 var t1, t2;
32929 for (t1 = this.options._map, t1 = t1.get$values(t1), t1 = t1.get$iterator(t1); t1.moveNext$0();) {
32930 t2 = t1.get$current(t1);
32931 if (t2.abbr === abbr)
32932 return t2;
32933 }
32934 return null;
32935 },
32936 findByNameOrAlias$1($name) {
32937 var t1 = this._aliases.$index(0, $name);
32938 if (t1 == null)
32939 t1 = $name;
32940 return this.options._map.$index(0, t1);
32941 }
32942 };
32943 A.ArgParser__addOption_closure.prototype = {
32944 call$1($name) {
32945 return this.$this.findByNameOrAlias$1($name) != null;
32946 },
32947 $signature: 6
32948 };
32949 A.ArgParserException.prototype = {};
32950 A.ArgResults.prototype = {
32951 $index(_, $name) {
32952 var t1 = this._parser.options._map;
32953 if (!t1.containsKey$1($name))
32954 throw A.wrapException(A.ArgumentError$('Could not find an option named "' + $name + '".', null));
32955 t1 = t1.$index(0, $name);
32956 t1.toString;
32957 return t1.valueOrDefault$1(this._parsed.$index(0, $name));
32958 },
32959 wasParsed$1($name) {
32960 if (!this._parser.options._map.containsKey$1($name))
32961 throw A.wrapException(A.ArgumentError$('Could not find an option named "' + $name + '".', null));
32962 return this._parsed.containsKey$1($name);
32963 }
32964 };
32965 A.Option.prototype = {
32966 valueOrDefault$1(value) {
32967 var t1;
32968 if (value != null)
32969 return value;
32970 if (this.type === B.OptionType_qyr) {
32971 t1 = this.defaultsTo;
32972 return t1 == null ? A._setArrayType([], type$.JSArray_String) : t1;
32973 }
32974 return this.defaultsTo;
32975 }
32976 };
32977 A.OptionType.prototype = {};
32978 A.Parser0.prototype = {
32979 parse$0() {
32980 var commandResults, commandName, commandParser, error, t1, t3, t4, t5, t6, command, exception, _this = this,
32981 t2 = _this._args;
32982 t2.toList$0(0);
32983 commandResults = null;
32984 for (t3 = _this._parser$_rest, t4 = _this._grammar, t5 = t4.commands; !t2.get$isEmpty(t2);) {
32985 t6 = t2._collection$_head;
32986 if (t6 === t2._collection$_tail)
32987 A.throwExpression(A.IterableElementError_noElement());
32988 t6 = t2.$ti._precomputed1._as(t2._collection$_table[t6]);
32989 if (t6 === "--") {
32990 t2.removeFirst$0();
32991 break;
32992 }
32993 command = t5._map.$index(0, t6);
32994 if (command != null) {
32995 if (t3.length !== 0)
32996 A.throwExpression(A.ArgParserException$("Cannot specify arguments before a command.", null));
32997 commandName = t2.removeFirst$0();
32998 t5 = type$.JSArray_String;
32999 t6 = A._setArrayType([], t5);
33000 B.JSArray_methods.addAll$1(t6, t3);
33001 commandParser = new A.Parser0(commandName, _this, command, t2, t6, A.LinkedHashMap_LinkedHashMap$_empty(type$.String, type$.dynamic));
33002 try {
33003 commandResults = commandParser.parse$0();
33004 } catch (exception) {
33005 t2 = A.unwrapException(exception);
33006 if (t2 instanceof A.ArgParserException) {
33007 error = t2;
33008 t2 = error.message;
33009 t1 = A._setArrayType([commandName], t5);
33010 J.addAll$1$ax(t1, error.commands);
33011 throw A.wrapException(A.ArgParserException$(t2, t1));
33012 } else
33013 throw exception;
33014 }
33015 B.JSArray_methods.set$length(t3, 0);
33016 break;
33017 }
33018 if (_this._parseSoloOption$0())
33019 continue;
33020 if (_this._parseAbbreviation$1(_this))
33021 continue;
33022 if (_this._parseLongOption$0())
33023 continue;
33024 t3.push(t2.removeFirst$0());
33025 }
33026 t4.options._map.forEach$1(0, new A.Parser_parse_closure(_this));
33027 B.JSArray_methods.addAll$1(t3, t2);
33028 t2.clear$0(0);
33029 return new A.ArgResults(t4, _this._results, _this._commandName, new A.UnmodifiableListView(t3, type$.UnmodifiableListView_String));
33030 },
33031 _readNextArgAsValue$1(option) {
33032 var t1 = this._args,
33033 t2 = t1.get$isEmpty(t1),
33034 t3 = 'Missing argument for "' + option.name + '".';
33035 if (t2)
33036 A.throwExpression(A.ArgParserException$(t3, null));
33037 this._setOption$3(this._results, option, t1.get$first(t1));
33038 t1.removeFirst$0();
33039 },
33040 _parseSoloOption$0() {
33041 var opt,
33042 t1 = this._args;
33043 if (t1.get$first(t1).length !== 2)
33044 return false;
33045 if (!B.JSString_methods.startsWith$1(t1.get$first(t1), "-"))
33046 return false;
33047 opt = t1.get$first(t1)[1];
33048 if (!A._isLetterOrDigit(B.JSString_methods._codeUnitAt$1(opt, 0)))
33049 return false;
33050 this._handleSoloOption$1(opt);
33051 return true;
33052 },
33053 _handleSoloOption$1(opt) {
33054 var t1, t2, _this = this,
33055 option = _this._grammar.findByAbbreviation$1(opt);
33056 if (option == null) {
33057 t1 = _this._parser$_parent;
33058 t2 = 'Could not find an option or flag "-' + opt + '".';
33059 if (t1 == null)
33060 A.throwExpression(A.ArgParserException$(t2, null));
33061 t1._handleSoloOption$1(opt);
33062 return true;
33063 }
33064 _this._args.removeFirst$0();
33065 if (option.type === B.OptionType_nMZ)
33066 _this._results.$indexSet(0, option.name, true);
33067 else
33068 _this._readNextArgAsValue$1(option);
33069 return true;
33070 },
33071 _parseAbbreviation$1(innermostCommand) {
33072 var index, t2, lettersAndDigits, rest,
33073 t1 = this._args;
33074 if (t1.get$first(t1).length < 2)
33075 return false;
33076 if (!B.JSString_methods.startsWith$1(t1.get$first(t1), "-"))
33077 return false;
33078 index = 1;
33079 while (true) {
33080 t2 = t1._collection$_head;
33081 if (t2 === t1._collection$_tail)
33082 A.throwExpression(A.IterableElementError_noElement());
33083 t2 = t1.$ti._precomputed1._as(t1._collection$_table[t2]);
33084 if (index < t2.length) {
33085 t2 = B.JSString_methods._codeUnitAt$1(t2, index);
33086 if (!(t2 >= 65 && t2 <= 90))
33087 if (!(t2 >= 97 && t2 <= 122))
33088 t2 = t2 >= 48 && t2 <= 57;
33089 else
33090 t2 = true;
33091 else
33092 t2 = true;
33093 } else
33094 t2 = false;
33095 if (!t2)
33096 break;
33097 ++index;
33098 }
33099 if (index === 1)
33100 return false;
33101 lettersAndDigits = B.JSString_methods.substring$2(t1.get$first(t1), 1, index);
33102 rest = B.JSString_methods.substring$1(t1.get$first(t1), index);
33103 if (B.JSString_methods.contains$1(rest, "\n") || B.JSString_methods.contains$1(rest, "\r"))
33104 return false;
33105 this._handleAbbreviation$3(lettersAndDigits, rest, innermostCommand);
33106 return true;
33107 },
33108 _handleAbbreviation$3(lettersAndDigits, rest, innermostCommand) {
33109 var t1, t2, i, i0, _this = this,
33110 c = B.JSString_methods.substring$2(lettersAndDigits, 0, 1),
33111 first = _this._grammar.findByAbbreviation$1(c);
33112 if (first == null) {
33113 t1 = _this._parser$_parent;
33114 t2 = string$.Could_ + c + '".';
33115 if (t1 == null)
33116 A.throwExpression(A.ArgParserException$(t2, null));
33117 t1._handleAbbreviation$3(lettersAndDigits, rest, innermostCommand);
33118 return true;
33119 } else if (first.type !== B.OptionType_nMZ)
33120 _this._setOption$3(_this._results, first, B.JSString_methods.substring$1(lettersAndDigits, 1) + rest);
33121 else {
33122 t1 = 'Option "-' + c + '" is a flag and cannot handle value "' + B.JSString_methods.substring$1(lettersAndDigits, 1) + rest + '".';
33123 if (rest !== "")
33124 A.throwExpression(A.ArgParserException$(t1, null));
33125 for (t1 = lettersAndDigits.length, i = 0; i < t1; i = i0) {
33126 i0 = i + 1;
33127 innermostCommand._parseShortFlag$1(B.JSString_methods.substring$2(lettersAndDigits, i, i0));
33128 }
33129 }
33130 _this._args.removeFirst$0();
33131 return true;
33132 },
33133 _parseShortFlag$1(c) {
33134 var t1, t2,
33135 option = this._grammar.findByAbbreviation$1(c);
33136 if (option == null) {
33137 t1 = this._parser$_parent;
33138 t2 = string$.Could_ + c + '".';
33139 if (t1 == null)
33140 A.throwExpression(A.ArgParserException$(t2, null));
33141 t1._parseShortFlag$1(c);
33142 return;
33143 }
33144 t1 = option.type;
33145 t2 = 'Option "-' + c + '" must be a flag to be in a collapsed "-".';
33146 if (t1 !== B.OptionType_nMZ)
33147 A.throwExpression(A.ArgParserException$(t2, null));
33148 this._results.$indexSet(0, option.name, true);
33149 },
33150 _parseLongOption$0() {
33151 var index, t2, $name, t3, i, t4, t5, value,
33152 t1 = this._args;
33153 if (!B.JSString_methods.startsWith$1(t1.get$first(t1), "--"))
33154 return false;
33155 index = B.JSString_methods.indexOf$1(t1.get$first(t1), "=");
33156 t2 = index === -1;
33157 $name = t2 ? B.JSString_methods.substring$1(t1.get$first(t1), 2) : B.JSString_methods.substring$2(t1.get$first(t1), 2, index);
33158 for (t3 = $name.length, i = 0; i !== t3; ++i) {
33159 t4 = B.JSString_methods._codeUnitAt$1($name, i);
33160 if (!(t4 >= 65 && t4 <= 90))
33161 if (!(t4 >= 97 && t4 <= 122))
33162 t5 = t4 >= 48 && t4 <= 57;
33163 else
33164 t5 = true;
33165 else
33166 t5 = true;
33167 if (!(t5 || t4 === 45 || t4 === 95))
33168 return false;
33169 }
33170 value = t2 ? null : B.JSString_methods.substring$1(t1.get$first(t1), index + 1);
33171 if (value != null)
33172 t1 = B.JSString_methods.contains$1(value, "\n") || B.JSString_methods.contains$1(value, "\r");
33173 else
33174 t1 = false;
33175 if (t1)
33176 return false;
33177 this._handleLongOption$2($name, value);
33178 return true;
33179 },
33180 _handleLongOption$2($name, value) {
33181 var t2, _this = this, _null = null,
33182 _s32_ = 'Could not find an option named "',
33183 t1 = _this._grammar,
33184 option = t1.findByNameOrAlias$1($name);
33185 if (option != null) {
33186 _this._args.removeFirst$0();
33187 if (option.type === B.OptionType_nMZ) {
33188 t1 = 'Flag option "' + $name + '" should not be given a value.';
33189 if (value != null)
33190 A.throwExpression(A.ArgParserException$(t1, _null));
33191 _this._results.$indexSet(0, option.name, true);
33192 } else if (value != null)
33193 _this._setOption$3(_this._results, option, value);
33194 else
33195 _this._readNextArgAsValue$1(option);
33196 } else if (B.JSString_methods.startsWith$1($name, "no-")) {
33197 option = t1.findByNameOrAlias$1(B.JSString_methods.substring$1($name, 3));
33198 if (option == null) {
33199 t1 = _this._parser$_parent;
33200 t2 = _s32_ + $name + '".';
33201 if (t1 == null)
33202 A.throwExpression(A.ArgParserException$(t2, _null));
33203 t1._handleLongOption$2($name, value);
33204 return true;
33205 }
33206 _this._args.removeFirst$0();
33207 t1 = option.type;
33208 t2 = 'Cannot negate non-flag option "' + $name + '".';
33209 if (t1 !== B.OptionType_nMZ)
33210 A.throwExpression(A.ArgParserException$(t2, _null));
33211 t1 = option.negatable;
33212 t2 = 'Cannot negate option "' + $name + '".';
33213 if (!t1)
33214 A.throwExpression(A.ArgParserException$(t2, _null));
33215 _this._results.$indexSet(0, option.name, false);
33216 } else {
33217 t1 = _this._parser$_parent;
33218 t2 = _s32_ + $name + '".';
33219 if (t1 == null)
33220 A.throwExpression(A.ArgParserException$(t2, _null));
33221 t1._handleLongOption$2($name, value);
33222 return true;
33223 }
33224 return true;
33225 },
33226 _setOption$3(results, option, value) {
33227 var list, t1, t2, t3, _i, element;
33228 if (option.type !== B.OptionType_qyr) {
33229 this._validateAllowed$2(option, value);
33230 results.$indexSet(0, option.name, value);
33231 return;
33232 }
33233 list = results.putIfAbsent$2(option.name, new A.Parser__setOption_closure());
33234 if (option.splitCommas)
33235 for (t1 = value.split(","), t2 = t1.length, t3 = J.getInterceptor$ax(list), _i = 0; _i < t2; ++_i) {
33236 element = t1[_i];
33237 this._validateAllowed$2(option, element);
33238 t3.add$1(list, element);
33239 }
33240 else {
33241 this._validateAllowed$2(option, value);
33242 J.add$1$ax(list, value);
33243 }
33244 },
33245 _validateAllowed$2(option, value) {
33246 var t2,
33247 t1 = option.allowed;
33248 if (t1 == null)
33249 return;
33250 t1 = B.JSArray_methods.contains$1(t1, value);
33251 t2 = '"' + value + '" is not an allowed value for option "' + option.name + '".';
33252 if (!t1)
33253 A.throwExpression(A.ArgParserException$(t2, null));
33254 }
33255 };
33256 A.Parser_parse_closure.prototype = {
33257 call$2($name, option) {
33258 var parsedOption = this.$this._results.$index(0, $name),
33259 callback = option.callback;
33260 if (callback == null)
33261 return;
33262 callback.call$1(option.valueOrDefault$1(parsedOption));
33263 },
33264 $signature: 575
33265 };
33266 A.Parser__setOption_closure.prototype = {
33267 call$0() {
33268 return A._setArrayType([], type$.JSArray_String);
33269 },
33270 $signature: 48
33271 };
33272 A._Usage.prototype = {
33273 get$_columnWidths() {
33274 var result, _this = this,
33275 value = _this.___Usage__columnWidths;
33276 if (value === $) {
33277 result = _this._calculateColumnWidths$0();
33278 A._lateInitializeOnceCheck(_this.___Usage__columnWidths, "_columnWidths");
33279 _this.___Usage__columnWidths = result;
33280 value = result;
33281 }
33282 return value;
33283 },
33284 generate$0() {
33285 var t1, t2, t3, t4, _i, optionOrSeparator, t5, _this = this;
33286 for (t1 = _this._usage$_optionsAndSeparators, t2 = t1.length, t3 = type$.Option, t4 = _this._buffer, _i = 0; _i < t1.length; t1.length === t2 || (0, A.throwConcurrentModificationError)(t1), ++_i) {
33287 optionOrSeparator = t1[_i];
33288 if (typeof optionOrSeparator == "string") {
33289 t5 = t4._contents;
33290 t4._contents = (t5.length !== 0 ? t4._contents = t5 + "\n\n" : t5) + optionOrSeparator;
33291 _this._newlinesNeeded = 1;
33292 continue;
33293 }
33294 t3._as(optionOrSeparator);
33295 if (optionOrSeparator.hide)
33296 continue;
33297 _this._writeOption$1(optionOrSeparator);
33298 }
33299 t1 = t4._contents;
33300 return t1.charCodeAt(0) == 0 ? t1 : t1;
33301 },
33302 _writeOption$1(option) {
33303 var allowedNames, t2, t3, t4, _i, $name, isDefault, t5, _this = this,
33304 t1 = option.abbr;
33305 _this._write$2(0, t1 == null ? "" : "-" + t1 + ", ");
33306 t1 = _this._longOption$1(option);
33307 _this._write$2(1, t1);
33308 t1 = option.help;
33309 if (t1 != null)
33310 _this._write$2(2, t1);
33311 t1 = option.allowedHelp;
33312 if (t1 != null) {
33313 allowedNames = J.toList$0$ax(t1.get$keys(t1));
33314 B.JSArray_methods.sort$0(allowedNames);
33315 _this._newline$0();
33316 for (t2 = allowedNames.length, t3 = option.defaultsTo, t4 = type$.List_dynamic._is(t3), _i = 0; _i < allowedNames.length; allowedNames.length === t2 || (0, A.throwConcurrentModificationError)(allowedNames), ++_i) {
33317 $name = allowedNames[_i];
33318 isDefault = t4 ? B.JSArray_methods.contains$1(t3, $name) : t3 === $name;
33319 t5 = " [" + $name + "]";
33320 _this._write$2(1, t5 + (isDefault ? " (default)" : ""));
33321 t5 = t1.$index(0, $name);
33322 t5.toString;
33323 _this._write$2(2, t5);
33324 }
33325 _this._newline$0();
33326 } else if (option.allowed != null)
33327 _this._write$2(2, _this._buildAllowedList$1(option));
33328 else {
33329 t1 = option.type;
33330 if (t1 === B.OptionType_nMZ) {
33331 if (option.defaultsTo === true)
33332 _this._write$2(2, "(defaults to on)");
33333 } else if (t1 === B.OptionType_qyr) {
33334 t1 = option.defaultsTo;
33335 if (t1 != null && J.get$isNotEmpty$asx(t1)) {
33336 type$.List_dynamic._as(t1);
33337 _this._write$2(2, "(defaults to " + new A.MappedListIterable(t1, new A._Usage__writeOption_closure(), A._arrayInstanceType(t1)._eval$1("MappedListIterable<1,String>")).join$1(0, ", ") + ")");
33338 }
33339 } else {
33340 t1 = option.defaultsTo;
33341 if (t1 != null)
33342 _this._write$2(2, '(defaults to "' + A.S(t1) + '")');
33343 }
33344 }
33345 },
33346 _longOption$1(option) {
33347 var t1 = option.name,
33348 result = option.negatable ? "--[no-]" + t1 : "--" + t1;
33349 t1 = option.valueHelp;
33350 return t1 != null ? result + ("=<" + t1 + ">") : result;
33351 },
33352 _calculateColumnWidths$0() {
33353 var t1, t2, t3, abbr, title, _i, option, t4, t5, t6, t7, isDefault;
33354 for (t1 = this._usage$_optionsAndSeparators, t2 = t1.length, t3 = type$.List_dynamic, abbr = 0, title = 0, _i = 0; _i < t1.length; t1.length === t2 || (0, A.throwConcurrentModificationError)(t1), ++_i) {
33355 option = t1[_i];
33356 if (!(option instanceof A.Option))
33357 continue;
33358 if (option.hide)
33359 continue;
33360 t4 = option.abbr;
33361 abbr = Math.max(abbr, (t4 == null ? "" : "-" + t4 + ", ").length);
33362 t4 = this._longOption$1(option);
33363 title = Math.max(title, t4.length);
33364 t4 = option.allowedHelp;
33365 if (t4 != null)
33366 for (t4 = J.get$iterator$ax(t4.get$keys(t4)), t5 = option.defaultsTo, t6 = t3._is(t5); t4.moveNext$0();) {
33367 t7 = t4.get$current(t4);
33368 isDefault = t6 ? B.JSArray_methods.contains$1(t5, t7) : t5 === t7;
33369 t7 = " [" + t7 + "]";
33370 title = Math.max(title, (t7 + (isDefault ? " (default)" : "")).length);
33371 }
33372 }
33373 return A._setArrayType([abbr, title + 4], type$.JSArray_int);
33374 },
33375 _newline$0() {
33376 ++this._newlinesNeeded;
33377 this._currentColumn = 0;
33378 },
33379 _write$2(column, text) {
33380 var t1, _i,
33381 lines = A._setArrayType(text.split("\n"), type$.JSArray_String);
33382 this.get$_columnWidths();
33383 while (true) {
33384 if (!(lines.length !== 0 && J.trim$0$s(B.JSArray_methods.get$first(lines)) === ""))
33385 break;
33386 B.JSArray_methods.removeAt$1(lines, 0);
33387 }
33388 while (true) {
33389 if (!(lines.length !== 0 && J.trim$0$s(B.JSArray_methods.get$last(lines)) === ""))
33390 break;
33391 lines.pop();
33392 }
33393 for (t1 = lines.length, _i = 0; _i < lines.length; lines.length === t1 || (0, A.throwConcurrentModificationError)(lines), ++_i)
33394 this._writeLine$2(column, lines[_i]);
33395 },
33396 _writeLine$2(column, text) {
33397 var t1, t2, _this = this;
33398 for (t1 = _this._buffer; t2 = _this._newlinesNeeded, t2 > 0;) {
33399 t1._contents += "\n";
33400 _this._newlinesNeeded = t2 - 1;
33401 }
33402 for (; t2 = _this._currentColumn, t2 !== column;) {
33403 if (t2 < 2)
33404 t1._contents += B.JSString_methods.$mul(" ", _this.get$_columnWidths()[_this._currentColumn]);
33405 else
33406 t1._contents += "\n";
33407 _this._currentColumn = (_this._currentColumn + 1) % 3;
33408 }
33409 _this.get$_columnWidths();
33410 if (column < 2)
33411 t1._contents += B.JSString_methods.padRight$1(text, _this.get$_columnWidths()[column]);
33412 else
33413 t1._contents += text;
33414 _this._currentColumn = (_this._currentColumn + 1) % 3;
33415 if (column === 2)
33416 ++_this._newlinesNeeded;
33417 },
33418 _buildAllowedList$1(option) {
33419 var t2, t3, first, _i, allowed,
33420 t1 = option.defaultsTo,
33421 isDefault = type$.List_dynamic._is(t1) ? B.JSArray_methods.get$contains(t1) : new A._Usage__buildAllowedList_closure(option);
33422 t1 = "" + "[";
33423 for (t2 = option.allowed, t3 = t2.length, first = true, _i = 0; _i < t3; ++_i, first = false) {
33424 allowed = t2[_i];
33425 if (!first)
33426 t1 += ", ";
33427 t1 += A.S(allowed);
33428 if (isDefault.call$1(allowed))
33429 t1 += " (default)";
33430 }
33431 t1 += "]";
33432 return t1.charCodeAt(0) == 0 ? t1 : t1;
33433 }
33434 };
33435 A._Usage__writeOption_closure.prototype = {
33436 call$1(value) {
33437 return '"' + A.S(value) + '"';
33438 },
33439 $signature: 92
33440 };
33441 A._Usage__buildAllowedList_closure.prototype = {
33442 call$1(value) {
33443 return value === this.option.defaultsTo;
33444 },
33445 $signature: 138
33446 };
33447 A.ErrorResult.prototype = {
33448 complete$1(completer) {
33449 completer.completeError$2(this.error, this.stackTrace);
33450 },
33451 get$hashCode(_) {
33452 return (J.get$hashCode$(this.error) ^ A.Primitives_objectHashCode(this.stackTrace) ^ 492929599) >>> 0;
33453 },
33454 $eq(_, other) {
33455 if (other == null)
33456 return false;
33457 return other instanceof A.ErrorResult && J.$eq$(this.error, other.error) && this.stackTrace === other.stackTrace;
33458 },
33459 $isResult: 1
33460 };
33461 A.ValueResult.prototype = {
33462 complete$1(completer) {
33463 completer.complete$1(this.value);
33464 },
33465 get$hashCode(_) {
33466 return (J.get$hashCode$(this.value) ^ 842997089) >>> 0;
33467 },
33468 $eq(_, other) {
33469 if (other == null)
33470 return false;
33471 return other instanceof A.ValueResult && J.$eq$(this.value, other.value);
33472 },
33473 $isResult: 1
33474 };
33475 A.StreamCompleter.prototype = {
33476 setSourceStream$1(sourceStream) {
33477 var t1 = this._stream_completer$_stream;
33478 if (t1._sourceStream != null)
33479 throw A.wrapException(A.StateError$("Source stream already set"));
33480 t1._sourceStream = sourceStream;
33481 if (t1._stream_completer$_controller != null)
33482 t1._linkStreamToController$0();
33483 },
33484 setError$2(error, stackTrace) {
33485 var t1 = this.$ti._precomputed1;
33486 this.setSourceStream$1(A.Stream_Stream$fromFuture(A.Future_Future$error(error, stackTrace, t1), t1));
33487 },
33488 setError$1(error) {
33489 return this.setError$2(error, null);
33490 }
33491 };
33492 A._CompleterStream.prototype = {
33493 listen$4$cancelOnError$onDone$onError(_, onData, cancelOnError, onDone, onError) {
33494 var sourceStream, t1, _this = this, _null = null;
33495 if (_this._stream_completer$_controller == null) {
33496 sourceStream = _this._sourceStream;
33497 if (sourceStream != null && !sourceStream.get$isBroadcast())
33498 return sourceStream.listen$4$cancelOnError$onDone$onError(0, onData, cancelOnError, onDone, onError);
33499 if (_this._stream_completer$_controller == null)
33500 _this._stream_completer$_controller = A.StreamController_StreamController(_null, _null, _null, _null, true, _this.$ti._precomputed1);
33501 if (_this._sourceStream != null)
33502 _this._linkStreamToController$0();
33503 }
33504 t1 = _this._stream_completer$_controller;
33505 t1.toString;
33506 return new A._ControllerStream(t1, A._instanceType(t1)._eval$1("_ControllerStream<1>")).listen$4$cancelOnError$onDone$onError(0, onData, cancelOnError, onDone, onError);
33507 },
33508 listen$1($receiver, onData) {
33509 return this.listen$4$cancelOnError$onDone$onError($receiver, onData, null, null, null);
33510 },
33511 listen$3$onDone$onError($receiver, onData, onDone, onError) {
33512 return this.listen$4$cancelOnError$onDone$onError($receiver, onData, null, onDone, onError);
33513 },
33514 _linkStreamToController$0() {
33515 var t2,
33516 t1 = this._stream_completer$_controller;
33517 t1.toString;
33518 t2 = this._sourceStream;
33519 t2.toString;
33520 t1.addStream$2$cancelOnError(t2, false).whenComplete$1(t1.get$close(t1));
33521 }
33522 };
33523 A.StreamGroup.prototype = {
33524 add$1(_, stream) {
33525 var t1, _this = this;
33526 if (_this._closed)
33527 throw A.wrapException(A.StateError$("Can't add a Stream to a closed StreamGroup."));
33528 t1 = _this._stream_group$_state;
33529 if (t1 === B._StreamGroupState_dormant)
33530 _this._subscriptions.putIfAbsent$2(stream, new A.StreamGroup_add_closure());
33531 else if (t1 === B._StreamGroupState_canceled)
33532 return stream.listen$1(0, null).cancel$0();
33533 else
33534 _this._subscriptions.putIfAbsent$2(stream, new A.StreamGroup_add_closure0(_this, stream));
33535 return null;
33536 },
33537 remove$1(_, stream) {
33538 var t1 = this._subscriptions,
33539 subscription = t1.remove$1(0, stream),
33540 future = subscription == null ? null : subscription.cancel$0();
33541 if (t1.get$isEmpty(t1))
33542 if (this._closed) {
33543 t1 = A._lateReadCheck(this.__StreamGroup__controller, "_controller");
33544 A.scheduleMicrotask(t1.get$close(t1));
33545 }
33546 return future;
33547 },
33548 _onListen$0() {
33549 var stream, t1, t2, t3, _i, entry, exception, onError, _this = this;
33550 _this._stream_group$_state = B._StreamGroupState_listening;
33551 for (t1 = _this._subscriptions, t2 = A.List_List$of(t1.get$entries(t1), true, _this.$ti._eval$1("MapEntry<Stream<1>,StreamSubscription<1>?>")), t3 = t2.length, _i = 0; _i < t3; ++_i) {
33552 entry = t2[_i];
33553 if (entry.value != null)
33554 continue;
33555 stream = entry.key;
33556 try {
33557 t1.$indexSet(0, stream, _this._listenToStream$1(stream));
33558 } catch (exception) {
33559 t1 = _this._onCancel$0();
33560 if (t1 != null) {
33561 onError = new A.StreamGroup__onListen_closure();
33562 t2 = t1.$ti;
33563 t3 = $.Zone__current;
33564 if (t3 !== B.C__RootZone)
33565 onError = A._registerErrorHandler(onError, t3);
33566 t1._addListener$1(new A._FutureListener(new A._Future(t3, t2), 2, null, onError, t2._eval$1("@<1>")._bind$1(t2._precomputed1)._eval$1("_FutureListener<1,2>")));
33567 }
33568 throw exception;
33569 }
33570 }
33571 },
33572 _onPause$0() {
33573 this._stream_group$_state = B._StreamGroupState_paused;
33574 for (var t1 = this._subscriptions, t1 = t1.get$values(t1), t1 = t1.get$iterator(t1); t1.moveNext$0();)
33575 t1.get$current(t1).pause$0(0);
33576 },
33577 _onResume$0() {
33578 this._stream_group$_state = B._StreamGroupState_listening;
33579 for (var t1 = this._subscriptions, t1 = t1.get$values(t1), t1 = t1.get$iterator(t1); t1.moveNext$0();)
33580 t1.get$current(t1).resume$0(0);
33581 },
33582 _onCancel$0() {
33583 var t1, t2, futures;
33584 this._stream_group$_state = B._StreamGroupState_canceled;
33585 t1 = this._subscriptions;
33586 t2 = A.IterableNullableExtension_whereNotNull(t1.get$entries(t1).map$1$1(0, new A.StreamGroup__onCancel_closure(this), type$.nullable_Future_void), type$.Future_void);
33587 futures = A.List_List$of(t2, true, t2.$ti._eval$1("Iterable.E"));
33588 t1.clear$0(0);
33589 return futures.length === 0 ? null : A.Future_wait(futures, type$.void);
33590 },
33591 _listenToStream$1(stream) {
33592 var _this = this,
33593 _s11_ = "_controller",
33594 t1 = A._lateReadCheck(_this.__StreamGroup__controller, _s11_),
33595 subscription = stream.listen$3$onDone$onError(0, t1.get$add(t1), new A.StreamGroup__listenToStream_closure(_this, stream), A._lateReadCheck(_this.__StreamGroup__controller, _s11_).get$addError());
33596 if (_this._stream_group$_state === B._StreamGroupState_paused)
33597 subscription.pause$0(0);
33598 return subscription;
33599 }
33600 };
33601 A.StreamGroup_add_closure.prototype = {
33602 call$0() {
33603 return null;
33604 },
33605 $signature: 1
33606 };
33607 A.StreamGroup_add_closure0.prototype = {
33608 call$0() {
33609 return this.$this._listenToStream$1(this.stream);
33610 },
33611 $signature() {
33612 return this.$this.$ti._eval$1("StreamSubscription<1>()");
33613 }
33614 };
33615 A.StreamGroup__onListen_closure.prototype = {
33616 call$1(_) {
33617 },
33618 $signature: 65
33619 };
33620 A.StreamGroup__onCancel_closure.prototype = {
33621 call$1(entry) {
33622 var t1, exception,
33623 subscription = entry.value;
33624 try {
33625 if (subscription != null) {
33626 t1 = subscription.cancel$0();
33627 return t1;
33628 }
33629 t1 = J.listen$1$z(entry.key, null).cancel$0();
33630 return t1;
33631 } catch (exception) {
33632 return null;
33633 }
33634 },
33635 $signature() {
33636 return this.$this.$ti._eval$1("Future<~>?(MapEntry<Stream<1>,StreamSubscription<1>?>)");
33637 }
33638 };
33639 A.StreamGroup__listenToStream_closure.prototype = {
33640 call$0() {
33641 return this.$this.remove$1(0, this.stream);
33642 },
33643 $signature: 0
33644 };
33645 A._StreamGroupState.prototype = {
33646 toString$0(_) {
33647 return this.name;
33648 }
33649 };
33650 A.StreamQueue.prototype = {
33651 _updateRequests$0() {
33652 var t1, t2, t3, _this = this;
33653 for (t1 = _this._requestQueue, t2 = _this._eventQueue; !t1.get$isEmpty(t1);) {
33654 t3 = t1._collection$_head;
33655 if (t3 === t1._collection$_tail)
33656 A.throwExpression(A.IterableElementError_noElement());
33657 if (t1.$ti._precomputed1._as(t1._collection$_table[t3]).update$2(t2, _this._isDone))
33658 t1.removeFirst$0();
33659 else
33660 return;
33661 }
33662 if (!_this._isDone)
33663 _this._stream_queue$_subscription.pause$0(0);
33664 },
33665 _ensureListening$0() {
33666 var t1, _this = this;
33667 if (_this._isDone)
33668 return;
33669 t1 = _this._stream_queue$_subscription;
33670 if (t1 == null)
33671 _this._stream_queue$_subscription = _this._stream_queue$_source.listen$3$onDone$onError(0, new A.StreamQueue__ensureListening_closure(_this), new A.StreamQueue__ensureListening_closure0(_this), new A.StreamQueue__ensureListening_closure1(_this));
33672 else
33673 t1.resume$0(0);
33674 },
33675 _addResult$1(result) {
33676 ++this._eventsReceived;
33677 this._eventQueue._queue_list$_add$1(result);
33678 this._updateRequests$0();
33679 },
33680 _addRequest$1(request) {
33681 var _this = this,
33682 t1 = _this._requestQueue;
33683 if (t1._collection$_head === t1._collection$_tail) {
33684 if (request.update$2(_this._eventQueue, _this._isDone))
33685 return;
33686 _this._ensureListening$0();
33687 }
33688 t1._add$1(request);
33689 }
33690 };
33691 A.StreamQueue__ensureListening_closure.prototype = {
33692 call$1(data) {
33693 var t1 = this.$this;
33694 t1._addResult$1(new A.ValueResult(data, t1.$ti._eval$1("ValueResult<1>")));
33695 },
33696 $signature() {
33697 return this.$this.$ti._eval$1("~(1)");
33698 }
33699 };
33700 A.StreamQueue__ensureListening_closure1.prototype = {
33701 call$2(error, stackTrace) {
33702 this.$this._addResult$1(new A.ErrorResult(error, stackTrace));
33703 },
33704 $signature: 68
33705 };
33706 A.StreamQueue__ensureListening_closure0.prototype = {
33707 call$0() {
33708 var t1 = this.$this;
33709 t1._stream_queue$_subscription = null;
33710 t1._isDone = true;
33711 t1._updateRequests$0();
33712 },
33713 $signature: 0
33714 };
33715 A._NextRequest.prototype = {
33716 update$2(events, isDone) {
33717 if (!events.get$isEmpty(events)) {
33718 events.removeFirst$0().complete$1(this._completer);
33719 return true;
33720 }
33721 if (isDone) {
33722 this._completer.completeError$2(new A.StateError("No elements"), A.StackTrace_current());
33723 return true;
33724 }
33725 return false;
33726 },
33727 $is_EventRequest: 1
33728 };
33729 A.Repl.prototype = {};
33730 A.alwaysValid_closure.prototype = {
33731 call$1(text) {
33732 return true;
33733 },
33734 $signature: 6
33735 };
33736 A.ReplAdapter.prototype = {
33737 runAsync$0() {
33738 var rl, runController, _this = this, t1 = {},
33739 t2 = J.get$isTTY$x(self.process.stdin),
33740 output = (t2 == null ? false : t2) ? self.process.stdout : null;
33741 t2 = _this.repl.prompt;
33742 rl = J.createInterface$1$x($.$get$readline(), {input: self.process.stdin, output: output, prompt: t2});
33743 _this.rl = rl;
33744 t1.statement = "";
33745 t1.prompt = t2;
33746 runController = A._Cell$();
33747 runController._value = A.StreamController_StreamController(_this.get$exit(_this), new A.ReplAdapter_runAsync_closure(t1, _this, rl, runController), null, null, false, type$.String);
33748 return runController._readLocal$0().get$stream();
33749 },
33750 exit$0(_) {
33751 var t1 = this.rl;
33752 if (t1 != null)
33753 J.close$0$x(t1);
33754 this.rl = null;
33755 }
33756 };
33757 A.ReplAdapter_runAsync_closure.prototype = {
33758 call$0() {
33759 var $async$goto = 0,
33760 $async$completer = A._makeAsyncAwaitCompleter(type$.void),
33761 $async$handler = 1, $async$currentError, $async$next = [], $async$self = this, lineController, lineQueue, line, error, stackTrace, t1, t2, t3, t4, $prompt, prompt0, t5, t6, t7, t8, t9, line0, toZone, statement, exception, $async$exception;
33762 var $async$call$0 = A._wrapJsFunctionForAsync(function($async$errorCode, $async$result) {
33763 if ($async$errorCode === 1) {
33764 $async$currentError = $async$result;
33765 $async$goto = $async$handler;
33766 }
33767 while (true)
33768 switch ($async$goto) {
33769 case 0:
33770 // Function start
33771 $async$handler = 3;
33772 lineController = A.StreamController_StreamController(null, null, null, null, false, type$.String);
33773 t1 = lineController;
33774 t2 = A.QueueList$(null, type$.Result_String);
33775 t3 = A.ListQueue$(type$._EventRequest_dynamic);
33776 lineQueue = new A.StreamQueue(new A._ControllerStream(t1, A.instanceType(t1)._eval$1("_ControllerStream<1>")), t2, t3, type$.StreamQueue_String);
33777 t1 = $async$self.rl;
33778 t2 = J.getInterceptor$x(t1);
33779 t2.on$2(t1, "line", A.allowInterop(new A.ReplAdapter_runAsync__closure(lineController)));
33780 t3 = $async$self._box_0, t4 = $async$self.$this.repl, $prompt = t4.continuation, prompt0 = t4.prompt, t5 = $async$self.runController, t6 = t5.__late_helper$_name;
33781 case 6:
33782 // for condition
33783 // trivial condition
33784 t7 = J.get$isTTY$x(self.process.stdin);
33785 if (t7 == null ? false : t7)
33786 J.write$1$x(self.process.stdout, t3.prompt);
33787 t7 = lineQueue;
33788 t8 = A.instanceType(t7);
33789 t9 = new A._Future($.Zone__current, t8._eval$1("_Future<1>"));
33790 t7._addRequest$1(new A._NextRequest(new A._AsyncCompleter(t9, t8._eval$1("_AsyncCompleter<1>")), t8._eval$1("_NextRequest<1>")));
33791 $async$goto = 8;
33792 return A._asyncAwait(t9, $async$call$0);
33793 case 8:
33794 // returning from await.
33795 line = $async$result;
33796 t7 = J.get$isTTY$x(self.process.stdin);
33797 if (!(t7 == null ? false : t7)) {
33798 line0 = t3.prompt + A.S(line);
33799 toZone = $.printToZone;
33800 if (toZone == null)
33801 A.printString(line0);
33802 else
33803 toZone.call$1(line0);
33804 }
33805 statement = B.JSString_methods.$add(t3.statement, line);
33806 t3.statement = statement;
33807 if (t4.validator.call$1(statement)) {
33808 t7 = t5._value;
33809 if (t7 === t5)
33810 A.throwExpression(A.LateError$localNI(t6));
33811 J.add$1$ax(t7, t3.statement);
33812 t3.statement = "";
33813 t3.prompt = prompt0;
33814 t2.setPrompt$1(t1, prompt0);
33815 } else {
33816 t3.statement += "\n";
33817 t3.prompt = $prompt;
33818 t2.setPrompt$1(t1, $prompt);
33819 }
33820 // goto for condition
33821 $async$goto = 6;
33822 break;
33823 case 7:
33824 // after for
33825 $async$handler = 1;
33826 // goto after finally
33827 $async$goto = 5;
33828 break;
33829 case 3:
33830 // catch
33831 $async$handler = 2;
33832 $async$exception = $async$currentError;
33833 error = A.unwrapException($async$exception);
33834 stackTrace = A.getTraceFromException($async$exception);
33835 t1 = $async$self.runController;
33836 t1._readLocal$0().addError$2(error, stackTrace);
33837 $async$goto = 9;
33838 return A._asyncAwait($async$self.$this.exit$0(0), $async$call$0);
33839 case 9:
33840 // returning from await.
33841 J.close$0$x(t1._readLocal$0());
33842 // goto after finally
33843 $async$goto = 5;
33844 break;
33845 case 2:
33846 // uncaught
33847 // goto rethrow
33848 $async$goto = 1;
33849 break;
33850 case 5:
33851 // after finally
33852 // implicit return
33853 return A._asyncReturn(null, $async$completer);
33854 case 1:
33855 // rethrow
33856 return A._asyncRethrow($async$currentError, $async$completer);
33857 }
33858 });
33859 return A._asyncStartSync($async$call$0, $async$completer);
33860 },
33861 $signature: 37
33862 };
33863 A.ReplAdapter_runAsync__closure.prototype = {
33864 call$1(value) {
33865 return this.lineController.add$1(0, A._asString(value));
33866 },
33867 $signature: 123
33868 };
33869 A.Stdin.prototype = {};
33870 A.Stdout.prototype = {};
33871 A.ReadlineModule.prototype = {};
33872 A.ReadlineOptions.prototype = {};
33873 A.ReadlineInterface.prototype = {};
33874 A.EmptyUnmodifiableSet.prototype = {
33875 get$iterator(_) {
33876 return B.C_EmptyIterator;
33877 },
33878 get$length(_) {
33879 return 0;
33880 },
33881 contains$1(_, element) {
33882 return false;
33883 },
33884 toSet$0(_) {
33885 return A.LinkedHashSet_LinkedHashSet$_empty(this.$ti._precomputed1);
33886 },
33887 $isEfficientLengthIterable: 1,
33888 $isSet: 1
33889 };
33890 A._EmptyUnmodifiableSet_IterableBase_UnmodifiableSetMixin.prototype = {};
33891 A.DefaultEquality.prototype = {};
33892 A.IterableEquality.prototype = {
33893 equals$2(_, elements1, elements2) {
33894 var it1, it2, hasNext;
33895 if (elements1 === elements2)
33896 return true;
33897 it1 = J.get$iterator$ax(elements1);
33898 it2 = J.get$iterator$ax(elements2);
33899 for (; true;) {
33900 hasNext = it1.moveNext$0();
33901 if (hasNext !== it2.moveNext$0())
33902 return false;
33903 if (!hasNext)
33904 return true;
33905 if (!J.$eq$(it1.get$current(it1), it2.get$current(it2)))
33906 return false;
33907 }
33908 }
33909 };
33910 A.ListEquality.prototype = {
33911 equals$2(_, list1, list2) {
33912 var t1, $length, t2, i;
33913 if (list1 == null ? list2 == null : list1 === list2)
33914 return true;
33915 if (list1 == null || list2 == null)
33916 return false;
33917 t1 = J.getInterceptor$asx(list1);
33918 $length = t1.get$length(list1);
33919 t2 = J.getInterceptor$asx(list2);
33920 if ($length !== t2.get$length(list2))
33921 return false;
33922 for (i = 0; i < $length; ++i)
33923 if (!J.$eq$(t1.$index(list1, i), t2.$index(list2, i)))
33924 return false;
33925 return true;
33926 },
33927 hash$1(list) {
33928 var hash, i;
33929 for (hash = 0, i = 0; i < list.length; ++i) {
33930 hash = hash + J.get$hashCode$(list[i]) & 2147483647;
33931 hash = hash + (hash << 10 >>> 0) & 2147483647;
33932 hash ^= hash >>> 6;
33933 }
33934 hash = hash + (hash << 3 >>> 0) & 2147483647;
33935 hash ^= hash >>> 11;
33936 return hash + (hash << 15 >>> 0) & 2147483647;
33937 }
33938 };
33939 A._MapEntry.prototype = {
33940 get$hashCode(_) {
33941 return 3 * J.get$hashCode$(this.key) + 7 * J.get$hashCode$(this.value) & 2147483647;
33942 },
33943 $eq(_, other) {
33944 if (other == null)
33945 return false;
33946 return other instanceof A._MapEntry && J.$eq$(this.key, other.key) && J.$eq$(this.value, other.value);
33947 }
33948 };
33949 A.MapEquality.prototype = {
33950 equals$2(_, map1, map2) {
33951 var equalElementCounts, t1, key, entry, count;
33952 if (map1 === map2)
33953 return true;
33954 if (map1.get$length(map1) !== map2.get$length(map2))
33955 return false;
33956 equalElementCounts = A.HashMap_HashMap(type$._MapEntry, type$.int);
33957 for (t1 = J.get$iterator$ax(map1.get$keys(map1)); t1.moveNext$0();) {
33958 key = t1.get$current(t1);
33959 entry = new A._MapEntry(this, key, map1.$index(0, key));
33960 count = equalElementCounts.$index(0, entry);
33961 equalElementCounts.$indexSet(0, entry, (count == null ? 0 : count) + 1);
33962 }
33963 for (t1 = J.get$iterator$ax(map2.get$keys(map2)); t1.moveNext$0();) {
33964 key = t1.get$current(t1);
33965 entry = new A._MapEntry(this, key, map2.$index(0, key));
33966 count = equalElementCounts.$index(0, entry);
33967 if (count == null || count === 0)
33968 return false;
33969 equalElementCounts.$indexSet(0, entry, count - 1);
33970 }
33971 return true;
33972 },
33973 hash$1(map) {
33974 var t1, t2, hash, key;
33975 for (t1 = J.get$iterator$ax(map.get$keys(map)), t2 = A._instanceType(this)._rest[1], hash = 0; t1.moveNext$0();) {
33976 key = t1.get$current(t1);
33977 hash = hash + 3 * J.get$hashCode$(key) + 7 * J.get$hashCode$(t2._as(map.$index(0, key))) & 2147483647;
33978 }
33979 hash = hash + (hash << 3 >>> 0) & 2147483647;
33980 hash ^= hash >>> 11;
33981 return hash + (hash << 15 >>> 0) & 2147483647;
33982 }
33983 };
33984 A.QueueList.prototype = {
33985 add$1(_, element) {
33986 this._queue_list$_add$1(element);
33987 },
33988 addAll$1(_, iterable) {
33989 var addCount, $length, t1, endSpace, t2, preSpace, _this = this;
33990 if (type$.List_dynamic._is(iterable)) {
33991 addCount = J.get$length$asx(iterable);
33992 $length = _this.get$length(_this);
33993 t1 = $length + addCount;
33994 if (t1 >= J.get$length$asx(_this._table)) {
33995 _this._preGrow$1(t1);
33996 J.setRange$4$ax(_this._table, $length, t1, iterable, 0);
33997 _this.set$_tail(_this.get$_tail() + addCount);
33998 } else {
33999 endSpace = J.get$length$asx(_this._table) - _this.get$_tail();
34000 t1 = _this._table;
34001 t2 = J.getInterceptor$ax(t1);
34002 if (addCount < endSpace) {
34003 t2.setRange$4(t1, _this.get$_tail(), _this.get$_tail() + addCount, iterable, 0);
34004 _this.set$_tail(_this.get$_tail() + addCount);
34005 } else {
34006 preSpace = addCount - endSpace;
34007 t2.setRange$4(t1, _this.get$_tail(), _this.get$_tail() + endSpace, iterable, 0);
34008 J.setRange$4$ax(_this._table, 0, preSpace, iterable, endSpace);
34009 _this.set$_tail(preSpace);
34010 }
34011 }
34012 } else
34013 for (t1 = J.get$iterator$ax(iterable); t1.moveNext$0();)
34014 _this._queue_list$_add$1(t1.get$current(t1));
34015 },
34016 cast$1$0(_, $T) {
34017 return new A._CastQueueList(this, J.cast$1$0$ax(this._table, $T), -1, -1, A._instanceType(this)._eval$1("@<QueueList.E>")._bind$1($T)._eval$1("_CastQueueList<1,2>"));
34018 },
34019 toString$0(_) {
34020 return A.IterableBase_iterableToFullString(this, "{", "}");
34021 },
34022 addFirst$1(element) {
34023 var _this = this;
34024 _this.set$_head((_this.get$_head() - 1 & J.get$length$asx(_this._table) - 1) >>> 0);
34025 J.$indexSet$ax(_this._table, _this.get$_head(), element);
34026 if (_this.get$_head() === _this.get$_tail())
34027 _this._grow$0();
34028 },
34029 removeFirst$0() {
34030 var result, _this = this;
34031 if (_this.get$_head() === _this.get$_tail())
34032 throw A.wrapException(A.StateError$("No element"));
34033 result = A._instanceType(_this)._eval$1("QueueList.E")._as(J.$index$asx(_this._table, _this.get$_head()));
34034 J.$indexSet$ax(_this._table, _this.get$_head(), null);
34035 _this.set$_head((_this.get$_head() + 1 & J.get$length$asx(_this._table) - 1) >>> 0);
34036 return result;
34037 },
34038 get$length(_) {
34039 return (this.get$_tail() - this.get$_head() & J.get$length$asx(this._table) - 1) >>> 0;
34040 },
34041 set$length(_, value) {
34042 var delta, newTail, t1, t2, _this = this;
34043 if (value < 0)
34044 throw A.wrapException(A.RangeError$("Length " + value + " may not be negative."));
34045 if (value > _this.get$length(_this) && !A._instanceType(_this)._eval$1("QueueList.E")._is(null))
34046 throw A.wrapException(A.UnsupportedError$("The length can only be increased when the element type is nullable, but the current element type is `" + A.createRuntimeType(A._instanceType(_this)._eval$1("QueueList.E")).toString$0(0) + "`."));
34047 delta = value - _this.get$length(_this);
34048 if (delta >= 0) {
34049 if (J.get$length$asx(_this._table) <= value)
34050 _this._preGrow$1(value);
34051 _this.set$_tail((_this.get$_tail() + delta & J.get$length$asx(_this._table) - 1) >>> 0);
34052 return;
34053 }
34054 newTail = _this.get$_tail() + delta;
34055 t1 = _this._table;
34056 if (newTail >= 0)
34057 J.fillRange$3$ax(t1, newTail, _this.get$_tail(), null);
34058 else {
34059 newTail += J.get$length$asx(t1);
34060 J.fillRange$3$ax(_this._table, 0, _this.get$_tail(), null);
34061 t1 = _this._table;
34062 t2 = J.getInterceptor$asx(t1);
34063 t2.fillRange$3(t1, newTail, t2.get$length(t1), null);
34064 }
34065 _this.set$_tail(newTail);
34066 },
34067 $index(_, index) {
34068 var _this = this;
34069 if (index < 0 || index >= _this.get$length(_this))
34070 throw A.wrapException(A.RangeError$("Index " + index + " must be in the range [0.." + _this.get$length(_this) + ")."));
34071 return A._instanceType(_this)._eval$1("QueueList.E")._as(J.$index$asx(_this._table, (_this.get$_head() + index & J.get$length$asx(_this._table) - 1) >>> 0));
34072 },
34073 $indexSet(_, index, value) {
34074 var _this = this;
34075 if (index < 0 || index >= _this.get$length(_this))
34076 throw A.wrapException(A.RangeError$("Index " + index + " must be in the range [0.." + _this.get$length(_this) + ")."));
34077 J.$indexSet$ax(_this._table, (_this.get$_head() + index & J.get$length$asx(_this._table) - 1) >>> 0, value);
34078 },
34079 _queue_list$_add$1(element) {
34080 var _this = this;
34081 J.$indexSet$ax(_this._table, _this.get$_tail(), element);
34082 _this.set$_tail((_this.get$_tail() + 1 & J.get$length$asx(_this._table) - 1) >>> 0);
34083 if (_this.get$_head() === _this.get$_tail())
34084 _this._grow$0();
34085 },
34086 _grow$0() {
34087 var _this = this,
34088 newTable = A.List_List$filled(J.get$length$asx(_this._table) * 2, null, false, A._instanceType(_this)._eval$1("QueueList.E?")),
34089 split = J.get$length$asx(_this._table) - _this.get$_head();
34090 B.JSArray_methods.setRange$4(newTable, 0, split, _this._table, _this.get$_head());
34091 B.JSArray_methods.setRange$4(newTable, split, split + _this.get$_head(), _this._table, 0);
34092 _this.set$_head(0);
34093 _this.set$_tail(J.get$length$asx(_this._table));
34094 _this._table = newTable;
34095 },
34096 _writeToList$1(target) {
34097 var $length, firstPartSize, _this = this;
34098 if (_this.get$_head() <= _this.get$_tail()) {
34099 $length = _this.get$_tail() - _this.get$_head();
34100 B.JSArray_methods.setRange$4(target, 0, $length, _this._table, _this.get$_head());
34101 return $length;
34102 } else {
34103 firstPartSize = J.get$length$asx(_this._table) - _this.get$_head();
34104 B.JSArray_methods.setRange$4(target, 0, firstPartSize, _this._table, _this.get$_head());
34105 B.JSArray_methods.setRange$4(target, firstPartSize, firstPartSize + _this.get$_tail(), _this._table, 0);
34106 return _this.get$_tail() + firstPartSize;
34107 }
34108 },
34109 _preGrow$1(newElementCount) {
34110 var _this = this,
34111 newTable = A.List_List$filled(A.QueueList__nextPowerOf2(newElementCount + B.JSInt_methods._shrOtherPositive$1(newElementCount, 1)), null, false, A._instanceType(_this)._eval$1("QueueList.E?"));
34112 _this.set$_tail(_this._writeToList$1(newTable));
34113 _this._table = newTable;
34114 _this.set$_head(0);
34115 },
34116 $isEfficientLengthIterable: 1,
34117 $isQueue: 1,
34118 $isIterable: 1,
34119 $isList: 1,
34120 get$_head() {
34121 return this._head;
34122 },
34123 get$_tail() {
34124 return this._tail;
34125 },
34126 set$_head(val) {
34127 return this._head = val;
34128 },
34129 set$_tail(val) {
34130 return this._tail = val;
34131 }
34132 };
34133 A._CastQueueList.prototype = {
34134 get$_head() {
34135 return this._queue_list$_delegate.get$_head();
34136 },
34137 set$_head(value) {
34138 this._queue_list$_delegate.set$_head(value);
34139 },
34140 get$_tail() {
34141 return this._queue_list$_delegate.get$_tail();
34142 },
34143 set$_tail(value) {
34144 this._queue_list$_delegate.set$_tail(value);
34145 }
34146 };
34147 A._QueueList_Object_ListMixin.prototype = {};
34148 A.UnmodifiableSetView.prototype = {};
34149 A.UnmodifiableSetMixin.prototype = {
34150 add$1(_, value) {
34151 return A.UnmodifiableSetMixin__throw();
34152 },
34153 addAll$1(_, elements) {
34154 return A.UnmodifiableSetMixin__throw();
34155 }
34156 };
34157 A._UnmodifiableSetView_DelegatingSet_UnmodifiableSetMixin.prototype = {};
34158 A._DelegatingIterableBase.prototype = {
34159 contains$1(_, element) {
34160 return J.contains$1$asx(this.get$_base(), element);
34161 },
34162 elementAt$1(_, index) {
34163 return J.elementAt$1$ax(this.get$_base(), index);
34164 },
34165 get$first(_) {
34166 return J.get$first$ax(this.get$_base());
34167 },
34168 get$isEmpty(_) {
34169 return J.get$isEmpty$asx(this.get$_base());
34170 },
34171 get$isNotEmpty(_) {
34172 return J.get$isNotEmpty$asx(this.get$_base());
34173 },
34174 get$iterator(_) {
34175 return J.get$iterator$ax(this.get$_base());
34176 },
34177 join$1(_, separator) {
34178 return J.join$1$ax(this.get$_base(), separator);
34179 },
34180 join$0($receiver) {
34181 return this.join$1($receiver, "");
34182 },
34183 get$last(_) {
34184 return J.get$last$ax(this.get$_base());
34185 },
34186 get$length(_) {
34187 return J.get$length$asx(this.get$_base());
34188 },
34189 map$1$1(_, f, $T) {
34190 return J.map$1$1$ax(this.get$_base(), f, $T);
34191 },
34192 get$single(_) {
34193 return J.get$single$ax(this.get$_base());
34194 },
34195 skip$1(_, n) {
34196 return J.skip$1$ax(this.get$_base(), n);
34197 },
34198 take$1(_, n) {
34199 return J.take$1$ax(this.get$_base(), n);
34200 },
34201 toList$1$growable(_, growable) {
34202 return J.toList$1$growable$ax(this.get$_base(), true);
34203 },
34204 toList$0($receiver) {
34205 return this.toList$1$growable($receiver, true);
34206 },
34207 toSet$0(_) {
34208 return J.toSet$0$ax(this.get$_base());
34209 },
34210 where$1(_, test) {
34211 return J.where$1$ax(this.get$_base(), test);
34212 },
34213 toString$0(_) {
34214 return J.toString$0$(this.get$_base());
34215 },
34216 $isIterable: 1
34217 };
34218 A.DelegatingSet.prototype = {
34219 add$1(_, value) {
34220 return this._base.add$1(0, value);
34221 },
34222 addAll$1(_, elements) {
34223 this._base.addAll$1(0, elements);
34224 },
34225 toSet$0(_) {
34226 return new A.DelegatingSet(this._base.toSet$0(0), A._instanceType(this)._eval$1("DelegatingSet<1>"));
34227 },
34228 $isEfficientLengthIterable: 1,
34229 $isSet: 1,
34230 get$_base() {
34231 return this._base;
34232 }
34233 };
34234 A.MapKeySet.prototype = {
34235 get$_base() {
34236 var t1 = this._baseMap;
34237 return t1.get$keys(t1);
34238 },
34239 contains$1(_, element) {
34240 return this._baseMap.containsKey$1(element);
34241 },
34242 get$isEmpty(_) {
34243 var t1 = this._baseMap;
34244 return t1.get$isEmpty(t1);
34245 },
34246 get$isNotEmpty(_) {
34247 var t1 = this._baseMap;
34248 return t1.get$isNotEmpty(t1);
34249 },
34250 get$length(_) {
34251 var t1 = this._baseMap;
34252 return t1.get$length(t1);
34253 },
34254 toString$0(_) {
34255 return A.IterableBase_iterableToFullString(this, "{", "}");
34256 },
34257 difference$1(other) {
34258 return J.where$1$ax(this.get$_base(), new A.MapKeySet_difference_closure(this, other)).toSet$0(0);
34259 },
34260 $isEfficientLengthIterable: 1,
34261 $isSet: 1
34262 };
34263 A.MapKeySet_difference_closure.prototype = {
34264 call$1(element) {
34265 return !this.other._source.contains$1(0, element);
34266 },
34267 $signature() {
34268 return this.$this.$ti._eval$1("bool(1)");
34269 }
34270 };
34271 A._MapKeySet__DelegatingIterableBase_UnmodifiableSetMixin.prototype = {};
34272 A.BufferModule.prototype = {};
34273 A.BufferConstants.prototype = {};
34274 A.Buffer.prototype = {};
34275 A.ConsoleModule.prototype = {};
34276 A.Console.prototype = {};
34277 A.EventEmitter.prototype = {};
34278 A.FS.prototype = {};
34279 A.FSConstants.prototype = {};
34280 A.FSWatcher.prototype = {};
34281 A.ReadStream.prototype = {};
34282 A.ReadStreamOptions.prototype = {};
34283 A.WriteStream.prototype = {};
34284 A.WriteStreamOptions.prototype = {};
34285 A.FileOptions.prototype = {};
34286 A.StatOptions.prototype = {};
34287 A.MkdirOptions.prototype = {};
34288 A.RmdirOptions.prototype = {};
34289 A.WatchOptions.prototype = {};
34290 A.WatchFileOptions.prototype = {};
34291 A.Stats.prototype = {};
34292 A.Promise.prototype = {};
34293 A.Date.prototype = {};
34294 A.JsError.prototype = {};
34295 A.Atomics.prototype = {};
34296 A.Modules.prototype = {};
34297 A.Module1.prototype = {};
34298 A.Net.prototype = {};
34299 A.Socket.prototype = {};
34300 A.NetAddress.prototype = {};
34301 A.NetServer.prototype = {};
34302 A.NodeJsError.prototype = {};
34303 A.JsAssertionError.prototype = {};
34304 A.JsRangeError.prototype = {};
34305 A.JsReferenceError.prototype = {};
34306 A.JsSyntaxError.prototype = {};
34307 A.JsTypeError.prototype = {};
34308 A.JsSystemError.prototype = {};
34309 A.Process.prototype = {};
34310 A.CPUUsage.prototype = {};
34311 A.Release.prototype = {};
34312 A.StreamModule.prototype = {};
34313 A.Readable.prototype = {};
34314 A.Writable.prototype = {};
34315 A.Duplex.prototype = {};
34316 A.Transform.prototype = {};
34317 A.WritableOptions.prototype = {};
34318 A.ReadableOptions.prototype = {};
34319 A.Immediate.prototype = {};
34320 A.Timeout.prototype = {};
34321 A.TTY.prototype = {};
34322 A.TTYReadStream.prototype = {};
34323 A.TTYWriteStream.prototype = {};
34324 A.Util.prototype = {};
34325 A.promiseToFuture_closure.prototype = {
34326 call$1(value) {
34327 this.completer.complete$1(value);
34328 },
34329 $signature: 65
34330 };
34331 A.promiseToFuture_closure0.prototype = {
34332 call$1(error) {
34333 this.completer.completeError$1(error);
34334 },
34335 $signature: 65
34336 };
34337 A.futureToPromise_closure.prototype = {
34338 call$2(resolve, reject) {
34339 this.future.then$1$2$onError(0, new A.futureToPromise__closure(resolve, this.T), reject, type$.dynamic);
34340 },
34341 $signature: 303
34342 };
34343 A.futureToPromise__closure.prototype = {
34344 call$1(result) {
34345 return this.resolve.call$1(result);
34346 },
34347 $signature() {
34348 return this.T._eval$1("@(0)");
34349 }
34350 };
34351 A.Context.prototype = {
34352 absolute$7(part1, part2, part3, part4, part5, part6, part7) {
34353 var t1;
34354 A._validateArgList("absolute", A._setArrayType([part1, part2, part3, part4, part5, part6, part7], type$.JSArray_nullable_String));
34355 if (part2 == null) {
34356 t1 = this.style;
34357 t1 = t1.rootLength$1(part1) > 0 && !t1.isRootRelative$1(part1);
34358 } else
34359 t1 = false;
34360 if (t1)
34361 return part1;
34362 t1 = this._context$_current;
34363 return this.join$8(0, t1 == null ? A.current() : t1, part1, part2, part3, part4, part5, part6, part7);
34364 },
34365 absolute$1(part1) {
34366 return this.absolute$7(part1, null, null, null, null, null, null);
34367 },
34368 dirname$1(path) {
34369 var t1, t2,
34370 parsed = A.ParsedPath_ParsedPath$parse(path, this.style);
34371 parsed.removeTrailingSeparators$0();
34372 t1 = parsed.parts;
34373 t2 = t1.length;
34374 if (t2 === 0) {
34375 t1 = parsed.root;
34376 return t1 == null ? "." : t1;
34377 }
34378 if (t2 === 1) {
34379 t1 = parsed.root;
34380 return t1 == null ? "." : t1;
34381 }
34382 B.JSArray_methods.removeLast$0(t1);
34383 parsed.separators.pop();
34384 parsed.removeTrailingSeparators$0();
34385 return parsed.toString$0(0);
34386 },
34387 join$8(_, part1, part2, part3, part4, part5, part6, part7, part8) {
34388 var parts = A._setArrayType([part1, part2, part3, part4, part5, part6, part7, part8], type$.JSArray_nullable_String);
34389 A._validateArgList("join", parts);
34390 return this.joinAll$1(new A.WhereTypeIterable(parts, type$.WhereTypeIterable_String));
34391 },
34392 join$2($receiver, part1, part2) {
34393 return this.join$8($receiver, part1, part2, null, null, null, null, null, null);
34394 },
34395 joinAll$1(parts) {
34396 var t1, t2, t3, needsSeparator, isAbsoluteAndNotRootRelative, t4, t5, parsed, path;
34397 for (t1 = parts.get$iterator(parts), t2 = new A.WhereIterator(t1, new A.Context_joinAll_closure()), t3 = this.style, needsSeparator = false, isAbsoluteAndNotRootRelative = false, t4 = ""; t2.moveNext$0();) {
34398 t5 = t1.get$current(t1);
34399 if (t3.isRootRelative$1(t5) && isAbsoluteAndNotRootRelative) {
34400 parsed = A.ParsedPath_ParsedPath$parse(t5, t3);
34401 path = t4.charCodeAt(0) == 0 ? t4 : t4;
34402 t4 = B.JSString_methods.substring$2(path, 0, t3.rootLength$2$withDrive(path, true));
34403 parsed.root = t4;
34404 if (t3.needsSeparator$1(t4))
34405 parsed.separators[0] = t3.get$separator(t3);
34406 t4 = "" + parsed.toString$0(0);
34407 } else if (t3.rootLength$1(t5) > 0) {
34408 isAbsoluteAndNotRootRelative = !t3.isRootRelative$1(t5);
34409 t4 = "" + t5;
34410 } else {
34411 if (!(t5.length !== 0 && t3.containsSeparator$1(t5[0])))
34412 if (needsSeparator)
34413 t4 += t3.get$separator(t3);
34414 t4 += t5;
34415 }
34416 needsSeparator = t3.needsSeparator$1(t5);
34417 }
34418 return t4.charCodeAt(0) == 0 ? t4 : t4;
34419 },
34420 split$1(_, path) {
34421 var parsed = A.ParsedPath_ParsedPath$parse(path, this.style),
34422 t1 = parsed.parts,
34423 t2 = A._arrayInstanceType(t1)._eval$1("WhereIterable<1>");
34424 t2 = A.List_List$of(new A.WhereIterable(t1, new A.Context_split_closure(), t2), true, t2._eval$1("Iterable.E"));
34425 parsed.parts = t2;
34426 t1 = parsed.root;
34427 if (t1 != null)
34428 B.JSArray_methods.insert$2(t2, 0, t1);
34429 return parsed.parts;
34430 },
34431 canonicalize$1(_, path) {
34432 var t1, parsed;
34433 path = this.absolute$1(path);
34434 t1 = this.style;
34435 if (t1 !== $.$get$Style_windows() && !this._needsNormalization$1(path))
34436 return path;
34437 parsed = A.ParsedPath_ParsedPath$parse(path, t1);
34438 parsed.normalize$1$canonicalize(true);
34439 return parsed.toString$0(0);
34440 },
34441 normalize$1(path) {
34442 var parsed;
34443 if (!this._needsNormalization$1(path))
34444 return path;
34445 parsed = A.ParsedPath_ParsedPath$parse(path, this.style);
34446 parsed.normalize$0();
34447 return parsed.toString$0(0);
34448 },
34449 _needsNormalization$1(path) {
34450 var i, start, previous, t2, t3, previousPrevious, codeUnit, t4,
34451 t1 = this.style,
34452 root = t1.rootLength$1(path);
34453 if (root !== 0) {
34454 if (t1 === $.$get$Style_windows())
34455 for (i = 0; i < root; ++i)
34456 if (B.JSString_methods._codeUnitAt$1(path, i) === 47)
34457 return true;
34458 start = root;
34459 previous = 47;
34460 } else {
34461 start = 0;
34462 previous = null;
34463 }
34464 for (t2 = new A.CodeUnits(path)._string, t3 = t2.length, i = start, previousPrevious = null; i < t3; ++i, previousPrevious = previous, previous = codeUnit) {
34465 codeUnit = B.JSString_methods.codeUnitAt$1(t2, i);
34466 if (t1.isSeparator$1(codeUnit)) {
34467 if (t1 === $.$get$Style_windows() && codeUnit === 47)
34468 return true;
34469 if (previous != null && t1.isSeparator$1(previous))
34470 return true;
34471 if (previous === 46)
34472 t4 = previousPrevious == null || previousPrevious === 46 || t1.isSeparator$1(previousPrevious);
34473 else
34474 t4 = false;
34475 if (t4)
34476 return true;
34477 }
34478 }
34479 if (previous == null)
34480 return true;
34481 if (t1.isSeparator$1(previous))
34482 return true;
34483 if (previous === 46)
34484 t1 = previousPrevious == null || t1.isSeparator$1(previousPrevious) || previousPrevious === 46;
34485 else
34486 t1 = false;
34487 if (t1)
34488 return true;
34489 return false;
34490 },
34491 relative$2$from(path, from) {
34492 var fromParsed, pathParsed, t2, t3, _this = this,
34493 _s26_ = 'Unable to find a path to "',
34494 t1 = from == null;
34495 if (t1 && _this.style.rootLength$1(path) <= 0)
34496 return _this.normalize$1(path);
34497 if (t1) {
34498 t1 = _this._context$_current;
34499 from = t1 == null ? A.current() : t1;
34500 } else
34501 from = _this.absolute$1(from);
34502 t1 = _this.style;
34503 if (t1.rootLength$1(from) <= 0 && t1.rootLength$1(path) > 0)
34504 return _this.normalize$1(path);
34505 if (t1.rootLength$1(path) <= 0 || t1.isRootRelative$1(path))
34506 path = _this.absolute$1(path);
34507 if (t1.rootLength$1(path) <= 0 && t1.rootLength$1(from) > 0)
34508 throw A.wrapException(A.PathException$(_s26_ + path + '" from "' + from + '".'));
34509 fromParsed = A.ParsedPath_ParsedPath$parse(from, t1);
34510 fromParsed.normalize$0();
34511 pathParsed = A.ParsedPath_ParsedPath$parse(path, t1);
34512 pathParsed.normalize$0();
34513 t2 = fromParsed.parts;
34514 if (t2.length !== 0 && J.$eq$(t2[0], "."))
34515 return pathParsed.toString$0(0);
34516 t2 = fromParsed.root;
34517 t3 = pathParsed.root;
34518 if (t2 != t3)
34519 t2 = t2 == null || t3 == null || !t1.pathsEqual$2(t2, t3);
34520 else
34521 t2 = false;
34522 if (t2)
34523 return pathParsed.toString$0(0);
34524 while (true) {
34525 t2 = fromParsed.parts;
34526 if (t2.length !== 0) {
34527 t3 = pathParsed.parts;
34528 t2 = t3.length !== 0 && t1.pathsEqual$2(t2[0], t3[0]);
34529 } else
34530 t2 = false;
34531 if (!t2)
34532 break;
34533 B.JSArray_methods.removeAt$1(fromParsed.parts, 0);
34534 B.JSArray_methods.removeAt$1(fromParsed.separators, 1);
34535 B.JSArray_methods.removeAt$1(pathParsed.parts, 0);
34536 B.JSArray_methods.removeAt$1(pathParsed.separators, 1);
34537 }
34538 t2 = fromParsed.parts;
34539 if (t2.length !== 0 && J.$eq$(t2[0], ".."))
34540 throw A.wrapException(A.PathException$(_s26_ + path + '" from "' + from + '".'));
34541 t2 = type$.String;
34542 B.JSArray_methods.insertAll$2(pathParsed.parts, 0, A.List_List$filled(fromParsed.parts.length, "..", false, t2));
34543 t3 = pathParsed.separators;
34544 t3[0] = "";
34545 B.JSArray_methods.insertAll$2(t3, 1, A.List_List$filled(fromParsed.parts.length, t1.get$separator(t1), false, t2));
34546 t1 = pathParsed.parts;
34547 t2 = t1.length;
34548 if (t2 === 0)
34549 return ".";
34550 if (t2 > 1 && J.$eq$(B.JSArray_methods.get$last(t1), ".")) {
34551 B.JSArray_methods.removeLast$0(pathParsed.parts);
34552 t1 = pathParsed.separators;
34553 t1.pop();
34554 t1.pop();
34555 t1.push("");
34556 }
34557 pathParsed.root = "";
34558 pathParsed.removeTrailingSeparators$0();
34559 return pathParsed.toString$0(0);
34560 },
34561 relative$1(path) {
34562 return this.relative$2$from(path, null);
34563 },
34564 _isWithinOrEquals$2($parent, child) {
34565 var relative, t1, parentIsAbsolute, childIsAbsolute, childIsRootRelative, parentIsRootRelative, result, exception, _this = this;
34566 $parent = $parent;
34567 child = child;
34568 t1 = _this.style;
34569 parentIsAbsolute = t1.rootLength$1($parent) > 0;
34570 childIsAbsolute = t1.rootLength$1(child) > 0;
34571 if (parentIsAbsolute && !childIsAbsolute) {
34572 child = _this.absolute$1(child);
34573 if (t1.isRootRelative$1($parent))
34574 $parent = _this.absolute$1($parent);
34575 } else if (childIsAbsolute && !parentIsAbsolute) {
34576 $parent = _this.absolute$1($parent);
34577 if (t1.isRootRelative$1(child))
34578 child = _this.absolute$1(child);
34579 } else if (childIsAbsolute && parentIsAbsolute) {
34580 childIsRootRelative = t1.isRootRelative$1(child);
34581 parentIsRootRelative = t1.isRootRelative$1($parent);
34582 if (childIsRootRelative && !parentIsRootRelative)
34583 child = _this.absolute$1(child);
34584 else if (parentIsRootRelative && !childIsRootRelative)
34585 $parent = _this.absolute$1($parent);
34586 }
34587 result = _this._isWithinOrEqualsFast$2($parent, child);
34588 if (result !== B._PathRelation_inconclusive)
34589 return result;
34590 relative = null;
34591 try {
34592 relative = _this.relative$2$from(child, $parent);
34593 } catch (exception) {
34594 if (A.unwrapException(exception) instanceof A.PathException)
34595 return B._PathRelation_different;
34596 else
34597 throw exception;
34598 }
34599 if (t1.rootLength$1(relative) > 0)
34600 return B._PathRelation_different;
34601 if (J.$eq$(relative, "."))
34602 return B._PathRelation_equal;
34603 if (J.$eq$(relative, ".."))
34604 return B._PathRelation_different;
34605 return J.get$length$asx(relative) >= 3 && J.startsWith$1$s(relative, "..") && t1.isSeparator$1(J.codeUnitAt$1$s(relative, 2)) ? B._PathRelation_different : B._PathRelation_within;
34606 },
34607 _isWithinOrEqualsFast$2($parent, child) {
34608 var t1, parentRootLength, childRootLength, i, t2, t3, childIndex, parentIndex, lastCodeUnit, lastParentSeparator, parentCodeUnit, childCodeUnit, parentIndex0, direction, _this = this;
34609 if ($parent === ".")
34610 $parent = "";
34611 t1 = _this.style;
34612 parentRootLength = t1.rootLength$1($parent);
34613 childRootLength = t1.rootLength$1(child);
34614 if (parentRootLength !== childRootLength)
34615 return B._PathRelation_different;
34616 for (i = 0; i < parentRootLength; ++i)
34617 if (!t1.codeUnitsEqual$2(B.JSString_methods._codeUnitAt$1($parent, i), B.JSString_methods._codeUnitAt$1(child, i)))
34618 return B._PathRelation_different;
34619 t2 = child.length;
34620 t3 = $parent.length;
34621 childIndex = childRootLength;
34622 parentIndex = parentRootLength;
34623 lastCodeUnit = 47;
34624 lastParentSeparator = null;
34625 while (true) {
34626 if (!(parentIndex < t3 && childIndex < t2))
34627 break;
34628 c$0: {
34629 parentCodeUnit = B.JSString_methods.codeUnitAt$1($parent, parentIndex);
34630 childCodeUnit = B.JSString_methods.codeUnitAt$1(child, childIndex);
34631 if (t1.codeUnitsEqual$2(parentCodeUnit, childCodeUnit)) {
34632 if (t1.isSeparator$1(parentCodeUnit))
34633 lastParentSeparator = parentIndex;
34634 ++parentIndex;
34635 ++childIndex;
34636 lastCodeUnit = parentCodeUnit;
34637 break c$0;
34638 }
34639 if (t1.isSeparator$1(parentCodeUnit) && t1.isSeparator$1(lastCodeUnit)) {
34640 parentIndex0 = parentIndex + 1;
34641 lastParentSeparator = parentIndex;
34642 parentIndex = parentIndex0;
34643 break c$0;
34644 } else if (t1.isSeparator$1(childCodeUnit) && t1.isSeparator$1(lastCodeUnit)) {
34645 ++childIndex;
34646 break c$0;
34647 }
34648 if (parentCodeUnit === 46 && t1.isSeparator$1(lastCodeUnit)) {
34649 ++parentIndex;
34650 if (parentIndex === t3)
34651 break;
34652 parentCodeUnit = B.JSString_methods.codeUnitAt$1($parent, parentIndex);
34653 if (t1.isSeparator$1(parentCodeUnit)) {
34654 parentIndex0 = parentIndex + 1;
34655 lastParentSeparator = parentIndex;
34656 parentIndex = parentIndex0;
34657 break c$0;
34658 }
34659 if (parentCodeUnit === 46) {
34660 ++parentIndex;
34661 if (parentIndex === t3 || t1.isSeparator$1(B.JSString_methods.codeUnitAt$1($parent, parentIndex)))
34662 return B._PathRelation_inconclusive;
34663 }
34664 }
34665 if (childCodeUnit === 46 && t1.isSeparator$1(lastCodeUnit)) {
34666 ++childIndex;
34667 if (childIndex === t2)
34668 break;
34669 childCodeUnit = B.JSString_methods.codeUnitAt$1(child, childIndex);
34670 if (t1.isSeparator$1(childCodeUnit)) {
34671 ++childIndex;
34672 break c$0;
34673 }
34674 if (childCodeUnit === 46) {
34675 ++childIndex;
34676 if (childIndex === t2 || t1.isSeparator$1(B.JSString_methods.codeUnitAt$1(child, childIndex)))
34677 return B._PathRelation_inconclusive;
34678 }
34679 }
34680 if (_this._pathDirection$2(child, childIndex) !== B._PathDirection_988)
34681 return B._PathRelation_inconclusive;
34682 if (_this._pathDirection$2($parent, parentIndex) !== B._PathDirection_988)
34683 return B._PathRelation_inconclusive;
34684 return B._PathRelation_different;
34685 }
34686 }
34687 if (childIndex === t2) {
34688 if (parentIndex === t3 || t1.isSeparator$1(B.JSString_methods.codeUnitAt$1($parent, parentIndex)))
34689 lastParentSeparator = parentIndex;
34690 else if (lastParentSeparator == null)
34691 lastParentSeparator = Math.max(0, parentRootLength - 1);
34692 direction = _this._pathDirection$2($parent, lastParentSeparator);
34693 if (direction === B._PathDirection_8Gl)
34694 return B._PathRelation_equal;
34695 return direction === B._PathDirection_ZGD ? B._PathRelation_inconclusive : B._PathRelation_different;
34696 }
34697 direction = _this._pathDirection$2(child, childIndex);
34698 if (direction === B._PathDirection_8Gl)
34699 return B._PathRelation_equal;
34700 if (direction === B._PathDirection_ZGD)
34701 return B._PathRelation_inconclusive;
34702 return t1.isSeparator$1(B.JSString_methods.codeUnitAt$1(child, childIndex)) || t1.isSeparator$1(lastCodeUnit) ? B._PathRelation_within : B._PathRelation_different;
34703 },
34704 _pathDirection$2(path, index) {
34705 var t1, t2, i, depth, reachedRoot, i0, t3;
34706 for (t1 = path.length, t2 = this.style, i = index, depth = 0, reachedRoot = false; i < t1;) {
34707 while (true) {
34708 if (!(i < t1 && t2.isSeparator$1(B.JSString_methods.codeUnitAt$1(path, i))))
34709 break;
34710 ++i;
34711 }
34712 if (i === t1)
34713 break;
34714 i0 = i;
34715 while (true) {
34716 if (!(i0 < t1 && !t2.isSeparator$1(B.JSString_methods.codeUnitAt$1(path, i0))))
34717 break;
34718 ++i0;
34719 }
34720 t3 = i0 - i;
34721 if (!(t3 === 1 && B.JSString_methods.codeUnitAt$1(path, i) === 46))
34722 if (t3 === 2 && B.JSString_methods.codeUnitAt$1(path, i) === 46 && B.JSString_methods.codeUnitAt$1(path, i + 1) === 46) {
34723 --depth;
34724 if (depth < 0)
34725 break;
34726 if (depth === 0)
34727 reachedRoot = true;
34728 } else
34729 ++depth;
34730 if (i0 === t1)
34731 break;
34732 i = i0 + 1;
34733 }
34734 if (depth < 0)
34735 return B._PathDirection_ZGD;
34736 if (depth === 0)
34737 return B._PathDirection_8Gl;
34738 if (reachedRoot)
34739 return B._PathDirection_FIw;
34740 return B._PathDirection_988;
34741 },
34742 hash$1(path) {
34743 var result, parsed, t1, _this = this;
34744 path = _this.absolute$1(path);
34745 result = _this._hashFast$1(path);
34746 if (result != null)
34747 return result;
34748 parsed = A.ParsedPath_ParsedPath$parse(path, _this.style);
34749 parsed.normalize$0();
34750 t1 = _this._hashFast$1(parsed.toString$0(0));
34751 t1.toString;
34752 return t1;
34753 },
34754 _hashFast$1(path) {
34755 var t1, t2, hash, beginning, wasSeparator, i, codeUnit, t3, next;
34756 for (t1 = path.length, t2 = this.style, hash = 4603, beginning = true, wasSeparator = true, i = 0; i < t1; ++i) {
34757 codeUnit = t2.canonicalizeCodeUnit$1(B.JSString_methods._codeUnitAt$1(path, i));
34758 if (t2.isSeparator$1(codeUnit)) {
34759 wasSeparator = true;
34760 continue;
34761 }
34762 if (codeUnit === 46 && wasSeparator) {
34763 t3 = i + 1;
34764 if (t3 === t1)
34765 break;
34766 next = B.JSString_methods._codeUnitAt$1(path, t3);
34767 if (t2.isSeparator$1(next))
34768 continue;
34769 if (!beginning)
34770 if (next === 46) {
34771 t3 = i + 2;
34772 t3 = t3 === t1 || t2.isSeparator$1(B.JSString_methods._codeUnitAt$1(path, t3));
34773 } else
34774 t3 = false;
34775 else
34776 t3 = false;
34777 if (t3)
34778 return null;
34779 }
34780 hash = ((hash & 67108863) * 33 ^ codeUnit) >>> 0;
34781 beginning = false;
34782 wasSeparator = false;
34783 }
34784 return hash;
34785 },
34786 withoutExtension$1(path) {
34787 var i,
34788 parsed = A.ParsedPath_ParsedPath$parse(path, this.style);
34789 for (i = parsed.parts.length - 1; i >= 0; --i)
34790 if (J.get$length$asx(parsed.parts[i]) !== 0) {
34791 parsed.parts[i] = parsed._splitExtension$0()[0];
34792 break;
34793 }
34794 return parsed.toString$0(0);
34795 },
34796 toUri$1(path) {
34797 var t2,
34798 t1 = this.style;
34799 if (t1.rootLength$1(path) <= 0)
34800 return t1.relativePathToUri$1(path);
34801 else {
34802 t2 = this._context$_current;
34803 return t1.absolutePathToUri$1(this.join$2(0, t2 == null ? A.current() : t2, path));
34804 }
34805 },
34806 prettyUri$1(uri) {
34807 var path, rel, _this = this,
34808 typedUri = A._parseUri(uri);
34809 if (typedUri.get$scheme() === "file" && _this.style === $.$get$Style_url())
34810 return typedUri.toString$0(0);
34811 else if (typedUri.get$scheme() !== "file" && typedUri.get$scheme() !== "" && _this.style !== $.$get$Style_url())
34812 return typedUri.toString$0(0);
34813 path = _this.normalize$1(_this.style.pathFromUri$1(A._parseUri(typedUri)));
34814 rel = _this.relative$1(path);
34815 return _this.split$1(0, rel).length > _this.split$1(0, path).length ? path : rel;
34816 }
34817 };
34818 A.Context_joinAll_closure.prototype = {
34819 call$1(part) {
34820 return part !== "";
34821 },
34822 $signature: 6
34823 };
34824 A.Context_split_closure.prototype = {
34825 call$1(part) {
34826 return part.length !== 0;
34827 },
34828 $signature: 6
34829 };
34830 A._validateArgList_closure.prototype = {
34831 call$1(arg) {
34832 return arg == null ? "null" : '"' + arg + '"';
34833 },
34834 $signature: 307
34835 };
34836 A._PathDirection.prototype = {
34837 toString$0(_) {
34838 return this.name;
34839 }
34840 };
34841 A._PathRelation.prototype = {
34842 toString$0(_) {
34843 return this.name;
34844 }
34845 };
34846 A.InternalStyle.prototype = {
34847 getRoot$1(path) {
34848 var $length = this.rootLength$1(path);
34849 if ($length > 0)
34850 return B.JSString_methods.substring$2(path, 0, $length);
34851 return this.isRootRelative$1(path) ? path[0] : null;
34852 },
34853 relativePathToUri$1(path) {
34854 var segments, _null = null,
34855 t1 = path.length;
34856 if (t1 === 0)
34857 return A._Uri__Uri(_null, _null, _null, _null);
34858 segments = A.Context_Context(this).split$1(0, path);
34859 if (this.isSeparator$1(B.JSString_methods.codeUnitAt$1(path, t1 - 1)))
34860 B.JSArray_methods.add$1(segments, "");
34861 return A._Uri__Uri(_null, _null, segments, _null);
34862 },
34863 codeUnitsEqual$2(codeUnit1, codeUnit2) {
34864 return codeUnit1 === codeUnit2;
34865 },
34866 pathsEqual$2(path1, path2) {
34867 return path1 === path2;
34868 },
34869 canonicalizeCodeUnit$1(codeUnit) {
34870 return codeUnit;
34871 },
34872 canonicalizePart$1(part) {
34873 return part;
34874 }
34875 };
34876 A.ParsedPath.prototype = {
34877 get$basename() {
34878 var _this = this,
34879 t1 = type$.String,
34880 copy = new A.ParsedPath(_this.style, _this.root, _this.isRootRelative, A.List_List$from(_this.parts, true, t1), A.List_List$from(_this.separators, true, t1));
34881 copy.removeTrailingSeparators$0();
34882 t1 = copy.parts;
34883 if (t1.length === 0) {
34884 t1 = _this.root;
34885 return t1 == null ? "" : t1;
34886 }
34887 return B.JSArray_methods.get$last(t1);
34888 },
34889 get$hasTrailingSeparator() {
34890 var t1 = this.parts;
34891 if (t1.length !== 0)
34892 t1 = J.$eq$(B.JSArray_methods.get$last(t1), "") || !J.$eq$(B.JSArray_methods.get$last(this.separators), "");
34893 else
34894 t1 = false;
34895 return t1;
34896 },
34897 removeTrailingSeparators$0() {
34898 var t1, t2, _this = this;
34899 while (true) {
34900 t1 = _this.parts;
34901 if (!(t1.length !== 0 && J.$eq$(B.JSArray_methods.get$last(t1), "")))
34902 break;
34903 B.JSArray_methods.removeLast$0(_this.parts);
34904 _this.separators.pop();
34905 }
34906 t1 = _this.separators;
34907 t2 = t1.length;
34908 if (t2 !== 0)
34909 t1[t2 - 1] = "";
34910 },
34911 normalize$1$canonicalize(canonicalize) {
34912 var t1, t2, t3, leadingDoubles, _i, part, t4, _this = this,
34913 newParts = A._setArrayType([], type$.JSArray_String);
34914 for (t1 = _this.parts, t2 = t1.length, t3 = _this.style, leadingDoubles = 0, _i = 0; _i < t1.length; t1.length === t2 || (0, A.throwConcurrentModificationError)(t1), ++_i) {
34915 part = t1[_i];
34916 t4 = J.getInterceptor$(part);
34917 if (!(t4.$eq(part, ".") || t4.$eq(part, "")))
34918 if (t4.$eq(part, ".."))
34919 if (newParts.length !== 0)
34920 newParts.pop();
34921 else
34922 ++leadingDoubles;
34923 else
34924 newParts.push(canonicalize ? t3.canonicalizePart$1(part) : part);
34925 }
34926 if (_this.root == null)
34927 B.JSArray_methods.insertAll$2(newParts, 0, A.List_List$filled(leadingDoubles, "..", false, type$.String));
34928 if (newParts.length === 0 && _this.root == null)
34929 newParts.push(".");
34930 _this.parts = newParts;
34931 _this.separators = A.List_List$filled(newParts.length + 1, t3.get$separator(t3), true, type$.String);
34932 t1 = _this.root;
34933 if (t1 == null || newParts.length === 0 || !t3.needsSeparator$1(t1))
34934 _this.separators[0] = "";
34935 t1 = _this.root;
34936 if (t1 != null && t3 === $.$get$Style_windows()) {
34937 if (canonicalize)
34938 t1 = _this.root = t1.toLowerCase();
34939 t1.toString;
34940 _this.root = A.stringReplaceAllUnchecked(t1, "/", "\\");
34941 }
34942 _this.removeTrailingSeparators$0();
34943 },
34944 normalize$0() {
34945 return this.normalize$1$canonicalize(false);
34946 },
34947 toString$0(_) {
34948 var i, _this = this,
34949 t1 = _this.root;
34950 t1 = t1 != null ? "" + t1 : "";
34951 for (i = 0; i < _this.parts.length; ++i)
34952 t1 = t1 + A.S(_this.separators[i]) + A.S(_this.parts[i]);
34953 t1 += A.S(B.JSArray_methods.get$last(_this.separators));
34954 return t1.charCodeAt(0) == 0 ? t1 : t1;
34955 },
34956 _kthLastIndexOf$3(path, character, k) {
34957 var index, count, leftMostIndexedCharacter;
34958 for (index = path.length - 1, count = 0, leftMostIndexedCharacter = 0; index >= 0; --index)
34959 if (path[index] === character) {
34960 ++count;
34961 if (count === k)
34962 return index;
34963 leftMostIndexedCharacter = index;
34964 }
34965 return leftMostIndexedCharacter;
34966 },
34967 _splitExtension$1(level) {
34968 var t1, file, lastDot;
34969 if (level <= 0)
34970 throw A.wrapException(A.RangeError$value(level, "level", "level's value must be greater than 0"));
34971 t1 = this.parts;
34972 t1 = new A.CastList(t1, A._arrayInstanceType(t1)._eval$1("CastList<1,String?>"));
34973 file = t1.lastWhere$2$orElse(t1, new A.ParsedPath__splitExtension_closure(), new A.ParsedPath__splitExtension_closure0());
34974 if (file == null)
34975 return A._setArrayType(["", ""], type$.JSArray_String);
34976 if (file === "..")
34977 return A._setArrayType(["..", ""], type$.JSArray_String);
34978 lastDot = this._kthLastIndexOf$3(file, ".", level);
34979 if (lastDot <= 0)
34980 return A._setArrayType([file, ""], type$.JSArray_String);
34981 return A._setArrayType([B.JSString_methods.substring$2(file, 0, lastDot), B.JSString_methods.substring$1(file, lastDot)], type$.JSArray_String);
34982 },
34983 _splitExtension$0() {
34984 return this._splitExtension$1(1);
34985 }
34986 };
34987 A.ParsedPath__splitExtension_closure.prototype = {
34988 call$1(p) {
34989 return p !== "";
34990 },
34991 $signature: 195
34992 };
34993 A.ParsedPath__splitExtension_closure0.prototype = {
34994 call$0() {
34995 return null;
34996 },
34997 $signature: 1
34998 };
34999 A.PathException.prototype = {
35000 toString$0(_) {
35001 return "PathException: " + this.message;
35002 },
35003 $isException: 1,
35004 get$message(receiver) {
35005 return this.message;
35006 }
35007 };
35008 A.PathMap.prototype = {};
35009 A.PathMap__create_closure.prototype = {
35010 call$2(path1, path2) {
35011 if (path1 == null)
35012 return path2 == null;
35013 if (path2 == null)
35014 return false;
35015 return this._box_0.context._isWithinOrEquals$2(path1, path2) === B._PathRelation_equal;
35016 },
35017 $signature: 320
35018 };
35019 A.PathMap__create_closure0.prototype = {
35020 call$1(path) {
35021 return path == null ? 0 : this._box_0.context.hash$1(path);
35022 },
35023 $signature: 322
35024 };
35025 A.PathMap__create_closure1.prototype = {
35026 call$1(path) {
35027 return typeof path == "string" || path == null;
35028 },
35029 $signature: 138
35030 };
35031 A.Style.prototype = {
35032 toString$0(_) {
35033 return this.get$name(this);
35034 }
35035 };
35036 A.PosixStyle.prototype = {
35037 containsSeparator$1(path) {
35038 return B.JSString_methods.contains$1(path, "/");
35039 },
35040 isSeparator$1(codeUnit) {
35041 return codeUnit === 47;
35042 },
35043 needsSeparator$1(path) {
35044 var t1 = path.length;
35045 return t1 !== 0 && B.JSString_methods.codeUnitAt$1(path, t1 - 1) !== 47;
35046 },
35047 rootLength$2$withDrive(path, withDrive) {
35048 if (path.length !== 0 && B.JSString_methods._codeUnitAt$1(path, 0) === 47)
35049 return 1;
35050 return 0;
35051 },
35052 rootLength$1(path) {
35053 return this.rootLength$2$withDrive(path, false);
35054 },
35055 isRootRelative$1(path) {
35056 return false;
35057 },
35058 pathFromUri$1(uri) {
35059 var t1;
35060 if (uri.get$scheme() === "" || uri.get$scheme() === "file") {
35061 t1 = uri.get$path(uri);
35062 return A._Uri__uriDecode(t1, 0, t1.length, B.C_Utf8Codec, false);
35063 }
35064 throw A.wrapException(A.ArgumentError$("Uri " + uri.toString$0(0) + " must have scheme 'file:'.", null));
35065 },
35066 absolutePathToUri$1(path) {
35067 var parsed = A.ParsedPath_ParsedPath$parse(path, this),
35068 t1 = parsed.parts;
35069 if (t1.length === 0)
35070 B.JSArray_methods.addAll$1(t1, A._setArrayType(["", ""], type$.JSArray_String));
35071 else if (parsed.get$hasTrailingSeparator())
35072 B.JSArray_methods.add$1(parsed.parts, "");
35073 return A._Uri__Uri(null, null, parsed.parts, "file");
35074 },
35075 get$name() {
35076 return "posix";
35077 },
35078 get$separator() {
35079 return "/";
35080 }
35081 };
35082 A.UrlStyle.prototype = {
35083 containsSeparator$1(path) {
35084 return B.JSString_methods.contains$1(path, "/");
35085 },
35086 isSeparator$1(codeUnit) {
35087 return codeUnit === 47;
35088 },
35089 needsSeparator$1(path) {
35090 var t1 = path.length;
35091 if (t1 === 0)
35092 return false;
35093 if (B.JSString_methods.codeUnitAt$1(path, t1 - 1) !== 47)
35094 return true;
35095 return B.JSString_methods.endsWith$1(path, "://") && this.rootLength$1(path) === t1;
35096 },
35097 rootLength$2$withDrive(path, withDrive) {
35098 var i, codeUnit, index, t2,
35099 t1 = path.length;
35100 if (t1 === 0)
35101 return 0;
35102 if (B.JSString_methods._codeUnitAt$1(path, 0) === 47)
35103 return 1;
35104 for (i = 0; i < t1; ++i) {
35105 codeUnit = B.JSString_methods._codeUnitAt$1(path, i);
35106 if (codeUnit === 47)
35107 return 0;
35108 if (codeUnit === 58) {
35109 if (i === 0)
35110 return 0;
35111 index = B.JSString_methods.indexOf$2(path, "/", B.JSString_methods.startsWith$2(path, "//", i + 1) ? i + 3 : i);
35112 if (index <= 0)
35113 return t1;
35114 if (!withDrive || t1 < index + 3)
35115 return index;
35116 if (!B.JSString_methods.startsWith$1(path, "file://"))
35117 return index;
35118 if (!A.isDriveLetter(path, index + 1))
35119 return index;
35120 t2 = index + 3;
35121 return t1 === t2 ? t2 : index + 4;
35122 }
35123 }
35124 return 0;
35125 },
35126 rootLength$1(path) {
35127 return this.rootLength$2$withDrive(path, false);
35128 },
35129 isRootRelative$1(path) {
35130 return path.length !== 0 && B.JSString_methods._codeUnitAt$1(path, 0) === 47;
35131 },
35132 pathFromUri$1(uri) {
35133 return uri.toString$0(0);
35134 },
35135 relativePathToUri$1(path) {
35136 return A.Uri_parse(path);
35137 },
35138 absolutePathToUri$1(path) {
35139 return A.Uri_parse(path);
35140 },
35141 get$name() {
35142 return "url";
35143 },
35144 get$separator() {
35145 return "/";
35146 }
35147 };
35148 A.WindowsStyle.prototype = {
35149 containsSeparator$1(path) {
35150 return B.JSString_methods.contains$1(path, "/");
35151 },
35152 isSeparator$1(codeUnit) {
35153 return codeUnit === 47 || codeUnit === 92;
35154 },
35155 needsSeparator$1(path) {
35156 var t1 = path.length;
35157 if (t1 === 0)
35158 return false;
35159 t1 = B.JSString_methods.codeUnitAt$1(path, t1 - 1);
35160 return !(t1 === 47 || t1 === 92);
35161 },
35162 rootLength$2$withDrive(path, withDrive) {
35163 var t2, index,
35164 t1 = path.length;
35165 if (t1 === 0)
35166 return 0;
35167 t2 = B.JSString_methods._codeUnitAt$1(path, 0);
35168 if (t2 === 47)
35169 return 1;
35170 if (t2 === 92) {
35171 if (t1 < 2 || B.JSString_methods._codeUnitAt$1(path, 1) !== 92)
35172 return 1;
35173 index = B.JSString_methods.indexOf$2(path, "\\", 2);
35174 if (index > 0) {
35175 index = B.JSString_methods.indexOf$2(path, "\\", index + 1);
35176 if (index > 0)
35177 return index;
35178 }
35179 return t1;
35180 }
35181 if (t1 < 3)
35182 return 0;
35183 if (!A.isAlphabetic(t2))
35184 return 0;
35185 if (B.JSString_methods._codeUnitAt$1(path, 1) !== 58)
35186 return 0;
35187 t1 = B.JSString_methods._codeUnitAt$1(path, 2);
35188 if (!(t1 === 47 || t1 === 92))
35189 return 0;
35190 return 3;
35191 },
35192 rootLength$1(path) {
35193 return this.rootLength$2$withDrive(path, false);
35194 },
35195 isRootRelative$1(path) {
35196 return this.rootLength$1(path) === 1;
35197 },
35198 pathFromUri$1(uri) {
35199 var path, t1;
35200 if (uri.get$scheme() !== "" && uri.get$scheme() !== "file")
35201 throw A.wrapException(A.ArgumentError$("Uri " + uri.toString$0(0) + " must have scheme 'file:'.", null));
35202 path = uri.get$path(uri);
35203 if (uri.get$host() === "") {
35204 if (path.length >= 3 && B.JSString_methods.startsWith$1(path, "/") && A.isDriveLetter(path, 1))
35205 path = B.JSString_methods.replaceFirst$2(path, "/", "");
35206 } else
35207 path = "\\\\" + uri.get$host() + path;
35208 t1 = A.stringReplaceAllUnchecked(path, "/", "\\");
35209 return A._Uri__uriDecode(t1, 0, t1.length, B.C_Utf8Codec, false);
35210 },
35211 absolutePathToUri$1(path) {
35212 var rootParts, t2,
35213 parsed = A.ParsedPath_ParsedPath$parse(path, this),
35214 t1 = parsed.root;
35215 t1.toString;
35216 if (B.JSString_methods.startsWith$1(t1, "\\\\")) {
35217 rootParts = new A.WhereIterable(A._setArrayType(t1.split("\\"), type$.JSArray_String), new A.WindowsStyle_absolutePathToUri_closure(), type$.WhereIterable_String);
35218 B.JSArray_methods.insert$2(parsed.parts, 0, rootParts.get$last(rootParts));
35219 if (parsed.get$hasTrailingSeparator())
35220 B.JSArray_methods.add$1(parsed.parts, "");
35221 return A._Uri__Uri(rootParts.get$first(rootParts), null, parsed.parts, "file");
35222 } else {
35223 if (parsed.parts.length === 0 || parsed.get$hasTrailingSeparator())
35224 B.JSArray_methods.add$1(parsed.parts, "");
35225 t1 = parsed.parts;
35226 t2 = parsed.root;
35227 t2.toString;
35228 t2 = A.stringReplaceAllUnchecked(t2, "/", "");
35229 B.JSArray_methods.insert$2(t1, 0, A.stringReplaceAllUnchecked(t2, "\\", ""));
35230 return A._Uri__Uri(null, null, parsed.parts, "file");
35231 }
35232 },
35233 codeUnitsEqual$2(codeUnit1, codeUnit2) {
35234 var upperCase1;
35235 if (codeUnit1 === codeUnit2)
35236 return true;
35237 if (codeUnit1 === 47)
35238 return codeUnit2 === 92;
35239 if (codeUnit1 === 92)
35240 return codeUnit2 === 47;
35241 if ((codeUnit1 ^ codeUnit2) !== 32)
35242 return false;
35243 upperCase1 = codeUnit1 | 32;
35244 return upperCase1 >= 97 && upperCase1 <= 122;
35245 },
35246 pathsEqual$2(path1, path2) {
35247 var t1, i;
35248 if (path1 === path2)
35249 return true;
35250 t1 = path1.length;
35251 if (t1 !== path2.length)
35252 return false;
35253 for (i = 0; i < t1; ++i)
35254 if (!this.codeUnitsEqual$2(B.JSString_methods._codeUnitAt$1(path1, i), B.JSString_methods._codeUnitAt$1(path2, i)))
35255 return false;
35256 return true;
35257 },
35258 canonicalizeCodeUnit$1(codeUnit) {
35259 if (codeUnit === 47)
35260 return 92;
35261 if (codeUnit < 65)
35262 return codeUnit;
35263 if (codeUnit > 90)
35264 return codeUnit;
35265 return codeUnit | 32;
35266 },
35267 canonicalizePart$1(part) {
35268 return part.toLowerCase();
35269 },
35270 get$name() {
35271 return "windows";
35272 },
35273 get$separator() {
35274 return "\\";
35275 }
35276 };
35277 A.WindowsStyle_absolutePathToUri_closure.prototype = {
35278 call$1(part) {
35279 return part !== "";
35280 },
35281 $signature: 6
35282 };
35283 A.CssMediaQuery.prototype = {
35284 merge$1(other) {
35285 var t8, negativeFeatures, features, type, modifier, fewerFeatures, fewerFeatures0, moreFeatures, _this = this, _null = null, _s3_ = "all",
35286 t1 = _this.modifier,
35287 ourModifier = t1 == null ? _null : t1.toLowerCase(),
35288 t2 = _this.type,
35289 t3 = t2 == null,
35290 ourType = t3 ? _null : t2.toLowerCase(),
35291 t4 = other.modifier,
35292 theirModifier = t4 == null ? _null : t4.toLowerCase(),
35293 t5 = other.type,
35294 t6 = t5 == null,
35295 theirType = t6 ? _null : t5.toLowerCase(),
35296 t7 = ourType == null;
35297 if (t7 && theirType == null) {
35298 t1 = type$.String;
35299 t2 = A.List_List$of(_this.features, true, t1);
35300 B.JSArray_methods.addAll$1(t2, other.features);
35301 return new A.MediaQuerySuccessfulMergeResult(new A.CssMediaQuery(_null, _null, A.List_List$unmodifiable(t2, t1)));
35302 }
35303 t8 = ourModifier === "not";
35304 if (t8 !== (theirModifier === "not")) {
35305 if (ourType == theirType) {
35306 negativeFeatures = t8 ? _this.features : other.features;
35307 if (B.JSArray_methods.every$1(negativeFeatures, B.JSArray_methods.get$contains(t8 ? other.features : _this.features)))
35308 return B._SingletonCssMediaQueryMergeResult_empty;
35309 else
35310 return B._SingletonCssMediaQueryMergeResult_unrepresentable;
35311 } else if (t3 || A.equalsIgnoreCase(t2, _s3_) || t6 || A.equalsIgnoreCase(t5, _s3_))
35312 return B._SingletonCssMediaQueryMergeResult_unrepresentable;
35313 if (t8) {
35314 features = other.features;
35315 type = theirType;
35316 modifier = theirModifier;
35317 } else {
35318 features = _this.features;
35319 type = ourType;
35320 modifier = ourModifier;
35321 }
35322 } else if (t8) {
35323 if (ourType != theirType)
35324 return B._SingletonCssMediaQueryMergeResult_unrepresentable;
35325 fewerFeatures = _this.features;
35326 fewerFeatures0 = other.features;
35327 t3 = fewerFeatures.length > fewerFeatures0.length;
35328 moreFeatures = t3 ? fewerFeatures : fewerFeatures0;
35329 if (t3)
35330 fewerFeatures = fewerFeatures0;
35331 if (!B.JSArray_methods.every$1(fewerFeatures, B.JSArray_methods.get$contains(moreFeatures)))
35332 return B._SingletonCssMediaQueryMergeResult_unrepresentable;
35333 features = moreFeatures;
35334 type = ourType;
35335 modifier = ourModifier;
35336 } else if (t3 || A.equalsIgnoreCase(t2, _s3_)) {
35337 type = (t6 || A.equalsIgnoreCase(t5, _s3_)) && t7 ? _null : theirType;
35338 t3 = A.List_List$of(_this.features, true, type$.String);
35339 B.JSArray_methods.addAll$1(t3, other.features);
35340 features = t3;
35341 modifier = theirModifier;
35342 } else {
35343 if (t6 || A.equalsIgnoreCase(t5, _s3_)) {
35344 t3 = A.List_List$of(_this.features, true, type$.String);
35345 B.JSArray_methods.addAll$1(t3, other.features);
35346 features = t3;
35347 modifier = ourModifier;
35348 } else {
35349 if (ourType != theirType)
35350 return B._SingletonCssMediaQueryMergeResult_empty;
35351 else {
35352 modifier = ourModifier == null ? theirModifier : ourModifier;
35353 t3 = A.List_List$of(_this.features, true, type$.String);
35354 B.JSArray_methods.addAll$1(t3, other.features);
35355 }
35356 features = t3;
35357 }
35358 type = ourType;
35359 }
35360 t2 = type == ourType ? t2 : t5;
35361 t1 = modifier == ourModifier ? t1 : t4;
35362 t3 = A.List_List$unmodifiable(features, type$.String);
35363 return new A.MediaQuerySuccessfulMergeResult(new A.CssMediaQuery(t1, t2, t3));
35364 },
35365 $eq(_, other) {
35366 if (other == null)
35367 return false;
35368 return other instanceof A.CssMediaQuery && other.modifier == this.modifier && other.type == this.type && B.C_ListEquality.equals$2(0, other.features, this.features);
35369 },
35370 get$hashCode(_) {
35371 return J.get$hashCode$(this.modifier) ^ J.get$hashCode$(this.type) ^ B.C_ListEquality0.hash$1(this.features);
35372 },
35373 toString$0(_) {
35374 var t2, _this = this,
35375 t1 = _this.modifier;
35376 t1 = t1 != null ? "" + (t1 + " ") : "";
35377 t2 = _this.type;
35378 if (t2 != null) {
35379 t1 += t2;
35380 if (_this.features.length !== 0)
35381 t1 += " and ";
35382 }
35383 t1 += B.JSArray_methods.join$1(_this.features, " and ");
35384 return t1.charCodeAt(0) == 0 ? t1 : t1;
35385 }
35386 };
35387 A._SingletonCssMediaQueryMergeResult.prototype = {
35388 toString$0(_) {
35389 return this._media_query$_name;
35390 }
35391 };
35392 A.MediaQuerySuccessfulMergeResult.prototype = {};
35393 A.ModifiableCssAtRule.prototype = {
35394 accept$1$1(visitor) {
35395 return visitor.visitCssAtRule$1(this);
35396 },
35397 accept$1(visitor) {
35398 return this.accept$1$1(visitor, type$.dynamic);
35399 },
35400 copyWithoutChildren$0() {
35401 var _this = this;
35402 return A.ModifiableCssAtRule$(_this.name, _this.span, _this.isChildless, _this.value);
35403 },
35404 addChild$1(child) {
35405 this.super$ModifiableCssParentNode$addChild(child);
35406 },
35407 $isCssAtRule: 1,
35408 get$isChildless() {
35409 return this.isChildless;
35410 },
35411 get$span(receiver) {
35412 return this.span;
35413 }
35414 };
35415 A.ModifiableCssComment.prototype = {
35416 accept$1$1(visitor) {
35417 return visitor.visitCssComment$1(this);
35418 },
35419 accept$1(visitor) {
35420 return this.accept$1$1(visitor, type$.dynamic);
35421 },
35422 $isCssComment: 1,
35423 get$span(receiver) {
35424 return this.span;
35425 }
35426 };
35427 A.ModifiableCssDeclaration.prototype = {
35428 accept$1$1(visitor) {
35429 return visitor.visitCssDeclaration$1(this);
35430 },
35431 accept$1(visitor) {
35432 return this.accept$1$1(visitor, type$.dynamic);
35433 },
35434 toString$0(_) {
35435 return this.name.toString$0(0) + ": " + this.value.toString$0(0) + ";";
35436 },
35437 get$span(receiver) {
35438 return this.span;
35439 }
35440 };
35441 A.ModifiableCssImport.prototype = {
35442 accept$1$1(visitor) {
35443 return visitor.visitCssImport$1(this);
35444 },
35445 accept$1(visitor) {
35446 return this.accept$1$1(visitor, type$.dynamic);
35447 },
35448 $isCssImport: 1,
35449 get$span(receiver) {
35450 return this.span;
35451 }
35452 };
35453 A.ModifiableCssKeyframeBlock.prototype = {
35454 accept$1$1(visitor) {
35455 return visitor.visitCssKeyframeBlock$1(this);
35456 },
35457 accept$1(visitor) {
35458 return this.accept$1$1(visitor, type$.dynamic);
35459 },
35460 copyWithoutChildren$0() {
35461 return A.ModifiableCssKeyframeBlock$(this.selector, this.span);
35462 },
35463 get$span(receiver) {
35464 return this.span;
35465 }
35466 };
35467 A.ModifiableCssMediaRule.prototype = {
35468 accept$1$1(visitor) {
35469 return visitor.visitCssMediaRule$1(this);
35470 },
35471 accept$1(visitor) {
35472 return this.accept$1$1(visitor, type$.dynamic);
35473 },
35474 copyWithoutChildren$0() {
35475 return A.ModifiableCssMediaRule$(this.queries, this.span);
35476 },
35477 $isCssMediaRule: 1,
35478 get$span(receiver) {
35479 return this.span;
35480 }
35481 };
35482 A.ModifiableCssNode.prototype = {
35483 get$hasFollowingSibling() {
35484 var siblings, t1, i, t2,
35485 $parent = this._parent;
35486 if ($parent == null)
35487 return false;
35488 siblings = $parent.children;
35489 t1 = this._indexInParent;
35490 t1.toString;
35491 i = t1 + 1;
35492 t1 = siblings._collection$_source;
35493 t2 = J.getInterceptor$asx(t1);
35494 for (; i < t2.get$length(t1); ++i)
35495 if (!this._node$_isInvisible$1(t2.elementAt$1(t1, i)))
35496 return true;
35497 return false;
35498 },
35499 _node$_isInvisible$1(node) {
35500 if (type$.CssParentNode._is(node)) {
35501 if (type$.CssAtRule._is(node))
35502 return false;
35503 if (type$.CssStyleRule._is(node) && node.selector.value.get$isInvisible())
35504 return true;
35505 return J.every$1$ax(node.get$children(node), this.get$_node$_isInvisible());
35506 } else
35507 return false;
35508 },
35509 get$isGroupEnd() {
35510 return this.isGroupEnd;
35511 }
35512 };
35513 A.ModifiableCssParentNode.prototype = {
35514 get$isChildless() {
35515 return false;
35516 },
35517 addChild$1(child) {
35518 var t1;
35519 child._parent = this;
35520 t1 = this._children;
35521 child._indexInParent = t1.length;
35522 t1.push(child);
35523 },
35524 $isCssParentNode: 1,
35525 get$children(receiver) {
35526 return this.children;
35527 }
35528 };
35529 A.ModifiableCssStyleRule.prototype = {
35530 accept$1$1(visitor) {
35531 return visitor.visitCssStyleRule$1(this);
35532 },
35533 accept$1(visitor) {
35534 return this.accept$1$1(visitor, type$.dynamic);
35535 },
35536 copyWithoutChildren$0() {
35537 return A.ModifiableCssStyleRule$(this.selector, this.span, this.originalSelector);
35538 },
35539 $isCssStyleRule: 1,
35540 get$span(receiver) {
35541 return this.span;
35542 }
35543 };
35544 A.ModifiableCssStylesheet.prototype = {
35545 accept$1$1(visitor) {
35546 return visitor.visitCssStylesheet$1(this);
35547 },
35548 accept$1(visitor) {
35549 return this.accept$1$1(visitor, type$.dynamic);
35550 },
35551 copyWithoutChildren$0() {
35552 return A.ModifiableCssStylesheet$(this.span);
35553 },
35554 $isCssStylesheet: 1,
35555 get$span(receiver) {
35556 return this.span;
35557 }
35558 };
35559 A.ModifiableCssSupportsRule.prototype = {
35560 accept$1$1(visitor) {
35561 return visitor.visitCssSupportsRule$1(this);
35562 },
35563 accept$1(visitor) {
35564 return this.accept$1$1(visitor, type$.dynamic);
35565 },
35566 copyWithoutChildren$0() {
35567 return A.ModifiableCssSupportsRule$(this.condition, this.span);
35568 },
35569 $isCssSupportsRule: 1,
35570 get$span(receiver) {
35571 return this.span;
35572 }
35573 };
35574 A.ModifiableCssValue.prototype = {
35575 toString$0(_) {
35576 return A.serializeSelector(this.value, true);
35577 },
35578 $isCssValue: 1,
35579 $isAstNode: 1,
35580 get$value(receiver) {
35581 return this.value;
35582 },
35583 get$span(receiver) {
35584 return this.span;
35585 }
35586 };
35587 A.CssNode.prototype = {
35588 toString$0(_) {
35589 return A.serialize(this, true, null, true, null, false, null, true).css;
35590 }
35591 };
35592 A.CssParentNode.prototype = {};
35593 A.CssStylesheet.prototype = {
35594 get$isGroupEnd() {
35595 return false;
35596 },
35597 get$isChildless() {
35598 return false;
35599 },
35600 accept$1$1(visitor) {
35601 return visitor.visitCssStylesheet$1(this);
35602 },
35603 accept$1(visitor) {
35604 return this.accept$1$1(visitor, type$.dynamic);
35605 },
35606 get$children(receiver) {
35607 return this.children;
35608 },
35609 get$span(receiver) {
35610 return this.span;
35611 }
35612 };
35613 A.CssValue.prototype = {
35614 toString$0(_) {
35615 return J.toString$0$(this.value);
35616 },
35617 $isAstNode: 1,
35618 get$value(receiver) {
35619 return this.value;
35620 },
35621 get$span(receiver) {
35622 return this.span;
35623 }
35624 };
35625 A.AstNode.prototype = {};
35626 A._FakeAstNode.prototype = {
35627 get$span(_) {
35628 return this._callback.call$0();
35629 },
35630 $isAstNode: 1
35631 };
35632 A.Argument.prototype = {
35633 toString$0(_) {
35634 var t1 = this.defaultValue,
35635 t2 = this.name;
35636 return t1 == null ? t2 : t2 + ": " + t1.toString$0(0);
35637 },
35638 $isAstNode: 1,
35639 get$span(receiver) {
35640 return this.span;
35641 }
35642 };
35643 A.ArgumentDeclaration.prototype = {
35644 get$spanWithName() {
35645 var t3, t4,
35646 t1 = this.span,
35647 t2 = t1.file,
35648 text = A.String_String$fromCharCodes(B.NativeUint32List_methods.sublist$2(t2._decodedChars, 0, null), 0, null),
35649 i = A.FileLocation$_(t2, t1._file$_start).offset - 1;
35650 while (true) {
35651 if (i > 0) {
35652 t3 = B.JSString_methods.codeUnitAt$1(text, i);
35653 t3 = t3 === 32 || t3 === 9 || t3 === 10 || t3 === 13 || t3 === 12;
35654 } else
35655 t3 = false;
35656 if (!t3)
35657 break;
35658 --i;
35659 }
35660 t3 = B.JSString_methods.codeUnitAt$1(text, i);
35661 if (!(t3 === 95 || A.isAlphabetic0(t3) || t3 >= 128 || A.isDigit(t3) || t3 === 45))
35662 return t1;
35663 --i;
35664 while (true) {
35665 if (i >= 0) {
35666 t3 = B.JSString_methods.codeUnitAt$1(text, i);
35667 if (t3 !== 95) {
35668 if (!(t3 >= 97 && t3 <= 122))
35669 t4 = t3 >= 65 && t3 <= 90;
35670 else
35671 t4 = true;
35672 t4 = t4 || t3 >= 128;
35673 } else
35674 t4 = true;
35675 if (!t4) {
35676 t4 = t3 >= 48 && t3 <= 57;
35677 t3 = t4 || t3 === 45;
35678 } else
35679 t3 = true;
35680 } else
35681 t3 = false;
35682 if (!t3)
35683 break;
35684 --i;
35685 }
35686 t3 = i + 1;
35687 t4 = B.JSString_methods.codeUnitAt$1(text, t3);
35688 if (!(t4 === 95 || A.isAlphabetic0(t4) || t4 >= 128))
35689 return t1;
35690 return A.SpanExtensions_trimRight(A.SpanExtensions_trimLeft(t2.span$2(0, t3, A.FileLocation$_(t2, t1._end).offset)));
35691 },
35692 verify$2(positional, names) {
35693 var t1, t2, t3, namedUsed, i, argument, t4, unknownNames, _this = this,
35694 _s10_ = "invocation",
35695 _s8_ = "argument";
35696 for (t1 = _this.$arguments, t2 = t1.length, t3 = names._baseMap, namedUsed = 0, i = 0; i < t2; ++i) {
35697 argument = t1[i];
35698 if (i < positional) {
35699 t4 = argument.name;
35700 if (t3.containsKey$1(t4))
35701 throw A.wrapException(A.SassScriptException$("Argument " + _this._originalArgumentName$1(t4) + string$.x20was_p));
35702 } else {
35703 t4 = argument.name;
35704 if (t3.containsKey$1(t4))
35705 ++namedUsed;
35706 else if (argument.defaultValue == null)
35707 throw A.wrapException(A.MultiSpanSassScriptException$("Missing argument " + _this._originalArgumentName$1(t4) + ".", _s10_, A.LinkedHashMap_LinkedHashMap$_literal([_this.get$spanWithName(), "declaration"], type$.FileSpan, type$.String)));
35708 }
35709 }
35710 if (_this.restArgument != null)
35711 return;
35712 if (positional > t2) {
35713 t1 = "Only " + t2 + " ";
35714 throw A.wrapException(A.MultiSpanSassScriptException$(t1 + (names.get$isEmpty(names) ? "" : "positional ") + A.pluralize(_s8_, t2, null) + " allowed, but " + positional + " " + A.pluralize("was", positional, "were") + " passed.", _s10_, A.LinkedHashMap_LinkedHashMap$_literal([_this.get$spanWithName(), "declaration"], type$.FileSpan, type$.String)));
35715 }
35716 if (namedUsed < t3.get$length(t3)) {
35717 t2 = type$.String;
35718 unknownNames = A.LinkedHashSet_LinkedHashSet$of(names, t2);
35719 unknownNames.removeAll$1(new A.MappedListIterable(t1, new A.ArgumentDeclaration_verify_closure(), A._arrayInstanceType(t1)._eval$1("MappedListIterable<1,Object?>")));
35720 throw A.wrapException(A.MultiSpanSassScriptException$("No " + A.pluralize(_s8_, unknownNames._collection$_length, null) + " named " + A.S(A.toSentence(unknownNames.map$1$1(0, new A.ArgumentDeclaration_verify_closure0(), type$.Object), "or")) + ".", _s10_, A.LinkedHashMap_LinkedHashMap$_literal([_this.get$spanWithName(), "declaration"], type$.FileSpan, t2)));
35721 }
35722 },
35723 _originalArgumentName$1($name) {
35724 var t1, text, t2, _i, argument, t3, t4, end, _null = null;
35725 if ($name === this.restArgument) {
35726 t1 = this.span;
35727 text = A.String_String$fromCharCodes(B.NativeUint32List_methods.sublist$2(t1.file._decodedChars, t1._file$_start, t1._end), 0, _null);
35728 return B.JSString_methods.substring$2(B.JSString_methods.substring$1(text, B.JSString_methods.lastIndexOf$1(text, "$")), 0, B.JSString_methods.indexOf$1(text, "."));
35729 }
35730 for (t1 = this.$arguments, t2 = t1.length, _i = 0; _i < t2; ++_i) {
35731 argument = t1[_i];
35732 if (argument.name === $name) {
35733 t1 = argument.defaultValue;
35734 t2 = argument.span;
35735 t3 = t2.file;
35736 t4 = t2._file$_start;
35737 t2 = t2._end;
35738 if (t1 == null) {
35739 t1 = t3._decodedChars;
35740 t1 = A.String_String$fromCharCodes(new Uint32Array(t1.subarray(t4, A._checkValidRange(t4, t2, t1.length))), 0, _null);
35741 } else {
35742 t1 = t3._decodedChars;
35743 text = A.String_String$fromCharCodes(new Uint32Array(t1.subarray(t4, A._checkValidRange(t4, t2, t1.length))), 0, _null);
35744 t1 = B.JSString_methods.substring$2(text, 0, B.JSString_methods.indexOf$1(text, ":"));
35745 end = A._lastNonWhitespace(t1, false);
35746 t1 = end == null ? "" : B.JSString_methods.substring$2(t1, 0, end + 1);
35747 }
35748 return t1;
35749 }
35750 }
35751 throw A.wrapException(A.ArgumentError$(string$.This_d + $name + '".', _null));
35752 },
35753 matches$2(positional, names) {
35754 var t1, t2, t3, namedUsed, i, argument;
35755 for (t1 = this.$arguments, t2 = t1.length, t3 = names._baseMap, namedUsed = 0, i = 0; i < t2; ++i) {
35756 argument = t1[i];
35757 if (i < positional) {
35758 if (t3.containsKey$1(argument.name))
35759 return false;
35760 } else if (t3.containsKey$1(argument.name))
35761 ++namedUsed;
35762 else if (argument.defaultValue == null)
35763 return false;
35764 }
35765 if (this.restArgument != null)
35766 return true;
35767 if (positional > t2)
35768 return false;
35769 if (namedUsed < t3.get$length(t3))
35770 return false;
35771 return true;
35772 },
35773 toString$0(_) {
35774 var t2, t3, _i, arg, t4, t5,
35775 t1 = A._setArrayType([], type$.JSArray_String);
35776 for (t2 = this.$arguments, t3 = t2.length, _i = 0; _i < t3; ++_i) {
35777 arg = t2[_i];
35778 t4 = arg.defaultValue;
35779 t5 = arg.name;
35780 t1.push(t4 == null ? t5 : t5 + ": " + t4.toString$0(0));
35781 }
35782 t2 = this.restArgument;
35783 if (t2 != null)
35784 t1.push(t2 + "...");
35785 return B.JSArray_methods.join$1(t1, ", ");
35786 },
35787 $isAstNode: 1,
35788 get$span(receiver) {
35789 return this.span;
35790 }
35791 };
35792 A.ArgumentDeclaration_verify_closure.prototype = {
35793 call$1(argument) {
35794 return argument.name;
35795 },
35796 $signature: 329
35797 };
35798 A.ArgumentDeclaration_verify_closure0.prototype = {
35799 call$1($name) {
35800 return "$" + $name;
35801 },
35802 $signature: 5
35803 };
35804 A.ArgumentInvocation.prototype = {
35805 get$isEmpty(_) {
35806 var t1;
35807 if (this.positional.length === 0) {
35808 t1 = this.named;
35809 t1 = t1.get$isEmpty(t1) && this.rest == null;
35810 } else
35811 t1 = false;
35812 return t1;
35813 },
35814 toString$0(_) {
35815 var t2, t3, t4, _this = this,
35816 t1 = A.List_List$of(_this.positional, true, type$.Object);
35817 for (t2 = _this.named, t3 = J.get$iterator$ax(t2.get$keys(t2)); t3.moveNext$0();) {
35818 t4 = t3.get$current(t3);
35819 t1.push(t4 + ": " + A.S(t2.$index(0, t4)));
35820 }
35821 t2 = _this.rest;
35822 if (t2 != null)
35823 t1.push(t2.toString$0(0) + "...");
35824 t2 = _this.keywordRest;
35825 if (t2 != null)
35826 t1.push(t2.toString$0(0) + "...");
35827 return "(" + B.JSArray_methods.join$1(t1, ", ") + ")";
35828 },
35829 $isAstNode: 1,
35830 get$span(receiver) {
35831 return this.span;
35832 }
35833 };
35834 A.AtRootQuery.prototype = {
35835 excludes$1(node) {
35836 var t1, _this = this;
35837 if (_this._all)
35838 return !_this.include;
35839 if (type$.CssStyleRule._is(node))
35840 return _this._at_root_query$_rule !== _this.include;
35841 if (type$.CssMediaRule._is(node))
35842 return _this.excludesName$1("media");
35843 if (type$.CssSupportsRule._is(node))
35844 return _this.excludesName$1("supports");
35845 if (type$.CssAtRule._is(node)) {
35846 t1 = node.name;
35847 return _this.excludesName$1(t1.get$value(t1).toLowerCase());
35848 }
35849 return false;
35850 },
35851 excludesName$1($name) {
35852 var t1 = this._all || this.names.contains$1(0, $name);
35853 return t1 !== this.include;
35854 }
35855 };
35856 A.ConfiguredVariable.prototype = {
35857 toString$0(_) {
35858 var t1 = "$" + this.name + ": " + this.expression.toString$0(0);
35859 return t1 + (this.isGuarded ? " !default" : "");
35860 },
35861 $isAstNode: 1,
35862 get$span(receiver) {
35863 return this.span;
35864 }
35865 };
35866 A.BinaryOperationExpression.prototype = {
35867 get$span(_) {
35868 var right,
35869 left = this.left;
35870 for (; left instanceof A.BinaryOperationExpression;)
35871 left = left.left;
35872 right = this.right;
35873 for (; right instanceof A.BinaryOperationExpression;)
35874 right = right.right;
35875 return left.get$span(left).expand$1(0, right.get$span(right));
35876 },
35877 accept$1$1(visitor) {
35878 return visitor.visitBinaryOperationExpression$1(this);
35879 },
35880 accept$1(visitor) {
35881 return this.accept$1$1(visitor, type$.dynamic);
35882 },
35883 toString$0(_) {
35884 var t2, right, rightNeedsParens, _this = this,
35885 left = _this.left,
35886 leftNeedsParens = left instanceof A.BinaryOperationExpression && left.operator.precedence < _this.operator.precedence,
35887 t1 = leftNeedsParens ? "" + A.Primitives_stringFromCharCode(40) : "";
35888 t1 += left.toString$0(0);
35889 if (leftNeedsParens)
35890 t1 += A.Primitives_stringFromCharCode(41);
35891 t2 = _this.operator;
35892 t1 = t1 + A.Primitives_stringFromCharCode(32) + t2.operator + A.Primitives_stringFromCharCode(32);
35893 right = _this.right;
35894 rightNeedsParens = right instanceof A.BinaryOperationExpression && right.operator.precedence <= t2.precedence;
35895 if (rightNeedsParens)
35896 t1 += A.Primitives_stringFromCharCode(40);
35897 t1 += right.toString$0(0);
35898 if (rightNeedsParens)
35899 t1 += A.Primitives_stringFromCharCode(41);
35900 return t1.charCodeAt(0) == 0 ? t1 : t1;
35901 },
35902 $isAstNode: 1,
35903 $isExpression: 1
35904 };
35905 A.BinaryOperator.prototype = {
35906 toString$0(_) {
35907 return this.name;
35908 }
35909 };
35910 A.BooleanExpression.prototype = {
35911 accept$1$1(visitor) {
35912 return visitor.visitBooleanExpression$1(this);
35913 },
35914 accept$1(visitor) {
35915 return this.accept$1$1(visitor, type$.dynamic);
35916 },
35917 toString$0(_) {
35918 return String(this.value);
35919 },
35920 $isAstNode: 1,
35921 $isExpression: 1,
35922 get$span(receiver) {
35923 return this.span;
35924 }
35925 };
35926 A.CalculationExpression.prototype = {
35927 accept$1$1(visitor) {
35928 return visitor.visitCalculationExpression$1(this);
35929 },
35930 accept$1(visitor) {
35931 return this.accept$1$1(visitor, type$.dynamic);
35932 },
35933 toString$0(_) {
35934 return this.name + "(" + B.JSArray_methods.join$1(this.$arguments, ", ") + ")";
35935 },
35936 $isAstNode: 1,
35937 $isExpression: 1,
35938 get$span(receiver) {
35939 return this.span;
35940 }
35941 };
35942 A.CalculationExpression__verifyArguments_closure.prototype = {
35943 call$1(arg) {
35944 A.CalculationExpression__verify(arg);
35945 return arg;
35946 },
35947 $signature: 333
35948 };
35949 A.ColorExpression.prototype = {
35950 accept$1$1(visitor) {
35951 return visitor.visitColorExpression$1(this);
35952 },
35953 accept$1(visitor) {
35954 return this.accept$1$1(visitor, type$.dynamic);
35955 },
35956 toString$0(_) {
35957 return A.serializeValue(this.value, true, true);
35958 },
35959 $isAstNode: 1,
35960 $isExpression: 1,
35961 get$span(receiver) {
35962 return this.span;
35963 }
35964 };
35965 A.FunctionExpression.prototype = {
35966 accept$1$1(visitor) {
35967 return visitor.visitFunctionExpression$1(this);
35968 },
35969 accept$1(visitor) {
35970 return this.accept$1$1(visitor, type$.dynamic);
35971 },
35972 toString$0(_) {
35973 var t1 = this.namespace;
35974 t1 = t1 != null ? "" + (t1 + ".") : "";
35975 t1 += this.originalName + this.$arguments.toString$0(0);
35976 return t1.charCodeAt(0) == 0 ? t1 : t1;
35977 },
35978 $isAstNode: 1,
35979 $isExpression: 1,
35980 get$span(receiver) {
35981 return this.span;
35982 }
35983 };
35984 A.IfExpression.prototype = {
35985 accept$1$1(visitor) {
35986 return visitor.visitIfExpression$1(this);
35987 },
35988 accept$1(visitor) {
35989 return this.accept$1$1(visitor, type$.dynamic);
35990 },
35991 toString$0(_) {
35992 return "if" + this.$arguments.toString$0(0);
35993 },
35994 $isAstNode: 1,
35995 $isExpression: 1,
35996 get$span(receiver) {
35997 return this.span;
35998 }
35999 };
36000 A.InterpolatedFunctionExpression.prototype = {
36001 accept$1$1(visitor) {
36002 return visitor.visitInterpolatedFunctionExpression$1(this);
36003 },
36004 accept$1(visitor) {
36005 return this.accept$1$1(visitor, type$.dynamic);
36006 },
36007 toString$0(_) {
36008 return this.name.toString$0(0) + this.$arguments.toString$0(0);
36009 },
36010 $isAstNode: 1,
36011 $isExpression: 1,
36012 get$span(receiver) {
36013 return this.span;
36014 }
36015 };
36016 A.ListExpression.prototype = {
36017 accept$1$1(visitor) {
36018 return visitor.visitListExpression$1(this);
36019 },
36020 accept$1(visitor) {
36021 return this.accept$1$1(visitor, type$.dynamic);
36022 },
36023 toString$0(_) {
36024 var _this = this,
36025 t1 = _this.hasBrackets,
36026 t2 = t1 ? "" + A.Primitives_stringFromCharCode(91) : "",
36027 t3 = _this.contents,
36028 t4 = _this.separator === B.ListSeparator_kWM ? ", " : " ";
36029 t4 = t2 + new A.MappedListIterable(t3, new A.ListExpression_toString_closure(_this), A._arrayInstanceType(t3)._eval$1("MappedListIterable<1,String>")).join$1(0, t4);
36030 t1 = t1 ? t4 + A.Primitives_stringFromCharCode(93) : t4;
36031 return t1.charCodeAt(0) == 0 ? t1 : t1;
36032 },
36033 _list0$_elementNeedsParens$1(expression) {
36034 var t1, t2;
36035 if (expression instanceof A.ListExpression) {
36036 if (expression.contents.length < 2)
36037 return false;
36038 if (expression.hasBrackets)
36039 return false;
36040 t1 = this.separator;
36041 t2 = t1 === B.ListSeparator_kWM;
36042 return t2 ? t2 : t1 !== B.ListSeparator_undecided_null;
36043 }
36044 if (this.separator !== B.ListSeparator_woc)
36045 return false;
36046 if (expression instanceof A.UnaryOperationExpression) {
36047 t1 = expression.operator;
36048 return t1 === B.UnaryOperator_j2w || t1 === B.UnaryOperator_U4G;
36049 }
36050 return false;
36051 },
36052 $isAstNode: 1,
36053 $isExpression: 1,
36054 get$span(receiver) {
36055 return this.span;
36056 }
36057 };
36058 A.ListExpression_toString_closure.prototype = {
36059 call$1(element) {
36060 return this.$this._list0$_elementNeedsParens$1(element) ? "(" + element.toString$0(0) + ")" : element.toString$0(0);
36061 },
36062 $signature: 124
36063 };
36064 A.MapExpression.prototype = {
36065 accept$1$1(visitor) {
36066 return visitor.visitMapExpression$1(this);
36067 },
36068 accept$1(visitor) {
36069 return this.accept$1$1(visitor, type$.dynamic);
36070 },
36071 toString$0(_) {
36072 var t1 = this.pairs;
36073 return "(" + new A.MappedListIterable(t1, new A.MapExpression_toString_closure(), A._arrayInstanceType(t1)._eval$1("MappedListIterable<1,String>")).join$1(0, ", ") + ")";
36074 },
36075 $isAstNode: 1,
36076 $isExpression: 1,
36077 get$span(receiver) {
36078 return this.span;
36079 }
36080 };
36081 A.MapExpression_toString_closure.prototype = {
36082 call$1(pair) {
36083 return A.S(pair.item1) + ": " + A.S(pair.item2);
36084 },
36085 $signature: 340
36086 };
36087 A.NullExpression.prototype = {
36088 accept$1$1(visitor) {
36089 return visitor.visitNullExpression$1(this);
36090 },
36091 accept$1(visitor) {
36092 return this.accept$1$1(visitor, type$.dynamic);
36093 },
36094 toString$0(_) {
36095 return "null";
36096 },
36097 $isAstNode: 1,
36098 $isExpression: 1,
36099 get$span(receiver) {
36100 return this.span;
36101 }
36102 };
36103 A.NumberExpression.prototype = {
36104 accept$1$1(visitor) {
36105 return visitor.visitNumberExpression$1(this);
36106 },
36107 accept$1(visitor) {
36108 return this.accept$1$1(visitor, type$.dynamic);
36109 },
36110 toString$0(_) {
36111 var t1 = A.S(this.value),
36112 t2 = this.unit;
36113 return t1 + (t2 == null ? "" : t2);
36114 },
36115 $isAstNode: 1,
36116 $isExpression: 1,
36117 get$span(receiver) {
36118 return this.span;
36119 }
36120 };
36121 A.ParenthesizedExpression.prototype = {
36122 accept$1$1(visitor) {
36123 return visitor.visitParenthesizedExpression$1(this);
36124 },
36125 accept$1(visitor) {
36126 return this.accept$1$1(visitor, type$.dynamic);
36127 },
36128 toString$0(_) {
36129 return "(" + this.expression.toString$0(0) + ")";
36130 },
36131 $isAstNode: 1,
36132 $isExpression: 1,
36133 get$span(receiver) {
36134 return this.span;
36135 }
36136 };
36137 A.SelectorExpression.prototype = {
36138 accept$1$1(visitor) {
36139 return visitor.visitSelectorExpression$1(this);
36140 },
36141 accept$1(visitor) {
36142 return this.accept$1$1(visitor, type$.dynamic);
36143 },
36144 toString$0(_) {
36145 return "&";
36146 },
36147 $isAstNode: 1,
36148 $isExpression: 1,
36149 get$span(receiver) {
36150 return this.span;
36151 }
36152 };
36153 A.StringExpression.prototype = {
36154 get$span(_) {
36155 return this.text.span;
36156 },
36157 accept$1$1(visitor) {
36158 return visitor.visitStringExpression$1(this);
36159 },
36160 accept$1(visitor) {
36161 return this.accept$1$1(visitor, type$.dynamic);
36162 },
36163 asInterpolation$1$static($static) {
36164 var t1, t2, quote, t3, t4, buffer, t5, t6, _i, value;
36165 if (!this.hasQuotes)
36166 return this.text;
36167 t1 = this.text;
36168 t2 = t1.contents;
36169 quote = A.StringExpression__bestQuote(new A.WhereTypeIterable(t2, type$.WhereTypeIterable_String));
36170 t3 = new A.StringBuffer("");
36171 t4 = A._setArrayType([], type$.JSArray_Object);
36172 buffer = new A.InterpolationBuffer(t3, t4);
36173 t3._contents = "" + A.Primitives_stringFromCharCode(quote);
36174 for (t5 = t2.length, t6 = type$.Expression, _i = 0; _i < t5; ++_i) {
36175 value = t2[_i];
36176 if (t6._is(value)) {
36177 buffer._flushText$0();
36178 t4.push(value);
36179 } else if (typeof value == "string")
36180 A.StringExpression__quoteInnerText(value, quote, buffer, $static);
36181 }
36182 t3._contents += A.Primitives_stringFromCharCode(quote);
36183 return buffer.interpolation$1(t1.span);
36184 },
36185 asInterpolation$0() {
36186 return this.asInterpolation$1$static(false);
36187 },
36188 toString$0(_) {
36189 return this.asInterpolation$0().toString$0(0);
36190 },
36191 $isAstNode: 1,
36192 $isExpression: 1
36193 };
36194 A.UnaryOperationExpression.prototype = {
36195 accept$1$1(visitor) {
36196 return visitor.visitUnaryOperationExpression$1(this);
36197 },
36198 accept$1(visitor) {
36199 return this.accept$1$1(visitor, type$.dynamic);
36200 },
36201 toString$0(_) {
36202 var t1 = this.operator,
36203 t2 = t1.operator;
36204 t1 = t1 === B.UnaryOperator_not_not ? t2 + A.Primitives_stringFromCharCode(32) : t2;
36205 t1 += this.operand.toString$0(0);
36206 return t1.charCodeAt(0) == 0 ? t1 : t1;
36207 },
36208 $isAstNode: 1,
36209 $isExpression: 1,
36210 get$span(receiver) {
36211 return this.span;
36212 }
36213 };
36214 A.UnaryOperator.prototype = {
36215 toString$0(_) {
36216 return this.name;
36217 }
36218 };
36219 A.ValueExpression.prototype = {
36220 accept$1$1(visitor) {
36221 return visitor.visitValueExpression$1(this);
36222 },
36223 accept$1(visitor) {
36224 return this.accept$1$1(visitor, type$.dynamic);
36225 },
36226 toString$0(_) {
36227 return A.serializeValue(this.value, true, true);
36228 },
36229 $isAstNode: 1,
36230 $isExpression: 1,
36231 get$span(receiver) {
36232 return this.span;
36233 }
36234 };
36235 A.VariableExpression.prototype = {
36236 accept$1$1(visitor) {
36237 return visitor.visitVariableExpression$1(this);
36238 },
36239 accept$1(visitor) {
36240 return this.accept$1$1(visitor, type$.dynamic);
36241 },
36242 toString$0(_) {
36243 var t1 = this.namespace,
36244 t2 = this.name;
36245 return t1 == null ? "$" + t2 : t1 + ".$" + t2;
36246 },
36247 $isAstNode: 1,
36248 $isExpression: 1,
36249 get$span(receiver) {
36250 return this.span;
36251 }
36252 };
36253 A.DynamicImport.prototype = {
36254 toString$0(_) {
36255 return A.StringExpression_quoteText(this.urlString);
36256 },
36257 $isAstNode: 1,
36258 $isImport: 1,
36259 get$span(receiver) {
36260 return this.span;
36261 }
36262 };
36263 A.StaticImport.prototype = {
36264 toString$0(_) {
36265 var t1 = this.url.toString$0(0),
36266 t2 = this.supports;
36267 if (t2 != null)
36268 t1 += " supports(" + t2.toString$0(0) + ")";
36269 t2 = this.media;
36270 if (t2 != null)
36271 t1 += " " + t2.toString$0(0);
36272 t1 += A.Primitives_stringFromCharCode(59);
36273 return t1.charCodeAt(0) == 0 ? t1 : t1;
36274 },
36275 $isAstNode: 1,
36276 $isImport: 1,
36277 get$span(receiver) {
36278 return this.span;
36279 }
36280 };
36281 A.Interpolation.prototype = {
36282 get$asPlain() {
36283 var first,
36284 t1 = this.contents,
36285 t2 = t1.length;
36286 if (t2 === 0)
36287 return "";
36288 if (t2 > 1)
36289 return null;
36290 first = B.JSArray_methods.get$first(t1);
36291 return typeof first == "string" ? first : null;
36292 },
36293 get$initialPlain() {
36294 var first = B.JSArray_methods.get$first(this.contents);
36295 return typeof first == "string" ? first : "";
36296 },
36297 Interpolation$2(contents, span) {
36298 var t1, t2, t3, i, t4, t5,
36299 _s8_ = "contents";
36300 for (t1 = this.contents, t2 = t1.length, t3 = type$.Expression, i = 0; i < t2; ++i) {
36301 t4 = t1[i];
36302 t5 = typeof t4 == "string";
36303 if (!t5 && !t3._is(t4))
36304 throw A.wrapException(A.ArgumentError$value(t1, _s8_, string$.May_on));
36305 if (i !== 0 && typeof t1[i - 1] == "string" && t5)
36306 throw A.wrapException(A.ArgumentError$value(t1, _s8_, "May not contain adjacent Strings."));
36307 }
36308 },
36309 toString$0(_) {
36310 var t1 = this.contents;
36311 return new A.MappedListIterable(t1, new A.Interpolation_toString_closure(), A._arrayInstanceType(t1)._eval$1("MappedListIterable<1,String>")).join$0(0);
36312 },
36313 $isAstNode: 1,
36314 get$span(receiver) {
36315 return this.span;
36316 }
36317 };
36318 A.Interpolation_toString_closure.prototype = {
36319 call$1(value) {
36320 return typeof value == "string" ? value : "#{" + A.S(value) + "}";
36321 },
36322 $signature: 47
36323 };
36324 A.AtRootRule.prototype = {
36325 accept$1$1(visitor) {
36326 return visitor.visitAtRootRule$1(this);
36327 },
36328 accept$1(visitor) {
36329 return this.accept$1$1(visitor, type$.dynamic);
36330 },
36331 toString$0(_) {
36332 var buffer = new A.StringBuffer("@at-root "),
36333 t1 = this.query;
36334 if (t1 != null)
36335 buffer._contents = "@at-root " + (t1.toString$0(0) + " ");
36336 t1 = this.children;
36337 return buffer.toString$0(0) + " {" + (t1 && B.JSArray_methods).join$1(t1, " ") + "}";
36338 },
36339 get$span(receiver) {
36340 return this.span;
36341 }
36342 };
36343 A.AtRule.prototype = {
36344 accept$1$1(visitor) {
36345 return visitor.visitAtRule$1(this);
36346 },
36347 accept$1(visitor) {
36348 return this.accept$1$1(visitor, type$.dynamic);
36349 },
36350 toString$0(_) {
36351 var children,
36352 t1 = "@" + this.name.toString$0(0),
36353 buffer = new A.StringBuffer(t1),
36354 t2 = this.value;
36355 if (t2 != null)
36356 buffer._contents = t1 + (" " + t2.toString$0(0));
36357 children = this.children;
36358 return children == null ? buffer.toString$0(0) + ";" : buffer.toString$0(0) + " {" + B.JSArray_methods.join$1(children, " ") + "}";
36359 },
36360 get$span(receiver) {
36361 return this.span;
36362 }
36363 };
36364 A.CallableDeclaration.prototype = {
36365 get$span(receiver) {
36366 return this.span;
36367 }
36368 };
36369 A.ContentBlock.prototype = {
36370 accept$1$1(visitor) {
36371 return visitor.visitContentBlock$1(this);
36372 },
36373 accept$1(visitor) {
36374 return this.accept$1$1(visitor, type$.dynamic);
36375 },
36376 toString$0(_) {
36377 var t2,
36378 t1 = this.$arguments;
36379 t1 = t1.$arguments.length === 0 && t1.restArgument == null ? "" : " using (" + t1.toString$0(0) + ")";
36380 t2 = this.children;
36381 return t1 + (" {" + (t2 && B.JSArray_methods).join$1(t2, " ") + "}");
36382 }
36383 };
36384 A.ContentRule.prototype = {
36385 accept$1$1(visitor) {
36386 return visitor.visitContentRule$1(this);
36387 },
36388 accept$1(visitor) {
36389 return this.accept$1$1(visitor, type$.dynamic);
36390 },
36391 toString$0(_) {
36392 var t1 = this.$arguments;
36393 return t1.get$isEmpty(t1) ? "@content;" : "@content(" + t1.toString$0(0) + ");";
36394 },
36395 $isAstNode: 1,
36396 $isStatement: 1,
36397 get$span(receiver) {
36398 return this.span;
36399 }
36400 };
36401 A.DebugRule.prototype = {
36402 accept$1$1(visitor) {
36403 return visitor.visitDebugRule$1(this);
36404 },
36405 accept$1(visitor) {
36406 return this.accept$1$1(visitor, type$.dynamic);
36407 },
36408 toString$0(_) {
36409 return "@debug " + this.expression.toString$0(0) + ";";
36410 },
36411 $isAstNode: 1,
36412 $isStatement: 1,
36413 get$span(receiver) {
36414 return this.span;
36415 }
36416 };
36417 A.Declaration.prototype = {
36418 accept$1$1(visitor) {
36419 return visitor.visitDeclaration$1(this);
36420 },
36421 accept$1(visitor) {
36422 return this.accept$1$1(visitor, type$.dynamic);
36423 },
36424 get$span(receiver) {
36425 return this.span;
36426 }
36427 };
36428 A.EachRule.prototype = {
36429 accept$1$1(visitor) {
36430 return visitor.visitEachRule$1(this);
36431 },
36432 accept$1(visitor) {
36433 return this.accept$1$1(visitor, type$.dynamic);
36434 },
36435 toString$0(_) {
36436 var t1 = this.variables,
36437 t2 = this.children;
36438 return "@each " + new A.MappedListIterable(t1, new A.EachRule_toString_closure(), A._arrayInstanceType(t1)._eval$1("MappedListIterable<1,String>")).join$1(0, ", ") + " in " + this.list.toString$0(0) + " {" + (t2 && B.JSArray_methods).join$1(t2, " ") + "}";
36439 },
36440 get$span(receiver) {
36441 return this.span;
36442 }
36443 };
36444 A.EachRule_toString_closure.prototype = {
36445 call$1(variable) {
36446 return "$" + variable;
36447 },
36448 $signature: 5
36449 };
36450 A.ErrorRule.prototype = {
36451 accept$1$1(visitor) {
36452 return visitor.visitErrorRule$1(this);
36453 },
36454 accept$1(visitor) {
36455 return this.accept$1$1(visitor, type$.dynamic);
36456 },
36457 toString$0(_) {
36458 return "@error " + this.expression.toString$0(0) + ";";
36459 },
36460 $isAstNode: 1,
36461 $isStatement: 1,
36462 get$span(receiver) {
36463 return this.span;
36464 }
36465 };
36466 A.ExtendRule.prototype = {
36467 accept$1$1(visitor) {
36468 return visitor.visitExtendRule$1(this);
36469 },
36470 accept$1(visitor) {
36471 return this.accept$1$1(visitor, type$.dynamic);
36472 },
36473 toString$0(_) {
36474 return "@extend " + this.selector.toString$0(0);
36475 },
36476 $isAstNode: 1,
36477 $isStatement: 1,
36478 get$span(receiver) {
36479 return this.span;
36480 }
36481 };
36482 A.ForRule.prototype = {
36483 accept$1$1(visitor) {
36484 return visitor.visitForRule$1(this);
36485 },
36486 accept$1(visitor) {
36487 return this.accept$1$1(visitor, type$.dynamic);
36488 },
36489 toString$0(_) {
36490 var _this = this,
36491 t1 = "@for $" + _this.variable + " from " + _this.from.toString$0(0) + " ",
36492 t2 = _this.children;
36493 return t1 + (_this.isExclusive ? "to" : "through") + " " + _this.to.toString$0(0) + " {" + (t2 && B.JSArray_methods).join$1(t2, " ") + "}";
36494 },
36495 get$span(receiver) {
36496 return this.span;
36497 }
36498 };
36499 A.ForwardRule.prototype = {
36500 accept$1$1(visitor) {
36501 return visitor.visitForwardRule$1(this);
36502 },
36503 accept$1(visitor) {
36504 return this.accept$1$1(visitor, type$.dynamic);
36505 },
36506 toString$0(_) {
36507 var t2, prefix, _this = this,
36508 t1 = "@forward " + A.StringExpression_quoteText(_this.url.toString$0(0)),
36509 shownMixinsAndFunctions = _this.shownMixinsAndFunctions,
36510 hiddenMixinsAndFunctions = _this.hiddenMixinsAndFunctions;
36511 if (shownMixinsAndFunctions != null) {
36512 t1 += " show ";
36513 t2 = _this.shownVariables;
36514 t2.toString;
36515 t2 = t1 + _this._forward_rule$_memberList$2(shownMixinsAndFunctions, t2);
36516 t1 = t2;
36517 } else {
36518 if (hiddenMixinsAndFunctions != null) {
36519 t2 = hiddenMixinsAndFunctions._base;
36520 t2 = t2.get$isNotEmpty(t2);
36521 } else
36522 t2 = false;
36523 if (t2) {
36524 t1 += " hide ";
36525 t2 = _this.hiddenVariables;
36526 t2.toString;
36527 t2 = t1 + _this._forward_rule$_memberList$2(hiddenMixinsAndFunctions, t2);
36528 t1 = t2;
36529 }
36530 }
36531 prefix = _this.prefix;
36532 if (prefix != null)
36533 t1 += " as " + prefix + "*";
36534 t2 = _this.configuration;
36535 t1 = (t2.length !== 0 ? t1 + (" with (" + B.JSArray_methods.join$1(t2, ", ") + ")") : t1) + ";";
36536 return t1.charCodeAt(0) == 0 ? t1 : t1;
36537 },
36538 _forward_rule$_memberList$2(mixinsAndFunctions, variables) {
36539 var t2,
36540 t1 = A.List_List$of(mixinsAndFunctions, true, type$.String);
36541 for (t2 = variables._base, t2 = t2.get$iterator(t2); t2.moveNext$0();)
36542 t1.push("$" + t2.get$current(t2));
36543 return B.JSArray_methods.join$1(t1, ", ");
36544 },
36545 $isAstNode: 1,
36546 $isStatement: 1,
36547 get$span(receiver) {
36548 return this.span;
36549 }
36550 };
36551 A.FunctionRule.prototype = {
36552 accept$1$1(visitor) {
36553 return visitor.visitFunctionRule$1(this);
36554 },
36555 accept$1(visitor) {
36556 return this.accept$1$1(visitor, type$.dynamic);
36557 },
36558 toString$0(_) {
36559 var t1 = this.children;
36560 return "@function " + this.name + "(" + this.$arguments.toString$0(0) + ") {" + (t1 && B.JSArray_methods).join$1(t1, " ") + "}";
36561 }
36562 };
36563 A.IfRule.prototype = {
36564 accept$1$1(visitor) {
36565 return visitor.visitIfRule$1(this);
36566 },
36567 accept$1(visitor) {
36568 return this.accept$1$1(visitor, type$.dynamic);
36569 },
36570 toString$0(_) {
36571 var result = A.ListExtensions_mapIndexed(this.clauses, new A.IfRule_toString_closure(), type$.IfClause, type$.String).join$1(0, " "),
36572 lastClause = this.lastClause;
36573 return lastClause != null ? result + (" " + lastClause.toString$0(0)) : result;
36574 },
36575 $isAstNode: 1,
36576 $isStatement: 1,
36577 get$span(receiver) {
36578 return this.span;
36579 }
36580 };
36581 A.IfRule_toString_closure.prototype = {
36582 call$2(index, clause) {
36583 return "@" + (index === 0 ? "if" : "else if") + " {" + B.JSArray_methods.join$1(clause.children, " ") + "}";
36584 },
36585 $signature: 345
36586 };
36587 A.IfRuleClause.prototype = {};
36588 A.IfRuleClause$__closure.prototype = {
36589 call$1(child) {
36590 var t1;
36591 if (!(child instanceof A.VariableDeclaration))
36592 if (!(child instanceof A.FunctionRule))
36593 if (!(child instanceof A.MixinRule))
36594 t1 = child instanceof A.ImportRule && B.JSArray_methods.any$1(child.imports, new A.IfRuleClause$___closure());
36595 else
36596 t1 = true;
36597 else
36598 t1 = true;
36599 else
36600 t1 = true;
36601 return t1;
36602 },
36603 $signature: 193
36604 };
36605 A.IfRuleClause$___closure.prototype = {
36606 call$1($import) {
36607 return $import instanceof A.DynamicImport;
36608 },
36609 $signature: 192
36610 };
36611 A.IfClause.prototype = {
36612 toString$0(_) {
36613 return "@if " + this.expression.toString$0(0) + " {" + B.JSArray_methods.join$1(this.children, " ") + "}";
36614 }
36615 };
36616 A.ElseClause.prototype = {
36617 toString$0(_) {
36618 return "@else {" + B.JSArray_methods.join$1(this.children, " ") + "}";
36619 }
36620 };
36621 A.ImportRule.prototype = {
36622 accept$1$1(visitor) {
36623 return visitor.visitImportRule$1(this);
36624 },
36625 accept$1(visitor) {
36626 return this.accept$1$1(visitor, type$.dynamic);
36627 },
36628 toString$0(_) {
36629 return "@import " + B.JSArray_methods.join$1(this.imports, ", ") + ";";
36630 },
36631 $isAstNode: 1,
36632 $isStatement: 1,
36633 get$span(receiver) {
36634 return this.span;
36635 }
36636 };
36637 A.IncludeRule.prototype = {
36638 get$spanWithoutContent() {
36639 var t2, t3,
36640 t1 = this.span;
36641 if (!(this.content == null)) {
36642 t2 = t1.file;
36643 t3 = this.$arguments.span;
36644 t3 = A.SpanExtensions_trimRight(A.SpanExtensions_trimLeft(t2.span$2(0, A.FileLocation$_(t2, t1._file$_start).offset, A.FileLocation$_(t3.file, t3._end).offset)));
36645 t1 = t3;
36646 }
36647 return t1;
36648 },
36649 accept$1$1(visitor) {
36650 return visitor.visitIncludeRule$1(this);
36651 },
36652 accept$1(visitor) {
36653 return this.accept$1$1(visitor, type$.dynamic);
36654 },
36655 toString$0(_) {
36656 var t2, _this = this,
36657 t1 = _this.namespace;
36658 t1 = t1 != null ? "@include " + (t1 + ".") : "@include ";
36659 t1 += _this.name;
36660 t2 = _this.$arguments;
36661 if (!t2.get$isEmpty(t2))
36662 t1 += "(" + t2.toString$0(0) + ")";
36663 t2 = _this.content;
36664 t1 += t2 == null ? ";" : " " + t2.toString$0(0);
36665 return t1.charCodeAt(0) == 0 ? t1 : t1;
36666 },
36667 $isAstNode: 1,
36668 $isStatement: 1,
36669 get$span(receiver) {
36670 return this.span;
36671 }
36672 };
36673 A.LoudComment.prototype = {
36674 get$span(_) {
36675 return this.text.span;
36676 },
36677 accept$1$1(visitor) {
36678 return visitor.visitLoudComment$1(this);
36679 },
36680 accept$1(visitor) {
36681 return this.accept$1$1(visitor, type$.dynamic);
36682 },
36683 toString$0(_) {
36684 return this.text.toString$0(0);
36685 },
36686 $isAstNode: 1,
36687 $isStatement: 1
36688 };
36689 A.MediaRule.prototype = {
36690 accept$1$1(visitor) {
36691 return visitor.visitMediaRule$1(this);
36692 },
36693 accept$1(visitor) {
36694 return this.accept$1$1(visitor, type$.dynamic);
36695 },
36696 toString$0(_) {
36697 var t1 = this.children;
36698 return "@media " + this.query.toString$0(0) + " {" + (t1 && B.JSArray_methods).join$1(t1, " ") + "}";
36699 },
36700 get$span(receiver) {
36701 return this.span;
36702 }
36703 };
36704 A.MixinRule.prototype = {
36705 get$hasContent() {
36706 var result, _this = this,
36707 value = _this.__MixinRule_hasContent;
36708 if (value === $) {
36709 result = J.$eq$(B.C__HasContentVisitor.visitChildren$1(_this.children), true);
36710 A._lateInitializeOnceCheck(_this.__MixinRule_hasContent, "hasContent");
36711 _this.__MixinRule_hasContent = result;
36712 value = result;
36713 }
36714 return value;
36715 },
36716 accept$1$1(visitor) {
36717 return visitor.visitMixinRule$1(this);
36718 },
36719 accept$1(visitor) {
36720 return this.accept$1$1(visitor, type$.dynamic);
36721 },
36722 toString$0(_) {
36723 var t1 = "@mixin " + this.name,
36724 t2 = this.$arguments;
36725 if (!(t2.$arguments.length === 0 && t2.restArgument == null))
36726 t1 += "(" + t2.toString$0(0) + ")";
36727 t2 = this.children;
36728 t2 = t1 + (" {" + (t2 && B.JSArray_methods).join$1(t2, " ") + "}");
36729 return t2.charCodeAt(0) == 0 ? t2 : t2;
36730 }
36731 };
36732 A._HasContentVisitor.prototype = {
36733 visitContentRule$1(_) {
36734 return true;
36735 }
36736 };
36737 A.ParentStatement.prototype = {$isAstNode: 1, $isStatement: 1};
36738 A.ParentStatement_closure.prototype = {
36739 call$1(child) {
36740 var t1;
36741 if (!(child instanceof A.VariableDeclaration))
36742 if (!(child instanceof A.FunctionRule))
36743 if (!(child instanceof A.MixinRule))
36744 t1 = child instanceof A.ImportRule && B.JSArray_methods.any$1(child.imports, new A.ParentStatement__closure());
36745 else
36746 t1 = true;
36747 else
36748 t1 = true;
36749 else
36750 t1 = true;
36751 return t1;
36752 },
36753 $signature: 193
36754 };
36755 A.ParentStatement__closure.prototype = {
36756 call$1($import) {
36757 return $import instanceof A.DynamicImport;
36758 },
36759 $signature: 192
36760 };
36761 A.ReturnRule.prototype = {
36762 accept$1$1(visitor) {
36763 return visitor.visitReturnRule$1(this);
36764 },
36765 accept$1(visitor) {
36766 return this.accept$1$1(visitor, type$.dynamic);
36767 },
36768 toString$0(_) {
36769 return "@return " + this.expression.toString$0(0) + ";";
36770 },
36771 $isAstNode: 1,
36772 $isStatement: 1,
36773 get$span(receiver) {
36774 return this.span;
36775 }
36776 };
36777 A.SilentComment.prototype = {
36778 accept$1$1(visitor) {
36779 return visitor.visitSilentComment$1(this);
36780 },
36781 accept$1(visitor) {
36782 return this.accept$1$1(visitor, type$.dynamic);
36783 },
36784 toString$0(_) {
36785 return this.text;
36786 },
36787 $isAstNode: 1,
36788 $isStatement: 1,
36789 get$span(receiver) {
36790 return this.span;
36791 }
36792 };
36793 A.StyleRule.prototype = {
36794 accept$1$1(visitor) {
36795 return visitor.visitStyleRule$1(this);
36796 },
36797 accept$1(visitor) {
36798 return this.accept$1$1(visitor, type$.dynamic);
36799 },
36800 toString$0(_) {
36801 var t1 = this.children;
36802 return this.selector.toString$0(0) + " {" + (t1 && B.JSArray_methods).join$1(t1, " ") + "}";
36803 },
36804 get$span(receiver) {
36805 return this.span;
36806 }
36807 };
36808 A.Stylesheet.prototype = {
36809 Stylesheet$internal$3$plainCss(children, span, plainCss) {
36810 var t1, t2, t3, t4, _i, child;
36811 for (t1 = this.children, t2 = t1.length, t3 = this._forwards, t4 = this._uses, _i = 0; _i < t2; ++_i) {
36812 child = t1[_i];
36813 if (child instanceof A.UseRule)
36814 t4.push(child);
36815 else if (child instanceof A.ForwardRule)
36816 t3.push(child);
36817 else if (!(child instanceof A.SilentComment) && !(child instanceof A.LoudComment) && !(child instanceof A.VariableDeclaration))
36818 break;
36819 }
36820 },
36821 accept$1$1(visitor) {
36822 return visitor.visitStylesheet$1(this);
36823 },
36824 accept$1(visitor) {
36825 return this.accept$1$1(visitor, type$.dynamic);
36826 },
36827 toString$0(_) {
36828 var t1 = this.children;
36829 return (t1 && B.JSArray_methods).join$1(t1, " ");
36830 },
36831 get$span(receiver) {
36832 return this.span;
36833 }
36834 };
36835 A.SupportsRule.prototype = {
36836 accept$1$1(visitor) {
36837 return visitor.visitSupportsRule$1(this);
36838 },
36839 accept$1(visitor) {
36840 return this.accept$1$1(visitor, type$.dynamic);
36841 },
36842 toString$0(_) {
36843 var t1 = this.children;
36844 return "@supports " + this.condition.toString$0(0) + " {" + (t1 && B.JSArray_methods).join$1(t1, " ") + "}";
36845 },
36846 get$span(receiver) {
36847 return this.span;
36848 }
36849 };
36850 A.UseRule.prototype = {
36851 UseRule$4$configuration(url, namespace, span, configuration) {
36852 var t1, t2, _i, variable;
36853 for (t1 = this.configuration, t2 = t1.length, _i = 0; _i < t2; ++_i) {
36854 variable = t1[_i];
36855 if (variable.isGuarded)
36856 throw A.wrapException(A.ArgumentError$value(variable, "configured variable", "can't be guarded in a @use rule."));
36857 }
36858 },
36859 accept$1$1(visitor) {
36860 return visitor.visitUseRule$1(this);
36861 },
36862 accept$1(visitor) {
36863 return this.accept$1$1(visitor, type$.dynamic);
36864 },
36865 toString$0(_) {
36866 var t1 = this.url,
36867 t2 = "@use " + A.StringExpression_quoteText(t1.toString$0(0)),
36868 basename = t1.get$pathSegments().length === 0 ? "" : B.JSArray_methods.get$last(t1.get$pathSegments()),
36869 dot = B.JSString_methods.indexOf$1(basename, ".");
36870 t1 = this.namespace;
36871 if (t1 !== B.JSString_methods.substring$2(basename, 0, dot === -1 ? basename.length : dot))
36872 t1 = t2 + (" as " + (t1 == null ? "*" : t1));
36873 else
36874 t1 = t2;
36875 t2 = this.configuration;
36876 t1 = (t2.length !== 0 ? t1 + (" with (" + B.JSArray_methods.join$1(t2, ", ") + ")") : t1) + ";";
36877 return t1.charCodeAt(0) == 0 ? t1 : t1;
36878 },
36879 $isAstNode: 1,
36880 $isStatement: 1,
36881 get$span(receiver) {
36882 return this.span;
36883 }
36884 };
36885 A.VariableDeclaration.prototype = {
36886 accept$1$1(visitor) {
36887 return visitor.visitVariableDeclaration$1(this);
36888 },
36889 accept$1(visitor) {
36890 return this.accept$1$1(visitor, type$.dynamic);
36891 },
36892 toString$0(_) {
36893 var t1 = this.namespace;
36894 t1 = t1 != null ? "$" + (t1 + ".") : "$";
36895 t1 += this.name + ": " + this.expression.toString$0(0) + ";";
36896 return t1.charCodeAt(0) == 0 ? t1 : t1;
36897 },
36898 $isAstNode: 1,
36899 $isStatement: 1,
36900 get$span(receiver) {
36901 return this.span;
36902 }
36903 };
36904 A.WarnRule.prototype = {
36905 accept$1$1(visitor) {
36906 return visitor.visitWarnRule$1(this);
36907 },
36908 accept$1(visitor) {
36909 return this.accept$1$1(visitor, type$.dynamic);
36910 },
36911 toString$0(_) {
36912 return "@warn " + this.expression.toString$0(0) + ";";
36913 },
36914 $isAstNode: 1,
36915 $isStatement: 1,
36916 get$span(receiver) {
36917 return this.span;
36918 }
36919 };
36920 A.WhileRule.prototype = {
36921 accept$1$1(visitor) {
36922 return visitor.visitWhileRule$1(this);
36923 },
36924 accept$1(visitor) {
36925 return this.accept$1$1(visitor, type$.dynamic);
36926 },
36927 toString$0(_) {
36928 var t1 = this.children;
36929 return "@while " + this.condition.toString$0(0) + " {" + (t1 && B.JSArray_methods).join$1(t1, " ") + "}";
36930 },
36931 get$span(receiver) {
36932 return this.span;
36933 }
36934 };
36935 A.SupportsAnything.prototype = {
36936 toString$0(_) {
36937 return "(" + this.contents.toString$0(0) + ")";
36938 },
36939 $isAstNode: 1,
36940 $isSupportsCondition: 1,
36941 get$span(receiver) {
36942 return this.span;
36943 }
36944 };
36945 A.SupportsDeclaration.prototype = {
36946 get$isCustomProperty() {
36947 var $name = this.name;
36948 return $name instanceof A.StringExpression && !$name.hasQuotes && B.JSString_methods.startsWith$1($name.text.get$initialPlain(), "--");
36949 },
36950 toString$0(_) {
36951 return "(" + this.name.toString$0(0) + ": " + this.value.toString$0(0) + ")";
36952 },
36953 $isAstNode: 1,
36954 $isSupportsCondition: 1,
36955 get$span(receiver) {
36956 return this.span;
36957 }
36958 };
36959 A.SupportsFunction.prototype = {
36960 toString$0(_) {
36961 return this.name.toString$0(0) + "(" + this.$arguments.toString$0(0) + ")";
36962 },
36963 $isAstNode: 1,
36964 $isSupportsCondition: 1,
36965 get$span(receiver) {
36966 return this.span;
36967 }
36968 };
36969 A.SupportsInterpolation.prototype = {
36970 toString$0(_) {
36971 return "#{" + this.expression.toString$0(0) + "}";
36972 },
36973 $isAstNode: 1,
36974 $isSupportsCondition: 1,
36975 get$span(receiver) {
36976 return this.span;
36977 }
36978 };
36979 A.SupportsNegation.prototype = {
36980 toString$0(_) {
36981 var t1 = this.condition;
36982 if (t1 instanceof A.SupportsNegation || t1 instanceof A.SupportsOperation)
36983 return "not (" + t1.toString$0(0) + ")";
36984 else
36985 return "not " + t1.toString$0(0);
36986 },
36987 $isAstNode: 1,
36988 $isSupportsCondition: 1,
36989 get$span(receiver) {
36990 return this.span;
36991 }
36992 };
36993 A.SupportsOperation.prototype = {
36994 toString$0(_) {
36995 var _this = this;
36996 return _this._operation$_parenthesize$1(_this.left) + " " + _this.operator + " " + _this._operation$_parenthesize$1(_this.right);
36997 },
36998 _operation$_parenthesize$1(condition) {
36999 var t1;
37000 if (!(condition instanceof A.SupportsNegation))
37001 t1 = condition instanceof A.SupportsOperation && condition.operator === this.operator;
37002 else
37003 t1 = true;
37004 return t1 ? "(" + condition.toString$0(0) + ")" : condition.toString$0(0);
37005 },
37006 $isAstNode: 1,
37007 $isSupportsCondition: 1,
37008 get$span(receiver) {
37009 return this.span;
37010 }
37011 };
37012 A.Selector.prototype = {
37013 get$isInvisible() {
37014 return false;
37015 },
37016 toString$0(_) {
37017 var visitor = A._SerializeVisitor$(null, true, null, true, false, null, true);
37018 this.accept$1(visitor);
37019 return visitor._serialize$_buffer.toString$0(0);
37020 }
37021 };
37022 A.AttributeSelector.prototype = {
37023 accept$1$1(visitor) {
37024 var value, t2, _this = this,
37025 t1 = visitor._serialize$_buffer;
37026 t1.writeCharCode$1(91);
37027 t1.write$1(0, _this.name);
37028 value = _this.value;
37029 if (value != null) {
37030 t1.write$1(0, _this.op);
37031 if (A.Parser_isIdentifier(value) && !B.JSString_methods.startsWith$1(value, "--")) {
37032 t1.write$1(0, value);
37033 t2 = _this.modifier;
37034 if (t2 != null)
37035 t1.writeCharCode$1(32);
37036 } else {
37037 visitor._visitQuotedString$1(value);
37038 t2 = _this.modifier;
37039 if (t2 != null)
37040 if (visitor._style !== B.OutputStyle_compressed)
37041 t1.writeCharCode$1(32);
37042 }
37043 if (t2 != null)
37044 t1.write$1(0, t2);
37045 }
37046 t1.writeCharCode$1(93);
37047 return null;
37048 },
37049 accept$1(visitor) {
37050 return this.accept$1$1(visitor, type$.dynamic);
37051 },
37052 $eq(_, other) {
37053 var _this = this;
37054 if (other == null)
37055 return false;
37056 return other instanceof A.AttributeSelector && other.name.$eq(0, _this.name) && other.op == _this.op && other.value == _this.value && other.modifier == _this.modifier;
37057 },
37058 get$hashCode(_) {
37059 var _this = this,
37060 t1 = _this.name;
37061 return (B.JSString_methods.get$hashCode(t1.name) ^ J.get$hashCode$(t1.namespace) ^ J.get$hashCode$(_this.op) ^ J.get$hashCode$(_this.value) ^ J.get$hashCode$(_this.modifier)) >>> 0;
37062 }
37063 };
37064 A.AttributeOperator.prototype = {
37065 toString$0(_) {
37066 return this._attribute$_text;
37067 }
37068 };
37069 A.ClassSelector.prototype = {
37070 $eq(_, other) {
37071 if (other == null)
37072 return false;
37073 return other instanceof A.ClassSelector && other.name === this.name;
37074 },
37075 accept$1$1(visitor) {
37076 var t1 = visitor._serialize$_buffer;
37077 t1.writeCharCode$1(46);
37078 t1.write$1(0, this.name);
37079 return null;
37080 },
37081 accept$1(visitor) {
37082 return this.accept$1$1(visitor, type$.dynamic);
37083 },
37084 addSuffix$1(suffix) {
37085 return new A.ClassSelector(this.name + suffix);
37086 },
37087 get$hashCode(_) {
37088 return B.JSString_methods.get$hashCode(this.name);
37089 }
37090 };
37091 A.ComplexSelector.prototype = {
37092 get$minSpecificity() {
37093 if (this._minSpecificity == null)
37094 this._computeSpecificity$0();
37095 var t1 = this._minSpecificity;
37096 t1.toString;
37097 return t1;
37098 },
37099 get$maxSpecificity() {
37100 if (this._complex$_maxSpecificity == null)
37101 this._computeSpecificity$0();
37102 var t1 = this._complex$_maxSpecificity;
37103 t1.toString;
37104 return t1;
37105 },
37106 get$isInvisible() {
37107 var result, _this = this,
37108 value = _this.__ComplexSelector_isInvisible;
37109 if (value === $) {
37110 result = B.JSArray_methods.any$1(_this.components, new A.ComplexSelector_isInvisible_closure());
37111 A._lateInitializeOnceCheck(_this.__ComplexSelector_isInvisible, "isInvisible");
37112 _this.__ComplexSelector_isInvisible = result;
37113 value = result;
37114 }
37115 return value;
37116 },
37117 accept$1$1(visitor) {
37118 return visitor.visitComplexSelector$1(this);
37119 },
37120 accept$1(visitor) {
37121 return this.accept$1$1(visitor, type$.dynamic);
37122 },
37123 _computeSpecificity$0() {
37124 var t1, t2, minSpecificity, maxSpecificity, _i, component, t3;
37125 for (t1 = this.components, t2 = t1.length, minSpecificity = 0, maxSpecificity = 0, _i = 0; _i < t2; ++_i) {
37126 component = t1[_i];
37127 if (component instanceof A.CompoundSelector) {
37128 if (component._compound$_minSpecificity == null)
37129 component._compound$_computeSpecificity$0();
37130 t3 = component._compound$_minSpecificity;
37131 t3.toString;
37132 minSpecificity += t3;
37133 if (component._maxSpecificity == null)
37134 component._compound$_computeSpecificity$0();
37135 t3 = component._maxSpecificity;
37136 t3.toString;
37137 maxSpecificity += t3;
37138 }
37139 }
37140 this._minSpecificity = minSpecificity;
37141 this._complex$_maxSpecificity = maxSpecificity;
37142 },
37143 get$hashCode(_) {
37144 return B.C_ListEquality0.hash$1(this.components);
37145 },
37146 $eq(_, other) {
37147 if (other == null)
37148 return false;
37149 return other instanceof A.ComplexSelector && B.C_ListEquality.equals$2(0, this.components, other.components);
37150 }
37151 };
37152 A.ComplexSelector_isInvisible_closure.prototype = {
37153 call$1(component) {
37154 return component instanceof A.CompoundSelector && component.get$isInvisible();
37155 },
37156 $signature: 125
37157 };
37158 A.Combinator.prototype = {
37159 toString$0(_) {
37160 return this._complex$_text;
37161 },
37162 $isComplexSelectorComponent: 1
37163 };
37164 A.CompoundSelector.prototype = {
37165 get$isInvisible() {
37166 return B.JSArray_methods.any$1(this.components, new A.CompoundSelector_isInvisible_closure());
37167 },
37168 accept$1$1(visitor) {
37169 return visitor.visitCompoundSelector$1(this);
37170 },
37171 accept$1(visitor) {
37172 return this.accept$1$1(visitor, type$.dynamic);
37173 },
37174 _compound$_computeSpecificity$0() {
37175 var t1, t2, minSpecificity, maxSpecificity, _i, simple;
37176 for (t1 = this.components, t2 = t1.length, minSpecificity = 0, maxSpecificity = 0, _i = 0; _i < t2; ++_i) {
37177 simple = t1[_i];
37178 minSpecificity += simple.get$minSpecificity();
37179 maxSpecificity += simple.get$maxSpecificity();
37180 }
37181 this._compound$_minSpecificity = minSpecificity;
37182 this._maxSpecificity = maxSpecificity;
37183 },
37184 get$hashCode(_) {
37185 return B.C_ListEquality0.hash$1(this.components);
37186 },
37187 $eq(_, other) {
37188 if (other == null)
37189 return false;
37190 return other instanceof A.CompoundSelector && B.C_ListEquality.equals$2(0, this.components, other.components);
37191 },
37192 $isComplexSelectorComponent: 1
37193 };
37194 A.CompoundSelector_isInvisible_closure.prototype = {
37195 call$1(component) {
37196 return component.get$isInvisible();
37197 },
37198 $signature: 16
37199 };
37200 A.IDSelector.prototype = {
37201 get$minSpecificity() {
37202 return A._asInt(Math.pow(A.SimpleSelector.prototype.get$minSpecificity.call(this), 2));
37203 },
37204 accept$1$1(visitor) {
37205 var t1 = visitor._serialize$_buffer;
37206 t1.writeCharCode$1(35);
37207 t1.write$1(0, this.name);
37208 return null;
37209 },
37210 accept$1(visitor) {
37211 return this.accept$1$1(visitor, type$.dynamic);
37212 },
37213 addSuffix$1(suffix) {
37214 return new A.IDSelector(this.name + suffix);
37215 },
37216 unify$1(compound) {
37217 if (B.JSArray_methods.any$1(compound, new A.IDSelector_unify_closure(this)))
37218 return null;
37219 return this.super$SimpleSelector$unify(compound);
37220 },
37221 $eq(_, other) {
37222 if (other == null)
37223 return false;
37224 return other instanceof A.IDSelector && other.name === this.name;
37225 },
37226 get$hashCode(_) {
37227 return B.JSString_methods.get$hashCode(this.name);
37228 }
37229 };
37230 A.IDSelector_unify_closure.prototype = {
37231 call$1(simple) {
37232 var t1;
37233 if (simple instanceof A.IDSelector) {
37234 t1 = simple.name;
37235 t1 = this.$this.name !== t1;
37236 } else
37237 t1 = false;
37238 return t1;
37239 },
37240 $signature: 16
37241 };
37242 A.SelectorList.prototype = {
37243 get$isInvisible() {
37244 return B.JSArray_methods.every$1(this.components, new A.SelectorList_isInvisible_closure());
37245 },
37246 get$asSassList() {
37247 var t1 = this.components;
37248 return A.SassList$(new A.MappedListIterable(t1, new A.SelectorList_asSassList_closure(), A._arrayInstanceType(t1)._eval$1("MappedListIterable<1,Value>")), B.ListSeparator_kWM, false);
37249 },
37250 accept$1$1(visitor) {
37251 return visitor.visitSelectorList$1(this);
37252 },
37253 accept$1(visitor) {
37254 return this.accept$1$1(visitor, type$.dynamic);
37255 },
37256 unify$1(other) {
37257 var t1 = this.components,
37258 t2 = A._arrayInstanceType(t1)._eval$1("ExpandIterable<1,ComplexSelector>"),
37259 contents = A.List_List$of(new A.ExpandIterable(t1, new A.SelectorList_unify_closure(other), t2), true, t2._eval$1("Iterable.E"));
37260 return contents.length === 0 ? null : A.SelectorList$(contents);
37261 },
37262 resolveParentSelectors$2$implicitParent($parent, implicitParent) {
37263 var t1, _this = this;
37264 if ($parent == null) {
37265 if (!B.JSArray_methods.any$1(_this.components, _this.get$_complexContainsParentSelector()))
37266 return _this;
37267 throw A.wrapException(A.SassScriptException$(string$.Top_le));
37268 }
37269 t1 = _this.components;
37270 return A.SelectorList$(A.flattenVertically(new A.MappedListIterable(t1, new A.SelectorList_resolveParentSelectors_closure(_this, implicitParent, $parent), A._arrayInstanceType(t1)._eval$1("MappedListIterable<1,Iterable<ComplexSelector>>")), type$.ComplexSelector));
37271 },
37272 resolveParentSelectors$1($parent) {
37273 return this.resolveParentSelectors$2$implicitParent($parent, true);
37274 },
37275 _complexContainsParentSelector$1(complex) {
37276 return B.JSArray_methods.any$1(complex.components, new A.SelectorList__complexContainsParentSelector_closure());
37277 },
37278 _resolveParentSelectorsCompound$2(compound, $parent) {
37279 var resolvedMembers0, parentSelector, t1,
37280 resolvedMembers = compound.components,
37281 containsSelectorPseudo = B.JSArray_methods.any$1(resolvedMembers, new A.SelectorList__resolveParentSelectorsCompound_closure());
37282 if (!containsSelectorPseudo && !(B.JSArray_methods.get$first(resolvedMembers) instanceof A.ParentSelector))
37283 return null;
37284 resolvedMembers0 = containsSelectorPseudo ? new A.MappedListIterable(resolvedMembers, new A.SelectorList__resolveParentSelectorsCompound_closure0($parent), A._arrayInstanceType(resolvedMembers)._eval$1("MappedListIterable<1,SimpleSelector>")) : resolvedMembers;
37285 parentSelector = B.JSArray_methods.get$first(resolvedMembers);
37286 if (parentSelector instanceof A.ParentSelector) {
37287 if (resolvedMembers.length === 1 && parentSelector.suffix == null)
37288 return $parent.components;
37289 } else
37290 return A._setArrayType([A.ComplexSelector$(A._setArrayType([A.CompoundSelector$(resolvedMembers0)], type$.JSArray_ComplexSelectorComponent), false)], type$.JSArray_ComplexSelector);
37291 t1 = $parent.components;
37292 return new A.MappedListIterable(t1, new A.SelectorList__resolveParentSelectorsCompound_closure1(compound, resolvedMembers0), A._arrayInstanceType(t1)._eval$1("MappedListIterable<1,ComplexSelector>"));
37293 },
37294 get$hashCode(_) {
37295 return B.C_ListEquality0.hash$1(this.components);
37296 },
37297 $eq(_, other) {
37298 if (other == null)
37299 return false;
37300 return other instanceof A.SelectorList && B.C_ListEquality.equals$2(0, this.components, other.components);
37301 }
37302 };
37303 A.SelectorList_isInvisible_closure.prototype = {
37304 call$1(complex) {
37305 return complex.get$isInvisible();
37306 },
37307 $signature: 19
37308 };
37309 A.SelectorList_asSassList_closure.prototype = {
37310 call$1(complex) {
37311 var t1 = complex.components;
37312 return A.SassList$(new A.MappedListIterable(t1, new A.SelectorList_asSassList__closure(), A._arrayInstanceType(t1)._eval$1("MappedListIterable<1,Value>")), B.ListSeparator_woc, false);
37313 },
37314 $signature: 512
37315 };
37316 A.SelectorList_asSassList__closure.prototype = {
37317 call$1(component) {
37318 return new A.SassString(component.toString$0(0), false);
37319 },
37320 $signature: 515
37321 };
37322 A.SelectorList_unify_closure.prototype = {
37323 call$1(complex1) {
37324 var t1 = this.other.components;
37325 return new A.ExpandIterable(t1, new A.SelectorList_unify__closure(complex1), A._arrayInstanceType(t1)._eval$1("ExpandIterable<1,ComplexSelector>"));
37326 },
37327 $signature: 127
37328 };
37329 A.SelectorList_unify__closure.prototype = {
37330 call$1(complex2) {
37331 var unified = A.unifyComplex(A._setArrayType([this.complex1.components, complex2.components], type$.JSArray_List_ComplexSelectorComponent));
37332 if (unified == null)
37333 return B.List_empty4;
37334 return J.map$1$1$ax(unified, new A.SelectorList_unify___closure(), type$.ComplexSelector);
37335 },
37336 $signature: 127
37337 };
37338 A.SelectorList_unify___closure.prototype = {
37339 call$1(complex) {
37340 return A.ComplexSelector$(complex, false);
37341 },
37342 $signature: 90
37343 };
37344 A.SelectorList_resolveParentSelectors_closure.prototype = {
37345 call$1(complex) {
37346 var t2, newComplexes, t3, t4, t5, t6, t7, _i, component, resolved, t8, _i0, previousLineBreaks, newComplexes0, t9, i, newComplex, i0, lineBreak, t10, t11, t12, t13, _this = this, _box_0 = {},
37347 t1 = _this.$this;
37348 if (!t1._complexContainsParentSelector$1(complex)) {
37349 if (!_this.implicitParent)
37350 return A._setArrayType([complex], type$.JSArray_ComplexSelector);
37351 t1 = _this.parent.components;
37352 return new A.MappedListIterable(t1, new A.SelectorList_resolveParentSelectors__closure(complex), A._arrayInstanceType(t1)._eval$1("MappedListIterable<1,ComplexSelector>"));
37353 }
37354 t2 = type$.JSArray_List_ComplexSelectorComponent;
37355 newComplexes = A._setArrayType([A._setArrayType([], type$.JSArray_ComplexSelectorComponent)], t2);
37356 t3 = type$.JSArray_bool;
37357 _box_0.lineBreaks = A._setArrayType([false], t3);
37358 for (t4 = complex.components, t5 = t4.length, t6 = type$.ComplexSelectorComponent, t7 = _this.parent, _i = 0; _i < t5; ++_i) {
37359 component = t4[_i];
37360 if (component instanceof A.CompoundSelector) {
37361 resolved = t1._resolveParentSelectorsCompound$2(component, t7);
37362 if (resolved == null) {
37363 for (t8 = newComplexes.length, _i0 = 0; _i0 < newComplexes.length; newComplexes.length === t8 || (0, A.throwConcurrentModificationError)(newComplexes), ++_i0)
37364 newComplexes[_i0].push(component);
37365 continue;
37366 }
37367 previousLineBreaks = _box_0.lineBreaks;
37368 newComplexes0 = A._setArrayType([], t2);
37369 _box_0.lineBreaks = A._setArrayType([], t3);
37370 for (t8 = newComplexes.length, t9 = J.getInterceptor$ax(resolved), i = 0, _i0 = 0; _i0 < newComplexes.length; newComplexes.length === t8 || (0, A.throwConcurrentModificationError)(newComplexes), ++_i0, i = i0) {
37371 newComplex = newComplexes[_i0];
37372 i0 = i + 1;
37373 lineBreak = previousLineBreaks[i];
37374 for (t10 = t9.get$iterator(resolved), t11 = !lineBreak; t10.moveNext$0();) {
37375 t12 = t10.get$current(t10);
37376 t13 = A.List_List$of(newComplex, true, t6);
37377 B.JSArray_methods.addAll$1(t13, t12.components);
37378 newComplexes0.push(t13);
37379 t13 = _box_0.lineBreaks;
37380 t13.push(!t11 || t12.lineBreak);
37381 }
37382 }
37383 newComplexes = newComplexes0;
37384 } else
37385 for (t8 = newComplexes.length, _i0 = 0; _i0 < newComplexes.length; newComplexes.length === t8 || (0, A.throwConcurrentModificationError)(newComplexes), ++_i0)
37386 newComplexes[_i0].push(component);
37387 }
37388 _box_0.i = 0;
37389 return new A.MappedListIterable(newComplexes, new A.SelectorList_resolveParentSelectors__closure0(_box_0), A._arrayInstanceType(newComplexes)._eval$1("MappedListIterable<1,ComplexSelector>"));
37390 },
37391 $signature: 127
37392 };
37393 A.SelectorList_resolveParentSelectors__closure.prototype = {
37394 call$1(parentComplex) {
37395 var t1 = A.List_List$of(parentComplex.components, true, type$.ComplexSelectorComponent),
37396 t2 = this.complex;
37397 B.JSArray_methods.addAll$1(t1, t2.components);
37398 return A.ComplexSelector$(t1, t2.lineBreak || parentComplex.lineBreak);
37399 },
37400 $signature: 128
37401 };
37402 A.SelectorList_resolveParentSelectors__closure0.prototype = {
37403 call$1(newComplex) {
37404 var t1 = this._box_0;
37405 return A.ComplexSelector$(newComplex, t1.lineBreaks[t1.i++]);
37406 },
37407 $signature: 90
37408 };
37409 A.SelectorList__complexContainsParentSelector_closure.prototype = {
37410 call$1(component) {
37411 return component instanceof A.CompoundSelector && B.JSArray_methods.any$1(component.components, new A.SelectorList__complexContainsParentSelector__closure());
37412 },
37413 $signature: 125
37414 };
37415 A.SelectorList__complexContainsParentSelector__closure.prototype = {
37416 call$1(simple) {
37417 var selector;
37418 if (simple instanceof A.ParentSelector)
37419 return true;
37420 if (!(simple instanceof A.PseudoSelector))
37421 return false;
37422 selector = simple.selector;
37423 return selector != null && B.JSArray_methods.any$1(selector.components, selector.get$_complexContainsParentSelector());
37424 },
37425 $signature: 16
37426 };
37427 A.SelectorList__resolveParentSelectorsCompound_closure.prototype = {
37428 call$1(simple) {
37429 var selector;
37430 if (!(simple instanceof A.PseudoSelector))
37431 return false;
37432 selector = simple.selector;
37433 return selector != null && B.JSArray_methods.any$1(selector.components, selector.get$_complexContainsParentSelector());
37434 },
37435 $signature: 16
37436 };
37437 A.SelectorList__resolveParentSelectorsCompound_closure0.prototype = {
37438 call$1(simple) {
37439 var selector, t1, t2, t3;
37440 if (!(simple instanceof A.PseudoSelector))
37441 return simple;
37442 selector = simple.selector;
37443 if (selector == null)
37444 return simple;
37445 if (!B.JSArray_methods.any$1(selector.components, selector.get$_complexContainsParentSelector()))
37446 return simple;
37447 t1 = selector.resolveParentSelectors$2$implicitParent(this.parent, false);
37448 t2 = simple.name;
37449 t3 = simple.isClass;
37450 return A.PseudoSelector$(t2, simple.argument, !t3, t1);
37451 },
37452 $signature: 556
37453 };
37454 A.SelectorList__resolveParentSelectorsCompound_closure1.prototype = {
37455 call$1(complex) {
37456 var suffix, t2, t3, t4, t5, last,
37457 t1 = complex.components,
37458 lastComponent = B.JSArray_methods.get$last(t1);
37459 if (!(lastComponent instanceof A.CompoundSelector))
37460 throw A.wrapException(A.SassScriptException$('Parent "' + complex.toString$0(0) + '" is incompatible with this selector.'));
37461 suffix = type$.ParentSelector._as(B.JSArray_methods.get$first(this.compound.components)).suffix;
37462 t2 = type$.SimpleSelector;
37463 t3 = this.resolvedMembers;
37464 t4 = lastComponent.components;
37465 t5 = J.getInterceptor$ax(t3);
37466 if (suffix != null) {
37467 t2 = A.List_List$of(A.SubListIterable$(t4, 0, A.checkNotNullable(t4.length - 1, "count", type$.int), A._arrayInstanceType(t4)._precomputed1), true, t2);
37468 t2.push(B.JSArray_methods.get$last(t4).addSuffix$1(suffix));
37469 B.JSArray_methods.addAll$1(t2, t5.skip$1(t3, 1));
37470 last = A.CompoundSelector$(t2);
37471 } else {
37472 t2 = A.List_List$of(t4, true, t2);
37473 B.JSArray_methods.addAll$1(t2, t5.skip$1(t3, 1));
37474 last = A.CompoundSelector$(t2);
37475 }
37476 t1 = A.List_List$of(A.SubListIterable$(t1, 0, A.checkNotNullable(t1.length - 1, "count", type$.int), A._arrayInstanceType(t1)._precomputed1), true, type$.ComplexSelectorComponent);
37477 t1.push(last);
37478 return A.ComplexSelector$(t1, complex.lineBreak);
37479 },
37480 $signature: 128
37481 };
37482 A.ParentSelector.prototype = {
37483 accept$1$1(visitor) {
37484 var t2,
37485 t1 = visitor._serialize$_buffer;
37486 t1.writeCharCode$1(38);
37487 t2 = this.suffix;
37488 if (t2 != null)
37489 t1.write$1(0, t2);
37490 return null;
37491 },
37492 accept$1(visitor) {
37493 return this.accept$1$1(visitor, type$.dynamic);
37494 },
37495 unify$1(compound) {
37496 return A.throwExpression(A.UnsupportedError$("& doesn't support unification."));
37497 }
37498 };
37499 A.PlaceholderSelector.prototype = {
37500 get$isInvisible() {
37501 return true;
37502 },
37503 accept$1$1(visitor) {
37504 var t1 = visitor._serialize$_buffer;
37505 t1.writeCharCode$1(37);
37506 t1.write$1(0, this.name);
37507 return null;
37508 },
37509 accept$1(visitor) {
37510 return this.accept$1$1(visitor, type$.dynamic);
37511 },
37512 addSuffix$1(suffix) {
37513 return new A.PlaceholderSelector(this.name + suffix);
37514 },
37515 $eq(_, other) {
37516 if (other == null)
37517 return false;
37518 return other instanceof A.PlaceholderSelector && other.name === this.name;
37519 },
37520 get$hashCode(_) {
37521 return B.JSString_methods.get$hashCode(this.name);
37522 }
37523 };
37524 A.PseudoSelector.prototype = {
37525 get$isHostContext() {
37526 return this.isClass && this.name === "host-context" && this.selector != null;
37527 },
37528 get$minSpecificity() {
37529 if (this._pseudo$_minSpecificity == null)
37530 this._pseudo$_computeSpecificity$0();
37531 var t1 = this._pseudo$_minSpecificity;
37532 t1.toString;
37533 return t1;
37534 },
37535 get$maxSpecificity() {
37536 if (this._pseudo$_maxSpecificity == null)
37537 this._pseudo$_computeSpecificity$0();
37538 var t1 = this._pseudo$_maxSpecificity;
37539 t1.toString;
37540 return t1;
37541 },
37542 get$isInvisible() {
37543 var selector = this.selector;
37544 if (selector == null)
37545 return false;
37546 return this.name !== "not" && selector.get$isInvisible();
37547 },
37548 addSuffix$1(suffix) {
37549 var _this = this;
37550 if (_this.argument != null || _this.selector != null)
37551 _this.super$SimpleSelector$addSuffix(suffix);
37552 return A.PseudoSelector$(_this.name + suffix, null, !_this.isClass, null);
37553 },
37554 unify$1(compound) {
37555 var other, result, t2, addedThis, _i, simple, _this = this,
37556 t1 = _this.name;
37557 if (t1 === "host" || t1 === "host-context") {
37558 if (!B.JSArray_methods.every$1(compound, new A.PseudoSelector_unify_closure()))
37559 return null;
37560 } else if (compound.length === 1) {
37561 other = B.JSArray_methods.get$first(compound);
37562 if (!(other instanceof A.UniversalSelector))
37563 if (other instanceof A.PseudoSelector)
37564 t1 = other.isClass && other.name === "host" || other.get$isHostContext();
37565 else
37566 t1 = false;
37567 else
37568 t1 = true;
37569 if (t1)
37570 return other.unify$1(A._setArrayType([_this], type$.JSArray_SimpleSelector));
37571 }
37572 if (B.JSArray_methods.contains$1(compound, _this))
37573 return compound;
37574 result = A._setArrayType([], type$.JSArray_SimpleSelector);
37575 for (t1 = compound.length, t2 = !_this.isClass, addedThis = false, _i = 0; _i < compound.length; compound.length === t1 || (0, A.throwConcurrentModificationError)(compound), ++_i) {
37576 simple = compound[_i];
37577 if (simple instanceof A.PseudoSelector && !simple.isClass) {
37578 if (t2)
37579 return null;
37580 result.push(_this);
37581 addedThis = true;
37582 }
37583 result.push(simple);
37584 }
37585 if (!addedThis)
37586 result.push(_this);
37587 return result;
37588 },
37589 _pseudo$_computeSpecificity$0() {
37590 var selector, t1, t2, minSpecificity, maxSpecificity, _i, complex, t3, _this = this;
37591 if (!_this.isClass) {
37592 _this._pseudo$_maxSpecificity = _this._pseudo$_minSpecificity = 1;
37593 return;
37594 }
37595 selector = _this.selector;
37596 if (selector == null) {
37597 _this._pseudo$_minSpecificity = A.SimpleSelector.prototype.get$minSpecificity.call(_this);
37598 _this._pseudo$_maxSpecificity = A.SimpleSelector.prototype.get$maxSpecificity.call(_this);
37599 return;
37600 }
37601 if (_this.name === "not") {
37602 for (t1 = selector.components, t2 = t1.length, minSpecificity = 0, maxSpecificity = 0, _i = 0; _i < t2; ++_i) {
37603 complex = t1[_i];
37604 if (complex._minSpecificity == null)
37605 complex._computeSpecificity$0();
37606 t3 = complex._minSpecificity;
37607 t3.toString;
37608 minSpecificity = Math.max(minSpecificity, t3);
37609 if (complex._complex$_maxSpecificity == null)
37610 complex._computeSpecificity$0();
37611 t3 = complex._complex$_maxSpecificity;
37612 t3.toString;
37613 maxSpecificity = Math.max(maxSpecificity, t3);
37614 }
37615 _this._pseudo$_minSpecificity = minSpecificity;
37616 _this._pseudo$_maxSpecificity = maxSpecificity;
37617 } else {
37618 minSpecificity = A._asInt(Math.pow(A.SimpleSelector.prototype.get$minSpecificity.call(_this), 3));
37619 for (t1 = selector.components, t2 = t1.length, maxSpecificity = 0, _i = 0; _i < t2; ++_i) {
37620 complex = t1[_i];
37621 if (complex._minSpecificity == null)
37622 complex._computeSpecificity$0();
37623 t3 = complex._minSpecificity;
37624 t3.toString;
37625 minSpecificity = Math.min(minSpecificity, t3);
37626 if (complex._complex$_maxSpecificity == null)
37627 complex._computeSpecificity$0();
37628 t3 = complex._complex$_maxSpecificity;
37629 t3.toString;
37630 maxSpecificity = Math.max(maxSpecificity, t3);
37631 }
37632 _this._pseudo$_minSpecificity = minSpecificity;
37633 _this._pseudo$_maxSpecificity = maxSpecificity;
37634 }
37635 },
37636 accept$1$1(visitor) {
37637 return visitor.visitPseudoSelector$1(this);
37638 },
37639 accept$1(visitor) {
37640 return this.accept$1$1(visitor, type$.dynamic);
37641 },
37642 $eq(_, other) {
37643 var _this = this;
37644 if (other == null)
37645 return false;
37646 return other instanceof A.PseudoSelector && other.name === _this.name && other.isClass === _this.isClass && other.argument == _this.argument && J.$eq$(other.selector, _this.selector);
37647 },
37648 get$hashCode(_) {
37649 var _this = this,
37650 t1 = B.JSString_methods.get$hashCode(_this.name),
37651 t2 = !_this.isClass ? 519018 : 218159;
37652 return (t1 ^ t2 ^ J.get$hashCode$(_this.argument) ^ J.get$hashCode$(_this.selector)) >>> 0;
37653 }
37654 };
37655 A.PseudoSelector_unify_closure.prototype = {
37656 call$1(simple) {
37657 var t1;
37658 if (simple instanceof A.PseudoSelector)
37659 t1 = simple.isClass && simple.name === "host" || simple.selector != null;
37660 else
37661 t1 = false;
37662 return t1;
37663 },
37664 $signature: 16
37665 };
37666 A.QualifiedName.prototype = {
37667 $eq(_, other) {
37668 if (other == null)
37669 return false;
37670 return other instanceof A.QualifiedName && other.name === this.name && other.namespace == this.namespace;
37671 },
37672 get$hashCode(_) {
37673 return B.JSString_methods.get$hashCode(this.name) ^ J.get$hashCode$(this.namespace);
37674 },
37675 toString$0(_) {
37676 var t1 = this.namespace,
37677 t2 = this.name;
37678 return t1 == null ? t2 : t1 + "|" + t2;
37679 }
37680 };
37681 A.SimpleSelector.prototype = {
37682 get$minSpecificity() {
37683 return 1000;
37684 },
37685 get$maxSpecificity() {
37686 return this.get$minSpecificity();
37687 },
37688 addSuffix$1(suffix) {
37689 return A.throwExpression(A.SassScriptException$('Invalid parent selector "' + this.toString$0(0) + '"'));
37690 },
37691 unify$1(compound) {
37692 var other, t1, result, addedThis, _i, simple, _this = this;
37693 if (compound.length === 1) {
37694 other = B.JSArray_methods.get$first(compound);
37695 if (!(other instanceof A.UniversalSelector))
37696 if (other instanceof A.PseudoSelector)
37697 t1 = other.isClass && other.name === "host" || other.get$isHostContext();
37698 else
37699 t1 = false;
37700 else
37701 t1 = true;
37702 if (t1)
37703 return other.unify$1(A._setArrayType([_this], type$.JSArray_SimpleSelector));
37704 }
37705 if (B.JSArray_methods.contains$1(compound, _this))
37706 return compound;
37707 result = A._setArrayType([], type$.JSArray_SimpleSelector);
37708 for (t1 = compound.length, addedThis = false, _i = 0; _i < compound.length; compound.length === t1 || (0, A.throwConcurrentModificationError)(compound), ++_i) {
37709 simple = compound[_i];
37710 if (!addedThis && simple instanceof A.PseudoSelector) {
37711 result.push(_this);
37712 addedThis = true;
37713 }
37714 result.push(simple);
37715 }
37716 if (!addedThis)
37717 result.push(_this);
37718 return result;
37719 }
37720 };
37721 A.TypeSelector.prototype = {
37722 get$minSpecificity() {
37723 return 1;
37724 },
37725 accept$1$1(visitor) {
37726 visitor._serialize$_buffer.write$1(0, this.name);
37727 return null;
37728 },
37729 accept$1(visitor) {
37730 return this.accept$1$1(visitor, type$.dynamic);
37731 },
37732 addSuffix$1(suffix) {
37733 var t1 = this.name;
37734 return new A.TypeSelector(new A.QualifiedName(t1.name + suffix, t1.namespace));
37735 },
37736 unify$1(compound) {
37737 var unified, t1;
37738 if (B.JSArray_methods.get$first(compound) instanceof A.UniversalSelector || B.JSArray_methods.get$first(compound) instanceof A.TypeSelector) {
37739 unified = A.unifyUniversalAndElement(this, B.JSArray_methods.get$first(compound));
37740 if (unified == null)
37741 return null;
37742 t1 = A._setArrayType([unified], type$.JSArray_SimpleSelector);
37743 B.JSArray_methods.addAll$1(t1, A.SubListIterable$(compound, 1, null, A._arrayInstanceType(compound)._precomputed1));
37744 return t1;
37745 } else {
37746 t1 = A._setArrayType([this], type$.JSArray_SimpleSelector);
37747 B.JSArray_methods.addAll$1(t1, compound);
37748 return t1;
37749 }
37750 },
37751 $eq(_, other) {
37752 if (other == null)
37753 return false;
37754 return other instanceof A.TypeSelector && other.name.$eq(0, this.name);
37755 },
37756 get$hashCode(_) {
37757 var t1 = this.name;
37758 return B.JSString_methods.get$hashCode(t1.name) ^ J.get$hashCode$(t1.namespace);
37759 }
37760 };
37761 A.UniversalSelector.prototype = {
37762 get$minSpecificity() {
37763 return 0;
37764 },
37765 accept$1$1(visitor) {
37766 var t2,
37767 t1 = this.namespace;
37768 if (t1 != null) {
37769 t2 = visitor._serialize$_buffer;
37770 t2.write$1(0, t1);
37771 t2.writeCharCode$1(124);
37772 }
37773 visitor._serialize$_buffer.writeCharCode$1(42);
37774 return null;
37775 },
37776 accept$1(visitor) {
37777 return this.accept$1$1(visitor, type$.dynamic);
37778 },
37779 unify$1(compound) {
37780 var unified, t1, _this = this,
37781 first = B.JSArray_methods.get$first(compound);
37782 if (first instanceof A.UniversalSelector || first instanceof A.TypeSelector) {
37783 unified = A.unifyUniversalAndElement(_this, first);
37784 if (unified == null)
37785 return null;
37786 t1 = A._setArrayType([unified], type$.JSArray_SimpleSelector);
37787 B.JSArray_methods.addAll$1(t1, A.SubListIterable$(compound, 1, null, A._arrayInstanceType(compound)._precomputed1));
37788 return t1;
37789 } else {
37790 if (compound.length === 1)
37791 if (first instanceof A.PseudoSelector)
37792 t1 = first.isClass && first.name === "host" || first.get$isHostContext();
37793 else
37794 t1 = false;
37795 else
37796 t1 = false;
37797 if (t1)
37798 return null;
37799 }
37800 t1 = _this.namespace;
37801 if (t1 != null && t1 !== "*") {
37802 t1 = A._setArrayType([_this], type$.JSArray_SimpleSelector);
37803 B.JSArray_methods.addAll$1(t1, compound);
37804 return t1;
37805 }
37806 if (compound.length !== 0)
37807 return compound;
37808 return A._setArrayType([_this], type$.JSArray_SimpleSelector);
37809 },
37810 $eq(_, other) {
37811 if (other == null)
37812 return false;
37813 return other instanceof A.UniversalSelector && other.namespace == this.namespace;
37814 },
37815 get$hashCode(_) {
37816 return J.get$hashCode$(this.namespace);
37817 }
37818 };
37819 A._compileStylesheet_closure0.prototype = {
37820 call$1(url) {
37821 return url === "" ? A.Uri_Uri$dataFromString(A.String_String$fromCharCodes(B.NativeUint32List_methods.sublist$2(this.stylesheet.span.file._decodedChars, 0, null), 0, null), B.C_Utf8Codec, null).get$_text() : this.importCache.sourceMapUrl$1(0, A.Uri_parse(url)).toString$0(0);
37822 },
37823 $signature: 5
37824 };
37825 A.AsyncEnvironment.prototype = {
37826 closure$0() {
37827 var t4, t5, t6, _this = this,
37828 t1 = _this._async_environment$_forwardedModules,
37829 t2 = _this._async_environment$_nestedForwardedModules,
37830 t3 = _this._async_environment$_variables;
37831 t3 = A._setArrayType(t3.slice(0), A._arrayInstanceType(t3));
37832 t4 = _this._async_environment$_variableNodes;
37833 t4 = A._setArrayType(t4.slice(0), A._arrayInstanceType(t4));
37834 t5 = _this._async_environment$_functions;
37835 t5 = A._setArrayType(t5.slice(0), A._arrayInstanceType(t5));
37836 t6 = _this._async_environment$_mixins;
37837 t6 = A._setArrayType(t6.slice(0), A._arrayInstanceType(t6));
37838 return A.AsyncEnvironment$_(_this._async_environment$_modules, _this._async_environment$_namespaceNodes, _this._async_environment$_globalModules, _this._async_environment$_importedModules, t1, t2, _this._async_environment$_allModules, t3, t4, t5, t6, _this._async_environment$_content);
37839 },
37840 addModule$3$namespace(module, nodeWithSpan, namespace) {
37841 var t1, t2, span, _this = this;
37842 if (namespace == null) {
37843 _this._async_environment$_globalModules.$indexSet(0, module, nodeWithSpan);
37844 _this._async_environment$_allModules.push(module);
37845 for (t1 = J.get$iterator$ax(J.get$keys$z(B.JSArray_methods.get$first(_this._async_environment$_variables))); t1.moveNext$0();) {
37846 t2 = t1.get$current(t1);
37847 if (module.get$variables().containsKey$1(t2))
37848 throw A.wrapException(A.SassScriptException$(string$.This_ma + t2 + '".'));
37849 }
37850 } else {
37851 t1 = _this._async_environment$_modules;
37852 if (t1.containsKey$1(namespace)) {
37853 t1 = _this._async_environment$_namespaceNodes.$index(0, namespace);
37854 span = t1 == null ? null : t1.span;
37855 t1 = string$.There_ + namespace + '".';
37856 t2 = A.LinkedHashMap_LinkedHashMap$_empty(type$.FileSpan, type$.String);
37857 if (span != null)
37858 t2.$indexSet(0, span, "original @use");
37859 throw A.wrapException(A.MultiSpanSassScriptException$(t1, "new @use", t2));
37860 }
37861 t1.$indexSet(0, namespace, module);
37862 _this._async_environment$_namespaceNodes.$indexSet(0, namespace, nodeWithSpan);
37863 _this._async_environment$_allModules.push(module);
37864 }
37865 },
37866 forwardModule$2(module, rule) {
37867 var view, t1, t2, _this = this,
37868 forwardedModules = _this._async_environment$_forwardedModules;
37869 if (forwardedModules == null)
37870 forwardedModules = _this._async_environment$_forwardedModules = A.LinkedHashMap_LinkedHashMap$_empty(type$.Module_AsyncCallable, type$.AstNode);
37871 view = A.ForwardedModuleView_ifNecessary(module, rule, type$.AsyncCallable);
37872 for (t1 = forwardedModules.get$keys(forwardedModules), t1 = t1.get$iterator(t1); t1.moveNext$0();) {
37873 t2 = t1.get$current(t1);
37874 _this._async_environment$_assertNoConflicts$5(view.get$variables(), t2.get$variables(), view, t2, "variable");
37875 _this._async_environment$_assertNoConflicts$5(view.get$functions(view), t2.get$functions(t2), view, t2, "function");
37876 _this._async_environment$_assertNoConflicts$5(view.get$mixins(), t2.get$mixins(), view, t2, "mixin");
37877 }
37878 _this._async_environment$_allModules.push(module);
37879 forwardedModules.$indexSet(0, view, rule);
37880 },
37881 _async_environment$_assertNoConflicts$5(newMembers, oldMembers, newModule, oldModule, type) {
37882 var larger, smaller, t1, t2, $name, span;
37883 if (newMembers.get$length(newMembers) < oldMembers.get$length(oldMembers)) {
37884 larger = oldMembers;
37885 smaller = newMembers;
37886 } else {
37887 larger = newMembers;
37888 smaller = oldMembers;
37889 }
37890 for (t1 = J.get$iterator$ax(smaller.get$keys(smaller)), t2 = type === "variable"; t1.moveNext$0();) {
37891 $name = t1.get$current(t1);
37892 if (!larger.containsKey$1($name))
37893 continue;
37894 if (t2 ? newModule.variableIdentity$1($name) === oldModule.variableIdentity$1($name) : J.$eq$(larger.$index(0, $name), smaller.$index(0, $name)))
37895 continue;
37896 if (t2)
37897 $name = "$" + $name;
37898 t1 = this._async_environment$_forwardedModules;
37899 if (t1 == null)
37900 span = null;
37901 else {
37902 t1 = t1.$index(0, oldModule);
37903 span = t1 == null ? null : J.get$span$z(t1);
37904 }
37905 t1 = "Two forwarded modules both define a " + type + " named " + $name + ".";
37906 t2 = A.LinkedHashMap_LinkedHashMap$_empty(type$.FileSpan, type$.String);
37907 if (span != null)
37908 t2.$indexSet(0, span, "original @forward");
37909 throw A.wrapException(A.MultiSpanSassScriptException$(t1, "new @forward", t2));
37910 }
37911 },
37912 importForwards$1(module) {
37913 var forwardedModules, t1, t2, t3, t4, t5, forwardedVariableNames, forwardedFunctionNames, forwardedMixinNames, _i, entry, shadowed, t6, _length, _list, _this = this,
37914 forwarded = module._async_environment$_environment._async_environment$_forwardedModules;
37915 if (forwarded == null)
37916 return;
37917 forwardedModules = _this._async_environment$_forwardedModules;
37918 if (forwardedModules != null) {
37919 t1 = A.LinkedHashMap_LinkedHashMap$_empty(type$.Module_AsyncCallable, type$.AstNode);
37920 for (t2 = forwarded.get$entries(forwarded), t2 = t2.get$iterator(t2), t3 = _this._async_environment$_globalModules; t2.moveNext$0();) {
37921 t4 = t2.get$current(t2);
37922 t5 = t4.key;
37923 if (!forwardedModules.containsKey$1(t5) || !t3.containsKey$1(t5))
37924 t1.$indexSet(0, t5, t4.value);
37925 }
37926 forwarded = t1;
37927 } else
37928 forwardedModules = _this._async_environment$_forwardedModules = A.LinkedHashMap_LinkedHashMap$_empty(type$.Module_AsyncCallable, type$.AstNode);
37929 t1 = forwarded.get$keys(forwarded);
37930 t2 = A._instanceType(t1)._eval$1("ExpandIterable<Iterable.E,String>");
37931 forwardedVariableNames = A.LinkedHashSet_LinkedHashSet$of(new A.ExpandIterable(t1, new A.AsyncEnvironment_importForwards_closure(), t2), t2._eval$1("Iterable.E"));
37932 t2 = forwarded.get$keys(forwarded);
37933 t1 = A._instanceType(t2)._eval$1("ExpandIterable<Iterable.E,String>");
37934 forwardedFunctionNames = A.LinkedHashSet_LinkedHashSet$of(new A.ExpandIterable(t2, new A.AsyncEnvironment_importForwards_closure0(), t1), t1._eval$1("Iterable.E"));
37935 t1 = forwarded.get$keys(forwarded);
37936 t2 = A._instanceType(t1)._eval$1("ExpandIterable<Iterable.E,String>");
37937 forwardedMixinNames = A.LinkedHashSet_LinkedHashSet$of(new A.ExpandIterable(t1, new A.AsyncEnvironment_importForwards_closure1(), t2), t2._eval$1("Iterable.E"));
37938 t1 = _this._async_environment$_variables;
37939 t2 = t1.length;
37940 if (t2 === 1) {
37941 for (t2 = _this._async_environment$_importedModules, t3 = t2.get$entries(t2).toList$0(0), t4 = t3.length, t5 = type$.AsyncCallable, _i = 0; _i < t3.length; t3.length === t4 || (0, A.throwConcurrentModificationError)(t3), ++_i) {
37942 entry = t3[_i];
37943 module = entry.key;
37944 shadowed = A.ShadowedModuleView_ifNecessary(module, forwardedFunctionNames, forwardedMixinNames, forwardedVariableNames, t5);
37945 if (shadowed != null) {
37946 t2.remove$1(0, module);
37947 t6 = shadowed.variables;
37948 if (t6.get$isEmpty(t6)) {
37949 t6 = shadowed.functions;
37950 if (t6.get$isEmpty(t6)) {
37951 t6 = shadowed.mixins;
37952 if (t6.get$isEmpty(t6)) {
37953 t6 = shadowed._shadowed_view$_inner;
37954 t6 = t6.get$css(t6);
37955 t6 = J.get$isEmpty$asx(t6.get$children(t6));
37956 } else
37957 t6 = false;
37958 } else
37959 t6 = false;
37960 } else
37961 t6 = false;
37962 if (!t6)
37963 t2.$indexSet(0, shadowed, entry.value);
37964 }
37965 }
37966 for (t3 = forwardedModules.get$entries(forwardedModules).toList$0(0), t4 = t3.length, _i = 0; _i < t3.length; t3.length === t4 || (0, A.throwConcurrentModificationError)(t3), ++_i) {
37967 entry = t3[_i];
37968 module = entry.key;
37969 shadowed = A.ShadowedModuleView_ifNecessary(module, forwardedFunctionNames, forwardedMixinNames, forwardedVariableNames, t5);
37970 if (shadowed != null) {
37971 forwardedModules.remove$1(0, module);
37972 t6 = shadowed.variables;
37973 if (t6.get$isEmpty(t6)) {
37974 t6 = shadowed.functions;
37975 if (t6.get$isEmpty(t6)) {
37976 t6 = shadowed.mixins;
37977 if (t6.get$isEmpty(t6)) {
37978 t6 = shadowed._shadowed_view$_inner;
37979 t6 = t6.get$css(t6);
37980 t6 = J.get$isEmpty$asx(t6.get$children(t6));
37981 } else
37982 t6 = false;
37983 } else
37984 t6 = false;
37985 } else
37986 t6 = false;
37987 if (!t6)
37988 forwardedModules.$indexSet(0, shadowed, entry.value);
37989 }
37990 }
37991 t2.addAll$1(0, forwarded);
37992 forwardedModules.addAll$1(0, forwarded);
37993 } else {
37994 t3 = _this._async_environment$_nestedForwardedModules;
37995 if (t3 == null) {
37996 _length = t2 - 1;
37997 _list = J.JSArray_JSArray$allocateGrowable(_length, type$.List_Module_AsyncCallable);
37998 for (t2 = type$.JSArray_Module_AsyncCallable, _i = 0; _i < _length; ++_i)
37999 _list[_i] = A._setArrayType([], t2);
38000 _this._async_environment$_nestedForwardedModules = _list;
38001 t2 = _list;
38002 } else
38003 t2 = t3;
38004 B.JSArray_methods.addAll$1(B.JSArray_methods.get$last(t2), forwarded.get$keys(forwarded));
38005 }
38006 for (t2 = A._LinkedHashSetIterator$(forwardedVariableNames, forwardedVariableNames._collection$_modifications), t3 = A._instanceType(t2)._precomputed1, t4 = _this._async_environment$_variableIndices, t5 = _this._async_environment$_variableNodes; t2.moveNext$0();) {
38007 t6 = t3._as(t2._collection$_current);
38008 t4.remove$1(0, t6);
38009 J.remove$1$z(B.JSArray_methods.get$last(t1), t6);
38010 J.remove$1$z(B.JSArray_methods.get$last(t5), t6);
38011 }
38012 for (t1 = A._LinkedHashSetIterator$(forwardedFunctionNames, forwardedFunctionNames._collection$_modifications), t2 = A._instanceType(t1)._precomputed1, t3 = _this._async_environment$_functionIndices, t4 = _this._async_environment$_functions; t1.moveNext$0();) {
38013 t5 = t2._as(t1._collection$_current);
38014 t3.remove$1(0, t5);
38015 J.remove$1$z(B.JSArray_methods.get$last(t4), t5);
38016 }
38017 for (t1 = A._LinkedHashSetIterator$(forwardedMixinNames, forwardedMixinNames._collection$_modifications), t2 = A._instanceType(t1)._precomputed1, t3 = _this._async_environment$_mixinIndices, t4 = _this._async_environment$_mixins; t1.moveNext$0();) {
38018 t5 = t2._as(t1._collection$_current);
38019 t3.remove$1(0, t5);
38020 J.remove$1$z(B.JSArray_methods.get$last(t4), t5);
38021 }
38022 },
38023 getVariable$2$namespace($name, namespace) {
38024 var t1, index, _this = this;
38025 if (namespace != null)
38026 return _this._async_environment$_getModule$1(namespace).get$variables().$index(0, $name);
38027 if (_this._async_environment$_lastVariableName === $name) {
38028 t1 = _this._async_environment$_lastVariableIndex;
38029 t1.toString;
38030 t1 = J.$index$asx(_this._async_environment$_variables[t1], $name);
38031 return t1 == null ? _this._async_environment$_getVariableFromGlobalModule$1($name) : t1;
38032 }
38033 t1 = _this._async_environment$_variableIndices;
38034 index = t1.$index(0, $name);
38035 if (index != null) {
38036 _this._async_environment$_lastVariableName = $name;
38037 _this._async_environment$_lastVariableIndex = index;
38038 t1 = J.$index$asx(_this._async_environment$_variables[index], $name);
38039 return t1 == null ? _this._async_environment$_getVariableFromGlobalModule$1($name) : t1;
38040 }
38041 index = _this._async_environment$_variableIndex$1($name);
38042 if (index == null)
38043 return _this._async_environment$_getVariableFromGlobalModule$1($name);
38044 _this._async_environment$_lastVariableName = $name;
38045 _this._async_environment$_lastVariableIndex = index;
38046 t1.$indexSet(0, $name, index);
38047 t1 = J.$index$asx(_this._async_environment$_variables[index], $name);
38048 return t1 == null ? _this._async_environment$_getVariableFromGlobalModule$1($name) : t1;
38049 },
38050 getVariable$1($name) {
38051 return this.getVariable$2$namespace($name, null);
38052 },
38053 _async_environment$_getVariableFromGlobalModule$1($name) {
38054 return this._async_environment$_fromOneModule$1$3($name, "variable", new A.AsyncEnvironment__getVariableFromGlobalModule_closure($name), type$.Value);
38055 },
38056 getVariableNode$2$namespace($name, namespace) {
38057 var t1, index, _this = this;
38058 if (namespace != null)
38059 return _this._async_environment$_getModule$1(namespace).get$variableNodes().$index(0, $name);
38060 if (_this._async_environment$_lastVariableName === $name) {
38061 t1 = _this._async_environment$_lastVariableIndex;
38062 t1.toString;
38063 t1 = J.$index$asx(_this._async_environment$_variableNodes[t1], $name);
38064 return t1 == null ? _this._async_environment$_getVariableNodeFromGlobalModule$1($name) : t1;
38065 }
38066 t1 = _this._async_environment$_variableIndices;
38067 index = t1.$index(0, $name);
38068 if (index != null) {
38069 _this._async_environment$_lastVariableName = $name;
38070 _this._async_environment$_lastVariableIndex = index;
38071 t1 = J.$index$asx(_this._async_environment$_variableNodes[index], $name);
38072 return t1 == null ? _this._async_environment$_getVariableNodeFromGlobalModule$1($name) : t1;
38073 }
38074 index = _this._async_environment$_variableIndex$1($name);
38075 if (index == null)
38076 return _this._async_environment$_getVariableNodeFromGlobalModule$1($name);
38077 _this._async_environment$_lastVariableName = $name;
38078 _this._async_environment$_lastVariableIndex = index;
38079 t1.$indexSet(0, $name, index);
38080 t1 = J.$index$asx(_this._async_environment$_variableNodes[index], $name);
38081 return t1 == null ? _this._async_environment$_getVariableNodeFromGlobalModule$1($name) : t1;
38082 },
38083 _async_environment$_getVariableNodeFromGlobalModule$1($name) {
38084 var t1, t2, value;
38085 for (t1 = this._async_environment$_importedModules, t2 = this._async_environment$_globalModules, t2 = t1.get$keys(t1).followedBy$1(0, t2.get$keys(t2)), t2 = new A.FollowedByIterator(J.get$iterator$ax(t2.__internal$_first), t2._second); t2.moveNext$0();) {
38086 t1 = t2._currentIterator;
38087 value = t1.get$current(t1).get$variableNodes().$index(0, $name);
38088 if (value != null)
38089 return value;
38090 }
38091 return null;
38092 },
38093 globalVariableExists$2$namespace($name, namespace) {
38094 if (namespace != null)
38095 return this._async_environment$_getModule$1(namespace).get$variables().containsKey$1($name);
38096 if (B.JSArray_methods.get$first(this._async_environment$_variables).containsKey$1($name))
38097 return true;
38098 return this._async_environment$_getVariableFromGlobalModule$1($name) != null;
38099 },
38100 globalVariableExists$1($name) {
38101 return this.globalVariableExists$2$namespace($name, null);
38102 },
38103 _async_environment$_variableIndex$1($name) {
38104 var t1, i;
38105 for (t1 = this._async_environment$_variables, i = t1.length - 1; i >= 0; --i)
38106 if (t1[i].containsKey$1($name))
38107 return i;
38108 return null;
38109 },
38110 setVariable$5$global$namespace($name, value, nodeWithSpan, global, namespace) {
38111 var t1, moduleWithName, nestedForwardedModules, t2, t3, t4, t5, index, _this = this;
38112 if (namespace != null) {
38113 _this._async_environment$_getModule$1(namespace).setVariable$3($name, value, nodeWithSpan);
38114 return;
38115 }
38116 if (global || _this._async_environment$_variables.length === 1) {
38117 _this._async_environment$_variableIndices.putIfAbsent$2($name, new A.AsyncEnvironment_setVariable_closure(_this, $name));
38118 t1 = _this._async_environment$_variables;
38119 if (!B.JSArray_methods.get$first(t1).containsKey$1($name)) {
38120 moduleWithName = _this._async_environment$_fromOneModule$1$3($name, "variable", new A.AsyncEnvironment_setVariable_closure0($name), type$.Module_AsyncCallable);
38121 if (moduleWithName != null) {
38122 moduleWithName.setVariable$3($name, value, nodeWithSpan);
38123 return;
38124 }
38125 }
38126 J.$indexSet$ax(B.JSArray_methods.get$first(t1), $name, value);
38127 J.$indexSet$ax(B.JSArray_methods.get$first(_this._async_environment$_variableNodes), $name, nodeWithSpan);
38128 return;
38129 }
38130 nestedForwardedModules = _this._async_environment$_nestedForwardedModules;
38131 if (nestedForwardedModules != null && !_this._async_environment$_variableIndices.containsKey$1($name) && _this._async_environment$_variableIndex$1($name) == null)
38132 for (t1 = new A.ReversedListIterable(nestedForwardedModules, A.instanceType(nestedForwardedModules)._eval$1("ReversedListIterable<1>")), t1 = new A.ListIterator(t1, t1.get$length(t1)), t2 = A._instanceType(t1)._precomputed1; t1.moveNext$0();)
38133 for (t3 = J.get$reversed$ax(t2._as(t1.__internal$_current)), t3 = new A.ListIterator(t3, t3.get$length(t3)), t4 = A._instanceType(t3)._precomputed1; t3.moveNext$0();) {
38134 t5 = t4._as(t3.__internal$_current);
38135 if (t5.get$variables().containsKey$1($name)) {
38136 t5.setVariable$3($name, value, nodeWithSpan);
38137 return;
38138 }
38139 }
38140 if (_this._async_environment$_lastVariableName === $name) {
38141 t1 = _this._async_environment$_lastVariableIndex;
38142 t1.toString;
38143 index = t1;
38144 } else
38145 index = _this._async_environment$_variableIndices.putIfAbsent$2($name, new A.AsyncEnvironment_setVariable_closure1(_this, $name));
38146 if (!_this._async_environment$_inSemiGlobalScope && index === 0) {
38147 index = _this._async_environment$_variables.length - 1;
38148 _this._async_environment$_variableIndices.$indexSet(0, $name, index);
38149 }
38150 _this._async_environment$_lastVariableName = $name;
38151 _this._async_environment$_lastVariableIndex = index;
38152 J.$indexSet$ax(_this._async_environment$_variables[index], $name, value);
38153 J.$indexSet$ax(_this._async_environment$_variableNodes[index], $name, nodeWithSpan);
38154 },
38155 setVariable$4$global($name, value, nodeWithSpan, global) {
38156 return this.setVariable$5$global$namespace($name, value, nodeWithSpan, global, null);
38157 },
38158 setLocalVariable$3($name, value, nodeWithSpan) {
38159 var index, _this = this,
38160 t1 = _this._async_environment$_variables,
38161 t2 = t1.length;
38162 _this._async_environment$_lastVariableName = $name;
38163 index = _this._async_environment$_lastVariableIndex = t2 - 1;
38164 _this._async_environment$_variableIndices.$indexSet(0, $name, index);
38165 J.$indexSet$ax(t1[index], $name, value);
38166 J.$indexSet$ax(_this._async_environment$_variableNodes[index], $name, nodeWithSpan);
38167 },
38168 getFunction$2$namespace($name, namespace) {
38169 var t1, index, _this = this;
38170 if (namespace != null) {
38171 t1 = _this._async_environment$_getModule$1(namespace);
38172 return t1.get$functions(t1).$index(0, $name);
38173 }
38174 t1 = _this._async_environment$_functionIndices;
38175 index = t1.$index(0, $name);
38176 if (index != null) {
38177 t1 = J.$index$asx(_this._async_environment$_functions[index], $name);
38178 return t1 == null ? _this._async_environment$_getFunctionFromGlobalModule$1($name) : t1;
38179 }
38180 index = _this._async_environment$_functionIndex$1($name);
38181 if (index == null)
38182 return _this._async_environment$_getFunctionFromGlobalModule$1($name);
38183 t1.$indexSet(0, $name, index);
38184 t1 = J.$index$asx(_this._async_environment$_functions[index], $name);
38185 return t1 == null ? _this._async_environment$_getFunctionFromGlobalModule$1($name) : t1;
38186 },
38187 _async_environment$_getFunctionFromGlobalModule$1($name) {
38188 return this._async_environment$_fromOneModule$1$3($name, "function", new A.AsyncEnvironment__getFunctionFromGlobalModule_closure($name), type$.AsyncCallable);
38189 },
38190 _async_environment$_functionIndex$1($name) {
38191 var t1, i;
38192 for (t1 = this._async_environment$_functions, i = t1.length - 1; i >= 0; --i)
38193 if (t1[i].containsKey$1($name))
38194 return i;
38195 return null;
38196 },
38197 getMixin$2$namespace($name, namespace) {
38198 var t1, index, _this = this;
38199 if (namespace != null)
38200 return _this._async_environment$_getModule$1(namespace).get$mixins().$index(0, $name);
38201 t1 = _this._async_environment$_mixinIndices;
38202 index = t1.$index(0, $name);
38203 if (index != null) {
38204 t1 = J.$index$asx(_this._async_environment$_mixins[index], $name);
38205 return t1 == null ? _this._async_environment$_getMixinFromGlobalModule$1($name) : t1;
38206 }
38207 index = _this._async_environment$_mixinIndex$1($name);
38208 if (index == null)
38209 return _this._async_environment$_getMixinFromGlobalModule$1($name);
38210 t1.$indexSet(0, $name, index);
38211 t1 = J.$index$asx(_this._async_environment$_mixins[index], $name);
38212 return t1 == null ? _this._async_environment$_getMixinFromGlobalModule$1($name) : t1;
38213 },
38214 _async_environment$_getMixinFromGlobalModule$1($name) {
38215 return this._async_environment$_fromOneModule$1$3($name, "mixin", new A.AsyncEnvironment__getMixinFromGlobalModule_closure($name), type$.AsyncCallable);
38216 },
38217 _async_environment$_mixinIndex$1($name) {
38218 var t1, i;
38219 for (t1 = this._async_environment$_mixins, i = t1.length - 1; i >= 0; --i)
38220 if (t1[i].containsKey$1($name))
38221 return i;
38222 return null;
38223 },
38224 withContent$2($content, callback) {
38225 return this.withContent$body$AsyncEnvironment($content, callback);
38226 },
38227 withContent$body$AsyncEnvironment($content, callback) {
38228 var $async$goto = 0,
38229 $async$completer = A._makeAsyncAwaitCompleter(type$.void),
38230 $async$self = this, oldContent;
38231 var $async$withContent$2 = A._wrapJsFunctionForAsync(function($async$errorCode, $async$result) {
38232 if ($async$errorCode === 1)
38233 return A._asyncRethrow($async$result, $async$completer);
38234 while (true)
38235 switch ($async$goto) {
38236 case 0:
38237 // Function start
38238 oldContent = $async$self._async_environment$_content;
38239 $async$self._async_environment$_content = $content;
38240 $async$goto = 2;
38241 return A._asyncAwait(callback.call$0(), $async$withContent$2);
38242 case 2:
38243 // returning from await.
38244 $async$self._async_environment$_content = oldContent;
38245 // implicit return
38246 return A._asyncReturn(null, $async$completer);
38247 }
38248 });
38249 return A._asyncStartSync($async$withContent$2, $async$completer);
38250 },
38251 asMixin$1(callback) {
38252 var $async$goto = 0,
38253 $async$completer = A._makeAsyncAwaitCompleter(type$.void),
38254 $async$self = this, oldInMixin;
38255 var $async$asMixin$1 = A._wrapJsFunctionForAsync(function($async$errorCode, $async$result) {
38256 if ($async$errorCode === 1)
38257 return A._asyncRethrow($async$result, $async$completer);
38258 while (true)
38259 switch ($async$goto) {
38260 case 0:
38261 // Function start
38262 oldInMixin = $async$self._async_environment$_inMixin;
38263 $async$self._async_environment$_inMixin = true;
38264 $async$goto = 2;
38265 return A._asyncAwait(callback.call$0(), $async$asMixin$1);
38266 case 2:
38267 // returning from await.
38268 $async$self._async_environment$_inMixin = oldInMixin;
38269 // implicit return
38270 return A._asyncReturn(null, $async$completer);
38271 }
38272 });
38273 return A._asyncStartSync($async$asMixin$1, $async$completer);
38274 },
38275 scope$1$3$semiGlobal$when(callback, semiGlobal, when, $T) {
38276 return this.scope$body$AsyncEnvironment(callback, semiGlobal, when, $T, $T);
38277 },
38278 scope$1$1(callback, $T) {
38279 return this.scope$1$3$semiGlobal$when(callback, false, true, $T);
38280 },
38281 scope$1$2$when(callback, when, $T) {
38282 return this.scope$1$3$semiGlobal$when(callback, false, when, $T);
38283 },
38284 scope$1$2$semiGlobal(callback, semiGlobal, $T) {
38285 return this.scope$1$3$semiGlobal$when(callback, semiGlobal, true, $T);
38286 },
38287 scope$body$AsyncEnvironment(callback, semiGlobal, when, $T, $async$type) {
38288 var $async$goto = 0,
38289 $async$completer = A._makeAsyncAwaitCompleter($async$type),
38290 $async$returnValue, $async$handler = 2, $async$currentError, $async$next = [], $async$self = this, wasInSemiGlobalScope, $name, name0, name1, t1, t2, t3, t4, t5;
38291 var $async$scope$1$3$semiGlobal$when = A._wrapJsFunctionForAsync(function($async$errorCode, $async$result) {
38292 if ($async$errorCode === 1) {
38293 $async$currentError = $async$result;
38294 $async$goto = $async$handler;
38295 }
38296 while (true)
38297 switch ($async$goto) {
38298 case 0:
38299 // Function start
38300 semiGlobal = semiGlobal && $async$self._async_environment$_inSemiGlobalScope;
38301 wasInSemiGlobalScope = $async$self._async_environment$_inSemiGlobalScope;
38302 $async$self._async_environment$_inSemiGlobalScope = semiGlobal;
38303 $async$goto = !when ? 3 : 4;
38304 break;
38305 case 3:
38306 // then
38307 $async$handler = 5;
38308 $async$goto = 8;
38309 return A._asyncAwait(callback.call$0(), $async$scope$1$3$semiGlobal$when);
38310 case 8:
38311 // returning from await.
38312 t1 = $async$result;
38313 $async$returnValue = t1;
38314 $async$next = [1];
38315 // goto finally
38316 $async$goto = 6;
38317 break;
38318 $async$next.push(7);
38319 // goto finally
38320 $async$goto = 6;
38321 break;
38322 case 5:
38323 // uncaught
38324 $async$next = [2];
38325 case 6:
38326 // finally
38327 $async$handler = 2;
38328 $async$self._async_environment$_inSemiGlobalScope = wasInSemiGlobalScope;
38329 // goto the next finally handler
38330 $async$goto = $async$next.pop();
38331 break;
38332 case 7:
38333 // after finally
38334 case 4:
38335 // join
38336 t1 = $async$self._async_environment$_variables;
38337 t2 = type$.String;
38338 B.JSArray_methods.add$1(t1, A.LinkedHashMap_LinkedHashMap$_empty(t2, type$.Value));
38339 B.JSArray_methods.add$1($async$self._async_environment$_variableNodes, A.LinkedHashMap_LinkedHashMap$_empty(t2, type$.AstNode));
38340 t3 = $async$self._async_environment$_functions;
38341 t4 = type$.AsyncCallable;
38342 B.JSArray_methods.add$1(t3, A.LinkedHashMap_LinkedHashMap$_empty(t2, t4));
38343 t5 = $async$self._async_environment$_mixins;
38344 B.JSArray_methods.add$1(t5, A.LinkedHashMap_LinkedHashMap$_empty(t2, t4));
38345 t4 = $async$self._async_environment$_nestedForwardedModules;
38346 if (t4 != null)
38347 t4.push(A._setArrayType([], type$.JSArray_Module_AsyncCallable));
38348 $async$handler = 9;
38349 $async$goto = 12;
38350 return A._asyncAwait(callback.call$0(), $async$scope$1$3$semiGlobal$when);
38351 case 12:
38352 // returning from await.
38353 t2 = $async$result;
38354 $async$returnValue = t2;
38355 $async$next = [1];
38356 // goto finally
38357 $async$goto = 10;
38358 break;
38359 $async$next.push(11);
38360 // goto finally
38361 $async$goto = 10;
38362 break;
38363 case 9:
38364 // uncaught
38365 $async$next = [2];
38366 case 10:
38367 // finally
38368 $async$handler = 2;
38369 $async$self._async_environment$_inSemiGlobalScope = wasInSemiGlobalScope;
38370 $async$self._async_environment$_lastVariableIndex = $async$self._async_environment$_lastVariableName = null;
38371 for (t1 = J.get$iterator$ax(J.get$keys$z(B.JSArray_methods.removeLast$0(t1))), t2 = $async$self._async_environment$_variableIndices; t1.moveNext$0();) {
38372 $name = t1.get$current(t1);
38373 t2.remove$1(0, $name);
38374 }
38375 for (t1 = J.get$iterator$ax(J.get$keys$z(B.JSArray_methods.removeLast$0(t3))), t2 = $async$self._async_environment$_functionIndices; t1.moveNext$0();) {
38376 name0 = t1.get$current(t1);
38377 t2.remove$1(0, name0);
38378 }
38379 for (t1 = J.get$iterator$ax(J.get$keys$z(B.JSArray_methods.removeLast$0(t5))), t2 = $async$self._async_environment$_mixinIndices; t1.moveNext$0();) {
38380 name1 = t1.get$current(t1);
38381 t2.remove$1(0, name1);
38382 }
38383 t1 = $async$self._async_environment$_nestedForwardedModules;
38384 if (t1 != null)
38385 t1.pop();
38386 // goto the next finally handler
38387 $async$goto = $async$next.pop();
38388 break;
38389 case 11:
38390 // after finally
38391 case 1:
38392 // return
38393 return A._asyncReturn($async$returnValue, $async$completer);
38394 case 2:
38395 // rethrow
38396 return A._asyncRethrow($async$currentError, $async$completer);
38397 }
38398 });
38399 return A._asyncStartSync($async$scope$1$3$semiGlobal$when, $async$completer);
38400 },
38401 toImplicitConfiguration$0() {
38402 var t1, t2, i, values, nodes, t3, t4, t5, t6,
38403 configuration = A.LinkedHashMap_LinkedHashMap$_empty(type$.String, type$.ConfiguredValue);
38404 for (t1 = this._async_environment$_variables, t2 = this._async_environment$_variableNodes, i = 0; i < t1.length; ++i) {
38405 values = t1[i];
38406 nodes = t2[i];
38407 for (t3 = values.get$entries(values), t3 = t3.get$iterator(t3); t3.moveNext$0();) {
38408 t4 = t3.get$current(t3);
38409 t5 = t4.key;
38410 t4 = t4.value;
38411 t6 = nodes.$index(0, t5);
38412 t6.toString;
38413 configuration.$indexSet(0, t5, new A.ConfiguredValue(t4, null, t6));
38414 }
38415 }
38416 return new A.Configuration(configuration);
38417 },
38418 toModule$2(css, extensionStore) {
38419 return A._EnvironmentModule__EnvironmentModule0(this, css, extensionStore, A.NullableExtension_andThen(this._async_environment$_forwardedModules, new A.AsyncEnvironment_toModule_closure()));
38420 },
38421 toDummyModule$0() {
38422 return A._EnvironmentModule__EnvironmentModule0(this, new A.CssStylesheet(new A.UnmodifiableListView(B.List_empty0, type$.UnmodifiableListView_CssNode), A.SourceFile$decoded(B.List_empty1, "<dummy module>").span$1(0, 0)), B.C_EmptyExtensionStore, A.NullableExtension_andThen(this._async_environment$_forwardedModules, new A.AsyncEnvironment_toDummyModule_closure()));
38423 },
38424 _async_environment$_getModule$1(namespace) {
38425 var module = this._async_environment$_modules.$index(0, namespace);
38426 if (module != null)
38427 return module;
38428 throw A.wrapException(A.SassScriptException$('There is no module with the namespace "' + namespace + '".'));
38429 },
38430 _async_environment$_fromOneModule$1$3($name, type, callback, $T) {
38431 var t1, t2, t3, t4, value, identity, valueInModule, identityFromModule, spans, t5,
38432 nestedForwardedModules = this._async_environment$_nestedForwardedModules;
38433 if (nestedForwardedModules != null)
38434 for (t1 = new A.ReversedListIterable(nestedForwardedModules, A._arrayInstanceType(nestedForwardedModules)._eval$1("ReversedListIterable<1>")), t1 = new A.ListIterator(t1, t1.get$length(t1)), t2 = A._instanceType(t1)._precomputed1; t1.moveNext$0();)
38435 for (t3 = J.get$reversed$ax(t2._as(t1.__internal$_current)), t3 = new A.ListIterator(t3, t3.get$length(t3)), t4 = A._instanceType(t3)._precomputed1; t3.moveNext$0();) {
38436 value = callback.call$1(t4._as(t3.__internal$_current));
38437 if (value != null)
38438 return value;
38439 }
38440 for (t1 = this._async_environment$_importedModules, t1 = t1.get$keys(t1), t1 = t1.get$iterator(t1); t1.moveNext$0();) {
38441 value = callback.call$1(t1.get$current(t1));
38442 if (value != null)
38443 return value;
38444 }
38445 for (t1 = this._async_environment$_globalModules, t2 = t1.get$keys(t1), t2 = t2.get$iterator(t2), t3 = type$.AsyncCallable, value = null, identity = null; t2.moveNext$0();) {
38446 t4 = t2.get$current(t2);
38447 valueInModule = callback.call$1(t4);
38448 if (valueInModule == null)
38449 continue;
38450 identityFromModule = t3._is(valueInModule) ? valueInModule : t4.variableIdentity$1($name);
38451 if (identityFromModule.$eq(0, identity))
38452 continue;
38453 if (value != null) {
38454 spans = t1.get$entries(t1).map$1$1(0, new A.AsyncEnvironment__fromOneModule_closure(callback, $T), type$.nullable_FileSpan);
38455 t2 = "This " + type + string$.x20is_av;
38456 t3 = type + " use";
38457 t4 = A.LinkedHashMap_LinkedHashMap$_empty(type$.FileSpan, type$.String);
38458 for (t1 = spans.get$iterator(spans); t1.moveNext$0();) {
38459 t5 = t1.get$current(t1);
38460 if (t5 != null)
38461 t4.$indexSet(0, t5, "includes " + type);
38462 }
38463 throw A.wrapException(A.MultiSpanSassScriptException$(t2, t3, t4));
38464 }
38465 identity = identityFromModule;
38466 value = valueInModule;
38467 }
38468 return value;
38469 }
38470 };
38471 A.AsyncEnvironment_importForwards_closure.prototype = {
38472 call$1(module) {
38473 var t1 = module.get$variables();
38474 return t1.get$keys(t1);
38475 },
38476 $signature: 129
38477 };
38478 A.AsyncEnvironment_importForwards_closure0.prototype = {
38479 call$1(module) {
38480 var t1 = module.get$functions(module);
38481 return t1.get$keys(t1);
38482 },
38483 $signature: 129
38484 };
38485 A.AsyncEnvironment_importForwards_closure1.prototype = {
38486 call$1(module) {
38487 var t1 = module.get$mixins();
38488 return t1.get$keys(t1);
38489 },
38490 $signature: 129
38491 };
38492 A.AsyncEnvironment__getVariableFromGlobalModule_closure.prototype = {
38493 call$1(module) {
38494 return module.get$variables().$index(0, this.name);
38495 },
38496 $signature: 576
38497 };
38498 A.AsyncEnvironment_setVariable_closure.prototype = {
38499 call$0() {
38500 var t1 = this.$this;
38501 t1._async_environment$_lastVariableName = this.name;
38502 return t1._async_environment$_lastVariableIndex = 0;
38503 },
38504 $signature: 12
38505 };
38506 A.AsyncEnvironment_setVariable_closure0.prototype = {
38507 call$1(module) {
38508 return module.get$variables().containsKey$1(this.name) ? module : null;
38509 },
38510 $signature: 259
38511 };
38512 A.AsyncEnvironment_setVariable_closure1.prototype = {
38513 call$0() {
38514 var t1 = this.$this,
38515 t2 = t1._async_environment$_variableIndex$1(this.name);
38516 return t2 == null ? t1._async_environment$_variables.length - 1 : t2;
38517 },
38518 $signature: 12
38519 };
38520 A.AsyncEnvironment__getFunctionFromGlobalModule_closure.prototype = {
38521 call$1(module) {
38522 return module.get$functions(module).$index(0, this.name);
38523 },
38524 $signature: 181
38525 };
38526 A.AsyncEnvironment__getMixinFromGlobalModule_closure.prototype = {
38527 call$1(module) {
38528 return module.get$mixins().$index(0, this.name);
38529 },
38530 $signature: 181
38531 };
38532 A.AsyncEnvironment_toModule_closure.prototype = {
38533 call$1(modules) {
38534 return new A.MapKeySet(modules, type$.MapKeySet_Module_AsyncCallable);
38535 },
38536 $signature: 180
38537 };
38538 A.AsyncEnvironment_toDummyModule_closure.prototype = {
38539 call$1(modules) {
38540 return new A.MapKeySet(modules, type$.MapKeySet_Module_AsyncCallable);
38541 },
38542 $signature: 180
38543 };
38544 A.AsyncEnvironment__fromOneModule_closure.prototype = {
38545 call$1(entry) {
38546 return A.NullableExtension_andThen(this.callback.call$1(entry.key), new A.AsyncEnvironment__fromOneModule__closure(entry, this.T));
38547 },
38548 $signature: 286
38549 };
38550 A.AsyncEnvironment__fromOneModule__closure.prototype = {
38551 call$1(_) {
38552 return J.get$span$z(this.entry.value);
38553 },
38554 $signature() {
38555 return this.T._eval$1("FileSpan(0)");
38556 }
38557 };
38558 A._EnvironmentModule0.prototype = {
38559 get$url(_) {
38560 var t1 = this.css;
38561 return t1.get$span(t1).file.url;
38562 },
38563 setVariable$3($name, value, nodeWithSpan) {
38564 var t1, t2,
38565 module = this._async_environment$_modulesByVariable.$index(0, $name);
38566 if (module != null) {
38567 module.setVariable$3($name, value, nodeWithSpan);
38568 return;
38569 }
38570 t1 = this._async_environment$_environment;
38571 t2 = t1._async_environment$_variables;
38572 if (!B.JSArray_methods.get$first(t2).containsKey$1($name))
38573 throw A.wrapException(A.SassScriptException$("Undefined variable."));
38574 J.$indexSet$ax(B.JSArray_methods.get$first(t2), $name, value);
38575 J.$indexSet$ax(B.JSArray_methods.get$first(t1._async_environment$_variableNodes), $name, nodeWithSpan);
38576 return;
38577 },
38578 variableIdentity$1($name) {
38579 var module = this._async_environment$_modulesByVariable.$index(0, $name);
38580 return module == null ? this : module.variableIdentity$1($name);
38581 },
38582 cloneCss$0() {
38583 var newCssAndExtensionStore, _this = this,
38584 t1 = _this.css;
38585 if (J.get$isEmpty$asx(t1.get$children(t1)))
38586 return _this;
38587 newCssAndExtensionStore = A.cloneCssStylesheet(t1, _this.extensionStore);
38588 return A._EnvironmentModule$_0(_this._async_environment$_environment, newCssAndExtensionStore.item1, newCssAndExtensionStore.item2, _this._async_environment$_modulesByVariable, _this.variables, _this.variableNodes, _this.functions, _this.mixins, _this.transitivelyContainsCss, _this.transitivelyContainsExtensions);
38589 },
38590 toString$0(_) {
38591 var t1 = this.css;
38592 if (t1.get$span(t1).file.url == null)
38593 t1 = "<unknown url>";
38594 else {
38595 t1 = t1.get$span(t1);
38596 t1 = $.$get$context().prettyUri$1(t1.file.url);
38597 }
38598 return t1;
38599 },
38600 $isModule: 1,
38601 get$upstream() {
38602 return this.upstream;
38603 },
38604 get$variables() {
38605 return this.variables;
38606 },
38607 get$variableNodes() {
38608 return this.variableNodes;
38609 },
38610 get$functions(receiver) {
38611 return this.functions;
38612 },
38613 get$mixins() {
38614 return this.mixins;
38615 },
38616 get$extensionStore() {
38617 return this.extensionStore;
38618 },
38619 get$css(receiver) {
38620 return this.css;
38621 },
38622 get$transitivelyContainsCss() {
38623 return this.transitivelyContainsCss;
38624 },
38625 get$transitivelyContainsExtensions() {
38626 return this.transitivelyContainsExtensions;
38627 }
38628 };
38629 A._EnvironmentModule__EnvironmentModule_closure5.prototype = {
38630 call$1(module) {
38631 return module.get$variables();
38632 },
38633 $signature: 292
38634 };
38635 A._EnvironmentModule__EnvironmentModule_closure6.prototype = {
38636 call$1(module) {
38637 return module.get$variableNodes();
38638 },
38639 $signature: 294
38640 };
38641 A._EnvironmentModule__EnvironmentModule_closure7.prototype = {
38642 call$1(module) {
38643 return module.get$functions(module);
38644 },
38645 $signature: 257
38646 };
38647 A._EnvironmentModule__EnvironmentModule_closure8.prototype = {
38648 call$1(module) {
38649 return module.get$mixins();
38650 },
38651 $signature: 257
38652 };
38653 A._EnvironmentModule__EnvironmentModule_closure9.prototype = {
38654 call$1(module) {
38655 return module.get$transitivelyContainsCss();
38656 },
38657 $signature: 134
38658 };
38659 A._EnvironmentModule__EnvironmentModule_closure10.prototype = {
38660 call$1(module) {
38661 return module.get$transitivelyContainsExtensions();
38662 },
38663 $signature: 134
38664 };
38665 A.AsyncImportCache.prototype = {
38666 canonicalize$4$baseImporter$baseUrl$forImport(_, url, baseImporter, baseUrl, forImport) {
38667 return this.canonicalize$body$AsyncImportCache(0, url, baseImporter, baseUrl, forImport);
38668 },
38669 canonicalize$body$AsyncImportCache(_, url, baseImporter, baseUrl, forImport) {
38670 var $async$goto = 0,
38671 $async$completer = A._makeAsyncAwaitCompleter(type$.nullable_Tuple3_AsyncImporter_Uri_Uri),
38672 $async$returnValue, $async$self = this, t1, relativeResult;
38673 var $async$canonicalize$4$baseImporter$baseUrl$forImport = A._wrapJsFunctionForAsync(function($async$errorCode, $async$result) {
38674 if ($async$errorCode === 1)
38675 return A._asyncRethrow($async$result, $async$completer);
38676 while (true)
38677 switch ($async$goto) {
38678 case 0:
38679 // Function start
38680 $async$goto = baseImporter != null ? 3 : 4;
38681 break;
38682 case 3:
38683 // then
38684 t1 = type$.Tuple4_of_Uri_and_bool_and_AsyncImporter_and_nullable_Uri;
38685 $async$goto = 5;
38686 return A._asyncAwait(A.putIfAbsentAsync($async$self._async_import_cache$_relativeCanonicalizeCache, new A.Tuple4(url, forImport, baseImporter, baseUrl, t1), new A.AsyncImportCache_canonicalize_closure($async$self, baseUrl, url, baseImporter, forImport), t1, type$.nullable_Tuple3_AsyncImporter_Uri_Uri), $async$canonicalize$4$baseImporter$baseUrl$forImport);
38687 case 5:
38688 // returning from await.
38689 relativeResult = $async$result;
38690 if (relativeResult != null) {
38691 $async$returnValue = relativeResult;
38692 // goto return
38693 $async$goto = 1;
38694 break;
38695 }
38696 case 4:
38697 // join
38698 t1 = type$.Tuple2_Uri_bool;
38699 $async$goto = 6;
38700 return A._asyncAwait(A.putIfAbsentAsync($async$self._async_import_cache$_canonicalizeCache, new A.Tuple2(url, forImport, t1), new A.AsyncImportCache_canonicalize_closure0($async$self, url, forImport), t1, type$.nullable_Tuple3_AsyncImporter_Uri_Uri), $async$canonicalize$4$baseImporter$baseUrl$forImport);
38701 case 6:
38702 // returning from await.
38703 $async$returnValue = $async$result;
38704 // goto return
38705 $async$goto = 1;
38706 break;
38707 case 1:
38708 // return
38709 return A._asyncReturn($async$returnValue, $async$completer);
38710 }
38711 });
38712 return A._asyncStartSync($async$canonicalize$4$baseImporter$baseUrl$forImport, $async$completer);
38713 },
38714 _async_import_cache$_canonicalize$3(importer, url, forImport) {
38715 return this._canonicalize$body$AsyncImportCache(importer, url, forImport);
38716 },
38717 _canonicalize$body$AsyncImportCache(importer, url, forImport) {
38718 var $async$goto = 0,
38719 $async$completer = A._makeAsyncAwaitCompleter(type$.nullable_Uri),
38720 $async$returnValue, $async$self = this, t1, result;
38721 var $async$_async_import_cache$_canonicalize$3 = A._wrapJsFunctionForAsync(function($async$errorCode, $async$result) {
38722 if ($async$errorCode === 1)
38723 return A._asyncRethrow($async$result, $async$completer);
38724 while (true)
38725 switch ($async$goto) {
38726 case 0:
38727 // Function start
38728 if (forImport) {
38729 t1 = type$.nullable_Object;
38730 t1 = A.runZoned(new A.AsyncImportCache__canonicalize_closure(importer, url), A.LinkedHashMap_LinkedHashMap$_literal([B.Symbol__inImportRule, true], t1, t1), type$.FutureOr_nullable_Uri);
38731 } else
38732 t1 = importer.canonicalize$1(0, url);
38733 $async$goto = 3;
38734 return A._asyncAwait(t1, $async$_async_import_cache$_canonicalize$3);
38735 case 3:
38736 // returning from await.
38737 result = $async$result;
38738 if ((result == null ? null : result.get$scheme()) === "")
38739 $async$self._async_import_cache$_logger.warn$2$deprecation(0, "Importer " + importer.toString$0(0) + " canonicalized " + url.toString$0(0) + " to " + A.S(result) + string$.x2e_Rela, true);
38740 $async$returnValue = result;
38741 // goto return
38742 $async$goto = 1;
38743 break;
38744 case 1:
38745 // return
38746 return A._asyncReturn($async$returnValue, $async$completer);
38747 }
38748 });
38749 return A._asyncStartSync($async$_async_import_cache$_canonicalize$3, $async$completer);
38750 },
38751 importCanonical$4$originalUrl$quiet(importer, canonicalUrl, originalUrl, quiet) {
38752 return this.importCanonical$body$AsyncImportCache(importer, canonicalUrl, originalUrl, quiet);
38753 },
38754 importCanonical$3$originalUrl(importer, canonicalUrl, originalUrl) {
38755 return this.importCanonical$4$originalUrl$quiet(importer, canonicalUrl, originalUrl, false);
38756 },
38757 importCanonical$body$AsyncImportCache(importer, canonicalUrl, originalUrl, quiet) {
38758 var $async$goto = 0,
38759 $async$completer = A._makeAsyncAwaitCompleter(type$.nullable_Stylesheet),
38760 $async$returnValue, $async$self = this;
38761 var $async$importCanonical$4$originalUrl$quiet = A._wrapJsFunctionForAsync(function($async$errorCode, $async$result) {
38762 if ($async$errorCode === 1)
38763 return A._asyncRethrow($async$result, $async$completer);
38764 while (true)
38765 switch ($async$goto) {
38766 case 0:
38767 // Function start
38768 $async$goto = 3;
38769 return A._asyncAwait(A.putIfAbsentAsync($async$self._async_import_cache$_importCache, canonicalUrl, new A.AsyncImportCache_importCanonical_closure($async$self, importer, canonicalUrl, originalUrl, quiet), type$.Uri, type$.nullable_Stylesheet), $async$importCanonical$4$originalUrl$quiet);
38770 case 3:
38771 // returning from await.
38772 $async$returnValue = $async$result;
38773 // goto return
38774 $async$goto = 1;
38775 break;
38776 case 1:
38777 // return
38778 return A._asyncReturn($async$returnValue, $async$completer);
38779 }
38780 });
38781 return A._asyncStartSync($async$importCanonical$4$originalUrl$quiet, $async$completer);
38782 },
38783 humanize$1(canonicalUrl) {
38784 var t2, url,
38785 t1 = this._async_import_cache$_canonicalizeCache;
38786 t1 = A.IterableNullableExtension_whereNotNull(t1.get$values(t1), type$.Tuple3_AsyncImporter_Uri_Uri);
38787 t2 = t1.$ti;
38788 url = A.minBy(new A.MappedIterable(new A.WhereIterable(t1, new A.AsyncImportCache_humanize_closure(canonicalUrl), t2._eval$1("WhereIterable<Iterable.E>")), new A.AsyncImportCache_humanize_closure0(), t2._eval$1("MappedIterable<Iterable.E,Uri>")), new A.AsyncImportCache_humanize_closure1());
38789 if (url == null)
38790 return canonicalUrl;
38791 t1 = $.$get$url();
38792 return url.resolve$1(A.ParsedPath_ParsedPath$parse(canonicalUrl.get$path(canonicalUrl), t1.style).get$basename());
38793 },
38794 sourceMapUrl$1(_, canonicalUrl) {
38795 var t1 = this._async_import_cache$_resultsCache.$index(0, canonicalUrl);
38796 t1 = t1 == null ? null : t1.get$sourceMapUrl(t1);
38797 return t1 == null ? canonicalUrl : t1;
38798 }
38799 };
38800 A.AsyncImportCache_canonicalize_closure.prototype = {
38801 call$0() {
38802 var $async$goto = 0,
38803 $async$completer = A._makeAsyncAwaitCompleter(type$.nullable_Tuple3_AsyncImporter_Uri_Uri),
38804 $async$returnValue, $async$self = this, canonicalUrl, t1, resolvedUrl;
38805 var $async$call$0 = A._wrapJsFunctionForAsync(function($async$errorCode, $async$result) {
38806 if ($async$errorCode === 1)
38807 return A._asyncRethrow($async$result, $async$completer);
38808 while (true)
38809 switch ($async$goto) {
38810 case 0:
38811 // Function start
38812 t1 = $async$self.baseUrl;
38813 resolvedUrl = t1 == null ? null : t1.resolveUri$1($async$self.url);
38814 if (resolvedUrl == null)
38815 resolvedUrl = $async$self.url;
38816 t1 = $async$self.baseImporter;
38817 $async$goto = 3;
38818 return A._asyncAwait($async$self.$this._async_import_cache$_canonicalize$3(t1, resolvedUrl, $async$self.forImport), $async$call$0);
38819 case 3:
38820 // returning from await.
38821 canonicalUrl = $async$result;
38822 if (canonicalUrl != null) {
38823 $async$returnValue = new A.Tuple3(t1, canonicalUrl, resolvedUrl, type$.Tuple3_AsyncImporter_Uri_Uri);
38824 // goto return
38825 $async$goto = 1;
38826 break;
38827 }
38828 case 1:
38829 // return
38830 return A._asyncReturn($async$returnValue, $async$completer);
38831 }
38832 });
38833 return A._asyncStartSync($async$call$0, $async$completer);
38834 },
38835 $signature: 214
38836 };
38837 A.AsyncImportCache_canonicalize_closure0.prototype = {
38838 call$0() {
38839 var $async$goto = 0,
38840 $async$completer = A._makeAsyncAwaitCompleter(type$.nullable_Tuple3_AsyncImporter_Uri_Uri),
38841 $async$returnValue, $async$self = this, t1, t2, t3, t4, t5, _i, importer, canonicalUrl;
38842 var $async$call$0 = A._wrapJsFunctionForAsync(function($async$errorCode, $async$result) {
38843 if ($async$errorCode === 1)
38844 return A._asyncRethrow($async$result, $async$completer);
38845 while (true)
38846 switch ($async$goto) {
38847 case 0:
38848 // Function start
38849 t1 = $async$self.$this, t2 = t1._async_import_cache$_importers, t3 = t2.length, t4 = $async$self.url, t5 = $async$self.forImport, _i = 0;
38850 case 3:
38851 // for condition
38852 if (!(_i < t2.length)) {
38853 // goto after for
38854 $async$goto = 5;
38855 break;
38856 }
38857 importer = t2[_i];
38858 $async$goto = 6;
38859 return A._asyncAwait(t1._async_import_cache$_canonicalize$3(importer, t4, t5), $async$call$0);
38860 case 6:
38861 // returning from await.
38862 canonicalUrl = $async$result;
38863 if (canonicalUrl != null) {
38864 $async$returnValue = new A.Tuple3(importer, canonicalUrl, t4, type$.Tuple3_AsyncImporter_Uri_Uri);
38865 // goto return
38866 $async$goto = 1;
38867 break;
38868 }
38869 case 4:
38870 // for update
38871 t2.length === t3 || (0, A.throwConcurrentModificationError)(t2), ++_i;
38872 // goto for condition
38873 $async$goto = 3;
38874 break;
38875 case 5:
38876 // after for
38877 $async$returnValue = null;
38878 // goto return
38879 $async$goto = 1;
38880 break;
38881 case 1:
38882 // return
38883 return A._asyncReturn($async$returnValue, $async$completer);
38884 }
38885 });
38886 return A._asyncStartSync($async$call$0, $async$completer);
38887 },
38888 $signature: 214
38889 };
38890 A.AsyncImportCache__canonicalize_closure.prototype = {
38891 call$0() {
38892 return this.importer.canonicalize$1(0, this.url);
38893 },
38894 $signature: 172
38895 };
38896 A.AsyncImportCache_importCanonical_closure.prototype = {
38897 call$0() {
38898 var $async$goto = 0,
38899 $async$completer = A._makeAsyncAwaitCompleter(type$.nullable_Stylesheet),
38900 $async$returnValue, $async$self = this, t2, t3, t4, t1, result;
38901 var $async$call$0 = A._wrapJsFunctionForAsync(function($async$errorCode, $async$result) {
38902 if ($async$errorCode === 1)
38903 return A._asyncRethrow($async$result, $async$completer);
38904 while (true)
38905 switch ($async$goto) {
38906 case 0:
38907 // Function start
38908 t1 = $async$self.canonicalUrl;
38909 $async$goto = 3;
38910 return A._asyncAwait($async$self.importer.load$1(0, t1), $async$call$0);
38911 case 3:
38912 // returning from await.
38913 result = $async$result;
38914 if (result == null) {
38915 $async$returnValue = null;
38916 // goto return
38917 $async$goto = 1;
38918 break;
38919 }
38920 t2 = $async$self.$this;
38921 t2._async_import_cache$_resultsCache.$indexSet(0, t1, result);
38922 t3 = result.contents;
38923 t4 = result.syntax;
38924 t1 = $async$self.originalUrl.resolveUri$1(t1);
38925 $async$returnValue = A.Stylesheet_Stylesheet$parse(t3, t4, $async$self.quiet ? $.$get$Logger_quiet() : t2._async_import_cache$_logger, t1);
38926 // goto return
38927 $async$goto = 1;
38928 break;
38929 case 1:
38930 // return
38931 return A._asyncReturn($async$returnValue, $async$completer);
38932 }
38933 });
38934 return A._asyncStartSync($async$call$0, $async$completer);
38935 },
38936 $signature: 316
38937 };
38938 A.AsyncImportCache_humanize_closure.prototype = {
38939 call$1(tuple) {
38940 return tuple.item2.$eq(0, this.canonicalUrl);
38941 },
38942 $signature: 317
38943 };
38944 A.AsyncImportCache_humanize_closure0.prototype = {
38945 call$1(tuple) {
38946 return tuple.item3;
38947 },
38948 $signature: 319
38949 };
38950 A.AsyncImportCache_humanize_closure1.prototype = {
38951 call$1(url) {
38952 return url.get$path(url).length;
38953 },
38954 $signature: 74
38955 };
38956 A.AsyncBuiltInCallable.prototype = {
38957 callbackFor$2(positional, names) {
38958 return new A.Tuple2(this._async_built_in$_arguments, this._async_built_in$_callback, type$.Tuple2_of_ArgumentDeclaration_and_FutureOr_Value_Function_List_Value);
38959 },
38960 $isAsyncCallable: 1,
38961 get$name(receiver) {
38962 return this.name;
38963 }
38964 };
38965 A.AsyncBuiltInCallable$mixin_closure.prototype = {
38966 call$1($arguments) {
38967 return this.$call$body$AsyncBuiltInCallable$mixin_closure($arguments);
38968 },
38969 $call$body$AsyncBuiltInCallable$mixin_closure($arguments) {
38970 var $async$goto = 0,
38971 $async$completer = A._makeAsyncAwaitCompleter(type$.Value),
38972 $async$returnValue, $async$self = this;
38973 var $async$call$1 = A._wrapJsFunctionForAsync(function($async$errorCode, $async$result) {
38974 if ($async$errorCode === 1)
38975 return A._asyncRethrow($async$result, $async$completer);
38976 while (true)
38977 switch ($async$goto) {
38978 case 0:
38979 // Function start
38980 $async$goto = 3;
38981 return A._asyncAwait($async$self.callback.call$1($arguments), $async$call$1);
38982 case 3:
38983 // returning from await.
38984 $async$returnValue = B.C__SassNull;
38985 // goto return
38986 $async$goto = 1;
38987 break;
38988 case 1:
38989 // return
38990 return A._asyncReturn($async$returnValue, $async$completer);
38991 }
38992 });
38993 return A._asyncStartSync($async$call$1, $async$completer);
38994 },
38995 $signature: 170
38996 };
38997 A.BuiltInCallable.prototype = {
38998 callbackFor$2(positional, names) {
38999 var t1, t2, fuzzyMatch, minMismatchDistance, _i, overload, t3, mismatchDistance, t4;
39000 for (t1 = this._overloads, t2 = t1.length, fuzzyMatch = null, minMismatchDistance = null, _i = 0; _i < t1.length; t1.length === t2 || (0, A.throwConcurrentModificationError)(t1), ++_i) {
39001 overload = t1[_i];
39002 t3 = overload.item1;
39003 if (t3.matches$2(positional, names))
39004 return overload;
39005 mismatchDistance = t3.$arguments.length - positional;
39006 if (minMismatchDistance != null) {
39007 t3 = Math.abs(mismatchDistance);
39008 t4 = Math.abs(minMismatchDistance);
39009 if (t3 > t4)
39010 continue;
39011 if (t3 === t4 && mismatchDistance < 0)
39012 continue;
39013 }
39014 minMismatchDistance = mismatchDistance;
39015 fuzzyMatch = overload;
39016 }
39017 if (fuzzyMatch != null)
39018 return fuzzyMatch;
39019 throw A.wrapException(A.StateError$("BuiltInCallable " + this.name + " may not have empty overloads."));
39020 },
39021 withName$1($name) {
39022 return new A.BuiltInCallable($name, this._overloads);
39023 },
39024 $isCallable: 1,
39025 $isAsyncCallable: 1,
39026 $isAsyncBuiltInCallable: 1,
39027 get$name(receiver) {
39028 return this.name;
39029 }
39030 };
39031 A.BuiltInCallable$mixin_closure.prototype = {
39032 call$1($arguments) {
39033 this.callback.call$1($arguments);
39034 return B.C__SassNull;
39035 },
39036 $signature: 4
39037 };
39038 A.PlainCssCallable.prototype = {
39039 $eq(_, other) {
39040 if (other == null)
39041 return false;
39042 return other instanceof A.PlainCssCallable && this.name === other.name;
39043 },
39044 get$hashCode(_) {
39045 return B.JSString_methods.get$hashCode(this.name);
39046 },
39047 $isCallable: 1,
39048 $isAsyncCallable: 1,
39049 get$name(receiver) {
39050 return this.name;
39051 }
39052 };
39053 A.UserDefinedCallable.prototype = {
39054 get$name(_) {
39055 return this.declaration.name;
39056 },
39057 $isCallable: 1,
39058 $isAsyncCallable: 1
39059 };
39060 A._compileStylesheet_closure.prototype = {
39061 call$1(url) {
39062 return url === "" ? A.Uri_Uri$dataFromString(A.String_String$fromCharCodes(B.NativeUint32List_methods.sublist$2(this.stylesheet.span.file._decodedChars, 0, null), 0, null), B.C_Utf8Codec, null).get$_text() : this.importCache.sourceMapUrl$1(0, A.Uri_parse(url)).toString$0(0);
39063 },
39064 $signature: 5
39065 };
39066 A.CompileResult.prototype = {};
39067 A.Configuration.prototype = {
39068 throughForward$1($forward) {
39069 var prefix, shownVariables, hiddenVariables, t1,
39070 newValues = this._values;
39071 if (newValues.get$isEmpty(newValues))
39072 return B.Configuration_Map_empty;
39073 prefix = $forward.prefix;
39074 if (prefix != null)
39075 newValues = new A.UnprefixedMapView(newValues, prefix, type$.UnprefixedMapView_ConfiguredValue);
39076 shownVariables = $forward.shownVariables;
39077 hiddenVariables = $forward.hiddenVariables;
39078 if (shownVariables != null)
39079 newValues = new A.LimitedMapView(newValues, shownVariables._base.intersection$1(new A.MapKeySet(newValues, type$.MapKeySet_nullable_Object)), type$.LimitedMapView_String_ConfiguredValue);
39080 else {
39081 if (hiddenVariables != null) {
39082 t1 = hiddenVariables._base;
39083 t1 = t1.get$isNotEmpty(t1);
39084 } else
39085 t1 = false;
39086 if (t1)
39087 newValues = A.LimitedMapView$blocklist(newValues, hiddenVariables, type$.String, type$.ConfiguredValue);
39088 }
39089 return this._withValues$1(newValues);
39090 },
39091 _withValues$1(values) {
39092 return new A.Configuration(values);
39093 },
39094 toString$0(_) {
39095 var t1 = this._values;
39096 return "(" + t1.get$entries(t1).map$1$1(0, new A.Configuration_toString_closure(), type$.String).join$1(0, ", ") + ")";
39097 }
39098 };
39099 A.Configuration_toString_closure.prototype = {
39100 call$1(entry) {
39101 return "$" + A.S(entry.key) + ": " + A.S(entry.value);
39102 },
39103 $signature: 328
39104 };
39105 A.ExplicitConfiguration.prototype = {
39106 _withValues$1(values) {
39107 return new A.ExplicitConfiguration(this.nodeWithSpan, values);
39108 }
39109 };
39110 A.ConfiguredValue.prototype = {
39111 toString$0(_) {
39112 return A.serializeValue(this.value, true, true);
39113 }
39114 };
39115 A.Environment.prototype = {
39116 closure$0() {
39117 var t4, t5, t6, _this = this,
39118 t1 = _this._forwardedModules,
39119 t2 = _this._nestedForwardedModules,
39120 t3 = _this._variables;
39121 t3 = A._setArrayType(t3.slice(0), A._arrayInstanceType(t3));
39122 t4 = _this._variableNodes;
39123 t4 = A._setArrayType(t4.slice(0), A._arrayInstanceType(t4));
39124 t5 = _this._functions;
39125 t5 = A._setArrayType(t5.slice(0), A._arrayInstanceType(t5));
39126 t6 = _this._mixins;
39127 t6 = A._setArrayType(t6.slice(0), A._arrayInstanceType(t6));
39128 return A.Environment$_(_this._environment$_modules, _this._namespaceNodes, _this._globalModules, _this._importedModules, t1, t2, _this._allModules, t3, t4, t5, t6, _this._content);
39129 },
39130 addModule$3$namespace(module, nodeWithSpan, namespace) {
39131 var t1, t2, span, _this = this;
39132 if (namespace == null) {
39133 _this._globalModules.$indexSet(0, module, nodeWithSpan);
39134 _this._allModules.push(module);
39135 for (t1 = J.get$iterator$ax(J.get$keys$z(B.JSArray_methods.get$first(_this._variables))); t1.moveNext$0();) {
39136 t2 = t1.get$current(t1);
39137 if (module.get$variables().containsKey$1(t2))
39138 throw A.wrapException(A.SassScriptException$(string$.This_ma + t2 + '".'));
39139 }
39140 } else {
39141 t1 = _this._environment$_modules;
39142 if (t1.containsKey$1(namespace)) {
39143 t1 = _this._namespaceNodes.$index(0, namespace);
39144 span = t1 == null ? null : t1.span;
39145 t1 = string$.There_ + namespace + '".';
39146 t2 = A.LinkedHashMap_LinkedHashMap$_empty(type$.FileSpan, type$.String);
39147 if (span != null)
39148 t2.$indexSet(0, span, "original @use");
39149 throw A.wrapException(A.MultiSpanSassScriptException$(t1, "new @use", t2));
39150 }
39151 t1.$indexSet(0, namespace, module);
39152 _this._namespaceNodes.$indexSet(0, namespace, nodeWithSpan);
39153 _this._allModules.push(module);
39154 }
39155 },
39156 forwardModule$2(module, rule) {
39157 var view, t1, t2, _this = this,
39158 forwardedModules = _this._forwardedModules;
39159 if (forwardedModules == null)
39160 forwardedModules = _this._forwardedModules = A.LinkedHashMap_LinkedHashMap$_empty(type$.Module_Callable, type$.AstNode);
39161 view = A.ForwardedModuleView_ifNecessary(module, rule, type$.Callable);
39162 for (t1 = forwardedModules.get$keys(forwardedModules), t1 = t1.get$iterator(t1); t1.moveNext$0();) {
39163 t2 = t1.get$current(t1);
39164 _this._assertNoConflicts$5(view.get$variables(), t2.get$variables(), view, t2, "variable");
39165 _this._assertNoConflicts$5(view.get$functions(view), t2.get$functions(t2), view, t2, "function");
39166 _this._assertNoConflicts$5(view.get$mixins(), t2.get$mixins(), view, t2, "mixin");
39167 }
39168 _this._allModules.push(module);
39169 forwardedModules.$indexSet(0, view, rule);
39170 },
39171 _assertNoConflicts$5(newMembers, oldMembers, newModule, oldModule, type) {
39172 var larger, smaller, t1, t2, $name, span;
39173 if (newMembers.get$length(newMembers) < oldMembers.get$length(oldMembers)) {
39174 larger = oldMembers;
39175 smaller = newMembers;
39176 } else {
39177 larger = newMembers;
39178 smaller = oldMembers;
39179 }
39180 for (t1 = J.get$iterator$ax(smaller.get$keys(smaller)), t2 = type === "variable"; t1.moveNext$0();) {
39181 $name = t1.get$current(t1);
39182 if (!larger.containsKey$1($name))
39183 continue;
39184 if (t2 ? newModule.variableIdentity$1($name) === oldModule.variableIdentity$1($name) : J.$eq$(larger.$index(0, $name), smaller.$index(0, $name)))
39185 continue;
39186 if (t2)
39187 $name = "$" + $name;
39188 t1 = this._forwardedModules;
39189 if (t1 == null)
39190 span = null;
39191 else {
39192 t1 = t1.$index(0, oldModule);
39193 span = t1 == null ? null : J.get$span$z(t1);
39194 }
39195 t1 = "Two forwarded modules both define a " + type + " named " + $name + ".";
39196 t2 = A.LinkedHashMap_LinkedHashMap$_empty(type$.FileSpan, type$.String);
39197 if (span != null)
39198 t2.$indexSet(0, span, "original @forward");
39199 throw A.wrapException(A.MultiSpanSassScriptException$(t1, "new @forward", t2));
39200 }
39201 },
39202 importForwards$1(module) {
39203 var forwardedModules, t1, t2, t3, t4, t5, forwardedVariableNames, forwardedFunctionNames, forwardedMixinNames, _i, entry, shadowed, t6, _length, _list, _this = this,
39204 forwarded = module._environment$_environment._forwardedModules;
39205 if (forwarded == null)
39206 return;
39207 forwardedModules = _this._forwardedModules;
39208 if (forwardedModules != null) {
39209 t1 = A.LinkedHashMap_LinkedHashMap$_empty(type$.Module_Callable, type$.AstNode);
39210 for (t2 = forwarded.get$entries(forwarded), t2 = t2.get$iterator(t2), t3 = _this._globalModules; t2.moveNext$0();) {
39211 t4 = t2.get$current(t2);
39212 t5 = t4.key;
39213 if (!forwardedModules.containsKey$1(t5) || !t3.containsKey$1(t5))
39214 t1.$indexSet(0, t5, t4.value);
39215 }
39216 forwarded = t1;
39217 } else
39218 forwardedModules = _this._forwardedModules = A.LinkedHashMap_LinkedHashMap$_empty(type$.Module_Callable, type$.AstNode);
39219 t1 = forwarded.get$keys(forwarded);
39220 t2 = A._instanceType(t1)._eval$1("ExpandIterable<Iterable.E,String>");
39221 forwardedVariableNames = A.LinkedHashSet_LinkedHashSet$of(new A.ExpandIterable(t1, new A.Environment_importForwards_closure(), t2), t2._eval$1("Iterable.E"));
39222 t2 = forwarded.get$keys(forwarded);
39223 t1 = A._instanceType(t2)._eval$1("ExpandIterable<Iterable.E,String>");
39224 forwardedFunctionNames = A.LinkedHashSet_LinkedHashSet$of(new A.ExpandIterable(t2, new A.Environment_importForwards_closure0(), t1), t1._eval$1("Iterable.E"));
39225 t1 = forwarded.get$keys(forwarded);
39226 t2 = A._instanceType(t1)._eval$1("ExpandIterable<Iterable.E,String>");
39227 forwardedMixinNames = A.LinkedHashSet_LinkedHashSet$of(new A.ExpandIterable(t1, new A.Environment_importForwards_closure1(), t2), t2._eval$1("Iterable.E"));
39228 t1 = _this._variables;
39229 t2 = t1.length;
39230 if (t2 === 1) {
39231 for (t2 = _this._importedModules, t3 = t2.get$entries(t2).toList$0(0), t4 = t3.length, t5 = type$.Callable, _i = 0; _i < t3.length; t3.length === t4 || (0, A.throwConcurrentModificationError)(t3), ++_i) {
39232 entry = t3[_i];
39233 module = entry.key;
39234 shadowed = A.ShadowedModuleView_ifNecessary(module, forwardedFunctionNames, forwardedMixinNames, forwardedVariableNames, t5);
39235 if (shadowed != null) {
39236 t2.remove$1(0, module);
39237 t6 = shadowed.variables;
39238 if (t6.get$isEmpty(t6)) {
39239 t6 = shadowed.functions;
39240 if (t6.get$isEmpty(t6)) {
39241 t6 = shadowed.mixins;
39242 if (t6.get$isEmpty(t6)) {
39243 t6 = shadowed._shadowed_view$_inner;
39244 t6 = t6.get$css(t6);
39245 t6 = J.get$isEmpty$asx(t6.get$children(t6));
39246 } else
39247 t6 = false;
39248 } else
39249 t6 = false;
39250 } else
39251 t6 = false;
39252 if (!t6)
39253 t2.$indexSet(0, shadowed, entry.value);
39254 }
39255 }
39256 for (t3 = forwardedModules.get$entries(forwardedModules).toList$0(0), t4 = t3.length, _i = 0; _i < t3.length; t3.length === t4 || (0, A.throwConcurrentModificationError)(t3), ++_i) {
39257 entry = t3[_i];
39258 module = entry.key;
39259 shadowed = A.ShadowedModuleView_ifNecessary(module, forwardedFunctionNames, forwardedMixinNames, forwardedVariableNames, t5);
39260 if (shadowed != null) {
39261 forwardedModules.remove$1(0, module);
39262 t6 = shadowed.variables;
39263 if (t6.get$isEmpty(t6)) {
39264 t6 = shadowed.functions;
39265 if (t6.get$isEmpty(t6)) {
39266 t6 = shadowed.mixins;
39267 if (t6.get$isEmpty(t6)) {
39268 t6 = shadowed._shadowed_view$_inner;
39269 t6 = t6.get$css(t6);
39270 t6 = J.get$isEmpty$asx(t6.get$children(t6));
39271 } else
39272 t6 = false;
39273 } else
39274 t6 = false;
39275 } else
39276 t6 = false;
39277 if (!t6)
39278 forwardedModules.$indexSet(0, shadowed, entry.value);
39279 }
39280 }
39281 t2.addAll$1(0, forwarded);
39282 forwardedModules.addAll$1(0, forwarded);
39283 } else {
39284 t3 = _this._nestedForwardedModules;
39285 if (t3 == null) {
39286 _length = t2 - 1;
39287 _list = J.JSArray_JSArray$allocateGrowable(_length, type$.List_Module_Callable);
39288 for (t2 = type$.JSArray_Module_Callable, _i = 0; _i < _length; ++_i)
39289 _list[_i] = A._setArrayType([], t2);
39290 _this._nestedForwardedModules = _list;
39291 t2 = _list;
39292 } else
39293 t2 = t3;
39294 B.JSArray_methods.addAll$1(B.JSArray_methods.get$last(t2), forwarded.get$keys(forwarded));
39295 }
39296 for (t2 = A._LinkedHashSetIterator$(forwardedVariableNames, forwardedVariableNames._collection$_modifications), t3 = A._instanceType(t2)._precomputed1, t4 = _this._variableIndices, t5 = _this._variableNodes; t2.moveNext$0();) {
39297 t6 = t3._as(t2._collection$_current);
39298 t4.remove$1(0, t6);
39299 J.remove$1$z(B.JSArray_methods.get$last(t1), t6);
39300 J.remove$1$z(B.JSArray_methods.get$last(t5), t6);
39301 }
39302 for (t1 = A._LinkedHashSetIterator$(forwardedFunctionNames, forwardedFunctionNames._collection$_modifications), t2 = A._instanceType(t1)._precomputed1, t3 = _this._functionIndices, t4 = _this._functions; t1.moveNext$0();) {
39303 t5 = t2._as(t1._collection$_current);
39304 t3.remove$1(0, t5);
39305 J.remove$1$z(B.JSArray_methods.get$last(t4), t5);
39306 }
39307 for (t1 = A._LinkedHashSetIterator$(forwardedMixinNames, forwardedMixinNames._collection$_modifications), t2 = A._instanceType(t1)._precomputed1, t3 = _this._mixinIndices, t4 = _this._mixins; t1.moveNext$0();) {
39308 t5 = t2._as(t1._collection$_current);
39309 t3.remove$1(0, t5);
39310 J.remove$1$z(B.JSArray_methods.get$last(t4), t5);
39311 }
39312 },
39313 getVariable$2$namespace($name, namespace) {
39314 var t1, index, _this = this;
39315 if (namespace != null)
39316 return _this._getModule$1(namespace).get$variables().$index(0, $name);
39317 if (_this._lastVariableName === $name) {
39318 t1 = _this._lastVariableIndex;
39319 t1.toString;
39320 t1 = J.$index$asx(_this._variables[t1], $name);
39321 return t1 == null ? _this._getVariableFromGlobalModule$1($name) : t1;
39322 }
39323 t1 = _this._variableIndices;
39324 index = t1.$index(0, $name);
39325 if (index != null) {
39326 _this._lastVariableName = $name;
39327 _this._lastVariableIndex = index;
39328 t1 = J.$index$asx(_this._variables[index], $name);
39329 return t1 == null ? _this._getVariableFromGlobalModule$1($name) : t1;
39330 }
39331 index = _this._variableIndex$1($name);
39332 if (index == null)
39333 return _this._getVariableFromGlobalModule$1($name);
39334 _this._lastVariableName = $name;
39335 _this._lastVariableIndex = index;
39336 t1.$indexSet(0, $name, index);
39337 t1 = J.$index$asx(_this._variables[index], $name);
39338 return t1 == null ? _this._getVariableFromGlobalModule$1($name) : t1;
39339 },
39340 getVariable$1($name) {
39341 return this.getVariable$2$namespace($name, null);
39342 },
39343 _getVariableFromGlobalModule$1($name) {
39344 return this._fromOneModule$1$3($name, "variable", new A.Environment__getVariableFromGlobalModule_closure($name), type$.Value);
39345 },
39346 getVariableNode$2$namespace($name, namespace) {
39347 var t1, index, _this = this;
39348 if (namespace != null)
39349 return _this._getModule$1(namespace).get$variableNodes().$index(0, $name);
39350 if (_this._lastVariableName === $name) {
39351 t1 = _this._lastVariableIndex;
39352 t1.toString;
39353 t1 = J.$index$asx(_this._variableNodes[t1], $name);
39354 return t1 == null ? _this._getVariableNodeFromGlobalModule$1($name) : t1;
39355 }
39356 t1 = _this._variableIndices;
39357 index = t1.$index(0, $name);
39358 if (index != null) {
39359 _this._lastVariableName = $name;
39360 _this._lastVariableIndex = index;
39361 t1 = J.$index$asx(_this._variableNodes[index], $name);
39362 return t1 == null ? _this._getVariableNodeFromGlobalModule$1($name) : t1;
39363 }
39364 index = _this._variableIndex$1($name);
39365 if (index == null)
39366 return _this._getVariableNodeFromGlobalModule$1($name);
39367 _this._lastVariableName = $name;
39368 _this._lastVariableIndex = index;
39369 t1.$indexSet(0, $name, index);
39370 t1 = J.$index$asx(_this._variableNodes[index], $name);
39371 return t1 == null ? _this._getVariableNodeFromGlobalModule$1($name) : t1;
39372 },
39373 _getVariableNodeFromGlobalModule$1($name) {
39374 var t1, t2, value;
39375 for (t1 = this._importedModules, t2 = this._globalModules, t2 = t1.get$keys(t1).followedBy$1(0, t2.get$keys(t2)), t2 = new A.FollowedByIterator(J.get$iterator$ax(t2.__internal$_first), t2._second); t2.moveNext$0();) {
39376 t1 = t2._currentIterator;
39377 value = t1.get$current(t1).get$variableNodes().$index(0, $name);
39378 if (value != null)
39379 return value;
39380 }
39381 return null;
39382 },
39383 globalVariableExists$2$namespace($name, namespace) {
39384 if (namespace != null)
39385 return this._getModule$1(namespace).get$variables().containsKey$1($name);
39386 if (B.JSArray_methods.get$first(this._variables).containsKey$1($name))
39387 return true;
39388 return this._getVariableFromGlobalModule$1($name) != null;
39389 },
39390 globalVariableExists$1($name) {
39391 return this.globalVariableExists$2$namespace($name, null);
39392 },
39393 _variableIndex$1($name) {
39394 var t1, i;
39395 for (t1 = this._variables, i = t1.length - 1; i >= 0; --i)
39396 if (t1[i].containsKey$1($name))
39397 return i;
39398 return null;
39399 },
39400 setVariable$5$global$namespace($name, value, nodeWithSpan, global, namespace) {
39401 var t1, moduleWithName, nestedForwardedModules, t2, t3, t4, t5, index, _this = this;
39402 if (namespace != null) {
39403 _this._getModule$1(namespace).setVariable$3($name, value, nodeWithSpan);
39404 return;
39405 }
39406 if (global || _this._variables.length === 1) {
39407 _this._variableIndices.putIfAbsent$2($name, new A.Environment_setVariable_closure(_this, $name));
39408 t1 = _this._variables;
39409 if (!B.JSArray_methods.get$first(t1).containsKey$1($name)) {
39410 moduleWithName = _this._fromOneModule$1$3($name, "variable", new A.Environment_setVariable_closure0($name), type$.Module_Callable);
39411 if (moduleWithName != null) {
39412 moduleWithName.setVariable$3($name, value, nodeWithSpan);
39413 return;
39414 }
39415 }
39416 J.$indexSet$ax(B.JSArray_methods.get$first(t1), $name, value);
39417 J.$indexSet$ax(B.JSArray_methods.get$first(_this._variableNodes), $name, nodeWithSpan);
39418 return;
39419 }
39420 nestedForwardedModules = _this._nestedForwardedModules;
39421 if (nestedForwardedModules != null && !_this._variableIndices.containsKey$1($name) && _this._variableIndex$1($name) == null)
39422 for (t1 = new A.ReversedListIterable(nestedForwardedModules, A.instanceType(nestedForwardedModules)._eval$1("ReversedListIterable<1>")), t1 = new A.ListIterator(t1, t1.get$length(t1)), t2 = A._instanceType(t1)._precomputed1; t1.moveNext$0();)
39423 for (t3 = J.get$reversed$ax(t2._as(t1.__internal$_current)), t3 = new A.ListIterator(t3, t3.get$length(t3)), t4 = A._instanceType(t3)._precomputed1; t3.moveNext$0();) {
39424 t5 = t4._as(t3.__internal$_current);
39425 if (t5.get$variables().containsKey$1($name)) {
39426 t5.setVariable$3($name, value, nodeWithSpan);
39427 return;
39428 }
39429 }
39430 if (_this._lastVariableName === $name) {
39431 t1 = _this._lastVariableIndex;
39432 t1.toString;
39433 index = t1;
39434 } else
39435 index = _this._variableIndices.putIfAbsent$2($name, new A.Environment_setVariable_closure1(_this, $name));
39436 if (!_this._inSemiGlobalScope && index === 0) {
39437 index = _this._variables.length - 1;
39438 _this._variableIndices.$indexSet(0, $name, index);
39439 }
39440 _this._lastVariableName = $name;
39441 _this._lastVariableIndex = index;
39442 J.$indexSet$ax(_this._variables[index], $name, value);
39443 J.$indexSet$ax(_this._variableNodes[index], $name, nodeWithSpan);
39444 },
39445 setVariable$4$global($name, value, nodeWithSpan, global) {
39446 return this.setVariable$5$global$namespace($name, value, nodeWithSpan, global, null);
39447 },
39448 setLocalVariable$3($name, value, nodeWithSpan) {
39449 var index, _this = this,
39450 t1 = _this._variables,
39451 t2 = t1.length;
39452 _this._lastVariableName = $name;
39453 index = _this._lastVariableIndex = t2 - 1;
39454 _this._variableIndices.$indexSet(0, $name, index);
39455 J.$indexSet$ax(t1[index], $name, value);
39456 J.$indexSet$ax(_this._variableNodes[index], $name, nodeWithSpan);
39457 },
39458 getFunction$2$namespace($name, namespace) {
39459 var t1, index, _this = this;
39460 if (namespace != null) {
39461 t1 = _this._getModule$1(namespace);
39462 return t1.get$functions(t1).$index(0, $name);
39463 }
39464 t1 = _this._functionIndices;
39465 index = t1.$index(0, $name);
39466 if (index != null) {
39467 t1 = J.$index$asx(_this._functions[index], $name);
39468 return t1 == null ? _this._getFunctionFromGlobalModule$1($name) : t1;
39469 }
39470 index = _this._functionIndex$1($name);
39471 if (index == null)
39472 return _this._getFunctionFromGlobalModule$1($name);
39473 t1.$indexSet(0, $name, index);
39474 t1 = J.$index$asx(_this._functions[index], $name);
39475 return t1 == null ? _this._getFunctionFromGlobalModule$1($name) : t1;
39476 },
39477 _getFunctionFromGlobalModule$1($name) {
39478 return this._fromOneModule$1$3($name, "function", new A.Environment__getFunctionFromGlobalModule_closure($name), type$.Callable);
39479 },
39480 _functionIndex$1($name) {
39481 var t1, i;
39482 for (t1 = this._functions, i = t1.length - 1; i >= 0; --i)
39483 if (t1[i].containsKey$1($name))
39484 return i;
39485 return null;
39486 },
39487 getMixin$2$namespace($name, namespace) {
39488 var t1, index, _this = this;
39489 if (namespace != null)
39490 return _this._getModule$1(namespace).get$mixins().$index(0, $name);
39491 t1 = _this._mixinIndices;
39492 index = t1.$index(0, $name);
39493 if (index != null) {
39494 t1 = J.$index$asx(_this._mixins[index], $name);
39495 return t1 == null ? _this._getMixinFromGlobalModule$1($name) : t1;
39496 }
39497 index = _this._mixinIndex$1($name);
39498 if (index == null)
39499 return _this._getMixinFromGlobalModule$1($name);
39500 t1.$indexSet(0, $name, index);
39501 t1 = J.$index$asx(_this._mixins[index], $name);
39502 return t1 == null ? _this._getMixinFromGlobalModule$1($name) : t1;
39503 },
39504 _getMixinFromGlobalModule$1($name) {
39505 return this._fromOneModule$1$3($name, "mixin", new A.Environment__getMixinFromGlobalModule_closure($name), type$.Callable);
39506 },
39507 _mixinIndex$1($name) {
39508 var t1, i;
39509 for (t1 = this._mixins, i = t1.length - 1; i >= 0; --i)
39510 if (t1[i].containsKey$1($name))
39511 return i;
39512 return null;
39513 },
39514 scope$1$3$semiGlobal$when(callback, semiGlobal, when) {
39515 var wasInSemiGlobalScope, $name, name0, name1, t1, t2, t3, t4, t5, _this = this;
39516 semiGlobal = semiGlobal && _this._inSemiGlobalScope;
39517 wasInSemiGlobalScope = _this._inSemiGlobalScope;
39518 _this._inSemiGlobalScope = semiGlobal;
39519 if (!when)
39520 try {
39521 t1 = callback.call$0();
39522 return t1;
39523 } finally {
39524 _this._inSemiGlobalScope = wasInSemiGlobalScope;
39525 }
39526 t1 = _this._variables;
39527 t2 = type$.String;
39528 B.JSArray_methods.add$1(t1, A.LinkedHashMap_LinkedHashMap$_empty(t2, type$.Value));
39529 B.JSArray_methods.add$1(_this._variableNodes, A.LinkedHashMap_LinkedHashMap$_empty(t2, type$.AstNode));
39530 t3 = _this._functions;
39531 t4 = type$.Callable;
39532 B.JSArray_methods.add$1(t3, A.LinkedHashMap_LinkedHashMap$_empty(t2, t4));
39533 t5 = _this._mixins;
39534 B.JSArray_methods.add$1(t5, A.LinkedHashMap_LinkedHashMap$_empty(t2, t4));
39535 t4 = _this._nestedForwardedModules;
39536 if (t4 != null)
39537 t4.push(A._setArrayType([], type$.JSArray_Module_Callable));
39538 try {
39539 t2 = callback.call$0();
39540 return t2;
39541 } finally {
39542 _this._inSemiGlobalScope = wasInSemiGlobalScope;
39543 _this._lastVariableIndex = _this._lastVariableName = null;
39544 for (t1 = J.get$iterator$ax(J.get$keys$z(B.JSArray_methods.removeLast$0(t1))), t2 = _this._variableIndices; t1.moveNext$0();) {
39545 $name = t1.get$current(t1);
39546 t2.remove$1(0, $name);
39547 }
39548 for (t1 = J.get$iterator$ax(J.get$keys$z(B.JSArray_methods.removeLast$0(t3))), t2 = _this._functionIndices; t1.moveNext$0();) {
39549 name0 = t1.get$current(t1);
39550 t2.remove$1(0, name0);
39551 }
39552 for (t1 = J.get$iterator$ax(J.get$keys$z(B.JSArray_methods.removeLast$0(t5))), t2 = _this._mixinIndices; t1.moveNext$0();) {
39553 name1 = t1.get$current(t1);
39554 t2.remove$1(0, name1);
39555 }
39556 t1 = _this._nestedForwardedModules;
39557 if (t1 != null)
39558 t1.pop();
39559 }
39560 },
39561 scope$1$1(callback, $T) {
39562 return this.scope$1$3$semiGlobal$when(callback, false, true, $T);
39563 },
39564 scope$1$2$when(callback, when, $T) {
39565 return this.scope$1$3$semiGlobal$when(callback, false, when, $T);
39566 },
39567 scope$1$2$semiGlobal(callback, semiGlobal, $T) {
39568 return this.scope$1$3$semiGlobal$when(callback, semiGlobal, true, $T);
39569 },
39570 toImplicitConfiguration$0() {
39571 var t1, t2, i, values, nodes, t3, t4, t5, t6,
39572 configuration = A.LinkedHashMap_LinkedHashMap$_empty(type$.String, type$.ConfiguredValue);
39573 for (t1 = this._variables, t2 = this._variableNodes, i = 0; i < t1.length; ++i) {
39574 values = t1[i];
39575 nodes = t2[i];
39576 for (t3 = values.get$entries(values), t3 = t3.get$iterator(t3); t3.moveNext$0();) {
39577 t4 = t3.get$current(t3);
39578 t5 = t4.key;
39579 t4 = t4.value;
39580 t6 = nodes.$index(0, t5);
39581 t6.toString;
39582 configuration.$indexSet(0, t5, new A.ConfiguredValue(t4, null, t6));
39583 }
39584 }
39585 return new A.Configuration(configuration);
39586 },
39587 toModule$2(css, extensionStore) {
39588 return A._EnvironmentModule__EnvironmentModule(this, css, extensionStore, A.NullableExtension_andThen(this._forwardedModules, new A.Environment_toModule_closure()));
39589 },
39590 toDummyModule$0() {
39591 return A._EnvironmentModule__EnvironmentModule(this, new A.CssStylesheet(new A.UnmodifiableListView(B.List_empty0, type$.UnmodifiableListView_CssNode), A.SourceFile$decoded(B.List_empty1, "<dummy module>").span$1(0, 0)), B.C_EmptyExtensionStore, A.NullableExtension_andThen(this._forwardedModules, new A.Environment_toDummyModule_closure()));
39592 },
39593 _getModule$1(namespace) {
39594 var module = this._environment$_modules.$index(0, namespace);
39595 if (module != null)
39596 return module;
39597 throw A.wrapException(A.SassScriptException$('There is no module with the namespace "' + namespace + '".'));
39598 },
39599 _fromOneModule$1$3($name, type, callback, $T) {
39600 var t1, t2, t3, t4, value, identity, valueInModule, identityFromModule, spans, t5,
39601 nestedForwardedModules = this._nestedForwardedModules;
39602 if (nestedForwardedModules != null)
39603 for (t1 = new A.ReversedListIterable(nestedForwardedModules, A._arrayInstanceType(nestedForwardedModules)._eval$1("ReversedListIterable<1>")), t1 = new A.ListIterator(t1, t1.get$length(t1)), t2 = A._instanceType(t1)._precomputed1; t1.moveNext$0();)
39604 for (t3 = J.get$reversed$ax(t2._as(t1.__internal$_current)), t3 = new A.ListIterator(t3, t3.get$length(t3)), t4 = A._instanceType(t3)._precomputed1; t3.moveNext$0();) {
39605 value = callback.call$1(t4._as(t3.__internal$_current));
39606 if (value != null)
39607 return value;
39608 }
39609 for (t1 = this._importedModules, t1 = t1.get$keys(t1), t1 = t1.get$iterator(t1); t1.moveNext$0();) {
39610 value = callback.call$1(t1.get$current(t1));
39611 if (value != null)
39612 return value;
39613 }
39614 for (t1 = this._globalModules, t2 = t1.get$keys(t1), t2 = t2.get$iterator(t2), t3 = type$.Callable, value = null, identity = null; t2.moveNext$0();) {
39615 t4 = t2.get$current(t2);
39616 valueInModule = callback.call$1(t4);
39617 if (valueInModule == null)
39618 continue;
39619 identityFromModule = t3._is(valueInModule) ? valueInModule : t4.variableIdentity$1($name);
39620 if (identityFromModule.$eq(0, identity))
39621 continue;
39622 if (value != null) {
39623 spans = t1.get$entries(t1).map$1$1(0, new A.Environment__fromOneModule_closure(callback, $T), type$.nullable_FileSpan);
39624 t2 = "This " + type + string$.x20is_av;
39625 t3 = type + " use";
39626 t4 = A.LinkedHashMap_LinkedHashMap$_empty(type$.FileSpan, type$.String);
39627 for (t1 = spans.get$iterator(spans); t1.moveNext$0();) {
39628 t5 = t1.get$current(t1);
39629 if (t5 != null)
39630 t4.$indexSet(0, t5, "includes " + type);
39631 }
39632 throw A.wrapException(A.MultiSpanSassScriptException$(t2, t3, t4));
39633 }
39634 identity = identityFromModule;
39635 value = valueInModule;
39636 }
39637 return value;
39638 }
39639 };
39640 A.Environment_importForwards_closure.prototype = {
39641 call$1(module) {
39642 var t1 = module.get$variables();
39643 return t1.get$keys(t1);
39644 },
39645 $signature: 135
39646 };
39647 A.Environment_importForwards_closure0.prototype = {
39648 call$1(module) {
39649 var t1 = module.get$functions(module);
39650 return t1.get$keys(t1);
39651 },
39652 $signature: 135
39653 };
39654 A.Environment_importForwards_closure1.prototype = {
39655 call$1(module) {
39656 var t1 = module.get$mixins();
39657 return t1.get$keys(t1);
39658 },
39659 $signature: 135
39660 };
39661 A.Environment__getVariableFromGlobalModule_closure.prototype = {
39662 call$1(module) {
39663 return module.get$variables().$index(0, this.name);
39664 },
39665 $signature: 330
39666 };
39667 A.Environment_setVariable_closure.prototype = {
39668 call$0() {
39669 var t1 = this.$this;
39670 t1._lastVariableName = this.name;
39671 return t1._lastVariableIndex = 0;
39672 },
39673 $signature: 12
39674 };
39675 A.Environment_setVariable_closure0.prototype = {
39676 call$1(module) {
39677 return module.get$variables().containsKey$1(this.name) ? module : null;
39678 },
39679 $signature: 332
39680 };
39681 A.Environment_setVariable_closure1.prototype = {
39682 call$0() {
39683 var t1 = this.$this,
39684 t2 = t1._variableIndex$1(this.name);
39685 return t2 == null ? t1._variables.length - 1 : t2;
39686 },
39687 $signature: 12
39688 };
39689 A.Environment__getFunctionFromGlobalModule_closure.prototype = {
39690 call$1(module) {
39691 return module.get$functions(module).$index(0, this.name);
39692 },
39693 $signature: 165
39694 };
39695 A.Environment__getMixinFromGlobalModule_closure.prototype = {
39696 call$1(module) {
39697 return module.get$mixins().$index(0, this.name);
39698 },
39699 $signature: 165
39700 };
39701 A.Environment_toModule_closure.prototype = {
39702 call$1(modules) {
39703 return new A.MapKeySet(modules, type$.MapKeySet_Module_Callable);
39704 },
39705 $signature: 164
39706 };
39707 A.Environment_toDummyModule_closure.prototype = {
39708 call$1(modules) {
39709 return new A.MapKeySet(modules, type$.MapKeySet_Module_Callable);
39710 },
39711 $signature: 164
39712 };
39713 A.Environment__fromOneModule_closure.prototype = {
39714 call$1(entry) {
39715 return A.NullableExtension_andThen(this.callback.call$1(entry.key), new A.Environment__fromOneModule__closure(entry, this.T));
39716 },
39717 $signature: 336
39718 };
39719 A.Environment__fromOneModule__closure.prototype = {
39720 call$1(_) {
39721 return J.get$span$z(this.entry.value);
39722 },
39723 $signature() {
39724 return this.T._eval$1("FileSpan(0)");
39725 }
39726 };
39727 A._EnvironmentModule.prototype = {
39728 get$url(_) {
39729 var t1 = this.css;
39730 return t1.get$span(t1).file.url;
39731 },
39732 setVariable$3($name, value, nodeWithSpan) {
39733 var t1, t2,
39734 module = this._modulesByVariable.$index(0, $name);
39735 if (module != null) {
39736 module.setVariable$3($name, value, nodeWithSpan);
39737 return;
39738 }
39739 t1 = this._environment$_environment;
39740 t2 = t1._variables;
39741 if (!B.JSArray_methods.get$first(t2).containsKey$1($name))
39742 throw A.wrapException(A.SassScriptException$("Undefined variable."));
39743 J.$indexSet$ax(B.JSArray_methods.get$first(t2), $name, value);
39744 J.$indexSet$ax(B.JSArray_methods.get$first(t1._variableNodes), $name, nodeWithSpan);
39745 return;
39746 },
39747 variableIdentity$1($name) {
39748 var module = this._modulesByVariable.$index(0, $name);
39749 return module == null ? this : module.variableIdentity$1($name);
39750 },
39751 cloneCss$0() {
39752 var newCssAndExtensionStore, _this = this,
39753 t1 = _this.css;
39754 if (J.get$isEmpty$asx(t1.get$children(t1)))
39755 return _this;
39756 newCssAndExtensionStore = A.cloneCssStylesheet(t1, _this.extensionStore);
39757 return A._EnvironmentModule$_(_this._environment$_environment, newCssAndExtensionStore.item1, newCssAndExtensionStore.item2, _this._modulesByVariable, _this.variables, _this.variableNodes, _this.functions, _this.mixins, _this.transitivelyContainsCss, _this.transitivelyContainsExtensions);
39758 },
39759 toString$0(_) {
39760 var t1 = this.css;
39761 if (t1.get$span(t1).file.url == null)
39762 t1 = "<unknown url>";
39763 else {
39764 t1 = t1.get$span(t1);
39765 t1 = $.$get$context().prettyUri$1(t1.file.url);
39766 }
39767 return t1;
39768 },
39769 $isModule: 1,
39770 get$upstream() {
39771 return this.upstream;
39772 },
39773 get$variables() {
39774 return this.variables;
39775 },
39776 get$variableNodes() {
39777 return this.variableNodes;
39778 },
39779 get$functions(receiver) {
39780 return this.functions;
39781 },
39782 get$mixins() {
39783 return this.mixins;
39784 },
39785 get$extensionStore() {
39786 return this.extensionStore;
39787 },
39788 get$css(receiver) {
39789 return this.css;
39790 },
39791 get$transitivelyContainsCss() {
39792 return this.transitivelyContainsCss;
39793 },
39794 get$transitivelyContainsExtensions() {
39795 return this.transitivelyContainsExtensions;
39796 }
39797 };
39798 A._EnvironmentModule__EnvironmentModule_closure.prototype = {
39799 call$1(module) {
39800 return module.get$variables();
39801 },
39802 $signature: 338
39803 };
39804 A._EnvironmentModule__EnvironmentModule_closure0.prototype = {
39805 call$1(module) {
39806 return module.get$variableNodes();
39807 },
39808 $signature: 339
39809 };
39810 A._EnvironmentModule__EnvironmentModule_closure1.prototype = {
39811 call$1(module) {
39812 return module.get$functions(module);
39813 },
39814 $signature: 162
39815 };
39816 A._EnvironmentModule__EnvironmentModule_closure2.prototype = {
39817 call$1(module) {
39818 return module.get$mixins();
39819 },
39820 $signature: 162
39821 };
39822 A._EnvironmentModule__EnvironmentModule_closure3.prototype = {
39823 call$1(module) {
39824 return module.get$transitivelyContainsCss();
39825 },
39826 $signature: 139
39827 };
39828 A._EnvironmentModule__EnvironmentModule_closure4.prototype = {
39829 call$1(module) {
39830 return module.get$transitivelyContainsExtensions();
39831 },
39832 $signature: 139
39833 };
39834 A.SassException.prototype = {
39835 get$trace(_) {
39836 return A.Trace$(A._setArrayType([A.frameForSpan(A.SourceSpanException.prototype.get$span.call(this, this), "root stylesheet", null)], type$.JSArray_Frame), null);
39837 },
39838 get$span(_) {
39839 return A.SourceSpanException.prototype.get$span.call(this, this);
39840 },
39841 toString$1$color(_, color) {
39842 var t2, _i, frame, t3, _this = this,
39843 buffer = new A.StringBuffer(""),
39844 t1 = "" + ("Error: " + _this._span_exception$_message + "\n");
39845 buffer._contents = t1;
39846 buffer._contents = t1 + A.SourceSpanException.prototype.get$span.call(_this, _this).highlight$1$color(color);
39847 for (t1 = _this.get$trace(_this).toString$0(0).split("\n"), t2 = t1.length, _i = 0; _i < t2; ++_i) {
39848 frame = t1[_i];
39849 if (J.get$length$asx(frame) === 0)
39850 continue;
39851 t3 = buffer._contents += "\n";
39852 buffer._contents = t3 + (" " + A.S(frame));
39853 }
39854 t1 = buffer._contents;
39855 return t1.charCodeAt(0) == 0 ? t1 : t1;
39856 },
39857 toString$0($receiver) {
39858 return this.toString$1$color($receiver, null);
39859 },
39860 toCssString$0() {
39861 var commentMessage, stringMessage, rune,
39862 t1 = $._glyphs,
39863 t2 = $._glyphs = B.C_AsciiGlyphSet,
39864 t3 = this.toString$1$color(0, false);
39865 t3 = A.stringReplaceAllUnchecked(t3, "*/", "*\u2215");
39866 commentMessage = A.stringReplaceAllUnchecked(t3, "\r\n", "\n");
39867 $._glyphs = t1 === B.C_AsciiGlyphSet ? t2 : B.C_UnicodeGlyphSet;
39868 stringMessage = new A.StringBuffer("");
39869 for (t1 = new A.RuneIterator(A.serializeValue(new A.SassString(this.toString$1$color(0, false), true), true, true)); t1.moveNext$0();) {
39870 rune = t1._currentCodePoint;
39871 t2 = stringMessage._contents;
39872 if (rune > 255) {
39873 stringMessage._contents = t2 + A.Primitives_stringFromCharCode(92);
39874 t2 = stringMessage._contents += B.JSInt_methods.toRadixString$1(rune, 16);
39875 t2 = stringMessage._contents = t2 + A.Primitives_stringFromCharCode(32);
39876 } else
39877 t2 = stringMessage._contents = t2 + A.Primitives_stringFromCharCode(rune);
39878 }
39879 return "/* " + B.JSArray_methods.join$1(A._setArrayType(commentMessage.split("\n"), type$.JSArray_String), "\n * ") + ' */\n\nbody::before {\n font-family: "Source Code Pro", "SF Mono", Monaco, Inconsolata, "Fira Mono",\n "Droid Sans Mono", monospace, monospace;\n white-space: pre;\n display: block;\n padding: 1em;\n margin-bottom: 1em;\n border-bottom: 2px solid black;\n content: ' + stringMessage.toString$0(0) + ";\n}";
39880 }
39881 };
39882 A.MultiSpanSassException.prototype = {
39883 toString$1$color(_, color) {
39884 var t1, t2, _i, frame, _this = this,
39885 useColor = color === true && true,
39886 buffer = new A.StringBuffer("Error: " + _this._span_exception$_message + "\n");
39887 A.NullableExtension_andThen(A.Highlighter$multiple(A.SourceSpanException.prototype.get$span.call(_this, _this), _this.primaryLabel, _this.secondarySpans, useColor, null, null).highlight$0(), buffer.get$write(buffer));
39888 for (t1 = _this.get$trace(_this).toString$0(0).split("\n"), t2 = t1.length, _i = 0; _i < t2; ++_i) {
39889 frame = t1[_i];
39890 if (J.get$length$asx(frame) === 0)
39891 continue;
39892 buffer._contents += "\n";
39893 buffer._contents += " " + A.S(frame);
39894 }
39895 t1 = buffer._contents;
39896 return t1.charCodeAt(0) == 0 ? t1 : t1;
39897 },
39898 toString$0($receiver) {
39899 return this.toString$1$color($receiver, null);
39900 }
39901 };
39902 A.SassRuntimeException.prototype = {
39903 get$trace(receiver) {
39904 return this.trace;
39905 }
39906 };
39907 A.MultiSpanSassRuntimeException.prototype = {$isSassRuntimeException: 1,
39908 get$trace(receiver) {
39909 return this.trace;
39910 }
39911 };
39912 A.SassFormatException.prototype = {
39913 get$source() {
39914 return A.String_String$fromCharCodes(B.NativeUint32List_methods.sublist$2(A.SourceSpanException.prototype.get$span.call(this, this).file._decodedChars, 0, null), 0, null);
39915 },
39916 $isFormatException: 1,
39917 $isSourceSpanFormatException: 1
39918 };
39919 A.SassScriptException.prototype = {
39920 toString$0(_) {
39921 return this.message + string$.x0a_BUG_;
39922 },
39923 get$message(receiver) {
39924 return this.message;
39925 }
39926 };
39927 A.MultiSpanSassScriptException.prototype = {};
39928 A._writeSourceMap_closure.prototype = {
39929 call$1(url) {
39930 return this.options.sourceMapUrl$2(0, A.Uri_parse(url), this.destination).toString$0(0);
39931 },
39932 $signature: 5
39933 };
39934 A.ExecutableOptions.prototype = {
39935 get$interactive() {
39936 var result, _this = this,
39937 value = _this.__ExecutableOptions_interactive;
39938 if (value === $) {
39939 result = new A.ExecutableOptions_interactive_closure(_this).call$0();
39940 A._lateInitializeOnceCheck(_this.__ExecutableOptions_interactive, "interactive");
39941 _this.__ExecutableOptions_interactive = result;
39942 value = result;
39943 }
39944 return value;
39945 },
39946 get$color() {
39947 var t1 = this._options;
39948 return t1.wasParsed$1("color") ? A._asBool(t1.$index(0, "color")) : J.$eq$(self.process.stdout.isTTY, true);
39949 },
39950 get$emitErrorCss() {
39951 var t1 = A._asBoolQ(this._options.$index(0, "error-css"));
39952 if (t1 == null) {
39953 this._ensureSources$0();
39954 t1 = this._sourcesToDestinations;
39955 t1 = t1.get$values(t1).any$1(0, new A.ExecutableOptions_emitErrorCss_closure());
39956 }
39957 return t1;
39958 },
39959 _ensureSources$0() {
39960 var t1, stdin, t2, t3, $directories, t4, t5, colonArgs, positionalArgs, t6, t7, t8, message, target, source, destination, seen, sourceAndDestination, _this = this, _null = null,
39961 _s32_ = "_sourceDirectoriesToDestinations",
39962 _s18_ = 'Duplicate source "';
39963 if (_this._sourcesToDestinations != null)
39964 return;
39965 t1 = _this._options;
39966 stdin = A._asBool(t1.$index(0, "stdin"));
39967 t2 = t1.rest;
39968 if (t2.get$length(t2) === 0 && !stdin)
39969 A.ExecutableOptions__fail("Compile Sass to CSS.");
39970 t3 = type$.String;
39971 $directories = A.LinkedHashSet_LinkedHashSet$_empty(t3);
39972 for (t4 = new A.ListIterator(t2, t2.get$length(t2)), t5 = A._instanceType(t4)._precomputed1, colonArgs = false, positionalArgs = false; t4.moveNext$0();) {
39973 t6 = t5._as(t4.__internal$_current);
39974 t7 = t6.length;
39975 if (t7 === 0)
39976 A.ExecutableOptions__fail('Invalid argument "".');
39977 if (A.stringContainsUnchecked(t6, ":", 0)) {
39978 if (t7 > 2) {
39979 t8 = B.JSString_methods._codeUnitAt$1(t6, 0);
39980 if (!(t8 >= 97 && t8 <= 122))
39981 t8 = t8 >= 65 && t8 <= 90;
39982 else
39983 t8 = true;
39984 t8 = t8 && B.JSString_methods._codeUnitAt$1(t6, 1) === 58;
39985 } else
39986 t8 = false;
39987 if (t8) {
39988 if (2 > t7)
39989 A.throwExpression(A.RangeError$range(2, 0, t7, _null, _null));
39990 t7 = A.stringContainsUnchecked(t6, ":", 2);
39991 } else
39992 t7 = true;
39993 } else
39994 t7 = false;
39995 if (t7)
39996 colonArgs = true;
39997 else if (A.dirExists(t6))
39998 $directories.add$1(0, t6);
39999 else
40000 positionalArgs = true;
40001 }
40002 if (positionalArgs || t2.get$length(t2) === 0) {
40003 if (colonArgs)
40004 A.ExecutableOptions__fail('Positional and ":" arguments may not both be used.');
40005 else if (stdin) {
40006 if (J.get$length$asx(t2._collection$_source) > 1)
40007 A.ExecutableOptions__fail("Only one argument is allowed with --stdin.");
40008 else if (A._asBool(t1.$index(0, "update")))
40009 A.ExecutableOptions__fail("--update is not allowed with --stdin.");
40010 else if (A._asBool(t1.$index(0, "watch")))
40011 A.ExecutableOptions__fail("--watch is not allowed with --stdin.");
40012 t1 = t2.get$length(t2) === 0 ? _null : t2.get$first(t2);
40013 t2 = type$.dynamic;
40014 t3 = type$.nullable_String;
40015 _this._sourcesToDestinations = A.ConstantMap_ConstantMap$from(A.LinkedHashMap_LinkedHashMap$_literal([null, t1], t2, t2), t3, t3);
40016 } else {
40017 t3 = t2._collection$_source;
40018 t4 = J.getInterceptor$asx(t3);
40019 if (t4.get$length(t3) > 2)
40020 A.ExecutableOptions__fail("Only two positional args may be passed.");
40021 else if ($directories._collection$_length !== 0) {
40022 message = 'Directory "' + A.S($directories.get$first($directories)) + '" may not be a positional arg.';
40023 target = t2.get$last(t2);
40024 A.ExecutableOptions__fail(J.$eq$($directories.get$first($directories), t2.get$first(t2)) && !A.fileExists(target) ? message + ('\nTo compile all CSS in "' + A.S($directories.get$first($directories)) + '" to "' + target + '", use `sass ' + A.S($directories.get$first($directories)) + ":" + target + "`.") : message);
40025 } else {
40026 source = J.$eq$(t2.get$first(t2), "-") ? _null : t2.get$first(t2);
40027 destination = t4.get$length(t3) === 1 ? _null : t2.get$last(t2);
40028 if (destination == null)
40029 if (A._asBool(t1.$index(0, "update")))
40030 A.ExecutableOptions__fail("--update is not allowed when printing to stdout.");
40031 else if (A._asBool(t1.$index(0, "watch")))
40032 A.ExecutableOptions__fail("--watch is not allowed when printing to stdout.");
40033 t1 = A.PathMap__create(_null, type$.nullable_String);
40034 t1.$indexSet(0, source, destination);
40035 _this._sourcesToDestinations = new A.UnmodifiableMapView(new A.PathMap(t1, type$.PathMap_nullable_String), type$.UnmodifiableMapView_of_nullable_String_and_nullable_String);
40036 }
40037 }
40038 A._lateWriteOnceCheck(_this.__ExecutableOptions__sourceDirectoriesToDestinations, _s32_);
40039 _this.__ExecutableOptions__sourceDirectoriesToDestinations = B.Map_empty5;
40040 return;
40041 }
40042 if (stdin)
40043 A.ExecutableOptions__fail('--stdin may not be used with ":" arguments.');
40044 seen = A.LinkedHashSet_LinkedHashSet$_empty(t3);
40045 t1 = A.PathMap__create(_null, t3);
40046 t4 = type$.PathMap_String;
40047 t3 = A.PathMap__create(_null, t3);
40048 for (t2 = new A.ListIterator(t2, t2.get$length(t2)), t5 = A._instanceType(t2)._precomputed1; t2.moveNext$0();) {
40049 t6 = t5._as(t2.__internal$_current);
40050 if ($directories.contains$1(0, t6)) {
40051 if (!seen.add$1(0, t6))
40052 A.ExecutableOptions__fail(_s18_ + t6 + '".');
40053 t3.$indexSet(0, t6, t6);
40054 t1.addAll$1(0, _this._listSourceDirectory$2(t6, t6));
40055 continue;
40056 }
40057 sourceAndDestination = _this._splitSourceAndDestination$1(t6);
40058 source = sourceAndDestination.item1;
40059 destination = sourceAndDestination.item2;
40060 if (!seen.add$1(0, source))
40061 A.ExecutableOptions__fail(_s18_ + source + '".');
40062 if (source === "-")
40063 t1.$indexSet(0, _null, destination);
40064 else if (A.dirExists(source)) {
40065 t3.$indexSet(0, source, destination);
40066 t1.addAll$1(0, _this._listSourceDirectory$2(source, destination));
40067 } else
40068 t1.$indexSet(0, source, destination);
40069 }
40070 _this._sourcesToDestinations = new A.UnmodifiableMapView(new A.PathMap(t1, t4), type$.UnmodifiableMapView_of_nullable_String_and_nullable_String);
40071 A._lateWriteOnceCheck(_this.__ExecutableOptions__sourceDirectoriesToDestinations, _s32_);
40072 _this.__ExecutableOptions__sourceDirectoriesToDestinations = new A.UnmodifiableMapView(new A.PathMap(t3, t4), type$.UnmodifiableMapView_of_nullable_String_and_String);
40073 },
40074 _splitSourceAndDestination$1(argument) {
40075 var t1, i, t2, t3, nextColon;
40076 for (t1 = argument.length, i = 0; i < t1; ++i) {
40077 if (i === 1) {
40078 t2 = i - 1;
40079 if (t1 > t2 + 2) {
40080 t3 = B.JSString_methods.codeUnitAt$1(argument, t2);
40081 if (!(t3 >= 97 && t3 <= 122))
40082 t3 = t3 >= 65 && t3 <= 90;
40083 else
40084 t3 = true;
40085 t2 = t3 && B.JSString_methods.codeUnitAt$1(argument, t2 + 1) === 58;
40086 } else
40087 t2 = false;
40088 } else
40089 t2 = false;
40090 if (t2)
40091 continue;
40092 if (B.JSString_methods._codeUnitAt$1(argument, i) === 58) {
40093 t2 = i + 1;
40094 nextColon = B.JSString_methods.indexOf$2(argument, ":", t2);
40095 if (nextColon === i + 2)
40096 if (t1 > t2 + 2) {
40097 t1 = B.JSString_methods._codeUnitAt$1(argument, t2);
40098 if (!(t1 >= 97 && t1 <= 122))
40099 t1 = t1 >= 65 && t1 <= 90;
40100 else
40101 t1 = true;
40102 t1 = t1 && B.JSString_methods._codeUnitAt$1(argument, t2 + 1) === 58;
40103 } else
40104 t1 = false;
40105 else
40106 t1 = false;
40107 if ((t1 ? B.JSString_methods.indexOf$2(argument, ":", nextColon + 1) : nextColon) !== -1)
40108 A.ExecutableOptions__fail('"' + argument + '" may only contain one ":".');
40109 return new A.Tuple2(B.JSString_methods.substring$2(argument, 0, i), B.JSString_methods.substring$1(argument, t2), type$.Tuple2_String_String);
40110 }
40111 }
40112 throw A.wrapException(A.ArgumentError$('Expected "' + argument + '" to contain a colon.', null));
40113 },
40114 _listSourceDirectory$2(source, destination) {
40115 var t2, t3, t4, t5, t6, t7, parts,
40116 t1 = type$.String;
40117 t1 = A.LinkedHashMap_LinkedHashMap$_empty(t1, t1);
40118 for (t2 = J.get$iterator$ax(A.listDir(source, true)), t3 = source === destination, t4 = type$.JSArray_nullable_String, t5 = type$.WhereTypeIterable_String; t2.moveNext$0();) {
40119 t6 = t2.get$current(t2);
40120 if (this._isEntrypoint$1(t6))
40121 t7 = !(t3 && A.ParsedPath_ParsedPath$parse(t6, $.$get$context().style)._splitExtension$1(1)[1] === ".css");
40122 else
40123 t7 = false;
40124 if (t7) {
40125 t7 = $.$get$context();
40126 parts = A._setArrayType([destination, t7.withoutExtension$1(t7.relative$2$from(t6, source)) + ".css", null, null, null, null, null, null], t4);
40127 A._validateArgList("join", parts);
40128 t1.$indexSet(0, t6, t7.joinAll$1(new A.WhereTypeIterable(parts, t5)));
40129 }
40130 }
40131 return t1;
40132 },
40133 _isEntrypoint$1(path) {
40134 var extension,
40135 t1 = $.$get$context().style;
40136 if (B.JSString_methods.startsWith$1(A.ParsedPath_ParsedPath$parse(path, t1).get$basename(), "_"))
40137 return false;
40138 extension = A.ParsedPath_ParsedPath$parse(path, t1)._splitExtension$1(1)[1];
40139 return extension === ".scss" || extension === ".sass" || extension === ".css";
40140 },
40141 get$_writeToStdout() {
40142 var t1, _this = this;
40143 _this._ensureSources$0();
40144 t1 = _this._sourcesToDestinations;
40145 if (t1.get$length(t1) === 1) {
40146 _this._ensureSources$0();
40147 t1 = _this._sourcesToDestinations;
40148 t1 = t1.get$values(t1);
40149 t1 = t1.get$single(t1) == null;
40150 } else
40151 t1 = false;
40152 return t1;
40153 },
40154 get$emitSourceMap() {
40155 var _this = this,
40156 _s10_ = "source-map",
40157 _s15_ = "source-map-urls",
40158 _s13_ = "embed-sources",
40159 _s16_ = "embed-source-map",
40160 t1 = _this._options;
40161 if (!A._asBool(t1.$index(0, _s10_)))
40162 if (t1.wasParsed$1(_s15_))
40163 A.ExecutableOptions__fail("--source-map-urls isn't allowed with --no-source-map.");
40164 else if (t1.wasParsed$1(_s13_))
40165 A.ExecutableOptions__fail("--embed-sources isn't allowed with --no-source-map.");
40166 else if (t1.wasParsed$1(_s16_))
40167 A.ExecutableOptions__fail("--embed-source-map isn't allowed with --no-source-map.");
40168 if (!_this.get$_writeToStdout())
40169 return A._asBool(t1.$index(0, _s10_));
40170 if (J.$eq$(_this._ifParsed$1(_s15_), "relative"))
40171 A.ExecutableOptions__fail("--source-map-urls=relative isn't allowed when printing to stdout.");
40172 if (A._asBool(t1.$index(0, _s16_)))
40173 return A._asBool(t1.$index(0, _s10_));
40174 else if (J.$eq$(_this._ifParsed$1(_s10_), true))
40175 A.ExecutableOptions__fail("When printing to stdout, --source-map requires --embed-source-map.");
40176 else if (t1.wasParsed$1(_s15_))
40177 A.ExecutableOptions__fail("When printing to stdout, --source-map-urls requires --embed-source-map.");
40178 else if (A._asBool(t1.$index(0, _s13_)))
40179 A.ExecutableOptions__fail("When printing to stdout, --embed-sources requires --embed-source-map.");
40180 else
40181 return false;
40182 },
40183 sourceMapUrl$2(_, url, destination) {
40184 var t1, path, t2, _null = null;
40185 if (url.get$scheme().length !== 0 && url.get$scheme() !== "file")
40186 return url;
40187 t1 = $.$get$context();
40188 path = t1.style.pathFromUri$1(A._parseUri(url));
40189 if (J.$eq$(this._options.$index(0, "source-map-urls"), "relative") && !this.get$_writeToStdout()) {
40190 destination.toString;
40191 t2 = t1.relative$2$from(path, t1.dirname$1(destination));
40192 } else
40193 t2 = t1.absolute$7(path, _null, _null, _null, _null, _null, _null);
40194 return t1.toUri$1(t2);
40195 },
40196 _ifParsed$1($name) {
40197 var t1 = this._options;
40198 return t1.wasParsed$1($name) ? t1.$index(0, $name) : null;
40199 }
40200 };
40201 A.ExecutableOptions__parser_closure.prototype = {
40202 call$0() {
40203 var t1 = type$.String,
40204 t2 = A.LinkedHashMap_LinkedHashMap$_empty(t1, type$.Option),
40205 t3 = [],
40206 parser = new A.ArgParser(t2, A.LinkedHashMap_LinkedHashMap$_empty(t1, t1), new A.UnmodifiableMapView(t2, type$.UnmodifiableMapView_String_Option), new A.UnmodifiableMapView(A.LinkedHashMap_LinkedHashMap$_empty(t1, type$.ArgParser), type$.UnmodifiableMapView_String_ArgParser), t3, true, null);
40207 parser.addOption$2$hide("precision", true);
40208 parser.addFlag$2$hide("async", true);
40209 t3.push(A.ExecutableOptions__separator("Input and Output"));
40210 parser.addFlag$2$help("stdin", "Read the stylesheet from stdin.");
40211 parser.addFlag$2$help("indented", "Use the indented syntax for input from stdin.");
40212 parser.addMultiOption$5$abbr$help$splitCommas$valueHelp("load-path", "I", "A path to use when resolving imports.\nMay be passed multiple times.", false, "PATH");
40213 t1 = type$.JSArray_String;
40214 parser.addOption$6$abbr$allowed$defaultsTo$help$valueHelp("style", "s", A._setArrayType(["expanded", "compressed"], t1), "expanded", "Output style.", "NAME");
40215 parser.addFlag$3$defaultsTo$help("charset", true, "Emit a @charset or BOM for CSS with non-ASCII characters.");
40216 parser.addFlag$3$defaultsTo$help("error-css", null, "When an error occurs, emit a stylesheet describing it.\nDefaults to true when compiling to a file.");
40217 parser.addFlag$3$help$negatable("update", "Only compile out-of-date stylesheets.", false);
40218 t3.push(A.ExecutableOptions__separator("Source Maps"));
40219 parser.addFlag$3$defaultsTo$help("source-map", true, "Whether to generate source maps.");
40220 parser.addOption$4$allowed$defaultsTo$help("source-map-urls", A._setArrayType(["relative", "absolute"], t1), "relative", "How to link from source maps to source files.");
40221 parser.addFlag$3$defaultsTo$help("embed-sources", false, "Embed source file contents in source maps.");
40222 parser.addFlag$3$defaultsTo$help("embed-source-map", false, "Embed source map contents in CSS.");
40223 t3.push(A.ExecutableOptions__separator("Other"));
40224 parser.addFlag$4$abbr$help$negatable("watch", "w", "Watch stylesheets and recompile when they change.", false);
40225 parser.addFlag$2$help("poll", "Manually check for changes rather than using a native watcher.\nOnly valid with --watch.");
40226 parser.addFlag$2$help("stop-on-error", "Don't compile more files once an error is encountered.");
40227 parser.addFlag$4$abbr$help$negatable("interactive", "i", "Run an interactive SassScript shell.", false);
40228 parser.addFlag$3$abbr$help("color", "c", "Whether to use terminal colors for messages.");
40229 parser.addFlag$2$help("unicode", "Whether to use Unicode characters for messages.");
40230 parser.addFlag$3$abbr$help("quiet", "q", "Don't print warnings.");
40231 parser.addFlag$2$help("quiet-deps", "Don't print compiler warnings from dependencies.\nStylesheets imported through load paths count as dependencies.");
40232 parser.addFlag$2$help("verbose", "Print all deprecation warnings even when they're repetitive.");
40233 parser.addFlag$2$help("trace", "Print full Dart stack traces for exceptions.");
40234 parser.addFlag$4$abbr$help$negatable("help", "h", "Print this usage information.", false);
40235 parser.addFlag$3$help$negatable("version", "Print the version of Dart Sass.", false);
40236 return parser;
40237 },
40238 $signature: 342
40239 };
40240 A.ExecutableOptions_interactive_closure.prototype = {
40241 call$0() {
40242 var invalidOptions, _i, option,
40243 t1 = this.$this._options;
40244 if (!A._asBool(t1.$index(0, "interactive")))
40245 return false;
40246 invalidOptions = ["stdin", "indented", "style", "source-map", "source-map-urls", "embed-sources", "embed-source-map", "update", "watch"];
40247 for (_i = 0; _i < 9; ++_i) {
40248 option = invalidOptions[_i];
40249 if (!t1._parser.options._map.containsKey$1(option))
40250 A.throwExpression(A.ArgumentError$('Could not find an option named "' + option + '".', null));
40251 if (t1._parsed.containsKey$1(option))
40252 throw A.wrapException(A.UsageException$("--" + option + " isn't allowed with --interactive."));
40253 }
40254 return true;
40255 },
40256 $signature: 28
40257 };
40258 A.ExecutableOptions_emitErrorCss_closure.prototype = {
40259 call$1(destination) {
40260 return destination != null;
40261 },
40262 $signature: 195
40263 };
40264 A.UsageException.prototype = {$isException: 1,
40265 get$message(receiver) {
40266 return this.message;
40267 }
40268 };
40269 A.watch_closure.prototype = {
40270 call$1(dir) {
40271 for (; !A.dirExists(dir);)
40272 dir = $.$get$context().dirname$1(dir);
40273 return this.dirWatcher.watch$1(0, dir);
40274 },
40275 $signature: 347
40276 };
40277 A._Watcher.prototype = {
40278 compile$3$ifModified(_, source, destination, ifModified) {
40279 return this.compile$body$_Watcher(0, source, destination, ifModified);
40280 },
40281 compile$2($receiver, source, destination) {
40282 return this.compile$3$ifModified($receiver, source, destination, false);
40283 },
40284 compile$body$_Watcher(_, source, destination, ifModified) {
40285 var $async$goto = 0,
40286 $async$completer = A._makeAsyncAwaitCompleter(type$.bool),
40287 $async$returnValue, $async$handler = 2, $async$currentError, $async$next = [], $async$self = this, error, stackTrace, error0, stackTrace0, path, exception, t1, t2, $async$exception;
40288 var $async$compile$3$ifModified = A._wrapJsFunctionForAsync(function($async$errorCode, $async$result) {
40289 if ($async$errorCode === 1) {
40290 $async$currentError = $async$result;
40291 $async$goto = $async$handler;
40292 }
40293 while (true)
40294 switch ($async$goto) {
40295 case 0:
40296 // Function start
40297 $async$handler = 4;
40298 $async$goto = 7;
40299 return A._asyncAwait(A.compileStylesheet($async$self._watch$_options, $async$self._graph, source, destination, ifModified), $async$compile$3$ifModified);
40300 case 7:
40301 // returning from await.
40302 $async$returnValue = true;
40303 // goto return
40304 $async$goto = 1;
40305 break;
40306 $async$handler = 2;
40307 // goto after finally
40308 $async$goto = 6;
40309 break;
40310 case 4:
40311 // catch
40312 $async$handler = 3;
40313 $async$exception = $async$currentError;
40314 t1 = A.unwrapException($async$exception);
40315 if (t1 instanceof A.SassException) {
40316 error = t1;
40317 stackTrace = A.getTraceFromException($async$exception);
40318 t1 = $async$self._watch$_options;
40319 if (!t1.get$emitErrorCss())
40320 $async$self._delete$1(destination);
40321 t1 = J.toString$1$color$(error, t1.get$color());
40322 t2 = A.getTrace(error);
40323 $async$self._printError$2(t1, t2 == null ? stackTrace : t2);
40324 J.set$exitCode$x(self.process, 65);
40325 $async$returnValue = false;
40326 // goto return
40327 $async$goto = 1;
40328 break;
40329 } else if (t1 instanceof A.FileSystemException) {
40330 error0 = t1;
40331 stackTrace0 = A.getTraceFromException($async$exception);
40332 path = error0.path;
40333 t1 = path == null ? error0.message : "Error reading " + $.$get$context().relative$2$from(path, null) + ": " + error0.message + ".";
40334 t2 = A.getTrace(error0);
40335 $async$self._printError$2(t1, t2 == null ? stackTrace0 : t2);
40336 J.set$exitCode$x(self.process, 66);
40337 $async$returnValue = false;
40338 // goto return
40339 $async$goto = 1;
40340 break;
40341 } else
40342 throw $async$exception;
40343 // goto after finally
40344 $async$goto = 6;
40345 break;
40346 case 3:
40347 // uncaught
40348 // goto rethrow
40349 $async$goto = 2;
40350 break;
40351 case 6:
40352 // after finally
40353 case 1:
40354 // return
40355 return A._asyncReturn($async$returnValue, $async$completer);
40356 case 2:
40357 // rethrow
40358 return A._asyncRethrow($async$currentError, $async$completer);
40359 }
40360 });
40361 return A._asyncStartSync($async$compile$3$ifModified, $async$completer);
40362 },
40363 _delete$1(path) {
40364 var buffer, t1, exception;
40365 try {
40366 A.deleteFile(path);
40367 buffer = new A.StringBuffer("");
40368 t1 = this._watch$_options;
40369 if (t1.get$color())
40370 buffer._contents += "\x1b[33m";
40371 buffer._contents += "Deleted " + path + ".";
40372 if (t1.get$color())
40373 buffer._contents += "\x1b[0m";
40374 A.print(buffer);
40375 } catch (exception) {
40376 if (!(A.unwrapException(exception) instanceof A.FileSystemException))
40377 throw exception;
40378 }
40379 },
40380 _printError$2(message, stackTrace) {
40381 var t2,
40382 t1 = $.$get$stderr();
40383 t1.writeln$1(message);
40384 t2 = this._watch$_options._options;
40385 if (A._asBool(t2.$index(0, "trace"))) {
40386 t1.writeln$0();
40387 t1.writeln$1(B.JSString_methods.trimRight$0(A.Trace_Trace$from(stackTrace).get$terse().toString$0(0)));
40388 }
40389 if (!A._asBool(t2.$index(0, "stop-on-error")))
40390 t1.writeln$0();
40391 },
40392 watch$1(_, watcher) {
40393 return this.watch$body$_Watcher(0, watcher);
40394 },
40395 watch$body$_Watcher(_, watcher) {
40396 var $async$goto = 0,
40397 $async$completer = A._makeAsyncAwaitCompleter(type$.void),
40398 $async$returnValue, $async$handler = 2, $async$currentError, $async$next = [], $async$self = this, $event, extension, success, success0, success1, t2, t1;
40399 var $async$watch$1 = A._wrapJsFunctionForAsync(function($async$errorCode, $async$result) {
40400 if ($async$errorCode === 1) {
40401 $async$currentError = $async$result;
40402 $async$goto = $async$handler;
40403 }
40404 while (true)
40405 switch ($async$goto) {
40406 case 0:
40407 // Function start
40408 t1 = A._lateReadCheck(watcher._group.__StreamGroup__controller, "_controller");
40409 t1 = new A._StreamIterator(A.checkNotNullable($async$self._debounceEvents$1(new A._ControllerStream(t1, A._instanceType(t1)._eval$1("_ControllerStream<1>"))), "stream", type$.Object));
40410 $async$handler = 3;
40411 t2 = $async$self._watch$_options._options;
40412 case 6:
40413 // for condition
40414 $async$goto = 8;
40415 return A._asyncAwait(t1.moveNext$0(), $async$watch$1);
40416 case 8:
40417 // returning from await.
40418 if (!$async$result) {
40419 // goto after for
40420 $async$goto = 7;
40421 break;
40422 }
40423 $event = t1.get$current(t1);
40424 extension = A.ParsedPath_ParsedPath$parse($event.path, $.$get$context().style)._splitExtension$1(1)[1];
40425 if (!J.$eq$(extension, ".sass") && !J.$eq$(extension, ".scss") && !J.$eq$(extension, ".css")) {
40426 // goto for condition
40427 $async$goto = 6;
40428 break;
40429 }
40430 case 9:
40431 // switch
40432 switch ($event.type) {
40433 case B.ChangeType_modify:
40434 // goto case
40435 $async$goto = 11;
40436 break;
40437 case B.ChangeType_add:
40438 // goto case
40439 $async$goto = 12;
40440 break;
40441 case B.ChangeType_remove:
40442 // goto case
40443 $async$goto = 13;
40444 break;
40445 default:
40446 // goto after switch
40447 $async$goto = 10;
40448 break;
40449 }
40450 break;
40451 case 11:
40452 // case
40453 $async$goto = 14;
40454 return A._asyncAwait($async$self._handleModify$1($event.path), $async$watch$1);
40455 case 14:
40456 // returning from await.
40457 success = $async$result;
40458 if (!success && A._asBool(t2.$index(0, "stop-on-error"))) {
40459 $async$next = [1];
40460 // goto finally
40461 $async$goto = 4;
40462 break;
40463 }
40464 // goto after switch
40465 $async$goto = 10;
40466 break;
40467 case 12:
40468 // case
40469 $async$goto = 15;
40470 return A._asyncAwait($async$self._handleAdd$1($event.path), $async$watch$1);
40471 case 15:
40472 // returning from await.
40473 success0 = $async$result;
40474 if (!success0 && A._asBool(t2.$index(0, "stop-on-error"))) {
40475 $async$next = [1];
40476 // goto finally
40477 $async$goto = 4;
40478 break;
40479 }
40480 // goto after switch
40481 $async$goto = 10;
40482 break;
40483 case 13:
40484 // case
40485 $async$goto = 16;
40486 return A._asyncAwait($async$self._handleRemove$1($event.path), $async$watch$1);
40487 case 16:
40488 // returning from await.
40489 success1 = $async$result;
40490 if (!success1 && A._asBool(t2.$index(0, "stop-on-error"))) {
40491 $async$next = [1];
40492 // goto finally
40493 $async$goto = 4;
40494 break;
40495 }
40496 // goto after switch
40497 $async$goto = 10;
40498 break;
40499 case 10:
40500 // after switch
40501 // goto for condition
40502 $async$goto = 6;
40503 break;
40504 case 7:
40505 // after for
40506 $async$next.push(5);
40507 // goto finally
40508 $async$goto = 4;
40509 break;
40510 case 3:
40511 // uncaught
40512 $async$next = [2];
40513 case 4:
40514 // finally
40515 $async$handler = 2;
40516 $async$goto = 17;
40517 return A._asyncAwait(t1.cancel$0(), $async$watch$1);
40518 case 17:
40519 // returning from await.
40520 // goto the next finally handler
40521 $async$goto = $async$next.pop();
40522 break;
40523 case 5:
40524 // after finally
40525 case 1:
40526 // return
40527 return A._asyncReturn($async$returnValue, $async$completer);
40528 case 2:
40529 // rethrow
40530 return A._asyncRethrow($async$currentError, $async$completer);
40531 }
40532 });
40533 return A._asyncStartSync($async$watch$1, $async$completer);
40534 },
40535 _handleModify$1(path) {
40536 return this._handleModify$body$_Watcher(path);
40537 },
40538 _handleModify$body$_Watcher(path) {
40539 var $async$goto = 0,
40540 $async$completer = A._makeAsyncAwaitCompleter(type$.bool),
40541 $async$returnValue, $async$self = this, t1, t2, t0, url, node;
40542 var $async$_handleModify$1 = A._wrapJsFunctionForAsync(function($async$errorCode, $async$result) {
40543 if ($async$errorCode === 1)
40544 return A._asyncRethrow($async$result, $async$completer);
40545 while (true)
40546 switch ($async$goto) {
40547 case 0:
40548 // Function start
40549 if (J.$eq$(J.get$platform$x(self.process), "win32") || J.$eq$(J.get$platform$x(self.process), "darwin")) {
40550 t1 = $.$get$context();
40551 t2 = A._realCasePath(t1.absolute$7(t1.normalize$1(path), null, null, null, null, null, null));
40552 t0 = t2;
40553 t2 = t1;
40554 t1 = t0;
40555 } else {
40556 t1 = $.$get$context();
40557 t2 = t1.canonicalize$1(0, path);
40558 t0 = t2;
40559 t2 = t1;
40560 t1 = t0;
40561 }
40562 url = t2.toUri$1(t1);
40563 t1 = $async$self._graph;
40564 node = t1._nodes.$index(0, url);
40565 if (node == null) {
40566 $async$returnValue = $async$self._handleAdd$1(path);
40567 // goto return
40568 $async$goto = 1;
40569 break;
40570 }
40571 t1.reload$1(url);
40572 $async$goto = 3;
40573 return A._asyncAwait($async$self._recompileDownstream$1(A._setArrayType([node], type$.JSArray_StylesheetNode)), $async$_handleModify$1);
40574 case 3:
40575 // returning from await.
40576 $async$returnValue = $async$result;
40577 // goto return
40578 $async$goto = 1;
40579 break;
40580 case 1:
40581 // return
40582 return A._asyncReturn($async$returnValue, $async$completer);
40583 }
40584 });
40585 return A._asyncStartSync($async$_handleModify$1, $async$completer);
40586 },
40587 _handleAdd$1(path) {
40588 return this._handleAdd$body$_Watcher(path);
40589 },
40590 _handleAdd$body$_Watcher(path) {
40591 var $async$goto = 0,
40592 $async$completer = A._makeAsyncAwaitCompleter(type$.bool),
40593 $async$returnValue, $async$self = this, destination, success, t1, t2, $async$temp1;
40594 var $async$_handleAdd$1 = A._wrapJsFunctionForAsync(function($async$errorCode, $async$result) {
40595 if ($async$errorCode === 1)
40596 return A._asyncRethrow($async$result, $async$completer);
40597 while (true)
40598 switch ($async$goto) {
40599 case 0:
40600 // Function start
40601 destination = $async$self._destinationFor$1(path);
40602 $async$temp1 = destination == null;
40603 if ($async$temp1)
40604 $async$result = $async$temp1;
40605 else {
40606 // goto then
40607 $async$goto = 3;
40608 break;
40609 }
40610 // goto join
40611 $async$goto = 4;
40612 break;
40613 case 3:
40614 // then
40615 $async$goto = 5;
40616 return A._asyncAwait($async$self.compile$2(0, path, destination), $async$_handleAdd$1);
40617 case 5:
40618 // returning from await.
40619 case 4:
40620 // join
40621 success = $async$result;
40622 t1 = $.$get$context();
40623 t2 = t1.absolute$7(".", null, null, null, null, null, null);
40624 $async$goto = 6;
40625 return A._asyncAwait($async$self._recompileDownstream$1($async$self._graph.addCanonical$3(new A.FilesystemImporter(t2), t1.toUri$1(J.$eq$(J.get$platform$x(self.process), "win32") || J.$eq$(J.get$platform$x(self.process), "darwin") ? A._realCasePath(t1.absolute$7(t1.normalize$1(path), null, null, null, null, null, null)) : t1.canonicalize$1(0, path)), t1.toUri$1(path))), $async$_handleAdd$1);
40626 case 6:
40627 // returning from await.
40628 $async$returnValue = $async$result && success;
40629 // goto return
40630 $async$goto = 1;
40631 break;
40632 case 1:
40633 // return
40634 return A._asyncReturn($async$returnValue, $async$completer);
40635 }
40636 });
40637 return A._asyncStartSync($async$_handleAdd$1, $async$completer);
40638 },
40639 _handleRemove$1(path) {
40640 return this._handleRemove$body$_Watcher(path);
40641 },
40642 _handleRemove$body$_Watcher(path) {
40643 var $async$goto = 0,
40644 $async$completer = A._makeAsyncAwaitCompleter(type$.bool),
40645 $async$returnValue, $async$self = this, t1, t2, t0, url, t3, destination, node, toRecompile;
40646 var $async$_handleRemove$1 = A._wrapJsFunctionForAsync(function($async$errorCode, $async$result) {
40647 if ($async$errorCode === 1)
40648 return A._asyncRethrow($async$result, $async$completer);
40649 while (true)
40650 switch ($async$goto) {
40651 case 0:
40652 // Function start
40653 if (J.$eq$(J.get$platform$x(self.process), "win32") || J.$eq$(J.get$platform$x(self.process), "darwin")) {
40654 t1 = $.$get$context();
40655 t2 = A._realCasePath(t1.absolute$7(t1.normalize$1(path), null, null, null, null, null, null));
40656 t0 = t2;
40657 t2 = t1;
40658 t1 = t0;
40659 } else {
40660 t1 = $.$get$context();
40661 t2 = t1.canonicalize$1(0, path);
40662 t0 = t2;
40663 t2 = t1;
40664 t1 = t0;
40665 }
40666 url = t2.toUri$1(t1);
40667 t1 = $async$self._graph;
40668 t3 = t1._nodes;
40669 if (t3.containsKey$1(url)) {
40670 destination = $async$self._destinationFor$1(path);
40671 if (destination != null)
40672 $async$self._delete$1(destination);
40673 }
40674 t2 = t2.absolute$7(".", null, null, null, null, null, null);
40675 node = t3.remove$1(0, url);
40676 t3 = node != null;
40677 if (t3) {
40678 t1._transitiveModificationTimes.clear$0(0);
40679 t1.importCache.clearImport$1(url);
40680 node._stylesheet_graph$_remove$0();
40681 }
40682 toRecompile = t1._recanonicalizeImports$2(new A.FilesystemImporter(t2), url);
40683 if (t3)
40684 toRecompile.addAll$1(0, node._downstream);
40685 $async$goto = 3;
40686 return A._asyncAwait($async$self._recompileDownstream$1(toRecompile), $async$_handleRemove$1);
40687 case 3:
40688 // returning from await.
40689 $async$returnValue = $async$result;
40690 // goto return
40691 $async$goto = 1;
40692 break;
40693 case 1:
40694 // return
40695 return A._asyncReturn($async$returnValue, $async$completer);
40696 }
40697 });
40698 return A._asyncStartSync($async$_handleRemove$1, $async$completer);
40699 },
40700 _debounceEvents$1(events) {
40701 var t1 = type$.WatchEvent;
40702 t1 = A.RateLimit__debounceAggregate(events, A.Duration$(25), A.instantiate1(A.rate_limit___collect$closure(), t1), false, true, t1, type$.List_WatchEvent);
40703 return new A._ExpandStream(new A._Watcher__debounceEvents_closure(), t1, A._instanceType(t1)._eval$1("_ExpandStream<Stream.T,WatchEvent>"));
40704 },
40705 _recompileDownstream$1(nodes) {
40706 return this._recompileDownstream$body$_Watcher(nodes);
40707 },
40708 _recompileDownstream$body$_Watcher(nodes) {
40709 var $async$goto = 0,
40710 $async$completer = A._makeAsyncAwaitCompleter(type$.bool),
40711 $async$returnValue, $async$self = this, t2, allSucceeded, node, success, t1, seen, toRecompile;
40712 var $async$_recompileDownstream$1 = A._wrapJsFunctionForAsync(function($async$errorCode, $async$result) {
40713 if ($async$errorCode === 1)
40714 return A._asyncRethrow($async$result, $async$completer);
40715 while (true)
40716 switch ($async$goto) {
40717 case 0:
40718 // Function start
40719 t1 = type$.StylesheetNode;
40720 seen = A.LinkedHashSet_LinkedHashSet$_empty(t1);
40721 toRecompile = A.ListQueue_ListQueue$of(nodes, t1);
40722 t1 = type$.UnmodifiableSetView_StylesheetNode, t2 = $async$self._watch$_options._options, allSucceeded = true;
40723 case 3:
40724 // for condition
40725 if (!!toRecompile.get$isEmpty(toRecompile)) {
40726 // goto after for
40727 $async$goto = 4;
40728 break;
40729 }
40730 node = toRecompile.removeFirst$0();
40731 if (!seen.add$1(0, node)) {
40732 // goto for condition
40733 $async$goto = 3;
40734 break;
40735 }
40736 $async$goto = 5;
40737 return A._asyncAwait($async$self._compileIfEntrypoint$1(node.canonicalUrl), $async$_recompileDownstream$1);
40738 case 5:
40739 // returning from await.
40740 success = $async$result;
40741 allSucceeded = allSucceeded && success;
40742 if (!success && A._asBool(t2.$index(0, "stop-on-error"))) {
40743 $async$returnValue = false;
40744 // goto return
40745 $async$goto = 1;
40746 break;
40747 }
40748 toRecompile.addAll$1(0, new A.UnmodifiableSetView(node._downstream, t1));
40749 // goto for condition
40750 $async$goto = 3;
40751 break;
40752 case 4:
40753 // after for
40754 $async$returnValue = allSucceeded;
40755 // goto return
40756 $async$goto = 1;
40757 break;
40758 case 1:
40759 // return
40760 return A._asyncReturn($async$returnValue, $async$completer);
40761 }
40762 });
40763 return A._asyncStartSync($async$_recompileDownstream$1, $async$completer);
40764 },
40765 _compileIfEntrypoint$1(url) {
40766 return this._compileIfEntrypoint$body$_Watcher(url);
40767 },
40768 _compileIfEntrypoint$body$_Watcher(url) {
40769 var $async$goto = 0,
40770 $async$completer = A._makeAsyncAwaitCompleter(type$.bool),
40771 $async$returnValue, $async$self = this, source, destination;
40772 var $async$_compileIfEntrypoint$1 = A._wrapJsFunctionForAsync(function($async$errorCode, $async$result) {
40773 if ($async$errorCode === 1)
40774 return A._asyncRethrow($async$result, $async$completer);
40775 while (true)
40776 switch ($async$goto) {
40777 case 0:
40778 // Function start
40779 if (url.get$scheme() !== "file") {
40780 $async$returnValue = true;
40781 // goto return
40782 $async$goto = 1;
40783 break;
40784 }
40785 source = $.$get$context().style.pathFromUri$1(A._parseUri(url));
40786 destination = $async$self._destinationFor$1(source);
40787 if (destination == null) {
40788 $async$returnValue = true;
40789 // goto return
40790 $async$goto = 1;
40791 break;
40792 }
40793 $async$goto = 3;
40794 return A._asyncAwait($async$self.compile$2(0, source, destination), $async$_compileIfEntrypoint$1);
40795 case 3:
40796 // returning from await.
40797 $async$returnValue = $async$result;
40798 // goto return
40799 $async$goto = 1;
40800 break;
40801 case 1:
40802 // return
40803 return A._asyncReturn($async$returnValue, $async$completer);
40804 }
40805 });
40806 return A._asyncStartSync($async$_compileIfEntrypoint$1, $async$completer);
40807 },
40808 _destinationFor$1(source) {
40809 var t2, destination, t3, t4, t5, t6, parts,
40810 t1 = this._watch$_options;
40811 t1._ensureSources$0();
40812 t2 = type$.String;
40813 destination = t1._sourcesToDestinations.cast$2$0(0, t2, t2).$index(0, source);
40814 if (destination != null)
40815 return destination;
40816 t3 = $.$get$context();
40817 if (B.JSString_methods.startsWith$1(A.ParsedPath_ParsedPath$parse(source, t3.style).get$basename(), "_"))
40818 return null;
40819 for (t1._ensureSources$0(), t1 = A._lateReadCheck(t1.__ExecutableOptions__sourceDirectoriesToDestinations, "_sourceDirectoriesToDestinations").cast$2$0(0, t2, t2), t1 = t1.get$entries(t1), t1 = t1.get$iterator(t1), t2 = type$.JSArray_nullable_String, t4 = type$.WhereTypeIterable_String; t1.moveNext$0();) {
40820 t5 = t1.get$current(t1);
40821 t6 = t5.key;
40822 if (t3._isWithinOrEquals$2(t6, source) !== B._PathRelation_within)
40823 continue;
40824 parts = A._setArrayType([t5.value, t3.withoutExtension$1(t3.relative$2$from(source, t6)) + ".css", null, null, null, null, null, null], t2);
40825 A._validateArgList("join", parts);
40826 destination = t3.joinAll$1(new A.WhereTypeIterable(parts, t4));
40827 if (t3._isWithinOrEquals$2(destination, source) !== B._PathRelation_equal)
40828 return destination;
40829 }
40830 return null;
40831 }
40832 };
40833 A._Watcher__debounceEvents_closure.prototype = {
40834 call$1(buffer) {
40835 var t2, t3, t4, oldType,
40836 t1 = A.PathMap__create(null, type$.ChangeType);
40837 for (t2 = J.get$iterator$ax(buffer); t2.moveNext$0();) {
40838 t3 = t2.get$current(t2);
40839 t4 = t3.path;
40840 oldType = t1.$index(0, t4);
40841 if (oldType == null)
40842 t1.$indexSet(0, t4, t3.type);
40843 else if (t3.type === B.ChangeType_remove)
40844 t1.$indexSet(0, t4, B.ChangeType_remove);
40845 else if (oldType !== B.ChangeType_add)
40846 t1.$indexSet(0, t4, B.ChangeType_modify);
40847 }
40848 t2 = A._setArrayType([], type$.JSArray_WatchEvent);
40849 for (t1 = t1.get$entries(t1), t1 = t1.get$iterator(t1); t1.moveNext$0();) {
40850 t3 = t1.get$current(t1);
40851 t4 = t3.value;
40852 t3 = t3.key;
40853 t3.toString;
40854 t2.push(new A.WatchEvent(t4, t3));
40855 }
40856 return t2;
40857 },
40858 $signature: 348
40859 };
40860 A.EmptyExtensionStore.prototype = {
40861 get$isEmpty(_) {
40862 return true;
40863 },
40864 get$simpleSelectors() {
40865 return B.C_EmptyUnmodifiableSet;
40866 },
40867 extensionsWhereTarget$1(callback) {
40868 return B.List_empty2;
40869 },
40870 addSelector$3(selector, span, mediaContext) {
40871 throw A.wrapException(A.UnsupportedError$(string$.addSel));
40872 },
40873 addExtension$4(extender, target, extend, mediaContext) {
40874 throw A.wrapException(A.UnsupportedError$(string$.addExt_));
40875 },
40876 addExtensions$1(extenders) {
40877 throw A.wrapException(A.UnsupportedError$(string$.addExts));
40878 },
40879 clone$0() {
40880 return B.Tuple2_EmptyExtensionStore_Map_empty;
40881 },
40882 $isExtensionStore: 1
40883 };
40884 A.Extension.prototype = {
40885 toString$0(_) {
40886 var t1 = this.extender.toString$0(0) + " {@extend " + this.target.toString$0(0);
40887 return t1 + (this.isOptional ? " !optional" : "") + "}";
40888 }
40889 };
40890 A.Extender.prototype = {
40891 assertCompatibleMediaContext$1(mediaContext) {
40892 var expectedMediaContext,
40893 extension = this._extension;
40894 if (extension == null)
40895 return;
40896 expectedMediaContext = extension.mediaContext;
40897 if (expectedMediaContext == null)
40898 return;
40899 if (mediaContext != null && B.C_ListEquality.equals$2(0, expectedMediaContext, mediaContext))
40900 return;
40901 throw A.wrapException(A.SassException$(string$.You_ma, extension.span));
40902 },
40903 toString$0(_) {
40904 return A.serializeSelector(this.selector, true);
40905 }
40906 };
40907 A.ExtensionStore.prototype = {
40908 get$isEmpty(_) {
40909 var t1 = this._extensions;
40910 return t1.get$isEmpty(t1);
40911 },
40912 get$simpleSelectors() {
40913 return new A.MapKeySet(this._selectors, type$.MapKeySet_SimpleSelector);
40914 },
40915 extensionsWhereTarget$1($async$callback) {
40916 var $async$self = this;
40917 return A._makeSyncStarIterable(function() {
40918 var callback = $async$callback;
40919 var $async$goto = 0, $async$handler = 1, $async$currentError, t1, t2, t3;
40920 return function $async$extensionsWhereTarget$1($async$errorCode, $async$result) {
40921 if ($async$errorCode === 1) {
40922 $async$currentError = $async$result;
40923 $async$goto = $async$handler;
40924 }
40925 while (true)
40926 switch ($async$goto) {
40927 case 0:
40928 // Function start
40929 t1 = $async$self._extensions, t1 = t1.get$entries(t1), t1 = t1.get$iterator(t1);
40930 case 2:
40931 // for condition
40932 if (!t1.moveNext$0()) {
40933 // goto after for
40934 $async$goto = 3;
40935 break;
40936 }
40937 t2 = t1.get$current(t1);
40938 if (!callback.call$1(t2.key)) {
40939 // goto for condition
40940 $async$goto = 2;
40941 break;
40942 }
40943 t2 = J.get$values$z(t2.value), t2 = t2.get$iterator(t2);
40944 case 4:
40945 // for condition
40946 if (!t2.moveNext$0()) {
40947 // goto after for
40948 $async$goto = 5;
40949 break;
40950 }
40951 t3 = t2.get$current(t2);
40952 $async$goto = t3 instanceof A.MergedExtension ? 6 : 8;
40953 break;
40954 case 6:
40955 // then
40956 t3 = t3.unmerge$0();
40957 $async$goto = 9;
40958 return A._IterationMarker_yieldStar(new A.WhereIterable(t3, new A.ExtensionStore_extensionsWhereTarget_closure(), t3.$ti._eval$1("WhereIterable<Iterable.E>")));
40959 case 9:
40960 // after yield
40961 // goto join
40962 $async$goto = 7;
40963 break;
40964 case 8:
40965 // else
40966 $async$goto = !t3.isOptional ? 10 : 11;
40967 break;
40968 case 10:
40969 // then
40970 $async$goto = 12;
40971 return t3;
40972 case 12:
40973 // after yield
40974 case 11:
40975 // join
40976 case 7:
40977 // join
40978 // goto for condition
40979 $async$goto = 4;
40980 break;
40981 case 5:
40982 // after for
40983 // goto for condition
40984 $async$goto = 2;
40985 break;
40986 case 3:
40987 // after for
40988 // implicit return
40989 return A._IterationMarker_endOfIteration();
40990 case 1:
40991 // rethrow
40992 return A._IterationMarker_uncaughtError($async$currentError);
40993 }
40994 };
40995 }, type$.Extension);
40996 },
40997 addSelector$3(selector, selectorSpan, mediaContext) {
40998 var originalSelector, error, stackTrace, t1, t2, t3, _i, exception, t4, modifiableSelector, _this = this;
40999 selector = selector;
41000 originalSelector = selector;
41001 if (!originalSelector.get$isInvisible())
41002 for (t1 = originalSelector.components, t2 = t1.length, t3 = _this._originals, _i = 0; _i < t2; ++_i)
41003 t3.add$1(0, t1[_i]);
41004 t1 = _this._extensions;
41005 if (t1.get$isNotEmpty(t1))
41006 try {
41007 selector = _this._extendList$4(originalSelector, selectorSpan, t1, mediaContext);
41008 } catch (exception) {
41009 t1 = A.unwrapException(exception);
41010 if (t1 instanceof A.SassException) {
41011 error = t1;
41012 stackTrace = A.getTraceFromException(exception);
41013 t1 = error;
41014 t2 = J.getInterceptor$z(t1);
41015 t3 = error;
41016 t4 = J.getInterceptor$z(t3);
41017 A.throwWithTrace(new A.SassException("From " + A.SourceSpanException.prototype.get$span.call(t2, t1).message$1(0, "") + "\n" + error._span_exception$_message, A.SourceSpanException.prototype.get$span.call(t4, t3)), stackTrace);
41018 } else
41019 throw exception;
41020 }
41021 modifiableSelector = new A.ModifiableCssValue(selector, selectorSpan, type$.ModifiableCssValue_SelectorList);
41022 if (mediaContext != null)
41023 _this._mediaContexts.$indexSet(0, modifiableSelector, mediaContext);
41024 _this._registerSelector$2(selector, modifiableSelector);
41025 return modifiableSelector;
41026 },
41027 _registerSelector$2(list, selector) {
41028 var t1, t2, t3, _i, t4, t5, _i0, component, t6, t7, _i1, simple, selectorInPseudo;
41029 for (t1 = list.components, t2 = t1.length, t3 = this._selectors, _i = 0; _i < t2; ++_i)
41030 for (t4 = t1[_i].components, t5 = t4.length, _i0 = 0; _i0 < t5; ++_i0) {
41031 component = t4[_i0];
41032 if (!(component instanceof A.CompoundSelector))
41033 continue;
41034 for (t6 = component.components, t7 = t6.length, _i1 = 0; _i1 < t7; ++_i1) {
41035 simple = t6[_i1];
41036 J.add$1$ax(t3.putIfAbsent$2(simple, new A.ExtensionStore__registerSelector_closure()), selector);
41037 if (!(simple instanceof A.PseudoSelector))
41038 continue;
41039 selectorInPseudo = simple.selector;
41040 if (selectorInPseudo != null)
41041 this._registerSelector$2(selectorInPseudo, selector);
41042 }
41043 }
41044 },
41045 addExtension$4(extender, target, extend, mediaContext) {
41046 var t2, t3, t4, t5, t6, t7, t8, t9, t10, t11, newExtensions, _i, complex, t12, extension, existingExtension, t13, newExtensionsByTarget, additionalExtensions, _this = this,
41047 selectors = _this._selectors.$index(0, target),
41048 t1 = _this._extensionsByExtender,
41049 existingExtensions = t1.$index(0, target),
41050 sources = _this._extensions.putIfAbsent$2(target, new A.ExtensionStore_addExtension_closure());
41051 for (t2 = extender.value.components, t3 = t2.length, t4 = selectors == null, t5 = _this._sourceSpecificity, t6 = extender.span, t7 = extend.span, t8 = extend.isOptional, t9 = existingExtensions != null, t10 = type$.ComplexSelector, t11 = type$.Extension, newExtensions = null, _i = 0; _i < t3; ++_i) {
41052 complex = t2[_i];
41053 if (complex._complex$_maxSpecificity == null)
41054 complex._computeSpecificity$0();
41055 complex._complex$_maxSpecificity.toString;
41056 t12 = new A.Extender(complex, false, t6);
41057 extension = t12._extension = new A.Extension(t12, target, mediaContext, t8, t7);
41058 existingExtension = sources.$index(0, complex);
41059 if (existingExtension != null) {
41060 sources.$indexSet(0, complex, A.MergedExtension_merge(existingExtension, extension));
41061 continue;
41062 }
41063 sources.$indexSet(0, complex, extension);
41064 for (t12 = new A._SyncStarIterator(_this._simpleSelectors$1(complex)._outerHelper()); t12.moveNext$0();) {
41065 t13 = t12.get$current(t12);
41066 J.add$1$ax(t1.putIfAbsent$2(t13, new A.ExtensionStore_addExtension_closure0()), extension);
41067 t5.putIfAbsent$2(t13, new A.ExtensionStore_addExtension_closure1(complex));
41068 }
41069 if (!t4 || t9) {
41070 if (newExtensions == null)
41071 newExtensions = A.LinkedHashMap_LinkedHashMap$_empty(t10, t11);
41072 newExtensions.$indexSet(0, complex, extension);
41073 }
41074 }
41075 if (newExtensions == null)
41076 return;
41077 t1 = type$.SimpleSelector;
41078 newExtensionsByTarget = A.LinkedHashMap_LinkedHashMap$_literal([target, newExtensions], t1, type$.Map_ComplexSelector_Extension);
41079 if (t9) {
41080 additionalExtensions = _this._extendExistingExtensions$2(existingExtensions, newExtensionsByTarget);
41081 if (additionalExtensions != null)
41082 A.mapAddAll2(newExtensionsByTarget, additionalExtensions, t1, t10, t11);
41083 }
41084 if (!t4)
41085 _this._extendExistingSelectors$2(selectors, newExtensionsByTarget);
41086 },
41087 _simpleSelectors$1(complex) {
41088 return this._simpleSelectors$body$ExtensionStore(complex);
41089 },
41090 _simpleSelectors$body$ExtensionStore($async$complex) {
41091 var $async$self = this;
41092 return A._makeSyncStarIterable(function() {
41093 var complex = $async$complex;
41094 var $async$goto = 0, $async$handler = 1, $async$currentError, t1, t2, _i, component, t3, t4, _i0, simple, selector, t5, t6, _i1;
41095 return function $async$_simpleSelectors$1($async$errorCode, $async$result) {
41096 if ($async$errorCode === 1) {
41097 $async$currentError = $async$result;
41098 $async$goto = $async$handler;
41099 }
41100 while (true)
41101 switch ($async$goto) {
41102 case 0:
41103 // Function start
41104 t1 = complex.components, t2 = t1.length, _i = 0;
41105 case 2:
41106 // for condition
41107 if (!(_i < t2)) {
41108 // goto after for
41109 $async$goto = 4;
41110 break;
41111 }
41112 component = t1[_i];
41113 $async$goto = component instanceof A.CompoundSelector ? 5 : 6;
41114 break;
41115 case 5:
41116 // then
41117 t3 = component.components, t4 = t3.length, _i0 = 0;
41118 case 7:
41119 // for condition
41120 if (!(_i0 < t4)) {
41121 // goto after for
41122 $async$goto = 9;
41123 break;
41124 }
41125 simple = t3[_i0];
41126 $async$goto = 10;
41127 return simple;
41128 case 10:
41129 // after yield
41130 if (!(simple instanceof A.PseudoSelector)) {
41131 // goto for update
41132 $async$goto = 8;
41133 break;
41134 }
41135 selector = simple.selector;
41136 if (selector == null) {
41137 // goto for update
41138 $async$goto = 8;
41139 break;
41140 }
41141 t5 = selector.components, t6 = t5.length, _i1 = 0;
41142 case 11:
41143 // for condition
41144 if (!(_i1 < t6)) {
41145 // goto after for
41146 $async$goto = 13;
41147 break;
41148 }
41149 $async$goto = 14;
41150 return A._IterationMarker_yieldStar($async$self._simpleSelectors$1(t5[_i1]));
41151 case 14:
41152 // after yield
41153 case 12:
41154 // for update
41155 ++_i1;
41156 // goto for condition
41157 $async$goto = 11;
41158 break;
41159 case 13:
41160 // after for
41161 case 8:
41162 // for update
41163 ++_i0;
41164 // goto for condition
41165 $async$goto = 7;
41166 break;
41167 case 9:
41168 // after for
41169 case 6:
41170 // join
41171 case 3:
41172 // for update
41173 ++_i;
41174 // goto for condition
41175 $async$goto = 2;
41176 break;
41177 case 4:
41178 // after for
41179 // implicit return
41180 return A._IterationMarker_endOfIteration();
41181 case 1:
41182 // rethrow
41183 return A._IterationMarker_uncaughtError($async$currentError);
41184 }
41185 };
41186 }, type$.SimpleSelector);
41187 },
41188 _extendExistingExtensions$2(extensions, newExtensions) {
41189 var extension, selectors, error, stackTrace, t1, t2, t3, t4, t5, t6, additionalExtensions, _i, t7, exception, t8, t9, containsExtension, first, _i0, complex, t10, t11, t12, t13, t14, withExtender, existingExtension, _i1, component, _i2;
41190 for (t1 = J.toList$0$ax(extensions), t2 = t1.length, t3 = this._extensionsByExtender, t4 = type$.SimpleSelector, t5 = type$.Map_ComplexSelector_Extension, t6 = this._extensions, additionalExtensions = null, _i = 0; _i < t1.length; t1.length === t2 || (0, A.throwConcurrentModificationError)(t1), ++_i) {
41191 extension = t1[_i];
41192 t7 = t6.$index(0, extension.target);
41193 t7.toString;
41194 selectors = null;
41195 try {
41196 selectors = this._extendComplex$4(extension.extender.selector, extension.extender.span, newExtensions, extension.mediaContext);
41197 if (selectors == null)
41198 continue;
41199 } catch (exception) {
41200 t8 = A.unwrapException(exception);
41201 if (t8 instanceof A.SassException) {
41202 error = t8;
41203 stackTrace = A.getTraceFromException(exception);
41204 t8 = error;
41205 t9 = J.getInterceptor$z(t8);
41206 A.throwWithTrace(new A.SassException("From " + extension.extender.span.message$1(0, "") + "\n" + error._span_exception$_message, A.SourceSpanException.prototype.get$span.call(t9, t8)), stackTrace);
41207 } else
41208 throw exception;
41209 }
41210 t8 = J.get$first$ax(selectors);
41211 t9 = extension.extender;
41212 containsExtension = B.C_ListEquality.equals$2(0, t8.components, t9.selector.components);
41213 for (t8 = selectors, t9 = t8.length, first = true, _i0 = 0; _i0 < t8.length; t8.length === t9 || (0, A.throwConcurrentModificationError)(t8), ++_i0) {
41214 complex = t8[_i0];
41215 if (containsExtension && first) {
41216 first = false;
41217 continue;
41218 }
41219 t10 = extension;
41220 t11 = t10.extender;
41221 t12 = t10.target;
41222 t13 = t10.span;
41223 t14 = t10.mediaContext;
41224 t10 = t10.isOptional;
41225 if (complex._complex$_maxSpecificity == null)
41226 complex._computeSpecificity$0();
41227 complex._complex$_maxSpecificity.toString;
41228 t11 = new A.Extender(complex, false, t11.span);
41229 withExtender = t11._extension = new A.Extension(t11, t12, t14, t10, t13);
41230 existingExtension = t7.$index(0, complex);
41231 if (existingExtension != null)
41232 t7.$indexSet(0, complex, A.MergedExtension_merge(existingExtension, withExtender));
41233 else {
41234 t7.$indexSet(0, complex, withExtender);
41235 for (t10 = complex.components, t11 = t10.length, _i1 = 0; _i1 < t11; ++_i1) {
41236 component = t10[_i1];
41237 if (component instanceof A.CompoundSelector)
41238 for (t12 = component.components, t13 = t12.length, _i2 = 0; _i2 < t13; ++_i2)
41239 J.add$1$ax(t3.putIfAbsent$2(t12[_i2], new A.ExtensionStore__extendExistingExtensions_closure()), withExtender);
41240 }
41241 if (newExtensions.containsKey$1(extension.target)) {
41242 if (additionalExtensions == null)
41243 additionalExtensions = A.LinkedHashMap_LinkedHashMap$_empty(t4, t5);
41244 additionalExtensions.putIfAbsent$2(extension.target, new A.ExtensionStore__extendExistingExtensions_closure0()).$indexSet(0, complex, withExtender);
41245 }
41246 }
41247 }
41248 if (!containsExtension)
41249 t7.remove$1(0, extension.extender);
41250 }
41251 return additionalExtensions;
41252 },
41253 _extendExistingSelectors$2(selectors, newExtensions) {
41254 var selector, error, stackTrace, t1, t2, oldValue, exception, t3, t4;
41255 for (t1 = selectors.get$iterator(selectors), t2 = this._mediaContexts; t1.moveNext$0();) {
41256 selector = t1.get$current(t1);
41257 oldValue = selector.value;
41258 try {
41259 selector.value = this._extendList$4(selector.value, selector.span, newExtensions, t2.$index(0, selector));
41260 } catch (exception) {
41261 t3 = A.unwrapException(exception);
41262 if (t3 instanceof A.SassException) {
41263 error = t3;
41264 stackTrace = A.getTraceFromException(exception);
41265 t3 = error;
41266 t4 = J.getInterceptor$z(t3);
41267 A.throwWithTrace(new A.SassException("From " + selector.span.message$1(0, "") + "\n" + error._span_exception$_message, A.SourceSpanException.prototype.get$span.call(t4, t3)), stackTrace);
41268 } else
41269 throw exception;
41270 }
41271 if (oldValue === selector.value)
41272 continue;
41273 this._registerSelector$2(selector.value, selector);
41274 }
41275 },
41276 addExtensions$1(extensionStores) {
41277 var t1, t2, t3, _box_0 = {};
41278 _box_0.newExtensions = _box_0.selectorsToExtend = _box_0.extensionsToExtend = null;
41279 for (t1 = J.get$iterator$ax(extensionStores), t2 = this._sourceSpecificity; t1.moveNext$0();) {
41280 t3 = t1.get$current(t1);
41281 if (t3.get$isEmpty(t3))
41282 continue;
41283 t2.addAll$1(0, t3.get$_sourceSpecificity());
41284 t3.get$_extensions().forEach$1(0, new A.ExtensionStore_addExtensions_closure(_box_0, this));
41285 }
41286 A.NullableExtension_andThen(_box_0.newExtensions, new A.ExtensionStore_addExtensions_closure0(_box_0, this));
41287 },
41288 _extendList$4(list, listSpan, extensions, mediaQueryContext) {
41289 var t1, t2, t3, extended, i, complex, result, t4;
41290 for (t1 = list.components, t2 = t1.length, t3 = type$.JSArray_ComplexSelector, extended = null, i = 0; i < t2; ++i) {
41291 complex = t1[i];
41292 result = this._extendComplex$4(complex, listSpan, extensions, mediaQueryContext);
41293 if (result == null) {
41294 if (extended != null)
41295 extended.push(complex);
41296 } else {
41297 if (extended == null)
41298 if (i === 0)
41299 extended = A._setArrayType([], t3);
41300 else {
41301 t4 = B.JSArray_methods.sublist$2(t1, 0, i);
41302 extended = A._setArrayType(t4.slice(0), A._arrayInstanceType(t4));
41303 }
41304 B.JSArray_methods.addAll$1(extended, result);
41305 }
41306 }
41307 if (extended == null)
41308 return list;
41309 t1 = this._originals;
41310 return A.SelectorList$(this._trim$2(extended, t1.get$contains(t1)));
41311 },
41312 _extendList$3(list, listSpan, extensions) {
41313 return this._extendList$4(list, listSpan, extensions, null);
41314 },
41315 _extendComplex$4(complex, complexSpan, extensions, mediaQueryContext) {
41316 var t1, t2, t3, t4, t5, extendedNotExpanded, i, component, extended, result, t6, t7, t8, _null = null,
41317 _s28_ = "components may not be empty.",
41318 _box_0 = {},
41319 isOriginal = this._originals.contains$1(0, complex);
41320 for (t1 = complex.components, t2 = t1.length, t3 = type$.JSArray_ComplexSelector, t4 = type$.JSArray_ComplexSelectorComponent, t5 = type$.ComplexSelectorComponent, extendedNotExpanded = _null, i = 0; i < t2; ++i) {
41321 component = t1[i];
41322 if (component instanceof A.CompoundSelector) {
41323 extended = this._extendCompound$5$inOriginal(component, complexSpan, extensions, mediaQueryContext, isOriginal);
41324 if (extended == null) {
41325 if (extendedNotExpanded != null) {
41326 result = A.List_List$from(A._setArrayType([component], t4), false, t5);
41327 result.fixed$length = Array;
41328 result.immutable$list = Array;
41329 t6 = result;
41330 if (t6.length === 0)
41331 A.throwExpression(A.ArgumentError$(_s28_, _null));
41332 B.JSArray_methods.add$1(extendedNotExpanded, A._setArrayType([new A.ComplexSelector(t6, false)], t3));
41333 }
41334 } else {
41335 if (extendedNotExpanded == null) {
41336 t6 = A._arrayInstanceType(t1);
41337 t7 = t6._eval$1("SubListIterable<1>");
41338 t8 = new A.SubListIterable(t1, 0, i, t7);
41339 t8.SubListIterable$3(t1, 0, i, t6._precomputed1);
41340 t7 = t7._eval$1("MappedListIterable<ListIterable.E,List<ComplexSelector>>");
41341 extendedNotExpanded = A.List_List$of(new A.MappedListIterable(t8, new A.ExtensionStore__extendComplex_closure(complex), t7), true, t7._eval$1("ListIterable.E"));
41342 }
41343 B.JSArray_methods.add$1(extendedNotExpanded, extended);
41344 }
41345 } else if (extendedNotExpanded != null) {
41346 result = A.List_List$from(A._setArrayType([component], t4), false, t5);
41347 result.fixed$length = Array;
41348 result.immutable$list = Array;
41349 t6 = result;
41350 if (t6.length === 0)
41351 A.throwExpression(A.ArgumentError$(_s28_, _null));
41352 B.JSArray_methods.add$1(extendedNotExpanded, A._setArrayType([new A.ComplexSelector(t6, false)], t3));
41353 }
41354 }
41355 if (extendedNotExpanded == null)
41356 return _null;
41357 _box_0.first = true;
41358 t1 = type$.ComplexSelector;
41359 t1 = J.expand$1$1$ax(A.paths(extendedNotExpanded, t1), new A.ExtensionStore__extendComplex_closure0(_box_0, this, complex), t1);
41360 return A.List_List$of(t1, true, t1.$ti._eval$1("Iterable.E"));
41361 },
41362 _extendCompound$5$inOriginal(compound, compoundSpan, extensions, mediaQueryContext, inOriginal) {
41363 var t2, t3, t4, t5, t6, t7, t8, t9, t10, options, i, simple, extended, result, t11, t12, isOriginal, _this = this, _null = null,
41364 _s28_ = "components may not be empty.",
41365 _box_1 = {},
41366 t1 = _this._mode,
41367 targetsUsed = t1 === B.ExtendMode_normal || extensions.get$length(extensions) < 2 ? _null : A.LinkedHashSet_LinkedHashSet$_empty(type$.SimpleSelector);
41368 for (t2 = compound.components, t3 = t2.length, t4 = type$.JSArray_List_Extender, t5 = type$.JSArray_Extender, t6 = type$.JSArray_ComplexSelectorComponent, t7 = type$.ComplexSelectorComponent, t8 = type$.SimpleSelector, t9 = _this._sourceSpecificity, t10 = type$.JSArray_SimpleSelector, options = _null, i = 0; i < t3; ++i) {
41369 simple = t2[i];
41370 extended = _this._extendSimple$5(simple, compoundSpan, extensions, mediaQueryContext, targetsUsed);
41371 if (extended == null) {
41372 if (options != null) {
41373 result = A.List_List$from(A._setArrayType([simple], t10), false, t8);
41374 result.fixed$length = Array;
41375 result.immutable$list = Array;
41376 t11 = result;
41377 if (t11.length === 0)
41378 A.throwExpression(A.ArgumentError$(_s28_, _null));
41379 result = A.List_List$from(A._setArrayType([new A.CompoundSelector(t11)], t6), false, t7);
41380 result.fixed$length = Array;
41381 result.immutable$list = Array;
41382 t11 = result;
41383 if (t11.length === 0)
41384 A.throwExpression(A.ArgumentError$(_s28_, _null));
41385 t9.$index(0, simple);
41386 options.push(A._setArrayType([new A.Extender(new A.ComplexSelector(t11, false), true, compoundSpan)], t5));
41387 }
41388 } else {
41389 if (options == null) {
41390 options = A._setArrayType([], t4);
41391 if (i !== 0) {
41392 t11 = A._arrayInstanceType(t2);
41393 t12 = new A.SubListIterable(t2, 0, i, t11._eval$1("SubListIterable<1>"));
41394 t12.SubListIterable$3(t2, 0, i, t11._precomputed1);
41395 result = A.List_List$from(t12, false, t8);
41396 result.fixed$length = Array;
41397 result.immutable$list = Array;
41398 t12 = result;
41399 compound = new A.CompoundSelector(t12);
41400 if (t12.length === 0)
41401 A.throwExpression(A.ArgumentError$(_s28_, _null));
41402 result = A.List_List$from(A._setArrayType([compound], t6), false, t7);
41403 result.fixed$length = Array;
41404 result.immutable$list = Array;
41405 t11 = result;
41406 if (t11.length === 0)
41407 A.throwExpression(A.ArgumentError$(_s28_, _null));
41408 _this._sourceSpecificityFor$1(compound);
41409 options.push(A._setArrayType([new A.Extender(new A.ComplexSelector(t11, false), true, compoundSpan)], t5));
41410 }
41411 }
41412 B.JSArray_methods.addAll$1(options, extended);
41413 }
41414 }
41415 if (options == null)
41416 return _null;
41417 if (targetsUsed != null && targetsUsed._collection$_length !== extensions.get$length(extensions))
41418 return _null;
41419 if (options.length === 1)
41420 return J.map$1$1$ax(B.JSArray_methods.get$first(options), new A.ExtensionStore__extendCompound_closure(mediaQueryContext), type$.ComplexSelector).toList$0(0);
41421 t1 = _box_1.first = t1 !== B.ExtendMode_replace;
41422 t2 = A.IterableNullableExtension_whereNotNull(J.map$1$1$ax(A.paths(options, type$.Extender), new A.ExtensionStore__extendCompound_closure0(_box_1, mediaQueryContext), type$.nullable_List_ComplexSelector), type$.List_ComplexSelector);
41423 t3 = t2.$ti._eval$1("ExpandIterable<Iterable.E,ComplexSelector>");
41424 result = A.List_List$of(new A.ExpandIterable(t2, new A.ExtensionStore__extendCompound_closure1(), t3), true, t3._eval$1("Iterable.E"));
41425 isOriginal = new A.ExtensionStore__extendCompound_closure2();
41426 return _this._trim$2(result, inOriginal && t1 ? new A.ExtensionStore__extendCompound_closure3(B.JSArray_methods.get$first(result)) : isOriginal);
41427 },
41428 _extendSimple$5(simple, simpleSpan, extensions, mediaQueryContext, targetsUsed) {
41429 var extended,
41430 t1 = new A.ExtensionStore__extendSimple_withoutPseudo(this, extensions, targetsUsed, simpleSpan);
41431 if (simple instanceof A.PseudoSelector && simple.selector != null) {
41432 extended = this._extendPseudo$4(simple, simpleSpan, extensions, mediaQueryContext);
41433 if (extended != null)
41434 return new A.MappedListIterable(extended, new A.ExtensionStore__extendSimple_closure(this, t1, simpleSpan), A._arrayInstanceType(extended)._eval$1("MappedListIterable<1,List<Extender>>"));
41435 }
41436 return A.NullableExtension_andThen(t1.call$1(simple), new A.ExtensionStore__extendSimple_closure0());
41437 },
41438 _extenderForSimple$2(simple, span) {
41439 var t1 = A.ComplexSelector$(A._setArrayType([A.CompoundSelector$(A._setArrayType([simple], type$.JSArray_SimpleSelector))], type$.JSArray_ComplexSelectorComponent), false);
41440 this._sourceSpecificity.$index(0, simple);
41441 return new A.Extender(t1, true, span);
41442 },
41443 _extendPseudo$4(pseudo, pseudoSpan, extensions, mediaQueryContext) {
41444 var extended, complexes, t1, result,
41445 selector = pseudo.selector;
41446 if (selector == null)
41447 throw A.wrapException(A.ArgumentError$("Selector " + pseudo.toString$0(0) + " must have a selector argument.", null));
41448 extended = this._extendList$4(selector, pseudoSpan, extensions, mediaQueryContext);
41449 if (extended === selector)
41450 return null;
41451 complexes = extended.components;
41452 t1 = pseudo.normalizedName === "not";
41453 if (t1 && !B.JSArray_methods.any$1(selector.components, new A.ExtensionStore__extendPseudo_closure()) && B.JSArray_methods.any$1(complexes, new A.ExtensionStore__extendPseudo_closure0()))
41454 complexes = new A.WhereIterable(complexes, new A.ExtensionStore__extendPseudo_closure1(), A._arrayInstanceType(complexes)._eval$1("WhereIterable<1>"));
41455 complexes = J.expand$1$1$ax(complexes, new A.ExtensionStore__extendPseudo_closure2(pseudo), type$.ComplexSelector);
41456 if (t1 && selector.components.length === 1) {
41457 t1 = A.MappedIterable_MappedIterable(complexes, new A.ExtensionStore__extendPseudo_closure3(pseudo), complexes.$ti._eval$1("Iterable.E"), type$.PseudoSelector);
41458 result = A.List_List$of(t1, true, A._instanceType(t1)._eval$1("Iterable.E"));
41459 return result.length === 0 ? null : result;
41460 } else
41461 return A._setArrayType([A.PseudoSelector$(pseudo.name, pseudo.argument, !pseudo.isClass, A.SelectorList$(complexes))], type$.JSArray_PseudoSelector);
41462 },
41463 _trim$2(selectors, isOriginal) {
41464 var result, i, t1, t2, numOriginals, _box_0, complex1, j, t3, t4, _i, component;
41465 if (selectors.length > 100)
41466 return selectors;
41467 result = A.QueueList$(null, type$.ComplexSelector);
41468 $label0$0:
41469 for (i = selectors.length - 1, t1 = A._arrayInstanceType(selectors), t2 = t1._precomputed1, t1 = t1._eval$1("SubListIterable<1>"), numOriginals = 0; i >= 0; --i) {
41470 _box_0 = {};
41471 complex1 = selectors[i];
41472 if (isOriginal.call$1(complex1)) {
41473 for (j = 0; j < numOriginals; ++j)
41474 if (J.$eq$(result.$index(0, j), complex1)) {
41475 A.rotateSlice(result, 0, j + 1);
41476 continue $label0$0;
41477 }
41478 ++numOriginals;
41479 result.addFirst$1(complex1);
41480 continue $label0$0;
41481 }
41482 _box_0.maxSpecificity = 0;
41483 for (t3 = complex1.components, t4 = t3.length, _i = 0; _i < t4; ++_i) {
41484 component = t3[_i];
41485 if (component instanceof A.CompoundSelector)
41486 _box_0.maxSpecificity = Math.max(_box_0.maxSpecificity, this._sourceSpecificityFor$1(component));
41487 }
41488 if (result.any$1(result, new A.ExtensionStore__trim_closure(_box_0, complex1)))
41489 continue $label0$0;
41490 t3 = new A.SubListIterable(selectors, 0, i, t1);
41491 t3.SubListIterable$3(selectors, 0, i, t2);
41492 if (t3.any$1(0, new A.ExtensionStore__trim_closure0(_box_0, complex1)))
41493 continue $label0$0;
41494 result.addFirst$1(complex1);
41495 }
41496 return result;
41497 },
41498 _sourceSpecificityFor$1(compound) {
41499 var t1, t2, t3, specificity, _i, t4;
41500 for (t1 = compound.components, t2 = t1.length, t3 = this._sourceSpecificity, specificity = 0, _i = 0; _i < t2; ++_i) {
41501 t4 = t3.$index(0, t1[_i]);
41502 specificity = Math.max(specificity, A.checkNum(t4 == null ? 0 : t4));
41503 }
41504 return specificity;
41505 },
41506 clone$0() {
41507 var t3, t4, _this = this,
41508 t1 = type$.SimpleSelector,
41509 newSelectors = A.LinkedHashMap_LinkedHashMap$_empty(t1, type$.Set_ModifiableCssValue_SelectorList),
41510 t2 = type$.ModifiableCssValue_SelectorList,
41511 newMediaContexts = A.LinkedHashMap_LinkedHashMap$_empty(t2, type$.List_CssMediaQuery),
41512 oldToNewSelectors = A.LinkedHashMap_LinkedHashMap$_empty(type$.CssValue_SelectorList, t2);
41513 _this._selectors.forEach$1(0, new A.ExtensionStore_clone_closure(_this, newSelectors, oldToNewSelectors, newMediaContexts));
41514 t2 = type$.Extension;
41515 t3 = A.copyMapOfMap(_this._extensions, t1, type$.ComplexSelector, t2);
41516 t2 = A.copyMapOfList(_this._extensionsByExtender, t1, t2);
41517 t1 = A._LinkedIdentityHashMap__LinkedIdentityHashMap$es6(t1, type$.int);
41518 t1.addAll$1(0, _this._sourceSpecificity);
41519 t4 = new A._LinkedIdentityHashSet(type$._LinkedIdentityHashSet_ComplexSelector);
41520 t4.addAll$1(0, _this._originals);
41521 return new A.Tuple2(new A.ExtensionStore(newSelectors, t3, t2, newMediaContexts, t1, t4, B.ExtendMode_normal), oldToNewSelectors, type$.Tuple2_of_ExtensionStore_and_Map_of_CssValue_SelectorList_and_ModifiableCssValue_SelectorList);
41522 },
41523 get$_extensions() {
41524 return this._extensions;
41525 },
41526 get$_sourceSpecificity() {
41527 return this._sourceSpecificity;
41528 }
41529 };
41530 A.ExtensionStore_extensionsWhereTarget_closure.prototype = {
41531 call$1(extension) {
41532 return !extension.isOptional;
41533 },
41534 $signature: 358
41535 };
41536 A.ExtensionStore__registerSelector_closure.prototype = {
41537 call$0() {
41538 return A.LinkedHashSet_LinkedHashSet$_empty(type$.ModifiableCssValue_SelectorList);
41539 },
41540 $signature: 304
41541 };
41542 A.ExtensionStore_addExtension_closure.prototype = {
41543 call$0() {
41544 return A.LinkedHashMap_LinkedHashMap$_empty(type$.ComplexSelector, type$.Extension);
41545 },
41546 $signature: 141
41547 };
41548 A.ExtensionStore_addExtension_closure0.prototype = {
41549 call$0() {
41550 return A._setArrayType([], type$.JSArray_Extension);
41551 },
41552 $signature: 149
41553 };
41554 A.ExtensionStore_addExtension_closure1.prototype = {
41555 call$0() {
41556 return this.complex.get$maxSpecificity();
41557 },
41558 $signature: 12
41559 };
41560 A.ExtensionStore__extendExistingExtensions_closure.prototype = {
41561 call$0() {
41562 return A._setArrayType([], type$.JSArray_Extension);
41563 },
41564 $signature: 149
41565 };
41566 A.ExtensionStore__extendExistingExtensions_closure0.prototype = {
41567 call$0() {
41568 return A.LinkedHashMap_LinkedHashMap$_empty(type$.ComplexSelector, type$.Extension);
41569 },
41570 $signature: 141
41571 };
41572 A.ExtensionStore_addExtensions_closure.prototype = {
41573 call$2(target, newSources) {
41574 var first, t1, extensionsForTarget, t2, t3, t4, selectorsForTarget, t5, existingSources, _this = this;
41575 if (target instanceof A.PlaceholderSelector) {
41576 first = B.JSString_methods._codeUnitAt$1(target.name, 0);
41577 t1 = first === 45 || first === 95;
41578 } else
41579 t1 = false;
41580 if (t1)
41581 return;
41582 t1 = _this.$this;
41583 extensionsForTarget = t1._extensionsByExtender.$index(0, target);
41584 t2 = extensionsForTarget == null;
41585 if (!t2) {
41586 t3 = _this._box_0;
41587 t4 = t3.extensionsToExtend;
41588 B.JSArray_methods.addAll$1(t4 == null ? t3.extensionsToExtend = A._setArrayType([], type$.JSArray_Extension) : t4, extensionsForTarget);
41589 }
41590 selectorsForTarget = t1._selectors.$index(0, target);
41591 t3 = selectorsForTarget != null;
41592 if (t3) {
41593 t4 = _this._box_0;
41594 t5 = t4.selectorsToExtend;
41595 (t5 == null ? t4.selectorsToExtend = A.LinkedHashSet_LinkedHashSet$_empty(type$.ModifiableCssValue_SelectorList) : t5).addAll$1(0, selectorsForTarget);
41596 }
41597 t1 = t1._extensions;
41598 existingSources = t1.$index(0, target);
41599 if (existingSources == null) {
41600 t4 = type$.ComplexSelector;
41601 t5 = type$.Extension;
41602 t1.$indexSet(0, target, A.LinkedHashMap_LinkedHashMap$of(newSources, t4, t5));
41603 if (!t2 || t3) {
41604 t1 = _this._box_0;
41605 t2 = t1.newExtensions;
41606 t1 = t2 == null ? t1.newExtensions = A.LinkedHashMap_LinkedHashMap$_empty(type$.SimpleSelector, type$.Map_ComplexSelector_Extension) : t2;
41607 t1.$indexSet(0, target, A.LinkedHashMap_LinkedHashMap$of(newSources, t4, t5));
41608 }
41609 } else
41610 newSources.forEach$1(0, new A.ExtensionStore_addExtensions__closure1(_this._box_0, existingSources, extensionsForTarget, selectorsForTarget, target));
41611 },
41612 $signature: 380
41613 };
41614 A.ExtensionStore_addExtensions__closure1.prototype = {
41615 call$2(extender, extension) {
41616 var t2, _this = this,
41617 t1 = _this.existingSources;
41618 if (t1.containsKey$1(extender)) {
41619 t2 = t1.$index(0, extender);
41620 t2.toString;
41621 extension = A.MergedExtension_merge(t2, extension);
41622 t1.$indexSet(0, extender, extension);
41623 } else
41624 t1.$indexSet(0, extender, extension);
41625 if (_this.extensionsForTarget != null || _this.selectorsForTarget != null) {
41626 t1 = _this._box_0;
41627 t2 = t1.newExtensions;
41628 t1 = t2 == null ? t1.newExtensions = A.LinkedHashMap_LinkedHashMap$_empty(type$.SimpleSelector, type$.Map_ComplexSelector_Extension) : t2;
41629 J.$indexSet$ax(t1.putIfAbsent$2(_this.target, new A.ExtensionStore_addExtensions___closure()), extender, extension);
41630 }
41631 },
41632 $signature: 381
41633 };
41634 A.ExtensionStore_addExtensions___closure.prototype = {
41635 call$0() {
41636 return A.LinkedHashMap_LinkedHashMap$_empty(type$.ComplexSelector, type$.Extension);
41637 },
41638 $signature: 141
41639 };
41640 A.ExtensionStore_addExtensions_closure0.prototype = {
41641 call$1(newExtensions) {
41642 var t1 = this._box_0,
41643 t2 = this.$this;
41644 A.NullableExtension_andThen(t1.extensionsToExtend, new A.ExtensionStore_addExtensions__closure(t2, newExtensions));
41645 A.NullableExtension_andThen(t1.selectorsToExtend, new A.ExtensionStore_addExtensions__closure0(t2, newExtensions));
41646 },
41647 $signature: 389
41648 };
41649 A.ExtensionStore_addExtensions__closure.prototype = {
41650 call$1(extensionsToExtend) {
41651 return this.$this._extendExistingExtensions$2(extensionsToExtend, this.newExtensions);
41652 },
41653 $signature: 398
41654 };
41655 A.ExtensionStore_addExtensions__closure0.prototype = {
41656 call$1(selectorsToExtend) {
41657 return this.$this._extendExistingSelectors$2(selectorsToExtend, this.newExtensions);
41658 },
41659 $signature: 399
41660 };
41661 A.ExtensionStore__extendComplex_closure.prototype = {
41662 call$1(component) {
41663 return A._setArrayType([A.ComplexSelector$(A._setArrayType([component], type$.JSArray_ComplexSelectorComponent), this.complex.lineBreak)], type$.JSArray_ComplexSelector);
41664 },
41665 $signature: 402
41666 };
41667 A.ExtensionStore__extendComplex_closure0.prototype = {
41668 call$1(path) {
41669 var t1 = A.weave(J.map$1$1$ax(path, new A.ExtensionStore__extendComplex__closure(), type$.List_ComplexSelectorComponent).toList$0(0));
41670 return new A.MappedListIterable(t1, new A.ExtensionStore__extendComplex__closure0(this._box_0, this.$this, this.complex, path), A._arrayInstanceType(t1)._eval$1("MappedListIterable<1,ComplexSelector>"));
41671 },
41672 $signature: 408
41673 };
41674 A.ExtensionStore__extendComplex__closure.prototype = {
41675 call$1(complex) {
41676 return complex.components;
41677 },
41678 $signature: 419
41679 };
41680 A.ExtensionStore__extendComplex__closure0.prototype = {
41681 call$1(components) {
41682 var _this = this,
41683 t1 = _this.complex,
41684 outputComplex = A.ComplexSelector$(components, t1.lineBreak || J.any$1$ax(_this.path, new A.ExtensionStore__extendComplex___closure())),
41685 t2 = _this._box_0;
41686 if (t2.first && _this.$this._originals.contains$1(0, t1))
41687 _this.$this._originals.add$1(0, outputComplex);
41688 t2.first = false;
41689 return outputComplex;
41690 },
41691 $signature: 90
41692 };
41693 A.ExtensionStore__extendComplex___closure.prototype = {
41694 call$1(inputComplex) {
41695 return inputComplex.lineBreak;
41696 },
41697 $signature: 19
41698 };
41699 A.ExtensionStore__extendCompound_closure.prototype = {
41700 call$1(extender) {
41701 extender.assertCompatibleMediaContext$1(this.mediaQueryContext);
41702 return extender.selector;
41703 },
41704 $signature: 420
41705 };
41706 A.ExtensionStore__extendCompound_closure0.prototype = {
41707 call$1(path) {
41708 var complexes, toUnify, t2, t3, originals, t4, _box_0 = {},
41709 t1 = this._box_1;
41710 if (t1.first) {
41711 t1.first = false;
41712 complexes = A._setArrayType([A._setArrayType([A.CompoundSelector$(J.expand$1$1$ax(path, new A.ExtensionStore__extendCompound__closure(), type$.SimpleSelector))], type$.JSArray_ComplexSelectorComponent)], type$.JSArray_List_ComplexSelectorComponent);
41713 } else {
41714 toUnify = A.QueueList$(null, type$.List_ComplexSelectorComponent);
41715 for (t1 = J.get$iterator$ax(path), t2 = type$.CompoundSelector, t3 = type$.JSArray_SimpleSelector, originals = null; t1.moveNext$0();) {
41716 t4 = t1.get$current(t1);
41717 if (t4.isOriginal) {
41718 if (originals == null)
41719 originals = A._setArrayType([], t3);
41720 B.JSArray_methods.addAll$1(originals, t2._as(B.JSArray_methods.get$last(t4.selector.components)).components);
41721 } else
41722 toUnify._queue_list$_add$1(t4.selector.components);
41723 }
41724 if (originals != null)
41725 toUnify.addFirst$1(A._setArrayType([A.CompoundSelector$(originals)], type$.JSArray_ComplexSelectorComponent));
41726 complexes = A.unifyComplex(toUnify);
41727 if (complexes == null)
41728 return null;
41729 }
41730 _box_0.lineBreak = false;
41731 for (t1 = J.get$iterator$ax(path), t2 = this.mediaQueryContext; t1.moveNext$0();) {
41732 t3 = t1.get$current(t1);
41733 t3.assertCompatibleMediaContext$1(t2);
41734 _box_0.lineBreak = _box_0.lineBreak || t3.selector.lineBreak;
41735 }
41736 t1 = J.map$1$1$ax(complexes, new A.ExtensionStore__extendCompound__closure0(_box_0), type$.ComplexSelector);
41737 return A.List_List$of(t1, true, t1.$ti._eval$1("ListIterable.E"));
41738 },
41739 $signature: 429
41740 };
41741 A.ExtensionStore__extendCompound__closure.prototype = {
41742 call$1(extender) {
41743 return type$.CompoundSelector._as(B.JSArray_methods.get$last(extender.selector.components)).components;
41744 },
41745 $signature: 442
41746 };
41747 A.ExtensionStore__extendCompound__closure0.prototype = {
41748 call$1(components) {
41749 return A.ComplexSelector$(components, this._box_0.lineBreak);
41750 },
41751 $signature: 90
41752 };
41753 A.ExtensionStore__extendCompound_closure1.prototype = {
41754 call$1(l) {
41755 return l;
41756 },
41757 $signature: 449
41758 };
41759 A.ExtensionStore__extendCompound_closure2.prototype = {
41760 call$1(_) {
41761 return false;
41762 },
41763 $signature: 19
41764 };
41765 A.ExtensionStore__extendCompound_closure3.prototype = {
41766 call$1(complex) {
41767 var t1 = B.C_ListEquality.equals$2(0, complex.components, this.original.components);
41768 return t1;
41769 },
41770 $signature: 19
41771 };
41772 A.ExtensionStore__extendSimple_withoutPseudo.prototype = {
41773 call$1(simple) {
41774 var t1, t2, _this = this,
41775 extensionsForSimple = _this.extensions.$index(0, simple);
41776 if (extensionsForSimple == null)
41777 return null;
41778 t1 = _this.targetsUsed;
41779 if (t1 != null)
41780 t1.add$1(0, simple);
41781 t1 = A._setArrayType([], type$.JSArray_Extender);
41782 t2 = _this.$this;
41783 if (t2._mode !== B.ExtendMode_replace)
41784 t1.push(t2._extenderForSimple$2(simple, _this.simpleSpan));
41785 for (t2 = extensionsForSimple.get$values(extensionsForSimple), t2 = t2.get$iterator(t2); t2.moveNext$0();)
41786 t1.push(t2.get$current(t2).extender);
41787 return t1;
41788 },
41789 $signature: 454
41790 };
41791 A.ExtensionStore__extendSimple_closure.prototype = {
41792 call$1(pseudo) {
41793 var t1 = this.withoutPseudo.call$1(pseudo);
41794 return t1 == null ? A._setArrayType([this.$this._extenderForSimple$2(pseudo, this.simpleSpan)], type$.JSArray_Extender) : t1;
41795 },
41796 $signature: 457
41797 };
41798 A.ExtensionStore__extendSimple_closure0.prototype = {
41799 call$1(result) {
41800 return A._setArrayType([result], type$.JSArray_List_Extender);
41801 },
41802 $signature: 465
41803 };
41804 A.ExtensionStore__extendPseudo_closure.prototype = {
41805 call$1(complex) {
41806 return complex.components.length > 1;
41807 },
41808 $signature: 19
41809 };
41810 A.ExtensionStore__extendPseudo_closure0.prototype = {
41811 call$1(complex) {
41812 return complex.components.length === 1;
41813 },
41814 $signature: 19
41815 };
41816 A.ExtensionStore__extendPseudo_closure1.prototype = {
41817 call$1(complex) {
41818 return complex.components.length <= 1;
41819 },
41820 $signature: 19
41821 };
41822 A.ExtensionStore__extendPseudo_closure2.prototype = {
41823 call$1(complex) {
41824 var innerPseudo, innerSelector,
41825 t1 = complex.components;
41826 if (t1.length !== 1)
41827 return A._setArrayType([complex], type$.JSArray_ComplexSelector);
41828 if (!(B.JSArray_methods.get$first(t1) instanceof A.CompoundSelector))
41829 return A._setArrayType([complex], type$.JSArray_ComplexSelector);
41830 t1 = type$.CompoundSelector._as(B.JSArray_methods.get$first(t1)).components;
41831 if (t1.length !== 1)
41832 return A._setArrayType([complex], type$.JSArray_ComplexSelector);
41833 if (!(B.JSArray_methods.get$first(t1) instanceof A.PseudoSelector))
41834 return A._setArrayType([complex], type$.JSArray_ComplexSelector);
41835 innerPseudo = type$.PseudoSelector._as(B.JSArray_methods.get$first(t1));
41836 innerSelector = innerPseudo.selector;
41837 if (innerSelector == null)
41838 return A._setArrayType([complex], type$.JSArray_ComplexSelector);
41839 t1 = this.pseudo;
41840 switch (t1.normalizedName) {
41841 case "not":
41842 t1 = innerPseudo.normalizedName;
41843 if (t1 !== "is" && t1 !== "matches")
41844 return A._setArrayType([], type$.JSArray_ComplexSelector);
41845 return innerSelector.components;
41846 case "is":
41847 case "matches":
41848 case "any":
41849 case "current":
41850 case "nth-child":
41851 case "nth-last-child":
41852 if (innerPseudo.name !== t1.name)
41853 return A._setArrayType([], type$.JSArray_ComplexSelector);
41854 if (innerPseudo.argument != t1.argument)
41855 return A._setArrayType([], type$.JSArray_ComplexSelector);
41856 return innerSelector.components;
41857 case "has":
41858 case "host":
41859 case "host-context":
41860 case "slotted":
41861 return A._setArrayType([complex], type$.JSArray_ComplexSelector);
41862 default:
41863 return A._setArrayType([], type$.JSArray_ComplexSelector);
41864 }
41865 },
41866 $signature: 471
41867 };
41868 A.ExtensionStore__extendPseudo_closure3.prototype = {
41869 call$1(complex) {
41870 var t1 = this.pseudo;
41871 return A.PseudoSelector$(t1.name, t1.argument, !t1.isClass, A.SelectorList$(A._setArrayType([complex], type$.JSArray_ComplexSelector)));
41872 },
41873 $signature: 474
41874 };
41875 A.ExtensionStore__trim_closure.prototype = {
41876 call$1(complex2) {
41877 return complex2.get$minSpecificity() >= this._box_0.maxSpecificity && A.complexIsSuperselector(complex2.components, this.complex1.components);
41878 },
41879 $signature: 19
41880 };
41881 A.ExtensionStore__trim_closure0.prototype = {
41882 call$1(complex2) {
41883 return complex2.get$minSpecificity() >= this._box_0.maxSpecificity && A.complexIsSuperselector(complex2.components, this.complex1.components);
41884 },
41885 $signature: 19
41886 };
41887 A.ExtensionStore_clone_closure.prototype = {
41888 call$2(simple, selectors) {
41889 var t2, t3, t4, t5, t6, newSelector, mediaContext, _this = this,
41890 t1 = type$.ModifiableCssValue_SelectorList,
41891 newSelectorSet = A.LinkedHashSet_LinkedHashSet$_empty(t1);
41892 _this.newSelectors.$indexSet(0, simple, newSelectorSet);
41893 for (t2 = selectors.get$iterator(selectors), t3 = _this.oldToNewSelectors, t4 = _this.$this._mediaContexts, t5 = _this.newMediaContexts; t2.moveNext$0();) {
41894 t6 = t2.get$current(t2);
41895 newSelector = new A.ModifiableCssValue(t6.value, t6.span, t1);
41896 newSelectorSet.add$1(0, newSelector);
41897 t3.$indexSet(0, t6, newSelector);
41898 mediaContext = t4.$index(0, t6);
41899 if (mediaContext != null)
41900 t5.$indexSet(0, newSelector, mediaContext);
41901 }
41902 },
41903 $signature: 487
41904 };
41905 A.unifyComplex_closure.prototype = {
41906 call$1(complex) {
41907 var t1 = J.getInterceptor$asx(complex);
41908 return t1.sublist$2(complex, 0, t1.get$length(complex) - 1);
41909 },
41910 $signature: 142
41911 };
41912 A._weaveParents_closure.prototype = {
41913 call$2(group1, group2) {
41914 var unified, t1, _null = null;
41915 if (B.C_ListEquality.equals$2(0, group1, group2))
41916 return group1;
41917 if (!(J.get$first$ax(group1) instanceof A.CompoundSelector) || !(J.get$first$ax(group2) instanceof A.CompoundSelector))
41918 return _null;
41919 if (A.complexIsParentSuperselector(group1, group2))
41920 return group2;
41921 if (A.complexIsParentSuperselector(group2, group1))
41922 return group1;
41923 if (!A._mustUnify(group1, group2))
41924 return _null;
41925 unified = A.unifyComplex(A._setArrayType([group1, group2], type$.JSArray_List_ComplexSelectorComponent));
41926 if (unified == null)
41927 return _null;
41928 t1 = J.getInterceptor$asx(unified);
41929 if (t1.get$length(unified) > 1)
41930 return _null;
41931 return t1.get$first(unified);
41932 },
41933 $signature: 506
41934 };
41935 A._weaveParents_closure0.prototype = {
41936 call$1(sequence) {
41937 return A.complexIsParentSuperselector(sequence.get$first(sequence), this.group);
41938 },
41939 $signature: 511
41940 };
41941 A._weaveParents_closure1.prototype = {
41942 call$1(chunk) {
41943 return J.expand$1$1$ax(chunk, new A._weaveParents__closure1(), type$.ComplexSelectorComponent);
41944 },
41945 $signature: 147
41946 };
41947 A._weaveParents__closure1.prototype = {
41948 call$1(group) {
41949 return group;
41950 },
41951 $signature: 142
41952 };
41953 A._weaveParents_closure2.prototype = {
41954 call$1(sequence) {
41955 return sequence.get$length(sequence) === 0;
41956 },
41957 $signature: 156
41958 };
41959 A._weaveParents_closure3.prototype = {
41960 call$1(chunk) {
41961 return J.expand$1$1$ax(chunk, new A._weaveParents__closure0(), type$.ComplexSelectorComponent);
41962 },
41963 $signature: 147
41964 };
41965 A._weaveParents__closure0.prototype = {
41966 call$1(group) {
41967 return group;
41968 },
41969 $signature: 142
41970 };
41971 A._weaveParents_closure4.prototype = {
41972 call$1(choice) {
41973 return J.get$isNotEmpty$asx(choice);
41974 },
41975 $signature: 518
41976 };
41977 A._weaveParents_closure5.prototype = {
41978 call$1(path) {
41979 var t1 = J.expand$1$1$ax(path, new A._weaveParents__closure(), type$.ComplexSelectorComponent);
41980 return A.List_List$of(t1, true, t1.$ti._eval$1("Iterable.E"));
41981 },
41982 $signature: 520
41983 };
41984 A._weaveParents__closure.prototype = {
41985 call$1(group) {
41986 return group;
41987 },
41988 $signature: 521
41989 };
41990 A._mustUnify_closure.prototype = {
41991 call$1(component) {
41992 return component instanceof A.CompoundSelector && B.JSArray_methods.any$1(component.components, new A._mustUnify__closure(this.uniqueSelectors));
41993 },
41994 $signature: 125
41995 };
41996 A._mustUnify__closure.prototype = {
41997 call$1(simple) {
41998 var t1;
41999 if (!(simple instanceof A.IDSelector))
42000 t1 = simple instanceof A.PseudoSelector && !simple.isClass;
42001 else
42002 t1 = true;
42003 return t1 && this.uniqueSelectors.contains$1(0, simple);
42004 },
42005 $signature: 16
42006 };
42007 A.paths_closure.prototype = {
42008 call$2(paths, choice) {
42009 var t1 = this.T;
42010 t1 = J.expand$1$1$ax(choice, new A.paths__closure(paths, t1), t1._eval$1("List<0>"));
42011 return A.List_List$of(t1, true, t1.$ti._eval$1("Iterable.E"));
42012 },
42013 $signature() {
42014 return this.T._eval$1("List<List<0>>(List<List<0>>,List<0>)");
42015 }
42016 };
42017 A.paths__closure.prototype = {
42018 call$1(option) {
42019 var t1 = this.T;
42020 return J.map$1$1$ax(this.paths, new A.paths___closure(option, t1), t1._eval$1("List<0>"));
42021 },
42022 $signature() {
42023 return this.T._eval$1("Iterable<List<0>>(0)");
42024 }
42025 };
42026 A.paths___closure.prototype = {
42027 call$1(path) {
42028 var t1 = A.List_List$of(path, true, this.T);
42029 t1.push(this.option);
42030 return t1;
42031 },
42032 $signature() {
42033 return this.T._eval$1("List<0>(List<0>)");
42034 }
42035 };
42036 A._hasRoot_closure.prototype = {
42037 call$1(simple) {
42038 return simple instanceof A.PseudoSelector && simple.isClass && simple.normalizedName === "root";
42039 },
42040 $signature: 16
42041 };
42042 A.listIsSuperselector_closure.prototype = {
42043 call$1(complex1) {
42044 return B.JSArray_methods.any$1(this.list1, new A.listIsSuperselector__closure(complex1));
42045 },
42046 $signature: 19
42047 };
42048 A.listIsSuperselector__closure.prototype = {
42049 call$1(complex2) {
42050 return A.complexIsSuperselector(complex2.components, this.complex1.components);
42051 },
42052 $signature: 19
42053 };
42054 A._simpleIsSuperselectorOfCompound_closure.prototype = {
42055 call$1(theirSimple) {
42056 var selector,
42057 t1 = this.simple;
42058 if (t1.$eq(0, theirSimple))
42059 return true;
42060 if (!(theirSimple instanceof A.PseudoSelector))
42061 return false;
42062 selector = theirSimple.selector;
42063 if (selector == null)
42064 return false;
42065 if (!$._subselectorPseudos.contains$1(0, theirSimple.normalizedName))
42066 return false;
42067 return B.JSArray_methods.every$1(selector.components, new A._simpleIsSuperselectorOfCompound__closure(t1));
42068 },
42069 $signature: 16
42070 };
42071 A._simpleIsSuperselectorOfCompound__closure.prototype = {
42072 call$1(complex) {
42073 var t1 = complex.components;
42074 if (t1.length !== 1)
42075 return false;
42076 return B.JSArray_methods.contains$1(type$.CompoundSelector._as(B.JSArray_methods.get$single(t1)).components, this.simple);
42077 },
42078 $signature: 19
42079 };
42080 A._selectorPseudoIsSuperselector_closure.prototype = {
42081 call$1(selector2) {
42082 return A.listIsSuperselector(this.selector1.components, selector2.components);
42083 },
42084 $signature: 97
42085 };
42086 A._selectorPseudoIsSuperselector_closure0.prototype = {
42087 call$1(complex1) {
42088 var t1 = complex1.components,
42089 t2 = A._setArrayType([], type$.JSArray_ComplexSelectorComponent),
42090 t3 = this.parents;
42091 if (t3 != null)
42092 B.JSArray_methods.addAll$1(t2, t3);
42093 t2.push(this.compound2);
42094 return A.complexIsSuperselector(t1, t2);
42095 },
42096 $signature: 19
42097 };
42098 A._selectorPseudoIsSuperselector_closure1.prototype = {
42099 call$1(selector2) {
42100 return A.listIsSuperselector(this.selector1.components, selector2.components);
42101 },
42102 $signature: 97
42103 };
42104 A._selectorPseudoIsSuperselector_closure2.prototype = {
42105 call$1(selector2) {
42106 return A.listIsSuperselector(this.selector1.components, selector2.components);
42107 },
42108 $signature: 97
42109 };
42110 A._selectorPseudoIsSuperselector_closure3.prototype = {
42111 call$1(complex) {
42112 return B.JSArray_methods.any$1(this.compound2.components, new A._selectorPseudoIsSuperselector__closure(complex, this.pseudo1));
42113 },
42114 $signature: 19
42115 };
42116 A._selectorPseudoIsSuperselector__closure.prototype = {
42117 call$1(simple2) {
42118 var compound1, selector2, _this = this;
42119 if (simple2 instanceof A.TypeSelector) {
42120 compound1 = B.JSArray_methods.get$last(_this.complex.components);
42121 return compound1 instanceof A.CompoundSelector && B.JSArray_methods.any$1(compound1.components, new A._selectorPseudoIsSuperselector___closure(simple2));
42122 } else if (simple2 instanceof A.IDSelector) {
42123 compound1 = B.JSArray_methods.get$last(_this.complex.components);
42124 return compound1 instanceof A.CompoundSelector && B.JSArray_methods.any$1(compound1.components, new A._selectorPseudoIsSuperselector___closure0(simple2));
42125 } else if (simple2 instanceof A.PseudoSelector && simple2.name === _this.pseudo1.name) {
42126 selector2 = simple2.selector;
42127 if (selector2 == null)
42128 return false;
42129 return A.listIsSuperselector(selector2.components, A._setArrayType([_this.complex], type$.JSArray_ComplexSelector));
42130 } else
42131 return false;
42132 },
42133 $signature: 16
42134 };
42135 A._selectorPseudoIsSuperselector___closure.prototype = {
42136 call$1(simple1) {
42137 var t1;
42138 if (simple1 instanceof A.TypeSelector) {
42139 t1 = this.simple2.name.$eq(0, simple1.name);
42140 t1 = !t1;
42141 } else
42142 t1 = false;
42143 return t1;
42144 },
42145 $signature: 16
42146 };
42147 A._selectorPseudoIsSuperselector___closure0.prototype = {
42148 call$1(simple1) {
42149 var t1;
42150 if (simple1 instanceof A.IDSelector) {
42151 t1 = simple1.name;
42152 t1 = this.simple2.name !== t1;
42153 } else
42154 t1 = false;
42155 return t1;
42156 },
42157 $signature: 16
42158 };
42159 A._selectorPseudoIsSuperselector_closure4.prototype = {
42160 call$1(selector2) {
42161 var t1 = B.C_ListEquality.equals$2(0, this.selector1.components, selector2.components);
42162 return t1;
42163 },
42164 $signature: 97
42165 };
42166 A._selectorPseudoIsSuperselector_closure5.prototype = {
42167 call$1(pseudo2) {
42168 var t1, selector2;
42169 if (!(pseudo2 instanceof A.PseudoSelector))
42170 return false;
42171 t1 = this.pseudo1;
42172 if (pseudo2.name !== t1.name)
42173 return false;
42174 if (pseudo2.argument != t1.argument)
42175 return false;
42176 selector2 = pseudo2.selector;
42177 if (selector2 == null)
42178 return false;
42179 return A.listIsSuperselector(this.selector1.components, selector2.components);
42180 },
42181 $signature: 16
42182 };
42183 A._selectorPseudoArgs_closure.prototype = {
42184 call$1(pseudo) {
42185 return pseudo.isClass === this.isClass && pseudo.name === this.name;
42186 },
42187 $signature: 530
42188 };
42189 A._selectorPseudoArgs_closure0.prototype = {
42190 call$1(pseudo) {
42191 return pseudo.selector;
42192 },
42193 $signature: 540
42194 };
42195 A.MergedExtension.prototype = {
42196 unmerge$0() {
42197 var $async$self = this;
42198 return A._makeSyncStarIterable(function() {
42199 var $async$goto = 0, $async$handler = 1, $async$currentError, right, left;
42200 return function $async$unmerge$0($async$errorCode, $async$result) {
42201 if ($async$errorCode === 1) {
42202 $async$currentError = $async$result;
42203 $async$goto = $async$handler;
42204 }
42205 while (true)
42206 switch ($async$goto) {
42207 case 0:
42208 // Function start
42209 left = $async$self.left;
42210 $async$goto = left instanceof A.MergedExtension ? 2 : 4;
42211 break;
42212 case 2:
42213 // then
42214 $async$goto = 5;
42215 return A._IterationMarker_yieldStar(left.unmerge$0());
42216 case 5:
42217 // after yield
42218 // goto join
42219 $async$goto = 3;
42220 break;
42221 case 4:
42222 // else
42223 $async$goto = 6;
42224 return left;
42225 case 6:
42226 // after yield
42227 case 3:
42228 // join
42229 right = $async$self.right;
42230 $async$goto = right instanceof A.MergedExtension ? 7 : 9;
42231 break;
42232 case 7:
42233 // then
42234 $async$goto = 10;
42235 return A._IterationMarker_yieldStar(right.unmerge$0());
42236 case 10:
42237 // after yield
42238 // goto join
42239 $async$goto = 8;
42240 break;
42241 case 9:
42242 // else
42243 $async$goto = 11;
42244 return right;
42245 case 11:
42246 // after yield
42247 case 8:
42248 // join
42249 // implicit return
42250 return A._IterationMarker_endOfIteration();
42251 case 1:
42252 // rethrow
42253 return A._IterationMarker_uncaughtError($async$currentError);
42254 }
42255 };
42256 }, type$.Extension);
42257 }
42258 };
42259 A.ExtendMode.prototype = {
42260 toString$0(_) {
42261 return this.name;
42262 }
42263 };
42264 A.globalFunctions_closure.prototype = {
42265 call$1($arguments) {
42266 var t1 = J.getInterceptor$asx($arguments);
42267 return t1.$index($arguments, 0).get$isTruthy() ? t1.$index($arguments, 1) : t1.$index($arguments, 2);
42268 },
42269 $signature: 4
42270 };
42271 A.global_closure.prototype = {
42272 call$1($arguments) {
42273 return A._rgb("rgb", $arguments);
42274 },
42275 $signature: 4
42276 };
42277 A.global_closure0.prototype = {
42278 call$1($arguments) {
42279 return A._rgb("rgb", $arguments);
42280 },
42281 $signature: 4
42282 };
42283 A.global_closure1.prototype = {
42284 call$1($arguments) {
42285 return A._rgbTwoArg("rgb", $arguments);
42286 },
42287 $signature: 4
42288 };
42289 A.global_closure2.prototype = {
42290 call$1($arguments) {
42291 var parsed = A._parseChannels("rgb", A._setArrayType(["$red", "$green", "$blue"], type$.JSArray_String), J.get$first$ax($arguments));
42292 return parsed instanceof A.SassString ? parsed : A._rgb("rgb", type$.List_Value._as(parsed));
42293 },
42294 $signature: 4
42295 };
42296 A.global_closure3.prototype = {
42297 call$1($arguments) {
42298 return A._rgb("rgba", $arguments);
42299 },
42300 $signature: 4
42301 };
42302 A.global_closure4.prototype = {
42303 call$1($arguments) {
42304 return A._rgb("rgba", $arguments);
42305 },
42306 $signature: 4
42307 };
42308 A.global_closure5.prototype = {
42309 call$1($arguments) {
42310 return A._rgbTwoArg("rgba", $arguments);
42311 },
42312 $signature: 4
42313 };
42314 A.global_closure6.prototype = {
42315 call$1($arguments) {
42316 var parsed = A._parseChannels("rgba", A._setArrayType(["$red", "$green", "$blue"], type$.JSArray_String), J.get$first$ax($arguments));
42317 return parsed instanceof A.SassString ? parsed : A._rgb("rgba", type$.List_Value._as(parsed));
42318 },
42319 $signature: 4
42320 };
42321 A.global_closure7.prototype = {
42322 call$1($arguments) {
42323 var color, t2,
42324 t1 = J.getInterceptor$asx($arguments),
42325 weight = t1.$index($arguments, 1).assertNumber$1("weight");
42326 if (t1.$index($arguments, 0) instanceof A.SassNumber) {
42327 if (weight._number$_value !== 100 || !weight.hasUnit$1("%"))
42328 throw A.wrapException(string$.Only_oa);
42329 return A._functionString("invert", t1.take$1($arguments, 1));
42330 }
42331 color = t1.$index($arguments, 0).assertColor$1("color");
42332 t1 = color.get$red(color);
42333 t2 = color.get$green(color);
42334 return A._mixColors(color.changeRgb$3$blue$green$red(255 - color.get$blue(color), 255 - t2, 255 - t1), color, weight);
42335 },
42336 $signature: 4
42337 };
42338 A.global_closure8.prototype = {
42339 call$1($arguments) {
42340 return A._hsl("hsl", $arguments);
42341 },
42342 $signature: 4
42343 };
42344 A.global_closure9.prototype = {
42345 call$1($arguments) {
42346 return A._hsl("hsl", $arguments);
42347 },
42348 $signature: 4
42349 };
42350 A.global_closure10.prototype = {
42351 call$1($arguments) {
42352 var t1 = J.getInterceptor$asx($arguments);
42353 if (t1.$index($arguments, 0).get$isVar() || t1.$index($arguments, 1).get$isVar())
42354 return A._functionString("hsl", $arguments);
42355 else
42356 throw A.wrapException(A.SassScriptException$("Missing argument $lightness."));
42357 },
42358 $signature: 13
42359 };
42360 A.global_closure11.prototype = {
42361 call$1($arguments) {
42362 var parsed = A._parseChannels("hsl", A._setArrayType(["$hue", "$saturation", "$lightness"], type$.JSArray_String), J.get$first$ax($arguments));
42363 return parsed instanceof A.SassString ? parsed : A._hsl("hsl", type$.List_Value._as(parsed));
42364 },
42365 $signature: 4
42366 };
42367 A.global_closure12.prototype = {
42368 call$1($arguments) {
42369 return A._hsl("hsla", $arguments);
42370 },
42371 $signature: 4
42372 };
42373 A.global_closure13.prototype = {
42374 call$1($arguments) {
42375 return A._hsl("hsla", $arguments);
42376 },
42377 $signature: 4
42378 };
42379 A.global_closure14.prototype = {
42380 call$1($arguments) {
42381 var t1 = J.getInterceptor$asx($arguments);
42382 if (t1.$index($arguments, 0).get$isVar() || t1.$index($arguments, 1).get$isVar())
42383 return A._functionString("hsla", $arguments);
42384 else
42385 throw A.wrapException(A.SassScriptException$("Missing argument $lightness."));
42386 },
42387 $signature: 13
42388 };
42389 A.global_closure15.prototype = {
42390 call$1($arguments) {
42391 var parsed = A._parseChannels("hsla", A._setArrayType(["$hue", "$saturation", "$lightness"], type$.JSArray_String), J.get$first$ax($arguments));
42392 return parsed instanceof A.SassString ? parsed : A._hsl("hsla", type$.List_Value._as(parsed));
42393 },
42394 $signature: 4
42395 };
42396 A.global_closure16.prototype = {
42397 call$1($arguments) {
42398 var t1 = J.getInterceptor$asx($arguments);
42399 if (t1.$index($arguments, 0) instanceof A.SassNumber)
42400 return A._functionString("grayscale", $arguments);
42401 return t1.$index($arguments, 0).assertColor$1("color").changeHsl$1$saturation(0);
42402 },
42403 $signature: 4
42404 };
42405 A.global_closure17.prototype = {
42406 call$1($arguments) {
42407 var t1 = J.getInterceptor$asx($arguments),
42408 color = t1.$index($arguments, 0).assertColor$1("color"),
42409 degrees = t1.$index($arguments, 1).assertNumber$1("degrees");
42410 A._checkAngle(degrees, null);
42411 return color.changeHsl$1$hue(color.get$hue(color) + degrees._number$_value);
42412 },
42413 $signature: 23
42414 };
42415 A.global_closure18.prototype = {
42416 call$1($arguments) {
42417 var t1 = J.getInterceptor$asx($arguments),
42418 color = t1.$index($arguments, 0).assertColor$1("color"),
42419 amount = t1.$index($arguments, 1).assertNumber$1("amount");
42420 return color.changeHsl$1$lightness(B.JSNumber_methods.clamp$2(color.get$lightness(color) + amount.valueInRange$3(0, 100, "amount"), 0, 100));
42421 },
42422 $signature: 23
42423 };
42424 A.global_closure19.prototype = {
42425 call$1($arguments) {
42426 var t1 = J.getInterceptor$asx($arguments),
42427 color = t1.$index($arguments, 0).assertColor$1("color"),
42428 amount = t1.$index($arguments, 1).assertNumber$1("amount");
42429 return color.changeHsl$1$lightness(B.JSNumber_methods.clamp$2(color.get$lightness(color) - amount.valueInRange$3(0, 100, "amount"), 0, 100));
42430 },
42431 $signature: 23
42432 };
42433 A.global_closure20.prototype = {
42434 call$1($arguments) {
42435 return new A.SassString("saturate(" + A.serializeValue(J.$index$asx($arguments, 0).assertNumber$1("amount"), false, true) + ")", false);
42436 },
42437 $signature: 13
42438 };
42439 A.global_closure21.prototype = {
42440 call$1($arguments) {
42441 var t1 = J.getInterceptor$asx($arguments),
42442 color = t1.$index($arguments, 0).assertColor$1("color"),
42443 amount = t1.$index($arguments, 1).assertNumber$1("amount");
42444 return color.changeHsl$1$saturation(B.JSNumber_methods.clamp$2(color.get$saturation(color) + amount.valueInRange$3(0, 100, "amount"), 0, 100));
42445 },
42446 $signature: 23
42447 };
42448 A.global_closure22.prototype = {
42449 call$1($arguments) {
42450 var t1 = J.getInterceptor$asx($arguments),
42451 color = t1.$index($arguments, 0).assertColor$1("color"),
42452 amount = t1.$index($arguments, 1).assertNumber$1("amount");
42453 return color.changeHsl$1$saturation(B.JSNumber_methods.clamp$2(color.get$saturation(color) - amount.valueInRange$3(0, 100, "amount"), 0, 100));
42454 },
42455 $signature: 23
42456 };
42457 A.global_closure23.prototype = {
42458 call$1($arguments) {
42459 var color,
42460 argument = J.$index$asx($arguments, 0);
42461 if (argument instanceof A.SassString && !argument._hasQuotes && B.JSString_methods.contains$1(argument._string$_text, $.$get$_microsoftFilterStart()))
42462 return A._functionString("alpha", $arguments);
42463 color = argument.assertColor$1("color");
42464 return new A.UnitlessSassNumber(color._alpha, null);
42465 },
42466 $signature: 4
42467 };
42468 A.global_closure24.prototype = {
42469 call$1($arguments) {
42470 var t1,
42471 argList = J.$index$asx($arguments, 0).get$asList();
42472 if (argList.length !== 0 && B.JSArray_methods.every$1(argList, new A.global__closure()))
42473 return A._functionString("alpha", $arguments);
42474 t1 = argList.length;
42475 if (t1 === 0)
42476 throw A.wrapException(A.SassScriptException$("Missing argument $color."));
42477 else
42478 throw A.wrapException(A.SassScriptException$("Only 1 argument allowed, but " + t1 + " were passed."));
42479 },
42480 $signature: 13
42481 };
42482 A.global__closure.prototype = {
42483 call$1(argument) {
42484 return argument instanceof A.SassString && !argument._hasQuotes && B.JSString_methods.contains$1(argument._string$_text, $.$get$_microsoftFilterStart());
42485 },
42486 $signature: 62
42487 };
42488 A.global_closure25.prototype = {
42489 call$1($arguments) {
42490 var color,
42491 t1 = J.getInterceptor$asx($arguments);
42492 if (t1.$index($arguments, 0) instanceof A.SassNumber)
42493 return A._functionString("opacity", $arguments);
42494 color = t1.$index($arguments, 0).assertColor$1("color");
42495 return new A.UnitlessSassNumber(color._alpha, null);
42496 },
42497 $signature: 4
42498 };
42499 A.module_closure.prototype = {
42500 call$1($arguments) {
42501 var result, color, t2,
42502 t1 = J.getInterceptor$asx($arguments),
42503 weight = t1.$index($arguments, 1).assertNumber$1("weight");
42504 if (t1.$index($arguments, 0) instanceof A.SassNumber) {
42505 if (weight._number$_value !== 100 || !weight.hasUnit$1("%"))
42506 throw A.wrapException(string$.Only_oa);
42507 result = A._functionString("invert", t1.take$1($arguments, 1));
42508 t1 = "Passing a number (" + A.S(t1.$index($arguments, 0)) + string$.x29x20to_ci + result.toString$0(0);
42509 A.EvaluationContext_current().warn$2$deprecation(0, t1, true);
42510 return result;
42511 }
42512 color = t1.$index($arguments, 0).assertColor$1("color");
42513 t1 = color.get$red(color);
42514 t2 = color.get$green(color);
42515 return A._mixColors(color.changeRgb$3$blue$green$red(255 - color.get$blue(color), 255 - t2, 255 - t1), color, weight);
42516 },
42517 $signature: 4
42518 };
42519 A.module_closure0.prototype = {
42520 call$1($arguments) {
42521 var result,
42522 t1 = J.getInterceptor$asx($arguments);
42523 if (t1.$index($arguments, 0) instanceof A.SassNumber) {
42524 result = A._functionString("grayscale", t1.take$1($arguments, 1));
42525 t1 = "Passing a number (" + A.S(t1.$index($arguments, 0)) + string$.x29x20to_cg + result.toString$0(0);
42526 A.EvaluationContext_current().warn$2$deprecation(0, t1, true);
42527 return result;
42528 }
42529 return t1.$index($arguments, 0).assertColor$1("color").changeHsl$1$saturation(0);
42530 },
42531 $signature: 4
42532 };
42533 A.module_closure1.prototype = {
42534 call$1($arguments) {
42535 return A._hwb($arguments);
42536 },
42537 $signature: 4
42538 };
42539 A.module_closure2.prototype = {
42540 call$1($arguments) {
42541 var parsed = A._parseChannels("hwb", A._setArrayType(["$hue", "$whiteness", "$blackness"], type$.JSArray_String), J.get$first$ax($arguments));
42542 if (parsed instanceof A.SassString)
42543 throw A.wrapException(A.SassScriptException$('Expected numeric channels, got "' + parsed.toString$0(0) + '".'));
42544 else
42545 return A._hwb(type$.List_Value._as(parsed));
42546 },
42547 $signature: 4
42548 };
42549 A.module_closure3.prototype = {
42550 call$1($arguments) {
42551 var t1 = J.get$first$ax($arguments).assertColor$1("color");
42552 t1 = t1.get$whiteness(t1);
42553 return new A.SingleUnitSassNumber("%", t1, null);
42554 },
42555 $signature: 9
42556 };
42557 A.module_closure4.prototype = {
42558 call$1($arguments) {
42559 var t1 = J.get$first$ax($arguments).assertColor$1("color");
42560 t1 = t1.get$blackness(t1);
42561 return new A.SingleUnitSassNumber("%", t1, null);
42562 },
42563 $signature: 9
42564 };
42565 A.module_closure5.prototype = {
42566 call$1($arguments) {
42567 var result, t1, color,
42568 argument = J.$index$asx($arguments, 0);
42569 if (argument instanceof A.SassString && !argument._hasQuotes && B.JSString_methods.contains$1(argument._string$_text, $.$get$_microsoftFilterStart())) {
42570 result = A._functionString("alpha", $arguments);
42571 t1 = string$.Using_c + result.toString$0(0);
42572 A.EvaluationContext_current().warn$2$deprecation(0, t1, true);
42573 return result;
42574 }
42575 color = argument.assertColor$1("color");
42576 return new A.UnitlessSassNumber(color._alpha, null);
42577 },
42578 $signature: 4
42579 };
42580 A.module_closure6.prototype = {
42581 call$1($arguments) {
42582 var result,
42583 t1 = J.getInterceptor$asx($arguments);
42584 if (B.JSArray_methods.every$1(t1.$index($arguments, 0).get$asList(), new A.module__closure())) {
42585 result = A._functionString("alpha", $arguments);
42586 t1 = string$.Using_c + result.toString$0(0);
42587 A.EvaluationContext_current().warn$2$deprecation(0, t1, true);
42588 return result;
42589 }
42590 throw A.wrapException(A.SassScriptException$("Only 1 argument allowed, but " + t1.get$length($arguments) + " were passed."));
42591 },
42592 $signature: 13
42593 };
42594 A.module__closure.prototype = {
42595 call$1(argument) {
42596 return argument instanceof A.SassString && !argument._hasQuotes && B.JSString_methods.contains$1(argument._string$_text, $.$get$_microsoftFilterStart());
42597 },
42598 $signature: 62
42599 };
42600 A.module_closure7.prototype = {
42601 call$1($arguments) {
42602 var result, color,
42603 t1 = J.getInterceptor$asx($arguments);
42604 if (t1.$index($arguments, 0) instanceof A.SassNumber) {
42605 result = A._functionString("opacity", $arguments);
42606 t1 = "Passing a number (" + A.S(t1.$index($arguments, 0)) + string$.x20to_co + result.toString$0(0);
42607 A.EvaluationContext_current().warn$2$deprecation(0, t1, true);
42608 return result;
42609 }
42610 color = t1.$index($arguments, 0).assertColor$1("color");
42611 return new A.UnitlessSassNumber(color._alpha, null);
42612 },
42613 $signature: 4
42614 };
42615 A._red_closure.prototype = {
42616 call$1($arguments) {
42617 var t1 = J.get$first$ax($arguments).assertColor$1("color");
42618 t1 = t1.get$red(t1);
42619 return new A.UnitlessSassNumber(t1, null);
42620 },
42621 $signature: 9
42622 };
42623 A._green_closure.prototype = {
42624 call$1($arguments) {
42625 var t1 = J.get$first$ax($arguments).assertColor$1("color");
42626 t1 = t1.get$green(t1);
42627 return new A.UnitlessSassNumber(t1, null);
42628 },
42629 $signature: 9
42630 };
42631 A._blue_closure.prototype = {
42632 call$1($arguments) {
42633 var t1 = J.get$first$ax($arguments).assertColor$1("color");
42634 t1 = t1.get$blue(t1);
42635 return new A.UnitlessSassNumber(t1, null);
42636 },
42637 $signature: 9
42638 };
42639 A._mix_closure.prototype = {
42640 call$1($arguments) {
42641 var t1 = J.getInterceptor$asx($arguments);
42642 return A._mixColors(t1.$index($arguments, 0).assertColor$1("color1"), t1.$index($arguments, 1).assertColor$1("color2"), t1.$index($arguments, 2).assertNumber$1("weight"));
42643 },
42644 $signature: 23
42645 };
42646 A._hue_closure.prototype = {
42647 call$1($arguments) {
42648 var t1 = J.get$first$ax($arguments).assertColor$1("color");
42649 t1 = t1.get$hue(t1);
42650 return new A.SingleUnitSassNumber("deg", t1, null);
42651 },
42652 $signature: 9
42653 };
42654 A._saturation_closure.prototype = {
42655 call$1($arguments) {
42656 var t1 = J.get$first$ax($arguments).assertColor$1("color");
42657 t1 = t1.get$saturation(t1);
42658 return new A.SingleUnitSassNumber("%", t1, null);
42659 },
42660 $signature: 9
42661 };
42662 A._lightness_closure.prototype = {
42663 call$1($arguments) {
42664 var t1 = J.get$first$ax($arguments).assertColor$1("color");
42665 t1 = t1.get$lightness(t1);
42666 return new A.SingleUnitSassNumber("%", t1, null);
42667 },
42668 $signature: 9
42669 };
42670 A._complement_closure.prototype = {
42671 call$1($arguments) {
42672 var color = J.$index$asx($arguments, 0).assertColor$1("color");
42673 return color.changeHsl$1$hue(color.get$hue(color) + 180);
42674 },
42675 $signature: 23
42676 };
42677 A._adjust_closure.prototype = {
42678 call$1($arguments) {
42679 return A._updateComponents($arguments, true, false, false);
42680 },
42681 $signature: 23
42682 };
42683 A._scale_closure.prototype = {
42684 call$1($arguments) {
42685 return A._updateComponents($arguments, false, false, true);
42686 },
42687 $signature: 23
42688 };
42689 A._change_closure.prototype = {
42690 call$1($arguments) {
42691 return A._updateComponents($arguments, false, true, false);
42692 },
42693 $signature: 23
42694 };
42695 A._ieHexStr_closure.prototype = {
42696 call$1($arguments) {
42697 var color = J.$index$asx($arguments, 0).assertColor$1("color"),
42698 t1 = new A._ieHexStr_closure_hexString();
42699 return new A.SassString("#" + A.S(t1.call$1(A.fuzzyRound(color._alpha * 255))) + A.S(t1.call$1(color.get$red(color))) + A.S(t1.call$1(color.get$green(color))) + A.S(t1.call$1(color.get$blue(color))), false);
42700 },
42701 $signature: 13
42702 };
42703 A._ieHexStr_closure_hexString.prototype = {
42704 call$1(component) {
42705 return B.JSString_methods.padLeft$2(B.JSInt_methods.toRadixString$1(component, 16), 2, "0").toUpperCase();
42706 },
42707 $signature: 159
42708 };
42709 A._updateComponents_getParam.prototype = {
42710 call$4$assertPercent$checkPercent($name, max, assertPercent, checkPercent) {
42711 var t2,
42712 t1 = this.keywords.remove$1(0, $name),
42713 number = t1 == null ? null : t1.assertNumber$1($name);
42714 if (number == null)
42715 return null;
42716 t1 = this.scale;
42717 t2 = !t1;
42718 if (t2 && checkPercent)
42719 A._checkPercent(number, $name);
42720 if (!t2 || assertPercent)
42721 number.assertUnit$2("%", $name);
42722 if (t1)
42723 max = 100;
42724 return number.valueInRange$3(this.change ? 0 : -max, max, $name);
42725 },
42726 call$2($name, max) {
42727 return this.call$4$assertPercent$checkPercent($name, max, false, false);
42728 },
42729 call$3$checkPercent($name, max, checkPercent) {
42730 return this.call$4$assertPercent$checkPercent($name, max, false, checkPercent);
42731 },
42732 call$3$assertPercent($name, max, assertPercent) {
42733 return this.call$4$assertPercent$checkPercent($name, max, assertPercent, false);
42734 },
42735 $signature: 167
42736 };
42737 A._updateComponents_closure.prototype = {
42738 call$1($name) {
42739 return "$" + $name;
42740 },
42741 $signature: 5
42742 };
42743 A._updateComponents_updateValue.prototype = {
42744 call$3(current, param, max) {
42745 var t1;
42746 if (param == null)
42747 return current;
42748 if (this.change)
42749 return param;
42750 if (this.adjust)
42751 return B.JSNumber_methods.clamp$2(current + param, 0, max);
42752 t1 = param > 0 ? max - current : current;
42753 return current + t1 * (param / 100);
42754 },
42755 $signature: 175
42756 };
42757 A._updateComponents_updateRgb.prototype = {
42758 call$2(current, param) {
42759 return A.fuzzyRound(this.updateValue.call$3(current, param, 255));
42760 },
42761 $signature: 179
42762 };
42763 A._functionString_closure.prototype = {
42764 call$1(argument) {
42765 return A.serializeValue(argument, false, true);
42766 },
42767 $signature: 266
42768 };
42769 A._removedColorFunction_closure.prototype = {
42770 call$1($arguments) {
42771 var t1 = this.name,
42772 t2 = J.getInterceptor$asx($arguments),
42773 t3 = "The function " + t1 + string$.x28__isn + A.S(t2.$index($arguments, 0)) + ", $" + this.argument + ": ";
42774 throw A.wrapException(A.SassScriptException$(t3 + (this.negative ? "-" : "") + A.S(t2.$index($arguments, 1)) + string$.x29x0a_Morx3a + t1));
42775 },
42776 $signature: 269
42777 };
42778 A._rgb_closure.prototype = {
42779 call$1(alpha) {
42780 return A._percentageOrUnitless(alpha.assertNumber$1("alpha"), 1, "alpha");
42781 },
42782 $signature: 109
42783 };
42784 A._hsl_closure.prototype = {
42785 call$1(alpha) {
42786 return A._percentageOrUnitless(alpha.assertNumber$1("alpha"), 1, "alpha");
42787 },
42788 $signature: 109
42789 };
42790 A._removeUnits_closure.prototype = {
42791 call$1(unit) {
42792 return " * 1" + unit;
42793 },
42794 $signature: 5
42795 };
42796 A._removeUnits_closure0.prototype = {
42797 call$1(unit) {
42798 return " / 1" + unit;
42799 },
42800 $signature: 5
42801 };
42802 A._hwb_closure.prototype = {
42803 call$1(alpha) {
42804 return A._percentageOrUnitless(alpha.assertNumber$1("alpha"), 1, "alpha");
42805 },
42806 $signature: 109
42807 };
42808 A._parseChannels_closure.prototype = {
42809 call$1(value) {
42810 return value.get$isVar();
42811 },
42812 $signature: 62
42813 };
42814 A._length_closure0.prototype = {
42815 call$1($arguments) {
42816 var t1 = J.$index$asx($arguments, 0).get$asList().length;
42817 return new A.UnitlessSassNumber(t1, null);
42818 },
42819 $signature: 9
42820 };
42821 A._nth_closure.prototype = {
42822 call$1($arguments) {
42823 var t1 = J.getInterceptor$asx($arguments),
42824 list = t1.$index($arguments, 0),
42825 index = t1.$index($arguments, 1);
42826 return list.get$asList()[list.sassIndexToListIndex$2(index, "n")];
42827 },
42828 $signature: 4
42829 };
42830 A._setNth_closure.prototype = {
42831 call$1($arguments) {
42832 var t1 = J.getInterceptor$asx($arguments),
42833 list = t1.$index($arguments, 0),
42834 index = t1.$index($arguments, 1),
42835 value = t1.$index($arguments, 2),
42836 t2 = list.get$asList(),
42837 newList = A._setArrayType(t2.slice(0), A._arrayInstanceType(t2));
42838 newList[list.sassIndexToListIndex$2(index, "n")] = value;
42839 return t1.$index($arguments, 0).withListContents$1(newList);
42840 },
42841 $signature: 21
42842 };
42843 A._join_closure.prototype = {
42844 call$1($arguments) {
42845 var separator, bracketed,
42846 t1 = J.getInterceptor$asx($arguments),
42847 list1 = t1.$index($arguments, 0),
42848 list2 = t1.$index($arguments, 1),
42849 separatorParam = t1.$index($arguments, 2).assertString$1("separator"),
42850 bracketedParam = t1.$index($arguments, 3);
42851 t1 = separatorParam._string$_text;
42852 if (t1 === "auto")
42853 if (list1.get$separator(list1) !== B.ListSeparator_undecided_null)
42854 separator = list1.get$separator(list1);
42855 else
42856 separator = list2.get$separator(list2) !== B.ListSeparator_undecided_null ? list2.get$separator(list2) : B.ListSeparator_woc;
42857 else if (t1 === "space")
42858 separator = B.ListSeparator_woc;
42859 else if (t1 === "comma")
42860 separator = B.ListSeparator_kWM;
42861 else {
42862 if (t1 !== "slash")
42863 throw A.wrapException(A.SassScriptException$(string$.x24separ));
42864 separator = B.ListSeparator_1gm;
42865 }
42866 bracketed = bracketedParam instanceof A.SassString && bracketedParam._string$_text === "auto" ? list1.get$hasBrackets() : bracketedParam.get$isTruthy();
42867 t1 = A.List_List$of(list1.get$asList(), true, type$.Value);
42868 B.JSArray_methods.addAll$1(t1, list2.get$asList());
42869 return A.SassList$(t1, separator, bracketed);
42870 },
42871 $signature: 21
42872 };
42873 A._append_closure0.prototype = {
42874 call$1($arguments) {
42875 var separator,
42876 t1 = J.getInterceptor$asx($arguments),
42877 list = t1.$index($arguments, 0),
42878 value = t1.$index($arguments, 1);
42879 t1 = t1.$index($arguments, 2).assertString$1("separator")._string$_text;
42880 if (t1 === "auto")
42881 separator = list.get$separator(list) === B.ListSeparator_undecided_null ? B.ListSeparator_woc : list.get$separator(list);
42882 else if (t1 === "space")
42883 separator = B.ListSeparator_woc;
42884 else if (t1 === "comma")
42885 separator = B.ListSeparator_kWM;
42886 else {
42887 if (t1 !== "slash")
42888 throw A.wrapException(A.SassScriptException$(string$.x24separ));
42889 separator = B.ListSeparator_1gm;
42890 }
42891 t1 = A.List_List$of(list.get$asList(), true, type$.Value);
42892 t1.push(value);
42893 return list.withListContents$2$separator(t1, separator);
42894 },
42895 $signature: 21
42896 };
42897 A._zip_closure.prototype = {
42898 call$1($arguments) {
42899 var results, result, _box_0 = {},
42900 t1 = J.$index$asx($arguments, 0).get$asList(),
42901 t2 = A._arrayInstanceType(t1)._eval$1("MappedListIterable<1,List<Value>>"),
42902 lists = A.List_List$of(new A.MappedListIterable(t1, new A._zip__closure(), t2), true, t2._eval$1("ListIterable.E"));
42903 if (lists.length === 0)
42904 return B.SassList_yfz;
42905 _box_0.i = 0;
42906 results = A._setArrayType([], type$.JSArray_SassList);
42907 for (t1 = A._arrayInstanceType(lists)._eval$1("MappedListIterable<1,Value>"), t2 = type$.Value; B.JSArray_methods.every$1(lists, new A._zip__closure0(_box_0));) {
42908 result = A.List_List$from(new A.MappedListIterable(lists, new A._zip__closure1(_box_0), t1), false, t2);
42909 result.fixed$length = Array;
42910 result.immutable$list = Array;
42911 results.push(new A.SassList(result, B.ListSeparator_woc, false));
42912 ++_box_0.i;
42913 }
42914 return A.SassList$(results, B.ListSeparator_kWM, false);
42915 },
42916 $signature: 21
42917 };
42918 A._zip__closure.prototype = {
42919 call$1(list) {
42920 return list.get$asList();
42921 },
42922 $signature: 289
42923 };
42924 A._zip__closure0.prototype = {
42925 call$1(list) {
42926 return this._box_0.i !== J.get$length$asx(list);
42927 },
42928 $signature: 291
42929 };
42930 A._zip__closure1.prototype = {
42931 call$1(list) {
42932 return J.$index$asx(list, this._box_0.i);
42933 },
42934 $signature: 4
42935 };
42936 A._index_closure0.prototype = {
42937 call$1($arguments) {
42938 var t1 = J.getInterceptor$asx($arguments),
42939 index = B.JSArray_methods.indexOf$1(t1.$index($arguments, 0).get$asList(), t1.$index($arguments, 1));
42940 if (index === -1)
42941 t1 = B.C__SassNull;
42942 else
42943 t1 = new A.UnitlessSassNumber(index + 1, null);
42944 return t1;
42945 },
42946 $signature: 4
42947 };
42948 A._separator_closure.prototype = {
42949 call$1($arguments) {
42950 switch (J.get$separator$x(J.$index$asx($arguments, 0))) {
42951 case B.ListSeparator_kWM:
42952 return new A.SassString("comma", false);
42953 case B.ListSeparator_1gm:
42954 return new A.SassString("slash", false);
42955 default:
42956 return new A.SassString("space", false);
42957 }
42958 },
42959 $signature: 13
42960 };
42961 A._isBracketed_closure.prototype = {
42962 call$1($arguments) {
42963 return J.$index$asx($arguments, 0).get$hasBrackets() ? B.SassBoolean_true : B.SassBoolean_false;
42964 },
42965 $signature: 17
42966 };
42967 A._slash_closure.prototype = {
42968 call$1($arguments) {
42969 var list = J.$index$asx($arguments, 0).get$asList();
42970 if (list.length < 2)
42971 throw A.wrapException(A.SassScriptException$("At least two elements are required."));
42972 return A.SassList$(list, B.ListSeparator_1gm, false);
42973 },
42974 $signature: 21
42975 };
42976 A._get_closure.prototype = {
42977 call$1($arguments) {
42978 var t3, value,
42979 t1 = J.getInterceptor$asx($arguments),
42980 map = t1.$index($arguments, 0).assertMap$1("map"),
42981 t2 = A._setArrayType([t1.$index($arguments, 1)], type$.JSArray_Value);
42982 B.JSArray_methods.addAll$1(t2, t1.$index($arguments, 2).get$asList());
42983 for (t1 = A.SubListIterable$(t2, 0, A.checkNotNullable(t2.length - 1, "count", type$.int), type$.Value), t1 = new A.ListIterator(t1, t1.get$length(t1)), t3 = A._instanceType(t1)._precomputed1; t1.moveNext$0(); map = value) {
42984 value = map._map$_contents.$index(0, t3._as(t1.__internal$_current));
42985 if (!(value instanceof A.SassMap))
42986 return B.C__SassNull;
42987 }
42988 t1 = map._map$_contents.$index(0, B.JSArray_methods.get$last(t2));
42989 return t1 == null ? B.C__SassNull : t1;
42990 },
42991 $signature: 4
42992 };
42993 A._set_closure.prototype = {
42994 call$1($arguments) {
42995 var t1 = J.getInterceptor$asx($arguments);
42996 return A._modify(t1.$index($arguments, 0).assertMap$1("map"), A._setArrayType([t1.$index($arguments, 1)], type$.JSArray_Value), new A._set__closure0($arguments), true);
42997 },
42998 $signature: 4
42999 };
43000 A._set__closure0.prototype = {
43001 call$1(_) {
43002 return J.$index$asx(this.$arguments, 2);
43003 },
43004 $signature: 39
43005 };
43006 A._set_closure0.prototype = {
43007 call$1($arguments) {
43008 var t1 = J.getInterceptor$asx($arguments),
43009 map = t1.$index($arguments, 0).assertMap$1("map"),
43010 args = t1.$index($arguments, 1).get$asList();
43011 t1 = args.length;
43012 if (t1 === 0)
43013 throw A.wrapException(A.SassScriptException$("Expected $args to contain a key."));
43014 else if (t1 === 1)
43015 throw A.wrapException(A.SassScriptException$("Expected $args to contain a value."));
43016 return A._modify(map, B.JSArray_methods.sublist$2(args, 0, t1 - 1), new A._set__closure(args), true);
43017 },
43018 $signature: 4
43019 };
43020 A._set__closure.prototype = {
43021 call$1(_) {
43022 return B.JSArray_methods.get$last(this.args);
43023 },
43024 $signature: 39
43025 };
43026 A._merge_closure.prototype = {
43027 call$1($arguments) {
43028 var t2, t3, t4,
43029 t1 = J.getInterceptor$asx($arguments),
43030 map1 = t1.$index($arguments, 0).assertMap$1("map1"),
43031 map2 = t1.$index($arguments, 1).assertMap$1("map2");
43032 t1 = type$.Value;
43033 t2 = A.LinkedHashMap_LinkedHashMap$_empty(t1, t1);
43034 for (t3 = map1._map$_contents, t3 = t3.get$entries(t3), t3 = t3.get$iterator(t3); t3.moveNext$0();) {
43035 t4 = t3.get$current(t3);
43036 t2.$indexSet(0, t4.key, t4.value);
43037 }
43038 for (t3 = map2._map$_contents, t3 = t3.get$entries(t3), t3 = t3.get$iterator(t3); t3.moveNext$0();) {
43039 t4 = t3.get$current(t3);
43040 t2.$indexSet(0, t4.key, t4.value);
43041 }
43042 return new A.SassMap(A.ConstantMap_ConstantMap$from(t2, t1, t1));
43043 },
43044 $signature: 40
43045 };
43046 A._merge_closure0.prototype = {
43047 call$1($arguments) {
43048 var map2,
43049 t1 = J.getInterceptor$asx($arguments),
43050 map1 = t1.$index($arguments, 0).assertMap$1("map1"),
43051 args = t1.$index($arguments, 1).get$asList();
43052 t1 = args.length;
43053 if (t1 === 0)
43054 throw A.wrapException(A.SassScriptException$("Expected $args to contain a key."));
43055 else if (t1 === 1)
43056 throw A.wrapException(A.SassScriptException$("Expected $args to contain a map."));
43057 map2 = B.JSArray_methods.get$last(args).assertMap$1("map2");
43058 return A._modify(map1, A.SubListIterable$(args, 0, A.checkNotNullable(args.length - 1, "count", type$.int), A._arrayInstanceType(args)._precomputed1), new A._merge__closure(map2), true);
43059 },
43060 $signature: 4
43061 };
43062 A._merge__closure.prototype = {
43063 call$1(oldValue) {
43064 var t1, t2, t3, t4,
43065 nestedMap = oldValue.tryMap$0();
43066 if (nestedMap == null)
43067 return this.map2;
43068 t1 = type$.Value;
43069 t2 = A.LinkedHashMap_LinkedHashMap$_empty(t1, t1);
43070 for (t3 = nestedMap._map$_contents, t3 = t3.get$entries(t3), t3 = t3.get$iterator(t3); t3.moveNext$0();) {
43071 t4 = t3.get$current(t3);
43072 t2.$indexSet(0, t4.key, t4.value);
43073 }
43074 for (t3 = this.map2._map$_contents, t3 = t3.get$entries(t3), t3 = t3.get$iterator(t3); t3.moveNext$0();) {
43075 t4 = t3.get$current(t3);
43076 t2.$indexSet(0, t4.key, t4.value);
43077 }
43078 return new A.SassMap(A.ConstantMap_ConstantMap$from(t2, t1, t1));
43079 },
43080 $signature: 296
43081 };
43082 A._deepMerge_closure.prototype = {
43083 call$1($arguments) {
43084 var t1 = J.getInterceptor$asx($arguments);
43085 return A._deepMergeImpl(t1.$index($arguments, 0).assertMap$1("map1"), t1.$index($arguments, 1).assertMap$1("map2"));
43086 },
43087 $signature: 40
43088 };
43089 A._deepRemove_closure.prototype = {
43090 call$1($arguments) {
43091 var t1 = J.getInterceptor$asx($arguments),
43092 map = t1.$index($arguments, 0).assertMap$1("map"),
43093 t2 = A._setArrayType([t1.$index($arguments, 1)], type$.JSArray_Value);
43094 B.JSArray_methods.addAll$1(t2, t1.$index($arguments, 2).get$asList());
43095 return A._modify(map, A.SubListIterable$(t2, 0, A.checkNotNullable(t2.length - 1, "count", type$.int), type$.Value), new A._deepRemove__closure(t2), false);
43096 },
43097 $signature: 4
43098 };
43099 A._deepRemove__closure.prototype = {
43100 call$1(value) {
43101 var t1, t2,
43102 nestedMap = value.tryMap$0();
43103 if (nestedMap != null && nestedMap._map$_contents.containsKey$1(B.JSArray_methods.get$last(this.keys))) {
43104 t1 = type$.Value;
43105 t2 = A.LinkedHashMap_LinkedHashMap$of(nestedMap._map$_contents, t1, t1);
43106 t2.remove$1(0, B.JSArray_methods.get$last(this.keys));
43107 return new A.SassMap(A.ConstantMap_ConstantMap$from(t2, t1, t1));
43108 }
43109 return value;
43110 },
43111 $signature: 39
43112 };
43113 A._remove_closure.prototype = {
43114 call$1($arguments) {
43115 return J.$index$asx($arguments, 0).assertMap$1("map");
43116 },
43117 $signature: 40
43118 };
43119 A._remove_closure0.prototype = {
43120 call$1($arguments) {
43121 var mutableMap, t3, _i,
43122 t1 = J.getInterceptor$asx($arguments),
43123 map = t1.$index($arguments, 0).assertMap$1("map"),
43124 t2 = A._setArrayType([t1.$index($arguments, 1)], type$.JSArray_Value);
43125 B.JSArray_methods.addAll$1(t2, t1.$index($arguments, 2).get$asList());
43126 t1 = type$.Value;
43127 mutableMap = A.LinkedHashMap_LinkedHashMap$of(map._map$_contents, t1, t1);
43128 for (t3 = t2.length, _i = 0; _i < t2.length; t2.length === t3 || (0, A.throwConcurrentModificationError)(t2), ++_i)
43129 mutableMap.remove$1(0, t2[_i]);
43130 return new A.SassMap(A.ConstantMap_ConstantMap$from(mutableMap, t1, t1));
43131 },
43132 $signature: 40
43133 };
43134 A._keys_closure.prototype = {
43135 call$1($arguments) {
43136 var t1 = J.$index$asx($arguments, 0).assertMap$1("map")._map$_contents;
43137 return A.SassList$(t1.get$keys(t1), B.ListSeparator_kWM, false);
43138 },
43139 $signature: 21
43140 };
43141 A._values_closure.prototype = {
43142 call$1($arguments) {
43143 var t1 = J.$index$asx($arguments, 0).assertMap$1("map")._map$_contents;
43144 return A.SassList$(t1.get$values(t1), B.ListSeparator_kWM, false);
43145 },
43146 $signature: 21
43147 };
43148 A._hasKey_closure.prototype = {
43149 call$1($arguments) {
43150 var t3, value,
43151 t1 = J.getInterceptor$asx($arguments),
43152 map = t1.$index($arguments, 0).assertMap$1("map"),
43153 t2 = A._setArrayType([t1.$index($arguments, 1)], type$.JSArray_Value);
43154 B.JSArray_methods.addAll$1(t2, t1.$index($arguments, 2).get$asList());
43155 for (t1 = A.SubListIterable$(t2, 0, A.checkNotNullable(t2.length - 1, "count", type$.int), type$.Value), t1 = new A.ListIterator(t1, t1.get$length(t1)), t3 = A._instanceType(t1)._precomputed1; t1.moveNext$0(); map = value) {
43156 value = map._map$_contents.$index(0, t3._as(t1.__internal$_current));
43157 if (!(value instanceof A.SassMap))
43158 return B.SassBoolean_false;
43159 }
43160 return map._map$_contents.containsKey$1(B.JSArray_methods.get$last(t2)) ? B.SassBoolean_true : B.SassBoolean_false;
43161 },
43162 $signature: 17
43163 };
43164 A._modify__modifyNestedMap.prototype = {
43165 call$1(map) {
43166 var nestedMap, _this = this,
43167 t1 = type$.Value,
43168 mutableMap = A.LinkedHashMap_LinkedHashMap$of(map._map$_contents, t1, t1),
43169 t2 = _this.keyIterator,
43170 key = t2.get$current(t2);
43171 if (!t2.moveNext$0()) {
43172 t2 = mutableMap.$index(0, key);
43173 if (t2 == null)
43174 t2 = B.C__SassNull;
43175 mutableMap.$indexSet(0, key, _this.modify.call$1(t2));
43176 return new A.SassMap(A.ConstantMap_ConstantMap$from(mutableMap, t1, t1));
43177 }
43178 t2 = mutableMap.$index(0, key);
43179 nestedMap = t2 == null ? null : t2.tryMap$0();
43180 t2 = nestedMap == null;
43181 if (t2 && !_this.addNesting)
43182 return new A.SassMap(A.ConstantMap_ConstantMap$from(mutableMap, t1, t1));
43183 mutableMap.$indexSet(0, key, _this.call$1(t2 ? B.SassMap_Map_empty : nestedMap));
43184 return new A.SassMap(A.ConstantMap_ConstantMap$from(mutableMap, t1, t1));
43185 },
43186 $signature: 300
43187 };
43188 A._deepMergeImpl__ensureMutable.prototype = {
43189 call$0() {
43190 var t2,
43191 t1 = this._box_0;
43192 if (t1.mutable)
43193 return;
43194 t1.mutable = true;
43195 t2 = type$.Value;
43196 t1.result = A.LinkedHashMap_LinkedHashMap$of(t1.result, t2, t2);
43197 },
43198 $signature: 0
43199 };
43200 A._deepMergeImpl_closure.prototype = {
43201 call$2(key, value) {
43202 var resultMap, valueMap, merged,
43203 t1 = this._box_0,
43204 resultValue = t1.result.$index(0, key);
43205 if (resultValue == null) {
43206 this._ensureMutable.call$0();
43207 t1.result.$indexSet(0, key, value);
43208 } else {
43209 resultMap = resultValue.tryMap$0();
43210 valueMap = value.tryMap$0();
43211 if (resultMap != null && valueMap != null) {
43212 merged = A._deepMergeImpl(valueMap, resultMap);
43213 if (merged === resultMap)
43214 return;
43215 this._ensureMutable.call$0();
43216 t1.result.$indexSet(0, key, merged);
43217 }
43218 }
43219 },
43220 $signature: 50
43221 };
43222 A._ceil_closure.prototype = {
43223 call$1(value) {
43224 return B.JSNumber_methods.ceil$0(value);
43225 },
43226 $signature: 43
43227 };
43228 A._clamp_closure.prototype = {
43229 call$1($arguments) {
43230 var t1 = J.getInterceptor$asx($arguments),
43231 min = t1.$index($arguments, 0).assertNumber$1("min"),
43232 number = t1.$index($arguments, 1).assertNumber$1("number"),
43233 max = t1.$index($arguments, 2).assertNumber$1("max");
43234 number.convertValueToMatch$3(min, "number", "min");
43235 max.convertValueToMatch$3(min, "max", "min");
43236 if (min.greaterThanOrEquals$1(max).value)
43237 return min;
43238 if (min.greaterThanOrEquals$1(number).value)
43239 return min;
43240 if (number.greaterThanOrEquals$1(max).value)
43241 return max;
43242 return number;
43243 },
43244 $signature: 9
43245 };
43246 A._floor_closure.prototype = {
43247 call$1(value) {
43248 return B.JSNumber_methods.floor$0(value);
43249 },
43250 $signature: 43
43251 };
43252 A._max_closure.prototype = {
43253 call$1($arguments) {
43254 var t1, t2, max, _i, number;
43255 for (t1 = J.$index$asx($arguments, 0).get$asList(), t2 = t1.length, max = null, _i = 0; _i < t1.length; t1.length === t2 || (0, A.throwConcurrentModificationError)(t1), ++_i) {
43256 number = t1[_i].assertNumber$0();
43257 if (max == null || max.lessThan$1(number).value)
43258 max = number;
43259 }
43260 if (max != null)
43261 return max;
43262 throw A.wrapException(A.SassScriptException$("At least one argument must be passed."));
43263 },
43264 $signature: 9
43265 };
43266 A._min_closure.prototype = {
43267 call$1($arguments) {
43268 var t1, t2, min, _i, number;
43269 for (t1 = J.$index$asx($arguments, 0).get$asList(), t2 = t1.length, min = null, _i = 0; _i < t1.length; t1.length === t2 || (0, A.throwConcurrentModificationError)(t1), ++_i) {
43270 number = t1[_i].assertNumber$0();
43271 if (min == null || min.greaterThan$1(number).value)
43272 min = number;
43273 }
43274 if (min != null)
43275 return min;
43276 throw A.wrapException(A.SassScriptException$("At least one argument must be passed."));
43277 },
43278 $signature: 9
43279 };
43280 A._abs_closure.prototype = {
43281 call$1(value) {
43282 return Math.abs(value);
43283 },
43284 $signature: 77
43285 };
43286 A._hypot_closure.prototype = {
43287 call$1($arguments) {
43288 var subtotal, i, i0, t3, t4,
43289 t1 = J.$index$asx($arguments, 0).get$asList(),
43290 t2 = A._arrayInstanceType(t1)._eval$1("MappedListIterable<1,SassNumber>"),
43291 numbers = A.List_List$of(new A.MappedListIterable(t1, new A._hypot__closure(), t2), true, t2._eval$1("ListIterable.E"));
43292 t1 = numbers.length;
43293 if (t1 === 0)
43294 throw A.wrapException(A.SassScriptException$("At least one argument must be passed."));
43295 for (subtotal = 0, i = 0; i < t1; i = i0) {
43296 i0 = i + 1;
43297 subtotal += Math.pow(numbers[i].convertValueToMatch$3(numbers[0], "numbers[" + i0 + "]", "numbers[1]"), 2);
43298 }
43299 t1 = Math.sqrt(subtotal);
43300 t2 = numbers[0];
43301 t3 = J.getInterceptor$x(t2);
43302 t4 = t3.get$numeratorUnits(t2);
43303 return A.SassNumber_SassNumber$withUnits(t1, t3.get$denominatorUnits(t2), t4);
43304 },
43305 $signature: 9
43306 };
43307 A._hypot__closure.prototype = {
43308 call$1(argument) {
43309 return argument.assertNumber$0();
43310 },
43311 $signature: 312
43312 };
43313 A._log_closure.prototype = {
43314 call$1($arguments) {
43315 var numberValue, base, baseValue, t2,
43316 _s18_ = " to have no units.",
43317 t1 = J.getInterceptor$asx($arguments),
43318 number = t1.$index($arguments, 0).assertNumber$1("number");
43319 if (number.get$hasUnits())
43320 throw A.wrapException(A.SassScriptException$("$number: Expected " + number.toString$0(0) + _s18_));
43321 numberValue = A._fuzzyRoundIfZero(number._number$_value);
43322 if (J.$eq$(t1.$index($arguments, 1), B.C__SassNull)) {
43323 t1 = Math.log(numberValue);
43324 return new A.UnitlessSassNumber(t1, null);
43325 }
43326 base = t1.$index($arguments, 1).assertNumber$1("base");
43327 if (base.get$hasUnits())
43328 throw A.wrapException(A.SassScriptException$("$base: Expected " + base.toString$0(0) + _s18_));
43329 t1 = base._number$_value;
43330 baseValue = Math.abs(t1 - 1) < $.$get$epsilon() ? A.fuzzyRound(t1) : A._fuzzyRoundIfZero(t1);
43331 t1 = Math.log(numberValue);
43332 t2 = Math.log(baseValue);
43333 return new A.UnitlessSassNumber(t1 / t2, null);
43334 },
43335 $signature: 9
43336 };
43337 A._pow_closure.prototype = {
43338 call$1($arguments) {
43339 var baseValue, exponentValue, t2, intExponent, t3,
43340 _s18_ = " to have no units.",
43341 _null = null,
43342 t1 = J.getInterceptor$asx($arguments),
43343 base = t1.$index($arguments, 0).assertNumber$1("base"),
43344 exponent = t1.$index($arguments, 1).assertNumber$1("exponent");
43345 if (base.get$hasUnits())
43346 throw A.wrapException(A.SassScriptException$("$base: Expected " + base.toString$0(0) + _s18_));
43347 else if (exponent.get$hasUnits())
43348 throw A.wrapException(A.SassScriptException$("$exponent: Expected " + exponent.toString$0(0) + _s18_));
43349 baseValue = A._fuzzyRoundIfZero(base._number$_value);
43350 exponentValue = A._fuzzyRoundIfZero(exponent._number$_value);
43351 t1 = $.$get$epsilon();
43352 if (Math.abs(Math.abs(baseValue) - 1) < t1)
43353 t2 = exponentValue == 1 / 0 || exponentValue == -1 / 0;
43354 else
43355 t2 = false;
43356 if (t2)
43357 return new A.UnitlessSassNumber(0 / 0, _null);
43358 else {
43359 t2 = Math.abs(baseValue - 0);
43360 if (t2 < t1) {
43361 if (isFinite(exponentValue)) {
43362 intExponent = A.fuzzyIsInt(exponentValue) ? B.JSNumber_methods.round$0(exponentValue) : _null;
43363 if (intExponent != null && B.JSInt_methods.$mod(intExponent, 2) === 1)
43364 exponentValue = A.fuzzyRound(exponentValue);
43365 }
43366 } else {
43367 if (isFinite(baseValue))
43368 t3 = baseValue < 0 && !(t2 < t1) && isFinite(exponentValue) && A.fuzzyIsInt(exponentValue);
43369 else
43370 t3 = false;
43371 if (t3)
43372 exponentValue = A.fuzzyRound(exponentValue);
43373 else {
43374 if (baseValue == 1 / 0 || baseValue == -1 / 0)
43375 t1 = baseValue < 0 && !(t2 < t1) && isFinite(exponentValue);
43376 else
43377 t1 = false;
43378 if (t1) {
43379 intExponent = A.fuzzyIsInt(exponentValue) ? B.JSNumber_methods.round$0(exponentValue) : _null;
43380 if (intExponent != null && B.JSInt_methods.$mod(intExponent, 2) === 1)
43381 exponentValue = A.fuzzyRound(exponentValue);
43382 }
43383 }
43384 }
43385 }
43386 t1 = Math.pow(baseValue, exponentValue);
43387 return new A.UnitlessSassNumber(t1, _null);
43388 },
43389 $signature: 9
43390 };
43391 A._sqrt_closure.prototype = {
43392 call$1($arguments) {
43393 var t1,
43394 number = J.$index$asx($arguments, 0).assertNumber$1("number");
43395 if (number.get$hasUnits())
43396 throw A.wrapException(A.SassScriptException$("$number: Expected " + number.toString$0(0) + " to have no units."));
43397 t1 = Math.sqrt(A._fuzzyRoundIfZero(number._number$_value));
43398 return new A.UnitlessSassNumber(t1, null);
43399 },
43400 $signature: 9
43401 };
43402 A._acos_closure.prototype = {
43403 call$1($arguments) {
43404 var numberValue,
43405 number = J.$index$asx($arguments, 0).assertNumber$1("number");
43406 if (number.get$hasUnits())
43407 throw A.wrapException(A.SassScriptException$("$number: Expected " + number.toString$0(0) + " to have no units."));
43408 numberValue = number._number$_value;
43409 if (Math.abs(Math.abs(numberValue) - 1) < $.$get$epsilon())
43410 numberValue = A.fuzzyRound(numberValue);
43411 return A.SassNumber_SassNumber$withUnits(Math.acos(numberValue) * 180 / 3.141592653589793, null, A._setArrayType(["deg"], type$.JSArray_String));
43412 },
43413 $signature: 9
43414 };
43415 A._asin_closure.prototype = {
43416 call$1($arguments) {
43417 var t1, numberValue,
43418 number = J.$index$asx($arguments, 0).assertNumber$1("number");
43419 if (number.get$hasUnits())
43420 throw A.wrapException(A.SassScriptException$("$number: Expected " + number.toString$0(0) + " to have no units."));
43421 t1 = number._number$_value;
43422 numberValue = Math.abs(Math.abs(t1) - 1) < $.$get$epsilon() ? A.fuzzyRound(t1) : A._fuzzyRoundIfZero(t1);
43423 return A.SassNumber_SassNumber$withUnits(Math.asin(numberValue) * 180 / 3.141592653589793, null, A._setArrayType(["deg"], type$.JSArray_String));
43424 },
43425 $signature: 9
43426 };
43427 A._atan_closure.prototype = {
43428 call$1($arguments) {
43429 var number = J.$index$asx($arguments, 0).assertNumber$1("number");
43430 if (number.get$hasUnits())
43431 throw A.wrapException(A.SassScriptException$("$number: Expected " + number.toString$0(0) + " to have no units."));
43432 return A.SassNumber_SassNumber$withUnits(Math.atan(A._fuzzyRoundIfZero(number._number$_value)) * 180 / 3.141592653589793, null, A._setArrayType(["deg"], type$.JSArray_String));
43433 },
43434 $signature: 9
43435 };
43436 A._atan2_closure.prototype = {
43437 call$1($arguments) {
43438 var t1 = J.getInterceptor$asx($arguments),
43439 y = t1.$index($arguments, 0).assertNumber$1("y"),
43440 xValue = A._fuzzyRoundIfZero(t1.$index($arguments, 1).assertNumber$1("x").convertValueToMatch$3(y, "x", "y"));
43441 return A.SassNumber_SassNumber$withUnits(Math.atan2(A._fuzzyRoundIfZero(y._number$_value), xValue) * 180 / 3.141592653589793, null, A._setArrayType(["deg"], type$.JSArray_String));
43442 },
43443 $signature: 9
43444 };
43445 A._cos_closure.prototype = {
43446 call$1($arguments) {
43447 var t1 = Math.cos(J.$index$asx($arguments, 0).assertNumber$1("number").coerceValueToUnit$2("rad", "number"));
43448 return new A.UnitlessSassNumber(t1, null);
43449 },
43450 $signature: 9
43451 };
43452 A._sin_closure.prototype = {
43453 call$1($arguments) {
43454 var t1 = Math.sin(A._fuzzyRoundIfZero(J.$index$asx($arguments, 0).assertNumber$1("number").coerceValueToUnit$2("rad", "number")));
43455 return new A.UnitlessSassNumber(t1, null);
43456 },
43457 $signature: 9
43458 };
43459 A._tan_closure.prototype = {
43460 call$1($arguments) {
43461 var value = J.$index$asx($arguments, 0).assertNumber$1("number").coerceValueToUnit$2("rad", "number"),
43462 t1 = B.JSNumber_methods.$mod(value - 1.5707963267948966, 6.283185307179586),
43463 t2 = $.$get$epsilon();
43464 if (Math.abs(t1 - 0) < t2)
43465 return new A.UnitlessSassNumber(1 / 0, null);
43466 else if (Math.abs(B.JSNumber_methods.$mod(value + 1.5707963267948966, 6.283185307179586) - 0) < t2)
43467 return new A.UnitlessSassNumber(-1 / 0, null);
43468 else {
43469 t1 = Math.tan(A._fuzzyRoundIfZero(value));
43470 return new A.UnitlessSassNumber(t1, null);
43471 }
43472 },
43473 $signature: 9
43474 };
43475 A._compatible_closure.prototype = {
43476 call$1($arguments) {
43477 var t1 = J.getInterceptor$asx($arguments);
43478 return t1.$index($arguments, 0).assertNumber$1("number1").isComparableTo$1(t1.$index($arguments, 1).assertNumber$1("number2")) ? B.SassBoolean_true : B.SassBoolean_false;
43479 },
43480 $signature: 17
43481 };
43482 A._isUnitless_closure.prototype = {
43483 call$1($arguments) {
43484 return !J.$index$asx($arguments, 0).assertNumber$1("number").get$hasUnits() ? B.SassBoolean_true : B.SassBoolean_false;
43485 },
43486 $signature: 17
43487 };
43488 A._unit_closure.prototype = {
43489 call$1($arguments) {
43490 return new A.SassString(J.$index$asx($arguments, 0).assertNumber$1("number").get$unitString(), true);
43491 },
43492 $signature: 13
43493 };
43494 A._percentage_closure.prototype = {
43495 call$1($arguments) {
43496 var number = J.$index$asx($arguments, 0).assertNumber$1("number");
43497 number.assertNoUnits$1("number");
43498 return new A.SingleUnitSassNumber("%", number._number$_value * 100, null);
43499 },
43500 $signature: 9
43501 };
43502 A._randomFunction_closure.prototype = {
43503 call$1($arguments) {
43504 var limit,
43505 t1 = J.getInterceptor$asx($arguments);
43506 if (J.$eq$(t1.$index($arguments, 0), B.C__SassNull)) {
43507 t1 = $.$get$_random0().nextDouble$0();
43508 return new A.UnitlessSassNumber(t1, null);
43509 }
43510 limit = t1.$index($arguments, 0).assertNumber$1("limit").assertInt$1("limit");
43511 if (limit < 1)
43512 throw A.wrapException(A.SassScriptException$("$limit: Must be greater than 0, was " + limit + "."));
43513 t1 = $.$get$_random0().nextInt$1(limit);
43514 return new A.UnitlessSassNumber(t1 + 1, null);
43515 },
43516 $signature: 9
43517 };
43518 A._div_closure.prototype = {
43519 call$1($arguments) {
43520 var t1 = J.getInterceptor$asx($arguments),
43521 number1 = t1.$index($arguments, 0),
43522 number2 = t1.$index($arguments, 1);
43523 if (!(number1 instanceof A.SassNumber) || !(number2 instanceof A.SassNumber))
43524 A.EvaluationContext_current().warn$2$deprecation(0, string$.math_d, false);
43525 return number1.dividedBy$1(number2);
43526 },
43527 $signature: 4
43528 };
43529 A._numberFunction_closure.prototype = {
43530 call$1($arguments) {
43531 var number = J.$index$asx($arguments, 0).assertNumber$1("number"),
43532 t1 = this.transform.call$1(number._number$_value),
43533 t2 = number.get$numeratorUnits(number);
43534 return A.SassNumber_SassNumber$withUnits(t1, number.get$denominatorUnits(number), t2);
43535 },
43536 $signature: 9
43537 };
43538 A.global_closure26.prototype = {
43539 call$1($arguments) {
43540 return $._features.contains$1(0, J.$index$asx($arguments, 0).assertString$1("feature")._string$_text) ? B.SassBoolean_true : B.SassBoolean_false;
43541 },
43542 $signature: 17
43543 };
43544 A.global_closure27.prototype = {
43545 call$1($arguments) {
43546 return new A.SassString(A.serializeValue(J.get$first$ax($arguments), true, true), false);
43547 },
43548 $signature: 13
43549 };
43550 A.global_closure28.prototype = {
43551 call$1($arguments) {
43552 var value = J.$index$asx($arguments, 0);
43553 if (value instanceof A.SassArgumentList)
43554 return new A.SassString("arglist", false);
43555 if (value instanceof A.SassBoolean)
43556 return new A.SassString("bool", false);
43557 if (value instanceof A.SassColor)
43558 return new A.SassString("color", false);
43559 if (value instanceof A.SassList)
43560 return new A.SassString("list", false);
43561 if (value instanceof A.SassMap)
43562 return new A.SassString("map", false);
43563 if (value.$eq(0, B.C__SassNull))
43564 return new A.SassString("null", false);
43565 if (value instanceof A.SassNumber)
43566 return new A.SassString("number", false);
43567 if (value instanceof A.SassFunction)
43568 return new A.SassString("function", false);
43569 if (value instanceof A.SassCalculation)
43570 return new A.SassString("calculation", false);
43571 return new A.SassString("string", false);
43572 },
43573 $signature: 13
43574 };
43575 A.global_closure29.prototype = {
43576 call$1($arguments) {
43577 var t1, t2, t3, t4,
43578 argumentList = J.$index$asx($arguments, 0);
43579 if (argumentList instanceof A.SassArgumentList) {
43580 t1 = type$.Value;
43581 t2 = A.LinkedHashMap_LinkedHashMap$_empty(t1, t1);
43582 for (argumentList._wereKeywordsAccessed = true, t3 = argumentList._keywords, t3 = t3.get$entries(t3), t3 = t3.get$iterator(t3); t3.moveNext$0();) {
43583 t4 = t3.get$current(t3);
43584 t2.$indexSet(0, new A.SassString(t4.key, false), t4.value);
43585 }
43586 return new A.SassMap(A.ConstantMap_ConstantMap$from(t2, t1, t1));
43587 } else
43588 throw A.wrapException("$args: " + argumentList.toString$0(0) + " is not an argument list.");
43589 },
43590 $signature: 40
43591 };
43592 A.local_closure.prototype = {
43593 call$1($arguments) {
43594 return new A.SassString(J.$index$asx($arguments, 0).assertCalculation$1("calc").name, true);
43595 },
43596 $signature: 13
43597 };
43598 A.local_closure0.prototype = {
43599 call$1($arguments) {
43600 var t1 = J.$index$asx($arguments, 0).assertCalculation$1("calc").$arguments;
43601 return A.SassList$(new A.MappedListIterable(t1, new A.local__closure(), A._arrayInstanceType(t1)._eval$1("MappedListIterable<1,Value>")), B.ListSeparator_kWM, false);
43602 },
43603 $signature: 21
43604 };
43605 A.local__closure.prototype = {
43606 call$1(argument) {
43607 if (argument instanceof A.Value)
43608 return argument;
43609 return new A.SassString(J.toString$0$(argument), false);
43610 },
43611 $signature: 313
43612 };
43613 A._nest_closure.prototype = {
43614 call$1($arguments) {
43615 var t1 = {},
43616 selectors = J.$index$asx($arguments, 0).get$asList();
43617 if (selectors.length === 0)
43618 throw A.wrapException(A.SassScriptException$(string$.x24selec));
43619 t1.first = true;
43620 return new A.MappedListIterable(selectors, new A._nest__closure(t1), A._arrayInstanceType(selectors)._eval$1("MappedListIterable<1,SelectorList>")).reduce$1(0, new A._nest__closure0()).get$asSassList();
43621 },
43622 $signature: 21
43623 };
43624 A._nest__closure.prototype = {
43625 call$1(selector) {
43626 var t1 = this._box_0,
43627 result = selector.assertSelector$1$allowParent(!t1.first);
43628 t1.first = false;
43629 return result;
43630 },
43631 $signature: 183
43632 };
43633 A._nest__closure0.prototype = {
43634 call$2($parent, child) {
43635 return child.resolveParentSelectors$1($parent);
43636 },
43637 $signature: 184
43638 };
43639 A._append_closure.prototype = {
43640 call$1($arguments) {
43641 var selectors = J.$index$asx($arguments, 0).get$asList();
43642 if (selectors.length === 0)
43643 throw A.wrapException(A.SassScriptException$(string$.x24selec));
43644 return new A.MappedListIterable(selectors, new A._append__closure(), A._arrayInstanceType(selectors)._eval$1("MappedListIterable<1,SelectorList>")).reduce$1(0, new A._append__closure0()).get$asSassList();
43645 },
43646 $signature: 21
43647 };
43648 A._append__closure.prototype = {
43649 call$1(selector) {
43650 return selector.assertSelector$0();
43651 },
43652 $signature: 183
43653 };
43654 A._append__closure0.prototype = {
43655 call$2($parent, child) {
43656 var t1 = child.components;
43657 return A.SelectorList$(new A.MappedListIterable(t1, new A._append___closure($parent), A._arrayInstanceType(t1)._eval$1("MappedListIterable<1,ComplexSelector>"))).resolveParentSelectors$1($parent);
43658 },
43659 $signature: 184
43660 };
43661 A._append___closure.prototype = {
43662 call$1(complex) {
43663 var newCompound, t2,
43664 t1 = complex.components,
43665 compound = B.JSArray_methods.get$first(t1);
43666 if (compound instanceof A.CompoundSelector) {
43667 newCompound = A._prependParent(compound);
43668 if (newCompound == null)
43669 throw A.wrapException(A.SassScriptException$("Can't append " + complex.toString$0(0) + " to " + this.parent.toString$0(0) + "."));
43670 t2 = A._setArrayType([newCompound], type$.JSArray_ComplexSelectorComponent);
43671 B.JSArray_methods.addAll$1(t2, A.SubListIterable$(t1, 1, null, A._arrayInstanceType(t1)._precomputed1));
43672 return A.ComplexSelector$(t2, false);
43673 } else
43674 throw A.wrapException(A.SassScriptException$("Can't append " + complex.toString$0(0) + " to " + this.parent.toString$0(0) + "."));
43675 },
43676 $signature: 128
43677 };
43678 A._extend_closure.prototype = {
43679 call$1($arguments) {
43680 var t1 = J.getInterceptor$asx($arguments),
43681 selector = t1.$index($arguments, 0).assertSelector$1$name("selector"),
43682 target = t1.$index($arguments, 1).assertSelector$1$name("extendee");
43683 return A.ExtensionStore__extendOrReplace(selector, t1.$index($arguments, 2).assertSelector$1$name("extender"), target, B.ExtendMode_allTargets, A.EvaluationContext_current().get$currentCallableSpan()).get$asSassList();
43684 },
43685 $signature: 21
43686 };
43687 A._replace_closure.prototype = {
43688 call$1($arguments) {
43689 var t1 = J.getInterceptor$asx($arguments),
43690 selector = t1.$index($arguments, 0).assertSelector$1$name("selector"),
43691 target = t1.$index($arguments, 1).assertSelector$1$name("original");
43692 return A.ExtensionStore__extendOrReplace(selector, t1.$index($arguments, 2).assertSelector$1$name("replacement"), target, B.ExtendMode_replace, A.EvaluationContext_current().get$currentCallableSpan()).get$asSassList();
43693 },
43694 $signature: 21
43695 };
43696 A._unify_closure.prototype = {
43697 call$1($arguments) {
43698 var t1 = J.getInterceptor$asx($arguments),
43699 result = t1.$index($arguments, 0).assertSelector$1$name("selector1").unify$1(t1.$index($arguments, 1).assertSelector$1$name("selector2"));
43700 return result == null ? B.C__SassNull : result.get$asSassList();
43701 },
43702 $signature: 4
43703 };
43704 A._isSuperselector_closure.prototype = {
43705 call$1($arguments) {
43706 var t1 = J.getInterceptor$asx($arguments),
43707 selector1 = t1.$index($arguments, 0).assertSelector$1$name("super"),
43708 selector2 = t1.$index($arguments, 1).assertSelector$1$name("sub");
43709 return A.listIsSuperselector(selector1.components, selector2.components) ? B.SassBoolean_true : B.SassBoolean_false;
43710 },
43711 $signature: 17
43712 };
43713 A._simpleSelectors_closure.prototype = {
43714 call$1($arguments) {
43715 var t1 = J.$index$asx($arguments, 0).assertCompoundSelector$1$name("selector").components;
43716 return A.SassList$(new A.MappedListIterable(t1, new A._simpleSelectors__closure(), A._arrayInstanceType(t1)._eval$1("MappedListIterable<1,Value>")), B.ListSeparator_kWM, false);
43717 },
43718 $signature: 21
43719 };
43720 A._simpleSelectors__closure.prototype = {
43721 call$1(simple) {
43722 return new A.SassString(A.serializeSelector(simple, true), false);
43723 },
43724 $signature: 318
43725 };
43726 A._parse_closure.prototype = {
43727 call$1($arguments) {
43728 return J.$index$asx($arguments, 0).assertSelector$1$name("selector").get$asSassList();
43729 },
43730 $signature: 21
43731 };
43732 A._unquote_closure.prototype = {
43733 call$1($arguments) {
43734 var string = J.$index$asx($arguments, 0).assertString$1("string");
43735 if (!string._hasQuotes)
43736 return string;
43737 return new A.SassString(string._string$_text, false);
43738 },
43739 $signature: 13
43740 };
43741 A._quote_closure.prototype = {
43742 call$1($arguments) {
43743 var string = J.$index$asx($arguments, 0).assertString$1("string");
43744 if (string._hasQuotes)
43745 return string;
43746 return new A.SassString(string._string$_text, true);
43747 },
43748 $signature: 13
43749 };
43750 A._length_closure.prototype = {
43751 call$1($arguments) {
43752 var t1 = J.$index$asx($arguments, 0).assertString$1("string").get$_sassLength();
43753 return new A.UnitlessSassNumber(t1, null);
43754 },
43755 $signature: 9
43756 };
43757 A._insert_closure.prototype = {
43758 call$1($arguments) {
43759 var indexInt, codeUnitIndex, _s5_ = "index",
43760 t1 = J.getInterceptor$asx($arguments),
43761 string = t1.$index($arguments, 0).assertString$1("string"),
43762 insert = t1.$index($arguments, 1).assertString$1("insert"),
43763 index = t1.$index($arguments, 2).assertNumber$1(_s5_);
43764 index.assertNoUnits$1(_s5_);
43765 indexInt = index.assertInt$1(_s5_);
43766 if (indexInt < 0)
43767 indexInt = Math.max(string.get$_sassLength() + indexInt + 2, 0);
43768 t1 = string._string$_text;
43769 codeUnitIndex = A.codepointIndexToCodeUnitIndex(t1, A._codepointForIndex(indexInt, string.get$_sassLength(), false));
43770 return new A.SassString(B.JSString_methods.replaceRange$3(t1, codeUnitIndex, codeUnitIndex, insert._string$_text), string._hasQuotes);
43771 },
43772 $signature: 13
43773 };
43774 A._index_closure.prototype = {
43775 call$1($arguments) {
43776 var codepointIndex,
43777 t1 = J.getInterceptor$asx($arguments),
43778 t2 = t1.$index($arguments, 0).assertString$1("string")._string$_text,
43779 codeUnitIndex = B.JSString_methods.indexOf$1(t2, t1.$index($arguments, 1).assertString$1("substring")._string$_text);
43780 if (codeUnitIndex === -1)
43781 return B.C__SassNull;
43782 codepointIndex = A.codeUnitIndexToCodepointIndex(t2, codeUnitIndex);
43783 return new A.UnitlessSassNumber(codepointIndex + 1, null);
43784 },
43785 $signature: 4
43786 };
43787 A._slice_closure.prototype = {
43788 call$1($arguments) {
43789 var lengthInCodepoints, endInt, startCodepoint, endCodepoint,
43790 _s8_ = "start-at",
43791 t1 = J.getInterceptor$asx($arguments),
43792 string = t1.$index($arguments, 0).assertString$1("string"),
43793 start = t1.$index($arguments, 1).assertNumber$1(_s8_),
43794 end = t1.$index($arguments, 2).assertNumber$1("end-at");
43795 start.assertNoUnits$1(_s8_);
43796 end.assertNoUnits$1("end-at");
43797 lengthInCodepoints = string.get$_sassLength();
43798 endInt = end.assertInt$0();
43799 if (endInt === 0)
43800 return string._hasQuotes ? $.$get$_emptyQuoted() : $.$get$_emptyUnquoted();
43801 startCodepoint = A._codepointForIndex(start.assertInt$0(), lengthInCodepoints, false);
43802 endCodepoint = A._codepointForIndex(endInt, lengthInCodepoints, true);
43803 if (endCodepoint === lengthInCodepoints)
43804 --endCodepoint;
43805 if (endCodepoint < startCodepoint)
43806 return string._hasQuotes ? $.$get$_emptyQuoted() : $.$get$_emptyUnquoted();
43807 t1 = string._string$_text;
43808 return new A.SassString(B.JSString_methods.substring$2(t1, A.codepointIndexToCodeUnitIndex(t1, startCodepoint), A.codepointIndexToCodeUnitIndex(t1, endCodepoint + 1)), string._hasQuotes);
43809 },
43810 $signature: 13
43811 };
43812 A._toUpperCase_closure.prototype = {
43813 call$1($arguments) {
43814 var t1, t2, i, t3, t4,
43815 string = J.$index$asx($arguments, 0).assertString$1("string");
43816 for (t1 = string._string$_text, t2 = t1.length, i = 0, t3 = ""; i < t2; ++i) {
43817 t4 = B.JSString_methods._codeUnitAt$1(t1, i);
43818 t3 += A.Primitives_stringFromCharCode(t4 >= 97 && t4 <= 122 ? t4 & 4294967263 : t4);
43819 }
43820 return new A.SassString(t3.charCodeAt(0) == 0 ? t3 : t3, string._hasQuotes);
43821 },
43822 $signature: 13
43823 };
43824 A._toLowerCase_closure.prototype = {
43825 call$1($arguments) {
43826 var t1, t2, i, t3, t4,
43827 string = J.$index$asx($arguments, 0).assertString$1("string");
43828 for (t1 = string._string$_text, t2 = t1.length, i = 0, t3 = ""; i < t2; ++i) {
43829 t4 = B.JSString_methods._codeUnitAt$1(t1, i);
43830 t3 += A.Primitives_stringFromCharCode(t4 >= 65 && t4 <= 90 ? t4 | 32 : t4);
43831 }
43832 return new A.SassString(t3.charCodeAt(0) == 0 ? t3 : t3, string._hasQuotes);
43833 },
43834 $signature: 13
43835 };
43836 A._uniqueId_closure.prototype = {
43837 call$1($arguments) {
43838 var t1 = $.$get$_previousUniqueId() + ($.$get$_random().nextInt$1(36) + 1);
43839 $._previousUniqueId = t1;
43840 if (t1 > Math.pow(36, 6))
43841 $._previousUniqueId = B.JSInt_methods.$mod($.$get$_previousUniqueId(), A._asInt(Math.pow(36, 6)));
43842 return new A.SassString("u" + B.JSString_methods.padLeft$2(J.toRadixString$1$n($.$get$_previousUniqueId(), 36), 6, "0"), false);
43843 },
43844 $signature: 13
43845 };
43846 A.ImportCache.prototype = {
43847 canonicalize$4$baseImporter$baseUrl$forImport(_, url, baseImporter, baseUrl, forImport) {
43848 var relativeResult, _this = this;
43849 if (baseImporter != null) {
43850 relativeResult = _this._relativeCanonicalizeCache.putIfAbsent$2(new A.Tuple4(url, forImport, baseImporter, baseUrl, type$.Tuple4_of_Uri_and_bool_and_Importer_and_nullable_Uri), new A.ImportCache_canonicalize_closure(_this, baseUrl, url, baseImporter, forImport));
43851 if (relativeResult != null)
43852 return relativeResult;
43853 }
43854 return _this._canonicalizeCache.putIfAbsent$2(new A.Tuple2(url, forImport, type$.Tuple2_Uri_bool), new A.ImportCache_canonicalize_closure0(_this, url, forImport));
43855 },
43856 canonicalize$3$baseImporter$baseUrl($receiver, url, baseImporter, baseUrl) {
43857 return this.canonicalize$4$baseImporter$baseUrl$forImport($receiver, url, baseImporter, baseUrl, false);
43858 },
43859 _canonicalize$3(importer, url, forImport) {
43860 var t1, result;
43861 if (forImport) {
43862 t1 = type$.nullable_Object;
43863 result = A.runZoned(new A.ImportCache__canonicalize_closure(importer, url), A.LinkedHashMap_LinkedHashMap$_literal([B.Symbol__inImportRule, true], t1, t1), type$.nullable_Uri);
43864 } else
43865 result = importer.canonicalize$1(0, url);
43866 if ((result == null ? null : result.get$scheme()) === "")
43867 this._logger.warn$2$deprecation(0, "Importer " + importer.toString$0(0) + " canonicalized " + url.toString$0(0) + " to " + A.S(result) + string$.x2e_Rela, true);
43868 return result;
43869 },
43870 importCanonical$4$originalUrl$quiet(importer, canonicalUrl, originalUrl, quiet) {
43871 return this._importCache.putIfAbsent$2(canonicalUrl, new A.ImportCache_importCanonical_closure(this, importer, canonicalUrl, originalUrl, quiet));
43872 },
43873 importCanonical$3$originalUrl(importer, canonicalUrl, originalUrl) {
43874 return this.importCanonical$4$originalUrl$quiet(importer, canonicalUrl, originalUrl, false);
43875 },
43876 importCanonical$2(importer, canonicalUrl) {
43877 return this.importCanonical$4$originalUrl$quiet(importer, canonicalUrl, null, false);
43878 },
43879 humanize$1(canonicalUrl) {
43880 var t2, url,
43881 t1 = this._canonicalizeCache;
43882 t1 = A.IterableNullableExtension_whereNotNull(t1.get$values(t1), type$.Tuple3_Importer_Uri_Uri);
43883 t2 = t1.$ti;
43884 url = A.minBy(new A.MappedIterable(new A.WhereIterable(t1, new A.ImportCache_humanize_closure(canonicalUrl), t2._eval$1("WhereIterable<Iterable.E>")), new A.ImportCache_humanize_closure0(), t2._eval$1("MappedIterable<Iterable.E,Uri>")), new A.ImportCache_humanize_closure1());
43885 if (url == null)
43886 return canonicalUrl;
43887 t1 = $.$get$url();
43888 return url.resolve$1(A.ParsedPath_ParsedPath$parse(canonicalUrl.get$path(canonicalUrl), t1.style).get$basename());
43889 },
43890 sourceMapUrl$1(_, canonicalUrl) {
43891 var t1 = this._resultsCache.$index(0, canonicalUrl);
43892 t1 = t1 == null ? null : t1.get$sourceMapUrl(t1);
43893 return t1 == null ? canonicalUrl : t1;
43894 },
43895 clearCanonicalize$1(url) {
43896 var t3, t4, _i,
43897 t1 = this._canonicalizeCache,
43898 t2 = type$.Tuple2_Uri_bool;
43899 t1.remove$1(0, new A.Tuple2(url, false, t2));
43900 t1.remove$1(0, new A.Tuple2(url, true, t2));
43901 t2 = A._setArrayType([], type$.JSArray_Tuple4_of_Uri_and_bool_and_Importer_and_nullable_Uri);
43902 for (t1 = this._relativeCanonicalizeCache, t3 = t1.get$keys(t1), t3 = t3.get$iterator(t3); t3.moveNext$0();) {
43903 t4 = t3.get$current(t3);
43904 if (t4.item1.$eq(0, url))
43905 t2.push(t4);
43906 }
43907 for (t3 = t2.length, _i = 0; _i < t2.length; t2.length === t3 || (0, A.throwConcurrentModificationError)(t2), ++_i)
43908 t1.remove$1(0, t2[_i]);
43909 },
43910 clearImport$1(canonicalUrl) {
43911 this._resultsCache.remove$1(0, canonicalUrl);
43912 this._importCache.remove$1(0, canonicalUrl);
43913 }
43914 };
43915 A.ImportCache_canonicalize_closure.prototype = {
43916 call$0() {
43917 var canonicalUrl, _this = this,
43918 t1 = _this.baseUrl,
43919 resolvedUrl = t1 == null ? null : t1.resolveUri$1(_this.url);
43920 if (resolvedUrl == null)
43921 resolvedUrl = _this.url;
43922 t1 = _this.baseImporter;
43923 canonicalUrl = _this.$this._canonicalize$3(t1, resolvedUrl, _this.forImport);
43924 if (canonicalUrl != null)
43925 return new A.Tuple3(t1, canonicalUrl, resolvedUrl, type$.Tuple3_Importer_Uri_Uri);
43926 },
43927 $signature: 80
43928 };
43929 A.ImportCache_canonicalize_closure0.prototype = {
43930 call$0() {
43931 var t1, t2, t3, t4, t5, _i, importer, canonicalUrl;
43932 for (t1 = this.$this, t2 = t1._importers, t3 = t2.length, t4 = this.url, t5 = this.forImport, _i = 0; _i < t2.length; t2.length === t3 || (0, A.throwConcurrentModificationError)(t2), ++_i) {
43933 importer = t2[_i];
43934 canonicalUrl = t1._canonicalize$3(importer, t4, t5);
43935 if (canonicalUrl != null)
43936 return new A.Tuple3(importer, canonicalUrl, t4, type$.Tuple3_Importer_Uri_Uri);
43937 }
43938 return null;
43939 },
43940 $signature: 80
43941 };
43942 A.ImportCache__canonicalize_closure.prototype = {
43943 call$0() {
43944 return this.importer.canonicalize$1(0, this.url);
43945 },
43946 $signature: 185
43947 };
43948 A.ImportCache_importCanonical_closure.prototype = {
43949 call$0() {
43950 var t3, _this = this,
43951 t1 = _this.canonicalUrl,
43952 result = _this.importer.load$1(0, t1),
43953 t2 = _this.$this;
43954 t2._resultsCache.$indexSet(0, t1, result);
43955 t3 = _this.originalUrl;
43956 t1 = t3 == null ? t1 : t3.resolveUri$1(t1);
43957 t2 = _this.quiet ? $.$get$Logger_quiet() : t2._logger;
43958 return A.Stylesheet_Stylesheet$parse(result.contents, result.syntax, t2, t1);
43959 },
43960 $signature: 82
43961 };
43962 A.ImportCache_humanize_closure.prototype = {
43963 call$1(tuple) {
43964 return tuple.item2.$eq(0, this.canonicalUrl);
43965 },
43966 $signature: 323
43967 };
43968 A.ImportCache_humanize_closure0.prototype = {
43969 call$1(tuple) {
43970 return tuple.item3;
43971 },
43972 $signature: 325
43973 };
43974 A.ImportCache_humanize_closure1.prototype = {
43975 call$1(url) {
43976 return url.get$path(url).length;
43977 },
43978 $signature: 74
43979 };
43980 A.Importer.prototype = {
43981 modificationTime$1(url) {
43982 return new A.DateTime(Date.now(), false);
43983 },
43984 couldCanonicalize$2(url, canonicalUrl) {
43985 return true;
43986 }
43987 };
43988 A.AsyncImporter.prototype = {};
43989 A.FilesystemImporter.prototype = {
43990 canonicalize$1(_, url) {
43991 if (url.get$scheme() !== "file" && url.get$scheme() !== "")
43992 return null;
43993 return A.NullableExtension_andThen(A.resolveImportPath(A.join(this._loadPath, $.$get$context().style.pathFromUri$1(A._parseUri(url)), null)), new A.FilesystemImporter_canonicalize_closure());
43994 },
43995 load$1(_, url) {
43996 var path = $.$get$context().style.pathFromUri$1(A._parseUri(url)),
43997 t1 = A.readFile(path),
43998 t2 = A.Syntax_forPath(path),
43999 t3 = url.get$scheme();
44000 if (t3 === "")
44001 A.throwExpression(A.ArgumentError$value(url, "sourceMapUrl", "must be absolute"));
44002 return new A.ImporterResult(t1, url, t2);
44003 },
44004 modificationTime$1(url) {
44005 return A.modificationTime($.$get$context().style.pathFromUri$1(A._parseUri(url)));
44006 },
44007 couldCanonicalize$2(url, canonicalUrl) {
44008 var t1, t2, t3, basename, canonicalBasename;
44009 if (url.get$scheme() !== "file" && url.get$scheme() !== "")
44010 return false;
44011 if (canonicalUrl.get$scheme() !== "file")
44012 return false;
44013 t1 = $.$get$url();
44014 t2 = url.get$path(url);
44015 t3 = t1.style;
44016 basename = A.ParsedPath_ParsedPath$parse(t2, t3).get$basename();
44017 canonicalBasename = A.ParsedPath_ParsedPath$parse(canonicalUrl.get$path(canonicalUrl), t3).get$basename();
44018 if (!B.JSString_methods.startsWith$1(basename, "_") && B.JSString_methods.startsWith$1(canonicalBasename, "_"))
44019 canonicalBasename = B.JSString_methods.substring$1(canonicalBasename, 1);
44020 return basename === canonicalBasename || basename === t1.withoutExtension$1(canonicalBasename);
44021 },
44022 toString$0(_) {
44023 return this._loadPath;
44024 }
44025 };
44026 A.FilesystemImporter_canonicalize_closure.prototype = {
44027 call$1(resolved) {
44028 var t1, t2, t0, _null = null;
44029 if (J.$eq$(J.get$platform$x(self.process), "win32") || J.$eq$(J.get$platform$x(self.process), "darwin")) {
44030 t1 = $.$get$context();
44031 t2 = A._realCasePath(t1.absolute$7(t1.normalize$1(resolved), _null, _null, _null, _null, _null, _null));
44032 t0 = t2;
44033 t2 = t1;
44034 t1 = t0;
44035 } else {
44036 t1 = $.$get$context();
44037 t2 = t1.canonicalize$1(0, resolved);
44038 t0 = t2;
44039 t2 = t1;
44040 t1 = t0;
44041 }
44042 return t2.toUri$1(t1);
44043 },
44044 $signature: 178
44045 };
44046 A.ImporterResult.prototype = {
44047 get$sourceMapUrl(_) {
44048 return this._sourceMapUrl;
44049 }
44050 };
44051 A.resolveImportPath_closure.prototype = {
44052 call$0() {
44053 return A._exactlyOne(A._tryPath($.$get$context().withoutExtension$1(this.path) + ".import" + this.extension));
44054 },
44055 $signature: 42
44056 };
44057 A.resolveImportPath_closure0.prototype = {
44058 call$0() {
44059 return A._exactlyOne(A._tryPathWithExtensions(this.path + ".import"));
44060 },
44061 $signature: 42
44062 };
44063 A._tryPathAsDirectory_closure.prototype = {
44064 call$0() {
44065 return A._exactlyOne(A._tryPathWithExtensions(A.join(this.path, "index.import", null)));
44066 },
44067 $signature: 42
44068 };
44069 A._exactlyOne_closure.prototype = {
44070 call$1(path) {
44071 var t1 = $.$get$context();
44072 return " " + t1.prettyUri$1(t1.toUri$1(path));
44073 },
44074 $signature: 5
44075 };
44076 A.InterpolationBuffer.prototype = {
44077 writeCharCode$1(character) {
44078 this._interpolation_buffer$_text._contents += A.Primitives_stringFromCharCode(character);
44079 return null;
44080 },
44081 add$1(_, expression) {
44082 this._flushText$0();
44083 this._interpolation_buffer$_contents.push(expression);
44084 },
44085 addInterpolation$1(interpolation) {
44086 var first, t1, _this = this,
44087 toAdd = interpolation.contents;
44088 if (toAdd.length === 0)
44089 return;
44090 first = B.JSArray_methods.get$first(toAdd);
44091 if (typeof first == "string") {
44092 _this._interpolation_buffer$_text._contents += first;
44093 toAdd = A.SubListIterable$(toAdd, 1, null, A._arrayInstanceType(toAdd)._precomputed1);
44094 }
44095 _this._flushText$0();
44096 t1 = _this._interpolation_buffer$_contents;
44097 B.JSArray_methods.addAll$1(t1, toAdd);
44098 if (typeof B.JSArray_methods.get$last(t1) == "string")
44099 _this._interpolation_buffer$_text._contents += A.S(t1.pop());
44100 },
44101 _flushText$0() {
44102 var t1 = this._interpolation_buffer$_text,
44103 t2 = t1._contents;
44104 if (t2.length === 0)
44105 return;
44106 this._interpolation_buffer$_contents.push(t2.charCodeAt(0) == 0 ? t2 : t2);
44107 t1._contents = "";
44108 },
44109 interpolation$1(span) {
44110 var t1 = A.List_List$of(this._interpolation_buffer$_contents, true, type$.Object),
44111 t2 = this._interpolation_buffer$_text._contents;
44112 if (t2.length !== 0)
44113 t1.push(t2.charCodeAt(0) == 0 ? t2 : t2);
44114 return A.Interpolation$(t1, span);
44115 },
44116 toString$0(_) {
44117 var t1, t2, _i, t3, element;
44118 for (t1 = this._interpolation_buffer$_contents, t2 = t1.length, _i = 0, t3 = ""; _i < t1.length; t1.length === t2 || (0, A.throwConcurrentModificationError)(t1), ++_i) {
44119 element = t1[_i];
44120 t3 = typeof element == "string" ? t3 + element : t3 + "#{" + A.S(element) + A.Primitives_stringFromCharCode(125);
44121 }
44122 t1 = t3 + this._interpolation_buffer$_text.toString$0(0);
44123 return t1.charCodeAt(0) == 0 ? t1 : t1;
44124 }
44125 };
44126 A._realCasePath_helper.prototype = {
44127 call$1(path) {
44128 var dirname = $.$get$context().dirname$1(path);
44129 if (dirname === path)
44130 return path;
44131 return $._realCaseCache.putIfAbsent$2(path, new A._realCasePath_helper_closure(this, dirname, path));
44132 },
44133 $signature: 5
44134 };
44135 A._realCasePath_helper_closure.prototype = {
44136 call$0() {
44137 var matches, t2, exception,
44138 realDirname = this.helper.call$1(this.dirname),
44139 t1 = this.path,
44140 basename = A.ParsedPath_ParsedPath$parse(t1, $.$get$context().style).get$basename();
44141 try {
44142 matches = J.where$1$ax(A.listDir(realDirname, false), new A._realCasePath_helper__closure(basename)).toList$0(0);
44143 t2 = J.get$length$asx(matches) !== 1 ? A.join(realDirname, basename, null) : J.$index$asx(matches, 0);
44144 return t2;
44145 } catch (exception) {
44146 if (A.unwrapException(exception) instanceof A.FileSystemException)
44147 return t1;
44148 else
44149 throw exception;
44150 }
44151 },
44152 $signature: 30
44153 };
44154 A._realCasePath_helper__closure.prototype = {
44155 call$1(realPath) {
44156 return A.equalsIgnoreCase(A.ParsedPath_ParsedPath$parse(realPath, $.$get$context().style).get$basename(), this.basename);
44157 },
44158 $signature: 6
44159 };
44160 A.FileSystemException.prototype = {
44161 toString$0(_) {
44162 var t1 = $.$get$context();
44163 return t1.prettyUri$1(t1.toUri$1(this.path)) + ": " + this.message;
44164 },
44165 get$message(receiver) {
44166 return this.message;
44167 }
44168 };
44169 A.Stderr.prototype = {
44170 writeln$1(object) {
44171 J.write$1$x(this._stderr, A.S(object == null ? "" : object) + "\n");
44172 },
44173 writeln$0() {
44174 return this.writeln$1(null);
44175 }
44176 };
44177 A._readFile_closure.prototype = {
44178 call$0() {
44179 return J.readFileSync$2$x(A.fs(), this.path, this.encoding);
44180 },
44181 $signature: 79
44182 };
44183 A.writeFile_closure.prototype = {
44184 call$0() {
44185 return J.writeFileSync$2$x(A.fs(), this.path, this.contents);
44186 },
44187 $signature: 0
44188 };
44189 A.deleteFile_closure.prototype = {
44190 call$0() {
44191 return J.unlinkSync$1$x(A.fs(), this.path);
44192 },
44193 $signature: 0
44194 };
44195 A.readStdin_closure.prototype = {
44196 call$1(result) {
44197 this._box_0.contents = result;
44198 this.completer.complete$1(result);
44199 },
44200 $signature: 106
44201 };
44202 A.readStdin_closure0.prototype = {
44203 call$1(chunk) {
44204 this.sink.add$1(0, type$.List_int._as(chunk));
44205 },
44206 call$0() {
44207 return this.call$1(null);
44208 },
44209 "call*": "call$1",
44210 $requiredArgCount: 0,
44211 $defaultValues() {
44212 return [null];
44213 },
44214 $signature: 87
44215 };
44216 A.readStdin_closure1.prototype = {
44217 call$1(_) {
44218 this.sink.close$0(0);
44219 },
44220 call$0() {
44221 return this.call$1(null);
44222 },
44223 "call*": "call$1",
44224 $requiredArgCount: 0,
44225 $defaultValues() {
44226 return [null];
44227 },
44228 $signature: 87
44229 };
44230 A.readStdin_closure2.prototype = {
44231 call$1(e) {
44232 var t1 = $.$get$stderr();
44233 t1.writeln$1("Failed to read from stdin");
44234 t1.writeln$1(e);
44235 e.toString;
44236 this.completer.completeError$1(e);
44237 },
44238 call$0() {
44239 return this.call$1(null);
44240 },
44241 "call*": "call$1",
44242 $requiredArgCount: 0,
44243 $defaultValues() {
44244 return [null];
44245 },
44246 $signature: 87
44247 };
44248 A.fileExists_closure.prototype = {
44249 call$0() {
44250 var error, systemError, exception,
44251 t1 = this.path;
44252 if (!J.existsSync$1$x(A.fs(), t1))
44253 return false;
44254 try {
44255 t1 = J.isFile$0$x(J.statSync$1$x(A.fs(), t1));
44256 return t1;
44257 } catch (exception) {
44258 error = A.unwrapException(exception);
44259 systemError = type$.JsSystemError._as(error);
44260 if (J.$eq$(J.get$code$x(systemError), "ENOENT"))
44261 return false;
44262 throw exception;
44263 }
44264 },
44265 $signature: 28
44266 };
44267 A.dirExists_closure.prototype = {
44268 call$0() {
44269 var error, systemError, exception,
44270 t1 = this.path;
44271 if (!J.existsSync$1$x(A.fs(), t1))
44272 return false;
44273 try {
44274 t1 = J.isDirectory$0$x(J.statSync$1$x(A.fs(), t1));
44275 return t1;
44276 } catch (exception) {
44277 error = A.unwrapException(exception);
44278 systemError = type$.JsSystemError._as(error);
44279 if (J.$eq$(J.get$code$x(systemError), "ENOENT"))
44280 return false;
44281 throw exception;
44282 }
44283 },
44284 $signature: 28
44285 };
44286 A.ensureDir_closure.prototype = {
44287 call$0() {
44288 var error, systemError, exception, t1;
44289 try {
44290 J.mkdirSync$1$x(A.fs(), this.path);
44291 } catch (exception) {
44292 error = A.unwrapException(exception);
44293 systemError = type$.JsSystemError._as(error);
44294 if (J.$eq$(J.get$code$x(systemError), "EEXIST"))
44295 return;
44296 if (!J.$eq$(J.get$code$x(systemError), "ENOENT"))
44297 throw exception;
44298 t1 = this.path;
44299 A.ensureDir($.$get$context().dirname$1(t1));
44300 J.mkdirSync$1$x(A.fs(), t1);
44301 }
44302 },
44303 $signature: 0
44304 };
44305 A.listDir_closure.prototype = {
44306 call$0() {
44307 var t1 = this.path;
44308 if (!this.recursive)
44309 return J.map$1$1$ax(J.readdirSync$1$x(A.fs(), t1), new A.listDir__closure(t1), type$.String).where$1(0, new A.listDir__closure0());
44310 else
44311 return new A.listDir_closure_list().call$1(t1);
44312 },
44313 $signature: 199
44314 };
44315 A.listDir__closure.prototype = {
44316 call$1(child) {
44317 return A.join(this.path, A._asString(child), null);
44318 },
44319 $signature: 92
44320 };
44321 A.listDir__closure0.prototype = {
44322 call$1(child) {
44323 return !A.dirExists(child);
44324 },
44325 $signature: 6
44326 };
44327 A.listDir_closure_list.prototype = {
44328 call$1($parent) {
44329 return J.expand$1$1$ax(J.readdirSync$1$x(A.fs(), $parent), new A.listDir__list_closure($parent, this), type$.String);
44330 },
44331 $signature: 201
44332 };
44333 A.listDir__list_closure.prototype = {
44334 call$1(child) {
44335 var path = A.join(this.parent, A._asString(child), null);
44336 return A.dirExists(path) ? this.list.call$1(path) : A._setArrayType([path], type$.JSArray_String);
44337 },
44338 $signature: 205
44339 };
44340 A.modificationTime_closure.prototype = {
44341 call$0() {
44342 var t2,
44343 t1 = J.getTime$0$x(J.get$mtime$x(J.statSync$1$x(A.fs(), this.path)));
44344 if (Math.abs(t1) <= 864e13)
44345 t2 = false;
44346 else
44347 t2 = true;
44348 if (t2)
44349 A.throwExpression(A.ArgumentError$("DateTime is outside valid range: " + A.S(t1), null));
44350 A.checkNotNullable(false, "isUtc", type$.bool);
44351 return new A.DateTime(t1, false);
44352 },
44353 $signature: 208
44354 };
44355 A.watchDir_closure.prototype = {
44356 call$2(path, _) {
44357 var t1 = this._box_0.controller;
44358 return t1 == null ? null : t1.add$1(0, new A.WatchEvent(B.ChangeType_add, path));
44359 },
44360 call$1(path) {
44361 return this.call$2(path, null);
44362 },
44363 "call*": "call$2",
44364 $requiredArgCount: 1,
44365 $defaultValues() {
44366 return [null];
44367 },
44368 $signature: 223
44369 };
44370 A.watchDir_closure0.prototype = {
44371 call$2(path, _) {
44372 var t1 = this._box_0.controller;
44373 return t1 == null ? null : t1.add$1(0, new A.WatchEvent(B.ChangeType_modify, path));
44374 },
44375 call$1(path) {
44376 return this.call$2(path, null);
44377 },
44378 "call*": "call$2",
44379 $requiredArgCount: 1,
44380 $defaultValues() {
44381 return [null];
44382 },
44383 $signature: 223
44384 };
44385 A.watchDir_closure1.prototype = {
44386 call$1(path) {
44387 var t1 = this._box_0.controller;
44388 return t1 == null ? null : t1.add$1(0, new A.WatchEvent(B.ChangeType_remove, path));
44389 },
44390 $signature: 106
44391 };
44392 A.watchDir_closure2.prototype = {
44393 call$1(error) {
44394 var t1 = this._box_0.controller;
44395 return t1 == null ? null : t1.addError$1(error);
44396 },
44397 $signature: 103
44398 };
44399 A.watchDir_closure3.prototype = {
44400 call$0() {
44401 var controller = A.StreamController_StreamController(new A.watchDir__closure(this.watcher), null, null, null, false, type$.WatchEvent);
44402 this._box_0.controller = controller;
44403 this.completer.complete$1(new A._ControllerStream(controller, A._instanceType(controller)._eval$1("_ControllerStream<1>")));
44404 },
44405 $signature: 1
44406 };
44407 A.watchDir__closure.prototype = {
44408 call$0() {
44409 J.close$0$x(this.watcher);
44410 },
44411 $signature: 1
44412 };
44413 A._QuietLogger.prototype = {
44414 warn$4$deprecation$span$trace(_, message, deprecation, span, trace) {
44415 },
44416 warn$1($receiver, message) {
44417 return this.warn$4$deprecation$span$trace($receiver, message, false, null, null);
44418 },
44419 warn$2$span($receiver, message, span) {
44420 return this.warn$4$deprecation$span$trace($receiver, message, false, span, null);
44421 },
44422 warn$2$deprecation($receiver, message, deprecation) {
44423 return this.warn$4$deprecation$span$trace($receiver, message, deprecation, null, null);
44424 },
44425 warn$3$deprecation$span($receiver, message, deprecation, span) {
44426 return this.warn$4$deprecation$span$trace($receiver, message, deprecation, span, null);
44427 },
44428 warn$2$trace($receiver, message, trace) {
44429 return this.warn$4$deprecation$span$trace($receiver, message, false, null, trace);
44430 },
44431 debug$2(_, message, span) {
44432 }
44433 };
44434 A.StderrLogger.prototype = {
44435 warn$4$deprecation$span$trace(_, message, deprecation, span, trace) {
44436 var t2, t3, t4,
44437 t1 = this.color;
44438 if (t1) {
44439 t2 = $.$get$stderr();
44440 t3 = t2._stderr;
44441 t4 = J.getInterceptor$x(t3);
44442 t4.write$1(t3, "\x1b[33m\x1b[1m");
44443 if (deprecation)
44444 t4.write$1(t3, "Deprecation ");
44445 t4.write$1(t3, "Warning\x1b[0m");
44446 } else {
44447 if (deprecation)
44448 J.write$1$x($.$get$stderr()._stderr, "DEPRECATION ");
44449 t2 = $.$get$stderr();
44450 J.write$1$x(t2._stderr, "WARNING");
44451 }
44452 if (span == null)
44453 t2.writeln$1(": " + message);
44454 else if (trace != null)
44455 t2.writeln$1(": " + message + "\n\n" + span.highlight$1$color(t1));
44456 else
44457 t2.writeln$1(" on " + span.message$2$color(0, "\n" + message, t1));
44458 if (trace != null)
44459 t2.writeln$1(A.indent(B.JSString_methods.trimRight$0(trace.toString$0(0)), 4));
44460 t2.writeln$0();
44461 },
44462 warn$1($receiver, message) {
44463 return this.warn$4$deprecation$span$trace($receiver, message, false, null, null);
44464 },
44465 warn$2$span($receiver, message, span) {
44466 return this.warn$4$deprecation$span$trace($receiver, message, false, span, null);
44467 },
44468 warn$2$deprecation($receiver, message, deprecation) {
44469 return this.warn$4$deprecation$span$trace($receiver, message, deprecation, null, null);
44470 },
44471 warn$3$deprecation$span($receiver, message, deprecation, span) {
44472 return this.warn$4$deprecation$span$trace($receiver, message, deprecation, span, null);
44473 },
44474 warn$2$trace($receiver, message, trace) {
44475 return this.warn$4$deprecation$span$trace($receiver, message, false, null, trace);
44476 },
44477 debug$2(_, message, span) {
44478 var url, t3, t4,
44479 t1 = span.file,
44480 t2 = span._file$_start;
44481 if (A.FileLocation$_(t1, t2).file.url == null)
44482 url = "-";
44483 else {
44484 t3 = A.FileLocation$_(t1, t2);
44485 url = $.$get$context().prettyUri$1(t3.file.url);
44486 }
44487 t3 = $.$get$stderr();
44488 t4 = url + ":";
44489 t2 = A.FileLocation$_(t1, t2);
44490 t2 = t4 + (t2.file.getLine$1(t2.offset) + 1) + " ";
44491 t4 = t3._stderr;
44492 t1 = J.getInterceptor$x(t4);
44493 t1.write$1(t4, t2);
44494 t1.write$1(t4, this.color ? "\x1b[1mDebug\x1b[0m" : "DEBUG");
44495 t3.writeln$1(": " + message);
44496 }
44497 };
44498 A.TerseLogger.prototype = {
44499 warn$4$deprecation$span$trace(_, message, deprecation, span, trace) {
44500 var firstParagraph, t1, t2, count;
44501 if (deprecation) {
44502 firstParagraph = B.JSArray_methods.get$first(message.split("\n\n"));
44503 t1 = this._warningCounts;
44504 t2 = t1.$index(0, firstParagraph);
44505 count = (t2 == null ? 0 : t2) + 1;
44506 t1.$indexSet(0, firstParagraph, count);
44507 if (count > 5)
44508 return;
44509 }
44510 this._inner.warn$4$deprecation$span$trace(0, message, deprecation, span, trace);
44511 },
44512 warn$2$span($receiver, message, span) {
44513 return this.warn$4$deprecation$span$trace($receiver, message, false, span, null);
44514 },
44515 warn$2$deprecation($receiver, message, deprecation) {
44516 return this.warn$4$deprecation$span$trace($receiver, message, deprecation, null, null);
44517 },
44518 warn$3$deprecation$span($receiver, message, deprecation, span) {
44519 return this.warn$4$deprecation$span$trace($receiver, message, deprecation, span, null);
44520 },
44521 warn$2$trace($receiver, message, trace) {
44522 return this.warn$4$deprecation$span$trace($receiver, message, false, null, trace);
44523 },
44524 debug$2(_, message, span) {
44525 return this._inner.debug$2(0, message, span);
44526 },
44527 summarize$1$node(node) {
44528 var t2, total,
44529 t1 = this._warningCounts;
44530 t1 = t1.get$values(t1);
44531 t2 = A._instanceType(t1);
44532 total = A.IterableIntegerExtension_get_sum(new A.MappedIterable(new A.WhereIterable(t1, new A.TerseLogger_summarize_closure(), t2._eval$1("WhereIterable<Iterable.E>")), new A.TerseLogger_summarize_closure0(), t2._eval$1("MappedIterable<Iterable.E,int>")));
44533 if (total > 0) {
44534 t1 = "" + total + string$.x20repet;
44535 this._inner.warn$1(0, t1 + (node ? "" : string$.x0aRun_i));
44536 }
44537 }
44538 };
44539 A.TerseLogger_summarize_closure.prototype = {
44540 call$1(count) {
44541 return count > 5;
44542 },
44543 $signature: 56
44544 };
44545 A.TerseLogger_summarize_closure0.prototype = {
44546 call$1(count) {
44547 return count - 5;
44548 },
44549 $signature: 230
44550 };
44551 A.TrackingLogger.prototype = {
44552 warn$4$deprecation$span$trace(_, message, deprecation, span, trace) {
44553 this._emittedWarning = true;
44554 this._tracking$_logger.warn$4$deprecation$span$trace(0, message, deprecation, span, trace);
44555 },
44556 warn$2$span($receiver, message, span) {
44557 return this.warn$4$deprecation$span$trace($receiver, message, false, span, null);
44558 },
44559 warn$2$deprecation($receiver, message, deprecation) {
44560 return this.warn$4$deprecation$span$trace($receiver, message, deprecation, null, null);
44561 },
44562 warn$3$deprecation$span($receiver, message, deprecation, span) {
44563 return this.warn$4$deprecation$span$trace($receiver, message, deprecation, span, null);
44564 },
44565 warn$2$trace($receiver, message, trace) {
44566 return this.warn$4$deprecation$span$trace($receiver, message, false, null, trace);
44567 },
44568 debug$2(_, message, span) {
44569 this._emittedDebug = true;
44570 this._tracking$_logger.debug$2(0, message, span);
44571 }
44572 };
44573 A.BuiltInModule.prototype = {
44574 get$upstream() {
44575 return B.List_empty3;
44576 },
44577 get$variableNodes() {
44578 return B.Map_empty0;
44579 },
44580 get$extensionStore() {
44581 return B.C_EmptyExtensionStore;
44582 },
44583 get$css(_) {
44584 return new A.CssStylesheet(B.List_empty0, A.SourceFile$decoded(B.List_empty1, this.url).span$2(0, 0, 0));
44585 },
44586 get$transitivelyContainsCss() {
44587 return false;
44588 },
44589 get$transitivelyContainsExtensions() {
44590 return false;
44591 },
44592 setVariable$3($name, value, nodeWithSpan) {
44593 if (!this.variables.containsKey$1($name))
44594 throw A.wrapException(A.SassScriptException$("Undefined variable."));
44595 throw A.wrapException(A.SassScriptException$("Cannot modify built-in variable."));
44596 },
44597 variableIdentity$1($name) {
44598 return this;
44599 },
44600 cloneCss$0() {
44601 return this;
44602 },
44603 $isModule: 1,
44604 get$url(receiver) {
44605 return this.url;
44606 },
44607 get$functions(receiver) {
44608 return this.functions;
44609 },
44610 get$mixins() {
44611 return this.mixins;
44612 },
44613 get$variables() {
44614 return this.variables;
44615 }
44616 };
44617 A.ForwardedModuleView.prototype = {
44618 get$url(_) {
44619 var t1 = this._forwarded_view$_inner;
44620 return t1.get$url(t1);
44621 },
44622 get$upstream() {
44623 return this._forwarded_view$_inner.get$upstream();
44624 },
44625 get$extensionStore() {
44626 return this._forwarded_view$_inner.get$extensionStore();
44627 },
44628 get$css(_) {
44629 var t1 = this._forwarded_view$_inner;
44630 return t1.get$css(t1);
44631 },
44632 get$transitivelyContainsCss() {
44633 return this._forwarded_view$_inner.get$transitivelyContainsCss();
44634 },
44635 get$transitivelyContainsExtensions() {
44636 return this._forwarded_view$_inner.get$transitivelyContainsExtensions();
44637 },
44638 setVariable$3($name, value, nodeWithSpan) {
44639 var prefix,
44640 _s19_ = "Undefined variable.",
44641 t1 = this._rule,
44642 shownVariables = t1.shownVariables,
44643 hiddenVariables = t1.hiddenVariables;
44644 if (shownVariables != null && !shownVariables._base.contains$1(0, $name))
44645 throw A.wrapException(A.SassScriptException$(_s19_));
44646 else if (hiddenVariables != null && hiddenVariables._base.contains$1(0, $name))
44647 throw A.wrapException(A.SassScriptException$(_s19_));
44648 prefix = t1.prefix;
44649 if (prefix != null) {
44650 if (!B.JSString_methods.startsWith$1($name, prefix))
44651 throw A.wrapException(A.SassScriptException$(_s19_));
44652 $name = B.JSString_methods.substring$1($name, prefix.length);
44653 }
44654 return this._forwarded_view$_inner.setVariable$3($name, value, nodeWithSpan);
44655 },
44656 variableIdentity$1($name) {
44657 var prefix = this._rule.prefix;
44658 if (prefix != null)
44659 $name = B.JSString_methods.substring$1($name, prefix.length);
44660 return this._forwarded_view$_inner.variableIdentity$1($name);
44661 },
44662 $eq(_, other) {
44663 if (other == null)
44664 return false;
44665 return other instanceof A.ForwardedModuleView && this._forwarded_view$_inner.$eq(0, other._forwarded_view$_inner) && this._rule === other._rule;
44666 },
44667 get$hashCode(_) {
44668 var t1 = this._forwarded_view$_inner;
44669 return (t1.get$hashCode(t1) ^ A.Primitives_objectHashCode(this._rule)) >>> 0;
44670 },
44671 cloneCss$0() {
44672 return A.ForwardedModuleView$(this._forwarded_view$_inner.cloneCss$0(), this._rule, this.$ti._precomputed1);
44673 },
44674 toString$0(_) {
44675 return "forwarded " + this._forwarded_view$_inner.toString$0(0);
44676 },
44677 $isModule: 1,
44678 get$variables() {
44679 return this.variables;
44680 },
44681 get$variableNodes() {
44682 return this.variableNodes;
44683 },
44684 get$functions(receiver) {
44685 return this.functions;
44686 },
44687 get$mixins() {
44688 return this.mixins;
44689 }
44690 };
44691 A.ShadowedModuleView.prototype = {
44692 get$url(_) {
44693 var t1 = this._shadowed_view$_inner;
44694 return t1.get$url(t1);
44695 },
44696 get$upstream() {
44697 return this._shadowed_view$_inner.get$upstream();
44698 },
44699 get$extensionStore() {
44700 return this._shadowed_view$_inner.get$extensionStore();
44701 },
44702 get$css(_) {
44703 var t1 = this._shadowed_view$_inner;
44704 return t1.get$css(t1);
44705 },
44706 get$transitivelyContainsCss() {
44707 return this._shadowed_view$_inner.get$transitivelyContainsCss();
44708 },
44709 get$transitivelyContainsExtensions() {
44710 return this._shadowed_view$_inner.get$transitivelyContainsExtensions();
44711 },
44712 setVariable$3($name, value, nodeWithSpan) {
44713 if (!this.variables.containsKey$1($name))
44714 throw A.wrapException(A.SassScriptException$("Undefined variable."));
44715 else
44716 return this._shadowed_view$_inner.setVariable$3($name, value, nodeWithSpan);
44717 },
44718 variableIdentity$1($name) {
44719 return this._shadowed_view$_inner.variableIdentity$1($name);
44720 },
44721 $eq(_, other) {
44722 var t1, t2, _this = this;
44723 if (other == null)
44724 return false;
44725 if (other instanceof A.ShadowedModuleView)
44726 if (_this._shadowed_view$_inner.$eq(0, other._shadowed_view$_inner)) {
44727 t1 = _this.variables;
44728 t1 = t1.get$keys(t1);
44729 t2 = other.variables;
44730 if (B.C_IterableEquality.equals$2(0, t1, t2.get$keys(t2))) {
44731 t1 = _this.functions;
44732 t1 = t1.get$keys(t1);
44733 t2 = other.functions;
44734 if (B.C_IterableEquality.equals$2(0, t1, t2.get$keys(t2))) {
44735 t1 = _this.mixins;
44736 t1 = t1.get$keys(t1);
44737 t2 = other.mixins;
44738 t2 = B.C_IterableEquality.equals$2(0, t1, t2.get$keys(t2));
44739 t1 = t2;
44740 } else
44741 t1 = false;
44742 } else
44743 t1 = false;
44744 } else
44745 t1 = false;
44746 else
44747 t1 = false;
44748 return t1;
44749 },
44750 get$hashCode(_) {
44751 var t1 = this._shadowed_view$_inner;
44752 return t1.get$hashCode(t1);
44753 },
44754 cloneCss$0() {
44755 var _this = this;
44756 return new A.ShadowedModuleView(_this._shadowed_view$_inner.cloneCss$0(), _this.variables, _this.variableNodes, _this.functions, _this.mixins, _this.$ti);
44757 },
44758 toString$0(_) {
44759 return "shadowed " + this._shadowed_view$_inner.toString$0(0);
44760 },
44761 $isModule: 1,
44762 get$variables() {
44763 return this.variables;
44764 },
44765 get$variableNodes() {
44766 return this.variableNodes;
44767 },
44768 get$functions(receiver) {
44769 return this.functions;
44770 },
44771 get$mixins() {
44772 return this.mixins;
44773 }
44774 };
44775 A.JSArray0.prototype = {};
44776 A.Chokidar.prototype = {};
44777 A.ChokidarOptions.prototype = {};
44778 A.ChokidarWatcher.prototype = {};
44779 A.JSFunction.prototype = {};
44780 A.NodeImporterResult.prototype = {};
44781 A.RenderContext.prototype = {};
44782 A.RenderContextOptions.prototype = {};
44783 A.RenderContextResult.prototype = {};
44784 A.RenderContextResultStats.prototype = {};
44785 A.JSClass.prototype = {};
44786 A.JSUrl.prototype = {};
44787 A._PropertyDescriptor.prototype = {};
44788 A.AtRootQueryParser.prototype = {
44789 parse$0() {
44790 return this.wrapSpanFormatException$1(new A.AtRootQueryParser_parse_closure(this));
44791 }
44792 };
44793 A.AtRootQueryParser_parse_closure.prototype = {
44794 call$0() {
44795 var include, atRules,
44796 t1 = this.$this,
44797 t2 = t1.scanner;
44798 t2.expectChar$1(40);
44799 t1.whitespace$0();
44800 include = t1.scanIdentifier$1("with");
44801 if (!include)
44802 t1.expectIdentifier$2$name("without", '"with" or "without"');
44803 t1.whitespace$0();
44804 t2.expectChar$1(58);
44805 t1.whitespace$0();
44806 atRules = A.LinkedHashSet_LinkedHashSet$_empty(type$.String);
44807 do {
44808 atRules.add$1(0, t1.identifier$0().toLowerCase());
44809 t1.whitespace$0();
44810 } while (t1.lookingAtIdentifier$0());
44811 t2.expectChar$1(41);
44812 t2.expectDone$0();
44813 return new A.AtRootQuery(include, atRules, atRules.contains$1(0, "all"), atRules.contains$1(0, "rule"));
44814 },
44815 $signature: 102
44816 };
44817 A._disallowedFunctionNames_closure.prototype = {
44818 call$1($function) {
44819 return $function.name;
44820 },
44821 $signature: 346
44822 };
44823 A.CssParser.prototype = {
44824 get$plainCss() {
44825 return true;
44826 },
44827 silentComment$0() {
44828 var t1 = this.scanner,
44829 t2 = t1._string_scanner$_position;
44830 this.super$Parser$silentComment();
44831 this.error$2(0, string$.Silent, t1.spanFrom$1(new A._SpanScannerState(t1, t2)));
44832 },
44833 atRule$2$root(child, root) {
44834 var $name, urlStart, next, url, urlSpan, queries, t2, t3, t4, t5, _this = this,
44835 t1 = _this.scanner,
44836 start = new A._SpanScannerState(t1, t1._string_scanner$_position);
44837 t1.expectChar$1(64);
44838 $name = _this.interpolatedIdentifier$0();
44839 _this.whitespace$0();
44840 switch ($name.get$asPlain()) {
44841 case "at-root":
44842 case "content":
44843 case "debug":
44844 case "each":
44845 case "error":
44846 case "extend":
44847 case "for":
44848 case "function":
44849 case "if":
44850 case "include":
44851 case "mixin":
44852 case "return":
44853 case "warn":
44854 case "while":
44855 _this.almostAnyValue$0();
44856 _this.error$2(0, "This at-rule isn't allowed in plain CSS.", t1.spanFrom$1(start));
44857 break;
44858 case "import":
44859 urlStart = new A._SpanScannerState(t1, t1._string_scanner$_position);
44860 next = t1.peekChar$0();
44861 url = next === 117 || next === 85 ? _this.dynamicUrl$0() : new A.StringExpression(_this.interpolatedString$0().asInterpolation$1$static(true), false);
44862 urlSpan = t1.spanFrom$1(urlStart);
44863 _this.whitespace$0();
44864 queries = _this.tryImportQueries$0();
44865 _this.expectStatementSeparator$1("@import rule");
44866 t2 = A.Interpolation$(A._setArrayType([url], type$.JSArray_Object), urlSpan);
44867 t3 = t1.spanFrom$1(urlStart);
44868 t4 = queries == null;
44869 t5 = t4 ? null : queries.item1;
44870 t2 = A._setArrayType([new A.StaticImport(t2, t5, t4 ? null : queries.item2, t3)], type$.JSArray_Import);
44871 t1 = t1.spanFrom$1(start);
44872 return new A.ImportRule(A.List_List$unmodifiable(t2, type$.Import), t1);
44873 case "media":
44874 return _this.mediaRule$1(start);
44875 case "-moz-document":
44876 return _this.mozDocumentRule$2(start, $name);
44877 case "supports":
44878 return _this.supportsRule$1(start);
44879 default:
44880 return _this.unknownAtRule$2(start, $name);
44881 }
44882 },
44883 identifierLike$0() {
44884 var t2, $arguments, t3, t4, _this = this,
44885 t1 = _this.scanner,
44886 start = new A._SpanScannerState(t1, t1._string_scanner$_position),
44887 identifier = _this.interpolatedIdentifier$0(),
44888 plain = identifier.get$asPlain(),
44889 specialFunction = _this.trySpecialFunction$2(plain.toLowerCase(), start);
44890 if (specialFunction != null)
44891 return specialFunction;
44892 t2 = t1._string_scanner$_position;
44893 if (!t1.scanChar$1(40))
44894 return new A.StringExpression(identifier, false);
44895 $arguments = A._setArrayType([], type$.JSArray_Expression);
44896 if (!t1.scanChar$1(41)) {
44897 do {
44898 _this.whitespace$0();
44899 $arguments.push(_this.expression$1$singleEquals(true));
44900 _this.whitespace$0();
44901 } while (t1.scanChar$1(44));
44902 t1.expectChar$1(41);
44903 }
44904 if ($.$get$_disallowedFunctionNames().contains$1(0, plain))
44905 _this.error$2(0, string$.This_f, t1.spanFrom$1(start));
44906 t3 = A.Interpolation$(A._setArrayType([new A.StringExpression(identifier, false)], type$.JSArray_Object), identifier.span);
44907 t2 = t1.spanFrom$1(new A._SpanScannerState(t1, t2));
44908 t4 = type$.Expression;
44909 return new A.InterpolatedFunctionExpression(t3, new A.ArgumentInvocation(A.List_List$unmodifiable($arguments, t4), A.ConstantMap_ConstantMap$from(B.Map_empty2, type$.String, t4), null, null, t2), t1.spanFrom$1(start));
44910 },
44911 namespacedExpression$2(namespace, start) {
44912 var expression = this.super$StylesheetParser$namespacedExpression(namespace, start);
44913 this.error$2(0, string$.Modulen, expression.get$span(expression));
44914 }
44915 };
44916 A.KeyframeSelectorParser.prototype = {
44917 parse$0() {
44918 return this.wrapSpanFormatException$1(new A.KeyframeSelectorParser_parse_closure(this));
44919 },
44920 _percentage$0() {
44921 var t3, next,
44922 t1 = this.scanner,
44923 t2 = t1.scanChar$1(43) ? "" + A.Primitives_stringFromCharCode(43) : "",
44924 second = t1.peekChar$0();
44925 if (!A.isDigit(second) && second !== 46)
44926 t1.error$1(0, "Expected number.");
44927 while (true) {
44928 t3 = t1.peekChar$0();
44929 if (!(t3 != null && t3 >= 48 && t3 <= 57))
44930 break;
44931 t2 += A.Primitives_stringFromCharCode(t1.readChar$0());
44932 }
44933 if (t1.peekChar$0() === 46) {
44934 t2 += A.Primitives_stringFromCharCode(t1.readChar$0());
44935 while (true) {
44936 t3 = t1.peekChar$0();
44937 if (!(t3 != null && t3 >= 48 && t3 <= 57))
44938 break;
44939 t2 += A.Primitives_stringFromCharCode(t1.readChar$0());
44940 }
44941 }
44942 if (this.scanIdentChar$1(101)) {
44943 t2 += A.Primitives_stringFromCharCode(101);
44944 next = t1.peekChar$0();
44945 if (next === 43 || next === 45)
44946 t2 += A.Primitives_stringFromCharCode(t1.readChar$0());
44947 if (!A.isDigit(t1.peekChar$0()))
44948 t1.error$1(0, "Expected digit.");
44949 while (true) {
44950 t3 = t1.peekChar$0();
44951 if (!(t3 != null && t3 >= 48 && t3 <= 57))
44952 break;
44953 t2 += A.Primitives_stringFromCharCode(t1.readChar$0());
44954 }
44955 }
44956 t1.expectChar$1(37);
44957 t2 += A.Primitives_stringFromCharCode(37);
44958 return t2.charCodeAt(0) == 0 ? t2 : t2;
44959 }
44960 };
44961 A.KeyframeSelectorParser_parse_closure.prototype = {
44962 call$0() {
44963 var selectors = A._setArrayType([], type$.JSArray_String),
44964 t1 = this.$this,
44965 t2 = t1.scanner;
44966 do {
44967 t1.whitespace$0();
44968 if (t1.lookingAtIdentifier$0())
44969 if (t1.scanIdentifier$1("from"))
44970 selectors.push("from");
44971 else {
44972 t1.expectIdentifier$2$name("to", '"to" or "from"');
44973 selectors.push("to");
44974 }
44975 else
44976 selectors.push(t1._percentage$0());
44977 t1.whitespace$0();
44978 } while (t2.scanChar$1(44));
44979 t2.expectDone$0();
44980 return selectors;
44981 },
44982 $signature: 48
44983 };
44984 A.MediaQueryParser.prototype = {
44985 parse$0() {
44986 return this.wrapSpanFormatException$1(new A.MediaQueryParser_parse_closure(this));
44987 },
44988 _mediaQuery$0() {
44989 var identifier1, identifier2, type, modifier, features, _this = this, _null = null,
44990 t1 = _this.scanner;
44991 if (t1.peekChar$0() !== 40) {
44992 identifier1 = _this.identifier$0();
44993 _this.whitespace$0();
44994 if (!_this.lookingAtIdentifier$0())
44995 return new A.CssMediaQuery(_null, identifier1, B.List_empty);
44996 identifier2 = _this.identifier$0();
44997 _this.whitespace$0();
44998 if (A.equalsIgnoreCase(identifier2, "and")) {
44999 type = identifier1;
45000 modifier = _null;
45001 } else {
45002 if (_this.scanIdentifier$1("and"))
45003 _this.whitespace$0();
45004 else
45005 return new A.CssMediaQuery(identifier1, identifier2, B.List_empty);
45006 type = identifier2;
45007 modifier = identifier1;
45008 }
45009 } else {
45010 type = _null;
45011 modifier = type;
45012 }
45013 features = A._setArrayType([], type$.JSArray_String);
45014 do {
45015 _this.whitespace$0();
45016 t1.expectChar$1(40);
45017 features.push("(" + _this.declarationValue$0() + ")");
45018 t1.expectChar$1(41);
45019 _this.whitespace$0();
45020 } while (_this.scanIdentifier$1("and"));
45021 if (type == null)
45022 return new A.CssMediaQuery(_null, _null, A.List_List$unmodifiable(features, type$.String));
45023 else {
45024 t1 = A.List_List$unmodifiable(features, type$.String);
45025 return new A.CssMediaQuery(modifier, type, t1);
45026 }
45027 }
45028 };
45029 A.MediaQueryParser_parse_closure.prototype = {
45030 call$0() {
45031 var queries = A._setArrayType([], type$.JSArray_CssMediaQuery),
45032 t1 = this.$this,
45033 t2 = t1.scanner;
45034 do {
45035 t1.whitespace$0();
45036 queries.push(t1._mediaQuery$0());
45037 } while (t2.scanChar$1(44));
45038 t2.expectDone$0();
45039 return queries;
45040 },
45041 $signature: 101
45042 };
45043 A.Parser.prototype = {
45044 _parseIdentifier$0() {
45045 return this.wrapSpanFormatException$1(new A.Parser__parseIdentifier_closure(this));
45046 },
45047 _isVariableDeclarationLike$0() {
45048 var _this = this,
45049 t1 = _this.scanner;
45050 if (!t1.scanChar$1(36))
45051 return false;
45052 if (!_this.lookingAtIdentifier$0())
45053 return false;
45054 _this.identifier$0();
45055 _this.whitespace$0();
45056 return t1.scanChar$1(58);
45057 },
45058 whitespace$0() {
45059 do
45060 this.whitespaceWithoutComments$0();
45061 while (this.scanComment$0());
45062 },
45063 whitespaceWithoutComments$0() {
45064 var t3,
45065 t1 = this.scanner,
45066 t2 = t1.string.length;
45067 while (true) {
45068 if (t1._string_scanner$_position !== t2) {
45069 t3 = t1.peekChar$0();
45070 t3 = t3 === 32 || t3 === 9 || t3 === 10 || t3 === 13 || t3 === 12;
45071 } else
45072 t3 = false;
45073 if (!t3)
45074 break;
45075 t1.readChar$0();
45076 }
45077 },
45078 spaces$0() {
45079 var t3,
45080 t1 = this.scanner,
45081 t2 = t1.string.length;
45082 while (true) {
45083 if (t1._string_scanner$_position !== t2) {
45084 t3 = t1.peekChar$0();
45085 t3 = t3 === 32 || t3 === 9;
45086 } else
45087 t3 = false;
45088 if (!t3)
45089 break;
45090 t1.readChar$0();
45091 }
45092 },
45093 scanComment$0() {
45094 var next,
45095 t1 = this.scanner;
45096 if (t1.peekChar$0() !== 47)
45097 return false;
45098 next = t1.peekChar$1(1);
45099 if (next === 47) {
45100 this.silentComment$0();
45101 return true;
45102 } else if (next === 42) {
45103 this.loudComment$0();
45104 return true;
45105 } else
45106 return false;
45107 },
45108 silentComment$0() {
45109 var t2, t3,
45110 t1 = this.scanner;
45111 t1.expect$1("//");
45112 t2 = t1.string.length;
45113 while (true) {
45114 if (t1._string_scanner$_position !== t2) {
45115 t3 = t1.peekChar$0();
45116 t3 = !(t3 === 10 || t3 === 13 || t3 === 12);
45117 } else
45118 t3 = false;
45119 if (!t3)
45120 break;
45121 t1.readChar$0();
45122 }
45123 },
45124 loudComment$0() {
45125 var next,
45126 t1 = this.scanner;
45127 t1.expect$1("/*");
45128 for (; true;) {
45129 if (t1.readChar$0() !== 42)
45130 continue;
45131 do
45132 next = t1.readChar$0();
45133 while (next === 42);
45134 if (next === 47)
45135 break;
45136 }
45137 },
45138 identifier$2$normalize$unit(normalize, unit) {
45139 var t2, first, _this = this,
45140 _s20_ = "Expected identifier.",
45141 text = new A.StringBuffer(""),
45142 t1 = _this.scanner;
45143 if (t1.scanChar$1(45)) {
45144 t2 = text._contents = "" + A.Primitives_stringFromCharCode(45);
45145 if (t1.scanChar$1(45)) {
45146 text._contents = t2 + A.Primitives_stringFromCharCode(45);
45147 _this._identifierBody$3$normalize$unit(text, normalize, unit);
45148 t1 = text._contents;
45149 return t1.charCodeAt(0) == 0 ? t1 : t1;
45150 }
45151 } else
45152 t2 = "";
45153 first = t1.peekChar$0();
45154 if (first == null)
45155 t1.error$1(0, _s20_);
45156 else if (normalize && first === 95) {
45157 t1.readChar$0();
45158 text._contents = t2 + A.Primitives_stringFromCharCode(45);
45159 } else if (first === 95 || A.isAlphabetic0(first) || first >= 128)
45160 text._contents = t2 + A.Primitives_stringFromCharCode(t1.readChar$0());
45161 else if (first === 92)
45162 text._contents = t2 + A.S(_this.escape$1$identifierStart(true));
45163 else
45164 t1.error$1(0, _s20_);
45165 _this._identifierBody$3$normalize$unit(text, normalize, unit);
45166 t1 = text._contents;
45167 return t1.charCodeAt(0) == 0 ? t1 : t1;
45168 },
45169 identifier$0() {
45170 return this.identifier$2$normalize$unit(false, false);
45171 },
45172 identifier$1$normalize(normalize) {
45173 return this.identifier$2$normalize$unit(normalize, false);
45174 },
45175 identifier$1$unit(unit) {
45176 return this.identifier$2$normalize$unit(false, unit);
45177 },
45178 _identifierBody$3$normalize$unit(text, normalize, unit) {
45179 var t1, next, second, t2;
45180 for (t1 = this.scanner; true;) {
45181 next = t1.peekChar$0();
45182 if (next == null)
45183 break;
45184 else if (unit && next === 45) {
45185 second = t1.peekChar$1(1);
45186 if (second != null)
45187 if (second !== 46)
45188 t2 = second >= 48 && second <= 57;
45189 else
45190 t2 = true;
45191 else
45192 t2 = false;
45193 if (t2)
45194 break;
45195 text._contents += A.Primitives_stringFromCharCode(t1.readChar$0());
45196 } else if (normalize && next === 95) {
45197 t1.readChar$0();
45198 text._contents += A.Primitives_stringFromCharCode(45);
45199 } else {
45200 if (next !== 95) {
45201 if (!(next >= 97 && next <= 122))
45202 t2 = next >= 65 && next <= 90;
45203 else
45204 t2 = true;
45205 t2 = t2 || next >= 128;
45206 } else
45207 t2 = true;
45208 if (!t2) {
45209 t2 = next >= 48 && next <= 57;
45210 t2 = t2 || next === 45;
45211 } else
45212 t2 = true;
45213 if (t2)
45214 text._contents += A.Primitives_stringFromCharCode(t1.readChar$0());
45215 else if (next === 92)
45216 text._contents += A.S(this.escape$0());
45217 else
45218 break;
45219 }
45220 }
45221 },
45222 _identifierBody$1(text) {
45223 return this._identifierBody$3$normalize$unit(text, false, false);
45224 },
45225 string$0() {
45226 var buffer, next, t2,
45227 t1 = this.scanner,
45228 quote = t1.readChar$0();
45229 if (quote !== 39 && quote !== 34)
45230 t1.error$2$position(0, "Expected string.", t1._string_scanner$_position - 1);
45231 buffer = new A.StringBuffer("");
45232 for (; true;) {
45233 next = t1.peekChar$0();
45234 if (next === quote) {
45235 t1.readChar$0();
45236 break;
45237 } else if (next == null || next === 10 || next === 13 || next === 12)
45238 t1.error$1(0, "Expected " + A.Primitives_stringFromCharCode(quote) + ".");
45239 else if (next === 92) {
45240 t2 = t1.peekChar$1(1);
45241 if (t2 === 10 || t2 === 13 || t2 === 12) {
45242 t1.readChar$0();
45243 t1.readChar$0();
45244 } else
45245 buffer._contents += A.Primitives_stringFromCharCode(A.consumeEscapedCharacter(t1));
45246 } else
45247 buffer._contents += A.Primitives_stringFromCharCode(t1.readChar$0());
45248 }
45249 t1 = buffer._contents;
45250 return t1.charCodeAt(0) == 0 ? t1 : t1;
45251 },
45252 naturalNumber$0() {
45253 var number, t2,
45254 t1 = this.scanner,
45255 first = t1.readChar$0();
45256 if (!A.isDigit(first))
45257 t1.error$2$position(0, "Expected digit.", t1._string_scanner$_position - 1);
45258 number = first - 48;
45259 while (true) {
45260 t2 = t1.peekChar$0();
45261 if (!(t2 != null && t2 >= 48 && t2 <= 57))
45262 break;
45263 number = number * 10 + (t1.readChar$0() - 48);
45264 }
45265 return number;
45266 },
45267 declarationValue$1$allowEmpty(allowEmpty) {
45268 var t1, t2, wroteNewline, next, start, end, t3, url, _this = this,
45269 buffer = new A.StringBuffer(""),
45270 brackets = A._setArrayType([], type$.JSArray_int);
45271 $label0$1:
45272 for (t1 = _this.scanner, t2 = _this.get$string(), wroteNewline = false; true;) {
45273 next = t1.peekChar$0();
45274 switch (next) {
45275 case 92:
45276 buffer._contents += A.S(_this.escape$1$identifierStart(true));
45277 wroteNewline = false;
45278 break;
45279 case 34:
45280 case 39:
45281 start = t1._string_scanner$_position;
45282 t2.call$0();
45283 end = t1._string_scanner$_position;
45284 buffer._contents += B.JSString_methods.substring$2(t1.string, start, end);
45285 wroteNewline = false;
45286 break;
45287 case 47:
45288 if (t1.peekChar$1(1) === 42) {
45289 t3 = _this.get$loudComment();
45290 start = t1._string_scanner$_position;
45291 t3.call$0();
45292 end = t1._string_scanner$_position;
45293 buffer._contents += B.JSString_methods.substring$2(t1.string, start, end);
45294 } else
45295 buffer._contents += A.Primitives_stringFromCharCode(t1.readChar$0());
45296 wroteNewline = false;
45297 break;
45298 case 32:
45299 case 9:
45300 if (!wroteNewline) {
45301 t3 = t1.peekChar$1(1);
45302 t3 = !(t3 === 32 || t3 === 9 || t3 === 10 || t3 === 13 || t3 === 12);
45303 } else
45304 t3 = true;
45305 if (t3)
45306 buffer._contents += A.Primitives_stringFromCharCode(32);
45307 t1.readChar$0();
45308 break;
45309 case 10:
45310 case 13:
45311 case 12:
45312 t3 = t1.peekChar$1(-1);
45313 if (!(t3 === 10 || t3 === 13 || t3 === 12))
45314 buffer._contents += "\n";
45315 t1.readChar$0();
45316 wroteNewline = true;
45317 break;
45318 case 40:
45319 case 123:
45320 case 91:
45321 next.toString;
45322 buffer._contents += A.Primitives_stringFromCharCode(next);
45323 brackets.push(A.opposite(t1.readChar$0()));
45324 wroteNewline = false;
45325 break;
45326 case 41:
45327 case 125:
45328 case 93:
45329 if (brackets.length === 0)
45330 break $label0$1;
45331 next.toString;
45332 buffer._contents += A.Primitives_stringFromCharCode(next);
45333 t1.expectChar$1(brackets.pop());
45334 wroteNewline = false;
45335 break;
45336 case 59:
45337 if (brackets.length === 0)
45338 break $label0$1;
45339 buffer._contents += A.Primitives_stringFromCharCode(t1.readChar$0());
45340 break;
45341 case 117:
45342 case 85:
45343 url = _this.tryUrl$0();
45344 if (url != null)
45345 buffer._contents += url;
45346 else
45347 buffer._contents += A.Primitives_stringFromCharCode(t1.readChar$0());
45348 wroteNewline = false;
45349 break;
45350 default:
45351 if (next == null)
45352 break $label0$1;
45353 if (_this.lookingAtIdentifier$0())
45354 buffer._contents += _this.identifier$0();
45355 else
45356 buffer._contents += A.Primitives_stringFromCharCode(t1.readChar$0());
45357 wroteNewline = false;
45358 break;
45359 }
45360 }
45361 if (brackets.length !== 0)
45362 t1.expectChar$1(B.JSArray_methods.get$last(brackets));
45363 if (!allowEmpty && buffer._contents.length === 0)
45364 t1.error$1(0, "Expected token.");
45365 t1 = buffer._contents;
45366 return t1.charCodeAt(0) == 0 ? t1 : t1;
45367 },
45368 declarationValue$0() {
45369 return this.declarationValue$1$allowEmpty(false);
45370 },
45371 tryUrl$0() {
45372 var buffer, next, t2, _this = this,
45373 t1 = _this.scanner,
45374 start = new A._SpanScannerState(t1, t1._string_scanner$_position);
45375 if (!_this.scanIdentifier$1("url"))
45376 return null;
45377 if (!t1.scanChar$1(40)) {
45378 t1.set$state(start);
45379 return null;
45380 }
45381 _this.whitespace$0();
45382 buffer = new A.StringBuffer("");
45383 buffer._contents = "" + "url(";
45384 for (; true;) {
45385 next = t1.peekChar$0();
45386 if (next == null)
45387 break;
45388 else if (next === 92)
45389 buffer._contents += A.S(_this.escape$0());
45390 else {
45391 if (next !== 37)
45392 if (next !== 38)
45393 if (next !== 35)
45394 t2 = next >= 42 && next <= 126 || next >= 128;
45395 else
45396 t2 = true;
45397 else
45398 t2 = true;
45399 else
45400 t2 = true;
45401 if (t2)
45402 buffer._contents += A.Primitives_stringFromCharCode(t1.readChar$0());
45403 else if (next === 32 || next === 9 || next === 10 || next === 13 || next === 12) {
45404 _this.whitespace$0();
45405 if (t1.peekChar$0() !== 41)
45406 break;
45407 } else if (next === 41) {
45408 t2 = buffer._contents += A.Primitives_stringFromCharCode(t1.readChar$0());
45409 return t2.charCodeAt(0) == 0 ? t2 : t2;
45410 } else
45411 break;
45412 }
45413 }
45414 t1.set$state(start);
45415 return null;
45416 },
45417 variableName$0() {
45418 this.scanner.expectChar$1(36);
45419 return this.identifier$1$normalize(true);
45420 },
45421 escape$1$identifierStart(identifierStart) {
45422 var value, first, i, next, t2, exception,
45423 _s25_ = "Expected escape sequence.",
45424 t1 = this.scanner,
45425 start = t1._string_scanner$_position;
45426 t1.expectChar$1(92);
45427 value = 0;
45428 first = t1.peekChar$0();
45429 if (first == null)
45430 t1.error$1(0, _s25_);
45431 else if (first === 10 || first === 13 || first === 12)
45432 t1.error$1(0, _s25_);
45433 else if (A.isHex(first)) {
45434 for (i = 0; i < 6; ++i) {
45435 next = t1.peekChar$0();
45436 if (next == null || !A.isHex(next))
45437 break;
45438 value *= 16;
45439 value += A.asHex(t1.readChar$0());
45440 }
45441 this.scanCharIf$1(A.character__isWhitespace$closure());
45442 } else
45443 value = t1.readChar$0();
45444 if (identifierStart) {
45445 t2 = value;
45446 t2 = t2 === 95 || A.isAlphabetic0(t2) || t2 >= 128;
45447 } else {
45448 t2 = value;
45449 t2 = t2 === 95 || A.isAlphabetic0(t2) || t2 >= 128 || A.isDigit(t2) || t2 === 45;
45450 }
45451 if (t2)
45452 try {
45453 t2 = A.Primitives_stringFromCharCode(value);
45454 return t2;
45455 } catch (exception) {
45456 if (type$.RangeError._is(A.unwrapException(exception)))
45457 t1.error$3$length$position(0, "Invalid Unicode code point.", t1._string_scanner$_position - start, start);
45458 else
45459 throw exception;
45460 }
45461 else {
45462 if (!(value <= 31))
45463 if (!J.$eq$(value, 127))
45464 t1 = identifierStart && A.isDigit(value);
45465 else
45466 t1 = true;
45467 else
45468 t1 = true;
45469 if (t1) {
45470 t1 = "" + A.Primitives_stringFromCharCode(92);
45471 if (value > 15)
45472 t1 += A.Primitives_stringFromCharCode(A.hexCharFor(B.JSNumber_methods._shrOtherPositive$1(value, 4)));
45473 t1 = t1 + A.Primitives_stringFromCharCode(A.hexCharFor(value & 15)) + A.Primitives_stringFromCharCode(32);
45474 return t1.charCodeAt(0) == 0 ? t1 : t1;
45475 } else
45476 return A.String_String$fromCharCodes(A._setArrayType([92, value], type$.JSArray_int), 0, null);
45477 }
45478 },
45479 escape$0() {
45480 return this.escape$1$identifierStart(false);
45481 },
45482 scanCharIf$1(condition) {
45483 var t1 = this.scanner;
45484 if (!condition.call$1(t1.peekChar$0()))
45485 return false;
45486 t1.readChar$0();
45487 return true;
45488 },
45489 scanIdentChar$2$caseSensitive(char, caseSensitive) {
45490 var t3,
45491 t1 = new A.Parser_scanIdentChar_matches(caseSensitive, char),
45492 t2 = this.scanner,
45493 next = t2.peekChar$0();
45494 if (next != null && t1.call$1(next)) {
45495 t2.readChar$0();
45496 return true;
45497 } else if (next === 92) {
45498 t3 = t2._string_scanner$_position;
45499 if (t1.call$1(A.consumeEscapedCharacter(t2)))
45500 return true;
45501 t2.set$state(new A._SpanScannerState(t2, t3));
45502 }
45503 return false;
45504 },
45505 scanIdentChar$1(char) {
45506 return this.scanIdentChar$2$caseSensitive(char, false);
45507 },
45508 expectIdentChar$1(letter) {
45509 var t1;
45510 if (this.scanIdentChar$2$caseSensitive(letter, false))
45511 return;
45512 t1 = this.scanner;
45513 t1.error$2$position(0, 'Expected "' + A.Primitives_stringFromCharCode(letter) + '".', t1._string_scanner$_position);
45514 },
45515 lookingAtIdentifier$1($forward) {
45516 var t1, first, second;
45517 if ($forward == null)
45518 $forward = 0;
45519 t1 = this.scanner;
45520 first = t1.peekChar$1($forward);
45521 if (first == null)
45522 return false;
45523 if (first === 95 || A.isAlphabetic0(first) || first >= 128 || first === 92)
45524 return true;
45525 if (first !== 45)
45526 return false;
45527 second = t1.peekChar$1($forward + 1);
45528 if (second == null)
45529 return false;
45530 return second === 95 || A.isAlphabetic0(second) || second >= 128 || second === 92 || second === 45;
45531 },
45532 lookingAtIdentifier$0() {
45533 return this.lookingAtIdentifier$1(null);
45534 },
45535 lookingAtIdentifierBody$0() {
45536 var t1,
45537 next = this.scanner.peekChar$0();
45538 if (next != null)
45539 t1 = next === 95 || A.isAlphabetic0(next) || next >= 128 || A.isDigit(next) || next === 45 || next === 92;
45540 else
45541 t1 = false;
45542 return t1;
45543 },
45544 scanIdentifier$2$caseSensitive(text, caseSensitive) {
45545 var t1, start, t2, t3, _this = this;
45546 if (!_this.lookingAtIdentifier$0())
45547 return false;
45548 t1 = _this.scanner;
45549 start = new A._SpanScannerState(t1, t1._string_scanner$_position);
45550 for (t2 = new A.CodeUnits(text), t2 = new A.ListIterator(t2, t2.get$length(t2)), t3 = A._instanceType(t2)._precomputed1; t2.moveNext$0();) {
45551 if (_this.scanIdentChar$2$caseSensitive(t3._as(t2.__internal$_current), caseSensitive))
45552 continue;
45553 if (start._scanner !== t1)
45554 A.throwExpression(A.ArgumentError$(string$.The_gi, null));
45555 t2 = start.position;
45556 if (t2 < 0 || t2 > t1.string.length)
45557 A.throwExpression(A.ArgumentError$("Invalid position " + t2, null));
45558 t1._string_scanner$_position = t2;
45559 t1._lastMatch = null;
45560 return false;
45561 }
45562 if (!_this.lookingAtIdentifierBody$0())
45563 return true;
45564 t1.set$state(start);
45565 return false;
45566 },
45567 scanIdentifier$1(text) {
45568 return this.scanIdentifier$2$caseSensitive(text, false);
45569 },
45570 expectIdentifier$2$name(text, $name) {
45571 var t1, start, t2, t3;
45572 if ($name == null)
45573 $name = '"' + text + '"';
45574 t1 = this.scanner;
45575 start = t1._string_scanner$_position;
45576 for (t2 = new A.CodeUnits(text), t2 = new A.ListIterator(t2, t2.get$length(t2)), t3 = A._instanceType(t2)._precomputed1; t2.moveNext$0();) {
45577 if (this.scanIdentChar$2$caseSensitive(t3._as(t2.__internal$_current), false))
45578 continue;
45579 t1.error$2$position(0, "Expected " + $name + ".", start);
45580 }
45581 if (!this.lookingAtIdentifierBody$0())
45582 return;
45583 t1.error$2$position(0, "Expected " + $name, start);
45584 },
45585 expectIdentifier$1(text) {
45586 return this.expectIdentifier$2$name(text, null);
45587 },
45588 rawText$1(consumer) {
45589 var t1 = this.scanner,
45590 start = t1._string_scanner$_position;
45591 consumer.call$0();
45592 return t1.substring$1(0, start);
45593 },
45594 error$3(_, message, span, trace) {
45595 var exception = new A.StringScannerException(this.scanner.string, message, span);
45596 if (trace == null)
45597 throw A.wrapException(exception);
45598 else
45599 A.throwWithTrace(exception, trace);
45600 },
45601 error$2($receiver, message, span) {
45602 return this.error$3($receiver, message, span, null);
45603 },
45604 withErrorMessage$1$2(message, callback) {
45605 var error, stackTrace, t1, exception;
45606 try {
45607 t1 = callback.call$0();
45608 return t1;
45609 } catch (exception) {
45610 t1 = A.unwrapException(exception);
45611 if (type$.SourceSpanFormatException._is(t1)) {
45612 error = t1;
45613 stackTrace = A.getTraceFromException(exception);
45614 t1 = J.get$span$z(error);
45615 A.throwWithTrace(new A.SourceSpanFormatException(error.get$source(), message, t1), stackTrace);
45616 } else
45617 throw exception;
45618 }
45619 },
45620 withErrorMessage$2(message, callback) {
45621 return this.withErrorMessage$1$2(message, callback, type$.dynamic);
45622 },
45623 wrapSpanFormatException$1$1(callback) {
45624 var error, stackTrace, span, startPosition, t1, exception;
45625 try {
45626 t1 = callback.call$0();
45627 return t1;
45628 } catch (exception) {
45629 t1 = A.unwrapException(exception);
45630 if (type$.SourceSpanFormatException._is(t1)) {
45631 error = t1;
45632 stackTrace = A.getTraceFromException(exception);
45633 span = J.get$span$z(error);
45634 if (A.startsWithIgnoreCase(error._span_exception$_message, "expected")) {
45635 t1 = span;
45636 t1 = t1._end - t1._file$_start === 0;
45637 } else
45638 t1 = false;
45639 if (t1) {
45640 t1 = span;
45641 startPosition = this._firstNewlineBefore$1(A.FileLocation$_(t1.file, t1._file$_start).offset);
45642 t1 = span;
45643 if (!J.$eq$(startPosition, A.FileLocation$_(t1.file, t1._file$_start).offset))
45644 span = span.file.span$2(0, startPosition, startPosition);
45645 }
45646 A.throwWithTrace(new A.SassFormatException(error._span_exception$_message, span), stackTrace);
45647 } else
45648 throw exception;
45649 }
45650 },
45651 wrapSpanFormatException$1(callback) {
45652 return this.wrapSpanFormatException$1$1(callback, type$.dynamic);
45653 },
45654 _firstNewlineBefore$1(position) {
45655 var t1, lastNewline, codeUnit,
45656 index = position - 1;
45657 for (t1 = this.scanner.string, lastNewline = null; index >= 0;) {
45658 codeUnit = B.JSString_methods.codeUnitAt$1(t1, index);
45659 if (!(codeUnit === 32 || codeUnit === 9 || codeUnit === 10 || codeUnit === 13 || codeUnit === 12))
45660 return lastNewline == null ? position : lastNewline;
45661 if (codeUnit === 10 || codeUnit === 13 || codeUnit === 12)
45662 lastNewline = index;
45663 --index;
45664 }
45665 return position;
45666 }
45667 };
45668 A.Parser__parseIdentifier_closure.prototype = {
45669 call$0() {
45670 var t1 = this.$this,
45671 result = t1.identifier$0();
45672 t1.scanner.expectDone$0();
45673 return result;
45674 },
45675 $signature: 30
45676 };
45677 A.Parser_scanIdentChar_matches.prototype = {
45678 call$1(actual) {
45679 var t1 = this.char;
45680 return this.caseSensitive ? actual === t1 : A.characterEqualsIgnoreCase(t1, actual);
45681 },
45682 $signature: 56
45683 };
45684 A.SassParser.prototype = {
45685 get$currentIndentation() {
45686 return this._currentIndentation;
45687 },
45688 get$indented() {
45689 return true;
45690 },
45691 styleRuleSelector$0() {
45692 var t4,
45693 t1 = this.scanner,
45694 t2 = t1._string_scanner$_position,
45695 t3 = new A.StringBuffer(""),
45696 buffer = new A.InterpolationBuffer(t3, A._setArrayType([], type$.JSArray_Object));
45697 do {
45698 buffer.addInterpolation$1(this.almostAnyValue$1$omitComments(true));
45699 t4 = t3._contents += A.Primitives_stringFromCharCode(10);
45700 } while (B.JSString_methods.endsWith$1(B.JSString_methods.trimRight$0(t4.charCodeAt(0) == 0 ? t4 : t4), ",") && this.scanCharIf$1(A.character__isNewline$closure()));
45701 return buffer.interpolation$1(t1.spanFrom$1(new A._SpanScannerState(t1, t2)));
45702 },
45703 expectStatementSeparator$1($name) {
45704 var _this = this;
45705 if (!_this.atEndOfStatement$0())
45706 _this._expectNewline$0();
45707 if (_this._peekIndentation$0() <= _this._currentIndentation)
45708 return;
45709 _this.scanner.error$2$position(0, "Nothing may be indented " + ($name == null ? "here" : "beneath a " + $name) + ".", _this._nextIndentationEnd.position);
45710 },
45711 expectStatementSeparator$0() {
45712 return this.expectStatementSeparator$1(null);
45713 },
45714 atEndOfStatement$0() {
45715 var next = this.scanner.peekChar$0();
45716 return next == null || next === 10 || next === 13 || next === 12;
45717 },
45718 lookingAtChildren$0() {
45719 return this.atEndOfStatement$0() && this._peekIndentation$0() > this._currentIndentation;
45720 },
45721 importArgument$0() {
45722 var url, span, innerError, stackTrace, start, next, t2, exception, _this = this,
45723 t1 = _this.scanner;
45724 switch (t1.peekChar$0()) {
45725 case 117:
45726 case 85:
45727 start = new A._SpanScannerState(t1, t1._string_scanner$_position);
45728 if (_this.scanIdentifier$1("url"))
45729 if (t1.scanChar$1(40)) {
45730 t1.set$state(start);
45731 return _this.super$StylesheetParser$importArgument();
45732 } else
45733 t1.set$state(start);
45734 break;
45735 case 39:
45736 case 34:
45737 return _this.super$StylesheetParser$importArgument();
45738 }
45739 start = new A._SpanScannerState(t1, t1._string_scanner$_position);
45740 next = t1.peekChar$0();
45741 while (true) {
45742 if (next != null)
45743 if (next !== 44)
45744 if (next !== 59)
45745 t2 = !(next === 10 || next === 13 || next === 12);
45746 else
45747 t2 = false;
45748 else
45749 t2 = false;
45750 else
45751 t2 = false;
45752 if (!t2)
45753 break;
45754 t1.readChar$0();
45755 next = t1.peekChar$0();
45756 }
45757 url = t1.substring$1(0, start.position);
45758 span = t1.spanFrom$1(start);
45759 if (_this.isPlainImportUrl$1(url))
45760 return new A.StaticImport(A.Interpolation$(A._setArrayType([A.serializeValue(new A.SassString(url, true), true, true)], type$.JSArray_Object), span), null, null, span);
45761 else
45762 try {
45763 t1 = _this.parseImportUrl$1(url);
45764 return new A.DynamicImport(t1, span);
45765 } catch (exception) {
45766 t1 = A.unwrapException(exception);
45767 if (type$.FormatException._is(t1)) {
45768 innerError = t1;
45769 stackTrace = A.getTraceFromException(exception);
45770 _this.error$3(0, "Invalid URL: " + J.get$message$x(innerError), span, stackTrace);
45771 } else
45772 throw exception;
45773 }
45774 },
45775 scanElse$1(ifIndentation) {
45776 var t1, t2, startIndentation, startNextIndentation, startNextIndentationEnd, _this = this;
45777 if (_this._peekIndentation$0() !== ifIndentation)
45778 return false;
45779 t1 = _this.scanner;
45780 t2 = t1._string_scanner$_position;
45781 startIndentation = _this._currentIndentation;
45782 startNextIndentation = _this._nextIndentation;
45783 startNextIndentationEnd = _this._nextIndentationEnd;
45784 _this._readIndentation$0();
45785 if (t1.scanChar$1(64) && _this.scanIdentifier$1("else"))
45786 return true;
45787 t1.set$state(new A._SpanScannerState(t1, t2));
45788 _this._currentIndentation = startIndentation;
45789 _this._nextIndentation = startNextIndentation;
45790 _this._nextIndentationEnd = startNextIndentationEnd;
45791 return false;
45792 },
45793 children$1(_, child) {
45794 var children = A._setArrayType([], type$.JSArray_Statement);
45795 this._whileIndentedLower$1(new A.SassParser_children_closure(this, child, children));
45796 return children;
45797 },
45798 statements$1(statement) {
45799 var statements, t2, child,
45800 t1 = this.scanner,
45801 first = t1.peekChar$0();
45802 if (first === 9 || first === 32)
45803 t1.error$3$length$position(0, string$.Indent, t1._string_scanner$_position, 0);
45804 statements = A._setArrayType([], type$.JSArray_Statement);
45805 for (t2 = t1.string.length; t1._string_scanner$_position !== t2;) {
45806 child = this._child$1(statement);
45807 if (child != null)
45808 statements.push(child);
45809 this._readIndentation$0();
45810 }
45811 return statements;
45812 },
45813 _child$1(child) {
45814 var _this = this,
45815 t1 = _this.scanner;
45816 switch (t1.peekChar$0()) {
45817 case 13:
45818 case 10:
45819 case 12:
45820 return null;
45821 case 36:
45822 return _this.variableDeclarationWithoutNamespace$0();
45823 case 47:
45824 switch (t1.peekChar$1(1)) {
45825 case 47:
45826 return _this._silentComment$0();
45827 case 42:
45828 return _this._loudComment$0();
45829 default:
45830 return child.call$0();
45831 }
45832 default:
45833 return child.call$0();
45834 }
45835 },
45836 _silentComment$0() {
45837 var buffer, parentIndentation, t3, t4, t5, commentPrefix, i, t6, i0, t7, _this = this,
45838 t1 = _this.scanner,
45839 t2 = t1._string_scanner$_position;
45840 t1.expect$1("//");
45841 buffer = new A.StringBuffer("");
45842 parentIndentation = _this._currentIndentation;
45843 t3 = t1.string.length;
45844 t4 = 1 + parentIndentation;
45845 t5 = 2 + parentIndentation;
45846 $label0$0:
45847 do {
45848 commentPrefix = t1.scanChar$1(47) ? "///" : "//";
45849 for (i = commentPrefix.length; true;) {
45850 t6 = buffer._contents += commentPrefix;
45851 for (i0 = i; i0 < _this._currentIndentation - parentIndentation; ++i0) {
45852 t6 += A.Primitives_stringFromCharCode(32);
45853 buffer._contents = t6;
45854 }
45855 while (true) {
45856 if (t1._string_scanner$_position !== t3) {
45857 t7 = t1.peekChar$0();
45858 t7 = !(t7 === 10 || t7 === 13 || t7 === 12);
45859 } else
45860 t7 = false;
45861 if (!t7)
45862 break;
45863 t6 += A.Primitives_stringFromCharCode(t1.readChar$0());
45864 buffer._contents = t6;
45865 }
45866 buffer._contents = t6 + "\n";
45867 if (_this._peekIndentation$0() < parentIndentation)
45868 break $label0$0;
45869 if (_this._peekIndentation$0() === parentIndentation) {
45870 if (t1.peekChar$1(t4) === 47 && t1.peekChar$1(t5) === 47)
45871 _this._readIndentation$0();
45872 break;
45873 }
45874 _this._readIndentation$0();
45875 }
45876 } while (t1.scan$1("//"));
45877 t3 = buffer._contents;
45878 return _this.lastSilentComment = new A.SilentComment(t3.charCodeAt(0) == 0 ? t3 : t3, t1.spanFrom$1(new A._SpanScannerState(t1, t2)));
45879 },
45880 _loudComment$0() {
45881 var t3, t4, buffer, parentIndentation, t5, t6, first, beginningOfComment, t7, end, i, _this = this,
45882 t1 = _this.scanner,
45883 t2 = t1._string_scanner$_position;
45884 t1.expect$1("/*");
45885 t3 = new A.StringBuffer("");
45886 t4 = A._setArrayType([], type$.JSArray_Object);
45887 buffer = new A.InterpolationBuffer(t3, t4);
45888 t3._contents = "" + "/*";
45889 parentIndentation = _this._currentIndentation;
45890 for (t5 = t1.string, t6 = t5.length, first = true; true; first = false) {
45891 if (first) {
45892 beginningOfComment = t1._string_scanner$_position;
45893 _this.spaces$0();
45894 t7 = t1.peekChar$0();
45895 if (t7 === 10 || t7 === 13 || t7 === 12) {
45896 _this._readIndentation$0();
45897 t7 = t3._contents += A.Primitives_stringFromCharCode(32);
45898 } else {
45899 end = t1._string_scanner$_position;
45900 t7 = t3._contents += B.JSString_methods.substring$2(t5, beginningOfComment, end);
45901 }
45902 } else {
45903 t7 = t3._contents += "\n";
45904 t7 += " * ";
45905 t3._contents = t7;
45906 }
45907 for (i = 3; i < _this._currentIndentation - parentIndentation; ++i) {
45908 t7 += A.Primitives_stringFromCharCode(32);
45909 t3._contents = t7;
45910 }
45911 $label0$1:
45912 for (; t1._string_scanner$_position !== t6;)
45913 switch (t1.peekChar$0()) {
45914 case 10:
45915 case 13:
45916 case 12:
45917 break $label0$1;
45918 case 35:
45919 if (t1.peekChar$1(1) === 123) {
45920 t7 = _this.singleInterpolation$0();
45921 buffer._flushText$0();
45922 t4.push(t7);
45923 } else
45924 t3._contents += A.Primitives_stringFromCharCode(t1.readChar$0());
45925 break;
45926 default:
45927 t3._contents += A.Primitives_stringFromCharCode(t1.readChar$0());
45928 break;
45929 }
45930 if (_this._peekIndentation$0() <= parentIndentation)
45931 break;
45932 for (; _this._lookingAtDoubleNewline$0();) {
45933 _this._expectNewline$0();
45934 t7 = t3._contents += "\n";
45935 t3._contents = t7 + " *";
45936 }
45937 _this._readIndentation$0();
45938 }
45939 t4 = t3._contents;
45940 if (!B.JSString_methods.endsWith$1(B.JSString_methods.trimRight$0(t4.charCodeAt(0) == 0 ? t4 : t4), "*/"))
45941 t3._contents += " */";
45942 return new A.LoudComment(buffer.interpolation$1(t1.spanFrom$1(new A._SpanScannerState(t1, t2))));
45943 },
45944 whitespaceWithoutComments$0() {
45945 var t1, t2, next;
45946 for (t1 = this.scanner, t2 = t1.string.length; t1._string_scanner$_position !== t2;) {
45947 next = t1.peekChar$0();
45948 if (next !== 9 && next !== 32)
45949 break;
45950 t1.readChar$0();
45951 }
45952 },
45953 loudComment$0() {
45954 var next,
45955 t1 = this.scanner;
45956 t1.expect$1("/*");
45957 for (; true;) {
45958 next = t1.readChar$0();
45959 if (next === 10 || next === 13 || next === 12)
45960 t1.error$1(0, "expected */.");
45961 if (next !== 42)
45962 continue;
45963 do
45964 next = t1.readChar$0();
45965 while (next === 42);
45966 if (next === 47)
45967 break;
45968 }
45969 },
45970 _expectNewline$0() {
45971 var t1 = this.scanner;
45972 switch (t1.peekChar$0()) {
45973 case 59:
45974 t1.error$1(0, string$.semico);
45975 break;
45976 case 13:
45977 t1.readChar$0();
45978 if (t1.peekChar$0() === 10)
45979 t1.readChar$0();
45980 return;
45981 case 10:
45982 case 12:
45983 t1.readChar$0();
45984 return;
45985 default:
45986 t1.error$1(0, "expected newline.");
45987 }
45988 },
45989 _lookingAtDoubleNewline$0() {
45990 var nextChar,
45991 t1 = this.scanner;
45992 switch (t1.peekChar$0()) {
45993 case 13:
45994 nextChar = t1.peekChar$1(1);
45995 if (nextChar === 10) {
45996 t1 = t1.peekChar$1(2);
45997 return t1 === 10 || t1 === 13 || t1 === 12;
45998 }
45999 return nextChar === 13 || nextChar === 12;
46000 case 10:
46001 case 12:
46002 t1 = t1.peekChar$1(1);
46003 return t1 === 10 || t1 === 13 || t1 === 12;
46004 default:
46005 return false;
46006 }
46007 },
46008 _whileIndentedLower$1(body) {
46009 var t1, t2, childIndentation, indentation, t3, t4, t5, _this = this,
46010 parentIndentation = _this._currentIndentation;
46011 for (t1 = _this.scanner, t2 = t1._sourceFile, childIndentation = null; _this._peekIndentation$0() > parentIndentation;) {
46012 indentation = _this._readIndentation$0();
46013 if (childIndentation == null)
46014 childIndentation = indentation;
46015 if (childIndentation !== indentation) {
46016 t3 = "Inconsistent indentation, expected " + childIndentation + " spaces.";
46017 t4 = t1._string_scanner$_position;
46018 t5 = t2.getColumn$1(t4);
46019 t1.error$3$length$position(0, t3, t2.getColumn$1(t1._string_scanner$_position), t4 - t5);
46020 }
46021 body.call$0();
46022 }
46023 },
46024 _readIndentation$0() {
46025 var t1, _this = this,
46026 currentIndentation = _this._nextIndentation;
46027 if (currentIndentation == null)
46028 currentIndentation = _this._nextIndentation = _this._peekIndentation$0();
46029 _this._currentIndentation = currentIndentation;
46030 t1 = _this._nextIndentationEnd;
46031 t1.toString;
46032 _this.scanner.set$state(t1);
46033 _this._nextIndentationEnd = _this._nextIndentation = null;
46034 return currentIndentation;
46035 },
46036 _peekIndentation$0() {
46037 var t1, t2, t3, start, containsTab, containsSpace, nextIndentation, next, t4, _this = this,
46038 cached = _this._nextIndentation;
46039 if (cached != null)
46040 return cached;
46041 t1 = _this.scanner;
46042 t2 = t1._string_scanner$_position;
46043 t3 = t1.string.length;
46044 if (t2 === t3) {
46045 _this._nextIndentation = 0;
46046 _this._nextIndentationEnd = new A._SpanScannerState(t1, t2);
46047 return 0;
46048 }
46049 start = new A._SpanScannerState(t1, t2);
46050 if (!_this.scanCharIf$1(A.character__isNewline$closure()))
46051 t1.error$2$position(0, "Expected newline.", t1._string_scanner$_position);
46052 containsTab = A._Cell$();
46053 containsSpace = A._Cell$();
46054 nextIndentation = A._Cell$();
46055 t2 = nextIndentation.__late_helper$_name;
46056 do {
46057 containsSpace._value = containsTab._value = false;
46058 nextIndentation._value = 0;
46059 for (; true;) {
46060 next = t1.peekChar$0();
46061 if (next === 32)
46062 containsSpace._value = true;
46063 else if (next === 9)
46064 containsTab._value = true;
46065 else
46066 break;
46067 t4 = nextIndentation._value;
46068 if (t4 === nextIndentation)
46069 A.throwExpression(A.LateError$localNI(t2));
46070 nextIndentation._value = t4 + 1;
46071 t1.readChar$0();
46072 }
46073 t4 = t1._string_scanner$_position;
46074 if (t4 === t3) {
46075 _this._nextIndentation = 0;
46076 _this._nextIndentationEnd = new A._SpanScannerState(t1, t4);
46077 t1.set$state(start);
46078 return 0;
46079 }
46080 } while (_this.scanCharIf$1(A.character__isNewline$closure()));
46081 t2 = containsTab._readLocal$0();
46082 t3 = containsSpace._readLocal$0();
46083 if (t2) {
46084 if (t3) {
46085 t2 = t1._string_scanner$_position;
46086 t3 = t1._sourceFile;
46087 t4 = t3.getColumn$1(t2);
46088 t1.error$3$length$position(0, "Tabs and spaces may not be mixed.", t3.getColumn$1(t1._string_scanner$_position), t2 - t4);
46089 } else if (_this._spaces === true) {
46090 t2 = t1._string_scanner$_position;
46091 t3 = t1._sourceFile;
46092 t4 = t3.getColumn$1(t2);
46093 t1.error$3$length$position(0, "Expected spaces, was tabs.", t3.getColumn$1(t1._string_scanner$_position), t2 - t4);
46094 }
46095 } else if (t3 && _this._spaces === false) {
46096 t2 = t1._string_scanner$_position;
46097 t3 = t1._sourceFile;
46098 t4 = t3.getColumn$1(t2);
46099 t1.error$3$length$position(0, "Expected tabs, was spaces.", t3.getColumn$1(t1._string_scanner$_position), t2 - t4);
46100 }
46101 _this._nextIndentation = nextIndentation._readLocal$0();
46102 if (nextIndentation._readLocal$0() > 0)
46103 if (_this._spaces == null)
46104 _this._spaces = containsSpace._readLocal$0();
46105 _this._nextIndentationEnd = new A._SpanScannerState(t1, t1._string_scanner$_position);
46106 t1.set$state(start);
46107 return nextIndentation._readLocal$0();
46108 }
46109 };
46110 A.SassParser_children_closure.prototype = {
46111 call$0() {
46112 var parsedChild = this.$this._child$1(this.child);
46113 if (parsedChild != null)
46114 this.children.push(parsedChild);
46115 },
46116 $signature: 0
46117 };
46118 A.ScssParser.prototype = {
46119 get$indented() {
46120 return false;
46121 },
46122 get$currentIndentation() {
46123 return 0;
46124 },
46125 styleRuleSelector$0() {
46126 return this.almostAnyValue$0();
46127 },
46128 expectStatementSeparator$1($name) {
46129 var t1, next;
46130 this.whitespaceWithoutComments$0();
46131 t1 = this.scanner;
46132 if (t1._string_scanner$_position === t1.string.length)
46133 return;
46134 next = t1.peekChar$0();
46135 if (next === 59 || next === 125)
46136 return;
46137 t1.expectChar$1(59);
46138 },
46139 expectStatementSeparator$0() {
46140 return this.expectStatementSeparator$1(null);
46141 },
46142 atEndOfStatement$0() {
46143 var next = this.scanner.peekChar$0();
46144 return next == null || next === 59 || next === 125 || next === 123;
46145 },
46146 lookingAtChildren$0() {
46147 return this.scanner.peekChar$0() === 123;
46148 },
46149 scanElse$1(ifIndentation) {
46150 var t3, _this = this,
46151 t1 = _this.scanner,
46152 t2 = t1._string_scanner$_position;
46153 _this.whitespace$0();
46154 t3 = t1._string_scanner$_position;
46155 if (t1.scanChar$1(64)) {
46156 if (_this.scanIdentifier$2$caseSensitive("else", true))
46157 return true;
46158 if (_this.scanIdentifier$2$caseSensitive("elseif", true)) {
46159 _this.logger.warn$3$deprecation$span(0, string$.x40elsei, true, t1.spanFrom$1(new A._SpanScannerState(t1, t3)));
46160 t1.set$position(t1._string_scanner$_position - 2);
46161 return true;
46162 }
46163 }
46164 t1.set$state(new A._SpanScannerState(t1, t2));
46165 return false;
46166 },
46167 children$1(_, child) {
46168 var children, _this = this,
46169 t1 = _this.scanner;
46170 t1.expectChar$1(123);
46171 _this.whitespaceWithoutComments$0();
46172 children = A._setArrayType([], type$.JSArray_Statement);
46173 for (; true;)
46174 switch (t1.peekChar$0()) {
46175 case 36:
46176 children.push(_this.variableDeclarationWithoutNamespace$0());
46177 break;
46178 case 47:
46179 switch (t1.peekChar$1(1)) {
46180 case 47:
46181 children.push(_this._scss$_silentComment$0());
46182 _this.whitespaceWithoutComments$0();
46183 break;
46184 case 42:
46185 children.push(_this._scss$_loudComment$0());
46186 _this.whitespaceWithoutComments$0();
46187 break;
46188 default:
46189 children.push(child.call$0());
46190 break;
46191 }
46192 break;
46193 case 59:
46194 t1.readChar$0();
46195 _this.whitespaceWithoutComments$0();
46196 break;
46197 case 125:
46198 t1.expectChar$1(125);
46199 return children;
46200 default:
46201 children.push(child.call$0());
46202 break;
46203 }
46204 },
46205 statements$1(statement) {
46206 var t1, t2, child, _this = this,
46207 statements = A._setArrayType([], type$.JSArray_Statement);
46208 _this.whitespaceWithoutComments$0();
46209 for (t1 = _this.scanner, t2 = t1.string.length; t1._string_scanner$_position !== t2;)
46210 switch (t1.peekChar$0()) {
46211 case 36:
46212 statements.push(_this.variableDeclarationWithoutNamespace$0());
46213 break;
46214 case 47:
46215 switch (t1.peekChar$1(1)) {
46216 case 47:
46217 statements.push(_this._scss$_silentComment$0());
46218 _this.whitespaceWithoutComments$0();
46219 break;
46220 case 42:
46221 statements.push(_this._scss$_loudComment$0());
46222 _this.whitespaceWithoutComments$0();
46223 break;
46224 default:
46225 child = statement.call$0();
46226 if (child != null)
46227 statements.push(child);
46228 break;
46229 }
46230 break;
46231 case 59:
46232 t1.readChar$0();
46233 _this.whitespaceWithoutComments$0();
46234 break;
46235 default:
46236 child = statement.call$0();
46237 if (child != null)
46238 statements.push(child);
46239 break;
46240 }
46241 return statements;
46242 },
46243 _scss$_silentComment$0() {
46244 var t2, t3, _this = this,
46245 t1 = _this.scanner,
46246 start = new A._SpanScannerState(t1, t1._string_scanner$_position);
46247 t1.expect$1("//");
46248 t2 = t1.string.length;
46249 do {
46250 while (true) {
46251 if (t1._string_scanner$_position !== t2) {
46252 t3 = t1.readChar$0();
46253 t3 = !(t3 === 10 || t3 === 13 || t3 === 12);
46254 } else
46255 t3 = false;
46256 if (!t3)
46257 break;
46258 }
46259 if (t1._string_scanner$_position === t2)
46260 break;
46261 _this.whitespaceWithoutComments$0();
46262 } while (t1.scan$1("//"));
46263 if (_this.get$plainCss())
46264 _this.error$2(0, string$.Silent, t1.spanFrom$1(start));
46265 return _this.lastSilentComment = new A.SilentComment(t1.substring$1(0, start.position), t1.spanFrom$1(start));
46266 },
46267 _scss$_loudComment$0() {
46268 var t3, t4, buffer, t5, endPosition, t6, result,
46269 t1 = this.scanner,
46270 t2 = t1._string_scanner$_position;
46271 t1.expect$1("/*");
46272 t3 = new A.StringBuffer("");
46273 t4 = A._setArrayType([], type$.JSArray_Object);
46274 buffer = new A.InterpolationBuffer(t3, t4);
46275 t3._contents = "" + "/*";
46276 for (; true;)
46277 switch (t1.peekChar$0()) {
46278 case 35:
46279 if (t1.peekChar$1(1) === 123) {
46280 t5 = this.singleInterpolation$0();
46281 buffer._flushText$0();
46282 t4.push(t5);
46283 } else
46284 t3._contents += A.Primitives_stringFromCharCode(t1.readChar$0());
46285 break;
46286 case 42:
46287 t3._contents += A.Primitives_stringFromCharCode(t1.readChar$0());
46288 if (t1.peekChar$0() !== 47)
46289 break;
46290 t3._contents += A.Primitives_stringFromCharCode(t1.readChar$0());
46291 endPosition = t1._string_scanner$_position;
46292 t5 = t1._sourceFile;
46293 t6 = new A._SpanScannerState(t1, t2).position;
46294 t1 = new A._FileSpan(t5, t6, endPosition);
46295 t1._FileSpan$3(t5, t6, endPosition);
46296 t6 = type$.Object;
46297 t5 = A.List_List$of(t4, true, t6);
46298 t2 = t3._contents;
46299 if (t2.length !== 0)
46300 t5.push(t2.charCodeAt(0) == 0 ? t2 : t2);
46301 result = A.List_List$from(t5, false, t6);
46302 result.fixed$length = Array;
46303 result.immutable$list = Array;
46304 t2 = new A.Interpolation(result, t1);
46305 t2.Interpolation$2(t5, t1);
46306 return new A.LoudComment(t2);
46307 case 13:
46308 t1.readChar$0();
46309 if (t1.peekChar$0() !== 10)
46310 t3._contents += A.Primitives_stringFromCharCode(10);
46311 break;
46312 case 12:
46313 t1.readChar$0();
46314 t3._contents += A.Primitives_stringFromCharCode(10);
46315 break;
46316 default:
46317 t3._contents += A.Primitives_stringFromCharCode(t1.readChar$0());
46318 break;
46319 }
46320 }
46321 };
46322 A.SelectorParser.prototype = {
46323 parse$0() {
46324 return this.wrapSpanFormatException$1(new A.SelectorParser_parse_closure(this));
46325 },
46326 parseCompoundSelector$0() {
46327 return this.wrapSpanFormatException$1(new A.SelectorParser_parseCompoundSelector_closure(this));
46328 },
46329 _selectorList$0() {
46330 var t3, t4, lineBreak, _this = this,
46331 t1 = _this.scanner,
46332 t2 = t1._sourceFile,
46333 previousLine = t2.getLine$1(t1._string_scanner$_position),
46334 components = A._setArrayType([_this._complexSelector$0()], type$.JSArray_ComplexSelector);
46335 _this.whitespace$0();
46336 for (t3 = t1.string.length; t1.scanChar$1(44);) {
46337 _this.whitespace$0();
46338 if (t1.peekChar$0() === 44)
46339 continue;
46340 t4 = t1._string_scanner$_position;
46341 if (t4 === t3)
46342 break;
46343 lineBreak = t2.getLine$1(t4) !== previousLine;
46344 if (lineBreak)
46345 previousLine = t2.getLine$1(t1._string_scanner$_position);
46346 components.push(_this._complexSelector$1$lineBreak(lineBreak));
46347 }
46348 return A.SelectorList$(components);
46349 },
46350 _complexSelector$1$lineBreak(lineBreak) {
46351 var t1, next, _this = this,
46352 _s58_ = string$.x22x26__ma,
46353 components = A._setArrayType([], type$.JSArray_ComplexSelectorComponent);
46354 $label0$1:
46355 for (t1 = _this.scanner; true;) {
46356 _this.whitespace$0();
46357 next = t1.peekChar$0();
46358 switch (next) {
46359 case 43:
46360 t1.readChar$0();
46361 components.push(B.Combinator_uzg);
46362 break;
46363 case 62:
46364 t1.readChar$0();
46365 components.push(B.Combinator_sgq);
46366 break;
46367 case 126:
46368 t1.readChar$0();
46369 components.push(B.Combinator_CzM);
46370 break;
46371 case 91:
46372 case 46:
46373 case 35:
46374 case 37:
46375 case 58:
46376 case 38:
46377 case 42:
46378 case 124:
46379 components.push(_this._compoundSelector$0());
46380 if (t1.peekChar$0() === 38)
46381 t1.error$1(0, _s58_);
46382 break;
46383 default:
46384 if (next == null || !_this.lookingAtIdentifier$0())
46385 break $label0$1;
46386 components.push(_this._compoundSelector$0());
46387 if (t1.peekChar$0() === 38)
46388 t1.error$1(0, _s58_);
46389 break;
46390 }
46391 }
46392 if (components.length === 0)
46393 t1.error$1(0, "expected selector.");
46394 return A.ComplexSelector$(components, lineBreak);
46395 },
46396 _complexSelector$0() {
46397 return this._complexSelector$1$lineBreak(false);
46398 },
46399 _compoundSelector$0() {
46400 var t2,
46401 components = A._setArrayType([this._simpleSelector$0()], type$.JSArray_SimpleSelector),
46402 t1 = this.scanner;
46403 while (true) {
46404 t2 = t1.peekChar$0();
46405 if (!(t2 === 42 || t2 === 91 || t2 === 46 || t2 === 35 || t2 === 37 || t2 === 58))
46406 break;
46407 components.push(this._simpleSelector$1$allowParent(false));
46408 }
46409 return A.CompoundSelector$(components);
46410 },
46411 _simpleSelector$1$allowParent(allowParent) {
46412 var $name, text, t2, suffix, _this = this,
46413 t1 = _this.scanner,
46414 start = new A._SpanScannerState(t1, t1._string_scanner$_position);
46415 if (allowParent == null)
46416 allowParent = _this._allowParent;
46417 switch (t1.peekChar$0()) {
46418 case 91:
46419 return _this._attributeSelector$0();
46420 case 46:
46421 t1.expectChar$1(46);
46422 return new A.ClassSelector(_this.identifier$0());
46423 case 35:
46424 t1.expectChar$1(35);
46425 return new A.IDSelector(_this.identifier$0());
46426 case 37:
46427 t1.expectChar$1(37);
46428 $name = _this.identifier$0();
46429 if (!_this._allowPlaceholder)
46430 _this.error$2(0, string$.Placeh, t1.spanFrom$1(start));
46431 return new A.PlaceholderSelector($name);
46432 case 58:
46433 return _this._pseudoSelector$0();
46434 case 38:
46435 t1.expectChar$1(38);
46436 if (_this.lookingAtIdentifierBody$0()) {
46437 text = new A.StringBuffer("");
46438 _this._identifierBody$1(text);
46439 if (text._contents.length === 0)
46440 t1.error$1(0, "Expected identifier body.");
46441 t2 = text._contents;
46442 suffix = t2.charCodeAt(0) == 0 ? t2 : t2;
46443 } else
46444 suffix = null;
46445 if (!allowParent)
46446 _this.error$2(0, "Parent selectors aren't allowed here.", t1.spanFrom$1(start));
46447 return new A.ParentSelector(suffix);
46448 default:
46449 return _this._typeOrUniversalSelector$0();
46450 }
46451 },
46452 _simpleSelector$0() {
46453 return this._simpleSelector$1$allowParent(null);
46454 },
46455 _attributeSelector$0() {
46456 var $name, operator, next, value, modifier, _this = this, _null = null,
46457 t1 = _this.scanner;
46458 t1.expectChar$1(91);
46459 _this.whitespace$0();
46460 $name = _this._attributeName$0();
46461 _this.whitespace$0();
46462 if (t1.scanChar$1(93))
46463 return new A.AttributeSelector($name, _null, _null, _null);
46464 operator = _this._attributeOperator$0();
46465 _this.whitespace$0();
46466 next = t1.peekChar$0();
46467 value = next === 39 || next === 34 ? _this.string$0() : _this.identifier$0();
46468 _this.whitespace$0();
46469 next = t1.peekChar$0();
46470 modifier = next != null && A.isAlphabetic0(next) ? A.Primitives_stringFromCharCode(t1.readChar$0()) : _null;
46471 t1.expectChar$1(93);
46472 return new A.AttributeSelector($name, operator, value, modifier);
46473 },
46474 _attributeName$0() {
46475 var nameOrNamespace, _this = this,
46476 t1 = _this.scanner;
46477 if (t1.scanChar$1(42)) {
46478 t1.expectChar$1(124);
46479 return new A.QualifiedName(_this.identifier$0(), "*");
46480 }
46481 if (t1.scanChar$1(124))
46482 return new A.QualifiedName(_this.identifier$0(), "");
46483 nameOrNamespace = _this.identifier$0();
46484 if (t1.peekChar$0() !== 124 || t1.peekChar$1(1) === 61)
46485 return new A.QualifiedName(nameOrNamespace, null);
46486 t1.readChar$0();
46487 return new A.QualifiedName(_this.identifier$0(), nameOrNamespace);
46488 },
46489 _attributeOperator$0() {
46490 var t1 = this.scanner,
46491 t2 = t1._string_scanner$_position;
46492 switch (t1.readChar$0()) {
46493 case 61:
46494 return B.AttributeOperator_sEs;
46495 case 126:
46496 t1.expectChar$1(61);
46497 return B.AttributeOperator_fz1;
46498 case 124:
46499 t1.expectChar$1(61);
46500 return B.AttributeOperator_AuK;
46501 case 94:
46502 t1.expectChar$1(61);
46503 return B.AttributeOperator_4L5;
46504 case 36:
46505 t1.expectChar$1(61);
46506 return B.AttributeOperator_mOX;
46507 case 42:
46508 t1.expectChar$1(61);
46509 return B.AttributeOperator_gqZ;
46510 default:
46511 t1.error$2$position(0, 'Expected "]".', t2);
46512 }
46513 },
46514 _pseudoSelector$0() {
46515 var element, $name, unvendored, selector, argument, t2, _this = this, _null = null,
46516 t1 = _this.scanner;
46517 t1.expectChar$1(58);
46518 element = t1.scanChar$1(58);
46519 $name = _this.identifier$0();
46520 if (!t1.scanChar$1(40))
46521 return A.PseudoSelector$($name, _null, element, _null);
46522 _this.whitespace$0();
46523 unvendored = A.unvendor($name);
46524 if (element)
46525 if ($._selectorPseudoElements.contains$1(0, unvendored)) {
46526 selector = _this._selectorList$0();
46527 argument = _null;
46528 } else {
46529 argument = _this.declarationValue$1$allowEmpty(true);
46530 selector = _null;
46531 }
46532 else if ($._selectorPseudoClasses.contains$1(0, unvendored)) {
46533 selector = _this._selectorList$0();
46534 argument = _null;
46535 } else if (unvendored === "nth-child" || unvendored === "nth-last-child") {
46536 argument = _this._aNPlusB$0();
46537 _this.whitespace$0();
46538 t2 = t1.peekChar$1(-1);
46539 if ((t2 === 32 || t2 === 9 || t2 === 10 || t2 === 13 || t2 === 12) && t1.peekChar$0() !== 41) {
46540 _this.expectIdentifier$1("of");
46541 argument += " of";
46542 _this.whitespace$0();
46543 selector = _this._selectorList$0();
46544 } else
46545 selector = _null;
46546 } else {
46547 argument = B.JSString_methods.trimRight$0(_this.declarationValue$1$allowEmpty(true));
46548 selector = _null;
46549 }
46550 t1.expectChar$1(41);
46551 return A.PseudoSelector$($name, argument, element, selector);
46552 },
46553 _aNPlusB$0() {
46554 var t2, first, t3, next, last, _this = this,
46555 t1 = _this.scanner;
46556 switch (t1.peekChar$0()) {
46557 case 101:
46558 case 69:
46559 _this.expectIdentifier$1("even");
46560 return "even";
46561 case 111:
46562 case 79:
46563 _this.expectIdentifier$1("odd");
46564 return "odd";
46565 case 43:
46566 case 45:
46567 t2 = "" + A.Primitives_stringFromCharCode(t1.readChar$0());
46568 break;
46569 default:
46570 t2 = "";
46571 }
46572 first = t1.peekChar$0();
46573 if (first != null && A.isDigit(first)) {
46574 while (true) {
46575 t3 = t1.peekChar$0();
46576 if (!(t3 != null && t3 >= 48 && t3 <= 57))
46577 break;
46578 t2 += A.Primitives_stringFromCharCode(t1.readChar$0());
46579 }
46580 _this.whitespace$0();
46581 if (!_this.scanIdentChar$1(110))
46582 return t2.charCodeAt(0) == 0 ? t2 : t2;
46583 } else
46584 _this.expectIdentChar$1(110);
46585 t2 += A.Primitives_stringFromCharCode(110);
46586 _this.whitespace$0();
46587 next = t1.peekChar$0();
46588 if (next !== 43 && next !== 45)
46589 return t2.charCodeAt(0) == 0 ? t2 : t2;
46590 t2 += A.Primitives_stringFromCharCode(t1.readChar$0());
46591 _this.whitespace$0();
46592 last = t1.peekChar$0();
46593 if (last == null || !A.isDigit(last))
46594 t1.error$1(0, "Expected a number.");
46595 while (true) {
46596 t3 = t1.peekChar$0();
46597 if (!(t3 != null && t3 >= 48 && t3 <= 57))
46598 break;
46599 t2 += A.Primitives_stringFromCharCode(t1.readChar$0());
46600 }
46601 return t2.charCodeAt(0) == 0 ? t2 : t2;
46602 },
46603 _typeOrUniversalSelector$0() {
46604 var nameOrNamespace, _this = this,
46605 t1 = _this.scanner,
46606 first = t1.peekChar$0();
46607 if (first === 42) {
46608 t1.readChar$0();
46609 if (!t1.scanChar$1(124))
46610 return new A.UniversalSelector(null);
46611 if (t1.scanChar$1(42))
46612 return new A.UniversalSelector("*");
46613 else
46614 return new A.TypeSelector(new A.QualifiedName(_this.identifier$0(), "*"));
46615 } else if (first === 124) {
46616 t1.readChar$0();
46617 if (t1.scanChar$1(42))
46618 return new A.UniversalSelector("");
46619 else
46620 return new A.TypeSelector(new A.QualifiedName(_this.identifier$0(), ""));
46621 }
46622 nameOrNamespace = _this.identifier$0();
46623 if (!t1.scanChar$1(124))
46624 return new A.TypeSelector(new A.QualifiedName(nameOrNamespace, null));
46625 else if (t1.scanChar$1(42))
46626 return new A.UniversalSelector(nameOrNamespace);
46627 else
46628 return new A.TypeSelector(new A.QualifiedName(_this.identifier$0(), nameOrNamespace));
46629 }
46630 };
46631 A.SelectorParser_parse_closure.prototype = {
46632 call$0() {
46633 var t1 = this.$this,
46634 selector = t1._selectorList$0();
46635 t1 = t1.scanner;
46636 if (t1._string_scanner$_position !== t1.string.length)
46637 t1.error$1(0, "expected selector.");
46638 return selector;
46639 },
46640 $signature: 46
46641 };
46642 A.SelectorParser_parseCompoundSelector_closure.prototype = {
46643 call$0() {
46644 var t1 = this.$this,
46645 compound = t1._compoundSelector$0();
46646 t1 = t1.scanner;
46647 if (t1._string_scanner$_position !== t1.string.length)
46648 t1.error$1(0, "expected selector.");
46649 return compound;
46650 },
46651 $signature: 349
46652 };
46653 A.StylesheetParser.prototype = {
46654 parse$0() {
46655 return this.wrapSpanFormatException$1(new A.StylesheetParser_parse_closure(this));
46656 },
46657 parseArgumentDeclaration$0() {
46658 return this._parseSingleProduction$1$1(new A.StylesheetParser_parseArgumentDeclaration_closure(this), type$.ArgumentDeclaration);
46659 },
46660 parseVariableDeclaration$0() {
46661 return this._parseSingleProduction$1$1(new A.StylesheetParser_parseVariableDeclaration_closure(this), type$.VariableDeclaration);
46662 },
46663 parseUseRule$0() {
46664 return this._parseSingleProduction$1$1(new A.StylesheetParser_parseUseRule_closure(this), type$.UseRule);
46665 },
46666 _parseSingleProduction$1$1(production, $T) {
46667 return this.wrapSpanFormatException$1(new A.StylesheetParser__parseSingleProduction_closure(this, production, $T));
46668 },
46669 _statement$1$root(root) {
46670 var t2, _this = this,
46671 t1 = _this.scanner;
46672 switch (t1.peekChar$0()) {
46673 case 64:
46674 return _this.atRule$2$root(new A.StylesheetParser__statement_closure(_this), root);
46675 case 43:
46676 if (!_this.get$indented() || !_this.lookingAtIdentifier$1(1))
46677 return _this._styleRule$0();
46678 _this._isUseAllowed = false;
46679 t2 = t1._string_scanner$_position;
46680 t1.readChar$0();
46681 return _this._includeRule$1(new A._SpanScannerState(t1, t2));
46682 case 61:
46683 if (!_this.get$indented())
46684 return _this._styleRule$0();
46685 _this._isUseAllowed = false;
46686 t2 = t1._string_scanner$_position;
46687 t1.readChar$0();
46688 _this.whitespace$0();
46689 return _this._mixinRule$1(new A._SpanScannerState(t1, t2));
46690 case 125:
46691 t1.error$2$length(0, 'unmatched "}".', 1);
46692 break;
46693 default:
46694 return _this._inStyleRule || _this._stylesheet$_inUnknownAtRule || _this._stylesheet$_inMixin || _this._inContentBlock ? _this._declarationOrStyleRule$0() : _this._variableDeclarationOrStyleRule$0();
46695 }
46696 },
46697 _statement$0() {
46698 return this._statement$1$root(false);
46699 },
46700 _variableDeclarationWithNamespace$0() {
46701 var t1 = this.scanner,
46702 t2 = t1._string_scanner$_position,
46703 namespace = this.identifier$0();
46704 t1.expectChar$1(46);
46705 return this.variableDeclarationWithoutNamespace$2(namespace, new A._SpanScannerState(t1, t2));
46706 },
46707 variableDeclarationWithoutNamespace$2(namespace, start_) {
46708 var t1, start, $name, t2, value, flagStart, t3, guarded, global, flag, endPosition, t4, t5, t6, declaration, _this = this,
46709 precedingComment = _this.lastSilentComment;
46710 _this.lastSilentComment = null;
46711 if (start_ == null) {
46712 t1 = _this.scanner;
46713 start = new A._SpanScannerState(t1, t1._string_scanner$_position);
46714 } else
46715 start = start_;
46716 $name = _this.variableName$0();
46717 t1 = namespace != null;
46718 if (t1)
46719 _this._assertPublic$2($name, new A.StylesheetParser_variableDeclarationWithoutNamespace_closure(_this, start));
46720 if (_this.get$plainCss())
46721 _this.error$2(0, string$.Sass_v, _this.scanner.spanFrom$1(start));
46722 _this.whitespace$0();
46723 t2 = _this.scanner;
46724 t2.expectChar$1(58);
46725 _this.whitespace$0();
46726 value = _this.expression$0();
46727 flagStart = new A._SpanScannerState(t2, t2._string_scanner$_position);
46728 for (t3 = t2.string, guarded = false, global = false; t2.scanChar$1(33);) {
46729 flag = _this.identifier$0();
46730 if (flag === "default")
46731 guarded = true;
46732 else if (flag === "global") {
46733 if (t1) {
46734 endPosition = t2._string_scanner$_position;
46735 t4 = t2._sourceFile;
46736 t5 = flagStart.position;
46737 t6 = new A._FileSpan(t4, t5, endPosition);
46738 t6._FileSpan$3(t4, t5, endPosition);
46739 A.throwExpression(new A.StringScannerException(t3, string$.x21globa, t6));
46740 }
46741 global = true;
46742 } else {
46743 endPosition = t2._string_scanner$_position;
46744 t4 = t2._sourceFile;
46745 t5 = flagStart.position;
46746 t6 = new A._FileSpan(t4, t5, endPosition);
46747 t6._FileSpan$3(t4, t5, endPosition);
46748 A.throwExpression(new A.StringScannerException(t3, "Invalid flag name.", t6));
46749 }
46750 _this.whitespace$0();
46751 flagStart = new A._SpanScannerState(t2, t2._string_scanner$_position);
46752 }
46753 _this.expectStatementSeparator$1("variable declaration");
46754 declaration = A.VariableDeclaration$($name, value, t2.spanFrom$1(start), precedingComment, global, guarded, namespace);
46755 if (global)
46756 _this._globalVariables.putIfAbsent$2($name, new A.StylesheetParser_variableDeclarationWithoutNamespace_closure0(declaration));
46757 return declaration;
46758 },
46759 variableDeclarationWithoutNamespace$0() {
46760 return this.variableDeclarationWithoutNamespace$2(null, null);
46761 },
46762 _variableDeclarationOrStyleRule$0() {
46763 var t1, t2, variableOrInterpolation, t3, _this = this;
46764 if (_this.get$plainCss())
46765 return _this._styleRule$0();
46766 if (_this.get$indented() && _this.scanner.scanChar$1(92))
46767 return _this._styleRule$0();
46768 if (!_this.lookingAtIdentifier$0())
46769 return _this._styleRule$0();
46770 t1 = _this.scanner;
46771 t2 = t1._string_scanner$_position;
46772 variableOrInterpolation = _this._variableDeclarationOrInterpolation$0();
46773 if (variableOrInterpolation instanceof A.VariableDeclaration)
46774 return variableOrInterpolation;
46775 else {
46776 t3 = new A.InterpolationBuffer(new A.StringBuffer(""), A._setArrayType([], type$.JSArray_Object));
46777 t3.addInterpolation$1(type$.Interpolation._as(variableOrInterpolation));
46778 return _this._styleRule$2(t3, new A._SpanScannerState(t1, t2));
46779 }
46780 },
46781 _declarationOrStyleRule$0() {
46782 var t1, t2, declarationOrBuffer, _this = this;
46783 if (_this.get$plainCss() && _this._inStyleRule && !_this._stylesheet$_inUnknownAtRule)
46784 return _this._propertyOrVariableDeclaration$0();
46785 if (_this.get$indented() && _this.scanner.scanChar$1(92))
46786 return _this._styleRule$0();
46787 t1 = _this.scanner;
46788 t2 = t1._string_scanner$_position;
46789 declarationOrBuffer = _this._declarationOrBuffer$0();
46790 return type$.Statement._is(declarationOrBuffer) ? declarationOrBuffer : _this._styleRule$2(type$.InterpolationBuffer._as(declarationOrBuffer), new A._SpanScannerState(t1, t2));
46791 },
46792 _declarationOrBuffer$0() {
46793 var midBuffer, couldBeSelector, beforeDeclaration, additional, t4, startsWithPunctuation, variableOrInterpolation, t5, $name, postColonWhitespace, value, exception, _this = this, t1 = {},
46794 t2 = _this.scanner,
46795 start = new A._SpanScannerState(t2, t2._string_scanner$_position),
46796 t3 = type$.JSArray_Object,
46797 nameBuffer = new A.InterpolationBuffer(new A.StringBuffer(""), A._setArrayType([], t3)),
46798 first = t2.peekChar$0();
46799 if (first !== 58)
46800 if (first !== 42)
46801 if (first !== 46)
46802 t4 = first === 35 && t2.peekChar$1(1) !== 123;
46803 else
46804 t4 = true;
46805 else
46806 t4 = true;
46807 else
46808 t4 = true;
46809 if (t4) {
46810 t4 = t2.readChar$0();
46811 nameBuffer._interpolation_buffer$_text._contents += A.Primitives_stringFromCharCode(t4);
46812 t4 = _this.rawText$1(_this.get$whitespace());
46813 nameBuffer._interpolation_buffer$_text._contents += t4;
46814 startsWithPunctuation = true;
46815 } else
46816 startsWithPunctuation = false;
46817 if (!_this._lookingAtInterpolatedIdentifier$0())
46818 return nameBuffer;
46819 variableOrInterpolation = startsWithPunctuation ? _this.interpolatedIdentifier$0() : _this._variableDeclarationOrInterpolation$0();
46820 if (variableOrInterpolation instanceof A.VariableDeclaration)
46821 return variableOrInterpolation;
46822 else
46823 nameBuffer.addInterpolation$1(type$.Interpolation._as(variableOrInterpolation));
46824 _this._isUseAllowed = false;
46825 if (t2.matches$1("/*")) {
46826 t4 = _this.rawText$1(_this.get$loudComment());
46827 nameBuffer._interpolation_buffer$_text._contents += t4;
46828 }
46829 midBuffer = new A.StringBuffer("");
46830 t4 = _this.get$whitespace();
46831 midBuffer._contents += _this.rawText$1(t4);
46832 t5 = t2._string_scanner$_position;
46833 if (!t2.scanChar$1(58)) {
46834 if (midBuffer._contents.length !== 0)
46835 nameBuffer._interpolation_buffer$_text._contents += A.Primitives_stringFromCharCode(32);
46836 return nameBuffer;
46837 }
46838 midBuffer._contents += A.Primitives_stringFromCharCode(58);
46839 $name = nameBuffer.interpolation$1(t2.spanFrom$2(start, new A._SpanScannerState(t2, t5)));
46840 if (B.JSString_methods.startsWith$1($name.get$initialPlain(), "--")) {
46841 t1 = _this._interpolatedDeclarationValue$0();
46842 _this.expectStatementSeparator$1("custom property");
46843 return A.Declaration$($name, new A.StringExpression(t1, false), t2.spanFrom$1(start));
46844 }
46845 if (t2.scanChar$1(58)) {
46846 t1 = nameBuffer;
46847 t2 = t1._interpolation_buffer$_text;
46848 t3 = t2._contents += A.S(midBuffer);
46849 t2._contents = t3 + A.Primitives_stringFromCharCode(58);
46850 return t1;
46851 } else if (_this.get$indented() && _this._lookingAtInterpolatedIdentifier$0()) {
46852 t1 = nameBuffer;
46853 t1._interpolation_buffer$_text._contents += A.S(midBuffer);
46854 return t1;
46855 }
46856 postColonWhitespace = _this.rawText$1(t4);
46857 if (_this.lookingAtChildren$0())
46858 return _this._withChildren$3(_this.get$_declarationChild(), start, new A.StylesheetParser__declarationOrBuffer_closure($name));
46859 midBuffer._contents += postColonWhitespace;
46860 couldBeSelector = postColonWhitespace.length === 0 && _this._lookingAtInterpolatedIdentifier$0();
46861 beforeDeclaration = new A._SpanScannerState(t2, t2._string_scanner$_position);
46862 t4 = t1.value = null;
46863 try {
46864 if (_this.lookingAtChildren$0()) {
46865 t3 = A._setArrayType([], t3);
46866 t4 = A.FileLocation$_(t2._sourceFile, t2._string_scanner$_position);
46867 t5 = t4.offset;
46868 value = new A.StringExpression(A.Interpolation$(t3, A._FileSpan$(t4.file, t5, t5)), true);
46869 } else
46870 value = _this.expression$0();
46871 t3 = t1.value = value;
46872 if (_this.lookingAtChildren$0()) {
46873 if (couldBeSelector)
46874 _this.expectStatementSeparator$0();
46875 } else if (!_this.atEndOfStatement$0())
46876 _this.expectStatementSeparator$0();
46877 } catch (exception) {
46878 if (type$.FormatException._is(A.unwrapException(exception))) {
46879 if (!couldBeSelector)
46880 throw exception;
46881 t2.set$state(beforeDeclaration);
46882 additional = _this.almostAnyValue$0();
46883 if (!_this.get$indented() && t2.peekChar$0() === 59)
46884 throw exception;
46885 nameBuffer._interpolation_buffer$_text._contents += A.S(midBuffer);
46886 nameBuffer.addInterpolation$1(additional);
46887 return nameBuffer;
46888 } else
46889 throw exception;
46890 }
46891 if (_this.lookingAtChildren$0())
46892 return _this._withChildren$3(_this.get$_declarationChild(), start, new A.StylesheetParser__declarationOrBuffer_closure0(t1, $name));
46893 else {
46894 _this.expectStatementSeparator$0();
46895 return A.Declaration$($name, t3, t2.spanFrom$1(start));
46896 }
46897 },
46898 _variableDeclarationOrInterpolation$0() {
46899 var t1, start, identifier, t2, buffer, _this = this;
46900 if (!_this.lookingAtIdentifier$0())
46901 return _this.interpolatedIdentifier$0();
46902 t1 = _this.scanner;
46903 start = new A._SpanScannerState(t1, t1._string_scanner$_position);
46904 identifier = _this.identifier$0();
46905 if (t1.matches$1(".$")) {
46906 t1.readChar$0();
46907 return _this.variableDeclarationWithoutNamespace$2(identifier, start);
46908 } else {
46909 t2 = new A.StringBuffer("");
46910 buffer = new A.InterpolationBuffer(t2, A._setArrayType([], type$.JSArray_Object));
46911 t2._contents = "" + identifier;
46912 if (_this._lookingAtInterpolatedIdentifierBody$0())
46913 buffer.addInterpolation$1(_this.interpolatedIdentifier$0());
46914 return buffer.interpolation$1(t1.spanFrom$1(start));
46915 }
46916 },
46917 _styleRule$2(buffer, start_) {
46918 var t2, start, interpolation, wasInStyleRule, _this = this, t1 = {};
46919 _this._isUseAllowed = false;
46920 if (start_ == null) {
46921 t2 = _this.scanner;
46922 start = new A._SpanScannerState(t2, t2._string_scanner$_position);
46923 } else
46924 start = start_;
46925 interpolation = t1.interpolation = _this.styleRuleSelector$0();
46926 if (buffer != null) {
46927 buffer.addInterpolation$1(interpolation);
46928 t2 = t1.interpolation = buffer.interpolation$1(_this.scanner.spanFrom$1(start));
46929 } else
46930 t2 = interpolation;
46931 if (t2.contents.length === 0)
46932 _this.scanner.error$1(0, 'expected "}".');
46933 wasInStyleRule = _this._inStyleRule;
46934 _this._inStyleRule = true;
46935 return _this._withChildren$3(_this.get$_statement(), start, new A.StylesheetParser__styleRule_closure(t1, _this, wasInStyleRule, start));
46936 },
46937 _styleRule$0() {
46938 return this._styleRule$2(null, null);
46939 },
46940 _propertyOrVariableDeclaration$1$parseCustomProperties(parseCustomProperties) {
46941 var first, t3, nameBuffer, variableOrInterpolation, $name, value, _this = this,
46942 _s48_ = string$.Nested,
46943 t1 = {},
46944 t2 = _this.scanner,
46945 start = new A._SpanScannerState(t2, t2._string_scanner$_position);
46946 t1.name = null;
46947 first = t2.peekChar$0();
46948 if (first !== 58)
46949 if (first !== 42)
46950 if (first !== 46)
46951 t3 = first === 35 && t2.peekChar$1(1) !== 123;
46952 else
46953 t3 = true;
46954 else
46955 t3 = true;
46956 else
46957 t3 = true;
46958 if (t3) {
46959 t3 = new A.StringBuffer("");
46960 nameBuffer = new A.InterpolationBuffer(t3, A._setArrayType([], type$.JSArray_Object));
46961 t3._contents += A.Primitives_stringFromCharCode(t2.readChar$0());
46962 t3._contents += _this.rawText$1(_this.get$whitespace());
46963 nameBuffer.addInterpolation$1(_this.interpolatedIdentifier$0());
46964 t3 = t1.name = nameBuffer.interpolation$1(t2.spanFrom$1(start));
46965 } else if (!_this.get$plainCss()) {
46966 variableOrInterpolation = _this._variableDeclarationOrInterpolation$0();
46967 if (variableOrInterpolation instanceof A.VariableDeclaration)
46968 return variableOrInterpolation;
46969 else {
46970 type$.Interpolation._as(variableOrInterpolation);
46971 t1.name = variableOrInterpolation;
46972 }
46973 t3 = variableOrInterpolation;
46974 } else {
46975 $name = _this.interpolatedIdentifier$0();
46976 t1.name = $name;
46977 t3 = $name;
46978 }
46979 _this.whitespace$0();
46980 t2.expectChar$1(58);
46981 if (parseCustomProperties && B.JSString_methods.startsWith$1(t3.get$initialPlain(), "--")) {
46982 t1 = _this._interpolatedDeclarationValue$0();
46983 _this.expectStatementSeparator$1("custom property");
46984 return A.Declaration$(t3, new A.StringExpression(t1, false), t2.spanFrom$1(start));
46985 }
46986 _this.whitespace$0();
46987 if (_this.lookingAtChildren$0()) {
46988 if (_this.get$plainCss())
46989 t2.error$1(0, _s48_);
46990 return _this._withChildren$3(_this.get$_declarationChild(), start, new A.StylesheetParser__propertyOrVariableDeclaration_closure(t1));
46991 }
46992 value = _this.expression$0();
46993 if (_this.lookingAtChildren$0()) {
46994 if (_this.get$plainCss())
46995 t2.error$1(0, _s48_);
46996 return _this._withChildren$3(_this.get$_declarationChild(), start, new A.StylesheetParser__propertyOrVariableDeclaration_closure0(t1, value));
46997 } else {
46998 _this.expectStatementSeparator$0();
46999 return A.Declaration$(t3, value, t2.spanFrom$1(start));
47000 }
47001 },
47002 _propertyOrVariableDeclaration$0() {
47003 return this._propertyOrVariableDeclaration$1$parseCustomProperties(true);
47004 },
47005 _declarationChild$0() {
47006 if (this.scanner.peekChar$0() === 64)
47007 return this._declarationAtRule$0();
47008 return this._propertyOrVariableDeclaration$1$parseCustomProperties(false);
47009 },
47010 atRule$2$root(child, root) {
47011 var $name, wasUseAllowed, value, optional, _this = this,
47012 t1 = _this.scanner,
47013 start = new A._SpanScannerState(t1, t1._string_scanner$_position);
47014 t1.expectChar$2$name(64, "@-rule");
47015 $name = _this.interpolatedIdentifier$0();
47016 _this.whitespace$0();
47017 wasUseAllowed = _this._isUseAllowed;
47018 _this._isUseAllowed = false;
47019 switch ($name.get$asPlain()) {
47020 case "at-root":
47021 return _this._atRootRule$1(start);
47022 case "content":
47023 return _this._contentRule$1(start);
47024 case "debug":
47025 return _this._debugRule$1(start);
47026 case "each":
47027 return _this._eachRule$2(start, child);
47028 case "else":
47029 return _this._disallowedAtRule$1(start);
47030 case "error":
47031 return _this._errorRule$1(start);
47032 case "extend":
47033 if (!_this._inStyleRule && !_this._stylesheet$_inMixin && !_this._inContentBlock)
47034 _this.error$2(0, string$.x40exten, t1.spanFrom$1(start));
47035 value = _this.almostAnyValue$0();
47036 optional = t1.scanChar$1(33);
47037 if (optional)
47038 _this.expectIdentifier$1("optional");
47039 _this.expectStatementSeparator$1("@extend rule");
47040 return new A.ExtendRule(value, optional, t1.spanFrom$1(start));
47041 case "for":
47042 return _this._forRule$2(start, child);
47043 case "forward":
47044 _this._isUseAllowed = wasUseAllowed;
47045 if (!root)
47046 _this._disallowedAtRule$1(start);
47047 return _this._forwardRule$1(start);
47048 case "function":
47049 return _this._functionRule$1(start);
47050 case "if":
47051 return _this._ifRule$2(start, child);
47052 case "import":
47053 return _this._importRule$1(start);
47054 case "include":
47055 return _this._includeRule$1(start);
47056 case "media":
47057 return _this.mediaRule$1(start);
47058 case "mixin":
47059 return _this._mixinRule$1(start);
47060 case "-moz-document":
47061 return _this.mozDocumentRule$2(start, $name);
47062 case "return":
47063 return _this._disallowedAtRule$1(start);
47064 case "supports":
47065 return _this.supportsRule$1(start);
47066 case "use":
47067 _this._isUseAllowed = wasUseAllowed;
47068 if (!root)
47069 _this._disallowedAtRule$1(start);
47070 return _this._useRule$1(start);
47071 case "warn":
47072 return _this._warnRule$1(start);
47073 case "while":
47074 return _this._whileRule$2(start, child);
47075 default:
47076 return _this.unknownAtRule$2(start, $name);
47077 }
47078 },
47079 _declarationAtRule$0() {
47080 var _this = this,
47081 t1 = _this.scanner,
47082 start = new A._SpanScannerState(t1, t1._string_scanner$_position);
47083 switch (_this._plainAtRuleName$0()) {
47084 case "content":
47085 return _this._contentRule$1(start);
47086 case "debug":
47087 return _this._debugRule$1(start);
47088 case "each":
47089 return _this._eachRule$2(start, _this.get$_declarationChild());
47090 case "else":
47091 return _this._disallowedAtRule$1(start);
47092 case "error":
47093 return _this._errorRule$1(start);
47094 case "for":
47095 return _this._forRule$2(start, _this.get$_declarationChild());
47096 case "if":
47097 return _this._ifRule$2(start, _this.get$_declarationChild());
47098 case "include":
47099 return _this._includeRule$1(start);
47100 case "warn":
47101 return _this._warnRule$1(start);
47102 case "while":
47103 return _this._whileRule$2(start, _this.get$_declarationChild());
47104 default:
47105 return _this._disallowedAtRule$1(start);
47106 }
47107 },
47108 _functionChild$0() {
47109 var state, variableDeclarationError, stackTrace, statement, t2, exception, t3, start, value, _this = this,
47110 t1 = _this.scanner;
47111 if (t1.peekChar$0() !== 64) {
47112 state = new A._SpanScannerState(t1, t1._string_scanner$_position);
47113 try {
47114 t2 = _this._variableDeclarationWithNamespace$0();
47115 return t2;
47116 } catch (exception) {
47117 t2 = A.unwrapException(exception);
47118 t3 = type$.SourceSpanFormatException;
47119 if (t3._is(t2)) {
47120 variableDeclarationError = t2;
47121 stackTrace = A.getTraceFromException(exception);
47122 t1.set$state(state);
47123 statement = null;
47124 try {
47125 statement = _this._declarationOrStyleRule$0();
47126 } catch (exception) {
47127 if (t3._is(A.unwrapException(exception)))
47128 throw A.wrapException(variableDeclarationError);
47129 else
47130 throw exception;
47131 }
47132 _this.error$3(0, "@function rules may not contain " + (statement instanceof A.StyleRule ? "style rules" : "declarations") + ".", J.get$span$z(statement), stackTrace);
47133 } else
47134 throw exception;
47135 }
47136 }
47137 start = new A._SpanScannerState(t1, t1._string_scanner$_position);
47138 switch (_this._plainAtRuleName$0()) {
47139 case "debug":
47140 return _this._debugRule$1(start);
47141 case "each":
47142 return _this._eachRule$2(start, _this.get$_functionChild());
47143 case "else":
47144 return _this._disallowedAtRule$1(start);
47145 case "error":
47146 return _this._errorRule$1(start);
47147 case "for":
47148 return _this._forRule$2(start, _this.get$_functionChild());
47149 case "if":
47150 return _this._ifRule$2(start, _this.get$_functionChild());
47151 case "return":
47152 value = _this.expression$0();
47153 _this.expectStatementSeparator$1("@return rule");
47154 return new A.ReturnRule(value, t1.spanFrom$1(start));
47155 case "warn":
47156 return _this._warnRule$1(start);
47157 case "while":
47158 return _this._whileRule$2(start, _this.get$_functionChild());
47159 default:
47160 return _this._disallowedAtRule$1(start);
47161 }
47162 },
47163 _plainAtRuleName$0() {
47164 this.scanner.expectChar$2$name(64, "@-rule");
47165 var $name = this.identifier$0();
47166 this.whitespace$0();
47167 return $name;
47168 },
47169 _atRootRule$1(start) {
47170 var query, _this = this,
47171 t1 = _this.scanner;
47172 if (t1.peekChar$0() === 40) {
47173 query = _this._atRootQuery$0();
47174 _this.whitespace$0();
47175 return _this._withChildren$3(_this.get$_statement(), start, new A.StylesheetParser__atRootRule_closure(query));
47176 } else if (_this.lookingAtChildren$0())
47177 return _this._withChildren$3(_this.get$_statement(), start, new A.StylesheetParser__atRootRule_closure0());
47178 else
47179 return A.AtRootRule$(A._setArrayType([_this._styleRule$0()], type$.JSArray_Statement), t1.spanFrom$1(start), null);
47180 },
47181 _atRootQuery$0() {
47182 var interpolation, t2, t3, t4, buffer, t5, _this = this,
47183 t1 = _this.scanner;
47184 if (t1.peekChar$0() === 35) {
47185 interpolation = _this.singleInterpolation$0();
47186 return A.Interpolation$(A._setArrayType([interpolation], type$.JSArray_Object), interpolation.get$span(interpolation));
47187 }
47188 t2 = t1._string_scanner$_position;
47189 t3 = new A.StringBuffer("");
47190 t4 = A._setArrayType([], type$.JSArray_Object);
47191 buffer = new A.InterpolationBuffer(t3, t4);
47192 t1.expectChar$1(40);
47193 t3._contents += A.Primitives_stringFromCharCode(40);
47194 _this.whitespace$0();
47195 t5 = _this.expression$0();
47196 buffer._flushText$0();
47197 t4.push(t5);
47198 if (t1.scanChar$1(58)) {
47199 _this.whitespace$0();
47200 t5 = t3._contents += A.Primitives_stringFromCharCode(58);
47201 t3._contents = t5 + A.Primitives_stringFromCharCode(32);
47202 t5 = _this.expression$0();
47203 buffer._flushText$0();
47204 t4.push(t5);
47205 }
47206 t1.expectChar$1(41);
47207 _this.whitespace$0();
47208 t3._contents += A.Primitives_stringFromCharCode(41);
47209 return buffer.interpolation$1(t1.spanFrom$1(new A._SpanScannerState(t1, t2)));
47210 },
47211 _contentRule$1(start) {
47212 var t1, $arguments, t2, t3, _this = this;
47213 if (!_this._stylesheet$_inMixin)
47214 _this.error$2(0, string$.x40conte, _this.scanner.spanFrom$1(start));
47215 _this.whitespace$0();
47216 t1 = _this.scanner;
47217 if (t1.peekChar$0() === 40)
47218 $arguments = _this._argumentInvocation$1$mixin(true);
47219 else {
47220 t2 = A.FileLocation$_(t1._sourceFile, t1._string_scanner$_position);
47221 t3 = t2.offset;
47222 $arguments = A.ArgumentInvocation$empty(A._FileSpan$(t2.file, t3, t3));
47223 }
47224 _this.expectStatementSeparator$1("@content rule");
47225 return new A.ContentRule($arguments, t1.spanFrom$1(start));
47226 },
47227 _debugRule$1(start) {
47228 var value = this.expression$0();
47229 this.expectStatementSeparator$1("@debug rule");
47230 return new A.DebugRule(value, this.scanner.spanFrom$1(start));
47231 },
47232 _eachRule$2(start, child) {
47233 var variables, t1, _this = this,
47234 wasInControlDirective = _this._inControlDirective;
47235 _this._inControlDirective = true;
47236 variables = A._setArrayType([_this.variableName$0()], type$.JSArray_String);
47237 _this.whitespace$0();
47238 for (t1 = _this.scanner; t1.scanChar$1(44);) {
47239 _this.whitespace$0();
47240 t1.expectChar$1(36);
47241 variables.push(_this.identifier$1$normalize(true));
47242 _this.whitespace$0();
47243 }
47244 _this.expectIdentifier$1("in");
47245 _this.whitespace$0();
47246 return _this._withChildren$3(child, start, new A.StylesheetParser__eachRule_closure(_this, wasInControlDirective, variables, _this.expression$0()));
47247 },
47248 _errorRule$1(start) {
47249 var value = this.expression$0();
47250 this.expectStatementSeparator$1("@error rule");
47251 return new A.ErrorRule(value, this.scanner.spanFrom$1(start));
47252 },
47253 _functionRule$1(start) {
47254 var $name, $arguments, _this = this,
47255 precedingComment = _this.lastSilentComment;
47256 _this.lastSilentComment = null;
47257 $name = _this.identifier$1$normalize(true);
47258 _this.whitespace$0();
47259 $arguments = _this._argumentDeclaration$0();
47260 if (_this._stylesheet$_inMixin || _this._inContentBlock)
47261 _this.error$2(0, string$.Mixinscf, _this.scanner.spanFrom$1(start));
47262 else if (_this._inControlDirective)
47263 _this.error$2(0, string$.Functi, _this.scanner.spanFrom$1(start));
47264 switch (A.unvendor($name)) {
47265 case "calc":
47266 case "element":
47267 case "expression":
47268 case "url":
47269 case "and":
47270 case "or":
47271 case "not":
47272 case "clamp":
47273 _this.error$2(0, "Invalid function name.", _this.scanner.spanFrom$1(start));
47274 break;
47275 }
47276 _this.whitespace$0();
47277 return _this._withChildren$3(_this.get$_functionChild(), start, new A.StylesheetParser__functionRule_closure($name, $arguments, precedingComment));
47278 },
47279 _forRule$2(start, child) {
47280 var variable, from, _this = this, t1 = {},
47281 wasInControlDirective = _this._inControlDirective;
47282 _this._inControlDirective = true;
47283 variable = _this.variableName$0();
47284 _this.whitespace$0();
47285 _this.expectIdentifier$1("from");
47286 _this.whitespace$0();
47287 t1.exclusive = null;
47288 from = _this.expression$1$until(new A.StylesheetParser__forRule_closure(t1, _this));
47289 if (t1.exclusive == null)
47290 _this.scanner.error$1(0, 'Expected "to" or "through".');
47291 _this.whitespace$0();
47292 return _this._withChildren$3(child, start, new A.StylesheetParser__forRule_closure0(t1, _this, wasInControlDirective, variable, from, _this.expression$0()));
47293 },
47294 _forwardRule$1(start) {
47295 var prefix, members, shownMixinsAndFunctions, shownVariables, hiddenVariables, hiddenMixinsAndFunctions, configuration, span, t1, t2, t3, t4, _this = this, _null = null,
47296 url = _this._urlString$0();
47297 _this.whitespace$0();
47298 if (_this.scanIdentifier$1("as")) {
47299 _this.whitespace$0();
47300 prefix = _this.identifier$1$normalize(true);
47301 _this.scanner.expectChar$1(42);
47302 _this.whitespace$0();
47303 } else
47304 prefix = _null;
47305 if (_this.scanIdentifier$1("show")) {
47306 members = _this._memberList$0();
47307 shownMixinsAndFunctions = members.item1;
47308 shownVariables = members.item2;
47309 hiddenVariables = _null;
47310 hiddenMixinsAndFunctions = hiddenVariables;
47311 } else {
47312 if (_this.scanIdentifier$1("hide")) {
47313 members = _this._memberList$0();
47314 hiddenMixinsAndFunctions = members.item1;
47315 hiddenVariables = members.item2;
47316 } else {
47317 hiddenVariables = _null;
47318 hiddenMixinsAndFunctions = hiddenVariables;
47319 }
47320 shownVariables = _null;
47321 shownMixinsAndFunctions = shownVariables;
47322 }
47323 configuration = _this._stylesheet$_configuration$1$allowGuarded(true);
47324 _this.expectStatementSeparator$1("@forward rule");
47325 span = _this.scanner.spanFrom$1(start);
47326 if (!_this._isUseAllowed)
47327 _this.error$2(0, string$.x40forwa, span);
47328 if (shownMixinsAndFunctions != null) {
47329 shownVariables.toString;
47330 t1 = type$.String;
47331 t2 = A.LinkedHashSet_LinkedHashSet$of(shownMixinsAndFunctions, t1);
47332 t3 = type$.UnmodifiableSetView_String;
47333 t1 = A.LinkedHashSet_LinkedHashSet$of(shownVariables, t1);
47334 t4 = configuration == null ? B.List_empty6 : A.List_List$unmodifiable(configuration, type$.ConfiguredVariable);
47335 return new A.ForwardRule(url, new A.UnmodifiableSetView(t2, t3), new A.UnmodifiableSetView(t1, t3), _null, _null, prefix, t4, span);
47336 } else if (hiddenMixinsAndFunctions != null) {
47337 hiddenVariables.toString;
47338 t1 = type$.String;
47339 t2 = A.LinkedHashSet_LinkedHashSet$of(hiddenMixinsAndFunctions, t1);
47340 t3 = type$.UnmodifiableSetView_String;
47341 t1 = A.LinkedHashSet_LinkedHashSet$of(hiddenVariables, t1);
47342 t4 = configuration == null ? B.List_empty6 : A.List_List$unmodifiable(configuration, type$.ConfiguredVariable);
47343 return new A.ForwardRule(url, _null, _null, new A.UnmodifiableSetView(t2, t3), new A.UnmodifiableSetView(t1, t3), prefix, t4, span);
47344 } else
47345 return new A.ForwardRule(url, _null, _null, _null, _null, prefix, configuration == null ? B.List_empty6 : A.List_List$unmodifiable(configuration, type$.ConfiguredVariable), span);
47346 },
47347 _memberList$0() {
47348 var _this = this,
47349 t1 = type$.String,
47350 identifiers = A.LinkedHashSet_LinkedHashSet$_empty(t1),
47351 variables = A.LinkedHashSet_LinkedHashSet$_empty(t1);
47352 t1 = _this.scanner;
47353 do {
47354 _this.whitespace$0();
47355 _this.withErrorMessage$2(string$.Expectv, new A.StylesheetParser__memberList_closure(_this, variables, identifiers));
47356 _this.whitespace$0();
47357 } while (t1.scanChar$1(44));
47358 return new A.Tuple2(identifiers, variables, type$.Tuple2_of_Set_String_and_Set_String);
47359 },
47360 _ifRule$2(start, child) {
47361 var condition, children, clauses, lastClause, span, _this = this,
47362 ifIndentation = _this.get$currentIndentation(),
47363 wasInControlDirective = _this._inControlDirective;
47364 _this._inControlDirective = true;
47365 condition = _this.expression$0();
47366 children = _this.children$1(0, child);
47367 _this.whitespaceWithoutComments$0();
47368 clauses = A._setArrayType([A.IfClause$(condition, children)], type$.JSArray_IfClause);
47369 while (true) {
47370 if (!_this.scanElse$1(ifIndentation)) {
47371 lastClause = null;
47372 break;
47373 }
47374 _this.whitespace$0();
47375 if (_this.scanIdentifier$1("if")) {
47376 _this.whitespace$0();
47377 clauses.push(A.IfClause$(_this.expression$0(), _this.children$1(0, child)));
47378 } else {
47379 lastClause = A.ElseClause$(_this.children$1(0, child));
47380 break;
47381 }
47382 }
47383 _this._inControlDirective = wasInControlDirective;
47384 span = _this.scanner.spanFrom$1(start);
47385 _this.whitespaceWithoutComments$0();
47386 return new A.IfRule(A.List_List$unmodifiable(clauses, type$.IfClause), lastClause, span);
47387 },
47388 _importRule$1(start) {
47389 var argument, _this = this,
47390 imports = A._setArrayType([], type$.JSArray_Import),
47391 t1 = _this.scanner;
47392 do {
47393 _this.whitespace$0();
47394 argument = _this.importArgument$0();
47395 if ((_this._inControlDirective || _this._stylesheet$_inMixin) && argument instanceof A.DynamicImport)
47396 _this._disallowedAtRule$1(start);
47397 imports.push(argument);
47398 _this.whitespace$0();
47399 } while (t1.scanChar$1(44));
47400 _this.expectStatementSeparator$1("@import rule");
47401 t1 = t1.spanFrom$1(start);
47402 return new A.ImportRule(A.List_List$unmodifiable(imports, type$.Import), t1);
47403 },
47404 importArgument$0() {
47405 var url, urlSpan, innerError, stackTrace, queries, t2, t3, t4, exception, _this = this, _null = null,
47406 t1 = _this.scanner,
47407 start = new A._SpanScannerState(t1, t1._string_scanner$_position),
47408 next = t1.peekChar$0();
47409 if (next === 117 || next === 85) {
47410 url = _this.dynamicUrl$0();
47411 _this.whitespace$0();
47412 queries = _this.tryImportQueries$0();
47413 t2 = A.Interpolation$(A._setArrayType([url], type$.JSArray_Object), t1.spanFrom$1(start));
47414 t1 = t1.spanFrom$1(start);
47415 t3 = queries == null;
47416 t4 = t3 ? _null : queries.item1;
47417 return new A.StaticImport(t2, t4, t3 ? _null : queries.item2, t1);
47418 }
47419 url = _this.string$0();
47420 urlSpan = t1.spanFrom$1(start);
47421 _this.whitespace$0();
47422 queries = _this.tryImportQueries$0();
47423 if (_this.isPlainImportUrl$1(url) || queries != null) {
47424 t2 = urlSpan;
47425 t2 = A.Interpolation$(A._setArrayType([A.String_String$fromCharCodes(B.NativeUint32List_methods.sublist$2(t2.file._decodedChars, t2._file$_start, t2._end), 0, _null)], type$.JSArray_Object), urlSpan);
47426 t1 = t1.spanFrom$1(start);
47427 t3 = queries == null;
47428 t4 = t3 ? _null : queries.item1;
47429 return new A.StaticImport(t2, t4, t3 ? _null : queries.item2, t1);
47430 } else
47431 try {
47432 t1 = _this.parseImportUrl$1(url);
47433 return new A.DynamicImport(t1, urlSpan);
47434 } catch (exception) {
47435 t1 = A.unwrapException(exception);
47436 if (type$.FormatException._is(t1)) {
47437 innerError = t1;
47438 stackTrace = A.getTraceFromException(exception);
47439 _this.error$3(0, "Invalid URL: " + J.get$message$x(innerError), urlSpan, stackTrace);
47440 } else
47441 throw exception;
47442 }
47443 },
47444 parseImportUrl$1(url) {
47445 var t1 = $.$get$windows();
47446 if (t1.style.rootLength$1(url) > 0 && !$.$get$url().style.isRootRelative$1(url))
47447 return t1.toUri$1(url).toString$0(0);
47448 A.Uri_parse(url);
47449 return url;
47450 },
47451 isPlainImportUrl$1(url) {
47452 var first;
47453 if (url.length < 5)
47454 return false;
47455 if (B.JSString_methods.endsWith$1(url, ".css"))
47456 return true;
47457 first = B.JSString_methods._codeUnitAt$1(url, 0);
47458 if (first === 47)
47459 return B.JSString_methods._codeUnitAt$1(url, 1) === 47;
47460 if (first !== 104)
47461 return false;
47462 return B.JSString_methods.startsWith$1(url, "http://") || B.JSString_methods.startsWith$1(url, "https://");
47463 },
47464 tryImportQueries$0() {
47465 var t1, start, supports, identifier, t2, $arguments, $name, media, _this = this, _null = null;
47466 if (_this.scanIdentifier$1("supports")) {
47467 t1 = _this.scanner;
47468 t1.expectChar$1(40);
47469 start = new A._SpanScannerState(t1, t1._string_scanner$_position);
47470 if (_this.scanIdentifier$1("not")) {
47471 _this.whitespace$0();
47472 supports = new A.SupportsNegation(_this._supportsConditionInParens$0(), t1.spanFrom$1(start));
47473 } else if (t1.peekChar$0() === 40)
47474 supports = _this._supportsCondition$0();
47475 else {
47476 if (_this._lookingAtInterpolatedIdentifier$0()) {
47477 identifier = _this.interpolatedIdentifier$0();
47478 t2 = identifier.get$asPlain();
47479 if ((t2 == null ? _null : t2.toLowerCase()) === "not")
47480 _this.error$2(0, '"not" is not a valid identifier here.', identifier.span);
47481 if (t1.scanChar$1(40)) {
47482 $arguments = _this._interpolatedDeclarationValue$2$allowEmpty$allowSemicolon(true, true);
47483 t1.expectChar$1(41);
47484 supports = new A.SupportsFunction(identifier, $arguments, t1.spanFrom$1(start));
47485 } else {
47486 t1.set$state(start);
47487 supports = _null;
47488 }
47489 } else
47490 supports = _null;
47491 if (supports == null) {
47492 $name = _this.expression$0();
47493 t1.expectChar$1(58);
47494 supports = _this._supportsDeclarationValue$2($name, start);
47495 }
47496 }
47497 t1.expectChar$1(41);
47498 _this.whitespace$0();
47499 } else
47500 supports = _null;
47501 media = _this._lookingAtInterpolatedIdentifier$0() || _this.scanner.peekChar$0() === 40 ? _this._mediaQueryList$0() : _null;
47502 if (supports == null && media == null)
47503 return _null;
47504 return new A.Tuple2(supports, media, type$.Tuple2_of_nullable_SupportsCondition_and_nullable_Interpolation);
47505 },
47506 _includeRule$1(start) {
47507 var name0, namespace, $arguments, t2, t3, contentArguments, contentArguments_, wasInContentBlock, $content, _this = this, _null = null,
47508 $name = _this.identifier$0(),
47509 t1 = _this.scanner;
47510 if (t1.scanChar$1(46)) {
47511 name0 = _this._publicIdentifier$0();
47512 namespace = $name;
47513 $name = name0;
47514 } else {
47515 $name = A.stringReplaceAllUnchecked($name, "_", "-");
47516 namespace = _null;
47517 }
47518 _this.whitespace$0();
47519 if (t1.peekChar$0() === 40)
47520 $arguments = _this._argumentInvocation$1$mixin(true);
47521 else {
47522 t2 = A.FileLocation$_(t1._sourceFile, t1._string_scanner$_position);
47523 t3 = t2.offset;
47524 $arguments = A.ArgumentInvocation$empty(A._FileSpan$(t2.file, t3, t3));
47525 }
47526 _this.whitespace$0();
47527 if (_this.scanIdentifier$1("using")) {
47528 _this.whitespace$0();
47529 contentArguments = _this._argumentDeclaration$0();
47530 _this.whitespace$0();
47531 } else
47532 contentArguments = _null;
47533 t2 = contentArguments == null;
47534 if (!t2 || _this.lookingAtChildren$0()) {
47535 if (t2) {
47536 t2 = A.FileLocation$_(t1._sourceFile, t1._string_scanner$_position);
47537 t3 = t2.offset;
47538 contentArguments_ = new A.ArgumentDeclaration(B.List_empty8, _null, A._FileSpan$(t2.file, t3, t3));
47539 } else
47540 contentArguments_ = contentArguments;
47541 wasInContentBlock = _this._inContentBlock;
47542 _this._inContentBlock = true;
47543 $content = _this._withChildren$3(_this.get$_statement(), start, new A.StylesheetParser__includeRule_closure(contentArguments_));
47544 _this._inContentBlock = wasInContentBlock;
47545 } else {
47546 _this.expectStatementSeparator$0();
47547 $content = _null;
47548 }
47549 t1 = t1.spanFrom$2(start, start);
47550 t2 = $content == null ? $arguments : $content;
47551 return new A.IncludeRule(namespace, $name, $arguments, $content, t1.expand$1(0, t2.get$span(t2)));
47552 },
47553 mediaRule$1(start) {
47554 return this._withChildren$3(this.get$_statement(), start, new A.StylesheetParser_mediaRule_closure(this._mediaQueryList$0()));
47555 },
47556 _mixinRule$1(start) {
47557 var $name, t1, $arguments, t2, t3, _this = this,
47558 precedingComment = _this.lastSilentComment;
47559 _this.lastSilentComment = null;
47560 $name = _this.identifier$1$normalize(true);
47561 _this.whitespace$0();
47562 t1 = _this.scanner;
47563 if (t1.peekChar$0() === 40)
47564 $arguments = _this._argumentDeclaration$0();
47565 else {
47566 t2 = A.FileLocation$_(t1._sourceFile, t1._string_scanner$_position);
47567 t3 = t2.offset;
47568 $arguments = new A.ArgumentDeclaration(B.List_empty8, null, A._FileSpan$(t2.file, t3, t3));
47569 }
47570 if (_this._stylesheet$_inMixin || _this._inContentBlock)
47571 _this.error$2(0, string$.Mixinscm, t1.spanFrom$1(start));
47572 else if (_this._inControlDirective)
47573 _this.error$2(0, string$.Mixinsb, t1.spanFrom$1(start));
47574 _this.whitespace$0();
47575 _this._stylesheet$_inMixin = true;
47576 return _this._withChildren$3(_this.get$_statement(), start, new A.StylesheetParser__mixinRule_closure(_this, $name, $arguments, precedingComment));
47577 },
47578 mozDocumentRule$2(start, $name) {
47579 var t5, t6, t7, identifier, contents, argument, trailing, endPosition, t8, t9, start0, end, _this = this, _box_0 = {},
47580 t1 = _this.scanner,
47581 t2 = t1._string_scanner$_position,
47582 t3 = new A.StringBuffer(""),
47583 t4 = A._setArrayType([], type$.JSArray_Object),
47584 buffer = new A.InterpolationBuffer(t3, t4);
47585 _box_0.needsDeprecationWarning = false;
47586 for (t5 = _this.get$whitespace(), t6 = t1.string; true;) {
47587 if (t1.peekChar$0() === 35) {
47588 t7 = _this.singleInterpolation$0();
47589 buffer._flushText$0();
47590 t4.push(t7);
47591 _box_0.needsDeprecationWarning = true;
47592 } else {
47593 t7 = t1._string_scanner$_position;
47594 identifier = _this.identifier$0();
47595 switch (identifier) {
47596 case "url":
47597 case "url-prefix":
47598 case "domain":
47599 contents = _this._tryUrlContents$2$name(new A._SpanScannerState(t1, t7), identifier);
47600 if (contents != null)
47601 buffer.addInterpolation$1(contents);
47602 else {
47603 t1.expectChar$1(40);
47604 _this.whitespace$0();
47605 argument = _this.interpolatedString$0();
47606 t1.expectChar$1(41);
47607 t7 = t3._contents += identifier;
47608 t3._contents = t7 + A.Primitives_stringFromCharCode(40);
47609 buffer.addInterpolation$1(argument.asInterpolation$0());
47610 t3._contents += A.Primitives_stringFromCharCode(41);
47611 }
47612 t7 = t3._contents;
47613 trailing = t7.charCodeAt(0) == 0 ? t7 : t7;
47614 if (!B.JSString_methods.endsWith$1(trailing, "url-prefix()") && !B.JSString_methods.endsWith$1(trailing, "url-prefix('')") && !B.JSString_methods.endsWith$1(trailing, 'url-prefix("")'))
47615 _box_0.needsDeprecationWarning = true;
47616 break;
47617 case "regexp":
47618 t3._contents += "regexp(";
47619 t1.expectChar$1(40);
47620 buffer.addInterpolation$1(_this.interpolatedString$0().asInterpolation$0());
47621 t1.expectChar$1(41);
47622 t3._contents += A.Primitives_stringFromCharCode(41);
47623 _box_0.needsDeprecationWarning = true;
47624 break;
47625 default:
47626 endPosition = t1._string_scanner$_position;
47627 t8 = t1._sourceFile;
47628 t9 = new A._FileSpan(t8, t7, endPosition);
47629 t9._FileSpan$3(t8, t7, endPosition);
47630 A.throwExpression(new A.StringScannerException(t6, "Invalid function name.", t9));
47631 }
47632 }
47633 _this.whitespace$0();
47634 if (!t1.scanChar$1(44))
47635 break;
47636 t3._contents += A.Primitives_stringFromCharCode(44);
47637 start0 = t1._string_scanner$_position;
47638 t5.call$0();
47639 end = t1._string_scanner$_position;
47640 t3._contents += B.JSString_methods.substring$2(t6, start0, end);
47641 }
47642 return _this._withChildren$3(_this.get$_statement(), start, new A.StylesheetParser_mozDocumentRule_closure(_box_0, _this, $name, buffer.interpolation$1(t1.spanFrom$1(new A._SpanScannerState(t1, t2)))));
47643 },
47644 supportsRule$1(start) {
47645 var _this = this,
47646 condition = _this._supportsCondition$0();
47647 _this.whitespace$0();
47648 return _this._withChildren$3(_this.get$_statement(), start, new A.StylesheetParser_supportsRule_closure(condition));
47649 },
47650 _useRule$1(start) {
47651 var namespace, configuration, span, t1, _this = this,
47652 _s9_ = "@use rule",
47653 url = _this._urlString$0();
47654 _this.whitespace$0();
47655 namespace = _this._useNamespace$2(url, start);
47656 _this.whitespace$0();
47657 configuration = _this._stylesheet$_configuration$0();
47658 _this.expectStatementSeparator$1(_s9_);
47659 span = _this.scanner.spanFrom$1(start);
47660 if (!_this._isUseAllowed)
47661 _this.error$2(0, string$.x40use_r, span);
47662 _this.expectStatementSeparator$1(_s9_);
47663 t1 = new A.UseRule(url, namespace, configuration == null ? B.List_empty6 : A.List_List$unmodifiable(configuration, type$.ConfiguredVariable), span);
47664 t1.UseRule$4$configuration(url, namespace, span, configuration);
47665 return t1;
47666 },
47667 _useNamespace$2(url, start) {
47668 var namespace, basename, dot, t1, exception, _this = this;
47669 if (_this.scanIdentifier$1("as")) {
47670 _this.whitespace$0();
47671 return _this.scanner.scanChar$1(42) ? null : _this.identifier$0();
47672 }
47673 basename = url.get$pathSegments().length === 0 ? "" : B.JSArray_methods.get$last(url.get$pathSegments());
47674 dot = B.JSString_methods.indexOf$1(basename, ".");
47675 t1 = B.JSString_methods.startsWith$1(basename, "_") ? 1 : 0;
47676 namespace = B.JSString_methods.substring$2(basename, t1, dot === -1 ? basename.length : dot);
47677 try {
47678 t1 = A.SpanScanner$(namespace, null);
47679 t1 = new A.Parser(t1, _this.logger)._parseIdentifier$0();
47680 return t1;
47681 } catch (exception) {
47682 if (A.unwrapException(exception) instanceof A.SassFormatException)
47683 _this.error$2(0, 'The default namespace "' + A.S(namespace) + string$.x22x20is_n, _this.scanner.spanFrom$1(start));
47684 else
47685 throw exception;
47686 }
47687 },
47688 _stylesheet$_configuration$1$allowGuarded(allowGuarded) {
47689 var variableNames, configuration, t1, t2, t3, $name, expression, t4, guarded, endPosition, t5, t6, span, _this = this;
47690 if (!_this.scanIdentifier$1("with"))
47691 return null;
47692 variableNames = A.LinkedHashSet_LinkedHashSet$_empty(type$.String);
47693 configuration = A._setArrayType([], type$.JSArray_ConfiguredVariable);
47694 _this.whitespace$0();
47695 t1 = _this.scanner;
47696 t1.expectChar$1(40);
47697 for (t2 = t1.string; true;) {
47698 _this.whitespace$0();
47699 t3 = t1._string_scanner$_position;
47700 t1.expectChar$1(36);
47701 $name = _this.identifier$1$normalize(true);
47702 _this.whitespace$0();
47703 t1.expectChar$1(58);
47704 _this.whitespace$0();
47705 expression = _this._expressionUntilComma$0();
47706 t4 = t1._string_scanner$_position;
47707 if (allowGuarded && t1.scanChar$1(33))
47708 if (_this.identifier$0() === "default") {
47709 _this.whitespace$0();
47710 guarded = true;
47711 } else {
47712 endPosition = t1._string_scanner$_position;
47713 t5 = t1._sourceFile;
47714 t6 = new A._FileSpan(t5, t4, endPosition);
47715 t6._FileSpan$3(t5, t4, endPosition);
47716 A.throwExpression(new A.StringScannerException(t2, "Invalid flag name.", t6));
47717 guarded = false;
47718 }
47719 else
47720 guarded = false;
47721 endPosition = t1._string_scanner$_position;
47722 t4 = t1._sourceFile;
47723 span = new A._FileSpan(t4, t3, endPosition);
47724 span._FileSpan$3(t4, t3, endPosition);
47725 if (variableNames.contains$1(0, $name))
47726 A.throwExpression(new A.StringScannerException(t2, string$.The_sa, span));
47727 variableNames.add$1(0, $name);
47728 configuration.push(new A.ConfiguredVariable($name, expression, guarded, span));
47729 if (!t1.scanChar$1(44))
47730 break;
47731 _this.whitespace$0();
47732 if (!_this._lookingAtExpression$0())
47733 break;
47734 }
47735 t1.expectChar$1(41);
47736 return configuration;
47737 },
47738 _stylesheet$_configuration$0() {
47739 return this._stylesheet$_configuration$1$allowGuarded(false);
47740 },
47741 _warnRule$1(start) {
47742 var value = this.expression$0();
47743 this.expectStatementSeparator$1("@warn rule");
47744 return new A.WarnRule(value, this.scanner.spanFrom$1(start));
47745 },
47746 _whileRule$2(start, child) {
47747 var _this = this,
47748 wasInControlDirective = _this._inControlDirective;
47749 _this._inControlDirective = true;
47750 return _this._withChildren$3(child, start, new A.StylesheetParser__whileRule_closure(_this, wasInControlDirective, _this.expression$0()));
47751 },
47752 unknownAtRule$2(start, $name) {
47753 var t2, t3, rule, _this = this, t1 = {},
47754 wasInUnknownAtRule = _this._stylesheet$_inUnknownAtRule;
47755 _this._stylesheet$_inUnknownAtRule = true;
47756 t1.value = null;
47757 t2 = _this.scanner;
47758 t3 = t2.peekChar$0() !== 33 && !_this.atEndOfStatement$0() ? t1.value = _this.almostAnyValue$0() : null;
47759 if (_this.lookingAtChildren$0())
47760 rule = _this._withChildren$3(_this.get$_statement(), start, new A.StylesheetParser_unknownAtRule_closure(t1, $name));
47761 else {
47762 _this.expectStatementSeparator$0();
47763 rule = A.AtRule$($name, t2.spanFrom$1(start), null, t3);
47764 }
47765 _this._stylesheet$_inUnknownAtRule = wasInUnknownAtRule;
47766 return rule;
47767 },
47768 _disallowedAtRule$1(start) {
47769 this.almostAnyValue$0();
47770 this.error$2(0, "This at-rule is not allowed here.", this.scanner.spanFrom$1(start));
47771 },
47772 _argumentDeclaration$0() {
47773 var $arguments, named, restArgument, t3, t4, $name, defaultValue, endPosition, t5, t6, _this = this,
47774 t1 = _this.scanner,
47775 t2 = t1._string_scanner$_position;
47776 t1.expectChar$1(40);
47777 _this.whitespace$0();
47778 $arguments = A._setArrayType([], type$.JSArray_Argument);
47779 named = A.LinkedHashSet_LinkedHashSet$_empty(type$.String);
47780 t3 = t1.string;
47781 while (true) {
47782 if (!(t1.peekChar$0() === 36)) {
47783 restArgument = null;
47784 break;
47785 }
47786 t4 = t1._string_scanner$_position;
47787 t1.expectChar$1(36);
47788 $name = _this.identifier$1$normalize(true);
47789 _this.whitespace$0();
47790 if (t1.scanChar$1(58)) {
47791 _this.whitespace$0();
47792 defaultValue = _this._expressionUntilComma$0();
47793 } else {
47794 if (t1.scanChar$1(46)) {
47795 t1.expectChar$1(46);
47796 t1.expectChar$1(46);
47797 _this.whitespace$0();
47798 restArgument = $name;
47799 break;
47800 }
47801 defaultValue = null;
47802 }
47803 endPosition = t1._string_scanner$_position;
47804 t5 = t1._sourceFile;
47805 t6 = new A._FileSpan(t5, t4, endPosition);
47806 t6._FileSpan$3(t5, t4, endPosition);
47807 $arguments.push(new A.Argument($name, defaultValue, t6));
47808 if (!named.add$1(0, $name))
47809 A.throwExpression(new A.StringScannerException(t3, "Duplicate argument.", B.JSArray_methods.get$last($arguments).span));
47810 if (!t1.scanChar$1(44)) {
47811 restArgument = null;
47812 break;
47813 }
47814 _this.whitespace$0();
47815 }
47816 t1.expectChar$1(41);
47817 t1 = t1.spanFrom$1(new A._SpanScannerState(t1, t2));
47818 return new A.ArgumentDeclaration(A.List_List$unmodifiable($arguments, type$.Argument), restArgument, t1);
47819 },
47820 _argumentInvocation$1$mixin(mixin) {
47821 var positional, t3, t4, named, keywordRest, t5, t6, rest, expression, t7, _this = this,
47822 t1 = _this.scanner,
47823 t2 = t1._string_scanner$_position;
47824 t1.expectChar$1(40);
47825 _this.whitespace$0();
47826 positional = A._setArrayType([], type$.JSArray_Expression);
47827 t3 = type$.String;
47828 t4 = type$.Expression;
47829 named = A.LinkedHashMap_LinkedHashMap$_empty(t3, t4);
47830 t5 = !mixin;
47831 t6 = t1.string;
47832 rest = null;
47833 while (true) {
47834 if (!_this._lookingAtExpression$0()) {
47835 keywordRest = null;
47836 break;
47837 }
47838 expression = _this._expressionUntilComma$1$singleEquals(t5);
47839 _this.whitespace$0();
47840 if (expression instanceof A.VariableExpression && t1.scanChar$1(58)) {
47841 _this.whitespace$0();
47842 t7 = expression.name;
47843 if (named.containsKey$1(t7))
47844 A.throwExpression(new A.StringScannerException(t6, "Duplicate argument.", expression.span));
47845 named.$indexSet(0, t7, _this._expressionUntilComma$1$singleEquals(t5));
47846 } else if (t1.scanChar$1(46)) {
47847 t1.expectChar$1(46);
47848 t1.expectChar$1(46);
47849 if (rest != null) {
47850 _this.whitespace$0();
47851 keywordRest = expression;
47852 break;
47853 }
47854 rest = expression;
47855 } else if (named.get$isNotEmpty(named))
47856 A.throwExpression(new A.StringScannerException(t6, string$.Positi, expression.get$span(expression)));
47857 else
47858 positional.push(expression);
47859 _this.whitespace$0();
47860 if (!t1.scanChar$1(44)) {
47861 keywordRest = null;
47862 break;
47863 }
47864 _this.whitespace$0();
47865 }
47866 t1.expectChar$1(41);
47867 t1 = t1.spanFrom$1(new A._SpanScannerState(t1, t2));
47868 return new A.ArgumentInvocation(A.List_List$unmodifiable(positional, t4), A.ConstantMap_ConstantMap$from(named, t3, t4), rest, keywordRest, t1);
47869 },
47870 _argumentInvocation$0() {
47871 return this._argumentInvocation$1$mixin(false);
47872 },
47873 expression$3$bracketList$singleEquals$until(bracketList, singleEquals, until) {
47874 var t2, beforeBracket, start, wasInParentheses, resetState, resolveOneOperation, resolveOperations, addSingleExpression, addOperator, resolveSpaceExpressions, t3, first, next, t4, commaExpressions, spaceExpressions, singleExpression, _this = this,
47875 _s20_ = "Expected expression.",
47876 _box_0 = {},
47877 t1 = until != null;
47878 if (t1 && until.call$0())
47879 _this.scanner.error$1(0, _s20_);
47880 if (bracketList) {
47881 t2 = _this.scanner;
47882 beforeBracket = new A._SpanScannerState(t2, t2._string_scanner$_position);
47883 t2.expectChar$1(91);
47884 _this.whitespace$0();
47885 if (t2.scanChar$1(93)) {
47886 t1 = A._setArrayType([], type$.JSArray_Expression);
47887 t2 = t2.spanFrom$1(beforeBracket);
47888 return new A.ListExpression(A.List_List$unmodifiable(t1, type$.Expression), B.ListSeparator_undecided_null, true, t2);
47889 }
47890 } else
47891 beforeBracket = null;
47892 t2 = _this.scanner;
47893 start = new A._SpanScannerState(t2, t2._string_scanner$_position);
47894 wasInParentheses = _this._inParentheses;
47895 _box_0.operands_ = _box_0.operators_ = _box_0.spaceExpressions_ = _box_0.commaExpressions_ = null;
47896 _box_0.allowSlash = true;
47897 _box_0.singleExpression_ = _this._singleExpression$0();
47898 resetState = new A.StylesheetParser_expression_resetState(_box_0, _this, start);
47899 resolveOneOperation = new A.StylesheetParser_expression_resolveOneOperation(_box_0, _this);
47900 resolveOperations = new A.StylesheetParser_expression_resolveOperations(_box_0, resolveOneOperation);
47901 addSingleExpression = new A.StylesheetParser_expression_addSingleExpression(_box_0, _this, resetState, resolveOperations);
47902 addOperator = new A.StylesheetParser_expression_addOperator(_box_0, _this, resolveOneOperation);
47903 resolveSpaceExpressions = new A.StylesheetParser_expression_resolveSpaceExpressions(_box_0, _this, resolveOperations);
47904 $label0$0:
47905 for (t3 = type$.JSArray_Expression; true;) {
47906 _this.whitespace$0();
47907 if (t1 && until.call$0())
47908 break $label0$0;
47909 first = t2.peekChar$0();
47910 switch (first) {
47911 case 40:
47912 addSingleExpression.call$1(_this._parentheses$0());
47913 break;
47914 case 91:
47915 addSingleExpression.call$1(_this.expression$1$bracketList(true));
47916 break;
47917 case 36:
47918 addSingleExpression.call$1(_this._variable$0());
47919 break;
47920 case 38:
47921 addSingleExpression.call$1(_this._selector$0());
47922 break;
47923 case 39:
47924 case 34:
47925 addSingleExpression.call$1(_this.interpolatedString$0());
47926 break;
47927 case 35:
47928 addSingleExpression.call$1(_this._hashExpression$0());
47929 break;
47930 case 61:
47931 t2.readChar$0();
47932 if (singleEquals && t2.peekChar$0() !== 61)
47933 addOperator.call$1(B.BinaryOperator_kjl);
47934 else {
47935 t2.expectChar$1(61);
47936 addOperator.call$1(B.BinaryOperator_YlX);
47937 }
47938 break;
47939 case 33:
47940 next = t2.peekChar$1(1);
47941 if (next === 61) {
47942 t2.readChar$0();
47943 t2.readChar$0();
47944 addOperator.call$1(B.BinaryOperator_i5H);
47945 } else {
47946 if (next != null)
47947 if ((next | 32) >>> 0 !== 105)
47948 t4 = next === 32 || next === 9 || next === 10 || next === 13 || next === 12;
47949 else
47950 t4 = true;
47951 else
47952 t4 = true;
47953 if (t4)
47954 addSingleExpression.call$1(_this._importantExpression$0());
47955 else
47956 break $label0$0;
47957 }
47958 break;
47959 case 60:
47960 t2.readChar$0();
47961 addOperator.call$1(t2.scanChar$1(61) ? B.BinaryOperator_33h : B.BinaryOperator_8qt);
47962 break;
47963 case 62:
47964 t2.readChar$0();
47965 addOperator.call$1(t2.scanChar$1(61) ? B.BinaryOperator_1da : B.BinaryOperator_AcR);
47966 break;
47967 case 42:
47968 t2.readChar$0();
47969 addOperator.call$1(B.BinaryOperator_O1M);
47970 break;
47971 case 43:
47972 if (_box_0.singleExpression_ == null)
47973 addSingleExpression.call$1(_this._unaryOperation$0());
47974 else {
47975 t2.readChar$0();
47976 addOperator.call$1(B.BinaryOperator_AcR0);
47977 }
47978 break;
47979 case 45:
47980 next = t2.peekChar$1(1);
47981 if (next != null && next >= 48 && next <= 57 || next === 46)
47982 if (_box_0.singleExpression_ != null) {
47983 t4 = t2.peekChar$1(-1);
47984 t4 = t4 === 32 || t4 === 9 || t4 === 10 || t4 === 13 || t4 === 12;
47985 } else
47986 t4 = true;
47987 else
47988 t4 = false;
47989 if (t4)
47990 addSingleExpression.call$1(_this._number$0());
47991 else if (_this._lookingAtInterpolatedIdentifier$0())
47992 addSingleExpression.call$1(_this.identifierLike$0());
47993 else if (_box_0.singleExpression_ == null)
47994 addSingleExpression.call$1(_this._unaryOperation$0());
47995 else {
47996 t2.readChar$0();
47997 addOperator.call$1(B.BinaryOperator_iyO);
47998 }
47999 break;
48000 case 47:
48001 if (_box_0.singleExpression_ == null)
48002 addSingleExpression.call$1(_this._unaryOperation$0());
48003 else {
48004 t2.readChar$0();
48005 addOperator.call$1(B.BinaryOperator_RTB);
48006 }
48007 break;
48008 case 37:
48009 t2.readChar$0();
48010 addOperator.call$1(B.BinaryOperator_2ad);
48011 break;
48012 case 48:
48013 case 49:
48014 case 50:
48015 case 51:
48016 case 52:
48017 case 53:
48018 case 54:
48019 case 55:
48020 case 56:
48021 case 57:
48022 addSingleExpression.call$1(_this._number$0());
48023 break;
48024 case 46:
48025 if (t2.peekChar$1(1) === 46)
48026 break $label0$0;
48027 addSingleExpression.call$1(_this._number$0());
48028 break;
48029 case 97:
48030 if (!_this.get$plainCss() && _this.scanIdentifier$1("and"))
48031 addOperator.call$1(B.BinaryOperator_and_and_2);
48032 else
48033 addSingleExpression.call$1(_this.identifierLike$0());
48034 break;
48035 case 111:
48036 if (!_this.get$plainCss() && _this.scanIdentifier$1("or"))
48037 addOperator.call$1(B.BinaryOperator_or_or_1);
48038 else
48039 addSingleExpression.call$1(_this.identifierLike$0());
48040 break;
48041 case 117:
48042 case 85:
48043 if (t2.peekChar$1(1) === 43)
48044 addSingleExpression.call$1(_this._unicodeRange$0());
48045 else
48046 addSingleExpression.call$1(_this.identifierLike$0());
48047 break;
48048 case 98:
48049 case 99:
48050 case 100:
48051 case 101:
48052 case 102:
48053 case 103:
48054 case 104:
48055 case 105:
48056 case 106:
48057 case 107:
48058 case 108:
48059 case 109:
48060 case 110:
48061 case 112:
48062 case 113:
48063 case 114:
48064 case 115:
48065 case 116:
48066 case 118:
48067 case 119:
48068 case 120:
48069 case 121:
48070 case 122:
48071 case 65:
48072 case 66:
48073 case 67:
48074 case 68:
48075 case 69:
48076 case 70:
48077 case 71:
48078 case 72:
48079 case 73:
48080 case 74:
48081 case 75:
48082 case 76:
48083 case 77:
48084 case 78:
48085 case 79:
48086 case 80:
48087 case 81:
48088 case 82:
48089 case 83:
48090 case 84:
48091 case 86:
48092 case 87:
48093 case 88:
48094 case 89:
48095 case 90:
48096 case 95:
48097 case 92:
48098 addSingleExpression.call$1(_this.identifierLike$0());
48099 break;
48100 case 44:
48101 if (_this._inParentheses) {
48102 _this._inParentheses = false;
48103 if (_box_0.allowSlash) {
48104 resetState.call$0();
48105 break;
48106 }
48107 }
48108 commaExpressions = _box_0.commaExpressions_;
48109 if (commaExpressions == null)
48110 commaExpressions = _box_0.commaExpressions_ = A._setArrayType([], t3);
48111 if (_box_0.singleExpression_ == null)
48112 t2.error$1(0, _s20_);
48113 resolveSpaceExpressions.call$0();
48114 t4 = _box_0.singleExpression_;
48115 t4.toString;
48116 commaExpressions.push(t4);
48117 t2.readChar$0();
48118 _box_0.allowSlash = true;
48119 _box_0.singleExpression_ = null;
48120 break;
48121 default:
48122 if (first != null && first >= 128) {
48123 addSingleExpression.call$1(_this.identifierLike$0());
48124 break;
48125 } else
48126 break $label0$0;
48127 }
48128 }
48129 if (bracketList)
48130 t2.expectChar$1(93);
48131 commaExpressions = _box_0.commaExpressions_;
48132 spaceExpressions = _box_0.spaceExpressions_;
48133 if (commaExpressions != null) {
48134 resolveSpaceExpressions.call$0();
48135 _this._inParentheses = wasInParentheses;
48136 singleExpression = _box_0.singleExpression_;
48137 if (singleExpression != null)
48138 commaExpressions.push(singleExpression);
48139 t1 = t2.spanFrom$1(beforeBracket == null ? start : beforeBracket);
48140 return new A.ListExpression(A.List_List$unmodifiable(commaExpressions, type$.Expression), B.ListSeparator_kWM, bracketList, t1);
48141 } else if (bracketList && spaceExpressions != null) {
48142 resolveOperations.call$0();
48143 t1 = _box_0.singleExpression_;
48144 t1.toString;
48145 spaceExpressions.push(t1);
48146 beforeBracket.toString;
48147 t2 = t2.spanFrom$1(beforeBracket);
48148 return new A.ListExpression(A.List_List$unmodifiable(spaceExpressions, type$.Expression), B.ListSeparator_woc, true, t2);
48149 } else {
48150 resolveSpaceExpressions.call$0();
48151 if (bracketList) {
48152 t1 = _box_0.singleExpression_;
48153 t1.toString;
48154 t3 = A._setArrayType([t1], t3);
48155 beforeBracket.toString;
48156 t2 = t2.spanFrom$1(beforeBracket);
48157 _box_0.singleExpression_ = new A.ListExpression(A.List_List$unmodifiable(t3, type$.Expression), B.ListSeparator_undecided_null, true, t2);
48158 }
48159 t1 = _box_0.singleExpression_;
48160 t1.toString;
48161 return t1;
48162 }
48163 },
48164 expression$0() {
48165 return this.expression$3$bracketList$singleEquals$until(false, false, null);
48166 },
48167 expression$2$singleEquals$until(singleEquals, until) {
48168 return this.expression$3$bracketList$singleEquals$until(false, singleEquals, until);
48169 },
48170 expression$1$bracketList(bracketList) {
48171 return this.expression$3$bracketList$singleEquals$until(bracketList, false, null);
48172 },
48173 expression$1$singleEquals(singleEquals) {
48174 return this.expression$3$bracketList$singleEquals$until(false, singleEquals, null);
48175 },
48176 expression$1$until(until) {
48177 return this.expression$3$bracketList$singleEquals$until(false, false, until);
48178 },
48179 _expressionUntilComma$1$singleEquals(singleEquals) {
48180 return this.expression$2$singleEquals$until(singleEquals, new A.StylesheetParser__expressionUntilComma_closure(this));
48181 },
48182 _expressionUntilComma$0() {
48183 return this._expressionUntilComma$1$singleEquals(false);
48184 },
48185 _isSlashOperand$1(expression) {
48186 var t1;
48187 if (!(expression instanceof A.NumberExpression))
48188 if (!(expression instanceof A.CalculationExpression))
48189 t1 = expression instanceof A.BinaryOperationExpression && expression.allowsSlash;
48190 else
48191 t1 = true;
48192 else
48193 t1 = true;
48194 return t1;
48195 },
48196 _singleExpression$0() {
48197 var next, _this = this,
48198 t1 = _this.scanner,
48199 first = t1.peekChar$0();
48200 switch (first) {
48201 case 40:
48202 return _this._parentheses$0();
48203 case 47:
48204 return _this._unaryOperation$0();
48205 case 46:
48206 return _this._number$0();
48207 case 91:
48208 return _this.expression$1$bracketList(true);
48209 case 36:
48210 return _this._variable$0();
48211 case 38:
48212 return _this._selector$0();
48213 case 39:
48214 case 34:
48215 return _this.interpolatedString$0();
48216 case 35:
48217 return _this._hashExpression$0();
48218 case 43:
48219 next = t1.peekChar$1(1);
48220 return A.isDigit(next) || next === 46 ? _this._number$0() : _this._unaryOperation$0();
48221 case 45:
48222 return _this._minusExpression$0();
48223 case 33:
48224 return _this._importantExpression$0();
48225 case 117:
48226 case 85:
48227 if (t1.peekChar$1(1) === 43)
48228 return _this._unicodeRange$0();
48229 else
48230 return _this.identifierLike$0();
48231 case 48:
48232 case 49:
48233 case 50:
48234 case 51:
48235 case 52:
48236 case 53:
48237 case 54:
48238 case 55:
48239 case 56:
48240 case 57:
48241 return _this._number$0();
48242 case 97:
48243 case 98:
48244 case 99:
48245 case 100:
48246 case 101:
48247 case 102:
48248 case 103:
48249 case 104:
48250 case 105:
48251 case 106:
48252 case 107:
48253 case 108:
48254 case 109:
48255 case 110:
48256 case 111:
48257 case 112:
48258 case 113:
48259 case 114:
48260 case 115:
48261 case 116:
48262 case 118:
48263 case 119:
48264 case 120:
48265 case 121:
48266 case 122:
48267 case 65:
48268 case 66:
48269 case 67:
48270 case 68:
48271 case 69:
48272 case 70:
48273 case 71:
48274 case 72:
48275 case 73:
48276 case 74:
48277 case 75:
48278 case 76:
48279 case 77:
48280 case 78:
48281 case 79:
48282 case 80:
48283 case 81:
48284 case 82:
48285 case 83:
48286 case 84:
48287 case 86:
48288 case 87:
48289 case 88:
48290 case 89:
48291 case 90:
48292 case 95:
48293 case 92:
48294 return _this.identifierLike$0();
48295 default:
48296 if (first != null && first >= 128)
48297 return _this.identifierLike$0();
48298 t1.error$1(0, "Expected expression.");
48299 }
48300 },
48301 _parentheses$0() {
48302 var wasInParentheses, start, first, expressions, t1, t2, _this = this;
48303 if (_this.get$plainCss())
48304 _this.scanner.error$2$length(0, "Parentheses aren't allowed in plain CSS.", 1);
48305 wasInParentheses = _this._inParentheses;
48306 _this._inParentheses = true;
48307 try {
48308 t1 = _this.scanner;
48309 start = new A._SpanScannerState(t1, t1._string_scanner$_position);
48310 t1.expectChar$1(40);
48311 _this.whitespace$0();
48312 if (!_this._lookingAtExpression$0()) {
48313 t1.expectChar$1(41);
48314 t2 = A._setArrayType([], type$.JSArray_Expression);
48315 t1 = t1.spanFrom$1(start);
48316 t2 = A.List_List$unmodifiable(t2, type$.Expression);
48317 return new A.ListExpression(t2, B.ListSeparator_undecided_null, false, t1);
48318 }
48319 first = _this._expressionUntilComma$0();
48320 if (t1.scanChar$1(58)) {
48321 _this.whitespace$0();
48322 t1 = _this._stylesheet$_map$2(first, start);
48323 return t1;
48324 }
48325 if (!t1.scanChar$1(44)) {
48326 t1.expectChar$1(41);
48327 t1 = t1.spanFrom$1(start);
48328 return new A.ParenthesizedExpression(first, t1);
48329 }
48330 _this.whitespace$0();
48331 expressions = A._setArrayType([first], type$.JSArray_Expression);
48332 for (; true;) {
48333 if (!_this._lookingAtExpression$0())
48334 break;
48335 J.add$1$ax(expressions, _this._expressionUntilComma$0());
48336 if (!t1.scanChar$1(44))
48337 break;
48338 _this.whitespace$0();
48339 }
48340 t1.expectChar$1(41);
48341 t1 = t1.spanFrom$1(start);
48342 t2 = A.List_List$unmodifiable(expressions, type$.Expression);
48343 return new A.ListExpression(t2, B.ListSeparator_kWM, false, t1);
48344 } finally {
48345 _this._inParentheses = wasInParentheses;
48346 }
48347 },
48348 _stylesheet$_map$2(first, start) {
48349 var t2, key, _this = this,
48350 t1 = type$.Tuple2_Expression_Expression,
48351 pairs = A._setArrayType([new A.Tuple2(first, _this._expressionUntilComma$0(), t1)], type$.JSArray_Tuple2_Expression_Expression);
48352 for (t2 = _this.scanner; t2.scanChar$1(44);) {
48353 _this.whitespace$0();
48354 if (!_this._lookingAtExpression$0())
48355 break;
48356 key = _this._expressionUntilComma$0();
48357 t2.expectChar$1(58);
48358 _this.whitespace$0();
48359 pairs.push(new A.Tuple2(key, _this._expressionUntilComma$0(), t1));
48360 }
48361 t2.expectChar$1(41);
48362 t2 = t2.spanFrom$1(start);
48363 return new A.MapExpression(A.List_List$unmodifiable(pairs, t1), t2);
48364 },
48365 _hashExpression$0() {
48366 var start, first, t2, identifier, buffer, _this = this,
48367 t1 = _this.scanner;
48368 if (t1.peekChar$1(1) === 123)
48369 return _this.identifierLike$0();
48370 start = new A._SpanScannerState(t1, t1._string_scanner$_position);
48371 t1.expectChar$1(35);
48372 first = t1.peekChar$0();
48373 if (first != null && A.isDigit(first)) {
48374 t1 = _this._hexColorContents$1(start);
48375 t2 = t1.originalSpan;
48376 t2.toString;
48377 return new A.ColorExpression(t1, t2);
48378 }
48379 t2 = t1._string_scanner$_position;
48380 identifier = _this.interpolatedIdentifier$0();
48381 if (_this._isHexColor$1(identifier)) {
48382 t1.set$state(new A._SpanScannerState(t1, t2));
48383 t1 = _this._hexColorContents$1(start);
48384 t2 = t1.originalSpan;
48385 t2.toString;
48386 return new A.ColorExpression(t1, t2);
48387 }
48388 t2 = new A.StringBuffer("");
48389 buffer = new A.InterpolationBuffer(t2, A._setArrayType([], type$.JSArray_Object));
48390 t2._contents = "" + A.Primitives_stringFromCharCode(35);
48391 buffer.addInterpolation$1(identifier);
48392 return new A.StringExpression(buffer.interpolation$1(t1.spanFrom$1(start)), false);
48393 },
48394 _hexColorContents$1(start) {
48395 var red, green, blue, alpha, digit4, t2, t3, _this = this,
48396 digit1 = _this._hexDigit$0(),
48397 digit2 = _this._hexDigit$0(),
48398 digit3 = _this._hexDigit$0(),
48399 t1 = _this.scanner;
48400 if (!A.isHex(t1.peekChar$0())) {
48401 red = (digit1 << 4 >>> 0) + digit1;
48402 green = (digit2 << 4 >>> 0) + digit2;
48403 blue = (digit3 << 4 >>> 0) + digit3;
48404 alpha = 1;
48405 } else {
48406 digit4 = _this._hexDigit$0();
48407 t2 = digit1 << 4 >>> 0;
48408 t3 = digit3 << 4 >>> 0;
48409 if (!A.isHex(t1.peekChar$0())) {
48410 red = t2 + digit1;
48411 green = (digit2 << 4 >>> 0) + digit2;
48412 blue = t3 + digit3;
48413 alpha = ((digit4 << 4 >>> 0) + digit4) / 255;
48414 } else {
48415 red = t2 + digit2;
48416 green = t3 + digit4;
48417 blue = (_this._hexDigit$0() << 4 >>> 0) + _this._hexDigit$0();
48418 alpha = A.isHex(t1.peekChar$0()) ? ((_this._hexDigit$0() << 4 >>> 0) + _this._hexDigit$0()) / 255 : 1;
48419 }
48420 }
48421 return A.SassColor$rgb(red, green, blue, alpha, t1.spanFrom$1(start));
48422 },
48423 _isHexColor$1(interpolation) {
48424 var t1,
48425 plain = interpolation.get$asPlain();
48426 if (plain == null)
48427 return false;
48428 t1 = plain.length;
48429 if (t1 !== 3 && t1 !== 4 && t1 !== 6 && t1 !== 8)
48430 return false;
48431 t1 = new A.CodeUnits(plain);
48432 return t1.every$1(t1, A.character__isHex$closure());
48433 },
48434 _hexDigit$0() {
48435 var t1 = this.scanner,
48436 char = t1.peekChar$0();
48437 if (char == null || !A.isHex(char))
48438 t1.error$1(0, "Expected hex digit.");
48439 return A.asHex(t1.readChar$0());
48440 },
48441 _minusExpression$0() {
48442 var _this = this,
48443 next = _this.scanner.peekChar$1(1);
48444 if (A.isDigit(next) || next === 46)
48445 return _this._number$0();
48446 if (_this._lookingAtInterpolatedIdentifier$0())
48447 return _this.identifierLike$0();
48448 return _this._unaryOperation$0();
48449 },
48450 _importantExpression$0() {
48451 var t1 = this.scanner,
48452 t2 = t1._string_scanner$_position;
48453 t1.readChar$0();
48454 this.whitespace$0();
48455 this.expectIdentifier$1("important");
48456 t2 = t1.spanFrom$1(new A._SpanScannerState(t1, t2));
48457 return new A.StringExpression(A.Interpolation$(A._setArrayType(["!important"], type$.JSArray_Object), t2), false);
48458 },
48459 _unaryOperation$0() {
48460 var _this = this,
48461 t1 = _this.scanner,
48462 t2 = t1._string_scanner$_position,
48463 operator = _this._unaryOperatorFor$1(t1.readChar$0());
48464 if (operator == null)
48465 t1.error$2$position(0, "Expected unary operator.", t1._string_scanner$_position - 1);
48466 else if (_this.get$plainCss() && operator !== B.UnaryOperator_zDx)
48467 t1.error$3$length$position(0, "Operators aren't allowed in plain CSS.", 1, t1._string_scanner$_position - 1);
48468 _this.whitespace$0();
48469 return new A.UnaryOperationExpression(operator, _this._singleExpression$0(), t1.spanFrom$1(new A._SpanScannerState(t1, t2)));
48470 },
48471 _unaryOperatorFor$1(character) {
48472 switch (character) {
48473 case 43:
48474 return B.UnaryOperator_j2w;
48475 case 45:
48476 return B.UnaryOperator_U4G;
48477 case 47:
48478 return B.UnaryOperator_zDx;
48479 default:
48480 return null;
48481 }
48482 },
48483 _number$0() {
48484 var number, t4, unit, t5, _this = this,
48485 t1 = _this.scanner,
48486 t2 = t1._string_scanner$_position,
48487 first = t1.peekChar$0(),
48488 t3 = first === 45,
48489 sign = t3 ? -1 : 1;
48490 if (first === 43 || t3)
48491 t1.readChar$0();
48492 number = t1.peekChar$0() === 46 ? 0 : _this.naturalNumber$0();
48493 t3 = _this._tryDecimal$1$allowTrailingDot(t1._string_scanner$_position !== t2);
48494 t4 = _this._tryExponent$0();
48495 if (t1.scanChar$1(37))
48496 unit = "%";
48497 else {
48498 if (_this.lookingAtIdentifier$0())
48499 t5 = t1.peekChar$0() !== 45 || t1.peekChar$1(1) !== 45;
48500 else
48501 t5 = false;
48502 unit = t5 ? _this.identifier$1$unit(true) : null;
48503 }
48504 return new A.NumberExpression(sign * ((number + t3) * t4), unit, t1.spanFrom$1(new A._SpanScannerState(t1, t2)));
48505 },
48506 _tryDecimal$1$allowTrailingDot(allowTrailingDot) {
48507 var t2,
48508 t1 = this.scanner,
48509 start = t1._string_scanner$_position;
48510 if (t1.peekChar$0() !== 46)
48511 return 0;
48512 if (!A.isDigit(t1.peekChar$1(1))) {
48513 if (allowTrailingDot)
48514 return 0;
48515 t1.error$2$position(0, "Expected digit.", t1._string_scanner$_position + 1);
48516 }
48517 t1.readChar$0();
48518 while (true) {
48519 t2 = t1.peekChar$0();
48520 if (!(t2 != null && t2 >= 48 && t2 <= 57))
48521 break;
48522 t1.readChar$0();
48523 }
48524 return A.double_parse(t1.substring$1(0, start));
48525 },
48526 _tryExponent$0() {
48527 var next, t2, exponentSign, exponent,
48528 t1 = this.scanner,
48529 first = t1.peekChar$0();
48530 if (first !== 101 && first !== 69)
48531 return 1;
48532 next = t1.peekChar$1(1);
48533 if (!A.isDigit(next) && next !== 45 && next !== 43)
48534 return 1;
48535 t1.readChar$0();
48536 t2 = next === 45;
48537 exponentSign = t2 ? -1 : 1;
48538 if (next === 43 || t2)
48539 t1.readChar$0();
48540 if (!A.isDigit(t1.peekChar$0()))
48541 t1.error$1(0, "Expected digit.");
48542 exponent = 0;
48543 while (true) {
48544 t2 = t1.peekChar$0();
48545 if (!(t2 != null && t2 >= 48 && t2 <= 57))
48546 break;
48547 exponent = exponent * 10 + (t1.readChar$0() - 48);
48548 }
48549 return Math.pow(10, exponentSign * exponent);
48550 },
48551 _unicodeRange$0() {
48552 var firstRangeLength, hasQuestionMark, t2, secondRangeLength, _this = this,
48553 _s26_ = "Expected at most 6 digits.",
48554 t1 = _this.scanner,
48555 start = new A._SpanScannerState(t1, t1._string_scanner$_position);
48556 _this.expectIdentChar$1(117);
48557 t1.expectChar$1(43);
48558 for (firstRangeLength = 0; _this.scanCharIf$1(new A.StylesheetParser__unicodeRange_closure());)
48559 ++firstRangeLength;
48560 for (hasQuestionMark = false; t1.scanChar$1(63); hasQuestionMark = true)
48561 ++firstRangeLength;
48562 if (firstRangeLength === 0)
48563 t1.error$1(0, 'Expected hex digit or "?".');
48564 else if (firstRangeLength > 6)
48565 _this.error$2(0, _s26_, t1.spanFrom$1(start));
48566 else if (hasQuestionMark) {
48567 t2 = t1.substring$1(0, start.position);
48568 t1 = t1.spanFrom$1(start);
48569 return new A.StringExpression(A.Interpolation$(A._setArrayType([t2], type$.JSArray_Object), t1), false);
48570 }
48571 if (t1.scanChar$1(45)) {
48572 t2 = t1._string_scanner$_position;
48573 for (secondRangeLength = 0; _this.scanCharIf$1(new A.StylesheetParser__unicodeRange_closure0());)
48574 ++secondRangeLength;
48575 if (secondRangeLength === 0)
48576 t1.error$1(0, "Expected hex digit.");
48577 else if (secondRangeLength > 6)
48578 _this.error$2(0, _s26_, t1.spanFrom$1(new A._SpanScannerState(t1, t2)));
48579 }
48580 if (_this._lookingAtInterpolatedIdentifierBody$0())
48581 t1.error$1(0, "Expected end of identifier.");
48582 t2 = t1.substring$1(0, start.position);
48583 t1 = t1.spanFrom$1(start);
48584 return new A.StringExpression(A.Interpolation$(A._setArrayType([t2], type$.JSArray_Object), t1), false);
48585 },
48586 _variable$0() {
48587 var _this = this,
48588 t1 = _this.scanner,
48589 start = new A._SpanScannerState(t1, t1._string_scanner$_position),
48590 $name = _this.variableName$0();
48591 if (_this.get$plainCss())
48592 _this.error$2(0, string$.Sass_v, t1.spanFrom$1(start));
48593 return new A.VariableExpression(null, $name, t1.spanFrom$1(start));
48594 },
48595 _selector$0() {
48596 var t1, start, _this = this;
48597 if (_this.get$plainCss())
48598 _this.scanner.error$2$length(0, string$.The_pa, 1);
48599 t1 = _this.scanner;
48600 start = new A._SpanScannerState(t1, t1._string_scanner$_position);
48601 t1.expectChar$1(38);
48602 if (t1.scanChar$1(38)) {
48603 _this.logger.warn$2$span(0, string$.In_Sas, t1.spanFrom$1(start));
48604 t1.set$position(t1._string_scanner$_position - 1);
48605 }
48606 return new A.SelectorExpression(t1.spanFrom$1(start));
48607 },
48608 interpolatedString$0() {
48609 var t3, t4, buffer, next, second, t5,
48610 t1 = this.scanner,
48611 t2 = t1._string_scanner$_position,
48612 quote = t1.readChar$0();
48613 if (quote !== 39 && quote !== 34)
48614 t1.error$2$position(0, "Expected string.", t2);
48615 t3 = new A.StringBuffer("");
48616 t4 = A._setArrayType([], type$.JSArray_Object);
48617 buffer = new A.InterpolationBuffer(t3, t4);
48618 for (; true;) {
48619 next = t1.peekChar$0();
48620 if (next === quote) {
48621 t1.readChar$0();
48622 break;
48623 } else if (next == null || next === 10 || next === 13 || next === 12)
48624 t1.error$1(0, "Expected " + A.Primitives_stringFromCharCode(quote) + ".");
48625 else if (next === 92) {
48626 second = t1.peekChar$1(1);
48627 if (second === 10 || second === 13 || second === 12) {
48628 t1.readChar$0();
48629 t1.readChar$0();
48630 if (second === 13)
48631 t1.scanChar$1(10);
48632 } else
48633 t3._contents += A.Primitives_stringFromCharCode(A.consumeEscapedCharacter(t1));
48634 } else if (next === 35)
48635 if (t1.peekChar$1(1) === 123) {
48636 t5 = this.singleInterpolation$0();
48637 buffer._flushText$0();
48638 t4.push(t5);
48639 } else
48640 t3._contents += A.Primitives_stringFromCharCode(t1.readChar$0());
48641 else
48642 t3._contents += A.Primitives_stringFromCharCode(t1.readChar$0());
48643 }
48644 return new A.StringExpression(buffer.interpolation$1(t1.spanFrom$1(new A._SpanScannerState(t1, t2))), true);
48645 },
48646 identifierLike$0() {
48647 var invocation, lower, color, specialFunction, _this = this,
48648 t1 = _this.scanner,
48649 start = new A._SpanScannerState(t1, t1._string_scanner$_position),
48650 identifier = _this.interpolatedIdentifier$0(),
48651 plain = identifier.get$asPlain(),
48652 t2 = plain == null,
48653 t3 = !t2;
48654 if (t3) {
48655 if (plain === "if" && t1.peekChar$0() === 40) {
48656 invocation = _this._argumentInvocation$0();
48657 return new A.IfExpression(invocation, identifier.span.expand$1(0, invocation.span));
48658 } else if (plain === "not") {
48659 _this.whitespace$0();
48660 return new A.UnaryOperationExpression(B.UnaryOperator_not_not, _this._singleExpression$0(), identifier.span);
48661 }
48662 lower = plain.toLowerCase();
48663 if (t1.peekChar$0() !== 40) {
48664 switch (plain) {
48665 case "false":
48666 return new A.BooleanExpression(false, identifier.span);
48667 case "null":
48668 return new A.NullExpression(identifier.span);
48669 case "true":
48670 return new A.BooleanExpression(true, identifier.span);
48671 }
48672 color = $.$get$colorsByName().$index(0, lower);
48673 if (color != null) {
48674 color = A.SassColor$rgb(color.get$red(color), color.get$green(color), color.get$blue(color), color._alpha, identifier.span);
48675 t1 = color.originalSpan;
48676 t1.toString;
48677 return new A.ColorExpression(color, t1);
48678 }
48679 }
48680 specialFunction = _this.trySpecialFunction$2(lower, start);
48681 if (specialFunction != null)
48682 return specialFunction;
48683 }
48684 switch (t1.peekChar$0()) {
48685 case 46:
48686 if (t1.peekChar$1(1) === 46)
48687 return new A.StringExpression(identifier, false);
48688 t1.readChar$0();
48689 if (t3)
48690 return _this.namespacedExpression$2(plain, start);
48691 _this.error$2(0, string$.Interpn, identifier.span);
48692 break;
48693 case 40:
48694 if (t2)
48695 return new A.InterpolatedFunctionExpression(identifier, _this._argumentInvocation$0(), t1.spanFrom$1(start));
48696 else
48697 return new A.FunctionExpression(null, plain, _this._argumentInvocation$0(), t1.spanFrom$1(start));
48698 default:
48699 return new A.StringExpression(identifier, false);
48700 }
48701 },
48702 namespacedExpression$2(namespace, start) {
48703 var $name, _this = this,
48704 t1 = _this.scanner;
48705 if (t1.peekChar$0() === 36) {
48706 $name = _this.variableName$0();
48707 _this._assertPublic$2($name, new A.StylesheetParser_namespacedExpression_closure(_this, start));
48708 return new A.VariableExpression(namespace, $name, t1.spanFrom$1(start));
48709 }
48710 return new A.FunctionExpression(namespace, _this._publicIdentifier$0(), _this._argumentInvocation$0(), t1.spanFrom$1(start));
48711 },
48712 trySpecialFunction$2($name, start) {
48713 var t2, buffer, t3, next, _this = this, _null = null,
48714 t1 = _this.scanner,
48715 calculation = t1.peekChar$0() === 40 ? _this._tryCalculation$2($name, start) : _null;
48716 if (calculation != null)
48717 return calculation;
48718 switch (A.unvendor($name)) {
48719 case "calc":
48720 case "element":
48721 case "expression":
48722 if (!t1.scanChar$1(40))
48723 return _null;
48724 t2 = new A.StringBuffer("");
48725 buffer = new A.InterpolationBuffer(t2, A._setArrayType([], type$.JSArray_Object));
48726 t3 = "" + $name;
48727 t2._contents = t3;
48728 t2._contents = t3 + A.Primitives_stringFromCharCode(40);
48729 break;
48730 case "progid":
48731 if (!t1.scanChar$1(58))
48732 return _null;
48733 t2 = new A.StringBuffer("");
48734 buffer = new A.InterpolationBuffer(t2, A._setArrayType([], type$.JSArray_Object));
48735 t3 = "" + $name;
48736 t2._contents = t3;
48737 t2._contents = t3 + A.Primitives_stringFromCharCode(58);
48738 next = t1.peekChar$0();
48739 while (true) {
48740 if (next != null) {
48741 if (!(next >= 97 && next <= 122))
48742 t3 = next >= 65 && next <= 90;
48743 else
48744 t3 = true;
48745 t3 = t3 || next === 46;
48746 } else
48747 t3 = false;
48748 if (!t3)
48749 break;
48750 t2._contents += A.Primitives_stringFromCharCode(t1.readChar$0());
48751 next = t1.peekChar$0();
48752 }
48753 t1.expectChar$1(40);
48754 t2._contents += A.Primitives_stringFromCharCode(40);
48755 break;
48756 case "url":
48757 return A.NullableExtension_andThen(_this._tryUrlContents$1(start), new A.StylesheetParser_trySpecialFunction_closure());
48758 default:
48759 return _null;
48760 }
48761 buffer.addInterpolation$1(_this._interpolatedDeclarationValue$1$allowEmpty(true));
48762 t1.expectChar$1(41);
48763 buffer._interpolation_buffer$_text._contents += A.Primitives_stringFromCharCode(41);
48764 return new A.StringExpression(buffer.interpolation$1(t1.spanFrom$1(start)), false);
48765 },
48766 _tryCalculation$2($name, start) {
48767 var beforeArguments, $arguments, t1, exception, t2, _this = this;
48768 switch ($name) {
48769 case "calc":
48770 $arguments = _this._calculationArguments$1(1);
48771 t1 = _this.scanner.spanFrom$1(start);
48772 return new A.CalculationExpression($name, A.CalculationExpression__verifyArguments($arguments), t1);
48773 case "min":
48774 case "max":
48775 t1 = _this.scanner;
48776 beforeArguments = new A._SpanScannerState(t1, t1._string_scanner$_position);
48777 $arguments = null;
48778 try {
48779 $arguments = _this._calculationArguments$0();
48780 } catch (exception) {
48781 if (type$.FormatException._is(A.unwrapException(exception))) {
48782 t1.set$state(beforeArguments);
48783 return null;
48784 } else
48785 throw exception;
48786 }
48787 t2 = $arguments;
48788 t1 = t1.spanFrom$1(start);
48789 return new A.CalculationExpression($name, A.CalculationExpression__verifyArguments(t2), t1);
48790 case "clamp":
48791 $arguments = _this._calculationArguments$1(3);
48792 t1 = _this.scanner.spanFrom$1(start);
48793 return new A.CalculationExpression($name, A.CalculationExpression__verifyArguments($arguments), t1);
48794 default:
48795 return null;
48796 }
48797 },
48798 _calculationArguments$1(maxArgs) {
48799 var interpolation, $arguments, t2, _this = this,
48800 t1 = _this.scanner;
48801 t1.expectChar$1(40);
48802 interpolation = _this._containsCalculationInterpolation$0() ? new A.StringExpression(_this._interpolatedDeclarationValue$0(), false) : null;
48803 if (interpolation != null) {
48804 t1.expectChar$1(41);
48805 return A._setArrayType([interpolation], type$.JSArray_Expression);
48806 }
48807 _this.whitespace$0();
48808 $arguments = A._setArrayType([_this._calculationSum$0()], type$.JSArray_Expression);
48809 t2 = maxArgs != null;
48810 while (true) {
48811 if (!((!t2 || $arguments.length < maxArgs) && t1.scanChar$1(44)))
48812 break;
48813 _this.whitespace$0();
48814 $arguments.push(_this._calculationSum$0());
48815 }
48816 t1.expectChar$2$name(41, $arguments.length === maxArgs ? '"+", "-", "*", "/", or ")"' : '"+", "-", "*", "/", ",", or ")"');
48817 return $arguments;
48818 },
48819 _calculationArguments$0() {
48820 return this._calculationArguments$1(null);
48821 },
48822 _calculationSum$0() {
48823 var t1, next, t2, t3, _this = this,
48824 sum = _this._calculationProduct$0();
48825 for (t1 = _this.scanner; true;) {
48826 next = t1.peekChar$0();
48827 t2 = next === 43;
48828 if (t2 || next === 45) {
48829 t3 = t1.peekChar$1(-1);
48830 if (t3 === 32 || t3 === 9 || t3 === 10 || t3 === 13 || t3 === 12) {
48831 t3 = t1.peekChar$1(1);
48832 t3 = !(t3 === 32 || t3 === 9 || t3 === 10 || t3 === 13 || t3 === 12);
48833 } else
48834 t3 = true;
48835 if (t3)
48836 t1.error$1(0, string$.x22x2b__an);
48837 t1.readChar$0();
48838 _this.whitespace$0();
48839 t2 = t2 ? B.BinaryOperator_AcR0 : B.BinaryOperator_iyO;
48840 sum = new A.BinaryOperationExpression(t2, sum, _this._calculationProduct$0(), false);
48841 } else
48842 return sum;
48843 }
48844 },
48845 _calculationProduct$0() {
48846 var t1, next, t2, _this = this,
48847 product = _this._calculationValue$0();
48848 for (t1 = _this.scanner; true;) {
48849 _this.whitespace$0();
48850 next = t1.peekChar$0();
48851 t2 = next === 42;
48852 if (t2 || next === 47) {
48853 t1.readChar$0();
48854 _this.whitespace$0();
48855 t2 = t2 ? B.BinaryOperator_O1M : B.BinaryOperator_RTB;
48856 product = new A.BinaryOperationExpression(t2, product, _this._calculationValue$0(), false);
48857 } else
48858 return product;
48859 }
48860 },
48861 _calculationValue$0() {
48862 var t2, value, start, ident, lowerCase, calculation, _this = this,
48863 t1 = _this.scanner,
48864 next = t1.peekChar$0();
48865 if (next === 43 || next === 45 || next === 46 || A.isDigit(next))
48866 return _this._number$0();
48867 else if (next === 36)
48868 return _this._variable$0();
48869 else if (next === 40) {
48870 t2 = t1._string_scanner$_position;
48871 t1.readChar$0();
48872 value = _this._containsCalculationInterpolation$0() ? new A.StringExpression(_this._interpolatedDeclarationValue$0(), false) : null;
48873 if (value == null) {
48874 _this.whitespace$0();
48875 value = _this._calculationSum$0();
48876 }
48877 _this.whitespace$0();
48878 t1.expectChar$1(41);
48879 return new A.ParenthesizedExpression(value, t1.spanFrom$1(new A._SpanScannerState(t1, t2)));
48880 } else if (!_this.lookingAtIdentifier$0())
48881 t1.error$1(0, string$.Expectn);
48882 else {
48883 start = new A._SpanScannerState(t1, t1._string_scanner$_position);
48884 ident = _this.identifier$0();
48885 if (t1.scanChar$1(46))
48886 return _this.namespacedExpression$2(ident, start);
48887 if (t1.peekChar$0() !== 40)
48888 t1.error$1(0, 'Expected "(" or ".".');
48889 lowerCase = ident.toLowerCase();
48890 calculation = _this._tryCalculation$2(lowerCase, start);
48891 if (calculation != null)
48892 return calculation;
48893 else if (lowerCase === "if")
48894 return new A.IfExpression(_this._argumentInvocation$0(), t1.spanFrom$1(start));
48895 else
48896 return new A.FunctionExpression(null, ident, _this._argumentInvocation$0(), t1.spanFrom$1(start));
48897 }
48898 },
48899 _containsCalculationInterpolation$0() {
48900 var t2, parens, next, target, t3, _null = null,
48901 _s64_ = string$.The_gi,
48902 _s17_ = "Invalid position ",
48903 brackets = A._setArrayType([], type$.JSArray_int),
48904 t1 = this.scanner,
48905 start = new A._SpanScannerState(t1, t1._string_scanner$_position);
48906 for (t2 = t1.string.length, parens = 0; t1._string_scanner$_position !== t2;) {
48907 next = t1.peekChar$0();
48908 switch (next) {
48909 case 92:
48910 target = 1;
48911 break;
48912 case 47:
48913 target = 2;
48914 break;
48915 case 39:
48916 case 34:
48917 target = 3;
48918 break;
48919 case 35:
48920 target = 4;
48921 break;
48922 case 40:
48923 target = 5;
48924 break;
48925 case 123:
48926 case 91:
48927 target = 6;
48928 break;
48929 case 41:
48930 target = 7;
48931 break;
48932 case 125:
48933 case 93:
48934 target = 8;
48935 break;
48936 default:
48937 target = 9;
48938 break;
48939 }
48940 c$0:
48941 for (; true;)
48942 switch (target) {
48943 case 1:
48944 t1.readChar$0();
48945 t1.readChar$0();
48946 break c$0;
48947 case 2:
48948 if (!this.scanComment$0())
48949 t1.readChar$0();
48950 break c$0;
48951 case 3:
48952 this.interpolatedString$0();
48953 break c$0;
48954 case 4:
48955 if (parens === 0 && t1.peekChar$1(1) === 123) {
48956 if (start._scanner !== t1)
48957 A.throwExpression(A.ArgumentError$(_s64_, _null));
48958 t3 = start.position;
48959 if (t3 < 0 || t3 > t2)
48960 A.throwExpression(A.ArgumentError$(_s17_ + t3, _null));
48961 t1._string_scanner$_position = t3;
48962 t1._lastMatch = null;
48963 return true;
48964 }
48965 t1.readChar$0();
48966 break c$0;
48967 case 5:
48968 ++parens;
48969 target = 6;
48970 continue c$0;
48971 case 6:
48972 next.toString;
48973 brackets.push(A.opposite(next));
48974 t1.readChar$0();
48975 break c$0;
48976 case 7:
48977 --parens;
48978 target = 8;
48979 continue c$0;
48980 case 8:
48981 if (brackets.length === 0 || brackets.pop() !== next) {
48982 if (start._scanner !== t1)
48983 A.throwExpression(A.ArgumentError$(_s64_, _null));
48984 t3 = start.position;
48985 if (t3 < 0 || t3 > t2)
48986 A.throwExpression(A.ArgumentError$(_s17_ + t3, _null));
48987 t1._string_scanner$_position = t3;
48988 t1._lastMatch = null;
48989 return false;
48990 }
48991 t1.readChar$0();
48992 break c$0;
48993 case 9:
48994 t1.readChar$0();
48995 break c$0;
48996 }
48997 }
48998 t1.set$state(start);
48999 return false;
49000 },
49001 _tryUrlContents$2$name(start, $name) {
49002 var t3, t4, buffer, t5, next, endPosition, result, _this = this,
49003 t1 = _this.scanner,
49004 t2 = t1._string_scanner$_position;
49005 if (!t1.scanChar$1(40))
49006 return null;
49007 _this.whitespaceWithoutComments$0();
49008 t3 = new A.StringBuffer("");
49009 t4 = A._setArrayType([], type$.JSArray_Object);
49010 buffer = new A.InterpolationBuffer(t3, t4);
49011 t5 = "" + ($name == null ? "url" : $name);
49012 t3._contents = t5;
49013 t3._contents = t5 + A.Primitives_stringFromCharCode(40);
49014 for (; true;) {
49015 next = t1.peekChar$0();
49016 if (next == null)
49017 break;
49018 else if (next === 92)
49019 t3._contents += A.S(_this.escape$0());
49020 else {
49021 if (next !== 33)
49022 if (next !== 37)
49023 if (next !== 38)
49024 t5 = next >= 42 && next <= 126 || next >= 128;
49025 else
49026 t5 = true;
49027 else
49028 t5 = true;
49029 else
49030 t5 = true;
49031 if (t5)
49032 t3._contents += A.Primitives_stringFromCharCode(t1.readChar$0());
49033 else if (next === 35)
49034 if (t1.peekChar$1(1) === 123) {
49035 t5 = _this.singleInterpolation$0();
49036 buffer._flushText$0();
49037 t4.push(t5);
49038 } else
49039 t3._contents += A.Primitives_stringFromCharCode(t1.readChar$0());
49040 else if (next === 32 || next === 9 || next === 10 || next === 13 || next === 12) {
49041 _this.whitespaceWithoutComments$0();
49042 if (t1.peekChar$0() !== 41)
49043 break;
49044 } else if (next === 41) {
49045 t3._contents += A.Primitives_stringFromCharCode(t1.readChar$0());
49046 endPosition = t1._string_scanner$_position;
49047 t2 = t1._sourceFile;
49048 t5 = start.position;
49049 t1 = new A._FileSpan(t2, t5, endPosition);
49050 t1._FileSpan$3(t2, t5, endPosition);
49051 t5 = type$.Object;
49052 t2 = A.List_List$of(t4, true, t5);
49053 t4 = t3._contents;
49054 if (t4.length !== 0)
49055 t2.push(t4.charCodeAt(0) == 0 ? t4 : t4);
49056 result = A.List_List$from(t2, false, t5);
49057 result.fixed$length = Array;
49058 result.immutable$list = Array;
49059 t3 = new A.Interpolation(result, t1);
49060 t3.Interpolation$2(t2, t1);
49061 return t3;
49062 } else
49063 break;
49064 }
49065 }
49066 t1.set$state(new A._SpanScannerState(t1, t2));
49067 return null;
49068 },
49069 _tryUrlContents$1(start) {
49070 return this._tryUrlContents$2$name(start, null);
49071 },
49072 dynamicUrl$0() {
49073 var contents, _this = this,
49074 t1 = _this.scanner,
49075 start = new A._SpanScannerState(t1, t1._string_scanner$_position);
49076 _this.expectIdentifier$1("url");
49077 contents = _this._tryUrlContents$1(start);
49078 if (contents != null)
49079 return new A.StringExpression(contents, false);
49080 return new A.InterpolatedFunctionExpression(A.Interpolation$(A._setArrayType(["url"], type$.JSArray_Object), t1.spanFrom$1(start)), _this._argumentInvocation$0(), t1.spanFrom$1(start));
49081 },
49082 almostAnyValue$1$omitComments(omitComments) {
49083 var t4, t5, t6, next, commentStart, end, t7, contents, _this = this,
49084 t1 = _this.scanner,
49085 t2 = t1._string_scanner$_position,
49086 t3 = new A.StringBuffer(""),
49087 buffer = new A.InterpolationBuffer(t3, A._setArrayType([], type$.JSArray_Object));
49088 $label0$1:
49089 for (t4 = t1.string, t5 = t4.length, t6 = !omitComments; true;) {
49090 next = t1.peekChar$0();
49091 switch (next) {
49092 case 92:
49093 t3._contents += A.Primitives_stringFromCharCode(t1.readChar$0());
49094 t3._contents += A.Primitives_stringFromCharCode(t1.readChar$0());
49095 break;
49096 case 34:
49097 case 39:
49098 buffer.addInterpolation$1(_this.interpolatedString$0().asInterpolation$0());
49099 break;
49100 case 47:
49101 commentStart = t1._string_scanner$_position;
49102 if (_this.scanComment$0()) {
49103 if (t6) {
49104 end = t1._string_scanner$_position;
49105 t3._contents += B.JSString_methods.substring$2(t4, commentStart, end);
49106 }
49107 } else
49108 t3._contents += A.Primitives_stringFromCharCode(t1.readChar$0());
49109 break;
49110 case 35:
49111 if (t1.peekChar$1(1) === 123)
49112 buffer.addInterpolation$1(_this.interpolatedIdentifier$0());
49113 else
49114 t3._contents += A.Primitives_stringFromCharCode(t1.readChar$0());
49115 break;
49116 case 13:
49117 case 10:
49118 case 12:
49119 if (_this.get$indented())
49120 break $label0$1;
49121 t3._contents += A.Primitives_stringFromCharCode(t1.readChar$0());
49122 break;
49123 case 33:
49124 case 59:
49125 case 123:
49126 case 125:
49127 break $label0$1;
49128 case 117:
49129 case 85:
49130 t7 = t1._string_scanner$_position;
49131 if (!_this.scanIdentifier$1("url")) {
49132 t3._contents += A.Primitives_stringFromCharCode(t1.readChar$0());
49133 break;
49134 }
49135 contents = _this._tryUrlContents$1(new A._SpanScannerState(t1, t7));
49136 if (contents == null) {
49137 if (t7 < 0 || t7 > t5)
49138 A.throwExpression(A.ArgumentError$("Invalid position " + t7, null));
49139 t1._string_scanner$_position = t7;
49140 t1._lastMatch = null;
49141 t3._contents += A.Primitives_stringFromCharCode(t1.readChar$0());
49142 } else
49143 buffer.addInterpolation$1(contents);
49144 break;
49145 default:
49146 if (next == null)
49147 break $label0$1;
49148 if (_this.lookingAtIdentifier$0())
49149 t3._contents += _this.identifier$0();
49150 else
49151 t3._contents += A.Primitives_stringFromCharCode(t1.readChar$0());
49152 break;
49153 }
49154 }
49155 return buffer.interpolation$1(t1.spanFrom$1(new A._SpanScannerState(t1, t2)));
49156 },
49157 almostAnyValue$0() {
49158 return this.almostAnyValue$1$omitComments(false);
49159 },
49160 _interpolatedDeclarationValue$3$allowColon$allowEmpty$allowSemicolon(allowColon, allowEmpty, allowSemicolon) {
49161 var t4, t5, t6, t7, wroteNewline, next, t8, start, end, contents, _this = this,
49162 t1 = _this.scanner,
49163 t2 = t1._string_scanner$_position,
49164 t3 = new A.StringBuffer(""),
49165 buffer = new A.InterpolationBuffer(t3, A._setArrayType([], type$.JSArray_Object)),
49166 brackets = A._setArrayType([], type$.JSArray_int);
49167 $label0$1:
49168 for (t4 = t1.string, t5 = t4.length, t6 = !allowColon, t7 = !allowSemicolon, wroteNewline = false; true;) {
49169 next = t1.peekChar$0();
49170 switch (next) {
49171 case 92:
49172 t3._contents += A.S(_this.escape$1$identifierStart(true));
49173 wroteNewline = false;
49174 break;
49175 case 34:
49176 case 39:
49177 buffer.addInterpolation$1(_this.interpolatedString$0().asInterpolation$0());
49178 wroteNewline = false;
49179 break;
49180 case 47:
49181 if (t1.peekChar$1(1) === 42) {
49182 t8 = _this.get$loudComment();
49183 start = t1._string_scanner$_position;
49184 t8.call$0();
49185 end = t1._string_scanner$_position;
49186 t3._contents += B.JSString_methods.substring$2(t4, start, end);
49187 } else
49188 t3._contents += A.Primitives_stringFromCharCode(t1.readChar$0());
49189 wroteNewline = false;
49190 break;
49191 case 35:
49192 if (t1.peekChar$1(1) === 123)
49193 buffer.addInterpolation$1(_this.interpolatedIdentifier$0());
49194 else
49195 t3._contents += A.Primitives_stringFromCharCode(t1.readChar$0());
49196 wroteNewline = false;
49197 break;
49198 case 32:
49199 case 9:
49200 if (!wroteNewline) {
49201 t8 = t1.peekChar$1(1);
49202 t8 = !(t8 === 32 || t8 === 9 || t8 === 10 || t8 === 13 || t8 === 12);
49203 } else
49204 t8 = true;
49205 if (t8)
49206 t3._contents += A.Primitives_stringFromCharCode(t1.readChar$0());
49207 else
49208 t1.readChar$0();
49209 break;
49210 case 10:
49211 case 13:
49212 case 12:
49213 if (_this.get$indented())
49214 break $label0$1;
49215 t8 = t1.peekChar$1(-1);
49216 if (!(t8 === 10 || t8 === 13 || t8 === 12))
49217 t3._contents += "\n";
49218 t1.readChar$0();
49219 wroteNewline = true;
49220 break;
49221 case 40:
49222 case 123:
49223 case 91:
49224 next.toString;
49225 t3._contents += A.Primitives_stringFromCharCode(next);
49226 brackets.push(A.opposite(t1.readChar$0()));
49227 wroteNewline = false;
49228 break;
49229 case 41:
49230 case 125:
49231 case 93:
49232 if (brackets.length === 0)
49233 break $label0$1;
49234 next.toString;
49235 t3._contents += A.Primitives_stringFromCharCode(next);
49236 t1.expectChar$1(brackets.pop());
49237 wroteNewline = false;
49238 break;
49239 case 59:
49240 if (t7 && brackets.length === 0)
49241 break $label0$1;
49242 t3._contents += A.Primitives_stringFromCharCode(t1.readChar$0());
49243 wroteNewline = false;
49244 break;
49245 case 58:
49246 if (t6 && brackets.length === 0)
49247 break $label0$1;
49248 t3._contents += A.Primitives_stringFromCharCode(t1.readChar$0());
49249 wroteNewline = false;
49250 break;
49251 case 117:
49252 case 85:
49253 t8 = t1._string_scanner$_position;
49254 if (!_this.scanIdentifier$1("url")) {
49255 t3._contents += A.Primitives_stringFromCharCode(t1.readChar$0());
49256 wroteNewline = false;
49257 break;
49258 }
49259 contents = _this._tryUrlContents$1(new A._SpanScannerState(t1, t8));
49260 if (contents == null) {
49261 if (t8 < 0 || t8 > t5)
49262 A.throwExpression(A.ArgumentError$("Invalid position " + t8, null));
49263 t1._string_scanner$_position = t8;
49264 t1._lastMatch = null;
49265 t3._contents += A.Primitives_stringFromCharCode(t1.readChar$0());
49266 } else
49267 buffer.addInterpolation$1(contents);
49268 wroteNewline = false;
49269 break;
49270 default:
49271 if (next == null)
49272 break $label0$1;
49273 if (_this.lookingAtIdentifier$0())
49274 t3._contents += _this.identifier$0();
49275 else
49276 t3._contents += A.Primitives_stringFromCharCode(t1.readChar$0());
49277 wroteNewline = false;
49278 break;
49279 }
49280 }
49281 if (brackets.length !== 0)
49282 t1.expectChar$1(B.JSArray_methods.get$last(brackets));
49283 if (!allowEmpty && buffer._interpolation_buffer$_contents.length === 0 && t3._contents.length === 0)
49284 t1.error$1(0, "Expected token.");
49285 return buffer.interpolation$1(t1.spanFrom$1(new A._SpanScannerState(t1, t2)));
49286 },
49287 _interpolatedDeclarationValue$1$allowEmpty(allowEmpty) {
49288 return this._interpolatedDeclarationValue$3$allowColon$allowEmpty$allowSemicolon(true, allowEmpty, false);
49289 },
49290 _interpolatedDeclarationValue$0() {
49291 return this._interpolatedDeclarationValue$3$allowColon$allowEmpty$allowSemicolon(true, false, false);
49292 },
49293 _interpolatedDeclarationValue$2$allowEmpty$allowSemicolon(allowEmpty, allowSemicolon) {
49294 return this._interpolatedDeclarationValue$3$allowColon$allowEmpty$allowSemicolon(true, allowEmpty, allowSemicolon);
49295 },
49296 interpolatedIdentifier$0() {
49297 var first, _this = this,
49298 _s20_ = "Expected identifier.",
49299 t1 = _this.scanner,
49300 start = new A._SpanScannerState(t1, t1._string_scanner$_position),
49301 t2 = new A.StringBuffer(""),
49302 t3 = A._setArrayType([], type$.JSArray_Object),
49303 buffer = new A.InterpolationBuffer(t2, t3);
49304 if (t1.scanChar$1(45)) {
49305 t2._contents += A.Primitives_stringFromCharCode(45);
49306 if (t1.scanChar$1(45)) {
49307 t2._contents += A.Primitives_stringFromCharCode(45);
49308 _this._interpolatedIdentifierBody$1(buffer);
49309 return buffer.interpolation$1(t1.spanFrom$1(start));
49310 }
49311 }
49312 first = t1.peekChar$0();
49313 if (first == null)
49314 t1.error$1(0, _s20_);
49315 else if (first === 95 || A.isAlphabetic0(first) || first >= 128)
49316 t2._contents += A.Primitives_stringFromCharCode(t1.readChar$0());
49317 else if (first === 92)
49318 t2._contents += A.S(_this.escape$1$identifierStart(true));
49319 else if (first === 35 && t1.peekChar$1(1) === 123) {
49320 t2 = _this.singleInterpolation$0();
49321 buffer._flushText$0();
49322 t3.push(t2);
49323 } else
49324 t1.error$1(0, _s20_);
49325 _this._interpolatedIdentifierBody$1(buffer);
49326 return buffer.interpolation$1(t1.spanFrom$1(start));
49327 },
49328 _interpolatedIdentifierBody$1(buffer) {
49329 var t1, t2, t3, next, t4;
49330 for (t1 = buffer._interpolation_buffer$_contents, t2 = this.scanner, t3 = buffer._interpolation_buffer$_text; true;) {
49331 next = t2.peekChar$0();
49332 if (next == null)
49333 break;
49334 else {
49335 if (next !== 95)
49336 if (next !== 45) {
49337 if (!(next >= 97 && next <= 122))
49338 t4 = next >= 65 && next <= 90;
49339 else
49340 t4 = true;
49341 if (!t4)
49342 t4 = next >= 48 && next <= 57;
49343 else
49344 t4 = true;
49345 t4 = t4 || next >= 128;
49346 } else
49347 t4 = true;
49348 else
49349 t4 = true;
49350 if (t4)
49351 t3._contents += A.Primitives_stringFromCharCode(t2.readChar$0());
49352 else if (next === 92)
49353 t3._contents += A.S(this.escape$0());
49354 else if (next === 35 && t2.peekChar$1(1) === 123) {
49355 t4 = this.singleInterpolation$0();
49356 buffer._flushText$0();
49357 t1.push(t4);
49358 } else
49359 break;
49360 }
49361 }
49362 },
49363 singleInterpolation$0() {
49364 var contents, _this = this,
49365 t1 = _this.scanner,
49366 t2 = t1._string_scanner$_position;
49367 t1.expect$1("#{");
49368 _this.whitespace$0();
49369 contents = _this.expression$0();
49370 t1.expectChar$1(125);
49371 if (_this.get$plainCss())
49372 _this.error$2(0, string$.Interpp, t1.spanFrom$1(new A._SpanScannerState(t1, t2)));
49373 return contents;
49374 },
49375 _mediaQueryList$0() {
49376 var t4,
49377 t1 = this.scanner,
49378 t2 = t1._string_scanner$_position,
49379 t3 = new A.StringBuffer(""),
49380 buffer = new A.InterpolationBuffer(t3, A._setArrayType([], type$.JSArray_Object));
49381 for (; true;) {
49382 this.whitespace$0();
49383 this._stylesheet$_mediaQuery$1(buffer);
49384 if (!t1.scanChar$1(44))
49385 break;
49386 t4 = t3._contents += A.Primitives_stringFromCharCode(44);
49387 t3._contents = t4 + A.Primitives_stringFromCharCode(32);
49388 }
49389 return buffer.interpolation$1(t1.spanFrom$1(new A._SpanScannerState(t1, t2)));
49390 },
49391 _stylesheet$_mediaQuery$1(buffer) {
49392 var t1, identifier, _this = this;
49393 if (_this.scanner.peekChar$0() !== 40) {
49394 buffer.addInterpolation$1(_this.interpolatedIdentifier$0());
49395 _this.whitespace$0();
49396 if (!_this._lookingAtInterpolatedIdentifier$0())
49397 return;
49398 t1 = buffer._interpolation_buffer$_text;
49399 t1._contents += A.Primitives_stringFromCharCode(32);
49400 identifier = _this.interpolatedIdentifier$0();
49401 _this.whitespace$0();
49402 if (A.equalsIgnoreCase(identifier.get$asPlain(), "and"))
49403 t1._contents += " and ";
49404 else {
49405 buffer.addInterpolation$1(identifier);
49406 if (_this.scanIdentifier$1("and")) {
49407 _this.whitespace$0();
49408 t1._contents += " and ";
49409 } else
49410 return;
49411 }
49412 }
49413 for (t1 = buffer._interpolation_buffer$_text; true;) {
49414 _this.whitespace$0();
49415 buffer.addInterpolation$1(_this._mediaFeature$0());
49416 _this.whitespace$0();
49417 if (!_this.scanIdentifier$1("and"))
49418 break;
49419 t1._contents += " and ";
49420 }
49421 },
49422 _mediaFeature$0() {
49423 var interpolation, t2, t3, t4, buffer, t5, next, t6, _this = this,
49424 t1 = _this.scanner;
49425 if (t1.peekChar$0() === 35) {
49426 interpolation = _this.singleInterpolation$0();
49427 return A.Interpolation$(A._setArrayType([interpolation], type$.JSArray_Object), interpolation.get$span(interpolation));
49428 }
49429 t2 = t1._string_scanner$_position;
49430 t3 = new A.StringBuffer("");
49431 t4 = A._setArrayType([], type$.JSArray_Object);
49432 buffer = new A.InterpolationBuffer(t3, t4);
49433 t1.expectChar$1(40);
49434 t3._contents += A.Primitives_stringFromCharCode(40);
49435 _this.whitespace$0();
49436 t5 = _this._expressionUntilComparison$0();
49437 buffer._flushText$0();
49438 t4.push(t5);
49439 if (t1.scanChar$1(58)) {
49440 _this.whitespace$0();
49441 t5 = t3._contents += A.Primitives_stringFromCharCode(58);
49442 t3._contents = t5 + A.Primitives_stringFromCharCode(32);
49443 t5 = _this.expression$0();
49444 buffer._flushText$0();
49445 t4.push(t5);
49446 } else {
49447 next = t1.peekChar$0();
49448 t5 = next !== 60;
49449 if (!t5 || next === 62 || next === 61) {
49450 t3._contents += A.Primitives_stringFromCharCode(32);
49451 t3._contents += A.Primitives_stringFromCharCode(t1.readChar$0());
49452 if ((!t5 || next === 62) && t1.scanChar$1(61))
49453 t3._contents += A.Primitives_stringFromCharCode(61);
49454 t3._contents += A.Primitives_stringFromCharCode(32);
49455 _this.whitespace$0();
49456 t6 = _this._expressionUntilComparison$0();
49457 buffer._flushText$0();
49458 t4.push(t6);
49459 if (!t5 || next === 62) {
49460 next.toString;
49461 t5 = t1.scanChar$1(next);
49462 } else
49463 t5 = false;
49464 if (t5) {
49465 t5 = t3._contents += A.Primitives_stringFromCharCode(32);
49466 t3._contents = t5 + A.Primitives_stringFromCharCode(next);
49467 if (t1.scanChar$1(61))
49468 t3._contents += A.Primitives_stringFromCharCode(61);
49469 t3._contents += A.Primitives_stringFromCharCode(32);
49470 _this.whitespace$0();
49471 t5 = _this._expressionUntilComparison$0();
49472 buffer._flushText$0();
49473 t4.push(t5);
49474 }
49475 }
49476 }
49477 t1.expectChar$1(41);
49478 _this.whitespace$0();
49479 t3._contents += A.Primitives_stringFromCharCode(41);
49480 return buffer.interpolation$1(t1.spanFrom$1(new A._SpanScannerState(t1, t2)));
49481 },
49482 _expressionUntilComparison$0() {
49483 return this.expression$1$until(new A.StylesheetParser__expressionUntilComparison_closure(this));
49484 },
49485 _supportsCondition$0() {
49486 var condition, operator, right, endPosition, t3, t4, lowerOperator, _this = this,
49487 t1 = _this.scanner,
49488 t2 = t1._string_scanner$_position;
49489 if (_this.scanIdentifier$1("not")) {
49490 _this.whitespace$0();
49491 return new A.SupportsNegation(_this._supportsConditionInParens$0(), t1.spanFrom$1(new A._SpanScannerState(t1, t2)));
49492 }
49493 condition = _this._supportsConditionInParens$0();
49494 _this.whitespace$0();
49495 for (operator = null; _this.lookingAtIdentifier$0();) {
49496 if (operator != null)
49497 _this.expectIdentifier$1(operator);
49498 else if (_this.scanIdentifier$1("or"))
49499 operator = "or";
49500 else {
49501 _this.expectIdentifier$1("and");
49502 operator = "and";
49503 }
49504 _this.whitespace$0();
49505 right = _this._supportsConditionInParens$0();
49506 endPosition = t1._string_scanner$_position;
49507 t3 = t1._sourceFile;
49508 t4 = new A._FileSpan(t3, t2, endPosition);
49509 t4._FileSpan$3(t3, t2, endPosition);
49510 condition = new A.SupportsOperation(condition, right, operator, t4);
49511 lowerOperator = operator.toLowerCase();
49512 if (lowerOperator !== "and" && lowerOperator !== "or")
49513 A.throwExpression(A.ArgumentError$value(operator, "operator", 'may only be "and" or "or".'));
49514 _this.whitespace$0();
49515 }
49516 return condition;
49517 },
49518 _supportsConditionInParens$0() {
49519 var $name, nameStart, wasInParentheses, identifier, operation, contents, identifier0, t2, $arguments, condition, exception, declaration, _this = this,
49520 t1 = _this.scanner,
49521 start = new A._SpanScannerState(t1, t1._string_scanner$_position);
49522 if (_this._lookingAtInterpolatedIdentifier$0()) {
49523 identifier0 = _this.interpolatedIdentifier$0();
49524 t2 = identifier0.get$asPlain();
49525 if ((t2 == null ? null : t2.toLowerCase()) === "not")
49526 _this.error$2(0, '"not" is not a valid identifier here.', identifier0.span);
49527 if (t1.scanChar$1(40)) {
49528 $arguments = _this._interpolatedDeclarationValue$2$allowEmpty$allowSemicolon(true, true);
49529 t1.expectChar$1(41);
49530 return new A.SupportsFunction(identifier0, $arguments, t1.spanFrom$1(start));
49531 } else {
49532 t2 = identifier0.contents;
49533 if (t2.length !== 1 || !type$.Expression._is(B.JSArray_methods.get$first(t2)))
49534 _this.error$2(0, "Expected @supports condition.", identifier0.span);
49535 else
49536 return new A.SupportsInterpolation(type$.Expression._as(B.JSArray_methods.get$first(t2)), t1.spanFrom$1(start));
49537 }
49538 }
49539 t1.expectChar$1(40);
49540 _this.whitespace$0();
49541 if (_this.scanIdentifier$1("not")) {
49542 _this.whitespace$0();
49543 condition = _this._supportsConditionInParens$0();
49544 t1.expectChar$1(41);
49545 return new A.SupportsNegation(condition, t1.spanFrom$1(start));
49546 } else if (t1.peekChar$0() === 40) {
49547 condition = _this._supportsCondition$0();
49548 t1.expectChar$1(41);
49549 return condition;
49550 }
49551 $name = null;
49552 nameStart = new A._SpanScannerState(t1, t1._string_scanner$_position);
49553 wasInParentheses = _this._inParentheses;
49554 try {
49555 $name = _this.expression$0();
49556 t1.expectChar$1(58);
49557 } catch (exception) {
49558 if (type$.FormatException._is(A.unwrapException(exception))) {
49559 t1.set$state(nameStart);
49560 _this._inParentheses = wasInParentheses;
49561 identifier = _this.interpolatedIdentifier$0();
49562 operation = _this._trySupportsOperation$2(identifier, nameStart);
49563 if (operation != null) {
49564 t1.expectChar$1(41);
49565 return operation;
49566 }
49567 t2 = new A.InterpolationBuffer(new A.StringBuffer(""), A._setArrayType([], type$.JSArray_Object));
49568 t2.addInterpolation$1(identifier);
49569 t2.addInterpolation$1(_this._interpolatedDeclarationValue$3$allowColon$allowEmpty$allowSemicolon(false, true, true));
49570 contents = t2.interpolation$1(t1.spanFrom$1(nameStart));
49571 if (t1.peekChar$0() === 58)
49572 throw exception;
49573 t1.expectChar$1(41);
49574 return new A.SupportsAnything(contents, t1.spanFrom$1(start));
49575 } else
49576 throw exception;
49577 }
49578 declaration = _this._supportsDeclarationValue$2($name, start);
49579 t1.expectChar$1(41);
49580 return declaration;
49581 },
49582 _supportsDeclarationValue$2($name, start) {
49583 var value, _this = this;
49584 if ($name instanceof A.StringExpression && !$name.hasQuotes && B.JSString_methods.startsWith$1($name.text.get$initialPlain(), "--"))
49585 value = new A.StringExpression(_this._interpolatedDeclarationValue$0(), false);
49586 else {
49587 _this.whitespace$0();
49588 value = _this.expression$0();
49589 }
49590 return new A.SupportsDeclaration($name, value, _this.scanner.spanFrom$1(start));
49591 },
49592 _trySupportsOperation$2(interpolation, start) {
49593 var expression, beforeWhitespace, t2, t3, operator, operation, right, t4, endPosition, t5, t6, lowerOperator, _this = this, _null = null,
49594 t1 = interpolation.contents;
49595 if (t1.length !== 1)
49596 return _null;
49597 expression = B.JSArray_methods.get$first(t1);
49598 if (!type$.Expression._is(expression))
49599 return _null;
49600 t1 = _this.scanner;
49601 beforeWhitespace = new A._SpanScannerState(t1, t1._string_scanner$_position);
49602 _this.whitespace$0();
49603 for (t2 = start.position, t3 = interpolation.span, operator = _null, operation = operator; _this.lookingAtIdentifier$0();) {
49604 if (operator != null)
49605 _this.expectIdentifier$1(operator);
49606 else if (_this.scanIdentifier$1("and"))
49607 operator = "and";
49608 else {
49609 if (!_this.scanIdentifier$1("or")) {
49610 if (beforeWhitespace._scanner !== t1)
49611 A.throwExpression(A.ArgumentError$(string$.The_gi, _null));
49612 t2 = beforeWhitespace.position;
49613 if (t2 < 0 || t2 > t1.string.length)
49614 A.throwExpression(A.ArgumentError$("Invalid position " + t2, _null));
49615 t1._string_scanner$_position = t2;
49616 return t1._lastMatch = null;
49617 }
49618 operator = "or";
49619 }
49620 _this.whitespace$0();
49621 right = _this._supportsConditionInParens$0();
49622 t4 = operation == null ? new A.SupportsInterpolation(expression, t3) : operation;
49623 endPosition = t1._string_scanner$_position;
49624 t5 = t1._sourceFile;
49625 t6 = new A._FileSpan(t5, t2, endPosition);
49626 t6._FileSpan$3(t5, t2, endPosition);
49627 operation = new A.SupportsOperation(t4, right, operator, t6);
49628 lowerOperator = operator.toLowerCase();
49629 if (lowerOperator !== "and" && lowerOperator !== "or")
49630 A.throwExpression(A.ArgumentError$value(operator, "operator", 'may only be "and" or "or".'));
49631 _this.whitespace$0();
49632 }
49633 return operation;
49634 },
49635 _lookingAtInterpolatedIdentifier$0() {
49636 var second,
49637 t1 = this.scanner,
49638 first = t1.peekChar$0();
49639 if (first == null)
49640 return false;
49641 if (first === 95 || A.isAlphabetic0(first) || first >= 128 || first === 92)
49642 return true;
49643 if (first === 35)
49644 return t1.peekChar$1(1) === 123;
49645 if (first !== 45)
49646 return false;
49647 second = t1.peekChar$1(1);
49648 if (second == null)
49649 return false;
49650 if (second === 35)
49651 return t1.peekChar$1(2) === 123;
49652 return second === 95 || A.isAlphabetic0(second) || second >= 128 || second === 92 || second === 45;
49653 },
49654 _lookingAtInterpolatedIdentifierBody$0() {
49655 var t1 = this.scanner,
49656 first = t1.peekChar$0();
49657 if (first == null)
49658 return false;
49659 if (first === 95 || A.isAlphabetic0(first) || first >= 128 || A.isDigit(first) || first === 45 || first === 92)
49660 return true;
49661 return first === 35 && t1.peekChar$1(1) === 123;
49662 },
49663 _lookingAtExpression$0() {
49664 var next,
49665 t1 = this.scanner,
49666 character = t1.peekChar$0();
49667 if (character == null)
49668 return false;
49669 if (character === 46)
49670 return t1.peekChar$1(1) !== 46;
49671 if (character === 33) {
49672 next = t1.peekChar$1(1);
49673 if (next != null)
49674 if ((next | 32) >>> 0 !== 105)
49675 t1 = next === 32 || next === 9 || next === 10 || next === 13 || next === 12;
49676 else
49677 t1 = true;
49678 else
49679 t1 = true;
49680 return t1;
49681 }
49682 if (character !== 40)
49683 if (character !== 47)
49684 if (character !== 91)
49685 if (character !== 39)
49686 if (character !== 34)
49687 if (character !== 35)
49688 if (character !== 43)
49689 if (character !== 45)
49690 if (character !== 92)
49691 if (character !== 36)
49692 if (character !== 38)
49693 t1 = character === 95 || A.isAlphabetic0(character) || character >= 128 || A.isDigit(character);
49694 else
49695 t1 = true;
49696 else
49697 t1 = true;
49698 else
49699 t1 = true;
49700 else
49701 t1 = true;
49702 else
49703 t1 = true;
49704 else
49705 t1 = true;
49706 else
49707 t1 = true;
49708 else
49709 t1 = true;
49710 else
49711 t1 = true;
49712 else
49713 t1 = true;
49714 else
49715 t1 = true;
49716 return t1;
49717 },
49718 _withChildren$1$3(child, start, create) {
49719 var result = create.call$2(this.children$1(0, child), this.scanner.spanFrom$1(start));
49720 this.whitespaceWithoutComments$0();
49721 return result;
49722 },
49723 _withChildren$3(child, start, create) {
49724 return this._withChildren$1$3(child, start, create, type$.dynamic);
49725 },
49726 _urlString$0() {
49727 var innerError, stackTrace, t2, exception,
49728 t1 = this.scanner,
49729 start = new A._SpanScannerState(t1, t1._string_scanner$_position),
49730 url = this.string$0();
49731 try {
49732 t2 = A.Uri_parse(url);
49733 return t2;
49734 } catch (exception) {
49735 t2 = A.unwrapException(exception);
49736 if (type$.FormatException._is(t2)) {
49737 innerError = t2;
49738 stackTrace = A.getTraceFromException(exception);
49739 this.error$3(0, "Invalid URL: " + J.get$message$x(innerError), t1.spanFrom$1(start), stackTrace);
49740 } else
49741 throw exception;
49742 }
49743 },
49744 _publicIdentifier$0() {
49745 var _this = this,
49746 t1 = _this.scanner,
49747 t2 = t1._string_scanner$_position,
49748 result = _this.identifier$1$normalize(true);
49749 _this._assertPublic$2(result, new A.StylesheetParser__publicIdentifier_closure(_this, new A._SpanScannerState(t1, t2)));
49750 return result;
49751 },
49752 _assertPublic$2(identifier, span) {
49753 var first = B.JSString_methods._codeUnitAt$1(identifier, 0);
49754 if (!(first === 45 || first === 95))
49755 return;
49756 this.error$2(0, string$.Privat, span.call$0());
49757 },
49758 get$plainCss() {
49759 return false;
49760 }
49761 };
49762 A.StylesheetParser_parse_closure.prototype = {
49763 call$0() {
49764 var statements, t4,
49765 t1 = this.$this,
49766 t2 = t1.scanner,
49767 t3 = t2._string_scanner$_position;
49768 t2.scanChar$1(65279);
49769 statements = t1.statements$1(new A.StylesheetParser_parse__closure(t1));
49770 t2.expectDone$0();
49771 t4 = t1._globalVariables;
49772 t4 = t4.get$values(t4);
49773 B.JSArray_methods.addAll$1(statements, A.MappedIterable_MappedIterable(t4, new A.StylesheetParser_parse__closure0(), A._instanceType(t4)._eval$1("Iterable.E"), type$.Statement));
49774 return A.Stylesheet$internal(statements, t2.spanFrom$1(new A._SpanScannerState(t2, t3)), t1.get$plainCss());
49775 },
49776 $signature: 354
49777 };
49778 A.StylesheetParser_parse__closure.prototype = {
49779 call$0() {
49780 var t1 = this.$this;
49781 if (t1.scanner.scan$1("@charset")) {
49782 t1.whitespace$0();
49783 t1.string$0();
49784 return null;
49785 }
49786 return t1._statement$1$root(true);
49787 },
49788 $signature: 355
49789 };
49790 A.StylesheetParser_parse__closure0.prototype = {
49791 call$1(declaration) {
49792 var t1 = declaration.name,
49793 t2 = declaration.expression;
49794 return A.VariableDeclaration$(t1, new A.NullExpression(t2.get$span(t2)), declaration.span, null, false, true, null);
49795 },
49796 $signature: 356
49797 };
49798 A.StylesheetParser_parseArgumentDeclaration_closure.prototype = {
49799 call$0() {
49800 var $arguments,
49801 t1 = this.$this,
49802 t2 = t1.scanner;
49803 t2.expectChar$2$name(64, "@-rule");
49804 t1.identifier$0();
49805 t1.whitespace$0();
49806 t1.identifier$0();
49807 $arguments = t1._argumentDeclaration$0();
49808 t1.whitespace$0();
49809 t2.expectChar$1(123);
49810 return $arguments;
49811 },
49812 $signature: 357
49813 };
49814 A.StylesheetParser_parseVariableDeclaration_closure.prototype = {
49815 call$0() {
49816 var t1 = this.$this;
49817 return t1.lookingAtIdentifier$0() ? t1._variableDeclarationWithNamespace$0() : t1.variableDeclarationWithoutNamespace$0();
49818 },
49819 $signature: 152
49820 };
49821 A.StylesheetParser_parseUseRule_closure.prototype = {
49822 call$0() {
49823 var t1 = this.$this,
49824 t2 = t1.scanner,
49825 t3 = t2._string_scanner$_position;
49826 t2.expectChar$2$name(64, "@-rule");
49827 t1.expectIdentifier$1("use");
49828 t1.whitespace$0();
49829 return t1._useRule$1(new A._SpanScannerState(t2, t3));
49830 },
49831 $signature: 362
49832 };
49833 A.StylesheetParser__parseSingleProduction_closure.prototype = {
49834 call$0() {
49835 var result = this.production.call$0();
49836 this.$this.scanner.expectDone$0();
49837 return result;
49838 },
49839 $signature() {
49840 return this.T._eval$1("0()");
49841 }
49842 };
49843 A.StylesheetParser__statement_closure.prototype = {
49844 call$0() {
49845 return this.$this._statement$0();
49846 },
49847 $signature: 118
49848 };
49849 A.StylesheetParser_variableDeclarationWithoutNamespace_closure.prototype = {
49850 call$0() {
49851 return this.$this.scanner.spanFrom$1(this.start);
49852 },
49853 $signature: 29
49854 };
49855 A.StylesheetParser_variableDeclarationWithoutNamespace_closure0.prototype = {
49856 call$0() {
49857 return this.declaration;
49858 },
49859 $signature: 152
49860 };
49861 A.StylesheetParser__declarationOrBuffer_closure.prototype = {
49862 call$2(children, span) {
49863 return A.Declaration$nested(this.name, children, span, null);
49864 },
49865 $signature: 96
49866 };
49867 A.StylesheetParser__declarationOrBuffer_closure0.prototype = {
49868 call$2(children, span) {
49869 return A.Declaration$nested(this.name, children, span, this._box_0.value);
49870 },
49871 $signature: 96
49872 };
49873 A.StylesheetParser__styleRule_closure.prototype = {
49874 call$2(children, span) {
49875 var _this = this,
49876 t1 = _this.$this;
49877 if (t1.get$indented() && children.length === 0)
49878 t1.logger.warn$2$span(0, string$.This_s, _this._box_0.interpolation.span);
49879 t1._inStyleRule = _this.wasInStyleRule;
49880 return A.StyleRule$(_this._box_0.interpolation, children, t1.scanner.spanFrom$1(_this.start));
49881 },
49882 $signature: 367
49883 };
49884 A.StylesheetParser__propertyOrVariableDeclaration_closure.prototype = {
49885 call$2(children, span) {
49886 return A.Declaration$nested(this._box_0.name, children, span, null);
49887 },
49888 $signature: 96
49889 };
49890 A.StylesheetParser__propertyOrVariableDeclaration_closure0.prototype = {
49891 call$2(children, span) {
49892 return A.Declaration$nested(this._box_0.name, children, span, this.value);
49893 },
49894 $signature: 96
49895 };
49896 A.StylesheetParser__atRootRule_closure.prototype = {
49897 call$2(children, span) {
49898 return A.AtRootRule$(children, span, this.query);
49899 },
49900 $signature: 254
49901 };
49902 A.StylesheetParser__atRootRule_closure0.prototype = {
49903 call$2(children, span) {
49904 return A.AtRootRule$(children, span, null);
49905 },
49906 $signature: 254
49907 };
49908 A.StylesheetParser__eachRule_closure.prototype = {
49909 call$2(children, span) {
49910 var _this = this;
49911 _this.$this._inControlDirective = _this.wasInControlDirective;
49912 return A.EachRule$(_this.variables, _this.list, children, span);
49913 },
49914 $signature: 369
49915 };
49916 A.StylesheetParser__functionRule_closure.prototype = {
49917 call$2(children, span) {
49918 return A.FunctionRule$(this.name, this.$arguments, children, span, this.precedingComment);
49919 },
49920 $signature: 370
49921 };
49922 A.StylesheetParser__forRule_closure.prototype = {
49923 call$0() {
49924 var t1 = this.$this;
49925 if (!t1.lookingAtIdentifier$0())
49926 return false;
49927 if (t1.scanIdentifier$1("to"))
49928 return this._box_0.exclusive = true;
49929 else if (t1.scanIdentifier$1("through")) {
49930 this._box_0.exclusive = false;
49931 return true;
49932 } else
49933 return false;
49934 },
49935 $signature: 28
49936 };
49937 A.StylesheetParser__forRule_closure0.prototype = {
49938 call$2(children, span) {
49939 var t1, _this = this;
49940 _this.$this._inControlDirective = _this.wasInControlDirective;
49941 t1 = _this._box_0.exclusive;
49942 t1.toString;
49943 return A.ForRule$(_this.variable, _this.from, _this.to, children, span, t1);
49944 },
49945 $signature: 372
49946 };
49947 A.StylesheetParser__memberList_closure.prototype = {
49948 call$0() {
49949 var t1 = this.$this;
49950 if (t1.scanner.peekChar$0() === 36)
49951 this.variables.add$1(0, t1.variableName$0());
49952 else
49953 this.identifiers.add$1(0, t1.identifier$1$normalize(true));
49954 },
49955 $signature: 1
49956 };
49957 A.StylesheetParser__includeRule_closure.prototype = {
49958 call$2(children, span) {
49959 return A.ContentBlock$(this.contentArguments_, children, span);
49960 },
49961 $signature: 374
49962 };
49963 A.StylesheetParser_mediaRule_closure.prototype = {
49964 call$2(children, span) {
49965 return A.MediaRule$(this.query, children, span);
49966 },
49967 $signature: 376
49968 };
49969 A.StylesheetParser__mixinRule_closure.prototype = {
49970 call$2(children, span) {
49971 var _this = this;
49972 _this.$this._stylesheet$_inMixin = false;
49973 return A.MixinRule$(_this.name, _this.$arguments, children, span, _this.precedingComment);
49974 },
49975 $signature: 379
49976 };
49977 A.StylesheetParser_mozDocumentRule_closure.prototype = {
49978 call$2(children, span) {
49979 var _this = this;
49980 if (_this._box_0.needsDeprecationWarning)
49981 _this.$this.logger.warn$3$deprecation$span(0, string$.x40_moz_, true, span);
49982 return A.AtRule$(_this.name, span, children, _this.value);
49983 },
49984 $signature: 249
49985 };
49986 A.StylesheetParser_supportsRule_closure.prototype = {
49987 call$2(children, span) {
49988 return A.SupportsRule$(this.condition, children, span);
49989 },
49990 $signature: 258
49991 };
49992 A.StylesheetParser__whileRule_closure.prototype = {
49993 call$2(children, span) {
49994 this.$this._inControlDirective = this.wasInControlDirective;
49995 return A.WhileRule$(this.condition, children, span);
49996 },
49997 $signature: 382
49998 };
49999 A.StylesheetParser_unknownAtRule_closure.prototype = {
50000 call$2(children, span) {
50001 return A.AtRule$(this.name, span, children, this._box_0.value);
50002 },
50003 $signature: 249
50004 };
50005 A.StylesheetParser_expression_resetState.prototype = {
50006 call$0() {
50007 var t2,
50008 t1 = this._box_0;
50009 t1.operands_ = t1.operators_ = t1.spaceExpressions_ = t1.commaExpressions_ = null;
50010 t2 = this.$this;
50011 t2.scanner.set$state(this.start);
50012 t1.allowSlash = true;
50013 t1.singleExpression_ = t2._singleExpression$0();
50014 },
50015 $signature: 0
50016 };
50017 A.StylesheetParser_expression_resolveOneOperation.prototype = {
50018 call$0() {
50019 var t2, t3,
50020 t1 = this._box_0,
50021 operator = t1.operators_.pop(),
50022 left = t1.operands_.pop(),
50023 right = t1.singleExpression_;
50024 if (right == null) {
50025 t2 = this.$this.scanner;
50026 t3 = operator.operator.length;
50027 t2.error$3$length$position(0, "Expected expression.", t3, t2._string_scanner$_position - t3);
50028 }
50029 if (t1.allowSlash) {
50030 t2 = this.$this;
50031 t2 = !t2._inParentheses && operator === B.BinaryOperator_RTB && t2._isSlashOperand$1(left) && t2._isSlashOperand$1(right);
50032 } else
50033 t2 = false;
50034 if (t2)
50035 t1.singleExpression_ = new A.BinaryOperationExpression(B.BinaryOperator_RTB, left, right, true);
50036 else {
50037 t1.singleExpression_ = new A.BinaryOperationExpression(operator, left, right, false);
50038 t1.allowSlash = false;
50039 }
50040 },
50041 $signature: 0
50042 };
50043 A.StylesheetParser_expression_resolveOperations.prototype = {
50044 call$0() {
50045 var t1,
50046 operators = this._box_0.operators_;
50047 if (operators == null)
50048 return;
50049 for (t1 = this.resolveOneOperation; operators.length !== 0;)
50050 t1.call$0();
50051 },
50052 $signature: 0
50053 };
50054 A.StylesheetParser_expression_addSingleExpression.prototype = {
50055 call$1(expression) {
50056 var t2, spaceExpressions, _this = this,
50057 t1 = _this._box_0;
50058 if (t1.singleExpression_ != null) {
50059 t2 = _this.$this;
50060 if (t2._inParentheses) {
50061 t2._inParentheses = false;
50062 if (t1.allowSlash) {
50063 _this.resetState.call$0();
50064 return;
50065 }
50066 }
50067 spaceExpressions = t1.spaceExpressions_;
50068 if (spaceExpressions == null)
50069 spaceExpressions = t1.spaceExpressions_ = A._setArrayType([], type$.JSArray_Expression);
50070 _this.resolveOperations.call$0();
50071 t2 = t1.singleExpression_;
50072 t2.toString;
50073 spaceExpressions.push(t2);
50074 t1.allowSlash = true;
50075 }
50076 t1.singleExpression_ = expression;
50077 },
50078 $signature: 385
50079 };
50080 A.StylesheetParser_expression_addOperator.prototype = {
50081 call$1(operator) {
50082 var t2, t3, operators, operands, t4, singleExpression,
50083 t1 = this.$this;
50084 if (t1.get$plainCss() && operator !== B.BinaryOperator_RTB && operator !== B.BinaryOperator_kjl) {
50085 t2 = t1.scanner;
50086 t3 = operator.operator.length;
50087 t2.error$3$length$position(0, "Operators aren't allowed in plain CSS.", t3, t2._string_scanner$_position - t3);
50088 }
50089 t2 = this._box_0;
50090 t2.allowSlash = t2.allowSlash && operator === B.BinaryOperator_RTB;
50091 operators = t2.operators_;
50092 if (operators == null)
50093 operators = t2.operators_ = A._setArrayType([], type$.JSArray_BinaryOperator);
50094 operands = t2.operands_;
50095 if (operands == null)
50096 operands = t2.operands_ = A._setArrayType([], type$.JSArray_Expression);
50097 t3 = this.resolveOneOperation;
50098 t4 = operator.precedence;
50099 while (true) {
50100 if (!(operators.length !== 0 && B.JSArray_methods.get$last(operators).precedence >= t4))
50101 break;
50102 t3.call$0();
50103 }
50104 operators.push(operator);
50105 singleExpression = t2.singleExpression_;
50106 if (singleExpression == null) {
50107 t3 = t1.scanner;
50108 t4 = operator.operator.length;
50109 t3.error$3$length$position(0, "Expected expression.", t4, t3._string_scanner$_position - t4);
50110 }
50111 operands.push(singleExpression);
50112 t1.whitespace$0();
50113 t2.singleExpression_ = t1._singleExpression$0();
50114 },
50115 $signature: 386
50116 };
50117 A.StylesheetParser_expression_resolveSpaceExpressions.prototype = {
50118 call$0() {
50119 var t1, spaceExpressions, singleExpression, t2;
50120 this.resolveOperations.call$0();
50121 t1 = this._box_0;
50122 spaceExpressions = t1.spaceExpressions_;
50123 if (spaceExpressions != null) {
50124 singleExpression = t1.singleExpression_;
50125 if (singleExpression == null)
50126 this.$this.scanner.error$1(0, "Expected expression.");
50127 spaceExpressions.push(singleExpression);
50128 t2 = B.JSArray_methods.get$first(spaceExpressions);
50129 t2 = t2.get$span(t2).expand$1(0, singleExpression.get$span(singleExpression));
50130 t1.singleExpression_ = new A.ListExpression(A.List_List$unmodifiable(spaceExpressions, type$.Expression), B.ListSeparator_woc, false, t2);
50131 t1.spaceExpressions_ = null;
50132 }
50133 },
50134 $signature: 0
50135 };
50136 A.StylesheetParser__expressionUntilComma_closure.prototype = {
50137 call$0() {
50138 return this.$this.scanner.peekChar$0() === 44;
50139 },
50140 $signature: 28
50141 };
50142 A.StylesheetParser__unicodeRange_closure.prototype = {
50143 call$1(char) {
50144 return char != null && A.isHex(char);
50145 },
50146 $signature: 32
50147 };
50148 A.StylesheetParser__unicodeRange_closure0.prototype = {
50149 call$1(char) {
50150 return char != null && A.isHex(char);
50151 },
50152 $signature: 32
50153 };
50154 A.StylesheetParser_namespacedExpression_closure.prototype = {
50155 call$0() {
50156 return this.$this.scanner.spanFrom$1(this.start);
50157 },
50158 $signature: 29
50159 };
50160 A.StylesheetParser_trySpecialFunction_closure.prototype = {
50161 call$1(contents) {
50162 return new A.StringExpression(contents, false);
50163 },
50164 $signature: 390
50165 };
50166 A.StylesheetParser__expressionUntilComparison_closure.prototype = {
50167 call$0() {
50168 var t1 = this.$this.scanner,
50169 next = t1.peekChar$0();
50170 if (next === 61)
50171 return t1.peekChar$1(1) !== 61;
50172 return next === 60 || next === 62;
50173 },
50174 $signature: 28
50175 };
50176 A.StylesheetParser__publicIdentifier_closure.prototype = {
50177 call$0() {
50178 return this.$this.scanner.spanFrom$1(this.start);
50179 },
50180 $signature: 29
50181 };
50182 A.StylesheetGraph.prototype = {
50183 modifiedSince$3(url, since, baseImporter) {
50184 var node = this._stylesheet_graph$_add$3(url, baseImporter, null);
50185 if (node == null)
50186 return true;
50187 return new A.StylesheetGraph_modifiedSince_transitiveModificationTime(this).call$1(node)._core$_value > since._core$_value;
50188 },
50189 _stylesheet_graph$_add$3(url, baseImporter, baseUrl) {
50190 var t1, t2, _this = this,
50191 tuple = _this._ignoreErrors$1(new A.StylesheetGraph__add_closure(_this, url, baseImporter, baseUrl));
50192 if (tuple == null)
50193 return null;
50194 t1 = tuple.item1;
50195 t2 = tuple.item2;
50196 _this.addCanonical$3(t1, t2, tuple.item3);
50197 return _this._nodes.$index(0, t2);
50198 },
50199 addCanonical$4$recanonicalize(importer, canonicalUrl, originalUrl, recanonicalize) {
50200 var stylesheet, _this = this,
50201 t1 = _this._nodes;
50202 if (t1.$index(0, canonicalUrl) != null)
50203 return B.Set_empty1;
50204 stylesheet = _this._ignoreErrors$1(new A.StylesheetGraph_addCanonical_closure(_this, importer, canonicalUrl, originalUrl));
50205 if (stylesheet == null)
50206 return B.Set_empty1;
50207 t1.$indexSet(0, canonicalUrl, A.StylesheetNode$_(stylesheet, importer, canonicalUrl, _this._upstreamNodes$3(stylesheet, importer, canonicalUrl)));
50208 return recanonicalize ? _this._recanonicalizeImports$2(importer, canonicalUrl) : B.Set_empty1;
50209 },
50210 addCanonical$3(importer, canonicalUrl, originalUrl) {
50211 return this.addCanonical$4$recanonicalize(importer, canonicalUrl, originalUrl, true);
50212 },
50213 _upstreamNodes$3(stylesheet, baseImporter, baseUrl) {
50214 var t4, t5, t6, t7,
50215 t1 = type$.Uri,
50216 active = A.LinkedHashSet_LinkedHashSet$_literal([baseUrl], t1),
50217 t2 = type$.JSArray_Uri,
50218 t3 = A._setArrayType([], t2);
50219 t2 = A._setArrayType([], t2);
50220 new A._FindDependenciesVisitor(t3, t2).visitChildren$1(stylesheet.children);
50221 t4 = type$.nullable_StylesheetNode;
50222 t5 = A.LinkedHashMap_LinkedHashMap$_empty(t1, t4);
50223 for (t6 = B.JSArray_methods.get$iterator(t3); t6.moveNext$0();) {
50224 t7 = t6.get$current(t6);
50225 t5.$indexSet(0, t7, this._nodeFor$4(t7, baseImporter, baseUrl, active));
50226 }
50227 t1 = A.LinkedHashMap_LinkedHashMap$_empty(t1, t4);
50228 for (t2 = J.get$iterator$ax(new A.Tuple2(t3, t2, type$.Tuple2_of_List_Uri_and_List_Uri).item2); t2.moveNext$0();) {
50229 t3 = t2.get$current(t2);
50230 t1.$indexSet(0, t3, this._nodeFor$5$forImport(t3, baseImporter, baseUrl, active, true));
50231 }
50232 return new A.Tuple2(t5, t1, type$.Tuple2_of_Map_of_Uri_and_nullable_StylesheetNode_and_Map_of_Uri_and_nullable_StylesheetNode);
50233 },
50234 reload$1(canonicalUrl) {
50235 var stylesheet, upstream, _this = this,
50236 node = _this._nodes.$index(0, canonicalUrl);
50237 if (node == null)
50238 throw A.wrapException(A.StateError$(canonicalUrl.toString$0(0) + " is not in the dependency graph."));
50239 _this._transitiveModificationTimes.clear$0(0);
50240 _this.importCache.clearImport$1(canonicalUrl);
50241 stylesheet = _this._ignoreErrors$1(new A.StylesheetGraph_reload_closure(_this, node, canonicalUrl));
50242 if (stylesheet == null)
50243 return false;
50244 node._stylesheet = stylesheet;
50245 upstream = _this._upstreamNodes$3(stylesheet, node.importer, canonicalUrl);
50246 node._replaceUpstream$2(upstream.item1, upstream.item2);
50247 return true;
50248 },
50249 _recanonicalizeImports$2(importer, canonicalUrl) {
50250 var t1, t2, t3, t4, t5, newUpstream, newUpstreamImports, _this = this,
50251 changed = A.LinkedHashSet_LinkedHashSet$_empty(type$.StylesheetNode);
50252 for (t1 = _this._nodes, t1 = t1.get$values(t1), t1 = t1.get$iterator(t1), t2 = type$.UnmodifiableMapView_of_Uri_and_nullable_StylesheetNode, t3 = type$.Uri, t4 = type$.nullable_StylesheetNode; t1.moveNext$0();) {
50253 t5 = t1.get$current(t1);
50254 newUpstream = _this._recanonicalizeImportsForNode$4$forImport(t5, importer, canonicalUrl, false);
50255 newUpstreamImports = _this._recanonicalizeImportsForNode$4$forImport(t5, importer, canonicalUrl, true);
50256 if (newUpstream.get$isNotEmpty(newUpstream) || newUpstreamImports.get$isNotEmpty(newUpstreamImports)) {
50257 changed.add$1(0, t5);
50258 t5._replaceUpstream$2(A.mergeMaps(new A.UnmodifiableMapView(t5._upstream, t2), newUpstream, t3, t4), A.mergeMaps(new A.UnmodifiableMapView(t5._upstreamImports, t2), newUpstreamImports, t3, t4));
50259 }
50260 }
50261 if (changed._collection$_length !== 0)
50262 _this._transitiveModificationTimes.clear$0(0);
50263 return changed;
50264 },
50265 _recanonicalizeImportsForNode$4$forImport(node, importer, canonicalUrl, forImport) {
50266 var t1 = type$.UnmodifiableMapView_of_Uri_and_nullable_StylesheetNode,
50267 map = forImport ? new A.UnmodifiableMapView(node._upstreamImports, t1) : new A.UnmodifiableMapView(node._upstream, t1),
50268 newMap = A.LinkedHashMap_LinkedHashMap$_empty(type$.Uri, type$.nullable_StylesheetNode);
50269 map._map.forEach$1(0, new A.StylesheetGraph__recanonicalizeImportsForNode_closure(this, importer, canonicalUrl, node, forImport, newMap));
50270 return newMap;
50271 },
50272 _nodeFor$5$forImport(url, baseImporter, baseUrl, active, forImport) {
50273 var importer, canonicalUrl, resolvedUrl, t1, stylesheet, node, _this = this,
50274 tuple = _this._ignoreErrors$1(new A.StylesheetGraph__nodeFor_closure(_this, url, baseImporter, baseUrl, forImport));
50275 if (tuple == null)
50276 return null;
50277 importer = tuple.item1;
50278 canonicalUrl = tuple.item2;
50279 resolvedUrl = tuple.item3;
50280 t1 = _this._nodes;
50281 if (t1.containsKey$1(canonicalUrl))
50282 return t1.$index(0, canonicalUrl);
50283 if (active.contains$1(0, canonicalUrl))
50284 return null;
50285 stylesheet = _this._ignoreErrors$1(new A.StylesheetGraph__nodeFor_closure0(_this, importer, canonicalUrl, resolvedUrl));
50286 if (stylesheet == null)
50287 return null;
50288 active.add$1(0, canonicalUrl);
50289 node = A.StylesheetNode$_(stylesheet, importer, canonicalUrl, _this._upstreamNodes$3(stylesheet, importer, canonicalUrl));
50290 active.remove$1(0, canonicalUrl);
50291 t1.$indexSet(0, canonicalUrl, node);
50292 return node;
50293 },
50294 _nodeFor$4(url, baseImporter, baseUrl, active) {
50295 return this._nodeFor$5$forImport(url, baseImporter, baseUrl, active, false);
50296 },
50297 _ignoreErrors$1$1(callback) {
50298 var t1, exception;
50299 try {
50300 t1 = callback.call$0();
50301 return t1;
50302 } catch (exception) {
50303 return null;
50304 }
50305 },
50306 _ignoreErrors$1(callback) {
50307 return this._ignoreErrors$1$1(callback, type$.dynamic);
50308 }
50309 };
50310 A.StylesheetGraph_modifiedSince_transitiveModificationTime.prototype = {
50311 call$1(node) {
50312 return this.$this._transitiveModificationTimes.putIfAbsent$2(node.canonicalUrl, new A.StylesheetGraph_modifiedSince_transitiveModificationTime_closure(node, this));
50313 },
50314 $signature: 393
50315 };
50316 A.StylesheetGraph_modifiedSince_transitiveModificationTime_closure.prototype = {
50317 call$0() {
50318 var t2, t3, upstreamTime,
50319 t1 = this.node,
50320 latest = t1.importer.modificationTime$1(t1.canonicalUrl);
50321 for (t2 = t1._upstream, t2 = t2.get$values(t2), t1 = t1._upstreamImports, t1 = t2.followedBy$1(0, t1.get$values(t1)), t1 = new A.FollowedByIterator(J.get$iterator$ax(t1.__internal$_first), t1._second), t2 = this.transitiveModificationTime; t1.moveNext$0();) {
50322 t3 = t1._currentIterator;
50323 t3 = t3.get$current(t3);
50324 upstreamTime = t3 == null ? new A.DateTime(Date.now(), false) : t2.call$1(t3);
50325 if (upstreamTime._core$_value > latest._core$_value)
50326 latest = upstreamTime;
50327 }
50328 return latest;
50329 },
50330 $signature: 208
50331 };
50332 A.StylesheetGraph__add_closure.prototype = {
50333 call$0() {
50334 var _this = this;
50335 return _this.$this.importCache.canonicalize$3$baseImporter$baseUrl(0, _this.url, _this.baseImporter, _this.baseUrl);
50336 },
50337 $signature: 80
50338 };
50339 A.StylesheetGraph_addCanonical_closure.prototype = {
50340 call$0() {
50341 var _this = this;
50342 return _this.$this.importCache.importCanonical$3$originalUrl(_this.importer, _this.canonicalUrl, _this.originalUrl);
50343 },
50344 $signature: 82
50345 };
50346 A.StylesheetGraph_reload_closure.prototype = {
50347 call$0() {
50348 return this.$this.importCache.importCanonical$2(this.node.importer, this.canonicalUrl);
50349 },
50350 $signature: 82
50351 };
50352 A.StylesheetGraph__recanonicalizeImportsForNode_closure.prototype = {
50353 call$2(url, upstream) {
50354 var result, t1, t2, t3, exception, newCanonicalUrl, _this = this;
50355 if (!_this.importer.couldCanonicalize$2(url, _this.canonicalUrl))
50356 return;
50357 t1 = _this.$this;
50358 t2 = t1.importCache;
50359 t2.clearCanonicalize$1(url);
50360 result = null;
50361 try {
50362 t3 = _this.node;
50363 result = t2.canonicalize$4$baseImporter$baseUrl$forImport(0, url, t3.importer, t3.canonicalUrl, _this.forImport);
50364 } catch (exception) {
50365 }
50366 t2 = result;
50367 newCanonicalUrl = t2 == null ? null : t2.item2;
50368 if (J.$eq$(newCanonicalUrl, upstream == null ? null : upstream.canonicalUrl))
50369 return;
50370 t1 = result == null ? null : t1._nodes.$index(0, result.item2);
50371 _this.newMap.$indexSet(0, url, t1);
50372 },
50373 $signature: 394
50374 };
50375 A.StylesheetGraph__nodeFor_closure.prototype = {
50376 call$0() {
50377 var _this = this;
50378 return _this.$this.importCache.canonicalize$4$baseImporter$baseUrl$forImport(0, _this.url, _this.baseImporter, _this.baseUrl, _this.forImport);
50379 },
50380 $signature: 80
50381 };
50382 A.StylesheetGraph__nodeFor_closure0.prototype = {
50383 call$0() {
50384 var _this = this;
50385 return _this.$this.importCache.importCanonical$3$originalUrl(_this.importer, _this.canonicalUrl, _this.resolvedUrl);
50386 },
50387 $signature: 82
50388 };
50389 A.StylesheetNode.prototype = {
50390 StylesheetNode$_$4(_stylesheet, importer, canonicalUrl, allUpstream) {
50391 var t1, t2;
50392 for (t1 = this._upstream, t1 = t1.get$values(t1), t2 = this._upstreamImports, t2 = t1.followedBy$1(0, t2.get$values(t2)), t2 = new A.FollowedByIterator(J.get$iterator$ax(t2.__internal$_first), t2._second); t2.moveNext$0();) {
50393 t1 = t2._currentIterator;
50394 t1 = t1.get$current(t1);
50395 if (t1 != null)
50396 t1._downstream.add$1(0, this);
50397 }
50398 },
50399 _replaceUpstream$2(newUpstream, newUpstreamImports) {
50400 var t3, oldUpstream, newUpstreamSet, _this = this,
50401 t1 = type$.nullable_StylesheetNode,
50402 t2 = A.LinkedHashSet_LinkedHashSet$_empty(t1);
50403 for (t3 = _this._upstream, t3 = t3.get$values(t3), t3 = t3.get$iterator(t3); t3.moveNext$0();)
50404 t2.add$1(0, t3.get$current(t3));
50405 for (t3 = _this._upstreamImports, t3 = t3.get$values(t3), t3 = t3.get$iterator(t3); t3.moveNext$0();)
50406 t2.add$1(0, t3.get$current(t3));
50407 t3 = type$.StylesheetNode;
50408 oldUpstream = A.SetExtension_removeNull(t2, t3);
50409 t1 = A.LinkedHashSet_LinkedHashSet$_empty(t1);
50410 for (t2 = newUpstream.get$values(newUpstream), t2 = t2.get$iterator(t2); t2.moveNext$0();)
50411 t1.add$1(0, t2.get$current(t2));
50412 for (t2 = newUpstreamImports.get$values(newUpstreamImports), t2 = t2.get$iterator(t2); t2.moveNext$0();)
50413 t1.add$1(0, t2.get$current(t2));
50414 newUpstreamSet = A.SetExtension_removeNull(t1, t3);
50415 for (t1 = oldUpstream.difference$1(newUpstreamSet), t1 = t1.get$iterator(t1); t1.moveNext$0();)
50416 t1.get$current(t1)._downstream.remove$1(0, _this);
50417 for (t1 = newUpstreamSet.difference$1(oldUpstream), t1 = t1.get$iterator(t1); t1.moveNext$0();)
50418 t1.get$current(t1)._downstream.add$1(0, _this);
50419 _this._upstream = newUpstream;
50420 _this._upstreamImports = newUpstreamImports;
50421 },
50422 _stylesheet_graph$_remove$0() {
50423 var t2, t3, t4, _i, url, _this = this,
50424 t1 = A.LinkedHashSet_LinkedHashSet$_empty(type$.nullable_StylesheetNode);
50425 for (t2 = _this._upstream, t2 = t2.get$values(t2), t2 = t2.get$iterator(t2); t2.moveNext$0();)
50426 t1.add$1(0, t2.get$current(t2));
50427 for (t2 = _this._upstreamImports, t2 = t2.get$values(t2), t2 = t2.get$iterator(t2); t2.moveNext$0();)
50428 t1.add$1(0, t2.get$current(t2));
50429 t1 = A._LinkedHashSetIterator$(t1, t1._collection$_modifications);
50430 t2 = A._instanceType(t1)._precomputed1;
50431 for (; t1.moveNext$0();) {
50432 t3 = t2._as(t1._collection$_current);
50433 if (t3 == null)
50434 continue;
50435 t3._downstream.remove$1(0, _this);
50436 }
50437 for (t1 = _this._downstream, t1 = t1.get$iterator(t1); t1.moveNext$0();) {
50438 t2 = t1.get$current(t1);
50439 for (t3 = t2._upstream, t3 = J.toList$0$ax(t3.get$keys(t3)), t4 = t3.length, _i = 0; _i < t3.length; t3.length === t4 || (0, A.throwConcurrentModificationError)(t3), ++_i) {
50440 url = t3[_i];
50441 if (J.$eq$(t2._upstream.$index(0, url), _this)) {
50442 t2._upstream.$indexSet(0, url, null);
50443 break;
50444 }
50445 }
50446 for (t3 = t2._upstreamImports, t3 = J.toList$0$ax(t3.get$keys(t3)), t4 = t3.length, _i = 0; _i < t3.length; t3.length === t4 || (0, A.throwConcurrentModificationError)(t3), ++_i) {
50447 url = t3[_i];
50448 if (J.$eq$(t2._upstreamImports.$index(0, url), _this)) {
50449 t2._upstreamImports.$indexSet(0, url, null);
50450 break;
50451 }
50452 }
50453 }
50454 },
50455 toString$0(_) {
50456 var t1 = A.NullableExtension_andThen(this._stylesheet.span.file.url, A.path__prettyUri$closure());
50457 return t1 == null ? "<unknown>" : t1;
50458 }
50459 };
50460 A.Syntax.prototype = {
50461 toString$0(_) {
50462 return this._syntax$_name;
50463 }
50464 };
50465 A.LimitedMapView.prototype = {
50466 get$keys(_) {
50467 return this._limited_map_view$_keys;
50468 },
50469 get$length(_) {
50470 return this._limited_map_view$_keys._collection$_length;
50471 },
50472 get$isEmpty(_) {
50473 return this._limited_map_view$_keys._collection$_length === 0;
50474 },
50475 get$isNotEmpty(_) {
50476 return this._limited_map_view$_keys._collection$_length !== 0;
50477 },
50478 $index(_, key) {
50479 return this._limited_map_view$_keys.contains$1(0, key) ? this._limited_map_view$_map.$index(0, key) : null;
50480 },
50481 containsKey$1(key) {
50482 return this._limited_map_view$_keys.contains$1(0, key);
50483 },
50484 remove$1(_, key) {
50485 return this._limited_map_view$_keys.contains$1(0, key) ? this._limited_map_view$_map.remove$1(0, key) : null;
50486 }
50487 };
50488 A.MergedMapView.prototype = {
50489 get$keys(_) {
50490 var t1 = this._mapsByKey;
50491 return t1.get$keys(t1);
50492 },
50493 get$length(_) {
50494 var t1 = this._mapsByKey;
50495 return t1.get$length(t1);
50496 },
50497 get$isEmpty(_) {
50498 var t1 = this._mapsByKey;
50499 return t1.get$isEmpty(t1);
50500 },
50501 get$isNotEmpty(_) {
50502 var t1 = this._mapsByKey;
50503 return t1.get$isNotEmpty(t1);
50504 },
50505 MergedMapView$1(maps, $K, $V) {
50506 var t1, t2, t3, _i, map, t4, t5;
50507 for (t1 = maps.length, t2 = this._mapsByKey, t3 = $K._eval$1("@<0>")._bind$1($V)._eval$1("MergedMapView<1,2>"), _i = 0; _i < maps.length; maps.length === t1 || (0, A.throwConcurrentModificationError)(maps), ++_i) {
50508 map = maps[_i];
50509 if (t3._is(map))
50510 for (t4 = map._mapsByKey, t4 = t4.get$values(t4), t4 = t4.get$iterator(t4); t4.moveNext$0();) {
50511 t5 = t4.get$current(t4);
50512 A.setAll(t2, t5.get$keys(t5), t5);
50513 }
50514 else
50515 A.setAll(t2, map.get$keys(map), map);
50516 }
50517 },
50518 $index(_, key) {
50519 var t1 = this._mapsByKey.$index(0, this.$ti._precomputed1._as(key));
50520 return t1 == null ? null : t1.$index(0, key);
50521 },
50522 $indexSet(_, key, value) {
50523 var child = this._mapsByKey.$index(0, key);
50524 if (child == null)
50525 throw A.wrapException(A.UnsupportedError$(string$.New_en));
50526 child.$indexSet(0, key, value);
50527 },
50528 remove$1(_, key) {
50529 throw A.wrapException(A.UnsupportedError$(string$.Entrie));
50530 },
50531 containsKey$1(key) {
50532 return this._mapsByKey.containsKey$1(key);
50533 }
50534 };
50535 A.MultiDirWatcher.prototype = {
50536 watch$1(_, directory) {
50537 var t1, t2, t3, t4, isParentOfExistingDir, _i, entry, t5, existingWatcher, t6, future, completer;
50538 for (t1 = this._watchers._map, t2 = t1.get$entries(t1).toList$0(0), t3 = t2.length, t4 = this._group, isParentOfExistingDir = false, _i = 0; _i < t2.length; t2.length === t3 || (0, A.throwConcurrentModificationError)(t2), ++_i) {
50539 entry = t2[_i];
50540 t5 = entry.key;
50541 t5.toString;
50542 existingWatcher = entry.value;
50543 if (!isParentOfExistingDir) {
50544 t6 = $.$get$context();
50545 t6 = t6._isWithinOrEquals$2(t5, directory) === B._PathRelation_equal || t6._isWithinOrEquals$2(t5, directory) === B._PathRelation_within;
50546 } else
50547 t6 = false;
50548 if (t6) {
50549 t1 = new A._Future($.Zone__current, type$._Future_void);
50550 t1._asyncComplete$1(null);
50551 return t1;
50552 }
50553 if ($.$get$context()._isWithinOrEquals$2(directory, t5) === B._PathRelation_within) {
50554 t1.remove$1(0, t5);
50555 t4.remove$1(0, existingWatcher);
50556 isParentOfExistingDir = true;
50557 }
50558 }
50559 future = A.watchDir(directory, this._poll);
50560 t2 = new A._CompleterStream(type$._CompleterStream_WatchEvent);
50561 completer = new A.StreamCompleter(t2, type$.StreamCompleter_WatchEvent);
50562 future.then$1$2$onError(0, completer.get$setSourceStream(), completer.get$setError(), type$.void);
50563 t1.$indexSet(0, directory, t2);
50564 t4.add$1(0, t2);
50565 return future;
50566 }
50567 };
50568 A.NoSourceMapBuffer.prototype = {
50569 get$length(_) {
50570 return this._no_source_map_buffer$_buffer._contents.length;
50571 },
50572 forSpan$1$2(span, callback) {
50573 return callback.call$0();
50574 },
50575 forSpan$2(span, callback) {
50576 return this.forSpan$1$2(span, callback, type$.dynamic);
50577 },
50578 write$1(_, object) {
50579 this._no_source_map_buffer$_buffer._contents += A.S(object);
50580 return null;
50581 },
50582 writeCharCode$1(charCode) {
50583 this._no_source_map_buffer$_buffer._contents += A.Primitives_stringFromCharCode(charCode);
50584 return null;
50585 },
50586 toString$0(_) {
50587 var t1 = this._no_source_map_buffer$_buffer._contents;
50588 return t1.charCodeAt(0) == 0 ? t1 : t1;
50589 },
50590 buildSourceMap$1$prefix(prefix) {
50591 return A.throwExpression(A.UnsupportedError$(string$.NoSour));
50592 }
50593 };
50594 A.PrefixedMapView.prototype = {
50595 get$keys(_) {
50596 return new A._PrefixedKeys(this);
50597 },
50598 get$length(_) {
50599 var t1 = this._prefixed_map_view$_map;
50600 return t1.get$length(t1);
50601 },
50602 get$isEmpty(_) {
50603 var t1 = this._prefixed_map_view$_map;
50604 return t1.get$isEmpty(t1);
50605 },
50606 get$isNotEmpty(_) {
50607 var t1 = this._prefixed_map_view$_map;
50608 return t1.get$isNotEmpty(t1);
50609 },
50610 $index(_, key) {
50611 return typeof key == "string" && B.JSString_methods.startsWith$1(key, this._prefix) ? this._prefixed_map_view$_map.$index(0, J.substring$1$s(key, this._prefix.length)) : null;
50612 },
50613 containsKey$1(key) {
50614 return typeof key == "string" && B.JSString_methods.startsWith$1(key, this._prefix) && this._prefixed_map_view$_map.containsKey$1(J.substring$1$s(key, this._prefix.length));
50615 }
50616 };
50617 A._PrefixedKeys.prototype = {
50618 get$length(_) {
50619 var t1 = this._view._prefixed_map_view$_map;
50620 return t1.get$length(t1);
50621 },
50622 get$iterator(_) {
50623 var t1 = this._view._prefixed_map_view$_map;
50624 t1 = J.map$1$1$ax(t1.get$keys(t1), new A._PrefixedKeys_iterator_closure(this), type$.String);
50625 return t1.get$iterator(t1);
50626 },
50627 contains$1(_, key) {
50628 return this._view.containsKey$1(key);
50629 }
50630 };
50631 A._PrefixedKeys_iterator_closure.prototype = {
50632 call$1(key) {
50633 return this.$this._view._prefix + key;
50634 },
50635 $signature: 5
50636 };
50637 A.PublicMemberMapView.prototype = {
50638 get$keys(_) {
50639 var t1 = this._public_member_map_view$_inner;
50640 return J.where$1$ax(t1.get$keys(t1), A.utils__isPublic$closure());
50641 },
50642 containsKey$1(key) {
50643 return typeof key == "string" && A.isPublic(key) && this._public_member_map_view$_inner.containsKey$1(key);
50644 },
50645 $index(_, key) {
50646 if (typeof key == "string" && A.isPublic(key))
50647 return this._public_member_map_view$_inner.$index(0, key);
50648 return null;
50649 }
50650 };
50651 A.SourceMapBuffer.prototype = {
50652 get$_targetLocation() {
50653 var t1 = this._source_map_buffer$_buffer._contents,
50654 t2 = this._line;
50655 return A.SourceLocation$(t1.length, this._column, t2, null);
50656 },
50657 get$length(_) {
50658 return this._source_map_buffer$_buffer._contents.length;
50659 },
50660 forSpan$1$2(span, callback) {
50661 var t1, _this = this,
50662 wasInSpan = _this._inSpan;
50663 _this._inSpan = true;
50664 _this._addEntry$2(A.FileLocation$_(span.file, span._file$_start), _this.get$_targetLocation());
50665 try {
50666 t1 = callback.call$0();
50667 return t1;
50668 } finally {
50669 _this._inSpan = wasInSpan;
50670 }
50671 },
50672 forSpan$2(span, callback) {
50673 return this.forSpan$1$2(span, callback, type$.dynamic);
50674 },
50675 _addEntry$2(source, target) {
50676 var entry, t2,
50677 t1 = this._entries;
50678 if (t1.length !== 0) {
50679 entry = B.JSArray_methods.get$last(t1);
50680 t2 = entry.source;
50681 if (t2.file.getLine$1(t2.offset) === source.file.getLine$1(source.offset) && entry.target.line === target.line)
50682 return;
50683 if (entry.target.offset === target.offset)
50684 return;
50685 }
50686 t1.push(new A.Entry(source, target, null));
50687 },
50688 write$1(_, object) {
50689 var t1, i,
50690 string = J.toString$0$(object);
50691 this._source_map_buffer$_buffer._contents += string;
50692 for (t1 = string.length, i = 0; i < t1; ++i)
50693 if (B.JSString_methods._codeUnitAt$1(string, i) === 10)
50694 this._source_map_buffer$_writeLine$0();
50695 else
50696 ++this._column;
50697 },
50698 writeCharCode$1(charCode) {
50699 this._source_map_buffer$_buffer._contents += A.Primitives_stringFromCharCode(charCode);
50700 if (charCode === 10)
50701 this._source_map_buffer$_writeLine$0();
50702 else
50703 ++this._column;
50704 },
50705 _source_map_buffer$_writeLine$0() {
50706 var _this = this,
50707 t1 = _this._entries;
50708 if (B.JSArray_methods.get$last(t1).target.line === _this._line && B.JSArray_methods.get$last(t1).target.column === _this._column)
50709 t1.pop();
50710 ++_this._line;
50711 _this._column = 0;
50712 if (_this._inSpan)
50713 t1.push(new A.Entry(B.JSArray_methods.get$last(t1).source, _this.get$_targetLocation(), null));
50714 },
50715 toString$0(_) {
50716 var t1 = this._source_map_buffer$_buffer._contents;
50717 return t1.charCodeAt(0) == 0 ? t1 : t1;
50718 },
50719 buildSourceMap$1$prefix(prefix) {
50720 var i, t2, prefixColumn, _box_0 = {},
50721 t1 = prefix.length;
50722 if (t1 === 0)
50723 return A.SingleMapping_SingleMapping$fromEntries(this._entries);
50724 _box_0.prefixColumn = _box_0.prefixLines = 0;
50725 for (i = 0, t2 = 0; i < t1; ++i)
50726 if (B.JSString_methods._codeUnitAt$1(prefix, i) === 10) {
50727 ++_box_0.prefixLines;
50728 _box_0.prefixColumn = 0;
50729 t2 = 0;
50730 } else {
50731 prefixColumn = t2 + 1;
50732 _box_0.prefixColumn = prefixColumn;
50733 t2 = prefixColumn;
50734 }
50735 t2 = this._entries;
50736 return A.SingleMapping_SingleMapping$fromEntries(new A.MappedListIterable(t2, new A.SourceMapBuffer_buildSourceMap_closure(_box_0, t1), A._arrayInstanceType(t2)._eval$1("MappedListIterable<1,Entry>")));
50737 }
50738 };
50739 A.SourceMapBuffer_buildSourceMap_closure.prototype = {
50740 call$1(entry) {
50741 var t1 = entry.source,
50742 t2 = entry.target,
50743 t3 = t2.line,
50744 t4 = this._box_0,
50745 t5 = t4.prefixLines;
50746 t4 = t3 === 0 ? t4.prefixColumn : 0;
50747 return new A.Entry(t1, A.SourceLocation$(t2.offset + this.prefixLength, t2.column + t4, t3 + t5, null), entry.identifierName);
50748 },
50749 $signature: 229
50750 };
50751 A.UnprefixedMapView.prototype = {
50752 get$keys(_) {
50753 return new A._UnprefixedKeys(this);
50754 },
50755 $index(_, key) {
50756 return typeof key == "string" ? this._unprefixed_map_view$_map.$index(0, this._unprefixed_map_view$_prefix + key) : null;
50757 },
50758 containsKey$1(key) {
50759 return typeof key == "string" && this._unprefixed_map_view$_map.containsKey$1(this._unprefixed_map_view$_prefix + key);
50760 },
50761 remove$1(_, key) {
50762 return typeof key == "string" ? this._unprefixed_map_view$_map.remove$1(0, this._unprefixed_map_view$_prefix + key) : null;
50763 }
50764 };
50765 A._UnprefixedKeys.prototype = {
50766 get$iterator(_) {
50767 var t1 = this._unprefixed_map_view$_view._unprefixed_map_view$_map;
50768 t1 = J.where$1$ax(t1.get$keys(t1), new A._UnprefixedKeys_iterator_closure(this)).map$1$1(0, new A._UnprefixedKeys_iterator_closure0(this), type$.String);
50769 return t1.get$iterator(t1);
50770 },
50771 contains$1(_, key) {
50772 return this._unprefixed_map_view$_view.containsKey$1(key);
50773 }
50774 };
50775 A._UnprefixedKeys_iterator_closure.prototype = {
50776 call$1(key) {
50777 return B.JSString_methods.startsWith$1(key, this.$this._unprefixed_map_view$_view._unprefixed_map_view$_prefix);
50778 },
50779 $signature: 6
50780 };
50781 A._UnprefixedKeys_iterator_closure0.prototype = {
50782 call$1(key) {
50783 return B.JSString_methods.substring$1(key, this.$this._unprefixed_map_view$_view._unprefixed_map_view$_prefix.length);
50784 },
50785 $signature: 5
50786 };
50787 A.indent_closure.prototype = {
50788 call$1(line) {
50789 return B.JSString_methods.$mul(" ", this.indentation) + line;
50790 },
50791 $signature: 5
50792 };
50793 A.flattenVertically_closure.prototype = {
50794 call$1(inner) {
50795 return A.QueueList_QueueList$from(inner, this.T);
50796 },
50797 $signature() {
50798 return this.T._eval$1("QueueList<0>(Iterable<0>)");
50799 }
50800 };
50801 A.flattenVertically_closure0.prototype = {
50802 call$1(queue) {
50803 this.result.push(queue.removeFirst$0());
50804 return queue.get$length(queue) === 0;
50805 },
50806 $signature() {
50807 return this.T._eval$1("bool(QueueList<0>)");
50808 }
50809 };
50810 A.longestCommonSubsequence_closure.prototype = {
50811 call$2(element1, element2) {
50812 return J.$eq$(element1, element2) ? element1 : null;
50813 },
50814 $signature() {
50815 return this.T._eval$1("0?(0,0)");
50816 }
50817 };
50818 A.longestCommonSubsequence_backtrack.prototype = {
50819 call$2(i, j) {
50820 var selection, t1, _this = this;
50821 if (i === -1 || j === -1)
50822 return A._setArrayType([], _this.T._eval$1("JSArray<0>"));
50823 selection = _this.selections[i][j];
50824 if (selection != null) {
50825 t1 = _this.call$2(i - 1, j - 1);
50826 J.add$1$ax(t1, selection);
50827 return t1;
50828 }
50829 t1 = _this.lengths;
50830 return t1[i + 1][j] > t1[i][j + 1] ? _this.call$2(i, j - 1) : _this.call$2(i - 1, j);
50831 },
50832 $signature() {
50833 return this.T._eval$1("List<0>(int,int)");
50834 }
50835 };
50836 A.mapAddAll2_closure.prototype = {
50837 call$2(key, inner) {
50838 var t1 = this.destination,
50839 innerDestination = t1.$index(0, key);
50840 if (innerDestination != null)
50841 innerDestination.addAll$1(0, inner);
50842 else
50843 t1.$indexSet(0, key, inner);
50844 },
50845 $signature() {
50846 return this.K1._eval$1("@<0>")._bind$1(this.K2)._bind$1(this.V)._eval$1("~(1,Map<2,3>)");
50847 }
50848 };
50849 A.Value.prototype = {
50850 get$isTruthy() {
50851 return true;
50852 },
50853 get$separator(_) {
50854 return B.ListSeparator_undecided_null;
50855 },
50856 get$hasBrackets() {
50857 return false;
50858 },
50859 get$asList() {
50860 return A._setArrayType([this], type$.JSArray_Value);
50861 },
50862 get$lengthAsList() {
50863 return 1;
50864 },
50865 get$isBlank() {
50866 return false;
50867 },
50868 get$isSpecialNumber() {
50869 return false;
50870 },
50871 get$isVar() {
50872 return false;
50873 },
50874 get$realNull() {
50875 return this;
50876 },
50877 sassIndexToListIndex$2(sassIndex, $name) {
50878 var _this = this,
50879 index = sassIndex.assertNumber$1($name).assertInt$1($name);
50880 if (index === 0)
50881 throw A.wrapException(_this._value$_exception$2("List index may not be 0.", $name));
50882 if (Math.abs(index) > _this.get$lengthAsList())
50883 throw A.wrapException(_this._value$_exception$2("Invalid index " + sassIndex.toString$0(0) + " for a list with " + _this.get$lengthAsList() + " elements.", $name));
50884 return index < 0 ? _this.get$lengthAsList() + index : index - 1;
50885 },
50886 assertCalculation$1($name) {
50887 return A.throwExpression(this._value$_exception$2(this.toString$0(0) + " is not a calculation.", $name));
50888 },
50889 assertColor$1($name) {
50890 return A.throwExpression(this._value$_exception$2(this.toString$0(0) + " is not a color.", $name));
50891 },
50892 assertFunction$1($name) {
50893 return A.throwExpression(this._value$_exception$2(this.toString$0(0) + " is not a function reference.", $name));
50894 },
50895 assertMap$1($name) {
50896 return A.throwExpression(this._value$_exception$2(this.toString$0(0) + " is not a map.", $name));
50897 },
50898 tryMap$0() {
50899 return null;
50900 },
50901 assertNumber$1($name) {
50902 return A.throwExpression(this._value$_exception$2(this.toString$0(0) + " is not a number.", $name));
50903 },
50904 assertNumber$0() {
50905 return this.assertNumber$1(null);
50906 },
50907 assertString$1($name) {
50908 return A.throwExpression(this._value$_exception$2(this.toString$0(0) + " is not a string.", $name));
50909 },
50910 assertSelector$2$allowParent$name(allowParent, $name) {
50911 var error, stackTrace, t1, exception,
50912 string = this._selectorString$1($name);
50913 try {
50914 t1 = A.SelectorList_SelectorList$parse(string, allowParent, true, null);
50915 return t1;
50916 } catch (exception) {
50917 t1 = A.unwrapException(exception);
50918 if (t1 instanceof A.SassFormatException) {
50919 error = t1;
50920 stackTrace = A.getTraceFromException(exception);
50921 t1 = B.JSString_methods.replaceFirst$2(J.toString$0$(error), "Error: ", "");
50922 A.throwWithTrace(new A.SassScriptException($name == null ? t1 : "$" + $name + ": " + t1), stackTrace);
50923 } else
50924 throw exception;
50925 }
50926 },
50927 assertSelector$1$name($name) {
50928 return this.assertSelector$2$allowParent$name(false, $name);
50929 },
50930 assertSelector$0() {
50931 return this.assertSelector$2$allowParent$name(false, null);
50932 },
50933 assertSelector$1$allowParent(allowParent) {
50934 return this.assertSelector$2$allowParent$name(allowParent, null);
50935 },
50936 assertCompoundSelector$1$name($name) {
50937 var error, stackTrace, t1, exception,
50938 allowParent = false,
50939 string = this._selectorString$1($name);
50940 try {
50941 t1 = A.SelectorParser$(string, allowParent, true, null, null).parseCompoundSelector$0();
50942 return t1;
50943 } catch (exception) {
50944 t1 = A.unwrapException(exception);
50945 if (t1 instanceof A.SassFormatException) {
50946 error = t1;
50947 stackTrace = A.getTraceFromException(exception);
50948 t1 = B.JSString_methods.replaceFirst$2(J.toString$0$(error), "Error: ", "");
50949 t1 = "$" + $name + ": " + t1;
50950 A.throwWithTrace(new A.SassScriptException(t1), stackTrace);
50951 } else
50952 throw exception;
50953 }
50954 },
50955 _selectorString$1($name) {
50956 var string = this._selectorStringOrNull$0();
50957 if (string != null)
50958 return string;
50959 throw A.wrapException(this._value$_exception$2(this.toString$0(0) + string$.x20is_no, $name));
50960 },
50961 _selectorStringOrNull$0() {
50962 var t1, t2, result, t3, _i, complex, string, compound, _this = this, _null = null;
50963 if (_this instanceof A.SassString)
50964 return _this._string$_text;
50965 if (!(_this instanceof A.SassList))
50966 return _null;
50967 t1 = _this._list$_contents;
50968 t2 = t1.length;
50969 if (t2 === 0)
50970 return _null;
50971 result = A._setArrayType([], type$.JSArray_String);
50972 t3 = _this._separator;
50973 switch (t3) {
50974 case B.ListSeparator_kWM:
50975 for (_i = 0; _i < t2; ++_i) {
50976 complex = t1[_i];
50977 if (complex instanceof A.SassString)
50978 result.push(complex._string$_text);
50979 else if (complex instanceof A.SassList && complex._separator === B.ListSeparator_woc) {
50980 string = complex._selectorStringOrNull$0();
50981 if (string == null)
50982 return _null;
50983 result.push(string);
50984 } else
50985 return _null;
50986 }
50987 break;
50988 case B.ListSeparator_1gm:
50989 return _null;
50990 default:
50991 for (_i = 0; _i < t2; ++_i) {
50992 compound = t1[_i];
50993 if (compound instanceof A.SassString)
50994 result.push(compound._string$_text);
50995 else
50996 return _null;
50997 }
50998 break;
50999 }
51000 return B.JSArray_methods.join$1(result, t3 === B.ListSeparator_kWM ? ", " : " ");
51001 },
51002 withListContents$2$separator(contents, separator) {
51003 var t1 = separator == null ? this.get$separator(this) : separator,
51004 t2 = this.get$hasBrackets();
51005 return A.SassList$(contents, t1, t2);
51006 },
51007 withListContents$1(contents) {
51008 return this.withListContents$2$separator(contents, null);
51009 },
51010 greaterThan$1(other) {
51011 return A.throwExpression(A.SassScriptException$('Undefined operation "' + this.toString$0(0) + " > " + other.toString$0(0) + '".'));
51012 },
51013 greaterThanOrEquals$1(other) {
51014 return A.throwExpression(A.SassScriptException$('Undefined operation "' + this.toString$0(0) + " >= " + other.toString$0(0) + '".'));
51015 },
51016 lessThan$1(other) {
51017 return A.throwExpression(A.SassScriptException$('Undefined operation "' + this.toString$0(0) + " < " + other.toString$0(0) + '".'));
51018 },
51019 lessThanOrEquals$1(other) {
51020 return A.throwExpression(A.SassScriptException$('Undefined operation "' + this.toString$0(0) + " <= " + other.toString$0(0) + '".'));
51021 },
51022 times$1(other) {
51023 return A.throwExpression(A.SassScriptException$('Undefined operation "' + this.toString$0(0) + " * " + other.toString$0(0) + '".'));
51024 },
51025 modulo$1(other) {
51026 return A.throwExpression(A.SassScriptException$('Undefined operation "' + this.toString$0(0) + " % " + other.toString$0(0) + '".'));
51027 },
51028 plus$1(other) {
51029 if (other instanceof A.SassString)
51030 return new A.SassString(A.serializeValue(this, false, true) + other._string$_text, other._hasQuotes);
51031 else if (other instanceof A.SassCalculation)
51032 throw A.wrapException(A.SassScriptException$('Undefined operation "' + this.toString$0(0) + " + " + other.toString$0(0) + '".'));
51033 else
51034 return new A.SassString(A.serializeValue(this, false, true) + A.serializeValue(other, false, true), false);
51035 },
51036 minus$1(other) {
51037 if (other instanceof A.SassCalculation)
51038 throw A.wrapException(A.SassScriptException$('Undefined operation "' + this.toString$0(0) + " - " + other.toString$0(0) + '".'));
51039 else
51040 return new A.SassString(A.serializeValue(this, false, true) + "-" + A.serializeValue(other, false, true), false);
51041 },
51042 dividedBy$1(other) {
51043 return new A.SassString(A.serializeValue(this, false, true) + "/" + A.serializeValue(other, false, true), false);
51044 },
51045 unaryPlus$0() {
51046 return new A.SassString("+" + A.serializeValue(this, false, true), false);
51047 },
51048 unaryMinus$0() {
51049 return new A.SassString("-" + A.serializeValue(this, false, true), false);
51050 },
51051 unaryNot$0() {
51052 return B.SassBoolean_false;
51053 },
51054 withoutSlash$0() {
51055 return this;
51056 },
51057 toString$0(_) {
51058 return A.serializeValue(this, true, true);
51059 },
51060 _value$_exception$2(message, $name) {
51061 return new A.SassScriptException($name == null ? message : "$" + $name + ": " + message);
51062 }
51063 };
51064 A.SassArgumentList.prototype = {};
51065 A.SassBoolean.prototype = {
51066 get$isTruthy() {
51067 return this.value;
51068 },
51069 accept$1$1(visitor) {
51070 return visitor._serialize$_buffer.write$1(0, String(this.value));
51071 },
51072 accept$1(visitor) {
51073 return this.accept$1$1(visitor, type$.dynamic);
51074 },
51075 unaryNot$0() {
51076 return this.value ? B.SassBoolean_false : B.SassBoolean_true;
51077 }
51078 };
51079 A.SassCalculation.prototype = {
51080 get$isSpecialNumber() {
51081 return true;
51082 },
51083 accept$1$1(visitor) {
51084 var t2,
51085 t1 = visitor._serialize$_buffer;
51086 t1.write$1(0, this.name);
51087 t1.writeCharCode$1(40);
51088 t2 = visitor._style === B.OutputStyle_compressed ? "," : ", ";
51089 visitor._writeBetween$3(this.$arguments, t2, visitor.get$_writeCalculationValue());
51090 t1.writeCharCode$1(41);
51091 return null;
51092 },
51093 accept$1(visitor) {
51094 return this.accept$1$1(visitor, type$.dynamic);
51095 },
51096 assertCalculation$1($name) {
51097 return this;
51098 },
51099 plus$1(other) {
51100 if (other instanceof A.SassString)
51101 return this.super$Value$plus(other);
51102 throw A.wrapException(A.SassScriptException$('Undefined operation "' + this.toString$0(0) + " + " + other.toString$0(0) + '".'));
51103 },
51104 minus$1(other) {
51105 return A.throwExpression(A.SassScriptException$('Undefined operation "' + this.toString$0(0) + " - " + other.toString$0(0) + '".'));
51106 },
51107 unaryPlus$0() {
51108 return A.throwExpression(A.SassScriptException$('Undefined operation "+' + this.toString$0(0) + '".'));
51109 },
51110 unaryMinus$0() {
51111 return A.throwExpression(A.SassScriptException$('Undefined operation "-' + this.toString$0(0) + '".'));
51112 },
51113 $eq(_, other) {
51114 if (other == null)
51115 return false;
51116 return other instanceof A.SassCalculation && this.name === other.name && B.C_ListEquality.equals$2(0, this.$arguments, other.$arguments);
51117 },
51118 get$hashCode(_) {
51119 return B.JSString_methods.get$hashCode(this.name) ^ B.C_ListEquality0.hash$1(this.$arguments);
51120 }
51121 };
51122 A.SassCalculation__verifyLength_closure.prototype = {
51123 call$1(arg) {
51124 return arg instanceof A.SassString || arg instanceof A.CalculationInterpolation;
51125 },
51126 $signature: 104
51127 };
51128 A.CalculationOperation.prototype = {
51129 $eq(_, other) {
51130 if (other == null)
51131 return false;
51132 return other instanceof A.CalculationOperation && this.operator === other.operator && J.$eq$(this.left, other.left) && J.$eq$(this.right, other.right);
51133 },
51134 get$hashCode(_) {
51135 return (A.Primitives_objectHashCode(this.operator) ^ J.get$hashCode$(this.left) ^ J.get$hashCode$(this.right)) >>> 0;
51136 },
51137 toString$0(_) {
51138 var parenthesized = A.serializeValue(new A.SassCalculation("", A._setArrayType([this], type$.JSArray_Object)), true, true);
51139 return B.JSString_methods.substring$2(parenthesized, 1, parenthesized.length - 1);
51140 }
51141 };
51142 A.CalculationOperator.prototype = {
51143 toString$0(_) {
51144 return this.name;
51145 }
51146 };
51147 A.CalculationInterpolation.prototype = {
51148 $eq(_, other) {
51149 if (other == null)
51150 return false;
51151 return other instanceof A.CalculationInterpolation && this.value === other.value;
51152 },
51153 get$hashCode(_) {
51154 return B.JSString_methods.get$hashCode(this.value);
51155 },
51156 toString$0(_) {
51157 return this.value;
51158 }
51159 };
51160 A.SassColor.prototype = {
51161 get$red(_) {
51162 var t1;
51163 if (this._red == null)
51164 this._hslToRgb$0();
51165 t1 = this._red;
51166 t1.toString;
51167 return t1;
51168 },
51169 get$green(_) {
51170 var t1;
51171 if (this._green == null)
51172 this._hslToRgb$0();
51173 t1 = this._green;
51174 t1.toString;
51175 return t1;
51176 },
51177 get$blue(_) {
51178 var t1;
51179 if (this._blue == null)
51180 this._hslToRgb$0();
51181 t1 = this._blue;
51182 t1.toString;
51183 return t1;
51184 },
51185 get$hue(_) {
51186 var t1;
51187 if (this._hue == null)
51188 this._rgbToHsl$0();
51189 t1 = this._hue;
51190 t1.toString;
51191 return t1;
51192 },
51193 get$saturation(_) {
51194 var t1;
51195 if (this._saturation == null)
51196 this._rgbToHsl$0();
51197 t1 = this._saturation;
51198 t1.toString;
51199 return t1;
51200 },
51201 get$lightness(_) {
51202 var t1;
51203 if (this._lightness == null)
51204 this._rgbToHsl$0();
51205 t1 = this._lightness;
51206 t1.toString;
51207 return t1;
51208 },
51209 get$whiteness(_) {
51210 var _this = this;
51211 return Math.min(Math.min(_this.get$red(_this), _this.get$green(_this)), _this.get$blue(_this)) / 255 * 100;
51212 },
51213 get$blackness(_) {
51214 var _this = this;
51215 return 100 - Math.max(Math.max(_this.get$red(_this), _this.get$green(_this)), _this.get$blue(_this)) / 255 * 100;
51216 },
51217 accept$1$1(visitor) {
51218 return visitor.visitColor$1(this);
51219 },
51220 accept$1(visitor) {
51221 return this.accept$1$1(visitor, type$.dynamic);
51222 },
51223 assertColor$1($name) {
51224 return this;
51225 },
51226 changeRgb$4$alpha$blue$green$red(alpha, blue, green, red) {
51227 return A.SassColor$rgb(red, green, blue, alpha == null ? this._alpha : alpha, null);
51228 },
51229 changeRgb$3$blue$green$red(blue, green, red) {
51230 return this.changeRgb$4$alpha$blue$green$red(null, blue, green, red);
51231 },
51232 changeHsl$4$alpha$hue$lightness$saturation(alpha, hue, lightness, saturation) {
51233 var _this = this,
51234 t1 = hue == null ? _this.get$hue(_this) : hue,
51235 t2 = saturation == null ? _this.get$saturation(_this) : saturation,
51236 t3 = lightness == null ? _this.get$lightness(_this) : lightness;
51237 return A.SassColor$hsl(t1, t2, t3, alpha == null ? _this._alpha : alpha);
51238 },
51239 changeHsl$1$saturation(saturation) {
51240 return this.changeHsl$4$alpha$hue$lightness$saturation(null, null, null, saturation);
51241 },
51242 changeHsl$1$lightness(lightness) {
51243 return this.changeHsl$4$alpha$hue$lightness$saturation(null, null, lightness, null);
51244 },
51245 changeHsl$1$hue(hue) {
51246 return this.changeHsl$4$alpha$hue$lightness$saturation(null, hue, null, null);
51247 },
51248 changeAlpha$1(alpha) {
51249 var _this = this;
51250 return new A.SassColor(_this._red, _this._green, _this._blue, _this._hue, _this._saturation, _this._lightness, A.fuzzyAssertRange(alpha, 0, 1, "alpha"), null);
51251 },
51252 plus$1(other) {
51253 if (!(other instanceof A.SassNumber) && !(other instanceof A.SassColor))
51254 return this.super$Value$plus(other);
51255 throw A.wrapException(A.SassScriptException$('Undefined operation "' + this.toString$0(0) + " + " + other.toString$0(0) + '".'));
51256 },
51257 minus$1(other) {
51258 if (!(other instanceof A.SassNumber) && !(other instanceof A.SassColor))
51259 return this.super$Value$minus(other);
51260 throw A.wrapException(A.SassScriptException$('Undefined operation "' + this.toString$0(0) + " - " + other.toString$0(0) + '".'));
51261 },
51262 dividedBy$1(other) {
51263 if (!(other instanceof A.SassNumber) && !(other instanceof A.SassColor))
51264 return this.super$Value$dividedBy(other);
51265 throw A.wrapException(A.SassScriptException$('Undefined operation "' + this.toString$0(0) + " / " + other.toString$0(0) + '".'));
51266 },
51267 $eq(_, other) {
51268 var _this = this;
51269 if (other == null)
51270 return false;
51271 return other instanceof A.SassColor && other.get$red(other) === _this.get$red(_this) && other.get$green(other) === _this.get$green(_this) && other.get$blue(other) === _this.get$blue(_this) && other._alpha === _this._alpha;
51272 },
51273 get$hashCode(_) {
51274 var _this = this;
51275 return B.JSInt_methods.get$hashCode(_this.get$red(_this)) ^ B.JSInt_methods.get$hashCode(_this.get$green(_this)) ^ B.JSInt_methods.get$hashCode(_this.get$blue(_this)) ^ B.JSNumber_methods.get$hashCode(_this._alpha);
51276 },
51277 _rgbToHsl$0() {
51278 var t2, lightness, _this = this,
51279 scaledRed = _this.get$red(_this) / 255,
51280 scaledGreen = _this.get$green(_this) / 255,
51281 scaledBlue = _this.get$blue(_this) / 255,
51282 max = Math.max(Math.max(scaledRed, scaledGreen), scaledBlue),
51283 min = Math.min(Math.min(scaledRed, scaledGreen), scaledBlue),
51284 delta = max - min,
51285 t1 = max === min;
51286 if (t1)
51287 _this._hue = 0;
51288 else if (max === scaledRed)
51289 _this._hue = B.JSNumber_methods.$mod(60 * (scaledGreen - scaledBlue) / delta, 360);
51290 else if (max === scaledGreen)
51291 _this._hue = B.JSNumber_methods.$mod(120 + 60 * (scaledBlue - scaledRed) / delta, 360);
51292 else if (max === scaledBlue)
51293 _this._hue = B.JSNumber_methods.$mod(240 + 60 * (scaledRed - scaledGreen) / delta, 360);
51294 t2 = max + min;
51295 lightness = 50 * t2;
51296 _this._lightness = lightness;
51297 if (t1)
51298 _this._saturation = 0;
51299 else {
51300 t1 = 100 * delta;
51301 if (lightness < 50)
51302 _this._saturation = t1 / t2;
51303 else
51304 _this._saturation = t1 / (2 - max - min);
51305 }
51306 },
51307 _hslToRgb$0() {
51308 var _this = this,
51309 scaledHue = _this.get$hue(_this) / 360,
51310 scaledSaturation = _this.get$saturation(_this) / 100,
51311 scaledLightness = _this.get$lightness(_this) / 100,
51312 m2 = scaledLightness <= 0.5 ? scaledLightness * (scaledSaturation + 1) : scaledLightness + scaledSaturation - scaledLightness * scaledSaturation,
51313 m1 = scaledLightness * 2 - m2;
51314 _this._red = A.fuzzyRound(A.SassColor__hueToRgb(m1, m2, scaledHue + 0.3333333333333333) * 255);
51315 _this._green = A.fuzzyRound(A.SassColor__hueToRgb(m1, m2, scaledHue) * 255);
51316 _this._blue = A.fuzzyRound(A.SassColor__hueToRgb(m1, m2, scaledHue - 0.3333333333333333) * 255);
51317 }
51318 };
51319 A.SassColor_SassColor$hwb_toRgb.prototype = {
51320 call$1(hue) {
51321 return A.fuzzyRound((A.SassColor__hueToRgb(0, 1, hue) * this.factor + this._box_0.scaledWhiteness) * 255);
51322 },
51323 $signature: 43
51324 };
51325 A.SassFunction.prototype = {
51326 accept$1$1(visitor) {
51327 var t1, t2;
51328 if (!visitor._inspect)
51329 A.throwExpression(A.SassScriptException$(this.toString$0(0) + " isn't a valid CSS value."));
51330 t1 = visitor._serialize$_buffer;
51331 t1.write$1(0, "get-function(");
51332 t2 = this.callable;
51333 visitor._visitQuotedString$1(t2.get$name(t2));
51334 t1.writeCharCode$1(41);
51335 return null;
51336 },
51337 accept$1(visitor) {
51338 return this.accept$1$1(visitor, type$.dynamic);
51339 },
51340 assertFunction$1($name) {
51341 return this;
51342 },
51343 $eq(_, other) {
51344 if (other == null)
51345 return false;
51346 return other instanceof A.SassFunction && this.callable.$eq(0, other.callable);
51347 },
51348 get$hashCode(_) {
51349 var t1 = this.callable;
51350 return t1.get$hashCode(t1);
51351 }
51352 };
51353 A.SassList.prototype = {
51354 get$separator(_) {
51355 return this._separator;
51356 },
51357 get$hasBrackets() {
51358 return this._hasBrackets;
51359 },
51360 get$isBlank() {
51361 return !this._hasBrackets && B.JSArray_methods.every$1(this._list$_contents, new A.SassList_isBlank_closure());
51362 },
51363 get$asList() {
51364 return this._list$_contents;
51365 },
51366 get$lengthAsList() {
51367 return this._list$_contents.length;
51368 },
51369 SassList$3$brackets(contents, _separator, brackets) {
51370 if (this._separator === B.ListSeparator_undecided_null && this._list$_contents.length > 1)
51371 throw A.wrapException(A.ArgumentError$(string$.A_list, null));
51372 },
51373 accept$1$1(visitor) {
51374 return visitor.visitList$1(this);
51375 },
51376 accept$1(visitor) {
51377 return this.accept$1$1(visitor, type$.dynamic);
51378 },
51379 assertMap$1($name) {
51380 return this._list$_contents.length === 0 ? B.SassMap_Map_empty : this.super$Value$assertMap($name);
51381 },
51382 tryMap$0() {
51383 return this._list$_contents.length === 0 ? B.SassMap_Map_empty : null;
51384 },
51385 $eq(_, other) {
51386 var t1, _this = this;
51387 if (other == null)
51388 return false;
51389 if (!(other instanceof A.SassList && other._separator === _this._separator && other._hasBrackets === _this._hasBrackets && B.C_ListEquality.equals$2(0, other._list$_contents, _this._list$_contents)))
51390 t1 = _this._list$_contents.length === 0 && other instanceof A.SassMap && other.get$asList().length === 0;
51391 else
51392 t1 = true;
51393 return t1;
51394 },
51395 get$hashCode(_) {
51396 return B.C_ListEquality0.hash$1(this._list$_contents);
51397 }
51398 };
51399 A.SassList_isBlank_closure.prototype = {
51400 call$1(element) {
51401 return element.get$isBlank();
51402 },
51403 $signature: 62
51404 };
51405 A.ListSeparator.prototype = {
51406 toString$0(_) {
51407 return this._list$_name;
51408 }
51409 };
51410 A.SassMap.prototype = {
51411 get$separator(_) {
51412 var t1 = this._map$_contents;
51413 return t1.get$isEmpty(t1) ? B.ListSeparator_undecided_null : B.ListSeparator_kWM;
51414 },
51415 get$asList() {
51416 var result = A._setArrayType([], type$.JSArray_Value);
51417 this._map$_contents.forEach$1(0, new A.SassMap_asList_closure(result));
51418 return result;
51419 },
51420 get$lengthAsList() {
51421 var t1 = this._map$_contents;
51422 return t1.get$length(t1);
51423 },
51424 accept$1$1(visitor) {
51425 return visitor.visitMap$1(this);
51426 },
51427 accept$1(visitor) {
51428 return this.accept$1$1(visitor, type$.dynamic);
51429 },
51430 assertMap$1($name) {
51431 return this;
51432 },
51433 tryMap$0() {
51434 return this;
51435 },
51436 $eq(_, other) {
51437 var t1;
51438 if (other == null)
51439 return false;
51440 if (!(other instanceof A.SassMap && B.C_MapEquality.equals$2(0, other._map$_contents, this._map$_contents))) {
51441 t1 = this._map$_contents;
51442 t1 = t1.get$isEmpty(t1) && other instanceof A.SassList && other._list$_contents.length === 0;
51443 } else
51444 t1 = true;
51445 return t1;
51446 },
51447 get$hashCode(_) {
51448 var t1 = this._map$_contents;
51449 return t1.get$isEmpty(t1) ? B.C_ListEquality0.hash$1(B.List_empty5) : B.C_MapEquality.hash$1(t1);
51450 }
51451 };
51452 A.SassMap_asList_closure.prototype = {
51453 call$2(key, value) {
51454 this.result.push(A.SassList$(A._setArrayType([key, value], type$.JSArray_Value), B.ListSeparator_woc, false));
51455 },
51456 $signature: 50
51457 };
51458 A._SassNull.prototype = {
51459 get$isTruthy() {
51460 return false;
51461 },
51462 get$isBlank() {
51463 return true;
51464 },
51465 get$realNull() {
51466 return null;
51467 },
51468 accept$1$1(visitor) {
51469 if (visitor._inspect)
51470 visitor._serialize$_buffer.write$1(0, "null");
51471 return null;
51472 },
51473 accept$1(visitor) {
51474 return this.accept$1$1(visitor, type$.dynamic);
51475 },
51476 unaryNot$0() {
51477 return B.SassBoolean_true;
51478 }
51479 };
51480 A.SassNumber.prototype = {
51481 get$unitString() {
51482 var _this = this;
51483 return _this.get$hasUnits() ? _this._unitString$2(_this.get$numeratorUnits(_this), _this.get$denominatorUnits(_this)) : "";
51484 },
51485 accept$1$1(visitor) {
51486 return visitor.visitNumber$1(this);
51487 },
51488 accept$1(visitor) {
51489 return this.accept$1$1(visitor, type$.dynamic);
51490 },
51491 withoutSlash$0() {
51492 var _this = this;
51493 return _this.asSlash == null ? _this : _this.withValue$1(_this._number$_value);
51494 },
51495 assertNumber$1($name) {
51496 return this;
51497 },
51498 assertNumber$0() {
51499 return this.assertNumber$1(null);
51500 },
51501 assertInt$1($name) {
51502 var t1 = this._number$_value,
51503 integer = A.fuzzyIsInt(t1) ? B.JSNumber_methods.round$0(t1) : null;
51504 if (integer != null)
51505 return integer;
51506 throw A.wrapException(this._number$_exception$2(this.toString$0(0) + " is not an int.", $name));
51507 },
51508 assertInt$0() {
51509 return this.assertInt$1(null);
51510 },
51511 valueInRange$3(min, max, $name) {
51512 var _this = this,
51513 result = A.fuzzyCheckRange(_this._number$_value, min, max);
51514 if (result != null)
51515 return result;
51516 throw A.wrapException(_this._number$_exception$2("Expected " + _this.toString$0(0) + " to be within " + min + _this.get$unitString() + " and " + max + _this.get$unitString() + ".", $name));
51517 },
51518 hasCompatibleUnits$1(other) {
51519 var _this = this;
51520 if (_this.get$numeratorUnits(_this).length !== other.get$numeratorUnits(other).length)
51521 return false;
51522 if (_this.get$denominatorUnits(_this).length !== other.get$denominatorUnits(other).length)
51523 return false;
51524 return _this.isComparableTo$1(other);
51525 },
51526 assertUnit$2(unit, $name) {
51527 if (this.hasUnit$1(unit))
51528 return;
51529 throw A.wrapException(this._number$_exception$2("Expected " + this.toString$0(0) + ' to have unit "' + unit + '".', $name));
51530 },
51531 assertNoUnits$1($name) {
51532 if (!this.get$hasUnits())
51533 return;
51534 throw A.wrapException(this._number$_exception$2("Expected " + this.toString$0(0) + " to have no units.", $name));
51535 },
51536 convertValueToMatch$3(other, $name, otherName) {
51537 return this._coerceOrConvertValue$6$coerceUnitless$name$other$otherName(other.get$numeratorUnits(other), other.get$denominatorUnits(other), false, $name, other, otherName);
51538 },
51539 coerce$3(newNumerators, newDenominators, $name) {
51540 return A.SassNumber_SassNumber$withUnits(this.coerceValue$3(newNumerators, newDenominators, $name), newDenominators, newNumerators);
51541 },
51542 coerce$2(newNumerators, newDenominators) {
51543 return this.coerce$3(newNumerators, newDenominators, null);
51544 },
51545 coerceValue$3(newNumerators, newDenominators, $name) {
51546 return this._coerceOrConvertValue$4$coerceUnitless$name(newNumerators, newDenominators, true, $name);
51547 },
51548 coerceValueToUnit$2(unit, $name) {
51549 var t1 = type$.JSArray_String;
51550 return this.coerceValue$3(A._setArrayType([unit], t1), A._setArrayType([], t1), $name);
51551 },
51552 coerceValueToMatch$3(other, $name, otherName) {
51553 return this._coerceOrConvertValue$6$coerceUnitless$name$other$otherName(other.get$numeratorUnits(other), other.get$denominatorUnits(other), true, $name, other, otherName);
51554 },
51555 coerceValueToMatch$1(other) {
51556 return this.coerceValueToMatch$3(other, null, null);
51557 },
51558 _coerceOrConvertValue$6$coerceUnitless$name$other$otherName(newNumerators, newDenominators, coerceUnitless, $name, other, otherName) {
51559 var otherHasUnits, t1, _compatibilityException, oldNumerators, _i, oldDenominators, _this = this, _box_0 = {};
51560 if (B.C_ListEquality.equals$2(0, _this.get$numeratorUnits(_this), newNumerators) && B.C_ListEquality.equals$2(0, _this.get$denominatorUnits(_this), newDenominators))
51561 return _this._number$_value;
51562 otherHasUnits = newNumerators.length !== 0 || newDenominators.length !== 0;
51563 if (coerceUnitless)
51564 t1 = !_this.get$hasUnits() || !otherHasUnits;
51565 else
51566 t1 = false;
51567 if (t1)
51568 return _this._number$_value;
51569 _compatibilityException = new A.SassNumber__coerceOrConvertValue__compatibilityException(_this, other, otherName, otherHasUnits, $name, newNumerators, newDenominators);
51570 _box_0.value = _this._number$_value;
51571 t1 = _this.get$numeratorUnits(_this);
51572 oldNumerators = A._setArrayType(t1.slice(0), A._arrayInstanceType(t1));
51573 for (t1 = newNumerators.length, _i = 0; _i < newNumerators.length; newNumerators.length === t1 || (0, A.throwConcurrentModificationError)(newNumerators), ++_i)
51574 A.removeFirstWhere(oldNumerators, new A.SassNumber__coerceOrConvertValue_closure(_box_0, newNumerators[_i]), new A.SassNumber__coerceOrConvertValue_closure0(_compatibilityException));
51575 t1 = _this.get$denominatorUnits(_this);
51576 oldDenominators = A._setArrayType(t1.slice(0), A._arrayInstanceType(t1));
51577 for (t1 = newDenominators.length, _i = 0; _i < newDenominators.length; newDenominators.length === t1 || (0, A.throwConcurrentModificationError)(newDenominators), ++_i)
51578 A.removeFirstWhere(oldDenominators, new A.SassNumber__coerceOrConvertValue_closure1(_box_0, newDenominators[_i]), new A.SassNumber__coerceOrConvertValue_closure2(_compatibilityException));
51579 if (oldNumerators.length !== 0 || oldDenominators.length !== 0)
51580 throw A.wrapException(_compatibilityException.call$0());
51581 return _box_0.value;
51582 },
51583 _coerceOrConvertValue$4$coerceUnitless$name(newNumerators, newDenominators, coerceUnitless, $name) {
51584 return this._coerceOrConvertValue$6$coerceUnitless$name$other$otherName(newNumerators, newDenominators, coerceUnitless, $name, null, null);
51585 },
51586 isComparableTo$1(other) {
51587 var exception;
51588 if (!this.get$hasUnits() || !other.get$hasUnits())
51589 return true;
51590 try {
51591 this.greaterThan$1(other);
51592 return true;
51593 } catch (exception) {
51594 if (A.unwrapException(exception) instanceof A.SassScriptException)
51595 return false;
51596 else
51597 throw exception;
51598 }
51599 },
51600 greaterThan$1(other) {
51601 if (other instanceof A.SassNumber)
51602 return this._coerceUnits$2(other, A.number0__fuzzyGreaterThan$closure()) ? B.SassBoolean_true : B.SassBoolean_false;
51603 throw A.wrapException(A.SassScriptException$('Undefined operation "' + this.toString$0(0) + " > " + other.toString$0(0) + '".'));
51604 },
51605 greaterThanOrEquals$1(other) {
51606 if (other instanceof A.SassNumber)
51607 return this._coerceUnits$2(other, A.number0__fuzzyGreaterThanOrEquals$closure()) ? B.SassBoolean_true : B.SassBoolean_false;
51608 throw A.wrapException(A.SassScriptException$('Undefined operation "' + this.toString$0(0) + " >= " + other.toString$0(0) + '".'));
51609 },
51610 lessThan$1(other) {
51611 if (other instanceof A.SassNumber)
51612 return this._coerceUnits$2(other, A.number0__fuzzyLessThan$closure()) ? B.SassBoolean_true : B.SassBoolean_false;
51613 throw A.wrapException(A.SassScriptException$('Undefined operation "' + this.toString$0(0) + " < " + other.toString$0(0) + '".'));
51614 },
51615 lessThanOrEquals$1(other) {
51616 if (other instanceof A.SassNumber)
51617 return this._coerceUnits$2(other, A.number0__fuzzyLessThanOrEquals$closure()) ? B.SassBoolean_true : B.SassBoolean_false;
51618 throw A.wrapException(A.SassScriptException$('Undefined operation "' + this.toString$0(0) + " <= " + other.toString$0(0) + '".'));
51619 },
51620 modulo$1(other) {
51621 var _this = this;
51622 if (other instanceof A.SassNumber)
51623 return _this.withValue$1(_this._coerceUnits$2(other, _this.get$moduloLikeSass()));
51624 throw A.wrapException(A.SassScriptException$('Undefined operation "' + _this.toString$0(0) + " % " + other.toString$0(0) + '".'));
51625 },
51626 moduloLikeSass$2(num1, num2) {
51627 var result;
51628 if (num2 > 0)
51629 return B.JSNumber_methods.$mod(num1, num2);
51630 if (num2 === 0)
51631 return 0 / 0;
51632 result = B.JSNumber_methods.$mod(num1, num2);
51633 return result === 0 ? 0 : result + num2;
51634 },
51635 plus$1(other) {
51636 var _this = this;
51637 if (other instanceof A.SassNumber)
51638 return _this.withValue$1(_this._coerceUnits$2(other, new A.SassNumber_plus_closure()));
51639 if (!(other instanceof A.SassColor))
51640 return _this.super$Value$plus(other);
51641 throw A.wrapException(A.SassScriptException$('Undefined operation "' + _this.toString$0(0) + " + " + other.toString$0(0) + '".'));
51642 },
51643 minus$1(other) {
51644 var _this = this;
51645 if (other instanceof A.SassNumber)
51646 return _this.withValue$1(_this._coerceUnits$2(other, new A.SassNumber_minus_closure()));
51647 if (!(other instanceof A.SassColor))
51648 return _this.super$Value$minus(other);
51649 throw A.wrapException(A.SassScriptException$('Undefined operation "' + _this.toString$0(0) + " - " + other.toString$0(0) + '".'));
51650 },
51651 times$1(other) {
51652 var _this = this;
51653 if (other instanceof A.SassNumber) {
51654 if (!other.get$hasUnits())
51655 return _this.withValue$1(_this._number$_value * other._number$_value);
51656 return _this.multiplyUnits$3(_this._number$_value * other._number$_value, other.get$numeratorUnits(other), other.get$denominatorUnits(other));
51657 }
51658 throw A.wrapException(A.SassScriptException$('Undefined operation "' + _this.toString$0(0) + " * " + other.toString$0(0) + '".'));
51659 },
51660 dividedBy$1(other) {
51661 var _this = this;
51662 if (other instanceof A.SassNumber) {
51663 if (!other.get$hasUnits())
51664 return _this.withValue$1(_this._number$_value / other._number$_value);
51665 return _this.multiplyUnits$3(_this._number$_value / other._number$_value, other.get$denominatorUnits(other), other.get$numeratorUnits(other));
51666 }
51667 return _this.super$Value$dividedBy(other);
51668 },
51669 unaryPlus$0() {
51670 return this;
51671 },
51672 _coerceUnits$1$2(other, operation) {
51673 var t1, exception;
51674 try {
51675 t1 = operation.call$2(this._number$_value, other.coerceValueToMatch$1(this));
51676 return t1;
51677 } catch (exception) {
51678 if (A.unwrapException(exception) instanceof A.SassScriptException) {
51679 this.coerceValueToMatch$1(other);
51680 throw exception;
51681 } else
51682 throw exception;
51683 }
51684 },
51685 _coerceUnits$2(other, operation) {
51686 return this._coerceUnits$1$2(other, operation, type$.dynamic);
51687 },
51688 multiplyUnits$3(value, otherNumerators, otherDenominators) {
51689 var newNumerators, mutableOtherDenominators, t1, t2, _i, numerator, mutableDenominatorUnits, _this = this, _box_0 = {};
51690 _box_0.value = value;
51691 if (_this.get$numeratorUnits(_this).length === 0) {
51692 if (otherDenominators.length === 0 && !_this._areAnyConvertible$2(_this.get$denominatorUnits(_this), otherNumerators))
51693 return A.SassNumber_SassNumber$withUnits(value, _this.get$denominatorUnits(_this), otherNumerators);
51694 else if (_this.get$denominatorUnits(_this).length === 0)
51695 return A.SassNumber_SassNumber$withUnits(value, otherDenominators, otherNumerators);
51696 } else if (otherNumerators.length === 0)
51697 if (otherDenominators.length === 0)
51698 return A.SassNumber_SassNumber$withUnits(value, otherDenominators, _this.get$numeratorUnits(_this));
51699 else if (_this.get$denominatorUnits(_this).length === 0 && !_this._areAnyConvertible$2(_this.get$numeratorUnits(_this), otherDenominators))
51700 return A.SassNumber_SassNumber$withUnits(value, otherDenominators, _this.get$numeratorUnits(_this));
51701 newNumerators = A._setArrayType([], type$.JSArray_String);
51702 mutableOtherDenominators = A._setArrayType(otherDenominators.slice(0), A._arrayInstanceType(otherDenominators));
51703 for (t1 = _this.get$numeratorUnits(_this), t2 = t1.length, _i = 0; _i < t2; ++_i) {
51704 numerator = t1[_i];
51705 A.removeFirstWhere(mutableOtherDenominators, new A.SassNumber_multiplyUnits_closure(_box_0, numerator), new A.SassNumber_multiplyUnits_closure0(newNumerators, numerator));
51706 }
51707 t1 = _this.get$denominatorUnits(_this);
51708 mutableDenominatorUnits = A._setArrayType(t1.slice(0), A._arrayInstanceType(t1));
51709 for (t1 = otherNumerators.length, _i = 0; _i < t1; ++_i) {
51710 numerator = otherNumerators[_i];
51711 A.removeFirstWhere(mutableDenominatorUnits, new A.SassNumber_multiplyUnits_closure1(_box_0, numerator), new A.SassNumber_multiplyUnits_closure2(newNumerators, numerator));
51712 }
51713 t1 = _box_0.value;
51714 B.JSArray_methods.addAll$1(mutableDenominatorUnits, mutableOtherDenominators);
51715 return A.SassNumber_SassNumber$withUnits(t1, mutableDenominatorUnits, newNumerators);
51716 },
51717 _areAnyConvertible$2(units1, units2) {
51718 return B.JSArray_methods.any$1(units1, new A.SassNumber__areAnyConvertible_closure(units2));
51719 },
51720 _unitString$2(numerators, denominators) {
51721 var t1;
51722 if (numerators.length === 0) {
51723 t1 = denominators.length;
51724 if (t1 === 0)
51725 return "no units";
51726 if (t1 === 1)
51727 return J.$add$ansx(B.JSArray_methods.get$single(denominators), "^-1");
51728 return "(" + B.JSArray_methods.join$1(denominators, "*") + ")^-1";
51729 }
51730 if (denominators.length === 0)
51731 return B.JSArray_methods.join$1(numerators, "*");
51732 return B.JSArray_methods.join$1(numerators, "*") + "/" + B.JSArray_methods.join$1(denominators, "*");
51733 },
51734 $eq(_, other) {
51735 var _this = this;
51736 if (other == null)
51737 return false;
51738 if (other instanceof A.SassNumber) {
51739 if (_this.get$numeratorUnits(_this).length !== other.get$numeratorUnits(other).length || _this.get$denominatorUnits(_this).length !== other.get$denominatorUnits(other).length)
51740 return false;
51741 if (!_this.get$hasUnits())
51742 return Math.abs(_this._number$_value - other._number$_value) < $.$get$epsilon();
51743 if (!B.C_ListEquality.equals$2(0, _this._canonicalizeUnitList$1(_this.get$numeratorUnits(_this)), _this._canonicalizeUnitList$1(other.get$numeratorUnits(other))) || !B.C_ListEquality.equals$2(0, _this._canonicalizeUnitList$1(_this.get$denominatorUnits(_this)), _this._canonicalizeUnitList$1(other.get$denominatorUnits(other))))
51744 return false;
51745 return Math.abs(_this._number$_value * _this._canonicalMultiplier$1(_this.get$numeratorUnits(_this)) / _this._canonicalMultiplier$1(_this.get$denominatorUnits(_this)) - other._number$_value * _this._canonicalMultiplier$1(other.get$numeratorUnits(other)) / _this._canonicalMultiplier$1(other.get$denominatorUnits(other))) < $.$get$epsilon();
51746 } else
51747 return false;
51748 },
51749 get$hashCode(_) {
51750 var _this = this,
51751 t1 = _this.hashCache;
51752 return t1 == null ? _this.hashCache = A.fuzzyHashCode(_this._number$_value * _this._canonicalMultiplier$1(_this.get$numeratorUnits(_this)) / _this._canonicalMultiplier$1(_this.get$denominatorUnits(_this))) : t1;
51753 },
51754 _canonicalizeUnitList$1(units) {
51755 var type,
51756 t1 = units.length;
51757 if (t1 === 0)
51758 return units;
51759 if (t1 === 1) {
51760 type = $.$get$_typesByUnit().$index(0, B.JSArray_methods.get$first(units));
51761 if (type == null)
51762 t1 = units;
51763 else {
51764 t1 = B.Map_U8AHF.$index(0, type);
51765 t1.toString;
51766 t1 = A._setArrayType([B.JSArray_methods.get$first(t1)], type$.JSArray_String);
51767 }
51768 return t1;
51769 }
51770 t1 = A._arrayInstanceType(units)._eval$1("MappedListIterable<1,String>");
51771 t1 = A.List_List$of(new A.MappedListIterable(units, new A.SassNumber__canonicalizeUnitList_closure(), t1), true, t1._eval$1("ListIterable.E"));
51772 B.JSArray_methods.sort$0(t1);
51773 return t1;
51774 },
51775 _canonicalMultiplier$1(units) {
51776 return B.JSArray_methods.fold$2(units, 1, new A.SassNumber__canonicalMultiplier_closure(this));
51777 },
51778 canonicalMultiplierForUnit$1(unit) {
51779 var t1,
51780 innerMap = B.Map_K2BWj.$index(0, unit);
51781 if (innerMap == null)
51782 t1 = 1;
51783 else {
51784 t1 = innerMap.get$values(innerMap);
51785 t1 = 1 / t1.get$first(t1);
51786 }
51787 return t1;
51788 },
51789 _number$_exception$2(message, $name) {
51790 return new A.SassScriptException($name == null ? message : "$" + $name + ": " + message);
51791 }
51792 };
51793 A.SassNumber__coerceOrConvertValue__compatibilityException.prototype = {
51794 call$0() {
51795 var t2, t3, message, t4, type, unit, _this = this,
51796 t1 = _this.other;
51797 if (t1 != null) {
51798 t2 = _this.$this;
51799 t3 = t2.toString$0(0) + " and";
51800 message = new A.StringBuffer(t3);
51801 t4 = _this.otherName;
51802 if (t4 != null)
51803 t3 = message._contents = t3 + (" $" + t4 + ":");
51804 t1 = t3 + (" " + t1.toString$0(0) + " have incompatible units");
51805 message._contents = t1;
51806 if (!t2.get$hasUnits() || !_this.otherHasUnits)
51807 message._contents = t1 + " (one has units and the other doesn't)";
51808 t1 = message.toString$0(0) + ".";
51809 t2 = _this.name;
51810 return new A.SassScriptException(t2 == null ? t1 : "$" + t2 + ": " + t1);
51811 } else if (!_this.otherHasUnits) {
51812 t1 = "Expected " + _this.$this.toString$0(0) + " to have no units.";
51813 t2 = _this.name;
51814 return new A.SassScriptException(t2 == null ? t1 : "$" + t2 + ": " + t1);
51815 } else {
51816 t1 = _this.newNumerators;
51817 if (t1.length === 1 && _this.newDenominators.length === 0) {
51818 type = $.$get$_typesByUnit().$index(0, B.JSArray_methods.get$first(t1));
51819 if (type != null) {
51820 t1 = "Expected " + _this.$this.toString$0(0) + " to have ";
51821 t1 = t1 + (B.JSArray_methods.contains$1(A._setArrayType([97, 101, 105, 111, 117], type$.JSArray_int), B.JSString_methods._codeUnitAt$1(type, 0)) ? "an " + type : "a " + type) + " unit (";
51822 t2 = B.Map_U8AHF.$index(0, type);
51823 t2.toString;
51824 t2 = t1 + B.JSArray_methods.join$1(t2, ", ") + ").";
51825 t1 = _this.name;
51826 return new A.SassScriptException(t1 == null ? t2 : "$" + t1 + ": " + t2);
51827 }
51828 }
51829 t2 = _this.newDenominators;
51830 unit = A.pluralize("unit", t1.length + t2.length, null);
51831 t3 = _this.$this;
51832 t2 = "Expected " + t3.toString$0(0) + " to have " + unit + " " + t3._unitString$2(t1, t2) + ".";
51833 t1 = _this.name;
51834 return new A.SassScriptException(t1 == null ? t2 : "$" + t1 + ": " + t2);
51835 }
51836 },
51837 $signature: 404
51838 };
51839 A.SassNumber__coerceOrConvertValue_closure.prototype = {
51840 call$1(oldNumerator) {
51841 var factor = A.conversionFactor(this.newNumerator, oldNumerator);
51842 if (factor == null)
51843 return false;
51844 this._box_0.value *= factor;
51845 return true;
51846 },
51847 $signature: 6
51848 };
51849 A.SassNumber__coerceOrConvertValue_closure0.prototype = {
51850 call$0() {
51851 return A.throwExpression(this._compatibilityException.call$0());
51852 },
51853 $signature: 0
51854 };
51855 A.SassNumber__coerceOrConvertValue_closure1.prototype = {
51856 call$1(oldDenominator) {
51857 var factor = A.conversionFactor(this.newDenominator, oldDenominator);
51858 if (factor == null)
51859 return false;
51860 this._box_0.value /= factor;
51861 return true;
51862 },
51863 $signature: 6
51864 };
51865 A.SassNumber__coerceOrConvertValue_closure2.prototype = {
51866 call$0() {
51867 return A.throwExpression(this._compatibilityException.call$0());
51868 },
51869 $signature: 0
51870 };
51871 A.SassNumber_plus_closure.prototype = {
51872 call$2(num1, num2) {
51873 return num1 + num2;
51874 },
51875 $signature: 54
51876 };
51877 A.SassNumber_minus_closure.prototype = {
51878 call$2(num1, num2) {
51879 return num1 - num2;
51880 },
51881 $signature: 54
51882 };
51883 A.SassNumber_multiplyUnits_closure.prototype = {
51884 call$1(denominator) {
51885 var factor = A.conversionFactor(this.numerator, denominator);
51886 if (factor == null)
51887 return false;
51888 this._box_0.value /= factor;
51889 return true;
51890 },
51891 $signature: 6
51892 };
51893 A.SassNumber_multiplyUnits_closure0.prototype = {
51894 call$0() {
51895 return this.newNumerators.push(this.numerator);
51896 },
51897 $signature: 0
51898 };
51899 A.SassNumber_multiplyUnits_closure1.prototype = {
51900 call$1(denominator) {
51901 var factor = A.conversionFactor(this.numerator, denominator);
51902 if (factor == null)
51903 return false;
51904 this._box_0.value /= factor;
51905 return true;
51906 },
51907 $signature: 6
51908 };
51909 A.SassNumber_multiplyUnits_closure2.prototype = {
51910 call$0() {
51911 return this.newNumerators.push(this.numerator);
51912 },
51913 $signature: 0
51914 };
51915 A.SassNumber__areAnyConvertible_closure.prototype = {
51916 call$1(unit1) {
51917 var innerMap = B.Map_K2BWj.$index(0, unit1);
51918 if (innerMap == null)
51919 return B.JSArray_methods.contains$1(this.units2, unit1);
51920 return B.JSArray_methods.any$1(this.units2, innerMap.get$containsKey());
51921 },
51922 $signature: 6
51923 };
51924 A.SassNumber__canonicalizeUnitList_closure.prototype = {
51925 call$1(unit) {
51926 var t1,
51927 type = $.$get$_typesByUnit().$index(0, unit);
51928 if (type == null)
51929 t1 = unit;
51930 else {
51931 t1 = B.Map_U8AHF.$index(0, type);
51932 t1.toString;
51933 t1 = B.JSArray_methods.get$first(t1);
51934 }
51935 return t1;
51936 },
51937 $signature: 5
51938 };
51939 A.SassNumber__canonicalMultiplier_closure.prototype = {
51940 call$2(multiplier, unit) {
51941 return multiplier * this.$this.canonicalMultiplierForUnit$1(unit);
51942 },
51943 $signature: 221
51944 };
51945 A.ComplexSassNumber.prototype = {
51946 get$numeratorUnits(_) {
51947 return this._numeratorUnits;
51948 },
51949 get$denominatorUnits(_) {
51950 return this._denominatorUnits;
51951 },
51952 get$hasUnits() {
51953 return true;
51954 },
51955 hasUnit$1(unit) {
51956 return false;
51957 },
51958 compatibleWithUnit$1(unit) {
51959 return false;
51960 },
51961 hasPossiblyCompatibleUnits$1(other) {
51962 throw A.wrapException(A.UnimplementedError$(string$.Comple));
51963 },
51964 withValue$1(value) {
51965 return new A.ComplexSassNumber(this._numeratorUnits, this._denominatorUnits, value, null);
51966 },
51967 withSlash$2(numerator, denominator) {
51968 return new A.ComplexSassNumber(this._numeratorUnits, this._denominatorUnits, this._number$_value, new A.Tuple2(numerator, denominator, type$.Tuple2_SassNumber_SassNumber));
51969 }
51970 };
51971 A.SingleUnitSassNumber.prototype = {
51972 get$numeratorUnits(_) {
51973 return A.List_List$unmodifiable([this._unit], type$.String);
51974 },
51975 get$denominatorUnits(_) {
51976 return B.List_empty;
51977 },
51978 get$hasUnits() {
51979 return true;
51980 },
51981 withValue$1(value) {
51982 return new A.SingleUnitSassNumber(this._unit, value, null);
51983 },
51984 withSlash$2(numerator, denominator) {
51985 return new A.SingleUnitSassNumber(this._unit, this._number$_value, new A.Tuple2(numerator, denominator, type$.Tuple2_SassNumber_SassNumber));
51986 },
51987 hasUnit$1(unit) {
51988 return unit === this._unit;
51989 },
51990 hasCompatibleUnits$1(other) {
51991 return other instanceof A.SingleUnitSassNumber && A.conversionFactor(this._unit, other._unit) != null;
51992 },
51993 hasPossiblyCompatibleUnits$1(other) {
51994 var t1, knownCompatibilities, otherUnit;
51995 if (!(other instanceof A.SingleUnitSassNumber))
51996 return false;
51997 t1 = $.$get$_knownCompatibilitiesByUnit();
51998 knownCompatibilities = t1.$index(0, this._unit.toLowerCase());
51999 if (knownCompatibilities == null)
52000 return true;
52001 otherUnit = other._unit.toLowerCase();
52002 return knownCompatibilities.contains$1(0, otherUnit) || !t1.containsKey$1(otherUnit);
52003 },
52004 compatibleWithUnit$1(unit) {
52005 return A.conversionFactor(this._unit, unit) != null;
52006 },
52007 coerceValueToMatch$1(other) {
52008 var t1 = other instanceof A.SingleUnitSassNumber ? this._coerceValueToUnit$1(other._unit) : null;
52009 return t1 == null ? this.super$SassNumber$coerceValueToMatch(other, null, null) : t1;
52010 },
52011 convertValueToMatch$3(other, $name, otherName) {
52012 var t1 = other instanceof A.SingleUnitSassNumber ? this._coerceValueToUnit$1(other._unit) : null;
52013 return t1 == null ? this.super$SassNumber$convertValueToMatch(other, $name, otherName) : t1;
52014 },
52015 coerce$2(newNumerators, newDenominators) {
52016 var t1 = newNumerators.length === 1 && newDenominators.length === 0 ? this._coerceToUnit$1(newNumerators[0]) : null;
52017 return t1 == null ? this.super$SassNumber$coerce(newNumerators, newDenominators, null) : t1;
52018 },
52019 coerceValue$3(newNumerators, newDenominators, $name) {
52020 var t1 = newNumerators.length === 1 && newDenominators.length === 0 ? this._coerceValueToUnit$1(newNumerators[0]) : null;
52021 return t1 == null ? this.super$SassNumber$coerceValue(newNumerators, newDenominators, $name) : t1;
52022 },
52023 coerceValueToUnit$2(unit, $name) {
52024 var t1 = this._coerceValueToUnit$1(unit);
52025 return t1 == null ? this.super$SassNumber$coerceValueToUnit(unit, $name) : t1;
52026 },
52027 _coerceToUnit$1(unit) {
52028 var t1 = this._unit;
52029 if (t1 === unit)
52030 return this;
52031 return A.NullableExtension_andThen(A.conversionFactor(unit, t1), new A.SingleUnitSassNumber__coerceToUnit_closure(this, unit));
52032 },
52033 _coerceValueToUnit$1(unit) {
52034 return A.NullableExtension_andThen(A.conversionFactor(unit, this._unit), new A.SingleUnitSassNumber__coerceValueToUnit_closure(this));
52035 },
52036 multiplyUnits$3(value, otherNumerators, otherDenominators) {
52037 var mutableOtherDenominators, t1 = {};
52038 t1.value = value;
52039 t1.newNumerators = otherNumerators;
52040 mutableOtherDenominators = A._setArrayType(otherDenominators.slice(0), A._arrayInstanceType(otherDenominators));
52041 A.removeFirstWhere(mutableOtherDenominators, new A.SingleUnitSassNumber_multiplyUnits_closure(t1, this), new A.SingleUnitSassNumber_multiplyUnits_closure0(t1, this));
52042 return A.SassNumber_SassNumber$withUnits(t1.value, mutableOtherDenominators, t1.newNumerators);
52043 },
52044 unaryMinus$0() {
52045 return new A.SingleUnitSassNumber(this._unit, -this._number$_value, null);
52046 },
52047 $eq(_, other) {
52048 var factor;
52049 if (other == null)
52050 return false;
52051 if (other instanceof A.SingleUnitSassNumber) {
52052 factor = A.conversionFactor(other._unit, this._unit);
52053 return factor != null && Math.abs(this._number$_value * factor - other._number$_value) < $.$get$epsilon();
52054 } else
52055 return false;
52056 },
52057 get$hashCode(_) {
52058 var _this = this,
52059 t1 = _this.hashCache;
52060 return t1 == null ? _this.hashCache = A.fuzzyHashCode(_this._number$_value * _this.canonicalMultiplierForUnit$1(_this._unit)) : t1;
52061 }
52062 };
52063 A.SingleUnitSassNumber__coerceToUnit_closure.prototype = {
52064 call$1(factor) {
52065 return new A.SingleUnitSassNumber(this.unit, this.$this._number$_value * factor, null);
52066 },
52067 $signature: 409
52068 };
52069 A.SingleUnitSassNumber__coerceValueToUnit_closure.prototype = {
52070 call$1(factor) {
52071 return this.$this._number$_value * factor;
52072 },
52073 $signature: 77
52074 };
52075 A.SingleUnitSassNumber_multiplyUnits_closure.prototype = {
52076 call$1(denominator) {
52077 var factor = A.conversionFactor(denominator, this.$this._unit);
52078 if (factor == null)
52079 return false;
52080 this._box_0.value *= factor;
52081 return true;
52082 },
52083 $signature: 6
52084 };
52085 A.SingleUnitSassNumber_multiplyUnits_closure0.prototype = {
52086 call$0() {
52087 var t1 = A._setArrayType([this.$this._unit], type$.JSArray_String),
52088 t2 = this._box_0;
52089 B.JSArray_methods.addAll$1(t1, t2.newNumerators);
52090 t2.newNumerators = t1;
52091 },
52092 $signature: 0
52093 };
52094 A.UnitlessSassNumber.prototype = {
52095 get$numeratorUnits(_) {
52096 return B.List_empty;
52097 },
52098 get$denominatorUnits(_) {
52099 return B.List_empty;
52100 },
52101 get$hasUnits() {
52102 return false;
52103 },
52104 withValue$1(value) {
52105 return new A.UnitlessSassNumber(value, null);
52106 },
52107 withSlash$2(numerator, denominator) {
52108 return new A.UnitlessSassNumber(this._number$_value, new A.Tuple2(numerator, denominator, type$.Tuple2_SassNumber_SassNumber));
52109 },
52110 hasUnit$1(unit) {
52111 return false;
52112 },
52113 hasCompatibleUnits$1(other) {
52114 return other instanceof A.UnitlessSassNumber;
52115 },
52116 hasPossiblyCompatibleUnits$1(other) {
52117 return other instanceof A.UnitlessSassNumber;
52118 },
52119 compatibleWithUnit$1(unit) {
52120 return true;
52121 },
52122 coerceValueToMatch$1(other) {
52123 return this._number$_value;
52124 },
52125 convertValueToMatch$3(other, $name, otherName) {
52126 return other.get$hasUnits() ? this.super$SassNumber$convertValueToMatch(other, $name, otherName) : this._number$_value;
52127 },
52128 coerce$2(newNumerators, newDenominators) {
52129 return A.SassNumber_SassNumber$withUnits(this._number$_value, newDenominators, newNumerators);
52130 },
52131 coerceValue$3(newNumerators, newDenominators, $name) {
52132 return this._number$_value;
52133 },
52134 coerceValueToUnit$2(unit, $name) {
52135 return this._number$_value;
52136 },
52137 greaterThan$1(other) {
52138 var t1, t2;
52139 if (other instanceof A.SassNumber) {
52140 t1 = this._number$_value;
52141 t2 = other._number$_value;
52142 return t1 > t2 && !(Math.abs(t1 - t2) < $.$get$epsilon()) ? B.SassBoolean_true : B.SassBoolean_false;
52143 }
52144 return this.super$SassNumber$greaterThan(other);
52145 },
52146 greaterThanOrEquals$1(other) {
52147 var t1, t2;
52148 if (other instanceof A.SassNumber) {
52149 t1 = this._number$_value;
52150 t2 = other._number$_value;
52151 return t1 > t2 || Math.abs(t1 - t2) < $.$get$epsilon() ? B.SassBoolean_true : B.SassBoolean_false;
52152 }
52153 return this.super$SassNumber$greaterThanOrEquals(other);
52154 },
52155 lessThan$1(other) {
52156 var t1, t2;
52157 if (other instanceof A.SassNumber) {
52158 t1 = this._number$_value;
52159 t2 = other._number$_value;
52160 return t1 < t2 && !(Math.abs(t1 - t2) < $.$get$epsilon()) ? B.SassBoolean_true : B.SassBoolean_false;
52161 }
52162 return this.super$SassNumber$lessThan(other);
52163 },
52164 lessThanOrEquals$1(other) {
52165 var t1, t2;
52166 if (other instanceof A.SassNumber) {
52167 t1 = this._number$_value;
52168 t2 = other._number$_value;
52169 return t1 < t2 || Math.abs(t1 - t2) < $.$get$epsilon() ? B.SassBoolean_true : B.SassBoolean_false;
52170 }
52171 return this.super$SassNumber$lessThanOrEquals(other);
52172 },
52173 modulo$1(other) {
52174 if (other instanceof A.SassNumber)
52175 return other.withValue$1(this.moduloLikeSass$2(this._number$_value, other._number$_value));
52176 return this.super$SassNumber$modulo(other);
52177 },
52178 plus$1(other) {
52179 if (other instanceof A.SassNumber)
52180 return other.withValue$1(this._number$_value + other._number$_value);
52181 return this.super$SassNumber$plus(other);
52182 },
52183 minus$1(other) {
52184 if (other instanceof A.SassNumber)
52185 return other.withValue$1(this._number$_value - other._number$_value);
52186 return this.super$SassNumber$minus(other);
52187 },
52188 times$1(other) {
52189 if (other instanceof A.SassNumber)
52190 return other.withValue$1(this._number$_value * other._number$_value);
52191 return this.super$SassNumber$times(other);
52192 },
52193 dividedBy$1(other) {
52194 var t1, t2;
52195 if (other instanceof A.SassNumber) {
52196 t1 = this._number$_value / other._number$_value;
52197 if (other.get$hasUnits()) {
52198 t2 = other.get$denominatorUnits(other);
52199 t2 = A.SassNumber_SassNumber$withUnits(t1, other.get$numeratorUnits(other), t2);
52200 t1 = t2;
52201 } else
52202 t1 = new A.UnitlessSassNumber(t1, null);
52203 return t1;
52204 }
52205 return this.super$SassNumber$dividedBy(other);
52206 },
52207 unaryMinus$0() {
52208 return new A.UnitlessSassNumber(-this._number$_value, null);
52209 },
52210 $eq(_, other) {
52211 if (other == null)
52212 return false;
52213 return other instanceof A.UnitlessSassNumber && Math.abs(this._number$_value - other._number$_value) < $.$get$epsilon();
52214 },
52215 get$hashCode(_) {
52216 var t1 = this.hashCache;
52217 return t1 == null ? this.hashCache = A.fuzzyHashCode(this._number$_value) : t1;
52218 }
52219 };
52220 A.SassString.prototype = {
52221 get$_sassLength() {
52222 var t1, result, _this = this,
52223 value = _this.__SassString__sassLength;
52224 if (value === $) {
52225 t1 = new A.Runes(_this._string$_text);
52226 result = t1.get$length(t1);
52227 A._lateInitializeOnceCheck(_this.__SassString__sassLength, "_sassLength");
52228 _this.__SassString__sassLength = result;
52229 value = result;
52230 }
52231 return value;
52232 },
52233 get$isSpecialNumber() {
52234 var t1, t2;
52235 if (this._hasQuotes)
52236 return false;
52237 t1 = this._string$_text;
52238 if (t1.length < 6)
52239 return false;
52240 t2 = B.JSString_methods._codeUnitAt$1(t1, 0) | 32;
52241 if (t2 === 99) {
52242 t2 = B.JSString_methods._codeUnitAt$1(t1, 1) | 32;
52243 if (t2 === 108) {
52244 if ((B.JSString_methods._codeUnitAt$1(t1, 2) | 32) !== 97)
52245 return false;
52246 if ((B.JSString_methods._codeUnitAt$1(t1, 3) | 32) !== 109)
52247 return false;
52248 if ((B.JSString_methods._codeUnitAt$1(t1, 4) | 32) !== 112)
52249 return false;
52250 return B.JSString_methods._codeUnitAt$1(t1, 5) === 40;
52251 } else if (t2 === 97) {
52252 if ((B.JSString_methods._codeUnitAt$1(t1, 2) | 32) !== 108)
52253 return false;
52254 if ((B.JSString_methods._codeUnitAt$1(t1, 3) | 32) !== 99)
52255 return false;
52256 return B.JSString_methods._codeUnitAt$1(t1, 4) === 40;
52257 } else
52258 return false;
52259 } else if (t2 === 118) {
52260 if ((B.JSString_methods._codeUnitAt$1(t1, 1) | 32) !== 97)
52261 return false;
52262 if ((B.JSString_methods._codeUnitAt$1(t1, 2) | 32) !== 114)
52263 return false;
52264 return B.JSString_methods._codeUnitAt$1(t1, 3) === 40;
52265 } else if (t2 === 101) {
52266 if ((B.JSString_methods._codeUnitAt$1(t1, 1) | 32) !== 110)
52267 return false;
52268 if ((B.JSString_methods._codeUnitAt$1(t1, 2) | 32) !== 118)
52269 return false;
52270 return B.JSString_methods._codeUnitAt$1(t1, 3) === 40;
52271 } else if (t2 === 109) {
52272 t2 = B.JSString_methods._codeUnitAt$1(t1, 1) | 32;
52273 if (t2 === 97) {
52274 if ((B.JSString_methods._codeUnitAt$1(t1, 2) | 32) !== 120)
52275 return false;
52276 return B.JSString_methods._codeUnitAt$1(t1, 3) === 40;
52277 } else if (t2 === 105) {
52278 if ((B.JSString_methods._codeUnitAt$1(t1, 2) | 32) !== 110)
52279 return false;
52280 return B.JSString_methods._codeUnitAt$1(t1, 3) === 40;
52281 } else
52282 return false;
52283 } else
52284 return false;
52285 },
52286 get$isVar() {
52287 if (this._hasQuotes)
52288 return false;
52289 var t1 = this._string$_text;
52290 if (t1.length < 8)
52291 return false;
52292 return (B.JSString_methods._codeUnitAt$1(t1, 0) | 32) === 118 && (B.JSString_methods._codeUnitAt$1(t1, 1) | 32) === 97 && (B.JSString_methods._codeUnitAt$1(t1, 2) | 32) === 114 && B.JSString_methods._codeUnitAt$1(t1, 3) === 40;
52293 },
52294 get$isBlank() {
52295 return !this._hasQuotes && this._string$_text.length === 0;
52296 },
52297 accept$1$1(visitor) {
52298 var t1 = visitor._quote && this._hasQuotes,
52299 t2 = this._string$_text;
52300 if (t1)
52301 visitor._visitQuotedString$1(t2);
52302 else
52303 visitor._visitUnquotedString$1(t2);
52304 return null;
52305 },
52306 accept$1(visitor) {
52307 return this.accept$1$1(visitor, type$.dynamic);
52308 },
52309 assertString$1($name) {
52310 return this;
52311 },
52312 plus$1(other) {
52313 var t1 = this._string$_text,
52314 t2 = this._hasQuotes;
52315 if (other instanceof A.SassString)
52316 return new A.SassString(t1 + other._string$_text, t2);
52317 else
52318 return new A.SassString(t1 + A.serializeValue(other, false, true), t2);
52319 },
52320 $eq(_, other) {
52321 if (other == null)
52322 return false;
52323 return other instanceof A.SassString && this._string$_text === other._string$_text;
52324 },
52325 get$hashCode(_) {
52326 var t1 = this._hashCache;
52327 return t1 == null ? this._hashCache = B.JSString_methods.get$hashCode(this._string$_text) : t1;
52328 }
52329 };
52330 A._EvaluateVisitor0.prototype = {
52331 _EvaluateVisitor$6$functions$importCache$logger$nodeImporter$quietDeps$sourceMap0(functions, importCache, logger, nodeImporter, quietDeps, sourceMap) {
52332 var t2, metaModule, t3, _i, module, $function, t4, _this = this,
52333 _s20_ = "$name, $module: null",
52334 _s9_ = "sass:meta",
52335 t1 = type$.JSArray_AsyncBuiltInCallable,
52336 metaFunctions = A._setArrayType([A.BuiltInCallable$function("global-variable-exists", _s20_, new A._EvaluateVisitor_closure9(_this), _s9_), A.BuiltInCallable$function("variable-exists", "$name", new A._EvaluateVisitor_closure10(_this), _s9_), A.BuiltInCallable$function("function-exists", _s20_, new A._EvaluateVisitor_closure11(_this), _s9_), A.BuiltInCallable$function("mixin-exists", _s20_, new A._EvaluateVisitor_closure12(_this), _s9_), A.BuiltInCallable$function("content-exists", "", new A._EvaluateVisitor_closure13(_this), _s9_), A.BuiltInCallable$function("module-variables", "$module", new A._EvaluateVisitor_closure14(_this), _s9_), A.BuiltInCallable$function("module-functions", "$module", new A._EvaluateVisitor_closure15(_this), _s9_), A.BuiltInCallable$function("get-function", "$name, $css: false, $module: null", new A._EvaluateVisitor_closure16(_this), _s9_), new A.AsyncBuiltInCallable("call", A.ScssParser$("@function call($function, $args...) {", null, _s9_).parseArgumentDeclaration$0(), new A._EvaluateVisitor_closure17(_this))], t1),
52337 metaMixins = A._setArrayType([A.AsyncBuiltInCallable$mixin("load-css", "$url, $with: null", new A._EvaluateVisitor_closure18(_this), _s9_)], t1);
52338 t1 = type$.AsyncBuiltInCallable;
52339 t2 = A.List_List$of($.$get$global(), true, t1);
52340 B.JSArray_methods.addAll$1(t2, $.$get$local());
52341 B.JSArray_methods.addAll$1(t2, metaFunctions);
52342 metaModule = A.BuiltInModule$("meta", t2, metaMixins, null, t1);
52343 for (t1 = A.List_List$of($.$get$coreModules(), true, type$.BuiltInModule_AsyncBuiltInCallable), t1.push(metaModule), t2 = t1.length, t3 = _this._async_evaluate$_builtInModules, _i = 0; _i < t1.length; t1.length === t2 || (0, A.throwConcurrentModificationError)(t1), ++_i) {
52344 module = t1[_i];
52345 t3.$indexSet(0, module.url, module);
52346 }
52347 t1 = A._setArrayType([], type$.JSArray_AsyncCallable);
52348 B.JSArray_methods.addAll$1(t1, $.$get$globalFunctions());
52349 B.JSArray_methods.addAll$1(t1, metaFunctions);
52350 for (t2 = t1.length, t3 = _this._async_evaluate$_builtInFunctions, _i = 0; _i < t1.length; t1.length === t2 || (0, A.throwConcurrentModificationError)(t1), ++_i) {
52351 $function = t1[_i];
52352 t4 = J.get$name$x($function);
52353 t3.$indexSet(0, A.stringReplaceAllUnchecked(t4, "_", "-"), $function);
52354 }
52355 },
52356 run$2(_, importer, node) {
52357 return this.run$body$_EvaluateVisitor(0, importer, node);
52358 },
52359 run$body$_EvaluateVisitor(_, importer, node) {
52360 var $async$goto = 0,
52361 $async$completer = A._makeAsyncAwaitCompleter(type$.EvaluateResult),
52362 $async$returnValue, $async$self = this, t1;
52363 var $async$run$2 = A._wrapJsFunctionForAsync(function($async$errorCode, $async$result) {
52364 if ($async$errorCode === 1)
52365 return A._asyncRethrow($async$result, $async$completer);
52366 while (true)
52367 switch ($async$goto) {
52368 case 0:
52369 // Function start
52370 t1 = type$.nullable_Object;
52371 $async$returnValue = A.runZoned(new A._EvaluateVisitor_run_closure0($async$self, node, importer), A.LinkedHashMap_LinkedHashMap$_literal([B.Symbol__evaluationContext, new A._EvaluationContext0($async$self, node)], t1, t1), type$.FutureOr_EvaluateResult);
52372 // goto return
52373 $async$goto = 1;
52374 break;
52375 case 1:
52376 // return
52377 return A._asyncReturn($async$returnValue, $async$completer);
52378 }
52379 });
52380 return A._asyncStartSync($async$run$2, $async$completer);
52381 },
52382 _async_evaluate$_assertInModule$1$2(value, $name) {
52383 if (value != null)
52384 return value;
52385 throw A.wrapException(A.StateError$("Can't access " + $name + " outside of a module."));
52386 },
52387 _async_evaluate$_assertInModule$2(value, $name) {
52388 return this._async_evaluate$_assertInModule$1$2(value, $name, type$.dynamic);
52389 },
52390 _async_evaluate$_loadModule$7$baseUrl$configuration$namesInErrors(url, stackFrame, nodeWithSpan, callback, baseUrl, configuration, namesInErrors) {
52391 return this._loadModule$body$_EvaluateVisitor(url, stackFrame, nodeWithSpan, callback, baseUrl, configuration, namesInErrors);
52392 },
52393 _async_evaluate$_loadModule$5$configuration(url, stackFrame, nodeWithSpan, callback, configuration) {
52394 return this._async_evaluate$_loadModule$7$baseUrl$configuration$namesInErrors(url, stackFrame, nodeWithSpan, callback, null, configuration, false);
52395 },
52396 _async_evaluate$_loadModule$4(url, stackFrame, nodeWithSpan, callback) {
52397 return this._async_evaluate$_loadModule$7$baseUrl$configuration$namesInErrors(url, stackFrame, nodeWithSpan, callback, null, null, false);
52398 },
52399 _loadModule$body$_EvaluateVisitor(url, stackFrame, nodeWithSpan, callback, baseUrl, configuration, namesInErrors) {
52400 var $async$goto = 0,
52401 $async$completer = A._makeAsyncAwaitCompleter(type$.void),
52402 $async$returnValue, $async$self = this, t1, t2, builtInModule;
52403 var $async$_async_evaluate$_loadModule$7$baseUrl$configuration$namesInErrors = A._wrapJsFunctionForAsync(function($async$errorCode, $async$result) {
52404 if ($async$errorCode === 1)
52405 return A._asyncRethrow($async$result, $async$completer);
52406 while (true)
52407 switch ($async$goto) {
52408 case 0:
52409 // Function start
52410 builtInModule = $async$self._async_evaluate$_builtInModules.$index(0, url);
52411 $async$goto = builtInModule != null ? 3 : 4;
52412 break;
52413 case 3:
52414 // then
52415 if (configuration instanceof A.ExplicitConfiguration) {
52416 t1 = namesInErrors ? "Built-in module " + url.toString$0(0) + " can't be configured." : "Built-in modules can't be configured.";
52417 t2 = configuration.nodeWithSpan;
52418 throw A.wrapException($async$self._async_evaluate$_exception$2(t1, t2.get$span(t2)));
52419 }
52420 $async$goto = 5;
52421 return A._asyncAwait($async$self._addExceptionSpanAsync$1$2(nodeWithSpan, new A._EvaluateVisitor__loadModule_closure1(callback, builtInModule), type$.void), $async$_async_evaluate$_loadModule$7$baseUrl$configuration$namesInErrors);
52422 case 5:
52423 // returning from await.
52424 // goto return
52425 $async$goto = 1;
52426 break;
52427 case 4:
52428 // join
52429 $async$goto = 6;
52430 return A._asyncAwait($async$self._async_evaluate$_withStackFrame$1$3(stackFrame, nodeWithSpan, new A._EvaluateVisitor__loadModule_closure2($async$self, url, nodeWithSpan, baseUrl, namesInErrors, configuration, callback), type$.Null), $async$_async_evaluate$_loadModule$7$baseUrl$configuration$namesInErrors);
52431 case 6:
52432 // returning from await.
52433 case 1:
52434 // return
52435 return A._asyncReturn($async$returnValue, $async$completer);
52436 }
52437 });
52438 return A._asyncStartSync($async$_async_evaluate$_loadModule$7$baseUrl$configuration$namesInErrors, $async$completer);
52439 },
52440 _async_evaluate$_execute$5$configuration$namesInErrors$nodeWithSpan(importer, stylesheet, configuration, namesInErrors, nodeWithSpan) {
52441 return this._execute$body$_EvaluateVisitor(importer, stylesheet, configuration, namesInErrors, nodeWithSpan);
52442 },
52443 _async_evaluate$_execute$2(importer, stylesheet) {
52444 return this._async_evaluate$_execute$5$configuration$namesInErrors$nodeWithSpan(importer, stylesheet, null, false, null);
52445 },
52446 _execute$body$_EvaluateVisitor(importer, stylesheet, configuration, namesInErrors, nodeWithSpan) {
52447 var $async$goto = 0,
52448 $async$completer = A._makeAsyncAwaitCompleter(type$.Module_AsyncCallable),
52449 $async$returnValue, $async$self = this, currentConfiguration, message, t2, existingSpan, configurationSpan, environment, css, extensionStore, module, url, t1, alreadyLoaded;
52450 var $async$_async_evaluate$_execute$5$configuration$namesInErrors$nodeWithSpan = A._wrapJsFunctionForAsync(function($async$errorCode, $async$result) {
52451 if ($async$errorCode === 1)
52452 return A._asyncRethrow($async$result, $async$completer);
52453 while (true)
52454 switch ($async$goto) {
52455 case 0:
52456 // Function start
52457 url = stylesheet.span.file.url;
52458 t1 = $async$self._async_evaluate$_modules;
52459 alreadyLoaded = t1.$index(0, url);
52460 if (alreadyLoaded != null) {
52461 t1 = configuration == null;
52462 currentConfiguration = t1 ? $async$self._async_evaluate$_configuration : configuration;
52463 if (currentConfiguration instanceof A.ExplicitConfiguration) {
52464 message = namesInErrors ? $.$get$context().prettyUri$1(url) + string$.x20was_a : string$.This_mw;
52465 t2 = $async$self._async_evaluate$_moduleNodes.$index(0, url);
52466 existingSpan = t2 == null ? null : J.get$span$z(t2);
52467 if (t1) {
52468 t1 = currentConfiguration.nodeWithSpan;
52469 configurationSpan = t1.get$span(t1);
52470 } else
52471 configurationSpan = null;
52472 t1 = A.LinkedHashMap_LinkedHashMap$_empty(type$.FileSpan, type$.String);
52473 if (existingSpan != null)
52474 t1.$indexSet(0, existingSpan, "original load");
52475 if (configurationSpan != null)
52476 t1.$indexSet(0, configurationSpan, "configuration");
52477 throw A.wrapException(t1.get$isEmpty(t1) ? $async$self._async_evaluate$_exception$1(message) : $async$self._async_evaluate$_multiSpanException$3(message, "new load", t1));
52478 }
52479 $async$returnValue = alreadyLoaded;
52480 // goto return
52481 $async$goto = 1;
52482 break;
52483 }
52484 environment = A.AsyncEnvironment$();
52485 css = A._Cell$();
52486 extensionStore = A.ExtensionStore$();
52487 $async$goto = 3;
52488 return A._asyncAwait($async$self._async_evaluate$_withEnvironment$1$2(environment, new A._EvaluateVisitor__execute_closure0($async$self, importer, stylesheet, extensionStore, configuration, css), type$.Null), $async$_async_evaluate$_execute$5$configuration$namesInErrors$nodeWithSpan);
52489 case 3:
52490 // returning from await.
52491 module = environment.toModule$2(css._readLocal$0(), extensionStore);
52492 if (url != null) {
52493 t1.$indexSet(0, url, module);
52494 if (nodeWithSpan != null)
52495 $async$self._async_evaluate$_moduleNodes.$indexSet(0, url, nodeWithSpan);
52496 }
52497 $async$returnValue = module;
52498 // goto return
52499 $async$goto = 1;
52500 break;
52501 case 1:
52502 // return
52503 return A._asyncReturn($async$returnValue, $async$completer);
52504 }
52505 });
52506 return A._asyncStartSync($async$_async_evaluate$_execute$5$configuration$namesInErrors$nodeWithSpan, $async$completer);
52507 },
52508 _async_evaluate$_addOutOfOrderImports$0() {
52509 var t1, t2, _this = this, _s5_ = "_root",
52510 _s13_ = "_endOfImports",
52511 outOfOrderImports = _this._async_evaluate$_outOfOrderImports;
52512 if (outOfOrderImports == null)
52513 return _this._async_evaluate$_assertInModule$2(_this._async_evaluate$__root, _s5_).children;
52514 t1 = _this._async_evaluate$_assertInModule$2(_this._async_evaluate$__root, _s5_).children;
52515 t1 = A.List_List$of(A.SubListIterable$(t1, 0, A.checkNotNullable(_this._async_evaluate$_assertInModule$2(_this._async_evaluate$__endOfImports, _s13_), "count", type$.int), t1.$ti._eval$1("ListMixin.E")), true, type$.ModifiableCssNode);
52516 B.JSArray_methods.addAll$1(t1, outOfOrderImports);
52517 t2 = _this._async_evaluate$_assertInModule$2(_this._async_evaluate$__root, _s5_).children;
52518 B.JSArray_methods.addAll$1(t1, A.SubListIterable$(t2, _this._async_evaluate$_assertInModule$2(_this._async_evaluate$__endOfImports, _s13_), null, t2.$ti._eval$1("ListMixin.E")));
52519 return t1;
52520 },
52521 _async_evaluate$_combineCss$2$clone(root, clone) {
52522 var selectors, unsatisfiedExtension, sortedModules, t1, imports, css, t2, t3, statements, index, _this = this;
52523 if (!B.JSArray_methods.any$1(root.get$upstream(), new A._EvaluateVisitor__combineCss_closure2())) {
52524 selectors = root.get$extensionStore().get$simpleSelectors();
52525 unsatisfiedExtension = A.firstOrNull(root.get$extensionStore().extensionsWhereTarget$1(new A._EvaluateVisitor__combineCss_closure3(selectors)));
52526 if (unsatisfiedExtension != null)
52527 _this._async_evaluate$_throwForUnsatisfiedExtension$1(unsatisfiedExtension);
52528 return root.get$css(root);
52529 }
52530 sortedModules = _this._async_evaluate$_topologicalModules$1(root);
52531 if (clone) {
52532 t1 = sortedModules.$ti._eval$1("MappedListIterable<ListMixin.E,Module<AsyncCallable>>");
52533 sortedModules = A.List_List$of(new A.MappedListIterable(sortedModules, new A._EvaluateVisitor__combineCss_closure4(), t1), true, t1._eval$1("ListIterable.E"));
52534 }
52535 _this._async_evaluate$_extendModules$1(sortedModules);
52536 t1 = type$.JSArray_CssNode;
52537 imports = A._setArrayType([], t1);
52538 css = A._setArrayType([], t1);
52539 for (t1 = J.get$reversed$ax(sortedModules), t1 = new A.ListIterator(t1, t1.get$length(t1)), t2 = A._instanceType(t1)._precomputed1; t1.moveNext$0();) {
52540 t3 = t2._as(t1.__internal$_current);
52541 t3 = t3.get$css(t3);
52542 statements = t3.get$children(t3);
52543 index = _this._async_evaluate$_indexAfterImports$1(statements);
52544 t3 = J.getInterceptor$ax(statements);
52545 B.JSArray_methods.addAll$1(imports, t3.getRange$2(statements, 0, index));
52546 B.JSArray_methods.addAll$1(css, t3.getRange$2(statements, index, t3.get$length(statements)));
52547 }
52548 t1 = B.JSArray_methods.$add(imports, css);
52549 t2 = root.get$css(root);
52550 return new A.CssStylesheet(new A.UnmodifiableListView(t1, type$.UnmodifiableListView_CssNode), t2.get$span(t2));
52551 },
52552 _async_evaluate$_combineCss$1(root) {
52553 return this._async_evaluate$_combineCss$2$clone(root, false);
52554 },
52555 _async_evaluate$_extendModules$1(sortedModules) {
52556 var t1, t2, originalSelectors, $self, t3, t4, _i, upstream, url,
52557 downstreamExtensionStores = A.LinkedHashMap_LinkedHashMap$_empty(type$.Uri, type$.List_ExtensionStore),
52558 unsatisfiedExtensions = new A._LinkedIdentityHashSet(type$._LinkedIdentityHashSet_Extension);
52559 for (t1 = J.get$iterator$ax(sortedModules); t1.moveNext$0();) {
52560 t2 = t1.get$current(t1);
52561 originalSelectors = t2.get$extensionStore().get$simpleSelectors().toSet$0(0);
52562 unsatisfiedExtensions.addAll$1(0, t2.get$extensionStore().extensionsWhereTarget$1(new A._EvaluateVisitor__extendModules_closure1(originalSelectors)));
52563 $self = downstreamExtensionStores.$index(0, t2.get$url(t2));
52564 t3 = t2.get$extensionStore().get$addExtensions();
52565 if ($self != null)
52566 t3.call$1($self);
52567 t3 = t2.get$extensionStore();
52568 if (t3.get$isEmpty(t3))
52569 continue;
52570 for (t3 = t2.get$upstream(), t4 = t3.length, _i = 0; _i < t3.length; t3.length === t4 || (0, A.throwConcurrentModificationError)(t3), ++_i) {
52571 upstream = t3[_i];
52572 url = upstream.get$url(upstream);
52573 if (url == null)
52574 continue;
52575 J.add$1$ax(downstreamExtensionStores.putIfAbsent$2(url, new A._EvaluateVisitor__extendModules_closure2()), t2.get$extensionStore());
52576 }
52577 unsatisfiedExtensions.removeAll$1(t2.get$extensionStore().extensionsWhereTarget$1(originalSelectors.get$contains(originalSelectors)));
52578 }
52579 if (unsatisfiedExtensions._collection$_length !== 0)
52580 this._async_evaluate$_throwForUnsatisfiedExtension$1(unsatisfiedExtensions.get$first(unsatisfiedExtensions));
52581 },
52582 _async_evaluate$_throwForUnsatisfiedExtension$1(extension) {
52583 throw A.wrapException(A.SassException$(string$.The_ta + extension.target.toString$0(0) + ' !optional" to avoid this error.', extension.span));
52584 },
52585 _async_evaluate$_topologicalModules$1(root) {
52586 var t1 = type$.Module_AsyncCallable,
52587 sorted = A.QueueList$(null, t1);
52588 new A._EvaluateVisitor__topologicalModules_visitModule0(A.LinkedHashSet_LinkedHashSet$_empty(t1), sorted).call$1(root);
52589 return sorted;
52590 },
52591 _async_evaluate$_indexAfterImports$1(statements) {
52592 var t1, t2, t3, lastImport, i, statement;
52593 for (t1 = J.getInterceptor$asx(statements), t2 = type$.CssComment, t3 = type$.CssImport, lastImport = -1, i = 0; i < t1.get$length(statements); ++i) {
52594 statement = t1.$index(statements, i);
52595 if (t3._is(statement))
52596 lastImport = i;
52597 else if (!t2._is(statement))
52598 break;
52599 }
52600 return lastImport + 1;
52601 },
52602 visitStylesheet$1(node) {
52603 return this.visitStylesheet$body$_EvaluateVisitor(node);
52604 },
52605 visitStylesheet$body$_EvaluateVisitor(node) {
52606 var $async$goto = 0,
52607 $async$completer = A._makeAsyncAwaitCompleter(type$.nullable_Value),
52608 $async$returnValue, $async$self = this, t1, t2, _i;
52609 var $async$visitStylesheet$1 = A._wrapJsFunctionForAsync(function($async$errorCode, $async$result) {
52610 if ($async$errorCode === 1)
52611 return A._asyncRethrow($async$result, $async$completer);
52612 while (true)
52613 switch ($async$goto) {
52614 case 0:
52615 // Function start
52616 t1 = node.children, t2 = t1.length, _i = 0;
52617 case 3:
52618 // for condition
52619 if (!(_i < t2)) {
52620 // goto after for
52621 $async$goto = 5;
52622 break;
52623 }
52624 $async$goto = 6;
52625 return A._asyncAwait(t1[_i].accept$1($async$self), $async$visitStylesheet$1);
52626 case 6:
52627 // returning from await.
52628 case 4:
52629 // for update
52630 ++_i;
52631 // goto for condition
52632 $async$goto = 3;
52633 break;
52634 case 5:
52635 // after for
52636 $async$returnValue = null;
52637 // goto return
52638 $async$goto = 1;
52639 break;
52640 case 1:
52641 // return
52642 return A._asyncReturn($async$returnValue, $async$completer);
52643 }
52644 });
52645 return A._asyncStartSync($async$visitStylesheet$1, $async$completer);
52646 },
52647 visitAtRootRule$1(node) {
52648 return this.visitAtRootRule$body$_EvaluateVisitor(node);
52649 },
52650 visitAtRootRule$body$_EvaluateVisitor(node) {
52651 var $async$goto = 0,
52652 $async$completer = A._makeAsyncAwaitCompleter(type$.nullable_Value),
52653 $async$returnValue, $async$self = this, t1, grandparent, root, innerCopy, t2, outerCopy, copy, unparsedQuery, query, $parent, included, $async$temp1, $async$temp2;
52654 var $async$visitAtRootRule$1 = A._wrapJsFunctionForAsync(function($async$errorCode, $async$result) {
52655 if ($async$errorCode === 1)
52656 return A._asyncRethrow($async$result, $async$completer);
52657 while (true)
52658 switch ($async$goto) {
52659 case 0:
52660 // Function start
52661 unparsedQuery = node.query;
52662 $async$goto = unparsedQuery != null ? 3 : 5;
52663 break;
52664 case 3:
52665 // then
52666 $async$temp1 = unparsedQuery;
52667 $async$temp2 = A;
52668 $async$goto = 6;
52669 return A._asyncAwait($async$self._async_evaluate$_performInterpolation$2$warnForColor(unparsedQuery, true), $async$visitAtRootRule$1);
52670 case 6:
52671 // returning from await.
52672 $async$result = $async$self._async_evaluate$_adjustParseError$2($async$temp1, new $async$temp2._EvaluateVisitor_visitAtRootRule_closure2($async$self, $async$result));
52673 // goto join
52674 $async$goto = 4;
52675 break;
52676 case 5:
52677 // else
52678 $async$result = B.AtRootQuery_UsS;
52679 case 4:
52680 // join
52681 query = $async$result;
52682 $parent = $async$self._async_evaluate$_assertInModule$2($async$self._async_evaluate$__parent, "__parent");
52683 included = A._setArrayType([], type$.JSArray_ModifiableCssParentNode);
52684 for (t1 = type$.CssStylesheet; !t1._is($parent); $parent = grandparent) {
52685 if (!query.excludes$1($parent))
52686 included.push($parent);
52687 grandparent = $parent._parent;
52688 if (grandparent == null)
52689 throw A.wrapException(A.StateError$(string$.CssNod));
52690 }
52691 root = $async$self._async_evaluate$_trimIncluded$1(included);
52692 $async$goto = root === $async$self._async_evaluate$_assertInModule$2($async$self._async_evaluate$__parent, "__parent") ? 7 : 8;
52693 break;
52694 case 7:
52695 // then
52696 $async$goto = 9;
52697 return A._asyncAwait($async$self._async_evaluate$_environment.scope$1$2$when(new A._EvaluateVisitor_visitAtRootRule_closure3($async$self, node), node.hasDeclarations, type$.Null), $async$visitAtRootRule$1);
52698 case 9:
52699 // returning from await.
52700 $async$returnValue = null;
52701 // goto return
52702 $async$goto = 1;
52703 break;
52704 case 8:
52705 // join
52706 if (included.length !== 0) {
52707 innerCopy = B.JSArray_methods.get$first(included).copyWithoutChildren$0();
52708 for (t1 = A.SubListIterable$(included, 1, null, type$.ModifiableCssParentNode), t1 = new A.ListIterator(t1, t1.get$length(t1)), t2 = A._instanceType(t1)._precomputed1, outerCopy = innerCopy; t1.moveNext$0(); outerCopy = copy) {
52709 copy = t2._as(t1.__internal$_current).copyWithoutChildren$0();
52710 copy.addChild$1(outerCopy);
52711 }
52712 root.addChild$1(outerCopy);
52713 } else
52714 innerCopy = root;
52715 $async$goto = 10;
52716 return A._asyncAwait($async$self._async_evaluate$_scopeForAtRoot$4(node, innerCopy, query, included).call$1(new A._EvaluateVisitor_visitAtRootRule_closure4($async$self, node)), $async$visitAtRootRule$1);
52717 case 10:
52718 // returning from await.
52719 $async$returnValue = null;
52720 // goto return
52721 $async$goto = 1;
52722 break;
52723 case 1:
52724 // return
52725 return A._asyncReturn($async$returnValue, $async$completer);
52726 }
52727 });
52728 return A._asyncStartSync($async$visitAtRootRule$1, $async$completer);
52729 },
52730 _async_evaluate$_trimIncluded$1(nodes) {
52731 var $parent, t1, innermostContiguous, i, t2, grandparent, root, _this = this, _null = null, _s5_ = "_root",
52732 _s22_ = " to be an ancestor of ";
52733 if (nodes.length === 0)
52734 return _this._async_evaluate$_assertInModule$2(_this._async_evaluate$__root, _s5_);
52735 $parent = _this._async_evaluate$_assertInModule$2(_this._async_evaluate$__parent, "__parent");
52736 for (t1 = nodes.length, innermostContiguous = _null, i = 0; i < t1; ++i, $parent = grandparent) {
52737 for (; t2 = nodes[i], $parent !== t2; innermostContiguous = _null, $parent = grandparent) {
52738 grandparent = $parent._parent;
52739 if (grandparent == null)
52740 throw A.wrapException(A.ArgumentError$("Expected " + t2.toString$0(0) + _s22_ + _this.toString$0(0) + ".", _null));
52741 }
52742 if (innermostContiguous == null)
52743 innermostContiguous = i;
52744 grandparent = $parent._parent;
52745 if (grandparent == null)
52746 throw A.wrapException(A.ArgumentError$("Expected " + t2.toString$0(0) + _s22_ + _this.toString$0(0) + ".", _null));
52747 }
52748 if ($parent !== _this._async_evaluate$_assertInModule$2(_this._async_evaluate$__root, _s5_))
52749 return _this._async_evaluate$_assertInModule$2(_this._async_evaluate$__root, _s5_);
52750 innermostContiguous.toString;
52751 root = nodes[innermostContiguous];
52752 B.JSArray_methods.removeRange$2(nodes, innermostContiguous, nodes.length);
52753 return root;
52754 },
52755 _async_evaluate$_scopeForAtRoot$4(node, newParent, query, included) {
52756 var _this = this,
52757 scope = new A._EvaluateVisitor__scopeForAtRoot_closure5(_this, newParent, node),
52758 t1 = query._all || query._at_root_query$_rule;
52759 if (t1 !== query.include)
52760 scope = new A._EvaluateVisitor__scopeForAtRoot_closure6(_this, scope);
52761 if (_this._async_evaluate$_mediaQueries != null && query.excludesName$1("media"))
52762 scope = new A._EvaluateVisitor__scopeForAtRoot_closure7(_this, scope);
52763 if (_this._async_evaluate$_inKeyframes && query.excludesName$1("keyframes"))
52764 scope = new A._EvaluateVisitor__scopeForAtRoot_closure8(_this, scope);
52765 return _this._async_evaluate$_inUnknownAtRule && !B.JSArray_methods.any$1(included, new A._EvaluateVisitor__scopeForAtRoot_closure9()) ? new A._EvaluateVisitor__scopeForAtRoot_closure10(_this, scope) : scope;
52766 },
52767 visitContentBlock$1(node) {
52768 return A.throwExpression(A.UnsupportedError$(string$.Evalua));
52769 },
52770 visitContentRule$1(node) {
52771 return this.visitContentRule$body$_EvaluateVisitor(node);
52772 },
52773 visitContentRule$body$_EvaluateVisitor(node) {
52774 var $async$goto = 0,
52775 $async$completer = A._makeAsyncAwaitCompleter(type$.nullable_Value),
52776 $async$returnValue, $async$self = this, $content;
52777 var $async$visitContentRule$1 = A._wrapJsFunctionForAsync(function($async$errorCode, $async$result) {
52778 if ($async$errorCode === 1)
52779 return A._asyncRethrow($async$result, $async$completer);
52780 while (true)
52781 switch ($async$goto) {
52782 case 0:
52783 // Function start
52784 $content = $async$self._async_evaluate$_environment._async_environment$_content;
52785 if ($content == null) {
52786 $async$returnValue = null;
52787 // goto return
52788 $async$goto = 1;
52789 break;
52790 }
52791 $async$goto = 3;
52792 return A._asyncAwait($async$self._async_evaluate$_runUserDefinedCallable$1$4(node.$arguments, $content, node, new A._EvaluateVisitor_visitContentRule_closure0($async$self, $content), type$.Null), $async$visitContentRule$1);
52793 case 3:
52794 // returning from await.
52795 $async$returnValue = null;
52796 // goto return
52797 $async$goto = 1;
52798 break;
52799 case 1:
52800 // return
52801 return A._asyncReturn($async$returnValue, $async$completer);
52802 }
52803 });
52804 return A._asyncStartSync($async$visitContentRule$1, $async$completer);
52805 },
52806 visitDebugRule$1(node) {
52807 return this.visitDebugRule$body$_EvaluateVisitor(node);
52808 },
52809 visitDebugRule$body$_EvaluateVisitor(node) {
52810 var $async$goto = 0,
52811 $async$completer = A._makeAsyncAwaitCompleter(type$.nullable_Value),
52812 $async$returnValue, $async$self = this, value, t1;
52813 var $async$visitDebugRule$1 = A._wrapJsFunctionForAsync(function($async$errorCode, $async$result) {
52814 if ($async$errorCode === 1)
52815 return A._asyncRethrow($async$result, $async$completer);
52816 while (true)
52817 switch ($async$goto) {
52818 case 0:
52819 // Function start
52820 $async$goto = 3;
52821 return A._asyncAwait(node.expression.accept$1($async$self), $async$visitDebugRule$1);
52822 case 3:
52823 // returning from await.
52824 value = $async$result;
52825 t1 = value instanceof A.SassString ? value._string$_text : A.serializeValue(value, true, true);
52826 $async$self._async_evaluate$_logger.debug$2(0, t1, node.span);
52827 $async$returnValue = null;
52828 // goto return
52829 $async$goto = 1;
52830 break;
52831 case 1:
52832 // return
52833 return A._asyncReturn($async$returnValue, $async$completer);
52834 }
52835 });
52836 return A._asyncStartSync($async$visitDebugRule$1, $async$completer);
52837 },
52838 visitDeclaration$1(node) {
52839 return this.visitDeclaration$body$_EvaluateVisitor(node);
52840 },
52841 visitDeclaration$body$_EvaluateVisitor(node) {
52842 var $async$goto = 0,
52843 $async$completer = A._makeAsyncAwaitCompleter(type$.nullable_Value),
52844 $async$returnValue, $async$self = this, t1, $name, t2, cssValue, t3, t4, children, oldDeclarationName;
52845 var $async$visitDeclaration$1 = A._wrapJsFunctionForAsync(function($async$errorCode, $async$result) {
52846 if ($async$errorCode === 1)
52847 return A._asyncRethrow($async$result, $async$completer);
52848 while (true)
52849 switch ($async$goto) {
52850 case 0:
52851 // Function start
52852 if (($async$self._async_evaluate$_atRootExcludingStyleRule ? null : $async$self._async_evaluate$_styleRuleIgnoringAtRoot) == null && !$async$self._async_evaluate$_inUnknownAtRule && !$async$self._async_evaluate$_inKeyframes)
52853 throw A.wrapException($async$self._async_evaluate$_exception$2(string$.Declarm, node.span));
52854 t1 = node.name;
52855 $async$goto = 3;
52856 return A._asyncAwait($async$self._async_evaluate$_interpolationToValue$2$warnForColor(t1, true), $async$visitDeclaration$1);
52857 case 3:
52858 // returning from await.
52859 $name = $async$result;
52860 t2 = $async$self._async_evaluate$_declarationName;
52861 if (t2 != null)
52862 $name = new A.CssValue(t2 + "-" + A.S($name.get$value($name)), $name.get$span($name), type$.CssValue_String);
52863 t2 = node.value;
52864 $async$goto = 4;
52865 return A._asyncAwait(A.NullableExtension_andThen(t2, new A._EvaluateVisitor_visitDeclaration_closure1($async$self)), $async$visitDeclaration$1);
52866 case 4:
52867 // returning from await.
52868 cssValue = $async$result;
52869 t3 = cssValue != null;
52870 if (t3)
52871 t4 = !cssValue.get$value(cssValue).get$isBlank() || cssValue.get$value(cssValue).get$asList().length === 0;
52872 else
52873 t4 = false;
52874 if (t4) {
52875 t3 = $async$self._async_evaluate$_assertInModule$2($async$self._async_evaluate$__parent, "__parent");
52876 t1 = B.JSString_methods.startsWith$1(t1.get$initialPlain(), "--");
52877 if ($async$self._async_evaluate$_sourceMap) {
52878 t2 = A.NullableExtension_andThen(t2, $async$self.get$_async_evaluate$_expressionNode());
52879 t2 = t2 == null ? null : J.get$span$z(t2);
52880 } else
52881 t2 = null;
52882 t3.addChild$1(A.ModifiableCssDeclaration$($name, cssValue, node.span, t1, t2));
52883 } else if (J.startsWith$1$s($name.get$value($name), "--") && t3)
52884 throw A.wrapException($async$self._async_evaluate$_exception$2("Custom property values may not be empty.", cssValue.get$span(cssValue)));
52885 children = node.children;
52886 $async$goto = children != null ? 5 : 6;
52887 break;
52888 case 5:
52889 // then
52890 oldDeclarationName = $async$self._async_evaluate$_declarationName;
52891 $async$self._async_evaluate$_declarationName = $name.get$value($name);
52892 $async$goto = 7;
52893 return A._asyncAwait($async$self._async_evaluate$_environment.scope$1$2$when(new A._EvaluateVisitor_visitDeclaration_closure2($async$self, children), node.hasDeclarations, type$.Null), $async$visitDeclaration$1);
52894 case 7:
52895 // returning from await.
52896 $async$self._async_evaluate$_declarationName = oldDeclarationName;
52897 case 6:
52898 // join
52899 $async$returnValue = null;
52900 // goto return
52901 $async$goto = 1;
52902 break;
52903 case 1:
52904 // return
52905 return A._asyncReturn($async$returnValue, $async$completer);
52906 }
52907 });
52908 return A._asyncStartSync($async$visitDeclaration$1, $async$completer);
52909 },
52910 visitEachRule$1(node) {
52911 return this.visitEachRule$body$_EvaluateVisitor(node);
52912 },
52913 visitEachRule$body$_EvaluateVisitor(node) {
52914 var $async$goto = 0,
52915 $async$completer = A._makeAsyncAwaitCompleter(type$.nullable_Value),
52916 $async$returnValue, $async$self = this, t1, list, nodeWithSpan, setVariables;
52917 var $async$visitEachRule$1 = A._wrapJsFunctionForAsync(function($async$errorCode, $async$result) {
52918 if ($async$errorCode === 1)
52919 return A._asyncRethrow($async$result, $async$completer);
52920 while (true)
52921 switch ($async$goto) {
52922 case 0:
52923 // Function start
52924 t1 = node.list;
52925 $async$goto = 3;
52926 return A._asyncAwait(t1.accept$1($async$self), $async$visitEachRule$1);
52927 case 3:
52928 // returning from await.
52929 list = $async$result;
52930 nodeWithSpan = $async$self._async_evaluate$_expressionNode$1(t1);
52931 setVariables = node.variables.length === 1 ? new A._EvaluateVisitor_visitEachRule_closure2($async$self, node, nodeWithSpan) : new A._EvaluateVisitor_visitEachRule_closure3($async$self, node, nodeWithSpan);
52932 $async$returnValue = $async$self._async_evaluate$_environment.scope$1$2$semiGlobal(new A._EvaluateVisitor_visitEachRule_closure4($async$self, list, setVariables, node), true, type$.nullable_Value);
52933 // goto return
52934 $async$goto = 1;
52935 break;
52936 case 1:
52937 // return
52938 return A._asyncReturn($async$returnValue, $async$completer);
52939 }
52940 });
52941 return A._asyncStartSync($async$visitEachRule$1, $async$completer);
52942 },
52943 _async_evaluate$_setMultipleVariables$3(variables, value, nodeWithSpan) {
52944 var i,
52945 list = value.get$asList(),
52946 t1 = variables.length,
52947 minLength = Math.min(t1, list.length);
52948 for (i = 0; i < minLength; ++i)
52949 this._async_evaluate$_environment.setLocalVariable$3(variables[i], this._async_evaluate$_withoutSlash$2(list[i], nodeWithSpan), nodeWithSpan);
52950 for (i = minLength; i < t1; ++i)
52951 this._async_evaluate$_environment.setLocalVariable$3(variables[i], B.C__SassNull, nodeWithSpan);
52952 },
52953 visitErrorRule$1(node) {
52954 return this.visitErrorRule$body$_EvaluateVisitor(node);
52955 },
52956 visitErrorRule$body$_EvaluateVisitor(node) {
52957 var $async$goto = 0,
52958 $async$completer = A._makeAsyncAwaitCompleter(type$.Value),
52959 $async$self = this, $async$temp1, $async$temp2;
52960 var $async$visitErrorRule$1 = A._wrapJsFunctionForAsync(function($async$errorCode, $async$result) {
52961 if ($async$errorCode === 1)
52962 return A._asyncRethrow($async$result, $async$completer);
52963 while (true)
52964 switch ($async$goto) {
52965 case 0:
52966 // Function start
52967 $async$temp1 = A;
52968 $async$temp2 = J;
52969 $async$goto = 2;
52970 return A._asyncAwait(node.expression.accept$1($async$self), $async$visitErrorRule$1);
52971 case 2:
52972 // returning from await.
52973 throw $async$temp1.wrapException($async$self._async_evaluate$_exception$2($async$temp2.toString$0$($async$result), node.span));
52974 // implicit return
52975 return A._asyncReturn(null, $async$completer);
52976 }
52977 });
52978 return A._asyncStartSync($async$visitErrorRule$1, $async$completer);
52979 },
52980 visitExtendRule$1(node) {
52981 return this.visitExtendRule$body$_EvaluateVisitor(node);
52982 },
52983 visitExtendRule$body$_EvaluateVisitor(node) {
52984 var $async$goto = 0,
52985 $async$completer = A._makeAsyncAwaitCompleter(type$.nullable_Value),
52986 $async$returnValue, $async$self = this, targetText, t1, t2, t3, _i, t4, styleRule;
52987 var $async$visitExtendRule$1 = A._wrapJsFunctionForAsync(function($async$errorCode, $async$result) {
52988 if ($async$errorCode === 1)
52989 return A._asyncRethrow($async$result, $async$completer);
52990 while (true)
52991 switch ($async$goto) {
52992 case 0:
52993 // Function start
52994 styleRule = $async$self._async_evaluate$_atRootExcludingStyleRule ? null : $async$self._async_evaluate$_styleRuleIgnoringAtRoot;
52995 if (styleRule == null || $async$self._async_evaluate$_declarationName != null)
52996 throw A.wrapException($async$self._async_evaluate$_exception$2(string$.x40exten, node.span));
52997 $async$goto = 3;
52998 return A._asyncAwait($async$self._async_evaluate$_interpolationToValue$2$warnForColor(node.selector, true), $async$visitExtendRule$1);
52999 case 3:
53000 // returning from await.
53001 targetText = $async$result;
53002 for (t1 = $async$self._async_evaluate$_adjustParseError$2(targetText, new A._EvaluateVisitor_visitExtendRule_closure0($async$self, targetText)).components, t2 = t1.length, t3 = type$.CompoundSelector, _i = 0; _i < t2; ++_i) {
53003 t4 = t1[_i].components;
53004 if (t4.length !== 1 || !(B.JSArray_methods.get$first(t4) instanceof A.CompoundSelector))
53005 throw A.wrapException(A.SassFormatException$("complex selectors may not be extended.", targetText.get$span(targetText)));
53006 t4 = t3._as(B.JSArray_methods.get$first(t4)).components;
53007 if (t4.length !== 1)
53008 throw A.wrapException(A.SassFormatException$(string$.compou + B.JSArray_methods.join$1(t4, ", ") + string$.x60_inst, targetText.get$span(targetText)));
53009 $async$self._async_evaluate$_assertInModule$2($async$self._async_evaluate$__extensionStore, "_extensionStore").addExtension$4(styleRule.selector, B.JSArray_methods.get$first(t4), node, $async$self._async_evaluate$_mediaQueries);
53010 }
53011 $async$returnValue = null;
53012 // goto return
53013 $async$goto = 1;
53014 break;
53015 case 1:
53016 // return
53017 return A._asyncReturn($async$returnValue, $async$completer);
53018 }
53019 });
53020 return A._asyncStartSync($async$visitExtendRule$1, $async$completer);
53021 },
53022 visitAtRule$1(node) {
53023 return this.visitAtRule$body$_EvaluateVisitor(node);
53024 },
53025 visitAtRule$body$_EvaluateVisitor(node) {
53026 var $async$goto = 0,
53027 $async$completer = A._makeAsyncAwaitCompleter(type$.nullable_Value),
53028 $async$returnValue, $async$self = this, $name, value, children, wasInKeyframes, wasInUnknownAtRule;
53029 var $async$visitAtRule$1 = A._wrapJsFunctionForAsync(function($async$errorCode, $async$result) {
53030 if ($async$errorCode === 1)
53031 return A._asyncRethrow($async$result, $async$completer);
53032 while (true)
53033 switch ($async$goto) {
53034 case 0:
53035 // Function start
53036 if ($async$self._async_evaluate$_declarationName != null)
53037 throw A.wrapException($async$self._async_evaluate$_exception$2(string$.At_rul, node.span));
53038 $async$goto = 3;
53039 return A._asyncAwait($async$self._async_evaluate$_interpolationToValue$1(node.name), $async$visitAtRule$1);
53040 case 3:
53041 // returning from await.
53042 $name = $async$result;
53043 $async$goto = 4;
53044 return A._asyncAwait(A.NullableExtension_andThen(node.value, new A._EvaluateVisitor_visitAtRule_closure2($async$self)), $async$visitAtRule$1);
53045 case 4:
53046 // returning from await.
53047 value = $async$result;
53048 children = node.children;
53049 if (children == null) {
53050 $async$self._async_evaluate$_assertInModule$2($async$self._async_evaluate$__parent, "__parent").addChild$1(A.ModifiableCssAtRule$($name, node.span, true, value));
53051 $async$returnValue = null;
53052 // goto return
53053 $async$goto = 1;
53054 break;
53055 }
53056 wasInKeyframes = $async$self._async_evaluate$_inKeyframes;
53057 wasInUnknownAtRule = $async$self._async_evaluate$_inUnknownAtRule;
53058 if (A.unvendor($name.get$value($name)) === "keyframes")
53059 $async$self._async_evaluate$_inKeyframes = true;
53060 else
53061 $async$self._async_evaluate$_inUnknownAtRule = true;
53062 $async$goto = 5;
53063 return A._asyncAwait($async$self._async_evaluate$_withParent$2$4$scopeWhen$through(A.ModifiableCssAtRule$($name, node.span, false, value), new A._EvaluateVisitor_visitAtRule_closure3($async$self, children), node.hasDeclarations, new A._EvaluateVisitor_visitAtRule_closure4(), type$.ModifiableCssAtRule, type$.Null), $async$visitAtRule$1);
53064 case 5:
53065 // returning from await.
53066 $async$self._async_evaluate$_inUnknownAtRule = wasInUnknownAtRule;
53067 $async$self._async_evaluate$_inKeyframes = wasInKeyframes;
53068 $async$returnValue = null;
53069 // goto return
53070 $async$goto = 1;
53071 break;
53072 case 1:
53073 // return
53074 return A._asyncReturn($async$returnValue, $async$completer);
53075 }
53076 });
53077 return A._asyncStartSync($async$visitAtRule$1, $async$completer);
53078 },
53079 visitForRule$1(node) {
53080 return this.visitForRule$body$_EvaluateVisitor(node);
53081 },
53082 visitForRule$body$_EvaluateVisitor(node) {
53083 var $async$goto = 0,
53084 $async$completer = A._makeAsyncAwaitCompleter(type$.nullable_Value),
53085 $async$returnValue, $async$self = this, t1, t2, t3, fromNumber, t4, toNumber, from, to, direction;
53086 var $async$visitForRule$1 = A._wrapJsFunctionForAsync(function($async$errorCode, $async$result) {
53087 if ($async$errorCode === 1)
53088 return A._asyncRethrow($async$result, $async$completer);
53089 while (true)
53090 switch ($async$goto) {
53091 case 0:
53092 // Function start
53093 t1 = {};
53094 t2 = node.from;
53095 t3 = type$.SassNumber;
53096 $async$goto = 3;
53097 return A._asyncAwait($async$self._addExceptionSpanAsync$1$2(t2, new A._EvaluateVisitor_visitForRule_closure4($async$self, node), t3), $async$visitForRule$1);
53098 case 3:
53099 // returning from await.
53100 fromNumber = $async$result;
53101 t4 = node.to;
53102 $async$goto = 4;
53103 return A._asyncAwait($async$self._addExceptionSpanAsync$1$2(t4, new A._EvaluateVisitor_visitForRule_closure5($async$self, node), t3), $async$visitForRule$1);
53104 case 4:
53105 // returning from await.
53106 toNumber = $async$result;
53107 from = $async$self._async_evaluate$_addExceptionSpan$2(t2, new A._EvaluateVisitor_visitForRule_closure6(fromNumber));
53108 to = t1.to = $async$self._async_evaluate$_addExceptionSpan$2(t4, new A._EvaluateVisitor_visitForRule_closure7(toNumber, fromNumber));
53109 direction = from > to ? -1 : 1;
53110 if (from === (!node.isExclusive ? t1.to = to + direction : to)) {
53111 $async$returnValue = null;
53112 // goto return
53113 $async$goto = 1;
53114 break;
53115 }
53116 $async$returnValue = $async$self._async_evaluate$_environment.scope$1$2$semiGlobal(new A._EvaluateVisitor_visitForRule_closure8(t1, $async$self, node, from, direction, fromNumber), true, type$.nullable_Value);
53117 // goto return
53118 $async$goto = 1;
53119 break;
53120 case 1:
53121 // return
53122 return A._asyncReturn($async$returnValue, $async$completer);
53123 }
53124 });
53125 return A._asyncStartSync($async$visitForRule$1, $async$completer);
53126 },
53127 visitForwardRule$1(node) {
53128 return this.visitForwardRule$body$_EvaluateVisitor(node);
53129 },
53130 visitForwardRule$body$_EvaluateVisitor(node) {
53131 var $async$goto = 0,
53132 $async$completer = A._makeAsyncAwaitCompleter(type$.nullable_Value),
53133 $async$returnValue, $async$self = this, newConfiguration, t4, _i, variable, $name, oldConfiguration, adjustedConfiguration, t1, t2, t3;
53134 var $async$visitForwardRule$1 = A._wrapJsFunctionForAsync(function($async$errorCode, $async$result) {
53135 if ($async$errorCode === 1)
53136 return A._asyncRethrow($async$result, $async$completer);
53137 while (true)
53138 switch ($async$goto) {
53139 case 0:
53140 // Function start
53141 oldConfiguration = $async$self._async_evaluate$_configuration;
53142 adjustedConfiguration = oldConfiguration.throughForward$1(node);
53143 t1 = node.configuration;
53144 t2 = t1.length;
53145 t3 = node.url;
53146 $async$goto = t2 !== 0 ? 3 : 5;
53147 break;
53148 case 3:
53149 // then
53150 $async$goto = 6;
53151 return A._asyncAwait($async$self._async_evaluate$_addForwardConfiguration$2(adjustedConfiguration, node), $async$visitForwardRule$1);
53152 case 6:
53153 // returning from await.
53154 newConfiguration = $async$result;
53155 $async$goto = 7;
53156 return A._asyncAwait($async$self._async_evaluate$_loadModule$5$configuration(t3, "@forward", node, new A._EvaluateVisitor_visitForwardRule_closure1($async$self, node), newConfiguration), $async$visitForwardRule$1);
53157 case 7:
53158 // returning from await.
53159 t3 = type$.String;
53160 t4 = A.LinkedHashSet_LinkedHashSet$_empty(t3);
53161 for (_i = 0; _i < t2; ++_i) {
53162 variable = t1[_i];
53163 if (!variable.isGuarded)
53164 t4.add$1(0, variable.name);
53165 }
53166 $async$self._async_evaluate$_removeUsedConfiguration$3$except(adjustedConfiguration, newConfiguration, t4);
53167 t3 = A.LinkedHashSet_LinkedHashSet$_empty(t3);
53168 for (_i = 0; _i < t2; ++_i)
53169 t3.add$1(0, t1[_i].name);
53170 for (t1 = newConfiguration._values, t2 = J.toList$0$ax(t1.get$keys(t1)), t4 = t2.length, _i = 0; _i < t2.length; t2.length === t4 || (0, A.throwConcurrentModificationError)(t2), ++_i) {
53171 $name = t2[_i];
53172 if (!t3.contains$1(0, $name))
53173 if (!t1.get$isEmpty(t1))
53174 t1.remove$1(0, $name);
53175 }
53176 $async$self._async_evaluate$_assertConfigurationIsEmpty$1(newConfiguration);
53177 // goto join
53178 $async$goto = 4;
53179 break;
53180 case 5:
53181 // else
53182 $async$self._async_evaluate$_configuration = adjustedConfiguration;
53183 $async$goto = 8;
53184 return A._asyncAwait($async$self._async_evaluate$_loadModule$4(t3, "@forward", node, new A._EvaluateVisitor_visitForwardRule_closure2($async$self, node)), $async$visitForwardRule$1);
53185 case 8:
53186 // returning from await.
53187 $async$self._async_evaluate$_configuration = oldConfiguration;
53188 case 4:
53189 // join
53190 $async$returnValue = null;
53191 // goto return
53192 $async$goto = 1;
53193 break;
53194 case 1:
53195 // return
53196 return A._asyncReturn($async$returnValue, $async$completer);
53197 }
53198 });
53199 return A._asyncStartSync($async$visitForwardRule$1, $async$completer);
53200 },
53201 _async_evaluate$_addForwardConfiguration$2(configuration, node) {
53202 return this._addForwardConfiguration$body$_EvaluateVisitor(configuration, node);
53203 },
53204 _addForwardConfiguration$body$_EvaluateVisitor(configuration, node) {
53205 var $async$goto = 0,
53206 $async$completer = A._makeAsyncAwaitCompleter(type$.Configuration),
53207 $async$returnValue, $async$self = this, t2, t3, _i, variable, t4, t5, variableNodeWithSpan, t1, newValues, $async$temp1, $async$temp2, $async$temp3;
53208 var $async$_async_evaluate$_addForwardConfiguration$2 = A._wrapJsFunctionForAsync(function($async$errorCode, $async$result) {
53209 if ($async$errorCode === 1)
53210 return A._asyncRethrow($async$result, $async$completer);
53211 while (true)
53212 switch ($async$goto) {
53213 case 0:
53214 // Function start
53215 t1 = configuration._values;
53216 newValues = A.LinkedHashMap_LinkedHashMap$of(new A.UnmodifiableMapView(t1, type$.UnmodifiableMapView_String_ConfiguredValue), type$.String, type$.ConfiguredValue);
53217 t2 = node.configuration, t3 = t2.length, _i = 0;
53218 case 3:
53219 // for condition
53220 if (!(_i < t3)) {
53221 // goto after for
53222 $async$goto = 5;
53223 break;
53224 }
53225 variable = t2[_i];
53226 if (variable.isGuarded) {
53227 t4 = variable.name;
53228 t5 = t1.get$isEmpty(t1) ? null : t1.remove$1(0, t4);
53229 if (t5 != null && !t5.value.$eq(0, B.C__SassNull)) {
53230 newValues.$indexSet(0, t4, t5);
53231 // goto for update
53232 $async$goto = 4;
53233 break;
53234 }
53235 }
53236 t4 = variable.expression;
53237 variableNodeWithSpan = $async$self._async_evaluate$_expressionNode$1(t4);
53238 $async$temp1 = newValues;
53239 $async$temp2 = variable.name;
53240 $async$temp3 = A;
53241 $async$goto = 6;
53242 return A._asyncAwait(t4.accept$1($async$self), $async$_async_evaluate$_addForwardConfiguration$2);
53243 case 6:
53244 // returning from await.
53245 $async$temp1.$indexSet(0, $async$temp2, new $async$temp3.ConfiguredValue($async$self._async_evaluate$_withoutSlash$2($async$result, variableNodeWithSpan), variable.span, variableNodeWithSpan));
53246 case 4:
53247 // for update
53248 ++_i;
53249 // goto for condition
53250 $async$goto = 3;
53251 break;
53252 case 5:
53253 // after for
53254 if (configuration instanceof A.ExplicitConfiguration || t1.get$isEmpty(t1)) {
53255 $async$returnValue = new A.ExplicitConfiguration(node, newValues);
53256 // goto return
53257 $async$goto = 1;
53258 break;
53259 } else {
53260 $async$returnValue = new A.Configuration(newValues);
53261 // goto return
53262 $async$goto = 1;
53263 break;
53264 }
53265 case 1:
53266 // return
53267 return A._asyncReturn($async$returnValue, $async$completer);
53268 }
53269 });
53270 return A._asyncStartSync($async$_async_evaluate$_addForwardConfiguration$2, $async$completer);
53271 },
53272 _async_evaluate$_removeUsedConfiguration$3$except(upstream, downstream, except) {
53273 var t1, t2, t3, t4, _i, $name;
53274 for (t1 = upstream._values, t2 = J.toList$0$ax(t1.get$keys(t1)), t3 = t2.length, t4 = downstream._values, _i = 0; _i < t2.length; t2.length === t3 || (0, A.throwConcurrentModificationError)(t2), ++_i) {
53275 $name = t2[_i];
53276 if (except.contains$1(0, $name))
53277 continue;
53278 if (!t4.containsKey$1($name))
53279 if (!t1.get$isEmpty(t1))
53280 t1.remove$1(0, $name);
53281 }
53282 },
53283 _async_evaluate$_assertConfigurationIsEmpty$2$nameInError(configuration, nameInError) {
53284 var t1, entry;
53285 if (!(configuration instanceof A.ExplicitConfiguration))
53286 return;
53287 t1 = configuration._values;
53288 if (t1.get$isEmpty(t1))
53289 return;
53290 t1 = t1.get$entries(t1);
53291 entry = t1.get$first(t1);
53292 t1 = nameInError ? "$" + A.S(entry.key) + string$.x20was_n : string$.This_v;
53293 throw A.wrapException(this._async_evaluate$_exception$2(t1, entry.value.configurationSpan));
53294 },
53295 _async_evaluate$_assertConfigurationIsEmpty$1(configuration) {
53296 return this._async_evaluate$_assertConfigurationIsEmpty$2$nameInError(configuration, false);
53297 },
53298 visitFunctionRule$1(node) {
53299 return this.visitFunctionRule$body$_EvaluateVisitor(node);
53300 },
53301 visitFunctionRule$body$_EvaluateVisitor(node) {
53302 var $async$goto = 0,
53303 $async$completer = A._makeAsyncAwaitCompleter(type$.nullable_Value),
53304 $async$returnValue, $async$self = this, t1, t2, t3, index, t4;
53305 var $async$visitFunctionRule$1 = A._wrapJsFunctionForAsync(function($async$errorCode, $async$result) {
53306 if ($async$errorCode === 1)
53307 return A._asyncRethrow($async$result, $async$completer);
53308 while (true)
53309 switch ($async$goto) {
53310 case 0:
53311 // Function start
53312 t1 = $async$self._async_evaluate$_environment;
53313 t2 = t1.closure$0();
53314 t3 = t1._async_environment$_functions;
53315 index = t3.length - 1;
53316 t4 = node.name;
53317 t1._async_environment$_functionIndices.$indexSet(0, t4, index);
53318 J.$indexSet$ax(t3[index], t4, new A.UserDefinedCallable(node, t2, type$.UserDefinedCallable_AsyncEnvironment));
53319 $async$returnValue = null;
53320 // goto return
53321 $async$goto = 1;
53322 break;
53323 case 1:
53324 // return
53325 return A._asyncReturn($async$returnValue, $async$completer);
53326 }
53327 });
53328 return A._asyncStartSync($async$visitFunctionRule$1, $async$completer);
53329 },
53330 visitIfRule$1(node) {
53331 return this.visitIfRule$body$_EvaluateVisitor(node);
53332 },
53333 visitIfRule$body$_EvaluateVisitor(node) {
53334 var $async$goto = 0,
53335 $async$completer = A._makeAsyncAwaitCompleter(type$.nullable_Value),
53336 $async$returnValue, $async$self = this, t1, t2, _i, clauseToCheck, _box_0;
53337 var $async$visitIfRule$1 = A._wrapJsFunctionForAsync(function($async$errorCode, $async$result) {
53338 if ($async$errorCode === 1)
53339 return A._asyncRethrow($async$result, $async$completer);
53340 while (true)
53341 switch ($async$goto) {
53342 case 0:
53343 // Function start
53344 _box_0 = {};
53345 _box_0.clause = node.lastClause;
53346 t1 = node.clauses, t2 = t1.length, _i = 0;
53347 case 3:
53348 // for condition
53349 if (!(_i < t2)) {
53350 // goto after for
53351 $async$goto = 5;
53352 break;
53353 }
53354 clauseToCheck = t1[_i];
53355 $async$goto = 6;
53356 return A._asyncAwait(clauseToCheck.expression.accept$1($async$self), $async$visitIfRule$1);
53357 case 6:
53358 // returning from await.
53359 if ($async$result.get$isTruthy()) {
53360 _box_0.clause = clauseToCheck;
53361 // goto after for
53362 $async$goto = 5;
53363 break;
53364 }
53365 case 4:
53366 // for update
53367 ++_i;
53368 // goto for condition
53369 $async$goto = 3;
53370 break;
53371 case 5:
53372 // after for
53373 t1 = _box_0.clause;
53374 if (t1 == null) {
53375 $async$returnValue = null;
53376 // goto return
53377 $async$goto = 1;
53378 break;
53379 }
53380 $async$goto = 7;
53381 return A._asyncAwait($async$self._async_evaluate$_environment.scope$1$3$semiGlobal$when(new A._EvaluateVisitor_visitIfRule_closure0(_box_0, $async$self), true, t1.hasDeclarations, type$.nullable_Value), $async$visitIfRule$1);
53382 case 7:
53383 // returning from await.
53384 $async$returnValue = $async$result;
53385 // goto return
53386 $async$goto = 1;
53387 break;
53388 case 1:
53389 // return
53390 return A._asyncReturn($async$returnValue, $async$completer);
53391 }
53392 });
53393 return A._asyncStartSync($async$visitIfRule$1, $async$completer);
53394 },
53395 visitImportRule$1(node) {
53396 return this.visitImportRule$body$_EvaluateVisitor(node);
53397 },
53398 visitImportRule$body$_EvaluateVisitor(node) {
53399 var $async$goto = 0,
53400 $async$completer = A._makeAsyncAwaitCompleter(type$.nullable_Value),
53401 $async$returnValue, $async$self = this, t1, t2, t3, _i, $import;
53402 var $async$visitImportRule$1 = A._wrapJsFunctionForAsync(function($async$errorCode, $async$result) {
53403 if ($async$errorCode === 1)
53404 return A._asyncRethrow($async$result, $async$completer);
53405 while (true)
53406 switch ($async$goto) {
53407 case 0:
53408 // Function start
53409 t1 = node.imports, t2 = t1.length, t3 = type$.StaticImport, _i = 0;
53410 case 3:
53411 // for condition
53412 if (!(_i < t2)) {
53413 // goto after for
53414 $async$goto = 5;
53415 break;
53416 }
53417 $import = t1[_i];
53418 $async$goto = $import instanceof A.DynamicImport ? 6 : 8;
53419 break;
53420 case 6:
53421 // then
53422 $async$goto = 9;
53423 return A._asyncAwait($async$self._async_evaluate$_visitDynamicImport$1($import), $async$visitImportRule$1);
53424 case 9:
53425 // returning from await.
53426 // goto join
53427 $async$goto = 7;
53428 break;
53429 case 8:
53430 // else
53431 $async$goto = 10;
53432 return A._asyncAwait($async$self._async_evaluate$_visitStaticImport$1(t3._as($import)), $async$visitImportRule$1);
53433 case 10:
53434 // returning from await.
53435 case 7:
53436 // join
53437 case 4:
53438 // for update
53439 ++_i;
53440 // goto for condition
53441 $async$goto = 3;
53442 break;
53443 case 5:
53444 // after for
53445 $async$returnValue = null;
53446 // goto return
53447 $async$goto = 1;
53448 break;
53449 case 1:
53450 // return
53451 return A._asyncReturn($async$returnValue, $async$completer);
53452 }
53453 });
53454 return A._asyncStartSync($async$visitImportRule$1, $async$completer);
53455 },
53456 _async_evaluate$_visitDynamicImport$1($import) {
53457 return this._async_evaluate$_withStackFrame$1$3("@import", $import, new A._EvaluateVisitor__visitDynamicImport_closure0(this, $import), type$.void);
53458 },
53459 _async_evaluate$_loadStylesheet$4$baseUrl$forImport(url, span, baseUrl, forImport) {
53460 return this._loadStylesheet$body$_EvaluateVisitor(url, span, baseUrl, forImport);
53461 },
53462 _async_evaluate$_loadStylesheet$3$baseUrl(url, span, baseUrl) {
53463 return this._async_evaluate$_loadStylesheet$4$baseUrl$forImport(url, span, baseUrl, false);
53464 },
53465 _async_evaluate$_loadStylesheet$3$forImport(url, span, forImport) {
53466 return this._async_evaluate$_loadStylesheet$4$baseUrl$forImport(url, span, null, forImport);
53467 },
53468 _loadStylesheet$body$_EvaluateVisitor(url, span, baseUrl, forImport) {
53469 var $async$goto = 0,
53470 $async$completer = A._makeAsyncAwaitCompleter(type$._LoadedStylesheet),
53471 $async$returnValue, $async$handler = 2, $async$currentError, $async$next = [], $async$self = this, importCache, tuple, isDependency, stylesheet, result, error, stackTrace, error0, stackTrace0, message, t1, t2, t3, t4, exception, message0, $async$exception;
53472 var $async$_async_evaluate$_loadStylesheet$4$baseUrl$forImport = A._wrapJsFunctionForAsync(function($async$errorCode, $async$result) {
53473 if ($async$errorCode === 1) {
53474 $async$currentError = $async$result;
53475 $async$goto = $async$handler;
53476 }
53477 while (true)
53478 switch ($async$goto) {
53479 case 0:
53480 // Function start
53481 baseUrl = baseUrl;
53482 $async$handler = 4;
53483 $async$self._async_evaluate$_importSpan = span;
53484 importCache = $async$self._async_evaluate$_importCache;
53485 $async$goto = importCache != null ? 7 : 9;
53486 break;
53487 case 7:
53488 // then
53489 if (baseUrl == null)
53490 baseUrl = $async$self._async_evaluate$_assertInModule$2($async$self._async_evaluate$__stylesheet, "_stylesheet").span.file.url;
53491 $async$goto = 10;
53492 return A._asyncAwait(J.canonicalize$4$baseImporter$baseUrl$forImport$x(importCache, A.Uri_parse(url), $async$self._async_evaluate$_importer, baseUrl, forImport), $async$_async_evaluate$_loadStylesheet$4$baseUrl$forImport);
53493 case 10:
53494 // returning from await.
53495 tuple = $async$result;
53496 $async$goto = tuple != null ? 11 : 12;
53497 break;
53498 case 11:
53499 // then
53500 isDependency = $async$self._async_evaluate$_inDependency || tuple.item1 !== $async$self._async_evaluate$_importer;
53501 t1 = tuple.item1;
53502 t2 = tuple.item2;
53503 t3 = tuple.item3;
53504 t4 = $async$self._async_evaluate$_quietDeps && isDependency;
53505 $async$goto = 13;
53506 return A._asyncAwait(importCache.importCanonical$4$originalUrl$quiet(t1, t2, t3, t4), $async$_async_evaluate$_loadStylesheet$4$baseUrl$forImport);
53507 case 13:
53508 // returning from await.
53509 stylesheet = $async$result;
53510 if (stylesheet != null) {
53511 $async$self._async_evaluate$_loadedUrls.add$1(0, tuple.item2);
53512 t1 = tuple.item1;
53513 $async$returnValue = new A._LoadedStylesheet0(stylesheet, t1, isDependency);
53514 $async$next = [1];
53515 // goto finally
53516 $async$goto = 5;
53517 break;
53518 }
53519 case 12:
53520 // join
53521 // goto join
53522 $async$goto = 8;
53523 break;
53524 case 9:
53525 // else
53526 $async$goto = 14;
53527 return A._asyncAwait($async$self._async_evaluate$_importLikeNode$2(url, forImport), $async$_async_evaluate$_loadStylesheet$4$baseUrl$forImport);
53528 case 14:
53529 // returning from await.
53530 result = $async$result;
53531 if (result != null) {
53532 t1 = $async$self._async_evaluate$_loadedUrls;
53533 A.NullableExtension_andThen(result.stylesheet.span.file.url, t1.get$add(t1));
53534 $async$returnValue = result;
53535 $async$next = [1];
53536 // goto finally
53537 $async$goto = 5;
53538 break;
53539 }
53540 case 8:
53541 // join
53542 if (B.JSString_methods.startsWith$1(url, "package:") && true)
53543 throw A.wrapException(string$.x22packa);
53544 else
53545 throw A.wrapException("Can't find stylesheet to import.");
53546 $async$next.push(6);
53547 // goto finally
53548 $async$goto = 5;
53549 break;
53550 case 4:
53551 // catch
53552 $async$handler = 3;
53553 $async$exception = $async$currentError;
53554 t1 = A.unwrapException($async$exception);
53555 if (t1 instanceof A.SassException) {
53556 error = t1;
53557 stackTrace = A.getTraceFromException($async$exception);
53558 t1 = error;
53559 t2 = J.getInterceptor$z(t1);
53560 A.throwWithTrace($async$self._async_evaluate$_exception$2(error._span_exception$_message, A.SourceSpanException.prototype.get$span.call(t2, t1)), stackTrace);
53561 } else {
53562 error0 = t1;
53563 stackTrace0 = A.getTraceFromException($async$exception);
53564 message = null;
53565 try {
53566 message = A._asString(J.get$message$x(error0));
53567 } catch (exception) {
53568 message0 = J.toString$0$(error0);
53569 message = message0;
53570 }
53571 A.throwWithTrace($async$self._async_evaluate$_exception$1(message), stackTrace0);
53572 }
53573 $async$next.push(6);
53574 // goto finally
53575 $async$goto = 5;
53576 break;
53577 case 3:
53578 // uncaught
53579 $async$next = [2];
53580 case 5:
53581 // finally
53582 $async$handler = 2;
53583 $async$self._async_evaluate$_importSpan = null;
53584 // goto the next finally handler
53585 $async$goto = $async$next.pop();
53586 break;
53587 case 6:
53588 // after finally
53589 case 1:
53590 // return
53591 return A._asyncReturn($async$returnValue, $async$completer);
53592 case 2:
53593 // rethrow
53594 return A._asyncRethrow($async$currentError, $async$completer);
53595 }
53596 });
53597 return A._asyncStartSync($async$_async_evaluate$_loadStylesheet$4$baseUrl$forImport, $async$completer);
53598 },
53599 _async_evaluate$_importLikeNode$2(originalUrl, forImport) {
53600 return this._importLikeNode$body$_EvaluateVisitor(originalUrl, forImport);
53601 },
53602 _importLikeNode$body$_EvaluateVisitor(originalUrl, forImport) {
53603 var $async$goto = 0,
53604 $async$completer = A._makeAsyncAwaitCompleter(type$.nullable__LoadedStylesheet),
53605 $async$returnValue, $async$self = this, result, isDependency, url, t2, t1;
53606 var $async$_async_evaluate$_importLikeNode$2 = A._wrapJsFunctionForAsync(function($async$errorCode, $async$result) {
53607 if ($async$errorCode === 1)
53608 return A._asyncRethrow($async$result, $async$completer);
53609 while (true)
53610 switch ($async$goto) {
53611 case 0:
53612 // Function start
53613 t1 = $async$self._async_evaluate$_nodeImporter;
53614 t1.toString;
53615 result = t1.loadRelative$3(originalUrl, $async$self._async_evaluate$_assertInModule$2($async$self._async_evaluate$__stylesheet, "_stylesheet").span.file.url, forImport);
53616 isDependency = $async$self._async_evaluate$_inDependency;
53617 url = result.item2;
53618 t1 = B.JSString_methods.startsWith$1(url, "file") ? A.Syntax_forPath(url) : B.Syntax_SCSS;
53619 t2 = $async$self._async_evaluate$_quietDeps && isDependency ? $.$get$Logger_quiet() : $async$self._async_evaluate$_logger;
53620 $async$returnValue = new A._LoadedStylesheet0(A.Stylesheet_Stylesheet$parse(result.item1, t1, t2, url), null, isDependency);
53621 // goto return
53622 $async$goto = 1;
53623 break;
53624 case 1:
53625 // return
53626 return A._asyncReturn($async$returnValue, $async$completer);
53627 }
53628 });
53629 return A._asyncStartSync($async$_async_evaluate$_importLikeNode$2, $async$completer);
53630 },
53631 _async_evaluate$_visitStaticImport$1($import) {
53632 return this._visitStaticImport$body$_EvaluateVisitor($import);
53633 },
53634 _visitStaticImport$body$_EvaluateVisitor($import) {
53635 var $async$goto = 0,
53636 $async$completer = A._makeAsyncAwaitCompleter(type$.void),
53637 $async$self = this, t1, url, supports, node, $async$temp1, $async$temp2, $async$temp3;
53638 var $async$_async_evaluate$_visitStaticImport$1 = A._wrapJsFunctionForAsync(function($async$errorCode, $async$result) {
53639 if ($async$errorCode === 1)
53640 return A._asyncRethrow($async$result, $async$completer);
53641 while (true)
53642 switch ($async$goto) {
53643 case 0:
53644 // Function start
53645 $async$goto = 2;
53646 return A._asyncAwait($async$self._async_evaluate$_interpolationToValue$1($import.url), $async$_async_evaluate$_visitStaticImport$1);
53647 case 2:
53648 // returning from await.
53649 url = $async$result;
53650 $async$goto = 3;
53651 return A._asyncAwait(A.NullableExtension_andThen($import.supports, new A._EvaluateVisitor__visitStaticImport_closure0($async$self)), $async$_async_evaluate$_visitStaticImport$1);
53652 case 3:
53653 // returning from await.
53654 supports = $async$result;
53655 $async$temp1 = A;
53656 $async$temp2 = url;
53657 $async$temp3 = $import.span;
53658 $async$goto = 4;
53659 return A._asyncAwait(A.NullableExtension_andThen($import.media, $async$self.get$_async_evaluate$_visitMediaQueries()), $async$_async_evaluate$_visitStaticImport$1);
53660 case 4:
53661 // returning from await.
53662 node = $async$temp1.ModifiableCssImport$($async$temp2, $async$temp3, $async$result, supports);
53663 if ($async$self._async_evaluate$_assertInModule$2($async$self._async_evaluate$__parent, "__parent") !== $async$self._async_evaluate$_assertInModule$2($async$self._async_evaluate$__root, "_root"))
53664 $async$self._async_evaluate$_assertInModule$2($async$self._async_evaluate$__parent, "__parent").addChild$1(node);
53665 else if ($async$self._async_evaluate$_assertInModule$2($async$self._async_evaluate$__endOfImports, "_endOfImports") === J.get$length$asx($async$self._async_evaluate$_assertInModule$2($async$self._async_evaluate$__root, "_root").children._collection$_source)) {
53666 $async$self._async_evaluate$_assertInModule$2($async$self._async_evaluate$__root, "_root").addChild$1(node);
53667 $async$self._async_evaluate$__endOfImports = $async$self._async_evaluate$_assertInModule$2($async$self._async_evaluate$__endOfImports, "_endOfImports") + 1;
53668 } else {
53669 t1 = $async$self._async_evaluate$_outOfOrderImports;
53670 (t1 == null ? $async$self._async_evaluate$_outOfOrderImports = A._setArrayType([], type$.JSArray_ModifiableCssImport) : t1).push(node);
53671 }
53672 // implicit return
53673 return A._asyncReturn(null, $async$completer);
53674 }
53675 });
53676 return A._asyncStartSync($async$_async_evaluate$_visitStaticImport$1, $async$completer);
53677 },
53678 visitIncludeRule$1(node) {
53679 return this.visitIncludeRule$body$_EvaluateVisitor(node);
53680 },
53681 visitIncludeRule$body$_EvaluateVisitor(node) {
53682 var $async$goto = 0,
53683 $async$completer = A._makeAsyncAwaitCompleter(type$.nullable_Value),
53684 $async$returnValue, $async$self = this, nodeWithSpan, t1, mixin;
53685 var $async$visitIncludeRule$1 = A._wrapJsFunctionForAsync(function($async$errorCode, $async$result) {
53686 if ($async$errorCode === 1)
53687 return A._asyncRethrow($async$result, $async$completer);
53688 while (true)
53689 switch ($async$goto) {
53690 case 0:
53691 // Function start
53692 mixin = $async$self._async_evaluate$_addExceptionSpan$2(node, new A._EvaluateVisitor_visitIncludeRule_closure3($async$self, node));
53693 if (mixin == null)
53694 throw A.wrapException($async$self._async_evaluate$_exception$2("Undefined mixin.", node.span));
53695 nodeWithSpan = new A._FakeAstNode(new A._EvaluateVisitor_visitIncludeRule_closure4(node));
53696 $async$goto = type$.AsyncBuiltInCallable._is(mixin) ? 3 : 5;
53697 break;
53698 case 3:
53699 // then
53700 if (node.content != null)
53701 throw A.wrapException($async$self._async_evaluate$_exception$2("Mixin doesn't accept a content block.", node.span));
53702 $async$goto = 6;
53703 return A._asyncAwait($async$self._async_evaluate$_runBuiltInCallable$3(node.$arguments, mixin, nodeWithSpan), $async$visitIncludeRule$1);
53704 case 6:
53705 // returning from await.
53706 // goto join
53707 $async$goto = 4;
53708 break;
53709 case 5:
53710 // else
53711 $async$goto = type$.UserDefinedCallable_AsyncEnvironment._is(mixin) ? 7 : 9;
53712 break;
53713 case 7:
53714 // then
53715 t1 = node.content;
53716 if (t1 != null && !type$.MixinRule._as(mixin.declaration).get$hasContent())
53717 throw A.wrapException(A.MultiSpanSassRuntimeException$("Mixin doesn't accept a content block.", node.get$spanWithoutContent(), "invocation", A.LinkedHashMap_LinkedHashMap$_literal([mixin.declaration.$arguments.get$spanWithName(), "declaration"], type$.FileSpan, type$.String), $async$self._async_evaluate$_stackTrace$1(node.get$spanWithoutContent())));
53718 $async$goto = 10;
53719 return A._asyncAwait($async$self._async_evaluate$_runUserDefinedCallable$1$4(node.$arguments, mixin, nodeWithSpan, new A._EvaluateVisitor_visitIncludeRule_closure5($async$self, A.NullableExtension_andThen(t1, new A._EvaluateVisitor_visitIncludeRule_closure6($async$self)), mixin, nodeWithSpan), type$.Null), $async$visitIncludeRule$1);
53720 case 10:
53721 // returning from await.
53722 // goto join
53723 $async$goto = 8;
53724 break;
53725 case 9:
53726 // else
53727 throw A.wrapException(A.UnsupportedError$("Unknown callable type " + mixin.toString$0(0) + "."));
53728 case 8:
53729 // join
53730 case 4:
53731 // join
53732 $async$returnValue = null;
53733 // goto return
53734 $async$goto = 1;
53735 break;
53736 case 1:
53737 // return
53738 return A._asyncReturn($async$returnValue, $async$completer);
53739 }
53740 });
53741 return A._asyncStartSync($async$visitIncludeRule$1, $async$completer);
53742 },
53743 visitMixinRule$1(node) {
53744 return this.visitMixinRule$body$_EvaluateVisitor(node);
53745 },
53746 visitMixinRule$body$_EvaluateVisitor(node) {
53747 var $async$goto = 0,
53748 $async$completer = A._makeAsyncAwaitCompleter(type$.nullable_Value),
53749 $async$returnValue, $async$self = this, t1, t2, t3, index, t4;
53750 var $async$visitMixinRule$1 = A._wrapJsFunctionForAsync(function($async$errorCode, $async$result) {
53751 if ($async$errorCode === 1)
53752 return A._asyncRethrow($async$result, $async$completer);
53753 while (true)
53754 switch ($async$goto) {
53755 case 0:
53756 // Function start
53757 t1 = $async$self._async_evaluate$_environment;
53758 t2 = t1.closure$0();
53759 t3 = t1._async_environment$_mixins;
53760 index = t3.length - 1;
53761 t4 = node.name;
53762 t1._async_environment$_mixinIndices.$indexSet(0, t4, index);
53763 J.$indexSet$ax(t3[index], t4, new A.UserDefinedCallable(node, t2, type$.UserDefinedCallable_AsyncEnvironment));
53764 $async$returnValue = null;
53765 // goto return
53766 $async$goto = 1;
53767 break;
53768 case 1:
53769 // return
53770 return A._asyncReturn($async$returnValue, $async$completer);
53771 }
53772 });
53773 return A._asyncStartSync($async$visitMixinRule$1, $async$completer);
53774 },
53775 visitLoudComment$1(node) {
53776 return this.visitLoudComment$body$_EvaluateVisitor(node);
53777 },
53778 visitLoudComment$body$_EvaluateVisitor(node) {
53779 var $async$goto = 0,
53780 $async$completer = A._makeAsyncAwaitCompleter(type$.nullable_Value),
53781 $async$returnValue, $async$self = this, t1, $async$temp1, $async$temp2;
53782 var $async$visitLoudComment$1 = A._wrapJsFunctionForAsync(function($async$errorCode, $async$result) {
53783 if ($async$errorCode === 1)
53784 return A._asyncRethrow($async$result, $async$completer);
53785 while (true)
53786 switch ($async$goto) {
53787 case 0:
53788 // Function start
53789 if ($async$self._async_evaluate$_inFunction) {
53790 $async$returnValue = null;
53791 // goto return
53792 $async$goto = 1;
53793 break;
53794 }
53795 if ($async$self._async_evaluate$_assertInModule$2($async$self._async_evaluate$__parent, "__parent") === $async$self._async_evaluate$_assertInModule$2($async$self._async_evaluate$__root, "_root") && $async$self._async_evaluate$_assertInModule$2($async$self._async_evaluate$__endOfImports, "_endOfImports") === J.get$length$asx($async$self._async_evaluate$_assertInModule$2($async$self._async_evaluate$__root, "_root").children._collection$_source))
53796 $async$self._async_evaluate$__endOfImports = $async$self._async_evaluate$_assertInModule$2($async$self._async_evaluate$__endOfImports, "_endOfImports") + 1;
53797 t1 = node.text;
53798 $async$temp1 = $async$self._async_evaluate$_assertInModule$2($async$self._async_evaluate$__parent, "__parent");
53799 $async$temp2 = A;
53800 $async$goto = 3;
53801 return A._asyncAwait($async$self._async_evaluate$_performInterpolation$1(t1), $async$visitLoudComment$1);
53802 case 3:
53803 // returning from await.
53804 $async$temp1.addChild$1(new $async$temp2.ModifiableCssComment($async$result, t1.span));
53805 $async$returnValue = null;
53806 // goto return
53807 $async$goto = 1;
53808 break;
53809 case 1:
53810 // return
53811 return A._asyncReturn($async$returnValue, $async$completer);
53812 }
53813 });
53814 return A._asyncStartSync($async$visitLoudComment$1, $async$completer);
53815 },
53816 visitMediaRule$1(node) {
53817 return this.visitMediaRule$body$_EvaluateVisitor(node);
53818 },
53819 visitMediaRule$body$_EvaluateVisitor(node) {
53820 var $async$goto = 0,
53821 $async$completer = A._makeAsyncAwaitCompleter(type$.nullable_Value),
53822 $async$returnValue, $async$self = this, queries, mergedQueries, t1;
53823 var $async$visitMediaRule$1 = A._wrapJsFunctionForAsync(function($async$errorCode, $async$result) {
53824 if ($async$errorCode === 1)
53825 return A._asyncRethrow($async$result, $async$completer);
53826 while (true)
53827 switch ($async$goto) {
53828 case 0:
53829 // Function start
53830 if ($async$self._async_evaluate$_declarationName != null)
53831 throw A.wrapException($async$self._async_evaluate$_exception$2(string$.Media_, node.span));
53832 $async$goto = 3;
53833 return A._asyncAwait($async$self._async_evaluate$_visitMediaQueries$1(node.query), $async$visitMediaRule$1);
53834 case 3:
53835 // returning from await.
53836 queries = $async$result;
53837 mergedQueries = A.NullableExtension_andThen($async$self._async_evaluate$_mediaQueries, new A._EvaluateVisitor_visitMediaRule_closure2($async$self, queries));
53838 t1 = mergedQueries == null;
53839 if (!t1 && J.get$isEmpty$asx(mergedQueries)) {
53840 $async$returnValue = null;
53841 // goto return
53842 $async$goto = 1;
53843 break;
53844 }
53845 t1 = t1 ? queries : mergedQueries;
53846 $async$goto = 4;
53847 return A._asyncAwait($async$self._async_evaluate$_withParent$2$4$scopeWhen$through(A.ModifiableCssMediaRule$(t1, node.span), new A._EvaluateVisitor_visitMediaRule_closure3($async$self, mergedQueries, queries, node), node.hasDeclarations, new A._EvaluateVisitor_visitMediaRule_closure4(mergedQueries), type$.ModifiableCssMediaRule, type$.Null), $async$visitMediaRule$1);
53848 case 4:
53849 // returning from await.
53850 $async$returnValue = null;
53851 // goto return
53852 $async$goto = 1;
53853 break;
53854 case 1:
53855 // return
53856 return A._asyncReturn($async$returnValue, $async$completer);
53857 }
53858 });
53859 return A._asyncStartSync($async$visitMediaRule$1, $async$completer);
53860 },
53861 _async_evaluate$_visitMediaQueries$1(interpolation) {
53862 return this._visitMediaQueries$body$_EvaluateVisitor(interpolation);
53863 },
53864 _visitMediaQueries$body$_EvaluateVisitor(interpolation) {
53865 var $async$goto = 0,
53866 $async$completer = A._makeAsyncAwaitCompleter(type$.List_CssMediaQuery),
53867 $async$returnValue, $async$self = this, $async$temp1, $async$temp2;
53868 var $async$_async_evaluate$_visitMediaQueries$1 = A._wrapJsFunctionForAsync(function($async$errorCode, $async$result) {
53869 if ($async$errorCode === 1)
53870 return A._asyncRethrow($async$result, $async$completer);
53871 while (true)
53872 switch ($async$goto) {
53873 case 0:
53874 // Function start
53875 $async$temp1 = interpolation;
53876 $async$temp2 = A;
53877 $async$goto = 3;
53878 return A._asyncAwait($async$self._async_evaluate$_performInterpolation$2$warnForColor(interpolation, true), $async$_async_evaluate$_visitMediaQueries$1);
53879 case 3:
53880 // returning from await.
53881 $async$returnValue = $async$self._async_evaluate$_adjustParseError$2($async$temp1, new $async$temp2._EvaluateVisitor__visitMediaQueries_closure0($async$self, $async$result));
53882 // goto return
53883 $async$goto = 1;
53884 break;
53885 case 1:
53886 // return
53887 return A._asyncReturn($async$returnValue, $async$completer);
53888 }
53889 });
53890 return A._asyncStartSync($async$_async_evaluate$_visitMediaQueries$1, $async$completer);
53891 },
53892 _async_evaluate$_mergeMediaQueries$2(queries1, queries2) {
53893 var t1, t2, t3, t4, t5, result,
53894 queries = A._setArrayType([], type$.JSArray_CssMediaQuery);
53895 for (t1 = J.get$iterator$ax(queries1), t2 = J.getInterceptor$ax(queries2), t3 = type$.MediaQuerySuccessfulMergeResult; t1.moveNext$0();) {
53896 t4 = t1.get$current(t1);
53897 for (t5 = t2.get$iterator(queries2); t5.moveNext$0();) {
53898 result = t4.merge$1(t5.get$current(t5));
53899 if (result === B._SingletonCssMediaQueryMergeResult_empty)
53900 continue;
53901 if (result === B._SingletonCssMediaQueryMergeResult_unrepresentable)
53902 return null;
53903 queries.push(t3._as(result).query);
53904 }
53905 }
53906 return queries;
53907 },
53908 visitReturnRule$1(node) {
53909 return this.visitReturnRule$body$_EvaluateVisitor(node);
53910 },
53911 visitReturnRule$body$_EvaluateVisitor(node) {
53912 var $async$goto = 0,
53913 $async$completer = A._makeAsyncAwaitCompleter(type$.Value),
53914 $async$returnValue, $async$self = this, t1;
53915 var $async$visitReturnRule$1 = A._wrapJsFunctionForAsync(function($async$errorCode, $async$result) {
53916 if ($async$errorCode === 1)
53917 return A._asyncRethrow($async$result, $async$completer);
53918 while (true)
53919 switch ($async$goto) {
53920 case 0:
53921 // Function start
53922 t1 = node.expression;
53923 $async$goto = 3;
53924 return A._asyncAwait(t1.accept$1($async$self), $async$visitReturnRule$1);
53925 case 3:
53926 // returning from await.
53927 $async$returnValue = $async$self._async_evaluate$_withoutSlash$2($async$result, t1);
53928 // goto return
53929 $async$goto = 1;
53930 break;
53931 case 1:
53932 // return
53933 return A._asyncReturn($async$returnValue, $async$completer);
53934 }
53935 });
53936 return A._asyncStartSync($async$visitReturnRule$1, $async$completer);
53937 },
53938 visitSilentComment$1(node) {
53939 return this.visitSilentComment$body$_EvaluateVisitor(node);
53940 },
53941 visitSilentComment$body$_EvaluateVisitor(node) {
53942 var $async$goto = 0,
53943 $async$completer = A._makeAsyncAwaitCompleter(type$.nullable_Value),
53944 $async$returnValue;
53945 var $async$visitSilentComment$1 = A._wrapJsFunctionForAsync(function($async$errorCode, $async$result) {
53946 if ($async$errorCode === 1)
53947 return A._asyncRethrow($async$result, $async$completer);
53948 while (true)
53949 switch ($async$goto) {
53950 case 0:
53951 // Function start
53952 $async$returnValue = null;
53953 // goto return
53954 $async$goto = 1;
53955 break;
53956 case 1:
53957 // return
53958 return A._asyncReturn($async$returnValue, $async$completer);
53959 }
53960 });
53961 return A._asyncStartSync($async$visitSilentComment$1, $async$completer);
53962 },
53963 visitStyleRule$1(node) {
53964 return this.visitStyleRule$body$_EvaluateVisitor(node);
53965 },
53966 visitStyleRule$body$_EvaluateVisitor(node) {
53967 var $async$goto = 0,
53968 $async$completer = A._makeAsyncAwaitCompleter(type$.nullable_Value),
53969 $async$returnValue, $async$self = this, t2, selectorText, rule, oldAtRootExcludingStyleRule, t1;
53970 var $async$visitStyleRule$1 = A._wrapJsFunctionForAsync(function($async$errorCode, $async$result) {
53971 if ($async$errorCode === 1)
53972 return A._asyncRethrow($async$result, $async$completer);
53973 while (true)
53974 switch ($async$goto) {
53975 case 0:
53976 // Function start
53977 t1 = {};
53978 if ($async$self._async_evaluate$_declarationName != null)
53979 throw A.wrapException($async$self._async_evaluate$_exception$2(string$.Style_, node.span));
53980 t2 = node.selector;
53981 $async$goto = 3;
53982 return A._asyncAwait($async$self._async_evaluate$_interpolationToValue$3$trim$warnForColor(t2, true, true), $async$visitStyleRule$1);
53983 case 3:
53984 // returning from await.
53985 selectorText = $async$result;
53986 $async$goto = $async$self._async_evaluate$_inKeyframes ? 4 : 5;
53987 break;
53988 case 4:
53989 // then
53990 $async$goto = 6;
53991 return A._asyncAwait($async$self._async_evaluate$_withParent$2$4$scopeWhen$through(A.ModifiableCssKeyframeBlock$(new A.CssValue(A.List_List$unmodifiable($async$self._async_evaluate$_adjustParseError$2(t2, new A._EvaluateVisitor_visitStyleRule_closure6($async$self, selectorText)), type$.String), t2.span, type$.CssValue_List_String), node.span), new A._EvaluateVisitor_visitStyleRule_closure7($async$self, node), node.hasDeclarations, new A._EvaluateVisitor_visitStyleRule_closure8(), type$.ModifiableCssKeyframeBlock, type$.Null), $async$visitStyleRule$1);
53992 case 6:
53993 // returning from await.
53994 $async$returnValue = null;
53995 // goto return
53996 $async$goto = 1;
53997 break;
53998 case 5:
53999 // join
54000 t1.parsedSelector = $async$self._async_evaluate$_adjustParseError$2(t2, new A._EvaluateVisitor_visitStyleRule_closure9($async$self, selectorText));
54001 t1.parsedSelector = $async$self._async_evaluate$_addExceptionSpan$2(t2, new A._EvaluateVisitor_visitStyleRule_closure10(t1, $async$self));
54002 rule = A.ModifiableCssStyleRule$($async$self._async_evaluate$_assertInModule$2($async$self._async_evaluate$__extensionStore, "_extensionStore").addSelector$3(t1.parsedSelector, t2.span, $async$self._async_evaluate$_mediaQueries), node.span, t1.parsedSelector);
54003 oldAtRootExcludingStyleRule = $async$self._async_evaluate$_atRootExcludingStyleRule;
54004 t1 = $async$self._async_evaluate$_atRootExcludingStyleRule = false;
54005 $async$goto = 7;
54006 return A._asyncAwait($async$self._async_evaluate$_withParent$2$4$scopeWhen$through(rule, new A._EvaluateVisitor_visitStyleRule_closure11($async$self, rule, node), node.hasDeclarations, new A._EvaluateVisitor_visitStyleRule_closure12(), type$.ModifiableCssStyleRule, type$.Null), $async$visitStyleRule$1);
54007 case 7:
54008 // returning from await.
54009 $async$self._async_evaluate$_atRootExcludingStyleRule = oldAtRootExcludingStyleRule;
54010 if ((oldAtRootExcludingStyleRule ? null : $async$self._async_evaluate$_styleRuleIgnoringAtRoot) == null) {
54011 t1 = $async$self._async_evaluate$_assertInModule$2($async$self._async_evaluate$__parent, "__parent").children;
54012 t1 = !t1.get$isEmpty(t1);
54013 }
54014 if (t1) {
54015 t1 = $async$self._async_evaluate$_assertInModule$2($async$self._async_evaluate$__parent, "__parent").children;
54016 t1.get$last(t1).isGroupEnd = true;
54017 }
54018 $async$returnValue = null;
54019 // goto return
54020 $async$goto = 1;
54021 break;
54022 case 1:
54023 // return
54024 return A._asyncReturn($async$returnValue, $async$completer);
54025 }
54026 });
54027 return A._asyncStartSync($async$visitStyleRule$1, $async$completer);
54028 },
54029 visitSupportsRule$1(node) {
54030 return this.visitSupportsRule$body$_EvaluateVisitor(node);
54031 },
54032 visitSupportsRule$body$_EvaluateVisitor(node) {
54033 var $async$goto = 0,
54034 $async$completer = A._makeAsyncAwaitCompleter(type$.nullable_Value),
54035 $async$returnValue, $async$self = this, t1, $async$temp1, $async$temp2;
54036 var $async$visitSupportsRule$1 = A._wrapJsFunctionForAsync(function($async$errorCode, $async$result) {
54037 if ($async$errorCode === 1)
54038 return A._asyncRethrow($async$result, $async$completer);
54039 while (true)
54040 switch ($async$goto) {
54041 case 0:
54042 // Function start
54043 if ($async$self._async_evaluate$_declarationName != null)
54044 throw A.wrapException($async$self._async_evaluate$_exception$2(string$.Suppor, node.span));
54045 t1 = node.condition;
54046 $async$temp1 = A;
54047 $async$temp2 = A;
54048 $async$goto = 4;
54049 return A._asyncAwait($async$self._async_evaluate$_visitSupportsCondition$1(t1), $async$visitSupportsRule$1);
54050 case 4:
54051 // returning from await.
54052 $async$goto = 3;
54053 return A._asyncAwait($async$self._async_evaluate$_withParent$2$4$scopeWhen$through($async$temp1.ModifiableCssSupportsRule$(new $async$temp2.CssValue($async$result, t1.get$span(t1), type$.CssValue_String), node.span), new A._EvaluateVisitor_visitSupportsRule_closure1($async$self, node), node.hasDeclarations, new A._EvaluateVisitor_visitSupportsRule_closure2(), type$.ModifiableCssSupportsRule, type$.Null), $async$visitSupportsRule$1);
54054 case 3:
54055 // returning from await.
54056 $async$returnValue = null;
54057 // goto return
54058 $async$goto = 1;
54059 break;
54060 case 1:
54061 // return
54062 return A._asyncReturn($async$returnValue, $async$completer);
54063 }
54064 });
54065 return A._asyncStartSync($async$visitSupportsRule$1, $async$completer);
54066 },
54067 _async_evaluate$_visitSupportsCondition$1(condition) {
54068 return this._visitSupportsCondition$body$_EvaluateVisitor(condition);
54069 },
54070 _visitSupportsCondition$body$_EvaluateVisitor(condition) {
54071 var $async$goto = 0,
54072 $async$completer = A._makeAsyncAwaitCompleter(type$.String),
54073 $async$returnValue, $async$self = this, t1, $async$temp1, $async$temp2;
54074 var $async$_async_evaluate$_visitSupportsCondition$1 = A._wrapJsFunctionForAsync(function($async$errorCode, $async$result) {
54075 if ($async$errorCode === 1)
54076 return A._asyncRethrow($async$result, $async$completer);
54077 while (true)
54078 switch ($async$goto) {
54079 case 0:
54080 // Function start
54081 $async$goto = condition instanceof A.SupportsOperation ? 3 : 5;
54082 break;
54083 case 3:
54084 // then
54085 t1 = condition.operator;
54086 $async$temp1 = A;
54087 $async$goto = 6;
54088 return A._asyncAwait($async$self._async_evaluate$_parenthesize$2(condition.left, t1), $async$_async_evaluate$_visitSupportsCondition$1);
54089 case 6:
54090 // returning from await.
54091 $async$temp1 = $async$temp1.S($async$result) + " " + t1 + " ";
54092 $async$temp2 = A;
54093 $async$goto = 7;
54094 return A._asyncAwait($async$self._async_evaluate$_parenthesize$2(condition.right, t1), $async$_async_evaluate$_visitSupportsCondition$1);
54095 case 7:
54096 // returning from await.
54097 $async$returnValue = $async$temp1 + $async$temp2.S($async$result);
54098 // goto return
54099 $async$goto = 1;
54100 break;
54101 // goto join
54102 $async$goto = 4;
54103 break;
54104 case 5:
54105 // else
54106 $async$goto = condition instanceof A.SupportsNegation ? 8 : 10;
54107 break;
54108 case 8:
54109 // then
54110 $async$temp1 = A;
54111 $async$goto = 11;
54112 return A._asyncAwait($async$self._async_evaluate$_parenthesize$1(condition.condition), $async$_async_evaluate$_visitSupportsCondition$1);
54113 case 11:
54114 // returning from await.
54115 $async$returnValue = "not " + $async$temp1.S($async$result);
54116 // goto return
54117 $async$goto = 1;
54118 break;
54119 // goto join
54120 $async$goto = 9;
54121 break;
54122 case 10:
54123 // else
54124 $async$goto = condition instanceof A.SupportsInterpolation ? 12 : 14;
54125 break;
54126 case 12:
54127 // then
54128 $async$goto = 15;
54129 return A._asyncAwait($async$self._evaluateToCss$2$quote(condition.expression, false), $async$_async_evaluate$_visitSupportsCondition$1);
54130 case 15:
54131 // returning from await.
54132 $async$returnValue = $async$result;
54133 // goto return
54134 $async$goto = 1;
54135 break;
54136 // goto join
54137 $async$goto = 13;
54138 break;
54139 case 14:
54140 // else
54141 $async$goto = condition instanceof A.SupportsDeclaration ? 16 : 18;
54142 break;
54143 case 16:
54144 // then
54145 $async$temp1 = A;
54146 $async$goto = 19;
54147 return A._asyncAwait($async$self._evaluateToCss$1(condition.name), $async$_async_evaluate$_visitSupportsCondition$1);
54148 case 19:
54149 // returning from await.
54150 t1 = "(" + $async$temp1.S($async$result) + ":";
54151 $async$temp1 = t1 + (condition.get$isCustomProperty() ? "" : " ");
54152 $async$temp2 = A;
54153 $async$goto = 20;
54154 return A._asyncAwait($async$self._evaluateToCss$1(condition.value), $async$_async_evaluate$_visitSupportsCondition$1);
54155 case 20:
54156 // returning from await.
54157 $async$returnValue = $async$temp1 + $async$temp2.S($async$result) + ")";
54158 // goto return
54159 $async$goto = 1;
54160 break;
54161 // goto join
54162 $async$goto = 17;
54163 break;
54164 case 18:
54165 // else
54166 $async$goto = condition instanceof A.SupportsFunction ? 21 : 23;
54167 break;
54168 case 21:
54169 // then
54170 $async$temp1 = A;
54171 $async$goto = 24;
54172 return A._asyncAwait($async$self._async_evaluate$_performInterpolation$1(condition.name), $async$_async_evaluate$_visitSupportsCondition$1);
54173 case 24:
54174 // returning from await.
54175 $async$temp1 = $async$temp1.S($async$result) + "(";
54176 $async$temp2 = A;
54177 $async$goto = 25;
54178 return A._asyncAwait($async$self._async_evaluate$_performInterpolation$1(condition.$arguments), $async$_async_evaluate$_visitSupportsCondition$1);
54179 case 25:
54180 // returning from await.
54181 $async$returnValue = $async$temp1 + $async$temp2.S($async$result) + ")";
54182 // goto return
54183 $async$goto = 1;
54184 break;
54185 // goto join
54186 $async$goto = 22;
54187 break;
54188 case 23:
54189 // else
54190 $async$goto = condition instanceof A.SupportsAnything ? 26 : 28;
54191 break;
54192 case 26:
54193 // then
54194 $async$temp1 = A;
54195 $async$goto = 29;
54196 return A._asyncAwait($async$self._async_evaluate$_performInterpolation$1(condition.contents), $async$_async_evaluate$_visitSupportsCondition$1);
54197 case 29:
54198 // returning from await.
54199 $async$returnValue = "(" + $async$temp1.S($async$result) + ")";
54200 // goto return
54201 $async$goto = 1;
54202 break;
54203 // goto join
54204 $async$goto = 27;
54205 break;
54206 case 28:
54207 // else
54208 throw A.wrapException(A.ArgumentError$("Unknown supports condition type " + A.getRuntimeType(condition).toString$0(0) + ".", null));
54209 case 27:
54210 // join
54211 case 22:
54212 // join
54213 case 17:
54214 // join
54215 case 13:
54216 // join
54217 case 9:
54218 // join
54219 case 4:
54220 // join
54221 case 1:
54222 // return
54223 return A._asyncReturn($async$returnValue, $async$completer);
54224 }
54225 });
54226 return A._asyncStartSync($async$_async_evaluate$_visitSupportsCondition$1, $async$completer);
54227 },
54228 _async_evaluate$_parenthesize$2(condition, operator) {
54229 return this._parenthesize$body$_EvaluateVisitor(condition, operator);
54230 },
54231 _async_evaluate$_parenthesize$1(condition) {
54232 return this._async_evaluate$_parenthesize$2(condition, null);
54233 },
54234 _parenthesize$body$_EvaluateVisitor(condition, operator) {
54235 var $async$goto = 0,
54236 $async$completer = A._makeAsyncAwaitCompleter(type$.String),
54237 $async$returnValue, $async$self = this, t1, $async$temp1;
54238 var $async$_async_evaluate$_parenthesize$2 = A._wrapJsFunctionForAsync(function($async$errorCode, $async$result) {
54239 if ($async$errorCode === 1)
54240 return A._asyncRethrow($async$result, $async$completer);
54241 while (true)
54242 switch ($async$goto) {
54243 case 0:
54244 // Function start
54245 if (!(condition instanceof A.SupportsNegation))
54246 if (condition instanceof A.SupportsOperation)
54247 t1 = operator == null || operator !== condition.operator;
54248 else
54249 t1 = false;
54250 else
54251 t1 = true;
54252 $async$goto = t1 ? 3 : 5;
54253 break;
54254 case 3:
54255 // then
54256 $async$temp1 = A;
54257 $async$goto = 6;
54258 return A._asyncAwait($async$self._async_evaluate$_visitSupportsCondition$1(condition), $async$_async_evaluate$_parenthesize$2);
54259 case 6:
54260 // returning from await.
54261 $async$returnValue = "(" + $async$temp1.S($async$result) + ")";
54262 // goto return
54263 $async$goto = 1;
54264 break;
54265 // goto join
54266 $async$goto = 4;
54267 break;
54268 case 5:
54269 // else
54270 $async$goto = 7;
54271 return A._asyncAwait($async$self._async_evaluate$_visitSupportsCondition$1(condition), $async$_async_evaluate$_parenthesize$2);
54272 case 7:
54273 // returning from await.
54274 $async$returnValue = $async$result;
54275 // goto return
54276 $async$goto = 1;
54277 break;
54278 case 4:
54279 // join
54280 case 1:
54281 // return
54282 return A._asyncReturn($async$returnValue, $async$completer);
54283 }
54284 });
54285 return A._asyncStartSync($async$_async_evaluate$_parenthesize$2, $async$completer);
54286 },
54287 visitVariableDeclaration$1(node) {
54288 return this.visitVariableDeclaration$body$_EvaluateVisitor(node);
54289 },
54290 visitVariableDeclaration$body$_EvaluateVisitor(node) {
54291 var $async$goto = 0,
54292 $async$completer = A._makeAsyncAwaitCompleter(type$.nullable_Value),
54293 $async$returnValue, $async$self = this, t1, value, $async$temp1, $async$temp2, $async$temp3;
54294 var $async$visitVariableDeclaration$1 = A._wrapJsFunctionForAsync(function($async$errorCode, $async$result) {
54295 if ($async$errorCode === 1)
54296 return A._asyncRethrow($async$result, $async$completer);
54297 while (true)
54298 switch ($async$goto) {
54299 case 0:
54300 // Function start
54301 if (node.isGuarded) {
54302 if (node.namespace == null && $async$self._async_evaluate$_environment._async_environment$_variables.length === 1) {
54303 t1 = $async$self._async_evaluate$_configuration._values;
54304 t1 = t1.get$isEmpty(t1) ? null : t1.remove$1(0, node.name);
54305 if (t1 != null && !t1.value.$eq(0, B.C__SassNull)) {
54306 $async$self._async_evaluate$_addExceptionSpan$2(node, new A._EvaluateVisitor_visitVariableDeclaration_closure2($async$self, node, t1));
54307 $async$returnValue = null;
54308 // goto return
54309 $async$goto = 1;
54310 break;
54311 }
54312 }
54313 value = $async$self._async_evaluate$_addExceptionSpan$2(node, new A._EvaluateVisitor_visitVariableDeclaration_closure3($async$self, node));
54314 if (value != null && !value.$eq(0, B.C__SassNull)) {
54315 $async$returnValue = null;
54316 // goto return
54317 $async$goto = 1;
54318 break;
54319 }
54320 }
54321 if (node.isGlobal && !$async$self._async_evaluate$_environment.globalVariableExists$1(node.name)) {
54322 t1 = $async$self._async_evaluate$_environment._async_environment$_variables.length === 1 ? string$.As_of_S : string$.As_of_R + A.declarationName(node.span) + ": null` at the stylesheet root.";
54323 $async$self._async_evaluate$_warn$3$deprecation(t1, node.span, true);
54324 }
54325 t1 = node.expression;
54326 $async$temp1 = node;
54327 $async$temp2 = A;
54328 $async$temp3 = node;
54329 $async$goto = 3;
54330 return A._asyncAwait(t1.accept$1($async$self), $async$visitVariableDeclaration$1);
54331 case 3:
54332 // returning from await.
54333 $async$self._async_evaluate$_addExceptionSpan$2($async$temp1, new $async$temp2._EvaluateVisitor_visitVariableDeclaration_closure4($async$self, $async$temp3, $async$self._async_evaluate$_withoutSlash$2($async$result, t1)));
54334 $async$returnValue = null;
54335 // goto return
54336 $async$goto = 1;
54337 break;
54338 case 1:
54339 // return
54340 return A._asyncReturn($async$returnValue, $async$completer);
54341 }
54342 });
54343 return A._asyncStartSync($async$visitVariableDeclaration$1, $async$completer);
54344 },
54345 visitUseRule$1(node) {
54346 return this.visitUseRule$body$_EvaluateVisitor(node);
54347 },
54348 visitUseRule$body$_EvaluateVisitor(node) {
54349 var $async$goto = 0,
54350 $async$completer = A._makeAsyncAwaitCompleter(type$.nullable_Value),
54351 $async$returnValue, $async$self = this, values, _i, variable, t3, variableNodeWithSpan, configuration, t1, t2, $async$temp1, $async$temp2, $async$temp3;
54352 var $async$visitUseRule$1 = A._wrapJsFunctionForAsync(function($async$errorCode, $async$result) {
54353 if ($async$errorCode === 1)
54354 return A._asyncRethrow($async$result, $async$completer);
54355 while (true)
54356 switch ($async$goto) {
54357 case 0:
54358 // Function start
54359 t1 = node.configuration;
54360 t2 = t1.length;
54361 $async$goto = t2 !== 0 ? 3 : 5;
54362 break;
54363 case 3:
54364 // then
54365 values = A.LinkedHashMap_LinkedHashMap$_empty(type$.String, type$.ConfiguredValue);
54366 _i = 0;
54367 case 6:
54368 // for condition
54369 if (!(_i < t2)) {
54370 // goto after for
54371 $async$goto = 8;
54372 break;
54373 }
54374 variable = t1[_i];
54375 t3 = variable.expression;
54376 variableNodeWithSpan = $async$self._async_evaluate$_expressionNode$1(t3);
54377 $async$temp1 = values;
54378 $async$temp2 = variable.name;
54379 $async$temp3 = A;
54380 $async$goto = 9;
54381 return A._asyncAwait(t3.accept$1($async$self), $async$visitUseRule$1);
54382 case 9:
54383 // returning from await.
54384 $async$temp1.$indexSet(0, $async$temp2, new $async$temp3.ConfiguredValue($async$self._async_evaluate$_withoutSlash$2($async$result, variableNodeWithSpan), variable.span, variableNodeWithSpan));
54385 case 7:
54386 // for update
54387 ++_i;
54388 // goto for condition
54389 $async$goto = 6;
54390 break;
54391 case 8:
54392 // after for
54393 configuration = new A.ExplicitConfiguration(node, values);
54394 // goto join
54395 $async$goto = 4;
54396 break;
54397 case 5:
54398 // else
54399 configuration = B.Configuration_Map_empty;
54400 case 4:
54401 // join
54402 $async$goto = 10;
54403 return A._asyncAwait($async$self._async_evaluate$_loadModule$5$configuration(node.url, "@use", node, new A._EvaluateVisitor_visitUseRule_closure0($async$self, node), configuration), $async$visitUseRule$1);
54404 case 10:
54405 // returning from await.
54406 $async$self._async_evaluate$_assertConfigurationIsEmpty$1(configuration);
54407 $async$returnValue = null;
54408 // goto return
54409 $async$goto = 1;
54410 break;
54411 case 1:
54412 // return
54413 return A._asyncReturn($async$returnValue, $async$completer);
54414 }
54415 });
54416 return A._asyncStartSync($async$visitUseRule$1, $async$completer);
54417 },
54418 visitWarnRule$1(node) {
54419 return this.visitWarnRule$body$_EvaluateVisitor(node);
54420 },
54421 visitWarnRule$body$_EvaluateVisitor(node) {
54422 var $async$goto = 0,
54423 $async$completer = A._makeAsyncAwaitCompleter(type$.nullable_Value),
54424 $async$returnValue, $async$self = this, value, t1;
54425 var $async$visitWarnRule$1 = A._wrapJsFunctionForAsync(function($async$errorCode, $async$result) {
54426 if ($async$errorCode === 1)
54427 return A._asyncRethrow($async$result, $async$completer);
54428 while (true)
54429 switch ($async$goto) {
54430 case 0:
54431 // Function start
54432 $async$goto = 3;
54433 return A._asyncAwait($async$self._addExceptionSpanAsync$1$2(node, new A._EvaluateVisitor_visitWarnRule_closure0($async$self, node), type$.Value), $async$visitWarnRule$1);
54434 case 3:
54435 // returning from await.
54436 value = $async$result;
54437 t1 = value instanceof A.SassString ? value._string$_text : $async$self._async_evaluate$_serialize$2(value, node.expression);
54438 $async$self._async_evaluate$_logger.warn$2$trace(0, t1, $async$self._async_evaluate$_stackTrace$1(node.span));
54439 $async$returnValue = null;
54440 // goto return
54441 $async$goto = 1;
54442 break;
54443 case 1:
54444 // return
54445 return A._asyncReturn($async$returnValue, $async$completer);
54446 }
54447 });
54448 return A._asyncStartSync($async$visitWarnRule$1, $async$completer);
54449 },
54450 visitWhileRule$1(node) {
54451 return this._async_evaluate$_environment.scope$1$3$semiGlobal$when(new A._EvaluateVisitor_visitWhileRule_closure0(this, node), true, node.hasDeclarations, type$.nullable_Value);
54452 },
54453 visitBinaryOperationExpression$1(node) {
54454 return this._addExceptionSpanAsync$1$2(node, new A._EvaluateVisitor_visitBinaryOperationExpression_closure0(this, node), type$.Value);
54455 },
54456 visitValueExpression$1(node) {
54457 return this.visitValueExpression$body$_EvaluateVisitor(node);
54458 },
54459 visitValueExpression$body$_EvaluateVisitor(node) {
54460 var $async$goto = 0,
54461 $async$completer = A._makeAsyncAwaitCompleter(type$.Value),
54462 $async$returnValue;
54463 var $async$visitValueExpression$1 = A._wrapJsFunctionForAsync(function($async$errorCode, $async$result) {
54464 if ($async$errorCode === 1)
54465 return A._asyncRethrow($async$result, $async$completer);
54466 while (true)
54467 switch ($async$goto) {
54468 case 0:
54469 // Function start
54470 $async$returnValue = node.value;
54471 // goto return
54472 $async$goto = 1;
54473 break;
54474 case 1:
54475 // return
54476 return A._asyncReturn($async$returnValue, $async$completer);
54477 }
54478 });
54479 return A._asyncStartSync($async$visitValueExpression$1, $async$completer);
54480 },
54481 visitVariableExpression$1(node) {
54482 return this.visitVariableExpression$body$_EvaluateVisitor(node);
54483 },
54484 visitVariableExpression$body$_EvaluateVisitor(node) {
54485 var $async$goto = 0,
54486 $async$completer = A._makeAsyncAwaitCompleter(type$.Value),
54487 $async$returnValue, $async$self = this, result;
54488 var $async$visitVariableExpression$1 = A._wrapJsFunctionForAsync(function($async$errorCode, $async$result) {
54489 if ($async$errorCode === 1)
54490 return A._asyncRethrow($async$result, $async$completer);
54491 while (true)
54492 switch ($async$goto) {
54493 case 0:
54494 // Function start
54495 result = $async$self._async_evaluate$_addExceptionSpan$2(node, new A._EvaluateVisitor_visitVariableExpression_closure0($async$self, node));
54496 if (result != null) {
54497 $async$returnValue = result;
54498 // goto return
54499 $async$goto = 1;
54500 break;
54501 }
54502 throw A.wrapException($async$self._async_evaluate$_exception$2("Undefined variable.", node.span));
54503 case 1:
54504 // return
54505 return A._asyncReturn($async$returnValue, $async$completer);
54506 }
54507 });
54508 return A._asyncStartSync($async$visitVariableExpression$1, $async$completer);
54509 },
54510 visitUnaryOperationExpression$1(node) {
54511 return this.visitUnaryOperationExpression$body$_EvaluateVisitor(node);
54512 },
54513 visitUnaryOperationExpression$body$_EvaluateVisitor(node) {
54514 var $async$goto = 0,
54515 $async$completer = A._makeAsyncAwaitCompleter(type$.Value),
54516 $async$returnValue, $async$self = this, $async$temp1, $async$temp2, $async$temp3;
54517 var $async$visitUnaryOperationExpression$1 = A._wrapJsFunctionForAsync(function($async$errorCode, $async$result) {
54518 if ($async$errorCode === 1)
54519 return A._asyncRethrow($async$result, $async$completer);
54520 while (true)
54521 switch ($async$goto) {
54522 case 0:
54523 // Function start
54524 $async$temp1 = node;
54525 $async$temp2 = A;
54526 $async$temp3 = node;
54527 $async$goto = 3;
54528 return A._asyncAwait(node.operand.accept$1($async$self), $async$visitUnaryOperationExpression$1);
54529 case 3:
54530 // returning from await.
54531 $async$returnValue = $async$self._async_evaluate$_addExceptionSpan$2($async$temp1, new $async$temp2._EvaluateVisitor_visitUnaryOperationExpression_closure0($async$temp3, $async$result));
54532 // goto return
54533 $async$goto = 1;
54534 break;
54535 case 1:
54536 // return
54537 return A._asyncReturn($async$returnValue, $async$completer);
54538 }
54539 });
54540 return A._asyncStartSync($async$visitUnaryOperationExpression$1, $async$completer);
54541 },
54542 visitBooleanExpression$1(node) {
54543 return this.visitBooleanExpression$body$_EvaluateVisitor(node);
54544 },
54545 visitBooleanExpression$body$_EvaluateVisitor(node) {
54546 var $async$goto = 0,
54547 $async$completer = A._makeAsyncAwaitCompleter(type$.SassBoolean),
54548 $async$returnValue;
54549 var $async$visitBooleanExpression$1 = A._wrapJsFunctionForAsync(function($async$errorCode, $async$result) {
54550 if ($async$errorCode === 1)
54551 return A._asyncRethrow($async$result, $async$completer);
54552 while (true)
54553 switch ($async$goto) {
54554 case 0:
54555 // Function start
54556 $async$returnValue = node.value ? B.SassBoolean_true : B.SassBoolean_false;
54557 // goto return
54558 $async$goto = 1;
54559 break;
54560 case 1:
54561 // return
54562 return A._asyncReturn($async$returnValue, $async$completer);
54563 }
54564 });
54565 return A._asyncStartSync($async$visitBooleanExpression$1, $async$completer);
54566 },
54567 visitIfExpression$1(node) {
54568 return this.visitIfExpression$body$_EvaluateVisitor(node);
54569 },
54570 visitIfExpression$body$_EvaluateVisitor(node) {
54571 var $async$goto = 0,
54572 $async$completer = A._makeAsyncAwaitCompleter(type$.Value),
54573 $async$returnValue, $async$self = this, condition, t2, ifTrue, ifFalse, result, pair, positional, named, t1;
54574 var $async$visitIfExpression$1 = A._wrapJsFunctionForAsync(function($async$errorCode, $async$result) {
54575 if ($async$errorCode === 1)
54576 return A._asyncRethrow($async$result, $async$completer);
54577 while (true)
54578 switch ($async$goto) {
54579 case 0:
54580 // Function start
54581 $async$goto = 3;
54582 return A._asyncAwait($async$self._async_evaluate$_evaluateMacroArguments$1(node), $async$visitIfExpression$1);
54583 case 3:
54584 // returning from await.
54585 pair = $async$result;
54586 positional = pair.item1;
54587 named = pair.item2;
54588 t1 = J.getInterceptor$asx(positional);
54589 $async$self._async_evaluate$_verifyArguments$4(t1.get$length(positional), named, $.$get$IfExpression_declaration(), node);
54590 if (t1.get$length(positional) > 0)
54591 condition = t1.$index(positional, 0);
54592 else {
54593 t2 = named.$index(0, "condition");
54594 t2.toString;
54595 condition = t2;
54596 }
54597 if (t1.get$length(positional) > 1)
54598 ifTrue = t1.$index(positional, 1);
54599 else {
54600 t2 = named.$index(0, "if-true");
54601 t2.toString;
54602 ifTrue = t2;
54603 }
54604 if (t1.get$length(positional) > 2)
54605 ifFalse = t1.$index(positional, 2);
54606 else {
54607 t1 = named.$index(0, "if-false");
54608 t1.toString;
54609 ifFalse = t1;
54610 }
54611 $async$goto = 4;
54612 return A._asyncAwait(condition.accept$1($async$self), $async$visitIfExpression$1);
54613 case 4:
54614 // returning from await.
54615 result = $async$result.get$isTruthy() ? ifTrue : ifFalse;
54616 $async$goto = 5;
54617 return A._asyncAwait(result.accept$1($async$self), $async$visitIfExpression$1);
54618 case 5:
54619 // returning from await.
54620 $async$returnValue = $async$self._async_evaluate$_withoutSlash$2($async$result, $async$self._async_evaluate$_expressionNode$1(result));
54621 // goto return
54622 $async$goto = 1;
54623 break;
54624 case 1:
54625 // return
54626 return A._asyncReturn($async$returnValue, $async$completer);
54627 }
54628 });
54629 return A._asyncStartSync($async$visitIfExpression$1, $async$completer);
54630 },
54631 visitNullExpression$1(node) {
54632 return this.visitNullExpression$body$_EvaluateVisitor(node);
54633 },
54634 visitNullExpression$body$_EvaluateVisitor(node) {
54635 var $async$goto = 0,
54636 $async$completer = A._makeAsyncAwaitCompleter(type$.Value),
54637 $async$returnValue;
54638 var $async$visitNullExpression$1 = A._wrapJsFunctionForAsync(function($async$errorCode, $async$result) {
54639 if ($async$errorCode === 1)
54640 return A._asyncRethrow($async$result, $async$completer);
54641 while (true)
54642 switch ($async$goto) {
54643 case 0:
54644 // Function start
54645 $async$returnValue = B.C__SassNull;
54646 // goto return
54647 $async$goto = 1;
54648 break;
54649 case 1:
54650 // return
54651 return A._asyncReturn($async$returnValue, $async$completer);
54652 }
54653 });
54654 return A._asyncStartSync($async$visitNullExpression$1, $async$completer);
54655 },
54656 visitNumberExpression$1(node) {
54657 return this.visitNumberExpression$body$_EvaluateVisitor(node);
54658 },
54659 visitNumberExpression$body$_EvaluateVisitor(node) {
54660 var $async$goto = 0,
54661 $async$completer = A._makeAsyncAwaitCompleter(type$.SassNumber),
54662 $async$returnValue, t1, t2;
54663 var $async$visitNumberExpression$1 = A._wrapJsFunctionForAsync(function($async$errorCode, $async$result) {
54664 if ($async$errorCode === 1)
54665 return A._asyncRethrow($async$result, $async$completer);
54666 while (true)
54667 switch ($async$goto) {
54668 case 0:
54669 // Function start
54670 t1 = node.value;
54671 t2 = node.unit;
54672 $async$returnValue = t2 == null ? new A.UnitlessSassNumber(t1, null) : new A.SingleUnitSassNumber(t2, t1, null);
54673 // goto return
54674 $async$goto = 1;
54675 break;
54676 case 1:
54677 // return
54678 return A._asyncReturn($async$returnValue, $async$completer);
54679 }
54680 });
54681 return A._asyncStartSync($async$visitNumberExpression$1, $async$completer);
54682 },
54683 visitParenthesizedExpression$1(node) {
54684 return node.expression.accept$1(this);
54685 },
54686 visitCalculationExpression$1(node) {
54687 return this.visitCalculationExpression$body$_EvaluateVisitor(node);
54688 },
54689 visitCalculationExpression$body$_EvaluateVisitor(node) {
54690 var $async$goto = 0,
54691 $async$completer = A._makeAsyncAwaitCompleter(type$.Value),
54692 $async$returnValue, $async$next = [], $async$self = this, $arguments, error, stackTrace, t2, t3, t4, t5, t6, _i, argument, exception, t1, $async$temp1;
54693 var $async$visitCalculationExpression$1 = A._wrapJsFunctionForAsync(function($async$errorCode, $async$result) {
54694 if ($async$errorCode === 1)
54695 return A._asyncRethrow($async$result, $async$completer);
54696 while (true)
54697 $async$outer:
54698 switch ($async$goto) {
54699 case 0:
54700 // Function start
54701 t1 = A._setArrayType([], type$.JSArray_Object);
54702 t2 = node.$arguments, t3 = t2.length, t4 = node.name, t5 = t4 !== "min", t6 = t4 === "max", _i = 0;
54703 case 3:
54704 // for condition
54705 if (!(_i < t3)) {
54706 // goto after for
54707 $async$goto = 5;
54708 break;
54709 }
54710 argument = t2[_i];
54711 $async$temp1 = t1;
54712 $async$goto = 6;
54713 return A._asyncAwait($async$self._async_evaluate$_visitCalculationValue$2$inMinMax(argument, !t5 || t6), $async$visitCalculationExpression$1);
54714 case 6:
54715 // returning from await.
54716 $async$temp1.push($async$result);
54717 case 4:
54718 // for update
54719 ++_i;
54720 // goto for condition
54721 $async$goto = 3;
54722 break;
54723 case 5:
54724 // after for
54725 $arguments = t1;
54726 try {
54727 switch (t4) {
54728 case "calc":
54729 t1 = A.SassCalculation_calc(J.$index$asx($arguments, 0));
54730 $async$returnValue = t1;
54731 // goto return
54732 $async$goto = 1;
54733 break $async$outer;
54734 case "min":
54735 t1 = A.SassCalculation_min($arguments);
54736 $async$returnValue = t1;
54737 // goto return
54738 $async$goto = 1;
54739 break $async$outer;
54740 case "max":
54741 t1 = A.SassCalculation_max($arguments);
54742 $async$returnValue = t1;
54743 // goto return
54744 $async$goto = 1;
54745 break $async$outer;
54746 case "clamp":
54747 t1 = J.$index$asx($arguments, 0);
54748 t3 = J.get$length$asx($arguments) > 1 ? J.$index$asx($arguments, 1) : null;
54749 t1 = A.SassCalculation_clamp(t1, t3, J.get$length$asx($arguments) > 2 ? J.$index$asx($arguments, 2) : null);
54750 $async$returnValue = t1;
54751 // goto return
54752 $async$goto = 1;
54753 break $async$outer;
54754 default:
54755 t1 = A.UnsupportedError$('Unknown calculation name "' + t4 + '".');
54756 throw A.wrapException(t1);
54757 }
54758 } catch (exception) {
54759 t1 = A.unwrapException(exception);
54760 if (t1 instanceof A.SassScriptException) {
54761 error = t1;
54762 stackTrace = A.getTraceFromException(exception);
54763 $async$self._async_evaluate$_verifyCompatibleNumbers$2($arguments, t2);
54764 A.throwWithTrace($async$self._async_evaluate$_exception$2(error.message, node.span), stackTrace);
54765 } else
54766 throw exception;
54767 }
54768 case 1:
54769 // return
54770 return A._asyncReturn($async$returnValue, $async$completer);
54771 }
54772 });
54773 return A._asyncStartSync($async$visitCalculationExpression$1, $async$completer);
54774 },
54775 _async_evaluate$_verifyCompatibleNumbers$2(args, nodesWithSpans) {
54776 var i, t1, arg, number1, j, number2;
54777 for (i = 0; t1 = args.length, i < t1; ++i) {
54778 arg = args[i];
54779 if (!(arg instanceof A.SassNumber))
54780 continue;
54781 if (arg.get$numeratorUnits(arg).length > 1 || arg.get$denominatorUnits(arg).length !== 0)
54782 throw A.wrapException(this._async_evaluate$_exception$2("Number " + arg.toString$0(0) + " isn't compatible with CSS calculations.", J.get$span$z(nodesWithSpans[i])));
54783 }
54784 for (i = 0; i < t1 - 1; ++i) {
54785 number1 = args[i];
54786 if (!(number1 instanceof A.SassNumber))
54787 continue;
54788 for (j = i + 1; t1 = args.length, j < t1; ++j) {
54789 number2 = args[j];
54790 if (!(number2 instanceof A.SassNumber))
54791 continue;
54792 if (number1.hasPossiblyCompatibleUnits$1(number2))
54793 continue;
54794 throw A.wrapException(A.MultiSpanSassRuntimeException$(number1.toString$0(0) + " and " + number2.toString$0(0) + " are incompatible.", J.get$span$z(nodesWithSpans[i]), number1.toString$0(0), A.LinkedHashMap_LinkedHashMap$_literal([J.get$span$z(nodesWithSpans[j]), number2.toString$0(0)], type$.FileSpan, type$.String), this._async_evaluate$_stackTrace$1(J.get$span$z(nodesWithSpans[i]))));
54795 }
54796 }
54797 },
54798 _async_evaluate$_visitCalculationValue$2$inMinMax(node, inMinMax) {
54799 return this._visitCalculationValue$body$_EvaluateVisitor(node, inMinMax);
54800 },
54801 _visitCalculationValue$body$_EvaluateVisitor(node, inMinMax) {
54802 var $async$goto = 0,
54803 $async$completer = A._makeAsyncAwaitCompleter(type$.Object),
54804 $async$returnValue, $async$self = this, inner, result, t1, $async$temp1;
54805 var $async$_async_evaluate$_visitCalculationValue$2$inMinMax = A._wrapJsFunctionForAsync(function($async$errorCode, $async$result) {
54806 if ($async$errorCode === 1)
54807 return A._asyncRethrow($async$result, $async$completer);
54808 while (true)
54809 switch ($async$goto) {
54810 case 0:
54811 // Function start
54812 $async$goto = node instanceof A.ParenthesizedExpression ? 3 : 5;
54813 break;
54814 case 3:
54815 // then
54816 inner = node.expression;
54817 $async$goto = 6;
54818 return A._asyncAwait($async$self._async_evaluate$_visitCalculationValue$2$inMinMax(inner, inMinMax), $async$_async_evaluate$_visitCalculationValue$2$inMinMax);
54819 case 6:
54820 // returning from await.
54821 result = $async$result;
54822 if (inner instanceof A.FunctionExpression)
54823 t1 = A.stringReplaceAllUnchecked(inner.originalName, "_", "-").toLowerCase() === "var" && result instanceof A.SassString && !result._hasQuotes;
54824 else
54825 t1 = false;
54826 $async$returnValue = t1 ? new A.SassString("(" + result._string$_text + ")", false) : result;
54827 // goto return
54828 $async$goto = 1;
54829 break;
54830 // goto join
54831 $async$goto = 4;
54832 break;
54833 case 5:
54834 // else
54835 $async$goto = node instanceof A.StringExpression ? 7 : 9;
54836 break;
54837 case 7:
54838 // then
54839 $async$temp1 = A;
54840 $async$goto = 10;
54841 return A._asyncAwait($async$self._async_evaluate$_performInterpolation$1(node.text), $async$_async_evaluate$_visitCalculationValue$2$inMinMax);
54842 case 10:
54843 // returning from await.
54844 $async$returnValue = new $async$temp1.CalculationInterpolation($async$result);
54845 // goto return
54846 $async$goto = 1;
54847 break;
54848 // goto join
54849 $async$goto = 8;
54850 break;
54851 case 9:
54852 // else
54853 $async$goto = node instanceof A.BinaryOperationExpression ? 11 : 13;
54854 break;
54855 case 11:
54856 // then
54857 $async$goto = 14;
54858 return A._asyncAwait($async$self._addExceptionSpanAsync$1$2(node, new A._EvaluateVisitor__visitCalculationValue_closure0($async$self, node, inMinMax), type$.Object), $async$_async_evaluate$_visitCalculationValue$2$inMinMax);
54859 case 14:
54860 // returning from await.
54861 $async$returnValue = $async$result;
54862 // goto return
54863 $async$goto = 1;
54864 break;
54865 // goto join
54866 $async$goto = 12;
54867 break;
54868 case 13:
54869 // else
54870 $async$goto = 15;
54871 return A._asyncAwait(node.accept$1($async$self), $async$_async_evaluate$_visitCalculationValue$2$inMinMax);
54872 case 15:
54873 // returning from await.
54874 result = $async$result;
54875 if (result instanceof A.SassNumber || result instanceof A.SassCalculation) {
54876 $async$returnValue = result;
54877 // goto return
54878 $async$goto = 1;
54879 break;
54880 }
54881 if (result instanceof A.SassString && !result._hasQuotes) {
54882 $async$returnValue = result;
54883 // goto return
54884 $async$goto = 1;
54885 break;
54886 }
54887 throw A.wrapException($async$self._async_evaluate$_exception$2("Value " + result.toString$0(0) + " can't be used in a calculation.", node.get$span(node)));
54888 case 12:
54889 // join
54890 case 8:
54891 // join
54892 case 4:
54893 // join
54894 case 1:
54895 // return
54896 return A._asyncReturn($async$returnValue, $async$completer);
54897 }
54898 });
54899 return A._asyncStartSync($async$_async_evaluate$_visitCalculationValue$2$inMinMax, $async$completer);
54900 },
54901 _async_evaluate$_binaryOperatorToCalculationOperator$1(operator) {
54902 switch (operator) {
54903 case B.BinaryOperator_AcR0:
54904 return B.CalculationOperator_Iem;
54905 case B.BinaryOperator_iyO:
54906 return B.CalculationOperator_uti;
54907 case B.BinaryOperator_O1M:
54908 return B.CalculationOperator_Dih;
54909 case B.BinaryOperator_RTB:
54910 return B.CalculationOperator_jB6;
54911 default:
54912 throw A.wrapException(A.UnsupportedError$("Invalid calculation operator " + operator.toString$0(0) + "."));
54913 }
54914 },
54915 visitColorExpression$1(node) {
54916 return this.visitColorExpression$body$_EvaluateVisitor(node);
54917 },
54918 visitColorExpression$body$_EvaluateVisitor(node) {
54919 var $async$goto = 0,
54920 $async$completer = A._makeAsyncAwaitCompleter(type$.SassColor),
54921 $async$returnValue;
54922 var $async$visitColorExpression$1 = A._wrapJsFunctionForAsync(function($async$errorCode, $async$result) {
54923 if ($async$errorCode === 1)
54924 return A._asyncRethrow($async$result, $async$completer);
54925 while (true)
54926 switch ($async$goto) {
54927 case 0:
54928 // Function start
54929 $async$returnValue = node.value;
54930 // goto return
54931 $async$goto = 1;
54932 break;
54933 case 1:
54934 // return
54935 return A._asyncReturn($async$returnValue, $async$completer);
54936 }
54937 });
54938 return A._asyncStartSync($async$visitColorExpression$1, $async$completer);
54939 },
54940 visitListExpression$1(node) {
54941 return this.visitListExpression$body$_EvaluateVisitor(node);
54942 },
54943 visitListExpression$body$_EvaluateVisitor(node) {
54944 var $async$goto = 0,
54945 $async$completer = A._makeAsyncAwaitCompleter(type$.SassList),
54946 $async$returnValue, $async$self = this, $async$temp1;
54947 var $async$visitListExpression$1 = A._wrapJsFunctionForAsync(function($async$errorCode, $async$result) {
54948 if ($async$errorCode === 1)
54949 return A._asyncRethrow($async$result, $async$completer);
54950 while (true)
54951 switch ($async$goto) {
54952 case 0:
54953 // Function start
54954 $async$temp1 = A;
54955 $async$goto = 3;
54956 return A._asyncAwait(A.mapAsync(node.contents, new A._EvaluateVisitor_visitListExpression_closure0($async$self), type$.Expression, type$.Value), $async$visitListExpression$1);
54957 case 3:
54958 // returning from await.
54959 $async$returnValue = $async$temp1.SassList$($async$result, node.separator, node.hasBrackets);
54960 // goto return
54961 $async$goto = 1;
54962 break;
54963 case 1:
54964 // return
54965 return A._asyncReturn($async$returnValue, $async$completer);
54966 }
54967 });
54968 return A._asyncStartSync($async$visitListExpression$1, $async$completer);
54969 },
54970 visitMapExpression$1(node) {
54971 return this.visitMapExpression$body$_EvaluateVisitor(node);
54972 },
54973 visitMapExpression$body$_EvaluateVisitor(node) {
54974 var $async$goto = 0,
54975 $async$completer = A._makeAsyncAwaitCompleter(type$.SassMap),
54976 $async$returnValue, $async$self = this, t2, t3, _i, pair, t4, keyValue, valueValue, oldValueSpan, t1, map, keyNodes;
54977 var $async$visitMapExpression$1 = A._wrapJsFunctionForAsync(function($async$errorCode, $async$result) {
54978 if ($async$errorCode === 1)
54979 return A._asyncRethrow($async$result, $async$completer);
54980 while (true)
54981 switch ($async$goto) {
54982 case 0:
54983 // Function start
54984 t1 = type$.Value;
54985 map = A.LinkedHashMap_LinkedHashMap$_empty(t1, t1);
54986 keyNodes = A.LinkedHashMap_LinkedHashMap$_empty(t1, type$.AstNode);
54987 t2 = node.pairs, t3 = t2.length, _i = 0;
54988 case 3:
54989 // for condition
54990 if (!(_i < t3)) {
54991 // goto after for
54992 $async$goto = 5;
54993 break;
54994 }
54995 pair = t2[_i];
54996 t4 = pair.item1;
54997 $async$goto = 6;
54998 return A._asyncAwait(t4.accept$1($async$self), $async$visitMapExpression$1);
54999 case 6:
55000 // returning from await.
55001 keyValue = $async$result;
55002 $async$goto = 7;
55003 return A._asyncAwait(pair.item2.accept$1($async$self), $async$visitMapExpression$1);
55004 case 7:
55005 // returning from await.
55006 valueValue = $async$result;
55007 if (map.$index(0, keyValue) != null) {
55008 t1 = keyNodes.$index(0, keyValue);
55009 oldValueSpan = t1 == null ? null : t1.get$span(t1);
55010 t1 = J.getInterceptor$z(t4);
55011 t2 = t1.get$span(t4);
55012 t3 = A.LinkedHashMap_LinkedHashMap$_empty(type$.FileSpan, type$.String);
55013 if (oldValueSpan != null)
55014 t3.$indexSet(0, oldValueSpan, "first key");
55015 throw A.wrapException(A.MultiSpanSassRuntimeException$("Duplicate key.", t2, "second key", t3, $async$self._async_evaluate$_stackTrace$1(t1.get$span(t4))));
55016 }
55017 map.$indexSet(0, keyValue, valueValue);
55018 keyNodes.$indexSet(0, keyValue, t4);
55019 case 4:
55020 // for update
55021 ++_i;
55022 // goto for condition
55023 $async$goto = 3;
55024 break;
55025 case 5:
55026 // after for
55027 $async$returnValue = new A.SassMap(A.ConstantMap_ConstantMap$from(map, t1, t1));
55028 // goto return
55029 $async$goto = 1;
55030 break;
55031 case 1:
55032 // return
55033 return A._asyncReturn($async$returnValue, $async$completer);
55034 }
55035 });
55036 return A._asyncStartSync($async$visitMapExpression$1, $async$completer);
55037 },
55038 visitFunctionExpression$1(node) {
55039 return this.visitFunctionExpression$body$_EvaluateVisitor(node);
55040 },
55041 visitFunctionExpression$body$_EvaluateVisitor(node) {
55042 var $async$goto = 0,
55043 $async$completer = A._makeAsyncAwaitCompleter(type$.Value),
55044 $async$returnValue, $async$self = this, oldInFunction, result, t1, $function;
55045 var $async$visitFunctionExpression$1 = A._wrapJsFunctionForAsync(function($async$errorCode, $async$result) {
55046 if ($async$errorCode === 1)
55047 return A._asyncRethrow($async$result, $async$completer);
55048 while (true)
55049 switch ($async$goto) {
55050 case 0:
55051 // Function start
55052 t1 = {};
55053 $function = $async$self._async_evaluate$_addExceptionSpan$2(node, new A._EvaluateVisitor_visitFunctionExpression_closure1($async$self, node));
55054 t1.$function = $function;
55055 if ($function == null) {
55056 if (node.namespace != null)
55057 throw A.wrapException($async$self._async_evaluate$_exception$2("Undefined function.", node.span));
55058 t1.$function = new A.PlainCssCallable(node.originalName);
55059 }
55060 oldInFunction = $async$self._async_evaluate$_inFunction;
55061 $async$self._async_evaluate$_inFunction = true;
55062 $async$goto = 3;
55063 return A._asyncAwait($async$self._async_evaluate$_addErrorSpan$1$2(node, new A._EvaluateVisitor_visitFunctionExpression_closure2(t1, $async$self, node), type$.Value), $async$visitFunctionExpression$1);
55064 case 3:
55065 // returning from await.
55066 result = $async$result;
55067 $async$self._async_evaluate$_inFunction = oldInFunction;
55068 $async$returnValue = result;
55069 // goto return
55070 $async$goto = 1;
55071 break;
55072 case 1:
55073 // return
55074 return A._asyncReturn($async$returnValue, $async$completer);
55075 }
55076 });
55077 return A._asyncStartSync($async$visitFunctionExpression$1, $async$completer);
55078 },
55079 visitInterpolatedFunctionExpression$1(node) {
55080 return this.visitInterpolatedFunctionExpression$body$_EvaluateVisitor(node);
55081 },
55082 visitInterpolatedFunctionExpression$body$_EvaluateVisitor(node) {
55083 var $async$goto = 0,
55084 $async$completer = A._makeAsyncAwaitCompleter(type$.Value),
55085 $async$returnValue, $async$self = this, result, t1, oldInFunction;
55086 var $async$visitInterpolatedFunctionExpression$1 = A._wrapJsFunctionForAsync(function($async$errorCode, $async$result) {
55087 if ($async$errorCode === 1)
55088 return A._asyncRethrow($async$result, $async$completer);
55089 while (true)
55090 switch ($async$goto) {
55091 case 0:
55092 // Function start
55093 $async$goto = 3;
55094 return A._asyncAwait($async$self._async_evaluate$_performInterpolation$1(node.name), $async$visitInterpolatedFunctionExpression$1);
55095 case 3:
55096 // returning from await.
55097 t1 = $async$result;
55098 oldInFunction = $async$self._async_evaluate$_inFunction;
55099 $async$self._async_evaluate$_inFunction = true;
55100 $async$goto = 4;
55101 return A._asyncAwait($async$self._async_evaluate$_addErrorSpan$1$2(node, new A._EvaluateVisitor_visitInterpolatedFunctionExpression_closure0($async$self, node, new A.PlainCssCallable(t1)), type$.Value), $async$visitInterpolatedFunctionExpression$1);
55102 case 4:
55103 // returning from await.
55104 result = $async$result;
55105 $async$self._async_evaluate$_inFunction = oldInFunction;
55106 $async$returnValue = result;
55107 // goto return
55108 $async$goto = 1;
55109 break;
55110 case 1:
55111 // return
55112 return A._asyncReturn($async$returnValue, $async$completer);
55113 }
55114 });
55115 return A._asyncStartSync($async$visitInterpolatedFunctionExpression$1, $async$completer);
55116 },
55117 _async_evaluate$_getFunction$2$namespace($name, namespace) {
55118 var local = this._async_evaluate$_environment.getFunction$2$namespace($name, namespace);
55119 if (local != null || namespace != null)
55120 return local;
55121 return this._async_evaluate$_builtInFunctions.$index(0, $name);
55122 },
55123 _async_evaluate$_runUserDefinedCallable$1$4($arguments, callable, nodeWithSpan, run, $V) {
55124 return this._runUserDefinedCallable$body$_EvaluateVisitor($arguments, callable, nodeWithSpan, run, $V, $V);
55125 },
55126 _runUserDefinedCallable$body$_EvaluateVisitor($arguments, callable, nodeWithSpan, run, $V, $async$type) {
55127 var $async$goto = 0,
55128 $async$completer = A._makeAsyncAwaitCompleter($async$type),
55129 $async$returnValue, $async$self = this, evaluated, $name;
55130 var $async$_async_evaluate$_runUserDefinedCallable$1$4 = A._wrapJsFunctionForAsync(function($async$errorCode, $async$result) {
55131 if ($async$errorCode === 1)
55132 return A._asyncRethrow($async$result, $async$completer);
55133 while (true)
55134 switch ($async$goto) {
55135 case 0:
55136 // Function start
55137 $async$goto = 3;
55138 return A._asyncAwait($async$self._async_evaluate$_evaluateArguments$1($arguments), $async$_async_evaluate$_runUserDefinedCallable$1$4);
55139 case 3:
55140 // returning from await.
55141 evaluated = $async$result;
55142 $name = callable.declaration.name;
55143 if ($name !== "@content")
55144 $name += "()";
55145 $async$goto = 4;
55146 return A._asyncAwait($async$self._async_evaluate$_withStackFrame$1$3($name, nodeWithSpan, new A._EvaluateVisitor__runUserDefinedCallable_closure0($async$self, callable, evaluated, nodeWithSpan, run, $V), $V), $async$_async_evaluate$_runUserDefinedCallable$1$4);
55147 case 4:
55148 // returning from await.
55149 $async$returnValue = $async$result;
55150 // goto return
55151 $async$goto = 1;
55152 break;
55153 case 1:
55154 // return
55155 return A._asyncReturn($async$returnValue, $async$completer);
55156 }
55157 });
55158 return A._asyncStartSync($async$_async_evaluate$_runUserDefinedCallable$1$4, $async$completer);
55159 },
55160 _async_evaluate$_runFunctionCallable$3($arguments, callable, nodeWithSpan) {
55161 return this._runFunctionCallable$body$_EvaluateVisitor($arguments, callable, nodeWithSpan);
55162 },
55163 _runFunctionCallable$body$_EvaluateVisitor($arguments, callable, nodeWithSpan) {
55164 var $async$goto = 0,
55165 $async$completer = A._makeAsyncAwaitCompleter(type$.Value),
55166 $async$returnValue, $async$self = this, t1, t2, t3, first, _i, argument, restArg, rest, $async$temp1;
55167 var $async$_async_evaluate$_runFunctionCallable$3 = A._wrapJsFunctionForAsync(function($async$errorCode, $async$result) {
55168 if ($async$errorCode === 1)
55169 return A._asyncRethrow($async$result, $async$completer);
55170 while (true)
55171 switch ($async$goto) {
55172 case 0:
55173 // Function start
55174 $async$goto = type$.AsyncBuiltInCallable._is(callable) ? 3 : 5;
55175 break;
55176 case 3:
55177 // then
55178 $async$goto = 6;
55179 return A._asyncAwait($async$self._async_evaluate$_runBuiltInCallable$3($arguments, callable, nodeWithSpan), $async$_async_evaluate$_runFunctionCallable$3);
55180 case 6:
55181 // returning from await.
55182 $async$returnValue = $async$self._async_evaluate$_withoutSlash$2($async$result, nodeWithSpan);
55183 // goto return
55184 $async$goto = 1;
55185 break;
55186 // goto join
55187 $async$goto = 4;
55188 break;
55189 case 5:
55190 // else
55191 $async$goto = type$.UserDefinedCallable_AsyncEnvironment._is(callable) ? 7 : 9;
55192 break;
55193 case 7:
55194 // then
55195 $async$goto = 10;
55196 return A._asyncAwait($async$self._async_evaluate$_runUserDefinedCallable$1$4($arguments, callable, nodeWithSpan, new A._EvaluateVisitor__runFunctionCallable_closure0($async$self, callable), type$.Value), $async$_async_evaluate$_runFunctionCallable$3);
55197 case 10:
55198 // returning from await.
55199 $async$returnValue = $async$result;
55200 // goto return
55201 $async$goto = 1;
55202 break;
55203 // goto join
55204 $async$goto = 8;
55205 break;
55206 case 9:
55207 // else
55208 $async$goto = callable instanceof A.PlainCssCallable ? 11 : 13;
55209 break;
55210 case 11:
55211 // then
55212 t1 = $arguments.named;
55213 if (t1.get$isNotEmpty(t1) || $arguments.keywordRest != null)
55214 throw A.wrapException($async$self._async_evaluate$_exception$2(string$.Plain_, nodeWithSpan.get$span(nodeWithSpan)));
55215 t1 = callable.name + "(";
55216 t2 = $arguments.positional, t3 = t2.length, first = true, _i = 0;
55217 case 14:
55218 // for condition
55219 if (!(_i < t3)) {
55220 // goto after for
55221 $async$goto = 16;
55222 break;
55223 }
55224 argument = t2[_i];
55225 if (first)
55226 first = false;
55227 else
55228 t1 += ", ";
55229 $async$temp1 = A;
55230 $async$goto = 17;
55231 return A._asyncAwait($async$self._evaluateToCss$1(argument), $async$_async_evaluate$_runFunctionCallable$3);
55232 case 17:
55233 // returning from await.
55234 t1 += $async$temp1.S($async$result);
55235 case 15:
55236 // for update
55237 ++_i;
55238 // goto for condition
55239 $async$goto = 14;
55240 break;
55241 case 16:
55242 // after for
55243 restArg = $arguments.rest;
55244 $async$goto = restArg != null ? 18 : 19;
55245 break;
55246 case 18:
55247 // then
55248 $async$goto = 20;
55249 return A._asyncAwait(restArg.accept$1($async$self), $async$_async_evaluate$_runFunctionCallable$3);
55250 case 20:
55251 // returning from await.
55252 rest = $async$result;
55253 if (!first)
55254 t1 += ", ";
55255 t1 += $async$self._async_evaluate$_serialize$2(rest, restArg);
55256 case 19:
55257 // join
55258 t1 += A.Primitives_stringFromCharCode(41);
55259 $async$returnValue = new A.SassString(t1.charCodeAt(0) == 0 ? t1 : t1, false);
55260 // goto return
55261 $async$goto = 1;
55262 break;
55263 // goto join
55264 $async$goto = 12;
55265 break;
55266 case 13:
55267 // else
55268 throw A.wrapException(A.ArgumentError$("Unknown callable type " + J.get$runtimeType$u(callable).toString$0(0) + ".", null));
55269 case 12:
55270 // join
55271 case 8:
55272 // join
55273 case 4:
55274 // join
55275 case 1:
55276 // return
55277 return A._asyncReturn($async$returnValue, $async$completer);
55278 }
55279 });
55280 return A._asyncStartSync($async$_async_evaluate$_runFunctionCallable$3, $async$completer);
55281 },
55282 _async_evaluate$_runBuiltInCallable$3($arguments, callable, nodeWithSpan) {
55283 return this._runBuiltInCallable$body$_EvaluateVisitor($arguments, callable, nodeWithSpan);
55284 },
55285 _runBuiltInCallable$body$_EvaluateVisitor($arguments, callable, nodeWithSpan) {
55286 var $async$goto = 0,
55287 $async$completer = A._makeAsyncAwaitCompleter(type$.Value),
55288 $async$returnValue, $async$handler = 2, $async$currentError, $async$next = [], $async$self = this, callback, result, error, stackTrace, error0, stackTrace0, error1, stackTrace1, message, namedSet, tuple, overload, declaredArguments, i, t1, argument, t2, t3, rest, argumentList, exception, t4, t5, t6, message0, evaluated, oldCallableNode, $async$exception;
55289 var $async$_async_evaluate$_runBuiltInCallable$3 = A._wrapJsFunctionForAsync(function($async$errorCode, $async$result) {
55290 if ($async$errorCode === 1) {
55291 $async$currentError = $async$result;
55292 $async$goto = $async$handler;
55293 }
55294 while (true)
55295 switch ($async$goto) {
55296 case 0:
55297 // Function start
55298 $async$goto = 3;
55299 return A._asyncAwait($async$self._async_evaluate$_evaluateArguments$1($arguments), $async$_async_evaluate$_runBuiltInCallable$3);
55300 case 3:
55301 // returning from await.
55302 evaluated = $async$result;
55303 oldCallableNode = $async$self._async_evaluate$_callableNode;
55304 $async$self._async_evaluate$_callableNode = nodeWithSpan;
55305 namedSet = new A.MapKeySet(evaluated.named, type$.MapKeySet_String);
55306 tuple = callable.callbackFor$2(evaluated.positional.length, namedSet);
55307 overload = tuple.item1;
55308 callback = tuple.item2;
55309 $async$self._async_evaluate$_addExceptionSpan$2(nodeWithSpan, new A._EvaluateVisitor__runBuiltInCallable_closure1(overload, evaluated, namedSet));
55310 declaredArguments = overload.$arguments;
55311 i = evaluated.positional.length, t1 = declaredArguments.length;
55312 case 4:
55313 // for condition
55314 if (!(i < t1)) {
55315 // goto after for
55316 $async$goto = 6;
55317 break;
55318 }
55319 argument = declaredArguments[i];
55320 t2 = evaluated.positional;
55321 t3 = evaluated.named.remove$1(0, argument.name);
55322 $async$goto = t3 == null ? 7 : 8;
55323 break;
55324 case 7:
55325 // then
55326 t3 = argument.defaultValue;
55327 $async$goto = 9;
55328 return A._asyncAwait(t3.accept$1($async$self), $async$_async_evaluate$_runBuiltInCallable$3);
55329 case 9:
55330 // returning from await.
55331 t3 = $async$self._async_evaluate$_withoutSlash$2($async$result, t3);
55332 case 8:
55333 // join
55334 t2.push(t3);
55335 case 5:
55336 // for update
55337 ++i;
55338 // goto for condition
55339 $async$goto = 4;
55340 break;
55341 case 6:
55342 // after for
55343 if (overload.restArgument != null) {
55344 if (evaluated.positional.length > t1) {
55345 rest = B.JSArray_methods.sublist$1(evaluated.positional, t1);
55346 B.JSArray_methods.removeRange$2(evaluated.positional, t1, evaluated.positional.length);
55347 } else
55348 rest = B.List_empty5;
55349 t1 = evaluated.named;
55350 argumentList = A.SassArgumentList$(rest, t1, evaluated.separator === B.ListSeparator_undecided_null ? B.ListSeparator_kWM : evaluated.separator);
55351 evaluated.positional.push(argumentList);
55352 } else
55353 argumentList = null;
55354 result = null;
55355 $async$handler = 11;
55356 $async$goto = 14;
55357 return A._asyncAwait(callback.call$1(evaluated.positional), $async$_async_evaluate$_runBuiltInCallable$3);
55358 case 14:
55359 // returning from await.
55360 result = $async$result;
55361 $async$handler = 2;
55362 // goto after finally
55363 $async$goto = 13;
55364 break;
55365 case 11:
55366 // catch
55367 $async$handler = 10;
55368 $async$exception = $async$currentError;
55369 t1 = A.unwrapException($async$exception);
55370 if (type$.SassRuntimeException._is(t1))
55371 throw $async$exception;
55372 else if (t1 instanceof A.MultiSpanSassScriptException) {
55373 error = t1;
55374 stackTrace = A.getTraceFromException($async$exception);
55375 t1 = error.message;
55376 t2 = nodeWithSpan.get$span(nodeWithSpan);
55377 t3 = error.primaryLabel;
55378 t4 = error.secondarySpans;
55379 A.throwWithTrace(new A.MultiSpanSassRuntimeException($async$self._async_evaluate$_stackTrace$1(nodeWithSpan.get$span(nodeWithSpan)), t3, A.ConstantMap_ConstantMap$from(t4, type$.FileSpan, type$.String), t1, t2), stackTrace);
55380 } else if (t1 instanceof A.MultiSpanSassException) {
55381 error0 = t1;
55382 stackTrace0 = A.getTraceFromException($async$exception);
55383 t1 = error0._span_exception$_message;
55384 t2 = error0;
55385 t3 = J.getInterceptor$z(t2);
55386 t2 = A.SourceSpanException.prototype.get$span.call(t3, t2);
55387 t3 = error0.primaryLabel;
55388 t4 = error0.secondarySpans;
55389 t5 = error0;
55390 t6 = J.getInterceptor$z(t5);
55391 A.throwWithTrace(new A.MultiSpanSassRuntimeException($async$self._async_evaluate$_stackTrace$1(A.SourceSpanException.prototype.get$span.call(t6, t5)), t3, A.ConstantMap_ConstantMap$from(t4, type$.FileSpan, type$.String), t1, t2), stackTrace0);
55392 } else {
55393 error1 = t1;
55394 stackTrace1 = A.getTraceFromException($async$exception);
55395 message = null;
55396 try {
55397 message = A._asString(J.get$message$x(error1));
55398 } catch (exception) {
55399 message0 = J.toString$0$(error1);
55400 message = message0;
55401 }
55402 A.throwWithTrace($async$self._async_evaluate$_exception$2(message, nodeWithSpan.get$span(nodeWithSpan)), stackTrace1);
55403 }
55404 // goto after finally
55405 $async$goto = 13;
55406 break;
55407 case 10:
55408 // uncaught
55409 // goto rethrow
55410 $async$goto = 2;
55411 break;
55412 case 13:
55413 // after finally
55414 $async$self._async_evaluate$_callableNode = oldCallableNode;
55415 if (argumentList == null) {
55416 $async$returnValue = result;
55417 // goto return
55418 $async$goto = 1;
55419 break;
55420 }
55421 t1 = evaluated.named;
55422 if (t1.get$isEmpty(t1)) {
55423 $async$returnValue = result;
55424 // goto return
55425 $async$goto = 1;
55426 break;
55427 }
55428 if (argumentList._wereKeywordsAccessed) {
55429 $async$returnValue = result;
55430 // goto return
55431 $async$goto = 1;
55432 break;
55433 }
55434 t1 = evaluated.named;
55435 t1 = t1.get$keys(t1);
55436 t1 = "No " + A.pluralize("argument", t1.get$length(t1), null) + " named ";
55437 t2 = evaluated.named;
55438 throw A.wrapException(A.MultiSpanSassRuntimeException$(t1 + A.S(A.toSentence(t2.get$keys(t2).map$1$1(0, new A._EvaluateVisitor__runBuiltInCallable_closure2(), type$.Object), "or")) + ".", nodeWithSpan.get$span(nodeWithSpan), "invocation", A.LinkedHashMap_LinkedHashMap$_literal([overload.get$spanWithName(), "declaration"], type$.FileSpan, type$.String), $async$self._async_evaluate$_stackTrace$1(nodeWithSpan.get$span(nodeWithSpan))));
55439 case 1:
55440 // return
55441 return A._asyncReturn($async$returnValue, $async$completer);
55442 case 2:
55443 // rethrow
55444 return A._asyncRethrow($async$currentError, $async$completer);
55445 }
55446 });
55447 return A._asyncStartSync($async$_async_evaluate$_runBuiltInCallable$3, $async$completer);
55448 },
55449 _async_evaluate$_evaluateArguments$1($arguments) {
55450 return this._evaluateArguments$body$_EvaluateVisitor($arguments);
55451 },
55452 _evaluateArguments$body$_EvaluateVisitor($arguments) {
55453 var $async$goto = 0,
55454 $async$completer = A._makeAsyncAwaitCompleter(type$._ArgumentResults),
55455 $async$returnValue, $async$self = this, t1, t2, _i, expression, nodeForSpan, named, namedNodes, t3, t4, t5, restArgs, rest, restNodeForSpan, separator, keywordRestArgs, keywordRest, keywordRestNodeForSpan, positional, positionalNodes, $async$temp1, $async$temp2;
55456 var $async$_async_evaluate$_evaluateArguments$1 = A._wrapJsFunctionForAsync(function($async$errorCode, $async$result) {
55457 if ($async$errorCode === 1)
55458 return A._asyncRethrow($async$result, $async$completer);
55459 while (true)
55460 switch ($async$goto) {
55461 case 0:
55462 // Function start
55463 positional = A._setArrayType([], type$.JSArray_Value);
55464 positionalNodes = A._setArrayType([], type$.JSArray_AstNode);
55465 t1 = $arguments.positional, t2 = t1.length, _i = 0;
55466 case 3:
55467 // for condition
55468 if (!(_i < t2)) {
55469 // goto after for
55470 $async$goto = 5;
55471 break;
55472 }
55473 expression = t1[_i];
55474 nodeForSpan = $async$self._async_evaluate$_expressionNode$1(expression);
55475 $async$temp1 = positional;
55476 $async$goto = 6;
55477 return A._asyncAwait(expression.accept$1($async$self), $async$_async_evaluate$_evaluateArguments$1);
55478 case 6:
55479 // returning from await.
55480 $async$temp1.push($async$self._async_evaluate$_withoutSlash$2($async$result, nodeForSpan));
55481 positionalNodes.push(nodeForSpan);
55482 case 4:
55483 // for update
55484 ++_i;
55485 // goto for condition
55486 $async$goto = 3;
55487 break;
55488 case 5:
55489 // after for
55490 t1 = type$.String;
55491 named = A.LinkedHashMap_LinkedHashMap$_empty(t1, type$.Value);
55492 t2 = type$.AstNode;
55493 namedNodes = A.LinkedHashMap_LinkedHashMap$_empty(t1, t2);
55494 t3 = $arguments.named, t3 = t3.get$entries(t3), t3 = t3.get$iterator(t3);
55495 case 7:
55496 // for condition
55497 if (!t3.moveNext$0()) {
55498 // goto after for
55499 $async$goto = 8;
55500 break;
55501 }
55502 t4 = t3.get$current(t3);
55503 t5 = t4.value;
55504 nodeForSpan = $async$self._async_evaluate$_expressionNode$1(t5);
55505 t4 = t4.key;
55506 $async$temp1 = named;
55507 $async$temp2 = t4;
55508 $async$goto = 9;
55509 return A._asyncAwait(t5.accept$1($async$self), $async$_async_evaluate$_evaluateArguments$1);
55510 case 9:
55511 // returning from await.
55512 $async$temp1.$indexSet(0, $async$temp2, $async$self._async_evaluate$_withoutSlash$2($async$result, nodeForSpan));
55513 namedNodes.$indexSet(0, t4, nodeForSpan);
55514 // goto for condition
55515 $async$goto = 7;
55516 break;
55517 case 8:
55518 // after for
55519 restArgs = $arguments.rest;
55520 if (restArgs == null) {
55521 $async$returnValue = new A._ArgumentResults0(positional, positionalNodes, named, namedNodes, B.ListSeparator_undecided_null);
55522 // goto return
55523 $async$goto = 1;
55524 break;
55525 }
55526 $async$goto = 10;
55527 return A._asyncAwait(restArgs.accept$1($async$self), $async$_async_evaluate$_evaluateArguments$1);
55528 case 10:
55529 // returning from await.
55530 rest = $async$result;
55531 restNodeForSpan = $async$self._async_evaluate$_expressionNode$1(restArgs);
55532 if (rest instanceof A.SassMap) {
55533 $async$self._async_evaluate$_addRestMap$4(named, rest, restArgs, new A._EvaluateVisitor__evaluateArguments_closure3());
55534 t3 = A.LinkedHashMap_LinkedHashMap$_empty(t1, t2);
55535 for (t4 = rest._map$_contents, t4 = J.get$iterator$ax(t4.get$keys(t4)), t5 = type$.SassString; t4.moveNext$0();)
55536 t3.$indexSet(0, t5._as(t4.get$current(t4))._string$_text, restNodeForSpan);
55537 namedNodes.addAll$1(0, t3);
55538 separator = B.ListSeparator_undecided_null;
55539 } else if (rest instanceof A.SassList) {
55540 t3 = rest._list$_contents;
55541 B.JSArray_methods.addAll$1(positional, new A.MappedListIterable(t3, new A._EvaluateVisitor__evaluateArguments_closure4($async$self, restNodeForSpan), A._arrayInstanceType(t3)._eval$1("MappedListIterable<1,Value>")));
55542 B.JSArray_methods.addAll$1(positionalNodes, A.List_List$filled(t3.length, restNodeForSpan, false, t2));
55543 separator = rest._separator;
55544 if (rest instanceof A.SassArgumentList) {
55545 rest._wereKeywordsAccessed = true;
55546 rest._keywords.forEach$1(0, new A._EvaluateVisitor__evaluateArguments_closure5($async$self, named, restNodeForSpan, namedNodes));
55547 }
55548 } else {
55549 positional.push($async$self._async_evaluate$_withoutSlash$2(rest, restNodeForSpan));
55550 positionalNodes.push(restNodeForSpan);
55551 separator = B.ListSeparator_undecided_null;
55552 }
55553 keywordRestArgs = $arguments.keywordRest;
55554 if (keywordRestArgs == null) {
55555 $async$returnValue = new A._ArgumentResults0(positional, positionalNodes, named, namedNodes, separator);
55556 // goto return
55557 $async$goto = 1;
55558 break;
55559 }
55560 $async$goto = 11;
55561 return A._asyncAwait(keywordRestArgs.accept$1($async$self), $async$_async_evaluate$_evaluateArguments$1);
55562 case 11:
55563 // returning from await.
55564 keywordRest = $async$result;
55565 keywordRestNodeForSpan = $async$self._async_evaluate$_expressionNode$1(keywordRestArgs);
55566 if (keywordRest instanceof A.SassMap) {
55567 $async$self._async_evaluate$_addRestMap$4(named, keywordRest, keywordRestArgs, new A._EvaluateVisitor__evaluateArguments_closure6());
55568 t1 = A.LinkedHashMap_LinkedHashMap$_empty(t1, t2);
55569 for (t2 = keywordRest._map$_contents, t2 = J.get$iterator$ax(t2.get$keys(t2)), t3 = type$.SassString; t2.moveNext$0();)
55570 t1.$indexSet(0, t3._as(t2.get$current(t2))._string$_text, keywordRestNodeForSpan);
55571 namedNodes.addAll$1(0, t1);
55572 $async$returnValue = new A._ArgumentResults0(positional, positionalNodes, named, namedNodes, separator);
55573 // goto return
55574 $async$goto = 1;
55575 break;
55576 } else
55577 throw A.wrapException($async$self._async_evaluate$_exception$2(string$.Variabs + keywordRest.toString$0(0) + ").", keywordRestArgs.get$span(keywordRestArgs)));
55578 case 1:
55579 // return
55580 return A._asyncReturn($async$returnValue, $async$completer);
55581 }
55582 });
55583 return A._asyncStartSync($async$_async_evaluate$_evaluateArguments$1, $async$completer);
55584 },
55585 _async_evaluate$_evaluateMacroArguments$1(invocation) {
55586 return this._evaluateMacroArguments$body$_EvaluateVisitor(invocation);
55587 },
55588 _evaluateMacroArguments$body$_EvaluateVisitor(invocation) {
55589 var $async$goto = 0,
55590 $async$completer = A._makeAsyncAwaitCompleter(type$.Tuple2_of_List_Expression_and_Map_String_Expression),
55591 $async$returnValue, $async$self = this, t2, positional, named, rest, restNodeForSpan, keywordRestArgs_, keywordRest, keywordRestNodeForSpan, t1, restArgs_;
55592 var $async$_async_evaluate$_evaluateMacroArguments$1 = A._wrapJsFunctionForAsync(function($async$errorCode, $async$result) {
55593 if ($async$errorCode === 1)
55594 return A._asyncRethrow($async$result, $async$completer);
55595 while (true)
55596 switch ($async$goto) {
55597 case 0:
55598 // Function start
55599 t1 = invocation.$arguments;
55600 restArgs_ = t1.rest;
55601 if (restArgs_ == null) {
55602 $async$returnValue = new A.Tuple2(t1.positional, t1.named, type$.Tuple2_of_List_Expression_and_Map_String_Expression);
55603 // goto return
55604 $async$goto = 1;
55605 break;
55606 }
55607 t2 = t1.positional;
55608 positional = A._setArrayType(t2.slice(0), A._arrayInstanceType(t2));
55609 named = A.LinkedHashMap_LinkedHashMap$of(t1.named, type$.String, type$.Expression);
55610 $async$goto = 3;
55611 return A._asyncAwait(restArgs_.accept$1($async$self), $async$_async_evaluate$_evaluateMacroArguments$1);
55612 case 3:
55613 // returning from await.
55614 rest = $async$result;
55615 restNodeForSpan = $async$self._async_evaluate$_expressionNode$1(restArgs_);
55616 if (rest instanceof A.SassMap)
55617 $async$self._async_evaluate$_addRestMap$4(named, rest, invocation, new A._EvaluateVisitor__evaluateMacroArguments_closure3(restArgs_));
55618 else if (rest instanceof A.SassList) {
55619 t2 = rest._list$_contents;
55620 B.JSArray_methods.addAll$1(positional, new A.MappedListIterable(t2, new A._EvaluateVisitor__evaluateMacroArguments_closure4($async$self, restNodeForSpan, restArgs_), A._arrayInstanceType(t2)._eval$1("MappedListIterable<1,Expression>")));
55621 if (rest instanceof A.SassArgumentList) {
55622 rest._wereKeywordsAccessed = true;
55623 rest._keywords.forEach$1(0, new A._EvaluateVisitor__evaluateMacroArguments_closure5($async$self, named, restNodeForSpan, restArgs_));
55624 }
55625 } else
55626 positional.push(new A.ValueExpression($async$self._async_evaluate$_withoutSlash$2(rest, restNodeForSpan), restArgs_.get$span(restArgs_)));
55627 keywordRestArgs_ = t1.keywordRest;
55628 if (keywordRestArgs_ == null) {
55629 $async$returnValue = new A.Tuple2(positional, named, type$.Tuple2_of_List_Expression_and_Map_String_Expression);
55630 // goto return
55631 $async$goto = 1;
55632 break;
55633 }
55634 $async$goto = 4;
55635 return A._asyncAwait(keywordRestArgs_.accept$1($async$self), $async$_async_evaluate$_evaluateMacroArguments$1);
55636 case 4:
55637 // returning from await.
55638 keywordRest = $async$result;
55639 keywordRestNodeForSpan = $async$self._async_evaluate$_expressionNode$1(keywordRestArgs_);
55640 if (keywordRest instanceof A.SassMap) {
55641 $async$self._async_evaluate$_addRestMap$4(named, keywordRest, invocation, new A._EvaluateVisitor__evaluateMacroArguments_closure6($async$self, keywordRestNodeForSpan, keywordRestArgs_));
55642 $async$returnValue = new A.Tuple2(positional, named, type$.Tuple2_of_List_Expression_and_Map_String_Expression);
55643 // goto return
55644 $async$goto = 1;
55645 break;
55646 } else
55647 throw A.wrapException($async$self._async_evaluate$_exception$2(string$.Variabs + keywordRest.toString$0(0) + ").", keywordRestArgs_.get$span(keywordRestArgs_)));
55648 case 1:
55649 // return
55650 return A._asyncReturn($async$returnValue, $async$completer);
55651 }
55652 });
55653 return A._asyncStartSync($async$_async_evaluate$_evaluateMacroArguments$1, $async$completer);
55654 },
55655 _async_evaluate$_addRestMap$1$4(values, map, nodeWithSpan, convert) {
55656 map._map$_contents.forEach$1(0, new A._EvaluateVisitor__addRestMap_closure0(this, values, convert, this._async_evaluate$_expressionNode$1(nodeWithSpan), map, nodeWithSpan));
55657 },
55658 _async_evaluate$_addRestMap$4(values, map, nodeWithSpan, convert) {
55659 return this._async_evaluate$_addRestMap$1$4(values, map, nodeWithSpan, convert, type$.dynamic);
55660 },
55661 _async_evaluate$_verifyArguments$4(positional, named, $arguments, nodeWithSpan) {
55662 return this._async_evaluate$_addExceptionSpan$2(nodeWithSpan, new A._EvaluateVisitor__verifyArguments_closure0($arguments, positional, named));
55663 },
55664 visitSelectorExpression$1(node) {
55665 return this.visitSelectorExpression$body$_EvaluateVisitor(node);
55666 },
55667 visitSelectorExpression$body$_EvaluateVisitor(node) {
55668 var $async$goto = 0,
55669 $async$completer = A._makeAsyncAwaitCompleter(type$.Value),
55670 $async$returnValue, $async$self = this, t1;
55671 var $async$visitSelectorExpression$1 = A._wrapJsFunctionForAsync(function($async$errorCode, $async$result) {
55672 if ($async$errorCode === 1)
55673 return A._asyncRethrow($async$result, $async$completer);
55674 while (true)
55675 switch ($async$goto) {
55676 case 0:
55677 // Function start
55678 t1 = $async$self._async_evaluate$_styleRuleIgnoringAtRoot;
55679 t1 = t1 == null ? null : t1.originalSelector.get$asSassList();
55680 $async$returnValue = t1 == null ? B.C__SassNull : t1;
55681 // goto return
55682 $async$goto = 1;
55683 break;
55684 case 1:
55685 // return
55686 return A._asyncReturn($async$returnValue, $async$completer);
55687 }
55688 });
55689 return A._asyncStartSync($async$visitSelectorExpression$1, $async$completer);
55690 },
55691 visitStringExpression$1(node) {
55692 return this.visitStringExpression$body$_EvaluateVisitor(node);
55693 },
55694 visitStringExpression$body$_EvaluateVisitor(node) {
55695 var $async$goto = 0,
55696 $async$completer = A._makeAsyncAwaitCompleter(type$.SassString),
55697 $async$returnValue, $async$self = this, $async$temp1, $async$temp2;
55698 var $async$visitStringExpression$1 = A._wrapJsFunctionForAsync(function($async$errorCode, $async$result) {
55699 if ($async$errorCode === 1)
55700 return A._asyncRethrow($async$result, $async$completer);
55701 while (true)
55702 switch ($async$goto) {
55703 case 0:
55704 // Function start
55705 $async$temp1 = A;
55706 $async$temp2 = J;
55707 $async$goto = 3;
55708 return A._asyncAwait(A.mapAsync(node.text.contents, new A._EvaluateVisitor_visitStringExpression_closure0($async$self), type$.Object, type$.String), $async$visitStringExpression$1);
55709 case 3:
55710 // returning from await.
55711 $async$returnValue = new $async$temp1.SassString($async$temp2.join$0$ax($async$result), node.hasQuotes);
55712 // goto return
55713 $async$goto = 1;
55714 break;
55715 case 1:
55716 // return
55717 return A._asyncReturn($async$returnValue, $async$completer);
55718 }
55719 });
55720 return A._asyncStartSync($async$visitStringExpression$1, $async$completer);
55721 },
55722 visitCssAtRule$1(node) {
55723 return this.visitCssAtRule$body$_EvaluateVisitor(node);
55724 },
55725 visitCssAtRule$body$_EvaluateVisitor(node) {
55726 var $async$goto = 0,
55727 $async$completer = A._makeAsyncAwaitCompleter(type$.void),
55728 $async$returnValue, $async$self = this, wasInKeyframes, wasInUnknownAtRule, t1;
55729 var $async$visitCssAtRule$1 = A._wrapJsFunctionForAsync(function($async$errorCode, $async$result) {
55730 if ($async$errorCode === 1)
55731 return A._asyncRethrow($async$result, $async$completer);
55732 while (true)
55733 switch ($async$goto) {
55734 case 0:
55735 // Function start
55736 if ($async$self._async_evaluate$_declarationName != null)
55737 throw A.wrapException($async$self._async_evaluate$_exception$2(string$.At_rul, node.span));
55738 if (node.isChildless) {
55739 $async$self._async_evaluate$_assertInModule$2($async$self._async_evaluate$__parent, "__parent").addChild$1(A.ModifiableCssAtRule$(node.name, node.span, true, node.value));
55740 // goto return
55741 $async$goto = 1;
55742 break;
55743 }
55744 wasInKeyframes = $async$self._async_evaluate$_inKeyframes;
55745 wasInUnknownAtRule = $async$self._async_evaluate$_inUnknownAtRule;
55746 t1 = node.name;
55747 if (A.unvendor(t1.get$value(t1)) === "keyframes")
55748 $async$self._async_evaluate$_inKeyframes = true;
55749 else
55750 $async$self._async_evaluate$_inUnknownAtRule = true;
55751 $async$goto = 3;
55752 return A._asyncAwait($async$self._async_evaluate$_withParent$2$4$scopeWhen$through(A.ModifiableCssAtRule$(t1, node.span, false, node.value), new A._EvaluateVisitor_visitCssAtRule_closure1($async$self, node), false, new A._EvaluateVisitor_visitCssAtRule_closure2(), type$.ModifiableCssAtRule, type$.Null), $async$visitCssAtRule$1);
55753 case 3:
55754 // returning from await.
55755 $async$self._async_evaluate$_inUnknownAtRule = wasInUnknownAtRule;
55756 $async$self._async_evaluate$_inKeyframes = wasInKeyframes;
55757 case 1:
55758 // return
55759 return A._asyncReturn($async$returnValue, $async$completer);
55760 }
55761 });
55762 return A._asyncStartSync($async$visitCssAtRule$1, $async$completer);
55763 },
55764 visitCssComment$1(node) {
55765 return this.visitCssComment$body$_EvaluateVisitor(node);
55766 },
55767 visitCssComment$body$_EvaluateVisitor(node) {
55768 var $async$goto = 0,
55769 $async$completer = A._makeAsyncAwaitCompleter(type$.void),
55770 $async$self = this;
55771 var $async$visitCssComment$1 = A._wrapJsFunctionForAsync(function($async$errorCode, $async$result) {
55772 if ($async$errorCode === 1)
55773 return A._asyncRethrow($async$result, $async$completer);
55774 while (true)
55775 switch ($async$goto) {
55776 case 0:
55777 // Function start
55778 if ($async$self._async_evaluate$_assertInModule$2($async$self._async_evaluate$__parent, "__parent") === $async$self._async_evaluate$_assertInModule$2($async$self._async_evaluate$__root, "_root") && $async$self._async_evaluate$_assertInModule$2($async$self._async_evaluate$__endOfImports, "_endOfImports") === J.get$length$asx($async$self._async_evaluate$_assertInModule$2($async$self._async_evaluate$__root, "_root").children._collection$_source))
55779 $async$self._async_evaluate$__endOfImports = $async$self._async_evaluate$_assertInModule$2($async$self._async_evaluate$__endOfImports, "_endOfImports") + 1;
55780 $async$self._async_evaluate$_assertInModule$2($async$self._async_evaluate$__parent, "__parent").addChild$1(new A.ModifiableCssComment(node.text, node.span));
55781 // implicit return
55782 return A._asyncReturn(null, $async$completer);
55783 }
55784 });
55785 return A._asyncStartSync($async$visitCssComment$1, $async$completer);
55786 },
55787 visitCssDeclaration$1(node) {
55788 return this.visitCssDeclaration$body$_EvaluateVisitor(node);
55789 },
55790 visitCssDeclaration$body$_EvaluateVisitor(node) {
55791 var $async$goto = 0,
55792 $async$completer = A._makeAsyncAwaitCompleter(type$.void),
55793 $async$self = this, t1;
55794 var $async$visitCssDeclaration$1 = A._wrapJsFunctionForAsync(function($async$errorCode, $async$result) {
55795 if ($async$errorCode === 1)
55796 return A._asyncRethrow($async$result, $async$completer);
55797 while (true)
55798 switch ($async$goto) {
55799 case 0:
55800 // Function start
55801 t1 = node.name;
55802 $async$self._async_evaluate$_assertInModule$2($async$self._async_evaluate$__parent, "__parent").addChild$1(A.ModifiableCssDeclaration$(t1, node.value, node.span, J.startsWith$1$s(t1.get$value(t1), "--"), node.valueSpanForMap));
55803 // implicit return
55804 return A._asyncReturn(null, $async$completer);
55805 }
55806 });
55807 return A._asyncStartSync($async$visitCssDeclaration$1, $async$completer);
55808 },
55809 visitCssImport$1(node) {
55810 return this.visitCssImport$body$_EvaluateVisitor(node);
55811 },
55812 visitCssImport$body$_EvaluateVisitor(node) {
55813 var $async$goto = 0,
55814 $async$completer = A._makeAsyncAwaitCompleter(type$.void),
55815 $async$self = this, t1, modifiableNode;
55816 var $async$visitCssImport$1 = A._wrapJsFunctionForAsync(function($async$errorCode, $async$result) {
55817 if ($async$errorCode === 1)
55818 return A._asyncRethrow($async$result, $async$completer);
55819 while (true)
55820 switch ($async$goto) {
55821 case 0:
55822 // Function start
55823 modifiableNode = A.ModifiableCssImport$(node.url, node.span, node.media, node.supports);
55824 if ($async$self._async_evaluate$_assertInModule$2($async$self._async_evaluate$__parent, "__parent") !== $async$self._async_evaluate$_assertInModule$2($async$self._async_evaluate$__root, "_root"))
55825 $async$self._async_evaluate$_assertInModule$2($async$self._async_evaluate$__parent, "__parent").addChild$1(modifiableNode);
55826 else if ($async$self._async_evaluate$_assertInModule$2($async$self._async_evaluate$__endOfImports, "_endOfImports") === J.get$length$asx($async$self._async_evaluate$_assertInModule$2($async$self._async_evaluate$__root, "_root").children._collection$_source)) {
55827 $async$self._async_evaluate$_assertInModule$2($async$self._async_evaluate$__root, "_root").addChild$1(modifiableNode);
55828 $async$self._async_evaluate$__endOfImports = $async$self._async_evaluate$_assertInModule$2($async$self._async_evaluate$__endOfImports, "_endOfImports") + 1;
55829 } else {
55830 t1 = $async$self._async_evaluate$_outOfOrderImports;
55831 (t1 == null ? $async$self._async_evaluate$_outOfOrderImports = A._setArrayType([], type$.JSArray_ModifiableCssImport) : t1).push(modifiableNode);
55832 }
55833 // implicit return
55834 return A._asyncReturn(null, $async$completer);
55835 }
55836 });
55837 return A._asyncStartSync($async$visitCssImport$1, $async$completer);
55838 },
55839 visitCssKeyframeBlock$1(node) {
55840 return this.visitCssKeyframeBlock$body$_EvaluateVisitor(node);
55841 },
55842 visitCssKeyframeBlock$body$_EvaluateVisitor(node) {
55843 var $async$goto = 0,
55844 $async$completer = A._makeAsyncAwaitCompleter(type$.void),
55845 $async$self = this;
55846 var $async$visitCssKeyframeBlock$1 = A._wrapJsFunctionForAsync(function($async$errorCode, $async$result) {
55847 if ($async$errorCode === 1)
55848 return A._asyncRethrow($async$result, $async$completer);
55849 while (true)
55850 switch ($async$goto) {
55851 case 0:
55852 // Function start
55853 $async$goto = 2;
55854 return A._asyncAwait($async$self._async_evaluate$_withParent$2$4$scopeWhen$through(A.ModifiableCssKeyframeBlock$(node.selector, node.span), new A._EvaluateVisitor_visitCssKeyframeBlock_closure1($async$self, node), false, new A._EvaluateVisitor_visitCssKeyframeBlock_closure2(), type$.ModifiableCssKeyframeBlock, type$.Null), $async$visitCssKeyframeBlock$1);
55855 case 2:
55856 // returning from await.
55857 // implicit return
55858 return A._asyncReturn(null, $async$completer);
55859 }
55860 });
55861 return A._asyncStartSync($async$visitCssKeyframeBlock$1, $async$completer);
55862 },
55863 visitCssMediaRule$1(node) {
55864 return this.visitCssMediaRule$body$_EvaluateVisitor(node);
55865 },
55866 visitCssMediaRule$body$_EvaluateVisitor(node) {
55867 var $async$goto = 0,
55868 $async$completer = A._makeAsyncAwaitCompleter(type$.void),
55869 $async$returnValue, $async$self = this, mergedQueries, t1;
55870 var $async$visitCssMediaRule$1 = A._wrapJsFunctionForAsync(function($async$errorCode, $async$result) {
55871 if ($async$errorCode === 1)
55872 return A._asyncRethrow($async$result, $async$completer);
55873 while (true)
55874 switch ($async$goto) {
55875 case 0:
55876 // Function start
55877 if ($async$self._async_evaluate$_declarationName != null)
55878 throw A.wrapException($async$self._async_evaluate$_exception$2(string$.Media_, node.span));
55879 mergedQueries = A.NullableExtension_andThen($async$self._async_evaluate$_mediaQueries, new A._EvaluateVisitor_visitCssMediaRule_closure2($async$self, node));
55880 t1 = mergedQueries == null;
55881 if (!t1 && J.get$isEmpty$asx(mergedQueries)) {
55882 // goto return
55883 $async$goto = 1;
55884 break;
55885 }
55886 t1 = t1 ? node.queries : mergedQueries;
55887 $async$goto = 3;
55888 return A._asyncAwait($async$self._async_evaluate$_withParent$2$4$scopeWhen$through(A.ModifiableCssMediaRule$(t1, node.span), new A._EvaluateVisitor_visitCssMediaRule_closure3($async$self, mergedQueries, node), false, new A._EvaluateVisitor_visitCssMediaRule_closure4(mergedQueries), type$.ModifiableCssMediaRule, type$.Null), $async$visitCssMediaRule$1);
55889 case 3:
55890 // returning from await.
55891 case 1:
55892 // return
55893 return A._asyncReturn($async$returnValue, $async$completer);
55894 }
55895 });
55896 return A._asyncStartSync($async$visitCssMediaRule$1, $async$completer);
55897 },
55898 visitCssStyleRule$1(node) {
55899 return this.visitCssStyleRule$body$_EvaluateVisitor(node);
55900 },
55901 visitCssStyleRule$body$_EvaluateVisitor(node) {
55902 var $async$goto = 0,
55903 $async$completer = A._makeAsyncAwaitCompleter(type$.void),
55904 $async$self = this, t1, styleRule, t2, t3, t4, t5, originalSelector, rule, oldAtRootExcludingStyleRule;
55905 var $async$visitCssStyleRule$1 = A._wrapJsFunctionForAsync(function($async$errorCode, $async$result) {
55906 if ($async$errorCode === 1)
55907 return A._asyncRethrow($async$result, $async$completer);
55908 while (true)
55909 switch ($async$goto) {
55910 case 0:
55911 // Function start
55912 if ($async$self._async_evaluate$_declarationName != null)
55913 throw A.wrapException($async$self._async_evaluate$_exception$2(string$.Style_, node.span));
55914 t1 = $async$self._async_evaluate$_atRootExcludingStyleRule;
55915 styleRule = t1 ? null : $async$self._async_evaluate$_styleRuleIgnoringAtRoot;
55916 t2 = node.selector;
55917 t3 = t2.value;
55918 t4 = styleRule == null;
55919 t5 = t4 ? null : styleRule.originalSelector;
55920 originalSelector = t3.resolveParentSelectors$2$implicitParent(t5, !t1);
55921 rule = A.ModifiableCssStyleRule$($async$self._async_evaluate$_assertInModule$2($async$self._async_evaluate$__extensionStore, "_extensionStore").addSelector$3(originalSelector, t2.span, $async$self._async_evaluate$_mediaQueries), node.span, originalSelector);
55922 oldAtRootExcludingStyleRule = $async$self._async_evaluate$_atRootExcludingStyleRule;
55923 $async$self._async_evaluate$_atRootExcludingStyleRule = false;
55924 $async$goto = 2;
55925 return A._asyncAwait($async$self._async_evaluate$_withParent$2$4$scopeWhen$through(rule, new A._EvaluateVisitor_visitCssStyleRule_closure1($async$self, rule, node), false, new A._EvaluateVisitor_visitCssStyleRule_closure2(), type$.ModifiableCssStyleRule, type$.Null), $async$visitCssStyleRule$1);
55926 case 2:
55927 // returning from await.
55928 $async$self._async_evaluate$_atRootExcludingStyleRule = oldAtRootExcludingStyleRule;
55929 if (t4) {
55930 t1 = $async$self._async_evaluate$_assertInModule$2($async$self._async_evaluate$__parent, "__parent").children;
55931 t1 = !t1.get$isEmpty(t1);
55932 } else
55933 t1 = false;
55934 if (t1) {
55935 t1 = $async$self._async_evaluate$_assertInModule$2($async$self._async_evaluate$__parent, "__parent").children;
55936 t1.get$last(t1).isGroupEnd = true;
55937 }
55938 // implicit return
55939 return A._asyncReturn(null, $async$completer);
55940 }
55941 });
55942 return A._asyncStartSync($async$visitCssStyleRule$1, $async$completer);
55943 },
55944 visitCssStylesheet$1(node) {
55945 return this.visitCssStylesheet$body$_EvaluateVisitor(node);
55946 },
55947 visitCssStylesheet$body$_EvaluateVisitor(node) {
55948 var $async$goto = 0,
55949 $async$completer = A._makeAsyncAwaitCompleter(type$.void),
55950 $async$self = this, t1;
55951 var $async$visitCssStylesheet$1 = A._wrapJsFunctionForAsync(function($async$errorCode, $async$result) {
55952 if ($async$errorCode === 1)
55953 return A._asyncRethrow($async$result, $async$completer);
55954 while (true)
55955 switch ($async$goto) {
55956 case 0:
55957 // Function start
55958 t1 = J.get$iterator$ax(node.get$children(node));
55959 case 2:
55960 // for condition
55961 if (!t1.moveNext$0()) {
55962 // goto after for
55963 $async$goto = 3;
55964 break;
55965 }
55966 $async$goto = 4;
55967 return A._asyncAwait(t1.get$current(t1).accept$1($async$self), $async$visitCssStylesheet$1);
55968 case 4:
55969 // returning from await.
55970 // goto for condition
55971 $async$goto = 2;
55972 break;
55973 case 3:
55974 // after for
55975 // implicit return
55976 return A._asyncReturn(null, $async$completer);
55977 }
55978 });
55979 return A._asyncStartSync($async$visitCssStylesheet$1, $async$completer);
55980 },
55981 visitCssSupportsRule$1(node) {
55982 return this.visitCssSupportsRule$body$_EvaluateVisitor(node);
55983 },
55984 visitCssSupportsRule$body$_EvaluateVisitor(node) {
55985 var $async$goto = 0,
55986 $async$completer = A._makeAsyncAwaitCompleter(type$.void),
55987 $async$self = this;
55988 var $async$visitCssSupportsRule$1 = A._wrapJsFunctionForAsync(function($async$errorCode, $async$result) {
55989 if ($async$errorCode === 1)
55990 return A._asyncRethrow($async$result, $async$completer);
55991 while (true)
55992 switch ($async$goto) {
55993 case 0:
55994 // Function start
55995 if ($async$self._async_evaluate$_declarationName != null)
55996 throw A.wrapException($async$self._async_evaluate$_exception$2(string$.Suppor, node.span));
55997 $async$goto = 2;
55998 return A._asyncAwait($async$self._async_evaluate$_withParent$2$4$scopeWhen$through(A.ModifiableCssSupportsRule$(node.condition, node.span), new A._EvaluateVisitor_visitCssSupportsRule_closure1($async$self, node), false, new A._EvaluateVisitor_visitCssSupportsRule_closure2(), type$.ModifiableCssSupportsRule, type$.Null), $async$visitCssSupportsRule$1);
55999 case 2:
56000 // returning from await.
56001 // implicit return
56002 return A._asyncReturn(null, $async$completer);
56003 }
56004 });
56005 return A._asyncStartSync($async$visitCssSupportsRule$1, $async$completer);
56006 },
56007 _async_evaluate$_handleReturn$1$2(list, callback) {
56008 return this._handleReturn$body$_EvaluateVisitor(list, callback);
56009 },
56010 _async_evaluate$_handleReturn$2(list, callback) {
56011 return this._async_evaluate$_handleReturn$1$2(list, callback, type$.dynamic);
56012 },
56013 _handleReturn$body$_EvaluateVisitor(list, callback) {
56014 var $async$goto = 0,
56015 $async$completer = A._makeAsyncAwaitCompleter(type$.nullable_Value),
56016 $async$returnValue, t1, _i, result;
56017 var $async$_async_evaluate$_handleReturn$1$2 = A._wrapJsFunctionForAsync(function($async$errorCode, $async$result) {
56018 if ($async$errorCode === 1)
56019 return A._asyncRethrow($async$result, $async$completer);
56020 while (true)
56021 switch ($async$goto) {
56022 case 0:
56023 // Function start
56024 t1 = list.length, _i = 0;
56025 case 3:
56026 // for condition
56027 if (!(_i < list.length)) {
56028 // goto after for
56029 $async$goto = 5;
56030 break;
56031 }
56032 $async$goto = 6;
56033 return A._asyncAwait(callback.call$1(list[_i]), $async$_async_evaluate$_handleReturn$1$2);
56034 case 6:
56035 // returning from await.
56036 result = $async$result;
56037 if (result != null) {
56038 $async$returnValue = result;
56039 // goto return
56040 $async$goto = 1;
56041 break;
56042 }
56043 case 4:
56044 // for update
56045 list.length === t1 || (0, A.throwConcurrentModificationError)(list), ++_i;
56046 // goto for condition
56047 $async$goto = 3;
56048 break;
56049 case 5:
56050 // after for
56051 $async$returnValue = null;
56052 // goto return
56053 $async$goto = 1;
56054 break;
56055 case 1:
56056 // return
56057 return A._asyncReturn($async$returnValue, $async$completer);
56058 }
56059 });
56060 return A._asyncStartSync($async$_async_evaluate$_handleReturn$1$2, $async$completer);
56061 },
56062 _async_evaluate$_withEnvironment$1$2(environment, callback, $T) {
56063 return this._withEnvironment$body$_EvaluateVisitor(environment, callback, $T, $T);
56064 },
56065 _withEnvironment$body$_EvaluateVisitor(environment, callback, $T, $async$type) {
56066 var $async$goto = 0,
56067 $async$completer = A._makeAsyncAwaitCompleter($async$type),
56068 $async$returnValue, $async$self = this, result, oldEnvironment;
56069 var $async$_async_evaluate$_withEnvironment$1$2 = A._wrapJsFunctionForAsync(function($async$errorCode, $async$result) {
56070 if ($async$errorCode === 1)
56071 return A._asyncRethrow($async$result, $async$completer);
56072 while (true)
56073 switch ($async$goto) {
56074 case 0:
56075 // Function start
56076 oldEnvironment = $async$self._async_evaluate$_environment;
56077 $async$self._async_evaluate$_environment = environment;
56078 $async$goto = 3;
56079 return A._asyncAwait(callback.call$0(), $async$_async_evaluate$_withEnvironment$1$2);
56080 case 3:
56081 // returning from await.
56082 result = $async$result;
56083 $async$self._async_evaluate$_environment = oldEnvironment;
56084 $async$returnValue = result;
56085 // goto return
56086 $async$goto = 1;
56087 break;
56088 case 1:
56089 // return
56090 return A._asyncReturn($async$returnValue, $async$completer);
56091 }
56092 });
56093 return A._asyncStartSync($async$_async_evaluate$_withEnvironment$1$2, $async$completer);
56094 },
56095 _async_evaluate$_interpolationToValue$3$trim$warnForColor(interpolation, trim, warnForColor) {
56096 return this._interpolationToValue$body$_EvaluateVisitor(interpolation, trim, warnForColor);
56097 },
56098 _async_evaluate$_interpolationToValue$1(interpolation) {
56099 return this._async_evaluate$_interpolationToValue$3$trim$warnForColor(interpolation, false, false);
56100 },
56101 _async_evaluate$_interpolationToValue$2$warnForColor(interpolation, warnForColor) {
56102 return this._async_evaluate$_interpolationToValue$3$trim$warnForColor(interpolation, false, warnForColor);
56103 },
56104 _interpolationToValue$body$_EvaluateVisitor(interpolation, trim, warnForColor) {
56105 var $async$goto = 0,
56106 $async$completer = A._makeAsyncAwaitCompleter(type$.CssValue_String),
56107 $async$returnValue, $async$self = this, result, t1;
56108 var $async$_async_evaluate$_interpolationToValue$3$trim$warnForColor = A._wrapJsFunctionForAsync(function($async$errorCode, $async$result) {
56109 if ($async$errorCode === 1)
56110 return A._asyncRethrow($async$result, $async$completer);
56111 while (true)
56112 switch ($async$goto) {
56113 case 0:
56114 // Function start
56115 $async$goto = 3;
56116 return A._asyncAwait($async$self._async_evaluate$_performInterpolation$2$warnForColor(interpolation, warnForColor), $async$_async_evaluate$_interpolationToValue$3$trim$warnForColor);
56117 case 3:
56118 // returning from await.
56119 result = $async$result;
56120 t1 = trim ? A.trimAscii(result, true) : result;
56121 $async$returnValue = new A.CssValue(t1, interpolation.span, type$.CssValue_String);
56122 // goto return
56123 $async$goto = 1;
56124 break;
56125 case 1:
56126 // return
56127 return A._asyncReturn($async$returnValue, $async$completer);
56128 }
56129 });
56130 return A._asyncStartSync($async$_async_evaluate$_interpolationToValue$3$trim$warnForColor, $async$completer);
56131 },
56132 _async_evaluate$_performInterpolation$2$warnForColor(interpolation, warnForColor) {
56133 return this._performInterpolation$body$_EvaluateVisitor(interpolation, warnForColor);
56134 },
56135 _async_evaluate$_performInterpolation$1(interpolation) {
56136 return this._async_evaluate$_performInterpolation$2$warnForColor(interpolation, false);
56137 },
56138 _performInterpolation$body$_EvaluateVisitor(interpolation, warnForColor) {
56139 var $async$goto = 0,
56140 $async$completer = A._makeAsyncAwaitCompleter(type$.String),
56141 $async$returnValue, $async$self = this, $async$temp1;
56142 var $async$_async_evaluate$_performInterpolation$2$warnForColor = A._wrapJsFunctionForAsync(function($async$errorCode, $async$result) {
56143 if ($async$errorCode === 1)
56144 return A._asyncRethrow($async$result, $async$completer);
56145 while (true)
56146 switch ($async$goto) {
56147 case 0:
56148 // Function start
56149 $async$temp1 = J;
56150 $async$goto = 3;
56151 return A._asyncAwait(A.mapAsync(interpolation.contents, new A._EvaluateVisitor__performInterpolation_closure0($async$self, warnForColor, interpolation), type$.Object, type$.String), $async$_async_evaluate$_performInterpolation$2$warnForColor);
56152 case 3:
56153 // returning from await.
56154 $async$returnValue = $async$temp1.join$0$ax($async$result);
56155 // goto return
56156 $async$goto = 1;
56157 break;
56158 case 1:
56159 // return
56160 return A._asyncReturn($async$returnValue, $async$completer);
56161 }
56162 });
56163 return A._asyncStartSync($async$_async_evaluate$_performInterpolation$2$warnForColor, $async$completer);
56164 },
56165 _evaluateToCss$2$quote(expression, quote) {
56166 return this._evaluateToCss$body$_EvaluateVisitor(expression, quote);
56167 },
56168 _evaluateToCss$1(expression) {
56169 return this._evaluateToCss$2$quote(expression, true);
56170 },
56171 _evaluateToCss$body$_EvaluateVisitor(expression, quote) {
56172 var $async$goto = 0,
56173 $async$completer = A._makeAsyncAwaitCompleter(type$.String),
56174 $async$returnValue, $async$self = this;
56175 var $async$_evaluateToCss$2$quote = A._wrapJsFunctionForAsync(function($async$errorCode, $async$result) {
56176 if ($async$errorCode === 1)
56177 return A._asyncRethrow($async$result, $async$completer);
56178 while (true)
56179 switch ($async$goto) {
56180 case 0:
56181 // Function start
56182 $async$goto = 3;
56183 return A._asyncAwait(expression.accept$1($async$self), $async$_evaluateToCss$2$quote);
56184 case 3:
56185 // returning from await.
56186 $async$returnValue = $async$self._async_evaluate$_serialize$3$quote($async$result, expression, quote);
56187 // goto return
56188 $async$goto = 1;
56189 break;
56190 case 1:
56191 // return
56192 return A._asyncReturn($async$returnValue, $async$completer);
56193 }
56194 });
56195 return A._asyncStartSync($async$_evaluateToCss$2$quote, $async$completer);
56196 },
56197 _async_evaluate$_serialize$3$quote(value, nodeWithSpan, quote) {
56198 return this._async_evaluate$_addExceptionSpan$2(nodeWithSpan, new A._EvaluateVisitor__serialize_closure0(value, quote));
56199 },
56200 _async_evaluate$_serialize$2(value, nodeWithSpan) {
56201 return this._async_evaluate$_serialize$3$quote(value, nodeWithSpan, true);
56202 },
56203 _async_evaluate$_expressionNode$1(expression) {
56204 var t1;
56205 if (expression instanceof A.VariableExpression) {
56206 t1 = this._async_evaluate$_addExceptionSpan$2(expression, new A._EvaluateVisitor__expressionNode_closure0(this, expression));
56207 return t1 == null ? expression : t1;
56208 } else
56209 return expression;
56210 },
56211 _async_evaluate$_withParent$2$4$scopeWhen$through(node, callback, scopeWhen, through, $S, $T) {
56212 return this._withParent$body$_EvaluateVisitor(node, callback, scopeWhen, through, $S, $T, $T);
56213 },
56214 _async_evaluate$_withParent$2$2(node, callback, $S, $T) {
56215 return this._async_evaluate$_withParent$2$4$scopeWhen$through(node, callback, true, null, $S, $T);
56216 },
56217 _async_evaluate$_withParent$2$3$scopeWhen(node, callback, scopeWhen, $S, $T) {
56218 return this._async_evaluate$_withParent$2$4$scopeWhen$through(node, callback, scopeWhen, null, $S, $T);
56219 },
56220 _withParent$body$_EvaluateVisitor(node, callback, scopeWhen, through, $S, $T, $async$type) {
56221 var $async$goto = 0,
56222 $async$completer = A._makeAsyncAwaitCompleter($async$type),
56223 $async$returnValue, $async$self = this, t1, result;
56224 var $async$_async_evaluate$_withParent$2$4$scopeWhen$through = A._wrapJsFunctionForAsync(function($async$errorCode, $async$result) {
56225 if ($async$errorCode === 1)
56226 return A._asyncRethrow($async$result, $async$completer);
56227 while (true)
56228 switch ($async$goto) {
56229 case 0:
56230 // Function start
56231 $async$self._async_evaluate$_addChild$2$through(node, through);
56232 t1 = $async$self._async_evaluate$_assertInModule$2($async$self._async_evaluate$__parent, "__parent");
56233 $async$self._async_evaluate$__parent = node;
56234 $async$goto = 3;
56235 return A._asyncAwait($async$self._async_evaluate$_environment.scope$1$2$when(callback, scopeWhen, $T), $async$_async_evaluate$_withParent$2$4$scopeWhen$through);
56236 case 3:
56237 // returning from await.
56238 result = $async$result;
56239 $async$self._async_evaluate$__parent = t1;
56240 $async$returnValue = result;
56241 // goto return
56242 $async$goto = 1;
56243 break;
56244 case 1:
56245 // return
56246 return A._asyncReturn($async$returnValue, $async$completer);
56247 }
56248 });
56249 return A._asyncStartSync($async$_async_evaluate$_withParent$2$4$scopeWhen$through, $async$completer);
56250 },
56251 _async_evaluate$_addChild$2$through(node, through) {
56252 var grandparent, t1,
56253 $parent = this._async_evaluate$_assertInModule$2(this._async_evaluate$__parent, "__parent");
56254 if (through != null) {
56255 for (; through.call$1($parent); $parent = grandparent) {
56256 grandparent = $parent._parent;
56257 if (grandparent == null)
56258 throw A.wrapException(A.ArgumentError$(string$.throug + node.toString$0(0) + ".", null));
56259 }
56260 if ($parent.get$hasFollowingSibling()) {
56261 t1 = $parent._parent;
56262 t1.toString;
56263 $parent = $parent.copyWithoutChildren$0();
56264 t1.addChild$1($parent);
56265 }
56266 }
56267 $parent.addChild$1(node);
56268 },
56269 _async_evaluate$_addChild$1(node) {
56270 return this._async_evaluate$_addChild$2$through(node, null);
56271 },
56272 _async_evaluate$_withStyleRule$1$2(rule, callback, $T) {
56273 return this._withStyleRule$body$_EvaluateVisitor(rule, callback, $T, $T);
56274 },
56275 _withStyleRule$body$_EvaluateVisitor(rule, callback, $T, $async$type) {
56276 var $async$goto = 0,
56277 $async$completer = A._makeAsyncAwaitCompleter($async$type),
56278 $async$returnValue, $async$self = this, result, oldRule;
56279 var $async$_async_evaluate$_withStyleRule$1$2 = A._wrapJsFunctionForAsync(function($async$errorCode, $async$result) {
56280 if ($async$errorCode === 1)
56281 return A._asyncRethrow($async$result, $async$completer);
56282 while (true)
56283 switch ($async$goto) {
56284 case 0:
56285 // Function start
56286 oldRule = $async$self._async_evaluate$_styleRuleIgnoringAtRoot;
56287 $async$self._async_evaluate$_styleRuleIgnoringAtRoot = rule;
56288 $async$goto = 3;
56289 return A._asyncAwait(callback.call$0(), $async$_async_evaluate$_withStyleRule$1$2);
56290 case 3:
56291 // returning from await.
56292 result = $async$result;
56293 $async$self._async_evaluate$_styleRuleIgnoringAtRoot = oldRule;
56294 $async$returnValue = result;
56295 // goto return
56296 $async$goto = 1;
56297 break;
56298 case 1:
56299 // return
56300 return A._asyncReturn($async$returnValue, $async$completer);
56301 }
56302 });
56303 return A._asyncStartSync($async$_async_evaluate$_withStyleRule$1$2, $async$completer);
56304 },
56305 _async_evaluate$_withMediaQueries$1$2(queries, callback, $T) {
56306 return this._withMediaQueries$body$_EvaluateVisitor(queries, callback, $T, $T);
56307 },
56308 _withMediaQueries$body$_EvaluateVisitor(queries, callback, $T, $async$type) {
56309 var $async$goto = 0,
56310 $async$completer = A._makeAsyncAwaitCompleter($async$type),
56311 $async$returnValue, $async$self = this, result, oldMediaQueries;
56312 var $async$_async_evaluate$_withMediaQueries$1$2 = A._wrapJsFunctionForAsync(function($async$errorCode, $async$result) {
56313 if ($async$errorCode === 1)
56314 return A._asyncRethrow($async$result, $async$completer);
56315 while (true)
56316 switch ($async$goto) {
56317 case 0:
56318 // Function start
56319 oldMediaQueries = $async$self._async_evaluate$_mediaQueries;
56320 $async$self._async_evaluate$_mediaQueries = queries;
56321 $async$goto = 3;
56322 return A._asyncAwait(callback.call$0(), $async$_async_evaluate$_withMediaQueries$1$2);
56323 case 3:
56324 // returning from await.
56325 result = $async$result;
56326 $async$self._async_evaluate$_mediaQueries = oldMediaQueries;
56327 $async$returnValue = result;
56328 // goto return
56329 $async$goto = 1;
56330 break;
56331 case 1:
56332 // return
56333 return A._asyncReturn($async$returnValue, $async$completer);
56334 }
56335 });
56336 return A._asyncStartSync($async$_async_evaluate$_withMediaQueries$1$2, $async$completer);
56337 },
56338 _async_evaluate$_withStackFrame$1$3(member, nodeWithSpan, callback, $T) {
56339 return this._withStackFrame$body$_EvaluateVisitor(member, nodeWithSpan, callback, $T, $T);
56340 },
56341 _withStackFrame$body$_EvaluateVisitor(member, nodeWithSpan, callback, $T, $async$type) {
56342 var $async$goto = 0,
56343 $async$completer = A._makeAsyncAwaitCompleter($async$type),
56344 $async$returnValue, $async$self = this, oldMember, result, t1;
56345 var $async$_async_evaluate$_withStackFrame$1$3 = A._wrapJsFunctionForAsync(function($async$errorCode, $async$result) {
56346 if ($async$errorCode === 1)
56347 return A._asyncRethrow($async$result, $async$completer);
56348 while (true)
56349 switch ($async$goto) {
56350 case 0:
56351 // Function start
56352 t1 = $async$self._async_evaluate$_stack;
56353 t1.push(new A.Tuple2($async$self._async_evaluate$_member, nodeWithSpan, type$.Tuple2_String_AstNode));
56354 oldMember = $async$self._async_evaluate$_member;
56355 $async$self._async_evaluate$_member = member;
56356 $async$goto = 3;
56357 return A._asyncAwait(callback.call$0(), $async$_async_evaluate$_withStackFrame$1$3);
56358 case 3:
56359 // returning from await.
56360 result = $async$result;
56361 $async$self._async_evaluate$_member = oldMember;
56362 t1.pop();
56363 $async$returnValue = result;
56364 // goto return
56365 $async$goto = 1;
56366 break;
56367 case 1:
56368 // return
56369 return A._asyncReturn($async$returnValue, $async$completer);
56370 }
56371 });
56372 return A._asyncStartSync($async$_async_evaluate$_withStackFrame$1$3, $async$completer);
56373 },
56374 _async_evaluate$_withoutSlash$2(value, nodeForSpan) {
56375 if (value instanceof A.SassNumber && value.asSlash != null)
56376 this._async_evaluate$_warn$3$deprecation(string$.Using__i + A.S(new A._EvaluateVisitor__withoutSlash_recommendation0().call$1(value)) + string$.x0a_More, nodeForSpan.get$span(nodeForSpan), true);
56377 return value.withoutSlash$0();
56378 },
56379 _async_evaluate$_stackFrame$2(member, span) {
56380 return A.frameForSpan(span, member, A.NullableExtension_andThen(span.file.url, new A._EvaluateVisitor__stackFrame_closure0(this)));
56381 },
56382 _async_evaluate$_stackTrace$1(span) {
56383 var _this = this,
56384 t1 = _this._async_evaluate$_stack;
56385 t1 = A.List_List$of(new A.MappedListIterable(t1, new A._EvaluateVisitor__stackTrace_closure0(_this), A._arrayInstanceType(t1)._eval$1("MappedListIterable<1,Frame>")), true, type$.Frame);
56386 if (span != null)
56387 t1.push(_this._async_evaluate$_stackFrame$2(_this._async_evaluate$_member, span));
56388 return A.Trace$(new A.ReversedListIterable(t1, A._arrayInstanceType(t1)._eval$1("ReversedListIterable<1>")), null);
56389 },
56390 _async_evaluate$_stackTrace$0() {
56391 return this._async_evaluate$_stackTrace$1(null);
56392 },
56393 _async_evaluate$_warn$3$deprecation(message, span, deprecation) {
56394 var _this = this;
56395 if (_this._async_evaluate$_quietDeps && _this._async_evaluate$_inDependency)
56396 return;
56397 if (!_this._async_evaluate$_warningsEmitted.add$1(0, new A.Tuple2(message, span, type$.Tuple2_String_SourceSpan)))
56398 return;
56399 _this._async_evaluate$_logger.warn$4$deprecation$span$trace(0, message, deprecation, span, _this._async_evaluate$_stackTrace$1(span));
56400 },
56401 _async_evaluate$_warn$2(message, span) {
56402 return this._async_evaluate$_warn$3$deprecation(message, span, false);
56403 },
56404 _async_evaluate$_exception$2(message, span) {
56405 var t1 = span == null ? J.get$span$z(B.JSArray_methods.get$last(this._async_evaluate$_stack).item2) : span;
56406 return new A.SassRuntimeException(this._async_evaluate$_stackTrace$1(span), message, t1);
56407 },
56408 _async_evaluate$_exception$1(message) {
56409 return this._async_evaluate$_exception$2(message, null);
56410 },
56411 _async_evaluate$_multiSpanException$3(message, primaryLabel, secondaryLabels) {
56412 var t1 = J.get$span$z(B.JSArray_methods.get$last(this._async_evaluate$_stack).item2);
56413 return new A.MultiSpanSassRuntimeException(this._async_evaluate$_stackTrace$0(), primaryLabel, A.ConstantMap_ConstantMap$from(secondaryLabels, type$.FileSpan, type$.String), message, t1);
56414 },
56415 _async_evaluate$_adjustParseError$1$2(nodeWithSpan, callback) {
56416 var error, stackTrace, errorText, span, syntheticFile, syntheticSpan, t1, exception, t2, t3, t4, t5, t6, _null = null;
56417 try {
56418 t1 = callback.call$0();
56419 return t1;
56420 } catch (exception) {
56421 t1 = A.unwrapException(exception);
56422 if (t1 instanceof A.SassFormatException) {
56423 error = t1;
56424 stackTrace = A.getTraceFromException(exception);
56425 t1 = error;
56426 t2 = J.getInterceptor$z(t1);
56427 errorText = A.String_String$fromCharCodes(B.NativeUint32List_methods.sublist$2(A.SourceSpanException.prototype.get$span.call(t2, t1).file._decodedChars, 0, _null), 0, _null);
56428 span = nodeWithSpan.get$span(nodeWithSpan);
56429 t1 = span;
56430 t2 = span;
56431 syntheticFile = B.JSString_methods.replaceRange$3(A.String_String$fromCharCodes(B.NativeUint32List_methods.sublist$2(span.file._decodedChars, 0, _null), 0, _null), A.FileLocation$_(t1.file, t1._file$_start).offset, A.FileLocation$_(t2.file, t2._end).offset, errorText);
56432 t2 = A.SourceFile$fromString(syntheticFile, span.file.url);
56433 t1 = span;
56434 t1 = A.FileLocation$_(t1.file, t1._file$_start);
56435 t3 = error;
56436 t4 = J.getInterceptor$z(t3);
56437 t3 = A.SourceSpanException.prototype.get$span.call(t4, t3);
56438 t3 = A.FileLocation$_(t3.file, t3._file$_start);
56439 t4 = span;
56440 t4 = A.FileLocation$_(t4.file, t4._file$_start);
56441 t5 = error;
56442 t6 = J.getInterceptor$z(t5);
56443 t5 = A.SourceSpanException.prototype.get$span.call(t6, t5);
56444 syntheticSpan = t2.span$2(0, t1.offset + t3.offset, t4.offset + A.FileLocation$_(t5.file, t5._end).offset);
56445 A.throwWithTrace(this._async_evaluate$_exception$2(error._span_exception$_message, syntheticSpan), stackTrace);
56446 } else
56447 throw exception;
56448 }
56449 },
56450 _async_evaluate$_adjustParseError$2(nodeWithSpan, callback) {
56451 return this._async_evaluate$_adjustParseError$1$2(nodeWithSpan, callback, type$.dynamic);
56452 },
56453 _async_evaluate$_addExceptionSpan$1$2(nodeWithSpan, callback) {
56454 var error, stackTrace, error0, stackTrace0, t1, exception, t2, t3, t4;
56455 try {
56456 t1 = callback.call$0();
56457 return t1;
56458 } catch (exception) {
56459 t1 = A.unwrapException(exception);
56460 if (t1 instanceof A.MultiSpanSassScriptException) {
56461 error = t1;
56462 stackTrace = A.getTraceFromException(exception);
56463 t1 = error.message;
56464 t2 = nodeWithSpan.get$span(nodeWithSpan);
56465 t3 = error.primaryLabel;
56466 t4 = error.secondarySpans;
56467 A.throwWithTrace(new A.MultiSpanSassRuntimeException(this._async_evaluate$_stackTrace$1(nodeWithSpan.get$span(nodeWithSpan)), t3, A.ConstantMap_ConstantMap$from(t4, type$.FileSpan, type$.String), t1, t2), stackTrace);
56468 } else if (t1 instanceof A.SassScriptException) {
56469 error0 = t1;
56470 stackTrace0 = A.getTraceFromException(exception);
56471 A.throwWithTrace(this._async_evaluate$_exception$2(error0.message, nodeWithSpan.get$span(nodeWithSpan)), stackTrace0);
56472 } else
56473 throw exception;
56474 }
56475 },
56476 _async_evaluate$_addExceptionSpan$2(nodeWithSpan, callback) {
56477 return this._async_evaluate$_addExceptionSpan$1$2(nodeWithSpan, callback, type$.dynamic);
56478 },
56479 _addExceptionSpanAsync$1$2(nodeWithSpan, callback, $T) {
56480 return this._addExceptionSpanAsync$body$_EvaluateVisitor(nodeWithSpan, callback, $T, $T);
56481 },
56482 _addExceptionSpanAsync$body$_EvaluateVisitor(nodeWithSpan, callback, $T, $async$type) {
56483 var $async$goto = 0,
56484 $async$completer = A._makeAsyncAwaitCompleter($async$type),
56485 $async$returnValue, $async$handler = 2, $async$currentError, $async$next = [], $async$self = this, error, stackTrace, error0, stackTrace0, t1, exception, t2, t3, t4, $async$exception;
56486 var $async$_addExceptionSpanAsync$1$2 = A._wrapJsFunctionForAsync(function($async$errorCode, $async$result) {
56487 if ($async$errorCode === 1) {
56488 $async$currentError = $async$result;
56489 $async$goto = $async$handler;
56490 }
56491 while (true)
56492 switch ($async$goto) {
56493 case 0:
56494 // Function start
56495 $async$handler = 4;
56496 $async$goto = 7;
56497 return A._asyncAwait(callback.call$0(), $async$_addExceptionSpanAsync$1$2);
56498 case 7:
56499 // returning from await.
56500 t1 = $async$result;
56501 $async$returnValue = t1;
56502 // goto return
56503 $async$goto = 1;
56504 break;
56505 $async$handler = 2;
56506 // goto after finally
56507 $async$goto = 6;
56508 break;
56509 case 4:
56510 // catch
56511 $async$handler = 3;
56512 $async$exception = $async$currentError;
56513 t1 = A.unwrapException($async$exception);
56514 if (t1 instanceof A.MultiSpanSassScriptException) {
56515 error = t1;
56516 stackTrace = A.getTraceFromException($async$exception);
56517 t1 = error.message;
56518 t2 = nodeWithSpan.get$span(nodeWithSpan);
56519 t3 = error.primaryLabel;
56520 t4 = error.secondarySpans;
56521 A.throwWithTrace(new A.MultiSpanSassRuntimeException($async$self._async_evaluate$_stackTrace$1(nodeWithSpan.get$span(nodeWithSpan)), t3, A.ConstantMap_ConstantMap$from(t4, type$.FileSpan, type$.String), t1, t2), stackTrace);
56522 } else if (t1 instanceof A.SassScriptException) {
56523 error0 = t1;
56524 stackTrace0 = A.getTraceFromException($async$exception);
56525 A.throwWithTrace($async$self._async_evaluate$_exception$2(error0.message, nodeWithSpan.get$span(nodeWithSpan)), stackTrace0);
56526 } else
56527 throw $async$exception;
56528 // goto after finally
56529 $async$goto = 6;
56530 break;
56531 case 3:
56532 // uncaught
56533 // goto rethrow
56534 $async$goto = 2;
56535 break;
56536 case 6:
56537 // after finally
56538 case 1:
56539 // return
56540 return A._asyncReturn($async$returnValue, $async$completer);
56541 case 2:
56542 // rethrow
56543 return A._asyncRethrow($async$currentError, $async$completer);
56544 }
56545 });
56546 return A._asyncStartSync($async$_addExceptionSpanAsync$1$2, $async$completer);
56547 },
56548 _async_evaluate$_addErrorSpan$1$2(nodeWithSpan, callback, $T) {
56549 return this._addErrorSpan$body$_EvaluateVisitor(nodeWithSpan, callback, $T, $T);
56550 },
56551 _addErrorSpan$body$_EvaluateVisitor(nodeWithSpan, callback, $T, $async$type) {
56552 var $async$goto = 0,
56553 $async$completer = A._makeAsyncAwaitCompleter($async$type),
56554 $async$returnValue, $async$handler = 2, $async$currentError, $async$next = [], $async$self = this, error, stackTrace, t1, exception, t2, $async$exception;
56555 var $async$_async_evaluate$_addErrorSpan$1$2 = A._wrapJsFunctionForAsync(function($async$errorCode, $async$result) {
56556 if ($async$errorCode === 1) {
56557 $async$currentError = $async$result;
56558 $async$goto = $async$handler;
56559 }
56560 while (true)
56561 switch ($async$goto) {
56562 case 0:
56563 // Function start
56564 $async$handler = 4;
56565 $async$goto = 7;
56566 return A._asyncAwait(callback.call$0(), $async$_async_evaluate$_addErrorSpan$1$2);
56567 case 7:
56568 // returning from await.
56569 t1 = $async$result;
56570 $async$returnValue = t1;
56571 // goto return
56572 $async$goto = 1;
56573 break;
56574 $async$handler = 2;
56575 // goto after finally
56576 $async$goto = 6;
56577 break;
56578 case 4:
56579 // catch
56580 $async$handler = 3;
56581 $async$exception = $async$currentError;
56582 t1 = A.unwrapException($async$exception);
56583 if (type$.SassRuntimeException._is(t1)) {
56584 error = t1;
56585 stackTrace = A.getTraceFromException($async$exception);
56586 t1 = J.get$span$z(error);
56587 if (!B.JSString_methods.startsWith$1(A.String_String$fromCharCodes(B.NativeUint32List_methods.sublist$2(t1.file._decodedChars, t1._file$_start, t1._end), 0, null), "@error"))
56588 throw $async$exception;
56589 t1 = error._span_exception$_message;
56590 t2 = nodeWithSpan.get$span(nodeWithSpan);
56591 A.throwWithTrace(new A.SassRuntimeException($async$self._async_evaluate$_stackTrace$0(), t1, t2), stackTrace);
56592 } else
56593 throw $async$exception;
56594 // goto after finally
56595 $async$goto = 6;
56596 break;
56597 case 3:
56598 // uncaught
56599 // goto rethrow
56600 $async$goto = 2;
56601 break;
56602 case 6:
56603 // after finally
56604 case 1:
56605 // return
56606 return A._asyncReturn($async$returnValue, $async$completer);
56607 case 2:
56608 // rethrow
56609 return A._asyncRethrow($async$currentError, $async$completer);
56610 }
56611 });
56612 return A._asyncStartSync($async$_async_evaluate$_addErrorSpan$1$2, $async$completer);
56613 }
56614 };
56615 A._EvaluateVisitor_closure9.prototype = {
56616 call$1($arguments) {
56617 var module, t2,
56618 t1 = J.getInterceptor$asx($arguments),
56619 variable = t1.$index($arguments, 0).assertString$1("name");
56620 t1 = t1.$index($arguments, 1).get$realNull();
56621 module = t1 == null ? null : t1.assertString$1("module");
56622 t1 = this.$this._async_evaluate$_environment;
56623 t2 = A.stringReplaceAllUnchecked(variable._string$_text, "_", "-");
56624 return t1.globalVariableExists$2$namespace(t2, module == null ? null : module._string$_text) ? B.SassBoolean_true : B.SassBoolean_false;
56625 },
56626 $signature: 17
56627 };
56628 A._EvaluateVisitor_closure10.prototype = {
56629 call$1($arguments) {
56630 var variable = J.$index$asx($arguments, 0).assertString$1("name"),
56631 t1 = this.$this._async_evaluate$_environment;
56632 return t1.getVariable$1(A.stringReplaceAllUnchecked(variable._string$_text, "_", "-")) != null ? B.SassBoolean_true : B.SassBoolean_false;
56633 },
56634 $signature: 17
56635 };
56636 A._EvaluateVisitor_closure11.prototype = {
56637 call$1($arguments) {
56638 var module, t2, t3, t4,
56639 t1 = J.getInterceptor$asx($arguments),
56640 variable = t1.$index($arguments, 0).assertString$1("name");
56641 t1 = t1.$index($arguments, 1).get$realNull();
56642 module = t1 == null ? null : t1.assertString$1("module");
56643 t1 = this.$this;
56644 t2 = t1._async_evaluate$_environment;
56645 t3 = variable._string$_text;
56646 t4 = A.stringReplaceAllUnchecked(t3, "_", "-");
56647 return t2.getFunction$2$namespace(t4, module == null ? null : module._string$_text) != null || t1._async_evaluate$_builtInFunctions.containsKey$1(t3) ? B.SassBoolean_true : B.SassBoolean_false;
56648 },
56649 $signature: 17
56650 };
56651 A._EvaluateVisitor_closure12.prototype = {
56652 call$1($arguments) {
56653 var module, t2,
56654 t1 = J.getInterceptor$asx($arguments),
56655 variable = t1.$index($arguments, 0).assertString$1("name");
56656 t1 = t1.$index($arguments, 1).get$realNull();
56657 module = t1 == null ? null : t1.assertString$1("module");
56658 t1 = this.$this._async_evaluate$_environment;
56659 t2 = A.stringReplaceAllUnchecked(variable._string$_text, "_", "-");
56660 return t1.getMixin$2$namespace(t2, module == null ? null : module._string$_text) != null ? B.SassBoolean_true : B.SassBoolean_false;
56661 },
56662 $signature: 17
56663 };
56664 A._EvaluateVisitor_closure13.prototype = {
56665 call$1($arguments) {
56666 var t1 = this.$this._async_evaluate$_environment;
56667 if (!t1._async_environment$_inMixin)
56668 throw A.wrapException(A.SassScriptException$(string$.conten));
56669 return t1._async_environment$_content != null ? B.SassBoolean_true : B.SassBoolean_false;
56670 },
56671 $signature: 17
56672 };
56673 A._EvaluateVisitor_closure14.prototype = {
56674 call$1($arguments) {
56675 var t2, t3, t4,
56676 t1 = J.$index$asx($arguments, 0).assertString$1("module")._string$_text,
56677 module = this.$this._async_evaluate$_environment._async_environment$_modules.$index(0, t1);
56678 if (module == null)
56679 throw A.wrapException('There is no module with namespace "' + t1 + '".');
56680 t1 = type$.Value;
56681 t2 = A.LinkedHashMap_LinkedHashMap$_empty(t1, t1);
56682 for (t3 = module.get$variables(), t3 = t3.get$entries(t3), t3 = t3.get$iterator(t3); t3.moveNext$0();) {
56683 t4 = t3.get$current(t3);
56684 t2.$indexSet(0, new A.SassString(t4.key, true), t4.value);
56685 }
56686 return new A.SassMap(A.ConstantMap_ConstantMap$from(t2, t1, t1));
56687 },
56688 $signature: 40
56689 };
56690 A._EvaluateVisitor_closure15.prototype = {
56691 call$1($arguments) {
56692 var t2, t3, t4,
56693 t1 = J.$index$asx($arguments, 0).assertString$1("module")._string$_text,
56694 module = this.$this._async_evaluate$_environment._async_environment$_modules.$index(0, t1);
56695 if (module == null)
56696 throw A.wrapException('There is no module with namespace "' + t1 + '".');
56697 t1 = type$.Value;
56698 t2 = A.LinkedHashMap_LinkedHashMap$_empty(t1, t1);
56699 for (t3 = module.get$functions(module), t3 = t3.get$entries(t3), t3 = t3.get$iterator(t3); t3.moveNext$0();) {
56700 t4 = t3.get$current(t3);
56701 t2.$indexSet(0, new A.SassString(t4.key, true), new A.SassFunction(t4.value));
56702 }
56703 return new A.SassMap(A.ConstantMap_ConstantMap$from(t2, t1, t1));
56704 },
56705 $signature: 40
56706 };
56707 A._EvaluateVisitor_closure16.prototype = {
56708 call$1($arguments) {
56709 var module, callable, t2,
56710 t1 = J.getInterceptor$asx($arguments),
56711 $name = t1.$index($arguments, 0).assertString$1("name"),
56712 css = t1.$index($arguments, 1).get$isTruthy();
56713 t1 = t1.$index($arguments, 2).get$realNull();
56714 module = t1 == null ? null : t1.assertString$1("module");
56715 if (css && module != null)
56716 throw A.wrapException(string$.x24css_a);
56717 if (css)
56718 callable = new A.PlainCssCallable($name._string$_text);
56719 else {
56720 t1 = this.$this;
56721 t2 = t1._async_evaluate$_callableNode;
56722 t2.toString;
56723 callable = t1._async_evaluate$_addExceptionSpan$2(t2, new A._EvaluateVisitor__closure4(t1, $name, module));
56724 }
56725 if (callable != null)
56726 return new A.SassFunction(callable);
56727 throw A.wrapException("Function not found: " + $name.toString$0(0));
56728 },
56729 $signature: 213
56730 };
56731 A._EvaluateVisitor__closure4.prototype = {
56732 call$0() {
56733 var t1 = A.stringReplaceAllUnchecked(this.name._string$_text, "_", "-"),
56734 t2 = this.module;
56735 t2 = t2 == null ? null : t2._string$_text;
56736 return this.$this._async_evaluate$_getFunction$2$namespace(t1, t2);
56737 },
56738 $signature: 105
56739 };
56740 A._EvaluateVisitor_closure17.prototype = {
56741 call$1($arguments) {
56742 return this.$call$body$_EvaluateVisitor_closure0($arguments);
56743 },
56744 $call$body$_EvaluateVisitor_closure0($arguments) {
56745 var $async$goto = 0,
56746 $async$completer = A._makeAsyncAwaitCompleter(type$.Value),
56747 $async$returnValue, $async$self = this, t2, t3, t4, t5, t6, t7, t8, t9, t10, t11, invocation, callableNode, t1, $function, args;
56748 var $async$call$1 = A._wrapJsFunctionForAsync(function($async$errorCode, $async$result) {
56749 if ($async$errorCode === 1)
56750 return A._asyncRethrow($async$result, $async$completer);
56751 while (true)
56752 switch ($async$goto) {
56753 case 0:
56754 // Function start
56755 t1 = J.getInterceptor$asx($arguments);
56756 $function = t1.$index($arguments, 0);
56757 args = type$.SassArgumentList._as(t1.$index($arguments, 1));
56758 t1 = $async$self.$this;
56759 t2 = t1._async_evaluate$_callableNode;
56760 t2.toString;
56761 t3 = A._setArrayType([], type$.JSArray_Expression);
56762 t4 = type$.String;
56763 t5 = type$.Expression;
56764 t6 = t2.get$span(t2);
56765 t7 = t2.get$span(t2);
56766 args._wereKeywordsAccessed = true;
56767 t8 = args._keywords;
56768 if (t8.get$isEmpty(t8))
56769 t2 = null;
56770 else {
56771 t9 = type$.Value;
56772 t10 = A.LinkedHashMap_LinkedHashMap$_empty(t9, t9);
56773 for (args._wereKeywordsAccessed = true, t8 = t8.get$entries(t8), t8 = t8.get$iterator(t8); t8.moveNext$0();) {
56774 t11 = t8.get$current(t8);
56775 t10.$indexSet(0, new A.SassString(t11.key, false), t11.value);
56776 }
56777 t2 = new A.ValueExpression(new A.SassMap(A.ConstantMap_ConstantMap$from(t10, t9, t9)), t2.get$span(t2));
56778 }
56779 invocation = new A.ArgumentInvocation(A.List_List$unmodifiable(t3, t5), A.ConstantMap_ConstantMap$from(A.LinkedHashMap_LinkedHashMap$_empty(t4, t5), t4, t5), new A.ValueExpression(args, t7), t2, t6);
56780 $async$goto = $function instanceof A.SassString ? 3 : 4;
56781 break;
56782 case 3:
56783 // then
56784 t2 = string$.Passin + $function.toString$0(0) + "))";
56785 A.EvaluationContext_current().warn$2$deprecation(0, t2, true);
56786 callableNode = t1._async_evaluate$_callableNode;
56787 $async$goto = 5;
56788 return A._asyncAwait(t1.visitFunctionExpression$1(new A.FunctionExpression(null, $function._string$_text, invocation, callableNode.get$span(callableNode))), $async$call$1);
56789 case 5:
56790 // returning from await.
56791 $async$returnValue = $async$result;
56792 // goto return
56793 $async$goto = 1;
56794 break;
56795 case 4:
56796 // join
56797 t2 = $function.assertFunction$1("function");
56798 t3 = t1._async_evaluate$_callableNode;
56799 t3.toString;
56800 $async$goto = 6;
56801 return A._asyncAwait(t1._async_evaluate$_runFunctionCallable$3(invocation, t2.callable, t3), $async$call$1);
56802 case 6:
56803 // returning from await.
56804 $async$returnValue = $async$result;
56805 // goto return
56806 $async$goto = 1;
56807 break;
56808 case 1:
56809 // return
56810 return A._asyncReturn($async$returnValue, $async$completer);
56811 }
56812 });
56813 return A._asyncStartSync($async$call$1, $async$completer);
56814 },
56815 $signature: 170
56816 };
56817 A._EvaluateVisitor_closure18.prototype = {
56818 call$1($arguments) {
56819 return this.$call$body$_EvaluateVisitor_closure($arguments);
56820 },
56821 $call$body$_EvaluateVisitor_closure($arguments) {
56822 var $async$goto = 0,
56823 $async$completer = A._makeAsyncAwaitCompleter(type$.void),
56824 $async$self = this, withMap, t2, values, configuration, t1, url;
56825 var $async$call$1 = A._wrapJsFunctionForAsync(function($async$errorCode, $async$result) {
56826 if ($async$errorCode === 1)
56827 return A._asyncRethrow($async$result, $async$completer);
56828 while (true)
56829 switch ($async$goto) {
56830 case 0:
56831 // Function start
56832 t1 = J.getInterceptor$asx($arguments);
56833 url = A.Uri_parse(t1.$index($arguments, 0).assertString$1("url")._string$_text);
56834 t1 = t1.$index($arguments, 1).get$realNull();
56835 withMap = t1 == null ? null : t1.assertMap$1("with")._map$_contents;
56836 t1 = $async$self.$this;
56837 t2 = t1._async_evaluate$_callableNode;
56838 t2.toString;
56839 if (withMap != null) {
56840 values = A.LinkedHashMap_LinkedHashMap$_empty(type$.String, type$.ConfiguredValue);
56841 withMap.forEach$1(0, new A._EvaluateVisitor__closure2(values, t2.get$span(t2), t2));
56842 configuration = new A.ExplicitConfiguration(t2, values);
56843 } else
56844 configuration = B.Configuration_Map_empty;
56845 $async$goto = 2;
56846 return A._asyncAwait(t1._async_evaluate$_loadModule$7$baseUrl$configuration$namesInErrors(url, "load-css()", t2, new A._EvaluateVisitor__closure3(t1), t2.get$span(t2).file.url, configuration, true), $async$call$1);
56847 case 2:
56848 // returning from await.
56849 t1._async_evaluate$_assertConfigurationIsEmpty$2$nameInError(configuration, true);
56850 // implicit return
56851 return A._asyncReturn(null, $async$completer);
56852 }
56853 });
56854 return A._asyncStartSync($async$call$1, $async$completer);
56855 },
56856 $signature: 430
56857 };
56858 A._EvaluateVisitor__closure2.prototype = {
56859 call$2(variable, value) {
56860 var t1 = variable.assertString$1("with key"),
56861 $name = A.stringReplaceAllUnchecked(t1._string$_text, "_", "-");
56862 t1 = this.values;
56863 if (t1.containsKey$1($name))
56864 throw A.wrapException("The variable $" + $name + " was configured twice.");
56865 t1.$indexSet(0, $name, new A.ConfiguredValue(value, this.span, this.callableNode));
56866 },
56867 $signature: 50
56868 };
56869 A._EvaluateVisitor__closure3.prototype = {
56870 call$1(module) {
56871 var t1 = this.$this;
56872 return t1._async_evaluate$_combineCss$2$clone(module, true).accept$1(t1);
56873 },
56874 $signature: 212
56875 };
56876 A._EvaluateVisitor_run_closure0.prototype = {
56877 call$0() {
56878 var $async$goto = 0,
56879 $async$completer = A._makeAsyncAwaitCompleter(type$.EvaluateResult),
56880 $async$returnValue, $async$self = this, t2, t1, url, $async$temp1, $async$temp2;
56881 var $async$call$0 = A._wrapJsFunctionForAsync(function($async$errorCode, $async$result) {
56882 if ($async$errorCode === 1)
56883 return A._asyncRethrow($async$result, $async$completer);
56884 while (true)
56885 switch ($async$goto) {
56886 case 0:
56887 // Function start
56888 t1 = $async$self.node;
56889 url = t1.span.file.url;
56890 if (url != null) {
56891 t2 = $async$self.$this;
56892 t2._async_evaluate$_activeModules.$indexSet(0, url, null);
56893 t2._async_evaluate$_loadedUrls.add$1(0, url);
56894 }
56895 t2 = $async$self.$this;
56896 $async$temp1 = A;
56897 $async$temp2 = t2;
56898 $async$goto = 3;
56899 return A._asyncAwait(t2._async_evaluate$_execute$2($async$self.importer, t1), $async$call$0);
56900 case 3:
56901 // returning from await.
56902 $async$returnValue = new $async$temp1.EvaluateResult($async$temp2._async_evaluate$_combineCss$1($async$result));
56903 // goto return
56904 $async$goto = 1;
56905 break;
56906 case 1:
56907 // return
56908 return A._asyncReturn($async$returnValue, $async$completer);
56909 }
56910 });
56911 return A._asyncStartSync($async$call$0, $async$completer);
56912 },
56913 $signature: 445
56914 };
56915 A._EvaluateVisitor__loadModule_closure1.prototype = {
56916 call$0() {
56917 return this.callback.call$1(this.builtInModule);
56918 },
56919 $signature: 0
56920 };
56921 A._EvaluateVisitor__loadModule_closure2.prototype = {
56922 call$0() {
56923 var $async$goto = 0,
56924 $async$completer = A._makeAsyncAwaitCompleter(type$.Null),
56925 $async$handler = 1, $async$currentError, $async$next = [], $async$self = this, oldInDependency, module, error, stackTrace, error0, stackTrace0, error1, stackTrace1, error2, stackTrace2, message, exception, t3, t4, t5, t6, t7, t1, t2, result, stylesheet, canonicalUrl, $async$exception;
56926 var $async$call$0 = A._wrapJsFunctionForAsync(function($async$errorCode, $async$result) {
56927 if ($async$errorCode === 1) {
56928 $async$currentError = $async$result;
56929 $async$goto = $async$handler;
56930 }
56931 while (true)
56932 switch ($async$goto) {
56933 case 0:
56934 // Function start
56935 t1 = $async$self.$this;
56936 t2 = $async$self.nodeWithSpan;
56937 $async$goto = 2;
56938 return A._asyncAwait(t1._async_evaluate$_loadStylesheet$3$baseUrl($async$self.url.toString$0(0), t2.get$span(t2), $async$self.baseUrl), $async$call$0);
56939 case 2:
56940 // returning from await.
56941 result = $async$result;
56942 stylesheet = result.stylesheet;
56943 canonicalUrl = stylesheet.span.file.url;
56944 if (canonicalUrl != null && t1._async_evaluate$_activeModules.containsKey$1(canonicalUrl)) {
56945 message = $async$self.namesInErrors ? "Module loop: " + $.$get$context().prettyUri$1(canonicalUrl) + " is already being loaded." : string$.Modulel;
56946 t2 = A.NullableExtension_andThen(t1._async_evaluate$_activeModules.$index(0, canonicalUrl), new A._EvaluateVisitor__loadModule__closure0(t1, message));
56947 throw A.wrapException(t2 == null ? t1._async_evaluate$_exception$1(message) : t2);
56948 }
56949 if (canonicalUrl != null)
56950 t1._async_evaluate$_activeModules.$indexSet(0, canonicalUrl, t2);
56951 oldInDependency = t1._async_evaluate$_inDependency;
56952 t1._async_evaluate$_inDependency = result.isDependency;
56953 module = null;
56954 $async$handler = 3;
56955 $async$goto = 6;
56956 return A._asyncAwait(t1._async_evaluate$_execute$5$configuration$namesInErrors$nodeWithSpan(result.importer, stylesheet, $async$self.configuration, $async$self.namesInErrors, t2), $async$call$0);
56957 case 6:
56958 // returning from await.
56959 module = $async$result;
56960 $async$next.push(5);
56961 // goto finally
56962 $async$goto = 4;
56963 break;
56964 case 3:
56965 // uncaught
56966 $async$next = [1];
56967 case 4:
56968 // finally
56969 $async$handler = 1;
56970 t1._async_evaluate$_activeModules.remove$1(0, canonicalUrl);
56971 t1._async_evaluate$_inDependency = oldInDependency;
56972 // goto the next finally handler
56973 $async$goto = $async$next.pop();
56974 break;
56975 case 5:
56976 // after finally
56977 $async$handler = 8;
56978 $async$goto = 11;
56979 return A._asyncAwait($async$self.callback.call$1(module), $async$call$0);
56980 case 11:
56981 // returning from await.
56982 $async$handler = 1;
56983 // goto after finally
56984 $async$goto = 10;
56985 break;
56986 case 8:
56987 // catch
56988 $async$handler = 7;
56989 $async$exception = $async$currentError;
56990 t2 = A.unwrapException($async$exception);
56991 if (type$.SassRuntimeException._is(t2))
56992 throw $async$exception;
56993 else if (t2 instanceof A.MultiSpanSassException) {
56994 error = t2;
56995 stackTrace = A.getTraceFromException($async$exception);
56996 t2 = error._span_exception$_message;
56997 t3 = error;
56998 t4 = J.getInterceptor$z(t3);
56999 t3 = A.SourceSpanException.prototype.get$span.call(t4, t3);
57000 t4 = error.primaryLabel;
57001 t5 = error.secondarySpans;
57002 t6 = error;
57003 t7 = J.getInterceptor$z(t6);
57004 A.throwWithTrace(new A.MultiSpanSassRuntimeException(t1._async_evaluate$_stackTrace$1(A.SourceSpanException.prototype.get$span.call(t7, t6)), t4, A.ConstantMap_ConstantMap$from(t5, type$.FileSpan, type$.String), t2, t3), stackTrace);
57005 } else if (t2 instanceof A.SassException) {
57006 error0 = t2;
57007 stackTrace0 = A.getTraceFromException($async$exception);
57008 t2 = error0;
57009 t3 = J.getInterceptor$z(t2);
57010 A.throwWithTrace(t1._async_evaluate$_exception$2(error0._span_exception$_message, A.SourceSpanException.prototype.get$span.call(t3, t2)), stackTrace0);
57011 } else if (t2 instanceof A.MultiSpanSassScriptException) {
57012 error1 = t2;
57013 stackTrace1 = A.getTraceFromException($async$exception);
57014 A.throwWithTrace(t1._async_evaluate$_multiSpanException$3(error1.message, error1.primaryLabel, error1.secondarySpans), stackTrace1);
57015 } else if (t2 instanceof A.SassScriptException) {
57016 error2 = t2;
57017 stackTrace2 = A.getTraceFromException($async$exception);
57018 A.throwWithTrace(t1._async_evaluate$_exception$1(error2.message), stackTrace2);
57019 } else
57020 throw $async$exception;
57021 // goto after finally
57022 $async$goto = 10;
57023 break;
57024 case 7:
57025 // uncaught
57026 // goto rethrow
57027 $async$goto = 1;
57028 break;
57029 case 10:
57030 // after finally
57031 // implicit return
57032 return A._asyncReturn(null, $async$completer);
57033 case 1:
57034 // rethrow
57035 return A._asyncRethrow($async$currentError, $async$completer);
57036 }
57037 });
57038 return A._asyncStartSync($async$call$0, $async$completer);
57039 },
57040 $signature: 2
57041 };
57042 A._EvaluateVisitor__loadModule__closure0.prototype = {
57043 call$1(previousLoad) {
57044 return this.$this._async_evaluate$_multiSpanException$3(this.message, "new load", A.LinkedHashMap_LinkedHashMap$_literal([previousLoad.get$span(previousLoad), "original load"], type$.FileSpan, type$.String));
57045 },
57046 $signature: 91
57047 };
57048 A._EvaluateVisitor__execute_closure0.prototype = {
57049 call$0() {
57050 var $async$goto = 0,
57051 $async$completer = A._makeAsyncAwaitCompleter(type$.Null),
57052 $async$self = this, t3, t4, t5, t6, t1, oldImporter, oldStylesheet, oldRoot, oldParent, oldEndOfImports, oldOutOfOrderImports, oldExtensionStore, t2, oldStyleRule, oldMediaQueries, oldDeclarationName, oldInUnknownAtRule, oldInKeyframes, oldConfiguration;
57053 var $async$call$0 = A._wrapJsFunctionForAsync(function($async$errorCode, $async$result) {
57054 if ($async$errorCode === 1)
57055 return A._asyncRethrow($async$result, $async$completer);
57056 while (true)
57057 switch ($async$goto) {
57058 case 0:
57059 // Function start
57060 t1 = $async$self.$this;
57061 oldImporter = t1._async_evaluate$_importer;
57062 oldStylesheet = t1._async_evaluate$__stylesheet;
57063 oldRoot = t1._async_evaluate$__root;
57064 oldParent = t1._async_evaluate$__parent;
57065 oldEndOfImports = t1._async_evaluate$__endOfImports;
57066 oldOutOfOrderImports = t1._async_evaluate$_outOfOrderImports;
57067 oldExtensionStore = t1._async_evaluate$__extensionStore;
57068 t2 = t1._async_evaluate$_atRootExcludingStyleRule;
57069 oldStyleRule = t2 ? null : t1._async_evaluate$_styleRuleIgnoringAtRoot;
57070 oldMediaQueries = t1._async_evaluate$_mediaQueries;
57071 oldDeclarationName = t1._async_evaluate$_declarationName;
57072 oldInUnknownAtRule = t1._async_evaluate$_inUnknownAtRule;
57073 oldInKeyframes = t1._async_evaluate$_inKeyframes;
57074 oldConfiguration = t1._async_evaluate$_configuration;
57075 t1._async_evaluate$_importer = $async$self.importer;
57076 t3 = t1._async_evaluate$__stylesheet = $async$self.stylesheet;
57077 t4 = t3.span;
57078 t5 = t1._async_evaluate$__parent = t1._async_evaluate$__root = A.ModifiableCssStylesheet$(t4);
57079 t1._async_evaluate$__endOfImports = 0;
57080 t1._async_evaluate$_outOfOrderImports = null;
57081 t1._async_evaluate$__extensionStore = $async$self.extensionStore;
57082 t1._async_evaluate$_declarationName = t1._async_evaluate$_mediaQueries = t1._async_evaluate$_styleRuleIgnoringAtRoot = null;
57083 t1._async_evaluate$_inKeyframes = t1._async_evaluate$_atRootExcludingStyleRule = t1._async_evaluate$_inUnknownAtRule = false;
57084 t6 = $async$self.configuration;
57085 if (t6 != null)
57086 t1._async_evaluate$_configuration = t6;
57087 $async$goto = 2;
57088 return A._asyncAwait(t1.visitStylesheet$1(t3), $async$call$0);
57089 case 2:
57090 // returning from await.
57091 t3 = t1._async_evaluate$_outOfOrderImports == null ? t5 : new A.CssStylesheet(new A.UnmodifiableListView(t1._async_evaluate$_addOutOfOrderImports$0(), type$.UnmodifiableListView_CssNode), t4);
57092 $async$self.css._value = t3;
57093 t1._async_evaluate$_importer = oldImporter;
57094 t1._async_evaluate$__stylesheet = oldStylesheet;
57095 t1._async_evaluate$__root = oldRoot;
57096 t1._async_evaluate$__parent = oldParent;
57097 t1._async_evaluate$__endOfImports = oldEndOfImports;
57098 t1._async_evaluate$_outOfOrderImports = oldOutOfOrderImports;
57099 t1._async_evaluate$__extensionStore = oldExtensionStore;
57100 t1._async_evaluate$_styleRuleIgnoringAtRoot = oldStyleRule;
57101 t1._async_evaluate$_mediaQueries = oldMediaQueries;
57102 t1._async_evaluate$_declarationName = oldDeclarationName;
57103 t1._async_evaluate$_inUnknownAtRule = oldInUnknownAtRule;
57104 t1._async_evaluate$_atRootExcludingStyleRule = t2;
57105 t1._async_evaluate$_inKeyframes = oldInKeyframes;
57106 t1._async_evaluate$_configuration = oldConfiguration;
57107 // implicit return
57108 return A._asyncReturn(null, $async$completer);
57109 }
57110 });
57111 return A._asyncStartSync($async$call$0, $async$completer);
57112 },
57113 $signature: 2
57114 };
57115 A._EvaluateVisitor__combineCss_closure2.prototype = {
57116 call$1(module) {
57117 return module.get$transitivelyContainsCss();
57118 },
57119 $signature: 134
57120 };
57121 A._EvaluateVisitor__combineCss_closure3.prototype = {
57122 call$1(target) {
57123 return !this.selectors.contains$1(0, target);
57124 },
57125 $signature: 16
57126 };
57127 A._EvaluateVisitor__combineCss_closure4.prototype = {
57128 call$1(module) {
57129 return module.cloneCss$0();
57130 },
57131 $signature: 453
57132 };
57133 A._EvaluateVisitor__extendModules_closure1.prototype = {
57134 call$1(target) {
57135 return !this.originalSelectors.contains$1(0, target);
57136 },
57137 $signature: 16
57138 };
57139 A._EvaluateVisitor__extendModules_closure2.prototype = {
57140 call$0() {
57141 return A._setArrayType([], type$.JSArray_ExtensionStore);
57142 },
57143 $signature: 206
57144 };
57145 A._EvaluateVisitor__topologicalModules_visitModule0.prototype = {
57146 call$1(module) {
57147 var t1, t2, t3, _i, upstream;
57148 for (t1 = module.get$upstream(), t2 = t1.length, t3 = this.seen, _i = 0; _i < t1.length; t1.length === t2 || (0, A.throwConcurrentModificationError)(t1), ++_i) {
57149 upstream = t1[_i];
57150 if (upstream.get$transitivelyContainsCss() && t3.add$1(0, upstream))
57151 this.call$1(upstream);
57152 }
57153 this.sorted.addFirst$1(module);
57154 },
57155 $signature: 212
57156 };
57157 A._EvaluateVisitor_visitAtRootRule_closure2.prototype = {
57158 call$0() {
57159 var t1 = A.SpanScanner$(this.resolved, null);
57160 return new A.AtRootQueryParser(t1, this.$this._async_evaluate$_logger).parse$0();
57161 },
57162 $signature: 102
57163 };
57164 A._EvaluateVisitor_visitAtRootRule_closure3.prototype = {
57165 call$0() {
57166 var $async$goto = 0,
57167 $async$completer = A._makeAsyncAwaitCompleter(type$.Null),
57168 $async$self = this, t1, t2, t3, _i;
57169 var $async$call$0 = A._wrapJsFunctionForAsync(function($async$errorCode, $async$result) {
57170 if ($async$errorCode === 1)
57171 return A._asyncRethrow($async$result, $async$completer);
57172 while (true)
57173 switch ($async$goto) {
57174 case 0:
57175 // Function start
57176 t1 = $async$self.node.children, t2 = t1.length, t3 = $async$self.$this, _i = 0;
57177 case 2:
57178 // for condition
57179 if (!(_i < t2)) {
57180 // goto after for
57181 $async$goto = 4;
57182 break;
57183 }
57184 $async$goto = 5;
57185 return A._asyncAwait(t1[_i].accept$1(t3), $async$call$0);
57186 case 5:
57187 // returning from await.
57188 case 3:
57189 // for update
57190 ++_i;
57191 // goto for condition
57192 $async$goto = 2;
57193 break;
57194 case 4:
57195 // after for
57196 // implicit return
57197 return A._asyncReturn(null, $async$completer);
57198 }
57199 });
57200 return A._asyncStartSync($async$call$0, $async$completer);
57201 },
57202 $signature: 2
57203 };
57204 A._EvaluateVisitor_visitAtRootRule_closure4.prototype = {
57205 call$0() {
57206 var $async$goto = 0,
57207 $async$completer = A._makeAsyncAwaitCompleter(type$.void),
57208 $async$self = this, t1, t2, t3, _i;
57209 var $async$call$0 = A._wrapJsFunctionForAsync(function($async$errorCode, $async$result) {
57210 if ($async$errorCode === 1)
57211 return A._asyncRethrow($async$result, $async$completer);
57212 while (true)
57213 switch ($async$goto) {
57214 case 0:
57215 // Function start
57216 t1 = $async$self.node.children, t2 = t1.length, t3 = $async$self.$this, _i = 0;
57217 case 2:
57218 // for condition
57219 if (!(_i < t2)) {
57220 // goto after for
57221 $async$goto = 4;
57222 break;
57223 }
57224 $async$goto = 5;
57225 return A._asyncAwait(t1[_i].accept$1(t3), $async$call$0);
57226 case 5:
57227 // returning from await.
57228 case 3:
57229 // for update
57230 ++_i;
57231 // goto for condition
57232 $async$goto = 2;
57233 break;
57234 case 4:
57235 // after for
57236 // implicit return
57237 return A._asyncReturn(null, $async$completer);
57238 }
57239 });
57240 return A._asyncStartSync($async$call$0, $async$completer);
57241 },
57242 $signature: 37
57243 };
57244 A._EvaluateVisitor__scopeForAtRoot_closure5.prototype = {
57245 call$1(callback) {
57246 var $async$goto = 0,
57247 $async$completer = A._makeAsyncAwaitCompleter(type$.Null),
57248 $async$self = this, t1, t2;
57249 var $async$call$1 = A._wrapJsFunctionForAsync(function($async$errorCode, $async$result) {
57250 if ($async$errorCode === 1)
57251 return A._asyncRethrow($async$result, $async$completer);
57252 while (true)
57253 switch ($async$goto) {
57254 case 0:
57255 // Function start
57256 t1 = $async$self.$this;
57257 t2 = t1._async_evaluate$_assertInModule$2(t1._async_evaluate$__parent, "__parent");
57258 t1._async_evaluate$__parent = $async$self.newParent;
57259 $async$goto = 2;
57260 return A._asyncAwait(t1._async_evaluate$_environment.scope$1$2$when(callback, $async$self.node.hasDeclarations, type$.void), $async$call$1);
57261 case 2:
57262 // returning from await.
57263 t1._async_evaluate$__parent = t2;
57264 // implicit return
57265 return A._asyncReturn(null, $async$completer);
57266 }
57267 });
57268 return A._asyncStartSync($async$call$1, $async$completer);
57269 },
57270 $signature: 31
57271 };
57272 A._EvaluateVisitor__scopeForAtRoot_closure6.prototype = {
57273 call$1(callback) {
57274 var $async$goto = 0,
57275 $async$completer = A._makeAsyncAwaitCompleter(type$.Null),
57276 $async$self = this, t1, oldAtRootExcludingStyleRule;
57277 var $async$call$1 = A._wrapJsFunctionForAsync(function($async$errorCode, $async$result) {
57278 if ($async$errorCode === 1)
57279 return A._asyncRethrow($async$result, $async$completer);
57280 while (true)
57281 switch ($async$goto) {
57282 case 0:
57283 // Function start
57284 t1 = $async$self.$this;
57285 oldAtRootExcludingStyleRule = t1._async_evaluate$_atRootExcludingStyleRule;
57286 t1._async_evaluate$_atRootExcludingStyleRule = true;
57287 $async$goto = 2;
57288 return A._asyncAwait($async$self.innerScope.call$1(callback), $async$call$1);
57289 case 2:
57290 // returning from await.
57291 t1._async_evaluate$_atRootExcludingStyleRule = oldAtRootExcludingStyleRule;
57292 // implicit return
57293 return A._asyncReturn(null, $async$completer);
57294 }
57295 });
57296 return A._asyncStartSync($async$call$1, $async$completer);
57297 },
57298 $signature: 31
57299 };
57300 A._EvaluateVisitor__scopeForAtRoot_closure7.prototype = {
57301 call$1(callback) {
57302 return this.$this._async_evaluate$_withMediaQueries$1$2(null, new A._EvaluateVisitor__scopeForAtRoot__closure0(this.innerScope, callback), type$.Null);
57303 },
57304 $signature: 31
57305 };
57306 A._EvaluateVisitor__scopeForAtRoot__closure0.prototype = {
57307 call$0() {
57308 return this.innerScope.call$1(this.callback);
57309 },
57310 $signature: 2
57311 };
57312 A._EvaluateVisitor__scopeForAtRoot_closure8.prototype = {
57313 call$1(callback) {
57314 var $async$goto = 0,
57315 $async$completer = A._makeAsyncAwaitCompleter(type$.Null),
57316 $async$self = this, t1, wasInKeyframes;
57317 var $async$call$1 = A._wrapJsFunctionForAsync(function($async$errorCode, $async$result) {
57318 if ($async$errorCode === 1)
57319 return A._asyncRethrow($async$result, $async$completer);
57320 while (true)
57321 switch ($async$goto) {
57322 case 0:
57323 // Function start
57324 t1 = $async$self.$this;
57325 wasInKeyframes = t1._async_evaluate$_inKeyframes;
57326 t1._async_evaluate$_inKeyframes = false;
57327 $async$goto = 2;
57328 return A._asyncAwait($async$self.innerScope.call$1(callback), $async$call$1);
57329 case 2:
57330 // returning from await.
57331 t1._async_evaluate$_inKeyframes = wasInKeyframes;
57332 // implicit return
57333 return A._asyncReturn(null, $async$completer);
57334 }
57335 });
57336 return A._asyncStartSync($async$call$1, $async$completer);
57337 },
57338 $signature: 31
57339 };
57340 A._EvaluateVisitor__scopeForAtRoot_closure9.prototype = {
57341 call$1($parent) {
57342 return type$.CssAtRule._is($parent);
57343 },
57344 $signature: 204
57345 };
57346 A._EvaluateVisitor__scopeForAtRoot_closure10.prototype = {
57347 call$1(callback) {
57348 var $async$goto = 0,
57349 $async$completer = A._makeAsyncAwaitCompleter(type$.Null),
57350 $async$self = this, t1, wasInUnknownAtRule;
57351 var $async$call$1 = A._wrapJsFunctionForAsync(function($async$errorCode, $async$result) {
57352 if ($async$errorCode === 1)
57353 return A._asyncRethrow($async$result, $async$completer);
57354 while (true)
57355 switch ($async$goto) {
57356 case 0:
57357 // Function start
57358 t1 = $async$self.$this;
57359 wasInUnknownAtRule = t1._async_evaluate$_inUnknownAtRule;
57360 t1._async_evaluate$_inUnknownAtRule = false;
57361 $async$goto = 2;
57362 return A._asyncAwait($async$self.innerScope.call$1(callback), $async$call$1);
57363 case 2:
57364 // returning from await.
57365 t1._async_evaluate$_inUnknownAtRule = wasInUnknownAtRule;
57366 // implicit return
57367 return A._asyncReturn(null, $async$completer);
57368 }
57369 });
57370 return A._asyncStartSync($async$call$1, $async$completer);
57371 },
57372 $signature: 31
57373 };
57374 A._EvaluateVisitor_visitContentRule_closure0.prototype = {
57375 call$0() {
57376 var $async$goto = 0,
57377 $async$completer = A._makeAsyncAwaitCompleter(type$.Null),
57378 $async$returnValue, $async$self = this, t1, t2, t3, _i;
57379 var $async$call$0 = A._wrapJsFunctionForAsync(function($async$errorCode, $async$result) {
57380 if ($async$errorCode === 1)
57381 return A._asyncRethrow($async$result, $async$completer);
57382 while (true)
57383 switch ($async$goto) {
57384 case 0:
57385 // Function start
57386 t1 = $async$self.content.declaration.children, t2 = t1.length, t3 = $async$self.$this, _i = 0;
57387 case 3:
57388 // for condition
57389 if (!(_i < t2)) {
57390 // goto after for
57391 $async$goto = 5;
57392 break;
57393 }
57394 $async$goto = 6;
57395 return A._asyncAwait(t1[_i].accept$1(t3), $async$call$0);
57396 case 6:
57397 // returning from await.
57398 case 4:
57399 // for update
57400 ++_i;
57401 // goto for condition
57402 $async$goto = 3;
57403 break;
57404 case 5:
57405 // after for
57406 $async$returnValue = null;
57407 // goto return
57408 $async$goto = 1;
57409 break;
57410 case 1:
57411 // return
57412 return A._asyncReturn($async$returnValue, $async$completer);
57413 }
57414 });
57415 return A._asyncStartSync($async$call$0, $async$completer);
57416 },
57417 $signature: 2
57418 };
57419 A._EvaluateVisitor_visitDeclaration_closure1.prototype = {
57420 call$1(value) {
57421 return this.$call$body$_EvaluateVisitor_visitDeclaration_closure(value);
57422 },
57423 $call$body$_EvaluateVisitor_visitDeclaration_closure(value) {
57424 var $async$goto = 0,
57425 $async$completer = A._makeAsyncAwaitCompleter(type$.CssValue_Value),
57426 $async$returnValue, $async$self = this, $async$temp1;
57427 var $async$call$1 = A._wrapJsFunctionForAsync(function($async$errorCode, $async$result) {
57428 if ($async$errorCode === 1)
57429 return A._asyncRethrow($async$result, $async$completer);
57430 while (true)
57431 switch ($async$goto) {
57432 case 0:
57433 // Function start
57434 $async$temp1 = A;
57435 $async$goto = 3;
57436 return A._asyncAwait(value.accept$1($async$self.$this), $async$call$1);
57437 case 3:
57438 // returning from await.
57439 $async$returnValue = new $async$temp1.CssValue($async$result, value.get$span(value), type$.CssValue_Value);
57440 // goto return
57441 $async$goto = 1;
57442 break;
57443 case 1:
57444 // return
57445 return A._asyncReturn($async$returnValue, $async$completer);
57446 }
57447 });
57448 return A._asyncStartSync($async$call$1, $async$completer);
57449 },
57450 $signature: 470
57451 };
57452 A._EvaluateVisitor_visitDeclaration_closure2.prototype = {
57453 call$0() {
57454 var $async$goto = 0,
57455 $async$completer = A._makeAsyncAwaitCompleter(type$.Null),
57456 $async$self = this, t1, t2, t3, _i;
57457 var $async$call$0 = A._wrapJsFunctionForAsync(function($async$errorCode, $async$result) {
57458 if ($async$errorCode === 1)
57459 return A._asyncRethrow($async$result, $async$completer);
57460 while (true)
57461 switch ($async$goto) {
57462 case 0:
57463 // Function start
57464 t1 = $async$self.children, t2 = t1.length, t3 = $async$self.$this, _i = 0;
57465 case 2:
57466 // for condition
57467 if (!(_i < t2)) {
57468 // goto after for
57469 $async$goto = 4;
57470 break;
57471 }
57472 $async$goto = 5;
57473 return A._asyncAwait(t1[_i].accept$1(t3), $async$call$0);
57474 case 5:
57475 // returning from await.
57476 case 3:
57477 // for update
57478 ++_i;
57479 // goto for condition
57480 $async$goto = 2;
57481 break;
57482 case 4:
57483 // after for
57484 // implicit return
57485 return A._asyncReturn(null, $async$completer);
57486 }
57487 });
57488 return A._asyncStartSync($async$call$0, $async$completer);
57489 },
57490 $signature: 2
57491 };
57492 A._EvaluateVisitor_visitEachRule_closure2.prototype = {
57493 call$1(value) {
57494 var t1 = this.$this,
57495 t2 = this.nodeWithSpan;
57496 return t1._async_evaluate$_environment.setLocalVariable$3(B.JSArray_methods.get$first(this.node.variables), t1._async_evaluate$_withoutSlash$2(value, t2), t2);
57497 },
57498 $signature: 52
57499 };
57500 A._EvaluateVisitor_visitEachRule_closure3.prototype = {
57501 call$1(value) {
57502 return this.$this._async_evaluate$_setMultipleVariables$3(this.node.variables, value, this.nodeWithSpan);
57503 },
57504 $signature: 52
57505 };
57506 A._EvaluateVisitor_visitEachRule_closure4.prototype = {
57507 call$0() {
57508 var _this = this,
57509 t1 = _this.$this;
57510 return t1._async_evaluate$_handleReturn$2(_this.list.get$asList(), new A._EvaluateVisitor_visitEachRule__closure0(t1, _this.setVariables, _this.node));
57511 },
57512 $signature: 67
57513 };
57514 A._EvaluateVisitor_visitEachRule__closure0.prototype = {
57515 call$1(element) {
57516 var t1;
57517 this.setVariables.call$1(element);
57518 t1 = this.$this;
57519 return t1._async_evaluate$_handleReturn$2(this.node.children, new A._EvaluateVisitor_visitEachRule___closure0(t1));
57520 },
57521 $signature: 481
57522 };
57523 A._EvaluateVisitor_visitEachRule___closure0.prototype = {
57524 call$1(child) {
57525 return child.accept$1(this.$this);
57526 },
57527 $signature: 86
57528 };
57529 A._EvaluateVisitor_visitExtendRule_closure0.prototype = {
57530 call$0() {
57531 var t1 = this.targetText;
57532 return A.SelectorList_SelectorList$parse(A.trimAscii(t1.get$value(t1), true), false, true, this.$this._async_evaluate$_logger);
57533 },
57534 $signature: 46
57535 };
57536 A._EvaluateVisitor_visitAtRule_closure2.prototype = {
57537 call$1(value) {
57538 return this.$this._async_evaluate$_interpolationToValue$3$trim$warnForColor(value, true, true);
57539 },
57540 $signature: 489
57541 };
57542 A._EvaluateVisitor_visitAtRule_closure3.prototype = {
57543 call$0() {
57544 var $async$goto = 0,
57545 $async$completer = A._makeAsyncAwaitCompleter(type$.Null),
57546 $async$self = this, t2, t3, _i, t1, styleRule;
57547 var $async$call$0 = A._wrapJsFunctionForAsync(function($async$errorCode, $async$result) {
57548 if ($async$errorCode === 1)
57549 return A._asyncRethrow($async$result, $async$completer);
57550 while (true)
57551 switch ($async$goto) {
57552 case 0:
57553 // Function start
57554 t1 = $async$self.$this;
57555 styleRule = t1._async_evaluate$_atRootExcludingStyleRule ? null : t1._async_evaluate$_styleRuleIgnoringAtRoot;
57556 $async$goto = styleRule == null || t1._async_evaluate$_inKeyframes ? 2 : 4;
57557 break;
57558 case 2:
57559 // then
57560 t2 = $async$self.children, t3 = t2.length, _i = 0;
57561 case 5:
57562 // for condition
57563 if (!(_i < t3)) {
57564 // goto after for
57565 $async$goto = 7;
57566 break;
57567 }
57568 $async$goto = 8;
57569 return A._asyncAwait(t2[_i].accept$1(t1), $async$call$0);
57570 case 8:
57571 // returning from await.
57572 case 6:
57573 // for update
57574 ++_i;
57575 // goto for condition
57576 $async$goto = 5;
57577 break;
57578 case 7:
57579 // after for
57580 // goto join
57581 $async$goto = 3;
57582 break;
57583 case 4:
57584 // else
57585 $async$goto = 9;
57586 return A._asyncAwait(t1._async_evaluate$_withParent$2$3$scopeWhen(A.ModifiableCssStyleRule$(styleRule.selector, styleRule.span, styleRule.originalSelector), new A._EvaluateVisitor_visitAtRule__closure0(t1, $async$self.children), false, type$.ModifiableCssStyleRule, type$.Null), $async$call$0);
57587 case 9:
57588 // returning from await.
57589 case 3:
57590 // join
57591 // implicit return
57592 return A._asyncReturn(null, $async$completer);
57593 }
57594 });
57595 return A._asyncStartSync($async$call$0, $async$completer);
57596 },
57597 $signature: 2
57598 };
57599 A._EvaluateVisitor_visitAtRule__closure0.prototype = {
57600 call$0() {
57601 var $async$goto = 0,
57602 $async$completer = A._makeAsyncAwaitCompleter(type$.Null),
57603 $async$self = this, t1, t2, t3, _i;
57604 var $async$call$0 = A._wrapJsFunctionForAsync(function($async$errorCode, $async$result) {
57605 if ($async$errorCode === 1)
57606 return A._asyncRethrow($async$result, $async$completer);
57607 while (true)
57608 switch ($async$goto) {
57609 case 0:
57610 // Function start
57611 t1 = $async$self.children, t2 = t1.length, t3 = $async$self.$this, _i = 0;
57612 case 2:
57613 // for condition
57614 if (!(_i < t2)) {
57615 // goto after for
57616 $async$goto = 4;
57617 break;
57618 }
57619 $async$goto = 5;
57620 return A._asyncAwait(t1[_i].accept$1(t3), $async$call$0);
57621 case 5:
57622 // returning from await.
57623 case 3:
57624 // for update
57625 ++_i;
57626 // goto for condition
57627 $async$goto = 2;
57628 break;
57629 case 4:
57630 // after for
57631 // implicit return
57632 return A._asyncReturn(null, $async$completer);
57633 }
57634 });
57635 return A._asyncStartSync($async$call$0, $async$completer);
57636 },
57637 $signature: 2
57638 };
57639 A._EvaluateVisitor_visitAtRule_closure4.prototype = {
57640 call$1(node) {
57641 return type$.CssStyleRule._is(node);
57642 },
57643 $signature: 7
57644 };
57645 A._EvaluateVisitor_visitForRule_closure4.prototype = {
57646 call$0() {
57647 var $async$goto = 0,
57648 $async$completer = A._makeAsyncAwaitCompleter(type$.SassNumber),
57649 $async$returnValue, $async$self = this;
57650 var $async$call$0 = A._wrapJsFunctionForAsync(function($async$errorCode, $async$result) {
57651 if ($async$errorCode === 1)
57652 return A._asyncRethrow($async$result, $async$completer);
57653 while (true)
57654 switch ($async$goto) {
57655 case 0:
57656 // Function start
57657 $async$goto = 3;
57658 return A._asyncAwait($async$self.node.from.accept$1($async$self.$this), $async$call$0);
57659 case 3:
57660 // returning from await.
57661 $async$returnValue = $async$result.assertNumber$0();
57662 // goto return
57663 $async$goto = 1;
57664 break;
57665 case 1:
57666 // return
57667 return A._asyncReturn($async$returnValue, $async$completer);
57668 }
57669 });
57670 return A._asyncStartSync($async$call$0, $async$completer);
57671 },
57672 $signature: 198
57673 };
57674 A._EvaluateVisitor_visitForRule_closure5.prototype = {
57675 call$0() {
57676 var $async$goto = 0,
57677 $async$completer = A._makeAsyncAwaitCompleter(type$.SassNumber),
57678 $async$returnValue, $async$self = this;
57679 var $async$call$0 = A._wrapJsFunctionForAsync(function($async$errorCode, $async$result) {
57680 if ($async$errorCode === 1)
57681 return A._asyncRethrow($async$result, $async$completer);
57682 while (true)
57683 switch ($async$goto) {
57684 case 0:
57685 // Function start
57686 $async$goto = 3;
57687 return A._asyncAwait($async$self.node.to.accept$1($async$self.$this), $async$call$0);
57688 case 3:
57689 // returning from await.
57690 $async$returnValue = $async$result.assertNumber$0();
57691 // goto return
57692 $async$goto = 1;
57693 break;
57694 case 1:
57695 // return
57696 return A._asyncReturn($async$returnValue, $async$completer);
57697 }
57698 });
57699 return A._asyncStartSync($async$call$0, $async$completer);
57700 },
57701 $signature: 198
57702 };
57703 A._EvaluateVisitor_visitForRule_closure6.prototype = {
57704 call$0() {
57705 return this.fromNumber.assertInt$0();
57706 },
57707 $signature: 12
57708 };
57709 A._EvaluateVisitor_visitForRule_closure7.prototype = {
57710 call$0() {
57711 var t1 = this.fromNumber;
57712 return this.toNumber.coerce$2(t1.get$numeratorUnits(t1), t1.get$denominatorUnits(t1)).assertInt$0();
57713 },
57714 $signature: 12
57715 };
57716 A._EvaluateVisitor_visitForRule_closure8.prototype = {
57717 call$0() {
57718 var $async$goto = 0,
57719 $async$completer = A._makeAsyncAwaitCompleter(type$.nullable_Value),
57720 $async$returnValue, $async$self = this, i, t3, t4, t5, t6, t7, t8, result, t1, t2, nodeWithSpan;
57721 var $async$call$0 = A._wrapJsFunctionForAsync(function($async$errorCode, $async$result) {
57722 if ($async$errorCode === 1)
57723 return A._asyncRethrow($async$result, $async$completer);
57724 while (true)
57725 switch ($async$goto) {
57726 case 0:
57727 // Function start
57728 t1 = $async$self.$this;
57729 t2 = $async$self.node;
57730 nodeWithSpan = t1._async_evaluate$_expressionNode$1(t2.from);
57731 i = $async$self.from, t3 = $async$self._box_0, t4 = $async$self.direction, t5 = t2.variable, t6 = $async$self.fromNumber, t2 = t2.children;
57732 case 3:
57733 // for condition
57734 if (!(i !== t3.to)) {
57735 // goto after for
57736 $async$goto = 5;
57737 break;
57738 }
57739 t7 = t1._async_evaluate$_environment;
57740 t8 = t6.get$numeratorUnits(t6);
57741 t7.setLocalVariable$3(t5, A.SassNumber_SassNumber$withUnits(i, t6.get$denominatorUnits(t6), t8), nodeWithSpan);
57742 $async$goto = 6;
57743 return A._asyncAwait(t1._async_evaluate$_handleReturn$2(t2, new A._EvaluateVisitor_visitForRule__closure0(t1)), $async$call$0);
57744 case 6:
57745 // returning from await.
57746 result = $async$result;
57747 if (result != null) {
57748 $async$returnValue = result;
57749 // goto return
57750 $async$goto = 1;
57751 break;
57752 }
57753 case 4:
57754 // for update
57755 i += t4;
57756 // goto for condition
57757 $async$goto = 3;
57758 break;
57759 case 5:
57760 // after for
57761 $async$returnValue = null;
57762 // goto return
57763 $async$goto = 1;
57764 break;
57765 case 1:
57766 // return
57767 return A._asyncReturn($async$returnValue, $async$completer);
57768 }
57769 });
57770 return A._asyncStartSync($async$call$0, $async$completer);
57771 },
57772 $signature: 67
57773 };
57774 A._EvaluateVisitor_visitForRule__closure0.prototype = {
57775 call$1(child) {
57776 return child.accept$1(this.$this);
57777 },
57778 $signature: 86
57779 };
57780 A._EvaluateVisitor_visitForwardRule_closure1.prototype = {
57781 call$1(module) {
57782 this.$this._async_evaluate$_environment.forwardModule$2(module, this.node);
57783 },
57784 $signature: 107
57785 };
57786 A._EvaluateVisitor_visitForwardRule_closure2.prototype = {
57787 call$1(module) {
57788 this.$this._async_evaluate$_environment.forwardModule$2(module, this.node);
57789 },
57790 $signature: 107
57791 };
57792 A._EvaluateVisitor_visitIfRule_closure0.prototype = {
57793 call$0() {
57794 var t1 = this.$this;
57795 return t1._async_evaluate$_handleReturn$2(this._box_0.clause.children, new A._EvaluateVisitor_visitIfRule__closure0(t1));
57796 },
57797 $signature: 67
57798 };
57799 A._EvaluateVisitor_visitIfRule__closure0.prototype = {
57800 call$1(child) {
57801 return child.accept$1(this.$this);
57802 },
57803 $signature: 86
57804 };
57805 A._EvaluateVisitor__visitDynamicImport_closure0.prototype = {
57806 call$0() {
57807 var $async$goto = 0,
57808 $async$completer = A._makeAsyncAwaitCompleter(type$.void),
57809 $async$returnValue, $async$self = this, t3, t4, oldImporter, oldInDependency, loadsUserDefinedModules, children, t5, t6, t7, t8, t9, t10, environment, module, visitor, t1, t2, result, stylesheet, url;
57810 var $async$call$0 = A._wrapJsFunctionForAsync(function($async$errorCode, $async$result) {
57811 if ($async$errorCode === 1)
57812 return A._asyncRethrow($async$result, $async$completer);
57813 while (true)
57814 switch ($async$goto) {
57815 case 0:
57816 // Function start
57817 t1 = $async$self.$this;
57818 t2 = $async$self.$import;
57819 $async$goto = 3;
57820 return A._asyncAwait(t1._async_evaluate$_loadStylesheet$3$forImport(t2.urlString, t2.span, true), $async$call$0);
57821 case 3:
57822 // returning from await.
57823 result = $async$result;
57824 stylesheet = result.stylesheet;
57825 url = stylesheet.span.file.url;
57826 if (url != null) {
57827 t3 = t1._async_evaluate$_activeModules;
57828 if (t3.containsKey$1(url)) {
57829 t2 = A.NullableExtension_andThen(t3.$index(0, url), new A._EvaluateVisitor__visitDynamicImport__closure3(t1));
57830 throw A.wrapException(t2 == null ? t1._async_evaluate$_exception$1("This file is already being loaded.") : t2);
57831 }
57832 t3.$indexSet(0, url, t2);
57833 }
57834 t2 = stylesheet._uses;
57835 t3 = type$.UnmodifiableListView_UseRule;
57836 t4 = new A.UnmodifiableListView(t2, t3);
57837 if (t4.get$length(t4) === 0) {
57838 t4 = new A.UnmodifiableListView(stylesheet._forwards, type$.UnmodifiableListView_ForwardRule);
57839 t4 = t4.get$length(t4) === 0;
57840 } else
57841 t4 = false;
57842 $async$goto = t4 ? 4 : 5;
57843 break;
57844 case 4:
57845 // then
57846 oldImporter = t1._async_evaluate$_importer;
57847 t2 = t1._async_evaluate$_assertInModule$2(t1._async_evaluate$__stylesheet, "_stylesheet");
57848 oldInDependency = t1._async_evaluate$_inDependency;
57849 t1._async_evaluate$_importer = result.importer;
57850 t1._async_evaluate$__stylesheet = stylesheet;
57851 t1._async_evaluate$_inDependency = result.isDependency;
57852 $async$goto = 6;
57853 return A._asyncAwait(t1.visitStylesheet$1(stylesheet), $async$call$0);
57854 case 6:
57855 // returning from await.
57856 t1._async_evaluate$_importer = oldImporter;
57857 t1._async_evaluate$__stylesheet = t2;
57858 t1._async_evaluate$_inDependency = oldInDependency;
57859 t1._async_evaluate$_activeModules.remove$1(0, url);
57860 // goto return
57861 $async$goto = 1;
57862 break;
57863 case 5:
57864 // join
57865 t2 = new A.UnmodifiableListView(t2, t3);
57866 if (!t2.any$1(t2, new A._EvaluateVisitor__visitDynamicImport__closure4())) {
57867 t2 = new A.UnmodifiableListView(stylesheet._forwards, type$.UnmodifiableListView_ForwardRule);
57868 loadsUserDefinedModules = t2.any$1(t2, new A._EvaluateVisitor__visitDynamicImport__closure5());
57869 } else
57870 loadsUserDefinedModules = true;
57871 children = A._Cell$();
57872 t2 = t1._async_evaluate$_environment;
57873 t3 = type$.String;
57874 t4 = type$.Module_AsyncCallable;
57875 t5 = type$.AstNode;
57876 t6 = A._setArrayType([], type$.JSArray_Module_AsyncCallable);
57877 t7 = t2._async_environment$_variables;
57878 t7 = A._setArrayType(t7.slice(0), A._arrayInstanceType(t7));
57879 t8 = t2._async_environment$_variableNodes;
57880 t8 = A._setArrayType(t8.slice(0), A._arrayInstanceType(t8));
57881 t9 = t2._async_environment$_functions;
57882 t9 = A._setArrayType(t9.slice(0), A._arrayInstanceType(t9));
57883 t10 = t2._async_environment$_mixins;
57884 t10 = A._setArrayType(t10.slice(0), A._arrayInstanceType(t10));
57885 environment = A.AsyncEnvironment$_(A.LinkedHashMap_LinkedHashMap$_empty(t3, t4), A.LinkedHashMap_LinkedHashMap$_empty(t3, t5), A.LinkedHashMap_LinkedHashMap$_empty(t4, t5), t2._async_environment$_importedModules, null, null, t6, t7, t8, t9, t10, t2._async_environment$_content);
57886 $async$goto = 7;
57887 return A._asyncAwait(t1._async_evaluate$_withEnvironment$1$2(environment, new A._EvaluateVisitor__visitDynamicImport__closure6(t1, result, stylesheet, loadsUserDefinedModules, environment, children), type$.Null), $async$call$0);
57888 case 7:
57889 // returning from await.
57890 module = environment.toDummyModule$0();
57891 t1._async_evaluate$_environment.importForwards$1(module);
57892 $async$goto = loadsUserDefinedModules ? 8 : 9;
57893 break;
57894 case 8:
57895 // then
57896 $async$goto = module.transitivelyContainsCss ? 10 : 11;
57897 break;
57898 case 10:
57899 // then
57900 $async$goto = 12;
57901 return A._asyncAwait(t1._async_evaluate$_combineCss$2$clone(module, module.transitivelyContainsExtensions).accept$1(t1), $async$call$0);
57902 case 12:
57903 // returning from await.
57904 case 11:
57905 // join
57906 visitor = new A._ImportedCssVisitor0(t1);
57907 for (t2 = J.get$iterator$ax(children._readLocal$0()); t2.moveNext$0();)
57908 t2.get$current(t2).accept$1(visitor);
57909 case 9:
57910 // join
57911 t1._async_evaluate$_activeModules.remove$1(0, url);
57912 case 1:
57913 // return
57914 return A._asyncReturn($async$returnValue, $async$completer);
57915 }
57916 });
57917 return A._asyncStartSync($async$call$0, $async$completer);
57918 },
57919 $signature: 37
57920 };
57921 A._EvaluateVisitor__visitDynamicImport__closure3.prototype = {
57922 call$1(previousLoad) {
57923 return this.$this._async_evaluate$_multiSpanException$3("This file is already being loaded.", "new load", A.LinkedHashMap_LinkedHashMap$_literal([previousLoad.get$span(previousLoad), "original load"], type$.FileSpan, type$.String));
57924 },
57925 $signature: 91
57926 };
57927 A._EvaluateVisitor__visitDynamicImport__closure4.prototype = {
57928 call$1(rule) {
57929 return rule.url.get$scheme() !== "sass";
57930 },
57931 $signature: 194
57932 };
57933 A._EvaluateVisitor__visitDynamicImport__closure5.prototype = {
57934 call$1(rule) {
57935 return rule.url.get$scheme() !== "sass";
57936 },
57937 $signature: 186
57938 };
57939 A._EvaluateVisitor__visitDynamicImport__closure6.prototype = {
57940 call$0() {
57941 var $async$goto = 0,
57942 $async$completer = A._makeAsyncAwaitCompleter(type$.Null),
57943 $async$self = this, t7, t8, t9, t1, oldImporter, t2, t3, t4, t5, oldOutOfOrderImports, oldConfiguration, oldInDependency, t6;
57944 var $async$call$0 = A._wrapJsFunctionForAsync(function($async$errorCode, $async$result) {
57945 if ($async$errorCode === 1)
57946 return A._asyncRethrow($async$result, $async$completer);
57947 while (true)
57948 switch ($async$goto) {
57949 case 0:
57950 // Function start
57951 t1 = $async$self.$this;
57952 oldImporter = t1._async_evaluate$_importer;
57953 t2 = t1._async_evaluate$_assertInModule$2(t1._async_evaluate$__stylesheet, "_stylesheet");
57954 t3 = t1._async_evaluate$_assertInModule$2(t1._async_evaluate$__root, "_root");
57955 t4 = t1._async_evaluate$_assertInModule$2(t1._async_evaluate$__parent, "__parent");
57956 t5 = t1._async_evaluate$_assertInModule$2(t1._async_evaluate$__endOfImports, "_endOfImports");
57957 oldOutOfOrderImports = t1._async_evaluate$_outOfOrderImports;
57958 oldConfiguration = t1._async_evaluate$_configuration;
57959 oldInDependency = t1._async_evaluate$_inDependency;
57960 t6 = $async$self.result;
57961 t1._async_evaluate$_importer = t6.importer;
57962 t7 = t1._async_evaluate$__stylesheet = $async$self.stylesheet;
57963 t8 = $async$self.loadsUserDefinedModules;
57964 if (t8) {
57965 t9 = A.ModifiableCssStylesheet$(t7.span);
57966 t1._async_evaluate$__root = t9;
57967 t1._async_evaluate$__parent = t1._async_evaluate$_assertInModule$2(t9, "_root");
57968 t1._async_evaluate$__endOfImports = 0;
57969 t1._async_evaluate$_outOfOrderImports = null;
57970 }
57971 t1._async_evaluate$_inDependency = t6.isDependency;
57972 t6 = new A.UnmodifiableListView(t7._forwards, type$.UnmodifiableListView_ForwardRule);
57973 if (!t6.get$isEmpty(t6))
57974 t1._async_evaluate$_configuration = $async$self.environment.toImplicitConfiguration$0();
57975 $async$goto = 2;
57976 return A._asyncAwait(t1.visitStylesheet$1(t7), $async$call$0);
57977 case 2:
57978 // returning from await.
57979 t6 = t8 ? t1._async_evaluate$_addOutOfOrderImports$0() : A._setArrayType([], type$.JSArray_ModifiableCssNode);
57980 $async$self.children._value = t6;
57981 t1._async_evaluate$_importer = oldImporter;
57982 t1._async_evaluate$__stylesheet = t2;
57983 t1._async_evaluate$__root = t3;
57984 t1._async_evaluate$__parent = t4;
57985 t1._async_evaluate$__endOfImports = t5;
57986 t1._async_evaluate$_outOfOrderImports = oldOutOfOrderImports;
57987 t1._async_evaluate$_configuration = oldConfiguration;
57988 t1._async_evaluate$_inDependency = oldInDependency;
57989 // implicit return
57990 return A._asyncReturn(null, $async$completer);
57991 }
57992 });
57993 return A._asyncStartSync($async$call$0, $async$completer);
57994 },
57995 $signature: 2
57996 };
57997 A._EvaluateVisitor__visitStaticImport_closure0.prototype = {
57998 call$1(supports) {
57999 return this.$call$body$_EvaluateVisitor__visitStaticImport_closure(supports);
58000 },
58001 $call$body$_EvaluateVisitor__visitStaticImport_closure(supports) {
58002 var $async$goto = 0,
58003 $async$completer = A._makeAsyncAwaitCompleter(type$.CssValue_String),
58004 $async$returnValue, $async$self = this, t2, arg, t1, $async$temp1, $async$temp2;
58005 var $async$call$1 = A._wrapJsFunctionForAsync(function($async$errorCode, $async$result) {
58006 if ($async$errorCode === 1)
58007 return A._asyncRethrow($async$result, $async$completer);
58008 while (true)
58009 switch ($async$goto) {
58010 case 0:
58011 // Function start
58012 t1 = $async$self.$this;
58013 $async$goto = supports instanceof A.SupportsDeclaration ? 3 : 5;
58014 break;
58015 case 3:
58016 // then
58017 $async$temp1 = A;
58018 $async$goto = 6;
58019 return A._asyncAwait(t1._evaluateToCss$1(supports.name), $async$call$1);
58020 case 6:
58021 // returning from await.
58022 t2 = $async$temp1.S($async$result) + ":";
58023 $async$temp1 = t2 + (supports.get$isCustomProperty() ? "" : " ");
58024 $async$temp2 = A;
58025 $async$goto = 7;
58026 return A._asyncAwait(t1._evaluateToCss$1(supports.value), $async$call$1);
58027 case 7:
58028 // returning from await.
58029 arg = $async$temp1 + $async$temp2.S($async$result);
58030 // goto join
58031 $async$goto = 4;
58032 break;
58033 case 5:
58034 // else
58035 $async$goto = 8;
58036 return A._asyncAwait(A.NullableExtension_andThen(supports, t1.get$_async_evaluate$_visitSupportsCondition()), $async$call$1);
58037 case 8:
58038 // returning from await.
58039 arg = $async$result;
58040 case 4:
58041 // join
58042 $async$returnValue = new A.CssValue("supports(" + A.S(arg) + ")", supports.get$span(supports), type$.CssValue_String);
58043 // goto return
58044 $async$goto = 1;
58045 break;
58046 case 1:
58047 // return
58048 return A._asyncReturn($async$returnValue, $async$completer);
58049 }
58050 });
58051 return A._asyncStartSync($async$call$1, $async$completer);
58052 },
58053 $signature: 513
58054 };
58055 A._EvaluateVisitor_visitIncludeRule_closure3.prototype = {
58056 call$0() {
58057 var t1 = this.node;
58058 return this.$this._async_evaluate$_environment.getMixin$2$namespace(t1.name, t1.namespace);
58059 },
58060 $signature: 105
58061 };
58062 A._EvaluateVisitor_visitIncludeRule_closure4.prototype = {
58063 call$0() {
58064 return this.node.get$spanWithoutContent();
58065 },
58066 $signature: 29
58067 };
58068 A._EvaluateVisitor_visitIncludeRule_closure6.prototype = {
58069 call$1($content) {
58070 return new A.UserDefinedCallable($content, this.$this._async_evaluate$_environment.closure$0(), type$.UserDefinedCallable_AsyncEnvironment);
58071 },
58072 $signature: 514
58073 };
58074 A._EvaluateVisitor_visitIncludeRule_closure5.prototype = {
58075 call$0() {
58076 var $async$goto = 0,
58077 $async$completer = A._makeAsyncAwaitCompleter(type$.Null),
58078 $async$self = this, t1;
58079 var $async$call$0 = A._wrapJsFunctionForAsync(function($async$errorCode, $async$result) {
58080 if ($async$errorCode === 1)
58081 return A._asyncRethrow($async$result, $async$completer);
58082 while (true)
58083 switch ($async$goto) {
58084 case 0:
58085 // Function start
58086 t1 = $async$self.$this;
58087 $async$goto = 2;
58088 return A._asyncAwait(t1._async_evaluate$_environment.withContent$2($async$self.contentCallable, new A._EvaluateVisitor_visitIncludeRule__closure0(t1, $async$self.mixin, $async$self.nodeWithSpan)), $async$call$0);
58089 case 2:
58090 // returning from await.
58091 // implicit return
58092 return A._asyncReturn(null, $async$completer);
58093 }
58094 });
58095 return A._asyncStartSync($async$call$0, $async$completer);
58096 },
58097 $signature: 2
58098 };
58099 A._EvaluateVisitor_visitIncludeRule__closure0.prototype = {
58100 call$0() {
58101 var $async$goto = 0,
58102 $async$completer = A._makeAsyncAwaitCompleter(type$.void),
58103 $async$self = this, t1;
58104 var $async$call$0 = A._wrapJsFunctionForAsync(function($async$errorCode, $async$result) {
58105 if ($async$errorCode === 1)
58106 return A._asyncRethrow($async$result, $async$completer);
58107 while (true)
58108 switch ($async$goto) {
58109 case 0:
58110 // Function start
58111 t1 = $async$self.$this;
58112 $async$goto = 2;
58113 return A._asyncAwait(t1._async_evaluate$_environment.asMixin$1(new A._EvaluateVisitor_visitIncludeRule___closure0(t1, $async$self.mixin, $async$self.nodeWithSpan)), $async$call$0);
58114 case 2:
58115 // returning from await.
58116 // implicit return
58117 return A._asyncReturn(null, $async$completer);
58118 }
58119 });
58120 return A._asyncStartSync($async$call$0, $async$completer);
58121 },
58122 $signature: 37
58123 };
58124 A._EvaluateVisitor_visitIncludeRule___closure0.prototype = {
58125 call$0() {
58126 var $async$goto = 0,
58127 $async$completer = A._makeAsyncAwaitCompleter(type$.void),
58128 $async$self = this, t1, t2, t3, t4, t5, _i;
58129 var $async$call$0 = A._wrapJsFunctionForAsync(function($async$errorCode, $async$result) {
58130 if ($async$errorCode === 1)
58131 return A._asyncRethrow($async$result, $async$completer);
58132 while (true)
58133 switch ($async$goto) {
58134 case 0:
58135 // Function start
58136 t1 = $async$self.mixin.declaration.children, t2 = t1.length, t3 = $async$self.$this, t4 = $async$self.nodeWithSpan, t5 = type$.nullable_Value, _i = 0;
58137 case 2:
58138 // for condition
58139 if (!(_i < t2)) {
58140 // goto after for
58141 $async$goto = 4;
58142 break;
58143 }
58144 $async$goto = 5;
58145 return A._asyncAwait(t3._async_evaluate$_addErrorSpan$1$2(t4, new A._EvaluateVisitor_visitIncludeRule____closure0(t3, t1[_i]), t5), $async$call$0);
58146 case 5:
58147 // returning from await.
58148 case 3:
58149 // for update
58150 ++_i;
58151 // goto for condition
58152 $async$goto = 2;
58153 break;
58154 case 4:
58155 // after for
58156 // implicit return
58157 return A._asyncReturn(null, $async$completer);
58158 }
58159 });
58160 return A._asyncStartSync($async$call$0, $async$completer);
58161 },
58162 $signature: 37
58163 };
58164 A._EvaluateVisitor_visitIncludeRule____closure0.prototype = {
58165 call$0() {
58166 return this.statement.accept$1(this.$this);
58167 },
58168 $signature: 67
58169 };
58170 A._EvaluateVisitor_visitMediaRule_closure2.prototype = {
58171 call$1(mediaQueries) {
58172 return this.$this._async_evaluate$_mergeMediaQueries$2(mediaQueries, this.queries);
58173 },
58174 $signature: 83
58175 };
58176 A._EvaluateVisitor_visitMediaRule_closure3.prototype = {
58177 call$0() {
58178 var $async$goto = 0,
58179 $async$completer = A._makeAsyncAwaitCompleter(type$.Null),
58180 $async$self = this, t1, t2;
58181 var $async$call$0 = A._wrapJsFunctionForAsync(function($async$errorCode, $async$result) {
58182 if ($async$errorCode === 1)
58183 return A._asyncRethrow($async$result, $async$completer);
58184 while (true)
58185 switch ($async$goto) {
58186 case 0:
58187 // Function start
58188 t1 = $async$self.$this;
58189 t2 = $async$self.mergedQueries;
58190 if (t2 == null)
58191 t2 = $async$self.queries;
58192 $async$goto = 2;
58193 return A._asyncAwait(t1._async_evaluate$_withMediaQueries$1$2(t2, new A._EvaluateVisitor_visitMediaRule__closure0(t1, $async$self.node), type$.Null), $async$call$0);
58194 case 2:
58195 // returning from await.
58196 // implicit return
58197 return A._asyncReturn(null, $async$completer);
58198 }
58199 });
58200 return A._asyncStartSync($async$call$0, $async$completer);
58201 },
58202 $signature: 2
58203 };
58204 A._EvaluateVisitor_visitMediaRule__closure0.prototype = {
58205 call$0() {
58206 var $async$goto = 0,
58207 $async$completer = A._makeAsyncAwaitCompleter(type$.Null),
58208 $async$self = this, t2, t3, _i, t1, styleRule;
58209 var $async$call$0 = A._wrapJsFunctionForAsync(function($async$errorCode, $async$result) {
58210 if ($async$errorCode === 1)
58211 return A._asyncRethrow($async$result, $async$completer);
58212 while (true)
58213 switch ($async$goto) {
58214 case 0:
58215 // Function start
58216 t1 = $async$self.$this;
58217 styleRule = t1._async_evaluate$_atRootExcludingStyleRule ? null : t1._async_evaluate$_styleRuleIgnoringAtRoot;
58218 $async$goto = styleRule == null ? 2 : 4;
58219 break;
58220 case 2:
58221 // then
58222 t2 = $async$self.node.children, t3 = t2.length, _i = 0;
58223 case 5:
58224 // for condition
58225 if (!(_i < t3)) {
58226 // goto after for
58227 $async$goto = 7;
58228 break;
58229 }
58230 $async$goto = 8;
58231 return A._asyncAwait(t2[_i].accept$1(t1), $async$call$0);
58232 case 8:
58233 // returning from await.
58234 case 6:
58235 // for update
58236 ++_i;
58237 // goto for condition
58238 $async$goto = 5;
58239 break;
58240 case 7:
58241 // after for
58242 // goto join
58243 $async$goto = 3;
58244 break;
58245 case 4:
58246 // else
58247 $async$goto = 9;
58248 return A._asyncAwait(t1._async_evaluate$_withParent$2$3$scopeWhen(A.ModifiableCssStyleRule$(styleRule.selector, styleRule.span, styleRule.originalSelector), new A._EvaluateVisitor_visitMediaRule___closure0(t1, $async$self.node), false, type$.ModifiableCssStyleRule, type$.Null), $async$call$0);
58249 case 9:
58250 // returning from await.
58251 case 3:
58252 // join
58253 // implicit return
58254 return A._asyncReturn(null, $async$completer);
58255 }
58256 });
58257 return A._asyncStartSync($async$call$0, $async$completer);
58258 },
58259 $signature: 2
58260 };
58261 A._EvaluateVisitor_visitMediaRule___closure0.prototype = {
58262 call$0() {
58263 var $async$goto = 0,
58264 $async$completer = A._makeAsyncAwaitCompleter(type$.Null),
58265 $async$self = this, t1, t2, t3, _i;
58266 var $async$call$0 = A._wrapJsFunctionForAsync(function($async$errorCode, $async$result) {
58267 if ($async$errorCode === 1)
58268 return A._asyncRethrow($async$result, $async$completer);
58269 while (true)
58270 switch ($async$goto) {
58271 case 0:
58272 // Function start
58273 t1 = $async$self.node.children, t2 = t1.length, t3 = $async$self.$this, _i = 0;
58274 case 2:
58275 // for condition
58276 if (!(_i < t2)) {
58277 // goto after for
58278 $async$goto = 4;
58279 break;
58280 }
58281 $async$goto = 5;
58282 return A._asyncAwait(t1[_i].accept$1(t3), $async$call$0);
58283 case 5:
58284 // returning from await.
58285 case 3:
58286 // for update
58287 ++_i;
58288 // goto for condition
58289 $async$goto = 2;
58290 break;
58291 case 4:
58292 // after for
58293 // implicit return
58294 return A._asyncReturn(null, $async$completer);
58295 }
58296 });
58297 return A._asyncStartSync($async$call$0, $async$completer);
58298 },
58299 $signature: 2
58300 };
58301 A._EvaluateVisitor_visitMediaRule_closure4.prototype = {
58302 call$1(node) {
58303 var t1;
58304 if (!type$.CssStyleRule._is(node))
58305 t1 = this.mergedQueries != null && type$.CssMediaRule._is(node);
58306 else
58307 t1 = true;
58308 return t1;
58309 },
58310 $signature: 7
58311 };
58312 A._EvaluateVisitor__visitMediaQueries_closure0.prototype = {
58313 call$0() {
58314 var t1 = A.SpanScanner$(this.resolved, null);
58315 return new A.MediaQueryParser(t1, this.$this._async_evaluate$_logger).parse$0();
58316 },
58317 $signature: 101
58318 };
58319 A._EvaluateVisitor_visitStyleRule_closure6.prototype = {
58320 call$0() {
58321 var t1 = this.selectorText;
58322 return A.KeyframeSelectorParser$(t1.get$value(t1), this.$this._async_evaluate$_logger).parse$0();
58323 },
58324 $signature: 48
58325 };
58326 A._EvaluateVisitor_visitStyleRule_closure7.prototype = {
58327 call$0() {
58328 var $async$goto = 0,
58329 $async$completer = A._makeAsyncAwaitCompleter(type$.Null),
58330 $async$self = this, t1, t2, t3, _i;
58331 var $async$call$0 = A._wrapJsFunctionForAsync(function($async$errorCode, $async$result) {
58332 if ($async$errorCode === 1)
58333 return A._asyncRethrow($async$result, $async$completer);
58334 while (true)
58335 switch ($async$goto) {
58336 case 0:
58337 // Function start
58338 t1 = $async$self.node.children, t2 = t1.length, t3 = $async$self.$this, _i = 0;
58339 case 2:
58340 // for condition
58341 if (!(_i < t2)) {
58342 // goto after for
58343 $async$goto = 4;
58344 break;
58345 }
58346 $async$goto = 5;
58347 return A._asyncAwait(t1[_i].accept$1(t3), $async$call$0);
58348 case 5:
58349 // returning from await.
58350 case 3:
58351 // for update
58352 ++_i;
58353 // goto for condition
58354 $async$goto = 2;
58355 break;
58356 case 4:
58357 // after for
58358 // implicit return
58359 return A._asyncReturn(null, $async$completer);
58360 }
58361 });
58362 return A._asyncStartSync($async$call$0, $async$completer);
58363 },
58364 $signature: 2
58365 };
58366 A._EvaluateVisitor_visitStyleRule_closure8.prototype = {
58367 call$1(node) {
58368 return type$.CssStyleRule._is(node);
58369 },
58370 $signature: 7
58371 };
58372 A._EvaluateVisitor_visitStyleRule_closure9.prototype = {
58373 call$0() {
58374 var _s11_ = "_stylesheet",
58375 t1 = this.selectorText,
58376 t2 = this.$this;
58377 return A.SelectorList_SelectorList$parse(t1.get$value(t1), !t2._async_evaluate$_assertInModule$2(t2._async_evaluate$__stylesheet, _s11_).plainCss, !t2._async_evaluate$_assertInModule$2(t2._async_evaluate$__stylesheet, _s11_).plainCss, t2._async_evaluate$_logger);
58378 },
58379 $signature: 46
58380 };
58381 A._EvaluateVisitor_visitStyleRule_closure10.prototype = {
58382 call$0() {
58383 var t1 = this._box_0.parsedSelector,
58384 t2 = this.$this,
58385 t3 = t2._async_evaluate$_styleRuleIgnoringAtRoot;
58386 t3 = t3 == null ? null : t3.originalSelector;
58387 return t1.resolveParentSelectors$2$implicitParent(t3, !t2._async_evaluate$_atRootExcludingStyleRule);
58388 },
58389 $signature: 46
58390 };
58391 A._EvaluateVisitor_visitStyleRule_closure11.prototype = {
58392 call$0() {
58393 var $async$goto = 0,
58394 $async$completer = A._makeAsyncAwaitCompleter(type$.Null),
58395 $async$self = this, t1;
58396 var $async$call$0 = A._wrapJsFunctionForAsync(function($async$errorCode, $async$result) {
58397 if ($async$errorCode === 1)
58398 return A._asyncRethrow($async$result, $async$completer);
58399 while (true)
58400 switch ($async$goto) {
58401 case 0:
58402 // Function start
58403 t1 = $async$self.$this;
58404 $async$goto = 2;
58405 return A._asyncAwait(t1._async_evaluate$_withStyleRule$1$2($async$self.rule, new A._EvaluateVisitor_visitStyleRule__closure0(t1, $async$self.node), type$.Null), $async$call$0);
58406 case 2:
58407 // returning from await.
58408 // implicit return
58409 return A._asyncReturn(null, $async$completer);
58410 }
58411 });
58412 return A._asyncStartSync($async$call$0, $async$completer);
58413 },
58414 $signature: 2
58415 };
58416 A._EvaluateVisitor_visitStyleRule__closure0.prototype = {
58417 call$0() {
58418 var $async$goto = 0,
58419 $async$completer = A._makeAsyncAwaitCompleter(type$.Null),
58420 $async$self = this, t1, t2, t3, _i;
58421 var $async$call$0 = A._wrapJsFunctionForAsync(function($async$errorCode, $async$result) {
58422 if ($async$errorCode === 1)
58423 return A._asyncRethrow($async$result, $async$completer);
58424 while (true)
58425 switch ($async$goto) {
58426 case 0:
58427 // Function start
58428 t1 = $async$self.node.children, t2 = t1.length, t3 = $async$self.$this, _i = 0;
58429 case 2:
58430 // for condition
58431 if (!(_i < t2)) {
58432 // goto after for
58433 $async$goto = 4;
58434 break;
58435 }
58436 $async$goto = 5;
58437 return A._asyncAwait(t1[_i].accept$1(t3), $async$call$0);
58438 case 5:
58439 // returning from await.
58440 case 3:
58441 // for update
58442 ++_i;
58443 // goto for condition
58444 $async$goto = 2;
58445 break;
58446 case 4:
58447 // after for
58448 // implicit return
58449 return A._asyncReturn(null, $async$completer);
58450 }
58451 });
58452 return A._asyncStartSync($async$call$0, $async$completer);
58453 },
58454 $signature: 2
58455 };
58456 A._EvaluateVisitor_visitStyleRule_closure12.prototype = {
58457 call$1(node) {
58458 return type$.CssStyleRule._is(node);
58459 },
58460 $signature: 7
58461 };
58462 A._EvaluateVisitor_visitSupportsRule_closure1.prototype = {
58463 call$0() {
58464 var $async$goto = 0,
58465 $async$completer = A._makeAsyncAwaitCompleter(type$.Null),
58466 $async$self = this, t2, t3, _i, t1, styleRule;
58467 var $async$call$0 = A._wrapJsFunctionForAsync(function($async$errorCode, $async$result) {
58468 if ($async$errorCode === 1)
58469 return A._asyncRethrow($async$result, $async$completer);
58470 while (true)
58471 switch ($async$goto) {
58472 case 0:
58473 // Function start
58474 t1 = $async$self.$this;
58475 styleRule = t1._async_evaluate$_atRootExcludingStyleRule ? null : t1._async_evaluate$_styleRuleIgnoringAtRoot;
58476 $async$goto = styleRule == null ? 2 : 4;
58477 break;
58478 case 2:
58479 // then
58480 t2 = $async$self.node.children, t3 = t2.length, _i = 0;
58481 case 5:
58482 // for condition
58483 if (!(_i < t3)) {
58484 // goto after for
58485 $async$goto = 7;
58486 break;
58487 }
58488 $async$goto = 8;
58489 return A._asyncAwait(t2[_i].accept$1(t1), $async$call$0);
58490 case 8:
58491 // returning from await.
58492 case 6:
58493 // for update
58494 ++_i;
58495 // goto for condition
58496 $async$goto = 5;
58497 break;
58498 case 7:
58499 // after for
58500 // goto join
58501 $async$goto = 3;
58502 break;
58503 case 4:
58504 // else
58505 $async$goto = 9;
58506 return A._asyncAwait(t1._async_evaluate$_withParent$2$2(A.ModifiableCssStyleRule$(styleRule.selector, styleRule.span, styleRule.originalSelector), new A._EvaluateVisitor_visitSupportsRule__closure0(t1, $async$self.node), type$.ModifiableCssStyleRule, type$.Null), $async$call$0);
58507 case 9:
58508 // returning from await.
58509 case 3:
58510 // join
58511 // implicit return
58512 return A._asyncReturn(null, $async$completer);
58513 }
58514 });
58515 return A._asyncStartSync($async$call$0, $async$completer);
58516 },
58517 $signature: 2
58518 };
58519 A._EvaluateVisitor_visitSupportsRule__closure0.prototype = {
58520 call$0() {
58521 var $async$goto = 0,
58522 $async$completer = A._makeAsyncAwaitCompleter(type$.Null),
58523 $async$self = this, t1, t2, t3, _i;
58524 var $async$call$0 = A._wrapJsFunctionForAsync(function($async$errorCode, $async$result) {
58525 if ($async$errorCode === 1)
58526 return A._asyncRethrow($async$result, $async$completer);
58527 while (true)
58528 switch ($async$goto) {
58529 case 0:
58530 // Function start
58531 t1 = $async$self.node.children, t2 = t1.length, t3 = $async$self.$this, _i = 0;
58532 case 2:
58533 // for condition
58534 if (!(_i < t2)) {
58535 // goto after for
58536 $async$goto = 4;
58537 break;
58538 }
58539 $async$goto = 5;
58540 return A._asyncAwait(t1[_i].accept$1(t3), $async$call$0);
58541 case 5:
58542 // returning from await.
58543 case 3:
58544 // for update
58545 ++_i;
58546 // goto for condition
58547 $async$goto = 2;
58548 break;
58549 case 4:
58550 // after for
58551 // implicit return
58552 return A._asyncReturn(null, $async$completer);
58553 }
58554 });
58555 return A._asyncStartSync($async$call$0, $async$completer);
58556 },
58557 $signature: 2
58558 };
58559 A._EvaluateVisitor_visitSupportsRule_closure2.prototype = {
58560 call$1(node) {
58561 return type$.CssStyleRule._is(node);
58562 },
58563 $signature: 7
58564 };
58565 A._EvaluateVisitor_visitVariableDeclaration_closure2.prototype = {
58566 call$0() {
58567 var t1 = this.override;
58568 this.$this._async_evaluate$_environment.setVariable$4$global(this.node.name, t1.value, t1.assignmentNode, true);
58569 },
58570 $signature: 1
58571 };
58572 A._EvaluateVisitor_visitVariableDeclaration_closure3.prototype = {
58573 call$0() {
58574 var t1 = this.node;
58575 return this.$this._async_evaluate$_environment.getVariable$2$namespace(t1.name, t1.namespace);
58576 },
58577 $signature: 33
58578 };
58579 A._EvaluateVisitor_visitVariableDeclaration_closure4.prototype = {
58580 call$0() {
58581 var t1 = this.$this,
58582 t2 = this.node;
58583 t1._async_evaluate$_environment.setVariable$5$global$namespace(t2.name, this.value, t1._async_evaluate$_expressionNode$1(t2.expression), t2.isGlobal, t2.namespace);
58584 },
58585 $signature: 1
58586 };
58587 A._EvaluateVisitor_visitUseRule_closure0.prototype = {
58588 call$1(module) {
58589 var t1 = this.node;
58590 this.$this._async_evaluate$_environment.addModule$3$namespace(module, t1, t1.namespace);
58591 },
58592 $signature: 107
58593 };
58594 A._EvaluateVisitor_visitWarnRule_closure0.prototype = {
58595 call$0() {
58596 return this.node.expression.accept$1(this.$this);
58597 },
58598 $signature: 59
58599 };
58600 A._EvaluateVisitor_visitWhileRule_closure0.prototype = {
58601 call$0() {
58602 var $async$goto = 0,
58603 $async$completer = A._makeAsyncAwaitCompleter(type$.nullable_Value),
58604 $async$returnValue, $async$self = this, t1, t2, t3, result;
58605 var $async$call$0 = A._wrapJsFunctionForAsync(function($async$errorCode, $async$result) {
58606 if ($async$errorCode === 1)
58607 return A._asyncRethrow($async$result, $async$completer);
58608 while (true)
58609 switch ($async$goto) {
58610 case 0:
58611 // Function start
58612 t1 = $async$self.node, t2 = t1.condition, t3 = $async$self.$this, t1 = t1.children;
58613 case 3:
58614 // for condition
58615 $async$goto = 5;
58616 return A._asyncAwait(t2.accept$1(t3), $async$call$0);
58617 case 5:
58618 // returning from await.
58619 if (!$async$result.get$isTruthy()) {
58620 // goto after for
58621 $async$goto = 4;
58622 break;
58623 }
58624 $async$goto = 6;
58625 return A._asyncAwait(t3._async_evaluate$_handleReturn$2(t1, new A._EvaluateVisitor_visitWhileRule__closure0(t3)), $async$call$0);
58626 case 6:
58627 // returning from await.
58628 result = $async$result;
58629 if (result != null) {
58630 $async$returnValue = result;
58631 // goto return
58632 $async$goto = 1;
58633 break;
58634 }
58635 // goto for condition
58636 $async$goto = 3;
58637 break;
58638 case 4:
58639 // after for
58640 $async$returnValue = null;
58641 // goto return
58642 $async$goto = 1;
58643 break;
58644 case 1:
58645 // return
58646 return A._asyncReturn($async$returnValue, $async$completer);
58647 }
58648 });
58649 return A._asyncStartSync($async$call$0, $async$completer);
58650 },
58651 $signature: 67
58652 };
58653 A._EvaluateVisitor_visitWhileRule__closure0.prototype = {
58654 call$1(child) {
58655 return child.accept$1(this.$this);
58656 },
58657 $signature: 86
58658 };
58659 A._EvaluateVisitor_visitBinaryOperationExpression_closure0.prototype = {
58660 call$0() {
58661 var $async$goto = 0,
58662 $async$completer = A._makeAsyncAwaitCompleter(type$.Value),
58663 $async$returnValue, $async$self = this, right, result, t1, t2, left, t3, $async$temp1;
58664 var $async$call$0 = A._wrapJsFunctionForAsync(function($async$errorCode, $async$result) {
58665 if ($async$errorCode === 1)
58666 return A._asyncRethrow($async$result, $async$completer);
58667 while (true)
58668 switch ($async$goto) {
58669 case 0:
58670 // Function start
58671 t1 = $async$self.node;
58672 t2 = $async$self.$this;
58673 $async$goto = 3;
58674 return A._asyncAwait(t1.left.accept$1(t2), $async$call$0);
58675 case 3:
58676 // returning from await.
58677 left = $async$result;
58678 t3 = t1.operator;
58679 case 4:
58680 // switch
58681 switch (t3) {
58682 case B.BinaryOperator_kjl:
58683 // goto case
58684 $async$goto = 6;
58685 break;
58686 case B.BinaryOperator_or_or_1:
58687 // goto case
58688 $async$goto = 7;
58689 break;
58690 case B.BinaryOperator_and_and_2:
58691 // goto case
58692 $async$goto = 8;
58693 break;
58694 case B.BinaryOperator_YlX:
58695 // goto case
58696 $async$goto = 9;
58697 break;
58698 case B.BinaryOperator_i5H:
58699 // goto case
58700 $async$goto = 10;
58701 break;
58702 case B.BinaryOperator_AcR:
58703 // goto case
58704 $async$goto = 11;
58705 break;
58706 case B.BinaryOperator_1da:
58707 // goto case
58708 $async$goto = 12;
58709 break;
58710 case B.BinaryOperator_8qt:
58711 // goto case
58712 $async$goto = 13;
58713 break;
58714 case B.BinaryOperator_33h:
58715 // goto case
58716 $async$goto = 14;
58717 break;
58718 case B.BinaryOperator_AcR0:
58719 // goto case
58720 $async$goto = 15;
58721 break;
58722 case B.BinaryOperator_iyO:
58723 // goto case
58724 $async$goto = 16;
58725 break;
58726 case B.BinaryOperator_O1M:
58727 // goto case
58728 $async$goto = 17;
58729 break;
58730 case B.BinaryOperator_RTB:
58731 // goto case
58732 $async$goto = 18;
58733 break;
58734 case B.BinaryOperator_2ad:
58735 // goto case
58736 $async$goto = 19;
58737 break;
58738 default:
58739 // goto default
58740 $async$goto = 20;
58741 break;
58742 }
58743 break;
58744 case 6:
58745 // case
58746 $async$goto = 21;
58747 return A._asyncAwait(t1.right.accept$1(t2), $async$call$0);
58748 case 21:
58749 // returning from await.
58750 right = $async$result;
58751 $async$returnValue = new A.SassString(A.serializeValue(left, false, true) + "=" + A.serializeValue(right, false, true), false);
58752 // goto return
58753 $async$goto = 1;
58754 break;
58755 case 7:
58756 // case
58757 $async$goto = left.get$isTruthy() ? 22 : 24;
58758 break;
58759 case 22:
58760 // then
58761 $async$result = left;
58762 // goto join
58763 $async$goto = 23;
58764 break;
58765 case 24:
58766 // else
58767 $async$goto = 25;
58768 return A._asyncAwait(t1.right.accept$1(t2), $async$call$0);
58769 case 25:
58770 // returning from await.
58771 case 23:
58772 // join
58773 $async$returnValue = $async$result;
58774 // goto return
58775 $async$goto = 1;
58776 break;
58777 case 8:
58778 // case
58779 $async$goto = left.get$isTruthy() ? 26 : 28;
58780 break;
58781 case 26:
58782 // then
58783 $async$goto = 29;
58784 return A._asyncAwait(t1.right.accept$1(t2), $async$call$0);
58785 case 29:
58786 // returning from await.
58787 // goto join
58788 $async$goto = 27;
58789 break;
58790 case 28:
58791 // else
58792 $async$result = left;
58793 case 27:
58794 // join
58795 $async$returnValue = $async$result;
58796 // goto return
58797 $async$goto = 1;
58798 break;
58799 case 9:
58800 // case
58801 $async$temp1 = left;
58802 $async$goto = 30;
58803 return A._asyncAwait(t1.right.accept$1(t2), $async$call$0);
58804 case 30:
58805 // returning from await.
58806 $async$returnValue = $async$temp1.$eq(0, $async$result) ? B.SassBoolean_true : B.SassBoolean_false;
58807 // goto return
58808 $async$goto = 1;
58809 break;
58810 case 10:
58811 // case
58812 $async$temp1 = left;
58813 $async$goto = 31;
58814 return A._asyncAwait(t1.right.accept$1(t2), $async$call$0);
58815 case 31:
58816 // returning from await.
58817 $async$returnValue = !$async$temp1.$eq(0, $async$result) ? B.SassBoolean_true : B.SassBoolean_false;
58818 // goto return
58819 $async$goto = 1;
58820 break;
58821 case 11:
58822 // case
58823 $async$temp1 = left;
58824 $async$goto = 32;
58825 return A._asyncAwait(t1.right.accept$1(t2), $async$call$0);
58826 case 32:
58827 // returning from await.
58828 $async$returnValue = $async$temp1.greaterThan$1($async$result);
58829 // goto return
58830 $async$goto = 1;
58831 break;
58832 case 12:
58833 // case
58834 $async$temp1 = left;
58835 $async$goto = 33;
58836 return A._asyncAwait(t1.right.accept$1(t2), $async$call$0);
58837 case 33:
58838 // returning from await.
58839 $async$returnValue = $async$temp1.greaterThanOrEquals$1($async$result);
58840 // goto return
58841 $async$goto = 1;
58842 break;
58843 case 13:
58844 // case
58845 $async$temp1 = left;
58846 $async$goto = 34;
58847 return A._asyncAwait(t1.right.accept$1(t2), $async$call$0);
58848 case 34:
58849 // returning from await.
58850 $async$returnValue = $async$temp1.lessThan$1($async$result);
58851 // goto return
58852 $async$goto = 1;
58853 break;
58854 case 14:
58855 // case
58856 $async$temp1 = left;
58857 $async$goto = 35;
58858 return A._asyncAwait(t1.right.accept$1(t2), $async$call$0);
58859 case 35:
58860 // returning from await.
58861 $async$returnValue = $async$temp1.lessThanOrEquals$1($async$result);
58862 // goto return
58863 $async$goto = 1;
58864 break;
58865 case 15:
58866 // case
58867 $async$temp1 = left;
58868 $async$goto = 36;
58869 return A._asyncAwait(t1.right.accept$1(t2), $async$call$0);
58870 case 36:
58871 // returning from await.
58872 $async$returnValue = $async$temp1.plus$1($async$result);
58873 // goto return
58874 $async$goto = 1;
58875 break;
58876 case 16:
58877 // case
58878 $async$temp1 = left;
58879 $async$goto = 37;
58880 return A._asyncAwait(t1.right.accept$1(t2), $async$call$0);
58881 case 37:
58882 // returning from await.
58883 $async$returnValue = $async$temp1.minus$1($async$result);
58884 // goto return
58885 $async$goto = 1;
58886 break;
58887 case 17:
58888 // case
58889 $async$temp1 = left;
58890 $async$goto = 38;
58891 return A._asyncAwait(t1.right.accept$1(t2), $async$call$0);
58892 case 38:
58893 // returning from await.
58894 $async$returnValue = $async$temp1.times$1($async$result);
58895 // goto return
58896 $async$goto = 1;
58897 break;
58898 case 18:
58899 // case
58900 $async$goto = 39;
58901 return A._asyncAwait(t1.right.accept$1(t2), $async$call$0);
58902 case 39:
58903 // returning from await.
58904 right = $async$result;
58905 result = left.dividedBy$1(right);
58906 if (t1.allowsSlash && left instanceof A.SassNumber && right instanceof A.SassNumber) {
58907 $async$returnValue = type$.SassNumber._as(result).withSlash$2(left, right);
58908 // goto return
58909 $async$goto = 1;
58910 break;
58911 } else {
58912 if (left instanceof A.SassNumber && right instanceof A.SassNumber)
58913 t2._async_evaluate$_warn$3$deprecation(string$.Using__o + A.S(new A._EvaluateVisitor_visitBinaryOperationExpression_closure_recommendation0().call$1(t1)) + " or calc(" + t1.toString$0(0) + string$.x29x0a_Morx20, t1.get$span(t1), true);
58914 $async$returnValue = result;
58915 // goto return
58916 $async$goto = 1;
58917 break;
58918 }
58919 case 19:
58920 // case
58921 $async$temp1 = left;
58922 $async$goto = 40;
58923 return A._asyncAwait(t1.right.accept$1(t2), $async$call$0);
58924 case 40:
58925 // returning from await.
58926 $async$returnValue = $async$temp1.modulo$1($async$result);
58927 // goto return
58928 $async$goto = 1;
58929 break;
58930 case 20:
58931 // default
58932 throw A.wrapException(A.ArgumentError$("Unknown binary operator " + t3.toString$0(0) + ".", null));
58933 case 5:
58934 // after switch
58935 case 1:
58936 // return
58937 return A._asyncReturn($async$returnValue, $async$completer);
58938 }
58939 });
58940 return A._asyncStartSync($async$call$0, $async$completer);
58941 },
58942 $signature: 59
58943 };
58944 A._EvaluateVisitor_visitBinaryOperationExpression_closure_recommendation0.prototype = {
58945 call$1(expression) {
58946 if (expression instanceof A.BinaryOperationExpression && expression.operator === B.BinaryOperator_RTB)
58947 return "math.div(" + A.S(this.call$1(expression.left)) + ", " + A.S(this.call$1(expression.right)) + ")";
58948 else if (expression instanceof A.ParenthesizedExpression)
58949 return expression.expression.toString$0(0);
58950 else
58951 return expression.toString$0(0);
58952 },
58953 $signature: 124
58954 };
58955 A._EvaluateVisitor_visitVariableExpression_closure0.prototype = {
58956 call$0() {
58957 var t1 = this.node;
58958 return this.$this._async_evaluate$_environment.getVariable$2$namespace(t1.name, t1.namespace);
58959 },
58960 $signature: 33
58961 };
58962 A._EvaluateVisitor_visitUnaryOperationExpression_closure0.prototype = {
58963 call$0() {
58964 var _this = this,
58965 t1 = _this.node.operator;
58966 switch (t1) {
58967 case B.UnaryOperator_j2w:
58968 return _this.operand.unaryPlus$0();
58969 case B.UnaryOperator_U4G:
58970 return _this.operand.unaryMinus$0();
58971 case B.UnaryOperator_zDx:
58972 return new A.SassString("/" + A.serializeValue(_this.operand, false, true), false);
58973 case B.UnaryOperator_not_not:
58974 return _this.operand.unaryNot$0();
58975 default:
58976 throw A.wrapException(A.StateError$("Unknown unary operator " + t1.toString$0(0) + "."));
58977 }
58978 },
58979 $signature: 35
58980 };
58981 A._EvaluateVisitor__visitCalculationValue_closure0.prototype = {
58982 call$0() {
58983 var $async$goto = 0,
58984 $async$completer = A._makeAsyncAwaitCompleter(type$.Object),
58985 $async$returnValue, $async$self = this, t1, t2, t3, $async$temp1, $async$temp2, $async$temp3;
58986 var $async$call$0 = A._wrapJsFunctionForAsync(function($async$errorCode, $async$result) {
58987 if ($async$errorCode === 1)
58988 return A._asyncRethrow($async$result, $async$completer);
58989 while (true)
58990 switch ($async$goto) {
58991 case 0:
58992 // Function start
58993 t1 = $async$self.$this;
58994 t2 = $async$self.node;
58995 t3 = $async$self.inMinMax;
58996 $async$temp1 = A;
58997 $async$temp2 = t1._async_evaluate$_binaryOperatorToCalculationOperator$1(t2.operator);
58998 $async$goto = 3;
58999 return A._asyncAwait(t1._async_evaluate$_visitCalculationValue$2$inMinMax(t2.left, t3), $async$call$0);
59000 case 3:
59001 // returning from await.
59002 $async$temp3 = $async$result;
59003 $async$goto = 4;
59004 return A._asyncAwait(t1._async_evaluate$_visitCalculationValue$2$inMinMax(t2.right, t3), $async$call$0);
59005 case 4:
59006 // returning from await.
59007 $async$returnValue = $async$temp1.SassCalculation_operateInternal($async$temp2, $async$temp3, $async$result, t3);
59008 // goto return
59009 $async$goto = 1;
59010 break;
59011 case 1:
59012 // return
59013 return A._asyncReturn($async$returnValue, $async$completer);
59014 }
59015 });
59016 return A._asyncStartSync($async$call$0, $async$completer);
59017 },
59018 $signature: 182
59019 };
59020 A._EvaluateVisitor_visitListExpression_closure0.prototype = {
59021 call$1(expression) {
59022 return expression.accept$1(this.$this);
59023 },
59024 $signature: 529
59025 };
59026 A._EvaluateVisitor_visitFunctionExpression_closure1.prototype = {
59027 call$0() {
59028 var t1 = this.node;
59029 return this.$this._async_evaluate$_getFunction$2$namespace(A.stringReplaceAllUnchecked(t1.originalName, "_", "-"), t1.namespace);
59030 },
59031 $signature: 105
59032 };
59033 A._EvaluateVisitor_visitFunctionExpression_closure2.prototype = {
59034 call$0() {
59035 var t1 = this.node;
59036 return this.$this._async_evaluate$_runFunctionCallable$3(t1.$arguments, this._box_0.$function, t1);
59037 },
59038 $signature: 59
59039 };
59040 A._EvaluateVisitor_visitInterpolatedFunctionExpression_closure0.prototype = {
59041 call$0() {
59042 var t1 = this.node;
59043 return this.$this._async_evaluate$_runFunctionCallable$3(t1.$arguments, this.$function, t1);
59044 },
59045 $signature: 59
59046 };
59047 A._EvaluateVisitor__runUserDefinedCallable_closure0.prototype = {
59048 call$0() {
59049 var _this = this,
59050 t1 = _this.$this,
59051 t2 = _this.callable,
59052 t3 = _this.V;
59053 return t1._async_evaluate$_withEnvironment$1$2(t2.environment.closure$0(), new A._EvaluateVisitor__runUserDefinedCallable__closure0(t1, _this.evaluated, t2, _this.nodeWithSpan, _this.run, t3), t3);
59054 },
59055 $signature() {
59056 return this.V._eval$1("Future<0>()");
59057 }
59058 };
59059 A._EvaluateVisitor__runUserDefinedCallable__closure0.prototype = {
59060 call$0() {
59061 var _this = this,
59062 t1 = _this.$this,
59063 t2 = _this.V;
59064 return t1._async_evaluate$_environment.scope$1$1(new A._EvaluateVisitor__runUserDefinedCallable___closure0(t1, _this.evaluated, _this.callable, _this.nodeWithSpan, _this.run, t2), t2);
59065 },
59066 $signature() {
59067 return this.V._eval$1("Future<0>()");
59068 }
59069 };
59070 A._EvaluateVisitor__runUserDefinedCallable___closure0.prototype = {
59071 call$0() {
59072 return this.$call$body$_EvaluateVisitor__runUserDefinedCallable___closure(this.V);
59073 },
59074 $call$body$_EvaluateVisitor__runUserDefinedCallable___closure($async$type) {
59075 var $async$goto = 0,
59076 $async$completer = A._makeAsyncAwaitCompleter($async$type),
59077 $async$returnValue, $async$self = this, declaredArguments, t7, minLength, t8, i, argument, t9, value, t10, t11, restArgument, rest, argumentList, result, argumentWord, argumentNames, t1, t2, t3, t4, t5, t6, $async$temp1;
59078 var $async$call$0 = A._wrapJsFunctionForAsync(function($async$errorCode, $async$result) {
59079 if ($async$errorCode === 1)
59080 return A._asyncRethrow($async$result, $async$completer);
59081 while (true)
59082 switch ($async$goto) {
59083 case 0:
59084 // Function start
59085 t1 = $async$self.$this;
59086 t2 = $async$self.evaluated;
59087 t3 = t2.positional;
59088 t4 = t2.named;
59089 t5 = $async$self.callable.declaration.$arguments;
59090 t6 = $async$self.nodeWithSpan;
59091 t1._async_evaluate$_verifyArguments$4(t3.length, t4, t5, t6);
59092 declaredArguments = t5.$arguments;
59093 t7 = declaredArguments.length;
59094 minLength = Math.min(t3.length, t7);
59095 for (t8 = t2.positionalNodes, i = 0; i < minLength; ++i)
59096 t1._async_evaluate$_environment.setLocalVariable$3(declaredArguments[i].name, t3[i], t8[i]);
59097 i = t3.length, t8 = t2.namedNodes;
59098 case 3:
59099 // for condition
59100 if (!(i < t7)) {
59101 // goto after for
59102 $async$goto = 5;
59103 break;
59104 }
59105 argument = declaredArguments[i];
59106 t9 = argument.name;
59107 value = t4.remove$1(0, t9);
59108 $async$goto = value == null ? 6 : 7;
59109 break;
59110 case 6:
59111 // then
59112 t10 = argument.defaultValue;
59113 $async$temp1 = t1;
59114 $async$goto = 8;
59115 return A._asyncAwait(t10.accept$1(t1), $async$call$0);
59116 case 8:
59117 // returning from await.
59118 value = $async$temp1._async_evaluate$_withoutSlash$2($async$result, t1._async_evaluate$_expressionNode$1(t10));
59119 case 7:
59120 // join
59121 t10 = t1._async_evaluate$_environment;
59122 t11 = t8.$index(0, t9);
59123 if (t11 == null) {
59124 t11 = argument.defaultValue;
59125 t11.toString;
59126 t11 = t1._async_evaluate$_expressionNode$1(t11);
59127 }
59128 t10.setLocalVariable$3(t9, value, t11);
59129 case 4:
59130 // for update
59131 ++i;
59132 // goto for condition
59133 $async$goto = 3;
59134 break;
59135 case 5:
59136 // after for
59137 restArgument = t5.restArgument;
59138 if (restArgument != null) {
59139 rest = t3.length > t7 ? B.JSArray_methods.sublist$1(t3, t7) : B.List_empty5;
59140 t2 = t2.separator;
59141 argumentList = A.SassArgumentList$(rest, t4, t2 === B.ListSeparator_undecided_null ? B.ListSeparator_kWM : t2);
59142 t1._async_evaluate$_environment.setLocalVariable$3(restArgument, argumentList, t6);
59143 } else
59144 argumentList = null;
59145 $async$goto = 9;
59146 return A._asyncAwait($async$self.run.call$0(), $async$call$0);
59147 case 9:
59148 // returning from await.
59149 result = $async$result;
59150 if (argumentList == null) {
59151 $async$returnValue = result;
59152 // goto return
59153 $async$goto = 1;
59154 break;
59155 }
59156 if (t4.get$isEmpty(t4)) {
59157 $async$returnValue = result;
59158 // goto return
59159 $async$goto = 1;
59160 break;
59161 }
59162 if (argumentList._wereKeywordsAccessed) {
59163 $async$returnValue = result;
59164 // goto return
59165 $async$goto = 1;
59166 break;
59167 }
59168 t2 = t4.get$keys(t4);
59169 argumentWord = A.pluralize("argument", t2.get$length(t2), null);
59170 t4 = t4.get$keys(t4);
59171 argumentNames = A.toSentence(A.MappedIterable_MappedIterable(t4, new A._EvaluateVisitor__runUserDefinedCallable____closure0(), A._instanceType(t4)._eval$1("Iterable.E"), type$.Object), "or");
59172 throw A.wrapException(A.MultiSpanSassRuntimeException$("No " + argumentWord + " named " + argumentNames + ".", t6.get$span(t6), "invocation", A.LinkedHashMap_LinkedHashMap$_literal([t5.get$spanWithName(), "declaration"], type$.FileSpan, type$.String), t1._async_evaluate$_stackTrace$1(t6.get$span(t6))));
59173 case 1:
59174 // return
59175 return A._asyncReturn($async$returnValue, $async$completer);
59176 }
59177 });
59178 return A._asyncStartSync($async$call$0, $async$completer);
59179 },
59180 $signature() {
59181 return this.V._eval$1("Future<0>()");
59182 }
59183 };
59184 A._EvaluateVisitor__runUserDefinedCallable____closure0.prototype = {
59185 call$1($name) {
59186 return "$" + $name;
59187 },
59188 $signature: 5
59189 };
59190 A._EvaluateVisitor__runFunctionCallable_closure0.prototype = {
59191 call$0() {
59192 var $async$goto = 0,
59193 $async$completer = A._makeAsyncAwaitCompleter(type$.Value),
59194 $async$returnValue, $async$self = this, t1, t2, t3, t4, _i, $returnValue;
59195 var $async$call$0 = A._wrapJsFunctionForAsync(function($async$errorCode, $async$result) {
59196 if ($async$errorCode === 1)
59197 return A._asyncRethrow($async$result, $async$completer);
59198 while (true)
59199 switch ($async$goto) {
59200 case 0:
59201 // Function start
59202 t1 = $async$self.callable.declaration, t2 = t1.children, t3 = t2.length, t4 = $async$self.$this, _i = 0;
59203 case 3:
59204 // for condition
59205 if (!(_i < t3)) {
59206 // goto after for
59207 $async$goto = 5;
59208 break;
59209 }
59210 $async$goto = 6;
59211 return A._asyncAwait(t2[_i].accept$1(t4), $async$call$0);
59212 case 6:
59213 // returning from await.
59214 $returnValue = $async$result;
59215 if ($returnValue instanceof A.Value) {
59216 $async$returnValue = $returnValue;
59217 // goto return
59218 $async$goto = 1;
59219 break;
59220 }
59221 case 4:
59222 // for update
59223 ++_i;
59224 // goto for condition
59225 $async$goto = 3;
59226 break;
59227 case 5:
59228 // after for
59229 throw A.wrapException(t4._async_evaluate$_exception$2("Function finished without @return.", t1.span));
59230 case 1:
59231 // return
59232 return A._asyncReturn($async$returnValue, $async$completer);
59233 }
59234 });
59235 return A._asyncStartSync($async$call$0, $async$completer);
59236 },
59237 $signature: 59
59238 };
59239 A._EvaluateVisitor__runBuiltInCallable_closure1.prototype = {
59240 call$0() {
59241 return this.overload.verify$2(this.evaluated.positional.length, this.namedSet);
59242 },
59243 $signature: 0
59244 };
59245 A._EvaluateVisitor__runBuiltInCallable_closure2.prototype = {
59246 call$1($name) {
59247 return "$" + $name;
59248 },
59249 $signature: 5
59250 };
59251 A._EvaluateVisitor__evaluateArguments_closure3.prototype = {
59252 call$1(value) {
59253 return value;
59254 },
59255 $signature: 39
59256 };
59257 A._EvaluateVisitor__evaluateArguments_closure4.prototype = {
59258 call$1(value) {
59259 return this.$this._async_evaluate$_withoutSlash$2(value, this.restNodeForSpan);
59260 },
59261 $signature: 39
59262 };
59263 A._EvaluateVisitor__evaluateArguments_closure5.prototype = {
59264 call$2(key, value) {
59265 var _this = this,
59266 t1 = _this.restNodeForSpan;
59267 _this.named.$indexSet(0, key, _this.$this._async_evaluate$_withoutSlash$2(value, t1));
59268 _this.namedNodes.$indexSet(0, key, t1);
59269 },
59270 $signature: 75
59271 };
59272 A._EvaluateVisitor__evaluateArguments_closure6.prototype = {
59273 call$1(value) {
59274 return value;
59275 },
59276 $signature: 39
59277 };
59278 A._EvaluateVisitor__evaluateMacroArguments_closure3.prototype = {
59279 call$1(value) {
59280 var t1 = this.restArgs;
59281 return new A.ValueExpression(value, t1.get$span(t1));
59282 },
59283 $signature: 51
59284 };
59285 A._EvaluateVisitor__evaluateMacroArguments_closure4.prototype = {
59286 call$1(value) {
59287 var t1 = this.restArgs;
59288 return new A.ValueExpression(this.$this._async_evaluate$_withoutSlash$2(value, this.restNodeForSpan), t1.get$span(t1));
59289 },
59290 $signature: 51
59291 };
59292 A._EvaluateVisitor__evaluateMacroArguments_closure5.prototype = {
59293 call$2(key, value) {
59294 var _this = this,
59295 t1 = _this.restArgs;
59296 _this.named.$indexSet(0, key, new A.ValueExpression(_this.$this._async_evaluate$_withoutSlash$2(value, _this.restNodeForSpan), t1.get$span(t1)));
59297 },
59298 $signature: 75
59299 };
59300 A._EvaluateVisitor__evaluateMacroArguments_closure6.prototype = {
59301 call$1(value) {
59302 var t1 = this.keywordRestArgs;
59303 return new A.ValueExpression(this.$this._async_evaluate$_withoutSlash$2(value, this.keywordRestNodeForSpan), t1.get$span(t1));
59304 },
59305 $signature: 51
59306 };
59307 A._EvaluateVisitor__addRestMap_closure0.prototype = {
59308 call$2(key, value) {
59309 var t2, _this = this,
59310 t1 = _this.$this;
59311 if (key instanceof A.SassString)
59312 _this.values.$indexSet(0, key._string$_text, _this.convert.call$1(t1._async_evaluate$_withoutSlash$2(value, _this.expressionNode)));
59313 else {
59314 t2 = _this.nodeWithSpan;
59315 throw A.wrapException(t1._async_evaluate$_exception$2(string$.Variab_ + key.toString$0(0) + " is not a string in " + _this.map.toString$0(0) + ".", t2.get$span(t2)));
59316 }
59317 },
59318 $signature: 50
59319 };
59320 A._EvaluateVisitor__verifyArguments_closure0.prototype = {
59321 call$0() {
59322 return this.$arguments.verify$2(this.positional, new A.MapKeySet(this.named, type$.MapKeySet_String));
59323 },
59324 $signature: 0
59325 };
59326 A._EvaluateVisitor_visitStringExpression_closure0.prototype = {
59327 call$1(value) {
59328 var $async$goto = 0,
59329 $async$completer = A._makeAsyncAwaitCompleter(type$.String),
59330 $async$returnValue, $async$self = this, t1, result;
59331 var $async$call$1 = A._wrapJsFunctionForAsync(function($async$errorCode, $async$result) {
59332 if ($async$errorCode === 1)
59333 return A._asyncRethrow($async$result, $async$completer);
59334 while (true)
59335 switch ($async$goto) {
59336 case 0:
59337 // Function start
59338 if (typeof value == "string") {
59339 $async$returnValue = value;
59340 // goto return
59341 $async$goto = 1;
59342 break;
59343 }
59344 type$.Expression._as(value);
59345 t1 = $async$self.$this;
59346 $async$goto = 3;
59347 return A._asyncAwait(value.accept$1(t1), $async$call$1);
59348 case 3:
59349 // returning from await.
59350 result = $async$result;
59351 $async$returnValue = result instanceof A.SassString ? result._string$_text : t1._async_evaluate$_serialize$3$quote(result, value, false);
59352 // goto return
59353 $async$goto = 1;
59354 break;
59355 case 1:
59356 // return
59357 return A._asyncReturn($async$returnValue, $async$completer);
59358 }
59359 });
59360 return A._asyncStartSync($async$call$1, $async$completer);
59361 },
59362 $signature: 81
59363 };
59364 A._EvaluateVisitor_visitCssAtRule_closure1.prototype = {
59365 call$0() {
59366 var $async$goto = 0,
59367 $async$completer = A._makeAsyncAwaitCompleter(type$.Null),
59368 $async$self = this, t1, t2, t3;
59369 var $async$call$0 = A._wrapJsFunctionForAsync(function($async$errorCode, $async$result) {
59370 if ($async$errorCode === 1)
59371 return A._asyncRethrow($async$result, $async$completer);
59372 while (true)
59373 switch ($async$goto) {
59374 case 0:
59375 // Function start
59376 t1 = $async$self.node.children, t1 = new A.ListIterator(t1, t1.get$length(t1)), t2 = A._instanceType(t1)._precomputed1, t3 = $async$self.$this;
59377 case 2:
59378 // for condition
59379 if (!t1.moveNext$0()) {
59380 // goto after for
59381 $async$goto = 3;
59382 break;
59383 }
59384 $async$goto = 4;
59385 return A._asyncAwait(t2._as(t1.__internal$_current).accept$1(t3), $async$call$0);
59386 case 4:
59387 // returning from await.
59388 // goto for condition
59389 $async$goto = 2;
59390 break;
59391 case 3:
59392 // after for
59393 // implicit return
59394 return A._asyncReturn(null, $async$completer);
59395 }
59396 });
59397 return A._asyncStartSync($async$call$0, $async$completer);
59398 },
59399 $signature: 2
59400 };
59401 A._EvaluateVisitor_visitCssAtRule_closure2.prototype = {
59402 call$1(node) {
59403 return type$.CssStyleRule._is(node);
59404 },
59405 $signature: 7
59406 };
59407 A._EvaluateVisitor_visitCssKeyframeBlock_closure1.prototype = {
59408 call$0() {
59409 var $async$goto = 0,
59410 $async$completer = A._makeAsyncAwaitCompleter(type$.Null),
59411 $async$self = this, t1, t2, t3;
59412 var $async$call$0 = A._wrapJsFunctionForAsync(function($async$errorCode, $async$result) {
59413 if ($async$errorCode === 1)
59414 return A._asyncRethrow($async$result, $async$completer);
59415 while (true)
59416 switch ($async$goto) {
59417 case 0:
59418 // Function start
59419 t1 = $async$self.node.children, t1 = new A.ListIterator(t1, t1.get$length(t1)), t2 = A._instanceType(t1)._precomputed1, t3 = $async$self.$this;
59420 case 2:
59421 // for condition
59422 if (!t1.moveNext$0()) {
59423 // goto after for
59424 $async$goto = 3;
59425 break;
59426 }
59427 $async$goto = 4;
59428 return A._asyncAwait(t2._as(t1.__internal$_current).accept$1(t3), $async$call$0);
59429 case 4:
59430 // returning from await.
59431 // goto for condition
59432 $async$goto = 2;
59433 break;
59434 case 3:
59435 // after for
59436 // implicit return
59437 return A._asyncReturn(null, $async$completer);
59438 }
59439 });
59440 return A._asyncStartSync($async$call$0, $async$completer);
59441 },
59442 $signature: 2
59443 };
59444 A._EvaluateVisitor_visitCssKeyframeBlock_closure2.prototype = {
59445 call$1(node) {
59446 return type$.CssStyleRule._is(node);
59447 },
59448 $signature: 7
59449 };
59450 A._EvaluateVisitor_visitCssMediaRule_closure2.prototype = {
59451 call$1(mediaQueries) {
59452 return this.$this._async_evaluate$_mergeMediaQueries$2(mediaQueries, this.node.queries);
59453 },
59454 $signature: 83
59455 };
59456 A._EvaluateVisitor_visitCssMediaRule_closure3.prototype = {
59457 call$0() {
59458 var $async$goto = 0,
59459 $async$completer = A._makeAsyncAwaitCompleter(type$.Null),
59460 $async$self = this, t1, t2;
59461 var $async$call$0 = A._wrapJsFunctionForAsync(function($async$errorCode, $async$result) {
59462 if ($async$errorCode === 1)
59463 return A._asyncRethrow($async$result, $async$completer);
59464 while (true)
59465 switch ($async$goto) {
59466 case 0:
59467 // Function start
59468 t1 = $async$self.$this;
59469 t2 = $async$self.mergedQueries;
59470 if (t2 == null)
59471 t2 = $async$self.node.queries;
59472 $async$goto = 2;
59473 return A._asyncAwait(t1._async_evaluate$_withMediaQueries$1$2(t2, new A._EvaluateVisitor_visitCssMediaRule__closure0(t1, $async$self.node), type$.Null), $async$call$0);
59474 case 2:
59475 // returning from await.
59476 // implicit return
59477 return A._asyncReturn(null, $async$completer);
59478 }
59479 });
59480 return A._asyncStartSync($async$call$0, $async$completer);
59481 },
59482 $signature: 2
59483 };
59484 A._EvaluateVisitor_visitCssMediaRule__closure0.prototype = {
59485 call$0() {
59486 var $async$goto = 0,
59487 $async$completer = A._makeAsyncAwaitCompleter(type$.Null),
59488 $async$self = this, t2, t3, t1, styleRule;
59489 var $async$call$0 = A._wrapJsFunctionForAsync(function($async$errorCode, $async$result) {
59490 if ($async$errorCode === 1)
59491 return A._asyncRethrow($async$result, $async$completer);
59492 while (true)
59493 switch ($async$goto) {
59494 case 0:
59495 // Function start
59496 t1 = $async$self.$this;
59497 styleRule = t1._async_evaluate$_atRootExcludingStyleRule ? null : t1._async_evaluate$_styleRuleIgnoringAtRoot;
59498 $async$goto = styleRule == null ? 2 : 4;
59499 break;
59500 case 2:
59501 // then
59502 t2 = $async$self.node.children, t2 = new A.ListIterator(t2, t2.get$length(t2)), t3 = A._instanceType(t2)._precomputed1;
59503 case 5:
59504 // for condition
59505 if (!t2.moveNext$0()) {
59506 // goto after for
59507 $async$goto = 6;
59508 break;
59509 }
59510 $async$goto = 7;
59511 return A._asyncAwait(t3._as(t2.__internal$_current).accept$1(t1), $async$call$0);
59512 case 7:
59513 // returning from await.
59514 // goto for condition
59515 $async$goto = 5;
59516 break;
59517 case 6:
59518 // after for
59519 // goto join
59520 $async$goto = 3;
59521 break;
59522 case 4:
59523 // else
59524 $async$goto = 8;
59525 return A._asyncAwait(t1._async_evaluate$_withParent$2$3$scopeWhen(A.ModifiableCssStyleRule$(styleRule.selector, styleRule.span, styleRule.originalSelector), new A._EvaluateVisitor_visitCssMediaRule___closure0(t1, $async$self.node), false, type$.ModifiableCssStyleRule, type$.Null), $async$call$0);
59526 case 8:
59527 // returning from await.
59528 case 3:
59529 // join
59530 // implicit return
59531 return A._asyncReturn(null, $async$completer);
59532 }
59533 });
59534 return A._asyncStartSync($async$call$0, $async$completer);
59535 },
59536 $signature: 2
59537 };
59538 A._EvaluateVisitor_visitCssMediaRule___closure0.prototype = {
59539 call$0() {
59540 var $async$goto = 0,
59541 $async$completer = A._makeAsyncAwaitCompleter(type$.Null),
59542 $async$self = this, t1, t2, t3;
59543 var $async$call$0 = A._wrapJsFunctionForAsync(function($async$errorCode, $async$result) {
59544 if ($async$errorCode === 1)
59545 return A._asyncRethrow($async$result, $async$completer);
59546 while (true)
59547 switch ($async$goto) {
59548 case 0:
59549 // Function start
59550 t1 = $async$self.node.children, t1 = new A.ListIterator(t1, t1.get$length(t1)), t2 = A._instanceType(t1)._precomputed1, t3 = $async$self.$this;
59551 case 2:
59552 // for condition
59553 if (!t1.moveNext$0()) {
59554 // goto after for
59555 $async$goto = 3;
59556 break;
59557 }
59558 $async$goto = 4;
59559 return A._asyncAwait(t2._as(t1.__internal$_current).accept$1(t3), $async$call$0);
59560 case 4:
59561 // returning from await.
59562 // goto for condition
59563 $async$goto = 2;
59564 break;
59565 case 3:
59566 // after for
59567 // implicit return
59568 return A._asyncReturn(null, $async$completer);
59569 }
59570 });
59571 return A._asyncStartSync($async$call$0, $async$completer);
59572 },
59573 $signature: 2
59574 };
59575 A._EvaluateVisitor_visitCssMediaRule_closure4.prototype = {
59576 call$1(node) {
59577 var t1;
59578 if (!type$.CssStyleRule._is(node))
59579 t1 = this.mergedQueries != null && type$.CssMediaRule._is(node);
59580 else
59581 t1 = true;
59582 return t1;
59583 },
59584 $signature: 7
59585 };
59586 A._EvaluateVisitor_visitCssStyleRule_closure1.prototype = {
59587 call$0() {
59588 var $async$goto = 0,
59589 $async$completer = A._makeAsyncAwaitCompleter(type$.Null),
59590 $async$self = this, t1;
59591 var $async$call$0 = A._wrapJsFunctionForAsync(function($async$errorCode, $async$result) {
59592 if ($async$errorCode === 1)
59593 return A._asyncRethrow($async$result, $async$completer);
59594 while (true)
59595 switch ($async$goto) {
59596 case 0:
59597 // Function start
59598 t1 = $async$self.$this;
59599 $async$goto = 2;
59600 return A._asyncAwait(t1._async_evaluate$_withStyleRule$1$2($async$self.rule, new A._EvaluateVisitor_visitCssStyleRule__closure0(t1, $async$self.node), type$.Null), $async$call$0);
59601 case 2:
59602 // returning from await.
59603 // implicit return
59604 return A._asyncReturn(null, $async$completer);
59605 }
59606 });
59607 return A._asyncStartSync($async$call$0, $async$completer);
59608 },
59609 $signature: 2
59610 };
59611 A._EvaluateVisitor_visitCssStyleRule__closure0.prototype = {
59612 call$0() {
59613 var $async$goto = 0,
59614 $async$completer = A._makeAsyncAwaitCompleter(type$.Null),
59615 $async$self = this, t1, t2, t3;
59616 var $async$call$0 = A._wrapJsFunctionForAsync(function($async$errorCode, $async$result) {
59617 if ($async$errorCode === 1)
59618 return A._asyncRethrow($async$result, $async$completer);
59619 while (true)
59620 switch ($async$goto) {
59621 case 0:
59622 // Function start
59623 t1 = $async$self.node.children, t1 = new A.ListIterator(t1, t1.get$length(t1)), t2 = A._instanceType(t1)._precomputed1, t3 = $async$self.$this;
59624 case 2:
59625 // for condition
59626 if (!t1.moveNext$0()) {
59627 // goto after for
59628 $async$goto = 3;
59629 break;
59630 }
59631 $async$goto = 4;
59632 return A._asyncAwait(t2._as(t1.__internal$_current).accept$1(t3), $async$call$0);
59633 case 4:
59634 // returning from await.
59635 // goto for condition
59636 $async$goto = 2;
59637 break;
59638 case 3:
59639 // after for
59640 // implicit return
59641 return A._asyncReturn(null, $async$completer);
59642 }
59643 });
59644 return A._asyncStartSync($async$call$0, $async$completer);
59645 },
59646 $signature: 2
59647 };
59648 A._EvaluateVisitor_visitCssStyleRule_closure2.prototype = {
59649 call$1(node) {
59650 return type$.CssStyleRule._is(node);
59651 },
59652 $signature: 7
59653 };
59654 A._EvaluateVisitor_visitCssSupportsRule_closure1.prototype = {
59655 call$0() {
59656 var $async$goto = 0,
59657 $async$completer = A._makeAsyncAwaitCompleter(type$.Null),
59658 $async$self = this, t2, t3, t1, styleRule;
59659 var $async$call$0 = A._wrapJsFunctionForAsync(function($async$errorCode, $async$result) {
59660 if ($async$errorCode === 1)
59661 return A._asyncRethrow($async$result, $async$completer);
59662 while (true)
59663 switch ($async$goto) {
59664 case 0:
59665 // Function start
59666 t1 = $async$self.$this;
59667 styleRule = t1._async_evaluate$_atRootExcludingStyleRule ? null : t1._async_evaluate$_styleRuleIgnoringAtRoot;
59668 $async$goto = styleRule == null ? 2 : 4;
59669 break;
59670 case 2:
59671 // then
59672 t2 = $async$self.node.children, t2 = new A.ListIterator(t2, t2.get$length(t2)), t3 = A._instanceType(t2)._precomputed1;
59673 case 5:
59674 // for condition
59675 if (!t2.moveNext$0()) {
59676 // goto after for
59677 $async$goto = 6;
59678 break;
59679 }
59680 $async$goto = 7;
59681 return A._asyncAwait(t3._as(t2.__internal$_current).accept$1(t1), $async$call$0);
59682 case 7:
59683 // returning from await.
59684 // goto for condition
59685 $async$goto = 5;
59686 break;
59687 case 6:
59688 // after for
59689 // goto join
59690 $async$goto = 3;
59691 break;
59692 case 4:
59693 // else
59694 $async$goto = 8;
59695 return A._asyncAwait(t1._async_evaluate$_withParent$2$2(A.ModifiableCssStyleRule$(styleRule.selector, styleRule.span, styleRule.originalSelector), new A._EvaluateVisitor_visitCssSupportsRule__closure0(t1, $async$self.node), type$.ModifiableCssStyleRule, type$.Null), $async$call$0);
59696 case 8:
59697 // returning from await.
59698 case 3:
59699 // join
59700 // implicit return
59701 return A._asyncReturn(null, $async$completer);
59702 }
59703 });
59704 return A._asyncStartSync($async$call$0, $async$completer);
59705 },
59706 $signature: 2
59707 };
59708 A._EvaluateVisitor_visitCssSupportsRule__closure0.prototype = {
59709 call$0() {
59710 var $async$goto = 0,
59711 $async$completer = A._makeAsyncAwaitCompleter(type$.Null),
59712 $async$self = this, t1, t2, t3;
59713 var $async$call$0 = A._wrapJsFunctionForAsync(function($async$errorCode, $async$result) {
59714 if ($async$errorCode === 1)
59715 return A._asyncRethrow($async$result, $async$completer);
59716 while (true)
59717 switch ($async$goto) {
59718 case 0:
59719 // Function start
59720 t1 = $async$self.node.children, t1 = new A.ListIterator(t1, t1.get$length(t1)), t2 = A._instanceType(t1)._precomputed1, t3 = $async$self.$this;
59721 case 2:
59722 // for condition
59723 if (!t1.moveNext$0()) {
59724 // goto after for
59725 $async$goto = 3;
59726 break;
59727 }
59728 $async$goto = 4;
59729 return A._asyncAwait(t2._as(t1.__internal$_current).accept$1(t3), $async$call$0);
59730 case 4:
59731 // returning from await.
59732 // goto for condition
59733 $async$goto = 2;
59734 break;
59735 case 3:
59736 // after for
59737 // implicit return
59738 return A._asyncReturn(null, $async$completer);
59739 }
59740 });
59741 return A._asyncStartSync($async$call$0, $async$completer);
59742 },
59743 $signature: 2
59744 };
59745 A._EvaluateVisitor_visitCssSupportsRule_closure2.prototype = {
59746 call$1(node) {
59747 return type$.CssStyleRule._is(node);
59748 },
59749 $signature: 7
59750 };
59751 A._EvaluateVisitor__performInterpolation_closure0.prototype = {
59752 call$1(value) {
59753 var $async$goto = 0,
59754 $async$completer = A._makeAsyncAwaitCompleter(type$.String),
59755 $async$returnValue, $async$self = this, t1, result, t2, t3;
59756 var $async$call$1 = A._wrapJsFunctionForAsync(function($async$errorCode, $async$result) {
59757 if ($async$errorCode === 1)
59758 return A._asyncRethrow($async$result, $async$completer);
59759 while (true)
59760 switch ($async$goto) {
59761 case 0:
59762 // Function start
59763 if (typeof value == "string") {
59764 $async$returnValue = value;
59765 // goto return
59766 $async$goto = 1;
59767 break;
59768 }
59769 type$.Expression._as(value);
59770 t1 = $async$self.$this;
59771 $async$goto = 3;
59772 return A._asyncAwait(value.accept$1(t1), $async$call$1);
59773 case 3:
59774 // returning from await.
59775 result = $async$result;
59776 if ($async$self.warnForColor && result instanceof A.SassColor && $.$get$namesByColor().containsKey$1(result)) {
59777 t2 = A.Interpolation$(A._setArrayType([""], type$.JSArray_Object), $async$self.interpolation.span);
59778 t3 = $.$get$namesByColor();
59779 t1._async_evaluate$_warn$2(string$.You_pr + A.S(t3.$index(0, result)) + string$.x20in_in + result.toString$0(0) + string$.x2c_whicw + A.S(t3.$index(0, result)) + string$.x22x29__If + new A.BinaryOperationExpression(B.BinaryOperator_AcR0, new A.StringExpression(t2, true), value, false).toString$0(0) + "'.", value.get$span(value));
59780 }
59781 $async$returnValue = t1._async_evaluate$_serialize$3$quote(result, value, false);
59782 // goto return
59783 $async$goto = 1;
59784 break;
59785 case 1:
59786 // return
59787 return A._asyncReturn($async$returnValue, $async$completer);
59788 }
59789 });
59790 return A._asyncStartSync($async$call$1, $async$completer);
59791 },
59792 $signature: 81
59793 };
59794 A._EvaluateVisitor__serialize_closure0.prototype = {
59795 call$0() {
59796 return A.serializeValue(this.value, false, this.quote);
59797 },
59798 $signature: 30
59799 };
59800 A._EvaluateVisitor__expressionNode_closure0.prototype = {
59801 call$0() {
59802 var t1 = this.expression;
59803 return this.$this._async_evaluate$_environment.getVariableNode$2$namespace(t1.name, t1.namespace);
59804 },
59805 $signature: 173
59806 };
59807 A._EvaluateVisitor__withoutSlash_recommendation0.prototype = {
59808 call$1(number) {
59809 var asSlash = number.asSlash;
59810 if (asSlash != null)
59811 return "math.div(" + A.S(this.call$1(asSlash.item1)) + ", " + A.S(this.call$1(asSlash.item2)) + ")";
59812 else
59813 return A.serializeValue(number, true, true);
59814 },
59815 $signature: 169
59816 };
59817 A._EvaluateVisitor__stackFrame_closure0.prototype = {
59818 call$1(url) {
59819 var t1 = this.$this._async_evaluate$_importCache;
59820 t1 = t1 == null ? null : t1.humanize$1(url);
59821 return t1 == null ? url : t1;
59822 },
59823 $signature: 88
59824 };
59825 A._EvaluateVisitor__stackTrace_closure0.prototype = {
59826 call$1(tuple) {
59827 return this.$this._async_evaluate$_stackFrame$2(tuple.item1, J.get$span$z(tuple.item2));
59828 },
59829 $signature: 161
59830 };
59831 A._ImportedCssVisitor0.prototype = {
59832 visitCssAtRule$1(node) {
59833 var t1 = node.isChildless ? null : new A._ImportedCssVisitor_visitCssAtRule_closure0();
59834 this._async_evaluate$_visitor._async_evaluate$_addChild$2$through(node, t1);
59835 },
59836 visitCssComment$1(node) {
59837 return this._async_evaluate$_visitor._async_evaluate$_addChild$1(node);
59838 },
59839 visitCssDeclaration$1(node) {
59840 },
59841 visitCssImport$1(node) {
59842 var t2,
59843 _s13_ = "_endOfImports",
59844 t1 = this._async_evaluate$_visitor;
59845 if (t1._async_evaluate$_assertInModule$2(t1._async_evaluate$__parent, "__parent") !== t1._async_evaluate$_assertInModule$2(t1._async_evaluate$__root, "_root"))
59846 t1._async_evaluate$_addChild$1(node);
59847 else if (t1._async_evaluate$_assertInModule$2(t1._async_evaluate$__endOfImports, _s13_) === J.get$length$asx(t1._async_evaluate$_assertInModule$2(t1._async_evaluate$__root, "_root").children._collection$_source)) {
59848 t1._async_evaluate$_addChild$1(node);
59849 t1._async_evaluate$__endOfImports = t1._async_evaluate$_assertInModule$2(t1._async_evaluate$__endOfImports, _s13_) + 1;
59850 } else {
59851 t2 = t1._async_evaluate$_outOfOrderImports;
59852 (t2 == null ? t1._async_evaluate$_outOfOrderImports = A._setArrayType([], type$.JSArray_ModifiableCssImport) : t2).push(node);
59853 }
59854 },
59855 visitCssKeyframeBlock$1(node) {
59856 },
59857 visitCssMediaRule$1(node) {
59858 var t1 = this._async_evaluate$_visitor,
59859 mediaQueries = t1._async_evaluate$_mediaQueries;
59860 t1._async_evaluate$_addChild$2$through(node, new A._ImportedCssVisitor_visitCssMediaRule_closure0(mediaQueries == null || t1._async_evaluate$_mergeMediaQueries$2(mediaQueries, node.queries) != null));
59861 },
59862 visitCssStyleRule$1(node) {
59863 return this._async_evaluate$_visitor._async_evaluate$_addChild$2$through(node, new A._ImportedCssVisitor_visitCssStyleRule_closure0());
59864 },
59865 visitCssStylesheet$1(node) {
59866 var t1, t2;
59867 for (t1 = node.children, t1 = new A.ListIterator(t1, t1.get$length(t1)), t2 = A._instanceType(t1)._precomputed1; t1.moveNext$0();)
59868 t2._as(t1.__internal$_current).accept$1(this);
59869 },
59870 visitCssSupportsRule$1(node) {
59871 return this._async_evaluate$_visitor._async_evaluate$_addChild$2$through(node, new A._ImportedCssVisitor_visitCssSupportsRule_closure0());
59872 }
59873 };
59874 A._ImportedCssVisitor_visitCssAtRule_closure0.prototype = {
59875 call$1(node) {
59876 return type$.CssStyleRule._is(node);
59877 },
59878 $signature: 7
59879 };
59880 A._ImportedCssVisitor_visitCssMediaRule_closure0.prototype = {
59881 call$1(node) {
59882 var t1;
59883 if (!type$.CssStyleRule._is(node))
59884 t1 = this.hasBeenMerged && type$.CssMediaRule._is(node);
59885 else
59886 t1 = true;
59887 return t1;
59888 },
59889 $signature: 7
59890 };
59891 A._ImportedCssVisitor_visitCssStyleRule_closure0.prototype = {
59892 call$1(node) {
59893 return type$.CssStyleRule._is(node);
59894 },
59895 $signature: 7
59896 };
59897 A._ImportedCssVisitor_visitCssSupportsRule_closure0.prototype = {
59898 call$1(node) {
59899 return type$.CssStyleRule._is(node);
59900 },
59901 $signature: 7
59902 };
59903 A.EvaluateResult.prototype = {};
59904 A._EvaluationContext0.prototype = {
59905 get$currentCallableSpan() {
59906 var callableNode = this._async_evaluate$_visitor._async_evaluate$_callableNode;
59907 if (callableNode != null)
59908 return callableNode.get$span(callableNode);
59909 throw A.wrapException(A.StateError$(string$.No_Sasc));
59910 },
59911 warn$2$deprecation(_, message, deprecation) {
59912 var t1 = this._async_evaluate$_visitor,
59913 t2 = t1._async_evaluate$_importSpan;
59914 if (t2 == null) {
59915 t2 = t1._async_evaluate$_callableNode;
59916 t2 = t2 == null ? null : t2.get$span(t2);
59917 }
59918 t1._async_evaluate$_warn$3$deprecation(message, t2 == null ? this._async_evaluate$_defaultWarnNodeWithSpan.span : t2, deprecation);
59919 },
59920 $isEvaluationContext: 1
59921 };
59922 A._ArgumentResults0.prototype = {};
59923 A._LoadedStylesheet0.prototype = {};
59924 A._CloneCssVisitor.prototype = {
59925 visitCssAtRule$1(node) {
59926 var t1 = node.isChildless,
59927 rule = A.ModifiableCssAtRule$(node.name, node.span, t1, node.value);
59928 return t1 ? rule : this._visitChildren$2(rule, node);
59929 },
59930 visitCssComment$1(node) {
59931 return new A.ModifiableCssComment(node.text, node.span);
59932 },
59933 visitCssDeclaration$1(node) {
59934 return A.ModifiableCssDeclaration$(node.name, node.value, node.span, node.parsedAsCustomProperty, node.valueSpanForMap);
59935 },
59936 visitCssImport$1(node) {
59937 return A.ModifiableCssImport$(node.url, node.span, node.media, node.supports);
59938 },
59939 visitCssKeyframeBlock$1(node) {
59940 return this._visitChildren$2(A.ModifiableCssKeyframeBlock$(node.selector, node.span), node);
59941 },
59942 visitCssMediaRule$1(node) {
59943 return this._visitChildren$2(A.ModifiableCssMediaRule$(node.queries, node.span), node);
59944 },
59945 visitCssStyleRule$1(node) {
59946 var newSelector = this._oldToNewSelectors.$index(0, node.selector);
59947 if (newSelector == null)
59948 throw A.wrapException(A.StateError$(string$.The_Ex));
59949 return this._visitChildren$2(A.ModifiableCssStyleRule$(newSelector, node.span, node.originalSelector), node);
59950 },
59951 visitCssStylesheet$1(node) {
59952 return this._visitChildren$2(A.ModifiableCssStylesheet$(node.get$span(node)), node);
59953 },
59954 visitCssSupportsRule$1(node) {
59955 return this._visitChildren$2(A.ModifiableCssSupportsRule$(node.condition, node.span), node);
59956 },
59957 _visitChildren$1$2(newParent, oldParent) {
59958 var t1, t2, newChild;
59959 for (t1 = J.get$iterator$ax(oldParent.get$children(oldParent)); t1.moveNext$0();) {
59960 t2 = t1.get$current(t1);
59961 newChild = t2.accept$1(this);
59962 newChild.isGroupEnd = t2.get$isGroupEnd();
59963 newParent.addChild$1(newChild);
59964 }
59965 return newParent;
59966 },
59967 _visitChildren$2(newParent, oldParent) {
59968 return this._visitChildren$1$2(newParent, oldParent, type$.ModifiableCssParentNode);
59969 }
59970 };
59971 A.Evaluator.prototype = {};
59972 A._EvaluateVisitor.prototype = {
59973 _EvaluateVisitor$6$functions$importCache$logger$nodeImporter$quietDeps$sourceMap(functions, importCache, logger, nodeImporter, quietDeps, sourceMap) {
59974 var t2, metaModule, t3, _i, module, $function, t4, _this = this,
59975 _s20_ = "$name, $module: null",
59976 _s9_ = "sass:meta",
59977 t1 = type$.JSArray_BuiltInCallable,
59978 metaFunctions = A._setArrayType([A.BuiltInCallable$function("global-variable-exists", _s20_, new A._EvaluateVisitor_closure(_this), _s9_), A.BuiltInCallable$function("variable-exists", "$name", new A._EvaluateVisitor_closure0(_this), _s9_), A.BuiltInCallable$function("function-exists", _s20_, new A._EvaluateVisitor_closure1(_this), _s9_), A.BuiltInCallable$function("mixin-exists", _s20_, new A._EvaluateVisitor_closure2(_this), _s9_), A.BuiltInCallable$function("content-exists", "", new A._EvaluateVisitor_closure3(_this), _s9_), A.BuiltInCallable$function("module-variables", "$module", new A._EvaluateVisitor_closure4(_this), _s9_), A.BuiltInCallable$function("module-functions", "$module", new A._EvaluateVisitor_closure5(_this), _s9_), A.BuiltInCallable$function("get-function", "$name, $css: false, $module: null", new A._EvaluateVisitor_closure6(_this), _s9_), A.BuiltInCallable$function("call", "$function, $args...", new A._EvaluateVisitor_closure7(_this), _s9_)], t1),
59979 metaMixins = A._setArrayType([A.BuiltInCallable$mixin("load-css", "$url, $with: null", new A._EvaluateVisitor_closure8(_this), _s9_)], t1);
59980 t1 = type$.BuiltInCallable;
59981 t2 = A.List_List$of($.$get$global(), true, t1);
59982 B.JSArray_methods.addAll$1(t2, $.$get$local());
59983 B.JSArray_methods.addAll$1(t2, metaFunctions);
59984 metaModule = A.BuiltInModule$("meta", t2, metaMixins, null, t1);
59985 for (t1 = A.List_List$of($.$get$coreModules(), true, type$.BuiltInModule_BuiltInCallable), t1.push(metaModule), t2 = t1.length, t3 = _this._builtInModules, _i = 0; _i < t1.length; t1.length === t2 || (0, A.throwConcurrentModificationError)(t1), ++_i) {
59986 module = t1[_i];
59987 t3.$indexSet(0, module.url, module);
59988 }
59989 t1 = A._setArrayType([], type$.JSArray_Callable);
59990 B.JSArray_methods.addAll$1(t1, $.$get$globalFunctions());
59991 B.JSArray_methods.addAll$1(t1, metaFunctions);
59992 for (t2 = t1.length, t3 = _this._builtInFunctions, _i = 0; _i < t1.length; t1.length === t2 || (0, A.throwConcurrentModificationError)(t1), ++_i) {
59993 $function = t1[_i];
59994 t4 = J.get$name$x($function);
59995 t3.$indexSet(0, A.stringReplaceAllUnchecked(t4, "_", "-"), $function);
59996 }
59997 },
59998 run$2(_, importer, node) {
59999 var t1 = type$.nullable_Object;
60000 return A.runZoned(new A._EvaluateVisitor_run_closure(this, node, importer), A.LinkedHashMap_LinkedHashMap$_literal([B.Symbol__evaluationContext, new A._EvaluationContext(this, node)], t1, t1), type$.EvaluateResult);
60001 },
60002 runExpression$2(importer, expression) {
60003 var t1 = type$.nullable_Object;
60004 return A.runZoned(new A._EvaluateVisitor_runExpression_closure(this, importer, expression), A.LinkedHashMap_LinkedHashMap$_literal([B.Symbol__evaluationContext, new A._EvaluationContext(this, expression)], t1, t1), type$.Value);
60005 },
60006 runStatement$2(importer, statement) {
60007 var t1 = type$.nullable_Object;
60008 return A.runZoned(new A._EvaluateVisitor_runStatement_closure(this, importer, statement), A.LinkedHashMap_LinkedHashMap$_literal([B.Symbol__evaluationContext, new A._EvaluationContext(this, statement)], t1, t1), type$.void);
60009 },
60010 _assertInModule$1$2(value, $name) {
60011 if (value != null)
60012 return value;
60013 throw A.wrapException(A.StateError$("Can't access " + $name + " outside of a module."));
60014 },
60015 _assertInModule$2(value, $name) {
60016 return this._assertInModule$1$2(value, $name, type$.dynamic);
60017 },
60018 _withFakeStylesheet$1$3(importer, nodeWithSpan, callback) {
60019 var t1, _this = this,
60020 oldImporter = _this._importer;
60021 _this._importer = importer;
60022 _this.__stylesheet = A.Stylesheet$(B.List_empty10, nodeWithSpan.get$span(nodeWithSpan));
60023 try {
60024 t1 = callback.call$0();
60025 return t1;
60026 } finally {
60027 _this._importer = oldImporter;
60028 _this.__stylesheet = null;
60029 }
60030 },
60031 _withFakeStylesheet$3(importer, nodeWithSpan, callback) {
60032 return this._withFakeStylesheet$1$3(importer, nodeWithSpan, callback, type$.dynamic);
60033 },
60034 _loadModule$7$baseUrl$configuration$namesInErrors(url, stackFrame, nodeWithSpan, callback, baseUrl, configuration, namesInErrors) {
60035 var t1, t2, _this = this,
60036 builtInModule = _this._builtInModules.$index(0, url);
60037 if (builtInModule != null) {
60038 if (configuration instanceof A.ExplicitConfiguration) {
60039 t1 = namesInErrors ? "Built-in module " + url.toString$0(0) + " can't be configured." : "Built-in modules can't be configured.";
60040 t2 = configuration.nodeWithSpan;
60041 throw A.wrapException(_this._evaluate$_exception$2(t1, t2.get$span(t2)));
60042 }
60043 _this._addExceptionSpan$2(nodeWithSpan, new A._EvaluateVisitor__loadModule_closure(callback, builtInModule));
60044 return;
60045 }
60046 _this._withStackFrame$3(stackFrame, nodeWithSpan, new A._EvaluateVisitor__loadModule_closure0(_this, url, nodeWithSpan, baseUrl, namesInErrors, configuration, callback));
60047 },
60048 _loadModule$5$configuration(url, stackFrame, nodeWithSpan, callback, configuration) {
60049 return this._loadModule$7$baseUrl$configuration$namesInErrors(url, stackFrame, nodeWithSpan, callback, null, configuration, false);
60050 },
60051 _loadModule$4(url, stackFrame, nodeWithSpan, callback) {
60052 return this._loadModule$7$baseUrl$configuration$namesInErrors(url, stackFrame, nodeWithSpan, callback, null, null, false);
60053 },
60054 _execute$5$configuration$namesInErrors$nodeWithSpan(importer, stylesheet, configuration, namesInErrors, nodeWithSpan) {
60055 var currentConfiguration, message, t2, existingSpan, configurationSpan, environment, css, extensionStore, module, _this = this,
60056 url = stylesheet.span.file.url,
60057 t1 = _this._modules,
60058 alreadyLoaded = t1.$index(0, url);
60059 if (alreadyLoaded != null) {
60060 t1 = configuration == null;
60061 currentConfiguration = t1 ? _this._configuration : configuration;
60062 if (currentConfiguration instanceof A.ExplicitConfiguration) {
60063 message = namesInErrors ? $.$get$context().prettyUri$1(url) + string$.x20was_a : string$.This_mw;
60064 t2 = _this._moduleNodes.$index(0, url);
60065 existingSpan = t2 == null ? null : J.get$span$z(t2);
60066 if (t1) {
60067 t1 = currentConfiguration.nodeWithSpan;
60068 configurationSpan = t1.get$span(t1);
60069 } else
60070 configurationSpan = null;
60071 t1 = A.LinkedHashMap_LinkedHashMap$_empty(type$.FileSpan, type$.String);
60072 if (existingSpan != null)
60073 t1.$indexSet(0, existingSpan, "original load");
60074 if (configurationSpan != null)
60075 t1.$indexSet(0, configurationSpan, "configuration");
60076 throw A.wrapException(t1.get$isEmpty(t1) ? _this._evaluate$_exception$1(message) : _this._multiSpanException$3(message, "new load", t1));
60077 }
60078 return alreadyLoaded;
60079 }
60080 environment = A.Environment$();
60081 css = A._Cell$();
60082 extensionStore = A.ExtensionStore$();
60083 _this._withEnvironment$2(environment, new A._EvaluateVisitor__execute_closure(_this, importer, stylesheet, extensionStore, configuration, css));
60084 module = environment.toModule$2(css._readLocal$0(), extensionStore);
60085 if (url != null) {
60086 t1.$indexSet(0, url, module);
60087 if (nodeWithSpan != null)
60088 _this._moduleNodes.$indexSet(0, url, nodeWithSpan);
60089 }
60090 return module;
60091 },
60092 _execute$2(importer, stylesheet) {
60093 return this._execute$5$configuration$namesInErrors$nodeWithSpan(importer, stylesheet, null, false, null);
60094 },
60095 _addOutOfOrderImports$0() {
60096 var t1, t2, _this = this, _s5_ = "_root",
60097 _s13_ = "_endOfImports",
60098 outOfOrderImports = _this._outOfOrderImports;
60099 if (outOfOrderImports == null)
60100 return _this._assertInModule$2(_this.__root, _s5_).children;
60101 t1 = _this._assertInModule$2(_this.__root, _s5_).children;
60102 t1 = A.List_List$of(A.SubListIterable$(t1, 0, A.checkNotNullable(_this._assertInModule$2(_this.__endOfImports, _s13_), "count", type$.int), t1.$ti._eval$1("ListMixin.E")), true, type$.ModifiableCssNode);
60103 B.JSArray_methods.addAll$1(t1, outOfOrderImports);
60104 t2 = _this._assertInModule$2(_this.__root, _s5_).children;
60105 B.JSArray_methods.addAll$1(t1, A.SubListIterable$(t2, _this._assertInModule$2(_this.__endOfImports, _s13_), null, t2.$ti._eval$1("ListMixin.E")));
60106 return t1;
60107 },
60108 _combineCss$2$clone(root, clone) {
60109 var selectors, unsatisfiedExtension, sortedModules, t1, imports, css, t2, t3, statements, index, _this = this;
60110 if (!B.JSArray_methods.any$1(root.get$upstream(), new A._EvaluateVisitor__combineCss_closure())) {
60111 selectors = root.get$extensionStore().get$simpleSelectors();
60112 unsatisfiedExtension = A.firstOrNull(root.get$extensionStore().extensionsWhereTarget$1(new A._EvaluateVisitor__combineCss_closure0(selectors)));
60113 if (unsatisfiedExtension != null)
60114 _this._throwForUnsatisfiedExtension$1(unsatisfiedExtension);
60115 return root.get$css(root);
60116 }
60117 sortedModules = _this._topologicalModules$1(root);
60118 if (clone) {
60119 t1 = sortedModules.$ti._eval$1("MappedListIterable<ListMixin.E,Module<Callable>>");
60120 sortedModules = A.List_List$of(new A.MappedListIterable(sortedModules, new A._EvaluateVisitor__combineCss_closure1(), t1), true, t1._eval$1("ListIterable.E"));
60121 }
60122 _this._extendModules$1(sortedModules);
60123 t1 = type$.JSArray_CssNode;
60124 imports = A._setArrayType([], t1);
60125 css = A._setArrayType([], t1);
60126 for (t1 = J.get$reversed$ax(sortedModules), t1 = new A.ListIterator(t1, t1.get$length(t1)), t2 = A._instanceType(t1)._precomputed1; t1.moveNext$0();) {
60127 t3 = t2._as(t1.__internal$_current);
60128 t3 = t3.get$css(t3);
60129 statements = t3.get$children(t3);
60130 index = _this._indexAfterImports$1(statements);
60131 t3 = J.getInterceptor$ax(statements);
60132 B.JSArray_methods.addAll$1(imports, t3.getRange$2(statements, 0, index));
60133 B.JSArray_methods.addAll$1(css, t3.getRange$2(statements, index, t3.get$length(statements)));
60134 }
60135 t1 = B.JSArray_methods.$add(imports, css);
60136 t2 = root.get$css(root);
60137 return new A.CssStylesheet(new A.UnmodifiableListView(t1, type$.UnmodifiableListView_CssNode), t2.get$span(t2));
60138 },
60139 _combineCss$1(root) {
60140 return this._combineCss$2$clone(root, false);
60141 },
60142 _extendModules$1(sortedModules) {
60143 var t1, t2, originalSelectors, $self, t3, t4, _i, upstream, url,
60144 downstreamExtensionStores = A.LinkedHashMap_LinkedHashMap$_empty(type$.Uri, type$.List_ExtensionStore),
60145 unsatisfiedExtensions = new A._LinkedIdentityHashSet(type$._LinkedIdentityHashSet_Extension);
60146 for (t1 = J.get$iterator$ax(sortedModules); t1.moveNext$0();) {
60147 t2 = t1.get$current(t1);
60148 originalSelectors = t2.get$extensionStore().get$simpleSelectors().toSet$0(0);
60149 unsatisfiedExtensions.addAll$1(0, t2.get$extensionStore().extensionsWhereTarget$1(new A._EvaluateVisitor__extendModules_closure(originalSelectors)));
60150 $self = downstreamExtensionStores.$index(0, t2.get$url(t2));
60151 t3 = t2.get$extensionStore().get$addExtensions();
60152 if ($self != null)
60153 t3.call$1($self);
60154 t3 = t2.get$extensionStore();
60155 if (t3.get$isEmpty(t3))
60156 continue;
60157 for (t3 = t2.get$upstream(), t4 = t3.length, _i = 0; _i < t3.length; t3.length === t4 || (0, A.throwConcurrentModificationError)(t3), ++_i) {
60158 upstream = t3[_i];
60159 url = upstream.get$url(upstream);
60160 if (url == null)
60161 continue;
60162 J.add$1$ax(downstreamExtensionStores.putIfAbsent$2(url, new A._EvaluateVisitor__extendModules_closure0()), t2.get$extensionStore());
60163 }
60164 unsatisfiedExtensions.removeAll$1(t2.get$extensionStore().extensionsWhereTarget$1(originalSelectors.get$contains(originalSelectors)));
60165 }
60166 if (unsatisfiedExtensions._collection$_length !== 0)
60167 this._throwForUnsatisfiedExtension$1(unsatisfiedExtensions.get$first(unsatisfiedExtensions));
60168 },
60169 _throwForUnsatisfiedExtension$1(extension) {
60170 throw A.wrapException(A.SassException$(string$.The_ta + extension.target.toString$0(0) + ' !optional" to avoid this error.', extension.span));
60171 },
60172 _topologicalModules$1(root) {
60173 var t1 = type$.Module_Callable,
60174 sorted = A.QueueList$(null, t1);
60175 new A._EvaluateVisitor__topologicalModules_visitModule(A.LinkedHashSet_LinkedHashSet$_empty(t1), sorted).call$1(root);
60176 return sorted;
60177 },
60178 _indexAfterImports$1(statements) {
60179 var t1, t2, t3, lastImport, i, statement;
60180 for (t1 = J.getInterceptor$asx(statements), t2 = type$.CssComment, t3 = type$.CssImport, lastImport = -1, i = 0; i < t1.get$length(statements); ++i) {
60181 statement = t1.$index(statements, i);
60182 if (t3._is(statement))
60183 lastImport = i;
60184 else if (!t2._is(statement))
60185 break;
60186 }
60187 return lastImport + 1;
60188 },
60189 visitStylesheet$1(node) {
60190 var t1, t2, _i;
60191 for (t1 = node.children, t2 = t1.length, _i = 0; _i < t2; ++_i)
60192 t1[_i].accept$1(this);
60193 return null;
60194 },
60195 visitAtRootRule$1(node) {
60196 var t1, grandparent, root, innerCopy, t2, outerCopy, copy, _this = this,
60197 _s8_ = "__parent",
60198 unparsedQuery = node.query,
60199 query = unparsedQuery != null ? _this._adjustParseError$2(unparsedQuery, new A._EvaluateVisitor_visitAtRootRule_closure(_this, _this._performInterpolation$2$warnForColor(unparsedQuery, true))) : B.AtRootQuery_UsS,
60200 $parent = _this._assertInModule$2(_this.__parent, _s8_),
60201 included = A._setArrayType([], type$.JSArray_ModifiableCssParentNode);
60202 for (t1 = type$.CssStylesheet; !t1._is($parent); $parent = grandparent) {
60203 if (!query.excludes$1($parent))
60204 included.push($parent);
60205 grandparent = $parent._parent;
60206 if (grandparent == null)
60207 throw A.wrapException(A.StateError$(string$.CssNod));
60208 }
60209 root = _this._trimIncluded$1(included);
60210 if (root === _this._assertInModule$2(_this.__parent, _s8_)) {
60211 _this._environment.scope$1$2$when(new A._EvaluateVisitor_visitAtRootRule_closure0(_this, node), node.hasDeclarations, type$.Null);
60212 return null;
60213 }
60214 if (included.length !== 0) {
60215 innerCopy = B.JSArray_methods.get$first(included).copyWithoutChildren$0();
60216 for (t1 = A.SubListIterable$(included, 1, null, type$.ModifiableCssParentNode), t1 = new A.ListIterator(t1, t1.get$length(t1)), t2 = A._instanceType(t1)._precomputed1, outerCopy = innerCopy; t1.moveNext$0(); outerCopy = copy) {
60217 copy = t2._as(t1.__internal$_current).copyWithoutChildren$0();
60218 copy.addChild$1(outerCopy);
60219 }
60220 root.addChild$1(outerCopy);
60221 } else
60222 innerCopy = root;
60223 _this._scopeForAtRoot$4(node, innerCopy, query, included).call$1(new A._EvaluateVisitor_visitAtRootRule_closure1(_this, node));
60224 return null;
60225 },
60226 _trimIncluded$1(nodes) {
60227 var $parent, t1, innermostContiguous, i, t2, grandparent, root, _this = this, _null = null, _s5_ = "_root",
60228 _s22_ = " to be an ancestor of ";
60229 if (nodes.length === 0)
60230 return _this._assertInModule$2(_this.__root, _s5_);
60231 $parent = _this._assertInModule$2(_this.__parent, "__parent");
60232 for (t1 = nodes.length, innermostContiguous = _null, i = 0; i < t1; ++i, $parent = grandparent) {
60233 for (; t2 = nodes[i], $parent !== t2; innermostContiguous = _null, $parent = grandparent) {
60234 grandparent = $parent._parent;
60235 if (grandparent == null)
60236 throw A.wrapException(A.ArgumentError$("Expected " + t2.toString$0(0) + _s22_ + _this.toString$0(0) + ".", _null));
60237 }
60238 if (innermostContiguous == null)
60239 innermostContiguous = i;
60240 grandparent = $parent._parent;
60241 if (grandparent == null)
60242 throw A.wrapException(A.ArgumentError$("Expected " + t2.toString$0(0) + _s22_ + _this.toString$0(0) + ".", _null));
60243 }
60244 if ($parent !== _this._assertInModule$2(_this.__root, _s5_))
60245 return _this._assertInModule$2(_this.__root, _s5_);
60246 innermostContiguous.toString;
60247 root = nodes[innermostContiguous];
60248 B.JSArray_methods.removeRange$2(nodes, innermostContiguous, nodes.length);
60249 return root;
60250 },
60251 _scopeForAtRoot$4(node, newParent, query, included) {
60252 var _this = this,
60253 scope = new A._EvaluateVisitor__scopeForAtRoot_closure(_this, newParent, node),
60254 t1 = query._all || query._at_root_query$_rule;
60255 if (t1 !== query.include)
60256 scope = new A._EvaluateVisitor__scopeForAtRoot_closure0(_this, scope);
60257 if (_this._mediaQueries != null && query.excludesName$1("media"))
60258 scope = new A._EvaluateVisitor__scopeForAtRoot_closure1(_this, scope);
60259 if (_this._inKeyframes && query.excludesName$1("keyframes"))
60260 scope = new A._EvaluateVisitor__scopeForAtRoot_closure2(_this, scope);
60261 return _this._inUnknownAtRule && !B.JSArray_methods.any$1(included, new A._EvaluateVisitor__scopeForAtRoot_closure3()) ? new A._EvaluateVisitor__scopeForAtRoot_closure4(_this, scope) : scope;
60262 },
60263 visitContentBlock$1(node) {
60264 return A.throwExpression(A.UnsupportedError$(string$.Evalua));
60265 },
60266 visitContentRule$1(node) {
60267 var $content = this._environment._content;
60268 if ($content == null)
60269 return null;
60270 this._runUserDefinedCallable$1$4(node.$arguments, $content, node, new A._EvaluateVisitor_visitContentRule_closure(this, $content), type$.Null);
60271 return null;
60272 },
60273 visitDebugRule$1(node) {
60274 var value = node.expression.accept$1(this),
60275 t1 = value instanceof A.SassString ? value._string$_text : A.serializeValue(value, true, true);
60276 this._evaluate$_logger.debug$2(0, t1, node.span);
60277 return null;
60278 },
60279 visitDeclaration$1(node) {
60280 var t1, $name, t2, cssValue, t3, t4, children, oldDeclarationName, _this = this, _null = null;
60281 if ((_this._atRootExcludingStyleRule ? _null : _this._styleRuleIgnoringAtRoot) == null && !_this._inUnknownAtRule && !_this._inKeyframes)
60282 throw A.wrapException(_this._evaluate$_exception$2(string$.Declarm, node.span));
60283 t1 = node.name;
60284 $name = _this._interpolationToValue$2$warnForColor(t1, true);
60285 t2 = _this._declarationName;
60286 if (t2 != null)
60287 $name = new A.CssValue(t2 + "-" + A.S($name.value), $name.span, type$.CssValue_String);
60288 t2 = node.value;
60289 cssValue = A.NullableExtension_andThen(t2, new A._EvaluateVisitor_visitDeclaration_closure(_this));
60290 t3 = cssValue != null;
60291 if (t3)
60292 t4 = !cssValue.get$value(cssValue).get$isBlank() || cssValue.get$value(cssValue).get$asList().length === 0;
60293 else
60294 t4 = false;
60295 if (t4) {
60296 t3 = _this._assertInModule$2(_this.__parent, "__parent");
60297 t1 = B.JSString_methods.startsWith$1(t1.get$initialPlain(), "--");
60298 if (_this._sourceMap) {
60299 t2 = A.NullableExtension_andThen(t2, _this.get$_expressionNode());
60300 t2 = t2 == null ? _null : J.get$span$z(t2);
60301 } else
60302 t2 = _null;
60303 t3.addChild$1(A.ModifiableCssDeclaration$($name, cssValue, node.span, t1, t2));
60304 } else if (J.startsWith$1$s($name.value, "--") && t3)
60305 throw A.wrapException(_this._evaluate$_exception$2("Custom property values may not be empty.", cssValue.get$span(cssValue)));
60306 children = node.children;
60307 if (children != null) {
60308 oldDeclarationName = _this._declarationName;
60309 _this._declarationName = $name.value;
60310 _this._environment.scope$1$2$when(new A._EvaluateVisitor_visitDeclaration_closure0(_this, children), node.hasDeclarations, type$.Null);
60311 _this._declarationName = oldDeclarationName;
60312 }
60313 return _null;
60314 },
60315 visitEachRule$1(node) {
60316 var _this = this,
60317 t1 = node.list,
60318 list = t1.accept$1(_this),
60319 nodeWithSpan = _this._expressionNode$1(t1),
60320 setVariables = node.variables.length === 1 ? new A._EvaluateVisitor_visitEachRule_closure(_this, node, nodeWithSpan) : new A._EvaluateVisitor_visitEachRule_closure0(_this, node, nodeWithSpan);
60321 return _this._environment.scope$1$2$semiGlobal(new A._EvaluateVisitor_visitEachRule_closure1(_this, list, setVariables, node), true, type$.nullable_Value);
60322 },
60323 _setMultipleVariables$3(variables, value, nodeWithSpan) {
60324 var i,
60325 list = value.get$asList(),
60326 t1 = variables.length,
60327 minLength = Math.min(t1, list.length);
60328 for (i = 0; i < minLength; ++i)
60329 this._environment.setLocalVariable$3(variables[i], this._withoutSlash$2(list[i], nodeWithSpan), nodeWithSpan);
60330 for (i = minLength; i < t1; ++i)
60331 this._environment.setLocalVariable$3(variables[i], B.C__SassNull, nodeWithSpan);
60332 },
60333 visitErrorRule$1(node) {
60334 throw A.wrapException(this._evaluate$_exception$2(J.toString$0$(node.expression.accept$1(this)), node.span));
60335 },
60336 visitExtendRule$1(node) {
60337 var targetText, t1, t2, t3, _i, t4, _this = this,
60338 styleRule = _this._atRootExcludingStyleRule ? null : _this._styleRuleIgnoringAtRoot;
60339 if (styleRule == null || _this._declarationName != null)
60340 throw A.wrapException(_this._evaluate$_exception$2(string$.x40exten, node.span));
60341 targetText = _this._interpolationToValue$2$warnForColor(node.selector, true);
60342 for (t1 = _this._adjustParseError$2(targetText, new A._EvaluateVisitor_visitExtendRule_closure(_this, targetText)).components, t2 = t1.length, t3 = type$.CompoundSelector, _i = 0; _i < t2; ++_i) {
60343 t4 = t1[_i].components;
60344 if (t4.length !== 1 || !(B.JSArray_methods.get$first(t4) instanceof A.CompoundSelector))
60345 throw A.wrapException(A.SassFormatException$("complex selectors may not be extended.", targetText.span));
60346 t4 = t3._as(B.JSArray_methods.get$first(t4)).components;
60347 if (t4.length !== 1)
60348 throw A.wrapException(A.SassFormatException$(string$.compou + B.JSArray_methods.join$1(t4, ", ") + string$.x60_inst, targetText.span));
60349 _this._assertInModule$2(_this.__extensionStore, "_extensionStore").addExtension$4(styleRule.selector, B.JSArray_methods.get$first(t4), node, _this._mediaQueries);
60350 }
60351 return null;
60352 },
60353 visitAtRule$1(node) {
60354 var $name, value, children, wasInKeyframes, wasInUnknownAtRule, _this = this;
60355 if (_this._declarationName != null)
60356 throw A.wrapException(_this._evaluate$_exception$2(string$.At_rul, node.span));
60357 $name = _this._interpolationToValue$1(node.name);
60358 value = A.NullableExtension_andThen(node.value, new A._EvaluateVisitor_visitAtRule_closure(_this));
60359 children = node.children;
60360 if (children == null) {
60361 _this._assertInModule$2(_this.__parent, "__parent").addChild$1(A.ModifiableCssAtRule$($name, node.span, true, value));
60362 return null;
60363 }
60364 wasInKeyframes = _this._inKeyframes;
60365 wasInUnknownAtRule = _this._inUnknownAtRule;
60366 if (A.unvendor($name.value) === "keyframes")
60367 _this._inKeyframes = true;
60368 else
60369 _this._inUnknownAtRule = true;
60370 _this._withParent$2$4$scopeWhen$through(A.ModifiableCssAtRule$($name, node.span, false, value), new A._EvaluateVisitor_visitAtRule_closure0(_this, children), node.hasDeclarations, new A._EvaluateVisitor_visitAtRule_closure1(), type$.ModifiableCssAtRule, type$.Null);
60371 _this._inUnknownAtRule = wasInUnknownAtRule;
60372 _this._inKeyframes = wasInKeyframes;
60373 return null;
60374 },
60375 visitForRule$1(node) {
60376 var _this = this, t1 = {},
60377 t2 = node.from,
60378 fromNumber = _this._addExceptionSpan$2(t2, new A._EvaluateVisitor_visitForRule_closure(_this, node)),
60379 t3 = node.to,
60380 toNumber = _this._addExceptionSpan$2(t3, new A._EvaluateVisitor_visitForRule_closure0(_this, node)),
60381 from = _this._addExceptionSpan$2(t2, new A._EvaluateVisitor_visitForRule_closure1(fromNumber)),
60382 to = t1.to = _this._addExceptionSpan$2(t3, new A._EvaluateVisitor_visitForRule_closure2(toNumber, fromNumber)),
60383 direction = from > to ? -1 : 1;
60384 if (from === (!node.isExclusive ? t1.to = to + direction : to))
60385 return null;
60386 return _this._environment.scope$1$2$semiGlobal(new A._EvaluateVisitor_visitForRule_closure3(t1, _this, node, from, direction, fromNumber), true, type$.nullable_Value);
60387 },
60388 visitForwardRule$1(node) {
60389 var newConfiguration, t4, _i, variable, $name, _this = this,
60390 _s8_ = "@forward",
60391 oldConfiguration = _this._configuration,
60392 adjustedConfiguration = oldConfiguration.throughForward$1(node),
60393 t1 = node.configuration,
60394 t2 = t1.length,
60395 t3 = node.url;
60396 if (t2 !== 0) {
60397 newConfiguration = _this._addForwardConfiguration$2(adjustedConfiguration, node);
60398 _this._loadModule$5$configuration(t3, _s8_, node, new A._EvaluateVisitor_visitForwardRule_closure(_this, node), newConfiguration);
60399 t3 = type$.String;
60400 t4 = A.LinkedHashSet_LinkedHashSet$_empty(t3);
60401 for (_i = 0; _i < t2; ++_i) {
60402 variable = t1[_i];
60403 if (!variable.isGuarded)
60404 t4.add$1(0, variable.name);
60405 }
60406 _this._removeUsedConfiguration$3$except(adjustedConfiguration, newConfiguration, t4);
60407 t3 = A.LinkedHashSet_LinkedHashSet$_empty(t3);
60408 for (_i = 0; _i < t2; ++_i)
60409 t3.add$1(0, t1[_i].name);
60410 for (t1 = newConfiguration._values, t2 = J.toList$0$ax(t1.get$keys(t1)), t4 = t2.length, _i = 0; _i < t2.length; t2.length === t4 || (0, A.throwConcurrentModificationError)(t2), ++_i) {
60411 $name = t2[_i];
60412 if (!t3.contains$1(0, $name))
60413 if (!t1.get$isEmpty(t1))
60414 t1.remove$1(0, $name);
60415 }
60416 _this._assertConfigurationIsEmpty$1(newConfiguration);
60417 } else {
60418 _this._configuration = adjustedConfiguration;
60419 _this._loadModule$4(t3, _s8_, node, new A._EvaluateVisitor_visitForwardRule_closure0(_this, node));
60420 _this._configuration = oldConfiguration;
60421 }
60422 return null;
60423 },
60424 _addForwardConfiguration$2(configuration, node) {
60425 var t2, t3, _i, variable, t4, t5, variableNodeWithSpan,
60426 t1 = configuration._values,
60427 newValues = A.LinkedHashMap_LinkedHashMap$of(new A.UnmodifiableMapView(t1, type$.UnmodifiableMapView_String_ConfiguredValue), type$.String, type$.ConfiguredValue);
60428 for (t2 = node.configuration, t3 = t2.length, _i = 0; _i < t3; ++_i) {
60429 variable = t2[_i];
60430 if (variable.isGuarded) {
60431 t4 = variable.name;
60432 t5 = t1.get$isEmpty(t1) ? null : t1.remove$1(0, t4);
60433 if (t5 != null && !t5.value.$eq(0, B.C__SassNull)) {
60434 newValues.$indexSet(0, t4, t5);
60435 continue;
60436 }
60437 }
60438 t4 = variable.expression;
60439 variableNodeWithSpan = this._expressionNode$1(t4);
60440 newValues.$indexSet(0, variable.name, new A.ConfiguredValue(this._withoutSlash$2(t4.accept$1(this), variableNodeWithSpan), variable.span, variableNodeWithSpan));
60441 }
60442 if (configuration instanceof A.ExplicitConfiguration || t1.get$isEmpty(t1))
60443 return new A.ExplicitConfiguration(node, newValues);
60444 else
60445 return new A.Configuration(newValues);
60446 },
60447 _removeUsedConfiguration$3$except(upstream, downstream, except) {
60448 var t1, t2, t3, t4, _i, $name;
60449 for (t1 = upstream._values, t2 = J.toList$0$ax(t1.get$keys(t1)), t3 = t2.length, t4 = downstream._values, _i = 0; _i < t2.length; t2.length === t3 || (0, A.throwConcurrentModificationError)(t2), ++_i) {
60450 $name = t2[_i];
60451 if (except.contains$1(0, $name))
60452 continue;
60453 if (!t4.containsKey$1($name))
60454 if (!t1.get$isEmpty(t1))
60455 t1.remove$1(0, $name);
60456 }
60457 },
60458 _assertConfigurationIsEmpty$2$nameInError(configuration, nameInError) {
60459 var t1, entry;
60460 if (!(configuration instanceof A.ExplicitConfiguration))
60461 return;
60462 t1 = configuration._values;
60463 if (t1.get$isEmpty(t1))
60464 return;
60465 t1 = t1.get$entries(t1);
60466 entry = t1.get$first(t1);
60467 t1 = nameInError ? "$" + A.S(entry.key) + string$.x20was_n : string$.This_v;
60468 throw A.wrapException(this._evaluate$_exception$2(t1, entry.value.configurationSpan));
60469 },
60470 _assertConfigurationIsEmpty$1(configuration) {
60471 return this._assertConfigurationIsEmpty$2$nameInError(configuration, false);
60472 },
60473 visitFunctionRule$1(node) {
60474 var t1 = this._environment,
60475 t2 = t1.closure$0(),
60476 t3 = t1._functions,
60477 index = t3.length - 1,
60478 t4 = node.name;
60479 t1._functionIndices.$indexSet(0, t4, index);
60480 J.$indexSet$ax(t3[index], t4, new A.UserDefinedCallable(node, t2, type$.UserDefinedCallable_Environment));
60481 return null;
60482 },
60483 visitIfRule$1(node) {
60484 var t1, t2, _i, clauseToCheck, _box_0 = {};
60485 _box_0.clause = node.lastClause;
60486 for (t1 = node.clauses, t2 = t1.length, _i = 0; _i < t2; ++_i) {
60487 clauseToCheck = t1[_i];
60488 if (clauseToCheck.expression.accept$1(this).get$isTruthy()) {
60489 _box_0.clause = clauseToCheck;
60490 break;
60491 }
60492 }
60493 t1 = _box_0.clause;
60494 if (t1 == null)
60495 return null;
60496 return this._environment.scope$1$3$semiGlobal$when(new A._EvaluateVisitor_visitIfRule_closure(_box_0, this), true, t1.hasDeclarations, type$.nullable_Value);
60497 },
60498 visitImportRule$1(node) {
60499 var t1, t2, t3, _i, $import;
60500 for (t1 = node.imports, t2 = t1.length, t3 = type$.StaticImport, _i = 0; _i < t2; ++_i) {
60501 $import = t1[_i];
60502 if ($import instanceof A.DynamicImport)
60503 this._visitDynamicImport$1($import);
60504 else
60505 this._visitStaticImport$1(t3._as($import));
60506 }
60507 return null;
60508 },
60509 _visitDynamicImport$1($import) {
60510 return this._withStackFrame$3("@import", $import, new A._EvaluateVisitor__visitDynamicImport_closure(this, $import));
60511 },
60512 _loadStylesheet$4$baseUrl$forImport(url, span, baseUrl, forImport) {
60513 var importCache, tuple, isDependency, stylesheet, result, error, stackTrace, error0, stackTrace0, message, t1, t2, t3, t4, exception, message0, _this = this;
60514 baseUrl = baseUrl;
60515 try {
60516 _this._importSpan = span;
60517 importCache = _this._evaluate$_importCache;
60518 if (importCache != null) {
60519 if (baseUrl == null)
60520 baseUrl = _this._assertInModule$2(_this.__stylesheet, "_stylesheet").span.file.url;
60521 tuple = J.canonicalize$4$baseImporter$baseUrl$forImport$x(importCache, A.Uri_parse(url), _this._importer, baseUrl, forImport);
60522 if (tuple != null) {
60523 isDependency = _this._inDependency || tuple.item1 !== _this._importer;
60524 t1 = tuple.item1;
60525 t2 = tuple.item2;
60526 t3 = tuple.item3;
60527 t4 = _this._quietDeps && isDependency;
60528 stylesheet = importCache.importCanonical$4$originalUrl$quiet(t1, t2, t3, t4);
60529 if (stylesheet != null) {
60530 _this._loadedUrls.add$1(0, tuple.item2);
60531 t1 = tuple.item1;
60532 return new A._LoadedStylesheet(stylesheet, t1, isDependency);
60533 }
60534 }
60535 } else {
60536 result = _this._importLikeNode$2(url, forImport);
60537 if (result != null) {
60538 t1 = _this._loadedUrls;
60539 A.NullableExtension_andThen(result.stylesheet.span.file.url, t1.get$add(t1));
60540 return result;
60541 }
60542 }
60543 if (B.JSString_methods.startsWith$1(url, "package:") && true)
60544 throw A.wrapException(string$.x22packa);
60545 else
60546 throw A.wrapException("Can't find stylesheet to import.");
60547 } catch (exception) {
60548 t1 = A.unwrapException(exception);
60549 if (t1 instanceof A.SassException) {
60550 error = t1;
60551 stackTrace = A.getTraceFromException(exception);
60552 t1 = error;
60553 t2 = J.getInterceptor$z(t1);
60554 A.throwWithTrace(_this._evaluate$_exception$2(error._span_exception$_message, A.SourceSpanException.prototype.get$span.call(t2, t1)), stackTrace);
60555 } else {
60556 error0 = t1;
60557 stackTrace0 = A.getTraceFromException(exception);
60558 message = null;
60559 try {
60560 message = A._asString(J.get$message$x(error0));
60561 } catch (exception) {
60562 message0 = J.toString$0$(error0);
60563 message = message0;
60564 }
60565 A.throwWithTrace(_this._evaluate$_exception$1(message), stackTrace0);
60566 }
60567 } finally {
60568 _this._importSpan = null;
60569 }
60570 },
60571 _loadStylesheet$3$baseUrl(url, span, baseUrl) {
60572 return this._loadStylesheet$4$baseUrl$forImport(url, span, baseUrl, false);
60573 },
60574 _loadStylesheet$3$forImport(url, span, forImport) {
60575 return this._loadStylesheet$4$baseUrl$forImport(url, span, null, forImport);
60576 },
60577 _importLikeNode$2(originalUrl, forImport) {
60578 var result, isDependency, contents, url, _this = this,
60579 t1 = _this._nodeImporter;
60580 t1.toString;
60581 result = t1.loadRelative$3(originalUrl, _this._assertInModule$2(_this.__stylesheet, "_stylesheet").span.file.url, forImport);
60582 isDependency = _this._inDependency;
60583 contents = result.get$item1();
60584 url = result.get$item2();
60585 t1 = url.startsWith$1(0, "file") ? A.Syntax_forPath(url) : B.Syntax_SCSS;
60586 return new A._LoadedStylesheet(A.Stylesheet_Stylesheet$parse(contents, t1, _this._quietDeps && isDependency ? $.$get$Logger_quiet() : _this._evaluate$_logger, url), null, isDependency);
60587 },
60588 _visitStaticImport$1($import) {
60589 var t1, _this = this,
60590 _s8_ = "__parent",
60591 _s5_ = "_root",
60592 _s13_ = "_endOfImports",
60593 url = _this._interpolationToValue$1($import.url),
60594 supports = A.NullableExtension_andThen($import.supports, new A._EvaluateVisitor__visitStaticImport_closure(_this)),
60595 node = A.ModifiableCssImport$(url, $import.span, A.NullableExtension_andThen($import.media, _this.get$_visitMediaQueries()), supports);
60596 if (_this._assertInModule$2(_this.__parent, _s8_) !== _this._assertInModule$2(_this.__root, _s5_))
60597 _this._assertInModule$2(_this.__parent, _s8_).addChild$1(node);
60598 else if (_this._assertInModule$2(_this.__endOfImports, _s13_) === J.get$length$asx(_this._assertInModule$2(_this.__root, _s5_).children._collection$_source)) {
60599 _this._assertInModule$2(_this.__root, _s5_).addChild$1(node);
60600 _this.__endOfImports = _this._assertInModule$2(_this.__endOfImports, _s13_) + 1;
60601 } else {
60602 t1 = _this._outOfOrderImports;
60603 (t1 == null ? _this._outOfOrderImports = A._setArrayType([], type$.JSArray_ModifiableCssImport) : t1).push(node);
60604 }
60605 },
60606 visitIncludeRule$1(node) {
60607 var nodeWithSpan, t1, _this = this,
60608 _s37_ = "Mixin doesn't accept a content block.",
60609 mixin = _this._addExceptionSpan$2(node, new A._EvaluateVisitor_visitIncludeRule_closure(_this, node));
60610 if (mixin == null)
60611 throw A.wrapException(_this._evaluate$_exception$2("Undefined mixin.", node.span));
60612 nodeWithSpan = new A._FakeAstNode(new A._EvaluateVisitor_visitIncludeRule_closure0(node));
60613 if (mixin instanceof A.BuiltInCallable) {
60614 if (node.content != null)
60615 throw A.wrapException(_this._evaluate$_exception$2(_s37_, node.span));
60616 _this._runBuiltInCallable$3(node.$arguments, mixin, nodeWithSpan);
60617 } else if (type$.UserDefinedCallable_Environment._is(mixin)) {
60618 t1 = node.content;
60619 if (t1 != null && !type$.MixinRule._as(mixin.declaration).get$hasContent())
60620 throw A.wrapException(A.MultiSpanSassRuntimeException$(_s37_, node.get$spanWithoutContent(), "invocation", A.LinkedHashMap_LinkedHashMap$_literal([mixin.declaration.$arguments.get$spanWithName(), "declaration"], type$.FileSpan, type$.String), _this._evaluate$_stackTrace$1(node.get$spanWithoutContent())));
60621 _this._runUserDefinedCallable$1$4(node.$arguments, mixin, nodeWithSpan, new A._EvaluateVisitor_visitIncludeRule_closure1(_this, A.NullableExtension_andThen(t1, new A._EvaluateVisitor_visitIncludeRule_closure2(_this)), mixin, nodeWithSpan), type$.Null);
60622 } else
60623 throw A.wrapException(A.UnsupportedError$("Unknown callable type " + mixin.toString$0(0) + "."));
60624 return null;
60625 },
60626 visitMixinRule$1(node) {
60627 var t1 = this._environment,
60628 t2 = t1.closure$0(),
60629 t3 = t1._mixins,
60630 index = t3.length - 1,
60631 t4 = node.name;
60632 t1._mixinIndices.$indexSet(0, t4, index);
60633 J.$indexSet$ax(t3[index], t4, new A.UserDefinedCallable(node, t2, type$.UserDefinedCallable_Environment));
60634 return null;
60635 },
60636 visitLoudComment$1(node) {
60637 var t1, _this = this,
60638 _s8_ = "__parent",
60639 _s13_ = "_endOfImports";
60640 if (_this._inFunction)
60641 return null;
60642 if (_this._assertInModule$2(_this.__parent, _s8_) === _this._assertInModule$2(_this.__root, "_root") && _this._assertInModule$2(_this.__endOfImports, _s13_) === J.get$length$asx(_this._assertInModule$2(_this.__root, "_root").children._collection$_source))
60643 _this.__endOfImports = _this._assertInModule$2(_this.__endOfImports, _s13_) + 1;
60644 t1 = node.text;
60645 _this._assertInModule$2(_this.__parent, _s8_).addChild$1(new A.ModifiableCssComment(_this._performInterpolation$1(t1), t1.span));
60646 return null;
60647 },
60648 visitMediaRule$1(node) {
60649 var queries, mergedQueries, t1, _this = this;
60650 if (_this._declarationName != null)
60651 throw A.wrapException(_this._evaluate$_exception$2(string$.Media_, node.span));
60652 queries = _this._visitMediaQueries$1(node.query);
60653 mergedQueries = A.NullableExtension_andThen(_this._mediaQueries, new A._EvaluateVisitor_visitMediaRule_closure(_this, queries));
60654 t1 = mergedQueries == null;
60655 if (!t1 && J.get$isEmpty$asx(mergedQueries))
60656 return null;
60657 t1 = t1 ? queries : mergedQueries;
60658 _this._withParent$2$4$scopeWhen$through(A.ModifiableCssMediaRule$(t1, node.span), new A._EvaluateVisitor_visitMediaRule_closure0(_this, mergedQueries, queries, node), node.hasDeclarations, new A._EvaluateVisitor_visitMediaRule_closure1(mergedQueries), type$.ModifiableCssMediaRule, type$.Null);
60659 return null;
60660 },
60661 _visitMediaQueries$1(interpolation) {
60662 return this._adjustParseError$2(interpolation, new A._EvaluateVisitor__visitMediaQueries_closure(this, this._performInterpolation$2$warnForColor(interpolation, true)));
60663 },
60664 _mergeMediaQueries$2(queries1, queries2) {
60665 var t1, t2, t3, t4, t5, result,
60666 queries = A._setArrayType([], type$.JSArray_CssMediaQuery);
60667 for (t1 = J.get$iterator$ax(queries1), t2 = J.getInterceptor$ax(queries2), t3 = type$.MediaQuerySuccessfulMergeResult; t1.moveNext$0();) {
60668 t4 = t1.get$current(t1);
60669 for (t5 = t2.get$iterator(queries2); t5.moveNext$0();) {
60670 result = t4.merge$1(t5.get$current(t5));
60671 if (result === B._SingletonCssMediaQueryMergeResult_empty)
60672 continue;
60673 if (result === B._SingletonCssMediaQueryMergeResult_unrepresentable)
60674 return null;
60675 queries.push(t3._as(result).query);
60676 }
60677 }
60678 return queries;
60679 },
60680 visitReturnRule$1(node) {
60681 var t1 = node.expression;
60682 return this._withoutSlash$2(t1.accept$1(this), t1);
60683 },
60684 visitSilentComment$1(node) {
60685 return null;
60686 },
60687 visitStyleRule$1(node) {
60688 var t2, selectorText, rule, oldAtRootExcludingStyleRule, _this = this,
60689 _s8_ = "__parent",
60690 t1 = {};
60691 if (_this._declarationName != null)
60692 throw A.wrapException(_this._evaluate$_exception$2(string$.Style_, node.span));
60693 t2 = node.selector;
60694 selectorText = _this._interpolationToValue$3$trim$warnForColor(t2, true, true);
60695 if (_this._inKeyframes) {
60696 _this._withParent$2$4$scopeWhen$through(A.ModifiableCssKeyframeBlock$(new A.CssValue(A.List_List$unmodifiable(_this._adjustParseError$2(t2, new A._EvaluateVisitor_visitStyleRule_closure(_this, selectorText)), type$.String), t2.span, type$.CssValue_List_String), node.span), new A._EvaluateVisitor_visitStyleRule_closure0(_this, node), node.hasDeclarations, new A._EvaluateVisitor_visitStyleRule_closure1(), type$.ModifiableCssKeyframeBlock, type$.Null);
60697 return null;
60698 }
60699 t1.parsedSelector = _this._adjustParseError$2(t2, new A._EvaluateVisitor_visitStyleRule_closure2(_this, selectorText));
60700 t1.parsedSelector = _this._addExceptionSpan$2(t2, new A._EvaluateVisitor_visitStyleRule_closure3(t1, _this));
60701 rule = A.ModifiableCssStyleRule$(_this._assertInModule$2(_this.__extensionStore, "_extensionStore").addSelector$3(t1.parsedSelector, t2.span, _this._mediaQueries), node.span, t1.parsedSelector);
60702 oldAtRootExcludingStyleRule = _this._atRootExcludingStyleRule;
60703 t1 = _this._atRootExcludingStyleRule = false;
60704 _this._withParent$2$4$scopeWhen$through(rule, new A._EvaluateVisitor_visitStyleRule_closure4(_this, rule, node), node.hasDeclarations, new A._EvaluateVisitor_visitStyleRule_closure5(), type$.ModifiableCssStyleRule, type$.Null);
60705 _this._atRootExcludingStyleRule = oldAtRootExcludingStyleRule;
60706 if ((oldAtRootExcludingStyleRule ? null : _this._styleRuleIgnoringAtRoot) == null) {
60707 t1 = _this._assertInModule$2(_this.__parent, _s8_).children;
60708 t1 = !t1.get$isEmpty(t1);
60709 }
60710 if (t1) {
60711 t1 = _this._assertInModule$2(_this.__parent, _s8_).children;
60712 t1.get$last(t1).isGroupEnd = true;
60713 }
60714 return null;
60715 },
60716 visitSupportsRule$1(node) {
60717 var t1, _this = this;
60718 if (_this._declarationName != null)
60719 throw A.wrapException(_this._evaluate$_exception$2(string$.Suppor, node.span));
60720 t1 = node.condition;
60721 _this._withParent$2$4$scopeWhen$through(A.ModifiableCssSupportsRule$(new A.CssValue(_this._visitSupportsCondition$1(t1), t1.get$span(t1), type$.CssValue_String), node.span), new A._EvaluateVisitor_visitSupportsRule_closure(_this, node), node.hasDeclarations, new A._EvaluateVisitor_visitSupportsRule_closure0(), type$.ModifiableCssSupportsRule, type$.Null);
60722 return null;
60723 },
60724 _visitSupportsCondition$1(condition) {
60725 var t1, t2, _this = this;
60726 if (condition instanceof A.SupportsOperation) {
60727 t1 = condition.operator;
60728 return _this._parenthesize$2(condition.left, t1) + " " + t1 + " " + _this._parenthesize$2(condition.right, t1);
60729 } else if (condition instanceof A.SupportsNegation)
60730 return "not " + _this._parenthesize$1(condition.condition);
60731 else if (condition instanceof A.SupportsInterpolation) {
60732 t1 = condition.expression;
60733 return _this._evaluate$_serialize$3$quote(t1.accept$1(_this), t1, false);
60734 } else if (condition instanceof A.SupportsDeclaration) {
60735 t1 = condition.name;
60736 t1 = "(" + _this._evaluate$_serialize$3$quote(t1.accept$1(_this), t1, true) + ":";
60737 t2 = condition.value;
60738 return t1 + (condition.get$isCustomProperty() ? "" : " ") + _this._evaluate$_serialize$3$quote(t2.accept$1(_this), t2, true) + ")";
60739 } else if (condition instanceof A.SupportsFunction)
60740 return _this._performInterpolation$1(condition.name) + "(" + _this._performInterpolation$1(condition.$arguments) + ")";
60741 else if (condition instanceof A.SupportsAnything)
60742 return "(" + _this._performInterpolation$1(condition.contents) + ")";
60743 else
60744 throw A.wrapException(A.ArgumentError$("Unknown supports condition type " + A.getRuntimeType(condition).toString$0(0) + ".", null));
60745 },
60746 _parenthesize$2(condition, operator) {
60747 var t1;
60748 if (!(condition instanceof A.SupportsNegation))
60749 if (condition instanceof A.SupportsOperation)
60750 t1 = operator == null || operator !== condition.operator;
60751 else
60752 t1 = false;
60753 else
60754 t1 = true;
60755 if (t1)
60756 return "(" + this._visitSupportsCondition$1(condition) + ")";
60757 else
60758 return this._visitSupportsCondition$1(condition);
60759 },
60760 _parenthesize$1(condition) {
60761 return this._parenthesize$2(condition, null);
60762 },
60763 visitVariableDeclaration$1(node) {
60764 var t1, value, _this = this, _null = null;
60765 if (node.isGuarded) {
60766 if (node.namespace == null && _this._environment._variables.length === 1) {
60767 t1 = _this._configuration._values;
60768 t1 = t1.get$isEmpty(t1) ? _null : t1.remove$1(0, node.name);
60769 if (t1 != null && !t1.value.$eq(0, B.C__SassNull)) {
60770 _this._addExceptionSpan$2(node, new A._EvaluateVisitor_visitVariableDeclaration_closure(_this, node, t1));
60771 return _null;
60772 }
60773 }
60774 value = _this._addExceptionSpan$2(node, new A._EvaluateVisitor_visitVariableDeclaration_closure0(_this, node));
60775 if (value != null && !value.$eq(0, B.C__SassNull))
60776 return _null;
60777 }
60778 if (node.isGlobal && !_this._environment.globalVariableExists$1(node.name)) {
60779 t1 = _this._environment._variables.length === 1 ? string$.As_of_S : string$.As_of_R + A.declarationName(node.span) + ": null` at the stylesheet root.";
60780 _this._warn$3$deprecation(t1, node.span, true);
60781 }
60782 t1 = node.expression;
60783 _this._addExceptionSpan$2(node, new A._EvaluateVisitor_visitVariableDeclaration_closure1(_this, node, _this._withoutSlash$2(t1.accept$1(_this), t1)));
60784 return _null;
60785 },
60786 visitUseRule$1(node) {
60787 var values, _i, variable, t3, variableNodeWithSpan, configuration, _this = this,
60788 t1 = node.configuration,
60789 t2 = t1.length;
60790 if (t2 !== 0) {
60791 values = A.LinkedHashMap_LinkedHashMap$_empty(type$.String, type$.ConfiguredValue);
60792 for (_i = 0; _i < t2; ++_i) {
60793 variable = t1[_i];
60794 t3 = variable.expression;
60795 variableNodeWithSpan = _this._expressionNode$1(t3);
60796 values.$indexSet(0, variable.name, new A.ConfiguredValue(_this._withoutSlash$2(t3.accept$1(_this), variableNodeWithSpan), variable.span, variableNodeWithSpan));
60797 }
60798 configuration = new A.ExplicitConfiguration(node, values);
60799 } else
60800 configuration = B.Configuration_Map_empty;
60801 _this._loadModule$5$configuration(node.url, "@use", node, new A._EvaluateVisitor_visitUseRule_closure(_this, node), configuration);
60802 _this._assertConfigurationIsEmpty$1(configuration);
60803 return null;
60804 },
60805 visitWarnRule$1(node) {
60806 var _this = this,
60807 value = _this._addExceptionSpan$2(node, new A._EvaluateVisitor_visitWarnRule_closure(_this, node)),
60808 t1 = value instanceof A.SassString ? value._string$_text : _this._evaluate$_serialize$2(value, node.expression);
60809 _this._evaluate$_logger.warn$2$trace(0, t1, _this._evaluate$_stackTrace$1(node.span));
60810 return null;
60811 },
60812 visitWhileRule$1(node) {
60813 return this._environment.scope$1$3$semiGlobal$when(new A._EvaluateVisitor_visitWhileRule_closure(this, node), true, node.hasDeclarations, type$.nullable_Value);
60814 },
60815 visitBinaryOperationExpression$1(node) {
60816 return this._addExceptionSpan$2(node, new A._EvaluateVisitor_visitBinaryOperationExpression_closure(this, node));
60817 },
60818 visitValueExpression$1(node) {
60819 return node.value;
60820 },
60821 visitVariableExpression$1(node) {
60822 var result = this._addExceptionSpan$2(node, new A._EvaluateVisitor_visitVariableExpression_closure(this, node));
60823 if (result != null)
60824 return result;
60825 throw A.wrapException(this._evaluate$_exception$2("Undefined variable.", node.span));
60826 },
60827 visitUnaryOperationExpression$1(node) {
60828 return this._addExceptionSpan$2(node, new A._EvaluateVisitor_visitUnaryOperationExpression_closure(node, node.operand.accept$1(this)));
60829 },
60830 visitBooleanExpression$1(node) {
60831 return node.value ? B.SassBoolean_true : B.SassBoolean_false;
60832 },
60833 visitIfExpression$1(node) {
60834 var condition, t2, ifTrue, ifFalse, result, _this = this,
60835 pair = _this._evaluateMacroArguments$1(node),
60836 positional = pair.item1,
60837 named = pair.item2,
60838 t1 = J.getInterceptor$asx(positional);
60839 _this._verifyArguments$4(t1.get$length(positional), named, $.$get$IfExpression_declaration(), node);
60840 if (t1.get$length(positional) > 0)
60841 condition = t1.$index(positional, 0);
60842 else {
60843 t2 = named.$index(0, "condition");
60844 t2.toString;
60845 condition = t2;
60846 }
60847 if (t1.get$length(positional) > 1)
60848 ifTrue = t1.$index(positional, 1);
60849 else {
60850 t2 = named.$index(0, "if-true");
60851 t2.toString;
60852 ifTrue = t2;
60853 }
60854 if (t1.get$length(positional) > 2)
60855 ifFalse = t1.$index(positional, 2);
60856 else {
60857 t1 = named.$index(0, "if-false");
60858 t1.toString;
60859 ifFalse = t1;
60860 }
60861 result = condition.accept$1(_this).get$isTruthy() ? ifTrue : ifFalse;
60862 return _this._withoutSlash$2(result.accept$1(_this), _this._expressionNode$1(result));
60863 },
60864 visitNullExpression$1(node) {
60865 return B.C__SassNull;
60866 },
60867 visitNumberExpression$1(node) {
60868 var t1 = node.value,
60869 t2 = node.unit;
60870 return t2 == null ? new A.UnitlessSassNumber(t1, null) : new A.SingleUnitSassNumber(t2, t1, null);
60871 },
60872 visitParenthesizedExpression$1(node) {
60873 return node.expression.accept$1(this);
60874 },
60875 visitCalculationExpression$1(node) {
60876 var $arguments, error, stackTrace, t2, t3, t4, t5, t6, _i, argument, exception,
60877 t1 = A._setArrayType([], type$.JSArray_Object);
60878 for (t2 = node.$arguments, t3 = t2.length, t4 = node.name, t5 = t4 !== "min", t6 = t4 === "max", _i = 0; _i < t3; ++_i) {
60879 argument = t2[_i];
60880 t1.push(this._visitCalculationValue$2$inMinMax(argument, !t5 || t6));
60881 }
60882 $arguments = t1;
60883 try {
60884 switch (t4) {
60885 case "calc":
60886 t1 = A.SassCalculation_calc(J.$index$asx($arguments, 0));
60887 return t1;
60888 case "min":
60889 t1 = A.SassCalculation_min($arguments);
60890 return t1;
60891 case "max":
60892 t1 = A.SassCalculation_max($arguments);
60893 return t1;
60894 case "clamp":
60895 t1 = J.$index$asx($arguments, 0);
60896 t3 = J.get$length$asx($arguments) > 1 ? J.$index$asx($arguments, 1) : null;
60897 t1 = A.SassCalculation_clamp(t1, t3, J.get$length$asx($arguments) > 2 ? J.$index$asx($arguments, 2) : null);
60898 return t1;
60899 default:
60900 t1 = A.UnsupportedError$('Unknown calculation name "' + t4 + '".');
60901 throw A.wrapException(t1);
60902 }
60903 } catch (exception) {
60904 t1 = A.unwrapException(exception);
60905 if (t1 instanceof A.SassScriptException) {
60906 error = t1;
60907 stackTrace = A.getTraceFromException(exception);
60908 this._verifyCompatibleNumbers$2($arguments, t2);
60909 A.throwWithTrace(this._evaluate$_exception$2(error.message, node.span), stackTrace);
60910 } else
60911 throw exception;
60912 }
60913 },
60914 _verifyCompatibleNumbers$2(args, nodesWithSpans) {
60915 var i, t1, arg, number1, j, number2;
60916 for (i = 0; t1 = args.length, i < t1; ++i) {
60917 arg = args[i];
60918 if (!(arg instanceof A.SassNumber))
60919 continue;
60920 if (arg.get$numeratorUnits(arg).length > 1 || arg.get$denominatorUnits(arg).length !== 0)
60921 throw A.wrapException(this._evaluate$_exception$2("Number " + arg.toString$0(0) + " isn't compatible with CSS calculations.", J.get$span$z(nodesWithSpans[i])));
60922 }
60923 for (i = 0; i < t1 - 1; ++i) {
60924 number1 = args[i];
60925 if (!(number1 instanceof A.SassNumber))
60926 continue;
60927 for (j = i + 1; t1 = args.length, j < t1; ++j) {
60928 number2 = args[j];
60929 if (!(number2 instanceof A.SassNumber))
60930 continue;
60931 if (number1.hasPossiblyCompatibleUnits$1(number2))
60932 continue;
60933 throw A.wrapException(A.MultiSpanSassRuntimeException$(number1.toString$0(0) + " and " + number2.toString$0(0) + " are incompatible.", J.get$span$z(nodesWithSpans[i]), number1.toString$0(0), A.LinkedHashMap_LinkedHashMap$_literal([J.get$span$z(nodesWithSpans[j]), number2.toString$0(0)], type$.FileSpan, type$.String), this._evaluate$_stackTrace$1(J.get$span$z(nodesWithSpans[i]))));
60934 }
60935 }
60936 },
60937 _visitCalculationValue$2$inMinMax(node, inMinMax) {
60938 var inner, result, t1, _this = this;
60939 if (node instanceof A.ParenthesizedExpression) {
60940 inner = node.expression;
60941 result = _this._visitCalculationValue$2$inMinMax(inner, inMinMax);
60942 if (inner instanceof A.FunctionExpression)
60943 t1 = A.stringReplaceAllUnchecked(inner.originalName, "_", "-").toLowerCase() === "var" && result instanceof A.SassString && !result._hasQuotes;
60944 else
60945 t1 = false;
60946 return t1 ? new A.SassString("(" + result._string$_text + ")", false) : result;
60947 } else if (node instanceof A.StringExpression)
60948 return new A.CalculationInterpolation(_this._performInterpolation$1(node.text));
60949 else if (node instanceof A.BinaryOperationExpression)
60950 return _this._addExceptionSpan$2(node, new A._EvaluateVisitor__visitCalculationValue_closure(_this, node, inMinMax));
60951 else {
60952 result = node.accept$1(_this);
60953 if (result instanceof A.SassNumber || result instanceof A.SassCalculation)
60954 return result;
60955 if (result instanceof A.SassString && !result._hasQuotes)
60956 return result;
60957 throw A.wrapException(_this._evaluate$_exception$2("Value " + result.toString$0(0) + " can't be used in a calculation.", node.get$span(node)));
60958 }
60959 },
60960 _binaryOperatorToCalculationOperator$1(operator) {
60961 switch (operator) {
60962 case B.BinaryOperator_AcR0:
60963 return B.CalculationOperator_Iem;
60964 case B.BinaryOperator_iyO:
60965 return B.CalculationOperator_uti;
60966 case B.BinaryOperator_O1M:
60967 return B.CalculationOperator_Dih;
60968 case B.BinaryOperator_RTB:
60969 return B.CalculationOperator_jB6;
60970 default:
60971 throw A.wrapException(A.UnsupportedError$("Invalid calculation operator " + operator.toString$0(0) + "."));
60972 }
60973 },
60974 visitColorExpression$1(node) {
60975 return node.value;
60976 },
60977 visitListExpression$1(node) {
60978 var t1 = node.contents;
60979 return A.SassList$(new A.MappedListIterable(t1, new A._EvaluateVisitor_visitListExpression_closure(this), A._arrayInstanceType(t1)._eval$1("MappedListIterable<1,Value>")), node.separator, node.hasBrackets);
60980 },
60981 visitMapExpression$1(node) {
60982 var t2, t3, _i, pair, t4, keyValue, valueValue, oldValueSpan,
60983 t1 = type$.Value,
60984 map = A.LinkedHashMap_LinkedHashMap$_empty(t1, t1),
60985 keyNodes = A.LinkedHashMap_LinkedHashMap$_empty(t1, type$.AstNode);
60986 for (t2 = node.pairs, t3 = t2.length, _i = 0; _i < t3; ++_i) {
60987 pair = t2[_i];
60988 t4 = pair.item1;
60989 keyValue = t4.accept$1(this);
60990 valueValue = pair.item2.accept$1(this);
60991 if (map.$index(0, keyValue) != null) {
60992 t1 = keyNodes.$index(0, keyValue);
60993 oldValueSpan = t1 == null ? null : t1.get$span(t1);
60994 t1 = J.getInterceptor$z(t4);
60995 t2 = t1.get$span(t4);
60996 t3 = A.LinkedHashMap_LinkedHashMap$_empty(type$.FileSpan, type$.String);
60997 if (oldValueSpan != null)
60998 t3.$indexSet(0, oldValueSpan, "first key");
60999 throw A.wrapException(A.MultiSpanSassRuntimeException$("Duplicate key.", t2, "second key", t3, this._evaluate$_stackTrace$1(t1.get$span(t4))));
61000 }
61001 map.$indexSet(0, keyValue, valueValue);
61002 keyNodes.$indexSet(0, keyValue, t4);
61003 }
61004 return new A.SassMap(A.ConstantMap_ConstantMap$from(map, t1, t1));
61005 },
61006 visitFunctionExpression$1(node) {
61007 var oldInFunction, result, _this = this, t1 = {},
61008 $function = _this._addExceptionSpan$2(node, new A._EvaluateVisitor_visitFunctionExpression_closure(_this, node));
61009 t1.$function = $function;
61010 if ($function == null) {
61011 if (node.namespace != null)
61012 throw A.wrapException(_this._evaluate$_exception$2("Undefined function.", node.span));
61013 t1.$function = new A.PlainCssCallable(node.originalName);
61014 }
61015 oldInFunction = _this._inFunction;
61016 _this._inFunction = true;
61017 result = _this._addErrorSpan$2(node, new A._EvaluateVisitor_visitFunctionExpression_closure0(t1, _this, node));
61018 _this._inFunction = oldInFunction;
61019 return result;
61020 },
61021 visitInterpolatedFunctionExpression$1(node) {
61022 var result, _this = this,
61023 t1 = _this._performInterpolation$1(node.name),
61024 oldInFunction = _this._inFunction;
61025 _this._inFunction = true;
61026 result = _this._addErrorSpan$2(node, new A._EvaluateVisitor_visitInterpolatedFunctionExpression_closure(_this, node, new A.PlainCssCallable(t1)));
61027 _this._inFunction = oldInFunction;
61028 return result;
61029 },
61030 _getFunction$2$namespace($name, namespace) {
61031 var local = this._environment.getFunction$2$namespace($name, namespace);
61032 if (local != null || namespace != null)
61033 return local;
61034 return this._builtInFunctions.$index(0, $name);
61035 },
61036 _runUserDefinedCallable$1$4($arguments, callable, nodeWithSpan, run, $V) {
61037 var evaluated = this._evaluateArguments$1($arguments),
61038 $name = callable.declaration.name;
61039 if ($name !== "@content")
61040 $name += "()";
61041 return this._withStackFrame$3($name, nodeWithSpan, new A._EvaluateVisitor__runUserDefinedCallable_closure(this, callable, evaluated, nodeWithSpan, run, $V));
61042 },
61043 _runFunctionCallable$3($arguments, callable, nodeWithSpan) {
61044 var t1, t2, t3, first, _i, argument, restArg, rest, _this = this;
61045 if (callable instanceof A.BuiltInCallable)
61046 return _this._withoutSlash$2(_this._runBuiltInCallable$3($arguments, callable, nodeWithSpan), nodeWithSpan);
61047 else if (type$.UserDefinedCallable_Environment._is(callable))
61048 return _this._runUserDefinedCallable$1$4($arguments, callable, nodeWithSpan, new A._EvaluateVisitor__runFunctionCallable_closure(_this, callable), type$.Value);
61049 else if (callable instanceof A.PlainCssCallable) {
61050 t1 = $arguments.named;
61051 if (t1.get$isNotEmpty(t1) || $arguments.keywordRest != null)
61052 throw A.wrapException(_this._evaluate$_exception$2(string$.Plain_, nodeWithSpan.get$span(nodeWithSpan)));
61053 t1 = callable.name + "(";
61054 for (t2 = $arguments.positional, t3 = t2.length, first = true, _i = 0; _i < t3; ++_i) {
61055 argument = t2[_i];
61056 if (first)
61057 first = false;
61058 else
61059 t1 += ", ";
61060 t1 += _this._evaluate$_serialize$3$quote(argument.accept$1(_this), argument, true);
61061 }
61062 restArg = $arguments.rest;
61063 if (restArg != null) {
61064 rest = restArg.accept$1(_this);
61065 if (!first)
61066 t1 += ", ";
61067 t1 += _this._evaluate$_serialize$2(rest, restArg);
61068 }
61069 t1 += A.Primitives_stringFromCharCode(41);
61070 return new A.SassString(t1.charCodeAt(0) == 0 ? t1 : t1, false);
61071 } else
61072 throw A.wrapException(A.ArgumentError$("Unknown callable type " + J.get$runtimeType$u(callable).toString$0(0) + ".", null));
61073 },
61074 _runBuiltInCallable$3($arguments, callable, nodeWithSpan) {
61075 var callback, result, error, stackTrace, error0, stackTrace0, error1, stackTrace1, message, namedSet, tuple, overload, declaredArguments, i, t1, argument, t2, t3, rest, argumentList, exception, t4, t5, t6, message0, _this = this,
61076 evaluated = _this._evaluateArguments$1($arguments),
61077 oldCallableNode = _this._callableNode;
61078 _this._callableNode = nodeWithSpan;
61079 namedSet = new A.MapKeySet(evaluated.named, type$.MapKeySet_String);
61080 tuple = callable.callbackFor$2(evaluated.positional.length, namedSet);
61081 overload = tuple.item1;
61082 callback = tuple.item2;
61083 _this._addExceptionSpan$2(nodeWithSpan, new A._EvaluateVisitor__runBuiltInCallable_closure(overload, evaluated, namedSet));
61084 declaredArguments = overload.$arguments;
61085 for (i = evaluated.positional.length, t1 = declaredArguments.length; i < t1; ++i) {
61086 argument = declaredArguments[i];
61087 t2 = evaluated.positional;
61088 t3 = evaluated.named.remove$1(0, argument.name);
61089 if (t3 == null) {
61090 t3 = argument.defaultValue;
61091 t3 = _this._withoutSlash$2(t3.accept$1(_this), t3);
61092 }
61093 t2.push(t3);
61094 }
61095 if (overload.restArgument != null) {
61096 if (evaluated.positional.length > t1) {
61097 rest = B.JSArray_methods.sublist$1(evaluated.positional, t1);
61098 B.JSArray_methods.removeRange$2(evaluated.positional, t1, evaluated.positional.length);
61099 } else
61100 rest = B.List_empty5;
61101 t1 = evaluated.named;
61102 argumentList = A.SassArgumentList$(rest, t1, evaluated.separator === B.ListSeparator_undecided_null ? B.ListSeparator_kWM : evaluated.separator);
61103 evaluated.positional.push(argumentList);
61104 } else
61105 argumentList = null;
61106 result = null;
61107 try {
61108 result = callback.call$1(evaluated.positional);
61109 } catch (exception) {
61110 t1 = A.unwrapException(exception);
61111 if (type$.SassRuntimeException._is(t1))
61112 throw exception;
61113 else if (t1 instanceof A.MultiSpanSassScriptException) {
61114 error = t1;
61115 stackTrace = A.getTraceFromException(exception);
61116 t1 = error.message;
61117 t2 = nodeWithSpan.get$span(nodeWithSpan);
61118 t3 = error.primaryLabel;
61119 t4 = error.secondarySpans;
61120 A.throwWithTrace(new A.MultiSpanSassRuntimeException(_this._evaluate$_stackTrace$1(nodeWithSpan.get$span(nodeWithSpan)), t3, A.ConstantMap_ConstantMap$from(t4, type$.FileSpan, type$.String), t1, t2), stackTrace);
61121 } else if (t1 instanceof A.MultiSpanSassException) {
61122 error0 = t1;
61123 stackTrace0 = A.getTraceFromException(exception);
61124 t1 = error0._span_exception$_message;
61125 t2 = error0;
61126 t3 = J.getInterceptor$z(t2);
61127 t2 = A.SourceSpanException.prototype.get$span.call(t3, t2);
61128 t3 = error0.primaryLabel;
61129 t4 = error0.secondarySpans;
61130 t5 = error0;
61131 t6 = J.getInterceptor$z(t5);
61132 A.throwWithTrace(new A.MultiSpanSassRuntimeException(_this._evaluate$_stackTrace$1(A.SourceSpanException.prototype.get$span.call(t6, t5)), t3, A.ConstantMap_ConstantMap$from(t4, type$.FileSpan, type$.String), t1, t2), stackTrace0);
61133 } else {
61134 error1 = t1;
61135 stackTrace1 = A.getTraceFromException(exception);
61136 message = null;
61137 try {
61138 message = A._asString(J.get$message$x(error1));
61139 } catch (exception) {
61140 message0 = J.toString$0$(error1);
61141 message = message0;
61142 }
61143 A.throwWithTrace(_this._evaluate$_exception$2(message, nodeWithSpan.get$span(nodeWithSpan)), stackTrace1);
61144 }
61145 }
61146 _this._callableNode = oldCallableNode;
61147 if (argumentList == null)
61148 return result;
61149 t1 = evaluated.named;
61150 if (t1.get$isEmpty(t1))
61151 return result;
61152 if (argumentList._wereKeywordsAccessed)
61153 return result;
61154 t1 = evaluated.named;
61155 t1 = t1.get$keys(t1);
61156 t1 = "No " + A.pluralize("argument", t1.get$length(t1), null) + " named ";
61157 t2 = evaluated.named;
61158 throw A.wrapException(A.MultiSpanSassRuntimeException$(t1 + A.S(A.toSentence(t2.get$keys(t2).map$1$1(0, new A._EvaluateVisitor__runBuiltInCallable_closure0(), type$.Object), "or")) + ".", nodeWithSpan.get$span(nodeWithSpan), "invocation", A.LinkedHashMap_LinkedHashMap$_literal([overload.get$spanWithName(), "declaration"], type$.FileSpan, type$.String), _this._evaluate$_stackTrace$1(nodeWithSpan.get$span(nodeWithSpan))));
61159 },
61160 _evaluateArguments$1($arguments) {
61161 var t1, t2, _i, expression, nodeForSpan, named, namedNodes, t3, t4, t5, restArgs, rest, restNodeForSpan, separator, keywordRestArgs, keywordRest, keywordRestNodeForSpan, _this = this,
61162 positional = A._setArrayType([], type$.JSArray_Value),
61163 positionalNodes = A._setArrayType([], type$.JSArray_AstNode);
61164 for (t1 = $arguments.positional, t2 = t1.length, _i = 0; _i < t2; ++_i) {
61165 expression = t1[_i];
61166 nodeForSpan = _this._expressionNode$1(expression);
61167 positional.push(_this._withoutSlash$2(expression.accept$1(_this), nodeForSpan));
61168 positionalNodes.push(nodeForSpan);
61169 }
61170 t1 = type$.String;
61171 named = A.LinkedHashMap_LinkedHashMap$_empty(t1, type$.Value);
61172 t2 = type$.AstNode;
61173 namedNodes = A.LinkedHashMap_LinkedHashMap$_empty(t1, t2);
61174 for (t3 = $arguments.named, t3 = t3.get$entries(t3), t3 = t3.get$iterator(t3); t3.moveNext$0();) {
61175 t4 = t3.get$current(t3);
61176 t5 = t4.value;
61177 nodeForSpan = _this._expressionNode$1(t5);
61178 t4 = t4.key;
61179 named.$indexSet(0, t4, _this._withoutSlash$2(t5.accept$1(_this), nodeForSpan));
61180 namedNodes.$indexSet(0, t4, nodeForSpan);
61181 }
61182 restArgs = $arguments.rest;
61183 if (restArgs == null)
61184 return new A._ArgumentResults(positional, positionalNodes, named, namedNodes, B.ListSeparator_undecided_null);
61185 rest = restArgs.accept$1(_this);
61186 restNodeForSpan = _this._expressionNode$1(restArgs);
61187 if (rest instanceof A.SassMap) {
61188 _this._addRestMap$4(named, rest, restArgs, new A._EvaluateVisitor__evaluateArguments_closure());
61189 t3 = A.LinkedHashMap_LinkedHashMap$_empty(t1, t2);
61190 for (t4 = rest._map$_contents, t4 = J.get$iterator$ax(t4.get$keys(t4)), t5 = type$.SassString; t4.moveNext$0();)
61191 t3.$indexSet(0, t5._as(t4.get$current(t4))._string$_text, restNodeForSpan);
61192 namedNodes.addAll$1(0, t3);
61193 separator = B.ListSeparator_undecided_null;
61194 } else if (rest instanceof A.SassList) {
61195 t3 = rest._list$_contents;
61196 B.JSArray_methods.addAll$1(positional, new A.MappedListIterable(t3, new A._EvaluateVisitor__evaluateArguments_closure0(_this, restNodeForSpan), A._arrayInstanceType(t3)._eval$1("MappedListIterable<1,Value>")));
61197 B.JSArray_methods.addAll$1(positionalNodes, A.List_List$filled(t3.length, restNodeForSpan, false, t2));
61198 separator = rest._separator;
61199 if (rest instanceof A.SassArgumentList) {
61200 rest._wereKeywordsAccessed = true;
61201 rest._keywords.forEach$1(0, new A._EvaluateVisitor__evaluateArguments_closure1(_this, named, restNodeForSpan, namedNodes));
61202 }
61203 } else {
61204 positional.push(_this._withoutSlash$2(rest, restNodeForSpan));
61205 positionalNodes.push(restNodeForSpan);
61206 separator = B.ListSeparator_undecided_null;
61207 }
61208 keywordRestArgs = $arguments.keywordRest;
61209 if (keywordRestArgs == null)
61210 return new A._ArgumentResults(positional, positionalNodes, named, namedNodes, separator);
61211 keywordRest = keywordRestArgs.accept$1(_this);
61212 keywordRestNodeForSpan = _this._expressionNode$1(keywordRestArgs);
61213 if (keywordRest instanceof A.SassMap) {
61214 _this._addRestMap$4(named, keywordRest, keywordRestArgs, new A._EvaluateVisitor__evaluateArguments_closure2());
61215 t1 = A.LinkedHashMap_LinkedHashMap$_empty(t1, t2);
61216 for (t2 = keywordRest._map$_contents, t2 = J.get$iterator$ax(t2.get$keys(t2)), t3 = type$.SassString; t2.moveNext$0();)
61217 t1.$indexSet(0, t3._as(t2.get$current(t2))._string$_text, keywordRestNodeForSpan);
61218 namedNodes.addAll$1(0, t1);
61219 return new A._ArgumentResults(positional, positionalNodes, named, namedNodes, separator);
61220 } else
61221 throw A.wrapException(_this._evaluate$_exception$2(string$.Variabs + keywordRest.toString$0(0) + ").", keywordRestArgs.get$span(keywordRestArgs)));
61222 },
61223 _evaluateMacroArguments$1(invocation) {
61224 var t2, positional, named, rest, restNodeForSpan, keywordRestArgs_, keywordRest, keywordRestNodeForSpan, _this = this,
61225 t1 = invocation.$arguments,
61226 restArgs_ = t1.rest;
61227 if (restArgs_ == null)
61228 return new A.Tuple2(t1.positional, t1.named, type$.Tuple2_of_List_Expression_and_Map_String_Expression);
61229 t2 = t1.positional;
61230 positional = A._setArrayType(t2.slice(0), A._arrayInstanceType(t2));
61231 named = A.LinkedHashMap_LinkedHashMap$of(t1.named, type$.String, type$.Expression);
61232 rest = restArgs_.accept$1(_this);
61233 restNodeForSpan = _this._expressionNode$1(restArgs_);
61234 if (rest instanceof A.SassMap)
61235 _this._addRestMap$4(named, rest, invocation, new A._EvaluateVisitor__evaluateMacroArguments_closure(restArgs_));
61236 else if (rest instanceof A.SassList) {
61237 t2 = rest._list$_contents;
61238 B.JSArray_methods.addAll$1(positional, new A.MappedListIterable(t2, new A._EvaluateVisitor__evaluateMacroArguments_closure0(_this, restNodeForSpan, restArgs_), A._arrayInstanceType(t2)._eval$1("MappedListIterable<1,Expression>")));
61239 if (rest instanceof A.SassArgumentList) {
61240 rest._wereKeywordsAccessed = true;
61241 rest._keywords.forEach$1(0, new A._EvaluateVisitor__evaluateMacroArguments_closure1(_this, named, restNodeForSpan, restArgs_));
61242 }
61243 } else
61244 positional.push(new A.ValueExpression(_this._withoutSlash$2(rest, restNodeForSpan), restArgs_.get$span(restArgs_)));
61245 keywordRestArgs_ = t1.keywordRest;
61246 if (keywordRestArgs_ == null)
61247 return new A.Tuple2(positional, named, type$.Tuple2_of_List_Expression_and_Map_String_Expression);
61248 keywordRest = keywordRestArgs_.accept$1(_this);
61249 keywordRestNodeForSpan = _this._expressionNode$1(keywordRestArgs_);
61250 if (keywordRest instanceof A.SassMap) {
61251 _this._addRestMap$4(named, keywordRest, invocation, new A._EvaluateVisitor__evaluateMacroArguments_closure2(_this, keywordRestNodeForSpan, keywordRestArgs_));
61252 return new A.Tuple2(positional, named, type$.Tuple2_of_List_Expression_and_Map_String_Expression);
61253 } else
61254 throw A.wrapException(_this._evaluate$_exception$2(string$.Variabs + keywordRest.toString$0(0) + ").", keywordRestArgs_.get$span(keywordRestArgs_)));
61255 },
61256 _addRestMap$1$4(values, map, nodeWithSpan, convert) {
61257 map._map$_contents.forEach$1(0, new A._EvaluateVisitor__addRestMap_closure(this, values, convert, this._expressionNode$1(nodeWithSpan), map, nodeWithSpan));
61258 },
61259 _addRestMap$4(values, map, nodeWithSpan, convert) {
61260 return this._addRestMap$1$4(values, map, nodeWithSpan, convert, type$.dynamic);
61261 },
61262 _verifyArguments$4(positional, named, $arguments, nodeWithSpan) {
61263 return this._addExceptionSpan$2(nodeWithSpan, new A._EvaluateVisitor__verifyArguments_closure($arguments, positional, named));
61264 },
61265 visitSelectorExpression$1(node) {
61266 var t1 = this._styleRuleIgnoringAtRoot;
61267 t1 = t1 == null ? null : t1.originalSelector.get$asSassList();
61268 return t1 == null ? B.C__SassNull : t1;
61269 },
61270 visitStringExpression$1(node) {
61271 var t1 = node.text.contents;
61272 return new A.SassString(new A.MappedListIterable(t1, new A._EvaluateVisitor_visitStringExpression_closure(this), A._arrayInstanceType(t1)._eval$1("MappedListIterable<1,String>")).join$0(0), node.hasQuotes);
61273 },
61274 visitCssAtRule$1(node) {
61275 var wasInKeyframes, wasInUnknownAtRule, t1, _this = this;
61276 if (_this._declarationName != null)
61277 throw A.wrapException(_this._evaluate$_exception$2(string$.At_rul, node.span));
61278 if (node.isChildless) {
61279 _this._assertInModule$2(_this.__parent, "__parent").addChild$1(A.ModifiableCssAtRule$(node.name, node.span, true, node.value));
61280 return;
61281 }
61282 wasInKeyframes = _this._inKeyframes;
61283 wasInUnknownAtRule = _this._inUnknownAtRule;
61284 t1 = node.name;
61285 if (A.unvendor(t1.get$value(t1)) === "keyframes")
61286 _this._inKeyframes = true;
61287 else
61288 _this._inUnknownAtRule = true;
61289 _this._withParent$2$4$scopeWhen$through(A.ModifiableCssAtRule$(t1, node.span, false, node.value), new A._EvaluateVisitor_visitCssAtRule_closure(_this, node), false, new A._EvaluateVisitor_visitCssAtRule_closure0(), type$.ModifiableCssAtRule, type$.Null);
61290 _this._inUnknownAtRule = wasInUnknownAtRule;
61291 _this._inKeyframes = wasInKeyframes;
61292 },
61293 visitCssComment$1(node) {
61294 var _this = this,
61295 _s8_ = "__parent",
61296 _s13_ = "_endOfImports";
61297 if (_this._assertInModule$2(_this.__parent, _s8_) === _this._assertInModule$2(_this.__root, "_root") && _this._assertInModule$2(_this.__endOfImports, _s13_) === J.get$length$asx(_this._assertInModule$2(_this.__root, "_root").children._collection$_source))
61298 _this.__endOfImports = _this._assertInModule$2(_this.__endOfImports, _s13_) + 1;
61299 _this._assertInModule$2(_this.__parent, _s8_).addChild$1(new A.ModifiableCssComment(node.text, node.span));
61300 },
61301 visitCssDeclaration$1(node) {
61302 var t1 = node.name;
61303 this._assertInModule$2(this.__parent, "__parent").addChild$1(A.ModifiableCssDeclaration$(t1, node.value, node.span, J.startsWith$1$s(t1.get$value(t1), "--"), node.valueSpanForMap));
61304 },
61305 visitCssImport$1(node) {
61306 var t1, _this = this,
61307 _s8_ = "__parent",
61308 _s5_ = "_root",
61309 _s13_ = "_endOfImports",
61310 modifiableNode = A.ModifiableCssImport$(node.url, node.span, node.media, node.supports);
61311 if (_this._assertInModule$2(_this.__parent, _s8_) !== _this._assertInModule$2(_this.__root, _s5_))
61312 _this._assertInModule$2(_this.__parent, _s8_).addChild$1(modifiableNode);
61313 else if (_this._assertInModule$2(_this.__endOfImports, _s13_) === J.get$length$asx(_this._assertInModule$2(_this.__root, _s5_).children._collection$_source)) {
61314 _this._assertInModule$2(_this.__root, _s5_).addChild$1(modifiableNode);
61315 _this.__endOfImports = _this._assertInModule$2(_this.__endOfImports, _s13_) + 1;
61316 } else {
61317 t1 = _this._outOfOrderImports;
61318 (t1 == null ? _this._outOfOrderImports = A._setArrayType([], type$.JSArray_ModifiableCssImport) : t1).push(modifiableNode);
61319 }
61320 },
61321 visitCssKeyframeBlock$1(node) {
61322 this._withParent$2$4$scopeWhen$through(A.ModifiableCssKeyframeBlock$(node.selector, node.span), new A._EvaluateVisitor_visitCssKeyframeBlock_closure(this, node), false, new A._EvaluateVisitor_visitCssKeyframeBlock_closure0(), type$.ModifiableCssKeyframeBlock, type$.Null);
61323 },
61324 visitCssMediaRule$1(node) {
61325 var mergedQueries, t1, _this = this;
61326 if (_this._declarationName != null)
61327 throw A.wrapException(_this._evaluate$_exception$2(string$.Media_, node.span));
61328 mergedQueries = A.NullableExtension_andThen(_this._mediaQueries, new A._EvaluateVisitor_visitCssMediaRule_closure(_this, node));
61329 t1 = mergedQueries == null;
61330 if (!t1 && J.get$isEmpty$asx(mergedQueries))
61331 return;
61332 t1 = t1 ? node.queries : mergedQueries;
61333 _this._withParent$2$4$scopeWhen$through(A.ModifiableCssMediaRule$(t1, node.span), new A._EvaluateVisitor_visitCssMediaRule_closure0(_this, mergedQueries, node), false, new A._EvaluateVisitor_visitCssMediaRule_closure1(mergedQueries), type$.ModifiableCssMediaRule, type$.Null);
61334 },
61335 visitCssStyleRule$1(node) {
61336 var t1, styleRule, t2, t3, t4, t5, originalSelector, rule, oldAtRootExcludingStyleRule, _this = this,
61337 _s8_ = "__parent";
61338 if (_this._declarationName != null)
61339 throw A.wrapException(_this._evaluate$_exception$2(string$.Style_, node.span));
61340 t1 = _this._atRootExcludingStyleRule;
61341 styleRule = t1 ? null : _this._styleRuleIgnoringAtRoot;
61342 t2 = node.selector;
61343 t3 = t2.value;
61344 t4 = styleRule == null;
61345 t5 = t4 ? null : styleRule.originalSelector;
61346 originalSelector = t3.resolveParentSelectors$2$implicitParent(t5, !t1);
61347 rule = A.ModifiableCssStyleRule$(_this._assertInModule$2(_this.__extensionStore, "_extensionStore").addSelector$3(originalSelector, t2.span, _this._mediaQueries), node.span, originalSelector);
61348 oldAtRootExcludingStyleRule = _this._atRootExcludingStyleRule;
61349 _this._atRootExcludingStyleRule = false;
61350 _this._withParent$2$4$scopeWhen$through(rule, new A._EvaluateVisitor_visitCssStyleRule_closure(_this, rule, node), false, new A._EvaluateVisitor_visitCssStyleRule_closure0(), type$.ModifiableCssStyleRule, type$.Null);
61351 _this._atRootExcludingStyleRule = oldAtRootExcludingStyleRule;
61352 if (t4) {
61353 t1 = _this._assertInModule$2(_this.__parent, _s8_).children;
61354 t1 = !t1.get$isEmpty(t1);
61355 } else
61356 t1 = false;
61357 if (t1) {
61358 t1 = _this._assertInModule$2(_this.__parent, _s8_).children;
61359 t1.get$last(t1).isGroupEnd = true;
61360 }
61361 },
61362 visitCssStylesheet$1(node) {
61363 var t1;
61364 for (t1 = J.get$iterator$ax(node.get$children(node)); t1.moveNext$0();)
61365 t1.get$current(t1).accept$1(this);
61366 },
61367 visitCssSupportsRule$1(node) {
61368 var _this = this;
61369 if (_this._declarationName != null)
61370 throw A.wrapException(_this._evaluate$_exception$2(string$.Suppor, node.span));
61371 _this._withParent$2$4$scopeWhen$through(A.ModifiableCssSupportsRule$(node.condition, node.span), new A._EvaluateVisitor_visitCssSupportsRule_closure(_this, node), false, new A._EvaluateVisitor_visitCssSupportsRule_closure0(), type$.ModifiableCssSupportsRule, type$.Null);
61372 },
61373 _handleReturn$1$2(list, callback) {
61374 var t1, _i, result;
61375 for (t1 = list.length, _i = 0; _i < list.length; list.length === t1 || (0, A.throwConcurrentModificationError)(list), ++_i) {
61376 result = callback.call$1(list[_i]);
61377 if (result != null)
61378 return result;
61379 }
61380 return null;
61381 },
61382 _handleReturn$2(list, callback) {
61383 return this._handleReturn$1$2(list, callback, type$.dynamic);
61384 },
61385 _withEnvironment$1$2(environment, callback) {
61386 var result,
61387 oldEnvironment = this._environment;
61388 this._environment = environment;
61389 result = callback.call$0();
61390 this._environment = oldEnvironment;
61391 return result;
61392 },
61393 _withEnvironment$2(environment, callback) {
61394 return this._withEnvironment$1$2(environment, callback, type$.dynamic);
61395 },
61396 _interpolationToValue$3$trim$warnForColor(interpolation, trim, warnForColor) {
61397 var result = this._performInterpolation$2$warnForColor(interpolation, warnForColor),
61398 t1 = trim ? A.trimAscii(result, true) : result;
61399 return new A.CssValue(t1, interpolation.span, type$.CssValue_String);
61400 },
61401 _interpolationToValue$1(interpolation) {
61402 return this._interpolationToValue$3$trim$warnForColor(interpolation, false, false);
61403 },
61404 _interpolationToValue$2$warnForColor(interpolation, warnForColor) {
61405 return this._interpolationToValue$3$trim$warnForColor(interpolation, false, warnForColor);
61406 },
61407 _performInterpolation$2$warnForColor(interpolation, warnForColor) {
61408 var t1 = interpolation.contents;
61409 return new A.MappedListIterable(t1, new A._EvaluateVisitor__performInterpolation_closure(this, warnForColor, interpolation), A._arrayInstanceType(t1)._eval$1("MappedListIterable<1,String>")).join$0(0);
61410 },
61411 _performInterpolation$1(interpolation) {
61412 return this._performInterpolation$2$warnForColor(interpolation, false);
61413 },
61414 _evaluate$_serialize$3$quote(value, nodeWithSpan, quote) {
61415 return this._addExceptionSpan$2(nodeWithSpan, new A._EvaluateVisitor__serialize_closure(value, quote));
61416 },
61417 _evaluate$_serialize$2(value, nodeWithSpan) {
61418 return this._evaluate$_serialize$3$quote(value, nodeWithSpan, true);
61419 },
61420 _expressionNode$1(expression) {
61421 var t1;
61422 if (expression instanceof A.VariableExpression) {
61423 t1 = this._addExceptionSpan$2(expression, new A._EvaluateVisitor__expressionNode_closure(this, expression));
61424 return t1 == null ? expression : t1;
61425 } else
61426 return expression;
61427 },
61428 _withParent$2$4$scopeWhen$through(node, callback, scopeWhen, through, $S, $T) {
61429 var t1, result, _this = this;
61430 _this._addChild$2$through(node, through);
61431 t1 = _this._assertInModule$2(_this.__parent, "__parent");
61432 _this.__parent = node;
61433 result = _this._environment.scope$1$2$when(callback, scopeWhen, $T);
61434 _this.__parent = t1;
61435 return result;
61436 },
61437 _withParent$2$3$scopeWhen(node, callback, scopeWhen, $S, $T) {
61438 return this._withParent$2$4$scopeWhen$through(node, callback, scopeWhen, null, $S, $T);
61439 },
61440 _withParent$2$2(node, callback, $S, $T) {
61441 return this._withParent$2$4$scopeWhen$through(node, callback, true, null, $S, $T);
61442 },
61443 _addChild$2$through(node, through) {
61444 var grandparent, t1,
61445 $parent = this._assertInModule$2(this.__parent, "__parent");
61446 if (through != null) {
61447 for (; through.call$1($parent); $parent = grandparent) {
61448 grandparent = $parent._parent;
61449 if (grandparent == null)
61450 throw A.wrapException(A.ArgumentError$(string$.throug + node.toString$0(0) + ".", null));
61451 }
61452 if ($parent.get$hasFollowingSibling()) {
61453 t1 = $parent._parent;
61454 t1.toString;
61455 $parent = $parent.copyWithoutChildren$0();
61456 t1.addChild$1($parent);
61457 }
61458 }
61459 $parent.addChild$1(node);
61460 },
61461 _addChild$1(node) {
61462 return this._addChild$2$through(node, null);
61463 },
61464 _withStyleRule$1$2(rule, callback) {
61465 var result,
61466 oldRule = this._styleRuleIgnoringAtRoot;
61467 this._styleRuleIgnoringAtRoot = rule;
61468 result = callback.call$0();
61469 this._styleRuleIgnoringAtRoot = oldRule;
61470 return result;
61471 },
61472 _withStyleRule$2(rule, callback) {
61473 return this._withStyleRule$1$2(rule, callback, type$.dynamic);
61474 },
61475 _withMediaQueries$1$2(queries, callback) {
61476 var result,
61477 oldMediaQueries = this._mediaQueries;
61478 this._mediaQueries = queries;
61479 result = callback.call$0();
61480 this._mediaQueries = oldMediaQueries;
61481 return result;
61482 },
61483 _withMediaQueries$2(queries, callback) {
61484 return this._withMediaQueries$1$2(queries, callback, type$.dynamic);
61485 },
61486 _withStackFrame$1$3(member, nodeWithSpan, callback) {
61487 var oldMember, result, _this = this,
61488 t1 = _this._stack;
61489 t1.push(new A.Tuple2(_this._member, nodeWithSpan, type$.Tuple2_String_AstNode));
61490 oldMember = _this._member;
61491 _this._member = member;
61492 result = callback.call$0();
61493 _this._member = oldMember;
61494 t1.pop();
61495 return result;
61496 },
61497 _withStackFrame$3(member, nodeWithSpan, callback) {
61498 return this._withStackFrame$1$3(member, nodeWithSpan, callback, type$.dynamic);
61499 },
61500 _withoutSlash$2(value, nodeForSpan) {
61501 if (value instanceof A.SassNumber && value.asSlash != null)
61502 this._warn$3$deprecation(string$.Using__i + A.S(new A._EvaluateVisitor__withoutSlash_recommendation().call$1(value)) + string$.x0a_More, nodeForSpan.get$span(nodeForSpan), true);
61503 return value.withoutSlash$0();
61504 },
61505 _stackFrame$2(member, span) {
61506 return A.frameForSpan(span, member, A.NullableExtension_andThen(span.file.url, new A._EvaluateVisitor__stackFrame_closure(this)));
61507 },
61508 _evaluate$_stackTrace$1(span) {
61509 var _this = this,
61510 t1 = _this._stack;
61511 t1 = A.List_List$of(new A.MappedListIterable(t1, new A._EvaluateVisitor__stackTrace_closure(_this), A._arrayInstanceType(t1)._eval$1("MappedListIterable<1,Frame>")), true, type$.Frame);
61512 if (span != null)
61513 t1.push(_this._stackFrame$2(_this._member, span));
61514 return A.Trace$(new A.ReversedListIterable(t1, A._arrayInstanceType(t1)._eval$1("ReversedListIterable<1>")), null);
61515 },
61516 _evaluate$_stackTrace$0() {
61517 return this._evaluate$_stackTrace$1(null);
61518 },
61519 _warn$3$deprecation(message, span, deprecation) {
61520 var _this = this;
61521 if (_this._quietDeps && _this._inDependency)
61522 return;
61523 if (!_this._warningsEmitted.add$1(0, new A.Tuple2(message, span, type$.Tuple2_String_SourceSpan)))
61524 return;
61525 _this._evaluate$_logger.warn$4$deprecation$span$trace(0, message, deprecation, span, _this._evaluate$_stackTrace$1(span));
61526 },
61527 _warn$2(message, span) {
61528 return this._warn$3$deprecation(message, span, false);
61529 },
61530 _evaluate$_exception$2(message, span) {
61531 var t1 = span == null ? J.get$span$z(B.JSArray_methods.get$last(this._stack).item2) : span;
61532 return new A.SassRuntimeException(this._evaluate$_stackTrace$1(span), message, t1);
61533 },
61534 _evaluate$_exception$1(message) {
61535 return this._evaluate$_exception$2(message, null);
61536 },
61537 _multiSpanException$3(message, primaryLabel, secondaryLabels) {
61538 var t1 = J.get$span$z(B.JSArray_methods.get$last(this._stack).item2);
61539 return new A.MultiSpanSassRuntimeException(this._evaluate$_stackTrace$0(), primaryLabel, A.ConstantMap_ConstantMap$from(secondaryLabels, type$.FileSpan, type$.String), message, t1);
61540 },
61541 _adjustParseError$1$2(nodeWithSpan, callback) {
61542 var error, stackTrace, errorText, span, syntheticFile, syntheticSpan, t1, exception, t2, t3, t4, t5, t6, _null = null;
61543 try {
61544 t1 = callback.call$0();
61545 return t1;
61546 } catch (exception) {
61547 t1 = A.unwrapException(exception);
61548 if (t1 instanceof A.SassFormatException) {
61549 error = t1;
61550 stackTrace = A.getTraceFromException(exception);
61551 t1 = error;
61552 t2 = J.getInterceptor$z(t1);
61553 errorText = A.String_String$fromCharCodes(B.NativeUint32List_methods.sublist$2(A.SourceSpanException.prototype.get$span.call(t2, t1).file._decodedChars, 0, _null), 0, _null);
61554 span = nodeWithSpan.get$span(nodeWithSpan);
61555 t1 = span;
61556 t2 = span;
61557 syntheticFile = B.JSString_methods.replaceRange$3(A.String_String$fromCharCodes(B.NativeUint32List_methods.sublist$2(span.file._decodedChars, 0, _null), 0, _null), A.FileLocation$_(t1.file, t1._file$_start).offset, A.FileLocation$_(t2.file, t2._end).offset, errorText);
61558 t2 = A.SourceFile$fromString(syntheticFile, span.file.url);
61559 t1 = span;
61560 t1 = A.FileLocation$_(t1.file, t1._file$_start);
61561 t3 = error;
61562 t4 = J.getInterceptor$z(t3);
61563 t3 = A.SourceSpanException.prototype.get$span.call(t4, t3);
61564 t3 = A.FileLocation$_(t3.file, t3._file$_start);
61565 t4 = span;
61566 t4 = A.FileLocation$_(t4.file, t4._file$_start);
61567 t5 = error;
61568 t6 = J.getInterceptor$z(t5);
61569 t5 = A.SourceSpanException.prototype.get$span.call(t6, t5);
61570 syntheticSpan = t2.span$2(0, t1.offset + t3.offset, t4.offset + A.FileLocation$_(t5.file, t5._end).offset);
61571 A.throwWithTrace(this._evaluate$_exception$2(error._span_exception$_message, syntheticSpan), stackTrace);
61572 } else
61573 throw exception;
61574 }
61575 },
61576 _adjustParseError$2(nodeWithSpan, callback) {
61577 return this._adjustParseError$1$2(nodeWithSpan, callback, type$.dynamic);
61578 },
61579 _addExceptionSpan$1$2(nodeWithSpan, callback) {
61580 var error, stackTrace, error0, stackTrace0, t1, exception, t2, t3, t4;
61581 try {
61582 t1 = callback.call$0();
61583 return t1;
61584 } catch (exception) {
61585 t1 = A.unwrapException(exception);
61586 if (t1 instanceof A.MultiSpanSassScriptException) {
61587 error = t1;
61588 stackTrace = A.getTraceFromException(exception);
61589 t1 = error.message;
61590 t2 = nodeWithSpan.get$span(nodeWithSpan);
61591 t3 = error.primaryLabel;
61592 t4 = error.secondarySpans;
61593 A.throwWithTrace(new A.MultiSpanSassRuntimeException(this._evaluate$_stackTrace$1(nodeWithSpan.get$span(nodeWithSpan)), t3, A.ConstantMap_ConstantMap$from(t4, type$.FileSpan, type$.String), t1, t2), stackTrace);
61594 } else if (t1 instanceof A.SassScriptException) {
61595 error0 = t1;
61596 stackTrace0 = A.getTraceFromException(exception);
61597 A.throwWithTrace(this._evaluate$_exception$2(error0.message, nodeWithSpan.get$span(nodeWithSpan)), stackTrace0);
61598 } else
61599 throw exception;
61600 }
61601 },
61602 _addExceptionSpan$2(nodeWithSpan, callback) {
61603 return this._addExceptionSpan$1$2(nodeWithSpan, callback, type$.dynamic);
61604 },
61605 _addErrorSpan$1$2(nodeWithSpan, callback) {
61606 var error, stackTrace, t1, exception, t2;
61607 try {
61608 t1 = callback.call$0();
61609 return t1;
61610 } catch (exception) {
61611 t1 = A.unwrapException(exception);
61612 if (type$.SassRuntimeException._is(t1)) {
61613 error = t1;
61614 stackTrace = A.getTraceFromException(exception);
61615 t1 = J.get$span$z(error);
61616 if (!B.JSString_methods.startsWith$1(A.String_String$fromCharCodes(B.NativeUint32List_methods.sublist$2(t1.file._decodedChars, t1._file$_start, t1._end), 0, null), "@error"))
61617 throw exception;
61618 t1 = error._span_exception$_message;
61619 t2 = nodeWithSpan.get$span(nodeWithSpan);
61620 A.throwWithTrace(new A.SassRuntimeException(this._evaluate$_stackTrace$0(), t1, t2), stackTrace);
61621 } else
61622 throw exception;
61623 }
61624 },
61625 _addErrorSpan$2(nodeWithSpan, callback) {
61626 return this._addErrorSpan$1$2(nodeWithSpan, callback, type$.dynamic);
61627 }
61628 };
61629 A._EvaluateVisitor_closure.prototype = {
61630 call$1($arguments) {
61631 var module, t2,
61632 t1 = J.getInterceptor$asx($arguments),
61633 variable = t1.$index($arguments, 0).assertString$1("name");
61634 t1 = t1.$index($arguments, 1).get$realNull();
61635 module = t1 == null ? null : t1.assertString$1("module");
61636 t1 = this.$this._environment;
61637 t2 = A.stringReplaceAllUnchecked(variable._string$_text, "_", "-");
61638 return t1.globalVariableExists$2$namespace(t2, module == null ? null : module._string$_text) ? B.SassBoolean_true : B.SassBoolean_false;
61639 },
61640 $signature: 17
61641 };
61642 A._EvaluateVisitor_closure0.prototype = {
61643 call$1($arguments) {
61644 var variable = J.$index$asx($arguments, 0).assertString$1("name"),
61645 t1 = this.$this._environment;
61646 return t1.getVariable$1(A.stringReplaceAllUnchecked(variable._string$_text, "_", "-")) != null ? B.SassBoolean_true : B.SassBoolean_false;
61647 },
61648 $signature: 17
61649 };
61650 A._EvaluateVisitor_closure1.prototype = {
61651 call$1($arguments) {
61652 var module, t2, t3, t4,
61653 t1 = J.getInterceptor$asx($arguments),
61654 variable = t1.$index($arguments, 0).assertString$1("name");
61655 t1 = t1.$index($arguments, 1).get$realNull();
61656 module = t1 == null ? null : t1.assertString$1("module");
61657 t1 = this.$this;
61658 t2 = t1._environment;
61659 t3 = variable._string$_text;
61660 t4 = A.stringReplaceAllUnchecked(t3, "_", "-");
61661 return t2.getFunction$2$namespace(t4, module == null ? null : module._string$_text) != null || t1._builtInFunctions.containsKey$1(t3) ? B.SassBoolean_true : B.SassBoolean_false;
61662 },
61663 $signature: 17
61664 };
61665 A._EvaluateVisitor_closure2.prototype = {
61666 call$1($arguments) {
61667 var module, t2,
61668 t1 = J.getInterceptor$asx($arguments),
61669 variable = t1.$index($arguments, 0).assertString$1("name");
61670 t1 = t1.$index($arguments, 1).get$realNull();
61671 module = t1 == null ? null : t1.assertString$1("module");
61672 t1 = this.$this._environment;
61673 t2 = A.stringReplaceAllUnchecked(variable._string$_text, "_", "-");
61674 return t1.getMixin$2$namespace(t2, module == null ? null : module._string$_text) != null ? B.SassBoolean_true : B.SassBoolean_false;
61675 },
61676 $signature: 17
61677 };
61678 A._EvaluateVisitor_closure3.prototype = {
61679 call$1($arguments) {
61680 var t1 = this.$this._environment;
61681 if (!t1._inMixin)
61682 throw A.wrapException(A.SassScriptException$(string$.conten));
61683 return t1._content != null ? B.SassBoolean_true : B.SassBoolean_false;
61684 },
61685 $signature: 17
61686 };
61687 A._EvaluateVisitor_closure4.prototype = {
61688 call$1($arguments) {
61689 var t2, t3, t4,
61690 t1 = J.$index$asx($arguments, 0).assertString$1("module")._string$_text,
61691 module = this.$this._environment._environment$_modules.$index(0, t1);
61692 if (module == null)
61693 throw A.wrapException('There is no module with namespace "' + t1 + '".');
61694 t1 = type$.Value;
61695 t2 = A.LinkedHashMap_LinkedHashMap$_empty(t1, t1);
61696 for (t3 = module.get$variables(), t3 = t3.get$entries(t3), t3 = t3.get$iterator(t3); t3.moveNext$0();) {
61697 t4 = t3.get$current(t3);
61698 t2.$indexSet(0, new A.SassString(t4.key, true), t4.value);
61699 }
61700 return new A.SassMap(A.ConstantMap_ConstantMap$from(t2, t1, t1));
61701 },
61702 $signature: 40
61703 };
61704 A._EvaluateVisitor_closure5.prototype = {
61705 call$1($arguments) {
61706 var t2, t3, t4,
61707 t1 = J.$index$asx($arguments, 0).assertString$1("module")._string$_text,
61708 module = this.$this._environment._environment$_modules.$index(0, t1);
61709 if (module == null)
61710 throw A.wrapException('There is no module with namespace "' + t1 + '".');
61711 t1 = type$.Value;
61712 t2 = A.LinkedHashMap_LinkedHashMap$_empty(t1, t1);
61713 for (t3 = module.get$functions(module), t3 = t3.get$entries(t3), t3 = t3.get$iterator(t3); t3.moveNext$0();) {
61714 t4 = t3.get$current(t3);
61715 t2.$indexSet(0, new A.SassString(t4.key, true), new A.SassFunction(t4.value));
61716 }
61717 return new A.SassMap(A.ConstantMap_ConstantMap$from(t2, t1, t1));
61718 },
61719 $signature: 40
61720 };
61721 A._EvaluateVisitor_closure6.prototype = {
61722 call$1($arguments) {
61723 var module, callable, t2,
61724 t1 = J.getInterceptor$asx($arguments),
61725 $name = t1.$index($arguments, 0).assertString$1("name"),
61726 css = t1.$index($arguments, 1).get$isTruthy();
61727 t1 = t1.$index($arguments, 2).get$realNull();
61728 module = t1 == null ? null : t1.assertString$1("module");
61729 if (css && module != null)
61730 throw A.wrapException(string$.x24css_a);
61731 if (css)
61732 callable = new A.PlainCssCallable($name._string$_text);
61733 else {
61734 t1 = this.$this;
61735 t2 = t1._callableNode;
61736 t2.toString;
61737 callable = t1._addExceptionSpan$2(t2, new A._EvaluateVisitor__closure1(t1, $name, module));
61738 }
61739 if (callable != null)
61740 return new A.SassFunction(callable);
61741 throw A.wrapException("Function not found: " + $name.toString$0(0));
61742 },
61743 $signature: 213
61744 };
61745 A._EvaluateVisitor__closure1.prototype = {
61746 call$0() {
61747 var t1 = A.stringReplaceAllUnchecked(this.name._string$_text, "_", "-"),
61748 t2 = this.module;
61749 t2 = t2 == null ? null : t2._string$_text;
61750 return this.$this._getFunction$2$namespace(t1, t2);
61751 },
61752 $signature: 110
61753 };
61754 A._EvaluateVisitor_closure7.prototype = {
61755 call$1($arguments) {
61756 var t2, t3, t4, t5, t6, t7, t8, t9, t10, t11, invocation, callableNode, callable,
61757 t1 = J.getInterceptor$asx($arguments),
61758 $function = t1.$index($arguments, 0),
61759 args = type$.SassArgumentList._as(t1.$index($arguments, 1));
61760 t1 = this.$this;
61761 t2 = t1._callableNode;
61762 t2.toString;
61763 t3 = A._setArrayType([], type$.JSArray_Expression);
61764 t4 = type$.String;
61765 t5 = type$.Expression;
61766 t6 = t2.get$span(t2);
61767 t7 = t2.get$span(t2);
61768 args._wereKeywordsAccessed = true;
61769 t8 = args._keywords;
61770 if (t8.get$isEmpty(t8))
61771 t2 = null;
61772 else {
61773 t9 = type$.Value;
61774 t10 = A.LinkedHashMap_LinkedHashMap$_empty(t9, t9);
61775 for (args._wereKeywordsAccessed = true, t8 = t8.get$entries(t8), t8 = t8.get$iterator(t8); t8.moveNext$0();) {
61776 t11 = t8.get$current(t8);
61777 t10.$indexSet(0, new A.SassString(t11.key, false), t11.value);
61778 }
61779 t2 = new A.ValueExpression(new A.SassMap(A.ConstantMap_ConstantMap$from(t10, t9, t9)), t2.get$span(t2));
61780 }
61781 invocation = new A.ArgumentInvocation(A.List_List$unmodifiable(t3, t5), A.ConstantMap_ConstantMap$from(A.LinkedHashMap_LinkedHashMap$_empty(t4, t5), t4, t5), new A.ValueExpression(args, t7), t2, t6);
61782 if ($function instanceof A.SassString) {
61783 t2 = string$.Passin + $function.toString$0(0) + "))";
61784 A.EvaluationContext_current().warn$2$deprecation(0, t2, true);
61785 callableNode = t1._callableNode;
61786 return t1.visitFunctionExpression$1(new A.FunctionExpression(null, $function._string$_text, invocation, callableNode.get$span(callableNode)));
61787 }
61788 callable = $function.assertFunction$1("function").callable;
61789 if (type$.Callable._is(callable)) {
61790 t2 = t1._callableNode;
61791 t2.toString;
61792 return t1._runFunctionCallable$3(invocation, callable, t2);
61793 } else
61794 throw A.wrapException(A.SassScriptException$("The function " + callable.get$name(callable) + string$.x20is_as));
61795 },
61796 $signature: 4
61797 };
61798 A._EvaluateVisitor_closure8.prototype = {
61799 call$1($arguments) {
61800 var withMap, t2, values, configuration,
61801 t1 = J.getInterceptor$asx($arguments),
61802 url = A.Uri_parse(t1.$index($arguments, 0).assertString$1("url")._string$_text);
61803 t1 = t1.$index($arguments, 1).get$realNull();
61804 withMap = t1 == null ? null : t1.assertMap$1("with")._map$_contents;
61805 t1 = this.$this;
61806 t2 = t1._callableNode;
61807 t2.toString;
61808 if (withMap != null) {
61809 values = A.LinkedHashMap_LinkedHashMap$_empty(type$.String, type$.ConfiguredValue);
61810 withMap.forEach$1(0, new A._EvaluateVisitor__closure(values, t2.get$span(t2), t2));
61811 configuration = new A.ExplicitConfiguration(t2, values);
61812 } else
61813 configuration = B.Configuration_Map_empty;
61814 t1._loadModule$7$baseUrl$configuration$namesInErrors(url, "load-css()", t2, new A._EvaluateVisitor__closure0(t1), t2.get$span(t2).file.url, configuration, true);
61815 t1._assertConfigurationIsEmpty$2$nameInError(configuration, true);
61816 },
61817 $signature: 608
61818 };
61819 A._EvaluateVisitor__closure.prototype = {
61820 call$2(variable, value) {
61821 var t1 = variable.assertString$1("with key"),
61822 $name = A.stringReplaceAllUnchecked(t1._string$_text, "_", "-");
61823 t1 = this.values;
61824 if (t1.containsKey$1($name))
61825 throw A.wrapException("The variable $" + $name + " was configured twice.");
61826 t1.$indexSet(0, $name, new A.ConfiguredValue(value, this.span, this.callableNode));
61827 },
61828 $signature: 50
61829 };
61830 A._EvaluateVisitor__closure0.prototype = {
61831 call$1(module) {
61832 var t1 = this.$this;
61833 return t1._combineCss$2$clone(module, true).accept$1(t1);
61834 },
61835 $signature: 63
61836 };
61837 A._EvaluateVisitor_run_closure.prototype = {
61838 call$0() {
61839 var t2, _this = this,
61840 t1 = _this.node,
61841 url = t1.span.file.url;
61842 if (url != null) {
61843 t2 = _this.$this;
61844 t2._activeModules.$indexSet(0, url, null);
61845 t2._loadedUrls.add$1(0, url);
61846 }
61847 t2 = _this.$this;
61848 return new A.EvaluateResult(t2._combineCss$1(t2._execute$2(_this.importer, t1)));
61849 },
61850 $signature: 260
61851 };
61852 A._EvaluateVisitor_runExpression_closure.prototype = {
61853 call$0() {
61854 var t1 = this.$this,
61855 t2 = this.expression;
61856 return t1._withFakeStylesheet$3(this.importer, t2, new A._EvaluateVisitor_runExpression__closure(t1, t2));
61857 },
61858 $signature: 35
61859 };
61860 A._EvaluateVisitor_runExpression__closure.prototype = {
61861 call$0() {
61862 return this.expression.accept$1(this.$this);
61863 },
61864 $signature: 35
61865 };
61866 A._EvaluateVisitor_runStatement_closure.prototype = {
61867 call$0() {
61868 var t1 = this.$this,
61869 t2 = this.statement;
61870 return t1._withFakeStylesheet$3(this.importer, t2, new A._EvaluateVisitor_runStatement__closure(t1, t2));
61871 },
61872 $signature: 0
61873 };
61874 A._EvaluateVisitor_runStatement__closure.prototype = {
61875 call$0() {
61876 return this.statement.accept$1(this.$this);
61877 },
61878 $signature: 0
61879 };
61880 A._EvaluateVisitor__loadModule_closure.prototype = {
61881 call$0() {
61882 return this.callback.call$1(this.builtInModule);
61883 },
61884 $signature: 0
61885 };
61886 A._EvaluateVisitor__loadModule_closure0.prototype = {
61887 call$0() {
61888 var oldInDependency, module, error, stackTrace, error0, stackTrace0, error1, stackTrace1, error2, stackTrace2, message, exception, t3, t4, t5, t6, t7, _this = this,
61889 t1 = _this.$this,
61890 t2 = _this.nodeWithSpan,
61891 result = t1._loadStylesheet$3$baseUrl(_this.url.toString$0(0), t2.get$span(t2), _this.baseUrl),
61892 stylesheet = result.stylesheet,
61893 canonicalUrl = stylesheet.span.file.url;
61894 if (canonicalUrl != null && t1._activeModules.containsKey$1(canonicalUrl)) {
61895 message = _this.namesInErrors ? "Module loop: " + $.$get$context().prettyUri$1(canonicalUrl) + " is already being loaded." : string$.Modulel;
61896 t2 = A.NullableExtension_andThen(t1._activeModules.$index(0, canonicalUrl), new A._EvaluateVisitor__loadModule__closure(t1, message));
61897 throw A.wrapException(t2 == null ? t1._evaluate$_exception$1(message) : t2);
61898 }
61899 if (canonicalUrl != null)
61900 t1._activeModules.$indexSet(0, canonicalUrl, t2);
61901 oldInDependency = t1._inDependency;
61902 t1._inDependency = result.isDependency;
61903 module = null;
61904 try {
61905 module = t1._execute$5$configuration$namesInErrors$nodeWithSpan(result.importer, stylesheet, _this.configuration, _this.namesInErrors, t2);
61906 } finally {
61907 t1._activeModules.remove$1(0, canonicalUrl);
61908 t1._inDependency = oldInDependency;
61909 }
61910 try {
61911 _this.callback.call$1(module);
61912 } catch (exception) {
61913 t2 = A.unwrapException(exception);
61914 if (type$.SassRuntimeException._is(t2))
61915 throw exception;
61916 else if (t2 instanceof A.MultiSpanSassException) {
61917 error = t2;
61918 stackTrace = A.getTraceFromException(exception);
61919 t2 = error._span_exception$_message;
61920 t3 = error;
61921 t4 = J.getInterceptor$z(t3);
61922 t3 = A.SourceSpanException.prototype.get$span.call(t4, t3);
61923 t4 = error.primaryLabel;
61924 t5 = error.secondarySpans;
61925 t6 = error;
61926 t7 = J.getInterceptor$z(t6);
61927 A.throwWithTrace(new A.MultiSpanSassRuntimeException(t1._evaluate$_stackTrace$1(A.SourceSpanException.prototype.get$span.call(t7, t6)), t4, A.ConstantMap_ConstantMap$from(t5, type$.FileSpan, type$.String), t2, t3), stackTrace);
61928 } else if (t2 instanceof A.SassException) {
61929 error0 = t2;
61930 stackTrace0 = A.getTraceFromException(exception);
61931 t2 = error0;
61932 t3 = J.getInterceptor$z(t2);
61933 A.throwWithTrace(t1._evaluate$_exception$2(error0._span_exception$_message, A.SourceSpanException.prototype.get$span.call(t3, t2)), stackTrace0);
61934 } else if (t2 instanceof A.MultiSpanSassScriptException) {
61935 error1 = t2;
61936 stackTrace1 = A.getTraceFromException(exception);
61937 A.throwWithTrace(t1._multiSpanException$3(error1.message, error1.primaryLabel, error1.secondarySpans), stackTrace1);
61938 } else if (t2 instanceof A.SassScriptException) {
61939 error2 = t2;
61940 stackTrace2 = A.getTraceFromException(exception);
61941 A.throwWithTrace(t1._evaluate$_exception$1(error2.message), stackTrace2);
61942 } else
61943 throw exception;
61944 }
61945 },
61946 $signature: 1
61947 };
61948 A._EvaluateVisitor__loadModule__closure.prototype = {
61949 call$1(previousLoad) {
61950 return this.$this._multiSpanException$3(this.message, "new load", A.LinkedHashMap_LinkedHashMap$_literal([previousLoad.get$span(previousLoad), "original load"], type$.FileSpan, type$.String));
61951 },
61952 $signature: 91
61953 };
61954 A._EvaluateVisitor__execute_closure.prototype = {
61955 call$0() {
61956 var t3, t4, t5, t6, _this = this,
61957 t1 = _this.$this,
61958 oldImporter = t1._importer,
61959 oldStylesheet = t1.__stylesheet,
61960 oldRoot = t1.__root,
61961 oldParent = t1.__parent,
61962 oldEndOfImports = t1.__endOfImports,
61963 oldOutOfOrderImports = t1._outOfOrderImports,
61964 oldExtensionStore = t1.__extensionStore,
61965 t2 = t1._atRootExcludingStyleRule,
61966 oldStyleRule = t2 ? null : t1._styleRuleIgnoringAtRoot,
61967 oldMediaQueries = t1._mediaQueries,
61968 oldDeclarationName = t1._declarationName,
61969 oldInUnknownAtRule = t1._inUnknownAtRule,
61970 oldInKeyframes = t1._inKeyframes,
61971 oldConfiguration = t1._configuration;
61972 t1._importer = _this.importer;
61973 t3 = t1.__stylesheet = _this.stylesheet;
61974 t4 = t3.span;
61975 t5 = t1.__parent = t1.__root = A.ModifiableCssStylesheet$(t4);
61976 t1.__endOfImports = 0;
61977 t1._outOfOrderImports = null;
61978 t1.__extensionStore = _this.extensionStore;
61979 t1._declarationName = t1._mediaQueries = t1._styleRuleIgnoringAtRoot = null;
61980 t1._inKeyframes = t1._atRootExcludingStyleRule = t1._inUnknownAtRule = false;
61981 t6 = _this.configuration;
61982 if (t6 != null)
61983 t1._configuration = t6;
61984 t1.visitStylesheet$1(t3);
61985 t3 = t1._outOfOrderImports == null ? t5 : new A.CssStylesheet(new A.UnmodifiableListView(t1._addOutOfOrderImports$0(), type$.UnmodifiableListView_CssNode), t4);
61986 _this.css._value = t3;
61987 t1._importer = oldImporter;
61988 t1.__stylesheet = oldStylesheet;
61989 t1.__root = oldRoot;
61990 t1.__parent = oldParent;
61991 t1.__endOfImports = oldEndOfImports;
61992 t1._outOfOrderImports = oldOutOfOrderImports;
61993 t1.__extensionStore = oldExtensionStore;
61994 t1._styleRuleIgnoringAtRoot = oldStyleRule;
61995 t1._mediaQueries = oldMediaQueries;
61996 t1._declarationName = oldDeclarationName;
61997 t1._inUnknownAtRule = oldInUnknownAtRule;
61998 t1._atRootExcludingStyleRule = t2;
61999 t1._inKeyframes = oldInKeyframes;
62000 t1._configuration = oldConfiguration;
62001 },
62002 $signature: 1
62003 };
62004 A._EvaluateVisitor__combineCss_closure.prototype = {
62005 call$1(module) {
62006 return module.get$transitivelyContainsCss();
62007 },
62008 $signature: 139
62009 };
62010 A._EvaluateVisitor__combineCss_closure0.prototype = {
62011 call$1(target) {
62012 return !this.selectors.contains$1(0, target);
62013 },
62014 $signature: 16
62015 };
62016 A._EvaluateVisitor__combineCss_closure1.prototype = {
62017 call$1(module) {
62018 return module.cloneCss$0();
62019 },
62020 $signature: 261
62021 };
62022 A._EvaluateVisitor__extendModules_closure.prototype = {
62023 call$1(target) {
62024 return !this.originalSelectors.contains$1(0, target);
62025 },
62026 $signature: 16
62027 };
62028 A._EvaluateVisitor__extendModules_closure0.prototype = {
62029 call$0() {
62030 return A._setArrayType([], type$.JSArray_ExtensionStore);
62031 },
62032 $signature: 206
62033 };
62034 A._EvaluateVisitor__topologicalModules_visitModule.prototype = {
62035 call$1(module) {
62036 var t1, t2, t3, _i, upstream;
62037 for (t1 = module.get$upstream(), t2 = t1.length, t3 = this.seen, _i = 0; _i < t1.length; t1.length === t2 || (0, A.throwConcurrentModificationError)(t1), ++_i) {
62038 upstream = t1[_i];
62039 if (upstream.get$transitivelyContainsCss() && t3.add$1(0, upstream))
62040 this.call$1(upstream);
62041 }
62042 this.sorted.addFirst$1(module);
62043 },
62044 $signature: 63
62045 };
62046 A._EvaluateVisitor_visitAtRootRule_closure.prototype = {
62047 call$0() {
62048 var t1 = A.SpanScanner$(this.resolved, null);
62049 return new A.AtRootQueryParser(t1, this.$this._evaluate$_logger).parse$0();
62050 },
62051 $signature: 102
62052 };
62053 A._EvaluateVisitor_visitAtRootRule_closure0.prototype = {
62054 call$0() {
62055 var t1, t2, t3, _i;
62056 for (t1 = this.node.children, t2 = t1.length, t3 = this.$this, _i = 0; _i < t2; ++_i)
62057 t1[_i].accept$1(t3);
62058 },
62059 $signature: 1
62060 };
62061 A._EvaluateVisitor_visitAtRootRule_closure1.prototype = {
62062 call$0() {
62063 var t1, t2, t3, _i;
62064 for (t1 = this.node.children, t2 = t1.length, t3 = this.$this, _i = 0; _i < t2; ++_i)
62065 t1[_i].accept$1(t3);
62066 },
62067 $signature: 0
62068 };
62069 A._EvaluateVisitor__scopeForAtRoot_closure.prototype = {
62070 call$1(callback) {
62071 var t1 = this.$this,
62072 t2 = t1._assertInModule$2(t1.__parent, "__parent");
62073 t1.__parent = this.newParent;
62074 t1._environment.scope$1$2$when(callback, this.node.hasDeclarations, type$.void);
62075 t1.__parent = t2;
62076 },
62077 $signature: 26
62078 };
62079 A._EvaluateVisitor__scopeForAtRoot_closure0.prototype = {
62080 call$1(callback) {
62081 var t1 = this.$this,
62082 oldAtRootExcludingStyleRule = t1._atRootExcludingStyleRule;
62083 t1._atRootExcludingStyleRule = true;
62084 this.innerScope.call$1(callback);
62085 t1._atRootExcludingStyleRule = oldAtRootExcludingStyleRule;
62086 },
62087 $signature: 26
62088 };
62089 A._EvaluateVisitor__scopeForAtRoot_closure1.prototype = {
62090 call$1(callback) {
62091 return this.$this._withMediaQueries$2(null, new A._EvaluateVisitor__scopeForAtRoot__closure(this.innerScope, callback));
62092 },
62093 $signature: 26
62094 };
62095 A._EvaluateVisitor__scopeForAtRoot__closure.prototype = {
62096 call$0() {
62097 return this.innerScope.call$1(this.callback);
62098 },
62099 $signature: 1
62100 };
62101 A._EvaluateVisitor__scopeForAtRoot_closure2.prototype = {
62102 call$1(callback) {
62103 var t1 = this.$this,
62104 wasInKeyframes = t1._inKeyframes;
62105 t1._inKeyframes = false;
62106 this.innerScope.call$1(callback);
62107 t1._inKeyframes = wasInKeyframes;
62108 },
62109 $signature: 26
62110 };
62111 A._EvaluateVisitor__scopeForAtRoot_closure3.prototype = {
62112 call$1($parent) {
62113 return type$.CssAtRule._is($parent);
62114 },
62115 $signature: 204
62116 };
62117 A._EvaluateVisitor__scopeForAtRoot_closure4.prototype = {
62118 call$1(callback) {
62119 var t1 = this.$this,
62120 wasInUnknownAtRule = t1._inUnknownAtRule;
62121 t1._inUnknownAtRule = false;
62122 this.innerScope.call$1(callback);
62123 t1._inUnknownAtRule = wasInUnknownAtRule;
62124 },
62125 $signature: 26
62126 };
62127 A._EvaluateVisitor_visitContentRule_closure.prototype = {
62128 call$0() {
62129 var t1, t2, t3, _i;
62130 for (t1 = this.content.declaration.children, t2 = t1.length, t3 = this.$this, _i = 0; _i < t2; ++_i)
62131 t1[_i].accept$1(t3);
62132 return null;
62133 },
62134 $signature: 1
62135 };
62136 A._EvaluateVisitor_visitDeclaration_closure.prototype = {
62137 call$1(value) {
62138 return new A.CssValue(value.accept$1(this.$this), value.get$span(value), type$.CssValue_Value);
62139 },
62140 $signature: 262
62141 };
62142 A._EvaluateVisitor_visitDeclaration_closure0.prototype = {
62143 call$0() {
62144 var t1, t2, t3, _i;
62145 for (t1 = this.children, t2 = t1.length, t3 = this.$this, _i = 0; _i < t2; ++_i)
62146 t1[_i].accept$1(t3);
62147 },
62148 $signature: 1
62149 };
62150 A._EvaluateVisitor_visitEachRule_closure.prototype = {
62151 call$1(value) {
62152 var t1 = this.$this,
62153 t2 = this.nodeWithSpan;
62154 return t1._environment.setLocalVariable$3(B.JSArray_methods.get$first(this.node.variables), t1._withoutSlash$2(value, t2), t2);
62155 },
62156 $signature: 52
62157 };
62158 A._EvaluateVisitor_visitEachRule_closure0.prototype = {
62159 call$1(value) {
62160 return this.$this._setMultipleVariables$3(this.node.variables, value, this.nodeWithSpan);
62161 },
62162 $signature: 52
62163 };
62164 A._EvaluateVisitor_visitEachRule_closure1.prototype = {
62165 call$0() {
62166 var _this = this,
62167 t1 = _this.$this;
62168 return t1._handleReturn$2(_this.list.get$asList(), new A._EvaluateVisitor_visitEachRule__closure(t1, _this.setVariables, _this.node));
62169 },
62170 $signature: 33
62171 };
62172 A._EvaluateVisitor_visitEachRule__closure.prototype = {
62173 call$1(element) {
62174 var t1;
62175 this.setVariables.call$1(element);
62176 t1 = this.$this;
62177 return t1._handleReturn$2(this.node.children, new A._EvaluateVisitor_visitEachRule___closure(t1));
62178 },
62179 $signature: 263
62180 };
62181 A._EvaluateVisitor_visitEachRule___closure.prototype = {
62182 call$1(child) {
62183 return child.accept$1(this.$this);
62184 },
62185 $signature: 73
62186 };
62187 A._EvaluateVisitor_visitExtendRule_closure.prototype = {
62188 call$0() {
62189 return A.SelectorList_SelectorList$parse(A.trimAscii(this.targetText.value, true), false, true, this.$this._evaluate$_logger);
62190 },
62191 $signature: 46
62192 };
62193 A._EvaluateVisitor_visitAtRule_closure.prototype = {
62194 call$1(value) {
62195 return this.$this._interpolationToValue$3$trim$warnForColor(value, true, true);
62196 },
62197 $signature: 265
62198 };
62199 A._EvaluateVisitor_visitAtRule_closure0.prototype = {
62200 call$0() {
62201 var t2, t3, _i,
62202 t1 = this.$this,
62203 styleRule = t1._atRootExcludingStyleRule ? null : t1._styleRuleIgnoringAtRoot;
62204 if (styleRule == null || t1._inKeyframes)
62205 for (t2 = this.children, t3 = t2.length, _i = 0; _i < t3; ++_i)
62206 t2[_i].accept$1(t1);
62207 else
62208 t1._withParent$2$3$scopeWhen(A.ModifiableCssStyleRule$(styleRule.selector, styleRule.span, styleRule.originalSelector), new A._EvaluateVisitor_visitAtRule__closure(t1, this.children), false, type$.ModifiableCssStyleRule, type$.Null);
62209 },
62210 $signature: 1
62211 };
62212 A._EvaluateVisitor_visitAtRule__closure.prototype = {
62213 call$0() {
62214 var t1, t2, t3, _i;
62215 for (t1 = this.children, t2 = t1.length, t3 = this.$this, _i = 0; _i < t2; ++_i)
62216 t1[_i].accept$1(t3);
62217 },
62218 $signature: 1
62219 };
62220 A._EvaluateVisitor_visitAtRule_closure1.prototype = {
62221 call$1(node) {
62222 return type$.CssStyleRule._is(node);
62223 },
62224 $signature: 7
62225 };
62226 A._EvaluateVisitor_visitForRule_closure.prototype = {
62227 call$0() {
62228 return this.node.from.accept$1(this.$this).assertNumber$0();
62229 },
62230 $signature: 151
62231 };
62232 A._EvaluateVisitor_visitForRule_closure0.prototype = {
62233 call$0() {
62234 return this.node.to.accept$1(this.$this).assertNumber$0();
62235 },
62236 $signature: 151
62237 };
62238 A._EvaluateVisitor_visitForRule_closure1.prototype = {
62239 call$0() {
62240 return this.fromNumber.assertInt$0();
62241 },
62242 $signature: 12
62243 };
62244 A._EvaluateVisitor_visitForRule_closure2.prototype = {
62245 call$0() {
62246 var t1 = this.fromNumber;
62247 return this.toNumber.coerce$2(t1.get$numeratorUnits(t1), t1.get$denominatorUnits(t1)).assertInt$0();
62248 },
62249 $signature: 12
62250 };
62251 A._EvaluateVisitor_visitForRule_closure3.prototype = {
62252 call$0() {
62253 var i, t3, t4, t5, t6, t7, t8, result, _this = this,
62254 t1 = _this.$this,
62255 t2 = _this.node,
62256 nodeWithSpan = t1._expressionNode$1(t2.from);
62257 for (i = _this.from, t3 = _this._box_0, t4 = _this.direction, t5 = t2.variable, t6 = _this.fromNumber, t2 = t2.children; i !== t3.to; i += t4) {
62258 t7 = t1._environment;
62259 t8 = t6.get$numeratorUnits(t6);
62260 t7.setLocalVariable$3(t5, A.SassNumber_SassNumber$withUnits(i, t6.get$denominatorUnits(t6), t8), nodeWithSpan);
62261 result = t1._handleReturn$2(t2, new A._EvaluateVisitor_visitForRule__closure(t1));
62262 if (result != null)
62263 return result;
62264 }
62265 return null;
62266 },
62267 $signature: 33
62268 };
62269 A._EvaluateVisitor_visitForRule__closure.prototype = {
62270 call$1(child) {
62271 return child.accept$1(this.$this);
62272 },
62273 $signature: 73
62274 };
62275 A._EvaluateVisitor_visitForwardRule_closure.prototype = {
62276 call$1(module) {
62277 this.$this._environment.forwardModule$2(module, this.node);
62278 },
62279 $signature: 63
62280 };
62281 A._EvaluateVisitor_visitForwardRule_closure0.prototype = {
62282 call$1(module) {
62283 this.$this._environment.forwardModule$2(module, this.node);
62284 },
62285 $signature: 63
62286 };
62287 A._EvaluateVisitor_visitIfRule_closure.prototype = {
62288 call$0() {
62289 var t1 = this.$this;
62290 return t1._handleReturn$2(this._box_0.clause.children, new A._EvaluateVisitor_visitIfRule__closure(t1));
62291 },
62292 $signature: 33
62293 };
62294 A._EvaluateVisitor_visitIfRule__closure.prototype = {
62295 call$1(child) {
62296 return child.accept$1(this.$this);
62297 },
62298 $signature: 73
62299 };
62300 A._EvaluateVisitor__visitDynamicImport_closure.prototype = {
62301 call$0() {
62302 var t3, t4, oldImporter, oldInDependency, loadsUserDefinedModules, children, t5, t6, t7, t8, t9, t10, environment, module, visitor,
62303 t1 = this.$this,
62304 t2 = this.$import,
62305 result = t1._loadStylesheet$3$forImport(t2.urlString, t2.span, true),
62306 stylesheet = result.stylesheet,
62307 url = stylesheet.span.file.url;
62308 if (url != null) {
62309 t3 = t1._activeModules;
62310 if (t3.containsKey$1(url)) {
62311 t2 = A.NullableExtension_andThen(t3.$index(0, url), new A._EvaluateVisitor__visitDynamicImport__closure(t1));
62312 throw A.wrapException(t2 == null ? t1._evaluate$_exception$1("This file is already being loaded.") : t2);
62313 }
62314 t3.$indexSet(0, url, t2);
62315 }
62316 t2 = stylesheet._uses;
62317 t3 = type$.UnmodifiableListView_UseRule;
62318 t4 = new A.UnmodifiableListView(t2, t3);
62319 if (t4.get$length(t4) === 0) {
62320 t4 = new A.UnmodifiableListView(stylesheet._forwards, type$.UnmodifiableListView_ForwardRule);
62321 t4 = t4.get$length(t4) === 0;
62322 } else
62323 t4 = false;
62324 if (t4) {
62325 oldImporter = t1._importer;
62326 t2 = t1._assertInModule$2(t1.__stylesheet, "_stylesheet");
62327 oldInDependency = t1._inDependency;
62328 t1._importer = result.importer;
62329 t1.__stylesheet = stylesheet;
62330 t1._inDependency = result.isDependency;
62331 t1.visitStylesheet$1(stylesheet);
62332 t1._importer = oldImporter;
62333 t1.__stylesheet = t2;
62334 t1._inDependency = oldInDependency;
62335 t1._activeModules.remove$1(0, url);
62336 return;
62337 }
62338 t2 = new A.UnmodifiableListView(t2, t3);
62339 if (!t2.any$1(t2, new A._EvaluateVisitor__visitDynamicImport__closure0())) {
62340 t2 = new A.UnmodifiableListView(stylesheet._forwards, type$.UnmodifiableListView_ForwardRule);
62341 loadsUserDefinedModules = t2.any$1(t2, new A._EvaluateVisitor__visitDynamicImport__closure1());
62342 } else
62343 loadsUserDefinedModules = true;
62344 children = A._Cell$();
62345 t2 = t1._environment;
62346 t3 = type$.String;
62347 t4 = type$.Module_Callable;
62348 t5 = type$.AstNode;
62349 t6 = A._setArrayType([], type$.JSArray_Module_Callable);
62350 t7 = t2._variables;
62351 t7 = A._setArrayType(t7.slice(0), A._arrayInstanceType(t7));
62352 t8 = t2._variableNodes;
62353 t8 = A._setArrayType(t8.slice(0), A._arrayInstanceType(t8));
62354 t9 = t2._functions;
62355 t9 = A._setArrayType(t9.slice(0), A._arrayInstanceType(t9));
62356 t10 = t2._mixins;
62357 t10 = A._setArrayType(t10.slice(0), A._arrayInstanceType(t10));
62358 environment = A.Environment$_(A.LinkedHashMap_LinkedHashMap$_empty(t3, t4), A.LinkedHashMap_LinkedHashMap$_empty(t3, t5), A.LinkedHashMap_LinkedHashMap$_empty(t4, t5), t2._importedModules, null, null, t6, t7, t8, t9, t10, t2._content);
62359 t1._withEnvironment$2(environment, new A._EvaluateVisitor__visitDynamicImport__closure2(t1, result, stylesheet, loadsUserDefinedModules, environment, children));
62360 module = environment.toDummyModule$0();
62361 t1._environment.importForwards$1(module);
62362 if (loadsUserDefinedModules) {
62363 if (module.transitivelyContainsCss)
62364 t1._combineCss$2$clone(module, module.transitivelyContainsExtensions).accept$1(t1);
62365 visitor = new A._ImportedCssVisitor(t1);
62366 for (t2 = J.get$iterator$ax(children._readLocal$0()); t2.moveNext$0();)
62367 t2.get$current(t2).accept$1(visitor);
62368 }
62369 t1._activeModules.remove$1(0, url);
62370 },
62371 $signature: 0
62372 };
62373 A._EvaluateVisitor__visitDynamicImport__closure.prototype = {
62374 call$1(previousLoad) {
62375 return this.$this._multiSpanException$3("This file is already being loaded.", "new load", A.LinkedHashMap_LinkedHashMap$_literal([previousLoad.get$span(previousLoad), "original load"], type$.FileSpan, type$.String));
62376 },
62377 $signature: 91
62378 };
62379 A._EvaluateVisitor__visitDynamicImport__closure0.prototype = {
62380 call$1(rule) {
62381 return rule.url.get$scheme() !== "sass";
62382 },
62383 $signature: 194
62384 };
62385 A._EvaluateVisitor__visitDynamicImport__closure1.prototype = {
62386 call$1(rule) {
62387 return rule.url.get$scheme() !== "sass";
62388 },
62389 $signature: 186
62390 };
62391 A._EvaluateVisitor__visitDynamicImport__closure2.prototype = {
62392 call$0() {
62393 var t7, t8, t9, _this = this,
62394 t1 = _this.$this,
62395 oldImporter = t1._importer,
62396 t2 = t1._assertInModule$2(t1.__stylesheet, "_stylesheet"),
62397 t3 = t1._assertInModule$2(t1.__root, "_root"),
62398 t4 = t1._assertInModule$2(t1.__parent, "__parent"),
62399 t5 = t1._assertInModule$2(t1.__endOfImports, "_endOfImports"),
62400 oldOutOfOrderImports = t1._outOfOrderImports,
62401 oldConfiguration = t1._configuration,
62402 oldInDependency = t1._inDependency,
62403 t6 = _this.result;
62404 t1._importer = t6.importer;
62405 t7 = t1.__stylesheet = _this.stylesheet;
62406 t8 = _this.loadsUserDefinedModules;
62407 if (t8) {
62408 t9 = A.ModifiableCssStylesheet$(t7.span);
62409 t1.__root = t9;
62410 t1.__parent = t1._assertInModule$2(t9, "_root");
62411 t1.__endOfImports = 0;
62412 t1._outOfOrderImports = null;
62413 }
62414 t1._inDependency = t6.isDependency;
62415 t6 = new A.UnmodifiableListView(t7._forwards, type$.UnmodifiableListView_ForwardRule);
62416 if (!t6.get$isEmpty(t6))
62417 t1._configuration = _this.environment.toImplicitConfiguration$0();
62418 t1.visitStylesheet$1(t7);
62419 t6 = t8 ? t1._addOutOfOrderImports$0() : A._setArrayType([], type$.JSArray_ModifiableCssNode);
62420 _this.children._value = t6;
62421 t1._importer = oldImporter;
62422 t1.__stylesheet = t2;
62423 t1.__root = t3;
62424 t1.__parent = t4;
62425 t1.__endOfImports = t5;
62426 t1._outOfOrderImports = oldOutOfOrderImports;
62427 t1._configuration = oldConfiguration;
62428 t1._inDependency = oldInDependency;
62429 },
62430 $signature: 1
62431 };
62432 A._EvaluateVisitor__visitStaticImport_closure.prototype = {
62433 call$1(supports) {
62434 var t2, t3, arg,
62435 t1 = this.$this;
62436 if (supports instanceof A.SupportsDeclaration) {
62437 t2 = supports.name;
62438 t2 = t1._evaluate$_serialize$3$quote(t2.accept$1(t1), t2, true) + ":";
62439 t3 = supports.value;
62440 arg = t2 + (supports.get$isCustomProperty() ? "" : " ") + t1._evaluate$_serialize$3$quote(t3.accept$1(t1), t3, true);
62441 } else
62442 arg = A.NullableExtension_andThen(supports, t1.get$_visitSupportsCondition());
62443 return new A.CssValue("supports(" + A.S(arg) + ")", supports.get$span(supports), type$.CssValue_String);
62444 },
62445 $signature: 267
62446 };
62447 A._EvaluateVisitor_visitIncludeRule_closure.prototype = {
62448 call$0() {
62449 var t1 = this.node;
62450 return this.$this._environment.getMixin$2$namespace(t1.name, t1.namespace);
62451 },
62452 $signature: 110
62453 };
62454 A._EvaluateVisitor_visitIncludeRule_closure0.prototype = {
62455 call$0() {
62456 return this.node.get$spanWithoutContent();
62457 },
62458 $signature: 29
62459 };
62460 A._EvaluateVisitor_visitIncludeRule_closure2.prototype = {
62461 call$1($content) {
62462 return new A.UserDefinedCallable($content, this.$this._environment.closure$0(), type$.UserDefinedCallable_Environment);
62463 },
62464 $signature: 268
62465 };
62466 A._EvaluateVisitor_visitIncludeRule_closure1.prototype = {
62467 call$0() {
62468 var _this = this,
62469 t1 = _this.$this,
62470 t2 = t1._environment,
62471 oldContent = t2._content;
62472 t2._content = _this.contentCallable;
62473 new A._EvaluateVisitor_visitIncludeRule__closure(t1, _this.mixin, _this.nodeWithSpan).call$0();
62474 t2._content = oldContent;
62475 },
62476 $signature: 1
62477 };
62478 A._EvaluateVisitor_visitIncludeRule__closure.prototype = {
62479 call$0() {
62480 var t1 = this.$this,
62481 t2 = t1._environment,
62482 oldInMixin = t2._inMixin;
62483 t2._inMixin = true;
62484 new A._EvaluateVisitor_visitIncludeRule___closure(t1, this.mixin, this.nodeWithSpan).call$0();
62485 t2._inMixin = oldInMixin;
62486 },
62487 $signature: 0
62488 };
62489 A._EvaluateVisitor_visitIncludeRule___closure.prototype = {
62490 call$0() {
62491 var t1, t2, t3, t4, _i;
62492 for (t1 = this.mixin.declaration.children, t2 = t1.length, t3 = this.$this, t4 = this.nodeWithSpan, _i = 0; _i < t2; ++_i)
62493 t3._addErrorSpan$2(t4, new A._EvaluateVisitor_visitIncludeRule____closure(t3, t1[_i]));
62494 },
62495 $signature: 0
62496 };
62497 A._EvaluateVisitor_visitIncludeRule____closure.prototype = {
62498 call$0() {
62499 return this.statement.accept$1(this.$this);
62500 },
62501 $signature: 33
62502 };
62503 A._EvaluateVisitor_visitMediaRule_closure.prototype = {
62504 call$1(mediaQueries) {
62505 return this.$this._mergeMediaQueries$2(mediaQueries, this.queries);
62506 },
62507 $signature: 83
62508 };
62509 A._EvaluateVisitor_visitMediaRule_closure0.prototype = {
62510 call$0() {
62511 var _this = this,
62512 t1 = _this.$this,
62513 t2 = _this.mergedQueries;
62514 if (t2 == null)
62515 t2 = _this.queries;
62516 t1._withMediaQueries$2(t2, new A._EvaluateVisitor_visitMediaRule__closure(t1, _this.node));
62517 },
62518 $signature: 1
62519 };
62520 A._EvaluateVisitor_visitMediaRule__closure.prototype = {
62521 call$0() {
62522 var t2, t3, _i,
62523 t1 = this.$this,
62524 styleRule = t1._atRootExcludingStyleRule ? null : t1._styleRuleIgnoringAtRoot;
62525 if (styleRule == null)
62526 for (t2 = this.node.children, t3 = t2.length, _i = 0; _i < t3; ++_i)
62527 t2[_i].accept$1(t1);
62528 else
62529 t1._withParent$2$3$scopeWhen(A.ModifiableCssStyleRule$(styleRule.selector, styleRule.span, styleRule.originalSelector), new A._EvaluateVisitor_visitMediaRule___closure(t1, this.node), false, type$.ModifiableCssStyleRule, type$.Null);
62530 },
62531 $signature: 1
62532 };
62533 A._EvaluateVisitor_visitMediaRule___closure.prototype = {
62534 call$0() {
62535 var t1, t2, t3, _i;
62536 for (t1 = this.node.children, t2 = t1.length, t3 = this.$this, _i = 0; _i < t2; ++_i)
62537 t1[_i].accept$1(t3);
62538 },
62539 $signature: 1
62540 };
62541 A._EvaluateVisitor_visitMediaRule_closure1.prototype = {
62542 call$1(node) {
62543 var t1;
62544 if (!type$.CssStyleRule._is(node))
62545 t1 = this.mergedQueries != null && type$.CssMediaRule._is(node);
62546 else
62547 t1 = true;
62548 return t1;
62549 },
62550 $signature: 7
62551 };
62552 A._EvaluateVisitor__visitMediaQueries_closure.prototype = {
62553 call$0() {
62554 var t1 = A.SpanScanner$(this.resolved, null);
62555 return new A.MediaQueryParser(t1, this.$this._evaluate$_logger).parse$0();
62556 },
62557 $signature: 101
62558 };
62559 A._EvaluateVisitor_visitStyleRule_closure.prototype = {
62560 call$0() {
62561 return A.KeyframeSelectorParser$(this.selectorText.value, this.$this._evaluate$_logger).parse$0();
62562 },
62563 $signature: 48
62564 };
62565 A._EvaluateVisitor_visitStyleRule_closure0.prototype = {
62566 call$0() {
62567 var t1, t2, t3, _i;
62568 for (t1 = this.node.children, t2 = t1.length, t3 = this.$this, _i = 0; _i < t2; ++_i)
62569 t1[_i].accept$1(t3);
62570 },
62571 $signature: 1
62572 };
62573 A._EvaluateVisitor_visitStyleRule_closure1.prototype = {
62574 call$1(node) {
62575 return type$.CssStyleRule._is(node);
62576 },
62577 $signature: 7
62578 };
62579 A._EvaluateVisitor_visitStyleRule_closure2.prototype = {
62580 call$0() {
62581 var _s11_ = "_stylesheet",
62582 t1 = this.$this;
62583 return A.SelectorList_SelectorList$parse(this.selectorText.value, !t1._assertInModule$2(t1.__stylesheet, _s11_).plainCss, !t1._assertInModule$2(t1.__stylesheet, _s11_).plainCss, t1._evaluate$_logger);
62584 },
62585 $signature: 46
62586 };
62587 A._EvaluateVisitor_visitStyleRule_closure3.prototype = {
62588 call$0() {
62589 var t1 = this._box_0.parsedSelector,
62590 t2 = this.$this,
62591 t3 = t2._styleRuleIgnoringAtRoot;
62592 t3 = t3 == null ? null : t3.originalSelector;
62593 return t1.resolveParentSelectors$2$implicitParent(t3, !t2._atRootExcludingStyleRule);
62594 },
62595 $signature: 46
62596 };
62597 A._EvaluateVisitor_visitStyleRule_closure4.prototype = {
62598 call$0() {
62599 var t1 = this.$this;
62600 t1._withStyleRule$2(this.rule, new A._EvaluateVisitor_visitStyleRule__closure(t1, this.node));
62601 },
62602 $signature: 1
62603 };
62604 A._EvaluateVisitor_visitStyleRule__closure.prototype = {
62605 call$0() {
62606 var t1, t2, t3, _i;
62607 for (t1 = this.node.children, t2 = t1.length, t3 = this.$this, _i = 0; _i < t2; ++_i)
62608 t1[_i].accept$1(t3);
62609 },
62610 $signature: 1
62611 };
62612 A._EvaluateVisitor_visitStyleRule_closure5.prototype = {
62613 call$1(node) {
62614 return type$.CssStyleRule._is(node);
62615 },
62616 $signature: 7
62617 };
62618 A._EvaluateVisitor_visitSupportsRule_closure.prototype = {
62619 call$0() {
62620 var t2, t3, _i,
62621 t1 = this.$this,
62622 styleRule = t1._atRootExcludingStyleRule ? null : t1._styleRuleIgnoringAtRoot;
62623 if (styleRule == null)
62624 for (t2 = this.node.children, t3 = t2.length, _i = 0; _i < t3; ++_i)
62625 t2[_i].accept$1(t1);
62626 else
62627 t1._withParent$2$2(A.ModifiableCssStyleRule$(styleRule.selector, styleRule.span, styleRule.originalSelector), new A._EvaluateVisitor_visitSupportsRule__closure(t1, this.node), type$.ModifiableCssStyleRule, type$.Null);
62628 },
62629 $signature: 1
62630 };
62631 A._EvaluateVisitor_visitSupportsRule__closure.prototype = {
62632 call$0() {
62633 var t1, t2, t3, _i;
62634 for (t1 = this.node.children, t2 = t1.length, t3 = this.$this, _i = 0; _i < t2; ++_i)
62635 t1[_i].accept$1(t3);
62636 },
62637 $signature: 1
62638 };
62639 A._EvaluateVisitor_visitSupportsRule_closure0.prototype = {
62640 call$1(node) {
62641 return type$.CssStyleRule._is(node);
62642 },
62643 $signature: 7
62644 };
62645 A._EvaluateVisitor_visitVariableDeclaration_closure.prototype = {
62646 call$0() {
62647 var t1 = this.override;
62648 this.$this._environment.setVariable$4$global(this.node.name, t1.value, t1.assignmentNode, true);
62649 },
62650 $signature: 1
62651 };
62652 A._EvaluateVisitor_visitVariableDeclaration_closure0.prototype = {
62653 call$0() {
62654 var t1 = this.node;
62655 return this.$this._environment.getVariable$2$namespace(t1.name, t1.namespace);
62656 },
62657 $signature: 33
62658 };
62659 A._EvaluateVisitor_visitVariableDeclaration_closure1.prototype = {
62660 call$0() {
62661 var t1 = this.$this,
62662 t2 = this.node;
62663 t1._environment.setVariable$5$global$namespace(t2.name, this.value, t1._expressionNode$1(t2.expression), t2.isGlobal, t2.namespace);
62664 },
62665 $signature: 1
62666 };
62667 A._EvaluateVisitor_visitUseRule_closure.prototype = {
62668 call$1(module) {
62669 var t1 = this.node;
62670 this.$this._environment.addModule$3$namespace(module, t1, t1.namespace);
62671 },
62672 $signature: 63
62673 };
62674 A._EvaluateVisitor_visitWarnRule_closure.prototype = {
62675 call$0() {
62676 return this.node.expression.accept$1(this.$this);
62677 },
62678 $signature: 35
62679 };
62680 A._EvaluateVisitor_visitWhileRule_closure.prototype = {
62681 call$0() {
62682 var t1, t2, t3, result;
62683 for (t1 = this.node, t2 = t1.condition, t3 = this.$this, t1 = t1.children; t2.accept$1(t3).get$isTruthy();) {
62684 result = t3._handleReturn$2(t1, new A._EvaluateVisitor_visitWhileRule__closure(t3));
62685 if (result != null)
62686 return result;
62687 }
62688 return null;
62689 },
62690 $signature: 33
62691 };
62692 A._EvaluateVisitor_visitWhileRule__closure.prototype = {
62693 call$1(child) {
62694 return child.accept$1(this.$this);
62695 },
62696 $signature: 73
62697 };
62698 A._EvaluateVisitor_visitBinaryOperationExpression_closure.prototype = {
62699 call$0() {
62700 var right, result,
62701 t1 = this.node,
62702 t2 = this.$this,
62703 left = t1.left.accept$1(t2),
62704 t3 = t1.operator;
62705 switch (t3) {
62706 case B.BinaryOperator_kjl:
62707 right = t1.right.accept$1(t2);
62708 return new A.SassString(A.serializeValue(left, false, true) + "=" + A.serializeValue(right, false, true), false);
62709 case B.BinaryOperator_or_or_1:
62710 return left.get$isTruthy() ? left : t1.right.accept$1(t2);
62711 case B.BinaryOperator_and_and_2:
62712 return left.get$isTruthy() ? t1.right.accept$1(t2) : left;
62713 case B.BinaryOperator_YlX:
62714 return left.$eq(0, t1.right.accept$1(t2)) ? B.SassBoolean_true : B.SassBoolean_false;
62715 case B.BinaryOperator_i5H:
62716 return !left.$eq(0, t1.right.accept$1(t2)) ? B.SassBoolean_true : B.SassBoolean_false;
62717 case B.BinaryOperator_AcR:
62718 return left.greaterThan$1(t1.right.accept$1(t2));
62719 case B.BinaryOperator_1da:
62720 return left.greaterThanOrEquals$1(t1.right.accept$1(t2));
62721 case B.BinaryOperator_8qt:
62722 return left.lessThan$1(t1.right.accept$1(t2));
62723 case B.BinaryOperator_33h:
62724 return left.lessThanOrEquals$1(t1.right.accept$1(t2));
62725 case B.BinaryOperator_AcR0:
62726 return left.plus$1(t1.right.accept$1(t2));
62727 case B.BinaryOperator_iyO:
62728 return left.minus$1(t1.right.accept$1(t2));
62729 case B.BinaryOperator_O1M:
62730 return left.times$1(t1.right.accept$1(t2));
62731 case B.BinaryOperator_RTB:
62732 right = t1.right.accept$1(t2);
62733 result = left.dividedBy$1(right);
62734 if (t1.allowsSlash && left instanceof A.SassNumber && right instanceof A.SassNumber)
62735 return type$.SassNumber._as(result).withSlash$2(left, right);
62736 else {
62737 if (left instanceof A.SassNumber && right instanceof A.SassNumber)
62738 t2._warn$3$deprecation(string$.Using__o + A.S(new A._EvaluateVisitor_visitBinaryOperationExpression_closure_recommendation().call$1(t1)) + " or calc(" + t1.toString$0(0) + string$.x29x0a_Morx20, t1.get$span(t1), true);
62739 return result;
62740 }
62741 case B.BinaryOperator_2ad:
62742 return left.modulo$1(t1.right.accept$1(t2));
62743 default:
62744 throw A.wrapException(A.ArgumentError$("Unknown binary operator " + t3.toString$0(0) + ".", null));
62745 }
62746 },
62747 $signature: 35
62748 };
62749 A._EvaluateVisitor_visitBinaryOperationExpression_closure_recommendation.prototype = {
62750 call$1(expression) {
62751 if (expression instanceof A.BinaryOperationExpression && expression.operator === B.BinaryOperator_RTB)
62752 return "math.div(" + A.S(this.call$1(expression.left)) + ", " + A.S(this.call$1(expression.right)) + ")";
62753 else if (expression instanceof A.ParenthesizedExpression)
62754 return expression.expression.toString$0(0);
62755 else
62756 return expression.toString$0(0);
62757 },
62758 $signature: 124
62759 };
62760 A._EvaluateVisitor_visitVariableExpression_closure.prototype = {
62761 call$0() {
62762 var t1 = this.node;
62763 return this.$this._environment.getVariable$2$namespace(t1.name, t1.namespace);
62764 },
62765 $signature: 33
62766 };
62767 A._EvaluateVisitor_visitUnaryOperationExpression_closure.prototype = {
62768 call$0() {
62769 var _this = this,
62770 t1 = _this.node.operator;
62771 switch (t1) {
62772 case B.UnaryOperator_j2w:
62773 return _this.operand.unaryPlus$0();
62774 case B.UnaryOperator_U4G:
62775 return _this.operand.unaryMinus$0();
62776 case B.UnaryOperator_zDx:
62777 return new A.SassString("/" + A.serializeValue(_this.operand, false, true), false);
62778 case B.UnaryOperator_not_not:
62779 return _this.operand.unaryNot$0();
62780 default:
62781 throw A.wrapException(A.StateError$("Unknown unary operator " + t1.toString$0(0) + "."));
62782 }
62783 },
62784 $signature: 35
62785 };
62786 A._EvaluateVisitor__visitCalculationValue_closure.prototype = {
62787 call$0() {
62788 var t1 = this.$this,
62789 t2 = this.node,
62790 t3 = this.inMinMax;
62791 return A.SassCalculation_operateInternal(t1._binaryOperatorToCalculationOperator$1(t2.operator), t1._visitCalculationValue$2$inMinMax(t2.left, t3), t1._visitCalculationValue$2$inMinMax(t2.right, t3), t3);
62792 },
62793 $signature: 85
62794 };
62795 A._EvaluateVisitor_visitListExpression_closure.prototype = {
62796 call$1(expression) {
62797 return expression.accept$1(this.$this);
62798 },
62799 $signature: 270
62800 };
62801 A._EvaluateVisitor_visitFunctionExpression_closure.prototype = {
62802 call$0() {
62803 var t1 = this.node;
62804 return this.$this._getFunction$2$namespace(A.stringReplaceAllUnchecked(t1.originalName, "_", "-"), t1.namespace);
62805 },
62806 $signature: 110
62807 };
62808 A._EvaluateVisitor_visitFunctionExpression_closure0.prototype = {
62809 call$0() {
62810 var t1 = this.node;
62811 return this.$this._runFunctionCallable$3(t1.$arguments, this._box_0.$function, t1);
62812 },
62813 $signature: 35
62814 };
62815 A._EvaluateVisitor_visitInterpolatedFunctionExpression_closure.prototype = {
62816 call$0() {
62817 var t1 = this.node;
62818 return this.$this._runFunctionCallable$3(t1.$arguments, this.$function, t1);
62819 },
62820 $signature: 35
62821 };
62822 A._EvaluateVisitor__runUserDefinedCallable_closure.prototype = {
62823 call$0() {
62824 var _this = this,
62825 t1 = _this.$this,
62826 t2 = _this.callable;
62827 return t1._withEnvironment$2(t2.environment.closure$0(), new A._EvaluateVisitor__runUserDefinedCallable__closure(t1, _this.evaluated, t2, _this.nodeWithSpan, _this.run, _this.V));
62828 },
62829 $signature() {
62830 return this.V._eval$1("0()");
62831 }
62832 };
62833 A._EvaluateVisitor__runUserDefinedCallable__closure.prototype = {
62834 call$0() {
62835 var _this = this,
62836 t1 = _this.$this,
62837 t2 = _this.V;
62838 return t1._environment.scope$1$1(new A._EvaluateVisitor__runUserDefinedCallable___closure(t1, _this.evaluated, _this.callable, _this.nodeWithSpan, _this.run, t2), t2);
62839 },
62840 $signature() {
62841 return this.V._eval$1("0()");
62842 }
62843 };
62844 A._EvaluateVisitor__runUserDefinedCallable___closure.prototype = {
62845 call$0() {
62846 var declaredArguments, t7, minLength, t8, i, argument, t9, value, t10, t11, restArgument, rest, argumentList, result, argumentWord, argumentNames, _this = this,
62847 t1 = _this.$this,
62848 t2 = _this.evaluated,
62849 t3 = t2.positional,
62850 t4 = t2.named,
62851 t5 = _this.callable.declaration.$arguments,
62852 t6 = _this.nodeWithSpan;
62853 t1._verifyArguments$4(t3.length, t4, t5, t6);
62854 declaredArguments = t5.$arguments;
62855 t7 = declaredArguments.length;
62856 minLength = Math.min(t3.length, t7);
62857 for (t8 = t2.positionalNodes, i = 0; i < minLength; ++i)
62858 t1._environment.setLocalVariable$3(declaredArguments[i].name, t3[i], t8[i]);
62859 for (i = t3.length, t8 = t2.namedNodes; i < t7; ++i) {
62860 argument = declaredArguments[i];
62861 t9 = argument.name;
62862 value = t4.remove$1(0, t9);
62863 if (value == null) {
62864 t10 = argument.defaultValue;
62865 value = t1._withoutSlash$2(t10.accept$1(t1), t1._expressionNode$1(t10));
62866 }
62867 t10 = t1._environment;
62868 t11 = t8.$index(0, t9);
62869 if (t11 == null) {
62870 t11 = argument.defaultValue;
62871 t11.toString;
62872 t11 = t1._expressionNode$1(t11);
62873 }
62874 t10.setLocalVariable$3(t9, value, t11);
62875 }
62876 restArgument = t5.restArgument;
62877 if (restArgument != null) {
62878 rest = t3.length > t7 ? B.JSArray_methods.sublist$1(t3, t7) : B.List_empty5;
62879 t2 = t2.separator;
62880 argumentList = A.SassArgumentList$(rest, t4, t2 === B.ListSeparator_undecided_null ? B.ListSeparator_kWM : t2);
62881 t1._environment.setLocalVariable$3(restArgument, argumentList, t6);
62882 } else
62883 argumentList = null;
62884 result = _this.run.call$0();
62885 if (argumentList == null)
62886 return result;
62887 if (t4.get$isEmpty(t4))
62888 return result;
62889 if (argumentList._wereKeywordsAccessed)
62890 return result;
62891 t2 = t4.get$keys(t4);
62892 argumentWord = A.pluralize("argument", t2.get$length(t2), null);
62893 t4 = t4.get$keys(t4);
62894 argumentNames = A.toSentence(A.MappedIterable_MappedIterable(t4, new A._EvaluateVisitor__runUserDefinedCallable____closure(), A._instanceType(t4)._eval$1("Iterable.E"), type$.Object), "or");
62895 throw A.wrapException(A.MultiSpanSassRuntimeException$("No " + argumentWord + " named " + argumentNames + ".", t6.get$span(t6), "invocation", A.LinkedHashMap_LinkedHashMap$_literal([t5.get$spanWithName(), "declaration"], type$.FileSpan, type$.String), t1._evaluate$_stackTrace$1(t6.get$span(t6))));
62896 },
62897 $signature() {
62898 return this.V._eval$1("0()");
62899 }
62900 };
62901 A._EvaluateVisitor__runUserDefinedCallable____closure.prototype = {
62902 call$1($name) {
62903 return "$" + $name;
62904 },
62905 $signature: 5
62906 };
62907 A._EvaluateVisitor__runFunctionCallable_closure.prototype = {
62908 call$0() {
62909 var t1, t2, t3, t4, _i, $returnValue;
62910 for (t1 = this.callable.declaration, t2 = t1.children, t3 = t2.length, t4 = this.$this, _i = 0; _i < t3; ++_i) {
62911 $returnValue = t2[_i].accept$1(t4);
62912 if ($returnValue instanceof A.Value)
62913 return $returnValue;
62914 }
62915 throw A.wrapException(t4._evaluate$_exception$2("Function finished without @return.", t1.span));
62916 },
62917 $signature: 35
62918 };
62919 A._EvaluateVisitor__runBuiltInCallable_closure.prototype = {
62920 call$0() {
62921 return this.overload.verify$2(this.evaluated.positional.length, this.namedSet);
62922 },
62923 $signature: 0
62924 };
62925 A._EvaluateVisitor__runBuiltInCallable_closure0.prototype = {
62926 call$1($name) {
62927 return "$" + $name;
62928 },
62929 $signature: 5
62930 };
62931 A._EvaluateVisitor__evaluateArguments_closure.prototype = {
62932 call$1(value) {
62933 return value;
62934 },
62935 $signature: 39
62936 };
62937 A._EvaluateVisitor__evaluateArguments_closure0.prototype = {
62938 call$1(value) {
62939 return this.$this._withoutSlash$2(value, this.restNodeForSpan);
62940 },
62941 $signature: 39
62942 };
62943 A._EvaluateVisitor__evaluateArguments_closure1.prototype = {
62944 call$2(key, value) {
62945 var _this = this,
62946 t1 = _this.restNodeForSpan;
62947 _this.named.$indexSet(0, key, _this.$this._withoutSlash$2(value, t1));
62948 _this.namedNodes.$indexSet(0, key, t1);
62949 },
62950 $signature: 75
62951 };
62952 A._EvaluateVisitor__evaluateArguments_closure2.prototype = {
62953 call$1(value) {
62954 return value;
62955 },
62956 $signature: 39
62957 };
62958 A._EvaluateVisitor__evaluateMacroArguments_closure.prototype = {
62959 call$1(value) {
62960 var t1 = this.restArgs;
62961 return new A.ValueExpression(value, t1.get$span(t1));
62962 },
62963 $signature: 51
62964 };
62965 A._EvaluateVisitor__evaluateMacroArguments_closure0.prototype = {
62966 call$1(value) {
62967 var t1 = this.restArgs;
62968 return new A.ValueExpression(this.$this._withoutSlash$2(value, this.restNodeForSpan), t1.get$span(t1));
62969 },
62970 $signature: 51
62971 };
62972 A._EvaluateVisitor__evaluateMacroArguments_closure1.prototype = {
62973 call$2(key, value) {
62974 var _this = this,
62975 t1 = _this.restArgs;
62976 _this.named.$indexSet(0, key, new A.ValueExpression(_this.$this._withoutSlash$2(value, _this.restNodeForSpan), t1.get$span(t1)));
62977 },
62978 $signature: 75
62979 };
62980 A._EvaluateVisitor__evaluateMacroArguments_closure2.prototype = {
62981 call$1(value) {
62982 var t1 = this.keywordRestArgs;
62983 return new A.ValueExpression(this.$this._withoutSlash$2(value, this.keywordRestNodeForSpan), t1.get$span(t1));
62984 },
62985 $signature: 51
62986 };
62987 A._EvaluateVisitor__addRestMap_closure.prototype = {
62988 call$2(key, value) {
62989 var t2, _this = this,
62990 t1 = _this.$this;
62991 if (key instanceof A.SassString)
62992 _this.values.$indexSet(0, key._string$_text, _this.convert.call$1(t1._withoutSlash$2(value, _this.expressionNode)));
62993 else {
62994 t2 = _this.nodeWithSpan;
62995 throw A.wrapException(t1._evaluate$_exception$2(string$.Variab_ + key.toString$0(0) + " is not a string in " + _this.map.toString$0(0) + ".", t2.get$span(t2)));
62996 }
62997 },
62998 $signature: 50
62999 };
63000 A._EvaluateVisitor__verifyArguments_closure.prototype = {
63001 call$0() {
63002 return this.$arguments.verify$2(this.positional, new A.MapKeySet(this.named, type$.MapKeySet_String));
63003 },
63004 $signature: 0
63005 };
63006 A._EvaluateVisitor_visitStringExpression_closure.prototype = {
63007 call$1(value) {
63008 var t1, result;
63009 if (typeof value == "string")
63010 return value;
63011 type$.Expression._as(value);
63012 t1 = this.$this;
63013 result = value.accept$1(t1);
63014 return result instanceof A.SassString ? result._string$_text : t1._evaluate$_serialize$3$quote(result, value, false);
63015 },
63016 $signature: 47
63017 };
63018 A._EvaluateVisitor_visitCssAtRule_closure.prototype = {
63019 call$0() {
63020 var t1, t2, t3;
63021 for (t1 = this.node.children, t1 = new A.ListIterator(t1, t1.get$length(t1)), t2 = A._instanceType(t1)._precomputed1, t3 = this.$this; t1.moveNext$0();)
63022 t2._as(t1.__internal$_current).accept$1(t3);
63023 },
63024 $signature: 1
63025 };
63026 A._EvaluateVisitor_visitCssAtRule_closure0.prototype = {
63027 call$1(node) {
63028 return type$.CssStyleRule._is(node);
63029 },
63030 $signature: 7
63031 };
63032 A._EvaluateVisitor_visitCssKeyframeBlock_closure.prototype = {
63033 call$0() {
63034 var t1, t2, t3;
63035 for (t1 = this.node.children, t1 = new A.ListIterator(t1, t1.get$length(t1)), t2 = A._instanceType(t1)._precomputed1, t3 = this.$this; t1.moveNext$0();)
63036 t2._as(t1.__internal$_current).accept$1(t3);
63037 },
63038 $signature: 1
63039 };
63040 A._EvaluateVisitor_visitCssKeyframeBlock_closure0.prototype = {
63041 call$1(node) {
63042 return type$.CssStyleRule._is(node);
63043 },
63044 $signature: 7
63045 };
63046 A._EvaluateVisitor_visitCssMediaRule_closure.prototype = {
63047 call$1(mediaQueries) {
63048 return this.$this._mergeMediaQueries$2(mediaQueries, this.node.queries);
63049 },
63050 $signature: 83
63051 };
63052 A._EvaluateVisitor_visitCssMediaRule_closure0.prototype = {
63053 call$0() {
63054 var _this = this,
63055 t1 = _this.$this,
63056 t2 = _this.mergedQueries;
63057 if (t2 == null)
63058 t2 = _this.node.queries;
63059 t1._withMediaQueries$2(t2, new A._EvaluateVisitor_visitCssMediaRule__closure(t1, _this.node));
63060 },
63061 $signature: 1
63062 };
63063 A._EvaluateVisitor_visitCssMediaRule__closure.prototype = {
63064 call$0() {
63065 var t2, t3,
63066 t1 = this.$this,
63067 styleRule = t1._atRootExcludingStyleRule ? null : t1._styleRuleIgnoringAtRoot;
63068 if (styleRule == null)
63069 for (t2 = this.node.children, t2 = new A.ListIterator(t2, t2.get$length(t2)), t3 = A._instanceType(t2)._precomputed1; t2.moveNext$0();)
63070 t3._as(t2.__internal$_current).accept$1(t1);
63071 else
63072 t1._withParent$2$3$scopeWhen(A.ModifiableCssStyleRule$(styleRule.selector, styleRule.span, styleRule.originalSelector), new A._EvaluateVisitor_visitCssMediaRule___closure(t1, this.node), false, type$.ModifiableCssStyleRule, type$.Null);
63073 },
63074 $signature: 1
63075 };
63076 A._EvaluateVisitor_visitCssMediaRule___closure.prototype = {
63077 call$0() {
63078 var t1, t2, t3;
63079 for (t1 = this.node.children, t1 = new A.ListIterator(t1, t1.get$length(t1)), t2 = A._instanceType(t1)._precomputed1, t3 = this.$this; t1.moveNext$0();)
63080 t2._as(t1.__internal$_current).accept$1(t3);
63081 },
63082 $signature: 1
63083 };
63084 A._EvaluateVisitor_visitCssMediaRule_closure1.prototype = {
63085 call$1(node) {
63086 var t1;
63087 if (!type$.CssStyleRule._is(node))
63088 t1 = this.mergedQueries != null && type$.CssMediaRule._is(node);
63089 else
63090 t1 = true;
63091 return t1;
63092 },
63093 $signature: 7
63094 };
63095 A._EvaluateVisitor_visitCssStyleRule_closure.prototype = {
63096 call$0() {
63097 var t1 = this.$this;
63098 t1._withStyleRule$2(this.rule, new A._EvaluateVisitor_visitCssStyleRule__closure(t1, this.node));
63099 },
63100 $signature: 1
63101 };
63102 A._EvaluateVisitor_visitCssStyleRule__closure.prototype = {
63103 call$0() {
63104 var t1, t2, t3;
63105 for (t1 = this.node.children, t1 = new A.ListIterator(t1, t1.get$length(t1)), t2 = A._instanceType(t1)._precomputed1, t3 = this.$this; t1.moveNext$0();)
63106 t2._as(t1.__internal$_current).accept$1(t3);
63107 },
63108 $signature: 1
63109 };
63110 A._EvaluateVisitor_visitCssStyleRule_closure0.prototype = {
63111 call$1(node) {
63112 return type$.CssStyleRule._is(node);
63113 },
63114 $signature: 7
63115 };
63116 A._EvaluateVisitor_visitCssSupportsRule_closure.prototype = {
63117 call$0() {
63118 var t2, t3,
63119 t1 = this.$this,
63120 styleRule = t1._atRootExcludingStyleRule ? null : t1._styleRuleIgnoringAtRoot;
63121 if (styleRule == null)
63122 for (t2 = this.node.children, t2 = new A.ListIterator(t2, t2.get$length(t2)), t3 = A._instanceType(t2)._precomputed1; t2.moveNext$0();)
63123 t3._as(t2.__internal$_current).accept$1(t1);
63124 else
63125 t1._withParent$2$2(A.ModifiableCssStyleRule$(styleRule.selector, styleRule.span, styleRule.originalSelector), new A._EvaluateVisitor_visitCssSupportsRule__closure(t1, this.node), type$.ModifiableCssStyleRule, type$.Null);
63126 },
63127 $signature: 1
63128 };
63129 A._EvaluateVisitor_visitCssSupportsRule__closure.prototype = {
63130 call$0() {
63131 var t1, t2, t3;
63132 for (t1 = this.node.children, t1 = new A.ListIterator(t1, t1.get$length(t1)), t2 = A._instanceType(t1)._precomputed1, t3 = this.$this; t1.moveNext$0();)
63133 t2._as(t1.__internal$_current).accept$1(t3);
63134 },
63135 $signature: 1
63136 };
63137 A._EvaluateVisitor_visitCssSupportsRule_closure0.prototype = {
63138 call$1(node) {
63139 return type$.CssStyleRule._is(node);
63140 },
63141 $signature: 7
63142 };
63143 A._EvaluateVisitor__performInterpolation_closure.prototype = {
63144 call$1(value) {
63145 var t1, result, t2, t3;
63146 if (typeof value == "string")
63147 return value;
63148 type$.Expression._as(value);
63149 t1 = this.$this;
63150 result = value.accept$1(t1);
63151 if (this.warnForColor && result instanceof A.SassColor && $.$get$namesByColor().containsKey$1(result)) {
63152 t2 = A.Interpolation$(A._setArrayType([""], type$.JSArray_Object), this.interpolation.span);
63153 t3 = $.$get$namesByColor();
63154 t1._warn$2(string$.You_pr + A.S(t3.$index(0, result)) + string$.x20in_in + result.toString$0(0) + string$.x2c_whicw + A.S(t3.$index(0, result)) + string$.x22x29__If + new A.BinaryOperationExpression(B.BinaryOperator_AcR0, new A.StringExpression(t2, true), value, false).toString$0(0) + "'.", value.get$span(value));
63155 }
63156 return t1._evaluate$_serialize$3$quote(result, value, false);
63157 },
63158 $signature: 47
63159 };
63160 A._EvaluateVisitor__serialize_closure.prototype = {
63161 call$0() {
63162 return A.serializeValue(this.value, false, this.quote);
63163 },
63164 $signature: 30
63165 };
63166 A._EvaluateVisitor__expressionNode_closure.prototype = {
63167 call$0() {
63168 var t1 = this.expression;
63169 return this.$this._environment.getVariableNode$2$namespace(t1.name, t1.namespace);
63170 },
63171 $signature: 173
63172 };
63173 A._EvaluateVisitor__withoutSlash_recommendation.prototype = {
63174 call$1(number) {
63175 var asSlash = number.asSlash;
63176 if (asSlash != null)
63177 return "math.div(" + A.S(this.call$1(asSlash.item1)) + ", " + A.S(this.call$1(asSlash.item2)) + ")";
63178 else
63179 return A.serializeValue(number, true, true);
63180 },
63181 $signature: 169
63182 };
63183 A._EvaluateVisitor__stackFrame_closure.prototype = {
63184 call$1(url) {
63185 var t1 = this.$this._evaluate$_importCache;
63186 t1 = t1 == null ? null : t1.humanize$1(url);
63187 return t1 == null ? url : t1;
63188 },
63189 $signature: 88
63190 };
63191 A._EvaluateVisitor__stackTrace_closure.prototype = {
63192 call$1(tuple) {
63193 return this.$this._stackFrame$2(tuple.item1, J.get$span$z(tuple.item2));
63194 },
63195 $signature: 161
63196 };
63197 A._ImportedCssVisitor.prototype = {
63198 visitCssAtRule$1(node) {
63199 var t1 = node.isChildless ? null : new A._ImportedCssVisitor_visitCssAtRule_closure();
63200 this._visitor._addChild$2$through(node, t1);
63201 },
63202 visitCssComment$1(node) {
63203 return this._visitor._addChild$1(node);
63204 },
63205 visitCssDeclaration$1(node) {
63206 },
63207 visitCssImport$1(node) {
63208 var t2,
63209 _s13_ = "_endOfImports",
63210 t1 = this._visitor;
63211 if (t1._assertInModule$2(t1.__parent, "__parent") !== t1._assertInModule$2(t1.__root, "_root"))
63212 t1._addChild$1(node);
63213 else if (t1._assertInModule$2(t1.__endOfImports, _s13_) === J.get$length$asx(t1._assertInModule$2(t1.__root, "_root").children._collection$_source)) {
63214 t1._addChild$1(node);
63215 t1.__endOfImports = t1._assertInModule$2(t1.__endOfImports, _s13_) + 1;
63216 } else {
63217 t2 = t1._outOfOrderImports;
63218 (t2 == null ? t1._outOfOrderImports = A._setArrayType([], type$.JSArray_ModifiableCssImport) : t2).push(node);
63219 }
63220 },
63221 visitCssKeyframeBlock$1(node) {
63222 },
63223 visitCssMediaRule$1(node) {
63224 var t1 = this._visitor,
63225 mediaQueries = t1._mediaQueries;
63226 t1._addChild$2$through(node, new A._ImportedCssVisitor_visitCssMediaRule_closure(mediaQueries == null || t1._mergeMediaQueries$2(mediaQueries, node.queries) != null));
63227 },
63228 visitCssStyleRule$1(node) {
63229 return this._visitor._addChild$2$through(node, new A._ImportedCssVisitor_visitCssStyleRule_closure());
63230 },
63231 visitCssStylesheet$1(node) {
63232 var t1, t2;
63233 for (t1 = node.children, t1 = new A.ListIterator(t1, t1.get$length(t1)), t2 = A._instanceType(t1)._precomputed1; t1.moveNext$0();)
63234 t2._as(t1.__internal$_current).accept$1(this);
63235 },
63236 visitCssSupportsRule$1(node) {
63237 return this._visitor._addChild$2$through(node, new A._ImportedCssVisitor_visitCssSupportsRule_closure());
63238 }
63239 };
63240 A._ImportedCssVisitor_visitCssAtRule_closure.prototype = {
63241 call$1(node) {
63242 return type$.CssStyleRule._is(node);
63243 },
63244 $signature: 7
63245 };
63246 A._ImportedCssVisitor_visitCssMediaRule_closure.prototype = {
63247 call$1(node) {
63248 var t1;
63249 if (!type$.CssStyleRule._is(node))
63250 t1 = this.hasBeenMerged && type$.CssMediaRule._is(node);
63251 else
63252 t1 = true;
63253 return t1;
63254 },
63255 $signature: 7
63256 };
63257 A._ImportedCssVisitor_visitCssStyleRule_closure.prototype = {
63258 call$1(node) {
63259 return type$.CssStyleRule._is(node);
63260 },
63261 $signature: 7
63262 };
63263 A._ImportedCssVisitor_visitCssSupportsRule_closure.prototype = {
63264 call$1(node) {
63265 return type$.CssStyleRule._is(node);
63266 },
63267 $signature: 7
63268 };
63269 A._EvaluationContext.prototype = {
63270 get$currentCallableSpan() {
63271 var callableNode = this._visitor._callableNode;
63272 if (callableNode != null)
63273 return callableNode.get$span(callableNode);
63274 throw A.wrapException(A.StateError$(string$.No_Sasc));
63275 },
63276 warn$2$deprecation(_, message, deprecation) {
63277 var t1 = this._visitor,
63278 t2 = t1._importSpan;
63279 if (t2 == null) {
63280 t2 = t1._callableNode;
63281 t2 = t2 == null ? null : t2.get$span(t2);
63282 }
63283 if (t2 == null) {
63284 t2 = this._defaultWarnNodeWithSpan;
63285 t2 = t2.get$span(t2);
63286 }
63287 t1._warn$3$deprecation(message, t2, deprecation);
63288 },
63289 $isEvaluationContext: 1
63290 };
63291 A._ArgumentResults.prototype = {};
63292 A._LoadedStylesheet.prototype = {};
63293 A._FindDependenciesVisitor.prototype = {
63294 visitEachRule$1(node) {
63295 },
63296 visitForRule$1(node) {
63297 },
63298 visitIfRule$1(node) {
63299 },
63300 visitWhileRule$1(node) {
63301 },
63302 visitUseRule$1(node) {
63303 var t1 = node.url;
63304 if (t1.get$scheme() !== "sass")
63305 this._usesAndForwards.push(t1);
63306 },
63307 visitForwardRule$1(node) {
63308 var t1 = node.url;
63309 if (t1.get$scheme() !== "sass")
63310 this._usesAndForwards.push(t1);
63311 },
63312 visitImportRule$1(node) {
63313 var t1, t2, t3, _i, $import;
63314 for (t1 = node.imports, t2 = t1.length, t3 = this._imports, _i = 0; _i < t2; ++_i) {
63315 $import = t1[_i];
63316 if ($import instanceof A.DynamicImport)
63317 t3.push(A.Uri_parse($import.urlString));
63318 }
63319 }
63320 };
63321 A.RecursiveStatementVisitor.prototype = {
63322 visitAtRootRule$1(node) {
63323 this.visitChildren$1(node.children);
63324 },
63325 visitAtRule$1(node) {
63326 return A.NullableExtension_andThen(node.children, this.get$visitChildren());
63327 },
63328 visitContentBlock$1(node) {
63329 return null;
63330 },
63331 visitContentRule$1(node) {
63332 },
63333 visitDebugRule$1(node) {
63334 },
63335 visitDeclaration$1(node) {
63336 return A.NullableExtension_andThen(node.children, this.get$visitChildren());
63337 },
63338 visitErrorRule$1(node) {
63339 },
63340 visitExtendRule$1(node) {
63341 },
63342 visitFunctionRule$1(node) {
63343 return null;
63344 },
63345 visitIncludeRule$1(node) {
63346 return A.NullableExtension_andThen(node.content, this.get$visitContentBlock());
63347 },
63348 visitLoudComment$1(node) {
63349 },
63350 visitMediaRule$1(node) {
63351 return this.visitChildren$1(node.children);
63352 },
63353 visitMixinRule$1(node) {
63354 return null;
63355 },
63356 visitReturnRule$1(node) {
63357 },
63358 visitSilentComment$1(node) {
63359 },
63360 visitStyleRule$1(node) {
63361 return this.visitChildren$1(node.children);
63362 },
63363 visitStylesheet$1(node) {
63364 return this.visitChildren$1(node.children);
63365 },
63366 visitSupportsRule$1(node) {
63367 return this.visitChildren$1(node.children);
63368 },
63369 visitVariableDeclaration$1(node) {
63370 },
63371 visitWarnRule$1(node) {
63372 },
63373 visitChildren$1(children) {
63374 var t1;
63375 for (t1 = J.get$iterator$ax(children); t1.moveNext$0();)
63376 t1.get$current(t1).accept$1(this);
63377 }
63378 };
63379 A.serialize_closure.prototype = {
63380 call$1(codeUnit) {
63381 return codeUnit > 127;
63382 },
63383 $signature: 56
63384 };
63385 A._SerializeVisitor.prototype = {
63386 visitCssStylesheet$1(node) {
63387 var t1, t2, t3, t4, previous, i, child, _this = this;
63388 for (t1 = _this._style !== B.OutputStyle_compressed, t2 = type$.CssComment, t3 = type$.CssParentNode, t4 = _this._serialize$_buffer, previous = null, i = 0; i < J.get$length$asx(node.get$children(node)); ++i) {
63389 child = J.$index$asx(node.get$children(node), i);
63390 if (_this._isInvisible$1(child))
63391 continue;
63392 if (previous != null) {
63393 if (t3._is(previous) ? previous.get$isChildless() : !t2._is(previous))
63394 t4.writeCharCode$1(59);
63395 if (t1)
63396 t4.write$1(0, "\n");
63397 if (previous.get$isGroupEnd())
63398 if (t1)
63399 t4.write$1(0, "\n");
63400 }
63401 child.accept$1(_this);
63402 previous = child;
63403 }
63404 if (previous != null)
63405 t1 = (t3._is(previous) ? previous.get$isChildless() : !t2._is(previous)) && t1;
63406 else
63407 t1 = false;
63408 if (t1)
63409 t4.writeCharCode$1(59);
63410 },
63411 visitCssComment$1(node) {
63412 this._serialize$_buffer.forSpan$2(node.span, new A._SerializeVisitor_visitCssComment_closure(this, node));
63413 },
63414 visitCssAtRule$1(node) {
63415 var t1, _this = this;
63416 _this._writeIndentation$0();
63417 t1 = _this._serialize$_buffer;
63418 t1.forSpan$2(node.span, new A._SerializeVisitor_visitCssAtRule_closure(_this, node));
63419 if (!node.isChildless) {
63420 if (_this._style !== B.OutputStyle_compressed)
63421 t1.writeCharCode$1(32);
63422 _this._serialize$_visitChildren$1(node.children);
63423 }
63424 },
63425 visitCssMediaRule$1(node) {
63426 var t1, _this = this;
63427 _this._writeIndentation$0();
63428 t1 = _this._serialize$_buffer;
63429 t1.forSpan$2(node.span, new A._SerializeVisitor_visitCssMediaRule_closure(_this, node));
63430 if (_this._style !== B.OutputStyle_compressed)
63431 t1.writeCharCode$1(32);
63432 _this._serialize$_visitChildren$1(node.children);
63433 },
63434 visitCssImport$1(node) {
63435 this._writeIndentation$0();
63436 this._serialize$_buffer.forSpan$2(node.span, new A._SerializeVisitor_visitCssImport_closure(this, node));
63437 },
63438 _writeImportUrl$1(url) {
63439 var urlContents, maybeQuote, _this = this;
63440 if (_this._style !== B.OutputStyle_compressed || B.JSString_methods._codeUnitAt$1(url, 0) !== 117) {
63441 _this._serialize$_buffer.write$1(0, url);
63442 return;
63443 }
63444 urlContents = B.JSString_methods.substring$2(url, 4, url.length - 1);
63445 maybeQuote = B.JSString_methods._codeUnitAt$1(urlContents, 0);
63446 if (maybeQuote === 39 || maybeQuote === 34)
63447 _this._serialize$_buffer.write$1(0, urlContents);
63448 else
63449 _this._visitQuotedString$1(urlContents);
63450 },
63451 visitCssKeyframeBlock$1(node) {
63452 var t1, _this = this;
63453 _this._writeIndentation$0();
63454 t1 = _this._serialize$_buffer;
63455 t1.forSpan$2(node.selector.span, new A._SerializeVisitor_visitCssKeyframeBlock_closure(_this, node));
63456 if (_this._style !== B.OutputStyle_compressed)
63457 t1.writeCharCode$1(32);
63458 _this._serialize$_visitChildren$1(node.children);
63459 },
63460 _visitMediaQuery$1(query) {
63461 var t2, t3, _this = this,
63462 t1 = query.modifier;
63463 if (t1 != null) {
63464 t2 = _this._serialize$_buffer;
63465 t2.write$1(0, t1);
63466 t2.writeCharCode$1(32);
63467 }
63468 t1 = query.type;
63469 if (t1 != null) {
63470 t2 = _this._serialize$_buffer;
63471 t2.write$1(0, t1);
63472 if (query.features.length !== 0)
63473 t2.write$1(0, " and ");
63474 }
63475 t1 = query.features;
63476 t2 = _this._style === B.OutputStyle_compressed ? "and " : " and ";
63477 t3 = _this._serialize$_buffer;
63478 _this._writeBetween$3(t1, t2, t3.get$write(t3));
63479 },
63480 visitCssStyleRule$1(node) {
63481 var t1, _this = this;
63482 _this._writeIndentation$0();
63483 t1 = _this._serialize$_buffer;
63484 t1.forSpan$2(node.selector.span, new A._SerializeVisitor_visitCssStyleRule_closure(_this, node));
63485 if (_this._style !== B.OutputStyle_compressed)
63486 t1.writeCharCode$1(32);
63487 _this._serialize$_visitChildren$1(node.children);
63488 },
63489 visitCssSupportsRule$1(node) {
63490 var t1, _this = this;
63491 _this._writeIndentation$0();
63492 t1 = _this._serialize$_buffer;
63493 t1.forSpan$2(node.span, new A._SerializeVisitor_visitCssSupportsRule_closure(_this, node));
63494 if (_this._style !== B.OutputStyle_compressed)
63495 t1.writeCharCode$1(32);
63496 _this._serialize$_visitChildren$1(node.children);
63497 },
63498 visitCssDeclaration$1(node) {
63499 var error, stackTrace, error0, stackTrace0, t1, t2, exception, _this = this;
63500 _this._writeIndentation$0();
63501 t1 = node.name;
63502 _this._serialize$_write$1(t1);
63503 t2 = _this._serialize$_buffer;
63504 t2.writeCharCode$1(58);
63505 if (J.startsWith$1$s(t1.get$value(t1), "--") && node.parsedAsCustomProperty) {
63506 t1 = node.value;
63507 t2.forSpan$2(t1.get$span(t1), new A._SerializeVisitor_visitCssDeclaration_closure(_this, node));
63508 } else {
63509 if (_this._style !== B.OutputStyle_compressed)
63510 t2.writeCharCode$1(32);
63511 try {
63512 t2.forSpan$2(node.valueSpanForMap, new A._SerializeVisitor_visitCssDeclaration_closure0(_this, node));
63513 } catch (exception) {
63514 t1 = A.unwrapException(exception);
63515 if (t1 instanceof A.MultiSpanSassScriptException) {
63516 error = t1;
63517 stackTrace = A.getTraceFromException(exception);
63518 t1 = error.message;
63519 t2 = node.value;
63520 t2 = t2.get$span(t2);
63521 A.throwWithTrace(new A.MultiSpanSassException(error.primaryLabel, A.ConstantMap_ConstantMap$from(error.secondarySpans, type$.FileSpan, type$.String), t1, t2), stackTrace);
63522 } else if (t1 instanceof A.SassScriptException) {
63523 error0 = t1;
63524 stackTrace0 = A.getTraceFromException(exception);
63525 t1 = node.value;
63526 A.throwWithTrace(new A.SassException(error0.message, t1.get$span(t1)), stackTrace0);
63527 } else
63528 throw exception;
63529 }
63530 }
63531 },
63532 _writeFoldedValue$1(node) {
63533 var t2, next, t3,
63534 t1 = node.value,
63535 scanner = A.StringScanner$(type$.SassString._as(t1.get$value(t1))._string$_text, null, null);
63536 for (t1 = scanner.string.length, t2 = this._serialize$_buffer; scanner._string_scanner$_position !== t1;) {
63537 next = scanner.readChar$0();
63538 if (next !== 10) {
63539 t2.writeCharCode$1(next);
63540 continue;
63541 }
63542 t2.writeCharCode$1(32);
63543 while (true) {
63544 t3 = scanner.peekChar$0();
63545 if (!(t3 === 32 || t3 === 9 || t3 === 10 || t3 === 13 || t3 === 12))
63546 break;
63547 scanner.readChar$0();
63548 }
63549 }
63550 },
63551 _writeReindentedValue$1(node) {
63552 var _this = this,
63553 t1 = node.value,
63554 value = type$.SassString._as(t1.get$value(t1))._string$_text,
63555 minimumIndentation = _this._minimumIndentation$1(value);
63556 if (minimumIndentation == null) {
63557 _this._serialize$_buffer.write$1(0, value);
63558 return;
63559 } else if (minimumIndentation === -1) {
63560 t1 = _this._serialize$_buffer;
63561 t1.write$1(0, A.trimAsciiRight(value, true));
63562 t1.writeCharCode$1(32);
63563 return;
63564 }
63565 t1 = node.name;
63566 t1 = t1.get$span(t1);
63567 t1 = A.FileLocation$_(t1.file, t1._file$_start);
63568 _this._writeWithIndent$2(value, Math.min(minimumIndentation, t1.file.getColumn$1(t1.offset)));
63569 },
63570 _minimumIndentation$1(text) {
63571 var character, t2, min, next, min0,
63572 scanner = A.LineScanner$(text),
63573 t1 = scanner.string.length;
63574 while (true) {
63575 if (scanner._string_scanner$_position !== t1) {
63576 character = scanner.super$StringScanner$readChar();
63577 scanner._adjustLineAndColumn$1(character);
63578 t2 = character !== 10;
63579 } else
63580 t2 = false;
63581 if (!t2)
63582 break;
63583 }
63584 if (scanner._string_scanner$_position === t1)
63585 return scanner.peekChar$1(-1) === 10 ? -1 : null;
63586 for (min = null; scanner._string_scanner$_position !== t1;) {
63587 for (; scanner._string_scanner$_position !== t1;) {
63588 next = scanner.peekChar$0();
63589 if (next !== 32 && next !== 9)
63590 break;
63591 scanner._adjustLineAndColumn$1(scanner.super$StringScanner$readChar());
63592 }
63593 if (scanner._string_scanner$_position === t1 || scanner.scanChar$1(10))
63594 continue;
63595 min0 = scanner._line_scanner$_column;
63596 min = min == null ? min0 : Math.min(min, min0);
63597 while (true) {
63598 if (scanner._string_scanner$_position !== t1) {
63599 character = scanner.super$StringScanner$readChar();
63600 scanner._adjustLineAndColumn$1(character);
63601 t2 = character !== 10;
63602 } else
63603 t2 = false;
63604 if (!t2)
63605 break;
63606 }
63607 }
63608 return min == null ? -1 : min;
63609 },
63610 _writeWithIndent$2(text, minimumIndentation) {
63611 var t1, t2, t3, character, lineStart, newlines, end,
63612 scanner = A.LineScanner$(text);
63613 for (t1 = scanner.string, t2 = t1.length, t3 = this._serialize$_buffer; scanner._string_scanner$_position !== t2;) {
63614 character = scanner.super$StringScanner$readChar();
63615 scanner._adjustLineAndColumn$1(character);
63616 if (character === 10)
63617 break;
63618 t3.writeCharCode$1(character);
63619 }
63620 for (; true;) {
63621 lineStart = scanner._string_scanner$_position;
63622 for (newlines = 1; true;) {
63623 if (scanner._string_scanner$_position === t2) {
63624 t3.writeCharCode$1(32);
63625 return;
63626 }
63627 character = scanner.super$StringScanner$readChar();
63628 scanner._adjustLineAndColumn$1(character);
63629 if (character === 32 || character === 9)
63630 continue;
63631 if (character !== 10)
63632 break;
63633 lineStart = scanner._string_scanner$_position;
63634 ++newlines;
63635 }
63636 this._writeTimes$2(10, newlines);
63637 this._writeIndentation$0();
63638 end = scanner._string_scanner$_position;
63639 t3.write$1(0, B.JSString_methods.substring$2(t1, lineStart + minimumIndentation, end));
63640 for (; true;) {
63641 if (scanner._string_scanner$_position === t2)
63642 return;
63643 character = scanner.super$StringScanner$readChar();
63644 scanner._adjustLineAndColumn$1(character);
63645 if (character === 10)
63646 break;
63647 t3.writeCharCode$1(character);
63648 }
63649 }
63650 },
63651 _writeCalculationValue$1(value) {
63652 var left, parenthesizeLeft, operatorWhitespace, t1, t2, right, parenthesizeRight, _this = this;
63653 if (value instanceof A.Value)
63654 value.accept$1(_this);
63655 else if (value instanceof A.CalculationInterpolation)
63656 _this._serialize$_buffer.write$1(0, value.value);
63657 else if (value instanceof A.CalculationOperation) {
63658 left = value.left;
63659 if (!(left instanceof A.CalculationInterpolation))
63660 parenthesizeLeft = left instanceof A.CalculationOperation && left.operator.precedence < value.operator.precedence;
63661 else
63662 parenthesizeLeft = true;
63663 if (parenthesizeLeft)
63664 _this._serialize$_buffer.writeCharCode$1(40);
63665 _this._writeCalculationValue$1(left);
63666 if (parenthesizeLeft)
63667 _this._serialize$_buffer.writeCharCode$1(41);
63668 operatorWhitespace = _this._style !== B.OutputStyle_compressed || value.operator.precedence === 1;
63669 if (operatorWhitespace)
63670 _this._serialize$_buffer.writeCharCode$1(32);
63671 t1 = _this._serialize$_buffer;
63672 t2 = value.operator;
63673 t1.write$1(0, t2.operator);
63674 if (operatorWhitespace)
63675 t1.writeCharCode$1(32);
63676 right = value.right;
63677 if (!(right instanceof A.CalculationInterpolation))
63678 parenthesizeRight = right instanceof A.CalculationOperation && _this._parenthesizeCalculationRhs$2(t2, right.operator);
63679 else
63680 parenthesizeRight = true;
63681 if (parenthesizeRight)
63682 t1.writeCharCode$1(40);
63683 _this._writeCalculationValue$1(right);
63684 if (parenthesizeRight)
63685 t1.writeCharCode$1(41);
63686 }
63687 },
63688 _parenthesizeCalculationRhs$2(outer, right) {
63689 if (outer === B.CalculationOperator_jB6)
63690 return true;
63691 if (outer === B.CalculationOperator_Iem)
63692 return false;
63693 return right === B.CalculationOperator_Iem || right === B.CalculationOperator_uti;
63694 },
63695 visitColor$1(value) {
63696 var $name, hexLength, t2, t3, _this = this, _null = null,
63697 t1 = _this._style === B.OutputStyle_compressed;
63698 if (t1 && Math.abs(value._alpha - 1) < $.$get$epsilon()) {
63699 $name = $.$get$namesByColor().$index(0, value);
63700 hexLength = _this._canUseShortHex$1(value) ? 4 : 7;
63701 if ($name != null && $name.length <= hexLength)
63702 _this._serialize$_buffer.write$1(0, $name);
63703 else {
63704 t1 = _this._serialize$_buffer;
63705 if (_this._canUseShortHex$1(value)) {
63706 t1.writeCharCode$1(35);
63707 t1.writeCharCode$1(A.hexCharFor(value.get$red(value) & 15));
63708 t1.writeCharCode$1(A.hexCharFor(value.get$green(value) & 15));
63709 t1.writeCharCode$1(A.hexCharFor(value.get$blue(value) & 15));
63710 } else {
63711 t1.writeCharCode$1(35);
63712 _this._writeHexComponent$1(value.get$red(value));
63713 _this._writeHexComponent$1(value.get$green(value));
63714 _this._writeHexComponent$1(value.get$blue(value));
63715 }
63716 }
63717 return;
63718 }
63719 t2 = value.originalSpan;
63720 t3 = t2 == null;
63721 if ((t3 ? _null : A.String_String$fromCharCodes(B.NativeUint32List_methods.sublist$2(t2.file._decodedChars, t2._file$_start, t2._end), 0, _null)) != null) {
63722 t1 = t3 ? _null : A.String_String$fromCharCodes(B.NativeUint32List_methods.sublist$2(t2.file._decodedChars, t2._file$_start, t2._end), 0, _null);
63723 _this._serialize$_buffer.write$1(0, t1);
63724 } else {
63725 t2 = $.$get$namesByColor();
63726 if (t2.containsKey$1(value) && !(Math.abs(value._alpha - 0) < $.$get$epsilon()))
63727 _this._serialize$_buffer.write$1(0, t2.$index(0, value));
63728 else {
63729 t2 = value._alpha;
63730 t3 = _this._serialize$_buffer;
63731 if (Math.abs(t2 - 1) < $.$get$epsilon()) {
63732 t3.writeCharCode$1(35);
63733 _this._writeHexComponent$1(value.get$red(value));
63734 _this._writeHexComponent$1(value.get$green(value));
63735 _this._writeHexComponent$1(value.get$blue(value));
63736 } else {
63737 t3.write$1(0, "rgba(" + value.get$red(value));
63738 t3.write$1(0, t1 ? "," : ", ");
63739 t3.write$1(0, value.get$green(value));
63740 t3.write$1(0, t1 ? "," : ", ");
63741 t3.write$1(0, value.get$blue(value));
63742 t3.write$1(0, t1 ? "," : ", ");
63743 _this._writeNumber$1(t2);
63744 t3.writeCharCode$1(41);
63745 }
63746 }
63747 }
63748 },
63749 _canUseShortHex$1(color) {
63750 var t1 = color.get$red(color);
63751 if ((t1 & 15) === B.JSInt_methods._shrOtherPositive$1(t1, 4)) {
63752 t1 = color.get$green(color);
63753 if ((t1 & 15) === B.JSInt_methods._shrOtherPositive$1(t1, 4)) {
63754 t1 = color.get$blue(color);
63755 t1 = (t1 & 15) === B.JSInt_methods._shrOtherPositive$1(t1, 4);
63756 } else
63757 t1 = false;
63758 } else
63759 t1 = false;
63760 return t1;
63761 },
63762 _writeHexComponent$1(color) {
63763 var t1 = this._serialize$_buffer;
63764 t1.writeCharCode$1(A.hexCharFor(B.JSInt_methods._shrOtherPositive$1(color, 4)));
63765 t1.writeCharCode$1(A.hexCharFor(color & 15));
63766 },
63767 visitList$1(value) {
63768 var t2, t3, singleton, t4, t5, _this = this,
63769 t1 = value._hasBrackets;
63770 if (t1)
63771 _this._serialize$_buffer.writeCharCode$1(91);
63772 else if (value._list$_contents.length === 0) {
63773 if (!_this._inspect)
63774 throw A.wrapException(A.SassScriptException$("() isn't a valid CSS value."));
63775 _this._serialize$_buffer.write$1(0, "()");
63776 return;
63777 }
63778 t2 = _this._inspect;
63779 if (t2)
63780 if (value._list$_contents.length === 1) {
63781 t3 = value._separator;
63782 t3 = t3 === B.ListSeparator_kWM || t3 === B.ListSeparator_1gm;
63783 singleton = t3;
63784 } else
63785 singleton = false;
63786 else
63787 singleton = false;
63788 if (singleton && !t1)
63789 _this._serialize$_buffer.writeCharCode$1(40);
63790 t3 = value._list$_contents;
63791 t3 = t2 ? t3 : new A.WhereIterable(t3, new A._SerializeVisitor_visitList_closure(), A._arrayInstanceType(t3)._eval$1("WhereIterable<1>"));
63792 t4 = value._separator;
63793 t5 = _this._separatorString$1(t4);
63794 _this._writeBetween$3(t3, t5, t2 ? new A._SerializeVisitor_visitList_closure0(_this, value) : new A._SerializeVisitor_visitList_closure1(_this));
63795 if (singleton) {
63796 t2 = _this._serialize$_buffer;
63797 t2.write$1(0, t4.separator);
63798 if (!t1)
63799 t2.writeCharCode$1(41);
63800 }
63801 if (t1)
63802 _this._serialize$_buffer.writeCharCode$1(93);
63803 },
63804 _separatorString$1(separator) {
63805 switch (separator) {
63806 case B.ListSeparator_kWM:
63807 return this._style === B.OutputStyle_compressed ? "," : ", ";
63808 case B.ListSeparator_1gm:
63809 return this._style === B.OutputStyle_compressed ? "/" : " / ";
63810 case B.ListSeparator_woc:
63811 return " ";
63812 default:
63813 return "";
63814 }
63815 },
63816 _elementNeedsParens$2(separator, value) {
63817 var t1;
63818 if (value instanceof A.SassList) {
63819 if (value._list$_contents.length < 2)
63820 return false;
63821 if (value._hasBrackets)
63822 return false;
63823 switch (separator) {
63824 case B.ListSeparator_kWM:
63825 return value._separator === B.ListSeparator_kWM;
63826 case B.ListSeparator_1gm:
63827 t1 = value._separator;
63828 return t1 === B.ListSeparator_kWM || t1 === B.ListSeparator_1gm;
63829 default:
63830 return value._separator !== B.ListSeparator_undecided_null;
63831 }
63832 }
63833 return false;
63834 },
63835 visitMap$1(map) {
63836 var t1, t2, _this = this;
63837 if (!_this._inspect)
63838 throw A.wrapException(A.SassScriptException$(map.toString$0(0) + " isn't a valid CSS value."));
63839 t1 = _this._serialize$_buffer;
63840 t1.writeCharCode$1(40);
63841 t2 = map._map$_contents;
63842 _this._writeBetween$3(t2.get$entries(t2), ", ", new A._SerializeVisitor_visitMap_closure(_this));
63843 t1.writeCharCode$1(41);
63844 },
63845 _writeMapElement$1(value) {
63846 var needsParens = value instanceof A.SassList && value._separator === B.ListSeparator_kWM && !value._hasBrackets;
63847 if (needsParens)
63848 this._serialize$_buffer.writeCharCode$1(40);
63849 value.accept$1(this);
63850 if (needsParens)
63851 this._serialize$_buffer.writeCharCode$1(41);
63852 },
63853 visitNumber$1(value) {
63854 var _this = this,
63855 asSlash = value.asSlash;
63856 if (asSlash != null) {
63857 _this.visitNumber$1(asSlash.item1);
63858 _this._serialize$_buffer.writeCharCode$1(47);
63859 _this.visitNumber$1(asSlash.item2);
63860 return;
63861 }
63862 _this._writeNumber$1(value._number$_value);
63863 if (!_this._inspect) {
63864 if (value.get$numeratorUnits(value).length > 1 || value.get$denominatorUnits(value).length !== 0)
63865 throw A.wrapException(A.SassScriptException$(value.toString$0(0) + " isn't a valid CSS value."));
63866 if (value.get$numeratorUnits(value).length !== 0)
63867 _this._serialize$_buffer.write$1(0, B.JSArray_methods.get$first(value.get$numeratorUnits(value)));
63868 } else
63869 _this._serialize$_buffer.write$1(0, value.get$unitString());
63870 },
63871 _writeNumber$1(number) {
63872 var text, _this = this,
63873 integer = A.fuzzyIsInt(number) ? B.JSNumber_methods.round$0(number) : null;
63874 if (integer != null) {
63875 _this._serialize$_buffer.write$1(0, _this._removeExponent$1(B.JSInt_methods.toString$0(integer)));
63876 return;
63877 }
63878 text = _this._removeExponent$1(B.JSNumber_methods.toString$0(number));
63879 if (text.length < 12) {
63880 if (_this._style === B.OutputStyle_compressed && B.JSString_methods._codeUnitAt$1(text, 0) === 48)
63881 text = B.JSString_methods.substring$1(text, 1);
63882 _this._serialize$_buffer.write$1(0, text);
63883 return;
63884 }
63885 _this._writeRounded$1(text);
63886 },
63887 _removeExponent$1(text) {
63888 var buffer, t3, additionalZeroes,
63889 t1 = B.JSString_methods._codeUnitAt$1(text, 0),
63890 negative = t1 === 45,
63891 exponent = A._Cell$(),
63892 t2 = text.length,
63893 i = 0;
63894 while (true) {
63895 if (!(i < t2)) {
63896 buffer = null;
63897 break;
63898 }
63899 c$0: {
63900 if (B.JSString_methods._codeUnitAt$1(text, i) !== 101)
63901 break c$0;
63902 buffer = new A.StringBuffer("");
63903 t1 = buffer._contents = "" + A.Primitives_stringFromCharCode(t1);
63904 if (negative) {
63905 t1 += A.Primitives_stringFromCharCode(B.JSString_methods._codeUnitAt$1(text, 1));
63906 buffer._contents = t1;
63907 if (i > 3)
63908 buffer._contents = t1 + B.JSString_methods.substring$2(text, 3, i);
63909 } else if (i > 2)
63910 buffer._contents = t1 + B.JSString_methods.substring$2(text, 2, i);
63911 exponent._value = A.int_parse(B.JSString_methods.substring$2(text, i + 1, t2), null);
63912 break;
63913 }
63914 ++i;
63915 }
63916 if (buffer == null)
63917 return text;
63918 if (exponent._readLocal$0() > 0) {
63919 t1 = exponent._readLocal$0();
63920 t2 = buffer._contents;
63921 t3 = negative ? 1 : 0;
63922 additionalZeroes = t1 - (t2.length - 1 - t3);
63923 for (t1 = t2, i = 0; i < additionalZeroes; ++i) {
63924 t1 += A.Primitives_stringFromCharCode(48);
63925 buffer._contents = t1;
63926 }
63927 return t1.charCodeAt(0) == 0 ? t1 : t1;
63928 } else {
63929 t1 = (negative ? "" + A.Primitives_stringFromCharCode(45) : "") + "0.";
63930 t2 = exponent.__late_helper$_name;
63931 i = -1;
63932 while (true) {
63933 t3 = exponent._value;
63934 if (t3 === exponent)
63935 A.throwExpression(A.LateError$localNI(t2));
63936 if (!(i > t3))
63937 break;
63938 t1 += A.Primitives_stringFromCharCode(48);
63939 --i;
63940 }
63941 if (negative) {
63942 t2 = buffer._contents;
63943 t2 = B.JSString_methods.substring$1(t2.charCodeAt(0) == 0 ? t2 : t2, 1);
63944 } else
63945 t2 = buffer;
63946 t2 = t1 + A.S(t2);
63947 return t2.charCodeAt(0) == 0 ? t2 : t2;
63948 }
63949 },
63950 _writeRounded$1(text) {
63951 var t1, digits, negative, textIndex, digitsIndex, textIndex0, codeUnit, digitsIndex0, indexAfterPrecision, digitsIndex1, newDigit, writtenIndex, t2, _this = this;
63952 if (B.JSString_methods.endsWith$1(text, ".0")) {
63953 _this._serialize$_buffer.write$1(0, B.JSString_methods.substring$2(text, 0, text.length - 2));
63954 return;
63955 }
63956 t1 = text.length;
63957 digits = new Uint8Array(t1 + 1);
63958 negative = B.JSString_methods._codeUnitAt$1(text, 0) === 45;
63959 textIndex = negative ? 1 : 0;
63960 for (digitsIndex = 1; true; textIndex = textIndex0, digitsIndex = digitsIndex0) {
63961 if (textIndex === t1) {
63962 _this._serialize$_buffer.write$1(0, text);
63963 return;
63964 }
63965 textIndex0 = textIndex + 1;
63966 codeUnit = B.JSString_methods._codeUnitAt$1(text, textIndex);
63967 if (codeUnit === 46) {
63968 textIndex = textIndex0;
63969 break;
63970 }
63971 digitsIndex0 = digitsIndex + 1;
63972 digits[digitsIndex] = codeUnit - 48;
63973 }
63974 indexAfterPrecision = textIndex + 10;
63975 if (indexAfterPrecision >= t1) {
63976 _this._serialize$_buffer.write$1(0, text);
63977 return;
63978 }
63979 for (digitsIndex0 = digitsIndex; textIndex < indexAfterPrecision; textIndex = textIndex0, digitsIndex0 = digitsIndex1) {
63980 digitsIndex1 = digitsIndex0 + 1;
63981 textIndex0 = textIndex + 1;
63982 digits[digitsIndex0] = B.JSString_methods._codeUnitAt$1(text, textIndex) - 48;
63983 }
63984 if (B.JSString_methods._codeUnitAt$1(text, textIndex) - 48 >= 5)
63985 for (; true; digitsIndex0 = digitsIndex1) {
63986 digitsIndex1 = digitsIndex0 - 1;
63987 newDigit = digits[digitsIndex1] + 1;
63988 digits[digitsIndex1] = newDigit;
63989 if (newDigit !== 10)
63990 break;
63991 }
63992 for (; digitsIndex0 < digitsIndex; ++digitsIndex0)
63993 digits[digitsIndex0] = 0;
63994 while (true) {
63995 t1 = digitsIndex0 > digitsIndex;
63996 if (!(t1 && digits[digitsIndex0 - 1] === 0))
63997 break;
63998 --digitsIndex0;
63999 }
64000 if (digitsIndex0 === 2 && digits[0] === 0 && digits[1] === 0) {
64001 _this._serialize$_buffer.writeCharCode$1(48);
64002 return;
64003 }
64004 if (negative)
64005 _this._serialize$_buffer.writeCharCode$1(45);
64006 if (digits[0] === 0)
64007 writtenIndex = _this._style === B.OutputStyle_compressed && digits[1] === 0 ? 2 : 1;
64008 else
64009 writtenIndex = 0;
64010 for (t2 = _this._serialize$_buffer; writtenIndex < digitsIndex; ++writtenIndex)
64011 t2.writeCharCode$1(48 + digits[writtenIndex]);
64012 if (t1) {
64013 t2.writeCharCode$1(46);
64014 for (; writtenIndex < digitsIndex0; ++writtenIndex)
64015 t2.writeCharCode$1(48 + digits[writtenIndex]);
64016 }
64017 },
64018 _visitQuotedString$2$forceDoubleQuote(string, forceDoubleQuote) {
64019 var t1, includesSingleQuote, includesDoubleQuote, i, char, newIndex, quote, _this = this,
64020 buffer = forceDoubleQuote ? _this._serialize$_buffer : new A.StringBuffer("");
64021 if (forceDoubleQuote)
64022 buffer.writeCharCode$1(34);
64023 for (t1 = string.length, includesSingleQuote = false, includesDoubleQuote = false, i = 0; i < t1; ++i) {
64024 char = B.JSString_methods._codeUnitAt$1(string, i);
64025 switch (char) {
64026 case 39:
64027 if (forceDoubleQuote)
64028 buffer.writeCharCode$1(39);
64029 else {
64030 if (includesDoubleQuote) {
64031 _this._visitQuotedString$2$forceDoubleQuote(string, true);
64032 return;
64033 } else
64034 buffer.writeCharCode$1(39);
64035 includesSingleQuote = true;
64036 }
64037 break;
64038 case 34:
64039 if (forceDoubleQuote) {
64040 buffer.writeCharCode$1(92);
64041 buffer.writeCharCode$1(34);
64042 } else {
64043 if (includesSingleQuote) {
64044 _this._visitQuotedString$2$forceDoubleQuote(string, true);
64045 return;
64046 } else
64047 buffer.writeCharCode$1(34);
64048 includesDoubleQuote = true;
64049 }
64050 break;
64051 case 0:
64052 case 1:
64053 case 2:
64054 case 3:
64055 case 4:
64056 case 5:
64057 case 6:
64058 case 7:
64059 case 8:
64060 case 10:
64061 case 11:
64062 case 12:
64063 case 13:
64064 case 14:
64065 case 15:
64066 case 16:
64067 case 17:
64068 case 18:
64069 case 19:
64070 case 20:
64071 case 21:
64072 case 22:
64073 case 23:
64074 case 24:
64075 case 25:
64076 case 26:
64077 case 27:
64078 case 28:
64079 case 29:
64080 case 30:
64081 case 31:
64082 _this._writeEscape$4(buffer, char, string, i);
64083 break;
64084 case 92:
64085 buffer.writeCharCode$1(92);
64086 buffer.writeCharCode$1(92);
64087 break;
64088 default:
64089 newIndex = _this._tryPrivateUseCharacter$4(buffer, char, string, i);
64090 if (newIndex != null) {
64091 i = newIndex;
64092 break;
64093 }
64094 buffer.writeCharCode$1(char);
64095 break;
64096 }
64097 }
64098 if (forceDoubleQuote)
64099 buffer.writeCharCode$1(34);
64100 else {
64101 quote = includesDoubleQuote ? 39 : 34;
64102 t1 = _this._serialize$_buffer;
64103 t1.writeCharCode$1(quote);
64104 t1.write$1(0, buffer);
64105 t1.writeCharCode$1(quote);
64106 }
64107 },
64108 _visitQuotedString$1(string) {
64109 return this._visitQuotedString$2$forceDoubleQuote(string, false);
64110 },
64111 _visitUnquotedString$1(string) {
64112 var t1, t2, afterNewline, i, char, newIndex;
64113 for (t1 = string.length, t2 = this._serialize$_buffer, afterNewline = false, i = 0; i < t1; ++i) {
64114 char = B.JSString_methods._codeUnitAt$1(string, i);
64115 switch (char) {
64116 case 10:
64117 t2.writeCharCode$1(32);
64118 afterNewline = true;
64119 break;
64120 case 32:
64121 if (!afterNewline)
64122 t2.writeCharCode$1(32);
64123 break;
64124 default:
64125 newIndex = this._tryPrivateUseCharacter$4(t2, char, string, i);
64126 if (newIndex != null) {
64127 i = newIndex;
64128 afterNewline = false;
64129 break;
64130 }
64131 t2.writeCharCode$1(char);
64132 afterNewline = false;
64133 break;
64134 }
64135 }
64136 },
64137 _tryPrivateUseCharacter$4(buffer, codeUnit, string, i) {
64138 var t1;
64139 if (this._style === B.OutputStyle_compressed)
64140 return null;
64141 if (codeUnit >= 57344 && codeUnit <= 63743) {
64142 this._writeEscape$4(buffer, codeUnit, string, i);
64143 return i;
64144 }
64145 if (codeUnit >>> 7 === 439 && string.length > i + 1) {
64146 t1 = i + 1;
64147 this._writeEscape$4(buffer, 65536 + ((codeUnit & 1023) << 10) + (B.JSString_methods._codeUnitAt$1(string, t1) & 1023), string, t1);
64148 return t1;
64149 }
64150 return null;
64151 },
64152 _writeEscape$4(buffer, character, string, i) {
64153 var t1, next;
64154 buffer.writeCharCode$1(92);
64155 buffer.write$1(0, B.JSInt_methods.toRadixString$1(character, 16));
64156 t1 = i + 1;
64157 if (string.length === t1)
64158 return;
64159 next = B.JSString_methods._codeUnitAt$1(string, t1);
64160 if (A.isHex(next) || next === 32 || next === 9)
64161 buffer.writeCharCode$1(32);
64162 },
64163 visitComplexSelector$1(complex) {
64164 var t1, t2, t3, t4, lastComponent, _i, component, t5;
64165 for (t1 = complex.components, t2 = t1.length, t3 = this._serialize$_buffer, t4 = this._style === B.OutputStyle_compressed, lastComponent = null, _i = 0; _i < t2; ++_i, lastComponent = component) {
64166 component = t1[_i];
64167 if (lastComponent != null)
64168 if (!(t4 && lastComponent instanceof A.Combinator))
64169 t5 = !(t4 && component instanceof A.Combinator);
64170 else
64171 t5 = false;
64172 else
64173 t5 = false;
64174 if (t5)
64175 t3.write$1(0, " ");
64176 if (component instanceof A.CompoundSelector)
64177 this.visitCompoundSelector$1(component);
64178 else
64179 t3.write$1(0, component);
64180 }
64181 },
64182 visitCompoundSelector$1(compound) {
64183 var t2, t3, _i,
64184 t1 = this._serialize$_buffer,
64185 start = t1.get$length(t1);
64186 for (t2 = compound.components, t3 = t2.length, _i = 0; _i < t3; ++_i)
64187 t2[_i].accept$1(this);
64188 if (t1.get$length(t1) === start)
64189 t1.writeCharCode$1(42);
64190 },
64191 visitSelectorList$1(list) {
64192 var t1, t2, t3, first, t4, _this = this,
64193 complexes = list.components;
64194 for (t1 = J.get$iterator$ax(_this._inspect ? complexes : new A.WhereIterable(complexes, new A._SerializeVisitor_visitSelectorList_closure(), A._arrayInstanceType(complexes)._eval$1("WhereIterable<1>"))), t2 = _this._style !== B.OutputStyle_compressed, t3 = _this._serialize$_buffer, first = true; t1.moveNext$0();) {
64195 t4 = t1.get$current(t1);
64196 if (first)
64197 first = false;
64198 else {
64199 t3.writeCharCode$1(44);
64200 if (t4.lineBreak) {
64201 if (t2)
64202 t3.write$1(0, "\n");
64203 } else if (t2)
64204 t3.writeCharCode$1(32);
64205 }
64206 _this.visitComplexSelector$1(t4);
64207 }
64208 },
64209 visitPseudoSelector$1(pseudo) {
64210 var t3, t4, t5,
64211 innerSelector = pseudo.selector,
64212 t1 = innerSelector == null,
64213 t2 = !t1;
64214 if (t2 && pseudo.name === "not" && innerSelector.get$isInvisible())
64215 return;
64216 t3 = this._serialize$_buffer;
64217 t3.writeCharCode$1(58);
64218 if (!pseudo.isSyntacticClass)
64219 t3.writeCharCode$1(58);
64220 t3.write$1(0, pseudo.name);
64221 t4 = pseudo.argument;
64222 t5 = t4 == null;
64223 if (t5 && t1)
64224 return;
64225 t3.writeCharCode$1(40);
64226 if (!t5) {
64227 t3.write$1(0, t4);
64228 if (t2)
64229 t3.writeCharCode$1(32);
64230 }
64231 if (t2)
64232 this.visitSelectorList$1(innerSelector);
64233 t3.writeCharCode$1(41);
64234 },
64235 _serialize$_write$1(value) {
64236 return this._serialize$_buffer.forSpan$2(value.get$span(value), new A._SerializeVisitor__write_closure(this, value));
64237 },
64238 _serialize$_visitChildren$1(children) {
64239 var _this = this, t1 = {},
64240 t2 = _this._serialize$_buffer;
64241 t2.writeCharCode$1(123);
64242 if (children.every$1(children, _this.get$_isInvisible())) {
64243 t2.writeCharCode$1(125);
64244 return;
64245 }
64246 _this._writeLineFeed$0();
64247 t1.previous_ = null;
64248 ++_this._indentation;
64249 new A._SerializeVisitor__visitChildren_closure(t1, _this, children).call$0();
64250 --_this._indentation;
64251 t1 = t1.previous_;
64252 t1.toString;
64253 if ((type$.CssParentNode._is(t1) ? t1.get$isChildless() : !type$.CssComment._is(t1)) && _this._style !== B.OutputStyle_compressed)
64254 t2.writeCharCode$1(59);
64255 _this._writeLineFeed$0();
64256 _this._writeIndentation$0();
64257 t2.writeCharCode$1(125);
64258 },
64259 _writeLineFeed$0() {
64260 if (this._style !== B.OutputStyle_compressed)
64261 this._serialize$_buffer.write$1(0, "\n");
64262 },
64263 _writeIndentation$0() {
64264 var _this = this;
64265 if (_this._style === B.OutputStyle_compressed)
64266 return;
64267 _this._writeTimes$2(_this._indentCharacter, _this._indentation * _this._indentWidth);
64268 },
64269 _writeTimes$2(char, times) {
64270 var t1, i;
64271 for (t1 = this._serialize$_buffer, i = 0; i < times; ++i)
64272 t1.writeCharCode$1(char);
64273 },
64274 _writeBetween$1$3(iterable, text, callback) {
64275 var t1, t2, first, value;
64276 for (t1 = J.get$iterator$ax(iterable), t2 = this._serialize$_buffer, first = true; t1.moveNext$0();) {
64277 value = t1.get$current(t1);
64278 if (first)
64279 first = false;
64280 else
64281 t2.write$1(0, text);
64282 callback.call$1(value);
64283 }
64284 },
64285 _writeBetween$3(iterable, text, callback) {
64286 return this._writeBetween$1$3(iterable, text, callback, type$.dynamic);
64287 },
64288 _isInvisible$1(node) {
64289 if (this._inspect)
64290 return false;
64291 if (this._style === B.OutputStyle_compressed && type$.CssComment._is(node) && B.JSString_methods._codeUnitAt$1(node.text, 2) !== 33)
64292 return true;
64293 if (type$.CssParentNode._is(node)) {
64294 if (type$.CssAtRule._is(node))
64295 return false;
64296 if (type$.CssStyleRule._is(node) && node.selector.value.get$isInvisible())
64297 return true;
64298 return J.every$1$ax(node.get$children(node), this.get$_isInvisible());
64299 } else
64300 return false;
64301 }
64302 };
64303 A._SerializeVisitor_visitCssComment_closure.prototype = {
64304 call$0() {
64305 var t2, t3, minimumIndentation,
64306 t1 = this.$this;
64307 if (t1._style === B.OutputStyle_compressed && B.JSString_methods._codeUnitAt$1(this.node.text, 2) !== 33)
64308 return;
64309 t2 = this.node;
64310 t3 = t2.text;
64311 minimumIndentation = t1._minimumIndentation$1(t3);
64312 if (minimumIndentation == null) {
64313 t1._writeIndentation$0();
64314 t1._serialize$_buffer.write$1(0, t3);
64315 return;
64316 }
64317 t2 = t2.span;
64318 t2 = A.FileLocation$_(t2.file, t2._file$_start);
64319 minimumIndentation = Math.min(minimumIndentation, t2.file.getColumn$1(t2.offset));
64320 t1._writeIndentation$0();
64321 t1._writeWithIndent$2(t3, minimumIndentation);
64322 },
64323 $signature: 1
64324 };
64325 A._SerializeVisitor_visitCssAtRule_closure.prototype = {
64326 call$0() {
64327 var t3, value,
64328 t1 = this.$this,
64329 t2 = t1._serialize$_buffer;
64330 t2.writeCharCode$1(64);
64331 t3 = this.node;
64332 t1._serialize$_write$1(t3.name);
64333 value = t3.value;
64334 if (value != null) {
64335 t2.writeCharCode$1(32);
64336 t1._serialize$_write$1(value);
64337 }
64338 },
64339 $signature: 1
64340 };
64341 A._SerializeVisitor_visitCssMediaRule_closure.prototype = {
64342 call$0() {
64343 var t3, t4,
64344 t1 = this.$this,
64345 t2 = t1._serialize$_buffer;
64346 t2.write$1(0, "@media");
64347 t3 = t1._style === B.OutputStyle_compressed;
64348 if (t3) {
64349 t4 = B.JSArray_methods.get$first(this.node.queries);
64350 t4 = !(t4.modifier == null && t4.type == null);
64351 } else
64352 t4 = true;
64353 if (t4)
64354 t2.writeCharCode$1(32);
64355 t2 = t3 ? "," : ", ";
64356 t1._writeBetween$3(this.node.queries, t2, t1.get$_visitMediaQuery());
64357 },
64358 $signature: 1
64359 };
64360 A._SerializeVisitor_visitCssImport_closure.prototype = {
64361 call$0() {
64362 var t3, t4, t5, t6, supports, media,
64363 t1 = this.$this,
64364 t2 = t1._serialize$_buffer;
64365 t2.write$1(0, "@import");
64366 t3 = t1._style === B.OutputStyle_compressed;
64367 t4 = !t3;
64368 if (t4)
64369 t2.writeCharCode$1(32);
64370 t5 = this.node;
64371 t6 = t5.url;
64372 t2.forSpan$2(t6.get$span(t6), new A._SerializeVisitor_visitCssImport__closure(t1, t5));
64373 supports = t5.supports;
64374 if (supports != null) {
64375 if (t4)
64376 t2.writeCharCode$1(32);
64377 t1._serialize$_write$1(supports);
64378 }
64379 media = t5.media;
64380 if (media != null) {
64381 if (t4)
64382 t2.writeCharCode$1(32);
64383 t2 = t3 ? "," : ", ";
64384 t1._writeBetween$3(media, t2, t1.get$_visitMediaQuery());
64385 }
64386 },
64387 $signature: 1
64388 };
64389 A._SerializeVisitor_visitCssImport__closure.prototype = {
64390 call$0() {
64391 var t1 = this.node.url;
64392 return this.$this._writeImportUrl$1(t1.get$value(t1));
64393 },
64394 $signature: 0
64395 };
64396 A._SerializeVisitor_visitCssKeyframeBlock_closure.prototype = {
64397 call$0() {
64398 var t1 = this.$this,
64399 t2 = t1._style === B.OutputStyle_compressed ? "," : ", ",
64400 t3 = t1._serialize$_buffer;
64401 return t1._writeBetween$3(this.node.selector.value, t2, t3.get$write(t3));
64402 },
64403 $signature: 0
64404 };
64405 A._SerializeVisitor_visitCssStyleRule_closure.prototype = {
64406 call$0() {
64407 return this.$this.visitSelectorList$1(this.node.selector.value);
64408 },
64409 $signature: 0
64410 };
64411 A._SerializeVisitor_visitCssSupportsRule_closure.prototype = {
64412 call$0() {
64413 var t1 = this.$this,
64414 t2 = t1._serialize$_buffer;
64415 t2.write$1(0, "@supports");
64416 if (!(t1._style === B.OutputStyle_compressed && J.codeUnitAt$1$s(this.node.condition.value, 0) === 40))
64417 t2.writeCharCode$1(32);
64418 t1._serialize$_write$1(this.node.condition);
64419 },
64420 $signature: 1
64421 };
64422 A._SerializeVisitor_visitCssDeclaration_closure.prototype = {
64423 call$0() {
64424 var t1 = this.$this,
64425 t2 = this.node;
64426 if (t1._style === B.OutputStyle_compressed)
64427 t1._writeFoldedValue$1(t2);
64428 else
64429 t1._writeReindentedValue$1(t2);
64430 },
64431 $signature: 1
64432 };
64433 A._SerializeVisitor_visitCssDeclaration_closure0.prototype = {
64434 call$0() {
64435 var t1 = this.node.value;
64436 return t1.get$value(t1).accept$1(this.$this);
64437 },
64438 $signature: 0
64439 };
64440 A._SerializeVisitor_visitList_closure.prototype = {
64441 call$1(element) {
64442 return !element.get$isBlank();
64443 },
64444 $signature: 62
64445 };
64446 A._SerializeVisitor_visitList_closure0.prototype = {
64447 call$1(element) {
64448 var t1 = this.$this,
64449 needsParens = t1._elementNeedsParens$2(this.value._separator, element);
64450 if (needsParens)
64451 t1._serialize$_buffer.writeCharCode$1(40);
64452 element.accept$1(t1);
64453 if (needsParens)
64454 t1._serialize$_buffer.writeCharCode$1(41);
64455 },
64456 $signature: 52
64457 };
64458 A._SerializeVisitor_visitList_closure1.prototype = {
64459 call$1(element) {
64460 element.accept$1(this.$this);
64461 },
64462 $signature: 52
64463 };
64464 A._SerializeVisitor_visitMap_closure.prototype = {
64465 call$1(entry) {
64466 var t1 = this.$this;
64467 t1._writeMapElement$1(entry.key);
64468 t1._serialize$_buffer.write$1(0, ": ");
64469 t1._writeMapElement$1(entry.value);
64470 },
64471 $signature: 274
64472 };
64473 A._SerializeVisitor_visitSelectorList_closure.prototype = {
64474 call$1(complex) {
64475 return !complex.get$isInvisible();
64476 },
64477 $signature: 19
64478 };
64479 A._SerializeVisitor__write_closure.prototype = {
64480 call$0() {
64481 var t1 = this.value;
64482 return this.$this._serialize$_buffer.write$1(0, t1.get$value(t1));
64483 },
64484 $signature: 0
64485 };
64486 A._SerializeVisitor__visitChildren_closure.prototype = {
64487 call$0() {
64488 var t1, t2, t3, t4, t5, t6, t7, i, child, previous, t8;
64489 for (t1 = this.children._collection$_source, t2 = J.getInterceptor$asx(t1), t3 = this._box_0, t4 = this.$this, t5 = type$.CssComment, t6 = type$.CssParentNode, t7 = t4._serialize$_buffer, i = 0; i < t2.get$length(t1); ++i) {
64490 child = t2.elementAt$1(t1, i);
64491 if (t4._isInvisible$1(child))
64492 continue;
64493 previous = t3.previous_;
64494 if (previous != null) {
64495 if (t6._is(previous) ? previous.get$isChildless() : !t5._is(previous))
64496 t7.writeCharCode$1(59);
64497 t8 = t4._style !== B.OutputStyle_compressed;
64498 if (t8)
64499 t7.write$1(0, "\n");
64500 if (previous.get$isGroupEnd())
64501 if (t8)
64502 t7.write$1(0, "\n");
64503 }
64504 t3.previous_ = child;
64505 child.accept$1(t4);
64506 }
64507 },
64508 $signature: 0
64509 };
64510 A.OutputStyle.prototype = {
64511 toString$0(_) {
64512 return this._name;
64513 }
64514 };
64515 A.LineFeed.prototype = {
64516 toString$0(_) {
64517 return "lf";
64518 }
64519 };
64520 A.SerializeResult.prototype = {};
64521 A.StatementSearchVisitor.prototype = {
64522 visitAtRootRule$1(node) {
64523 return this.visitChildren$1(node.children);
64524 },
64525 visitAtRule$1(node) {
64526 return A.NullableExtension_andThen(node.children, this.get$visitChildren());
64527 },
64528 visitContentBlock$1(node) {
64529 return this.visitChildren$1(node.children);
64530 },
64531 visitDebugRule$1(node) {
64532 return null;
64533 },
64534 visitDeclaration$1(node) {
64535 return A.NullableExtension_andThen(node.children, this.get$visitChildren());
64536 },
64537 visitEachRule$1(node) {
64538 return this.visitChildren$1(node.children);
64539 },
64540 visitErrorRule$1(node) {
64541 return null;
64542 },
64543 visitExtendRule$1(node) {
64544 return null;
64545 },
64546 visitForRule$1(node) {
64547 return this.visitChildren$1(node.children);
64548 },
64549 visitForwardRule$1(node) {
64550 return null;
64551 },
64552 visitFunctionRule$1(node) {
64553 return this.visitChildren$1(node.children);
64554 },
64555 visitIfRule$1(node) {
64556 var t1 = A._IterableExtension__search(node.clauses, new A.StatementSearchVisitor_visitIfRule_closure(this));
64557 return t1 == null ? A.NullableExtension_andThen(node.lastClause, new A.StatementSearchVisitor_visitIfRule_closure0(this)) : t1;
64558 },
64559 visitImportRule$1(node) {
64560 return null;
64561 },
64562 visitIncludeRule$1(node) {
64563 return A.NullableExtension_andThen(node.content, this.get$visitContentBlock());
64564 },
64565 visitLoudComment$1(node) {
64566 return null;
64567 },
64568 visitMediaRule$1(node) {
64569 return this.visitChildren$1(node.children);
64570 },
64571 visitMixinRule$1(node) {
64572 return this.visitChildren$1(node.children);
64573 },
64574 visitReturnRule$1(node) {
64575 return null;
64576 },
64577 visitSilentComment$1(node) {
64578 return null;
64579 },
64580 visitStyleRule$1(node) {
64581 return this.visitChildren$1(node.children);
64582 },
64583 visitStylesheet$1(node) {
64584 return this.visitChildren$1(node.children);
64585 },
64586 visitSupportsRule$1(node) {
64587 return this.visitChildren$1(node.children);
64588 },
64589 visitUseRule$1(node) {
64590 return null;
64591 },
64592 visitVariableDeclaration$1(node) {
64593 return null;
64594 },
64595 visitWarnRule$1(node) {
64596 return null;
64597 },
64598 visitWhileRule$1(node) {
64599 return this.visitChildren$1(node.children);
64600 },
64601 visitChildren$1(children) {
64602 return A._IterableExtension__search(children, new A.StatementSearchVisitor_visitChildren_closure(this));
64603 }
64604 };
64605 A.StatementSearchVisitor_visitIfRule_closure.prototype = {
64606 call$1(clause) {
64607 return A._IterableExtension__search(clause.children, new A.StatementSearchVisitor_visitIfRule__closure0(this.$this));
64608 },
64609 $signature() {
64610 return A._instanceType(this.$this)._eval$1("StatementSearchVisitor.T?(IfClause)");
64611 }
64612 };
64613 A.StatementSearchVisitor_visitIfRule__closure0.prototype = {
64614 call$1(child) {
64615 return child.accept$1(this.$this);
64616 },
64617 $signature() {
64618 return A._instanceType(this.$this)._eval$1("StatementSearchVisitor.T?(Statement)");
64619 }
64620 };
64621 A.StatementSearchVisitor_visitIfRule_closure0.prototype = {
64622 call$1(lastClause) {
64623 return A._IterableExtension__search(lastClause.children, new A.StatementSearchVisitor_visitIfRule__closure(this.$this));
64624 },
64625 $signature() {
64626 return A._instanceType(this.$this)._eval$1("StatementSearchVisitor.T?(ElseClause)");
64627 }
64628 };
64629 A.StatementSearchVisitor_visitIfRule__closure.prototype = {
64630 call$1(child) {
64631 return child.accept$1(this.$this);
64632 },
64633 $signature() {
64634 return A._instanceType(this.$this)._eval$1("StatementSearchVisitor.T?(Statement)");
64635 }
64636 };
64637 A.StatementSearchVisitor_visitChildren_closure.prototype = {
64638 call$1(child) {
64639 return child.accept$1(this.$this);
64640 },
64641 $signature() {
64642 return A._instanceType(this.$this)._eval$1("StatementSearchVisitor.T?(Statement)");
64643 }
64644 };
64645 A.Entry.prototype = {
64646 compareTo$1(_, other) {
64647 var t1, t2,
64648 res = this.target.compareTo$1(0, other.target);
64649 if (res !== 0)
64650 return res;
64651 t1 = this.source;
64652 t2 = other.source;
64653 res = B.JSString_methods.compareTo$1(J.toString$0$(t1.file.url), J.toString$0$(t2.file.url));
64654 if (res !== 0)
64655 return res;
64656 return t1.compareTo$1(0, t2);
64657 },
64658 $isComparable: 1
64659 };
64660 A.Mapping.prototype = {};
64661 A.SingleMapping.prototype = {
64662 toJson$1$includeSourceContents(includeSourceContents) {
64663 var t1, t2, line, column, srcLine, srcColumn, srcUrlId, srcNameId, first, _i, entry, nextLine, i, t3, t4, column0, t5, newUrlId, srcLine0, srcColumn0, srcNameId0, result, _this = this,
64664 buff = new A.StringBuffer("");
64665 for (t1 = _this.lines, t2 = t1.length, line = 0, column = 0, srcLine = 0, srcColumn = 0, srcUrlId = 0, srcNameId = 0, first = true, _i = 0; _i < t1.length; t1.length === t2 || (0, A.throwConcurrentModificationError)(t1), ++_i) {
64666 entry = t1[_i];
64667 nextLine = entry.line;
64668 if (nextLine > line) {
64669 for (i = line; i < nextLine; ++i)
64670 buff._contents += ";";
64671 line = nextLine;
64672 column = 0;
64673 first = true;
64674 }
64675 for (t3 = J.get$iterator$ax(entry.entries); t3.moveNext$0(); column = column0, first = false) {
64676 t4 = t3.get$current(t3);
64677 if (!first)
64678 buff._contents += ",";
64679 column0 = t4.column;
64680 t5 = A.encodeVlq(column0 - column);
64681 t5 = A.StringBuffer__writeAll(buff._contents, t5, "");
64682 buff._contents = t5;
64683 newUrlId = t4.sourceUrlId;
64684 t5 = A.StringBuffer__writeAll(t5, A.encodeVlq(newUrlId - srcUrlId), "");
64685 buff._contents = t5;
64686 srcLine0 = t4.sourceLine;
64687 t5 = A.StringBuffer__writeAll(t5, A.encodeVlq(srcLine0 - srcLine), "");
64688 buff._contents = t5;
64689 srcColumn0 = t4.sourceColumn;
64690 t5 = A.StringBuffer__writeAll(t5, A.encodeVlq(srcColumn0 - srcColumn), "");
64691 buff._contents = t5;
64692 srcNameId0 = t4.sourceNameId;
64693 if (srcNameId0 == null) {
64694 srcUrlId = newUrlId;
64695 srcColumn = srcColumn0;
64696 srcLine = srcLine0;
64697 continue;
64698 }
64699 buff._contents = A.StringBuffer__writeAll(t5, A.encodeVlq(srcNameId0 - srcNameId), "");
64700 srcNameId = srcNameId0;
64701 srcUrlId = newUrlId;
64702 srcColumn = srcColumn0;
64703 srcLine = srcLine0;
64704 }
64705 }
64706 t1 = _this.sourceRoot;
64707 if (t1 == null)
64708 t1 = "";
64709 t2 = buff._contents;
64710 result = A.LinkedHashMap_LinkedHashMap$_literal(["version", 3, "sourceRoot", t1, "sources", _this.urls, "names", _this.names, "mappings", t2.charCodeAt(0) == 0 ? t2 : t2], type$.String, type$.Object);
64711 t1 = _this.targetUrl;
64712 if (t1 != null)
64713 result.$indexSet(0, "file", t1);
64714 if (includeSourceContents) {
64715 t1 = _this.files;
64716 t2 = A._arrayInstanceType(t1)._eval$1("MappedListIterable<1,String?>");
64717 result.$indexSet(0, "sourcesContent", A.List_List$of(new A.MappedListIterable(t1, new A.SingleMapping_toJson_closure(), t2), true, t2._eval$1("ListIterable.E")));
64718 }
64719 _this.extensions.forEach$1(0, new A.SingleMapping_toJson_closure0(result));
64720 return result;
64721 },
64722 toJson$0() {
64723 return this.toJson$1$includeSourceContents(false);
64724 },
64725 toString$0(_) {
64726 var _this = this,
64727 t1 = A.getRuntimeType(_this).toString$0(0) + " : [" + "targetUrl: " + A.S(_this.targetUrl) + ", sourceRoot: " + A.S(_this.sourceRoot) + ", urls: " + A.S(_this.urls) + ", names: " + A.S(_this.names) + ", lines: " + A.S(_this.lines) + "]";
64728 return t1.charCodeAt(0) == 0 ? t1 : t1;
64729 }
64730 };
64731 A.SingleMapping_SingleMapping$fromEntries_closure.prototype = {
64732 call$0() {
64733 var t1 = this.urls;
64734 return t1.get$length(t1);
64735 },
64736 $signature: 12
64737 };
64738 A.SingleMapping_SingleMapping$fromEntries_closure0.prototype = {
64739 call$0() {
64740 return this.sourceEntry.source.file;
64741 },
64742 $signature: 275
64743 };
64744 A.SingleMapping_SingleMapping$fromEntries_closure1.prototype = {
64745 call$1(i) {
64746 return this.files.$index(0, i);
64747 },
64748 $signature: 276
64749 };
64750 A.SingleMapping_toJson_closure.prototype = {
64751 call$1(file) {
64752 return file == null ? null : A.String_String$fromCharCodes(B.NativeUint32List_methods.sublist$2(file._decodedChars, 0, null), 0, null);
64753 },
64754 $signature: 277
64755 };
64756 A.SingleMapping_toJson_closure0.prototype = {
64757 call$2($name, value) {
64758 this.result.$indexSet(0, $name, value);
64759 return value;
64760 },
64761 $signature: 250
64762 };
64763 A.TargetLineEntry.prototype = {
64764 toString$0(_) {
64765 return A.getRuntimeType(this).toString$0(0) + ": " + this.line + " " + A.S(this.entries);
64766 }
64767 };
64768 A.TargetEntry.prototype = {
64769 toString$0(_) {
64770 var _this = this;
64771 return A.getRuntimeType(_this).toString$0(0) + ": (" + _this.column + ", " + _this.sourceUrlId + ", " + _this.sourceLine + ", " + _this.sourceColumn + ", " + A.S(_this.sourceNameId) + ")";
64772 }
64773 };
64774 A.SourceFile.prototype = {
64775 get$length(_) {
64776 return this._decodedChars.length;
64777 },
64778 get$lines() {
64779 return this._lineStarts.length;
64780 },
64781 SourceFile$decoded$2$url(decodedChars, url) {
64782 var t1, t2, t3, i, c, j;
64783 for (t1 = this._decodedChars, t2 = t1.length, t3 = this._lineStarts, i = 0; i < t2; ++i) {
64784 c = t1[i];
64785 if (c === 13) {
64786 j = i + 1;
64787 if (j >= t2 || t1[j] !== 10)
64788 c = 10;
64789 }
64790 if (c === 10)
64791 t3.push(i + 1);
64792 }
64793 },
64794 span$2(_, start, end) {
64795 return A._FileSpan$(this, start, end == null ? this._decodedChars.length : end);
64796 },
64797 span$1($receiver, start) {
64798 return this.span$2($receiver, start, null);
64799 },
64800 getLine$1(offset) {
64801 var t1, _this = this;
64802 if (offset < 0)
64803 throw A.wrapException(A.RangeError$("Offset may not be negative, was " + offset + "."));
64804 else if (offset > _this._decodedChars.length)
64805 throw A.wrapException(A.RangeError$("Offset " + offset + string$.x20must_ + _this.get$length(_this) + "."));
64806 t1 = _this._lineStarts;
64807 if (offset < B.JSArray_methods.get$first(t1))
64808 return -1;
64809 if (offset >= B.JSArray_methods.get$last(t1))
64810 return t1.length - 1;
64811 if (_this._isNearCachedLine$1(offset)) {
64812 t1 = _this._cachedLine;
64813 t1.toString;
64814 return t1;
64815 }
64816 return _this._cachedLine = _this._binarySearch$1(offset) - 1;
64817 },
64818 _isNearCachedLine$1(offset) {
64819 var t2, t3,
64820 t1 = this._cachedLine;
64821 if (t1 == null)
64822 return false;
64823 t2 = this._lineStarts;
64824 if (offset < t2[t1])
64825 return false;
64826 t3 = t2.length;
64827 if (t1 >= t3 - 1 || offset < t2[t1 + 1])
64828 return true;
64829 if (t1 >= t3 - 2 || offset < t2[t1 + 2]) {
64830 this._cachedLine = t1 + 1;
64831 return true;
64832 }
64833 return false;
64834 },
64835 _binarySearch$1(offset) {
64836 var min, half,
64837 t1 = this._lineStarts,
64838 max = t1.length - 1;
64839 for (min = 0; min < max;) {
64840 half = min + B.JSInt_methods._tdivFast$1(max - min, 2);
64841 if (t1[half] > offset)
64842 max = half;
64843 else
64844 min = half + 1;
64845 }
64846 return max;
64847 },
64848 getColumn$1(offset) {
64849 var line, lineStart, _this = this;
64850 if (offset < 0)
64851 throw A.wrapException(A.RangeError$("Offset may not be negative, was " + offset + "."));
64852 else if (offset > _this._decodedChars.length)
64853 throw A.wrapException(A.RangeError$("Offset " + offset + " must be not be greater than the number of characters in the file, " + _this.get$length(_this) + "."));
64854 line = _this.getLine$1(offset);
64855 lineStart = _this._lineStarts[line];
64856 if (lineStart > offset)
64857 throw A.wrapException(A.RangeError$("Line " + line + " comes after offset " + offset + "."));
64858 return offset - lineStart;
64859 },
64860 getOffset$1(line) {
64861 var t1, t2, result, t3;
64862 if (line < 0)
64863 throw A.wrapException(A.RangeError$("Line may not be negative, was " + line + "."));
64864 else {
64865 t1 = this._lineStarts;
64866 t2 = t1.length;
64867 if (line >= t2)
64868 throw A.wrapException(A.RangeError$("Line " + line + " must be less than the number of lines in the file, " + this.get$lines() + "."));
64869 }
64870 result = t1[line];
64871 if (result <= this._decodedChars.length) {
64872 t3 = line + 1;
64873 t1 = t3 < t2 && result >= t1[t3];
64874 } else
64875 t1 = true;
64876 if (t1)
64877 throw A.wrapException(A.RangeError$("Line " + line + " doesn't have 0 columns."));
64878 return result;
64879 }
64880 };
64881 A.FileLocation.prototype = {
64882 get$sourceUrl(_) {
64883 return this.file.url;
64884 },
64885 get$line() {
64886 return this.file.getLine$1(this.offset);
64887 },
64888 get$column() {
64889 return this.file.getColumn$1(this.offset);
64890 },
64891 pointSpan$0() {
64892 var t1 = this.offset;
64893 return A._FileSpan$(this.file, t1, t1);
64894 },
64895 get$offset() {
64896 return this.offset;
64897 }
64898 };
64899 A._FileSpan.prototype = {
64900 get$sourceUrl(_) {
64901 return this.file.url;
64902 },
64903 get$length(_) {
64904 return this._end - this._file$_start;
64905 },
64906 get$start(_) {
64907 return A.FileLocation$_(this.file, this._file$_start);
64908 },
64909 get$end(_) {
64910 return A.FileLocation$_(this.file, this._end);
64911 },
64912 get$text() {
64913 return A.String_String$fromCharCodes(B.NativeUint32List_methods.sublist$2(this.file._decodedChars, this._file$_start, this._end), 0, null);
64914 },
64915 get$context(_) {
64916 var _this = this,
64917 t1 = _this.file,
64918 endOffset = _this._end,
64919 endLine = t1.getLine$1(endOffset);
64920 if (t1.getColumn$1(endOffset) === 0 && endLine !== 0) {
64921 if (endOffset - _this._file$_start === 0)
64922 return endLine === t1._lineStarts.length - 1 ? "" : A.String_String$fromCharCodes(B.NativeUint32List_methods.sublist$2(t1._decodedChars, t1.getOffset$1(endLine), t1.getOffset$1(endLine + 1)), 0, null);
64923 } else
64924 endOffset = endLine === t1._lineStarts.length - 1 ? t1._decodedChars.length : t1.getOffset$1(endLine + 1);
64925 return A.String_String$fromCharCodes(B.NativeUint32List_methods.sublist$2(t1._decodedChars, t1.getOffset$1(t1.getLine$1(_this._file$_start)), endOffset), 0, null);
64926 },
64927 _FileSpan$3(file, _start, _end) {
64928 var t3,
64929 t1 = this._end,
64930 t2 = this._file$_start;
64931 if (t1 < t2)
64932 throw A.wrapException(A.ArgumentError$("End " + t1 + " must come after start " + t2 + ".", null));
64933 else {
64934 t3 = this.file;
64935 if (t1 > t3._decodedChars.length)
64936 throw A.wrapException(A.RangeError$("End " + t1 + string$.x20must_ + t3.get$length(t3) + "."));
64937 else if (t2 < 0)
64938 throw A.wrapException(A.RangeError$("Start may not be negative, was " + t2 + "."));
64939 }
64940 },
64941 compareTo$1(_, other) {
64942 var result;
64943 if (!(other instanceof A._FileSpan))
64944 return this.super$SourceSpanMixin$compareTo(0, other);
64945 result = B.JSInt_methods.compareTo$1(this._file$_start, other._file$_start);
64946 return result === 0 ? B.JSInt_methods.compareTo$1(this._end, other._end) : result;
64947 },
64948 $eq(_, other) {
64949 var _this = this;
64950 if (other == null)
64951 return false;
64952 if (!type$.FileSpan._is(other))
64953 return _this.super$SourceSpanMixin$$eq(0, other);
64954 return _this._file$_start === other._file$_start && _this._end === other._end && J.$eq$(_this.file.url, other.file.url);
64955 },
64956 get$hashCode(_) {
64957 return A.Object_hash(this._file$_start, this._end, this.file.url);
64958 },
64959 expand$1(_, other) {
64960 var start, _this = this,
64961 t1 = _this.file;
64962 if (!J.$eq$(t1.url, other.file.url))
64963 throw A.wrapException(A.ArgumentError$('Source URLs "' + A.S(_this.get$sourceUrl(_this)) + '" and "' + A.S(other.get$sourceUrl(other)) + "\" don't match.", null));
64964 start = Math.min(_this._file$_start, other._file$_start);
64965 return A._FileSpan$(t1, start, Math.max(_this._end, other._end));
64966 },
64967 $isFileSpan: 1,
64968 $isSourceSpanWithContext: 1
64969 };
64970 A.Highlighter.prototype = {
64971 highlight$0() {
64972 var t2, highlightsByColumn, t3, t4, i, line, lastLine, t5, t6, t7, t8, t9, t10, t11, index, primaryIdx, primary, _i, highlight, _this = this, _null = null,
64973 t1 = _this._lines;
64974 _this._writeFileStart$1(B.JSArray_methods.get$first(t1).url);
64975 t2 = _this._maxMultilineSpans;
64976 highlightsByColumn = A.List_List$filled(t2, _null, false, type$.nullable__Highlight);
64977 for (t3 = _this._highlighter$_buffer, t2 = t2 !== 0, t4 = _this._primaryColor, i = 0; i < t1.length; ++i) {
64978 line = t1[i];
64979 if (i > 0) {
64980 lastLine = t1[i - 1];
64981 t5 = lastLine.url;
64982 t6 = line.url;
64983 if (!J.$eq$(t5, t6)) {
64984 _this._writeSidebar$1$end($._glyphs.get$upEnd());
64985 t3._contents += "\n";
64986 _this._writeFileStart$1(t6);
64987 } else if (lastLine.number + 1 !== line.number) {
64988 _this._writeSidebar$1$text("...");
64989 t3._contents += "\n";
64990 }
64991 }
64992 for (t5 = line.highlights, t6 = new A.ReversedListIterable(t5, A._arrayInstanceType(t5)._eval$1("ReversedListIterable<1>")), t6 = new A.ListIterator(t6, t6.get$length(t6)), t7 = A._instanceType(t6)._precomputed1, t8 = line.number, t9 = line.text; t6.moveNext$0();) {
64993 t10 = t7._as(t6.__internal$_current);
64994 t11 = t10.span;
64995 if (t11.get$start(t11).get$line() !== t11.get$end(t11).get$line() && t11.get$start(t11).get$line() === t8 && _this._isOnlyWhitespace$1(B.JSString_methods.substring$2(t9, 0, t11.get$start(t11).get$column()))) {
64996 index = B.JSArray_methods.indexOf$1(highlightsByColumn, _null);
64997 if (index < 0)
64998 A.throwExpression(A.ArgumentError$(A.S(highlightsByColumn) + " contains no null elements.", _null));
64999 highlightsByColumn[index] = t10;
65000 }
65001 }
65002 _this._writeSidebar$1$line(t8);
65003 t3._contents += " ";
65004 _this._writeMultilineHighlights$2(line, highlightsByColumn);
65005 if (t2)
65006 t3._contents += " ";
65007 primaryIdx = B.JSArray_methods.indexWhere$1(t5, new A.Highlighter_highlight_closure());
65008 primary = primaryIdx === -1 ? _null : t5[primaryIdx];
65009 t6 = primary != null;
65010 if (t6) {
65011 t7 = primary.span;
65012 t10 = t7.get$start(t7).get$line() === t8 ? t7.get$start(t7).get$column() : 0;
65013 _this._writeHighlightedText$4$color(t9, t10, t7.get$end(t7).get$line() === t8 ? t7.get$end(t7).get$column() : t9.length, t4);
65014 } else
65015 _this._writeText$1(t9);
65016 t3._contents += "\n";
65017 if (t6)
65018 _this._writeIndicator$3(line, primary, highlightsByColumn);
65019 for (t6 = t5.length, _i = 0; _i < t5.length; t5.length === t6 || (0, A.throwConcurrentModificationError)(t5), ++_i) {
65020 highlight = t5[_i];
65021 if (highlight.isPrimary)
65022 continue;
65023 _this._writeIndicator$3(line, highlight, highlightsByColumn);
65024 }
65025 }
65026 _this._writeSidebar$1$end($._glyphs.get$upEnd());
65027 t1 = t3._contents;
65028 return t1.charCodeAt(0) == 0 ? t1 : t1;
65029 },
65030 _writeFileStart$1(url) {
65031 var _this = this,
65032 t1 = !_this._multipleFiles || !type$.Uri._is(url),
65033 t2 = $._glyphs;
65034 if (t1)
65035 _this._writeSidebar$1$end(t2.get$downEnd());
65036 else {
65037 _this._writeSidebar$1$end(t2.get$topLeftCorner());
65038 _this._colorize$2$color(new A.Highlighter__writeFileStart_closure(_this), "\x1b[34m");
65039 _this._highlighter$_buffer._contents += " " + $.$get$context().prettyUri$1(url);
65040 }
65041 _this._highlighter$_buffer._contents += "\n";
65042 },
65043 _writeMultilineHighlights$3$current(line, highlightsByColumn, current) {
65044 var t1, currentColor, t2, t3, t4, t5, foundCurrent, _i, highlight, t6, startLine, t7, endLine, _this = this, _box_0 = {};
65045 _box_0.openedOnThisLine = false;
65046 _box_0.openedOnThisLineColor = null;
65047 t1 = current == null;
65048 if (t1)
65049 currentColor = null;
65050 else
65051 currentColor = current.isPrimary ? _this._primaryColor : _this._secondaryColor;
65052 for (t2 = highlightsByColumn.length, t3 = _this._secondaryColor, t1 = !t1, t4 = _this._primaryColor, t5 = _this._highlighter$_buffer, foundCurrent = false, _i = 0; _i < t2; ++_i) {
65053 highlight = highlightsByColumn[_i];
65054 t6 = highlight == null;
65055 if (t6)
65056 startLine = null;
65057 else {
65058 t7 = highlight.span;
65059 startLine = t7.get$start(t7).get$line();
65060 }
65061 if (t6)
65062 endLine = null;
65063 else {
65064 t7 = highlight.span;
65065 endLine = t7.get$end(t7).get$line();
65066 }
65067 if (t1 && highlight === current) {
65068 _this._colorize$2$color(new A.Highlighter__writeMultilineHighlights_closure(_this, startLine, line), currentColor);
65069 foundCurrent = true;
65070 } else if (foundCurrent)
65071 _this._colorize$2$color(new A.Highlighter__writeMultilineHighlights_closure0(_this, highlight), currentColor);
65072 else if (t6)
65073 if (_box_0.openedOnThisLine)
65074 _this._colorize$2$color(new A.Highlighter__writeMultilineHighlights_closure1(_this), _box_0.openedOnThisLineColor);
65075 else
65076 t5._contents += " ";
65077 else {
65078 t6 = highlight.isPrimary ? t4 : t3;
65079 _this._colorize$2$color(new A.Highlighter__writeMultilineHighlights_closure2(_box_0, _this, current, startLine, line, highlight, endLine), t6);
65080 }
65081 }
65082 },
65083 _writeMultilineHighlights$2(line, highlightsByColumn) {
65084 return this._writeMultilineHighlights$3$current(line, highlightsByColumn, null);
65085 },
65086 _writeHighlightedText$4$color(text, startColumn, endColumn, color) {
65087 var _this = this;
65088 _this._writeText$1(B.JSString_methods.substring$2(text, 0, startColumn));
65089 _this._colorize$2$color(new A.Highlighter__writeHighlightedText_closure(_this, text, startColumn, endColumn), color);
65090 _this._writeText$1(B.JSString_methods.substring$2(text, endColumn, text.length));
65091 },
65092 _writeIndicator$3(line, highlight, highlightsByColumn) {
65093 var t2, coversWholeLine, _this = this,
65094 color = highlight.isPrimary ? _this._primaryColor : _this._secondaryColor,
65095 t1 = highlight.span;
65096 if (t1.get$start(t1).get$line() === t1.get$end(t1).get$line()) {
65097 _this._writeSidebar$0();
65098 t1 = _this._highlighter$_buffer;
65099 t1._contents += " ";
65100 _this._writeMultilineHighlights$3$current(line, highlightsByColumn, highlight);
65101 if (highlightsByColumn.length !== 0)
65102 t1._contents += " ";
65103 _this._colorize$2$color(new A.Highlighter__writeIndicator_closure(_this, line, highlight), color);
65104 t1._contents += "\n";
65105 } else {
65106 t2 = line.number;
65107 if (t1.get$start(t1).get$line() === t2) {
65108 if (B.JSArray_methods.contains$1(highlightsByColumn, highlight))
65109 return;
65110 A.replaceFirstNull(highlightsByColumn, highlight);
65111 _this._writeSidebar$0();
65112 t1 = _this._highlighter$_buffer;
65113 t1._contents += " ";
65114 _this._writeMultilineHighlights$3$current(line, highlightsByColumn, highlight);
65115 _this._colorize$2$color(new A.Highlighter__writeIndicator_closure0(_this, line, highlight), color);
65116 t1._contents += "\n";
65117 } else if (t1.get$end(t1).get$line() === t2) {
65118 coversWholeLine = t1.get$end(t1).get$column() === line.text.length;
65119 if (coversWholeLine && highlight.label == null) {
65120 A.replaceWithNull(highlightsByColumn, highlight);
65121 return;
65122 }
65123 _this._writeSidebar$0();
65124 t1 = _this._highlighter$_buffer;
65125 t1._contents += " ";
65126 _this._writeMultilineHighlights$3$current(line, highlightsByColumn, highlight);
65127 _this._colorize$2$color(new A.Highlighter__writeIndicator_closure1(_this, coversWholeLine, line, highlight), color);
65128 t1._contents += "\n";
65129 A.replaceWithNull(highlightsByColumn, highlight);
65130 }
65131 }
65132 },
65133 _writeArrow$3$beginning(line, column, beginning) {
65134 var t2,
65135 t1 = beginning ? 0 : 1,
65136 tabs = this._countTabs$1(B.JSString_methods.substring$2(line.text, 0, column + t1));
65137 t1 = this._highlighter$_buffer;
65138 t2 = t1._contents += B.JSString_methods.$mul($._glyphs.get$horizontalLine(), 1 + column + tabs * 3);
65139 t1._contents = t2 + "^";
65140 },
65141 _writeArrow$2(line, column) {
65142 return this._writeArrow$3$beginning(line, column, true);
65143 },
65144 _writeText$1(text) {
65145 var t1, t2, t3, t4;
65146 for (t1 = new A.CodeUnits(text), t1 = new A.ListIterator(t1, t1.get$length(t1)), t2 = this._highlighter$_buffer, t3 = A._instanceType(t1)._precomputed1; t1.moveNext$0();) {
65147 t4 = t3._as(t1.__internal$_current);
65148 if (t4 === 9)
65149 t2._contents += B.JSString_methods.$mul(" ", 4);
65150 else
65151 t2._contents += A.Primitives_stringFromCharCode(t4);
65152 }
65153 },
65154 _writeSidebar$3$end$line$text(end, line, text) {
65155 var t1 = {};
65156 t1.text = text;
65157 if (line != null)
65158 t1.text = B.JSInt_methods.toString$0(line + 1);
65159 this._colorize$2$color(new A.Highlighter__writeSidebar_closure(t1, this, end), "\x1b[34m");
65160 },
65161 _writeSidebar$1$end(end) {
65162 return this._writeSidebar$3$end$line$text(end, null, null);
65163 },
65164 _writeSidebar$1$text(text) {
65165 return this._writeSidebar$3$end$line$text(null, null, text);
65166 },
65167 _writeSidebar$1$line(line) {
65168 return this._writeSidebar$3$end$line$text(null, line, null);
65169 },
65170 _writeSidebar$0() {
65171 return this._writeSidebar$3$end$line$text(null, null, null);
65172 },
65173 _countTabs$1(text) {
65174 var t1, t2, count;
65175 for (t1 = new A.CodeUnits(text), t1 = new A.ListIterator(t1, t1.get$length(t1)), t2 = A._instanceType(t1)._precomputed1, count = 0; t1.moveNext$0();)
65176 if (t2._as(t1.__internal$_current) === 9)
65177 ++count;
65178 return count;
65179 },
65180 _isOnlyWhitespace$1(text) {
65181 var t1, t2, t3;
65182 for (t1 = new A.CodeUnits(text), t1 = new A.ListIterator(t1, t1.get$length(t1)), t2 = A._instanceType(t1)._precomputed1; t1.moveNext$0();) {
65183 t3 = t2._as(t1.__internal$_current);
65184 if (t3 !== 32 && t3 !== 9)
65185 return false;
65186 }
65187 return true;
65188 },
65189 _colorize$2$color(callback, color) {
65190 var t1 = this._primaryColor != null;
65191 if (t1 && color != null)
65192 this._highlighter$_buffer._contents += color;
65193 callback.call$0();
65194 if (t1 && color != null)
65195 this._highlighter$_buffer._contents += "\x1b[0m";
65196 }
65197 };
65198 A.Highlighter_closure.prototype = {
65199 call$0() {
65200 var t1 = this.color,
65201 t2 = J.getInterceptor$(t1);
65202 if (t2.$eq(t1, true))
65203 return "\x1b[31m";
65204 if (t2.$eq(t1, false))
65205 return null;
65206 return A._asStringQ(t1);
65207 },
65208 $signature: 42
65209 };
65210 A.Highlighter$__closure.prototype = {
65211 call$1(line) {
65212 var t1 = line.highlights;
65213 t1 = new A.WhereIterable(t1, new A.Highlighter$___closure(), A._arrayInstanceType(t1)._eval$1("WhereIterable<1>"));
65214 return t1.get$length(t1);
65215 },
65216 $signature: 278
65217 };
65218 A.Highlighter$___closure.prototype = {
65219 call$1(highlight) {
65220 var t1 = highlight.span;
65221 return t1.get$start(t1).get$line() !== t1.get$end(t1).get$line();
65222 },
65223 $signature: 111
65224 };
65225 A.Highlighter$__closure0.prototype = {
65226 call$1(line) {
65227 return line.url;
65228 },
65229 $signature: 280
65230 };
65231 A.Highlighter__collateLines_closure.prototype = {
65232 call$1(highlight) {
65233 var t1 = highlight.span;
65234 t1 = t1.get$sourceUrl(t1);
65235 return t1 == null ? new A.Object() : t1;
65236 },
65237 $signature: 281
65238 };
65239 A.Highlighter__collateLines_closure0.prototype = {
65240 call$2(highlight1, highlight2) {
65241 return highlight1.span.compareTo$1(0, highlight2.span);
65242 },
65243 $signature: 282
65244 };
65245 A.Highlighter__collateLines_closure1.prototype = {
65246 call$1(entry) {
65247 var t1, t2, t3, t4, context, t5, linesBeforeSpan, lineNumber, _i, line, activeHighlights, highlightIndex, oldHighlightLength,
65248 url = entry.key,
65249 highlightsForFile = entry.value,
65250 lines = A._setArrayType([], type$.JSArray__Line);
65251 for (t1 = J.getInterceptor$ax(highlightsForFile), t2 = t1.get$iterator(highlightsForFile), t3 = type$.JSArray__Highlight; t2.moveNext$0();) {
65252 t4 = t2.get$current(t2).span;
65253 context = t4.get$context(t4);
65254 t5 = A.findLineStart(context, t4.get$text(), t4.get$start(t4).get$column());
65255 t5.toString;
65256 t5 = B.JSString_methods.allMatches$1("\n", B.JSString_methods.substring$2(context, 0, t5));
65257 linesBeforeSpan = t5.get$length(t5);
65258 lineNumber = t4.get$start(t4).get$line() - linesBeforeSpan;
65259 for (t4 = context.split("\n"), t5 = t4.length, _i = 0; _i < t5; ++_i) {
65260 line = t4[_i];
65261 if (lines.length === 0 || lineNumber > B.JSArray_methods.get$last(lines).number)
65262 lines.push(new A._Line(line, lineNumber, url, A._setArrayType([], t3)));
65263 ++lineNumber;
65264 }
65265 }
65266 activeHighlights = A._setArrayType([], t3);
65267 for (t2 = lines.length, highlightIndex = 0, _i = 0; _i < lines.length; lines.length === t2 || (0, A.throwConcurrentModificationError)(lines), ++_i) {
65268 line = lines[_i];
65269 if (!!activeHighlights.fixed$length)
65270 A.throwExpression(A.UnsupportedError$("removeWhere"));
65271 B.JSArray_methods._removeWhere$2(activeHighlights, new A.Highlighter__collateLines__closure(line), true);
65272 oldHighlightLength = activeHighlights.length;
65273 for (t3 = t1.skip$1(highlightsForFile, highlightIndex), t3 = t3.get$iterator(t3); t3.moveNext$0();) {
65274 t4 = t3.get$current(t3);
65275 t5 = t4.span;
65276 if (t5.get$start(t5).get$line() > line.number)
65277 break;
65278 activeHighlights.push(t4);
65279 }
65280 highlightIndex += activeHighlights.length - oldHighlightLength;
65281 B.JSArray_methods.addAll$1(line.highlights, activeHighlights);
65282 }
65283 return lines;
65284 },
65285 $signature: 283
65286 };
65287 A.Highlighter__collateLines__closure.prototype = {
65288 call$1(highlight) {
65289 var t1 = highlight.span;
65290 return t1.get$end(t1).get$line() < this.line.number;
65291 },
65292 $signature: 111
65293 };
65294 A.Highlighter_highlight_closure.prototype = {
65295 call$1(highlight) {
65296 return highlight.isPrimary;
65297 },
65298 $signature: 111
65299 };
65300 A.Highlighter__writeFileStart_closure.prototype = {
65301 call$0() {
65302 this.$this._highlighter$_buffer._contents += B.JSString_methods.$mul($._glyphs.get$horizontalLine(), 2) + ">";
65303 return null;
65304 },
65305 $signature: 0
65306 };
65307 A.Highlighter__writeMultilineHighlights_closure.prototype = {
65308 call$0() {
65309 var t1 = $._glyphs;
65310 t1 = this.startLine === this.line.number ? t1.get$topLeftCorner() : t1.get$bottomLeftCorner();
65311 this.$this._highlighter$_buffer._contents += t1;
65312 },
65313 $signature: 0
65314 };
65315 A.Highlighter__writeMultilineHighlights_closure0.prototype = {
65316 call$0() {
65317 var t1 = $._glyphs;
65318 t1 = this.highlight == null ? t1.get$horizontalLine() : t1.get$cross();
65319 this.$this._highlighter$_buffer._contents += t1;
65320 },
65321 $signature: 0
65322 };
65323 A.Highlighter__writeMultilineHighlights_closure1.prototype = {
65324 call$0() {
65325 this.$this._highlighter$_buffer._contents += $._glyphs.get$horizontalLine();
65326 return null;
65327 },
65328 $signature: 0
65329 };
65330 A.Highlighter__writeMultilineHighlights_closure2.prototype = {
65331 call$0() {
65332 var _this = this,
65333 t1 = _this._box_0,
65334 t2 = t1.openedOnThisLine,
65335 t3 = $._glyphs,
65336 vertical = t2 ? t3.get$cross() : t3.get$verticalLine();
65337 if (_this.current != null)
65338 _this.$this._highlighter$_buffer._contents += vertical;
65339 else {
65340 t2 = _this.line;
65341 t3 = t2.number;
65342 if (_this.startLine === t3) {
65343 t2 = _this.$this;
65344 t2._colorize$2$color(new A.Highlighter__writeMultilineHighlights__closure(t1, t2), t1.openedOnThisLineColor);
65345 t1.openedOnThisLine = true;
65346 if (t1.openedOnThisLineColor == null)
65347 t1.openedOnThisLineColor = _this.highlight.isPrimary ? t2._primaryColor : t2._secondaryColor;
65348 } else {
65349 if (_this.endLine === t3) {
65350 t3 = _this.highlight.span;
65351 t2 = t3.get$end(t3).get$column() === t2.text.length;
65352 } else
65353 t2 = false;
65354 t3 = _this.$this;
65355 if (t2) {
65356 t1 = _this.highlight.label == null ? $._glyphs.glyphOrAscii$2("\u2514", "\\") : vertical;
65357 t3._highlighter$_buffer._contents += t1;
65358 } else
65359 t3._colorize$2$color(new A.Highlighter__writeMultilineHighlights__closure0(t3, vertical), t1.openedOnThisLineColor);
65360 }
65361 }
65362 },
65363 $signature: 0
65364 };
65365 A.Highlighter__writeMultilineHighlights__closure.prototype = {
65366 call$0() {
65367 var t1 = this._box_0.openedOnThisLine ? "\u252c" : "\u250c";
65368 this.$this._highlighter$_buffer._contents += $._glyphs.glyphOrAscii$2(t1, "/");
65369 },
65370 $signature: 0
65371 };
65372 A.Highlighter__writeMultilineHighlights__closure0.prototype = {
65373 call$0() {
65374 this.$this._highlighter$_buffer._contents += this.vertical;
65375 },
65376 $signature: 0
65377 };
65378 A.Highlighter__writeHighlightedText_closure.prototype = {
65379 call$0() {
65380 var _this = this;
65381 return _this.$this._writeText$1(B.JSString_methods.substring$2(_this.text, _this.startColumn, _this.endColumn));
65382 },
65383 $signature: 0
65384 };
65385 A.Highlighter__writeIndicator_closure.prototype = {
65386 call$0() {
65387 var tabsBefore, tabsInside,
65388 t1 = this.$this,
65389 t2 = this.highlight,
65390 t3 = t2.span,
65391 t4 = t2.isPrimary ? "^" : $._glyphs.get$horizontalLineBold(),
65392 startColumn = t3.get$start(t3).get$column(),
65393 endColumn = t3.get$end(t3).get$column();
65394 t3 = this.line.text;
65395 tabsBefore = t1._countTabs$1(B.JSString_methods.substring$2(t3, 0, startColumn));
65396 tabsInside = t1._countTabs$1(B.JSString_methods.substring$2(t3, startColumn, endColumn));
65397 startColumn += tabsBefore * 3;
65398 t1 = t1._highlighter$_buffer;
65399 t1._contents += B.JSString_methods.$mul(" ", startColumn);
65400 t4 = t1._contents += B.JSString_methods.$mul(t4, Math.max(endColumn + (tabsBefore + tabsInside) * 3 - startColumn, 1));
65401 t2 = t2.label;
65402 if (t2 != null)
65403 t1._contents = t4 + (" " + t2);
65404 },
65405 $signature: 0
65406 };
65407 A.Highlighter__writeIndicator_closure0.prototype = {
65408 call$0() {
65409 var t1 = this.highlight.span;
65410 return this.$this._writeArrow$2(this.line, t1.get$start(t1).get$column());
65411 },
65412 $signature: 0
65413 };
65414 A.Highlighter__writeIndicator_closure1.prototype = {
65415 call$0() {
65416 var t2, _this = this,
65417 t1 = _this.$this;
65418 if (_this.coversWholeLine)
65419 t1._highlighter$_buffer._contents += B.JSString_methods.$mul($._glyphs.get$horizontalLine(), 3);
65420 else {
65421 t2 = _this.highlight.span;
65422 t1._writeArrow$3$beginning(_this.line, Math.max(t2.get$end(t2).get$column() - 1, 0), false);
65423 }
65424 t2 = _this.highlight.label;
65425 if (t2 != null)
65426 t1._highlighter$_buffer._contents += " " + t2;
65427 },
65428 $signature: 0
65429 };
65430 A.Highlighter__writeSidebar_closure.prototype = {
65431 call$0() {
65432 var t1 = this.$this,
65433 t2 = t1._highlighter$_buffer,
65434 t3 = this._box_0.text;
65435 if (t3 == null)
65436 t3 = "";
65437 t2._contents += B.JSString_methods.padRight$1(t3, t1._paddingBeforeSidebar);
65438 t1 = this.end;
65439 t2._contents += t1 == null ? $._glyphs.get$verticalLine() : t1;
65440 },
65441 $signature: 0
65442 };
65443 A._Highlight.prototype = {
65444 toString$0(_) {
65445 var t1 = this.isPrimary ? "" + "primary " : "",
65446 t2 = this.span;
65447 t2 = t1 + ("" + t2.get$start(t2).get$line() + ":" + t2.get$start(t2).get$column() + "-" + t2.get$end(t2).get$line() + ":" + t2.get$end(t2).get$column());
65448 t1 = this.label;
65449 t1 = t1 != null ? t2 + (" (" + t1 + ")") : t2;
65450 return t1.charCodeAt(0) == 0 ? t1 : t1;
65451 }
65452 };
65453 A._Highlight_closure.prototype = {
65454 call$0() {
65455 var t2, t3, t4, t5,
65456 t1 = this.span;
65457 if (!(type$.SourceSpanWithContext._is(t1) && A.findLineStart(t1.get$context(t1), t1.get$text(), t1.get$start(t1).get$column()) != null)) {
65458 t2 = A.SourceLocation$(t1.get$start(t1).get$offset(), 0, 0, t1.get$sourceUrl(t1));
65459 t3 = t1.get$end(t1).get$offset();
65460 t4 = t1.get$sourceUrl(t1);
65461 t5 = A.countCodeUnits(t1.get$text(), 10);
65462 t1 = A.SourceSpanWithContext$(t2, A.SourceLocation$(t3, A._Highlight__lastLineLength(t1.get$text()), t5, t4), t1.get$text(), t1.get$text());
65463 }
65464 return A._Highlight__normalizeEndOfLine(A._Highlight__normalizeTrailingNewline(A._Highlight__normalizeNewlines(t1)));
65465 },
65466 $signature: 284
65467 };
65468 A._Line.prototype = {
65469 toString$0(_) {
65470 return "" + this.number + ': "' + this.text + '" (' + B.JSArray_methods.join$1(this.highlights, ", ") + ")";
65471 }
65472 };
65473 A.SourceLocation.prototype = {
65474 distance$1(other) {
65475 var t1 = this.sourceUrl;
65476 if (!J.$eq$(t1, other.get$sourceUrl(other)))
65477 throw A.wrapException(A.ArgumentError$('Source URLs "' + A.S(t1) + '" and "' + A.S(other.get$sourceUrl(other)) + "\" don't match.", null));
65478 return Math.abs(this.offset - other.get$offset());
65479 },
65480 compareTo$1(_, other) {
65481 var t1 = this.sourceUrl;
65482 if (!J.$eq$(t1, other.get$sourceUrl(other)))
65483 throw A.wrapException(A.ArgumentError$('Source URLs "' + A.S(t1) + '" and "' + A.S(other.get$sourceUrl(other)) + "\" don't match.", null));
65484 return this.offset - other.get$offset();
65485 },
65486 $eq(_, other) {
65487 if (other == null)
65488 return false;
65489 return type$.SourceLocation._is(other) && J.$eq$(this.sourceUrl, other.get$sourceUrl(other)) && this.offset === other.get$offset();
65490 },
65491 get$hashCode(_) {
65492 var t1 = this.sourceUrl;
65493 t1 = t1 == null ? null : t1.get$hashCode(t1);
65494 if (t1 == null)
65495 t1 = 0;
65496 return t1 + this.offset;
65497 },
65498 toString$0(_) {
65499 var _this = this,
65500 t1 = "<" + A.getRuntimeType(_this).toString$0(0) + ": " + _this.offset + " ",
65501 source = _this.sourceUrl;
65502 return t1 + (A.S(source == null ? "unknown source" : source) + ":" + (_this.line + 1) + ":" + (_this.column + 1)) + ">";
65503 },
65504 $isComparable: 1,
65505 get$sourceUrl(receiver) {
65506 return this.sourceUrl;
65507 },
65508 get$offset() {
65509 return this.offset;
65510 },
65511 get$line() {
65512 return this.line;
65513 },
65514 get$column() {
65515 return this.column;
65516 }
65517 };
65518 A.SourceLocationMixin.prototype = {
65519 distance$1(other) {
65520 var _this = this;
65521 if (!J.$eq$(_this.file.url, other.get$sourceUrl(other)))
65522 throw A.wrapException(A.ArgumentError$('Source URLs "' + A.S(_this.get$sourceUrl(_this)) + '" and "' + A.S(other.get$sourceUrl(other)) + "\" don't match.", null));
65523 return Math.abs(_this.offset - other.get$offset());
65524 },
65525 compareTo$1(_, other) {
65526 var _this = this;
65527 if (!J.$eq$(_this.file.url, other.get$sourceUrl(other)))
65528 throw A.wrapException(A.ArgumentError$('Source URLs "' + A.S(_this.get$sourceUrl(_this)) + '" and "' + A.S(other.get$sourceUrl(other)) + "\" don't match.", null));
65529 return _this.offset - other.get$offset();
65530 },
65531 $eq(_, other) {
65532 if (other == null)
65533 return false;
65534 return type$.SourceLocation._is(other) && J.$eq$(this.file.url, other.get$sourceUrl(other)) && this.offset === other.get$offset();
65535 },
65536 get$hashCode(_) {
65537 var t1 = this.file.url;
65538 t1 = t1 == null ? null : t1.get$hashCode(t1);
65539 if (t1 == null)
65540 t1 = 0;
65541 return t1 + this.offset;
65542 },
65543 toString$0(_) {
65544 var t1 = this.offset,
65545 t2 = "<" + A.getRuntimeType(this).toString$0(0) + ": " + t1 + " ",
65546 t3 = this.file,
65547 source = t3.url;
65548 return t2 + (A.S(source == null ? "unknown source" : source) + ":" + (t3.getLine$1(t1) + 1) + ":" + (t3.getColumn$1(t1) + 1)) + ">";
65549 },
65550 $isComparable: 1,
65551 $isSourceLocation: 1
65552 };
65553 A.SourceSpanBase.prototype = {
65554 SourceSpanBase$3(start, end, text) {
65555 var t3,
65556 t1 = this.end,
65557 t2 = this.start;
65558 if (!J.$eq$(t1.get$sourceUrl(t1), t2.get$sourceUrl(t2)))
65559 throw A.wrapException(A.ArgumentError$('Source URLs "' + A.S(t2.get$sourceUrl(t2)) + '" and "' + A.S(t1.get$sourceUrl(t1)) + "\" don't match.", null));
65560 else if (t1.get$offset() < t2.get$offset())
65561 throw A.wrapException(A.ArgumentError$("End " + t1.toString$0(0) + " must come after start " + t2.toString$0(0) + ".", null));
65562 else {
65563 t3 = this.text;
65564 if (t3.length !== t2.distance$1(t1))
65565 throw A.wrapException(A.ArgumentError$('Text "' + t3 + '" must be ' + t2.distance$1(t1) + " characters long.", null));
65566 }
65567 },
65568 get$start(receiver) {
65569 return this.start;
65570 },
65571 get$end(receiver) {
65572 return this.end;
65573 },
65574 get$text() {
65575 return this.text;
65576 }
65577 };
65578 A.SourceSpanException.prototype = {
65579 get$message(_) {
65580 return this._span_exception$_message;
65581 },
65582 get$span(_) {
65583 return this._span;
65584 },
65585 toString$1$color(_, color) {
65586 var _this = this;
65587 _this.get$span(_this);
65588 return "Error on " + _this.get$span(_this).message$2$color(0, _this._span_exception$_message, color);
65589 },
65590 toString$0($receiver) {
65591 return this.toString$1$color($receiver, null);
65592 },
65593 $isException: 1
65594 };
65595 A.SourceSpanFormatException.prototype = {$isFormatException: 1,
65596 get$source() {
65597 return this.source;
65598 }
65599 };
65600 A.SourceSpanMixin.prototype = {
65601 get$sourceUrl(_) {
65602 var t1 = this.get$start(this);
65603 return t1.get$sourceUrl(t1);
65604 },
65605 get$length(_) {
65606 var _this = this;
65607 return _this.get$end(_this).get$offset() - _this.get$start(_this).get$offset();
65608 },
65609 compareTo$1(_, other) {
65610 var _this = this,
65611 result = _this.get$start(_this).compareTo$1(0, other.get$start(other));
65612 return result === 0 ? _this.get$end(_this).compareTo$1(0, other.get$end(other)) : result;
65613 },
65614 message$2$color(_, message, color) {
65615 var t2, highlight, _this = this,
65616 t1 = "" + ("line " + (_this.get$start(_this).get$line() + 1) + ", column " + (_this.get$start(_this).get$column() + 1));
65617 if (_this.get$sourceUrl(_this) != null) {
65618 t2 = _this.get$sourceUrl(_this);
65619 t2 = t1 + (" of " + $.$get$context().prettyUri$1(t2));
65620 t1 = t2;
65621 }
65622 t1 += ": " + message;
65623 highlight = _this.highlight$1$color(color);
65624 if (highlight.length !== 0)
65625 t1 = t1 + "\n" + highlight;
65626 return t1.charCodeAt(0) == 0 ? t1 : t1;
65627 },
65628 message$1($receiver, message) {
65629 return this.message$2$color($receiver, message, null);
65630 },
65631 highlight$1$color(color) {
65632 var _this = this;
65633 if (!type$.SourceSpanWithContext._is(_this) && _this.get$length(_this) === 0)
65634 return "";
65635 return A.Highlighter$(_this, color).highlight$0();
65636 },
65637 $eq(_, other) {
65638 var _this = this;
65639 if (other == null)
65640 return false;
65641 return type$.SourceSpan._is(other) && _this.get$start(_this).$eq(0, other.get$start(other)) && _this.get$end(_this).$eq(0, other.get$end(other));
65642 },
65643 get$hashCode(_) {
65644 var _this = this;
65645 return A.Object_hash(_this.get$start(_this), _this.get$end(_this), B.C_SentinelValue);
65646 },
65647 toString$0(_) {
65648 var _this = this;
65649 return "<" + A.getRuntimeType(_this).toString$0(0) + ": from " + _this.get$start(_this).toString$0(0) + " to " + _this.get$end(_this).toString$0(0) + ' "' + _this.get$text() + '">';
65650 },
65651 $isComparable: 1,
65652 $isSourceSpan: 1
65653 };
65654 A.SourceSpanWithContext.prototype = {
65655 get$context(_) {
65656 return this._context;
65657 }
65658 };
65659 A.Chain.prototype = {
65660 toTrace$0() {
65661 var t1 = this.traces;
65662 return A.Trace$(new A.ExpandIterable(t1, new A.Chain_toTrace_closure(), A._arrayInstanceType(t1)._eval$1("ExpandIterable<1,Frame>")), null);
65663 },
65664 toString$0(_) {
65665 var t1 = this.traces,
65666 t2 = A._arrayInstanceType(t1);
65667 return new A.MappedListIterable(t1, new A.Chain_toString_closure(new A.MappedListIterable(t1, new A.Chain_toString_closure0(), t2._eval$1("MappedListIterable<1,int>")).fold$2(0, 0, B.CONSTANT)), t2._eval$1("MappedListIterable<1,String>")).join$1(0, string$.x3d_____);
65668 },
65669 $isStackTrace: 1
65670 };
65671 A.Chain_Chain$parse_closure.prototype = {
65672 call$1(line) {
65673 return line.length !== 0;
65674 },
65675 $signature: 6
65676 };
65677 A.Chain_Chain$parse_closure0.prototype = {
65678 call$1(trace) {
65679 return A.Trace$parseVM(trace);
65680 },
65681 $signature: 144
65682 };
65683 A.Chain_Chain$parse_closure1.prototype = {
65684 call$1(trace) {
65685 return A.Trace$parseFriendly(trace);
65686 },
65687 $signature: 144
65688 };
65689 A.Chain_toTrace_closure.prototype = {
65690 call$1(trace) {
65691 return trace.get$frames();
65692 },
65693 $signature: 287
65694 };
65695 A.Chain_toString_closure0.prototype = {
65696 call$1(trace) {
65697 var t1 = trace.get$frames();
65698 return new A.MappedListIterable(t1, new A.Chain_toString__closure0(), A._arrayInstanceType(t1)._eval$1("MappedListIterable<1,int>")).fold$2(0, 0, B.CONSTANT);
65699 },
65700 $signature: 288
65701 };
65702 A.Chain_toString__closure0.prototype = {
65703 call$1(frame) {
65704 return frame.get$location().length;
65705 },
65706 $signature: 145
65707 };
65708 A.Chain_toString_closure.prototype = {
65709 call$1(trace) {
65710 var t1 = trace.get$frames();
65711 return new A.MappedListIterable(t1, new A.Chain_toString__closure(this.longest), A._arrayInstanceType(t1)._eval$1("MappedListIterable<1,String>")).join$0(0);
65712 },
65713 $signature: 290
65714 };
65715 A.Chain_toString__closure.prototype = {
65716 call$1(frame) {
65717 return B.JSString_methods.padRight$1(frame.get$location(), this.longest) + " " + A.S(frame.get$member()) + "\n";
65718 },
65719 $signature: 146
65720 };
65721 A.Frame.prototype = {
65722 get$isCore() {
65723 return this.uri.get$scheme() === "dart";
65724 },
65725 get$library() {
65726 var t1 = this.uri;
65727 if (t1.get$scheme() === "data")
65728 return "data:...";
65729 return $.$get$context().prettyUri$1(t1);
65730 },
65731 get$$package() {
65732 var t1 = this.uri;
65733 if (t1.get$scheme() !== "package")
65734 return null;
65735 return B.JSArray_methods.get$first(t1.get$path(t1).split("/"));
65736 },
65737 get$location() {
65738 var t2, _this = this,
65739 t1 = _this.line;
65740 if (t1 == null)
65741 return _this.get$library();
65742 t2 = _this.column;
65743 if (t2 == null)
65744 return _this.get$library() + " " + A.S(t1);
65745 return _this.get$library() + " " + A.S(t1) + ":" + A.S(t2);
65746 },
65747 toString$0(_) {
65748 return this.get$location() + " in " + A.S(this.member);
65749 },
65750 get$uri() {
65751 return this.uri;
65752 },
65753 get$line() {
65754 return this.line;
65755 },
65756 get$column() {
65757 return this.column;
65758 },
65759 get$member() {
65760 return this.member;
65761 }
65762 };
65763 A.Frame_Frame$parseVM_closure.prototype = {
65764 call$0() {
65765 var match, t2, t3, member, uri, lineAndColumn, line, _null = null,
65766 t1 = this.frame;
65767 if (t1 === "...")
65768 return new A.Frame(A._Uri__Uri(_null, _null, _null, _null), _null, _null, "...");
65769 match = $.$get$_vmFrame().firstMatch$1(t1);
65770 if (match == null)
65771 return new A.UnparsedFrame(A._Uri__Uri(_null, "unparsed", _null, _null), t1);
65772 t1 = match._match;
65773 t2 = t1[1];
65774 t2.toString;
65775 t3 = $.$get$_asyncBody();
65776 t2 = A.stringReplaceAllUnchecked(t2, t3, "<async>");
65777 member = A.stringReplaceAllUnchecked(t2, "<anonymous closure>", "<fn>");
65778 t2 = t1[2];
65779 t3 = t2;
65780 t3.toString;
65781 if (B.JSString_methods.startsWith$1(t3, "<data:"))
65782 uri = A.Uri_Uri$dataFromString("", _null, _null);
65783 else {
65784 t2 = t2;
65785 t2.toString;
65786 uri = A.Uri_parse(t2);
65787 }
65788 lineAndColumn = t1[3].split(":");
65789 t1 = lineAndColumn.length;
65790 line = t1 > 1 ? A.int_parse(lineAndColumn[1], _null) : _null;
65791 return new A.Frame(uri, line, t1 > 2 ? A.int_parse(lineAndColumn[2], _null) : _null, member);
65792 },
65793 $signature: 66
65794 };
65795 A.Frame_Frame$parseV8_closure.prototype = {
65796 call$0() {
65797 var t2, t3, _s4_ = "<fn>",
65798 t1 = this.frame,
65799 match = $.$get$_v8Frame().firstMatch$1(t1);
65800 if (match == null)
65801 return new A.UnparsedFrame(A._Uri__Uri(null, "unparsed", null, null), t1);
65802 t1 = new A.Frame_Frame$parseV8_closure_parseLocation(t1);
65803 t2 = match._match;
65804 t3 = t2[2];
65805 if (t3 != null) {
65806 t3 = t3;
65807 t3.toString;
65808 t2 = t2[1];
65809 t2.toString;
65810 t2 = A.stringReplaceAllUnchecked(t2, "<anonymous>", _s4_);
65811 t2 = A.stringReplaceAllUnchecked(t2, "Anonymous function", _s4_);
65812 return t1.call$2(t3, A.stringReplaceAllUnchecked(t2, "(anonymous function)", _s4_));
65813 } else {
65814 t2 = t2[3];
65815 t2.toString;
65816 return t1.call$2(t2, _s4_);
65817 }
65818 },
65819 $signature: 66
65820 };
65821 A.Frame_Frame$parseV8_closure_parseLocation.prototype = {
65822 call$2($location, member) {
65823 var t2, urlMatch, uri, line, columnMatch, _null = null,
65824 t1 = $.$get$_v8EvalLocation(),
65825 evalMatch = t1.firstMatch$1($location);
65826 for (; evalMatch != null; $location = t2) {
65827 t2 = evalMatch._match[1];
65828 t2.toString;
65829 evalMatch = t1.firstMatch$1(t2);
65830 }
65831 if ($location === "native")
65832 return new A.Frame(A.Uri_parse("native"), _null, _null, member);
65833 urlMatch = $.$get$_v8UrlLocation().firstMatch$1($location);
65834 if (urlMatch == null)
65835 return new A.UnparsedFrame(A._Uri__Uri(_null, "unparsed", _null, _null), this.frame);
65836 t1 = urlMatch._match;
65837 t2 = t1[1];
65838 t2.toString;
65839 uri = A.Frame__uriOrPathToUri(t2);
65840 t2 = t1[2];
65841 t2.toString;
65842 line = A.int_parse(t2, _null);
65843 columnMatch = t1[3];
65844 return new A.Frame(uri, line, columnMatch != null ? A.int_parse(columnMatch, _null) : _null, member);
65845 },
65846 $signature: 293
65847 };
65848 A.Frame_Frame$_parseFirefoxEval_closure.prototype = {
65849 call$0() {
65850 var t2, member, uri, line, _null = null,
65851 t1 = this.frame,
65852 match = $.$get$_firefoxEvalLocation().firstMatch$1(t1);
65853 if (match == null)
65854 return new A.UnparsedFrame(A._Uri__Uri(_null, "unparsed", _null, _null), t1);
65855 t1 = match._match;
65856 t2 = t1[1];
65857 t2.toString;
65858 member = A.stringReplaceAllUnchecked(t2, "/<", "");
65859 t2 = t1[2];
65860 t2.toString;
65861 uri = A.Frame__uriOrPathToUri(t2);
65862 t1 = t1[3];
65863 t1.toString;
65864 line = A.int_parse(t1, _null);
65865 return new A.Frame(uri, line, _null, member.length === 0 || member === "anonymous" ? "<fn>" : member);
65866 },
65867 $signature: 66
65868 };
65869 A.Frame_Frame$parseFirefox_closure.prototype = {
65870 call$0() {
65871 var t2, t3, t4, uri, member, line, column, _null = null,
65872 t1 = this.frame,
65873 match = $.$get$_firefoxSafariFrame().firstMatch$1(t1);
65874 if (match == null)
65875 return new A.UnparsedFrame(A._Uri__Uri(_null, "unparsed", _null, _null), t1);
65876 t2 = match._match;
65877 t3 = t2[3];
65878 t4 = t3;
65879 t4.toString;
65880 if (B.JSString_methods.contains$1(t4, " line "))
65881 return A.Frame_Frame$_parseFirefoxEval(t1);
65882 t1 = t3;
65883 t1.toString;
65884 uri = A.Frame__uriOrPathToUri(t1);
65885 member = t2[1];
65886 if (member != null) {
65887 t1 = t2[2];
65888 t1.toString;
65889 t1 = B.JSString_methods.allMatches$1("/", t1);
65890 member += B.JSArray_methods.join$0(A.List_List$filled(t1.get$length(t1), ".<fn>", false, type$.String));
65891 if (member === "")
65892 member = "<fn>";
65893 member = B.JSString_methods.replaceFirst$2(member, $.$get$_initialDot(), "");
65894 } else
65895 member = "<fn>";
65896 t1 = t2[4];
65897 if (t1 === "")
65898 line = _null;
65899 else {
65900 t1 = t1;
65901 t1.toString;
65902 line = A.int_parse(t1, _null);
65903 }
65904 t1 = t2[5];
65905 if (t1 == null || t1 === "")
65906 column = _null;
65907 else {
65908 t1 = t1;
65909 t1.toString;
65910 column = A.int_parse(t1, _null);
65911 }
65912 return new A.Frame(uri, line, column, member);
65913 },
65914 $signature: 66
65915 };
65916 A.Frame_Frame$parseFriendly_closure.prototype = {
65917 call$0() {
65918 var t2, uri, line, column, _null = null,
65919 t1 = this.frame,
65920 match = $.$get$_friendlyFrame().firstMatch$1(t1);
65921 if (match == null)
65922 throw A.wrapException(A.FormatException$("Couldn't parse package:stack_trace stack trace line '" + t1 + "'.", _null, _null));
65923 t1 = match._match;
65924 t2 = t1[1];
65925 if (t2 === "data:...")
65926 uri = A.Uri_Uri$dataFromString("", _null, _null);
65927 else {
65928 t2 = t2;
65929 t2.toString;
65930 uri = A.Uri_parse(t2);
65931 }
65932 if (uri.get$scheme() === "") {
65933 t2 = $.$get$context();
65934 uri = t2.toUri$1(t2.absolute$7(t2.style.pathFromUri$1(A._parseUri(uri)), _null, _null, _null, _null, _null, _null));
65935 }
65936 t2 = t1[2];
65937 if (t2 == null)
65938 line = _null;
65939 else {
65940 t2 = t2;
65941 t2.toString;
65942 line = A.int_parse(t2, _null);
65943 }
65944 t2 = t1[3];
65945 if (t2 == null)
65946 column = _null;
65947 else {
65948 t2 = t2;
65949 t2.toString;
65950 column = A.int_parse(t2, _null);
65951 }
65952 return new A.Frame(uri, line, column, t1[4]);
65953 },
65954 $signature: 66
65955 };
65956 A.LazyTrace.prototype = {
65957 get$_lazy_trace$_trace() {
65958 var result, _this = this,
65959 value = _this.__LazyTrace__trace;
65960 if (value === $) {
65961 result = _this._thunk.call$0();
65962 A._lateInitializeOnceCheck(_this.__LazyTrace__trace, "_trace");
65963 _this.__LazyTrace__trace = result;
65964 value = result;
65965 }
65966 return value;
65967 },
65968 get$frames() {
65969 return this.get$_lazy_trace$_trace().get$frames();
65970 },
65971 get$terse() {
65972 return new A.LazyTrace(new A.LazyTrace_terse_closure(this));
65973 },
65974 toString$0(_) {
65975 return this.get$_lazy_trace$_trace().toString$0(0);
65976 },
65977 $isStackTrace: 1,
65978 $isTrace: 1
65979 };
65980 A.LazyTrace_terse_closure.prototype = {
65981 call$0() {
65982 return this.$this.get$_lazy_trace$_trace().get$terse();
65983 },
65984 $signature: 148
65985 };
65986 A.Trace.prototype = {
65987 get$terse() {
65988 return this.foldFrames$2$terse(new A.Trace_terse_closure(), true);
65989 },
65990 foldFrames$2$terse(predicate, terse) {
65991 var newFrames, t1, t2, t3, _box_0 = {};
65992 _box_0.predicate = predicate;
65993 _box_0.predicate = new A.Trace_foldFrames_closure(predicate);
65994 newFrames = A._setArrayType([], type$.JSArray_Frame);
65995 for (t1 = this.frames, t1 = new A.ReversedListIterable(t1, A._arrayInstanceType(t1)._eval$1("ReversedListIterable<1>")), t1 = new A.ListIterator(t1, t1.get$length(t1)), t2 = A._instanceType(t1)._precomputed1; t1.moveNext$0();) {
65996 t3 = t2._as(t1.__internal$_current);
65997 if (t3 instanceof A.UnparsedFrame || !_box_0.predicate.call$1(t3))
65998 newFrames.push(t3);
65999 else if (newFrames.length === 0 || !_box_0.predicate.call$1(B.JSArray_methods.get$last(newFrames)))
66000 newFrames.push(new A.Frame(t3.get$uri(), t3.get$line(), t3.get$column(), t3.get$member()));
66001 }
66002 t1 = type$.MappedListIterable_Frame_Frame;
66003 newFrames = A.List_List$of(new A.MappedListIterable(newFrames, new A.Trace_foldFrames_closure0(_box_0), t1), true, t1._eval$1("ListIterable.E"));
66004 if (newFrames.length > 1 && _box_0.predicate.call$1(B.JSArray_methods.get$first(newFrames)))
66005 B.JSArray_methods.removeAt$1(newFrames, 0);
66006 return A.Trace$(new A.ReversedListIterable(newFrames, A._arrayInstanceType(newFrames)._eval$1("ReversedListIterable<1>")), this.original._stackTrace);
66007 },
66008 toString$0(_) {
66009 var t1 = this.frames,
66010 t2 = A._arrayInstanceType(t1);
66011 return new A.MappedListIterable(t1, new A.Trace_toString_closure(new A.MappedListIterable(t1, new A.Trace_toString_closure0(), t2._eval$1("MappedListIterable<1,int>")).fold$2(0, 0, B.CONSTANT)), t2._eval$1("MappedListIterable<1,String>")).join$0(0);
66012 },
66013 $isStackTrace: 1,
66014 get$frames() {
66015 return this.frames;
66016 }
66017 };
66018 A.Trace_Trace$from_closure.prototype = {
66019 call$0() {
66020 return A.Trace_Trace$parse(this.trace.toString$0(0));
66021 },
66022 $signature: 148
66023 };
66024 A.Trace__parseVM_closure.prototype = {
66025 call$1(line) {
66026 return line.length !== 0;
66027 },
66028 $signature: 6
66029 };
66030 A.Trace__parseVM_closure0.prototype = {
66031 call$1(line) {
66032 return A.Frame_Frame$parseVM(line);
66033 },
66034 $signature: 64
66035 };
66036 A.Trace$parseV8_closure.prototype = {
66037 call$1(line) {
66038 return !B.JSString_methods.startsWith$1(line, $.$get$_v8TraceLine());
66039 },
66040 $signature: 6
66041 };
66042 A.Trace$parseV8_closure0.prototype = {
66043 call$1(line) {
66044 return A.Frame_Frame$parseV8(line);
66045 },
66046 $signature: 64
66047 };
66048 A.Trace$parseJSCore_closure.prototype = {
66049 call$1(line) {
66050 return line !== "\tat ";
66051 },
66052 $signature: 6
66053 };
66054 A.Trace$parseJSCore_closure0.prototype = {
66055 call$1(line) {
66056 return A.Frame_Frame$parseV8(line);
66057 },
66058 $signature: 64
66059 };
66060 A.Trace$parseFirefox_closure.prototype = {
66061 call$1(line) {
66062 return line.length !== 0 && line !== "[native code]";
66063 },
66064 $signature: 6
66065 };
66066 A.Trace$parseFirefox_closure0.prototype = {
66067 call$1(line) {
66068 return A.Frame_Frame$parseFirefox(line);
66069 },
66070 $signature: 64
66071 };
66072 A.Trace$parseFriendly_closure.prototype = {
66073 call$1(line) {
66074 return !B.JSString_methods.startsWith$1(line, "=====");
66075 },
66076 $signature: 6
66077 };
66078 A.Trace$parseFriendly_closure0.prototype = {
66079 call$1(line) {
66080 return A.Frame_Frame$parseFriendly(line);
66081 },
66082 $signature: 64
66083 };
66084 A.Trace_terse_closure.prototype = {
66085 call$1(_) {
66086 return false;
66087 },
66088 $signature: 150
66089 };
66090 A.Trace_foldFrames_closure.prototype = {
66091 call$1(frame) {
66092 var t1;
66093 if (this.oldPredicate.call$1(frame))
66094 return true;
66095 if (frame.get$isCore())
66096 return true;
66097 if (frame.get$$package() === "stack_trace")
66098 return true;
66099 t1 = frame.get$member();
66100 t1.toString;
66101 if (!B.JSString_methods.contains$1(t1, "<async>"))
66102 return false;
66103 return frame.get$line() == null;
66104 },
66105 $signature: 150
66106 };
66107 A.Trace_foldFrames_closure0.prototype = {
66108 call$1(frame) {
66109 var t1, t2;
66110 if (frame instanceof A.UnparsedFrame || !this._box_0.predicate.call$1(frame))
66111 return frame;
66112 t1 = frame.get$library();
66113 t2 = $.$get$_terseRegExp();
66114 return new A.Frame(A.Uri_parse(A.stringReplaceAllUnchecked(t1, t2, "")), null, null, frame.get$member());
66115 },
66116 $signature: 297
66117 };
66118 A.Trace_toString_closure0.prototype = {
66119 call$1(frame) {
66120 return frame.get$location().length;
66121 },
66122 $signature: 145
66123 };
66124 A.Trace_toString_closure.prototype = {
66125 call$1(frame) {
66126 if (frame instanceof A.UnparsedFrame)
66127 return frame.toString$0(0) + "\n";
66128 return B.JSString_methods.padRight$1(frame.get$location(), this.longest) + " " + A.S(frame.get$member()) + "\n";
66129 },
66130 $signature: 146
66131 };
66132 A.UnparsedFrame.prototype = {
66133 toString$0(_) {
66134 return this.member;
66135 },
66136 $isFrame: 1,
66137 get$uri() {
66138 return this.uri;
66139 },
66140 get$line() {
66141 return null;
66142 },
66143 get$column() {
66144 return null;
66145 },
66146 get$isCore() {
66147 return false;
66148 },
66149 get$library() {
66150 return "unparsed";
66151 },
66152 get$$package() {
66153 return null;
66154 },
66155 get$location() {
66156 return "unparsed";
66157 },
66158 get$member() {
66159 return this.member;
66160 }
66161 };
66162 A.TransformByHandlers_transformByHandlers_closure.prototype = {
66163 call$0() {
66164 var t2, subscription, t3, t4, _this = this, t1 = {};
66165 t1.valuesDone = false;
66166 t2 = _this.controller;
66167 subscription = _this._this.listen$3$onDone$onError(0, new A.TransformByHandlers_transformByHandlers__closure(_this.handleData, t2, _this.S), new A.TransformByHandlers_transformByHandlers__closure0(t1, _this.handleDone, t2), new A.TransformByHandlers_transformByHandlers__closure1(_this.handleError, t2));
66168 t3 = _this._box_1;
66169 t3.subscription = subscription;
66170 t2.set$onPause(subscription.get$pause(subscription));
66171 t4 = t3.subscription;
66172 t2.set$onResume(t4.get$resume(t4));
66173 t2.set$onCancel(new A.TransformByHandlers_transformByHandlers__closure2(t3, t1));
66174 },
66175 $signature: 0
66176 };
66177 A.TransformByHandlers_transformByHandlers__closure.prototype = {
66178 call$1(value) {
66179 return this.handleData.call$2(value, this.controller);
66180 },
66181 $signature() {
66182 return this.S._eval$1("~(0)");
66183 }
66184 };
66185 A.TransformByHandlers_transformByHandlers__closure1.prototype = {
66186 call$2(error, stackTrace) {
66187 this.handleError.call$3(error, stackTrace, this.controller);
66188 },
66189 $signature: 68
66190 };
66191 A.TransformByHandlers_transformByHandlers__closure0.prototype = {
66192 call$0() {
66193 this._box_0.valuesDone = true;
66194 this.handleDone.call$1(this.controller);
66195 },
66196 $signature: 0
66197 };
66198 A.TransformByHandlers_transformByHandlers__closure2.prototype = {
66199 call$0() {
66200 var t1 = this._box_1,
66201 toCancel = t1.subscription;
66202 t1.subscription = null;
66203 if (!this._box_0.valuesDone)
66204 return toCancel.cancel$0();
66205 return null;
66206 },
66207 $signature: 298
66208 };
66209 A.RateLimit__debounceAggregate_closure.prototype = {
66210 call$2(value, sink) {
66211 var _this = this,
66212 t1 = _this._box_0,
66213 t2 = new A.RateLimit__debounceAggregate_closure_emit(t1, sink, _this.S),
66214 t3 = t1.timer;
66215 if (t3 != null)
66216 t3.cancel$0();
66217 t1.soFar = _this.collect.call$2(value, t1.soFar);
66218 t1.hasPending = true;
66219 if (t1.timer == null && _this.leading) {
66220 t1.emittedLatestAsLeading = true;
66221 t2.call$0();
66222 } else
66223 t1.emittedLatestAsLeading = false;
66224 t1.timer = A.Timer_Timer(_this.duration, new A.RateLimit__debounceAggregate__closure(t1, _this.trailing, t2, sink));
66225 },
66226 $signature() {
66227 return this.T._eval$1("@<0>")._bind$1(this.S)._eval$1("~(1,EventSink<2>)");
66228 }
66229 };
66230 A.RateLimit__debounceAggregate_closure_emit.prototype = {
66231 call$0() {
66232 var t1 = this._box_0;
66233 this.sink.add$1(0, this.S._as(t1.soFar));
66234 t1.soFar = null;
66235 t1.hasPending = false;
66236 },
66237 $signature: 0
66238 };
66239 A.RateLimit__debounceAggregate__closure.prototype = {
66240 call$0() {
66241 var t1 = this._box_0,
66242 t2 = t1.emittedLatestAsLeading;
66243 if (!t2)
66244 this.emit.call$0();
66245 if (t1.shouldClose)
66246 this.sink.close$0(0);
66247 t1.timer = null;
66248 },
66249 $signature: 0
66250 };
66251 A.RateLimit__debounceAggregate_closure0.prototype = {
66252 call$1(sink) {
66253 var t1 = this._box_0;
66254 if (t1.hasPending && this.trailing)
66255 t1.shouldClose = true;
66256 else {
66257 t1 = t1.timer;
66258 if (t1 != null)
66259 t1.cancel$0();
66260 sink.close$0(0);
66261 }
66262 },
66263 $signature() {
66264 return this.S._eval$1("~(EventSink<0>)");
66265 }
66266 };
66267 A.StringScannerException.prototype = {
66268 get$source() {
66269 return A._asString(this.source);
66270 }
66271 };
66272 A.LineScanner.prototype = {
66273 scanChar$1(character) {
66274 if (!this.super$StringScanner$scanChar(character))
66275 return false;
66276 this._adjustLineAndColumn$1(character);
66277 return true;
66278 },
66279 _adjustLineAndColumn$1(character) {
66280 var t1, _this = this;
66281 if (character !== 10)
66282 t1 = character === 13 && _this.peekChar$0() !== 10;
66283 else
66284 t1 = true;
66285 if (t1) {
66286 ++_this._line_scanner$_line;
66287 _this._line_scanner$_column = 0;
66288 } else
66289 ++_this._line_scanner$_column;
66290 },
66291 scan$1(pattern) {
66292 var t1, newlines, t2, _this = this;
66293 if (!_this.super$StringScanner$scan(pattern))
66294 return false;
66295 t1 = _this.get$lastMatch();
66296 newlines = _this._newlinesIn$1(t1.pattern);
66297 t1 = _this._line_scanner$_line;
66298 t2 = newlines.length;
66299 _this._line_scanner$_line = t1 + t2;
66300 if (t2 === 0) {
66301 t1 = _this._line_scanner$_column;
66302 t2 = _this.get$lastMatch();
66303 _this._line_scanner$_column = t1 + t2.pattern.length;
66304 } else {
66305 t1 = _this.get$lastMatch();
66306 _this._line_scanner$_column = t1.pattern.length - J.get$end$z(B.JSArray_methods.get$last(newlines));
66307 }
66308 return true;
66309 },
66310 _newlinesIn$1(text) {
66311 var t1 = $.$get$_newlineRegExp().allMatches$1(0, text),
66312 newlines = A.List_List$of(t1, true, A._instanceType(t1)._eval$1("Iterable.E"));
66313 if (this.peekChar$1(-1) === 13 && this.peekChar$0() === 10)
66314 B.JSArray_methods.removeLast$0(newlines);
66315 return newlines;
66316 }
66317 };
66318 A.SpanScanner.prototype = {
66319 set$state(state) {
66320 if (state._scanner !== this)
66321 throw A.wrapException(A.ArgumentError$(string$.The_gi, null));
66322 this.set$position(state.position);
66323 },
66324 spanFrom$2(startState, endState) {
66325 var endPosition = endState == null ? this._string_scanner$_position : endState.position;
66326 return this._sourceFile.span$2(0, startState.position, endPosition);
66327 },
66328 spanFrom$1(startState) {
66329 return this.spanFrom$2(startState, null);
66330 },
66331 matches$1(pattern) {
66332 var t1, t2, _this = this;
66333 if (!_this.super$StringScanner$matches(pattern))
66334 return false;
66335 t1 = _this._string_scanner$_position;
66336 t2 = _this.get$lastMatch();
66337 _this._sourceFile.span$2(0, t1, t2.start + t2.pattern.length);
66338 return true;
66339 },
66340 error$3$length$position(_, message, $length, position) {
66341 var t2, match, _this = this,
66342 t1 = _this.string;
66343 A.validateErrorArgs(t1, null, position, $length);
66344 t2 = position == null && $length == null;
66345 match = t2 ? _this.get$lastMatch() : null;
66346 if (position == null)
66347 position = match == null ? _this._string_scanner$_position : match.start;
66348 if ($length == null)
66349 if (match == null)
66350 $length = 0;
66351 else {
66352 t2 = match.start;
66353 $length = t2 + match.pattern.length - t2;
66354 }
66355 throw A.wrapException(A.StringScannerException$(message, _this._sourceFile.span$2(0, position, position + $length), t1));
66356 },
66357 error$1($receiver, message) {
66358 return this.error$3$length$position($receiver, message, null, null);
66359 },
66360 error$2$position($receiver, message, position) {
66361 return this.error$3$length$position($receiver, message, null, position);
66362 },
66363 error$2$length($receiver, message, $length) {
66364 return this.error$3$length$position($receiver, message, $length, null);
66365 }
66366 };
66367 A._SpanScannerState.prototype = {};
66368 A.StringScanner.prototype = {
66369 set$position(position) {
66370 if (position < 0 || position > this.string.length)
66371 throw A.wrapException(A.ArgumentError$("Invalid position " + position, null));
66372 this._string_scanner$_position = position;
66373 this._lastMatch = null;
66374 },
66375 get$lastMatch() {
66376 var _this = this;
66377 if (_this._string_scanner$_position !== _this._lastMatchPosition)
66378 _this._lastMatch = null;
66379 return _this._lastMatch;
66380 },
66381 readChar$0() {
66382 var _this = this,
66383 t1 = _this._string_scanner$_position,
66384 t2 = _this.string;
66385 if (t1 === t2.length)
66386 _this.error$3$length$position(0, "expected more input.", 0, t1);
66387 return B.JSString_methods.codeUnitAt$1(t2, _this._string_scanner$_position++);
66388 },
66389 peekChar$1(offset) {
66390 var index;
66391 if (offset == null)
66392 offset = 0;
66393 index = this._string_scanner$_position + offset;
66394 if (index < 0 || index >= this.string.length)
66395 return null;
66396 return B.JSString_methods.codeUnitAt$1(this.string, index);
66397 },
66398 peekChar$0() {
66399 return this.peekChar$1(null);
66400 },
66401 scanChar$1(character) {
66402 var t1 = this._string_scanner$_position,
66403 t2 = this.string;
66404 if (t1 === t2.length)
66405 return false;
66406 if (B.JSString_methods.codeUnitAt$1(t2, t1) !== character)
66407 return false;
66408 this._string_scanner$_position = t1 + 1;
66409 return true;
66410 },
66411 expectChar$2$name(character, $name) {
66412 if (this.scanChar$1(character))
66413 return;
66414 if ($name == null)
66415 if (character === 92)
66416 $name = '"\\"';
66417 else
66418 $name = character === 34 ? '"\\""' : '"' + A.Primitives_stringFromCharCode(character) + '"';
66419 this.error$3$length$position(0, "expected " + $name + ".", 0, this._string_scanner$_position);
66420 },
66421 expectChar$1(character) {
66422 return this.expectChar$2$name(character, null);
66423 },
66424 scan$1(pattern) {
66425 var t1, _this = this,
66426 success = _this.matches$1(pattern);
66427 if (success) {
66428 t1 = _this._lastMatch;
66429 _this._lastMatchPosition = _this._string_scanner$_position = t1.start + t1.pattern.length;
66430 }
66431 return success;
66432 },
66433 expect$1(pattern) {
66434 var t1, $name;
66435 if (this.scan$1(pattern))
66436 return;
66437 t1 = A.stringReplaceAllUnchecked(pattern, "\\", "\\\\");
66438 $name = '"' + A.stringReplaceAllUnchecked(t1, '"', '\\"') + '"';
66439 this.error$3$length$position(0, "expected " + $name + ".", 0, this._string_scanner$_position);
66440 },
66441 expectDone$0() {
66442 var t1 = this._string_scanner$_position;
66443 if (t1 === this.string.length)
66444 return;
66445 this.error$3$length$position(0, "expected no more input.", 0, t1);
66446 },
66447 matches$1(pattern) {
66448 var _this = this,
66449 t1 = B.JSString_methods.matchAsPrefix$2(pattern, _this.string, _this._string_scanner$_position);
66450 _this._lastMatch = t1;
66451 _this._lastMatchPosition = _this._string_scanner$_position;
66452 return t1 != null;
66453 },
66454 substring$1(_, start) {
66455 var end = this._string_scanner$_position;
66456 return B.JSString_methods.substring$2(this.string, start, end);
66457 },
66458 error$3$length$position(_, message, $length, position) {
66459 var t1 = this.string;
66460 A.validateErrorArgs(t1, null, position, $length);
66461 throw A.wrapException(A.StringScannerException$(message, A.SourceFile$fromString(t1, this.sourceUrl).span$2(0, position, position + $length), t1));
66462 }
66463 };
66464 A.AsciiGlyphSet.prototype = {
66465 glyphOrAscii$2(glyph, alternative) {
66466 return alternative;
66467 },
66468 get$horizontalLine() {
66469 return "-";
66470 },
66471 get$verticalLine() {
66472 return "|";
66473 },
66474 get$topLeftCorner() {
66475 return ",";
66476 },
66477 get$bottomLeftCorner() {
66478 return "'";
66479 },
66480 get$cross() {
66481 return "+";
66482 },
66483 get$upEnd() {
66484 return "'";
66485 },
66486 get$downEnd() {
66487 return ",";
66488 },
66489 get$horizontalLineBold() {
66490 return "=";
66491 }
66492 };
66493 A.UnicodeGlyphSet.prototype = {
66494 glyphOrAscii$2(glyph, alternative) {
66495 return glyph;
66496 },
66497 get$horizontalLine() {
66498 return "\u2500";
66499 },
66500 get$verticalLine() {
66501 return "\u2502";
66502 },
66503 get$topLeftCorner() {
66504 return "\u250c";
66505 },
66506 get$bottomLeftCorner() {
66507 return "\u2514";
66508 },
66509 get$cross() {
66510 return "\u253c";
66511 },
66512 get$upEnd() {
66513 return "\u2575";
66514 },
66515 get$downEnd() {
66516 return "\u2577";
66517 },
66518 get$horizontalLineBold() {
66519 return "\u2501";
66520 }
66521 };
66522 A.Tuple2.prototype = {
66523 toString$0(_) {
66524 return "[" + A.S(this.item1) + ", " + A.S(this.item2) + "]";
66525 },
66526 $eq(_, other) {
66527 if (other == null)
66528 return false;
66529 return other instanceof A.Tuple2 && J.$eq$(other.item1, this.item1) && J.$eq$(other.item2, this.item2);
66530 },
66531 get$hashCode(_) {
66532 var t1 = J.get$hashCode$(this.item1),
66533 t2 = J.get$hashCode$(this.item2);
66534 return A._finish(A._combine(A._combine(0, B.JSInt_methods.get$hashCode(t1)), B.JSInt_methods.get$hashCode(t2)));
66535 }
66536 };
66537 A.Tuple3.prototype = {
66538 toString$0(_) {
66539 return "[" + this.item1.toString$0(0) + ", " + this.item2.toString$0(0) + ", " + this.item3.toString$0(0) + "]";
66540 },
66541 $eq(_, other) {
66542 if (other == null)
66543 return false;
66544 return other instanceof A.Tuple3 && other.item1 === this.item1 && other.item2.$eq(0, this.item2) && other.item3.$eq(0, this.item3);
66545 },
66546 get$hashCode(_) {
66547 var t3,
66548 t1 = A.Primitives_objectHashCode(this.item1),
66549 t2 = this.item2;
66550 t2 = t2.get$hashCode(t2);
66551 t3 = this.item3;
66552 t3 = t3.get$hashCode(t3);
66553 return A._finish(A._combine(A._combine(A._combine(0, B.JSInt_methods.get$hashCode(t1)), B.JSInt_methods.get$hashCode(t2)), B.JSInt_methods.get$hashCode(t3)));
66554 }
66555 };
66556 A.Tuple4.prototype = {
66557 toString$0(_) {
66558 var _this = this;
66559 return "[" + _this.item1.toString$0(0) + ", " + _this.item2 + ", " + _this.item3.toString$0(0) + ", " + A.S(_this.item4) + "]";
66560 },
66561 $eq(_, other) {
66562 var _this = this;
66563 if (other == null)
66564 return false;
66565 return other instanceof A.Tuple4 && other.item1.$eq(0, _this.item1) && other.item2 === _this.item2 && other.item3 === _this.item3 && J.$eq$(other.item4, _this.item4);
66566 },
66567 get$hashCode(_) {
66568 var t2, t3, t4, _this = this,
66569 t1 = _this.item1;
66570 t1 = t1.get$hashCode(t1);
66571 t2 = B.JSBool_methods.get$hashCode(_this.item2);
66572 t3 = A.Primitives_objectHashCode(_this.item3);
66573 t4 = J.get$hashCode$(_this.item4);
66574 return A._finish(A._combine(A._combine(A._combine(A._combine(0, B.JSInt_methods.get$hashCode(t1)), B.JSInt_methods.get$hashCode(t2)), B.JSInt_methods.get$hashCode(t3)), B.JSInt_methods.get$hashCode(t4)));
66575 }
66576 };
66577 A.WatchEvent.prototype = {
66578 toString$0(_) {
66579 return this.type.toString$0(0) + " " + this.path;
66580 }
66581 };
66582 A.ChangeType.prototype = {
66583 toString$0(_) {
66584 return this._watch_event$_name;
66585 }
66586 };
66587 A.SupportsAnything0.prototype = {
66588 toString$0(_) {
66589 return "(" + this.contents.toString$0(0) + ")";
66590 },
66591 $isAstNode0: 1,
66592 $isSupportsCondition0: 1,
66593 get$span(receiver) {
66594 return this.span;
66595 }
66596 };
66597 A.Argument0.prototype = {
66598 toString$0(_) {
66599 var t1 = this.defaultValue,
66600 t2 = this.name;
66601 return t1 == null ? t2 : t2 + ": " + t1.toString$0(0);
66602 },
66603 $isAstNode0: 1,
66604 get$span(receiver) {
66605 return this.span;
66606 }
66607 };
66608 A.ArgumentDeclaration0.prototype = {
66609 get$spanWithName() {
66610 var t3, t4,
66611 t1 = this.span,
66612 t2 = t1.file,
66613 text = A.String_String$fromCharCodes(B.NativeUint32List_methods.sublist$2(t2._decodedChars, 0, null), 0, null),
66614 i = A.FileLocation$_(t2, t1._file$_start).offset - 1;
66615 while (true) {
66616 if (i > 0) {
66617 t3 = B.JSString_methods.codeUnitAt$1(text, i);
66618 t3 = t3 === 32 || t3 === 9 || t3 === 10 || t3 === 13 || t3 === 12;
66619 } else
66620 t3 = false;
66621 if (!t3)
66622 break;
66623 --i;
66624 }
66625 t3 = B.JSString_methods.codeUnitAt$1(text, i);
66626 if (!(t3 === 95 || A.isAlphabetic1(t3) || t3 >= 128 || A.isDigit0(t3) || t3 === 45))
66627 return t1;
66628 --i;
66629 while (true) {
66630 if (i >= 0) {
66631 t3 = B.JSString_methods.codeUnitAt$1(text, i);
66632 if (t3 !== 95) {
66633 if (!(t3 >= 97 && t3 <= 122))
66634 t4 = t3 >= 65 && t3 <= 90;
66635 else
66636 t4 = true;
66637 t4 = t4 || t3 >= 128;
66638 } else
66639 t4 = true;
66640 if (!t4) {
66641 t4 = t3 >= 48 && t3 <= 57;
66642 t3 = t4 || t3 === 45;
66643 } else
66644 t3 = true;
66645 } else
66646 t3 = false;
66647 if (!t3)
66648 break;
66649 --i;
66650 }
66651 t3 = i + 1;
66652 t4 = B.JSString_methods.codeUnitAt$1(text, t3);
66653 if (!(t4 === 95 || A.isAlphabetic1(t4) || t4 >= 128))
66654 return t1;
66655 return A.SpanExtensions_trimRight0(A.SpanExtensions_trimLeft0(t2.span$2(0, t3, A.FileLocation$_(t2, t1._end).offset)));
66656 },
66657 verify$2(positional, names) {
66658 var t1, t2, t3, namedUsed, i, argument, t4, unknownNames, _this = this,
66659 _s10_ = "invocation",
66660 _s8_ = "argument";
66661 for (t1 = _this.$arguments, t2 = t1.length, t3 = names._baseMap, namedUsed = 0, i = 0; i < t2; ++i) {
66662 argument = t1[i];
66663 if (i < positional) {
66664 t4 = argument.name;
66665 if (t3.containsKey$1(t4))
66666 throw A.wrapException(A.SassScriptException$0("Argument " + _this._argument_declaration$_originalArgumentName$1(t4) + string$.x20was_p));
66667 } else {
66668 t4 = argument.name;
66669 if (t3.containsKey$1(t4))
66670 ++namedUsed;
66671 else if (argument.defaultValue == null)
66672 throw A.wrapException(A.MultiSpanSassScriptException$0("Missing argument " + _this._argument_declaration$_originalArgumentName$1(t4) + ".", _s10_, A.LinkedHashMap_LinkedHashMap$_literal([_this.get$spanWithName(), "declaration"], type$.FileSpan, type$.String)));
66673 }
66674 }
66675 if (_this.restArgument != null)
66676 return;
66677 if (positional > t2) {
66678 t1 = "Only " + t2 + " ";
66679 throw A.wrapException(A.MultiSpanSassScriptException$0(t1 + (names.get$isEmpty(names) ? "" : "positional ") + A.pluralize0(_s8_, t2, null) + " allowed, but " + positional + " " + A.pluralize0("was", positional, "were") + " passed.", _s10_, A.LinkedHashMap_LinkedHashMap$_literal([_this.get$spanWithName(), "declaration"], type$.FileSpan, type$.String)));
66680 }
66681 if (namedUsed < t3.get$length(t3)) {
66682 t2 = type$.String;
66683 unknownNames = A.LinkedHashSet_LinkedHashSet$of(names, t2);
66684 unknownNames.removeAll$1(new A.MappedListIterable(t1, new A.ArgumentDeclaration_verify_closure1(), A._arrayInstanceType(t1)._eval$1("MappedListIterable<1,Object?>")));
66685 throw A.wrapException(A.MultiSpanSassScriptException$0("No " + A.pluralize0(_s8_, unknownNames._collection$_length, null) + " named " + A.S(A.toSentence0(unknownNames.map$1$1(0, new A.ArgumentDeclaration_verify_closure2(), type$.Object), "or")) + ".", _s10_, A.LinkedHashMap_LinkedHashMap$_literal([_this.get$spanWithName(), "declaration"], type$.FileSpan, t2)));
66686 }
66687 },
66688 _argument_declaration$_originalArgumentName$1($name) {
66689 var t1, text, t2, _i, argument, t3, t4, end, _null = null;
66690 if ($name === this.restArgument) {
66691 t1 = this.span;
66692 text = A.String_String$fromCharCodes(B.NativeUint32List_methods.sublist$2(t1.file._decodedChars, t1._file$_start, t1._end), 0, _null);
66693 return B.JSString_methods.substring$2(B.JSString_methods.substring$1(text, B.JSString_methods.lastIndexOf$1(text, "$")), 0, B.JSString_methods.indexOf$1(text, "."));
66694 }
66695 for (t1 = this.$arguments, t2 = t1.length, _i = 0; _i < t2; ++_i) {
66696 argument = t1[_i];
66697 if (argument.name === $name) {
66698 t1 = argument.defaultValue;
66699 t2 = argument.span;
66700 t3 = t2.file;
66701 t4 = t2._file$_start;
66702 t2 = t2._end;
66703 if (t1 == null) {
66704 t1 = t3._decodedChars;
66705 t1 = A.String_String$fromCharCodes(new Uint32Array(t1.subarray(t4, A._checkValidRange(t4, t2, t1.length))), 0, _null);
66706 } else {
66707 t1 = t3._decodedChars;
66708 text = A.String_String$fromCharCodes(new Uint32Array(t1.subarray(t4, A._checkValidRange(t4, t2, t1.length))), 0, _null);
66709 t1 = B.JSString_methods.substring$2(text, 0, B.JSString_methods.indexOf$1(text, ":"));
66710 end = A._lastNonWhitespace0(t1, false);
66711 t1 = end == null ? "" : B.JSString_methods.substring$2(t1, 0, end + 1);
66712 }
66713 return t1;
66714 }
66715 }
66716 throw A.wrapException(A.ArgumentError$(string$.This_d + $name + '".', _null));
66717 },
66718 matches$2(positional, names) {
66719 var t1, t2, t3, namedUsed, i, argument;
66720 for (t1 = this.$arguments, t2 = t1.length, t3 = names._baseMap, namedUsed = 0, i = 0; i < t2; ++i) {
66721 argument = t1[i];
66722 if (i < positional) {
66723 if (t3.containsKey$1(argument.name))
66724 return false;
66725 } else if (t3.containsKey$1(argument.name))
66726 ++namedUsed;
66727 else if (argument.defaultValue == null)
66728 return false;
66729 }
66730 if (this.restArgument != null)
66731 return true;
66732 if (positional > t2)
66733 return false;
66734 if (namedUsed < t3.get$length(t3))
66735 return false;
66736 return true;
66737 },
66738 toString$0(_) {
66739 var t2, t3, _i, arg, t4, t5,
66740 t1 = A._setArrayType([], type$.JSArray_String);
66741 for (t2 = this.$arguments, t3 = t2.length, _i = 0; _i < t3; ++_i) {
66742 arg = t2[_i];
66743 t4 = arg.defaultValue;
66744 t5 = arg.name;
66745 t1.push(t4 == null ? t5 : t5 + ": " + t4.toString$0(0));
66746 }
66747 t2 = this.restArgument;
66748 if (t2 != null)
66749 t1.push(t2 + "...");
66750 return B.JSArray_methods.join$1(t1, ", ");
66751 },
66752 $isAstNode0: 1,
66753 get$span(receiver) {
66754 return this.span;
66755 }
66756 };
66757 A.ArgumentDeclaration_verify_closure1.prototype = {
66758 call$1(argument) {
66759 return argument.name;
66760 },
66761 $signature: 299
66762 };
66763 A.ArgumentDeclaration_verify_closure2.prototype = {
66764 call$1($name) {
66765 return "$" + $name;
66766 },
66767 $signature: 5
66768 };
66769 A.ArgumentInvocation0.prototype = {
66770 get$isEmpty(_) {
66771 var t1;
66772 if (this.positional.length === 0) {
66773 t1 = this.named;
66774 t1 = t1.get$isEmpty(t1) && this.rest == null;
66775 } else
66776 t1 = false;
66777 return t1;
66778 },
66779 toString$0(_) {
66780 var t2, t3, t4, _this = this,
66781 t1 = A.List_List$of(_this.positional, true, type$.Object);
66782 for (t2 = _this.named, t3 = J.get$iterator$ax(t2.get$keys(t2)); t3.moveNext$0();) {
66783 t4 = t3.get$current(t3);
66784 t1.push(t4 + ": " + A.S(t2.$index(0, t4)));
66785 }
66786 t2 = _this.rest;
66787 if (t2 != null)
66788 t1.push(t2.toString$0(0) + "...");
66789 t2 = _this.keywordRest;
66790 if (t2 != null)
66791 t1.push(t2.toString$0(0) + "...");
66792 return "(" + B.JSArray_methods.join$1(t1, ", ") + ")";
66793 },
66794 $isAstNode0: 1,
66795 get$span(receiver) {
66796 return this.span;
66797 }
66798 };
66799 A.argumentListClass_closure.prototype = {
66800 call$0() {
66801 var t1 = type$.JSClass,
66802 jsClass = t1._as(A.allowInteropCaptureThisNamed("sass.SassArgumentList", new A.argumentListClass__closure()));
66803 A.defineGetter(J.get$$prototype$x(jsClass), "keywords", new A.argumentListClass__closure0(), null);
66804 A.JSClassExtension_injectSuperclass(t1._as(A.SassArgumentList$0(A._setArrayType([], type$.JSArray_Value_2), A.LinkedHashMap_LinkedHashMap$_empty(type$.String, type$.Value_2), B.ListSeparator_undecided_null0).constructor), jsClass);
66805 return jsClass;
66806 },
66807 $signature: 25
66808 };
66809 A.argumentListClass__closure.prototype = {
66810 call$4($self, contents, keywords, separator) {
66811 var t3,
66812 t1 = self.immutable.isOrderedMap(contents) ? J.toArray$0$x(type$.ImmutableList._as(contents)) : type$.List_dynamic._as(contents),
66813 t2 = type$.Value_2;
66814 t1 = J.cast$1$0$ax(t1, t2);
66815 t3 = self.immutable.isOrderedMap(keywords) ? A.immutableMapToDartMap(type$.ImmutableMap._as(keywords)) : A.objectToMap(keywords);
66816 return A.SassArgumentList$0(t1, t3.cast$2$0(0, type$.String, t2), A.jsToDartSeparator(separator));
66817 },
66818 call$3($self, contents, keywords) {
66819 return this.call$4($self, contents, keywords, ",");
66820 },
66821 "call*": "call$4",
66822 $requiredArgCount: 3,
66823 $defaultValues() {
66824 return [","];
66825 },
66826 $signature: 301
66827 };
66828 A.argumentListClass__closure0.prototype = {
66829 call$1($self) {
66830 $self._argument_list$_wereKeywordsAccessed = true;
66831 return A.dartMapToImmutableMap($self._argument_list$_keywords);
66832 },
66833 $signature: 302
66834 };
66835 A.SassArgumentList0.prototype = {};
66836 A.JSArray1.prototype = {};
66837 A.AsyncImporter0.prototype = {};
66838 A.NodeToDartAsyncImporter.prototype = {
66839 canonicalize$1(_, url) {
66840 return this.canonicalize$body$NodeToDartAsyncImporter(0, url);
66841 },
66842 canonicalize$body$NodeToDartAsyncImporter(_, url) {
66843 var $async$goto = 0,
66844 $async$completer = A._makeAsyncAwaitCompleter(type$.nullable_Uri),
66845 $async$returnValue, $async$self = this, t1, result;
66846 var $async$canonicalize$1 = A._wrapJsFunctionForAsync(function($async$errorCode, $async$result) {
66847 if ($async$errorCode === 1)
66848 return A._asyncRethrow($async$result, $async$completer);
66849 while (true)
66850 switch ($async$goto) {
66851 case 0:
66852 // Function start
66853 result = $async$self._async0$_canonicalize.call$2(url.toString$0(0), {fromImport: A.fromImport0()});
66854 $async$goto = result != null && result instanceof self.Promise ? 3 : 4;
66855 break;
66856 case 3:
66857 // then
66858 $async$goto = 5;
66859 return A._asyncAwait(A.promiseToFuture(type$.Promise._as(result), type$.nullable_Object), $async$canonicalize$1);
66860 case 5:
66861 // returning from await.
66862 result = $async$result;
66863 case 4:
66864 // join
66865 if (result == null) {
66866 $async$returnValue = null;
66867 // goto return
66868 $async$goto = 1;
66869 break;
66870 }
66871 t1 = self.URL;
66872 if (result instanceof t1) {
66873 $async$returnValue = A.Uri_parse(J.toString$0$(type$.JSUrl._as(result)));
66874 // goto return
66875 $async$goto = 1;
66876 break;
66877 }
66878 A.jsThrow(new self.Error(string$.The_ca));
66879 case 1:
66880 // return
66881 return A._asyncReturn($async$returnValue, $async$completer);
66882 }
66883 });
66884 return A._asyncStartSync($async$canonicalize$1, $async$completer);
66885 },
66886 load$1(_, url) {
66887 return this.load$body$NodeToDartAsyncImporter(0, url);
66888 },
66889 load$body$NodeToDartAsyncImporter(_, url) {
66890 var $async$goto = 0,
66891 $async$completer = A._makeAsyncAwaitCompleter(type$.nullable_ImporterResult),
66892 $async$returnValue, $async$self = this, t1, contents, syntax, t2, result;
66893 var $async$load$1 = A._wrapJsFunctionForAsync(function($async$errorCode, $async$result) {
66894 if ($async$errorCode === 1)
66895 return A._asyncRethrow($async$result, $async$completer);
66896 while (true)
66897 switch ($async$goto) {
66898 case 0:
66899 // Function start
66900 result = $async$self._load.call$1(new self.URL(url.toString$0(0)));
66901 $async$goto = result != null && result instanceof self.Promise ? 3 : 4;
66902 break;
66903 case 3:
66904 // then
66905 $async$goto = 5;
66906 return A._asyncAwait(A.promiseToFuture(type$.Promise._as(result), type$.nullable_Object), $async$load$1);
66907 case 5:
66908 // returning from await.
66909 result = $async$result;
66910 case 4:
66911 // join
66912 if (result == null) {
66913 $async$returnValue = null;
66914 // goto return
66915 $async$goto = 1;
66916 break;
66917 }
66918 type$.NodeImporterResult._as(result);
66919 t1 = J.getInterceptor$x(result);
66920 contents = t1.get$contents(result);
66921 syntax = t1.get$syntax(result);
66922 if (contents == null || syntax == null)
66923 A.jsThrow(new self.Error(string$.The_lo));
66924 t2 = A.parseSyntax(syntax);
66925 $async$returnValue = A.ImporterResult$(contents, A.NullableExtension_andThen0(t1.get$sourceMapUrl(result), A.utils1__jsToDartUrl$closure()), t2);
66926 // goto return
66927 $async$goto = 1;
66928 break;
66929 case 1:
66930 // return
66931 return A._asyncReturn($async$returnValue, $async$completer);
66932 }
66933 });
66934 return A._asyncStartSync($async$load$1, $async$completer);
66935 }
66936 };
66937 A.AsyncBuiltInCallable0.prototype = {
66938 callbackFor$2(positional, names) {
66939 return new A.Tuple2(this._async_built_in0$_arguments, this._async_built_in0$_callback, type$.Tuple2_of_ArgumentDeclaration_and_FutureOr_Value_Function_List_Value_2);
66940 },
66941 $isAsyncCallable0: 1,
66942 get$name(receiver) {
66943 return this.name;
66944 }
66945 };
66946 A.AsyncBuiltInCallable$mixin_closure0.prototype = {
66947 call$1($arguments) {
66948 return this.$call$body$AsyncBuiltInCallable$mixin_closure0($arguments);
66949 },
66950 $call$body$AsyncBuiltInCallable$mixin_closure0($arguments) {
66951 var $async$goto = 0,
66952 $async$completer = A._makeAsyncAwaitCompleter(type$.Value_2),
66953 $async$returnValue, $async$self = this;
66954 var $async$call$1 = A._wrapJsFunctionForAsync(function($async$errorCode, $async$result) {
66955 if ($async$errorCode === 1)
66956 return A._asyncRethrow($async$result, $async$completer);
66957 while (true)
66958 switch ($async$goto) {
66959 case 0:
66960 // Function start
66961 $async$goto = 3;
66962 return A._asyncAwait($async$self.callback.call$1($arguments), $async$call$1);
66963 case 3:
66964 // returning from await.
66965 $async$returnValue = B.C__SassNull0;
66966 // goto return
66967 $async$goto = 1;
66968 break;
66969 case 1:
66970 // return
66971 return A._asyncReturn($async$returnValue, $async$completer);
66972 }
66973 });
66974 return A._asyncStartSync($async$call$1, $async$completer);
66975 },
66976 $signature: 93
66977 };
66978 A._compileStylesheet_closure2.prototype = {
66979 call$1(url) {
66980 return url === "" ? A.Uri_Uri$dataFromString(A.String_String$fromCharCodes(B.NativeUint32List_methods.sublist$2(this.stylesheet.span.file._decodedChars, 0, null), 0, null), B.C_Utf8Codec, null).get$_text() : this.importCache.sourceMapUrl$1(0, A.Uri_parse(url)).toString$0(0);
66981 },
66982 $signature: 5
66983 };
66984 A.AsyncEnvironment0.prototype = {
66985 closure$0() {
66986 var t4, t5, t6, _this = this,
66987 t1 = _this._async_environment0$_forwardedModules,
66988 t2 = _this._async_environment0$_nestedForwardedModules,
66989 t3 = _this._async_environment0$_variables;
66990 t3 = A._setArrayType(t3.slice(0), A._arrayInstanceType(t3));
66991 t4 = _this._async_environment0$_variableNodes;
66992 t4 = A._setArrayType(t4.slice(0), A._arrayInstanceType(t4));
66993 t5 = _this._async_environment0$_functions;
66994 t5 = A._setArrayType(t5.slice(0), A._arrayInstanceType(t5));
66995 t6 = _this._async_environment0$_mixins;
66996 t6 = A._setArrayType(t6.slice(0), A._arrayInstanceType(t6));
66997 return A.AsyncEnvironment$_0(_this._async_environment0$_modules, _this._async_environment0$_namespaceNodes, _this._async_environment0$_globalModules, _this._async_environment0$_importedModules, t1, t2, _this._async_environment0$_allModules, t3, t4, t5, t6, _this._async_environment0$_content);
66998 },
66999 addModule$3$namespace(module, nodeWithSpan, namespace) {
67000 var t1, t2, span, _this = this;
67001 if (namespace == null) {
67002 _this._async_environment0$_globalModules.$indexSet(0, module, nodeWithSpan);
67003 _this._async_environment0$_allModules.push(module);
67004 for (t1 = J.get$iterator$ax(J.get$keys$z(B.JSArray_methods.get$first(_this._async_environment0$_variables))); t1.moveNext$0();) {
67005 t2 = t1.get$current(t1);
67006 if (module.get$variables().containsKey$1(t2))
67007 throw A.wrapException(A.SassScriptException$0(string$.This_ma + t2 + '".'));
67008 }
67009 } else {
67010 t1 = _this._async_environment0$_modules;
67011 if (t1.containsKey$1(namespace)) {
67012 t1 = _this._async_environment0$_namespaceNodes.$index(0, namespace);
67013 span = t1 == null ? null : t1.span;
67014 t1 = string$.There_ + namespace + '".';
67015 t2 = A.LinkedHashMap_LinkedHashMap$_empty(type$.FileSpan, type$.String);
67016 if (span != null)
67017 t2.$indexSet(0, span, "original @use");
67018 throw A.wrapException(A.MultiSpanSassScriptException$0(t1, "new @use", t2));
67019 }
67020 t1.$indexSet(0, namespace, module);
67021 _this._async_environment0$_namespaceNodes.$indexSet(0, namespace, nodeWithSpan);
67022 _this._async_environment0$_allModules.push(module);
67023 }
67024 },
67025 forwardModule$2(module, rule) {
67026 var view, t1, t2, _this = this,
67027 forwardedModules = _this._async_environment0$_forwardedModules;
67028 if (forwardedModules == null)
67029 forwardedModules = _this._async_environment0$_forwardedModules = A.LinkedHashMap_LinkedHashMap$_empty(type$.Module_AsyncCallable_2, type$.AstNode_2);
67030 view = A.ForwardedModuleView_ifNecessary0(module, rule, type$.AsyncCallable_2);
67031 for (t1 = forwardedModules.get$keys(forwardedModules), t1 = t1.get$iterator(t1); t1.moveNext$0();) {
67032 t2 = t1.get$current(t1);
67033 _this._async_environment0$_assertNoConflicts$5(view.get$variables(), t2.get$variables(), view, t2, "variable");
67034 _this._async_environment0$_assertNoConflicts$5(view.get$functions(view), t2.get$functions(t2), view, t2, "function");
67035 _this._async_environment0$_assertNoConflicts$5(view.get$mixins(), t2.get$mixins(), view, t2, "mixin");
67036 }
67037 _this._async_environment0$_allModules.push(module);
67038 forwardedModules.$indexSet(0, view, rule);
67039 },
67040 _async_environment0$_assertNoConflicts$5(newMembers, oldMembers, newModule, oldModule, type) {
67041 var larger, smaller, t1, t2, $name, span;
67042 if (newMembers.get$length(newMembers) < oldMembers.get$length(oldMembers)) {
67043 larger = oldMembers;
67044 smaller = newMembers;
67045 } else {
67046 larger = newMembers;
67047 smaller = oldMembers;
67048 }
67049 for (t1 = J.get$iterator$ax(smaller.get$keys(smaller)), t2 = type === "variable"; t1.moveNext$0();) {
67050 $name = t1.get$current(t1);
67051 if (!larger.containsKey$1($name))
67052 continue;
67053 if (t2 ? newModule.variableIdentity$1($name) === oldModule.variableIdentity$1($name) : J.$eq$(larger.$index(0, $name), smaller.$index(0, $name)))
67054 continue;
67055 if (t2)
67056 $name = "$" + $name;
67057 t1 = this._async_environment0$_forwardedModules;
67058 if (t1 == null)
67059 span = null;
67060 else {
67061 t1 = t1.$index(0, oldModule);
67062 span = t1 == null ? null : J.get$span$z(t1);
67063 }
67064 t1 = "Two forwarded modules both define a " + type + " named " + $name + ".";
67065 t2 = A.LinkedHashMap_LinkedHashMap$_empty(type$.FileSpan, type$.String);
67066 if (span != null)
67067 t2.$indexSet(0, span, "original @forward");
67068 throw A.wrapException(A.MultiSpanSassScriptException$0(t1, "new @forward", t2));
67069 }
67070 },
67071 importForwards$1(module) {
67072 var forwardedModules, t1, t2, t3, t4, t5, forwardedVariableNames, forwardedFunctionNames, forwardedMixinNames, _i, entry, shadowed, t6, _length, _list, _this = this,
67073 forwarded = module._async_environment0$_environment._async_environment0$_forwardedModules;
67074 if (forwarded == null)
67075 return;
67076 forwardedModules = _this._async_environment0$_forwardedModules;
67077 if (forwardedModules != null) {
67078 t1 = A.LinkedHashMap_LinkedHashMap$_empty(type$.Module_AsyncCallable_2, type$.AstNode_2);
67079 for (t2 = forwarded.get$entries(forwarded), t2 = t2.get$iterator(t2), t3 = _this._async_environment0$_globalModules; t2.moveNext$0();) {
67080 t4 = t2.get$current(t2);
67081 t5 = t4.key;
67082 if (!forwardedModules.containsKey$1(t5) || !t3.containsKey$1(t5))
67083 t1.$indexSet(0, t5, t4.value);
67084 }
67085 forwarded = t1;
67086 } else
67087 forwardedModules = _this._async_environment0$_forwardedModules = A.LinkedHashMap_LinkedHashMap$_empty(type$.Module_AsyncCallable_2, type$.AstNode_2);
67088 t1 = forwarded.get$keys(forwarded);
67089 t2 = A._instanceType(t1)._eval$1("ExpandIterable<Iterable.E,String>");
67090 forwardedVariableNames = A.LinkedHashSet_LinkedHashSet$of(new A.ExpandIterable(t1, new A.AsyncEnvironment_importForwards_closure2(), t2), t2._eval$1("Iterable.E"));
67091 t2 = forwarded.get$keys(forwarded);
67092 t1 = A._instanceType(t2)._eval$1("ExpandIterable<Iterable.E,String>");
67093 forwardedFunctionNames = A.LinkedHashSet_LinkedHashSet$of(new A.ExpandIterable(t2, new A.AsyncEnvironment_importForwards_closure3(), t1), t1._eval$1("Iterable.E"));
67094 t1 = forwarded.get$keys(forwarded);
67095 t2 = A._instanceType(t1)._eval$1("ExpandIterable<Iterable.E,String>");
67096 forwardedMixinNames = A.LinkedHashSet_LinkedHashSet$of(new A.ExpandIterable(t1, new A.AsyncEnvironment_importForwards_closure4(), t2), t2._eval$1("Iterable.E"));
67097 t1 = _this._async_environment0$_variables;
67098 t2 = t1.length;
67099 if (t2 === 1) {
67100 for (t2 = _this._async_environment0$_importedModules, t3 = t2.get$entries(t2).toList$0(0), t4 = t3.length, t5 = type$.AsyncCallable_2, _i = 0; _i < t3.length; t3.length === t4 || (0, A.throwConcurrentModificationError)(t3), ++_i) {
67101 entry = t3[_i];
67102 module = entry.key;
67103 shadowed = A.ShadowedModuleView_ifNecessary0(module, forwardedFunctionNames, forwardedMixinNames, forwardedVariableNames, t5);
67104 if (shadowed != null) {
67105 t2.remove$1(0, module);
67106 t6 = shadowed.variables;
67107 if (t6.get$isEmpty(t6)) {
67108 t6 = shadowed.functions;
67109 if (t6.get$isEmpty(t6)) {
67110 t6 = shadowed.mixins;
67111 if (t6.get$isEmpty(t6)) {
67112 t6 = shadowed._shadowed_view0$_inner;
67113 t6 = t6.get$css(t6);
67114 t6 = J.get$isEmpty$asx(t6.get$children(t6));
67115 } else
67116 t6 = false;
67117 } else
67118 t6 = false;
67119 } else
67120 t6 = false;
67121 if (!t6)
67122 t2.$indexSet(0, shadowed, entry.value);
67123 }
67124 }
67125 for (t3 = forwardedModules.get$entries(forwardedModules).toList$0(0), t4 = t3.length, _i = 0; _i < t3.length; t3.length === t4 || (0, A.throwConcurrentModificationError)(t3), ++_i) {
67126 entry = t3[_i];
67127 module = entry.key;
67128 shadowed = A.ShadowedModuleView_ifNecessary0(module, forwardedFunctionNames, forwardedMixinNames, forwardedVariableNames, t5);
67129 if (shadowed != null) {
67130 forwardedModules.remove$1(0, module);
67131 t6 = shadowed.variables;
67132 if (t6.get$isEmpty(t6)) {
67133 t6 = shadowed.functions;
67134 if (t6.get$isEmpty(t6)) {
67135 t6 = shadowed.mixins;
67136 if (t6.get$isEmpty(t6)) {
67137 t6 = shadowed._shadowed_view0$_inner;
67138 t6 = t6.get$css(t6);
67139 t6 = J.get$isEmpty$asx(t6.get$children(t6));
67140 } else
67141 t6 = false;
67142 } else
67143 t6 = false;
67144 } else
67145 t6 = false;
67146 if (!t6)
67147 forwardedModules.$indexSet(0, shadowed, entry.value);
67148 }
67149 }
67150 t2.addAll$1(0, forwarded);
67151 forwardedModules.addAll$1(0, forwarded);
67152 } else {
67153 t3 = _this._async_environment0$_nestedForwardedModules;
67154 if (t3 == null) {
67155 _length = t2 - 1;
67156 _list = J.JSArray_JSArray$allocateGrowable(_length, type$.List_Module_AsyncCallable_2);
67157 for (t2 = type$.JSArray_Module_AsyncCallable_2, _i = 0; _i < _length; ++_i)
67158 _list[_i] = A._setArrayType([], t2);
67159 _this._async_environment0$_nestedForwardedModules = _list;
67160 t2 = _list;
67161 } else
67162 t2 = t3;
67163 B.JSArray_methods.addAll$1(B.JSArray_methods.get$last(t2), forwarded.get$keys(forwarded));
67164 }
67165 for (t2 = A._LinkedHashSetIterator$(forwardedVariableNames, forwardedVariableNames._collection$_modifications), t3 = A._instanceType(t2)._precomputed1, t4 = _this._async_environment0$_variableIndices, t5 = _this._async_environment0$_variableNodes; t2.moveNext$0();) {
67166 t6 = t3._as(t2._collection$_current);
67167 t4.remove$1(0, t6);
67168 J.remove$1$z(B.JSArray_methods.get$last(t1), t6);
67169 J.remove$1$z(B.JSArray_methods.get$last(t5), t6);
67170 }
67171 for (t1 = A._LinkedHashSetIterator$(forwardedFunctionNames, forwardedFunctionNames._collection$_modifications), t2 = A._instanceType(t1)._precomputed1, t3 = _this._async_environment0$_functionIndices, t4 = _this._async_environment0$_functions; t1.moveNext$0();) {
67172 t5 = t2._as(t1._collection$_current);
67173 t3.remove$1(0, t5);
67174 J.remove$1$z(B.JSArray_methods.get$last(t4), t5);
67175 }
67176 for (t1 = A._LinkedHashSetIterator$(forwardedMixinNames, forwardedMixinNames._collection$_modifications), t2 = A._instanceType(t1)._precomputed1, t3 = _this._async_environment0$_mixinIndices, t4 = _this._async_environment0$_mixins; t1.moveNext$0();) {
67177 t5 = t2._as(t1._collection$_current);
67178 t3.remove$1(0, t5);
67179 J.remove$1$z(B.JSArray_methods.get$last(t4), t5);
67180 }
67181 },
67182 getVariable$2$namespace($name, namespace) {
67183 var t1, index, _this = this;
67184 if (namespace != null)
67185 return _this._async_environment0$_getModule$1(namespace).get$variables().$index(0, $name);
67186 if (_this._async_environment0$_lastVariableName === $name) {
67187 t1 = _this._async_environment0$_lastVariableIndex;
67188 t1.toString;
67189 t1 = J.$index$asx(_this._async_environment0$_variables[t1], $name);
67190 return t1 == null ? _this._async_environment0$_getVariableFromGlobalModule$1($name) : t1;
67191 }
67192 t1 = _this._async_environment0$_variableIndices;
67193 index = t1.$index(0, $name);
67194 if (index != null) {
67195 _this._async_environment0$_lastVariableName = $name;
67196 _this._async_environment0$_lastVariableIndex = index;
67197 t1 = J.$index$asx(_this._async_environment0$_variables[index], $name);
67198 return t1 == null ? _this._async_environment0$_getVariableFromGlobalModule$1($name) : t1;
67199 }
67200 index = _this._async_environment0$_variableIndex$1($name);
67201 if (index == null)
67202 return _this._async_environment0$_getVariableFromGlobalModule$1($name);
67203 _this._async_environment0$_lastVariableName = $name;
67204 _this._async_environment0$_lastVariableIndex = index;
67205 t1.$indexSet(0, $name, index);
67206 t1 = J.$index$asx(_this._async_environment0$_variables[index], $name);
67207 return t1 == null ? _this._async_environment0$_getVariableFromGlobalModule$1($name) : t1;
67208 },
67209 getVariable$1($name) {
67210 return this.getVariable$2$namespace($name, null);
67211 },
67212 _async_environment0$_getVariableFromGlobalModule$1($name) {
67213 return this._async_environment0$_fromOneModule$1$3($name, "variable", new A.AsyncEnvironment__getVariableFromGlobalModule_closure0($name), type$.Value_2);
67214 },
67215 getVariableNode$2$namespace($name, namespace) {
67216 var t1, index, _this = this;
67217 if (namespace != null)
67218 return _this._async_environment0$_getModule$1(namespace).get$variableNodes().$index(0, $name);
67219 if (_this._async_environment0$_lastVariableName === $name) {
67220 t1 = _this._async_environment0$_lastVariableIndex;
67221 t1.toString;
67222 t1 = J.$index$asx(_this._async_environment0$_variableNodes[t1], $name);
67223 return t1 == null ? _this._async_environment0$_getVariableNodeFromGlobalModule$1($name) : t1;
67224 }
67225 t1 = _this._async_environment0$_variableIndices;
67226 index = t1.$index(0, $name);
67227 if (index != null) {
67228 _this._async_environment0$_lastVariableName = $name;
67229 _this._async_environment0$_lastVariableIndex = index;
67230 t1 = J.$index$asx(_this._async_environment0$_variableNodes[index], $name);
67231 return t1 == null ? _this._async_environment0$_getVariableNodeFromGlobalModule$1($name) : t1;
67232 }
67233 index = _this._async_environment0$_variableIndex$1($name);
67234 if (index == null)
67235 return _this._async_environment0$_getVariableNodeFromGlobalModule$1($name);
67236 _this._async_environment0$_lastVariableName = $name;
67237 _this._async_environment0$_lastVariableIndex = index;
67238 t1.$indexSet(0, $name, index);
67239 t1 = J.$index$asx(_this._async_environment0$_variableNodes[index], $name);
67240 return t1 == null ? _this._async_environment0$_getVariableNodeFromGlobalModule$1($name) : t1;
67241 },
67242 _async_environment0$_getVariableNodeFromGlobalModule$1($name) {
67243 var t1, t2, value;
67244 for (t1 = this._async_environment0$_importedModules, t2 = this._async_environment0$_globalModules, t2 = t1.get$keys(t1).followedBy$1(0, t2.get$keys(t2)), t2 = new A.FollowedByIterator(J.get$iterator$ax(t2.__internal$_first), t2._second); t2.moveNext$0();) {
67245 t1 = t2._currentIterator;
67246 value = t1.get$current(t1).get$variableNodes().$index(0, $name);
67247 if (value != null)
67248 return value;
67249 }
67250 return null;
67251 },
67252 globalVariableExists$2$namespace($name, namespace) {
67253 if (namespace != null)
67254 return this._async_environment0$_getModule$1(namespace).get$variables().containsKey$1($name);
67255 if (B.JSArray_methods.get$first(this._async_environment0$_variables).containsKey$1($name))
67256 return true;
67257 return this._async_environment0$_getVariableFromGlobalModule$1($name) != null;
67258 },
67259 globalVariableExists$1($name) {
67260 return this.globalVariableExists$2$namespace($name, null);
67261 },
67262 _async_environment0$_variableIndex$1($name) {
67263 var t1, i;
67264 for (t1 = this._async_environment0$_variables, i = t1.length - 1; i >= 0; --i)
67265 if (t1[i].containsKey$1($name))
67266 return i;
67267 return null;
67268 },
67269 setVariable$5$global$namespace($name, value, nodeWithSpan, global, namespace) {
67270 var t1, moduleWithName, nestedForwardedModules, t2, t3, t4, t5, index, _this = this;
67271 if (namespace != null) {
67272 _this._async_environment0$_getModule$1(namespace).setVariable$3($name, value, nodeWithSpan);
67273 return;
67274 }
67275 if (global || _this._async_environment0$_variables.length === 1) {
67276 _this._async_environment0$_variableIndices.putIfAbsent$2($name, new A.AsyncEnvironment_setVariable_closure2(_this, $name));
67277 t1 = _this._async_environment0$_variables;
67278 if (!B.JSArray_methods.get$first(t1).containsKey$1($name)) {
67279 moduleWithName = _this._async_environment0$_fromOneModule$1$3($name, "variable", new A.AsyncEnvironment_setVariable_closure3($name), type$.Module_AsyncCallable_2);
67280 if (moduleWithName != null) {
67281 moduleWithName.setVariable$3($name, value, nodeWithSpan);
67282 return;
67283 }
67284 }
67285 J.$indexSet$ax(B.JSArray_methods.get$first(t1), $name, value);
67286 J.$indexSet$ax(B.JSArray_methods.get$first(_this._async_environment0$_variableNodes), $name, nodeWithSpan);
67287 return;
67288 }
67289 nestedForwardedModules = _this._async_environment0$_nestedForwardedModules;
67290 if (nestedForwardedModules != null && !_this._async_environment0$_variableIndices.containsKey$1($name) && _this._async_environment0$_variableIndex$1($name) == null)
67291 for (t1 = new A.ReversedListIterable(nestedForwardedModules, A.instanceType(nestedForwardedModules)._eval$1("ReversedListIterable<1>")), t1 = new A.ListIterator(t1, t1.get$length(t1)), t2 = A._instanceType(t1)._precomputed1; t1.moveNext$0();)
67292 for (t3 = J.get$reversed$ax(t2._as(t1.__internal$_current)), t3 = new A.ListIterator(t3, t3.get$length(t3)), t4 = A._instanceType(t3)._precomputed1; t3.moveNext$0();) {
67293 t5 = t4._as(t3.__internal$_current);
67294 if (t5.get$variables().containsKey$1($name)) {
67295 t5.setVariable$3($name, value, nodeWithSpan);
67296 return;
67297 }
67298 }
67299 if (_this._async_environment0$_lastVariableName === $name) {
67300 t1 = _this._async_environment0$_lastVariableIndex;
67301 t1.toString;
67302 index = t1;
67303 } else
67304 index = _this._async_environment0$_variableIndices.putIfAbsent$2($name, new A.AsyncEnvironment_setVariable_closure4(_this, $name));
67305 if (!_this._async_environment0$_inSemiGlobalScope && index === 0) {
67306 index = _this._async_environment0$_variables.length - 1;
67307 _this._async_environment0$_variableIndices.$indexSet(0, $name, index);
67308 }
67309 _this._async_environment0$_lastVariableName = $name;
67310 _this._async_environment0$_lastVariableIndex = index;
67311 J.$indexSet$ax(_this._async_environment0$_variables[index], $name, value);
67312 J.$indexSet$ax(_this._async_environment0$_variableNodes[index], $name, nodeWithSpan);
67313 },
67314 setVariable$4$global($name, value, nodeWithSpan, global) {
67315 return this.setVariable$5$global$namespace($name, value, nodeWithSpan, global, null);
67316 },
67317 setLocalVariable$3($name, value, nodeWithSpan) {
67318 var index, _this = this,
67319 t1 = _this._async_environment0$_variables,
67320 t2 = t1.length;
67321 _this._async_environment0$_lastVariableName = $name;
67322 index = _this._async_environment0$_lastVariableIndex = t2 - 1;
67323 _this._async_environment0$_variableIndices.$indexSet(0, $name, index);
67324 J.$indexSet$ax(t1[index], $name, value);
67325 J.$indexSet$ax(_this._async_environment0$_variableNodes[index], $name, nodeWithSpan);
67326 },
67327 getFunction$2$namespace($name, namespace) {
67328 var t1, index, _this = this;
67329 if (namespace != null) {
67330 t1 = _this._async_environment0$_getModule$1(namespace);
67331 return t1.get$functions(t1).$index(0, $name);
67332 }
67333 t1 = _this._async_environment0$_functionIndices;
67334 index = t1.$index(0, $name);
67335 if (index != null) {
67336 t1 = J.$index$asx(_this._async_environment0$_functions[index], $name);
67337 return t1 == null ? _this._async_environment0$_getFunctionFromGlobalModule$1($name) : t1;
67338 }
67339 index = _this._async_environment0$_functionIndex$1($name);
67340 if (index == null)
67341 return _this._async_environment0$_getFunctionFromGlobalModule$1($name);
67342 t1.$indexSet(0, $name, index);
67343 t1 = J.$index$asx(_this._async_environment0$_functions[index], $name);
67344 return t1 == null ? _this._async_environment0$_getFunctionFromGlobalModule$1($name) : t1;
67345 },
67346 _async_environment0$_getFunctionFromGlobalModule$1($name) {
67347 return this._async_environment0$_fromOneModule$1$3($name, "function", new A.AsyncEnvironment__getFunctionFromGlobalModule_closure0($name), type$.AsyncCallable_2);
67348 },
67349 _async_environment0$_functionIndex$1($name) {
67350 var t1, i;
67351 for (t1 = this._async_environment0$_functions, i = t1.length - 1; i >= 0; --i)
67352 if (t1[i].containsKey$1($name))
67353 return i;
67354 return null;
67355 },
67356 getMixin$2$namespace($name, namespace) {
67357 var t1, index, _this = this;
67358 if (namespace != null)
67359 return _this._async_environment0$_getModule$1(namespace).get$mixins().$index(0, $name);
67360 t1 = _this._async_environment0$_mixinIndices;
67361 index = t1.$index(0, $name);
67362 if (index != null) {
67363 t1 = J.$index$asx(_this._async_environment0$_mixins[index], $name);
67364 return t1 == null ? _this._async_environment0$_getMixinFromGlobalModule$1($name) : t1;
67365 }
67366 index = _this._async_environment0$_mixinIndex$1($name);
67367 if (index == null)
67368 return _this._async_environment0$_getMixinFromGlobalModule$1($name);
67369 t1.$indexSet(0, $name, index);
67370 t1 = J.$index$asx(_this._async_environment0$_mixins[index], $name);
67371 return t1 == null ? _this._async_environment0$_getMixinFromGlobalModule$1($name) : t1;
67372 },
67373 _async_environment0$_getMixinFromGlobalModule$1($name) {
67374 return this._async_environment0$_fromOneModule$1$3($name, "mixin", new A.AsyncEnvironment__getMixinFromGlobalModule_closure0($name), type$.AsyncCallable_2);
67375 },
67376 _async_environment0$_mixinIndex$1($name) {
67377 var t1, i;
67378 for (t1 = this._async_environment0$_mixins, i = t1.length - 1; i >= 0; --i)
67379 if (t1[i].containsKey$1($name))
67380 return i;
67381 return null;
67382 },
67383 withContent$2($content, callback) {
67384 return this.withContent$body$AsyncEnvironment0($content, callback);
67385 },
67386 withContent$body$AsyncEnvironment0($content, callback) {
67387 var $async$goto = 0,
67388 $async$completer = A._makeAsyncAwaitCompleter(type$.void),
67389 $async$self = this, oldContent;
67390 var $async$withContent$2 = A._wrapJsFunctionForAsync(function($async$errorCode, $async$result) {
67391 if ($async$errorCode === 1)
67392 return A._asyncRethrow($async$result, $async$completer);
67393 while (true)
67394 switch ($async$goto) {
67395 case 0:
67396 // Function start
67397 oldContent = $async$self._async_environment0$_content;
67398 $async$self._async_environment0$_content = $content;
67399 $async$goto = 2;
67400 return A._asyncAwait(callback.call$0(), $async$withContent$2);
67401 case 2:
67402 // returning from await.
67403 $async$self._async_environment0$_content = oldContent;
67404 // implicit return
67405 return A._asyncReturn(null, $async$completer);
67406 }
67407 });
67408 return A._asyncStartSync($async$withContent$2, $async$completer);
67409 },
67410 asMixin$1(callback) {
67411 var $async$goto = 0,
67412 $async$completer = A._makeAsyncAwaitCompleter(type$.void),
67413 $async$self = this, oldInMixin;
67414 var $async$asMixin$1 = A._wrapJsFunctionForAsync(function($async$errorCode, $async$result) {
67415 if ($async$errorCode === 1)
67416 return A._asyncRethrow($async$result, $async$completer);
67417 while (true)
67418 switch ($async$goto) {
67419 case 0:
67420 // Function start
67421 oldInMixin = $async$self._async_environment0$_inMixin;
67422 $async$self._async_environment0$_inMixin = true;
67423 $async$goto = 2;
67424 return A._asyncAwait(callback.call$0(), $async$asMixin$1);
67425 case 2:
67426 // returning from await.
67427 $async$self._async_environment0$_inMixin = oldInMixin;
67428 // implicit return
67429 return A._asyncReturn(null, $async$completer);
67430 }
67431 });
67432 return A._asyncStartSync($async$asMixin$1, $async$completer);
67433 },
67434 scope$1$3$semiGlobal$when(callback, semiGlobal, when, $T) {
67435 return this.scope$body$AsyncEnvironment0(callback, semiGlobal, when, $T, $T);
67436 },
67437 scope$1$1(callback, $T) {
67438 return this.scope$1$3$semiGlobal$when(callback, false, true, $T);
67439 },
67440 scope$1$2$when(callback, when, $T) {
67441 return this.scope$1$3$semiGlobal$when(callback, false, when, $T);
67442 },
67443 scope$1$2$semiGlobal(callback, semiGlobal, $T) {
67444 return this.scope$1$3$semiGlobal$when(callback, semiGlobal, true, $T);
67445 },
67446 scope$body$AsyncEnvironment0(callback, semiGlobal, when, $T, $async$type) {
67447 var $async$goto = 0,
67448 $async$completer = A._makeAsyncAwaitCompleter($async$type),
67449 $async$returnValue, $async$handler = 2, $async$currentError, $async$next = [], $async$self = this, wasInSemiGlobalScope, $name, name0, name1, t1, t2, t3, t4, t5;
67450 var $async$scope$1$3$semiGlobal$when = A._wrapJsFunctionForAsync(function($async$errorCode, $async$result) {
67451 if ($async$errorCode === 1) {
67452 $async$currentError = $async$result;
67453 $async$goto = $async$handler;
67454 }
67455 while (true)
67456 switch ($async$goto) {
67457 case 0:
67458 // Function start
67459 semiGlobal = semiGlobal && $async$self._async_environment0$_inSemiGlobalScope;
67460 wasInSemiGlobalScope = $async$self._async_environment0$_inSemiGlobalScope;
67461 $async$self._async_environment0$_inSemiGlobalScope = semiGlobal;
67462 $async$goto = !when ? 3 : 4;
67463 break;
67464 case 3:
67465 // then
67466 $async$handler = 5;
67467 $async$goto = 8;
67468 return A._asyncAwait(callback.call$0(), $async$scope$1$3$semiGlobal$when);
67469 case 8:
67470 // returning from await.
67471 t1 = $async$result;
67472 $async$returnValue = t1;
67473 $async$next = [1];
67474 // goto finally
67475 $async$goto = 6;
67476 break;
67477 $async$next.push(7);
67478 // goto finally
67479 $async$goto = 6;
67480 break;
67481 case 5:
67482 // uncaught
67483 $async$next = [2];
67484 case 6:
67485 // finally
67486 $async$handler = 2;
67487 $async$self._async_environment0$_inSemiGlobalScope = wasInSemiGlobalScope;
67488 // goto the next finally handler
67489 $async$goto = $async$next.pop();
67490 break;
67491 case 7:
67492 // after finally
67493 case 4:
67494 // join
67495 t1 = $async$self._async_environment0$_variables;
67496 t2 = type$.String;
67497 B.JSArray_methods.add$1(t1, A.LinkedHashMap_LinkedHashMap$_empty(t2, type$.Value_2));
67498 B.JSArray_methods.add$1($async$self._async_environment0$_variableNodes, A.LinkedHashMap_LinkedHashMap$_empty(t2, type$.AstNode_2));
67499 t3 = $async$self._async_environment0$_functions;
67500 t4 = type$.AsyncCallable_2;
67501 B.JSArray_methods.add$1(t3, A.LinkedHashMap_LinkedHashMap$_empty(t2, t4));
67502 t5 = $async$self._async_environment0$_mixins;
67503 B.JSArray_methods.add$1(t5, A.LinkedHashMap_LinkedHashMap$_empty(t2, t4));
67504 t4 = $async$self._async_environment0$_nestedForwardedModules;
67505 if (t4 != null)
67506 t4.push(A._setArrayType([], type$.JSArray_Module_AsyncCallable_2));
67507 $async$handler = 9;
67508 $async$goto = 12;
67509 return A._asyncAwait(callback.call$0(), $async$scope$1$3$semiGlobal$when);
67510 case 12:
67511 // returning from await.
67512 t2 = $async$result;
67513 $async$returnValue = t2;
67514 $async$next = [1];
67515 // goto finally
67516 $async$goto = 10;
67517 break;
67518 $async$next.push(11);
67519 // goto finally
67520 $async$goto = 10;
67521 break;
67522 case 9:
67523 // uncaught
67524 $async$next = [2];
67525 case 10:
67526 // finally
67527 $async$handler = 2;
67528 $async$self._async_environment0$_inSemiGlobalScope = wasInSemiGlobalScope;
67529 $async$self._async_environment0$_lastVariableIndex = $async$self._async_environment0$_lastVariableName = null;
67530 for (t1 = J.get$iterator$ax(J.get$keys$z(B.JSArray_methods.removeLast$0(t1))), t2 = $async$self._async_environment0$_variableIndices; t1.moveNext$0();) {
67531 $name = t1.get$current(t1);
67532 t2.remove$1(0, $name);
67533 }
67534 for (t1 = J.get$iterator$ax(J.get$keys$z(B.JSArray_methods.removeLast$0(t3))), t2 = $async$self._async_environment0$_functionIndices; t1.moveNext$0();) {
67535 name0 = t1.get$current(t1);
67536 t2.remove$1(0, name0);
67537 }
67538 for (t1 = J.get$iterator$ax(J.get$keys$z(B.JSArray_methods.removeLast$0(t5))), t2 = $async$self._async_environment0$_mixinIndices; t1.moveNext$0();) {
67539 name1 = t1.get$current(t1);
67540 t2.remove$1(0, name1);
67541 }
67542 t1 = $async$self._async_environment0$_nestedForwardedModules;
67543 if (t1 != null)
67544 t1.pop();
67545 // goto the next finally handler
67546 $async$goto = $async$next.pop();
67547 break;
67548 case 11:
67549 // after finally
67550 case 1:
67551 // return
67552 return A._asyncReturn($async$returnValue, $async$completer);
67553 case 2:
67554 // rethrow
67555 return A._asyncRethrow($async$currentError, $async$completer);
67556 }
67557 });
67558 return A._asyncStartSync($async$scope$1$3$semiGlobal$when, $async$completer);
67559 },
67560 toImplicitConfiguration$0() {
67561 var t1, t2, i, values, nodes, t3, t4, t5, t6,
67562 configuration = A.LinkedHashMap_LinkedHashMap$_empty(type$.String, type$.ConfiguredValue_2);
67563 for (t1 = this._async_environment0$_variables, t2 = this._async_environment0$_variableNodes, i = 0; i < t1.length; ++i) {
67564 values = t1[i];
67565 nodes = t2[i];
67566 for (t3 = values.get$entries(values), t3 = t3.get$iterator(t3); t3.moveNext$0();) {
67567 t4 = t3.get$current(t3);
67568 t5 = t4.key;
67569 t4 = t4.value;
67570 t6 = nodes.$index(0, t5);
67571 t6.toString;
67572 configuration.$indexSet(0, t5, new A.ConfiguredValue0(t4, null, t6));
67573 }
67574 }
67575 return new A.Configuration0(configuration);
67576 },
67577 toModule$2(css, extensionStore) {
67578 return A._EnvironmentModule__EnvironmentModule2(this, css, extensionStore, A.NullableExtension_andThen0(this._async_environment0$_forwardedModules, new A.AsyncEnvironment_toModule_closure0()));
67579 },
67580 toDummyModule$0() {
67581 return A._EnvironmentModule__EnvironmentModule2(this, new A.CssStylesheet0(new A.UnmodifiableListView(B.List_empty11, type$.UnmodifiableListView_CssNode_2), A.SourceFile$decoded(B.List_empty1, "<dummy module>").span$1(0, 0)), B.C_EmptyExtensionStore0, A.NullableExtension_andThen0(this._async_environment0$_forwardedModules, new A.AsyncEnvironment_toDummyModule_closure0()));
67582 },
67583 _async_environment0$_getModule$1(namespace) {
67584 var module = this._async_environment0$_modules.$index(0, namespace);
67585 if (module != null)
67586 return module;
67587 throw A.wrapException(A.SassScriptException$0('There is no module with the namespace "' + namespace + '".'));
67588 },
67589 _async_environment0$_fromOneModule$1$3($name, type, callback, $T) {
67590 var t1, t2, t3, t4, value, identity, valueInModule, identityFromModule, spans, t5,
67591 nestedForwardedModules = this._async_environment0$_nestedForwardedModules;
67592 if (nestedForwardedModules != null)
67593 for (t1 = new A.ReversedListIterable(nestedForwardedModules, A._arrayInstanceType(nestedForwardedModules)._eval$1("ReversedListIterable<1>")), t1 = new A.ListIterator(t1, t1.get$length(t1)), t2 = A._instanceType(t1)._precomputed1; t1.moveNext$0();)
67594 for (t3 = J.get$reversed$ax(t2._as(t1.__internal$_current)), t3 = new A.ListIterator(t3, t3.get$length(t3)), t4 = A._instanceType(t3)._precomputed1; t3.moveNext$0();) {
67595 value = callback.call$1(t4._as(t3.__internal$_current));
67596 if (value != null)
67597 return value;
67598 }
67599 for (t1 = this._async_environment0$_importedModules, t1 = t1.get$keys(t1), t1 = t1.get$iterator(t1); t1.moveNext$0();) {
67600 value = callback.call$1(t1.get$current(t1));
67601 if (value != null)
67602 return value;
67603 }
67604 for (t1 = this._async_environment0$_globalModules, t2 = t1.get$keys(t1), t2 = t2.get$iterator(t2), t3 = type$.AsyncCallable_2, value = null, identity = null; t2.moveNext$0();) {
67605 t4 = t2.get$current(t2);
67606 valueInModule = callback.call$1(t4);
67607 if (valueInModule == null)
67608 continue;
67609 identityFromModule = t3._is(valueInModule) ? valueInModule : t4.variableIdentity$1($name);
67610 if (identityFromModule.$eq(0, identity))
67611 continue;
67612 if (value != null) {
67613 spans = t1.get$entries(t1).map$1$1(0, new A.AsyncEnvironment__fromOneModule_closure0(callback, $T), type$.nullable_FileSpan);
67614 t2 = "This " + type + string$.x20is_av;
67615 t3 = type + " use";
67616 t4 = A.LinkedHashMap_LinkedHashMap$_empty(type$.FileSpan, type$.String);
67617 for (t1 = spans.get$iterator(spans); t1.moveNext$0();) {
67618 t5 = t1.get$current(t1);
67619 if (t5 != null)
67620 t4.$indexSet(0, t5, "includes " + type);
67621 }
67622 throw A.wrapException(A.MultiSpanSassScriptException$0(t2, t3, t4));
67623 }
67624 identity = identityFromModule;
67625 value = valueInModule;
67626 }
67627 return value;
67628 }
67629 };
67630 A.AsyncEnvironment_importForwards_closure2.prototype = {
67631 call$1(module) {
67632 var t1 = module.get$variables();
67633 return t1.get$keys(t1);
67634 },
67635 $signature: 108
67636 };
67637 A.AsyncEnvironment_importForwards_closure3.prototype = {
67638 call$1(module) {
67639 var t1 = module.get$functions(module);
67640 return t1.get$keys(t1);
67641 },
67642 $signature: 108
67643 };
67644 A.AsyncEnvironment_importForwards_closure4.prototype = {
67645 call$1(module) {
67646 var t1 = module.get$mixins();
67647 return t1.get$keys(t1);
67648 },
67649 $signature: 108
67650 };
67651 A.AsyncEnvironment__getVariableFromGlobalModule_closure0.prototype = {
67652 call$1(module) {
67653 return module.get$variables().$index(0, this.name);
67654 },
67655 $signature: 305
67656 };
67657 A.AsyncEnvironment_setVariable_closure2.prototype = {
67658 call$0() {
67659 var t1 = this.$this;
67660 t1._async_environment0$_lastVariableName = this.name;
67661 return t1._async_environment0$_lastVariableIndex = 0;
67662 },
67663 $signature: 12
67664 };
67665 A.AsyncEnvironment_setVariable_closure3.prototype = {
67666 call$1(module) {
67667 return module.get$variables().containsKey$1(this.name) ? module : null;
67668 },
67669 $signature: 306
67670 };
67671 A.AsyncEnvironment_setVariable_closure4.prototype = {
67672 call$0() {
67673 var t1 = this.$this,
67674 t2 = t1._async_environment0$_variableIndex$1(this.name);
67675 return t2 == null ? t1._async_environment0$_variables.length - 1 : t2;
67676 },
67677 $signature: 12
67678 };
67679 A.AsyncEnvironment__getFunctionFromGlobalModule_closure0.prototype = {
67680 call$1(module) {
67681 return module.get$functions(module).$index(0, this.name);
67682 },
67683 $signature: 153
67684 };
67685 A.AsyncEnvironment__getMixinFromGlobalModule_closure0.prototype = {
67686 call$1(module) {
67687 return module.get$mixins().$index(0, this.name);
67688 },
67689 $signature: 153
67690 };
67691 A.AsyncEnvironment_toModule_closure0.prototype = {
67692 call$1(modules) {
67693 return new A.MapKeySet(modules, type$.MapKeySet_Module_AsyncCallable_2);
67694 },
67695 $signature: 154
67696 };
67697 A.AsyncEnvironment_toDummyModule_closure0.prototype = {
67698 call$1(modules) {
67699 return new A.MapKeySet(modules, type$.MapKeySet_Module_AsyncCallable_2);
67700 },
67701 $signature: 154
67702 };
67703 A.AsyncEnvironment__fromOneModule_closure0.prototype = {
67704 call$1(entry) {
67705 return A.NullableExtension_andThen0(this.callback.call$1(entry.key), new A.AsyncEnvironment__fromOneModule__closure0(entry, this.T));
67706 },
67707 $signature: 309
67708 };
67709 A.AsyncEnvironment__fromOneModule__closure0.prototype = {
67710 call$1(_) {
67711 return J.get$span$z(this.entry.value);
67712 },
67713 $signature() {
67714 return this.T._eval$1("FileSpan(0)");
67715 }
67716 };
67717 A._EnvironmentModule2.prototype = {
67718 get$url(_) {
67719 var t1 = this.css;
67720 return t1.get$span(t1).file.url;
67721 },
67722 setVariable$3($name, value, nodeWithSpan) {
67723 var t1, t2,
67724 module = this._async_environment0$_modulesByVariable.$index(0, $name);
67725 if (module != null) {
67726 module.setVariable$3($name, value, nodeWithSpan);
67727 return;
67728 }
67729 t1 = this._async_environment0$_environment;
67730 t2 = t1._async_environment0$_variables;
67731 if (!B.JSArray_methods.get$first(t2).containsKey$1($name))
67732 throw A.wrapException(A.SassScriptException$0("Undefined variable."));
67733 J.$indexSet$ax(B.JSArray_methods.get$first(t2), $name, value);
67734 J.$indexSet$ax(B.JSArray_methods.get$first(t1._async_environment0$_variableNodes), $name, nodeWithSpan);
67735 return;
67736 },
67737 variableIdentity$1($name) {
67738 var module = this._async_environment0$_modulesByVariable.$index(0, $name);
67739 return module == null ? this : module.variableIdentity$1($name);
67740 },
67741 cloneCss$0() {
67742 var newCssAndExtensionStore, _this = this,
67743 t1 = _this.css;
67744 if (J.get$isEmpty$asx(t1.get$children(t1)))
67745 return _this;
67746 newCssAndExtensionStore = A.cloneCssStylesheet0(t1, _this.extensionStore);
67747 return A._EnvironmentModule$_2(_this._async_environment0$_environment, newCssAndExtensionStore.item1, newCssAndExtensionStore.item2, _this._async_environment0$_modulesByVariable, _this.variables, _this.variableNodes, _this.functions, _this.mixins, _this.transitivelyContainsCss, _this.transitivelyContainsExtensions);
67748 },
67749 toString$0(_) {
67750 var t1 = this.css;
67751 if (t1.get$span(t1).file.url == null)
67752 t1 = "<unknown url>";
67753 else {
67754 t1 = t1.get$span(t1);
67755 t1 = $.$get$context().prettyUri$1(t1.file.url);
67756 }
67757 return t1;
67758 },
67759 $isModule0: 1,
67760 get$upstream() {
67761 return this.upstream;
67762 },
67763 get$variables() {
67764 return this.variables;
67765 },
67766 get$variableNodes() {
67767 return this.variableNodes;
67768 },
67769 get$functions(receiver) {
67770 return this.functions;
67771 },
67772 get$mixins() {
67773 return this.mixins;
67774 },
67775 get$extensionStore() {
67776 return this.extensionStore;
67777 },
67778 get$css(receiver) {
67779 return this.css;
67780 },
67781 get$transitivelyContainsCss() {
67782 return this.transitivelyContainsCss;
67783 },
67784 get$transitivelyContainsExtensions() {
67785 return this.transitivelyContainsExtensions;
67786 }
67787 };
67788 A._EnvironmentModule__EnvironmentModule_closure17.prototype = {
67789 call$1(module) {
67790 return module.get$variables();
67791 },
67792 $signature: 310
67793 };
67794 A._EnvironmentModule__EnvironmentModule_closure18.prototype = {
67795 call$1(module) {
67796 return module.get$variableNodes();
67797 },
67798 $signature: 311
67799 };
67800 A._EnvironmentModule__EnvironmentModule_closure19.prototype = {
67801 call$1(module) {
67802 return module.get$functions(module);
67803 },
67804 $signature: 155
67805 };
67806 A._EnvironmentModule__EnvironmentModule_closure20.prototype = {
67807 call$1(module) {
67808 return module.get$mixins();
67809 },
67810 $signature: 155
67811 };
67812 A._EnvironmentModule__EnvironmentModule_closure21.prototype = {
67813 call$1(module) {
67814 return module.get$transitivelyContainsCss();
67815 },
67816 $signature: 140
67817 };
67818 A._EnvironmentModule__EnvironmentModule_closure22.prototype = {
67819 call$1(module) {
67820 return module.get$transitivelyContainsExtensions();
67821 },
67822 $signature: 140
67823 };
67824 A._EvaluateVisitor2.prototype = {
67825 _EvaluateVisitor$6$functions$importCache$logger$nodeImporter$quietDeps$sourceMap2(functions, importCache, logger, nodeImporter, quietDeps, sourceMap) {
67826 var t2, metaModule, t3, _i, module, $function, t4, _this = this,
67827 _s20_ = "$name, $module: null",
67828 _s9_ = "sass:meta",
67829 t1 = type$.JSArray_AsyncBuiltInCallable_2,
67830 metaFunctions = A._setArrayType([A.BuiltInCallable$function0("global-variable-exists", _s20_, new A._EvaluateVisitor_closure29(_this), _s9_), A.BuiltInCallable$function0("variable-exists", "$name", new A._EvaluateVisitor_closure30(_this), _s9_), A.BuiltInCallable$function0("function-exists", _s20_, new A._EvaluateVisitor_closure31(_this), _s9_), A.BuiltInCallable$function0("mixin-exists", _s20_, new A._EvaluateVisitor_closure32(_this), _s9_), A.BuiltInCallable$function0("content-exists", "", new A._EvaluateVisitor_closure33(_this), _s9_), A.BuiltInCallable$function0("module-variables", "$module", new A._EvaluateVisitor_closure34(_this), _s9_), A.BuiltInCallable$function0("module-functions", "$module", new A._EvaluateVisitor_closure35(_this), _s9_), A.BuiltInCallable$function0("get-function", "$name, $css: false, $module: null", new A._EvaluateVisitor_closure36(_this), _s9_), new A.AsyncBuiltInCallable0("call", A.ScssParser$0("@function call($function, $args...) {", null, _s9_).parseArgumentDeclaration$0(), new A._EvaluateVisitor_closure37(_this))], t1),
67831 metaMixins = A._setArrayType([A.AsyncBuiltInCallable$mixin0("load-css", "$url, $with: null", new A._EvaluateVisitor_closure38(_this), _s9_)], t1);
67832 t1 = type$.AsyncBuiltInCallable_2;
67833 t2 = A.List_List$of($.$get$global6(), true, t1);
67834 B.JSArray_methods.addAll$1(t2, $.$get$local0());
67835 B.JSArray_methods.addAll$1(t2, metaFunctions);
67836 metaModule = A.BuiltInModule$0("meta", t2, metaMixins, null, t1);
67837 for (t1 = A.List_List$of($.$get$coreModules0(), true, type$.BuiltInModule_AsyncBuiltInCallable_2), t1.push(metaModule), t2 = t1.length, t3 = _this._async_evaluate0$_builtInModules, _i = 0; _i < t1.length; t1.length === t2 || (0, A.throwConcurrentModificationError)(t1), ++_i) {
67838 module = t1[_i];
67839 t3.$indexSet(0, module.url, module);
67840 }
67841 t1 = A._setArrayType([], type$.JSArray_AsyncCallable_2);
67842 B.JSArray_methods.addAll$1(t1, functions);
67843 B.JSArray_methods.addAll$1(t1, $.$get$globalFunctions0());
67844 B.JSArray_methods.addAll$1(t1, metaFunctions);
67845 for (t2 = t1.length, t3 = _this._async_evaluate0$_builtInFunctions, _i = 0; _i < t1.length; t1.length === t2 || (0, A.throwConcurrentModificationError)(t1), ++_i) {
67846 $function = t1[_i];
67847 t4 = J.get$name$x($function);
67848 t3.$indexSet(0, A.stringReplaceAllUnchecked(t4, "_", "-"), $function);
67849 }
67850 },
67851 run$2(_, importer, node) {
67852 return this.run$body$_EvaluateVisitor0(0, importer, node);
67853 },
67854 run$body$_EvaluateVisitor0(_, importer, node) {
67855 var $async$goto = 0,
67856 $async$completer = A._makeAsyncAwaitCompleter(type$.EvaluateResult_2),
67857 $async$returnValue, $async$self = this, t1;
67858 var $async$run$2 = A._wrapJsFunctionForAsync(function($async$errorCode, $async$result) {
67859 if ($async$errorCode === 1)
67860 return A._asyncRethrow($async$result, $async$completer);
67861 while (true)
67862 switch ($async$goto) {
67863 case 0:
67864 // Function start
67865 t1 = type$.nullable_Object;
67866 $async$returnValue = A.runZoned(new A._EvaluateVisitor_run_closure2($async$self, node, importer), A.LinkedHashMap_LinkedHashMap$_literal([B.Symbol__evaluationContext, new A._EvaluationContext2($async$self, node)], t1, t1), type$.FutureOr_EvaluateResult_2);
67867 // goto return
67868 $async$goto = 1;
67869 break;
67870 case 1:
67871 // return
67872 return A._asyncReturn($async$returnValue, $async$completer);
67873 }
67874 });
67875 return A._asyncStartSync($async$run$2, $async$completer);
67876 },
67877 _async_evaluate0$_assertInModule$1$2(value, $name) {
67878 if (value != null)
67879 return value;
67880 throw A.wrapException(A.StateError$("Can't access " + $name + " outside of a module."));
67881 },
67882 _async_evaluate0$_assertInModule$2(value, $name) {
67883 return this._async_evaluate0$_assertInModule$1$2(value, $name, type$.dynamic);
67884 },
67885 _async_evaluate0$_loadModule$7$baseUrl$configuration$namesInErrors(url, stackFrame, nodeWithSpan, callback, baseUrl, configuration, namesInErrors) {
67886 return this._loadModule$body$_EvaluateVisitor0(url, stackFrame, nodeWithSpan, callback, baseUrl, configuration, namesInErrors);
67887 },
67888 _async_evaluate0$_loadModule$5$configuration(url, stackFrame, nodeWithSpan, callback, configuration) {
67889 return this._async_evaluate0$_loadModule$7$baseUrl$configuration$namesInErrors(url, stackFrame, nodeWithSpan, callback, null, configuration, false);
67890 },
67891 _async_evaluate0$_loadModule$4(url, stackFrame, nodeWithSpan, callback) {
67892 return this._async_evaluate0$_loadModule$7$baseUrl$configuration$namesInErrors(url, stackFrame, nodeWithSpan, callback, null, null, false);
67893 },
67894 _loadModule$body$_EvaluateVisitor0(url, stackFrame, nodeWithSpan, callback, baseUrl, configuration, namesInErrors) {
67895 var $async$goto = 0,
67896 $async$completer = A._makeAsyncAwaitCompleter(type$.void),
67897 $async$returnValue, $async$self = this, t1, t2, builtInModule;
67898 var $async$_async_evaluate0$_loadModule$7$baseUrl$configuration$namesInErrors = A._wrapJsFunctionForAsync(function($async$errorCode, $async$result) {
67899 if ($async$errorCode === 1)
67900 return A._asyncRethrow($async$result, $async$completer);
67901 while (true)
67902 switch ($async$goto) {
67903 case 0:
67904 // Function start
67905 builtInModule = $async$self._async_evaluate0$_builtInModules.$index(0, url);
67906 $async$goto = builtInModule != null ? 3 : 4;
67907 break;
67908 case 3:
67909 // then
67910 if (configuration instanceof A.ExplicitConfiguration0) {
67911 t1 = namesInErrors ? "Built-in module " + url.toString$0(0) + " can't be configured." : "Built-in modules can't be configured.";
67912 t2 = configuration.nodeWithSpan;
67913 throw A.wrapException($async$self._async_evaluate0$_exception$2(t1, t2.get$span(t2)));
67914 }
67915 $async$goto = 5;
67916 return A._asyncAwait($async$self._async_evaluate0$_addExceptionSpanAsync$1$2(nodeWithSpan, new A._EvaluateVisitor__loadModule_closure5(callback, builtInModule), type$.void), $async$_async_evaluate0$_loadModule$7$baseUrl$configuration$namesInErrors);
67917 case 5:
67918 // returning from await.
67919 // goto return
67920 $async$goto = 1;
67921 break;
67922 case 4:
67923 // join
67924 $async$goto = 6;
67925 return A._asyncAwait($async$self._async_evaluate0$_withStackFrame$1$3(stackFrame, nodeWithSpan, new A._EvaluateVisitor__loadModule_closure6($async$self, url, nodeWithSpan, baseUrl, namesInErrors, configuration, callback), type$.Null), $async$_async_evaluate0$_loadModule$7$baseUrl$configuration$namesInErrors);
67926 case 6:
67927 // returning from await.
67928 case 1:
67929 // return
67930 return A._asyncReturn($async$returnValue, $async$completer);
67931 }
67932 });
67933 return A._asyncStartSync($async$_async_evaluate0$_loadModule$7$baseUrl$configuration$namesInErrors, $async$completer);
67934 },
67935 _async_evaluate0$_execute$5$configuration$namesInErrors$nodeWithSpan(importer, stylesheet, configuration, namesInErrors, nodeWithSpan) {
67936 return this._execute$body$_EvaluateVisitor0(importer, stylesheet, configuration, namesInErrors, nodeWithSpan);
67937 },
67938 _async_evaluate0$_execute$2(importer, stylesheet) {
67939 return this._async_evaluate0$_execute$5$configuration$namesInErrors$nodeWithSpan(importer, stylesheet, null, false, null);
67940 },
67941 _execute$body$_EvaluateVisitor0(importer, stylesheet, configuration, namesInErrors, nodeWithSpan) {
67942 var $async$goto = 0,
67943 $async$completer = A._makeAsyncAwaitCompleter(type$.Module_AsyncCallable_2),
67944 $async$returnValue, $async$self = this, currentConfiguration, message, t2, existingSpan, configurationSpan, environment, css, extensionStore, module, url, t1, alreadyLoaded;
67945 var $async$_async_evaluate0$_execute$5$configuration$namesInErrors$nodeWithSpan = A._wrapJsFunctionForAsync(function($async$errorCode, $async$result) {
67946 if ($async$errorCode === 1)
67947 return A._asyncRethrow($async$result, $async$completer);
67948 while (true)
67949 switch ($async$goto) {
67950 case 0:
67951 // Function start
67952 url = stylesheet.span.file.url;
67953 t1 = $async$self._async_evaluate0$_modules;
67954 alreadyLoaded = t1.$index(0, url);
67955 if (alreadyLoaded != null) {
67956 t1 = configuration == null;
67957 currentConfiguration = t1 ? $async$self._async_evaluate0$_configuration : configuration;
67958 if (currentConfiguration instanceof A.ExplicitConfiguration0) {
67959 message = namesInErrors ? $.$get$context().prettyUri$1(url) + string$.x20was_a : string$.This_mw;
67960 t2 = $async$self._async_evaluate0$_moduleNodes.$index(0, url);
67961 existingSpan = t2 == null ? null : J.get$span$z(t2);
67962 if (t1) {
67963 t1 = currentConfiguration.nodeWithSpan;
67964 configurationSpan = t1.get$span(t1);
67965 } else
67966 configurationSpan = null;
67967 t1 = A.LinkedHashMap_LinkedHashMap$_empty(type$.FileSpan, type$.String);
67968 if (existingSpan != null)
67969 t1.$indexSet(0, existingSpan, "original load");
67970 if (configurationSpan != null)
67971 t1.$indexSet(0, configurationSpan, "configuration");
67972 throw A.wrapException(t1.get$isEmpty(t1) ? $async$self._async_evaluate0$_exception$1(message) : $async$self._async_evaluate0$_multiSpanException$3(message, "new load", t1));
67973 }
67974 $async$returnValue = alreadyLoaded;
67975 // goto return
67976 $async$goto = 1;
67977 break;
67978 }
67979 environment = A.AsyncEnvironment$0();
67980 css = A._Cell$();
67981 extensionStore = A.ExtensionStore$0();
67982 $async$goto = 3;
67983 return A._asyncAwait($async$self._async_evaluate0$_withEnvironment$1$2(environment, new A._EvaluateVisitor__execute_closure2($async$self, importer, stylesheet, extensionStore, configuration, css), type$.Null), $async$_async_evaluate0$_execute$5$configuration$namesInErrors$nodeWithSpan);
67984 case 3:
67985 // returning from await.
67986 module = environment.toModule$2(css._readLocal$0(), extensionStore);
67987 if (url != null) {
67988 t1.$indexSet(0, url, module);
67989 if (nodeWithSpan != null)
67990 $async$self._async_evaluate0$_moduleNodes.$indexSet(0, url, nodeWithSpan);
67991 }
67992 $async$returnValue = module;
67993 // goto return
67994 $async$goto = 1;
67995 break;
67996 case 1:
67997 // return
67998 return A._asyncReturn($async$returnValue, $async$completer);
67999 }
68000 });
68001 return A._asyncStartSync($async$_async_evaluate0$_execute$5$configuration$namesInErrors$nodeWithSpan, $async$completer);
68002 },
68003 _async_evaluate0$_addOutOfOrderImports$0() {
68004 var t1, t2, _this = this, _s5_ = "_root",
68005 _s13_ = "_endOfImports",
68006 outOfOrderImports = _this._async_evaluate0$_outOfOrderImports;
68007 if (outOfOrderImports == null)
68008 return _this._async_evaluate0$_assertInModule$2(_this._async_evaluate0$__root, _s5_).children;
68009 t1 = _this._async_evaluate0$_assertInModule$2(_this._async_evaluate0$__root, _s5_).children;
68010 t1 = A.List_List$of(A.SubListIterable$(t1, 0, A.checkNotNullable(_this._async_evaluate0$_assertInModule$2(_this._async_evaluate0$__endOfImports, _s13_), "count", type$.int), t1.$ti._eval$1("ListMixin.E")), true, type$.ModifiableCssNode_2);
68011 B.JSArray_methods.addAll$1(t1, outOfOrderImports);
68012 t2 = _this._async_evaluate0$_assertInModule$2(_this._async_evaluate0$__root, _s5_).children;
68013 B.JSArray_methods.addAll$1(t1, A.SubListIterable$(t2, _this._async_evaluate0$_assertInModule$2(_this._async_evaluate0$__endOfImports, _s13_), null, t2.$ti._eval$1("ListMixin.E")));
68014 return t1;
68015 },
68016 _async_evaluate0$_combineCss$2$clone(root, clone) {
68017 var selectors, unsatisfiedExtension, sortedModules, t1, imports, css, t2, t3, statements, index, _this = this;
68018 if (!B.JSArray_methods.any$1(root.get$upstream(), new A._EvaluateVisitor__combineCss_closure8())) {
68019 selectors = root.get$extensionStore().get$simpleSelectors();
68020 unsatisfiedExtension = A.firstOrNull0(root.get$extensionStore().extensionsWhereTarget$1(new A._EvaluateVisitor__combineCss_closure9(selectors)));
68021 if (unsatisfiedExtension != null)
68022 _this._async_evaluate0$_throwForUnsatisfiedExtension$1(unsatisfiedExtension);
68023 return root.get$css(root);
68024 }
68025 sortedModules = _this._async_evaluate0$_topologicalModules$1(root);
68026 if (clone) {
68027 t1 = sortedModules.$ti._eval$1("MappedListIterable<ListMixin.E,Module0<AsyncCallable0>>");
68028 sortedModules = A.List_List$of(new A.MappedListIterable(sortedModules, new A._EvaluateVisitor__combineCss_closure10(), t1), true, t1._eval$1("ListIterable.E"));
68029 }
68030 _this._async_evaluate0$_extendModules$1(sortedModules);
68031 t1 = type$.JSArray_CssNode_2;
68032 imports = A._setArrayType([], t1);
68033 css = A._setArrayType([], t1);
68034 for (t1 = J.get$reversed$ax(sortedModules), t1 = new A.ListIterator(t1, t1.get$length(t1)), t2 = A._instanceType(t1)._precomputed1; t1.moveNext$0();) {
68035 t3 = t2._as(t1.__internal$_current);
68036 t3 = t3.get$css(t3);
68037 statements = t3.get$children(t3);
68038 index = _this._async_evaluate0$_indexAfterImports$1(statements);
68039 t3 = J.getInterceptor$ax(statements);
68040 B.JSArray_methods.addAll$1(imports, t3.getRange$2(statements, 0, index));
68041 B.JSArray_methods.addAll$1(css, t3.getRange$2(statements, index, t3.get$length(statements)));
68042 }
68043 t1 = B.JSArray_methods.$add(imports, css);
68044 t2 = root.get$css(root);
68045 return new A.CssStylesheet0(new A.UnmodifiableListView(t1, type$.UnmodifiableListView_CssNode_2), t2.get$span(t2));
68046 },
68047 _async_evaluate0$_combineCss$1(root) {
68048 return this._async_evaluate0$_combineCss$2$clone(root, false);
68049 },
68050 _async_evaluate0$_extendModules$1(sortedModules) {
68051 var t1, t2, originalSelectors, $self, t3, t4, _i, upstream, url,
68052 downstreamExtensionStores = A.LinkedHashMap_LinkedHashMap$_empty(type$.Uri, type$.List_ExtensionStore_2),
68053 unsatisfiedExtensions = new A._LinkedIdentityHashSet(type$._LinkedIdentityHashSet_Extension_2);
68054 for (t1 = J.get$iterator$ax(sortedModules); t1.moveNext$0();) {
68055 t2 = t1.get$current(t1);
68056 originalSelectors = t2.get$extensionStore().get$simpleSelectors().toSet$0(0);
68057 unsatisfiedExtensions.addAll$1(0, t2.get$extensionStore().extensionsWhereTarget$1(new A._EvaluateVisitor__extendModules_closure5(originalSelectors)));
68058 $self = downstreamExtensionStores.$index(0, t2.get$url(t2));
68059 t3 = t2.get$extensionStore().get$addExtensions();
68060 if ($self != null)
68061 t3.call$1($self);
68062 t3 = t2.get$extensionStore();
68063 if (t3.get$isEmpty(t3))
68064 continue;
68065 for (t3 = t2.get$upstream(), t4 = t3.length, _i = 0; _i < t3.length; t3.length === t4 || (0, A.throwConcurrentModificationError)(t3), ++_i) {
68066 upstream = t3[_i];
68067 url = upstream.get$url(upstream);
68068 if (url == null)
68069 continue;
68070 J.add$1$ax(downstreamExtensionStores.putIfAbsent$2(url, new A._EvaluateVisitor__extendModules_closure6()), t2.get$extensionStore());
68071 }
68072 unsatisfiedExtensions.removeAll$1(t2.get$extensionStore().extensionsWhereTarget$1(originalSelectors.get$contains(originalSelectors)));
68073 }
68074 if (unsatisfiedExtensions._collection$_length !== 0)
68075 this._async_evaluate0$_throwForUnsatisfiedExtension$1(unsatisfiedExtensions.get$first(unsatisfiedExtensions));
68076 },
68077 _async_evaluate0$_throwForUnsatisfiedExtension$1(extension) {
68078 throw A.wrapException(A.SassException$0(string$.The_ta + extension.target.toString$0(0) + ' !optional" to avoid this error.', extension.span));
68079 },
68080 _async_evaluate0$_topologicalModules$1(root) {
68081 var t1 = type$.Module_AsyncCallable_2,
68082 sorted = A.QueueList$(null, t1);
68083 new A._EvaluateVisitor__topologicalModules_visitModule2(A.LinkedHashSet_LinkedHashSet$_empty(t1), sorted).call$1(root);
68084 return sorted;
68085 },
68086 _async_evaluate0$_indexAfterImports$1(statements) {
68087 var t1, t2, t3, lastImport, i, statement;
68088 for (t1 = J.getInterceptor$asx(statements), t2 = type$.CssComment_2, t3 = type$.CssImport_2, lastImport = -1, i = 0; i < t1.get$length(statements); ++i) {
68089 statement = t1.$index(statements, i);
68090 if (t3._is(statement))
68091 lastImport = i;
68092 else if (!t2._is(statement))
68093 break;
68094 }
68095 return lastImport + 1;
68096 },
68097 visitStylesheet$1(node) {
68098 return this.visitStylesheet$body$_EvaluateVisitor0(node);
68099 },
68100 visitStylesheet$body$_EvaluateVisitor0(node) {
68101 var $async$goto = 0,
68102 $async$completer = A._makeAsyncAwaitCompleter(type$.nullable_Value_2),
68103 $async$returnValue, $async$self = this, t1, t2, _i;
68104 var $async$visitStylesheet$1 = A._wrapJsFunctionForAsync(function($async$errorCode, $async$result) {
68105 if ($async$errorCode === 1)
68106 return A._asyncRethrow($async$result, $async$completer);
68107 while (true)
68108 switch ($async$goto) {
68109 case 0:
68110 // Function start
68111 t1 = node.children, t2 = t1.length, _i = 0;
68112 case 3:
68113 // for condition
68114 if (!(_i < t2)) {
68115 // goto after for
68116 $async$goto = 5;
68117 break;
68118 }
68119 $async$goto = 6;
68120 return A._asyncAwait(t1[_i].accept$1($async$self), $async$visitStylesheet$1);
68121 case 6:
68122 // returning from await.
68123 case 4:
68124 // for update
68125 ++_i;
68126 // goto for condition
68127 $async$goto = 3;
68128 break;
68129 case 5:
68130 // after for
68131 $async$returnValue = null;
68132 // goto return
68133 $async$goto = 1;
68134 break;
68135 case 1:
68136 // return
68137 return A._asyncReturn($async$returnValue, $async$completer);
68138 }
68139 });
68140 return A._asyncStartSync($async$visitStylesheet$1, $async$completer);
68141 },
68142 visitAtRootRule$1(node) {
68143 return this.visitAtRootRule$body$_EvaluateVisitor0(node);
68144 },
68145 visitAtRootRule$body$_EvaluateVisitor0(node) {
68146 var $async$goto = 0,
68147 $async$completer = A._makeAsyncAwaitCompleter(type$.nullable_Value_2),
68148 $async$returnValue, $async$self = this, t1, grandparent, root, innerCopy, t2, outerCopy, copy, unparsedQuery, query, $parent, included, $async$temp1, $async$temp2;
68149 var $async$visitAtRootRule$1 = A._wrapJsFunctionForAsync(function($async$errorCode, $async$result) {
68150 if ($async$errorCode === 1)
68151 return A._asyncRethrow($async$result, $async$completer);
68152 while (true)
68153 switch ($async$goto) {
68154 case 0:
68155 // Function start
68156 unparsedQuery = node.query;
68157 $async$goto = unparsedQuery != null ? 3 : 5;
68158 break;
68159 case 3:
68160 // then
68161 $async$temp1 = unparsedQuery;
68162 $async$temp2 = A;
68163 $async$goto = 6;
68164 return A._asyncAwait($async$self._async_evaluate0$_performInterpolation$2$warnForColor(unparsedQuery, true), $async$visitAtRootRule$1);
68165 case 6:
68166 // returning from await.
68167 $async$result = $async$self._async_evaluate0$_adjustParseError$2($async$temp1, new $async$temp2._EvaluateVisitor_visitAtRootRule_closure8($async$self, $async$result));
68168 // goto join
68169 $async$goto = 4;
68170 break;
68171 case 5:
68172 // else
68173 $async$result = B.AtRootQuery_UsS0;
68174 case 4:
68175 // join
68176 query = $async$result;
68177 $parent = $async$self._async_evaluate0$_assertInModule$2($async$self._async_evaluate0$__parent, "__parent");
68178 included = A._setArrayType([], type$.JSArray_ModifiableCssParentNode_2);
68179 for (t1 = type$.CssStylesheet_2; !t1._is($parent); $parent = grandparent) {
68180 if (!query.excludes$1($parent))
68181 included.push($parent);
68182 grandparent = $parent._node1$_parent;
68183 if (grandparent == null)
68184 throw A.wrapException(A.StateError$(string$.CssNod));
68185 }
68186 root = $async$self._async_evaluate0$_trimIncluded$1(included);
68187 $async$goto = root === $async$self._async_evaluate0$_assertInModule$2($async$self._async_evaluate0$__parent, "__parent") ? 7 : 8;
68188 break;
68189 case 7:
68190 // then
68191 $async$goto = 9;
68192 return A._asyncAwait($async$self._async_evaluate0$_environment.scope$1$2$when(new A._EvaluateVisitor_visitAtRootRule_closure9($async$self, node), node.hasDeclarations, type$.Null), $async$visitAtRootRule$1);
68193 case 9:
68194 // returning from await.
68195 $async$returnValue = null;
68196 // goto return
68197 $async$goto = 1;
68198 break;
68199 case 8:
68200 // join
68201 if (included.length !== 0) {
68202 innerCopy = B.JSArray_methods.get$first(included).copyWithoutChildren$0();
68203 for (t1 = A.SubListIterable$(included, 1, null, type$.ModifiableCssParentNode_2), t1 = new A.ListIterator(t1, t1.get$length(t1)), t2 = A._instanceType(t1)._precomputed1, outerCopy = innerCopy; t1.moveNext$0(); outerCopy = copy) {
68204 copy = t2._as(t1.__internal$_current).copyWithoutChildren$0();
68205 copy.addChild$1(outerCopy);
68206 }
68207 root.addChild$1(outerCopy);
68208 } else
68209 innerCopy = root;
68210 $async$goto = 10;
68211 return A._asyncAwait($async$self._async_evaluate0$_scopeForAtRoot$4(node, innerCopy, query, included).call$1(new A._EvaluateVisitor_visitAtRootRule_closure10($async$self, node)), $async$visitAtRootRule$1);
68212 case 10:
68213 // returning from await.
68214 $async$returnValue = null;
68215 // goto return
68216 $async$goto = 1;
68217 break;
68218 case 1:
68219 // return
68220 return A._asyncReturn($async$returnValue, $async$completer);
68221 }
68222 });
68223 return A._asyncStartSync($async$visitAtRootRule$1, $async$completer);
68224 },
68225 _async_evaluate0$_trimIncluded$1(nodes) {
68226 var $parent, t1, innermostContiguous, i, t2, grandparent, root, _this = this, _null = null, _s5_ = "_root",
68227 _s22_ = " to be an ancestor of ";
68228 if (nodes.length === 0)
68229 return _this._async_evaluate0$_assertInModule$2(_this._async_evaluate0$__root, _s5_);
68230 $parent = _this._async_evaluate0$_assertInModule$2(_this._async_evaluate0$__parent, "__parent");
68231 for (t1 = nodes.length, innermostContiguous = _null, i = 0; i < t1; ++i, $parent = grandparent) {
68232 for (; t2 = nodes[i], $parent !== t2; innermostContiguous = _null, $parent = grandparent) {
68233 grandparent = $parent._node1$_parent;
68234 if (grandparent == null)
68235 throw A.wrapException(A.ArgumentError$("Expected " + t2.toString$0(0) + _s22_ + _this.toString$0(0) + ".", _null));
68236 }
68237 if (innermostContiguous == null)
68238 innermostContiguous = i;
68239 grandparent = $parent._node1$_parent;
68240 if (grandparent == null)
68241 throw A.wrapException(A.ArgumentError$("Expected " + t2.toString$0(0) + _s22_ + _this.toString$0(0) + ".", _null));
68242 }
68243 if ($parent !== _this._async_evaluate0$_assertInModule$2(_this._async_evaluate0$__root, _s5_))
68244 return _this._async_evaluate0$_assertInModule$2(_this._async_evaluate0$__root, _s5_);
68245 innermostContiguous.toString;
68246 root = nodes[innermostContiguous];
68247 B.JSArray_methods.removeRange$2(nodes, innermostContiguous, nodes.length);
68248 return root;
68249 },
68250 _async_evaluate0$_scopeForAtRoot$4(node, newParent, query, included) {
68251 var _this = this,
68252 scope = new A._EvaluateVisitor__scopeForAtRoot_closure17(_this, newParent, node),
68253 t1 = query._at_root_query0$_all || query._at_root_query0$_rule;
68254 if (t1 !== query.include)
68255 scope = new A._EvaluateVisitor__scopeForAtRoot_closure18(_this, scope);
68256 if (_this._async_evaluate0$_mediaQueries != null && query.excludesName$1("media"))
68257 scope = new A._EvaluateVisitor__scopeForAtRoot_closure19(_this, scope);
68258 if (_this._async_evaluate0$_inKeyframes && query.excludesName$1("keyframes"))
68259 scope = new A._EvaluateVisitor__scopeForAtRoot_closure20(_this, scope);
68260 return _this._async_evaluate0$_inUnknownAtRule && !B.JSArray_methods.any$1(included, new A._EvaluateVisitor__scopeForAtRoot_closure21()) ? new A._EvaluateVisitor__scopeForAtRoot_closure22(_this, scope) : scope;
68261 },
68262 visitContentBlock$1(node) {
68263 return A.throwExpression(A.UnsupportedError$(string$.Evalua));
68264 },
68265 visitContentRule$1(node) {
68266 return this.visitContentRule$body$_EvaluateVisitor0(node);
68267 },
68268 visitContentRule$body$_EvaluateVisitor0(node) {
68269 var $async$goto = 0,
68270 $async$completer = A._makeAsyncAwaitCompleter(type$.nullable_Value_2),
68271 $async$returnValue, $async$self = this, $content;
68272 var $async$visitContentRule$1 = A._wrapJsFunctionForAsync(function($async$errorCode, $async$result) {
68273 if ($async$errorCode === 1)
68274 return A._asyncRethrow($async$result, $async$completer);
68275 while (true)
68276 switch ($async$goto) {
68277 case 0:
68278 // Function start
68279 $content = $async$self._async_evaluate0$_environment._async_environment0$_content;
68280 if ($content == null) {
68281 $async$returnValue = null;
68282 // goto return
68283 $async$goto = 1;
68284 break;
68285 }
68286 $async$goto = 3;
68287 return A._asyncAwait($async$self._async_evaluate0$_runUserDefinedCallable$1$4(node.$arguments, $content, node, new A._EvaluateVisitor_visitContentRule_closure2($async$self, $content), type$.Null), $async$visitContentRule$1);
68288 case 3:
68289 // returning from await.
68290 $async$returnValue = null;
68291 // goto return
68292 $async$goto = 1;
68293 break;
68294 case 1:
68295 // return
68296 return A._asyncReturn($async$returnValue, $async$completer);
68297 }
68298 });
68299 return A._asyncStartSync($async$visitContentRule$1, $async$completer);
68300 },
68301 visitDebugRule$1(node) {
68302 return this.visitDebugRule$body$_EvaluateVisitor0(node);
68303 },
68304 visitDebugRule$body$_EvaluateVisitor0(node) {
68305 var $async$goto = 0,
68306 $async$completer = A._makeAsyncAwaitCompleter(type$.nullable_Value_2),
68307 $async$returnValue, $async$self = this, value, t1;
68308 var $async$visitDebugRule$1 = A._wrapJsFunctionForAsync(function($async$errorCode, $async$result) {
68309 if ($async$errorCode === 1)
68310 return A._asyncRethrow($async$result, $async$completer);
68311 while (true)
68312 switch ($async$goto) {
68313 case 0:
68314 // Function start
68315 $async$goto = 3;
68316 return A._asyncAwait(node.expression.accept$1($async$self), $async$visitDebugRule$1);
68317 case 3:
68318 // returning from await.
68319 value = $async$result;
68320 t1 = value instanceof A.SassString0 ? value._string0$_text : A.serializeValue0(value, true, true);
68321 $async$self._async_evaluate0$_logger.debug$2(0, t1, node.span);
68322 $async$returnValue = null;
68323 // goto return
68324 $async$goto = 1;
68325 break;
68326 case 1:
68327 // return
68328 return A._asyncReturn($async$returnValue, $async$completer);
68329 }
68330 });
68331 return A._asyncStartSync($async$visitDebugRule$1, $async$completer);
68332 },
68333 visitDeclaration$1(node) {
68334 return this.visitDeclaration$body$_EvaluateVisitor0(node);
68335 },
68336 visitDeclaration$body$_EvaluateVisitor0(node) {
68337 var $async$goto = 0,
68338 $async$completer = A._makeAsyncAwaitCompleter(type$.nullable_Value_2),
68339 $async$returnValue, $async$self = this, t1, $name, t2, cssValue, t3, t4, children, oldDeclarationName;
68340 var $async$visitDeclaration$1 = A._wrapJsFunctionForAsync(function($async$errorCode, $async$result) {
68341 if ($async$errorCode === 1)
68342 return A._asyncRethrow($async$result, $async$completer);
68343 while (true)
68344 switch ($async$goto) {
68345 case 0:
68346 // Function start
68347 if (($async$self._async_evaluate0$_atRootExcludingStyleRule ? null : $async$self._async_evaluate0$_styleRuleIgnoringAtRoot) == null && !$async$self._async_evaluate0$_inUnknownAtRule && !$async$self._async_evaluate0$_inKeyframes)
68348 throw A.wrapException($async$self._async_evaluate0$_exception$2(string$.Declarm, node.span));
68349 t1 = node.name;
68350 $async$goto = 3;
68351 return A._asyncAwait($async$self._async_evaluate0$_interpolationToValue$2$warnForColor(t1, true), $async$visitDeclaration$1);
68352 case 3:
68353 // returning from await.
68354 $name = $async$result;
68355 t2 = $async$self._async_evaluate0$_declarationName;
68356 if (t2 != null)
68357 $name = new A.CssValue0(t2 + "-" + A.S($name.get$value($name)), $name.get$span($name), type$.CssValue_String_2);
68358 t2 = node.value;
68359 $async$goto = 4;
68360 return A._asyncAwait(A.NullableExtension_andThen0(t2, new A._EvaluateVisitor_visitDeclaration_closure5($async$self)), $async$visitDeclaration$1);
68361 case 4:
68362 // returning from await.
68363 cssValue = $async$result;
68364 t3 = cssValue != null;
68365 if (t3)
68366 t4 = !cssValue.get$value(cssValue).get$isBlank() || cssValue.get$value(cssValue).get$asList().length === 0;
68367 else
68368 t4 = false;
68369 if (t4) {
68370 t3 = $async$self._async_evaluate0$_assertInModule$2($async$self._async_evaluate0$__parent, "__parent");
68371 t1 = B.JSString_methods.startsWith$1(t1.get$initialPlain(), "--");
68372 if ($async$self._async_evaluate0$_sourceMap) {
68373 t2 = A.NullableExtension_andThen0(t2, $async$self.get$_async_evaluate0$_expressionNode());
68374 t2 = t2 == null ? null : J.get$span$z(t2);
68375 } else
68376 t2 = null;
68377 t3.addChild$1(A.ModifiableCssDeclaration$0($name, cssValue, node.span, t1, t2));
68378 } else if (J.startsWith$1$s($name.get$value($name), "--") && t3)
68379 throw A.wrapException($async$self._async_evaluate0$_exception$2("Custom property values may not be empty.", cssValue.get$span(cssValue)));
68380 children = node.children;
68381 $async$goto = children != null ? 5 : 6;
68382 break;
68383 case 5:
68384 // then
68385 oldDeclarationName = $async$self._async_evaluate0$_declarationName;
68386 $async$self._async_evaluate0$_declarationName = $name.get$value($name);
68387 $async$goto = 7;
68388 return A._asyncAwait($async$self._async_evaluate0$_environment.scope$1$2$when(new A._EvaluateVisitor_visitDeclaration_closure6($async$self, children), node.hasDeclarations, type$.Null), $async$visitDeclaration$1);
68389 case 7:
68390 // returning from await.
68391 $async$self._async_evaluate0$_declarationName = oldDeclarationName;
68392 case 6:
68393 // join
68394 $async$returnValue = null;
68395 // goto return
68396 $async$goto = 1;
68397 break;
68398 case 1:
68399 // return
68400 return A._asyncReturn($async$returnValue, $async$completer);
68401 }
68402 });
68403 return A._asyncStartSync($async$visitDeclaration$1, $async$completer);
68404 },
68405 visitEachRule$1(node) {
68406 return this.visitEachRule$body$_EvaluateVisitor0(node);
68407 },
68408 visitEachRule$body$_EvaluateVisitor0(node) {
68409 var $async$goto = 0,
68410 $async$completer = A._makeAsyncAwaitCompleter(type$.nullable_Value_2),
68411 $async$returnValue, $async$self = this, t1, list, nodeWithSpan, setVariables;
68412 var $async$visitEachRule$1 = A._wrapJsFunctionForAsync(function($async$errorCode, $async$result) {
68413 if ($async$errorCode === 1)
68414 return A._asyncRethrow($async$result, $async$completer);
68415 while (true)
68416 switch ($async$goto) {
68417 case 0:
68418 // Function start
68419 t1 = node.list;
68420 $async$goto = 3;
68421 return A._asyncAwait(t1.accept$1($async$self), $async$visitEachRule$1);
68422 case 3:
68423 // returning from await.
68424 list = $async$result;
68425 nodeWithSpan = $async$self._async_evaluate0$_expressionNode$1(t1);
68426 setVariables = node.variables.length === 1 ? new A._EvaluateVisitor_visitEachRule_closure8($async$self, node, nodeWithSpan) : new A._EvaluateVisitor_visitEachRule_closure9($async$self, node, nodeWithSpan);
68427 $async$returnValue = $async$self._async_evaluate0$_environment.scope$1$2$semiGlobal(new A._EvaluateVisitor_visitEachRule_closure10($async$self, list, setVariables, node), true, type$.nullable_Value_2);
68428 // goto return
68429 $async$goto = 1;
68430 break;
68431 case 1:
68432 // return
68433 return A._asyncReturn($async$returnValue, $async$completer);
68434 }
68435 });
68436 return A._asyncStartSync($async$visitEachRule$1, $async$completer);
68437 },
68438 _async_evaluate0$_setMultipleVariables$3(variables, value, nodeWithSpan) {
68439 var i,
68440 list = value.get$asList(),
68441 t1 = variables.length,
68442 minLength = Math.min(t1, list.length);
68443 for (i = 0; i < minLength; ++i)
68444 this._async_evaluate0$_environment.setLocalVariable$3(variables[i], this._async_evaluate0$_withoutSlash$2(list[i], nodeWithSpan), nodeWithSpan);
68445 for (i = minLength; i < t1; ++i)
68446 this._async_evaluate0$_environment.setLocalVariable$3(variables[i], B.C__SassNull0, nodeWithSpan);
68447 },
68448 visitErrorRule$1(node) {
68449 return this.visitErrorRule$body$_EvaluateVisitor0(node);
68450 },
68451 visitErrorRule$body$_EvaluateVisitor0(node) {
68452 var $async$goto = 0,
68453 $async$completer = A._makeAsyncAwaitCompleter(type$.Value_2),
68454 $async$self = this, $async$temp1, $async$temp2;
68455 var $async$visitErrorRule$1 = A._wrapJsFunctionForAsync(function($async$errorCode, $async$result) {
68456 if ($async$errorCode === 1)
68457 return A._asyncRethrow($async$result, $async$completer);
68458 while (true)
68459 switch ($async$goto) {
68460 case 0:
68461 // Function start
68462 $async$temp1 = A;
68463 $async$temp2 = J;
68464 $async$goto = 2;
68465 return A._asyncAwait(node.expression.accept$1($async$self), $async$visitErrorRule$1);
68466 case 2:
68467 // returning from await.
68468 throw $async$temp1.wrapException($async$self._async_evaluate0$_exception$2($async$temp2.toString$0$($async$result), node.span));
68469 // implicit return
68470 return A._asyncReturn(null, $async$completer);
68471 }
68472 });
68473 return A._asyncStartSync($async$visitErrorRule$1, $async$completer);
68474 },
68475 visitExtendRule$1(node) {
68476 return this.visitExtendRule$body$_EvaluateVisitor0(node);
68477 },
68478 visitExtendRule$body$_EvaluateVisitor0(node) {
68479 var $async$goto = 0,
68480 $async$completer = A._makeAsyncAwaitCompleter(type$.nullable_Value_2),
68481 $async$returnValue, $async$self = this, targetText, t1, t2, t3, _i, t4, styleRule;
68482 var $async$visitExtendRule$1 = A._wrapJsFunctionForAsync(function($async$errorCode, $async$result) {
68483 if ($async$errorCode === 1)
68484 return A._asyncRethrow($async$result, $async$completer);
68485 while (true)
68486 switch ($async$goto) {
68487 case 0:
68488 // Function start
68489 styleRule = $async$self._async_evaluate0$_atRootExcludingStyleRule ? null : $async$self._async_evaluate0$_styleRuleIgnoringAtRoot;
68490 if (styleRule == null || $async$self._async_evaluate0$_declarationName != null)
68491 throw A.wrapException($async$self._async_evaluate0$_exception$2(string$.x40exten, node.span));
68492 $async$goto = 3;
68493 return A._asyncAwait($async$self._async_evaluate0$_interpolationToValue$2$warnForColor(node.selector, true), $async$visitExtendRule$1);
68494 case 3:
68495 // returning from await.
68496 targetText = $async$result;
68497 for (t1 = $async$self._async_evaluate0$_adjustParseError$2(targetText, new A._EvaluateVisitor_visitExtendRule_closure2($async$self, targetText)).components, t2 = t1.length, t3 = type$.CompoundSelector_2, _i = 0; _i < t2; ++_i) {
68498 t4 = t1[_i].components;
68499 if (t4.length !== 1 || !(B.JSArray_methods.get$first(t4) instanceof A.CompoundSelector0))
68500 throw A.wrapException(A.SassFormatException$0("complex selectors may not be extended.", targetText.get$span(targetText)));
68501 t4 = t3._as(B.JSArray_methods.get$first(t4)).components;
68502 if (t4.length !== 1)
68503 throw A.wrapException(A.SassFormatException$0(string$.compou + B.JSArray_methods.join$1(t4, ", ") + string$.x60_inst, targetText.get$span(targetText)));
68504 $async$self._async_evaluate0$_assertInModule$2($async$self._async_evaluate0$__extensionStore, "_extensionStore").addExtension$4(styleRule.selector, B.JSArray_methods.get$first(t4), node, $async$self._async_evaluate0$_mediaQueries);
68505 }
68506 $async$returnValue = null;
68507 // goto return
68508 $async$goto = 1;
68509 break;
68510 case 1:
68511 // return
68512 return A._asyncReturn($async$returnValue, $async$completer);
68513 }
68514 });
68515 return A._asyncStartSync($async$visitExtendRule$1, $async$completer);
68516 },
68517 visitAtRule$1(node) {
68518 return this.visitAtRule$body$_EvaluateVisitor0(node);
68519 },
68520 visitAtRule$body$_EvaluateVisitor0(node) {
68521 var $async$goto = 0,
68522 $async$completer = A._makeAsyncAwaitCompleter(type$.nullable_Value_2),
68523 $async$returnValue, $async$self = this, $name, value, children, wasInKeyframes, wasInUnknownAtRule;
68524 var $async$visitAtRule$1 = A._wrapJsFunctionForAsync(function($async$errorCode, $async$result) {
68525 if ($async$errorCode === 1)
68526 return A._asyncRethrow($async$result, $async$completer);
68527 while (true)
68528 switch ($async$goto) {
68529 case 0:
68530 // Function start
68531 if ($async$self._async_evaluate0$_declarationName != null)
68532 throw A.wrapException($async$self._async_evaluate0$_exception$2(string$.At_rul, node.span));
68533 $async$goto = 3;
68534 return A._asyncAwait($async$self._async_evaluate0$_interpolationToValue$1(node.name), $async$visitAtRule$1);
68535 case 3:
68536 // returning from await.
68537 $name = $async$result;
68538 $async$goto = 4;
68539 return A._asyncAwait(A.NullableExtension_andThen0(node.value, new A._EvaluateVisitor_visitAtRule_closure8($async$self)), $async$visitAtRule$1);
68540 case 4:
68541 // returning from await.
68542 value = $async$result;
68543 children = node.children;
68544 if (children == null) {
68545 $async$self._async_evaluate0$_assertInModule$2($async$self._async_evaluate0$__parent, "__parent").addChild$1(A.ModifiableCssAtRule$0($name, node.span, true, value));
68546 $async$returnValue = null;
68547 // goto return
68548 $async$goto = 1;
68549 break;
68550 }
68551 wasInKeyframes = $async$self._async_evaluate0$_inKeyframes;
68552 wasInUnknownAtRule = $async$self._async_evaluate0$_inUnknownAtRule;
68553 if (A.unvendor0($name.get$value($name)) === "keyframes")
68554 $async$self._async_evaluate0$_inKeyframes = true;
68555 else
68556 $async$self._async_evaluate0$_inUnknownAtRule = true;
68557 $async$goto = 5;
68558 return A._asyncAwait($async$self._async_evaluate0$_withParent$2$4$scopeWhen$through(A.ModifiableCssAtRule$0($name, node.span, false, value), new A._EvaluateVisitor_visitAtRule_closure9($async$self, children), node.hasDeclarations, new A._EvaluateVisitor_visitAtRule_closure10(), type$.ModifiableCssAtRule_2, type$.Null), $async$visitAtRule$1);
68559 case 5:
68560 // returning from await.
68561 $async$self._async_evaluate0$_inUnknownAtRule = wasInUnknownAtRule;
68562 $async$self._async_evaluate0$_inKeyframes = wasInKeyframes;
68563 $async$returnValue = null;
68564 // goto return
68565 $async$goto = 1;
68566 break;
68567 case 1:
68568 // return
68569 return A._asyncReturn($async$returnValue, $async$completer);
68570 }
68571 });
68572 return A._asyncStartSync($async$visitAtRule$1, $async$completer);
68573 },
68574 visitForRule$1(node) {
68575 return this.visitForRule$body$_EvaluateVisitor0(node);
68576 },
68577 visitForRule$body$_EvaluateVisitor0(node) {
68578 var $async$goto = 0,
68579 $async$completer = A._makeAsyncAwaitCompleter(type$.nullable_Value_2),
68580 $async$returnValue, $async$self = this, t1, t2, t3, fromNumber, t4, toNumber, from, to, direction;
68581 var $async$visitForRule$1 = A._wrapJsFunctionForAsync(function($async$errorCode, $async$result) {
68582 if ($async$errorCode === 1)
68583 return A._asyncRethrow($async$result, $async$completer);
68584 while (true)
68585 switch ($async$goto) {
68586 case 0:
68587 // Function start
68588 t1 = {};
68589 t2 = node.from;
68590 t3 = type$.SassNumber_2;
68591 $async$goto = 3;
68592 return A._asyncAwait($async$self._async_evaluate0$_addExceptionSpanAsync$1$2(t2, new A._EvaluateVisitor_visitForRule_closure14($async$self, node), t3), $async$visitForRule$1);
68593 case 3:
68594 // returning from await.
68595 fromNumber = $async$result;
68596 t4 = node.to;
68597 $async$goto = 4;
68598 return A._asyncAwait($async$self._async_evaluate0$_addExceptionSpanAsync$1$2(t4, new A._EvaluateVisitor_visitForRule_closure15($async$self, node), t3), $async$visitForRule$1);
68599 case 4:
68600 // returning from await.
68601 toNumber = $async$result;
68602 from = $async$self._async_evaluate0$_addExceptionSpan$2(t2, new A._EvaluateVisitor_visitForRule_closure16(fromNumber));
68603 to = t1.to = $async$self._async_evaluate0$_addExceptionSpan$2(t4, new A._EvaluateVisitor_visitForRule_closure17(toNumber, fromNumber));
68604 direction = from > to ? -1 : 1;
68605 if (from === (!node.isExclusive ? t1.to = to + direction : to)) {
68606 $async$returnValue = null;
68607 // goto return
68608 $async$goto = 1;
68609 break;
68610 }
68611 $async$returnValue = $async$self._async_evaluate0$_environment.scope$1$2$semiGlobal(new A._EvaluateVisitor_visitForRule_closure18(t1, $async$self, node, from, direction, fromNumber), true, type$.nullable_Value_2);
68612 // goto return
68613 $async$goto = 1;
68614 break;
68615 case 1:
68616 // return
68617 return A._asyncReturn($async$returnValue, $async$completer);
68618 }
68619 });
68620 return A._asyncStartSync($async$visitForRule$1, $async$completer);
68621 },
68622 visitForwardRule$1(node) {
68623 return this.visitForwardRule$body$_EvaluateVisitor0(node);
68624 },
68625 visitForwardRule$body$_EvaluateVisitor0(node) {
68626 var $async$goto = 0,
68627 $async$completer = A._makeAsyncAwaitCompleter(type$.nullable_Value_2),
68628 $async$returnValue, $async$self = this, newConfiguration, t4, _i, variable, $name, oldConfiguration, adjustedConfiguration, t1, t2, t3;
68629 var $async$visitForwardRule$1 = A._wrapJsFunctionForAsync(function($async$errorCode, $async$result) {
68630 if ($async$errorCode === 1)
68631 return A._asyncRethrow($async$result, $async$completer);
68632 while (true)
68633 switch ($async$goto) {
68634 case 0:
68635 // Function start
68636 oldConfiguration = $async$self._async_evaluate0$_configuration;
68637 adjustedConfiguration = oldConfiguration.throughForward$1(node);
68638 t1 = node.configuration;
68639 t2 = t1.length;
68640 t3 = node.url;
68641 $async$goto = t2 !== 0 ? 3 : 5;
68642 break;
68643 case 3:
68644 // then
68645 $async$goto = 6;
68646 return A._asyncAwait($async$self._async_evaluate0$_addForwardConfiguration$2(adjustedConfiguration, node), $async$visitForwardRule$1);
68647 case 6:
68648 // returning from await.
68649 newConfiguration = $async$result;
68650 $async$goto = 7;
68651 return A._asyncAwait($async$self._async_evaluate0$_loadModule$5$configuration(t3, "@forward", node, new A._EvaluateVisitor_visitForwardRule_closure5($async$self, node), newConfiguration), $async$visitForwardRule$1);
68652 case 7:
68653 // returning from await.
68654 t3 = type$.String;
68655 t4 = A.LinkedHashSet_LinkedHashSet$_empty(t3);
68656 for (_i = 0; _i < t2; ++_i) {
68657 variable = t1[_i];
68658 if (!variable.isGuarded)
68659 t4.add$1(0, variable.name);
68660 }
68661 $async$self._async_evaluate0$_removeUsedConfiguration$3$except(adjustedConfiguration, newConfiguration, t4);
68662 t3 = A.LinkedHashSet_LinkedHashSet$_empty(t3);
68663 for (_i = 0; _i < t2; ++_i)
68664 t3.add$1(0, t1[_i].name);
68665 for (t1 = newConfiguration._configuration$_values, t2 = J.toList$0$ax(t1.get$keys(t1)), t4 = t2.length, _i = 0; _i < t2.length; t2.length === t4 || (0, A.throwConcurrentModificationError)(t2), ++_i) {
68666 $name = t2[_i];
68667 if (!t3.contains$1(0, $name))
68668 if (!t1.get$isEmpty(t1))
68669 t1.remove$1(0, $name);
68670 }
68671 $async$self._async_evaluate0$_assertConfigurationIsEmpty$1(newConfiguration);
68672 // goto join
68673 $async$goto = 4;
68674 break;
68675 case 5:
68676 // else
68677 $async$self._async_evaluate0$_configuration = adjustedConfiguration;
68678 $async$goto = 8;
68679 return A._asyncAwait($async$self._async_evaluate0$_loadModule$4(t3, "@forward", node, new A._EvaluateVisitor_visitForwardRule_closure6($async$self, node)), $async$visitForwardRule$1);
68680 case 8:
68681 // returning from await.
68682 $async$self._async_evaluate0$_configuration = oldConfiguration;
68683 case 4:
68684 // join
68685 $async$returnValue = null;
68686 // goto return
68687 $async$goto = 1;
68688 break;
68689 case 1:
68690 // return
68691 return A._asyncReturn($async$returnValue, $async$completer);
68692 }
68693 });
68694 return A._asyncStartSync($async$visitForwardRule$1, $async$completer);
68695 },
68696 _async_evaluate0$_addForwardConfiguration$2(configuration, node) {
68697 return this._addForwardConfiguration$body$_EvaluateVisitor0(configuration, node);
68698 },
68699 _addForwardConfiguration$body$_EvaluateVisitor0(configuration, node) {
68700 var $async$goto = 0,
68701 $async$completer = A._makeAsyncAwaitCompleter(type$.Configuration_2),
68702 $async$returnValue, $async$self = this, t2, t3, _i, variable, t4, t5, variableNodeWithSpan, t1, newValues, $async$temp1, $async$temp2, $async$temp3;
68703 var $async$_async_evaluate0$_addForwardConfiguration$2 = A._wrapJsFunctionForAsync(function($async$errorCode, $async$result) {
68704 if ($async$errorCode === 1)
68705 return A._asyncRethrow($async$result, $async$completer);
68706 while (true)
68707 switch ($async$goto) {
68708 case 0:
68709 // Function start
68710 t1 = configuration._configuration$_values;
68711 newValues = A.LinkedHashMap_LinkedHashMap$of(new A.UnmodifiableMapView(t1, type$.UnmodifiableMapView_String_ConfiguredValue_2), type$.String, type$.ConfiguredValue_2);
68712 t2 = node.configuration, t3 = t2.length, _i = 0;
68713 case 3:
68714 // for condition
68715 if (!(_i < t3)) {
68716 // goto after for
68717 $async$goto = 5;
68718 break;
68719 }
68720 variable = t2[_i];
68721 if (variable.isGuarded) {
68722 t4 = variable.name;
68723 t5 = t1.get$isEmpty(t1) ? null : t1.remove$1(0, t4);
68724 if (t5 != null && !t5.value.$eq(0, B.C__SassNull0)) {
68725 newValues.$indexSet(0, t4, t5);
68726 // goto for update
68727 $async$goto = 4;
68728 break;
68729 }
68730 }
68731 t4 = variable.expression;
68732 variableNodeWithSpan = $async$self._async_evaluate0$_expressionNode$1(t4);
68733 $async$temp1 = newValues;
68734 $async$temp2 = variable.name;
68735 $async$temp3 = A;
68736 $async$goto = 6;
68737 return A._asyncAwait(t4.accept$1($async$self), $async$_async_evaluate0$_addForwardConfiguration$2);
68738 case 6:
68739 // returning from await.
68740 $async$temp1.$indexSet(0, $async$temp2, new $async$temp3.ConfiguredValue0($async$self._async_evaluate0$_withoutSlash$2($async$result, variableNodeWithSpan), variable.span, variableNodeWithSpan));
68741 case 4:
68742 // for update
68743 ++_i;
68744 // goto for condition
68745 $async$goto = 3;
68746 break;
68747 case 5:
68748 // after for
68749 if (configuration instanceof A.ExplicitConfiguration0 || t1.get$isEmpty(t1)) {
68750 $async$returnValue = new A.ExplicitConfiguration0(node, newValues);
68751 // goto return
68752 $async$goto = 1;
68753 break;
68754 } else {
68755 $async$returnValue = new A.Configuration0(newValues);
68756 // goto return
68757 $async$goto = 1;
68758 break;
68759 }
68760 case 1:
68761 // return
68762 return A._asyncReturn($async$returnValue, $async$completer);
68763 }
68764 });
68765 return A._asyncStartSync($async$_async_evaluate0$_addForwardConfiguration$2, $async$completer);
68766 },
68767 _async_evaluate0$_removeUsedConfiguration$3$except(upstream, downstream, except) {
68768 var t1, t2, t3, t4, _i, $name;
68769 for (t1 = upstream._configuration$_values, t2 = J.toList$0$ax(t1.get$keys(t1)), t3 = t2.length, t4 = downstream._configuration$_values, _i = 0; _i < t2.length; t2.length === t3 || (0, A.throwConcurrentModificationError)(t2), ++_i) {
68770 $name = t2[_i];
68771 if (except.contains$1(0, $name))
68772 continue;
68773 if (!t4.containsKey$1($name))
68774 if (!t1.get$isEmpty(t1))
68775 t1.remove$1(0, $name);
68776 }
68777 },
68778 _async_evaluate0$_assertConfigurationIsEmpty$2$nameInError(configuration, nameInError) {
68779 var t1, entry;
68780 if (!(configuration instanceof A.ExplicitConfiguration0))
68781 return;
68782 t1 = configuration._configuration$_values;
68783 if (t1.get$isEmpty(t1))
68784 return;
68785 t1 = t1.get$entries(t1);
68786 entry = t1.get$first(t1);
68787 t1 = nameInError ? "$" + A.S(entry.key) + string$.x20was_n : string$.This_v;
68788 throw A.wrapException(this._async_evaluate0$_exception$2(t1, entry.value.configurationSpan));
68789 },
68790 _async_evaluate0$_assertConfigurationIsEmpty$1(configuration) {
68791 return this._async_evaluate0$_assertConfigurationIsEmpty$2$nameInError(configuration, false);
68792 },
68793 visitFunctionRule$1(node) {
68794 return this.visitFunctionRule$body$_EvaluateVisitor0(node);
68795 },
68796 visitFunctionRule$body$_EvaluateVisitor0(node) {
68797 var $async$goto = 0,
68798 $async$completer = A._makeAsyncAwaitCompleter(type$.nullable_Value_2),
68799 $async$returnValue, $async$self = this, t1, t2, t3, index, t4;
68800 var $async$visitFunctionRule$1 = A._wrapJsFunctionForAsync(function($async$errorCode, $async$result) {
68801 if ($async$errorCode === 1)
68802 return A._asyncRethrow($async$result, $async$completer);
68803 while (true)
68804 switch ($async$goto) {
68805 case 0:
68806 // Function start
68807 t1 = $async$self._async_evaluate0$_environment;
68808 t2 = t1.closure$0();
68809 t3 = t1._async_environment0$_functions;
68810 index = t3.length - 1;
68811 t4 = node.name;
68812 t1._async_environment0$_functionIndices.$indexSet(0, t4, index);
68813 J.$indexSet$ax(t3[index], t4, new A.UserDefinedCallable0(node, t2, type$.UserDefinedCallable_AsyncEnvironment_2));
68814 $async$returnValue = null;
68815 // goto return
68816 $async$goto = 1;
68817 break;
68818 case 1:
68819 // return
68820 return A._asyncReturn($async$returnValue, $async$completer);
68821 }
68822 });
68823 return A._asyncStartSync($async$visitFunctionRule$1, $async$completer);
68824 },
68825 visitIfRule$1(node) {
68826 return this.visitIfRule$body$_EvaluateVisitor0(node);
68827 },
68828 visitIfRule$body$_EvaluateVisitor0(node) {
68829 var $async$goto = 0,
68830 $async$completer = A._makeAsyncAwaitCompleter(type$.nullable_Value_2),
68831 $async$returnValue, $async$self = this, t1, t2, _i, clauseToCheck, _box_0;
68832 var $async$visitIfRule$1 = A._wrapJsFunctionForAsync(function($async$errorCode, $async$result) {
68833 if ($async$errorCode === 1)
68834 return A._asyncRethrow($async$result, $async$completer);
68835 while (true)
68836 switch ($async$goto) {
68837 case 0:
68838 // Function start
68839 _box_0 = {};
68840 _box_0.clause = node.lastClause;
68841 t1 = node.clauses, t2 = t1.length, _i = 0;
68842 case 3:
68843 // for condition
68844 if (!(_i < t2)) {
68845 // goto after for
68846 $async$goto = 5;
68847 break;
68848 }
68849 clauseToCheck = t1[_i];
68850 $async$goto = 6;
68851 return A._asyncAwait(clauseToCheck.expression.accept$1($async$self), $async$visitIfRule$1);
68852 case 6:
68853 // returning from await.
68854 if ($async$result.get$isTruthy()) {
68855 _box_0.clause = clauseToCheck;
68856 // goto after for
68857 $async$goto = 5;
68858 break;
68859 }
68860 case 4:
68861 // for update
68862 ++_i;
68863 // goto for condition
68864 $async$goto = 3;
68865 break;
68866 case 5:
68867 // after for
68868 t1 = _box_0.clause;
68869 if (t1 == null) {
68870 $async$returnValue = null;
68871 // goto return
68872 $async$goto = 1;
68873 break;
68874 }
68875 $async$goto = 7;
68876 return A._asyncAwait($async$self._async_evaluate0$_environment.scope$1$3$semiGlobal$when(new A._EvaluateVisitor_visitIfRule_closure2(_box_0, $async$self), true, t1.hasDeclarations, type$.nullable_Value_2), $async$visitIfRule$1);
68877 case 7:
68878 // returning from await.
68879 $async$returnValue = $async$result;
68880 // goto return
68881 $async$goto = 1;
68882 break;
68883 case 1:
68884 // return
68885 return A._asyncReturn($async$returnValue, $async$completer);
68886 }
68887 });
68888 return A._asyncStartSync($async$visitIfRule$1, $async$completer);
68889 },
68890 visitImportRule$1(node) {
68891 return this.visitImportRule$body$_EvaluateVisitor0(node);
68892 },
68893 visitImportRule$body$_EvaluateVisitor0(node) {
68894 var $async$goto = 0,
68895 $async$completer = A._makeAsyncAwaitCompleter(type$.nullable_Value_2),
68896 $async$returnValue, $async$self = this, t1, t2, t3, _i, $import;
68897 var $async$visitImportRule$1 = A._wrapJsFunctionForAsync(function($async$errorCode, $async$result) {
68898 if ($async$errorCode === 1)
68899 return A._asyncRethrow($async$result, $async$completer);
68900 while (true)
68901 switch ($async$goto) {
68902 case 0:
68903 // Function start
68904 t1 = node.imports, t2 = t1.length, t3 = type$.StaticImport_2, _i = 0;
68905 case 3:
68906 // for condition
68907 if (!(_i < t2)) {
68908 // goto after for
68909 $async$goto = 5;
68910 break;
68911 }
68912 $import = t1[_i];
68913 $async$goto = $import instanceof A.DynamicImport0 ? 6 : 8;
68914 break;
68915 case 6:
68916 // then
68917 $async$goto = 9;
68918 return A._asyncAwait($async$self._async_evaluate0$_visitDynamicImport$1($import), $async$visitImportRule$1);
68919 case 9:
68920 // returning from await.
68921 // goto join
68922 $async$goto = 7;
68923 break;
68924 case 8:
68925 // else
68926 $async$goto = 10;
68927 return A._asyncAwait($async$self._async_evaluate0$_visitStaticImport$1(t3._as($import)), $async$visitImportRule$1);
68928 case 10:
68929 // returning from await.
68930 case 7:
68931 // join
68932 case 4:
68933 // for update
68934 ++_i;
68935 // goto for condition
68936 $async$goto = 3;
68937 break;
68938 case 5:
68939 // after for
68940 $async$returnValue = null;
68941 // goto return
68942 $async$goto = 1;
68943 break;
68944 case 1:
68945 // return
68946 return A._asyncReturn($async$returnValue, $async$completer);
68947 }
68948 });
68949 return A._asyncStartSync($async$visitImportRule$1, $async$completer);
68950 },
68951 _async_evaluate0$_visitDynamicImport$1($import) {
68952 return this._async_evaluate0$_withStackFrame$1$3("@import", $import, new A._EvaluateVisitor__visitDynamicImport_closure2(this, $import), type$.void);
68953 },
68954 _async_evaluate0$_loadStylesheet$4$baseUrl$forImport(url, span, baseUrl, forImport) {
68955 return this._loadStylesheet$body$_EvaluateVisitor0(url, span, baseUrl, forImport);
68956 },
68957 _async_evaluate0$_loadStylesheet$3$baseUrl(url, span, baseUrl) {
68958 return this._async_evaluate0$_loadStylesheet$4$baseUrl$forImport(url, span, baseUrl, false);
68959 },
68960 _async_evaluate0$_loadStylesheet$3$forImport(url, span, forImport) {
68961 return this._async_evaluate0$_loadStylesheet$4$baseUrl$forImport(url, span, null, forImport);
68962 },
68963 _loadStylesheet$body$_EvaluateVisitor0(url, span, baseUrl, forImport) {
68964 var $async$goto = 0,
68965 $async$completer = A._makeAsyncAwaitCompleter(type$._LoadedStylesheet_2),
68966 $async$returnValue, $async$handler = 2, $async$currentError, $async$next = [], $async$self = this, importCache, tuple, isDependency, stylesheet, result, error, stackTrace, error0, stackTrace0, message, t1, t2, t3, t4, exception, message0, $async$exception;
68967 var $async$_async_evaluate0$_loadStylesheet$4$baseUrl$forImport = A._wrapJsFunctionForAsync(function($async$errorCode, $async$result) {
68968 if ($async$errorCode === 1) {
68969 $async$currentError = $async$result;
68970 $async$goto = $async$handler;
68971 }
68972 while (true)
68973 switch ($async$goto) {
68974 case 0:
68975 // Function start
68976 baseUrl = baseUrl;
68977 $async$handler = 4;
68978 $async$self._async_evaluate0$_importSpan = span;
68979 importCache = $async$self._async_evaluate0$_importCache;
68980 $async$goto = importCache != null ? 7 : 9;
68981 break;
68982 case 7:
68983 // then
68984 if (baseUrl == null)
68985 baseUrl = $async$self._async_evaluate0$_assertInModule$2($async$self._async_evaluate0$__stylesheet, "_stylesheet").span.file.url;
68986 $async$goto = 10;
68987 return A._asyncAwait(J.canonicalize$4$baseImporter$baseUrl$forImport$x(importCache, A.Uri_parse(url), $async$self._async_evaluate0$_importer, baseUrl, forImport), $async$_async_evaluate0$_loadStylesheet$4$baseUrl$forImport);
68988 case 10:
68989 // returning from await.
68990 tuple = $async$result;
68991 $async$goto = tuple != null ? 11 : 12;
68992 break;
68993 case 11:
68994 // then
68995 isDependency = $async$self._async_evaluate0$_inDependency || tuple.item1 !== $async$self._async_evaluate0$_importer;
68996 t1 = tuple.item1;
68997 t2 = tuple.item2;
68998 t3 = tuple.item3;
68999 t4 = $async$self._async_evaluate0$_quietDeps && isDependency;
69000 $async$goto = 13;
69001 return A._asyncAwait(importCache.importCanonical$4$originalUrl$quiet(t1, t2, t3, t4), $async$_async_evaluate0$_loadStylesheet$4$baseUrl$forImport);
69002 case 13:
69003 // returning from await.
69004 stylesheet = $async$result;
69005 if (stylesheet != null) {
69006 $async$self._async_evaluate0$_loadedUrls.add$1(0, tuple.item2);
69007 t1 = tuple.item1;
69008 $async$returnValue = new A._LoadedStylesheet2(stylesheet, t1, isDependency);
69009 $async$next = [1];
69010 // goto finally
69011 $async$goto = 5;
69012 break;
69013 }
69014 case 12:
69015 // join
69016 // goto join
69017 $async$goto = 8;
69018 break;
69019 case 9:
69020 // else
69021 $async$goto = 14;
69022 return A._asyncAwait($async$self._async_evaluate0$_importLikeNode$2(url, forImport), $async$_async_evaluate0$_loadStylesheet$4$baseUrl$forImport);
69023 case 14:
69024 // returning from await.
69025 result = $async$result;
69026 if (result != null) {
69027 t1 = $async$self._async_evaluate0$_loadedUrls;
69028 A.NullableExtension_andThen0(result.stylesheet.span.file.url, t1.get$add(t1));
69029 $async$returnValue = result;
69030 $async$next = [1];
69031 // goto finally
69032 $async$goto = 5;
69033 break;
69034 }
69035 case 8:
69036 // join
69037 if (B.JSString_methods.startsWith$1(url, "package:") && true)
69038 throw A.wrapException(string$.x22packa);
69039 else
69040 throw A.wrapException("Can't find stylesheet to import.");
69041 $async$next.push(6);
69042 // goto finally
69043 $async$goto = 5;
69044 break;
69045 case 4:
69046 // catch
69047 $async$handler = 3;
69048 $async$exception = $async$currentError;
69049 t1 = A.unwrapException($async$exception);
69050 if (t1 instanceof A.SassException0) {
69051 error = t1;
69052 stackTrace = A.getTraceFromException($async$exception);
69053 t1 = error;
69054 t2 = J.getInterceptor$z(t1);
69055 A.throwWithTrace0($async$self._async_evaluate0$_exception$2(error._span_exception$_message, A.SourceSpanException.prototype.get$span.call(t2, t1)), stackTrace);
69056 } else {
69057 error0 = t1;
69058 stackTrace0 = A.getTraceFromException($async$exception);
69059 message = null;
69060 try {
69061 message = A._asString(J.get$message$x(error0));
69062 } catch (exception) {
69063 message0 = J.toString$0$(error0);
69064 message = message0;
69065 }
69066 A.throwWithTrace0($async$self._async_evaluate0$_exception$1(message), stackTrace0);
69067 }
69068 $async$next.push(6);
69069 // goto finally
69070 $async$goto = 5;
69071 break;
69072 case 3:
69073 // uncaught
69074 $async$next = [2];
69075 case 5:
69076 // finally
69077 $async$handler = 2;
69078 $async$self._async_evaluate0$_importSpan = null;
69079 // goto the next finally handler
69080 $async$goto = $async$next.pop();
69081 break;
69082 case 6:
69083 // after finally
69084 case 1:
69085 // return
69086 return A._asyncReturn($async$returnValue, $async$completer);
69087 case 2:
69088 // rethrow
69089 return A._asyncRethrow($async$currentError, $async$completer);
69090 }
69091 });
69092 return A._asyncStartSync($async$_async_evaluate0$_loadStylesheet$4$baseUrl$forImport, $async$completer);
69093 },
69094 _async_evaluate0$_importLikeNode$2(originalUrl, forImport) {
69095 return this._importLikeNode$body$_EvaluateVisitor0(originalUrl, forImport);
69096 },
69097 _importLikeNode$body$_EvaluateVisitor0(originalUrl, forImport) {
69098 var $async$goto = 0,
69099 $async$completer = A._makeAsyncAwaitCompleter(type$.nullable__LoadedStylesheet_2),
69100 $async$returnValue, $async$self = this, result, isDependency, url, t2, t1;
69101 var $async$_async_evaluate0$_importLikeNode$2 = A._wrapJsFunctionForAsync(function($async$errorCode, $async$result) {
69102 if ($async$errorCode === 1)
69103 return A._asyncRethrow($async$result, $async$completer);
69104 while (true)
69105 switch ($async$goto) {
69106 case 0:
69107 // Function start
69108 t1 = $async$self._async_evaluate0$_nodeImporter;
69109 t1.toString;
69110 result = t1.loadRelative$3(originalUrl, $async$self._async_evaluate0$_assertInModule$2($async$self._async_evaluate0$__stylesheet, "_stylesheet").span.file.url, forImport);
69111 $async$goto = result != null ? 3 : 5;
69112 break;
69113 case 3:
69114 // then
69115 isDependency = $async$self._async_evaluate0$_inDependency;
69116 // goto join
69117 $async$goto = 4;
69118 break;
69119 case 5:
69120 // else
69121 $async$goto = 6;
69122 return A._asyncAwait(t1.loadAsync$3(originalUrl, $async$self._async_evaluate0$_assertInModule$2($async$self._async_evaluate0$__stylesheet, "_stylesheet").span.file.url, forImport), $async$_async_evaluate0$_importLikeNode$2);
69123 case 6:
69124 // returning from await.
69125 result = $async$result;
69126 if (result == null) {
69127 $async$returnValue = null;
69128 // goto return
69129 $async$goto = 1;
69130 break;
69131 }
69132 isDependency = true;
69133 case 4:
69134 // join
69135 url = result.item2;
69136 t1 = B.JSString_methods.startsWith$1(url, "file") ? A.Syntax_forPath0(url) : B.Syntax_SCSS0;
69137 t2 = $async$self._async_evaluate0$_quietDeps && isDependency ? $.$get$Logger_quiet0() : $async$self._async_evaluate0$_logger;
69138 $async$returnValue = new A._LoadedStylesheet2(A.Stylesheet_Stylesheet$parse0(result.item1, t1, t2, url), null, isDependency);
69139 // goto return
69140 $async$goto = 1;
69141 break;
69142 case 1:
69143 // return
69144 return A._asyncReturn($async$returnValue, $async$completer);
69145 }
69146 });
69147 return A._asyncStartSync($async$_async_evaluate0$_importLikeNode$2, $async$completer);
69148 },
69149 _async_evaluate0$_visitStaticImport$1($import) {
69150 return this._visitStaticImport$body$_EvaluateVisitor0($import);
69151 },
69152 _visitStaticImport$body$_EvaluateVisitor0($import) {
69153 var $async$goto = 0,
69154 $async$completer = A._makeAsyncAwaitCompleter(type$.void),
69155 $async$self = this, t1, url, supports, node, $async$temp1, $async$temp2, $async$temp3;
69156 var $async$_async_evaluate0$_visitStaticImport$1 = A._wrapJsFunctionForAsync(function($async$errorCode, $async$result) {
69157 if ($async$errorCode === 1)
69158 return A._asyncRethrow($async$result, $async$completer);
69159 while (true)
69160 switch ($async$goto) {
69161 case 0:
69162 // Function start
69163 $async$goto = 2;
69164 return A._asyncAwait($async$self._async_evaluate0$_interpolationToValue$1($import.url), $async$_async_evaluate0$_visitStaticImport$1);
69165 case 2:
69166 // returning from await.
69167 url = $async$result;
69168 $async$goto = 3;
69169 return A._asyncAwait(A.NullableExtension_andThen0($import.supports, new A._EvaluateVisitor__visitStaticImport_closure2($async$self)), $async$_async_evaluate0$_visitStaticImport$1);
69170 case 3:
69171 // returning from await.
69172 supports = $async$result;
69173 $async$temp1 = A;
69174 $async$temp2 = url;
69175 $async$temp3 = $import.span;
69176 $async$goto = 4;
69177 return A._asyncAwait(A.NullableExtension_andThen0($import.media, $async$self.get$_async_evaluate0$_visitMediaQueries()), $async$_async_evaluate0$_visitStaticImport$1);
69178 case 4:
69179 // returning from await.
69180 node = $async$temp1.ModifiableCssImport$0($async$temp2, $async$temp3, $async$result, supports);
69181 if ($async$self._async_evaluate0$_assertInModule$2($async$self._async_evaluate0$__parent, "__parent") !== $async$self._async_evaluate0$_assertInModule$2($async$self._async_evaluate0$__root, "_root"))
69182 $async$self._async_evaluate0$_assertInModule$2($async$self._async_evaluate0$__parent, "__parent").addChild$1(node);
69183 else if ($async$self._async_evaluate0$_assertInModule$2($async$self._async_evaluate0$__endOfImports, "_endOfImports") === J.get$length$asx($async$self._async_evaluate0$_assertInModule$2($async$self._async_evaluate0$__root, "_root").children._collection$_source)) {
69184 $async$self._async_evaluate0$_assertInModule$2($async$self._async_evaluate0$__root, "_root").addChild$1(node);
69185 $async$self._async_evaluate0$__endOfImports = $async$self._async_evaluate0$_assertInModule$2($async$self._async_evaluate0$__endOfImports, "_endOfImports") + 1;
69186 } else {
69187 t1 = $async$self._async_evaluate0$_outOfOrderImports;
69188 (t1 == null ? $async$self._async_evaluate0$_outOfOrderImports = A._setArrayType([], type$.JSArray_ModifiableCssImport_2) : t1).push(node);
69189 }
69190 // implicit return
69191 return A._asyncReturn(null, $async$completer);
69192 }
69193 });
69194 return A._asyncStartSync($async$_async_evaluate0$_visitStaticImport$1, $async$completer);
69195 },
69196 visitIncludeRule$1(node) {
69197 return this.visitIncludeRule$body$_EvaluateVisitor0(node);
69198 },
69199 visitIncludeRule$body$_EvaluateVisitor0(node) {
69200 var $async$goto = 0,
69201 $async$completer = A._makeAsyncAwaitCompleter(type$.nullable_Value_2),
69202 $async$returnValue, $async$self = this, nodeWithSpan, t1, mixin;
69203 var $async$visitIncludeRule$1 = A._wrapJsFunctionForAsync(function($async$errorCode, $async$result) {
69204 if ($async$errorCode === 1)
69205 return A._asyncRethrow($async$result, $async$completer);
69206 while (true)
69207 switch ($async$goto) {
69208 case 0:
69209 // Function start
69210 mixin = $async$self._async_evaluate0$_addExceptionSpan$2(node, new A._EvaluateVisitor_visitIncludeRule_closure11($async$self, node));
69211 if (mixin == null)
69212 throw A.wrapException($async$self._async_evaluate0$_exception$2("Undefined mixin.", node.span));
69213 nodeWithSpan = new A._FakeAstNode0(new A._EvaluateVisitor_visitIncludeRule_closure12(node));
69214 $async$goto = type$.AsyncBuiltInCallable_2._is(mixin) ? 3 : 5;
69215 break;
69216 case 3:
69217 // then
69218 if (node.content != null)
69219 throw A.wrapException($async$self._async_evaluate0$_exception$2("Mixin doesn't accept a content block.", node.span));
69220 $async$goto = 6;
69221 return A._asyncAwait($async$self._async_evaluate0$_runBuiltInCallable$3(node.$arguments, mixin, nodeWithSpan), $async$visitIncludeRule$1);
69222 case 6:
69223 // returning from await.
69224 // goto join
69225 $async$goto = 4;
69226 break;
69227 case 5:
69228 // else
69229 $async$goto = type$.UserDefinedCallable_AsyncEnvironment_2._is(mixin) ? 7 : 9;
69230 break;
69231 case 7:
69232 // then
69233 t1 = node.content;
69234 if (t1 != null && !type$.MixinRule_2._as(mixin.declaration).get$hasContent())
69235 throw A.wrapException(A.MultiSpanSassRuntimeException$0("Mixin doesn't accept a content block.", node.get$spanWithoutContent(), "invocation", A.LinkedHashMap_LinkedHashMap$_literal([mixin.declaration.$arguments.get$spanWithName(), "declaration"], type$.FileSpan, type$.String), $async$self._async_evaluate0$_stackTrace$1(node.get$spanWithoutContent())));
69236 $async$goto = 10;
69237 return A._asyncAwait($async$self._async_evaluate0$_runUserDefinedCallable$1$4(node.$arguments, mixin, nodeWithSpan, new A._EvaluateVisitor_visitIncludeRule_closure13($async$self, A.NullableExtension_andThen0(t1, new A._EvaluateVisitor_visitIncludeRule_closure14($async$self)), mixin, nodeWithSpan), type$.Null), $async$visitIncludeRule$1);
69238 case 10:
69239 // returning from await.
69240 // goto join
69241 $async$goto = 8;
69242 break;
69243 case 9:
69244 // else
69245 throw A.wrapException(A.UnsupportedError$("Unknown callable type " + mixin.toString$0(0) + "."));
69246 case 8:
69247 // join
69248 case 4:
69249 // join
69250 $async$returnValue = null;
69251 // goto return
69252 $async$goto = 1;
69253 break;
69254 case 1:
69255 // return
69256 return A._asyncReturn($async$returnValue, $async$completer);
69257 }
69258 });
69259 return A._asyncStartSync($async$visitIncludeRule$1, $async$completer);
69260 },
69261 visitMixinRule$1(node) {
69262 return this.visitMixinRule$body$_EvaluateVisitor0(node);
69263 },
69264 visitMixinRule$body$_EvaluateVisitor0(node) {
69265 var $async$goto = 0,
69266 $async$completer = A._makeAsyncAwaitCompleter(type$.nullable_Value_2),
69267 $async$returnValue, $async$self = this, t1, t2, t3, index, t4;
69268 var $async$visitMixinRule$1 = A._wrapJsFunctionForAsync(function($async$errorCode, $async$result) {
69269 if ($async$errorCode === 1)
69270 return A._asyncRethrow($async$result, $async$completer);
69271 while (true)
69272 switch ($async$goto) {
69273 case 0:
69274 // Function start
69275 t1 = $async$self._async_evaluate0$_environment;
69276 t2 = t1.closure$0();
69277 t3 = t1._async_environment0$_mixins;
69278 index = t3.length - 1;
69279 t4 = node.name;
69280 t1._async_environment0$_mixinIndices.$indexSet(0, t4, index);
69281 J.$indexSet$ax(t3[index], t4, new A.UserDefinedCallable0(node, t2, type$.UserDefinedCallable_AsyncEnvironment_2));
69282 $async$returnValue = null;
69283 // goto return
69284 $async$goto = 1;
69285 break;
69286 case 1:
69287 // return
69288 return A._asyncReturn($async$returnValue, $async$completer);
69289 }
69290 });
69291 return A._asyncStartSync($async$visitMixinRule$1, $async$completer);
69292 },
69293 visitLoudComment$1(node) {
69294 return this.visitLoudComment$body$_EvaluateVisitor0(node);
69295 },
69296 visitLoudComment$body$_EvaluateVisitor0(node) {
69297 var $async$goto = 0,
69298 $async$completer = A._makeAsyncAwaitCompleter(type$.nullable_Value_2),
69299 $async$returnValue, $async$self = this, t1, $async$temp1, $async$temp2;
69300 var $async$visitLoudComment$1 = A._wrapJsFunctionForAsync(function($async$errorCode, $async$result) {
69301 if ($async$errorCode === 1)
69302 return A._asyncRethrow($async$result, $async$completer);
69303 while (true)
69304 switch ($async$goto) {
69305 case 0:
69306 // Function start
69307 if ($async$self._async_evaluate0$_inFunction) {
69308 $async$returnValue = null;
69309 // goto return
69310 $async$goto = 1;
69311 break;
69312 }
69313 if ($async$self._async_evaluate0$_assertInModule$2($async$self._async_evaluate0$__parent, "__parent") === $async$self._async_evaluate0$_assertInModule$2($async$self._async_evaluate0$__root, "_root") && $async$self._async_evaluate0$_assertInModule$2($async$self._async_evaluate0$__endOfImports, "_endOfImports") === J.get$length$asx($async$self._async_evaluate0$_assertInModule$2($async$self._async_evaluate0$__root, "_root").children._collection$_source))
69314 $async$self._async_evaluate0$__endOfImports = $async$self._async_evaluate0$_assertInModule$2($async$self._async_evaluate0$__endOfImports, "_endOfImports") + 1;
69315 t1 = node.text;
69316 $async$temp1 = $async$self._async_evaluate0$_assertInModule$2($async$self._async_evaluate0$__parent, "__parent");
69317 $async$temp2 = A;
69318 $async$goto = 3;
69319 return A._asyncAwait($async$self._async_evaluate0$_performInterpolation$1(t1), $async$visitLoudComment$1);
69320 case 3:
69321 // returning from await.
69322 $async$temp1.addChild$1(new $async$temp2.ModifiableCssComment0($async$result, t1.span));
69323 $async$returnValue = null;
69324 // goto return
69325 $async$goto = 1;
69326 break;
69327 case 1:
69328 // return
69329 return A._asyncReturn($async$returnValue, $async$completer);
69330 }
69331 });
69332 return A._asyncStartSync($async$visitLoudComment$1, $async$completer);
69333 },
69334 visitMediaRule$1(node) {
69335 return this.visitMediaRule$body$_EvaluateVisitor0(node);
69336 },
69337 visitMediaRule$body$_EvaluateVisitor0(node) {
69338 var $async$goto = 0,
69339 $async$completer = A._makeAsyncAwaitCompleter(type$.nullable_Value_2),
69340 $async$returnValue, $async$self = this, queries, mergedQueries, t1;
69341 var $async$visitMediaRule$1 = A._wrapJsFunctionForAsync(function($async$errorCode, $async$result) {
69342 if ($async$errorCode === 1)
69343 return A._asyncRethrow($async$result, $async$completer);
69344 while (true)
69345 switch ($async$goto) {
69346 case 0:
69347 // Function start
69348 if ($async$self._async_evaluate0$_declarationName != null)
69349 throw A.wrapException($async$self._async_evaluate0$_exception$2(string$.Media_, node.span));
69350 $async$goto = 3;
69351 return A._asyncAwait($async$self._async_evaluate0$_visitMediaQueries$1(node.query), $async$visitMediaRule$1);
69352 case 3:
69353 // returning from await.
69354 queries = $async$result;
69355 mergedQueries = A.NullableExtension_andThen0($async$self._async_evaluate0$_mediaQueries, new A._EvaluateVisitor_visitMediaRule_closure8($async$self, queries));
69356 t1 = mergedQueries == null;
69357 if (!t1 && J.get$isEmpty$asx(mergedQueries)) {
69358 $async$returnValue = null;
69359 // goto return
69360 $async$goto = 1;
69361 break;
69362 }
69363 t1 = t1 ? queries : mergedQueries;
69364 $async$goto = 4;
69365 return A._asyncAwait($async$self._async_evaluate0$_withParent$2$4$scopeWhen$through(A.ModifiableCssMediaRule$0(t1, node.span), new A._EvaluateVisitor_visitMediaRule_closure9($async$self, mergedQueries, queries, node), node.hasDeclarations, new A._EvaluateVisitor_visitMediaRule_closure10(mergedQueries), type$.ModifiableCssMediaRule_2, type$.Null), $async$visitMediaRule$1);
69366 case 4:
69367 // returning from await.
69368 $async$returnValue = null;
69369 // goto return
69370 $async$goto = 1;
69371 break;
69372 case 1:
69373 // return
69374 return A._asyncReturn($async$returnValue, $async$completer);
69375 }
69376 });
69377 return A._asyncStartSync($async$visitMediaRule$1, $async$completer);
69378 },
69379 _async_evaluate0$_visitMediaQueries$1(interpolation) {
69380 return this._visitMediaQueries$body$_EvaluateVisitor0(interpolation);
69381 },
69382 _visitMediaQueries$body$_EvaluateVisitor0(interpolation) {
69383 var $async$goto = 0,
69384 $async$completer = A._makeAsyncAwaitCompleter(type$.List_CssMediaQuery_2),
69385 $async$returnValue, $async$self = this, $async$temp1, $async$temp2;
69386 var $async$_async_evaluate0$_visitMediaQueries$1 = A._wrapJsFunctionForAsync(function($async$errorCode, $async$result) {
69387 if ($async$errorCode === 1)
69388 return A._asyncRethrow($async$result, $async$completer);
69389 while (true)
69390 switch ($async$goto) {
69391 case 0:
69392 // Function start
69393 $async$temp1 = interpolation;
69394 $async$temp2 = A;
69395 $async$goto = 3;
69396 return A._asyncAwait($async$self._async_evaluate0$_performInterpolation$2$warnForColor(interpolation, true), $async$_async_evaluate0$_visitMediaQueries$1);
69397 case 3:
69398 // returning from await.
69399 $async$returnValue = $async$self._async_evaluate0$_adjustParseError$2($async$temp1, new $async$temp2._EvaluateVisitor__visitMediaQueries_closure2($async$self, $async$result));
69400 // goto return
69401 $async$goto = 1;
69402 break;
69403 case 1:
69404 // return
69405 return A._asyncReturn($async$returnValue, $async$completer);
69406 }
69407 });
69408 return A._asyncStartSync($async$_async_evaluate0$_visitMediaQueries$1, $async$completer);
69409 },
69410 _async_evaluate0$_mergeMediaQueries$2(queries1, queries2) {
69411 var t1, t2, t3, t4, t5, result,
69412 queries = A._setArrayType([], type$.JSArray_CssMediaQuery_2);
69413 for (t1 = J.get$iterator$ax(queries1), t2 = J.getInterceptor$ax(queries2), t3 = type$.MediaQuerySuccessfulMergeResult_2; t1.moveNext$0();) {
69414 t4 = t1.get$current(t1);
69415 for (t5 = t2.get$iterator(queries2); t5.moveNext$0();) {
69416 result = t4.merge$1(t5.get$current(t5));
69417 if (result === B._SingletonCssMediaQueryMergeResult_empty0)
69418 continue;
69419 if (result === B._SingletonCssMediaQueryMergeResult_unrepresentable0)
69420 return null;
69421 queries.push(t3._as(result).query);
69422 }
69423 }
69424 return queries;
69425 },
69426 visitReturnRule$1(node) {
69427 return this.visitReturnRule$body$_EvaluateVisitor0(node);
69428 },
69429 visitReturnRule$body$_EvaluateVisitor0(node) {
69430 var $async$goto = 0,
69431 $async$completer = A._makeAsyncAwaitCompleter(type$.Value_2),
69432 $async$returnValue, $async$self = this, t1;
69433 var $async$visitReturnRule$1 = A._wrapJsFunctionForAsync(function($async$errorCode, $async$result) {
69434 if ($async$errorCode === 1)
69435 return A._asyncRethrow($async$result, $async$completer);
69436 while (true)
69437 switch ($async$goto) {
69438 case 0:
69439 // Function start
69440 t1 = node.expression;
69441 $async$goto = 3;
69442 return A._asyncAwait(t1.accept$1($async$self), $async$visitReturnRule$1);
69443 case 3:
69444 // returning from await.
69445 $async$returnValue = $async$self._async_evaluate0$_withoutSlash$2($async$result, t1);
69446 // goto return
69447 $async$goto = 1;
69448 break;
69449 case 1:
69450 // return
69451 return A._asyncReturn($async$returnValue, $async$completer);
69452 }
69453 });
69454 return A._asyncStartSync($async$visitReturnRule$1, $async$completer);
69455 },
69456 visitSilentComment$1(node) {
69457 return this.visitSilentComment$body$_EvaluateVisitor0(node);
69458 },
69459 visitSilentComment$body$_EvaluateVisitor0(node) {
69460 var $async$goto = 0,
69461 $async$completer = A._makeAsyncAwaitCompleter(type$.nullable_Value_2),
69462 $async$returnValue;
69463 var $async$visitSilentComment$1 = A._wrapJsFunctionForAsync(function($async$errorCode, $async$result) {
69464 if ($async$errorCode === 1)
69465 return A._asyncRethrow($async$result, $async$completer);
69466 while (true)
69467 switch ($async$goto) {
69468 case 0:
69469 // Function start
69470 $async$returnValue = null;
69471 // goto return
69472 $async$goto = 1;
69473 break;
69474 case 1:
69475 // return
69476 return A._asyncReturn($async$returnValue, $async$completer);
69477 }
69478 });
69479 return A._asyncStartSync($async$visitSilentComment$1, $async$completer);
69480 },
69481 visitStyleRule$1(node) {
69482 return this.visitStyleRule$body$_EvaluateVisitor0(node);
69483 },
69484 visitStyleRule$body$_EvaluateVisitor0(node) {
69485 var $async$goto = 0,
69486 $async$completer = A._makeAsyncAwaitCompleter(type$.nullable_Value_2),
69487 $async$returnValue, $async$self = this, t2, selectorText, rule, oldAtRootExcludingStyleRule, t1;
69488 var $async$visitStyleRule$1 = A._wrapJsFunctionForAsync(function($async$errorCode, $async$result) {
69489 if ($async$errorCode === 1)
69490 return A._asyncRethrow($async$result, $async$completer);
69491 while (true)
69492 switch ($async$goto) {
69493 case 0:
69494 // Function start
69495 t1 = {};
69496 if ($async$self._async_evaluate0$_declarationName != null)
69497 throw A.wrapException($async$self._async_evaluate0$_exception$2(string$.Style_, node.span));
69498 t2 = node.selector;
69499 $async$goto = 3;
69500 return A._asyncAwait($async$self._async_evaluate0$_interpolationToValue$3$trim$warnForColor(t2, true, true), $async$visitStyleRule$1);
69501 case 3:
69502 // returning from await.
69503 selectorText = $async$result;
69504 $async$goto = $async$self._async_evaluate0$_inKeyframes ? 4 : 5;
69505 break;
69506 case 4:
69507 // then
69508 $async$goto = 6;
69509 return A._asyncAwait($async$self._async_evaluate0$_withParent$2$4$scopeWhen$through(A.ModifiableCssKeyframeBlock$0(new A.CssValue0(A.List_List$unmodifiable($async$self._async_evaluate0$_adjustParseError$2(t2, new A._EvaluateVisitor_visitStyleRule_closure20($async$self, selectorText)), type$.String), t2.span, type$.CssValue_List_String_2), node.span), new A._EvaluateVisitor_visitStyleRule_closure21($async$self, node), node.hasDeclarations, new A._EvaluateVisitor_visitStyleRule_closure22(), type$.ModifiableCssKeyframeBlock_2, type$.Null), $async$visitStyleRule$1);
69510 case 6:
69511 // returning from await.
69512 $async$returnValue = null;
69513 // goto return
69514 $async$goto = 1;
69515 break;
69516 case 5:
69517 // join
69518 t1.parsedSelector = $async$self._async_evaluate0$_adjustParseError$2(t2, new A._EvaluateVisitor_visitStyleRule_closure23($async$self, selectorText));
69519 t1.parsedSelector = $async$self._async_evaluate0$_addExceptionSpan$2(t2, new A._EvaluateVisitor_visitStyleRule_closure24(t1, $async$self));
69520 rule = A.ModifiableCssStyleRule$0($async$self._async_evaluate0$_assertInModule$2($async$self._async_evaluate0$__extensionStore, "_extensionStore").addSelector$3(t1.parsedSelector, t2.span, $async$self._async_evaluate0$_mediaQueries), node.span, t1.parsedSelector);
69521 oldAtRootExcludingStyleRule = $async$self._async_evaluate0$_atRootExcludingStyleRule;
69522 t1 = $async$self._async_evaluate0$_atRootExcludingStyleRule = false;
69523 $async$goto = 7;
69524 return A._asyncAwait($async$self._async_evaluate0$_withParent$2$4$scopeWhen$through(rule, new A._EvaluateVisitor_visitStyleRule_closure25($async$self, rule, node), node.hasDeclarations, new A._EvaluateVisitor_visitStyleRule_closure26(), type$.ModifiableCssStyleRule_2, type$.Null), $async$visitStyleRule$1);
69525 case 7:
69526 // returning from await.
69527 $async$self._async_evaluate0$_atRootExcludingStyleRule = oldAtRootExcludingStyleRule;
69528 if ((oldAtRootExcludingStyleRule ? null : $async$self._async_evaluate0$_styleRuleIgnoringAtRoot) == null) {
69529 t1 = $async$self._async_evaluate0$_assertInModule$2($async$self._async_evaluate0$__parent, "__parent").children;
69530 t1 = !t1.get$isEmpty(t1);
69531 }
69532 if (t1) {
69533 t1 = $async$self._async_evaluate0$_assertInModule$2($async$self._async_evaluate0$__parent, "__parent").children;
69534 t1.get$last(t1).isGroupEnd = true;
69535 }
69536 $async$returnValue = null;
69537 // goto return
69538 $async$goto = 1;
69539 break;
69540 case 1:
69541 // return
69542 return A._asyncReturn($async$returnValue, $async$completer);
69543 }
69544 });
69545 return A._asyncStartSync($async$visitStyleRule$1, $async$completer);
69546 },
69547 visitSupportsRule$1(node) {
69548 return this.visitSupportsRule$body$_EvaluateVisitor0(node);
69549 },
69550 visitSupportsRule$body$_EvaluateVisitor0(node) {
69551 var $async$goto = 0,
69552 $async$completer = A._makeAsyncAwaitCompleter(type$.nullable_Value_2),
69553 $async$returnValue, $async$self = this, t1, $async$temp1, $async$temp2;
69554 var $async$visitSupportsRule$1 = A._wrapJsFunctionForAsync(function($async$errorCode, $async$result) {
69555 if ($async$errorCode === 1)
69556 return A._asyncRethrow($async$result, $async$completer);
69557 while (true)
69558 switch ($async$goto) {
69559 case 0:
69560 // Function start
69561 if ($async$self._async_evaluate0$_declarationName != null)
69562 throw A.wrapException($async$self._async_evaluate0$_exception$2(string$.Suppor, node.span));
69563 t1 = node.condition;
69564 $async$temp1 = A;
69565 $async$temp2 = A;
69566 $async$goto = 4;
69567 return A._asyncAwait($async$self._async_evaluate0$_visitSupportsCondition$1(t1), $async$visitSupportsRule$1);
69568 case 4:
69569 // returning from await.
69570 $async$goto = 3;
69571 return A._asyncAwait($async$self._async_evaluate0$_withParent$2$4$scopeWhen$through($async$temp1.ModifiableCssSupportsRule$0(new $async$temp2.CssValue0($async$result, t1.get$span(t1), type$.CssValue_String_2), node.span), new A._EvaluateVisitor_visitSupportsRule_closure5($async$self, node), node.hasDeclarations, new A._EvaluateVisitor_visitSupportsRule_closure6(), type$.ModifiableCssSupportsRule_2, type$.Null), $async$visitSupportsRule$1);
69572 case 3:
69573 // returning from await.
69574 $async$returnValue = null;
69575 // goto return
69576 $async$goto = 1;
69577 break;
69578 case 1:
69579 // return
69580 return A._asyncReturn($async$returnValue, $async$completer);
69581 }
69582 });
69583 return A._asyncStartSync($async$visitSupportsRule$1, $async$completer);
69584 },
69585 _async_evaluate0$_visitSupportsCondition$1(condition) {
69586 return this._visitSupportsCondition$body$_EvaluateVisitor0(condition);
69587 },
69588 _visitSupportsCondition$body$_EvaluateVisitor0(condition) {
69589 var $async$goto = 0,
69590 $async$completer = A._makeAsyncAwaitCompleter(type$.String),
69591 $async$returnValue, $async$self = this, t1, $async$temp1, $async$temp2;
69592 var $async$_async_evaluate0$_visitSupportsCondition$1 = A._wrapJsFunctionForAsync(function($async$errorCode, $async$result) {
69593 if ($async$errorCode === 1)
69594 return A._asyncRethrow($async$result, $async$completer);
69595 while (true)
69596 switch ($async$goto) {
69597 case 0:
69598 // Function start
69599 $async$goto = condition instanceof A.SupportsOperation0 ? 3 : 5;
69600 break;
69601 case 3:
69602 // then
69603 t1 = condition.operator;
69604 $async$temp1 = A;
69605 $async$goto = 6;
69606 return A._asyncAwait($async$self._async_evaluate0$_parenthesize$2(condition.left, t1), $async$_async_evaluate0$_visitSupportsCondition$1);
69607 case 6:
69608 // returning from await.
69609 $async$temp1 = $async$temp1.S($async$result) + " " + t1 + " ";
69610 $async$temp2 = A;
69611 $async$goto = 7;
69612 return A._asyncAwait($async$self._async_evaluate0$_parenthesize$2(condition.right, t1), $async$_async_evaluate0$_visitSupportsCondition$1);
69613 case 7:
69614 // returning from await.
69615 $async$returnValue = $async$temp1 + $async$temp2.S($async$result);
69616 // goto return
69617 $async$goto = 1;
69618 break;
69619 // goto join
69620 $async$goto = 4;
69621 break;
69622 case 5:
69623 // else
69624 $async$goto = condition instanceof A.SupportsNegation0 ? 8 : 10;
69625 break;
69626 case 8:
69627 // then
69628 $async$temp1 = A;
69629 $async$goto = 11;
69630 return A._asyncAwait($async$self._async_evaluate0$_parenthesize$1(condition.condition), $async$_async_evaluate0$_visitSupportsCondition$1);
69631 case 11:
69632 // returning from await.
69633 $async$returnValue = "not " + $async$temp1.S($async$result);
69634 // goto return
69635 $async$goto = 1;
69636 break;
69637 // goto join
69638 $async$goto = 9;
69639 break;
69640 case 10:
69641 // else
69642 $async$goto = condition instanceof A.SupportsInterpolation0 ? 12 : 14;
69643 break;
69644 case 12:
69645 // then
69646 $async$goto = 15;
69647 return A._asyncAwait($async$self._async_evaluate0$_evaluateToCss$2$quote(condition.expression, false), $async$_async_evaluate0$_visitSupportsCondition$1);
69648 case 15:
69649 // returning from await.
69650 $async$returnValue = $async$result;
69651 // goto return
69652 $async$goto = 1;
69653 break;
69654 // goto join
69655 $async$goto = 13;
69656 break;
69657 case 14:
69658 // else
69659 $async$goto = condition instanceof A.SupportsDeclaration0 ? 16 : 18;
69660 break;
69661 case 16:
69662 // then
69663 $async$temp1 = A;
69664 $async$goto = 19;
69665 return A._asyncAwait($async$self._async_evaluate0$_evaluateToCss$1(condition.name), $async$_async_evaluate0$_visitSupportsCondition$1);
69666 case 19:
69667 // returning from await.
69668 t1 = "(" + $async$temp1.S($async$result) + ":";
69669 $async$temp1 = t1 + (condition.get$isCustomProperty() ? "" : " ");
69670 $async$temp2 = A;
69671 $async$goto = 20;
69672 return A._asyncAwait($async$self._async_evaluate0$_evaluateToCss$1(condition.value), $async$_async_evaluate0$_visitSupportsCondition$1);
69673 case 20:
69674 // returning from await.
69675 $async$returnValue = $async$temp1 + $async$temp2.S($async$result) + ")";
69676 // goto return
69677 $async$goto = 1;
69678 break;
69679 // goto join
69680 $async$goto = 17;
69681 break;
69682 case 18:
69683 // else
69684 $async$goto = condition instanceof A.SupportsFunction0 ? 21 : 23;
69685 break;
69686 case 21:
69687 // then
69688 $async$temp1 = A;
69689 $async$goto = 24;
69690 return A._asyncAwait($async$self._async_evaluate0$_performInterpolation$1(condition.name), $async$_async_evaluate0$_visitSupportsCondition$1);
69691 case 24:
69692 // returning from await.
69693 $async$temp1 = $async$temp1.S($async$result) + "(";
69694 $async$temp2 = A;
69695 $async$goto = 25;
69696 return A._asyncAwait($async$self._async_evaluate0$_performInterpolation$1(condition.$arguments), $async$_async_evaluate0$_visitSupportsCondition$1);
69697 case 25:
69698 // returning from await.
69699 $async$returnValue = $async$temp1 + $async$temp2.S($async$result) + ")";
69700 // goto return
69701 $async$goto = 1;
69702 break;
69703 // goto join
69704 $async$goto = 22;
69705 break;
69706 case 23:
69707 // else
69708 $async$goto = condition instanceof A.SupportsAnything0 ? 26 : 28;
69709 break;
69710 case 26:
69711 // then
69712 $async$temp1 = A;
69713 $async$goto = 29;
69714 return A._asyncAwait($async$self._async_evaluate0$_performInterpolation$1(condition.contents), $async$_async_evaluate0$_visitSupportsCondition$1);
69715 case 29:
69716 // returning from await.
69717 $async$returnValue = "(" + $async$temp1.S($async$result) + ")";
69718 // goto return
69719 $async$goto = 1;
69720 break;
69721 // goto join
69722 $async$goto = 27;
69723 break;
69724 case 28:
69725 // else
69726 throw A.wrapException(A.ArgumentError$("Unknown supports condition type " + A.getRuntimeType(condition).toString$0(0) + ".", null));
69727 case 27:
69728 // join
69729 case 22:
69730 // join
69731 case 17:
69732 // join
69733 case 13:
69734 // join
69735 case 9:
69736 // join
69737 case 4:
69738 // join
69739 case 1:
69740 // return
69741 return A._asyncReturn($async$returnValue, $async$completer);
69742 }
69743 });
69744 return A._asyncStartSync($async$_async_evaluate0$_visitSupportsCondition$1, $async$completer);
69745 },
69746 _async_evaluate0$_parenthesize$2(condition, operator) {
69747 return this._parenthesize$body$_EvaluateVisitor0(condition, operator);
69748 },
69749 _async_evaluate0$_parenthesize$1(condition) {
69750 return this._async_evaluate0$_parenthesize$2(condition, null);
69751 },
69752 _parenthesize$body$_EvaluateVisitor0(condition, operator) {
69753 var $async$goto = 0,
69754 $async$completer = A._makeAsyncAwaitCompleter(type$.String),
69755 $async$returnValue, $async$self = this, t1, $async$temp1;
69756 var $async$_async_evaluate0$_parenthesize$2 = A._wrapJsFunctionForAsync(function($async$errorCode, $async$result) {
69757 if ($async$errorCode === 1)
69758 return A._asyncRethrow($async$result, $async$completer);
69759 while (true)
69760 switch ($async$goto) {
69761 case 0:
69762 // Function start
69763 if (!(condition instanceof A.SupportsNegation0))
69764 if (condition instanceof A.SupportsOperation0)
69765 t1 = operator == null || operator !== condition.operator;
69766 else
69767 t1 = false;
69768 else
69769 t1 = true;
69770 $async$goto = t1 ? 3 : 5;
69771 break;
69772 case 3:
69773 // then
69774 $async$temp1 = A;
69775 $async$goto = 6;
69776 return A._asyncAwait($async$self._async_evaluate0$_visitSupportsCondition$1(condition), $async$_async_evaluate0$_parenthesize$2);
69777 case 6:
69778 // returning from await.
69779 $async$returnValue = "(" + $async$temp1.S($async$result) + ")";
69780 // goto return
69781 $async$goto = 1;
69782 break;
69783 // goto join
69784 $async$goto = 4;
69785 break;
69786 case 5:
69787 // else
69788 $async$goto = 7;
69789 return A._asyncAwait($async$self._async_evaluate0$_visitSupportsCondition$1(condition), $async$_async_evaluate0$_parenthesize$2);
69790 case 7:
69791 // returning from await.
69792 $async$returnValue = $async$result;
69793 // goto return
69794 $async$goto = 1;
69795 break;
69796 case 4:
69797 // join
69798 case 1:
69799 // return
69800 return A._asyncReturn($async$returnValue, $async$completer);
69801 }
69802 });
69803 return A._asyncStartSync($async$_async_evaluate0$_parenthesize$2, $async$completer);
69804 },
69805 visitVariableDeclaration$1(node) {
69806 return this.visitVariableDeclaration$body$_EvaluateVisitor0(node);
69807 },
69808 visitVariableDeclaration$body$_EvaluateVisitor0(node) {
69809 var $async$goto = 0,
69810 $async$completer = A._makeAsyncAwaitCompleter(type$.nullable_Value_2),
69811 $async$returnValue, $async$self = this, t1, value, $async$temp1, $async$temp2, $async$temp3;
69812 var $async$visitVariableDeclaration$1 = A._wrapJsFunctionForAsync(function($async$errorCode, $async$result) {
69813 if ($async$errorCode === 1)
69814 return A._asyncRethrow($async$result, $async$completer);
69815 while (true)
69816 switch ($async$goto) {
69817 case 0:
69818 // Function start
69819 if (node.isGuarded) {
69820 if (node.namespace == null && $async$self._async_evaluate0$_environment._async_environment0$_variables.length === 1) {
69821 t1 = $async$self._async_evaluate0$_configuration._configuration$_values;
69822 t1 = t1.get$isEmpty(t1) ? null : t1.remove$1(0, node.name);
69823 if (t1 != null && !t1.value.$eq(0, B.C__SassNull0)) {
69824 $async$self._async_evaluate0$_addExceptionSpan$2(node, new A._EvaluateVisitor_visitVariableDeclaration_closure8($async$self, node, t1));
69825 $async$returnValue = null;
69826 // goto return
69827 $async$goto = 1;
69828 break;
69829 }
69830 }
69831 value = $async$self._async_evaluate0$_addExceptionSpan$2(node, new A._EvaluateVisitor_visitVariableDeclaration_closure9($async$self, node));
69832 if (value != null && !value.$eq(0, B.C__SassNull0)) {
69833 $async$returnValue = null;
69834 // goto return
69835 $async$goto = 1;
69836 break;
69837 }
69838 }
69839 if (node.isGlobal && !$async$self._async_evaluate0$_environment.globalVariableExists$1(node.name)) {
69840 t1 = $async$self._async_evaluate0$_environment._async_environment0$_variables.length === 1 ? string$.As_of_S : string$.As_of_R + A.declarationName0(node.span) + ": null` at the stylesheet root.";
69841 $async$self._async_evaluate0$_warn$3$deprecation(t1, node.span, true);
69842 }
69843 t1 = node.expression;
69844 $async$temp1 = node;
69845 $async$temp2 = A;
69846 $async$temp3 = node;
69847 $async$goto = 3;
69848 return A._asyncAwait(t1.accept$1($async$self), $async$visitVariableDeclaration$1);
69849 case 3:
69850 // returning from await.
69851 $async$self._async_evaluate0$_addExceptionSpan$2($async$temp1, new $async$temp2._EvaluateVisitor_visitVariableDeclaration_closure10($async$self, $async$temp3, $async$self._async_evaluate0$_withoutSlash$2($async$result, t1)));
69852 $async$returnValue = null;
69853 // goto return
69854 $async$goto = 1;
69855 break;
69856 case 1:
69857 // return
69858 return A._asyncReturn($async$returnValue, $async$completer);
69859 }
69860 });
69861 return A._asyncStartSync($async$visitVariableDeclaration$1, $async$completer);
69862 },
69863 visitUseRule$1(node) {
69864 return this.visitUseRule$body$_EvaluateVisitor0(node);
69865 },
69866 visitUseRule$body$_EvaluateVisitor0(node) {
69867 var $async$goto = 0,
69868 $async$completer = A._makeAsyncAwaitCompleter(type$.nullable_Value_2),
69869 $async$returnValue, $async$self = this, values, _i, variable, t3, variableNodeWithSpan, configuration, t1, t2, $async$temp1, $async$temp2, $async$temp3;
69870 var $async$visitUseRule$1 = A._wrapJsFunctionForAsync(function($async$errorCode, $async$result) {
69871 if ($async$errorCode === 1)
69872 return A._asyncRethrow($async$result, $async$completer);
69873 while (true)
69874 switch ($async$goto) {
69875 case 0:
69876 // Function start
69877 t1 = node.configuration;
69878 t2 = t1.length;
69879 $async$goto = t2 !== 0 ? 3 : 5;
69880 break;
69881 case 3:
69882 // then
69883 values = A.LinkedHashMap_LinkedHashMap$_empty(type$.String, type$.ConfiguredValue_2);
69884 _i = 0;
69885 case 6:
69886 // for condition
69887 if (!(_i < t2)) {
69888 // goto after for
69889 $async$goto = 8;
69890 break;
69891 }
69892 variable = t1[_i];
69893 t3 = variable.expression;
69894 variableNodeWithSpan = $async$self._async_evaluate0$_expressionNode$1(t3);
69895 $async$temp1 = values;
69896 $async$temp2 = variable.name;
69897 $async$temp3 = A;
69898 $async$goto = 9;
69899 return A._asyncAwait(t3.accept$1($async$self), $async$visitUseRule$1);
69900 case 9:
69901 // returning from await.
69902 $async$temp1.$indexSet(0, $async$temp2, new $async$temp3.ConfiguredValue0($async$self._async_evaluate0$_withoutSlash$2($async$result, variableNodeWithSpan), variable.span, variableNodeWithSpan));
69903 case 7:
69904 // for update
69905 ++_i;
69906 // goto for condition
69907 $async$goto = 6;
69908 break;
69909 case 8:
69910 // after for
69911 configuration = new A.ExplicitConfiguration0(node, values);
69912 // goto join
69913 $async$goto = 4;
69914 break;
69915 case 5:
69916 // else
69917 configuration = B.Configuration_Map_empty0;
69918 case 4:
69919 // join
69920 $async$goto = 10;
69921 return A._asyncAwait($async$self._async_evaluate0$_loadModule$5$configuration(node.url, "@use", node, new A._EvaluateVisitor_visitUseRule_closure2($async$self, node), configuration), $async$visitUseRule$1);
69922 case 10:
69923 // returning from await.
69924 $async$self._async_evaluate0$_assertConfigurationIsEmpty$1(configuration);
69925 $async$returnValue = null;
69926 // goto return
69927 $async$goto = 1;
69928 break;
69929 case 1:
69930 // return
69931 return A._asyncReturn($async$returnValue, $async$completer);
69932 }
69933 });
69934 return A._asyncStartSync($async$visitUseRule$1, $async$completer);
69935 },
69936 visitWarnRule$1(node) {
69937 return this.visitWarnRule$body$_EvaluateVisitor0(node);
69938 },
69939 visitWarnRule$body$_EvaluateVisitor0(node) {
69940 var $async$goto = 0,
69941 $async$completer = A._makeAsyncAwaitCompleter(type$.nullable_Value_2),
69942 $async$returnValue, $async$self = this, value, t1;
69943 var $async$visitWarnRule$1 = A._wrapJsFunctionForAsync(function($async$errorCode, $async$result) {
69944 if ($async$errorCode === 1)
69945 return A._asyncRethrow($async$result, $async$completer);
69946 while (true)
69947 switch ($async$goto) {
69948 case 0:
69949 // Function start
69950 $async$goto = 3;
69951 return A._asyncAwait($async$self._async_evaluate0$_addExceptionSpanAsync$1$2(node, new A._EvaluateVisitor_visitWarnRule_closure2($async$self, node), type$.Value_2), $async$visitWarnRule$1);
69952 case 3:
69953 // returning from await.
69954 value = $async$result;
69955 t1 = value instanceof A.SassString0 ? value._string0$_text : $async$self._async_evaluate0$_serialize$2(value, node.expression);
69956 $async$self._async_evaluate0$_logger.warn$2$trace(0, t1, $async$self._async_evaluate0$_stackTrace$1(node.span));
69957 $async$returnValue = null;
69958 // goto return
69959 $async$goto = 1;
69960 break;
69961 case 1:
69962 // return
69963 return A._asyncReturn($async$returnValue, $async$completer);
69964 }
69965 });
69966 return A._asyncStartSync($async$visitWarnRule$1, $async$completer);
69967 },
69968 visitWhileRule$1(node) {
69969 return this._async_evaluate0$_environment.scope$1$3$semiGlobal$when(new A._EvaluateVisitor_visitWhileRule_closure2(this, node), true, node.hasDeclarations, type$.nullable_Value_2);
69970 },
69971 visitBinaryOperationExpression$1(node) {
69972 return this._async_evaluate0$_addExceptionSpanAsync$1$2(node, new A._EvaluateVisitor_visitBinaryOperationExpression_closure2(this, node), type$.Value_2);
69973 },
69974 visitValueExpression$1(node) {
69975 return this.visitValueExpression$body$_EvaluateVisitor0(node);
69976 },
69977 visitValueExpression$body$_EvaluateVisitor0(node) {
69978 var $async$goto = 0,
69979 $async$completer = A._makeAsyncAwaitCompleter(type$.Value_2),
69980 $async$returnValue;
69981 var $async$visitValueExpression$1 = A._wrapJsFunctionForAsync(function($async$errorCode, $async$result) {
69982 if ($async$errorCode === 1)
69983 return A._asyncRethrow($async$result, $async$completer);
69984 while (true)
69985 switch ($async$goto) {
69986 case 0:
69987 // Function start
69988 $async$returnValue = node.value;
69989 // goto return
69990 $async$goto = 1;
69991 break;
69992 case 1:
69993 // return
69994 return A._asyncReturn($async$returnValue, $async$completer);
69995 }
69996 });
69997 return A._asyncStartSync($async$visitValueExpression$1, $async$completer);
69998 },
69999 visitVariableExpression$1(node) {
70000 return this.visitVariableExpression$body$_EvaluateVisitor0(node);
70001 },
70002 visitVariableExpression$body$_EvaluateVisitor0(node) {
70003 var $async$goto = 0,
70004 $async$completer = A._makeAsyncAwaitCompleter(type$.Value_2),
70005 $async$returnValue, $async$self = this, result;
70006 var $async$visitVariableExpression$1 = A._wrapJsFunctionForAsync(function($async$errorCode, $async$result) {
70007 if ($async$errorCode === 1)
70008 return A._asyncRethrow($async$result, $async$completer);
70009 while (true)
70010 switch ($async$goto) {
70011 case 0:
70012 // Function start
70013 result = $async$self._async_evaluate0$_addExceptionSpan$2(node, new A._EvaluateVisitor_visitVariableExpression_closure2($async$self, node));
70014 if (result != null) {
70015 $async$returnValue = result;
70016 // goto return
70017 $async$goto = 1;
70018 break;
70019 }
70020 throw A.wrapException($async$self._async_evaluate0$_exception$2("Undefined variable.", node.span));
70021 case 1:
70022 // return
70023 return A._asyncReturn($async$returnValue, $async$completer);
70024 }
70025 });
70026 return A._asyncStartSync($async$visitVariableExpression$1, $async$completer);
70027 },
70028 visitUnaryOperationExpression$1(node) {
70029 return this.visitUnaryOperationExpression$body$_EvaluateVisitor0(node);
70030 },
70031 visitUnaryOperationExpression$body$_EvaluateVisitor0(node) {
70032 var $async$goto = 0,
70033 $async$completer = A._makeAsyncAwaitCompleter(type$.Value_2),
70034 $async$returnValue, $async$self = this, $async$temp1, $async$temp2, $async$temp3;
70035 var $async$visitUnaryOperationExpression$1 = A._wrapJsFunctionForAsync(function($async$errorCode, $async$result) {
70036 if ($async$errorCode === 1)
70037 return A._asyncRethrow($async$result, $async$completer);
70038 while (true)
70039 switch ($async$goto) {
70040 case 0:
70041 // Function start
70042 $async$temp1 = node;
70043 $async$temp2 = A;
70044 $async$temp3 = node;
70045 $async$goto = 3;
70046 return A._asyncAwait(node.operand.accept$1($async$self), $async$visitUnaryOperationExpression$1);
70047 case 3:
70048 // returning from await.
70049 $async$returnValue = $async$self._async_evaluate0$_addExceptionSpan$2($async$temp1, new $async$temp2._EvaluateVisitor_visitUnaryOperationExpression_closure2($async$temp3, $async$result));
70050 // goto return
70051 $async$goto = 1;
70052 break;
70053 case 1:
70054 // return
70055 return A._asyncReturn($async$returnValue, $async$completer);
70056 }
70057 });
70058 return A._asyncStartSync($async$visitUnaryOperationExpression$1, $async$completer);
70059 },
70060 visitBooleanExpression$1(node) {
70061 return this.visitBooleanExpression$body$_EvaluateVisitor0(node);
70062 },
70063 visitBooleanExpression$body$_EvaluateVisitor0(node) {
70064 var $async$goto = 0,
70065 $async$completer = A._makeAsyncAwaitCompleter(type$.SassBoolean_2),
70066 $async$returnValue;
70067 var $async$visitBooleanExpression$1 = A._wrapJsFunctionForAsync(function($async$errorCode, $async$result) {
70068 if ($async$errorCode === 1)
70069 return A._asyncRethrow($async$result, $async$completer);
70070 while (true)
70071 switch ($async$goto) {
70072 case 0:
70073 // Function start
70074 $async$returnValue = node.value ? B.SassBoolean_true0 : B.SassBoolean_false0;
70075 // goto return
70076 $async$goto = 1;
70077 break;
70078 case 1:
70079 // return
70080 return A._asyncReturn($async$returnValue, $async$completer);
70081 }
70082 });
70083 return A._asyncStartSync($async$visitBooleanExpression$1, $async$completer);
70084 },
70085 visitIfExpression$1(node) {
70086 return this.visitIfExpression$body$_EvaluateVisitor0(node);
70087 },
70088 visitIfExpression$body$_EvaluateVisitor0(node) {
70089 var $async$goto = 0,
70090 $async$completer = A._makeAsyncAwaitCompleter(type$.Value_2),
70091 $async$returnValue, $async$self = this, condition, t2, ifTrue, ifFalse, result, pair, positional, named, t1;
70092 var $async$visitIfExpression$1 = A._wrapJsFunctionForAsync(function($async$errorCode, $async$result) {
70093 if ($async$errorCode === 1)
70094 return A._asyncRethrow($async$result, $async$completer);
70095 while (true)
70096 switch ($async$goto) {
70097 case 0:
70098 // Function start
70099 $async$goto = 3;
70100 return A._asyncAwait($async$self._async_evaluate0$_evaluateMacroArguments$1(node), $async$visitIfExpression$1);
70101 case 3:
70102 // returning from await.
70103 pair = $async$result;
70104 positional = pair.item1;
70105 named = pair.item2;
70106 t1 = J.getInterceptor$asx(positional);
70107 $async$self._async_evaluate0$_verifyArguments$4(t1.get$length(positional), named, $.$get$IfExpression_declaration0(), node);
70108 if (t1.get$length(positional) > 0)
70109 condition = t1.$index(positional, 0);
70110 else {
70111 t2 = named.$index(0, "condition");
70112 t2.toString;
70113 condition = t2;
70114 }
70115 if (t1.get$length(positional) > 1)
70116 ifTrue = t1.$index(positional, 1);
70117 else {
70118 t2 = named.$index(0, "if-true");
70119 t2.toString;
70120 ifTrue = t2;
70121 }
70122 if (t1.get$length(positional) > 2)
70123 ifFalse = t1.$index(positional, 2);
70124 else {
70125 t1 = named.$index(0, "if-false");
70126 t1.toString;
70127 ifFalse = t1;
70128 }
70129 $async$goto = 4;
70130 return A._asyncAwait(condition.accept$1($async$self), $async$visitIfExpression$1);
70131 case 4:
70132 // returning from await.
70133 result = $async$result.get$isTruthy() ? ifTrue : ifFalse;
70134 $async$goto = 5;
70135 return A._asyncAwait(result.accept$1($async$self), $async$visitIfExpression$1);
70136 case 5:
70137 // returning from await.
70138 $async$returnValue = $async$self._async_evaluate0$_withoutSlash$2($async$result, $async$self._async_evaluate0$_expressionNode$1(result));
70139 // goto return
70140 $async$goto = 1;
70141 break;
70142 case 1:
70143 // return
70144 return A._asyncReturn($async$returnValue, $async$completer);
70145 }
70146 });
70147 return A._asyncStartSync($async$visitIfExpression$1, $async$completer);
70148 },
70149 visitNullExpression$1(node) {
70150 return this.visitNullExpression$body$_EvaluateVisitor0(node);
70151 },
70152 visitNullExpression$body$_EvaluateVisitor0(node) {
70153 var $async$goto = 0,
70154 $async$completer = A._makeAsyncAwaitCompleter(type$.Value_2),
70155 $async$returnValue;
70156 var $async$visitNullExpression$1 = A._wrapJsFunctionForAsync(function($async$errorCode, $async$result) {
70157 if ($async$errorCode === 1)
70158 return A._asyncRethrow($async$result, $async$completer);
70159 while (true)
70160 switch ($async$goto) {
70161 case 0:
70162 // Function start
70163 $async$returnValue = B.C__SassNull0;
70164 // goto return
70165 $async$goto = 1;
70166 break;
70167 case 1:
70168 // return
70169 return A._asyncReturn($async$returnValue, $async$completer);
70170 }
70171 });
70172 return A._asyncStartSync($async$visitNullExpression$1, $async$completer);
70173 },
70174 visitNumberExpression$1(node) {
70175 return this.visitNumberExpression$body$_EvaluateVisitor0(node);
70176 },
70177 visitNumberExpression$body$_EvaluateVisitor0(node) {
70178 var $async$goto = 0,
70179 $async$completer = A._makeAsyncAwaitCompleter(type$.SassNumber_2),
70180 $async$returnValue, t1, t2;
70181 var $async$visitNumberExpression$1 = A._wrapJsFunctionForAsync(function($async$errorCode, $async$result) {
70182 if ($async$errorCode === 1)
70183 return A._asyncRethrow($async$result, $async$completer);
70184 while (true)
70185 switch ($async$goto) {
70186 case 0:
70187 // Function start
70188 t1 = node.value;
70189 t2 = node.unit;
70190 $async$returnValue = t2 == null ? new A.UnitlessSassNumber0(t1, null) : new A.SingleUnitSassNumber0(t2, t1, null);
70191 // goto return
70192 $async$goto = 1;
70193 break;
70194 case 1:
70195 // return
70196 return A._asyncReturn($async$returnValue, $async$completer);
70197 }
70198 });
70199 return A._asyncStartSync($async$visitNumberExpression$1, $async$completer);
70200 },
70201 visitParenthesizedExpression$1(node) {
70202 return node.expression.accept$1(this);
70203 },
70204 visitCalculationExpression$1(node) {
70205 return this.visitCalculationExpression$body$_EvaluateVisitor0(node);
70206 },
70207 visitCalculationExpression$body$_EvaluateVisitor0(node) {
70208 var $async$goto = 0,
70209 $async$completer = A._makeAsyncAwaitCompleter(type$.Value_2),
70210 $async$returnValue, $async$next = [], $async$self = this, $arguments, error, stackTrace, t2, t3, t4, t5, t6, _i, argument, exception, t1, $async$temp1;
70211 var $async$visitCalculationExpression$1 = A._wrapJsFunctionForAsync(function($async$errorCode, $async$result) {
70212 if ($async$errorCode === 1)
70213 return A._asyncRethrow($async$result, $async$completer);
70214 while (true)
70215 $async$outer:
70216 switch ($async$goto) {
70217 case 0:
70218 // Function start
70219 t1 = A._setArrayType([], type$.JSArray_Object);
70220 t2 = node.$arguments, t3 = t2.length, t4 = node.name, t5 = t4 !== "min", t6 = t4 === "max", _i = 0;
70221 case 3:
70222 // for condition
70223 if (!(_i < t3)) {
70224 // goto after for
70225 $async$goto = 5;
70226 break;
70227 }
70228 argument = t2[_i];
70229 $async$temp1 = t1;
70230 $async$goto = 6;
70231 return A._asyncAwait($async$self._async_evaluate0$_visitCalculationValue$2$inMinMax(argument, !t5 || t6), $async$visitCalculationExpression$1);
70232 case 6:
70233 // returning from await.
70234 $async$temp1.push($async$result);
70235 case 4:
70236 // for update
70237 ++_i;
70238 // goto for condition
70239 $async$goto = 3;
70240 break;
70241 case 5:
70242 // after for
70243 $arguments = t1;
70244 try {
70245 switch (t4) {
70246 case "calc":
70247 t1 = A.SassCalculation_calc0(J.$index$asx($arguments, 0));
70248 $async$returnValue = t1;
70249 // goto return
70250 $async$goto = 1;
70251 break $async$outer;
70252 case "min":
70253 t1 = A.SassCalculation_min0($arguments);
70254 $async$returnValue = t1;
70255 // goto return
70256 $async$goto = 1;
70257 break $async$outer;
70258 case "max":
70259 t1 = A.SassCalculation_max0($arguments);
70260 $async$returnValue = t1;
70261 // goto return
70262 $async$goto = 1;
70263 break $async$outer;
70264 case "clamp":
70265 t1 = J.$index$asx($arguments, 0);
70266 t3 = J.get$length$asx($arguments) > 1 ? J.$index$asx($arguments, 1) : null;
70267 t1 = A.SassCalculation_clamp0(t1, t3, J.get$length$asx($arguments) > 2 ? J.$index$asx($arguments, 2) : null);
70268 $async$returnValue = t1;
70269 // goto return
70270 $async$goto = 1;
70271 break $async$outer;
70272 default:
70273 t1 = A.UnsupportedError$('Unknown calculation name "' + t4 + '".');
70274 throw A.wrapException(t1);
70275 }
70276 } catch (exception) {
70277 t1 = A.unwrapException(exception);
70278 if (t1 instanceof A.SassScriptException0) {
70279 error = t1;
70280 stackTrace = A.getTraceFromException(exception);
70281 $async$self._async_evaluate0$_verifyCompatibleNumbers$2($arguments, t2);
70282 A.throwWithTrace0($async$self._async_evaluate0$_exception$2(error.message, node.span), stackTrace);
70283 } else
70284 throw exception;
70285 }
70286 case 1:
70287 // return
70288 return A._asyncReturn($async$returnValue, $async$completer);
70289 }
70290 });
70291 return A._asyncStartSync($async$visitCalculationExpression$1, $async$completer);
70292 },
70293 _async_evaluate0$_verifyCompatibleNumbers$2(args, nodesWithSpans) {
70294 var i, t1, arg, number1, j, number2;
70295 for (i = 0; t1 = args.length, i < t1; ++i) {
70296 arg = args[i];
70297 if (!(arg instanceof A.SassNumber0))
70298 continue;
70299 if (arg.get$numeratorUnits(arg).length > 1 || arg.get$denominatorUnits(arg).length !== 0)
70300 throw A.wrapException(this._async_evaluate0$_exception$2("Number " + arg.toString$0(0) + " isn't compatible with CSS calculations.", J.get$span$z(nodesWithSpans[i])));
70301 }
70302 for (i = 0; i < t1 - 1; ++i) {
70303 number1 = args[i];
70304 if (!(number1 instanceof A.SassNumber0))
70305 continue;
70306 for (j = i + 1; t1 = args.length, j < t1; ++j) {
70307 number2 = args[j];
70308 if (!(number2 instanceof A.SassNumber0))
70309 continue;
70310 if (number1.hasPossiblyCompatibleUnits$1(number2))
70311 continue;
70312 throw A.wrapException(A.MultiSpanSassRuntimeException$0(number1.toString$0(0) + " and " + number2.toString$0(0) + " are incompatible.", J.get$span$z(nodesWithSpans[i]), number1.toString$0(0), A.LinkedHashMap_LinkedHashMap$_literal([J.get$span$z(nodesWithSpans[j]), number2.toString$0(0)], type$.FileSpan, type$.String), this._async_evaluate0$_stackTrace$1(J.get$span$z(nodesWithSpans[i]))));
70313 }
70314 }
70315 },
70316 _async_evaluate0$_visitCalculationValue$2$inMinMax(node, inMinMax) {
70317 return this._visitCalculationValue$body$_EvaluateVisitor0(node, inMinMax);
70318 },
70319 _visitCalculationValue$body$_EvaluateVisitor0(node, inMinMax) {
70320 var $async$goto = 0,
70321 $async$completer = A._makeAsyncAwaitCompleter(type$.Object),
70322 $async$returnValue, $async$self = this, inner, result, t1, $async$temp1;
70323 var $async$_async_evaluate0$_visitCalculationValue$2$inMinMax = A._wrapJsFunctionForAsync(function($async$errorCode, $async$result) {
70324 if ($async$errorCode === 1)
70325 return A._asyncRethrow($async$result, $async$completer);
70326 while (true)
70327 switch ($async$goto) {
70328 case 0:
70329 // Function start
70330 $async$goto = node instanceof A.ParenthesizedExpression0 ? 3 : 5;
70331 break;
70332 case 3:
70333 // then
70334 inner = node.expression;
70335 $async$goto = 6;
70336 return A._asyncAwait($async$self._async_evaluate0$_visitCalculationValue$2$inMinMax(inner, inMinMax), $async$_async_evaluate0$_visitCalculationValue$2$inMinMax);
70337 case 6:
70338 // returning from await.
70339 result = $async$result;
70340 if (inner instanceof A.FunctionExpression0)
70341 t1 = A.stringReplaceAllUnchecked(inner.originalName, "_", "-").toLowerCase() === "var" && result instanceof A.SassString0 && !result._string0$_hasQuotes;
70342 else
70343 t1 = false;
70344 $async$returnValue = t1 ? new A.SassString0("(" + result._string0$_text + ")", false) : result;
70345 // goto return
70346 $async$goto = 1;
70347 break;
70348 // goto join
70349 $async$goto = 4;
70350 break;
70351 case 5:
70352 // else
70353 $async$goto = node instanceof A.StringExpression0 ? 7 : 9;
70354 break;
70355 case 7:
70356 // then
70357 $async$temp1 = A;
70358 $async$goto = 10;
70359 return A._asyncAwait($async$self._async_evaluate0$_performInterpolation$1(node.text), $async$_async_evaluate0$_visitCalculationValue$2$inMinMax);
70360 case 10:
70361 // returning from await.
70362 $async$returnValue = new $async$temp1.CalculationInterpolation0($async$result);
70363 // goto return
70364 $async$goto = 1;
70365 break;
70366 // goto join
70367 $async$goto = 8;
70368 break;
70369 case 9:
70370 // else
70371 $async$goto = node instanceof A.BinaryOperationExpression0 ? 11 : 13;
70372 break;
70373 case 11:
70374 // then
70375 $async$goto = 14;
70376 return A._asyncAwait($async$self._async_evaluate0$_addExceptionSpanAsync$1$2(node, new A._EvaluateVisitor__visitCalculationValue_closure2($async$self, node, inMinMax), type$.Object), $async$_async_evaluate0$_visitCalculationValue$2$inMinMax);
70377 case 14:
70378 // returning from await.
70379 $async$returnValue = $async$result;
70380 // goto return
70381 $async$goto = 1;
70382 break;
70383 // goto join
70384 $async$goto = 12;
70385 break;
70386 case 13:
70387 // else
70388 $async$goto = 15;
70389 return A._asyncAwait(node.accept$1($async$self), $async$_async_evaluate0$_visitCalculationValue$2$inMinMax);
70390 case 15:
70391 // returning from await.
70392 result = $async$result;
70393 if (result instanceof A.SassNumber0 || result instanceof A.SassCalculation0) {
70394 $async$returnValue = result;
70395 // goto return
70396 $async$goto = 1;
70397 break;
70398 }
70399 if (result instanceof A.SassString0 && !result._string0$_hasQuotes) {
70400 $async$returnValue = result;
70401 // goto return
70402 $async$goto = 1;
70403 break;
70404 }
70405 throw A.wrapException($async$self._async_evaluate0$_exception$2("Value " + result.toString$0(0) + " can't be used in a calculation.", node.get$span(node)));
70406 case 12:
70407 // join
70408 case 8:
70409 // join
70410 case 4:
70411 // join
70412 case 1:
70413 // return
70414 return A._asyncReturn($async$returnValue, $async$completer);
70415 }
70416 });
70417 return A._asyncStartSync($async$_async_evaluate0$_visitCalculationValue$2$inMinMax, $async$completer);
70418 },
70419 _async_evaluate0$_binaryOperatorToCalculationOperator$1(operator) {
70420 switch (operator) {
70421 case B.BinaryOperator_AcR2:
70422 return B.CalculationOperator_Iem0;
70423 case B.BinaryOperator_iyO0:
70424 return B.CalculationOperator_uti0;
70425 case B.BinaryOperator_O1M0:
70426 return B.CalculationOperator_Dih0;
70427 case B.BinaryOperator_RTB0:
70428 return B.CalculationOperator_jB60;
70429 default:
70430 throw A.wrapException(A.UnsupportedError$("Invalid calculation operator " + operator.toString$0(0) + "."));
70431 }
70432 },
70433 visitColorExpression$1(node) {
70434 return this.visitColorExpression$body$_EvaluateVisitor0(node);
70435 },
70436 visitColorExpression$body$_EvaluateVisitor0(node) {
70437 var $async$goto = 0,
70438 $async$completer = A._makeAsyncAwaitCompleter(type$.SassColor_2),
70439 $async$returnValue;
70440 var $async$visitColorExpression$1 = A._wrapJsFunctionForAsync(function($async$errorCode, $async$result) {
70441 if ($async$errorCode === 1)
70442 return A._asyncRethrow($async$result, $async$completer);
70443 while (true)
70444 switch ($async$goto) {
70445 case 0:
70446 // Function start
70447 $async$returnValue = node.value;
70448 // goto return
70449 $async$goto = 1;
70450 break;
70451 case 1:
70452 // return
70453 return A._asyncReturn($async$returnValue, $async$completer);
70454 }
70455 });
70456 return A._asyncStartSync($async$visitColorExpression$1, $async$completer);
70457 },
70458 visitListExpression$1(node) {
70459 return this.visitListExpression$body$_EvaluateVisitor0(node);
70460 },
70461 visitListExpression$body$_EvaluateVisitor0(node) {
70462 var $async$goto = 0,
70463 $async$completer = A._makeAsyncAwaitCompleter(type$.SassList_2),
70464 $async$returnValue, $async$self = this, $async$temp1;
70465 var $async$visitListExpression$1 = A._wrapJsFunctionForAsync(function($async$errorCode, $async$result) {
70466 if ($async$errorCode === 1)
70467 return A._asyncRethrow($async$result, $async$completer);
70468 while (true)
70469 switch ($async$goto) {
70470 case 0:
70471 // Function start
70472 $async$temp1 = A;
70473 $async$goto = 3;
70474 return A._asyncAwait(A.mapAsync0(node.contents, new A._EvaluateVisitor_visitListExpression_closure2($async$self), type$.Expression_2, type$.Value_2), $async$visitListExpression$1);
70475 case 3:
70476 // returning from await.
70477 $async$returnValue = $async$temp1.SassList$0($async$result, node.separator, node.hasBrackets);
70478 // goto return
70479 $async$goto = 1;
70480 break;
70481 case 1:
70482 // return
70483 return A._asyncReturn($async$returnValue, $async$completer);
70484 }
70485 });
70486 return A._asyncStartSync($async$visitListExpression$1, $async$completer);
70487 },
70488 visitMapExpression$1(node) {
70489 return this.visitMapExpression$body$_EvaluateVisitor0(node);
70490 },
70491 visitMapExpression$body$_EvaluateVisitor0(node) {
70492 var $async$goto = 0,
70493 $async$completer = A._makeAsyncAwaitCompleter(type$.SassMap_2),
70494 $async$returnValue, $async$self = this, t2, t3, _i, pair, t4, keyValue, valueValue, oldValueSpan, t1, map, keyNodes;
70495 var $async$visitMapExpression$1 = A._wrapJsFunctionForAsync(function($async$errorCode, $async$result) {
70496 if ($async$errorCode === 1)
70497 return A._asyncRethrow($async$result, $async$completer);
70498 while (true)
70499 switch ($async$goto) {
70500 case 0:
70501 // Function start
70502 t1 = type$.Value_2;
70503 map = A.LinkedHashMap_LinkedHashMap$_empty(t1, t1);
70504 keyNodes = A.LinkedHashMap_LinkedHashMap$_empty(t1, type$.AstNode_2);
70505 t2 = node.pairs, t3 = t2.length, _i = 0;
70506 case 3:
70507 // for condition
70508 if (!(_i < t3)) {
70509 // goto after for
70510 $async$goto = 5;
70511 break;
70512 }
70513 pair = t2[_i];
70514 t4 = pair.item1;
70515 $async$goto = 6;
70516 return A._asyncAwait(t4.accept$1($async$self), $async$visitMapExpression$1);
70517 case 6:
70518 // returning from await.
70519 keyValue = $async$result;
70520 $async$goto = 7;
70521 return A._asyncAwait(pair.item2.accept$1($async$self), $async$visitMapExpression$1);
70522 case 7:
70523 // returning from await.
70524 valueValue = $async$result;
70525 if (map.$index(0, keyValue) != null) {
70526 t1 = keyNodes.$index(0, keyValue);
70527 oldValueSpan = t1 == null ? null : t1.get$span(t1);
70528 t1 = J.getInterceptor$z(t4);
70529 t2 = t1.get$span(t4);
70530 t3 = A.LinkedHashMap_LinkedHashMap$_empty(type$.FileSpan, type$.String);
70531 if (oldValueSpan != null)
70532 t3.$indexSet(0, oldValueSpan, "first key");
70533 throw A.wrapException(A.MultiSpanSassRuntimeException$0("Duplicate key.", t2, "second key", t3, $async$self._async_evaluate0$_stackTrace$1(t1.get$span(t4))));
70534 }
70535 map.$indexSet(0, keyValue, valueValue);
70536 keyNodes.$indexSet(0, keyValue, t4);
70537 case 4:
70538 // for update
70539 ++_i;
70540 // goto for condition
70541 $async$goto = 3;
70542 break;
70543 case 5:
70544 // after for
70545 $async$returnValue = new A.SassMap0(A.ConstantMap_ConstantMap$from(map, t1, t1));
70546 // goto return
70547 $async$goto = 1;
70548 break;
70549 case 1:
70550 // return
70551 return A._asyncReturn($async$returnValue, $async$completer);
70552 }
70553 });
70554 return A._asyncStartSync($async$visitMapExpression$1, $async$completer);
70555 },
70556 visitFunctionExpression$1(node) {
70557 return this.visitFunctionExpression$body$_EvaluateVisitor0(node);
70558 },
70559 visitFunctionExpression$body$_EvaluateVisitor0(node) {
70560 var $async$goto = 0,
70561 $async$completer = A._makeAsyncAwaitCompleter(type$.Value_2),
70562 $async$returnValue, $async$self = this, oldInFunction, result, t1, $function;
70563 var $async$visitFunctionExpression$1 = A._wrapJsFunctionForAsync(function($async$errorCode, $async$result) {
70564 if ($async$errorCode === 1)
70565 return A._asyncRethrow($async$result, $async$completer);
70566 while (true)
70567 switch ($async$goto) {
70568 case 0:
70569 // Function start
70570 t1 = {};
70571 $function = $async$self._async_evaluate0$_addExceptionSpan$2(node, new A._EvaluateVisitor_visitFunctionExpression_closure5($async$self, node));
70572 t1.$function = $function;
70573 if ($function == null) {
70574 if (node.namespace != null)
70575 throw A.wrapException($async$self._async_evaluate0$_exception$2("Undefined function.", node.span));
70576 t1.$function = new A.PlainCssCallable0(node.originalName);
70577 }
70578 oldInFunction = $async$self._async_evaluate0$_inFunction;
70579 $async$self._async_evaluate0$_inFunction = true;
70580 $async$goto = 3;
70581 return A._asyncAwait($async$self._async_evaluate0$_addErrorSpan$1$2(node, new A._EvaluateVisitor_visitFunctionExpression_closure6(t1, $async$self, node), type$.Value_2), $async$visitFunctionExpression$1);
70582 case 3:
70583 // returning from await.
70584 result = $async$result;
70585 $async$self._async_evaluate0$_inFunction = oldInFunction;
70586 $async$returnValue = result;
70587 // goto return
70588 $async$goto = 1;
70589 break;
70590 case 1:
70591 // return
70592 return A._asyncReturn($async$returnValue, $async$completer);
70593 }
70594 });
70595 return A._asyncStartSync($async$visitFunctionExpression$1, $async$completer);
70596 },
70597 visitInterpolatedFunctionExpression$1(node) {
70598 return this.visitInterpolatedFunctionExpression$body$_EvaluateVisitor0(node);
70599 },
70600 visitInterpolatedFunctionExpression$body$_EvaluateVisitor0(node) {
70601 var $async$goto = 0,
70602 $async$completer = A._makeAsyncAwaitCompleter(type$.Value_2),
70603 $async$returnValue, $async$self = this, result, t1, oldInFunction;
70604 var $async$visitInterpolatedFunctionExpression$1 = A._wrapJsFunctionForAsync(function($async$errorCode, $async$result) {
70605 if ($async$errorCode === 1)
70606 return A._asyncRethrow($async$result, $async$completer);
70607 while (true)
70608 switch ($async$goto) {
70609 case 0:
70610 // Function start
70611 $async$goto = 3;
70612 return A._asyncAwait($async$self._async_evaluate0$_performInterpolation$1(node.name), $async$visitInterpolatedFunctionExpression$1);
70613 case 3:
70614 // returning from await.
70615 t1 = $async$result;
70616 oldInFunction = $async$self._async_evaluate0$_inFunction;
70617 $async$self._async_evaluate0$_inFunction = true;
70618 $async$goto = 4;
70619 return A._asyncAwait($async$self._async_evaluate0$_addErrorSpan$1$2(node, new A._EvaluateVisitor_visitInterpolatedFunctionExpression_closure2($async$self, node, new A.PlainCssCallable0(t1)), type$.Value_2), $async$visitInterpolatedFunctionExpression$1);
70620 case 4:
70621 // returning from await.
70622 result = $async$result;
70623 $async$self._async_evaluate0$_inFunction = oldInFunction;
70624 $async$returnValue = result;
70625 // goto return
70626 $async$goto = 1;
70627 break;
70628 case 1:
70629 // return
70630 return A._asyncReturn($async$returnValue, $async$completer);
70631 }
70632 });
70633 return A._asyncStartSync($async$visitInterpolatedFunctionExpression$1, $async$completer);
70634 },
70635 _async_evaluate0$_getFunction$2$namespace($name, namespace) {
70636 var local = this._async_evaluate0$_environment.getFunction$2$namespace($name, namespace);
70637 if (local != null || namespace != null)
70638 return local;
70639 return this._async_evaluate0$_builtInFunctions.$index(0, $name);
70640 },
70641 _async_evaluate0$_runUserDefinedCallable$1$4($arguments, callable, nodeWithSpan, run, $V) {
70642 return this._runUserDefinedCallable$body$_EvaluateVisitor0($arguments, callable, nodeWithSpan, run, $V, $V);
70643 },
70644 _runUserDefinedCallable$body$_EvaluateVisitor0($arguments, callable, nodeWithSpan, run, $V, $async$type) {
70645 var $async$goto = 0,
70646 $async$completer = A._makeAsyncAwaitCompleter($async$type),
70647 $async$returnValue, $async$self = this, evaluated, $name;
70648 var $async$_async_evaluate0$_runUserDefinedCallable$1$4 = A._wrapJsFunctionForAsync(function($async$errorCode, $async$result) {
70649 if ($async$errorCode === 1)
70650 return A._asyncRethrow($async$result, $async$completer);
70651 while (true)
70652 switch ($async$goto) {
70653 case 0:
70654 // Function start
70655 $async$goto = 3;
70656 return A._asyncAwait($async$self._async_evaluate0$_evaluateArguments$1($arguments), $async$_async_evaluate0$_runUserDefinedCallable$1$4);
70657 case 3:
70658 // returning from await.
70659 evaluated = $async$result;
70660 $name = callable.declaration.name;
70661 if ($name !== "@content")
70662 $name += "()";
70663 $async$goto = 4;
70664 return A._asyncAwait($async$self._async_evaluate0$_withStackFrame$1$3($name, nodeWithSpan, new A._EvaluateVisitor__runUserDefinedCallable_closure2($async$self, callable, evaluated, nodeWithSpan, run, $V), $V), $async$_async_evaluate0$_runUserDefinedCallable$1$4);
70665 case 4:
70666 // returning from await.
70667 $async$returnValue = $async$result;
70668 // goto return
70669 $async$goto = 1;
70670 break;
70671 case 1:
70672 // return
70673 return A._asyncReturn($async$returnValue, $async$completer);
70674 }
70675 });
70676 return A._asyncStartSync($async$_async_evaluate0$_runUserDefinedCallable$1$4, $async$completer);
70677 },
70678 _async_evaluate0$_runFunctionCallable$3($arguments, callable, nodeWithSpan) {
70679 return this._runFunctionCallable$body$_EvaluateVisitor0($arguments, callable, nodeWithSpan);
70680 },
70681 _runFunctionCallable$body$_EvaluateVisitor0($arguments, callable, nodeWithSpan) {
70682 var $async$goto = 0,
70683 $async$completer = A._makeAsyncAwaitCompleter(type$.Value_2),
70684 $async$returnValue, $async$self = this, t1, t2, t3, first, _i, argument, restArg, rest, $async$temp1;
70685 var $async$_async_evaluate0$_runFunctionCallable$3 = A._wrapJsFunctionForAsync(function($async$errorCode, $async$result) {
70686 if ($async$errorCode === 1)
70687 return A._asyncRethrow($async$result, $async$completer);
70688 while (true)
70689 switch ($async$goto) {
70690 case 0:
70691 // Function start
70692 $async$goto = type$.AsyncBuiltInCallable_2._is(callable) ? 3 : 5;
70693 break;
70694 case 3:
70695 // then
70696 $async$goto = 6;
70697 return A._asyncAwait($async$self._async_evaluate0$_runBuiltInCallable$3($arguments, callable, nodeWithSpan), $async$_async_evaluate0$_runFunctionCallable$3);
70698 case 6:
70699 // returning from await.
70700 $async$returnValue = $async$self._async_evaluate0$_withoutSlash$2($async$result, nodeWithSpan);
70701 // goto return
70702 $async$goto = 1;
70703 break;
70704 // goto join
70705 $async$goto = 4;
70706 break;
70707 case 5:
70708 // else
70709 $async$goto = type$.UserDefinedCallable_AsyncEnvironment_2._is(callable) ? 7 : 9;
70710 break;
70711 case 7:
70712 // then
70713 $async$goto = 10;
70714 return A._asyncAwait($async$self._async_evaluate0$_runUserDefinedCallable$1$4($arguments, callable, nodeWithSpan, new A._EvaluateVisitor__runFunctionCallable_closure2($async$self, callable), type$.Value_2), $async$_async_evaluate0$_runFunctionCallable$3);
70715 case 10:
70716 // returning from await.
70717 $async$returnValue = $async$result;
70718 // goto return
70719 $async$goto = 1;
70720 break;
70721 // goto join
70722 $async$goto = 8;
70723 break;
70724 case 9:
70725 // else
70726 $async$goto = callable instanceof A.PlainCssCallable0 ? 11 : 13;
70727 break;
70728 case 11:
70729 // then
70730 t1 = $arguments.named;
70731 if (t1.get$isNotEmpty(t1) || $arguments.keywordRest != null)
70732 throw A.wrapException($async$self._async_evaluate0$_exception$2(string$.Plain_, nodeWithSpan.get$span(nodeWithSpan)));
70733 t1 = callable.name + "(";
70734 t2 = $arguments.positional, t3 = t2.length, first = true, _i = 0;
70735 case 14:
70736 // for condition
70737 if (!(_i < t3)) {
70738 // goto after for
70739 $async$goto = 16;
70740 break;
70741 }
70742 argument = t2[_i];
70743 if (first)
70744 first = false;
70745 else
70746 t1 += ", ";
70747 $async$temp1 = A;
70748 $async$goto = 17;
70749 return A._asyncAwait($async$self._async_evaluate0$_evaluateToCss$1(argument), $async$_async_evaluate0$_runFunctionCallable$3);
70750 case 17:
70751 // returning from await.
70752 t1 += $async$temp1.S($async$result);
70753 case 15:
70754 // for update
70755 ++_i;
70756 // goto for condition
70757 $async$goto = 14;
70758 break;
70759 case 16:
70760 // after for
70761 restArg = $arguments.rest;
70762 $async$goto = restArg != null ? 18 : 19;
70763 break;
70764 case 18:
70765 // then
70766 $async$goto = 20;
70767 return A._asyncAwait(restArg.accept$1($async$self), $async$_async_evaluate0$_runFunctionCallable$3);
70768 case 20:
70769 // returning from await.
70770 rest = $async$result;
70771 if (!first)
70772 t1 += ", ";
70773 t1 += $async$self._async_evaluate0$_serialize$2(rest, restArg);
70774 case 19:
70775 // join
70776 t1 += A.Primitives_stringFromCharCode(41);
70777 $async$returnValue = new A.SassString0(t1.charCodeAt(0) == 0 ? t1 : t1, false);
70778 // goto return
70779 $async$goto = 1;
70780 break;
70781 // goto join
70782 $async$goto = 12;
70783 break;
70784 case 13:
70785 // else
70786 throw A.wrapException(A.ArgumentError$("Unknown callable type " + J.get$runtimeType$u(callable).toString$0(0) + ".", null));
70787 case 12:
70788 // join
70789 case 8:
70790 // join
70791 case 4:
70792 // join
70793 case 1:
70794 // return
70795 return A._asyncReturn($async$returnValue, $async$completer);
70796 }
70797 });
70798 return A._asyncStartSync($async$_async_evaluate0$_runFunctionCallable$3, $async$completer);
70799 },
70800 _async_evaluate0$_runBuiltInCallable$3($arguments, callable, nodeWithSpan) {
70801 return this._runBuiltInCallable$body$_EvaluateVisitor0($arguments, callable, nodeWithSpan);
70802 },
70803 _runBuiltInCallable$body$_EvaluateVisitor0($arguments, callable, nodeWithSpan) {
70804 var $async$goto = 0,
70805 $async$completer = A._makeAsyncAwaitCompleter(type$.Value_2),
70806 $async$returnValue, $async$handler = 2, $async$currentError, $async$next = [], $async$self = this, callback, result, error, stackTrace, error0, stackTrace0, error1, stackTrace1, message, namedSet, tuple, overload, declaredArguments, i, t1, argument, t2, t3, rest, argumentList, exception, t4, t5, t6, message0, evaluated, oldCallableNode, $async$exception;
70807 var $async$_async_evaluate0$_runBuiltInCallable$3 = A._wrapJsFunctionForAsync(function($async$errorCode, $async$result) {
70808 if ($async$errorCode === 1) {
70809 $async$currentError = $async$result;
70810 $async$goto = $async$handler;
70811 }
70812 while (true)
70813 switch ($async$goto) {
70814 case 0:
70815 // Function start
70816 $async$goto = 3;
70817 return A._asyncAwait($async$self._async_evaluate0$_evaluateArguments$1($arguments), $async$_async_evaluate0$_runBuiltInCallable$3);
70818 case 3:
70819 // returning from await.
70820 evaluated = $async$result;
70821 oldCallableNode = $async$self._async_evaluate0$_callableNode;
70822 $async$self._async_evaluate0$_callableNode = nodeWithSpan;
70823 namedSet = new A.MapKeySet(evaluated.named, type$.MapKeySet_String);
70824 tuple = callable.callbackFor$2(evaluated.positional.length, namedSet);
70825 overload = tuple.item1;
70826 callback = tuple.item2;
70827 $async$self._async_evaluate0$_addExceptionSpan$2(nodeWithSpan, new A._EvaluateVisitor__runBuiltInCallable_closure5(overload, evaluated, namedSet));
70828 declaredArguments = overload.$arguments;
70829 i = evaluated.positional.length, t1 = declaredArguments.length;
70830 case 4:
70831 // for condition
70832 if (!(i < t1)) {
70833 // goto after for
70834 $async$goto = 6;
70835 break;
70836 }
70837 argument = declaredArguments[i];
70838 t2 = evaluated.positional;
70839 t3 = evaluated.named.remove$1(0, argument.name);
70840 $async$goto = t3 == null ? 7 : 8;
70841 break;
70842 case 7:
70843 // then
70844 t3 = argument.defaultValue;
70845 $async$goto = 9;
70846 return A._asyncAwait(t3.accept$1($async$self), $async$_async_evaluate0$_runBuiltInCallable$3);
70847 case 9:
70848 // returning from await.
70849 t3 = $async$self._async_evaluate0$_withoutSlash$2($async$result, t3);
70850 case 8:
70851 // join
70852 t2.push(t3);
70853 case 5:
70854 // for update
70855 ++i;
70856 // goto for condition
70857 $async$goto = 4;
70858 break;
70859 case 6:
70860 // after for
70861 if (overload.restArgument != null) {
70862 if (evaluated.positional.length > t1) {
70863 rest = B.JSArray_methods.sublist$1(evaluated.positional, t1);
70864 B.JSArray_methods.removeRange$2(evaluated.positional, t1, evaluated.positional.length);
70865 } else
70866 rest = B.List_empty15;
70867 t1 = evaluated.named;
70868 argumentList = A.SassArgumentList$0(rest, t1, evaluated.separator === B.ListSeparator_undecided_null0 ? B.ListSeparator_kWM0 : evaluated.separator);
70869 evaluated.positional.push(argumentList);
70870 } else
70871 argumentList = null;
70872 result = null;
70873 $async$handler = 11;
70874 $async$goto = 14;
70875 return A._asyncAwait(callback.call$1(evaluated.positional), $async$_async_evaluate0$_runBuiltInCallable$3);
70876 case 14:
70877 // returning from await.
70878 result = $async$result;
70879 $async$handler = 2;
70880 // goto after finally
70881 $async$goto = 13;
70882 break;
70883 case 11:
70884 // catch
70885 $async$handler = 10;
70886 $async$exception = $async$currentError;
70887 t1 = A.unwrapException($async$exception);
70888 if (type$.SassRuntimeException_2._is(t1))
70889 throw $async$exception;
70890 else if (t1 instanceof A.MultiSpanSassScriptException0) {
70891 error = t1;
70892 stackTrace = A.getTraceFromException($async$exception);
70893 t1 = error.message;
70894 t2 = nodeWithSpan.get$span(nodeWithSpan);
70895 t3 = error.primaryLabel;
70896 t4 = error.secondarySpans;
70897 A.throwWithTrace0(new A.MultiSpanSassRuntimeException0($async$self._async_evaluate0$_stackTrace$1(nodeWithSpan.get$span(nodeWithSpan)), t3, A.ConstantMap_ConstantMap$from(t4, type$.FileSpan, type$.String), t1, t2), stackTrace);
70898 } else if (t1 instanceof A.MultiSpanSassException0) {
70899 error0 = t1;
70900 stackTrace0 = A.getTraceFromException($async$exception);
70901 t1 = error0._span_exception$_message;
70902 t2 = error0;
70903 t3 = J.getInterceptor$z(t2);
70904 t2 = A.SourceSpanException.prototype.get$span.call(t3, t2);
70905 t3 = error0.primaryLabel;
70906 t4 = error0.secondarySpans;
70907 t5 = error0;
70908 t6 = J.getInterceptor$z(t5);
70909 A.throwWithTrace0(new A.MultiSpanSassRuntimeException0($async$self._async_evaluate0$_stackTrace$1(A.SourceSpanException.prototype.get$span.call(t6, t5)), t3, A.ConstantMap_ConstantMap$from(t4, type$.FileSpan, type$.String), t1, t2), stackTrace0);
70910 } else {
70911 error1 = t1;
70912 stackTrace1 = A.getTraceFromException($async$exception);
70913 message = null;
70914 try {
70915 message = A._asString(J.get$message$x(error1));
70916 } catch (exception) {
70917 message0 = J.toString$0$(error1);
70918 message = message0;
70919 }
70920 A.throwWithTrace0($async$self._async_evaluate0$_exception$2(message, nodeWithSpan.get$span(nodeWithSpan)), stackTrace1);
70921 }
70922 // goto after finally
70923 $async$goto = 13;
70924 break;
70925 case 10:
70926 // uncaught
70927 // goto rethrow
70928 $async$goto = 2;
70929 break;
70930 case 13:
70931 // after finally
70932 $async$self._async_evaluate0$_callableNode = oldCallableNode;
70933 if (argumentList == null) {
70934 $async$returnValue = result;
70935 // goto return
70936 $async$goto = 1;
70937 break;
70938 }
70939 t1 = evaluated.named;
70940 if (t1.get$isEmpty(t1)) {
70941 $async$returnValue = result;
70942 // goto return
70943 $async$goto = 1;
70944 break;
70945 }
70946 if (argumentList._argument_list$_wereKeywordsAccessed) {
70947 $async$returnValue = result;
70948 // goto return
70949 $async$goto = 1;
70950 break;
70951 }
70952 t1 = evaluated.named;
70953 t1 = t1.get$keys(t1);
70954 t1 = "No " + A.pluralize0("argument", t1.get$length(t1), null) + " named ";
70955 t2 = evaluated.named;
70956 throw A.wrapException(A.MultiSpanSassRuntimeException$0(t1 + A.S(A.toSentence0(t2.get$keys(t2).map$1$1(0, new A._EvaluateVisitor__runBuiltInCallable_closure6(), type$.Object), "or")) + ".", nodeWithSpan.get$span(nodeWithSpan), "invocation", A.LinkedHashMap_LinkedHashMap$_literal([overload.get$spanWithName(), "declaration"], type$.FileSpan, type$.String), $async$self._async_evaluate0$_stackTrace$1(nodeWithSpan.get$span(nodeWithSpan))));
70957 case 1:
70958 // return
70959 return A._asyncReturn($async$returnValue, $async$completer);
70960 case 2:
70961 // rethrow
70962 return A._asyncRethrow($async$currentError, $async$completer);
70963 }
70964 });
70965 return A._asyncStartSync($async$_async_evaluate0$_runBuiltInCallable$3, $async$completer);
70966 },
70967 _async_evaluate0$_evaluateArguments$1($arguments) {
70968 return this._evaluateArguments$body$_EvaluateVisitor0($arguments);
70969 },
70970 _evaluateArguments$body$_EvaluateVisitor0($arguments) {
70971 var $async$goto = 0,
70972 $async$completer = A._makeAsyncAwaitCompleter(type$._ArgumentResults_2),
70973 $async$returnValue, $async$self = this, t1, t2, _i, expression, nodeForSpan, named, namedNodes, t3, t4, t5, restArgs, rest, restNodeForSpan, separator, keywordRestArgs, keywordRest, keywordRestNodeForSpan, positional, positionalNodes, $async$temp1, $async$temp2;
70974 var $async$_async_evaluate0$_evaluateArguments$1 = A._wrapJsFunctionForAsync(function($async$errorCode, $async$result) {
70975 if ($async$errorCode === 1)
70976 return A._asyncRethrow($async$result, $async$completer);
70977 while (true)
70978 switch ($async$goto) {
70979 case 0:
70980 // Function start
70981 positional = A._setArrayType([], type$.JSArray_Value_2);
70982 positionalNodes = A._setArrayType([], type$.JSArray_AstNode_2);
70983 t1 = $arguments.positional, t2 = t1.length, _i = 0;
70984 case 3:
70985 // for condition
70986 if (!(_i < t2)) {
70987 // goto after for
70988 $async$goto = 5;
70989 break;
70990 }
70991 expression = t1[_i];
70992 nodeForSpan = $async$self._async_evaluate0$_expressionNode$1(expression);
70993 $async$temp1 = positional;
70994 $async$goto = 6;
70995 return A._asyncAwait(expression.accept$1($async$self), $async$_async_evaluate0$_evaluateArguments$1);
70996 case 6:
70997 // returning from await.
70998 $async$temp1.push($async$self._async_evaluate0$_withoutSlash$2($async$result, nodeForSpan));
70999 positionalNodes.push(nodeForSpan);
71000 case 4:
71001 // for update
71002 ++_i;
71003 // goto for condition
71004 $async$goto = 3;
71005 break;
71006 case 5:
71007 // after for
71008 t1 = type$.String;
71009 named = A.LinkedHashMap_LinkedHashMap$_empty(t1, type$.Value_2);
71010 t2 = type$.AstNode_2;
71011 namedNodes = A.LinkedHashMap_LinkedHashMap$_empty(t1, t2);
71012 t3 = $arguments.named, t3 = t3.get$entries(t3), t3 = t3.get$iterator(t3);
71013 case 7:
71014 // for condition
71015 if (!t3.moveNext$0()) {
71016 // goto after for
71017 $async$goto = 8;
71018 break;
71019 }
71020 t4 = t3.get$current(t3);
71021 t5 = t4.value;
71022 nodeForSpan = $async$self._async_evaluate0$_expressionNode$1(t5);
71023 t4 = t4.key;
71024 $async$temp1 = named;
71025 $async$temp2 = t4;
71026 $async$goto = 9;
71027 return A._asyncAwait(t5.accept$1($async$self), $async$_async_evaluate0$_evaluateArguments$1);
71028 case 9:
71029 // returning from await.
71030 $async$temp1.$indexSet(0, $async$temp2, $async$self._async_evaluate0$_withoutSlash$2($async$result, nodeForSpan));
71031 namedNodes.$indexSet(0, t4, nodeForSpan);
71032 // goto for condition
71033 $async$goto = 7;
71034 break;
71035 case 8:
71036 // after for
71037 restArgs = $arguments.rest;
71038 if (restArgs == null) {
71039 $async$returnValue = new A._ArgumentResults2(positional, positionalNodes, named, namedNodes, B.ListSeparator_undecided_null0);
71040 // goto return
71041 $async$goto = 1;
71042 break;
71043 }
71044 $async$goto = 10;
71045 return A._asyncAwait(restArgs.accept$1($async$self), $async$_async_evaluate0$_evaluateArguments$1);
71046 case 10:
71047 // returning from await.
71048 rest = $async$result;
71049 restNodeForSpan = $async$self._async_evaluate0$_expressionNode$1(restArgs);
71050 if (rest instanceof A.SassMap0) {
71051 $async$self._async_evaluate0$_addRestMap$4(named, rest, restArgs, new A._EvaluateVisitor__evaluateArguments_closure11());
71052 t3 = A.LinkedHashMap_LinkedHashMap$_empty(t1, t2);
71053 for (t4 = rest._map0$_contents, t4 = J.get$iterator$ax(t4.get$keys(t4)), t5 = type$.SassString_2; t4.moveNext$0();)
71054 t3.$indexSet(0, t5._as(t4.get$current(t4))._string0$_text, restNodeForSpan);
71055 namedNodes.addAll$1(0, t3);
71056 separator = B.ListSeparator_undecided_null0;
71057 } else if (rest instanceof A.SassList0) {
71058 t3 = rest._list1$_contents;
71059 B.JSArray_methods.addAll$1(positional, new A.MappedListIterable(t3, new A._EvaluateVisitor__evaluateArguments_closure12($async$self, restNodeForSpan), A._arrayInstanceType(t3)._eval$1("MappedListIterable<1,Value0>")));
71060 B.JSArray_methods.addAll$1(positionalNodes, A.List_List$filled(t3.length, restNodeForSpan, false, t2));
71061 separator = rest._list1$_separator;
71062 if (rest instanceof A.SassArgumentList0) {
71063 rest._argument_list$_wereKeywordsAccessed = true;
71064 rest._argument_list$_keywords.forEach$1(0, new A._EvaluateVisitor__evaluateArguments_closure13($async$self, named, restNodeForSpan, namedNodes));
71065 }
71066 } else {
71067 positional.push($async$self._async_evaluate0$_withoutSlash$2(rest, restNodeForSpan));
71068 positionalNodes.push(restNodeForSpan);
71069 separator = B.ListSeparator_undecided_null0;
71070 }
71071 keywordRestArgs = $arguments.keywordRest;
71072 if (keywordRestArgs == null) {
71073 $async$returnValue = new A._ArgumentResults2(positional, positionalNodes, named, namedNodes, separator);
71074 // goto return
71075 $async$goto = 1;
71076 break;
71077 }
71078 $async$goto = 11;
71079 return A._asyncAwait(keywordRestArgs.accept$1($async$self), $async$_async_evaluate0$_evaluateArguments$1);
71080 case 11:
71081 // returning from await.
71082 keywordRest = $async$result;
71083 keywordRestNodeForSpan = $async$self._async_evaluate0$_expressionNode$1(keywordRestArgs);
71084 if (keywordRest instanceof A.SassMap0) {
71085 $async$self._async_evaluate0$_addRestMap$4(named, keywordRest, keywordRestArgs, new A._EvaluateVisitor__evaluateArguments_closure14());
71086 t1 = A.LinkedHashMap_LinkedHashMap$_empty(t1, t2);
71087 for (t2 = keywordRest._map0$_contents, t2 = J.get$iterator$ax(t2.get$keys(t2)), t3 = type$.SassString_2; t2.moveNext$0();)
71088 t1.$indexSet(0, t3._as(t2.get$current(t2))._string0$_text, keywordRestNodeForSpan);
71089 namedNodes.addAll$1(0, t1);
71090 $async$returnValue = new A._ArgumentResults2(positional, positionalNodes, named, namedNodes, separator);
71091 // goto return
71092 $async$goto = 1;
71093 break;
71094 } else
71095 throw A.wrapException($async$self._async_evaluate0$_exception$2(string$.Variabs + keywordRest.toString$0(0) + ").", keywordRestArgs.get$span(keywordRestArgs)));
71096 case 1:
71097 // return
71098 return A._asyncReturn($async$returnValue, $async$completer);
71099 }
71100 });
71101 return A._asyncStartSync($async$_async_evaluate0$_evaluateArguments$1, $async$completer);
71102 },
71103 _async_evaluate0$_evaluateMacroArguments$1(invocation) {
71104 return this._evaluateMacroArguments$body$_EvaluateVisitor0(invocation);
71105 },
71106 _evaluateMacroArguments$body$_EvaluateVisitor0(invocation) {
71107 var $async$goto = 0,
71108 $async$completer = A._makeAsyncAwaitCompleter(type$.Tuple2_of_List_Expression_and_Map_String_Expression_2),
71109 $async$returnValue, $async$self = this, t2, positional, named, rest, restNodeForSpan, keywordRestArgs_, keywordRest, keywordRestNodeForSpan, t1, restArgs_;
71110 var $async$_async_evaluate0$_evaluateMacroArguments$1 = A._wrapJsFunctionForAsync(function($async$errorCode, $async$result) {
71111 if ($async$errorCode === 1)
71112 return A._asyncRethrow($async$result, $async$completer);
71113 while (true)
71114 switch ($async$goto) {
71115 case 0:
71116 // Function start
71117 t1 = invocation.$arguments;
71118 restArgs_ = t1.rest;
71119 if (restArgs_ == null) {
71120 $async$returnValue = new A.Tuple2(t1.positional, t1.named, type$.Tuple2_of_List_Expression_and_Map_String_Expression_2);
71121 // goto return
71122 $async$goto = 1;
71123 break;
71124 }
71125 t2 = t1.positional;
71126 positional = A._setArrayType(t2.slice(0), A._arrayInstanceType(t2));
71127 named = A.LinkedHashMap_LinkedHashMap$of(t1.named, type$.String, type$.Expression_2);
71128 $async$goto = 3;
71129 return A._asyncAwait(restArgs_.accept$1($async$self), $async$_async_evaluate0$_evaluateMacroArguments$1);
71130 case 3:
71131 // returning from await.
71132 rest = $async$result;
71133 restNodeForSpan = $async$self._async_evaluate0$_expressionNode$1(restArgs_);
71134 if (rest instanceof A.SassMap0)
71135 $async$self._async_evaluate0$_addRestMap$4(named, rest, invocation, new A._EvaluateVisitor__evaluateMacroArguments_closure11(restArgs_));
71136 else if (rest instanceof A.SassList0) {
71137 t2 = rest._list1$_contents;
71138 B.JSArray_methods.addAll$1(positional, new A.MappedListIterable(t2, new A._EvaluateVisitor__evaluateMacroArguments_closure12($async$self, restNodeForSpan, restArgs_), A._arrayInstanceType(t2)._eval$1("MappedListIterable<1,Expression0>")));
71139 if (rest instanceof A.SassArgumentList0) {
71140 rest._argument_list$_wereKeywordsAccessed = true;
71141 rest._argument_list$_keywords.forEach$1(0, new A._EvaluateVisitor__evaluateMacroArguments_closure13($async$self, named, restNodeForSpan, restArgs_));
71142 }
71143 } else
71144 positional.push(new A.ValueExpression0($async$self._async_evaluate0$_withoutSlash$2(rest, restNodeForSpan), restArgs_.get$span(restArgs_)));
71145 keywordRestArgs_ = t1.keywordRest;
71146 if (keywordRestArgs_ == null) {
71147 $async$returnValue = new A.Tuple2(positional, named, type$.Tuple2_of_List_Expression_and_Map_String_Expression_2);
71148 // goto return
71149 $async$goto = 1;
71150 break;
71151 }
71152 $async$goto = 4;
71153 return A._asyncAwait(keywordRestArgs_.accept$1($async$self), $async$_async_evaluate0$_evaluateMacroArguments$1);
71154 case 4:
71155 // returning from await.
71156 keywordRest = $async$result;
71157 keywordRestNodeForSpan = $async$self._async_evaluate0$_expressionNode$1(keywordRestArgs_);
71158 if (keywordRest instanceof A.SassMap0) {
71159 $async$self._async_evaluate0$_addRestMap$4(named, keywordRest, invocation, new A._EvaluateVisitor__evaluateMacroArguments_closure14($async$self, keywordRestNodeForSpan, keywordRestArgs_));
71160 $async$returnValue = new A.Tuple2(positional, named, type$.Tuple2_of_List_Expression_and_Map_String_Expression_2);
71161 // goto return
71162 $async$goto = 1;
71163 break;
71164 } else
71165 throw A.wrapException($async$self._async_evaluate0$_exception$2(string$.Variabs + keywordRest.toString$0(0) + ").", keywordRestArgs_.get$span(keywordRestArgs_)));
71166 case 1:
71167 // return
71168 return A._asyncReturn($async$returnValue, $async$completer);
71169 }
71170 });
71171 return A._asyncStartSync($async$_async_evaluate0$_evaluateMacroArguments$1, $async$completer);
71172 },
71173 _async_evaluate0$_addRestMap$1$4(values, map, nodeWithSpan, convert) {
71174 map._map0$_contents.forEach$1(0, new A._EvaluateVisitor__addRestMap_closure2(this, values, convert, this._async_evaluate0$_expressionNode$1(nodeWithSpan), map, nodeWithSpan));
71175 },
71176 _async_evaluate0$_addRestMap$4(values, map, nodeWithSpan, convert) {
71177 return this._async_evaluate0$_addRestMap$1$4(values, map, nodeWithSpan, convert, type$.dynamic);
71178 },
71179 _async_evaluate0$_verifyArguments$4(positional, named, $arguments, nodeWithSpan) {
71180 return this._async_evaluate0$_addExceptionSpan$2(nodeWithSpan, new A._EvaluateVisitor__verifyArguments_closure2($arguments, positional, named));
71181 },
71182 visitSelectorExpression$1(node) {
71183 return this.visitSelectorExpression$body$_EvaluateVisitor0(node);
71184 },
71185 visitSelectorExpression$body$_EvaluateVisitor0(node) {
71186 var $async$goto = 0,
71187 $async$completer = A._makeAsyncAwaitCompleter(type$.Value_2),
71188 $async$returnValue, $async$self = this, t1;
71189 var $async$visitSelectorExpression$1 = A._wrapJsFunctionForAsync(function($async$errorCode, $async$result) {
71190 if ($async$errorCode === 1)
71191 return A._asyncRethrow($async$result, $async$completer);
71192 while (true)
71193 switch ($async$goto) {
71194 case 0:
71195 // Function start
71196 t1 = $async$self._async_evaluate0$_styleRuleIgnoringAtRoot;
71197 t1 = t1 == null ? null : t1.originalSelector.get$asSassList();
71198 $async$returnValue = t1 == null ? B.C__SassNull0 : t1;
71199 // goto return
71200 $async$goto = 1;
71201 break;
71202 case 1:
71203 // return
71204 return A._asyncReturn($async$returnValue, $async$completer);
71205 }
71206 });
71207 return A._asyncStartSync($async$visitSelectorExpression$1, $async$completer);
71208 },
71209 visitStringExpression$1(node) {
71210 return this.visitStringExpression$body$_EvaluateVisitor0(node);
71211 },
71212 visitStringExpression$body$_EvaluateVisitor0(node) {
71213 var $async$goto = 0,
71214 $async$completer = A._makeAsyncAwaitCompleter(type$.SassString_2),
71215 $async$returnValue, $async$self = this, $async$temp1, $async$temp2;
71216 var $async$visitStringExpression$1 = A._wrapJsFunctionForAsync(function($async$errorCode, $async$result) {
71217 if ($async$errorCode === 1)
71218 return A._asyncRethrow($async$result, $async$completer);
71219 while (true)
71220 switch ($async$goto) {
71221 case 0:
71222 // Function start
71223 $async$temp1 = A;
71224 $async$temp2 = J;
71225 $async$goto = 3;
71226 return A._asyncAwait(A.mapAsync0(node.text.contents, new A._EvaluateVisitor_visitStringExpression_closure2($async$self), type$.Object, type$.String), $async$visitStringExpression$1);
71227 case 3:
71228 // returning from await.
71229 $async$returnValue = new $async$temp1.SassString0($async$temp2.join$0$ax($async$result), node.hasQuotes);
71230 // goto return
71231 $async$goto = 1;
71232 break;
71233 case 1:
71234 // return
71235 return A._asyncReturn($async$returnValue, $async$completer);
71236 }
71237 });
71238 return A._asyncStartSync($async$visitStringExpression$1, $async$completer);
71239 },
71240 visitCssAtRule$1(node) {
71241 return this.visitCssAtRule$body$_EvaluateVisitor0(node);
71242 },
71243 visitCssAtRule$body$_EvaluateVisitor0(node) {
71244 var $async$goto = 0,
71245 $async$completer = A._makeAsyncAwaitCompleter(type$.void),
71246 $async$returnValue, $async$self = this, wasInKeyframes, wasInUnknownAtRule, t1;
71247 var $async$visitCssAtRule$1 = A._wrapJsFunctionForAsync(function($async$errorCode, $async$result) {
71248 if ($async$errorCode === 1)
71249 return A._asyncRethrow($async$result, $async$completer);
71250 while (true)
71251 switch ($async$goto) {
71252 case 0:
71253 // Function start
71254 if ($async$self._async_evaluate0$_declarationName != null)
71255 throw A.wrapException($async$self._async_evaluate0$_exception$2(string$.At_rul, node.span));
71256 if (node.isChildless) {
71257 $async$self._async_evaluate0$_assertInModule$2($async$self._async_evaluate0$__parent, "__parent").addChild$1(A.ModifiableCssAtRule$0(node.name, node.span, true, node.value));
71258 // goto return
71259 $async$goto = 1;
71260 break;
71261 }
71262 wasInKeyframes = $async$self._async_evaluate0$_inKeyframes;
71263 wasInUnknownAtRule = $async$self._async_evaluate0$_inUnknownAtRule;
71264 t1 = node.name;
71265 if (A.unvendor0(t1.get$value(t1)) === "keyframes")
71266 $async$self._async_evaluate0$_inKeyframes = true;
71267 else
71268 $async$self._async_evaluate0$_inUnknownAtRule = true;
71269 $async$goto = 3;
71270 return A._asyncAwait($async$self._async_evaluate0$_withParent$2$4$scopeWhen$through(A.ModifiableCssAtRule$0(t1, node.span, false, node.value), new A._EvaluateVisitor_visitCssAtRule_closure5($async$self, node), false, new A._EvaluateVisitor_visitCssAtRule_closure6(), type$.ModifiableCssAtRule_2, type$.Null), $async$visitCssAtRule$1);
71271 case 3:
71272 // returning from await.
71273 $async$self._async_evaluate0$_inUnknownAtRule = wasInUnknownAtRule;
71274 $async$self._async_evaluate0$_inKeyframes = wasInKeyframes;
71275 case 1:
71276 // return
71277 return A._asyncReturn($async$returnValue, $async$completer);
71278 }
71279 });
71280 return A._asyncStartSync($async$visitCssAtRule$1, $async$completer);
71281 },
71282 visitCssComment$1(node) {
71283 return this.visitCssComment$body$_EvaluateVisitor0(node);
71284 },
71285 visitCssComment$body$_EvaluateVisitor0(node) {
71286 var $async$goto = 0,
71287 $async$completer = A._makeAsyncAwaitCompleter(type$.void),
71288 $async$self = this;
71289 var $async$visitCssComment$1 = A._wrapJsFunctionForAsync(function($async$errorCode, $async$result) {
71290 if ($async$errorCode === 1)
71291 return A._asyncRethrow($async$result, $async$completer);
71292 while (true)
71293 switch ($async$goto) {
71294 case 0:
71295 // Function start
71296 if ($async$self._async_evaluate0$_assertInModule$2($async$self._async_evaluate0$__parent, "__parent") === $async$self._async_evaluate0$_assertInModule$2($async$self._async_evaluate0$__root, "_root") && $async$self._async_evaluate0$_assertInModule$2($async$self._async_evaluate0$__endOfImports, "_endOfImports") === J.get$length$asx($async$self._async_evaluate0$_assertInModule$2($async$self._async_evaluate0$__root, "_root").children._collection$_source))
71297 $async$self._async_evaluate0$__endOfImports = $async$self._async_evaluate0$_assertInModule$2($async$self._async_evaluate0$__endOfImports, "_endOfImports") + 1;
71298 $async$self._async_evaluate0$_assertInModule$2($async$self._async_evaluate0$__parent, "__parent").addChild$1(new A.ModifiableCssComment0(node.text, node.span));
71299 // implicit return
71300 return A._asyncReturn(null, $async$completer);
71301 }
71302 });
71303 return A._asyncStartSync($async$visitCssComment$1, $async$completer);
71304 },
71305 visitCssDeclaration$1(node) {
71306 return this.visitCssDeclaration$body$_EvaluateVisitor0(node);
71307 },
71308 visitCssDeclaration$body$_EvaluateVisitor0(node) {
71309 var $async$goto = 0,
71310 $async$completer = A._makeAsyncAwaitCompleter(type$.void),
71311 $async$self = this, t1;
71312 var $async$visitCssDeclaration$1 = A._wrapJsFunctionForAsync(function($async$errorCode, $async$result) {
71313 if ($async$errorCode === 1)
71314 return A._asyncRethrow($async$result, $async$completer);
71315 while (true)
71316 switch ($async$goto) {
71317 case 0:
71318 // Function start
71319 t1 = node.name;
71320 $async$self._async_evaluate0$_assertInModule$2($async$self._async_evaluate0$__parent, "__parent").addChild$1(A.ModifiableCssDeclaration$0(t1, node.value, node.span, J.startsWith$1$s(t1.get$value(t1), "--"), node.valueSpanForMap));
71321 // implicit return
71322 return A._asyncReturn(null, $async$completer);
71323 }
71324 });
71325 return A._asyncStartSync($async$visitCssDeclaration$1, $async$completer);
71326 },
71327 visitCssImport$1(node) {
71328 return this.visitCssImport$body$_EvaluateVisitor0(node);
71329 },
71330 visitCssImport$body$_EvaluateVisitor0(node) {
71331 var $async$goto = 0,
71332 $async$completer = A._makeAsyncAwaitCompleter(type$.void),
71333 $async$self = this, t1, modifiableNode;
71334 var $async$visitCssImport$1 = A._wrapJsFunctionForAsync(function($async$errorCode, $async$result) {
71335 if ($async$errorCode === 1)
71336 return A._asyncRethrow($async$result, $async$completer);
71337 while (true)
71338 switch ($async$goto) {
71339 case 0:
71340 // Function start
71341 modifiableNode = A.ModifiableCssImport$0(node.url, node.span, node.media, node.supports);
71342 if ($async$self._async_evaluate0$_assertInModule$2($async$self._async_evaluate0$__parent, "__parent") !== $async$self._async_evaluate0$_assertInModule$2($async$self._async_evaluate0$__root, "_root"))
71343 $async$self._async_evaluate0$_assertInModule$2($async$self._async_evaluate0$__parent, "__parent").addChild$1(modifiableNode);
71344 else if ($async$self._async_evaluate0$_assertInModule$2($async$self._async_evaluate0$__endOfImports, "_endOfImports") === J.get$length$asx($async$self._async_evaluate0$_assertInModule$2($async$self._async_evaluate0$__root, "_root").children._collection$_source)) {
71345 $async$self._async_evaluate0$_assertInModule$2($async$self._async_evaluate0$__root, "_root").addChild$1(modifiableNode);
71346 $async$self._async_evaluate0$__endOfImports = $async$self._async_evaluate0$_assertInModule$2($async$self._async_evaluate0$__endOfImports, "_endOfImports") + 1;
71347 } else {
71348 t1 = $async$self._async_evaluate0$_outOfOrderImports;
71349 (t1 == null ? $async$self._async_evaluate0$_outOfOrderImports = A._setArrayType([], type$.JSArray_ModifiableCssImport_2) : t1).push(modifiableNode);
71350 }
71351 // implicit return
71352 return A._asyncReturn(null, $async$completer);
71353 }
71354 });
71355 return A._asyncStartSync($async$visitCssImport$1, $async$completer);
71356 },
71357 visitCssKeyframeBlock$1(node) {
71358 return this.visitCssKeyframeBlock$body$_EvaluateVisitor0(node);
71359 },
71360 visitCssKeyframeBlock$body$_EvaluateVisitor0(node) {
71361 var $async$goto = 0,
71362 $async$completer = A._makeAsyncAwaitCompleter(type$.void),
71363 $async$self = this;
71364 var $async$visitCssKeyframeBlock$1 = A._wrapJsFunctionForAsync(function($async$errorCode, $async$result) {
71365 if ($async$errorCode === 1)
71366 return A._asyncRethrow($async$result, $async$completer);
71367 while (true)
71368 switch ($async$goto) {
71369 case 0:
71370 // Function start
71371 $async$goto = 2;
71372 return A._asyncAwait($async$self._async_evaluate0$_withParent$2$4$scopeWhen$through(A.ModifiableCssKeyframeBlock$0(node.selector, node.span), new A._EvaluateVisitor_visitCssKeyframeBlock_closure5($async$self, node), false, new A._EvaluateVisitor_visitCssKeyframeBlock_closure6(), type$.ModifiableCssKeyframeBlock_2, type$.Null), $async$visitCssKeyframeBlock$1);
71373 case 2:
71374 // returning from await.
71375 // implicit return
71376 return A._asyncReturn(null, $async$completer);
71377 }
71378 });
71379 return A._asyncStartSync($async$visitCssKeyframeBlock$1, $async$completer);
71380 },
71381 visitCssMediaRule$1(node) {
71382 return this.visitCssMediaRule$body$_EvaluateVisitor0(node);
71383 },
71384 visitCssMediaRule$body$_EvaluateVisitor0(node) {
71385 var $async$goto = 0,
71386 $async$completer = A._makeAsyncAwaitCompleter(type$.void),
71387 $async$returnValue, $async$self = this, mergedQueries, t1;
71388 var $async$visitCssMediaRule$1 = A._wrapJsFunctionForAsync(function($async$errorCode, $async$result) {
71389 if ($async$errorCode === 1)
71390 return A._asyncRethrow($async$result, $async$completer);
71391 while (true)
71392 switch ($async$goto) {
71393 case 0:
71394 // Function start
71395 if ($async$self._async_evaluate0$_declarationName != null)
71396 throw A.wrapException($async$self._async_evaluate0$_exception$2(string$.Media_, node.span));
71397 mergedQueries = A.NullableExtension_andThen0($async$self._async_evaluate0$_mediaQueries, new A._EvaluateVisitor_visitCssMediaRule_closure8($async$self, node));
71398 t1 = mergedQueries == null;
71399 if (!t1 && J.get$isEmpty$asx(mergedQueries)) {
71400 // goto return
71401 $async$goto = 1;
71402 break;
71403 }
71404 t1 = t1 ? node.queries : mergedQueries;
71405 $async$goto = 3;
71406 return A._asyncAwait($async$self._async_evaluate0$_withParent$2$4$scopeWhen$through(A.ModifiableCssMediaRule$0(t1, node.span), new A._EvaluateVisitor_visitCssMediaRule_closure9($async$self, mergedQueries, node), false, new A._EvaluateVisitor_visitCssMediaRule_closure10(mergedQueries), type$.ModifiableCssMediaRule_2, type$.Null), $async$visitCssMediaRule$1);
71407 case 3:
71408 // returning from await.
71409 case 1:
71410 // return
71411 return A._asyncReturn($async$returnValue, $async$completer);
71412 }
71413 });
71414 return A._asyncStartSync($async$visitCssMediaRule$1, $async$completer);
71415 },
71416 visitCssStyleRule$1(node) {
71417 return this.visitCssStyleRule$body$_EvaluateVisitor0(node);
71418 },
71419 visitCssStyleRule$body$_EvaluateVisitor0(node) {
71420 var $async$goto = 0,
71421 $async$completer = A._makeAsyncAwaitCompleter(type$.void),
71422 $async$self = this, t1, styleRule, t2, t3, t4, t5, originalSelector, rule, oldAtRootExcludingStyleRule;
71423 var $async$visitCssStyleRule$1 = A._wrapJsFunctionForAsync(function($async$errorCode, $async$result) {
71424 if ($async$errorCode === 1)
71425 return A._asyncRethrow($async$result, $async$completer);
71426 while (true)
71427 switch ($async$goto) {
71428 case 0:
71429 // Function start
71430 if ($async$self._async_evaluate0$_declarationName != null)
71431 throw A.wrapException($async$self._async_evaluate0$_exception$2(string$.Style_, node.span));
71432 t1 = $async$self._async_evaluate0$_atRootExcludingStyleRule;
71433 styleRule = t1 ? null : $async$self._async_evaluate0$_styleRuleIgnoringAtRoot;
71434 t2 = node.selector;
71435 t3 = t2.value;
71436 t4 = styleRule == null;
71437 t5 = t4 ? null : styleRule.originalSelector;
71438 originalSelector = t3.resolveParentSelectors$2$implicitParent(t5, !t1);
71439 rule = A.ModifiableCssStyleRule$0($async$self._async_evaluate0$_assertInModule$2($async$self._async_evaluate0$__extensionStore, "_extensionStore").addSelector$3(originalSelector, t2.span, $async$self._async_evaluate0$_mediaQueries), node.span, originalSelector);
71440 oldAtRootExcludingStyleRule = $async$self._async_evaluate0$_atRootExcludingStyleRule;
71441 $async$self._async_evaluate0$_atRootExcludingStyleRule = false;
71442 $async$goto = 2;
71443 return A._asyncAwait($async$self._async_evaluate0$_withParent$2$4$scopeWhen$through(rule, new A._EvaluateVisitor_visitCssStyleRule_closure5($async$self, rule, node), false, new A._EvaluateVisitor_visitCssStyleRule_closure6(), type$.ModifiableCssStyleRule_2, type$.Null), $async$visitCssStyleRule$1);
71444 case 2:
71445 // returning from await.
71446 $async$self._async_evaluate0$_atRootExcludingStyleRule = oldAtRootExcludingStyleRule;
71447 if (t4) {
71448 t1 = $async$self._async_evaluate0$_assertInModule$2($async$self._async_evaluate0$__parent, "__parent").children;
71449 t1 = !t1.get$isEmpty(t1);
71450 } else
71451 t1 = false;
71452 if (t1) {
71453 t1 = $async$self._async_evaluate0$_assertInModule$2($async$self._async_evaluate0$__parent, "__parent").children;
71454 t1.get$last(t1).isGroupEnd = true;
71455 }
71456 // implicit return
71457 return A._asyncReturn(null, $async$completer);
71458 }
71459 });
71460 return A._asyncStartSync($async$visitCssStyleRule$1, $async$completer);
71461 },
71462 visitCssStylesheet$1(node) {
71463 return this.visitCssStylesheet$body$_EvaluateVisitor0(node);
71464 },
71465 visitCssStylesheet$body$_EvaluateVisitor0(node) {
71466 var $async$goto = 0,
71467 $async$completer = A._makeAsyncAwaitCompleter(type$.void),
71468 $async$self = this, t1;
71469 var $async$visitCssStylesheet$1 = A._wrapJsFunctionForAsync(function($async$errorCode, $async$result) {
71470 if ($async$errorCode === 1)
71471 return A._asyncRethrow($async$result, $async$completer);
71472 while (true)
71473 switch ($async$goto) {
71474 case 0:
71475 // Function start
71476 t1 = J.get$iterator$ax(node.get$children(node));
71477 case 2:
71478 // for condition
71479 if (!t1.moveNext$0()) {
71480 // goto after for
71481 $async$goto = 3;
71482 break;
71483 }
71484 $async$goto = 4;
71485 return A._asyncAwait(t1.get$current(t1).accept$1($async$self), $async$visitCssStylesheet$1);
71486 case 4:
71487 // returning from await.
71488 // goto for condition
71489 $async$goto = 2;
71490 break;
71491 case 3:
71492 // after for
71493 // implicit return
71494 return A._asyncReturn(null, $async$completer);
71495 }
71496 });
71497 return A._asyncStartSync($async$visitCssStylesheet$1, $async$completer);
71498 },
71499 visitCssSupportsRule$1(node) {
71500 return this.visitCssSupportsRule$body$_EvaluateVisitor0(node);
71501 },
71502 visitCssSupportsRule$body$_EvaluateVisitor0(node) {
71503 var $async$goto = 0,
71504 $async$completer = A._makeAsyncAwaitCompleter(type$.void),
71505 $async$self = this;
71506 var $async$visitCssSupportsRule$1 = A._wrapJsFunctionForAsync(function($async$errorCode, $async$result) {
71507 if ($async$errorCode === 1)
71508 return A._asyncRethrow($async$result, $async$completer);
71509 while (true)
71510 switch ($async$goto) {
71511 case 0:
71512 // Function start
71513 if ($async$self._async_evaluate0$_declarationName != null)
71514 throw A.wrapException($async$self._async_evaluate0$_exception$2(string$.Suppor, node.span));
71515 $async$goto = 2;
71516 return A._asyncAwait($async$self._async_evaluate0$_withParent$2$4$scopeWhen$through(A.ModifiableCssSupportsRule$0(node.condition, node.span), new A._EvaluateVisitor_visitCssSupportsRule_closure5($async$self, node), false, new A._EvaluateVisitor_visitCssSupportsRule_closure6(), type$.ModifiableCssSupportsRule_2, type$.Null), $async$visitCssSupportsRule$1);
71517 case 2:
71518 // returning from await.
71519 // implicit return
71520 return A._asyncReturn(null, $async$completer);
71521 }
71522 });
71523 return A._asyncStartSync($async$visitCssSupportsRule$1, $async$completer);
71524 },
71525 _async_evaluate0$_handleReturn$1$2(list, callback) {
71526 return this._handleReturn$body$_EvaluateVisitor0(list, callback);
71527 },
71528 _async_evaluate0$_handleReturn$2(list, callback) {
71529 return this._async_evaluate0$_handleReturn$1$2(list, callback, type$.dynamic);
71530 },
71531 _handleReturn$body$_EvaluateVisitor0(list, callback) {
71532 var $async$goto = 0,
71533 $async$completer = A._makeAsyncAwaitCompleter(type$.nullable_Value_2),
71534 $async$returnValue, t1, _i, result;
71535 var $async$_async_evaluate0$_handleReturn$1$2 = A._wrapJsFunctionForAsync(function($async$errorCode, $async$result) {
71536 if ($async$errorCode === 1)
71537 return A._asyncRethrow($async$result, $async$completer);
71538 while (true)
71539 switch ($async$goto) {
71540 case 0:
71541 // Function start
71542 t1 = list.length, _i = 0;
71543 case 3:
71544 // for condition
71545 if (!(_i < list.length)) {
71546 // goto after for
71547 $async$goto = 5;
71548 break;
71549 }
71550 $async$goto = 6;
71551 return A._asyncAwait(callback.call$1(list[_i]), $async$_async_evaluate0$_handleReturn$1$2);
71552 case 6:
71553 // returning from await.
71554 result = $async$result;
71555 if (result != null) {
71556 $async$returnValue = result;
71557 // goto return
71558 $async$goto = 1;
71559 break;
71560 }
71561 case 4:
71562 // for update
71563 list.length === t1 || (0, A.throwConcurrentModificationError)(list), ++_i;
71564 // goto for condition
71565 $async$goto = 3;
71566 break;
71567 case 5:
71568 // after for
71569 $async$returnValue = null;
71570 // goto return
71571 $async$goto = 1;
71572 break;
71573 case 1:
71574 // return
71575 return A._asyncReturn($async$returnValue, $async$completer);
71576 }
71577 });
71578 return A._asyncStartSync($async$_async_evaluate0$_handleReturn$1$2, $async$completer);
71579 },
71580 _async_evaluate0$_withEnvironment$1$2(environment, callback, $T) {
71581 return this._withEnvironment$body$_EvaluateVisitor0(environment, callback, $T, $T);
71582 },
71583 _withEnvironment$body$_EvaluateVisitor0(environment, callback, $T, $async$type) {
71584 var $async$goto = 0,
71585 $async$completer = A._makeAsyncAwaitCompleter($async$type),
71586 $async$returnValue, $async$self = this, result, oldEnvironment;
71587 var $async$_async_evaluate0$_withEnvironment$1$2 = A._wrapJsFunctionForAsync(function($async$errorCode, $async$result) {
71588 if ($async$errorCode === 1)
71589 return A._asyncRethrow($async$result, $async$completer);
71590 while (true)
71591 switch ($async$goto) {
71592 case 0:
71593 // Function start
71594 oldEnvironment = $async$self._async_evaluate0$_environment;
71595 $async$self._async_evaluate0$_environment = environment;
71596 $async$goto = 3;
71597 return A._asyncAwait(callback.call$0(), $async$_async_evaluate0$_withEnvironment$1$2);
71598 case 3:
71599 // returning from await.
71600 result = $async$result;
71601 $async$self._async_evaluate0$_environment = oldEnvironment;
71602 $async$returnValue = result;
71603 // goto return
71604 $async$goto = 1;
71605 break;
71606 case 1:
71607 // return
71608 return A._asyncReturn($async$returnValue, $async$completer);
71609 }
71610 });
71611 return A._asyncStartSync($async$_async_evaluate0$_withEnvironment$1$2, $async$completer);
71612 },
71613 _async_evaluate0$_interpolationToValue$3$trim$warnForColor(interpolation, trim, warnForColor) {
71614 return this._interpolationToValue$body$_EvaluateVisitor0(interpolation, trim, warnForColor);
71615 },
71616 _async_evaluate0$_interpolationToValue$1(interpolation) {
71617 return this._async_evaluate0$_interpolationToValue$3$trim$warnForColor(interpolation, false, false);
71618 },
71619 _async_evaluate0$_interpolationToValue$2$warnForColor(interpolation, warnForColor) {
71620 return this._async_evaluate0$_interpolationToValue$3$trim$warnForColor(interpolation, false, warnForColor);
71621 },
71622 _interpolationToValue$body$_EvaluateVisitor0(interpolation, trim, warnForColor) {
71623 var $async$goto = 0,
71624 $async$completer = A._makeAsyncAwaitCompleter(type$.CssValue_String_2),
71625 $async$returnValue, $async$self = this, result, t1;
71626 var $async$_async_evaluate0$_interpolationToValue$3$trim$warnForColor = A._wrapJsFunctionForAsync(function($async$errorCode, $async$result) {
71627 if ($async$errorCode === 1)
71628 return A._asyncRethrow($async$result, $async$completer);
71629 while (true)
71630 switch ($async$goto) {
71631 case 0:
71632 // Function start
71633 $async$goto = 3;
71634 return A._asyncAwait($async$self._async_evaluate0$_performInterpolation$2$warnForColor(interpolation, warnForColor), $async$_async_evaluate0$_interpolationToValue$3$trim$warnForColor);
71635 case 3:
71636 // returning from await.
71637 result = $async$result;
71638 t1 = trim ? A.trimAscii0(result, true) : result;
71639 $async$returnValue = new A.CssValue0(t1, interpolation.span, type$.CssValue_String_2);
71640 // goto return
71641 $async$goto = 1;
71642 break;
71643 case 1:
71644 // return
71645 return A._asyncReturn($async$returnValue, $async$completer);
71646 }
71647 });
71648 return A._asyncStartSync($async$_async_evaluate0$_interpolationToValue$3$trim$warnForColor, $async$completer);
71649 },
71650 _async_evaluate0$_performInterpolation$2$warnForColor(interpolation, warnForColor) {
71651 return this._performInterpolation$body$_EvaluateVisitor0(interpolation, warnForColor);
71652 },
71653 _async_evaluate0$_performInterpolation$1(interpolation) {
71654 return this._async_evaluate0$_performInterpolation$2$warnForColor(interpolation, false);
71655 },
71656 _performInterpolation$body$_EvaluateVisitor0(interpolation, warnForColor) {
71657 var $async$goto = 0,
71658 $async$completer = A._makeAsyncAwaitCompleter(type$.String),
71659 $async$returnValue, $async$self = this, $async$temp1;
71660 var $async$_async_evaluate0$_performInterpolation$2$warnForColor = A._wrapJsFunctionForAsync(function($async$errorCode, $async$result) {
71661 if ($async$errorCode === 1)
71662 return A._asyncRethrow($async$result, $async$completer);
71663 while (true)
71664 switch ($async$goto) {
71665 case 0:
71666 // Function start
71667 $async$temp1 = J;
71668 $async$goto = 3;
71669 return A._asyncAwait(A.mapAsync0(interpolation.contents, new A._EvaluateVisitor__performInterpolation_closure2($async$self, warnForColor, interpolation), type$.Object, type$.String), $async$_async_evaluate0$_performInterpolation$2$warnForColor);
71670 case 3:
71671 // returning from await.
71672 $async$returnValue = $async$temp1.join$0$ax($async$result);
71673 // goto return
71674 $async$goto = 1;
71675 break;
71676 case 1:
71677 // return
71678 return A._asyncReturn($async$returnValue, $async$completer);
71679 }
71680 });
71681 return A._asyncStartSync($async$_async_evaluate0$_performInterpolation$2$warnForColor, $async$completer);
71682 },
71683 _async_evaluate0$_evaluateToCss$2$quote(expression, quote) {
71684 return this._evaluateToCss$body$_EvaluateVisitor0(expression, quote);
71685 },
71686 _async_evaluate0$_evaluateToCss$1(expression) {
71687 return this._async_evaluate0$_evaluateToCss$2$quote(expression, true);
71688 },
71689 _evaluateToCss$body$_EvaluateVisitor0(expression, quote) {
71690 var $async$goto = 0,
71691 $async$completer = A._makeAsyncAwaitCompleter(type$.String),
71692 $async$returnValue, $async$self = this;
71693 var $async$_async_evaluate0$_evaluateToCss$2$quote = A._wrapJsFunctionForAsync(function($async$errorCode, $async$result) {
71694 if ($async$errorCode === 1)
71695 return A._asyncRethrow($async$result, $async$completer);
71696 while (true)
71697 switch ($async$goto) {
71698 case 0:
71699 // Function start
71700 $async$goto = 3;
71701 return A._asyncAwait(expression.accept$1($async$self), $async$_async_evaluate0$_evaluateToCss$2$quote);
71702 case 3:
71703 // returning from await.
71704 $async$returnValue = $async$self._async_evaluate0$_serialize$3$quote($async$result, expression, quote);
71705 // goto return
71706 $async$goto = 1;
71707 break;
71708 case 1:
71709 // return
71710 return A._asyncReturn($async$returnValue, $async$completer);
71711 }
71712 });
71713 return A._asyncStartSync($async$_async_evaluate0$_evaluateToCss$2$quote, $async$completer);
71714 },
71715 _async_evaluate0$_serialize$3$quote(value, nodeWithSpan, quote) {
71716 return this._async_evaluate0$_addExceptionSpan$2(nodeWithSpan, new A._EvaluateVisitor__serialize_closure2(value, quote));
71717 },
71718 _async_evaluate0$_serialize$2(value, nodeWithSpan) {
71719 return this._async_evaluate0$_serialize$3$quote(value, nodeWithSpan, true);
71720 },
71721 _async_evaluate0$_expressionNode$1(expression) {
71722 var t1;
71723 if (expression instanceof A.VariableExpression0) {
71724 t1 = this._async_evaluate0$_addExceptionSpan$2(expression, new A._EvaluateVisitor__expressionNode_closure2(this, expression));
71725 return t1 == null ? expression : t1;
71726 } else
71727 return expression;
71728 },
71729 _async_evaluate0$_withParent$2$4$scopeWhen$through(node, callback, scopeWhen, through, $S, $T) {
71730 return this._withParent$body$_EvaluateVisitor0(node, callback, scopeWhen, through, $S, $T, $T);
71731 },
71732 _async_evaluate0$_withParent$2$2(node, callback, $S, $T) {
71733 return this._async_evaluate0$_withParent$2$4$scopeWhen$through(node, callback, true, null, $S, $T);
71734 },
71735 _async_evaluate0$_withParent$2$3$scopeWhen(node, callback, scopeWhen, $S, $T) {
71736 return this._async_evaluate0$_withParent$2$4$scopeWhen$through(node, callback, scopeWhen, null, $S, $T);
71737 },
71738 _withParent$body$_EvaluateVisitor0(node, callback, scopeWhen, through, $S, $T, $async$type) {
71739 var $async$goto = 0,
71740 $async$completer = A._makeAsyncAwaitCompleter($async$type),
71741 $async$returnValue, $async$self = this, t1, result;
71742 var $async$_async_evaluate0$_withParent$2$4$scopeWhen$through = A._wrapJsFunctionForAsync(function($async$errorCode, $async$result) {
71743 if ($async$errorCode === 1)
71744 return A._asyncRethrow($async$result, $async$completer);
71745 while (true)
71746 switch ($async$goto) {
71747 case 0:
71748 // Function start
71749 $async$self._async_evaluate0$_addChild$2$through(node, through);
71750 t1 = $async$self._async_evaluate0$_assertInModule$2($async$self._async_evaluate0$__parent, "__parent");
71751 $async$self._async_evaluate0$__parent = node;
71752 $async$goto = 3;
71753 return A._asyncAwait($async$self._async_evaluate0$_environment.scope$1$2$when(callback, scopeWhen, $T), $async$_async_evaluate0$_withParent$2$4$scopeWhen$through);
71754 case 3:
71755 // returning from await.
71756 result = $async$result;
71757 $async$self._async_evaluate0$__parent = t1;
71758 $async$returnValue = result;
71759 // goto return
71760 $async$goto = 1;
71761 break;
71762 case 1:
71763 // return
71764 return A._asyncReturn($async$returnValue, $async$completer);
71765 }
71766 });
71767 return A._asyncStartSync($async$_async_evaluate0$_withParent$2$4$scopeWhen$through, $async$completer);
71768 },
71769 _async_evaluate0$_addChild$2$through(node, through) {
71770 var grandparent, t1,
71771 $parent = this._async_evaluate0$_assertInModule$2(this._async_evaluate0$__parent, "__parent");
71772 if (through != null) {
71773 for (; through.call$1($parent); $parent = grandparent) {
71774 grandparent = $parent._node1$_parent;
71775 if (grandparent == null)
71776 throw A.wrapException(A.ArgumentError$(string$.throug + node.toString$0(0) + ".", null));
71777 }
71778 if ($parent.get$hasFollowingSibling()) {
71779 t1 = $parent._node1$_parent;
71780 t1.toString;
71781 $parent = $parent.copyWithoutChildren$0();
71782 t1.addChild$1($parent);
71783 }
71784 }
71785 $parent.addChild$1(node);
71786 },
71787 _async_evaluate0$_addChild$1(node) {
71788 return this._async_evaluate0$_addChild$2$through(node, null);
71789 },
71790 _async_evaluate0$_withStyleRule$1$2(rule, callback, $T) {
71791 return this._withStyleRule$body$_EvaluateVisitor0(rule, callback, $T, $T);
71792 },
71793 _withStyleRule$body$_EvaluateVisitor0(rule, callback, $T, $async$type) {
71794 var $async$goto = 0,
71795 $async$completer = A._makeAsyncAwaitCompleter($async$type),
71796 $async$returnValue, $async$self = this, result, oldRule;
71797 var $async$_async_evaluate0$_withStyleRule$1$2 = A._wrapJsFunctionForAsync(function($async$errorCode, $async$result) {
71798 if ($async$errorCode === 1)
71799 return A._asyncRethrow($async$result, $async$completer);
71800 while (true)
71801 switch ($async$goto) {
71802 case 0:
71803 // Function start
71804 oldRule = $async$self._async_evaluate0$_styleRuleIgnoringAtRoot;
71805 $async$self._async_evaluate0$_styleRuleIgnoringAtRoot = rule;
71806 $async$goto = 3;
71807 return A._asyncAwait(callback.call$0(), $async$_async_evaluate0$_withStyleRule$1$2);
71808 case 3:
71809 // returning from await.
71810 result = $async$result;
71811 $async$self._async_evaluate0$_styleRuleIgnoringAtRoot = oldRule;
71812 $async$returnValue = result;
71813 // goto return
71814 $async$goto = 1;
71815 break;
71816 case 1:
71817 // return
71818 return A._asyncReturn($async$returnValue, $async$completer);
71819 }
71820 });
71821 return A._asyncStartSync($async$_async_evaluate0$_withStyleRule$1$2, $async$completer);
71822 },
71823 _async_evaluate0$_withMediaQueries$1$2(queries, callback, $T) {
71824 return this._withMediaQueries$body$_EvaluateVisitor0(queries, callback, $T, $T);
71825 },
71826 _withMediaQueries$body$_EvaluateVisitor0(queries, callback, $T, $async$type) {
71827 var $async$goto = 0,
71828 $async$completer = A._makeAsyncAwaitCompleter($async$type),
71829 $async$returnValue, $async$self = this, result, oldMediaQueries;
71830 var $async$_async_evaluate0$_withMediaQueries$1$2 = A._wrapJsFunctionForAsync(function($async$errorCode, $async$result) {
71831 if ($async$errorCode === 1)
71832 return A._asyncRethrow($async$result, $async$completer);
71833 while (true)
71834 switch ($async$goto) {
71835 case 0:
71836 // Function start
71837 oldMediaQueries = $async$self._async_evaluate0$_mediaQueries;
71838 $async$self._async_evaluate0$_mediaQueries = queries;
71839 $async$goto = 3;
71840 return A._asyncAwait(callback.call$0(), $async$_async_evaluate0$_withMediaQueries$1$2);
71841 case 3:
71842 // returning from await.
71843 result = $async$result;
71844 $async$self._async_evaluate0$_mediaQueries = oldMediaQueries;
71845 $async$returnValue = result;
71846 // goto return
71847 $async$goto = 1;
71848 break;
71849 case 1:
71850 // return
71851 return A._asyncReturn($async$returnValue, $async$completer);
71852 }
71853 });
71854 return A._asyncStartSync($async$_async_evaluate0$_withMediaQueries$1$2, $async$completer);
71855 },
71856 _async_evaluate0$_withStackFrame$1$3(member, nodeWithSpan, callback, $T) {
71857 return this._withStackFrame$body$_EvaluateVisitor0(member, nodeWithSpan, callback, $T, $T);
71858 },
71859 _withStackFrame$body$_EvaluateVisitor0(member, nodeWithSpan, callback, $T, $async$type) {
71860 var $async$goto = 0,
71861 $async$completer = A._makeAsyncAwaitCompleter($async$type),
71862 $async$returnValue, $async$self = this, oldMember, result, t1;
71863 var $async$_async_evaluate0$_withStackFrame$1$3 = A._wrapJsFunctionForAsync(function($async$errorCode, $async$result) {
71864 if ($async$errorCode === 1)
71865 return A._asyncRethrow($async$result, $async$completer);
71866 while (true)
71867 switch ($async$goto) {
71868 case 0:
71869 // Function start
71870 t1 = $async$self._async_evaluate0$_stack;
71871 t1.push(new A.Tuple2($async$self._async_evaluate0$_member, nodeWithSpan, type$.Tuple2_String_AstNode_2));
71872 oldMember = $async$self._async_evaluate0$_member;
71873 $async$self._async_evaluate0$_member = member;
71874 $async$goto = 3;
71875 return A._asyncAwait(callback.call$0(), $async$_async_evaluate0$_withStackFrame$1$3);
71876 case 3:
71877 // returning from await.
71878 result = $async$result;
71879 $async$self._async_evaluate0$_member = oldMember;
71880 t1.pop();
71881 $async$returnValue = result;
71882 // goto return
71883 $async$goto = 1;
71884 break;
71885 case 1:
71886 // return
71887 return A._asyncReturn($async$returnValue, $async$completer);
71888 }
71889 });
71890 return A._asyncStartSync($async$_async_evaluate0$_withStackFrame$1$3, $async$completer);
71891 },
71892 _async_evaluate0$_withoutSlash$2(value, nodeForSpan) {
71893 if (value instanceof A.SassNumber0 && value.asSlash != null)
71894 this._async_evaluate0$_warn$3$deprecation(string$.Using__i + A.S(new A._EvaluateVisitor__withoutSlash_recommendation2().call$1(value)) + string$.x0a_More, nodeForSpan.get$span(nodeForSpan), true);
71895 return value.withoutSlash$0();
71896 },
71897 _async_evaluate0$_stackFrame$2(member, span) {
71898 return A.frameForSpan0(span, member, A.NullableExtension_andThen0(span.file.url, new A._EvaluateVisitor__stackFrame_closure2(this)));
71899 },
71900 _async_evaluate0$_stackTrace$1(span) {
71901 var _this = this,
71902 t1 = _this._async_evaluate0$_stack;
71903 t1 = A.List_List$of(new A.MappedListIterable(t1, new A._EvaluateVisitor__stackTrace_closure2(_this), A._arrayInstanceType(t1)._eval$1("MappedListIterable<1,Frame>")), true, type$.Frame);
71904 if (span != null)
71905 t1.push(_this._async_evaluate0$_stackFrame$2(_this._async_evaluate0$_member, span));
71906 return A.Trace$(new A.ReversedListIterable(t1, A._arrayInstanceType(t1)._eval$1("ReversedListIterable<1>")), null);
71907 },
71908 _async_evaluate0$_stackTrace$0() {
71909 return this._async_evaluate0$_stackTrace$1(null);
71910 },
71911 _async_evaluate0$_warn$3$deprecation(message, span, deprecation) {
71912 var _this = this;
71913 if (_this._async_evaluate0$_quietDeps && _this._async_evaluate0$_inDependency)
71914 return;
71915 if (!_this._async_evaluate0$_warningsEmitted.add$1(0, new A.Tuple2(message, span, type$.Tuple2_String_SourceSpan)))
71916 return;
71917 _this._async_evaluate0$_logger.warn$4$deprecation$span$trace(0, message, deprecation, span, _this._async_evaluate0$_stackTrace$1(span));
71918 },
71919 _async_evaluate0$_warn$2(message, span) {
71920 return this._async_evaluate0$_warn$3$deprecation(message, span, false);
71921 },
71922 _async_evaluate0$_exception$2(message, span) {
71923 var t1 = span == null ? J.get$span$z(B.JSArray_methods.get$last(this._async_evaluate0$_stack).item2) : span;
71924 return new A.SassRuntimeException0(this._async_evaluate0$_stackTrace$1(span), message, t1);
71925 },
71926 _async_evaluate0$_exception$1(message) {
71927 return this._async_evaluate0$_exception$2(message, null);
71928 },
71929 _async_evaluate0$_multiSpanException$3(message, primaryLabel, secondaryLabels) {
71930 var t1 = J.get$span$z(B.JSArray_methods.get$last(this._async_evaluate0$_stack).item2);
71931 return new A.MultiSpanSassRuntimeException0(this._async_evaluate0$_stackTrace$0(), primaryLabel, A.ConstantMap_ConstantMap$from(secondaryLabels, type$.FileSpan, type$.String), message, t1);
71932 },
71933 _async_evaluate0$_adjustParseError$1$2(nodeWithSpan, callback) {
71934 var error, stackTrace, errorText, span, syntheticFile, syntheticSpan, t1, exception, t2, t3, t4, t5, t6, _null = null;
71935 try {
71936 t1 = callback.call$0();
71937 return t1;
71938 } catch (exception) {
71939 t1 = A.unwrapException(exception);
71940 if (t1 instanceof A.SassFormatException0) {
71941 error = t1;
71942 stackTrace = A.getTraceFromException(exception);
71943 t1 = error;
71944 t2 = J.getInterceptor$z(t1);
71945 errorText = A.String_String$fromCharCodes(B.NativeUint32List_methods.sublist$2(A.SourceSpanException.prototype.get$span.call(t2, t1).file._decodedChars, 0, _null), 0, _null);
71946 span = nodeWithSpan.get$span(nodeWithSpan);
71947 t1 = span;
71948 t2 = span;
71949 syntheticFile = B.JSString_methods.replaceRange$3(A.String_String$fromCharCodes(B.NativeUint32List_methods.sublist$2(span.file._decodedChars, 0, _null), 0, _null), A.FileLocation$_(t1.file, t1._file$_start).offset, A.FileLocation$_(t2.file, t2._end).offset, errorText);
71950 t2 = A.SourceFile$fromString(syntheticFile, span.file.url);
71951 t1 = span;
71952 t1 = A.FileLocation$_(t1.file, t1._file$_start);
71953 t3 = error;
71954 t4 = J.getInterceptor$z(t3);
71955 t3 = A.SourceSpanException.prototype.get$span.call(t4, t3);
71956 t3 = A.FileLocation$_(t3.file, t3._file$_start);
71957 t4 = span;
71958 t4 = A.FileLocation$_(t4.file, t4._file$_start);
71959 t5 = error;
71960 t6 = J.getInterceptor$z(t5);
71961 t5 = A.SourceSpanException.prototype.get$span.call(t6, t5);
71962 syntheticSpan = t2.span$2(0, t1.offset + t3.offset, t4.offset + A.FileLocation$_(t5.file, t5._end).offset);
71963 A.throwWithTrace0(this._async_evaluate0$_exception$2(error._span_exception$_message, syntheticSpan), stackTrace);
71964 } else
71965 throw exception;
71966 }
71967 },
71968 _async_evaluate0$_adjustParseError$2(nodeWithSpan, callback) {
71969 return this._async_evaluate0$_adjustParseError$1$2(nodeWithSpan, callback, type$.dynamic);
71970 },
71971 _async_evaluate0$_addExceptionSpan$1$2(nodeWithSpan, callback) {
71972 var error, stackTrace, error0, stackTrace0, t1, exception, t2, t3, t4;
71973 try {
71974 t1 = callback.call$0();
71975 return t1;
71976 } catch (exception) {
71977 t1 = A.unwrapException(exception);
71978 if (t1 instanceof A.MultiSpanSassScriptException0) {
71979 error = t1;
71980 stackTrace = A.getTraceFromException(exception);
71981 t1 = error.message;
71982 t2 = nodeWithSpan.get$span(nodeWithSpan);
71983 t3 = error.primaryLabel;
71984 t4 = error.secondarySpans;
71985 A.throwWithTrace0(new A.MultiSpanSassRuntimeException0(this._async_evaluate0$_stackTrace$1(nodeWithSpan.get$span(nodeWithSpan)), t3, A.ConstantMap_ConstantMap$from(t4, type$.FileSpan, type$.String), t1, t2), stackTrace);
71986 } else if (t1 instanceof A.SassScriptException0) {
71987 error0 = t1;
71988 stackTrace0 = A.getTraceFromException(exception);
71989 A.throwWithTrace0(this._async_evaluate0$_exception$2(error0.message, nodeWithSpan.get$span(nodeWithSpan)), stackTrace0);
71990 } else
71991 throw exception;
71992 }
71993 },
71994 _async_evaluate0$_addExceptionSpan$2(nodeWithSpan, callback) {
71995 return this._async_evaluate0$_addExceptionSpan$1$2(nodeWithSpan, callback, type$.dynamic);
71996 },
71997 _async_evaluate0$_addExceptionSpanAsync$1$2(nodeWithSpan, callback, $T) {
71998 return this._addExceptionSpanAsync$body$_EvaluateVisitor0(nodeWithSpan, callback, $T, $T);
71999 },
72000 _addExceptionSpanAsync$body$_EvaluateVisitor0(nodeWithSpan, callback, $T, $async$type) {
72001 var $async$goto = 0,
72002 $async$completer = A._makeAsyncAwaitCompleter($async$type),
72003 $async$returnValue, $async$handler = 2, $async$currentError, $async$next = [], $async$self = this, error, stackTrace, error0, stackTrace0, t1, exception, t2, t3, t4, $async$exception;
72004 var $async$_async_evaluate0$_addExceptionSpanAsync$1$2 = A._wrapJsFunctionForAsync(function($async$errorCode, $async$result) {
72005 if ($async$errorCode === 1) {
72006 $async$currentError = $async$result;
72007 $async$goto = $async$handler;
72008 }
72009 while (true)
72010 switch ($async$goto) {
72011 case 0:
72012 // Function start
72013 $async$handler = 4;
72014 $async$goto = 7;
72015 return A._asyncAwait(callback.call$0(), $async$_async_evaluate0$_addExceptionSpanAsync$1$2);
72016 case 7:
72017 // returning from await.
72018 t1 = $async$result;
72019 $async$returnValue = t1;
72020 // goto return
72021 $async$goto = 1;
72022 break;
72023 $async$handler = 2;
72024 // goto after finally
72025 $async$goto = 6;
72026 break;
72027 case 4:
72028 // catch
72029 $async$handler = 3;
72030 $async$exception = $async$currentError;
72031 t1 = A.unwrapException($async$exception);
72032 if (t1 instanceof A.MultiSpanSassScriptException0) {
72033 error = t1;
72034 stackTrace = A.getTraceFromException($async$exception);
72035 t1 = error.message;
72036 t2 = nodeWithSpan.get$span(nodeWithSpan);
72037 t3 = error.primaryLabel;
72038 t4 = error.secondarySpans;
72039 A.throwWithTrace0(new A.MultiSpanSassRuntimeException0($async$self._async_evaluate0$_stackTrace$1(nodeWithSpan.get$span(nodeWithSpan)), t3, A.ConstantMap_ConstantMap$from(t4, type$.FileSpan, type$.String), t1, t2), stackTrace);
72040 } else if (t1 instanceof A.SassScriptException0) {
72041 error0 = t1;
72042 stackTrace0 = A.getTraceFromException($async$exception);
72043 A.throwWithTrace0($async$self._async_evaluate0$_exception$2(error0.message, nodeWithSpan.get$span(nodeWithSpan)), stackTrace0);
72044 } else
72045 throw $async$exception;
72046 // goto after finally
72047 $async$goto = 6;
72048 break;
72049 case 3:
72050 // uncaught
72051 // goto rethrow
72052 $async$goto = 2;
72053 break;
72054 case 6:
72055 // after finally
72056 case 1:
72057 // return
72058 return A._asyncReturn($async$returnValue, $async$completer);
72059 case 2:
72060 // rethrow
72061 return A._asyncRethrow($async$currentError, $async$completer);
72062 }
72063 });
72064 return A._asyncStartSync($async$_async_evaluate0$_addExceptionSpanAsync$1$2, $async$completer);
72065 },
72066 _async_evaluate0$_addErrorSpan$1$2(nodeWithSpan, callback, $T) {
72067 return this._addErrorSpan$body$_EvaluateVisitor0(nodeWithSpan, callback, $T, $T);
72068 },
72069 _addErrorSpan$body$_EvaluateVisitor0(nodeWithSpan, callback, $T, $async$type) {
72070 var $async$goto = 0,
72071 $async$completer = A._makeAsyncAwaitCompleter($async$type),
72072 $async$returnValue, $async$handler = 2, $async$currentError, $async$next = [], $async$self = this, error, stackTrace, t1, exception, t2, $async$exception;
72073 var $async$_async_evaluate0$_addErrorSpan$1$2 = A._wrapJsFunctionForAsync(function($async$errorCode, $async$result) {
72074 if ($async$errorCode === 1) {
72075 $async$currentError = $async$result;
72076 $async$goto = $async$handler;
72077 }
72078 while (true)
72079 switch ($async$goto) {
72080 case 0:
72081 // Function start
72082 $async$handler = 4;
72083 $async$goto = 7;
72084 return A._asyncAwait(callback.call$0(), $async$_async_evaluate0$_addErrorSpan$1$2);
72085 case 7:
72086 // returning from await.
72087 t1 = $async$result;
72088 $async$returnValue = t1;
72089 // goto return
72090 $async$goto = 1;
72091 break;
72092 $async$handler = 2;
72093 // goto after finally
72094 $async$goto = 6;
72095 break;
72096 case 4:
72097 // catch
72098 $async$handler = 3;
72099 $async$exception = $async$currentError;
72100 t1 = A.unwrapException($async$exception);
72101 if (type$.SassRuntimeException_2._is(t1)) {
72102 error = t1;
72103 stackTrace = A.getTraceFromException($async$exception);
72104 t1 = J.get$span$z(error);
72105 if (!B.JSString_methods.startsWith$1(A.String_String$fromCharCodes(B.NativeUint32List_methods.sublist$2(t1.file._decodedChars, t1._file$_start, t1._end), 0, null), "@error"))
72106 throw $async$exception;
72107 t1 = error._span_exception$_message;
72108 t2 = nodeWithSpan.get$span(nodeWithSpan);
72109 A.throwWithTrace0(new A.SassRuntimeException0($async$self._async_evaluate0$_stackTrace$0(), t1, t2), stackTrace);
72110 } else
72111 throw $async$exception;
72112 // goto after finally
72113 $async$goto = 6;
72114 break;
72115 case 3:
72116 // uncaught
72117 // goto rethrow
72118 $async$goto = 2;
72119 break;
72120 case 6:
72121 // after finally
72122 case 1:
72123 // return
72124 return A._asyncReturn($async$returnValue, $async$completer);
72125 case 2:
72126 // rethrow
72127 return A._asyncRethrow($async$currentError, $async$completer);
72128 }
72129 });
72130 return A._asyncStartSync($async$_async_evaluate0$_addErrorSpan$1$2, $async$completer);
72131 }
72132 };
72133 A._EvaluateVisitor_closure29.prototype = {
72134 call$1($arguments) {
72135 var module, t2,
72136 t1 = J.getInterceptor$asx($arguments),
72137 variable = t1.$index($arguments, 0).assertString$1("name");
72138 t1 = t1.$index($arguments, 1).get$realNull();
72139 module = t1 == null ? null : t1.assertString$1("module");
72140 t1 = this.$this._async_evaluate0$_environment;
72141 t2 = A.stringReplaceAllUnchecked(variable._string0$_text, "_", "-");
72142 return t1.globalVariableExists$2$namespace(t2, module == null ? null : module._string0$_text) ? B.SassBoolean_true0 : B.SassBoolean_false0;
72143 },
72144 $signature: 18
72145 };
72146 A._EvaluateVisitor_closure30.prototype = {
72147 call$1($arguments) {
72148 var variable = J.$index$asx($arguments, 0).assertString$1("name"),
72149 t1 = this.$this._async_evaluate0$_environment;
72150 return t1.getVariable$1(A.stringReplaceAllUnchecked(variable._string0$_text, "_", "-")) != null ? B.SassBoolean_true0 : B.SassBoolean_false0;
72151 },
72152 $signature: 18
72153 };
72154 A._EvaluateVisitor_closure31.prototype = {
72155 call$1($arguments) {
72156 var module, t2, t3, t4,
72157 t1 = J.getInterceptor$asx($arguments),
72158 variable = t1.$index($arguments, 0).assertString$1("name");
72159 t1 = t1.$index($arguments, 1).get$realNull();
72160 module = t1 == null ? null : t1.assertString$1("module");
72161 t1 = this.$this;
72162 t2 = t1._async_evaluate0$_environment;
72163 t3 = variable._string0$_text;
72164 t4 = A.stringReplaceAllUnchecked(t3, "_", "-");
72165 return t2.getFunction$2$namespace(t4, module == null ? null : module._string0$_text) != null || t1._async_evaluate0$_builtInFunctions.containsKey$1(t3) ? B.SassBoolean_true0 : B.SassBoolean_false0;
72166 },
72167 $signature: 18
72168 };
72169 A._EvaluateVisitor_closure32.prototype = {
72170 call$1($arguments) {
72171 var module, t2,
72172 t1 = J.getInterceptor$asx($arguments),
72173 variable = t1.$index($arguments, 0).assertString$1("name");
72174 t1 = t1.$index($arguments, 1).get$realNull();
72175 module = t1 == null ? null : t1.assertString$1("module");
72176 t1 = this.$this._async_evaluate0$_environment;
72177 t2 = A.stringReplaceAllUnchecked(variable._string0$_text, "_", "-");
72178 return t1.getMixin$2$namespace(t2, module == null ? null : module._string0$_text) != null ? B.SassBoolean_true0 : B.SassBoolean_false0;
72179 },
72180 $signature: 18
72181 };
72182 A._EvaluateVisitor_closure33.prototype = {
72183 call$1($arguments) {
72184 var t1 = this.$this._async_evaluate0$_environment;
72185 if (!t1._async_environment0$_inMixin)
72186 throw A.wrapException(A.SassScriptException$0(string$.conten));
72187 return t1._async_environment0$_content != null ? B.SassBoolean_true0 : B.SassBoolean_false0;
72188 },
72189 $signature: 18
72190 };
72191 A._EvaluateVisitor_closure34.prototype = {
72192 call$1($arguments) {
72193 var t2, t3, t4,
72194 t1 = J.$index$asx($arguments, 0).assertString$1("module")._string0$_text,
72195 module = this.$this._async_evaluate0$_environment._async_environment0$_modules.$index(0, t1);
72196 if (module == null)
72197 throw A.wrapException('There is no module with namespace "' + t1 + '".');
72198 t1 = type$.Value_2;
72199 t2 = A.LinkedHashMap_LinkedHashMap$_empty(t1, t1);
72200 for (t3 = module.get$variables(), t3 = t3.get$entries(t3), t3 = t3.get$iterator(t3); t3.moveNext$0();) {
72201 t4 = t3.get$current(t3);
72202 t2.$indexSet(0, new A.SassString0(t4.key, true), t4.value);
72203 }
72204 return new A.SassMap0(A.ConstantMap_ConstantMap$from(t2, t1, t1));
72205 },
72206 $signature: 34
72207 };
72208 A._EvaluateVisitor_closure35.prototype = {
72209 call$1($arguments) {
72210 var t2, t3, t4,
72211 t1 = J.$index$asx($arguments, 0).assertString$1("module")._string0$_text,
72212 module = this.$this._async_evaluate0$_environment._async_environment0$_modules.$index(0, t1);
72213 if (module == null)
72214 throw A.wrapException('There is no module with namespace "' + t1 + '".');
72215 t1 = type$.Value_2;
72216 t2 = A.LinkedHashMap_LinkedHashMap$_empty(t1, t1);
72217 for (t3 = module.get$functions(module), t3 = t3.get$entries(t3), t3 = t3.get$iterator(t3); t3.moveNext$0();) {
72218 t4 = t3.get$current(t3);
72219 t2.$indexSet(0, new A.SassString0(t4.key, true), new A.SassFunction0(t4.value));
72220 }
72221 return new A.SassMap0(A.ConstantMap_ConstantMap$from(t2, t1, t1));
72222 },
72223 $signature: 34
72224 };
72225 A._EvaluateVisitor_closure36.prototype = {
72226 call$1($arguments) {
72227 var module, callable, t2,
72228 t1 = J.getInterceptor$asx($arguments),
72229 $name = t1.$index($arguments, 0).assertString$1("name"),
72230 css = t1.$index($arguments, 1).get$isTruthy();
72231 t1 = t1.$index($arguments, 2).get$realNull();
72232 module = t1 == null ? null : t1.assertString$1("module");
72233 if (css && module != null)
72234 throw A.wrapException(string$.x24css_a);
72235 if (css)
72236 callable = new A.PlainCssCallable0($name._string0$_text);
72237 else {
72238 t1 = this.$this;
72239 t2 = t1._async_evaluate0$_callableNode;
72240 t2.toString;
72241 callable = t1._async_evaluate0$_addExceptionSpan$2(t2, new A._EvaluateVisitor__closure10(t1, $name, module));
72242 }
72243 if (callable != null)
72244 return new A.SassFunction0(callable);
72245 throw A.wrapException("Function not found: " + $name.toString$0(0));
72246 },
72247 $signature: 160
72248 };
72249 A._EvaluateVisitor__closure10.prototype = {
72250 call$0() {
72251 var t1 = A.stringReplaceAllUnchecked(this.name._string0$_text, "_", "-"),
72252 t2 = this.module;
72253 t2 = t2 == null ? null : t2._string0$_text;
72254 return this.$this._async_evaluate0$_getFunction$2$namespace(t1, t2);
72255 },
72256 $signature: 137
72257 };
72258 A._EvaluateVisitor_closure37.prototype = {
72259 call$1($arguments) {
72260 return this.$call$body$_EvaluateVisitor_closure2($arguments);
72261 },
72262 $call$body$_EvaluateVisitor_closure2($arguments) {
72263 var $async$goto = 0,
72264 $async$completer = A._makeAsyncAwaitCompleter(type$.Value_2),
72265 $async$returnValue, $async$self = this, t2, t3, t4, t5, t6, t7, t8, t9, t10, t11, invocation, callableNode, t1, $function, args;
72266 var $async$call$1 = A._wrapJsFunctionForAsync(function($async$errorCode, $async$result) {
72267 if ($async$errorCode === 1)
72268 return A._asyncRethrow($async$result, $async$completer);
72269 while (true)
72270 switch ($async$goto) {
72271 case 0:
72272 // Function start
72273 t1 = J.getInterceptor$asx($arguments);
72274 $function = t1.$index($arguments, 0);
72275 args = type$.SassArgumentList_2._as(t1.$index($arguments, 1));
72276 t1 = $async$self.$this;
72277 t2 = t1._async_evaluate0$_callableNode;
72278 t2.toString;
72279 t3 = A._setArrayType([], type$.JSArray_Expression_2);
72280 t4 = type$.String;
72281 t5 = type$.Expression_2;
72282 t6 = t2.get$span(t2);
72283 t7 = t2.get$span(t2);
72284 args._argument_list$_wereKeywordsAccessed = true;
72285 t8 = args._argument_list$_keywords;
72286 if (t8.get$isEmpty(t8))
72287 t2 = null;
72288 else {
72289 t9 = type$.Value_2;
72290 t10 = A.LinkedHashMap_LinkedHashMap$_empty(t9, t9);
72291 for (args._argument_list$_wereKeywordsAccessed = true, t8 = t8.get$entries(t8), t8 = t8.get$iterator(t8); t8.moveNext$0();) {
72292 t11 = t8.get$current(t8);
72293 t10.$indexSet(0, new A.SassString0(t11.key, false), t11.value);
72294 }
72295 t2 = new A.ValueExpression0(new A.SassMap0(A.ConstantMap_ConstantMap$from(t10, t9, t9)), t2.get$span(t2));
72296 }
72297 invocation = new A.ArgumentInvocation0(A.List_List$unmodifiable(t3, t5), A.ConstantMap_ConstantMap$from(A.LinkedHashMap_LinkedHashMap$_empty(t4, t5), t4, t5), new A.ValueExpression0(args, t7), t2, t6);
72298 $async$goto = $function instanceof A.SassString0 ? 3 : 4;
72299 break;
72300 case 3:
72301 // then
72302 t2 = string$.Passin + $function.toString$0(0) + "))";
72303 A.EvaluationContext_current0().warn$2$deprecation(0, t2, true);
72304 callableNode = t1._async_evaluate0$_callableNode;
72305 $async$goto = 5;
72306 return A._asyncAwait(t1.visitFunctionExpression$1(new A.FunctionExpression0(null, $function._string0$_text, invocation, callableNode.get$span(callableNode))), $async$call$1);
72307 case 5:
72308 // returning from await.
72309 $async$returnValue = $async$result;
72310 // goto return
72311 $async$goto = 1;
72312 break;
72313 case 4:
72314 // join
72315 t2 = $function.assertFunction$1("function");
72316 t3 = t1._async_evaluate0$_callableNode;
72317 t3.toString;
72318 $async$goto = 6;
72319 return A._asyncAwait(t1._async_evaluate0$_runFunctionCallable$3(invocation, t2.callable, t3), $async$call$1);
72320 case 6:
72321 // returning from await.
72322 $async$returnValue = $async$result;
72323 // goto return
72324 $async$goto = 1;
72325 break;
72326 case 1:
72327 // return
72328 return A._asyncReturn($async$returnValue, $async$completer);
72329 }
72330 });
72331 return A._asyncStartSync($async$call$1, $async$completer);
72332 },
72333 $signature: 93
72334 };
72335 A._EvaluateVisitor_closure38.prototype = {
72336 call$1($arguments) {
72337 return this.$call$body$_EvaluateVisitor_closure1($arguments);
72338 },
72339 $call$body$_EvaluateVisitor_closure1($arguments) {
72340 var $async$goto = 0,
72341 $async$completer = A._makeAsyncAwaitCompleter(type$.void),
72342 $async$self = this, withMap, t2, values, configuration, t1, url;
72343 var $async$call$1 = A._wrapJsFunctionForAsync(function($async$errorCode, $async$result) {
72344 if ($async$errorCode === 1)
72345 return A._asyncRethrow($async$result, $async$completer);
72346 while (true)
72347 switch ($async$goto) {
72348 case 0:
72349 // Function start
72350 t1 = J.getInterceptor$asx($arguments);
72351 url = A.Uri_parse(t1.$index($arguments, 0).assertString$1("url")._string0$_text);
72352 t1 = t1.$index($arguments, 1).get$realNull();
72353 withMap = t1 == null ? null : t1.assertMap$1("with")._map0$_contents;
72354 t1 = $async$self.$this;
72355 t2 = t1._async_evaluate0$_callableNode;
72356 t2.toString;
72357 if (withMap != null) {
72358 values = A.LinkedHashMap_LinkedHashMap$_empty(type$.String, type$.ConfiguredValue_2);
72359 withMap.forEach$1(0, new A._EvaluateVisitor__closure8(values, t2.get$span(t2), t2));
72360 configuration = new A.ExplicitConfiguration0(t2, values);
72361 } else
72362 configuration = B.Configuration_Map_empty0;
72363 $async$goto = 2;
72364 return A._asyncAwait(t1._async_evaluate0$_loadModule$7$baseUrl$configuration$namesInErrors(url, "load-css()", t2, new A._EvaluateVisitor__closure9(t1), t2.get$span(t2).file.url, configuration, true), $async$call$1);
72365 case 2:
72366 // returning from await.
72367 t1._async_evaluate0$_assertConfigurationIsEmpty$2$nameInError(configuration, true);
72368 // implicit return
72369 return A._asyncReturn(null, $async$completer);
72370 }
72371 });
72372 return A._asyncStartSync($async$call$1, $async$completer);
72373 },
72374 $signature: 321
72375 };
72376 A._EvaluateVisitor__closure8.prototype = {
72377 call$2(variable, value) {
72378 var t1 = variable.assertString$1("with key"),
72379 $name = A.stringReplaceAllUnchecked(t1._string0$_text, "_", "-");
72380 t1 = this.values;
72381 if (t1.containsKey$1($name))
72382 throw A.wrapException("The variable $" + $name + " was configured twice.");
72383 t1.$indexSet(0, $name, new A.ConfiguredValue0(value, this.span, this.callableNode));
72384 },
72385 $signature: 53
72386 };
72387 A._EvaluateVisitor__closure9.prototype = {
72388 call$1(module) {
72389 var t1 = this.$this;
72390 return t1._async_evaluate0$_combineCss$2$clone(module, true).accept$1(t1);
72391 },
72392 $signature: 163
72393 };
72394 A._EvaluateVisitor_run_closure2.prototype = {
72395 call$0() {
72396 var $async$goto = 0,
72397 $async$completer = A._makeAsyncAwaitCompleter(type$.EvaluateResult_2),
72398 $async$returnValue, $async$self = this, t2, t1, url, $async$temp1, $async$temp2;
72399 var $async$call$0 = A._wrapJsFunctionForAsync(function($async$errorCode, $async$result) {
72400 if ($async$errorCode === 1)
72401 return A._asyncRethrow($async$result, $async$completer);
72402 while (true)
72403 switch ($async$goto) {
72404 case 0:
72405 // Function start
72406 t1 = $async$self.node;
72407 url = t1.span.file.url;
72408 if (url != null) {
72409 t2 = $async$self.$this;
72410 t2._async_evaluate0$_activeModules.$indexSet(0, url, null);
72411 if (!(t2._async_evaluate0$_nodeImporter != null && url.toString$0(0) === "stdin"))
72412 t2._async_evaluate0$_loadedUrls.add$1(0, url);
72413 }
72414 t2 = $async$self.$this;
72415 $async$temp1 = A;
72416 $async$temp2 = t2;
72417 $async$goto = 3;
72418 return A._asyncAwait(t2._async_evaluate0$_execute$2($async$self.importer, t1), $async$call$0);
72419 case 3:
72420 // returning from await.
72421 $async$returnValue = new $async$temp1.EvaluateResult0($async$temp2._async_evaluate0$_combineCss$1($async$result), t2._async_evaluate0$_loadedUrls);
72422 // goto return
72423 $async$goto = 1;
72424 break;
72425 case 1:
72426 // return
72427 return A._asyncReturn($async$returnValue, $async$completer);
72428 }
72429 });
72430 return A._asyncStartSync($async$call$0, $async$completer);
72431 },
72432 $signature: 324
72433 };
72434 A._EvaluateVisitor__loadModule_closure5.prototype = {
72435 call$0() {
72436 return this.callback.call$1(this.builtInModule);
72437 },
72438 $signature: 0
72439 };
72440 A._EvaluateVisitor__loadModule_closure6.prototype = {
72441 call$0() {
72442 var $async$goto = 0,
72443 $async$completer = A._makeAsyncAwaitCompleter(type$.Null),
72444 $async$handler = 1, $async$currentError, $async$next = [], $async$self = this, oldInDependency, module, error, stackTrace, error0, stackTrace0, error1, stackTrace1, error2, stackTrace2, message, exception, t3, t4, t5, t6, t7, t1, t2, result, stylesheet, canonicalUrl, $async$exception;
72445 var $async$call$0 = A._wrapJsFunctionForAsync(function($async$errorCode, $async$result) {
72446 if ($async$errorCode === 1) {
72447 $async$currentError = $async$result;
72448 $async$goto = $async$handler;
72449 }
72450 while (true)
72451 switch ($async$goto) {
72452 case 0:
72453 // Function start
72454 t1 = $async$self.$this;
72455 t2 = $async$self.nodeWithSpan;
72456 $async$goto = 2;
72457 return A._asyncAwait(t1._async_evaluate0$_loadStylesheet$3$baseUrl($async$self.url.toString$0(0), t2.get$span(t2), $async$self.baseUrl), $async$call$0);
72458 case 2:
72459 // returning from await.
72460 result = $async$result;
72461 stylesheet = result.stylesheet;
72462 canonicalUrl = stylesheet.span.file.url;
72463 if (canonicalUrl != null && t1._async_evaluate0$_activeModules.containsKey$1(canonicalUrl)) {
72464 message = $async$self.namesInErrors ? "Module loop: " + $.$get$context().prettyUri$1(canonicalUrl) + " is already being loaded." : string$.Modulel;
72465 t2 = A.NullableExtension_andThen0(t1._async_evaluate0$_activeModules.$index(0, canonicalUrl), new A._EvaluateVisitor__loadModule__closure2(t1, message));
72466 throw A.wrapException(t2 == null ? t1._async_evaluate0$_exception$1(message) : t2);
72467 }
72468 if (canonicalUrl != null)
72469 t1._async_evaluate0$_activeModules.$indexSet(0, canonicalUrl, t2);
72470 oldInDependency = t1._async_evaluate0$_inDependency;
72471 t1._async_evaluate0$_inDependency = result.isDependency;
72472 module = null;
72473 $async$handler = 3;
72474 $async$goto = 6;
72475 return A._asyncAwait(t1._async_evaluate0$_execute$5$configuration$namesInErrors$nodeWithSpan(result.importer, stylesheet, $async$self.configuration, $async$self.namesInErrors, t2), $async$call$0);
72476 case 6:
72477 // returning from await.
72478 module = $async$result;
72479 $async$next.push(5);
72480 // goto finally
72481 $async$goto = 4;
72482 break;
72483 case 3:
72484 // uncaught
72485 $async$next = [1];
72486 case 4:
72487 // finally
72488 $async$handler = 1;
72489 t1._async_evaluate0$_activeModules.remove$1(0, canonicalUrl);
72490 t1._async_evaluate0$_inDependency = oldInDependency;
72491 // goto the next finally handler
72492 $async$goto = $async$next.pop();
72493 break;
72494 case 5:
72495 // after finally
72496 $async$handler = 8;
72497 $async$goto = 11;
72498 return A._asyncAwait($async$self.callback.call$1(module), $async$call$0);
72499 case 11:
72500 // returning from await.
72501 $async$handler = 1;
72502 // goto after finally
72503 $async$goto = 10;
72504 break;
72505 case 8:
72506 // catch
72507 $async$handler = 7;
72508 $async$exception = $async$currentError;
72509 t2 = A.unwrapException($async$exception);
72510 if (type$.SassRuntimeException_2._is(t2))
72511 throw $async$exception;
72512 else if (t2 instanceof A.MultiSpanSassException0) {
72513 error = t2;
72514 stackTrace = A.getTraceFromException($async$exception);
72515 t2 = error._span_exception$_message;
72516 t3 = error;
72517 t4 = J.getInterceptor$z(t3);
72518 t3 = A.SourceSpanException.prototype.get$span.call(t4, t3);
72519 t4 = error.primaryLabel;
72520 t5 = error.secondarySpans;
72521 t6 = error;
72522 t7 = J.getInterceptor$z(t6);
72523 A.throwWithTrace0(new A.MultiSpanSassRuntimeException0(t1._async_evaluate0$_stackTrace$1(A.SourceSpanException.prototype.get$span.call(t7, t6)), t4, A.ConstantMap_ConstantMap$from(t5, type$.FileSpan, type$.String), t2, t3), stackTrace);
72524 } else if (t2 instanceof A.SassException0) {
72525 error0 = t2;
72526 stackTrace0 = A.getTraceFromException($async$exception);
72527 t2 = error0;
72528 t3 = J.getInterceptor$z(t2);
72529 A.throwWithTrace0(t1._async_evaluate0$_exception$2(error0._span_exception$_message, A.SourceSpanException.prototype.get$span.call(t3, t2)), stackTrace0);
72530 } else if (t2 instanceof A.MultiSpanSassScriptException0) {
72531 error1 = t2;
72532 stackTrace1 = A.getTraceFromException($async$exception);
72533 A.throwWithTrace0(t1._async_evaluate0$_multiSpanException$3(error1.message, error1.primaryLabel, error1.secondarySpans), stackTrace1);
72534 } else if (t2 instanceof A.SassScriptException0) {
72535 error2 = t2;
72536 stackTrace2 = A.getTraceFromException($async$exception);
72537 A.throwWithTrace0(t1._async_evaluate0$_exception$1(error2.message), stackTrace2);
72538 } else
72539 throw $async$exception;
72540 // goto after finally
72541 $async$goto = 10;
72542 break;
72543 case 7:
72544 // uncaught
72545 // goto rethrow
72546 $async$goto = 1;
72547 break;
72548 case 10:
72549 // after finally
72550 // implicit return
72551 return A._asyncReturn(null, $async$completer);
72552 case 1:
72553 // rethrow
72554 return A._asyncRethrow($async$currentError, $async$completer);
72555 }
72556 });
72557 return A._asyncStartSync($async$call$0, $async$completer);
72558 },
72559 $signature: 2
72560 };
72561 A._EvaluateVisitor__loadModule__closure2.prototype = {
72562 call$1(previousLoad) {
72563 return this.$this._async_evaluate0$_multiSpanException$3(this.message, "new load", A.LinkedHashMap_LinkedHashMap$_literal([previousLoad.get$span(previousLoad), "original load"], type$.FileSpan, type$.String));
72564 },
72565 $signature: 84
72566 };
72567 A._EvaluateVisitor__execute_closure2.prototype = {
72568 call$0() {
72569 var $async$goto = 0,
72570 $async$completer = A._makeAsyncAwaitCompleter(type$.Null),
72571 $async$self = this, t3, t4, t5, t6, t1, oldImporter, oldStylesheet, oldRoot, oldParent, oldEndOfImports, oldOutOfOrderImports, oldExtensionStore, t2, oldStyleRule, oldMediaQueries, oldDeclarationName, oldInUnknownAtRule, oldInKeyframes, oldConfiguration;
72572 var $async$call$0 = A._wrapJsFunctionForAsync(function($async$errorCode, $async$result) {
72573 if ($async$errorCode === 1)
72574 return A._asyncRethrow($async$result, $async$completer);
72575 while (true)
72576 switch ($async$goto) {
72577 case 0:
72578 // Function start
72579 t1 = $async$self.$this;
72580 oldImporter = t1._async_evaluate0$_importer;
72581 oldStylesheet = t1._async_evaluate0$__stylesheet;
72582 oldRoot = t1._async_evaluate0$__root;
72583 oldParent = t1._async_evaluate0$__parent;
72584 oldEndOfImports = t1._async_evaluate0$__endOfImports;
72585 oldOutOfOrderImports = t1._async_evaluate0$_outOfOrderImports;
72586 oldExtensionStore = t1._async_evaluate0$__extensionStore;
72587 t2 = t1._async_evaluate0$_atRootExcludingStyleRule;
72588 oldStyleRule = t2 ? null : t1._async_evaluate0$_styleRuleIgnoringAtRoot;
72589 oldMediaQueries = t1._async_evaluate0$_mediaQueries;
72590 oldDeclarationName = t1._async_evaluate0$_declarationName;
72591 oldInUnknownAtRule = t1._async_evaluate0$_inUnknownAtRule;
72592 oldInKeyframes = t1._async_evaluate0$_inKeyframes;
72593 oldConfiguration = t1._async_evaluate0$_configuration;
72594 t1._async_evaluate0$_importer = $async$self.importer;
72595 t3 = t1._async_evaluate0$__stylesheet = $async$self.stylesheet;
72596 t4 = t3.span;
72597 t5 = t1._async_evaluate0$__parent = t1._async_evaluate0$__root = A.ModifiableCssStylesheet$0(t4);
72598 t1._async_evaluate0$__endOfImports = 0;
72599 t1._async_evaluate0$_outOfOrderImports = null;
72600 t1._async_evaluate0$__extensionStore = $async$self.extensionStore;
72601 t1._async_evaluate0$_declarationName = t1._async_evaluate0$_mediaQueries = t1._async_evaluate0$_styleRuleIgnoringAtRoot = null;
72602 t1._async_evaluate0$_inKeyframes = t1._async_evaluate0$_atRootExcludingStyleRule = t1._async_evaluate0$_inUnknownAtRule = false;
72603 t6 = $async$self.configuration;
72604 if (t6 != null)
72605 t1._async_evaluate0$_configuration = t6;
72606 $async$goto = 2;
72607 return A._asyncAwait(t1.visitStylesheet$1(t3), $async$call$0);
72608 case 2:
72609 // returning from await.
72610 t3 = t1._async_evaluate0$_outOfOrderImports == null ? t5 : new A.CssStylesheet0(new A.UnmodifiableListView(t1._async_evaluate0$_addOutOfOrderImports$0(), type$.UnmodifiableListView_CssNode_2), t4);
72611 $async$self.css._value = t3;
72612 t1._async_evaluate0$_importer = oldImporter;
72613 t1._async_evaluate0$__stylesheet = oldStylesheet;
72614 t1._async_evaluate0$__root = oldRoot;
72615 t1._async_evaluate0$__parent = oldParent;
72616 t1._async_evaluate0$__endOfImports = oldEndOfImports;
72617 t1._async_evaluate0$_outOfOrderImports = oldOutOfOrderImports;
72618 t1._async_evaluate0$__extensionStore = oldExtensionStore;
72619 t1._async_evaluate0$_styleRuleIgnoringAtRoot = oldStyleRule;
72620 t1._async_evaluate0$_mediaQueries = oldMediaQueries;
72621 t1._async_evaluate0$_declarationName = oldDeclarationName;
72622 t1._async_evaluate0$_inUnknownAtRule = oldInUnknownAtRule;
72623 t1._async_evaluate0$_atRootExcludingStyleRule = t2;
72624 t1._async_evaluate0$_inKeyframes = oldInKeyframes;
72625 t1._async_evaluate0$_configuration = oldConfiguration;
72626 // implicit return
72627 return A._asyncReturn(null, $async$completer);
72628 }
72629 });
72630 return A._asyncStartSync($async$call$0, $async$completer);
72631 },
72632 $signature: 2
72633 };
72634 A._EvaluateVisitor__combineCss_closure8.prototype = {
72635 call$1(module) {
72636 return module.get$transitivelyContainsCss();
72637 },
72638 $signature: 140
72639 };
72640 A._EvaluateVisitor__combineCss_closure9.prototype = {
72641 call$1(target) {
72642 return !this.selectors.contains$1(0, target);
72643 },
72644 $signature: 15
72645 };
72646 A._EvaluateVisitor__combineCss_closure10.prototype = {
72647 call$1(module) {
72648 return module.cloneCss$0();
72649 },
72650 $signature: 327
72651 };
72652 A._EvaluateVisitor__extendModules_closure5.prototype = {
72653 call$1(target) {
72654 return !this.originalSelectors.contains$1(0, target);
72655 },
72656 $signature: 15
72657 };
72658 A._EvaluateVisitor__extendModules_closure6.prototype = {
72659 call$0() {
72660 return A._setArrayType([], type$.JSArray_ExtensionStore_2);
72661 },
72662 $signature: 166
72663 };
72664 A._EvaluateVisitor__topologicalModules_visitModule2.prototype = {
72665 call$1(module) {
72666 var t1, t2, t3, _i, upstream;
72667 for (t1 = module.get$upstream(), t2 = t1.length, t3 = this.seen, _i = 0; _i < t1.length; t1.length === t2 || (0, A.throwConcurrentModificationError)(t1), ++_i) {
72668 upstream = t1[_i];
72669 if (upstream.get$transitivelyContainsCss() && t3.add$1(0, upstream))
72670 this.call$1(upstream);
72671 }
72672 this.sorted.addFirst$1(module);
72673 },
72674 $signature: 163
72675 };
72676 A._EvaluateVisitor_visitAtRootRule_closure8.prototype = {
72677 call$0() {
72678 var t1 = A.SpanScanner$(this.resolved, null);
72679 return new A.AtRootQueryParser0(t1, this.$this._async_evaluate0$_logger).parse$0();
72680 },
72681 $signature: 136
72682 };
72683 A._EvaluateVisitor_visitAtRootRule_closure9.prototype = {
72684 call$0() {
72685 var $async$goto = 0,
72686 $async$completer = A._makeAsyncAwaitCompleter(type$.Null),
72687 $async$self = this, t1, t2, t3, _i;
72688 var $async$call$0 = A._wrapJsFunctionForAsync(function($async$errorCode, $async$result) {
72689 if ($async$errorCode === 1)
72690 return A._asyncRethrow($async$result, $async$completer);
72691 while (true)
72692 switch ($async$goto) {
72693 case 0:
72694 // Function start
72695 t1 = $async$self.node.children, t2 = t1.length, t3 = $async$self.$this, _i = 0;
72696 case 2:
72697 // for condition
72698 if (!(_i < t2)) {
72699 // goto after for
72700 $async$goto = 4;
72701 break;
72702 }
72703 $async$goto = 5;
72704 return A._asyncAwait(t1[_i].accept$1(t3), $async$call$0);
72705 case 5:
72706 // returning from await.
72707 case 3:
72708 // for update
72709 ++_i;
72710 // goto for condition
72711 $async$goto = 2;
72712 break;
72713 case 4:
72714 // after for
72715 // implicit return
72716 return A._asyncReturn(null, $async$completer);
72717 }
72718 });
72719 return A._asyncStartSync($async$call$0, $async$completer);
72720 },
72721 $signature: 2
72722 };
72723 A._EvaluateVisitor_visitAtRootRule_closure10.prototype = {
72724 call$0() {
72725 var $async$goto = 0,
72726 $async$completer = A._makeAsyncAwaitCompleter(type$.void),
72727 $async$self = this, t1, t2, t3, _i;
72728 var $async$call$0 = A._wrapJsFunctionForAsync(function($async$errorCode, $async$result) {
72729 if ($async$errorCode === 1)
72730 return A._asyncRethrow($async$result, $async$completer);
72731 while (true)
72732 switch ($async$goto) {
72733 case 0:
72734 // Function start
72735 t1 = $async$self.node.children, t2 = t1.length, t3 = $async$self.$this, _i = 0;
72736 case 2:
72737 // for condition
72738 if (!(_i < t2)) {
72739 // goto after for
72740 $async$goto = 4;
72741 break;
72742 }
72743 $async$goto = 5;
72744 return A._asyncAwait(t1[_i].accept$1(t3), $async$call$0);
72745 case 5:
72746 // returning from await.
72747 case 3:
72748 // for update
72749 ++_i;
72750 // goto for condition
72751 $async$goto = 2;
72752 break;
72753 case 4:
72754 // after for
72755 // implicit return
72756 return A._asyncReturn(null, $async$completer);
72757 }
72758 });
72759 return A._asyncStartSync($async$call$0, $async$completer);
72760 },
72761 $signature: 37
72762 };
72763 A._EvaluateVisitor__scopeForAtRoot_closure17.prototype = {
72764 call$1(callback) {
72765 var $async$goto = 0,
72766 $async$completer = A._makeAsyncAwaitCompleter(type$.Null),
72767 $async$self = this, t1, t2;
72768 var $async$call$1 = A._wrapJsFunctionForAsync(function($async$errorCode, $async$result) {
72769 if ($async$errorCode === 1)
72770 return A._asyncRethrow($async$result, $async$completer);
72771 while (true)
72772 switch ($async$goto) {
72773 case 0:
72774 // Function start
72775 t1 = $async$self.$this;
72776 t2 = t1._async_evaluate0$_assertInModule$2(t1._async_evaluate0$__parent, "__parent");
72777 t1._async_evaluate0$__parent = $async$self.newParent;
72778 $async$goto = 2;
72779 return A._asyncAwait(t1._async_evaluate0$_environment.scope$1$2$when(callback, $async$self.node.hasDeclarations, type$.void), $async$call$1);
72780 case 2:
72781 // returning from await.
72782 t1._async_evaluate0$__parent = t2;
72783 // implicit return
72784 return A._asyncReturn(null, $async$completer);
72785 }
72786 });
72787 return A._asyncStartSync($async$call$1, $async$completer);
72788 },
72789 $signature: 31
72790 };
72791 A._EvaluateVisitor__scopeForAtRoot_closure18.prototype = {
72792 call$1(callback) {
72793 var $async$goto = 0,
72794 $async$completer = A._makeAsyncAwaitCompleter(type$.Null),
72795 $async$self = this, t1, oldAtRootExcludingStyleRule;
72796 var $async$call$1 = A._wrapJsFunctionForAsync(function($async$errorCode, $async$result) {
72797 if ($async$errorCode === 1)
72798 return A._asyncRethrow($async$result, $async$completer);
72799 while (true)
72800 switch ($async$goto) {
72801 case 0:
72802 // Function start
72803 t1 = $async$self.$this;
72804 oldAtRootExcludingStyleRule = t1._async_evaluate0$_atRootExcludingStyleRule;
72805 t1._async_evaluate0$_atRootExcludingStyleRule = true;
72806 $async$goto = 2;
72807 return A._asyncAwait($async$self.innerScope.call$1(callback), $async$call$1);
72808 case 2:
72809 // returning from await.
72810 t1._async_evaluate0$_atRootExcludingStyleRule = oldAtRootExcludingStyleRule;
72811 // implicit return
72812 return A._asyncReturn(null, $async$completer);
72813 }
72814 });
72815 return A._asyncStartSync($async$call$1, $async$completer);
72816 },
72817 $signature: 31
72818 };
72819 A._EvaluateVisitor__scopeForAtRoot_closure19.prototype = {
72820 call$1(callback) {
72821 return this.$this._async_evaluate0$_withMediaQueries$1$2(null, new A._EvaluateVisitor__scopeForAtRoot__closure2(this.innerScope, callback), type$.Null);
72822 },
72823 $signature: 31
72824 };
72825 A._EvaluateVisitor__scopeForAtRoot__closure2.prototype = {
72826 call$0() {
72827 return this.innerScope.call$1(this.callback);
72828 },
72829 $signature: 2
72830 };
72831 A._EvaluateVisitor__scopeForAtRoot_closure20.prototype = {
72832 call$1(callback) {
72833 var $async$goto = 0,
72834 $async$completer = A._makeAsyncAwaitCompleter(type$.Null),
72835 $async$self = this, t1, wasInKeyframes;
72836 var $async$call$1 = A._wrapJsFunctionForAsync(function($async$errorCode, $async$result) {
72837 if ($async$errorCode === 1)
72838 return A._asyncRethrow($async$result, $async$completer);
72839 while (true)
72840 switch ($async$goto) {
72841 case 0:
72842 // Function start
72843 t1 = $async$self.$this;
72844 wasInKeyframes = t1._async_evaluate0$_inKeyframes;
72845 t1._async_evaluate0$_inKeyframes = false;
72846 $async$goto = 2;
72847 return A._asyncAwait($async$self.innerScope.call$1(callback), $async$call$1);
72848 case 2:
72849 // returning from await.
72850 t1._async_evaluate0$_inKeyframes = wasInKeyframes;
72851 // implicit return
72852 return A._asyncReturn(null, $async$completer);
72853 }
72854 });
72855 return A._asyncStartSync($async$call$1, $async$completer);
72856 },
72857 $signature: 31
72858 };
72859 A._EvaluateVisitor__scopeForAtRoot_closure21.prototype = {
72860 call$1($parent) {
72861 return type$.CssAtRule_2._is($parent);
72862 },
72863 $signature: 168
72864 };
72865 A._EvaluateVisitor__scopeForAtRoot_closure22.prototype = {
72866 call$1(callback) {
72867 var $async$goto = 0,
72868 $async$completer = A._makeAsyncAwaitCompleter(type$.Null),
72869 $async$self = this, t1, wasInUnknownAtRule;
72870 var $async$call$1 = A._wrapJsFunctionForAsync(function($async$errorCode, $async$result) {
72871 if ($async$errorCode === 1)
72872 return A._asyncRethrow($async$result, $async$completer);
72873 while (true)
72874 switch ($async$goto) {
72875 case 0:
72876 // Function start
72877 t1 = $async$self.$this;
72878 wasInUnknownAtRule = t1._async_evaluate0$_inUnknownAtRule;
72879 t1._async_evaluate0$_inUnknownAtRule = false;
72880 $async$goto = 2;
72881 return A._asyncAwait($async$self.innerScope.call$1(callback), $async$call$1);
72882 case 2:
72883 // returning from await.
72884 t1._async_evaluate0$_inUnknownAtRule = wasInUnknownAtRule;
72885 // implicit return
72886 return A._asyncReturn(null, $async$completer);
72887 }
72888 });
72889 return A._asyncStartSync($async$call$1, $async$completer);
72890 },
72891 $signature: 31
72892 };
72893 A._EvaluateVisitor_visitContentRule_closure2.prototype = {
72894 call$0() {
72895 var $async$goto = 0,
72896 $async$completer = A._makeAsyncAwaitCompleter(type$.Null),
72897 $async$returnValue, $async$self = this, t1, t2, t3, _i;
72898 var $async$call$0 = A._wrapJsFunctionForAsync(function($async$errorCode, $async$result) {
72899 if ($async$errorCode === 1)
72900 return A._asyncRethrow($async$result, $async$completer);
72901 while (true)
72902 switch ($async$goto) {
72903 case 0:
72904 // Function start
72905 t1 = $async$self.content.declaration.children, t2 = t1.length, t3 = $async$self.$this, _i = 0;
72906 case 3:
72907 // for condition
72908 if (!(_i < t2)) {
72909 // goto after for
72910 $async$goto = 5;
72911 break;
72912 }
72913 $async$goto = 6;
72914 return A._asyncAwait(t1[_i].accept$1(t3), $async$call$0);
72915 case 6:
72916 // returning from await.
72917 case 4:
72918 // for update
72919 ++_i;
72920 // goto for condition
72921 $async$goto = 3;
72922 break;
72923 case 5:
72924 // after for
72925 $async$returnValue = null;
72926 // goto return
72927 $async$goto = 1;
72928 break;
72929 case 1:
72930 // return
72931 return A._asyncReturn($async$returnValue, $async$completer);
72932 }
72933 });
72934 return A._asyncStartSync($async$call$0, $async$completer);
72935 },
72936 $signature: 2
72937 };
72938 A._EvaluateVisitor_visitDeclaration_closure5.prototype = {
72939 call$1(value) {
72940 return this.$call$body$_EvaluateVisitor_visitDeclaration_closure0(value);
72941 },
72942 $call$body$_EvaluateVisitor_visitDeclaration_closure0(value) {
72943 var $async$goto = 0,
72944 $async$completer = A._makeAsyncAwaitCompleter(type$.CssValue_Value_2),
72945 $async$returnValue, $async$self = this, $async$temp1;
72946 var $async$call$1 = A._wrapJsFunctionForAsync(function($async$errorCode, $async$result) {
72947 if ($async$errorCode === 1)
72948 return A._asyncRethrow($async$result, $async$completer);
72949 while (true)
72950 switch ($async$goto) {
72951 case 0:
72952 // Function start
72953 $async$temp1 = A;
72954 $async$goto = 3;
72955 return A._asyncAwait(value.accept$1($async$self.$this), $async$call$1);
72956 case 3:
72957 // returning from await.
72958 $async$returnValue = new $async$temp1.CssValue0($async$result, value.get$span(value), type$.CssValue_Value_2);
72959 // goto return
72960 $async$goto = 1;
72961 break;
72962 case 1:
72963 // return
72964 return A._asyncReturn($async$returnValue, $async$completer);
72965 }
72966 });
72967 return A._asyncStartSync($async$call$1, $async$completer);
72968 },
72969 $signature: 331
72970 };
72971 A._EvaluateVisitor_visitDeclaration_closure6.prototype = {
72972 call$0() {
72973 var $async$goto = 0,
72974 $async$completer = A._makeAsyncAwaitCompleter(type$.Null),
72975 $async$self = this, t1, t2, t3, _i;
72976 var $async$call$0 = A._wrapJsFunctionForAsync(function($async$errorCode, $async$result) {
72977 if ($async$errorCode === 1)
72978 return A._asyncRethrow($async$result, $async$completer);
72979 while (true)
72980 switch ($async$goto) {
72981 case 0:
72982 // Function start
72983 t1 = $async$self.children, t2 = t1.length, t3 = $async$self.$this, _i = 0;
72984 case 2:
72985 // for condition
72986 if (!(_i < t2)) {
72987 // goto after for
72988 $async$goto = 4;
72989 break;
72990 }
72991 $async$goto = 5;
72992 return A._asyncAwait(t1[_i].accept$1(t3), $async$call$0);
72993 case 5:
72994 // returning from await.
72995 case 3:
72996 // for update
72997 ++_i;
72998 // goto for condition
72999 $async$goto = 2;
73000 break;
73001 case 4:
73002 // after for
73003 // implicit return
73004 return A._asyncReturn(null, $async$completer);
73005 }
73006 });
73007 return A._asyncStartSync($async$call$0, $async$completer);
73008 },
73009 $signature: 2
73010 };
73011 A._EvaluateVisitor_visitEachRule_closure8.prototype = {
73012 call$1(value) {
73013 var t1 = this.$this,
73014 t2 = this.nodeWithSpan;
73015 return t1._async_evaluate0$_environment.setLocalVariable$3(B.JSArray_methods.get$first(this.node.variables), t1._async_evaluate0$_withoutSlash$2(value, t2), t2);
73016 },
73017 $signature: 55
73018 };
73019 A._EvaluateVisitor_visitEachRule_closure9.prototype = {
73020 call$1(value) {
73021 return this.$this._async_evaluate0$_setMultipleVariables$3(this.node.variables, value, this.nodeWithSpan);
73022 },
73023 $signature: 55
73024 };
73025 A._EvaluateVisitor_visitEachRule_closure10.prototype = {
73026 call$0() {
73027 var _this = this,
73028 t1 = _this.$this;
73029 return t1._async_evaluate0$_handleReturn$2(_this.list.get$asList(), new A._EvaluateVisitor_visitEachRule__closure2(t1, _this.setVariables, _this.node));
73030 },
73031 $signature: 70
73032 };
73033 A._EvaluateVisitor_visitEachRule__closure2.prototype = {
73034 call$1(element) {
73035 var t1;
73036 this.setVariables.call$1(element);
73037 t1 = this.$this;
73038 return t1._async_evaluate0$_handleReturn$2(this.node.children, new A._EvaluateVisitor_visitEachRule___closure2(t1));
73039 },
73040 $signature: 334
73041 };
73042 A._EvaluateVisitor_visitEachRule___closure2.prototype = {
73043 call$1(child) {
73044 return child.accept$1(this.$this);
73045 },
73046 $signature: 99
73047 };
73048 A._EvaluateVisitor_visitExtendRule_closure2.prototype = {
73049 call$0() {
73050 var t1 = this.targetText;
73051 return A.SelectorList_SelectorList$parse0(A.trimAscii0(t1.get$value(t1), true), false, true, this.$this._async_evaluate0$_logger);
73052 },
73053 $signature: 49
73054 };
73055 A._EvaluateVisitor_visitAtRule_closure8.prototype = {
73056 call$1(value) {
73057 return this.$this._async_evaluate0$_interpolationToValue$3$trim$warnForColor(value, true, true);
73058 },
73059 $signature: 337
73060 };
73061 A._EvaluateVisitor_visitAtRule_closure9.prototype = {
73062 call$0() {
73063 var $async$goto = 0,
73064 $async$completer = A._makeAsyncAwaitCompleter(type$.Null),
73065 $async$self = this, t2, t3, _i, t1, styleRule;
73066 var $async$call$0 = A._wrapJsFunctionForAsync(function($async$errorCode, $async$result) {
73067 if ($async$errorCode === 1)
73068 return A._asyncRethrow($async$result, $async$completer);
73069 while (true)
73070 switch ($async$goto) {
73071 case 0:
73072 // Function start
73073 t1 = $async$self.$this;
73074 styleRule = t1._async_evaluate0$_atRootExcludingStyleRule ? null : t1._async_evaluate0$_styleRuleIgnoringAtRoot;
73075 $async$goto = styleRule == null || t1._async_evaluate0$_inKeyframes ? 2 : 4;
73076 break;
73077 case 2:
73078 // then
73079 t2 = $async$self.children, t3 = t2.length, _i = 0;
73080 case 5:
73081 // for condition
73082 if (!(_i < t3)) {
73083 // goto after for
73084 $async$goto = 7;
73085 break;
73086 }
73087 $async$goto = 8;
73088 return A._asyncAwait(t2[_i].accept$1(t1), $async$call$0);
73089 case 8:
73090 // returning from await.
73091 case 6:
73092 // for update
73093 ++_i;
73094 // goto for condition
73095 $async$goto = 5;
73096 break;
73097 case 7:
73098 // after for
73099 // goto join
73100 $async$goto = 3;
73101 break;
73102 case 4:
73103 // else
73104 $async$goto = 9;
73105 return A._asyncAwait(t1._async_evaluate0$_withParent$2$3$scopeWhen(A.ModifiableCssStyleRule$0(styleRule.selector, styleRule.span, styleRule.originalSelector), new A._EvaluateVisitor_visitAtRule__closure2(t1, $async$self.children), false, type$.ModifiableCssStyleRule_2, type$.Null), $async$call$0);
73106 case 9:
73107 // returning from await.
73108 case 3:
73109 // join
73110 // implicit return
73111 return A._asyncReturn(null, $async$completer);
73112 }
73113 });
73114 return A._asyncStartSync($async$call$0, $async$completer);
73115 },
73116 $signature: 2
73117 };
73118 A._EvaluateVisitor_visitAtRule__closure2.prototype = {
73119 call$0() {
73120 var $async$goto = 0,
73121 $async$completer = A._makeAsyncAwaitCompleter(type$.Null),
73122 $async$self = this, t1, t2, t3, _i;
73123 var $async$call$0 = A._wrapJsFunctionForAsync(function($async$errorCode, $async$result) {
73124 if ($async$errorCode === 1)
73125 return A._asyncRethrow($async$result, $async$completer);
73126 while (true)
73127 switch ($async$goto) {
73128 case 0:
73129 // Function start
73130 t1 = $async$self.children, t2 = t1.length, t3 = $async$self.$this, _i = 0;
73131 case 2:
73132 // for condition
73133 if (!(_i < t2)) {
73134 // goto after for
73135 $async$goto = 4;
73136 break;
73137 }
73138 $async$goto = 5;
73139 return A._asyncAwait(t1[_i].accept$1(t3), $async$call$0);
73140 case 5:
73141 // returning from await.
73142 case 3:
73143 // for update
73144 ++_i;
73145 // goto for condition
73146 $async$goto = 2;
73147 break;
73148 case 4:
73149 // after for
73150 // implicit return
73151 return A._asyncReturn(null, $async$completer);
73152 }
73153 });
73154 return A._asyncStartSync($async$call$0, $async$completer);
73155 },
73156 $signature: 2
73157 };
73158 A._EvaluateVisitor_visitAtRule_closure10.prototype = {
73159 call$1(node) {
73160 return type$.CssStyleRule_2._is(node);
73161 },
73162 $signature: 8
73163 };
73164 A._EvaluateVisitor_visitForRule_closure14.prototype = {
73165 call$0() {
73166 var $async$goto = 0,
73167 $async$completer = A._makeAsyncAwaitCompleter(type$.SassNumber_2),
73168 $async$returnValue, $async$self = this;
73169 var $async$call$0 = A._wrapJsFunctionForAsync(function($async$errorCode, $async$result) {
73170 if ($async$errorCode === 1)
73171 return A._asyncRethrow($async$result, $async$completer);
73172 while (true)
73173 switch ($async$goto) {
73174 case 0:
73175 // Function start
73176 $async$goto = 3;
73177 return A._asyncAwait($async$self.node.from.accept$1($async$self.$this), $async$call$0);
73178 case 3:
73179 // returning from await.
73180 $async$returnValue = $async$result.assertNumber$0();
73181 // goto return
73182 $async$goto = 1;
73183 break;
73184 case 1:
73185 // return
73186 return A._asyncReturn($async$returnValue, $async$completer);
73187 }
73188 });
73189 return A._asyncStartSync($async$call$0, $async$completer);
73190 },
73191 $signature: 174
73192 };
73193 A._EvaluateVisitor_visitForRule_closure15.prototype = {
73194 call$0() {
73195 var $async$goto = 0,
73196 $async$completer = A._makeAsyncAwaitCompleter(type$.SassNumber_2),
73197 $async$returnValue, $async$self = this;
73198 var $async$call$0 = A._wrapJsFunctionForAsync(function($async$errorCode, $async$result) {
73199 if ($async$errorCode === 1)
73200 return A._asyncRethrow($async$result, $async$completer);
73201 while (true)
73202 switch ($async$goto) {
73203 case 0:
73204 // Function start
73205 $async$goto = 3;
73206 return A._asyncAwait($async$self.node.to.accept$1($async$self.$this), $async$call$0);
73207 case 3:
73208 // returning from await.
73209 $async$returnValue = $async$result.assertNumber$0();
73210 // goto return
73211 $async$goto = 1;
73212 break;
73213 case 1:
73214 // return
73215 return A._asyncReturn($async$returnValue, $async$completer);
73216 }
73217 });
73218 return A._asyncStartSync($async$call$0, $async$completer);
73219 },
73220 $signature: 174
73221 };
73222 A._EvaluateVisitor_visitForRule_closure16.prototype = {
73223 call$0() {
73224 return this.fromNumber.assertInt$0();
73225 },
73226 $signature: 12
73227 };
73228 A._EvaluateVisitor_visitForRule_closure17.prototype = {
73229 call$0() {
73230 var t1 = this.fromNumber;
73231 return this.toNumber.coerce$2(t1.get$numeratorUnits(t1), t1.get$denominatorUnits(t1)).assertInt$0();
73232 },
73233 $signature: 12
73234 };
73235 A._EvaluateVisitor_visitForRule_closure18.prototype = {
73236 call$0() {
73237 var $async$goto = 0,
73238 $async$completer = A._makeAsyncAwaitCompleter(type$.nullable_Value_2),
73239 $async$returnValue, $async$self = this, i, t3, t4, t5, t6, t7, t8, result, t1, t2, nodeWithSpan;
73240 var $async$call$0 = A._wrapJsFunctionForAsync(function($async$errorCode, $async$result) {
73241 if ($async$errorCode === 1)
73242 return A._asyncRethrow($async$result, $async$completer);
73243 while (true)
73244 switch ($async$goto) {
73245 case 0:
73246 // Function start
73247 t1 = $async$self.$this;
73248 t2 = $async$self.node;
73249 nodeWithSpan = t1._async_evaluate0$_expressionNode$1(t2.from);
73250 i = $async$self.from, t3 = $async$self._box_0, t4 = $async$self.direction, t5 = t2.variable, t6 = $async$self.fromNumber, t2 = t2.children;
73251 case 3:
73252 // for condition
73253 if (!(i !== t3.to)) {
73254 // goto after for
73255 $async$goto = 5;
73256 break;
73257 }
73258 t7 = t1._async_evaluate0$_environment;
73259 t8 = t6.get$numeratorUnits(t6);
73260 t7.setLocalVariable$3(t5, A.SassNumber_SassNumber$withUnits0(i, t6.get$denominatorUnits(t6), t8), nodeWithSpan);
73261 $async$goto = 6;
73262 return A._asyncAwait(t1._async_evaluate0$_handleReturn$2(t2, new A._EvaluateVisitor_visitForRule__closure2(t1)), $async$call$0);
73263 case 6:
73264 // returning from await.
73265 result = $async$result;
73266 if (result != null) {
73267 $async$returnValue = result;
73268 // goto return
73269 $async$goto = 1;
73270 break;
73271 }
73272 case 4:
73273 // for update
73274 i += t4;
73275 // goto for condition
73276 $async$goto = 3;
73277 break;
73278 case 5:
73279 // after for
73280 $async$returnValue = null;
73281 // goto return
73282 $async$goto = 1;
73283 break;
73284 case 1:
73285 // return
73286 return A._asyncReturn($async$returnValue, $async$completer);
73287 }
73288 });
73289 return A._asyncStartSync($async$call$0, $async$completer);
73290 },
73291 $signature: 70
73292 };
73293 A._EvaluateVisitor_visitForRule__closure2.prototype = {
73294 call$1(child) {
73295 return child.accept$1(this.$this);
73296 },
73297 $signature: 99
73298 };
73299 A._EvaluateVisitor_visitForwardRule_closure5.prototype = {
73300 call$1(module) {
73301 this.$this._async_evaluate0$_environment.forwardModule$2(module, this.node);
73302 },
73303 $signature: 133
73304 };
73305 A._EvaluateVisitor_visitForwardRule_closure6.prototype = {
73306 call$1(module) {
73307 this.$this._async_evaluate0$_environment.forwardModule$2(module, this.node);
73308 },
73309 $signature: 133
73310 };
73311 A._EvaluateVisitor_visitIfRule_closure2.prototype = {
73312 call$0() {
73313 var t1 = this.$this;
73314 return t1._async_evaluate0$_handleReturn$2(this._box_0.clause.children, new A._EvaluateVisitor_visitIfRule__closure2(t1));
73315 },
73316 $signature: 70
73317 };
73318 A._EvaluateVisitor_visitIfRule__closure2.prototype = {
73319 call$1(child) {
73320 return child.accept$1(this.$this);
73321 },
73322 $signature: 99
73323 };
73324 A._EvaluateVisitor__visitDynamicImport_closure2.prototype = {
73325 call$0() {
73326 var $async$goto = 0,
73327 $async$completer = A._makeAsyncAwaitCompleter(type$.void),
73328 $async$returnValue, $async$self = this, t3, t4, oldImporter, oldInDependency, loadsUserDefinedModules, children, t5, t6, t7, t8, t9, t10, environment, module, visitor, t1, t2, result, stylesheet, url;
73329 var $async$call$0 = A._wrapJsFunctionForAsync(function($async$errorCode, $async$result) {
73330 if ($async$errorCode === 1)
73331 return A._asyncRethrow($async$result, $async$completer);
73332 while (true)
73333 switch ($async$goto) {
73334 case 0:
73335 // Function start
73336 t1 = $async$self.$this;
73337 t2 = $async$self.$import;
73338 $async$goto = 3;
73339 return A._asyncAwait(t1._async_evaluate0$_loadStylesheet$3$forImport(t2.urlString, t2.span, true), $async$call$0);
73340 case 3:
73341 // returning from await.
73342 result = $async$result;
73343 stylesheet = result.stylesheet;
73344 url = stylesheet.span.file.url;
73345 if (url != null) {
73346 t3 = t1._async_evaluate0$_activeModules;
73347 if (t3.containsKey$1(url)) {
73348 t2 = A.NullableExtension_andThen0(t3.$index(0, url), new A._EvaluateVisitor__visitDynamicImport__closure11(t1));
73349 throw A.wrapException(t2 == null ? t1._async_evaluate0$_exception$1("This file is already being loaded.") : t2);
73350 }
73351 t3.$indexSet(0, url, t2);
73352 }
73353 t2 = stylesheet._stylesheet1$_uses;
73354 t3 = type$.UnmodifiableListView_UseRule_2;
73355 t4 = new A.UnmodifiableListView(t2, t3);
73356 if (t4.get$length(t4) === 0) {
73357 t4 = new A.UnmodifiableListView(stylesheet._stylesheet1$_forwards, type$.UnmodifiableListView_ForwardRule_2);
73358 t4 = t4.get$length(t4) === 0;
73359 } else
73360 t4 = false;
73361 $async$goto = t4 ? 4 : 5;
73362 break;
73363 case 4:
73364 // then
73365 oldImporter = t1._async_evaluate0$_importer;
73366 t2 = t1._async_evaluate0$_assertInModule$2(t1._async_evaluate0$__stylesheet, "_stylesheet");
73367 oldInDependency = t1._async_evaluate0$_inDependency;
73368 t1._async_evaluate0$_importer = result.importer;
73369 t1._async_evaluate0$__stylesheet = stylesheet;
73370 t1._async_evaluate0$_inDependency = result.isDependency;
73371 $async$goto = 6;
73372 return A._asyncAwait(t1.visitStylesheet$1(stylesheet), $async$call$0);
73373 case 6:
73374 // returning from await.
73375 t1._async_evaluate0$_importer = oldImporter;
73376 t1._async_evaluate0$__stylesheet = t2;
73377 t1._async_evaluate0$_inDependency = oldInDependency;
73378 t1._async_evaluate0$_activeModules.remove$1(0, url);
73379 // goto return
73380 $async$goto = 1;
73381 break;
73382 case 5:
73383 // join
73384 t2 = new A.UnmodifiableListView(t2, t3);
73385 if (!t2.any$1(t2, new A._EvaluateVisitor__visitDynamicImport__closure12())) {
73386 t2 = new A.UnmodifiableListView(stylesheet._stylesheet1$_forwards, type$.UnmodifiableListView_ForwardRule_2);
73387 loadsUserDefinedModules = t2.any$1(t2, new A._EvaluateVisitor__visitDynamicImport__closure13());
73388 } else
73389 loadsUserDefinedModules = true;
73390 children = A._Cell$();
73391 t2 = t1._async_evaluate0$_environment;
73392 t3 = type$.String;
73393 t4 = type$.Module_AsyncCallable_2;
73394 t5 = type$.AstNode_2;
73395 t6 = A._setArrayType([], type$.JSArray_Module_AsyncCallable_2);
73396 t7 = t2._async_environment0$_variables;
73397 t7 = A._setArrayType(t7.slice(0), A._arrayInstanceType(t7));
73398 t8 = t2._async_environment0$_variableNodes;
73399 t8 = A._setArrayType(t8.slice(0), A._arrayInstanceType(t8));
73400 t9 = t2._async_environment0$_functions;
73401 t9 = A._setArrayType(t9.slice(0), A._arrayInstanceType(t9));
73402 t10 = t2._async_environment0$_mixins;
73403 t10 = A._setArrayType(t10.slice(0), A._arrayInstanceType(t10));
73404 environment = A.AsyncEnvironment$_0(A.LinkedHashMap_LinkedHashMap$_empty(t3, t4), A.LinkedHashMap_LinkedHashMap$_empty(t3, t5), A.LinkedHashMap_LinkedHashMap$_empty(t4, t5), t2._async_environment0$_importedModules, null, null, t6, t7, t8, t9, t10, t2._async_environment0$_content);
73405 $async$goto = 7;
73406 return A._asyncAwait(t1._async_evaluate0$_withEnvironment$1$2(environment, new A._EvaluateVisitor__visitDynamicImport__closure14(t1, result, stylesheet, loadsUserDefinedModules, environment, children), type$.Null), $async$call$0);
73407 case 7:
73408 // returning from await.
73409 module = environment.toDummyModule$0();
73410 t1._async_evaluate0$_environment.importForwards$1(module);
73411 $async$goto = loadsUserDefinedModules ? 8 : 9;
73412 break;
73413 case 8:
73414 // then
73415 $async$goto = module.transitivelyContainsCss ? 10 : 11;
73416 break;
73417 case 10:
73418 // then
73419 $async$goto = 12;
73420 return A._asyncAwait(t1._async_evaluate0$_combineCss$2$clone(module, module.transitivelyContainsExtensions).accept$1(t1), $async$call$0);
73421 case 12:
73422 // returning from await.
73423 case 11:
73424 // join
73425 visitor = new A._ImportedCssVisitor2(t1);
73426 for (t2 = J.get$iterator$ax(children._readLocal$0()); t2.moveNext$0();)
73427 t2.get$current(t2).accept$1(visitor);
73428 case 9:
73429 // join
73430 t1._async_evaluate0$_activeModules.remove$1(0, url);
73431 case 1:
73432 // return
73433 return A._asyncReturn($async$returnValue, $async$completer);
73434 }
73435 });
73436 return A._asyncStartSync($async$call$0, $async$completer);
73437 },
73438 $signature: 37
73439 };
73440 A._EvaluateVisitor__visitDynamicImport__closure11.prototype = {
73441 call$1(previousLoad) {
73442 return this.$this._async_evaluate0$_multiSpanException$3("This file is already being loaded.", "new load", A.LinkedHashMap_LinkedHashMap$_literal([previousLoad.get$span(previousLoad), "original load"], type$.FileSpan, type$.String));
73443 },
73444 $signature: 84
73445 };
73446 A._EvaluateVisitor__visitDynamicImport__closure12.prototype = {
73447 call$1(rule) {
73448 return rule.url.get$scheme() !== "sass";
73449 },
73450 $signature: 176
73451 };
73452 A._EvaluateVisitor__visitDynamicImport__closure13.prototype = {
73453 call$1(rule) {
73454 return rule.url.get$scheme() !== "sass";
73455 },
73456 $signature: 177
73457 };
73458 A._EvaluateVisitor__visitDynamicImport__closure14.prototype = {
73459 call$0() {
73460 var $async$goto = 0,
73461 $async$completer = A._makeAsyncAwaitCompleter(type$.Null),
73462 $async$self = this, t7, t8, t9, t1, oldImporter, t2, t3, t4, t5, oldOutOfOrderImports, oldConfiguration, oldInDependency, t6;
73463 var $async$call$0 = A._wrapJsFunctionForAsync(function($async$errorCode, $async$result) {
73464 if ($async$errorCode === 1)
73465 return A._asyncRethrow($async$result, $async$completer);
73466 while (true)
73467 switch ($async$goto) {
73468 case 0:
73469 // Function start
73470 t1 = $async$self.$this;
73471 oldImporter = t1._async_evaluate0$_importer;
73472 t2 = t1._async_evaluate0$_assertInModule$2(t1._async_evaluate0$__stylesheet, "_stylesheet");
73473 t3 = t1._async_evaluate0$_assertInModule$2(t1._async_evaluate0$__root, "_root");
73474 t4 = t1._async_evaluate0$_assertInModule$2(t1._async_evaluate0$__parent, "__parent");
73475 t5 = t1._async_evaluate0$_assertInModule$2(t1._async_evaluate0$__endOfImports, "_endOfImports");
73476 oldOutOfOrderImports = t1._async_evaluate0$_outOfOrderImports;
73477 oldConfiguration = t1._async_evaluate0$_configuration;
73478 oldInDependency = t1._async_evaluate0$_inDependency;
73479 t6 = $async$self.result;
73480 t1._async_evaluate0$_importer = t6.importer;
73481 t7 = t1._async_evaluate0$__stylesheet = $async$self.stylesheet;
73482 t8 = $async$self.loadsUserDefinedModules;
73483 if (t8) {
73484 t9 = A.ModifiableCssStylesheet$0(t7.span);
73485 t1._async_evaluate0$__root = t9;
73486 t1._async_evaluate0$__parent = t1._async_evaluate0$_assertInModule$2(t9, "_root");
73487 t1._async_evaluate0$__endOfImports = 0;
73488 t1._async_evaluate0$_outOfOrderImports = null;
73489 }
73490 t1._async_evaluate0$_inDependency = t6.isDependency;
73491 t6 = new A.UnmodifiableListView(t7._stylesheet1$_forwards, type$.UnmodifiableListView_ForwardRule_2);
73492 if (!t6.get$isEmpty(t6))
73493 t1._async_evaluate0$_configuration = $async$self.environment.toImplicitConfiguration$0();
73494 $async$goto = 2;
73495 return A._asyncAwait(t1.visitStylesheet$1(t7), $async$call$0);
73496 case 2:
73497 // returning from await.
73498 t6 = t8 ? t1._async_evaluate0$_addOutOfOrderImports$0() : A._setArrayType([], type$.JSArray_ModifiableCssNode_2);
73499 $async$self.children._value = t6;
73500 t1._async_evaluate0$_importer = oldImporter;
73501 t1._async_evaluate0$__stylesheet = t2;
73502 t1._async_evaluate0$__root = t3;
73503 t1._async_evaluate0$__parent = t4;
73504 t1._async_evaluate0$__endOfImports = t5;
73505 t1._async_evaluate0$_outOfOrderImports = oldOutOfOrderImports;
73506 t1._async_evaluate0$_configuration = oldConfiguration;
73507 t1._async_evaluate0$_inDependency = oldInDependency;
73508 // implicit return
73509 return A._asyncReturn(null, $async$completer);
73510 }
73511 });
73512 return A._asyncStartSync($async$call$0, $async$completer);
73513 },
73514 $signature: 2
73515 };
73516 A._EvaluateVisitor__visitStaticImport_closure2.prototype = {
73517 call$1(supports) {
73518 return this.$call$body$_EvaluateVisitor__visitStaticImport_closure0(supports);
73519 },
73520 $call$body$_EvaluateVisitor__visitStaticImport_closure0(supports) {
73521 var $async$goto = 0,
73522 $async$completer = A._makeAsyncAwaitCompleter(type$.CssValue_String_2),
73523 $async$returnValue, $async$self = this, t2, arg, t1, $async$temp1, $async$temp2;
73524 var $async$call$1 = A._wrapJsFunctionForAsync(function($async$errorCode, $async$result) {
73525 if ($async$errorCode === 1)
73526 return A._asyncRethrow($async$result, $async$completer);
73527 while (true)
73528 switch ($async$goto) {
73529 case 0:
73530 // Function start
73531 t1 = $async$self.$this;
73532 $async$goto = supports instanceof A.SupportsDeclaration0 ? 3 : 5;
73533 break;
73534 case 3:
73535 // then
73536 $async$temp1 = A;
73537 $async$goto = 6;
73538 return A._asyncAwait(t1._async_evaluate0$_evaluateToCss$1(supports.name), $async$call$1);
73539 case 6:
73540 // returning from await.
73541 t2 = $async$temp1.S($async$result) + ":";
73542 $async$temp1 = t2 + (supports.get$isCustomProperty() ? "" : " ");
73543 $async$temp2 = A;
73544 $async$goto = 7;
73545 return A._asyncAwait(t1._async_evaluate0$_evaluateToCss$1(supports.value), $async$call$1);
73546 case 7:
73547 // returning from await.
73548 arg = $async$temp1 + $async$temp2.S($async$result);
73549 // goto join
73550 $async$goto = 4;
73551 break;
73552 case 5:
73553 // else
73554 $async$goto = 8;
73555 return A._asyncAwait(A.NullableExtension_andThen0(supports, t1.get$_async_evaluate0$_visitSupportsCondition()), $async$call$1);
73556 case 8:
73557 // returning from await.
73558 arg = $async$result;
73559 case 4:
73560 // join
73561 $async$returnValue = new A.CssValue0("supports(" + A.S(arg) + ")", supports.get$span(supports), type$.CssValue_String_2);
73562 // goto return
73563 $async$goto = 1;
73564 break;
73565 case 1:
73566 // return
73567 return A._asyncReturn($async$returnValue, $async$completer);
73568 }
73569 });
73570 return A._asyncStartSync($async$call$1, $async$completer);
73571 },
73572 $signature: 343
73573 };
73574 A._EvaluateVisitor_visitIncludeRule_closure11.prototype = {
73575 call$0() {
73576 var t1 = this.node;
73577 return this.$this._async_evaluate0$_environment.getMixin$2$namespace(t1.name, t1.namespace);
73578 },
73579 $signature: 137
73580 };
73581 A._EvaluateVisitor_visitIncludeRule_closure12.prototype = {
73582 call$0() {
73583 return this.node.get$spanWithoutContent();
73584 },
73585 $signature: 29
73586 };
73587 A._EvaluateVisitor_visitIncludeRule_closure14.prototype = {
73588 call$1($content) {
73589 return new A.UserDefinedCallable0($content, this.$this._async_evaluate0$_environment.closure$0(), type$.UserDefinedCallable_AsyncEnvironment_2);
73590 },
73591 $signature: 344
73592 };
73593 A._EvaluateVisitor_visitIncludeRule_closure13.prototype = {
73594 call$0() {
73595 var $async$goto = 0,
73596 $async$completer = A._makeAsyncAwaitCompleter(type$.Null),
73597 $async$self = this, t1;
73598 var $async$call$0 = A._wrapJsFunctionForAsync(function($async$errorCode, $async$result) {
73599 if ($async$errorCode === 1)
73600 return A._asyncRethrow($async$result, $async$completer);
73601 while (true)
73602 switch ($async$goto) {
73603 case 0:
73604 // Function start
73605 t1 = $async$self.$this;
73606 $async$goto = 2;
73607 return A._asyncAwait(t1._async_evaluate0$_environment.withContent$2($async$self.contentCallable, new A._EvaluateVisitor_visitIncludeRule__closure2(t1, $async$self.mixin, $async$self.nodeWithSpan)), $async$call$0);
73608 case 2:
73609 // returning from await.
73610 // implicit return
73611 return A._asyncReturn(null, $async$completer);
73612 }
73613 });
73614 return A._asyncStartSync($async$call$0, $async$completer);
73615 },
73616 $signature: 2
73617 };
73618 A._EvaluateVisitor_visitIncludeRule__closure2.prototype = {
73619 call$0() {
73620 var $async$goto = 0,
73621 $async$completer = A._makeAsyncAwaitCompleter(type$.void),
73622 $async$self = this, t1;
73623 var $async$call$0 = A._wrapJsFunctionForAsync(function($async$errorCode, $async$result) {
73624 if ($async$errorCode === 1)
73625 return A._asyncRethrow($async$result, $async$completer);
73626 while (true)
73627 switch ($async$goto) {
73628 case 0:
73629 // Function start
73630 t1 = $async$self.$this;
73631 $async$goto = 2;
73632 return A._asyncAwait(t1._async_evaluate0$_environment.asMixin$1(new A._EvaluateVisitor_visitIncludeRule___closure2(t1, $async$self.mixin, $async$self.nodeWithSpan)), $async$call$0);
73633 case 2:
73634 // returning from await.
73635 // implicit return
73636 return A._asyncReturn(null, $async$completer);
73637 }
73638 });
73639 return A._asyncStartSync($async$call$0, $async$completer);
73640 },
73641 $signature: 37
73642 };
73643 A._EvaluateVisitor_visitIncludeRule___closure2.prototype = {
73644 call$0() {
73645 var $async$goto = 0,
73646 $async$completer = A._makeAsyncAwaitCompleter(type$.void),
73647 $async$self = this, t1, t2, t3, t4, t5, _i;
73648 var $async$call$0 = A._wrapJsFunctionForAsync(function($async$errorCode, $async$result) {
73649 if ($async$errorCode === 1)
73650 return A._asyncRethrow($async$result, $async$completer);
73651 while (true)
73652 switch ($async$goto) {
73653 case 0:
73654 // Function start
73655 t1 = $async$self.mixin.declaration.children, t2 = t1.length, t3 = $async$self.$this, t4 = $async$self.nodeWithSpan, t5 = type$.nullable_Value_2, _i = 0;
73656 case 2:
73657 // for condition
73658 if (!(_i < t2)) {
73659 // goto after for
73660 $async$goto = 4;
73661 break;
73662 }
73663 $async$goto = 5;
73664 return A._asyncAwait(t3._async_evaluate0$_addErrorSpan$1$2(t4, new A._EvaluateVisitor_visitIncludeRule____closure2(t3, t1[_i]), t5), $async$call$0);
73665 case 5:
73666 // returning from await.
73667 case 3:
73668 // for update
73669 ++_i;
73670 // goto for condition
73671 $async$goto = 2;
73672 break;
73673 case 4:
73674 // after for
73675 // implicit return
73676 return A._asyncReturn(null, $async$completer);
73677 }
73678 });
73679 return A._asyncStartSync($async$call$0, $async$completer);
73680 },
73681 $signature: 37
73682 };
73683 A._EvaluateVisitor_visitIncludeRule____closure2.prototype = {
73684 call$0() {
73685 return this.statement.accept$1(this.$this);
73686 },
73687 $signature: 70
73688 };
73689 A._EvaluateVisitor_visitMediaRule_closure8.prototype = {
73690 call$1(mediaQueries) {
73691 return this.$this._async_evaluate0$_mergeMediaQueries$2(mediaQueries, this.queries);
73692 },
73693 $signature: 76
73694 };
73695 A._EvaluateVisitor_visitMediaRule_closure9.prototype = {
73696 call$0() {
73697 var $async$goto = 0,
73698 $async$completer = A._makeAsyncAwaitCompleter(type$.Null),
73699 $async$self = this, t1, t2;
73700 var $async$call$0 = A._wrapJsFunctionForAsync(function($async$errorCode, $async$result) {
73701 if ($async$errorCode === 1)
73702 return A._asyncRethrow($async$result, $async$completer);
73703 while (true)
73704 switch ($async$goto) {
73705 case 0:
73706 // Function start
73707 t1 = $async$self.$this;
73708 t2 = $async$self.mergedQueries;
73709 if (t2 == null)
73710 t2 = $async$self.queries;
73711 $async$goto = 2;
73712 return A._asyncAwait(t1._async_evaluate0$_withMediaQueries$1$2(t2, new A._EvaluateVisitor_visitMediaRule__closure2(t1, $async$self.node), type$.Null), $async$call$0);
73713 case 2:
73714 // returning from await.
73715 // implicit return
73716 return A._asyncReturn(null, $async$completer);
73717 }
73718 });
73719 return A._asyncStartSync($async$call$0, $async$completer);
73720 },
73721 $signature: 2
73722 };
73723 A._EvaluateVisitor_visitMediaRule__closure2.prototype = {
73724 call$0() {
73725 var $async$goto = 0,
73726 $async$completer = A._makeAsyncAwaitCompleter(type$.Null),
73727 $async$self = this, t2, t3, _i, t1, styleRule;
73728 var $async$call$0 = A._wrapJsFunctionForAsync(function($async$errorCode, $async$result) {
73729 if ($async$errorCode === 1)
73730 return A._asyncRethrow($async$result, $async$completer);
73731 while (true)
73732 switch ($async$goto) {
73733 case 0:
73734 // Function start
73735 t1 = $async$self.$this;
73736 styleRule = t1._async_evaluate0$_atRootExcludingStyleRule ? null : t1._async_evaluate0$_styleRuleIgnoringAtRoot;
73737 $async$goto = styleRule == null ? 2 : 4;
73738 break;
73739 case 2:
73740 // then
73741 t2 = $async$self.node.children, t3 = t2.length, _i = 0;
73742 case 5:
73743 // for condition
73744 if (!(_i < t3)) {
73745 // goto after for
73746 $async$goto = 7;
73747 break;
73748 }
73749 $async$goto = 8;
73750 return A._asyncAwait(t2[_i].accept$1(t1), $async$call$0);
73751 case 8:
73752 // returning from await.
73753 case 6:
73754 // for update
73755 ++_i;
73756 // goto for condition
73757 $async$goto = 5;
73758 break;
73759 case 7:
73760 // after for
73761 // goto join
73762 $async$goto = 3;
73763 break;
73764 case 4:
73765 // else
73766 $async$goto = 9;
73767 return A._asyncAwait(t1._async_evaluate0$_withParent$2$3$scopeWhen(A.ModifiableCssStyleRule$0(styleRule.selector, styleRule.span, styleRule.originalSelector), new A._EvaluateVisitor_visitMediaRule___closure2(t1, $async$self.node), false, type$.ModifiableCssStyleRule_2, type$.Null), $async$call$0);
73768 case 9:
73769 // returning from await.
73770 case 3:
73771 // join
73772 // implicit return
73773 return A._asyncReturn(null, $async$completer);
73774 }
73775 });
73776 return A._asyncStartSync($async$call$0, $async$completer);
73777 },
73778 $signature: 2
73779 };
73780 A._EvaluateVisitor_visitMediaRule___closure2.prototype = {
73781 call$0() {
73782 var $async$goto = 0,
73783 $async$completer = A._makeAsyncAwaitCompleter(type$.Null),
73784 $async$self = this, t1, t2, t3, _i;
73785 var $async$call$0 = A._wrapJsFunctionForAsync(function($async$errorCode, $async$result) {
73786 if ($async$errorCode === 1)
73787 return A._asyncRethrow($async$result, $async$completer);
73788 while (true)
73789 switch ($async$goto) {
73790 case 0:
73791 // Function start
73792 t1 = $async$self.node.children, t2 = t1.length, t3 = $async$self.$this, _i = 0;
73793 case 2:
73794 // for condition
73795 if (!(_i < t2)) {
73796 // goto after for
73797 $async$goto = 4;
73798 break;
73799 }
73800 $async$goto = 5;
73801 return A._asyncAwait(t1[_i].accept$1(t3), $async$call$0);
73802 case 5:
73803 // returning from await.
73804 case 3:
73805 // for update
73806 ++_i;
73807 // goto for condition
73808 $async$goto = 2;
73809 break;
73810 case 4:
73811 // after for
73812 // implicit return
73813 return A._asyncReturn(null, $async$completer);
73814 }
73815 });
73816 return A._asyncStartSync($async$call$0, $async$completer);
73817 },
73818 $signature: 2
73819 };
73820 A._EvaluateVisitor_visitMediaRule_closure10.prototype = {
73821 call$1(node) {
73822 var t1;
73823 if (!type$.CssStyleRule_2._is(node))
73824 t1 = this.mergedQueries != null && type$.CssMediaRule_2._is(node);
73825 else
73826 t1 = true;
73827 return t1;
73828 },
73829 $signature: 8
73830 };
73831 A._EvaluateVisitor__visitMediaQueries_closure2.prototype = {
73832 call$0() {
73833 var t1 = A.SpanScanner$(this.resolved, null);
73834 return new A.MediaQueryParser0(t1, this.$this._async_evaluate0$_logger).parse$0();
73835 },
73836 $signature: 132
73837 };
73838 A._EvaluateVisitor_visitStyleRule_closure20.prototype = {
73839 call$0() {
73840 var t1 = this.selectorText;
73841 return A.KeyframeSelectorParser$0(t1.get$value(t1), this.$this._async_evaluate0$_logger).parse$0();
73842 },
73843 $signature: 48
73844 };
73845 A._EvaluateVisitor_visitStyleRule_closure21.prototype = {
73846 call$0() {
73847 var $async$goto = 0,
73848 $async$completer = A._makeAsyncAwaitCompleter(type$.Null),
73849 $async$self = this, t1, t2, t3, _i;
73850 var $async$call$0 = A._wrapJsFunctionForAsync(function($async$errorCode, $async$result) {
73851 if ($async$errorCode === 1)
73852 return A._asyncRethrow($async$result, $async$completer);
73853 while (true)
73854 switch ($async$goto) {
73855 case 0:
73856 // Function start
73857 t1 = $async$self.node.children, t2 = t1.length, t3 = $async$self.$this, _i = 0;
73858 case 2:
73859 // for condition
73860 if (!(_i < t2)) {
73861 // goto after for
73862 $async$goto = 4;
73863 break;
73864 }
73865 $async$goto = 5;
73866 return A._asyncAwait(t1[_i].accept$1(t3), $async$call$0);
73867 case 5:
73868 // returning from await.
73869 case 3:
73870 // for update
73871 ++_i;
73872 // goto for condition
73873 $async$goto = 2;
73874 break;
73875 case 4:
73876 // after for
73877 // implicit return
73878 return A._asyncReturn(null, $async$completer);
73879 }
73880 });
73881 return A._asyncStartSync($async$call$0, $async$completer);
73882 },
73883 $signature: 2
73884 };
73885 A._EvaluateVisitor_visitStyleRule_closure22.prototype = {
73886 call$1(node) {
73887 return type$.CssStyleRule_2._is(node);
73888 },
73889 $signature: 8
73890 };
73891 A._EvaluateVisitor_visitStyleRule_closure23.prototype = {
73892 call$0() {
73893 var _s11_ = "_stylesheet",
73894 t1 = this.selectorText,
73895 t2 = this.$this;
73896 return A.SelectorList_SelectorList$parse0(t1.get$value(t1), !t2._async_evaluate0$_assertInModule$2(t2._async_evaluate0$__stylesheet, _s11_).plainCss, !t2._async_evaluate0$_assertInModule$2(t2._async_evaluate0$__stylesheet, _s11_).plainCss, t2._async_evaluate0$_logger);
73897 },
73898 $signature: 49
73899 };
73900 A._EvaluateVisitor_visitStyleRule_closure24.prototype = {
73901 call$0() {
73902 var t1 = this._box_0.parsedSelector,
73903 t2 = this.$this,
73904 t3 = t2._async_evaluate0$_styleRuleIgnoringAtRoot;
73905 t3 = t3 == null ? null : t3.originalSelector;
73906 return t1.resolveParentSelectors$2$implicitParent(t3, !t2._async_evaluate0$_atRootExcludingStyleRule);
73907 },
73908 $signature: 49
73909 };
73910 A._EvaluateVisitor_visitStyleRule_closure25.prototype = {
73911 call$0() {
73912 var $async$goto = 0,
73913 $async$completer = A._makeAsyncAwaitCompleter(type$.Null),
73914 $async$self = this, t1;
73915 var $async$call$0 = A._wrapJsFunctionForAsync(function($async$errorCode, $async$result) {
73916 if ($async$errorCode === 1)
73917 return A._asyncRethrow($async$result, $async$completer);
73918 while (true)
73919 switch ($async$goto) {
73920 case 0:
73921 // Function start
73922 t1 = $async$self.$this;
73923 $async$goto = 2;
73924 return A._asyncAwait(t1._async_evaluate0$_withStyleRule$1$2($async$self.rule, new A._EvaluateVisitor_visitStyleRule__closure2(t1, $async$self.node), type$.Null), $async$call$0);
73925 case 2:
73926 // returning from await.
73927 // implicit return
73928 return A._asyncReturn(null, $async$completer);
73929 }
73930 });
73931 return A._asyncStartSync($async$call$0, $async$completer);
73932 },
73933 $signature: 2
73934 };
73935 A._EvaluateVisitor_visitStyleRule__closure2.prototype = {
73936 call$0() {
73937 var $async$goto = 0,
73938 $async$completer = A._makeAsyncAwaitCompleter(type$.Null),
73939 $async$self = this, t1, t2, t3, _i;
73940 var $async$call$0 = A._wrapJsFunctionForAsync(function($async$errorCode, $async$result) {
73941 if ($async$errorCode === 1)
73942 return A._asyncRethrow($async$result, $async$completer);
73943 while (true)
73944 switch ($async$goto) {
73945 case 0:
73946 // Function start
73947 t1 = $async$self.node.children, t2 = t1.length, t3 = $async$self.$this, _i = 0;
73948 case 2:
73949 // for condition
73950 if (!(_i < t2)) {
73951 // goto after for
73952 $async$goto = 4;
73953 break;
73954 }
73955 $async$goto = 5;
73956 return A._asyncAwait(t1[_i].accept$1(t3), $async$call$0);
73957 case 5:
73958 // returning from await.
73959 case 3:
73960 // for update
73961 ++_i;
73962 // goto for condition
73963 $async$goto = 2;
73964 break;
73965 case 4:
73966 // after for
73967 // implicit return
73968 return A._asyncReturn(null, $async$completer);
73969 }
73970 });
73971 return A._asyncStartSync($async$call$0, $async$completer);
73972 },
73973 $signature: 2
73974 };
73975 A._EvaluateVisitor_visitStyleRule_closure26.prototype = {
73976 call$1(node) {
73977 return type$.CssStyleRule_2._is(node);
73978 },
73979 $signature: 8
73980 };
73981 A._EvaluateVisitor_visitSupportsRule_closure5.prototype = {
73982 call$0() {
73983 var $async$goto = 0,
73984 $async$completer = A._makeAsyncAwaitCompleter(type$.Null),
73985 $async$self = this, t2, t3, _i, t1, styleRule;
73986 var $async$call$0 = A._wrapJsFunctionForAsync(function($async$errorCode, $async$result) {
73987 if ($async$errorCode === 1)
73988 return A._asyncRethrow($async$result, $async$completer);
73989 while (true)
73990 switch ($async$goto) {
73991 case 0:
73992 // Function start
73993 t1 = $async$self.$this;
73994 styleRule = t1._async_evaluate0$_atRootExcludingStyleRule ? null : t1._async_evaluate0$_styleRuleIgnoringAtRoot;
73995 $async$goto = styleRule == null ? 2 : 4;
73996 break;
73997 case 2:
73998 // then
73999 t2 = $async$self.node.children, t3 = t2.length, _i = 0;
74000 case 5:
74001 // for condition
74002 if (!(_i < t3)) {
74003 // goto after for
74004 $async$goto = 7;
74005 break;
74006 }
74007 $async$goto = 8;
74008 return A._asyncAwait(t2[_i].accept$1(t1), $async$call$0);
74009 case 8:
74010 // returning from await.
74011 case 6:
74012 // for update
74013 ++_i;
74014 // goto for condition
74015 $async$goto = 5;
74016 break;
74017 case 7:
74018 // after for
74019 // goto join
74020 $async$goto = 3;
74021 break;
74022 case 4:
74023 // else
74024 $async$goto = 9;
74025 return A._asyncAwait(t1._async_evaluate0$_withParent$2$2(A.ModifiableCssStyleRule$0(styleRule.selector, styleRule.span, styleRule.originalSelector), new A._EvaluateVisitor_visitSupportsRule__closure2(t1, $async$self.node), type$.ModifiableCssStyleRule_2, type$.Null), $async$call$0);
74026 case 9:
74027 // returning from await.
74028 case 3:
74029 // join
74030 // implicit return
74031 return A._asyncReturn(null, $async$completer);
74032 }
74033 });
74034 return A._asyncStartSync($async$call$0, $async$completer);
74035 },
74036 $signature: 2
74037 };
74038 A._EvaluateVisitor_visitSupportsRule__closure2.prototype = {
74039 call$0() {
74040 var $async$goto = 0,
74041 $async$completer = A._makeAsyncAwaitCompleter(type$.Null),
74042 $async$self = this, t1, t2, t3, _i;
74043 var $async$call$0 = A._wrapJsFunctionForAsync(function($async$errorCode, $async$result) {
74044 if ($async$errorCode === 1)
74045 return A._asyncRethrow($async$result, $async$completer);
74046 while (true)
74047 switch ($async$goto) {
74048 case 0:
74049 // Function start
74050 t1 = $async$self.node.children, t2 = t1.length, t3 = $async$self.$this, _i = 0;
74051 case 2:
74052 // for condition
74053 if (!(_i < t2)) {
74054 // goto after for
74055 $async$goto = 4;
74056 break;
74057 }
74058 $async$goto = 5;
74059 return A._asyncAwait(t1[_i].accept$1(t3), $async$call$0);
74060 case 5:
74061 // returning from await.
74062 case 3:
74063 // for update
74064 ++_i;
74065 // goto for condition
74066 $async$goto = 2;
74067 break;
74068 case 4:
74069 // after for
74070 // implicit return
74071 return A._asyncReturn(null, $async$completer);
74072 }
74073 });
74074 return A._asyncStartSync($async$call$0, $async$completer);
74075 },
74076 $signature: 2
74077 };
74078 A._EvaluateVisitor_visitSupportsRule_closure6.prototype = {
74079 call$1(node) {
74080 return type$.CssStyleRule_2._is(node);
74081 },
74082 $signature: 8
74083 };
74084 A._EvaluateVisitor_visitVariableDeclaration_closure8.prototype = {
74085 call$0() {
74086 var t1 = this.override;
74087 this.$this._async_evaluate0$_environment.setVariable$4$global(this.node.name, t1.value, t1.assignmentNode, true);
74088 },
74089 $signature: 1
74090 };
74091 A._EvaluateVisitor_visitVariableDeclaration_closure9.prototype = {
74092 call$0() {
74093 var t1 = this.node;
74094 return this.$this._async_evaluate0$_environment.getVariable$2$namespace(t1.name, t1.namespace);
74095 },
74096 $signature: 38
74097 };
74098 A._EvaluateVisitor_visitVariableDeclaration_closure10.prototype = {
74099 call$0() {
74100 var t1 = this.$this,
74101 t2 = this.node;
74102 t1._async_evaluate0$_environment.setVariable$5$global$namespace(t2.name, this.value, t1._async_evaluate0$_expressionNode$1(t2.expression), t2.isGlobal, t2.namespace);
74103 },
74104 $signature: 1
74105 };
74106 A._EvaluateVisitor_visitUseRule_closure2.prototype = {
74107 call$1(module) {
74108 var t1 = this.node;
74109 this.$this._async_evaluate0$_environment.addModule$3$namespace(module, t1, t1.namespace);
74110 },
74111 $signature: 133
74112 };
74113 A._EvaluateVisitor_visitWarnRule_closure2.prototype = {
74114 call$0() {
74115 return this.node.expression.accept$1(this.$this);
74116 },
74117 $signature: 61
74118 };
74119 A._EvaluateVisitor_visitWhileRule_closure2.prototype = {
74120 call$0() {
74121 var $async$goto = 0,
74122 $async$completer = A._makeAsyncAwaitCompleter(type$.nullable_Value_2),
74123 $async$returnValue, $async$self = this, t1, t2, t3, result;
74124 var $async$call$0 = A._wrapJsFunctionForAsync(function($async$errorCode, $async$result) {
74125 if ($async$errorCode === 1)
74126 return A._asyncRethrow($async$result, $async$completer);
74127 while (true)
74128 switch ($async$goto) {
74129 case 0:
74130 // Function start
74131 t1 = $async$self.node, t2 = t1.condition, t3 = $async$self.$this, t1 = t1.children;
74132 case 3:
74133 // for condition
74134 $async$goto = 5;
74135 return A._asyncAwait(t2.accept$1(t3), $async$call$0);
74136 case 5:
74137 // returning from await.
74138 if (!$async$result.get$isTruthy()) {
74139 // goto after for
74140 $async$goto = 4;
74141 break;
74142 }
74143 $async$goto = 6;
74144 return A._asyncAwait(t3._async_evaluate0$_handleReturn$2(t1, new A._EvaluateVisitor_visitWhileRule__closure2(t3)), $async$call$0);
74145 case 6:
74146 // returning from await.
74147 result = $async$result;
74148 if (result != null) {
74149 $async$returnValue = result;
74150 // goto return
74151 $async$goto = 1;
74152 break;
74153 }
74154 // goto for condition
74155 $async$goto = 3;
74156 break;
74157 case 4:
74158 // after for
74159 $async$returnValue = null;
74160 // goto return
74161 $async$goto = 1;
74162 break;
74163 case 1:
74164 // return
74165 return A._asyncReturn($async$returnValue, $async$completer);
74166 }
74167 });
74168 return A._asyncStartSync($async$call$0, $async$completer);
74169 },
74170 $signature: 70
74171 };
74172 A._EvaluateVisitor_visitWhileRule__closure2.prototype = {
74173 call$1(child) {
74174 return child.accept$1(this.$this);
74175 },
74176 $signature: 99
74177 };
74178 A._EvaluateVisitor_visitBinaryOperationExpression_closure2.prototype = {
74179 call$0() {
74180 var $async$goto = 0,
74181 $async$completer = A._makeAsyncAwaitCompleter(type$.Value_2),
74182 $async$returnValue, $async$self = this, right, result, t1, t2, left, t3, $async$temp1;
74183 var $async$call$0 = A._wrapJsFunctionForAsync(function($async$errorCode, $async$result) {
74184 if ($async$errorCode === 1)
74185 return A._asyncRethrow($async$result, $async$completer);
74186 while (true)
74187 switch ($async$goto) {
74188 case 0:
74189 // Function start
74190 t1 = $async$self.node;
74191 t2 = $async$self.$this;
74192 $async$goto = 3;
74193 return A._asyncAwait(t1.left.accept$1(t2), $async$call$0);
74194 case 3:
74195 // returning from await.
74196 left = $async$result;
74197 t3 = t1.operator;
74198 case 4:
74199 // switch
74200 switch (t3) {
74201 case B.BinaryOperator_kjl0:
74202 // goto case
74203 $async$goto = 6;
74204 break;
74205 case B.BinaryOperator_or_or_10:
74206 // goto case
74207 $async$goto = 7;
74208 break;
74209 case B.BinaryOperator_and_and_20:
74210 // goto case
74211 $async$goto = 8;
74212 break;
74213 case B.BinaryOperator_YlX0:
74214 // goto case
74215 $async$goto = 9;
74216 break;
74217 case B.BinaryOperator_i5H0:
74218 // goto case
74219 $async$goto = 10;
74220 break;
74221 case B.BinaryOperator_AcR1:
74222 // goto case
74223 $async$goto = 11;
74224 break;
74225 case B.BinaryOperator_1da0:
74226 // goto case
74227 $async$goto = 12;
74228 break;
74229 case B.BinaryOperator_8qt0:
74230 // goto case
74231 $async$goto = 13;
74232 break;
74233 case B.BinaryOperator_33h0:
74234 // goto case
74235 $async$goto = 14;
74236 break;
74237 case B.BinaryOperator_AcR2:
74238 // goto case
74239 $async$goto = 15;
74240 break;
74241 case B.BinaryOperator_iyO0:
74242 // goto case
74243 $async$goto = 16;
74244 break;
74245 case B.BinaryOperator_O1M0:
74246 // goto case
74247 $async$goto = 17;
74248 break;
74249 case B.BinaryOperator_RTB0:
74250 // goto case
74251 $async$goto = 18;
74252 break;
74253 case B.BinaryOperator_2ad0:
74254 // goto case
74255 $async$goto = 19;
74256 break;
74257 default:
74258 // goto default
74259 $async$goto = 20;
74260 break;
74261 }
74262 break;
74263 case 6:
74264 // case
74265 $async$goto = 21;
74266 return A._asyncAwait(t1.right.accept$1(t2), $async$call$0);
74267 case 21:
74268 // returning from await.
74269 right = $async$result;
74270 $async$returnValue = new A.SassString0(A.serializeValue0(left, false, true) + "=" + A.serializeValue0(right, false, true), false);
74271 // goto return
74272 $async$goto = 1;
74273 break;
74274 case 7:
74275 // case
74276 $async$goto = left.get$isTruthy() ? 22 : 24;
74277 break;
74278 case 22:
74279 // then
74280 $async$result = left;
74281 // goto join
74282 $async$goto = 23;
74283 break;
74284 case 24:
74285 // else
74286 $async$goto = 25;
74287 return A._asyncAwait(t1.right.accept$1(t2), $async$call$0);
74288 case 25:
74289 // returning from await.
74290 case 23:
74291 // join
74292 $async$returnValue = $async$result;
74293 // goto return
74294 $async$goto = 1;
74295 break;
74296 case 8:
74297 // case
74298 $async$goto = left.get$isTruthy() ? 26 : 28;
74299 break;
74300 case 26:
74301 // then
74302 $async$goto = 29;
74303 return A._asyncAwait(t1.right.accept$1(t2), $async$call$0);
74304 case 29:
74305 // returning from await.
74306 // goto join
74307 $async$goto = 27;
74308 break;
74309 case 28:
74310 // else
74311 $async$result = left;
74312 case 27:
74313 // join
74314 $async$returnValue = $async$result;
74315 // goto return
74316 $async$goto = 1;
74317 break;
74318 case 9:
74319 // case
74320 $async$temp1 = left;
74321 $async$goto = 30;
74322 return A._asyncAwait(t1.right.accept$1(t2), $async$call$0);
74323 case 30:
74324 // returning from await.
74325 $async$returnValue = $async$temp1.$eq(0, $async$result) ? B.SassBoolean_true0 : B.SassBoolean_false0;
74326 // goto return
74327 $async$goto = 1;
74328 break;
74329 case 10:
74330 // case
74331 $async$temp1 = left;
74332 $async$goto = 31;
74333 return A._asyncAwait(t1.right.accept$1(t2), $async$call$0);
74334 case 31:
74335 // returning from await.
74336 $async$returnValue = !$async$temp1.$eq(0, $async$result) ? B.SassBoolean_true0 : B.SassBoolean_false0;
74337 // goto return
74338 $async$goto = 1;
74339 break;
74340 case 11:
74341 // case
74342 $async$temp1 = left;
74343 $async$goto = 32;
74344 return A._asyncAwait(t1.right.accept$1(t2), $async$call$0);
74345 case 32:
74346 // returning from await.
74347 $async$returnValue = $async$temp1.greaterThan$1($async$result);
74348 // goto return
74349 $async$goto = 1;
74350 break;
74351 case 12:
74352 // case
74353 $async$temp1 = left;
74354 $async$goto = 33;
74355 return A._asyncAwait(t1.right.accept$1(t2), $async$call$0);
74356 case 33:
74357 // returning from await.
74358 $async$returnValue = $async$temp1.greaterThanOrEquals$1($async$result);
74359 // goto return
74360 $async$goto = 1;
74361 break;
74362 case 13:
74363 // case
74364 $async$temp1 = left;
74365 $async$goto = 34;
74366 return A._asyncAwait(t1.right.accept$1(t2), $async$call$0);
74367 case 34:
74368 // returning from await.
74369 $async$returnValue = $async$temp1.lessThan$1($async$result);
74370 // goto return
74371 $async$goto = 1;
74372 break;
74373 case 14:
74374 // case
74375 $async$temp1 = left;
74376 $async$goto = 35;
74377 return A._asyncAwait(t1.right.accept$1(t2), $async$call$0);
74378 case 35:
74379 // returning from await.
74380 $async$returnValue = $async$temp1.lessThanOrEquals$1($async$result);
74381 // goto return
74382 $async$goto = 1;
74383 break;
74384 case 15:
74385 // case
74386 $async$temp1 = left;
74387 $async$goto = 36;
74388 return A._asyncAwait(t1.right.accept$1(t2), $async$call$0);
74389 case 36:
74390 // returning from await.
74391 $async$returnValue = $async$temp1.plus$1($async$result);
74392 // goto return
74393 $async$goto = 1;
74394 break;
74395 case 16:
74396 // case
74397 $async$temp1 = left;
74398 $async$goto = 37;
74399 return A._asyncAwait(t1.right.accept$1(t2), $async$call$0);
74400 case 37:
74401 // returning from await.
74402 $async$returnValue = $async$temp1.minus$1($async$result);
74403 // goto return
74404 $async$goto = 1;
74405 break;
74406 case 17:
74407 // case
74408 $async$temp1 = left;
74409 $async$goto = 38;
74410 return A._asyncAwait(t1.right.accept$1(t2), $async$call$0);
74411 case 38:
74412 // returning from await.
74413 $async$returnValue = $async$temp1.times$1($async$result);
74414 // goto return
74415 $async$goto = 1;
74416 break;
74417 case 18:
74418 // case
74419 $async$goto = 39;
74420 return A._asyncAwait(t1.right.accept$1(t2), $async$call$0);
74421 case 39:
74422 // returning from await.
74423 right = $async$result;
74424 result = left.dividedBy$1(right);
74425 if (t1.allowsSlash && left instanceof A.SassNumber0 && right instanceof A.SassNumber0) {
74426 $async$returnValue = type$.SassNumber_2._as(result).withSlash$2(left, right);
74427 // goto return
74428 $async$goto = 1;
74429 break;
74430 } else {
74431 if (left instanceof A.SassNumber0 && right instanceof A.SassNumber0)
74432 t2._async_evaluate0$_warn$3$deprecation(string$.Using__o + A.S(new A._EvaluateVisitor_visitBinaryOperationExpression_closure_recommendation2().call$1(t1)) + " or calc(" + t1.toString$0(0) + string$.x29x0a_Morx20, t1.get$span(t1), true);
74433 $async$returnValue = result;
74434 // goto return
74435 $async$goto = 1;
74436 break;
74437 }
74438 case 19:
74439 // case
74440 $async$temp1 = left;
74441 $async$goto = 40;
74442 return A._asyncAwait(t1.right.accept$1(t2), $async$call$0);
74443 case 40:
74444 // returning from await.
74445 $async$returnValue = $async$temp1.modulo$1($async$result);
74446 // goto return
74447 $async$goto = 1;
74448 break;
74449 case 20:
74450 // default
74451 throw A.wrapException(A.ArgumentError$("Unknown binary operator " + t3.toString$0(0) + ".", null));
74452 case 5:
74453 // after switch
74454 case 1:
74455 // return
74456 return A._asyncReturn($async$returnValue, $async$completer);
74457 }
74458 });
74459 return A._asyncStartSync($async$call$0, $async$completer);
74460 },
74461 $signature: 61
74462 };
74463 A._EvaluateVisitor_visitBinaryOperationExpression_closure_recommendation2.prototype = {
74464 call$1(expression) {
74465 if (expression instanceof A.BinaryOperationExpression0 && expression.operator === B.BinaryOperator_RTB0)
74466 return "math.div(" + A.S(this.call$1(expression.left)) + ", " + A.S(this.call$1(expression.right)) + ")";
74467 else if (expression instanceof A.ParenthesizedExpression0)
74468 return expression.expression.toString$0(0);
74469 else
74470 return expression.toString$0(0);
74471 },
74472 $signature: 130
74473 };
74474 A._EvaluateVisitor_visitVariableExpression_closure2.prototype = {
74475 call$0() {
74476 var t1 = this.node;
74477 return this.$this._async_evaluate0$_environment.getVariable$2$namespace(t1.name, t1.namespace);
74478 },
74479 $signature: 38
74480 };
74481 A._EvaluateVisitor_visitUnaryOperationExpression_closure2.prototype = {
74482 call$0() {
74483 var _this = this,
74484 t1 = _this.node.operator;
74485 switch (t1) {
74486 case B.UnaryOperator_j2w0:
74487 return _this.operand.unaryPlus$0();
74488 case B.UnaryOperator_U4G0:
74489 return _this.operand.unaryMinus$0();
74490 case B.UnaryOperator_zDx0:
74491 return new A.SassString0("/" + A.serializeValue0(_this.operand, false, true), false);
74492 case B.UnaryOperator_not_not0:
74493 return _this.operand.unaryNot$0();
74494 default:
74495 throw A.wrapException(A.StateError$("Unknown unary operator " + t1.toString$0(0) + "."));
74496 }
74497 },
74498 $signature: 45
74499 };
74500 A._EvaluateVisitor__visitCalculationValue_closure2.prototype = {
74501 call$0() {
74502 var $async$goto = 0,
74503 $async$completer = A._makeAsyncAwaitCompleter(type$.Object),
74504 $async$returnValue, $async$self = this, t1, t2, t3, $async$temp1, $async$temp2, $async$temp3;
74505 var $async$call$0 = A._wrapJsFunctionForAsync(function($async$errorCode, $async$result) {
74506 if ($async$errorCode === 1)
74507 return A._asyncRethrow($async$result, $async$completer);
74508 while (true)
74509 switch ($async$goto) {
74510 case 0:
74511 // Function start
74512 t1 = $async$self.$this;
74513 t2 = $async$self.node;
74514 t3 = $async$self.inMinMax;
74515 $async$temp1 = A;
74516 $async$temp2 = t1._async_evaluate0$_binaryOperatorToCalculationOperator$1(t2.operator);
74517 $async$goto = 3;
74518 return A._asyncAwait(t1._async_evaluate0$_visitCalculationValue$2$inMinMax(t2.left, t3), $async$call$0);
74519 case 3:
74520 // returning from await.
74521 $async$temp3 = $async$result;
74522 $async$goto = 4;
74523 return A._asyncAwait(t1._async_evaluate0$_visitCalculationValue$2$inMinMax(t2.right, t3), $async$call$0);
74524 case 4:
74525 // returning from await.
74526 $async$returnValue = $async$temp1.SassCalculation_operateInternal0($async$temp2, $async$temp3, $async$result, t3);
74527 // goto return
74528 $async$goto = 1;
74529 break;
74530 case 1:
74531 // return
74532 return A._asyncReturn($async$returnValue, $async$completer);
74533 }
74534 });
74535 return A._asyncStartSync($async$call$0, $async$completer);
74536 },
74537 $signature: 182
74538 };
74539 A._EvaluateVisitor_visitListExpression_closure2.prototype = {
74540 call$1(expression) {
74541 return expression.accept$1(this.$this);
74542 },
74543 $signature: 351
74544 };
74545 A._EvaluateVisitor_visitFunctionExpression_closure5.prototype = {
74546 call$0() {
74547 var t1 = this.node;
74548 return this.$this._async_evaluate0$_getFunction$2$namespace(A.stringReplaceAllUnchecked(t1.originalName, "_", "-"), t1.namespace);
74549 },
74550 $signature: 137
74551 };
74552 A._EvaluateVisitor_visitFunctionExpression_closure6.prototype = {
74553 call$0() {
74554 var t1 = this.node;
74555 return this.$this._async_evaluate0$_runFunctionCallable$3(t1.$arguments, this._box_0.$function, t1);
74556 },
74557 $signature: 61
74558 };
74559 A._EvaluateVisitor_visitInterpolatedFunctionExpression_closure2.prototype = {
74560 call$0() {
74561 var t1 = this.node;
74562 return this.$this._async_evaluate0$_runFunctionCallable$3(t1.$arguments, this.$function, t1);
74563 },
74564 $signature: 61
74565 };
74566 A._EvaluateVisitor__runUserDefinedCallable_closure2.prototype = {
74567 call$0() {
74568 var _this = this,
74569 t1 = _this.$this,
74570 t2 = _this.callable,
74571 t3 = _this.V;
74572 return t1._async_evaluate0$_withEnvironment$1$2(t2.environment.closure$0(), new A._EvaluateVisitor__runUserDefinedCallable__closure2(t1, _this.evaluated, t2, _this.nodeWithSpan, _this.run, t3), t3);
74573 },
74574 $signature() {
74575 return this.V._eval$1("Future<0>()");
74576 }
74577 };
74578 A._EvaluateVisitor__runUserDefinedCallable__closure2.prototype = {
74579 call$0() {
74580 var _this = this,
74581 t1 = _this.$this,
74582 t2 = _this.V;
74583 return t1._async_evaluate0$_environment.scope$1$1(new A._EvaluateVisitor__runUserDefinedCallable___closure2(t1, _this.evaluated, _this.callable, _this.nodeWithSpan, _this.run, t2), t2);
74584 },
74585 $signature() {
74586 return this.V._eval$1("Future<0>()");
74587 }
74588 };
74589 A._EvaluateVisitor__runUserDefinedCallable___closure2.prototype = {
74590 call$0() {
74591 return this.$call$body$_EvaluateVisitor__runUserDefinedCallable___closure0(this.V);
74592 },
74593 $call$body$_EvaluateVisitor__runUserDefinedCallable___closure0($async$type) {
74594 var $async$goto = 0,
74595 $async$completer = A._makeAsyncAwaitCompleter($async$type),
74596 $async$returnValue, $async$self = this, declaredArguments, t7, minLength, t8, i, argument, t9, value, t10, t11, restArgument, rest, argumentList, result, argumentWord, argumentNames, t1, t2, t3, t4, t5, t6, $async$temp1;
74597 var $async$call$0 = A._wrapJsFunctionForAsync(function($async$errorCode, $async$result) {
74598 if ($async$errorCode === 1)
74599 return A._asyncRethrow($async$result, $async$completer);
74600 while (true)
74601 switch ($async$goto) {
74602 case 0:
74603 // Function start
74604 t1 = $async$self.$this;
74605 t2 = $async$self.evaluated;
74606 t3 = t2.positional;
74607 t4 = t2.named;
74608 t5 = $async$self.callable.declaration.$arguments;
74609 t6 = $async$self.nodeWithSpan;
74610 t1._async_evaluate0$_verifyArguments$4(t3.length, t4, t5, t6);
74611 declaredArguments = t5.$arguments;
74612 t7 = declaredArguments.length;
74613 minLength = Math.min(t3.length, t7);
74614 for (t8 = t2.positionalNodes, i = 0; i < minLength; ++i)
74615 t1._async_evaluate0$_environment.setLocalVariable$3(declaredArguments[i].name, t3[i], t8[i]);
74616 i = t3.length, t8 = t2.namedNodes;
74617 case 3:
74618 // for condition
74619 if (!(i < t7)) {
74620 // goto after for
74621 $async$goto = 5;
74622 break;
74623 }
74624 argument = declaredArguments[i];
74625 t9 = argument.name;
74626 value = t4.remove$1(0, t9);
74627 $async$goto = value == null ? 6 : 7;
74628 break;
74629 case 6:
74630 // then
74631 t10 = argument.defaultValue;
74632 $async$temp1 = t1;
74633 $async$goto = 8;
74634 return A._asyncAwait(t10.accept$1(t1), $async$call$0);
74635 case 8:
74636 // returning from await.
74637 value = $async$temp1._async_evaluate0$_withoutSlash$2($async$result, t1._async_evaluate0$_expressionNode$1(t10));
74638 case 7:
74639 // join
74640 t10 = t1._async_evaluate0$_environment;
74641 t11 = t8.$index(0, t9);
74642 if (t11 == null) {
74643 t11 = argument.defaultValue;
74644 t11.toString;
74645 t11 = t1._async_evaluate0$_expressionNode$1(t11);
74646 }
74647 t10.setLocalVariable$3(t9, value, t11);
74648 case 4:
74649 // for update
74650 ++i;
74651 // goto for condition
74652 $async$goto = 3;
74653 break;
74654 case 5:
74655 // after for
74656 restArgument = t5.restArgument;
74657 if (restArgument != null) {
74658 rest = t3.length > t7 ? B.JSArray_methods.sublist$1(t3, t7) : B.List_empty15;
74659 t2 = t2.separator;
74660 argumentList = A.SassArgumentList$0(rest, t4, t2 === B.ListSeparator_undecided_null0 ? B.ListSeparator_kWM0 : t2);
74661 t1._async_evaluate0$_environment.setLocalVariable$3(restArgument, argumentList, t6);
74662 } else
74663 argumentList = null;
74664 $async$goto = 9;
74665 return A._asyncAwait($async$self.run.call$0(), $async$call$0);
74666 case 9:
74667 // returning from await.
74668 result = $async$result;
74669 if (argumentList == null) {
74670 $async$returnValue = result;
74671 // goto return
74672 $async$goto = 1;
74673 break;
74674 }
74675 if (t4.get$isEmpty(t4)) {
74676 $async$returnValue = result;
74677 // goto return
74678 $async$goto = 1;
74679 break;
74680 }
74681 if (argumentList._argument_list$_wereKeywordsAccessed) {
74682 $async$returnValue = result;
74683 // goto return
74684 $async$goto = 1;
74685 break;
74686 }
74687 t2 = t4.get$keys(t4);
74688 argumentWord = A.pluralize0("argument", t2.get$length(t2), null);
74689 t4 = t4.get$keys(t4);
74690 argumentNames = A.toSentence0(A.MappedIterable_MappedIterable(t4, new A._EvaluateVisitor__runUserDefinedCallable____closure2(), A._instanceType(t4)._eval$1("Iterable.E"), type$.Object), "or");
74691 throw A.wrapException(A.MultiSpanSassRuntimeException$0("No " + argumentWord + " named " + argumentNames + ".", t6.get$span(t6), "invocation", A.LinkedHashMap_LinkedHashMap$_literal([t5.get$spanWithName(), "declaration"], type$.FileSpan, type$.String), t1._async_evaluate0$_stackTrace$1(t6.get$span(t6))));
74692 case 1:
74693 // return
74694 return A._asyncReturn($async$returnValue, $async$completer);
74695 }
74696 });
74697 return A._asyncStartSync($async$call$0, $async$completer);
74698 },
74699 $signature() {
74700 return this.V._eval$1("Future<0>()");
74701 }
74702 };
74703 A._EvaluateVisitor__runUserDefinedCallable____closure2.prototype = {
74704 call$1($name) {
74705 return "$" + $name;
74706 },
74707 $signature: 5
74708 };
74709 A._EvaluateVisitor__runFunctionCallable_closure2.prototype = {
74710 call$0() {
74711 var $async$goto = 0,
74712 $async$completer = A._makeAsyncAwaitCompleter(type$.Value_2),
74713 $async$returnValue, $async$self = this, t1, t2, t3, t4, _i, $returnValue;
74714 var $async$call$0 = A._wrapJsFunctionForAsync(function($async$errorCode, $async$result) {
74715 if ($async$errorCode === 1)
74716 return A._asyncRethrow($async$result, $async$completer);
74717 while (true)
74718 switch ($async$goto) {
74719 case 0:
74720 // Function start
74721 t1 = $async$self.callable.declaration, t2 = t1.children, t3 = t2.length, t4 = $async$self.$this, _i = 0;
74722 case 3:
74723 // for condition
74724 if (!(_i < t3)) {
74725 // goto after for
74726 $async$goto = 5;
74727 break;
74728 }
74729 $async$goto = 6;
74730 return A._asyncAwait(t2[_i].accept$1(t4), $async$call$0);
74731 case 6:
74732 // returning from await.
74733 $returnValue = $async$result;
74734 if ($returnValue instanceof A.Value0) {
74735 $async$returnValue = $returnValue;
74736 // goto return
74737 $async$goto = 1;
74738 break;
74739 }
74740 case 4:
74741 // for update
74742 ++_i;
74743 // goto for condition
74744 $async$goto = 3;
74745 break;
74746 case 5:
74747 // after for
74748 throw A.wrapException(t4._async_evaluate0$_exception$2("Function finished without @return.", t1.span));
74749 case 1:
74750 // return
74751 return A._asyncReturn($async$returnValue, $async$completer);
74752 }
74753 });
74754 return A._asyncStartSync($async$call$0, $async$completer);
74755 },
74756 $signature: 61
74757 };
74758 A._EvaluateVisitor__runBuiltInCallable_closure5.prototype = {
74759 call$0() {
74760 return this.overload.verify$2(this.evaluated.positional.length, this.namedSet);
74761 },
74762 $signature: 0
74763 };
74764 A._EvaluateVisitor__runBuiltInCallable_closure6.prototype = {
74765 call$1($name) {
74766 return "$" + $name;
74767 },
74768 $signature: 5
74769 };
74770 A._EvaluateVisitor__evaluateArguments_closure11.prototype = {
74771 call$1(value) {
74772 return value;
74773 },
74774 $signature: 36
74775 };
74776 A._EvaluateVisitor__evaluateArguments_closure12.prototype = {
74777 call$1(value) {
74778 return this.$this._async_evaluate0$_withoutSlash$2(value, this.restNodeForSpan);
74779 },
74780 $signature: 36
74781 };
74782 A._EvaluateVisitor__evaluateArguments_closure13.prototype = {
74783 call$2(key, value) {
74784 var _this = this,
74785 t1 = _this.restNodeForSpan;
74786 _this.named.$indexSet(0, key, _this.$this._async_evaluate0$_withoutSlash$2(value, t1));
74787 _this.namedNodes.$indexSet(0, key, t1);
74788 },
74789 $signature: 89
74790 };
74791 A._EvaluateVisitor__evaluateArguments_closure14.prototype = {
74792 call$1(value) {
74793 return value;
74794 },
74795 $signature: 36
74796 };
74797 A._EvaluateVisitor__evaluateMacroArguments_closure11.prototype = {
74798 call$1(value) {
74799 var t1 = this.restArgs;
74800 return new A.ValueExpression0(value, t1.get$span(t1));
74801 },
74802 $signature: 58
74803 };
74804 A._EvaluateVisitor__evaluateMacroArguments_closure12.prototype = {
74805 call$1(value) {
74806 var t1 = this.restArgs;
74807 return new A.ValueExpression0(this.$this._async_evaluate0$_withoutSlash$2(value, this.restNodeForSpan), t1.get$span(t1));
74808 },
74809 $signature: 58
74810 };
74811 A._EvaluateVisitor__evaluateMacroArguments_closure13.prototype = {
74812 call$2(key, value) {
74813 var _this = this,
74814 t1 = _this.restArgs;
74815 _this.named.$indexSet(0, key, new A.ValueExpression0(_this.$this._async_evaluate0$_withoutSlash$2(value, _this.restNodeForSpan), t1.get$span(t1)));
74816 },
74817 $signature: 89
74818 };
74819 A._EvaluateVisitor__evaluateMacroArguments_closure14.prototype = {
74820 call$1(value) {
74821 var t1 = this.keywordRestArgs;
74822 return new A.ValueExpression0(this.$this._async_evaluate0$_withoutSlash$2(value, this.keywordRestNodeForSpan), t1.get$span(t1));
74823 },
74824 $signature: 58
74825 };
74826 A._EvaluateVisitor__addRestMap_closure2.prototype = {
74827 call$2(key, value) {
74828 var t2, _this = this,
74829 t1 = _this.$this;
74830 if (key instanceof A.SassString0)
74831 _this.values.$indexSet(0, key._string0$_text, _this.convert.call$1(t1._async_evaluate0$_withoutSlash$2(value, _this.expressionNode)));
74832 else {
74833 t2 = _this.nodeWithSpan;
74834 throw A.wrapException(t1._async_evaluate0$_exception$2(string$.Variab_ + key.toString$0(0) + " is not a string in " + _this.map.toString$0(0) + ".", t2.get$span(t2)));
74835 }
74836 },
74837 $signature: 53
74838 };
74839 A._EvaluateVisitor__verifyArguments_closure2.prototype = {
74840 call$0() {
74841 return this.$arguments.verify$2(this.positional, new A.MapKeySet(this.named, type$.MapKeySet_String));
74842 },
74843 $signature: 0
74844 };
74845 A._EvaluateVisitor_visitStringExpression_closure2.prototype = {
74846 call$1(value) {
74847 var $async$goto = 0,
74848 $async$completer = A._makeAsyncAwaitCompleter(type$.String),
74849 $async$returnValue, $async$self = this, t1, result;
74850 var $async$call$1 = A._wrapJsFunctionForAsync(function($async$errorCode, $async$result) {
74851 if ($async$errorCode === 1)
74852 return A._asyncRethrow($async$result, $async$completer);
74853 while (true)
74854 switch ($async$goto) {
74855 case 0:
74856 // Function start
74857 if (typeof value == "string") {
74858 $async$returnValue = value;
74859 // goto return
74860 $async$goto = 1;
74861 break;
74862 }
74863 type$.Expression_2._as(value);
74864 t1 = $async$self.$this;
74865 $async$goto = 3;
74866 return A._asyncAwait(value.accept$1(t1), $async$call$1);
74867 case 3:
74868 // returning from await.
74869 result = $async$result;
74870 $async$returnValue = result instanceof A.SassString0 ? result._string0$_text : t1._async_evaluate0$_serialize$3$quote(result, value, false);
74871 // goto return
74872 $async$goto = 1;
74873 break;
74874 case 1:
74875 // return
74876 return A._asyncReturn($async$returnValue, $async$completer);
74877 }
74878 });
74879 return A._asyncStartSync($async$call$1, $async$completer);
74880 },
74881 $signature: 81
74882 };
74883 A._EvaluateVisitor_visitCssAtRule_closure5.prototype = {
74884 call$0() {
74885 var $async$goto = 0,
74886 $async$completer = A._makeAsyncAwaitCompleter(type$.Null),
74887 $async$self = this, t1, t2, t3;
74888 var $async$call$0 = A._wrapJsFunctionForAsync(function($async$errorCode, $async$result) {
74889 if ($async$errorCode === 1)
74890 return A._asyncRethrow($async$result, $async$completer);
74891 while (true)
74892 switch ($async$goto) {
74893 case 0:
74894 // Function start
74895 t1 = $async$self.node.children, t1 = new A.ListIterator(t1, t1.get$length(t1)), t2 = A._instanceType(t1)._precomputed1, t3 = $async$self.$this;
74896 case 2:
74897 // for condition
74898 if (!t1.moveNext$0()) {
74899 // goto after for
74900 $async$goto = 3;
74901 break;
74902 }
74903 $async$goto = 4;
74904 return A._asyncAwait(t2._as(t1.__internal$_current).accept$1(t3), $async$call$0);
74905 case 4:
74906 // returning from await.
74907 // goto for condition
74908 $async$goto = 2;
74909 break;
74910 case 3:
74911 // after for
74912 // implicit return
74913 return A._asyncReturn(null, $async$completer);
74914 }
74915 });
74916 return A._asyncStartSync($async$call$0, $async$completer);
74917 },
74918 $signature: 2
74919 };
74920 A._EvaluateVisitor_visitCssAtRule_closure6.prototype = {
74921 call$1(node) {
74922 return type$.CssStyleRule_2._is(node);
74923 },
74924 $signature: 8
74925 };
74926 A._EvaluateVisitor_visitCssKeyframeBlock_closure5.prototype = {
74927 call$0() {
74928 var $async$goto = 0,
74929 $async$completer = A._makeAsyncAwaitCompleter(type$.Null),
74930 $async$self = this, t1, t2, t3;
74931 var $async$call$0 = A._wrapJsFunctionForAsync(function($async$errorCode, $async$result) {
74932 if ($async$errorCode === 1)
74933 return A._asyncRethrow($async$result, $async$completer);
74934 while (true)
74935 switch ($async$goto) {
74936 case 0:
74937 // Function start
74938 t1 = $async$self.node.children, t1 = new A.ListIterator(t1, t1.get$length(t1)), t2 = A._instanceType(t1)._precomputed1, t3 = $async$self.$this;
74939 case 2:
74940 // for condition
74941 if (!t1.moveNext$0()) {
74942 // goto after for
74943 $async$goto = 3;
74944 break;
74945 }
74946 $async$goto = 4;
74947 return A._asyncAwait(t2._as(t1.__internal$_current).accept$1(t3), $async$call$0);
74948 case 4:
74949 // returning from await.
74950 // goto for condition
74951 $async$goto = 2;
74952 break;
74953 case 3:
74954 // after for
74955 // implicit return
74956 return A._asyncReturn(null, $async$completer);
74957 }
74958 });
74959 return A._asyncStartSync($async$call$0, $async$completer);
74960 },
74961 $signature: 2
74962 };
74963 A._EvaluateVisitor_visitCssKeyframeBlock_closure6.prototype = {
74964 call$1(node) {
74965 return type$.CssStyleRule_2._is(node);
74966 },
74967 $signature: 8
74968 };
74969 A._EvaluateVisitor_visitCssMediaRule_closure8.prototype = {
74970 call$1(mediaQueries) {
74971 return this.$this._async_evaluate0$_mergeMediaQueries$2(mediaQueries, this.node.queries);
74972 },
74973 $signature: 76
74974 };
74975 A._EvaluateVisitor_visitCssMediaRule_closure9.prototype = {
74976 call$0() {
74977 var $async$goto = 0,
74978 $async$completer = A._makeAsyncAwaitCompleter(type$.Null),
74979 $async$self = this, t1, t2;
74980 var $async$call$0 = A._wrapJsFunctionForAsync(function($async$errorCode, $async$result) {
74981 if ($async$errorCode === 1)
74982 return A._asyncRethrow($async$result, $async$completer);
74983 while (true)
74984 switch ($async$goto) {
74985 case 0:
74986 // Function start
74987 t1 = $async$self.$this;
74988 t2 = $async$self.mergedQueries;
74989 if (t2 == null)
74990 t2 = $async$self.node.queries;
74991 $async$goto = 2;
74992 return A._asyncAwait(t1._async_evaluate0$_withMediaQueries$1$2(t2, new A._EvaluateVisitor_visitCssMediaRule__closure2(t1, $async$self.node), type$.Null), $async$call$0);
74993 case 2:
74994 // returning from await.
74995 // implicit return
74996 return A._asyncReturn(null, $async$completer);
74997 }
74998 });
74999 return A._asyncStartSync($async$call$0, $async$completer);
75000 },
75001 $signature: 2
75002 };
75003 A._EvaluateVisitor_visitCssMediaRule__closure2.prototype = {
75004 call$0() {
75005 var $async$goto = 0,
75006 $async$completer = A._makeAsyncAwaitCompleter(type$.Null),
75007 $async$self = this, t2, t3, t1, styleRule;
75008 var $async$call$0 = A._wrapJsFunctionForAsync(function($async$errorCode, $async$result) {
75009 if ($async$errorCode === 1)
75010 return A._asyncRethrow($async$result, $async$completer);
75011 while (true)
75012 switch ($async$goto) {
75013 case 0:
75014 // Function start
75015 t1 = $async$self.$this;
75016 styleRule = t1._async_evaluate0$_atRootExcludingStyleRule ? null : t1._async_evaluate0$_styleRuleIgnoringAtRoot;
75017 $async$goto = styleRule == null ? 2 : 4;
75018 break;
75019 case 2:
75020 // then
75021 t2 = $async$self.node.children, t2 = new A.ListIterator(t2, t2.get$length(t2)), t3 = A._instanceType(t2)._precomputed1;
75022 case 5:
75023 // for condition
75024 if (!t2.moveNext$0()) {
75025 // goto after for
75026 $async$goto = 6;
75027 break;
75028 }
75029 $async$goto = 7;
75030 return A._asyncAwait(t3._as(t2.__internal$_current).accept$1(t1), $async$call$0);
75031 case 7:
75032 // returning from await.
75033 // goto for condition
75034 $async$goto = 5;
75035 break;
75036 case 6:
75037 // after for
75038 // goto join
75039 $async$goto = 3;
75040 break;
75041 case 4:
75042 // else
75043 $async$goto = 8;
75044 return A._asyncAwait(t1._async_evaluate0$_withParent$2$3$scopeWhen(A.ModifiableCssStyleRule$0(styleRule.selector, styleRule.span, styleRule.originalSelector), new A._EvaluateVisitor_visitCssMediaRule___closure2(t1, $async$self.node), false, type$.ModifiableCssStyleRule_2, type$.Null), $async$call$0);
75045 case 8:
75046 // returning from await.
75047 case 3:
75048 // join
75049 // implicit return
75050 return A._asyncReturn(null, $async$completer);
75051 }
75052 });
75053 return A._asyncStartSync($async$call$0, $async$completer);
75054 },
75055 $signature: 2
75056 };
75057 A._EvaluateVisitor_visitCssMediaRule___closure2.prototype = {
75058 call$0() {
75059 var $async$goto = 0,
75060 $async$completer = A._makeAsyncAwaitCompleter(type$.Null),
75061 $async$self = this, t1, t2, t3;
75062 var $async$call$0 = A._wrapJsFunctionForAsync(function($async$errorCode, $async$result) {
75063 if ($async$errorCode === 1)
75064 return A._asyncRethrow($async$result, $async$completer);
75065 while (true)
75066 switch ($async$goto) {
75067 case 0:
75068 // Function start
75069 t1 = $async$self.node.children, t1 = new A.ListIterator(t1, t1.get$length(t1)), t2 = A._instanceType(t1)._precomputed1, t3 = $async$self.$this;
75070 case 2:
75071 // for condition
75072 if (!t1.moveNext$0()) {
75073 // goto after for
75074 $async$goto = 3;
75075 break;
75076 }
75077 $async$goto = 4;
75078 return A._asyncAwait(t2._as(t1.__internal$_current).accept$1(t3), $async$call$0);
75079 case 4:
75080 // returning from await.
75081 // goto for condition
75082 $async$goto = 2;
75083 break;
75084 case 3:
75085 // after for
75086 // implicit return
75087 return A._asyncReturn(null, $async$completer);
75088 }
75089 });
75090 return A._asyncStartSync($async$call$0, $async$completer);
75091 },
75092 $signature: 2
75093 };
75094 A._EvaluateVisitor_visitCssMediaRule_closure10.prototype = {
75095 call$1(node) {
75096 var t1;
75097 if (!type$.CssStyleRule_2._is(node))
75098 t1 = this.mergedQueries != null && type$.CssMediaRule_2._is(node);
75099 else
75100 t1 = true;
75101 return t1;
75102 },
75103 $signature: 8
75104 };
75105 A._EvaluateVisitor_visitCssStyleRule_closure5.prototype = {
75106 call$0() {
75107 var $async$goto = 0,
75108 $async$completer = A._makeAsyncAwaitCompleter(type$.Null),
75109 $async$self = this, t1;
75110 var $async$call$0 = A._wrapJsFunctionForAsync(function($async$errorCode, $async$result) {
75111 if ($async$errorCode === 1)
75112 return A._asyncRethrow($async$result, $async$completer);
75113 while (true)
75114 switch ($async$goto) {
75115 case 0:
75116 // Function start
75117 t1 = $async$self.$this;
75118 $async$goto = 2;
75119 return A._asyncAwait(t1._async_evaluate0$_withStyleRule$1$2($async$self.rule, new A._EvaluateVisitor_visitCssStyleRule__closure2(t1, $async$self.node), type$.Null), $async$call$0);
75120 case 2:
75121 // returning from await.
75122 // implicit return
75123 return A._asyncReturn(null, $async$completer);
75124 }
75125 });
75126 return A._asyncStartSync($async$call$0, $async$completer);
75127 },
75128 $signature: 2
75129 };
75130 A._EvaluateVisitor_visitCssStyleRule__closure2.prototype = {
75131 call$0() {
75132 var $async$goto = 0,
75133 $async$completer = A._makeAsyncAwaitCompleter(type$.Null),
75134 $async$self = this, t1, t2, t3;
75135 var $async$call$0 = A._wrapJsFunctionForAsync(function($async$errorCode, $async$result) {
75136 if ($async$errorCode === 1)
75137 return A._asyncRethrow($async$result, $async$completer);
75138 while (true)
75139 switch ($async$goto) {
75140 case 0:
75141 // Function start
75142 t1 = $async$self.node.children, t1 = new A.ListIterator(t1, t1.get$length(t1)), t2 = A._instanceType(t1)._precomputed1, t3 = $async$self.$this;
75143 case 2:
75144 // for condition
75145 if (!t1.moveNext$0()) {
75146 // goto after for
75147 $async$goto = 3;
75148 break;
75149 }
75150 $async$goto = 4;
75151 return A._asyncAwait(t2._as(t1.__internal$_current).accept$1(t3), $async$call$0);
75152 case 4:
75153 // returning from await.
75154 // goto for condition
75155 $async$goto = 2;
75156 break;
75157 case 3:
75158 // after for
75159 // implicit return
75160 return A._asyncReturn(null, $async$completer);
75161 }
75162 });
75163 return A._asyncStartSync($async$call$0, $async$completer);
75164 },
75165 $signature: 2
75166 };
75167 A._EvaluateVisitor_visitCssStyleRule_closure6.prototype = {
75168 call$1(node) {
75169 return type$.CssStyleRule_2._is(node);
75170 },
75171 $signature: 8
75172 };
75173 A._EvaluateVisitor_visitCssSupportsRule_closure5.prototype = {
75174 call$0() {
75175 var $async$goto = 0,
75176 $async$completer = A._makeAsyncAwaitCompleter(type$.Null),
75177 $async$self = this, t2, t3, t1, styleRule;
75178 var $async$call$0 = A._wrapJsFunctionForAsync(function($async$errorCode, $async$result) {
75179 if ($async$errorCode === 1)
75180 return A._asyncRethrow($async$result, $async$completer);
75181 while (true)
75182 switch ($async$goto) {
75183 case 0:
75184 // Function start
75185 t1 = $async$self.$this;
75186 styleRule = t1._async_evaluate0$_atRootExcludingStyleRule ? null : t1._async_evaluate0$_styleRuleIgnoringAtRoot;
75187 $async$goto = styleRule == null ? 2 : 4;
75188 break;
75189 case 2:
75190 // then
75191 t2 = $async$self.node.children, t2 = new A.ListIterator(t2, t2.get$length(t2)), t3 = A._instanceType(t2)._precomputed1;
75192 case 5:
75193 // for condition
75194 if (!t2.moveNext$0()) {
75195 // goto after for
75196 $async$goto = 6;
75197 break;
75198 }
75199 $async$goto = 7;
75200 return A._asyncAwait(t3._as(t2.__internal$_current).accept$1(t1), $async$call$0);
75201 case 7:
75202 // returning from await.
75203 // goto for condition
75204 $async$goto = 5;
75205 break;
75206 case 6:
75207 // after for
75208 // goto join
75209 $async$goto = 3;
75210 break;
75211 case 4:
75212 // else
75213 $async$goto = 8;
75214 return A._asyncAwait(t1._async_evaluate0$_withParent$2$2(A.ModifiableCssStyleRule$0(styleRule.selector, styleRule.span, styleRule.originalSelector), new A._EvaluateVisitor_visitCssSupportsRule__closure2(t1, $async$self.node), type$.ModifiableCssStyleRule_2, type$.Null), $async$call$0);
75215 case 8:
75216 // returning from await.
75217 case 3:
75218 // join
75219 // implicit return
75220 return A._asyncReturn(null, $async$completer);
75221 }
75222 });
75223 return A._asyncStartSync($async$call$0, $async$completer);
75224 },
75225 $signature: 2
75226 };
75227 A._EvaluateVisitor_visitCssSupportsRule__closure2.prototype = {
75228 call$0() {
75229 var $async$goto = 0,
75230 $async$completer = A._makeAsyncAwaitCompleter(type$.Null),
75231 $async$self = this, t1, t2, t3;
75232 var $async$call$0 = A._wrapJsFunctionForAsync(function($async$errorCode, $async$result) {
75233 if ($async$errorCode === 1)
75234 return A._asyncRethrow($async$result, $async$completer);
75235 while (true)
75236 switch ($async$goto) {
75237 case 0:
75238 // Function start
75239 t1 = $async$self.node.children, t1 = new A.ListIterator(t1, t1.get$length(t1)), t2 = A._instanceType(t1)._precomputed1, t3 = $async$self.$this;
75240 case 2:
75241 // for condition
75242 if (!t1.moveNext$0()) {
75243 // goto after for
75244 $async$goto = 3;
75245 break;
75246 }
75247 $async$goto = 4;
75248 return A._asyncAwait(t2._as(t1.__internal$_current).accept$1(t3), $async$call$0);
75249 case 4:
75250 // returning from await.
75251 // goto for condition
75252 $async$goto = 2;
75253 break;
75254 case 3:
75255 // after for
75256 // implicit return
75257 return A._asyncReturn(null, $async$completer);
75258 }
75259 });
75260 return A._asyncStartSync($async$call$0, $async$completer);
75261 },
75262 $signature: 2
75263 };
75264 A._EvaluateVisitor_visitCssSupportsRule_closure6.prototype = {
75265 call$1(node) {
75266 return type$.CssStyleRule_2._is(node);
75267 },
75268 $signature: 8
75269 };
75270 A._EvaluateVisitor__performInterpolation_closure2.prototype = {
75271 call$1(value) {
75272 var $async$goto = 0,
75273 $async$completer = A._makeAsyncAwaitCompleter(type$.String),
75274 $async$returnValue, $async$self = this, t1, result, t2, t3;
75275 var $async$call$1 = A._wrapJsFunctionForAsync(function($async$errorCode, $async$result) {
75276 if ($async$errorCode === 1)
75277 return A._asyncRethrow($async$result, $async$completer);
75278 while (true)
75279 switch ($async$goto) {
75280 case 0:
75281 // Function start
75282 if (typeof value == "string") {
75283 $async$returnValue = value;
75284 // goto return
75285 $async$goto = 1;
75286 break;
75287 }
75288 type$.Expression_2._as(value);
75289 t1 = $async$self.$this;
75290 $async$goto = 3;
75291 return A._asyncAwait(value.accept$1(t1), $async$call$1);
75292 case 3:
75293 // returning from await.
75294 result = $async$result;
75295 if ($async$self.warnForColor && result instanceof A.SassColor0 && $.$get$namesByColor0().containsKey$1(result)) {
75296 t2 = A.Interpolation$0(A._setArrayType([""], type$.JSArray_Object), $async$self.interpolation.span);
75297 t3 = $.$get$namesByColor0();
75298 t1._async_evaluate0$_warn$2(string$.You_pr + A.S(t3.$index(0, result)) + string$.x20in_in + result.toString$0(0) + string$.x2c_whicw + A.S(t3.$index(0, result)) + string$.x22x29__If + new A.BinaryOperationExpression0(B.BinaryOperator_AcR2, new A.StringExpression0(t2, true), value, false).toString$0(0) + "'.", value.get$span(value));
75299 }
75300 $async$returnValue = t1._async_evaluate0$_serialize$3$quote(result, value, false);
75301 // goto return
75302 $async$goto = 1;
75303 break;
75304 case 1:
75305 // return
75306 return A._asyncReturn($async$returnValue, $async$completer);
75307 }
75308 });
75309 return A._asyncStartSync($async$call$1, $async$completer);
75310 },
75311 $signature: 81
75312 };
75313 A._EvaluateVisitor__serialize_closure2.prototype = {
75314 call$0() {
75315 return A.serializeValue0(this.value, false, this.quote);
75316 },
75317 $signature: 30
75318 };
75319 A._EvaluateVisitor__expressionNode_closure2.prototype = {
75320 call$0() {
75321 var t1 = this.expression;
75322 return this.$this._async_evaluate0$_environment.getVariableNode$2$namespace(t1.name, t1.namespace);
75323 },
75324 $signature: 187
75325 };
75326 A._EvaluateVisitor__withoutSlash_recommendation2.prototype = {
75327 call$1(number) {
75328 var asSlash = number.asSlash;
75329 if (asSlash != null)
75330 return "math.div(" + A.S(this.call$1(asSlash.item1)) + ", " + A.S(this.call$1(asSlash.item2)) + ")";
75331 else
75332 return A.serializeValue0(number, true, true);
75333 },
75334 $signature: 188
75335 };
75336 A._EvaluateVisitor__stackFrame_closure2.prototype = {
75337 call$1(url) {
75338 var t1 = this.$this._async_evaluate0$_importCache;
75339 t1 = t1 == null ? null : t1.humanize$1(url);
75340 return t1 == null ? url : t1;
75341 },
75342 $signature: 88
75343 };
75344 A._EvaluateVisitor__stackTrace_closure2.prototype = {
75345 call$1(tuple) {
75346 return this.$this._async_evaluate0$_stackFrame$2(tuple.item1, J.get$span$z(tuple.item2));
75347 },
75348 $signature: 189
75349 };
75350 A._ImportedCssVisitor2.prototype = {
75351 visitCssAtRule$1(node) {
75352 var t1 = node.isChildless ? null : new A._ImportedCssVisitor_visitCssAtRule_closure2();
75353 this._async_evaluate0$_visitor._async_evaluate0$_addChild$2$through(node, t1);
75354 },
75355 visitCssComment$1(node) {
75356 return this._async_evaluate0$_visitor._async_evaluate0$_addChild$1(node);
75357 },
75358 visitCssDeclaration$1(node) {
75359 },
75360 visitCssImport$1(node) {
75361 var t2,
75362 _s13_ = "_endOfImports",
75363 t1 = this._async_evaluate0$_visitor;
75364 if (t1._async_evaluate0$_assertInModule$2(t1._async_evaluate0$__parent, "__parent") !== t1._async_evaluate0$_assertInModule$2(t1._async_evaluate0$__root, "_root"))
75365 t1._async_evaluate0$_addChild$1(node);
75366 else if (t1._async_evaluate0$_assertInModule$2(t1._async_evaluate0$__endOfImports, _s13_) === J.get$length$asx(t1._async_evaluate0$_assertInModule$2(t1._async_evaluate0$__root, "_root").children._collection$_source)) {
75367 t1._async_evaluate0$_addChild$1(node);
75368 t1._async_evaluate0$__endOfImports = t1._async_evaluate0$_assertInModule$2(t1._async_evaluate0$__endOfImports, _s13_) + 1;
75369 } else {
75370 t2 = t1._async_evaluate0$_outOfOrderImports;
75371 (t2 == null ? t1._async_evaluate0$_outOfOrderImports = A._setArrayType([], type$.JSArray_ModifiableCssImport_2) : t2).push(node);
75372 }
75373 },
75374 visitCssKeyframeBlock$1(node) {
75375 },
75376 visitCssMediaRule$1(node) {
75377 var t1 = this._async_evaluate0$_visitor,
75378 mediaQueries = t1._async_evaluate0$_mediaQueries;
75379 t1._async_evaluate0$_addChild$2$through(node, new A._ImportedCssVisitor_visitCssMediaRule_closure2(mediaQueries == null || t1._async_evaluate0$_mergeMediaQueries$2(mediaQueries, node.queries) != null));
75380 },
75381 visitCssStyleRule$1(node) {
75382 return this._async_evaluate0$_visitor._async_evaluate0$_addChild$2$through(node, new A._ImportedCssVisitor_visitCssStyleRule_closure2());
75383 },
75384 visitCssStylesheet$1(node) {
75385 var t1, t2;
75386 for (t1 = node.children, t1 = new A.ListIterator(t1, t1.get$length(t1)), t2 = A._instanceType(t1)._precomputed1; t1.moveNext$0();)
75387 t2._as(t1.__internal$_current).accept$1(this);
75388 },
75389 visitCssSupportsRule$1(node) {
75390 return this._async_evaluate0$_visitor._async_evaluate0$_addChild$2$through(node, new A._ImportedCssVisitor_visitCssSupportsRule_closure2());
75391 }
75392 };
75393 A._ImportedCssVisitor_visitCssAtRule_closure2.prototype = {
75394 call$1(node) {
75395 return type$.CssStyleRule_2._is(node);
75396 },
75397 $signature: 8
75398 };
75399 A._ImportedCssVisitor_visitCssMediaRule_closure2.prototype = {
75400 call$1(node) {
75401 var t1;
75402 if (!type$.CssStyleRule_2._is(node))
75403 t1 = this.hasBeenMerged && type$.CssMediaRule_2._is(node);
75404 else
75405 t1 = true;
75406 return t1;
75407 },
75408 $signature: 8
75409 };
75410 A._ImportedCssVisitor_visitCssStyleRule_closure2.prototype = {
75411 call$1(node) {
75412 return type$.CssStyleRule_2._is(node);
75413 },
75414 $signature: 8
75415 };
75416 A._ImportedCssVisitor_visitCssSupportsRule_closure2.prototype = {
75417 call$1(node) {
75418 return type$.CssStyleRule_2._is(node);
75419 },
75420 $signature: 8
75421 };
75422 A.EvaluateResult0.prototype = {};
75423 A._EvaluationContext2.prototype = {
75424 get$currentCallableSpan() {
75425 var callableNode = this._async_evaluate0$_visitor._async_evaluate0$_callableNode;
75426 if (callableNode != null)
75427 return callableNode.get$span(callableNode);
75428 throw A.wrapException(A.StateError$(string$.No_Sasc));
75429 },
75430 warn$2$deprecation(_, message, deprecation) {
75431 var t1 = this._async_evaluate0$_visitor,
75432 t2 = t1._async_evaluate0$_importSpan;
75433 if (t2 == null) {
75434 t2 = t1._async_evaluate0$_callableNode;
75435 t2 = t2 == null ? null : t2.get$span(t2);
75436 }
75437 t1._async_evaluate0$_warn$3$deprecation(message, t2 == null ? this._async_evaluate0$_defaultWarnNodeWithSpan.span : t2, deprecation);
75438 },
75439 $isEvaluationContext0: 1
75440 };
75441 A._ArgumentResults2.prototype = {};
75442 A._LoadedStylesheet2.prototype = {};
75443 A.NodeToDartAsyncFileImporter.prototype = {
75444 canonicalize$1(_, url) {
75445 return this.canonicalize$body$NodeToDartAsyncFileImporter(0, url);
75446 },
75447 canonicalize$body$NodeToDartAsyncFileImporter(_, url) {
75448 var $async$goto = 0,
75449 $async$completer = A._makeAsyncAwaitCompleter(type$.nullable_Uri),
75450 $async$returnValue, $async$self = this, result, t1, resultUrl;
75451 var $async$canonicalize$1 = A._wrapJsFunctionForAsync(function($async$errorCode, $async$result) {
75452 if ($async$errorCode === 1)
75453 return A._asyncRethrow($async$result, $async$completer);
75454 while (true)
75455 switch ($async$goto) {
75456 case 0:
75457 // Function start
75458 if (url.get$scheme() === "file") {
75459 $async$returnValue = $.$get$_filesystemImporter().canonicalize$1(0, url);
75460 // goto return
75461 $async$goto = 1;
75462 break;
75463 }
75464 result = $async$self._findFileUrl.call$2(url.toString$0(0), {fromImport: A.fromImport0()});
75465 $async$goto = result != null && result instanceof self.Promise ? 3 : 4;
75466 break;
75467 case 3:
75468 // then
75469 $async$goto = 5;
75470 return A._asyncAwait(A.promiseToFuture(type$.Promise._as(result), type$.nullable_Object), $async$canonicalize$1);
75471 case 5:
75472 // returning from await.
75473 result = $async$result;
75474 case 4:
75475 // join
75476 if (result == null) {
75477 $async$returnValue = null;
75478 // goto return
75479 $async$goto = 1;
75480 break;
75481 }
75482 t1 = self.URL;
75483 if (!(result instanceof t1))
75484 A.jsThrow(new self.Error(string$.The_fie));
75485 resultUrl = A.Uri_parse(J.toString$0$(type$.JSUrl._as(result)));
75486 if (resultUrl.get$scheme() !== "file")
75487 A.jsThrow(new self.Error(string$.The_fiu + url.toString$0(0) + '".'));
75488 $async$returnValue = $.$get$_filesystemImporter().canonicalize$1(0, resultUrl);
75489 // goto return
75490 $async$goto = 1;
75491 break;
75492 case 1:
75493 // return
75494 return A._asyncReturn($async$returnValue, $async$completer);
75495 }
75496 });
75497 return A._asyncStartSync($async$canonicalize$1, $async$completer);
75498 },
75499 load$1(_, url) {
75500 return $.$get$_filesystemImporter().load$1(0, url);
75501 }
75502 };
75503 A.AsyncImportCache0.prototype = {
75504 canonicalize$4$baseImporter$baseUrl$forImport(_, url, baseImporter, baseUrl, forImport) {
75505 return this.canonicalize$body$AsyncImportCache0(0, url, baseImporter, baseUrl, forImport);
75506 },
75507 canonicalize$body$AsyncImportCache0(_, url, baseImporter, baseUrl, forImport) {
75508 var $async$goto = 0,
75509 $async$completer = A._makeAsyncAwaitCompleter(type$.nullable_Tuple3_AsyncImporter_Uri_Uri_2),
75510 $async$returnValue, $async$self = this, t1, relativeResult;
75511 var $async$canonicalize$4$baseImporter$baseUrl$forImport = A._wrapJsFunctionForAsync(function($async$errorCode, $async$result) {
75512 if ($async$errorCode === 1)
75513 return A._asyncRethrow($async$result, $async$completer);
75514 while (true)
75515 switch ($async$goto) {
75516 case 0:
75517 // Function start
75518 $async$goto = baseImporter != null ? 3 : 4;
75519 break;
75520 case 3:
75521 // then
75522 t1 = type$.Tuple4_of_Uri_and_bool_and_AsyncImporter_and_nullable_Uri_2;
75523 $async$goto = 5;
75524 return A._asyncAwait(A.putIfAbsentAsync0($async$self._async_import_cache0$_relativeCanonicalizeCache, new A.Tuple4(url, forImport, baseImporter, baseUrl, t1), new A.AsyncImportCache_canonicalize_closure1($async$self, baseUrl, url, baseImporter, forImport), t1, type$.nullable_Tuple3_AsyncImporter_Uri_Uri_2), $async$canonicalize$4$baseImporter$baseUrl$forImport);
75525 case 5:
75526 // returning from await.
75527 relativeResult = $async$result;
75528 if (relativeResult != null) {
75529 $async$returnValue = relativeResult;
75530 // goto return
75531 $async$goto = 1;
75532 break;
75533 }
75534 case 4:
75535 // join
75536 t1 = type$.Tuple2_Uri_bool;
75537 $async$goto = 6;
75538 return A._asyncAwait(A.putIfAbsentAsync0($async$self._async_import_cache0$_canonicalizeCache, new A.Tuple2(url, forImport, t1), new A.AsyncImportCache_canonicalize_closure2($async$self, url, forImport), t1, type$.nullable_Tuple3_AsyncImporter_Uri_Uri_2), $async$canonicalize$4$baseImporter$baseUrl$forImport);
75539 case 6:
75540 // returning from await.
75541 $async$returnValue = $async$result;
75542 // goto return
75543 $async$goto = 1;
75544 break;
75545 case 1:
75546 // return
75547 return A._asyncReturn($async$returnValue, $async$completer);
75548 }
75549 });
75550 return A._asyncStartSync($async$canonicalize$4$baseImporter$baseUrl$forImport, $async$completer);
75551 },
75552 _async_import_cache0$_canonicalize$3(importer, url, forImport) {
75553 return this._canonicalize$body$AsyncImportCache0(importer, url, forImport);
75554 },
75555 _canonicalize$body$AsyncImportCache0(importer, url, forImport) {
75556 var $async$goto = 0,
75557 $async$completer = A._makeAsyncAwaitCompleter(type$.nullable_Uri),
75558 $async$returnValue, $async$self = this, t1, result;
75559 var $async$_async_import_cache0$_canonicalize$3 = A._wrapJsFunctionForAsync(function($async$errorCode, $async$result) {
75560 if ($async$errorCode === 1)
75561 return A._asyncRethrow($async$result, $async$completer);
75562 while (true)
75563 switch ($async$goto) {
75564 case 0:
75565 // Function start
75566 if (forImport) {
75567 t1 = type$.nullable_Object;
75568 t1 = A.runZoned(new A.AsyncImportCache__canonicalize_closure0(importer, url), A.LinkedHashMap_LinkedHashMap$_literal([B.Symbol__inImportRule, true], t1, t1), type$.FutureOr_nullable_Uri);
75569 } else
75570 t1 = importer.canonicalize$1(0, url);
75571 $async$goto = 3;
75572 return A._asyncAwait(t1, $async$_async_import_cache0$_canonicalize$3);
75573 case 3:
75574 // returning from await.
75575 result = $async$result;
75576 if ((result == null ? null : result.get$scheme()) === "")
75577 $async$self._async_import_cache0$_logger.warn$2$deprecation(0, "Importer " + importer.toString$0(0) + " canonicalized " + url.toString$0(0) + " to " + A.S(result) + string$.x2e_Rela, true);
75578 $async$returnValue = result;
75579 // goto return
75580 $async$goto = 1;
75581 break;
75582 case 1:
75583 // return
75584 return A._asyncReturn($async$returnValue, $async$completer);
75585 }
75586 });
75587 return A._asyncStartSync($async$_async_import_cache0$_canonicalize$3, $async$completer);
75588 },
75589 importCanonical$4$originalUrl$quiet(importer, canonicalUrl, originalUrl, quiet) {
75590 return this.importCanonical$body$AsyncImportCache0(importer, canonicalUrl, originalUrl, quiet);
75591 },
75592 importCanonical$3$originalUrl(importer, canonicalUrl, originalUrl) {
75593 return this.importCanonical$4$originalUrl$quiet(importer, canonicalUrl, originalUrl, false);
75594 },
75595 importCanonical$body$AsyncImportCache0(importer, canonicalUrl, originalUrl, quiet) {
75596 var $async$goto = 0,
75597 $async$completer = A._makeAsyncAwaitCompleter(type$.nullable_Stylesheet_2),
75598 $async$returnValue, $async$self = this;
75599 var $async$importCanonical$4$originalUrl$quiet = A._wrapJsFunctionForAsync(function($async$errorCode, $async$result) {
75600 if ($async$errorCode === 1)
75601 return A._asyncRethrow($async$result, $async$completer);
75602 while (true)
75603 switch ($async$goto) {
75604 case 0:
75605 // Function start
75606 $async$goto = 3;
75607 return A._asyncAwait(A.putIfAbsentAsync0($async$self._async_import_cache0$_importCache, canonicalUrl, new A.AsyncImportCache_importCanonical_closure0($async$self, importer, canonicalUrl, originalUrl, quiet), type$.Uri, type$.nullable_Stylesheet_2), $async$importCanonical$4$originalUrl$quiet);
75608 case 3:
75609 // returning from await.
75610 $async$returnValue = $async$result;
75611 // goto return
75612 $async$goto = 1;
75613 break;
75614 case 1:
75615 // return
75616 return A._asyncReturn($async$returnValue, $async$completer);
75617 }
75618 });
75619 return A._asyncStartSync($async$importCanonical$4$originalUrl$quiet, $async$completer);
75620 },
75621 humanize$1(canonicalUrl) {
75622 var t2, url,
75623 t1 = this._async_import_cache0$_canonicalizeCache;
75624 t1 = A.IterableNullableExtension_whereNotNull(t1.get$values(t1), type$.Tuple3_AsyncImporter_Uri_Uri_2);
75625 t2 = t1.$ti;
75626 url = A.minBy(new A.MappedIterable(new A.WhereIterable(t1, new A.AsyncImportCache_humanize_closure2(canonicalUrl), t2._eval$1("WhereIterable<Iterable.E>")), new A.AsyncImportCache_humanize_closure3(), t2._eval$1("MappedIterable<Iterable.E,Uri>")), new A.AsyncImportCache_humanize_closure4());
75627 if (url == null)
75628 return canonicalUrl;
75629 t1 = $.$get$url();
75630 return url.resolve$1(A.ParsedPath_ParsedPath$parse(canonicalUrl.get$path(canonicalUrl), t1.style).get$basename());
75631 },
75632 sourceMapUrl$1(_, canonicalUrl) {
75633 var t1 = this._async_import_cache0$_resultsCache.$index(0, canonicalUrl);
75634 t1 = t1 == null ? null : t1.get$sourceMapUrl(t1);
75635 return t1 == null ? canonicalUrl : t1;
75636 }
75637 };
75638 A.AsyncImportCache_canonicalize_closure1.prototype = {
75639 call$0() {
75640 var $async$goto = 0,
75641 $async$completer = A._makeAsyncAwaitCompleter(type$.nullable_Tuple3_AsyncImporter_Uri_Uri_2),
75642 $async$returnValue, $async$self = this, canonicalUrl, t1, resolvedUrl;
75643 var $async$call$0 = A._wrapJsFunctionForAsync(function($async$errorCode, $async$result) {
75644 if ($async$errorCode === 1)
75645 return A._asyncRethrow($async$result, $async$completer);
75646 while (true)
75647 switch ($async$goto) {
75648 case 0:
75649 // Function start
75650 t1 = $async$self.baseUrl;
75651 resolvedUrl = t1 == null ? null : t1.resolveUri$1($async$self.url);
75652 if (resolvedUrl == null)
75653 resolvedUrl = $async$self.url;
75654 t1 = $async$self.baseImporter;
75655 $async$goto = 3;
75656 return A._asyncAwait($async$self.$this._async_import_cache0$_canonicalize$3(t1, resolvedUrl, $async$self.forImport), $async$call$0);
75657 case 3:
75658 // returning from await.
75659 canonicalUrl = $async$result;
75660 if (canonicalUrl != null) {
75661 $async$returnValue = new A.Tuple3(t1, canonicalUrl, resolvedUrl, type$.Tuple3_AsyncImporter_Uri_Uri_2);
75662 // goto return
75663 $async$goto = 1;
75664 break;
75665 }
75666 case 1:
75667 // return
75668 return A._asyncReturn($async$returnValue, $async$completer);
75669 }
75670 });
75671 return A._asyncStartSync($async$call$0, $async$completer);
75672 },
75673 $signature: 190
75674 };
75675 A.AsyncImportCache_canonicalize_closure2.prototype = {
75676 call$0() {
75677 var $async$goto = 0,
75678 $async$completer = A._makeAsyncAwaitCompleter(type$.nullable_Tuple3_AsyncImporter_Uri_Uri_2),
75679 $async$returnValue, $async$self = this, t1, t2, t3, t4, t5, _i, importer, canonicalUrl;
75680 var $async$call$0 = A._wrapJsFunctionForAsync(function($async$errorCode, $async$result) {
75681 if ($async$errorCode === 1)
75682 return A._asyncRethrow($async$result, $async$completer);
75683 while (true)
75684 switch ($async$goto) {
75685 case 0:
75686 // Function start
75687 t1 = $async$self.$this, t2 = t1._async_import_cache0$_importers, t3 = t2.length, t4 = $async$self.url, t5 = $async$self.forImport, _i = 0;
75688 case 3:
75689 // for condition
75690 if (!(_i < t2.length)) {
75691 // goto after for
75692 $async$goto = 5;
75693 break;
75694 }
75695 importer = t2[_i];
75696 $async$goto = 6;
75697 return A._asyncAwait(t1._async_import_cache0$_canonicalize$3(importer, t4, t5), $async$call$0);
75698 case 6:
75699 // returning from await.
75700 canonicalUrl = $async$result;
75701 if (canonicalUrl != null) {
75702 $async$returnValue = new A.Tuple3(importer, canonicalUrl, t4, type$.Tuple3_AsyncImporter_Uri_Uri_2);
75703 // goto return
75704 $async$goto = 1;
75705 break;
75706 }
75707 case 4:
75708 // for update
75709 t2.length === t3 || (0, A.throwConcurrentModificationError)(t2), ++_i;
75710 // goto for condition
75711 $async$goto = 3;
75712 break;
75713 case 5:
75714 // after for
75715 $async$returnValue = null;
75716 // goto return
75717 $async$goto = 1;
75718 break;
75719 case 1:
75720 // return
75721 return A._asyncReturn($async$returnValue, $async$completer);
75722 }
75723 });
75724 return A._asyncStartSync($async$call$0, $async$completer);
75725 },
75726 $signature: 190
75727 };
75728 A.AsyncImportCache__canonicalize_closure0.prototype = {
75729 call$0() {
75730 return this.importer.canonicalize$1(0, this.url);
75731 },
75732 $signature: 172
75733 };
75734 A.AsyncImportCache_importCanonical_closure0.prototype = {
75735 call$0() {
75736 var $async$goto = 0,
75737 $async$completer = A._makeAsyncAwaitCompleter(type$.nullable_Stylesheet_2),
75738 $async$returnValue, $async$self = this, t2, t3, t4, t1, result;
75739 var $async$call$0 = A._wrapJsFunctionForAsync(function($async$errorCode, $async$result) {
75740 if ($async$errorCode === 1)
75741 return A._asyncRethrow($async$result, $async$completer);
75742 while (true)
75743 switch ($async$goto) {
75744 case 0:
75745 // Function start
75746 t1 = $async$self.canonicalUrl;
75747 $async$goto = 3;
75748 return A._asyncAwait($async$self.importer.load$1(0, t1), $async$call$0);
75749 case 3:
75750 // returning from await.
75751 result = $async$result;
75752 if (result == null) {
75753 $async$returnValue = null;
75754 // goto return
75755 $async$goto = 1;
75756 break;
75757 }
75758 t2 = $async$self.$this;
75759 t2._async_import_cache0$_resultsCache.$indexSet(0, t1, result);
75760 t3 = result.contents;
75761 t4 = result.syntax;
75762 t1 = $async$self.originalUrl.resolveUri$1(t1);
75763 $async$returnValue = A.Stylesheet_Stylesheet$parse0(t3, t4, $async$self.quiet ? $.$get$Logger_quiet0() : t2._async_import_cache0$_logger, t1);
75764 // goto return
75765 $async$goto = 1;
75766 break;
75767 case 1:
75768 // return
75769 return A._asyncReturn($async$returnValue, $async$completer);
75770 }
75771 });
75772 return A._asyncStartSync($async$call$0, $async$completer);
75773 },
75774 $signature: 359
75775 };
75776 A.AsyncImportCache_humanize_closure2.prototype = {
75777 call$1(tuple) {
75778 return tuple.item2.$eq(0, this.canonicalUrl);
75779 },
75780 $signature: 360
75781 };
75782 A.AsyncImportCache_humanize_closure3.prototype = {
75783 call$1(tuple) {
75784 return tuple.item3;
75785 },
75786 $signature: 361
75787 };
75788 A.AsyncImportCache_humanize_closure4.prototype = {
75789 call$1(url) {
75790 return url.get$path(url).length;
75791 },
75792 $signature: 74
75793 };
75794 A.AtRootQueryParser0.prototype = {
75795 parse$0() {
75796 return this.wrapSpanFormatException$1(new A.AtRootQueryParser_parse_closure0(this));
75797 }
75798 };
75799 A.AtRootQueryParser_parse_closure0.prototype = {
75800 call$0() {
75801 var include, atRules,
75802 t1 = this.$this,
75803 t2 = t1.scanner;
75804 t2.expectChar$1(40);
75805 t1.whitespace$0();
75806 include = t1.scanIdentifier$1("with");
75807 if (!include)
75808 t1.expectIdentifier$2$name("without", '"with" or "without"');
75809 t1.whitespace$0();
75810 t2.expectChar$1(58);
75811 t1.whitespace$0();
75812 atRules = A.LinkedHashSet_LinkedHashSet$_empty(type$.String);
75813 do {
75814 atRules.add$1(0, t1.identifier$0().toLowerCase());
75815 t1.whitespace$0();
75816 } while (t1.lookingAtIdentifier$0());
75817 t2.expectChar$1(41);
75818 t2.expectDone$0();
75819 return new A.AtRootQuery0(include, atRules, atRules.contains$1(0, "all"), atRules.contains$1(0, "rule"));
75820 },
75821 $signature: 136
75822 };
75823 A.AtRootQuery0.prototype = {
75824 excludes$1(node) {
75825 var t1, _this = this;
75826 if (_this._at_root_query0$_all)
75827 return !_this.include;
75828 if (type$.CssStyleRule_2._is(node))
75829 return _this._at_root_query0$_rule !== _this.include;
75830 if (type$.CssMediaRule_2._is(node))
75831 return _this.excludesName$1("media");
75832 if (type$.CssSupportsRule_2._is(node))
75833 return _this.excludesName$1("supports");
75834 if (type$.CssAtRule_2._is(node)) {
75835 t1 = node.name;
75836 return _this.excludesName$1(t1.get$value(t1).toLowerCase());
75837 }
75838 return false;
75839 },
75840 excludesName$1($name) {
75841 var t1 = this._at_root_query0$_all || this.names.contains$1(0, $name);
75842 return t1 !== this.include;
75843 }
75844 };
75845 A.AtRootRule0.prototype = {
75846 accept$1$1(visitor) {
75847 return visitor.visitAtRootRule$1(this);
75848 },
75849 accept$1(visitor) {
75850 return this.accept$1$1(visitor, type$.dynamic);
75851 },
75852 toString$0(_) {
75853 var buffer = new A.StringBuffer("@at-root "),
75854 t1 = this.query;
75855 if (t1 != null)
75856 buffer._contents = "@at-root " + (t1.toString$0(0) + " ");
75857 t1 = this.children;
75858 return buffer.toString$0(0) + " {" + (t1 && B.JSArray_methods).join$1(t1, " ") + "}";
75859 },
75860 get$span(receiver) {
75861 return this.span;
75862 }
75863 };
75864 A.ModifiableCssAtRule0.prototype = {
75865 accept$1$1(visitor) {
75866 return visitor.visitCssAtRule$1(this);
75867 },
75868 accept$1(visitor) {
75869 return this.accept$1$1(visitor, type$.dynamic);
75870 },
75871 copyWithoutChildren$0() {
75872 var _this = this;
75873 return A.ModifiableCssAtRule$0(_this.name, _this.span, _this.isChildless, _this.value);
75874 },
75875 addChild$1(child) {
75876 this.super$ModifiableCssParentNode$addChild0(child);
75877 },
75878 $isCssAtRule0: 1,
75879 get$isChildless() {
75880 return this.isChildless;
75881 },
75882 get$span(receiver) {
75883 return this.span;
75884 }
75885 };
75886 A.AtRule0.prototype = {
75887 accept$1$1(visitor) {
75888 return visitor.visitAtRule$1(this);
75889 },
75890 accept$1(visitor) {
75891 return this.accept$1$1(visitor, type$.dynamic);
75892 },
75893 toString$0(_) {
75894 var children,
75895 t1 = "@" + this.name.toString$0(0),
75896 buffer = new A.StringBuffer(t1),
75897 t2 = this.value;
75898 if (t2 != null)
75899 buffer._contents = t1 + (" " + t2.toString$0(0));
75900 children = this.children;
75901 return children == null ? buffer.toString$0(0) + ";" : buffer.toString$0(0) + " {" + B.JSArray_methods.join$1(children, " ") + "}";
75902 },
75903 get$span(receiver) {
75904 return this.span;
75905 }
75906 };
75907 A.AttributeSelector0.prototype = {
75908 accept$1$1(visitor) {
75909 var value, t2, _this = this,
75910 t1 = visitor._serialize0$_buffer;
75911 t1.writeCharCode$1(91);
75912 t1.write$1(0, _this.name);
75913 value = _this.value;
75914 if (value != null) {
75915 t1.write$1(0, _this.op);
75916 if (A.Parser_isIdentifier0(value) && !B.JSString_methods.startsWith$1(value, "--")) {
75917 t1.write$1(0, value);
75918 t2 = _this.modifier;
75919 if (t2 != null)
75920 t1.writeCharCode$1(32);
75921 } else {
75922 visitor._serialize0$_visitQuotedString$1(value);
75923 t2 = _this.modifier;
75924 if (t2 != null)
75925 if (visitor._serialize0$_style !== B.OutputStyle_compressed0)
75926 t1.writeCharCode$1(32);
75927 }
75928 if (t2 != null)
75929 t1.write$1(0, t2);
75930 }
75931 t1.writeCharCode$1(93);
75932 return null;
75933 },
75934 accept$1(visitor) {
75935 return this.accept$1$1(visitor, type$.dynamic);
75936 },
75937 $eq(_, other) {
75938 var _this = this;
75939 if (other == null)
75940 return false;
75941 return other instanceof A.AttributeSelector0 && other.name.$eq(0, _this.name) && other.op == _this.op && other.value == _this.value && other.modifier == _this.modifier;
75942 },
75943 get$hashCode(_) {
75944 var _this = this,
75945 t1 = _this.name;
75946 return (B.JSString_methods.get$hashCode(t1.name) ^ J.get$hashCode$(t1.namespace) ^ J.get$hashCode$(_this.op) ^ J.get$hashCode$(_this.value) ^ J.get$hashCode$(_this.modifier)) >>> 0;
75947 }
75948 };
75949 A.AttributeOperator0.prototype = {
75950 toString$0(_) {
75951 return this._attribute0$_text;
75952 }
75953 };
75954 A.BinaryOperationExpression0.prototype = {
75955 get$span(_) {
75956 var right,
75957 left = this.left;
75958 for (; left instanceof A.BinaryOperationExpression0;)
75959 left = left.left;
75960 right = this.right;
75961 for (; right instanceof A.BinaryOperationExpression0;)
75962 right = right.right;
75963 return left.get$span(left).expand$1(0, right.get$span(right));
75964 },
75965 accept$1$1(visitor) {
75966 return visitor.visitBinaryOperationExpression$1(this);
75967 },
75968 accept$1(visitor) {
75969 return this.accept$1$1(visitor, type$.dynamic);
75970 },
75971 toString$0(_) {
75972 var t2, right, rightNeedsParens, _this = this,
75973 left = _this.left,
75974 leftNeedsParens = left instanceof A.BinaryOperationExpression0 && left.operator.precedence < _this.operator.precedence,
75975 t1 = leftNeedsParens ? "" + A.Primitives_stringFromCharCode(40) : "";
75976 t1 += left.toString$0(0);
75977 if (leftNeedsParens)
75978 t1 += A.Primitives_stringFromCharCode(41);
75979 t2 = _this.operator;
75980 t1 = t1 + A.Primitives_stringFromCharCode(32) + t2.operator + A.Primitives_stringFromCharCode(32);
75981 right = _this.right;
75982 rightNeedsParens = right instanceof A.BinaryOperationExpression0 && right.operator.precedence <= t2.precedence;
75983 if (rightNeedsParens)
75984 t1 += A.Primitives_stringFromCharCode(40);
75985 t1 += right.toString$0(0);
75986 if (rightNeedsParens)
75987 t1 += A.Primitives_stringFromCharCode(41);
75988 return t1.charCodeAt(0) == 0 ? t1 : t1;
75989 },
75990 $isExpression0: 1,
75991 $isAstNode0: 1
75992 };
75993 A.BinaryOperator0.prototype = {
75994 toString$0(_) {
75995 return this.name;
75996 }
75997 };
75998 A.BooleanExpression0.prototype = {
75999 accept$1$1(visitor) {
76000 return visitor.visitBooleanExpression$1(this);
76001 },
76002 accept$1(visitor) {
76003 return this.accept$1$1(visitor, type$.dynamic);
76004 },
76005 toString$0(_) {
76006 return String(this.value);
76007 },
76008 $isExpression0: 1,
76009 $isAstNode0: 1,
76010 get$span(receiver) {
76011 return this.span;
76012 }
76013 };
76014 A.legacyBooleanClass_closure.prototype = {
76015 call$0() {
76016 var t1 = type$.JSClass,
76017 jsClass = t1._as(A.allowInteropCaptureThisNamed("sass.types.Boolean", new A.legacyBooleanClass__closure()));
76018 J.get$$prototype$x(jsClass).getValue = A.allowInteropCaptureThisNamed("getValue", new A.legacyBooleanClass__closure0());
76019 jsClass.TRUE = B.SassBoolean_true0;
76020 jsClass.FALSE = B.SassBoolean_false0;
76021 A.JSClassExtension_injectSuperclass(t1._as(B.SassBoolean_true0.constructor), jsClass);
76022 return jsClass;
76023 },
76024 $signature: 25
76025 };
76026 A.legacyBooleanClass__closure.prototype = {
76027 call$2(_, __) {
76028 throw A.wrapException("new sass.types.Boolean() isn't allowed.\nUse sass.types.Boolean.TRUE or sass.types.Boolean.FALSE instead.");
76029 },
76030 call$1(_) {
76031 return this.call$2(_, null);
76032 },
76033 "call*": "call$2",
76034 $requiredArgCount: 1,
76035 $defaultValues() {
76036 return [null];
76037 },
76038 $signature: 191
76039 };
76040 A.legacyBooleanClass__closure0.prototype = {
76041 call$1($self) {
76042 return $self === B.SassBoolean_true0;
76043 },
76044 $signature: 104
76045 };
76046 A.booleanClass_closure.prototype = {
76047 call$0() {
76048 var t1 = type$.JSClass,
76049 jsClass = t1._as(A.allowInteropCaptureThisNamed("sass.SassBoolean", new A.booleanClass__closure()));
76050 A.JSClassExtension_injectSuperclass(t1._as(B.SassBoolean_true0.constructor), jsClass);
76051 return jsClass;
76052 },
76053 $signature: 25
76054 };
76055 A.booleanClass__closure.prototype = {
76056 call$2($self, _) {
76057 A.jsThrow(new self.Error("new sass.SassBoolean() isn't allowed.\nUse sass.sassTrue or sass.sassFalse instead."));
76058 },
76059 call$1($self) {
76060 return this.call$2($self, null);
76061 },
76062 "call*": "call$2",
76063 $requiredArgCount: 1,
76064 $defaultValues() {
76065 return [null];
76066 },
76067 $signature: 363
76068 };
76069 A.SassBoolean0.prototype = {
76070 get$isTruthy() {
76071 return this.value;
76072 },
76073 accept$1$1(visitor) {
76074 return visitor._serialize0$_buffer.write$1(0, String(this.value));
76075 },
76076 accept$1(visitor) {
76077 return this.accept$1$1(visitor, type$.dynamic);
76078 },
76079 assertBoolean$1($name) {
76080 return this;
76081 },
76082 unaryNot$0() {
76083 return this.value ? B.SassBoolean_false0 : B.SassBoolean_true0;
76084 }
76085 };
76086 A.BuiltInCallable0.prototype = {
76087 callbackFor$2(positional, names) {
76088 var t1, t2, fuzzyMatch, minMismatchDistance, _i, overload, t3, mismatchDistance, t4;
76089 for (t1 = this._built_in$_overloads, t2 = t1.length, fuzzyMatch = null, minMismatchDistance = null, _i = 0; _i < t1.length; t1.length === t2 || (0, A.throwConcurrentModificationError)(t1), ++_i) {
76090 overload = t1[_i];
76091 t3 = overload.item1;
76092 if (t3.matches$2(positional, names))
76093 return overload;
76094 mismatchDistance = t3.$arguments.length - positional;
76095 if (minMismatchDistance != null) {
76096 t3 = Math.abs(mismatchDistance);
76097 t4 = Math.abs(minMismatchDistance);
76098 if (t3 > t4)
76099 continue;
76100 if (t3 === t4 && mismatchDistance < 0)
76101 continue;
76102 }
76103 minMismatchDistance = mismatchDistance;
76104 fuzzyMatch = overload;
76105 }
76106 if (fuzzyMatch != null)
76107 return fuzzyMatch;
76108 throw A.wrapException(A.StateError$("BuiltInCallable " + this.name + " may not have empty overloads."));
76109 },
76110 withName$1($name) {
76111 return new A.BuiltInCallable0($name, this._built_in$_overloads);
76112 },
76113 $isAsyncCallable0: 1,
76114 $isAsyncBuiltInCallable0: 1,
76115 $isCallable0: 1,
76116 get$name(receiver) {
76117 return this.name;
76118 }
76119 };
76120 A.BuiltInCallable$mixin_closure0.prototype = {
76121 call$1($arguments) {
76122 this.callback.call$1($arguments);
76123 return B.C__SassNull0;
76124 },
76125 $signature: 3
76126 };
76127 A.BuiltInModule0.prototype = {
76128 get$upstream() {
76129 return B.List_empty13;
76130 },
76131 get$variableNodes() {
76132 return B.Map_empty7;
76133 },
76134 get$extensionStore() {
76135 return B.C_EmptyExtensionStore0;
76136 },
76137 get$css(_) {
76138 return new A.CssStylesheet0(B.List_empty11, A.SourceFile$decoded(B.List_empty1, this.url).span$2(0, 0, 0));
76139 },
76140 get$transitivelyContainsCss() {
76141 return false;
76142 },
76143 get$transitivelyContainsExtensions() {
76144 return false;
76145 },
76146 setVariable$3($name, value, nodeWithSpan) {
76147 if (!this.variables.containsKey$1($name))
76148 throw A.wrapException(A.SassScriptException$0("Undefined variable."));
76149 throw A.wrapException(A.SassScriptException$0("Cannot modify built-in variable."));
76150 },
76151 variableIdentity$1($name) {
76152 return this;
76153 },
76154 cloneCss$0() {
76155 return this;
76156 },
76157 $isModule0: 1,
76158 get$url(receiver) {
76159 return this.url;
76160 },
76161 get$functions(receiver) {
76162 return this.functions;
76163 },
76164 get$mixins() {
76165 return this.mixins;
76166 },
76167 get$variables() {
76168 return this.variables;
76169 }
76170 };
76171 A.CalculationExpression0.prototype = {
76172 accept$1$1(visitor) {
76173 return visitor.visitCalculationExpression$1(this);
76174 },
76175 accept$1(visitor) {
76176 return this.accept$1$1(visitor, type$.dynamic);
76177 },
76178 toString$0(_) {
76179 return this.name + "(" + B.JSArray_methods.join$1(this.$arguments, ", ") + ")";
76180 },
76181 $isExpression0: 1,
76182 $isAstNode0: 1,
76183 get$span(receiver) {
76184 return this.span;
76185 }
76186 };
76187 A.CalculationExpression__verifyArguments_closure0.prototype = {
76188 call$1(arg) {
76189 A.CalculationExpression__verify0(arg);
76190 return arg;
76191 },
76192 $signature: 365
76193 };
76194 A.SassCalculation0.prototype = {
76195 get$isSpecialNumber() {
76196 return true;
76197 },
76198 accept$1$1(visitor) {
76199 var t2,
76200 t1 = visitor._serialize0$_buffer;
76201 t1.write$1(0, this.name);
76202 t1.writeCharCode$1(40);
76203 t2 = visitor._serialize0$_style === B.OutputStyle_compressed0 ? "," : ", ";
76204 visitor._serialize0$_writeBetween$3(this.$arguments, t2, visitor.get$_serialize0$_writeCalculationValue());
76205 t1.writeCharCode$1(41);
76206 return null;
76207 },
76208 accept$1(visitor) {
76209 return this.accept$1$1(visitor, type$.dynamic);
76210 },
76211 assertCalculation$1($name) {
76212 return this;
76213 },
76214 plus$1(other) {
76215 if (other instanceof A.SassString0)
76216 return this.super$Value$plus0(other);
76217 throw A.wrapException(A.SassScriptException$0('Undefined operation "' + this.toString$0(0) + " + " + other.toString$0(0) + '".'));
76218 },
76219 minus$1(other) {
76220 return A.throwExpression(A.SassScriptException$0('Undefined operation "' + this.toString$0(0) + " - " + other.toString$0(0) + '".'));
76221 },
76222 unaryPlus$0() {
76223 return A.throwExpression(A.SassScriptException$0('Undefined operation "+' + this.toString$0(0) + '".'));
76224 },
76225 unaryMinus$0() {
76226 return A.throwExpression(A.SassScriptException$0('Undefined operation "-' + this.toString$0(0) + '".'));
76227 },
76228 $eq(_, other) {
76229 if (other == null)
76230 return false;
76231 return other instanceof A.SassCalculation0 && this.name === other.name && B.C_ListEquality.equals$2(0, this.$arguments, other.$arguments);
76232 },
76233 get$hashCode(_) {
76234 return B.JSString_methods.get$hashCode(this.name) ^ B.C_ListEquality0.hash$1(this.$arguments);
76235 }
76236 };
76237 A.SassCalculation__verifyLength_closure0.prototype = {
76238 call$1(arg) {
76239 return arg instanceof A.SassString0 || arg instanceof A.CalculationInterpolation0;
76240 },
76241 $signature: 104
76242 };
76243 A.CalculationOperation0.prototype = {
76244 $eq(_, other) {
76245 if (other == null)
76246 return false;
76247 return other instanceof A.CalculationOperation0 && this.operator === other.operator && J.$eq$(this.left, other.left) && J.$eq$(this.right, other.right);
76248 },
76249 get$hashCode(_) {
76250 return (A.Primitives_objectHashCode(this.operator) ^ J.get$hashCode$(this.left) ^ J.get$hashCode$(this.right)) >>> 0;
76251 },
76252 toString$0(_) {
76253 var parenthesized = A.serializeValue0(new A.SassCalculation0("", A._setArrayType([this], type$.JSArray_Object)), true, true);
76254 return B.JSString_methods.substring$2(parenthesized, 1, parenthesized.length - 1);
76255 }
76256 };
76257 A.CalculationOperator0.prototype = {
76258 toString$0(_) {
76259 return this.name;
76260 }
76261 };
76262 A.CalculationInterpolation0.prototype = {
76263 $eq(_, other) {
76264 if (other == null)
76265 return false;
76266 return other instanceof A.CalculationInterpolation0 && this.value === other.value;
76267 },
76268 get$hashCode(_) {
76269 return B.JSString_methods.get$hashCode(this.value);
76270 },
76271 toString$0(_) {
76272 return this.value;
76273 }
76274 };
76275 A.CallableDeclaration0.prototype = {
76276 get$span(receiver) {
76277 return this.span;
76278 }
76279 };
76280 A.Chokidar0.prototype = {};
76281 A.ChokidarOptions0.prototype = {};
76282 A.ChokidarWatcher0.prototype = {};
76283 A.ClassSelector0.prototype = {
76284 $eq(_, other) {
76285 if (other == null)
76286 return false;
76287 return other instanceof A.ClassSelector0 && other.name === this.name;
76288 },
76289 accept$1$1(visitor) {
76290 var t1 = visitor._serialize0$_buffer;
76291 t1.writeCharCode$1(46);
76292 t1.write$1(0, this.name);
76293 return null;
76294 },
76295 accept$1(visitor) {
76296 return this.accept$1$1(visitor, type$.dynamic);
76297 },
76298 addSuffix$1(suffix) {
76299 return new A.ClassSelector0(this.name + suffix);
76300 },
76301 get$hashCode(_) {
76302 return B.JSString_methods.get$hashCode(this.name);
76303 }
76304 };
76305 A._CloneCssVisitor0.prototype = {
76306 visitCssAtRule$1(node) {
76307 var t1 = node.isChildless,
76308 rule = A.ModifiableCssAtRule$0(node.name, node.span, t1, node.value);
76309 return t1 ? rule : this._clone_css$_visitChildren$2(rule, node);
76310 },
76311 visitCssComment$1(node) {
76312 return new A.ModifiableCssComment0(node.text, node.span);
76313 },
76314 visitCssDeclaration$1(node) {
76315 return A.ModifiableCssDeclaration$0(node.name, node.value, node.span, node.parsedAsCustomProperty, node.valueSpanForMap);
76316 },
76317 visitCssImport$1(node) {
76318 return A.ModifiableCssImport$0(node.url, node.span, node.media, node.supports);
76319 },
76320 visitCssKeyframeBlock$1(node) {
76321 return this._clone_css$_visitChildren$2(A.ModifiableCssKeyframeBlock$0(node.selector, node.span), node);
76322 },
76323 visitCssMediaRule$1(node) {
76324 return this._clone_css$_visitChildren$2(A.ModifiableCssMediaRule$0(node.queries, node.span), node);
76325 },
76326 visitCssStyleRule$1(node) {
76327 var newSelector = this._clone_css$_oldToNewSelectors.$index(0, node.selector);
76328 if (newSelector == null)
76329 throw A.wrapException(A.StateError$(string$.The_Ex));
76330 return this._clone_css$_visitChildren$2(A.ModifiableCssStyleRule$0(newSelector, node.span, node.originalSelector), node);
76331 },
76332 visitCssStylesheet$1(node) {
76333 return this._clone_css$_visitChildren$2(A.ModifiableCssStylesheet$0(node.get$span(node)), node);
76334 },
76335 visitCssSupportsRule$1(node) {
76336 return this._clone_css$_visitChildren$2(A.ModifiableCssSupportsRule$0(node.condition, node.span), node);
76337 },
76338 _clone_css$_visitChildren$1$2(newParent, oldParent) {
76339 var t1, t2, newChild;
76340 for (t1 = J.get$iterator$ax(oldParent.get$children(oldParent)); t1.moveNext$0();) {
76341 t2 = t1.get$current(t1);
76342 newChild = t2.accept$1(this);
76343 newChild.isGroupEnd = t2.get$isGroupEnd();
76344 newParent.addChild$1(newChild);
76345 }
76346 return newParent;
76347 },
76348 _clone_css$_visitChildren$2(newParent, oldParent) {
76349 return this._clone_css$_visitChildren$1$2(newParent, oldParent, type$.ModifiableCssParentNode_2);
76350 }
76351 };
76352 A.ColorExpression0.prototype = {
76353 accept$1$1(visitor) {
76354 return visitor.visitColorExpression$1(this);
76355 },
76356 accept$1(visitor) {
76357 return this.accept$1$1(visitor, type$.dynamic);
76358 },
76359 toString$0(_) {
76360 return A.serializeValue0(this.value, true, true);
76361 },
76362 $isExpression0: 1,
76363 $isAstNode0: 1,
76364 get$span(receiver) {
76365 return this.span;
76366 }
76367 };
76368 A.global_closure30.prototype = {
76369 call$1($arguments) {
76370 return A._rgb0("rgb", $arguments);
76371 },
76372 $signature: 3
76373 };
76374 A.global_closure31.prototype = {
76375 call$1($arguments) {
76376 return A._rgb0("rgb", $arguments);
76377 },
76378 $signature: 3
76379 };
76380 A.global_closure32.prototype = {
76381 call$1($arguments) {
76382 return A._rgbTwoArg0("rgb", $arguments);
76383 },
76384 $signature: 3
76385 };
76386 A.global_closure33.prototype = {
76387 call$1($arguments) {
76388 var parsed = A._parseChannels0("rgb", A._setArrayType(["$red", "$green", "$blue"], type$.JSArray_String), J.get$first$ax($arguments));
76389 return parsed instanceof A.SassString0 ? parsed : A._rgb0("rgb", type$.List_Value_2._as(parsed));
76390 },
76391 $signature: 3
76392 };
76393 A.global_closure34.prototype = {
76394 call$1($arguments) {
76395 return A._rgb0("rgba", $arguments);
76396 },
76397 $signature: 3
76398 };
76399 A.global_closure35.prototype = {
76400 call$1($arguments) {
76401 return A._rgb0("rgba", $arguments);
76402 },
76403 $signature: 3
76404 };
76405 A.global_closure36.prototype = {
76406 call$1($arguments) {
76407 return A._rgbTwoArg0("rgba", $arguments);
76408 },
76409 $signature: 3
76410 };
76411 A.global_closure37.prototype = {
76412 call$1($arguments) {
76413 var parsed = A._parseChannels0("rgba", A._setArrayType(["$red", "$green", "$blue"], type$.JSArray_String), J.get$first$ax($arguments));
76414 return parsed instanceof A.SassString0 ? parsed : A._rgb0("rgba", type$.List_Value_2._as(parsed));
76415 },
76416 $signature: 3
76417 };
76418 A.global_closure38.prototype = {
76419 call$1($arguments) {
76420 var color, t2,
76421 t1 = J.getInterceptor$asx($arguments),
76422 weight = t1.$index($arguments, 1).assertNumber$1("weight");
76423 if (t1.$index($arguments, 0) instanceof A.SassNumber0) {
76424 if (weight._number1$_value !== 100 || !weight.hasUnit$1("%"))
76425 throw A.wrapException(string$.Only_oa);
76426 return A._functionString0("invert", t1.take$1($arguments, 1));
76427 }
76428 color = t1.$index($arguments, 0).assertColor$1("color");
76429 t1 = color.get$red(color);
76430 t2 = color.get$green(color);
76431 return A._mixColors0(color.changeRgb$3$blue$green$red(255 - color.get$blue(color), 255 - t2, 255 - t1), color, weight);
76432 },
76433 $signature: 3
76434 };
76435 A.global_closure39.prototype = {
76436 call$1($arguments) {
76437 return A._hsl0("hsl", $arguments);
76438 },
76439 $signature: 3
76440 };
76441 A.global_closure40.prototype = {
76442 call$1($arguments) {
76443 return A._hsl0("hsl", $arguments);
76444 },
76445 $signature: 3
76446 };
76447 A.global_closure41.prototype = {
76448 call$1($arguments) {
76449 var t1 = J.getInterceptor$asx($arguments);
76450 if (t1.$index($arguments, 0).get$isVar() || t1.$index($arguments, 1).get$isVar())
76451 return A._functionString0("hsl", $arguments);
76452 else
76453 throw A.wrapException(A.SassScriptException$0("Missing argument $lightness."));
76454 },
76455 $signature: 14
76456 };
76457 A.global_closure42.prototype = {
76458 call$1($arguments) {
76459 var parsed = A._parseChannels0("hsl", A._setArrayType(["$hue", "$saturation", "$lightness"], type$.JSArray_String), J.get$first$ax($arguments));
76460 return parsed instanceof A.SassString0 ? parsed : A._hsl0("hsl", type$.List_Value_2._as(parsed));
76461 },
76462 $signature: 3
76463 };
76464 A.global_closure43.prototype = {
76465 call$1($arguments) {
76466 return A._hsl0("hsla", $arguments);
76467 },
76468 $signature: 3
76469 };
76470 A.global_closure44.prototype = {
76471 call$1($arguments) {
76472 return A._hsl0("hsla", $arguments);
76473 },
76474 $signature: 3
76475 };
76476 A.global_closure45.prototype = {
76477 call$1($arguments) {
76478 var t1 = J.getInterceptor$asx($arguments);
76479 if (t1.$index($arguments, 0).get$isVar() || t1.$index($arguments, 1).get$isVar())
76480 return A._functionString0("hsla", $arguments);
76481 else
76482 throw A.wrapException(A.SassScriptException$0("Missing argument $lightness."));
76483 },
76484 $signature: 14
76485 };
76486 A.global_closure46.prototype = {
76487 call$1($arguments) {
76488 var parsed = A._parseChannels0("hsla", A._setArrayType(["$hue", "$saturation", "$lightness"], type$.JSArray_String), J.get$first$ax($arguments));
76489 return parsed instanceof A.SassString0 ? parsed : A._hsl0("hsla", type$.List_Value_2._as(parsed));
76490 },
76491 $signature: 3
76492 };
76493 A.global_closure47.prototype = {
76494 call$1($arguments) {
76495 var t1 = J.getInterceptor$asx($arguments);
76496 if (t1.$index($arguments, 0) instanceof A.SassNumber0)
76497 return A._functionString0("grayscale", $arguments);
76498 return t1.$index($arguments, 0).assertColor$1("color").changeHsl$1$saturation(0);
76499 },
76500 $signature: 3
76501 };
76502 A.global_closure48.prototype = {
76503 call$1($arguments) {
76504 var t1 = J.getInterceptor$asx($arguments),
76505 color = t1.$index($arguments, 0).assertColor$1("color"),
76506 degrees = t1.$index($arguments, 1).assertNumber$1("degrees");
76507 A._checkAngle0(degrees, null);
76508 return color.changeHsl$1$hue(color.get$hue(color) + degrees._number1$_value);
76509 },
76510 $signature: 24
76511 };
76512 A.global_closure49.prototype = {
76513 call$1($arguments) {
76514 var t1 = J.getInterceptor$asx($arguments),
76515 color = t1.$index($arguments, 0).assertColor$1("color"),
76516 amount = t1.$index($arguments, 1).assertNumber$1("amount");
76517 return color.changeHsl$1$lightness(B.JSNumber_methods.clamp$2(color.get$lightness(color) + amount.valueInRange$3(0, 100, "amount"), 0, 100));
76518 },
76519 $signature: 24
76520 };
76521 A.global_closure50.prototype = {
76522 call$1($arguments) {
76523 var t1 = J.getInterceptor$asx($arguments),
76524 color = t1.$index($arguments, 0).assertColor$1("color"),
76525 amount = t1.$index($arguments, 1).assertNumber$1("amount");
76526 return color.changeHsl$1$lightness(B.JSNumber_methods.clamp$2(color.get$lightness(color) - amount.valueInRange$3(0, 100, "amount"), 0, 100));
76527 },
76528 $signature: 24
76529 };
76530 A.global_closure51.prototype = {
76531 call$1($arguments) {
76532 return new A.SassString0("saturate(" + A.serializeValue0(J.$index$asx($arguments, 0).assertNumber$1("amount"), false, true) + ")", false);
76533 },
76534 $signature: 14
76535 };
76536 A.global_closure52.prototype = {
76537 call$1($arguments) {
76538 var t1 = J.getInterceptor$asx($arguments),
76539 color = t1.$index($arguments, 0).assertColor$1("color"),
76540 amount = t1.$index($arguments, 1).assertNumber$1("amount");
76541 return color.changeHsl$1$saturation(B.JSNumber_methods.clamp$2(color.get$saturation(color) + amount.valueInRange$3(0, 100, "amount"), 0, 100));
76542 },
76543 $signature: 24
76544 };
76545 A.global_closure53.prototype = {
76546 call$1($arguments) {
76547 var t1 = J.getInterceptor$asx($arguments),
76548 color = t1.$index($arguments, 0).assertColor$1("color"),
76549 amount = t1.$index($arguments, 1).assertNumber$1("amount");
76550 return color.changeHsl$1$saturation(B.JSNumber_methods.clamp$2(color.get$saturation(color) - amount.valueInRange$3(0, 100, "amount"), 0, 100));
76551 },
76552 $signature: 24
76553 };
76554 A.global_closure54.prototype = {
76555 call$1($arguments) {
76556 var color,
76557 argument = J.$index$asx($arguments, 0);
76558 if (argument instanceof A.SassString0 && !argument._string0$_hasQuotes && B.JSString_methods.contains$1(argument._string0$_text, $.$get$_microsoftFilterStart0()))
76559 return A._functionString0("alpha", $arguments);
76560 color = argument.assertColor$1("color");
76561 return new A.UnitlessSassNumber0(color._color0$_alpha, null);
76562 },
76563 $signature: 3
76564 };
76565 A.global_closure55.prototype = {
76566 call$1($arguments) {
76567 var t1,
76568 argList = J.$index$asx($arguments, 0).get$asList();
76569 if (argList.length !== 0 && B.JSArray_methods.every$1(argList, new A.global__closure0()))
76570 return A._functionString0("alpha", $arguments);
76571 t1 = argList.length;
76572 if (t1 === 0)
76573 throw A.wrapException(A.SassScriptException$0("Missing argument $color."));
76574 else
76575 throw A.wrapException(A.SassScriptException$0("Only 1 argument allowed, but " + t1 + " were passed."));
76576 },
76577 $signature: 14
76578 };
76579 A.global__closure0.prototype = {
76580 call$1(argument) {
76581 return argument instanceof A.SassString0 && !argument._string0$_hasQuotes && B.JSString_methods.contains$1(argument._string0$_text, $.$get$_microsoftFilterStart0());
76582 },
76583 $signature: 44
76584 };
76585 A.global_closure56.prototype = {
76586 call$1($arguments) {
76587 var color,
76588 t1 = J.getInterceptor$asx($arguments);
76589 if (t1.$index($arguments, 0) instanceof A.SassNumber0)
76590 return A._functionString0("opacity", $arguments);
76591 color = t1.$index($arguments, 0).assertColor$1("color");
76592 return new A.UnitlessSassNumber0(color._color0$_alpha, null);
76593 },
76594 $signature: 3
76595 };
76596 A.module_closure8.prototype = {
76597 call$1($arguments) {
76598 var result, color, t2,
76599 t1 = J.getInterceptor$asx($arguments),
76600 weight = t1.$index($arguments, 1).assertNumber$1("weight");
76601 if (t1.$index($arguments, 0) instanceof A.SassNumber0) {
76602 if (weight._number1$_value !== 100 || !weight.hasUnit$1("%"))
76603 throw A.wrapException(string$.Only_oa);
76604 result = A._functionString0("invert", t1.take$1($arguments, 1));
76605 t1 = "Passing a number (" + A.S(t1.$index($arguments, 0)) + string$.x29x20to_ci + result.toString$0(0);
76606 A.EvaluationContext_current0().warn$2$deprecation(0, t1, true);
76607 return result;
76608 }
76609 color = t1.$index($arguments, 0).assertColor$1("color");
76610 t1 = color.get$red(color);
76611 t2 = color.get$green(color);
76612 return A._mixColors0(color.changeRgb$3$blue$green$red(255 - color.get$blue(color), 255 - t2, 255 - t1), color, weight);
76613 },
76614 $signature: 3
76615 };
76616 A.module_closure9.prototype = {
76617 call$1($arguments) {
76618 var result,
76619 t1 = J.getInterceptor$asx($arguments);
76620 if (t1.$index($arguments, 0) instanceof A.SassNumber0) {
76621 result = A._functionString0("grayscale", t1.take$1($arguments, 1));
76622 t1 = "Passing a number (" + A.S(t1.$index($arguments, 0)) + string$.x29x20to_cg + result.toString$0(0);
76623 A.EvaluationContext_current0().warn$2$deprecation(0, t1, true);
76624 return result;
76625 }
76626 return t1.$index($arguments, 0).assertColor$1("color").changeHsl$1$saturation(0);
76627 },
76628 $signature: 3
76629 };
76630 A.module_closure10.prototype = {
76631 call$1($arguments) {
76632 return A._hwb0($arguments);
76633 },
76634 $signature: 3
76635 };
76636 A.module_closure11.prototype = {
76637 call$1($arguments) {
76638 var parsed = A._parseChannels0("hwb", A._setArrayType(["$hue", "$whiteness", "$blackness"], type$.JSArray_String), J.get$first$ax($arguments));
76639 if (parsed instanceof A.SassString0)
76640 throw A.wrapException(A.SassScriptException$0('Expected numeric channels, got "' + parsed.toString$0(0) + '".'));
76641 else
76642 return A._hwb0(type$.List_Value_2._as(parsed));
76643 },
76644 $signature: 3
76645 };
76646 A.module_closure12.prototype = {
76647 call$1($arguments) {
76648 var t1 = J.get$first$ax($arguments).assertColor$1("color");
76649 t1 = t1.get$whiteness(t1);
76650 return new A.SingleUnitSassNumber0("%", t1, null);
76651 },
76652 $signature: 10
76653 };
76654 A.module_closure13.prototype = {
76655 call$1($arguments) {
76656 var t1 = J.get$first$ax($arguments).assertColor$1("color");
76657 t1 = t1.get$blackness(t1);
76658 return new A.SingleUnitSassNumber0("%", t1, null);
76659 },
76660 $signature: 10
76661 };
76662 A.module_closure14.prototype = {
76663 call$1($arguments) {
76664 var result, t1, color,
76665 argument = J.$index$asx($arguments, 0);
76666 if (argument instanceof A.SassString0 && !argument._string0$_hasQuotes && B.JSString_methods.contains$1(argument._string0$_text, $.$get$_microsoftFilterStart0())) {
76667 result = A._functionString0("alpha", $arguments);
76668 t1 = string$.Using_c + result.toString$0(0);
76669 A.EvaluationContext_current0().warn$2$deprecation(0, t1, true);
76670 return result;
76671 }
76672 color = argument.assertColor$1("color");
76673 return new A.UnitlessSassNumber0(color._color0$_alpha, null);
76674 },
76675 $signature: 3
76676 };
76677 A.module_closure15.prototype = {
76678 call$1($arguments) {
76679 var result,
76680 t1 = J.getInterceptor$asx($arguments);
76681 if (B.JSArray_methods.every$1(t1.$index($arguments, 0).get$asList(), new A.module__closure0())) {
76682 result = A._functionString0("alpha", $arguments);
76683 t1 = string$.Using_c + result.toString$0(0);
76684 A.EvaluationContext_current0().warn$2$deprecation(0, t1, true);
76685 return result;
76686 }
76687 throw A.wrapException(A.SassScriptException$0("Only 1 argument allowed, but " + t1.get$length($arguments) + " were passed."));
76688 },
76689 $signature: 14
76690 };
76691 A.module__closure0.prototype = {
76692 call$1(argument) {
76693 return argument instanceof A.SassString0 && !argument._string0$_hasQuotes && B.JSString_methods.contains$1(argument._string0$_text, $.$get$_microsoftFilterStart0());
76694 },
76695 $signature: 44
76696 };
76697 A.module_closure16.prototype = {
76698 call$1($arguments) {
76699 var result, color,
76700 t1 = J.getInterceptor$asx($arguments);
76701 if (t1.$index($arguments, 0) instanceof A.SassNumber0) {
76702 result = A._functionString0("opacity", $arguments);
76703 t1 = "Passing a number (" + A.S(t1.$index($arguments, 0)) + string$.x20to_co + result.toString$0(0);
76704 A.EvaluationContext_current0().warn$2$deprecation(0, t1, true);
76705 return result;
76706 }
76707 color = t1.$index($arguments, 0).assertColor$1("color");
76708 return new A.UnitlessSassNumber0(color._color0$_alpha, null);
76709 },
76710 $signature: 3
76711 };
76712 A._red_closure0.prototype = {
76713 call$1($arguments) {
76714 var t1 = J.get$first$ax($arguments).assertColor$1("color");
76715 t1 = t1.get$red(t1);
76716 return new A.UnitlessSassNumber0(t1, null);
76717 },
76718 $signature: 10
76719 };
76720 A._green_closure0.prototype = {
76721 call$1($arguments) {
76722 var t1 = J.get$first$ax($arguments).assertColor$1("color");
76723 t1 = t1.get$green(t1);
76724 return new A.UnitlessSassNumber0(t1, null);
76725 },
76726 $signature: 10
76727 };
76728 A._blue_closure0.prototype = {
76729 call$1($arguments) {
76730 var t1 = J.get$first$ax($arguments).assertColor$1("color");
76731 t1 = t1.get$blue(t1);
76732 return new A.UnitlessSassNumber0(t1, null);
76733 },
76734 $signature: 10
76735 };
76736 A._mix_closure0.prototype = {
76737 call$1($arguments) {
76738 var t1 = J.getInterceptor$asx($arguments);
76739 return A._mixColors0(t1.$index($arguments, 0).assertColor$1("color1"), t1.$index($arguments, 1).assertColor$1("color2"), t1.$index($arguments, 2).assertNumber$1("weight"));
76740 },
76741 $signature: 24
76742 };
76743 A._hue_closure0.prototype = {
76744 call$1($arguments) {
76745 var t1 = J.get$first$ax($arguments).assertColor$1("color");
76746 t1 = t1.get$hue(t1);
76747 return new A.SingleUnitSassNumber0("deg", t1, null);
76748 },
76749 $signature: 10
76750 };
76751 A._saturation_closure0.prototype = {
76752 call$1($arguments) {
76753 var t1 = J.get$first$ax($arguments).assertColor$1("color");
76754 t1 = t1.get$saturation(t1);
76755 return new A.SingleUnitSassNumber0("%", t1, null);
76756 },
76757 $signature: 10
76758 };
76759 A._lightness_closure0.prototype = {
76760 call$1($arguments) {
76761 var t1 = J.get$first$ax($arguments).assertColor$1("color");
76762 t1 = t1.get$lightness(t1);
76763 return new A.SingleUnitSassNumber0("%", t1, null);
76764 },
76765 $signature: 10
76766 };
76767 A._complement_closure0.prototype = {
76768 call$1($arguments) {
76769 var color = J.$index$asx($arguments, 0).assertColor$1("color");
76770 return color.changeHsl$1$hue(color.get$hue(color) + 180);
76771 },
76772 $signature: 24
76773 };
76774 A._adjust_closure0.prototype = {
76775 call$1($arguments) {
76776 return A._updateComponents0($arguments, true, false, false);
76777 },
76778 $signature: 24
76779 };
76780 A._scale_closure0.prototype = {
76781 call$1($arguments) {
76782 return A._updateComponents0($arguments, false, false, true);
76783 },
76784 $signature: 24
76785 };
76786 A._change_closure0.prototype = {
76787 call$1($arguments) {
76788 return A._updateComponents0($arguments, false, true, false);
76789 },
76790 $signature: 24
76791 };
76792 A._ieHexStr_closure0.prototype = {
76793 call$1($arguments) {
76794 var color = J.$index$asx($arguments, 0).assertColor$1("color"),
76795 t1 = new A._ieHexStr_closure_hexString0();
76796 return new A.SassString0("#" + A.S(t1.call$1(A.fuzzyRound0(color._color0$_alpha * 255))) + A.S(t1.call$1(color.get$red(color))) + A.S(t1.call$1(color.get$green(color))) + A.S(t1.call$1(color.get$blue(color))), false);
76797 },
76798 $signature: 14
76799 };
76800 A._ieHexStr_closure_hexString0.prototype = {
76801 call$1(component) {
76802 return B.JSString_methods.padLeft$2(B.JSInt_methods.toRadixString$1(component, 16), 2, "0").toUpperCase();
76803 },
76804 $signature: 159
76805 };
76806 A._updateComponents_getParam0.prototype = {
76807 call$4$assertPercent$checkPercent($name, max, assertPercent, checkPercent) {
76808 var t2,
76809 t1 = this.keywords.remove$1(0, $name),
76810 number = t1 == null ? null : t1.assertNumber$1($name);
76811 if (number == null)
76812 return null;
76813 t1 = this.scale;
76814 t2 = !t1;
76815 if (t2 && checkPercent)
76816 A._checkPercent0(number, $name);
76817 if (!t2 || assertPercent)
76818 number.assertUnit$2("%", $name);
76819 if (t1)
76820 max = 100;
76821 return number.valueInRange$3(this.change ? 0 : -max, max, $name);
76822 },
76823 call$2($name, max) {
76824 return this.call$4$assertPercent$checkPercent($name, max, false, false);
76825 },
76826 call$3$checkPercent($name, max, checkPercent) {
76827 return this.call$4$assertPercent$checkPercent($name, max, false, checkPercent);
76828 },
76829 call$3$assertPercent($name, max, assertPercent) {
76830 return this.call$4$assertPercent$checkPercent($name, max, assertPercent, false);
76831 },
76832 $signature: 167
76833 };
76834 A._updateComponents_closure0.prototype = {
76835 call$1($name) {
76836 return "$" + $name;
76837 },
76838 $signature: 5
76839 };
76840 A._updateComponents_updateValue0.prototype = {
76841 call$3(current, param, max) {
76842 var t1;
76843 if (param == null)
76844 return current;
76845 if (this.change)
76846 return param;
76847 if (this.adjust)
76848 return B.JSNumber_methods.clamp$2(current + param, 0, max);
76849 t1 = param > 0 ? max - current : current;
76850 return current + t1 * (param / 100);
76851 },
76852 $signature: 175
76853 };
76854 A._updateComponents_updateRgb0.prototype = {
76855 call$2(current, param) {
76856 return A.fuzzyRound0(this.updateValue.call$3(current, param, 255));
76857 },
76858 $signature: 179
76859 };
76860 A._functionString_closure0.prototype = {
76861 call$1(argument) {
76862 return A.serializeValue0(argument, false, true);
76863 },
76864 $signature: 197
76865 };
76866 A._removedColorFunction_closure0.prototype = {
76867 call$1($arguments) {
76868 var t1 = this.name,
76869 t2 = J.getInterceptor$asx($arguments),
76870 t3 = "The function " + t1 + string$.x28__isn + A.S(t2.$index($arguments, 0)) + ", $" + this.argument + ": ";
76871 throw A.wrapException(A.SassScriptException$0(t3 + (this.negative ? "-" : "") + A.S(t2.$index($arguments, 1)) + string$.x29x0a_Morx3a + t1));
76872 },
76873 $signature: 371
76874 };
76875 A._rgb_closure0.prototype = {
76876 call$1(alpha) {
76877 return A._percentageOrUnitless0(alpha.assertNumber$1("alpha"), 1, "alpha");
76878 },
76879 $signature: 122
76880 };
76881 A._hsl_closure0.prototype = {
76882 call$1(alpha) {
76883 return A._percentageOrUnitless0(alpha.assertNumber$1("alpha"), 1, "alpha");
76884 },
76885 $signature: 122
76886 };
76887 A._removeUnits_closure1.prototype = {
76888 call$1(unit) {
76889 return " * 1" + unit;
76890 },
76891 $signature: 5
76892 };
76893 A._removeUnits_closure2.prototype = {
76894 call$1(unit) {
76895 return " / 1" + unit;
76896 },
76897 $signature: 5
76898 };
76899 A._hwb_closure0.prototype = {
76900 call$1(alpha) {
76901 return A._percentageOrUnitless0(alpha.assertNumber$1("alpha"), 1, "alpha");
76902 },
76903 $signature: 122
76904 };
76905 A._parseChannels_closure0.prototype = {
76906 call$1(value) {
76907 return value.get$isVar();
76908 },
76909 $signature: 44
76910 };
76911 A._NodeSassColor.prototype = {};
76912 A.legacyColorClass_closure.prototype = {
76913 call$6(thisArg, redOrArgb, green, blue, alpha, dartValue) {
76914 var red, t1, t2, t3, t4;
76915 if (dartValue != null) {
76916 J.set$dartValue$x(thisArg, dartValue);
76917 return;
76918 }
76919 if (green == null || blue == null) {
76920 A._asInt(redOrArgb);
76921 alpha = B.JSInt_methods._shrOtherPositive$1(redOrArgb, 24) / 255;
76922 red = B.JSInt_methods.$mod(B.JSInt_methods._shrOtherPositive$1(redOrArgb, 16), 256);
76923 green = B.JSInt_methods.$mod(B.JSInt_methods._shrOtherPositive$1(redOrArgb, 8), 256);
76924 blue = B.JSInt_methods.$mod(redOrArgb, 256);
76925 } else {
76926 redOrArgb.toString;
76927 red = redOrArgb;
76928 }
76929 t1 = B.JSNumber_methods.round$0(B.JSNumber_methods.clamp$2(red, 0, 255));
76930 t2 = B.JSNumber_methods.round$0(B.JSNumber_methods.clamp$2(green, 0, 255));
76931 t3 = B.JSNumber_methods.round$0(B.JSNumber_methods.clamp$2(blue, 0, 255));
76932 t4 = alpha == null ? null : B.JSNumber_methods.clamp$2(alpha, 0, 1);
76933 J.set$dartValue$x(thisArg, A.SassColor$rgb0(t1, t2, t3, t4 == null ? 1 : t4, null));
76934 },
76935 call$2(thisArg, redOrArgb) {
76936 return this.call$6(thisArg, redOrArgb, null, null, null, null);
76937 },
76938 call$3(thisArg, redOrArgb, green) {
76939 return this.call$6(thisArg, redOrArgb, green, null, null, null);
76940 },
76941 call$4(thisArg, redOrArgb, green, blue) {
76942 return this.call$6(thisArg, redOrArgb, green, blue, null, null);
76943 },
76944 call$5(thisArg, redOrArgb, green, blue, alpha) {
76945 return this.call$6(thisArg, redOrArgb, green, blue, alpha, null);
76946 },
76947 "call*": "call$6",
76948 $requiredArgCount: 2,
76949 $defaultValues() {
76950 return [null, null, null, null];
76951 },
76952 $signature: 373
76953 };
76954 A.legacyColorClass_closure0.prototype = {
76955 call$1(thisArg) {
76956 return J.get$red$x(J.get$dartValue$x(thisArg));
76957 },
76958 $signature: 120
76959 };
76960 A.legacyColorClass_closure1.prototype = {
76961 call$1(thisArg) {
76962 return J.get$green$x(J.get$dartValue$x(thisArg));
76963 },
76964 $signature: 120
76965 };
76966 A.legacyColorClass_closure2.prototype = {
76967 call$1(thisArg) {
76968 return J.get$blue$x(J.get$dartValue$x(thisArg));
76969 },
76970 $signature: 120
76971 };
76972 A.legacyColorClass_closure3.prototype = {
76973 call$1(thisArg) {
76974 return J.get$dartValue$x(thisArg)._color0$_alpha;
76975 },
76976 $signature: 375
76977 };
76978 A.legacyColorClass_closure4.prototype = {
76979 call$2(thisArg, value) {
76980 var t1 = J.getInterceptor$x(thisArg);
76981 t1.set$dartValue(thisArg, t1.get$dartValue(thisArg).changeRgb$1$red(B.JSNumber_methods.round$0(B.JSNumber_methods.clamp$2(value, 0, 255))));
76982 },
76983 $signature: 72
76984 };
76985 A.legacyColorClass_closure5.prototype = {
76986 call$2(thisArg, value) {
76987 var t1 = J.getInterceptor$x(thisArg);
76988 t1.set$dartValue(thisArg, t1.get$dartValue(thisArg).changeRgb$1$green(B.JSNumber_methods.round$0(B.JSNumber_methods.clamp$2(value, 0, 255))));
76989 },
76990 $signature: 72
76991 };
76992 A.legacyColorClass_closure6.prototype = {
76993 call$2(thisArg, value) {
76994 var t1 = J.getInterceptor$x(thisArg);
76995 t1.set$dartValue(thisArg, t1.get$dartValue(thisArg).changeRgb$1$blue(B.JSNumber_methods.round$0(B.JSNumber_methods.clamp$2(value, 0, 255))));
76996 },
76997 $signature: 72
76998 };
76999 A.legacyColorClass_closure7.prototype = {
77000 call$2(thisArg, value) {
77001 var t1 = J.getInterceptor$x(thisArg);
77002 t1.set$dartValue(thisArg, t1.get$dartValue(thisArg).changeRgb$1$alpha(B.JSNumber_methods.clamp$2(value, 0, 1)));
77003 },
77004 $signature: 72
77005 };
77006 A.colorClass_closure.prototype = {
77007 call$0() {
77008 var t1 = type$.JSClass,
77009 jsClass = t1._as(A.allowInteropCaptureThisNamed("sass.SassColor", new A.colorClass__closure()));
77010 J.get$$prototype$x(jsClass).change = A.allowInteropCaptureThisNamed("change", new A.colorClass__closure0());
77011 A.LinkedHashMap_LinkedHashMap$_literal(["red", new A.colorClass__closure1(), "green", new A.colorClass__closure2(), "blue", new A.colorClass__closure3(), "hue", new A.colorClass__closure4(), "saturation", new A.colorClass__closure5(), "lightness", new A.colorClass__closure6(), "whiteness", new A.colorClass__closure7(), "blackness", new A.colorClass__closure8(), "alpha", new A.colorClass__closure9()], type$.String, type$.Function).forEach$1(0, A.JSClassExtension_get_defineGetter(jsClass));
77012 A.JSClassExtension_injectSuperclass(t1._as(A.SassColor$rgb0(0, 0, 0, null, null).constructor), jsClass);
77013 return jsClass;
77014 },
77015 $signature: 25
77016 };
77017 A.colorClass__closure.prototype = {
77018 call$2($self, color) {
77019 var t2, t3, t4,
77020 t1 = J.getInterceptor$x(color);
77021 if (t1.get$red(color) != null) {
77022 t2 = t1.get$red(color);
77023 t2.toString;
77024 t2 = A.fuzzyRound0(t2);
77025 t3 = t1.get$green(color);
77026 t3.toString;
77027 t3 = A.fuzzyRound0(t3);
77028 t4 = t1.get$blue(color);
77029 t4.toString;
77030 return A.SassColor$rgb0(t2, t3, A.fuzzyRound0(t4), t1.get$alpha(color), null);
77031 } else if (t1.get$saturation(color) != null) {
77032 t2 = t1.get$hue(color);
77033 t2.toString;
77034 t3 = t1.get$saturation(color);
77035 t3.toString;
77036 t4 = t1.get$lightness(color);
77037 t4.toString;
77038 return A.SassColor$hsl0(t2, t3, t4, t1.get$alpha(color));
77039 } else {
77040 t2 = t1.get$hue(color);
77041 t2.toString;
77042 t3 = t1.get$whiteness(color);
77043 t3.toString;
77044 t4 = t1.get$blackness(color);
77045 t4.toString;
77046 return A.SassColor_SassColor$hwb0(t2, t3, t4, t1.get$alpha(color));
77047 }
77048 },
77049 $signature: 377
77050 };
77051 A.colorClass__closure0.prototype = {
77052 call$2($self, options) {
77053 var t2, t3, t4,
77054 t1 = J.getInterceptor$x(options);
77055 if (t1.get$whiteness(options) != null || t1.get$blackness(options) != null) {
77056 t2 = t1.get$hue(options);
77057 if (t2 == null)
77058 t2 = $self.get$hue($self);
77059 t3 = t1.get$whiteness(options);
77060 if (t3 == null)
77061 t3 = $self.get$whiteness($self);
77062 t4 = t1.get$blackness(options);
77063 if (t4 == null)
77064 t4 = $self.get$blackness($self);
77065 t1 = t1.get$alpha(options);
77066 return $self.changeHwb$4$alpha$blackness$hue$whiteness(t1 == null ? $self._color0$_alpha : t1, t4, t2, t3);
77067 } else if (t1.get$hue(options) != null || t1.get$saturation(options) != null || t1.get$lightness(options) != null) {
77068 t2 = t1.get$hue(options);
77069 if (t2 == null)
77070 t2 = $self.get$hue($self);
77071 t3 = t1.get$saturation(options);
77072 if (t3 == null)
77073 t3 = $self.get$saturation($self);
77074 t4 = t1.get$lightness(options);
77075 if (t4 == null)
77076 t4 = $self.get$lightness($self);
77077 t1 = t1.get$alpha(options);
77078 return $self.changeHsl$4$alpha$hue$lightness$saturation(t1 == null ? $self._color0$_alpha : t1, t2, t4, t3);
77079 } else if (t1.get$red(options) != null || t1.get$green(options) != null || t1.get$blue(options) != null) {
77080 t2 = A.NullableExtension_andThen0(t1.get$red(options), A.number2__fuzzyRound$closure());
77081 if (t2 == null)
77082 t2 = $self.get$red($self);
77083 t3 = A.NullableExtension_andThen0(t1.get$green(options), A.number2__fuzzyRound$closure());
77084 if (t3 == null)
77085 t3 = $self.get$green($self);
77086 t4 = A.NullableExtension_andThen0(t1.get$blue(options), A.number2__fuzzyRound$closure());
77087 if (t4 == null)
77088 t4 = $self.get$blue($self);
77089 t1 = t1.get$alpha(options);
77090 return $self.changeRgb$4$alpha$blue$green$red(t1 == null ? $self._color0$_alpha : t1, t4, t3, t2);
77091 } else {
77092 t1 = t1.get$alpha(options);
77093 return $self.changeAlpha$1(t1 == null ? $self._color0$_alpha : t1);
77094 }
77095 },
77096 $signature: 378
77097 };
77098 A.colorClass__closure1.prototype = {
77099 call$1($self) {
77100 return $self.get$red($self);
77101 },
77102 $signature: 119
77103 };
77104 A.colorClass__closure2.prototype = {
77105 call$1($self) {
77106 return $self.get$green($self);
77107 },
77108 $signature: 119
77109 };
77110 A.colorClass__closure3.prototype = {
77111 call$1($self) {
77112 return $self.get$blue($self);
77113 },
77114 $signature: 119
77115 };
77116 A.colorClass__closure4.prototype = {
77117 call$1($self) {
77118 return $self.get$hue($self);
77119 },
77120 $signature: 57
77121 };
77122 A.colorClass__closure5.prototype = {
77123 call$1($self) {
77124 return $self.get$saturation($self);
77125 },
77126 $signature: 57
77127 };
77128 A.colorClass__closure6.prototype = {
77129 call$1($self) {
77130 return $self.get$lightness($self);
77131 },
77132 $signature: 57
77133 };
77134 A.colorClass__closure7.prototype = {
77135 call$1($self) {
77136 return $self.get$whiteness($self);
77137 },
77138 $signature: 57
77139 };
77140 A.colorClass__closure8.prototype = {
77141 call$1($self) {
77142 return $self.get$blackness($self);
77143 },
77144 $signature: 57
77145 };
77146 A.colorClass__closure9.prototype = {
77147 call$1($self) {
77148 return $self._color0$_alpha;
77149 },
77150 $signature: 57
77151 };
77152 A._Channels.prototype = {};
77153 A.SassColor0.prototype = {
77154 get$red(_) {
77155 var t1;
77156 if (this._color0$_red == null)
77157 this._color0$_hslToRgb$0();
77158 t1 = this._color0$_red;
77159 t1.toString;
77160 return t1;
77161 },
77162 get$green(_) {
77163 var t1;
77164 if (this._color0$_green == null)
77165 this._color0$_hslToRgb$0();
77166 t1 = this._color0$_green;
77167 t1.toString;
77168 return t1;
77169 },
77170 get$blue(_) {
77171 var t1;
77172 if (this._color0$_blue == null)
77173 this._color0$_hslToRgb$0();
77174 t1 = this._color0$_blue;
77175 t1.toString;
77176 return t1;
77177 },
77178 get$hue(_) {
77179 var t1;
77180 if (this._color0$_hue == null)
77181 this._color0$_rgbToHsl$0();
77182 t1 = this._color0$_hue;
77183 t1.toString;
77184 return t1;
77185 },
77186 get$saturation(_) {
77187 var t1;
77188 if (this._color0$_saturation == null)
77189 this._color0$_rgbToHsl$0();
77190 t1 = this._color0$_saturation;
77191 t1.toString;
77192 return t1;
77193 },
77194 get$lightness(_) {
77195 var t1;
77196 if (this._color0$_lightness == null)
77197 this._color0$_rgbToHsl$0();
77198 t1 = this._color0$_lightness;
77199 t1.toString;
77200 return t1;
77201 },
77202 get$whiteness(_) {
77203 var _this = this;
77204 return Math.min(Math.min(_this.get$red(_this), _this.get$green(_this)), _this.get$blue(_this)) / 255 * 100;
77205 },
77206 get$blackness(_) {
77207 var _this = this;
77208 return 100 - Math.max(Math.max(_this.get$red(_this), _this.get$green(_this)), _this.get$blue(_this)) / 255 * 100;
77209 },
77210 accept$1$1(visitor) {
77211 return visitor.visitColor$1(this);
77212 },
77213 accept$1(visitor) {
77214 return this.accept$1$1(visitor, type$.dynamic);
77215 },
77216 assertColor$1($name) {
77217 return this;
77218 },
77219 changeRgb$4$alpha$blue$green$red(alpha, blue, green, red) {
77220 var _this = this,
77221 t1 = red == null ? _this.get$red(_this) : red,
77222 t2 = green == null ? _this.get$green(_this) : green,
77223 t3 = blue == null ? _this.get$blue(_this) : blue;
77224 return A.SassColor$rgb0(t1, t2, t3, alpha == null ? _this._color0$_alpha : alpha, null);
77225 },
77226 changeRgb$3$blue$green$red(blue, green, red) {
77227 return this.changeRgb$4$alpha$blue$green$red(null, blue, green, red);
77228 },
77229 changeRgb$1$alpha(alpha) {
77230 return this.changeRgb$4$alpha$blue$green$red(alpha, null, null, null);
77231 },
77232 changeRgb$1$blue(blue) {
77233 return this.changeRgb$4$alpha$blue$green$red(null, blue, null, null);
77234 },
77235 changeRgb$1$green(green) {
77236 return this.changeRgb$4$alpha$blue$green$red(null, null, green, null);
77237 },
77238 changeRgb$1$red(red) {
77239 return this.changeRgb$4$alpha$blue$green$red(null, null, null, red);
77240 },
77241 changeHsl$4$alpha$hue$lightness$saturation(alpha, hue, lightness, saturation) {
77242 var _this = this,
77243 t1 = hue == null ? _this.get$hue(_this) : hue,
77244 t2 = saturation == null ? _this.get$saturation(_this) : saturation,
77245 t3 = lightness == null ? _this.get$lightness(_this) : lightness;
77246 return A.SassColor$hsl0(t1, t2, t3, alpha == null ? _this._color0$_alpha : alpha);
77247 },
77248 changeHsl$1$saturation(saturation) {
77249 return this.changeHsl$4$alpha$hue$lightness$saturation(null, null, null, saturation);
77250 },
77251 changeHsl$1$lightness(lightness) {
77252 return this.changeHsl$4$alpha$hue$lightness$saturation(null, null, lightness, null);
77253 },
77254 changeHsl$1$hue(hue) {
77255 return this.changeHsl$4$alpha$hue$lightness$saturation(null, hue, null, null);
77256 },
77257 changeHwb$4$alpha$blackness$hue$whiteness(alpha, blackness, hue, whiteness) {
77258 var t1 = hue == null ? this.get$hue(this) : hue;
77259 return A.SassColor_SassColor$hwb0(t1, whiteness, blackness, alpha);
77260 },
77261 changeAlpha$1(alpha) {
77262 var _this = this;
77263 return new A.SassColor0(_this._color0$_red, _this._color0$_green, _this._color0$_blue, _this._color0$_hue, _this._color0$_saturation, _this._color0$_lightness, A.fuzzyAssertRange0(alpha, 0, 1, "alpha"), null);
77264 },
77265 plus$1(other) {
77266 if (!(other instanceof A.SassNumber0) && !(other instanceof A.SassColor0))
77267 return this.super$Value$plus0(other);
77268 throw A.wrapException(A.SassScriptException$0('Undefined operation "' + this.toString$0(0) + " + " + other.toString$0(0) + '".'));
77269 },
77270 minus$1(other) {
77271 if (!(other instanceof A.SassNumber0) && !(other instanceof A.SassColor0))
77272 return this.super$Value$minus0(other);
77273 throw A.wrapException(A.SassScriptException$0('Undefined operation "' + this.toString$0(0) + " - " + other.toString$0(0) + '".'));
77274 },
77275 dividedBy$1(other) {
77276 if (!(other instanceof A.SassNumber0) && !(other instanceof A.SassColor0))
77277 return this.super$Value$dividedBy0(other);
77278 throw A.wrapException(A.SassScriptException$0('Undefined operation "' + this.toString$0(0) + " / " + other.toString$0(0) + '".'));
77279 },
77280 $eq(_, other) {
77281 var _this = this;
77282 if (other == null)
77283 return false;
77284 return other instanceof A.SassColor0 && other.get$red(other) === _this.get$red(_this) && other.get$green(other) === _this.get$green(_this) && other.get$blue(other) === _this.get$blue(_this) && other._color0$_alpha === _this._color0$_alpha;
77285 },
77286 get$hashCode(_) {
77287 var _this = this;
77288 return B.JSInt_methods.get$hashCode(_this.get$red(_this)) ^ B.JSInt_methods.get$hashCode(_this.get$green(_this)) ^ B.JSInt_methods.get$hashCode(_this.get$blue(_this)) ^ B.JSNumber_methods.get$hashCode(_this._color0$_alpha);
77289 },
77290 _color0$_rgbToHsl$0() {
77291 var t2, lightness, _this = this,
77292 scaledRed = _this.get$red(_this) / 255,
77293 scaledGreen = _this.get$green(_this) / 255,
77294 scaledBlue = _this.get$blue(_this) / 255,
77295 max = Math.max(Math.max(scaledRed, scaledGreen), scaledBlue),
77296 min = Math.min(Math.min(scaledRed, scaledGreen), scaledBlue),
77297 delta = max - min,
77298 t1 = max === min;
77299 if (t1)
77300 _this._color0$_hue = 0;
77301 else if (max === scaledRed)
77302 _this._color0$_hue = B.JSNumber_methods.$mod(60 * (scaledGreen - scaledBlue) / delta, 360);
77303 else if (max === scaledGreen)
77304 _this._color0$_hue = B.JSNumber_methods.$mod(120 + 60 * (scaledBlue - scaledRed) / delta, 360);
77305 else if (max === scaledBlue)
77306 _this._color0$_hue = B.JSNumber_methods.$mod(240 + 60 * (scaledRed - scaledGreen) / delta, 360);
77307 t2 = max + min;
77308 lightness = 50 * t2;
77309 _this._color0$_lightness = lightness;
77310 if (t1)
77311 _this._color0$_saturation = 0;
77312 else {
77313 t1 = 100 * delta;
77314 if (lightness < 50)
77315 _this._color0$_saturation = t1 / t2;
77316 else
77317 _this._color0$_saturation = t1 / (2 - max - min);
77318 }
77319 },
77320 _color0$_hslToRgb$0() {
77321 var _this = this,
77322 scaledHue = _this.get$hue(_this) / 360,
77323 scaledSaturation = _this.get$saturation(_this) / 100,
77324 scaledLightness = _this.get$lightness(_this) / 100,
77325 m2 = scaledLightness <= 0.5 ? scaledLightness * (scaledSaturation + 1) : scaledLightness + scaledSaturation - scaledLightness * scaledSaturation,
77326 m1 = scaledLightness * 2 - m2;
77327 _this._color0$_red = A.fuzzyRound0(A.SassColor__hueToRgb0(m1, m2, scaledHue + 0.3333333333333333) * 255);
77328 _this._color0$_green = A.fuzzyRound0(A.SassColor__hueToRgb0(m1, m2, scaledHue) * 255);
77329 _this._color0$_blue = A.fuzzyRound0(A.SassColor__hueToRgb0(m1, m2, scaledHue - 0.3333333333333333) * 255);
77330 }
77331 };
77332 A.SassColor_SassColor$hwb_toRgb0.prototype = {
77333 call$1(hue) {
77334 return A.fuzzyRound0((A.SassColor__hueToRgb0(0, 1, hue) * this.factor + this._box_0.scaledWhiteness) * 255);
77335 },
77336 $signature: 43
77337 };
77338 A.ModifiableCssComment0.prototype = {
77339 accept$1$1(visitor) {
77340 return visitor.visitCssComment$1(this);
77341 },
77342 accept$1(visitor) {
77343 return this.accept$1$1(visitor, type$.dynamic);
77344 },
77345 $isCssComment0: 1,
77346 get$span(receiver) {
77347 return this.span;
77348 }
77349 };
77350 A.compileAsync_closure.prototype = {
77351 call$0() {
77352 var $async$goto = 0,
77353 $async$completer = A._makeAsyncAwaitCompleter(type$.NodeCompileResult),
77354 $async$returnValue, $async$self = this, t5, t6, t7, t8, t9, t10, result, t1, t2, t3, t4;
77355 var $async$call$0 = A._wrapJsFunctionForAsync(function($async$errorCode, $async$result) {
77356 if ($async$errorCode === 1)
77357 return A._asyncRethrow($async$result, $async$completer);
77358 while (true)
77359 switch ($async$goto) {
77360 case 0:
77361 // Function start
77362 t1 = $async$self.options;
77363 t2 = t1 == null;
77364 t3 = t2 ? null : J.get$loadPaths$x(t1);
77365 t4 = t2 ? null : J.get$quietDeps$x(t1);
77366 if (t4 == null)
77367 t4 = false;
77368 t5 = A._parseOutputStyle0(t2 ? null : J.get$style$x(t1));
77369 t6 = t2 ? null : J.get$verbose$x(t1);
77370 if (t6 == null)
77371 t6 = false;
77372 t7 = t2 ? null : J.get$sourceMap$x(t1);
77373 if (t7 == null)
77374 t7 = false;
77375 t8 = t2 ? null : J.get$logger$x(t1);
77376 t8 = new A.NodeToDartLogger(t8, new A.StderrLogger0($async$self.color), $async$self.ascii);
77377 if (t2)
77378 t9 = null;
77379 else {
77380 t9 = J.get$importers$x(t1);
77381 t9 = t9 == null ? null : J.map$1$1$ax(t9, new A.compileAsync__closure(), type$.AsyncImporter);
77382 }
77383 t10 = A._parseFunctions0(t2 ? null : J.get$functions$x(t1), true);
77384 $async$goto = 3;
77385 return A._asyncAwait(A.compileAsync0($async$self.path, true, t10, A.AsyncImportCache$(t9, t3, t8, null), null, null, t8, null, t4, t7, t5, null, true, t6), $async$call$0);
77386 case 3:
77387 // returning from await.
77388 result = $async$result;
77389 t1 = t2 ? null : J.get$sourceMapIncludeSources$x(t1);
77390 $async$returnValue = A._convertResult(result, t1 == null ? false : t1);
77391 // goto return
77392 $async$goto = 1;
77393 break;
77394 case 1:
77395 // return
77396 return A._asyncReturn($async$returnValue, $async$completer);
77397 }
77398 });
77399 return A._asyncStartSync($async$call$0, $async$completer);
77400 },
77401 $signature: 203
77402 };
77403 A.compileAsync__closure.prototype = {
77404 call$1(importer) {
77405 return A._parseAsyncImporter(importer);
77406 },
77407 $signature: 231
77408 };
77409 A.compileStringAsync_closure.prototype = {
77410 call$0() {
77411 var $async$goto = 0,
77412 $async$completer = A._makeAsyncAwaitCompleter(type$.NodeCompileResult),
77413 $async$returnValue, $async$self = this, t7, t8, t9, t10, t11, t12, t13, result, t1, t2, t3, t4, t5, t6;
77414 var $async$call$0 = A._wrapJsFunctionForAsync(function($async$errorCode, $async$result) {
77415 if ($async$errorCode === 1)
77416 return A._asyncRethrow($async$result, $async$completer);
77417 while (true)
77418 switch ($async$goto) {
77419 case 0:
77420 // Function start
77421 t1 = $async$self.options;
77422 t2 = t1 == null;
77423 t3 = A.parseSyntax(t2 ? null : J.get$syntax$x(t1));
77424 t4 = t2 ? null : A.NullableExtension_andThen0(J.get$url$x(t1), A.utils1__jsToDartUrl$closure());
77425 t5 = t2 ? null : J.get$loadPaths$x(t1);
77426 t6 = t2 ? null : J.get$quietDeps$x(t1);
77427 if (t6 == null)
77428 t6 = false;
77429 t7 = A._parseOutputStyle0(t2 ? null : J.get$style$x(t1));
77430 t8 = t2 ? null : J.get$verbose$x(t1);
77431 if (t8 == null)
77432 t8 = false;
77433 t9 = t2 ? null : J.get$sourceMap$x(t1);
77434 if (t9 == null)
77435 t9 = false;
77436 t10 = t2 ? null : J.get$logger$x(t1);
77437 t10 = new A.NodeToDartLogger(t10, new A.StderrLogger0($async$self.color), $async$self.ascii);
77438 if (t2)
77439 t11 = null;
77440 else {
77441 t11 = J.get$importers$x(t1);
77442 t11 = t11 == null ? null : J.map$1$1$ax(t11, new A.compileStringAsync__closure(), type$.AsyncImporter);
77443 }
77444 t12 = t2 ? null : A.NullableExtension_andThen0(J.get$importer$x(t1), new A.compileStringAsync__closure0());
77445 if (t12 == null)
77446 t12 = (t2 ? null : J.get$url$x(t1)) == null ? new A.NoOpImporter() : null;
77447 t13 = A._parseFunctions0(t2 ? null : J.get$functions$x(t1), true);
77448 $async$goto = 3;
77449 return A._asyncAwait(A.compileStringAsync0($async$self.text, true, t13, A.AsyncImportCache$(t11, t5, t10, null), t12, null, null, t10, null, t6, t9, t7, t3, t4, true, t8), $async$call$0);
77450 case 3:
77451 // returning from await.
77452 result = $async$result;
77453 t1 = t2 ? null : J.get$sourceMapIncludeSources$x(t1);
77454 $async$returnValue = A._convertResult(result, t1 == null ? false : t1);
77455 // goto return
77456 $async$goto = 1;
77457 break;
77458 case 1:
77459 // return
77460 return A._asyncReturn($async$returnValue, $async$completer);
77461 }
77462 });
77463 return A._asyncStartSync($async$call$0, $async$completer);
77464 },
77465 $signature: 203
77466 };
77467 A.compileStringAsync__closure.prototype = {
77468 call$1(importer) {
77469 return A._parseAsyncImporter(importer);
77470 },
77471 $signature: 231
77472 };
77473 A.compileStringAsync__closure0.prototype = {
77474 call$1(importer) {
77475 return A._parseAsyncImporter(importer);
77476 },
77477 $signature: 383
77478 };
77479 A._wrapAsyncSassExceptions_closure.prototype = {
77480 call$1(error) {
77481 return error instanceof A.SassException0 ? A.throwNodeException(error, this.ascii, this.color, null) : A.jsThrow(type$.Object._as(error));
77482 },
77483 $signature: 384
77484 };
77485 A._parseFunctions_closure0.prototype = {
77486 call$2(signature, callback) {
77487 var error, stackTrace, exception, t2, t3, t4, t1 = {};
77488 t1.tuple = null;
77489 try {
77490 t1.tuple = A.ScssParser$0(signature, null, null).parseSignature$0();
77491 } catch (exception) {
77492 t2 = A.unwrapException(exception);
77493 if (t2 instanceof A.SassFormatException0) {
77494 error = t2;
77495 stackTrace = A.getTraceFromException(exception);
77496 t2 = error;
77497 t3 = J.getInterceptor$z(t2);
77498 A.throwWithTrace0(new A.SassFormatException0('Invalid signature "' + signature + '": ' + error._span_exception$_message, A.SourceSpanException.prototype.get$span.call(t3, t2)), stackTrace);
77499 } else
77500 throw exception;
77501 }
77502 t2 = this.result;
77503 t3 = t1.tuple;
77504 t4 = t3.item1;
77505 t3 = t3.item2;
77506 if (!this.asynch)
77507 t2.push(A.BuiltInCallable$parsed(t4, t3, new A._parseFunctions__closure2(t1, callback)));
77508 else
77509 t2.push(new A.AsyncBuiltInCallable0(t4, t3, new A._parseFunctions__closure3(t1, callback)));
77510 },
77511 $signature: 117
77512 };
77513 A._parseFunctions__closure2.prototype = {
77514 call$1($arguments) {
77515 var t1, t2,
77516 _s42_ = string$.Invali,
77517 result = type$.Function._as(this.callback).call$1(A.toJSArray($arguments));
77518 if (result instanceof A.Value0)
77519 return result;
77520 t1 = result != null && result instanceof self.Promise;
77521 t2 = this._box_0.tuple;
77522 if (t1)
77523 throw A.wrapException(_s42_ + A.S(t2.item1) + '":\nPromises may only be returned for sass.compileAsync() and sass.compileStringAsync().');
77524 else
77525 throw A.wrapException(_s42_ + A.S(t2.item1) + '": ' + A.S(result) + " is not a sass.Value.");
77526 },
77527 $signature: 3
77528 };
77529 A._parseFunctions__closure3.prototype = {
77530 call$1($arguments) {
77531 return this.$call$body$_parseFunctions__closure0($arguments);
77532 },
77533 $call$body$_parseFunctions__closure0($arguments) {
77534 var $async$goto = 0,
77535 $async$completer = A._makeAsyncAwaitCompleter(type$.Value_2),
77536 $async$returnValue, $async$self = this, result;
77537 var $async$call$1 = A._wrapJsFunctionForAsync(function($async$errorCode, $async$result) {
77538 if ($async$errorCode === 1)
77539 return A._asyncRethrow($async$result, $async$completer);
77540 while (true)
77541 switch ($async$goto) {
77542 case 0:
77543 // Function start
77544 result = type$.Function._as($async$self.callback).call$1(A.toJSArray($arguments));
77545 $async$goto = result != null && result instanceof self.Promise ? 3 : 4;
77546 break;
77547 case 3:
77548 // then
77549 $async$goto = 5;
77550 return A._asyncAwait(A.promiseToFuture(type$.Promise._as(result), type$.Object), $async$call$1);
77551 case 5:
77552 // returning from await.
77553 result = $async$result;
77554 case 4:
77555 // join
77556 if (result instanceof A.Value0) {
77557 $async$returnValue = result;
77558 // goto return
77559 $async$goto = 1;
77560 break;
77561 }
77562 throw A.wrapException(string$.Invali + A.S($async$self._box_0.tuple.item1) + '": ' + A.S(result) + " is not a sass.Value.");
77563 case 1:
77564 // return
77565 return A._asyncReturn($async$returnValue, $async$completer);
77566 }
77567 });
77568 return A._asyncStartSync($async$call$1, $async$completer);
77569 },
77570 $signature: 93
77571 };
77572 A._compileStylesheet_closure1.prototype = {
77573 call$1(url) {
77574 return url === "" ? A.Uri_Uri$dataFromString(A.String_String$fromCharCodes(B.NativeUint32List_methods.sublist$2(this.stylesheet.span.file._decodedChars, 0, null), 0, null), B.C_Utf8Codec, null).get$_text() : this.importCache.sourceMapUrl$1(0, A.Uri_parse(url)).toString$0(0);
77575 },
77576 $signature: 5
77577 };
77578 A.CompileOptions.prototype = {};
77579 A.CompileStringOptions.prototype = {};
77580 A.NodeCompileResult.prototype = {};
77581 A.CompileResult0.prototype = {};
77582 A.ComplexSassNumber0.prototype = {
77583 get$numeratorUnits(_) {
77584 return this._complex1$_numeratorUnits;
77585 },
77586 get$denominatorUnits(_) {
77587 return this._complex1$_denominatorUnits;
77588 },
77589 get$hasUnits() {
77590 return true;
77591 },
77592 hasUnit$1(unit) {
77593 return false;
77594 },
77595 compatibleWithUnit$1(unit) {
77596 return false;
77597 },
77598 hasPossiblyCompatibleUnits$1(other) {
77599 throw A.wrapException(A.UnimplementedError$(string$.Comple));
77600 },
77601 withValue$1(value) {
77602 return new A.ComplexSassNumber0(this._complex1$_numeratorUnits, this._complex1$_denominatorUnits, value, null);
77603 },
77604 withSlash$2(numerator, denominator) {
77605 return new A.ComplexSassNumber0(this._complex1$_numeratorUnits, this._complex1$_denominatorUnits, this._number1$_value, new A.Tuple2(numerator, denominator, type$.Tuple2_SassNumber_SassNumber_2));
77606 }
77607 };
77608 A.ComplexSelector0.prototype = {
77609 get$minSpecificity() {
77610 if (this._complex0$_minSpecificity == null)
77611 this._complex0$_computeSpecificity$0();
77612 var t1 = this._complex0$_minSpecificity;
77613 t1.toString;
77614 return t1;
77615 },
77616 get$maxSpecificity() {
77617 if (this._complex0$_maxSpecificity == null)
77618 this._complex0$_computeSpecificity$0();
77619 var t1 = this._complex0$_maxSpecificity;
77620 t1.toString;
77621 return t1;
77622 },
77623 get$isInvisible() {
77624 var result, _this = this,
77625 value = _this._complex0$__ComplexSelector_isInvisible;
77626 if (value === $) {
77627 result = B.JSArray_methods.any$1(_this.components, new A.ComplexSelector_isInvisible_closure0());
77628 A._lateInitializeOnceCheck(_this._complex0$__ComplexSelector_isInvisible, "isInvisible");
77629 _this._complex0$__ComplexSelector_isInvisible = result;
77630 value = result;
77631 }
77632 return value;
77633 },
77634 accept$1$1(visitor) {
77635 return visitor.visitComplexSelector$1(this);
77636 },
77637 accept$1(visitor) {
77638 return this.accept$1$1(visitor, type$.dynamic);
77639 },
77640 _complex0$_computeSpecificity$0() {
77641 var t1, t2, minSpecificity, maxSpecificity, _i, component, t3;
77642 for (t1 = this.components, t2 = t1.length, minSpecificity = 0, maxSpecificity = 0, _i = 0; _i < t2; ++_i) {
77643 component = t1[_i];
77644 if (component instanceof A.CompoundSelector0) {
77645 if (component._compound0$_minSpecificity == null)
77646 component._compound0$_computeSpecificity$0();
77647 t3 = component._compound0$_minSpecificity;
77648 t3.toString;
77649 minSpecificity += t3;
77650 if (component._compound0$_maxSpecificity == null)
77651 component._compound0$_computeSpecificity$0();
77652 t3 = component._compound0$_maxSpecificity;
77653 t3.toString;
77654 maxSpecificity += t3;
77655 }
77656 }
77657 this._complex0$_minSpecificity = minSpecificity;
77658 this._complex0$_maxSpecificity = maxSpecificity;
77659 },
77660 get$hashCode(_) {
77661 return B.C_ListEquality0.hash$1(this.components);
77662 },
77663 $eq(_, other) {
77664 if (other == null)
77665 return false;
77666 return other instanceof A.ComplexSelector0 && B.C_ListEquality.equals$2(0, this.components, other.components);
77667 }
77668 };
77669 A.ComplexSelector_isInvisible_closure0.prototype = {
77670 call$1(component) {
77671 return component instanceof A.CompoundSelector0 && component.get$isInvisible();
77672 },
77673 $signature: 116
77674 };
77675 A.Combinator0.prototype = {
77676 toString$0(_) {
77677 return this._complex0$_text;
77678 },
77679 $isComplexSelectorComponent0: 1
77680 };
77681 A.CompoundSelector0.prototype = {
77682 get$isInvisible() {
77683 return B.JSArray_methods.any$1(this.components, new A.CompoundSelector_isInvisible_closure0());
77684 },
77685 accept$1$1(visitor) {
77686 return visitor.visitCompoundSelector$1(this);
77687 },
77688 accept$1(visitor) {
77689 return this.accept$1$1(visitor, type$.dynamic);
77690 },
77691 _compound0$_computeSpecificity$0() {
77692 var t1, t2, minSpecificity, maxSpecificity, _i, simple;
77693 for (t1 = this.components, t2 = t1.length, minSpecificity = 0, maxSpecificity = 0, _i = 0; _i < t2; ++_i) {
77694 simple = t1[_i];
77695 minSpecificity += simple.get$minSpecificity();
77696 maxSpecificity += simple.get$maxSpecificity();
77697 }
77698 this._compound0$_minSpecificity = minSpecificity;
77699 this._compound0$_maxSpecificity = maxSpecificity;
77700 },
77701 get$hashCode(_) {
77702 return B.C_ListEquality0.hash$1(this.components);
77703 },
77704 $eq(_, other) {
77705 if (other == null)
77706 return false;
77707 return other instanceof A.CompoundSelector0 && B.C_ListEquality.equals$2(0, this.components, other.components);
77708 },
77709 $isComplexSelectorComponent0: 1
77710 };
77711 A.CompoundSelector_isInvisible_closure0.prototype = {
77712 call$1(component) {
77713 return component.get$isInvisible();
77714 },
77715 $signature: 15
77716 };
77717 A.Configuration0.prototype = {
77718 throughForward$1($forward) {
77719 var prefix, shownVariables, hiddenVariables, t1,
77720 newValues = this._configuration$_values;
77721 if (newValues.get$isEmpty(newValues))
77722 return B.Configuration_Map_empty0;
77723 prefix = $forward.prefix;
77724 if (prefix != null)
77725 newValues = new A.UnprefixedMapView0(newValues, prefix, type$.UnprefixedMapView_ConfiguredValue_2);
77726 shownVariables = $forward.shownVariables;
77727 hiddenVariables = $forward.hiddenVariables;
77728 if (shownVariables != null)
77729 newValues = new A.LimitedMapView0(newValues, shownVariables._base.intersection$1(new A.MapKeySet(newValues, type$.MapKeySet_nullable_Object)), type$.LimitedMapView_String_ConfiguredValue_2);
77730 else {
77731 if (hiddenVariables != null) {
77732 t1 = hiddenVariables._base;
77733 t1 = t1.get$isNotEmpty(t1);
77734 } else
77735 t1 = false;
77736 if (t1)
77737 newValues = A.LimitedMapView$blocklist0(newValues, hiddenVariables, type$.String, type$.ConfiguredValue_2);
77738 }
77739 return this._configuration$_withValues$1(newValues);
77740 },
77741 _configuration$_withValues$1(values) {
77742 return new A.Configuration0(values);
77743 },
77744 toString$0(_) {
77745 var t1 = this._configuration$_values;
77746 return "(" + t1.get$entries(t1).map$1$1(0, new A.Configuration_toString_closure0(), type$.String).join$1(0, ", ") + ")";
77747 }
77748 };
77749 A.Configuration_toString_closure0.prototype = {
77750 call$1(entry) {
77751 return "$" + A.S(entry.key) + ": " + A.S(entry.value);
77752 },
77753 $signature: 387
77754 };
77755 A.ExplicitConfiguration0.prototype = {
77756 _configuration$_withValues$1(values) {
77757 return new A.ExplicitConfiguration0(this.nodeWithSpan, values);
77758 }
77759 };
77760 A.ConfiguredValue0.prototype = {
77761 toString$0(_) {
77762 return A.serializeValue0(this.value, true, true);
77763 }
77764 };
77765 A.ConfiguredVariable0.prototype = {
77766 toString$0(_) {
77767 var t1 = "$" + this.name + ": " + this.expression.toString$0(0);
77768 return t1 + (this.isGuarded ? " !default" : "");
77769 },
77770 $isAstNode0: 1,
77771 get$span(receiver) {
77772 return this.span;
77773 }
77774 };
77775 A.ContentBlock0.prototype = {
77776 accept$1$1(visitor) {
77777 return visitor.visitContentBlock$1(this);
77778 },
77779 accept$1(visitor) {
77780 return this.accept$1$1(visitor, type$.dynamic);
77781 },
77782 toString$0(_) {
77783 var t2,
77784 t1 = this.$arguments;
77785 t1 = t1.$arguments.length === 0 && t1.restArgument == null ? "" : " using (" + t1.toString$0(0) + ")";
77786 t2 = this.children;
77787 return t1 + (" {" + (t2 && B.JSArray_methods).join$1(t2, " ") + "}");
77788 }
77789 };
77790 A.ContentRule0.prototype = {
77791 accept$1$1(visitor) {
77792 return visitor.visitContentRule$1(this);
77793 },
77794 accept$1(visitor) {
77795 return this.accept$1$1(visitor, type$.dynamic);
77796 },
77797 toString$0(_) {
77798 var t1 = this.$arguments;
77799 return t1.get$isEmpty(t1) ? "@content;" : "@content(" + t1.toString$0(0) + ");";
77800 },
77801 $isAstNode0: 1,
77802 $isStatement0: 1,
77803 get$span(receiver) {
77804 return this.span;
77805 }
77806 };
77807 A._disallowedFunctionNames_closure0.prototype = {
77808 call$1($function) {
77809 return $function.name;
77810 },
77811 $signature: 388
77812 };
77813 A.CssParser0.prototype = {
77814 get$plainCss() {
77815 return true;
77816 },
77817 silentComment$0() {
77818 var t1 = this.scanner,
77819 t2 = t1._string_scanner$_position;
77820 this.super$Parser$silentComment0();
77821 this.error$2(0, string$.Silent, t1.spanFrom$1(new A._SpanScannerState(t1, t2)));
77822 },
77823 atRule$2$root(child, root) {
77824 var $name, urlStart, next, url, urlSpan, queries, t2, t3, t4, t5, _this = this,
77825 t1 = _this.scanner,
77826 start = new A._SpanScannerState(t1, t1._string_scanner$_position);
77827 t1.expectChar$1(64);
77828 $name = _this.interpolatedIdentifier$0();
77829 _this.whitespace$0();
77830 switch ($name.get$asPlain()) {
77831 case "at-root":
77832 case "content":
77833 case "debug":
77834 case "each":
77835 case "error":
77836 case "extend":
77837 case "for":
77838 case "function":
77839 case "if":
77840 case "include":
77841 case "mixin":
77842 case "return":
77843 case "warn":
77844 case "while":
77845 _this.almostAnyValue$0();
77846 _this.error$2(0, "This at-rule isn't allowed in plain CSS.", t1.spanFrom$1(start));
77847 break;
77848 case "import":
77849 urlStart = new A._SpanScannerState(t1, t1._string_scanner$_position);
77850 next = t1.peekChar$0();
77851 url = next === 117 || next === 85 ? _this.dynamicUrl$0() : new A.StringExpression0(_this.interpolatedString$0().asInterpolation$1$static(true), false);
77852 urlSpan = t1.spanFrom$1(urlStart);
77853 _this.whitespace$0();
77854 queries = _this.tryImportQueries$0();
77855 _this.expectStatementSeparator$1("@import rule");
77856 t2 = A.Interpolation$0(A._setArrayType([url], type$.JSArray_Object), urlSpan);
77857 t3 = t1.spanFrom$1(urlStart);
77858 t4 = queries == null;
77859 t5 = t4 ? null : queries.item1;
77860 t2 = A._setArrayType([new A.StaticImport0(t2, t5, t4 ? null : queries.item2, t3)], type$.JSArray_Import_2);
77861 t1 = t1.spanFrom$1(start);
77862 return new A.ImportRule0(A.List_List$unmodifiable(t2, type$.Import_2), t1);
77863 case "media":
77864 return _this.mediaRule$1(start);
77865 case "-moz-document":
77866 return _this.mozDocumentRule$2(start, $name);
77867 case "supports":
77868 return _this.supportsRule$1(start);
77869 default:
77870 return _this.unknownAtRule$2(start, $name);
77871 }
77872 },
77873 identifierLike$0() {
77874 var t2, $arguments, t3, t4, _this = this,
77875 t1 = _this.scanner,
77876 start = new A._SpanScannerState(t1, t1._string_scanner$_position),
77877 identifier = _this.interpolatedIdentifier$0(),
77878 plain = identifier.get$asPlain(),
77879 specialFunction = _this.trySpecialFunction$2(plain.toLowerCase(), start);
77880 if (specialFunction != null)
77881 return specialFunction;
77882 t2 = t1._string_scanner$_position;
77883 if (!t1.scanChar$1(40))
77884 return new A.StringExpression0(identifier, false);
77885 $arguments = A._setArrayType([], type$.JSArray_Expression_2);
77886 if (!t1.scanChar$1(41)) {
77887 do {
77888 _this.whitespace$0();
77889 $arguments.push(_this.expression$1$singleEquals(true));
77890 _this.whitespace$0();
77891 } while (t1.scanChar$1(44));
77892 t1.expectChar$1(41);
77893 }
77894 if ($.$get$_disallowedFunctionNames0().contains$1(0, plain))
77895 _this.error$2(0, string$.This_f, t1.spanFrom$1(start));
77896 t3 = A.Interpolation$0(A._setArrayType([new A.StringExpression0(identifier, false)], type$.JSArray_Object), identifier.span);
77897 t2 = t1.spanFrom$1(new A._SpanScannerState(t1, t2));
77898 t4 = type$.Expression_2;
77899 return new A.InterpolatedFunctionExpression0(t3, new A.ArgumentInvocation0(A.List_List$unmodifiable($arguments, t4), A.ConstantMap_ConstantMap$from(B.Map_empty9, type$.String, t4), null, null, t2), t1.spanFrom$1(start));
77900 },
77901 namespacedExpression$2(namespace, start) {
77902 var expression = this.super$StylesheetParser$namespacedExpression0(namespace, start);
77903 this.error$2(0, string$.Modulen, expression.get$span(expression));
77904 }
77905 };
77906 A.DebugRule0.prototype = {
77907 accept$1$1(visitor) {
77908 return visitor.visitDebugRule$1(this);
77909 },
77910 accept$1(visitor) {
77911 return this.accept$1$1(visitor, type$.dynamic);
77912 },
77913 toString$0(_) {
77914 return "@debug " + this.expression.toString$0(0) + ";";
77915 },
77916 $isAstNode0: 1,
77917 $isStatement0: 1,
77918 get$span(receiver) {
77919 return this.span;
77920 }
77921 };
77922 A.ModifiableCssDeclaration0.prototype = {
77923 accept$1$1(visitor) {
77924 return visitor.visitCssDeclaration$1(this);
77925 },
77926 accept$1(visitor) {
77927 return this.accept$1$1(visitor, type$.dynamic);
77928 },
77929 toString$0(_) {
77930 return this.name.toString$0(0) + ": " + this.value.toString$0(0) + ";";
77931 },
77932 get$span(receiver) {
77933 return this.span;
77934 }
77935 };
77936 A.Declaration0.prototype = {
77937 accept$1$1(visitor) {
77938 return visitor.visitDeclaration$1(this);
77939 },
77940 accept$1(visitor) {
77941 return this.accept$1$1(visitor, type$.dynamic);
77942 },
77943 get$span(receiver) {
77944 return this.span;
77945 }
77946 };
77947 A.SupportsDeclaration0.prototype = {
77948 get$isCustomProperty() {
77949 var $name = this.name;
77950 return $name instanceof A.StringExpression0 && !$name.hasQuotes && B.JSString_methods.startsWith$1($name.text.get$initialPlain(), "--");
77951 },
77952 toString$0(_) {
77953 return "(" + this.name.toString$0(0) + ": " + this.value.toString$0(0) + ")";
77954 },
77955 $isAstNode0: 1,
77956 $isSupportsCondition0: 1,
77957 get$span(receiver) {
77958 return this.span;
77959 }
77960 };
77961 A.DynamicImport0.prototype = {
77962 toString$0(_) {
77963 return A.StringExpression_quoteText0(this.urlString);
77964 },
77965 $isImport0: 1,
77966 $isAstNode0: 1,
77967 get$span(receiver) {
77968 return this.span;
77969 }
77970 };
77971 A.EachRule0.prototype = {
77972 accept$1$1(visitor) {
77973 return visitor.visitEachRule$1(this);
77974 },
77975 accept$1(visitor) {
77976 return this.accept$1$1(visitor, type$.dynamic);
77977 },
77978 toString$0(_) {
77979 var t1 = this.variables,
77980 t2 = this.children;
77981 return "@each " + new A.MappedListIterable(t1, new A.EachRule_toString_closure0(), A._arrayInstanceType(t1)._eval$1("MappedListIterable<1,String>")).join$1(0, ", ") + " in " + this.list.toString$0(0) + " {" + (t2 && B.JSArray_methods).join$1(t2, " ") + "}";
77982 },
77983 get$span(receiver) {
77984 return this.span;
77985 }
77986 };
77987 A.EachRule_toString_closure0.prototype = {
77988 call$1(variable) {
77989 return "$" + variable;
77990 },
77991 $signature: 5
77992 };
77993 A.EmptyExtensionStore0.prototype = {
77994 get$isEmpty(_) {
77995 return true;
77996 },
77997 get$simpleSelectors() {
77998 return B.C_EmptyUnmodifiableSet0;
77999 },
78000 extensionsWhereTarget$1(callback) {
78001 return B.List_empty12;
78002 },
78003 addSelector$3(selector, span, mediaContext) {
78004 throw A.wrapException(A.UnsupportedError$(string$.addSel));
78005 },
78006 addExtension$4(extender, target, extend, mediaContext) {
78007 throw A.wrapException(A.UnsupportedError$(string$.addExt_));
78008 },
78009 addExtensions$1(extenders) {
78010 throw A.wrapException(A.UnsupportedError$(string$.addExts));
78011 },
78012 clone$0() {
78013 return B.Tuple2_EmptyExtensionStore_Map_empty0;
78014 },
78015 $isExtensionStore0: 1
78016 };
78017 A.Environment0.prototype = {
78018 closure$0() {
78019 var t4, t5, t6, _this = this,
78020 t1 = _this._environment0$_forwardedModules,
78021 t2 = _this._environment0$_nestedForwardedModules,
78022 t3 = _this._environment0$_variables;
78023 t3 = A._setArrayType(t3.slice(0), A._arrayInstanceType(t3));
78024 t4 = _this._environment0$_variableNodes;
78025 t4 = A._setArrayType(t4.slice(0), A._arrayInstanceType(t4));
78026 t5 = _this._environment0$_functions;
78027 t5 = A._setArrayType(t5.slice(0), A._arrayInstanceType(t5));
78028 t6 = _this._environment0$_mixins;
78029 t6 = A._setArrayType(t6.slice(0), A._arrayInstanceType(t6));
78030 return A.Environment$_0(_this._environment0$_modules, _this._environment0$_namespaceNodes, _this._environment0$_globalModules, _this._environment0$_importedModules, t1, t2, _this._environment0$_allModules, t3, t4, t5, t6, _this._environment0$_content);
78031 },
78032 addModule$3$namespace(module, nodeWithSpan, namespace) {
78033 var t1, t2, span, _this = this;
78034 if (namespace == null) {
78035 _this._environment0$_globalModules.$indexSet(0, module, nodeWithSpan);
78036 _this._environment0$_allModules.push(module);
78037 for (t1 = J.get$iterator$ax(J.get$keys$z(B.JSArray_methods.get$first(_this._environment0$_variables))); t1.moveNext$0();) {
78038 t2 = t1.get$current(t1);
78039 if (module.get$variables().containsKey$1(t2))
78040 throw A.wrapException(A.SassScriptException$0(string$.This_ma + t2 + '".'));
78041 }
78042 } else {
78043 t1 = _this._environment0$_modules;
78044 if (t1.containsKey$1(namespace)) {
78045 t1 = _this._environment0$_namespaceNodes.$index(0, namespace);
78046 span = t1 == null ? null : t1.span;
78047 t1 = string$.There_ + namespace + '".';
78048 t2 = A.LinkedHashMap_LinkedHashMap$_empty(type$.FileSpan, type$.String);
78049 if (span != null)
78050 t2.$indexSet(0, span, "original @use");
78051 throw A.wrapException(A.MultiSpanSassScriptException$0(t1, "new @use", t2));
78052 }
78053 t1.$indexSet(0, namespace, module);
78054 _this._environment0$_namespaceNodes.$indexSet(0, namespace, nodeWithSpan);
78055 _this._environment0$_allModules.push(module);
78056 }
78057 },
78058 forwardModule$2(module, rule) {
78059 var view, t1, t2, _this = this,
78060 forwardedModules = _this._environment0$_forwardedModules;
78061 if (forwardedModules == null)
78062 forwardedModules = _this._environment0$_forwardedModules = A.LinkedHashMap_LinkedHashMap$_empty(type$.Module_Callable_2, type$.AstNode_2);
78063 view = A.ForwardedModuleView_ifNecessary0(module, rule, type$.Callable_2);
78064 for (t1 = forwardedModules.get$keys(forwardedModules), t1 = t1.get$iterator(t1); t1.moveNext$0();) {
78065 t2 = t1.get$current(t1);
78066 _this._environment0$_assertNoConflicts$5(view.get$variables(), t2.get$variables(), view, t2, "variable");
78067 _this._environment0$_assertNoConflicts$5(view.get$functions(view), t2.get$functions(t2), view, t2, "function");
78068 _this._environment0$_assertNoConflicts$5(view.get$mixins(), t2.get$mixins(), view, t2, "mixin");
78069 }
78070 _this._environment0$_allModules.push(module);
78071 forwardedModules.$indexSet(0, view, rule);
78072 },
78073 _environment0$_assertNoConflicts$5(newMembers, oldMembers, newModule, oldModule, type) {
78074 var larger, smaller, t1, t2, $name, span;
78075 if (newMembers.get$length(newMembers) < oldMembers.get$length(oldMembers)) {
78076 larger = oldMembers;
78077 smaller = newMembers;
78078 } else {
78079 larger = newMembers;
78080 smaller = oldMembers;
78081 }
78082 for (t1 = J.get$iterator$ax(smaller.get$keys(smaller)), t2 = type === "variable"; t1.moveNext$0();) {
78083 $name = t1.get$current(t1);
78084 if (!larger.containsKey$1($name))
78085 continue;
78086 if (t2 ? newModule.variableIdentity$1($name) === oldModule.variableIdentity$1($name) : J.$eq$(larger.$index(0, $name), smaller.$index(0, $name)))
78087 continue;
78088 if (t2)
78089 $name = "$" + $name;
78090 t1 = this._environment0$_forwardedModules;
78091 if (t1 == null)
78092 span = null;
78093 else {
78094 t1 = t1.$index(0, oldModule);
78095 span = t1 == null ? null : J.get$span$z(t1);
78096 }
78097 t1 = "Two forwarded modules both define a " + type + " named " + $name + ".";
78098 t2 = A.LinkedHashMap_LinkedHashMap$_empty(type$.FileSpan, type$.String);
78099 if (span != null)
78100 t2.$indexSet(0, span, "original @forward");
78101 throw A.wrapException(A.MultiSpanSassScriptException$0(t1, "new @forward", t2));
78102 }
78103 },
78104 importForwards$1(module) {
78105 var forwardedModules, t1, t2, t3, t4, t5, forwardedVariableNames, forwardedFunctionNames, forwardedMixinNames, _i, entry, shadowed, t6, _length, _list, _this = this,
78106 forwarded = module._environment0$_environment._environment0$_forwardedModules;
78107 if (forwarded == null)
78108 return;
78109 forwardedModules = _this._environment0$_forwardedModules;
78110 if (forwardedModules != null) {
78111 t1 = A.LinkedHashMap_LinkedHashMap$_empty(type$.Module_Callable_2, type$.AstNode_2);
78112 for (t2 = forwarded.get$entries(forwarded), t2 = t2.get$iterator(t2), t3 = _this._environment0$_globalModules; t2.moveNext$0();) {
78113 t4 = t2.get$current(t2);
78114 t5 = t4.key;
78115 if (!forwardedModules.containsKey$1(t5) || !t3.containsKey$1(t5))
78116 t1.$indexSet(0, t5, t4.value);
78117 }
78118 forwarded = t1;
78119 } else
78120 forwardedModules = _this._environment0$_forwardedModules = A.LinkedHashMap_LinkedHashMap$_empty(type$.Module_Callable_2, type$.AstNode_2);
78121 t1 = forwarded.get$keys(forwarded);
78122 t2 = A._instanceType(t1)._eval$1("ExpandIterable<Iterable.E,String>");
78123 forwardedVariableNames = A.LinkedHashSet_LinkedHashSet$of(new A.ExpandIterable(t1, new A.Environment_importForwards_closure2(), t2), t2._eval$1("Iterable.E"));
78124 t2 = forwarded.get$keys(forwarded);
78125 t1 = A._instanceType(t2)._eval$1("ExpandIterable<Iterable.E,String>");
78126 forwardedFunctionNames = A.LinkedHashSet_LinkedHashSet$of(new A.ExpandIterable(t2, new A.Environment_importForwards_closure3(), t1), t1._eval$1("Iterable.E"));
78127 t1 = forwarded.get$keys(forwarded);
78128 t2 = A._instanceType(t1)._eval$1("ExpandIterable<Iterable.E,String>");
78129 forwardedMixinNames = A.LinkedHashSet_LinkedHashSet$of(new A.ExpandIterable(t1, new A.Environment_importForwards_closure4(), t2), t2._eval$1("Iterable.E"));
78130 t1 = _this._environment0$_variables;
78131 t2 = t1.length;
78132 if (t2 === 1) {
78133 for (t2 = _this._environment0$_importedModules, t3 = t2.get$entries(t2).toList$0(0), t4 = t3.length, t5 = type$.Callable_2, _i = 0; _i < t3.length; t3.length === t4 || (0, A.throwConcurrentModificationError)(t3), ++_i) {
78134 entry = t3[_i];
78135 module = entry.key;
78136 shadowed = A.ShadowedModuleView_ifNecessary0(module, forwardedFunctionNames, forwardedMixinNames, forwardedVariableNames, t5);
78137 if (shadowed != null) {
78138 t2.remove$1(0, module);
78139 t6 = shadowed.variables;
78140 if (t6.get$isEmpty(t6)) {
78141 t6 = shadowed.functions;
78142 if (t6.get$isEmpty(t6)) {
78143 t6 = shadowed.mixins;
78144 if (t6.get$isEmpty(t6)) {
78145 t6 = shadowed._shadowed_view0$_inner;
78146 t6 = t6.get$css(t6);
78147 t6 = J.get$isEmpty$asx(t6.get$children(t6));
78148 } else
78149 t6 = false;
78150 } else
78151 t6 = false;
78152 } else
78153 t6 = false;
78154 if (!t6)
78155 t2.$indexSet(0, shadowed, entry.value);
78156 }
78157 }
78158 for (t3 = forwardedModules.get$entries(forwardedModules).toList$0(0), t4 = t3.length, _i = 0; _i < t3.length; t3.length === t4 || (0, A.throwConcurrentModificationError)(t3), ++_i) {
78159 entry = t3[_i];
78160 module = entry.key;
78161 shadowed = A.ShadowedModuleView_ifNecessary0(module, forwardedFunctionNames, forwardedMixinNames, forwardedVariableNames, t5);
78162 if (shadowed != null) {
78163 forwardedModules.remove$1(0, module);
78164 t6 = shadowed.variables;
78165 if (t6.get$isEmpty(t6)) {
78166 t6 = shadowed.functions;
78167 if (t6.get$isEmpty(t6)) {
78168 t6 = shadowed.mixins;
78169 if (t6.get$isEmpty(t6)) {
78170 t6 = shadowed._shadowed_view0$_inner;
78171 t6 = t6.get$css(t6);
78172 t6 = J.get$isEmpty$asx(t6.get$children(t6));
78173 } else
78174 t6 = false;
78175 } else
78176 t6 = false;
78177 } else
78178 t6 = false;
78179 if (!t6)
78180 forwardedModules.$indexSet(0, shadowed, entry.value);
78181 }
78182 }
78183 t2.addAll$1(0, forwarded);
78184 forwardedModules.addAll$1(0, forwarded);
78185 } else {
78186 t3 = _this._environment0$_nestedForwardedModules;
78187 if (t3 == null) {
78188 _length = t2 - 1;
78189 _list = J.JSArray_JSArray$allocateGrowable(_length, type$.List_Module_Callable_2);
78190 for (t2 = type$.JSArray_Module_Callable_2, _i = 0; _i < _length; ++_i)
78191 _list[_i] = A._setArrayType([], t2);
78192 _this._environment0$_nestedForwardedModules = _list;
78193 t2 = _list;
78194 } else
78195 t2 = t3;
78196 B.JSArray_methods.addAll$1(B.JSArray_methods.get$last(t2), forwarded.get$keys(forwarded));
78197 }
78198 for (t2 = A._LinkedHashSetIterator$(forwardedVariableNames, forwardedVariableNames._collection$_modifications), t3 = A._instanceType(t2)._precomputed1, t4 = _this._environment0$_variableIndices, t5 = _this._environment0$_variableNodes; t2.moveNext$0();) {
78199 t6 = t3._as(t2._collection$_current);
78200 t4.remove$1(0, t6);
78201 J.remove$1$z(B.JSArray_methods.get$last(t1), t6);
78202 J.remove$1$z(B.JSArray_methods.get$last(t5), t6);
78203 }
78204 for (t1 = A._LinkedHashSetIterator$(forwardedFunctionNames, forwardedFunctionNames._collection$_modifications), t2 = A._instanceType(t1)._precomputed1, t3 = _this._environment0$_functionIndices, t4 = _this._environment0$_functions; t1.moveNext$0();) {
78205 t5 = t2._as(t1._collection$_current);
78206 t3.remove$1(0, t5);
78207 J.remove$1$z(B.JSArray_methods.get$last(t4), t5);
78208 }
78209 for (t1 = A._LinkedHashSetIterator$(forwardedMixinNames, forwardedMixinNames._collection$_modifications), t2 = A._instanceType(t1)._precomputed1, t3 = _this._environment0$_mixinIndices, t4 = _this._environment0$_mixins; t1.moveNext$0();) {
78210 t5 = t2._as(t1._collection$_current);
78211 t3.remove$1(0, t5);
78212 J.remove$1$z(B.JSArray_methods.get$last(t4), t5);
78213 }
78214 },
78215 getVariable$2$namespace($name, namespace) {
78216 var t1, index, _this = this;
78217 if (namespace != null)
78218 return _this._environment0$_getModule$1(namespace).get$variables().$index(0, $name);
78219 if (_this._environment0$_lastVariableName === $name) {
78220 t1 = _this._environment0$_lastVariableIndex;
78221 t1.toString;
78222 t1 = J.$index$asx(_this._environment0$_variables[t1], $name);
78223 return t1 == null ? _this._environment0$_getVariableFromGlobalModule$1($name) : t1;
78224 }
78225 t1 = _this._environment0$_variableIndices;
78226 index = t1.$index(0, $name);
78227 if (index != null) {
78228 _this._environment0$_lastVariableName = $name;
78229 _this._environment0$_lastVariableIndex = index;
78230 t1 = J.$index$asx(_this._environment0$_variables[index], $name);
78231 return t1 == null ? _this._environment0$_getVariableFromGlobalModule$1($name) : t1;
78232 }
78233 index = _this._environment0$_variableIndex$1($name);
78234 if (index == null)
78235 return _this._environment0$_getVariableFromGlobalModule$1($name);
78236 _this._environment0$_lastVariableName = $name;
78237 _this._environment0$_lastVariableIndex = index;
78238 t1.$indexSet(0, $name, index);
78239 t1 = J.$index$asx(_this._environment0$_variables[index], $name);
78240 return t1 == null ? _this._environment0$_getVariableFromGlobalModule$1($name) : t1;
78241 },
78242 getVariable$1($name) {
78243 return this.getVariable$2$namespace($name, null);
78244 },
78245 _environment0$_getVariableFromGlobalModule$1($name) {
78246 return this._environment0$_fromOneModule$1$3($name, "variable", new A.Environment__getVariableFromGlobalModule_closure0($name), type$.Value_2);
78247 },
78248 getVariableNode$2$namespace($name, namespace) {
78249 var t1, index, _this = this;
78250 if (namespace != null)
78251 return _this._environment0$_getModule$1(namespace).get$variableNodes().$index(0, $name);
78252 if (_this._environment0$_lastVariableName === $name) {
78253 t1 = _this._environment0$_lastVariableIndex;
78254 t1.toString;
78255 t1 = J.$index$asx(_this._environment0$_variableNodes[t1], $name);
78256 return t1 == null ? _this._environment0$_getVariableNodeFromGlobalModule$1($name) : t1;
78257 }
78258 t1 = _this._environment0$_variableIndices;
78259 index = t1.$index(0, $name);
78260 if (index != null) {
78261 _this._environment0$_lastVariableName = $name;
78262 _this._environment0$_lastVariableIndex = index;
78263 t1 = J.$index$asx(_this._environment0$_variableNodes[index], $name);
78264 return t1 == null ? _this._environment0$_getVariableNodeFromGlobalModule$1($name) : t1;
78265 }
78266 index = _this._environment0$_variableIndex$1($name);
78267 if (index == null)
78268 return _this._environment0$_getVariableNodeFromGlobalModule$1($name);
78269 _this._environment0$_lastVariableName = $name;
78270 _this._environment0$_lastVariableIndex = index;
78271 t1.$indexSet(0, $name, index);
78272 t1 = J.$index$asx(_this._environment0$_variableNodes[index], $name);
78273 return t1 == null ? _this._environment0$_getVariableNodeFromGlobalModule$1($name) : t1;
78274 },
78275 _environment0$_getVariableNodeFromGlobalModule$1($name) {
78276 var t1, t2, value;
78277 for (t1 = this._environment0$_importedModules, t2 = this._environment0$_globalModules, t2 = t1.get$keys(t1).followedBy$1(0, t2.get$keys(t2)), t2 = new A.FollowedByIterator(J.get$iterator$ax(t2.__internal$_first), t2._second); t2.moveNext$0();) {
78278 t1 = t2._currentIterator;
78279 value = t1.get$current(t1).get$variableNodes().$index(0, $name);
78280 if (value != null)
78281 return value;
78282 }
78283 return null;
78284 },
78285 globalVariableExists$2$namespace($name, namespace) {
78286 if (namespace != null)
78287 return this._environment0$_getModule$1(namespace).get$variables().containsKey$1($name);
78288 if (B.JSArray_methods.get$first(this._environment0$_variables).containsKey$1($name))
78289 return true;
78290 return this._environment0$_getVariableFromGlobalModule$1($name) != null;
78291 },
78292 globalVariableExists$1($name) {
78293 return this.globalVariableExists$2$namespace($name, null);
78294 },
78295 _environment0$_variableIndex$1($name) {
78296 var t1, i;
78297 for (t1 = this._environment0$_variables, i = t1.length - 1; i >= 0; --i)
78298 if (t1[i].containsKey$1($name))
78299 return i;
78300 return null;
78301 },
78302 setVariable$5$global$namespace($name, value, nodeWithSpan, global, namespace) {
78303 var t1, moduleWithName, nestedForwardedModules, t2, t3, t4, t5, index, _this = this;
78304 if (namespace != null) {
78305 _this._environment0$_getModule$1(namespace).setVariable$3($name, value, nodeWithSpan);
78306 return;
78307 }
78308 if (global || _this._environment0$_variables.length === 1) {
78309 _this._environment0$_variableIndices.putIfAbsent$2($name, new A.Environment_setVariable_closure2(_this, $name));
78310 t1 = _this._environment0$_variables;
78311 if (!B.JSArray_methods.get$first(t1).containsKey$1($name)) {
78312 moduleWithName = _this._environment0$_fromOneModule$1$3($name, "variable", new A.Environment_setVariable_closure3($name), type$.Module_Callable_2);
78313 if (moduleWithName != null) {
78314 moduleWithName.setVariable$3($name, value, nodeWithSpan);
78315 return;
78316 }
78317 }
78318 J.$indexSet$ax(B.JSArray_methods.get$first(t1), $name, value);
78319 J.$indexSet$ax(B.JSArray_methods.get$first(_this._environment0$_variableNodes), $name, nodeWithSpan);
78320 return;
78321 }
78322 nestedForwardedModules = _this._environment0$_nestedForwardedModules;
78323 if (nestedForwardedModules != null && !_this._environment0$_variableIndices.containsKey$1($name) && _this._environment0$_variableIndex$1($name) == null)
78324 for (t1 = new A.ReversedListIterable(nestedForwardedModules, A.instanceType(nestedForwardedModules)._eval$1("ReversedListIterable<1>")), t1 = new A.ListIterator(t1, t1.get$length(t1)), t2 = A._instanceType(t1)._precomputed1; t1.moveNext$0();)
78325 for (t3 = J.get$reversed$ax(t2._as(t1.__internal$_current)), t3 = new A.ListIterator(t3, t3.get$length(t3)), t4 = A._instanceType(t3)._precomputed1; t3.moveNext$0();) {
78326 t5 = t4._as(t3.__internal$_current);
78327 if (t5.get$variables().containsKey$1($name)) {
78328 t5.setVariable$3($name, value, nodeWithSpan);
78329 return;
78330 }
78331 }
78332 if (_this._environment0$_lastVariableName === $name) {
78333 t1 = _this._environment0$_lastVariableIndex;
78334 t1.toString;
78335 index = t1;
78336 } else
78337 index = _this._environment0$_variableIndices.putIfAbsent$2($name, new A.Environment_setVariable_closure4(_this, $name));
78338 if (!_this._environment0$_inSemiGlobalScope && index === 0) {
78339 index = _this._environment0$_variables.length - 1;
78340 _this._environment0$_variableIndices.$indexSet(0, $name, index);
78341 }
78342 _this._environment0$_lastVariableName = $name;
78343 _this._environment0$_lastVariableIndex = index;
78344 J.$indexSet$ax(_this._environment0$_variables[index], $name, value);
78345 J.$indexSet$ax(_this._environment0$_variableNodes[index], $name, nodeWithSpan);
78346 },
78347 setVariable$4$global($name, value, nodeWithSpan, global) {
78348 return this.setVariable$5$global$namespace($name, value, nodeWithSpan, global, null);
78349 },
78350 setLocalVariable$3($name, value, nodeWithSpan) {
78351 var index, _this = this,
78352 t1 = _this._environment0$_variables,
78353 t2 = t1.length;
78354 _this._environment0$_lastVariableName = $name;
78355 index = _this._environment0$_lastVariableIndex = t2 - 1;
78356 _this._environment0$_variableIndices.$indexSet(0, $name, index);
78357 J.$indexSet$ax(t1[index], $name, value);
78358 J.$indexSet$ax(_this._environment0$_variableNodes[index], $name, nodeWithSpan);
78359 },
78360 getFunction$2$namespace($name, namespace) {
78361 var t1, index, _this = this;
78362 if (namespace != null) {
78363 t1 = _this._environment0$_getModule$1(namespace);
78364 return t1.get$functions(t1).$index(0, $name);
78365 }
78366 t1 = _this._environment0$_functionIndices;
78367 index = t1.$index(0, $name);
78368 if (index != null) {
78369 t1 = J.$index$asx(_this._environment0$_functions[index], $name);
78370 return t1 == null ? _this._environment0$_getFunctionFromGlobalModule$1($name) : t1;
78371 }
78372 index = _this._environment0$_functionIndex$1($name);
78373 if (index == null)
78374 return _this._environment0$_getFunctionFromGlobalModule$1($name);
78375 t1.$indexSet(0, $name, index);
78376 t1 = J.$index$asx(_this._environment0$_functions[index], $name);
78377 return t1 == null ? _this._environment0$_getFunctionFromGlobalModule$1($name) : t1;
78378 },
78379 _environment0$_getFunctionFromGlobalModule$1($name) {
78380 return this._environment0$_fromOneModule$1$3($name, "function", new A.Environment__getFunctionFromGlobalModule_closure0($name), type$.Callable_2);
78381 },
78382 _environment0$_functionIndex$1($name) {
78383 var t1, i;
78384 for (t1 = this._environment0$_functions, i = t1.length - 1; i >= 0; --i)
78385 if (t1[i].containsKey$1($name))
78386 return i;
78387 return null;
78388 },
78389 getMixin$2$namespace($name, namespace) {
78390 var t1, index, _this = this;
78391 if (namespace != null)
78392 return _this._environment0$_getModule$1(namespace).get$mixins().$index(0, $name);
78393 t1 = _this._environment0$_mixinIndices;
78394 index = t1.$index(0, $name);
78395 if (index != null) {
78396 t1 = J.$index$asx(_this._environment0$_mixins[index], $name);
78397 return t1 == null ? _this._environment0$_getMixinFromGlobalModule$1($name) : t1;
78398 }
78399 index = _this._environment0$_mixinIndex$1($name);
78400 if (index == null)
78401 return _this._environment0$_getMixinFromGlobalModule$1($name);
78402 t1.$indexSet(0, $name, index);
78403 t1 = J.$index$asx(_this._environment0$_mixins[index], $name);
78404 return t1 == null ? _this._environment0$_getMixinFromGlobalModule$1($name) : t1;
78405 },
78406 _environment0$_getMixinFromGlobalModule$1($name) {
78407 return this._environment0$_fromOneModule$1$3($name, "mixin", new A.Environment__getMixinFromGlobalModule_closure0($name), type$.Callable_2);
78408 },
78409 _environment0$_mixinIndex$1($name) {
78410 var t1, i;
78411 for (t1 = this._environment0$_mixins, i = t1.length - 1; i >= 0; --i)
78412 if (t1[i].containsKey$1($name))
78413 return i;
78414 return null;
78415 },
78416 scope$1$3$semiGlobal$when(callback, semiGlobal, when) {
78417 var wasInSemiGlobalScope, $name, name0, name1, t1, t2, t3, t4, t5, _this = this;
78418 semiGlobal = semiGlobal && _this._environment0$_inSemiGlobalScope;
78419 wasInSemiGlobalScope = _this._environment0$_inSemiGlobalScope;
78420 _this._environment0$_inSemiGlobalScope = semiGlobal;
78421 if (!when)
78422 try {
78423 t1 = callback.call$0();
78424 return t1;
78425 } finally {
78426 _this._environment0$_inSemiGlobalScope = wasInSemiGlobalScope;
78427 }
78428 t1 = _this._environment0$_variables;
78429 t2 = type$.String;
78430 B.JSArray_methods.add$1(t1, A.LinkedHashMap_LinkedHashMap$_empty(t2, type$.Value_2));
78431 B.JSArray_methods.add$1(_this._environment0$_variableNodes, A.LinkedHashMap_LinkedHashMap$_empty(t2, type$.AstNode_2));
78432 t3 = _this._environment0$_functions;
78433 t4 = type$.Callable_2;
78434 B.JSArray_methods.add$1(t3, A.LinkedHashMap_LinkedHashMap$_empty(t2, t4));
78435 t5 = _this._environment0$_mixins;
78436 B.JSArray_methods.add$1(t5, A.LinkedHashMap_LinkedHashMap$_empty(t2, t4));
78437 t4 = _this._environment0$_nestedForwardedModules;
78438 if (t4 != null)
78439 t4.push(A._setArrayType([], type$.JSArray_Module_Callable_2));
78440 try {
78441 t2 = callback.call$0();
78442 return t2;
78443 } finally {
78444 _this._environment0$_inSemiGlobalScope = wasInSemiGlobalScope;
78445 _this._environment0$_lastVariableIndex = _this._environment0$_lastVariableName = null;
78446 for (t1 = J.get$iterator$ax(J.get$keys$z(B.JSArray_methods.removeLast$0(t1))), t2 = _this._environment0$_variableIndices; t1.moveNext$0();) {
78447 $name = t1.get$current(t1);
78448 t2.remove$1(0, $name);
78449 }
78450 for (t1 = J.get$iterator$ax(J.get$keys$z(B.JSArray_methods.removeLast$0(t3))), t2 = _this._environment0$_functionIndices; t1.moveNext$0();) {
78451 name0 = t1.get$current(t1);
78452 t2.remove$1(0, name0);
78453 }
78454 for (t1 = J.get$iterator$ax(J.get$keys$z(B.JSArray_methods.removeLast$0(t5))), t2 = _this._environment0$_mixinIndices; t1.moveNext$0();) {
78455 name1 = t1.get$current(t1);
78456 t2.remove$1(0, name1);
78457 }
78458 t1 = _this._environment0$_nestedForwardedModules;
78459 if (t1 != null)
78460 t1.pop();
78461 }
78462 },
78463 scope$1$1(callback, $T) {
78464 return this.scope$1$3$semiGlobal$when(callback, false, true, $T);
78465 },
78466 scope$1$2$when(callback, when, $T) {
78467 return this.scope$1$3$semiGlobal$when(callback, false, when, $T);
78468 },
78469 scope$1$2$semiGlobal(callback, semiGlobal, $T) {
78470 return this.scope$1$3$semiGlobal$when(callback, semiGlobal, true, $T);
78471 },
78472 toImplicitConfiguration$0() {
78473 var t1, t2, i, values, nodes, t3, t4, t5, t6,
78474 configuration = A.LinkedHashMap_LinkedHashMap$_empty(type$.String, type$.ConfiguredValue_2);
78475 for (t1 = this._environment0$_variables, t2 = this._environment0$_variableNodes, i = 0; i < t1.length; ++i) {
78476 values = t1[i];
78477 nodes = t2[i];
78478 for (t3 = values.get$entries(values), t3 = t3.get$iterator(t3); t3.moveNext$0();) {
78479 t4 = t3.get$current(t3);
78480 t5 = t4.key;
78481 t4 = t4.value;
78482 t6 = nodes.$index(0, t5);
78483 t6.toString;
78484 configuration.$indexSet(0, t5, new A.ConfiguredValue0(t4, null, t6));
78485 }
78486 }
78487 return new A.Configuration0(configuration);
78488 },
78489 toModule$2(css, extensionStore) {
78490 return A._EnvironmentModule__EnvironmentModule1(this, css, extensionStore, A.NullableExtension_andThen0(this._environment0$_forwardedModules, new A.Environment_toModule_closure0()));
78491 },
78492 toDummyModule$0() {
78493 return A._EnvironmentModule__EnvironmentModule1(this, new A.CssStylesheet0(new A.UnmodifiableListView(B.List_empty11, type$.UnmodifiableListView_CssNode_2), A.SourceFile$decoded(B.List_empty1, "<dummy module>").span$1(0, 0)), B.C_EmptyExtensionStore0, A.NullableExtension_andThen0(this._environment0$_forwardedModules, new A.Environment_toDummyModule_closure0()));
78494 },
78495 _environment0$_getModule$1(namespace) {
78496 var module = this._environment0$_modules.$index(0, namespace);
78497 if (module != null)
78498 return module;
78499 throw A.wrapException(A.SassScriptException$0('There is no module with the namespace "' + namespace + '".'));
78500 },
78501 _environment0$_fromOneModule$1$3($name, type, callback, $T) {
78502 var t1, t2, t3, t4, value, identity, valueInModule, identityFromModule, spans, t5,
78503 nestedForwardedModules = this._environment0$_nestedForwardedModules;
78504 if (nestedForwardedModules != null)
78505 for (t1 = new A.ReversedListIterable(nestedForwardedModules, A._arrayInstanceType(nestedForwardedModules)._eval$1("ReversedListIterable<1>")), t1 = new A.ListIterator(t1, t1.get$length(t1)), t2 = A._instanceType(t1)._precomputed1; t1.moveNext$0();)
78506 for (t3 = J.get$reversed$ax(t2._as(t1.__internal$_current)), t3 = new A.ListIterator(t3, t3.get$length(t3)), t4 = A._instanceType(t3)._precomputed1; t3.moveNext$0();) {
78507 value = callback.call$1(t4._as(t3.__internal$_current));
78508 if (value != null)
78509 return value;
78510 }
78511 for (t1 = this._environment0$_importedModules, t1 = t1.get$keys(t1), t1 = t1.get$iterator(t1); t1.moveNext$0();) {
78512 value = callback.call$1(t1.get$current(t1));
78513 if (value != null)
78514 return value;
78515 }
78516 for (t1 = this._environment0$_globalModules, t2 = t1.get$keys(t1), t2 = t2.get$iterator(t2), t3 = type$.Callable_2, value = null, identity = null; t2.moveNext$0();) {
78517 t4 = t2.get$current(t2);
78518 valueInModule = callback.call$1(t4);
78519 if (valueInModule == null)
78520 continue;
78521 identityFromModule = t3._is(valueInModule) ? valueInModule : t4.variableIdentity$1($name);
78522 if (identityFromModule.$eq(0, identity))
78523 continue;
78524 if (value != null) {
78525 spans = t1.get$entries(t1).map$1$1(0, new A.Environment__fromOneModule_closure0(callback, $T), type$.nullable_FileSpan);
78526 t2 = "This " + type + string$.x20is_av;
78527 t3 = type + " use";
78528 t4 = A.LinkedHashMap_LinkedHashMap$_empty(type$.FileSpan, type$.String);
78529 for (t1 = spans.get$iterator(spans); t1.moveNext$0();) {
78530 t5 = t1.get$current(t1);
78531 if (t5 != null)
78532 t4.$indexSet(0, t5, "includes " + type);
78533 }
78534 throw A.wrapException(A.MultiSpanSassScriptException$0(t2, t3, t4));
78535 }
78536 identity = identityFromModule;
78537 value = valueInModule;
78538 }
78539 return value;
78540 }
78541 };
78542 A.Environment_importForwards_closure2.prototype = {
78543 call$1(module) {
78544 var t1 = module.get$variables();
78545 return t1.get$keys(t1);
78546 },
78547 $signature: 115
78548 };
78549 A.Environment_importForwards_closure3.prototype = {
78550 call$1(module) {
78551 var t1 = module.get$functions(module);
78552 return t1.get$keys(t1);
78553 },
78554 $signature: 115
78555 };
78556 A.Environment_importForwards_closure4.prototype = {
78557 call$1(module) {
78558 var t1 = module.get$mixins();
78559 return t1.get$keys(t1);
78560 },
78561 $signature: 115
78562 };
78563 A.Environment__getVariableFromGlobalModule_closure0.prototype = {
78564 call$1(module) {
78565 return module.get$variables().$index(0, this.name);
78566 },
78567 $signature: 391
78568 };
78569 A.Environment_setVariable_closure2.prototype = {
78570 call$0() {
78571 var t1 = this.$this;
78572 t1._environment0$_lastVariableName = this.name;
78573 return t1._environment0$_lastVariableIndex = 0;
78574 },
78575 $signature: 12
78576 };
78577 A.Environment_setVariable_closure3.prototype = {
78578 call$1(module) {
78579 return module.get$variables().containsKey$1(this.name) ? module : null;
78580 },
78581 $signature: 392
78582 };
78583 A.Environment_setVariable_closure4.prototype = {
78584 call$0() {
78585 var t1 = this.$this,
78586 t2 = t1._environment0$_variableIndex$1(this.name);
78587 return t2 == null ? t1._environment0$_variables.length - 1 : t2;
78588 },
78589 $signature: 12
78590 };
78591 A.Environment__getFunctionFromGlobalModule_closure0.prototype = {
78592 call$1(module) {
78593 return module.get$functions(module).$index(0, this.name);
78594 },
78595 $signature: 209
78596 };
78597 A.Environment__getMixinFromGlobalModule_closure0.prototype = {
78598 call$1(module) {
78599 return module.get$mixins().$index(0, this.name);
78600 },
78601 $signature: 209
78602 };
78603 A.Environment_toModule_closure0.prototype = {
78604 call$1(modules) {
78605 return new A.MapKeySet(modules, type$.MapKeySet_Module_Callable_2);
78606 },
78607 $signature: 210
78608 };
78609 A.Environment_toDummyModule_closure0.prototype = {
78610 call$1(modules) {
78611 return new A.MapKeySet(modules, type$.MapKeySet_Module_Callable_2);
78612 },
78613 $signature: 210
78614 };
78615 A.Environment__fromOneModule_closure0.prototype = {
78616 call$1(entry) {
78617 return A.NullableExtension_andThen0(this.callback.call$1(entry.key), new A.Environment__fromOneModule__closure0(entry, this.T));
78618 },
78619 $signature: 395
78620 };
78621 A.Environment__fromOneModule__closure0.prototype = {
78622 call$1(_) {
78623 return J.get$span$z(this.entry.value);
78624 },
78625 $signature() {
78626 return this.T._eval$1("FileSpan(0)");
78627 }
78628 };
78629 A._EnvironmentModule1.prototype = {
78630 get$url(_) {
78631 var t1 = this.css;
78632 return t1.get$span(t1).file.url;
78633 },
78634 setVariable$3($name, value, nodeWithSpan) {
78635 var t1, t2,
78636 module = this._environment0$_modulesByVariable.$index(0, $name);
78637 if (module != null) {
78638 module.setVariable$3($name, value, nodeWithSpan);
78639 return;
78640 }
78641 t1 = this._environment0$_environment;
78642 t2 = t1._environment0$_variables;
78643 if (!B.JSArray_methods.get$first(t2).containsKey$1($name))
78644 throw A.wrapException(A.SassScriptException$0("Undefined variable."));
78645 J.$indexSet$ax(B.JSArray_methods.get$first(t2), $name, value);
78646 J.$indexSet$ax(B.JSArray_methods.get$first(t1._environment0$_variableNodes), $name, nodeWithSpan);
78647 return;
78648 },
78649 variableIdentity$1($name) {
78650 var module = this._environment0$_modulesByVariable.$index(0, $name);
78651 return module == null ? this : module.variableIdentity$1($name);
78652 },
78653 cloneCss$0() {
78654 var newCssAndExtensionStore, _this = this,
78655 t1 = _this.css;
78656 if (J.get$isEmpty$asx(t1.get$children(t1)))
78657 return _this;
78658 newCssAndExtensionStore = A.cloneCssStylesheet0(t1, _this.extensionStore);
78659 return A._EnvironmentModule$_1(_this._environment0$_environment, newCssAndExtensionStore.item1, newCssAndExtensionStore.item2, _this._environment0$_modulesByVariable, _this.variables, _this.variableNodes, _this.functions, _this.mixins, _this.transitivelyContainsCss, _this.transitivelyContainsExtensions);
78660 },
78661 toString$0(_) {
78662 var t1 = this.css;
78663 if (t1.get$span(t1).file.url == null)
78664 t1 = "<unknown url>";
78665 else {
78666 t1 = t1.get$span(t1);
78667 t1 = $.$get$context().prettyUri$1(t1.file.url);
78668 }
78669 return t1;
78670 },
78671 $isModule0: 1,
78672 get$upstream() {
78673 return this.upstream;
78674 },
78675 get$variables() {
78676 return this.variables;
78677 },
78678 get$variableNodes() {
78679 return this.variableNodes;
78680 },
78681 get$functions(receiver) {
78682 return this.functions;
78683 },
78684 get$mixins() {
78685 return this.mixins;
78686 },
78687 get$extensionStore() {
78688 return this.extensionStore;
78689 },
78690 get$css(receiver) {
78691 return this.css;
78692 },
78693 get$transitivelyContainsCss() {
78694 return this.transitivelyContainsCss;
78695 },
78696 get$transitivelyContainsExtensions() {
78697 return this.transitivelyContainsExtensions;
78698 }
78699 };
78700 A._EnvironmentModule__EnvironmentModule_closure11.prototype = {
78701 call$1(module) {
78702 return module.get$variables();
78703 },
78704 $signature: 396
78705 };
78706 A._EnvironmentModule__EnvironmentModule_closure12.prototype = {
78707 call$1(module) {
78708 return module.get$variableNodes();
78709 },
78710 $signature: 397
78711 };
78712 A._EnvironmentModule__EnvironmentModule_closure13.prototype = {
78713 call$1(module) {
78714 return module.get$functions(module);
78715 },
78716 $signature: 211
78717 };
78718 A._EnvironmentModule__EnvironmentModule_closure14.prototype = {
78719 call$1(module) {
78720 return module.get$mixins();
78721 },
78722 $signature: 211
78723 };
78724 A._EnvironmentModule__EnvironmentModule_closure15.prototype = {
78725 call$1(module) {
78726 return module.get$transitivelyContainsCss();
78727 },
78728 $signature: 114
78729 };
78730 A._EnvironmentModule__EnvironmentModule_closure16.prototype = {
78731 call$1(module) {
78732 return module.get$transitivelyContainsExtensions();
78733 },
78734 $signature: 114
78735 };
78736 A.ErrorRule0.prototype = {
78737 accept$1$1(visitor) {
78738 return visitor.visitErrorRule$1(this);
78739 },
78740 accept$1(visitor) {
78741 return this.accept$1$1(visitor, type$.dynamic);
78742 },
78743 toString$0(_) {
78744 return "@error " + this.expression.toString$0(0) + ";";
78745 },
78746 $isAstNode0: 1,
78747 $isStatement0: 1,
78748 get$span(receiver) {
78749 return this.span;
78750 }
78751 };
78752 A._EvaluateVisitor1.prototype = {
78753 _EvaluateVisitor$6$functions$importCache$logger$nodeImporter$quietDeps$sourceMap1(functions, importCache, logger, nodeImporter, quietDeps, sourceMap) {
78754 var t2, metaModule, t3, _i, module, $function, t4, _this = this,
78755 _s20_ = "$name, $module: null",
78756 _s9_ = "sass:meta",
78757 t1 = type$.JSArray_BuiltInCallable_2,
78758 metaFunctions = A._setArrayType([A.BuiltInCallable$function0("global-variable-exists", _s20_, new A._EvaluateVisitor_closure19(_this), _s9_), A.BuiltInCallable$function0("variable-exists", "$name", new A._EvaluateVisitor_closure20(_this), _s9_), A.BuiltInCallable$function0("function-exists", _s20_, new A._EvaluateVisitor_closure21(_this), _s9_), A.BuiltInCallable$function0("mixin-exists", _s20_, new A._EvaluateVisitor_closure22(_this), _s9_), A.BuiltInCallable$function0("content-exists", "", new A._EvaluateVisitor_closure23(_this), _s9_), A.BuiltInCallable$function0("module-variables", "$module", new A._EvaluateVisitor_closure24(_this), _s9_), A.BuiltInCallable$function0("module-functions", "$module", new A._EvaluateVisitor_closure25(_this), _s9_), A.BuiltInCallable$function0("get-function", "$name, $css: false, $module: null", new A._EvaluateVisitor_closure26(_this), _s9_), A.BuiltInCallable$function0("call", "$function, $args...", new A._EvaluateVisitor_closure27(_this), _s9_)], t1),
78759 metaMixins = A._setArrayType([A.BuiltInCallable$mixin0("load-css", "$url, $with: null", new A._EvaluateVisitor_closure28(_this), _s9_)], t1);
78760 t1 = type$.BuiltInCallable_2;
78761 t2 = A.List_List$of($.$get$global6(), true, t1);
78762 B.JSArray_methods.addAll$1(t2, $.$get$local0());
78763 B.JSArray_methods.addAll$1(t2, metaFunctions);
78764 metaModule = A.BuiltInModule$0("meta", t2, metaMixins, null, t1);
78765 for (t1 = A.List_List$of($.$get$coreModules0(), true, type$.BuiltInModule_BuiltInCallable_2), t1.push(metaModule), t2 = t1.length, t3 = _this._evaluate0$_builtInModules, _i = 0; _i < t1.length; t1.length === t2 || (0, A.throwConcurrentModificationError)(t1), ++_i) {
78766 module = t1[_i];
78767 t3.$indexSet(0, module.url, module);
78768 }
78769 t1 = A._setArrayType([], type$.JSArray_Callable_2);
78770 B.JSArray_methods.addAll$1(t1, functions);
78771 B.JSArray_methods.addAll$1(t1, $.$get$globalFunctions0());
78772 B.JSArray_methods.addAll$1(t1, metaFunctions);
78773 for (t2 = t1.length, t3 = _this._evaluate0$_builtInFunctions, _i = 0; _i < t1.length; t1.length === t2 || (0, A.throwConcurrentModificationError)(t1), ++_i) {
78774 $function = t1[_i];
78775 t4 = J.get$name$x($function);
78776 t3.$indexSet(0, A.stringReplaceAllUnchecked(t4, "_", "-"), $function);
78777 }
78778 },
78779 run$2(_, importer, node) {
78780 var t1 = type$.nullable_Object;
78781 return A.runZoned(new A._EvaluateVisitor_run_closure1(this, node, importer), A.LinkedHashMap_LinkedHashMap$_literal([B.Symbol__evaluationContext, new A._EvaluationContext1(this, node)], t1, t1), type$.EvaluateResult_2);
78782 },
78783 _evaluate0$_assertInModule$1$2(value, $name) {
78784 if (value != null)
78785 return value;
78786 throw A.wrapException(A.StateError$("Can't access " + $name + " outside of a module."));
78787 },
78788 _evaluate0$_assertInModule$2(value, $name) {
78789 return this._evaluate0$_assertInModule$1$2(value, $name, type$.dynamic);
78790 },
78791 _evaluate0$_loadModule$7$baseUrl$configuration$namesInErrors(url, stackFrame, nodeWithSpan, callback, baseUrl, configuration, namesInErrors) {
78792 var t1, t2, _this = this,
78793 builtInModule = _this._evaluate0$_builtInModules.$index(0, url);
78794 if (builtInModule != null) {
78795 if (configuration instanceof A.ExplicitConfiguration0) {
78796 t1 = namesInErrors ? "Built-in module " + url.toString$0(0) + " can't be configured." : "Built-in modules can't be configured.";
78797 t2 = configuration.nodeWithSpan;
78798 throw A.wrapException(_this._evaluate0$_exception$2(t1, t2.get$span(t2)));
78799 }
78800 _this._evaluate0$_addExceptionSpan$2(nodeWithSpan, new A._EvaluateVisitor__loadModule_closure3(callback, builtInModule));
78801 return;
78802 }
78803 _this._evaluate0$_withStackFrame$3(stackFrame, nodeWithSpan, new A._EvaluateVisitor__loadModule_closure4(_this, url, nodeWithSpan, baseUrl, namesInErrors, configuration, callback));
78804 },
78805 _evaluate0$_loadModule$5$configuration(url, stackFrame, nodeWithSpan, callback, configuration) {
78806 return this._evaluate0$_loadModule$7$baseUrl$configuration$namesInErrors(url, stackFrame, nodeWithSpan, callback, null, configuration, false);
78807 },
78808 _evaluate0$_loadModule$4(url, stackFrame, nodeWithSpan, callback) {
78809 return this._evaluate0$_loadModule$7$baseUrl$configuration$namesInErrors(url, stackFrame, nodeWithSpan, callback, null, null, false);
78810 },
78811 _evaluate0$_execute$5$configuration$namesInErrors$nodeWithSpan(importer, stylesheet, configuration, namesInErrors, nodeWithSpan) {
78812 var currentConfiguration, message, t2, existingSpan, configurationSpan, environment, css, extensionStore, module, _this = this,
78813 url = stylesheet.span.file.url,
78814 t1 = _this._evaluate0$_modules,
78815 alreadyLoaded = t1.$index(0, url);
78816 if (alreadyLoaded != null) {
78817 t1 = configuration == null;
78818 currentConfiguration = t1 ? _this._evaluate0$_configuration : configuration;
78819 if (currentConfiguration instanceof A.ExplicitConfiguration0) {
78820 message = namesInErrors ? $.$get$context().prettyUri$1(url) + string$.x20was_a : string$.This_mw;
78821 t2 = _this._evaluate0$_moduleNodes.$index(0, url);
78822 existingSpan = t2 == null ? null : J.get$span$z(t2);
78823 if (t1) {
78824 t1 = currentConfiguration.nodeWithSpan;
78825 configurationSpan = t1.get$span(t1);
78826 } else
78827 configurationSpan = null;
78828 t1 = A.LinkedHashMap_LinkedHashMap$_empty(type$.FileSpan, type$.String);
78829 if (existingSpan != null)
78830 t1.$indexSet(0, existingSpan, "original load");
78831 if (configurationSpan != null)
78832 t1.$indexSet(0, configurationSpan, "configuration");
78833 throw A.wrapException(t1.get$isEmpty(t1) ? _this._evaluate0$_exception$1(message) : _this._evaluate0$_multiSpanException$3(message, "new load", t1));
78834 }
78835 return alreadyLoaded;
78836 }
78837 environment = A.Environment$0();
78838 css = A._Cell$();
78839 extensionStore = A.ExtensionStore$0();
78840 _this._evaluate0$_withEnvironment$2(environment, new A._EvaluateVisitor__execute_closure1(_this, importer, stylesheet, extensionStore, configuration, css));
78841 module = environment.toModule$2(css._readLocal$0(), extensionStore);
78842 if (url != null) {
78843 t1.$indexSet(0, url, module);
78844 if (nodeWithSpan != null)
78845 _this._evaluate0$_moduleNodes.$indexSet(0, url, nodeWithSpan);
78846 }
78847 return module;
78848 },
78849 _evaluate0$_execute$2(importer, stylesheet) {
78850 return this._evaluate0$_execute$5$configuration$namesInErrors$nodeWithSpan(importer, stylesheet, null, false, null);
78851 },
78852 _evaluate0$_addOutOfOrderImports$0() {
78853 var t1, t2, _this = this, _s5_ = "_root",
78854 _s13_ = "_endOfImports",
78855 outOfOrderImports = _this._evaluate0$_outOfOrderImports;
78856 if (outOfOrderImports == null)
78857 return _this._evaluate0$_assertInModule$2(_this._evaluate0$__root, _s5_).children;
78858 t1 = _this._evaluate0$_assertInModule$2(_this._evaluate0$__root, _s5_).children;
78859 t1 = A.List_List$of(A.SubListIterable$(t1, 0, A.checkNotNullable(_this._evaluate0$_assertInModule$2(_this._evaluate0$__endOfImports, _s13_), "count", type$.int), t1.$ti._eval$1("ListMixin.E")), true, type$.ModifiableCssNode_2);
78860 B.JSArray_methods.addAll$1(t1, outOfOrderImports);
78861 t2 = _this._evaluate0$_assertInModule$2(_this._evaluate0$__root, _s5_).children;
78862 B.JSArray_methods.addAll$1(t1, A.SubListIterable$(t2, _this._evaluate0$_assertInModule$2(_this._evaluate0$__endOfImports, _s13_), null, t2.$ti._eval$1("ListMixin.E")));
78863 return t1;
78864 },
78865 _evaluate0$_combineCss$2$clone(root, clone) {
78866 var selectors, unsatisfiedExtension, sortedModules, t1, imports, css, t2, t3, statements, index, _this = this;
78867 if (!B.JSArray_methods.any$1(root.get$upstream(), new A._EvaluateVisitor__combineCss_closure5())) {
78868 selectors = root.get$extensionStore().get$simpleSelectors();
78869 unsatisfiedExtension = A.firstOrNull0(root.get$extensionStore().extensionsWhereTarget$1(new A._EvaluateVisitor__combineCss_closure6(selectors)));
78870 if (unsatisfiedExtension != null)
78871 _this._evaluate0$_throwForUnsatisfiedExtension$1(unsatisfiedExtension);
78872 return root.get$css(root);
78873 }
78874 sortedModules = _this._evaluate0$_topologicalModules$1(root);
78875 if (clone) {
78876 t1 = sortedModules.$ti._eval$1("MappedListIterable<ListMixin.E,Module0<Callable0>>");
78877 sortedModules = A.List_List$of(new A.MappedListIterable(sortedModules, new A._EvaluateVisitor__combineCss_closure7(), t1), true, t1._eval$1("ListIterable.E"));
78878 }
78879 _this._evaluate0$_extendModules$1(sortedModules);
78880 t1 = type$.JSArray_CssNode_2;
78881 imports = A._setArrayType([], t1);
78882 css = A._setArrayType([], t1);
78883 for (t1 = J.get$reversed$ax(sortedModules), t1 = new A.ListIterator(t1, t1.get$length(t1)), t2 = A._instanceType(t1)._precomputed1; t1.moveNext$0();) {
78884 t3 = t2._as(t1.__internal$_current);
78885 t3 = t3.get$css(t3);
78886 statements = t3.get$children(t3);
78887 index = _this._evaluate0$_indexAfterImports$1(statements);
78888 t3 = J.getInterceptor$ax(statements);
78889 B.JSArray_methods.addAll$1(imports, t3.getRange$2(statements, 0, index));
78890 B.JSArray_methods.addAll$1(css, t3.getRange$2(statements, index, t3.get$length(statements)));
78891 }
78892 t1 = B.JSArray_methods.$add(imports, css);
78893 t2 = root.get$css(root);
78894 return new A.CssStylesheet0(new A.UnmodifiableListView(t1, type$.UnmodifiableListView_CssNode_2), t2.get$span(t2));
78895 },
78896 _evaluate0$_combineCss$1(root) {
78897 return this._evaluate0$_combineCss$2$clone(root, false);
78898 },
78899 _evaluate0$_extendModules$1(sortedModules) {
78900 var t1, t2, originalSelectors, $self, t3, t4, _i, upstream, url,
78901 downstreamExtensionStores = A.LinkedHashMap_LinkedHashMap$_empty(type$.Uri, type$.List_ExtensionStore_2),
78902 unsatisfiedExtensions = new A._LinkedIdentityHashSet(type$._LinkedIdentityHashSet_Extension_2);
78903 for (t1 = J.get$iterator$ax(sortedModules); t1.moveNext$0();) {
78904 t2 = t1.get$current(t1);
78905 originalSelectors = t2.get$extensionStore().get$simpleSelectors().toSet$0(0);
78906 unsatisfiedExtensions.addAll$1(0, t2.get$extensionStore().extensionsWhereTarget$1(new A._EvaluateVisitor__extendModules_closure3(originalSelectors)));
78907 $self = downstreamExtensionStores.$index(0, t2.get$url(t2));
78908 t3 = t2.get$extensionStore().get$addExtensions();
78909 if ($self != null)
78910 t3.call$1($self);
78911 t3 = t2.get$extensionStore();
78912 if (t3.get$isEmpty(t3))
78913 continue;
78914 for (t3 = t2.get$upstream(), t4 = t3.length, _i = 0; _i < t3.length; t3.length === t4 || (0, A.throwConcurrentModificationError)(t3), ++_i) {
78915 upstream = t3[_i];
78916 url = upstream.get$url(upstream);
78917 if (url == null)
78918 continue;
78919 J.add$1$ax(downstreamExtensionStores.putIfAbsent$2(url, new A._EvaluateVisitor__extendModules_closure4()), t2.get$extensionStore());
78920 }
78921 unsatisfiedExtensions.removeAll$1(t2.get$extensionStore().extensionsWhereTarget$1(originalSelectors.get$contains(originalSelectors)));
78922 }
78923 if (unsatisfiedExtensions._collection$_length !== 0)
78924 this._evaluate0$_throwForUnsatisfiedExtension$1(unsatisfiedExtensions.get$first(unsatisfiedExtensions));
78925 },
78926 _evaluate0$_throwForUnsatisfiedExtension$1(extension) {
78927 throw A.wrapException(A.SassException$0(string$.The_ta + extension.target.toString$0(0) + ' !optional" to avoid this error.', extension.span));
78928 },
78929 _evaluate0$_topologicalModules$1(root) {
78930 var t1 = type$.Module_Callable_2,
78931 sorted = A.QueueList$(null, t1);
78932 new A._EvaluateVisitor__topologicalModules_visitModule1(A.LinkedHashSet_LinkedHashSet$_empty(t1), sorted).call$1(root);
78933 return sorted;
78934 },
78935 _evaluate0$_indexAfterImports$1(statements) {
78936 var t1, t2, t3, lastImport, i, statement;
78937 for (t1 = J.getInterceptor$asx(statements), t2 = type$.CssComment_2, t3 = type$.CssImport_2, lastImport = -1, i = 0; i < t1.get$length(statements); ++i) {
78938 statement = t1.$index(statements, i);
78939 if (t3._is(statement))
78940 lastImport = i;
78941 else if (!t2._is(statement))
78942 break;
78943 }
78944 return lastImport + 1;
78945 },
78946 visitStylesheet$1(node) {
78947 var t1, t2, _i;
78948 for (t1 = node.children, t2 = t1.length, _i = 0; _i < t2; ++_i)
78949 t1[_i].accept$1(this);
78950 return null;
78951 },
78952 visitAtRootRule$1(node) {
78953 var t1, grandparent, root, innerCopy, t2, outerCopy, copy, _this = this,
78954 _s8_ = "__parent",
78955 unparsedQuery = node.query,
78956 query = unparsedQuery != null ? _this._evaluate0$_adjustParseError$2(unparsedQuery, new A._EvaluateVisitor_visitAtRootRule_closure5(_this, _this._evaluate0$_performInterpolation$2$warnForColor(unparsedQuery, true))) : B.AtRootQuery_UsS0,
78957 $parent = _this._evaluate0$_assertInModule$2(_this._evaluate0$__parent, _s8_),
78958 included = A._setArrayType([], type$.JSArray_ModifiableCssParentNode_2);
78959 for (t1 = type$.CssStylesheet_2; !t1._is($parent); $parent = grandparent) {
78960 if (!query.excludes$1($parent))
78961 included.push($parent);
78962 grandparent = $parent._node1$_parent;
78963 if (grandparent == null)
78964 throw A.wrapException(A.StateError$(string$.CssNod));
78965 }
78966 root = _this._evaluate0$_trimIncluded$1(included);
78967 if (root === _this._evaluate0$_assertInModule$2(_this._evaluate0$__parent, _s8_)) {
78968 _this._evaluate0$_environment.scope$1$2$when(new A._EvaluateVisitor_visitAtRootRule_closure6(_this, node), node.hasDeclarations, type$.Null);
78969 return null;
78970 }
78971 if (included.length !== 0) {
78972 innerCopy = B.JSArray_methods.get$first(included).copyWithoutChildren$0();
78973 for (t1 = A.SubListIterable$(included, 1, null, type$.ModifiableCssParentNode_2), t1 = new A.ListIterator(t1, t1.get$length(t1)), t2 = A._instanceType(t1)._precomputed1, outerCopy = innerCopy; t1.moveNext$0(); outerCopy = copy) {
78974 copy = t2._as(t1.__internal$_current).copyWithoutChildren$0();
78975 copy.addChild$1(outerCopy);
78976 }
78977 root.addChild$1(outerCopy);
78978 } else
78979 innerCopy = root;
78980 _this._evaluate0$_scopeForAtRoot$4(node, innerCopy, query, included).call$1(new A._EvaluateVisitor_visitAtRootRule_closure7(_this, node));
78981 return null;
78982 },
78983 _evaluate0$_trimIncluded$1(nodes) {
78984 var $parent, t1, innermostContiguous, i, t2, grandparent, root, _this = this, _null = null, _s5_ = "_root",
78985 _s22_ = " to be an ancestor of ";
78986 if (nodes.length === 0)
78987 return _this._evaluate0$_assertInModule$2(_this._evaluate0$__root, _s5_);
78988 $parent = _this._evaluate0$_assertInModule$2(_this._evaluate0$__parent, "__parent");
78989 for (t1 = nodes.length, innermostContiguous = _null, i = 0; i < t1; ++i, $parent = grandparent) {
78990 for (; t2 = nodes[i], $parent !== t2; innermostContiguous = _null, $parent = grandparent) {
78991 grandparent = $parent._node1$_parent;
78992 if (grandparent == null)
78993 throw A.wrapException(A.ArgumentError$("Expected " + t2.toString$0(0) + _s22_ + _this.toString$0(0) + ".", _null));
78994 }
78995 if (innermostContiguous == null)
78996 innermostContiguous = i;
78997 grandparent = $parent._node1$_parent;
78998 if (grandparent == null)
78999 throw A.wrapException(A.ArgumentError$("Expected " + t2.toString$0(0) + _s22_ + _this.toString$0(0) + ".", _null));
79000 }
79001 if ($parent !== _this._evaluate0$_assertInModule$2(_this._evaluate0$__root, _s5_))
79002 return _this._evaluate0$_assertInModule$2(_this._evaluate0$__root, _s5_);
79003 innermostContiguous.toString;
79004 root = nodes[innermostContiguous];
79005 B.JSArray_methods.removeRange$2(nodes, innermostContiguous, nodes.length);
79006 return root;
79007 },
79008 _evaluate0$_scopeForAtRoot$4(node, newParent, query, included) {
79009 var _this = this,
79010 scope = new A._EvaluateVisitor__scopeForAtRoot_closure11(_this, newParent, node),
79011 t1 = query._at_root_query0$_all || query._at_root_query0$_rule;
79012 if (t1 !== query.include)
79013 scope = new A._EvaluateVisitor__scopeForAtRoot_closure12(_this, scope);
79014 if (_this._evaluate0$_mediaQueries != null && query.excludesName$1("media"))
79015 scope = new A._EvaluateVisitor__scopeForAtRoot_closure13(_this, scope);
79016 if (_this._evaluate0$_inKeyframes && query.excludesName$1("keyframes"))
79017 scope = new A._EvaluateVisitor__scopeForAtRoot_closure14(_this, scope);
79018 return _this._evaluate0$_inUnknownAtRule && !B.JSArray_methods.any$1(included, new A._EvaluateVisitor__scopeForAtRoot_closure15()) ? new A._EvaluateVisitor__scopeForAtRoot_closure16(_this, scope) : scope;
79019 },
79020 visitContentBlock$1(node) {
79021 return A.throwExpression(A.UnsupportedError$(string$.Evalua));
79022 },
79023 visitContentRule$1(node) {
79024 var $content = this._evaluate0$_environment._environment0$_content;
79025 if ($content == null)
79026 return null;
79027 this._evaluate0$_runUserDefinedCallable$1$4(node.$arguments, $content, node, new A._EvaluateVisitor_visitContentRule_closure1(this, $content), type$.Null);
79028 return null;
79029 },
79030 visitDebugRule$1(node) {
79031 var value = node.expression.accept$1(this),
79032 t1 = value instanceof A.SassString0 ? value._string0$_text : A.serializeValue0(value, true, true);
79033 this._evaluate0$_logger.debug$2(0, t1, node.span);
79034 return null;
79035 },
79036 visitDeclaration$1(node) {
79037 var t1, $name, t2, cssValue, t3, t4, children, oldDeclarationName, _this = this, _null = null;
79038 if ((_this._evaluate0$_atRootExcludingStyleRule ? _null : _this._evaluate0$_styleRuleIgnoringAtRoot) == null && !_this._evaluate0$_inUnknownAtRule && !_this._evaluate0$_inKeyframes)
79039 throw A.wrapException(_this._evaluate0$_exception$2(string$.Declarm, node.span));
79040 t1 = node.name;
79041 $name = _this._evaluate0$_interpolationToValue$2$warnForColor(t1, true);
79042 t2 = _this._evaluate0$_declarationName;
79043 if (t2 != null)
79044 $name = new A.CssValue0(t2 + "-" + A.S($name.value), $name.span, type$.CssValue_String_2);
79045 t2 = node.value;
79046 cssValue = A.NullableExtension_andThen0(t2, new A._EvaluateVisitor_visitDeclaration_closure3(_this));
79047 t3 = cssValue != null;
79048 if (t3)
79049 t4 = !cssValue.get$value(cssValue).get$isBlank() || cssValue.get$value(cssValue).get$asList().length === 0;
79050 else
79051 t4 = false;
79052 if (t4) {
79053 t3 = _this._evaluate0$_assertInModule$2(_this._evaluate0$__parent, "__parent");
79054 t1 = B.JSString_methods.startsWith$1(t1.get$initialPlain(), "--");
79055 if (_this._evaluate0$_sourceMap) {
79056 t2 = A.NullableExtension_andThen0(t2, _this.get$_evaluate0$_expressionNode());
79057 t2 = t2 == null ? _null : J.get$span$z(t2);
79058 } else
79059 t2 = _null;
79060 t3.addChild$1(A.ModifiableCssDeclaration$0($name, cssValue, node.span, t1, t2));
79061 } else if (J.startsWith$1$s($name.value, "--") && t3)
79062 throw A.wrapException(_this._evaluate0$_exception$2("Custom property values may not be empty.", cssValue.get$span(cssValue)));
79063 children = node.children;
79064 if (children != null) {
79065 oldDeclarationName = _this._evaluate0$_declarationName;
79066 _this._evaluate0$_declarationName = $name.value;
79067 _this._evaluate0$_environment.scope$1$2$when(new A._EvaluateVisitor_visitDeclaration_closure4(_this, children), node.hasDeclarations, type$.Null);
79068 _this._evaluate0$_declarationName = oldDeclarationName;
79069 }
79070 return _null;
79071 },
79072 visitEachRule$1(node) {
79073 var _this = this,
79074 t1 = node.list,
79075 list = t1.accept$1(_this),
79076 nodeWithSpan = _this._evaluate0$_expressionNode$1(t1),
79077 setVariables = node.variables.length === 1 ? new A._EvaluateVisitor_visitEachRule_closure5(_this, node, nodeWithSpan) : new A._EvaluateVisitor_visitEachRule_closure6(_this, node, nodeWithSpan);
79078 return _this._evaluate0$_environment.scope$1$2$semiGlobal(new A._EvaluateVisitor_visitEachRule_closure7(_this, list, setVariables, node), true, type$.nullable_Value_2);
79079 },
79080 _evaluate0$_setMultipleVariables$3(variables, value, nodeWithSpan) {
79081 var i,
79082 list = value.get$asList(),
79083 t1 = variables.length,
79084 minLength = Math.min(t1, list.length);
79085 for (i = 0; i < minLength; ++i)
79086 this._evaluate0$_environment.setLocalVariable$3(variables[i], this._evaluate0$_withoutSlash$2(list[i], nodeWithSpan), nodeWithSpan);
79087 for (i = minLength; i < t1; ++i)
79088 this._evaluate0$_environment.setLocalVariable$3(variables[i], B.C__SassNull0, nodeWithSpan);
79089 },
79090 visitErrorRule$1(node) {
79091 throw A.wrapException(this._evaluate0$_exception$2(J.toString$0$(node.expression.accept$1(this)), node.span));
79092 },
79093 visitExtendRule$1(node) {
79094 var targetText, t1, t2, t3, _i, t4, _this = this,
79095 styleRule = _this._evaluate0$_atRootExcludingStyleRule ? null : _this._evaluate0$_styleRuleIgnoringAtRoot;
79096 if (styleRule == null || _this._evaluate0$_declarationName != null)
79097 throw A.wrapException(_this._evaluate0$_exception$2(string$.x40exten, node.span));
79098 targetText = _this._evaluate0$_interpolationToValue$2$warnForColor(node.selector, true);
79099 for (t1 = _this._evaluate0$_adjustParseError$2(targetText, new A._EvaluateVisitor_visitExtendRule_closure1(_this, targetText)).components, t2 = t1.length, t3 = type$.CompoundSelector_2, _i = 0; _i < t2; ++_i) {
79100 t4 = t1[_i].components;
79101 if (t4.length !== 1 || !(B.JSArray_methods.get$first(t4) instanceof A.CompoundSelector0))
79102 throw A.wrapException(A.SassFormatException$0("complex selectors may not be extended.", targetText.span));
79103 t4 = t3._as(B.JSArray_methods.get$first(t4)).components;
79104 if (t4.length !== 1)
79105 throw A.wrapException(A.SassFormatException$0(string$.compou + B.JSArray_methods.join$1(t4, ", ") + string$.x60_inst, targetText.span));
79106 _this._evaluate0$_assertInModule$2(_this._evaluate0$__extensionStore, "_extensionStore").addExtension$4(styleRule.selector, B.JSArray_methods.get$first(t4), node, _this._evaluate0$_mediaQueries);
79107 }
79108 return null;
79109 },
79110 visitAtRule$1(node) {
79111 var $name, value, children, wasInKeyframes, wasInUnknownAtRule, _this = this;
79112 if (_this._evaluate0$_declarationName != null)
79113 throw A.wrapException(_this._evaluate0$_exception$2(string$.At_rul, node.span));
79114 $name = _this._evaluate0$_interpolationToValue$1(node.name);
79115 value = A.NullableExtension_andThen0(node.value, new A._EvaluateVisitor_visitAtRule_closure5(_this));
79116 children = node.children;
79117 if (children == null) {
79118 _this._evaluate0$_assertInModule$2(_this._evaluate0$__parent, "__parent").addChild$1(A.ModifiableCssAtRule$0($name, node.span, true, value));
79119 return null;
79120 }
79121 wasInKeyframes = _this._evaluate0$_inKeyframes;
79122 wasInUnknownAtRule = _this._evaluate0$_inUnknownAtRule;
79123 if (A.unvendor0($name.value) === "keyframes")
79124 _this._evaluate0$_inKeyframes = true;
79125 else
79126 _this._evaluate0$_inUnknownAtRule = true;
79127 _this._evaluate0$_withParent$2$4$scopeWhen$through(A.ModifiableCssAtRule$0($name, node.span, false, value), new A._EvaluateVisitor_visitAtRule_closure6(_this, children), node.hasDeclarations, new A._EvaluateVisitor_visitAtRule_closure7(), type$.ModifiableCssAtRule_2, type$.Null);
79128 _this._evaluate0$_inUnknownAtRule = wasInUnknownAtRule;
79129 _this._evaluate0$_inKeyframes = wasInKeyframes;
79130 return null;
79131 },
79132 visitForRule$1(node) {
79133 var _this = this, t1 = {},
79134 t2 = node.from,
79135 fromNumber = _this._evaluate0$_addExceptionSpan$2(t2, new A._EvaluateVisitor_visitForRule_closure9(_this, node)),
79136 t3 = node.to,
79137 toNumber = _this._evaluate0$_addExceptionSpan$2(t3, new A._EvaluateVisitor_visitForRule_closure10(_this, node)),
79138 from = _this._evaluate0$_addExceptionSpan$2(t2, new A._EvaluateVisitor_visitForRule_closure11(fromNumber)),
79139 to = t1.to = _this._evaluate0$_addExceptionSpan$2(t3, new A._EvaluateVisitor_visitForRule_closure12(toNumber, fromNumber)),
79140 direction = from > to ? -1 : 1;
79141 if (from === (!node.isExclusive ? t1.to = to + direction : to))
79142 return null;
79143 return _this._evaluate0$_environment.scope$1$2$semiGlobal(new A._EvaluateVisitor_visitForRule_closure13(t1, _this, node, from, direction, fromNumber), true, type$.nullable_Value_2);
79144 },
79145 visitForwardRule$1(node) {
79146 var newConfiguration, t4, _i, variable, $name, _this = this,
79147 _s8_ = "@forward",
79148 oldConfiguration = _this._evaluate0$_configuration,
79149 adjustedConfiguration = oldConfiguration.throughForward$1(node),
79150 t1 = node.configuration,
79151 t2 = t1.length,
79152 t3 = node.url;
79153 if (t2 !== 0) {
79154 newConfiguration = _this._evaluate0$_addForwardConfiguration$2(adjustedConfiguration, node);
79155 _this._evaluate0$_loadModule$5$configuration(t3, _s8_, node, new A._EvaluateVisitor_visitForwardRule_closure3(_this, node), newConfiguration);
79156 t3 = type$.String;
79157 t4 = A.LinkedHashSet_LinkedHashSet$_empty(t3);
79158 for (_i = 0; _i < t2; ++_i) {
79159 variable = t1[_i];
79160 if (!variable.isGuarded)
79161 t4.add$1(0, variable.name);
79162 }
79163 _this._evaluate0$_removeUsedConfiguration$3$except(adjustedConfiguration, newConfiguration, t4);
79164 t3 = A.LinkedHashSet_LinkedHashSet$_empty(t3);
79165 for (_i = 0; _i < t2; ++_i)
79166 t3.add$1(0, t1[_i].name);
79167 for (t1 = newConfiguration._configuration$_values, t2 = J.toList$0$ax(t1.get$keys(t1)), t4 = t2.length, _i = 0; _i < t2.length; t2.length === t4 || (0, A.throwConcurrentModificationError)(t2), ++_i) {
79168 $name = t2[_i];
79169 if (!t3.contains$1(0, $name))
79170 if (!t1.get$isEmpty(t1))
79171 t1.remove$1(0, $name);
79172 }
79173 _this._evaluate0$_assertConfigurationIsEmpty$1(newConfiguration);
79174 } else {
79175 _this._evaluate0$_configuration = adjustedConfiguration;
79176 _this._evaluate0$_loadModule$4(t3, _s8_, node, new A._EvaluateVisitor_visitForwardRule_closure4(_this, node));
79177 _this._evaluate0$_configuration = oldConfiguration;
79178 }
79179 return null;
79180 },
79181 _evaluate0$_addForwardConfiguration$2(configuration, node) {
79182 var t2, t3, _i, variable, t4, t5, variableNodeWithSpan,
79183 t1 = configuration._configuration$_values,
79184 newValues = A.LinkedHashMap_LinkedHashMap$of(new A.UnmodifiableMapView(t1, type$.UnmodifiableMapView_String_ConfiguredValue_2), type$.String, type$.ConfiguredValue_2);
79185 for (t2 = node.configuration, t3 = t2.length, _i = 0; _i < t3; ++_i) {
79186 variable = t2[_i];
79187 if (variable.isGuarded) {
79188 t4 = variable.name;
79189 t5 = t1.get$isEmpty(t1) ? null : t1.remove$1(0, t4);
79190 if (t5 != null && !t5.value.$eq(0, B.C__SassNull0)) {
79191 newValues.$indexSet(0, t4, t5);
79192 continue;
79193 }
79194 }
79195 t4 = variable.expression;
79196 variableNodeWithSpan = this._evaluate0$_expressionNode$1(t4);
79197 newValues.$indexSet(0, variable.name, new A.ConfiguredValue0(this._evaluate0$_withoutSlash$2(t4.accept$1(this), variableNodeWithSpan), variable.span, variableNodeWithSpan));
79198 }
79199 if (configuration instanceof A.ExplicitConfiguration0 || t1.get$isEmpty(t1))
79200 return new A.ExplicitConfiguration0(node, newValues);
79201 else
79202 return new A.Configuration0(newValues);
79203 },
79204 _evaluate0$_removeUsedConfiguration$3$except(upstream, downstream, except) {
79205 var t1, t2, t3, t4, _i, $name;
79206 for (t1 = upstream._configuration$_values, t2 = J.toList$0$ax(t1.get$keys(t1)), t3 = t2.length, t4 = downstream._configuration$_values, _i = 0; _i < t2.length; t2.length === t3 || (0, A.throwConcurrentModificationError)(t2), ++_i) {
79207 $name = t2[_i];
79208 if (except.contains$1(0, $name))
79209 continue;
79210 if (!t4.containsKey$1($name))
79211 if (!t1.get$isEmpty(t1))
79212 t1.remove$1(0, $name);
79213 }
79214 },
79215 _evaluate0$_assertConfigurationIsEmpty$2$nameInError(configuration, nameInError) {
79216 var t1, entry;
79217 if (!(configuration instanceof A.ExplicitConfiguration0))
79218 return;
79219 t1 = configuration._configuration$_values;
79220 if (t1.get$isEmpty(t1))
79221 return;
79222 t1 = t1.get$entries(t1);
79223 entry = t1.get$first(t1);
79224 t1 = nameInError ? "$" + A.S(entry.key) + string$.x20was_n : string$.This_v;
79225 throw A.wrapException(this._evaluate0$_exception$2(t1, entry.value.configurationSpan));
79226 },
79227 _evaluate0$_assertConfigurationIsEmpty$1(configuration) {
79228 return this._evaluate0$_assertConfigurationIsEmpty$2$nameInError(configuration, false);
79229 },
79230 visitFunctionRule$1(node) {
79231 var t1 = this._evaluate0$_environment,
79232 t2 = t1.closure$0(),
79233 t3 = t1._environment0$_functions,
79234 index = t3.length - 1,
79235 t4 = node.name;
79236 t1._environment0$_functionIndices.$indexSet(0, t4, index);
79237 J.$indexSet$ax(t3[index], t4, new A.UserDefinedCallable0(node, t2, type$.UserDefinedCallable_Environment_2));
79238 return null;
79239 },
79240 visitIfRule$1(node) {
79241 var t1, t2, _i, clauseToCheck, _box_0 = {};
79242 _box_0.clause = node.lastClause;
79243 for (t1 = node.clauses, t2 = t1.length, _i = 0; _i < t2; ++_i) {
79244 clauseToCheck = t1[_i];
79245 if (clauseToCheck.expression.accept$1(this).get$isTruthy()) {
79246 _box_0.clause = clauseToCheck;
79247 break;
79248 }
79249 }
79250 t1 = _box_0.clause;
79251 if (t1 == null)
79252 return null;
79253 return this._evaluate0$_environment.scope$1$3$semiGlobal$when(new A._EvaluateVisitor_visitIfRule_closure1(_box_0, this), true, t1.hasDeclarations, type$.nullable_Value_2);
79254 },
79255 visitImportRule$1(node) {
79256 var t1, t2, t3, _i, $import;
79257 for (t1 = node.imports, t2 = t1.length, t3 = type$.StaticImport_2, _i = 0; _i < t2; ++_i) {
79258 $import = t1[_i];
79259 if ($import instanceof A.DynamicImport0)
79260 this._evaluate0$_visitDynamicImport$1($import);
79261 else
79262 this._evaluate0$_visitStaticImport$1(t3._as($import));
79263 }
79264 return null;
79265 },
79266 _evaluate0$_visitDynamicImport$1($import) {
79267 return this._evaluate0$_withStackFrame$3("@import", $import, new A._EvaluateVisitor__visitDynamicImport_closure1(this, $import));
79268 },
79269 _evaluate0$_loadStylesheet$4$baseUrl$forImport(url, span, baseUrl, forImport) {
79270 var importCache, tuple, isDependency, stylesheet, result, error, stackTrace, error0, stackTrace0, message, t1, t2, t3, t4, exception, message0, _this = this;
79271 baseUrl = baseUrl;
79272 try {
79273 _this._evaluate0$_importSpan = span;
79274 importCache = _this._evaluate0$_importCache;
79275 if (importCache != null) {
79276 if (baseUrl == null)
79277 baseUrl = _this._evaluate0$_assertInModule$2(_this._evaluate0$__stylesheet, "_stylesheet").span.file.url;
79278 tuple = J.canonicalize$4$baseImporter$baseUrl$forImport$x(importCache, A.Uri_parse(url), _this._evaluate0$_importer, baseUrl, forImport);
79279 if (tuple != null) {
79280 isDependency = _this._evaluate0$_inDependency || tuple.item1 !== _this._evaluate0$_importer;
79281 t1 = tuple.item1;
79282 t2 = tuple.item2;
79283 t3 = tuple.item3;
79284 t4 = _this._evaluate0$_quietDeps && isDependency;
79285 stylesheet = importCache.importCanonical$4$originalUrl$quiet(t1, t2, t3, t4);
79286 if (stylesheet != null) {
79287 _this._evaluate0$_loadedUrls.add$1(0, tuple.item2);
79288 t1 = tuple.item1;
79289 return new A._LoadedStylesheet1(stylesheet, t1, isDependency);
79290 }
79291 }
79292 } else {
79293 result = _this._evaluate0$_importLikeNode$2(url, forImport);
79294 if (result != null) {
79295 t1 = _this._evaluate0$_loadedUrls;
79296 A.NullableExtension_andThen0(result.stylesheet.span.file.url, t1.get$add(t1));
79297 return result;
79298 }
79299 }
79300 if (B.JSString_methods.startsWith$1(url, "package:") && true)
79301 throw A.wrapException(string$.x22packa);
79302 else
79303 throw A.wrapException("Can't find stylesheet to import.");
79304 } catch (exception) {
79305 t1 = A.unwrapException(exception);
79306 if (t1 instanceof A.SassException0) {
79307 error = t1;
79308 stackTrace = A.getTraceFromException(exception);
79309 t1 = error;
79310 t2 = J.getInterceptor$z(t1);
79311 A.throwWithTrace0(_this._evaluate0$_exception$2(error._span_exception$_message, A.SourceSpanException.prototype.get$span.call(t2, t1)), stackTrace);
79312 } else {
79313 error0 = t1;
79314 stackTrace0 = A.getTraceFromException(exception);
79315 message = null;
79316 try {
79317 message = A._asString(J.get$message$x(error0));
79318 } catch (exception) {
79319 message0 = J.toString$0$(error0);
79320 message = message0;
79321 }
79322 A.throwWithTrace0(_this._evaluate0$_exception$1(message), stackTrace0);
79323 }
79324 } finally {
79325 _this._evaluate0$_importSpan = null;
79326 }
79327 },
79328 _evaluate0$_loadStylesheet$3$baseUrl(url, span, baseUrl) {
79329 return this._evaluate0$_loadStylesheet$4$baseUrl$forImport(url, span, baseUrl, false);
79330 },
79331 _evaluate0$_loadStylesheet$3$forImport(url, span, forImport) {
79332 return this._evaluate0$_loadStylesheet$4$baseUrl$forImport(url, span, null, forImport);
79333 },
79334 _evaluate0$_importLikeNode$2(originalUrl, forImport) {
79335 var result, isDependency, url, t2, _this = this,
79336 _s11_ = "_stylesheet",
79337 t1 = _this._evaluate0$_nodeImporter;
79338 t1.toString;
79339 result = t1.loadRelative$3(originalUrl, _this._evaluate0$_assertInModule$2(_this._evaluate0$__stylesheet, _s11_).span.file.url, forImport);
79340 if (result != null)
79341 isDependency = _this._evaluate0$_inDependency;
79342 else {
79343 result = t1.load$3(0, originalUrl, _this._evaluate0$_assertInModule$2(_this._evaluate0$__stylesheet, _s11_).span.file.url, forImport);
79344 if (result == null)
79345 return null;
79346 isDependency = true;
79347 }
79348 url = result.item2;
79349 t1 = B.JSString_methods.startsWith$1(url, "file") ? A.Syntax_forPath0(url) : B.Syntax_SCSS0;
79350 t2 = _this._evaluate0$_quietDeps && isDependency ? $.$get$Logger_quiet0() : _this._evaluate0$_logger;
79351 return new A._LoadedStylesheet1(A.Stylesheet_Stylesheet$parse0(result.item1, t1, t2, url), null, isDependency);
79352 },
79353 _evaluate0$_visitStaticImport$1($import) {
79354 var t1, _this = this,
79355 _s8_ = "__parent",
79356 _s5_ = "_root",
79357 _s13_ = "_endOfImports",
79358 url = _this._evaluate0$_interpolationToValue$1($import.url),
79359 supports = A.NullableExtension_andThen0($import.supports, new A._EvaluateVisitor__visitStaticImport_closure1(_this)),
79360 node = A.ModifiableCssImport$0(url, $import.span, A.NullableExtension_andThen0($import.media, _this.get$_evaluate0$_visitMediaQueries()), supports);
79361 if (_this._evaluate0$_assertInModule$2(_this._evaluate0$__parent, _s8_) !== _this._evaluate0$_assertInModule$2(_this._evaluate0$__root, _s5_))
79362 _this._evaluate0$_assertInModule$2(_this._evaluate0$__parent, _s8_).addChild$1(node);
79363 else if (_this._evaluate0$_assertInModule$2(_this._evaluate0$__endOfImports, _s13_) === J.get$length$asx(_this._evaluate0$_assertInModule$2(_this._evaluate0$__root, _s5_).children._collection$_source)) {
79364 _this._evaluate0$_assertInModule$2(_this._evaluate0$__root, _s5_).addChild$1(node);
79365 _this._evaluate0$__endOfImports = _this._evaluate0$_assertInModule$2(_this._evaluate0$__endOfImports, _s13_) + 1;
79366 } else {
79367 t1 = _this._evaluate0$_outOfOrderImports;
79368 (t1 == null ? _this._evaluate0$_outOfOrderImports = A._setArrayType([], type$.JSArray_ModifiableCssImport_2) : t1).push(node);
79369 }
79370 },
79371 visitIncludeRule$1(node) {
79372 var nodeWithSpan, t1, _this = this,
79373 _s37_ = "Mixin doesn't accept a content block.",
79374 mixin = _this._evaluate0$_addExceptionSpan$2(node, new A._EvaluateVisitor_visitIncludeRule_closure7(_this, node));
79375 if (mixin == null)
79376 throw A.wrapException(_this._evaluate0$_exception$2("Undefined mixin.", node.span));
79377 nodeWithSpan = new A._FakeAstNode0(new A._EvaluateVisitor_visitIncludeRule_closure8(node));
79378 if (mixin instanceof A.BuiltInCallable0) {
79379 if (node.content != null)
79380 throw A.wrapException(_this._evaluate0$_exception$2(_s37_, node.span));
79381 _this._evaluate0$_runBuiltInCallable$3(node.$arguments, mixin, nodeWithSpan);
79382 } else if (type$.UserDefinedCallable_Environment_2._is(mixin)) {
79383 t1 = node.content;
79384 if (t1 != null && !type$.MixinRule_2._as(mixin.declaration).get$hasContent())
79385 throw A.wrapException(A.MultiSpanSassRuntimeException$0(_s37_, node.get$spanWithoutContent(), "invocation", A.LinkedHashMap_LinkedHashMap$_literal([mixin.declaration.$arguments.get$spanWithName(), "declaration"], type$.FileSpan, type$.String), _this._evaluate0$_stackTrace$1(node.get$spanWithoutContent())));
79386 _this._evaluate0$_runUserDefinedCallable$1$4(node.$arguments, mixin, nodeWithSpan, new A._EvaluateVisitor_visitIncludeRule_closure9(_this, A.NullableExtension_andThen0(t1, new A._EvaluateVisitor_visitIncludeRule_closure10(_this)), mixin, nodeWithSpan), type$.Null);
79387 } else
79388 throw A.wrapException(A.UnsupportedError$("Unknown callable type " + mixin.toString$0(0) + "."));
79389 return null;
79390 },
79391 visitMixinRule$1(node) {
79392 var t1 = this._evaluate0$_environment,
79393 t2 = t1.closure$0(),
79394 t3 = t1._environment0$_mixins,
79395 index = t3.length - 1,
79396 t4 = node.name;
79397 t1._environment0$_mixinIndices.$indexSet(0, t4, index);
79398 J.$indexSet$ax(t3[index], t4, new A.UserDefinedCallable0(node, t2, type$.UserDefinedCallable_Environment_2));
79399 return null;
79400 },
79401 visitLoudComment$1(node) {
79402 var t1, _this = this,
79403 _s8_ = "__parent",
79404 _s13_ = "_endOfImports";
79405 if (_this._evaluate0$_inFunction)
79406 return null;
79407 if (_this._evaluate0$_assertInModule$2(_this._evaluate0$__parent, _s8_) === _this._evaluate0$_assertInModule$2(_this._evaluate0$__root, "_root") && _this._evaluate0$_assertInModule$2(_this._evaluate0$__endOfImports, _s13_) === J.get$length$asx(_this._evaluate0$_assertInModule$2(_this._evaluate0$__root, "_root").children._collection$_source))
79408 _this._evaluate0$__endOfImports = _this._evaluate0$_assertInModule$2(_this._evaluate0$__endOfImports, _s13_) + 1;
79409 t1 = node.text;
79410 _this._evaluate0$_assertInModule$2(_this._evaluate0$__parent, _s8_).addChild$1(new A.ModifiableCssComment0(_this._evaluate0$_performInterpolation$1(t1), t1.span));
79411 return null;
79412 },
79413 visitMediaRule$1(node) {
79414 var queries, mergedQueries, t1, _this = this;
79415 if (_this._evaluate0$_declarationName != null)
79416 throw A.wrapException(_this._evaluate0$_exception$2(string$.Media_, node.span));
79417 queries = _this._evaluate0$_visitMediaQueries$1(node.query);
79418 mergedQueries = A.NullableExtension_andThen0(_this._evaluate0$_mediaQueries, new A._EvaluateVisitor_visitMediaRule_closure5(_this, queries));
79419 t1 = mergedQueries == null;
79420 if (!t1 && J.get$isEmpty$asx(mergedQueries))
79421 return null;
79422 t1 = t1 ? queries : mergedQueries;
79423 _this._evaluate0$_withParent$2$4$scopeWhen$through(A.ModifiableCssMediaRule$0(t1, node.span), new A._EvaluateVisitor_visitMediaRule_closure6(_this, mergedQueries, queries, node), node.hasDeclarations, new A._EvaluateVisitor_visitMediaRule_closure7(mergedQueries), type$.ModifiableCssMediaRule_2, type$.Null);
79424 return null;
79425 },
79426 _evaluate0$_visitMediaQueries$1(interpolation) {
79427 return this._evaluate0$_adjustParseError$2(interpolation, new A._EvaluateVisitor__visitMediaQueries_closure1(this, this._evaluate0$_performInterpolation$2$warnForColor(interpolation, true)));
79428 },
79429 _evaluate0$_mergeMediaQueries$2(queries1, queries2) {
79430 var t1, t2, t3, t4, t5, result,
79431 queries = A._setArrayType([], type$.JSArray_CssMediaQuery_2);
79432 for (t1 = J.get$iterator$ax(queries1), t2 = J.getInterceptor$ax(queries2), t3 = type$.MediaQuerySuccessfulMergeResult_2; t1.moveNext$0();) {
79433 t4 = t1.get$current(t1);
79434 for (t5 = t2.get$iterator(queries2); t5.moveNext$0();) {
79435 result = t4.merge$1(t5.get$current(t5));
79436 if (result === B._SingletonCssMediaQueryMergeResult_empty0)
79437 continue;
79438 if (result === B._SingletonCssMediaQueryMergeResult_unrepresentable0)
79439 return null;
79440 queries.push(t3._as(result).query);
79441 }
79442 }
79443 return queries;
79444 },
79445 visitReturnRule$1(node) {
79446 var t1 = node.expression;
79447 return this._evaluate0$_withoutSlash$2(t1.accept$1(this), t1);
79448 },
79449 visitSilentComment$1(node) {
79450 return null;
79451 },
79452 visitStyleRule$1(node) {
79453 var t2, selectorText, rule, oldAtRootExcludingStyleRule, _this = this,
79454 _s8_ = "__parent",
79455 t1 = {};
79456 if (_this._evaluate0$_declarationName != null)
79457 throw A.wrapException(_this._evaluate0$_exception$2(string$.Style_, node.span));
79458 t2 = node.selector;
79459 selectorText = _this._evaluate0$_interpolationToValue$3$trim$warnForColor(t2, true, true);
79460 if (_this._evaluate0$_inKeyframes) {
79461 _this._evaluate0$_withParent$2$4$scopeWhen$through(A.ModifiableCssKeyframeBlock$0(new A.CssValue0(A.List_List$unmodifiable(_this._evaluate0$_adjustParseError$2(t2, new A._EvaluateVisitor_visitStyleRule_closure13(_this, selectorText)), type$.String), t2.span, type$.CssValue_List_String_2), node.span), new A._EvaluateVisitor_visitStyleRule_closure14(_this, node), node.hasDeclarations, new A._EvaluateVisitor_visitStyleRule_closure15(), type$.ModifiableCssKeyframeBlock_2, type$.Null);
79462 return null;
79463 }
79464 t1.parsedSelector = _this._evaluate0$_adjustParseError$2(t2, new A._EvaluateVisitor_visitStyleRule_closure16(_this, selectorText));
79465 t1.parsedSelector = _this._evaluate0$_addExceptionSpan$2(t2, new A._EvaluateVisitor_visitStyleRule_closure17(t1, _this));
79466 rule = A.ModifiableCssStyleRule$0(_this._evaluate0$_assertInModule$2(_this._evaluate0$__extensionStore, "_extensionStore").addSelector$3(t1.parsedSelector, t2.span, _this._evaluate0$_mediaQueries), node.span, t1.parsedSelector);
79467 oldAtRootExcludingStyleRule = _this._evaluate0$_atRootExcludingStyleRule;
79468 t1 = _this._evaluate0$_atRootExcludingStyleRule = false;
79469 _this._evaluate0$_withParent$2$4$scopeWhen$through(rule, new A._EvaluateVisitor_visitStyleRule_closure18(_this, rule, node), node.hasDeclarations, new A._EvaluateVisitor_visitStyleRule_closure19(), type$.ModifiableCssStyleRule_2, type$.Null);
79470 _this._evaluate0$_atRootExcludingStyleRule = oldAtRootExcludingStyleRule;
79471 if ((oldAtRootExcludingStyleRule ? null : _this._evaluate0$_styleRuleIgnoringAtRoot) == null) {
79472 t1 = _this._evaluate0$_assertInModule$2(_this._evaluate0$__parent, _s8_).children;
79473 t1 = !t1.get$isEmpty(t1);
79474 }
79475 if (t1) {
79476 t1 = _this._evaluate0$_assertInModule$2(_this._evaluate0$__parent, _s8_).children;
79477 t1.get$last(t1).isGroupEnd = true;
79478 }
79479 return null;
79480 },
79481 visitSupportsRule$1(node) {
79482 var t1, _this = this;
79483 if (_this._evaluate0$_declarationName != null)
79484 throw A.wrapException(_this._evaluate0$_exception$2(string$.Suppor, node.span));
79485 t1 = node.condition;
79486 _this._evaluate0$_withParent$2$4$scopeWhen$through(A.ModifiableCssSupportsRule$0(new A.CssValue0(_this._evaluate0$_visitSupportsCondition$1(t1), t1.get$span(t1), type$.CssValue_String_2), node.span), new A._EvaluateVisitor_visitSupportsRule_closure3(_this, node), node.hasDeclarations, new A._EvaluateVisitor_visitSupportsRule_closure4(), type$.ModifiableCssSupportsRule_2, type$.Null);
79487 return null;
79488 },
79489 _evaluate0$_visitSupportsCondition$1(condition) {
79490 var t1, t2, _this = this;
79491 if (condition instanceof A.SupportsOperation0) {
79492 t1 = condition.operator;
79493 return _this._evaluate0$_parenthesize$2(condition.left, t1) + " " + t1 + " " + _this._evaluate0$_parenthesize$2(condition.right, t1);
79494 } else if (condition instanceof A.SupportsNegation0)
79495 return "not " + _this._evaluate0$_parenthesize$1(condition.condition);
79496 else if (condition instanceof A.SupportsInterpolation0) {
79497 t1 = condition.expression;
79498 return _this._evaluate0$_serialize$3$quote(t1.accept$1(_this), t1, false);
79499 } else if (condition instanceof A.SupportsDeclaration0) {
79500 t1 = condition.name;
79501 t1 = "(" + _this._evaluate0$_serialize$3$quote(t1.accept$1(_this), t1, true) + ":";
79502 t2 = condition.value;
79503 return t1 + (condition.get$isCustomProperty() ? "" : " ") + _this._evaluate0$_serialize$3$quote(t2.accept$1(_this), t2, true) + ")";
79504 } else if (condition instanceof A.SupportsFunction0)
79505 return _this._evaluate0$_performInterpolation$1(condition.name) + "(" + _this._evaluate0$_performInterpolation$1(condition.$arguments) + ")";
79506 else if (condition instanceof A.SupportsAnything0)
79507 return "(" + _this._evaluate0$_performInterpolation$1(condition.contents) + ")";
79508 else
79509 throw A.wrapException(A.ArgumentError$("Unknown supports condition type " + A.getRuntimeType(condition).toString$0(0) + ".", null));
79510 },
79511 _evaluate0$_parenthesize$2(condition, operator) {
79512 var t1;
79513 if (!(condition instanceof A.SupportsNegation0))
79514 if (condition instanceof A.SupportsOperation0)
79515 t1 = operator == null || operator !== condition.operator;
79516 else
79517 t1 = false;
79518 else
79519 t1 = true;
79520 if (t1)
79521 return "(" + this._evaluate0$_visitSupportsCondition$1(condition) + ")";
79522 else
79523 return this._evaluate0$_visitSupportsCondition$1(condition);
79524 },
79525 _evaluate0$_parenthesize$1(condition) {
79526 return this._evaluate0$_parenthesize$2(condition, null);
79527 },
79528 visitVariableDeclaration$1(node) {
79529 var t1, value, _this = this, _null = null;
79530 if (node.isGuarded) {
79531 if (node.namespace == null && _this._evaluate0$_environment._environment0$_variables.length === 1) {
79532 t1 = _this._evaluate0$_configuration._configuration$_values;
79533 t1 = t1.get$isEmpty(t1) ? _null : t1.remove$1(0, node.name);
79534 if (t1 != null && !t1.value.$eq(0, B.C__SassNull0)) {
79535 _this._evaluate0$_addExceptionSpan$2(node, new A._EvaluateVisitor_visitVariableDeclaration_closure5(_this, node, t1));
79536 return _null;
79537 }
79538 }
79539 value = _this._evaluate0$_addExceptionSpan$2(node, new A._EvaluateVisitor_visitVariableDeclaration_closure6(_this, node));
79540 if (value != null && !value.$eq(0, B.C__SassNull0))
79541 return _null;
79542 }
79543 if (node.isGlobal && !_this._evaluate0$_environment.globalVariableExists$1(node.name)) {
79544 t1 = _this._evaluate0$_environment._environment0$_variables.length === 1 ? string$.As_of_S : string$.As_of_R + A.declarationName0(node.span) + ": null` at the stylesheet root.";
79545 _this._evaluate0$_warn$3$deprecation(t1, node.span, true);
79546 }
79547 t1 = node.expression;
79548 _this._evaluate0$_addExceptionSpan$2(node, new A._EvaluateVisitor_visitVariableDeclaration_closure7(_this, node, _this._evaluate0$_withoutSlash$2(t1.accept$1(_this), t1)));
79549 return _null;
79550 },
79551 visitUseRule$1(node) {
79552 var values, _i, variable, t3, variableNodeWithSpan, configuration, _this = this,
79553 t1 = node.configuration,
79554 t2 = t1.length;
79555 if (t2 !== 0) {
79556 values = A.LinkedHashMap_LinkedHashMap$_empty(type$.String, type$.ConfiguredValue_2);
79557 for (_i = 0; _i < t2; ++_i) {
79558 variable = t1[_i];
79559 t3 = variable.expression;
79560 variableNodeWithSpan = _this._evaluate0$_expressionNode$1(t3);
79561 values.$indexSet(0, variable.name, new A.ConfiguredValue0(_this._evaluate0$_withoutSlash$2(t3.accept$1(_this), variableNodeWithSpan), variable.span, variableNodeWithSpan));
79562 }
79563 configuration = new A.ExplicitConfiguration0(node, values);
79564 } else
79565 configuration = B.Configuration_Map_empty0;
79566 _this._evaluate0$_loadModule$5$configuration(node.url, "@use", node, new A._EvaluateVisitor_visitUseRule_closure1(_this, node), configuration);
79567 _this._evaluate0$_assertConfigurationIsEmpty$1(configuration);
79568 return null;
79569 },
79570 visitWarnRule$1(node) {
79571 var _this = this,
79572 value = _this._evaluate0$_addExceptionSpan$2(node, new A._EvaluateVisitor_visitWarnRule_closure1(_this, node)),
79573 t1 = value instanceof A.SassString0 ? value._string0$_text : _this._evaluate0$_serialize$2(value, node.expression);
79574 _this._evaluate0$_logger.warn$2$trace(0, t1, _this._evaluate0$_stackTrace$1(node.span));
79575 return null;
79576 },
79577 visitWhileRule$1(node) {
79578 return this._evaluate0$_environment.scope$1$3$semiGlobal$when(new A._EvaluateVisitor_visitWhileRule_closure1(this, node), true, node.hasDeclarations, type$.nullable_Value_2);
79579 },
79580 visitBinaryOperationExpression$1(node) {
79581 return this._evaluate0$_addExceptionSpan$2(node, new A._EvaluateVisitor_visitBinaryOperationExpression_closure1(this, node));
79582 },
79583 visitValueExpression$1(node) {
79584 return node.value;
79585 },
79586 visitVariableExpression$1(node) {
79587 var result = this._evaluate0$_addExceptionSpan$2(node, new A._EvaluateVisitor_visitVariableExpression_closure1(this, node));
79588 if (result != null)
79589 return result;
79590 throw A.wrapException(this._evaluate0$_exception$2("Undefined variable.", node.span));
79591 },
79592 visitUnaryOperationExpression$1(node) {
79593 return this._evaluate0$_addExceptionSpan$2(node, new A._EvaluateVisitor_visitUnaryOperationExpression_closure1(node, node.operand.accept$1(this)));
79594 },
79595 visitBooleanExpression$1(node) {
79596 return node.value ? B.SassBoolean_true0 : B.SassBoolean_false0;
79597 },
79598 visitIfExpression$1(node) {
79599 var condition, t2, ifTrue, ifFalse, result, _this = this,
79600 pair = _this._evaluate0$_evaluateMacroArguments$1(node),
79601 positional = pair.item1,
79602 named = pair.item2,
79603 t1 = J.getInterceptor$asx(positional);
79604 _this._evaluate0$_verifyArguments$4(t1.get$length(positional), named, $.$get$IfExpression_declaration0(), node);
79605 if (t1.get$length(positional) > 0)
79606 condition = t1.$index(positional, 0);
79607 else {
79608 t2 = named.$index(0, "condition");
79609 t2.toString;
79610 condition = t2;
79611 }
79612 if (t1.get$length(positional) > 1)
79613 ifTrue = t1.$index(positional, 1);
79614 else {
79615 t2 = named.$index(0, "if-true");
79616 t2.toString;
79617 ifTrue = t2;
79618 }
79619 if (t1.get$length(positional) > 2)
79620 ifFalse = t1.$index(positional, 2);
79621 else {
79622 t1 = named.$index(0, "if-false");
79623 t1.toString;
79624 ifFalse = t1;
79625 }
79626 result = condition.accept$1(_this).get$isTruthy() ? ifTrue : ifFalse;
79627 return _this._evaluate0$_withoutSlash$2(result.accept$1(_this), _this._evaluate0$_expressionNode$1(result));
79628 },
79629 visitNullExpression$1(node) {
79630 return B.C__SassNull0;
79631 },
79632 visitNumberExpression$1(node) {
79633 var t1 = node.value,
79634 t2 = node.unit;
79635 return t2 == null ? new A.UnitlessSassNumber0(t1, null) : new A.SingleUnitSassNumber0(t2, t1, null);
79636 },
79637 visitParenthesizedExpression$1(node) {
79638 return node.expression.accept$1(this);
79639 },
79640 visitCalculationExpression$1(node) {
79641 var $arguments, error, stackTrace, t2, t3, t4, t5, t6, _i, argument, exception,
79642 t1 = A._setArrayType([], type$.JSArray_Object);
79643 for (t2 = node.$arguments, t3 = t2.length, t4 = node.name, t5 = t4 !== "min", t6 = t4 === "max", _i = 0; _i < t3; ++_i) {
79644 argument = t2[_i];
79645 t1.push(this._evaluate0$_visitCalculationValue$2$inMinMax(argument, !t5 || t6));
79646 }
79647 $arguments = t1;
79648 try {
79649 switch (t4) {
79650 case "calc":
79651 t1 = A.SassCalculation_calc0(J.$index$asx($arguments, 0));
79652 return t1;
79653 case "min":
79654 t1 = A.SassCalculation_min0($arguments);
79655 return t1;
79656 case "max":
79657 t1 = A.SassCalculation_max0($arguments);
79658 return t1;
79659 case "clamp":
79660 t1 = J.$index$asx($arguments, 0);
79661 t3 = J.get$length$asx($arguments) > 1 ? J.$index$asx($arguments, 1) : null;
79662 t1 = A.SassCalculation_clamp0(t1, t3, J.get$length$asx($arguments) > 2 ? J.$index$asx($arguments, 2) : null);
79663 return t1;
79664 default:
79665 t1 = A.UnsupportedError$('Unknown calculation name "' + t4 + '".');
79666 throw A.wrapException(t1);
79667 }
79668 } catch (exception) {
79669 t1 = A.unwrapException(exception);
79670 if (t1 instanceof A.SassScriptException0) {
79671 error = t1;
79672 stackTrace = A.getTraceFromException(exception);
79673 this._evaluate0$_verifyCompatibleNumbers$2($arguments, t2);
79674 A.throwWithTrace0(this._evaluate0$_exception$2(error.message, node.span), stackTrace);
79675 } else
79676 throw exception;
79677 }
79678 },
79679 _evaluate0$_verifyCompatibleNumbers$2(args, nodesWithSpans) {
79680 var i, t1, arg, number1, j, number2;
79681 for (i = 0; t1 = args.length, i < t1; ++i) {
79682 arg = args[i];
79683 if (!(arg instanceof A.SassNumber0))
79684 continue;
79685 if (arg.get$numeratorUnits(arg).length > 1 || arg.get$denominatorUnits(arg).length !== 0)
79686 throw A.wrapException(this._evaluate0$_exception$2("Number " + arg.toString$0(0) + " isn't compatible with CSS calculations.", J.get$span$z(nodesWithSpans[i])));
79687 }
79688 for (i = 0; i < t1 - 1; ++i) {
79689 number1 = args[i];
79690 if (!(number1 instanceof A.SassNumber0))
79691 continue;
79692 for (j = i + 1; t1 = args.length, j < t1; ++j) {
79693 number2 = args[j];
79694 if (!(number2 instanceof A.SassNumber0))
79695 continue;
79696 if (number1.hasPossiblyCompatibleUnits$1(number2))
79697 continue;
79698 throw A.wrapException(A.MultiSpanSassRuntimeException$0(number1.toString$0(0) + " and " + number2.toString$0(0) + " are incompatible.", J.get$span$z(nodesWithSpans[i]), number1.toString$0(0), A.LinkedHashMap_LinkedHashMap$_literal([J.get$span$z(nodesWithSpans[j]), number2.toString$0(0)], type$.FileSpan, type$.String), this._evaluate0$_stackTrace$1(J.get$span$z(nodesWithSpans[i]))));
79699 }
79700 }
79701 },
79702 _evaluate0$_visitCalculationValue$2$inMinMax(node, inMinMax) {
79703 var inner, result, t1, _this = this;
79704 if (node instanceof A.ParenthesizedExpression0) {
79705 inner = node.expression;
79706 result = _this._evaluate0$_visitCalculationValue$2$inMinMax(inner, inMinMax);
79707 if (inner instanceof A.FunctionExpression0)
79708 t1 = A.stringReplaceAllUnchecked(inner.originalName, "_", "-").toLowerCase() === "var" && result instanceof A.SassString0 && !result._string0$_hasQuotes;
79709 else
79710 t1 = false;
79711 return t1 ? new A.SassString0("(" + result._string0$_text + ")", false) : result;
79712 } else if (node instanceof A.StringExpression0)
79713 return new A.CalculationInterpolation0(_this._evaluate0$_performInterpolation$1(node.text));
79714 else if (node instanceof A.BinaryOperationExpression0)
79715 return _this._evaluate0$_addExceptionSpan$2(node, new A._EvaluateVisitor__visitCalculationValue_closure1(_this, node, inMinMax));
79716 else {
79717 result = node.accept$1(_this);
79718 if (result instanceof A.SassNumber0 || result instanceof A.SassCalculation0)
79719 return result;
79720 if (result instanceof A.SassString0 && !result._string0$_hasQuotes)
79721 return result;
79722 throw A.wrapException(_this._evaluate0$_exception$2("Value " + result.toString$0(0) + " can't be used in a calculation.", node.get$span(node)));
79723 }
79724 },
79725 _evaluate0$_binaryOperatorToCalculationOperator$1(operator) {
79726 switch (operator) {
79727 case B.BinaryOperator_AcR2:
79728 return B.CalculationOperator_Iem0;
79729 case B.BinaryOperator_iyO0:
79730 return B.CalculationOperator_uti0;
79731 case B.BinaryOperator_O1M0:
79732 return B.CalculationOperator_Dih0;
79733 case B.BinaryOperator_RTB0:
79734 return B.CalculationOperator_jB60;
79735 default:
79736 throw A.wrapException(A.UnsupportedError$("Invalid calculation operator " + operator.toString$0(0) + "."));
79737 }
79738 },
79739 visitColorExpression$1(node) {
79740 return node.value;
79741 },
79742 visitListExpression$1(node) {
79743 var t1 = node.contents;
79744 return A.SassList$0(new A.MappedListIterable(t1, new A._EvaluateVisitor_visitListExpression_closure1(this), A._arrayInstanceType(t1)._eval$1("MappedListIterable<1,Value0>")), node.separator, node.hasBrackets);
79745 },
79746 visitMapExpression$1(node) {
79747 var t2, t3, _i, pair, t4, keyValue, valueValue, oldValueSpan,
79748 t1 = type$.Value_2,
79749 map = A.LinkedHashMap_LinkedHashMap$_empty(t1, t1),
79750 keyNodes = A.LinkedHashMap_LinkedHashMap$_empty(t1, type$.AstNode_2);
79751 for (t2 = node.pairs, t3 = t2.length, _i = 0; _i < t3; ++_i) {
79752 pair = t2[_i];
79753 t4 = pair.item1;
79754 keyValue = t4.accept$1(this);
79755 valueValue = pair.item2.accept$1(this);
79756 if (map.$index(0, keyValue) != null) {
79757 t1 = keyNodes.$index(0, keyValue);
79758 oldValueSpan = t1 == null ? null : t1.get$span(t1);
79759 t1 = J.getInterceptor$z(t4);
79760 t2 = t1.get$span(t4);
79761 t3 = A.LinkedHashMap_LinkedHashMap$_empty(type$.FileSpan, type$.String);
79762 if (oldValueSpan != null)
79763 t3.$indexSet(0, oldValueSpan, "first key");
79764 throw A.wrapException(A.MultiSpanSassRuntimeException$0("Duplicate key.", t2, "second key", t3, this._evaluate0$_stackTrace$1(t1.get$span(t4))));
79765 }
79766 map.$indexSet(0, keyValue, valueValue);
79767 keyNodes.$indexSet(0, keyValue, t4);
79768 }
79769 return new A.SassMap0(A.ConstantMap_ConstantMap$from(map, t1, t1));
79770 },
79771 visitFunctionExpression$1(node) {
79772 var oldInFunction, result, _this = this, t1 = {},
79773 $function = _this._evaluate0$_addExceptionSpan$2(node, new A._EvaluateVisitor_visitFunctionExpression_closure3(_this, node));
79774 t1.$function = $function;
79775 if ($function == null) {
79776 if (node.namespace != null)
79777 throw A.wrapException(_this._evaluate0$_exception$2("Undefined function.", node.span));
79778 t1.$function = new A.PlainCssCallable0(node.originalName);
79779 }
79780 oldInFunction = _this._evaluate0$_inFunction;
79781 _this._evaluate0$_inFunction = true;
79782 result = _this._evaluate0$_addErrorSpan$2(node, new A._EvaluateVisitor_visitFunctionExpression_closure4(t1, _this, node));
79783 _this._evaluate0$_inFunction = oldInFunction;
79784 return result;
79785 },
79786 visitInterpolatedFunctionExpression$1(node) {
79787 var result, _this = this,
79788 t1 = _this._evaluate0$_performInterpolation$1(node.name),
79789 oldInFunction = _this._evaluate0$_inFunction;
79790 _this._evaluate0$_inFunction = true;
79791 result = _this._evaluate0$_addErrorSpan$2(node, new A._EvaluateVisitor_visitInterpolatedFunctionExpression_closure1(_this, node, new A.PlainCssCallable0(t1)));
79792 _this._evaluate0$_inFunction = oldInFunction;
79793 return result;
79794 },
79795 _evaluate0$_getFunction$2$namespace($name, namespace) {
79796 var local = this._evaluate0$_environment.getFunction$2$namespace($name, namespace);
79797 if (local != null || namespace != null)
79798 return local;
79799 return this._evaluate0$_builtInFunctions.$index(0, $name);
79800 },
79801 _evaluate0$_runUserDefinedCallable$1$4($arguments, callable, nodeWithSpan, run, $V) {
79802 var evaluated = this._evaluate0$_evaluateArguments$1($arguments),
79803 $name = callable.declaration.name;
79804 if ($name !== "@content")
79805 $name += "()";
79806 return this._evaluate0$_withStackFrame$3($name, nodeWithSpan, new A._EvaluateVisitor__runUserDefinedCallable_closure1(this, callable, evaluated, nodeWithSpan, run, $V));
79807 },
79808 _evaluate0$_runFunctionCallable$3($arguments, callable, nodeWithSpan) {
79809 var t1, t2, t3, first, _i, argument, restArg, rest, _this = this;
79810 if (callable instanceof A.BuiltInCallable0)
79811 return _this._evaluate0$_withoutSlash$2(_this._evaluate0$_runBuiltInCallable$3($arguments, callable, nodeWithSpan), nodeWithSpan);
79812 else if (type$.UserDefinedCallable_Environment_2._is(callable))
79813 return _this._evaluate0$_runUserDefinedCallable$1$4($arguments, callable, nodeWithSpan, new A._EvaluateVisitor__runFunctionCallable_closure1(_this, callable), type$.Value_2);
79814 else if (callable instanceof A.PlainCssCallable0) {
79815 t1 = $arguments.named;
79816 if (t1.get$isNotEmpty(t1) || $arguments.keywordRest != null)
79817 throw A.wrapException(_this._evaluate0$_exception$2(string$.Plain_, nodeWithSpan.get$span(nodeWithSpan)));
79818 t1 = callable.name + "(";
79819 for (t2 = $arguments.positional, t3 = t2.length, first = true, _i = 0; _i < t3; ++_i) {
79820 argument = t2[_i];
79821 if (first)
79822 first = false;
79823 else
79824 t1 += ", ";
79825 t1 += _this._evaluate0$_serialize$3$quote(argument.accept$1(_this), argument, true);
79826 }
79827 restArg = $arguments.rest;
79828 if (restArg != null) {
79829 rest = restArg.accept$1(_this);
79830 if (!first)
79831 t1 += ", ";
79832 t1 += _this._evaluate0$_serialize$2(rest, restArg);
79833 }
79834 t1 += A.Primitives_stringFromCharCode(41);
79835 return new A.SassString0(t1.charCodeAt(0) == 0 ? t1 : t1, false);
79836 } else
79837 throw A.wrapException(A.ArgumentError$("Unknown callable type " + J.get$runtimeType$u(callable).toString$0(0) + ".", null));
79838 },
79839 _evaluate0$_runBuiltInCallable$3($arguments, callable, nodeWithSpan) {
79840 var callback, result, error, stackTrace, error0, stackTrace0, error1, stackTrace1, message, namedSet, tuple, overload, declaredArguments, i, t1, argument, t2, t3, rest, argumentList, exception, t4, t5, t6, message0, _this = this,
79841 evaluated = _this._evaluate0$_evaluateArguments$1($arguments),
79842 oldCallableNode = _this._evaluate0$_callableNode;
79843 _this._evaluate0$_callableNode = nodeWithSpan;
79844 namedSet = new A.MapKeySet(evaluated.named, type$.MapKeySet_String);
79845 tuple = callable.callbackFor$2(evaluated.positional.length, namedSet);
79846 overload = tuple.item1;
79847 callback = tuple.item2;
79848 _this._evaluate0$_addExceptionSpan$2(nodeWithSpan, new A._EvaluateVisitor__runBuiltInCallable_closure3(overload, evaluated, namedSet));
79849 declaredArguments = overload.$arguments;
79850 for (i = evaluated.positional.length, t1 = declaredArguments.length; i < t1; ++i) {
79851 argument = declaredArguments[i];
79852 t2 = evaluated.positional;
79853 t3 = evaluated.named.remove$1(0, argument.name);
79854 if (t3 == null) {
79855 t3 = argument.defaultValue;
79856 t3 = _this._evaluate0$_withoutSlash$2(t3.accept$1(_this), t3);
79857 }
79858 t2.push(t3);
79859 }
79860 if (overload.restArgument != null) {
79861 if (evaluated.positional.length > t1) {
79862 rest = B.JSArray_methods.sublist$1(evaluated.positional, t1);
79863 B.JSArray_methods.removeRange$2(evaluated.positional, t1, evaluated.positional.length);
79864 } else
79865 rest = B.List_empty15;
79866 t1 = evaluated.named;
79867 argumentList = A.SassArgumentList$0(rest, t1, evaluated.separator === B.ListSeparator_undecided_null0 ? B.ListSeparator_kWM0 : evaluated.separator);
79868 evaluated.positional.push(argumentList);
79869 } else
79870 argumentList = null;
79871 result = null;
79872 try {
79873 result = callback.call$1(evaluated.positional);
79874 } catch (exception) {
79875 t1 = A.unwrapException(exception);
79876 if (type$.SassRuntimeException_2._is(t1))
79877 throw exception;
79878 else if (t1 instanceof A.MultiSpanSassScriptException0) {
79879 error = t1;
79880 stackTrace = A.getTraceFromException(exception);
79881 t1 = error.message;
79882 t2 = nodeWithSpan.get$span(nodeWithSpan);
79883 t3 = error.primaryLabel;
79884 t4 = error.secondarySpans;
79885 A.throwWithTrace0(new A.MultiSpanSassRuntimeException0(_this._evaluate0$_stackTrace$1(nodeWithSpan.get$span(nodeWithSpan)), t3, A.ConstantMap_ConstantMap$from(t4, type$.FileSpan, type$.String), t1, t2), stackTrace);
79886 } else if (t1 instanceof A.MultiSpanSassException0) {
79887 error0 = t1;
79888 stackTrace0 = A.getTraceFromException(exception);
79889 t1 = error0._span_exception$_message;
79890 t2 = error0;
79891 t3 = J.getInterceptor$z(t2);
79892 t2 = A.SourceSpanException.prototype.get$span.call(t3, t2);
79893 t3 = error0.primaryLabel;
79894 t4 = error0.secondarySpans;
79895 t5 = error0;
79896 t6 = J.getInterceptor$z(t5);
79897 A.throwWithTrace0(new A.MultiSpanSassRuntimeException0(_this._evaluate0$_stackTrace$1(A.SourceSpanException.prototype.get$span.call(t6, t5)), t3, A.ConstantMap_ConstantMap$from(t4, type$.FileSpan, type$.String), t1, t2), stackTrace0);
79898 } else {
79899 error1 = t1;
79900 stackTrace1 = A.getTraceFromException(exception);
79901 message = null;
79902 try {
79903 message = A._asString(J.get$message$x(error1));
79904 } catch (exception) {
79905 message0 = J.toString$0$(error1);
79906 message = message0;
79907 }
79908 A.throwWithTrace0(_this._evaluate0$_exception$2(message, nodeWithSpan.get$span(nodeWithSpan)), stackTrace1);
79909 }
79910 }
79911 _this._evaluate0$_callableNode = oldCallableNode;
79912 if (argumentList == null)
79913 return result;
79914 t1 = evaluated.named;
79915 if (t1.get$isEmpty(t1))
79916 return result;
79917 if (argumentList._argument_list$_wereKeywordsAccessed)
79918 return result;
79919 t1 = evaluated.named;
79920 t1 = t1.get$keys(t1);
79921 t1 = "No " + A.pluralize0("argument", t1.get$length(t1), null) + " named ";
79922 t2 = evaluated.named;
79923 throw A.wrapException(A.MultiSpanSassRuntimeException$0(t1 + A.S(A.toSentence0(t2.get$keys(t2).map$1$1(0, new A._EvaluateVisitor__runBuiltInCallable_closure4(), type$.Object), "or")) + ".", nodeWithSpan.get$span(nodeWithSpan), "invocation", A.LinkedHashMap_LinkedHashMap$_literal([overload.get$spanWithName(), "declaration"], type$.FileSpan, type$.String), _this._evaluate0$_stackTrace$1(nodeWithSpan.get$span(nodeWithSpan))));
79924 },
79925 _evaluate0$_evaluateArguments$1($arguments) {
79926 var t1, t2, _i, expression, nodeForSpan, named, namedNodes, t3, t4, t5, restArgs, rest, restNodeForSpan, separator, keywordRestArgs, keywordRest, keywordRestNodeForSpan, _this = this,
79927 positional = A._setArrayType([], type$.JSArray_Value_2),
79928 positionalNodes = A._setArrayType([], type$.JSArray_AstNode_2);
79929 for (t1 = $arguments.positional, t2 = t1.length, _i = 0; _i < t2; ++_i) {
79930 expression = t1[_i];
79931 nodeForSpan = _this._evaluate0$_expressionNode$1(expression);
79932 positional.push(_this._evaluate0$_withoutSlash$2(expression.accept$1(_this), nodeForSpan));
79933 positionalNodes.push(nodeForSpan);
79934 }
79935 t1 = type$.String;
79936 named = A.LinkedHashMap_LinkedHashMap$_empty(t1, type$.Value_2);
79937 t2 = type$.AstNode_2;
79938 namedNodes = A.LinkedHashMap_LinkedHashMap$_empty(t1, t2);
79939 for (t3 = $arguments.named, t3 = t3.get$entries(t3), t3 = t3.get$iterator(t3); t3.moveNext$0();) {
79940 t4 = t3.get$current(t3);
79941 t5 = t4.value;
79942 nodeForSpan = _this._evaluate0$_expressionNode$1(t5);
79943 t4 = t4.key;
79944 named.$indexSet(0, t4, _this._evaluate0$_withoutSlash$2(t5.accept$1(_this), nodeForSpan));
79945 namedNodes.$indexSet(0, t4, nodeForSpan);
79946 }
79947 restArgs = $arguments.rest;
79948 if (restArgs == null)
79949 return new A._ArgumentResults1(positional, positionalNodes, named, namedNodes, B.ListSeparator_undecided_null0);
79950 rest = restArgs.accept$1(_this);
79951 restNodeForSpan = _this._evaluate0$_expressionNode$1(restArgs);
79952 if (rest instanceof A.SassMap0) {
79953 _this._evaluate0$_addRestMap$4(named, rest, restArgs, new A._EvaluateVisitor__evaluateArguments_closure7());
79954 t3 = A.LinkedHashMap_LinkedHashMap$_empty(t1, t2);
79955 for (t4 = rest._map0$_contents, t4 = J.get$iterator$ax(t4.get$keys(t4)), t5 = type$.SassString_2; t4.moveNext$0();)
79956 t3.$indexSet(0, t5._as(t4.get$current(t4))._string0$_text, restNodeForSpan);
79957 namedNodes.addAll$1(0, t3);
79958 separator = B.ListSeparator_undecided_null0;
79959 } else if (rest instanceof A.SassList0) {
79960 t3 = rest._list1$_contents;
79961 B.JSArray_methods.addAll$1(positional, new A.MappedListIterable(t3, new A._EvaluateVisitor__evaluateArguments_closure8(_this, restNodeForSpan), A._arrayInstanceType(t3)._eval$1("MappedListIterable<1,Value0>")));
79962 B.JSArray_methods.addAll$1(positionalNodes, A.List_List$filled(t3.length, restNodeForSpan, false, t2));
79963 separator = rest._list1$_separator;
79964 if (rest instanceof A.SassArgumentList0) {
79965 rest._argument_list$_wereKeywordsAccessed = true;
79966 rest._argument_list$_keywords.forEach$1(0, new A._EvaluateVisitor__evaluateArguments_closure9(_this, named, restNodeForSpan, namedNodes));
79967 }
79968 } else {
79969 positional.push(_this._evaluate0$_withoutSlash$2(rest, restNodeForSpan));
79970 positionalNodes.push(restNodeForSpan);
79971 separator = B.ListSeparator_undecided_null0;
79972 }
79973 keywordRestArgs = $arguments.keywordRest;
79974 if (keywordRestArgs == null)
79975 return new A._ArgumentResults1(positional, positionalNodes, named, namedNodes, separator);
79976 keywordRest = keywordRestArgs.accept$1(_this);
79977 keywordRestNodeForSpan = _this._evaluate0$_expressionNode$1(keywordRestArgs);
79978 if (keywordRest instanceof A.SassMap0) {
79979 _this._evaluate0$_addRestMap$4(named, keywordRest, keywordRestArgs, new A._EvaluateVisitor__evaluateArguments_closure10());
79980 t1 = A.LinkedHashMap_LinkedHashMap$_empty(t1, t2);
79981 for (t2 = keywordRest._map0$_contents, t2 = J.get$iterator$ax(t2.get$keys(t2)), t3 = type$.SassString_2; t2.moveNext$0();)
79982 t1.$indexSet(0, t3._as(t2.get$current(t2))._string0$_text, keywordRestNodeForSpan);
79983 namedNodes.addAll$1(0, t1);
79984 return new A._ArgumentResults1(positional, positionalNodes, named, namedNodes, separator);
79985 } else
79986 throw A.wrapException(_this._evaluate0$_exception$2(string$.Variabs + keywordRest.toString$0(0) + ").", keywordRestArgs.get$span(keywordRestArgs)));
79987 },
79988 _evaluate0$_evaluateMacroArguments$1(invocation) {
79989 var t2, positional, named, rest, restNodeForSpan, keywordRestArgs_, keywordRest, keywordRestNodeForSpan, _this = this,
79990 t1 = invocation.$arguments,
79991 restArgs_ = t1.rest;
79992 if (restArgs_ == null)
79993 return new A.Tuple2(t1.positional, t1.named, type$.Tuple2_of_List_Expression_and_Map_String_Expression_2);
79994 t2 = t1.positional;
79995 positional = A._setArrayType(t2.slice(0), A._arrayInstanceType(t2));
79996 named = A.LinkedHashMap_LinkedHashMap$of(t1.named, type$.String, type$.Expression_2);
79997 rest = restArgs_.accept$1(_this);
79998 restNodeForSpan = _this._evaluate0$_expressionNode$1(restArgs_);
79999 if (rest instanceof A.SassMap0)
80000 _this._evaluate0$_addRestMap$4(named, rest, invocation, new A._EvaluateVisitor__evaluateMacroArguments_closure7(restArgs_));
80001 else if (rest instanceof A.SassList0) {
80002 t2 = rest._list1$_contents;
80003 B.JSArray_methods.addAll$1(positional, new A.MappedListIterable(t2, new A._EvaluateVisitor__evaluateMacroArguments_closure8(_this, restNodeForSpan, restArgs_), A._arrayInstanceType(t2)._eval$1("MappedListIterable<1,Expression0>")));
80004 if (rest instanceof A.SassArgumentList0) {
80005 rest._argument_list$_wereKeywordsAccessed = true;
80006 rest._argument_list$_keywords.forEach$1(0, new A._EvaluateVisitor__evaluateMacroArguments_closure9(_this, named, restNodeForSpan, restArgs_));
80007 }
80008 } else
80009 positional.push(new A.ValueExpression0(_this._evaluate0$_withoutSlash$2(rest, restNodeForSpan), restArgs_.get$span(restArgs_)));
80010 keywordRestArgs_ = t1.keywordRest;
80011 if (keywordRestArgs_ == null)
80012 return new A.Tuple2(positional, named, type$.Tuple2_of_List_Expression_and_Map_String_Expression_2);
80013 keywordRest = keywordRestArgs_.accept$1(_this);
80014 keywordRestNodeForSpan = _this._evaluate0$_expressionNode$1(keywordRestArgs_);
80015 if (keywordRest instanceof A.SassMap0) {
80016 _this._evaluate0$_addRestMap$4(named, keywordRest, invocation, new A._EvaluateVisitor__evaluateMacroArguments_closure10(_this, keywordRestNodeForSpan, keywordRestArgs_));
80017 return new A.Tuple2(positional, named, type$.Tuple2_of_List_Expression_and_Map_String_Expression_2);
80018 } else
80019 throw A.wrapException(_this._evaluate0$_exception$2(string$.Variabs + keywordRest.toString$0(0) + ").", keywordRestArgs_.get$span(keywordRestArgs_)));
80020 },
80021 _evaluate0$_addRestMap$1$4(values, map, nodeWithSpan, convert) {
80022 map._map0$_contents.forEach$1(0, new A._EvaluateVisitor__addRestMap_closure1(this, values, convert, this._evaluate0$_expressionNode$1(nodeWithSpan), map, nodeWithSpan));
80023 },
80024 _evaluate0$_addRestMap$4(values, map, nodeWithSpan, convert) {
80025 return this._evaluate0$_addRestMap$1$4(values, map, nodeWithSpan, convert, type$.dynamic);
80026 },
80027 _evaluate0$_verifyArguments$4(positional, named, $arguments, nodeWithSpan) {
80028 return this._evaluate0$_addExceptionSpan$2(nodeWithSpan, new A._EvaluateVisitor__verifyArguments_closure1($arguments, positional, named));
80029 },
80030 visitSelectorExpression$1(node) {
80031 var t1 = this._evaluate0$_styleRuleIgnoringAtRoot;
80032 t1 = t1 == null ? null : t1.originalSelector.get$asSassList();
80033 return t1 == null ? B.C__SassNull0 : t1;
80034 },
80035 visitStringExpression$1(node) {
80036 var t1 = node.text.contents;
80037 return new A.SassString0(new A.MappedListIterable(t1, new A._EvaluateVisitor_visitStringExpression_closure1(this), A._arrayInstanceType(t1)._eval$1("MappedListIterable<1,String>")).join$0(0), node.hasQuotes);
80038 },
80039 visitCssAtRule$1(node) {
80040 var wasInKeyframes, wasInUnknownAtRule, t1, _this = this;
80041 if (_this._evaluate0$_declarationName != null)
80042 throw A.wrapException(_this._evaluate0$_exception$2(string$.At_rul, node.span));
80043 if (node.isChildless) {
80044 _this._evaluate0$_assertInModule$2(_this._evaluate0$__parent, "__parent").addChild$1(A.ModifiableCssAtRule$0(node.name, node.span, true, node.value));
80045 return;
80046 }
80047 wasInKeyframes = _this._evaluate0$_inKeyframes;
80048 wasInUnknownAtRule = _this._evaluate0$_inUnknownAtRule;
80049 t1 = node.name;
80050 if (A.unvendor0(t1.get$value(t1)) === "keyframes")
80051 _this._evaluate0$_inKeyframes = true;
80052 else
80053 _this._evaluate0$_inUnknownAtRule = true;
80054 _this._evaluate0$_withParent$2$4$scopeWhen$through(A.ModifiableCssAtRule$0(t1, node.span, false, node.value), new A._EvaluateVisitor_visitCssAtRule_closure3(_this, node), false, new A._EvaluateVisitor_visitCssAtRule_closure4(), type$.ModifiableCssAtRule_2, type$.Null);
80055 _this._evaluate0$_inUnknownAtRule = wasInUnknownAtRule;
80056 _this._evaluate0$_inKeyframes = wasInKeyframes;
80057 },
80058 visitCssComment$1(node) {
80059 var _this = this,
80060 _s8_ = "__parent",
80061 _s13_ = "_endOfImports";
80062 if (_this._evaluate0$_assertInModule$2(_this._evaluate0$__parent, _s8_) === _this._evaluate0$_assertInModule$2(_this._evaluate0$__root, "_root") && _this._evaluate0$_assertInModule$2(_this._evaluate0$__endOfImports, _s13_) === J.get$length$asx(_this._evaluate0$_assertInModule$2(_this._evaluate0$__root, "_root").children._collection$_source))
80063 _this._evaluate0$__endOfImports = _this._evaluate0$_assertInModule$2(_this._evaluate0$__endOfImports, _s13_) + 1;
80064 _this._evaluate0$_assertInModule$2(_this._evaluate0$__parent, _s8_).addChild$1(new A.ModifiableCssComment0(node.text, node.span));
80065 },
80066 visitCssDeclaration$1(node) {
80067 var t1 = node.name;
80068 this._evaluate0$_assertInModule$2(this._evaluate0$__parent, "__parent").addChild$1(A.ModifiableCssDeclaration$0(t1, node.value, node.span, J.startsWith$1$s(t1.get$value(t1), "--"), node.valueSpanForMap));
80069 },
80070 visitCssImport$1(node) {
80071 var t1, _this = this,
80072 _s8_ = "__parent",
80073 _s5_ = "_root",
80074 _s13_ = "_endOfImports",
80075 modifiableNode = A.ModifiableCssImport$0(node.url, node.span, node.media, node.supports);
80076 if (_this._evaluate0$_assertInModule$2(_this._evaluate0$__parent, _s8_) !== _this._evaluate0$_assertInModule$2(_this._evaluate0$__root, _s5_))
80077 _this._evaluate0$_assertInModule$2(_this._evaluate0$__parent, _s8_).addChild$1(modifiableNode);
80078 else if (_this._evaluate0$_assertInModule$2(_this._evaluate0$__endOfImports, _s13_) === J.get$length$asx(_this._evaluate0$_assertInModule$2(_this._evaluate0$__root, _s5_).children._collection$_source)) {
80079 _this._evaluate0$_assertInModule$2(_this._evaluate0$__root, _s5_).addChild$1(modifiableNode);
80080 _this._evaluate0$__endOfImports = _this._evaluate0$_assertInModule$2(_this._evaluate0$__endOfImports, _s13_) + 1;
80081 } else {
80082 t1 = _this._evaluate0$_outOfOrderImports;
80083 (t1 == null ? _this._evaluate0$_outOfOrderImports = A._setArrayType([], type$.JSArray_ModifiableCssImport_2) : t1).push(modifiableNode);
80084 }
80085 },
80086 visitCssKeyframeBlock$1(node) {
80087 this._evaluate0$_withParent$2$4$scopeWhen$through(A.ModifiableCssKeyframeBlock$0(node.selector, node.span), new A._EvaluateVisitor_visitCssKeyframeBlock_closure3(this, node), false, new A._EvaluateVisitor_visitCssKeyframeBlock_closure4(), type$.ModifiableCssKeyframeBlock_2, type$.Null);
80088 },
80089 visitCssMediaRule$1(node) {
80090 var mergedQueries, t1, _this = this;
80091 if (_this._evaluate0$_declarationName != null)
80092 throw A.wrapException(_this._evaluate0$_exception$2(string$.Media_, node.span));
80093 mergedQueries = A.NullableExtension_andThen0(_this._evaluate0$_mediaQueries, new A._EvaluateVisitor_visitCssMediaRule_closure5(_this, node));
80094 t1 = mergedQueries == null;
80095 if (!t1 && J.get$isEmpty$asx(mergedQueries))
80096 return;
80097 t1 = t1 ? node.queries : mergedQueries;
80098 _this._evaluate0$_withParent$2$4$scopeWhen$through(A.ModifiableCssMediaRule$0(t1, node.span), new A._EvaluateVisitor_visitCssMediaRule_closure6(_this, mergedQueries, node), false, new A._EvaluateVisitor_visitCssMediaRule_closure7(mergedQueries), type$.ModifiableCssMediaRule_2, type$.Null);
80099 },
80100 visitCssStyleRule$1(node) {
80101 var t1, styleRule, t2, t3, t4, t5, originalSelector, rule, oldAtRootExcludingStyleRule, _this = this,
80102 _s8_ = "__parent";
80103 if (_this._evaluate0$_declarationName != null)
80104 throw A.wrapException(_this._evaluate0$_exception$2(string$.Style_, node.span));
80105 t1 = _this._evaluate0$_atRootExcludingStyleRule;
80106 styleRule = t1 ? null : _this._evaluate0$_styleRuleIgnoringAtRoot;
80107 t2 = node.selector;
80108 t3 = t2.value;
80109 t4 = styleRule == null;
80110 t5 = t4 ? null : styleRule.originalSelector;
80111 originalSelector = t3.resolveParentSelectors$2$implicitParent(t5, !t1);
80112 rule = A.ModifiableCssStyleRule$0(_this._evaluate0$_assertInModule$2(_this._evaluate0$__extensionStore, "_extensionStore").addSelector$3(originalSelector, t2.span, _this._evaluate0$_mediaQueries), node.span, originalSelector);
80113 oldAtRootExcludingStyleRule = _this._evaluate0$_atRootExcludingStyleRule;
80114 _this._evaluate0$_atRootExcludingStyleRule = false;
80115 _this._evaluate0$_withParent$2$4$scopeWhen$through(rule, new A._EvaluateVisitor_visitCssStyleRule_closure3(_this, rule, node), false, new A._EvaluateVisitor_visitCssStyleRule_closure4(), type$.ModifiableCssStyleRule_2, type$.Null);
80116 _this._evaluate0$_atRootExcludingStyleRule = oldAtRootExcludingStyleRule;
80117 if (t4) {
80118 t1 = _this._evaluate0$_assertInModule$2(_this._evaluate0$__parent, _s8_).children;
80119 t1 = !t1.get$isEmpty(t1);
80120 } else
80121 t1 = false;
80122 if (t1) {
80123 t1 = _this._evaluate0$_assertInModule$2(_this._evaluate0$__parent, _s8_).children;
80124 t1.get$last(t1).isGroupEnd = true;
80125 }
80126 },
80127 visitCssStylesheet$1(node) {
80128 var t1;
80129 for (t1 = J.get$iterator$ax(node.get$children(node)); t1.moveNext$0();)
80130 t1.get$current(t1).accept$1(this);
80131 },
80132 visitCssSupportsRule$1(node) {
80133 var _this = this;
80134 if (_this._evaluate0$_declarationName != null)
80135 throw A.wrapException(_this._evaluate0$_exception$2(string$.Suppor, node.span));
80136 _this._evaluate0$_withParent$2$4$scopeWhen$through(A.ModifiableCssSupportsRule$0(node.condition, node.span), new A._EvaluateVisitor_visitCssSupportsRule_closure3(_this, node), false, new A._EvaluateVisitor_visitCssSupportsRule_closure4(), type$.ModifiableCssSupportsRule_2, type$.Null);
80137 },
80138 _evaluate0$_handleReturn$1$2(list, callback) {
80139 var t1, _i, result;
80140 for (t1 = list.length, _i = 0; _i < list.length; list.length === t1 || (0, A.throwConcurrentModificationError)(list), ++_i) {
80141 result = callback.call$1(list[_i]);
80142 if (result != null)
80143 return result;
80144 }
80145 return null;
80146 },
80147 _evaluate0$_handleReturn$2(list, callback) {
80148 return this._evaluate0$_handleReturn$1$2(list, callback, type$.dynamic);
80149 },
80150 _evaluate0$_withEnvironment$1$2(environment, callback) {
80151 var result,
80152 oldEnvironment = this._evaluate0$_environment;
80153 this._evaluate0$_environment = environment;
80154 result = callback.call$0();
80155 this._evaluate0$_environment = oldEnvironment;
80156 return result;
80157 },
80158 _evaluate0$_withEnvironment$2(environment, callback) {
80159 return this._evaluate0$_withEnvironment$1$2(environment, callback, type$.dynamic);
80160 },
80161 _evaluate0$_interpolationToValue$3$trim$warnForColor(interpolation, trim, warnForColor) {
80162 var result = this._evaluate0$_performInterpolation$2$warnForColor(interpolation, warnForColor),
80163 t1 = trim ? A.trimAscii0(result, true) : result;
80164 return new A.CssValue0(t1, interpolation.span, type$.CssValue_String_2);
80165 },
80166 _evaluate0$_interpolationToValue$1(interpolation) {
80167 return this._evaluate0$_interpolationToValue$3$trim$warnForColor(interpolation, false, false);
80168 },
80169 _evaluate0$_interpolationToValue$2$warnForColor(interpolation, warnForColor) {
80170 return this._evaluate0$_interpolationToValue$3$trim$warnForColor(interpolation, false, warnForColor);
80171 },
80172 _evaluate0$_performInterpolation$2$warnForColor(interpolation, warnForColor) {
80173 var t1 = interpolation.contents;
80174 return new A.MappedListIterable(t1, new A._EvaluateVisitor__performInterpolation_closure1(this, warnForColor, interpolation), A._arrayInstanceType(t1)._eval$1("MappedListIterable<1,String>")).join$0(0);
80175 },
80176 _evaluate0$_performInterpolation$1(interpolation) {
80177 return this._evaluate0$_performInterpolation$2$warnForColor(interpolation, false);
80178 },
80179 _evaluate0$_serialize$3$quote(value, nodeWithSpan, quote) {
80180 return this._evaluate0$_addExceptionSpan$2(nodeWithSpan, new A._EvaluateVisitor__serialize_closure1(value, quote));
80181 },
80182 _evaluate0$_serialize$2(value, nodeWithSpan) {
80183 return this._evaluate0$_serialize$3$quote(value, nodeWithSpan, true);
80184 },
80185 _evaluate0$_expressionNode$1(expression) {
80186 var t1;
80187 if (expression instanceof A.VariableExpression0) {
80188 t1 = this._evaluate0$_addExceptionSpan$2(expression, new A._EvaluateVisitor__expressionNode_closure1(this, expression));
80189 return t1 == null ? expression : t1;
80190 } else
80191 return expression;
80192 },
80193 _evaluate0$_withParent$2$4$scopeWhen$through(node, callback, scopeWhen, through, $S, $T) {
80194 var t1, result, _this = this;
80195 _this._evaluate0$_addChild$2$through(node, through);
80196 t1 = _this._evaluate0$_assertInModule$2(_this._evaluate0$__parent, "__parent");
80197 _this._evaluate0$__parent = node;
80198 result = _this._evaluate0$_environment.scope$1$2$when(callback, scopeWhen, $T);
80199 _this._evaluate0$__parent = t1;
80200 return result;
80201 },
80202 _evaluate0$_withParent$2$3$scopeWhen(node, callback, scopeWhen, $S, $T) {
80203 return this._evaluate0$_withParent$2$4$scopeWhen$through(node, callback, scopeWhen, null, $S, $T);
80204 },
80205 _evaluate0$_withParent$2$2(node, callback, $S, $T) {
80206 return this._evaluate0$_withParent$2$4$scopeWhen$through(node, callback, true, null, $S, $T);
80207 },
80208 _evaluate0$_addChild$2$through(node, through) {
80209 var grandparent, t1,
80210 $parent = this._evaluate0$_assertInModule$2(this._evaluate0$__parent, "__parent");
80211 if (through != null) {
80212 for (; through.call$1($parent); $parent = grandparent) {
80213 grandparent = $parent._node1$_parent;
80214 if (grandparent == null)
80215 throw A.wrapException(A.ArgumentError$(string$.throug + node.toString$0(0) + ".", null));
80216 }
80217 if ($parent.get$hasFollowingSibling()) {
80218 t1 = $parent._node1$_parent;
80219 t1.toString;
80220 $parent = $parent.copyWithoutChildren$0();
80221 t1.addChild$1($parent);
80222 }
80223 }
80224 $parent.addChild$1(node);
80225 },
80226 _evaluate0$_addChild$1(node) {
80227 return this._evaluate0$_addChild$2$through(node, null);
80228 },
80229 _evaluate0$_withStyleRule$1$2(rule, callback) {
80230 var result,
80231 oldRule = this._evaluate0$_styleRuleIgnoringAtRoot;
80232 this._evaluate0$_styleRuleIgnoringAtRoot = rule;
80233 result = callback.call$0();
80234 this._evaluate0$_styleRuleIgnoringAtRoot = oldRule;
80235 return result;
80236 },
80237 _evaluate0$_withStyleRule$2(rule, callback) {
80238 return this._evaluate0$_withStyleRule$1$2(rule, callback, type$.dynamic);
80239 },
80240 _evaluate0$_withMediaQueries$1$2(queries, callback) {
80241 var result,
80242 oldMediaQueries = this._evaluate0$_mediaQueries;
80243 this._evaluate0$_mediaQueries = queries;
80244 result = callback.call$0();
80245 this._evaluate0$_mediaQueries = oldMediaQueries;
80246 return result;
80247 },
80248 _evaluate0$_withMediaQueries$2(queries, callback) {
80249 return this._evaluate0$_withMediaQueries$1$2(queries, callback, type$.dynamic);
80250 },
80251 _evaluate0$_withStackFrame$1$3(member, nodeWithSpan, callback) {
80252 var oldMember, result, _this = this,
80253 t1 = _this._evaluate0$_stack;
80254 t1.push(new A.Tuple2(_this._evaluate0$_member, nodeWithSpan, type$.Tuple2_String_AstNode_2));
80255 oldMember = _this._evaluate0$_member;
80256 _this._evaluate0$_member = member;
80257 result = callback.call$0();
80258 _this._evaluate0$_member = oldMember;
80259 t1.pop();
80260 return result;
80261 },
80262 _evaluate0$_withStackFrame$3(member, nodeWithSpan, callback) {
80263 return this._evaluate0$_withStackFrame$1$3(member, nodeWithSpan, callback, type$.dynamic);
80264 },
80265 _evaluate0$_withoutSlash$2(value, nodeForSpan) {
80266 if (value instanceof A.SassNumber0 && value.asSlash != null)
80267 this._evaluate0$_warn$3$deprecation(string$.Using__i + A.S(new A._EvaluateVisitor__withoutSlash_recommendation1().call$1(value)) + string$.x0a_More, nodeForSpan.get$span(nodeForSpan), true);
80268 return value.withoutSlash$0();
80269 },
80270 _evaluate0$_stackFrame$2(member, span) {
80271 return A.frameForSpan0(span, member, A.NullableExtension_andThen0(span.file.url, new A._EvaluateVisitor__stackFrame_closure1(this)));
80272 },
80273 _evaluate0$_stackTrace$1(span) {
80274 var _this = this,
80275 t1 = _this._evaluate0$_stack;
80276 t1 = A.List_List$of(new A.MappedListIterable(t1, new A._EvaluateVisitor__stackTrace_closure1(_this), A._arrayInstanceType(t1)._eval$1("MappedListIterable<1,Frame>")), true, type$.Frame);
80277 if (span != null)
80278 t1.push(_this._evaluate0$_stackFrame$2(_this._evaluate0$_member, span));
80279 return A.Trace$(new A.ReversedListIterable(t1, A._arrayInstanceType(t1)._eval$1("ReversedListIterable<1>")), null);
80280 },
80281 _evaluate0$_stackTrace$0() {
80282 return this._evaluate0$_stackTrace$1(null);
80283 },
80284 _evaluate0$_warn$3$deprecation(message, span, deprecation) {
80285 var _this = this;
80286 if (_this._evaluate0$_quietDeps && _this._evaluate0$_inDependency)
80287 return;
80288 if (!_this._evaluate0$_warningsEmitted.add$1(0, new A.Tuple2(message, span, type$.Tuple2_String_SourceSpan)))
80289 return;
80290 _this._evaluate0$_logger.warn$4$deprecation$span$trace(0, message, deprecation, span, _this._evaluate0$_stackTrace$1(span));
80291 },
80292 _evaluate0$_warn$2(message, span) {
80293 return this._evaluate0$_warn$3$deprecation(message, span, false);
80294 },
80295 _evaluate0$_exception$2(message, span) {
80296 var t1 = span == null ? J.get$span$z(B.JSArray_methods.get$last(this._evaluate0$_stack).item2) : span;
80297 return new A.SassRuntimeException0(this._evaluate0$_stackTrace$1(span), message, t1);
80298 },
80299 _evaluate0$_exception$1(message) {
80300 return this._evaluate0$_exception$2(message, null);
80301 },
80302 _evaluate0$_multiSpanException$3(message, primaryLabel, secondaryLabels) {
80303 var t1 = J.get$span$z(B.JSArray_methods.get$last(this._evaluate0$_stack).item2);
80304 return new A.MultiSpanSassRuntimeException0(this._evaluate0$_stackTrace$0(), primaryLabel, A.ConstantMap_ConstantMap$from(secondaryLabels, type$.FileSpan, type$.String), message, t1);
80305 },
80306 _evaluate0$_adjustParseError$1$2(nodeWithSpan, callback) {
80307 var error, stackTrace, errorText, span, syntheticFile, syntheticSpan, t1, exception, t2, t3, t4, t5, t6, _null = null;
80308 try {
80309 t1 = callback.call$0();
80310 return t1;
80311 } catch (exception) {
80312 t1 = A.unwrapException(exception);
80313 if (t1 instanceof A.SassFormatException0) {
80314 error = t1;
80315 stackTrace = A.getTraceFromException(exception);
80316 t1 = error;
80317 t2 = J.getInterceptor$z(t1);
80318 errorText = A.String_String$fromCharCodes(B.NativeUint32List_methods.sublist$2(A.SourceSpanException.prototype.get$span.call(t2, t1).file._decodedChars, 0, _null), 0, _null);
80319 span = nodeWithSpan.get$span(nodeWithSpan);
80320 t1 = span;
80321 t2 = span;
80322 syntheticFile = B.JSString_methods.replaceRange$3(A.String_String$fromCharCodes(B.NativeUint32List_methods.sublist$2(span.file._decodedChars, 0, _null), 0, _null), A.FileLocation$_(t1.file, t1._file$_start).offset, A.FileLocation$_(t2.file, t2._end).offset, errorText);
80323 t2 = A.SourceFile$fromString(syntheticFile, span.file.url);
80324 t1 = span;
80325 t1 = A.FileLocation$_(t1.file, t1._file$_start);
80326 t3 = error;
80327 t4 = J.getInterceptor$z(t3);
80328 t3 = A.SourceSpanException.prototype.get$span.call(t4, t3);
80329 t3 = A.FileLocation$_(t3.file, t3._file$_start);
80330 t4 = span;
80331 t4 = A.FileLocation$_(t4.file, t4._file$_start);
80332 t5 = error;
80333 t6 = J.getInterceptor$z(t5);
80334 t5 = A.SourceSpanException.prototype.get$span.call(t6, t5);
80335 syntheticSpan = t2.span$2(0, t1.offset + t3.offset, t4.offset + A.FileLocation$_(t5.file, t5._end).offset);
80336 A.throwWithTrace0(this._evaluate0$_exception$2(error._span_exception$_message, syntheticSpan), stackTrace);
80337 } else
80338 throw exception;
80339 }
80340 },
80341 _evaluate0$_adjustParseError$2(nodeWithSpan, callback) {
80342 return this._evaluate0$_adjustParseError$1$2(nodeWithSpan, callback, type$.dynamic);
80343 },
80344 _evaluate0$_addExceptionSpan$1$2(nodeWithSpan, callback) {
80345 var error, stackTrace, error0, stackTrace0, t1, exception, t2, t3, t4;
80346 try {
80347 t1 = callback.call$0();
80348 return t1;
80349 } catch (exception) {
80350 t1 = A.unwrapException(exception);
80351 if (t1 instanceof A.MultiSpanSassScriptException0) {
80352 error = t1;
80353 stackTrace = A.getTraceFromException(exception);
80354 t1 = error.message;
80355 t2 = nodeWithSpan.get$span(nodeWithSpan);
80356 t3 = error.primaryLabel;
80357 t4 = error.secondarySpans;
80358 A.throwWithTrace0(new A.MultiSpanSassRuntimeException0(this._evaluate0$_stackTrace$1(nodeWithSpan.get$span(nodeWithSpan)), t3, A.ConstantMap_ConstantMap$from(t4, type$.FileSpan, type$.String), t1, t2), stackTrace);
80359 } else if (t1 instanceof A.SassScriptException0) {
80360 error0 = t1;
80361 stackTrace0 = A.getTraceFromException(exception);
80362 A.throwWithTrace0(this._evaluate0$_exception$2(error0.message, nodeWithSpan.get$span(nodeWithSpan)), stackTrace0);
80363 } else
80364 throw exception;
80365 }
80366 },
80367 _evaluate0$_addExceptionSpan$2(nodeWithSpan, callback) {
80368 return this._evaluate0$_addExceptionSpan$1$2(nodeWithSpan, callback, type$.dynamic);
80369 },
80370 _evaluate0$_addErrorSpan$1$2(nodeWithSpan, callback) {
80371 var error, stackTrace, t1, exception, t2;
80372 try {
80373 t1 = callback.call$0();
80374 return t1;
80375 } catch (exception) {
80376 t1 = A.unwrapException(exception);
80377 if (type$.SassRuntimeException_2._is(t1)) {
80378 error = t1;
80379 stackTrace = A.getTraceFromException(exception);
80380 t1 = J.get$span$z(error);
80381 if (!B.JSString_methods.startsWith$1(A.String_String$fromCharCodes(B.NativeUint32List_methods.sublist$2(t1.file._decodedChars, t1._file$_start, t1._end), 0, null), "@error"))
80382 throw exception;
80383 t1 = error._span_exception$_message;
80384 t2 = nodeWithSpan.get$span(nodeWithSpan);
80385 A.throwWithTrace0(new A.SassRuntimeException0(this._evaluate0$_stackTrace$0(), t1, t2), stackTrace);
80386 } else
80387 throw exception;
80388 }
80389 },
80390 _evaluate0$_addErrorSpan$2(nodeWithSpan, callback) {
80391 return this._evaluate0$_addErrorSpan$1$2(nodeWithSpan, callback, type$.dynamic);
80392 }
80393 };
80394 A._EvaluateVisitor_closure19.prototype = {
80395 call$1($arguments) {
80396 var module, t2,
80397 t1 = J.getInterceptor$asx($arguments),
80398 variable = t1.$index($arguments, 0).assertString$1("name");
80399 t1 = t1.$index($arguments, 1).get$realNull();
80400 module = t1 == null ? null : t1.assertString$1("module");
80401 t1 = this.$this._evaluate0$_environment;
80402 t2 = A.stringReplaceAllUnchecked(variable._string0$_text, "_", "-");
80403 return t1.globalVariableExists$2$namespace(t2, module == null ? null : module._string0$_text) ? B.SassBoolean_true0 : B.SassBoolean_false0;
80404 },
80405 $signature: 18
80406 };
80407 A._EvaluateVisitor_closure20.prototype = {
80408 call$1($arguments) {
80409 var variable = J.$index$asx($arguments, 0).assertString$1("name"),
80410 t1 = this.$this._evaluate0$_environment;
80411 return t1.getVariable$1(A.stringReplaceAllUnchecked(variable._string0$_text, "_", "-")) != null ? B.SassBoolean_true0 : B.SassBoolean_false0;
80412 },
80413 $signature: 18
80414 };
80415 A._EvaluateVisitor_closure21.prototype = {
80416 call$1($arguments) {
80417 var module, t2, t3, t4,
80418 t1 = J.getInterceptor$asx($arguments),
80419 variable = t1.$index($arguments, 0).assertString$1("name");
80420 t1 = t1.$index($arguments, 1).get$realNull();
80421 module = t1 == null ? null : t1.assertString$1("module");
80422 t1 = this.$this;
80423 t2 = t1._evaluate0$_environment;
80424 t3 = variable._string0$_text;
80425 t4 = A.stringReplaceAllUnchecked(t3, "_", "-");
80426 return t2.getFunction$2$namespace(t4, module == null ? null : module._string0$_text) != null || t1._evaluate0$_builtInFunctions.containsKey$1(t3) ? B.SassBoolean_true0 : B.SassBoolean_false0;
80427 },
80428 $signature: 18
80429 };
80430 A._EvaluateVisitor_closure22.prototype = {
80431 call$1($arguments) {
80432 var module, t2,
80433 t1 = J.getInterceptor$asx($arguments),
80434 variable = t1.$index($arguments, 0).assertString$1("name");
80435 t1 = t1.$index($arguments, 1).get$realNull();
80436 module = t1 == null ? null : t1.assertString$1("module");
80437 t1 = this.$this._evaluate0$_environment;
80438 t2 = A.stringReplaceAllUnchecked(variable._string0$_text, "_", "-");
80439 return t1.getMixin$2$namespace(t2, module == null ? null : module._string0$_text) != null ? B.SassBoolean_true0 : B.SassBoolean_false0;
80440 },
80441 $signature: 18
80442 };
80443 A._EvaluateVisitor_closure23.prototype = {
80444 call$1($arguments) {
80445 var t1 = this.$this._evaluate0$_environment;
80446 if (!t1._environment0$_inMixin)
80447 throw A.wrapException(A.SassScriptException$0(string$.conten));
80448 return t1._environment0$_content != null ? B.SassBoolean_true0 : B.SassBoolean_false0;
80449 },
80450 $signature: 18
80451 };
80452 A._EvaluateVisitor_closure24.prototype = {
80453 call$1($arguments) {
80454 var t2, t3, t4,
80455 t1 = J.$index$asx($arguments, 0).assertString$1("module")._string0$_text,
80456 module = this.$this._evaluate0$_environment._environment0$_modules.$index(0, t1);
80457 if (module == null)
80458 throw A.wrapException('There is no module with namespace "' + t1 + '".');
80459 t1 = type$.Value_2;
80460 t2 = A.LinkedHashMap_LinkedHashMap$_empty(t1, t1);
80461 for (t3 = module.get$variables(), t3 = t3.get$entries(t3), t3 = t3.get$iterator(t3); t3.moveNext$0();) {
80462 t4 = t3.get$current(t3);
80463 t2.$indexSet(0, new A.SassString0(t4.key, true), t4.value);
80464 }
80465 return new A.SassMap0(A.ConstantMap_ConstantMap$from(t2, t1, t1));
80466 },
80467 $signature: 34
80468 };
80469 A._EvaluateVisitor_closure25.prototype = {
80470 call$1($arguments) {
80471 var t2, t3, t4,
80472 t1 = J.$index$asx($arguments, 0).assertString$1("module")._string0$_text,
80473 module = this.$this._evaluate0$_environment._environment0$_modules.$index(0, t1);
80474 if (module == null)
80475 throw A.wrapException('There is no module with namespace "' + t1 + '".');
80476 t1 = type$.Value_2;
80477 t2 = A.LinkedHashMap_LinkedHashMap$_empty(t1, t1);
80478 for (t3 = module.get$functions(module), t3 = t3.get$entries(t3), t3 = t3.get$iterator(t3); t3.moveNext$0();) {
80479 t4 = t3.get$current(t3);
80480 t2.$indexSet(0, new A.SassString0(t4.key, true), new A.SassFunction0(t4.value));
80481 }
80482 return new A.SassMap0(A.ConstantMap_ConstantMap$from(t2, t1, t1));
80483 },
80484 $signature: 34
80485 };
80486 A._EvaluateVisitor_closure26.prototype = {
80487 call$1($arguments) {
80488 var module, callable, t2,
80489 t1 = J.getInterceptor$asx($arguments),
80490 $name = t1.$index($arguments, 0).assertString$1("name"),
80491 css = t1.$index($arguments, 1).get$isTruthy();
80492 t1 = t1.$index($arguments, 2).get$realNull();
80493 module = t1 == null ? null : t1.assertString$1("module");
80494 if (css && module != null)
80495 throw A.wrapException(string$.x24css_a);
80496 if (css)
80497 callable = new A.PlainCssCallable0($name._string0$_text);
80498 else {
80499 t1 = this.$this;
80500 t2 = t1._evaluate0$_callableNode;
80501 t2.toString;
80502 callable = t1._evaluate0$_addExceptionSpan$2(t2, new A._EvaluateVisitor__closure7(t1, $name, module));
80503 }
80504 if (callable != null)
80505 return new A.SassFunction0(callable);
80506 throw A.wrapException("Function not found: " + $name.toString$0(0));
80507 },
80508 $signature: 160
80509 };
80510 A._EvaluateVisitor__closure7.prototype = {
80511 call$0() {
80512 var t1 = A.stringReplaceAllUnchecked(this.name._string0$_text, "_", "-"),
80513 t2 = this.module;
80514 t2 = t2 == null ? null : t2._string0$_text;
80515 return this.$this._evaluate0$_getFunction$2$namespace(t1, t2);
80516 },
80517 $signature: 112
80518 };
80519 A._EvaluateVisitor_closure27.prototype = {
80520 call$1($arguments) {
80521 var t2, t3, t4, t5, t6, t7, t8, t9, t10, t11, invocation, callableNode, callable,
80522 t1 = J.getInterceptor$asx($arguments),
80523 $function = t1.$index($arguments, 0),
80524 args = type$.SassArgumentList_2._as(t1.$index($arguments, 1));
80525 t1 = this.$this;
80526 t2 = t1._evaluate0$_callableNode;
80527 t2.toString;
80528 t3 = A._setArrayType([], type$.JSArray_Expression_2);
80529 t4 = type$.String;
80530 t5 = type$.Expression_2;
80531 t6 = t2.get$span(t2);
80532 t7 = t2.get$span(t2);
80533 args._argument_list$_wereKeywordsAccessed = true;
80534 t8 = args._argument_list$_keywords;
80535 if (t8.get$isEmpty(t8))
80536 t2 = null;
80537 else {
80538 t9 = type$.Value_2;
80539 t10 = A.LinkedHashMap_LinkedHashMap$_empty(t9, t9);
80540 for (args._argument_list$_wereKeywordsAccessed = true, t8 = t8.get$entries(t8), t8 = t8.get$iterator(t8); t8.moveNext$0();) {
80541 t11 = t8.get$current(t8);
80542 t10.$indexSet(0, new A.SassString0(t11.key, false), t11.value);
80543 }
80544 t2 = new A.ValueExpression0(new A.SassMap0(A.ConstantMap_ConstantMap$from(t10, t9, t9)), t2.get$span(t2));
80545 }
80546 invocation = new A.ArgumentInvocation0(A.List_List$unmodifiable(t3, t5), A.ConstantMap_ConstantMap$from(A.LinkedHashMap_LinkedHashMap$_empty(t4, t5), t4, t5), new A.ValueExpression0(args, t7), t2, t6);
80547 if ($function instanceof A.SassString0) {
80548 t2 = string$.Passin + $function.toString$0(0) + "))";
80549 A.EvaluationContext_current0().warn$2$deprecation(0, t2, true);
80550 callableNode = t1._evaluate0$_callableNode;
80551 return t1.visitFunctionExpression$1(new A.FunctionExpression0(null, $function._string0$_text, invocation, callableNode.get$span(callableNode)));
80552 }
80553 callable = $function.assertFunction$1("function").callable;
80554 if (type$.Callable_2._is(callable)) {
80555 t2 = t1._evaluate0$_callableNode;
80556 t2.toString;
80557 return t1._evaluate0$_runFunctionCallable$3(invocation, callable, t2);
80558 } else
80559 throw A.wrapException(A.SassScriptException$0("The function " + callable.get$name(callable) + string$.x20is_as));
80560 },
80561 $signature: 3
80562 };
80563 A._EvaluateVisitor_closure28.prototype = {
80564 call$1($arguments) {
80565 var withMap, t2, values, configuration,
80566 t1 = J.getInterceptor$asx($arguments),
80567 url = A.Uri_parse(t1.$index($arguments, 0).assertString$1("url")._string0$_text);
80568 t1 = t1.$index($arguments, 1).get$realNull();
80569 withMap = t1 == null ? null : t1.assertMap$1("with")._map0$_contents;
80570 t1 = this.$this;
80571 t2 = t1._evaluate0$_callableNode;
80572 t2.toString;
80573 if (withMap != null) {
80574 values = A.LinkedHashMap_LinkedHashMap$_empty(type$.String, type$.ConfiguredValue_2);
80575 withMap.forEach$1(0, new A._EvaluateVisitor__closure5(values, t2.get$span(t2), t2));
80576 configuration = new A.ExplicitConfiguration0(t2, values);
80577 } else
80578 configuration = B.Configuration_Map_empty0;
80579 t1._evaluate0$_loadModule$7$baseUrl$configuration$namesInErrors(url, "load-css()", t2, new A._EvaluateVisitor__closure6(t1), t2.get$span(t2).file.url, configuration, true);
80580 t1._evaluate0$_assertConfigurationIsEmpty$2$nameInError(configuration, true);
80581 },
80582 $signature: 403
80583 };
80584 A._EvaluateVisitor__closure5.prototype = {
80585 call$2(variable, value) {
80586 var t1 = variable.assertString$1("with key"),
80587 $name = A.stringReplaceAllUnchecked(t1._string0$_text, "_", "-");
80588 t1 = this.values;
80589 if (t1.containsKey$1($name))
80590 throw A.wrapException("The variable $" + $name + " was configured twice.");
80591 t1.$indexSet(0, $name, new A.ConfiguredValue0(value, this.span, this.callableNode));
80592 },
80593 $signature: 53
80594 };
80595 A._EvaluateVisitor__closure6.prototype = {
80596 call$1(module) {
80597 var t1 = this.$this;
80598 return t1._evaluate0$_combineCss$2$clone(module, true).accept$1(t1);
80599 },
80600 $signature: 60
80601 };
80602 A._EvaluateVisitor_run_closure1.prototype = {
80603 call$0() {
80604 var t2, _this = this,
80605 t1 = _this.node,
80606 url = t1.span.file.url;
80607 if (url != null) {
80608 t2 = _this.$this;
80609 t2._evaluate0$_activeModules.$indexSet(0, url, null);
80610 if (!(t2._evaluate0$_nodeImporter != null && url.toString$0(0) === "stdin"))
80611 t2._evaluate0$_loadedUrls.add$1(0, url);
80612 }
80613 t2 = _this.$this;
80614 return new A.EvaluateResult0(t2._evaluate0$_combineCss$1(t2._evaluate0$_execute$2(_this.importer, t1)), t2._evaluate0$_loadedUrls);
80615 },
80616 $signature: 609
80617 };
80618 A._EvaluateVisitor__loadModule_closure3.prototype = {
80619 call$0() {
80620 return this.callback.call$1(this.builtInModule);
80621 },
80622 $signature: 0
80623 };
80624 A._EvaluateVisitor__loadModule_closure4.prototype = {
80625 call$0() {
80626 var oldInDependency, module, error, stackTrace, error0, stackTrace0, error1, stackTrace1, error2, stackTrace2, message, exception, t3, t4, t5, t6, t7, _this = this,
80627 t1 = _this.$this,
80628 t2 = _this.nodeWithSpan,
80629 result = t1._evaluate0$_loadStylesheet$3$baseUrl(_this.url.toString$0(0), t2.get$span(t2), _this.baseUrl),
80630 stylesheet = result.stylesheet,
80631 canonicalUrl = stylesheet.span.file.url;
80632 if (canonicalUrl != null && t1._evaluate0$_activeModules.containsKey$1(canonicalUrl)) {
80633 message = _this.namesInErrors ? "Module loop: " + $.$get$context().prettyUri$1(canonicalUrl) + " is already being loaded." : string$.Modulel;
80634 t2 = A.NullableExtension_andThen0(t1._evaluate0$_activeModules.$index(0, canonicalUrl), new A._EvaluateVisitor__loadModule__closure1(t1, message));
80635 throw A.wrapException(t2 == null ? t1._evaluate0$_exception$1(message) : t2);
80636 }
80637 if (canonicalUrl != null)
80638 t1._evaluate0$_activeModules.$indexSet(0, canonicalUrl, t2);
80639 oldInDependency = t1._evaluate0$_inDependency;
80640 t1._evaluate0$_inDependency = result.isDependency;
80641 module = null;
80642 try {
80643 module = t1._evaluate0$_execute$5$configuration$namesInErrors$nodeWithSpan(result.importer, stylesheet, _this.configuration, _this.namesInErrors, t2);
80644 } finally {
80645 t1._evaluate0$_activeModules.remove$1(0, canonicalUrl);
80646 t1._evaluate0$_inDependency = oldInDependency;
80647 }
80648 try {
80649 _this.callback.call$1(module);
80650 } catch (exception) {
80651 t2 = A.unwrapException(exception);
80652 if (type$.SassRuntimeException_2._is(t2))
80653 throw exception;
80654 else if (t2 instanceof A.MultiSpanSassException0) {
80655 error = t2;
80656 stackTrace = A.getTraceFromException(exception);
80657 t2 = error._span_exception$_message;
80658 t3 = error;
80659 t4 = J.getInterceptor$z(t3);
80660 t3 = A.SourceSpanException.prototype.get$span.call(t4, t3);
80661 t4 = error.primaryLabel;
80662 t5 = error.secondarySpans;
80663 t6 = error;
80664 t7 = J.getInterceptor$z(t6);
80665 A.throwWithTrace0(new A.MultiSpanSassRuntimeException0(t1._evaluate0$_stackTrace$1(A.SourceSpanException.prototype.get$span.call(t7, t6)), t4, A.ConstantMap_ConstantMap$from(t5, type$.FileSpan, type$.String), t2, t3), stackTrace);
80666 } else if (t2 instanceof A.SassException0) {
80667 error0 = t2;
80668 stackTrace0 = A.getTraceFromException(exception);
80669 t2 = error0;
80670 t3 = J.getInterceptor$z(t2);
80671 A.throwWithTrace0(t1._evaluate0$_exception$2(error0._span_exception$_message, A.SourceSpanException.prototype.get$span.call(t3, t2)), stackTrace0);
80672 } else if (t2 instanceof A.MultiSpanSassScriptException0) {
80673 error1 = t2;
80674 stackTrace1 = A.getTraceFromException(exception);
80675 A.throwWithTrace0(t1._evaluate0$_multiSpanException$3(error1.message, error1.primaryLabel, error1.secondarySpans), stackTrace1);
80676 } else if (t2 instanceof A.SassScriptException0) {
80677 error2 = t2;
80678 stackTrace2 = A.getTraceFromException(exception);
80679 A.throwWithTrace0(t1._evaluate0$_exception$1(error2.message), stackTrace2);
80680 } else
80681 throw exception;
80682 }
80683 },
80684 $signature: 1
80685 };
80686 A._EvaluateVisitor__loadModule__closure1.prototype = {
80687 call$1(previousLoad) {
80688 return this.$this._evaluate0$_multiSpanException$3(this.message, "new load", A.LinkedHashMap_LinkedHashMap$_literal([previousLoad.get$span(previousLoad), "original load"], type$.FileSpan, type$.String));
80689 },
80690 $signature: 84
80691 };
80692 A._EvaluateVisitor__execute_closure1.prototype = {
80693 call$0() {
80694 var t3, t4, t5, t6, _this = this,
80695 t1 = _this.$this,
80696 oldImporter = t1._evaluate0$_importer,
80697 oldStylesheet = t1._evaluate0$__stylesheet,
80698 oldRoot = t1._evaluate0$__root,
80699 oldParent = t1._evaluate0$__parent,
80700 oldEndOfImports = t1._evaluate0$__endOfImports,
80701 oldOutOfOrderImports = t1._evaluate0$_outOfOrderImports,
80702 oldExtensionStore = t1._evaluate0$__extensionStore,
80703 t2 = t1._evaluate0$_atRootExcludingStyleRule,
80704 oldStyleRule = t2 ? null : t1._evaluate0$_styleRuleIgnoringAtRoot,
80705 oldMediaQueries = t1._evaluate0$_mediaQueries,
80706 oldDeclarationName = t1._evaluate0$_declarationName,
80707 oldInUnknownAtRule = t1._evaluate0$_inUnknownAtRule,
80708 oldInKeyframes = t1._evaluate0$_inKeyframes,
80709 oldConfiguration = t1._evaluate0$_configuration;
80710 t1._evaluate0$_importer = _this.importer;
80711 t3 = t1._evaluate0$__stylesheet = _this.stylesheet;
80712 t4 = t3.span;
80713 t5 = t1._evaluate0$__parent = t1._evaluate0$__root = A.ModifiableCssStylesheet$0(t4);
80714 t1._evaluate0$__endOfImports = 0;
80715 t1._evaluate0$_outOfOrderImports = null;
80716 t1._evaluate0$__extensionStore = _this.extensionStore;
80717 t1._evaluate0$_declarationName = t1._evaluate0$_mediaQueries = t1._evaluate0$_styleRuleIgnoringAtRoot = null;
80718 t1._evaluate0$_inKeyframes = t1._evaluate0$_atRootExcludingStyleRule = t1._evaluate0$_inUnknownAtRule = false;
80719 t6 = _this.configuration;
80720 if (t6 != null)
80721 t1._evaluate0$_configuration = t6;
80722 t1.visitStylesheet$1(t3);
80723 t3 = t1._evaluate0$_outOfOrderImports == null ? t5 : new A.CssStylesheet0(new A.UnmodifiableListView(t1._evaluate0$_addOutOfOrderImports$0(), type$.UnmodifiableListView_CssNode_2), t4);
80724 _this.css._value = t3;
80725 t1._evaluate0$_importer = oldImporter;
80726 t1._evaluate0$__stylesheet = oldStylesheet;
80727 t1._evaluate0$__root = oldRoot;
80728 t1._evaluate0$__parent = oldParent;
80729 t1._evaluate0$__endOfImports = oldEndOfImports;
80730 t1._evaluate0$_outOfOrderImports = oldOutOfOrderImports;
80731 t1._evaluate0$__extensionStore = oldExtensionStore;
80732 t1._evaluate0$_styleRuleIgnoringAtRoot = oldStyleRule;
80733 t1._evaluate0$_mediaQueries = oldMediaQueries;
80734 t1._evaluate0$_declarationName = oldDeclarationName;
80735 t1._evaluate0$_inUnknownAtRule = oldInUnknownAtRule;
80736 t1._evaluate0$_atRootExcludingStyleRule = t2;
80737 t1._evaluate0$_inKeyframes = oldInKeyframes;
80738 t1._evaluate0$_configuration = oldConfiguration;
80739 },
80740 $signature: 1
80741 };
80742 A._EvaluateVisitor__combineCss_closure5.prototype = {
80743 call$1(module) {
80744 return module.get$transitivelyContainsCss();
80745 },
80746 $signature: 114
80747 };
80748 A._EvaluateVisitor__combineCss_closure6.prototype = {
80749 call$1(target) {
80750 return !this.selectors.contains$1(0, target);
80751 },
80752 $signature: 15
80753 };
80754 A._EvaluateVisitor__combineCss_closure7.prototype = {
80755 call$1(module) {
80756 return module.cloneCss$0();
80757 },
80758 $signature: 406
80759 };
80760 A._EvaluateVisitor__extendModules_closure3.prototype = {
80761 call$1(target) {
80762 return !this.originalSelectors.contains$1(0, target);
80763 },
80764 $signature: 15
80765 };
80766 A._EvaluateVisitor__extendModules_closure4.prototype = {
80767 call$0() {
80768 return A._setArrayType([], type$.JSArray_ExtensionStore_2);
80769 },
80770 $signature: 166
80771 };
80772 A._EvaluateVisitor__topologicalModules_visitModule1.prototype = {
80773 call$1(module) {
80774 var t1, t2, t3, _i, upstream;
80775 for (t1 = module.get$upstream(), t2 = t1.length, t3 = this.seen, _i = 0; _i < t1.length; t1.length === t2 || (0, A.throwConcurrentModificationError)(t1), ++_i) {
80776 upstream = t1[_i];
80777 if (upstream.get$transitivelyContainsCss() && t3.add$1(0, upstream))
80778 this.call$1(upstream);
80779 }
80780 this.sorted.addFirst$1(module);
80781 },
80782 $signature: 60
80783 };
80784 A._EvaluateVisitor_visitAtRootRule_closure5.prototype = {
80785 call$0() {
80786 var t1 = A.SpanScanner$(this.resolved, null);
80787 return new A.AtRootQueryParser0(t1, this.$this._evaluate0$_logger).parse$0();
80788 },
80789 $signature: 136
80790 };
80791 A._EvaluateVisitor_visitAtRootRule_closure6.prototype = {
80792 call$0() {
80793 var t1, t2, t3, _i;
80794 for (t1 = this.node.children, t2 = t1.length, t3 = this.$this, _i = 0; _i < t2; ++_i)
80795 t1[_i].accept$1(t3);
80796 },
80797 $signature: 1
80798 };
80799 A._EvaluateVisitor_visitAtRootRule_closure7.prototype = {
80800 call$0() {
80801 var t1, t2, t3, _i;
80802 for (t1 = this.node.children, t2 = t1.length, t3 = this.$this, _i = 0; _i < t2; ++_i)
80803 t1[_i].accept$1(t3);
80804 },
80805 $signature: 0
80806 };
80807 A._EvaluateVisitor__scopeForAtRoot_closure11.prototype = {
80808 call$1(callback) {
80809 var t1 = this.$this,
80810 t2 = t1._evaluate0$_assertInModule$2(t1._evaluate0$__parent, "__parent");
80811 t1._evaluate0$__parent = this.newParent;
80812 t1._evaluate0$_environment.scope$1$2$when(callback, this.node.hasDeclarations, type$.void);
80813 t1._evaluate0$__parent = t2;
80814 },
80815 $signature: 26
80816 };
80817 A._EvaluateVisitor__scopeForAtRoot_closure12.prototype = {
80818 call$1(callback) {
80819 var t1 = this.$this,
80820 oldAtRootExcludingStyleRule = t1._evaluate0$_atRootExcludingStyleRule;
80821 t1._evaluate0$_atRootExcludingStyleRule = true;
80822 this.innerScope.call$1(callback);
80823 t1._evaluate0$_atRootExcludingStyleRule = oldAtRootExcludingStyleRule;
80824 },
80825 $signature: 26
80826 };
80827 A._EvaluateVisitor__scopeForAtRoot_closure13.prototype = {
80828 call$1(callback) {
80829 return this.$this._evaluate0$_withMediaQueries$2(null, new A._EvaluateVisitor__scopeForAtRoot__closure1(this.innerScope, callback));
80830 },
80831 $signature: 26
80832 };
80833 A._EvaluateVisitor__scopeForAtRoot__closure1.prototype = {
80834 call$0() {
80835 return this.innerScope.call$1(this.callback);
80836 },
80837 $signature: 1
80838 };
80839 A._EvaluateVisitor__scopeForAtRoot_closure14.prototype = {
80840 call$1(callback) {
80841 var t1 = this.$this,
80842 wasInKeyframes = t1._evaluate0$_inKeyframes;
80843 t1._evaluate0$_inKeyframes = false;
80844 this.innerScope.call$1(callback);
80845 t1._evaluate0$_inKeyframes = wasInKeyframes;
80846 },
80847 $signature: 26
80848 };
80849 A._EvaluateVisitor__scopeForAtRoot_closure15.prototype = {
80850 call$1($parent) {
80851 return type$.CssAtRule_2._is($parent);
80852 },
80853 $signature: 168
80854 };
80855 A._EvaluateVisitor__scopeForAtRoot_closure16.prototype = {
80856 call$1(callback) {
80857 var t1 = this.$this,
80858 wasInUnknownAtRule = t1._evaluate0$_inUnknownAtRule;
80859 t1._evaluate0$_inUnknownAtRule = false;
80860 this.innerScope.call$1(callback);
80861 t1._evaluate0$_inUnknownAtRule = wasInUnknownAtRule;
80862 },
80863 $signature: 26
80864 };
80865 A._EvaluateVisitor_visitContentRule_closure1.prototype = {
80866 call$0() {
80867 var t1, t2, t3, _i;
80868 for (t1 = this.content.declaration.children, t2 = t1.length, t3 = this.$this, _i = 0; _i < t2; ++_i)
80869 t1[_i].accept$1(t3);
80870 return null;
80871 },
80872 $signature: 1
80873 };
80874 A._EvaluateVisitor_visitDeclaration_closure3.prototype = {
80875 call$1(value) {
80876 return new A.CssValue0(value.accept$1(this.$this), value.get$span(value), type$.CssValue_Value_2);
80877 },
80878 $signature: 407
80879 };
80880 A._EvaluateVisitor_visitDeclaration_closure4.prototype = {
80881 call$0() {
80882 var t1, t2, t3, _i;
80883 for (t1 = this.children, t2 = t1.length, t3 = this.$this, _i = 0; _i < t2; ++_i)
80884 t1[_i].accept$1(t3);
80885 },
80886 $signature: 1
80887 };
80888 A._EvaluateVisitor_visitEachRule_closure5.prototype = {
80889 call$1(value) {
80890 var t1 = this.$this,
80891 t2 = this.nodeWithSpan;
80892 return t1._evaluate0$_environment.setLocalVariable$3(B.JSArray_methods.get$first(this.node.variables), t1._evaluate0$_withoutSlash$2(value, t2), t2);
80893 },
80894 $signature: 55
80895 };
80896 A._EvaluateVisitor_visitEachRule_closure6.prototype = {
80897 call$1(value) {
80898 return this.$this._evaluate0$_setMultipleVariables$3(this.node.variables, value, this.nodeWithSpan);
80899 },
80900 $signature: 55
80901 };
80902 A._EvaluateVisitor_visitEachRule_closure7.prototype = {
80903 call$0() {
80904 var _this = this,
80905 t1 = _this.$this;
80906 return t1._evaluate0$_handleReturn$2(_this.list.get$asList(), new A._EvaluateVisitor_visitEachRule__closure1(t1, _this.setVariables, _this.node));
80907 },
80908 $signature: 38
80909 };
80910 A._EvaluateVisitor_visitEachRule__closure1.prototype = {
80911 call$1(element) {
80912 var t1;
80913 this.setVariables.call$1(element);
80914 t1 = this.$this;
80915 return t1._evaluate0$_handleReturn$2(this.node.children, new A._EvaluateVisitor_visitEachRule___closure1(t1));
80916 },
80917 $signature: 215
80918 };
80919 A._EvaluateVisitor_visitEachRule___closure1.prototype = {
80920 call$1(child) {
80921 return child.accept$1(this.$this);
80922 },
80923 $signature: 94
80924 };
80925 A._EvaluateVisitor_visitExtendRule_closure1.prototype = {
80926 call$0() {
80927 return A.SelectorList_SelectorList$parse0(A.trimAscii0(this.targetText.value, true), false, true, this.$this._evaluate0$_logger);
80928 },
80929 $signature: 49
80930 };
80931 A._EvaluateVisitor_visitAtRule_closure5.prototype = {
80932 call$1(value) {
80933 return this.$this._evaluate0$_interpolationToValue$3$trim$warnForColor(value, true, true);
80934 },
80935 $signature: 410
80936 };
80937 A._EvaluateVisitor_visitAtRule_closure6.prototype = {
80938 call$0() {
80939 var t2, t3, _i,
80940 t1 = this.$this,
80941 styleRule = t1._evaluate0$_atRootExcludingStyleRule ? null : t1._evaluate0$_styleRuleIgnoringAtRoot;
80942 if (styleRule == null || t1._evaluate0$_inKeyframes)
80943 for (t2 = this.children, t3 = t2.length, _i = 0; _i < t3; ++_i)
80944 t2[_i].accept$1(t1);
80945 else
80946 t1._evaluate0$_withParent$2$3$scopeWhen(A.ModifiableCssStyleRule$0(styleRule.selector, styleRule.span, styleRule.originalSelector), new A._EvaluateVisitor_visitAtRule__closure1(t1, this.children), false, type$.ModifiableCssStyleRule_2, type$.Null);
80947 },
80948 $signature: 1
80949 };
80950 A._EvaluateVisitor_visitAtRule__closure1.prototype = {
80951 call$0() {
80952 var t1, t2, t3, _i;
80953 for (t1 = this.children, t2 = t1.length, t3 = this.$this, _i = 0; _i < t2; ++_i)
80954 t1[_i].accept$1(t3);
80955 },
80956 $signature: 1
80957 };
80958 A._EvaluateVisitor_visitAtRule_closure7.prototype = {
80959 call$1(node) {
80960 return type$.CssStyleRule_2._is(node);
80961 },
80962 $signature: 8
80963 };
80964 A._EvaluateVisitor_visitForRule_closure9.prototype = {
80965 call$0() {
80966 return this.node.from.accept$1(this.$this).assertNumber$0();
80967 },
80968 $signature: 217
80969 };
80970 A._EvaluateVisitor_visitForRule_closure10.prototype = {
80971 call$0() {
80972 return this.node.to.accept$1(this.$this).assertNumber$0();
80973 },
80974 $signature: 217
80975 };
80976 A._EvaluateVisitor_visitForRule_closure11.prototype = {
80977 call$0() {
80978 return this.fromNumber.assertInt$0();
80979 },
80980 $signature: 12
80981 };
80982 A._EvaluateVisitor_visitForRule_closure12.prototype = {
80983 call$0() {
80984 var t1 = this.fromNumber;
80985 return this.toNumber.coerce$2(t1.get$numeratorUnits(t1), t1.get$denominatorUnits(t1)).assertInt$0();
80986 },
80987 $signature: 12
80988 };
80989 A._EvaluateVisitor_visitForRule_closure13.prototype = {
80990 call$0() {
80991 var i, t3, t4, t5, t6, t7, t8, result, _this = this,
80992 t1 = _this.$this,
80993 t2 = _this.node,
80994 nodeWithSpan = t1._evaluate0$_expressionNode$1(t2.from);
80995 for (i = _this.from, t3 = _this._box_0, t4 = _this.direction, t5 = t2.variable, t6 = _this.fromNumber, t2 = t2.children; i !== t3.to; i += t4) {
80996 t7 = t1._evaluate0$_environment;
80997 t8 = t6.get$numeratorUnits(t6);
80998 t7.setLocalVariable$3(t5, A.SassNumber_SassNumber$withUnits0(i, t6.get$denominatorUnits(t6), t8), nodeWithSpan);
80999 result = t1._evaluate0$_handleReturn$2(t2, new A._EvaluateVisitor_visitForRule__closure1(t1));
81000 if (result != null)
81001 return result;
81002 }
81003 return null;
81004 },
81005 $signature: 38
81006 };
81007 A._EvaluateVisitor_visitForRule__closure1.prototype = {
81008 call$1(child) {
81009 return child.accept$1(this.$this);
81010 },
81011 $signature: 94
81012 };
81013 A._EvaluateVisitor_visitForwardRule_closure3.prototype = {
81014 call$1(module) {
81015 this.$this._evaluate0$_environment.forwardModule$2(module, this.node);
81016 },
81017 $signature: 60
81018 };
81019 A._EvaluateVisitor_visitForwardRule_closure4.prototype = {
81020 call$1(module) {
81021 this.$this._evaluate0$_environment.forwardModule$2(module, this.node);
81022 },
81023 $signature: 60
81024 };
81025 A._EvaluateVisitor_visitIfRule_closure1.prototype = {
81026 call$0() {
81027 var t1 = this.$this;
81028 return t1._evaluate0$_handleReturn$2(this._box_0.clause.children, new A._EvaluateVisitor_visitIfRule__closure1(t1));
81029 },
81030 $signature: 38
81031 };
81032 A._EvaluateVisitor_visitIfRule__closure1.prototype = {
81033 call$1(child) {
81034 return child.accept$1(this.$this);
81035 },
81036 $signature: 94
81037 };
81038 A._EvaluateVisitor__visitDynamicImport_closure1.prototype = {
81039 call$0() {
81040 var t3, t4, oldImporter, oldInDependency, loadsUserDefinedModules, children, t5, t6, t7, t8, t9, t10, environment, module, visitor,
81041 t1 = this.$this,
81042 t2 = this.$import,
81043 result = t1._evaluate0$_loadStylesheet$3$forImport(t2.urlString, t2.span, true),
81044 stylesheet = result.stylesheet,
81045 url = stylesheet.span.file.url;
81046 if (url != null) {
81047 t3 = t1._evaluate0$_activeModules;
81048 if (t3.containsKey$1(url)) {
81049 t2 = A.NullableExtension_andThen0(t3.$index(0, url), new A._EvaluateVisitor__visitDynamicImport__closure7(t1));
81050 throw A.wrapException(t2 == null ? t1._evaluate0$_exception$1("This file is already being loaded.") : t2);
81051 }
81052 t3.$indexSet(0, url, t2);
81053 }
81054 t2 = stylesheet._stylesheet1$_uses;
81055 t3 = type$.UnmodifiableListView_UseRule_2;
81056 t4 = new A.UnmodifiableListView(t2, t3);
81057 if (t4.get$length(t4) === 0) {
81058 t4 = new A.UnmodifiableListView(stylesheet._stylesheet1$_forwards, type$.UnmodifiableListView_ForwardRule_2);
81059 t4 = t4.get$length(t4) === 0;
81060 } else
81061 t4 = false;
81062 if (t4) {
81063 oldImporter = t1._evaluate0$_importer;
81064 t2 = t1._evaluate0$_assertInModule$2(t1._evaluate0$__stylesheet, "_stylesheet");
81065 oldInDependency = t1._evaluate0$_inDependency;
81066 t1._evaluate0$_importer = result.importer;
81067 t1._evaluate0$__stylesheet = stylesheet;
81068 t1._evaluate0$_inDependency = result.isDependency;
81069 t1.visitStylesheet$1(stylesheet);
81070 t1._evaluate0$_importer = oldImporter;
81071 t1._evaluate0$__stylesheet = t2;
81072 t1._evaluate0$_inDependency = oldInDependency;
81073 t1._evaluate0$_activeModules.remove$1(0, url);
81074 return;
81075 }
81076 t2 = new A.UnmodifiableListView(t2, t3);
81077 if (!t2.any$1(t2, new A._EvaluateVisitor__visitDynamicImport__closure8())) {
81078 t2 = new A.UnmodifiableListView(stylesheet._stylesheet1$_forwards, type$.UnmodifiableListView_ForwardRule_2);
81079 loadsUserDefinedModules = t2.any$1(t2, new A._EvaluateVisitor__visitDynamicImport__closure9());
81080 } else
81081 loadsUserDefinedModules = true;
81082 children = A._Cell$();
81083 t2 = t1._evaluate0$_environment;
81084 t3 = type$.String;
81085 t4 = type$.Module_Callable_2;
81086 t5 = type$.AstNode_2;
81087 t6 = A._setArrayType([], type$.JSArray_Module_Callable_2);
81088 t7 = t2._environment0$_variables;
81089 t7 = A._setArrayType(t7.slice(0), A._arrayInstanceType(t7));
81090 t8 = t2._environment0$_variableNodes;
81091 t8 = A._setArrayType(t8.slice(0), A._arrayInstanceType(t8));
81092 t9 = t2._environment0$_functions;
81093 t9 = A._setArrayType(t9.slice(0), A._arrayInstanceType(t9));
81094 t10 = t2._environment0$_mixins;
81095 t10 = A._setArrayType(t10.slice(0), A._arrayInstanceType(t10));
81096 environment = A.Environment$_0(A.LinkedHashMap_LinkedHashMap$_empty(t3, t4), A.LinkedHashMap_LinkedHashMap$_empty(t3, t5), A.LinkedHashMap_LinkedHashMap$_empty(t4, t5), t2._environment0$_importedModules, null, null, t6, t7, t8, t9, t10, t2._environment0$_content);
81097 t1._evaluate0$_withEnvironment$2(environment, new A._EvaluateVisitor__visitDynamicImport__closure10(t1, result, stylesheet, loadsUserDefinedModules, environment, children));
81098 module = environment.toDummyModule$0();
81099 t1._evaluate0$_environment.importForwards$1(module);
81100 if (loadsUserDefinedModules) {
81101 if (module.transitivelyContainsCss)
81102 t1._evaluate0$_combineCss$2$clone(module, module.transitivelyContainsExtensions).accept$1(t1);
81103 visitor = new A._ImportedCssVisitor1(t1);
81104 for (t2 = J.get$iterator$ax(children._readLocal$0()); t2.moveNext$0();)
81105 t2.get$current(t2).accept$1(visitor);
81106 }
81107 t1._evaluate0$_activeModules.remove$1(0, url);
81108 },
81109 $signature: 0
81110 };
81111 A._EvaluateVisitor__visitDynamicImport__closure7.prototype = {
81112 call$1(previousLoad) {
81113 return this.$this._evaluate0$_multiSpanException$3("This file is already being loaded.", "new load", A.LinkedHashMap_LinkedHashMap$_literal([previousLoad.get$span(previousLoad), "original load"], type$.FileSpan, type$.String));
81114 },
81115 $signature: 84
81116 };
81117 A._EvaluateVisitor__visitDynamicImport__closure8.prototype = {
81118 call$1(rule) {
81119 return rule.url.get$scheme() !== "sass";
81120 },
81121 $signature: 176
81122 };
81123 A._EvaluateVisitor__visitDynamicImport__closure9.prototype = {
81124 call$1(rule) {
81125 return rule.url.get$scheme() !== "sass";
81126 },
81127 $signature: 177
81128 };
81129 A._EvaluateVisitor__visitDynamicImport__closure10.prototype = {
81130 call$0() {
81131 var t7, t8, t9, _this = this,
81132 t1 = _this.$this,
81133 oldImporter = t1._evaluate0$_importer,
81134 t2 = t1._evaluate0$_assertInModule$2(t1._evaluate0$__stylesheet, "_stylesheet"),
81135 t3 = t1._evaluate0$_assertInModule$2(t1._evaluate0$__root, "_root"),
81136 t4 = t1._evaluate0$_assertInModule$2(t1._evaluate0$__parent, "__parent"),
81137 t5 = t1._evaluate0$_assertInModule$2(t1._evaluate0$__endOfImports, "_endOfImports"),
81138 oldOutOfOrderImports = t1._evaluate0$_outOfOrderImports,
81139 oldConfiguration = t1._evaluate0$_configuration,
81140 oldInDependency = t1._evaluate0$_inDependency,
81141 t6 = _this.result;
81142 t1._evaluate0$_importer = t6.importer;
81143 t7 = t1._evaluate0$__stylesheet = _this.stylesheet;
81144 t8 = _this.loadsUserDefinedModules;
81145 if (t8) {
81146 t9 = A.ModifiableCssStylesheet$0(t7.span);
81147 t1._evaluate0$__root = t9;
81148 t1._evaluate0$__parent = t1._evaluate0$_assertInModule$2(t9, "_root");
81149 t1._evaluate0$__endOfImports = 0;
81150 t1._evaluate0$_outOfOrderImports = null;
81151 }
81152 t1._evaluate0$_inDependency = t6.isDependency;
81153 t6 = new A.UnmodifiableListView(t7._stylesheet1$_forwards, type$.UnmodifiableListView_ForwardRule_2);
81154 if (!t6.get$isEmpty(t6))
81155 t1._evaluate0$_configuration = _this.environment.toImplicitConfiguration$0();
81156 t1.visitStylesheet$1(t7);
81157 t6 = t8 ? t1._evaluate0$_addOutOfOrderImports$0() : A._setArrayType([], type$.JSArray_ModifiableCssNode_2);
81158 _this.children._value = t6;
81159 t1._evaluate0$_importer = oldImporter;
81160 t1._evaluate0$__stylesheet = t2;
81161 t1._evaluate0$__root = t3;
81162 t1._evaluate0$__parent = t4;
81163 t1._evaluate0$__endOfImports = t5;
81164 t1._evaluate0$_outOfOrderImports = oldOutOfOrderImports;
81165 t1._evaluate0$_configuration = oldConfiguration;
81166 t1._evaluate0$_inDependency = oldInDependency;
81167 },
81168 $signature: 1
81169 };
81170 A._EvaluateVisitor__visitStaticImport_closure1.prototype = {
81171 call$1(supports) {
81172 var t2, t3, arg,
81173 t1 = this.$this;
81174 if (supports instanceof A.SupportsDeclaration0) {
81175 t2 = supports.name;
81176 t2 = t1._evaluate0$_serialize$3$quote(t2.accept$1(t1), t2, true) + ":";
81177 t3 = supports.value;
81178 arg = t2 + (supports.get$isCustomProperty() ? "" : " ") + t1._evaluate0$_serialize$3$quote(t3.accept$1(t1), t3, true);
81179 } else
81180 arg = A.NullableExtension_andThen0(supports, t1.get$_evaluate0$_visitSupportsCondition());
81181 return new A.CssValue0("supports(" + A.S(arg) + ")", supports.get$span(supports), type$.CssValue_String_2);
81182 },
81183 $signature: 412
81184 };
81185 A._EvaluateVisitor_visitIncludeRule_closure7.prototype = {
81186 call$0() {
81187 var t1 = this.node;
81188 return this.$this._evaluate0$_environment.getMixin$2$namespace(t1.name, t1.namespace);
81189 },
81190 $signature: 112
81191 };
81192 A._EvaluateVisitor_visitIncludeRule_closure8.prototype = {
81193 call$0() {
81194 return this.node.get$spanWithoutContent();
81195 },
81196 $signature: 29
81197 };
81198 A._EvaluateVisitor_visitIncludeRule_closure10.prototype = {
81199 call$1($content) {
81200 return new A.UserDefinedCallable0($content, this.$this._evaluate0$_environment.closure$0(), type$.UserDefinedCallable_Environment_2);
81201 },
81202 $signature: 413
81203 };
81204 A._EvaluateVisitor_visitIncludeRule_closure9.prototype = {
81205 call$0() {
81206 var _this = this,
81207 t1 = _this.$this,
81208 t2 = t1._evaluate0$_environment,
81209 oldContent = t2._environment0$_content;
81210 t2._environment0$_content = _this.contentCallable;
81211 new A._EvaluateVisitor_visitIncludeRule__closure1(t1, _this.mixin, _this.nodeWithSpan).call$0();
81212 t2._environment0$_content = oldContent;
81213 },
81214 $signature: 1
81215 };
81216 A._EvaluateVisitor_visitIncludeRule__closure1.prototype = {
81217 call$0() {
81218 var t1 = this.$this,
81219 t2 = t1._evaluate0$_environment,
81220 oldInMixin = t2._environment0$_inMixin;
81221 t2._environment0$_inMixin = true;
81222 new A._EvaluateVisitor_visitIncludeRule___closure1(t1, this.mixin, this.nodeWithSpan).call$0();
81223 t2._environment0$_inMixin = oldInMixin;
81224 },
81225 $signature: 0
81226 };
81227 A._EvaluateVisitor_visitIncludeRule___closure1.prototype = {
81228 call$0() {
81229 var t1, t2, t3, t4, _i;
81230 for (t1 = this.mixin.declaration.children, t2 = t1.length, t3 = this.$this, t4 = this.nodeWithSpan, _i = 0; _i < t2; ++_i)
81231 t3._evaluate0$_addErrorSpan$2(t4, new A._EvaluateVisitor_visitIncludeRule____closure1(t3, t1[_i]));
81232 },
81233 $signature: 0
81234 };
81235 A._EvaluateVisitor_visitIncludeRule____closure1.prototype = {
81236 call$0() {
81237 return this.statement.accept$1(this.$this);
81238 },
81239 $signature: 38
81240 };
81241 A._EvaluateVisitor_visitMediaRule_closure5.prototype = {
81242 call$1(mediaQueries) {
81243 return this.$this._evaluate0$_mergeMediaQueries$2(mediaQueries, this.queries);
81244 },
81245 $signature: 76
81246 };
81247 A._EvaluateVisitor_visitMediaRule_closure6.prototype = {
81248 call$0() {
81249 var _this = this,
81250 t1 = _this.$this,
81251 t2 = _this.mergedQueries;
81252 if (t2 == null)
81253 t2 = _this.queries;
81254 t1._evaluate0$_withMediaQueries$2(t2, new A._EvaluateVisitor_visitMediaRule__closure1(t1, _this.node));
81255 },
81256 $signature: 1
81257 };
81258 A._EvaluateVisitor_visitMediaRule__closure1.prototype = {
81259 call$0() {
81260 var t2, t3, _i,
81261 t1 = this.$this,
81262 styleRule = t1._evaluate0$_atRootExcludingStyleRule ? null : t1._evaluate0$_styleRuleIgnoringAtRoot;
81263 if (styleRule == null)
81264 for (t2 = this.node.children, t3 = t2.length, _i = 0; _i < t3; ++_i)
81265 t2[_i].accept$1(t1);
81266 else
81267 t1._evaluate0$_withParent$2$3$scopeWhen(A.ModifiableCssStyleRule$0(styleRule.selector, styleRule.span, styleRule.originalSelector), new A._EvaluateVisitor_visitMediaRule___closure1(t1, this.node), false, type$.ModifiableCssStyleRule_2, type$.Null);
81268 },
81269 $signature: 1
81270 };
81271 A._EvaluateVisitor_visitMediaRule___closure1.prototype = {
81272 call$0() {
81273 var t1, t2, t3, _i;
81274 for (t1 = this.node.children, t2 = t1.length, t3 = this.$this, _i = 0; _i < t2; ++_i)
81275 t1[_i].accept$1(t3);
81276 },
81277 $signature: 1
81278 };
81279 A._EvaluateVisitor_visitMediaRule_closure7.prototype = {
81280 call$1(node) {
81281 var t1;
81282 if (!type$.CssStyleRule_2._is(node))
81283 t1 = this.mergedQueries != null && type$.CssMediaRule_2._is(node);
81284 else
81285 t1 = true;
81286 return t1;
81287 },
81288 $signature: 8
81289 };
81290 A._EvaluateVisitor__visitMediaQueries_closure1.prototype = {
81291 call$0() {
81292 var t1 = A.SpanScanner$(this.resolved, null);
81293 return new A.MediaQueryParser0(t1, this.$this._evaluate0$_logger).parse$0();
81294 },
81295 $signature: 132
81296 };
81297 A._EvaluateVisitor_visitStyleRule_closure13.prototype = {
81298 call$0() {
81299 return A.KeyframeSelectorParser$0(this.selectorText.value, this.$this._evaluate0$_logger).parse$0();
81300 },
81301 $signature: 48
81302 };
81303 A._EvaluateVisitor_visitStyleRule_closure14.prototype = {
81304 call$0() {
81305 var t1, t2, t3, _i;
81306 for (t1 = this.node.children, t2 = t1.length, t3 = this.$this, _i = 0; _i < t2; ++_i)
81307 t1[_i].accept$1(t3);
81308 },
81309 $signature: 1
81310 };
81311 A._EvaluateVisitor_visitStyleRule_closure15.prototype = {
81312 call$1(node) {
81313 return type$.CssStyleRule_2._is(node);
81314 },
81315 $signature: 8
81316 };
81317 A._EvaluateVisitor_visitStyleRule_closure16.prototype = {
81318 call$0() {
81319 var _s11_ = "_stylesheet",
81320 t1 = this.$this;
81321 return A.SelectorList_SelectorList$parse0(this.selectorText.value, !t1._evaluate0$_assertInModule$2(t1._evaluate0$__stylesheet, _s11_).plainCss, !t1._evaluate0$_assertInModule$2(t1._evaluate0$__stylesheet, _s11_).plainCss, t1._evaluate0$_logger);
81322 },
81323 $signature: 49
81324 };
81325 A._EvaluateVisitor_visitStyleRule_closure17.prototype = {
81326 call$0() {
81327 var t1 = this._box_0.parsedSelector,
81328 t2 = this.$this,
81329 t3 = t2._evaluate0$_styleRuleIgnoringAtRoot;
81330 t3 = t3 == null ? null : t3.originalSelector;
81331 return t1.resolveParentSelectors$2$implicitParent(t3, !t2._evaluate0$_atRootExcludingStyleRule);
81332 },
81333 $signature: 49
81334 };
81335 A._EvaluateVisitor_visitStyleRule_closure18.prototype = {
81336 call$0() {
81337 var t1 = this.$this;
81338 t1._evaluate0$_withStyleRule$2(this.rule, new A._EvaluateVisitor_visitStyleRule__closure1(t1, this.node));
81339 },
81340 $signature: 1
81341 };
81342 A._EvaluateVisitor_visitStyleRule__closure1.prototype = {
81343 call$0() {
81344 var t1, t2, t3, _i;
81345 for (t1 = this.node.children, t2 = t1.length, t3 = this.$this, _i = 0; _i < t2; ++_i)
81346 t1[_i].accept$1(t3);
81347 },
81348 $signature: 1
81349 };
81350 A._EvaluateVisitor_visitStyleRule_closure19.prototype = {
81351 call$1(node) {
81352 return type$.CssStyleRule_2._is(node);
81353 },
81354 $signature: 8
81355 };
81356 A._EvaluateVisitor_visitSupportsRule_closure3.prototype = {
81357 call$0() {
81358 var t2, t3, _i,
81359 t1 = this.$this,
81360 styleRule = t1._evaluate0$_atRootExcludingStyleRule ? null : t1._evaluate0$_styleRuleIgnoringAtRoot;
81361 if (styleRule == null)
81362 for (t2 = this.node.children, t3 = t2.length, _i = 0; _i < t3; ++_i)
81363 t2[_i].accept$1(t1);
81364 else
81365 t1._evaluate0$_withParent$2$2(A.ModifiableCssStyleRule$0(styleRule.selector, styleRule.span, styleRule.originalSelector), new A._EvaluateVisitor_visitSupportsRule__closure1(t1, this.node), type$.ModifiableCssStyleRule_2, type$.Null);
81366 },
81367 $signature: 1
81368 };
81369 A._EvaluateVisitor_visitSupportsRule__closure1.prototype = {
81370 call$0() {
81371 var t1, t2, t3, _i;
81372 for (t1 = this.node.children, t2 = t1.length, t3 = this.$this, _i = 0; _i < t2; ++_i)
81373 t1[_i].accept$1(t3);
81374 },
81375 $signature: 1
81376 };
81377 A._EvaluateVisitor_visitSupportsRule_closure4.prototype = {
81378 call$1(node) {
81379 return type$.CssStyleRule_2._is(node);
81380 },
81381 $signature: 8
81382 };
81383 A._EvaluateVisitor_visitVariableDeclaration_closure5.prototype = {
81384 call$0() {
81385 var t1 = this.override;
81386 this.$this._evaluate0$_environment.setVariable$4$global(this.node.name, t1.value, t1.assignmentNode, true);
81387 },
81388 $signature: 1
81389 };
81390 A._EvaluateVisitor_visitVariableDeclaration_closure6.prototype = {
81391 call$0() {
81392 var t1 = this.node;
81393 return this.$this._evaluate0$_environment.getVariable$2$namespace(t1.name, t1.namespace);
81394 },
81395 $signature: 38
81396 };
81397 A._EvaluateVisitor_visitVariableDeclaration_closure7.prototype = {
81398 call$0() {
81399 var t1 = this.$this,
81400 t2 = this.node;
81401 t1._evaluate0$_environment.setVariable$5$global$namespace(t2.name, this.value, t1._evaluate0$_expressionNode$1(t2.expression), t2.isGlobal, t2.namespace);
81402 },
81403 $signature: 1
81404 };
81405 A._EvaluateVisitor_visitUseRule_closure1.prototype = {
81406 call$1(module) {
81407 var t1 = this.node;
81408 this.$this._evaluate0$_environment.addModule$3$namespace(module, t1, t1.namespace);
81409 },
81410 $signature: 60
81411 };
81412 A._EvaluateVisitor_visitWarnRule_closure1.prototype = {
81413 call$0() {
81414 return this.node.expression.accept$1(this.$this);
81415 },
81416 $signature: 45
81417 };
81418 A._EvaluateVisitor_visitWhileRule_closure1.prototype = {
81419 call$0() {
81420 var t1, t2, t3, result;
81421 for (t1 = this.node, t2 = t1.condition, t3 = this.$this, t1 = t1.children; t2.accept$1(t3).get$isTruthy();) {
81422 result = t3._evaluate0$_handleReturn$2(t1, new A._EvaluateVisitor_visitWhileRule__closure1(t3));
81423 if (result != null)
81424 return result;
81425 }
81426 return null;
81427 },
81428 $signature: 38
81429 };
81430 A._EvaluateVisitor_visitWhileRule__closure1.prototype = {
81431 call$1(child) {
81432 return child.accept$1(this.$this);
81433 },
81434 $signature: 94
81435 };
81436 A._EvaluateVisitor_visitBinaryOperationExpression_closure1.prototype = {
81437 call$0() {
81438 var right, result,
81439 t1 = this.node,
81440 t2 = this.$this,
81441 left = t1.left.accept$1(t2),
81442 t3 = t1.operator;
81443 switch (t3) {
81444 case B.BinaryOperator_kjl0:
81445 right = t1.right.accept$1(t2);
81446 return new A.SassString0(A.serializeValue0(left, false, true) + "=" + A.serializeValue0(right, false, true), false);
81447 case B.BinaryOperator_or_or_10:
81448 return left.get$isTruthy() ? left : t1.right.accept$1(t2);
81449 case B.BinaryOperator_and_and_20:
81450 return left.get$isTruthy() ? t1.right.accept$1(t2) : left;
81451 case B.BinaryOperator_YlX0:
81452 return left.$eq(0, t1.right.accept$1(t2)) ? B.SassBoolean_true0 : B.SassBoolean_false0;
81453 case B.BinaryOperator_i5H0:
81454 return !left.$eq(0, t1.right.accept$1(t2)) ? B.SassBoolean_true0 : B.SassBoolean_false0;
81455 case B.BinaryOperator_AcR1:
81456 return left.greaterThan$1(t1.right.accept$1(t2));
81457 case B.BinaryOperator_1da0:
81458 return left.greaterThanOrEquals$1(t1.right.accept$1(t2));
81459 case B.BinaryOperator_8qt0:
81460 return left.lessThan$1(t1.right.accept$1(t2));
81461 case B.BinaryOperator_33h0:
81462 return left.lessThanOrEquals$1(t1.right.accept$1(t2));
81463 case B.BinaryOperator_AcR2:
81464 return left.plus$1(t1.right.accept$1(t2));
81465 case B.BinaryOperator_iyO0:
81466 return left.minus$1(t1.right.accept$1(t2));
81467 case B.BinaryOperator_O1M0:
81468 return left.times$1(t1.right.accept$1(t2));
81469 case B.BinaryOperator_RTB0:
81470 right = t1.right.accept$1(t2);
81471 result = left.dividedBy$1(right);
81472 if (t1.allowsSlash && left instanceof A.SassNumber0 && right instanceof A.SassNumber0)
81473 return type$.SassNumber_2._as(result).withSlash$2(left, right);
81474 else {
81475 if (left instanceof A.SassNumber0 && right instanceof A.SassNumber0)
81476 t2._evaluate0$_warn$3$deprecation(string$.Using__o + A.S(new A._EvaluateVisitor_visitBinaryOperationExpression_closure_recommendation1().call$1(t1)) + " or calc(" + t1.toString$0(0) + string$.x29x0a_Morx20, t1.get$span(t1), true);
81477 return result;
81478 }
81479 case B.BinaryOperator_2ad0:
81480 return left.modulo$1(t1.right.accept$1(t2));
81481 default:
81482 throw A.wrapException(A.ArgumentError$("Unknown binary operator " + t3.toString$0(0) + ".", null));
81483 }
81484 },
81485 $signature: 45
81486 };
81487 A._EvaluateVisitor_visitBinaryOperationExpression_closure_recommendation1.prototype = {
81488 call$1(expression) {
81489 if (expression instanceof A.BinaryOperationExpression0 && expression.operator === B.BinaryOperator_RTB0)
81490 return "math.div(" + A.S(this.call$1(expression.left)) + ", " + A.S(this.call$1(expression.right)) + ")";
81491 else if (expression instanceof A.ParenthesizedExpression0)
81492 return expression.expression.toString$0(0);
81493 else
81494 return expression.toString$0(0);
81495 },
81496 $signature: 130
81497 };
81498 A._EvaluateVisitor_visitVariableExpression_closure1.prototype = {
81499 call$0() {
81500 var t1 = this.node;
81501 return this.$this._evaluate0$_environment.getVariable$2$namespace(t1.name, t1.namespace);
81502 },
81503 $signature: 38
81504 };
81505 A._EvaluateVisitor_visitUnaryOperationExpression_closure1.prototype = {
81506 call$0() {
81507 var _this = this,
81508 t1 = _this.node.operator;
81509 switch (t1) {
81510 case B.UnaryOperator_j2w0:
81511 return _this.operand.unaryPlus$0();
81512 case B.UnaryOperator_U4G0:
81513 return _this.operand.unaryMinus$0();
81514 case B.UnaryOperator_zDx0:
81515 return new A.SassString0("/" + A.serializeValue0(_this.operand, false, true), false);
81516 case B.UnaryOperator_not_not0:
81517 return _this.operand.unaryNot$0();
81518 default:
81519 throw A.wrapException(A.StateError$("Unknown unary operator " + t1.toString$0(0) + "."));
81520 }
81521 },
81522 $signature: 45
81523 };
81524 A._EvaluateVisitor__visitCalculationValue_closure1.prototype = {
81525 call$0() {
81526 var t1 = this.$this,
81527 t2 = this.node,
81528 t3 = this.inMinMax;
81529 return A.SassCalculation_operateInternal0(t1._evaluate0$_binaryOperatorToCalculationOperator$1(t2.operator), t1._evaluate0$_visitCalculationValue$2$inMinMax(t2.left, t3), t1._evaluate0$_visitCalculationValue$2$inMinMax(t2.right, t3), t3);
81530 },
81531 $signature: 85
81532 };
81533 A._EvaluateVisitor_visitListExpression_closure1.prototype = {
81534 call$1(expression) {
81535 return expression.accept$1(this.$this);
81536 },
81537 $signature: 414
81538 };
81539 A._EvaluateVisitor_visitFunctionExpression_closure3.prototype = {
81540 call$0() {
81541 var t1 = this.node;
81542 return this.$this._evaluate0$_getFunction$2$namespace(A.stringReplaceAllUnchecked(t1.originalName, "_", "-"), t1.namespace);
81543 },
81544 $signature: 112
81545 };
81546 A._EvaluateVisitor_visitFunctionExpression_closure4.prototype = {
81547 call$0() {
81548 var t1 = this.node;
81549 return this.$this._evaluate0$_runFunctionCallable$3(t1.$arguments, this._box_0.$function, t1);
81550 },
81551 $signature: 45
81552 };
81553 A._EvaluateVisitor_visitInterpolatedFunctionExpression_closure1.prototype = {
81554 call$0() {
81555 var t1 = this.node;
81556 return this.$this._evaluate0$_runFunctionCallable$3(t1.$arguments, this.$function, t1);
81557 },
81558 $signature: 45
81559 };
81560 A._EvaluateVisitor__runUserDefinedCallable_closure1.prototype = {
81561 call$0() {
81562 var _this = this,
81563 t1 = _this.$this,
81564 t2 = _this.callable;
81565 return t1._evaluate0$_withEnvironment$2(t2.environment.closure$0(), new A._EvaluateVisitor__runUserDefinedCallable__closure1(t1, _this.evaluated, t2, _this.nodeWithSpan, _this.run, _this.V));
81566 },
81567 $signature() {
81568 return this.V._eval$1("0()");
81569 }
81570 };
81571 A._EvaluateVisitor__runUserDefinedCallable__closure1.prototype = {
81572 call$0() {
81573 var _this = this,
81574 t1 = _this.$this,
81575 t2 = _this.V;
81576 return t1._evaluate0$_environment.scope$1$1(new A._EvaluateVisitor__runUserDefinedCallable___closure1(t1, _this.evaluated, _this.callable, _this.nodeWithSpan, _this.run, t2), t2);
81577 },
81578 $signature() {
81579 return this.V._eval$1("0()");
81580 }
81581 };
81582 A._EvaluateVisitor__runUserDefinedCallable___closure1.prototype = {
81583 call$0() {
81584 var declaredArguments, t7, minLength, t8, i, argument, t9, value, t10, t11, restArgument, rest, argumentList, result, argumentWord, argumentNames, _this = this,
81585 t1 = _this.$this,
81586 t2 = _this.evaluated,
81587 t3 = t2.positional,
81588 t4 = t2.named,
81589 t5 = _this.callable.declaration.$arguments,
81590 t6 = _this.nodeWithSpan;
81591 t1._evaluate0$_verifyArguments$4(t3.length, t4, t5, t6);
81592 declaredArguments = t5.$arguments;
81593 t7 = declaredArguments.length;
81594 minLength = Math.min(t3.length, t7);
81595 for (t8 = t2.positionalNodes, i = 0; i < minLength; ++i)
81596 t1._evaluate0$_environment.setLocalVariable$3(declaredArguments[i].name, t3[i], t8[i]);
81597 for (i = t3.length, t8 = t2.namedNodes; i < t7; ++i) {
81598 argument = declaredArguments[i];
81599 t9 = argument.name;
81600 value = t4.remove$1(0, t9);
81601 if (value == null) {
81602 t10 = argument.defaultValue;
81603 value = t1._evaluate0$_withoutSlash$2(t10.accept$1(t1), t1._evaluate0$_expressionNode$1(t10));
81604 }
81605 t10 = t1._evaluate0$_environment;
81606 t11 = t8.$index(0, t9);
81607 if (t11 == null) {
81608 t11 = argument.defaultValue;
81609 t11.toString;
81610 t11 = t1._evaluate0$_expressionNode$1(t11);
81611 }
81612 t10.setLocalVariable$3(t9, value, t11);
81613 }
81614 restArgument = t5.restArgument;
81615 if (restArgument != null) {
81616 rest = t3.length > t7 ? B.JSArray_methods.sublist$1(t3, t7) : B.List_empty15;
81617 t2 = t2.separator;
81618 argumentList = A.SassArgumentList$0(rest, t4, t2 === B.ListSeparator_undecided_null0 ? B.ListSeparator_kWM0 : t2);
81619 t1._evaluate0$_environment.setLocalVariable$3(restArgument, argumentList, t6);
81620 } else
81621 argumentList = null;
81622 result = _this.run.call$0();
81623 if (argumentList == null)
81624 return result;
81625 if (t4.get$isEmpty(t4))
81626 return result;
81627 if (argumentList._argument_list$_wereKeywordsAccessed)
81628 return result;
81629 t2 = t4.get$keys(t4);
81630 argumentWord = A.pluralize0("argument", t2.get$length(t2), null);
81631 t4 = t4.get$keys(t4);
81632 argumentNames = A.toSentence0(A.MappedIterable_MappedIterable(t4, new A._EvaluateVisitor__runUserDefinedCallable____closure1(), A._instanceType(t4)._eval$1("Iterable.E"), type$.Object), "or");
81633 throw A.wrapException(A.MultiSpanSassRuntimeException$0("No " + argumentWord + " named " + argumentNames + ".", t6.get$span(t6), "invocation", A.LinkedHashMap_LinkedHashMap$_literal([t5.get$spanWithName(), "declaration"], type$.FileSpan, type$.String), t1._evaluate0$_stackTrace$1(t6.get$span(t6))));
81634 },
81635 $signature() {
81636 return this.V._eval$1("0()");
81637 }
81638 };
81639 A._EvaluateVisitor__runUserDefinedCallable____closure1.prototype = {
81640 call$1($name) {
81641 return "$" + $name;
81642 },
81643 $signature: 5
81644 };
81645 A._EvaluateVisitor__runFunctionCallable_closure1.prototype = {
81646 call$0() {
81647 var t1, t2, t3, t4, _i, $returnValue;
81648 for (t1 = this.callable.declaration, t2 = t1.children, t3 = t2.length, t4 = this.$this, _i = 0; _i < t3; ++_i) {
81649 $returnValue = t2[_i].accept$1(t4);
81650 if ($returnValue instanceof A.Value0)
81651 return $returnValue;
81652 }
81653 throw A.wrapException(t4._evaluate0$_exception$2("Function finished without @return.", t1.span));
81654 },
81655 $signature: 45
81656 };
81657 A._EvaluateVisitor__runBuiltInCallable_closure3.prototype = {
81658 call$0() {
81659 return this.overload.verify$2(this.evaluated.positional.length, this.namedSet);
81660 },
81661 $signature: 0
81662 };
81663 A._EvaluateVisitor__runBuiltInCallable_closure4.prototype = {
81664 call$1($name) {
81665 return "$" + $name;
81666 },
81667 $signature: 5
81668 };
81669 A._EvaluateVisitor__evaluateArguments_closure7.prototype = {
81670 call$1(value) {
81671 return value;
81672 },
81673 $signature: 36
81674 };
81675 A._EvaluateVisitor__evaluateArguments_closure8.prototype = {
81676 call$1(value) {
81677 return this.$this._evaluate0$_withoutSlash$2(value, this.restNodeForSpan);
81678 },
81679 $signature: 36
81680 };
81681 A._EvaluateVisitor__evaluateArguments_closure9.prototype = {
81682 call$2(key, value) {
81683 var _this = this,
81684 t1 = _this.restNodeForSpan;
81685 _this.named.$indexSet(0, key, _this.$this._evaluate0$_withoutSlash$2(value, t1));
81686 _this.namedNodes.$indexSet(0, key, t1);
81687 },
81688 $signature: 89
81689 };
81690 A._EvaluateVisitor__evaluateArguments_closure10.prototype = {
81691 call$1(value) {
81692 return value;
81693 },
81694 $signature: 36
81695 };
81696 A._EvaluateVisitor__evaluateMacroArguments_closure7.prototype = {
81697 call$1(value) {
81698 var t1 = this.restArgs;
81699 return new A.ValueExpression0(value, t1.get$span(t1));
81700 },
81701 $signature: 58
81702 };
81703 A._EvaluateVisitor__evaluateMacroArguments_closure8.prototype = {
81704 call$1(value) {
81705 var t1 = this.restArgs;
81706 return new A.ValueExpression0(this.$this._evaluate0$_withoutSlash$2(value, this.restNodeForSpan), t1.get$span(t1));
81707 },
81708 $signature: 58
81709 };
81710 A._EvaluateVisitor__evaluateMacroArguments_closure9.prototype = {
81711 call$2(key, value) {
81712 var _this = this,
81713 t1 = _this.restArgs;
81714 _this.named.$indexSet(0, key, new A.ValueExpression0(_this.$this._evaluate0$_withoutSlash$2(value, _this.restNodeForSpan), t1.get$span(t1)));
81715 },
81716 $signature: 89
81717 };
81718 A._EvaluateVisitor__evaluateMacroArguments_closure10.prototype = {
81719 call$1(value) {
81720 var t1 = this.keywordRestArgs;
81721 return new A.ValueExpression0(this.$this._evaluate0$_withoutSlash$2(value, this.keywordRestNodeForSpan), t1.get$span(t1));
81722 },
81723 $signature: 58
81724 };
81725 A._EvaluateVisitor__addRestMap_closure1.prototype = {
81726 call$2(key, value) {
81727 var t2, _this = this,
81728 t1 = _this.$this;
81729 if (key instanceof A.SassString0)
81730 _this.values.$indexSet(0, key._string0$_text, _this.convert.call$1(t1._evaluate0$_withoutSlash$2(value, _this.expressionNode)));
81731 else {
81732 t2 = _this.nodeWithSpan;
81733 throw A.wrapException(t1._evaluate0$_exception$2(string$.Variab_ + key.toString$0(0) + " is not a string in " + _this.map.toString$0(0) + ".", t2.get$span(t2)));
81734 }
81735 },
81736 $signature: 53
81737 };
81738 A._EvaluateVisitor__verifyArguments_closure1.prototype = {
81739 call$0() {
81740 return this.$arguments.verify$2(this.positional, new A.MapKeySet(this.named, type$.MapKeySet_String));
81741 },
81742 $signature: 0
81743 };
81744 A._EvaluateVisitor_visitStringExpression_closure1.prototype = {
81745 call$1(value) {
81746 var t1, result;
81747 if (typeof value == "string")
81748 return value;
81749 type$.Expression_2._as(value);
81750 t1 = this.$this;
81751 result = value.accept$1(t1);
81752 return result instanceof A.SassString0 ? result._string0$_text : t1._evaluate0$_serialize$3$quote(result, value, false);
81753 },
81754 $signature: 47
81755 };
81756 A._EvaluateVisitor_visitCssAtRule_closure3.prototype = {
81757 call$0() {
81758 var t1, t2, t3;
81759 for (t1 = this.node.children, t1 = new A.ListIterator(t1, t1.get$length(t1)), t2 = A._instanceType(t1)._precomputed1, t3 = this.$this; t1.moveNext$0();)
81760 t2._as(t1.__internal$_current).accept$1(t3);
81761 },
81762 $signature: 1
81763 };
81764 A._EvaluateVisitor_visitCssAtRule_closure4.prototype = {
81765 call$1(node) {
81766 return type$.CssStyleRule_2._is(node);
81767 },
81768 $signature: 8
81769 };
81770 A._EvaluateVisitor_visitCssKeyframeBlock_closure3.prototype = {
81771 call$0() {
81772 var t1, t2, t3;
81773 for (t1 = this.node.children, t1 = new A.ListIterator(t1, t1.get$length(t1)), t2 = A._instanceType(t1)._precomputed1, t3 = this.$this; t1.moveNext$0();)
81774 t2._as(t1.__internal$_current).accept$1(t3);
81775 },
81776 $signature: 1
81777 };
81778 A._EvaluateVisitor_visitCssKeyframeBlock_closure4.prototype = {
81779 call$1(node) {
81780 return type$.CssStyleRule_2._is(node);
81781 },
81782 $signature: 8
81783 };
81784 A._EvaluateVisitor_visitCssMediaRule_closure5.prototype = {
81785 call$1(mediaQueries) {
81786 return this.$this._evaluate0$_mergeMediaQueries$2(mediaQueries, this.node.queries);
81787 },
81788 $signature: 76
81789 };
81790 A._EvaluateVisitor_visitCssMediaRule_closure6.prototype = {
81791 call$0() {
81792 var _this = this,
81793 t1 = _this.$this,
81794 t2 = _this.mergedQueries;
81795 if (t2 == null)
81796 t2 = _this.node.queries;
81797 t1._evaluate0$_withMediaQueries$2(t2, new A._EvaluateVisitor_visitCssMediaRule__closure1(t1, _this.node));
81798 },
81799 $signature: 1
81800 };
81801 A._EvaluateVisitor_visitCssMediaRule__closure1.prototype = {
81802 call$0() {
81803 var t2, t3,
81804 t1 = this.$this,
81805 styleRule = t1._evaluate0$_atRootExcludingStyleRule ? null : t1._evaluate0$_styleRuleIgnoringAtRoot;
81806 if (styleRule == null)
81807 for (t2 = this.node.children, t2 = new A.ListIterator(t2, t2.get$length(t2)), t3 = A._instanceType(t2)._precomputed1; t2.moveNext$0();)
81808 t3._as(t2.__internal$_current).accept$1(t1);
81809 else
81810 t1._evaluate0$_withParent$2$3$scopeWhen(A.ModifiableCssStyleRule$0(styleRule.selector, styleRule.span, styleRule.originalSelector), new A._EvaluateVisitor_visitCssMediaRule___closure1(t1, this.node), false, type$.ModifiableCssStyleRule_2, type$.Null);
81811 },
81812 $signature: 1
81813 };
81814 A._EvaluateVisitor_visitCssMediaRule___closure1.prototype = {
81815 call$0() {
81816 var t1, t2, t3;
81817 for (t1 = this.node.children, t1 = new A.ListIterator(t1, t1.get$length(t1)), t2 = A._instanceType(t1)._precomputed1, t3 = this.$this; t1.moveNext$0();)
81818 t2._as(t1.__internal$_current).accept$1(t3);
81819 },
81820 $signature: 1
81821 };
81822 A._EvaluateVisitor_visitCssMediaRule_closure7.prototype = {
81823 call$1(node) {
81824 var t1;
81825 if (!type$.CssStyleRule_2._is(node))
81826 t1 = this.mergedQueries != null && type$.CssMediaRule_2._is(node);
81827 else
81828 t1 = true;
81829 return t1;
81830 },
81831 $signature: 8
81832 };
81833 A._EvaluateVisitor_visitCssStyleRule_closure3.prototype = {
81834 call$0() {
81835 var t1 = this.$this;
81836 t1._evaluate0$_withStyleRule$2(this.rule, new A._EvaluateVisitor_visitCssStyleRule__closure1(t1, this.node));
81837 },
81838 $signature: 1
81839 };
81840 A._EvaluateVisitor_visitCssStyleRule__closure1.prototype = {
81841 call$0() {
81842 var t1, t2, t3;
81843 for (t1 = this.node.children, t1 = new A.ListIterator(t1, t1.get$length(t1)), t2 = A._instanceType(t1)._precomputed1, t3 = this.$this; t1.moveNext$0();)
81844 t2._as(t1.__internal$_current).accept$1(t3);
81845 },
81846 $signature: 1
81847 };
81848 A._EvaluateVisitor_visitCssStyleRule_closure4.prototype = {
81849 call$1(node) {
81850 return type$.CssStyleRule_2._is(node);
81851 },
81852 $signature: 8
81853 };
81854 A._EvaluateVisitor_visitCssSupportsRule_closure3.prototype = {
81855 call$0() {
81856 var t2, t3,
81857 t1 = this.$this,
81858 styleRule = t1._evaluate0$_atRootExcludingStyleRule ? null : t1._evaluate0$_styleRuleIgnoringAtRoot;
81859 if (styleRule == null)
81860 for (t2 = this.node.children, t2 = new A.ListIterator(t2, t2.get$length(t2)), t3 = A._instanceType(t2)._precomputed1; t2.moveNext$0();)
81861 t3._as(t2.__internal$_current).accept$1(t1);
81862 else
81863 t1._evaluate0$_withParent$2$2(A.ModifiableCssStyleRule$0(styleRule.selector, styleRule.span, styleRule.originalSelector), new A._EvaluateVisitor_visitCssSupportsRule__closure1(t1, this.node), type$.ModifiableCssStyleRule_2, type$.Null);
81864 },
81865 $signature: 1
81866 };
81867 A._EvaluateVisitor_visitCssSupportsRule__closure1.prototype = {
81868 call$0() {
81869 var t1, t2, t3;
81870 for (t1 = this.node.children, t1 = new A.ListIterator(t1, t1.get$length(t1)), t2 = A._instanceType(t1)._precomputed1, t3 = this.$this; t1.moveNext$0();)
81871 t2._as(t1.__internal$_current).accept$1(t3);
81872 },
81873 $signature: 1
81874 };
81875 A._EvaluateVisitor_visitCssSupportsRule_closure4.prototype = {
81876 call$1(node) {
81877 return type$.CssStyleRule_2._is(node);
81878 },
81879 $signature: 8
81880 };
81881 A._EvaluateVisitor__performInterpolation_closure1.prototype = {
81882 call$1(value) {
81883 var t1, result, t2, t3;
81884 if (typeof value == "string")
81885 return value;
81886 type$.Expression_2._as(value);
81887 t1 = this.$this;
81888 result = value.accept$1(t1);
81889 if (this.warnForColor && result instanceof A.SassColor0 && $.$get$namesByColor0().containsKey$1(result)) {
81890 t2 = A.Interpolation$0(A._setArrayType([""], type$.JSArray_Object), this.interpolation.span);
81891 t3 = $.$get$namesByColor0();
81892 t1._evaluate0$_warn$2(string$.You_pr + A.S(t3.$index(0, result)) + string$.x20in_in + result.toString$0(0) + string$.x2c_whicw + A.S(t3.$index(0, result)) + string$.x22x29__If + new A.BinaryOperationExpression0(B.BinaryOperator_AcR2, new A.StringExpression0(t2, true), value, false).toString$0(0) + "'.", value.get$span(value));
81893 }
81894 return t1._evaluate0$_serialize$3$quote(result, value, false);
81895 },
81896 $signature: 47
81897 };
81898 A._EvaluateVisitor__serialize_closure1.prototype = {
81899 call$0() {
81900 return A.serializeValue0(this.value, false, this.quote);
81901 },
81902 $signature: 30
81903 };
81904 A._EvaluateVisitor__expressionNode_closure1.prototype = {
81905 call$0() {
81906 var t1 = this.expression;
81907 return this.$this._evaluate0$_environment.getVariableNode$2$namespace(t1.name, t1.namespace);
81908 },
81909 $signature: 187
81910 };
81911 A._EvaluateVisitor__withoutSlash_recommendation1.prototype = {
81912 call$1(number) {
81913 var asSlash = number.asSlash;
81914 if (asSlash != null)
81915 return "math.div(" + A.S(this.call$1(asSlash.item1)) + ", " + A.S(this.call$1(asSlash.item2)) + ")";
81916 else
81917 return A.serializeValue0(number, true, true);
81918 },
81919 $signature: 188
81920 };
81921 A._EvaluateVisitor__stackFrame_closure1.prototype = {
81922 call$1(url) {
81923 var t1 = this.$this._evaluate0$_importCache;
81924 t1 = t1 == null ? null : t1.humanize$1(url);
81925 return t1 == null ? url : t1;
81926 },
81927 $signature: 88
81928 };
81929 A._EvaluateVisitor__stackTrace_closure1.prototype = {
81930 call$1(tuple) {
81931 return this.$this._evaluate0$_stackFrame$2(tuple.item1, J.get$span$z(tuple.item2));
81932 },
81933 $signature: 189
81934 };
81935 A._ImportedCssVisitor1.prototype = {
81936 visitCssAtRule$1(node) {
81937 var t1 = node.isChildless ? null : new A._ImportedCssVisitor_visitCssAtRule_closure1();
81938 this._evaluate0$_visitor._evaluate0$_addChild$2$through(node, t1);
81939 },
81940 visitCssComment$1(node) {
81941 return this._evaluate0$_visitor._evaluate0$_addChild$1(node);
81942 },
81943 visitCssDeclaration$1(node) {
81944 },
81945 visitCssImport$1(node) {
81946 var t2,
81947 _s13_ = "_endOfImports",
81948 t1 = this._evaluate0$_visitor;
81949 if (t1._evaluate0$_assertInModule$2(t1._evaluate0$__parent, "__parent") !== t1._evaluate0$_assertInModule$2(t1._evaluate0$__root, "_root"))
81950 t1._evaluate0$_addChild$1(node);
81951 else if (t1._evaluate0$_assertInModule$2(t1._evaluate0$__endOfImports, _s13_) === J.get$length$asx(t1._evaluate0$_assertInModule$2(t1._evaluate0$__root, "_root").children._collection$_source)) {
81952 t1._evaluate0$_addChild$1(node);
81953 t1._evaluate0$__endOfImports = t1._evaluate0$_assertInModule$2(t1._evaluate0$__endOfImports, _s13_) + 1;
81954 } else {
81955 t2 = t1._evaluate0$_outOfOrderImports;
81956 (t2 == null ? t1._evaluate0$_outOfOrderImports = A._setArrayType([], type$.JSArray_ModifiableCssImport_2) : t2).push(node);
81957 }
81958 },
81959 visitCssKeyframeBlock$1(node) {
81960 },
81961 visitCssMediaRule$1(node) {
81962 var t1 = this._evaluate0$_visitor,
81963 mediaQueries = t1._evaluate0$_mediaQueries;
81964 t1._evaluate0$_addChild$2$through(node, new A._ImportedCssVisitor_visitCssMediaRule_closure1(mediaQueries == null || t1._evaluate0$_mergeMediaQueries$2(mediaQueries, node.queries) != null));
81965 },
81966 visitCssStyleRule$1(node) {
81967 return this._evaluate0$_visitor._evaluate0$_addChild$2$through(node, new A._ImportedCssVisitor_visitCssStyleRule_closure1());
81968 },
81969 visitCssStylesheet$1(node) {
81970 var t1, t2;
81971 for (t1 = node.children, t1 = new A.ListIterator(t1, t1.get$length(t1)), t2 = A._instanceType(t1)._precomputed1; t1.moveNext$0();)
81972 t2._as(t1.__internal$_current).accept$1(this);
81973 },
81974 visitCssSupportsRule$1(node) {
81975 return this._evaluate0$_visitor._evaluate0$_addChild$2$through(node, new A._ImportedCssVisitor_visitCssSupportsRule_closure1());
81976 }
81977 };
81978 A._ImportedCssVisitor_visitCssAtRule_closure1.prototype = {
81979 call$1(node) {
81980 return type$.CssStyleRule_2._is(node);
81981 },
81982 $signature: 8
81983 };
81984 A._ImportedCssVisitor_visitCssMediaRule_closure1.prototype = {
81985 call$1(node) {
81986 var t1;
81987 if (!type$.CssStyleRule_2._is(node))
81988 t1 = this.hasBeenMerged && type$.CssMediaRule_2._is(node);
81989 else
81990 t1 = true;
81991 return t1;
81992 },
81993 $signature: 8
81994 };
81995 A._ImportedCssVisitor_visitCssStyleRule_closure1.prototype = {
81996 call$1(node) {
81997 return type$.CssStyleRule_2._is(node);
81998 },
81999 $signature: 8
82000 };
82001 A._ImportedCssVisitor_visitCssSupportsRule_closure1.prototype = {
82002 call$1(node) {
82003 return type$.CssStyleRule_2._is(node);
82004 },
82005 $signature: 8
82006 };
82007 A._EvaluationContext1.prototype = {
82008 get$currentCallableSpan() {
82009 var callableNode = this._evaluate0$_visitor._evaluate0$_callableNode;
82010 if (callableNode != null)
82011 return callableNode.get$span(callableNode);
82012 throw A.wrapException(A.StateError$(string$.No_Sasc));
82013 },
82014 warn$2$deprecation(_, message, deprecation) {
82015 var t1 = this._evaluate0$_visitor,
82016 t2 = t1._evaluate0$_importSpan;
82017 if (t2 == null) {
82018 t2 = t1._evaluate0$_callableNode;
82019 t2 = t2 == null ? null : t2.get$span(t2);
82020 }
82021 t1._evaluate0$_warn$3$deprecation(message, t2 == null ? this._evaluate0$_defaultWarnNodeWithSpan.span : t2, deprecation);
82022 },
82023 $isEvaluationContext0: 1
82024 };
82025 A._ArgumentResults1.prototype = {};
82026 A._LoadedStylesheet1.prototype = {};
82027 A._NodeException.prototype = {};
82028 A.exceptionClass_closure.prototype = {
82029 call$0() {
82030 var jsClass = type$.JSClass._as(new self.Function("", " return class Exception extends Error {\n constructor(dartException, message) {\n super(message);\n\n // Define this as non-enumerable so that it doesn't show up when the\n // exception hits the top level.\n Object.defineProperty(this, '_dartException', {\n value: dartException,\n enumerable: false\n });\n }\n\n toString() {\n return this.message;\n }\n }\n ").call$0());
82031 A.defineGetter(jsClass, "name", null, "sass.Exception");
82032 A.LinkedHashMap_LinkedHashMap$_literal(["sassMessage", new A.exceptionClass__closure(), "sassStack", new A.exceptionClass__closure0(), "span", new A.exceptionClass__closure1()], type$.String, type$.Function).forEach$1(0, A.JSClassExtension_get_defineGetter(jsClass));
82033 return jsClass;
82034 },
82035 $signature: 25
82036 };
82037 A.exceptionClass__closure.prototype = {
82038 call$1(exception) {
82039 return J.get$_dartException$x(exception)._span_exception$_message;
82040 },
82041 $signature: 218
82042 };
82043 A.exceptionClass__closure0.prototype = {
82044 call$1(exception) {
82045 return J.get$trace$z(J.get$_dartException$x(exception)).toString$0(0);
82046 },
82047 $signature: 218
82048 };
82049 A.exceptionClass__closure1.prototype = {
82050 call$1(exception) {
82051 var t1 = J.get$_dartException$x(exception),
82052 t2 = J.getInterceptor$z(t1);
82053 return A.SourceSpanException.prototype.get$span.call(t2, t1);
82054 },
82055 $signature: 416
82056 };
82057 A.SassException0.prototype = {
82058 get$trace(_) {
82059 return A.Trace$(A._setArrayType([A.frameForSpan0(A.SourceSpanException.prototype.get$span.call(this, this), "root stylesheet", null)], type$.JSArray_Frame), null);
82060 },
82061 get$span(_) {
82062 return A.SourceSpanException.prototype.get$span.call(this, this);
82063 },
82064 toString$1$color(_, color) {
82065 var t2, _i, frame, t3, _this = this,
82066 buffer = new A.StringBuffer(""),
82067 t1 = "" + ("Error: " + _this._span_exception$_message + "\n");
82068 buffer._contents = t1;
82069 buffer._contents = t1 + A.SourceSpanException.prototype.get$span.call(_this, _this).highlight$1$color(color);
82070 for (t1 = _this.get$trace(_this).toString$0(0).split("\n"), t2 = t1.length, _i = 0; _i < t2; ++_i) {
82071 frame = t1[_i];
82072 if (J.get$length$asx(frame) === 0)
82073 continue;
82074 t3 = buffer._contents += "\n";
82075 buffer._contents = t3 + (" " + A.S(frame));
82076 }
82077 t1 = buffer._contents;
82078 return t1.charCodeAt(0) == 0 ? t1 : t1;
82079 },
82080 toString$0($receiver) {
82081 return this.toString$1$color($receiver, null);
82082 }
82083 };
82084 A.MultiSpanSassException0.prototype = {
82085 toString$1$color(_, color) {
82086 var t1, t2, _i, frame, _this = this,
82087 useColor = color === true && true,
82088 buffer = new A.StringBuffer("Error: " + _this._span_exception$_message + "\n");
82089 A.NullableExtension_andThen0(A.Highlighter$multiple(A.SourceSpanException.prototype.get$span.call(_this, _this), _this.primaryLabel, _this.secondarySpans, useColor, null, null).highlight$0(), buffer.get$write(buffer));
82090 for (t1 = _this.get$trace(_this).toString$0(0).split("\n"), t2 = t1.length, _i = 0; _i < t2; ++_i) {
82091 frame = t1[_i];
82092 if (J.get$length$asx(frame) === 0)
82093 continue;
82094 buffer._contents += "\n";
82095 buffer._contents += " " + A.S(frame);
82096 }
82097 t1 = buffer._contents;
82098 return t1.charCodeAt(0) == 0 ? t1 : t1;
82099 },
82100 toString$0($receiver) {
82101 return this.toString$1$color($receiver, null);
82102 }
82103 };
82104 A.SassRuntimeException0.prototype = {
82105 get$trace(receiver) {
82106 return this.trace;
82107 }
82108 };
82109 A.MultiSpanSassRuntimeException0.prototype = {$isSassRuntimeException0: 1,
82110 get$trace(receiver) {
82111 return this.trace;
82112 }
82113 };
82114 A.SassFormatException0.prototype = {
82115 get$source() {
82116 return A.String_String$fromCharCodes(B.NativeUint32List_methods.sublist$2(A.SourceSpanException.prototype.get$span.call(this, this).file._decodedChars, 0, null), 0, null);
82117 },
82118 $isFormatException: 1,
82119 $isSourceSpanFormatException: 1
82120 };
82121 A.SassScriptException0.prototype = {
82122 toString$0(_) {
82123 return this.message + string$.x0a_BUG_;
82124 },
82125 get$message(receiver) {
82126 return this.message;
82127 }
82128 };
82129 A.MultiSpanSassScriptException0.prototype = {};
82130 A.Exports.prototype = {};
82131 A.LoggerNamespace.prototype = {};
82132 A.ExtendRule0.prototype = {
82133 accept$1$1(visitor) {
82134 return visitor.visitExtendRule$1(this);
82135 },
82136 accept$1(visitor) {
82137 return this.accept$1$1(visitor, type$.dynamic);
82138 },
82139 toString$0(_) {
82140 return "@extend " + this.selector.toString$0(0);
82141 },
82142 $isAstNode0: 1,
82143 $isStatement0: 1,
82144 get$span(receiver) {
82145 return this.span;
82146 }
82147 };
82148 A.Extension0.prototype = {
82149 toString$0(_) {
82150 var t1 = this.extender.toString$0(0) + " {@extend " + this.target.toString$0(0);
82151 return t1 + (this.isOptional ? " !optional" : "") + "}";
82152 }
82153 };
82154 A.Extender0.prototype = {
82155 assertCompatibleMediaContext$1(mediaContext) {
82156 var expectedMediaContext,
82157 extension = this._extension$_extension;
82158 if (extension == null)
82159 return;
82160 expectedMediaContext = extension.mediaContext;
82161 if (expectedMediaContext == null)
82162 return;
82163 if (mediaContext != null && B.C_ListEquality.equals$2(0, expectedMediaContext, mediaContext))
82164 return;
82165 throw A.wrapException(A.SassException$0(string$.You_ma, extension.span));
82166 },
82167 toString$0(_) {
82168 return A.serializeSelector0(this.selector, true);
82169 }
82170 };
82171 A.ExtensionStore0.prototype = {
82172 get$isEmpty(_) {
82173 var t1 = this._extension_store$_extensions;
82174 return t1.get$isEmpty(t1);
82175 },
82176 get$simpleSelectors() {
82177 return new A.MapKeySet(this._extension_store$_selectors, type$.MapKeySet_SimpleSelector_2);
82178 },
82179 extensionsWhereTarget$1($async$callback) {
82180 var $async$self = this;
82181 return A._makeSyncStarIterable(function() {
82182 var callback = $async$callback;
82183 var $async$goto = 0, $async$handler = 1, $async$currentError, t1, t2, t3;
82184 return function $async$extensionsWhereTarget$1($async$errorCode, $async$result) {
82185 if ($async$errorCode === 1) {
82186 $async$currentError = $async$result;
82187 $async$goto = $async$handler;
82188 }
82189 while (true)
82190 switch ($async$goto) {
82191 case 0:
82192 // Function start
82193 t1 = $async$self._extension_store$_extensions, t1 = t1.get$entries(t1), t1 = t1.get$iterator(t1);
82194 case 2:
82195 // for condition
82196 if (!t1.moveNext$0()) {
82197 // goto after for
82198 $async$goto = 3;
82199 break;
82200 }
82201 t2 = t1.get$current(t1);
82202 if (!callback.call$1(t2.key)) {
82203 // goto for condition
82204 $async$goto = 2;
82205 break;
82206 }
82207 t2 = J.get$values$z(t2.value), t2 = t2.get$iterator(t2);
82208 case 4:
82209 // for condition
82210 if (!t2.moveNext$0()) {
82211 // goto after for
82212 $async$goto = 5;
82213 break;
82214 }
82215 t3 = t2.get$current(t2);
82216 $async$goto = t3 instanceof A.MergedExtension0 ? 6 : 8;
82217 break;
82218 case 6:
82219 // then
82220 t3 = t3.unmerge$0();
82221 $async$goto = 9;
82222 return A._IterationMarker_yieldStar(new A.WhereIterable(t3, new A.ExtensionStore_extensionsWhereTarget_closure0(), t3.$ti._eval$1("WhereIterable<Iterable.E>")));
82223 case 9:
82224 // after yield
82225 // goto join
82226 $async$goto = 7;
82227 break;
82228 case 8:
82229 // else
82230 $async$goto = !t3.isOptional ? 10 : 11;
82231 break;
82232 case 10:
82233 // then
82234 $async$goto = 12;
82235 return t3;
82236 case 12:
82237 // after yield
82238 case 11:
82239 // join
82240 case 7:
82241 // join
82242 // goto for condition
82243 $async$goto = 4;
82244 break;
82245 case 5:
82246 // after for
82247 // goto for condition
82248 $async$goto = 2;
82249 break;
82250 case 3:
82251 // after for
82252 // implicit return
82253 return A._IterationMarker_endOfIteration();
82254 case 1:
82255 // rethrow
82256 return A._IterationMarker_uncaughtError($async$currentError);
82257 }
82258 };
82259 }, type$.Extension_2);
82260 },
82261 addSelector$3(selector, selectorSpan, mediaContext) {
82262 var originalSelector, error, stackTrace, t1, t2, t3, _i, exception, t4, modifiableSelector, _this = this;
82263 selector = selector;
82264 originalSelector = selector;
82265 if (!originalSelector.get$isInvisible())
82266 for (t1 = originalSelector.components, t2 = t1.length, t3 = _this._extension_store$_originals, _i = 0; _i < t2; ++_i)
82267 t3.add$1(0, t1[_i]);
82268 t1 = _this._extension_store$_extensions;
82269 if (t1.get$isNotEmpty(t1))
82270 try {
82271 selector = _this._extension_store$_extendList$4(originalSelector, selectorSpan, t1, mediaContext);
82272 } catch (exception) {
82273 t1 = A.unwrapException(exception);
82274 if (t1 instanceof A.SassException0) {
82275 error = t1;
82276 stackTrace = A.getTraceFromException(exception);
82277 t1 = error;
82278 t2 = J.getInterceptor$z(t1);
82279 t3 = error;
82280 t4 = J.getInterceptor$z(t3);
82281 A.throwWithTrace0(new A.SassException0("From " + A.SourceSpanException.prototype.get$span.call(t2, t1).message$1(0, "") + "\n" + error._span_exception$_message, A.SourceSpanException.prototype.get$span.call(t4, t3)), stackTrace);
82282 } else
82283 throw exception;
82284 }
82285 modifiableSelector = new A.ModifiableCssValue0(selector, selectorSpan, type$.ModifiableCssValue_SelectorList_2);
82286 if (mediaContext != null)
82287 _this._extension_store$_mediaContexts.$indexSet(0, modifiableSelector, mediaContext);
82288 _this._extension_store$_registerSelector$2(selector, modifiableSelector);
82289 return modifiableSelector;
82290 },
82291 _extension_store$_registerSelector$2(list, selector) {
82292 var t1, t2, t3, _i, t4, t5, _i0, component, t6, t7, _i1, simple, selectorInPseudo;
82293 for (t1 = list.components, t2 = t1.length, t3 = this._extension_store$_selectors, _i = 0; _i < t2; ++_i)
82294 for (t4 = t1[_i].components, t5 = t4.length, _i0 = 0; _i0 < t5; ++_i0) {
82295 component = t4[_i0];
82296 if (!(component instanceof A.CompoundSelector0))
82297 continue;
82298 for (t6 = component.components, t7 = t6.length, _i1 = 0; _i1 < t7; ++_i1) {
82299 simple = t6[_i1];
82300 J.add$1$ax(t3.putIfAbsent$2(simple, new A.ExtensionStore__registerSelector_closure0()), selector);
82301 if (!(simple instanceof A.PseudoSelector0))
82302 continue;
82303 selectorInPseudo = simple.selector;
82304 if (selectorInPseudo != null)
82305 this._extension_store$_registerSelector$2(selectorInPseudo, selector);
82306 }
82307 }
82308 },
82309 addExtension$4(extender, target, extend, mediaContext) {
82310 var t2, t3, t4, t5, t6, t7, t8, t9, t10, t11, newExtensions, _i, complex, t12, extension, existingExtension, t13, newExtensionsByTarget, additionalExtensions, _this = this,
82311 selectors = _this._extension_store$_selectors.$index(0, target),
82312 t1 = _this._extension_store$_extensionsByExtender,
82313 existingExtensions = t1.$index(0, target),
82314 sources = _this._extension_store$_extensions.putIfAbsent$2(target, new A.ExtensionStore_addExtension_closure2());
82315 for (t2 = extender.value.components, t3 = t2.length, t4 = selectors == null, t5 = _this._extension_store$_sourceSpecificity, t6 = extender.span, t7 = extend.span, t8 = extend.isOptional, t9 = existingExtensions != null, t10 = type$.ComplexSelector_2, t11 = type$.Extension_2, newExtensions = null, _i = 0; _i < t3; ++_i) {
82316 complex = t2[_i];
82317 if (complex._complex0$_maxSpecificity == null)
82318 complex._complex0$_computeSpecificity$0();
82319 complex._complex0$_maxSpecificity.toString;
82320 t12 = new A.Extender0(complex, false, t6);
82321 extension = t12._extension$_extension = new A.Extension0(t12, target, mediaContext, t8, t7);
82322 existingExtension = sources.$index(0, complex);
82323 if (existingExtension != null) {
82324 sources.$indexSet(0, complex, A.MergedExtension_merge0(existingExtension, extension));
82325 continue;
82326 }
82327 sources.$indexSet(0, complex, extension);
82328 for (t12 = new A._SyncStarIterator(_this._extension_store$_simpleSelectors$1(complex)._outerHelper()); t12.moveNext$0();) {
82329 t13 = t12.get$current(t12);
82330 J.add$1$ax(t1.putIfAbsent$2(t13, new A.ExtensionStore_addExtension_closure3()), extension);
82331 t5.putIfAbsent$2(t13, new A.ExtensionStore_addExtension_closure4(complex));
82332 }
82333 if (!t4 || t9) {
82334 if (newExtensions == null)
82335 newExtensions = A.LinkedHashMap_LinkedHashMap$_empty(t10, t11);
82336 newExtensions.$indexSet(0, complex, extension);
82337 }
82338 }
82339 if (newExtensions == null)
82340 return;
82341 t1 = type$.SimpleSelector_2;
82342 newExtensionsByTarget = A.LinkedHashMap_LinkedHashMap$_literal([target, newExtensions], t1, type$.Map_ComplexSelector_Extension_2);
82343 if (t9) {
82344 additionalExtensions = _this._extension_store$_extendExistingExtensions$2(existingExtensions, newExtensionsByTarget);
82345 if (additionalExtensions != null)
82346 A.mapAddAll20(newExtensionsByTarget, additionalExtensions, t1, t10, t11);
82347 }
82348 if (!t4)
82349 _this._extension_store$_extendExistingSelectors$2(selectors, newExtensionsByTarget);
82350 },
82351 _extension_store$_simpleSelectors$1(complex) {
82352 return this._simpleSelectors$body$ExtensionStore0(complex);
82353 },
82354 _simpleSelectors$body$ExtensionStore0($async$complex) {
82355 var $async$self = this;
82356 return A._makeSyncStarIterable(function() {
82357 var complex = $async$complex;
82358 var $async$goto = 0, $async$handler = 1, $async$currentError, t1, t2, _i, component, t3, t4, _i0, simple, selector, t5, t6, _i1;
82359 return function $async$_extension_store$_simpleSelectors$1($async$errorCode, $async$result) {
82360 if ($async$errorCode === 1) {
82361 $async$currentError = $async$result;
82362 $async$goto = $async$handler;
82363 }
82364 while (true)
82365 switch ($async$goto) {
82366 case 0:
82367 // Function start
82368 t1 = complex.components, t2 = t1.length, _i = 0;
82369 case 2:
82370 // for condition
82371 if (!(_i < t2)) {
82372 // goto after for
82373 $async$goto = 4;
82374 break;
82375 }
82376 component = t1[_i];
82377 $async$goto = component instanceof A.CompoundSelector0 ? 5 : 6;
82378 break;
82379 case 5:
82380 // then
82381 t3 = component.components, t4 = t3.length, _i0 = 0;
82382 case 7:
82383 // for condition
82384 if (!(_i0 < t4)) {
82385 // goto after for
82386 $async$goto = 9;
82387 break;
82388 }
82389 simple = t3[_i0];
82390 $async$goto = 10;
82391 return simple;
82392 case 10:
82393 // after yield
82394 if (!(simple instanceof A.PseudoSelector0)) {
82395 // goto for update
82396 $async$goto = 8;
82397 break;
82398 }
82399 selector = simple.selector;
82400 if (selector == null) {
82401 // goto for update
82402 $async$goto = 8;
82403 break;
82404 }
82405 t5 = selector.components, t6 = t5.length, _i1 = 0;
82406 case 11:
82407 // for condition
82408 if (!(_i1 < t6)) {
82409 // goto after for
82410 $async$goto = 13;
82411 break;
82412 }
82413 $async$goto = 14;
82414 return A._IterationMarker_yieldStar($async$self._extension_store$_simpleSelectors$1(t5[_i1]));
82415 case 14:
82416 // after yield
82417 case 12:
82418 // for update
82419 ++_i1;
82420 // goto for condition
82421 $async$goto = 11;
82422 break;
82423 case 13:
82424 // after for
82425 case 8:
82426 // for update
82427 ++_i0;
82428 // goto for condition
82429 $async$goto = 7;
82430 break;
82431 case 9:
82432 // after for
82433 case 6:
82434 // join
82435 case 3:
82436 // for update
82437 ++_i;
82438 // goto for condition
82439 $async$goto = 2;
82440 break;
82441 case 4:
82442 // after for
82443 // implicit return
82444 return A._IterationMarker_endOfIteration();
82445 case 1:
82446 // rethrow
82447 return A._IterationMarker_uncaughtError($async$currentError);
82448 }
82449 };
82450 }, type$.SimpleSelector_2);
82451 },
82452 _extension_store$_extendExistingExtensions$2(extensions, newExtensions) {
82453 var extension, selectors, error, stackTrace, t1, t2, t3, t4, t5, t6, additionalExtensions, _i, t7, exception, t8, t9, containsExtension, first, _i0, complex, t10, t11, t12, t13, t14, withExtender, existingExtension, _i1, component, _i2;
82454 for (t1 = J.toList$0$ax(extensions), t2 = t1.length, t3 = this._extension_store$_extensionsByExtender, t4 = type$.SimpleSelector_2, t5 = type$.Map_ComplexSelector_Extension_2, t6 = this._extension_store$_extensions, additionalExtensions = null, _i = 0; _i < t1.length; t1.length === t2 || (0, A.throwConcurrentModificationError)(t1), ++_i) {
82455 extension = t1[_i];
82456 t7 = t6.$index(0, extension.target);
82457 t7.toString;
82458 selectors = null;
82459 try {
82460 selectors = this._extension_store$_extendComplex$4(extension.extender.selector, extension.extender.span, newExtensions, extension.mediaContext);
82461 if (selectors == null)
82462 continue;
82463 } catch (exception) {
82464 t8 = A.unwrapException(exception);
82465 if (t8 instanceof A.SassException0) {
82466 error = t8;
82467 stackTrace = A.getTraceFromException(exception);
82468 t8 = error;
82469 t9 = J.getInterceptor$z(t8);
82470 A.throwWithTrace0(new A.SassException0("From " + extension.extender.span.message$1(0, "") + "\n" + error._span_exception$_message, A.SourceSpanException.prototype.get$span.call(t9, t8)), stackTrace);
82471 } else
82472 throw exception;
82473 }
82474 t8 = J.get$first$ax(selectors);
82475 t9 = extension.extender;
82476 containsExtension = B.C_ListEquality.equals$2(0, t8.components, t9.selector.components);
82477 for (t8 = selectors, t9 = t8.length, first = true, _i0 = 0; _i0 < t8.length; t8.length === t9 || (0, A.throwConcurrentModificationError)(t8), ++_i0) {
82478 complex = t8[_i0];
82479 if (containsExtension && first) {
82480 first = false;
82481 continue;
82482 }
82483 t10 = extension;
82484 t11 = t10.extender;
82485 t12 = t10.target;
82486 t13 = t10.span;
82487 t14 = t10.mediaContext;
82488 t10 = t10.isOptional;
82489 if (complex._complex0$_maxSpecificity == null)
82490 complex._complex0$_computeSpecificity$0();
82491 complex._complex0$_maxSpecificity.toString;
82492 t11 = new A.Extender0(complex, false, t11.span);
82493 withExtender = t11._extension$_extension = new A.Extension0(t11, t12, t14, t10, t13);
82494 existingExtension = t7.$index(0, complex);
82495 if (existingExtension != null)
82496 t7.$indexSet(0, complex, A.MergedExtension_merge0(existingExtension, withExtender));
82497 else {
82498 t7.$indexSet(0, complex, withExtender);
82499 for (t10 = complex.components, t11 = t10.length, _i1 = 0; _i1 < t11; ++_i1) {
82500 component = t10[_i1];
82501 if (component instanceof A.CompoundSelector0)
82502 for (t12 = component.components, t13 = t12.length, _i2 = 0; _i2 < t13; ++_i2)
82503 J.add$1$ax(t3.putIfAbsent$2(t12[_i2], new A.ExtensionStore__extendExistingExtensions_closure1()), withExtender);
82504 }
82505 if (newExtensions.containsKey$1(extension.target)) {
82506 if (additionalExtensions == null)
82507 additionalExtensions = A.LinkedHashMap_LinkedHashMap$_empty(t4, t5);
82508 additionalExtensions.putIfAbsent$2(extension.target, new A.ExtensionStore__extendExistingExtensions_closure2()).$indexSet(0, complex, withExtender);
82509 }
82510 }
82511 }
82512 if (!containsExtension)
82513 t7.remove$1(0, extension.extender);
82514 }
82515 return additionalExtensions;
82516 },
82517 _extension_store$_extendExistingSelectors$2(selectors, newExtensions) {
82518 var selector, error, stackTrace, t1, t2, oldValue, exception, t3, t4;
82519 for (t1 = selectors.get$iterator(selectors), t2 = this._extension_store$_mediaContexts; t1.moveNext$0();) {
82520 selector = t1.get$current(t1);
82521 oldValue = selector.value;
82522 try {
82523 selector.value = this._extension_store$_extendList$4(selector.value, selector.span, newExtensions, t2.$index(0, selector));
82524 } catch (exception) {
82525 t3 = A.unwrapException(exception);
82526 if (t3 instanceof A.SassException0) {
82527 error = t3;
82528 stackTrace = A.getTraceFromException(exception);
82529 t3 = error;
82530 t4 = J.getInterceptor$z(t3);
82531 A.throwWithTrace0(new A.SassException0("From " + selector.span.message$1(0, "") + "\n" + error._span_exception$_message, A.SourceSpanException.prototype.get$span.call(t4, t3)), stackTrace);
82532 } else
82533 throw exception;
82534 }
82535 if (oldValue === selector.value)
82536 continue;
82537 this._extension_store$_registerSelector$2(selector.value, selector);
82538 }
82539 },
82540 addExtensions$1(extensionStores) {
82541 var t1, t2, t3, _box_0 = {};
82542 _box_0.newExtensions = _box_0.selectorsToExtend = _box_0.extensionsToExtend = null;
82543 for (t1 = J.get$iterator$ax(extensionStores), t2 = this._extension_store$_sourceSpecificity; t1.moveNext$0();) {
82544 t3 = t1.get$current(t1);
82545 if (t3.get$isEmpty(t3))
82546 continue;
82547 t2.addAll$1(0, t3.get$_extension_store$_sourceSpecificity());
82548 t3.get$_extension_store$_extensions().forEach$1(0, new A.ExtensionStore_addExtensions_closure1(_box_0, this));
82549 }
82550 A.NullableExtension_andThen0(_box_0.newExtensions, new A.ExtensionStore_addExtensions_closure2(_box_0, this));
82551 },
82552 _extension_store$_extendList$4(list, listSpan, extensions, mediaQueryContext) {
82553 var t1, t2, t3, extended, i, complex, result, t4;
82554 for (t1 = list.components, t2 = t1.length, t3 = type$.JSArray_ComplexSelector_2, extended = null, i = 0; i < t2; ++i) {
82555 complex = t1[i];
82556 result = this._extension_store$_extendComplex$4(complex, listSpan, extensions, mediaQueryContext);
82557 if (result == null) {
82558 if (extended != null)
82559 extended.push(complex);
82560 } else {
82561 if (extended == null)
82562 if (i === 0)
82563 extended = A._setArrayType([], t3);
82564 else {
82565 t4 = B.JSArray_methods.sublist$2(t1, 0, i);
82566 extended = A._setArrayType(t4.slice(0), A._arrayInstanceType(t4));
82567 }
82568 B.JSArray_methods.addAll$1(extended, result);
82569 }
82570 }
82571 if (extended == null)
82572 return list;
82573 t1 = this._extension_store$_originals;
82574 return A.SelectorList$0(this._extension_store$_trim$2(extended, t1.get$contains(t1)));
82575 },
82576 _extension_store$_extendList$3(list, listSpan, extensions) {
82577 return this._extension_store$_extendList$4(list, listSpan, extensions, null);
82578 },
82579 _extension_store$_extendComplex$4(complex, complexSpan, extensions, mediaQueryContext) {
82580 var t1, t2, t3, t4, t5, extendedNotExpanded, i, component, extended, result, t6, t7, t8, _null = null,
82581 _s28_ = "components may not be empty.",
82582 _box_0 = {},
82583 isOriginal = this._extension_store$_originals.contains$1(0, complex);
82584 for (t1 = complex.components, t2 = t1.length, t3 = type$.JSArray_ComplexSelector_2, t4 = type$.JSArray_ComplexSelectorComponent_2, t5 = type$.ComplexSelectorComponent_2, extendedNotExpanded = _null, i = 0; i < t2; ++i) {
82585 component = t1[i];
82586 if (component instanceof A.CompoundSelector0) {
82587 extended = this._extension_store$_extendCompound$5$inOriginal(component, complexSpan, extensions, mediaQueryContext, isOriginal);
82588 if (extended == null) {
82589 if (extendedNotExpanded != null) {
82590 result = A.List_List$from(A._setArrayType([component], t4), false, t5);
82591 result.fixed$length = Array;
82592 result.immutable$list = Array;
82593 t6 = result;
82594 if (t6.length === 0)
82595 A.throwExpression(A.ArgumentError$(_s28_, _null));
82596 B.JSArray_methods.add$1(extendedNotExpanded, A._setArrayType([new A.ComplexSelector0(t6, false)], t3));
82597 }
82598 } else {
82599 if (extendedNotExpanded == null) {
82600 t6 = A._arrayInstanceType(t1);
82601 t7 = t6._eval$1("SubListIterable<1>");
82602 t8 = new A.SubListIterable(t1, 0, i, t7);
82603 t8.SubListIterable$3(t1, 0, i, t6._precomputed1);
82604 t7 = t7._eval$1("MappedListIterable<ListIterable.E,List<ComplexSelector0>>");
82605 extendedNotExpanded = A.List_List$of(new A.MappedListIterable(t8, new A.ExtensionStore__extendComplex_closure1(complex), t7), true, t7._eval$1("ListIterable.E"));
82606 }
82607 B.JSArray_methods.add$1(extendedNotExpanded, extended);
82608 }
82609 } else if (extendedNotExpanded != null) {
82610 result = A.List_List$from(A._setArrayType([component], t4), false, t5);
82611 result.fixed$length = Array;
82612 result.immutable$list = Array;
82613 t6 = result;
82614 if (t6.length === 0)
82615 A.throwExpression(A.ArgumentError$(_s28_, _null));
82616 B.JSArray_methods.add$1(extendedNotExpanded, A._setArrayType([new A.ComplexSelector0(t6, false)], t3));
82617 }
82618 }
82619 if (extendedNotExpanded == null)
82620 return _null;
82621 _box_0.first = true;
82622 t1 = type$.ComplexSelector_2;
82623 t1 = J.expand$1$1$ax(A.paths0(extendedNotExpanded, t1), new A.ExtensionStore__extendComplex_closure2(_box_0, this, complex), t1);
82624 return A.List_List$of(t1, true, t1.$ti._eval$1("Iterable.E"));
82625 },
82626 _extension_store$_extendCompound$5$inOriginal(compound, compoundSpan, extensions, mediaQueryContext, inOriginal) {
82627 var t2, t3, t4, t5, t6, t7, t8, t9, t10, options, i, simple, extended, result, t11, t12, isOriginal, _this = this, _null = null,
82628 _s28_ = "components may not be empty.",
82629 _box_1 = {},
82630 t1 = _this._extension_store$_mode,
82631 targetsUsed = t1 === B.ExtendMode_normal0 || extensions.get$length(extensions) < 2 ? _null : A.LinkedHashSet_LinkedHashSet$_empty(type$.SimpleSelector_2);
82632 for (t2 = compound.components, t3 = t2.length, t4 = type$.JSArray_List_Extender_2, t5 = type$.JSArray_Extender_2, t6 = type$.JSArray_ComplexSelectorComponent_2, t7 = type$.ComplexSelectorComponent_2, t8 = type$.SimpleSelector_2, t9 = _this._extension_store$_sourceSpecificity, t10 = type$.JSArray_SimpleSelector_2, options = _null, i = 0; i < t3; ++i) {
82633 simple = t2[i];
82634 extended = _this._extension_store$_extendSimple$5(simple, compoundSpan, extensions, mediaQueryContext, targetsUsed);
82635 if (extended == null) {
82636 if (options != null) {
82637 result = A.List_List$from(A._setArrayType([simple], t10), false, t8);
82638 result.fixed$length = Array;
82639 result.immutable$list = Array;
82640 t11 = result;
82641 if (t11.length === 0)
82642 A.throwExpression(A.ArgumentError$(_s28_, _null));
82643 result = A.List_List$from(A._setArrayType([new A.CompoundSelector0(t11)], t6), false, t7);
82644 result.fixed$length = Array;
82645 result.immutable$list = Array;
82646 t11 = result;
82647 if (t11.length === 0)
82648 A.throwExpression(A.ArgumentError$(_s28_, _null));
82649 t9.$index(0, simple);
82650 options.push(A._setArrayType([new A.Extender0(new A.ComplexSelector0(t11, false), true, compoundSpan)], t5));
82651 }
82652 } else {
82653 if (options == null) {
82654 options = A._setArrayType([], t4);
82655 if (i !== 0) {
82656 t11 = A._arrayInstanceType(t2);
82657 t12 = new A.SubListIterable(t2, 0, i, t11._eval$1("SubListIterable<1>"));
82658 t12.SubListIterable$3(t2, 0, i, t11._precomputed1);
82659 result = A.List_List$from(t12, false, t8);
82660 result.fixed$length = Array;
82661 result.immutable$list = Array;
82662 t12 = result;
82663 compound = new A.CompoundSelector0(t12);
82664 if (t12.length === 0)
82665 A.throwExpression(A.ArgumentError$(_s28_, _null));
82666 result = A.List_List$from(A._setArrayType([compound], t6), false, t7);
82667 result.fixed$length = Array;
82668 result.immutable$list = Array;
82669 t11 = result;
82670 if (t11.length === 0)
82671 A.throwExpression(A.ArgumentError$(_s28_, _null));
82672 _this._extension_store$_sourceSpecificityFor$1(compound);
82673 options.push(A._setArrayType([new A.Extender0(new A.ComplexSelector0(t11, false), true, compoundSpan)], t5));
82674 }
82675 }
82676 B.JSArray_methods.addAll$1(options, extended);
82677 }
82678 }
82679 if (options == null)
82680 return _null;
82681 if (targetsUsed != null && targetsUsed._collection$_length !== extensions.get$length(extensions))
82682 return _null;
82683 if (options.length === 1)
82684 return J.map$1$1$ax(B.JSArray_methods.get$first(options), new A.ExtensionStore__extendCompound_closure4(mediaQueryContext), type$.ComplexSelector_2).toList$0(0);
82685 t1 = _box_1.first = t1 !== B.ExtendMode_replace0;
82686 t2 = A.IterableNullableExtension_whereNotNull(J.map$1$1$ax(A.paths0(options, type$.Extender_2), new A.ExtensionStore__extendCompound_closure5(_box_1, mediaQueryContext), type$.nullable_List_ComplexSelector_2), type$.List_ComplexSelector_2);
82687 t3 = t2.$ti._eval$1("ExpandIterable<Iterable.E,ComplexSelector0>");
82688 result = A.List_List$of(new A.ExpandIterable(t2, new A.ExtensionStore__extendCompound_closure6(), t3), true, t3._eval$1("Iterable.E"));
82689 isOriginal = new A.ExtensionStore__extendCompound_closure7();
82690 return _this._extension_store$_trim$2(result, inOriginal && t1 ? new A.ExtensionStore__extendCompound_closure8(B.JSArray_methods.get$first(result)) : isOriginal);
82691 },
82692 _extension_store$_extendSimple$5(simple, simpleSpan, extensions, mediaQueryContext, targetsUsed) {
82693 var extended,
82694 t1 = new A.ExtensionStore__extendSimple_withoutPseudo0(this, extensions, targetsUsed, simpleSpan);
82695 if (simple instanceof A.PseudoSelector0 && simple.selector != null) {
82696 extended = this._extension_store$_extendPseudo$4(simple, simpleSpan, extensions, mediaQueryContext);
82697 if (extended != null)
82698 return new A.MappedListIterable(extended, new A.ExtensionStore__extendSimple_closure1(this, t1, simpleSpan), A._arrayInstanceType(extended)._eval$1("MappedListIterable<1,List<Extender0>>"));
82699 }
82700 return A.NullableExtension_andThen0(t1.call$1(simple), new A.ExtensionStore__extendSimple_closure2());
82701 },
82702 _extension_store$_extenderForSimple$2(simple, span) {
82703 var t1 = A.ComplexSelector$0(A._setArrayType([A.CompoundSelector$0(A._setArrayType([simple], type$.JSArray_SimpleSelector_2))], type$.JSArray_ComplexSelectorComponent_2), false);
82704 this._extension_store$_sourceSpecificity.$index(0, simple);
82705 return new A.Extender0(t1, true, span);
82706 },
82707 _extension_store$_extendPseudo$4(pseudo, pseudoSpan, extensions, mediaQueryContext) {
82708 var extended, complexes, t1, result,
82709 selector = pseudo.selector;
82710 if (selector == null)
82711 throw A.wrapException(A.ArgumentError$("Selector " + pseudo.toString$0(0) + " must have a selector argument.", null));
82712 extended = this._extension_store$_extendList$4(selector, pseudoSpan, extensions, mediaQueryContext);
82713 if (extended === selector)
82714 return null;
82715 complexes = extended.components;
82716 t1 = pseudo.normalizedName === "not";
82717 if (t1 && !B.JSArray_methods.any$1(selector.components, new A.ExtensionStore__extendPseudo_closure4()) && B.JSArray_methods.any$1(complexes, new A.ExtensionStore__extendPseudo_closure5()))
82718 complexes = new A.WhereIterable(complexes, new A.ExtensionStore__extendPseudo_closure6(), A._arrayInstanceType(complexes)._eval$1("WhereIterable<1>"));
82719 complexes = J.expand$1$1$ax(complexes, new A.ExtensionStore__extendPseudo_closure7(pseudo), type$.ComplexSelector_2);
82720 if (t1 && selector.components.length === 1) {
82721 t1 = A.MappedIterable_MappedIterable(complexes, new A.ExtensionStore__extendPseudo_closure8(pseudo), complexes.$ti._eval$1("Iterable.E"), type$.PseudoSelector_2);
82722 result = A.List_List$of(t1, true, A._instanceType(t1)._eval$1("Iterable.E"));
82723 return result.length === 0 ? null : result;
82724 } else
82725 return A._setArrayType([A.PseudoSelector$0(pseudo.name, pseudo.argument, !pseudo.isClass, A.SelectorList$0(complexes))], type$.JSArray_PseudoSelector_2);
82726 },
82727 _extension_store$_trim$2(selectors, isOriginal) {
82728 var result, i, t1, t2, numOriginals, _box_0, complex1, j, t3, t4, _i, component;
82729 if (selectors.length > 100)
82730 return selectors;
82731 result = A.QueueList$(null, type$.ComplexSelector_2);
82732 $label0$0:
82733 for (i = selectors.length - 1, t1 = A._arrayInstanceType(selectors), t2 = t1._precomputed1, t1 = t1._eval$1("SubListIterable<1>"), numOriginals = 0; i >= 0; --i) {
82734 _box_0 = {};
82735 complex1 = selectors[i];
82736 if (isOriginal.call$1(complex1)) {
82737 for (j = 0; j < numOriginals; ++j)
82738 if (J.$eq$(result.$index(0, j), complex1)) {
82739 A.rotateSlice0(result, 0, j + 1);
82740 continue $label0$0;
82741 }
82742 ++numOriginals;
82743 result.addFirst$1(complex1);
82744 continue $label0$0;
82745 }
82746 _box_0.maxSpecificity = 0;
82747 for (t3 = complex1.components, t4 = t3.length, _i = 0; _i < t4; ++_i) {
82748 component = t3[_i];
82749 if (component instanceof A.CompoundSelector0)
82750 _box_0.maxSpecificity = Math.max(_box_0.maxSpecificity, this._extension_store$_sourceSpecificityFor$1(component));
82751 }
82752 if (result.any$1(result, new A.ExtensionStore__trim_closure1(_box_0, complex1)))
82753 continue $label0$0;
82754 t3 = new A.SubListIterable(selectors, 0, i, t1);
82755 t3.SubListIterable$3(selectors, 0, i, t2);
82756 if (t3.any$1(0, new A.ExtensionStore__trim_closure2(_box_0, complex1)))
82757 continue $label0$0;
82758 result.addFirst$1(complex1);
82759 }
82760 return result;
82761 },
82762 _extension_store$_sourceSpecificityFor$1(compound) {
82763 var t1, t2, t3, specificity, _i, t4;
82764 for (t1 = compound.components, t2 = t1.length, t3 = this._extension_store$_sourceSpecificity, specificity = 0, _i = 0; _i < t2; ++_i) {
82765 t4 = t3.$index(0, t1[_i]);
82766 specificity = Math.max(specificity, A.checkNum(t4 == null ? 0 : t4));
82767 }
82768 return specificity;
82769 },
82770 clone$0() {
82771 var t3, t4, _this = this,
82772 t1 = type$.SimpleSelector_2,
82773 newSelectors = A.LinkedHashMap_LinkedHashMap$_empty(t1, type$.Set_ModifiableCssValue_SelectorList_2),
82774 t2 = type$.ModifiableCssValue_SelectorList_2,
82775 newMediaContexts = A.LinkedHashMap_LinkedHashMap$_empty(t2, type$.List_CssMediaQuery_2),
82776 oldToNewSelectors = A.LinkedHashMap_LinkedHashMap$_empty(type$.CssValue_SelectorList_2, t2);
82777 _this._extension_store$_selectors.forEach$1(0, new A.ExtensionStore_clone_closure0(_this, newSelectors, oldToNewSelectors, newMediaContexts));
82778 t2 = type$.Extension_2;
82779 t3 = A.copyMapOfMap0(_this._extension_store$_extensions, t1, type$.ComplexSelector_2, t2);
82780 t2 = A.copyMapOfList0(_this._extension_store$_extensionsByExtender, t1, t2);
82781 t1 = A._LinkedIdentityHashMap__LinkedIdentityHashMap$es6(t1, type$.int);
82782 t1.addAll$1(0, _this._extension_store$_sourceSpecificity);
82783 t4 = new A._LinkedIdentityHashSet(type$._LinkedIdentityHashSet_ComplexSelector_2);
82784 t4.addAll$1(0, _this._extension_store$_originals);
82785 return new A.Tuple2(new A.ExtensionStore0(newSelectors, t3, t2, newMediaContexts, t1, t4, B.ExtendMode_normal0), oldToNewSelectors, type$.Tuple2_of_ExtensionStore_and_Map_of_CssValue_SelectorList_and_ModifiableCssValue_SelectorList_2);
82786 },
82787 get$_extension_store$_extensions() {
82788 return this._extension_store$_extensions;
82789 },
82790 get$_extension_store$_sourceSpecificity() {
82791 return this._extension_store$_sourceSpecificity;
82792 }
82793 };
82794 A.ExtensionStore_extensionsWhereTarget_closure0.prototype = {
82795 call$1(extension) {
82796 return !extension.isOptional;
82797 },
82798 $signature: 417
82799 };
82800 A.ExtensionStore__registerSelector_closure0.prototype = {
82801 call$0() {
82802 return A.LinkedHashSet_LinkedHashSet$_empty(type$.ModifiableCssValue_SelectorList_2);
82803 },
82804 $signature: 418
82805 };
82806 A.ExtensionStore_addExtension_closure2.prototype = {
82807 call$0() {
82808 return A.LinkedHashMap_LinkedHashMap$_empty(type$.ComplexSelector_2, type$.Extension_2);
82809 },
82810 $signature: 143
82811 };
82812 A.ExtensionStore_addExtension_closure3.prototype = {
82813 call$0() {
82814 return A._setArrayType([], type$.JSArray_Extension_2);
82815 },
82816 $signature: 220
82817 };
82818 A.ExtensionStore_addExtension_closure4.prototype = {
82819 call$0() {
82820 return this.complex.get$maxSpecificity();
82821 },
82822 $signature: 12
82823 };
82824 A.ExtensionStore__extendExistingExtensions_closure1.prototype = {
82825 call$0() {
82826 return A._setArrayType([], type$.JSArray_Extension_2);
82827 },
82828 $signature: 220
82829 };
82830 A.ExtensionStore__extendExistingExtensions_closure2.prototype = {
82831 call$0() {
82832 return A.LinkedHashMap_LinkedHashMap$_empty(type$.ComplexSelector_2, type$.Extension_2);
82833 },
82834 $signature: 143
82835 };
82836 A.ExtensionStore_addExtensions_closure1.prototype = {
82837 call$2(target, newSources) {
82838 var first, t1, extensionsForTarget, t2, t3, t4, selectorsForTarget, t5, existingSources, _this = this;
82839 if (target instanceof A.PlaceholderSelector0) {
82840 first = B.JSString_methods._codeUnitAt$1(target.name, 0);
82841 t1 = first === 45 || first === 95;
82842 } else
82843 t1 = false;
82844 if (t1)
82845 return;
82846 t1 = _this.$this;
82847 extensionsForTarget = t1._extension_store$_extensionsByExtender.$index(0, target);
82848 t2 = extensionsForTarget == null;
82849 if (!t2) {
82850 t3 = _this._box_0;
82851 t4 = t3.extensionsToExtend;
82852 B.JSArray_methods.addAll$1(t4 == null ? t3.extensionsToExtend = A._setArrayType([], type$.JSArray_Extension_2) : t4, extensionsForTarget);
82853 }
82854 selectorsForTarget = t1._extension_store$_selectors.$index(0, target);
82855 t3 = selectorsForTarget != null;
82856 if (t3) {
82857 t4 = _this._box_0;
82858 t5 = t4.selectorsToExtend;
82859 (t5 == null ? t4.selectorsToExtend = A.LinkedHashSet_LinkedHashSet$_empty(type$.ModifiableCssValue_SelectorList_2) : t5).addAll$1(0, selectorsForTarget);
82860 }
82861 t1 = t1._extension_store$_extensions;
82862 existingSources = t1.$index(0, target);
82863 if (existingSources == null) {
82864 t4 = type$.ComplexSelector_2;
82865 t5 = type$.Extension_2;
82866 t1.$indexSet(0, target, A.LinkedHashMap_LinkedHashMap$of(newSources, t4, t5));
82867 if (!t2 || t3) {
82868 t1 = _this._box_0;
82869 t2 = t1.newExtensions;
82870 t1 = t2 == null ? t1.newExtensions = A.LinkedHashMap_LinkedHashMap$_empty(type$.SimpleSelector_2, type$.Map_ComplexSelector_Extension_2) : t2;
82871 t1.$indexSet(0, target, A.LinkedHashMap_LinkedHashMap$of(newSources, t4, t5));
82872 }
82873 } else
82874 newSources.forEach$1(0, new A.ExtensionStore_addExtensions__closure4(_this._box_0, existingSources, extensionsForTarget, selectorsForTarget, target));
82875 },
82876 $signature: 421
82877 };
82878 A.ExtensionStore_addExtensions__closure4.prototype = {
82879 call$2(extender, extension) {
82880 var t2, _this = this,
82881 t1 = _this.existingSources;
82882 if (t1.containsKey$1(extender)) {
82883 t2 = t1.$index(0, extender);
82884 t2.toString;
82885 extension = A.MergedExtension_merge0(t2, extension);
82886 t1.$indexSet(0, extender, extension);
82887 } else
82888 t1.$indexSet(0, extender, extension);
82889 if (_this.extensionsForTarget != null || _this.selectorsForTarget != null) {
82890 t1 = _this._box_0;
82891 t2 = t1.newExtensions;
82892 t1 = t2 == null ? t1.newExtensions = A.LinkedHashMap_LinkedHashMap$_empty(type$.SimpleSelector_2, type$.Map_ComplexSelector_Extension_2) : t2;
82893 J.$indexSet$ax(t1.putIfAbsent$2(_this.target, new A.ExtensionStore_addExtensions___closure0()), extender, extension);
82894 }
82895 },
82896 $signature: 422
82897 };
82898 A.ExtensionStore_addExtensions___closure0.prototype = {
82899 call$0() {
82900 return A.LinkedHashMap_LinkedHashMap$_empty(type$.ComplexSelector_2, type$.Extension_2);
82901 },
82902 $signature: 143
82903 };
82904 A.ExtensionStore_addExtensions_closure2.prototype = {
82905 call$1(newExtensions) {
82906 var t1 = this._box_0,
82907 t2 = this.$this;
82908 A.NullableExtension_andThen0(t1.extensionsToExtend, new A.ExtensionStore_addExtensions__closure2(t2, newExtensions));
82909 A.NullableExtension_andThen0(t1.selectorsToExtend, new A.ExtensionStore_addExtensions__closure3(t2, newExtensions));
82910 },
82911 $signature: 423
82912 };
82913 A.ExtensionStore_addExtensions__closure2.prototype = {
82914 call$1(extensionsToExtend) {
82915 return this.$this._extension_store$_extendExistingExtensions$2(extensionsToExtend, this.newExtensions);
82916 },
82917 $signature: 424
82918 };
82919 A.ExtensionStore_addExtensions__closure3.prototype = {
82920 call$1(selectorsToExtend) {
82921 return this.$this._extension_store$_extendExistingSelectors$2(selectorsToExtend, this.newExtensions);
82922 },
82923 $signature: 425
82924 };
82925 A.ExtensionStore__extendComplex_closure1.prototype = {
82926 call$1(component) {
82927 return A._setArrayType([A.ComplexSelector$0(A._setArrayType([component], type$.JSArray_ComplexSelectorComponent_2), this.complex.lineBreak)], type$.JSArray_ComplexSelector_2);
82928 },
82929 $signature: 426
82930 };
82931 A.ExtensionStore__extendComplex_closure2.prototype = {
82932 call$1(path) {
82933 var t1 = A.weave0(J.map$1$1$ax(path, new A.ExtensionStore__extendComplex__closure1(), type$.List_ComplexSelectorComponent_2).toList$0(0));
82934 return new A.MappedListIterable(t1, new A.ExtensionStore__extendComplex__closure2(this._box_0, this.$this, this.complex, path), A._arrayInstanceType(t1)._eval$1("MappedListIterable<1,ComplexSelector0>"));
82935 },
82936 $signature: 427
82937 };
82938 A.ExtensionStore__extendComplex__closure1.prototype = {
82939 call$1(complex) {
82940 return complex.components;
82941 },
82942 $signature: 428
82943 };
82944 A.ExtensionStore__extendComplex__closure2.prototype = {
82945 call$1(components) {
82946 var _this = this,
82947 t1 = _this.complex,
82948 outputComplex = A.ComplexSelector$0(components, t1.lineBreak || J.any$1$ax(_this.path, new A.ExtensionStore__extendComplex___closure0())),
82949 t2 = _this._box_0;
82950 if (t2.first && _this.$this._extension_store$_originals.contains$1(0, t1))
82951 _this.$this._extension_store$_originals.add$1(0, outputComplex);
82952 t2.first = false;
82953 return outputComplex;
82954 },
82955 $signature: 95
82956 };
82957 A.ExtensionStore__extendComplex___closure0.prototype = {
82958 call$1(inputComplex) {
82959 return inputComplex.lineBreak;
82960 },
82961 $signature: 20
82962 };
82963 A.ExtensionStore__extendCompound_closure4.prototype = {
82964 call$1(extender) {
82965 extender.assertCompatibleMediaContext$1(this.mediaQueryContext);
82966 return extender.selector;
82967 },
82968 $signature: 431
82969 };
82970 A.ExtensionStore__extendCompound_closure5.prototype = {
82971 call$1(path) {
82972 var complexes, toUnify, t2, t3, originals, t4, _box_0 = {},
82973 t1 = this._box_1;
82974 if (t1.first) {
82975 t1.first = false;
82976 complexes = A._setArrayType([A._setArrayType([A.CompoundSelector$0(J.expand$1$1$ax(path, new A.ExtensionStore__extendCompound__closure1(), type$.SimpleSelector_2))], type$.JSArray_ComplexSelectorComponent_2)], type$.JSArray_List_ComplexSelectorComponent_2);
82977 } else {
82978 toUnify = A.QueueList$(null, type$.List_ComplexSelectorComponent_2);
82979 for (t1 = J.get$iterator$ax(path), t2 = type$.CompoundSelector_2, t3 = type$.JSArray_SimpleSelector_2, originals = null; t1.moveNext$0();) {
82980 t4 = t1.get$current(t1);
82981 if (t4.isOriginal) {
82982 if (originals == null)
82983 originals = A._setArrayType([], t3);
82984 B.JSArray_methods.addAll$1(originals, t2._as(B.JSArray_methods.get$last(t4.selector.components)).components);
82985 } else
82986 toUnify._queue_list$_add$1(t4.selector.components);
82987 }
82988 if (originals != null)
82989 toUnify.addFirst$1(A._setArrayType([A.CompoundSelector$0(originals)], type$.JSArray_ComplexSelectorComponent_2));
82990 complexes = A.unifyComplex0(toUnify);
82991 if (complexes == null)
82992 return null;
82993 }
82994 _box_0.lineBreak = false;
82995 for (t1 = J.get$iterator$ax(path), t2 = this.mediaQueryContext; t1.moveNext$0();) {
82996 t3 = t1.get$current(t1);
82997 t3.assertCompatibleMediaContext$1(t2);
82998 _box_0.lineBreak = _box_0.lineBreak || t3.selector.lineBreak;
82999 }
83000 t1 = J.map$1$1$ax(complexes, new A.ExtensionStore__extendCompound__closure2(_box_0), type$.ComplexSelector_2);
83001 return A.List_List$of(t1, true, t1.$ti._eval$1("ListIterable.E"));
83002 },
83003 $signature: 432
83004 };
83005 A.ExtensionStore__extendCompound__closure1.prototype = {
83006 call$1(extender) {
83007 return type$.CompoundSelector_2._as(B.JSArray_methods.get$last(extender.selector.components)).components;
83008 },
83009 $signature: 433
83010 };
83011 A.ExtensionStore__extendCompound__closure2.prototype = {
83012 call$1(components) {
83013 return A.ComplexSelector$0(components, this._box_0.lineBreak);
83014 },
83015 $signature: 95
83016 };
83017 A.ExtensionStore__extendCompound_closure6.prototype = {
83018 call$1(l) {
83019 return l;
83020 },
83021 $signature: 434
83022 };
83023 A.ExtensionStore__extendCompound_closure7.prototype = {
83024 call$1(_) {
83025 return false;
83026 },
83027 $signature: 20
83028 };
83029 A.ExtensionStore__extendCompound_closure8.prototype = {
83030 call$1(complex) {
83031 var t1 = B.C_ListEquality.equals$2(0, complex.components, this.original.components);
83032 return t1;
83033 },
83034 $signature: 20
83035 };
83036 A.ExtensionStore__extendSimple_withoutPseudo0.prototype = {
83037 call$1(simple) {
83038 var t1, t2, _this = this,
83039 extensionsForSimple = _this.extensions.$index(0, simple);
83040 if (extensionsForSimple == null)
83041 return null;
83042 t1 = _this.targetsUsed;
83043 if (t1 != null)
83044 t1.add$1(0, simple);
83045 t1 = A._setArrayType([], type$.JSArray_Extender_2);
83046 t2 = _this.$this;
83047 if (t2._extension_store$_mode !== B.ExtendMode_replace0)
83048 t1.push(t2._extension_store$_extenderForSimple$2(simple, _this.simpleSpan));
83049 for (t2 = extensionsForSimple.get$values(extensionsForSimple), t2 = t2.get$iterator(t2); t2.moveNext$0();)
83050 t1.push(t2.get$current(t2).extender);
83051 return t1;
83052 },
83053 $signature: 435
83054 };
83055 A.ExtensionStore__extendSimple_closure1.prototype = {
83056 call$1(pseudo) {
83057 var t1 = this.withoutPseudo.call$1(pseudo);
83058 return t1 == null ? A._setArrayType([this.$this._extension_store$_extenderForSimple$2(pseudo, this.simpleSpan)], type$.JSArray_Extender_2) : t1;
83059 },
83060 $signature: 436
83061 };
83062 A.ExtensionStore__extendSimple_closure2.prototype = {
83063 call$1(result) {
83064 return A._setArrayType([result], type$.JSArray_List_Extender_2);
83065 },
83066 $signature: 437
83067 };
83068 A.ExtensionStore__extendPseudo_closure4.prototype = {
83069 call$1(complex) {
83070 return complex.components.length > 1;
83071 },
83072 $signature: 20
83073 };
83074 A.ExtensionStore__extendPseudo_closure5.prototype = {
83075 call$1(complex) {
83076 return complex.components.length === 1;
83077 },
83078 $signature: 20
83079 };
83080 A.ExtensionStore__extendPseudo_closure6.prototype = {
83081 call$1(complex) {
83082 return complex.components.length <= 1;
83083 },
83084 $signature: 20
83085 };
83086 A.ExtensionStore__extendPseudo_closure7.prototype = {
83087 call$1(complex) {
83088 var innerPseudo, innerSelector,
83089 t1 = complex.components;
83090 if (t1.length !== 1)
83091 return A._setArrayType([complex], type$.JSArray_ComplexSelector_2);
83092 if (!(B.JSArray_methods.get$first(t1) instanceof A.CompoundSelector0))
83093 return A._setArrayType([complex], type$.JSArray_ComplexSelector_2);
83094 t1 = type$.CompoundSelector_2._as(B.JSArray_methods.get$first(t1)).components;
83095 if (t1.length !== 1)
83096 return A._setArrayType([complex], type$.JSArray_ComplexSelector_2);
83097 if (!(B.JSArray_methods.get$first(t1) instanceof A.PseudoSelector0))
83098 return A._setArrayType([complex], type$.JSArray_ComplexSelector_2);
83099 innerPseudo = type$.PseudoSelector_2._as(B.JSArray_methods.get$first(t1));
83100 innerSelector = innerPseudo.selector;
83101 if (innerSelector == null)
83102 return A._setArrayType([complex], type$.JSArray_ComplexSelector_2);
83103 t1 = this.pseudo;
83104 switch (t1.normalizedName) {
83105 case "not":
83106 t1 = innerPseudo.normalizedName;
83107 if (t1 !== "is" && t1 !== "matches")
83108 return A._setArrayType([], type$.JSArray_ComplexSelector_2);
83109 return innerSelector.components;
83110 case "is":
83111 case "matches":
83112 case "any":
83113 case "current":
83114 case "nth-child":
83115 case "nth-last-child":
83116 if (innerPseudo.name !== t1.name)
83117 return A._setArrayType([], type$.JSArray_ComplexSelector_2);
83118 if (innerPseudo.argument != t1.argument)
83119 return A._setArrayType([], type$.JSArray_ComplexSelector_2);
83120 return innerSelector.components;
83121 case "has":
83122 case "host":
83123 case "host-context":
83124 case "slotted":
83125 return A._setArrayType([complex], type$.JSArray_ComplexSelector_2);
83126 default:
83127 return A._setArrayType([], type$.JSArray_ComplexSelector_2);
83128 }
83129 },
83130 $signature: 438
83131 };
83132 A.ExtensionStore__extendPseudo_closure8.prototype = {
83133 call$1(complex) {
83134 var t1 = this.pseudo;
83135 return A.PseudoSelector$0(t1.name, t1.argument, !t1.isClass, A.SelectorList$0(A._setArrayType([complex], type$.JSArray_ComplexSelector_2)));
83136 },
83137 $signature: 439
83138 };
83139 A.ExtensionStore__trim_closure1.prototype = {
83140 call$1(complex2) {
83141 return complex2.get$minSpecificity() >= this._box_0.maxSpecificity && A.complexIsSuperselector0(complex2.components, this.complex1.components);
83142 },
83143 $signature: 20
83144 };
83145 A.ExtensionStore__trim_closure2.prototype = {
83146 call$1(complex2) {
83147 return complex2.get$minSpecificity() >= this._box_0.maxSpecificity && A.complexIsSuperselector0(complex2.components, this.complex1.components);
83148 },
83149 $signature: 20
83150 };
83151 A.ExtensionStore_clone_closure0.prototype = {
83152 call$2(simple, selectors) {
83153 var t2, t3, t4, t5, t6, newSelector, mediaContext, _this = this,
83154 t1 = type$.ModifiableCssValue_SelectorList_2,
83155 newSelectorSet = A.LinkedHashSet_LinkedHashSet$_empty(t1);
83156 _this.newSelectors.$indexSet(0, simple, newSelectorSet);
83157 for (t2 = selectors.get$iterator(selectors), t3 = _this.oldToNewSelectors, t4 = _this.$this._extension_store$_mediaContexts, t5 = _this.newMediaContexts; t2.moveNext$0();) {
83158 t6 = t2.get$current(t2);
83159 newSelector = new A.ModifiableCssValue0(t6.value, t6.span, t1);
83160 newSelectorSet.add$1(0, newSelector);
83161 t3.$indexSet(0, t6, newSelector);
83162 mediaContext = t4.$index(0, t6);
83163 if (mediaContext != null)
83164 t5.$indexSet(0, newSelector, mediaContext);
83165 }
83166 },
83167 $signature: 440
83168 };
83169 A.FiberClass.prototype = {};
83170 A.Fiber.prototype = {};
83171 A.NodeToDartFileImporter.prototype = {
83172 canonicalize$1(_, url) {
83173 var result, t1, resultUrl;
83174 if (url.get$scheme() === "file")
83175 return $.$get$_filesystemImporter0().canonicalize$1(0, url);
83176 result = this._file0$_findFileUrl.call$2(url.toString$0(0), {fromImport: A.fromImport0()});
83177 if (result == null)
83178 return null;
83179 t1 = self.Promise;
83180 if (result instanceof t1)
83181 A.jsThrow(new self.Error("The findFileUrl() function can't return a Promise for synchron compile functions."));
83182 else {
83183 t1 = self.URL;
83184 if (!(result instanceof t1))
83185 A.jsThrow(new self.Error(string$.The_fie));
83186 }
83187 resultUrl = A.Uri_parse(J.toString$0$(type$.JSUrl._as(result)));
83188 if (resultUrl.get$scheme() !== "file")
83189 A.jsThrow(new self.Error(string$.The_fiu + url.toString$0(0) + '".'));
83190 return $.$get$_filesystemImporter0().canonicalize$1(0, resultUrl);
83191 },
83192 load$1(_, url) {
83193 return $.$get$_filesystemImporter0().load$1(0, url);
83194 }
83195 };
83196 A.FilesystemImporter0.prototype = {
83197 canonicalize$1(_, url) {
83198 if (url.get$scheme() !== "file" && url.get$scheme() !== "")
83199 return null;
83200 return A.NullableExtension_andThen0(A.resolveImportPath0(A.join(this._filesystem$_loadPath, $.$get$context().style.pathFromUri$1(A._parseUri(url)), null)), new A.FilesystemImporter_canonicalize_closure0());
83201 },
83202 load$1(_, url) {
83203 var path = $.$get$context().style.pathFromUri$1(A._parseUri(url));
83204 return A.ImporterResult$(A.readFile0(path), url, A.Syntax_forPath0(path));
83205 },
83206 toString$0(_) {
83207 return this._filesystem$_loadPath;
83208 }
83209 };
83210 A.FilesystemImporter_canonicalize_closure0.prototype = {
83211 call$1(resolved) {
83212 var t1, t2, t0, _null = null;
83213 if (J.$eq$(J.get$platform$x(self.process), "win32") || J.$eq$(J.get$platform$x(self.process), "darwin")) {
83214 t1 = $.$get$context();
83215 t2 = A._realCasePath0(t1.absolute$7(t1.normalize$1(resolved), _null, _null, _null, _null, _null, _null));
83216 t0 = t2;
83217 t2 = t1;
83218 t1 = t0;
83219 } else {
83220 t1 = $.$get$context();
83221 t2 = t1.canonicalize$1(0, resolved);
83222 t0 = t2;
83223 t2 = t1;
83224 t1 = t0;
83225 }
83226 return t2.toUri$1(t1);
83227 },
83228 $signature: 178
83229 };
83230 A.ForRule0.prototype = {
83231 accept$1$1(visitor) {
83232 return visitor.visitForRule$1(this);
83233 },
83234 accept$1(visitor) {
83235 return this.accept$1$1(visitor, type$.dynamic);
83236 },
83237 toString$0(_) {
83238 var _this = this,
83239 t1 = "@for $" + _this.variable + " from " + _this.from.toString$0(0) + " ",
83240 t2 = _this.children;
83241 return t1 + (_this.isExclusive ? "to" : "through") + " " + _this.to.toString$0(0) + " {" + (t2 && B.JSArray_methods).join$1(t2, " ") + "}";
83242 },
83243 get$span(receiver) {
83244 return this.span;
83245 }
83246 };
83247 A.ForwardRule0.prototype = {
83248 accept$1$1(visitor) {
83249 return visitor.visitForwardRule$1(this);
83250 },
83251 accept$1(visitor) {
83252 return this.accept$1$1(visitor, type$.dynamic);
83253 },
83254 toString$0(_) {
83255 var t2, prefix, _this = this,
83256 t1 = "@forward " + A.StringExpression_quoteText0(_this.url.toString$0(0)),
83257 shownMixinsAndFunctions = _this.shownMixinsAndFunctions,
83258 hiddenMixinsAndFunctions = _this.hiddenMixinsAndFunctions;
83259 if (shownMixinsAndFunctions != null) {
83260 t1 += " show ";
83261 t2 = _this.shownVariables;
83262 t2.toString;
83263 t2 = t1 + _this._forward_rule0$_memberList$2(shownMixinsAndFunctions, t2);
83264 t1 = t2;
83265 } else {
83266 if (hiddenMixinsAndFunctions != null) {
83267 t2 = hiddenMixinsAndFunctions._base;
83268 t2 = t2.get$isNotEmpty(t2);
83269 } else
83270 t2 = false;
83271 if (t2) {
83272 t1 += " hide ";
83273 t2 = _this.hiddenVariables;
83274 t2.toString;
83275 t2 = t1 + _this._forward_rule0$_memberList$2(hiddenMixinsAndFunctions, t2);
83276 t1 = t2;
83277 }
83278 }
83279 prefix = _this.prefix;
83280 if (prefix != null)
83281 t1 += " as " + prefix + "*";
83282 t2 = _this.configuration;
83283 t1 = (t2.length !== 0 ? t1 + (" with (" + B.JSArray_methods.join$1(t2, ", ") + ")") : t1) + ";";
83284 return t1.charCodeAt(0) == 0 ? t1 : t1;
83285 },
83286 _forward_rule0$_memberList$2(mixinsAndFunctions, variables) {
83287 var t2,
83288 t1 = A.List_List$of(mixinsAndFunctions, true, type$.String);
83289 for (t2 = variables._base, t2 = t2.get$iterator(t2); t2.moveNext$0();)
83290 t1.push("$" + t2.get$current(t2));
83291 return B.JSArray_methods.join$1(t1, ", ");
83292 },
83293 $isAstNode0: 1,
83294 $isStatement0: 1,
83295 get$span(receiver) {
83296 return this.span;
83297 }
83298 };
83299 A.ForwardedModuleView0.prototype = {
83300 get$url(_) {
83301 var t1 = this._forwarded_view0$_inner;
83302 return t1.get$url(t1);
83303 },
83304 get$upstream() {
83305 return this._forwarded_view0$_inner.get$upstream();
83306 },
83307 get$extensionStore() {
83308 return this._forwarded_view0$_inner.get$extensionStore();
83309 },
83310 get$css(_) {
83311 var t1 = this._forwarded_view0$_inner;
83312 return t1.get$css(t1);
83313 },
83314 get$transitivelyContainsCss() {
83315 return this._forwarded_view0$_inner.get$transitivelyContainsCss();
83316 },
83317 get$transitivelyContainsExtensions() {
83318 return this._forwarded_view0$_inner.get$transitivelyContainsExtensions();
83319 },
83320 setVariable$3($name, value, nodeWithSpan) {
83321 var prefix,
83322 _s19_ = "Undefined variable.",
83323 t1 = this._forwarded_view0$_rule,
83324 shownVariables = t1.shownVariables,
83325 hiddenVariables = t1.hiddenVariables;
83326 if (shownVariables != null && !shownVariables._base.contains$1(0, $name))
83327 throw A.wrapException(A.SassScriptException$0(_s19_));
83328 else if (hiddenVariables != null && hiddenVariables._base.contains$1(0, $name))
83329 throw A.wrapException(A.SassScriptException$0(_s19_));
83330 prefix = t1.prefix;
83331 if (prefix != null) {
83332 if (!B.JSString_methods.startsWith$1($name, prefix))
83333 throw A.wrapException(A.SassScriptException$0(_s19_));
83334 $name = B.JSString_methods.substring$1($name, prefix.length);
83335 }
83336 return this._forwarded_view0$_inner.setVariable$3($name, value, nodeWithSpan);
83337 },
83338 variableIdentity$1($name) {
83339 var prefix = this._forwarded_view0$_rule.prefix;
83340 if (prefix != null)
83341 $name = B.JSString_methods.substring$1($name, prefix.length);
83342 return this._forwarded_view0$_inner.variableIdentity$1($name);
83343 },
83344 $eq(_, other) {
83345 if (other == null)
83346 return false;
83347 return other instanceof A.ForwardedModuleView0 && this._forwarded_view0$_inner.$eq(0, other._forwarded_view0$_inner) && this._forwarded_view0$_rule === other._forwarded_view0$_rule;
83348 },
83349 get$hashCode(_) {
83350 var t1 = this._forwarded_view0$_inner;
83351 return (t1.get$hashCode(t1) ^ A.Primitives_objectHashCode(this._forwarded_view0$_rule)) >>> 0;
83352 },
83353 cloneCss$0() {
83354 return A.ForwardedModuleView$0(this._forwarded_view0$_inner.cloneCss$0(), this._forwarded_view0$_rule, this.$ti._precomputed1);
83355 },
83356 toString$0(_) {
83357 return "forwarded " + this._forwarded_view0$_inner.toString$0(0);
83358 },
83359 $isModule0: 1,
83360 get$variables() {
83361 return this.variables;
83362 },
83363 get$variableNodes() {
83364 return this.variableNodes;
83365 },
83366 get$functions(receiver) {
83367 return this.functions;
83368 },
83369 get$mixins() {
83370 return this.mixins;
83371 }
83372 };
83373 A.FunctionExpression0.prototype = {
83374 accept$1$1(visitor) {
83375 return visitor.visitFunctionExpression$1(this);
83376 },
83377 accept$1(visitor) {
83378 return this.accept$1$1(visitor, type$.dynamic);
83379 },
83380 toString$0(_) {
83381 var t1 = this.namespace;
83382 t1 = t1 != null ? "" + (t1 + ".") : "";
83383 t1 += this.originalName + this.$arguments.toString$0(0);
83384 return t1.charCodeAt(0) == 0 ? t1 : t1;
83385 },
83386 $isExpression0: 1,
83387 $isAstNode0: 1,
83388 get$span(receiver) {
83389 return this.span;
83390 }
83391 };
83392 A.JSFunction0.prototype = {};
83393 A.SupportsFunction0.prototype = {
83394 toString$0(_) {
83395 return this.name.toString$0(0) + "(" + this.$arguments.toString$0(0) + ")";
83396 },
83397 $isAstNode0: 1,
83398 $isSupportsCondition0: 1,
83399 get$span(receiver) {
83400 return this.span;
83401 }
83402 };
83403 A.functionClass_closure.prototype = {
83404 call$0() {
83405 var t1 = type$.JSClass,
83406 jsClass = t1._as(A.allowInteropCaptureThisNamed("sass.SassFunction", new A.functionClass__closure()));
83407 A.JSClassExtension_injectSuperclass(t1._as(new A.SassFunction0(A.BuiltInCallable$function0("f", "", new A.functionClass__closure0(), null)).constructor), jsClass);
83408 return jsClass;
83409 },
83410 $signature: 25
83411 };
83412 A.functionClass__closure.prototype = {
83413 call$3($self, signature, callback) {
83414 var paren = B.JSString_methods.indexOf$1(signature, "(");
83415 if (paren === -1 || !B.JSString_methods.endsWith$1(signature, ")"))
83416 A.jsThrow(new self.Error('Invalid signature for new sass.SassFunction(): "' + signature + '"'));
83417 return new A.SassFunction0(A.BuiltInCallable$function0(B.JSString_methods.substring$2(signature, 0, paren), B.JSString_methods.substring$2(signature, paren + 1, signature.length - 1), callback, null));
83418 },
83419 "call*": "call$3",
83420 $requiredArgCount: 3,
83421 $signature: 441
83422 };
83423 A.functionClass__closure0.prototype = {
83424 call$1(_) {
83425 return B.C__SassNull0;
83426 },
83427 $signature: 3
83428 };
83429 A.SassFunction0.prototype = {
83430 accept$1$1(visitor) {
83431 var t1, t2;
83432 if (!visitor._serialize0$_inspect)
83433 A.throwExpression(A.SassScriptException$0(this.toString$0(0) + " isn't a valid CSS value."));
83434 t1 = visitor._serialize0$_buffer;
83435 t1.write$1(0, "get-function(");
83436 t2 = this.callable;
83437 visitor._serialize0$_visitQuotedString$1(t2.get$name(t2));
83438 t1.writeCharCode$1(41);
83439 return null;
83440 },
83441 accept$1(visitor) {
83442 return this.accept$1$1(visitor, type$.dynamic);
83443 },
83444 assertFunction$1($name) {
83445 return this;
83446 },
83447 $eq(_, other) {
83448 if (other == null)
83449 return false;
83450 return other instanceof A.SassFunction0 && this.callable.$eq(0, other.callable);
83451 },
83452 get$hashCode(_) {
83453 var t1 = this.callable;
83454 return t1.get$hashCode(t1);
83455 }
83456 };
83457 A.FunctionRule0.prototype = {
83458 accept$1$1(visitor) {
83459 return visitor.visitFunctionRule$1(this);
83460 },
83461 accept$1(visitor) {
83462 return this.accept$1$1(visitor, type$.dynamic);
83463 },
83464 toString$0(_) {
83465 var t1 = this.children;
83466 return "@function " + this.name + "(" + this.$arguments.toString$0(0) + ") {" + (t1 && B.JSArray_methods).join$1(t1, " ") + "}";
83467 }
83468 };
83469 A.unifyComplex_closure0.prototype = {
83470 call$1(complex) {
83471 var t1 = J.getInterceptor$asx(complex);
83472 return t1.sublist$2(complex, 0, t1.get$length(complex) - 1);
83473 },
83474 $signature: 131
83475 };
83476 A._weaveParents_closure6.prototype = {
83477 call$2(group1, group2) {
83478 var unified, t1, _null = null;
83479 if (B.C_ListEquality.equals$2(0, group1, group2))
83480 return group1;
83481 if (!(J.get$first$ax(group1) instanceof A.CompoundSelector0) || !(J.get$first$ax(group2) instanceof A.CompoundSelector0))
83482 return _null;
83483 if (A.complexIsParentSuperselector0(group1, group2))
83484 return group2;
83485 if (A.complexIsParentSuperselector0(group2, group1))
83486 return group1;
83487 if (!A._mustUnify0(group1, group2))
83488 return _null;
83489 unified = A.unifyComplex0(A._setArrayType([group1, group2], type$.JSArray_List_ComplexSelectorComponent_2));
83490 if (unified == null)
83491 return _null;
83492 t1 = J.getInterceptor$asx(unified);
83493 if (t1.get$length(unified) > 1)
83494 return _null;
83495 return t1.get$first(unified);
83496 },
83497 $signature: 443
83498 };
83499 A._weaveParents_closure7.prototype = {
83500 call$1(sequence) {
83501 return A.complexIsParentSuperselector0(sequence.get$first(sequence), this.group);
83502 },
83503 $signature: 444
83504 };
83505 A._weaveParents_closure8.prototype = {
83506 call$1(chunk) {
83507 return J.expand$1$1$ax(chunk, new A._weaveParents__closure4(), type$.ComplexSelectorComponent_2);
83508 },
83509 $signature: 224
83510 };
83511 A._weaveParents__closure4.prototype = {
83512 call$1(group) {
83513 return group;
83514 },
83515 $signature: 131
83516 };
83517 A._weaveParents_closure9.prototype = {
83518 call$1(sequence) {
83519 return sequence.get$length(sequence) === 0;
83520 },
83521 $signature: 156
83522 };
83523 A._weaveParents_closure10.prototype = {
83524 call$1(chunk) {
83525 return J.expand$1$1$ax(chunk, new A._weaveParents__closure3(), type$.ComplexSelectorComponent_2);
83526 },
83527 $signature: 224
83528 };
83529 A._weaveParents__closure3.prototype = {
83530 call$1(group) {
83531 return group;
83532 },
83533 $signature: 131
83534 };
83535 A._weaveParents_closure11.prototype = {
83536 call$1(choice) {
83537 return J.get$isNotEmpty$asx(choice);
83538 },
83539 $signature: 446
83540 };
83541 A._weaveParents_closure12.prototype = {
83542 call$1(path) {
83543 var t1 = J.expand$1$1$ax(path, new A._weaveParents__closure2(), type$.ComplexSelectorComponent_2);
83544 return A.List_List$of(t1, true, t1.$ti._eval$1("Iterable.E"));
83545 },
83546 $signature: 447
83547 };
83548 A._weaveParents__closure2.prototype = {
83549 call$1(group) {
83550 return group;
83551 },
83552 $signature: 448
83553 };
83554 A._mustUnify_closure0.prototype = {
83555 call$1(component) {
83556 return component instanceof A.CompoundSelector0 && B.JSArray_methods.any$1(component.components, new A._mustUnify__closure0(this.uniqueSelectors));
83557 },
83558 $signature: 116
83559 };
83560 A._mustUnify__closure0.prototype = {
83561 call$1(simple) {
83562 var t1;
83563 if (!(simple instanceof A.IDSelector0))
83564 t1 = simple instanceof A.PseudoSelector0 && !simple.isClass;
83565 else
83566 t1 = true;
83567 return t1 && this.uniqueSelectors.contains$1(0, simple);
83568 },
83569 $signature: 15
83570 };
83571 A.paths_closure0.prototype = {
83572 call$2(paths, choice) {
83573 var t1 = this.T;
83574 t1 = J.expand$1$1$ax(choice, new A.paths__closure0(paths, t1), t1._eval$1("List<0>"));
83575 return A.List_List$of(t1, true, t1.$ti._eval$1("Iterable.E"));
83576 },
83577 $signature() {
83578 return this.T._eval$1("List<List<0>>(List<List<0>>,List<0>)");
83579 }
83580 };
83581 A.paths__closure0.prototype = {
83582 call$1(option) {
83583 var t1 = this.T;
83584 return J.map$1$1$ax(this.paths, new A.paths___closure0(option, t1), t1._eval$1("List<0>"));
83585 },
83586 $signature() {
83587 return this.T._eval$1("Iterable<List<0>>(0)");
83588 }
83589 };
83590 A.paths___closure0.prototype = {
83591 call$1(path) {
83592 var t1 = A.List_List$of(path, true, this.T);
83593 t1.push(this.option);
83594 return t1;
83595 },
83596 $signature() {
83597 return this.T._eval$1("List<0>(List<0>)");
83598 }
83599 };
83600 A._hasRoot_closure0.prototype = {
83601 call$1(simple) {
83602 return simple instanceof A.PseudoSelector0 && simple.isClass && simple.normalizedName === "root";
83603 },
83604 $signature: 15
83605 };
83606 A.listIsSuperselector_closure0.prototype = {
83607 call$1(complex1) {
83608 return B.JSArray_methods.any$1(this.list1, new A.listIsSuperselector__closure0(complex1));
83609 },
83610 $signature: 20
83611 };
83612 A.listIsSuperselector__closure0.prototype = {
83613 call$1(complex2) {
83614 return A.complexIsSuperselector0(complex2.components, this.complex1.components);
83615 },
83616 $signature: 20
83617 };
83618 A._simpleIsSuperselectorOfCompound_closure0.prototype = {
83619 call$1(theirSimple) {
83620 var selector,
83621 t1 = this.simple;
83622 if (t1.$eq(0, theirSimple))
83623 return true;
83624 if (!(theirSimple instanceof A.PseudoSelector0))
83625 return false;
83626 selector = theirSimple.selector;
83627 if (selector == null)
83628 return false;
83629 if (!$._subselectorPseudos0.contains$1(0, theirSimple.normalizedName))
83630 return false;
83631 return B.JSArray_methods.every$1(selector.components, new A._simpleIsSuperselectorOfCompound__closure0(t1));
83632 },
83633 $signature: 15
83634 };
83635 A._simpleIsSuperselectorOfCompound__closure0.prototype = {
83636 call$1(complex) {
83637 var t1 = complex.components;
83638 if (t1.length !== 1)
83639 return false;
83640 return B.JSArray_methods.contains$1(type$.CompoundSelector_2._as(B.JSArray_methods.get$single(t1)).components, this.simple);
83641 },
83642 $signature: 20
83643 };
83644 A._selectorPseudoIsSuperselector_closure6.prototype = {
83645 call$1(selector2) {
83646 return A.listIsSuperselector0(this.selector1.components, selector2.components);
83647 },
83648 $signature: 78
83649 };
83650 A._selectorPseudoIsSuperselector_closure7.prototype = {
83651 call$1(complex1) {
83652 var t1 = complex1.components,
83653 t2 = A._setArrayType([], type$.JSArray_ComplexSelectorComponent_2),
83654 t3 = this.parents;
83655 if (t3 != null)
83656 B.JSArray_methods.addAll$1(t2, t3);
83657 t2.push(this.compound2);
83658 return A.complexIsSuperselector0(t1, t2);
83659 },
83660 $signature: 20
83661 };
83662 A._selectorPseudoIsSuperselector_closure8.prototype = {
83663 call$1(selector2) {
83664 return A.listIsSuperselector0(this.selector1.components, selector2.components);
83665 },
83666 $signature: 78
83667 };
83668 A._selectorPseudoIsSuperselector_closure9.prototype = {
83669 call$1(selector2) {
83670 return A.listIsSuperselector0(this.selector1.components, selector2.components);
83671 },
83672 $signature: 78
83673 };
83674 A._selectorPseudoIsSuperselector_closure10.prototype = {
83675 call$1(complex) {
83676 return B.JSArray_methods.any$1(this.compound2.components, new A._selectorPseudoIsSuperselector__closure0(complex, this.pseudo1));
83677 },
83678 $signature: 20
83679 };
83680 A._selectorPseudoIsSuperselector__closure0.prototype = {
83681 call$1(simple2) {
83682 var compound1, selector2, _this = this;
83683 if (simple2 instanceof A.TypeSelector0) {
83684 compound1 = B.JSArray_methods.get$last(_this.complex.components);
83685 return compound1 instanceof A.CompoundSelector0 && B.JSArray_methods.any$1(compound1.components, new A._selectorPseudoIsSuperselector___closure1(simple2));
83686 } else if (simple2 instanceof A.IDSelector0) {
83687 compound1 = B.JSArray_methods.get$last(_this.complex.components);
83688 return compound1 instanceof A.CompoundSelector0 && B.JSArray_methods.any$1(compound1.components, new A._selectorPseudoIsSuperselector___closure2(simple2));
83689 } else if (simple2 instanceof A.PseudoSelector0 && simple2.name === _this.pseudo1.name) {
83690 selector2 = simple2.selector;
83691 if (selector2 == null)
83692 return false;
83693 return A.listIsSuperselector0(selector2.components, A._setArrayType([_this.complex], type$.JSArray_ComplexSelector_2));
83694 } else
83695 return false;
83696 },
83697 $signature: 15
83698 };
83699 A._selectorPseudoIsSuperselector___closure1.prototype = {
83700 call$1(simple1) {
83701 var t1;
83702 if (simple1 instanceof A.TypeSelector0) {
83703 t1 = this.simple2.name.$eq(0, simple1.name);
83704 t1 = !t1;
83705 } else
83706 t1 = false;
83707 return t1;
83708 },
83709 $signature: 15
83710 };
83711 A._selectorPseudoIsSuperselector___closure2.prototype = {
83712 call$1(simple1) {
83713 var t1;
83714 if (simple1 instanceof A.IDSelector0) {
83715 t1 = simple1.name;
83716 t1 = this.simple2.name !== t1;
83717 } else
83718 t1 = false;
83719 return t1;
83720 },
83721 $signature: 15
83722 };
83723 A._selectorPseudoIsSuperselector_closure11.prototype = {
83724 call$1(selector2) {
83725 var t1 = B.C_ListEquality.equals$2(0, this.selector1.components, selector2.components);
83726 return t1;
83727 },
83728 $signature: 78
83729 };
83730 A._selectorPseudoIsSuperselector_closure12.prototype = {
83731 call$1(pseudo2) {
83732 var t1, selector2;
83733 if (!(pseudo2 instanceof A.PseudoSelector0))
83734 return false;
83735 t1 = this.pseudo1;
83736 if (pseudo2.name !== t1.name)
83737 return false;
83738 if (pseudo2.argument != t1.argument)
83739 return false;
83740 selector2 = pseudo2.selector;
83741 if (selector2 == null)
83742 return false;
83743 return A.listIsSuperselector0(this.selector1.components, selector2.components);
83744 },
83745 $signature: 15
83746 };
83747 A._selectorPseudoArgs_closure1.prototype = {
83748 call$1(pseudo) {
83749 return pseudo.isClass === this.isClass && pseudo.name === this.name;
83750 },
83751 $signature: 450
83752 };
83753 A._selectorPseudoArgs_closure2.prototype = {
83754 call$1(pseudo) {
83755 return pseudo.selector;
83756 },
83757 $signature: 451
83758 };
83759 A.globalFunctions_closure0.prototype = {
83760 call$1($arguments) {
83761 var t1 = J.getInterceptor$asx($arguments);
83762 return t1.$index($arguments, 0).get$isTruthy() ? t1.$index($arguments, 1) : t1.$index($arguments, 2);
83763 },
83764 $signature: 3
83765 };
83766 A.IDSelector0.prototype = {
83767 get$minSpecificity() {
83768 return A._asInt(Math.pow(A.SimpleSelector0.prototype.get$minSpecificity.call(this), 2));
83769 },
83770 accept$1$1(visitor) {
83771 var t1 = visitor._serialize0$_buffer;
83772 t1.writeCharCode$1(35);
83773 t1.write$1(0, this.name);
83774 return null;
83775 },
83776 accept$1(visitor) {
83777 return this.accept$1$1(visitor, type$.dynamic);
83778 },
83779 addSuffix$1(suffix) {
83780 return new A.IDSelector0(this.name + suffix);
83781 },
83782 unify$1(compound) {
83783 if (B.JSArray_methods.any$1(compound, new A.IDSelector_unify_closure0(this)))
83784 return null;
83785 return this.super$SimpleSelector$unify0(compound);
83786 },
83787 $eq(_, other) {
83788 if (other == null)
83789 return false;
83790 return other instanceof A.IDSelector0 && other.name === this.name;
83791 },
83792 get$hashCode(_) {
83793 return B.JSString_methods.get$hashCode(this.name);
83794 }
83795 };
83796 A.IDSelector_unify_closure0.prototype = {
83797 call$1(simple) {
83798 var t1;
83799 if (simple instanceof A.IDSelector0) {
83800 t1 = simple.name;
83801 t1 = this.$this.name !== t1;
83802 } else
83803 t1 = false;
83804 return t1;
83805 },
83806 $signature: 15
83807 };
83808 A.IfExpression0.prototype = {
83809 accept$1$1(visitor) {
83810 return visitor.visitIfExpression$1(this);
83811 },
83812 accept$1(visitor) {
83813 return this.accept$1$1(visitor, type$.dynamic);
83814 },
83815 toString$0(_) {
83816 return "if" + this.$arguments.toString$0(0);
83817 },
83818 $isExpression0: 1,
83819 $isAstNode0: 1,
83820 get$span(receiver) {
83821 return this.span;
83822 }
83823 };
83824 A.IfRule0.prototype = {
83825 accept$1$1(visitor) {
83826 return visitor.visitIfRule$1(this);
83827 },
83828 accept$1(visitor) {
83829 return this.accept$1$1(visitor, type$.dynamic);
83830 },
83831 toString$0(_) {
83832 var result = A.ListExtensions_mapIndexed(this.clauses, new A.IfRule_toString_closure0(), type$.IfClause_2, type$.String).join$1(0, " "),
83833 lastClause = this.lastClause;
83834 return lastClause != null ? result + (" " + lastClause.toString$0(0)) : result;
83835 },
83836 $isAstNode0: 1,
83837 $isStatement0: 1,
83838 get$span(receiver) {
83839 return this.span;
83840 }
83841 };
83842 A.IfRule_toString_closure0.prototype = {
83843 call$2(index, clause) {
83844 return "@" + (index === 0 ? "if" : "else if") + " {" + B.JSArray_methods.join$1(clause.children, " ") + "}";
83845 },
83846 $signature: 452
83847 };
83848 A.IfRuleClause0.prototype = {};
83849 A.IfRuleClause$__closure0.prototype = {
83850 call$1(child) {
83851 var t1;
83852 if (!(child instanceof A.VariableDeclaration0))
83853 if (!(child instanceof A.FunctionRule0))
83854 if (!(child instanceof A.MixinRule0))
83855 t1 = child instanceof A.ImportRule0 && B.JSArray_methods.any$1(child.imports, new A.IfRuleClause$___closure0());
83856 else
83857 t1 = true;
83858 else
83859 t1 = true;
83860 else
83861 t1 = true;
83862 return t1;
83863 },
83864 $signature: 226
83865 };
83866 A.IfRuleClause$___closure0.prototype = {
83867 call$1($import) {
83868 return $import instanceof A.DynamicImport0;
83869 },
83870 $signature: 227
83871 };
83872 A.IfClause0.prototype = {
83873 toString$0(_) {
83874 return "@if " + this.expression.toString$0(0) + " {" + B.JSArray_methods.join$1(this.children, " ") + "}";
83875 }
83876 };
83877 A.ElseClause0.prototype = {
83878 toString$0(_) {
83879 return "@else {" + B.JSArray_methods.join$1(this.children, " ") + "}";
83880 }
83881 };
83882 A.ImmutableList.prototype = {};
83883 A.ImmutableMap.prototype = {};
83884 A.immutableMapToDartMap_closure.prototype = {
83885 call$3(value, key, _) {
83886 this.dartMap.$indexSet(0, key, value);
83887 },
83888 "call*": "call$3",
83889 $requiredArgCount: 3,
83890 $signature: 455
83891 };
83892 A.NodeImporter.prototype = {
83893 loadRelative$3(url, previous, forImport) {
83894 var t1, t2, _null = null;
83895 if ($.$get$url().style.rootLength$1(url) > 0) {
83896 if (!B.JSString_methods.startsWith$1(url, "/") && !B.JSString_methods.startsWith$1(url, "file:"))
83897 return _null;
83898 return this._tryPath$2($.$get$context().style.pathFromUri$1(A._parseUri(url)), forImport);
83899 }
83900 if ((previous == null ? _null : previous.get$scheme()) !== "file")
83901 return _null;
83902 t1 = $.$get$context();
83903 t2 = t1.style;
83904 return this._tryPath$2(A.join(t1.dirname$1(t2.pathFromUri$1(A._parseUri(previous))), t2.pathFromUri$1(A._parseUri(url)), _null), forImport);
83905 },
83906 load$3(_, url, previous, forImport) {
83907 var t1, t2, t3, t4, t5, _i, importer, context, value, _this = this,
83908 previousString = _this._previousToString$1(previous);
83909 for (t1 = _this._implementation$_importers, t2 = t1.length, t3 = _this._implementation$_options, t4 = type$.RenderContextOptions, t5 = type$.JSArray_Object, _i = 0; _i < t2; ++_i) {
83910 importer = t1[_i];
83911 context = {options: t4._as(t3), fromImport: forImport};
83912 J.set$context$x(J.get$options$x(context), context);
83913 value = J.apply$2$x(importer, context, A._setArrayType([url, previousString], t5));
83914 if (value != null)
83915 return _this._handleImportResult$4(url, previous, value, forImport);
83916 }
83917 return _this._resolveLoadPathFromUrl$2(A.Uri_parse(url), forImport);
83918 },
83919 loadAsync$3(url, previous, forImport) {
83920 return this.loadAsync$body$NodeImporter(url, previous, forImport);
83921 },
83922 loadAsync$body$NodeImporter(url, previous, forImport) {
83923 var $async$goto = 0,
83924 $async$completer = A._makeAsyncAwaitCompleter(type$.nullable_Tuple2_String_String),
83925 $async$returnValue, $async$self = this, t1, t2, _i, value, previousString;
83926 var $async$loadAsync$3 = A._wrapJsFunctionForAsync(function($async$errorCode, $async$result) {
83927 if ($async$errorCode === 1)
83928 return A._asyncRethrow($async$result, $async$completer);
83929 while (true)
83930 switch ($async$goto) {
83931 case 0:
83932 // Function start
83933 previousString = $async$self._previousToString$1(previous);
83934 t1 = $async$self._implementation$_importers, t2 = t1.length, _i = 0;
83935 case 3:
83936 // for condition
83937 if (!(_i < t2)) {
83938 // goto after for
83939 $async$goto = 5;
83940 break;
83941 }
83942 $async$goto = 6;
83943 return A._asyncAwait($async$self._callImporterAsync$4(t1[_i], url, previousString, forImport), $async$loadAsync$3);
83944 case 6:
83945 // returning from await.
83946 value = $async$result;
83947 if (value != null) {
83948 $async$returnValue = $async$self._handleImportResult$4(url, previous, value, forImport);
83949 // goto return
83950 $async$goto = 1;
83951 break;
83952 }
83953 case 4:
83954 // for update
83955 ++_i;
83956 // goto for condition
83957 $async$goto = 3;
83958 break;
83959 case 5:
83960 // after for
83961 $async$returnValue = $async$self._resolveLoadPathFromUrl$2(A.Uri_parse(url), forImport);
83962 // goto return
83963 $async$goto = 1;
83964 break;
83965 case 1:
83966 // return
83967 return A._asyncReturn($async$returnValue, $async$completer);
83968 }
83969 });
83970 return A._asyncStartSync($async$loadAsync$3, $async$completer);
83971 },
83972 _previousToString$1(previous) {
83973 if (previous == null)
83974 return "stdin";
83975 if (previous.get$scheme() === "file")
83976 return $.$get$context().style.pathFromUri$1(A._parseUri(previous));
83977 return previous.toString$0(0);
83978 },
83979 _resolveLoadPathFromUrl$2(url, forImport) {
83980 return url.get$scheme() === "" || url.get$scheme() === "file" ? this._resolveLoadPath$2($.$get$context().style.pathFromUri$1(A._parseUri(url)), forImport) : null;
83981 },
83982 _resolveLoadPath$2(path, forImport) {
83983 var t2, t3, t4, t5, _i, parts, result, _null = null,
83984 t1 = $.$get$context(),
83985 cwdResult = this._tryPath$2(t1.absolute$7(path, _null, _null, _null, _null, _null, _null), forImport);
83986 if (cwdResult != null)
83987 return cwdResult;
83988 for (t2 = this._includePaths, t3 = t2.length, t4 = type$.JSArray_nullable_String, t5 = type$.WhereTypeIterable_String, _i = 0; _i < t3; ++_i) {
83989 parts = A._setArrayType([t2[_i], path, null, null, null, null, null, null], t4);
83990 A._validateArgList("join", parts);
83991 result = this._tryPath$2(t1.absolute$7(t1.joinAll$1(new A.WhereTypeIterable(parts, t5)), _null, _null, _null, _null, _null, _null), forImport);
83992 if (result != null)
83993 return result;
83994 }
83995 return _null;
83996 },
83997 _tryPath$2(path, forImport) {
83998 var t1;
83999 if (forImport) {
84000 t1 = type$.nullable_Object;
84001 t1 = A.runZoned(new A.NodeImporter__tryPath_closure(path), A.LinkedHashMap_LinkedHashMap$_literal([B.Symbol__inImportRule, true], t1, t1), type$.nullable_String);
84002 } else
84003 t1 = A.resolveImportPath0(path);
84004 return A.NullableExtension_andThen0(t1, new A.NodeImporter__tryPath_closure0());
84005 },
84006 _handleImportResult$4(url, previous, value, forImport) {
84007 var t1, file, contents, resolved;
84008 if (value instanceof self.Error)
84009 throw A.wrapException(value);
84010 if (!type$.NodeImporterResult_2._is(value))
84011 return null;
84012 t1 = J.getInterceptor$x(value);
84013 file = t1.get$file(value);
84014 contents = t1.get$contents(value);
84015 if (file == null) {
84016 t1 = contents == null ? "" : contents;
84017 return new A.Tuple2(t1, url, type$.Tuple2_String_String);
84018 } else if (contents != null)
84019 return new A.Tuple2(contents, $.$get$context().toUri$1(file).toString$0(0), type$.Tuple2_String_String);
84020 else {
84021 resolved = this.loadRelative$3($.$get$context().toUri$1(file).toString$0(0), previous, forImport);
84022 if (resolved == null)
84023 resolved = this._resolveLoadPath$2(file, forImport);
84024 if (resolved != null)
84025 return resolved;
84026 throw A.wrapException("Can't find stylesheet to import.");
84027 }
84028 },
84029 _callImporterAsync$4(importer, url, previousString, forImport) {
84030 return this._callImporterAsync$body$NodeImporter(importer, url, previousString, forImport);
84031 },
84032 _callImporterAsync$body$NodeImporter(importer, url, previousString, forImport) {
84033 var $async$goto = 0,
84034 $async$completer = A._makeAsyncAwaitCompleter(type$.nullable_Object),
84035 $async$returnValue, $async$self = this, t1, result;
84036 var $async$_callImporterAsync$4 = A._wrapJsFunctionForAsync(function($async$errorCode, $async$result) {
84037 if ($async$errorCode === 1)
84038 return A._asyncRethrow($async$result, $async$completer);
84039 while (true)
84040 switch ($async$goto) {
84041 case 0:
84042 // Function start
84043 t1 = new A._Future($.Zone__current, type$._Future_Object);
84044 result = J.apply$2$x(importer, $async$self._renderContext$1(forImport), A._setArrayType([url, previousString, A.allowInterop(new A._AsyncCompleter(t1, type$._AsyncCompleter_Object).get$complete())], type$.JSArray_Object));
84045 $async$goto = A._asBool($.$get$_isUndefined().call$1(result)) ? 3 : 4;
84046 break;
84047 case 3:
84048 // then
84049 $async$goto = 5;
84050 return A._asyncAwait(t1, $async$_callImporterAsync$4);
84051 case 5:
84052 // returning from await.
84053 $async$returnValue = $async$result;
84054 // goto return
84055 $async$goto = 1;
84056 break;
84057 case 4:
84058 // join
84059 $async$returnValue = result;
84060 // goto return
84061 $async$goto = 1;
84062 break;
84063 case 1:
84064 // return
84065 return A._asyncReturn($async$returnValue, $async$completer);
84066 }
84067 });
84068 return A._asyncStartSync($async$_callImporterAsync$4, $async$completer);
84069 },
84070 _renderContext$1(fromImport) {
84071 var context = {options: type$.RenderContextOptions._as(this._implementation$_options), fromImport: fromImport};
84072 J.set$context$x(J.get$options$x(context), context);
84073 return context;
84074 }
84075 };
84076 A.NodeImporter__tryPath_closure.prototype = {
84077 call$0() {
84078 return A.resolveImportPath0(this.path);
84079 },
84080 $signature: 42
84081 };
84082 A.NodeImporter__tryPath_closure0.prototype = {
84083 call$1(resolved) {
84084 return new A.Tuple2(A.readFile0(resolved), $.$get$context().toUri$1(resolved).toString$0(0), type$.Tuple2_String_String);
84085 },
84086 $signature: 456
84087 };
84088 A.ModifiableCssImport0.prototype = {
84089 accept$1$1(visitor) {
84090 return visitor.visitCssImport$1(this);
84091 },
84092 accept$1(visitor) {
84093 return this.accept$1$1(visitor, type$.dynamic);
84094 },
84095 $isCssImport0: 1,
84096 get$span(receiver) {
84097 return this.span;
84098 }
84099 };
84100 A.ImportCache0.prototype = {
84101 canonicalize$4$baseImporter$baseUrl$forImport(_, url, baseImporter, baseUrl, forImport) {
84102 var relativeResult, _this = this;
84103 if (baseImporter != null) {
84104 relativeResult = _this._import_cache$_relativeCanonicalizeCache.putIfAbsent$2(new A.Tuple4(url, forImport, baseImporter, baseUrl, type$.Tuple4_of_Uri_and_bool_and_Importer_and_nullable_Uri_2), new A.ImportCache_canonicalize_closure1(_this, baseUrl, url, baseImporter, forImport));
84105 if (relativeResult != null)
84106 return relativeResult;
84107 }
84108 return _this._import_cache$_canonicalizeCache.putIfAbsent$2(new A.Tuple2(url, forImport, type$.Tuple2_Uri_bool), new A.ImportCache_canonicalize_closure2(_this, url, forImport));
84109 },
84110 _import_cache$_canonicalize$3(importer, url, forImport) {
84111 var t1, result;
84112 if (forImport) {
84113 t1 = type$.nullable_Object;
84114 result = A.runZoned(new A.ImportCache__canonicalize_closure0(importer, url), A.LinkedHashMap_LinkedHashMap$_literal([B.Symbol__inImportRule, true], t1, t1), type$.nullable_Uri);
84115 } else
84116 result = importer.canonicalize$1(0, url);
84117 if ((result == null ? null : result.get$scheme()) === "")
84118 this._import_cache$_logger.warn$2$deprecation(0, "Importer " + importer.toString$0(0) + " canonicalized " + url.toString$0(0) + " to " + A.S(result) + string$.x2e_Rela, true);
84119 return result;
84120 },
84121 importCanonical$4$originalUrl$quiet(importer, canonicalUrl, originalUrl, quiet) {
84122 return this._import_cache$_importCache.putIfAbsent$2(canonicalUrl, new A.ImportCache_importCanonical_closure0(this, importer, canonicalUrl, originalUrl, quiet));
84123 },
84124 importCanonical$3$originalUrl(importer, canonicalUrl, originalUrl) {
84125 return this.importCanonical$4$originalUrl$quiet(importer, canonicalUrl, originalUrl, false);
84126 },
84127 humanize$1(canonicalUrl) {
84128 var t2, url,
84129 t1 = this._import_cache$_canonicalizeCache;
84130 t1 = A.IterableNullableExtension_whereNotNull(t1.get$values(t1), type$.Tuple3_Importer_Uri_Uri_2);
84131 t2 = t1.$ti;
84132 url = A.minBy(new A.MappedIterable(new A.WhereIterable(t1, new A.ImportCache_humanize_closure2(canonicalUrl), t2._eval$1("WhereIterable<Iterable.E>")), new A.ImportCache_humanize_closure3(), t2._eval$1("MappedIterable<Iterable.E,Uri>")), new A.ImportCache_humanize_closure4());
84133 if (url == null)
84134 return canonicalUrl;
84135 t1 = $.$get$url();
84136 return url.resolve$1(A.ParsedPath_ParsedPath$parse(canonicalUrl.get$path(canonicalUrl), t1.style).get$basename());
84137 },
84138 sourceMapUrl$1(_, canonicalUrl) {
84139 var t1 = this._import_cache$_resultsCache.$index(0, canonicalUrl);
84140 t1 = t1 == null ? null : t1.get$sourceMapUrl(t1);
84141 return t1 == null ? canonicalUrl : t1;
84142 }
84143 };
84144 A.ImportCache_canonicalize_closure1.prototype = {
84145 call$0() {
84146 var canonicalUrl, _this = this,
84147 t1 = _this.baseUrl,
84148 resolvedUrl = t1 == null ? null : t1.resolveUri$1(_this.url);
84149 if (resolvedUrl == null)
84150 resolvedUrl = _this.url;
84151 t1 = _this.baseImporter;
84152 canonicalUrl = _this.$this._import_cache$_canonicalize$3(t1, resolvedUrl, _this.forImport);
84153 if (canonicalUrl != null)
84154 return new A.Tuple3(t1, canonicalUrl, resolvedUrl, type$.Tuple3_Importer_Uri_Uri_2);
84155 },
84156 $signature: 228
84157 };
84158 A.ImportCache_canonicalize_closure2.prototype = {
84159 call$0() {
84160 var t1, t2, t3, t4, t5, _i, importer, canonicalUrl;
84161 for (t1 = this.$this, t2 = t1._import_cache$_importers, t3 = t2.length, t4 = this.url, t5 = this.forImport, _i = 0; _i < t2.length; t2.length === t3 || (0, A.throwConcurrentModificationError)(t2), ++_i) {
84162 importer = t2[_i];
84163 canonicalUrl = t1._import_cache$_canonicalize$3(importer, t4, t5);
84164 if (canonicalUrl != null)
84165 return new A.Tuple3(importer, canonicalUrl, t4, type$.Tuple3_Importer_Uri_Uri_2);
84166 }
84167 return null;
84168 },
84169 $signature: 228
84170 };
84171 A.ImportCache__canonicalize_closure0.prototype = {
84172 call$0() {
84173 return this.importer.canonicalize$1(0, this.url);
84174 },
84175 $signature: 185
84176 };
84177 A.ImportCache_importCanonical_closure0.prototype = {
84178 call$0() {
84179 var t2, t3, t4, _this = this,
84180 t1 = _this.canonicalUrl,
84181 result = _this.importer.load$1(0, t1);
84182 if (result == null)
84183 return null;
84184 t2 = _this.$this;
84185 t2._import_cache$_resultsCache.$indexSet(0, t1, result);
84186 t3 = result.contents;
84187 t4 = result.syntax;
84188 t1 = _this.originalUrl.resolveUri$1(t1);
84189 return A.Stylesheet_Stylesheet$parse0(t3, t4, _this.quiet ? $.$get$Logger_quiet0() : t2._import_cache$_logger, t1);
84190 },
84191 $signature: 458
84192 };
84193 A.ImportCache_humanize_closure2.prototype = {
84194 call$1(tuple) {
84195 return tuple.item2.$eq(0, this.canonicalUrl);
84196 },
84197 $signature: 459
84198 };
84199 A.ImportCache_humanize_closure3.prototype = {
84200 call$1(tuple) {
84201 return tuple.item3;
84202 },
84203 $signature: 460
84204 };
84205 A.ImportCache_humanize_closure4.prototype = {
84206 call$1(url) {
84207 return url.get$path(url).length;
84208 },
84209 $signature: 74
84210 };
84211 A.ImportRule0.prototype = {
84212 accept$1$1(visitor) {
84213 return visitor.visitImportRule$1(this);
84214 },
84215 accept$1(visitor) {
84216 return this.accept$1$1(visitor, type$.dynamic);
84217 },
84218 toString$0(_) {
84219 return "@import " + B.JSArray_methods.join$1(this.imports, ", ") + ";";
84220 },
84221 $isAstNode0: 1,
84222 $isStatement0: 1,
84223 get$span(receiver) {
84224 return this.span;
84225 }
84226 };
84227 A.NodeImporter0.prototype = {};
84228 A.CanonicalizeOptions.prototype = {};
84229 A.NodeImporterResult0.prototype = {};
84230 A.Importer0.prototype = {};
84231 A.NodeImporterResult1.prototype = {};
84232 A.IncludeRule0.prototype = {
84233 get$spanWithoutContent() {
84234 var t2, t3,
84235 t1 = this.span;
84236 if (!(this.content == null)) {
84237 t2 = t1.file;
84238 t3 = this.$arguments.span;
84239 t3 = A.SpanExtensions_trimRight0(A.SpanExtensions_trimLeft0(t2.span$2(0, A.FileLocation$_(t2, t1._file$_start).offset, A.FileLocation$_(t3.file, t3._end).offset)));
84240 t1 = t3;
84241 }
84242 return t1;
84243 },
84244 accept$1$1(visitor) {
84245 return visitor.visitIncludeRule$1(this);
84246 },
84247 accept$1(visitor) {
84248 return this.accept$1$1(visitor, type$.dynamic);
84249 },
84250 toString$0(_) {
84251 var t2, _this = this,
84252 t1 = _this.namespace;
84253 t1 = t1 != null ? "@include " + (t1 + ".") : "@include ";
84254 t1 += _this.name;
84255 t2 = _this.$arguments;
84256 if (!t2.get$isEmpty(t2))
84257 t1 += "(" + t2.toString$0(0) + ")";
84258 t2 = _this.content;
84259 t1 += t2 == null ? ";" : " " + t2.toString$0(0);
84260 return t1.charCodeAt(0) == 0 ? t1 : t1;
84261 },
84262 $isAstNode0: 1,
84263 $isStatement0: 1,
84264 get$span(receiver) {
84265 return this.span;
84266 }
84267 };
84268 A.InterpolatedFunctionExpression0.prototype = {
84269 accept$1$1(visitor) {
84270 return visitor.visitInterpolatedFunctionExpression$1(this);
84271 },
84272 accept$1(visitor) {
84273 return this.accept$1$1(visitor, type$.dynamic);
84274 },
84275 toString$0(_) {
84276 return this.name.toString$0(0) + this.$arguments.toString$0(0);
84277 },
84278 $isExpression0: 1,
84279 $isAstNode0: 1,
84280 get$span(receiver) {
84281 return this.span;
84282 }
84283 };
84284 A.Interpolation0.prototype = {
84285 get$asPlain() {
84286 var first,
84287 t1 = this.contents,
84288 t2 = t1.length;
84289 if (t2 === 0)
84290 return "";
84291 if (t2 > 1)
84292 return null;
84293 first = B.JSArray_methods.get$first(t1);
84294 return typeof first == "string" ? first : null;
84295 },
84296 get$initialPlain() {
84297 var first = B.JSArray_methods.get$first(this.contents);
84298 return typeof first == "string" ? first : "";
84299 },
84300 Interpolation$20(contents, span) {
84301 var t1, t2, t3, i, t4, t5,
84302 _s8_ = "contents";
84303 for (t1 = this.contents, t2 = t1.length, t3 = type$.Expression_2, i = 0; i < t2; ++i) {
84304 t4 = t1[i];
84305 t5 = typeof t4 == "string";
84306 if (!t5 && !t3._is(t4))
84307 throw A.wrapException(A.ArgumentError$value(t1, _s8_, string$.May_on));
84308 if (i !== 0 && typeof t1[i - 1] == "string" && t5)
84309 throw A.wrapException(A.ArgumentError$value(t1, _s8_, "May not contain adjacent Strings."));
84310 }
84311 },
84312 toString$0(_) {
84313 var t1 = this.contents;
84314 return new A.MappedListIterable(t1, new A.Interpolation_toString_closure0(), A._arrayInstanceType(t1)._eval$1("MappedListIterable<1,String>")).join$0(0);
84315 },
84316 $isAstNode0: 1,
84317 get$span(receiver) {
84318 return this.span;
84319 }
84320 };
84321 A.Interpolation_toString_closure0.prototype = {
84322 call$1(value) {
84323 return typeof value == "string" ? value : "#{" + A.S(value) + "}";
84324 },
84325 $signature: 47
84326 };
84327 A.SupportsInterpolation0.prototype = {
84328 toString$0(_) {
84329 return "#{" + this.expression.toString$0(0) + "}";
84330 },
84331 $isAstNode0: 1,
84332 $isSupportsCondition0: 1,
84333 get$span(receiver) {
84334 return this.span;
84335 }
84336 };
84337 A.InterpolationBuffer0.prototype = {
84338 writeCharCode$1(character) {
84339 this._interpolation_buffer0$_text._contents += A.Primitives_stringFromCharCode(character);
84340 return null;
84341 },
84342 add$1(_, expression) {
84343 this._interpolation_buffer0$_flushText$0();
84344 this._interpolation_buffer0$_contents.push(expression);
84345 },
84346 addInterpolation$1(interpolation) {
84347 var first, t1, _this = this,
84348 toAdd = interpolation.contents;
84349 if (toAdd.length === 0)
84350 return;
84351 first = B.JSArray_methods.get$first(toAdd);
84352 if (typeof first == "string") {
84353 _this._interpolation_buffer0$_text._contents += first;
84354 toAdd = A.SubListIterable$(toAdd, 1, null, A._arrayInstanceType(toAdd)._precomputed1);
84355 }
84356 _this._interpolation_buffer0$_flushText$0();
84357 t1 = _this._interpolation_buffer0$_contents;
84358 B.JSArray_methods.addAll$1(t1, toAdd);
84359 if (typeof B.JSArray_methods.get$last(t1) == "string")
84360 _this._interpolation_buffer0$_text._contents += A.S(t1.pop());
84361 },
84362 _interpolation_buffer0$_flushText$0() {
84363 var t1 = this._interpolation_buffer0$_text,
84364 t2 = t1._contents;
84365 if (t2.length === 0)
84366 return;
84367 this._interpolation_buffer0$_contents.push(t2.charCodeAt(0) == 0 ? t2 : t2);
84368 t1._contents = "";
84369 },
84370 interpolation$1(span) {
84371 var t1 = A.List_List$of(this._interpolation_buffer0$_contents, true, type$.Object),
84372 t2 = this._interpolation_buffer0$_text._contents;
84373 if (t2.length !== 0)
84374 t1.push(t2.charCodeAt(0) == 0 ? t2 : t2);
84375 return A.Interpolation$0(t1, span);
84376 },
84377 toString$0(_) {
84378 var t1, t2, _i, t3, element;
84379 for (t1 = this._interpolation_buffer0$_contents, t2 = t1.length, _i = 0, t3 = ""; _i < t1.length; t1.length === t2 || (0, A.throwConcurrentModificationError)(t1), ++_i) {
84380 element = t1[_i];
84381 t3 = typeof element == "string" ? t3 + element : t3 + "#{" + A.S(element) + A.Primitives_stringFromCharCode(125);
84382 }
84383 t1 = t3 + this._interpolation_buffer0$_text.toString$0(0);
84384 return t1.charCodeAt(0) == 0 ? t1 : t1;
84385 }
84386 };
84387 A._realCasePath_helper0.prototype = {
84388 call$1(path) {
84389 var dirname = $.$get$context().dirname$1(path);
84390 if (dirname === path)
84391 return path;
84392 return $._realCaseCache0.putIfAbsent$2(path, new A._realCasePath_helper_closure0(this, dirname, path));
84393 },
84394 $signature: 5
84395 };
84396 A._realCasePath_helper_closure0.prototype = {
84397 call$0() {
84398 var matches, t2, exception,
84399 realDirname = this.helper.call$1(this.dirname),
84400 t1 = this.path,
84401 basename = A.ParsedPath_ParsedPath$parse(t1, $.$get$context().style).get$basename();
84402 try {
84403 matches = J.where$1$ax(A.listDir0(realDirname), new A._realCasePath_helper__closure0(basename)).toList$0(0);
84404 t2 = J.get$length$asx(matches) !== 1 ? A.join(realDirname, basename, null) : J.$index$asx(matches, 0);
84405 return t2;
84406 } catch (exception) {
84407 if (A.unwrapException(exception) instanceof A.FileSystemException0)
84408 return t1;
84409 else
84410 throw exception;
84411 }
84412 },
84413 $signature: 30
84414 };
84415 A._realCasePath_helper__closure0.prototype = {
84416 call$1(realPath) {
84417 return A.equalsIgnoreCase0(A.ParsedPath_ParsedPath$parse(realPath, $.$get$context().style).get$basename(), this.basename);
84418 },
84419 $signature: 6
84420 };
84421 A.ModifiableCssKeyframeBlock0.prototype = {
84422 accept$1$1(visitor) {
84423 return visitor.visitCssKeyframeBlock$1(this);
84424 },
84425 accept$1(visitor) {
84426 return this.accept$1$1(visitor, type$.dynamic);
84427 },
84428 copyWithoutChildren$0() {
84429 return A.ModifiableCssKeyframeBlock$0(this.selector, this.span);
84430 },
84431 get$span(receiver) {
84432 return this.span;
84433 }
84434 };
84435 A.KeyframeSelectorParser0.prototype = {
84436 parse$0() {
84437 return this.wrapSpanFormatException$1(new A.KeyframeSelectorParser_parse_closure0(this));
84438 },
84439 _keyframe_selector$_percentage$0() {
84440 var t3, next,
84441 t1 = this.scanner,
84442 t2 = t1.scanChar$1(43) ? "" + A.Primitives_stringFromCharCode(43) : "",
84443 second = t1.peekChar$0();
84444 if (!A.isDigit0(second) && second !== 46)
84445 t1.error$1(0, "Expected number.");
84446 while (true) {
84447 t3 = t1.peekChar$0();
84448 if (!(t3 != null && t3 >= 48 && t3 <= 57))
84449 break;
84450 t2 += A.Primitives_stringFromCharCode(t1.readChar$0());
84451 }
84452 if (t1.peekChar$0() === 46) {
84453 t2 += A.Primitives_stringFromCharCode(t1.readChar$0());
84454 while (true) {
84455 t3 = t1.peekChar$0();
84456 if (!(t3 != null && t3 >= 48 && t3 <= 57))
84457 break;
84458 t2 += A.Primitives_stringFromCharCode(t1.readChar$0());
84459 }
84460 }
84461 if (this.scanIdentChar$1(101)) {
84462 t2 += A.Primitives_stringFromCharCode(101);
84463 next = t1.peekChar$0();
84464 if (next === 43 || next === 45)
84465 t2 += A.Primitives_stringFromCharCode(t1.readChar$0());
84466 if (!A.isDigit0(t1.peekChar$0()))
84467 t1.error$1(0, "Expected digit.");
84468 while (true) {
84469 t3 = t1.peekChar$0();
84470 if (!(t3 != null && t3 >= 48 && t3 <= 57))
84471 break;
84472 t2 += A.Primitives_stringFromCharCode(t1.readChar$0());
84473 }
84474 }
84475 t1.expectChar$1(37);
84476 t2 += A.Primitives_stringFromCharCode(37);
84477 return t2.charCodeAt(0) == 0 ? t2 : t2;
84478 }
84479 };
84480 A.KeyframeSelectorParser_parse_closure0.prototype = {
84481 call$0() {
84482 var selectors = A._setArrayType([], type$.JSArray_String),
84483 t1 = this.$this,
84484 t2 = t1.scanner;
84485 do {
84486 t1.whitespace$0();
84487 if (t1.lookingAtIdentifier$0())
84488 if (t1.scanIdentifier$1("from"))
84489 selectors.push("from");
84490 else {
84491 t1.expectIdentifier$2$name("to", '"to" or "from"');
84492 selectors.push("to");
84493 }
84494 else
84495 selectors.push(t1._keyframe_selector$_percentage$0());
84496 t1.whitespace$0();
84497 } while (t2.scanChar$1(44));
84498 t2.expectDone$0();
84499 return selectors;
84500 },
84501 $signature: 48
84502 };
84503 A.render_closure.prototype = {
84504 call$0() {
84505 var error, exception;
84506 try {
84507 this.callback.call$2(null, A.renderSync(this.options));
84508 } catch (exception) {
84509 error = A.unwrapException(exception);
84510 this.callback.call$2(error, null);
84511 }
84512 return null;
84513 },
84514 $signature: 1
84515 };
84516 A.render_closure0.prototype = {
84517 call$1(result) {
84518 this.callback.call$2(null, result);
84519 },
84520 $signature: 461
84521 };
84522 A.render_closure1.prototype = {
84523 call$2(error, stackTrace) {
84524 var t2, t3, _null = null,
84525 t1 = this.callback;
84526 if (error instanceof A.SassException0)
84527 t1.call$2(A._wrapException(error, stackTrace), _null);
84528 else {
84529 t2 = J.toString$0$(error);
84530 t3 = A.getTrace0(error);
84531 t1.call$2(A._newRenderError(t2, t3 == null ? stackTrace : t3, _null, _null, _null, 3), _null);
84532 }
84533 },
84534 $signature: 68
84535 };
84536 A._parseFunctions_closure.prototype = {
84537 call$2(signature, callback) {
84538 var error, stackTrace, exception, t1, t2, context, fiber, _this = this, tuple = null;
84539 try {
84540 tuple = A.ScssParser$0(signature, null, null).parseSignature$1$requireParens(false);
84541 } catch (exception) {
84542 t1 = A.unwrapException(exception);
84543 if (t1 instanceof A.SassFormatException0) {
84544 error = t1;
84545 stackTrace = A.getTraceFromException(exception);
84546 t1 = error;
84547 t2 = J.getInterceptor$z(t1);
84548 A.throwWithTrace0(new A.SassFormatException0('Invalid signature "' + signature + '": ' + error._span_exception$_message, A.SourceSpanException.prototype.get$span.call(t2, t1)), stackTrace);
84549 } else
84550 throw exception;
84551 }
84552 t1 = _this.options;
84553 context = {options: A._contextOptions(t1, _this.start)};
84554 J.set$context$x(J.get$options$x(context), context);
84555 fiber = J.get$fiber$x(t1);
84556 if (fiber != null)
84557 _this.result.push(A.BuiltInCallable$parsed(tuple.item1, tuple.item2, new A._parseFunctions__closure(fiber, callback, context)));
84558 else {
84559 t1 = _this.result;
84560 if (!_this.asynch)
84561 t1.push(A.BuiltInCallable$parsed(tuple.item1, tuple.item2, new A._parseFunctions__closure0(callback, context)));
84562 else
84563 t1.push(new A.AsyncBuiltInCallable0(tuple.item1, tuple.item2, new A._parseFunctions__closure1(callback, context)));
84564 }
84565 },
84566 $signature: 117
84567 };
84568 A._parseFunctions__closure.prototype = {
84569 call$1($arguments) {
84570 var result,
84571 t1 = this.fiber,
84572 currentFiber = J.get$current$x(t1),
84573 t2 = type$.Object;
84574 t2 = A.List_List$of(J.map$1$1$ax($arguments, A.value1__wrapValue$closure(), t2), true, t2);
84575 t2.push(A.allowInterop(new A._parseFunctions___closure0(currentFiber)));
84576 result = J.apply$2$x(type$.JSFunction._as(this.callback), this.context, t2);
84577 return A.unwrapValue(A._asBool($.$get$_isUndefined().call$1(result)) ? A.runZoned(new A._parseFunctions___closure1(t1), null, type$.nullable_Object) : result);
84578 },
84579 $signature: 3
84580 };
84581 A._parseFunctions___closure0.prototype = {
84582 call$1(result) {
84583 A.scheduleMicrotask(new A._parseFunctions____closure(this.currentFiber, result));
84584 },
84585 call$0() {
84586 return this.call$1(null);
84587 },
84588 "call*": "call$1",
84589 $requiredArgCount: 0,
84590 $defaultValues() {
84591 return [null];
84592 },
84593 $signature: 87
84594 };
84595 A._parseFunctions____closure.prototype = {
84596 call$0() {
84597 return J.run$1$x(this.currentFiber, this.result);
84598 },
84599 $signature: 0
84600 };
84601 A._parseFunctions___closure1.prototype = {
84602 call$0() {
84603 return J.yield$0$x(this.fiber);
84604 },
84605 $signature: 85
84606 };
84607 A._parseFunctions__closure0.prototype = {
84608 call$1($arguments) {
84609 return A.unwrapValue(J.apply$2$x(type$.JSFunction._as(this.callback), this.context, J.map$1$1$ax($arguments, A.value1__wrapValue$closure(), type$.Object).toList$0(0)));
84610 },
84611 $signature: 3
84612 };
84613 A._parseFunctions__closure1.prototype = {
84614 call$1($arguments) {
84615 return this.$call$body$_parseFunctions__closure($arguments);
84616 },
84617 $call$body$_parseFunctions__closure($arguments) {
84618 var $async$goto = 0,
84619 $async$completer = A._makeAsyncAwaitCompleter(type$.Value_2),
84620 $async$returnValue, $async$self = this, result, t1, t2, $async$temp1;
84621 var $async$call$1 = A._wrapJsFunctionForAsync(function($async$errorCode, $async$result) {
84622 if ($async$errorCode === 1)
84623 return A._asyncRethrow($async$result, $async$completer);
84624 while (true)
84625 switch ($async$goto) {
84626 case 0:
84627 // Function start
84628 t1 = new A._Future($.Zone__current, type$._Future_nullable_Object);
84629 t2 = type$.Object;
84630 t2 = A.List_List$of(J.map$1$1$ax($arguments, A.value1__wrapValue$closure(), t2), true, t2);
84631 t2.push(A.allowInterop(new A._parseFunctions___closure(new A._AsyncCompleter(t1, type$._AsyncCompleter_nullable_Object))));
84632 result = J.apply$2$x(type$.JSFunction._as($async$self.callback), $async$self.context, t2);
84633 $async$temp1 = A;
84634 $async$goto = A._asBool($.$get$_isUndefined().call$1(result)) ? 3 : 5;
84635 break;
84636 case 3:
84637 // then
84638 $async$goto = 6;
84639 return A._asyncAwait(t1, $async$call$1);
84640 case 6:
84641 // returning from await.
84642 // goto join
84643 $async$goto = 4;
84644 break;
84645 case 5:
84646 // else
84647 $async$result = result;
84648 case 4:
84649 // join
84650 $async$returnValue = $async$temp1.unwrapValue($async$result);
84651 // goto return
84652 $async$goto = 1;
84653 break;
84654 case 1:
84655 // return
84656 return A._asyncReturn($async$returnValue, $async$completer);
84657 }
84658 });
84659 return A._asyncStartSync($async$call$1, $async$completer);
84660 },
84661 $signature: 93
84662 };
84663 A._parseFunctions___closure.prototype = {
84664 call$1(result) {
84665 return this.completer.complete$1(result);
84666 },
84667 call$0() {
84668 return this.call$1(null);
84669 },
84670 "call*": "call$1",
84671 $requiredArgCount: 0,
84672 $defaultValues() {
84673 return [null];
84674 },
84675 $signature: 225
84676 };
84677 A._parseImporter_closure.prototype = {
84678 call$1(importer) {
84679 return type$.JSFunction._as(A.allowInteropCaptureThis(new A._parseImporter__closure(this.fiber, importer)));
84680 },
84681 $signature: 462
84682 };
84683 A._parseImporter__closure.prototype = {
84684 call$4(thisArg, url, previous, _) {
84685 var t1 = this.fiber,
84686 result = J.apply$2$x(this.importer, thisArg, A._setArrayType([url, previous, A.allowInterop(new A._parseImporter___closure(J.get$current$x(t1)))], type$.JSArray_Object));
84687 if (A._asBool($.$get$_isUndefined().call$1(result)))
84688 return A.runZoned(new A._parseImporter___closure0(t1), null, type$.Object);
84689 return result;
84690 },
84691 call$3(thisArg, url, previous) {
84692 return this.call$4(thisArg, url, previous, null);
84693 },
84694 "call*": "call$4",
84695 $requiredArgCount: 3,
84696 $defaultValues() {
84697 return [null];
84698 },
84699 $signature: 463
84700 };
84701 A._parseImporter___closure.prototype = {
84702 call$1(result) {
84703 A.scheduleMicrotask(new A._parseImporter____closure(this.currentFiber, result));
84704 },
84705 $signature: 464
84706 };
84707 A._parseImporter____closure.prototype = {
84708 call$0() {
84709 return J.run$1$x(this.currentFiber, this.result);
84710 },
84711 $signature: 0
84712 };
84713 A._parseImporter___closure0.prototype = {
84714 call$0() {
84715 return J.yield$0$x(this.fiber);
84716 },
84717 $signature: 85
84718 };
84719 A.LimitedMapView0.prototype = {
84720 get$keys(_) {
84721 return this._limited_map_view0$_keys;
84722 },
84723 get$length(_) {
84724 return this._limited_map_view0$_keys._collection$_length;
84725 },
84726 get$isEmpty(_) {
84727 return this._limited_map_view0$_keys._collection$_length === 0;
84728 },
84729 get$isNotEmpty(_) {
84730 return this._limited_map_view0$_keys._collection$_length !== 0;
84731 },
84732 $index(_, key) {
84733 return this._limited_map_view0$_keys.contains$1(0, key) ? this._limited_map_view0$_map.$index(0, key) : null;
84734 },
84735 containsKey$1(key) {
84736 return this._limited_map_view0$_keys.contains$1(0, key);
84737 },
84738 remove$1(_, key) {
84739 return this._limited_map_view0$_keys.contains$1(0, key) ? this._limited_map_view0$_map.remove$1(0, key) : null;
84740 }
84741 };
84742 A.ListExpression0.prototype = {
84743 accept$1$1(visitor) {
84744 return visitor.visitListExpression$1(this);
84745 },
84746 accept$1(visitor) {
84747 return this.accept$1$1(visitor, type$.dynamic);
84748 },
84749 toString$0(_) {
84750 var _this = this,
84751 t1 = _this.hasBrackets,
84752 t2 = t1 ? "" + A.Primitives_stringFromCharCode(91) : "",
84753 t3 = _this.contents,
84754 t4 = _this.separator === B.ListSeparator_kWM0 ? ", " : " ";
84755 t4 = t2 + new A.MappedListIterable(t3, new A.ListExpression_toString_closure0(_this), A._arrayInstanceType(t3)._eval$1("MappedListIterable<1,String>")).join$1(0, t4);
84756 t1 = t1 ? t4 + A.Primitives_stringFromCharCode(93) : t4;
84757 return t1.charCodeAt(0) == 0 ? t1 : t1;
84758 },
84759 _list3$_elementNeedsParens$1(expression) {
84760 var t1, t2;
84761 if (expression instanceof A.ListExpression0) {
84762 if (expression.contents.length < 2)
84763 return false;
84764 if (expression.hasBrackets)
84765 return false;
84766 t1 = this.separator;
84767 t2 = t1 === B.ListSeparator_kWM0;
84768 return t2 ? t2 : t1 !== B.ListSeparator_undecided_null0;
84769 }
84770 if (this.separator !== B.ListSeparator_woc0)
84771 return false;
84772 if (expression instanceof A.UnaryOperationExpression0) {
84773 t1 = expression.operator;
84774 return t1 === B.UnaryOperator_j2w0 || t1 === B.UnaryOperator_U4G0;
84775 }
84776 return false;
84777 },
84778 $isExpression0: 1,
84779 $isAstNode0: 1,
84780 get$span(receiver) {
84781 return this.span;
84782 }
84783 };
84784 A.ListExpression_toString_closure0.prototype = {
84785 call$1(element) {
84786 return this.$this._list3$_elementNeedsParens$1(element) ? "(" + element.toString$0(0) + ")" : element.toString$0(0);
84787 },
84788 $signature: 130
84789 };
84790 A._length_closure2.prototype = {
84791 call$1($arguments) {
84792 var t1 = J.$index$asx($arguments, 0).get$asList().length;
84793 return new A.UnitlessSassNumber0(t1, null);
84794 },
84795 $signature: 10
84796 };
84797 A._nth_closure0.prototype = {
84798 call$1($arguments) {
84799 var t1 = J.getInterceptor$asx($arguments),
84800 list = t1.$index($arguments, 0),
84801 index = t1.$index($arguments, 1);
84802 return list.get$asList()[list.sassIndexToListIndex$2(index, "n")];
84803 },
84804 $signature: 3
84805 };
84806 A._setNth_closure0.prototype = {
84807 call$1($arguments) {
84808 var t1 = J.getInterceptor$asx($arguments),
84809 list = t1.$index($arguments, 0),
84810 index = t1.$index($arguments, 1),
84811 value = t1.$index($arguments, 2),
84812 t2 = list.get$asList(),
84813 newList = A._setArrayType(t2.slice(0), A._arrayInstanceType(t2));
84814 newList[list.sassIndexToListIndex$2(index, "n")] = value;
84815 return t1.$index($arguments, 0).withListContents$1(newList);
84816 },
84817 $signature: 22
84818 };
84819 A._join_closure0.prototype = {
84820 call$1($arguments) {
84821 var separator, bracketed,
84822 t1 = J.getInterceptor$asx($arguments),
84823 list1 = t1.$index($arguments, 0),
84824 list2 = t1.$index($arguments, 1),
84825 separatorParam = t1.$index($arguments, 2).assertString$1("separator"),
84826 bracketedParam = t1.$index($arguments, 3);
84827 t1 = separatorParam._string0$_text;
84828 if (t1 === "auto")
84829 if (list1.get$separator(list1) !== B.ListSeparator_undecided_null0)
84830 separator = list1.get$separator(list1);
84831 else
84832 separator = list2.get$separator(list2) !== B.ListSeparator_undecided_null0 ? list2.get$separator(list2) : B.ListSeparator_woc0;
84833 else if (t1 === "space")
84834 separator = B.ListSeparator_woc0;
84835 else if (t1 === "comma")
84836 separator = B.ListSeparator_kWM0;
84837 else {
84838 if (t1 !== "slash")
84839 throw A.wrapException(A.SassScriptException$0(string$.x24separ));
84840 separator = B.ListSeparator_1gm0;
84841 }
84842 bracketed = bracketedParam instanceof A.SassString0 && bracketedParam._string0$_text === "auto" ? list1.get$hasBrackets() : bracketedParam.get$isTruthy();
84843 t1 = A.List_List$of(list1.get$asList(), true, type$.Value_2);
84844 B.JSArray_methods.addAll$1(t1, list2.get$asList());
84845 return A.SassList$0(t1, separator, bracketed);
84846 },
84847 $signature: 22
84848 };
84849 A._append_closure2.prototype = {
84850 call$1($arguments) {
84851 var separator,
84852 t1 = J.getInterceptor$asx($arguments),
84853 list = t1.$index($arguments, 0),
84854 value = t1.$index($arguments, 1);
84855 t1 = t1.$index($arguments, 2).assertString$1("separator")._string0$_text;
84856 if (t1 === "auto")
84857 separator = list.get$separator(list) === B.ListSeparator_undecided_null0 ? B.ListSeparator_woc0 : list.get$separator(list);
84858 else if (t1 === "space")
84859 separator = B.ListSeparator_woc0;
84860 else if (t1 === "comma")
84861 separator = B.ListSeparator_kWM0;
84862 else {
84863 if (t1 !== "slash")
84864 throw A.wrapException(A.SassScriptException$0(string$.x24separ));
84865 separator = B.ListSeparator_1gm0;
84866 }
84867 t1 = A.List_List$of(list.get$asList(), true, type$.Value_2);
84868 t1.push(value);
84869 return list.withListContents$2$separator(t1, separator);
84870 },
84871 $signature: 22
84872 };
84873 A._zip_closure0.prototype = {
84874 call$1($arguments) {
84875 var results, result, _box_0 = {},
84876 t1 = J.$index$asx($arguments, 0).get$asList(),
84877 t2 = A._arrayInstanceType(t1)._eval$1("MappedListIterable<1,List<Value0>>"),
84878 lists = A.List_List$of(new A.MappedListIterable(t1, new A._zip__closure2(), t2), true, t2._eval$1("ListIterable.E"));
84879 if (lists.length === 0)
84880 return B.SassList_yfz0;
84881 _box_0.i = 0;
84882 results = A._setArrayType([], type$.JSArray_SassList_2);
84883 for (t1 = A._arrayInstanceType(lists)._eval$1("MappedListIterable<1,Value0>"), t2 = type$.Value_2; B.JSArray_methods.every$1(lists, new A._zip__closure3(_box_0));) {
84884 result = A.List_List$from(new A.MappedListIterable(lists, new A._zip__closure4(_box_0), t1), false, t2);
84885 result.fixed$length = Array;
84886 result.immutable$list = Array;
84887 results.push(new A.SassList0(result, B.ListSeparator_woc0, false));
84888 ++_box_0.i;
84889 }
84890 return A.SassList$0(results, B.ListSeparator_kWM0, false);
84891 },
84892 $signature: 22
84893 };
84894 A._zip__closure2.prototype = {
84895 call$1(list) {
84896 return list.get$asList();
84897 },
84898 $signature: 466
84899 };
84900 A._zip__closure3.prototype = {
84901 call$1(list) {
84902 return this._box_0.i !== J.get$length$asx(list);
84903 },
84904 $signature: 467
84905 };
84906 A._zip__closure4.prototype = {
84907 call$1(list) {
84908 return J.$index$asx(list, this._box_0.i);
84909 },
84910 $signature: 3
84911 };
84912 A._index_closure2.prototype = {
84913 call$1($arguments) {
84914 var t1 = J.getInterceptor$asx($arguments),
84915 index = B.JSArray_methods.indexOf$1(t1.$index($arguments, 0).get$asList(), t1.$index($arguments, 1));
84916 if (index === -1)
84917 t1 = B.C__SassNull0;
84918 else
84919 t1 = new A.UnitlessSassNumber0(index + 1, null);
84920 return t1;
84921 },
84922 $signature: 3
84923 };
84924 A._separator_closure0.prototype = {
84925 call$1($arguments) {
84926 switch (J.get$separator$x(J.$index$asx($arguments, 0))) {
84927 case B.ListSeparator_kWM0:
84928 return new A.SassString0("comma", false);
84929 case B.ListSeparator_1gm0:
84930 return new A.SassString0("slash", false);
84931 default:
84932 return new A.SassString0("space", false);
84933 }
84934 },
84935 $signature: 14
84936 };
84937 A._isBracketed_closure0.prototype = {
84938 call$1($arguments) {
84939 return J.$index$asx($arguments, 0).get$hasBrackets() ? B.SassBoolean_true0 : B.SassBoolean_false0;
84940 },
84941 $signature: 18
84942 };
84943 A._slash_closure0.prototype = {
84944 call$1($arguments) {
84945 var list = J.$index$asx($arguments, 0).get$asList();
84946 if (list.length < 2)
84947 throw A.wrapException(A.SassScriptException$0("At least two elements are required."));
84948 return A.SassList$0(list, B.ListSeparator_1gm0, false);
84949 },
84950 $signature: 22
84951 };
84952 A.SelectorList0.prototype = {
84953 get$isInvisible() {
84954 return B.JSArray_methods.every$1(this.components, new A.SelectorList_isInvisible_closure0());
84955 },
84956 get$asSassList() {
84957 var t1 = this.components;
84958 return A.SassList$0(new A.MappedListIterable(t1, new A.SelectorList_asSassList_closure0(), A._arrayInstanceType(t1)._eval$1("MappedListIterable<1,Value0>")), B.ListSeparator_kWM0, false);
84959 },
84960 accept$1$1(visitor) {
84961 return visitor.visitSelectorList$1(this);
84962 },
84963 accept$1(visitor) {
84964 return this.accept$1$1(visitor, type$.dynamic);
84965 },
84966 unify$1(other) {
84967 var t1 = this.components,
84968 t2 = A._arrayInstanceType(t1)._eval$1("ExpandIterable<1,ComplexSelector0>"),
84969 contents = A.List_List$of(new A.ExpandIterable(t1, new A.SelectorList_unify_closure0(other), t2), true, t2._eval$1("Iterable.E"));
84970 return contents.length === 0 ? null : A.SelectorList$0(contents);
84971 },
84972 resolveParentSelectors$2$implicitParent($parent, implicitParent) {
84973 var t1, _this = this;
84974 if ($parent == null) {
84975 if (!B.JSArray_methods.any$1(_this.components, _this.get$_list2$_complexContainsParentSelector()))
84976 return _this;
84977 throw A.wrapException(A.SassScriptException$0(string$.Top_le));
84978 }
84979 t1 = _this.components;
84980 return A.SelectorList$0(A.flattenVertically0(new A.MappedListIterable(t1, new A.SelectorList_resolveParentSelectors_closure0(_this, implicitParent, $parent), A._arrayInstanceType(t1)._eval$1("MappedListIterable<1,Iterable<ComplexSelector0>>")), type$.ComplexSelector_2));
84981 },
84982 resolveParentSelectors$1($parent) {
84983 return this.resolveParentSelectors$2$implicitParent($parent, true);
84984 },
84985 _list2$_complexContainsParentSelector$1(complex) {
84986 return B.JSArray_methods.any$1(complex.components, new A.SelectorList__complexContainsParentSelector_closure0());
84987 },
84988 _list2$_resolveParentSelectorsCompound$2(compound, $parent) {
84989 var resolvedMembers0, parentSelector, t1,
84990 resolvedMembers = compound.components,
84991 containsSelectorPseudo = B.JSArray_methods.any$1(resolvedMembers, new A.SelectorList__resolveParentSelectorsCompound_closure2());
84992 if (!containsSelectorPseudo && !(B.JSArray_methods.get$first(resolvedMembers) instanceof A.ParentSelector0))
84993 return null;
84994 resolvedMembers0 = containsSelectorPseudo ? new A.MappedListIterable(resolvedMembers, new A.SelectorList__resolveParentSelectorsCompound_closure3($parent), A._arrayInstanceType(resolvedMembers)._eval$1("MappedListIterable<1,SimpleSelector0>")) : resolvedMembers;
84995 parentSelector = B.JSArray_methods.get$first(resolvedMembers);
84996 if (parentSelector instanceof A.ParentSelector0) {
84997 if (resolvedMembers.length === 1 && parentSelector.suffix == null)
84998 return $parent.components;
84999 } else
85000 return A._setArrayType([A.ComplexSelector$0(A._setArrayType([A.CompoundSelector$0(resolvedMembers0)], type$.JSArray_ComplexSelectorComponent_2), false)], type$.JSArray_ComplexSelector_2);
85001 t1 = $parent.components;
85002 return new A.MappedListIterable(t1, new A.SelectorList__resolveParentSelectorsCompound_closure4(compound, resolvedMembers0), A._arrayInstanceType(t1)._eval$1("MappedListIterable<1,ComplexSelector0>"));
85003 },
85004 get$hashCode(_) {
85005 return B.C_ListEquality0.hash$1(this.components);
85006 },
85007 $eq(_, other) {
85008 if (other == null)
85009 return false;
85010 return other instanceof A.SelectorList0 && B.C_ListEquality.equals$2(0, this.components, other.components);
85011 }
85012 };
85013 A.SelectorList_isInvisible_closure0.prototype = {
85014 call$1(complex) {
85015 return complex.get$isInvisible();
85016 },
85017 $signature: 20
85018 };
85019 A.SelectorList_asSassList_closure0.prototype = {
85020 call$1(complex) {
85021 var t1 = complex.components;
85022 return A.SassList$0(new A.MappedListIterable(t1, new A.SelectorList_asSassList__closure0(), A._arrayInstanceType(t1)._eval$1("MappedListIterable<1,Value0>")), B.ListSeparator_woc0, false);
85023 },
85024 $signature: 468
85025 };
85026 A.SelectorList_asSassList__closure0.prototype = {
85027 call$1(component) {
85028 return new A.SassString0(component.toString$0(0), false);
85029 },
85030 $signature: 469
85031 };
85032 A.SelectorList_unify_closure0.prototype = {
85033 call$1(complex1) {
85034 var t1 = this.other.components;
85035 return new A.ExpandIterable(t1, new A.SelectorList_unify__closure0(complex1), A._arrayInstanceType(t1)._eval$1("ExpandIterable<1,ComplexSelector0>"));
85036 },
85037 $signature: 113
85038 };
85039 A.SelectorList_unify__closure0.prototype = {
85040 call$1(complex2) {
85041 var unified = A.unifyComplex0(A._setArrayType([this.complex1.components, complex2.components], type$.JSArray_List_ComplexSelectorComponent_2));
85042 if (unified == null)
85043 return B.List_empty14;
85044 return J.map$1$1$ax(unified, new A.SelectorList_unify___closure0(), type$.ComplexSelector_2);
85045 },
85046 $signature: 113
85047 };
85048 A.SelectorList_unify___closure0.prototype = {
85049 call$1(complex) {
85050 return A.ComplexSelector$0(complex, false);
85051 },
85052 $signature: 95
85053 };
85054 A.SelectorList_resolveParentSelectors_closure0.prototype = {
85055 call$1(complex) {
85056 var t2, newComplexes, t3, t4, t5, t6, t7, _i, component, resolved, t8, _i0, previousLineBreaks, newComplexes0, t9, i, newComplex, i0, lineBreak, t10, t11, t12, t13, _this = this, _box_0 = {},
85057 t1 = _this.$this;
85058 if (!t1._list2$_complexContainsParentSelector$1(complex)) {
85059 if (!_this.implicitParent)
85060 return A._setArrayType([complex], type$.JSArray_ComplexSelector_2);
85061 t1 = _this.parent.components;
85062 return new A.MappedListIterable(t1, new A.SelectorList_resolveParentSelectors__closure1(complex), A._arrayInstanceType(t1)._eval$1("MappedListIterable<1,ComplexSelector0>"));
85063 }
85064 t2 = type$.JSArray_List_ComplexSelectorComponent_2;
85065 newComplexes = A._setArrayType([A._setArrayType([], type$.JSArray_ComplexSelectorComponent_2)], t2);
85066 t3 = type$.JSArray_bool;
85067 _box_0.lineBreaks = A._setArrayType([false], t3);
85068 for (t4 = complex.components, t5 = t4.length, t6 = type$.ComplexSelectorComponent_2, t7 = _this.parent, _i = 0; _i < t5; ++_i) {
85069 component = t4[_i];
85070 if (component instanceof A.CompoundSelector0) {
85071 resolved = t1._list2$_resolveParentSelectorsCompound$2(component, t7);
85072 if (resolved == null) {
85073 for (t8 = newComplexes.length, _i0 = 0; _i0 < newComplexes.length; newComplexes.length === t8 || (0, A.throwConcurrentModificationError)(newComplexes), ++_i0)
85074 newComplexes[_i0].push(component);
85075 continue;
85076 }
85077 previousLineBreaks = _box_0.lineBreaks;
85078 newComplexes0 = A._setArrayType([], t2);
85079 _box_0.lineBreaks = A._setArrayType([], t3);
85080 for (t8 = newComplexes.length, t9 = J.getInterceptor$ax(resolved), i = 0, _i0 = 0; _i0 < newComplexes.length; newComplexes.length === t8 || (0, A.throwConcurrentModificationError)(newComplexes), ++_i0, i = i0) {
85081 newComplex = newComplexes[_i0];
85082 i0 = i + 1;
85083 lineBreak = previousLineBreaks[i];
85084 for (t10 = t9.get$iterator(resolved), t11 = !lineBreak; t10.moveNext$0();) {
85085 t12 = t10.get$current(t10);
85086 t13 = A.List_List$of(newComplex, true, t6);
85087 B.JSArray_methods.addAll$1(t13, t12.components);
85088 newComplexes0.push(t13);
85089 t13 = _box_0.lineBreaks;
85090 t13.push(!t11 || t12.lineBreak);
85091 }
85092 }
85093 newComplexes = newComplexes0;
85094 } else
85095 for (t8 = newComplexes.length, _i0 = 0; _i0 < newComplexes.length; newComplexes.length === t8 || (0, A.throwConcurrentModificationError)(newComplexes), ++_i0)
85096 newComplexes[_i0].push(component);
85097 }
85098 _box_0.i = 0;
85099 return new A.MappedListIterable(newComplexes, new A.SelectorList_resolveParentSelectors__closure2(_box_0), A._arrayInstanceType(newComplexes)._eval$1("MappedListIterable<1,ComplexSelector0>"));
85100 },
85101 $signature: 113
85102 };
85103 A.SelectorList_resolveParentSelectors__closure1.prototype = {
85104 call$1(parentComplex) {
85105 var t1 = A.List_List$of(parentComplex.components, true, type$.ComplexSelectorComponent_2),
85106 t2 = this.complex;
85107 B.JSArray_methods.addAll$1(t1, t2.components);
85108 return A.ComplexSelector$0(t1, t2.lineBreak || parentComplex.lineBreak);
85109 },
85110 $signature: 100
85111 };
85112 A.SelectorList_resolveParentSelectors__closure2.prototype = {
85113 call$1(newComplex) {
85114 var t1 = this._box_0;
85115 return A.ComplexSelector$0(newComplex, t1.lineBreaks[t1.i++]);
85116 },
85117 $signature: 95
85118 };
85119 A.SelectorList__complexContainsParentSelector_closure0.prototype = {
85120 call$1(component) {
85121 return component instanceof A.CompoundSelector0 && B.JSArray_methods.any$1(component.components, new A.SelectorList__complexContainsParentSelector__closure0());
85122 },
85123 $signature: 116
85124 };
85125 A.SelectorList__complexContainsParentSelector__closure0.prototype = {
85126 call$1(simple) {
85127 var selector;
85128 if (simple instanceof A.ParentSelector0)
85129 return true;
85130 if (!(simple instanceof A.PseudoSelector0))
85131 return false;
85132 selector = simple.selector;
85133 return selector != null && B.JSArray_methods.any$1(selector.components, selector.get$_list2$_complexContainsParentSelector());
85134 },
85135 $signature: 15
85136 };
85137 A.SelectorList__resolveParentSelectorsCompound_closure2.prototype = {
85138 call$1(simple) {
85139 var selector;
85140 if (!(simple instanceof A.PseudoSelector0))
85141 return false;
85142 selector = simple.selector;
85143 return selector != null && B.JSArray_methods.any$1(selector.components, selector.get$_list2$_complexContainsParentSelector());
85144 },
85145 $signature: 15
85146 };
85147 A.SelectorList__resolveParentSelectorsCompound_closure3.prototype = {
85148 call$1(simple) {
85149 var selector, t1, t2, t3;
85150 if (!(simple instanceof A.PseudoSelector0))
85151 return simple;
85152 selector = simple.selector;
85153 if (selector == null)
85154 return simple;
85155 if (!B.JSArray_methods.any$1(selector.components, selector.get$_list2$_complexContainsParentSelector()))
85156 return simple;
85157 t1 = selector.resolveParentSelectors$2$implicitParent(this.parent, false);
85158 t2 = simple.name;
85159 t3 = simple.isClass;
85160 return A.PseudoSelector$0(t2, simple.argument, !t3, t1);
85161 },
85162 $signature: 472
85163 };
85164 A.SelectorList__resolveParentSelectorsCompound_closure4.prototype = {
85165 call$1(complex) {
85166 var suffix, t2, t3, t4, t5, last,
85167 t1 = complex.components,
85168 lastComponent = B.JSArray_methods.get$last(t1);
85169 if (!(lastComponent instanceof A.CompoundSelector0))
85170 throw A.wrapException(A.SassScriptException$0('Parent "' + complex.toString$0(0) + '" is incompatible with this selector.'));
85171 suffix = type$.ParentSelector_2._as(B.JSArray_methods.get$first(this.compound.components)).suffix;
85172 t2 = type$.SimpleSelector_2;
85173 t3 = this.resolvedMembers;
85174 t4 = lastComponent.components;
85175 t5 = J.getInterceptor$ax(t3);
85176 if (suffix != null) {
85177 t2 = A.List_List$of(A.SubListIterable$(t4, 0, A.checkNotNullable(t4.length - 1, "count", type$.int), A._arrayInstanceType(t4)._precomputed1), true, t2);
85178 t2.push(B.JSArray_methods.get$last(t4).addSuffix$1(suffix));
85179 B.JSArray_methods.addAll$1(t2, t5.skip$1(t3, 1));
85180 last = A.CompoundSelector$0(t2);
85181 } else {
85182 t2 = A.List_List$of(t4, true, t2);
85183 B.JSArray_methods.addAll$1(t2, t5.skip$1(t3, 1));
85184 last = A.CompoundSelector$0(t2);
85185 }
85186 t1 = A.List_List$of(A.SubListIterable$(t1, 0, A.checkNotNullable(t1.length - 1, "count", type$.int), A._arrayInstanceType(t1)._precomputed1), true, type$.ComplexSelectorComponent_2);
85187 t1.push(last);
85188 return A.ComplexSelector$0(t1, complex.lineBreak);
85189 },
85190 $signature: 100
85191 };
85192 A._NodeSassList.prototype = {};
85193 A.legacyListClass_closure.prototype = {
85194 call$4(thisArg, $length, commaSeparator, dartValue) {
85195 var t1;
85196 if (dartValue == null) {
85197 $length.toString;
85198 t1 = A.Iterable_Iterable$generate($length, new A.legacyListClass__closure(), type$.Value_2);
85199 t1 = A.SassList$0(t1, commaSeparator !== false ? B.ListSeparator_kWM0 : B.ListSeparator_woc0, false);
85200 } else
85201 t1 = dartValue;
85202 J.set$dartValue$x(thisArg, t1);
85203 },
85204 call$2(thisArg, $length) {
85205 return this.call$4(thisArg, $length, null, null);
85206 },
85207 call$3(thisArg, $length, commaSeparator) {
85208 return this.call$4(thisArg, $length, commaSeparator, null);
85209 },
85210 "call*": "call$4",
85211 $requiredArgCount: 2,
85212 $defaultValues() {
85213 return [null, null];
85214 },
85215 $signature: 473
85216 };
85217 A.legacyListClass__closure.prototype = {
85218 call$1(_) {
85219 return B.C__SassNull0;
85220 },
85221 $signature: 232
85222 };
85223 A.legacyListClass_closure0.prototype = {
85224 call$2(thisArg, index) {
85225 return A.wrapValue(J.get$dartValue$x(thisArg)._list1$_contents[index]);
85226 },
85227 $signature: 475
85228 };
85229 A.legacyListClass_closure1.prototype = {
85230 call$3(thisArg, index, value) {
85231 var t1 = J.getInterceptor$x(thisArg),
85232 t2 = t1.get$dartValue(thisArg)._list1$_contents,
85233 mutable = A._setArrayType(t2.slice(0), A._arrayInstanceType(t2));
85234 mutable[index] = A.unwrapValue(value);
85235 t1.set$dartValue(thisArg, t1.get$dartValue(thisArg).withListContents$1(mutable));
85236 },
85237 "call*": "call$3",
85238 $requiredArgCount: 3,
85239 $signature: 476
85240 };
85241 A.legacyListClass_closure2.prototype = {
85242 call$1(thisArg) {
85243 return J.get$dartValue$x(thisArg)._list1$_separator === B.ListSeparator_kWM0;
85244 },
85245 $signature: 477
85246 };
85247 A.legacyListClass_closure3.prototype = {
85248 call$2(thisArg, isComma) {
85249 var t1 = J.getInterceptor$x(thisArg),
85250 t2 = t1.get$dartValue(thisArg)._list1$_contents,
85251 t3 = isComma ? B.ListSeparator_kWM0 : B.ListSeparator_woc0;
85252 t1.set$dartValue(thisArg, A.SassList$0(t2, t3, t1.get$dartValue(thisArg)._list1$_hasBrackets));
85253 },
85254 $signature: 478
85255 };
85256 A.legacyListClass_closure4.prototype = {
85257 call$1(thisArg) {
85258 return J.get$dartValue$x(thisArg)._list1$_contents.length;
85259 },
85260 $signature: 479
85261 };
85262 A.listClass_closure.prototype = {
85263 call$0() {
85264 var t1 = type$.JSClass,
85265 jsClass = t1._as(A.allowInteropCaptureThisNamed("sass.SassList", new A.listClass__closure()));
85266 J.get$$prototype$x(jsClass).get = A.allowInteropCaptureThisNamed("get", new A.listClass__closure0());
85267 A.JSClassExtension_injectSuperclass(t1._as(B.SassList_0.constructor), jsClass);
85268 return jsClass;
85269 },
85270 $signature: 25
85271 };
85272 A.listClass__closure.prototype = {
85273 call$3($self, contentsOrOptions, options) {
85274 var contents, t1, t2;
85275 if (self.immutable.isList(contentsOrOptions))
85276 contents = J.cast$1$0$ax(J.toArray$0$x(type$.ImmutableList._as(contentsOrOptions)), type$.Value_2);
85277 else if (type$.List_dynamic._is(contentsOrOptions))
85278 contents = J.cast$1$0$ax(contentsOrOptions, type$.Value_2);
85279 else {
85280 contents = A._setArrayType([], type$.JSArray_Value_2);
85281 type$.nullable__ConstructorOptions._as(contentsOrOptions);
85282 options = contentsOrOptions;
85283 }
85284 t1 = options == null;
85285 if (!t1) {
85286 t2 = J.get$separator$x(options);
85287 t2 = A._asBool($.$get$_isUndefined().call$1(t2));
85288 } else
85289 t2 = true;
85290 t2 = t2 ? B.ListSeparator_kWM0 : A.jsToDartSeparator(J.get$separator$x(options));
85291 t1 = t1 ? null : J.get$brackets$x(options);
85292 return A.SassList$0(contents, t2, t1 == null ? false : t1);
85293 },
85294 call$1($self) {
85295 return this.call$3($self, null, null);
85296 },
85297 call$2($self, contentsOrOptions) {
85298 return this.call$3($self, contentsOrOptions, null);
85299 },
85300 "call*": "call$3",
85301 $requiredArgCount: 1,
85302 $defaultValues() {
85303 return [null, null];
85304 },
85305 $signature: 480
85306 };
85307 A.listClass__closure0.prototype = {
85308 call$2($self, indexFloat) {
85309 var index = B.JSNumber_methods.floor$0(indexFloat);
85310 if (index < 0)
85311 index = $self.get$asList().length + index;
85312 if (index < 0 || index >= $self.get$asList().length)
85313 return self.undefined;
85314 return $self.get$asList()[index];
85315 },
85316 $signature: 233
85317 };
85318 A._ConstructorOptions.prototype = {};
85319 A.SassList0.prototype = {
85320 get$separator(_) {
85321 return this._list1$_separator;
85322 },
85323 get$hasBrackets() {
85324 return this._list1$_hasBrackets;
85325 },
85326 get$isBlank() {
85327 return !this._list1$_hasBrackets && B.JSArray_methods.every$1(this._list1$_contents, new A.SassList_isBlank_closure0());
85328 },
85329 get$asList() {
85330 return this._list1$_contents;
85331 },
85332 get$lengthAsList() {
85333 return this._list1$_contents.length;
85334 },
85335 SassList$3$brackets0(contents, _separator, brackets) {
85336 if (this._list1$_separator === B.ListSeparator_undecided_null0 && this._list1$_contents.length > 1)
85337 throw A.wrapException(A.ArgumentError$(string$.A_list, null));
85338 },
85339 accept$1$1(visitor) {
85340 return visitor.visitList$1(this);
85341 },
85342 accept$1(visitor) {
85343 return this.accept$1$1(visitor, type$.dynamic);
85344 },
85345 assertMap$1($name) {
85346 return this._list1$_contents.length === 0 ? B.SassMap_Map_empty0 : this.super$Value$assertMap0($name);
85347 },
85348 tryMap$0() {
85349 return this._list1$_contents.length === 0 ? B.SassMap_Map_empty0 : null;
85350 },
85351 $eq(_, other) {
85352 var t1, _this = this;
85353 if (other == null)
85354 return false;
85355 if (!(other instanceof A.SassList0 && other._list1$_separator === _this._list1$_separator && other._list1$_hasBrackets === _this._list1$_hasBrackets && B.C_ListEquality.equals$2(0, other._list1$_contents, _this._list1$_contents)))
85356 t1 = _this._list1$_contents.length === 0 && other instanceof A.SassMap0 && other.get$asList().length === 0;
85357 else
85358 t1 = true;
85359 return t1;
85360 },
85361 get$hashCode(_) {
85362 return B.C_ListEquality0.hash$1(this._list1$_contents);
85363 }
85364 };
85365 A.SassList_isBlank_closure0.prototype = {
85366 call$1(element) {
85367 return element.get$isBlank();
85368 },
85369 $signature: 44
85370 };
85371 A.ListSeparator0.prototype = {
85372 toString$0(_) {
85373 return this._list1$_name;
85374 }
85375 };
85376 A.NodeLogger.prototype = {};
85377 A.WarnOptions.prototype = {};
85378 A.DebugOptions.prototype = {};
85379 A._QuietLogger0.prototype = {
85380 warn$4$deprecation$span$trace(_, message, deprecation, span, trace) {
85381 },
85382 warn$2$span($receiver, message, span) {
85383 return this.warn$4$deprecation$span$trace($receiver, message, false, span, null);
85384 },
85385 warn$3$deprecation$span($receiver, message, deprecation, span) {
85386 return this.warn$4$deprecation$span$trace($receiver, message, deprecation, span, null);
85387 }
85388 };
85389 A.LoudComment0.prototype = {
85390 get$span(_) {
85391 return this.text.span;
85392 },
85393 accept$1$1(visitor) {
85394 return visitor.visitLoudComment$1(this);
85395 },
85396 accept$1(visitor) {
85397 return this.accept$1$1(visitor, type$.dynamic);
85398 },
85399 toString$0(_) {
85400 return this.text.toString$0(0);
85401 },
85402 $isAstNode0: 1,
85403 $isStatement0: 1
85404 };
85405 A.MapExpression0.prototype = {
85406 accept$1$1(visitor) {
85407 return visitor.visitMapExpression$1(this);
85408 },
85409 accept$1(visitor) {
85410 return this.accept$1$1(visitor, type$.dynamic);
85411 },
85412 toString$0(_) {
85413 var t1 = this.pairs;
85414 return "(" + new A.MappedListIterable(t1, new A.MapExpression_toString_closure0(), A._arrayInstanceType(t1)._eval$1("MappedListIterable<1,String>")).join$1(0, ", ") + ")";
85415 },
85416 $isExpression0: 1,
85417 $isAstNode0: 1,
85418 get$span(receiver) {
85419 return this.span;
85420 }
85421 };
85422 A.MapExpression_toString_closure0.prototype = {
85423 call$1(pair) {
85424 return A.S(pair.item1) + ": " + A.S(pair.item2);
85425 },
85426 $signature: 482
85427 };
85428 A._get_closure0.prototype = {
85429 call$1($arguments) {
85430 var t3, value,
85431 t1 = J.getInterceptor$asx($arguments),
85432 map = t1.$index($arguments, 0).assertMap$1("map"),
85433 t2 = A._setArrayType([t1.$index($arguments, 1)], type$.JSArray_Value_2);
85434 B.JSArray_methods.addAll$1(t2, t1.$index($arguments, 2).get$asList());
85435 for (t1 = A.SubListIterable$(t2, 0, A.checkNotNullable(t2.length - 1, "count", type$.int), type$.Value_2), t1 = new A.ListIterator(t1, t1.get$length(t1)), t3 = A._instanceType(t1)._precomputed1; t1.moveNext$0(); map = value) {
85436 value = map._map0$_contents.$index(0, t3._as(t1.__internal$_current));
85437 if (!(value instanceof A.SassMap0))
85438 return B.C__SassNull0;
85439 }
85440 t1 = map._map0$_contents.$index(0, B.JSArray_methods.get$last(t2));
85441 return t1 == null ? B.C__SassNull0 : t1;
85442 },
85443 $signature: 3
85444 };
85445 A._set_closure1.prototype = {
85446 call$1($arguments) {
85447 var t1 = J.getInterceptor$asx($arguments);
85448 return A._modify0(t1.$index($arguments, 0).assertMap$1("map"), A._setArrayType([t1.$index($arguments, 1)], type$.JSArray_Value_2), new A._set__closure2($arguments), true);
85449 },
85450 $signature: 3
85451 };
85452 A._set__closure2.prototype = {
85453 call$1(_) {
85454 return J.$index$asx(this.$arguments, 2);
85455 },
85456 $signature: 36
85457 };
85458 A._set_closure2.prototype = {
85459 call$1($arguments) {
85460 var t1 = J.getInterceptor$asx($arguments),
85461 map = t1.$index($arguments, 0).assertMap$1("map"),
85462 args = t1.$index($arguments, 1).get$asList();
85463 t1 = args.length;
85464 if (t1 === 0)
85465 throw A.wrapException(A.SassScriptException$0("Expected $args to contain a key."));
85466 else if (t1 === 1)
85467 throw A.wrapException(A.SassScriptException$0("Expected $args to contain a value."));
85468 return A._modify0(map, B.JSArray_methods.sublist$2(args, 0, t1 - 1), new A._set__closure1(args), true);
85469 },
85470 $signature: 3
85471 };
85472 A._set__closure1.prototype = {
85473 call$1(_) {
85474 return B.JSArray_methods.get$last(this.args);
85475 },
85476 $signature: 36
85477 };
85478 A._merge_closure1.prototype = {
85479 call$1($arguments) {
85480 var t2, t3, t4,
85481 t1 = J.getInterceptor$asx($arguments),
85482 map1 = t1.$index($arguments, 0).assertMap$1("map1"),
85483 map2 = t1.$index($arguments, 1).assertMap$1("map2");
85484 t1 = type$.Value_2;
85485 t2 = A.LinkedHashMap_LinkedHashMap$_empty(t1, t1);
85486 for (t3 = map1._map0$_contents, t3 = t3.get$entries(t3), t3 = t3.get$iterator(t3); t3.moveNext$0();) {
85487 t4 = t3.get$current(t3);
85488 t2.$indexSet(0, t4.key, t4.value);
85489 }
85490 for (t3 = map2._map0$_contents, t3 = t3.get$entries(t3), t3 = t3.get$iterator(t3); t3.moveNext$0();) {
85491 t4 = t3.get$current(t3);
85492 t2.$indexSet(0, t4.key, t4.value);
85493 }
85494 return new A.SassMap0(A.ConstantMap_ConstantMap$from(t2, t1, t1));
85495 },
85496 $signature: 34
85497 };
85498 A._merge_closure2.prototype = {
85499 call$1($arguments) {
85500 var map2,
85501 t1 = J.getInterceptor$asx($arguments),
85502 map1 = t1.$index($arguments, 0).assertMap$1("map1"),
85503 args = t1.$index($arguments, 1).get$asList();
85504 t1 = args.length;
85505 if (t1 === 0)
85506 throw A.wrapException(A.SassScriptException$0("Expected $args to contain a key."));
85507 else if (t1 === 1)
85508 throw A.wrapException(A.SassScriptException$0("Expected $args to contain a map."));
85509 map2 = B.JSArray_methods.get$last(args).assertMap$1("map2");
85510 return A._modify0(map1, A.SubListIterable$(args, 0, A.checkNotNullable(args.length - 1, "count", type$.int), A._arrayInstanceType(args)._precomputed1), new A._merge__closure0(map2), true);
85511 },
85512 $signature: 3
85513 };
85514 A._merge__closure0.prototype = {
85515 call$1(oldValue) {
85516 var t1, t2, t3, t4,
85517 nestedMap = oldValue.tryMap$0();
85518 if (nestedMap == null)
85519 return this.map2;
85520 t1 = type$.Value_2;
85521 t2 = A.LinkedHashMap_LinkedHashMap$_empty(t1, t1);
85522 for (t3 = nestedMap._map0$_contents, t3 = t3.get$entries(t3), t3 = t3.get$iterator(t3); t3.moveNext$0();) {
85523 t4 = t3.get$current(t3);
85524 t2.$indexSet(0, t4.key, t4.value);
85525 }
85526 for (t3 = this.map2._map0$_contents, t3 = t3.get$entries(t3), t3 = t3.get$iterator(t3); t3.moveNext$0();) {
85527 t4 = t3.get$current(t3);
85528 t2.$indexSet(0, t4.key, t4.value);
85529 }
85530 return new A.SassMap0(A.ConstantMap_ConstantMap$from(t2, t1, t1));
85531 },
85532 $signature: 483
85533 };
85534 A._deepMerge_closure0.prototype = {
85535 call$1($arguments) {
85536 var t1 = J.getInterceptor$asx($arguments);
85537 return A._deepMergeImpl0(t1.$index($arguments, 0).assertMap$1("map1"), t1.$index($arguments, 1).assertMap$1("map2"));
85538 },
85539 $signature: 34
85540 };
85541 A._deepRemove_closure0.prototype = {
85542 call$1($arguments) {
85543 var t1 = J.getInterceptor$asx($arguments),
85544 map = t1.$index($arguments, 0).assertMap$1("map"),
85545 t2 = A._setArrayType([t1.$index($arguments, 1)], type$.JSArray_Value_2);
85546 B.JSArray_methods.addAll$1(t2, t1.$index($arguments, 2).get$asList());
85547 return A._modify0(map, A.SubListIterable$(t2, 0, A.checkNotNullable(t2.length - 1, "count", type$.int), type$.Value_2), new A._deepRemove__closure0(t2), false);
85548 },
85549 $signature: 3
85550 };
85551 A._deepRemove__closure0.prototype = {
85552 call$1(value) {
85553 var t1, t2,
85554 nestedMap = value.tryMap$0();
85555 if (nestedMap != null && nestedMap._map0$_contents.containsKey$1(B.JSArray_methods.get$last(this.keys))) {
85556 t1 = type$.Value_2;
85557 t2 = A.LinkedHashMap_LinkedHashMap$of(nestedMap._map0$_contents, t1, t1);
85558 t2.remove$1(0, B.JSArray_methods.get$last(this.keys));
85559 return new A.SassMap0(A.ConstantMap_ConstantMap$from(t2, t1, t1));
85560 }
85561 return value;
85562 },
85563 $signature: 36
85564 };
85565 A._remove_closure1.prototype = {
85566 call$1($arguments) {
85567 return J.$index$asx($arguments, 0).assertMap$1("map");
85568 },
85569 $signature: 34
85570 };
85571 A._remove_closure2.prototype = {
85572 call$1($arguments) {
85573 var mutableMap, t3, _i,
85574 t1 = J.getInterceptor$asx($arguments),
85575 map = t1.$index($arguments, 0).assertMap$1("map"),
85576 t2 = A._setArrayType([t1.$index($arguments, 1)], type$.JSArray_Value_2);
85577 B.JSArray_methods.addAll$1(t2, t1.$index($arguments, 2).get$asList());
85578 t1 = type$.Value_2;
85579 mutableMap = A.LinkedHashMap_LinkedHashMap$of(map._map0$_contents, t1, t1);
85580 for (t3 = t2.length, _i = 0; _i < t2.length; t2.length === t3 || (0, A.throwConcurrentModificationError)(t2), ++_i)
85581 mutableMap.remove$1(0, t2[_i]);
85582 return new A.SassMap0(A.ConstantMap_ConstantMap$from(mutableMap, t1, t1));
85583 },
85584 $signature: 34
85585 };
85586 A._keys_closure0.prototype = {
85587 call$1($arguments) {
85588 var t1 = J.$index$asx($arguments, 0).assertMap$1("map")._map0$_contents;
85589 return A.SassList$0(t1.get$keys(t1), B.ListSeparator_kWM0, false);
85590 },
85591 $signature: 22
85592 };
85593 A._values_closure0.prototype = {
85594 call$1($arguments) {
85595 var t1 = J.$index$asx($arguments, 0).assertMap$1("map")._map0$_contents;
85596 return A.SassList$0(t1.get$values(t1), B.ListSeparator_kWM0, false);
85597 },
85598 $signature: 22
85599 };
85600 A._hasKey_closure0.prototype = {
85601 call$1($arguments) {
85602 var t3, value,
85603 t1 = J.getInterceptor$asx($arguments),
85604 map = t1.$index($arguments, 0).assertMap$1("map"),
85605 t2 = A._setArrayType([t1.$index($arguments, 1)], type$.JSArray_Value_2);
85606 B.JSArray_methods.addAll$1(t2, t1.$index($arguments, 2).get$asList());
85607 for (t1 = A.SubListIterable$(t2, 0, A.checkNotNullable(t2.length - 1, "count", type$.int), type$.Value_2), t1 = new A.ListIterator(t1, t1.get$length(t1)), t3 = A._instanceType(t1)._precomputed1; t1.moveNext$0(); map = value) {
85608 value = map._map0$_contents.$index(0, t3._as(t1.__internal$_current));
85609 if (!(value instanceof A.SassMap0))
85610 return B.SassBoolean_false0;
85611 }
85612 return map._map0$_contents.containsKey$1(B.JSArray_methods.get$last(t2)) ? B.SassBoolean_true0 : B.SassBoolean_false0;
85613 },
85614 $signature: 18
85615 };
85616 A._modify__modifyNestedMap0.prototype = {
85617 call$1(map) {
85618 var nestedMap, _this = this,
85619 t1 = type$.Value_2,
85620 mutableMap = A.LinkedHashMap_LinkedHashMap$of(map._map0$_contents, t1, t1),
85621 t2 = _this.keyIterator,
85622 key = t2.get$current(t2);
85623 if (!t2.moveNext$0()) {
85624 t2 = mutableMap.$index(0, key);
85625 if (t2 == null)
85626 t2 = B.C__SassNull0;
85627 mutableMap.$indexSet(0, key, _this.modify.call$1(t2));
85628 return new A.SassMap0(A.ConstantMap_ConstantMap$from(mutableMap, t1, t1));
85629 }
85630 t2 = mutableMap.$index(0, key);
85631 nestedMap = t2 == null ? null : t2.tryMap$0();
85632 t2 = nestedMap == null;
85633 if (t2 && !_this.addNesting)
85634 return new A.SassMap0(A.ConstantMap_ConstantMap$from(mutableMap, t1, t1));
85635 mutableMap.$indexSet(0, key, _this.call$1(t2 ? B.SassMap_Map_empty0 : nestedMap));
85636 return new A.SassMap0(A.ConstantMap_ConstantMap$from(mutableMap, t1, t1));
85637 },
85638 $signature: 484
85639 };
85640 A._deepMergeImpl__ensureMutable0.prototype = {
85641 call$0() {
85642 var t2,
85643 t1 = this._box_0;
85644 if (t1.mutable)
85645 return;
85646 t1.mutable = true;
85647 t2 = type$.Value_2;
85648 t1.result = A.LinkedHashMap_LinkedHashMap$of(t1.result, t2, t2);
85649 },
85650 $signature: 0
85651 };
85652 A._deepMergeImpl_closure0.prototype = {
85653 call$2(key, value) {
85654 var resultMap, valueMap, merged,
85655 t1 = this._box_0,
85656 resultValue = t1.result.$index(0, key);
85657 if (resultValue == null) {
85658 this._ensureMutable.call$0();
85659 t1.result.$indexSet(0, key, value);
85660 } else {
85661 resultMap = resultValue.tryMap$0();
85662 valueMap = value.tryMap$0();
85663 if (resultMap != null && valueMap != null) {
85664 merged = A._deepMergeImpl0(valueMap, resultMap);
85665 if (merged === resultMap)
85666 return;
85667 this._ensureMutable.call$0();
85668 t1.result.$indexSet(0, key, merged);
85669 }
85670 }
85671 },
85672 $signature: 53
85673 };
85674 A._NodeSassMap.prototype = {};
85675 A.legacyMapClass_closure.prototype = {
85676 call$3(thisArg, $length, dartValue) {
85677 var t1, t2, t3, map;
85678 if (dartValue == null) {
85679 $length.toString;
85680 t1 = type$.Value_2;
85681 t2 = A.Iterable_Iterable$generate($length, new A.legacyMapClass__closure(), t1);
85682 t3 = A.Iterable_Iterable$generate($length, new A.legacyMapClass__closure0(), t1);
85683 map = A.LinkedHashMap_LinkedHashMap(null, null, null, t1, t1);
85684 A.MapBase__fillMapWithIterables(map, t2, t3);
85685 t1 = new A.SassMap0(A.ConstantMap_ConstantMap$from(map, t1, t1));
85686 } else
85687 t1 = dartValue;
85688 J.set$dartValue$x(thisArg, t1);
85689 },
85690 call$2(thisArg, $length) {
85691 return this.call$3(thisArg, $length, null);
85692 },
85693 "call*": "call$3",
85694 $requiredArgCount: 2,
85695 $defaultValues() {
85696 return [null];
85697 },
85698 $signature: 485
85699 };
85700 A.legacyMapClass__closure.prototype = {
85701 call$1(i) {
85702 return new A.UnitlessSassNumber0(i, null);
85703 },
85704 $signature: 486
85705 };
85706 A.legacyMapClass__closure0.prototype = {
85707 call$1(_) {
85708 return B.C__SassNull0;
85709 },
85710 $signature: 232
85711 };
85712 A.legacyMapClass_closure0.prototype = {
85713 call$2(thisArg, index) {
85714 var t1 = J.get$dartValue$x(thisArg)._map0$_contents;
85715 return A.wrapValue(J.elementAt$1$ax(t1.get$keys(t1), index));
85716 },
85717 $signature: 234
85718 };
85719 A.legacyMapClass_closure1.prototype = {
85720 call$2(thisArg, index) {
85721 var t1 = J.get$dartValue$x(thisArg)._map0$_contents;
85722 return A.wrapValue(t1.get$values(t1).elementAt$1(0, index));
85723 },
85724 $signature: 234
85725 };
85726 A.legacyMapClass_closure2.prototype = {
85727 call$1(thisArg) {
85728 var t1 = J.get$dartValue$x(thisArg)._map0$_contents;
85729 return t1.get$length(t1);
85730 },
85731 $signature: 488
85732 };
85733 A.legacyMapClass_closure3.prototype = {
85734 call$3(thisArg, index, key) {
85735 var newKey, t2, newMap, t3, i, t4, t5,
85736 t1 = J.getInterceptor$x(thisArg);
85737 A.RangeError_checkValidIndex(index, t1.get$dartValue(thisArg)._map0$_contents, "index");
85738 newKey = A.unwrapValue(key);
85739 t2 = type$.Value_2;
85740 newMap = A.LinkedHashMap_LinkedHashMap$_empty(t2, t2);
85741 for (t3 = t1.get$dartValue(thisArg)._map0$_contents, t3 = t3.get$entries(t3), t3 = t3.get$iterator(t3), i = 0; t3.moveNext$0();) {
85742 t4 = t3.get$current(t3);
85743 if (i === index)
85744 newMap.$indexSet(0, newKey, t4.value);
85745 else {
85746 t5 = t4.key;
85747 if (newKey.$eq(0, t5))
85748 throw A.wrapException(A.ArgumentError$value(key, "key", "is already in the map"));
85749 newMap.$indexSet(0, t5, t4.value);
85750 }
85751 ++i;
85752 }
85753 t1.set$dartValue(thisArg, new A.SassMap0(A.ConstantMap_ConstantMap$from(newMap, t2, t2)));
85754 },
85755 "call*": "call$3",
85756 $requiredArgCount: 3,
85757 $signature: 235
85758 };
85759 A.legacyMapClass_closure4.prototype = {
85760 call$3(thisArg, index, value) {
85761 var t3, t4, t5,
85762 t1 = J.getInterceptor$x(thisArg),
85763 t2 = t1.get$dartValue(thisArg)._map0$_contents,
85764 key = J.elementAt$1$ax(t2.get$keys(t2), index);
85765 t2 = type$.Value_2;
85766 t3 = A.LinkedHashMap_LinkedHashMap$_empty(t2, t2);
85767 for (t4 = t1.get$dartValue(thisArg)._map0$_contents, t4 = t4.get$entries(t4), t4 = t4.get$iterator(t4); t4.moveNext$0();) {
85768 t5 = t4.get$current(t4);
85769 t3.$indexSet(0, t5.key, t5.value);
85770 }
85771 t3.$indexSet(0, key, A.unwrapValue(value));
85772 t1.set$dartValue(thisArg, new A.SassMap0(A.ConstantMap_ConstantMap$from(t3, t2, t2)));
85773 },
85774 "call*": "call$3",
85775 $requiredArgCount: 3,
85776 $signature: 235
85777 };
85778 A.mapClass_closure.prototype = {
85779 call$0() {
85780 var t1 = type$.JSClass,
85781 jsClass = t1._as(A.allowInteropCaptureThisNamed("sass.SassMap", new A.mapClass__closure())),
85782 t2 = J.getInterceptor$x(jsClass);
85783 A.defineGetter(t2.get$$prototype(jsClass), "contents", new A.mapClass__closure0(), null);
85784 t2.get$$prototype(jsClass).get = A.allowInteropCaptureThisNamed("get", new A.mapClass__closure1());
85785 A.JSClassExtension_injectSuperclass(t1._as(B.SassMap_Map_empty0.constructor), jsClass);
85786 return jsClass;
85787 },
85788 $signature: 25
85789 };
85790 A.mapClass__closure.prototype = {
85791 call$2($self, contents) {
85792 var t1;
85793 if (contents == null)
85794 t1 = B.SassMap_Map_empty0;
85795 else {
85796 t1 = type$.Value_2;
85797 t1 = new A.SassMap0(A.ConstantMap_ConstantMap$from(A.immutableMapToDartMap(contents).cast$2$0(0, t1, t1), t1, t1));
85798 }
85799 return t1;
85800 },
85801 call$1($self) {
85802 return this.call$2($self, null);
85803 },
85804 "call*": "call$2",
85805 $requiredArgCount: 1,
85806 $defaultValues() {
85807 return [null];
85808 },
85809 $signature: 490
85810 };
85811 A.mapClass__closure0.prototype = {
85812 call$1($self) {
85813 return A.dartMapToImmutableMap($self._map0$_contents);
85814 },
85815 $signature: 491
85816 };
85817 A.mapClass__closure1.prototype = {
85818 call$2($self, indexOrKey) {
85819 var index, t1, entry;
85820 if (typeof indexOrKey == "number") {
85821 index = B.JSNumber_methods.floor$0(indexOrKey);
85822 if (index < 0) {
85823 t1 = $self._map0$_contents;
85824 index = t1.get$length(t1) + index;
85825 }
85826 if (index >= 0) {
85827 t1 = $self._map0$_contents;
85828 t1 = index >= t1.get$length(t1);
85829 } else
85830 t1 = true;
85831 if (t1)
85832 return self.undefined;
85833 t1 = $self._map0$_contents;
85834 entry = t1.get$entries(t1).elementAt$1(0, index);
85835 return A.SassList$0(A._setArrayType([entry.key, entry.value], type$.JSArray_Value_2), B.ListSeparator_woc0, false);
85836 } else {
85837 t1 = $self._map0$_contents.$index(0, indexOrKey);
85838 return t1 == null ? self.undefined : t1;
85839 }
85840 },
85841 $signature: 492
85842 };
85843 A.SassMap0.prototype = {
85844 get$separator(_) {
85845 var t1 = this._map0$_contents;
85846 return t1.get$isEmpty(t1) ? B.ListSeparator_undecided_null0 : B.ListSeparator_kWM0;
85847 },
85848 get$asList() {
85849 var result = A._setArrayType([], type$.JSArray_Value_2);
85850 this._map0$_contents.forEach$1(0, new A.SassMap_asList_closure0(result));
85851 return result;
85852 },
85853 get$lengthAsList() {
85854 var t1 = this._map0$_contents;
85855 return t1.get$length(t1);
85856 },
85857 accept$1$1(visitor) {
85858 return visitor.visitMap$1(this);
85859 },
85860 accept$1(visitor) {
85861 return this.accept$1$1(visitor, type$.dynamic);
85862 },
85863 assertMap$1($name) {
85864 return this;
85865 },
85866 tryMap$0() {
85867 return this;
85868 },
85869 $eq(_, other) {
85870 var t1;
85871 if (other == null)
85872 return false;
85873 if (!(other instanceof A.SassMap0 && B.C_MapEquality.equals$2(0, other._map0$_contents, this._map0$_contents))) {
85874 t1 = this._map0$_contents;
85875 t1 = t1.get$isEmpty(t1) && other instanceof A.SassList0 && other._list1$_contents.length === 0;
85876 } else
85877 t1 = true;
85878 return t1;
85879 },
85880 get$hashCode(_) {
85881 var t1 = this._map0$_contents;
85882 return t1.get$isEmpty(t1) ? B.C_ListEquality0.hash$1(B.List_empty15) : B.C_MapEquality.hash$1(t1);
85883 }
85884 };
85885 A.SassMap_asList_closure0.prototype = {
85886 call$2(key, value) {
85887 this.result.push(A.SassList$0(A._setArrayType([key, value], type$.JSArray_Value_2), B.ListSeparator_woc0, false));
85888 },
85889 $signature: 53
85890 };
85891 A._ceil_closure0.prototype = {
85892 call$1(value) {
85893 return B.JSNumber_methods.ceil$0(value);
85894 },
85895 $signature: 43
85896 };
85897 A._clamp_closure0.prototype = {
85898 call$1($arguments) {
85899 var t1 = J.getInterceptor$asx($arguments),
85900 min = t1.$index($arguments, 0).assertNumber$1("min"),
85901 number = t1.$index($arguments, 1).assertNumber$1("number"),
85902 max = t1.$index($arguments, 2).assertNumber$1("max");
85903 number.convertValueToMatch$3(min, "number", "min");
85904 max.convertValueToMatch$3(min, "max", "min");
85905 if (min.greaterThanOrEquals$1(max).value)
85906 return min;
85907 if (min.greaterThanOrEquals$1(number).value)
85908 return min;
85909 if (number.greaterThanOrEquals$1(max).value)
85910 return max;
85911 return number;
85912 },
85913 $signature: 10
85914 };
85915 A._floor_closure0.prototype = {
85916 call$1(value) {
85917 return B.JSNumber_methods.floor$0(value);
85918 },
85919 $signature: 43
85920 };
85921 A._max_closure0.prototype = {
85922 call$1($arguments) {
85923 var t1, t2, max, _i, number;
85924 for (t1 = J.$index$asx($arguments, 0).get$asList(), t2 = t1.length, max = null, _i = 0; _i < t1.length; t1.length === t2 || (0, A.throwConcurrentModificationError)(t1), ++_i) {
85925 number = t1[_i].assertNumber$0();
85926 if (max == null || max.lessThan$1(number).value)
85927 max = number;
85928 }
85929 if (max != null)
85930 return max;
85931 throw A.wrapException(A.SassScriptException$0("At least one argument must be passed."));
85932 },
85933 $signature: 10
85934 };
85935 A._min_closure0.prototype = {
85936 call$1($arguments) {
85937 var t1, t2, min, _i, number;
85938 for (t1 = J.$index$asx($arguments, 0).get$asList(), t2 = t1.length, min = null, _i = 0; _i < t1.length; t1.length === t2 || (0, A.throwConcurrentModificationError)(t1), ++_i) {
85939 number = t1[_i].assertNumber$0();
85940 if (min == null || min.greaterThan$1(number).value)
85941 min = number;
85942 }
85943 if (min != null)
85944 return min;
85945 throw A.wrapException(A.SassScriptException$0("At least one argument must be passed."));
85946 },
85947 $signature: 10
85948 };
85949 A._abs_closure0.prototype = {
85950 call$1(value) {
85951 return Math.abs(value);
85952 },
85953 $signature: 77
85954 };
85955 A._hypot_closure0.prototype = {
85956 call$1($arguments) {
85957 var subtotal, i, i0, t3, t4,
85958 t1 = J.$index$asx($arguments, 0).get$asList(),
85959 t2 = A._arrayInstanceType(t1)._eval$1("MappedListIterable<1,SassNumber0>"),
85960 numbers = A.List_List$of(new A.MappedListIterable(t1, new A._hypot__closure0(), t2), true, t2._eval$1("ListIterable.E"));
85961 t1 = numbers.length;
85962 if (t1 === 0)
85963 throw A.wrapException(A.SassScriptException$0("At least one argument must be passed."));
85964 for (subtotal = 0, i = 0; i < t1; i = i0) {
85965 i0 = i + 1;
85966 subtotal += Math.pow(numbers[i].convertValueToMatch$3(numbers[0], "numbers[" + i0 + "]", "numbers[1]"), 2);
85967 }
85968 t1 = Math.sqrt(subtotal);
85969 t2 = numbers[0];
85970 t3 = J.getInterceptor$x(t2);
85971 t4 = t3.get$numeratorUnits(t2);
85972 return A.SassNumber_SassNumber$withUnits0(t1, t3.get$denominatorUnits(t2), t4);
85973 },
85974 $signature: 10
85975 };
85976 A._hypot__closure0.prototype = {
85977 call$1(argument) {
85978 return argument.assertNumber$0();
85979 },
85980 $signature: 493
85981 };
85982 A._log_closure0.prototype = {
85983 call$1($arguments) {
85984 var numberValue, base, baseValue, t2,
85985 _s18_ = " to have no units.",
85986 t1 = J.getInterceptor$asx($arguments),
85987 number = t1.$index($arguments, 0).assertNumber$1("number");
85988 if (number.get$hasUnits())
85989 throw A.wrapException(A.SassScriptException$0("$number: Expected " + number.toString$0(0) + _s18_));
85990 numberValue = A._fuzzyRoundIfZero0(number._number1$_value);
85991 if (J.$eq$(t1.$index($arguments, 1), B.C__SassNull0)) {
85992 t1 = Math.log(numberValue);
85993 return new A.UnitlessSassNumber0(t1, null);
85994 }
85995 base = t1.$index($arguments, 1).assertNumber$1("base");
85996 if (base.get$hasUnits())
85997 throw A.wrapException(A.SassScriptException$0("$base: Expected " + base.toString$0(0) + _s18_));
85998 t1 = base._number1$_value;
85999 baseValue = Math.abs(t1 - 1) < $.$get$epsilon0() ? A.fuzzyRound0(t1) : A._fuzzyRoundIfZero0(t1);
86000 t1 = Math.log(numberValue);
86001 t2 = Math.log(baseValue);
86002 return new A.UnitlessSassNumber0(t1 / t2, null);
86003 },
86004 $signature: 10
86005 };
86006 A._pow_closure0.prototype = {
86007 call$1($arguments) {
86008 var baseValue, exponentValue, t2, intExponent, t3,
86009 _s18_ = " to have no units.",
86010 _null = null,
86011 t1 = J.getInterceptor$asx($arguments),
86012 base = t1.$index($arguments, 0).assertNumber$1("base"),
86013 exponent = t1.$index($arguments, 1).assertNumber$1("exponent");
86014 if (base.get$hasUnits())
86015 throw A.wrapException(A.SassScriptException$0("$base: Expected " + base.toString$0(0) + _s18_));
86016 else if (exponent.get$hasUnits())
86017 throw A.wrapException(A.SassScriptException$0("$exponent: Expected " + exponent.toString$0(0) + _s18_));
86018 baseValue = A._fuzzyRoundIfZero0(base._number1$_value);
86019 exponentValue = A._fuzzyRoundIfZero0(exponent._number1$_value);
86020 t1 = $.$get$epsilon0();
86021 if (Math.abs(Math.abs(baseValue) - 1) < t1)
86022 t2 = exponentValue == 1 / 0 || exponentValue == -1 / 0;
86023 else
86024 t2 = false;
86025 if (t2)
86026 return new A.UnitlessSassNumber0(0 / 0, _null);
86027 else {
86028 t2 = Math.abs(baseValue - 0);
86029 if (t2 < t1) {
86030 if (isFinite(exponentValue)) {
86031 intExponent = A.fuzzyIsInt0(exponentValue) ? B.JSNumber_methods.round$0(exponentValue) : _null;
86032 if (intExponent != null && B.JSInt_methods.$mod(intExponent, 2) === 1)
86033 exponentValue = A.fuzzyRound0(exponentValue);
86034 }
86035 } else {
86036 if (isFinite(baseValue))
86037 t3 = baseValue < 0 && !(t2 < t1) && isFinite(exponentValue) && A.fuzzyIsInt0(exponentValue);
86038 else
86039 t3 = false;
86040 if (t3)
86041 exponentValue = A.fuzzyRound0(exponentValue);
86042 else {
86043 if (baseValue == 1 / 0 || baseValue == -1 / 0)
86044 t1 = baseValue < 0 && !(t2 < t1) && isFinite(exponentValue);
86045 else
86046 t1 = false;
86047 if (t1) {
86048 intExponent = A.fuzzyIsInt0(exponentValue) ? B.JSNumber_methods.round$0(exponentValue) : _null;
86049 if (intExponent != null && B.JSInt_methods.$mod(intExponent, 2) === 1)
86050 exponentValue = A.fuzzyRound0(exponentValue);
86051 }
86052 }
86053 }
86054 }
86055 t1 = Math.pow(baseValue, exponentValue);
86056 return new A.UnitlessSassNumber0(t1, _null);
86057 },
86058 $signature: 10
86059 };
86060 A._sqrt_closure0.prototype = {
86061 call$1($arguments) {
86062 var t1,
86063 number = J.$index$asx($arguments, 0).assertNumber$1("number");
86064 if (number.get$hasUnits())
86065 throw A.wrapException(A.SassScriptException$0("$number: Expected " + number.toString$0(0) + " to have no units."));
86066 t1 = Math.sqrt(A._fuzzyRoundIfZero0(number._number1$_value));
86067 return new A.UnitlessSassNumber0(t1, null);
86068 },
86069 $signature: 10
86070 };
86071 A._acos_closure0.prototype = {
86072 call$1($arguments) {
86073 var numberValue,
86074 number = J.$index$asx($arguments, 0).assertNumber$1("number");
86075 if (number.get$hasUnits())
86076 throw A.wrapException(A.SassScriptException$0("$number: Expected " + number.toString$0(0) + " to have no units."));
86077 numberValue = number._number1$_value;
86078 if (Math.abs(Math.abs(numberValue) - 1) < $.$get$epsilon0())
86079 numberValue = A.fuzzyRound0(numberValue);
86080 return A.SassNumber_SassNumber$withUnits0(Math.acos(numberValue) * 180 / 3.141592653589793, null, A._setArrayType(["deg"], type$.JSArray_String));
86081 },
86082 $signature: 10
86083 };
86084 A._asin_closure0.prototype = {
86085 call$1($arguments) {
86086 var t1, numberValue,
86087 number = J.$index$asx($arguments, 0).assertNumber$1("number");
86088 if (number.get$hasUnits())
86089 throw A.wrapException(A.SassScriptException$0("$number: Expected " + number.toString$0(0) + " to have no units."));
86090 t1 = number._number1$_value;
86091 numberValue = Math.abs(Math.abs(t1) - 1) < $.$get$epsilon0() ? A.fuzzyRound0(t1) : A._fuzzyRoundIfZero0(t1);
86092 return A.SassNumber_SassNumber$withUnits0(Math.asin(numberValue) * 180 / 3.141592653589793, null, A._setArrayType(["deg"], type$.JSArray_String));
86093 },
86094 $signature: 10
86095 };
86096 A._atan_closure0.prototype = {
86097 call$1($arguments) {
86098 var number = J.$index$asx($arguments, 0).assertNumber$1("number");
86099 if (number.get$hasUnits())
86100 throw A.wrapException(A.SassScriptException$0("$number: Expected " + number.toString$0(0) + " to have no units."));
86101 return A.SassNumber_SassNumber$withUnits0(Math.atan(A._fuzzyRoundIfZero0(number._number1$_value)) * 180 / 3.141592653589793, null, A._setArrayType(["deg"], type$.JSArray_String));
86102 },
86103 $signature: 10
86104 };
86105 A._atan2_closure0.prototype = {
86106 call$1($arguments) {
86107 var t1 = J.getInterceptor$asx($arguments),
86108 y = t1.$index($arguments, 0).assertNumber$1("y"),
86109 xValue = A._fuzzyRoundIfZero0(t1.$index($arguments, 1).assertNumber$1("x").convertValueToMatch$3(y, "x", "y"));
86110 return A.SassNumber_SassNumber$withUnits0(Math.atan2(A._fuzzyRoundIfZero0(y._number1$_value), xValue) * 180 / 3.141592653589793, null, A._setArrayType(["deg"], type$.JSArray_String));
86111 },
86112 $signature: 10
86113 };
86114 A._cos_closure0.prototype = {
86115 call$1($arguments) {
86116 var t1 = Math.cos(J.$index$asx($arguments, 0).assertNumber$1("number").coerceValueToUnit$2("rad", "number"));
86117 return new A.UnitlessSassNumber0(t1, null);
86118 },
86119 $signature: 10
86120 };
86121 A._sin_closure0.prototype = {
86122 call$1($arguments) {
86123 var t1 = Math.sin(A._fuzzyRoundIfZero0(J.$index$asx($arguments, 0).assertNumber$1("number").coerceValueToUnit$2("rad", "number")));
86124 return new A.UnitlessSassNumber0(t1, null);
86125 },
86126 $signature: 10
86127 };
86128 A._tan_closure0.prototype = {
86129 call$1($arguments) {
86130 var value = J.$index$asx($arguments, 0).assertNumber$1("number").coerceValueToUnit$2("rad", "number"),
86131 t1 = B.JSNumber_methods.$mod(value - 1.5707963267948966, 6.283185307179586),
86132 t2 = $.$get$epsilon0();
86133 if (Math.abs(t1 - 0) < t2)
86134 return new A.UnitlessSassNumber0(1 / 0, null);
86135 else if (Math.abs(B.JSNumber_methods.$mod(value + 1.5707963267948966, 6.283185307179586) - 0) < t2)
86136 return new A.UnitlessSassNumber0(-1 / 0, null);
86137 else {
86138 t1 = Math.tan(A._fuzzyRoundIfZero0(value));
86139 return new A.UnitlessSassNumber0(t1, null);
86140 }
86141 },
86142 $signature: 10
86143 };
86144 A._compatible_closure0.prototype = {
86145 call$1($arguments) {
86146 var t1 = J.getInterceptor$asx($arguments);
86147 return t1.$index($arguments, 0).assertNumber$1("number1").isComparableTo$1(t1.$index($arguments, 1).assertNumber$1("number2")) ? B.SassBoolean_true0 : B.SassBoolean_false0;
86148 },
86149 $signature: 18
86150 };
86151 A._isUnitless_closure0.prototype = {
86152 call$1($arguments) {
86153 return !J.$index$asx($arguments, 0).assertNumber$1("number").get$hasUnits() ? B.SassBoolean_true0 : B.SassBoolean_false0;
86154 },
86155 $signature: 18
86156 };
86157 A._unit_closure0.prototype = {
86158 call$1($arguments) {
86159 return new A.SassString0(J.$index$asx($arguments, 0).assertNumber$1("number").get$unitString(), true);
86160 },
86161 $signature: 14
86162 };
86163 A._percentage_closure0.prototype = {
86164 call$1($arguments) {
86165 var number = J.$index$asx($arguments, 0).assertNumber$1("number");
86166 number.assertNoUnits$1("number");
86167 return new A.SingleUnitSassNumber0("%", number._number1$_value * 100, null);
86168 },
86169 $signature: 10
86170 };
86171 A._randomFunction_closure0.prototype = {
86172 call$1($arguments) {
86173 var limit,
86174 t1 = J.getInterceptor$asx($arguments);
86175 if (J.$eq$(t1.$index($arguments, 0), B.C__SassNull0)) {
86176 t1 = $.$get$_random2().nextDouble$0();
86177 return new A.UnitlessSassNumber0(t1, null);
86178 }
86179 limit = t1.$index($arguments, 0).assertNumber$1("limit").assertInt$1("limit");
86180 if (limit < 1)
86181 throw A.wrapException(A.SassScriptException$0("$limit: Must be greater than 0, was " + limit + "."));
86182 t1 = $.$get$_random2().nextInt$1(limit);
86183 return new A.UnitlessSassNumber0(t1 + 1, null);
86184 },
86185 $signature: 10
86186 };
86187 A._div_closure0.prototype = {
86188 call$1($arguments) {
86189 var t1 = J.getInterceptor$asx($arguments),
86190 number1 = t1.$index($arguments, 0),
86191 number2 = t1.$index($arguments, 1);
86192 if (!(number1 instanceof A.SassNumber0) || !(number2 instanceof A.SassNumber0))
86193 A.EvaluationContext_current0().warn$2$deprecation(0, string$.math_d, false);
86194 return number1.dividedBy$1(number2);
86195 },
86196 $signature: 3
86197 };
86198 A._numberFunction_closure0.prototype = {
86199 call$1($arguments) {
86200 var number = J.$index$asx($arguments, 0).assertNumber$1("number"),
86201 t1 = this.transform.call$1(number._number1$_value),
86202 t2 = number.get$numeratorUnits(number);
86203 return A.SassNumber_SassNumber$withUnits0(t1, number.get$denominatorUnits(number), t2);
86204 },
86205 $signature: 10
86206 };
86207 A.CssMediaQuery0.prototype = {
86208 merge$1(other) {
86209 var t8, negativeFeatures, features, type, modifier, fewerFeatures, fewerFeatures0, moreFeatures, _this = this, _null = null, _s3_ = "all",
86210 t1 = _this.modifier,
86211 ourModifier = t1 == null ? _null : t1.toLowerCase(),
86212 t2 = _this.type,
86213 t3 = t2 == null,
86214 ourType = t3 ? _null : t2.toLowerCase(),
86215 t4 = other.modifier,
86216 theirModifier = t4 == null ? _null : t4.toLowerCase(),
86217 t5 = other.type,
86218 t6 = t5 == null,
86219 theirType = t6 ? _null : t5.toLowerCase(),
86220 t7 = ourType == null;
86221 if (t7 && theirType == null) {
86222 t1 = type$.String;
86223 t2 = A.List_List$of(_this.features, true, t1);
86224 B.JSArray_methods.addAll$1(t2, other.features);
86225 return new A.MediaQuerySuccessfulMergeResult0(new A.CssMediaQuery0(_null, _null, A.List_List$unmodifiable(t2, t1)));
86226 }
86227 t8 = ourModifier === "not";
86228 if (t8 !== (theirModifier === "not")) {
86229 if (ourType == theirType) {
86230 negativeFeatures = t8 ? _this.features : other.features;
86231 if (B.JSArray_methods.every$1(negativeFeatures, B.JSArray_methods.get$contains(t8 ? other.features : _this.features)))
86232 return B._SingletonCssMediaQueryMergeResult_empty0;
86233 else
86234 return B._SingletonCssMediaQueryMergeResult_unrepresentable0;
86235 } else if (t3 || A.equalsIgnoreCase0(t2, _s3_) || t6 || A.equalsIgnoreCase0(t5, _s3_))
86236 return B._SingletonCssMediaQueryMergeResult_unrepresentable0;
86237 if (t8) {
86238 features = other.features;
86239 type = theirType;
86240 modifier = theirModifier;
86241 } else {
86242 features = _this.features;
86243 type = ourType;
86244 modifier = ourModifier;
86245 }
86246 } else if (t8) {
86247 if (ourType != theirType)
86248 return B._SingletonCssMediaQueryMergeResult_unrepresentable0;
86249 fewerFeatures = _this.features;
86250 fewerFeatures0 = other.features;
86251 t3 = fewerFeatures.length > fewerFeatures0.length;
86252 moreFeatures = t3 ? fewerFeatures : fewerFeatures0;
86253 if (t3)
86254 fewerFeatures = fewerFeatures0;
86255 if (!B.JSArray_methods.every$1(fewerFeatures, B.JSArray_methods.get$contains(moreFeatures)))
86256 return B._SingletonCssMediaQueryMergeResult_unrepresentable0;
86257 features = moreFeatures;
86258 type = ourType;
86259 modifier = ourModifier;
86260 } else if (t3 || A.equalsIgnoreCase0(t2, _s3_)) {
86261 type = (t6 || A.equalsIgnoreCase0(t5, _s3_)) && t7 ? _null : theirType;
86262 t3 = A.List_List$of(_this.features, true, type$.String);
86263 B.JSArray_methods.addAll$1(t3, other.features);
86264 features = t3;
86265 modifier = theirModifier;
86266 } else {
86267 if (t6 || A.equalsIgnoreCase0(t5, _s3_)) {
86268 t3 = A.List_List$of(_this.features, true, type$.String);
86269 B.JSArray_methods.addAll$1(t3, other.features);
86270 features = t3;
86271 modifier = ourModifier;
86272 } else {
86273 if (ourType != theirType)
86274 return B._SingletonCssMediaQueryMergeResult_empty0;
86275 else {
86276 modifier = ourModifier == null ? theirModifier : ourModifier;
86277 t3 = A.List_List$of(_this.features, true, type$.String);
86278 B.JSArray_methods.addAll$1(t3, other.features);
86279 }
86280 features = t3;
86281 }
86282 type = ourType;
86283 }
86284 t2 = type == ourType ? t2 : t5;
86285 t1 = modifier == ourModifier ? t1 : t4;
86286 t3 = A.List_List$unmodifiable(features, type$.String);
86287 return new A.MediaQuerySuccessfulMergeResult0(new A.CssMediaQuery0(t1, t2, t3));
86288 },
86289 $eq(_, other) {
86290 if (other == null)
86291 return false;
86292 return other instanceof A.CssMediaQuery0 && other.modifier == this.modifier && other.type == this.type && B.C_ListEquality.equals$2(0, other.features, this.features);
86293 },
86294 get$hashCode(_) {
86295 return J.get$hashCode$(this.modifier) ^ J.get$hashCode$(this.type) ^ B.C_ListEquality0.hash$1(this.features);
86296 },
86297 toString$0(_) {
86298 var t2, _this = this,
86299 t1 = _this.modifier;
86300 t1 = t1 != null ? "" + (t1 + " ") : "";
86301 t2 = _this.type;
86302 if (t2 != null) {
86303 t1 += t2;
86304 if (_this.features.length !== 0)
86305 t1 += " and ";
86306 }
86307 t1 += B.JSArray_methods.join$1(_this.features, " and ");
86308 return t1.charCodeAt(0) == 0 ? t1 : t1;
86309 }
86310 };
86311 A._SingletonCssMediaQueryMergeResult0.prototype = {
86312 toString$0(_) {
86313 return this._media_query1$_name;
86314 }
86315 };
86316 A.MediaQuerySuccessfulMergeResult0.prototype = {};
86317 A.MediaQueryParser0.prototype = {
86318 parse$0() {
86319 return this.wrapSpanFormatException$1(new A.MediaQueryParser_parse_closure0(this));
86320 },
86321 _media_query0$_mediaQuery$0() {
86322 var identifier1, identifier2, type, modifier, features, _this = this, _null = null,
86323 t1 = _this.scanner;
86324 if (t1.peekChar$0() !== 40) {
86325 identifier1 = _this.identifier$0();
86326 _this.whitespace$0();
86327 if (!_this.lookingAtIdentifier$0())
86328 return new A.CssMediaQuery0(_null, identifier1, B.List_empty);
86329 identifier2 = _this.identifier$0();
86330 _this.whitespace$0();
86331 if (A.equalsIgnoreCase0(identifier2, "and")) {
86332 type = identifier1;
86333 modifier = _null;
86334 } else {
86335 if (_this.scanIdentifier$1("and"))
86336 _this.whitespace$0();
86337 else
86338 return new A.CssMediaQuery0(identifier1, identifier2, B.List_empty);
86339 type = identifier2;
86340 modifier = identifier1;
86341 }
86342 } else {
86343 type = _null;
86344 modifier = type;
86345 }
86346 features = A._setArrayType([], type$.JSArray_String);
86347 do {
86348 _this.whitespace$0();
86349 t1.expectChar$1(40);
86350 features.push("(" + _this.declarationValue$0() + ")");
86351 t1.expectChar$1(41);
86352 _this.whitespace$0();
86353 } while (_this.scanIdentifier$1("and"));
86354 if (type == null)
86355 return new A.CssMediaQuery0(_null, _null, A.List_List$unmodifiable(features, type$.String));
86356 else {
86357 t1 = A.List_List$unmodifiable(features, type$.String);
86358 return new A.CssMediaQuery0(modifier, type, t1);
86359 }
86360 }
86361 };
86362 A.MediaQueryParser_parse_closure0.prototype = {
86363 call$0() {
86364 var queries = A._setArrayType([], type$.JSArray_CssMediaQuery_2),
86365 t1 = this.$this,
86366 t2 = t1.scanner;
86367 do {
86368 t1.whitespace$0();
86369 queries.push(t1._media_query0$_mediaQuery$0());
86370 } while (t2.scanChar$1(44));
86371 t2.expectDone$0();
86372 return queries;
86373 },
86374 $signature: 132
86375 };
86376 A.ModifiableCssMediaRule0.prototype = {
86377 accept$1$1(visitor) {
86378 return visitor.visitCssMediaRule$1(this);
86379 },
86380 accept$1(visitor) {
86381 return this.accept$1$1(visitor, type$.dynamic);
86382 },
86383 copyWithoutChildren$0() {
86384 return A.ModifiableCssMediaRule$0(this.queries, this.span);
86385 },
86386 $isCssMediaRule0: 1,
86387 get$span(receiver) {
86388 return this.span;
86389 }
86390 };
86391 A.MediaRule0.prototype = {
86392 accept$1$1(visitor) {
86393 return visitor.visitMediaRule$1(this);
86394 },
86395 accept$1(visitor) {
86396 return this.accept$1$1(visitor, type$.dynamic);
86397 },
86398 toString$0(_) {
86399 var t1 = this.children;
86400 return "@media " + this.query.toString$0(0) + " {" + (t1 && B.JSArray_methods).join$1(t1, " ") + "}";
86401 },
86402 get$span(receiver) {
86403 return this.span;
86404 }
86405 };
86406 A.MergedExtension0.prototype = {
86407 unmerge$0() {
86408 var $async$self = this;
86409 return A._makeSyncStarIterable(function() {
86410 var $async$goto = 0, $async$handler = 1, $async$currentError, right, left;
86411 return function $async$unmerge$0($async$errorCode, $async$result) {
86412 if ($async$errorCode === 1) {
86413 $async$currentError = $async$result;
86414 $async$goto = $async$handler;
86415 }
86416 while (true)
86417 switch ($async$goto) {
86418 case 0:
86419 // Function start
86420 left = $async$self.left;
86421 $async$goto = left instanceof A.MergedExtension0 ? 2 : 4;
86422 break;
86423 case 2:
86424 // then
86425 $async$goto = 5;
86426 return A._IterationMarker_yieldStar(left.unmerge$0());
86427 case 5:
86428 // after yield
86429 // goto join
86430 $async$goto = 3;
86431 break;
86432 case 4:
86433 // else
86434 $async$goto = 6;
86435 return left;
86436 case 6:
86437 // after yield
86438 case 3:
86439 // join
86440 right = $async$self.right;
86441 $async$goto = right instanceof A.MergedExtension0 ? 7 : 9;
86442 break;
86443 case 7:
86444 // then
86445 $async$goto = 10;
86446 return A._IterationMarker_yieldStar(right.unmerge$0());
86447 case 10:
86448 // after yield
86449 // goto join
86450 $async$goto = 8;
86451 break;
86452 case 9:
86453 // else
86454 $async$goto = 11;
86455 return right;
86456 case 11:
86457 // after yield
86458 case 8:
86459 // join
86460 // implicit return
86461 return A._IterationMarker_endOfIteration();
86462 case 1:
86463 // rethrow
86464 return A._IterationMarker_uncaughtError($async$currentError);
86465 }
86466 };
86467 }, type$.Extension_2);
86468 }
86469 };
86470 A.MergedMapView0.prototype = {
86471 get$keys(_) {
86472 var t1 = this._merged_map_view$_mapsByKey;
86473 return t1.get$keys(t1);
86474 },
86475 get$length(_) {
86476 var t1 = this._merged_map_view$_mapsByKey;
86477 return t1.get$length(t1);
86478 },
86479 get$isEmpty(_) {
86480 var t1 = this._merged_map_view$_mapsByKey;
86481 return t1.get$isEmpty(t1);
86482 },
86483 get$isNotEmpty(_) {
86484 var t1 = this._merged_map_view$_mapsByKey;
86485 return t1.get$isNotEmpty(t1);
86486 },
86487 MergedMapView$10(maps, $K, $V) {
86488 var t1, t2, t3, _i, map, t4, t5;
86489 for (t1 = maps.length, t2 = this._merged_map_view$_mapsByKey, t3 = $K._eval$1("@<0>")._bind$1($V)._eval$1("MergedMapView0<1,2>"), _i = 0; _i < maps.length; maps.length === t1 || (0, A.throwConcurrentModificationError)(maps), ++_i) {
86490 map = maps[_i];
86491 if (t3._is(map))
86492 for (t4 = map._merged_map_view$_mapsByKey, t4 = t4.get$values(t4), t4 = t4.get$iterator(t4); t4.moveNext$0();) {
86493 t5 = t4.get$current(t4);
86494 A.setAll0(t2, t5.get$keys(t5), t5);
86495 }
86496 else
86497 A.setAll0(t2, map.get$keys(map), map);
86498 }
86499 },
86500 $index(_, key) {
86501 var t1 = this._merged_map_view$_mapsByKey.$index(0, this.$ti._precomputed1._as(key));
86502 return t1 == null ? null : t1.$index(0, key);
86503 },
86504 $indexSet(_, key, value) {
86505 var child = this._merged_map_view$_mapsByKey.$index(0, key);
86506 if (child == null)
86507 throw A.wrapException(A.UnsupportedError$(string$.New_en));
86508 child.$indexSet(0, key, value);
86509 },
86510 remove$1(_, key) {
86511 throw A.wrapException(A.UnsupportedError$(string$.Entrie));
86512 },
86513 containsKey$1(key) {
86514 return this._merged_map_view$_mapsByKey.containsKey$1(key);
86515 }
86516 };
86517 A.global_closure57.prototype = {
86518 call$1($arguments) {
86519 return $._features0.contains$1(0, J.$index$asx($arguments, 0).assertString$1("feature")._string0$_text) ? B.SassBoolean_true0 : B.SassBoolean_false0;
86520 },
86521 $signature: 18
86522 };
86523 A.global_closure58.prototype = {
86524 call$1($arguments) {
86525 return new A.SassString0(A.serializeValue0(J.get$first$ax($arguments), true, true), false);
86526 },
86527 $signature: 14
86528 };
86529 A.global_closure59.prototype = {
86530 call$1($arguments) {
86531 var value = J.$index$asx($arguments, 0);
86532 if (value instanceof A.SassArgumentList0)
86533 return new A.SassString0("arglist", false);
86534 if (value instanceof A.SassBoolean0)
86535 return new A.SassString0("bool", false);
86536 if (value instanceof A.SassColor0)
86537 return new A.SassString0("color", false);
86538 if (value instanceof A.SassList0)
86539 return new A.SassString0("list", false);
86540 if (value instanceof A.SassMap0)
86541 return new A.SassString0("map", false);
86542 if (value.$eq(0, B.C__SassNull0))
86543 return new A.SassString0("null", false);
86544 if (value instanceof A.SassNumber0)
86545 return new A.SassString0("number", false);
86546 if (value instanceof A.SassFunction0)
86547 return new A.SassString0("function", false);
86548 if (value instanceof A.SassCalculation0)
86549 return new A.SassString0("calculation", false);
86550 return new A.SassString0("string", false);
86551 },
86552 $signature: 14
86553 };
86554 A.global_closure60.prototype = {
86555 call$1($arguments) {
86556 var t1, t2, t3, t4,
86557 argumentList = J.$index$asx($arguments, 0);
86558 if (argumentList instanceof A.SassArgumentList0) {
86559 t1 = type$.Value_2;
86560 t2 = A.LinkedHashMap_LinkedHashMap$_empty(t1, t1);
86561 for (argumentList._argument_list$_wereKeywordsAccessed = true, t3 = argumentList._argument_list$_keywords, t3 = t3.get$entries(t3), t3 = t3.get$iterator(t3); t3.moveNext$0();) {
86562 t4 = t3.get$current(t3);
86563 t2.$indexSet(0, new A.SassString0(t4.key, false), t4.value);
86564 }
86565 return new A.SassMap0(A.ConstantMap_ConstantMap$from(t2, t1, t1));
86566 } else
86567 throw A.wrapException("$args: " + argumentList.toString$0(0) + " is not an argument list.");
86568 },
86569 $signature: 34
86570 };
86571 A.local_closure1.prototype = {
86572 call$1($arguments) {
86573 return new A.SassString0(J.$index$asx($arguments, 0).assertCalculation$1("calc").name, true);
86574 },
86575 $signature: 14
86576 };
86577 A.local_closure2.prototype = {
86578 call$1($arguments) {
86579 var t1 = J.$index$asx($arguments, 0).assertCalculation$1("calc").$arguments;
86580 return A.SassList$0(new A.MappedListIterable(t1, new A.local__closure0(), A._arrayInstanceType(t1)._eval$1("MappedListIterable<1,Value0>")), B.ListSeparator_kWM0, false);
86581 },
86582 $signature: 22
86583 };
86584 A.local__closure0.prototype = {
86585 call$1(argument) {
86586 if (argument instanceof A.Value0)
86587 return argument;
86588 return new A.SassString0(J.toString$0$(argument), false);
86589 },
86590 $signature: 494
86591 };
86592 A.MixinRule0.prototype = {
86593 get$hasContent() {
86594 var result, _this = this,
86595 value = _this._mixin_rule$__MixinRule_hasContent;
86596 if (value === $) {
86597 result = J.$eq$(B.C__HasContentVisitor0.visitChildren$1(_this.children), true);
86598 A._lateInitializeOnceCheck(_this._mixin_rule$__MixinRule_hasContent, "hasContent");
86599 _this._mixin_rule$__MixinRule_hasContent = result;
86600 value = result;
86601 }
86602 return value;
86603 },
86604 accept$1$1(visitor) {
86605 return visitor.visitMixinRule$1(this);
86606 },
86607 accept$1(visitor) {
86608 return this.accept$1$1(visitor, type$.dynamic);
86609 },
86610 toString$0(_) {
86611 var t1 = "@mixin " + this.name,
86612 t2 = this.$arguments;
86613 if (!(t2.$arguments.length === 0 && t2.restArgument == null))
86614 t1 += "(" + t2.toString$0(0) + ")";
86615 t2 = this.children;
86616 t2 = t1 + (" {" + (t2 && B.JSArray_methods).join$1(t2, " ") + "}");
86617 return t2.charCodeAt(0) == 0 ? t2 : t2;
86618 }
86619 };
86620 A._HasContentVisitor0.prototype = {
86621 visitContentRule$1(_) {
86622 return true;
86623 }
86624 };
86625 A.ExtendMode0.prototype = {
86626 toString$0(_) {
86627 return this.name;
86628 }
86629 };
86630 A.SupportsNegation0.prototype = {
86631 toString$0(_) {
86632 var t1 = this.condition;
86633 if (t1 instanceof A.SupportsNegation0 || t1 instanceof A.SupportsOperation0)
86634 return "not (" + t1.toString$0(0) + ")";
86635 else
86636 return "not " + t1.toString$0(0);
86637 },
86638 $isAstNode0: 1,
86639 $isSupportsCondition0: 1,
86640 get$span(receiver) {
86641 return this.span;
86642 }
86643 };
86644 A.NoOpImporter.prototype = {
86645 canonicalize$1(_, url) {
86646 return null;
86647 },
86648 load$1(_, url) {
86649 return null;
86650 },
86651 toString$0(_) {
86652 return "(unknown)";
86653 }
86654 };
86655 A.NoSourceMapBuffer0.prototype = {
86656 get$length(_) {
86657 return this._no_source_map_buffer0$_buffer._contents.length;
86658 },
86659 forSpan$1$2(span, callback) {
86660 return callback.call$0();
86661 },
86662 forSpan$2(span, callback) {
86663 return this.forSpan$1$2(span, callback, type$.dynamic);
86664 },
86665 write$1(_, object) {
86666 this._no_source_map_buffer0$_buffer._contents += A.S(object);
86667 return null;
86668 },
86669 writeCharCode$1(charCode) {
86670 this._no_source_map_buffer0$_buffer._contents += A.Primitives_stringFromCharCode(charCode);
86671 return null;
86672 },
86673 toString$0(_) {
86674 var t1 = this._no_source_map_buffer0$_buffer._contents;
86675 return t1.charCodeAt(0) == 0 ? t1 : t1;
86676 },
86677 buildSourceMap$1$prefix(prefix) {
86678 return A.throwExpression(A.UnsupportedError$(string$.NoSour));
86679 }
86680 };
86681 A.AstNode0.prototype = {};
86682 A._FakeAstNode0.prototype = {
86683 get$span(_) {
86684 return this._node2$_callback.call$0();
86685 },
86686 $isAstNode0: 1
86687 };
86688 A.CssNode0.prototype = {
86689 toString$0(_) {
86690 return A.serialize0(this, true, null, true, null, false, null, true).css;
86691 }
86692 };
86693 A.CssParentNode0.prototype = {};
86694 A.FileSystemException0.prototype = {
86695 toString$0(_) {
86696 var t1 = $.$get$context();
86697 return t1.prettyUri$1(t1.toUri$1(this.path)) + ": " + this.message;
86698 },
86699 get$message(receiver) {
86700 return this.message;
86701 }
86702 };
86703 A.Stderr0.prototype = {
86704 writeln$1(object) {
86705 J.write$1$x(this._node0$_stderr, (object == null ? "" : object) + "\n");
86706 },
86707 writeln$0() {
86708 return this.writeln$1(null);
86709 }
86710 };
86711 A._readFile_closure0.prototype = {
86712 call$0() {
86713 return J.readFileSync$2$x(A.fs(), this.path, this.encoding);
86714 },
86715 $signature: 79
86716 };
86717 A.fileExists_closure0.prototype = {
86718 call$0() {
86719 var error, systemError, exception,
86720 t1 = this.path;
86721 if (!J.existsSync$1$x(A.fs(), t1))
86722 return false;
86723 try {
86724 t1 = J.isFile$0$x(J.statSync$1$x(A.fs(), t1));
86725 return t1;
86726 } catch (exception) {
86727 error = A.unwrapException(exception);
86728 systemError = type$.JsSystemError._as(error);
86729 if (J.$eq$(J.get$code$x(systemError), "ENOENT"))
86730 return false;
86731 throw exception;
86732 }
86733 },
86734 $signature: 28
86735 };
86736 A.dirExists_closure0.prototype = {
86737 call$0() {
86738 var error, systemError, exception,
86739 t1 = this.path;
86740 if (!J.existsSync$1$x(A.fs(), t1))
86741 return false;
86742 try {
86743 t1 = J.isDirectory$0$x(J.statSync$1$x(A.fs(), t1));
86744 return t1;
86745 } catch (exception) {
86746 error = A.unwrapException(exception);
86747 systemError = type$.JsSystemError._as(error);
86748 if (J.$eq$(J.get$code$x(systemError), "ENOENT"))
86749 return false;
86750 throw exception;
86751 }
86752 },
86753 $signature: 28
86754 };
86755 A.listDir_closure0.prototype = {
86756 call$0() {
86757 var t1 = this.path;
86758 if (!this.recursive)
86759 return J.map$1$1$ax(J.readdirSync$1$x(A.fs(), t1), new A.listDir__closure1(t1), type$.String).where$1(0, new A.listDir__closure2());
86760 else
86761 return new A.listDir_closure_list0().call$1(t1);
86762 },
86763 $signature: 199
86764 };
86765 A.listDir__closure1.prototype = {
86766 call$1(child) {
86767 return A.join(this.path, A._asString(child), null);
86768 },
86769 $signature: 92
86770 };
86771 A.listDir__closure2.prototype = {
86772 call$1(child) {
86773 return !A.dirExists0(child);
86774 },
86775 $signature: 6
86776 };
86777 A.listDir_closure_list0.prototype = {
86778 call$1($parent) {
86779 return J.expand$1$1$ax(J.readdirSync$1$x(A.fs(), $parent), new A.listDir__list_closure0($parent, this), type$.String);
86780 },
86781 $signature: 201
86782 };
86783 A.listDir__list_closure0.prototype = {
86784 call$1(child) {
86785 var path = A.join(this.parent, A._asString(child), null);
86786 return A.dirExists0(path) ? this.list.call$1(path) : A._setArrayType([path], type$.JSArray_String);
86787 },
86788 $signature: 205
86789 };
86790 A.ModifiableCssNode0.prototype = {
86791 get$hasFollowingSibling() {
86792 var siblings, t1, i, t2,
86793 $parent = this._node1$_parent;
86794 if ($parent == null)
86795 return false;
86796 siblings = $parent.children;
86797 t1 = this._node1$_indexInParent;
86798 t1.toString;
86799 i = t1 + 1;
86800 t1 = siblings._collection$_source;
86801 t2 = J.getInterceptor$asx(t1);
86802 for (; i < t2.get$length(t1); ++i)
86803 if (!this._node1$_isInvisible$1(t2.elementAt$1(t1, i)))
86804 return true;
86805 return false;
86806 },
86807 _node1$_isInvisible$1(node) {
86808 if (type$.CssParentNode_2._is(node)) {
86809 if (type$.CssAtRule_2._is(node))
86810 return false;
86811 if (type$.CssStyleRule_2._is(node) && node.selector.value.get$isInvisible())
86812 return true;
86813 return J.every$1$ax(node.get$children(node), this.get$_node1$_isInvisible());
86814 } else
86815 return false;
86816 },
86817 get$isGroupEnd() {
86818 return this.isGroupEnd;
86819 }
86820 };
86821 A.ModifiableCssParentNode0.prototype = {
86822 get$isChildless() {
86823 return false;
86824 },
86825 addChild$1(child) {
86826 var t1;
86827 child._node1$_parent = this;
86828 t1 = this._node1$_children;
86829 child._node1$_indexInParent = t1.length;
86830 t1.push(child);
86831 },
86832 $isCssParentNode0: 1,
86833 get$children(receiver) {
86834 return this.children;
86835 }
86836 };
86837 A.main_closure0.prototype = {
86838 call$2(_, __) {
86839 },
86840 $signature: 495
86841 };
86842 A.main_closure1.prototype = {
86843 call$2(_, __) {
86844 },
86845 $signature: 496
86846 };
86847 A.NodeToDartLogger.prototype = {
86848 warn$4$deprecation$span$trace(_, message, deprecation, span, trace) {
86849 var t1 = this._node,
86850 warn = t1 == null ? null : J.get$warn$x(t1);
86851 if (warn == null)
86852 this._withAscii$1(new A.NodeToDartLogger_warn_closure(this, message, span, trace, deprecation));
86853 else {
86854 t1 = span == null ? type$.nullable_SourceSpan._as(self.undefined) : span;
86855 warn.call$2(message, {deprecation: deprecation, span: t1, stack: J.toString$0$(trace)});
86856 }
86857 },
86858 warn$1($receiver, message) {
86859 return this.warn$4$deprecation$span$trace($receiver, message, false, null, null);
86860 },
86861 warn$2$span($receiver, message, span) {
86862 return this.warn$4$deprecation$span$trace($receiver, message, false, span, null);
86863 },
86864 warn$2$deprecation($receiver, message, deprecation) {
86865 return this.warn$4$deprecation$span$trace($receiver, message, deprecation, null, null);
86866 },
86867 warn$3$deprecation$span($receiver, message, deprecation, span) {
86868 return this.warn$4$deprecation$span$trace($receiver, message, deprecation, span, null);
86869 },
86870 warn$2$trace($receiver, message, trace) {
86871 return this.warn$4$deprecation$span$trace($receiver, message, false, null, trace);
86872 },
86873 debug$2(_, message, span) {
86874 var t1 = this._node,
86875 debug = t1 == null ? null : J.get$debug$x(t1);
86876 if (debug == null)
86877 this._withAscii$1(new A.NodeToDartLogger_debug_closure(this, message, span));
86878 else
86879 debug.call$2(message, {span: span});
86880 },
86881 _withAscii$1$1(callback) {
86882 var t1,
86883 wasAscii = $._glyphs === B.C_AsciiGlyphSet;
86884 $._glyphs = this._ascii ? B.C_AsciiGlyphSet : B.C_UnicodeGlyphSet;
86885 try {
86886 t1 = callback.call$0();
86887 return t1;
86888 } finally {
86889 $._glyphs = wasAscii ? B.C_AsciiGlyphSet : B.C_UnicodeGlyphSet;
86890 }
86891 },
86892 _withAscii$1(callback) {
86893 return this._withAscii$1$1(callback, type$.dynamic);
86894 }
86895 };
86896 A.NodeToDartLogger_warn_closure.prototype = {
86897 call$0() {
86898 var _this = this;
86899 _this.$this._fallback.warn$4$deprecation$span$trace(0, _this.message, _this.deprecation, _this.span, _this.trace);
86900 },
86901 $signature: 1
86902 };
86903 A.NodeToDartLogger_debug_closure.prototype = {
86904 call$0() {
86905 return this.$this._fallback.debug$2(0, this.message, this.span);
86906 },
86907 $signature: 0
86908 };
86909 A.NullExpression0.prototype = {
86910 accept$1$1(visitor) {
86911 return visitor.visitNullExpression$1(this);
86912 },
86913 accept$1(visitor) {
86914 return this.accept$1$1(visitor, type$.dynamic);
86915 },
86916 toString$0(_) {
86917 return "null";
86918 },
86919 $isExpression0: 1,
86920 $isAstNode0: 1,
86921 get$span(receiver) {
86922 return this.span;
86923 }
86924 };
86925 A.legacyNullClass_closure.prototype = {
86926 call$0() {
86927 var t1 = type$.JSClass,
86928 jsClass = t1._as(A.allowInteropCaptureThisNamed("sass.types.Null", new A.legacyNullClass__closure()));
86929 jsClass.NULL = B.C__SassNull0;
86930 A.JSClassExtension_injectSuperclass(t1._as(B.C__SassNull0.constructor), jsClass);
86931 return jsClass;
86932 },
86933 $signature: 25
86934 };
86935 A.legacyNullClass__closure.prototype = {
86936 call$2(_, __) {
86937 throw A.wrapException("new sass.types.Null() isn't allowed. Use sass.types.Null.NULL instead.");
86938 },
86939 call$1(_) {
86940 return this.call$2(_, null);
86941 },
86942 "call*": "call$2",
86943 $requiredArgCount: 1,
86944 $defaultValues() {
86945 return [null];
86946 },
86947 $signature: 191
86948 };
86949 A._SassNull0.prototype = {
86950 get$isTruthy() {
86951 return false;
86952 },
86953 get$isBlank() {
86954 return true;
86955 },
86956 get$realNull() {
86957 return null;
86958 },
86959 accept$1$1(visitor) {
86960 if (visitor._serialize0$_inspect)
86961 visitor._serialize0$_buffer.write$1(0, "null");
86962 return null;
86963 },
86964 accept$1(visitor) {
86965 return this.accept$1$1(visitor, type$.dynamic);
86966 },
86967 unaryNot$0() {
86968 return B.SassBoolean_true0;
86969 }
86970 };
86971 A.NumberExpression0.prototype = {
86972 accept$1$1(visitor) {
86973 return visitor.visitNumberExpression$1(this);
86974 },
86975 accept$1(visitor) {
86976 return this.accept$1$1(visitor, type$.dynamic);
86977 },
86978 toString$0(_) {
86979 var t1 = A.S(this.value),
86980 t2 = this.unit;
86981 return t1 + (t2 == null ? "" : t2);
86982 },
86983 $isExpression0: 1,
86984 $isAstNode0: 1,
86985 get$span(receiver) {
86986 return this.span;
86987 }
86988 };
86989 A._NodeSassNumber.prototype = {};
86990 A.legacyNumberClass_closure.prototype = {
86991 call$4(thisArg, value, unit, dartValue) {
86992 var t1;
86993 if (dartValue == null) {
86994 value.toString;
86995 t1 = A._parseNumber(value, unit);
86996 } else
86997 t1 = dartValue;
86998 J.set$dartValue$x(thisArg, t1);
86999 },
87000 call$2(thisArg, value) {
87001 return this.call$4(thisArg, value, null, null);
87002 },
87003 call$3(thisArg, value, unit) {
87004 return this.call$4(thisArg, value, unit, null);
87005 },
87006 "call*": "call$4",
87007 $requiredArgCount: 2,
87008 $defaultValues() {
87009 return [null, null];
87010 },
87011 $signature: 497
87012 };
87013 A.legacyNumberClass_closure0.prototype = {
87014 call$1(thisArg) {
87015 return J.get$dartValue$x(thisArg)._number1$_value;
87016 },
87017 $signature: 498
87018 };
87019 A.legacyNumberClass_closure1.prototype = {
87020 call$2(thisArg, value) {
87021 var t1 = J.getInterceptor$x(thisArg),
87022 t2 = J.get$numeratorUnits$x(t1.get$dartValue(thisArg));
87023 t1.set$dartValue(thisArg, A.SassNumber_SassNumber$withUnits0(value, J.get$denominatorUnits$x(t1.get$dartValue(thisArg)), t2));
87024 },
87025 $signature: 499
87026 };
87027 A.legacyNumberClass_closure2.prototype = {
87028 call$1(thisArg) {
87029 var t1 = J.getInterceptor$x(thisArg),
87030 t2 = B.JSArray_methods.join$1(J.get$numeratorUnits$x(t1.get$dartValue(thisArg)), "*");
87031 return t2 + (J.get$denominatorUnits$x(t1.get$dartValue(thisArg)).length === 0 ? "" : "/") + B.JSArray_methods.join$1(J.get$denominatorUnits$x(t1.get$dartValue(thisArg)), "*");
87032 },
87033 $signature: 500
87034 };
87035 A.legacyNumberClass_closure3.prototype = {
87036 call$2(thisArg, unit) {
87037 var t1 = J.getInterceptor$x(thisArg);
87038 t1.set$dartValue(thisArg, A._parseNumber(t1.get$dartValue(thisArg)._number1$_value, unit));
87039 },
87040 $signature: 501
87041 };
87042 A._parseNumber_closure.prototype = {
87043 call$1(unit) {
87044 return unit.length === 0;
87045 },
87046 $signature: 6
87047 };
87048 A._parseNumber_closure0.prototype = {
87049 call$1(unit) {
87050 return unit.length === 0;
87051 },
87052 $signature: 6
87053 };
87054 A.numberClass_closure.prototype = {
87055 call$0() {
87056 var t1 = type$.JSClass,
87057 jsClass = t1._as(A.allowInteropCaptureThisNamed("sass.SassNumber", new A.numberClass__closure())),
87058 t2 = type$.String,
87059 t3 = type$.Function;
87060 A.LinkedHashMap_LinkedHashMap$_literal(["value", new A.numberClass__closure0(), "isInt", new A.numberClass__closure1(), "asInt", new A.numberClass__closure2(), "numeratorUnits", new A.numberClass__closure3(), "denominatorUnits", new A.numberClass__closure4(), "hasUnits", new A.numberClass__closure5()], t2, t3).forEach$1(0, A.JSClassExtension_get_defineGetter(jsClass));
87061 A.LinkedHashMap_LinkedHashMap$_literal(["assertInt", new A.numberClass__closure6(), "assertInRange", new A.numberClass__closure7(), "assertNoUnits", new A.numberClass__closure8(), "assertUnit", new A.numberClass__closure9(), "hasUnit", new A.numberClass__closure10(), "compatibleWithUnit", new A.numberClass__closure11(), "convert", new A.numberClass__closure12(), "convertToMatch", new A.numberClass__closure13(), "convertValue", new A.numberClass__closure14(), "convertValueToMatch", new A.numberClass__closure15(), "coerce", new A.numberClass__closure16(), "coerceToMatch", new A.numberClass__closure17(), "coerceValue", new A.numberClass__closure18(), "coerceValueToMatch", new A.numberClass__closure19()], t2, t3).forEach$1(0, A.JSClassExtension_get_defineMethod(jsClass));
87062 A.JSClassExtension_injectSuperclass(t1._as(self.Object.getPrototypeOf(J.get$$prototype$x(t1._as(new A.UnitlessSassNumber0(0, null).constructor))).constructor), jsClass);
87063 return jsClass;
87064 },
87065 $signature: 25
87066 };
87067 A.numberClass__closure.prototype = {
87068 call$3($self, value, unitOrOptions) {
87069 var t1, t2, _null = null;
87070 if (typeof unitOrOptions == "string")
87071 return new A.SingleUnitSassNumber0(unitOrOptions, value, _null);
87072 type$.nullable__ConstructorOptions_2._as(unitOrOptions);
87073 t1 = unitOrOptions == null;
87074 if (t1)
87075 t2 = _null;
87076 else {
87077 t2 = A.NullableExtension_andThen0(J.get$numeratorUnits$x(unitOrOptions), A.immutable__jsToDartList$closure());
87078 t2 = t2 == null ? _null : J.cast$1$0$ax(t2, type$.String);
87079 }
87080 if (t1)
87081 t1 = _null;
87082 else {
87083 t1 = A.NullableExtension_andThen0(J.get$denominatorUnits$x(unitOrOptions), A.immutable__jsToDartList$closure());
87084 t1 = t1 == null ? _null : J.cast$1$0$ax(t1, type$.String);
87085 }
87086 return A.SassNumber_SassNumber$withUnits0(value, t1, t2);
87087 },
87088 call$2($self, value) {
87089 return this.call$3($self, value, null);
87090 },
87091 "call*": "call$3",
87092 $requiredArgCount: 2,
87093 $defaultValues() {
87094 return [null];
87095 },
87096 $signature: 502
87097 };
87098 A.numberClass__closure0.prototype = {
87099 call$1($self) {
87100 return $self._number1$_value;
87101 },
87102 $signature: 503
87103 };
87104 A.numberClass__closure1.prototype = {
87105 call$1($self) {
87106 return A.fuzzyIsInt0($self._number1$_value);
87107 },
87108 $signature: 236
87109 };
87110 A.numberClass__closure2.prototype = {
87111 call$1($self) {
87112 var t1 = $self._number1$_value;
87113 return A.fuzzyIsInt0(t1) ? B.JSNumber_methods.round$0(t1) : null;
87114 },
87115 $signature: 505
87116 };
87117 A.numberClass__closure3.prototype = {
87118 call$1($self) {
87119 return new self.immutable.List($self.get$numeratorUnits($self));
87120 },
87121 $signature: 237
87122 };
87123 A.numberClass__closure4.prototype = {
87124 call$1($self) {
87125 return new self.immutable.List($self.get$denominatorUnits($self));
87126 },
87127 $signature: 237
87128 };
87129 A.numberClass__closure5.prototype = {
87130 call$1($self) {
87131 return $self.get$hasUnits();
87132 },
87133 $signature: 236
87134 };
87135 A.numberClass__closure6.prototype = {
87136 call$2($self, $name) {
87137 return $self.assertInt$1($name);
87138 },
87139 call$1($self) {
87140 return this.call$2($self, null);
87141 },
87142 "call*": "call$2",
87143 $requiredArgCount: 1,
87144 $defaultValues() {
87145 return [null];
87146 },
87147 $signature: 507
87148 };
87149 A.numberClass__closure7.prototype = {
87150 call$4($self, min, max, $name) {
87151 return $self.valueInRange$3(min, max, $name);
87152 },
87153 call$3($self, min, max) {
87154 return this.call$4($self, min, max, null);
87155 },
87156 "call*": "call$4",
87157 $requiredArgCount: 3,
87158 $defaultValues() {
87159 return [null];
87160 },
87161 $signature: 508
87162 };
87163 A.numberClass__closure8.prototype = {
87164 call$2($self, $name) {
87165 return $self.assertNoUnits$1($name);
87166 },
87167 call$1($self) {
87168 return this.call$2($self, null);
87169 },
87170 "call*": "call$2",
87171 $requiredArgCount: 1,
87172 $defaultValues() {
87173 return [null];
87174 },
87175 $signature: 509
87176 };
87177 A.numberClass__closure9.prototype = {
87178 call$3($self, unit, $name) {
87179 return $self.assertUnit$2(unit, $name);
87180 },
87181 call$2($self, unit) {
87182 return this.call$3($self, unit, null);
87183 },
87184 "call*": "call$3",
87185 $requiredArgCount: 2,
87186 $defaultValues() {
87187 return [null];
87188 },
87189 $signature: 510
87190 };
87191 A.numberClass__closure10.prototype = {
87192 call$2($self, unit) {
87193 return $self.hasUnit$1(unit);
87194 },
87195 $signature: 238
87196 };
87197 A.numberClass__closure11.prototype = {
87198 call$2($self, unit) {
87199 return $self.get$hasUnits() && $self.compatibleWithUnit$1(unit);
87200 },
87201 $signature: 238
87202 };
87203 A.numberClass__closure12.prototype = {
87204 call$4($self, numeratorUnits, denominatorUnits, $name) {
87205 var t1 = self.immutable.isOrderedMap(numeratorUnits) ? J.toArray$0$x(type$.ImmutableList._as(numeratorUnits)) : type$.List_dynamic._as(numeratorUnits),
87206 t2 = type$.String;
87207 t1 = J.cast$1$0$ax(t1, t2);
87208 t2 = J.cast$1$0$ax(self.immutable.isOrderedMap(denominatorUnits) ? J.toArray$0$x(type$.ImmutableList._as(denominatorUnits)) : type$.List_dynamic._as(denominatorUnits), t2);
87209 return A.SassNumber_SassNumber$withUnits0($self._number1$_coerceOrConvertValue$4$coerceUnitless$name(t1, t2, false, $name), t2, t1);
87210 },
87211 call$3($self, numeratorUnits, denominatorUnits) {
87212 return this.call$4($self, numeratorUnits, denominatorUnits, null);
87213 },
87214 "call*": "call$4",
87215 $requiredArgCount: 3,
87216 $defaultValues() {
87217 return [null];
87218 },
87219 $signature: 239
87220 };
87221 A.numberClass__closure13.prototype = {
87222 call$4($self, other, $name, otherName) {
87223 return $self.convertToMatch$3(other, $name, otherName);
87224 },
87225 call$2($self, other) {
87226 return this.call$4($self, other, null, null);
87227 },
87228 call$3($self, other, $name) {
87229 return this.call$4($self, other, $name, null);
87230 },
87231 "call*": "call$4",
87232 $requiredArgCount: 2,
87233 $defaultValues() {
87234 return [null, null];
87235 },
87236 $signature: 240
87237 };
87238 A.numberClass__closure14.prototype = {
87239 call$4($self, numeratorUnits, denominatorUnits, $name) {
87240 var t1 = self.immutable.isOrderedMap(numeratorUnits) ? J.toArray$0$x(type$.ImmutableList._as(numeratorUnits)) : type$.List_dynamic._as(numeratorUnits),
87241 t2 = type$.String;
87242 t1 = J.cast$1$0$ax(t1, t2);
87243 return $self._number1$_coerceOrConvertValue$4$coerceUnitless$name(t1, J.cast$1$0$ax(self.immutable.isOrderedMap(denominatorUnits) ? J.toArray$0$x(type$.ImmutableList._as(denominatorUnits)) : type$.List_dynamic._as(denominatorUnits), t2), false, $name);
87244 },
87245 call$3($self, numeratorUnits, denominatorUnits) {
87246 return this.call$4($self, numeratorUnits, denominatorUnits, null);
87247 },
87248 "call*": "call$4",
87249 $requiredArgCount: 3,
87250 $defaultValues() {
87251 return [null];
87252 },
87253 $signature: 241
87254 };
87255 A.numberClass__closure15.prototype = {
87256 call$4($self, other, $name, otherName) {
87257 return $self.convertValueToMatch$3(other, $name, otherName);
87258 },
87259 call$2($self, other) {
87260 return this.call$4($self, other, null, null);
87261 },
87262 call$3($self, other, $name) {
87263 return this.call$4($self, other, $name, null);
87264 },
87265 "call*": "call$4",
87266 $requiredArgCount: 2,
87267 $defaultValues() {
87268 return [null, null];
87269 },
87270 $signature: 242
87271 };
87272 A.numberClass__closure16.prototype = {
87273 call$4($self, numeratorUnits, denominatorUnits, $name) {
87274 var t1 = self.immutable.isOrderedMap(numeratorUnits) ? J.toArray$0$x(type$.ImmutableList._as(numeratorUnits)) : type$.List_dynamic._as(numeratorUnits),
87275 t2 = type$.String;
87276 t1 = J.cast$1$0$ax(t1, t2);
87277 return $self.coerce$3(t1, J.cast$1$0$ax(self.immutable.isOrderedMap(denominatorUnits) ? J.toArray$0$x(type$.ImmutableList._as(denominatorUnits)) : type$.List_dynamic._as(denominatorUnits), t2), $name);
87278 },
87279 call$3($self, numeratorUnits, denominatorUnits) {
87280 return this.call$4($self, numeratorUnits, denominatorUnits, null);
87281 },
87282 "call*": "call$4",
87283 $requiredArgCount: 3,
87284 $defaultValues() {
87285 return [null];
87286 },
87287 $signature: 239
87288 };
87289 A.numberClass__closure17.prototype = {
87290 call$4($self, other, $name, otherName) {
87291 return $self.coerceToMatch$3(other, $name, otherName);
87292 },
87293 call$2($self, other) {
87294 return this.call$4($self, other, null, null);
87295 },
87296 call$3($self, other, $name) {
87297 return this.call$4($self, other, $name, null);
87298 },
87299 "call*": "call$4",
87300 $requiredArgCount: 2,
87301 $defaultValues() {
87302 return [null, null];
87303 },
87304 $signature: 240
87305 };
87306 A.numberClass__closure18.prototype = {
87307 call$4($self, numeratorUnits, denominatorUnits, $name) {
87308 var t1 = self.immutable.isOrderedMap(numeratorUnits) ? J.toArray$0$x(type$.ImmutableList._as(numeratorUnits)) : type$.List_dynamic._as(numeratorUnits),
87309 t2 = type$.String;
87310 t1 = J.cast$1$0$ax(t1, t2);
87311 return $self.coerceValue$3(t1, J.cast$1$0$ax(self.immutable.isOrderedMap(denominatorUnits) ? J.toArray$0$x(type$.ImmutableList._as(denominatorUnits)) : type$.List_dynamic._as(denominatorUnits), t2), $name);
87312 },
87313 call$3($self, numeratorUnits, denominatorUnits) {
87314 return this.call$4($self, numeratorUnits, denominatorUnits, null);
87315 },
87316 "call*": "call$4",
87317 $requiredArgCount: 3,
87318 $defaultValues() {
87319 return [null];
87320 },
87321 $signature: 241
87322 };
87323 A.numberClass__closure19.prototype = {
87324 call$4($self, other, $name, otherName) {
87325 return $self.coerceValueToMatch$3(other, $name, otherName);
87326 },
87327 call$2($self, other) {
87328 return this.call$4($self, other, null, null);
87329 },
87330 call$3($self, other, $name) {
87331 return this.call$4($self, other, $name, null);
87332 },
87333 "call*": "call$4",
87334 $requiredArgCount: 2,
87335 $defaultValues() {
87336 return [null, null];
87337 },
87338 $signature: 242
87339 };
87340 A._ConstructorOptions0.prototype = {};
87341 A.SassNumber0.prototype = {
87342 get$unitString() {
87343 var _this = this;
87344 return _this.get$hasUnits() ? _this._number1$_unitString$2(_this.get$numeratorUnits(_this), _this.get$denominatorUnits(_this)) : "";
87345 },
87346 accept$1$1(visitor) {
87347 return visitor.visitNumber$1(this);
87348 },
87349 accept$1(visitor) {
87350 return this.accept$1$1(visitor, type$.dynamic);
87351 },
87352 withoutSlash$0() {
87353 var _this = this;
87354 return _this.asSlash == null ? _this : _this.withValue$1(_this._number1$_value);
87355 },
87356 assertNumber$1($name) {
87357 return this;
87358 },
87359 assertNumber$0() {
87360 return this.assertNumber$1(null);
87361 },
87362 assertInt$1($name) {
87363 var t1 = this._number1$_value,
87364 integer = A.fuzzyIsInt0(t1) ? B.JSNumber_methods.round$0(t1) : null;
87365 if (integer != null)
87366 return integer;
87367 throw A.wrapException(this._number1$_exception$2(this.toString$0(0) + " is not an int.", $name));
87368 },
87369 assertInt$0() {
87370 return this.assertInt$1(null);
87371 },
87372 valueInRange$3(min, max, $name) {
87373 var _this = this,
87374 result = A.fuzzyCheckRange0(_this._number1$_value, min, max);
87375 if (result != null)
87376 return result;
87377 throw A.wrapException(_this._number1$_exception$2("Expected " + _this.toString$0(0) + " to be within " + A.S(min) + _this.get$unitString() + " and " + A.S(max) + _this.get$unitString() + ".", $name));
87378 },
87379 hasCompatibleUnits$1(other) {
87380 var _this = this;
87381 if (_this.get$numeratorUnits(_this).length !== other.get$numeratorUnits(other).length)
87382 return false;
87383 if (_this.get$denominatorUnits(_this).length !== other.get$denominatorUnits(other).length)
87384 return false;
87385 return _this.isComparableTo$1(other);
87386 },
87387 assertUnit$2(unit, $name) {
87388 if (this.hasUnit$1(unit))
87389 return;
87390 throw A.wrapException(this._number1$_exception$2("Expected " + this.toString$0(0) + ' to have unit "' + unit + '".', $name));
87391 },
87392 assertNoUnits$1($name) {
87393 if (!this.get$hasUnits())
87394 return;
87395 throw A.wrapException(this._number1$_exception$2("Expected " + this.toString$0(0) + " to have no units.", $name));
87396 },
87397 convertToMatch$3(other, $name, otherName) {
87398 var t1 = this.convertValueToMatch$3(other, $name, otherName),
87399 t2 = other.get$numeratorUnits(other);
87400 return A.SassNumber_SassNumber$withUnits0(t1, other.get$denominatorUnits(other), t2);
87401 },
87402 convertValueToMatch$3(other, $name, otherName) {
87403 return this._number1$_coerceOrConvertValue$6$coerceUnitless$name$other$otherName(other.get$numeratorUnits(other), other.get$denominatorUnits(other), false, $name, other, otherName);
87404 },
87405 coerce$3(newNumerators, newDenominators, $name) {
87406 return A.SassNumber_SassNumber$withUnits0(this.coerceValue$3(newNumerators, newDenominators, $name), newDenominators, newNumerators);
87407 },
87408 coerce$2(newNumerators, newDenominators) {
87409 return this.coerce$3(newNumerators, newDenominators, null);
87410 },
87411 coerceValue$3(newNumerators, newDenominators, $name) {
87412 return this._number1$_coerceOrConvertValue$4$coerceUnitless$name(newNumerators, newDenominators, true, $name);
87413 },
87414 coerceValueToUnit$2(unit, $name) {
87415 var t1 = type$.JSArray_String;
87416 return this.coerceValue$3(A._setArrayType([unit], t1), A._setArrayType([], t1), $name);
87417 },
87418 coerceToMatch$3(other, $name, otherName) {
87419 var t1 = this.coerceValueToMatch$3(other, $name, otherName),
87420 t2 = other.get$numeratorUnits(other);
87421 return A.SassNumber_SassNumber$withUnits0(t1, other.get$denominatorUnits(other), t2);
87422 },
87423 coerceValueToMatch$3(other, $name, otherName) {
87424 return this._number1$_coerceOrConvertValue$6$coerceUnitless$name$other$otherName(other.get$numeratorUnits(other), other.get$denominatorUnits(other), true, $name, other, otherName);
87425 },
87426 coerceValueToMatch$1(other) {
87427 return this.coerceValueToMatch$3(other, null, null);
87428 },
87429 _number1$_coerceOrConvertValue$6$coerceUnitless$name$other$otherName(newNumerators, newDenominators, coerceUnitless, $name, other, otherName) {
87430 var t1, otherHasUnits, t2, _compatibilityException, oldNumerators, oldDenominators, _this = this, _box_0 = {};
87431 if (B.C_ListEquality.equals$2(0, _this.get$numeratorUnits(_this), newNumerators) && B.C_ListEquality.equals$2(0, _this.get$denominatorUnits(_this), newDenominators))
87432 return _this._number1$_value;
87433 t1 = J.getInterceptor$asx(newNumerators);
87434 otherHasUnits = t1.get$isNotEmpty(newNumerators) || J.get$isNotEmpty$asx(newDenominators);
87435 if (coerceUnitless)
87436 t2 = !_this.get$hasUnits() || !otherHasUnits;
87437 else
87438 t2 = false;
87439 if (t2)
87440 return _this._number1$_value;
87441 _compatibilityException = new A.SassNumber__coerceOrConvertValue__compatibilityException0(_this, other, otherName, otherHasUnits, $name, newNumerators, newDenominators);
87442 _box_0.value = _this._number1$_value;
87443 t2 = _this.get$numeratorUnits(_this);
87444 oldNumerators = A._setArrayType(t2.slice(0), A._arrayInstanceType(t2));
87445 for (t1 = t1.get$iterator(newNumerators); t1.moveNext$0();)
87446 A.removeFirstWhere0(oldNumerators, new A.SassNumber__coerceOrConvertValue_closure3(_box_0, t1.get$current(t1)), new A.SassNumber__coerceOrConvertValue_closure4(_compatibilityException));
87447 t1 = _this.get$denominatorUnits(_this);
87448 oldDenominators = A._setArrayType(t1.slice(0), A._arrayInstanceType(t1));
87449 for (t1 = J.get$iterator$ax(newDenominators); t1.moveNext$0();)
87450 A.removeFirstWhere0(oldDenominators, new A.SassNumber__coerceOrConvertValue_closure5(_box_0, t1.get$current(t1)), new A.SassNumber__coerceOrConvertValue_closure6(_compatibilityException));
87451 if (oldNumerators.length !== 0 || oldDenominators.length !== 0)
87452 throw A.wrapException(_compatibilityException.call$0());
87453 return _box_0.value;
87454 },
87455 _number1$_coerceOrConvertValue$4$coerceUnitless$name(newNumerators, newDenominators, coerceUnitless, $name) {
87456 return this._number1$_coerceOrConvertValue$6$coerceUnitless$name$other$otherName(newNumerators, newDenominators, coerceUnitless, $name, null, null);
87457 },
87458 isComparableTo$1(other) {
87459 var exception;
87460 if (!this.get$hasUnits() || !other.get$hasUnits())
87461 return true;
87462 try {
87463 this.greaterThan$1(other);
87464 return true;
87465 } catch (exception) {
87466 if (A.unwrapException(exception) instanceof A.SassScriptException0)
87467 return false;
87468 else
87469 throw exception;
87470 }
87471 },
87472 greaterThan$1(other) {
87473 if (other instanceof A.SassNumber0)
87474 return this._number1$_coerceUnits$2(other, A.number2__fuzzyGreaterThan$closure()) ? B.SassBoolean_true0 : B.SassBoolean_false0;
87475 throw A.wrapException(A.SassScriptException$0('Undefined operation "' + this.toString$0(0) + " > " + other.toString$0(0) + '".'));
87476 },
87477 greaterThanOrEquals$1(other) {
87478 if (other instanceof A.SassNumber0)
87479 return this._number1$_coerceUnits$2(other, A.number2__fuzzyGreaterThanOrEquals$closure()) ? B.SassBoolean_true0 : B.SassBoolean_false0;
87480 throw A.wrapException(A.SassScriptException$0('Undefined operation "' + this.toString$0(0) + " >= " + other.toString$0(0) + '".'));
87481 },
87482 lessThan$1(other) {
87483 if (other instanceof A.SassNumber0)
87484 return this._number1$_coerceUnits$2(other, A.number2__fuzzyLessThan$closure()) ? B.SassBoolean_true0 : B.SassBoolean_false0;
87485 throw A.wrapException(A.SassScriptException$0('Undefined operation "' + this.toString$0(0) + " < " + other.toString$0(0) + '".'));
87486 },
87487 lessThanOrEquals$1(other) {
87488 if (other instanceof A.SassNumber0)
87489 return this._number1$_coerceUnits$2(other, A.number2__fuzzyLessThanOrEquals$closure()) ? B.SassBoolean_true0 : B.SassBoolean_false0;
87490 throw A.wrapException(A.SassScriptException$0('Undefined operation "' + this.toString$0(0) + " <= " + other.toString$0(0) + '".'));
87491 },
87492 modulo$1(other) {
87493 var _this = this;
87494 if (other instanceof A.SassNumber0)
87495 return _this.withValue$1(_this._number1$_coerceUnits$2(other, _this.get$moduloLikeSass()));
87496 throw A.wrapException(A.SassScriptException$0('Undefined operation "' + _this.toString$0(0) + " % " + other.toString$0(0) + '".'));
87497 },
87498 moduloLikeSass$2(num1, num2) {
87499 var result;
87500 if (num2 > 0)
87501 return B.JSNumber_methods.$mod(num1, num2);
87502 if (num2 === 0)
87503 return 0 / 0;
87504 result = B.JSNumber_methods.$mod(num1, num2);
87505 return result === 0 ? 0 : result + num2;
87506 },
87507 plus$1(other) {
87508 var _this = this;
87509 if (other instanceof A.SassNumber0)
87510 return _this.withValue$1(_this._number1$_coerceUnits$2(other, new A.SassNumber_plus_closure0()));
87511 if (!(other instanceof A.SassColor0))
87512 return _this.super$Value$plus0(other);
87513 throw A.wrapException(A.SassScriptException$0('Undefined operation "' + _this.toString$0(0) + " + " + other.toString$0(0) + '".'));
87514 },
87515 minus$1(other) {
87516 var _this = this;
87517 if (other instanceof A.SassNumber0)
87518 return _this.withValue$1(_this._number1$_coerceUnits$2(other, new A.SassNumber_minus_closure0()));
87519 if (!(other instanceof A.SassColor0))
87520 return _this.super$Value$minus0(other);
87521 throw A.wrapException(A.SassScriptException$0('Undefined operation "' + _this.toString$0(0) + " - " + other.toString$0(0) + '".'));
87522 },
87523 times$1(other) {
87524 var _this = this;
87525 if (other instanceof A.SassNumber0) {
87526 if (!other.get$hasUnits())
87527 return _this.withValue$1(_this._number1$_value * other._number1$_value);
87528 return _this.multiplyUnits$3(_this._number1$_value * other._number1$_value, other.get$numeratorUnits(other), other.get$denominatorUnits(other));
87529 }
87530 throw A.wrapException(A.SassScriptException$0('Undefined operation "' + _this.toString$0(0) + " * " + other.toString$0(0) + '".'));
87531 },
87532 dividedBy$1(other) {
87533 var _this = this;
87534 if (other instanceof A.SassNumber0) {
87535 if (!other.get$hasUnits())
87536 return _this.withValue$1(_this._number1$_value / other._number1$_value);
87537 return _this.multiplyUnits$3(_this._number1$_value / other._number1$_value, other.get$denominatorUnits(other), other.get$numeratorUnits(other));
87538 }
87539 return _this.super$Value$dividedBy0(other);
87540 },
87541 unaryPlus$0() {
87542 return this;
87543 },
87544 _number1$_coerceUnits$1$2(other, operation) {
87545 var t1, exception;
87546 try {
87547 t1 = operation.call$2(this._number1$_value, other.coerceValueToMatch$1(this));
87548 return t1;
87549 } catch (exception) {
87550 if (A.unwrapException(exception) instanceof A.SassScriptException0) {
87551 this.coerceValueToMatch$1(other);
87552 throw exception;
87553 } else
87554 throw exception;
87555 }
87556 },
87557 _number1$_coerceUnits$2(other, operation) {
87558 return this._number1$_coerceUnits$1$2(other, operation, type$.dynamic);
87559 },
87560 multiplyUnits$3(value, otherNumerators, otherDenominators) {
87561 var newNumerators, mutableOtherDenominators, t1, t2, _i, numerator, mutableDenominatorUnits, _this = this, _box_0 = {};
87562 _box_0.value = value;
87563 if (_this.get$numeratorUnits(_this).length === 0) {
87564 if (otherDenominators.length === 0 && !_this._number1$_areAnyConvertible$2(_this.get$denominatorUnits(_this), otherNumerators))
87565 return A.SassNumber_SassNumber$withUnits0(value, _this.get$denominatorUnits(_this), otherNumerators);
87566 else if (_this.get$denominatorUnits(_this).length === 0)
87567 return A.SassNumber_SassNumber$withUnits0(value, otherDenominators, otherNumerators);
87568 } else if (otherNumerators.length === 0)
87569 if (otherDenominators.length === 0)
87570 return A.SassNumber_SassNumber$withUnits0(value, otherDenominators, _this.get$numeratorUnits(_this));
87571 else if (_this.get$denominatorUnits(_this).length === 0 && !_this._number1$_areAnyConvertible$2(_this.get$numeratorUnits(_this), otherDenominators))
87572 return A.SassNumber_SassNumber$withUnits0(value, otherDenominators, _this.get$numeratorUnits(_this));
87573 newNumerators = A._setArrayType([], type$.JSArray_String);
87574 mutableOtherDenominators = A._setArrayType(otherDenominators.slice(0), A._arrayInstanceType(otherDenominators));
87575 for (t1 = _this.get$numeratorUnits(_this), t2 = t1.length, _i = 0; _i < t2; ++_i) {
87576 numerator = t1[_i];
87577 A.removeFirstWhere0(mutableOtherDenominators, new A.SassNumber_multiplyUnits_closure3(_box_0, numerator), new A.SassNumber_multiplyUnits_closure4(newNumerators, numerator));
87578 }
87579 t1 = _this.get$denominatorUnits(_this);
87580 mutableDenominatorUnits = A._setArrayType(t1.slice(0), A._arrayInstanceType(t1));
87581 for (t1 = otherNumerators.length, _i = 0; _i < t1; ++_i) {
87582 numerator = otherNumerators[_i];
87583 A.removeFirstWhere0(mutableDenominatorUnits, new A.SassNumber_multiplyUnits_closure5(_box_0, numerator), new A.SassNumber_multiplyUnits_closure6(newNumerators, numerator));
87584 }
87585 t1 = _box_0.value;
87586 B.JSArray_methods.addAll$1(mutableDenominatorUnits, mutableOtherDenominators);
87587 return A.SassNumber_SassNumber$withUnits0(t1, mutableDenominatorUnits, newNumerators);
87588 },
87589 _number1$_areAnyConvertible$2(units1, units2) {
87590 return B.JSArray_methods.any$1(units1, new A.SassNumber__areAnyConvertible_closure0(units2));
87591 },
87592 _number1$_unitString$2(numerators, denominators) {
87593 var t2,
87594 t1 = J.getInterceptor$asx(numerators);
87595 if (t1.get$isEmpty(numerators)) {
87596 t1 = J.getInterceptor$asx(denominators);
87597 if (t1.get$isEmpty(denominators))
87598 return "no units";
87599 if (t1.get$length(denominators) === 1)
87600 return J.$add$ansx(t1.get$single(denominators), "^-1");
87601 return "(" + t1.join$1(denominators, "*") + ")^-1";
87602 }
87603 t2 = J.getInterceptor$asx(denominators);
87604 if (t2.get$isEmpty(denominators))
87605 return t1.join$1(numerators, "*");
87606 return t1.join$1(numerators, "*") + "/" + t2.join$1(denominators, "*");
87607 },
87608 $eq(_, other) {
87609 var _this = this;
87610 if (other == null)
87611 return false;
87612 if (other instanceof A.SassNumber0) {
87613 if (_this.get$numeratorUnits(_this).length !== other.get$numeratorUnits(other).length || _this.get$denominatorUnits(_this).length !== other.get$denominatorUnits(other).length)
87614 return false;
87615 if (!_this.get$hasUnits())
87616 return Math.abs(_this._number1$_value - other._number1$_value) < $.$get$epsilon0();
87617 if (!B.C_ListEquality.equals$2(0, _this._number1$_canonicalizeUnitList$1(_this.get$numeratorUnits(_this)), _this._number1$_canonicalizeUnitList$1(other.get$numeratorUnits(other))) || !B.C_ListEquality.equals$2(0, _this._number1$_canonicalizeUnitList$1(_this.get$denominatorUnits(_this)), _this._number1$_canonicalizeUnitList$1(other.get$denominatorUnits(other))))
87618 return false;
87619 return Math.abs(_this._number1$_value * _this._number1$_canonicalMultiplier$1(_this.get$numeratorUnits(_this)) / _this._number1$_canonicalMultiplier$1(_this.get$denominatorUnits(_this)) - other._number1$_value * _this._number1$_canonicalMultiplier$1(other.get$numeratorUnits(other)) / _this._number1$_canonicalMultiplier$1(other.get$denominatorUnits(other))) < $.$get$epsilon0();
87620 } else
87621 return false;
87622 },
87623 get$hashCode(_) {
87624 var _this = this,
87625 t1 = _this.hashCache;
87626 return t1 == null ? _this.hashCache = A.fuzzyHashCode0(_this._number1$_value * _this._number1$_canonicalMultiplier$1(_this.get$numeratorUnits(_this)) / _this._number1$_canonicalMultiplier$1(_this.get$denominatorUnits(_this))) : t1;
87627 },
87628 _number1$_canonicalizeUnitList$1(units) {
87629 var type,
87630 t1 = units.length;
87631 if (t1 === 0)
87632 return units;
87633 if (t1 === 1) {
87634 type = $.$get$_typesByUnit0().$index(0, B.JSArray_methods.get$first(units));
87635 if (type == null)
87636 t1 = units;
87637 else {
87638 t1 = B.Map_U8AHF.$index(0, type);
87639 t1.toString;
87640 t1 = A._setArrayType([B.JSArray_methods.get$first(t1)], type$.JSArray_String);
87641 }
87642 return t1;
87643 }
87644 t1 = A._arrayInstanceType(units)._eval$1("MappedListIterable<1,String>");
87645 t1 = A.List_List$of(new A.MappedListIterable(units, new A.SassNumber__canonicalizeUnitList_closure0(), t1), true, t1._eval$1("ListIterable.E"));
87646 B.JSArray_methods.sort$0(t1);
87647 return t1;
87648 },
87649 _number1$_canonicalMultiplier$1(units) {
87650 return B.JSArray_methods.fold$2(units, 1, new A.SassNumber__canonicalMultiplier_closure0(this));
87651 },
87652 canonicalMultiplierForUnit$1(unit) {
87653 var t1,
87654 innerMap = B.Map_K2BWj.$index(0, unit);
87655 if (innerMap == null)
87656 t1 = 1;
87657 else {
87658 t1 = innerMap.get$values(innerMap);
87659 t1 = 1 / t1.get$first(t1);
87660 }
87661 return t1;
87662 },
87663 _number1$_exception$2(message, $name) {
87664 return new A.SassScriptException0($name == null ? message : "$" + $name + ": " + message);
87665 }
87666 };
87667 A.SassNumber__coerceOrConvertValue__compatibilityException0.prototype = {
87668 call$0() {
87669 var t2, t3, message, t4, type, unit, _this = this,
87670 t1 = _this.other;
87671 if (t1 != null) {
87672 t2 = _this.$this;
87673 t3 = t2.toString$0(0) + " and";
87674 message = new A.StringBuffer(t3);
87675 t4 = _this.otherName;
87676 if (t4 != null)
87677 t3 = message._contents = t3 + (" $" + t4 + ":");
87678 t1 = t3 + (" " + t1.toString$0(0) + " have incompatible units");
87679 message._contents = t1;
87680 if (!t2.get$hasUnits() || !_this.otherHasUnits)
87681 message._contents = t1 + " (one has units and the other doesn't)";
87682 t1 = message.toString$0(0) + ".";
87683 t2 = _this.name;
87684 return new A.SassScriptException0(t2 == null ? t1 : "$" + t2 + ": " + t1);
87685 } else if (!_this.otherHasUnits) {
87686 t1 = "Expected " + _this.$this.toString$0(0) + " to have no units.";
87687 t2 = _this.name;
87688 return new A.SassScriptException0(t2 == null ? t1 : "$" + t2 + ": " + t1);
87689 } else {
87690 t1 = _this.newNumerators;
87691 t2 = J.getInterceptor$asx(t1);
87692 if (t2.get$length(t1) === 1 && J.get$isEmpty$asx(_this.newDenominators)) {
87693 type = $.$get$_typesByUnit0().$index(0, t2.get$first(t1));
87694 if (type != null) {
87695 t1 = "Expected " + _this.$this.toString$0(0) + " to have ";
87696 t1 = t1 + (B.JSArray_methods.contains$1(A._setArrayType([97, 101, 105, 111, 117], type$.JSArray_int), B.JSString_methods._codeUnitAt$1(type, 0)) ? "an " + type : "a " + type) + " unit (";
87697 t2 = B.Map_U8AHF.$index(0, type);
87698 t2.toString;
87699 t2 = t1 + B.JSArray_methods.join$1(t2, ", ") + ").";
87700 t1 = _this.name;
87701 return new A.SassScriptException0(t1 == null ? t2 : "$" + t1 + ": " + t2);
87702 }
87703 }
87704 t3 = _this.newDenominators;
87705 unit = A.pluralize0("unit", t2.get$length(t1) + J.get$length$asx(t3), null);
87706 t2 = _this.$this;
87707 t3 = "Expected " + t2.toString$0(0) + " to have " + unit + " " + t2._number1$_unitString$2(t1, t3) + ".";
87708 t1 = _this.name;
87709 return new A.SassScriptException0(t1 == null ? t3 : "$" + t1 + ": " + t3);
87710 }
87711 },
87712 $signature: 516
87713 };
87714 A.SassNumber__coerceOrConvertValue_closure3.prototype = {
87715 call$1(oldNumerator) {
87716 var factor = A.conversionFactor0(this.newNumerator, oldNumerator);
87717 if (factor == null)
87718 return false;
87719 this._box_0.value *= factor;
87720 return true;
87721 },
87722 $signature: 6
87723 };
87724 A.SassNumber__coerceOrConvertValue_closure4.prototype = {
87725 call$0() {
87726 return A.throwExpression(this._compatibilityException.call$0());
87727 },
87728 $signature: 0
87729 };
87730 A.SassNumber__coerceOrConvertValue_closure5.prototype = {
87731 call$1(oldDenominator) {
87732 var factor = A.conversionFactor0(this.newDenominator, oldDenominator);
87733 if (factor == null)
87734 return false;
87735 this._box_0.value /= factor;
87736 return true;
87737 },
87738 $signature: 6
87739 };
87740 A.SassNumber__coerceOrConvertValue_closure6.prototype = {
87741 call$0() {
87742 return A.throwExpression(this._compatibilityException.call$0());
87743 },
87744 $signature: 0
87745 };
87746 A.SassNumber_plus_closure0.prototype = {
87747 call$2(num1, num2) {
87748 return num1 + num2;
87749 },
87750 $signature: 54
87751 };
87752 A.SassNumber_minus_closure0.prototype = {
87753 call$2(num1, num2) {
87754 return num1 - num2;
87755 },
87756 $signature: 54
87757 };
87758 A.SassNumber_multiplyUnits_closure3.prototype = {
87759 call$1(denominator) {
87760 var factor = A.conversionFactor0(this.numerator, denominator);
87761 if (factor == null)
87762 return false;
87763 this._box_0.value /= factor;
87764 return true;
87765 },
87766 $signature: 6
87767 };
87768 A.SassNumber_multiplyUnits_closure4.prototype = {
87769 call$0() {
87770 return this.newNumerators.push(this.numerator);
87771 },
87772 $signature: 0
87773 };
87774 A.SassNumber_multiplyUnits_closure5.prototype = {
87775 call$1(denominator) {
87776 var factor = A.conversionFactor0(this.numerator, denominator);
87777 if (factor == null)
87778 return false;
87779 this._box_0.value /= factor;
87780 return true;
87781 },
87782 $signature: 6
87783 };
87784 A.SassNumber_multiplyUnits_closure6.prototype = {
87785 call$0() {
87786 return this.newNumerators.push(this.numerator);
87787 },
87788 $signature: 0
87789 };
87790 A.SassNumber__areAnyConvertible_closure0.prototype = {
87791 call$1(unit1) {
87792 var innerMap = B.Map_K2BWj.$index(0, unit1);
87793 if (innerMap == null)
87794 return B.JSArray_methods.contains$1(this.units2, unit1);
87795 return B.JSArray_methods.any$1(this.units2, innerMap.get$containsKey());
87796 },
87797 $signature: 6
87798 };
87799 A.SassNumber__canonicalizeUnitList_closure0.prototype = {
87800 call$1(unit) {
87801 var t1,
87802 type = $.$get$_typesByUnit0().$index(0, unit);
87803 if (type == null)
87804 t1 = unit;
87805 else {
87806 t1 = B.Map_U8AHF.$index(0, type);
87807 t1.toString;
87808 t1 = B.JSArray_methods.get$first(t1);
87809 }
87810 return t1;
87811 },
87812 $signature: 5
87813 };
87814 A.SassNumber__canonicalMultiplier_closure0.prototype = {
87815 call$2(multiplier, unit) {
87816 return multiplier * this.$this.canonicalMultiplierForUnit$1(unit);
87817 },
87818 $signature: 221
87819 };
87820 A.SupportsOperation0.prototype = {
87821 toString$0(_) {
87822 var _this = this;
87823 return _this._operation0$_parenthesize$1(_this.left) + " " + _this.operator + " " + _this._operation0$_parenthesize$1(_this.right);
87824 },
87825 _operation0$_parenthesize$1(condition) {
87826 var t1;
87827 if (!(condition instanceof A.SupportsNegation0))
87828 t1 = condition instanceof A.SupportsOperation0 && condition.operator === this.operator;
87829 else
87830 t1 = true;
87831 return t1 ? "(" + condition.toString$0(0) + ")" : condition.toString$0(0);
87832 },
87833 $isAstNode0: 1,
87834 $isSupportsCondition0: 1,
87835 get$span(receiver) {
87836 return this.span;
87837 }
87838 };
87839 A.ParentSelector0.prototype = {
87840 accept$1$1(visitor) {
87841 var t2,
87842 t1 = visitor._serialize0$_buffer;
87843 t1.writeCharCode$1(38);
87844 t2 = this.suffix;
87845 if (t2 != null)
87846 t1.write$1(0, t2);
87847 return null;
87848 },
87849 accept$1(visitor) {
87850 return this.accept$1$1(visitor, type$.dynamic);
87851 },
87852 unify$1(compound) {
87853 return A.throwExpression(A.UnsupportedError$("& doesn't support unification."));
87854 }
87855 };
87856 A.ParentStatement0.prototype = {$isAstNode0: 1, $isStatement0: 1};
87857 A.ParentStatement_closure0.prototype = {
87858 call$1(child) {
87859 var t1;
87860 if (!(child instanceof A.VariableDeclaration0))
87861 if (!(child instanceof A.FunctionRule0))
87862 if (!(child instanceof A.MixinRule0))
87863 t1 = child instanceof A.ImportRule0 && B.JSArray_methods.any$1(child.imports, new A.ParentStatement__closure0());
87864 else
87865 t1 = true;
87866 else
87867 t1 = true;
87868 else
87869 t1 = true;
87870 return t1;
87871 },
87872 $signature: 226
87873 };
87874 A.ParentStatement__closure0.prototype = {
87875 call$1($import) {
87876 return $import instanceof A.DynamicImport0;
87877 },
87878 $signature: 227
87879 };
87880 A.ParenthesizedExpression0.prototype = {
87881 accept$1$1(visitor) {
87882 return visitor.visitParenthesizedExpression$1(this);
87883 },
87884 accept$1(visitor) {
87885 return this.accept$1$1(visitor, type$.dynamic);
87886 },
87887 toString$0(_) {
87888 return "(" + this.expression.toString$0(0) + ")";
87889 },
87890 $isExpression0: 1,
87891 $isAstNode0: 1,
87892 get$span(receiver) {
87893 return this.span;
87894 }
87895 };
87896 A.Parser1.prototype = {
87897 _parser0$_parseIdentifier$0() {
87898 return this.wrapSpanFormatException$1(new A.Parser__parseIdentifier_closure0(this));
87899 },
87900 whitespace$0() {
87901 do
87902 this.whitespaceWithoutComments$0();
87903 while (this.scanComment$0());
87904 },
87905 whitespaceWithoutComments$0() {
87906 var t3,
87907 t1 = this.scanner,
87908 t2 = t1.string.length;
87909 while (true) {
87910 if (t1._string_scanner$_position !== t2) {
87911 t3 = t1.peekChar$0();
87912 t3 = t3 === 32 || t3 === 9 || t3 === 10 || t3 === 13 || t3 === 12;
87913 } else
87914 t3 = false;
87915 if (!t3)
87916 break;
87917 t1.readChar$0();
87918 }
87919 },
87920 spaces$0() {
87921 var t3,
87922 t1 = this.scanner,
87923 t2 = t1.string.length;
87924 while (true) {
87925 if (t1._string_scanner$_position !== t2) {
87926 t3 = t1.peekChar$0();
87927 t3 = t3 === 32 || t3 === 9;
87928 } else
87929 t3 = false;
87930 if (!t3)
87931 break;
87932 t1.readChar$0();
87933 }
87934 },
87935 scanComment$0() {
87936 var next,
87937 t1 = this.scanner;
87938 if (t1.peekChar$0() !== 47)
87939 return false;
87940 next = t1.peekChar$1(1);
87941 if (next === 47) {
87942 this.silentComment$0();
87943 return true;
87944 } else if (next === 42) {
87945 this.loudComment$0();
87946 return true;
87947 } else
87948 return false;
87949 },
87950 silentComment$0() {
87951 var t2, t3,
87952 t1 = this.scanner;
87953 t1.expect$1("//");
87954 t2 = t1.string.length;
87955 while (true) {
87956 if (t1._string_scanner$_position !== t2) {
87957 t3 = t1.peekChar$0();
87958 t3 = !(t3 === 10 || t3 === 13 || t3 === 12);
87959 } else
87960 t3 = false;
87961 if (!t3)
87962 break;
87963 t1.readChar$0();
87964 }
87965 },
87966 loudComment$0() {
87967 var next,
87968 t1 = this.scanner;
87969 t1.expect$1("/*");
87970 for (; true;) {
87971 if (t1.readChar$0() !== 42)
87972 continue;
87973 do
87974 next = t1.readChar$0();
87975 while (next === 42);
87976 if (next === 47)
87977 break;
87978 }
87979 },
87980 identifier$2$normalize$unit(normalize, unit) {
87981 var t2, first, _this = this,
87982 _s20_ = "Expected identifier.",
87983 text = new A.StringBuffer(""),
87984 t1 = _this.scanner;
87985 if (t1.scanChar$1(45)) {
87986 t2 = text._contents = "" + A.Primitives_stringFromCharCode(45);
87987 if (t1.scanChar$1(45)) {
87988 text._contents = t2 + A.Primitives_stringFromCharCode(45);
87989 _this._parser0$_identifierBody$3$normalize$unit(text, normalize, unit);
87990 t1 = text._contents;
87991 return t1.charCodeAt(0) == 0 ? t1 : t1;
87992 }
87993 } else
87994 t2 = "";
87995 first = t1.peekChar$0();
87996 if (first == null)
87997 t1.error$1(0, _s20_);
87998 else if (normalize && first === 95) {
87999 t1.readChar$0();
88000 text._contents = t2 + A.Primitives_stringFromCharCode(45);
88001 } else if (first === 95 || A.isAlphabetic1(first) || first >= 128)
88002 text._contents = t2 + A.Primitives_stringFromCharCode(t1.readChar$0());
88003 else if (first === 92)
88004 text._contents = t2 + A.S(_this.escape$1$identifierStart(true));
88005 else
88006 t1.error$1(0, _s20_);
88007 _this._parser0$_identifierBody$3$normalize$unit(text, normalize, unit);
88008 t1 = text._contents;
88009 return t1.charCodeAt(0) == 0 ? t1 : t1;
88010 },
88011 identifier$0() {
88012 return this.identifier$2$normalize$unit(false, false);
88013 },
88014 identifier$1$normalize(normalize) {
88015 return this.identifier$2$normalize$unit(normalize, false);
88016 },
88017 identifier$1$unit(unit) {
88018 return this.identifier$2$normalize$unit(false, unit);
88019 },
88020 _parser0$_identifierBody$3$normalize$unit(text, normalize, unit) {
88021 var t1, next, second, t2;
88022 for (t1 = this.scanner; true;) {
88023 next = t1.peekChar$0();
88024 if (next == null)
88025 break;
88026 else if (unit && next === 45) {
88027 second = t1.peekChar$1(1);
88028 if (second != null)
88029 if (second !== 46)
88030 t2 = second >= 48 && second <= 57;
88031 else
88032 t2 = true;
88033 else
88034 t2 = false;
88035 if (t2)
88036 break;
88037 text._contents += A.Primitives_stringFromCharCode(t1.readChar$0());
88038 } else if (normalize && next === 95) {
88039 t1.readChar$0();
88040 text._contents += A.Primitives_stringFromCharCode(45);
88041 } else {
88042 if (next !== 95) {
88043 if (!(next >= 97 && next <= 122))
88044 t2 = next >= 65 && next <= 90;
88045 else
88046 t2 = true;
88047 t2 = t2 || next >= 128;
88048 } else
88049 t2 = true;
88050 if (!t2) {
88051 t2 = next >= 48 && next <= 57;
88052 t2 = t2 || next === 45;
88053 } else
88054 t2 = true;
88055 if (t2)
88056 text._contents += A.Primitives_stringFromCharCode(t1.readChar$0());
88057 else if (next === 92)
88058 text._contents += A.S(this.escape$0());
88059 else
88060 break;
88061 }
88062 }
88063 },
88064 _parser0$_identifierBody$1(text) {
88065 return this._parser0$_identifierBody$3$normalize$unit(text, false, false);
88066 },
88067 string$0() {
88068 var buffer, next, t2,
88069 t1 = this.scanner,
88070 quote = t1.readChar$0();
88071 if (quote !== 39 && quote !== 34)
88072 t1.error$2$position(0, "Expected string.", t1._string_scanner$_position - 1);
88073 buffer = new A.StringBuffer("");
88074 for (; true;) {
88075 next = t1.peekChar$0();
88076 if (next === quote) {
88077 t1.readChar$0();
88078 break;
88079 } else if (next == null || next === 10 || next === 13 || next === 12)
88080 t1.error$1(0, "Expected " + A.Primitives_stringFromCharCode(quote) + ".");
88081 else if (next === 92) {
88082 t2 = t1.peekChar$1(1);
88083 if (t2 === 10 || t2 === 13 || t2 === 12) {
88084 t1.readChar$0();
88085 t1.readChar$0();
88086 } else
88087 buffer._contents += A.Primitives_stringFromCharCode(A.consumeEscapedCharacter0(t1));
88088 } else
88089 buffer._contents += A.Primitives_stringFromCharCode(t1.readChar$0());
88090 }
88091 t1 = buffer._contents;
88092 return t1.charCodeAt(0) == 0 ? t1 : t1;
88093 },
88094 naturalNumber$0() {
88095 var number, t2,
88096 t1 = this.scanner,
88097 first = t1.readChar$0();
88098 if (!A.isDigit0(first))
88099 t1.error$2$position(0, "Expected digit.", t1._string_scanner$_position - 1);
88100 number = first - 48;
88101 while (true) {
88102 t2 = t1.peekChar$0();
88103 if (!(t2 != null && t2 >= 48 && t2 <= 57))
88104 break;
88105 number = number * 10 + (t1.readChar$0() - 48);
88106 }
88107 return number;
88108 },
88109 declarationValue$1$allowEmpty(allowEmpty) {
88110 var t1, t2, wroteNewline, next, start, end, t3, url, _this = this,
88111 buffer = new A.StringBuffer(""),
88112 brackets = A._setArrayType([], type$.JSArray_int);
88113 $label0$1:
88114 for (t1 = _this.scanner, t2 = _this.get$string(), wroteNewline = false; true;) {
88115 next = t1.peekChar$0();
88116 switch (next) {
88117 case 92:
88118 buffer._contents += A.S(_this.escape$1$identifierStart(true));
88119 wroteNewline = false;
88120 break;
88121 case 34:
88122 case 39:
88123 start = t1._string_scanner$_position;
88124 t2.call$0();
88125 end = t1._string_scanner$_position;
88126 buffer._contents += B.JSString_methods.substring$2(t1.string, start, end);
88127 wroteNewline = false;
88128 break;
88129 case 47:
88130 if (t1.peekChar$1(1) === 42) {
88131 t3 = _this.get$loudComment();
88132 start = t1._string_scanner$_position;
88133 t3.call$0();
88134 end = t1._string_scanner$_position;
88135 buffer._contents += B.JSString_methods.substring$2(t1.string, start, end);
88136 } else
88137 buffer._contents += A.Primitives_stringFromCharCode(t1.readChar$0());
88138 wroteNewline = false;
88139 break;
88140 case 32:
88141 case 9:
88142 if (!wroteNewline) {
88143 t3 = t1.peekChar$1(1);
88144 t3 = !(t3 === 32 || t3 === 9 || t3 === 10 || t3 === 13 || t3 === 12);
88145 } else
88146 t3 = true;
88147 if (t3)
88148 buffer._contents += A.Primitives_stringFromCharCode(32);
88149 t1.readChar$0();
88150 break;
88151 case 10:
88152 case 13:
88153 case 12:
88154 t3 = t1.peekChar$1(-1);
88155 if (!(t3 === 10 || t3 === 13 || t3 === 12))
88156 buffer._contents += "\n";
88157 t1.readChar$0();
88158 wroteNewline = true;
88159 break;
88160 case 40:
88161 case 123:
88162 case 91:
88163 next.toString;
88164 buffer._contents += A.Primitives_stringFromCharCode(next);
88165 brackets.push(A.opposite0(t1.readChar$0()));
88166 wroteNewline = false;
88167 break;
88168 case 41:
88169 case 125:
88170 case 93:
88171 if (brackets.length === 0)
88172 break $label0$1;
88173 next.toString;
88174 buffer._contents += A.Primitives_stringFromCharCode(next);
88175 t1.expectChar$1(brackets.pop());
88176 wroteNewline = false;
88177 break;
88178 case 59:
88179 if (brackets.length === 0)
88180 break $label0$1;
88181 buffer._contents += A.Primitives_stringFromCharCode(t1.readChar$0());
88182 break;
88183 case 117:
88184 case 85:
88185 url = _this.tryUrl$0();
88186 if (url != null)
88187 buffer._contents += url;
88188 else
88189 buffer._contents += A.Primitives_stringFromCharCode(t1.readChar$0());
88190 wroteNewline = false;
88191 break;
88192 default:
88193 if (next == null)
88194 break $label0$1;
88195 if (_this.lookingAtIdentifier$0())
88196 buffer._contents += _this.identifier$0();
88197 else
88198 buffer._contents += A.Primitives_stringFromCharCode(t1.readChar$0());
88199 wroteNewline = false;
88200 break;
88201 }
88202 }
88203 if (brackets.length !== 0)
88204 t1.expectChar$1(B.JSArray_methods.get$last(brackets));
88205 if (!allowEmpty && buffer._contents.length === 0)
88206 t1.error$1(0, "Expected token.");
88207 t1 = buffer._contents;
88208 return t1.charCodeAt(0) == 0 ? t1 : t1;
88209 },
88210 declarationValue$0() {
88211 return this.declarationValue$1$allowEmpty(false);
88212 },
88213 tryUrl$0() {
88214 var buffer, next, t2, _this = this,
88215 t1 = _this.scanner,
88216 start = new A._SpanScannerState(t1, t1._string_scanner$_position);
88217 if (!_this.scanIdentifier$1("url"))
88218 return null;
88219 if (!t1.scanChar$1(40)) {
88220 t1.set$state(start);
88221 return null;
88222 }
88223 _this.whitespace$0();
88224 buffer = new A.StringBuffer("");
88225 buffer._contents = "" + "url(";
88226 for (; true;) {
88227 next = t1.peekChar$0();
88228 if (next == null)
88229 break;
88230 else if (next === 92)
88231 buffer._contents += A.S(_this.escape$0());
88232 else {
88233 if (next !== 37)
88234 if (next !== 38)
88235 if (next !== 35)
88236 t2 = next >= 42 && next <= 126 || next >= 128;
88237 else
88238 t2 = true;
88239 else
88240 t2 = true;
88241 else
88242 t2 = true;
88243 if (t2)
88244 buffer._contents += A.Primitives_stringFromCharCode(t1.readChar$0());
88245 else if (next === 32 || next === 9 || next === 10 || next === 13 || next === 12) {
88246 _this.whitespace$0();
88247 if (t1.peekChar$0() !== 41)
88248 break;
88249 } else if (next === 41) {
88250 t2 = buffer._contents += A.Primitives_stringFromCharCode(t1.readChar$0());
88251 return t2.charCodeAt(0) == 0 ? t2 : t2;
88252 } else
88253 break;
88254 }
88255 }
88256 t1.set$state(start);
88257 return null;
88258 },
88259 variableName$0() {
88260 this.scanner.expectChar$1(36);
88261 return this.identifier$1$normalize(true);
88262 },
88263 escape$1$identifierStart(identifierStart) {
88264 var value, first, i, next, t2, exception,
88265 _s25_ = "Expected escape sequence.",
88266 t1 = this.scanner,
88267 start = t1._string_scanner$_position;
88268 t1.expectChar$1(92);
88269 value = 0;
88270 first = t1.peekChar$0();
88271 if (first == null)
88272 t1.error$1(0, _s25_);
88273 else if (first === 10 || first === 13 || first === 12)
88274 t1.error$1(0, _s25_);
88275 else if (A.isHex0(first)) {
88276 for (i = 0; i < 6; ++i) {
88277 next = t1.peekChar$0();
88278 if (next == null || !A.isHex0(next))
88279 break;
88280 value *= 16;
88281 value += A.asHex0(t1.readChar$0());
88282 }
88283 this.scanCharIf$1(A.character0__isWhitespace$closure());
88284 } else
88285 value = t1.readChar$0();
88286 if (identifierStart) {
88287 t2 = value;
88288 t2 = t2 === 95 || A.isAlphabetic1(t2) || t2 >= 128;
88289 } else {
88290 t2 = value;
88291 t2 = t2 === 95 || A.isAlphabetic1(t2) || t2 >= 128 || A.isDigit0(t2) || t2 === 45;
88292 }
88293 if (t2)
88294 try {
88295 t2 = A.Primitives_stringFromCharCode(value);
88296 return t2;
88297 } catch (exception) {
88298 if (type$.RangeError._is(A.unwrapException(exception)))
88299 t1.error$3$length$position(0, "Invalid Unicode code point.", t1._string_scanner$_position - start, start);
88300 else
88301 throw exception;
88302 }
88303 else {
88304 if (!(value <= 31))
88305 if (!J.$eq$(value, 127))
88306 t1 = identifierStart && A.isDigit0(value);
88307 else
88308 t1 = true;
88309 else
88310 t1 = true;
88311 if (t1) {
88312 t1 = "" + A.Primitives_stringFromCharCode(92);
88313 if (value > 15)
88314 t1 += A.Primitives_stringFromCharCode(A.hexCharFor0(B.JSNumber_methods._shrOtherPositive$1(value, 4)));
88315 t1 = t1 + A.Primitives_stringFromCharCode(A.hexCharFor0(value & 15)) + A.Primitives_stringFromCharCode(32);
88316 return t1.charCodeAt(0) == 0 ? t1 : t1;
88317 } else
88318 return A.String_String$fromCharCodes(A._setArrayType([92, value], type$.JSArray_int), 0, null);
88319 }
88320 },
88321 escape$0() {
88322 return this.escape$1$identifierStart(false);
88323 },
88324 scanCharIf$1(condition) {
88325 var t1 = this.scanner;
88326 if (!condition.call$1(t1.peekChar$0()))
88327 return false;
88328 t1.readChar$0();
88329 return true;
88330 },
88331 scanIdentChar$2$caseSensitive(char, caseSensitive) {
88332 var t3,
88333 t1 = new A.Parser_scanIdentChar_matches0(caseSensitive, char),
88334 t2 = this.scanner,
88335 next = t2.peekChar$0();
88336 if (next != null && t1.call$1(next)) {
88337 t2.readChar$0();
88338 return true;
88339 } else if (next === 92) {
88340 t3 = t2._string_scanner$_position;
88341 if (t1.call$1(A.consumeEscapedCharacter0(t2)))
88342 return true;
88343 t2.set$state(new A._SpanScannerState(t2, t3));
88344 }
88345 return false;
88346 },
88347 scanIdentChar$1(char) {
88348 return this.scanIdentChar$2$caseSensitive(char, false);
88349 },
88350 expectIdentChar$1(letter) {
88351 var t1;
88352 if (this.scanIdentChar$2$caseSensitive(letter, false))
88353 return;
88354 t1 = this.scanner;
88355 t1.error$2$position(0, 'Expected "' + A.Primitives_stringFromCharCode(letter) + '".', t1._string_scanner$_position);
88356 },
88357 lookingAtIdentifier$1($forward) {
88358 var t1, first, second;
88359 if ($forward == null)
88360 $forward = 0;
88361 t1 = this.scanner;
88362 first = t1.peekChar$1($forward);
88363 if (first == null)
88364 return false;
88365 if (first === 95 || A.isAlphabetic1(first) || first >= 128 || first === 92)
88366 return true;
88367 if (first !== 45)
88368 return false;
88369 second = t1.peekChar$1($forward + 1);
88370 if (second == null)
88371 return false;
88372 return second === 95 || A.isAlphabetic1(second) || second >= 128 || second === 92 || second === 45;
88373 },
88374 lookingAtIdentifier$0() {
88375 return this.lookingAtIdentifier$1(null);
88376 },
88377 lookingAtIdentifierBody$0() {
88378 var t1,
88379 next = this.scanner.peekChar$0();
88380 if (next != null)
88381 t1 = next === 95 || A.isAlphabetic1(next) || next >= 128 || A.isDigit0(next) || next === 45 || next === 92;
88382 else
88383 t1 = false;
88384 return t1;
88385 },
88386 scanIdentifier$2$caseSensitive(text, caseSensitive) {
88387 var t1, start, t2, t3, _this = this;
88388 if (!_this.lookingAtIdentifier$0())
88389 return false;
88390 t1 = _this.scanner;
88391 start = new A._SpanScannerState(t1, t1._string_scanner$_position);
88392 for (t2 = new A.CodeUnits(text), t2 = new A.ListIterator(t2, t2.get$length(t2)), t3 = A._instanceType(t2)._precomputed1; t2.moveNext$0();) {
88393 if (_this.scanIdentChar$2$caseSensitive(t3._as(t2.__internal$_current), caseSensitive))
88394 continue;
88395 if (start._scanner !== t1)
88396 A.throwExpression(A.ArgumentError$(string$.The_gi, null));
88397 t2 = start.position;
88398 if (t2 < 0 || t2 > t1.string.length)
88399 A.throwExpression(A.ArgumentError$("Invalid position " + t2, null));
88400 t1._string_scanner$_position = t2;
88401 t1._lastMatch = null;
88402 return false;
88403 }
88404 if (!_this.lookingAtIdentifierBody$0())
88405 return true;
88406 t1.set$state(start);
88407 return false;
88408 },
88409 scanIdentifier$1(text) {
88410 return this.scanIdentifier$2$caseSensitive(text, false);
88411 },
88412 expectIdentifier$2$name(text, $name) {
88413 var t1, start, t2, t3;
88414 if ($name == null)
88415 $name = '"' + text + '"';
88416 t1 = this.scanner;
88417 start = t1._string_scanner$_position;
88418 for (t2 = new A.CodeUnits(text), t2 = new A.ListIterator(t2, t2.get$length(t2)), t3 = A._instanceType(t2)._precomputed1; t2.moveNext$0();) {
88419 if (this.scanIdentChar$2$caseSensitive(t3._as(t2.__internal$_current), false))
88420 continue;
88421 t1.error$2$position(0, "Expected " + $name + ".", start);
88422 }
88423 if (!this.lookingAtIdentifierBody$0())
88424 return;
88425 t1.error$2$position(0, "Expected " + $name, start);
88426 },
88427 expectIdentifier$1(text) {
88428 return this.expectIdentifier$2$name(text, null);
88429 },
88430 rawText$1(consumer) {
88431 var t1 = this.scanner,
88432 start = t1._string_scanner$_position;
88433 consumer.call$0();
88434 return t1.substring$1(0, start);
88435 },
88436 error$3(_, message, span, trace) {
88437 var exception = new A.StringScannerException(this.scanner.string, message, span);
88438 if (trace == null)
88439 throw A.wrapException(exception);
88440 else
88441 A.throwWithTrace0(exception, trace);
88442 },
88443 error$2($receiver, message, span) {
88444 return this.error$3($receiver, message, span, null);
88445 },
88446 withErrorMessage$1$2(message, callback) {
88447 var error, stackTrace, t1, exception;
88448 try {
88449 t1 = callback.call$0();
88450 return t1;
88451 } catch (exception) {
88452 t1 = A.unwrapException(exception);
88453 if (type$.SourceSpanFormatException._is(t1)) {
88454 error = t1;
88455 stackTrace = A.getTraceFromException(exception);
88456 t1 = J.get$span$z(error);
88457 A.throwWithTrace0(new A.SourceSpanFormatException(error.get$source(), message, t1), stackTrace);
88458 } else
88459 throw exception;
88460 }
88461 },
88462 withErrorMessage$2(message, callback) {
88463 return this.withErrorMessage$1$2(message, callback, type$.dynamic);
88464 },
88465 wrapSpanFormatException$1$1(callback) {
88466 var error, stackTrace, span, startPosition, t1, exception;
88467 try {
88468 t1 = callback.call$0();
88469 return t1;
88470 } catch (exception) {
88471 t1 = A.unwrapException(exception);
88472 if (type$.SourceSpanFormatException._is(t1)) {
88473 error = t1;
88474 stackTrace = A.getTraceFromException(exception);
88475 span = J.get$span$z(error);
88476 if (A.startsWithIgnoreCase0(error._span_exception$_message, "expected")) {
88477 t1 = span;
88478 t1 = t1._end - t1._file$_start === 0;
88479 } else
88480 t1 = false;
88481 if (t1) {
88482 t1 = span;
88483 startPosition = this._parser0$_firstNewlineBefore$1(A.FileLocation$_(t1.file, t1._file$_start).offset);
88484 t1 = span;
88485 if (!J.$eq$(startPosition, A.FileLocation$_(t1.file, t1._file$_start).offset))
88486 span = span.file.span$2(0, startPosition, startPosition);
88487 }
88488 A.throwWithTrace0(new A.SassFormatException0(error._span_exception$_message, span), stackTrace);
88489 } else
88490 throw exception;
88491 }
88492 },
88493 wrapSpanFormatException$1(callback) {
88494 return this.wrapSpanFormatException$1$1(callback, type$.dynamic);
88495 },
88496 _parser0$_firstNewlineBefore$1(position) {
88497 var t1, lastNewline, codeUnit,
88498 index = position - 1;
88499 for (t1 = this.scanner.string, lastNewline = null; index >= 0;) {
88500 codeUnit = B.JSString_methods.codeUnitAt$1(t1, index);
88501 if (!(codeUnit === 32 || codeUnit === 9 || codeUnit === 10 || codeUnit === 13 || codeUnit === 12))
88502 return lastNewline == null ? position : lastNewline;
88503 if (codeUnit === 10 || codeUnit === 13 || codeUnit === 12)
88504 lastNewline = index;
88505 --index;
88506 }
88507 return position;
88508 }
88509 };
88510 A.Parser__parseIdentifier_closure0.prototype = {
88511 call$0() {
88512 var t1 = this.$this,
88513 result = t1.identifier$0();
88514 t1.scanner.expectDone$0();
88515 return result;
88516 },
88517 $signature: 30
88518 };
88519 A.Parser_scanIdentChar_matches0.prototype = {
88520 call$1(actual) {
88521 var t1 = this.char;
88522 return this.caseSensitive ? actual === t1 : A.characterEqualsIgnoreCase0(t1, actual);
88523 },
88524 $signature: 56
88525 };
88526 A.PlaceholderSelector0.prototype = {
88527 get$isInvisible() {
88528 return true;
88529 },
88530 accept$1$1(visitor) {
88531 var t1 = visitor._serialize0$_buffer;
88532 t1.writeCharCode$1(37);
88533 t1.write$1(0, this.name);
88534 return null;
88535 },
88536 accept$1(visitor) {
88537 return this.accept$1$1(visitor, type$.dynamic);
88538 },
88539 addSuffix$1(suffix) {
88540 return new A.PlaceholderSelector0(this.name + suffix);
88541 },
88542 $eq(_, other) {
88543 if (other == null)
88544 return false;
88545 return other instanceof A.PlaceholderSelector0 && other.name === this.name;
88546 },
88547 get$hashCode(_) {
88548 return B.JSString_methods.get$hashCode(this.name);
88549 }
88550 };
88551 A.PlainCssCallable0.prototype = {
88552 $eq(_, other) {
88553 if (other == null)
88554 return false;
88555 return other instanceof A.PlainCssCallable0 && this.name === other.name;
88556 },
88557 get$hashCode(_) {
88558 return B.JSString_methods.get$hashCode(this.name);
88559 },
88560 $isAsyncCallable0: 1,
88561 $isCallable0: 1,
88562 get$name(receiver) {
88563 return this.name;
88564 }
88565 };
88566 A.PrefixedMapView0.prototype = {
88567 get$keys(_) {
88568 return new A._PrefixedKeys0(this);
88569 },
88570 get$length(_) {
88571 var t1 = this._prefixed_map_view0$_map;
88572 return t1.get$length(t1);
88573 },
88574 get$isEmpty(_) {
88575 var t1 = this._prefixed_map_view0$_map;
88576 return t1.get$isEmpty(t1);
88577 },
88578 get$isNotEmpty(_) {
88579 var t1 = this._prefixed_map_view0$_map;
88580 return t1.get$isNotEmpty(t1);
88581 },
88582 $index(_, key) {
88583 return typeof key == "string" && B.JSString_methods.startsWith$1(key, this._prefixed_map_view0$_prefix) ? this._prefixed_map_view0$_map.$index(0, J.substring$1$s(key, this._prefixed_map_view0$_prefix.length)) : null;
88584 },
88585 containsKey$1(key) {
88586 return typeof key == "string" && B.JSString_methods.startsWith$1(key, this._prefixed_map_view0$_prefix) && this._prefixed_map_view0$_map.containsKey$1(J.substring$1$s(key, this._prefixed_map_view0$_prefix.length));
88587 }
88588 };
88589 A._PrefixedKeys0.prototype = {
88590 get$length(_) {
88591 var t1 = this._prefixed_map_view0$_view._prefixed_map_view0$_map;
88592 return t1.get$length(t1);
88593 },
88594 get$iterator(_) {
88595 var t1 = this._prefixed_map_view0$_view._prefixed_map_view0$_map;
88596 t1 = J.map$1$1$ax(t1.get$keys(t1), new A._PrefixedKeys_iterator_closure0(this), type$.String);
88597 return t1.get$iterator(t1);
88598 },
88599 contains$1(_, key) {
88600 return this._prefixed_map_view0$_view.containsKey$1(key);
88601 }
88602 };
88603 A._PrefixedKeys_iterator_closure0.prototype = {
88604 call$1(key) {
88605 return this.$this._prefixed_map_view0$_view._prefixed_map_view0$_prefix + key;
88606 },
88607 $signature: 5
88608 };
88609 A.PseudoSelector0.prototype = {
88610 get$isHostContext() {
88611 return this.isClass && this.name === "host-context" && this.selector != null;
88612 },
88613 get$minSpecificity() {
88614 if (this._pseudo0$_minSpecificity == null)
88615 this._pseudo0$_computeSpecificity$0();
88616 var t1 = this._pseudo0$_minSpecificity;
88617 t1.toString;
88618 return t1;
88619 },
88620 get$maxSpecificity() {
88621 if (this._pseudo0$_maxSpecificity == null)
88622 this._pseudo0$_computeSpecificity$0();
88623 var t1 = this._pseudo0$_maxSpecificity;
88624 t1.toString;
88625 return t1;
88626 },
88627 get$isInvisible() {
88628 var selector = this.selector;
88629 if (selector == null)
88630 return false;
88631 return this.name !== "not" && selector.get$isInvisible();
88632 },
88633 addSuffix$1(suffix) {
88634 var _this = this;
88635 if (_this.argument != null || _this.selector != null)
88636 _this.super$SimpleSelector$addSuffix0(suffix);
88637 return A.PseudoSelector$0(_this.name + suffix, null, !_this.isClass, null);
88638 },
88639 unify$1(compound) {
88640 var other, result, t2, addedThis, _i, simple, _this = this,
88641 t1 = _this.name;
88642 if (t1 === "host" || t1 === "host-context") {
88643 if (!B.JSArray_methods.every$1(compound, new A.PseudoSelector_unify_closure0()))
88644 return null;
88645 } else if (compound.length === 1) {
88646 other = B.JSArray_methods.get$first(compound);
88647 if (!(other instanceof A.UniversalSelector0))
88648 if (other instanceof A.PseudoSelector0)
88649 t1 = other.isClass && other.name === "host" || other.get$isHostContext();
88650 else
88651 t1 = false;
88652 else
88653 t1 = true;
88654 if (t1)
88655 return other.unify$1(A._setArrayType([_this], type$.JSArray_SimpleSelector_2));
88656 }
88657 if (B.JSArray_methods.contains$1(compound, _this))
88658 return compound;
88659 result = A._setArrayType([], type$.JSArray_SimpleSelector_2);
88660 for (t1 = compound.length, t2 = !_this.isClass, addedThis = false, _i = 0; _i < compound.length; compound.length === t1 || (0, A.throwConcurrentModificationError)(compound), ++_i) {
88661 simple = compound[_i];
88662 if (simple instanceof A.PseudoSelector0 && !simple.isClass) {
88663 if (t2)
88664 return null;
88665 result.push(_this);
88666 addedThis = true;
88667 }
88668 result.push(simple);
88669 }
88670 if (!addedThis)
88671 result.push(_this);
88672 return result;
88673 },
88674 _pseudo0$_computeSpecificity$0() {
88675 var selector, t1, t2, minSpecificity, maxSpecificity, _i, complex, t3, _this = this;
88676 if (!_this.isClass) {
88677 _this._pseudo0$_maxSpecificity = _this._pseudo0$_minSpecificity = 1;
88678 return;
88679 }
88680 selector = _this.selector;
88681 if (selector == null) {
88682 _this._pseudo0$_minSpecificity = A.SimpleSelector0.prototype.get$minSpecificity.call(_this);
88683 _this._pseudo0$_maxSpecificity = A.SimpleSelector0.prototype.get$maxSpecificity.call(_this);
88684 return;
88685 }
88686 if (_this.name === "not") {
88687 for (t1 = selector.components, t2 = t1.length, minSpecificity = 0, maxSpecificity = 0, _i = 0; _i < t2; ++_i) {
88688 complex = t1[_i];
88689 if (complex._complex0$_minSpecificity == null)
88690 complex._complex0$_computeSpecificity$0();
88691 t3 = complex._complex0$_minSpecificity;
88692 t3.toString;
88693 minSpecificity = Math.max(minSpecificity, t3);
88694 if (complex._complex0$_maxSpecificity == null)
88695 complex._complex0$_computeSpecificity$0();
88696 t3 = complex._complex0$_maxSpecificity;
88697 t3.toString;
88698 maxSpecificity = Math.max(maxSpecificity, t3);
88699 }
88700 _this._pseudo0$_minSpecificity = minSpecificity;
88701 _this._pseudo0$_maxSpecificity = maxSpecificity;
88702 } else {
88703 minSpecificity = A._asInt(Math.pow(A.SimpleSelector0.prototype.get$minSpecificity.call(_this), 3));
88704 for (t1 = selector.components, t2 = t1.length, maxSpecificity = 0, _i = 0; _i < t2; ++_i) {
88705 complex = t1[_i];
88706 if (complex._complex0$_minSpecificity == null)
88707 complex._complex0$_computeSpecificity$0();
88708 t3 = complex._complex0$_minSpecificity;
88709 t3.toString;
88710 minSpecificity = Math.min(minSpecificity, t3);
88711 if (complex._complex0$_maxSpecificity == null)
88712 complex._complex0$_computeSpecificity$0();
88713 t3 = complex._complex0$_maxSpecificity;
88714 t3.toString;
88715 maxSpecificity = Math.max(maxSpecificity, t3);
88716 }
88717 _this._pseudo0$_minSpecificity = minSpecificity;
88718 _this._pseudo0$_maxSpecificity = maxSpecificity;
88719 }
88720 },
88721 accept$1$1(visitor) {
88722 return visitor.visitPseudoSelector$1(this);
88723 },
88724 accept$1(visitor) {
88725 return this.accept$1$1(visitor, type$.dynamic);
88726 },
88727 $eq(_, other) {
88728 var _this = this;
88729 if (other == null)
88730 return false;
88731 return other instanceof A.PseudoSelector0 && other.name === _this.name && other.isClass === _this.isClass && other.argument == _this.argument && J.$eq$(other.selector, _this.selector);
88732 },
88733 get$hashCode(_) {
88734 var _this = this,
88735 t1 = B.JSString_methods.get$hashCode(_this.name),
88736 t2 = !_this.isClass ? 519018 : 218159;
88737 return (t1 ^ t2 ^ J.get$hashCode$(_this.argument) ^ J.get$hashCode$(_this.selector)) >>> 0;
88738 }
88739 };
88740 A.PseudoSelector_unify_closure0.prototype = {
88741 call$1(simple) {
88742 var t1;
88743 if (simple instanceof A.PseudoSelector0)
88744 t1 = simple.isClass && simple.name === "host" || simple.selector != null;
88745 else
88746 t1 = false;
88747 return t1;
88748 },
88749 $signature: 15
88750 };
88751 A.PublicMemberMapView0.prototype = {
88752 get$keys(_) {
88753 var t1 = this._public_member_map_view0$_inner;
88754 return J.where$1$ax(t1.get$keys(t1), A.utils0__isPublic$closure());
88755 },
88756 containsKey$1(key) {
88757 return typeof key == "string" && A.isPublic0(key) && this._public_member_map_view0$_inner.containsKey$1(key);
88758 },
88759 $index(_, key) {
88760 if (typeof key == "string" && A.isPublic0(key))
88761 return this._public_member_map_view0$_inner.$index(0, key);
88762 return null;
88763 }
88764 };
88765 A.QualifiedName0.prototype = {
88766 $eq(_, other) {
88767 if (other == null)
88768 return false;
88769 return other instanceof A.QualifiedName0 && other.name === this.name && other.namespace == this.namespace;
88770 },
88771 get$hashCode(_) {
88772 return B.JSString_methods.get$hashCode(this.name) ^ J.get$hashCode$(this.namespace);
88773 },
88774 toString$0(_) {
88775 var t1 = this.namespace,
88776 t2 = this.name;
88777 return t1 == null ? t2 : t1 + "|" + t2;
88778 }
88779 };
88780 A.JSClass0.prototype = {};
88781 A.JSClassExtension_setCustomInspect_closure.prototype = {
88782 call$3($self, _, __) {
88783 return this.inspect.call$1($self);
88784 },
88785 "call*": "call$3",
88786 $requiredArgCount: 3,
88787 $signature: 517
88788 };
88789 A.JSClassExtension_get_defineMethod_closure.prototype = {
88790 call$2($name, body) {
88791 J.get$$prototype$x(this._this)[$name] = A.allowInteropCaptureThisNamed($name, body);
88792 return null;
88793 },
88794 $signature: 243
88795 };
88796 A.JSClassExtension_get_defineGetter_closure.prototype = {
88797 call$2($name, body) {
88798 A.defineGetter(J.get$$prototype$x(this._this), $name, body, null);
88799 return null;
88800 },
88801 $signature: 243
88802 };
88803 A.RenderContext0.prototype = {};
88804 A.RenderContextOptions0.prototype = {};
88805 A.RenderContextResult0.prototype = {};
88806 A.RenderContextResultStats0.prototype = {};
88807 A.RenderOptions.prototype = {};
88808 A.RenderResult.prototype = {};
88809 A.RenderResultStats.prototype = {};
88810 A.ImporterResult0.prototype = {
88811 get$sourceMapUrl(_) {
88812 var t1 = this._result$_sourceMapUrl;
88813 return t1 == null ? A.Uri_Uri$dataFromString(this.contents, B.C_Utf8Codec, null) : t1;
88814 }
88815 };
88816 A.ReturnRule0.prototype = {
88817 accept$1$1(visitor) {
88818 return visitor.visitReturnRule$1(this);
88819 },
88820 accept$1(visitor) {
88821 return this.accept$1$1(visitor, type$.dynamic);
88822 },
88823 toString$0(_) {
88824 return "@return " + this.expression.toString$0(0) + ";";
88825 },
88826 $isAstNode0: 1,
88827 $isStatement0: 1,
88828 get$span(receiver) {
88829 return this.span;
88830 }
88831 };
88832 A.main_printError.prototype = {
88833 call$2(error, stackTrace) {
88834 var t1 = this._box_0;
88835 if (t1.printedError)
88836 $.$get$stderr().writeln$0();
88837 t1.printedError = true;
88838 t1 = $.$get$stderr();
88839 t1.writeln$1(error);
88840 if (stackTrace != null) {
88841 t1.writeln$0();
88842 t1.writeln$1(B.JSString_methods.trimRight$0(A.Trace_Trace$from(stackTrace).get$terse().toString$0(0)));
88843 }
88844 },
88845 $signature: 519
88846 };
88847 A.main_closure.prototype = {
88848 call$0() {
88849 var t1, exception;
88850 try {
88851 t1 = this.destination;
88852 if (t1 != null && !this._box_0.options.get$emitErrorCss())
88853 A.deleteFile(t1);
88854 } catch (exception) {
88855 if (!(A.unwrapException(exception) instanceof A.FileSystemException))
88856 throw exception;
88857 }
88858 },
88859 $signature: 1
88860 };
88861 A.SassParser0.prototype = {
88862 get$currentIndentation() {
88863 return this._sass0$_currentIndentation;
88864 },
88865 get$indented() {
88866 return true;
88867 },
88868 styleRuleSelector$0() {
88869 var t4,
88870 t1 = this.scanner,
88871 t2 = t1._string_scanner$_position,
88872 t3 = new A.StringBuffer(""),
88873 buffer = new A.InterpolationBuffer0(t3, A._setArrayType([], type$.JSArray_Object));
88874 do {
88875 buffer.addInterpolation$1(this.almostAnyValue$1$omitComments(true));
88876 t4 = t3._contents += A.Primitives_stringFromCharCode(10);
88877 } while (B.JSString_methods.endsWith$1(B.JSString_methods.trimRight$0(t4.charCodeAt(0) == 0 ? t4 : t4), ",") && this.scanCharIf$1(A.character0__isNewline$closure()));
88878 return buffer.interpolation$1(t1.spanFrom$1(new A._SpanScannerState(t1, t2)));
88879 },
88880 expectStatementSeparator$1($name) {
88881 var _this = this;
88882 if (!_this.atEndOfStatement$0())
88883 _this._sass0$_expectNewline$0();
88884 if (_this._sass0$_peekIndentation$0() <= _this._sass0$_currentIndentation)
88885 return;
88886 _this.scanner.error$2$position(0, "Nothing may be indented " + ($name == null ? "here" : "beneath a " + $name) + ".", _this._sass0$_nextIndentationEnd.position);
88887 },
88888 expectStatementSeparator$0() {
88889 return this.expectStatementSeparator$1(null);
88890 },
88891 atEndOfStatement$0() {
88892 var next = this.scanner.peekChar$0();
88893 return next == null || next === 10 || next === 13 || next === 12;
88894 },
88895 lookingAtChildren$0() {
88896 return this.atEndOfStatement$0() && this._sass0$_peekIndentation$0() > this._sass0$_currentIndentation;
88897 },
88898 importArgument$0() {
88899 var url, span, innerError, stackTrace, start, next, t2, exception, _this = this,
88900 t1 = _this.scanner;
88901 switch (t1.peekChar$0()) {
88902 case 117:
88903 case 85:
88904 start = new A._SpanScannerState(t1, t1._string_scanner$_position);
88905 if (_this.scanIdentifier$1("url"))
88906 if (t1.scanChar$1(40)) {
88907 t1.set$state(start);
88908 return _this.super$StylesheetParser$importArgument0();
88909 } else
88910 t1.set$state(start);
88911 break;
88912 case 39:
88913 case 34:
88914 return _this.super$StylesheetParser$importArgument0();
88915 }
88916 start = new A._SpanScannerState(t1, t1._string_scanner$_position);
88917 next = t1.peekChar$0();
88918 while (true) {
88919 if (next != null)
88920 if (next !== 44)
88921 if (next !== 59)
88922 t2 = !(next === 10 || next === 13 || next === 12);
88923 else
88924 t2 = false;
88925 else
88926 t2 = false;
88927 else
88928 t2 = false;
88929 if (!t2)
88930 break;
88931 t1.readChar$0();
88932 next = t1.peekChar$0();
88933 }
88934 url = t1.substring$1(0, start.position);
88935 span = t1.spanFrom$1(start);
88936 if (_this.isPlainImportUrl$1(url))
88937 return new A.StaticImport0(A.Interpolation$0(A._setArrayType([A.serializeValue0(new A.SassString0(url, true), true, true)], type$.JSArray_Object), span), null, null, span);
88938 else
88939 try {
88940 t1 = _this.parseImportUrl$1(url);
88941 return new A.DynamicImport0(t1, span);
88942 } catch (exception) {
88943 t1 = A.unwrapException(exception);
88944 if (type$.FormatException._is(t1)) {
88945 innerError = t1;
88946 stackTrace = A.getTraceFromException(exception);
88947 _this.error$3(0, "Invalid URL: " + J.get$message$x(innerError), span, stackTrace);
88948 } else
88949 throw exception;
88950 }
88951 },
88952 scanElse$1(ifIndentation) {
88953 var t1, t2, startIndentation, startNextIndentation, startNextIndentationEnd, _this = this;
88954 if (_this._sass0$_peekIndentation$0() !== ifIndentation)
88955 return false;
88956 t1 = _this.scanner;
88957 t2 = t1._string_scanner$_position;
88958 startIndentation = _this._sass0$_currentIndentation;
88959 startNextIndentation = _this._sass0$_nextIndentation;
88960 startNextIndentationEnd = _this._sass0$_nextIndentationEnd;
88961 _this._sass0$_readIndentation$0();
88962 if (t1.scanChar$1(64) && _this.scanIdentifier$1("else"))
88963 return true;
88964 t1.set$state(new A._SpanScannerState(t1, t2));
88965 _this._sass0$_currentIndentation = startIndentation;
88966 _this._sass0$_nextIndentation = startNextIndentation;
88967 _this._sass0$_nextIndentationEnd = startNextIndentationEnd;
88968 return false;
88969 },
88970 children$1(_, child) {
88971 var children = A._setArrayType([], type$.JSArray_Statement_2);
88972 this._sass0$_whileIndentedLower$1(new A.SassParser_children_closure0(this, child, children));
88973 return children;
88974 },
88975 statements$1(statement) {
88976 var statements, t2, child,
88977 t1 = this.scanner,
88978 first = t1.peekChar$0();
88979 if (first === 9 || first === 32)
88980 t1.error$3$length$position(0, string$.Indent, t1._string_scanner$_position, 0);
88981 statements = A._setArrayType([], type$.JSArray_Statement_2);
88982 for (t2 = t1.string.length; t1._string_scanner$_position !== t2;) {
88983 child = this._sass0$_child$1(statement);
88984 if (child != null)
88985 statements.push(child);
88986 this._sass0$_readIndentation$0();
88987 }
88988 return statements;
88989 },
88990 _sass0$_child$1(child) {
88991 var _this = this,
88992 t1 = _this.scanner;
88993 switch (t1.peekChar$0()) {
88994 case 13:
88995 case 10:
88996 case 12:
88997 return null;
88998 case 36:
88999 return _this.variableDeclarationWithoutNamespace$0();
89000 case 47:
89001 switch (t1.peekChar$1(1)) {
89002 case 47:
89003 return _this._sass0$_silentComment$0();
89004 case 42:
89005 return _this._sass0$_loudComment$0();
89006 default:
89007 return child.call$0();
89008 }
89009 default:
89010 return child.call$0();
89011 }
89012 },
89013 _sass0$_silentComment$0() {
89014 var buffer, parentIndentation, t3, t4, t5, commentPrefix, i, t6, i0, t7, _this = this,
89015 t1 = _this.scanner,
89016 t2 = t1._string_scanner$_position;
89017 t1.expect$1("//");
89018 buffer = new A.StringBuffer("");
89019 parentIndentation = _this._sass0$_currentIndentation;
89020 t3 = t1.string.length;
89021 t4 = 1 + parentIndentation;
89022 t5 = 2 + parentIndentation;
89023 $label0$0:
89024 do {
89025 commentPrefix = t1.scanChar$1(47) ? "///" : "//";
89026 for (i = commentPrefix.length; true;) {
89027 t6 = buffer._contents += commentPrefix;
89028 for (i0 = i; i0 < _this._sass0$_currentIndentation - parentIndentation; ++i0) {
89029 t6 += A.Primitives_stringFromCharCode(32);
89030 buffer._contents = t6;
89031 }
89032 while (true) {
89033 if (t1._string_scanner$_position !== t3) {
89034 t7 = t1.peekChar$0();
89035 t7 = !(t7 === 10 || t7 === 13 || t7 === 12);
89036 } else
89037 t7 = false;
89038 if (!t7)
89039 break;
89040 t6 += A.Primitives_stringFromCharCode(t1.readChar$0());
89041 buffer._contents = t6;
89042 }
89043 buffer._contents = t6 + "\n";
89044 if (_this._sass0$_peekIndentation$0() < parentIndentation)
89045 break $label0$0;
89046 if (_this._sass0$_peekIndentation$0() === parentIndentation) {
89047 if (t1.peekChar$1(t4) === 47 && t1.peekChar$1(t5) === 47)
89048 _this._sass0$_readIndentation$0();
89049 break;
89050 }
89051 _this._sass0$_readIndentation$0();
89052 }
89053 } while (t1.scan$1("//"));
89054 t3 = buffer._contents;
89055 return _this.lastSilentComment = new A.SilentComment0(t3.charCodeAt(0) == 0 ? t3 : t3, t1.spanFrom$1(new A._SpanScannerState(t1, t2)));
89056 },
89057 _sass0$_loudComment$0() {
89058 var t3, t4, buffer, parentIndentation, t5, t6, first, beginningOfComment, t7, end, i, _this = this,
89059 t1 = _this.scanner,
89060 t2 = t1._string_scanner$_position;
89061 t1.expect$1("/*");
89062 t3 = new A.StringBuffer("");
89063 t4 = A._setArrayType([], type$.JSArray_Object);
89064 buffer = new A.InterpolationBuffer0(t3, t4);
89065 t3._contents = "" + "/*";
89066 parentIndentation = _this._sass0$_currentIndentation;
89067 for (t5 = t1.string, t6 = t5.length, first = true; true; first = false) {
89068 if (first) {
89069 beginningOfComment = t1._string_scanner$_position;
89070 _this.spaces$0();
89071 t7 = t1.peekChar$0();
89072 if (t7 === 10 || t7 === 13 || t7 === 12) {
89073 _this._sass0$_readIndentation$0();
89074 t7 = t3._contents += A.Primitives_stringFromCharCode(32);
89075 } else {
89076 end = t1._string_scanner$_position;
89077 t7 = t3._contents += B.JSString_methods.substring$2(t5, beginningOfComment, end);
89078 }
89079 } else {
89080 t7 = t3._contents += "\n";
89081 t7 += " * ";
89082 t3._contents = t7;
89083 }
89084 for (i = 3; i < _this._sass0$_currentIndentation - parentIndentation; ++i) {
89085 t7 += A.Primitives_stringFromCharCode(32);
89086 t3._contents = t7;
89087 }
89088 $label0$1:
89089 for (; t1._string_scanner$_position !== t6;)
89090 switch (t1.peekChar$0()) {
89091 case 10:
89092 case 13:
89093 case 12:
89094 break $label0$1;
89095 case 35:
89096 if (t1.peekChar$1(1) === 123) {
89097 t7 = _this.singleInterpolation$0();
89098 buffer._interpolation_buffer0$_flushText$0();
89099 t4.push(t7);
89100 } else
89101 t3._contents += A.Primitives_stringFromCharCode(t1.readChar$0());
89102 break;
89103 default:
89104 t3._contents += A.Primitives_stringFromCharCode(t1.readChar$0());
89105 break;
89106 }
89107 if (_this._sass0$_peekIndentation$0() <= parentIndentation)
89108 break;
89109 for (; _this._sass0$_lookingAtDoubleNewline$0();) {
89110 _this._sass0$_expectNewline$0();
89111 t7 = t3._contents += "\n";
89112 t3._contents = t7 + " *";
89113 }
89114 _this._sass0$_readIndentation$0();
89115 }
89116 t4 = t3._contents;
89117 if (!B.JSString_methods.endsWith$1(B.JSString_methods.trimRight$0(t4.charCodeAt(0) == 0 ? t4 : t4), "*/"))
89118 t3._contents += " */";
89119 return new A.LoudComment0(buffer.interpolation$1(t1.spanFrom$1(new A._SpanScannerState(t1, t2))));
89120 },
89121 whitespaceWithoutComments$0() {
89122 var t1, t2, next;
89123 for (t1 = this.scanner, t2 = t1.string.length; t1._string_scanner$_position !== t2;) {
89124 next = t1.peekChar$0();
89125 if (next !== 9 && next !== 32)
89126 break;
89127 t1.readChar$0();
89128 }
89129 },
89130 loudComment$0() {
89131 var next,
89132 t1 = this.scanner;
89133 t1.expect$1("/*");
89134 for (; true;) {
89135 next = t1.readChar$0();
89136 if (next === 10 || next === 13 || next === 12)
89137 t1.error$1(0, "expected */.");
89138 if (next !== 42)
89139 continue;
89140 do
89141 next = t1.readChar$0();
89142 while (next === 42);
89143 if (next === 47)
89144 break;
89145 }
89146 },
89147 _sass0$_expectNewline$0() {
89148 var t1 = this.scanner;
89149 switch (t1.peekChar$0()) {
89150 case 59:
89151 t1.error$1(0, string$.semico);
89152 break;
89153 case 13:
89154 t1.readChar$0();
89155 if (t1.peekChar$0() === 10)
89156 t1.readChar$0();
89157 return;
89158 case 10:
89159 case 12:
89160 t1.readChar$0();
89161 return;
89162 default:
89163 t1.error$1(0, "expected newline.");
89164 }
89165 },
89166 _sass0$_lookingAtDoubleNewline$0() {
89167 var nextChar,
89168 t1 = this.scanner;
89169 switch (t1.peekChar$0()) {
89170 case 13:
89171 nextChar = t1.peekChar$1(1);
89172 if (nextChar === 10) {
89173 t1 = t1.peekChar$1(2);
89174 return t1 === 10 || t1 === 13 || t1 === 12;
89175 }
89176 return nextChar === 13 || nextChar === 12;
89177 case 10:
89178 case 12:
89179 t1 = t1.peekChar$1(1);
89180 return t1 === 10 || t1 === 13 || t1 === 12;
89181 default:
89182 return false;
89183 }
89184 },
89185 _sass0$_whileIndentedLower$1(body) {
89186 var t1, t2, childIndentation, indentation, t3, t4, t5, _this = this,
89187 parentIndentation = _this._sass0$_currentIndentation;
89188 for (t1 = _this.scanner, t2 = t1._sourceFile, childIndentation = null; _this._sass0$_peekIndentation$0() > parentIndentation;) {
89189 indentation = _this._sass0$_readIndentation$0();
89190 if (childIndentation == null)
89191 childIndentation = indentation;
89192 if (childIndentation !== indentation) {
89193 t3 = "Inconsistent indentation, expected " + childIndentation + " spaces.";
89194 t4 = t1._string_scanner$_position;
89195 t5 = t2.getColumn$1(t4);
89196 t1.error$3$length$position(0, t3, t2.getColumn$1(t1._string_scanner$_position), t4 - t5);
89197 }
89198 body.call$0();
89199 }
89200 },
89201 _sass0$_readIndentation$0() {
89202 var t1, _this = this,
89203 currentIndentation = _this._sass0$_nextIndentation;
89204 if (currentIndentation == null)
89205 currentIndentation = _this._sass0$_nextIndentation = _this._sass0$_peekIndentation$0();
89206 _this._sass0$_currentIndentation = currentIndentation;
89207 t1 = _this._sass0$_nextIndentationEnd;
89208 t1.toString;
89209 _this.scanner.set$state(t1);
89210 _this._sass0$_nextIndentationEnd = _this._sass0$_nextIndentation = null;
89211 return currentIndentation;
89212 },
89213 _sass0$_peekIndentation$0() {
89214 var t1, t2, t3, start, containsTab, containsSpace, nextIndentation, next, t4, _this = this,
89215 cached = _this._sass0$_nextIndentation;
89216 if (cached != null)
89217 return cached;
89218 t1 = _this.scanner;
89219 t2 = t1._string_scanner$_position;
89220 t3 = t1.string.length;
89221 if (t2 === t3) {
89222 _this._sass0$_nextIndentation = 0;
89223 _this._sass0$_nextIndentationEnd = new A._SpanScannerState(t1, t2);
89224 return 0;
89225 }
89226 start = new A._SpanScannerState(t1, t2);
89227 if (!_this.scanCharIf$1(A.character0__isNewline$closure()))
89228 t1.error$2$position(0, "Expected newline.", t1._string_scanner$_position);
89229 containsTab = A._Cell$();
89230 containsSpace = A._Cell$();
89231 nextIndentation = A._Cell$();
89232 t2 = nextIndentation.__late_helper$_name;
89233 do {
89234 containsSpace._value = containsTab._value = false;
89235 nextIndentation._value = 0;
89236 for (; true;) {
89237 next = t1.peekChar$0();
89238 if (next === 32)
89239 containsSpace._value = true;
89240 else if (next === 9)
89241 containsTab._value = true;
89242 else
89243 break;
89244 t4 = nextIndentation._value;
89245 if (t4 === nextIndentation)
89246 A.throwExpression(A.LateError$localNI(t2));
89247 nextIndentation._value = t4 + 1;
89248 t1.readChar$0();
89249 }
89250 t4 = t1._string_scanner$_position;
89251 if (t4 === t3) {
89252 _this._sass0$_nextIndentation = 0;
89253 _this._sass0$_nextIndentationEnd = new A._SpanScannerState(t1, t4);
89254 t1.set$state(start);
89255 return 0;
89256 }
89257 } while (_this.scanCharIf$1(A.character0__isNewline$closure()));
89258 t2 = containsTab._readLocal$0();
89259 t3 = containsSpace._readLocal$0();
89260 if (t2) {
89261 if (t3) {
89262 t2 = t1._string_scanner$_position;
89263 t3 = t1._sourceFile;
89264 t4 = t3.getColumn$1(t2);
89265 t1.error$3$length$position(0, "Tabs and spaces may not be mixed.", t3.getColumn$1(t1._string_scanner$_position), t2 - t4);
89266 } else if (_this._sass0$_spaces === true) {
89267 t2 = t1._string_scanner$_position;
89268 t3 = t1._sourceFile;
89269 t4 = t3.getColumn$1(t2);
89270 t1.error$3$length$position(0, "Expected spaces, was tabs.", t3.getColumn$1(t1._string_scanner$_position), t2 - t4);
89271 }
89272 } else if (t3 && _this._sass0$_spaces === false) {
89273 t2 = t1._string_scanner$_position;
89274 t3 = t1._sourceFile;
89275 t4 = t3.getColumn$1(t2);
89276 t1.error$3$length$position(0, "Expected tabs, was spaces.", t3.getColumn$1(t1._string_scanner$_position), t2 - t4);
89277 }
89278 _this._sass0$_nextIndentation = nextIndentation._readLocal$0();
89279 if (nextIndentation._readLocal$0() > 0)
89280 if (_this._sass0$_spaces == null)
89281 _this._sass0$_spaces = containsSpace._readLocal$0();
89282 _this._sass0$_nextIndentationEnd = new A._SpanScannerState(t1, t1._string_scanner$_position);
89283 t1.set$state(start);
89284 return nextIndentation._readLocal$0();
89285 }
89286 };
89287 A.SassParser_children_closure0.prototype = {
89288 call$0() {
89289 var parsedChild = this.$this._sass0$_child$1(this.child);
89290 if (parsedChild != null)
89291 this.children.push(parsedChild);
89292 },
89293 $signature: 0
89294 };
89295 A._Exports.prototype = {};
89296 A._wrapMain_closure.prototype = {
89297 call$1(_) {
89298 return A._translateReturnValue(this.main.call$0());
89299 },
89300 $signature: 98
89301 };
89302 A._wrapMain_closure0.prototype = {
89303 call$1(args) {
89304 return A._translateReturnValue(this.main.call$1(A.List_List$from(type$.List_dynamic._as(args), true, type$.String)));
89305 },
89306 $signature: 98
89307 };
89308 A.ScssParser0.prototype = {
89309 get$indented() {
89310 return false;
89311 },
89312 get$currentIndentation() {
89313 return 0;
89314 },
89315 styleRuleSelector$0() {
89316 return this.almostAnyValue$0();
89317 },
89318 expectStatementSeparator$1($name) {
89319 var t1, next;
89320 this.whitespaceWithoutComments$0();
89321 t1 = this.scanner;
89322 if (t1._string_scanner$_position === t1.string.length)
89323 return;
89324 next = t1.peekChar$0();
89325 if (next === 59 || next === 125)
89326 return;
89327 t1.expectChar$1(59);
89328 },
89329 expectStatementSeparator$0() {
89330 return this.expectStatementSeparator$1(null);
89331 },
89332 atEndOfStatement$0() {
89333 var next = this.scanner.peekChar$0();
89334 return next == null || next === 59 || next === 125 || next === 123;
89335 },
89336 lookingAtChildren$0() {
89337 return this.scanner.peekChar$0() === 123;
89338 },
89339 scanElse$1(ifIndentation) {
89340 var t3, _this = this,
89341 t1 = _this.scanner,
89342 t2 = t1._string_scanner$_position;
89343 _this.whitespace$0();
89344 t3 = t1._string_scanner$_position;
89345 if (t1.scanChar$1(64)) {
89346 if (_this.scanIdentifier$2$caseSensitive("else", true))
89347 return true;
89348 if (_this.scanIdentifier$2$caseSensitive("elseif", true)) {
89349 _this.logger.warn$3$deprecation$span(0, string$.x40elsei, true, t1.spanFrom$1(new A._SpanScannerState(t1, t3)));
89350 t1.set$position(t1._string_scanner$_position - 2);
89351 return true;
89352 }
89353 }
89354 t1.set$state(new A._SpanScannerState(t1, t2));
89355 return false;
89356 },
89357 children$1(_, child) {
89358 var children, _this = this,
89359 t1 = _this.scanner;
89360 t1.expectChar$1(123);
89361 _this.whitespaceWithoutComments$0();
89362 children = A._setArrayType([], type$.JSArray_Statement_2);
89363 for (; true;)
89364 switch (t1.peekChar$0()) {
89365 case 36:
89366 children.push(_this.variableDeclarationWithoutNamespace$0());
89367 break;
89368 case 47:
89369 switch (t1.peekChar$1(1)) {
89370 case 47:
89371 children.push(_this._scss0$_silentComment$0());
89372 _this.whitespaceWithoutComments$0();
89373 break;
89374 case 42:
89375 children.push(_this._scss0$_loudComment$0());
89376 _this.whitespaceWithoutComments$0();
89377 break;
89378 default:
89379 children.push(child.call$0());
89380 break;
89381 }
89382 break;
89383 case 59:
89384 t1.readChar$0();
89385 _this.whitespaceWithoutComments$0();
89386 break;
89387 case 125:
89388 t1.expectChar$1(125);
89389 return children;
89390 default:
89391 children.push(child.call$0());
89392 break;
89393 }
89394 },
89395 statements$1(statement) {
89396 var t1, t2, child, _this = this,
89397 statements = A._setArrayType([], type$.JSArray_Statement_2);
89398 _this.whitespaceWithoutComments$0();
89399 for (t1 = _this.scanner, t2 = t1.string.length; t1._string_scanner$_position !== t2;)
89400 switch (t1.peekChar$0()) {
89401 case 36:
89402 statements.push(_this.variableDeclarationWithoutNamespace$0());
89403 break;
89404 case 47:
89405 switch (t1.peekChar$1(1)) {
89406 case 47:
89407 statements.push(_this._scss0$_silentComment$0());
89408 _this.whitespaceWithoutComments$0();
89409 break;
89410 case 42:
89411 statements.push(_this._scss0$_loudComment$0());
89412 _this.whitespaceWithoutComments$0();
89413 break;
89414 default:
89415 child = statement.call$0();
89416 if (child != null)
89417 statements.push(child);
89418 break;
89419 }
89420 break;
89421 case 59:
89422 t1.readChar$0();
89423 _this.whitespaceWithoutComments$0();
89424 break;
89425 default:
89426 child = statement.call$0();
89427 if (child != null)
89428 statements.push(child);
89429 break;
89430 }
89431 return statements;
89432 },
89433 _scss0$_silentComment$0() {
89434 var t2, t3, _this = this,
89435 t1 = _this.scanner,
89436 start = new A._SpanScannerState(t1, t1._string_scanner$_position);
89437 t1.expect$1("//");
89438 t2 = t1.string.length;
89439 do {
89440 while (true) {
89441 if (t1._string_scanner$_position !== t2) {
89442 t3 = t1.readChar$0();
89443 t3 = !(t3 === 10 || t3 === 13 || t3 === 12);
89444 } else
89445 t3 = false;
89446 if (!t3)
89447 break;
89448 }
89449 if (t1._string_scanner$_position === t2)
89450 break;
89451 _this.whitespaceWithoutComments$0();
89452 } while (t1.scan$1("//"));
89453 if (_this.get$plainCss())
89454 _this.error$2(0, string$.Silent, t1.spanFrom$1(start));
89455 return _this.lastSilentComment = new A.SilentComment0(t1.substring$1(0, start.position), t1.spanFrom$1(start));
89456 },
89457 _scss0$_loudComment$0() {
89458 var t3, t4, buffer, t5, endPosition, t6, result,
89459 t1 = this.scanner,
89460 t2 = t1._string_scanner$_position;
89461 t1.expect$1("/*");
89462 t3 = new A.StringBuffer("");
89463 t4 = A._setArrayType([], type$.JSArray_Object);
89464 buffer = new A.InterpolationBuffer0(t3, t4);
89465 t3._contents = "" + "/*";
89466 for (; true;)
89467 switch (t1.peekChar$0()) {
89468 case 35:
89469 if (t1.peekChar$1(1) === 123) {
89470 t5 = this.singleInterpolation$0();
89471 buffer._interpolation_buffer0$_flushText$0();
89472 t4.push(t5);
89473 } else
89474 t3._contents += A.Primitives_stringFromCharCode(t1.readChar$0());
89475 break;
89476 case 42:
89477 t3._contents += A.Primitives_stringFromCharCode(t1.readChar$0());
89478 if (t1.peekChar$0() !== 47)
89479 break;
89480 t3._contents += A.Primitives_stringFromCharCode(t1.readChar$0());
89481 endPosition = t1._string_scanner$_position;
89482 t5 = t1._sourceFile;
89483 t6 = new A._SpanScannerState(t1, t2).position;
89484 t1 = new A._FileSpan(t5, t6, endPosition);
89485 t1._FileSpan$3(t5, t6, endPosition);
89486 t6 = type$.Object;
89487 t5 = A.List_List$of(t4, true, t6);
89488 t2 = t3._contents;
89489 if (t2.length !== 0)
89490 t5.push(t2.charCodeAt(0) == 0 ? t2 : t2);
89491 result = A.List_List$from(t5, false, t6);
89492 result.fixed$length = Array;
89493 result.immutable$list = Array;
89494 t2 = new A.Interpolation0(result, t1);
89495 t2.Interpolation$20(t5, t1);
89496 return new A.LoudComment0(t2);
89497 case 13:
89498 t1.readChar$0();
89499 if (t1.peekChar$0() !== 10)
89500 t3._contents += A.Primitives_stringFromCharCode(10);
89501 break;
89502 case 12:
89503 t1.readChar$0();
89504 t3._contents += A.Primitives_stringFromCharCode(10);
89505 break;
89506 default:
89507 t3._contents += A.Primitives_stringFromCharCode(t1.readChar$0());
89508 break;
89509 }
89510 }
89511 };
89512 A.Selector0.prototype = {
89513 get$isInvisible() {
89514 return false;
89515 },
89516 toString$0(_) {
89517 var visitor = A._SerializeVisitor$0(null, true, null, true, false, null, true);
89518 this.accept$1(visitor);
89519 return visitor._serialize0$_buffer.toString$0(0);
89520 }
89521 };
89522 A.SelectorExpression0.prototype = {
89523 accept$1$1(visitor) {
89524 return visitor.visitSelectorExpression$1(this);
89525 },
89526 accept$1(visitor) {
89527 return this.accept$1$1(visitor, type$.dynamic);
89528 },
89529 toString$0(_) {
89530 return "&";
89531 },
89532 $isExpression0: 1,
89533 $isAstNode0: 1,
89534 get$span(receiver) {
89535 return this.span;
89536 }
89537 };
89538 A._nest_closure0.prototype = {
89539 call$1($arguments) {
89540 var t1 = {},
89541 selectors = J.$index$asx($arguments, 0).get$asList();
89542 if (selectors.length === 0)
89543 throw A.wrapException(A.SassScriptException$0(string$.x24selec));
89544 t1.first = true;
89545 return new A.MappedListIterable(selectors, new A._nest__closure1(t1), A._arrayInstanceType(selectors)._eval$1("MappedListIterable<1,SelectorList0>")).reduce$1(0, new A._nest__closure2()).get$asSassList();
89546 },
89547 $signature: 22
89548 };
89549 A._nest__closure1.prototype = {
89550 call$1(selector) {
89551 var t1 = this._box_0,
89552 result = selector.assertSelector$1$allowParent(!t1.first);
89553 t1.first = false;
89554 return result;
89555 },
89556 $signature: 244
89557 };
89558 A._nest__closure2.prototype = {
89559 call$2($parent, child) {
89560 return child.resolveParentSelectors$1($parent);
89561 },
89562 $signature: 245
89563 };
89564 A._append_closure1.prototype = {
89565 call$1($arguments) {
89566 var selectors = J.$index$asx($arguments, 0).get$asList();
89567 if (selectors.length === 0)
89568 throw A.wrapException(A.SassScriptException$0(string$.x24selec));
89569 return new A.MappedListIterable(selectors, new A._append__closure1(), A._arrayInstanceType(selectors)._eval$1("MappedListIterable<1,SelectorList0>")).reduce$1(0, new A._append__closure2()).get$asSassList();
89570 },
89571 $signature: 22
89572 };
89573 A._append__closure1.prototype = {
89574 call$1(selector) {
89575 return selector.assertSelector$0();
89576 },
89577 $signature: 244
89578 };
89579 A._append__closure2.prototype = {
89580 call$2($parent, child) {
89581 var t1 = child.components;
89582 return A.SelectorList$0(new A.MappedListIterable(t1, new A._append___closure0($parent), A._arrayInstanceType(t1)._eval$1("MappedListIterable<1,ComplexSelector0>"))).resolveParentSelectors$1($parent);
89583 },
89584 $signature: 245
89585 };
89586 A._append___closure0.prototype = {
89587 call$1(complex) {
89588 var newCompound, t2,
89589 t1 = complex.components,
89590 compound = B.JSArray_methods.get$first(t1);
89591 if (compound instanceof A.CompoundSelector0) {
89592 newCompound = A._prependParent0(compound);
89593 if (newCompound == null)
89594 throw A.wrapException(A.SassScriptException$0("Can't append " + complex.toString$0(0) + " to " + this.parent.toString$0(0) + "."));
89595 t2 = A._setArrayType([newCompound], type$.JSArray_ComplexSelectorComponent_2);
89596 B.JSArray_methods.addAll$1(t2, A.SubListIterable$(t1, 1, null, A._arrayInstanceType(t1)._precomputed1));
89597 return A.ComplexSelector$0(t2, false);
89598 } else
89599 throw A.wrapException(A.SassScriptException$0("Can't append " + complex.toString$0(0) + " to " + this.parent.toString$0(0) + "."));
89600 },
89601 $signature: 100
89602 };
89603 A._extend_closure0.prototype = {
89604 call$1($arguments) {
89605 var t1 = J.getInterceptor$asx($arguments),
89606 selector = t1.$index($arguments, 0).assertSelector$1$name("selector"),
89607 target = t1.$index($arguments, 1).assertSelector$1$name("extendee");
89608 return A.ExtensionStore__extendOrReplace0(selector, t1.$index($arguments, 2).assertSelector$1$name("extender"), target, B.ExtendMode_allTargets0, A.EvaluationContext_current0().get$currentCallableSpan()).get$asSassList();
89609 },
89610 $signature: 22
89611 };
89612 A._replace_closure0.prototype = {
89613 call$1($arguments) {
89614 var t1 = J.getInterceptor$asx($arguments),
89615 selector = t1.$index($arguments, 0).assertSelector$1$name("selector"),
89616 target = t1.$index($arguments, 1).assertSelector$1$name("original");
89617 return A.ExtensionStore__extendOrReplace0(selector, t1.$index($arguments, 2).assertSelector$1$name("replacement"), target, B.ExtendMode_replace0, A.EvaluationContext_current0().get$currentCallableSpan()).get$asSassList();
89618 },
89619 $signature: 22
89620 };
89621 A._unify_closure0.prototype = {
89622 call$1($arguments) {
89623 var t1 = J.getInterceptor$asx($arguments),
89624 result = t1.$index($arguments, 0).assertSelector$1$name("selector1").unify$1(t1.$index($arguments, 1).assertSelector$1$name("selector2"));
89625 return result == null ? B.C__SassNull0 : result.get$asSassList();
89626 },
89627 $signature: 3
89628 };
89629 A._isSuperselector_closure0.prototype = {
89630 call$1($arguments) {
89631 var t1 = J.getInterceptor$asx($arguments),
89632 selector1 = t1.$index($arguments, 0).assertSelector$1$name("super"),
89633 selector2 = t1.$index($arguments, 1).assertSelector$1$name("sub");
89634 return A.listIsSuperselector0(selector1.components, selector2.components) ? B.SassBoolean_true0 : B.SassBoolean_false0;
89635 },
89636 $signature: 18
89637 };
89638 A._simpleSelectors_closure0.prototype = {
89639 call$1($arguments) {
89640 var t1 = J.$index$asx($arguments, 0).assertCompoundSelector$1$name("selector").components;
89641 return A.SassList$0(new A.MappedListIterable(t1, new A._simpleSelectors__closure0(), A._arrayInstanceType(t1)._eval$1("MappedListIterable<1,Value0>")), B.ListSeparator_kWM0, false);
89642 },
89643 $signature: 22
89644 };
89645 A._simpleSelectors__closure0.prototype = {
89646 call$1(simple) {
89647 return new A.SassString0(A.serializeSelector0(simple, true), false);
89648 },
89649 $signature: 522
89650 };
89651 A._parse_closure0.prototype = {
89652 call$1($arguments) {
89653 return J.$index$asx($arguments, 0).assertSelector$1$name("selector").get$asSassList();
89654 },
89655 $signature: 22
89656 };
89657 A.SelectorParser0.prototype = {
89658 parse$0() {
89659 return this.wrapSpanFormatException$1(new A.SelectorParser_parse_closure0(this));
89660 },
89661 parseCompoundSelector$0() {
89662 return this.wrapSpanFormatException$1(new A.SelectorParser_parseCompoundSelector_closure0(this));
89663 },
89664 _selector$_selectorList$0() {
89665 var t3, t4, lineBreak, _this = this,
89666 t1 = _this.scanner,
89667 t2 = t1._sourceFile,
89668 previousLine = t2.getLine$1(t1._string_scanner$_position),
89669 components = A._setArrayType([_this._selector$_complexSelector$0()], type$.JSArray_ComplexSelector_2);
89670 _this.whitespace$0();
89671 for (t3 = t1.string.length; t1.scanChar$1(44);) {
89672 _this.whitespace$0();
89673 if (t1.peekChar$0() === 44)
89674 continue;
89675 t4 = t1._string_scanner$_position;
89676 if (t4 === t3)
89677 break;
89678 lineBreak = t2.getLine$1(t4) !== previousLine;
89679 if (lineBreak)
89680 previousLine = t2.getLine$1(t1._string_scanner$_position);
89681 components.push(_this._selector$_complexSelector$1$lineBreak(lineBreak));
89682 }
89683 return A.SelectorList$0(components);
89684 },
89685 _selector$_complexSelector$1$lineBreak(lineBreak) {
89686 var t1, next, _this = this,
89687 _s58_ = string$.x22x26__ma,
89688 components = A._setArrayType([], type$.JSArray_ComplexSelectorComponent_2);
89689 $label0$1:
89690 for (t1 = _this.scanner; true;) {
89691 _this.whitespace$0();
89692 next = t1.peekChar$0();
89693 switch (next) {
89694 case 43:
89695 t1.readChar$0();
89696 components.push(B.Combinator_uzg0);
89697 break;
89698 case 62:
89699 t1.readChar$0();
89700 components.push(B.Combinator_sgq0);
89701 break;
89702 case 126:
89703 t1.readChar$0();
89704 components.push(B.Combinator_CzM0);
89705 break;
89706 case 91:
89707 case 46:
89708 case 35:
89709 case 37:
89710 case 58:
89711 case 38:
89712 case 42:
89713 case 124:
89714 components.push(_this._selector$_compoundSelector$0());
89715 if (t1.peekChar$0() === 38)
89716 t1.error$1(0, _s58_);
89717 break;
89718 default:
89719 if (next == null || !_this.lookingAtIdentifier$0())
89720 break $label0$1;
89721 components.push(_this._selector$_compoundSelector$0());
89722 if (t1.peekChar$0() === 38)
89723 t1.error$1(0, _s58_);
89724 break;
89725 }
89726 }
89727 if (components.length === 0)
89728 t1.error$1(0, "expected selector.");
89729 return A.ComplexSelector$0(components, lineBreak);
89730 },
89731 _selector$_complexSelector$0() {
89732 return this._selector$_complexSelector$1$lineBreak(false);
89733 },
89734 _selector$_compoundSelector$0() {
89735 var t2,
89736 components = A._setArrayType([this._selector$_simpleSelector$0()], type$.JSArray_SimpleSelector_2),
89737 t1 = this.scanner;
89738 while (true) {
89739 t2 = t1.peekChar$0();
89740 if (!(t2 === 42 || t2 === 91 || t2 === 46 || t2 === 35 || t2 === 37 || t2 === 58))
89741 break;
89742 components.push(this._selector$_simpleSelector$1$allowParent(false));
89743 }
89744 return A.CompoundSelector$0(components);
89745 },
89746 _selector$_simpleSelector$1$allowParent(allowParent) {
89747 var $name, text, t2, suffix, _this = this,
89748 t1 = _this.scanner,
89749 start = new A._SpanScannerState(t1, t1._string_scanner$_position);
89750 if (allowParent == null)
89751 allowParent = _this._selector$_allowParent;
89752 switch (t1.peekChar$0()) {
89753 case 91:
89754 return _this._selector$_attributeSelector$0();
89755 case 46:
89756 t1.expectChar$1(46);
89757 return new A.ClassSelector0(_this.identifier$0());
89758 case 35:
89759 t1.expectChar$1(35);
89760 return new A.IDSelector0(_this.identifier$0());
89761 case 37:
89762 t1.expectChar$1(37);
89763 $name = _this.identifier$0();
89764 if (!_this._selector$_allowPlaceholder)
89765 _this.error$2(0, string$.Placeh, t1.spanFrom$1(start));
89766 return new A.PlaceholderSelector0($name);
89767 case 58:
89768 return _this._selector$_pseudoSelector$0();
89769 case 38:
89770 t1.expectChar$1(38);
89771 if (_this.lookingAtIdentifierBody$0()) {
89772 text = new A.StringBuffer("");
89773 _this._parser0$_identifierBody$1(text);
89774 if (text._contents.length === 0)
89775 t1.error$1(0, "Expected identifier body.");
89776 t2 = text._contents;
89777 suffix = t2.charCodeAt(0) == 0 ? t2 : t2;
89778 } else
89779 suffix = null;
89780 if (!allowParent)
89781 _this.error$2(0, "Parent selectors aren't allowed here.", t1.spanFrom$1(start));
89782 return new A.ParentSelector0(suffix);
89783 default:
89784 return _this._selector$_typeOrUniversalSelector$0();
89785 }
89786 },
89787 _selector$_simpleSelector$0() {
89788 return this._selector$_simpleSelector$1$allowParent(null);
89789 },
89790 _selector$_attributeSelector$0() {
89791 var $name, operator, next, value, modifier, _this = this, _null = null,
89792 t1 = _this.scanner;
89793 t1.expectChar$1(91);
89794 _this.whitespace$0();
89795 $name = _this._selector$_attributeName$0();
89796 _this.whitespace$0();
89797 if (t1.scanChar$1(93))
89798 return new A.AttributeSelector0($name, _null, _null, _null);
89799 operator = _this._selector$_attributeOperator$0();
89800 _this.whitespace$0();
89801 next = t1.peekChar$0();
89802 value = next === 39 || next === 34 ? _this.string$0() : _this.identifier$0();
89803 _this.whitespace$0();
89804 next = t1.peekChar$0();
89805 modifier = next != null && A.isAlphabetic1(next) ? A.Primitives_stringFromCharCode(t1.readChar$0()) : _null;
89806 t1.expectChar$1(93);
89807 return new A.AttributeSelector0($name, operator, value, modifier);
89808 },
89809 _selector$_attributeName$0() {
89810 var nameOrNamespace, _this = this,
89811 t1 = _this.scanner;
89812 if (t1.scanChar$1(42)) {
89813 t1.expectChar$1(124);
89814 return new A.QualifiedName0(_this.identifier$0(), "*");
89815 }
89816 if (t1.scanChar$1(124))
89817 return new A.QualifiedName0(_this.identifier$0(), "");
89818 nameOrNamespace = _this.identifier$0();
89819 if (t1.peekChar$0() !== 124 || t1.peekChar$1(1) === 61)
89820 return new A.QualifiedName0(nameOrNamespace, null);
89821 t1.readChar$0();
89822 return new A.QualifiedName0(_this.identifier$0(), nameOrNamespace);
89823 },
89824 _selector$_attributeOperator$0() {
89825 var t1 = this.scanner,
89826 t2 = t1._string_scanner$_position;
89827 switch (t1.readChar$0()) {
89828 case 61:
89829 return B.AttributeOperator_sEs0;
89830 case 126:
89831 t1.expectChar$1(61);
89832 return B.AttributeOperator_fz10;
89833 case 124:
89834 t1.expectChar$1(61);
89835 return B.AttributeOperator_AuK0;
89836 case 94:
89837 t1.expectChar$1(61);
89838 return B.AttributeOperator_4L50;
89839 case 36:
89840 t1.expectChar$1(61);
89841 return B.AttributeOperator_mOX0;
89842 case 42:
89843 t1.expectChar$1(61);
89844 return B.AttributeOperator_gqZ0;
89845 default:
89846 t1.error$2$position(0, 'Expected "]".', t2);
89847 }
89848 },
89849 _selector$_pseudoSelector$0() {
89850 var element, $name, unvendored, selector, argument, t2, _this = this, _null = null,
89851 t1 = _this.scanner;
89852 t1.expectChar$1(58);
89853 element = t1.scanChar$1(58);
89854 $name = _this.identifier$0();
89855 if (!t1.scanChar$1(40))
89856 return A.PseudoSelector$0($name, _null, element, _null);
89857 _this.whitespace$0();
89858 unvendored = A.unvendor0($name);
89859 if (element)
89860 if ($._selectorPseudoElements0.contains$1(0, unvendored)) {
89861 selector = _this._selector$_selectorList$0();
89862 argument = _null;
89863 } else {
89864 argument = _this.declarationValue$1$allowEmpty(true);
89865 selector = _null;
89866 }
89867 else if ($._selectorPseudoClasses0.contains$1(0, unvendored)) {
89868 selector = _this._selector$_selectorList$0();
89869 argument = _null;
89870 } else if (unvendored === "nth-child" || unvendored === "nth-last-child") {
89871 argument = _this._selector$_aNPlusB$0();
89872 _this.whitespace$0();
89873 t2 = t1.peekChar$1(-1);
89874 if ((t2 === 32 || t2 === 9 || t2 === 10 || t2 === 13 || t2 === 12) && t1.peekChar$0() !== 41) {
89875 _this.expectIdentifier$1("of");
89876 argument += " of";
89877 _this.whitespace$0();
89878 selector = _this._selector$_selectorList$0();
89879 } else
89880 selector = _null;
89881 } else {
89882 argument = B.JSString_methods.trimRight$0(_this.declarationValue$1$allowEmpty(true));
89883 selector = _null;
89884 }
89885 t1.expectChar$1(41);
89886 return A.PseudoSelector$0($name, argument, element, selector);
89887 },
89888 _selector$_aNPlusB$0() {
89889 var t2, first, t3, next, last, _this = this,
89890 t1 = _this.scanner;
89891 switch (t1.peekChar$0()) {
89892 case 101:
89893 case 69:
89894 _this.expectIdentifier$1("even");
89895 return "even";
89896 case 111:
89897 case 79:
89898 _this.expectIdentifier$1("odd");
89899 return "odd";
89900 case 43:
89901 case 45:
89902 t2 = "" + A.Primitives_stringFromCharCode(t1.readChar$0());
89903 break;
89904 default:
89905 t2 = "";
89906 }
89907 first = t1.peekChar$0();
89908 if (first != null && A.isDigit0(first)) {
89909 while (true) {
89910 t3 = t1.peekChar$0();
89911 if (!(t3 != null && t3 >= 48 && t3 <= 57))
89912 break;
89913 t2 += A.Primitives_stringFromCharCode(t1.readChar$0());
89914 }
89915 _this.whitespace$0();
89916 if (!_this.scanIdentChar$1(110))
89917 return t2.charCodeAt(0) == 0 ? t2 : t2;
89918 } else
89919 _this.expectIdentChar$1(110);
89920 t2 += A.Primitives_stringFromCharCode(110);
89921 _this.whitespace$0();
89922 next = t1.peekChar$0();
89923 if (next !== 43 && next !== 45)
89924 return t2.charCodeAt(0) == 0 ? t2 : t2;
89925 t2 += A.Primitives_stringFromCharCode(t1.readChar$0());
89926 _this.whitespace$0();
89927 last = t1.peekChar$0();
89928 if (last == null || !A.isDigit0(last))
89929 t1.error$1(0, "Expected a number.");
89930 while (true) {
89931 t3 = t1.peekChar$0();
89932 if (!(t3 != null && t3 >= 48 && t3 <= 57))
89933 break;
89934 t2 += A.Primitives_stringFromCharCode(t1.readChar$0());
89935 }
89936 return t2.charCodeAt(0) == 0 ? t2 : t2;
89937 },
89938 _selector$_typeOrUniversalSelector$0() {
89939 var nameOrNamespace, _this = this,
89940 t1 = _this.scanner,
89941 first = t1.peekChar$0();
89942 if (first === 42) {
89943 t1.readChar$0();
89944 if (!t1.scanChar$1(124))
89945 return new A.UniversalSelector0(null);
89946 if (t1.scanChar$1(42))
89947 return new A.UniversalSelector0("*");
89948 else
89949 return new A.TypeSelector0(new A.QualifiedName0(_this.identifier$0(), "*"));
89950 } else if (first === 124) {
89951 t1.readChar$0();
89952 if (t1.scanChar$1(42))
89953 return new A.UniversalSelector0("");
89954 else
89955 return new A.TypeSelector0(new A.QualifiedName0(_this.identifier$0(), ""));
89956 }
89957 nameOrNamespace = _this.identifier$0();
89958 if (!t1.scanChar$1(124))
89959 return new A.TypeSelector0(new A.QualifiedName0(nameOrNamespace, null));
89960 else if (t1.scanChar$1(42))
89961 return new A.UniversalSelector0(nameOrNamespace);
89962 else
89963 return new A.TypeSelector0(new A.QualifiedName0(_this.identifier$0(), nameOrNamespace));
89964 }
89965 };
89966 A.SelectorParser_parse_closure0.prototype = {
89967 call$0() {
89968 var t1 = this.$this,
89969 selector = t1._selector$_selectorList$0();
89970 t1 = t1.scanner;
89971 if (t1._string_scanner$_position !== t1.string.length)
89972 t1.error$1(0, "expected selector.");
89973 return selector;
89974 },
89975 $signature: 49
89976 };
89977 A.SelectorParser_parseCompoundSelector_closure0.prototype = {
89978 call$0() {
89979 var t1 = this.$this,
89980 compound = t1._selector$_compoundSelector$0();
89981 t1 = t1.scanner;
89982 if (t1._string_scanner$_position !== t1.string.length)
89983 t1.error$1(0, "expected selector.");
89984 return compound;
89985 },
89986 $signature: 523
89987 };
89988 A.serialize_closure0.prototype = {
89989 call$1(codeUnit) {
89990 return codeUnit > 127;
89991 },
89992 $signature: 56
89993 };
89994 A._SerializeVisitor0.prototype = {
89995 visitCssStylesheet$1(node) {
89996 var t1, t2, t3, t4, t5, previous, i, child, _this = this;
89997 for (t1 = _this._serialize0$_style !== B.OutputStyle_compressed0, t2 = type$.CssComment_2, t3 = type$.CssParentNode_2, t4 = _this._serialize0$_buffer, t5 = _this._lineFeed.text, previous = null, i = 0; i < J.get$length$asx(node.get$children(node)); ++i) {
89998 child = J.$index$asx(node.get$children(node), i);
89999 if (_this._serialize0$_isInvisible$1(child))
90000 continue;
90001 if (previous != null) {
90002 if (t3._is(previous) ? previous.get$isChildless() : !t2._is(previous))
90003 t4.writeCharCode$1(59);
90004 if (t1)
90005 t4.write$1(0, t5);
90006 if (previous.get$isGroupEnd())
90007 if (t1)
90008 t4.write$1(0, t5);
90009 }
90010 child.accept$1(_this);
90011 previous = child;
90012 }
90013 if (previous != null)
90014 t1 = (t3._is(previous) ? previous.get$isChildless() : !t2._is(previous)) && t1;
90015 else
90016 t1 = false;
90017 if (t1)
90018 t4.writeCharCode$1(59);
90019 },
90020 visitCssComment$1(node) {
90021 this._serialize0$_buffer.forSpan$2(node.span, new A._SerializeVisitor_visitCssComment_closure0(this, node));
90022 },
90023 visitCssAtRule$1(node) {
90024 var t1, _this = this;
90025 _this._serialize0$_writeIndentation$0();
90026 t1 = _this._serialize0$_buffer;
90027 t1.forSpan$2(node.span, new A._SerializeVisitor_visitCssAtRule_closure0(_this, node));
90028 if (!node.isChildless) {
90029 if (_this._serialize0$_style !== B.OutputStyle_compressed0)
90030 t1.writeCharCode$1(32);
90031 _this._serialize0$_visitChildren$1(node.children);
90032 }
90033 },
90034 visitCssMediaRule$1(node) {
90035 var t1, _this = this;
90036 _this._serialize0$_writeIndentation$0();
90037 t1 = _this._serialize0$_buffer;
90038 t1.forSpan$2(node.span, new A._SerializeVisitor_visitCssMediaRule_closure0(_this, node));
90039 if (_this._serialize0$_style !== B.OutputStyle_compressed0)
90040 t1.writeCharCode$1(32);
90041 _this._serialize0$_visitChildren$1(node.children);
90042 },
90043 visitCssImport$1(node) {
90044 this._serialize0$_writeIndentation$0();
90045 this._serialize0$_buffer.forSpan$2(node.span, new A._SerializeVisitor_visitCssImport_closure0(this, node));
90046 },
90047 _serialize0$_writeImportUrl$1(url) {
90048 var urlContents, maybeQuote, _this = this;
90049 if (_this._serialize0$_style !== B.OutputStyle_compressed0 || B.JSString_methods._codeUnitAt$1(url, 0) !== 117) {
90050 _this._serialize0$_buffer.write$1(0, url);
90051 return;
90052 }
90053 urlContents = B.JSString_methods.substring$2(url, 4, url.length - 1);
90054 maybeQuote = B.JSString_methods._codeUnitAt$1(urlContents, 0);
90055 if (maybeQuote === 39 || maybeQuote === 34)
90056 _this._serialize0$_buffer.write$1(0, urlContents);
90057 else
90058 _this._serialize0$_visitQuotedString$1(urlContents);
90059 },
90060 visitCssKeyframeBlock$1(node) {
90061 var t1, _this = this;
90062 _this._serialize0$_writeIndentation$0();
90063 t1 = _this._serialize0$_buffer;
90064 t1.forSpan$2(node.selector.span, new A._SerializeVisitor_visitCssKeyframeBlock_closure0(_this, node));
90065 if (_this._serialize0$_style !== B.OutputStyle_compressed0)
90066 t1.writeCharCode$1(32);
90067 _this._serialize0$_visitChildren$1(node.children);
90068 },
90069 _serialize0$_visitMediaQuery$1(query) {
90070 var t2, t3, _this = this,
90071 t1 = query.modifier;
90072 if (t1 != null) {
90073 t2 = _this._serialize0$_buffer;
90074 t2.write$1(0, t1);
90075 t2.writeCharCode$1(32);
90076 }
90077 t1 = query.type;
90078 if (t1 != null) {
90079 t2 = _this._serialize0$_buffer;
90080 t2.write$1(0, t1);
90081 if (query.features.length !== 0)
90082 t2.write$1(0, " and ");
90083 }
90084 t1 = query.features;
90085 t2 = _this._serialize0$_style === B.OutputStyle_compressed0 ? "and " : " and ";
90086 t3 = _this._serialize0$_buffer;
90087 _this._serialize0$_writeBetween$3(t1, t2, t3.get$write(t3));
90088 },
90089 visitCssStyleRule$1(node) {
90090 var t1, _this = this;
90091 _this._serialize0$_writeIndentation$0();
90092 t1 = _this._serialize0$_buffer;
90093 t1.forSpan$2(node.selector.span, new A._SerializeVisitor_visitCssStyleRule_closure0(_this, node));
90094 if (_this._serialize0$_style !== B.OutputStyle_compressed0)
90095 t1.writeCharCode$1(32);
90096 _this._serialize0$_visitChildren$1(node.children);
90097 },
90098 visitCssSupportsRule$1(node) {
90099 var t1, _this = this;
90100 _this._serialize0$_writeIndentation$0();
90101 t1 = _this._serialize0$_buffer;
90102 t1.forSpan$2(node.span, new A._SerializeVisitor_visitCssSupportsRule_closure0(_this, node));
90103 if (_this._serialize0$_style !== B.OutputStyle_compressed0)
90104 t1.writeCharCode$1(32);
90105 _this._serialize0$_visitChildren$1(node.children);
90106 },
90107 visitCssDeclaration$1(node) {
90108 var error, stackTrace, error0, stackTrace0, t1, t2, exception, _this = this;
90109 _this._serialize0$_writeIndentation$0();
90110 t1 = node.name;
90111 _this._serialize0$_write$1(t1);
90112 t2 = _this._serialize0$_buffer;
90113 t2.writeCharCode$1(58);
90114 if (J.startsWith$1$s(t1.get$value(t1), "--") && node.parsedAsCustomProperty) {
90115 t1 = node.value;
90116 t2.forSpan$2(t1.get$span(t1), new A._SerializeVisitor_visitCssDeclaration_closure1(_this, node));
90117 } else {
90118 if (_this._serialize0$_style !== B.OutputStyle_compressed0)
90119 t2.writeCharCode$1(32);
90120 try {
90121 t2.forSpan$2(node.valueSpanForMap, new A._SerializeVisitor_visitCssDeclaration_closure2(_this, node));
90122 } catch (exception) {
90123 t1 = A.unwrapException(exception);
90124 if (t1 instanceof A.MultiSpanSassScriptException0) {
90125 error = t1;
90126 stackTrace = A.getTraceFromException(exception);
90127 t1 = error.message;
90128 t2 = node.value;
90129 t2 = t2.get$span(t2);
90130 A.throwWithTrace0(new A.MultiSpanSassException0(error.primaryLabel, A.ConstantMap_ConstantMap$from(error.secondarySpans, type$.FileSpan, type$.String), t1, t2), stackTrace);
90131 } else if (t1 instanceof A.SassScriptException0) {
90132 error0 = t1;
90133 stackTrace0 = A.getTraceFromException(exception);
90134 t1 = node.value;
90135 A.throwWithTrace0(new A.SassException0(error0.message, t1.get$span(t1)), stackTrace0);
90136 } else
90137 throw exception;
90138 }
90139 }
90140 },
90141 _serialize0$_writeFoldedValue$1(node) {
90142 var t2, next, t3,
90143 t1 = node.value,
90144 scanner = A.StringScanner$(type$.SassString_2._as(t1.get$value(t1))._string0$_text, null, null);
90145 for (t1 = scanner.string.length, t2 = this._serialize0$_buffer; scanner._string_scanner$_position !== t1;) {
90146 next = scanner.readChar$0();
90147 if (next !== 10) {
90148 t2.writeCharCode$1(next);
90149 continue;
90150 }
90151 t2.writeCharCode$1(32);
90152 while (true) {
90153 t3 = scanner.peekChar$0();
90154 if (!(t3 === 32 || t3 === 9 || t3 === 10 || t3 === 13 || t3 === 12))
90155 break;
90156 scanner.readChar$0();
90157 }
90158 }
90159 },
90160 _serialize0$_writeReindentedValue$1(node) {
90161 var _this = this,
90162 t1 = node.value,
90163 value = type$.SassString_2._as(t1.get$value(t1))._string0$_text,
90164 minimumIndentation = _this._serialize0$_minimumIndentation$1(value);
90165 if (minimumIndentation == null) {
90166 _this._serialize0$_buffer.write$1(0, value);
90167 return;
90168 } else if (minimumIndentation === -1) {
90169 t1 = _this._serialize0$_buffer;
90170 t1.write$1(0, A.trimAsciiRight0(value, true));
90171 t1.writeCharCode$1(32);
90172 return;
90173 }
90174 t1 = node.name;
90175 t1 = t1.get$span(t1);
90176 t1 = A.FileLocation$_(t1.file, t1._file$_start);
90177 _this._serialize0$_writeWithIndent$2(value, Math.min(minimumIndentation, t1.file.getColumn$1(t1.offset)));
90178 },
90179 _serialize0$_minimumIndentation$1(text) {
90180 var character, t2, min, next, min0,
90181 scanner = A.LineScanner$(text),
90182 t1 = scanner.string.length;
90183 while (true) {
90184 if (scanner._string_scanner$_position !== t1) {
90185 character = scanner.super$StringScanner$readChar();
90186 scanner._adjustLineAndColumn$1(character);
90187 t2 = character !== 10;
90188 } else
90189 t2 = false;
90190 if (!t2)
90191 break;
90192 }
90193 if (scanner._string_scanner$_position === t1)
90194 return scanner.peekChar$1(-1) === 10 ? -1 : null;
90195 for (min = null; scanner._string_scanner$_position !== t1;) {
90196 for (; scanner._string_scanner$_position !== t1;) {
90197 next = scanner.peekChar$0();
90198 if (next !== 32 && next !== 9)
90199 break;
90200 scanner._adjustLineAndColumn$1(scanner.super$StringScanner$readChar());
90201 }
90202 if (scanner._string_scanner$_position === t1 || scanner.scanChar$1(10))
90203 continue;
90204 min0 = scanner._line_scanner$_column;
90205 min = min == null ? min0 : Math.min(min, min0);
90206 while (true) {
90207 if (scanner._string_scanner$_position !== t1) {
90208 character = scanner.super$StringScanner$readChar();
90209 scanner._adjustLineAndColumn$1(character);
90210 t2 = character !== 10;
90211 } else
90212 t2 = false;
90213 if (!t2)
90214 break;
90215 }
90216 }
90217 return min == null ? -1 : min;
90218 },
90219 _serialize0$_writeWithIndent$2(text, minimumIndentation) {
90220 var t1, t2, t3, character, lineStart, newlines, end,
90221 scanner = A.LineScanner$(text);
90222 for (t1 = scanner.string, t2 = t1.length, t3 = this._serialize0$_buffer; scanner._string_scanner$_position !== t2;) {
90223 character = scanner.super$StringScanner$readChar();
90224 scanner._adjustLineAndColumn$1(character);
90225 if (character === 10)
90226 break;
90227 t3.writeCharCode$1(character);
90228 }
90229 for (; true;) {
90230 lineStart = scanner._string_scanner$_position;
90231 for (newlines = 1; true;) {
90232 if (scanner._string_scanner$_position === t2) {
90233 t3.writeCharCode$1(32);
90234 return;
90235 }
90236 character = scanner.super$StringScanner$readChar();
90237 scanner._adjustLineAndColumn$1(character);
90238 if (character === 32 || character === 9)
90239 continue;
90240 if (character !== 10)
90241 break;
90242 lineStart = scanner._string_scanner$_position;
90243 ++newlines;
90244 }
90245 this._serialize0$_writeTimes$2(10, newlines);
90246 this._serialize0$_writeIndentation$0();
90247 end = scanner._string_scanner$_position;
90248 t3.write$1(0, B.JSString_methods.substring$2(t1, lineStart + minimumIndentation, end));
90249 for (; true;) {
90250 if (scanner._string_scanner$_position === t2)
90251 return;
90252 character = scanner.super$StringScanner$readChar();
90253 scanner._adjustLineAndColumn$1(character);
90254 if (character === 10)
90255 break;
90256 t3.writeCharCode$1(character);
90257 }
90258 }
90259 },
90260 _serialize0$_writeCalculationValue$1(value) {
90261 var left, parenthesizeLeft, operatorWhitespace, t1, t2, right, parenthesizeRight, _this = this;
90262 if (value instanceof A.Value0)
90263 value.accept$1(_this);
90264 else if (value instanceof A.CalculationInterpolation0)
90265 _this._serialize0$_buffer.write$1(0, value.value);
90266 else if (value instanceof A.CalculationOperation0) {
90267 left = value.left;
90268 if (!(left instanceof A.CalculationInterpolation0))
90269 parenthesizeLeft = left instanceof A.CalculationOperation0 && left.operator.precedence < value.operator.precedence;
90270 else
90271 parenthesizeLeft = true;
90272 if (parenthesizeLeft)
90273 _this._serialize0$_buffer.writeCharCode$1(40);
90274 _this._serialize0$_writeCalculationValue$1(left);
90275 if (parenthesizeLeft)
90276 _this._serialize0$_buffer.writeCharCode$1(41);
90277 operatorWhitespace = _this._serialize0$_style !== B.OutputStyle_compressed0 || value.operator.precedence === 1;
90278 if (operatorWhitespace)
90279 _this._serialize0$_buffer.writeCharCode$1(32);
90280 t1 = _this._serialize0$_buffer;
90281 t2 = value.operator;
90282 t1.write$1(0, t2.operator);
90283 if (operatorWhitespace)
90284 t1.writeCharCode$1(32);
90285 right = value.right;
90286 if (!(right instanceof A.CalculationInterpolation0))
90287 parenthesizeRight = right instanceof A.CalculationOperation0 && _this._serialize0$_parenthesizeCalculationRhs$2(t2, right.operator);
90288 else
90289 parenthesizeRight = true;
90290 if (parenthesizeRight)
90291 t1.writeCharCode$1(40);
90292 _this._serialize0$_writeCalculationValue$1(right);
90293 if (parenthesizeRight)
90294 t1.writeCharCode$1(41);
90295 }
90296 },
90297 _serialize0$_parenthesizeCalculationRhs$2(outer, right) {
90298 if (outer === B.CalculationOperator_jB60)
90299 return true;
90300 if (outer === B.CalculationOperator_Iem0)
90301 return false;
90302 return right === B.CalculationOperator_Iem0 || right === B.CalculationOperator_uti0;
90303 },
90304 visitColor$1(value) {
90305 var $name, hexLength, t2, t3, _this = this, _null = null,
90306 t1 = _this._serialize0$_style === B.OutputStyle_compressed0;
90307 if (t1 && Math.abs(value._color0$_alpha - 1) < $.$get$epsilon0()) {
90308 $name = $.$get$namesByColor0().$index(0, value);
90309 hexLength = _this._serialize0$_canUseShortHex$1(value) ? 4 : 7;
90310 if ($name != null && $name.length <= hexLength)
90311 _this._serialize0$_buffer.write$1(0, $name);
90312 else {
90313 t1 = _this._serialize0$_buffer;
90314 if (_this._serialize0$_canUseShortHex$1(value)) {
90315 t1.writeCharCode$1(35);
90316 t1.writeCharCode$1(A.hexCharFor0(value.get$red(value) & 15));
90317 t1.writeCharCode$1(A.hexCharFor0(value.get$green(value) & 15));
90318 t1.writeCharCode$1(A.hexCharFor0(value.get$blue(value) & 15));
90319 } else {
90320 t1.writeCharCode$1(35);
90321 _this._serialize0$_writeHexComponent$1(value.get$red(value));
90322 _this._serialize0$_writeHexComponent$1(value.get$green(value));
90323 _this._serialize0$_writeHexComponent$1(value.get$blue(value));
90324 }
90325 }
90326 return;
90327 }
90328 t2 = value.originalSpan;
90329 t3 = t2 == null;
90330 if ((t3 ? _null : A.String_String$fromCharCodes(B.NativeUint32List_methods.sublist$2(t2.file._decodedChars, t2._file$_start, t2._end), 0, _null)) != null) {
90331 t1 = t3 ? _null : A.String_String$fromCharCodes(B.NativeUint32List_methods.sublist$2(t2.file._decodedChars, t2._file$_start, t2._end), 0, _null);
90332 _this._serialize0$_buffer.write$1(0, t1);
90333 } else {
90334 t2 = $.$get$namesByColor0();
90335 if (t2.containsKey$1(value) && !(Math.abs(value._color0$_alpha - 0) < $.$get$epsilon0()))
90336 _this._serialize0$_buffer.write$1(0, t2.$index(0, value));
90337 else {
90338 t2 = value._color0$_alpha;
90339 t3 = _this._serialize0$_buffer;
90340 if (Math.abs(t2 - 1) < $.$get$epsilon0()) {
90341 t3.writeCharCode$1(35);
90342 _this._serialize0$_writeHexComponent$1(value.get$red(value));
90343 _this._serialize0$_writeHexComponent$1(value.get$green(value));
90344 _this._serialize0$_writeHexComponent$1(value.get$blue(value));
90345 } else {
90346 t3.write$1(0, "rgba(" + value.get$red(value));
90347 t3.write$1(0, t1 ? "," : ", ");
90348 t3.write$1(0, value.get$green(value));
90349 t3.write$1(0, t1 ? "," : ", ");
90350 t3.write$1(0, value.get$blue(value));
90351 t3.write$1(0, t1 ? "," : ", ");
90352 _this._serialize0$_writeNumber$1(t2);
90353 t3.writeCharCode$1(41);
90354 }
90355 }
90356 }
90357 },
90358 _serialize0$_canUseShortHex$1(color) {
90359 var t1 = color.get$red(color);
90360 if ((t1 & 15) === B.JSInt_methods._shrOtherPositive$1(t1, 4)) {
90361 t1 = color.get$green(color);
90362 if ((t1 & 15) === B.JSInt_methods._shrOtherPositive$1(t1, 4)) {
90363 t1 = color.get$blue(color);
90364 t1 = (t1 & 15) === B.JSInt_methods._shrOtherPositive$1(t1, 4);
90365 } else
90366 t1 = false;
90367 } else
90368 t1 = false;
90369 return t1;
90370 },
90371 _serialize0$_writeHexComponent$1(color) {
90372 var t1 = this._serialize0$_buffer;
90373 t1.writeCharCode$1(A.hexCharFor0(B.JSInt_methods._shrOtherPositive$1(color, 4)));
90374 t1.writeCharCode$1(A.hexCharFor0(color & 15));
90375 },
90376 visitList$1(value) {
90377 var t2, t3, singleton, t4, t5, _this = this,
90378 t1 = value._list1$_hasBrackets;
90379 if (t1)
90380 _this._serialize0$_buffer.writeCharCode$1(91);
90381 else if (value._list1$_contents.length === 0) {
90382 if (!_this._serialize0$_inspect)
90383 throw A.wrapException(A.SassScriptException$0("() isn't a valid CSS value."));
90384 _this._serialize0$_buffer.write$1(0, "()");
90385 return;
90386 }
90387 t2 = _this._serialize0$_inspect;
90388 if (t2)
90389 if (value._list1$_contents.length === 1) {
90390 t3 = value._list1$_separator;
90391 t3 = t3 === B.ListSeparator_kWM0 || t3 === B.ListSeparator_1gm0;
90392 singleton = t3;
90393 } else
90394 singleton = false;
90395 else
90396 singleton = false;
90397 if (singleton && !t1)
90398 _this._serialize0$_buffer.writeCharCode$1(40);
90399 t3 = value._list1$_contents;
90400 t3 = t2 ? t3 : new A.WhereIterable(t3, new A._SerializeVisitor_visitList_closure2(), A._arrayInstanceType(t3)._eval$1("WhereIterable<1>"));
90401 t4 = value._list1$_separator;
90402 t5 = _this._serialize0$_separatorString$1(t4);
90403 _this._serialize0$_writeBetween$3(t3, t5, t2 ? new A._SerializeVisitor_visitList_closure3(_this, value) : new A._SerializeVisitor_visitList_closure4(_this));
90404 if (singleton) {
90405 t2 = _this._serialize0$_buffer;
90406 t2.write$1(0, t4.separator);
90407 if (!t1)
90408 t2.writeCharCode$1(41);
90409 }
90410 if (t1)
90411 _this._serialize0$_buffer.writeCharCode$1(93);
90412 },
90413 _serialize0$_separatorString$1(separator) {
90414 switch (separator) {
90415 case B.ListSeparator_kWM0:
90416 return this._serialize0$_style === B.OutputStyle_compressed0 ? "," : ", ";
90417 case B.ListSeparator_1gm0:
90418 return this._serialize0$_style === B.OutputStyle_compressed0 ? "/" : " / ";
90419 case B.ListSeparator_woc0:
90420 return " ";
90421 default:
90422 return "";
90423 }
90424 },
90425 _serialize0$_elementNeedsParens$2(separator, value) {
90426 var t1;
90427 if (value instanceof A.SassList0) {
90428 if (value._list1$_contents.length < 2)
90429 return false;
90430 if (value._list1$_hasBrackets)
90431 return false;
90432 switch (separator) {
90433 case B.ListSeparator_kWM0:
90434 return value._list1$_separator === B.ListSeparator_kWM0;
90435 case B.ListSeparator_1gm0:
90436 t1 = value._list1$_separator;
90437 return t1 === B.ListSeparator_kWM0 || t1 === B.ListSeparator_1gm0;
90438 default:
90439 return value._list1$_separator !== B.ListSeparator_undecided_null0;
90440 }
90441 }
90442 return false;
90443 },
90444 visitMap$1(map) {
90445 var t1, t2, _this = this;
90446 if (!_this._serialize0$_inspect)
90447 throw A.wrapException(A.SassScriptException$0(map.toString$0(0) + " isn't a valid CSS value."));
90448 t1 = _this._serialize0$_buffer;
90449 t1.writeCharCode$1(40);
90450 t2 = map._map0$_contents;
90451 _this._serialize0$_writeBetween$3(t2.get$entries(t2), ", ", new A._SerializeVisitor_visitMap_closure0(_this));
90452 t1.writeCharCode$1(41);
90453 },
90454 _serialize0$_writeMapElement$1(value) {
90455 var needsParens = value instanceof A.SassList0 && value._list1$_separator === B.ListSeparator_kWM0 && !value._list1$_hasBrackets;
90456 if (needsParens)
90457 this._serialize0$_buffer.writeCharCode$1(40);
90458 value.accept$1(this);
90459 if (needsParens)
90460 this._serialize0$_buffer.writeCharCode$1(41);
90461 },
90462 visitNumber$1(value) {
90463 var _this = this,
90464 asSlash = value.asSlash;
90465 if (asSlash != null) {
90466 _this.visitNumber$1(asSlash.item1);
90467 _this._serialize0$_buffer.writeCharCode$1(47);
90468 _this.visitNumber$1(asSlash.item2);
90469 return;
90470 }
90471 _this._serialize0$_writeNumber$1(value._number1$_value);
90472 if (!_this._serialize0$_inspect) {
90473 if (value.get$numeratorUnits(value).length > 1 || value.get$denominatorUnits(value).length !== 0)
90474 throw A.wrapException(A.SassScriptException$0(value.toString$0(0) + " isn't a valid CSS value."));
90475 if (value.get$numeratorUnits(value).length !== 0)
90476 _this._serialize0$_buffer.write$1(0, B.JSArray_methods.get$first(value.get$numeratorUnits(value)));
90477 } else
90478 _this._serialize0$_buffer.write$1(0, value.get$unitString());
90479 },
90480 _serialize0$_writeNumber$1(number) {
90481 var text, _this = this,
90482 integer = A.fuzzyIsInt0(number) ? B.JSNumber_methods.round$0(number) : null;
90483 if (integer != null) {
90484 _this._serialize0$_buffer.write$1(0, _this._serialize0$_removeExponent$1(B.JSInt_methods.toString$0(integer)));
90485 return;
90486 }
90487 text = _this._serialize0$_removeExponent$1(B.JSNumber_methods.toString$0(number));
90488 if (text.length < 12) {
90489 if (_this._serialize0$_style === B.OutputStyle_compressed0 && B.JSString_methods._codeUnitAt$1(text, 0) === 48)
90490 text = B.JSString_methods.substring$1(text, 1);
90491 _this._serialize0$_buffer.write$1(0, text);
90492 return;
90493 }
90494 _this._serialize0$_writeRounded$1(text);
90495 },
90496 _serialize0$_removeExponent$1(text) {
90497 var buffer, t3, additionalZeroes,
90498 t1 = B.JSString_methods._codeUnitAt$1(text, 0),
90499 negative = t1 === 45,
90500 exponent = A._Cell$(),
90501 t2 = text.length,
90502 i = 0;
90503 while (true) {
90504 if (!(i < t2)) {
90505 buffer = null;
90506 break;
90507 }
90508 c$0: {
90509 if (B.JSString_methods._codeUnitAt$1(text, i) !== 101)
90510 break c$0;
90511 buffer = new A.StringBuffer("");
90512 t1 = buffer._contents = "" + A.Primitives_stringFromCharCode(t1);
90513 if (negative) {
90514 t1 += A.Primitives_stringFromCharCode(B.JSString_methods._codeUnitAt$1(text, 1));
90515 buffer._contents = t1;
90516 if (i > 3)
90517 buffer._contents = t1 + B.JSString_methods.substring$2(text, 3, i);
90518 } else if (i > 2)
90519 buffer._contents = t1 + B.JSString_methods.substring$2(text, 2, i);
90520 exponent._value = A.int_parse(B.JSString_methods.substring$2(text, i + 1, t2), null);
90521 break;
90522 }
90523 ++i;
90524 }
90525 if (buffer == null)
90526 return text;
90527 if (exponent._readLocal$0() > 0) {
90528 t1 = exponent._readLocal$0();
90529 t2 = buffer._contents;
90530 t3 = negative ? 1 : 0;
90531 additionalZeroes = t1 - (t2.length - 1 - t3);
90532 for (t1 = t2, i = 0; i < additionalZeroes; ++i) {
90533 t1 += A.Primitives_stringFromCharCode(48);
90534 buffer._contents = t1;
90535 }
90536 return t1.charCodeAt(0) == 0 ? t1 : t1;
90537 } else {
90538 t1 = (negative ? "" + A.Primitives_stringFromCharCode(45) : "") + "0.";
90539 t2 = exponent.__late_helper$_name;
90540 i = -1;
90541 while (true) {
90542 t3 = exponent._value;
90543 if (t3 === exponent)
90544 A.throwExpression(A.LateError$localNI(t2));
90545 if (!(i > t3))
90546 break;
90547 t1 += A.Primitives_stringFromCharCode(48);
90548 --i;
90549 }
90550 if (negative) {
90551 t2 = buffer._contents;
90552 t2 = B.JSString_methods.substring$1(t2.charCodeAt(0) == 0 ? t2 : t2, 1);
90553 } else
90554 t2 = buffer;
90555 t2 = t1 + A.S(t2);
90556 return t2.charCodeAt(0) == 0 ? t2 : t2;
90557 }
90558 },
90559 _serialize0$_writeRounded$1(text) {
90560 var t1, digits, negative, textIndex, digitsIndex, textIndex0, codeUnit, digitsIndex0, indexAfterPrecision, digitsIndex1, newDigit, writtenIndex, t2, _this = this;
90561 if (B.JSString_methods.endsWith$1(text, ".0")) {
90562 _this._serialize0$_buffer.write$1(0, B.JSString_methods.substring$2(text, 0, text.length - 2));
90563 return;
90564 }
90565 t1 = text.length;
90566 digits = new Uint8Array(t1 + 1);
90567 negative = B.JSString_methods._codeUnitAt$1(text, 0) === 45;
90568 textIndex = negative ? 1 : 0;
90569 for (digitsIndex = 1; true; textIndex = textIndex0, digitsIndex = digitsIndex0) {
90570 if (textIndex === t1) {
90571 _this._serialize0$_buffer.write$1(0, text);
90572 return;
90573 }
90574 textIndex0 = textIndex + 1;
90575 codeUnit = B.JSString_methods._codeUnitAt$1(text, textIndex);
90576 if (codeUnit === 46) {
90577 textIndex = textIndex0;
90578 break;
90579 }
90580 digitsIndex0 = digitsIndex + 1;
90581 digits[digitsIndex] = codeUnit - 48;
90582 }
90583 indexAfterPrecision = textIndex + 10;
90584 if (indexAfterPrecision >= t1) {
90585 _this._serialize0$_buffer.write$1(0, text);
90586 return;
90587 }
90588 for (digitsIndex0 = digitsIndex; textIndex < indexAfterPrecision; textIndex = textIndex0, digitsIndex0 = digitsIndex1) {
90589 digitsIndex1 = digitsIndex0 + 1;
90590 textIndex0 = textIndex + 1;
90591 digits[digitsIndex0] = B.JSString_methods._codeUnitAt$1(text, textIndex) - 48;
90592 }
90593 if (B.JSString_methods._codeUnitAt$1(text, textIndex) - 48 >= 5)
90594 for (; true; digitsIndex0 = digitsIndex1) {
90595 digitsIndex1 = digitsIndex0 - 1;
90596 newDigit = digits[digitsIndex1] + 1;
90597 digits[digitsIndex1] = newDigit;
90598 if (newDigit !== 10)
90599 break;
90600 }
90601 for (; digitsIndex0 < digitsIndex; ++digitsIndex0)
90602 digits[digitsIndex0] = 0;
90603 while (true) {
90604 t1 = digitsIndex0 > digitsIndex;
90605 if (!(t1 && digits[digitsIndex0 - 1] === 0))
90606 break;
90607 --digitsIndex0;
90608 }
90609 if (digitsIndex0 === 2 && digits[0] === 0 && digits[1] === 0) {
90610 _this._serialize0$_buffer.writeCharCode$1(48);
90611 return;
90612 }
90613 if (negative)
90614 _this._serialize0$_buffer.writeCharCode$1(45);
90615 if (digits[0] === 0)
90616 writtenIndex = _this._serialize0$_style === B.OutputStyle_compressed0 && digits[1] === 0 ? 2 : 1;
90617 else
90618 writtenIndex = 0;
90619 for (t2 = _this._serialize0$_buffer; writtenIndex < digitsIndex; ++writtenIndex)
90620 t2.writeCharCode$1(48 + digits[writtenIndex]);
90621 if (t1) {
90622 t2.writeCharCode$1(46);
90623 for (; writtenIndex < digitsIndex0; ++writtenIndex)
90624 t2.writeCharCode$1(48 + digits[writtenIndex]);
90625 }
90626 },
90627 _serialize0$_visitQuotedString$2$forceDoubleQuote(string, forceDoubleQuote) {
90628 var t1, includesSingleQuote, includesDoubleQuote, i, char, newIndex, quote, _this = this,
90629 buffer = forceDoubleQuote ? _this._serialize0$_buffer : new A.StringBuffer("");
90630 if (forceDoubleQuote)
90631 buffer.writeCharCode$1(34);
90632 for (t1 = string.length, includesSingleQuote = false, includesDoubleQuote = false, i = 0; i < t1; ++i) {
90633 char = B.JSString_methods._codeUnitAt$1(string, i);
90634 switch (char) {
90635 case 39:
90636 if (forceDoubleQuote)
90637 buffer.writeCharCode$1(39);
90638 else {
90639 if (includesDoubleQuote) {
90640 _this._serialize0$_visitQuotedString$2$forceDoubleQuote(string, true);
90641 return;
90642 } else
90643 buffer.writeCharCode$1(39);
90644 includesSingleQuote = true;
90645 }
90646 break;
90647 case 34:
90648 if (forceDoubleQuote) {
90649 buffer.writeCharCode$1(92);
90650 buffer.writeCharCode$1(34);
90651 } else {
90652 if (includesSingleQuote) {
90653 _this._serialize0$_visitQuotedString$2$forceDoubleQuote(string, true);
90654 return;
90655 } else
90656 buffer.writeCharCode$1(34);
90657 includesDoubleQuote = true;
90658 }
90659 break;
90660 case 0:
90661 case 1:
90662 case 2:
90663 case 3:
90664 case 4:
90665 case 5:
90666 case 6:
90667 case 7:
90668 case 8:
90669 case 10:
90670 case 11:
90671 case 12:
90672 case 13:
90673 case 14:
90674 case 15:
90675 case 16:
90676 case 17:
90677 case 18:
90678 case 19:
90679 case 20:
90680 case 21:
90681 case 22:
90682 case 23:
90683 case 24:
90684 case 25:
90685 case 26:
90686 case 27:
90687 case 28:
90688 case 29:
90689 case 30:
90690 case 31:
90691 _this._serialize0$_writeEscape$4(buffer, char, string, i);
90692 break;
90693 case 92:
90694 buffer.writeCharCode$1(92);
90695 buffer.writeCharCode$1(92);
90696 break;
90697 default:
90698 newIndex = _this._serialize0$_tryPrivateUseCharacter$4(buffer, char, string, i);
90699 if (newIndex != null) {
90700 i = newIndex;
90701 break;
90702 }
90703 buffer.writeCharCode$1(char);
90704 break;
90705 }
90706 }
90707 if (forceDoubleQuote)
90708 buffer.writeCharCode$1(34);
90709 else {
90710 quote = includesDoubleQuote ? 39 : 34;
90711 t1 = _this._serialize0$_buffer;
90712 t1.writeCharCode$1(quote);
90713 t1.write$1(0, buffer);
90714 t1.writeCharCode$1(quote);
90715 }
90716 },
90717 _serialize0$_visitQuotedString$1(string) {
90718 return this._serialize0$_visitQuotedString$2$forceDoubleQuote(string, false);
90719 },
90720 _serialize0$_visitUnquotedString$1(string) {
90721 var t1, t2, afterNewline, i, char, newIndex;
90722 for (t1 = string.length, t2 = this._serialize0$_buffer, afterNewline = false, i = 0; i < t1; ++i) {
90723 char = B.JSString_methods._codeUnitAt$1(string, i);
90724 switch (char) {
90725 case 10:
90726 t2.writeCharCode$1(32);
90727 afterNewline = true;
90728 break;
90729 case 32:
90730 if (!afterNewline)
90731 t2.writeCharCode$1(32);
90732 break;
90733 default:
90734 newIndex = this._serialize0$_tryPrivateUseCharacter$4(t2, char, string, i);
90735 if (newIndex != null) {
90736 i = newIndex;
90737 afterNewline = false;
90738 break;
90739 }
90740 t2.writeCharCode$1(char);
90741 afterNewline = false;
90742 break;
90743 }
90744 }
90745 },
90746 _serialize0$_tryPrivateUseCharacter$4(buffer, codeUnit, string, i) {
90747 var t1;
90748 if (this._serialize0$_style === B.OutputStyle_compressed0)
90749 return null;
90750 if (codeUnit >= 57344 && codeUnit <= 63743) {
90751 this._serialize0$_writeEscape$4(buffer, codeUnit, string, i);
90752 return i;
90753 }
90754 if (codeUnit >>> 7 === 439 && string.length > i + 1) {
90755 t1 = i + 1;
90756 this._serialize0$_writeEscape$4(buffer, 65536 + ((codeUnit & 1023) << 10) + (B.JSString_methods._codeUnitAt$1(string, t1) & 1023), string, t1);
90757 return t1;
90758 }
90759 return null;
90760 },
90761 _serialize0$_writeEscape$4(buffer, character, string, i) {
90762 var t1, next;
90763 buffer.writeCharCode$1(92);
90764 buffer.write$1(0, B.JSInt_methods.toRadixString$1(character, 16));
90765 t1 = i + 1;
90766 if (string.length === t1)
90767 return;
90768 next = B.JSString_methods._codeUnitAt$1(string, t1);
90769 if (A.isHex0(next) || next === 32 || next === 9)
90770 buffer.writeCharCode$1(32);
90771 },
90772 visitComplexSelector$1(complex) {
90773 var t1, t2, t3, t4, lastComponent, _i, component, t5;
90774 for (t1 = complex.components, t2 = t1.length, t3 = this._serialize0$_buffer, t4 = this._serialize0$_style === B.OutputStyle_compressed0, lastComponent = null, _i = 0; _i < t2; ++_i, lastComponent = component) {
90775 component = t1[_i];
90776 if (lastComponent != null)
90777 if (!(t4 && lastComponent instanceof A.Combinator0))
90778 t5 = !(t4 && component instanceof A.Combinator0);
90779 else
90780 t5 = false;
90781 else
90782 t5 = false;
90783 if (t5)
90784 t3.write$1(0, " ");
90785 if (component instanceof A.CompoundSelector0)
90786 this.visitCompoundSelector$1(component);
90787 else
90788 t3.write$1(0, component);
90789 }
90790 },
90791 visitCompoundSelector$1(compound) {
90792 var t2, t3, _i,
90793 t1 = this._serialize0$_buffer,
90794 start = t1.get$length(t1);
90795 for (t2 = compound.components, t3 = t2.length, _i = 0; _i < t3; ++_i)
90796 t2[_i].accept$1(this);
90797 if (t1.get$length(t1) === start)
90798 t1.writeCharCode$1(42);
90799 },
90800 visitSelectorList$1(list) {
90801 var t1, t2, t3, t4, first, t5, _this = this,
90802 complexes = list.components;
90803 for (t1 = J.get$iterator$ax(_this._serialize0$_inspect ? complexes : new A.WhereIterable(complexes, new A._SerializeVisitor_visitSelectorList_closure0(), A._arrayInstanceType(complexes)._eval$1("WhereIterable<1>"))), t2 = _this._serialize0$_style !== B.OutputStyle_compressed0, t3 = _this._serialize0$_buffer, t4 = _this._lineFeed.text, first = true; t1.moveNext$0();) {
90804 t5 = t1.get$current(t1);
90805 if (first)
90806 first = false;
90807 else {
90808 t3.writeCharCode$1(44);
90809 if (t5.lineBreak) {
90810 if (t2)
90811 t3.write$1(0, t4);
90812 } else if (t2)
90813 t3.writeCharCode$1(32);
90814 }
90815 _this.visitComplexSelector$1(t5);
90816 }
90817 },
90818 visitPseudoSelector$1(pseudo) {
90819 var t3, t4, t5,
90820 innerSelector = pseudo.selector,
90821 t1 = innerSelector == null,
90822 t2 = !t1;
90823 if (t2 && pseudo.name === "not" && innerSelector.get$isInvisible())
90824 return;
90825 t3 = this._serialize0$_buffer;
90826 t3.writeCharCode$1(58);
90827 if (!pseudo.isSyntacticClass)
90828 t3.writeCharCode$1(58);
90829 t3.write$1(0, pseudo.name);
90830 t4 = pseudo.argument;
90831 t5 = t4 == null;
90832 if (t5 && t1)
90833 return;
90834 t3.writeCharCode$1(40);
90835 if (!t5) {
90836 t3.write$1(0, t4);
90837 if (t2)
90838 t3.writeCharCode$1(32);
90839 }
90840 if (t2)
90841 this.visitSelectorList$1(innerSelector);
90842 t3.writeCharCode$1(41);
90843 },
90844 _serialize0$_write$1(value) {
90845 return this._serialize0$_buffer.forSpan$2(value.get$span(value), new A._SerializeVisitor__write_closure0(this, value));
90846 },
90847 _serialize0$_visitChildren$1(children) {
90848 var _this = this, t1 = {},
90849 t2 = _this._serialize0$_buffer;
90850 t2.writeCharCode$1(123);
90851 if (children.every$1(children, _this.get$_serialize0$_isInvisible())) {
90852 t2.writeCharCode$1(125);
90853 return;
90854 }
90855 _this._serialize0$_writeLineFeed$0();
90856 t1.previous_ = null;
90857 ++_this._serialize0$_indentation;
90858 new A._SerializeVisitor__visitChildren_closure0(t1, _this, children).call$0();
90859 --_this._serialize0$_indentation;
90860 t1 = t1.previous_;
90861 t1.toString;
90862 if ((type$.CssParentNode_2._is(t1) ? t1.get$isChildless() : !type$.CssComment_2._is(t1)) && _this._serialize0$_style !== B.OutputStyle_compressed0)
90863 t2.writeCharCode$1(59);
90864 _this._serialize0$_writeLineFeed$0();
90865 _this._serialize0$_writeIndentation$0();
90866 t2.writeCharCode$1(125);
90867 },
90868 _serialize0$_writeLineFeed$0() {
90869 if (this._serialize0$_style !== B.OutputStyle_compressed0)
90870 this._serialize0$_buffer.write$1(0, this._lineFeed.text);
90871 },
90872 _serialize0$_writeIndentation$0() {
90873 var _this = this;
90874 if (_this._serialize0$_style === B.OutputStyle_compressed0)
90875 return;
90876 _this._serialize0$_writeTimes$2(_this._serialize0$_indentCharacter, _this._serialize0$_indentation * _this._serialize0$_indentWidth);
90877 },
90878 _serialize0$_writeTimes$2(char, times) {
90879 var t1, i;
90880 for (t1 = this._serialize0$_buffer, i = 0; i < times; ++i)
90881 t1.writeCharCode$1(char);
90882 },
90883 _serialize0$_writeBetween$1$3(iterable, text, callback) {
90884 var t1, t2, first, value;
90885 for (t1 = J.get$iterator$ax(iterable), t2 = this._serialize0$_buffer, first = true; t1.moveNext$0();) {
90886 value = t1.get$current(t1);
90887 if (first)
90888 first = false;
90889 else
90890 t2.write$1(0, text);
90891 callback.call$1(value);
90892 }
90893 },
90894 _serialize0$_writeBetween$3(iterable, text, callback) {
90895 return this._serialize0$_writeBetween$1$3(iterable, text, callback, type$.dynamic);
90896 },
90897 _serialize0$_isInvisible$1(node) {
90898 if (this._serialize0$_inspect)
90899 return false;
90900 if (this._serialize0$_style === B.OutputStyle_compressed0 && type$.CssComment_2._is(node) && B.JSString_methods._codeUnitAt$1(node.text, 2) !== 33)
90901 return true;
90902 if (type$.CssParentNode_2._is(node)) {
90903 if (type$.CssAtRule_2._is(node))
90904 return false;
90905 if (type$.CssStyleRule_2._is(node) && node.selector.value.get$isInvisible())
90906 return true;
90907 return J.every$1$ax(node.get$children(node), this.get$_serialize0$_isInvisible());
90908 } else
90909 return false;
90910 }
90911 };
90912 A._SerializeVisitor_visitCssComment_closure0.prototype = {
90913 call$0() {
90914 var t2, t3, minimumIndentation,
90915 t1 = this.$this;
90916 if (t1._serialize0$_style === B.OutputStyle_compressed0 && B.JSString_methods._codeUnitAt$1(this.node.text, 2) !== 33)
90917 return;
90918 t2 = this.node;
90919 t3 = t2.text;
90920 minimumIndentation = t1._serialize0$_minimumIndentation$1(t3);
90921 if (minimumIndentation == null) {
90922 t1._serialize0$_writeIndentation$0();
90923 t1._serialize0$_buffer.write$1(0, t3);
90924 return;
90925 }
90926 t2 = t2.span;
90927 t2 = A.FileLocation$_(t2.file, t2._file$_start);
90928 minimumIndentation = Math.min(minimumIndentation, t2.file.getColumn$1(t2.offset));
90929 t1._serialize0$_writeIndentation$0();
90930 t1._serialize0$_writeWithIndent$2(t3, minimumIndentation);
90931 },
90932 $signature: 1
90933 };
90934 A._SerializeVisitor_visitCssAtRule_closure0.prototype = {
90935 call$0() {
90936 var t3, value,
90937 t1 = this.$this,
90938 t2 = t1._serialize0$_buffer;
90939 t2.writeCharCode$1(64);
90940 t3 = this.node;
90941 t1._serialize0$_write$1(t3.name);
90942 value = t3.value;
90943 if (value != null) {
90944 t2.writeCharCode$1(32);
90945 t1._serialize0$_write$1(value);
90946 }
90947 },
90948 $signature: 1
90949 };
90950 A._SerializeVisitor_visitCssMediaRule_closure0.prototype = {
90951 call$0() {
90952 var t3, t4,
90953 t1 = this.$this,
90954 t2 = t1._serialize0$_buffer;
90955 t2.write$1(0, "@media");
90956 t3 = t1._serialize0$_style === B.OutputStyle_compressed0;
90957 if (t3) {
90958 t4 = B.JSArray_methods.get$first(this.node.queries);
90959 t4 = !(t4.modifier == null && t4.type == null);
90960 } else
90961 t4 = true;
90962 if (t4)
90963 t2.writeCharCode$1(32);
90964 t2 = t3 ? "," : ", ";
90965 t1._serialize0$_writeBetween$3(this.node.queries, t2, t1.get$_serialize0$_visitMediaQuery());
90966 },
90967 $signature: 1
90968 };
90969 A._SerializeVisitor_visitCssImport_closure0.prototype = {
90970 call$0() {
90971 var t3, t4, t5, t6, supports, media,
90972 t1 = this.$this,
90973 t2 = t1._serialize0$_buffer;
90974 t2.write$1(0, "@import");
90975 t3 = t1._serialize0$_style === B.OutputStyle_compressed0;
90976 t4 = !t3;
90977 if (t4)
90978 t2.writeCharCode$1(32);
90979 t5 = this.node;
90980 t6 = t5.url;
90981 t2.forSpan$2(t6.get$span(t6), new A._SerializeVisitor_visitCssImport__closure0(t1, t5));
90982 supports = t5.supports;
90983 if (supports != null) {
90984 if (t4)
90985 t2.writeCharCode$1(32);
90986 t1._serialize0$_write$1(supports);
90987 }
90988 media = t5.media;
90989 if (media != null) {
90990 if (t4)
90991 t2.writeCharCode$1(32);
90992 t2 = t3 ? "," : ", ";
90993 t1._serialize0$_writeBetween$3(media, t2, t1.get$_serialize0$_visitMediaQuery());
90994 }
90995 },
90996 $signature: 1
90997 };
90998 A._SerializeVisitor_visitCssImport__closure0.prototype = {
90999 call$0() {
91000 var t1 = this.node.url;
91001 return this.$this._serialize0$_writeImportUrl$1(t1.get$value(t1));
91002 },
91003 $signature: 0
91004 };
91005 A._SerializeVisitor_visitCssKeyframeBlock_closure0.prototype = {
91006 call$0() {
91007 var t1 = this.$this,
91008 t2 = t1._serialize0$_style === B.OutputStyle_compressed0 ? "," : ", ",
91009 t3 = t1._serialize0$_buffer;
91010 return t1._serialize0$_writeBetween$3(this.node.selector.value, t2, t3.get$write(t3));
91011 },
91012 $signature: 0
91013 };
91014 A._SerializeVisitor_visitCssStyleRule_closure0.prototype = {
91015 call$0() {
91016 return this.$this.visitSelectorList$1(this.node.selector.value);
91017 },
91018 $signature: 0
91019 };
91020 A._SerializeVisitor_visitCssSupportsRule_closure0.prototype = {
91021 call$0() {
91022 var t1 = this.$this,
91023 t2 = t1._serialize0$_buffer;
91024 t2.write$1(0, "@supports");
91025 if (!(t1._serialize0$_style === B.OutputStyle_compressed0 && J.codeUnitAt$1$s(this.node.condition.value, 0) === 40))
91026 t2.writeCharCode$1(32);
91027 t1._serialize0$_write$1(this.node.condition);
91028 },
91029 $signature: 1
91030 };
91031 A._SerializeVisitor_visitCssDeclaration_closure1.prototype = {
91032 call$0() {
91033 var t1 = this.$this,
91034 t2 = this.node;
91035 if (t1._serialize0$_style === B.OutputStyle_compressed0)
91036 t1._serialize0$_writeFoldedValue$1(t2);
91037 else
91038 t1._serialize0$_writeReindentedValue$1(t2);
91039 },
91040 $signature: 1
91041 };
91042 A._SerializeVisitor_visitCssDeclaration_closure2.prototype = {
91043 call$0() {
91044 var t1 = this.node.value;
91045 return t1.get$value(t1).accept$1(this.$this);
91046 },
91047 $signature: 0
91048 };
91049 A._SerializeVisitor_visitList_closure2.prototype = {
91050 call$1(element) {
91051 return !element.get$isBlank();
91052 },
91053 $signature: 44
91054 };
91055 A._SerializeVisitor_visitList_closure3.prototype = {
91056 call$1(element) {
91057 var t1 = this.$this,
91058 needsParens = t1._serialize0$_elementNeedsParens$2(this.value._list1$_separator, element);
91059 if (needsParens)
91060 t1._serialize0$_buffer.writeCharCode$1(40);
91061 element.accept$1(t1);
91062 if (needsParens)
91063 t1._serialize0$_buffer.writeCharCode$1(41);
91064 },
91065 $signature: 55
91066 };
91067 A._SerializeVisitor_visitList_closure4.prototype = {
91068 call$1(element) {
91069 element.accept$1(this.$this);
91070 },
91071 $signature: 55
91072 };
91073 A._SerializeVisitor_visitMap_closure0.prototype = {
91074 call$1(entry) {
91075 var t1 = this.$this;
91076 t1._serialize0$_writeMapElement$1(entry.key);
91077 t1._serialize0$_buffer.write$1(0, ": ");
91078 t1._serialize0$_writeMapElement$1(entry.value);
91079 },
91080 $signature: 525
91081 };
91082 A._SerializeVisitor_visitSelectorList_closure0.prototype = {
91083 call$1(complex) {
91084 return !complex.get$isInvisible();
91085 },
91086 $signature: 20
91087 };
91088 A._SerializeVisitor__write_closure0.prototype = {
91089 call$0() {
91090 var t1 = this.value;
91091 return this.$this._serialize0$_buffer.write$1(0, t1.get$value(t1));
91092 },
91093 $signature: 0
91094 };
91095 A._SerializeVisitor__visitChildren_closure0.prototype = {
91096 call$0() {
91097 var t1, t2, t3, t4, t5, t6, t7, t8, i, child, previous, t9;
91098 for (t1 = this.children._collection$_source, t2 = J.getInterceptor$asx(t1), t3 = this._box_0, t4 = this.$this, t5 = type$.CssComment_2, t6 = type$.CssParentNode_2, t7 = t4._serialize0$_buffer, t8 = t4._lineFeed.text, i = 0; i < t2.get$length(t1); ++i) {
91099 child = t2.elementAt$1(t1, i);
91100 if (t4._serialize0$_isInvisible$1(child))
91101 continue;
91102 previous = t3.previous_;
91103 if (previous != null) {
91104 if (t6._is(previous) ? previous.get$isChildless() : !t5._is(previous))
91105 t7.writeCharCode$1(59);
91106 t9 = t4._serialize0$_style !== B.OutputStyle_compressed0;
91107 if (t9)
91108 t7.write$1(0, t8);
91109 if (previous.get$isGroupEnd())
91110 if (t9)
91111 t7.write$1(0, t8);
91112 }
91113 t3.previous_ = child;
91114 child.accept$1(t4);
91115 }
91116 },
91117 $signature: 0
91118 };
91119 A.OutputStyle0.prototype = {
91120 toString$0(_) {
91121 return this._serialize0$_name;
91122 }
91123 };
91124 A.LineFeed0.prototype = {
91125 toString$0(_) {
91126 return this.name;
91127 }
91128 };
91129 A.SerializeResult0.prototype = {};
91130 A.ShadowedModuleView0.prototype = {
91131 get$url(_) {
91132 var t1 = this._shadowed_view0$_inner;
91133 return t1.get$url(t1);
91134 },
91135 get$upstream() {
91136 return this._shadowed_view0$_inner.get$upstream();
91137 },
91138 get$extensionStore() {
91139 return this._shadowed_view0$_inner.get$extensionStore();
91140 },
91141 get$css(_) {
91142 var t1 = this._shadowed_view0$_inner;
91143 return t1.get$css(t1);
91144 },
91145 get$transitivelyContainsCss() {
91146 return this._shadowed_view0$_inner.get$transitivelyContainsCss();
91147 },
91148 get$transitivelyContainsExtensions() {
91149 return this._shadowed_view0$_inner.get$transitivelyContainsExtensions();
91150 },
91151 setVariable$3($name, value, nodeWithSpan) {
91152 if (!this.variables.containsKey$1($name))
91153 throw A.wrapException(A.SassScriptException$0("Undefined variable."));
91154 else
91155 return this._shadowed_view0$_inner.setVariable$3($name, value, nodeWithSpan);
91156 },
91157 variableIdentity$1($name) {
91158 return this._shadowed_view0$_inner.variableIdentity$1($name);
91159 },
91160 $eq(_, other) {
91161 var t1, t2, _this = this;
91162 if (other == null)
91163 return false;
91164 if (other instanceof A.ShadowedModuleView0)
91165 if (_this._shadowed_view0$_inner.$eq(0, other._shadowed_view0$_inner)) {
91166 t1 = _this.variables;
91167 t1 = t1.get$keys(t1);
91168 t2 = other.variables;
91169 if (B.C_IterableEquality.equals$2(0, t1, t2.get$keys(t2))) {
91170 t1 = _this.functions;
91171 t1 = t1.get$keys(t1);
91172 t2 = other.functions;
91173 if (B.C_IterableEquality.equals$2(0, t1, t2.get$keys(t2))) {
91174 t1 = _this.mixins;
91175 t1 = t1.get$keys(t1);
91176 t2 = other.mixins;
91177 t2 = B.C_IterableEquality.equals$2(0, t1, t2.get$keys(t2));
91178 t1 = t2;
91179 } else
91180 t1 = false;
91181 } else
91182 t1 = false;
91183 } else
91184 t1 = false;
91185 else
91186 t1 = false;
91187 return t1;
91188 },
91189 get$hashCode(_) {
91190 var t1 = this._shadowed_view0$_inner;
91191 return t1.get$hashCode(t1);
91192 },
91193 cloneCss$0() {
91194 var _this = this;
91195 return new A.ShadowedModuleView0(_this._shadowed_view0$_inner.cloneCss$0(), _this.variables, _this.variableNodes, _this.functions, _this.mixins, _this.$ti);
91196 },
91197 toString$0(_) {
91198 return "shadowed " + this._shadowed_view0$_inner.toString$0(0);
91199 },
91200 $isModule0: 1,
91201 get$variables() {
91202 return this.variables;
91203 },
91204 get$variableNodes() {
91205 return this.variableNodes;
91206 },
91207 get$functions(receiver) {
91208 return this.functions;
91209 },
91210 get$mixins() {
91211 return this.mixins;
91212 }
91213 };
91214 A.SilentComment0.prototype = {
91215 accept$1$1(visitor) {
91216 return visitor.visitSilentComment$1(this);
91217 },
91218 accept$1(visitor) {
91219 return this.accept$1$1(visitor, type$.dynamic);
91220 },
91221 toString$0(_) {
91222 return this.text;
91223 },
91224 $isAstNode0: 1,
91225 $isStatement0: 1,
91226 get$span(receiver) {
91227 return this.span;
91228 }
91229 };
91230 A.SimpleSelector0.prototype = {
91231 get$minSpecificity() {
91232 return 1000;
91233 },
91234 get$maxSpecificity() {
91235 return this.get$minSpecificity();
91236 },
91237 addSuffix$1(suffix) {
91238 return A.throwExpression(A.SassScriptException$0('Invalid parent selector "' + this.toString$0(0) + '"'));
91239 },
91240 unify$1(compound) {
91241 var other, t1, result, addedThis, _i, simple, _this = this;
91242 if (compound.length === 1) {
91243 other = B.JSArray_methods.get$first(compound);
91244 if (!(other instanceof A.UniversalSelector0))
91245 if (other instanceof A.PseudoSelector0)
91246 t1 = other.isClass && other.name === "host" || other.get$isHostContext();
91247 else
91248 t1 = false;
91249 else
91250 t1 = true;
91251 if (t1)
91252 return other.unify$1(A._setArrayType([_this], type$.JSArray_SimpleSelector_2));
91253 }
91254 if (B.JSArray_methods.contains$1(compound, _this))
91255 return compound;
91256 result = A._setArrayType([], type$.JSArray_SimpleSelector_2);
91257 for (t1 = compound.length, addedThis = false, _i = 0; _i < compound.length; compound.length === t1 || (0, A.throwConcurrentModificationError)(compound), ++_i) {
91258 simple = compound[_i];
91259 if (!addedThis && simple instanceof A.PseudoSelector0) {
91260 result.push(_this);
91261 addedThis = true;
91262 }
91263 result.push(simple);
91264 }
91265 if (!addedThis)
91266 result.push(_this);
91267 return result;
91268 }
91269 };
91270 A.SingleUnitSassNumber0.prototype = {
91271 get$numeratorUnits(_) {
91272 return A.List_List$unmodifiable([this._single_unit$_unit], type$.String);
91273 },
91274 get$denominatorUnits(_) {
91275 return B.List_empty;
91276 },
91277 get$hasUnits() {
91278 return true;
91279 },
91280 withValue$1(value) {
91281 return new A.SingleUnitSassNumber0(this._single_unit$_unit, value, null);
91282 },
91283 withSlash$2(numerator, denominator) {
91284 return new A.SingleUnitSassNumber0(this._single_unit$_unit, this._number1$_value, new A.Tuple2(numerator, denominator, type$.Tuple2_SassNumber_SassNumber_2));
91285 },
91286 hasUnit$1(unit) {
91287 return unit === this._single_unit$_unit;
91288 },
91289 hasCompatibleUnits$1(other) {
91290 return other instanceof A.SingleUnitSassNumber0 && A.conversionFactor0(this._single_unit$_unit, other._single_unit$_unit) != null;
91291 },
91292 hasPossiblyCompatibleUnits$1(other) {
91293 var t1, knownCompatibilities, otherUnit;
91294 if (!(other instanceof A.SingleUnitSassNumber0))
91295 return false;
91296 t1 = $.$get$_knownCompatibilitiesByUnit0();
91297 knownCompatibilities = t1.$index(0, this._single_unit$_unit.toLowerCase());
91298 if (knownCompatibilities == null)
91299 return true;
91300 otherUnit = other._single_unit$_unit.toLowerCase();
91301 return knownCompatibilities.contains$1(0, otherUnit) || !t1.containsKey$1(otherUnit);
91302 },
91303 compatibleWithUnit$1(unit) {
91304 return A.conversionFactor0(this._single_unit$_unit, unit) != null;
91305 },
91306 coerceToMatch$3(other, $name, otherName) {
91307 var t1 = other instanceof A.SingleUnitSassNumber0 ? this._single_unit$_coerceToUnit$1(other._single_unit$_unit) : null;
91308 return t1 == null ? this.super$SassNumber$coerceToMatch(other, $name, otherName) : t1;
91309 },
91310 coerceValueToMatch$3(other, $name, otherName) {
91311 var t1 = other instanceof A.SingleUnitSassNumber0 ? this._single_unit$_coerceValueToUnit$1(other._single_unit$_unit) : null;
91312 return t1 == null ? this.super$SassNumber$coerceValueToMatch0(other, $name, otherName) : t1;
91313 },
91314 coerceValueToMatch$1(other) {
91315 return this.coerceValueToMatch$3(other, null, null);
91316 },
91317 convertToMatch$3(other, $name, otherName) {
91318 var t1 = other instanceof A.SingleUnitSassNumber0 ? this._single_unit$_coerceToUnit$1(other._single_unit$_unit) : null;
91319 return t1 == null ? this.super$SassNumber$convertToMatch(other, $name, otherName) : t1;
91320 },
91321 convertValueToMatch$3(other, $name, otherName) {
91322 var t1 = other instanceof A.SingleUnitSassNumber0 ? this._single_unit$_coerceValueToUnit$1(other._single_unit$_unit) : null;
91323 return t1 == null ? this.super$SassNumber$convertValueToMatch0(other, $name, otherName) : t1;
91324 },
91325 coerce$3(newNumerators, newDenominators, $name) {
91326 var t1 = J.getInterceptor$asx(newNumerators);
91327 t1 = t1.get$length(newNumerators) === 1 && J.get$isEmpty$asx(newDenominators) ? this._single_unit$_coerceToUnit$1(t1.$index(newNumerators, 0)) : null;
91328 return t1 == null ? this.super$SassNumber$coerce0(newNumerators, newDenominators, $name) : t1;
91329 },
91330 coerce$2(newNumerators, newDenominators) {
91331 return this.coerce$3(newNumerators, newDenominators, null);
91332 },
91333 coerceValue$3(newNumerators, newDenominators, $name) {
91334 var t1 = J.getInterceptor$asx(newNumerators);
91335 t1 = t1.get$length(newNumerators) === 1 && J.get$isEmpty$asx(newDenominators) ? this._single_unit$_coerceValueToUnit$1(t1.$index(newNumerators, 0)) : null;
91336 return t1 == null ? this.super$SassNumber$coerceValue0(newNumerators, newDenominators, $name) : t1;
91337 },
91338 coerceValueToUnit$2(unit, $name) {
91339 var t1 = this._single_unit$_coerceValueToUnit$1(unit);
91340 return t1 == null ? this.super$SassNumber$coerceValueToUnit0(unit, $name) : t1;
91341 },
91342 _single_unit$_coerceToUnit$1(unit) {
91343 var t1 = this._single_unit$_unit;
91344 if (t1 === unit)
91345 return this;
91346 return A.NullableExtension_andThen0(A.conversionFactor0(unit, t1), new A.SingleUnitSassNumber__coerceToUnit_closure0(this, unit));
91347 },
91348 _single_unit$_coerceValueToUnit$1(unit) {
91349 return A.NullableExtension_andThen0(A.conversionFactor0(unit, this._single_unit$_unit), new A.SingleUnitSassNumber__coerceValueToUnit_closure0(this));
91350 },
91351 multiplyUnits$3(value, otherNumerators, otherDenominators) {
91352 var mutableOtherDenominators, t1 = {};
91353 t1.value = value;
91354 t1.newNumerators = otherNumerators;
91355 mutableOtherDenominators = A._setArrayType(otherDenominators.slice(0), A._arrayInstanceType(otherDenominators));
91356 A.removeFirstWhere0(mutableOtherDenominators, new A.SingleUnitSassNumber_multiplyUnits_closure1(t1, this), new A.SingleUnitSassNumber_multiplyUnits_closure2(t1, this));
91357 return A.SassNumber_SassNumber$withUnits0(t1.value, mutableOtherDenominators, t1.newNumerators);
91358 },
91359 unaryMinus$0() {
91360 return new A.SingleUnitSassNumber0(this._single_unit$_unit, -this._number1$_value, null);
91361 },
91362 $eq(_, other) {
91363 var factor;
91364 if (other == null)
91365 return false;
91366 if (other instanceof A.SingleUnitSassNumber0) {
91367 factor = A.conversionFactor0(other._single_unit$_unit, this._single_unit$_unit);
91368 return factor != null && Math.abs(this._number1$_value * factor - other._number1$_value) < $.$get$epsilon0();
91369 } else
91370 return false;
91371 },
91372 get$hashCode(_) {
91373 var _this = this,
91374 t1 = _this.hashCache;
91375 return t1 == null ? _this.hashCache = A.fuzzyHashCode0(_this._number1$_value * _this.canonicalMultiplierForUnit$1(_this._single_unit$_unit)) : t1;
91376 }
91377 };
91378 A.SingleUnitSassNumber__coerceToUnit_closure0.prototype = {
91379 call$1(factor) {
91380 return new A.SingleUnitSassNumber0(this.unit, this.$this._number1$_value * factor, null);
91381 },
91382 $signature: 526
91383 };
91384 A.SingleUnitSassNumber__coerceValueToUnit_closure0.prototype = {
91385 call$1(factor) {
91386 return this.$this._number1$_value * factor;
91387 },
91388 $signature: 77
91389 };
91390 A.SingleUnitSassNumber_multiplyUnits_closure1.prototype = {
91391 call$1(denominator) {
91392 var factor = A.conversionFactor0(denominator, this.$this._single_unit$_unit);
91393 if (factor == null)
91394 return false;
91395 this._box_0.value *= factor;
91396 return true;
91397 },
91398 $signature: 6
91399 };
91400 A.SingleUnitSassNumber_multiplyUnits_closure2.prototype = {
91401 call$0() {
91402 var t1 = A._setArrayType([this.$this._single_unit$_unit], type$.JSArray_String),
91403 t2 = this._box_0;
91404 B.JSArray_methods.addAll$1(t1, t2.newNumerators);
91405 t2.newNumerators = t1;
91406 },
91407 $signature: 0
91408 };
91409 A.SourceMapBuffer0.prototype = {
91410 get$_source_map_buffer0$_targetLocation() {
91411 var t1 = this._source_map_buffer0$_buffer._contents,
91412 t2 = this._source_map_buffer0$_line;
91413 return A.SourceLocation$(t1.length, this._source_map_buffer0$_column, t2, null);
91414 },
91415 get$length(_) {
91416 return this._source_map_buffer0$_buffer._contents.length;
91417 },
91418 forSpan$1$2(span, callback) {
91419 var t1, _this = this,
91420 wasInSpan = _this._source_map_buffer0$_inSpan;
91421 _this._source_map_buffer0$_inSpan = true;
91422 _this._source_map_buffer0$_addEntry$2(A.FileLocation$_(span.file, span._file$_start), _this.get$_source_map_buffer0$_targetLocation());
91423 try {
91424 t1 = callback.call$0();
91425 return t1;
91426 } finally {
91427 _this._source_map_buffer0$_inSpan = wasInSpan;
91428 }
91429 },
91430 forSpan$2(span, callback) {
91431 return this.forSpan$1$2(span, callback, type$.dynamic);
91432 },
91433 _source_map_buffer0$_addEntry$2(source, target) {
91434 var entry, t2,
91435 t1 = this._source_map_buffer0$_entries;
91436 if (t1.length !== 0) {
91437 entry = B.JSArray_methods.get$last(t1);
91438 t2 = entry.source;
91439 if (t2.file.getLine$1(t2.offset) === source.file.getLine$1(source.offset) && entry.target.line === target.line)
91440 return;
91441 if (entry.target.offset === target.offset)
91442 return;
91443 }
91444 t1.push(new A.Entry(source, target, null));
91445 },
91446 write$1(_, object) {
91447 var t1, i,
91448 string = J.toString$0$(object);
91449 this._source_map_buffer0$_buffer._contents += string;
91450 for (t1 = string.length, i = 0; i < t1; ++i)
91451 if (B.JSString_methods._codeUnitAt$1(string, i) === 10)
91452 this._source_map_buffer0$_writeLine$0();
91453 else
91454 ++this._source_map_buffer0$_column;
91455 },
91456 writeCharCode$1(charCode) {
91457 this._source_map_buffer0$_buffer._contents += A.Primitives_stringFromCharCode(charCode);
91458 if (charCode === 10)
91459 this._source_map_buffer0$_writeLine$0();
91460 else
91461 ++this._source_map_buffer0$_column;
91462 },
91463 _source_map_buffer0$_writeLine$0() {
91464 var _this = this,
91465 t1 = _this._source_map_buffer0$_entries;
91466 if (B.JSArray_methods.get$last(t1).target.line === _this._source_map_buffer0$_line && B.JSArray_methods.get$last(t1).target.column === _this._source_map_buffer0$_column)
91467 t1.pop();
91468 ++_this._source_map_buffer0$_line;
91469 _this._source_map_buffer0$_column = 0;
91470 if (_this._source_map_buffer0$_inSpan)
91471 t1.push(new A.Entry(B.JSArray_methods.get$last(t1).source, _this.get$_source_map_buffer0$_targetLocation(), null));
91472 },
91473 toString$0(_) {
91474 var t1 = this._source_map_buffer0$_buffer._contents;
91475 return t1.charCodeAt(0) == 0 ? t1 : t1;
91476 },
91477 buildSourceMap$1$prefix(prefix) {
91478 var i, t2, prefixColumn, _box_0 = {},
91479 t1 = prefix.length;
91480 if (t1 === 0)
91481 return A.SingleMapping_SingleMapping$fromEntries(this._source_map_buffer0$_entries);
91482 _box_0.prefixColumn = _box_0.prefixLines = 0;
91483 for (i = 0, t2 = 0; i < t1; ++i)
91484 if (B.JSString_methods._codeUnitAt$1(prefix, i) === 10) {
91485 ++_box_0.prefixLines;
91486 _box_0.prefixColumn = 0;
91487 t2 = 0;
91488 } else {
91489 prefixColumn = t2 + 1;
91490 _box_0.prefixColumn = prefixColumn;
91491 t2 = prefixColumn;
91492 }
91493 t2 = this._source_map_buffer0$_entries;
91494 return A.SingleMapping_SingleMapping$fromEntries(new A.MappedListIterable(t2, new A.SourceMapBuffer_buildSourceMap_closure0(_box_0, t1), A._arrayInstanceType(t2)._eval$1("MappedListIterable<1,Entry>")));
91495 }
91496 };
91497 A.SourceMapBuffer_buildSourceMap_closure0.prototype = {
91498 call$1(entry) {
91499 var t1 = entry.source,
91500 t2 = entry.target,
91501 t3 = t2.line,
91502 t4 = this._box_0,
91503 t5 = t4.prefixLines;
91504 t4 = t3 === 0 ? t4.prefixColumn : 0;
91505 return new A.Entry(t1, A.SourceLocation$(t2.offset + this.prefixLength, t2.column + t4, t3 + t5, null), entry.identifierName);
91506 },
91507 $signature: 229
91508 };
91509 A.updateSourceSpanPrototype_closure.prototype = {
91510 call$1(span) {
91511 return A.FileLocation$_(span.file, span._file$_start);
91512 },
91513 $signature: 246
91514 };
91515 A.updateSourceSpanPrototype_closure0.prototype = {
91516 call$1(span) {
91517 return A.FileLocation$_(span.file, span._end);
91518 },
91519 $signature: 246
91520 };
91521 A.updateSourceSpanPrototype_closure1.prototype = {
91522 call$1(span) {
91523 return A.NullableExtension_andThen0(span.file.url, A.utils1__dartToJSUrl$closure());
91524 },
91525 $signature: 528
91526 };
91527 A.updateSourceSpanPrototype_closure2.prototype = {
91528 call$1(span) {
91529 return A.String_String$fromCharCodes(B.NativeUint32List_methods.sublist$2(span.file._decodedChars, span._file$_start, span._end), 0, null);
91530 },
91531 $signature: 247
91532 };
91533 A.updateSourceSpanPrototype_closure3.prototype = {
91534 call$1(span) {
91535 return span.get$context(span);
91536 },
91537 $signature: 247
91538 };
91539 A.updateSourceSpanPrototype_closure4.prototype = {
91540 call$1($location) {
91541 return $location.get$line();
91542 },
91543 $signature: 248
91544 };
91545 A.updateSourceSpanPrototype_closure5.prototype = {
91546 call$1($location) {
91547 return $location.get$column();
91548 },
91549 $signature: 248
91550 };
91551 A.StatementSearchVisitor0.prototype = {
91552 visitAtRootRule$1(node) {
91553 return this.visitChildren$1(node.children);
91554 },
91555 visitAtRule$1(node) {
91556 return A.NullableExtension_andThen0(node.children, this.get$visitChildren());
91557 },
91558 visitContentBlock$1(node) {
91559 return this.visitChildren$1(node.children);
91560 },
91561 visitDebugRule$1(node) {
91562 return null;
91563 },
91564 visitDeclaration$1(node) {
91565 return A.NullableExtension_andThen0(node.children, this.get$visitChildren());
91566 },
91567 visitEachRule$1(node) {
91568 return this.visitChildren$1(node.children);
91569 },
91570 visitErrorRule$1(node) {
91571 return null;
91572 },
91573 visitExtendRule$1(node) {
91574 return null;
91575 },
91576 visitForRule$1(node) {
91577 return this.visitChildren$1(node.children);
91578 },
91579 visitForwardRule$1(node) {
91580 return null;
91581 },
91582 visitFunctionRule$1(node) {
91583 return this.visitChildren$1(node.children);
91584 },
91585 visitIfRule$1(node) {
91586 var t1 = A._IterableExtension__search0(node.clauses, new A.StatementSearchVisitor_visitIfRule_closure1(this));
91587 return t1 == null ? A.NullableExtension_andThen0(node.lastClause, new A.StatementSearchVisitor_visitIfRule_closure2(this)) : t1;
91588 },
91589 visitImportRule$1(node) {
91590 return null;
91591 },
91592 visitIncludeRule$1(node) {
91593 return A.NullableExtension_andThen0(node.content, this.get$visitContentBlock());
91594 },
91595 visitLoudComment$1(node) {
91596 return null;
91597 },
91598 visitMediaRule$1(node) {
91599 return this.visitChildren$1(node.children);
91600 },
91601 visitMixinRule$1(node) {
91602 return this.visitChildren$1(node.children);
91603 },
91604 visitReturnRule$1(node) {
91605 return null;
91606 },
91607 visitSilentComment$1(node) {
91608 return null;
91609 },
91610 visitStyleRule$1(node) {
91611 return this.visitChildren$1(node.children);
91612 },
91613 visitStylesheet$1(node) {
91614 return this.visitChildren$1(node.children);
91615 },
91616 visitSupportsRule$1(node) {
91617 return this.visitChildren$1(node.children);
91618 },
91619 visitUseRule$1(node) {
91620 return null;
91621 },
91622 visitVariableDeclaration$1(node) {
91623 return null;
91624 },
91625 visitWarnRule$1(node) {
91626 return null;
91627 },
91628 visitWhileRule$1(node) {
91629 return this.visitChildren$1(node.children);
91630 },
91631 visitChildren$1(children) {
91632 return A._IterableExtension__search0(children, new A.StatementSearchVisitor_visitChildren_closure0(this));
91633 }
91634 };
91635 A.StatementSearchVisitor_visitIfRule_closure1.prototype = {
91636 call$1(clause) {
91637 return A._IterableExtension__search0(clause.children, new A.StatementSearchVisitor_visitIfRule__closure2(this.$this));
91638 },
91639 $signature() {
91640 return A._instanceType(this.$this)._eval$1("StatementSearchVisitor0.T?(IfClause0)");
91641 }
91642 };
91643 A.StatementSearchVisitor_visitIfRule__closure2.prototype = {
91644 call$1(child) {
91645 return child.accept$1(this.$this);
91646 },
91647 $signature() {
91648 return A._instanceType(this.$this)._eval$1("StatementSearchVisitor0.T?(Statement0)");
91649 }
91650 };
91651 A.StatementSearchVisitor_visitIfRule_closure2.prototype = {
91652 call$1(lastClause) {
91653 return A._IterableExtension__search0(lastClause.children, new A.StatementSearchVisitor_visitIfRule__closure1(this.$this));
91654 },
91655 $signature() {
91656 return A._instanceType(this.$this)._eval$1("StatementSearchVisitor0.T?(ElseClause0)");
91657 }
91658 };
91659 A.StatementSearchVisitor_visitIfRule__closure1.prototype = {
91660 call$1(child) {
91661 return child.accept$1(this.$this);
91662 },
91663 $signature() {
91664 return A._instanceType(this.$this)._eval$1("StatementSearchVisitor0.T?(Statement0)");
91665 }
91666 };
91667 A.StatementSearchVisitor_visitChildren_closure0.prototype = {
91668 call$1(child) {
91669 return child.accept$1(this.$this);
91670 },
91671 $signature() {
91672 return A._instanceType(this.$this)._eval$1("StatementSearchVisitor0.T?(Statement0)");
91673 }
91674 };
91675 A.StaticImport0.prototype = {
91676 toString$0(_) {
91677 var t1 = this.url.toString$0(0),
91678 t2 = this.supports;
91679 if (t2 != null)
91680 t1 += " supports(" + t2.toString$0(0) + ")";
91681 t2 = this.media;
91682 if (t2 != null)
91683 t1 += " " + t2.toString$0(0);
91684 t1 += A.Primitives_stringFromCharCode(59);
91685 return t1.charCodeAt(0) == 0 ? t1 : t1;
91686 },
91687 $isImport0: 1,
91688 $isAstNode0: 1,
91689 get$span(receiver) {
91690 return this.span;
91691 }
91692 };
91693 A.StderrLogger0.prototype = {
91694 warn$4$deprecation$span$trace(_, message, deprecation, span, trace) {
91695 var t2, t3, t4,
91696 t1 = this.color;
91697 if (t1) {
91698 t2 = $.$get$stderr0();
91699 t3 = t2._node0$_stderr;
91700 t4 = J.getInterceptor$x(t3);
91701 t4.write$1(t3, "\x1b[33m\x1b[1m");
91702 if (deprecation)
91703 t4.write$1(t3, "Deprecation ");
91704 t4.write$1(t3, "Warning\x1b[0m");
91705 } else {
91706 if (deprecation)
91707 J.write$1$x($.$get$stderr0()._node0$_stderr, "DEPRECATION ");
91708 t2 = $.$get$stderr0();
91709 J.write$1$x(t2._node0$_stderr, "WARNING");
91710 }
91711 if (span == null)
91712 t2.writeln$1(": " + message);
91713 else if (trace != null)
91714 t2.writeln$1(": " + message + "\n\n" + span.highlight$1$color(t1));
91715 else
91716 t2.writeln$1(" on " + span.message$2$color(0, "\n" + message, t1));
91717 if (trace != null)
91718 t2.writeln$1(A.indent0(B.JSString_methods.trimRight$0(trace.toString$0(0)), 4));
91719 t2.writeln$0();
91720 },
91721 warn$1($receiver, message) {
91722 return this.warn$4$deprecation$span$trace($receiver, message, false, null, null);
91723 },
91724 warn$2$span($receiver, message, span) {
91725 return this.warn$4$deprecation$span$trace($receiver, message, false, span, null);
91726 },
91727 warn$2$deprecation($receiver, message, deprecation) {
91728 return this.warn$4$deprecation$span$trace($receiver, message, deprecation, null, null);
91729 },
91730 warn$3$deprecation$span($receiver, message, deprecation, span) {
91731 return this.warn$4$deprecation$span$trace($receiver, message, deprecation, span, null);
91732 },
91733 warn$2$trace($receiver, message, trace) {
91734 return this.warn$4$deprecation$span$trace($receiver, message, false, null, trace);
91735 },
91736 debug$2(_, message, span) {
91737 var url, t3, t4,
91738 t1 = span.file,
91739 t2 = span._file$_start;
91740 if (A.FileLocation$_(t1, t2).file.url == null)
91741 url = "-";
91742 else {
91743 t3 = A.FileLocation$_(t1, t2);
91744 url = $.$get$context().prettyUri$1(t3.file.url);
91745 }
91746 t3 = $.$get$stderr0();
91747 t4 = url + ":";
91748 t2 = A.FileLocation$_(t1, t2);
91749 t2 = t4 + (t2.file.getLine$1(t2.offset) + 1) + " ";
91750 t4 = t3._node0$_stderr;
91751 t1 = J.getInterceptor$x(t4);
91752 t1.write$1(t4, t2);
91753 t1.write$1(t4, this.color ? "\x1b[1mDebug\x1b[0m" : "DEBUG");
91754 t3.writeln$1(": " + message);
91755 }
91756 };
91757 A.StringExpression0.prototype = {
91758 get$span(_) {
91759 return this.text.span;
91760 },
91761 accept$1$1(visitor) {
91762 return visitor.visitStringExpression$1(this);
91763 },
91764 accept$1(visitor) {
91765 return this.accept$1$1(visitor, type$.dynamic);
91766 },
91767 asInterpolation$1$static($static) {
91768 var t1, t2, quote, t3, t4, buffer, t5, t6, _i, value;
91769 if (!this.hasQuotes)
91770 return this.text;
91771 t1 = this.text;
91772 t2 = t1.contents;
91773 quote = A.StringExpression__bestQuote0(new A.WhereTypeIterable(t2, type$.WhereTypeIterable_String));
91774 t3 = new A.StringBuffer("");
91775 t4 = A._setArrayType([], type$.JSArray_Object);
91776 buffer = new A.InterpolationBuffer0(t3, t4);
91777 t3._contents = "" + A.Primitives_stringFromCharCode(quote);
91778 for (t5 = t2.length, t6 = type$.Expression_2, _i = 0; _i < t5; ++_i) {
91779 value = t2[_i];
91780 if (t6._is(value)) {
91781 buffer._interpolation_buffer0$_flushText$0();
91782 t4.push(value);
91783 } else if (typeof value == "string")
91784 A.StringExpression__quoteInnerText0(value, quote, buffer, $static);
91785 }
91786 t3._contents += A.Primitives_stringFromCharCode(quote);
91787 return buffer.interpolation$1(t1.span);
91788 },
91789 asInterpolation$0() {
91790 return this.asInterpolation$1$static(false);
91791 },
91792 toString$0(_) {
91793 return this.asInterpolation$0().toString$0(0);
91794 },
91795 $isExpression0: 1,
91796 $isAstNode0: 1
91797 };
91798 A._unquote_closure0.prototype = {
91799 call$1($arguments) {
91800 var string = J.$index$asx($arguments, 0).assertString$1("string");
91801 if (!string._string0$_hasQuotes)
91802 return string;
91803 return new A.SassString0(string._string0$_text, false);
91804 },
91805 $signature: 14
91806 };
91807 A._quote_closure0.prototype = {
91808 call$1($arguments) {
91809 var string = J.$index$asx($arguments, 0).assertString$1("string");
91810 if (string._string0$_hasQuotes)
91811 return string;
91812 return new A.SassString0(string._string0$_text, true);
91813 },
91814 $signature: 14
91815 };
91816 A._length_closure1.prototype = {
91817 call$1($arguments) {
91818 var t1 = J.$index$asx($arguments, 0).assertString$1("string").get$_string0$_sassLength();
91819 return new A.UnitlessSassNumber0(t1, null);
91820 },
91821 $signature: 10
91822 };
91823 A._insert_closure0.prototype = {
91824 call$1($arguments) {
91825 var indexInt, codeUnitIndex, _s5_ = "index",
91826 t1 = J.getInterceptor$asx($arguments),
91827 string = t1.$index($arguments, 0).assertString$1("string"),
91828 insert = t1.$index($arguments, 1).assertString$1("insert"),
91829 index = t1.$index($arguments, 2).assertNumber$1(_s5_);
91830 index.assertNoUnits$1(_s5_);
91831 indexInt = index.assertInt$1(_s5_);
91832 if (indexInt < 0)
91833 indexInt = Math.max(string.get$_string0$_sassLength() + indexInt + 2, 0);
91834 t1 = string._string0$_text;
91835 codeUnitIndex = A.codepointIndexToCodeUnitIndex0(t1, A._codepointForIndex0(indexInt, string.get$_string0$_sassLength(), false));
91836 return new A.SassString0(B.JSString_methods.replaceRange$3(t1, codeUnitIndex, codeUnitIndex, insert._string0$_text), string._string0$_hasQuotes);
91837 },
91838 $signature: 14
91839 };
91840 A._index_closure1.prototype = {
91841 call$1($arguments) {
91842 var codepointIndex,
91843 t1 = J.getInterceptor$asx($arguments),
91844 t2 = t1.$index($arguments, 0).assertString$1("string")._string0$_text,
91845 codeUnitIndex = B.JSString_methods.indexOf$1(t2, t1.$index($arguments, 1).assertString$1("substring")._string0$_text);
91846 if (codeUnitIndex === -1)
91847 return B.C__SassNull0;
91848 codepointIndex = A.codeUnitIndexToCodepointIndex0(t2, codeUnitIndex);
91849 return new A.UnitlessSassNumber0(codepointIndex + 1, null);
91850 },
91851 $signature: 3
91852 };
91853 A._slice_closure0.prototype = {
91854 call$1($arguments) {
91855 var lengthInCodepoints, endInt, startCodepoint, endCodepoint,
91856 _s8_ = "start-at",
91857 t1 = J.getInterceptor$asx($arguments),
91858 string = t1.$index($arguments, 0).assertString$1("string"),
91859 start = t1.$index($arguments, 1).assertNumber$1(_s8_),
91860 end = t1.$index($arguments, 2).assertNumber$1("end-at");
91861 start.assertNoUnits$1(_s8_);
91862 end.assertNoUnits$1("end-at");
91863 lengthInCodepoints = string.get$_string0$_sassLength();
91864 endInt = end.assertInt$0();
91865 if (endInt === 0)
91866 return string._string0$_hasQuotes ? $.$get$_emptyQuoted0() : $.$get$_emptyUnquoted0();
91867 startCodepoint = A._codepointForIndex0(start.assertInt$0(), lengthInCodepoints, false);
91868 endCodepoint = A._codepointForIndex0(endInt, lengthInCodepoints, true);
91869 if (endCodepoint === lengthInCodepoints)
91870 --endCodepoint;
91871 if (endCodepoint < startCodepoint)
91872 return string._string0$_hasQuotes ? $.$get$_emptyQuoted0() : $.$get$_emptyUnquoted0();
91873 t1 = string._string0$_text;
91874 return new A.SassString0(B.JSString_methods.substring$2(t1, A.codepointIndexToCodeUnitIndex0(t1, startCodepoint), A.codepointIndexToCodeUnitIndex0(t1, endCodepoint + 1)), string._string0$_hasQuotes);
91875 },
91876 $signature: 14
91877 };
91878 A._toUpperCase_closure0.prototype = {
91879 call$1($arguments) {
91880 var t1, t2, i, t3, t4,
91881 string = J.$index$asx($arguments, 0).assertString$1("string");
91882 for (t1 = string._string0$_text, t2 = t1.length, i = 0, t3 = ""; i < t2; ++i) {
91883 t4 = B.JSString_methods._codeUnitAt$1(t1, i);
91884 t3 += A.Primitives_stringFromCharCode(t4 >= 97 && t4 <= 122 ? t4 & 4294967263 : t4);
91885 }
91886 return new A.SassString0(t3.charCodeAt(0) == 0 ? t3 : t3, string._string0$_hasQuotes);
91887 },
91888 $signature: 14
91889 };
91890 A._toLowerCase_closure0.prototype = {
91891 call$1($arguments) {
91892 var t1, t2, i, t3, t4,
91893 string = J.$index$asx($arguments, 0).assertString$1("string");
91894 for (t1 = string._string0$_text, t2 = t1.length, i = 0, t3 = ""; i < t2; ++i) {
91895 t4 = B.JSString_methods._codeUnitAt$1(t1, i);
91896 t3 += A.Primitives_stringFromCharCode(t4 >= 65 && t4 <= 90 ? t4 | 32 : t4);
91897 }
91898 return new A.SassString0(t3.charCodeAt(0) == 0 ? t3 : t3, string._string0$_hasQuotes);
91899 },
91900 $signature: 14
91901 };
91902 A._uniqueId_closure0.prototype = {
91903 call$1($arguments) {
91904 var t1 = $.$get$_previousUniqueId0() + ($.$get$_random1().nextInt$1(36) + 1);
91905 $._previousUniqueId0 = t1;
91906 if (t1 > Math.pow(36, 6))
91907 $._previousUniqueId0 = B.JSInt_methods.$mod($.$get$_previousUniqueId0(), A._asInt(Math.pow(36, 6)));
91908 return new A.SassString0("u" + B.JSString_methods.padLeft$2(J.toRadixString$1$n($.$get$_previousUniqueId0(), 36), 6, "0"), false);
91909 },
91910 $signature: 14
91911 };
91912 A._NodeSassString.prototype = {};
91913 A.legacyStringClass_closure.prototype = {
91914 call$3(thisArg, value, dartValue) {
91915 var t1;
91916 if (dartValue == null) {
91917 value.toString;
91918 t1 = new A.SassString0(value, false);
91919 } else
91920 t1 = dartValue;
91921 J.set$dartValue$x(thisArg, t1);
91922 },
91923 call$2(thisArg, value) {
91924 return this.call$3(thisArg, value, null);
91925 },
91926 "call*": "call$3",
91927 $requiredArgCount: 2,
91928 $defaultValues() {
91929 return [null];
91930 },
91931 $signature: 531
91932 };
91933 A.legacyStringClass_closure0.prototype = {
91934 call$1(thisArg) {
91935 return J.get$dartValue$x(thisArg)._string0$_text;
91936 },
91937 $signature: 532
91938 };
91939 A.legacyStringClass_closure1.prototype = {
91940 call$2(thisArg, value) {
91941 J.set$dartValue$x(thisArg, new A.SassString0(value, false));
91942 },
91943 $signature: 533
91944 };
91945 A.stringClass_closure.prototype = {
91946 call$0() {
91947 var t2,
91948 t1 = type$.JSClass,
91949 jsClass = t1._as(A.allowInteropCaptureThisNamed("sass.SassString", new A.stringClass__closure()));
91950 A.LinkedHashMap_LinkedHashMap$_literal(["text", new A.stringClass__closure0(), "hasQuotes", new A.stringClass__closure1(), "sassLength", new A.stringClass__closure2()], type$.String, type$.Function).forEach$1(0, A.JSClassExtension_get_defineGetter(jsClass));
91951 J.get$$prototype$x(jsClass).sassIndexToStringIndex = A.allowInteropCaptureThisNamed("sassIndexToStringIndex", new A.stringClass__closure3());
91952 t2 = $.$get$_emptyQuoted0();
91953 A.JSClassExtension_injectSuperclass(t1._as(t2.constructor), jsClass);
91954 return jsClass;
91955 },
91956 $signature: 25
91957 };
91958 A.stringClass__closure.prototype = {
91959 call$3($self, textOrOptions, options) {
91960 var t1;
91961 if (typeof textOrOptions == "string") {
91962 t1 = options == null ? null : J.get$quotes$x(options);
91963 t1 = new A.SassString0(textOrOptions, t1 == null ? true : t1);
91964 } else {
91965 type$.nullable__ConstructorOptions_3._as(textOrOptions);
91966 t1 = textOrOptions == null ? null : J.get$quotes$x(textOrOptions);
91967 t1 = (t1 == null ? true : t1) ? $.$get$_emptyQuoted0() : $.$get$_emptyUnquoted0();
91968 }
91969 return t1;
91970 },
91971 call$1($self) {
91972 return this.call$3($self, null, null);
91973 },
91974 call$2($self, textOrOptions) {
91975 return this.call$3($self, textOrOptions, null);
91976 },
91977 "call*": "call$3",
91978 $requiredArgCount: 1,
91979 $defaultValues() {
91980 return [null, null];
91981 },
91982 $signature: 534
91983 };
91984 A.stringClass__closure0.prototype = {
91985 call$1($self) {
91986 return $self._string0$_text;
91987 },
91988 $signature: 535
91989 };
91990 A.stringClass__closure1.prototype = {
91991 call$1($self) {
91992 return $self._string0$_hasQuotes;
91993 },
91994 $signature: 536
91995 };
91996 A.stringClass__closure2.prototype = {
91997 call$1($self) {
91998 return $self.get$_string0$_sassLength();
91999 },
92000 $signature: 537
92001 };
92002 A.stringClass__closure3.prototype = {
92003 call$3($self, sassIndex, $name) {
92004 var t1 = $self._string0$_text,
92005 index = sassIndex.assertNumber$1($name).assertInt$1($name);
92006 if (index === 0)
92007 A.throwExpression($self._string0$_exception$2("String index may not be 0.", $name));
92008 if (Math.abs(index) > $self.get$_string0$_sassLength())
92009 A.throwExpression($self._string0$_exception$2("Invalid index " + sassIndex.toString$0(0) + " for a string with " + $self.get$_string0$_sassLength() + " characters.", $name));
92010 return A.codepointIndexToCodeUnitIndex0(t1, index < 0 ? $self.get$_string0$_sassLength() + index : index - 1);
92011 },
92012 call$2($self, sassIndex) {
92013 return this.call$3($self, sassIndex, null);
92014 },
92015 "call*": "call$3",
92016 $requiredArgCount: 2,
92017 $defaultValues() {
92018 return [null];
92019 },
92020 $signature: 538
92021 };
92022 A._ConstructorOptions1.prototype = {};
92023 A.SassString0.prototype = {
92024 get$_string0$_sassLength() {
92025 var t1, result, _this = this,
92026 value = _this._string0$__SassString__sassLength;
92027 if (value === $) {
92028 t1 = new A.Runes(_this._string0$_text);
92029 result = t1.get$length(t1);
92030 A._lateInitializeOnceCheck(_this._string0$__SassString__sassLength, "_sassLength");
92031 _this._string0$__SassString__sassLength = result;
92032 value = result;
92033 }
92034 return value;
92035 },
92036 get$isSpecialNumber() {
92037 var t1, t2;
92038 if (this._string0$_hasQuotes)
92039 return false;
92040 t1 = this._string0$_text;
92041 if (t1.length < 6)
92042 return false;
92043 t2 = B.JSString_methods._codeUnitAt$1(t1, 0) | 32;
92044 if (t2 === 99) {
92045 t2 = B.JSString_methods._codeUnitAt$1(t1, 1) | 32;
92046 if (t2 === 108) {
92047 if ((B.JSString_methods._codeUnitAt$1(t1, 2) | 32) !== 97)
92048 return false;
92049 if ((B.JSString_methods._codeUnitAt$1(t1, 3) | 32) !== 109)
92050 return false;
92051 if ((B.JSString_methods._codeUnitAt$1(t1, 4) | 32) !== 112)
92052 return false;
92053 return B.JSString_methods._codeUnitAt$1(t1, 5) === 40;
92054 } else if (t2 === 97) {
92055 if ((B.JSString_methods._codeUnitAt$1(t1, 2) | 32) !== 108)
92056 return false;
92057 if ((B.JSString_methods._codeUnitAt$1(t1, 3) | 32) !== 99)
92058 return false;
92059 return B.JSString_methods._codeUnitAt$1(t1, 4) === 40;
92060 } else
92061 return false;
92062 } else if (t2 === 118) {
92063 if ((B.JSString_methods._codeUnitAt$1(t1, 1) | 32) !== 97)
92064 return false;
92065 if ((B.JSString_methods._codeUnitAt$1(t1, 2) | 32) !== 114)
92066 return false;
92067 return B.JSString_methods._codeUnitAt$1(t1, 3) === 40;
92068 } else if (t2 === 101) {
92069 if ((B.JSString_methods._codeUnitAt$1(t1, 1) | 32) !== 110)
92070 return false;
92071 if ((B.JSString_methods._codeUnitAt$1(t1, 2) | 32) !== 118)
92072 return false;
92073 return B.JSString_methods._codeUnitAt$1(t1, 3) === 40;
92074 } else if (t2 === 109) {
92075 t2 = B.JSString_methods._codeUnitAt$1(t1, 1) | 32;
92076 if (t2 === 97) {
92077 if ((B.JSString_methods._codeUnitAt$1(t1, 2) | 32) !== 120)
92078 return false;
92079 return B.JSString_methods._codeUnitAt$1(t1, 3) === 40;
92080 } else if (t2 === 105) {
92081 if ((B.JSString_methods._codeUnitAt$1(t1, 2) | 32) !== 110)
92082 return false;
92083 return B.JSString_methods._codeUnitAt$1(t1, 3) === 40;
92084 } else
92085 return false;
92086 } else
92087 return false;
92088 },
92089 get$isVar() {
92090 if (this._string0$_hasQuotes)
92091 return false;
92092 var t1 = this._string0$_text;
92093 if (t1.length < 8)
92094 return false;
92095 return (B.JSString_methods._codeUnitAt$1(t1, 0) | 32) === 118 && (B.JSString_methods._codeUnitAt$1(t1, 1) | 32) === 97 && (B.JSString_methods._codeUnitAt$1(t1, 2) | 32) === 114 && B.JSString_methods._codeUnitAt$1(t1, 3) === 40;
92096 },
92097 get$isBlank() {
92098 return !this._string0$_hasQuotes && this._string0$_text.length === 0;
92099 },
92100 accept$1$1(visitor) {
92101 var t1 = visitor._serialize0$_quote && this._string0$_hasQuotes,
92102 t2 = this._string0$_text;
92103 if (t1)
92104 visitor._serialize0$_visitQuotedString$1(t2);
92105 else
92106 visitor._serialize0$_visitUnquotedString$1(t2);
92107 return null;
92108 },
92109 accept$1(visitor) {
92110 return this.accept$1$1(visitor, type$.dynamic);
92111 },
92112 assertString$1($name) {
92113 return this;
92114 },
92115 plus$1(other) {
92116 var t1 = this._string0$_text,
92117 t2 = this._string0$_hasQuotes;
92118 if (other instanceof A.SassString0)
92119 return new A.SassString0(t1 + other._string0$_text, t2);
92120 else
92121 return new A.SassString0(t1 + A.serializeValue0(other, false, true), t2);
92122 },
92123 $eq(_, other) {
92124 if (other == null)
92125 return false;
92126 return other instanceof A.SassString0 && this._string0$_text === other._string0$_text;
92127 },
92128 get$hashCode(_) {
92129 var t1 = this._string0$_hashCache;
92130 return t1 == null ? this._string0$_hashCache = B.JSString_methods.get$hashCode(this._string0$_text) : t1;
92131 },
92132 _string0$_exception$2(message, $name) {
92133 return new A.SassScriptException0($name == null ? message : "$" + $name + ": " + message);
92134 }
92135 };
92136 A.ModifiableCssStyleRule0.prototype = {
92137 accept$1$1(visitor) {
92138 return visitor.visitCssStyleRule$1(this);
92139 },
92140 accept$1(visitor) {
92141 return this.accept$1$1(visitor, type$.dynamic);
92142 },
92143 copyWithoutChildren$0() {
92144 return A.ModifiableCssStyleRule$0(this.selector, this.span, this.originalSelector);
92145 },
92146 $isCssStyleRule0: 1,
92147 get$span(receiver) {
92148 return this.span;
92149 }
92150 };
92151 A.StyleRule0.prototype = {
92152 accept$1$1(visitor) {
92153 return visitor.visitStyleRule$1(this);
92154 },
92155 accept$1(visitor) {
92156 return this.accept$1$1(visitor, type$.dynamic);
92157 },
92158 toString$0(_) {
92159 var t1 = this.children;
92160 return this.selector.toString$0(0) + " {" + (t1 && B.JSArray_methods).join$1(t1, " ") + "}";
92161 },
92162 get$span(receiver) {
92163 return this.span;
92164 }
92165 };
92166 A.CssStylesheet0.prototype = {
92167 get$isGroupEnd() {
92168 return false;
92169 },
92170 get$isChildless() {
92171 return false;
92172 },
92173 accept$1$1(visitor) {
92174 return visitor.visitCssStylesheet$1(this);
92175 },
92176 accept$1(visitor) {
92177 return this.accept$1$1(visitor, type$.dynamic);
92178 },
92179 get$children(receiver) {
92180 return this.children;
92181 },
92182 get$span(receiver) {
92183 return this.span;
92184 }
92185 };
92186 A.ModifiableCssStylesheet0.prototype = {
92187 accept$1$1(visitor) {
92188 return visitor.visitCssStylesheet$1(this);
92189 },
92190 accept$1(visitor) {
92191 return this.accept$1$1(visitor, type$.dynamic);
92192 },
92193 copyWithoutChildren$0() {
92194 return A.ModifiableCssStylesheet$0(this.span);
92195 },
92196 $isCssStylesheet0: 1,
92197 get$span(receiver) {
92198 return this.span;
92199 }
92200 };
92201 A.StylesheetParser0.prototype = {
92202 parse$0() {
92203 return this.wrapSpanFormatException$1(new A.StylesheetParser_parse_closure0(this));
92204 },
92205 parseArgumentDeclaration$0() {
92206 return this._stylesheet0$_parseSingleProduction$1$1(new A.StylesheetParser_parseArgumentDeclaration_closure0(this), type$.ArgumentDeclaration_2);
92207 },
92208 _stylesheet0$_parseSingleProduction$1$1(production, $T) {
92209 return this.wrapSpanFormatException$1(new A.StylesheetParser__parseSingleProduction_closure0(this, production, $T));
92210 },
92211 parseSignature$1$requireParens(requireParens) {
92212 return this.wrapSpanFormatException$1(new A.StylesheetParser_parseSignature_closure(this, requireParens));
92213 },
92214 parseSignature$0() {
92215 return this.parseSignature$1$requireParens(true);
92216 },
92217 _stylesheet0$_statement$1$root(root) {
92218 var t2, _this = this,
92219 t1 = _this.scanner;
92220 switch (t1.peekChar$0()) {
92221 case 64:
92222 return _this.atRule$2$root(new A.StylesheetParser__statement_closure0(_this), root);
92223 case 43:
92224 if (!_this.get$indented() || !_this.lookingAtIdentifier$1(1))
92225 return _this._stylesheet0$_styleRule$0();
92226 _this._stylesheet0$_isUseAllowed = false;
92227 t2 = t1._string_scanner$_position;
92228 t1.readChar$0();
92229 return _this._stylesheet0$_includeRule$1(new A._SpanScannerState(t1, t2));
92230 case 61:
92231 if (!_this.get$indented())
92232 return _this._stylesheet0$_styleRule$0();
92233 _this._stylesheet0$_isUseAllowed = false;
92234 t2 = t1._string_scanner$_position;
92235 t1.readChar$0();
92236 _this.whitespace$0();
92237 return _this._stylesheet0$_mixinRule$1(new A._SpanScannerState(t1, t2));
92238 case 125:
92239 t1.error$2$length(0, 'unmatched "}".', 1);
92240 break;
92241 default:
92242 return _this._stylesheet0$_inStyleRule || _this._stylesheet0$_inUnknownAtRule || _this._stylesheet0$_inMixin || _this._stylesheet0$_inContentBlock ? _this._stylesheet0$_declarationOrStyleRule$0() : _this._stylesheet0$_variableDeclarationOrStyleRule$0();
92243 }
92244 },
92245 _stylesheet0$_statement$0() {
92246 return this._stylesheet0$_statement$1$root(false);
92247 },
92248 variableDeclarationWithoutNamespace$2(namespace, start_) {
92249 var t1, start, $name, t2, value, flagStart, t3, guarded, global, flag, endPosition, t4, t5, t6, declaration, _this = this,
92250 precedingComment = _this.lastSilentComment;
92251 _this.lastSilentComment = null;
92252 if (start_ == null) {
92253 t1 = _this.scanner;
92254 start = new A._SpanScannerState(t1, t1._string_scanner$_position);
92255 } else
92256 start = start_;
92257 $name = _this.variableName$0();
92258 t1 = namespace != null;
92259 if (t1)
92260 _this._stylesheet0$_assertPublic$2($name, new A.StylesheetParser_variableDeclarationWithoutNamespace_closure1(_this, start));
92261 if (_this.get$plainCss())
92262 _this.error$2(0, string$.Sass_v, _this.scanner.spanFrom$1(start));
92263 _this.whitespace$0();
92264 t2 = _this.scanner;
92265 t2.expectChar$1(58);
92266 _this.whitespace$0();
92267 value = _this.expression$0();
92268 flagStart = new A._SpanScannerState(t2, t2._string_scanner$_position);
92269 for (t3 = t2.string, guarded = false, global = false; t2.scanChar$1(33);) {
92270 flag = _this.identifier$0();
92271 if (flag === "default")
92272 guarded = true;
92273 else if (flag === "global") {
92274 if (t1) {
92275 endPosition = t2._string_scanner$_position;
92276 t4 = t2._sourceFile;
92277 t5 = flagStart.position;
92278 t6 = new A._FileSpan(t4, t5, endPosition);
92279 t6._FileSpan$3(t4, t5, endPosition);
92280 A.throwExpression(new A.StringScannerException(t3, string$.x21globa, t6));
92281 }
92282 global = true;
92283 } else {
92284 endPosition = t2._string_scanner$_position;
92285 t4 = t2._sourceFile;
92286 t5 = flagStart.position;
92287 t6 = new A._FileSpan(t4, t5, endPosition);
92288 t6._FileSpan$3(t4, t5, endPosition);
92289 A.throwExpression(new A.StringScannerException(t3, "Invalid flag name.", t6));
92290 }
92291 _this.whitespace$0();
92292 flagStart = new A._SpanScannerState(t2, t2._string_scanner$_position);
92293 }
92294 _this.expectStatementSeparator$1("variable declaration");
92295 declaration = A.VariableDeclaration$0($name, value, t2.spanFrom$1(start), precedingComment, global, guarded, namespace);
92296 if (global)
92297 _this._stylesheet0$_globalVariables.putIfAbsent$2($name, new A.StylesheetParser_variableDeclarationWithoutNamespace_closure2(declaration));
92298 return declaration;
92299 },
92300 variableDeclarationWithoutNamespace$0() {
92301 return this.variableDeclarationWithoutNamespace$2(null, null);
92302 },
92303 _stylesheet0$_variableDeclarationOrStyleRule$0() {
92304 var t1, t2, variableOrInterpolation, t3, _this = this;
92305 if (_this.get$plainCss())
92306 return _this._stylesheet0$_styleRule$0();
92307 if (_this.get$indented() && _this.scanner.scanChar$1(92))
92308 return _this._stylesheet0$_styleRule$0();
92309 if (!_this.lookingAtIdentifier$0())
92310 return _this._stylesheet0$_styleRule$0();
92311 t1 = _this.scanner;
92312 t2 = t1._string_scanner$_position;
92313 variableOrInterpolation = _this._stylesheet0$_variableDeclarationOrInterpolation$0();
92314 if (variableOrInterpolation instanceof A.VariableDeclaration0)
92315 return variableOrInterpolation;
92316 else {
92317 t3 = new A.InterpolationBuffer0(new A.StringBuffer(""), A._setArrayType([], type$.JSArray_Object));
92318 t3.addInterpolation$1(type$.Interpolation_2._as(variableOrInterpolation));
92319 return _this._stylesheet0$_styleRule$2(t3, new A._SpanScannerState(t1, t2));
92320 }
92321 },
92322 _stylesheet0$_declarationOrStyleRule$0() {
92323 var t1, t2, declarationOrBuffer, _this = this;
92324 if (_this.get$plainCss() && _this._stylesheet0$_inStyleRule && !_this._stylesheet0$_inUnknownAtRule)
92325 return _this._stylesheet0$_propertyOrVariableDeclaration$0();
92326 if (_this.get$indented() && _this.scanner.scanChar$1(92))
92327 return _this._stylesheet0$_styleRule$0();
92328 t1 = _this.scanner;
92329 t2 = t1._string_scanner$_position;
92330 declarationOrBuffer = _this._stylesheet0$_declarationOrBuffer$0();
92331 return type$.Statement_2._is(declarationOrBuffer) ? declarationOrBuffer : _this._stylesheet0$_styleRule$2(type$.InterpolationBuffer_2._as(declarationOrBuffer), new A._SpanScannerState(t1, t2));
92332 },
92333 _stylesheet0$_declarationOrBuffer$0() {
92334 var midBuffer, couldBeSelector, beforeDeclaration, additional, t4, startsWithPunctuation, variableOrInterpolation, t5, $name, postColonWhitespace, value, exception, _this = this, t1 = {},
92335 t2 = _this.scanner,
92336 start = new A._SpanScannerState(t2, t2._string_scanner$_position),
92337 t3 = type$.JSArray_Object,
92338 nameBuffer = new A.InterpolationBuffer0(new A.StringBuffer(""), A._setArrayType([], t3)),
92339 first = t2.peekChar$0();
92340 if (first !== 58)
92341 if (first !== 42)
92342 if (first !== 46)
92343 t4 = first === 35 && t2.peekChar$1(1) !== 123;
92344 else
92345 t4 = true;
92346 else
92347 t4 = true;
92348 else
92349 t4 = true;
92350 if (t4) {
92351 t4 = t2.readChar$0();
92352 nameBuffer._interpolation_buffer0$_text._contents += A.Primitives_stringFromCharCode(t4);
92353 t4 = _this.rawText$1(_this.get$whitespace());
92354 nameBuffer._interpolation_buffer0$_text._contents += t4;
92355 startsWithPunctuation = true;
92356 } else
92357 startsWithPunctuation = false;
92358 if (!_this._stylesheet0$_lookingAtInterpolatedIdentifier$0())
92359 return nameBuffer;
92360 variableOrInterpolation = startsWithPunctuation ? _this.interpolatedIdentifier$0() : _this._stylesheet0$_variableDeclarationOrInterpolation$0();
92361 if (variableOrInterpolation instanceof A.VariableDeclaration0)
92362 return variableOrInterpolation;
92363 else
92364 nameBuffer.addInterpolation$1(type$.Interpolation_2._as(variableOrInterpolation));
92365 _this._stylesheet0$_isUseAllowed = false;
92366 if (t2.matches$1("/*")) {
92367 t4 = _this.rawText$1(_this.get$loudComment());
92368 nameBuffer._interpolation_buffer0$_text._contents += t4;
92369 }
92370 midBuffer = new A.StringBuffer("");
92371 t4 = _this.get$whitespace();
92372 midBuffer._contents += _this.rawText$1(t4);
92373 t5 = t2._string_scanner$_position;
92374 if (!t2.scanChar$1(58)) {
92375 if (midBuffer._contents.length !== 0)
92376 nameBuffer._interpolation_buffer0$_text._contents += A.Primitives_stringFromCharCode(32);
92377 return nameBuffer;
92378 }
92379 midBuffer._contents += A.Primitives_stringFromCharCode(58);
92380 $name = nameBuffer.interpolation$1(t2.spanFrom$2(start, new A._SpanScannerState(t2, t5)));
92381 if (B.JSString_methods.startsWith$1($name.get$initialPlain(), "--")) {
92382 t1 = _this._stylesheet0$_interpolatedDeclarationValue$0();
92383 _this.expectStatementSeparator$1("custom property");
92384 return A.Declaration$0($name, new A.StringExpression0(t1, false), t2.spanFrom$1(start));
92385 }
92386 if (t2.scanChar$1(58)) {
92387 t1 = nameBuffer;
92388 t2 = t1._interpolation_buffer0$_text;
92389 t3 = t2._contents += A.S(midBuffer);
92390 t2._contents = t3 + A.Primitives_stringFromCharCode(58);
92391 return t1;
92392 } else if (_this.get$indented() && _this._stylesheet0$_lookingAtInterpolatedIdentifier$0()) {
92393 t1 = nameBuffer;
92394 t1._interpolation_buffer0$_text._contents += A.S(midBuffer);
92395 return t1;
92396 }
92397 postColonWhitespace = _this.rawText$1(t4);
92398 if (_this.lookingAtChildren$0())
92399 return _this._stylesheet0$_withChildren$3(_this.get$_stylesheet0$_declarationChild(), start, new A.StylesheetParser__declarationOrBuffer_closure1($name));
92400 midBuffer._contents += postColonWhitespace;
92401 couldBeSelector = postColonWhitespace.length === 0 && _this._stylesheet0$_lookingAtInterpolatedIdentifier$0();
92402 beforeDeclaration = new A._SpanScannerState(t2, t2._string_scanner$_position);
92403 t4 = t1.value = null;
92404 try {
92405 if (_this.lookingAtChildren$0()) {
92406 t3 = A._setArrayType([], t3);
92407 t4 = A.FileLocation$_(t2._sourceFile, t2._string_scanner$_position);
92408 t5 = t4.offset;
92409 value = new A.StringExpression0(A.Interpolation$0(t3, A._FileSpan$(t4.file, t5, t5)), true);
92410 } else
92411 value = _this.expression$0();
92412 t3 = t1.value = value;
92413 if (_this.lookingAtChildren$0()) {
92414 if (couldBeSelector)
92415 _this.expectStatementSeparator$0();
92416 } else if (!_this.atEndOfStatement$0())
92417 _this.expectStatementSeparator$0();
92418 } catch (exception) {
92419 if (type$.FormatException._is(A.unwrapException(exception))) {
92420 if (!couldBeSelector)
92421 throw exception;
92422 t2.set$state(beforeDeclaration);
92423 additional = _this.almostAnyValue$0();
92424 if (!_this.get$indented() && t2.peekChar$0() === 59)
92425 throw exception;
92426 nameBuffer._interpolation_buffer0$_text._contents += A.S(midBuffer);
92427 nameBuffer.addInterpolation$1(additional);
92428 return nameBuffer;
92429 } else
92430 throw exception;
92431 }
92432 if (_this.lookingAtChildren$0())
92433 return _this._stylesheet0$_withChildren$3(_this.get$_stylesheet0$_declarationChild(), start, new A.StylesheetParser__declarationOrBuffer_closure2(t1, $name));
92434 else {
92435 _this.expectStatementSeparator$0();
92436 return A.Declaration$0($name, t3, t2.spanFrom$1(start));
92437 }
92438 },
92439 _stylesheet0$_variableDeclarationOrInterpolation$0() {
92440 var t1, start, identifier, t2, buffer, _this = this;
92441 if (!_this.lookingAtIdentifier$0())
92442 return _this.interpolatedIdentifier$0();
92443 t1 = _this.scanner;
92444 start = new A._SpanScannerState(t1, t1._string_scanner$_position);
92445 identifier = _this.identifier$0();
92446 if (t1.matches$1(".$")) {
92447 t1.readChar$0();
92448 return _this.variableDeclarationWithoutNamespace$2(identifier, start);
92449 } else {
92450 t2 = new A.StringBuffer("");
92451 buffer = new A.InterpolationBuffer0(t2, A._setArrayType([], type$.JSArray_Object));
92452 t2._contents = "" + identifier;
92453 if (_this._stylesheet0$_lookingAtInterpolatedIdentifierBody$0())
92454 buffer.addInterpolation$1(_this.interpolatedIdentifier$0());
92455 return buffer.interpolation$1(t1.spanFrom$1(start));
92456 }
92457 },
92458 _stylesheet0$_styleRule$2(buffer, start_) {
92459 var t2, start, interpolation, wasInStyleRule, _this = this, t1 = {};
92460 _this._stylesheet0$_isUseAllowed = false;
92461 if (start_ == null) {
92462 t2 = _this.scanner;
92463 start = new A._SpanScannerState(t2, t2._string_scanner$_position);
92464 } else
92465 start = start_;
92466 interpolation = t1.interpolation = _this.styleRuleSelector$0();
92467 if (buffer != null) {
92468 buffer.addInterpolation$1(interpolation);
92469 t2 = t1.interpolation = buffer.interpolation$1(_this.scanner.spanFrom$1(start));
92470 } else
92471 t2 = interpolation;
92472 if (t2.contents.length === 0)
92473 _this.scanner.error$1(0, 'expected "}".');
92474 wasInStyleRule = _this._stylesheet0$_inStyleRule;
92475 _this._stylesheet0$_inStyleRule = true;
92476 return _this._stylesheet0$_withChildren$3(_this.get$_stylesheet0$_statement(), start, new A.StylesheetParser__styleRule_closure0(t1, _this, wasInStyleRule, start));
92477 },
92478 _stylesheet0$_styleRule$0() {
92479 return this._stylesheet0$_styleRule$2(null, null);
92480 },
92481 _stylesheet0$_propertyOrVariableDeclaration$1$parseCustomProperties(parseCustomProperties) {
92482 var first, t3, nameBuffer, variableOrInterpolation, $name, value, _this = this,
92483 _s48_ = string$.Nested,
92484 t1 = {},
92485 t2 = _this.scanner,
92486 start = new A._SpanScannerState(t2, t2._string_scanner$_position);
92487 t1.name = null;
92488 first = t2.peekChar$0();
92489 if (first !== 58)
92490 if (first !== 42)
92491 if (first !== 46)
92492 t3 = first === 35 && t2.peekChar$1(1) !== 123;
92493 else
92494 t3 = true;
92495 else
92496 t3 = true;
92497 else
92498 t3 = true;
92499 if (t3) {
92500 t3 = new A.StringBuffer("");
92501 nameBuffer = new A.InterpolationBuffer0(t3, A._setArrayType([], type$.JSArray_Object));
92502 t3._contents += A.Primitives_stringFromCharCode(t2.readChar$0());
92503 t3._contents += _this.rawText$1(_this.get$whitespace());
92504 nameBuffer.addInterpolation$1(_this.interpolatedIdentifier$0());
92505 t3 = t1.name = nameBuffer.interpolation$1(t2.spanFrom$1(start));
92506 } else if (!_this.get$plainCss()) {
92507 variableOrInterpolation = _this._stylesheet0$_variableDeclarationOrInterpolation$0();
92508 if (variableOrInterpolation instanceof A.VariableDeclaration0)
92509 return variableOrInterpolation;
92510 else {
92511 type$.Interpolation_2._as(variableOrInterpolation);
92512 t1.name = variableOrInterpolation;
92513 }
92514 t3 = variableOrInterpolation;
92515 } else {
92516 $name = _this.interpolatedIdentifier$0();
92517 t1.name = $name;
92518 t3 = $name;
92519 }
92520 _this.whitespace$0();
92521 t2.expectChar$1(58);
92522 if (parseCustomProperties && B.JSString_methods.startsWith$1(t3.get$initialPlain(), "--")) {
92523 t1 = _this._stylesheet0$_interpolatedDeclarationValue$0();
92524 _this.expectStatementSeparator$1("custom property");
92525 return A.Declaration$0(t3, new A.StringExpression0(t1, false), t2.spanFrom$1(start));
92526 }
92527 _this.whitespace$0();
92528 if (_this.lookingAtChildren$0()) {
92529 if (_this.get$plainCss())
92530 t2.error$1(0, _s48_);
92531 return _this._stylesheet0$_withChildren$3(_this.get$_stylesheet0$_declarationChild(), start, new A.StylesheetParser__propertyOrVariableDeclaration_closure1(t1));
92532 }
92533 value = _this.expression$0();
92534 if (_this.lookingAtChildren$0()) {
92535 if (_this.get$plainCss())
92536 t2.error$1(0, _s48_);
92537 return _this._stylesheet0$_withChildren$3(_this.get$_stylesheet0$_declarationChild(), start, new A.StylesheetParser__propertyOrVariableDeclaration_closure2(t1, value));
92538 } else {
92539 _this.expectStatementSeparator$0();
92540 return A.Declaration$0(t3, value, t2.spanFrom$1(start));
92541 }
92542 },
92543 _stylesheet0$_propertyOrVariableDeclaration$0() {
92544 return this._stylesheet0$_propertyOrVariableDeclaration$1$parseCustomProperties(true);
92545 },
92546 _stylesheet0$_declarationChild$0() {
92547 if (this.scanner.peekChar$0() === 64)
92548 return this._stylesheet0$_declarationAtRule$0();
92549 return this._stylesheet0$_propertyOrVariableDeclaration$1$parseCustomProperties(false);
92550 },
92551 atRule$2$root(child, root) {
92552 var $name, wasUseAllowed, value, optional, url, namespace, configuration, span, _this = this,
92553 _s9_ = "@use rule",
92554 t1 = _this.scanner,
92555 start = new A._SpanScannerState(t1, t1._string_scanner$_position);
92556 t1.expectChar$2$name(64, "@-rule");
92557 $name = _this.interpolatedIdentifier$0();
92558 _this.whitespace$0();
92559 wasUseAllowed = _this._stylesheet0$_isUseAllowed;
92560 _this._stylesheet0$_isUseAllowed = false;
92561 switch ($name.get$asPlain()) {
92562 case "at-root":
92563 return _this._stylesheet0$_atRootRule$1(start);
92564 case "content":
92565 return _this._stylesheet0$_contentRule$1(start);
92566 case "debug":
92567 return _this._stylesheet0$_debugRule$1(start);
92568 case "each":
92569 return _this._stylesheet0$_eachRule$2(start, child);
92570 case "else":
92571 return _this._stylesheet0$_disallowedAtRule$1(start);
92572 case "error":
92573 return _this._stylesheet0$_errorRule$1(start);
92574 case "extend":
92575 if (!_this._stylesheet0$_inStyleRule && !_this._stylesheet0$_inMixin && !_this._stylesheet0$_inContentBlock)
92576 _this.error$2(0, string$.x40exten, t1.spanFrom$1(start));
92577 value = _this.almostAnyValue$0();
92578 optional = t1.scanChar$1(33);
92579 if (optional)
92580 _this.expectIdentifier$1("optional");
92581 _this.expectStatementSeparator$1("@extend rule");
92582 return new A.ExtendRule0(value, optional, t1.spanFrom$1(start));
92583 case "for":
92584 return _this._stylesheet0$_forRule$2(start, child);
92585 case "forward":
92586 _this._stylesheet0$_isUseAllowed = wasUseAllowed;
92587 if (!root)
92588 _this._stylesheet0$_disallowedAtRule$1(start);
92589 return _this._stylesheet0$_forwardRule$1(start);
92590 case "function":
92591 return _this._stylesheet0$_functionRule$1(start);
92592 case "if":
92593 return _this._stylesheet0$_ifRule$2(start, child);
92594 case "import":
92595 return _this._stylesheet0$_importRule$1(start);
92596 case "include":
92597 return _this._stylesheet0$_includeRule$1(start);
92598 case "media":
92599 return _this.mediaRule$1(start);
92600 case "mixin":
92601 return _this._stylesheet0$_mixinRule$1(start);
92602 case "-moz-document":
92603 return _this.mozDocumentRule$2(start, $name);
92604 case "return":
92605 return _this._stylesheet0$_disallowedAtRule$1(start);
92606 case "supports":
92607 return _this.supportsRule$1(start);
92608 case "use":
92609 _this._stylesheet0$_isUseAllowed = wasUseAllowed;
92610 if (!root)
92611 _this._stylesheet0$_disallowedAtRule$1(start);
92612 url = _this._stylesheet0$_urlString$0();
92613 _this.whitespace$0();
92614 namespace = _this._stylesheet0$_useNamespace$2(url, start);
92615 _this.whitespace$0();
92616 configuration = _this._stylesheet0$_configuration$0();
92617 _this.expectStatementSeparator$1(_s9_);
92618 span = t1.spanFrom$1(start);
92619 if (!_this._stylesheet0$_isUseAllowed)
92620 _this.error$2(0, string$.x40use_r, span);
92621 _this.expectStatementSeparator$1(_s9_);
92622 t1 = new A.UseRule0(url, namespace, configuration == null ? B.List_empty16 : A.List_List$unmodifiable(configuration, type$.ConfiguredVariable_2), span);
92623 t1.UseRule$4$configuration0(url, namespace, span, configuration);
92624 return t1;
92625 case "warn":
92626 return _this._stylesheet0$_warnRule$1(start);
92627 case "while":
92628 return _this._stylesheet0$_whileRule$2(start, child);
92629 default:
92630 return _this.unknownAtRule$2(start, $name);
92631 }
92632 },
92633 _stylesheet0$_declarationAtRule$0() {
92634 var _this = this,
92635 t1 = _this.scanner,
92636 start = new A._SpanScannerState(t1, t1._string_scanner$_position);
92637 switch (_this._stylesheet0$_plainAtRuleName$0()) {
92638 case "content":
92639 return _this._stylesheet0$_contentRule$1(start);
92640 case "debug":
92641 return _this._stylesheet0$_debugRule$1(start);
92642 case "each":
92643 return _this._stylesheet0$_eachRule$2(start, _this.get$_stylesheet0$_declarationChild());
92644 case "else":
92645 return _this._stylesheet0$_disallowedAtRule$1(start);
92646 case "error":
92647 return _this._stylesheet0$_errorRule$1(start);
92648 case "for":
92649 return _this._stylesheet0$_forRule$2(start, _this.get$_stylesheet0$_declarationChild());
92650 case "if":
92651 return _this._stylesheet0$_ifRule$2(start, _this.get$_stylesheet0$_declarationChild());
92652 case "include":
92653 return _this._stylesheet0$_includeRule$1(start);
92654 case "warn":
92655 return _this._stylesheet0$_warnRule$1(start);
92656 case "while":
92657 return _this._stylesheet0$_whileRule$2(start, _this.get$_stylesheet0$_declarationChild());
92658 default:
92659 return _this._stylesheet0$_disallowedAtRule$1(start);
92660 }
92661 },
92662 _stylesheet0$_functionChild$0() {
92663 var state, variableDeclarationError, stackTrace, statement, t2, namespace, exception, t3, start, value, _this = this,
92664 t1 = _this.scanner;
92665 if (t1.peekChar$0() !== 64) {
92666 t2 = t1._string_scanner$_position;
92667 state = new A._SpanScannerState(t1, t2);
92668 try {
92669 namespace = _this.identifier$0();
92670 t1.expectChar$1(46);
92671 t2 = _this.variableDeclarationWithoutNamespace$2(namespace, new A._SpanScannerState(t1, t2));
92672 return t2;
92673 } catch (exception) {
92674 t2 = A.unwrapException(exception);
92675 t3 = type$.SourceSpanFormatException;
92676 if (t3._is(t2)) {
92677 variableDeclarationError = t2;
92678 stackTrace = A.getTraceFromException(exception);
92679 t1.set$state(state);
92680 statement = null;
92681 try {
92682 statement = _this._stylesheet0$_declarationOrStyleRule$0();
92683 } catch (exception) {
92684 if (t3._is(A.unwrapException(exception)))
92685 throw A.wrapException(variableDeclarationError);
92686 else
92687 throw exception;
92688 }
92689 _this.error$3(0, "@function rules may not contain " + (statement instanceof A.StyleRule0 ? "style rules" : "declarations") + ".", J.get$span$z(statement), stackTrace);
92690 } else
92691 throw exception;
92692 }
92693 }
92694 start = new A._SpanScannerState(t1, t1._string_scanner$_position);
92695 switch (_this._stylesheet0$_plainAtRuleName$0()) {
92696 case "debug":
92697 return _this._stylesheet0$_debugRule$1(start);
92698 case "each":
92699 return _this._stylesheet0$_eachRule$2(start, _this.get$_stylesheet0$_functionChild());
92700 case "else":
92701 return _this._stylesheet0$_disallowedAtRule$1(start);
92702 case "error":
92703 return _this._stylesheet0$_errorRule$1(start);
92704 case "for":
92705 return _this._stylesheet0$_forRule$2(start, _this.get$_stylesheet0$_functionChild());
92706 case "if":
92707 return _this._stylesheet0$_ifRule$2(start, _this.get$_stylesheet0$_functionChild());
92708 case "return":
92709 value = _this.expression$0();
92710 _this.expectStatementSeparator$1("@return rule");
92711 return new A.ReturnRule0(value, t1.spanFrom$1(start));
92712 case "warn":
92713 return _this._stylesheet0$_warnRule$1(start);
92714 case "while":
92715 return _this._stylesheet0$_whileRule$2(start, _this.get$_stylesheet0$_functionChild());
92716 default:
92717 return _this._stylesheet0$_disallowedAtRule$1(start);
92718 }
92719 },
92720 _stylesheet0$_plainAtRuleName$0() {
92721 this.scanner.expectChar$2$name(64, "@-rule");
92722 var $name = this.identifier$0();
92723 this.whitespace$0();
92724 return $name;
92725 },
92726 _stylesheet0$_atRootRule$1(start) {
92727 var query, _this = this,
92728 t1 = _this.scanner;
92729 if (t1.peekChar$0() === 40) {
92730 query = _this._stylesheet0$_atRootQuery$0();
92731 _this.whitespace$0();
92732 return _this._stylesheet0$_withChildren$3(_this.get$_stylesheet0$_statement(), start, new A.StylesheetParser__atRootRule_closure1(query));
92733 } else if (_this.lookingAtChildren$0())
92734 return _this._stylesheet0$_withChildren$3(_this.get$_stylesheet0$_statement(), start, new A.StylesheetParser__atRootRule_closure2());
92735 else
92736 return A.AtRootRule$0(A._setArrayType([_this._stylesheet0$_styleRule$0()], type$.JSArray_Statement_2), t1.spanFrom$1(start), null);
92737 },
92738 _stylesheet0$_atRootQuery$0() {
92739 var interpolation, t2, t3, t4, buffer, t5, _this = this,
92740 t1 = _this.scanner;
92741 if (t1.peekChar$0() === 35) {
92742 interpolation = _this.singleInterpolation$0();
92743 return A.Interpolation$0(A._setArrayType([interpolation], type$.JSArray_Object), interpolation.get$span(interpolation));
92744 }
92745 t2 = t1._string_scanner$_position;
92746 t3 = new A.StringBuffer("");
92747 t4 = A._setArrayType([], type$.JSArray_Object);
92748 buffer = new A.InterpolationBuffer0(t3, t4);
92749 t1.expectChar$1(40);
92750 t3._contents += A.Primitives_stringFromCharCode(40);
92751 _this.whitespace$0();
92752 t5 = _this.expression$0();
92753 buffer._interpolation_buffer0$_flushText$0();
92754 t4.push(t5);
92755 if (t1.scanChar$1(58)) {
92756 _this.whitespace$0();
92757 t5 = t3._contents += A.Primitives_stringFromCharCode(58);
92758 t3._contents = t5 + A.Primitives_stringFromCharCode(32);
92759 t5 = _this.expression$0();
92760 buffer._interpolation_buffer0$_flushText$0();
92761 t4.push(t5);
92762 }
92763 t1.expectChar$1(41);
92764 _this.whitespace$0();
92765 t3._contents += A.Primitives_stringFromCharCode(41);
92766 return buffer.interpolation$1(t1.spanFrom$1(new A._SpanScannerState(t1, t2)));
92767 },
92768 _stylesheet0$_contentRule$1(start) {
92769 var t1, $arguments, t2, t3, _this = this;
92770 if (!_this._stylesheet0$_inMixin)
92771 _this.error$2(0, string$.x40conte, _this.scanner.spanFrom$1(start));
92772 _this.whitespace$0();
92773 t1 = _this.scanner;
92774 if (t1.peekChar$0() === 40)
92775 $arguments = _this._stylesheet0$_argumentInvocation$1$mixin(true);
92776 else {
92777 t2 = A.FileLocation$_(t1._sourceFile, t1._string_scanner$_position);
92778 t3 = t2.offset;
92779 $arguments = A.ArgumentInvocation$empty0(A._FileSpan$(t2.file, t3, t3));
92780 }
92781 _this.expectStatementSeparator$1("@content rule");
92782 return new A.ContentRule0($arguments, t1.spanFrom$1(start));
92783 },
92784 _stylesheet0$_debugRule$1(start) {
92785 var value = this.expression$0();
92786 this.expectStatementSeparator$1("@debug rule");
92787 return new A.DebugRule0(value, this.scanner.spanFrom$1(start));
92788 },
92789 _stylesheet0$_eachRule$2(start, child) {
92790 var variables, t1, _this = this,
92791 wasInControlDirective = _this._stylesheet0$_inControlDirective;
92792 _this._stylesheet0$_inControlDirective = true;
92793 variables = A._setArrayType([_this.variableName$0()], type$.JSArray_String);
92794 _this.whitespace$0();
92795 for (t1 = _this.scanner; t1.scanChar$1(44);) {
92796 _this.whitespace$0();
92797 t1.expectChar$1(36);
92798 variables.push(_this.identifier$1$normalize(true));
92799 _this.whitespace$0();
92800 }
92801 _this.expectIdentifier$1("in");
92802 _this.whitespace$0();
92803 return _this._stylesheet0$_withChildren$3(child, start, new A.StylesheetParser__eachRule_closure0(_this, wasInControlDirective, variables, _this.expression$0()));
92804 },
92805 _stylesheet0$_errorRule$1(start) {
92806 var value = this.expression$0();
92807 this.expectStatementSeparator$1("@error rule");
92808 return new A.ErrorRule0(value, this.scanner.spanFrom$1(start));
92809 },
92810 _stylesheet0$_functionRule$1(start) {
92811 var $name, $arguments, _this = this,
92812 precedingComment = _this.lastSilentComment;
92813 _this.lastSilentComment = null;
92814 $name = _this.identifier$1$normalize(true);
92815 _this.whitespace$0();
92816 $arguments = _this._stylesheet0$_argumentDeclaration$0();
92817 if (_this._stylesheet0$_inMixin || _this._stylesheet0$_inContentBlock)
92818 _this.error$2(0, string$.Mixinscf, _this.scanner.spanFrom$1(start));
92819 else if (_this._stylesheet0$_inControlDirective)
92820 _this.error$2(0, string$.Functi, _this.scanner.spanFrom$1(start));
92821 switch (A.unvendor0($name)) {
92822 case "calc":
92823 case "element":
92824 case "expression":
92825 case "url":
92826 case "and":
92827 case "or":
92828 case "not":
92829 case "clamp":
92830 _this.error$2(0, "Invalid function name.", _this.scanner.spanFrom$1(start));
92831 break;
92832 }
92833 _this.whitespace$0();
92834 return _this._stylesheet0$_withChildren$3(_this.get$_stylesheet0$_functionChild(), start, new A.StylesheetParser__functionRule_closure0($name, $arguments, precedingComment));
92835 },
92836 _stylesheet0$_forRule$2(start, child) {
92837 var variable, from, _this = this, t1 = {},
92838 wasInControlDirective = _this._stylesheet0$_inControlDirective;
92839 _this._stylesheet0$_inControlDirective = true;
92840 variable = _this.variableName$0();
92841 _this.whitespace$0();
92842 _this.expectIdentifier$1("from");
92843 _this.whitespace$0();
92844 t1.exclusive = null;
92845 from = _this.expression$1$until(new A.StylesheetParser__forRule_closure1(t1, _this));
92846 if (t1.exclusive == null)
92847 _this.scanner.error$1(0, 'Expected "to" or "through".');
92848 _this.whitespace$0();
92849 return _this._stylesheet0$_withChildren$3(child, start, new A.StylesheetParser__forRule_closure2(t1, _this, wasInControlDirective, variable, from, _this.expression$0()));
92850 },
92851 _stylesheet0$_forwardRule$1(start) {
92852 var prefix, members, shownMixinsAndFunctions, shownVariables, hiddenVariables, hiddenMixinsAndFunctions, configuration, span, t1, t2, t3, t4, _this = this, _null = null,
92853 url = _this._stylesheet0$_urlString$0();
92854 _this.whitespace$0();
92855 if (_this.scanIdentifier$1("as")) {
92856 _this.whitespace$0();
92857 prefix = _this.identifier$1$normalize(true);
92858 _this.scanner.expectChar$1(42);
92859 _this.whitespace$0();
92860 } else
92861 prefix = _null;
92862 if (_this.scanIdentifier$1("show")) {
92863 members = _this._stylesheet0$_memberList$0();
92864 shownMixinsAndFunctions = members.item1;
92865 shownVariables = members.item2;
92866 hiddenVariables = _null;
92867 hiddenMixinsAndFunctions = hiddenVariables;
92868 } else {
92869 if (_this.scanIdentifier$1("hide")) {
92870 members = _this._stylesheet0$_memberList$0();
92871 hiddenMixinsAndFunctions = members.item1;
92872 hiddenVariables = members.item2;
92873 } else {
92874 hiddenVariables = _null;
92875 hiddenMixinsAndFunctions = hiddenVariables;
92876 }
92877 shownVariables = _null;
92878 shownMixinsAndFunctions = shownVariables;
92879 }
92880 configuration = _this._stylesheet0$_configuration$1$allowGuarded(true);
92881 _this.expectStatementSeparator$1("@forward rule");
92882 span = _this.scanner.spanFrom$1(start);
92883 if (!_this._stylesheet0$_isUseAllowed)
92884 _this.error$2(0, string$.x40forwa, span);
92885 if (shownMixinsAndFunctions != null) {
92886 shownVariables.toString;
92887 t1 = type$.String;
92888 t2 = A.LinkedHashSet_LinkedHashSet$of(shownMixinsAndFunctions, t1);
92889 t3 = type$.UnmodifiableSetView_String;
92890 t1 = A.LinkedHashSet_LinkedHashSet$of(shownVariables, t1);
92891 t4 = configuration == null ? B.List_empty16 : A.List_List$unmodifiable(configuration, type$.ConfiguredVariable_2);
92892 return new A.ForwardRule0(url, new A.UnmodifiableSetView(t2, t3), new A.UnmodifiableSetView(t1, t3), _null, _null, prefix, t4, span);
92893 } else if (hiddenMixinsAndFunctions != null) {
92894 hiddenVariables.toString;
92895 t1 = type$.String;
92896 t2 = A.LinkedHashSet_LinkedHashSet$of(hiddenMixinsAndFunctions, t1);
92897 t3 = type$.UnmodifiableSetView_String;
92898 t1 = A.LinkedHashSet_LinkedHashSet$of(hiddenVariables, t1);
92899 t4 = configuration == null ? B.List_empty16 : A.List_List$unmodifiable(configuration, type$.ConfiguredVariable_2);
92900 return new A.ForwardRule0(url, _null, _null, new A.UnmodifiableSetView(t2, t3), new A.UnmodifiableSetView(t1, t3), prefix, t4, span);
92901 } else
92902 return new A.ForwardRule0(url, _null, _null, _null, _null, prefix, configuration == null ? B.List_empty16 : A.List_List$unmodifiable(configuration, type$.ConfiguredVariable_2), span);
92903 },
92904 _stylesheet0$_memberList$0() {
92905 var _this = this,
92906 t1 = type$.String,
92907 identifiers = A.LinkedHashSet_LinkedHashSet$_empty(t1),
92908 variables = A.LinkedHashSet_LinkedHashSet$_empty(t1);
92909 t1 = _this.scanner;
92910 do {
92911 _this.whitespace$0();
92912 _this.withErrorMessage$2(string$.Expectv, new A.StylesheetParser__memberList_closure0(_this, variables, identifiers));
92913 _this.whitespace$0();
92914 } while (t1.scanChar$1(44));
92915 return new A.Tuple2(identifiers, variables, type$.Tuple2_of_Set_String_and_Set_String);
92916 },
92917 _stylesheet0$_ifRule$2(start, child) {
92918 var condition, children, clauses, lastClause, span, _this = this,
92919 ifIndentation = _this.get$currentIndentation(),
92920 wasInControlDirective = _this._stylesheet0$_inControlDirective;
92921 _this._stylesheet0$_inControlDirective = true;
92922 condition = _this.expression$0();
92923 children = _this.children$1(0, child);
92924 _this.whitespaceWithoutComments$0();
92925 clauses = A._setArrayType([A.IfClause$0(condition, children)], type$.JSArray_IfClause_2);
92926 while (true) {
92927 if (!_this.scanElse$1(ifIndentation)) {
92928 lastClause = null;
92929 break;
92930 }
92931 _this.whitespace$0();
92932 if (_this.scanIdentifier$1("if")) {
92933 _this.whitespace$0();
92934 clauses.push(A.IfClause$0(_this.expression$0(), _this.children$1(0, child)));
92935 } else {
92936 lastClause = A.ElseClause$0(_this.children$1(0, child));
92937 break;
92938 }
92939 }
92940 _this._stylesheet0$_inControlDirective = wasInControlDirective;
92941 span = _this.scanner.spanFrom$1(start);
92942 _this.whitespaceWithoutComments$0();
92943 return new A.IfRule0(A.List_List$unmodifiable(clauses, type$.IfClause_2), lastClause, span);
92944 },
92945 _stylesheet0$_importRule$1(start) {
92946 var argument, _this = this,
92947 imports = A._setArrayType([], type$.JSArray_Import_2),
92948 t1 = _this.scanner;
92949 do {
92950 _this.whitespace$0();
92951 argument = _this.importArgument$0();
92952 if ((_this._stylesheet0$_inControlDirective || _this._stylesheet0$_inMixin) && argument instanceof A.DynamicImport0)
92953 _this._stylesheet0$_disallowedAtRule$1(start);
92954 imports.push(argument);
92955 _this.whitespace$0();
92956 } while (t1.scanChar$1(44));
92957 _this.expectStatementSeparator$1("@import rule");
92958 t1 = t1.spanFrom$1(start);
92959 return new A.ImportRule0(A.List_List$unmodifiable(imports, type$.Import_2), t1);
92960 },
92961 importArgument$0() {
92962 var url, urlSpan, innerError, stackTrace, queries, t2, t3, t4, exception, _this = this, _null = null,
92963 t1 = _this.scanner,
92964 start = new A._SpanScannerState(t1, t1._string_scanner$_position),
92965 next = t1.peekChar$0();
92966 if (next === 117 || next === 85) {
92967 url = _this.dynamicUrl$0();
92968 _this.whitespace$0();
92969 queries = _this.tryImportQueries$0();
92970 t2 = A.Interpolation$0(A._setArrayType([url], type$.JSArray_Object), t1.spanFrom$1(start));
92971 t1 = t1.spanFrom$1(start);
92972 t3 = queries == null;
92973 t4 = t3 ? _null : queries.item1;
92974 return new A.StaticImport0(t2, t4, t3 ? _null : queries.item2, t1);
92975 }
92976 url = _this.string$0();
92977 urlSpan = t1.spanFrom$1(start);
92978 _this.whitespace$0();
92979 queries = _this.tryImportQueries$0();
92980 if (_this.isPlainImportUrl$1(url) || queries != null) {
92981 t2 = urlSpan;
92982 t2 = A.Interpolation$0(A._setArrayType([A.String_String$fromCharCodes(B.NativeUint32List_methods.sublist$2(t2.file._decodedChars, t2._file$_start, t2._end), 0, _null)], type$.JSArray_Object), urlSpan);
92983 t1 = t1.spanFrom$1(start);
92984 t3 = queries == null;
92985 t4 = t3 ? _null : queries.item1;
92986 return new A.StaticImport0(t2, t4, t3 ? _null : queries.item2, t1);
92987 } else
92988 try {
92989 t1 = _this.parseImportUrl$1(url);
92990 return new A.DynamicImport0(t1, urlSpan);
92991 } catch (exception) {
92992 t1 = A.unwrapException(exception);
92993 if (type$.FormatException._is(t1)) {
92994 innerError = t1;
92995 stackTrace = A.getTraceFromException(exception);
92996 _this.error$3(0, "Invalid URL: " + J.get$message$x(innerError), urlSpan, stackTrace);
92997 } else
92998 throw exception;
92999 }
93000 },
93001 parseImportUrl$1(url) {
93002 var t1 = $.$get$windows();
93003 if (t1.style.rootLength$1(url) > 0 && !$.$get$url().style.isRootRelative$1(url))
93004 return t1.toUri$1(url).toString$0(0);
93005 A.Uri_parse(url);
93006 return url;
93007 },
93008 isPlainImportUrl$1(url) {
93009 var first;
93010 if (url.length < 5)
93011 return false;
93012 if (B.JSString_methods.endsWith$1(url, ".css"))
93013 return true;
93014 first = B.JSString_methods._codeUnitAt$1(url, 0);
93015 if (first === 47)
93016 return B.JSString_methods._codeUnitAt$1(url, 1) === 47;
93017 if (first !== 104)
93018 return false;
93019 return B.JSString_methods.startsWith$1(url, "http://") || B.JSString_methods.startsWith$1(url, "https://");
93020 },
93021 tryImportQueries$0() {
93022 var t1, start, supports, identifier, t2, $arguments, $name, media, _this = this, _null = null;
93023 if (_this.scanIdentifier$1("supports")) {
93024 t1 = _this.scanner;
93025 t1.expectChar$1(40);
93026 start = new A._SpanScannerState(t1, t1._string_scanner$_position);
93027 if (_this.scanIdentifier$1("not")) {
93028 _this.whitespace$0();
93029 supports = new A.SupportsNegation0(_this._stylesheet0$_supportsConditionInParens$0(), t1.spanFrom$1(start));
93030 } else if (t1.peekChar$0() === 40)
93031 supports = _this._stylesheet0$_supportsCondition$0();
93032 else {
93033 if (_this._stylesheet0$_lookingAtInterpolatedIdentifier$0()) {
93034 identifier = _this.interpolatedIdentifier$0();
93035 t2 = identifier.get$asPlain();
93036 if ((t2 == null ? _null : t2.toLowerCase()) === "not")
93037 _this.error$2(0, '"not" is not a valid identifier here.', identifier.span);
93038 if (t1.scanChar$1(40)) {
93039 $arguments = _this._stylesheet0$_interpolatedDeclarationValue$2$allowEmpty$allowSemicolon(true, true);
93040 t1.expectChar$1(41);
93041 supports = new A.SupportsFunction0(identifier, $arguments, t1.spanFrom$1(start));
93042 } else {
93043 t1.set$state(start);
93044 supports = _null;
93045 }
93046 } else
93047 supports = _null;
93048 if (supports == null) {
93049 $name = _this.expression$0();
93050 t1.expectChar$1(58);
93051 supports = _this._stylesheet0$_supportsDeclarationValue$2($name, start);
93052 }
93053 }
93054 t1.expectChar$1(41);
93055 _this.whitespace$0();
93056 } else
93057 supports = _null;
93058 media = _this._stylesheet0$_lookingAtInterpolatedIdentifier$0() || _this.scanner.peekChar$0() === 40 ? _this._stylesheet0$_mediaQueryList$0() : _null;
93059 if (supports == null && media == null)
93060 return _null;
93061 return new A.Tuple2(supports, media, type$.Tuple2_of_nullable_SupportsCondition_and_nullable_Interpolation_2);
93062 },
93063 _stylesheet0$_includeRule$1(start) {
93064 var name0, namespace, $arguments, t2, t3, contentArguments, contentArguments_, wasInContentBlock, $content, _this = this, _null = null,
93065 $name = _this.identifier$0(),
93066 t1 = _this.scanner;
93067 if (t1.scanChar$1(46)) {
93068 name0 = _this._stylesheet0$_publicIdentifier$0();
93069 namespace = $name;
93070 $name = name0;
93071 } else {
93072 $name = A.stringReplaceAllUnchecked($name, "_", "-");
93073 namespace = _null;
93074 }
93075 _this.whitespace$0();
93076 if (t1.peekChar$0() === 40)
93077 $arguments = _this._stylesheet0$_argumentInvocation$1$mixin(true);
93078 else {
93079 t2 = A.FileLocation$_(t1._sourceFile, t1._string_scanner$_position);
93080 t3 = t2.offset;
93081 $arguments = A.ArgumentInvocation$empty0(A._FileSpan$(t2.file, t3, t3));
93082 }
93083 _this.whitespace$0();
93084 if (_this.scanIdentifier$1("using")) {
93085 _this.whitespace$0();
93086 contentArguments = _this._stylesheet0$_argumentDeclaration$0();
93087 _this.whitespace$0();
93088 } else
93089 contentArguments = _null;
93090 t2 = contentArguments == null;
93091 if (!t2 || _this.lookingAtChildren$0()) {
93092 if (t2) {
93093 t2 = A.FileLocation$_(t1._sourceFile, t1._string_scanner$_position);
93094 t3 = t2.offset;
93095 contentArguments_ = new A.ArgumentDeclaration0(B.List_empty18, _null, A._FileSpan$(t2.file, t3, t3));
93096 } else
93097 contentArguments_ = contentArguments;
93098 wasInContentBlock = _this._stylesheet0$_inContentBlock;
93099 _this._stylesheet0$_inContentBlock = true;
93100 $content = _this._stylesheet0$_withChildren$3(_this.get$_stylesheet0$_statement(), start, new A.StylesheetParser__includeRule_closure0(contentArguments_));
93101 _this._stylesheet0$_inContentBlock = wasInContentBlock;
93102 } else {
93103 _this.expectStatementSeparator$0();
93104 $content = _null;
93105 }
93106 t1 = t1.spanFrom$2(start, start);
93107 t2 = $content == null ? $arguments : $content;
93108 return new A.IncludeRule0(namespace, $name, $arguments, $content, t1.expand$1(0, t2.get$span(t2)));
93109 },
93110 mediaRule$1(start) {
93111 return this._stylesheet0$_withChildren$3(this.get$_stylesheet0$_statement(), start, new A.StylesheetParser_mediaRule_closure0(this._stylesheet0$_mediaQueryList$0()));
93112 },
93113 _stylesheet0$_mixinRule$1(start) {
93114 var $name, t1, $arguments, t2, t3, _this = this,
93115 precedingComment = _this.lastSilentComment;
93116 _this.lastSilentComment = null;
93117 $name = _this.identifier$1$normalize(true);
93118 _this.whitespace$0();
93119 t1 = _this.scanner;
93120 if (t1.peekChar$0() === 40)
93121 $arguments = _this._stylesheet0$_argumentDeclaration$0();
93122 else {
93123 t2 = A.FileLocation$_(t1._sourceFile, t1._string_scanner$_position);
93124 t3 = t2.offset;
93125 $arguments = new A.ArgumentDeclaration0(B.List_empty18, null, A._FileSpan$(t2.file, t3, t3));
93126 }
93127 if (_this._stylesheet0$_inMixin || _this._stylesheet0$_inContentBlock)
93128 _this.error$2(0, string$.Mixinscm, t1.spanFrom$1(start));
93129 else if (_this._stylesheet0$_inControlDirective)
93130 _this.error$2(0, string$.Mixinsb, t1.spanFrom$1(start));
93131 _this.whitespace$0();
93132 _this._stylesheet0$_inMixin = true;
93133 return _this._stylesheet0$_withChildren$3(_this.get$_stylesheet0$_statement(), start, new A.StylesheetParser__mixinRule_closure0(_this, $name, $arguments, precedingComment));
93134 },
93135 mozDocumentRule$2(start, $name) {
93136 var t5, t6, t7, identifier, contents, argument, trailing, endPosition, t8, t9, start0, end, _this = this, _box_0 = {},
93137 t1 = _this.scanner,
93138 t2 = t1._string_scanner$_position,
93139 t3 = new A.StringBuffer(""),
93140 t4 = A._setArrayType([], type$.JSArray_Object),
93141 buffer = new A.InterpolationBuffer0(t3, t4);
93142 _box_0.needsDeprecationWarning = false;
93143 for (t5 = _this.get$whitespace(), t6 = t1.string; true;) {
93144 if (t1.peekChar$0() === 35) {
93145 t7 = _this.singleInterpolation$0();
93146 buffer._interpolation_buffer0$_flushText$0();
93147 t4.push(t7);
93148 _box_0.needsDeprecationWarning = true;
93149 } else {
93150 t7 = t1._string_scanner$_position;
93151 identifier = _this.identifier$0();
93152 switch (identifier) {
93153 case "url":
93154 case "url-prefix":
93155 case "domain":
93156 contents = _this._stylesheet0$_tryUrlContents$2$name(new A._SpanScannerState(t1, t7), identifier);
93157 if (contents != null)
93158 buffer.addInterpolation$1(contents);
93159 else {
93160 t1.expectChar$1(40);
93161 _this.whitespace$0();
93162 argument = _this.interpolatedString$0();
93163 t1.expectChar$1(41);
93164 t7 = t3._contents += identifier;
93165 t3._contents = t7 + A.Primitives_stringFromCharCode(40);
93166 buffer.addInterpolation$1(argument.asInterpolation$0());
93167 t3._contents += A.Primitives_stringFromCharCode(41);
93168 }
93169 t7 = t3._contents;
93170 trailing = t7.charCodeAt(0) == 0 ? t7 : t7;
93171 if (!B.JSString_methods.endsWith$1(trailing, "url-prefix()") && !B.JSString_methods.endsWith$1(trailing, "url-prefix('')") && !B.JSString_methods.endsWith$1(trailing, 'url-prefix("")'))
93172 _box_0.needsDeprecationWarning = true;
93173 break;
93174 case "regexp":
93175 t3._contents += "regexp(";
93176 t1.expectChar$1(40);
93177 buffer.addInterpolation$1(_this.interpolatedString$0().asInterpolation$0());
93178 t1.expectChar$1(41);
93179 t3._contents += A.Primitives_stringFromCharCode(41);
93180 _box_0.needsDeprecationWarning = true;
93181 break;
93182 default:
93183 endPosition = t1._string_scanner$_position;
93184 t8 = t1._sourceFile;
93185 t9 = new A._FileSpan(t8, t7, endPosition);
93186 t9._FileSpan$3(t8, t7, endPosition);
93187 A.throwExpression(new A.StringScannerException(t6, "Invalid function name.", t9));
93188 }
93189 }
93190 _this.whitespace$0();
93191 if (!t1.scanChar$1(44))
93192 break;
93193 t3._contents += A.Primitives_stringFromCharCode(44);
93194 start0 = t1._string_scanner$_position;
93195 t5.call$0();
93196 end = t1._string_scanner$_position;
93197 t3._contents += B.JSString_methods.substring$2(t6, start0, end);
93198 }
93199 return _this._stylesheet0$_withChildren$3(_this.get$_stylesheet0$_statement(), start, new A.StylesheetParser_mozDocumentRule_closure0(_box_0, _this, $name, buffer.interpolation$1(t1.spanFrom$1(new A._SpanScannerState(t1, t2)))));
93200 },
93201 supportsRule$1(start) {
93202 var _this = this,
93203 condition = _this._stylesheet0$_supportsCondition$0();
93204 _this.whitespace$0();
93205 return _this._stylesheet0$_withChildren$3(_this.get$_stylesheet0$_statement(), start, new A.StylesheetParser_supportsRule_closure0(condition));
93206 },
93207 _stylesheet0$_useNamespace$2(url, start) {
93208 var namespace, basename, dot, t1, exception, _this = this;
93209 if (_this.scanIdentifier$1("as")) {
93210 _this.whitespace$0();
93211 return _this.scanner.scanChar$1(42) ? null : _this.identifier$0();
93212 }
93213 basename = url.get$pathSegments().length === 0 ? "" : B.JSArray_methods.get$last(url.get$pathSegments());
93214 dot = B.JSString_methods.indexOf$1(basename, ".");
93215 t1 = B.JSString_methods.startsWith$1(basename, "_") ? 1 : 0;
93216 namespace = B.JSString_methods.substring$2(basename, t1, dot === -1 ? basename.length : dot);
93217 try {
93218 t1 = A.SpanScanner$(namespace, null);
93219 t1 = new A.Parser1(t1, _this.logger)._parser0$_parseIdentifier$0();
93220 return t1;
93221 } catch (exception) {
93222 if (A.unwrapException(exception) instanceof A.SassFormatException0)
93223 _this.error$2(0, 'The default namespace "' + A.S(namespace) + string$.x22x20is_n, _this.scanner.spanFrom$1(start));
93224 else
93225 throw exception;
93226 }
93227 },
93228 _stylesheet0$_configuration$1$allowGuarded(allowGuarded) {
93229 var variableNames, configuration, t1, t2, t3, $name, expression, t4, guarded, endPosition, t5, t6, span, _this = this;
93230 if (!_this.scanIdentifier$1("with"))
93231 return null;
93232 variableNames = A.LinkedHashSet_LinkedHashSet$_empty(type$.String);
93233 configuration = A._setArrayType([], type$.JSArray_ConfiguredVariable_2);
93234 _this.whitespace$0();
93235 t1 = _this.scanner;
93236 t1.expectChar$1(40);
93237 for (t2 = t1.string; true;) {
93238 _this.whitespace$0();
93239 t3 = t1._string_scanner$_position;
93240 t1.expectChar$1(36);
93241 $name = _this.identifier$1$normalize(true);
93242 _this.whitespace$0();
93243 t1.expectChar$1(58);
93244 _this.whitespace$0();
93245 expression = _this._stylesheet0$_expressionUntilComma$0();
93246 t4 = t1._string_scanner$_position;
93247 if (allowGuarded && t1.scanChar$1(33))
93248 if (_this.identifier$0() === "default") {
93249 _this.whitespace$0();
93250 guarded = true;
93251 } else {
93252 endPosition = t1._string_scanner$_position;
93253 t5 = t1._sourceFile;
93254 t6 = new A._FileSpan(t5, t4, endPosition);
93255 t6._FileSpan$3(t5, t4, endPosition);
93256 A.throwExpression(new A.StringScannerException(t2, "Invalid flag name.", t6));
93257 guarded = false;
93258 }
93259 else
93260 guarded = false;
93261 endPosition = t1._string_scanner$_position;
93262 t4 = t1._sourceFile;
93263 span = new A._FileSpan(t4, t3, endPosition);
93264 span._FileSpan$3(t4, t3, endPosition);
93265 if (variableNames.contains$1(0, $name))
93266 A.throwExpression(new A.StringScannerException(t2, string$.The_sa, span));
93267 variableNames.add$1(0, $name);
93268 configuration.push(new A.ConfiguredVariable0($name, expression, guarded, span));
93269 if (!t1.scanChar$1(44))
93270 break;
93271 _this.whitespace$0();
93272 if (!_this._stylesheet0$_lookingAtExpression$0())
93273 break;
93274 }
93275 t1.expectChar$1(41);
93276 return configuration;
93277 },
93278 _stylesheet0$_configuration$0() {
93279 return this._stylesheet0$_configuration$1$allowGuarded(false);
93280 },
93281 _stylesheet0$_warnRule$1(start) {
93282 var value = this.expression$0();
93283 this.expectStatementSeparator$1("@warn rule");
93284 return new A.WarnRule0(value, this.scanner.spanFrom$1(start));
93285 },
93286 _stylesheet0$_whileRule$2(start, child) {
93287 var _this = this,
93288 wasInControlDirective = _this._stylesheet0$_inControlDirective;
93289 _this._stylesheet0$_inControlDirective = true;
93290 return _this._stylesheet0$_withChildren$3(child, start, new A.StylesheetParser__whileRule_closure0(_this, wasInControlDirective, _this.expression$0()));
93291 },
93292 unknownAtRule$2(start, $name) {
93293 var t2, t3, rule, _this = this, t1 = {},
93294 wasInUnknownAtRule = _this._stylesheet0$_inUnknownAtRule;
93295 _this._stylesheet0$_inUnknownAtRule = true;
93296 t1.value = null;
93297 t2 = _this.scanner;
93298 t3 = t2.peekChar$0() !== 33 && !_this.atEndOfStatement$0() ? t1.value = _this.almostAnyValue$0() : null;
93299 if (_this.lookingAtChildren$0())
93300 rule = _this._stylesheet0$_withChildren$3(_this.get$_stylesheet0$_statement(), start, new A.StylesheetParser_unknownAtRule_closure0(t1, $name));
93301 else {
93302 _this.expectStatementSeparator$0();
93303 rule = A.AtRule$0($name, t2.spanFrom$1(start), null, t3);
93304 }
93305 _this._stylesheet0$_inUnknownAtRule = wasInUnknownAtRule;
93306 return rule;
93307 },
93308 _stylesheet0$_disallowedAtRule$1(start) {
93309 this.almostAnyValue$0();
93310 this.error$2(0, "This at-rule is not allowed here.", this.scanner.spanFrom$1(start));
93311 },
93312 _stylesheet0$_argumentDeclaration$0() {
93313 var $arguments, named, restArgument, t3, t4, $name, defaultValue, endPosition, t5, t6, _this = this,
93314 t1 = _this.scanner,
93315 t2 = t1._string_scanner$_position;
93316 t1.expectChar$1(40);
93317 _this.whitespace$0();
93318 $arguments = A._setArrayType([], type$.JSArray_Argument_2);
93319 named = A.LinkedHashSet_LinkedHashSet$_empty(type$.String);
93320 t3 = t1.string;
93321 while (true) {
93322 if (!(t1.peekChar$0() === 36)) {
93323 restArgument = null;
93324 break;
93325 }
93326 t4 = t1._string_scanner$_position;
93327 t1.expectChar$1(36);
93328 $name = _this.identifier$1$normalize(true);
93329 _this.whitespace$0();
93330 if (t1.scanChar$1(58)) {
93331 _this.whitespace$0();
93332 defaultValue = _this._stylesheet0$_expressionUntilComma$0();
93333 } else {
93334 if (t1.scanChar$1(46)) {
93335 t1.expectChar$1(46);
93336 t1.expectChar$1(46);
93337 _this.whitespace$0();
93338 restArgument = $name;
93339 break;
93340 }
93341 defaultValue = null;
93342 }
93343 endPosition = t1._string_scanner$_position;
93344 t5 = t1._sourceFile;
93345 t6 = new A._FileSpan(t5, t4, endPosition);
93346 t6._FileSpan$3(t5, t4, endPosition);
93347 $arguments.push(new A.Argument0($name, defaultValue, t6));
93348 if (!named.add$1(0, $name))
93349 A.throwExpression(new A.StringScannerException(t3, "Duplicate argument.", B.JSArray_methods.get$last($arguments).span));
93350 if (!t1.scanChar$1(44)) {
93351 restArgument = null;
93352 break;
93353 }
93354 _this.whitespace$0();
93355 }
93356 t1.expectChar$1(41);
93357 t1 = t1.spanFrom$1(new A._SpanScannerState(t1, t2));
93358 return new A.ArgumentDeclaration0(A.List_List$unmodifiable($arguments, type$.Argument_2), restArgument, t1);
93359 },
93360 _stylesheet0$_argumentInvocation$1$mixin(mixin) {
93361 var positional, t3, t4, named, keywordRest, t5, t6, rest, expression, t7, _this = this,
93362 t1 = _this.scanner,
93363 t2 = t1._string_scanner$_position;
93364 t1.expectChar$1(40);
93365 _this.whitespace$0();
93366 positional = A._setArrayType([], type$.JSArray_Expression_2);
93367 t3 = type$.String;
93368 t4 = type$.Expression_2;
93369 named = A.LinkedHashMap_LinkedHashMap$_empty(t3, t4);
93370 t5 = !mixin;
93371 t6 = t1.string;
93372 rest = null;
93373 while (true) {
93374 if (!_this._stylesheet0$_lookingAtExpression$0()) {
93375 keywordRest = null;
93376 break;
93377 }
93378 expression = _this._stylesheet0$_expressionUntilComma$1$singleEquals(t5);
93379 _this.whitespace$0();
93380 if (expression instanceof A.VariableExpression0 && t1.scanChar$1(58)) {
93381 _this.whitespace$0();
93382 t7 = expression.name;
93383 if (named.containsKey$1(t7))
93384 A.throwExpression(new A.StringScannerException(t6, "Duplicate argument.", expression.span));
93385 named.$indexSet(0, t7, _this._stylesheet0$_expressionUntilComma$1$singleEquals(t5));
93386 } else if (t1.scanChar$1(46)) {
93387 t1.expectChar$1(46);
93388 t1.expectChar$1(46);
93389 if (rest != null) {
93390 _this.whitespace$0();
93391 keywordRest = expression;
93392 break;
93393 }
93394 rest = expression;
93395 } else if (named.get$isNotEmpty(named))
93396 A.throwExpression(new A.StringScannerException(t6, string$.Positi, expression.get$span(expression)));
93397 else
93398 positional.push(expression);
93399 _this.whitespace$0();
93400 if (!t1.scanChar$1(44)) {
93401 keywordRest = null;
93402 break;
93403 }
93404 _this.whitespace$0();
93405 }
93406 t1.expectChar$1(41);
93407 t1 = t1.spanFrom$1(new A._SpanScannerState(t1, t2));
93408 return new A.ArgumentInvocation0(A.List_List$unmodifiable(positional, t4), A.ConstantMap_ConstantMap$from(named, t3, t4), rest, keywordRest, t1);
93409 },
93410 _stylesheet0$_argumentInvocation$0() {
93411 return this._stylesheet0$_argumentInvocation$1$mixin(false);
93412 },
93413 expression$3$bracketList$singleEquals$until(bracketList, singleEquals, until) {
93414 var t2, beforeBracket, start, wasInParentheses, resetState, resolveOneOperation, resolveOperations, addSingleExpression, addOperator, resolveSpaceExpressions, t3, first, next, t4, commaExpressions, spaceExpressions, singleExpression, _this = this,
93415 _s20_ = "Expected expression.",
93416 _box_0 = {},
93417 t1 = until != null;
93418 if (t1 && until.call$0())
93419 _this.scanner.error$1(0, _s20_);
93420 if (bracketList) {
93421 t2 = _this.scanner;
93422 beforeBracket = new A._SpanScannerState(t2, t2._string_scanner$_position);
93423 t2.expectChar$1(91);
93424 _this.whitespace$0();
93425 if (t2.scanChar$1(93)) {
93426 t1 = A._setArrayType([], type$.JSArray_Expression_2);
93427 t2 = t2.spanFrom$1(beforeBracket);
93428 return new A.ListExpression0(A.List_List$unmodifiable(t1, type$.Expression_2), B.ListSeparator_undecided_null0, true, t2);
93429 }
93430 } else
93431 beforeBracket = null;
93432 t2 = _this.scanner;
93433 start = new A._SpanScannerState(t2, t2._string_scanner$_position);
93434 wasInParentheses = _this._stylesheet0$_inParentheses;
93435 _box_0.operands_ = _box_0.operators_ = _box_0.spaceExpressions_ = _box_0.commaExpressions_ = null;
93436 _box_0.allowSlash = true;
93437 _box_0.singleExpression_ = _this._stylesheet0$_singleExpression$0();
93438 resetState = new A.StylesheetParser_expression_resetState0(_box_0, _this, start);
93439 resolveOneOperation = new A.StylesheetParser_expression_resolveOneOperation0(_box_0, _this);
93440 resolveOperations = new A.StylesheetParser_expression_resolveOperations0(_box_0, resolveOneOperation);
93441 addSingleExpression = new A.StylesheetParser_expression_addSingleExpression0(_box_0, _this, resetState, resolveOperations);
93442 addOperator = new A.StylesheetParser_expression_addOperator0(_box_0, _this, resolveOneOperation);
93443 resolveSpaceExpressions = new A.StylesheetParser_expression_resolveSpaceExpressions0(_box_0, _this, resolveOperations);
93444 $label0$0:
93445 for (t3 = type$.JSArray_Expression_2; true;) {
93446 _this.whitespace$0();
93447 if (t1 && until.call$0())
93448 break $label0$0;
93449 first = t2.peekChar$0();
93450 switch (first) {
93451 case 40:
93452 addSingleExpression.call$1(_this._stylesheet0$_parentheses$0());
93453 break;
93454 case 91:
93455 addSingleExpression.call$1(_this.expression$1$bracketList(true));
93456 break;
93457 case 36:
93458 addSingleExpression.call$1(_this._stylesheet0$_variable$0());
93459 break;
93460 case 38:
93461 addSingleExpression.call$1(_this._stylesheet0$_selector$0());
93462 break;
93463 case 39:
93464 case 34:
93465 addSingleExpression.call$1(_this.interpolatedString$0());
93466 break;
93467 case 35:
93468 addSingleExpression.call$1(_this._stylesheet0$_hashExpression$0());
93469 break;
93470 case 61:
93471 t2.readChar$0();
93472 if (singleEquals && t2.peekChar$0() !== 61)
93473 addOperator.call$1(B.BinaryOperator_kjl0);
93474 else {
93475 t2.expectChar$1(61);
93476 addOperator.call$1(B.BinaryOperator_YlX0);
93477 }
93478 break;
93479 case 33:
93480 next = t2.peekChar$1(1);
93481 if (next === 61) {
93482 t2.readChar$0();
93483 t2.readChar$0();
93484 addOperator.call$1(B.BinaryOperator_i5H0);
93485 } else {
93486 if (next != null)
93487 if ((next | 32) >>> 0 !== 105)
93488 t4 = next === 32 || next === 9 || next === 10 || next === 13 || next === 12;
93489 else
93490 t4 = true;
93491 else
93492 t4 = true;
93493 if (t4)
93494 addSingleExpression.call$1(_this._stylesheet0$_importantExpression$0());
93495 else
93496 break $label0$0;
93497 }
93498 break;
93499 case 60:
93500 t2.readChar$0();
93501 addOperator.call$1(t2.scanChar$1(61) ? B.BinaryOperator_33h0 : B.BinaryOperator_8qt0);
93502 break;
93503 case 62:
93504 t2.readChar$0();
93505 addOperator.call$1(t2.scanChar$1(61) ? B.BinaryOperator_1da0 : B.BinaryOperator_AcR1);
93506 break;
93507 case 42:
93508 t2.readChar$0();
93509 addOperator.call$1(B.BinaryOperator_O1M0);
93510 break;
93511 case 43:
93512 if (_box_0.singleExpression_ == null)
93513 addSingleExpression.call$1(_this._stylesheet0$_unaryOperation$0());
93514 else {
93515 t2.readChar$0();
93516 addOperator.call$1(B.BinaryOperator_AcR2);
93517 }
93518 break;
93519 case 45:
93520 next = t2.peekChar$1(1);
93521 if (next != null && next >= 48 && next <= 57 || next === 46)
93522 if (_box_0.singleExpression_ != null) {
93523 t4 = t2.peekChar$1(-1);
93524 t4 = t4 === 32 || t4 === 9 || t4 === 10 || t4 === 13 || t4 === 12;
93525 } else
93526 t4 = true;
93527 else
93528 t4 = false;
93529 if (t4)
93530 addSingleExpression.call$1(_this._stylesheet0$_number$0());
93531 else if (_this._stylesheet0$_lookingAtInterpolatedIdentifier$0())
93532 addSingleExpression.call$1(_this.identifierLike$0());
93533 else if (_box_0.singleExpression_ == null)
93534 addSingleExpression.call$1(_this._stylesheet0$_unaryOperation$0());
93535 else {
93536 t2.readChar$0();
93537 addOperator.call$1(B.BinaryOperator_iyO0);
93538 }
93539 break;
93540 case 47:
93541 if (_box_0.singleExpression_ == null)
93542 addSingleExpression.call$1(_this._stylesheet0$_unaryOperation$0());
93543 else {
93544 t2.readChar$0();
93545 addOperator.call$1(B.BinaryOperator_RTB0);
93546 }
93547 break;
93548 case 37:
93549 t2.readChar$0();
93550 addOperator.call$1(B.BinaryOperator_2ad0);
93551 break;
93552 case 48:
93553 case 49:
93554 case 50:
93555 case 51:
93556 case 52:
93557 case 53:
93558 case 54:
93559 case 55:
93560 case 56:
93561 case 57:
93562 addSingleExpression.call$1(_this._stylesheet0$_number$0());
93563 break;
93564 case 46:
93565 if (t2.peekChar$1(1) === 46)
93566 break $label0$0;
93567 addSingleExpression.call$1(_this._stylesheet0$_number$0());
93568 break;
93569 case 97:
93570 if (!_this.get$plainCss() && _this.scanIdentifier$1("and"))
93571 addOperator.call$1(B.BinaryOperator_and_and_20);
93572 else
93573 addSingleExpression.call$1(_this.identifierLike$0());
93574 break;
93575 case 111:
93576 if (!_this.get$plainCss() && _this.scanIdentifier$1("or"))
93577 addOperator.call$1(B.BinaryOperator_or_or_10);
93578 else
93579 addSingleExpression.call$1(_this.identifierLike$0());
93580 break;
93581 case 117:
93582 case 85:
93583 if (t2.peekChar$1(1) === 43)
93584 addSingleExpression.call$1(_this._stylesheet0$_unicodeRange$0());
93585 else
93586 addSingleExpression.call$1(_this.identifierLike$0());
93587 break;
93588 case 98:
93589 case 99:
93590 case 100:
93591 case 101:
93592 case 102:
93593 case 103:
93594 case 104:
93595 case 105:
93596 case 106:
93597 case 107:
93598 case 108:
93599 case 109:
93600 case 110:
93601 case 112:
93602 case 113:
93603 case 114:
93604 case 115:
93605 case 116:
93606 case 118:
93607 case 119:
93608 case 120:
93609 case 121:
93610 case 122:
93611 case 65:
93612 case 66:
93613 case 67:
93614 case 68:
93615 case 69:
93616 case 70:
93617 case 71:
93618 case 72:
93619 case 73:
93620 case 74:
93621 case 75:
93622 case 76:
93623 case 77:
93624 case 78:
93625 case 79:
93626 case 80:
93627 case 81:
93628 case 82:
93629 case 83:
93630 case 84:
93631 case 86:
93632 case 87:
93633 case 88:
93634 case 89:
93635 case 90:
93636 case 95:
93637 case 92:
93638 addSingleExpression.call$1(_this.identifierLike$0());
93639 break;
93640 case 44:
93641 if (_this._stylesheet0$_inParentheses) {
93642 _this._stylesheet0$_inParentheses = false;
93643 if (_box_0.allowSlash) {
93644 resetState.call$0();
93645 break;
93646 }
93647 }
93648 commaExpressions = _box_0.commaExpressions_;
93649 if (commaExpressions == null)
93650 commaExpressions = _box_0.commaExpressions_ = A._setArrayType([], t3);
93651 if (_box_0.singleExpression_ == null)
93652 t2.error$1(0, _s20_);
93653 resolveSpaceExpressions.call$0();
93654 t4 = _box_0.singleExpression_;
93655 t4.toString;
93656 commaExpressions.push(t4);
93657 t2.readChar$0();
93658 _box_0.allowSlash = true;
93659 _box_0.singleExpression_ = null;
93660 break;
93661 default:
93662 if (first != null && first >= 128) {
93663 addSingleExpression.call$1(_this.identifierLike$0());
93664 break;
93665 } else
93666 break $label0$0;
93667 }
93668 }
93669 if (bracketList)
93670 t2.expectChar$1(93);
93671 commaExpressions = _box_0.commaExpressions_;
93672 spaceExpressions = _box_0.spaceExpressions_;
93673 if (commaExpressions != null) {
93674 resolveSpaceExpressions.call$0();
93675 _this._stylesheet0$_inParentheses = wasInParentheses;
93676 singleExpression = _box_0.singleExpression_;
93677 if (singleExpression != null)
93678 commaExpressions.push(singleExpression);
93679 t1 = t2.spanFrom$1(beforeBracket == null ? start : beforeBracket);
93680 return new A.ListExpression0(A.List_List$unmodifiable(commaExpressions, type$.Expression_2), B.ListSeparator_kWM0, bracketList, t1);
93681 } else if (bracketList && spaceExpressions != null) {
93682 resolveOperations.call$0();
93683 t1 = _box_0.singleExpression_;
93684 t1.toString;
93685 spaceExpressions.push(t1);
93686 beforeBracket.toString;
93687 t2 = t2.spanFrom$1(beforeBracket);
93688 return new A.ListExpression0(A.List_List$unmodifiable(spaceExpressions, type$.Expression_2), B.ListSeparator_woc0, true, t2);
93689 } else {
93690 resolveSpaceExpressions.call$0();
93691 if (bracketList) {
93692 t1 = _box_0.singleExpression_;
93693 t1.toString;
93694 t3 = A._setArrayType([t1], t3);
93695 beforeBracket.toString;
93696 t2 = t2.spanFrom$1(beforeBracket);
93697 _box_0.singleExpression_ = new A.ListExpression0(A.List_List$unmodifiable(t3, type$.Expression_2), B.ListSeparator_undecided_null0, true, t2);
93698 }
93699 t1 = _box_0.singleExpression_;
93700 t1.toString;
93701 return t1;
93702 }
93703 },
93704 expression$2$singleEquals$until(singleEquals, until) {
93705 return this.expression$3$bracketList$singleEquals$until(false, singleEquals, until);
93706 },
93707 expression$1$bracketList(bracketList) {
93708 return this.expression$3$bracketList$singleEquals$until(bracketList, false, null);
93709 },
93710 expression$0() {
93711 return this.expression$3$bracketList$singleEquals$until(false, false, null);
93712 },
93713 expression$1$singleEquals(singleEquals) {
93714 return this.expression$3$bracketList$singleEquals$until(false, singleEquals, null);
93715 },
93716 expression$1$until(until) {
93717 return this.expression$3$bracketList$singleEquals$until(false, false, until);
93718 },
93719 _stylesheet0$_expressionUntilComma$1$singleEquals(singleEquals) {
93720 return this.expression$2$singleEquals$until(singleEquals, new A.StylesheetParser__expressionUntilComma_closure0(this));
93721 },
93722 _stylesheet0$_expressionUntilComma$0() {
93723 return this._stylesheet0$_expressionUntilComma$1$singleEquals(false);
93724 },
93725 _stylesheet0$_isSlashOperand$1(expression) {
93726 var t1;
93727 if (!(expression instanceof A.NumberExpression0))
93728 if (!(expression instanceof A.CalculationExpression0))
93729 t1 = expression instanceof A.BinaryOperationExpression0 && expression.allowsSlash;
93730 else
93731 t1 = true;
93732 else
93733 t1 = true;
93734 return t1;
93735 },
93736 _stylesheet0$_singleExpression$0() {
93737 var next, _this = this,
93738 t1 = _this.scanner,
93739 first = t1.peekChar$0();
93740 switch (first) {
93741 case 40:
93742 return _this._stylesheet0$_parentheses$0();
93743 case 47:
93744 return _this._stylesheet0$_unaryOperation$0();
93745 case 46:
93746 return _this._stylesheet0$_number$0();
93747 case 91:
93748 return _this.expression$1$bracketList(true);
93749 case 36:
93750 return _this._stylesheet0$_variable$0();
93751 case 38:
93752 return _this._stylesheet0$_selector$0();
93753 case 39:
93754 case 34:
93755 return _this.interpolatedString$0();
93756 case 35:
93757 return _this._stylesheet0$_hashExpression$0();
93758 case 43:
93759 next = t1.peekChar$1(1);
93760 return A.isDigit0(next) || next === 46 ? _this._stylesheet0$_number$0() : _this._stylesheet0$_unaryOperation$0();
93761 case 45:
93762 return _this._stylesheet0$_minusExpression$0();
93763 case 33:
93764 return _this._stylesheet0$_importantExpression$0();
93765 case 117:
93766 case 85:
93767 if (t1.peekChar$1(1) === 43)
93768 return _this._stylesheet0$_unicodeRange$0();
93769 else
93770 return _this.identifierLike$0();
93771 case 48:
93772 case 49:
93773 case 50:
93774 case 51:
93775 case 52:
93776 case 53:
93777 case 54:
93778 case 55:
93779 case 56:
93780 case 57:
93781 return _this._stylesheet0$_number$0();
93782 case 97:
93783 case 98:
93784 case 99:
93785 case 100:
93786 case 101:
93787 case 102:
93788 case 103:
93789 case 104:
93790 case 105:
93791 case 106:
93792 case 107:
93793 case 108:
93794 case 109:
93795 case 110:
93796 case 111:
93797 case 112:
93798 case 113:
93799 case 114:
93800 case 115:
93801 case 116:
93802 case 118:
93803 case 119:
93804 case 120:
93805 case 121:
93806 case 122:
93807 case 65:
93808 case 66:
93809 case 67:
93810 case 68:
93811 case 69:
93812 case 70:
93813 case 71:
93814 case 72:
93815 case 73:
93816 case 74:
93817 case 75:
93818 case 76:
93819 case 77:
93820 case 78:
93821 case 79:
93822 case 80:
93823 case 81:
93824 case 82:
93825 case 83:
93826 case 84:
93827 case 86:
93828 case 87:
93829 case 88:
93830 case 89:
93831 case 90:
93832 case 95:
93833 case 92:
93834 return _this.identifierLike$0();
93835 default:
93836 if (first != null && first >= 128)
93837 return _this.identifierLike$0();
93838 t1.error$1(0, "Expected expression.");
93839 }
93840 },
93841 _stylesheet0$_parentheses$0() {
93842 var wasInParentheses, start, first, expressions, t1, t2, _this = this;
93843 if (_this.get$plainCss())
93844 _this.scanner.error$2$length(0, "Parentheses aren't allowed in plain CSS.", 1);
93845 wasInParentheses = _this._stylesheet0$_inParentheses;
93846 _this._stylesheet0$_inParentheses = true;
93847 try {
93848 t1 = _this.scanner;
93849 start = new A._SpanScannerState(t1, t1._string_scanner$_position);
93850 t1.expectChar$1(40);
93851 _this.whitespace$0();
93852 if (!_this._stylesheet0$_lookingAtExpression$0()) {
93853 t1.expectChar$1(41);
93854 t2 = A._setArrayType([], type$.JSArray_Expression_2);
93855 t1 = t1.spanFrom$1(start);
93856 t2 = A.List_List$unmodifiable(t2, type$.Expression_2);
93857 return new A.ListExpression0(t2, B.ListSeparator_undecided_null0, false, t1);
93858 }
93859 first = _this._stylesheet0$_expressionUntilComma$0();
93860 if (t1.scanChar$1(58)) {
93861 _this.whitespace$0();
93862 t1 = _this._stylesheet0$_map$2(first, start);
93863 return t1;
93864 }
93865 if (!t1.scanChar$1(44)) {
93866 t1.expectChar$1(41);
93867 t1 = t1.spanFrom$1(start);
93868 return new A.ParenthesizedExpression0(first, t1);
93869 }
93870 _this.whitespace$0();
93871 expressions = A._setArrayType([first], type$.JSArray_Expression_2);
93872 for (; true;) {
93873 if (!_this._stylesheet0$_lookingAtExpression$0())
93874 break;
93875 J.add$1$ax(expressions, _this._stylesheet0$_expressionUntilComma$0());
93876 if (!t1.scanChar$1(44))
93877 break;
93878 _this.whitespace$0();
93879 }
93880 t1.expectChar$1(41);
93881 t1 = t1.spanFrom$1(start);
93882 t2 = A.List_List$unmodifiable(expressions, type$.Expression_2);
93883 return new A.ListExpression0(t2, B.ListSeparator_kWM0, false, t1);
93884 } finally {
93885 _this._stylesheet0$_inParentheses = wasInParentheses;
93886 }
93887 },
93888 _stylesheet0$_map$2(first, start) {
93889 var t2, key, _this = this,
93890 t1 = type$.Tuple2_Expression_Expression_2,
93891 pairs = A._setArrayType([new A.Tuple2(first, _this._stylesheet0$_expressionUntilComma$0(), t1)], type$.JSArray_Tuple2_Expression_Expression_2);
93892 for (t2 = _this.scanner; t2.scanChar$1(44);) {
93893 _this.whitespace$0();
93894 if (!_this._stylesheet0$_lookingAtExpression$0())
93895 break;
93896 key = _this._stylesheet0$_expressionUntilComma$0();
93897 t2.expectChar$1(58);
93898 _this.whitespace$0();
93899 pairs.push(new A.Tuple2(key, _this._stylesheet0$_expressionUntilComma$0(), t1));
93900 }
93901 t2.expectChar$1(41);
93902 t2 = t2.spanFrom$1(start);
93903 return new A.MapExpression0(A.List_List$unmodifiable(pairs, t1), t2);
93904 },
93905 _stylesheet0$_hashExpression$0() {
93906 var start, first, t2, identifier, buffer, _this = this,
93907 t1 = _this.scanner;
93908 if (t1.peekChar$1(1) === 123)
93909 return _this.identifierLike$0();
93910 start = new A._SpanScannerState(t1, t1._string_scanner$_position);
93911 t1.expectChar$1(35);
93912 first = t1.peekChar$0();
93913 if (first != null && A.isDigit0(first)) {
93914 t1 = _this._stylesheet0$_hexColorContents$1(start);
93915 t2 = t1.originalSpan;
93916 t2.toString;
93917 return new A.ColorExpression0(t1, t2);
93918 }
93919 t2 = t1._string_scanner$_position;
93920 identifier = _this.interpolatedIdentifier$0();
93921 if (_this._stylesheet0$_isHexColor$1(identifier)) {
93922 t1.set$state(new A._SpanScannerState(t1, t2));
93923 t1 = _this._stylesheet0$_hexColorContents$1(start);
93924 t2 = t1.originalSpan;
93925 t2.toString;
93926 return new A.ColorExpression0(t1, t2);
93927 }
93928 t2 = new A.StringBuffer("");
93929 buffer = new A.InterpolationBuffer0(t2, A._setArrayType([], type$.JSArray_Object));
93930 t2._contents = "" + A.Primitives_stringFromCharCode(35);
93931 buffer.addInterpolation$1(identifier);
93932 return new A.StringExpression0(buffer.interpolation$1(t1.spanFrom$1(start)), false);
93933 },
93934 _stylesheet0$_hexColorContents$1(start) {
93935 var red, green, blue, alpha, digit4, t2, t3, _this = this,
93936 digit1 = _this._stylesheet0$_hexDigit$0(),
93937 digit2 = _this._stylesheet0$_hexDigit$0(),
93938 digit3 = _this._stylesheet0$_hexDigit$0(),
93939 t1 = _this.scanner;
93940 if (!A.isHex0(t1.peekChar$0())) {
93941 red = (digit1 << 4 >>> 0) + digit1;
93942 green = (digit2 << 4 >>> 0) + digit2;
93943 blue = (digit3 << 4 >>> 0) + digit3;
93944 alpha = 1;
93945 } else {
93946 digit4 = _this._stylesheet0$_hexDigit$0();
93947 t2 = digit1 << 4 >>> 0;
93948 t3 = digit3 << 4 >>> 0;
93949 if (!A.isHex0(t1.peekChar$0())) {
93950 red = t2 + digit1;
93951 green = (digit2 << 4 >>> 0) + digit2;
93952 blue = t3 + digit3;
93953 alpha = ((digit4 << 4 >>> 0) + digit4) / 255;
93954 } else {
93955 red = t2 + digit2;
93956 green = t3 + digit4;
93957 blue = (_this._stylesheet0$_hexDigit$0() << 4 >>> 0) + _this._stylesheet0$_hexDigit$0();
93958 alpha = A.isHex0(t1.peekChar$0()) ? ((_this._stylesheet0$_hexDigit$0() << 4 >>> 0) + _this._stylesheet0$_hexDigit$0()) / 255 : 1;
93959 }
93960 }
93961 return A.SassColor$rgb0(red, green, blue, alpha, t1.spanFrom$1(start));
93962 },
93963 _stylesheet0$_isHexColor$1(interpolation) {
93964 var t1,
93965 plain = interpolation.get$asPlain();
93966 if (plain == null)
93967 return false;
93968 t1 = plain.length;
93969 if (t1 !== 3 && t1 !== 4 && t1 !== 6 && t1 !== 8)
93970 return false;
93971 t1 = new A.CodeUnits(plain);
93972 return t1.every$1(t1, A.character0__isHex$closure());
93973 },
93974 _stylesheet0$_hexDigit$0() {
93975 var t1 = this.scanner,
93976 char = t1.peekChar$0();
93977 if (char == null || !A.isHex0(char))
93978 t1.error$1(0, "Expected hex digit.");
93979 return A.asHex0(t1.readChar$0());
93980 },
93981 _stylesheet0$_minusExpression$0() {
93982 var _this = this,
93983 next = _this.scanner.peekChar$1(1);
93984 if (A.isDigit0(next) || next === 46)
93985 return _this._stylesheet0$_number$0();
93986 if (_this._stylesheet0$_lookingAtInterpolatedIdentifier$0())
93987 return _this.identifierLike$0();
93988 return _this._stylesheet0$_unaryOperation$0();
93989 },
93990 _stylesheet0$_importantExpression$0() {
93991 var t1 = this.scanner,
93992 t2 = t1._string_scanner$_position;
93993 t1.readChar$0();
93994 this.whitespace$0();
93995 this.expectIdentifier$1("important");
93996 t2 = t1.spanFrom$1(new A._SpanScannerState(t1, t2));
93997 return new A.StringExpression0(A.Interpolation$0(A._setArrayType(["!important"], type$.JSArray_Object), t2), false);
93998 },
93999 _stylesheet0$_unaryOperation$0() {
94000 var _this = this,
94001 t1 = _this.scanner,
94002 t2 = t1._string_scanner$_position,
94003 operator = _this._stylesheet0$_unaryOperatorFor$1(t1.readChar$0());
94004 if (operator == null)
94005 t1.error$2$position(0, "Expected unary operator.", t1._string_scanner$_position - 1);
94006 else if (_this.get$plainCss() && operator !== B.UnaryOperator_zDx0)
94007 t1.error$3$length$position(0, "Operators aren't allowed in plain CSS.", 1, t1._string_scanner$_position - 1);
94008 _this.whitespace$0();
94009 return new A.UnaryOperationExpression0(operator, _this._stylesheet0$_singleExpression$0(), t1.spanFrom$1(new A._SpanScannerState(t1, t2)));
94010 },
94011 _stylesheet0$_unaryOperatorFor$1(character) {
94012 switch (character) {
94013 case 43:
94014 return B.UnaryOperator_j2w0;
94015 case 45:
94016 return B.UnaryOperator_U4G0;
94017 case 47:
94018 return B.UnaryOperator_zDx0;
94019 default:
94020 return null;
94021 }
94022 },
94023 _stylesheet0$_number$0() {
94024 var number, t4, unit, t5, _this = this,
94025 t1 = _this.scanner,
94026 t2 = t1._string_scanner$_position,
94027 first = t1.peekChar$0(),
94028 t3 = first === 45,
94029 sign = t3 ? -1 : 1;
94030 if (first === 43 || t3)
94031 t1.readChar$0();
94032 number = t1.peekChar$0() === 46 ? 0 : _this.naturalNumber$0();
94033 t3 = _this._stylesheet0$_tryDecimal$1$allowTrailingDot(t1._string_scanner$_position !== t2);
94034 t4 = _this._stylesheet0$_tryExponent$0();
94035 if (t1.scanChar$1(37))
94036 unit = "%";
94037 else {
94038 if (_this.lookingAtIdentifier$0())
94039 t5 = t1.peekChar$0() !== 45 || t1.peekChar$1(1) !== 45;
94040 else
94041 t5 = false;
94042 unit = t5 ? _this.identifier$1$unit(true) : null;
94043 }
94044 return new A.NumberExpression0(sign * ((number + t3) * t4), unit, t1.spanFrom$1(new A._SpanScannerState(t1, t2)));
94045 },
94046 _stylesheet0$_tryDecimal$1$allowTrailingDot(allowTrailingDot) {
94047 var t2,
94048 t1 = this.scanner,
94049 start = t1._string_scanner$_position;
94050 if (t1.peekChar$0() !== 46)
94051 return 0;
94052 if (!A.isDigit0(t1.peekChar$1(1))) {
94053 if (allowTrailingDot)
94054 return 0;
94055 t1.error$2$position(0, "Expected digit.", t1._string_scanner$_position + 1);
94056 }
94057 t1.readChar$0();
94058 while (true) {
94059 t2 = t1.peekChar$0();
94060 if (!(t2 != null && t2 >= 48 && t2 <= 57))
94061 break;
94062 t1.readChar$0();
94063 }
94064 return A.double_parse(t1.substring$1(0, start));
94065 },
94066 _stylesheet0$_tryExponent$0() {
94067 var next, t2, exponentSign, exponent,
94068 t1 = this.scanner,
94069 first = t1.peekChar$0();
94070 if (first !== 101 && first !== 69)
94071 return 1;
94072 next = t1.peekChar$1(1);
94073 if (!A.isDigit0(next) && next !== 45 && next !== 43)
94074 return 1;
94075 t1.readChar$0();
94076 t2 = next === 45;
94077 exponentSign = t2 ? -1 : 1;
94078 if (next === 43 || t2)
94079 t1.readChar$0();
94080 if (!A.isDigit0(t1.peekChar$0()))
94081 t1.error$1(0, "Expected digit.");
94082 exponent = 0;
94083 while (true) {
94084 t2 = t1.peekChar$0();
94085 if (!(t2 != null && t2 >= 48 && t2 <= 57))
94086 break;
94087 exponent = exponent * 10 + (t1.readChar$0() - 48);
94088 }
94089 return Math.pow(10, exponentSign * exponent);
94090 },
94091 _stylesheet0$_unicodeRange$0() {
94092 var firstRangeLength, hasQuestionMark, t2, secondRangeLength, _this = this,
94093 _s26_ = "Expected at most 6 digits.",
94094 t1 = _this.scanner,
94095 start = new A._SpanScannerState(t1, t1._string_scanner$_position);
94096 _this.expectIdentChar$1(117);
94097 t1.expectChar$1(43);
94098 for (firstRangeLength = 0; _this.scanCharIf$1(new A.StylesheetParser__unicodeRange_closure1());)
94099 ++firstRangeLength;
94100 for (hasQuestionMark = false; t1.scanChar$1(63); hasQuestionMark = true)
94101 ++firstRangeLength;
94102 if (firstRangeLength === 0)
94103 t1.error$1(0, 'Expected hex digit or "?".');
94104 else if (firstRangeLength > 6)
94105 _this.error$2(0, _s26_, t1.spanFrom$1(start));
94106 else if (hasQuestionMark) {
94107 t2 = t1.substring$1(0, start.position);
94108 t1 = t1.spanFrom$1(start);
94109 return new A.StringExpression0(A.Interpolation$0(A._setArrayType([t2], type$.JSArray_Object), t1), false);
94110 }
94111 if (t1.scanChar$1(45)) {
94112 t2 = t1._string_scanner$_position;
94113 for (secondRangeLength = 0; _this.scanCharIf$1(new A.StylesheetParser__unicodeRange_closure2());)
94114 ++secondRangeLength;
94115 if (secondRangeLength === 0)
94116 t1.error$1(0, "Expected hex digit.");
94117 else if (secondRangeLength > 6)
94118 _this.error$2(0, _s26_, t1.spanFrom$1(new A._SpanScannerState(t1, t2)));
94119 }
94120 if (_this._stylesheet0$_lookingAtInterpolatedIdentifierBody$0())
94121 t1.error$1(0, "Expected end of identifier.");
94122 t2 = t1.substring$1(0, start.position);
94123 t1 = t1.spanFrom$1(start);
94124 return new A.StringExpression0(A.Interpolation$0(A._setArrayType([t2], type$.JSArray_Object), t1), false);
94125 },
94126 _stylesheet0$_variable$0() {
94127 var _this = this,
94128 t1 = _this.scanner,
94129 start = new A._SpanScannerState(t1, t1._string_scanner$_position),
94130 $name = _this.variableName$0();
94131 if (_this.get$plainCss())
94132 _this.error$2(0, string$.Sass_v, t1.spanFrom$1(start));
94133 return new A.VariableExpression0(null, $name, t1.spanFrom$1(start));
94134 },
94135 _stylesheet0$_selector$0() {
94136 var t1, start, _this = this;
94137 if (_this.get$plainCss())
94138 _this.scanner.error$2$length(0, string$.The_pa, 1);
94139 t1 = _this.scanner;
94140 start = new A._SpanScannerState(t1, t1._string_scanner$_position);
94141 t1.expectChar$1(38);
94142 if (t1.scanChar$1(38)) {
94143 _this.logger.warn$2$span(0, string$.In_Sas, t1.spanFrom$1(start));
94144 t1.set$position(t1._string_scanner$_position - 1);
94145 }
94146 return new A.SelectorExpression0(t1.spanFrom$1(start));
94147 },
94148 interpolatedString$0() {
94149 var t3, t4, buffer, next, second, t5,
94150 t1 = this.scanner,
94151 t2 = t1._string_scanner$_position,
94152 quote = t1.readChar$0();
94153 if (quote !== 39 && quote !== 34)
94154 t1.error$2$position(0, "Expected string.", t2);
94155 t3 = new A.StringBuffer("");
94156 t4 = A._setArrayType([], type$.JSArray_Object);
94157 buffer = new A.InterpolationBuffer0(t3, t4);
94158 for (; true;) {
94159 next = t1.peekChar$0();
94160 if (next === quote) {
94161 t1.readChar$0();
94162 break;
94163 } else if (next == null || next === 10 || next === 13 || next === 12)
94164 t1.error$1(0, "Expected " + A.Primitives_stringFromCharCode(quote) + ".");
94165 else if (next === 92) {
94166 second = t1.peekChar$1(1);
94167 if (second === 10 || second === 13 || second === 12) {
94168 t1.readChar$0();
94169 t1.readChar$0();
94170 if (second === 13)
94171 t1.scanChar$1(10);
94172 } else
94173 t3._contents += A.Primitives_stringFromCharCode(A.consumeEscapedCharacter0(t1));
94174 } else if (next === 35)
94175 if (t1.peekChar$1(1) === 123) {
94176 t5 = this.singleInterpolation$0();
94177 buffer._interpolation_buffer0$_flushText$0();
94178 t4.push(t5);
94179 } else
94180 t3._contents += A.Primitives_stringFromCharCode(t1.readChar$0());
94181 else
94182 t3._contents += A.Primitives_stringFromCharCode(t1.readChar$0());
94183 }
94184 return new A.StringExpression0(buffer.interpolation$1(t1.spanFrom$1(new A._SpanScannerState(t1, t2))), true);
94185 },
94186 identifierLike$0() {
94187 var invocation, lower, color, specialFunction, _this = this,
94188 t1 = _this.scanner,
94189 start = new A._SpanScannerState(t1, t1._string_scanner$_position),
94190 identifier = _this.interpolatedIdentifier$0(),
94191 plain = identifier.get$asPlain(),
94192 t2 = plain == null,
94193 t3 = !t2;
94194 if (t3) {
94195 if (plain === "if" && t1.peekChar$0() === 40) {
94196 invocation = _this._stylesheet0$_argumentInvocation$0();
94197 return new A.IfExpression0(invocation, identifier.span.expand$1(0, invocation.span));
94198 } else if (plain === "not") {
94199 _this.whitespace$0();
94200 return new A.UnaryOperationExpression0(B.UnaryOperator_not_not0, _this._stylesheet0$_singleExpression$0(), identifier.span);
94201 }
94202 lower = plain.toLowerCase();
94203 if (t1.peekChar$0() !== 40) {
94204 switch (plain) {
94205 case "false":
94206 return new A.BooleanExpression0(false, identifier.span);
94207 case "null":
94208 return new A.NullExpression0(identifier.span);
94209 case "true":
94210 return new A.BooleanExpression0(true, identifier.span);
94211 }
94212 color = $.$get$colorsByName0().$index(0, lower);
94213 if (color != null) {
94214 color = A.SassColor$rgb0(color.get$red(color), color.get$green(color), color.get$blue(color), color._color0$_alpha, identifier.span);
94215 t1 = color.originalSpan;
94216 t1.toString;
94217 return new A.ColorExpression0(color, t1);
94218 }
94219 }
94220 specialFunction = _this.trySpecialFunction$2(lower, start);
94221 if (specialFunction != null)
94222 return specialFunction;
94223 }
94224 switch (t1.peekChar$0()) {
94225 case 46:
94226 if (t1.peekChar$1(1) === 46)
94227 return new A.StringExpression0(identifier, false);
94228 t1.readChar$0();
94229 if (t3)
94230 return _this.namespacedExpression$2(plain, start);
94231 _this.error$2(0, string$.Interpn, identifier.span);
94232 break;
94233 case 40:
94234 if (t2)
94235 return new A.InterpolatedFunctionExpression0(identifier, _this._stylesheet0$_argumentInvocation$0(), t1.spanFrom$1(start));
94236 else
94237 return new A.FunctionExpression0(null, plain, _this._stylesheet0$_argumentInvocation$0(), t1.spanFrom$1(start));
94238 default:
94239 return new A.StringExpression0(identifier, false);
94240 }
94241 },
94242 namespacedExpression$2(namespace, start) {
94243 var $name, _this = this,
94244 t1 = _this.scanner;
94245 if (t1.peekChar$0() === 36) {
94246 $name = _this.variableName$0();
94247 _this._stylesheet0$_assertPublic$2($name, new A.StylesheetParser_namespacedExpression_closure0(_this, start));
94248 return new A.VariableExpression0(namespace, $name, t1.spanFrom$1(start));
94249 }
94250 return new A.FunctionExpression0(namespace, _this._stylesheet0$_publicIdentifier$0(), _this._stylesheet0$_argumentInvocation$0(), t1.spanFrom$1(start));
94251 },
94252 trySpecialFunction$2($name, start) {
94253 var t2, buffer, t3, next, _this = this, _null = null,
94254 t1 = _this.scanner,
94255 calculation = t1.peekChar$0() === 40 ? _this._stylesheet0$_tryCalculation$2($name, start) : _null;
94256 if (calculation != null)
94257 return calculation;
94258 switch (A.unvendor0($name)) {
94259 case "calc":
94260 case "element":
94261 case "expression":
94262 if (!t1.scanChar$1(40))
94263 return _null;
94264 t2 = new A.StringBuffer("");
94265 buffer = new A.InterpolationBuffer0(t2, A._setArrayType([], type$.JSArray_Object));
94266 t3 = "" + $name;
94267 t2._contents = t3;
94268 t2._contents = t3 + A.Primitives_stringFromCharCode(40);
94269 break;
94270 case "progid":
94271 if (!t1.scanChar$1(58))
94272 return _null;
94273 t2 = new A.StringBuffer("");
94274 buffer = new A.InterpolationBuffer0(t2, A._setArrayType([], type$.JSArray_Object));
94275 t3 = "" + $name;
94276 t2._contents = t3;
94277 t2._contents = t3 + A.Primitives_stringFromCharCode(58);
94278 next = t1.peekChar$0();
94279 while (true) {
94280 if (next != null) {
94281 if (!(next >= 97 && next <= 122))
94282 t3 = next >= 65 && next <= 90;
94283 else
94284 t3 = true;
94285 t3 = t3 || next === 46;
94286 } else
94287 t3 = false;
94288 if (!t3)
94289 break;
94290 t2._contents += A.Primitives_stringFromCharCode(t1.readChar$0());
94291 next = t1.peekChar$0();
94292 }
94293 t1.expectChar$1(40);
94294 t2._contents += A.Primitives_stringFromCharCode(40);
94295 break;
94296 case "url":
94297 return A.NullableExtension_andThen0(_this._stylesheet0$_tryUrlContents$1(start), new A.StylesheetParser_trySpecialFunction_closure0());
94298 default:
94299 return _null;
94300 }
94301 buffer.addInterpolation$1(_this._stylesheet0$_interpolatedDeclarationValue$1$allowEmpty(true));
94302 t1.expectChar$1(41);
94303 buffer._interpolation_buffer0$_text._contents += A.Primitives_stringFromCharCode(41);
94304 return new A.StringExpression0(buffer.interpolation$1(t1.spanFrom$1(start)), false);
94305 },
94306 _stylesheet0$_tryCalculation$2($name, start) {
94307 var beforeArguments, $arguments, t1, exception, t2, _this = this;
94308 switch ($name) {
94309 case "calc":
94310 $arguments = _this._stylesheet0$_calculationArguments$1(1);
94311 t1 = _this.scanner.spanFrom$1(start);
94312 return new A.CalculationExpression0($name, A.CalculationExpression__verifyArguments0($arguments), t1);
94313 case "min":
94314 case "max":
94315 t1 = _this.scanner;
94316 beforeArguments = new A._SpanScannerState(t1, t1._string_scanner$_position);
94317 $arguments = null;
94318 try {
94319 $arguments = _this._stylesheet0$_calculationArguments$0();
94320 } catch (exception) {
94321 if (type$.FormatException._is(A.unwrapException(exception))) {
94322 t1.set$state(beforeArguments);
94323 return null;
94324 } else
94325 throw exception;
94326 }
94327 t2 = $arguments;
94328 t1 = t1.spanFrom$1(start);
94329 return new A.CalculationExpression0($name, A.CalculationExpression__verifyArguments0(t2), t1);
94330 case "clamp":
94331 $arguments = _this._stylesheet0$_calculationArguments$1(3);
94332 t1 = _this.scanner.spanFrom$1(start);
94333 return new A.CalculationExpression0($name, A.CalculationExpression__verifyArguments0($arguments), t1);
94334 default:
94335 return null;
94336 }
94337 },
94338 _stylesheet0$_calculationArguments$1(maxArgs) {
94339 var interpolation, $arguments, t2, _this = this,
94340 t1 = _this.scanner;
94341 t1.expectChar$1(40);
94342 interpolation = _this._stylesheet0$_containsCalculationInterpolation$0() ? new A.StringExpression0(_this._stylesheet0$_interpolatedDeclarationValue$0(), false) : null;
94343 if (interpolation != null) {
94344 t1.expectChar$1(41);
94345 return A._setArrayType([interpolation], type$.JSArray_Expression_2);
94346 }
94347 _this.whitespace$0();
94348 $arguments = A._setArrayType([_this._stylesheet0$_calculationSum$0()], type$.JSArray_Expression_2);
94349 t2 = maxArgs != null;
94350 while (true) {
94351 if (!((!t2 || $arguments.length < maxArgs) && t1.scanChar$1(44)))
94352 break;
94353 _this.whitespace$0();
94354 $arguments.push(_this._stylesheet0$_calculationSum$0());
94355 }
94356 t1.expectChar$2$name(41, $arguments.length === maxArgs ? '"+", "-", "*", "/", or ")"' : '"+", "-", "*", "/", ",", or ")"');
94357 return $arguments;
94358 },
94359 _stylesheet0$_calculationArguments$0() {
94360 return this._stylesheet0$_calculationArguments$1(null);
94361 },
94362 _stylesheet0$_calculationSum$0() {
94363 var t1, next, t2, t3, _this = this,
94364 sum = _this._stylesheet0$_calculationProduct$0();
94365 for (t1 = _this.scanner; true;) {
94366 next = t1.peekChar$0();
94367 t2 = next === 43;
94368 if (t2 || next === 45) {
94369 t3 = t1.peekChar$1(-1);
94370 if (t3 === 32 || t3 === 9 || t3 === 10 || t3 === 13 || t3 === 12) {
94371 t3 = t1.peekChar$1(1);
94372 t3 = !(t3 === 32 || t3 === 9 || t3 === 10 || t3 === 13 || t3 === 12);
94373 } else
94374 t3 = true;
94375 if (t3)
94376 t1.error$1(0, string$.x22x2b__an);
94377 t1.readChar$0();
94378 _this.whitespace$0();
94379 t2 = t2 ? B.BinaryOperator_AcR2 : B.BinaryOperator_iyO0;
94380 sum = new A.BinaryOperationExpression0(t2, sum, _this._stylesheet0$_calculationProduct$0(), false);
94381 } else
94382 return sum;
94383 }
94384 },
94385 _stylesheet0$_calculationProduct$0() {
94386 var t1, next, t2, _this = this,
94387 product = _this._stylesheet0$_calculationValue$0();
94388 for (t1 = _this.scanner; true;) {
94389 _this.whitespace$0();
94390 next = t1.peekChar$0();
94391 t2 = next === 42;
94392 if (t2 || next === 47) {
94393 t1.readChar$0();
94394 _this.whitespace$0();
94395 t2 = t2 ? B.BinaryOperator_O1M0 : B.BinaryOperator_RTB0;
94396 product = new A.BinaryOperationExpression0(t2, product, _this._stylesheet0$_calculationValue$0(), false);
94397 } else
94398 return product;
94399 }
94400 },
94401 _stylesheet0$_calculationValue$0() {
94402 var t2, value, start, ident, lowerCase, calculation, _this = this,
94403 t1 = _this.scanner,
94404 next = t1.peekChar$0();
94405 if (next === 43 || next === 45 || next === 46 || A.isDigit0(next))
94406 return _this._stylesheet0$_number$0();
94407 else if (next === 36)
94408 return _this._stylesheet0$_variable$0();
94409 else if (next === 40) {
94410 t2 = t1._string_scanner$_position;
94411 t1.readChar$0();
94412 value = _this._stylesheet0$_containsCalculationInterpolation$0() ? new A.StringExpression0(_this._stylesheet0$_interpolatedDeclarationValue$0(), false) : null;
94413 if (value == null) {
94414 _this.whitespace$0();
94415 value = _this._stylesheet0$_calculationSum$0();
94416 }
94417 _this.whitespace$0();
94418 t1.expectChar$1(41);
94419 return new A.ParenthesizedExpression0(value, t1.spanFrom$1(new A._SpanScannerState(t1, t2)));
94420 } else if (!_this.lookingAtIdentifier$0())
94421 t1.error$1(0, string$.Expectn);
94422 else {
94423 start = new A._SpanScannerState(t1, t1._string_scanner$_position);
94424 ident = _this.identifier$0();
94425 if (t1.scanChar$1(46))
94426 return _this.namespacedExpression$2(ident, start);
94427 if (t1.peekChar$0() !== 40)
94428 t1.error$1(0, 'Expected "(" or ".".');
94429 lowerCase = ident.toLowerCase();
94430 calculation = _this._stylesheet0$_tryCalculation$2(lowerCase, start);
94431 if (calculation != null)
94432 return calculation;
94433 else if (lowerCase === "if")
94434 return new A.IfExpression0(_this._stylesheet0$_argumentInvocation$0(), t1.spanFrom$1(start));
94435 else
94436 return new A.FunctionExpression0(null, ident, _this._stylesheet0$_argumentInvocation$0(), t1.spanFrom$1(start));
94437 }
94438 },
94439 _stylesheet0$_containsCalculationInterpolation$0() {
94440 var t2, parens, next, target, t3, _null = null,
94441 _s64_ = string$.The_gi,
94442 _s17_ = "Invalid position ",
94443 brackets = A._setArrayType([], type$.JSArray_int),
94444 t1 = this.scanner,
94445 start = new A._SpanScannerState(t1, t1._string_scanner$_position);
94446 for (t2 = t1.string.length, parens = 0; t1._string_scanner$_position !== t2;) {
94447 next = t1.peekChar$0();
94448 switch (next) {
94449 case 92:
94450 target = 1;
94451 break;
94452 case 47:
94453 target = 2;
94454 break;
94455 case 39:
94456 case 34:
94457 target = 3;
94458 break;
94459 case 35:
94460 target = 4;
94461 break;
94462 case 40:
94463 target = 5;
94464 break;
94465 case 123:
94466 case 91:
94467 target = 6;
94468 break;
94469 case 41:
94470 target = 7;
94471 break;
94472 case 125:
94473 case 93:
94474 target = 8;
94475 break;
94476 default:
94477 target = 9;
94478 break;
94479 }
94480 c$0:
94481 for (; true;)
94482 switch (target) {
94483 case 1:
94484 t1.readChar$0();
94485 t1.readChar$0();
94486 break c$0;
94487 case 2:
94488 if (!this.scanComment$0())
94489 t1.readChar$0();
94490 break c$0;
94491 case 3:
94492 this.interpolatedString$0();
94493 break c$0;
94494 case 4:
94495 if (parens === 0 && t1.peekChar$1(1) === 123) {
94496 if (start._scanner !== t1)
94497 A.throwExpression(A.ArgumentError$(_s64_, _null));
94498 t3 = start.position;
94499 if (t3 < 0 || t3 > t2)
94500 A.throwExpression(A.ArgumentError$(_s17_ + t3, _null));
94501 t1._string_scanner$_position = t3;
94502 t1._lastMatch = null;
94503 return true;
94504 }
94505 t1.readChar$0();
94506 break c$0;
94507 case 5:
94508 ++parens;
94509 target = 6;
94510 continue c$0;
94511 case 6:
94512 next.toString;
94513 brackets.push(A.opposite0(next));
94514 t1.readChar$0();
94515 break c$0;
94516 case 7:
94517 --parens;
94518 target = 8;
94519 continue c$0;
94520 case 8:
94521 if (brackets.length === 0 || brackets.pop() !== next) {
94522 if (start._scanner !== t1)
94523 A.throwExpression(A.ArgumentError$(_s64_, _null));
94524 t3 = start.position;
94525 if (t3 < 0 || t3 > t2)
94526 A.throwExpression(A.ArgumentError$(_s17_ + t3, _null));
94527 t1._string_scanner$_position = t3;
94528 t1._lastMatch = null;
94529 return false;
94530 }
94531 t1.readChar$0();
94532 break c$0;
94533 case 9:
94534 t1.readChar$0();
94535 break c$0;
94536 }
94537 }
94538 t1.set$state(start);
94539 return false;
94540 },
94541 _stylesheet0$_tryUrlContents$2$name(start, $name) {
94542 var t3, t4, buffer, t5, next, endPosition, result, _this = this,
94543 t1 = _this.scanner,
94544 t2 = t1._string_scanner$_position;
94545 if (!t1.scanChar$1(40))
94546 return null;
94547 _this.whitespaceWithoutComments$0();
94548 t3 = new A.StringBuffer("");
94549 t4 = A._setArrayType([], type$.JSArray_Object);
94550 buffer = new A.InterpolationBuffer0(t3, t4);
94551 t5 = "" + ($name == null ? "url" : $name);
94552 t3._contents = t5;
94553 t3._contents = t5 + A.Primitives_stringFromCharCode(40);
94554 for (; true;) {
94555 next = t1.peekChar$0();
94556 if (next == null)
94557 break;
94558 else if (next === 92)
94559 t3._contents += A.S(_this.escape$0());
94560 else {
94561 if (next !== 33)
94562 if (next !== 37)
94563 if (next !== 38)
94564 t5 = next >= 42 && next <= 126 || next >= 128;
94565 else
94566 t5 = true;
94567 else
94568 t5 = true;
94569 else
94570 t5 = true;
94571 if (t5)
94572 t3._contents += A.Primitives_stringFromCharCode(t1.readChar$0());
94573 else if (next === 35)
94574 if (t1.peekChar$1(1) === 123) {
94575 t5 = _this.singleInterpolation$0();
94576 buffer._interpolation_buffer0$_flushText$0();
94577 t4.push(t5);
94578 } else
94579 t3._contents += A.Primitives_stringFromCharCode(t1.readChar$0());
94580 else if (next === 32 || next === 9 || next === 10 || next === 13 || next === 12) {
94581 _this.whitespaceWithoutComments$0();
94582 if (t1.peekChar$0() !== 41)
94583 break;
94584 } else if (next === 41) {
94585 t3._contents += A.Primitives_stringFromCharCode(t1.readChar$0());
94586 endPosition = t1._string_scanner$_position;
94587 t2 = t1._sourceFile;
94588 t5 = start.position;
94589 t1 = new A._FileSpan(t2, t5, endPosition);
94590 t1._FileSpan$3(t2, t5, endPosition);
94591 t5 = type$.Object;
94592 t2 = A.List_List$of(t4, true, t5);
94593 t4 = t3._contents;
94594 if (t4.length !== 0)
94595 t2.push(t4.charCodeAt(0) == 0 ? t4 : t4);
94596 result = A.List_List$from(t2, false, t5);
94597 result.fixed$length = Array;
94598 result.immutable$list = Array;
94599 t3 = new A.Interpolation0(result, t1);
94600 t3.Interpolation$20(t2, t1);
94601 return t3;
94602 } else
94603 break;
94604 }
94605 }
94606 t1.set$state(new A._SpanScannerState(t1, t2));
94607 return null;
94608 },
94609 _stylesheet0$_tryUrlContents$1(start) {
94610 return this._stylesheet0$_tryUrlContents$2$name(start, null);
94611 },
94612 dynamicUrl$0() {
94613 var contents, _this = this,
94614 t1 = _this.scanner,
94615 start = new A._SpanScannerState(t1, t1._string_scanner$_position);
94616 _this.expectIdentifier$1("url");
94617 contents = _this._stylesheet0$_tryUrlContents$1(start);
94618 if (contents != null)
94619 return new A.StringExpression0(contents, false);
94620 return new A.InterpolatedFunctionExpression0(A.Interpolation$0(A._setArrayType(["url"], type$.JSArray_Object), t1.spanFrom$1(start)), _this._stylesheet0$_argumentInvocation$0(), t1.spanFrom$1(start));
94621 },
94622 almostAnyValue$1$omitComments(omitComments) {
94623 var t4, t5, t6, next, commentStart, end, t7, contents, _this = this,
94624 t1 = _this.scanner,
94625 t2 = t1._string_scanner$_position,
94626 t3 = new A.StringBuffer(""),
94627 buffer = new A.InterpolationBuffer0(t3, A._setArrayType([], type$.JSArray_Object));
94628 $label0$1:
94629 for (t4 = t1.string, t5 = t4.length, t6 = !omitComments; true;) {
94630 next = t1.peekChar$0();
94631 switch (next) {
94632 case 92:
94633 t3._contents += A.Primitives_stringFromCharCode(t1.readChar$0());
94634 t3._contents += A.Primitives_stringFromCharCode(t1.readChar$0());
94635 break;
94636 case 34:
94637 case 39:
94638 buffer.addInterpolation$1(_this.interpolatedString$0().asInterpolation$0());
94639 break;
94640 case 47:
94641 commentStart = t1._string_scanner$_position;
94642 if (_this.scanComment$0()) {
94643 if (t6) {
94644 end = t1._string_scanner$_position;
94645 t3._contents += B.JSString_methods.substring$2(t4, commentStart, end);
94646 }
94647 } else
94648 t3._contents += A.Primitives_stringFromCharCode(t1.readChar$0());
94649 break;
94650 case 35:
94651 if (t1.peekChar$1(1) === 123)
94652 buffer.addInterpolation$1(_this.interpolatedIdentifier$0());
94653 else
94654 t3._contents += A.Primitives_stringFromCharCode(t1.readChar$0());
94655 break;
94656 case 13:
94657 case 10:
94658 case 12:
94659 if (_this.get$indented())
94660 break $label0$1;
94661 t3._contents += A.Primitives_stringFromCharCode(t1.readChar$0());
94662 break;
94663 case 33:
94664 case 59:
94665 case 123:
94666 case 125:
94667 break $label0$1;
94668 case 117:
94669 case 85:
94670 t7 = t1._string_scanner$_position;
94671 if (!_this.scanIdentifier$1("url")) {
94672 t3._contents += A.Primitives_stringFromCharCode(t1.readChar$0());
94673 break;
94674 }
94675 contents = _this._stylesheet0$_tryUrlContents$1(new A._SpanScannerState(t1, t7));
94676 if (contents == null) {
94677 if (t7 < 0 || t7 > t5)
94678 A.throwExpression(A.ArgumentError$("Invalid position " + t7, null));
94679 t1._string_scanner$_position = t7;
94680 t1._lastMatch = null;
94681 t3._contents += A.Primitives_stringFromCharCode(t1.readChar$0());
94682 } else
94683 buffer.addInterpolation$1(contents);
94684 break;
94685 default:
94686 if (next == null)
94687 break $label0$1;
94688 if (_this.lookingAtIdentifier$0())
94689 t3._contents += _this.identifier$0();
94690 else
94691 t3._contents += A.Primitives_stringFromCharCode(t1.readChar$0());
94692 break;
94693 }
94694 }
94695 return buffer.interpolation$1(t1.spanFrom$1(new A._SpanScannerState(t1, t2)));
94696 },
94697 almostAnyValue$0() {
94698 return this.almostAnyValue$1$omitComments(false);
94699 },
94700 _stylesheet0$_interpolatedDeclarationValue$3$allowColon$allowEmpty$allowSemicolon(allowColon, allowEmpty, allowSemicolon) {
94701 var t4, t5, t6, t7, wroteNewline, next, t8, start, end, contents, _this = this,
94702 t1 = _this.scanner,
94703 t2 = t1._string_scanner$_position,
94704 t3 = new A.StringBuffer(""),
94705 buffer = new A.InterpolationBuffer0(t3, A._setArrayType([], type$.JSArray_Object)),
94706 brackets = A._setArrayType([], type$.JSArray_int);
94707 $label0$1:
94708 for (t4 = t1.string, t5 = t4.length, t6 = !allowColon, t7 = !allowSemicolon, wroteNewline = false; true;) {
94709 next = t1.peekChar$0();
94710 switch (next) {
94711 case 92:
94712 t3._contents += A.S(_this.escape$1$identifierStart(true));
94713 wroteNewline = false;
94714 break;
94715 case 34:
94716 case 39:
94717 buffer.addInterpolation$1(_this.interpolatedString$0().asInterpolation$0());
94718 wroteNewline = false;
94719 break;
94720 case 47:
94721 if (t1.peekChar$1(1) === 42) {
94722 t8 = _this.get$loudComment();
94723 start = t1._string_scanner$_position;
94724 t8.call$0();
94725 end = t1._string_scanner$_position;
94726 t3._contents += B.JSString_methods.substring$2(t4, start, end);
94727 } else
94728 t3._contents += A.Primitives_stringFromCharCode(t1.readChar$0());
94729 wroteNewline = false;
94730 break;
94731 case 35:
94732 if (t1.peekChar$1(1) === 123)
94733 buffer.addInterpolation$1(_this.interpolatedIdentifier$0());
94734 else
94735 t3._contents += A.Primitives_stringFromCharCode(t1.readChar$0());
94736 wroteNewline = false;
94737 break;
94738 case 32:
94739 case 9:
94740 if (!wroteNewline) {
94741 t8 = t1.peekChar$1(1);
94742 t8 = !(t8 === 32 || t8 === 9 || t8 === 10 || t8 === 13 || t8 === 12);
94743 } else
94744 t8 = true;
94745 if (t8)
94746 t3._contents += A.Primitives_stringFromCharCode(t1.readChar$0());
94747 else
94748 t1.readChar$0();
94749 break;
94750 case 10:
94751 case 13:
94752 case 12:
94753 if (_this.get$indented())
94754 break $label0$1;
94755 t8 = t1.peekChar$1(-1);
94756 if (!(t8 === 10 || t8 === 13 || t8 === 12))
94757 t3._contents += "\n";
94758 t1.readChar$0();
94759 wroteNewline = true;
94760 break;
94761 case 40:
94762 case 123:
94763 case 91:
94764 next.toString;
94765 t3._contents += A.Primitives_stringFromCharCode(next);
94766 brackets.push(A.opposite0(t1.readChar$0()));
94767 wroteNewline = false;
94768 break;
94769 case 41:
94770 case 125:
94771 case 93:
94772 if (brackets.length === 0)
94773 break $label0$1;
94774 next.toString;
94775 t3._contents += A.Primitives_stringFromCharCode(next);
94776 t1.expectChar$1(brackets.pop());
94777 wroteNewline = false;
94778 break;
94779 case 59:
94780 if (t7 && brackets.length === 0)
94781 break $label0$1;
94782 t3._contents += A.Primitives_stringFromCharCode(t1.readChar$0());
94783 wroteNewline = false;
94784 break;
94785 case 58:
94786 if (t6 && brackets.length === 0)
94787 break $label0$1;
94788 t3._contents += A.Primitives_stringFromCharCode(t1.readChar$0());
94789 wroteNewline = false;
94790 break;
94791 case 117:
94792 case 85:
94793 t8 = t1._string_scanner$_position;
94794 if (!_this.scanIdentifier$1("url")) {
94795 t3._contents += A.Primitives_stringFromCharCode(t1.readChar$0());
94796 wroteNewline = false;
94797 break;
94798 }
94799 contents = _this._stylesheet0$_tryUrlContents$1(new A._SpanScannerState(t1, t8));
94800 if (contents == null) {
94801 if (t8 < 0 || t8 > t5)
94802 A.throwExpression(A.ArgumentError$("Invalid position " + t8, null));
94803 t1._string_scanner$_position = t8;
94804 t1._lastMatch = null;
94805 t3._contents += A.Primitives_stringFromCharCode(t1.readChar$0());
94806 } else
94807 buffer.addInterpolation$1(contents);
94808 wroteNewline = false;
94809 break;
94810 default:
94811 if (next == null)
94812 break $label0$1;
94813 if (_this.lookingAtIdentifier$0())
94814 t3._contents += _this.identifier$0();
94815 else
94816 t3._contents += A.Primitives_stringFromCharCode(t1.readChar$0());
94817 wroteNewline = false;
94818 break;
94819 }
94820 }
94821 if (brackets.length !== 0)
94822 t1.expectChar$1(B.JSArray_methods.get$last(brackets));
94823 if (!allowEmpty && buffer._interpolation_buffer0$_contents.length === 0 && t3._contents.length === 0)
94824 t1.error$1(0, "Expected token.");
94825 return buffer.interpolation$1(t1.spanFrom$1(new A._SpanScannerState(t1, t2)));
94826 },
94827 _stylesheet0$_interpolatedDeclarationValue$1$allowEmpty(allowEmpty) {
94828 return this._stylesheet0$_interpolatedDeclarationValue$3$allowColon$allowEmpty$allowSemicolon(true, allowEmpty, false);
94829 },
94830 _stylesheet0$_interpolatedDeclarationValue$0() {
94831 return this._stylesheet0$_interpolatedDeclarationValue$3$allowColon$allowEmpty$allowSemicolon(true, false, false);
94832 },
94833 _stylesheet0$_interpolatedDeclarationValue$2$allowEmpty$allowSemicolon(allowEmpty, allowSemicolon) {
94834 return this._stylesheet0$_interpolatedDeclarationValue$3$allowColon$allowEmpty$allowSemicolon(true, allowEmpty, allowSemicolon);
94835 },
94836 interpolatedIdentifier$0() {
94837 var first, _this = this,
94838 _s20_ = "Expected identifier.",
94839 t1 = _this.scanner,
94840 start = new A._SpanScannerState(t1, t1._string_scanner$_position),
94841 t2 = new A.StringBuffer(""),
94842 t3 = A._setArrayType([], type$.JSArray_Object),
94843 buffer = new A.InterpolationBuffer0(t2, t3);
94844 if (t1.scanChar$1(45)) {
94845 t2._contents += A.Primitives_stringFromCharCode(45);
94846 if (t1.scanChar$1(45)) {
94847 t2._contents += A.Primitives_stringFromCharCode(45);
94848 _this._stylesheet0$_interpolatedIdentifierBody$1(buffer);
94849 return buffer.interpolation$1(t1.spanFrom$1(start));
94850 }
94851 }
94852 first = t1.peekChar$0();
94853 if (first == null)
94854 t1.error$1(0, _s20_);
94855 else if (first === 95 || A.isAlphabetic1(first) || first >= 128)
94856 t2._contents += A.Primitives_stringFromCharCode(t1.readChar$0());
94857 else if (first === 92)
94858 t2._contents += A.S(_this.escape$1$identifierStart(true));
94859 else if (first === 35 && t1.peekChar$1(1) === 123) {
94860 t2 = _this.singleInterpolation$0();
94861 buffer._interpolation_buffer0$_flushText$0();
94862 t3.push(t2);
94863 } else
94864 t1.error$1(0, _s20_);
94865 _this._stylesheet0$_interpolatedIdentifierBody$1(buffer);
94866 return buffer.interpolation$1(t1.spanFrom$1(start));
94867 },
94868 _stylesheet0$_interpolatedIdentifierBody$1(buffer) {
94869 var t1, t2, t3, next, t4;
94870 for (t1 = buffer._interpolation_buffer0$_contents, t2 = this.scanner, t3 = buffer._interpolation_buffer0$_text; true;) {
94871 next = t2.peekChar$0();
94872 if (next == null)
94873 break;
94874 else {
94875 if (next !== 95)
94876 if (next !== 45) {
94877 if (!(next >= 97 && next <= 122))
94878 t4 = next >= 65 && next <= 90;
94879 else
94880 t4 = true;
94881 if (!t4)
94882 t4 = next >= 48 && next <= 57;
94883 else
94884 t4 = true;
94885 t4 = t4 || next >= 128;
94886 } else
94887 t4 = true;
94888 else
94889 t4 = true;
94890 if (t4)
94891 t3._contents += A.Primitives_stringFromCharCode(t2.readChar$0());
94892 else if (next === 92)
94893 t3._contents += A.S(this.escape$0());
94894 else if (next === 35 && t2.peekChar$1(1) === 123) {
94895 t4 = this.singleInterpolation$0();
94896 buffer._interpolation_buffer0$_flushText$0();
94897 t1.push(t4);
94898 } else
94899 break;
94900 }
94901 }
94902 },
94903 singleInterpolation$0() {
94904 var contents, _this = this,
94905 t1 = _this.scanner,
94906 t2 = t1._string_scanner$_position;
94907 t1.expect$1("#{");
94908 _this.whitespace$0();
94909 contents = _this.expression$0();
94910 t1.expectChar$1(125);
94911 if (_this.get$plainCss())
94912 _this.error$2(0, string$.Interpp, t1.spanFrom$1(new A._SpanScannerState(t1, t2)));
94913 return contents;
94914 },
94915 _stylesheet0$_mediaQueryList$0() {
94916 var t4,
94917 t1 = this.scanner,
94918 t2 = t1._string_scanner$_position,
94919 t3 = new A.StringBuffer(""),
94920 buffer = new A.InterpolationBuffer0(t3, A._setArrayType([], type$.JSArray_Object));
94921 for (; true;) {
94922 this.whitespace$0();
94923 this._stylesheet0$_mediaQuery$1(buffer);
94924 if (!t1.scanChar$1(44))
94925 break;
94926 t4 = t3._contents += A.Primitives_stringFromCharCode(44);
94927 t3._contents = t4 + A.Primitives_stringFromCharCode(32);
94928 }
94929 return buffer.interpolation$1(t1.spanFrom$1(new A._SpanScannerState(t1, t2)));
94930 },
94931 _stylesheet0$_mediaQuery$1(buffer) {
94932 var t1, identifier, _this = this;
94933 if (_this.scanner.peekChar$0() !== 40) {
94934 buffer.addInterpolation$1(_this.interpolatedIdentifier$0());
94935 _this.whitespace$0();
94936 if (!_this._stylesheet0$_lookingAtInterpolatedIdentifier$0())
94937 return;
94938 t1 = buffer._interpolation_buffer0$_text;
94939 t1._contents += A.Primitives_stringFromCharCode(32);
94940 identifier = _this.interpolatedIdentifier$0();
94941 _this.whitespace$0();
94942 if (A.equalsIgnoreCase0(identifier.get$asPlain(), "and"))
94943 t1._contents += " and ";
94944 else {
94945 buffer.addInterpolation$1(identifier);
94946 if (_this.scanIdentifier$1("and")) {
94947 _this.whitespace$0();
94948 t1._contents += " and ";
94949 } else
94950 return;
94951 }
94952 }
94953 for (t1 = buffer._interpolation_buffer0$_text; true;) {
94954 _this.whitespace$0();
94955 buffer.addInterpolation$1(_this._stylesheet0$_mediaFeature$0());
94956 _this.whitespace$0();
94957 if (!_this.scanIdentifier$1("and"))
94958 break;
94959 t1._contents += " and ";
94960 }
94961 },
94962 _stylesheet0$_mediaFeature$0() {
94963 var interpolation, t2, t3, t4, buffer, t5, next, t6, _this = this,
94964 t1 = _this.scanner;
94965 if (t1.peekChar$0() === 35) {
94966 interpolation = _this.singleInterpolation$0();
94967 return A.Interpolation$0(A._setArrayType([interpolation], type$.JSArray_Object), interpolation.get$span(interpolation));
94968 }
94969 t2 = t1._string_scanner$_position;
94970 t3 = new A.StringBuffer("");
94971 t4 = A._setArrayType([], type$.JSArray_Object);
94972 buffer = new A.InterpolationBuffer0(t3, t4);
94973 t1.expectChar$1(40);
94974 t3._contents += A.Primitives_stringFromCharCode(40);
94975 _this.whitespace$0();
94976 t5 = _this._stylesheet0$_expressionUntilComparison$0();
94977 buffer._interpolation_buffer0$_flushText$0();
94978 t4.push(t5);
94979 if (t1.scanChar$1(58)) {
94980 _this.whitespace$0();
94981 t5 = t3._contents += A.Primitives_stringFromCharCode(58);
94982 t3._contents = t5 + A.Primitives_stringFromCharCode(32);
94983 t5 = _this.expression$0();
94984 buffer._interpolation_buffer0$_flushText$0();
94985 t4.push(t5);
94986 } else {
94987 next = t1.peekChar$0();
94988 t5 = next !== 60;
94989 if (!t5 || next === 62 || next === 61) {
94990 t3._contents += A.Primitives_stringFromCharCode(32);
94991 t3._contents += A.Primitives_stringFromCharCode(t1.readChar$0());
94992 if ((!t5 || next === 62) && t1.scanChar$1(61))
94993 t3._contents += A.Primitives_stringFromCharCode(61);
94994 t3._contents += A.Primitives_stringFromCharCode(32);
94995 _this.whitespace$0();
94996 t6 = _this._stylesheet0$_expressionUntilComparison$0();
94997 buffer._interpolation_buffer0$_flushText$0();
94998 t4.push(t6);
94999 if (!t5 || next === 62) {
95000 next.toString;
95001 t5 = t1.scanChar$1(next);
95002 } else
95003 t5 = false;
95004 if (t5) {
95005 t5 = t3._contents += A.Primitives_stringFromCharCode(32);
95006 t3._contents = t5 + A.Primitives_stringFromCharCode(next);
95007 if (t1.scanChar$1(61))
95008 t3._contents += A.Primitives_stringFromCharCode(61);
95009 t3._contents += A.Primitives_stringFromCharCode(32);
95010 _this.whitespace$0();
95011 t5 = _this._stylesheet0$_expressionUntilComparison$0();
95012 buffer._interpolation_buffer0$_flushText$0();
95013 t4.push(t5);
95014 }
95015 }
95016 }
95017 t1.expectChar$1(41);
95018 _this.whitespace$0();
95019 t3._contents += A.Primitives_stringFromCharCode(41);
95020 return buffer.interpolation$1(t1.spanFrom$1(new A._SpanScannerState(t1, t2)));
95021 },
95022 _stylesheet0$_expressionUntilComparison$0() {
95023 return this.expression$1$until(new A.StylesheetParser__expressionUntilComparison_closure0(this));
95024 },
95025 _stylesheet0$_supportsCondition$0() {
95026 var condition, operator, right, endPosition, t3, t4, lowerOperator, _this = this,
95027 t1 = _this.scanner,
95028 t2 = t1._string_scanner$_position;
95029 if (_this.scanIdentifier$1("not")) {
95030 _this.whitespace$0();
95031 return new A.SupportsNegation0(_this._stylesheet0$_supportsConditionInParens$0(), t1.spanFrom$1(new A._SpanScannerState(t1, t2)));
95032 }
95033 condition = _this._stylesheet0$_supportsConditionInParens$0();
95034 _this.whitespace$0();
95035 for (operator = null; _this.lookingAtIdentifier$0();) {
95036 if (operator != null)
95037 _this.expectIdentifier$1(operator);
95038 else if (_this.scanIdentifier$1("or"))
95039 operator = "or";
95040 else {
95041 _this.expectIdentifier$1("and");
95042 operator = "and";
95043 }
95044 _this.whitespace$0();
95045 right = _this._stylesheet0$_supportsConditionInParens$0();
95046 endPosition = t1._string_scanner$_position;
95047 t3 = t1._sourceFile;
95048 t4 = new A._FileSpan(t3, t2, endPosition);
95049 t4._FileSpan$3(t3, t2, endPosition);
95050 condition = new A.SupportsOperation0(condition, right, operator, t4);
95051 lowerOperator = operator.toLowerCase();
95052 if (lowerOperator !== "and" && lowerOperator !== "or")
95053 A.throwExpression(A.ArgumentError$value(operator, "operator", 'may only be "and" or "or".'));
95054 _this.whitespace$0();
95055 }
95056 return condition;
95057 },
95058 _stylesheet0$_supportsConditionInParens$0() {
95059 var $name, nameStart, wasInParentheses, identifier, operation, contents, identifier0, t2, $arguments, condition, exception, declaration, _this = this,
95060 t1 = _this.scanner,
95061 start = new A._SpanScannerState(t1, t1._string_scanner$_position);
95062 if (_this._stylesheet0$_lookingAtInterpolatedIdentifier$0()) {
95063 identifier0 = _this.interpolatedIdentifier$0();
95064 t2 = identifier0.get$asPlain();
95065 if ((t2 == null ? null : t2.toLowerCase()) === "not")
95066 _this.error$2(0, '"not" is not a valid identifier here.', identifier0.span);
95067 if (t1.scanChar$1(40)) {
95068 $arguments = _this._stylesheet0$_interpolatedDeclarationValue$2$allowEmpty$allowSemicolon(true, true);
95069 t1.expectChar$1(41);
95070 return new A.SupportsFunction0(identifier0, $arguments, t1.spanFrom$1(start));
95071 } else {
95072 t2 = identifier0.contents;
95073 if (t2.length !== 1 || !type$.Expression_2._is(B.JSArray_methods.get$first(t2)))
95074 _this.error$2(0, "Expected @supports condition.", identifier0.span);
95075 else
95076 return new A.SupportsInterpolation0(type$.Expression_2._as(B.JSArray_methods.get$first(t2)), t1.spanFrom$1(start));
95077 }
95078 }
95079 t1.expectChar$1(40);
95080 _this.whitespace$0();
95081 if (_this.scanIdentifier$1("not")) {
95082 _this.whitespace$0();
95083 condition = _this._stylesheet0$_supportsConditionInParens$0();
95084 t1.expectChar$1(41);
95085 return new A.SupportsNegation0(condition, t1.spanFrom$1(start));
95086 } else if (t1.peekChar$0() === 40) {
95087 condition = _this._stylesheet0$_supportsCondition$0();
95088 t1.expectChar$1(41);
95089 return condition;
95090 }
95091 $name = null;
95092 nameStart = new A._SpanScannerState(t1, t1._string_scanner$_position);
95093 wasInParentheses = _this._stylesheet0$_inParentheses;
95094 try {
95095 $name = _this.expression$0();
95096 t1.expectChar$1(58);
95097 } catch (exception) {
95098 if (type$.FormatException._is(A.unwrapException(exception))) {
95099 t1.set$state(nameStart);
95100 _this._stylesheet0$_inParentheses = wasInParentheses;
95101 identifier = _this.interpolatedIdentifier$0();
95102 operation = _this._stylesheet0$_trySupportsOperation$2(identifier, nameStart);
95103 if (operation != null) {
95104 t1.expectChar$1(41);
95105 return operation;
95106 }
95107 t2 = new A.InterpolationBuffer0(new A.StringBuffer(""), A._setArrayType([], type$.JSArray_Object));
95108 t2.addInterpolation$1(identifier);
95109 t2.addInterpolation$1(_this._stylesheet0$_interpolatedDeclarationValue$3$allowColon$allowEmpty$allowSemicolon(false, true, true));
95110 contents = t2.interpolation$1(t1.spanFrom$1(nameStart));
95111 if (t1.peekChar$0() === 58)
95112 throw exception;
95113 t1.expectChar$1(41);
95114 return new A.SupportsAnything0(contents, t1.spanFrom$1(start));
95115 } else
95116 throw exception;
95117 }
95118 declaration = _this._stylesheet0$_supportsDeclarationValue$2($name, start);
95119 t1.expectChar$1(41);
95120 return declaration;
95121 },
95122 _stylesheet0$_supportsDeclarationValue$2($name, start) {
95123 var value, _this = this;
95124 if ($name instanceof A.StringExpression0 && !$name.hasQuotes && B.JSString_methods.startsWith$1($name.text.get$initialPlain(), "--"))
95125 value = new A.StringExpression0(_this._stylesheet0$_interpolatedDeclarationValue$0(), false);
95126 else {
95127 _this.whitespace$0();
95128 value = _this.expression$0();
95129 }
95130 return new A.SupportsDeclaration0($name, value, _this.scanner.spanFrom$1(start));
95131 },
95132 _stylesheet0$_trySupportsOperation$2(interpolation, start) {
95133 var expression, beforeWhitespace, t2, t3, operator, operation, right, t4, endPosition, t5, t6, lowerOperator, _this = this, _null = null,
95134 t1 = interpolation.contents;
95135 if (t1.length !== 1)
95136 return _null;
95137 expression = B.JSArray_methods.get$first(t1);
95138 if (!type$.Expression_2._is(expression))
95139 return _null;
95140 t1 = _this.scanner;
95141 beforeWhitespace = new A._SpanScannerState(t1, t1._string_scanner$_position);
95142 _this.whitespace$0();
95143 for (t2 = start.position, t3 = interpolation.span, operator = _null, operation = operator; _this.lookingAtIdentifier$0();) {
95144 if (operator != null)
95145 _this.expectIdentifier$1(operator);
95146 else if (_this.scanIdentifier$1("and"))
95147 operator = "and";
95148 else {
95149 if (!_this.scanIdentifier$1("or")) {
95150 if (beforeWhitespace._scanner !== t1)
95151 A.throwExpression(A.ArgumentError$(string$.The_gi, _null));
95152 t2 = beforeWhitespace.position;
95153 if (t2 < 0 || t2 > t1.string.length)
95154 A.throwExpression(A.ArgumentError$("Invalid position " + t2, _null));
95155 t1._string_scanner$_position = t2;
95156 return t1._lastMatch = null;
95157 }
95158 operator = "or";
95159 }
95160 _this.whitespace$0();
95161 right = _this._stylesheet0$_supportsConditionInParens$0();
95162 t4 = operation == null ? new A.SupportsInterpolation0(expression, t3) : operation;
95163 endPosition = t1._string_scanner$_position;
95164 t5 = t1._sourceFile;
95165 t6 = new A._FileSpan(t5, t2, endPosition);
95166 t6._FileSpan$3(t5, t2, endPosition);
95167 operation = new A.SupportsOperation0(t4, right, operator, t6);
95168 lowerOperator = operator.toLowerCase();
95169 if (lowerOperator !== "and" && lowerOperator !== "or")
95170 A.throwExpression(A.ArgumentError$value(operator, "operator", 'may only be "and" or "or".'));
95171 _this.whitespace$0();
95172 }
95173 return operation;
95174 },
95175 _stylesheet0$_lookingAtInterpolatedIdentifier$0() {
95176 var second,
95177 t1 = this.scanner,
95178 first = t1.peekChar$0();
95179 if (first == null)
95180 return false;
95181 if (first === 95 || A.isAlphabetic1(first) || first >= 128 || first === 92)
95182 return true;
95183 if (first === 35)
95184 return t1.peekChar$1(1) === 123;
95185 if (first !== 45)
95186 return false;
95187 second = t1.peekChar$1(1);
95188 if (second == null)
95189 return false;
95190 if (second === 35)
95191 return t1.peekChar$1(2) === 123;
95192 return second === 95 || A.isAlphabetic1(second) || second >= 128 || second === 92 || second === 45;
95193 },
95194 _stylesheet0$_lookingAtInterpolatedIdentifierBody$0() {
95195 var t1 = this.scanner,
95196 first = t1.peekChar$0();
95197 if (first == null)
95198 return false;
95199 if (first === 95 || A.isAlphabetic1(first) || first >= 128 || A.isDigit0(first) || first === 45 || first === 92)
95200 return true;
95201 return first === 35 && t1.peekChar$1(1) === 123;
95202 },
95203 _stylesheet0$_lookingAtExpression$0() {
95204 var next,
95205 t1 = this.scanner,
95206 character = t1.peekChar$0();
95207 if (character == null)
95208 return false;
95209 if (character === 46)
95210 return t1.peekChar$1(1) !== 46;
95211 if (character === 33) {
95212 next = t1.peekChar$1(1);
95213 if (next != null)
95214 if ((next | 32) >>> 0 !== 105)
95215 t1 = next === 32 || next === 9 || next === 10 || next === 13 || next === 12;
95216 else
95217 t1 = true;
95218 else
95219 t1 = true;
95220 return t1;
95221 }
95222 if (character !== 40)
95223 if (character !== 47)
95224 if (character !== 91)
95225 if (character !== 39)
95226 if (character !== 34)
95227 if (character !== 35)
95228 if (character !== 43)
95229 if (character !== 45)
95230 if (character !== 92)
95231 if (character !== 36)
95232 if (character !== 38)
95233 t1 = character === 95 || A.isAlphabetic1(character) || character >= 128 || A.isDigit0(character);
95234 else
95235 t1 = true;
95236 else
95237 t1 = true;
95238 else
95239 t1 = true;
95240 else
95241 t1 = true;
95242 else
95243 t1 = true;
95244 else
95245 t1 = true;
95246 else
95247 t1 = true;
95248 else
95249 t1 = true;
95250 else
95251 t1 = true;
95252 else
95253 t1 = true;
95254 else
95255 t1 = true;
95256 return t1;
95257 },
95258 _stylesheet0$_withChildren$1$3(child, start, create) {
95259 var result = create.call$2(this.children$1(0, child), this.scanner.spanFrom$1(start));
95260 this.whitespaceWithoutComments$0();
95261 return result;
95262 },
95263 _stylesheet0$_withChildren$3(child, start, create) {
95264 return this._stylesheet0$_withChildren$1$3(child, start, create, type$.dynamic);
95265 },
95266 _stylesheet0$_urlString$0() {
95267 var innerError, stackTrace, t2, exception,
95268 t1 = this.scanner,
95269 start = new A._SpanScannerState(t1, t1._string_scanner$_position),
95270 url = this.string$0();
95271 try {
95272 t2 = A.Uri_parse(url);
95273 return t2;
95274 } catch (exception) {
95275 t2 = A.unwrapException(exception);
95276 if (type$.FormatException._is(t2)) {
95277 innerError = t2;
95278 stackTrace = A.getTraceFromException(exception);
95279 this.error$3(0, "Invalid URL: " + J.get$message$x(innerError), t1.spanFrom$1(start), stackTrace);
95280 } else
95281 throw exception;
95282 }
95283 },
95284 _stylesheet0$_publicIdentifier$0() {
95285 var _this = this,
95286 t1 = _this.scanner,
95287 t2 = t1._string_scanner$_position,
95288 result = _this.identifier$1$normalize(true);
95289 _this._stylesheet0$_assertPublic$2(result, new A.StylesheetParser__publicIdentifier_closure0(_this, new A._SpanScannerState(t1, t2)));
95290 return result;
95291 },
95292 _stylesheet0$_assertPublic$2(identifier, span) {
95293 var first = B.JSString_methods._codeUnitAt$1(identifier, 0);
95294 if (!(first === 45 || first === 95))
95295 return;
95296 this.error$2(0, string$.Privat, span.call$0());
95297 },
95298 get$plainCss() {
95299 return false;
95300 }
95301 };
95302 A.StylesheetParser_parse_closure0.prototype = {
95303 call$0() {
95304 var statements, t4,
95305 t1 = this.$this,
95306 t2 = t1.scanner,
95307 t3 = t2._string_scanner$_position;
95308 t2.scanChar$1(65279);
95309 statements = t1.statements$1(new A.StylesheetParser_parse__closure1(t1));
95310 t2.expectDone$0();
95311 t4 = t1._stylesheet0$_globalVariables;
95312 t4 = t4.get$values(t4);
95313 B.JSArray_methods.addAll$1(statements, A.MappedIterable_MappedIterable(t4, new A.StylesheetParser_parse__closure2(), A._instanceType(t4)._eval$1("Iterable.E"), type$.Statement_2));
95314 return A.Stylesheet$internal0(statements, t2.spanFrom$1(new A._SpanScannerState(t2, t3)), t1.get$plainCss());
95315 },
95316 $signature: 541
95317 };
95318 A.StylesheetParser_parse__closure1.prototype = {
95319 call$0() {
95320 var t1 = this.$this;
95321 if (t1.scanner.scan$1("@charset")) {
95322 t1.whitespace$0();
95323 t1.string$0();
95324 return null;
95325 }
95326 return t1._stylesheet0$_statement$1$root(true);
95327 },
95328 $signature: 542
95329 };
95330 A.StylesheetParser_parse__closure2.prototype = {
95331 call$1(declaration) {
95332 var t1 = declaration.name,
95333 t2 = declaration.expression;
95334 return A.VariableDeclaration$0(t1, new A.NullExpression0(t2.get$span(t2)), declaration.span, null, false, true, null);
95335 },
95336 $signature: 543
95337 };
95338 A.StylesheetParser_parseArgumentDeclaration_closure0.prototype = {
95339 call$0() {
95340 var $arguments,
95341 t1 = this.$this,
95342 t2 = t1.scanner;
95343 t2.expectChar$2$name(64, "@-rule");
95344 t1.identifier$0();
95345 t1.whitespace$0();
95346 t1.identifier$0();
95347 $arguments = t1._stylesheet0$_argumentDeclaration$0();
95348 t1.whitespace$0();
95349 t2.expectChar$1(123);
95350 return $arguments;
95351 },
95352 $signature: 544
95353 };
95354 A.StylesheetParser__parseSingleProduction_closure0.prototype = {
95355 call$0() {
95356 var result = this.production.call$0();
95357 this.$this.scanner.expectDone$0();
95358 return result;
95359 },
95360 $signature() {
95361 return this.T._eval$1("0()");
95362 }
95363 };
95364 A.StylesheetParser_parseSignature_closure.prototype = {
95365 call$0() {
95366 var $arguments, t2, t3,
95367 t1 = this.$this,
95368 $name = t1.identifier$0();
95369 t1.whitespace$0();
95370 if (this.requireParens || t1.scanner.peekChar$0() === 40)
95371 $arguments = t1._stylesheet0$_argumentDeclaration$0();
95372 else {
95373 t2 = t1.scanner;
95374 t2 = A.FileLocation$_(t2._sourceFile, t2._string_scanner$_position);
95375 t3 = t2.offset;
95376 $arguments = new A.ArgumentDeclaration0(B.List_empty18, null, A._FileSpan$(t2.file, t3, t3));
95377 }
95378 t1.scanner.expectDone$0();
95379 return new A.Tuple2($name, $arguments, type$.Tuple2_String_ArgumentDeclaration);
95380 },
95381 $signature: 545
95382 };
95383 A.StylesheetParser__statement_closure0.prototype = {
95384 call$0() {
95385 return this.$this._stylesheet0$_statement$0();
95386 },
95387 $signature: 126
95388 };
95389 A.StylesheetParser_variableDeclarationWithoutNamespace_closure1.prototype = {
95390 call$0() {
95391 return this.$this.scanner.spanFrom$1(this.start);
95392 },
95393 $signature: 29
95394 };
95395 A.StylesheetParser_variableDeclarationWithoutNamespace_closure2.prototype = {
95396 call$0() {
95397 return this.declaration;
95398 },
95399 $signature: 546
95400 };
95401 A.StylesheetParser__declarationOrBuffer_closure1.prototype = {
95402 call$2(children, span) {
95403 return A.Declaration$nested0(this.name, children, span, null);
95404 },
95405 $signature: 71
95406 };
95407 A.StylesheetParser__declarationOrBuffer_closure2.prototype = {
95408 call$2(children, span) {
95409 return A.Declaration$nested0(this.name, children, span, this._box_0.value);
95410 },
95411 $signature: 71
95412 };
95413 A.StylesheetParser__styleRule_closure0.prototype = {
95414 call$2(children, span) {
95415 var _this = this,
95416 t1 = _this.$this;
95417 if (t1.get$indented() && children.length === 0)
95418 t1.logger.warn$2$span(0, string$.This_s, _this._box_0.interpolation.span);
95419 t1._stylesheet0$_inStyleRule = _this.wasInStyleRule;
95420 return A.StyleRule$0(_this._box_0.interpolation, children, t1.scanner.spanFrom$1(_this.start));
95421 },
95422 $signature: 548
95423 };
95424 A.StylesheetParser__propertyOrVariableDeclaration_closure1.prototype = {
95425 call$2(children, span) {
95426 return A.Declaration$nested0(this._box_0.name, children, span, null);
95427 },
95428 $signature: 71
95429 };
95430 A.StylesheetParser__propertyOrVariableDeclaration_closure2.prototype = {
95431 call$2(children, span) {
95432 return A.Declaration$nested0(this._box_0.name, children, span, this.value);
95433 },
95434 $signature: 71
95435 };
95436 A.StylesheetParser__atRootRule_closure1.prototype = {
95437 call$2(children, span) {
95438 return A.AtRootRule$0(children, span, this.query);
95439 },
95440 $signature: 251
95441 };
95442 A.StylesheetParser__atRootRule_closure2.prototype = {
95443 call$2(children, span) {
95444 return A.AtRootRule$0(children, span, null);
95445 },
95446 $signature: 251
95447 };
95448 A.StylesheetParser__eachRule_closure0.prototype = {
95449 call$2(children, span) {
95450 var _this = this;
95451 _this.$this._stylesheet0$_inControlDirective = _this.wasInControlDirective;
95452 return A.EachRule$0(_this.variables, _this.list, children, span);
95453 },
95454 $signature: 550
95455 };
95456 A.StylesheetParser__functionRule_closure0.prototype = {
95457 call$2(children, span) {
95458 return A.FunctionRule$0(this.name, this.$arguments, children, span, this.precedingComment);
95459 },
95460 $signature: 551
95461 };
95462 A.StylesheetParser__forRule_closure1.prototype = {
95463 call$0() {
95464 var t1 = this.$this;
95465 if (!t1.lookingAtIdentifier$0())
95466 return false;
95467 if (t1.scanIdentifier$1("to"))
95468 return this._box_0.exclusive = true;
95469 else if (t1.scanIdentifier$1("through")) {
95470 this._box_0.exclusive = false;
95471 return true;
95472 } else
95473 return false;
95474 },
95475 $signature: 28
95476 };
95477 A.StylesheetParser__forRule_closure2.prototype = {
95478 call$2(children, span) {
95479 var t1, _this = this;
95480 _this.$this._stylesheet0$_inControlDirective = _this.wasInControlDirective;
95481 t1 = _this._box_0.exclusive;
95482 t1.toString;
95483 return A.ForRule$0(_this.variable, _this.from, _this.to, children, span, t1);
95484 },
95485 $signature: 552
95486 };
95487 A.StylesheetParser__memberList_closure0.prototype = {
95488 call$0() {
95489 var t1 = this.$this;
95490 if (t1.scanner.peekChar$0() === 36)
95491 this.variables.add$1(0, t1.variableName$0());
95492 else
95493 this.identifiers.add$1(0, t1.identifier$1$normalize(true));
95494 },
95495 $signature: 1
95496 };
95497 A.StylesheetParser__includeRule_closure0.prototype = {
95498 call$2(children, span) {
95499 return A.ContentBlock$0(this.contentArguments_, children, span);
95500 },
95501 $signature: 553
95502 };
95503 A.StylesheetParser_mediaRule_closure0.prototype = {
95504 call$2(children, span) {
95505 return A.MediaRule$0(this.query, children, span);
95506 },
95507 $signature: 554
95508 };
95509 A.StylesheetParser__mixinRule_closure0.prototype = {
95510 call$2(children, span) {
95511 var _this = this;
95512 _this.$this._stylesheet0$_inMixin = false;
95513 return A.MixinRule$0(_this.name, _this.$arguments, children, span, _this.precedingComment);
95514 },
95515 $signature: 555
95516 };
95517 A.StylesheetParser_mozDocumentRule_closure0.prototype = {
95518 call$2(children, span) {
95519 var _this = this;
95520 if (_this._box_0.needsDeprecationWarning)
95521 _this.$this.logger.warn$3$deprecation$span(0, string$.x40_moz_, true, span);
95522 return A.AtRule$0(_this.name, span, children, _this.value);
95523 },
95524 $signature: 252
95525 };
95526 A.StylesheetParser_supportsRule_closure0.prototype = {
95527 call$2(children, span) {
95528 return A.SupportsRule$0(this.condition, children, span);
95529 },
95530 $signature: 557
95531 };
95532 A.StylesheetParser__whileRule_closure0.prototype = {
95533 call$2(children, span) {
95534 this.$this._stylesheet0$_inControlDirective = this.wasInControlDirective;
95535 return A.WhileRule$0(this.condition, children, span);
95536 },
95537 $signature: 558
95538 };
95539 A.StylesheetParser_unknownAtRule_closure0.prototype = {
95540 call$2(children, span) {
95541 return A.AtRule$0(this.name, span, children, this._box_0.value);
95542 },
95543 $signature: 252
95544 };
95545 A.StylesheetParser_expression_resetState0.prototype = {
95546 call$0() {
95547 var t2,
95548 t1 = this._box_0;
95549 t1.operands_ = t1.operators_ = t1.spaceExpressions_ = t1.commaExpressions_ = null;
95550 t2 = this.$this;
95551 t2.scanner.set$state(this.start);
95552 t1.allowSlash = true;
95553 t1.singleExpression_ = t2._stylesheet0$_singleExpression$0();
95554 },
95555 $signature: 0
95556 };
95557 A.StylesheetParser_expression_resolveOneOperation0.prototype = {
95558 call$0() {
95559 var t2, t3,
95560 t1 = this._box_0,
95561 operator = t1.operators_.pop(),
95562 left = t1.operands_.pop(),
95563 right = t1.singleExpression_;
95564 if (right == null) {
95565 t2 = this.$this.scanner;
95566 t3 = operator.operator.length;
95567 t2.error$3$length$position(0, "Expected expression.", t3, t2._string_scanner$_position - t3);
95568 }
95569 if (t1.allowSlash) {
95570 t2 = this.$this;
95571 t2 = !t2._stylesheet0$_inParentheses && operator === B.BinaryOperator_RTB0 && t2._stylesheet0$_isSlashOperand$1(left) && t2._stylesheet0$_isSlashOperand$1(right);
95572 } else
95573 t2 = false;
95574 if (t2)
95575 t1.singleExpression_ = new A.BinaryOperationExpression0(B.BinaryOperator_RTB0, left, right, true);
95576 else {
95577 t1.singleExpression_ = new A.BinaryOperationExpression0(operator, left, right, false);
95578 t1.allowSlash = false;
95579 }
95580 },
95581 $signature: 0
95582 };
95583 A.StylesheetParser_expression_resolveOperations0.prototype = {
95584 call$0() {
95585 var t1,
95586 operators = this._box_0.operators_;
95587 if (operators == null)
95588 return;
95589 for (t1 = this.resolveOneOperation; operators.length !== 0;)
95590 t1.call$0();
95591 },
95592 $signature: 0
95593 };
95594 A.StylesheetParser_expression_addSingleExpression0.prototype = {
95595 call$1(expression) {
95596 var t2, spaceExpressions, _this = this,
95597 t1 = _this._box_0;
95598 if (t1.singleExpression_ != null) {
95599 t2 = _this.$this;
95600 if (t2._stylesheet0$_inParentheses) {
95601 t2._stylesheet0$_inParentheses = false;
95602 if (t1.allowSlash) {
95603 _this.resetState.call$0();
95604 return;
95605 }
95606 }
95607 spaceExpressions = t1.spaceExpressions_;
95608 if (spaceExpressions == null)
95609 spaceExpressions = t1.spaceExpressions_ = A._setArrayType([], type$.JSArray_Expression_2);
95610 _this.resolveOperations.call$0();
95611 t2 = t1.singleExpression_;
95612 t2.toString;
95613 spaceExpressions.push(t2);
95614 t1.allowSlash = true;
95615 }
95616 t1.singleExpression_ = expression;
95617 },
95618 $signature: 559
95619 };
95620 A.StylesheetParser_expression_addOperator0.prototype = {
95621 call$1(operator) {
95622 var t2, t3, operators, operands, t4, singleExpression,
95623 t1 = this.$this;
95624 if (t1.get$plainCss() && operator !== B.BinaryOperator_RTB0 && operator !== B.BinaryOperator_kjl0) {
95625 t2 = t1.scanner;
95626 t3 = operator.operator.length;
95627 t2.error$3$length$position(0, "Operators aren't allowed in plain CSS.", t3, t2._string_scanner$_position - t3);
95628 }
95629 t2 = this._box_0;
95630 t2.allowSlash = t2.allowSlash && operator === B.BinaryOperator_RTB0;
95631 operators = t2.operators_;
95632 if (operators == null)
95633 operators = t2.operators_ = A._setArrayType([], type$.JSArray_BinaryOperator_2);
95634 operands = t2.operands_;
95635 if (operands == null)
95636 operands = t2.operands_ = A._setArrayType([], type$.JSArray_Expression_2);
95637 t3 = this.resolveOneOperation;
95638 t4 = operator.precedence;
95639 while (true) {
95640 if (!(operators.length !== 0 && B.JSArray_methods.get$last(operators).precedence >= t4))
95641 break;
95642 t3.call$0();
95643 }
95644 operators.push(operator);
95645 singleExpression = t2.singleExpression_;
95646 if (singleExpression == null) {
95647 t3 = t1.scanner;
95648 t4 = operator.operator.length;
95649 t3.error$3$length$position(0, "Expected expression.", t4, t3._string_scanner$_position - t4);
95650 }
95651 operands.push(singleExpression);
95652 t1.whitespace$0();
95653 t2.singleExpression_ = t1._stylesheet0$_singleExpression$0();
95654 },
95655 $signature: 560
95656 };
95657 A.StylesheetParser_expression_resolveSpaceExpressions0.prototype = {
95658 call$0() {
95659 var t1, spaceExpressions, singleExpression, t2;
95660 this.resolveOperations.call$0();
95661 t1 = this._box_0;
95662 spaceExpressions = t1.spaceExpressions_;
95663 if (spaceExpressions != null) {
95664 singleExpression = t1.singleExpression_;
95665 if (singleExpression == null)
95666 this.$this.scanner.error$1(0, "Expected expression.");
95667 spaceExpressions.push(singleExpression);
95668 t2 = B.JSArray_methods.get$first(spaceExpressions);
95669 t2 = t2.get$span(t2).expand$1(0, singleExpression.get$span(singleExpression));
95670 t1.singleExpression_ = new A.ListExpression0(A.List_List$unmodifiable(spaceExpressions, type$.Expression_2), B.ListSeparator_woc0, false, t2);
95671 t1.spaceExpressions_ = null;
95672 }
95673 },
95674 $signature: 0
95675 };
95676 A.StylesheetParser__expressionUntilComma_closure0.prototype = {
95677 call$0() {
95678 return this.$this.scanner.peekChar$0() === 44;
95679 },
95680 $signature: 28
95681 };
95682 A.StylesheetParser__unicodeRange_closure1.prototype = {
95683 call$1(char) {
95684 return char != null && A.isHex0(char);
95685 },
95686 $signature: 32
95687 };
95688 A.StylesheetParser__unicodeRange_closure2.prototype = {
95689 call$1(char) {
95690 return char != null && A.isHex0(char);
95691 },
95692 $signature: 32
95693 };
95694 A.StylesheetParser_namespacedExpression_closure0.prototype = {
95695 call$0() {
95696 return this.$this.scanner.spanFrom$1(this.start);
95697 },
95698 $signature: 29
95699 };
95700 A.StylesheetParser_trySpecialFunction_closure0.prototype = {
95701 call$1(contents) {
95702 return new A.StringExpression0(contents, false);
95703 },
95704 $signature: 561
95705 };
95706 A.StylesheetParser__expressionUntilComparison_closure0.prototype = {
95707 call$0() {
95708 var t1 = this.$this.scanner,
95709 next = t1.peekChar$0();
95710 if (next === 61)
95711 return t1.peekChar$1(1) !== 61;
95712 return next === 60 || next === 62;
95713 },
95714 $signature: 28
95715 };
95716 A.StylesheetParser__publicIdentifier_closure0.prototype = {
95717 call$0() {
95718 return this.$this.scanner.spanFrom$1(this.start);
95719 },
95720 $signature: 29
95721 };
95722 A.Stylesheet0.prototype = {
95723 Stylesheet$internal$3$plainCss0(children, span, plainCss) {
95724 var t1, t2, t3, t4, _i, child;
95725 for (t1 = this.children, t2 = t1.length, t3 = this._stylesheet1$_forwards, t4 = this._stylesheet1$_uses, _i = 0; _i < t2; ++_i) {
95726 child = t1[_i];
95727 if (child instanceof A.UseRule0)
95728 t4.push(child);
95729 else if (child instanceof A.ForwardRule0)
95730 t3.push(child);
95731 else if (!(child instanceof A.SilentComment0) && !(child instanceof A.LoudComment0) && !(child instanceof A.VariableDeclaration0))
95732 break;
95733 }
95734 },
95735 accept$1$1(visitor) {
95736 return visitor.visitStylesheet$1(this);
95737 },
95738 accept$1(visitor) {
95739 return this.accept$1$1(visitor, type$.dynamic);
95740 },
95741 toString$0(_) {
95742 var t1 = this.children;
95743 return (t1 && B.JSArray_methods).join$1(t1, " ");
95744 },
95745 get$span(receiver) {
95746 return this.span;
95747 }
95748 };
95749 A.ModifiableCssSupportsRule0.prototype = {
95750 accept$1$1(visitor) {
95751 return visitor.visitCssSupportsRule$1(this);
95752 },
95753 accept$1(visitor) {
95754 return this.accept$1$1(visitor, type$.dynamic);
95755 },
95756 copyWithoutChildren$0() {
95757 return A.ModifiableCssSupportsRule$0(this.condition, this.span);
95758 },
95759 $isCssSupportsRule0: 1,
95760 get$span(receiver) {
95761 return this.span;
95762 }
95763 };
95764 A.SupportsRule0.prototype = {
95765 accept$1$1(visitor) {
95766 return visitor.visitSupportsRule$1(this);
95767 },
95768 accept$1(visitor) {
95769 return this.accept$1$1(visitor, type$.dynamic);
95770 },
95771 toString$0(_) {
95772 var t1 = this.children;
95773 return "@supports " + this.condition.toString$0(0) + " {" + (t1 && B.JSArray_methods).join$1(t1, " ") + "}";
95774 },
95775 get$span(receiver) {
95776 return this.span;
95777 }
95778 };
95779 A.NodeToDartImporter.prototype = {
95780 canonicalize$1(_, url) {
95781 var t1,
95782 result = this._sync$_canonicalize.call$2(url.toString$0(0), {fromImport: A.fromImport0()});
95783 if (result == null)
95784 return null;
95785 t1 = self.URL;
95786 if (result instanceof t1)
95787 return A.Uri_parse(J.toString$0$(type$.JSUrl._as(result)));
95788 t1 = self.Promise;
95789 if (result instanceof t1)
95790 A.jsThrow(new self.Error("The canonicalize() function can't return a Promise for synchronous compile functions."));
95791 else
95792 A.jsThrow(new self.Error(string$.The_ca));
95793 },
95794 load$1(_, url) {
95795 var t1, contents, syntax, t2,
95796 result = this._sync$_load.call$1(new self.URL(url.toString$0(0)));
95797 if (result == null)
95798 return null;
95799 t1 = self.Promise;
95800 if (result instanceof t1)
95801 A.jsThrow(new self.Error("The load() function can't return a Promise for synchronous compile functions."));
95802 type$.NodeImporterResult._as(result);
95803 t1 = J.getInterceptor$x(result);
95804 contents = t1.get$contents(result);
95805 syntax = t1.get$syntax(result);
95806 if (contents == null || syntax == null)
95807 A.jsThrow(new self.Error(string$.The_lo));
95808 t2 = A.parseSyntax(syntax);
95809 return A.ImporterResult$(contents, A.NullableExtension_andThen0(t1.get$sourceMapUrl(result), A.utils1__jsToDartUrl$closure()), t2);
95810 }
95811 };
95812 A.Syntax0.prototype = {
95813 toString$0(_) {
95814 return this._syntax0$_name;
95815 }
95816 };
95817 A.TerseLogger0.prototype = {
95818 warn$4$deprecation$span$trace(_, message, deprecation, span, trace) {
95819 var firstParagraph, t1, t2, count;
95820 if (deprecation) {
95821 firstParagraph = B.JSArray_methods.get$first(message.split("\n\n"));
95822 t1 = this._terse$_warningCounts;
95823 t2 = t1.$index(0, firstParagraph);
95824 count = (t2 == null ? 0 : t2) + 1;
95825 t1.$indexSet(0, firstParagraph, count);
95826 if (count > 5)
95827 return;
95828 }
95829 this._terse$_inner.warn$4$deprecation$span$trace(0, message, deprecation, span, trace);
95830 },
95831 warn$2$span($receiver, message, span) {
95832 return this.warn$4$deprecation$span$trace($receiver, message, false, span, null);
95833 },
95834 warn$2$deprecation($receiver, message, deprecation) {
95835 return this.warn$4$deprecation$span$trace($receiver, message, deprecation, null, null);
95836 },
95837 warn$3$deprecation$span($receiver, message, deprecation, span) {
95838 return this.warn$4$deprecation$span$trace($receiver, message, deprecation, span, null);
95839 },
95840 warn$2$trace($receiver, message, trace) {
95841 return this.warn$4$deprecation$span$trace($receiver, message, false, null, trace);
95842 },
95843 debug$2(_, message, span) {
95844 return this._terse$_inner.debug$2(0, message, span);
95845 },
95846 summarize$1$node(node) {
95847 var t2, total,
95848 t1 = this._terse$_warningCounts;
95849 t1 = t1.get$values(t1);
95850 t2 = A._instanceType(t1);
95851 total = A.IterableIntegerExtension_get_sum(new A.MappedIterable(new A.WhereIterable(t1, new A.TerseLogger_summarize_closure1(), t2._eval$1("WhereIterable<Iterable.E>")), new A.TerseLogger_summarize_closure2(), t2._eval$1("MappedIterable<Iterable.E,int>")));
95852 if (total > 0) {
95853 t1 = "" + total + string$.x20repet;
95854 this._terse$_inner.warn$1(0, t1 + (node ? "" : string$.x0aRun_i));
95855 }
95856 }
95857 };
95858 A.TerseLogger_summarize_closure1.prototype = {
95859 call$1(count) {
95860 return count > 5;
95861 },
95862 $signature: 56
95863 };
95864 A.TerseLogger_summarize_closure2.prototype = {
95865 call$1(count) {
95866 return count - 5;
95867 },
95868 $signature: 230
95869 };
95870 A.TypeSelector0.prototype = {
95871 get$minSpecificity() {
95872 return 1;
95873 },
95874 accept$1$1(visitor) {
95875 visitor._serialize0$_buffer.write$1(0, this.name);
95876 return null;
95877 },
95878 accept$1(visitor) {
95879 return this.accept$1$1(visitor, type$.dynamic);
95880 },
95881 addSuffix$1(suffix) {
95882 var t1 = this.name;
95883 return new A.TypeSelector0(new A.QualifiedName0(t1.name + suffix, t1.namespace));
95884 },
95885 unify$1(compound) {
95886 var unified, t1;
95887 if (B.JSArray_methods.get$first(compound) instanceof A.UniversalSelector0 || B.JSArray_methods.get$first(compound) instanceof A.TypeSelector0) {
95888 unified = A.unifyUniversalAndElement0(this, B.JSArray_methods.get$first(compound));
95889 if (unified == null)
95890 return null;
95891 t1 = A._setArrayType([unified], type$.JSArray_SimpleSelector_2);
95892 B.JSArray_methods.addAll$1(t1, A.SubListIterable$(compound, 1, null, A._arrayInstanceType(compound)._precomputed1));
95893 return t1;
95894 } else {
95895 t1 = A._setArrayType([this], type$.JSArray_SimpleSelector_2);
95896 B.JSArray_methods.addAll$1(t1, compound);
95897 return t1;
95898 }
95899 },
95900 $eq(_, other) {
95901 if (other == null)
95902 return false;
95903 return other instanceof A.TypeSelector0 && other.name.$eq(0, this.name);
95904 },
95905 get$hashCode(_) {
95906 var t1 = this.name;
95907 return B.JSString_methods.get$hashCode(t1.name) ^ J.get$hashCode$(t1.namespace);
95908 }
95909 };
95910 A.Types.prototype = {};
95911 A.UnaryOperationExpression0.prototype = {
95912 accept$1$1(visitor) {
95913 return visitor.visitUnaryOperationExpression$1(this);
95914 },
95915 accept$1(visitor) {
95916 return this.accept$1$1(visitor, type$.dynamic);
95917 },
95918 toString$0(_) {
95919 var t1 = this.operator,
95920 t2 = t1.operator;
95921 t1 = t1 === B.UnaryOperator_not_not0 ? t2 + A.Primitives_stringFromCharCode(32) : t2;
95922 t1 += this.operand.toString$0(0);
95923 return t1.charCodeAt(0) == 0 ? t1 : t1;
95924 },
95925 $isExpression0: 1,
95926 $isAstNode0: 1,
95927 get$span(receiver) {
95928 return this.span;
95929 }
95930 };
95931 A.UnaryOperator0.prototype = {
95932 toString$0(_) {
95933 return this.name;
95934 }
95935 };
95936 A.UnitlessSassNumber0.prototype = {
95937 get$numeratorUnits(_) {
95938 return B.List_empty;
95939 },
95940 get$denominatorUnits(_) {
95941 return B.List_empty;
95942 },
95943 get$hasUnits() {
95944 return false;
95945 },
95946 withValue$1(value) {
95947 return new A.UnitlessSassNumber0(value, null);
95948 },
95949 withSlash$2(numerator, denominator) {
95950 return new A.UnitlessSassNumber0(this._number1$_value, new A.Tuple2(numerator, denominator, type$.Tuple2_SassNumber_SassNumber_2));
95951 },
95952 hasUnit$1(unit) {
95953 return false;
95954 },
95955 hasCompatibleUnits$1(other) {
95956 return other instanceof A.UnitlessSassNumber0;
95957 },
95958 hasPossiblyCompatibleUnits$1(other) {
95959 return other instanceof A.UnitlessSassNumber0;
95960 },
95961 compatibleWithUnit$1(unit) {
95962 return true;
95963 },
95964 coerceToMatch$3(other, $name, otherName) {
95965 return other.withValue$1(this._number1$_value);
95966 },
95967 coerceValueToMatch$3(other, $name, otherName) {
95968 return this._number1$_value;
95969 },
95970 coerceValueToMatch$1(other) {
95971 return this.coerceValueToMatch$3(other, null, null);
95972 },
95973 convertToMatch$3(other, $name, otherName) {
95974 return other.get$hasUnits() ? this.super$SassNumber$convertToMatch(other, $name, otherName) : this;
95975 },
95976 convertValueToMatch$3(other, $name, otherName) {
95977 return other.get$hasUnits() ? this.super$SassNumber$convertValueToMatch0(other, $name, otherName) : this._number1$_value;
95978 },
95979 coerce$3(newNumerators, newDenominators, $name) {
95980 return A.SassNumber_SassNumber$withUnits0(this._number1$_value, newDenominators, newNumerators);
95981 },
95982 coerce$2(newNumerators, newDenominators) {
95983 return this.coerce$3(newNumerators, newDenominators, null);
95984 },
95985 coerceValue$3(newNumerators, newDenominators, $name) {
95986 return this._number1$_value;
95987 },
95988 coerceValueToUnit$2(unit, $name) {
95989 return this._number1$_value;
95990 },
95991 greaterThan$1(other) {
95992 var t1, t2;
95993 if (other instanceof A.SassNumber0) {
95994 t1 = this._number1$_value;
95995 t2 = other._number1$_value;
95996 return t1 > t2 && !(Math.abs(t1 - t2) < $.$get$epsilon0()) ? B.SassBoolean_true0 : B.SassBoolean_false0;
95997 }
95998 return this.super$SassNumber$greaterThan0(other);
95999 },
96000 greaterThanOrEquals$1(other) {
96001 var t1, t2;
96002 if (other instanceof A.SassNumber0) {
96003 t1 = this._number1$_value;
96004 t2 = other._number1$_value;
96005 return t1 > t2 || Math.abs(t1 - t2) < $.$get$epsilon0() ? B.SassBoolean_true0 : B.SassBoolean_false0;
96006 }
96007 return this.super$SassNumber$greaterThanOrEquals0(other);
96008 },
96009 lessThan$1(other) {
96010 var t1, t2;
96011 if (other instanceof A.SassNumber0) {
96012 t1 = this._number1$_value;
96013 t2 = other._number1$_value;
96014 return t1 < t2 && !(Math.abs(t1 - t2) < $.$get$epsilon0()) ? B.SassBoolean_true0 : B.SassBoolean_false0;
96015 }
96016 return this.super$SassNumber$lessThan0(other);
96017 },
96018 lessThanOrEquals$1(other) {
96019 var t1, t2;
96020 if (other instanceof A.SassNumber0) {
96021 t1 = this._number1$_value;
96022 t2 = other._number1$_value;
96023 return t1 < t2 || Math.abs(t1 - t2) < $.$get$epsilon0() ? B.SassBoolean_true0 : B.SassBoolean_false0;
96024 }
96025 return this.super$SassNumber$lessThanOrEquals0(other);
96026 },
96027 modulo$1(other) {
96028 if (other instanceof A.SassNumber0)
96029 return other.withValue$1(this.moduloLikeSass$2(this._number1$_value, other._number1$_value));
96030 return this.super$SassNumber$modulo0(other);
96031 },
96032 plus$1(other) {
96033 if (other instanceof A.SassNumber0)
96034 return other.withValue$1(this._number1$_value + other._number1$_value);
96035 return this.super$SassNumber$plus0(other);
96036 },
96037 minus$1(other) {
96038 if (other instanceof A.SassNumber0)
96039 return other.withValue$1(this._number1$_value - other._number1$_value);
96040 return this.super$SassNumber$minus0(other);
96041 },
96042 times$1(other) {
96043 if (other instanceof A.SassNumber0)
96044 return other.withValue$1(this._number1$_value * other._number1$_value);
96045 return this.super$SassNumber$times0(other);
96046 },
96047 dividedBy$1(other) {
96048 var t1, t2;
96049 if (other instanceof A.SassNumber0) {
96050 t1 = this._number1$_value / other._number1$_value;
96051 if (other.get$hasUnits()) {
96052 t2 = other.get$denominatorUnits(other);
96053 t2 = A.SassNumber_SassNumber$withUnits0(t1, other.get$numeratorUnits(other), t2);
96054 t1 = t2;
96055 } else
96056 t1 = new A.UnitlessSassNumber0(t1, null);
96057 return t1;
96058 }
96059 return this.super$SassNumber$dividedBy0(other);
96060 },
96061 unaryMinus$0() {
96062 return new A.UnitlessSassNumber0(-this._number1$_value, null);
96063 },
96064 $eq(_, other) {
96065 if (other == null)
96066 return false;
96067 return other instanceof A.UnitlessSassNumber0 && Math.abs(this._number1$_value - other._number1$_value) < $.$get$epsilon0();
96068 },
96069 get$hashCode(_) {
96070 var t1 = this.hashCache;
96071 return t1 == null ? this.hashCache = A.fuzzyHashCode0(this._number1$_value) : t1;
96072 }
96073 };
96074 A.UniversalSelector0.prototype = {
96075 get$minSpecificity() {
96076 return 0;
96077 },
96078 accept$1$1(visitor) {
96079 var t2,
96080 t1 = this.namespace;
96081 if (t1 != null) {
96082 t2 = visitor._serialize0$_buffer;
96083 t2.write$1(0, t1);
96084 t2.writeCharCode$1(124);
96085 }
96086 visitor._serialize0$_buffer.writeCharCode$1(42);
96087 return null;
96088 },
96089 accept$1(visitor) {
96090 return this.accept$1$1(visitor, type$.dynamic);
96091 },
96092 unify$1(compound) {
96093 var unified, t1, _this = this,
96094 first = B.JSArray_methods.get$first(compound);
96095 if (first instanceof A.UniversalSelector0 || first instanceof A.TypeSelector0) {
96096 unified = A.unifyUniversalAndElement0(_this, first);
96097 if (unified == null)
96098 return null;
96099 t1 = A._setArrayType([unified], type$.JSArray_SimpleSelector_2);
96100 B.JSArray_methods.addAll$1(t1, A.SubListIterable$(compound, 1, null, A._arrayInstanceType(compound)._precomputed1));
96101 return t1;
96102 } else {
96103 if (compound.length === 1)
96104 if (first instanceof A.PseudoSelector0)
96105 t1 = first.isClass && first.name === "host" || first.get$isHostContext();
96106 else
96107 t1 = false;
96108 else
96109 t1 = false;
96110 if (t1)
96111 return null;
96112 }
96113 t1 = _this.namespace;
96114 if (t1 != null && t1 !== "*") {
96115 t1 = A._setArrayType([_this], type$.JSArray_SimpleSelector_2);
96116 B.JSArray_methods.addAll$1(t1, compound);
96117 return t1;
96118 }
96119 if (compound.length !== 0)
96120 return compound;
96121 return A._setArrayType([_this], type$.JSArray_SimpleSelector_2);
96122 },
96123 $eq(_, other) {
96124 if (other == null)
96125 return false;
96126 return other instanceof A.UniversalSelector0 && other.namespace == this.namespace;
96127 },
96128 get$hashCode(_) {
96129 return J.get$hashCode$(this.namespace);
96130 }
96131 };
96132 A.UnprefixedMapView0.prototype = {
96133 get$keys(_) {
96134 return new A._UnprefixedKeys0(this);
96135 },
96136 $index(_, key) {
96137 return typeof key == "string" ? this._unprefixed_map_view0$_map.$index(0, this._unprefixed_map_view0$_prefix + key) : null;
96138 },
96139 containsKey$1(key) {
96140 return typeof key == "string" && this._unprefixed_map_view0$_map.containsKey$1(this._unprefixed_map_view0$_prefix + key);
96141 },
96142 remove$1(_, key) {
96143 return typeof key == "string" ? this._unprefixed_map_view0$_map.remove$1(0, this._unprefixed_map_view0$_prefix + key) : null;
96144 }
96145 };
96146 A._UnprefixedKeys0.prototype = {
96147 get$iterator(_) {
96148 var t1 = this._unprefixed_map_view0$_view._unprefixed_map_view0$_map;
96149 t1 = J.where$1$ax(t1.get$keys(t1), new A._UnprefixedKeys_iterator_closure1(this)).map$1$1(0, new A._UnprefixedKeys_iterator_closure2(this), type$.String);
96150 return t1.get$iterator(t1);
96151 },
96152 contains$1(_, key) {
96153 return this._unprefixed_map_view0$_view.containsKey$1(key);
96154 }
96155 };
96156 A._UnprefixedKeys_iterator_closure1.prototype = {
96157 call$1(key) {
96158 return B.JSString_methods.startsWith$1(key, this.$this._unprefixed_map_view0$_view._unprefixed_map_view0$_prefix);
96159 },
96160 $signature: 6
96161 };
96162 A._UnprefixedKeys_iterator_closure2.prototype = {
96163 call$1(key) {
96164 return B.JSString_methods.substring$1(key, this.$this._unprefixed_map_view0$_view._unprefixed_map_view0$_prefix.length);
96165 },
96166 $signature: 5
96167 };
96168 A.JSUrl0.prototype = {};
96169 A.UseRule0.prototype = {
96170 UseRule$4$configuration0(url, namespace, span, configuration) {
96171 var t1, t2, _i, variable;
96172 for (t1 = this.configuration, t2 = t1.length, _i = 0; _i < t2; ++_i) {
96173 variable = t1[_i];
96174 if (variable.isGuarded)
96175 throw A.wrapException(A.ArgumentError$value(variable, "configured variable", "can't be guarded in a @use rule."));
96176 }
96177 },
96178 accept$1$1(visitor) {
96179 return visitor.visitUseRule$1(this);
96180 },
96181 accept$1(visitor) {
96182 return this.accept$1$1(visitor, type$.dynamic);
96183 },
96184 toString$0(_) {
96185 var t1 = this.url,
96186 t2 = "@use " + A.StringExpression_quoteText0(t1.toString$0(0)),
96187 basename = t1.get$pathSegments().length === 0 ? "" : B.JSArray_methods.get$last(t1.get$pathSegments()),
96188 dot = B.JSString_methods.indexOf$1(basename, ".");
96189 t1 = this.namespace;
96190 if (t1 !== B.JSString_methods.substring$2(basename, 0, dot === -1 ? basename.length : dot))
96191 t1 = t2 + (" as " + (t1 == null ? "*" : t1));
96192 else
96193 t1 = t2;
96194 t2 = this.configuration;
96195 t1 = (t2.length !== 0 ? t1 + (" with (" + B.JSArray_methods.join$1(t2, ", ") + ")") : t1) + ";";
96196 return t1.charCodeAt(0) == 0 ? t1 : t1;
96197 },
96198 $isAstNode0: 1,
96199 $isStatement0: 1,
96200 get$span(receiver) {
96201 return this.span;
96202 }
96203 };
96204 A.UserDefinedCallable0.prototype = {
96205 get$name(_) {
96206 return this.declaration.name;
96207 },
96208 $isAsyncCallable0: 1,
96209 $isCallable0: 1
96210 };
96211 A.resolveImportPath_closure1.prototype = {
96212 call$0() {
96213 return A._exactlyOne0(A._tryPath0($.$get$context().withoutExtension$1(this.path) + ".import" + this.extension));
96214 },
96215 $signature: 42
96216 };
96217 A.resolveImportPath_closure2.prototype = {
96218 call$0() {
96219 return A._exactlyOne0(A._tryPathWithExtensions0(this.path + ".import"));
96220 },
96221 $signature: 42
96222 };
96223 A._tryPathAsDirectory_closure0.prototype = {
96224 call$0() {
96225 return A._exactlyOne0(A._tryPathWithExtensions0(A.join(this.path, "index.import", null)));
96226 },
96227 $signature: 42
96228 };
96229 A._exactlyOne_closure0.prototype = {
96230 call$1(path) {
96231 var t1 = $.$get$context();
96232 return " " + t1.prettyUri$1(t1.toUri$1(path));
96233 },
96234 $signature: 5
96235 };
96236 A._PropertyDescriptor0.prototype = {};
96237 A.futureToPromise_closure0.prototype = {
96238 call$2(resolve, reject) {
96239 this.future.then$1$2$onError(0, new A.futureToPromise__closure0(resolve), new A.futureToPromise__closure1(reject), type$.void);
96240 },
96241 $signature: 562
96242 };
96243 A.futureToPromise__closure0.prototype = {
96244 call$1(result) {
96245 return this.resolve.call$1(result);
96246 },
96247 $signature: 27
96248 };
96249 A.futureToPromise__closure1.prototype = {
96250 call$2(error, stackTrace) {
96251 A.attachTrace0(error, stackTrace);
96252 this.reject.call$1(error);
96253 },
96254 $signature: 68
96255 };
96256 A.objectToMap_closure.prototype = {
96257 call$2(key, value) {
96258 this.map.$indexSet(0, key, value);
96259 return value;
96260 },
96261 $signature: 117
96262 };
96263 A.indent_closure0.prototype = {
96264 call$1(line) {
96265 return B.JSString_methods.$mul(" ", this.indentation) + line;
96266 },
96267 $signature: 5
96268 };
96269 A.flattenVertically_closure1.prototype = {
96270 call$1(inner) {
96271 return A.QueueList_QueueList$from(inner, this.T);
96272 },
96273 $signature() {
96274 return this.T._eval$1("QueueList<0>(Iterable<0>)");
96275 }
96276 };
96277 A.flattenVertically_closure2.prototype = {
96278 call$1(queue) {
96279 this.result.push(queue.removeFirst$0());
96280 return queue.get$length(queue) === 0;
96281 },
96282 $signature() {
96283 return this.T._eval$1("bool(QueueList<0>)");
96284 }
96285 };
96286 A.longestCommonSubsequence_closure0.prototype = {
96287 call$2(element1, element2) {
96288 return J.$eq$(element1, element2) ? element1 : null;
96289 },
96290 $signature() {
96291 return this.T._eval$1("0?(0,0)");
96292 }
96293 };
96294 A.longestCommonSubsequence_backtrack0.prototype = {
96295 call$2(i, j) {
96296 var selection, t1, _this = this;
96297 if (i === -1 || j === -1)
96298 return A._setArrayType([], _this.T._eval$1("JSArray<0>"));
96299 selection = _this.selections[i][j];
96300 if (selection != null) {
96301 t1 = _this.call$2(i - 1, j - 1);
96302 J.add$1$ax(t1, selection);
96303 return t1;
96304 }
96305 t1 = _this.lengths;
96306 return t1[i + 1][j] > t1[i][j + 1] ? _this.call$2(i, j - 1) : _this.call$2(i - 1, j);
96307 },
96308 $signature() {
96309 return this.T._eval$1("List<0>(int,int)");
96310 }
96311 };
96312 A.mapAddAll2_closure0.prototype = {
96313 call$2(key, inner) {
96314 var t1 = this.destination,
96315 innerDestination = t1.$index(0, key);
96316 if (innerDestination != null)
96317 innerDestination.addAll$1(0, inner);
96318 else
96319 t1.$indexSet(0, key, inner);
96320 },
96321 $signature() {
96322 return this.K1._eval$1("@<0>")._bind$1(this.K2)._bind$1(this.V)._eval$1("~(1,Map<2,3>)");
96323 }
96324 };
96325 A.CssValue0.prototype = {
96326 toString$0(_) {
96327 return J.toString$0$(this.value);
96328 },
96329 $isAstNode0: 1,
96330 get$value(receiver) {
96331 return this.value;
96332 },
96333 get$span(receiver) {
96334 return this.span;
96335 }
96336 };
96337 A.ValueExpression0.prototype = {
96338 accept$1$1(visitor) {
96339 return visitor.visitValueExpression$1(this);
96340 },
96341 accept$1(visitor) {
96342 return this.accept$1$1(visitor, type$.dynamic);
96343 },
96344 toString$0(_) {
96345 return A.serializeValue0(this.value, true, true);
96346 },
96347 $isExpression0: 1,
96348 $isAstNode0: 1,
96349 get$span(receiver) {
96350 return this.span;
96351 }
96352 };
96353 A.ModifiableCssValue0.prototype = {
96354 toString$0(_) {
96355 return A.serializeSelector0(this.value, true);
96356 },
96357 $isAstNode0: 1,
96358 $isCssValue0: 1,
96359 get$value(receiver) {
96360 return this.value;
96361 },
96362 get$span(receiver) {
96363 return this.span;
96364 }
96365 };
96366 A.valueClass_closure.prototype = {
96367 call$0() {
96368 var t2,
96369 t1 = type$.JSClass,
96370 jsClass = t1._as(self.Object.getPrototypeOf(J.get$$prototype$x(t1._as(B.C__SassNull0.constructor))).constructor);
96371 A.JSClassExtension_setCustomInspect(jsClass, new A.valueClass__closure());
96372 t1 = type$.String;
96373 t2 = type$.Function;
96374 A.LinkedHashMap_LinkedHashMap$_literal(["asList", new A.valueClass__closure0(), "hasBrackets", new A.valueClass__closure1(), "isTruthy", new A.valueClass__closure2(), "realNull", new A.valueClass__closure3(), "separator", new A.valueClass__closure4()], t1, t2).forEach$1(0, A.JSClassExtension_get_defineGetter(jsClass));
96375 A.LinkedHashMap_LinkedHashMap$_literal(["sassIndexToListIndex", new A.valueClass__closure5(), "get", new A.valueClass__closure6(), "assertBoolean", new A.valueClass__closure7(), "assertColor", new A.valueClass__closure8(), "assertFunction", new A.valueClass__closure9(), "assertMap", new A.valueClass__closure10(), "assertNumber", new A.valueClass__closure11(), "assertString", new A.valueClass__closure12(), "tryMap", new A.valueClass__closure13(), "equals", new A.valueClass__closure14(), "hashCode", new A.valueClass__closure15(), "toString", new A.valueClass__closure16()], t1, t2).forEach$1(0, A.JSClassExtension_get_defineMethod(jsClass));
96376 return jsClass;
96377 },
96378 $signature: 25
96379 };
96380 A.valueClass__closure.prototype = {
96381 call$1($self) {
96382 return J.toString$0$($self);
96383 },
96384 $signature: 47
96385 };
96386 A.valueClass__closure0.prototype = {
96387 call$1($self) {
96388 return new self.immutable.List($self.get$asList());
96389 },
96390 $signature: 563
96391 };
96392 A.valueClass__closure1.prototype = {
96393 call$1($self) {
96394 return $self.get$hasBrackets();
96395 },
96396 $signature: 44
96397 };
96398 A.valueClass__closure2.prototype = {
96399 call$1($self) {
96400 return $self.get$isTruthy();
96401 },
96402 $signature: 44
96403 };
96404 A.valueClass__closure3.prototype = {
96405 call$1($self) {
96406 return $self.get$realNull();
96407 },
96408 $signature: 215
96409 };
96410 A.valueClass__closure4.prototype = {
96411 call$1($self) {
96412 return $self.get$separator($self).separator;
96413 },
96414 $signature: 564
96415 };
96416 A.valueClass__closure5.prototype = {
96417 call$3($self, sassIndex, $name) {
96418 return $self.sassIndexToListIndex$2(sassIndex, $name);
96419 },
96420 call$2($self, sassIndex) {
96421 return this.call$3($self, sassIndex, null);
96422 },
96423 "call*": "call$3",
96424 $requiredArgCount: 2,
96425 $defaultValues() {
96426 return [null];
96427 },
96428 $signature: 565
96429 };
96430 A.valueClass__closure6.prototype = {
96431 call$2($self, index) {
96432 return index < 1 && index >= -1 ? $self : self.undefined;
96433 },
96434 $signature: 233
96435 };
96436 A.valueClass__closure7.prototype = {
96437 call$2($self, $name) {
96438 return $self.assertBoolean$1($name);
96439 },
96440 call$1($self) {
96441 return this.call$2($self, null);
96442 },
96443 "call*": "call$2",
96444 $requiredArgCount: 1,
96445 $defaultValues() {
96446 return [null];
96447 },
96448 $signature: 566
96449 };
96450 A.valueClass__closure8.prototype = {
96451 call$2($self, $name) {
96452 return $self.assertColor$1($name);
96453 },
96454 call$1($self) {
96455 return this.call$2($self, null);
96456 },
96457 "call*": "call$2",
96458 $requiredArgCount: 1,
96459 $defaultValues() {
96460 return [null];
96461 },
96462 $signature: 567
96463 };
96464 A.valueClass__closure9.prototype = {
96465 call$2($self, $name) {
96466 return $self.assertFunction$1($name);
96467 },
96468 call$1($self) {
96469 return this.call$2($self, null);
96470 },
96471 "call*": "call$2",
96472 $requiredArgCount: 1,
96473 $defaultValues() {
96474 return [null];
96475 },
96476 $signature: 568
96477 };
96478 A.valueClass__closure10.prototype = {
96479 call$2($self, $name) {
96480 return $self.assertMap$1($name);
96481 },
96482 call$1($self) {
96483 return this.call$2($self, null);
96484 },
96485 "call*": "call$2",
96486 $requiredArgCount: 1,
96487 $defaultValues() {
96488 return [null];
96489 },
96490 $signature: 569
96491 };
96492 A.valueClass__closure11.prototype = {
96493 call$2($self, $name) {
96494 return $self.assertNumber$1($name);
96495 },
96496 call$1($self) {
96497 return this.call$2($self, null);
96498 },
96499 "call*": "call$2",
96500 $requiredArgCount: 1,
96501 $defaultValues() {
96502 return [null];
96503 },
96504 $signature: 570
96505 };
96506 A.valueClass__closure12.prototype = {
96507 call$2($self, $name) {
96508 return $self.assertString$1($name);
96509 },
96510 call$1($self) {
96511 return this.call$2($self, null);
96512 },
96513 "call*": "call$2",
96514 $requiredArgCount: 1,
96515 $defaultValues() {
96516 return [null];
96517 },
96518 $signature: 571
96519 };
96520 A.valueClass__closure13.prototype = {
96521 call$1($self) {
96522 return $self.tryMap$0();
96523 },
96524 $signature: 572
96525 };
96526 A.valueClass__closure14.prototype = {
96527 call$2($self, other) {
96528 return $self.$eq(0, other);
96529 },
96530 $signature: 573
96531 };
96532 A.valueClass__closure15.prototype = {
96533 call$2($self, _) {
96534 return $self.get$hashCode($self);
96535 },
96536 call$1($self) {
96537 return this.call$2($self, null);
96538 },
96539 "call*": "call$2",
96540 $requiredArgCount: 1,
96541 $defaultValues() {
96542 return [null];
96543 },
96544 $signature: 574
96545 };
96546 A.valueClass__closure16.prototype = {
96547 call$1($self) {
96548 return A.serializeValue0($self, true, true);
96549 },
96550 $signature: 197
96551 };
96552 A.Value0.prototype = {
96553 get$isTruthy() {
96554 return true;
96555 },
96556 get$separator(_) {
96557 return B.ListSeparator_undecided_null0;
96558 },
96559 get$hasBrackets() {
96560 return false;
96561 },
96562 get$asList() {
96563 return A._setArrayType([this], type$.JSArray_Value_2);
96564 },
96565 get$lengthAsList() {
96566 return 1;
96567 },
96568 get$isBlank() {
96569 return false;
96570 },
96571 get$isSpecialNumber() {
96572 return false;
96573 },
96574 get$isVar() {
96575 return false;
96576 },
96577 get$realNull() {
96578 return this;
96579 },
96580 sassIndexToListIndex$2(sassIndex, $name) {
96581 var _this = this,
96582 index = sassIndex.assertNumber$1($name).assertInt$1($name);
96583 if (index === 0)
96584 throw A.wrapException(_this._value0$_exception$2("List index may not be 0.", $name));
96585 if (Math.abs(index) > _this.get$lengthAsList())
96586 throw A.wrapException(_this._value0$_exception$2("Invalid index " + sassIndex.toString$0(0) + " for a list with " + _this.get$lengthAsList() + " elements.", $name));
96587 return index < 0 ? _this.get$lengthAsList() + index : index - 1;
96588 },
96589 assertBoolean$1($name) {
96590 return A.throwExpression(this._value0$_exception$2(this.toString$0(0) + " is not a boolean.", $name));
96591 },
96592 assertCalculation$1($name) {
96593 return A.throwExpression(this._value0$_exception$2(this.toString$0(0) + " is not a calculation.", $name));
96594 },
96595 assertColor$1($name) {
96596 return A.throwExpression(this._value0$_exception$2(this.toString$0(0) + " is not a color.", $name));
96597 },
96598 assertFunction$1($name) {
96599 return A.throwExpression(this._value0$_exception$2(this.toString$0(0) + " is not a function reference.", $name));
96600 },
96601 assertMap$1($name) {
96602 return A.throwExpression(this._value0$_exception$2(this.toString$0(0) + " is not a map.", $name));
96603 },
96604 tryMap$0() {
96605 return null;
96606 },
96607 assertNumber$1($name) {
96608 return A.throwExpression(this._value0$_exception$2(this.toString$0(0) + " is not a number.", $name));
96609 },
96610 assertNumber$0() {
96611 return this.assertNumber$1(null);
96612 },
96613 assertString$1($name) {
96614 return A.throwExpression(this._value0$_exception$2(this.toString$0(0) + " is not a string.", $name));
96615 },
96616 assertSelector$2$allowParent$name(allowParent, $name) {
96617 var error, stackTrace, t1, exception,
96618 string = this._value0$_selectorString$1($name);
96619 try {
96620 t1 = A.SelectorList_SelectorList$parse0(string, allowParent, true, null);
96621 return t1;
96622 } catch (exception) {
96623 t1 = A.unwrapException(exception);
96624 if (t1 instanceof A.SassFormatException0) {
96625 error = t1;
96626 stackTrace = A.getTraceFromException(exception);
96627 t1 = B.JSString_methods.replaceFirst$2(J.toString$0$(error), "Error: ", "");
96628 A.throwWithTrace0(new A.SassScriptException0($name == null ? t1 : "$" + $name + ": " + t1), stackTrace);
96629 } else
96630 throw exception;
96631 }
96632 },
96633 assertSelector$1$name($name) {
96634 return this.assertSelector$2$allowParent$name(false, $name);
96635 },
96636 assertSelector$0() {
96637 return this.assertSelector$2$allowParent$name(false, null);
96638 },
96639 assertSelector$1$allowParent(allowParent) {
96640 return this.assertSelector$2$allowParent$name(allowParent, null);
96641 },
96642 assertCompoundSelector$1$name($name) {
96643 var error, stackTrace, t1, exception,
96644 allowParent = false,
96645 string = this._value0$_selectorString$1($name);
96646 try {
96647 t1 = A.SelectorParser$0(string, allowParent, true, null, null).parseCompoundSelector$0();
96648 return t1;
96649 } catch (exception) {
96650 t1 = A.unwrapException(exception);
96651 if (t1 instanceof A.SassFormatException0) {
96652 error = t1;
96653 stackTrace = A.getTraceFromException(exception);
96654 t1 = B.JSString_methods.replaceFirst$2(J.toString$0$(error), "Error: ", "");
96655 t1 = "$" + $name + ": " + t1;
96656 A.throwWithTrace0(new A.SassScriptException0(t1), stackTrace);
96657 } else
96658 throw exception;
96659 }
96660 },
96661 _value0$_selectorString$1($name) {
96662 var string = this._value0$_selectorStringOrNull$0();
96663 if (string != null)
96664 return string;
96665 throw A.wrapException(this._value0$_exception$2(this.toString$0(0) + string$.x20is_no, $name));
96666 },
96667 _value0$_selectorStringOrNull$0() {
96668 var t1, t2, result, t3, _i, complex, string, compound, _this = this, _null = null;
96669 if (_this instanceof A.SassString0)
96670 return _this._string0$_text;
96671 if (!(_this instanceof A.SassList0))
96672 return _null;
96673 t1 = _this._list1$_contents;
96674 t2 = t1.length;
96675 if (t2 === 0)
96676 return _null;
96677 result = A._setArrayType([], type$.JSArray_String);
96678 t3 = _this._list1$_separator;
96679 switch (t3) {
96680 case B.ListSeparator_kWM0:
96681 for (_i = 0; _i < t2; ++_i) {
96682 complex = t1[_i];
96683 if (complex instanceof A.SassString0)
96684 result.push(complex._string0$_text);
96685 else if (complex instanceof A.SassList0 && complex._list1$_separator === B.ListSeparator_woc0) {
96686 string = complex._value0$_selectorStringOrNull$0();
96687 if (string == null)
96688 return _null;
96689 result.push(string);
96690 } else
96691 return _null;
96692 }
96693 break;
96694 case B.ListSeparator_1gm0:
96695 return _null;
96696 default:
96697 for (_i = 0; _i < t2; ++_i) {
96698 compound = t1[_i];
96699 if (compound instanceof A.SassString0)
96700 result.push(compound._string0$_text);
96701 else
96702 return _null;
96703 }
96704 break;
96705 }
96706 return B.JSArray_methods.join$1(result, t3 === B.ListSeparator_kWM0 ? ", " : " ");
96707 },
96708 withListContents$2$separator(contents, separator) {
96709 var t1 = separator == null ? this.get$separator(this) : separator,
96710 t2 = this.get$hasBrackets();
96711 return A.SassList$0(contents, t1, t2);
96712 },
96713 withListContents$1(contents) {
96714 return this.withListContents$2$separator(contents, null);
96715 },
96716 greaterThan$1(other) {
96717 return A.throwExpression(A.SassScriptException$0('Undefined operation "' + this.toString$0(0) + " > " + other.toString$0(0) + '".'));
96718 },
96719 greaterThanOrEquals$1(other) {
96720 return A.throwExpression(A.SassScriptException$0('Undefined operation "' + this.toString$0(0) + " >= " + other.toString$0(0) + '".'));
96721 },
96722 lessThan$1(other) {
96723 return A.throwExpression(A.SassScriptException$0('Undefined operation "' + this.toString$0(0) + " < " + other.toString$0(0) + '".'));
96724 },
96725 lessThanOrEquals$1(other) {
96726 return A.throwExpression(A.SassScriptException$0('Undefined operation "' + this.toString$0(0) + " <= " + other.toString$0(0) + '".'));
96727 },
96728 times$1(other) {
96729 return A.throwExpression(A.SassScriptException$0('Undefined operation "' + this.toString$0(0) + " * " + other.toString$0(0) + '".'));
96730 },
96731 modulo$1(other) {
96732 return A.throwExpression(A.SassScriptException$0('Undefined operation "' + this.toString$0(0) + " % " + other.toString$0(0) + '".'));
96733 },
96734 plus$1(other) {
96735 if (other instanceof A.SassString0)
96736 return new A.SassString0(A.serializeValue0(this, false, true) + other._string0$_text, other._string0$_hasQuotes);
96737 else if (other instanceof A.SassCalculation0)
96738 throw A.wrapException(A.SassScriptException$0('Undefined operation "' + this.toString$0(0) + " + " + other.toString$0(0) + '".'));
96739 else
96740 return new A.SassString0(A.serializeValue0(this, false, true) + A.serializeValue0(other, false, true), false);
96741 },
96742 minus$1(other) {
96743 if (other instanceof A.SassCalculation0)
96744 throw A.wrapException(A.SassScriptException$0('Undefined operation "' + this.toString$0(0) + " - " + other.toString$0(0) + '".'));
96745 else
96746 return new A.SassString0(A.serializeValue0(this, false, true) + "-" + A.serializeValue0(other, false, true), false);
96747 },
96748 dividedBy$1(other) {
96749 return new A.SassString0(A.serializeValue0(this, false, true) + "/" + A.serializeValue0(other, false, true), false);
96750 },
96751 unaryPlus$0() {
96752 return new A.SassString0("+" + A.serializeValue0(this, false, true), false);
96753 },
96754 unaryMinus$0() {
96755 return new A.SassString0("-" + A.serializeValue0(this, false, true), false);
96756 },
96757 unaryNot$0() {
96758 return B.SassBoolean_false0;
96759 },
96760 withoutSlash$0() {
96761 return this;
96762 },
96763 toString$0(_) {
96764 return A.serializeValue0(this, true, true);
96765 },
96766 _value0$_exception$2(message, $name) {
96767 return new A.SassScriptException0($name == null ? message : "$" + $name + ": " + message);
96768 }
96769 };
96770 A.VariableExpression0.prototype = {
96771 accept$1$1(visitor) {
96772 return visitor.visitVariableExpression$1(this);
96773 },
96774 accept$1(visitor) {
96775 return this.accept$1$1(visitor, type$.dynamic);
96776 },
96777 toString$0(_) {
96778 var t1 = this.namespace,
96779 t2 = this.name;
96780 return t1 == null ? "$" + t2 : t1 + ".$" + t2;
96781 },
96782 $isExpression0: 1,
96783 $isAstNode0: 1,
96784 get$span(receiver) {
96785 return this.span;
96786 }
96787 };
96788 A.VariableDeclaration0.prototype = {
96789 accept$1$1(visitor) {
96790 return visitor.visitVariableDeclaration$1(this);
96791 },
96792 accept$1(visitor) {
96793 return this.accept$1$1(visitor, type$.dynamic);
96794 },
96795 toString$0(_) {
96796 var t1 = this.namespace;
96797 t1 = t1 != null ? "$" + (t1 + ".") : "$";
96798 t1 += this.name + ": " + this.expression.toString$0(0) + ";";
96799 return t1.charCodeAt(0) == 0 ? t1 : t1;
96800 },
96801 $isAstNode0: 1,
96802 $isStatement0: 1,
96803 get$span(receiver) {
96804 return this.span;
96805 }
96806 };
96807 A.WarnRule0.prototype = {
96808 accept$1$1(visitor) {
96809 return visitor.visitWarnRule$1(this);
96810 },
96811 accept$1(visitor) {
96812 return this.accept$1$1(visitor, type$.dynamic);
96813 },
96814 toString$0(_) {
96815 return "@warn " + this.expression.toString$0(0) + ";";
96816 },
96817 $isAstNode0: 1,
96818 $isStatement0: 1,
96819 get$span(receiver) {
96820 return this.span;
96821 }
96822 };
96823 A.WhileRule0.prototype = {
96824 accept$1$1(visitor) {
96825 return visitor.visitWhileRule$1(this);
96826 },
96827 accept$1(visitor) {
96828 return this.accept$1$1(visitor, type$.dynamic);
96829 },
96830 toString$0(_) {
96831 var t1 = this.children;
96832 return "@while " + this.condition.toString$0(0) + " {" + (t1 && B.JSArray_methods).join$1(t1, " ") + "}";
96833 },
96834 get$span(receiver) {
96835 return this.span;
96836 }
96837 };
96838 (function aliases() {
96839 var _ = J.JavaScriptObject.prototype;
96840 _.super$JavaScriptObject$toString = _.toString$0;
96841 _ = A.JsLinkedHashMap.prototype;
96842 _.super$JsLinkedHashMap$internalContainsKey = _.internalContainsKey$1;
96843 _.super$JsLinkedHashMap$internalGet = _.internalGet$1;
96844 _.super$JsLinkedHashMap$internalSet = _.internalSet$2;
96845 _.super$JsLinkedHashMap$internalRemove = _.internalRemove$1;
96846 _ = A._BufferingStreamSubscription.prototype;
96847 _.super$_BufferingStreamSubscription$_add = _._async$_add$1;
96848 _.super$_BufferingStreamSubscription$_addError = _._addError$2;
96849 _ = A.ListMixin.prototype;
96850 _.super$ListMixin$setRange = _.setRange$4;
96851 _ = A.Iterable.prototype;
96852 _.super$Iterable$where = _.where$1;
96853 _.super$Iterable$skipWhile = _.skipWhile$1;
96854 _ = A.ModifiableCssParentNode.prototype;
96855 _.super$ModifiableCssParentNode$addChild = _.addChild$1;
96856 _ = A.SimpleSelector.prototype;
96857 _.super$SimpleSelector$addSuffix = _.addSuffix$1;
96858 _.super$SimpleSelector$unify = _.unify$1;
96859 _ = A.Parser.prototype;
96860 _.super$Parser$silentComment = _.silentComment$0;
96861 _ = A.StylesheetParser.prototype;
96862 _.super$StylesheetParser$importArgument = _.importArgument$0;
96863 _.super$StylesheetParser$namespacedExpression = _.namespacedExpression$2;
96864 _ = A.Value.prototype;
96865 _.super$Value$assertMap = _.assertMap$1;
96866 _.super$Value$plus = _.plus$1;
96867 _.super$Value$minus = _.minus$1;
96868 _.super$Value$dividedBy = _.dividedBy$1;
96869 _ = A.SassNumber.prototype;
96870 _.super$SassNumber$convertValueToMatch = _.convertValueToMatch$3;
96871 _.super$SassNumber$coerce = _.coerce$3;
96872 _.super$SassNumber$coerceValue = _.coerceValue$3;
96873 _.super$SassNumber$coerceValueToUnit = _.coerceValueToUnit$2;
96874 _.super$SassNumber$coerceValueToMatch = _.coerceValueToMatch$3;
96875 _.super$SassNumber$greaterThan = _.greaterThan$1;
96876 _.super$SassNumber$greaterThanOrEquals = _.greaterThanOrEquals$1;
96877 _.super$SassNumber$lessThan = _.lessThan$1;
96878 _.super$SassNumber$lessThanOrEquals = _.lessThanOrEquals$1;
96879 _.super$SassNumber$modulo = _.modulo$1;
96880 _.super$SassNumber$plus = _.plus$1;
96881 _.super$SassNumber$minus = _.minus$1;
96882 _.super$SassNumber$times = _.times$1;
96883 _.super$SassNumber$dividedBy = _.dividedBy$1;
96884 _ = A.SourceSpanMixin.prototype;
96885 _.super$SourceSpanMixin$compareTo = _.compareTo$1;
96886 _.super$SourceSpanMixin$$eq = _.$eq;
96887 _ = A.StringScanner.prototype;
96888 _.super$StringScanner$readChar = _.readChar$0;
96889 _.super$StringScanner$scanChar = _.scanChar$1;
96890 _.super$StringScanner$scan = _.scan$1;
96891 _.super$StringScanner$matches = _.matches$1;
96892 _ = A.ModifiableCssParentNode0.prototype;
96893 _.super$ModifiableCssParentNode$addChild0 = _.addChild$1;
96894 _ = A.SassNumber0.prototype;
96895 _.super$SassNumber$convertToMatch = _.convertToMatch$3;
96896 _.super$SassNumber$convertValueToMatch0 = _.convertValueToMatch$3;
96897 _.super$SassNumber$coerce0 = _.coerce$3;
96898 _.super$SassNumber$coerceValue0 = _.coerceValue$3;
96899 _.super$SassNumber$coerceValueToUnit0 = _.coerceValueToUnit$2;
96900 _.super$SassNumber$coerceToMatch = _.coerceToMatch$3;
96901 _.super$SassNumber$coerceValueToMatch0 = _.coerceValueToMatch$3;
96902 _.super$SassNumber$greaterThan0 = _.greaterThan$1;
96903 _.super$SassNumber$greaterThanOrEquals0 = _.greaterThanOrEquals$1;
96904 _.super$SassNumber$lessThan0 = _.lessThan$1;
96905 _.super$SassNumber$lessThanOrEquals0 = _.lessThanOrEquals$1;
96906 _.super$SassNumber$modulo0 = _.modulo$1;
96907 _.super$SassNumber$plus0 = _.plus$1;
96908 _.super$SassNumber$minus0 = _.minus$1;
96909 _.super$SassNumber$times0 = _.times$1;
96910 _.super$SassNumber$dividedBy0 = _.dividedBy$1;
96911 _ = A.Parser1.prototype;
96912 _.super$Parser$silentComment0 = _.silentComment$0;
96913 _ = A.SimpleSelector0.prototype;
96914 _.super$SimpleSelector$addSuffix0 = _.addSuffix$1;
96915 _.super$SimpleSelector$unify0 = _.unify$1;
96916 _ = A.StylesheetParser0.prototype;
96917 _.super$StylesheetParser$importArgument0 = _.importArgument$0;
96918 _.super$StylesheetParser$namespacedExpression0 = _.namespacedExpression$2;
96919 _ = A.Value0.prototype;
96920 _.super$Value$assertMap0 = _.assertMap$1;
96921 _.super$Value$plus0 = _.plus$1;
96922 _.super$Value$minus0 = _.minus$1;
96923 _.super$Value$dividedBy0 = _.dividedBy$1;
96924 })();
96925 (function installTearOffs() {
96926 var _static_2 = hunkHelpers._static_2,
96927 _instance_1_i = hunkHelpers._instance_1i,
96928 _instance_1_u = hunkHelpers._instance_1u,
96929 _static_1 = hunkHelpers._static_1,
96930 _static_0 = hunkHelpers._static_0,
96931 _static = hunkHelpers.installStaticTearOff,
96932 _instance = hunkHelpers.installInstanceTearOff,
96933 _instance_2_u = hunkHelpers._instance_2u,
96934 _instance_0_i = hunkHelpers._instance_0i,
96935 _instance_0_u = hunkHelpers._instance_0u;
96936 _static_2(J, "_interceptors_JSArray__compareAny$closure", "JSArray__compareAny", 253);
96937 _instance_1_i(J.JSArray.prototype, "get$contains", "contains$1", 11);
96938 _instance_1_i(A._CastIterableBase.prototype, "get$contains", "contains$1", 11);
96939 _instance_1_u(A.CastMap.prototype, "get$containsKey", "containsKey$1", 11);
96940 _instance_1_u(A.ConstantStringMap.prototype, "get$containsKey", "containsKey$1", 11);
96941 _instance_1_u(A.JsLinkedHashMap.prototype, "get$containsKey", "containsKey$1", 11);
96942 _static_1(A, "async__AsyncRun__scheduleImmediateJsOverride$closure", "_AsyncRun__scheduleImmediateJsOverride", 121);
96943 _static_1(A, "async__AsyncRun__scheduleImmediateWithSetImmediate$closure", "_AsyncRun__scheduleImmediateWithSetImmediate", 121);
96944 _static_1(A, "async__AsyncRun__scheduleImmediateWithTimer$closure", "_AsyncRun__scheduleImmediateWithTimer", 121);
96945 _static_0(A, "async___startMicrotaskLoop$closure", "_startMicrotaskLoop", 0);
96946 _static_1(A, "async___nullDataHandler$closure", "_nullDataHandler", 123);
96947 _static_2(A, "async___nullErrorHandler$closure", "_nullErrorHandler", 69);
96948 _static_0(A, "async___nullDoneHandler$closure", "_nullDoneHandler", 0);
96949 _static(A, "async___rootHandleUncaughtError$closure", 5, null, ["call$5"], ["_rootHandleUncaughtError"], 577, 0);
96950 _static(A, "async___rootRun$closure", 4, null, ["call$1$4", "call$4"], ["_rootRun", function($self, $parent, zone, f) {
96951 return A._rootRun($self, $parent, zone, f, type$.dynamic);
96952 }], 578, 1);
96953 _static(A, "async___rootRunUnary$closure", 5, null, ["call$2$5", "call$5"], ["_rootRunUnary", function($self, $parent, zone, f, arg) {
96954 return A._rootRunUnary($self, $parent, zone, f, arg, type$.dynamic, type$.dynamic);
96955 }], 579, 1);
96956 _static(A, "async___rootRunBinary$closure", 6, null, ["call$3$6", "call$6"], ["_rootRunBinary", function($self, $parent, zone, f, arg1, arg2) {
96957 return A._rootRunBinary($self, $parent, zone, f, arg1, arg2, type$.dynamic, type$.dynamic, type$.dynamic);
96958 }], 580, 1);
96959 _static(A, "async___rootRegisterCallback$closure", 4, null, ["call$1$4", "call$4"], ["_rootRegisterCallback", function($self, $parent, zone, f) {
96960 return A._rootRegisterCallback($self, $parent, zone, f, type$.dynamic);
96961 }], 581, 0);
96962 _static(A, "async___rootRegisterUnaryCallback$closure", 4, null, ["call$2$4", "call$4"], ["_rootRegisterUnaryCallback", function($self, $parent, zone, f) {
96963 return A._rootRegisterUnaryCallback($self, $parent, zone, f, type$.dynamic, type$.dynamic);
96964 }], 582, 0);
96965 _static(A, "async___rootRegisterBinaryCallback$closure", 4, null, ["call$3$4", "call$4"], ["_rootRegisterBinaryCallback", function($self, $parent, zone, f) {
96966 return A._rootRegisterBinaryCallback($self, $parent, zone, f, type$.dynamic, type$.dynamic, type$.dynamic);
96967 }], 583, 0);
96968 _static(A, "async___rootErrorCallback$closure", 5, null, ["call$5"], ["_rootErrorCallback"], 584, 0);
96969 _static(A, "async___rootScheduleMicrotask$closure", 4, null, ["call$4"], ["_rootScheduleMicrotask"], 585, 0);
96970 _static(A, "async___rootCreateTimer$closure", 5, null, ["call$5"], ["_rootCreateTimer"], 586, 0);
96971 _static(A, "async___rootCreatePeriodicTimer$closure", 5, null, ["call$5"], ["_rootCreatePeriodicTimer"], 587, 0);
96972 _static(A, "async___rootPrint$closure", 4, null, ["call$4"], ["_rootPrint"], 588, 0);
96973 _static_1(A, "async___printToZone$closure", "_printToZone", 106);
96974 _static(A, "async___rootFork$closure", 5, null, ["call$5"], ["_rootFork"], 589, 0);
96975 _instance(A._AsyncCompleter.prototype, "get$complete", 0, 0, function() {
96976 return [null];
96977 }, ["call$1", "call$0"], ["complete$1", "complete$0"], 225, 0, 0);
96978 _instance_2_u(A._Future.prototype, "get$_completeError", "_completeError$2", 69);
96979 var _;
96980 _instance_1_i(_ = A._StreamController.prototype, "get$add", "add$1", 27);
96981 _instance(_, "get$addError", 0, 1, function() {
96982 return [null];
96983 }, ["call$2", "call$1"], ["addError$2", "addError$1"], 222, 0, 0);
96984 _instance_0_i(_, "get$close", "close$0", 527);
96985 _instance_1_u(_, "get$_async$_add", "_async$_add$1", 27);
96986 _instance_2_u(_, "get$_addError", "_addError$2", 69);
96987 _instance_0_u(_, "get$_close", "_close$0", 0);
96988 _instance_0_u(_ = A._ControllerSubscription.prototype, "get$_async$_onPause", "_async$_onPause$0", 0);
96989 _instance_0_u(_, "get$_async$_onResume", "_async$_onResume$0", 0);
96990 _instance(_ = A._BufferingStreamSubscription.prototype, "get$pause", 1, 0, null, ["call$1", "call$0"], ["pause$1", "pause$0"], 549, 0, 0);
96991 _instance_0_i(_, "get$resume", "resume$0", 0);
96992 _instance_0_u(_, "get$_async$_onPause", "_async$_onPause$0", 0);
96993 _instance_0_u(_, "get$_async$_onResume", "_async$_onResume$0", 0);
96994 _instance_1_u(_ = A._StreamIterator.prototype, "get$_onData", "_onData$1", 27);
96995 _instance_2_u(_, "get$_onError", "_onError$2", 69);
96996 _instance_0_u(_, "get$_onDone", "_onDone$0", 0);
96997 _instance_0_u(_ = A._ForwardingStreamSubscription.prototype, "get$_async$_onPause", "_async$_onPause$0", 0);
96998 _instance_0_u(_, "get$_async$_onResume", "_async$_onResume$0", 0);
96999 _instance_1_u(_, "get$_handleData", "_handleData$1", 27);
97000 _instance_2_u(_, "get$_handleError", "_handleError$2", 593);
97001 _instance_0_u(_, "get$_handleDone", "_handleDone$0", 0);
97002 _static_2(A, "collection___defaultEquals$closure", "_defaultEquals", 255);
97003 _static_1(A, "collection___defaultHashCode$closure", "_defaultHashCode", 256);
97004 _static_2(A, "collection_ListMixin__compareAny$closure", "ListMixin__compareAny", 253);
97005 _instance_1_u(A._HashMap.prototype, "get$containsKey", "containsKey$1", 11);
97006 _instance_1_u(A._LinkedCustomHashMap.prototype, "get$containsKey", "containsKey$1", 11);
97007 _instance(_ = A._LinkedHashSet.prototype, "get$_newSimilarSet", 0, 0, null, ["call$1$0", "call$0"], ["_newSimilarSet$1$0", "_newSimilarSet$0"], 216, 0, 0);
97008 _instance_1_i(_, "get$contains", "contains$1", 11);
97009 _instance_1_i(_, "get$add", "add$1", 11);
97010 _instance(A._LinkedIdentityHashSet.prototype, "get$_newSimilarSet", 0, 0, null, ["call$1$0", "call$0"], ["_newSimilarSet$1$0", "_newSimilarSet$0"], 216, 0, 0);
97011 _instance_1_u(A.MapMixin.prototype, "get$containsKey", "containsKey$1", 11);
97012 _instance_1_u(A.MapView.prototype, "get$containsKey", "containsKey$1", 11);
97013 _instance_1_i(A._UnmodifiableSet.prototype, "get$contains", "contains$1", 11);
97014 _static_1(A, "convert___defaultToEncodable$closure", "_defaultToEncodable", 98);
97015 _static_1(A, "core__identityHashCode$closure", "identityHashCode", 256);
97016 _static_2(A, "core__identical$closure", "identical", 255);
97017 _static_1(A, "core_Uri_decodeComponent$closure", "Uri_decodeComponent", 5);
97018 _instance_1_i(A.Iterable.prototype, "get$contains", "contains$1", 11);
97019 _instance_1_i(A.StringBuffer.prototype, "get$write", "write$1", 27);
97020 _static(A, "math0__max$closure", 2, null, ["call$1$2", "call$2"], ["max", function(a, b) {
97021 return A.max(a, b, type$.num);
97022 }], 592, 1);
97023 _instance_1_u(_ = A.StreamCompleter.prototype, "get$setSourceStream", "setSourceStream$1", 27);
97024 _instance(_, "get$setError", 0, 1, function() {
97025 return [null];
97026 }, ["call$2", "call$1"], ["setError$2", "setError$1"], 222, 0, 0);
97027 _instance_0_u(_ = A.StreamGroup.prototype, "get$_onListen", "_onListen$0", 0);
97028 _instance_0_u(_, "get$_onPause", "_onPause$0", 0);
97029 _instance_0_u(_, "get$_onResume", "_onResume$0", 0);
97030 _instance_0_u(_, "get$_onCancel", "_onCancel$0", 279);
97031 _instance_0_i(A.ReplAdapter.prototype, "get$exit", "exit$0", 0);
97032 _instance_1_i(A.EmptyUnmodifiableSet.prototype, "get$contains", "contains$1", 11);
97033 _instance_1_i(A._DelegatingIterableBase.prototype, "get$contains", "contains$1", 11);
97034 _instance_1_i(A.MapKeySet.prototype, "get$contains", "contains$1", 11);
97035 _instance_1_u(A.ModifiableCssNode.prototype, "get$_node$_isInvisible", "_node$_isInvisible$1", 7);
97036 _instance_1_u(A.SelectorList.prototype, "get$_complexContainsParentSelector", "_complexContainsParentSelector$1", 19);
97037 _instance_1_u(A.EmptyExtensionStore.prototype, "get$addExtensions", "addExtensions$1", 158);
97038 _instance_1_u(A.ExtensionStore.prototype, "get$addExtensions", "addExtensions$1", 158);
97039 _static_1(A, "functions___isUnique$closure", "_isUnique", 16);
97040 _static_1(A, "color___opacify$closure", "_opacify", 23);
97041 _static_1(A, "color___transparentize$closure", "_transparentize", 23);
97042 _instance_0_u(_ = A.Parser.prototype, "get$whitespace", "whitespace$0", 0);
97043 _instance_0_u(_, "get$loudComment", "loudComment$0", 0);
97044 _instance_0_u(_, "get$string", "string$0", 30);
97045 _instance_0_u(A.SassParser.prototype, "get$loudComment", "loudComment$0", 0);
97046 _instance(_ = A.StylesheetParser.prototype, "get$_statement", 0, 0, null, ["call$1$root", "call$0"], ["_statement$1$root", "_statement$0"], 350, 0, 0);
97047 _instance_0_u(_, "get$_declarationChild", "_declarationChild$0", 118);
97048 _instance_0_u(_, "get$_functionChild", "_functionChild$0", 118);
97049 _instance(_, "get$expression", 0, 0, null, ["call$3$bracketList$singleEquals$until", "call$0", "call$2$singleEquals$until", "call$1$bracketList", "call$1$singleEquals", "call$1$until"], ["expression$3$bracketList$singleEquals$until", "expression$0", "expression$2$singleEquals$until", "expression$1$bracketList", "expression$1$singleEquals", "expression$1$until"], 353, 0, 0);
97050 _instance_1_u(A.LimitedMapView.prototype, "get$containsKey", "containsKey$1", 11);
97051 _instance_1_u(A.MergedMapView.prototype, "get$containsKey", "containsKey$1", 11);
97052 _instance_1_i(A.NoSourceMapBuffer.prototype, "get$write", "write$1", 27);
97053 _instance_1_u(A.PrefixedMapView.prototype, "get$containsKey", "containsKey$1", 11);
97054 _instance_1_u(A.PublicMemberMapView.prototype, "get$containsKey", "containsKey$1", 11);
97055 _instance_1_i(A.SourceMapBuffer.prototype, "get$write", "write$1", 27);
97056 _instance_1_u(A.UnprefixedMapView.prototype, "get$containsKey", "containsKey$1", 11);
97057 _static_1(A, "utils__isPublic$closure", "isPublic", 6);
97058 _static_1(A, "calculation_SassCalculation__simplify$closure", "SassCalculation__simplify", 171);
97059 _instance_2_u(A.SassNumber.prototype, "get$moduloLikeSass", "moduloLikeSass$2", 54);
97060 _instance_1_u(_ = A._EvaluateVisitor0.prototype, "get$_async_evaluate$_visitMediaQueries", "_async_evaluate$_visitMediaQueries$1", 411);
97061 _instance_1_u(_, "get$_async_evaluate$_visitSupportsCondition", "_async_evaluate$_visitSupportsCondition$1", 415);
97062 _instance_1_u(_, "get$_async_evaluate$_expressionNode", "_async_evaluate$_expressionNode$1", 219);
97063 _instance_1_u(_ = A._EvaluateVisitor.prototype, "get$_visitMediaQueries", "_visitMediaQueries$1", 590);
97064 _instance_1_u(_, "get$_visitSupportsCondition", "_visitSupportsCondition$1", 591);
97065 _instance_1_u(_, "get$_expressionNode", "_expressionNode$1", 219);
97066 _instance_1_u(_ = A.RecursiveStatementVisitor.prototype, "get$visitContentBlock", "visitContentBlock$1", 271);
97067 _instance_1_u(_, "get$visitChildren", "visitChildren$1", 272);
97068 _instance_1_u(_ = A._SerializeVisitor.prototype, "get$_visitMediaQuery", "_visitMediaQuery$1", 273);
97069 _instance_1_u(_, "get$_writeCalculationValue", "_writeCalculationValue$1", 103);
97070 _instance_1_u(_, "get$_isInvisible", "_isInvisible$1", 7);
97071 _instance_1_u(_ = A.StatementSearchVisitor.prototype, "get$visitContentBlock", "visitContentBlock$1", "StatementSearchVisitor.T?(ContentBlock)");
97072 _instance_1_u(_, "get$visitChildren", "visitChildren$1", "StatementSearchVisitor.T?(List<Statement>)");
97073 _instance(A.SourceSpanMixin.prototype, "get$message", 1, 1, function() {
97074 return {color: null};
97075 }, ["call$2$color", "call$1"], ["message$2$color", "message$1"], 285, 0, 0);
97076 _static(A, "from_handlers__TransformByHandlers__defaultHandleError$closure", 3, null, ["call$1$3", "call$3"], ["TransformByHandlers__defaultHandleError", function(error, stackTrace, sink) {
97077 return A.TransformByHandlers__defaultHandleError(error, stackTrace, sink, type$.dynamic);
97078 }], 594, 0);
97079 _static(A, "rate_limit___collect$closure", 2, null, ["call$1$2", "call$2"], ["_collect", function($event, soFar) {
97080 return A._collect($event, soFar, type$.dynamic);
97081 }], 595, 0);
97082 _instance_1_u(_ = A._EvaluateVisitor2.prototype, "get$_async_evaluate0$_visitMediaQueries", "_async_evaluate0$_visitMediaQueries$1", 314);
97083 _instance_1_u(_, "get$_async_evaluate0$_visitSupportsCondition", "_async_evaluate0$_visitSupportsCondition$1", 315);
97084 _instance_1_u(_, "get$_async_evaluate0$_expressionNode", "_async_evaluate0$_expressionNode$1", 157);
97085 _static_1(A, "calculation0_SassCalculation__simplify$closure", "SassCalculation__simplify0", 171);
97086 _static_1(A, "color1___opacify$closure", "_opacify0", 24);
97087 _static_1(A, "color1___transparentize$closure", "_transparentize0", 24);
97088 _static(A, "compile__compile$closure", 1, function() {
97089 return [null];
97090 }, ["call$2", "call$1"], ["compile0", function(path) {
97091 return A.compile0(path, null);
97092 }], 596, 0);
97093 _static(A, "compile__compileString$closure", 1, function() {
97094 return [null];
97095 }, ["call$2", "call$1"], ["compileString0", function(text) {
97096 return A.compileString0(text, null);
97097 }], 597, 0);
97098 _static(A, "compile__compileAsync$closure", 1, function() {
97099 return [null];
97100 }, ["call$2", "call$1"], ["compileAsync1", function(path) {
97101 return A.compileAsync1(path, null);
97102 }], 598, 0);
97103 _static(A, "compile__compileStringAsync$closure", 1, function() {
97104 return [null];
97105 }, ["call$2", "call$1"], ["compileStringAsync1", function(text) {
97106 return A.compileStringAsync1(text, null);
97107 }], 599, 0);
97108 _static_1(A, "compile___parseImporter$closure", "_parseImporter0", 600);
97109 _instance_1_u(A.EmptyExtensionStore0.prototype, "get$addExtensions", "addExtensions$1", 207);
97110 _instance_1_u(_ = A._EvaluateVisitor1.prototype, "get$_evaluate0$_visitMediaQueries", "_evaluate0$_visitMediaQueries$1", 400);
97111 _instance_1_u(_, "get$_evaluate0$_visitSupportsCondition", "_evaluate0$_visitSupportsCondition$1", 401);
97112 _instance_1_u(_, "get$_evaluate0$_expressionNode", "_evaluate0$_expressionNode$1", 157);
97113 _instance_1_u(A.ExtensionStore0.prototype, "get$addExtensions", "addExtensions$1", 207);
97114 _static_1(A, "functions0___isUnique$closure", "_isUnique0", 15);
97115 _static_1(A, "immutable__jsToDartList$closure", "jsToDartList", 601);
97116 _static_2(A, "legacy__render$closure", "render", 602);
97117 _static_1(A, "legacy__renderSync$closure", "renderSync", 603);
97118 _instance_1_u(A.LimitedMapView0.prototype, "get$containsKey", "containsKey$1", 11);
97119 _instance_1_u(A.SelectorList0.prototype, "get$_list2$_complexContainsParentSelector", "_list2$_complexContainsParentSelector$1", 20);
97120 _instance_1_u(A.MergedMapView0.prototype, "get$containsKey", "containsKey$1", 11);
97121 _instance_1_i(A.NoSourceMapBuffer0.prototype, "get$write", "write$1", 27);
97122 _instance_1_u(A.ModifiableCssNode0.prototype, "get$_node1$_isInvisible", "_node1$_isInvisible$1", 8);
97123 _instance_2_u(A.SassNumber0.prototype, "get$moduloLikeSass", "moduloLikeSass$2", 54);
97124 _instance_0_u(_ = A.Parser1.prototype, "get$whitespace", "whitespace$0", 0);
97125 _instance_0_u(_, "get$loudComment", "loudComment$0", 0);
97126 _instance_0_u(_, "get$string", "string$0", 30);
97127 _instance_1_u(A.PrefixedMapView0.prototype, "get$containsKey", "containsKey$1", 11);
97128 _instance_1_u(A.PublicMemberMapView0.prototype, "get$containsKey", "containsKey$1", 11);
97129 _static_1(A, "sass__main$closure", "main0", 604);
97130 _instance_0_u(A.SassParser0.prototype, "get$loudComment", "loudComment$0", 0);
97131 _instance_1_u(_ = A._SerializeVisitor0.prototype, "get$_serialize0$_visitMediaQuery", "_serialize0$_visitMediaQuery$1", 524);
97132 _instance_1_u(_, "get$_serialize0$_writeCalculationValue", "_serialize0$_writeCalculationValue$1", 103);
97133 _instance_1_u(_, "get$_serialize0$_isInvisible", "_serialize0$_isInvisible$1", 8);
97134 _instance_1_i(A.SourceMapBuffer0.prototype, "get$write", "write$1", 27);
97135 _instance_1_u(_ = A.StatementSearchVisitor0.prototype, "get$visitContentBlock", "visitContentBlock$1", "StatementSearchVisitor0.T?(ContentBlock0)");
97136 _instance_1_u(_, "get$visitChildren", "visitChildren$1", "StatementSearchVisitor0.T?(List<Statement0>)");
97137 _instance(_ = A.StylesheetParser0.prototype, "get$_stylesheet0$_statement", 0, 0, null, ["call$1$root", "call$0"], ["_stylesheet0$_statement$1$root", "_stylesheet0$_statement$0"], 539, 0, 0);
97138 _instance_0_u(_, "get$_stylesheet0$_declarationChild", "_stylesheet0$_declarationChild$0", 126);
97139 _instance_0_u(_, "get$_stylesheet0$_functionChild", "_stylesheet0$_functionChild$0", 126);
97140 _instance_1_u(A.UnprefixedMapView0.prototype, "get$containsKey", "containsKey$1", 11);
97141 _static_1(A, "utils1__jsToDartUrl$closure", "jsToDartUrl", 605);
97142 _static_1(A, "utils1__dartToJSUrl$closure", "dartToJSUrl", 606);
97143 _static_1(A, "utils0__isPublic$closure", "isPublic0", 6);
97144 _static(A, "path__absolute$closure", 1, function() {
97145 return [null, null, null, null, null, null];
97146 }, ["call$7", "call$1", "call$2", "call$3", "call$4", "call$6", "call$5"], ["absolute", function(part1) {
97147 return A.absolute(part1, null, null, null, null, null, null);
97148 }, function(part1, part2) {
97149 return A.absolute(part1, part2, null, null, null, null, null);
97150 }, function(part1, part2, part3) {
97151 return A.absolute(part1, part2, part3, null, null, null, null);
97152 }, function(part1, part2, part3, part4) {
97153 return A.absolute(part1, part2, part3, part4, null, null, null);
97154 }, function(part1, part2, part3, part4, part5, part6) {
97155 return A.absolute(part1, part2, part3, part4, part5, part6, null);
97156 }, function(part1, part2, part3, part4, part5) {
97157 return A.absolute(part1, part2, part3, part4, part5, null, null);
97158 }], 607, 0);
97159 _static_1(A, "path__prettyUri$closure", "prettyUri", 92);
97160 _static_1(A, "character__isWhitespace$closure", "isWhitespace", 32);
97161 _static_1(A, "character__isNewline$closure", "isNewline", 32);
97162 _static_1(A, "character__isHex$closure", "isHex", 32);
97163 _static_2(A, "number0__fuzzyLessThan$closure", "fuzzyLessThan", 41);
97164 _static_2(A, "number0__fuzzyLessThanOrEquals$closure", "fuzzyLessThanOrEquals", 41);
97165 _static_2(A, "number0__fuzzyGreaterThan$closure", "fuzzyGreaterThan", 41);
97166 _static_2(A, "number0__fuzzyGreaterThanOrEquals$closure", "fuzzyGreaterThanOrEquals", 41);
97167 _static_1(A, "number0__fuzzyRound$closure", "fuzzyRound", 43);
97168 _static_1(A, "character0__isWhitespace$closure", "isWhitespace0", 32);
97169 _static_1(A, "character0__isNewline$closure", "isNewline0", 32);
97170 _static_1(A, "character0__isHex$closure", "isHex0", 32);
97171 _static_2(A, "number2__fuzzyLessThan$closure", "fuzzyLessThan0", 41);
97172 _static_2(A, "number2__fuzzyLessThanOrEquals$closure", "fuzzyLessThanOrEquals0", 41);
97173 _static_2(A, "number2__fuzzyGreaterThan$closure", "fuzzyGreaterThan0", 41);
97174 _static_2(A, "number2__fuzzyGreaterThanOrEquals$closure", "fuzzyGreaterThanOrEquals0", 41);
97175 _static_1(A, "number2__fuzzyRound$closure", "fuzzyRound0", 43);
97176 _static_1(A, "value1__wrapValue$closure", "wrapValue", 405);
97177 })();
97178 (function inheritance() {
97179 var _mixin = hunkHelpers.mixin,
97180 _inherit = hunkHelpers.inherit,
97181 _inheritMany = hunkHelpers.inheritMany;
97182 _inherit(A.Object, null);
97183 _inheritMany(A.Object, [A.JS_CONST, J.Interceptor, J.ArrayIterator, A.Iterable, A.CastIterator, A.Closure, A.MapMixin, A.Error, A._ListBase_Object_ListMixin, A.SentinelValue, A.ListIterator, A.Iterator, A.ExpandIterator, A.EmptyIterator, A.FollowedByIterator, A.WhereTypeIterator, A.FixedLengthListMixin, A.UnmodifiableListMixin, A.Symbol, A.MapView, A.ConstantMap, A.JSInvocationMirror, A.TypeErrorDecoder, A.NullThrownFromJavaScriptException, A.ExceptionAndStackTrace, A._StackTrace, A._Required, A.LinkedHashMapCell, A.LinkedHashMapKeyIterator, A.JSSyntaxRegExp, A._MatchImplementation, A._AllMatchesIterator, A.StringMatch, A._StringAllMatchesIterator, A._Cell, A.Rti, A._FunctionParameters, A._Type, A._TimerImpl, A._AsyncAwaitCompleter, A._IterationMarker, A._SyncStarIterator, A.AsyncError, A._Completer, A._FutureListener, A._Future, A._AsyncCallbackEntry, A.Stream, A.StreamTransformerBase, A._StreamController, A._SyncStreamControllerDispatch, A._AsyncStreamControllerDispatch, A._BufferingStreamSubscription, A._AddStreamState, A._DelayedEvent, A._DelayedDone, A._PendingEvents, A._StreamIterator, A._ZoneFunction, A._RunNullaryZoneFunction, A._RunUnaryZoneFunction, A._RunBinaryZoneFunction, A._RegisterNullaryZoneFunction, A._RegisterUnaryZoneFunction, A._RegisterBinaryZoneFunction, A._ZoneSpecification, A._ZoneDelegate, A._Zone, A._HashMapKeyIterator, A.__SetBase_Object_SetMixin, A._LinkedHashSetCell, A._LinkedHashSetIterator, A.ListMixin, A._MapBaseValueIterator, A._UnmodifiableMapMixin, A._ListQueueIterator, A.SetMixin, A._UnmodifiableSetMixin, A.Codec, A._Base64Encoder, A.ChunkedConversionSink, A._JsonStringifier, A.StringConversionSinkMixin, A._Utf8Encoder, A._Utf8Decoder, A.DateTime, A.Duration, A.OutOfMemoryError, A.StackOverflowError, A._Exception, A.FormatException, A.Expando, A.MapEntry, A.Null, A._StringStackTrace, A.RuneIterator, A.StringBuffer, A._Uri, A.UriData, A._SimpleUri, A._JSRandom, A.ArgParser, A.ArgResults, A.Option, A.OptionType, A.Parser0, A._Usage, A.ErrorResult, A.ValueResult, A.StreamCompleter, A.StreamGroup, A._StreamGroupState, A.StreamQueue, A._NextRequest, A.Repl, A.ReplAdapter, A.DefaultEquality, A.IterableEquality, A.ListEquality, A._MapEntry, A.MapEquality, A._QueueList_Object_ListMixin, A._DelegatingIterableBase, A.UnmodifiableSetMixin, A.Context, A._PathDirection, A._PathRelation, A.Style, A.ParsedPath, A.PathException, A.CssMediaQuery, A._SingletonCssMediaQueryMergeResult, A.MediaQuerySuccessfulMergeResult, A.AstNode, A.ModifiableCssValue, A.CssValue, A._FakeAstNode, A.Argument, A.ArgumentDeclaration, A.ArgumentInvocation, A.AtRootQuery, A.ConfiguredVariable, A.BinaryOperationExpression, A.BinaryOperator, A.BooleanExpression, A.CalculationExpression, A.ColorExpression, A.FunctionExpression, A.IfExpression, A.InterpolatedFunctionExpression, A.ListExpression, A.MapExpression, A.NullExpression, A.NumberExpression, A.ParenthesizedExpression, A.SelectorExpression, A.StringExpression, A.UnaryOperationExpression, A.UnaryOperator, A.ValueExpression, A.VariableExpression, A.DynamicImport, A.StaticImport, A.Interpolation, A.ParentStatement, A.ContentRule, A.DebugRule, A.ErrorRule, A.ExtendRule, A.ForwardRule, A.IfRule, A.IfRuleClause, A.ImportRule, A.IncludeRule, A.LoudComment, A.StatementSearchVisitor, A.ReturnRule, A.SilentComment, A.UseRule, A.VariableDeclaration, A.WarnRule, A.SupportsAnything, A.SupportsDeclaration, A.SupportsFunction, A.SupportsInterpolation, A.SupportsNegation, A.SupportsOperation, A.Selector, A.AttributeOperator, A.Combinator, A.QualifiedName, A.AsyncEnvironment, A._EnvironmentModule0, A.AsyncImportCache, A.AsyncBuiltInCallable, A.BuiltInCallable, A.PlainCssCallable, A.UserDefinedCallable, A.CompileResult, A.Configuration, A.ConfiguredValue, A.Environment, A._EnvironmentModule, A.SourceSpanException, A.SassScriptException, A.ExecutableOptions, A.UsageException, A._Watcher, A.EmptyExtensionStore, A.Extension, A.Extender, A.ExtensionStore, A.ExtendMode, A.ImportCache, A.AsyncImporter, A.ImporterResult, A.InterpolationBuffer, A.FileSystemException, A.Stderr, A._QuietLogger, A.StderrLogger, A.TerseLogger, A.TrackingLogger, A.BuiltInModule, A.ForwardedModuleView, A.ShadowedModuleView, A.Parser, A.StylesheetGraph, A.StylesheetNode, A.Syntax, A.MultiDirWatcher, A.NoSourceMapBuffer, A.SourceMapBuffer, A.Value, A.CalculationOperation, A.CalculationOperator, A.CalculationInterpolation, A.ListSeparator, A._EvaluateVisitor0, A._ImportedCssVisitor0, A.EvaluateResult, A._EvaluationContext0, A._ArgumentResults0, A._LoadedStylesheet0, A._CloneCssVisitor, A.Evaluator, A._EvaluateVisitor, A._ImportedCssVisitor, A._EvaluationContext, A._ArgumentResults, A._LoadedStylesheet, A.RecursiveStatementVisitor, A._SerializeVisitor, A.OutputStyle, A.LineFeed, A.SerializeResult, A.Entry, A.Mapping, A.TargetLineEntry, A.TargetEntry, A.SourceFile, A.SourceLocationMixin, A.SourceSpanMixin, A.Highlighter, A._Highlight, A._Line, A.SourceLocation, A.Chain, A.Frame, A.LazyTrace, A.Trace, A.UnparsedFrame, A.StringScanner, A._SpanScannerState, A.AsciiGlyphSet, A.UnicodeGlyphSet, A.Tuple2, A.Tuple3, A.Tuple4, A.WatchEvent, A.ChangeType, A.SupportsAnything0, A.Argument0, A.ArgumentDeclaration0, A.ArgumentInvocation0, A.Value0, A.AsyncImporter0, A.AsyncBuiltInCallable0, A.AsyncEnvironment0, A._EnvironmentModule2, A._EvaluateVisitor2, A._ImportedCssVisitor2, A.EvaluateResult0, A._EvaluationContext2, A._ArgumentResults2, A._LoadedStylesheet2, A.AsyncImportCache0, A.Parser1, A.AtRootQuery0, A.ParentStatement0, A.AstNode0, A.Selector0, A.AttributeOperator0, A.BinaryOperationExpression0, A.BinaryOperator0, A.BooleanExpression0, A.BuiltInCallable0, A.BuiltInModule0, A.CalculationExpression0, A.CalculationOperation0, A.CalculationOperator0, A.CalculationInterpolation0, A._CloneCssVisitor0, A.ColorExpression0, A.CompileResult0, A.Combinator0, A.Configuration0, A.ConfiguredValue0, A.ConfiguredVariable0, A.ContentRule0, A.DebugRule0, A.SupportsDeclaration0, A.DynamicImport0, A.EmptyExtensionStore0, A.Environment0, A._EnvironmentModule1, A.ErrorRule0, A._EvaluateVisitor1, A._ImportedCssVisitor1, A._EvaluationContext1, A._ArgumentResults1, A._LoadedStylesheet1, A.SassScriptException0, A.ExtendRule0, A.Extension0, A.Extender0, A.ExtensionStore0, A.ForwardRule0, A.ForwardedModuleView0, A.FunctionExpression0, A.SupportsFunction0, A.IfExpression0, A.IfRule0, A.IfRuleClause0, A.NodeImporter, A.ImportCache0, A.ImportRule0, A.IncludeRule0, A.InterpolatedFunctionExpression0, A.Interpolation0, A.SupportsInterpolation0, A.InterpolationBuffer0, A.ListExpression0, A.ListSeparator0, A._QuietLogger0, A.LoudComment0, A.MapExpression0, A.CssMediaQuery0, A._SingletonCssMediaQueryMergeResult0, A.MediaQuerySuccessfulMergeResult0, A.StatementSearchVisitor0, A.ExtendMode0, A.SupportsNegation0, A.NoSourceMapBuffer0, A._FakeAstNode0, A.FileSystemException0, A.Stderr0, A.NodeToDartLogger, A.NullExpression0, A.NumberExpression0, A.SupportsOperation0, A.ParenthesizedExpression0, A.PlainCssCallable0, A.QualifiedName0, A.ImporterResult0, A.ReturnRule0, A.SelectorExpression0, A._SerializeVisitor0, A.OutputStyle0, A.LineFeed0, A.SerializeResult0, A.ShadowedModuleView0, A.SilentComment0, A.SourceMapBuffer0, A.StaticImport0, A.StderrLogger0, A.StringExpression0, A.Syntax0, A.TerseLogger0, A.UnaryOperationExpression0, A.UnaryOperator0, A.UseRule0, A.UserDefinedCallable0, A.CssValue0, A.ValueExpression0, A.ModifiableCssValue0, A.VariableExpression0, A.VariableDeclaration0, A.WarnRule0]);
97184 _inheritMany(J.Interceptor, [J.JSBool, J.JSNull, J.JavaScriptObject, J.JSArray, J.JSNumber, J.JSString, A.NativeTypedData]);
97185 _inheritMany(J.JavaScriptObject, [J.PlainJavaScriptObject, J.UnknownJavaScriptObject, J.JavaScriptFunction, A.Stdin, A.Stdout, A.ReadlineModule, A.ReadlineOptions, A.ReadlineInterface, A.BufferModule, A.BufferConstants, A.Buffer, A.ConsoleModule, A.Console, A.EventEmitter, A.FS, A.FSConstants, A.FSWatcher, A.ReadStream, A.ReadStreamOptions, A.WriteStream, A.WriteStreamOptions, A.FileOptions, A.StatOptions, A.MkdirOptions, A.RmdirOptions, A.WatchOptions, A.WatchFileOptions, A.Stats, A.Promise, A.Date, A.JsError, A.Atomics, A.Modules, A.Module1, A.Net, A.Socket, A.NetAddress, A.NetServer, A.NodeJsError, A.Process, A.CPUUsage, A.Release, A.StreamModule, A.Readable, A.Writable, A.Duplex, A.Transform, A.WritableOptions, A.ReadableOptions, A.Immediate, A.Timeout, A.TTY, A.Util, A.JSArray0, A.Chokidar, A.ChokidarOptions, A.ChokidarWatcher, A.JSFunction, A.NodeImporterResult, A.RenderContext, A.RenderContextOptions, A.RenderContextResult, A.RenderContextResultStats, A.JSClass, A.JSUrl, A._PropertyDescriptor, A.JSArray1, A.Chokidar0, A.ChokidarOptions0, A.ChokidarWatcher0, A._NodeSassColor, A._Channels, A.CompileOptions, A.NodeCompileResult, A.Exports, A.LoggerNamespace, A.FiberClass, A.Fiber, A.JSFunction0, A.ImmutableList, A.ImmutableMap, A.NodeImporter0, A.CanonicalizeOptions, A.NodeImporterResult0, A.NodeImporterResult1, A._NodeSassList, A._ConstructorOptions, A.NodeLogger, A.WarnOptions, A.DebugOptions, A._NodeSassMap, A._NodeSassNumber, A._ConstructorOptions0, A.JSClass0, A.RenderContext0, A.RenderContextOptions0, A.RenderContextResult0, A.RenderContextResultStats0, A.RenderOptions, A.RenderResult, A.RenderResultStats, A._Exports, A._NodeSassString, A._ConstructorOptions1, A.Types, A.JSUrl0, A._PropertyDescriptor0]);
97186 _inherit(J.JSUnmodifiableArray, J.JSArray);
97187 _inheritMany(J.JSNumber, [J.JSInt, J.JSNumNotInt]);
97188 _inheritMany(A.Iterable, [A._CastIterableBase, A.EfficientLengthIterable, A.MappedIterable, A.WhereIterable, A.ExpandIterable, A.TakeIterable, A.SkipIterable, A.SkipWhileIterable, A.FollowedByIterable, A.WhereTypeIterable, A._ConstantMapKeyIterable, A.IterableBase, A._StringAllMatchesIterable, A.Runes]);
97189 _inheritMany(A._CastIterableBase, [A.CastIterable, A.__CastListBase__CastIterableBase_ListMixin, A.CastSet]);
97190 _inherit(A._EfficientLengthCastIterable, A.CastIterable);
97191 _inherit(A._CastListBase, A.__CastListBase__CastIterableBase_ListMixin);
97192 _inheritMany(A.Closure, [A.Closure2Args, A.CastMap_entries_closure, A.Closure0Args, A.ConstantStringMap_values_closure, A.Instantiation, A.TearOffClosure, A.JsLinkedHashMap_values_closure, A.initHooks_closure, A.initHooks_closure1, A._AsyncRun__initializeScheduleImmediate_internalCallback, A._AsyncRun__initializeScheduleImmediate_closure, A._awaitOnObject_closure, A.Future_wait_closure, A._Future__chainForeignFuture_closure, A._Future__propagateToListeners_handleWhenCompleteCallback_closure, A.Stream_Stream$fromFuture_closure, A.Stream_length_closure, A._CustomZone_bindUnaryCallback_closure, A._RootZone_bindUnaryCallback_closure, A._HashMap_values_closure, A._LinkedCustomHashMap_closure, A.MapMixin_entries_closure, A.Uri_parseIPv6Address_error, A._Uri__makePath_closure, A._createTables_setChars, A._createTables_setRange, A._convertDataTree__convert, A.ArgParser__addOption_closure, A._Usage__writeOption_closure, A._Usage__buildAllowedList_closure, A.StreamGroup__onListen_closure, A.StreamGroup__onCancel_closure, A.StreamQueue__ensureListening_closure, A.alwaysValid_closure, A.ReplAdapter_runAsync__closure, A.MapKeySet_difference_closure, A.promiseToFuture_closure, A.promiseToFuture_closure0, A.futureToPromise__closure, A.Context_joinAll_closure, A.Context_split_closure, A._validateArgList_closure, A.ParsedPath__splitExtension_closure, A.PathMap__create_closure0, A.PathMap__create_closure1, A.WindowsStyle_absolutePathToUri_closure, A.ArgumentDeclaration_verify_closure, A.ArgumentDeclaration_verify_closure0, A.CalculationExpression__verifyArguments_closure, A.ListExpression_toString_closure, A.MapExpression_toString_closure, A.Interpolation_toString_closure, A.EachRule_toString_closure, A.IfRuleClause$__closure, A.IfRuleClause$___closure, A.ParentStatement_closure, A.ParentStatement__closure, A.ComplexSelector_isInvisible_closure, A.CompoundSelector_isInvisible_closure, A.IDSelector_unify_closure, A.SelectorList_isInvisible_closure, A.SelectorList_asSassList_closure, A.SelectorList_asSassList__closure, A.SelectorList_unify_closure, A.SelectorList_unify__closure, A.SelectorList_unify___closure, A.SelectorList_resolveParentSelectors_closure, A.SelectorList_resolveParentSelectors__closure, A.SelectorList_resolveParentSelectors__closure0, A.SelectorList__complexContainsParentSelector_closure, A.SelectorList__complexContainsParentSelector__closure, A.SelectorList__resolveParentSelectorsCompound_closure, A.SelectorList__resolveParentSelectorsCompound_closure0, A.SelectorList__resolveParentSelectorsCompound_closure1, A.PseudoSelector_unify_closure, A._compileStylesheet_closure0, A.AsyncEnvironment_importForwards_closure, A.AsyncEnvironment_importForwards_closure0, A.AsyncEnvironment_importForwards_closure1, A.AsyncEnvironment__getVariableFromGlobalModule_closure, A.AsyncEnvironment_setVariable_closure0, A.AsyncEnvironment__getFunctionFromGlobalModule_closure, A.AsyncEnvironment__getMixinFromGlobalModule_closure, A.AsyncEnvironment_toModule_closure, A.AsyncEnvironment_toDummyModule_closure, A.AsyncEnvironment__fromOneModule_closure, A.AsyncEnvironment__fromOneModule__closure, A._EnvironmentModule__EnvironmentModule_closure5, A._EnvironmentModule__EnvironmentModule_closure6, A._EnvironmentModule__EnvironmentModule_closure7, A._EnvironmentModule__EnvironmentModule_closure8, A._EnvironmentModule__EnvironmentModule_closure9, A._EnvironmentModule__EnvironmentModule_closure10, A.AsyncImportCache_humanize_closure, A.AsyncImportCache_humanize_closure0, A.AsyncImportCache_humanize_closure1, A.AsyncBuiltInCallable$mixin_closure, A.BuiltInCallable$mixin_closure, A._compileStylesheet_closure, A.Configuration_toString_closure, A.Environment_importForwards_closure, A.Environment_importForwards_closure0, A.Environment_importForwards_closure1, A.Environment__getVariableFromGlobalModule_closure, A.Environment_setVariable_closure0, A.Environment__getFunctionFromGlobalModule_closure, A.Environment__getMixinFromGlobalModule_closure, A.Environment_toModule_closure, A.Environment_toDummyModule_closure, A.Environment__fromOneModule_closure, A.Environment__fromOneModule__closure, A._EnvironmentModule__EnvironmentModule_closure, A._EnvironmentModule__EnvironmentModule_closure0, A._EnvironmentModule__EnvironmentModule_closure1, A._EnvironmentModule__EnvironmentModule_closure2, A._EnvironmentModule__EnvironmentModule_closure3, A._EnvironmentModule__EnvironmentModule_closure4, A._writeSourceMap_closure, A.ExecutableOptions_emitErrorCss_closure, A.watch_closure, A._Watcher__debounceEvents_closure, A.ExtensionStore_extensionsWhereTarget_closure, A.ExtensionStore_addExtensions_closure0, A.ExtensionStore_addExtensions__closure, A.ExtensionStore_addExtensions__closure0, A.ExtensionStore__extendComplex_closure, A.ExtensionStore__extendComplex_closure0, A.ExtensionStore__extendComplex__closure, A.ExtensionStore__extendComplex__closure0, A.ExtensionStore__extendComplex___closure, 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A._mustUnify__closure, A.paths__closure, A.paths___closure, A._hasRoot_closure, A.listIsSuperselector_closure, A.listIsSuperselector__closure, A._simpleIsSuperselectorOfCompound_closure, A._simpleIsSuperselectorOfCompound__closure, A._selectorPseudoIsSuperselector_closure, A._selectorPseudoIsSuperselector_closure0, A._selectorPseudoIsSuperselector_closure1, A._selectorPseudoIsSuperselector_closure2, A._selectorPseudoIsSuperselector_closure3, A._selectorPseudoIsSuperselector__closure, A._selectorPseudoIsSuperselector___closure, A._selectorPseudoIsSuperselector___closure0, A._selectorPseudoIsSuperselector_closure4, A._selectorPseudoIsSuperselector_closure5, A._selectorPseudoArgs_closure, A._selectorPseudoArgs_closure0, A.globalFunctions_closure, A.global_closure, A.global_closure0, A.global_closure1, A.global_closure2, A.global_closure3, A.global_closure4, A.global_closure5, A.global_closure6, A.global_closure7, A.global_closure8, A.global_closure9, A.global_closure10, 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A._hwb_closure, A._parseChannels_closure, A._length_closure0, A._nth_closure, A._setNth_closure, A._join_closure, A._append_closure0, A._zip_closure, A._zip__closure, A._zip__closure0, A._zip__closure1, A._index_closure0, A._separator_closure, A._isBracketed_closure, A._slash_closure, A._get_closure, A._set_closure, A._set__closure0, A._set_closure0, A._set__closure, A._merge_closure, A._merge_closure0, A._merge__closure, A._deepMerge_closure, A._deepRemove_closure, A._deepRemove__closure, A._remove_closure, A._remove_closure0, A._keys_closure, A._values_closure, A._hasKey_closure, A._modify__modifyNestedMap, A._ceil_closure, A._clamp_closure, A._floor_closure, A._max_closure, A._min_closure, A._abs_closure, A._hypot_closure, A._hypot__closure, A._log_closure, A._pow_closure, A._sqrt_closure, A._acos_closure, A._asin_closure, A._atan_closure, A._atan2_closure, A._cos_closure, A._sin_closure, A._tan_closure, A._compatible_closure, A._isUnitless_closure, A._unit_closure, A._percentage_closure, A._randomFunction_closure, A._div_closure, A._numberFunction_closure, A.global_closure26, A.global_closure27, A.global_closure28, A.global_closure29, A.local_closure, A.local_closure0, A.local__closure, A._nest_closure, A._nest__closure, A._append_closure, A._append__closure, A._append___closure, A._extend_closure, A._replace_closure, A._unify_closure, A._isSuperselector_closure, A._simpleSelectors_closure, A._simpleSelectors__closure, A._parse_closure, A._unquote_closure, A._quote_closure, A._length_closure, A._insert_closure, A._index_closure, A._slice_closure, A._toUpperCase_closure, A._toLowerCase_closure, A._uniqueId_closure, A.ImportCache_humanize_closure, A.ImportCache_humanize_closure0, A.ImportCache_humanize_closure1, A.FilesystemImporter_canonicalize_closure, A._exactlyOne_closure, A._realCasePath_helper, A._realCasePath_helper__closure, A.readStdin_closure, A.readStdin_closure0, A.readStdin_closure1, A.readStdin_closure2, A.listDir__closure, A.listDir__closure0, A.listDir_closure_list, A.listDir__list_closure, A.watchDir_closure, A.watchDir_closure0, A.watchDir_closure1, A.watchDir_closure2, A.TerseLogger_summarize_closure, A.TerseLogger_summarize_closure0, A._disallowedFunctionNames_closure, A.Parser_scanIdentChar_matches, A.StylesheetParser_parse__closure0, A.StylesheetParser_expression_addSingleExpression, A.StylesheetParser_expression_addOperator, A.StylesheetParser__unicodeRange_closure, A.StylesheetParser__unicodeRange_closure0, A.StylesheetParser_trySpecialFunction_closure, A.StylesheetGraph_modifiedSince_transitiveModificationTime, A._PrefixedKeys_iterator_closure, A.SourceMapBuffer_buildSourceMap_closure, A._UnprefixedKeys_iterator_closure, A._UnprefixedKeys_iterator_closure0, A.indent_closure, A.flattenVertically_closure, A.flattenVertically_closure0, A.SassCalculation__verifyLength_closure, A.SassColor_SassColor$hwb_toRgb, A.SassList_isBlank_closure, A.SassNumber__coerceOrConvertValue_closure, A.SassNumber__coerceOrConvertValue_closure1, A.SassNumber_multiplyUnits_closure, A.SassNumber_multiplyUnits_closure1, A.SassNumber__areAnyConvertible_closure, A.SassNumber__canonicalizeUnitList_closure, A.SingleUnitSassNumber__coerceToUnit_closure, A.SingleUnitSassNumber__coerceValueToUnit_closure, A.SingleUnitSassNumber_multiplyUnits_closure, A._EvaluateVisitor_closure9, A._EvaluateVisitor_closure10, A._EvaluateVisitor_closure11, A._EvaluateVisitor_closure12, A._EvaluateVisitor_closure13, A._EvaluateVisitor_closure14, A._EvaluateVisitor_closure15, A._EvaluateVisitor_closure16, A._EvaluateVisitor_closure17, A._EvaluateVisitor_closure18, A._EvaluateVisitor__closure3, A._EvaluateVisitor__loadModule__closure0, A._EvaluateVisitor__combineCss_closure2, A._EvaluateVisitor__combineCss_closure3, A._EvaluateVisitor__combineCss_closure4, A._EvaluateVisitor__extendModules_closure1, A._EvaluateVisitor__topologicalModules_visitModule0, A._EvaluateVisitor__scopeForAtRoot_closure5, A._EvaluateVisitor__scopeForAtRoot_closure6, A._EvaluateVisitor__scopeForAtRoot_closure7, A._EvaluateVisitor__scopeForAtRoot_closure8, A._EvaluateVisitor__scopeForAtRoot_closure9, A._EvaluateVisitor__scopeForAtRoot_closure10, A._EvaluateVisitor_visitDeclaration_closure1, A._EvaluateVisitor_visitEachRule_closure2, A._EvaluateVisitor_visitEachRule_closure3, A._EvaluateVisitor_visitEachRule__closure0, A._EvaluateVisitor_visitEachRule___closure0, A._EvaluateVisitor_visitAtRule_closure2, A._EvaluateVisitor_visitAtRule_closure4, A._EvaluateVisitor_visitForRule__closure0, A._EvaluateVisitor_visitForwardRule_closure1, A._EvaluateVisitor_visitForwardRule_closure2, A._EvaluateVisitor_visitIfRule__closure0, A._EvaluateVisitor__visitDynamicImport__closure3, A._EvaluateVisitor__visitDynamicImport__closure4, A._EvaluateVisitor__visitDynamicImport__closure5, A._EvaluateVisitor__visitStaticImport_closure0, A._EvaluateVisitor_visitIncludeRule_closure6, A._EvaluateVisitor_visitMediaRule_closure2, A._EvaluateVisitor_visitMediaRule_closure4, A._EvaluateVisitor_visitStyleRule_closure8, A._EvaluateVisitor_visitStyleRule_closure12, A._EvaluateVisitor_visitSupportsRule_closure2, A._EvaluateVisitor_visitUseRule_closure0, A._EvaluateVisitor_visitWhileRule__closure0, A._EvaluateVisitor_visitBinaryOperationExpression_closure_recommendation0, A._EvaluateVisitor_visitListExpression_closure0, A._EvaluateVisitor__runUserDefinedCallable____closure0, A._EvaluateVisitor__runBuiltInCallable_closure2, A._EvaluateVisitor__evaluateArguments_closure3, A._EvaluateVisitor__evaluateArguments_closure4, A._EvaluateVisitor__evaluateArguments_closure6, A._EvaluateVisitor__evaluateMacroArguments_closure3, A._EvaluateVisitor__evaluateMacroArguments_closure4, A._EvaluateVisitor__evaluateMacroArguments_closure6, A._EvaluateVisitor_visitStringExpression_closure0, A._EvaluateVisitor_visitCssAtRule_closure2, A._EvaluateVisitor_visitCssKeyframeBlock_closure2, A._EvaluateVisitor_visitCssMediaRule_closure2, A._EvaluateVisitor_visitCssMediaRule_closure4, A._EvaluateVisitor_visitCssStyleRule_closure2, A._EvaluateVisitor_visitCssSupportsRule_closure2, A._EvaluateVisitor__performInterpolation_closure0, A._EvaluateVisitor__withoutSlash_recommendation0, A._EvaluateVisitor__stackFrame_closure0, A._EvaluateVisitor__stackTrace_closure0, A._ImportedCssVisitor_visitCssAtRule_closure0, A._ImportedCssVisitor_visitCssMediaRule_closure0, A._ImportedCssVisitor_visitCssStyleRule_closure0, A._ImportedCssVisitor_visitCssSupportsRule_closure0, A._EvaluateVisitor_closure, A._EvaluateVisitor_closure0, A._EvaluateVisitor_closure1, A._EvaluateVisitor_closure2, A._EvaluateVisitor_closure3, A._EvaluateVisitor_closure4, A._EvaluateVisitor_closure5, A._EvaluateVisitor_closure6, A._EvaluateVisitor_closure7, A._EvaluateVisitor_closure8, A._EvaluateVisitor__closure0, A._EvaluateVisitor__loadModule__closure, A._EvaluateVisitor__combineCss_closure, A._EvaluateVisitor__combineCss_closure0, A._EvaluateVisitor__combineCss_closure1, A._EvaluateVisitor__extendModules_closure, A._EvaluateVisitor__topologicalModules_visitModule, A._EvaluateVisitor__scopeForAtRoot_closure, A._EvaluateVisitor__scopeForAtRoot_closure0, A._EvaluateVisitor__scopeForAtRoot_closure1, A._EvaluateVisitor__scopeForAtRoot_closure2, A._EvaluateVisitor__scopeForAtRoot_closure3, A._EvaluateVisitor__scopeForAtRoot_closure4, A._EvaluateVisitor_visitDeclaration_closure, A._EvaluateVisitor_visitEachRule_closure, A._EvaluateVisitor_visitEachRule_closure0, A._EvaluateVisitor_visitEachRule__closure, A._EvaluateVisitor_visitEachRule___closure, A._EvaluateVisitor_visitAtRule_closure, A._EvaluateVisitor_visitAtRule_closure1, A._EvaluateVisitor_visitForRule__closure, A._EvaluateVisitor_visitForwardRule_closure, A._EvaluateVisitor_visitForwardRule_closure0, A._EvaluateVisitor_visitIfRule__closure, A._EvaluateVisitor__visitDynamicImport__closure, A._EvaluateVisitor__visitDynamicImport__closure0, A._EvaluateVisitor__visitDynamicImport__closure1, A._EvaluateVisitor__visitStaticImport_closure, A._EvaluateVisitor_visitIncludeRule_closure2, A._EvaluateVisitor_visitMediaRule_closure, A._EvaluateVisitor_visitMediaRule_closure1, A._EvaluateVisitor_visitStyleRule_closure1, A._EvaluateVisitor_visitStyleRule_closure5, A._EvaluateVisitor_visitSupportsRule_closure0, A._EvaluateVisitor_visitUseRule_closure, A._EvaluateVisitor_visitWhileRule__closure, A._EvaluateVisitor_visitBinaryOperationExpression_closure_recommendation, A._EvaluateVisitor_visitListExpression_closure, A._EvaluateVisitor__runUserDefinedCallable____closure, A._EvaluateVisitor__runBuiltInCallable_closure0, A._EvaluateVisitor__evaluateArguments_closure, A._EvaluateVisitor__evaluateArguments_closure0, A._EvaluateVisitor__evaluateArguments_closure2, A._EvaluateVisitor__evaluateMacroArguments_closure, A._EvaluateVisitor__evaluateMacroArguments_closure0, A._EvaluateVisitor__evaluateMacroArguments_closure2, A._EvaluateVisitor_visitStringExpression_closure, A._EvaluateVisitor_visitCssAtRule_closure0, A._EvaluateVisitor_visitCssKeyframeBlock_closure0, A._EvaluateVisitor_visitCssMediaRule_closure, A._EvaluateVisitor_visitCssMediaRule_closure1, A._EvaluateVisitor_visitCssStyleRule_closure0, A._EvaluateVisitor_visitCssSupportsRule_closure0, A._EvaluateVisitor__performInterpolation_closure, A._EvaluateVisitor__withoutSlash_recommendation, A._EvaluateVisitor__stackFrame_closure, A._EvaluateVisitor__stackTrace_closure, A._ImportedCssVisitor_visitCssAtRule_closure, A._ImportedCssVisitor_visitCssMediaRule_closure, A._ImportedCssVisitor_visitCssStyleRule_closure, A._ImportedCssVisitor_visitCssSupportsRule_closure, A.serialize_closure, A._SerializeVisitor_visitList_closure, A._SerializeVisitor_visitList_closure0, A._SerializeVisitor_visitList_closure1, A._SerializeVisitor_visitMap_closure, A._SerializeVisitor_visitSelectorList_closure, A.StatementSearchVisitor_visitIfRule_closure, A.StatementSearchVisitor_visitIfRule__closure0, A.StatementSearchVisitor_visitIfRule_closure0, A.StatementSearchVisitor_visitIfRule__closure, A.StatementSearchVisitor_visitChildren_closure, A.SingleMapping_SingleMapping$fromEntries_closure1, A.SingleMapping_toJson_closure, A.Highlighter$__closure, A.Highlighter$___closure, A.Highlighter$__closure0, A.Highlighter__collateLines_closure, A.Highlighter__collateLines_closure1, A.Highlighter__collateLines__closure, A.Highlighter_highlight_closure, A.Chain_Chain$parse_closure, A.Chain_Chain$parse_closure0, A.Chain_Chain$parse_closure1, A.Chain_toTrace_closure, A.Chain_toString_closure0, A.Chain_toString__closure0, A.Chain_toString_closure, A.Chain_toString__closure, A.Trace__parseVM_closure, A.Trace__parseVM_closure0, A.Trace$parseV8_closure, A.Trace$parseV8_closure0, A.Trace$parseJSCore_closure, A.Trace$parseJSCore_closure0, A.Trace$parseFirefox_closure, A.Trace$parseFirefox_closure0, A.Trace$parseFriendly_closure, A.Trace$parseFriendly_closure0, A.Trace_terse_closure, A.Trace_foldFrames_closure, A.Trace_foldFrames_closure0, A.Trace_toString_closure0, A.Trace_toString_closure, A.TransformByHandlers_transformByHandlers__closure, A.RateLimit__debounceAggregate_closure0, A.ArgumentDeclaration_verify_closure1, A.ArgumentDeclaration_verify_closure2, A.argumentListClass__closure, A.argumentListClass__closure0, A.AsyncBuiltInCallable$mixin_closure0, A._compileStylesheet_closure2, A.AsyncEnvironment_importForwards_closure2, A.AsyncEnvironment_importForwards_closure3, A.AsyncEnvironment_importForwards_closure4, A.AsyncEnvironment__getVariableFromGlobalModule_closure0, A.AsyncEnvironment_setVariable_closure3, A.AsyncEnvironment__getFunctionFromGlobalModule_closure0, A.AsyncEnvironment__getMixinFromGlobalModule_closure0, A.AsyncEnvironment_toModule_closure0, A.AsyncEnvironment_toDummyModule_closure0, A.AsyncEnvironment__fromOneModule_closure0, A.AsyncEnvironment__fromOneModule__closure0, A._EnvironmentModule__EnvironmentModule_closure17, A._EnvironmentModule__EnvironmentModule_closure18, A._EnvironmentModule__EnvironmentModule_closure19, A._EnvironmentModule__EnvironmentModule_closure20, A._EnvironmentModule__EnvironmentModule_closure21, A._EnvironmentModule__EnvironmentModule_closure22, A._EvaluateVisitor_closure29, A._EvaluateVisitor_closure30, A._EvaluateVisitor_closure31, A._EvaluateVisitor_closure32, A._EvaluateVisitor_closure33, A._EvaluateVisitor_closure34, A._EvaluateVisitor_closure35, A._EvaluateVisitor_closure36, A._EvaluateVisitor_closure37, A._EvaluateVisitor_closure38, A._EvaluateVisitor__closure9, A._EvaluateVisitor__loadModule__closure2, A._EvaluateVisitor__combineCss_closure8, A._EvaluateVisitor__combineCss_closure9, A._EvaluateVisitor__combineCss_closure10, A._EvaluateVisitor__extendModules_closure5, A._EvaluateVisitor__topologicalModules_visitModule2, A._EvaluateVisitor__scopeForAtRoot_closure17, A._EvaluateVisitor__scopeForAtRoot_closure18, A._EvaluateVisitor__scopeForAtRoot_closure19, A._EvaluateVisitor__scopeForAtRoot_closure20, A._EvaluateVisitor__scopeForAtRoot_closure21, A._EvaluateVisitor__scopeForAtRoot_closure22, A._EvaluateVisitor_visitDeclaration_closure5, A._EvaluateVisitor_visitEachRule_closure8, A._EvaluateVisitor_visitEachRule_closure9, A._EvaluateVisitor_visitEachRule__closure2, A._EvaluateVisitor_visitEachRule___closure2, A._EvaluateVisitor_visitAtRule_closure8, A._EvaluateVisitor_visitAtRule_closure10, A._EvaluateVisitor_visitForRule__closure2, A._EvaluateVisitor_visitForwardRule_closure5, A._EvaluateVisitor_visitForwardRule_closure6, A._EvaluateVisitor_visitIfRule__closure2, A._EvaluateVisitor__visitDynamicImport__closure11, A._EvaluateVisitor__visitDynamicImport__closure12, A._EvaluateVisitor__visitDynamicImport__closure13, A._EvaluateVisitor__visitStaticImport_closure2, A._EvaluateVisitor_visitIncludeRule_closure14, A._EvaluateVisitor_visitMediaRule_closure8, A._EvaluateVisitor_visitMediaRule_closure10, A._EvaluateVisitor_visitStyleRule_closure22, A._EvaluateVisitor_visitStyleRule_closure26, A._EvaluateVisitor_visitSupportsRule_closure6, A._EvaluateVisitor_visitUseRule_closure2, A._EvaluateVisitor_visitWhileRule__closure2, A._EvaluateVisitor_visitBinaryOperationExpression_closure_recommendation2, A._EvaluateVisitor_visitListExpression_closure2, A._EvaluateVisitor__runUserDefinedCallable____closure2, A._EvaluateVisitor__runBuiltInCallable_closure6, A._EvaluateVisitor__evaluateArguments_closure11, A._EvaluateVisitor__evaluateArguments_closure12, A._EvaluateVisitor__evaluateArguments_closure14, A._EvaluateVisitor__evaluateMacroArguments_closure11, A._EvaluateVisitor__evaluateMacroArguments_closure12, A._EvaluateVisitor__evaluateMacroArguments_closure14, A._EvaluateVisitor_visitStringExpression_closure2, A._EvaluateVisitor_visitCssAtRule_closure6, A._EvaluateVisitor_visitCssKeyframeBlock_closure6, A._EvaluateVisitor_visitCssMediaRule_closure8, A._EvaluateVisitor_visitCssMediaRule_closure10, A._EvaluateVisitor_visitCssStyleRule_closure6, A._EvaluateVisitor_visitCssSupportsRule_closure6, A._EvaluateVisitor__performInterpolation_closure2, A._EvaluateVisitor__withoutSlash_recommendation2, A._EvaluateVisitor__stackFrame_closure2, A._EvaluateVisitor__stackTrace_closure2, A._ImportedCssVisitor_visitCssAtRule_closure2, A._ImportedCssVisitor_visitCssMediaRule_closure2, A._ImportedCssVisitor_visitCssStyleRule_closure2, A._ImportedCssVisitor_visitCssSupportsRule_closure2, A.AsyncImportCache_humanize_closure2, A.AsyncImportCache_humanize_closure3, A.AsyncImportCache_humanize_closure4, A.legacyBooleanClass__closure, A.legacyBooleanClass__closure0, A.booleanClass__closure, A.BuiltInCallable$mixin_closure0, A.CalculationExpression__verifyArguments_closure0, A.SassCalculation__verifyLength_closure0, A.global_closure30, A.global_closure31, A.global_closure32, A.global_closure33, A.global_closure34, A.global_closure35, A.global_closure36, A.global_closure37, A.global_closure38, A.global_closure39, A.global_closure40, A.global_closure41, A.global_closure42, A.global_closure43, A.global_closure44, A.global_closure45, A.global_closure46, A.global_closure47, A.global_closure48, A.global_closure49, A.global_closure50, A.global_closure51, A.global_closure52, A.global_closure53, A.global_closure54, A.global_closure55, A.global__closure0, A.global_closure56, A.module_closure8, A.module_closure9, A.module_closure10, A.module_closure11, A.module_closure12, A.module_closure13, A.module_closure14, A.module_closure15, A.module__closure0, A.module_closure16, A._red_closure0, A._green_closure0, A._blue_closure0, A._mix_closure0, A._hue_closure0, A._saturation_closure0, A._lightness_closure0, A._complement_closure0, A._adjust_closure0, A._scale_closure0, A._change_closure0, A._ieHexStr_closure0, A._ieHexStr_closure_hexString0, A._updateComponents_getParam0, A._updateComponents_closure0, A._updateComponents_updateValue0, A._functionString_closure0, A._removedColorFunction_closure0, A._rgb_closure0, A._hsl_closure0, A._removeUnits_closure1, A._removeUnits_closure2, A._hwb_closure0, A._parseChannels_closure0, A.legacyColorClass_closure, A.legacyColorClass_closure0, A.legacyColorClass_closure1, A.legacyColorClass_closure2, A.legacyColorClass_closure3, A.colorClass__closure1, A.colorClass__closure2, A.colorClass__closure3, A.colorClass__closure4, A.colorClass__closure5, A.colorClass__closure6, A.colorClass__closure7, A.colorClass__closure8, A.colorClass__closure9, A.SassColor_SassColor$hwb_toRgb0, A.compileAsync__closure, A.compileStringAsync__closure, A.compileStringAsync__closure0, A._wrapAsyncSassExceptions_closure, A._parseFunctions__closure2, A._parseFunctions__closure3, A._compileStylesheet_closure1, A.ComplexSelector_isInvisible_closure0, A.CompoundSelector_isInvisible_closure0, A.Configuration_toString_closure0, A._disallowedFunctionNames_closure0, A.EachRule_toString_closure0, A.Environment_importForwards_closure2, A.Environment_importForwards_closure3, A.Environment_importForwards_closure4, A.Environment__getVariableFromGlobalModule_closure0, A.Environment_setVariable_closure3, A.Environment__getFunctionFromGlobalModule_closure0, A.Environment__getMixinFromGlobalModule_closure0, A.Environment_toModule_closure0, A.Environment_toDummyModule_closure0, A.Environment__fromOneModule_closure0, A.Environment__fromOneModule__closure0, A._EnvironmentModule__EnvironmentModule_closure11, A._EnvironmentModule__EnvironmentModule_closure12, A._EnvironmentModule__EnvironmentModule_closure13, A._EnvironmentModule__EnvironmentModule_closure14, A._EnvironmentModule__EnvironmentModule_closure15, A._EnvironmentModule__EnvironmentModule_closure16, A._EvaluateVisitor_closure19, A._EvaluateVisitor_closure20, A._EvaluateVisitor_closure21, A._EvaluateVisitor_closure22, A._EvaluateVisitor_closure23, A._EvaluateVisitor_closure24, A._EvaluateVisitor_closure25, 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A._EvaluateVisitor_visitForRule__closure1, A._EvaluateVisitor_visitForwardRule_closure3, A._EvaluateVisitor_visitForwardRule_closure4, A._EvaluateVisitor_visitIfRule__closure1, A._EvaluateVisitor__visitDynamicImport__closure7, A._EvaluateVisitor__visitDynamicImport__closure8, A._EvaluateVisitor__visitDynamicImport__closure9, A._EvaluateVisitor__visitStaticImport_closure1, A._EvaluateVisitor_visitIncludeRule_closure10, A._EvaluateVisitor_visitMediaRule_closure5, A._EvaluateVisitor_visitMediaRule_closure7, A._EvaluateVisitor_visitStyleRule_closure15, A._EvaluateVisitor_visitStyleRule_closure19, A._EvaluateVisitor_visitSupportsRule_closure4, A._EvaluateVisitor_visitUseRule_closure1, A._EvaluateVisitor_visitWhileRule__closure1, A._EvaluateVisitor_visitBinaryOperationExpression_closure_recommendation1, A._EvaluateVisitor_visitListExpression_closure1, A._EvaluateVisitor__runUserDefinedCallable____closure1, A._EvaluateVisitor__runBuiltInCallable_closure4, A._EvaluateVisitor__evaluateArguments_closure7, A._EvaluateVisitor__evaluateArguments_closure8, A._EvaluateVisitor__evaluateArguments_closure10, A._EvaluateVisitor__evaluateMacroArguments_closure7, A._EvaluateVisitor__evaluateMacroArguments_closure8, A._EvaluateVisitor__evaluateMacroArguments_closure10, A._EvaluateVisitor_visitStringExpression_closure1, A._EvaluateVisitor_visitCssAtRule_closure4, A._EvaluateVisitor_visitCssKeyframeBlock_closure4, A._EvaluateVisitor_visitCssMediaRule_closure5, A._EvaluateVisitor_visitCssMediaRule_closure7, A._EvaluateVisitor_visitCssStyleRule_closure4, A._EvaluateVisitor_visitCssSupportsRule_closure4, A._EvaluateVisitor__performInterpolation_closure1, A._EvaluateVisitor__withoutSlash_recommendation1, A._EvaluateVisitor__stackFrame_closure1, A._EvaluateVisitor__stackTrace_closure1, A._ImportedCssVisitor_visitCssAtRule_closure1, A._ImportedCssVisitor_visitCssMediaRule_closure1, A._ImportedCssVisitor_visitCssStyleRule_closure1, A._ImportedCssVisitor_visitCssSupportsRule_closure1, A.exceptionClass__closure, A.exceptionClass__closure0, A.exceptionClass__closure1, A.ExtensionStore_extensionsWhereTarget_closure0, A.ExtensionStore_addExtensions_closure2, A.ExtensionStore_addExtensions__closure2, A.ExtensionStore_addExtensions__closure3, A.ExtensionStore__extendComplex_closure1, A.ExtensionStore__extendComplex_closure2, A.ExtensionStore__extendComplex__closure1, A.ExtensionStore__extendComplex__closure2, A.ExtensionStore__extendComplex___closure0, A.ExtensionStore__extendCompound_closure4, A.ExtensionStore__extendCompound_closure5, A.ExtensionStore__extendCompound__closure1, A.ExtensionStore__extendCompound__closure2, A.ExtensionStore__extendCompound_closure6, A.ExtensionStore__extendCompound_closure7, A.ExtensionStore__extendCompound_closure8, A.ExtensionStore__extendSimple_withoutPseudo0, A.ExtensionStore__extendSimple_closure1, A.ExtensionStore__extendSimple_closure2, A.ExtensionStore__extendPseudo_closure4, A.ExtensionStore__extendPseudo_closure5, A.ExtensionStore__extendPseudo_closure6, A.ExtensionStore__extendPseudo_closure7, A.ExtensionStore__extendPseudo_closure8, A.ExtensionStore__trim_closure1, A.ExtensionStore__trim_closure2, A.FilesystemImporter_canonicalize_closure0, A.functionClass__closure, A.functionClass__closure0, A.unifyComplex_closure0, A._weaveParents_closure7, A._weaveParents_closure8, A._weaveParents__closure4, A._weaveParents_closure9, A._weaveParents_closure10, A._weaveParents__closure3, A._weaveParents_closure11, A._weaveParents_closure12, A._weaveParents__closure2, A._mustUnify_closure0, A._mustUnify__closure0, A.paths__closure0, A.paths___closure0, A._hasRoot_closure0, A.listIsSuperselector_closure0, A.listIsSuperselector__closure0, A._simpleIsSuperselectorOfCompound_closure0, A._simpleIsSuperselectorOfCompound__closure0, A._selectorPseudoIsSuperselector_closure6, A._selectorPseudoIsSuperselector_closure7, A._selectorPseudoIsSuperselector_closure8, A._selectorPseudoIsSuperselector_closure9, A._selectorPseudoIsSuperselector_closure10, A._selectorPseudoIsSuperselector__closure0, A._selectorPseudoIsSuperselector___closure1, A._selectorPseudoIsSuperselector___closure2, A._selectorPseudoIsSuperselector_closure11, A._selectorPseudoIsSuperselector_closure12, A._selectorPseudoArgs_closure1, A._selectorPseudoArgs_closure2, A.globalFunctions_closure0, A.IDSelector_unify_closure0, A.IfRuleClause$__closure0, A.IfRuleClause$___closure0, A.immutableMapToDartMap_closure, A.NodeImporter__tryPath_closure0, A.ImportCache_humanize_closure2, A.ImportCache_humanize_closure3, A.ImportCache_humanize_closure4, A.Interpolation_toString_closure0, A._realCasePath_helper0, A._realCasePath_helper__closure0, A.render_closure0, A._parseFunctions__closure, A._parseFunctions___closure0, A._parseFunctions__closure0, A._parseFunctions__closure1, A._parseFunctions___closure, A._parseImporter_closure, A._parseImporter__closure, A._parseImporter___closure, A.ListExpression_toString_closure0, A._length_closure2, A._nth_closure0, A._setNth_closure0, A._join_closure0, A._append_closure2, A._zip_closure0, A._zip__closure2, A._zip__closure3, A._zip__closure4, A._index_closure2, A._separator_closure0, A._isBracketed_closure0, A._slash_closure0, A.SelectorList_isInvisible_closure0, A.SelectorList_asSassList_closure0, A.SelectorList_asSassList__closure0, A.SelectorList_unify_closure0, A.SelectorList_unify__closure0, A.SelectorList_unify___closure0, A.SelectorList_resolveParentSelectors_closure0, A.SelectorList_resolveParentSelectors__closure1, A.SelectorList_resolveParentSelectors__closure2, A.SelectorList__complexContainsParentSelector_closure0, A.SelectorList__complexContainsParentSelector__closure0, A.SelectorList__resolveParentSelectorsCompound_closure2, A.SelectorList__resolveParentSelectorsCompound_closure3, A.SelectorList__resolveParentSelectorsCompound_closure4, A.legacyListClass_closure, A.legacyListClass__closure, A.legacyListClass_closure1, A.legacyListClass_closure2, A.legacyListClass_closure4, A.listClass__closure, A.SassList_isBlank_closure0, A.MapExpression_toString_closure0, A._get_closure0, A._set_closure1, A._set__closure2, A._set_closure2, A._set__closure1, A._merge_closure1, A._merge_closure2, A._merge__closure0, A._deepMerge_closure0, A._deepRemove_closure0, A._deepRemove__closure0, A._remove_closure1, A._remove_closure2, A._keys_closure0, A._values_closure0, A._hasKey_closure0, A._modify__modifyNestedMap0, A.legacyMapClass_closure, A.legacyMapClass__closure, A.legacyMapClass__closure0, A.legacyMapClass_closure2, A.legacyMapClass_closure3, A.legacyMapClass_closure4, A.mapClass__closure, A.mapClass__closure0, A._ceil_closure0, A._clamp_closure0, A._floor_closure0, A._max_closure0, A._min_closure0, A._abs_closure0, A._hypot_closure0, A._hypot__closure0, A._log_closure0, A._pow_closure0, A._sqrt_closure0, A._acos_closure0, A._asin_closure0, A._atan_closure0, A._atan2_closure0, A._cos_closure0, A._sin_closure0, A._tan_closure0, A._compatible_closure0, A._isUnitless_closure0, A._unit_closure0, A._percentage_closure0, A._randomFunction_closure0, A._div_closure0, A._numberFunction_closure0, A.global_closure57, A.global_closure58, A.global_closure59, A.global_closure60, A.local_closure1, A.local_closure2, A.local__closure0, A.listDir__closure1, A.listDir__closure2, A.listDir_closure_list0, A.listDir__list_closure0, A.legacyNullClass__closure, A.legacyNumberClass_closure, A.legacyNumberClass_closure0, A.legacyNumberClass_closure2, A._parseNumber_closure, A._parseNumber_closure0, A.numberClass__closure, A.numberClass__closure0, A.numberClass__closure1, A.numberClass__closure2, A.numberClass__closure3, A.numberClass__closure4, A.numberClass__closure5, A.numberClass__closure6, A.numberClass__closure7, A.numberClass__closure8, A.numberClass__closure9, A.numberClass__closure12, A.numberClass__closure13, A.numberClass__closure14, A.numberClass__closure15, A.numberClass__closure16, A.numberClass__closure17, A.numberClass__closure18, A.numberClass__closure19, A.SassNumber__coerceOrConvertValue_closure3, A.SassNumber__coerceOrConvertValue_closure5, A.SassNumber_multiplyUnits_closure3, A.SassNumber_multiplyUnits_closure5, A.SassNumber__areAnyConvertible_closure0, A.SassNumber__canonicalizeUnitList_closure0, A.ParentStatement_closure0, A.ParentStatement__closure0, A.Parser_scanIdentChar_matches0, A._PrefixedKeys_iterator_closure0, A.PseudoSelector_unify_closure0, A.JSClassExtension_setCustomInspect_closure, A._wrapMain_closure, A._wrapMain_closure0, A._nest_closure0, A._nest__closure1, A._append_closure1, A._append__closure1, A._append___closure0, A._extend_closure0, A._replace_closure0, A._unify_closure0, A._isSuperselector_closure0, A._simpleSelectors_closure0, A._simpleSelectors__closure0, A._parse_closure0, A.serialize_closure0, A._SerializeVisitor_visitList_closure2, A._SerializeVisitor_visitList_closure3, A._SerializeVisitor_visitList_closure4, A._SerializeVisitor_visitMap_closure0, A._SerializeVisitor_visitSelectorList_closure0, A.SingleUnitSassNumber__coerceToUnit_closure0, A.SingleUnitSassNumber__coerceValueToUnit_closure0, A.SingleUnitSassNumber_multiplyUnits_closure1, A.SourceMapBuffer_buildSourceMap_closure0, A.updateSourceSpanPrototype_closure, A.updateSourceSpanPrototype_closure0, A.updateSourceSpanPrototype_closure1, A.updateSourceSpanPrototype_closure2, A.updateSourceSpanPrototype_closure3, A.updateSourceSpanPrototype_closure4, A.updateSourceSpanPrototype_closure5, A.StatementSearchVisitor_visitIfRule_closure1, A.StatementSearchVisitor_visitIfRule__closure2, A.StatementSearchVisitor_visitIfRule_closure2, A.StatementSearchVisitor_visitIfRule__closure1, A.StatementSearchVisitor_visitChildren_closure0, A._unquote_closure0, A._quote_closure0, A._length_closure1, A._insert_closure0, A._index_closure1, A._slice_closure0, A._toUpperCase_closure0, A._toLowerCase_closure0, A._uniqueId_closure0, A.legacyStringClass_closure, A.legacyStringClass_closure0, A.stringClass__closure, A.stringClass__closure0, A.stringClass__closure1, A.stringClass__closure2, A.stringClass__closure3, A.StylesheetParser_parse__closure2, A.StylesheetParser_expression_addSingleExpression0, A.StylesheetParser_expression_addOperator0, A.StylesheetParser__unicodeRange_closure1, A.StylesheetParser__unicodeRange_closure2, A.StylesheetParser_trySpecialFunction_closure0, A.TerseLogger_summarize_closure1, A.TerseLogger_summarize_closure2, A._UnprefixedKeys_iterator_closure1, A._UnprefixedKeys_iterator_closure2, A._exactlyOne_closure0, A.futureToPromise__closure0, A.indent_closure0, A.flattenVertically_closure1, A.flattenVertically_closure2, A.valueClass__closure, A.valueClass__closure0, A.valueClass__closure1, A.valueClass__closure2, A.valueClass__closure3, A.valueClass__closure4, A.valueClass__closure5, A.valueClass__closure7, A.valueClass__closure8, A.valueClass__closure9, A.valueClass__closure10, A.valueClass__closure11, A.valueClass__closure12, A.valueClass__closure13, A.valueClass__closure15, A.valueClass__closure16]);
97193 _inheritMany(A.Closure2Args, [A._CastListBase_sort_closure, A.CastMap_forEach_closure, A.Primitives_functionNoSuchMethod_closure, A.JsLinkedHashMap_addAll_closure, A.initHooks_closure0, A._awaitOnObject_closure0, A._wrapJsFunctionForAsync_closure, A.Future_wait_handleError, A._Future__chainForeignFuture_closure0, A.Stream_Stream$fromFuture_closure0, A._HashMap_addAll_closure, A.HashMap_HashMap$from_closure, A.LinkedHashMap_LinkedHashMap$from_closure, A.MapBase_mapToString_closure, A._JsonStringifier_writeMap_closure, A.NoSuchMethodError_toString_closure, A.Uri__parseIPv4Address_error, A.Uri_parseIPv6Address_parseHex, A._createTables_build, A.Parser_parse_closure, A.StreamQueue__ensureListening_closure1, A.futureToPromise_closure, A.PathMap__create_closure, A.IfRule_toString_closure, A.ExtensionStore_addExtensions_closure, A.ExtensionStore_addExtensions__closure1, A.ExtensionStore_clone_closure, A._weaveParents_closure, A.paths_closure, A._updateComponents_updateRgb, A._deepMergeImpl_closure, A._nest__closure0, A._append__closure0, A.StylesheetParser__declarationOrBuffer_closure, A.StylesheetParser__declarationOrBuffer_closure0, A.StylesheetParser__styleRule_closure, A.StylesheetParser__propertyOrVariableDeclaration_closure, A.StylesheetParser__propertyOrVariableDeclaration_closure0, A.StylesheetParser__atRootRule_closure, A.StylesheetParser__atRootRule_closure0, A.StylesheetParser__eachRule_closure, A.StylesheetParser__functionRule_closure, A.StylesheetParser__forRule_closure0, A.StylesheetParser__includeRule_closure, A.StylesheetParser_mediaRule_closure, A.StylesheetParser__mixinRule_closure, A.StylesheetParser_mozDocumentRule_closure, A.StylesheetParser_supportsRule_closure, A.StylesheetParser__whileRule_closure, A.StylesheetParser_unknownAtRule_closure, A.StylesheetGraph__recanonicalizeImportsForNode_closure, A.longestCommonSubsequence_closure, A.longestCommonSubsequence_backtrack, A.mapAddAll2_closure, A.SassMap_asList_closure, A.SassNumber_plus_closure, A.SassNumber_minus_closure, A.SassNumber__canonicalMultiplier_closure, A._EvaluateVisitor__closure2, A._EvaluateVisitor__evaluateArguments_closure5, A._EvaluateVisitor__evaluateMacroArguments_closure5, A._EvaluateVisitor__addRestMap_closure0, A._EvaluateVisitor__closure, A._EvaluateVisitor__evaluateArguments_closure1, A._EvaluateVisitor__evaluateMacroArguments_closure1, A._EvaluateVisitor__addRestMap_closure, A.SingleMapping_toJson_closure0, A.Highlighter__collateLines_closure0, A.Frame_Frame$parseV8_closure_parseLocation, A.TransformByHandlers_transformByHandlers__closure1, A.RateLimit__debounceAggregate_closure, A._EvaluateVisitor__closure8, A._EvaluateVisitor__evaluateArguments_closure13, A._EvaluateVisitor__evaluateMacroArguments_closure13, A._EvaluateVisitor__addRestMap_closure2, A._updateComponents_updateRgb0, A.legacyColorClass_closure4, A.legacyColorClass_closure5, A.legacyColorClass_closure6, A.legacyColorClass_closure7, A.colorClass__closure, A.colorClass__closure0, A._parseFunctions_closure0, A._EvaluateVisitor__closure5, A._EvaluateVisitor__evaluateArguments_closure9, A._EvaluateVisitor__evaluateMacroArguments_closure9, A._EvaluateVisitor__addRestMap_closure1, A.ExtensionStore_addExtensions_closure1, A.ExtensionStore_addExtensions__closure4, A.ExtensionStore_clone_closure0, A._weaveParents_closure6, A.paths_closure0, A.IfRule_toString_closure0, A.render_closure1, A._parseFunctions_closure, A.legacyListClass_closure0, A.legacyListClass_closure3, A.listClass__closure0, A._deepMergeImpl_closure0, A.legacyMapClass_closure0, A.legacyMapClass_closure1, A.mapClass__closure1, A.SassMap_asList_closure0, A.main_closure0, A.main_closure1, A.legacyNumberClass_closure1, A.legacyNumberClass_closure3, A.numberClass__closure10, A.numberClass__closure11, A.SassNumber_plus_closure0, A.SassNumber_minus_closure0, A.SassNumber__canonicalMultiplier_closure0, A.JSClassExtension_get_defineMethod_closure, A.JSClassExtension_get_defineGetter_closure, A.main_printError, A._nest__closure2, A._append__closure2, A.legacyStringClass_closure1, A.StylesheetParser__declarationOrBuffer_closure1, A.StylesheetParser__declarationOrBuffer_closure2, A.StylesheetParser__styleRule_closure0, A.StylesheetParser__propertyOrVariableDeclaration_closure1, A.StylesheetParser__propertyOrVariableDeclaration_closure2, A.StylesheetParser__atRootRule_closure1, A.StylesheetParser__atRootRule_closure2, A.StylesheetParser__eachRule_closure0, A.StylesheetParser__functionRule_closure0, A.StylesheetParser__forRule_closure2, A.StylesheetParser__includeRule_closure0, A.StylesheetParser_mediaRule_closure0, A.StylesheetParser__mixinRule_closure0, A.StylesheetParser_mozDocumentRule_closure0, A.StylesheetParser_supportsRule_closure0, A.StylesheetParser__whileRule_closure0, A.StylesheetParser_unknownAtRule_closure0, A.futureToPromise_closure0, A.futureToPromise__closure1, A.objectToMap_closure, A.longestCommonSubsequence_closure0, A.longestCommonSubsequence_backtrack0, A.mapAddAll2_closure0, A.valueClass__closure6, A.valueClass__closure14]);
97194 _inherit(A.CastList, A._CastListBase);
97195 _inherit(A.MapBase, A.MapMixin);
97196 _inheritMany(A.MapBase, [A.CastMap, A.JsLinkedHashMap, A._HashMap, A.UnmodifiableMapBase, A.MergedMapView, A.MergedMapView0]);
97197 _inheritMany(A.Error, [A.LateError, A.TypeError, A.JsNoSuchMethodError, A.UnknownJsTypeError, A.RuntimeError, A._Error, A.JsonUnsupportedObjectError, A.AssertionError, A.NullThrownError, A.ArgumentError, A.NoSuchMethodError, A.UnsupportedError, A.UnimplementedError, A.StateError, A.ConcurrentModificationError, A.CyclicInitializationError]);
97198 _inherit(A.ListBase, A._ListBase_Object_ListMixin);
97199 _inherit(A.UnmodifiableListBase, A.ListBase);
97200 _inheritMany(A.UnmodifiableListBase, [A.CodeUnits, A.UnmodifiableListView]);
97201 _inheritMany(A.Closure0Args, [A.nullFuture_closure, A._AsyncRun__scheduleImmediateJsOverride_internalCallback, A._AsyncRun__scheduleImmediateWithSetImmediate_internalCallback, A._TimerImpl_internalCallback, A._TimerImpl$periodic_closure, A._Future__addListener_closure, A._Future__prependListeners_closure, A._Future__chainForeignFuture_closure1, A._Future__asyncCompleteWithValue_closure, A._Future__chainFuture_closure, A._Future__asyncCompleteError_closure, A._Future__propagateToListeners_handleWhenCompleteCallback, A._Future__propagateToListeners_handleValueCallback, A._Future__propagateToListeners_handleError, A.Stream_length_closure0, A._StreamController__subscribe_closure, A._StreamController__recordCancel_complete, A._AddStreamState_cancel_closure, A._BufferingStreamSubscription__sendError_sendError, A._BufferingStreamSubscription__sendDone_sendDone, A._PendingEvents_schedule_closure, A._CustomZone_bindCallback_closure, A._CustomZone_bindCallbackGuarded_closure, A._rootHandleError_closure, A._RootZone_bindCallback_closure, A._RootZone_bindCallbackGuarded_closure, A.Utf8Decoder__decoder_closure, A.Utf8Decoder__decoderNonfatal_closure, A.Parser__setOption_closure, A.StreamGroup_add_closure, A.StreamGroup_add_closure0, A.StreamGroup__listenToStream_closure, A.StreamQueue__ensureListening_closure0, A.ReplAdapter_runAsync_closure, A.ParsedPath__splitExtension_closure0, A.AsyncEnvironment_setVariable_closure, A.AsyncEnvironment_setVariable_closure1, A.AsyncImportCache_canonicalize_closure, A.AsyncImportCache_canonicalize_closure0, A.AsyncImportCache__canonicalize_closure, A.AsyncImportCache_importCanonical_closure, A.Environment_setVariable_closure, A.Environment_setVariable_closure1, A.ExecutableOptions__parser_closure, A.ExecutableOptions_interactive_closure, A.ExtensionStore__registerSelector_closure, A.ExtensionStore_addExtension_closure, A.ExtensionStore_addExtension_closure0, A.ExtensionStore_addExtension_closure1, A.ExtensionStore__extendExistingExtensions_closure, A.ExtensionStore__extendExistingExtensions_closure0, A.ExtensionStore_addExtensions___closure, A._deepMergeImpl__ensureMutable, A.ImportCache_canonicalize_closure, A.ImportCache_canonicalize_closure0, A.ImportCache__canonicalize_closure, A.ImportCache_importCanonical_closure, A.resolveImportPath_closure, A.resolveImportPath_closure0, A._tryPathAsDirectory_closure, A._realCasePath_helper_closure, A._readFile_closure, A.writeFile_closure, A.deleteFile_closure, A.fileExists_closure, A.dirExists_closure, A.ensureDir_closure, A.listDir_closure, A.modificationTime_closure, A.watchDir_closure3, A.watchDir__closure, A.AtRootQueryParser_parse_closure, A.KeyframeSelectorParser_parse_closure, A.MediaQueryParser_parse_closure, A.Parser__parseIdentifier_closure, A.SassParser_children_closure, A.SelectorParser_parse_closure, A.SelectorParser_parseCompoundSelector_closure, A.StylesheetParser_parse_closure, A.StylesheetParser_parse__closure, A.StylesheetParser_parseArgumentDeclaration_closure, A.StylesheetParser_parseVariableDeclaration_closure, A.StylesheetParser_parseUseRule_closure, A.StylesheetParser__parseSingleProduction_closure, A.StylesheetParser__statement_closure, A.StylesheetParser_variableDeclarationWithoutNamespace_closure, A.StylesheetParser_variableDeclarationWithoutNamespace_closure0, A.StylesheetParser__forRule_closure, A.StylesheetParser__memberList_closure, A.StylesheetParser_expression_resetState, A.StylesheetParser_expression_resolveOneOperation, A.StylesheetParser_expression_resolveOperations, A.StylesheetParser_expression_resolveSpaceExpressions, A.StylesheetParser__expressionUntilComma_closure, A.StylesheetParser_namespacedExpression_closure, A.StylesheetParser__expressionUntilComparison_closure, A.StylesheetParser__publicIdentifier_closure, A.StylesheetGraph_modifiedSince_transitiveModificationTime_closure, A.StylesheetGraph__add_closure, A.StylesheetGraph_addCanonical_closure, A.StylesheetGraph_reload_closure, A.StylesheetGraph__nodeFor_closure, A.StylesheetGraph__nodeFor_closure0, A.SassNumber__coerceOrConvertValue__compatibilityException, A.SassNumber__coerceOrConvertValue_closure0, A.SassNumber__coerceOrConvertValue_closure2, A.SassNumber_multiplyUnits_closure0, A.SassNumber_multiplyUnits_closure2, A.SingleUnitSassNumber_multiplyUnits_closure0, A._EvaluateVisitor__closure4, A._EvaluateVisitor_run_closure0, A._EvaluateVisitor__loadModule_closure1, A._EvaluateVisitor__loadModule_closure2, A._EvaluateVisitor__execute_closure0, A._EvaluateVisitor__extendModules_closure2, A._EvaluateVisitor_visitAtRootRule_closure2, A._EvaluateVisitor_visitAtRootRule_closure3, A._EvaluateVisitor_visitAtRootRule_closure4, A._EvaluateVisitor__scopeForAtRoot__closure0, A._EvaluateVisitor_visitContentRule_closure0, A._EvaluateVisitor_visitDeclaration_closure2, A._EvaluateVisitor_visitEachRule_closure4, A._EvaluateVisitor_visitExtendRule_closure0, A._EvaluateVisitor_visitAtRule_closure3, A._EvaluateVisitor_visitAtRule__closure0, A._EvaluateVisitor_visitForRule_closure4, A._EvaluateVisitor_visitForRule_closure5, A._EvaluateVisitor_visitForRule_closure6, A._EvaluateVisitor_visitForRule_closure7, A._EvaluateVisitor_visitForRule_closure8, A._EvaluateVisitor_visitIfRule_closure0, A._EvaluateVisitor__visitDynamicImport_closure0, A._EvaluateVisitor__visitDynamicImport__closure6, A._EvaluateVisitor_visitIncludeRule_closure3, A._EvaluateVisitor_visitIncludeRule_closure4, A._EvaluateVisitor_visitIncludeRule_closure5, A._EvaluateVisitor_visitIncludeRule__closure0, A._EvaluateVisitor_visitIncludeRule___closure0, A._EvaluateVisitor_visitIncludeRule____closure0, A._EvaluateVisitor_visitMediaRule_closure3, A._EvaluateVisitor_visitMediaRule__closure0, A._EvaluateVisitor_visitMediaRule___closure0, A._EvaluateVisitor__visitMediaQueries_closure0, A._EvaluateVisitor_visitStyleRule_closure6, A._EvaluateVisitor_visitStyleRule_closure7, A._EvaluateVisitor_visitStyleRule_closure9, A._EvaluateVisitor_visitStyleRule_closure10, A._EvaluateVisitor_visitStyleRule_closure11, A._EvaluateVisitor_visitStyleRule__closure0, A._EvaluateVisitor_visitSupportsRule_closure1, A._EvaluateVisitor_visitSupportsRule__closure0, A._EvaluateVisitor_visitVariableDeclaration_closure2, A._EvaluateVisitor_visitVariableDeclaration_closure3, A._EvaluateVisitor_visitVariableDeclaration_closure4, A._EvaluateVisitor_visitWarnRule_closure0, A._EvaluateVisitor_visitWhileRule_closure0, A._EvaluateVisitor_visitBinaryOperationExpression_closure0, A._EvaluateVisitor_visitVariableExpression_closure0, A._EvaluateVisitor_visitUnaryOperationExpression_closure0, A._EvaluateVisitor__visitCalculationValue_closure0, A._EvaluateVisitor_visitFunctionExpression_closure1, A._EvaluateVisitor_visitFunctionExpression_closure2, A._EvaluateVisitor_visitInterpolatedFunctionExpression_closure0, A._EvaluateVisitor__runUserDefinedCallable_closure0, A._EvaluateVisitor__runUserDefinedCallable__closure0, A._EvaluateVisitor__runUserDefinedCallable___closure0, A._EvaluateVisitor__runFunctionCallable_closure0, A._EvaluateVisitor__runBuiltInCallable_closure1, A._EvaluateVisitor__verifyArguments_closure0, A._EvaluateVisitor_visitCssAtRule_closure1, A._EvaluateVisitor_visitCssKeyframeBlock_closure1, A._EvaluateVisitor_visitCssMediaRule_closure3, A._EvaluateVisitor_visitCssMediaRule__closure0, A._EvaluateVisitor_visitCssMediaRule___closure0, A._EvaluateVisitor_visitCssStyleRule_closure1, A._EvaluateVisitor_visitCssStyleRule__closure0, A._EvaluateVisitor_visitCssSupportsRule_closure1, A._EvaluateVisitor_visitCssSupportsRule__closure0, A._EvaluateVisitor__serialize_closure0, A._EvaluateVisitor__expressionNode_closure0, A._EvaluateVisitor__closure1, A._EvaluateVisitor_run_closure, A._EvaluateVisitor_runExpression_closure, A._EvaluateVisitor_runExpression__closure, A._EvaluateVisitor_runStatement_closure, A._EvaluateVisitor_runStatement__closure, A._EvaluateVisitor__loadModule_closure, A._EvaluateVisitor__loadModule_closure0, A._EvaluateVisitor__execute_closure, A._EvaluateVisitor__extendModules_closure0, A._EvaluateVisitor_visitAtRootRule_closure, A._EvaluateVisitor_visitAtRootRule_closure0, A._EvaluateVisitor_visitAtRootRule_closure1, A._EvaluateVisitor__scopeForAtRoot__closure, A._EvaluateVisitor_visitContentRule_closure, A._EvaluateVisitor_visitDeclaration_closure0, A._EvaluateVisitor_visitEachRule_closure1, A._EvaluateVisitor_visitExtendRule_closure, A._EvaluateVisitor_visitAtRule_closure0, A._EvaluateVisitor_visitAtRule__closure, A._EvaluateVisitor_visitForRule_closure, A._EvaluateVisitor_visitForRule_closure0, A._EvaluateVisitor_visitForRule_closure1, A._EvaluateVisitor_visitForRule_closure2, A._EvaluateVisitor_visitForRule_closure3, A._EvaluateVisitor_visitIfRule_closure, A._EvaluateVisitor__visitDynamicImport_closure, A._EvaluateVisitor__visitDynamicImport__closure2, A._EvaluateVisitor_visitIncludeRule_closure, A._EvaluateVisitor_visitIncludeRule_closure0, A._EvaluateVisitor_visitIncludeRule_closure1, A._EvaluateVisitor_visitIncludeRule__closure, A._EvaluateVisitor_visitIncludeRule___closure, A._EvaluateVisitor_visitIncludeRule____closure, A._EvaluateVisitor_visitMediaRule_closure0, A._EvaluateVisitor_visitMediaRule__closure, A._EvaluateVisitor_visitMediaRule___closure, A._EvaluateVisitor__visitMediaQueries_closure, A._EvaluateVisitor_visitStyleRule_closure, A._EvaluateVisitor_visitStyleRule_closure0, A._EvaluateVisitor_visitStyleRule_closure2, A._EvaluateVisitor_visitStyleRule_closure3, A._EvaluateVisitor_visitStyleRule_closure4, A._EvaluateVisitor_visitStyleRule__closure, A._EvaluateVisitor_visitSupportsRule_closure, A._EvaluateVisitor_visitSupportsRule__closure, A._EvaluateVisitor_visitVariableDeclaration_closure, A._EvaluateVisitor_visitVariableDeclaration_closure0, A._EvaluateVisitor_visitVariableDeclaration_closure1, A._EvaluateVisitor_visitWarnRule_closure, A._EvaluateVisitor_visitWhileRule_closure, A._EvaluateVisitor_visitBinaryOperationExpression_closure, A._EvaluateVisitor_visitVariableExpression_closure, A._EvaluateVisitor_visitUnaryOperationExpression_closure, A._EvaluateVisitor__visitCalculationValue_closure, A._EvaluateVisitor_visitFunctionExpression_closure, A._EvaluateVisitor_visitFunctionExpression_closure0, A._EvaluateVisitor_visitInterpolatedFunctionExpression_closure, A._EvaluateVisitor__runUserDefinedCallable_closure, A._EvaluateVisitor__runUserDefinedCallable__closure, A._EvaluateVisitor__runUserDefinedCallable___closure, A._EvaluateVisitor__runFunctionCallable_closure, A._EvaluateVisitor__runBuiltInCallable_closure, A._EvaluateVisitor__verifyArguments_closure, A._EvaluateVisitor_visitCssAtRule_closure, A._EvaluateVisitor_visitCssKeyframeBlock_closure, A._EvaluateVisitor_visitCssMediaRule_closure0, A._EvaluateVisitor_visitCssMediaRule__closure, A._EvaluateVisitor_visitCssMediaRule___closure, A._EvaluateVisitor_visitCssStyleRule_closure, A._EvaluateVisitor_visitCssStyleRule__closure, A._EvaluateVisitor_visitCssSupportsRule_closure, A._EvaluateVisitor_visitCssSupportsRule__closure, A._EvaluateVisitor__serialize_closure, A._EvaluateVisitor__expressionNode_closure, A._SerializeVisitor_visitCssComment_closure, A._SerializeVisitor_visitCssAtRule_closure, A._SerializeVisitor_visitCssMediaRule_closure, A._SerializeVisitor_visitCssImport_closure, A._SerializeVisitor_visitCssImport__closure, A._SerializeVisitor_visitCssKeyframeBlock_closure, A._SerializeVisitor_visitCssStyleRule_closure, A._SerializeVisitor_visitCssSupportsRule_closure, A._SerializeVisitor_visitCssDeclaration_closure, A._SerializeVisitor_visitCssDeclaration_closure0, A._SerializeVisitor__write_closure, A._SerializeVisitor__visitChildren_closure, A.SingleMapping_SingleMapping$fromEntries_closure, A.SingleMapping_SingleMapping$fromEntries_closure0, A.Highlighter_closure, A.Highlighter__writeFileStart_closure, A.Highlighter__writeMultilineHighlights_closure, A.Highlighter__writeMultilineHighlights_closure0, A.Highlighter__writeMultilineHighlights_closure1, A.Highlighter__writeMultilineHighlights_closure2, A.Highlighter__writeMultilineHighlights__closure, A.Highlighter__writeMultilineHighlights__closure0, A.Highlighter__writeHighlightedText_closure, A.Highlighter__writeIndicator_closure, A.Highlighter__writeIndicator_closure0, A.Highlighter__writeIndicator_closure1, A.Highlighter__writeSidebar_closure, A._Highlight_closure, A.Frame_Frame$parseVM_closure, A.Frame_Frame$parseV8_closure, A.Frame_Frame$_parseFirefoxEval_closure, A.Frame_Frame$parseFirefox_closure, A.Frame_Frame$parseFriendly_closure, A.LazyTrace_terse_closure, A.Trace_Trace$from_closure, A.TransformByHandlers_transformByHandlers_closure, A.TransformByHandlers_transformByHandlers__closure0, A.TransformByHandlers_transformByHandlers__closure2, A.RateLimit__debounceAggregate_closure_emit, A.RateLimit__debounceAggregate__closure, A.argumentListClass_closure, A.AsyncEnvironment_setVariable_closure2, A.AsyncEnvironment_setVariable_closure4, A._EvaluateVisitor__closure10, A._EvaluateVisitor_run_closure2, A._EvaluateVisitor__loadModule_closure5, A._EvaluateVisitor__loadModule_closure6, A._EvaluateVisitor__execute_closure2, A._EvaluateVisitor__extendModules_closure6, A._EvaluateVisitor_visitAtRootRule_closure8, A._EvaluateVisitor_visitAtRootRule_closure9, A._EvaluateVisitor_visitAtRootRule_closure10, A._EvaluateVisitor__scopeForAtRoot__closure2, A._EvaluateVisitor_visitContentRule_closure2, A._EvaluateVisitor_visitDeclaration_closure6, A._EvaluateVisitor_visitEachRule_closure10, A._EvaluateVisitor_visitExtendRule_closure2, A._EvaluateVisitor_visitAtRule_closure9, A._EvaluateVisitor_visitAtRule__closure2, A._EvaluateVisitor_visitForRule_closure14, A._EvaluateVisitor_visitForRule_closure15, A._EvaluateVisitor_visitForRule_closure16, A._EvaluateVisitor_visitForRule_closure17, A._EvaluateVisitor_visitForRule_closure18, A._EvaluateVisitor_visitIfRule_closure2, A._EvaluateVisitor__visitDynamicImport_closure2, A._EvaluateVisitor__visitDynamicImport__closure14, A._EvaluateVisitor_visitIncludeRule_closure11, A._EvaluateVisitor_visitIncludeRule_closure12, A._EvaluateVisitor_visitIncludeRule_closure13, A._EvaluateVisitor_visitIncludeRule__closure2, A._EvaluateVisitor_visitIncludeRule___closure2, A._EvaluateVisitor_visitIncludeRule____closure2, A._EvaluateVisitor_visitMediaRule_closure9, A._EvaluateVisitor_visitMediaRule__closure2, A._EvaluateVisitor_visitMediaRule___closure2, A._EvaluateVisitor__visitMediaQueries_closure2, A._EvaluateVisitor_visitStyleRule_closure20, A._EvaluateVisitor_visitStyleRule_closure21, A._EvaluateVisitor_visitStyleRule_closure23, A._EvaluateVisitor_visitStyleRule_closure24, A._EvaluateVisitor_visitStyleRule_closure25, A._EvaluateVisitor_visitStyleRule__closure2, A._EvaluateVisitor_visitSupportsRule_closure5, A._EvaluateVisitor_visitSupportsRule__closure2, A._EvaluateVisitor_visitVariableDeclaration_closure8, A._EvaluateVisitor_visitVariableDeclaration_closure9, A._EvaluateVisitor_visitVariableDeclaration_closure10, A._EvaluateVisitor_visitWarnRule_closure2, A._EvaluateVisitor_visitWhileRule_closure2, A._EvaluateVisitor_visitBinaryOperationExpression_closure2, A._EvaluateVisitor_visitVariableExpression_closure2, A._EvaluateVisitor_visitUnaryOperationExpression_closure2, A._EvaluateVisitor__visitCalculationValue_closure2, A._EvaluateVisitor_visitFunctionExpression_closure5, A._EvaluateVisitor_visitFunctionExpression_closure6, A._EvaluateVisitor_visitInterpolatedFunctionExpression_closure2, A._EvaluateVisitor__runUserDefinedCallable_closure2, A._EvaluateVisitor__runUserDefinedCallable__closure2, A._EvaluateVisitor__runUserDefinedCallable___closure2, A._EvaluateVisitor__runFunctionCallable_closure2, A._EvaluateVisitor__runBuiltInCallable_closure5, A._EvaluateVisitor__verifyArguments_closure2, A._EvaluateVisitor_visitCssAtRule_closure5, A._EvaluateVisitor_visitCssKeyframeBlock_closure5, A._EvaluateVisitor_visitCssMediaRule_closure9, A._EvaluateVisitor_visitCssMediaRule__closure2, A._EvaluateVisitor_visitCssMediaRule___closure2, A._EvaluateVisitor_visitCssStyleRule_closure5, A._EvaluateVisitor_visitCssStyleRule__closure2, A._EvaluateVisitor_visitCssSupportsRule_closure5, A._EvaluateVisitor_visitCssSupportsRule__closure2, A._EvaluateVisitor__serialize_closure2, A._EvaluateVisitor__expressionNode_closure2, A.AsyncImportCache_canonicalize_closure1, A.AsyncImportCache_canonicalize_closure2, A.AsyncImportCache__canonicalize_closure0, A.AsyncImportCache_importCanonical_closure0, A.AtRootQueryParser_parse_closure0, A.legacyBooleanClass_closure, A.booleanClass_closure, A.colorClass_closure, A.compileAsync_closure, A.compileStringAsync_closure, A.Environment_setVariable_closure2, A.Environment_setVariable_closure4, A._EvaluateVisitor__closure7, A._EvaluateVisitor_run_closure1, A._EvaluateVisitor__loadModule_closure3, A._EvaluateVisitor__loadModule_closure4, A._EvaluateVisitor__execute_closure1, A._EvaluateVisitor__extendModules_closure4, A._EvaluateVisitor_visitAtRootRule_closure5, A._EvaluateVisitor_visitAtRootRule_closure6, A._EvaluateVisitor_visitAtRootRule_closure7, A._EvaluateVisitor__scopeForAtRoot__closure1, A._EvaluateVisitor_visitContentRule_closure1, A._EvaluateVisitor_visitDeclaration_closure4, A._EvaluateVisitor_visitEachRule_closure7, A._EvaluateVisitor_visitExtendRule_closure1, A._EvaluateVisitor_visitAtRule_closure6, A._EvaluateVisitor_visitAtRule__closure1, A._EvaluateVisitor_visitForRule_closure9, A._EvaluateVisitor_visitForRule_closure10, A._EvaluateVisitor_visitForRule_closure11, A._EvaluateVisitor_visitForRule_closure12, A._EvaluateVisitor_visitForRule_closure13, A._EvaluateVisitor_visitIfRule_closure1, A._EvaluateVisitor__visitDynamicImport_closure1, A._EvaluateVisitor__visitDynamicImport__closure10, A._EvaluateVisitor_visitIncludeRule_closure7, A._EvaluateVisitor_visitIncludeRule_closure8, A._EvaluateVisitor_visitIncludeRule_closure9, A._EvaluateVisitor_visitIncludeRule__closure1, A._EvaluateVisitor_visitIncludeRule___closure1, A._EvaluateVisitor_visitIncludeRule____closure1, A._EvaluateVisitor_visitMediaRule_closure6, A._EvaluateVisitor_visitMediaRule__closure1, A._EvaluateVisitor_visitMediaRule___closure1, A._EvaluateVisitor__visitMediaQueries_closure1, A._EvaluateVisitor_visitStyleRule_closure13, A._EvaluateVisitor_visitStyleRule_closure14, A._EvaluateVisitor_visitStyleRule_closure16, A._EvaluateVisitor_visitStyleRule_closure17, A._EvaluateVisitor_visitStyleRule_closure18, A._EvaluateVisitor_visitStyleRule__closure1, A._EvaluateVisitor_visitSupportsRule_closure3, A._EvaluateVisitor_visitSupportsRule__closure1, A._EvaluateVisitor_visitVariableDeclaration_closure5, A._EvaluateVisitor_visitVariableDeclaration_closure6, A._EvaluateVisitor_visitVariableDeclaration_closure7, A._EvaluateVisitor_visitWarnRule_closure1, A._EvaluateVisitor_visitWhileRule_closure1, A._EvaluateVisitor_visitBinaryOperationExpression_closure1, A._EvaluateVisitor_visitVariableExpression_closure1, A._EvaluateVisitor_visitUnaryOperationExpression_closure1, A._EvaluateVisitor__visitCalculationValue_closure1, A._EvaluateVisitor_visitFunctionExpression_closure3, A._EvaluateVisitor_visitFunctionExpression_closure4, A._EvaluateVisitor_visitInterpolatedFunctionExpression_closure1, A._EvaluateVisitor__runUserDefinedCallable_closure1, A._EvaluateVisitor__runUserDefinedCallable__closure1, A._EvaluateVisitor__runUserDefinedCallable___closure1, A._EvaluateVisitor__runFunctionCallable_closure1, A._EvaluateVisitor__runBuiltInCallable_closure3, A._EvaluateVisitor__verifyArguments_closure1, A._EvaluateVisitor_visitCssAtRule_closure3, A._EvaluateVisitor_visitCssKeyframeBlock_closure3, A._EvaluateVisitor_visitCssMediaRule_closure6, A._EvaluateVisitor_visitCssMediaRule__closure1, A._EvaluateVisitor_visitCssMediaRule___closure1, A._EvaluateVisitor_visitCssStyleRule_closure3, A._EvaluateVisitor_visitCssStyleRule__closure1, A._EvaluateVisitor_visitCssSupportsRule_closure3, A._EvaluateVisitor_visitCssSupportsRule__closure1, A._EvaluateVisitor__serialize_closure1, A._EvaluateVisitor__expressionNode_closure1, A.exceptionClass_closure, A.ExtensionStore__registerSelector_closure0, A.ExtensionStore_addExtension_closure2, A.ExtensionStore_addExtension_closure3, A.ExtensionStore_addExtension_closure4, A.ExtensionStore__extendExistingExtensions_closure1, A.ExtensionStore__extendExistingExtensions_closure2, A.ExtensionStore_addExtensions___closure0, A.functionClass_closure, A.NodeImporter__tryPath_closure, A.ImportCache_canonicalize_closure1, A.ImportCache_canonicalize_closure2, A.ImportCache__canonicalize_closure0, A.ImportCache_importCanonical_closure0, A._realCasePath_helper_closure0, A.KeyframeSelectorParser_parse_closure0, A.render_closure, A._parseFunctions____closure, A._parseFunctions___closure1, A._parseImporter____closure, A._parseImporter___closure0, A.listClass_closure, A._deepMergeImpl__ensureMutable0, A.mapClass_closure, A.MediaQueryParser_parse_closure0, A._readFile_closure0, A.fileExists_closure0, A.dirExists_closure0, A.listDir_closure0, A.NodeToDartLogger_warn_closure, A.NodeToDartLogger_debug_closure, A.legacyNullClass_closure, A.numberClass_closure, A.SassNumber__coerceOrConvertValue__compatibilityException0, A.SassNumber__coerceOrConvertValue_closure4, A.SassNumber__coerceOrConvertValue_closure6, A.SassNumber_multiplyUnits_closure4, A.SassNumber_multiplyUnits_closure6, A.Parser__parseIdentifier_closure0, A.main_closure, A.SassParser_children_closure0, A.SelectorParser_parse_closure0, A.SelectorParser_parseCompoundSelector_closure0, A._SerializeVisitor_visitCssComment_closure0, A._SerializeVisitor_visitCssAtRule_closure0, A._SerializeVisitor_visitCssMediaRule_closure0, A._SerializeVisitor_visitCssImport_closure0, A._SerializeVisitor_visitCssImport__closure0, A._SerializeVisitor_visitCssKeyframeBlock_closure0, A._SerializeVisitor_visitCssStyleRule_closure0, A._SerializeVisitor_visitCssSupportsRule_closure0, A._SerializeVisitor_visitCssDeclaration_closure1, A._SerializeVisitor_visitCssDeclaration_closure2, A._SerializeVisitor__write_closure0, A._SerializeVisitor__visitChildren_closure0, A.SingleUnitSassNumber_multiplyUnits_closure2, A.stringClass_closure, A.StylesheetParser_parse_closure0, A.StylesheetParser_parse__closure1, A.StylesheetParser_parseArgumentDeclaration_closure0, A.StylesheetParser__parseSingleProduction_closure0, A.StylesheetParser_parseSignature_closure, A.StylesheetParser__statement_closure0, A.StylesheetParser_variableDeclarationWithoutNamespace_closure1, A.StylesheetParser_variableDeclarationWithoutNamespace_closure2, A.StylesheetParser__forRule_closure1, A.StylesheetParser__memberList_closure0, A.StylesheetParser_expression_resetState0, A.StylesheetParser_expression_resolveOneOperation0, A.StylesheetParser_expression_resolveOperations0, A.StylesheetParser_expression_resolveSpaceExpressions0, A.StylesheetParser__expressionUntilComma_closure0, A.StylesheetParser_namespacedExpression_closure0, A.StylesheetParser__expressionUntilComparison_closure0, A.StylesheetParser__publicIdentifier_closure0, A.resolveImportPath_closure1, A.resolveImportPath_closure2, A._tryPathAsDirectory_closure0, A.valueClass_closure]);
97202 _inheritMany(A.EfficientLengthIterable, [A.ListIterable, A.EmptyIterable, A.LinkedHashMapKeyIterable, A._HashMapKeyIterable, A._MapBaseValueIterable]);
97203 _inheritMany(A.ListIterable, [A.SubListIterable, A.MappedListIterable, A.ReversedListIterable, A.ListQueue, A._GeneratorIterable]);
97204 _inherit(A.EfficientLengthMappedIterable, A.MappedIterable);
97205 _inheritMany(A.Iterator, [A.MappedIterator, A.WhereIterator, A.TakeIterator, A.SkipIterator, A.SkipWhileIterator]);
97206 _inherit(A.EfficientLengthTakeIterable, A.TakeIterable);
97207 _inherit(A.EfficientLengthSkipIterable, A.SkipIterable);
97208 _inherit(A.EfficientLengthFollowedByIterable, A.FollowedByIterable);
97209 _inheritMany(A.MapView, [A._UnmodifiableMapView_MapView__UnmodifiableMapMixin, A.PathMap]);
97210 _inherit(A.UnmodifiableMapView, A._UnmodifiableMapView_MapView__UnmodifiableMapMixin);
97211 _inherit(A.ConstantMapView, A.UnmodifiableMapView);
97212 _inherit(A.ConstantStringMap, A.ConstantMap);
97213 _inherit(A.Instantiation1, A.Instantiation);
97214 _inherit(A.NullError, A.TypeError);
97215 _inheritMany(A.TearOffClosure, [A.StaticClosure, A.BoundClosure]);
97216 _inheritMany(A.IterableBase, [A._AllMatchesIterable, A._SyncStarIterable, A._EmptyUnmodifiableSet_IterableBase_UnmodifiableSetMixin, A._PrefixedKeys, A._UnprefixedKeys, A._PrefixedKeys0, A._UnprefixedKeys0]);
97217 _inherit(A.NativeTypedArray, A.NativeTypedData);
97218 _inheritMany(A.NativeTypedArray, [A._NativeTypedArrayOfDouble_NativeTypedArray_ListMixin, A._NativeTypedArrayOfInt_NativeTypedArray_ListMixin]);
97219 _inherit(A._NativeTypedArrayOfDouble_NativeTypedArray_ListMixin_FixedLengthListMixin, A._NativeTypedArrayOfDouble_NativeTypedArray_ListMixin);
97220 _inherit(A.NativeTypedArrayOfDouble, A._NativeTypedArrayOfDouble_NativeTypedArray_ListMixin_FixedLengthListMixin);
97221 _inherit(A._NativeTypedArrayOfInt_NativeTypedArray_ListMixin_FixedLengthListMixin, A._NativeTypedArrayOfInt_NativeTypedArray_ListMixin);
97222 _inherit(A.NativeTypedArrayOfInt, A._NativeTypedArrayOfInt_NativeTypedArray_ListMixin_FixedLengthListMixin);
97223 _inheritMany(A.NativeTypedArrayOfDouble, [A.NativeFloat32List, A.NativeFloat64List]);
97224 _inheritMany(A.NativeTypedArrayOfInt, [A.NativeInt16List, A.NativeInt32List, A.NativeInt8List, A.NativeUint16List, A.NativeUint32List, A.NativeUint8ClampedList, A.NativeUint8List]);
97225 _inherit(A._TypeError, A._Error);
97226 _inheritMany(A._Completer, [A._AsyncCompleter, A._SyncCompleter]);
97227 _inheritMany(A._StreamController, [A._AsyncStreamController, A._SyncStreamController]);
97228 _inheritMany(A.Stream, [A._StreamImpl, A._ForwardingStream, A._CompleterStream]);
97229 _inherit(A._ControllerStream, A._StreamImpl);
97230 _inheritMany(A._BufferingStreamSubscription, [A._ControllerSubscription, A._ForwardingStreamSubscription]);
97231 _inherit(A._StreamControllerAddStreamState, A._AddStreamState);
97232 _inheritMany(A._DelayedEvent, [A._DelayedData, A._DelayedError]);
97233 _inherit(A._StreamImplEvents, A._PendingEvents);
97234 _inherit(A._ExpandStream, A._ForwardingStream);
97235 _inheritMany(A._Zone, [A._CustomZone, A._RootZone]);
97236 _inherit(A._IdentityHashMap, A._HashMap);
97237 _inheritMany(A.JsLinkedHashMap, [A._LinkedIdentityHashMap, A._LinkedCustomHashMap]);
97238 _inherit(A._SetBase, A.__SetBase_Object_SetMixin);
97239 _inheritMany(A._SetBase, [A._LinkedHashSet, A.__UnmodifiableSet__SetBase__UnmodifiableSetMixin]);
97240 _inherit(A._LinkedIdentityHashSet, A._LinkedHashSet);
97241 _inherit(A._UnmodifiableSet, A.__UnmodifiableSet__SetBase__UnmodifiableSetMixin);
97242 _inheritMany(A.Codec, [A.Encoding, A.Base64Codec, A.JsonCodec]);
97243 _inheritMany(A.Encoding, [A.AsciiCodec, A.Utf8Codec]);
97244 _inherit(A.Converter, A.StreamTransformerBase);
97245 _inheritMany(A.Converter, [A._UnicodeSubsetEncoder, A.Base64Encoder, A.JsonEncoder, A.Utf8Encoder, A.Utf8Decoder]);
97246 _inherit(A.AsciiEncoder, A._UnicodeSubsetEncoder);
97247 _inherit(A.ByteConversionSink, A.ChunkedConversionSink);
97248 _inheritMany(A.ByteConversionSink, [A.ByteConversionSinkBase, A._Utf8StringSinkAdapter]);
97249 _inherit(A._Base64EncoderSink, A.ByteConversionSinkBase);
97250 _inherit(A._Utf8Base64EncoderSink, A._Base64EncoderSink);
97251 _inherit(A.JsonCyclicError, A.JsonUnsupportedObjectError);
97252 _inherit(A._JsonStringStringifier, A._JsonStringifier);
97253 _inherit(A.StringConversionSinkBase, A.StringConversionSinkMixin);
97254 _inherit(A._StringSinkConversionSink, A.StringConversionSinkBase);
97255 _inherit(A._StringCallbackSink, A._StringSinkConversionSink);
97256 _inheritMany(A.ArgumentError, [A.RangeError, A.IndexError]);
97257 _inherit(A._DataUri, A._Uri);
97258 _inherit(A.ArgParserException, A.FormatException);
97259 _inherit(A.EmptyUnmodifiableSet, A._EmptyUnmodifiableSet_IterableBase_UnmodifiableSetMixin);
97260 _inherit(A.QueueList, A._QueueList_Object_ListMixin);
97261 _inherit(A._CastQueueList, A.QueueList);
97262 _inheritMany(A._DelegatingIterableBase, [A.DelegatingSet, A._MapKeySet__DelegatingIterableBase_UnmodifiableSetMixin]);
97263 _inherit(A._UnmodifiableSetView_DelegatingSet_UnmodifiableSetMixin, A.DelegatingSet);
97264 _inherit(A.UnmodifiableSetView, A._UnmodifiableSetView_DelegatingSet_UnmodifiableSetMixin);
97265 _inherit(A.MapKeySet, A._MapKeySet__DelegatingIterableBase_UnmodifiableSetMixin);
97266 _inheritMany(A.NodeJsError, [A.JsAssertionError, A.JsRangeError, A.JsReferenceError, A.JsSyntaxError, A.JsTypeError, A.JsSystemError]);
97267 _inheritMany(A.Socket, [A.TTYReadStream, A.TTYWriteStream]);
97268 _inherit(A.InternalStyle, A.Style);
97269 _inheritMany(A.InternalStyle, [A.PosixStyle, A.UrlStyle, A.WindowsStyle]);
97270 _inherit(A.CssNode, A.AstNode);
97271 _inheritMany(A.CssNode, [A.ModifiableCssNode, A.CssParentNode]);
97272 _inheritMany(A.ModifiableCssNode, [A.ModifiableCssParentNode, A.ModifiableCssComment, A.ModifiableCssDeclaration, A.ModifiableCssImport]);
97273 _inheritMany(A.ModifiableCssParentNode, [A.ModifiableCssAtRule, A.ModifiableCssKeyframeBlock, A.ModifiableCssMediaRule, A.ModifiableCssStyleRule, A.ModifiableCssStylesheet, A.ModifiableCssSupportsRule]);
97274 _inherit(A.CssStylesheet, A.CssParentNode);
97275 _inheritMany(A.ParentStatement, [A.AtRootRule, A.AtRule, A.CallableDeclaration, A.Declaration, A.EachRule, A.ForRule, A.MediaRule, A.StyleRule, A.Stylesheet, A.SupportsRule, A.WhileRule]);
97276 _inheritMany(A.CallableDeclaration, [A.ContentBlock, A.FunctionRule, A.MixinRule]);
97277 _inheritMany(A.IfRuleClause, [A.IfClause, A.ElseClause]);
97278 _inherit(A._HasContentVisitor, A.StatementSearchVisitor);
97279 _inheritMany(A.Selector, [A.SimpleSelector, A.ComplexSelector, A.CompoundSelector, A.SelectorList]);
97280 _inheritMany(A.SimpleSelector, [A.AttributeSelector, A.ClassSelector, A.IDSelector, A.ParentSelector, A.PlaceholderSelector, A.PseudoSelector, A.TypeSelector, A.UniversalSelector]);
97281 _inherit(A.ExplicitConfiguration, A.Configuration);
97282 _inheritMany(A.SourceSpanException, [A.SassException, A.SourceSpanFormatException, A.SassException0]);
97283 _inheritMany(A.SassException, [A.MultiSpanSassException, A.SassRuntimeException, A.SassFormatException]);
97284 _inherit(A.MultiSpanSassRuntimeException, A.MultiSpanSassException);
97285 _inherit(A.MultiSpanSassScriptException, A.SassScriptException);
97286 _inherit(A.MergedExtension, A.Extension);
97287 _inherit(A.Importer, A.AsyncImporter);
97288 _inherit(A.FilesystemImporter, A.Importer);
97289 _inheritMany(A.Parser, [A.AtRootQueryParser, A.StylesheetParser, A.KeyframeSelectorParser, A.MediaQueryParser, A.SelectorParser]);
97290 _inheritMany(A.StylesheetParser, [A.ScssParser, A.SassParser]);
97291 _inherit(A.CssParser, A.ScssParser);
97292 _inheritMany(A.UnmodifiableMapBase, [A.LimitedMapView, A.PrefixedMapView, A.PublicMemberMapView, A.UnprefixedMapView, A.LimitedMapView0, A.PrefixedMapView0, A.PublicMemberMapView0, A.UnprefixedMapView0]);
97293 _inheritMany(A.Value, [A.SassList, A.SassBoolean, A.SassCalculation, A.SassColor, A.SassFunction, A.SassMap, A._SassNull, A.SassNumber, A.SassString]);
97294 _inherit(A.SassArgumentList, A.SassList);
97295 _inheritMany(A.SassNumber, [A.ComplexSassNumber, A.SingleUnitSassNumber, A.UnitlessSassNumber]);
97296 _inherit(A._FindDependenciesVisitor, A.RecursiveStatementVisitor);
97297 _inherit(A.SingleMapping, A.Mapping);
97298 _inherit(A.FileLocation, A.SourceLocationMixin);
97299 _inheritMany(A.SourceSpanMixin, [A._FileSpan, A.SourceSpanBase]);
97300 _inherit(A.SourceSpanWithContext, A.SourceSpanBase);
97301 _inherit(A.StringScannerException, A.SourceSpanFormatException);
97302 _inheritMany(A.StringScanner, [A.LineScanner, A.SpanScanner]);
97303 _inheritMany(A.Value0, [A.SassList0, A.SassBoolean0, A.SassCalculation0, A.SassColor0, A.SassNumber0, A.SassFunction0, A.SassMap0, A._SassNull0, A.SassString0]);
97304 _inherit(A.SassArgumentList0, A.SassList0);
97305 _inheritMany(A.AsyncImporter0, [A.NodeToDartAsyncImporter, A.NodeToDartAsyncFileImporter, A.Importer0]);
97306 _inheritMany(A.Parser1, [A.AtRootQueryParser0, A.StylesheetParser0, A.KeyframeSelectorParser0, A.MediaQueryParser0, A.SelectorParser0]);
97307 _inheritMany(A.ParentStatement0, [A.AtRootRule0, A.AtRule0, A.CallableDeclaration0, A.Declaration0, A.EachRule0, A.ForRule0, A.MediaRule0, A.StyleRule0, A.Stylesheet0, A.SupportsRule0, A.WhileRule0]);
97308 _inherit(A.CssNode0, A.AstNode0);
97309 _inheritMany(A.CssNode0, [A.ModifiableCssNode0, A.CssParentNode0]);
97310 _inheritMany(A.ModifiableCssNode0, [A.ModifiableCssParentNode0, A.ModifiableCssComment0, A.ModifiableCssDeclaration0, A.ModifiableCssImport0]);
97311 _inheritMany(A.ModifiableCssParentNode0, [A.ModifiableCssAtRule0, A.ModifiableCssKeyframeBlock0, A.ModifiableCssMediaRule0, A.ModifiableCssStyleRule0, A.ModifiableCssStylesheet0, A.ModifiableCssSupportsRule0]);
97312 _inheritMany(A.Selector0, [A.SimpleSelector0, A.ComplexSelector0, A.CompoundSelector0, A.SelectorList0]);
97313 _inheritMany(A.SimpleSelector0, [A.AttributeSelector0, A.ClassSelector0, A.IDSelector0, A.ParentSelector0, A.PlaceholderSelector0, A.PseudoSelector0, A.TypeSelector0, A.UniversalSelector0]);
97314 _inherit(A.CompileStringOptions, A.CompileOptions);
97315 _inheritMany(A.SassNumber0, [A.ComplexSassNumber0, A.SingleUnitSassNumber0, A.UnitlessSassNumber0]);
97316 _inherit(A.ExplicitConfiguration0, A.Configuration0);
97317 _inheritMany(A.CallableDeclaration0, [A.ContentBlock0, A.FunctionRule0, A.MixinRule0]);
97318 _inheritMany(A.StylesheetParser0, [A.ScssParser0, A.SassParser0]);
97319 _inherit(A.CssParser0, A.ScssParser0);
97320 _inherit(A._NodeException, A.JsError);
97321 _inheritMany(A.SassException0, [A.MultiSpanSassException0, A.SassRuntimeException0, A.SassFormatException0]);
97322 _inherit(A.MultiSpanSassRuntimeException0, A.MultiSpanSassException0);
97323 _inherit(A.MultiSpanSassScriptException0, A.SassScriptException0);
97324 _inheritMany(A.Importer0, [A.NodeToDartFileImporter, A.FilesystemImporter0, A.NoOpImporter, A.NodeToDartImporter]);
97325 _inheritMany(A.IfRuleClause0, [A.IfClause0, A.ElseClause0]);
97326 _inherit(A.MergedExtension0, A.Extension0);
97327 _inherit(A._HasContentVisitor0, A.StatementSearchVisitor0);
97328 _inherit(A.CssStylesheet0, A.CssParentNode0);
97329 _mixin(A.UnmodifiableListBase, A.UnmodifiableListMixin);
97330 _mixin(A.__CastListBase__CastIterableBase_ListMixin, A.ListMixin);
97331 _mixin(A._NativeTypedArrayOfDouble_NativeTypedArray_ListMixin, A.ListMixin);
97332 _mixin(A._NativeTypedArrayOfDouble_NativeTypedArray_ListMixin_FixedLengthListMixin, A.FixedLengthListMixin);
97333 _mixin(A._NativeTypedArrayOfInt_NativeTypedArray_ListMixin, A.ListMixin);
97334 _mixin(A._NativeTypedArrayOfInt_NativeTypedArray_ListMixin_FixedLengthListMixin, A.FixedLengthListMixin);
97335 _mixin(A._AsyncStreamController, A._AsyncStreamControllerDispatch);
97336 _mixin(A._SyncStreamController, A._SyncStreamControllerDispatch);
97337 _mixin(A.UnmodifiableMapBase, A._UnmodifiableMapMixin);
97338 _mixin(A._ListBase_Object_ListMixin, A.ListMixin);
97339 _mixin(A._UnmodifiableMapView_MapView__UnmodifiableMapMixin, A._UnmodifiableMapMixin);
97340 _mixin(A.__SetBase_Object_SetMixin, A.SetMixin);
97341 _mixin(A.__UnmodifiableSet__SetBase__UnmodifiableSetMixin, A._UnmodifiableSetMixin);
97342 _mixin(A._EmptyUnmodifiableSet_IterableBase_UnmodifiableSetMixin, A.UnmodifiableSetMixin);
97343 _mixin(A._QueueList_Object_ListMixin, A.ListMixin);
97344 _mixin(A._UnmodifiableSetView_DelegatingSet_UnmodifiableSetMixin, A.UnmodifiableSetMixin);
97345 _mixin(A._MapKeySet__DelegatingIterableBase_UnmodifiableSetMixin, A.UnmodifiableSetMixin);
97346 })();
97347 var init = {
97348 typeUniverse: {eC: new Map(), tR: {}, eT: {}, tPV: {}, sEA: []},
97349 mangledGlobalNames: {int: "int", double: "double", num: "num", String: "String", bool: "bool", Null: "Null", List: "List"},
97350 mangledNames: {},
97351 types: ["~()", "Null()", "Future<Null>()", "Value0(List<Value0>)", "Value(List<Value>)", "String(String)", "bool(String)", "bool(CssNode)", "bool(CssNode0)", "SassNumber(List<Value>)", "SassNumber0(List<Value0>)", "bool(Object?)", "int()", "SassString(List<Value>)", "SassString0(List<Value0>)", "bool(SimpleSelector0)", "bool(SimpleSelector)", "SassBoolean(List<Value>)", "SassBoolean0(List<Value0>)", "bool(ComplexSelector)", "bool(ComplexSelector0)", "SassList(List<Value>)", "SassList0(List<Value0>)", "SassColor(List<Value>)", "SassColor0(List<Value0>)", "JSClass0()", "Null(~())", "~(Object?)", "bool()", "FileSpan()", "String()", "Future<Null>(Future<~>())", "bool(int?)", "Value?()", "SassMap0(List<Value0>)", "Value()", "Value0(Value0)", "Future<~>()", "Value0?()", "Value(Value)", "SassMap(List<Value>)", "bool(num,num)", "String?()", "int(num)", "bool(Value0)", "Value0()", "SelectorList()", "String(Object)", "List<String>()", "SelectorList0()", "~(Value,Value)", "ValueExpression(Value)", "~(Value)", "~(Value0,Value0)", "num(num,num)", "~(Value0)", "bool(int)", "num(SassColor0)", "ValueExpression0(Value0)", "Future<Value>()", "~(Module0<Callable0>)", "Future<Value0>()", "bool(Value)", "~(Module<Callable>)", "Frame(String)", "Null(@)", "Frame()", "Future<Value?>()", "Null(Object,StackTrace)", "~(Object,StackTrace)", "Future<Value0?>()", "Declaration0(List<Statement0>,FileSpan)", "Null(_NodeSassColor,num)", "Value?(Statement)", "int(Uri)", "~(String,Value)", "List<CssMediaQuery0>?(List<CssMediaQuery0>)", "num(num)", "bool(SelectorList0)", "@()", "Tuple3<Importer,Uri,Uri>?()", "Future<String>(Object?)", "Stylesheet?()", "List<CssMediaQuery>?(List<CssMediaQuery>)", "SassRuntimeException0(AstNode0)", "Object()", "Future<Value?>(Statement)", "Null([Object?])", "Uri(Uri)", "~(String,Value0)", "ComplexSelector(List<ComplexSelectorComponent>)", "SassRuntimeException(AstNode)", "String(@)", "Future<Value0>(List<Value0>)", "Value0?(Statement0)", "ComplexSelector0(List<ComplexSelectorComponent0>)", "Declaration(List<Statement>,FileSpan)", "bool(SelectorList)", "@(@)", "Future<Value0?>(Statement0)", "ComplexSelector0(ComplexSelector0)", "List<CssMediaQuery>()", "AtRootQuery()", "~(Object)", "bool(Object)", "AsyncCallable?()", "~(String)", "Null(Module<AsyncCallable>)", "Iterable<String>(Module0<AsyncCallable0>)", "num(Value)", "Callable?()", "bool(_Highlight)", "Callable0?()", "Iterable<ComplexSelector0>(ComplexSelector0)", "bool(Module0<Callable0>)", "Iterable<String>(Module0<Callable0>)", "bool(ComplexSelectorComponent0)", "~(String,Object?)", "Statement()", "int(SassColor0)", "int(_NodeSassColor)", "~(~())", "num(Value0)", "~(@)", "String(Expression)", "bool(ComplexSelectorComponent)", "Statement0()", "Iterable<ComplexSelector>(ComplexSelector)", "ComplexSelector(ComplexSelector)", "Iterable<String>(Module<AsyncCallable>)", "String(Expression0)", "List<ComplexSelectorComponent0>(List<ComplexSelectorComponent0>)", "List<CssMediaQuery0>()", "Null(Module0<AsyncCallable0>)", "bool(Module<AsyncCallable>)", "Iterable<String>(Module<Callable>)", "AtRootQuery0()", "AsyncCallable0?()", "bool(@)", "bool(Module<Callable>)", "bool(Module0<AsyncCallable0>)", "Map<ComplexSelector,Extension>()", "List<ComplexSelectorComponent>(List<ComplexSelectorComponent>)", "Map<ComplexSelector0,Extension0>()", "Trace(String)", "int(Frame)", "String(Frame)", "Iterable<ComplexSelectorComponent>(List<List<ComplexSelectorComponent>>)", "Trace()", "List<Extension>()", "bool(Frame)", "SassNumber()", "VariableDeclaration()", "AsyncCallable0?(Module0<AsyncCallable0>)", "MapKeySet<Module0<AsyncCallable0>>(Map<Module0<AsyncCallable0>,AstNode0>)", "Map<String,AsyncCallable0>(Module0<AsyncCallable0>)", "bool(Queue<Object?>)", "AstNode0(AstNode0)", "~(Iterable<ExtensionStore>)", "String(int)", "SassFunction0(List<Value0>)", "Frame(Tuple2<String,AstNode>)", "Map<String,Callable>(Module<Callable>)", "~(Module0<AsyncCallable0>)", "MapKeySet<Module<Callable>>(Map<Module<Callable>,AstNode>)", "Callable?(Module<Callable>)", "List<ExtensionStore0>()", "num?(String,num{assertPercent:bool,checkPercent:bool})", "bool(ModifiableCssParentNode0)", "String(SassNumber)", "Future<Value>(List<Value>)", "Object(Object)", "Uri?/()", "AstNode?()", "Future<SassNumber0>()", "num(num,num?,num)", "bool(UseRule0)", "bool(ForwardRule0)", "Uri(String)", "int(int,num?)", "MapKeySet<Module<AsyncCallable>>(Map<Module<AsyncCallable>,AstNode>)", "AsyncCallable?(Module<AsyncCallable>)", "Future<Object>()", "SelectorList(Value)", "SelectorList(SelectorList,SelectorList)", "Uri?()", "bool(ForwardRule)", "AstNode0?()", "String(SassNumber0)", "Frame(Tuple2<String,AstNode0>)", "Future<Tuple3<AsyncImporter0,Uri,Uri>?>()", "0&(@[@])", "bool(Import)", "bool(Statement)", "bool(UseRule)", "bool(String?)", "~(Uint8List,String,int)", "String(Value0)", "Future<SassNumber>()", "Iterable<String>()", "~(Object?,Object?)", "Iterable<String>(String)", "~(@,@)", "Future<NodeCompileResult>()", "bool(ModifiableCssParentNode)", "Iterable<String>(@)", "List<ExtensionStore>()", "~(Iterable<ExtensionStore0>)", "DateTime()", "Callable0?(Module0<Callable0>)", "MapKeySet<Module0<Callable0>>(Map<Module0<Callable0>,AstNode0>)", "Map<String,Callable0>(Module0<Callable0>)", "~(Module<AsyncCallable>)", "SassFunction(List<Value>)", "Future<Tuple3<AsyncImporter,Uri,Uri>?>()", "Value0?(Value0)", "Set<0^>()<Object?>", "SassNumber0()", "String(_NodeException)", "AstNode(AstNode)", "List<Extension0>()", "num(num,String)", "~(Object[StackTrace?])", "~(String[~])", "Iterable<ComplexSelectorComponent0>(List<List<ComplexSelectorComponent0>>)", "~([Object?])", "bool(Statement0)", "bool(Import0)", "Tuple3<Importer0,Uri,Uri>?()", "Entry(Entry)", "int(int)", "AsyncImporter0(Object?)", "Value0(int)", "@(Value0,num)", "Object(_NodeSassMap,int)", "Null(_NodeSassMap,int,Object)", "bool(SassNumber0)", "ImmutableList(SassNumber0)", "bool(SassNumber0,String)", "SassNumber0(SassNumber0,Object,Object[String?])", "SassNumber0(SassNumber0,SassNumber0[String?,String?])", "num(SassNumber0,Object,Object[String?])", "num(SassNumber0,SassNumber0[String?,String?])", "~(String,Function)", "SelectorList0(Value0)", "SelectorList0(SelectorList0,SelectorList0)", "FileLocation(FileSpan)", "String(FileSpan)", "int(SourceLocation)", "AtRule(List<Statement>,FileSpan)", "~(String,@)", "AtRootRule0(List<Statement0>,FileSpan)", "AtRule0(List<Statement0>,FileSpan)", "int(@,@)", "AtRootRule(List<Statement>,FileSpan)", "bool(Object?,Object?)", "int(Object?)", "Map<String,AsyncCallable>(Module<AsyncCallable>)", "SupportsRule(List<Statement>,FileSpan)", "Module<AsyncCallable>?(Module<AsyncCallable>)", "EvaluateResult()", "Module<Callable>(Module<Callable>)", "CssValue<Value>(Expression)", "Value?(Value)", "@(@,String)", "CssValue<String>(Interpolation)", "String(Value)", "CssValue<String>(SupportsCondition)", "UserDefinedCallable<Environment>(ContentBlock)", "0&(List<Value>)", "Value(Expression)", "~(ContentBlock)", "~(List<Statement>)", "~(CssMediaQuery)", "~(MapEntry<Value,Value>)", "SourceFile()", "SourceFile?(int)", "String?(SourceFile?)", "int(_Line)", "Future<@>?()", "Object(_Line)", "Object(_Highlight)", "int(_Highlight,_Highlight)", "List<_Line>(MapEntry<Object,List<_Highlight>>)", "SourceSpanWithContext()", "String(String{color:@})", "FileSpan?(MapEntry<Module<AsyncCallable>,AstNode>)", "List<Frame>(Trace)", "int(Trace)", "List<Value>(Value)", "String(Trace)", "bool(List<Value>)", "Map<String,Value>(Module<AsyncCallable>)", "Frame(String,String)", "Map<String,AstNode>(Module<AsyncCallable>)", "Null(@,StackTrace)", "SassMap(Value)", "Frame(Frame)", "Future<~>?()", "String(Argument0)", "SassMap(SassMap)", "SassArgumentList0(Object,Object,Object[String?])", "ImmutableMap(SassArgumentList0)", "Null(Function,Function)", "Set<ModifiableCssValue<SelectorList>>()", "Value0?(Module0<AsyncCallable0>)", "Module0<AsyncCallable0>?(Module0<AsyncCallable0>)", "String(String?)", "_Future<@>(@)", "FileSpan?(MapEntry<Module0<AsyncCallable0>,AstNode0>)", "Map<String,Value0>(Module0<AsyncCallable0>)", "Map<String,AstNode0>(Module0<AsyncCallable0>)", "SassNumber(Value)", "Value(Object)", "Future<List<CssMediaQuery0>>(Interpolation0)", "Future<String>(SupportsCondition0)", "Future<Stylesheet?>()", "bool(Tuple3<AsyncImporter,Uri,Uri>)", "SassString(SimpleSelector)", "Uri(Tuple3<AsyncImporter,Uri,Uri>)", "bool(String?,String?)", "Future<~>(List<Value0>)", "int(String?)", "bool(Tuple3<Importer,Uri,Uri>)", "Future<EvaluateResult0>()", "Uri(Tuple3<Importer,Uri,Uri>)", "Null(@,@)", "Module0<AsyncCallable0>(Module0<AsyncCallable0>)", "String(MapEntry<String,ConfiguredValue>)", "String(Argument)", "Value?(Module<Callable>)", "Future<CssValue0<Value0>>(Expression0)", "Module<Callable>?(Module<Callable>)", "Expression(Expression)", "Future<Value0?>(Value0)", "~(int,@)", "FileSpan?(MapEntry<Module<Callable>,AstNode>)", "Future<CssValue0<String>>(Interpolation0)", "Map<String,Value>(Module<Callable>)", "Map<String,AstNode>(Module<Callable>)", "String(Tuple2<Expression,Expression>)", "~(Symbol0,@)", "ArgParser()", "Future<CssValue0<String>>(SupportsCondition0)", "UserDefinedCallable0<AsyncEnvironment0>(ContentBlock0)", "String(int,IfClause)", "String(BuiltInCallable)", "Future<~>(String)", "List<WatchEvent>(List<WatchEvent>)", "CompoundSelector()", "Statement({root:bool})", "Future<Value0>(Expression0)", "~(String,int)", "Expression({bracketList:bool,singleEquals:bool,until:bool()?})", "Stylesheet()", "Statement?()", "VariableDeclaration(VariableDeclaration)", "ArgumentDeclaration()", "bool(Extension)", "Future<Stylesheet0?>()", "bool(Tuple3<AsyncImporter0,Uri,Uri>)", "Uri(Tuple3<AsyncImporter0,Uri,Uri>)", "UseRule()", "0&(Object[Object?])", "~(String[@])", "Expression0(Expression0)", "int(int,int)", "StyleRule(List<Statement>,FileSpan)", "@(String)", "EachRule(List<Statement>,FileSpan)", "FunctionRule(List<Statement>,FileSpan)", "0&(List<Value0>)", "ForRule(List<Statement>,FileSpan)", "Null(_NodeSassColor,num?[num?,num?,num?,SassColor0?])", "ContentBlock(List<Statement>,FileSpan)", "num(_NodeSassColor)", "MediaRule(List<Statement>,FileSpan)", "SassColor0(Object,_Channels)", "SassColor0(SassColor0,_Channels)", "MixinRule(List<Statement>,FileSpan)", "~(SimpleSelector,Map<ComplexSelector,Extension>)", "~(ComplexSelector,Extension)", "WhileRule(List<Statement>,FileSpan)", "AsyncImporter0(NodeImporter0)", "0&(@)", "~(Expression)", "~(BinaryOperator)", "String(MapEntry<String,ConfiguredValue0>)", "String(BuiltInCallable0)", "Null(Map<SimpleSelector,Map<ComplexSelector,Extension>>)", "StringExpression(Interpolation)", "Value0?(Module0<Callable0>)", "Module0<Callable0>?(Module0<Callable0>)", "DateTime(StylesheetNode)", "~(Uri,StylesheetNode?)", "FileSpan?(MapEntry<Module0<Callable0>,AstNode0>)", "Map<String,Value0>(Module0<Callable0>)", "Map<String,AstNode0>(Module0<Callable0>)", "Map<SimpleSelector,Map<ComplexSelector,Extension>>?(List<Extension>)", "~(Set<ModifiableCssValue<SelectorList>>)", "List<CssMediaQuery0>(Interpolation0)", "String(SupportsCondition0)", "List<ComplexSelector>(ComplexSelectorComponent)", "~(List<Value0>)", "SassScriptException()", "Object(Value0)", "Module0<Callable0>(Module0<Callable0>)", "CssValue0<Value0>(Expression0)", "Iterable<ComplexSelector>(List<ComplexSelector>)", "SingleUnitSassNumber(num)", "CssValue0<String>(Interpolation0)", "Future<List<CssMediaQuery>>(Interpolation)", "CssValue0<String>(SupportsCondition0)", "UserDefinedCallable0<Environment0>(ContentBlock0)", "Value0(Expression0)", "Future<String>(SupportsCondition)", "FileSpan(_NodeException)", "bool(Extension0)", "Set<ModifiableCssValue0<SelectorList0>>()", "List<ComplexSelectorComponent>(ComplexSelector)", "ComplexSelector(Extender)", "~(SimpleSelector0,Map<ComplexSelector0,Extension0>)", "~(ComplexSelector0,Extension0)", "Null(Map<SimpleSelector0,Map<ComplexSelector0,Extension0>>)", "Map<SimpleSelector0,Map<ComplexSelector0,Extension0>>?(List<Extension0>)", "~(Set<ModifiableCssValue0<SelectorList0>>)", "List<ComplexSelector0>(ComplexSelectorComponent0)", "Iterable<ComplexSelector0>(List<ComplexSelector0>)", "List<ComplexSelectorComponent0>(ComplexSelector0)", "List<ComplexSelector>?(List<Extender>)", "Future<~>(List<Value>)", "ComplexSelector0(Extender0)", "List<ComplexSelector0>?(List<Extender0>)", "List<SimpleSelector0>(Extender0)", "List<ComplexSelector0>(List<ComplexSelector0>)", "List<Extender0>?(SimpleSelector0)", "List<Extender0>(PseudoSelector0)", "List<List<Extender0>>(List<Extender0>)", "List<ComplexSelector0>(ComplexSelector0)", "PseudoSelector0(ComplexSelector0)", "~(SimpleSelector0,Set<ModifiableCssValue0<SelectorList0>>)", "SassFunction0(Object,String,Value0(List<Value0>))", "List<SimpleSelector>(Extender)", "List<ComplexSelectorComponent0>?(List<ComplexSelectorComponent0>,List<ComplexSelectorComponent0>)", "bool(Queue<List<ComplexSelectorComponent0>>)", "Future<EvaluateResult>()", "bool(List<Iterable<ComplexSelectorComponent0>>)", "List<ComplexSelectorComponent0>(List<Iterable<ComplexSelectorComponent0>>)", "Iterable<ComplexSelectorComponent0>(Iterable<ComplexSelectorComponent0>)", "List<ComplexSelector>(List<ComplexSelector>)", "bool(PseudoSelector0)", "SelectorList0?(PseudoSelector0)", "String(int,IfClause0)", "Module<AsyncCallable>(Module<AsyncCallable>)", "List<Extender>?(SimpleSelector)", "~(Object?,Object,Object?)", "Tuple2<String,String>(String)", "List<Extender>(PseudoSelector)", "Stylesheet0?()", "bool(Tuple3<Importer0,Uri,Uri>)", "Uri(Tuple3<Importer0,Uri,Uri>)", "Null(RenderResult)", "JSFunction0(JSFunction0)", "Object?(Object,String,String[Object?])", "Null(Object)", "List<List<Extender>>(List<Extender>)", "List<Value0>(Value0)", "bool(List<Value0>)", "SassList0(ComplexSelector0)", "SassString0(ComplexSelectorComponent0)", "Future<CssValue<Value>>(Expression)", "List<ComplexSelector>(ComplexSelector)", "SimpleSelector0(SimpleSelector0)", "Null(_NodeSassList,int?[bool?,SassList0?])", "PseudoSelector(ComplexSelector)", "Object(_NodeSassList,int)", "Null(_NodeSassList,int,Object)", "bool(_NodeSassList)", "Null(_NodeSassList,bool)", "int(_NodeSassList)", "SassList0(Object[Object?,_ConstructorOptions?])", "Future<Value?>(Value)", "String(Tuple2<Expression0,Expression0>)", "SassMap0(Value0)", "SassMap0(SassMap0)", "Null(_NodeSassMap,int?[SassMap0?])", "SassNumber0(int)", "~(SimpleSelector,Set<ModifiableCssValue<SelectorList>>)", "int(_NodeSassMap)", "Future<CssValue<String>>(Interpolation)", "SassMap0(Object[ImmutableMap?])", "ImmutableMap(SassMap0)", "@(SassMap0,Object)", "SassNumber0(Value0)", "Value0(Object)", "~(String,WarnOptions)", "~(String,DebugOptions)", "Null(_NodeSassNumber,num?[String?,SassNumber0?])", "num(_NodeSassNumber)", "Null(_NodeSassNumber,num)", "String(_NodeSassNumber)", "Null(_NodeSassNumber,String)", "SassNumber0(Object,num[Object?])", "num(SassNumber0)", "Uint8List(@,@)", "int?(SassNumber0)", "List<ComplexSelectorComponent>?(List<ComplexSelectorComponent>,List<ComplexSelectorComponent>)", "int(SassNumber0[String?])", "num(SassNumber0,num,num[String?])", "~(SassNumber0[String?])", "~(SassNumber0,String[String?])", "bool(Queue<List<ComplexSelectorComponent>>)", "SassList(ComplexSelector)", "Future<CssValue<String>>(SupportsCondition)", "UserDefinedCallable<AsyncEnvironment>(ContentBlock)", "SassString(ComplexSelectorComponent)", "SassScriptException0()", "String(Object,@,@)", "bool(List<Iterable<ComplexSelectorComponent>>)", "~(String,StackTrace?)", "List<ComplexSelectorComponent>(List<Iterable<ComplexSelectorComponent>>)", "Iterable<ComplexSelectorComponent>(Iterable<ComplexSelectorComponent>)", "SassString0(SimpleSelector0)", "CompoundSelector0()", "~(CssMediaQuery0)", "~(MapEntry<Value0,Value0>)", "SingleUnitSassNumber0(num)", "Future<@>()", "JSUrl0?(FileSpan)", "Future<Value>(Expression)", "bool(PseudoSelector)", "Null(_NodeSassString,String?[SassString0?])", "String(_NodeSassString)", "Null(_NodeSassString,String)", "SassString0(Object[Object?,_ConstructorOptions1?])", "String(SassString0)", "bool(SassString0)", "int(SassString0)", "int(SassString0,Value0[String?])", "Statement0({root:bool})", "SelectorList?(PseudoSelector)", "Stylesheet0()", "Statement0?()", "VariableDeclaration0(VariableDeclaration0)", "ArgumentDeclaration0()", "Tuple2<String,ArgumentDeclaration0>()", "VariableDeclaration0()", "Object?(Object?)", "StyleRule0(List<Statement0>,FileSpan)", "~([Future<~>?])", "EachRule0(List<Statement0>,FileSpan)", "FunctionRule0(List<Statement0>,FileSpan)", "ForRule0(List<Statement0>,FileSpan)", "ContentBlock0(List<Statement0>,FileSpan)", "MediaRule0(List<Statement0>,FileSpan)", "MixinRule0(List<Statement0>,FileSpan)", "SimpleSelector(SimpleSelector)", "SupportsRule0(List<Statement0>,FileSpan)", "WhileRule0(List<Statement0>,FileSpan)", "~(Expression0)", "~(BinaryOperator0)", "StringExpression0(Interpolation0)", "Null(~(Object?),~(Object?))", "ImmutableList(Value0)", "String?(Value0)", "int(Value0,Value0[String?])", "SassBoolean0(Value0[String?])", "SassColor0(Value0[String?])", "SassFunction0(Value0[String?])", "SassMap0(Value0[String?])", "SassNumber0(Value0[String?])", "SassString0(Value0[String?])", "SassMap0?(Value0)", "bool(Value0,Object?)", "int(Value0[Object?])", "~(String,Option)", "Value?(Module<AsyncCallable>)", "~(Zone?,ZoneDelegate?,Zone,Object,StackTrace)", "0^(Zone?,ZoneDelegate?,Zone,0^())<Object?>", "0^(Zone?,ZoneDelegate?,Zone,0^(1^),1^)<Object?Object?>", "0^(Zone?,ZoneDelegate?,Zone,0^(1^,2^),1^,2^)<Object?Object?Object?>", "0^()(Zone,ZoneDelegate,Zone,0^())<Object?>", "0^(1^)(Zone,ZoneDelegate,Zone,0^(1^))<Object?Object?>", "0^(1^,2^)(Zone,ZoneDelegate,Zone,0^(1^,2^))<Object?Object?Object?>", "AsyncError?(Zone,ZoneDelegate,Zone,Object,StackTrace?)", "~(Zone?,ZoneDelegate?,Zone,~())", "Timer(Zone,ZoneDelegate,Zone,Duration,~())", "Timer(Zone,ZoneDelegate,Zone,Duration,~(Timer))", "~(Zone,ZoneDelegate,Zone,String)", "Zone(Zone?,ZoneDelegate?,Zone,ZoneSpecification?,Map<Object?,Object?>?)", "List<CssMediaQuery>(Interpolation)", "String(SupportsCondition)", "0^(0^,0^)<num>", "~(@,StackTrace)", "~(Object,StackTrace,EventSink<0^>)<Object?>", "List<0^>(0^,List<0^>?)<Object?>", "NodeCompileResult(String[CompileOptions?])", "NodeCompileResult(String[CompileStringOptions?])", "Promise(String[CompileOptions?])", "Promise(String[CompileStringOptions?])", "Importer0(Object?)", "List<Object?>(Object?)", "~(RenderOptions,~(Object?,RenderResult?))", "RenderResult(RenderOptions)", "Future<~>(List<String>)", "Uri(JSUrl0)", "JSUrl0(Uri)", "String(String[String?,String?,String?,String?,String?,String?])", "~(List<Value>)", 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97352 interceptorsByTag: null,
97353 leafTags: null,
97354 arrayRti: Symbol("$ti")
97355 };
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97357 A._Universe_addErasedTypes(init.typeUniverse, JSON.parse('{"ArrayIterator":1,"ListIterator":1,"MappedIterator":2,"WhereIterator":1,"ExpandIterator":2,"TakeIterator":1,"SkipIterator":1,"SkipWhileIterator":1,"EmptyIterator":1,"FollowedByIterator":1,"FixedLengthListMixin":1,"UnmodifiableListMixin":1,"UnmodifiableListBase":1,"__CastListBase__CastIterableBase_ListMixin":2,"LinkedHashMapKeyIterator":1,"NativeTypedArray":1,"EventSink":1,"_SyncStarIterator":1,"StreamTransformerBase":2,"_SyncStreamControllerDispatch":1,"_AsyncStreamControllerDispatch":1,"_AddStreamState":1,"_StreamControllerAddStreamState":1,"_DelayedEvent":1,"_DelayedData":1,"_PendingEvents":1,"_StreamImplEvents":1,"_StreamIterator":1,"_ZoneFunction":1,"Queue":1,"_HashMapKeyIterator":1,"_LinkedHashSetIterator":1,"IterableBase":1,"ListBase":1,"MapBase":2,"UnmodifiableMapBase":2,"_MapBaseValueIterator":2,"_UnmodifiableMapMixin":2,"MapView":2,"_ListQueueIterator":1,"_UnmodifiableSetMixin":1,"_ListBase_Object_ListMixin":1,"_UnmodifiableMapView_MapView__UnmodifiableMapMixin":2,"__SetBase_Object_SetMixin":1,"__UnmodifiableSet__SetBase__UnmodifiableSetMixin":1,"ChunkedConversionSink":1,"_StringSinkConversionSink":1,"Expando":1,"Iterator":1,"_EventRequest":1,"_EmptyUnmodifiableSet_IterableBase_UnmodifiableSetMixin":1,"DefaultEquality":1,"IterableEquality":1,"ListEquality":1,"MapEquality":2,"_QueueList_Object_ListMixin":1,"UnmodifiableSetMixin":1,"_UnmodifiableSetView_DelegatingSet_UnmodifiableSetMixin":1,"_DelegatingIterableBase":1,"_MapKeySet__DelegatingIterableBase_UnmodifiableSetMixin":1,"ParentStatement":1,"ParentStatement0":1}'));
97358 var string$ = {
97359 x0a_BUG_: "\n\nBUG: This should include a source span!",
97360 x0a_More: "\n\nMore info and automated migrator: https://sass-lang.com/d/slash-div",
97361 x0aRun_i: "\nRun in verbose mode to see all warnings.",
97362 x0aYou_m: "\nYou may not @extend the same selector from within different media queries.",
97363 x20in_in: " in interpolation here.\nIt may end up represented as ",
97364 x20is_as: " is asynchronous.\nThis is probably caused by a bug in a Sass plugin.",
97365 x20is_av: " is available from multiple global modules.",
97366 x20is_no: " is not a valid selector: it must be a string,\na list of strings, or a list of lists of strings.",
97367 x20must_: " must not be greater than the number of characters in the file, ",
97368 x20repet: " repetitive deprecation warnings omitted.",
97369 x20to_co: " to color.opacity() is deprecated.\n\nRecommendation: ",
97370 x20was_a: ' was already loaded, so it can\'t be configured using "with".',
97371 x20was_n: " was not declared with !default in the @used module.",
97372 x20was_p: " was passed both by position and by name.",
97373 x21globa: "!global isn't allowed for variables in other modules.",
97374 x22x20is_n: '" is not a valid Sass identifier.\n\nRecommendation: add an "as" clause to define an explicit namespace.',
97375 x22x26__ma: '"&" may only used at the beginning of a compound selector.',
97376 x22x29__If: "\").\nIf you really want to use the color value here, use '",
97377 x22x2b__an: '"+" and "-" must be surrounded by whitespace in calculations.',
97378 x22packa: '"package:" URLs aren\'t supported on this platform.',
97379 x24css_a: "$css and $module may not both be passed at once.",
97380 x24list1: "$list1, $list2, $separator: auto, $bracketed: auto",
97381 x24selec: "$selectors: At least one selector must be passed.",
97382 x24separ: '$separator: Must be "space", "comma", "slash", or "auto".',
97383 x28__isn: "() isn't in the sass:color module.\n\nRecommendation: color.adjust(",
97384 x29x0a_Morx20: ")\n\nMore info and automated migrator: https://sass-lang.com/d/slash-div",
97385 x29x0a_Morx3a: ")\n\nMore info: https://sass-lang.com/documentation/functions/color#",
97386 x29x20is_d: ") is deprecated.\n\nTo preserve current behavior: $",
97387 x29x20to_cg: ") to color.grayscale() is deprecated.\n\nRecommendation: ",
97388 x29x20to_ci: ") to color.invert() is deprecated.\n\nRecommendation: ",
97389 x2c_whici: ", which is currently (incorrectly) converted to ",
97390 x2c_whicw: ', which will likely produce invalid CSS.\nAlways quote color names when using them as strings or map keys (for example, "',
97391 x2e_Rela: ".\nRelative canonical URLs are deprecated and will eventually be disallowed.\n",
97392 x3d_____: "===== asynchronous gap ===========================\n",
97393 x40_moz_: "@-moz-document is deprecated and support will be removed in Dart Sass 2.0.0.\n\nFor details, see http://bit.ly/MozDocument.",
97394 x40conte: "@content is only allowed within mixin declarations.",
97395 x40elsei: "@elseif is deprecated and will not be supported in future Sass versions.\n\nRecommendation: @else if",
97396 x40exten: "@extend may only be used within style rules.",
97397 x40forwa: "@forward rules must be written before any other rules.",
97398 x40funct: "@function if($condition, $if-true, $if-false) {",
97399 x40use_r: "@use rules must be written before any other rules.",
97400 A_list: "A list with more than one element must have an explicit separator.",
97401 ABCDEF: "ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz0123456789+/",
97402 An_impa: "An importer may not have a findFileUrl method as well as canonicalize and load methods.",
97403 An_impu: "An importer must have either canonicalize and load methods, or a findFileUrl method.",
97404 As_of_R: "As of Dart Sass 2.0.0, !global assignments won't be able to declare new variables.\n\nRecommendation: add `",
97405 As_of_S: "As of Dart Sass 2.0.0, !global assignments won't be able to declare new variables.\n\nSince this assignment is at the root of the stylesheet, the !global flag is\nunnecessary and can safely be removed.",
97406 At_rul: "At-rules may not be used within nested declarations.",
97407 Cannotff: "Cannot extract a file path from a URI with a fragment component",
97408 Cannotfq: "Cannot extract a file path from a URI with a query component",
97409 Cannotn: "Cannot extract a non-Windows file path from a file URI with an authority",
97410 Comple: "ComplexSassNumber.hasPossiblyCompatibleUnits is not implemented.",
97411 Could_: 'Could not find an option with short name "-',
97412 CssNod: "CssNodes must have a CssStylesheet transitive parent node.",
97413 Declarm: "Declarations may only be used within style rules.",
97414 Declarwa: 'Declarations whose names begin with "--" may not be nested.',
97415 Declarwu: 'Declarations whose names begin with "--" must have StringExpression values (was `',
97416 Either: "Either options.data or options.file must be set.",
97417 Entrie: "Entries may not be removed from MergedMapView.",
97418 Error_: "Error handler must accept one Object or one Object and a StackTrace as arguments, and return a value of the returned future's type",
97419 Evalua: "Evaluation handles @include and its content block together.",
97420 Expand: "Expandos are not allowed on strings, numbers, booleans or null",
97421 Expectn: "Expected number, variable, function, or calculation.",
97422 Expectv: "Expected variable, mixin, or function name",
97423 Functi: "Functions may not be declared in control directives.",
97424 HSL_pa: "HSL parameters may not be passed along with HWB parameters.",
97425 If_par: "If parsedAsCustomProperty is true, value must contain a SassString (was `",
97426 In_Sas: 'In Sass, "&&" means two copies of the parent selector. You probably want to use "and" instead.',
97427 Indent: "Indenting at the beginning of the document is illegal.",
97428 Interpn: "Interpolation isn't allowed in namespaces.",
97429 Interpp: "Interpolation isn't allowed in plain CSS.",
97430 Invali: 'Invalid return value for custom function "',
97431 It_s_n: "It's not clear which file to import. Found:\n",
97432 May_on: "May only contains Strings or Expressions.",
97433 Media_: "Media rules may not be used within nested declarations.",
97434 Mixinsb: "Mixins may not be declared in control directives.",
97435 Mixinscf: "Mixins may not contain function declarations.",
97436 Mixinscm: "Mixins may not contain mixin declarations.",
97437 Modulel: "Module loop: this module is already being loaded.",
97438 Modulen: "Module namespaces aren't allowed in plain CSS.",
97439 Nested: "Nested declarations aren't allowed in plain CSS.",
97440 New_en: "New entries may not be added to MergedMapView.",
97441 No_Sasc: "No Sass callable is currently being evaluated.",
97442 No_Sass: "No Sass stylesheet is currently being evaluated.",
97443 NoSour: "NoSourceMapBuffer.buildSourceMap() is not supported.",
97444 Only_2: "Only 2 slash-separated elements allowed, but ",
97445 Only_oa: "Only one argument may be passed to the plain-CSS invert() function.",
97446 Only_op: "Only one positional argument is allowed. All other arguments must be passed by name.",
97447 Other_: "Other modules' members can't be defined with !global.",
97448 Passin: "Passing a string to call() is deprecated and will be illegal in Dart Sass 2.0.0.\n\nRecommendation: call(get-function(",
97449 Placeh: "Placeholder selectors aren't allowed here.",
97450 Plain_: "Plain CSS functions don't support keyword arguments.",
97451 Positi: "Positional arguments must come before keyword arguments.",
97452 Privat: "Private members can't be accessed from outside their modules.",
97453 RGB_pa: "RGB parameters may not be passed along with ",
97454 Sass_v: "Sass variables aren't allowed in plain CSS.",
97455 Silent: "Silent comments aren't allowed in plain CSS.",
97456 Soon__: "Soon, it will instead be correctly converted to ",
97457 Style_: "Style rules may not be used within nested declarations.",
97458 Suppor: "Supports rules may not be used within nested declarations.",
97459 The_Ex: "The ExtensionStore and CssStylesheet passed to cloneCssStylesheet() must come from the same compilation.",
97460 The_ca: "The canonicalize() method must return a URL.",
97461 The_fie: "The findFileUrl() method must return a URL.",
97462 The_fiu: 'The findFileUrl() must return a URL with scheme file://, was "',
97463 The_gi: "The given LineScannerState was not returned by this LineScanner.",
97464 The_lo: "The load() function must return an object with contents and syntax fields.",
97465 The_pa: "The parent selector isn't allowed in plain CSS.",
97466 The_sa: "The same variable may only be configured once.",
97467 The_ta: 'The target selector was not found.\nUse "@extend ',
97468 There_: "There's already a module with namespace \"",
97469 This_d: 'This declaration has no argument named "$',
97470 This_f: "This function isn't allowed in plain CSS.",
97471 This_ma: 'This module and the new module both define a variable named "$',
97472 This_mw: 'This module was already loaded, so it can\'t be configured using "with".',
97473 This_s: "This selector doesn't have any properties and won't be rendered.",
97474 This_v: "This variable was not declared with !default in the @used module.",
97475 Top_le: 'Top-level selectors may not contain the parent selector "&".',
97476 Using__i: "Using / for division is deprecated and will be removed in Dart Sass 2.0.0.\n\nRecommendation: ",
97477 Using__o: "Using / for division outside of calc() is deprecated and will be removed in Dart Sass 2.0.0.\n\nRecommendation: ",
97478 Using_c: "Using color.alpha() for a Microsoft filter is deprecated.\n\nRecommendation: ",
97479 Variab_: "Variable keyword argument map must have string keys.\n",
97480 Variabs: "Variable keyword arguments must be a map (was ",
97481 You_ma: "You may not @extend selectors across media queries.",
97482 You_pr: "You probably don't mean to use the color value ",
97483 x60_inst: "` instead.\nSee http://bit.ly/ExtendCompound for details.\n",
97484 addExt_: "addExtension() can't be called for a const ExtensionStore.",
97485 addExts: "addExtensions() can't be called for a const ExtensionStore.",
97486 addSel: "addSelector() can't be called for a const ExtensionStore.",
97487 compou: "compound selectors may no longer be extended.\nConsider `@extend ",
97488 conten: "content-exists() may only be called within a mixin.",
97489 math_d: "math.div() will only support number arguments in a future release.\nUse list.slash() instead for a slash separator.",
97490 must_b: "must be a UniversalSelector or a TypeSelector",
97491 parsed: 'parsedAsCustomProperty must be false if name doesn\'t begin with "--".',
97492 semico: "semicolons aren't allowed in the indented syntax.",
97493 throug: "through() must return false for at least one parent of "
97494 };
97495 var type$ = (function rtii() {
97496 var findType = A.findType;
97497 return {
97498 $env_1_1_String: findType("@<String>"),
97499 ArgParser: findType("ArgParser"),
97500 Argument: findType("Argument"),
97501 ArgumentDeclaration: findType("ArgumentDeclaration"),
97502 ArgumentDeclaration_2: findType("ArgumentDeclaration0"),
97503 Argument_2: findType("Argument0"),
97504 AstNode: findType("AstNode"),
97505 AstNode_2: findType("AstNode0"),
97506 AsyncBuiltInCallable: findType("AsyncBuiltInCallable"),
97507 AsyncBuiltInCallable_2: findType("AsyncBuiltInCallable0"),
97508 AsyncCallable: findType("AsyncCallable"),
97509 AsyncCallable_2: findType("AsyncCallable0"),
97510 AsyncImporter: findType("AsyncImporter0"),
97511 BuiltInCallable: findType("BuiltInCallable"),
97512 BuiltInCallable_2: findType("BuiltInCallable0"),
97513 BuiltInModule_AsyncBuiltInCallable: findType("BuiltInModule<AsyncBuiltInCallable>"),
97514 BuiltInModule_AsyncBuiltInCallable_2: findType("BuiltInModule0<AsyncBuiltInCallable0>"),
97515 BuiltInModule_BuiltInCallable: findType("BuiltInModule<BuiltInCallable>"),
97516 BuiltInModule_BuiltInCallable_2: findType("BuiltInModule0<BuiltInCallable0>"),
97517 Callable: findType("Callable"),
97518 Callable_2: findType("Callable0"),
97519 ChangeType: findType("ChangeType"),
97520 Combinator: findType("Combinator"),
97521 Combinator_2: findType("Combinator0"),
97522 Comparable_dynamic: findType("Comparable<@>"),
97523 Comparable_nullable_Object: findType("Comparable<Object?>"),
97524 CompileResult: findType("CompileResult"),
97525 CompileResult_2: findType("CompileResult0"),
97526 ComplexSelector: findType("ComplexSelector"),
97527 ComplexSelectorComponent: findType("ComplexSelectorComponent"),
97528 ComplexSelectorComponent_2: findType("ComplexSelectorComponent0"),
97529 ComplexSelector_2: findType("ComplexSelector0"),
97530 CompoundSelector: findType("CompoundSelector"),
97531 CompoundSelector_2: findType("CompoundSelector0"),
97532 Configuration: findType("Configuration"),
97533 Configuration_2: findType("Configuration0"),
97534 ConfiguredValue: findType("ConfiguredValue"),
97535 ConfiguredValue_2: findType("ConfiguredValue0"),
97536 ConfiguredVariable: findType("ConfiguredVariable"),
97537 ConfiguredVariable_2: findType("ConfiguredVariable0"),
97538 ConstantMapView_Symbol_dynamic: findType("ConstantMapView<Symbol0,@>"),
97539 ConstantStringMap_String_Null: findType("ConstantStringMap<String,Null>"),
97540 ConstantStringMap_String_num: findType("ConstantStringMap<String,num>"),
97541 CssAtRule: findType("CssAtRule"),
97542 CssAtRule_2: findType("CssAtRule0"),
97543 CssComment: findType("CssComment"),
97544 CssComment_2: findType("CssComment0"),
97545 CssImport: findType("CssImport"),
97546 CssImport_2: findType("CssImport0"),
97547 CssMediaQuery: findType("CssMediaQuery"),
97548 CssMediaQuery_2: findType("CssMediaQuery0"),
97549 CssMediaRule: findType("CssMediaRule"),
97550 CssMediaRule_2: findType("CssMediaRule0"),
97551 CssParentNode: findType("CssParentNode"),
97552 CssParentNode_2: findType("CssParentNode0"),
97553 CssStyleRule: findType("CssStyleRule"),
97554 CssStyleRule_2: findType("CssStyleRule0"),
97555 CssStylesheet: findType("CssStylesheet"),
97556 CssStylesheet_2: findType("CssStylesheet0"),
97557 CssSupportsRule: findType("CssSupportsRule"),
97558 CssSupportsRule_2: findType("CssSupportsRule0"),
97559 CssValue_List_String: findType("CssValue<List<String>>"),
97560 CssValue_List_String_2: findType("CssValue0<List<String>>"),
97561 CssValue_SelectorList: findType("CssValue<SelectorList>"),
97562 CssValue_SelectorList_2: findType("CssValue0<SelectorList0>"),
97563 CssValue_String: findType("CssValue<String>"),
97564 CssValue_String_2: findType("CssValue0<String>"),
97565 CssValue_Value: findType("CssValue<Value>"),
97566 CssValue_Value_2: findType("CssValue0<Value0>"),
97567 DateTime: findType("DateTime"),
97568 EfficientLengthIterable_dynamic: findType("EfficientLengthIterable<@>"),
97569 Error: findType("Error"),
97570 EvaluateResult: findType("EvaluateResult"),
97571 EvaluateResult_2: findType("EvaluateResult0"),
97572 EvaluationContext: findType("EvaluationContext"),
97573 EvaluationContext_2: findType("EvaluationContext0"),
97574 Exception: findType("Exception"),
97575 Expression: findType("Expression"),
97576 Expression_2: findType("Expression0"),
97577 Extender: findType("Extender"),
97578 Extender_2: findType("Extender0"),
97579 Extension: findType("Extension"),
97580 Extension_2: findType("Extension0"),
97581 FileSpan: findType("FileSpan"),
97582 FormatException: findType("FormatException"),
97583 Frame: findType("Frame"),
97584 Function: findType("Function"),
97585 FutureOr_EvaluateResult: findType("EvaluateResult/"),
97586 FutureOr_EvaluateResult_2: findType("EvaluateResult0/"),
97587 FutureOr_nullable_Uri: findType("Uri?/"),
97588 Future_dynamic: findType("Future<@>"),
97589 Future_void: findType("Future<~>"),
97590 IfClause: findType("IfClause"),
97591 IfClause_2: findType("IfClause0"),
97592 ImmutableList: findType("ImmutableList"),
97593 ImmutableMap: findType("ImmutableMap"),
97594 Import: findType("Import"),
97595 Import_2: findType("Import0"),
97596 Importer: findType("Importer0"),
97597 ImporterResult: findType("ImporterResult"),
97598 ImporterResult_2: findType("ImporterResult0"),
97599 InternalStyle: findType("InternalStyle"),
97600 Interpolation: findType("Interpolation"),
97601 InterpolationBuffer: findType("InterpolationBuffer"),
97602 InterpolationBuffer_2: findType("InterpolationBuffer0"),
97603 Interpolation_2: findType("Interpolation0"),
97604 Iterable_ComplexSelectorComponent: findType("Iterable<ComplexSelectorComponent>"),
97605 Iterable_ComplexSelectorComponent_2: findType("Iterable<ComplexSelectorComponent0>"),
97606 Iterable_dynamic: findType("Iterable<@>"),
97607 JSArray_Argument: findType("JSArray<Argument>"),
97608 JSArray_Argument_2: findType("JSArray<Argument0>"),
97609 JSArray_AstNode: findType("JSArray<AstNode>"),
97610 JSArray_AstNode_2: findType("JSArray<AstNode0>"),
97611 JSArray_AsyncBuiltInCallable: findType("JSArray<AsyncBuiltInCallable>"),
97612 JSArray_AsyncBuiltInCallable_2: findType("JSArray<AsyncBuiltInCallable0>"),
97613 JSArray_AsyncCallable: findType("JSArray<AsyncCallable>"),
97614 JSArray_AsyncCallable_2: findType("JSArray<AsyncCallable0>"),
97615 JSArray_AsyncImporter: findType("JSArray<AsyncImporter0>"),
97616 JSArray_AsyncImporter_2: findType("JSArray<AsyncImporter>"),
97617 JSArray_BinaryOperator: findType("JSArray<BinaryOperator>"),
97618 JSArray_BinaryOperator_2: findType("JSArray<BinaryOperator0>"),
97619 JSArray_BuiltInCallable: findType("JSArray<BuiltInCallable>"),
97620 JSArray_BuiltInCallable_2: findType("JSArray<BuiltInCallable0>"),
97621 JSArray_Callable: findType("JSArray<Callable>"),
97622 JSArray_Callable_2: findType("JSArray<Callable0>"),
97623 JSArray_Combinator: findType("JSArray<Combinator>"),
97624 JSArray_Combinator_2: findType("JSArray<Combinator0>"),
97625 JSArray_ComplexSelector: findType("JSArray<ComplexSelector>"),
97626 JSArray_ComplexSelectorComponent: findType("JSArray<ComplexSelectorComponent>"),
97627 JSArray_ComplexSelectorComponent_2: findType("JSArray<ComplexSelectorComponent0>"),
97628 JSArray_ComplexSelector_2: findType("JSArray<ComplexSelector0>"),
97629 JSArray_ConfiguredVariable: findType("JSArray<ConfiguredVariable>"),
97630 JSArray_ConfiguredVariable_2: findType("JSArray<ConfiguredVariable0>"),
97631 JSArray_CssMediaQuery: findType("JSArray<CssMediaQuery>"),
97632 JSArray_CssMediaQuery_2: findType("JSArray<CssMediaQuery0>"),
97633 JSArray_CssNode: findType("JSArray<CssNode>"),
97634 JSArray_CssNode_2: findType("JSArray<CssNode0>"),
97635 JSArray_Entry: findType("JSArray<Entry>"),
97636 JSArray_Expression: findType("JSArray<Expression>"),
97637 JSArray_Expression_2: findType("JSArray<Expression0>"),
97638 JSArray_Extender: findType("JSArray<Extender>"),
97639 JSArray_Extender_2: findType("JSArray<Extender0>"),
97640 JSArray_Extension: findType("JSArray<Extension>"),
97641 JSArray_ExtensionStore: findType("JSArray<ExtensionStore>"),
97642 JSArray_ExtensionStore_2: findType("JSArray<ExtensionStore0>"),
97643 JSArray_Extension_2: findType("JSArray<Extension0>"),
97644 JSArray_ForwardRule: findType("JSArray<ForwardRule>"),
97645 JSArray_ForwardRule_2: findType("JSArray<ForwardRule0>"),
97646 JSArray_Frame: findType("JSArray<Frame>"),
97647 JSArray_IfClause: findType("JSArray<IfClause>"),
97648 JSArray_IfClause_2: findType("JSArray<IfClause0>"),
97649 JSArray_Import: findType("JSArray<Import>"),
97650 JSArray_Import_2: findType("JSArray<Import0>"),
97651 JSArray_Importer: findType("JSArray<Importer0>"),
97652 JSArray_Importer_2: findType("JSArray<Importer>"),
97653 JSArray_Iterable_ComplexSelectorComponent: findType("JSArray<Iterable<ComplexSelectorComponent>>"),
97654 JSArray_Iterable_ComplexSelectorComponent_2: findType("JSArray<Iterable<ComplexSelectorComponent0>>"),
97655 JSArray_JSFunction: findType("JSArray<JSFunction0>"),
97656 JSArray_List_ComplexSelectorComponent: findType("JSArray<List<ComplexSelectorComponent>>"),
97657 JSArray_List_ComplexSelectorComponent_2: findType("JSArray<List<ComplexSelectorComponent0>>"),
97658 JSArray_List_Extender: findType("JSArray<List<Extender>>"),
97659 JSArray_List_Extender_2: findType("JSArray<List<Extender0>>"),
97660 JSArray_List_Iterable_ComplexSelectorComponent: findType("JSArray<List<Iterable<ComplexSelectorComponent>>>"),
97661 JSArray_List_Iterable_ComplexSelectorComponent_2: findType("JSArray<List<Iterable<ComplexSelectorComponent0>>>"),
97662 JSArray_Map_String_AstNode: findType("JSArray<Map<String,AstNode>>"),
97663 JSArray_Map_String_AstNode_2: findType("JSArray<Map<String,AstNode0>>"),
97664 JSArray_Map_String_AsyncCallable: findType("JSArray<Map<String,AsyncCallable>>"),
97665 JSArray_Map_String_AsyncCallable_2: findType("JSArray<Map<String,AsyncCallable0>>"),
97666 JSArray_Map_String_Callable: findType("JSArray<Map<String,Callable>>"),
97667 JSArray_Map_String_Callable_2: findType("JSArray<Map<String,Callable0>>"),
97668 JSArray_Map_String_Value: findType("JSArray<Map<String,Value>>"),
97669 JSArray_Map_String_Value_2: findType("JSArray<Map<String,Value0>>"),
97670 JSArray_ModifiableCssImport: findType("JSArray<ModifiableCssImport>"),
97671 JSArray_ModifiableCssImport_2: findType("JSArray<ModifiableCssImport0>"),
97672 JSArray_ModifiableCssNode: findType("JSArray<ModifiableCssNode>"),
97673 JSArray_ModifiableCssNode_2: findType("JSArray<ModifiableCssNode0>"),
97674 JSArray_ModifiableCssParentNode: findType("JSArray<ModifiableCssParentNode>"),
97675 JSArray_ModifiableCssParentNode_2: findType("JSArray<ModifiableCssParentNode0>"),
97676 JSArray_Module_AsyncCallable: findType("JSArray<Module<AsyncCallable>>"),
97677 JSArray_Module_AsyncCallable_2: findType("JSArray<Module0<AsyncCallable0>>"),
97678 JSArray_Module_Callable: findType("JSArray<Module<Callable>>"),
97679 JSArray_Module_Callable_2: findType("JSArray<Module0<Callable0>>"),
97680 JSArray_Object: findType("JSArray<Object>"),
97681 JSArray_PseudoSelector: findType("JSArray<PseudoSelector>"),
97682 JSArray_PseudoSelector_2: findType("JSArray<PseudoSelector0>"),
97683 JSArray_SassList: findType("JSArray<SassList>"),
97684 JSArray_SassList_2: findType("JSArray<SassList0>"),
97685 JSArray_SimpleSelector: findType("JSArray<SimpleSelector>"),
97686 JSArray_SimpleSelector_2: findType("JSArray<SimpleSelector0>"),
97687 JSArray_Statement: findType("JSArray<Statement>"),
97688 JSArray_Statement_2: findType("JSArray<Statement0>"),
97689 JSArray_String: findType("JSArray<String>"),
97690 JSArray_StylesheetNode: findType("JSArray<StylesheetNode>"),
97691 JSArray_TargetEntry: findType("JSArray<TargetEntry>"),
97692 JSArray_TargetLineEntry: findType("JSArray<TargetLineEntry>"),
97693 JSArray_Trace: findType("JSArray<Trace>"),
97694 JSArray_Tuple2_Expression_Expression: findType("JSArray<Tuple2<Expression,Expression>>"),
97695 JSArray_Tuple2_Expression_Expression_2: findType("JSArray<Tuple2<Expression0,Expression0>>"),
97696 JSArray_Tuple2_String_AstNode: findType("JSArray<Tuple2<String,AstNode>>"),
97697 JSArray_Tuple2_String_AstNode_2: findType("JSArray<Tuple2<String,AstNode0>>"),
97698 JSArray_Tuple2_of_ArgumentDeclaration_and_Value_Function_List_Value: findType("JSArray<Tuple2<ArgumentDeclaration,Value(List<Value>)>>"),
97699 JSArray_Tuple2_of_ArgumentDeclaration_and_Value_Function_List_Value_2: findType("JSArray<Tuple2<ArgumentDeclaration0,Value0(List<Value0>)>>"),
97700 JSArray_Tuple4_of_Uri_and_bool_and_Importer_and_nullable_Uri: findType("JSArray<Tuple4<Uri,bool,Importer,Uri?>>"),
97701 JSArray_Uri: findType("JSArray<Uri>"),
97702 JSArray_UseRule: findType("JSArray<UseRule>"),
97703 JSArray_UseRule_2: findType("JSArray<UseRule0>"),
97704 JSArray_Value: findType("JSArray<Value>"),
97705 JSArray_Value_2: findType("JSArray<Value0>"),
97706 JSArray_WatchEvent: findType("JSArray<WatchEvent>"),
97707 JSArray__Highlight: findType("JSArray<_Highlight>"),
97708 JSArray__Line: findType("JSArray<_Line>"),
97709 JSArray_bool: findType("JSArray<bool>"),
97710 JSArray_dynamic: findType("JSArray<@>"),
97711 JSArray_int: findType("JSArray<int>"),
97712 JSArray_nullable_String: findType("JSArray<String?>"),
97713 JSClass: findType("JSClass0"),
97714 JSFunction: findType("JSFunction0"),
97715 JSNull: findType("JSNull"),
97716 JSUrl: findType("JSUrl0"),
97717 JavaScriptFunction: findType("JavaScriptFunction"),
97718 JavaScriptIndexingBehavior_dynamic: findType("JavaScriptIndexingBehavior<@>"),
97719 JsLinkedHashMap_Symbol_dynamic: findType("JsLinkedHashMap<Symbol0,@>"),
97720 JsSystemError: findType("JsSystemError"),
97721 LimitedMapView_String_ConfiguredValue: findType("LimitedMapView<String,ConfiguredValue>"),
97722 LimitedMapView_String_ConfiguredValue_2: findType("LimitedMapView0<String,ConfiguredValue0>"),
97723 List_ComplexSelector: findType("List<ComplexSelector>"),
97724 List_ComplexSelectorComponent: findType("List<ComplexSelectorComponent>"),
97725 List_ComplexSelectorComponent_2: findType("List<ComplexSelectorComponent0>"),
97726 List_ComplexSelector_2: findType("List<ComplexSelector0>"),
97727 List_CssMediaQuery: findType("List<CssMediaQuery>"),
97728 List_CssMediaQuery_2: findType("List<CssMediaQuery0>"),
97729 List_Extension: findType("List<Extension>"),
97730 List_ExtensionStore: findType("List<ExtensionStore>"),
97731 List_ExtensionStore_2: findType("List<ExtensionStore0>"),
97732 List_Extension_2: findType("List<Extension0>"),
97733 List_List_ComplexSelectorComponent: findType("List<List<ComplexSelectorComponent>>"),
97734 List_List_ComplexSelectorComponent_2: findType("List<List<ComplexSelectorComponent0>>"),
97735 List_Module_AsyncCallable: findType("List<Module<AsyncCallable>>"),
97736 List_Module_AsyncCallable_2: findType("List<Module0<AsyncCallable0>>"),
97737 List_Module_Callable: findType("List<Module<Callable>>"),
97738 List_Module_Callable_2: findType("List<Module0<Callable0>>"),
97739 List_String: findType("List<String>"),
97740 List_Value: findType("List<Value>"),
97741 List_Value_2: findType("List<Value0>"),
97742 List_WatchEvent: findType("List<WatchEvent>"),
97743 List_dynamic: findType("List<@>"),
97744 List_int: findType("List<int>"),
97745 List_nullable_Object: findType("List<Object?>"),
97746 MapKeySet_Module_AsyncCallable: findType("MapKeySet<Module<AsyncCallable>>"),
97747 MapKeySet_Module_AsyncCallable_2: findType("MapKeySet<Module0<AsyncCallable0>>"),
97748 MapKeySet_Module_Callable: findType("MapKeySet<Module<Callable>>"),
97749 MapKeySet_Module_Callable_2: findType("MapKeySet<Module0<Callable0>>"),
97750 MapKeySet_SimpleSelector: findType("MapKeySet<SimpleSelector>"),
97751 MapKeySet_SimpleSelector_2: findType("MapKeySet<SimpleSelector0>"),
97752 MapKeySet_String: findType("MapKeySet<String>"),
97753 MapKeySet_nullable_Object: findType("MapKeySet<Object?>"),
97754 Map_ComplexSelector_Extension: findType("Map<ComplexSelector,Extension>"),
97755 Map_ComplexSelector_Extension_2: findType("Map<ComplexSelector0,Extension0>"),
97756 Map_String_AstNode: findType("Map<String,AstNode>"),
97757 Map_String_AstNode_2: findType("Map<String,AstNode0>"),
97758 Map_String_AsyncCallable: findType("Map<String,AsyncCallable>"),
97759 Map_String_AsyncCallable_2: findType("Map<String,AsyncCallable0>"),
97760 Map_String_Callable: findType("Map<String,Callable>"),
97761 Map_String_Callable_2: findType("Map<String,Callable0>"),
97762 Map_String_Value: findType("Map<String,Value>"),
97763 Map_String_Value_2: findType("Map<String,Value0>"),
97764 Map_String_dynamic: findType("Map<String,@>"),
97765 Map_dynamic_dynamic: findType("Map<@,@>"),
97766 MappedIterable_String_Frame: findType("MappedIterable<String,Frame>"),
97767 MappedListIterable_Frame_Frame: findType("MappedListIterable<Frame,Frame>"),
97768 MappedListIterable_String_String: findType("MappedListIterable<String,String>"),
97769 MappedListIterable_String_Trace: findType("MappedListIterable<String,Trace>"),
97770 MappedListIterable_String_dynamic: findType("MappedListIterable<String,@>"),
97771 MediaQuerySuccessfulMergeResult: findType("MediaQuerySuccessfulMergeResult"),
97772 MediaQuerySuccessfulMergeResult_2: findType("MediaQuerySuccessfulMergeResult0"),
97773 MixinRule: findType("MixinRule"),
97774 MixinRule_2: findType("MixinRule0"),
97775 ModifiableCssAtRule: findType("ModifiableCssAtRule"),
97776 ModifiableCssAtRule_2: findType("ModifiableCssAtRule0"),
97777 ModifiableCssKeyframeBlock: findType("ModifiableCssKeyframeBlock"),
97778 ModifiableCssKeyframeBlock_2: findType("ModifiableCssKeyframeBlock0"),
97779 ModifiableCssMediaRule: findType("ModifiableCssMediaRule"),
97780 ModifiableCssMediaRule_2: findType("ModifiableCssMediaRule0"),
97781 ModifiableCssNode: findType("ModifiableCssNode"),
97782 ModifiableCssNode_2: findType("ModifiableCssNode0"),
97783 ModifiableCssParentNode: findType("ModifiableCssParentNode"),
97784 ModifiableCssParentNode_2: findType("ModifiableCssParentNode0"),
97785 ModifiableCssStyleRule: findType("ModifiableCssStyleRule"),
97786 ModifiableCssStyleRule_2: findType("ModifiableCssStyleRule0"),
97787 ModifiableCssSupportsRule: findType("ModifiableCssSupportsRule"),
97788 ModifiableCssSupportsRule_2: findType("ModifiableCssSupportsRule0"),
97789 ModifiableCssValue_SelectorList: findType("ModifiableCssValue<SelectorList>"),
97790 ModifiableCssValue_SelectorList_2: findType("ModifiableCssValue0<SelectorList0>"),
97791 Module_AsyncCallable: findType("Module<AsyncCallable>"),
97792 Module_AsyncCallable_2: findType("Module0<AsyncCallable0>"),
97793 Module_Callable: findType("Module<Callable>"),
97794 Module_Callable_2: findType("Module0<Callable0>"),
97795 NativeTypedArrayOfDouble: findType("NativeTypedArrayOfDouble"),
97796 NativeTypedArrayOfInt: findType("NativeTypedArrayOfInt"),
97797 NativeUint8List: findType("NativeUint8List"),
97798 Never: findType("0&"),
97799 NodeCompileResult: findType("NodeCompileResult"),
97800 NodeImporter: findType("NodeImporter0"),
97801 NodeImporterResult: findType("NodeImporterResult0"),
97802 NodeImporterResult_2: findType("NodeImporterResult1"),
97803 Null: findType("Null"),
97804 Object: findType("Object"),
97805 Option: findType("Option"),
97806 ParentSelector: findType("ParentSelector"),
97807 ParentSelector_2: findType("ParentSelector0"),
97808 PathMap_Stream_WatchEvent: findType("PathMap<Stream<WatchEvent>>"),
97809 PathMap_String: findType("PathMap<String>"),
97810 PathMap_nullable_String: findType("PathMap<String?>"),
97811 Promise: findType("Promise"),
97812 PseudoSelector: findType("PseudoSelector"),
97813 PseudoSelector_2: findType("PseudoSelector0"),
97814 RangeError: findType("RangeError"),
97815 RegExpMatch: findType("RegExpMatch"),
97816 RenderContextOptions: findType("RenderContextOptions0"),
97817 RenderResult: findType("RenderResult"),
97818 Result_String: findType("Result<String>"),
97819 ReversedListIterable_Combinator: findType("ReversedListIterable<Combinator>"),
97820 ReversedListIterable_Combinator_2: findType("ReversedListIterable<Combinator0>"),
97821 SassArgumentList: findType("SassArgumentList"),
97822 SassArgumentList_2: findType("SassArgumentList0"),
97823 SassBoolean: findType("SassBoolean"),
97824 SassBoolean_2: findType("SassBoolean0"),
97825 SassColor: findType("SassColor"),
97826 SassColor_2: findType("SassColor0"),
97827 SassList: findType("SassList"),
97828 SassList_2: findType("SassList0"),
97829 SassMap: findType("SassMap"),
97830 SassMap_2: findType("SassMap0"),
97831 SassNumber: findType("SassNumber"),
97832 SassNumber_2: findType("SassNumber0"),
97833 SassRuntimeException: findType("SassRuntimeException"),
97834 SassRuntimeException_2: findType("SassRuntimeException0"),
97835 SassString: findType("SassString"),
97836 SassString_2: findType("SassString0"),
97837 SelectorList: findType("SelectorList"),
97838 SelectorList_2: findType("SelectorList0"),
97839 Set_ModifiableCssValue_SelectorList: findType("Set<ModifiableCssValue<SelectorList>>"),
97840 Set_ModifiableCssValue_SelectorList_2: findType("Set<ModifiableCssValue0<SelectorList0>>"),
97841 SimpleSelector: findType("SimpleSelector"),
97842 SimpleSelector_2: findType("SimpleSelector0"),
97843 SourceFile: findType("SourceFile"),
97844 SourceLocation: findType("SourceLocation"),
97845 SourceSpan: findType("SourceSpan"),
97846 SourceSpanFormatException: findType("SourceSpanFormatException"),
97847 SourceSpanWithContext: findType("SourceSpanWithContext"),
97848 StackTrace: findType("StackTrace"),
97849 Statement: findType("Statement"),
97850 Statement_2: findType("Statement0"),
97851 StaticImport: findType("StaticImport"),
97852 StaticImport_2: findType("StaticImport0"),
97853 StreamCompleter_WatchEvent: findType("StreamCompleter<WatchEvent>"),
97854 StreamGroup_WatchEvent: findType("StreamGroup<WatchEvent>"),
97855 StreamQueue_String: findType("StreamQueue<String>"),
97856 Stream_WatchEvent: findType("Stream<WatchEvent>"),
97857 String: findType("String"),
97858 StylesheetNode: findType("StylesheetNode"),
97859 Timer: findType("Timer"),
97860 Trace: findType("Trace"),
97861 Tuple2_Expression_Expression: findType("Tuple2<Expression,Expression>"),
97862 Tuple2_Expression_Expression_2: findType("Tuple2<Expression0,Expression0>"),
97863 Tuple2_ModifiableCssStylesheet_ExtensionStore: findType("Tuple2<ModifiableCssStylesheet,ExtensionStore>"),
97864 Tuple2_ModifiableCssStylesheet_ExtensionStore_2: findType("Tuple2<ModifiableCssStylesheet0,ExtensionStore0>"),
97865 Tuple2_SassNumber_SassNumber: findType("Tuple2<SassNumber,SassNumber>"),
97866 Tuple2_SassNumber_SassNumber_2: findType("Tuple2<SassNumber0,SassNumber0>"),
97867 Tuple2_String_ArgumentDeclaration: findType("Tuple2<String,ArgumentDeclaration0>"),
97868 Tuple2_String_AstNode: findType("Tuple2<String,AstNode>"),
97869 Tuple2_String_AstNode_2: findType("Tuple2<String,AstNode0>"),
97870 Tuple2_String_SourceSpan: findType("Tuple2<String,SourceSpan>"),
97871 Tuple2_String_String: findType("Tuple2<String,String>"),
97872 Tuple2_Uri_bool: findType("Tuple2<Uri,bool>"),
97873 Tuple2_of_ArgumentDeclaration_and_FutureOr_Value_Function_List_Value: findType("Tuple2<ArgumentDeclaration,Value/(List<Value>)>"),
97874 Tuple2_of_ArgumentDeclaration_and_FutureOr_Value_Function_List_Value_2: findType("Tuple2<ArgumentDeclaration0,Value0/(List<Value0>)>"),
97875 Tuple2_of_ArgumentDeclaration_and_Value_Function_List_Value: findType("Tuple2<ArgumentDeclaration,Value(List<Value>)>"),
97876 Tuple2_of_ArgumentDeclaration_and_Value_Function_List_Value_2: findType("Tuple2<ArgumentDeclaration0,Value0(List<Value0>)>"),
97877 Tuple2_of_ExtensionStore_and_Map_of_CssValue_SelectorList_and_ModifiableCssValue_SelectorList: findType("Tuple2<ExtensionStore,Map<CssValue<SelectorList>,ModifiableCssValue<SelectorList>>>"),
97878 Tuple2_of_ExtensionStore_and_Map_of_CssValue_SelectorList_and_ModifiableCssValue_SelectorList_2: findType("Tuple2<ExtensionStore0,Map<CssValue0<SelectorList0>,ModifiableCssValue0<SelectorList0>>>"),
97879 Tuple2_of_List_Expression_and_Map_String_Expression: findType("Tuple2<List<Expression>,Map<String,Expression>>"),
97880 Tuple2_of_List_Expression_and_Map_String_Expression_2: findType("Tuple2<List<Expression0>,Map<String,Expression0>>"),
97881 Tuple2_of_List_Uri_and_List_Uri: findType("Tuple2<List<Uri>,List<Uri>>"),
97882 Tuple2_of_Map_of_Uri_and_nullable_StylesheetNode_and_Map_of_Uri_and_nullable_StylesheetNode: findType("Tuple2<Map<Uri,StylesheetNode?>,Map<Uri,StylesheetNode?>>"),
97883 Tuple2_of_Set_String_and_Set_String: findType("Tuple2<Set<String>,Set<String>>"),
97884 Tuple2_of_nullable_SupportsCondition_and_nullable_Interpolation: findType("Tuple2<SupportsCondition?,Interpolation?>"),
97885 Tuple2_of_nullable_SupportsCondition_and_nullable_Interpolation_2: findType("Tuple2<SupportsCondition0?,Interpolation0?>"),
97886 Tuple3_AsyncImporter_Uri_Uri: findType("Tuple3<AsyncImporter,Uri,Uri>"),
97887 Tuple3_AsyncImporter_Uri_Uri_2: findType("Tuple3<AsyncImporter0,Uri,Uri>"),
97888 Tuple3_Importer_Uri_Uri: findType("Tuple3<Importer,Uri,Uri>"),
97889 Tuple3_Importer_Uri_Uri_2: findType("Tuple3<Importer0,Uri,Uri>"),
97890 Tuple4_of_Uri_and_bool_and_AsyncImporter_and_nullable_Uri: findType("Tuple4<Uri,bool,AsyncImporter,Uri?>"),
97891 Tuple4_of_Uri_and_bool_and_AsyncImporter_and_nullable_Uri_2: findType("Tuple4<Uri,bool,AsyncImporter0,Uri?>"),
97892 Tuple4_of_Uri_and_bool_and_Importer_and_nullable_Uri: findType("Tuple4<Uri,bool,Importer,Uri?>"),
97893 Tuple4_of_Uri_and_bool_and_Importer_and_nullable_Uri_2: findType("Tuple4<Uri,bool,Importer0,Uri?>"),
97894 TypeError: findType("TypeError"),
97895 Uint8List: findType("Uint8List"),
97896 UnknownJavaScriptObject: findType("UnknownJavaScriptObject"),
97897 UnmodifiableListView_CssNode: findType("UnmodifiableListView<CssNode>"),
97898 UnmodifiableListView_CssNode_2: findType("UnmodifiableListView<CssNode0>"),
97899 UnmodifiableListView_ForwardRule: findType("UnmodifiableListView<ForwardRule>"),
97900 UnmodifiableListView_ForwardRule_2: findType("UnmodifiableListView<ForwardRule0>"),
97901 UnmodifiableListView_ModifiableCssNode: findType("UnmodifiableListView<ModifiableCssNode>"),
97902 UnmodifiableListView_ModifiableCssNode_2: findType("UnmodifiableListView<ModifiableCssNode0>"),
97903 UnmodifiableListView_String: findType("UnmodifiableListView<String>"),
97904 UnmodifiableListView_UseRule: findType("UnmodifiableListView<UseRule>"),
97905 UnmodifiableListView_UseRule_2: findType("UnmodifiableListView<UseRule0>"),
97906 UnmodifiableMapView_String_ArgParser: findType("UnmodifiableMapView<String,ArgParser>"),
97907 UnmodifiableMapView_String_ConfiguredValue: findType("UnmodifiableMapView<String,ConfiguredValue>"),
97908 UnmodifiableMapView_String_ConfiguredValue_2: findType("UnmodifiableMapView<String,ConfiguredValue0>"),
97909 UnmodifiableMapView_String_Option: findType("UnmodifiableMapView<String,Option>"),
97910 UnmodifiableMapView_String_Value: findType("UnmodifiableMapView<String,Value>"),
97911 UnmodifiableMapView_String_Value_2: findType("UnmodifiableMapView<String,Value0>"),
97912 UnmodifiableMapView_of_Uri_and_nullable_StylesheetNode: findType("UnmodifiableMapView<Uri,StylesheetNode?>"),
97913 UnmodifiableMapView_of_nullable_String_and_String: findType("UnmodifiableMapView<String?,String>"),
97914 UnmodifiableMapView_of_nullable_String_and_nullable_String: findType("UnmodifiableMapView<String?,String?>"),
97915 UnmodifiableSetView_String: findType("UnmodifiableSetView<String>"),
97916 UnmodifiableSetView_StylesheetNode: findType("UnmodifiableSetView<StylesheetNode>"),
97917 UnprefixedMapView_ConfiguredValue: findType("UnprefixedMapView<ConfiguredValue>"),
97918 UnprefixedMapView_ConfiguredValue_2: findType("UnprefixedMapView0<ConfiguredValue0>"),
97919 Uri: findType("Uri"),
97920 UseRule: findType("UseRule"),
97921 UserDefinedCallable_AsyncEnvironment: findType("UserDefinedCallable<AsyncEnvironment>"),
97922 UserDefinedCallable_AsyncEnvironment_2: findType("UserDefinedCallable0<AsyncEnvironment0>"),
97923 UserDefinedCallable_Environment: findType("UserDefinedCallable<Environment>"),
97924 UserDefinedCallable_Environment_2: findType("UserDefinedCallable0<Environment0>"),
97925 Value: findType("Value"),
97926 Value_2: findType("Value0"),
97927 Value_Function_List_Value: findType("Value(List<Value>)"),
97928 Value_Function_List_Value_2: findType("Value0(List<Value0>)"),
97929 VariableDeclaration: findType("VariableDeclaration"),
97930 VariableDeclaration_2: findType("VariableDeclaration0"),
97931 WatchEvent: findType("WatchEvent"),
97932 WhereIterable_List_Iterable_ComplexSelectorComponent: findType("WhereIterable<List<Iterable<ComplexSelectorComponent>>>"),
97933 WhereIterable_List_Iterable_ComplexSelectorComponent_2: findType("WhereIterable<List<Iterable<ComplexSelectorComponent0>>>"),
97934 WhereIterable_String: findType("WhereIterable<String>"),
97935 WhereTypeIterable_PseudoSelector: findType("WhereTypeIterable<PseudoSelector>"),
97936 WhereTypeIterable_PseudoSelector_2: findType("WhereTypeIterable<PseudoSelector0>"),
97937 WhereTypeIterable_String: findType("WhereTypeIterable<String>"),
97938 _ArgumentResults: findType("_ArgumentResults0"),
97939 _ArgumentResults_2: findType("_ArgumentResults2"),
97940 _AsyncCompleter_Object: findType("_AsyncCompleter<Object>"),
97941 _AsyncCompleter_Stream_WatchEvent: findType("_AsyncCompleter<Stream<WatchEvent>>"),
97942 _AsyncCompleter_String: findType("_AsyncCompleter<String>"),
97943 _AsyncCompleter_nullable_Object: findType("_AsyncCompleter<Object?>"),
97944 _CompleterStream_WatchEvent: findType("_CompleterStream<WatchEvent>"),
97945 _EventRequest_dynamic: findType("_EventRequest<@>"),
97946 _Future_Object: findType("_Future<Object>"),
97947 _Future_Stream_WatchEvent: findType("_Future<Stream<WatchEvent>>"),
97948 _Future_String: findType("_Future<String>"),
97949 _Future_bool: findType("_Future<bool>"),
97950 _Future_dynamic: findType("_Future<@>"),
97951 _Future_int: findType("_Future<int>"),
97952 _Future_nullable_Object: findType("_Future<Object?>"),
97953 _Future_void: findType("_Future<~>"),
97954 _Highlight: findType("_Highlight"),
97955 _IdentityHashMap_dynamic_dynamic: findType("_IdentityHashMap<@,@>"),
97956 _LinkedIdentityHashSet_ComplexSelector: findType("_LinkedIdentityHashSet<ComplexSelector>"),
97957 _LinkedIdentityHashSet_ComplexSelector_2: findType("_LinkedIdentityHashSet<ComplexSelector0>"),
97958 _LinkedIdentityHashSet_Extension: findType("_LinkedIdentityHashSet<Extension>"),
97959 _LinkedIdentityHashSet_Extension_2: findType("_LinkedIdentityHashSet<Extension0>"),
97960 _LoadedStylesheet: findType("_LoadedStylesheet0"),
97961 _LoadedStylesheet_2: findType("_LoadedStylesheet2"),
97962 _MapEntry: findType("_MapEntry"),
97963 _NodeException: findType("_NodeException"),
97964 _UnmodifiableSet_String: findType("_UnmodifiableSet<String>"),
97965 bool: findType("bool"),
97966 double: findType("double"),
97967 dynamic: findType("@"),
97968 dynamic_Function: findType("@()"),
97969 dynamic_Function_Object: findType("@(Object)"),
97970 dynamic_Function_Object_StackTrace: findType("@(Object,StackTrace)"),
97971 int: findType("int"),
97972 legacy_Never: findType("0&*"),
97973 legacy_Object: findType("Object*"),
97974 nullable_AstNode: findType("AstNode?"),
97975 nullable_AstNode_2: findType("AstNode0?"),
97976 nullable_FileSpan: findType("FileSpan?"),
97977 nullable_Future_Null: findType("Future<Null>?"),
97978 nullable_Future_void: findType("Future<~>?"),
97979 nullable_ImporterResult: findType("ImporterResult0?"),
97980 nullable_List_ComplexSelector: findType("List<ComplexSelector>?"),
97981 nullable_List_ComplexSelector_2: findType("List<ComplexSelector0>?"),
97982 nullable_Object: findType("Object?"),
97983 nullable_SourceFile: findType("SourceFile?"),
97984 nullable_SourceSpan: findType("SourceSpan?"),
97985 nullable_StreamSubscription_WatchEvent: findType("StreamSubscription<WatchEvent>?"),
97986 nullable_String: findType("String?"),
97987 nullable_Stylesheet: findType("Stylesheet?"),
97988 nullable_StylesheetNode: findType("StylesheetNode?"),
97989 nullable_Stylesheet_2: findType("Stylesheet0?"),
97990 nullable_Tuple2_String_String: findType("Tuple2<String,String>?"),
97991 nullable_Tuple3_AsyncImporter_Uri_Uri: findType("Tuple3<AsyncImporter,Uri,Uri>?"),
97992 nullable_Tuple3_AsyncImporter_Uri_Uri_2: findType("Tuple3<AsyncImporter0,Uri,Uri>?"),
97993 nullable_Tuple3_Importer_Uri_Uri: findType("Tuple3<Importer,Uri,Uri>?"),
97994 nullable_Tuple3_Importer_Uri_Uri_2: findType("Tuple3<Importer0,Uri,Uri>?"),
97995 nullable_Uri: findType("Uri?"),
97996 nullable_Value: findType("Value?"),
97997 nullable_Value_2: findType("Value0?"),
97998 nullable__ConstructorOptions: findType("_ConstructorOptions?"),
97999 nullable__ConstructorOptions_2: findType("_ConstructorOptions0?"),
98000 nullable__ConstructorOptions_3: findType("_ConstructorOptions1?"),
98001 nullable__Highlight: findType("_Highlight?"),
98002 nullable__LoadedStylesheet: findType("_LoadedStylesheet0?"),
98003 nullable__LoadedStylesheet_2: findType("_LoadedStylesheet2?"),
98004 num: findType("num"),
98005 void: findType("~"),
98006 void_Function_Object: findType("~(Object)"),
98007 void_Function_Object_StackTrace: findType("~(Object,StackTrace)")
98008 };
98009 })();
98010 (function constants() {
98011 var makeConstList = hunkHelpers.makeConstList;
98012 B.Interceptor_methods = J.Interceptor.prototype;
98013 B.JSArray_methods = J.JSArray.prototype;
98014 B.JSBool_methods = J.JSBool.prototype;
98015 B.JSInt_methods = J.JSInt.prototype;
98016 B.JSNumber_methods = J.JSNumber.prototype;
98017 B.JSString_methods = J.JSString.prototype;
98018 B.JavaScriptFunction_methods = J.JavaScriptFunction.prototype;
98019 B.NativeUint32List_methods = A.NativeUint32List.prototype;
98020 B.NativeUint8List_methods = A.NativeUint8List.prototype;
98021 B.PlainJavaScriptObject_methods = J.PlainJavaScriptObject.prototype;
98022 B.UnknownJavaScriptObject_methods = J.UnknownJavaScriptObject.prototype;
98023 B.AsciiEncoder_127 = new A.AsciiEncoder(127);
98024 B.C_EmptyUnmodifiableSet1 = new A.EmptyUnmodifiableSet(A.findType("EmptyUnmodifiableSet<String>"));
98025 B.AtRootQuery_UsS = new A.AtRootQuery(false, B.C_EmptyUnmodifiableSet1, false, true);
98026 B.AtRootQuery_UsS0 = new A.AtRootQuery0(false, B.C_EmptyUnmodifiableSet1, false, true);
98027 B.AttributeOperator_4L5 = new A.AttributeOperator("^=");
98028 B.AttributeOperator_4L50 = new A.AttributeOperator0("^=");
98029 B.AttributeOperator_AuK = new A.AttributeOperator("|=");
98030 B.AttributeOperator_AuK0 = new A.AttributeOperator0("|=");
98031 B.AttributeOperator_fz1 = new A.AttributeOperator("~=");
98032 B.AttributeOperator_fz10 = new A.AttributeOperator0("~=");
98033 B.AttributeOperator_gqZ = new A.AttributeOperator("*=");
98034 B.AttributeOperator_gqZ0 = new A.AttributeOperator0("*=");
98035 B.AttributeOperator_mOX = new A.AttributeOperator("$=");
98036 B.AttributeOperator_mOX0 = new A.AttributeOperator0("$=");
98037 B.AttributeOperator_sEs = new A.AttributeOperator("=");
98038 B.AttributeOperator_sEs0 = new A.AttributeOperator0("=");
98039 B.BinaryOperator_1da = new A.BinaryOperator("greater than or equals", ">=", 4);
98040 B.BinaryOperator_1da0 = new A.BinaryOperator0("greater than or equals", ">=", 4);
98041 B.BinaryOperator_2ad = new A.BinaryOperator("modulo", "%", 6);
98042 B.BinaryOperator_2ad0 = new A.BinaryOperator0("modulo", "%", 6);
98043 B.BinaryOperator_33h = new A.BinaryOperator("less than or equals", "<=", 4);
98044 B.BinaryOperator_33h0 = new A.BinaryOperator0("less than or equals", "<=", 4);
98045 B.BinaryOperator_8qt = new A.BinaryOperator("less than", "<", 4);
98046 B.BinaryOperator_8qt0 = new A.BinaryOperator0("less than", "<", 4);
98047 B.BinaryOperator_AcR = new A.BinaryOperator("greater than", ">", 4);
98048 B.BinaryOperator_AcR0 = new A.BinaryOperator("plus", "+", 5);
98049 B.BinaryOperator_AcR1 = new A.BinaryOperator0("greater than", ">", 4);
98050 B.BinaryOperator_AcR2 = new A.BinaryOperator0("plus", "+", 5);
98051 B.BinaryOperator_O1M = new A.BinaryOperator("times", "*", 6);
98052 B.BinaryOperator_O1M0 = new A.BinaryOperator0("times", "*", 6);
98053 B.BinaryOperator_RTB = new A.BinaryOperator("divided by", "/", 6);
98054 B.BinaryOperator_RTB0 = new A.BinaryOperator0("divided by", "/", 6);
98055 B.BinaryOperator_YlX = new A.BinaryOperator("equals", "==", 3);
98056 B.BinaryOperator_YlX0 = new A.BinaryOperator0("equals", "==", 3);
98057 B.BinaryOperator_and_and_2 = new A.BinaryOperator("and", "and", 2);
98058 B.BinaryOperator_and_and_20 = new A.BinaryOperator0("and", "and", 2);
98059 B.BinaryOperator_i5H = new A.BinaryOperator("not equals", "!=", 3);
98060 B.BinaryOperator_i5H0 = new A.BinaryOperator0("not equals", "!=", 3);
98061 B.BinaryOperator_iyO = new A.BinaryOperator("minus", "-", 5);
98062 B.BinaryOperator_iyO0 = new A.BinaryOperator0("minus", "-", 5);
98063 B.BinaryOperator_kjl = new A.BinaryOperator("single equals", "=", 0);
98064 B.BinaryOperator_kjl0 = new A.BinaryOperator0("single equals", "=", 0);
98065 B.BinaryOperator_or_or_1 = new A.BinaryOperator("or", "or", 1);
98066 B.BinaryOperator_or_or_10 = new A.BinaryOperator0("or", "or", 1);
98067 B.CONSTANT = new A.Instantiation1(A.math0__max$closure(), A.findType("Instantiation1<int>"));
98068 B.C_AsciiCodec = new A.AsciiCodec();
98069 B.C_AsciiGlyphSet = new A.AsciiGlyphSet();
98070 B.C_Base64Encoder = new A.Base64Encoder();
98071 B.C_Base64Codec = new A.Base64Codec();
98072 B.C_DefaultEquality = new A.DefaultEquality();
98073 B.C_EmptyExtensionStore = new A.EmptyExtensionStore();
98074 B.C_EmptyExtensionStore0 = new A.EmptyExtensionStore0();
98075 B.C_EmptyIterator = new A.EmptyIterator();
98076 B.C_EmptyUnmodifiableSet = new A.EmptyUnmodifiableSet(A.findType("EmptyUnmodifiableSet<SimpleSelector>"));
98077 B.C_EmptyUnmodifiableSet0 = new A.EmptyUnmodifiableSet(A.findType("EmptyUnmodifiableSet<SimpleSelector0>"));
98078 B.C_IterableEquality = new A.IterableEquality();
98079 B.C_JS_CONST = function getTagFallback(o) {
98080 var s = Object.prototype.toString.call(o);
98081 return s.substring(8, s.length - 1);
98083 B.C_JS_CONST0 = function() {
98084 var toStringFunction = Object.prototype.toString;
98085 function getTag(o) {
98086 var s = toStringFunction.call(o);
98087 return s.substring(8, s.length - 1);
98088 }
98089 function getUnknownTag(object, tag) {
98090 if (/^HTML[A-Z].*Element$/.test(tag)) {
98091 var name = toStringFunction.call(object);
98092 if (name == "[object Object]") return null;
98093 return "HTMLElement";
98094 }
98095 }
98096 function getUnknownTagGenericBrowser(object, tag) {
98097 if (self.HTMLElement && object instanceof HTMLElement) return "HTMLElement";
98098 return getUnknownTag(object, tag);
98099 }
98100 function prototypeForTag(tag) {
98101 if (typeof window == "undefined") return null;
98102 if (typeof window[tag] == "undefined") return null;
98103 var constructor = window[tag];
98104 if (typeof constructor != "function") return null;
98105 return constructor.prototype;
98106 }
98107 function discriminator(tag) { return null; }
98108 var isBrowser = typeof navigator == "object";
98109 return {
98110 getTag: getTag,
98111 getUnknownTag: isBrowser ? getUnknownTagGenericBrowser : getUnknownTag,
98112 prototypeForTag: prototypeForTag,
98113 discriminator: discriminator };
98115 B.C_JS_CONST6 = function(getTagFallback) {
98116 return function(hooks) {
98117 if (typeof navigator != "object") return hooks;
98118 var ua = navigator.userAgent;
98119 if (ua.indexOf("DumpRenderTree") >= 0) return hooks;
98120 if (ua.indexOf("Chrome") >= 0) {
98121 function confirm(p) {
98122 return typeof window == "object" && window[p] && window[p].name == p;
98123 }
98124 if (confirm("Window") && confirm("HTMLElement")) return hooks;
98125 }
98126 hooks.getTag = getTagFallback;
98127 };
98129 B.C_JS_CONST1 = function(hooks) {
98130 if (typeof dartExperimentalFixupGetTag != "function") return hooks;
98131 hooks.getTag = dartExperimentalFixupGetTag(hooks.getTag);
98133 B.C_JS_CONST2 = function(hooks) {
98134 var getTag = hooks.getTag;
98135 var prototypeForTag = hooks.prototypeForTag;
98136 function getTagFixed(o) {
98137 var tag = getTag(o);
98138 if (tag == "Document") {
98139 if (!!o.xmlVersion) return "!Document";
98140 return "!HTMLDocument";
98141 }
98142 return tag;
98143 }
98144 function prototypeForTagFixed(tag) {
98145 if (tag == "Document") return null;
98146 return prototypeForTag(tag);
98147 }
98148 hooks.getTag = getTagFixed;
98149 hooks.prototypeForTag = prototypeForTagFixed;
98151 B.C_JS_CONST5 = function(hooks) {
98152 var userAgent = typeof navigator == "object" ? navigator.userAgent : "";
98153 if (userAgent.indexOf("Firefox") == -1) return hooks;
98154 var getTag = hooks.getTag;
98155 var quickMap = {
98156 "BeforeUnloadEvent": "Event",
98157 "DataTransfer": "Clipboard",
98158 "GeoGeolocation": "Geolocation",
98159 "Location": "!Location",
98160 "WorkerMessageEvent": "MessageEvent",
98161 "XMLDocument": "!Document"};
98162 function getTagFirefox(o) {
98163 var tag = getTag(o);
98164 return quickMap[tag] || tag;
98165 }
98166 hooks.getTag = getTagFirefox;
98168 B.C_JS_CONST4 = function(hooks) {
98169 var userAgent = typeof navigator == "object" ? navigator.userAgent : "";
98170 if (userAgent.indexOf("Trident/") == -1) return hooks;
98171 var getTag = hooks.getTag;
98172 var quickMap = {
98173 "BeforeUnloadEvent": "Event",
98174 "DataTransfer": "Clipboard",
98175 "HTMLDDElement": "HTMLElement",
98176 "HTMLDTElement": "HTMLElement",
98177 "HTMLPhraseElement": "HTMLElement",
98178 "Position": "Geoposition"
98179 };
98180 function getTagIE(o) {
98181 var tag = getTag(o);
98182 var newTag = quickMap[tag];
98183 if (newTag) return newTag;
98184 if (tag == "Object") {
98185 if (window.DataView && (o instanceof window.DataView)) return "DataView";
98186 }
98187 return tag;
98188 }
98189 function prototypeForTagIE(tag) {
98190 var constructor = window[tag];
98191 if (constructor == null) return null;
98192 return constructor.prototype;
98193 }
98194 hooks.getTag = getTagIE;
98195 hooks.prototypeForTag = prototypeForTagIE;
98197 B.C_JS_CONST3 = function(hooks) { return hooks; }
98199 B.C_JsonCodec = new A.JsonCodec();
98200 B.C_LineFeed = new A.LineFeed();
98201 B.C_ListEquality0 = new A.ListEquality();
98202 B.C_ListEquality = new A.ListEquality();
98203 B.C_MapEquality = new A.MapEquality();
98204 B.C_OutOfMemoryError = new A.OutOfMemoryError();
98205 B.C_SentinelValue = new A.SentinelValue();
98206 B.C_UnicodeGlyphSet = new A.UnicodeGlyphSet();
98207 B.C_Utf8Codec = new A.Utf8Codec();
98208 B.C_Utf8Encoder = new A.Utf8Encoder();
98209 B.C__DelayedDone = new A._DelayedDone();
98210 B.C__HasContentVisitor = new A._HasContentVisitor();
98211 B.C__HasContentVisitor0 = new A._HasContentVisitor0();
98212 B.C__JSRandom = new A._JSRandom();
98213 B.C__Required = new A._Required();
98214 B.C__RootZone = new A._RootZone();
98215 B.C__SassNull = new A._SassNull();
98216 B.C__SassNull0 = new A._SassNull0();
98217 B.CalculationOperator_Dih = new A.CalculationOperator("times", "*", 2);
98218 B.CalculationOperator_Dih0 = new A.CalculationOperator0("times", "*", 2);
98219 B.CalculationOperator_Iem = new A.CalculationOperator("plus", "+", 1);
98220 B.CalculationOperator_Iem0 = new A.CalculationOperator0("plus", "+", 1);
98221 B.CalculationOperator_jB6 = new A.CalculationOperator("divided by", "/", 2);
98222 B.CalculationOperator_jB60 = new A.CalculationOperator0("divided by", "/", 2);
98223 B.CalculationOperator_uti = new A.CalculationOperator("minus", "-", 1);
98224 B.CalculationOperator_uti0 = new A.CalculationOperator0("minus", "-", 1);
98225 B.ChangeType_add = new A.ChangeType("add");
98226 B.ChangeType_modify = new A.ChangeType("modify");
98227 B.ChangeType_remove = new A.ChangeType("remove");
98228 B.Combinator_CzM = new A.Combinator("~");
98229 B.Combinator_CzM0 = new A.Combinator0("~");
98230 B.Combinator_sgq = new A.Combinator(">");
98231 B.Combinator_sgq0 = new A.Combinator0(">");
98232 B.Combinator_uzg = new A.Combinator("+");
98233 B.Combinator_uzg0 = new A.Combinator0("+");
98234 B.List_empty = A._setArrayType(makeConstList([]), type$.JSArray_String);
98235 B.Map_empty11 = new A.ConstantStringMap(0, {}, B.List_empty, A.findType("ConstantStringMap<String,ConfiguredValue>"));
98236 B.Configuration_Map_empty = new A.Configuration(B.Map_empty11);
98237 B.Map_empty12 = new A.ConstantStringMap(0, {}, B.List_empty, A.findType("ConstantStringMap<String,ConfiguredValue0>"));
98238 B.Configuration_Map_empty0 = new A.Configuration0(B.Map_empty12);
98239 B.Duration_0 = new A.Duration(0);
98240 B.ExtendMode_allTargets = new A.ExtendMode("allTargets");
98241 B.ExtendMode_allTargets0 = new A.ExtendMode0("allTargets");
98242 B.ExtendMode_normal = new A.ExtendMode("normal");
98243 B.ExtendMode_normal0 = new A.ExtendMode0("normal");
98244 B.ExtendMode_replace = new A.ExtendMode("replace");
98245 B.ExtendMode_replace0 = new A.ExtendMode0("replace");
98246 B.JsonEncoder_null = new A.JsonEncoder(null);
98247 B.LineFeed_D6m = new A.LineFeed0("lf", "\n");
98248 B.LineFeed_Mss = new A.LineFeed0("crlf", "\r\n");
98249 B.LineFeed_a1Y = new A.LineFeed0("lfcr", "\n\r");
98250 B.LineFeed_kMT = new A.LineFeed0("cr", "\r");
98251 B.ListSeparator_1gm = new A.ListSeparator("slash", "/");
98252 B.ListSeparator_1gm0 = new A.ListSeparator0("slash", "/");
98253 B.ListSeparator_kWM = new A.ListSeparator("comma", ",");
98254 B.ListSeparator_kWM0 = new A.ListSeparator0("comma", ",");
98255 B.ListSeparator_undecided_null = new A.ListSeparator("undecided", null);
98256 B.ListSeparator_undecided_null0 = new A.ListSeparator0("undecided", null);
98257 B.ListSeparator_woc = new A.ListSeparator("space", " ");
98258 B.ListSeparator_woc0 = new A.ListSeparator0("space", " ");
98259 B.List_2Vk = A._setArrayType(makeConstList([0, 0, 32776, 33792, 1, 10240, 0, 0]), type$.JSArray_int);
98260 B.List_Opy = A._setArrayType(makeConstList(["em", "ex", "ch", "rem", "vw", "vh", "vmin", "vmax", "cm", "mm", "q", "in", "pt", "pc", "px"]), type$.JSArray_String);
98261 B.Map_Op0VJ = new A.ConstantStringMap(15, {em: null, ex: null, ch: null, rem: null, vw: null, vh: null, vmin: null, vmax: null, cm: null, mm: null, q: null, in: null, pt: null, pc: null, px: null}, B.List_Opy, type$.ConstantStringMap_String_Null);
98262 B.Set_Opyzl = new A._UnmodifiableSet(B.Map_Op0VJ, type$._UnmodifiableSet_String);
98263 B.List_deg_grad_rad_turn = A._setArrayType(makeConstList(["deg", "grad", "rad", "turn"]), type$.JSArray_String);
98264 B.Map_EGso3 = new A.ConstantStringMap(4, {deg: null, grad: null, rad: null, turn: null}, B.List_deg_grad_rad_turn, type$.ConstantStringMap_String_Null);
98265 B.Set_EGJh = new A._UnmodifiableSet(B.Map_EGso3, type$._UnmodifiableSet_String);
98266 B.List_s_ms = A._setArrayType(makeConstList(["s", "ms"]), type$.JSArray_String);
98267 B.Map_maDht = new A.ConstantStringMap(2, {s: null, ms: null}, B.List_s_ms, type$.ConstantStringMap_String_Null);
98268 B.Set_maSD = new A._UnmodifiableSet(B.Map_maDht, type$._UnmodifiableSet_String);
98269 B.List_hz_khz = A._setArrayType(makeConstList(["hz", "khz"]), type$.JSArray_String);
98270 B.Map_kfoGx = new A.ConstantStringMap(2, {hz: null, khz: null}, B.List_hz_khz, type$.ConstantStringMap_String_Null);
98271 B.Set_kfn1 = new A._UnmodifiableSet(B.Map_kfoGx, type$._UnmodifiableSet_String);
98272 B.List_dpi_dpcm_dppx = A._setArrayType(makeConstList(["dpi", "dpcm", "dppx"]), type$.JSArray_String);
98273 B.Map_H20 = new A.ConstantStringMap(3, {dpi: null, dpcm: null, dppx: null}, B.List_dpi_dpcm_dppx, type$.ConstantStringMap_String_Null);
98274 B.Set_H2nB4 = new A._UnmodifiableSet(B.Map_H20, type$._UnmodifiableSet_String);
98275 B.List_AqW = A._setArrayType(makeConstList([B.Set_Opyzl, B.Set_EGJh, B.Set_maSD, B.Set_kfn1, B.Set_H2nB4]), A.findType("JSArray<Set<String>>"));
98276 B.List_CVk = A._setArrayType(makeConstList([0, 0, 65490, 45055, 65535, 34815, 65534, 18431]), type$.JSArray_int);
98277 B.List_JYB = A._setArrayType(makeConstList([0, 0, 26624, 1023, 65534, 2047, 65534, 2047]), type$.JSArray_int);
98278 B.List_empty8 = A._setArrayType(makeConstList([]), type$.JSArray_Argument);
98279 B.List_empty18 = A._setArrayType(makeConstList([]), type$.JSArray_Argument_2);
98280 B.List_empty20 = A._setArrayType(makeConstList([]), type$.JSArray_AsyncCallable_2);
98281 B.List_empty21 = A._setArrayType(makeConstList([]), type$.JSArray_AsyncImporter);
98282 B.List_empty4 = A._setArrayType(makeConstList([]), type$.JSArray_ComplexSelector);
98283 B.List_empty14 = A._setArrayType(makeConstList([]), type$.JSArray_ComplexSelector_2);
98284 B.List_empty6 = A._setArrayType(makeConstList([]), type$.JSArray_ConfiguredVariable);
98285 B.List_empty16 = A._setArrayType(makeConstList([]), type$.JSArray_ConfiguredVariable_2);
98286 B.List_empty0 = A._setArrayType(makeConstList([]), type$.JSArray_CssNode);
98287 B.List_empty11 = A._setArrayType(makeConstList([]), type$.JSArray_CssNode_2);
98288 B.List_empty7 = A._setArrayType(makeConstList([]), type$.JSArray_Expression);
98289 B.List_empty17 = A._setArrayType(makeConstList([]), type$.JSArray_Expression_2);
98290 B.List_empty2 = A._setArrayType(makeConstList([]), type$.JSArray_Extension);
98291 B.List_empty12 = A._setArrayType(makeConstList([]), type$.JSArray_Extension_2);
98292 B.List_empty19 = A._setArrayType(makeConstList([]), type$.JSArray_Importer);
98293 B.List_empty3 = A._setArrayType(makeConstList([]), A.findType("JSArray<Module<0&>>"));
98294 B.List_empty13 = A._setArrayType(makeConstList([]), A.findType("JSArray<Module0<0&>>"));
98295 B.List_empty10 = A._setArrayType(makeConstList([]), type$.JSArray_Statement);
98296 B.List_empty5 = A._setArrayType(makeConstList([]), type$.JSArray_Value);
98297 B.List_empty15 = A._setArrayType(makeConstList([]), type$.JSArray_Value_2);
98298 B.List_empty1 = A._setArrayType(makeConstList([]), type$.JSArray_int);
98299 B.List_empty9 = A._setArrayType(makeConstList([]), type$.JSArray_dynamic);
98300 B.List_gRj = A._setArrayType(makeConstList([0, 0, 32722, 12287, 65534, 34815, 65534, 18431]), type$.JSArray_int);
98301 B.List_nxB = A._setArrayType(makeConstList([0, 0, 24576, 1023, 65534, 34815, 65534, 18431]), type$.JSArray_int);
98302 B.List_qFt = A._setArrayType(makeConstList([0, 0, 27858, 1023, 65534, 51199, 65535, 32767]), type$.JSArray_int);
98303 B.List_qNA = A._setArrayType(makeConstList([0, 0, 32754, 11263, 65534, 34815, 65534, 18431]), type$.JSArray_int);
98304 B.List_qg40 = A._setArrayType(makeConstList([0, 0, 32722, 12287, 65535, 34815, 65534, 18431]), type$.JSArray_int);
98305 B.List_qg4 = A._setArrayType(makeConstList([0, 0, 65490, 12287, 65535, 34815, 65534, 18431]), type$.JSArray_int);
98306 B.List_K2O = A._setArrayType(makeConstList(["in", "cm", "pc", "mm", "q", "pt", "px", "deg", "grad", "rad", "turn", "s", "ms", "Hz", "kHz", "dpi", "dpcm", "dppx"]), type$.JSArray_String);
98307 B.List_aha = A._setArrayType(makeConstList(["in", "cm", "pc", "mm", "q", "pt", "px"]), type$.JSArray_String);
98308 B.Map_ahsJO = new A.ConstantStringMap(7, {in: 1, cm: 0.39370078740157477, pc: 0.16666666666666666, mm: 0.03937007874015748, q: 0.00984251968503937, pt: 0.013888888888888888, px: 0.010416666666666666}, B.List_aha, type$.ConstantStringMap_String_num);
98309 B.Map_ahM6L = new A.ConstantStringMap(7, {in: 2.54, cm: 1, pc: 0.42333333333333334, mm: 0.1, q: 0.025, pt: 0.035277777777777776, px: 0.026458333333333334}, B.List_aha, type$.ConstantStringMap_String_num);
98310 B.Map_ahNsa = new A.ConstantStringMap(7, {in: 6, cm: 2.3622047244094486, pc: 1, mm: 0.2362204724409449, q: 0.05905511811023623, pt: 0.08333333333333333, px: 0.0625}, B.List_aha, type$.ConstantStringMap_String_num);
98311 B.Map_ahPSt = new A.ConstantStringMap(7, {in: 25.4, cm: 10, pc: 4.233333333333333, mm: 1, q: 0.25, pt: 0.35277777777777775, px: 0.26458333333333334}, B.List_aha, type$.ConstantStringMap_String_num);
98312 B.Map_ahgya = new A.ConstantStringMap(7, {in: 101.6, cm: 40, pc: 16.933333333333334, mm: 4, q: 1, pt: 1.411111111111111, px: 1.0583333333333333}, B.List_aha, type$.ConstantStringMap_String_num);
98313 B.Map_ahGvh = new A.ConstantStringMap(7, {in: 72, cm: 28.346456692913385, pc: 12, mm: 2.834645669291339, q: 0.7086614173228347, pt: 1, px: 0.75}, B.List_aha, type$.ConstantStringMap_String_num);
98314 B.Map_ahkuc = new A.ConstantStringMap(7, {in: 96, cm: 37.79527559055118, pc: 16, mm: 3.7795275590551185, q: 0.9448818897637796, pt: 1.3333333333333333, px: 1}, B.List_aha, type$.ConstantStringMap_String_num);
98315 B.Map_EGyvr = new A.ConstantStringMap(4, {deg: 1, grad: 0.9, rad: 57.29577951308232, turn: 360}, B.List_deg_grad_rad_turn, type$.ConstantStringMap_String_num);
98316 B.Map_EGfqB = new A.ConstantStringMap(4, {deg: 1.1111111111111112, grad: 1, rad: 63.66197723675813, turn: 400}, B.List_deg_grad_rad_turn, type$.ConstantStringMap_String_num);
98317 B.Map_EGswR = new A.ConstantStringMap(4, {deg: 0.017453292519943295, grad: 0.015707963267948967, rad: 1, turn: 6.283185307179586}, B.List_deg_grad_rad_turn, type$.ConstantStringMap_String_num);
98318 B.Map_EGY2F = new A.ConstantStringMap(4, {deg: 0.002777777777777778, grad: 0.0025, rad: 0.15915494309189535, turn: 1}, B.List_deg_grad_rad_turn, type$.ConstantStringMap_String_num);
98319 B.Map_ma2bi = new A.ConstantStringMap(2, {s: 1, ms: 0.001}, B.List_s_ms, type$.ConstantStringMap_String_num);
98320 B.Map_maDht0 = new A.ConstantStringMap(2, {s: 1000, ms: 1}, B.List_s_ms, type$.ConstantStringMap_String_num);
98321 B.List_Hz_kHz = A._setArrayType(makeConstList(["Hz", "kHz"]), type$.JSArray_String);
98322 B.Map_0IpUe = new A.ConstantStringMap(2, {Hz: 1, kHz: 1000}, B.List_Hz_kHz, type$.ConstantStringMap_String_num);
98323 B.Map_0IVs0 = new A.ConstantStringMap(2, {Hz: 0.001, kHz: 1}, B.List_Hz_kHz, type$.ConstantStringMap_String_num);
98324 B.Map_H2OWd = new A.ConstantStringMap(3, {dpi: 1, dpcm: 2.54, dppx: 96}, B.List_dpi_dpcm_dppx, type$.ConstantStringMap_String_num);
98325 B.Map_H24em = new A.ConstantStringMap(3, {dpi: 0.39370078740157477, dpcm: 1, dppx: 37.79527559055118}, B.List_dpi_dpcm_dppx, type$.ConstantStringMap_String_num);
98326 B.Map_H25Om = new A.ConstantStringMap(3, {dpi: 0.010416666666666666, dpcm: 0.026458333333333334, dppx: 1}, B.List_dpi_dpcm_dppx, type$.ConstantStringMap_String_num);
98327 B.Map_K2BWj = new A.ConstantStringMap(18, {in: B.Map_ahsJO, cm: B.Map_ahM6L, pc: B.Map_ahNsa, mm: B.Map_ahPSt, q: B.Map_ahgya, pt: B.Map_ahGvh, px: B.Map_ahkuc, deg: B.Map_EGyvr, grad: B.Map_EGfqB, rad: B.Map_EGswR, turn: B.Map_EGY2F, s: B.Map_ma2bi, ms: B.Map_maDht0, Hz: B.Map_0IpUe, kHz: B.Map_0IVs0, dpi: B.Map_H2OWd, dpcm: B.Map_H24em, dppx: B.Map_H25Om}, B.List_K2O, A.findType("ConstantStringMap<String,Map<String,num>>"));
98328 B.List_U8g = A._setArrayType(makeConstList(["length", "angle", "time", "frequency", "pixel density"]), type$.JSArray_String);
98329 B.Map_U8AHF = new A.ConstantStringMap(5, {length: B.List_aha, angle: B.List_deg_grad_rad_turn, time: B.List_s_ms, frequency: B.List_Hz_kHz, "pixel density": B.List_dpi_dpcm_dppx}, B.List_U8g, A.findType("ConstantStringMap<String,List<String>>"));
98330 B.Map_empty0 = new A.ConstantStringMap(0, {}, B.List_empty, A.findType("ConstantStringMap<String,AstNode>"));
98331 B.Map_empty7 = new A.ConstantStringMap(0, {}, B.List_empty, A.findType("ConstantStringMap<String,AstNode0>"));
98332 B.Map_empty2 = new A.ConstantStringMap(0, {}, B.List_empty, A.findType("ConstantStringMap<String,Expression>"));
98333 B.Map_empty9 = new A.ConstantStringMap(0, {}, B.List_empty, A.findType("ConstantStringMap<String,Expression0>"));
98334 B.Map_empty3 = new A.ConstantStringMap(0, {}, B.List_empty, A.findType("ConstantStringMap<String,Module<AsyncCallable>>"));
98335 B.Map_empty = new A.ConstantStringMap(0, {}, B.List_empty, A.findType("ConstantStringMap<String,Module<Callable>>"));
98336 B.Map_empty10 = new A.ConstantStringMap(0, {}, B.List_empty, A.findType("ConstantStringMap<String,Module0<AsyncCallable0>>"));
98337 B.Map_empty6 = new A.ConstantStringMap(0, {}, B.List_empty, A.findType("ConstantStringMap<String,Module0<Callable0>>"));
98338 B.Map_empty1 = new A.ConstantStringMap(0, {}, B.List_empty, A.findType("ConstantStringMap<String,Value>"));
98339 B.Map_empty8 = new A.ConstantStringMap(0, {}, B.List_empty, A.findType("ConstantStringMap<String,Value0>"));
98340 B.List_empty22 = A._setArrayType(makeConstList([]), A.findType("JSArray<Symbol0>"));
98341 B.Map_empty4 = new A.ConstantStringMap(0, {}, B.List_empty22, A.findType("ConstantStringMap<Symbol0,@>"));
98342 B.List_empty23 = A._setArrayType(makeConstList([]), type$.JSArray_nullable_String);
98343 B.Map_empty5 = new A.ConstantStringMap(0, {}, B.List_empty23, A.findType("ConstantStringMap<String?,String>"));
98344 B.OptionType_YwU = new A.OptionType("OptionType.single");
98345 B.OptionType_nMZ = new A.OptionType("OptionType.flag");
98346 B.OptionType_qyr = new A.OptionType("OptionType.multiple");
98347 B.OutputStyle_compressed = new A.OutputStyle("compressed");
98348 B.OutputStyle_compressed0 = new A.OutputStyle0("compressed");
98349 B.OutputStyle_expanded = new A.OutputStyle("expanded");
98350 B.OutputStyle_expanded0 = new A.OutputStyle0("expanded");
98351 B.SassBoolean_false = new A.SassBoolean(false);
98352 B.SassBoolean_false0 = new A.SassBoolean0(false);
98353 B.SassBoolean_true = new A.SassBoolean(true);
98354 B.SassBoolean_true0 = new A.SassBoolean0(true);
98355 B.SassList_0 = new A.SassList0(B.List_empty15, B.ListSeparator_undecided_null0, false);
98356 B.SassList_yfz = new A.SassList(B.List_empty5, B.ListSeparator_kWM, false);
98357 B.SassList_yfz0 = new A.SassList0(B.List_empty15, B.ListSeparator_kWM0, false);
98358 B.Map_empty13 = new A.ConstantStringMap(0, {}, B.List_empty5, A.findType("ConstantStringMap<Value,Value>"));
98359 B.SassMap_Map_empty = new A.SassMap(B.Map_empty13);
98360 B.Map_empty14 = new A.ConstantStringMap(0, {}, B.List_empty15, A.findType("ConstantStringMap<Value0,Value0>"));
98361 B.SassMap_Map_empty0 = new A.SassMap0(B.Map_empty14);
98362 B.List_empty24 = A._setArrayType(makeConstList([]), type$.JSArray_Module_AsyncCallable);
98363 B.Map_empty15 = new A.ConstantStringMap(0, {}, B.List_empty24, A.findType("ConstantStringMap<Module<AsyncCallable>,Null>"));
98364 B.Set_empty0 = new A._UnmodifiableSet(B.Map_empty15, A.findType("_UnmodifiableSet<Module<AsyncCallable>>"));
98365 B.List_empty25 = A._setArrayType(makeConstList([]), type$.JSArray_Module_Callable);
98366 B.Map_empty16 = new A.ConstantStringMap(0, {}, B.List_empty25, A.findType("ConstantStringMap<Module<Callable>,Null>"));
98367 B.Set_empty = new A._UnmodifiableSet(B.Map_empty16, A.findType("_UnmodifiableSet<Module<Callable>>"));
98368 B.List_empty26 = A._setArrayType(makeConstList([]), type$.JSArray_Module_AsyncCallable_2);
98369 B.Map_empty17 = new A.ConstantStringMap(0, {}, B.List_empty26, A.findType("ConstantStringMap<Module0<AsyncCallable0>,Null>"));
98370 B.Set_empty3 = new A._UnmodifiableSet(B.Map_empty17, A.findType("_UnmodifiableSet<Module0<AsyncCallable0>>"));
98371 B.List_empty27 = A._setArrayType(makeConstList([]), type$.JSArray_Module_Callable_2);
98372 B.Map_empty18 = new A.ConstantStringMap(0, {}, B.List_empty27, A.findType("ConstantStringMap<Module0<Callable0>,Null>"));
98373 B.Set_empty2 = new A._UnmodifiableSet(B.Map_empty18, A.findType("_UnmodifiableSet<Module0<Callable0>>"));
98374 B.List_empty28 = A._setArrayType(makeConstList([]), type$.JSArray_StylesheetNode);
98375 B.Map_empty19 = new A.ConstantStringMap(0, {}, B.List_empty28, A.findType("ConstantStringMap<StylesheetNode,Null>"));
98376 B.Set_empty1 = new A._UnmodifiableSet(B.Map_empty19, A.findType("_UnmodifiableSet<StylesheetNode>"));
98377 B.StderrLogger_false = new A.StderrLogger(false);
98378 B.StderrLogger_false0 = new A.StderrLogger0(false);
98379 B.Symbol__evaluationContext = new A.Symbol("_evaluationContext");
98380 B.Symbol__inImportRule = new A.Symbol("_inImportRule");
98381 B.Symbol_call = new A.Symbol("call");
98382 B.Syntax_CSS = new A.Syntax("CSS");
98383 B.Syntax_CSS0 = new A.Syntax0("CSS");
98384 B.Syntax_SCSS = new A.Syntax("SCSS");
98385 B.Syntax_SCSS0 = new A.Syntax0("SCSS");
98386 B.Syntax_Sass = new A.Syntax("Sass");
98387 B.Syntax_Sass0 = new A.Syntax0("Sass");
98388 B.List_empty29 = A._setArrayType(makeConstList([]), A.findType("JSArray<CssValue<SelectorList>>"));
98389 B.Map_empty20 = new A.ConstantStringMap(0, {}, B.List_empty29, A.findType("ConstantStringMap<CssValue<SelectorList>,ModifiableCssValue<SelectorList>>"));
98390 B.Tuple2_EmptyExtensionStore_Map_empty = new A.Tuple2(B.C_EmptyExtensionStore, B.Map_empty20, type$.Tuple2_of_ExtensionStore_and_Map_of_CssValue_SelectorList_and_ModifiableCssValue_SelectorList);
98391 B.List_empty30 = A._setArrayType(makeConstList([]), A.findType("JSArray<CssValue0<SelectorList0>>"));
98392 B.Map_empty21 = new A.ConstantStringMap(0, {}, B.List_empty30, A.findType("ConstantStringMap<CssValue0<SelectorList0>,ModifiableCssValue0<SelectorList0>>"));
98393 B.Tuple2_EmptyExtensionStore_Map_empty0 = new A.Tuple2(B.C_EmptyExtensionStore0, B.Map_empty21, type$.Tuple2_of_ExtensionStore_and_Map_of_CssValue_SelectorList_and_ModifiableCssValue_SelectorList_2);
98394 B.Type_Null_Yyn = A.typeLiteral("Null");
98395 B.Type_Object_xQ6 = A.typeLiteral("Object");
98396 B.UnaryOperator_U4G = new A.UnaryOperator("minus", "-");
98397 B.UnaryOperator_U4G0 = new A.UnaryOperator0("minus", "-");
98398 B.UnaryOperator_j2w = new A.UnaryOperator("plus", "+");
98399 B.UnaryOperator_j2w0 = new A.UnaryOperator0("plus", "+");
98400 B.UnaryOperator_not_not = new A.UnaryOperator("not", "not");
98401 B.UnaryOperator_not_not0 = new A.UnaryOperator0("not", "not");
98402 B.UnaryOperator_zDx = new A.UnaryOperator("divide", "/");
98403 B.UnaryOperator_zDx0 = new A.UnaryOperator0("divide", "/");
98404 B.Utf8Decoder_false = new A.Utf8Decoder(false);
98405 B._IterationMarker_null_2 = new A._IterationMarker(null, 2);
98406 B._PathDirection_8Gl = new A._PathDirection("at root");
98407 B._PathDirection_988 = new A._PathDirection("below root");
98408 B._PathDirection_FIw = new A._PathDirection("reaches root");
98409 B._PathDirection_ZGD = new A._PathDirection("above root");
98410 B._PathRelation_different = new A._PathRelation("different");
98411 B._PathRelation_equal = new A._PathRelation("equal");
98412 B._PathRelation_inconclusive = new A._PathRelation("inconclusive");
98413 B._PathRelation_within = new A._PathRelation("within");
98414 B._RegisterBinaryZoneFunction_kGu = new A._RegisterBinaryZoneFunction(B.C__RootZone, A.async___rootRegisterBinaryCallback$closure());
98415 B._RegisterNullaryZoneFunction__RootZone__rootRegisterCallback = new A._RegisterNullaryZoneFunction(B.C__RootZone, A.async___rootRegisterCallback$closure());
98416 B._RegisterUnaryZoneFunction_Bqo = new A._RegisterUnaryZoneFunction(B.C__RootZone, A.async___rootRegisterUnaryCallback$closure());
98417 B._RunBinaryZoneFunction__RootZone__rootRunBinary = new A._RunBinaryZoneFunction(B.C__RootZone, A.async___rootRunBinary$closure());
98418 B._RunNullaryZoneFunction__RootZone__rootRun = new A._RunNullaryZoneFunction(B.C__RootZone, A.async___rootRun$closure());
98419 B._RunUnaryZoneFunction__RootZone__rootRunUnary = new A._RunUnaryZoneFunction(B.C__RootZone, A.async___rootRunUnary$closure());
98420 B._SingletonCssMediaQueryMergeResult_empty = new A._SingletonCssMediaQueryMergeResult("empty");
98421 B._SingletonCssMediaQueryMergeResult_empty0 = new A._SingletonCssMediaQueryMergeResult0("empty");
98422 B._SingletonCssMediaQueryMergeResult_unrepresentable = new A._SingletonCssMediaQueryMergeResult("unrepresentable");
98423 B._SingletonCssMediaQueryMergeResult_unrepresentable0 = new A._SingletonCssMediaQueryMergeResult0("unrepresentable");
98424 B._StreamGroupState_canceled = new A._StreamGroupState("canceled");
98425 B._StreamGroupState_dormant = new A._StreamGroupState("dormant");
98426 B._StreamGroupState_listening = new A._StreamGroupState("listening");
98427 B._StreamGroupState_paused = new A._StreamGroupState("paused");
98428 B._StringStackTrace_3uE = new A._StringStackTrace("");
98429 B._ZoneFunction_3bB = new A._ZoneFunction(B.C__RootZone, A.async___rootCreatePeriodicTimer$closure());
98430 B._ZoneFunction_NMc = new A._ZoneFunction(B.C__RootZone, A.async___rootHandleUncaughtError$closure());
98431 B._ZoneFunction__RootZone__rootCreateTimer = new A._ZoneFunction(B.C__RootZone, A.async___rootCreateTimer$closure());
98432 B._ZoneFunction__RootZone__rootErrorCallback = new A._ZoneFunction(B.C__RootZone, A.async___rootErrorCallback$closure());
98433 B._ZoneFunction__RootZone__rootFork = new A._ZoneFunction(B.C__RootZone, A.async___rootFork$closure());
98434 B._ZoneFunction__RootZone__rootPrint = new A._ZoneFunction(B.C__RootZone, A.async___rootPrint$closure());
98435 B._ZoneFunction__RootZone__rootScheduleMicrotask = new A._ZoneFunction(B.C__RootZone, A.async___rootScheduleMicrotask$closure());
98436 B._ZoneSpecification_ALf = new A._ZoneSpecification(null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null);
98437 })();
98438 (function staticFields() {
98440 $.printToZone = null;
98441 $.BoundClosure__receiverFieldNameCache = null;
98442 $.BoundClosure__interceptorFieldNameCache = null;
98443 $.getTagFunction = null;
98444 $.alternateTagFunction = null;
98445 $.prototypeForTagFunction = null;
98446 $.dispatchRecordsForInstanceTags = null;
98447 $.interceptorsForUncacheableTags = null;
98448 $.initNativeDispatchFlag = null;
98449 $._nextCallback = null;
98450 $._lastCallback = null;
98451 $._lastPriorityCallback = null;
98452 $._isInCallbackLoop = false;
98453 $.Zone__current = B.C__RootZone;
98454 $._RootZone__rootDelegate = null;
98455 $._toStringVisiting = A._setArrayType([], type$.JSArray_Object);
98456 $._fs = null;
98457 $._currentUriBase = null;
98458 $._current = null;
98459 $._subselectorPseudos = A.LinkedHashSet_LinkedHashSet$_literal(["is", "matches", "any", "nth-child", "nth-last-child"], type$.String);
98460 $._features = A.LinkedHashSet_LinkedHashSet$_literal(["global-variable-shadowing", "extend-selector-pseudoclass", "units-level-3", "at-error", "custom-property"], type$.String);
98461 $._realCaseCache = function() {
98462 var t1 = type$.String;
98463 return A.LinkedHashMap_LinkedHashMap$_empty(t1, t1);
98464 }();
98465 $._selectorPseudoClasses = A.LinkedHashSet_LinkedHashSet$_literal(["not", "is", "matches", "current", "any", "has", "host", "host-context"], type$.String);
98466 $._selectorPseudoElements = A.LinkedHashSet_LinkedHashSet$_literal(["slotted"], type$.String);
98467 $._glyphs = B.C_UnicodeGlyphSet;
98468 $._subselectorPseudos0 = A.LinkedHashSet_LinkedHashSet$_literal(["is", "matches", "any", "nth-child", "nth-last-child"], type$.String);
98469 $._realCaseCache0 = function() {
98470 var t1 = type$.String;
98471 return A.LinkedHashMap_LinkedHashMap$_empty(t1, t1);
98472 }();
98473 $._features0 = A.LinkedHashSet_LinkedHashSet$_literal(["global-variable-shadowing", "extend-selector-pseudoclass", "units-level-3", "at-error", "custom-property"], type$.String);
98474 $._selectorPseudoClasses0 = A.LinkedHashSet_LinkedHashSet$_literal(["not", "is", "matches", "current", "any", "has", "host", "host-context"], type$.String);
98475 $._selectorPseudoElements0 = A.LinkedHashSet_LinkedHashSet$_literal(["slotted"], type$.String);
98476 })();
98477 (function lazyInitializers() {
98478 var _lazyFinal = hunkHelpers.lazyFinal,
98479 _lazy = hunkHelpers.lazy;
98480 _lazyFinal($, "DART_CLOSURE_PROPERTY_NAME", "$get$DART_CLOSURE_PROPERTY_NAME", () => A.getIsolateAffinityTag("_$dart_dartClosure"));
98481 _lazyFinal($, "nullFuture", "$get$nullFuture", () => B.C__RootZone.run$1$1(0, new A.nullFuture_closure(), A.findType("Future<Null>")));
98482 _lazyFinal($, "TypeErrorDecoder_noSuchMethodPattern", "$get$TypeErrorDecoder_noSuchMethodPattern", () => A.TypeErrorDecoder_extractPattern(A.TypeErrorDecoder_provokeCallErrorOn({
98483 toString: function() {
98484 return "$receiver$";
98485 }
98486 })));
98487 _lazyFinal($, "TypeErrorDecoder_notClosurePattern", "$get$TypeErrorDecoder_notClosurePattern", () => A.TypeErrorDecoder_extractPattern(A.TypeErrorDecoder_provokeCallErrorOn({$method$: null,
98488 toString: function() {
98489 return "$receiver$";
98490 }
98491 })));
98492 _lazyFinal($, "TypeErrorDecoder_nullCallPattern", "$get$TypeErrorDecoder_nullCallPattern", () => A.TypeErrorDecoder_extractPattern(A.TypeErrorDecoder_provokeCallErrorOn(null)));
98493 _lazyFinal($, "TypeErrorDecoder_nullLiteralCallPattern", "$get$TypeErrorDecoder_nullLiteralCallPattern", () => A.TypeErrorDecoder_extractPattern(function() {
98494 var $argumentsExpr$ = "$arguments$";
98495 try {
98496 null.$method$($argumentsExpr$);
98497 } catch (e) {
98498 return e.message;
98499 }
98500 }()));
98501 _lazyFinal($, "TypeErrorDecoder_undefinedCallPattern", "$get$TypeErrorDecoder_undefinedCallPattern", () => A.TypeErrorDecoder_extractPattern(A.TypeErrorDecoder_provokeCallErrorOn(void 0)));
98502 _lazyFinal($, "TypeErrorDecoder_undefinedLiteralCallPattern", "$get$TypeErrorDecoder_undefinedLiteralCallPattern", () => A.TypeErrorDecoder_extractPattern(function() {
98503 var $argumentsExpr$ = "$arguments$";
98504 try {
98505 (void 0).$method$($argumentsExpr$);
98506 } catch (e) {
98507 return e.message;
98508 }
98509 }()));
98510 _lazyFinal($, "TypeErrorDecoder_nullPropertyPattern", "$get$TypeErrorDecoder_nullPropertyPattern", () => A.TypeErrorDecoder_extractPattern(A.TypeErrorDecoder_provokePropertyErrorOn(null)));
98511 _lazyFinal($, "TypeErrorDecoder_nullLiteralPropertyPattern", "$get$TypeErrorDecoder_nullLiteralPropertyPattern", () => A.TypeErrorDecoder_extractPattern(function() {
98512 try {
98513 null.$method$;
98514 } catch (e) {
98515 return e.message;
98516 }
98517 }()));
98518 _lazyFinal($, "TypeErrorDecoder_undefinedPropertyPattern", "$get$TypeErrorDecoder_undefinedPropertyPattern", () => A.TypeErrorDecoder_extractPattern(A.TypeErrorDecoder_provokePropertyErrorOn(void 0)));
98519 _lazyFinal($, "TypeErrorDecoder_undefinedLiteralPropertyPattern", "$get$TypeErrorDecoder_undefinedLiteralPropertyPattern", () => A.TypeErrorDecoder_extractPattern(function() {
98520 try {
98521 (void 0).$method$;
98522 } catch (e) {
98523 return e.message;
98524 }
98525 }()));
98526 _lazyFinal($, "_AsyncRun__scheduleImmediateClosure", "$get$_AsyncRun__scheduleImmediateClosure", () => A._AsyncRun__initializeScheduleImmediate());
98527 _lazyFinal($, "Future__nullFuture", "$get$Future__nullFuture", () => A.findType("_Future<Null>")._as($.$get$nullFuture()));
98528 _lazyFinal($, "Future__falseFuture", "$get$Future__falseFuture", () => A._Future$zoneValue(false, B.C__RootZone, type$.bool));
98529 _lazyFinal($, "_RootZone__rootMap", "$get$_RootZone__rootMap", () => {
98530 var t1 = type$.dynamic;
98531 return A.HashMap_HashMap(t1, t1);
98532 });
98533 _lazyFinal($, "Utf8Decoder__decoder", "$get$Utf8Decoder__decoder", () => new A.Utf8Decoder__decoder_closure().call$0());
98534 _lazyFinal($, "Utf8Decoder__decoderNonfatal", "$get$Utf8Decoder__decoderNonfatal", () => new A.Utf8Decoder__decoderNonfatal_closure().call$0());
98535 _lazyFinal($, "_Base64Decoder__inverseAlphabet", "$get$_Base64Decoder__inverseAlphabet", () => A.NativeInt8List__create1(A._ensureNativeList(A._setArrayType([-2, -2, -2, -2, -2, -2, -2, -2, -2, -2, -2, -2, -2, -2, -2, -2, -2, -2, -2, -2, -2, -2, -2, -2, -2, -2, -2, -2, -2, -2, -2, -2, -2, -2, -2, -2, -2, -1, -2, -2, -2, -2, -2, 62, -2, 62, -2, 63, 52, 53, 54, 55, 56, 57, 58, 59, 60, 61, -2, -2, -2, -1, -2, -2, -2, 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17, 18, 19, 20, 21, 22, 23, 24, 25, -2, -2, -2, -2, 63, -2, 26, 27, 28, 29, 30, 31, 32, 33, 34, 35, 36, 37, 38, 39, 40, 41, 42, 43, 44, 45, 46, 47, 48, 49, 50, 51, -2, -2, -2, -2, -2], type$.JSArray_int))));
98536 _lazyFinal($, "_Uri__isWindowsCached", "$get$_Uri__isWindowsCached", () => typeof process != "undefined" && Object.prototype.toString.call(process) == "[object process]" && process.platform == "win32");
98537 _lazyFinal($, "_Uri__needsNoEncoding", "$get$_Uri__needsNoEncoding", () => A.RegExp_RegExp("^[\\-\\.0-9A-Z_a-z~]*$", false));
98538 _lazy($, "_hasErrorStackProperty", "$get$_hasErrorStackProperty", () => new Error().stack != void 0);
98539 _lazyFinal($, "_hashSeed", "$get$_hashSeed", () => A.objectHashCode(B.Type_Object_xQ6));
98540 _lazyFinal($, "_scannerTables", "$get$_scannerTables", () => A._createTables());
98541 _lazyFinal($, "Option__invalidChars", "$get$Option__invalidChars", () => A.RegExp_RegExp("[ \\t\\r\\n\"'\\\\/]", false));
98542 _lazyFinal($, "alwaysValid", "$get$alwaysValid", () => new A.alwaysValid_closure());
98543 _lazyFinal($, "readline", "$get$readline", () => self.readline);
98544 _lazyFinal($, "windows", "$get$windows", () => A.Context_Context($.$get$Style_windows()));
98545 _lazyFinal($, "url", "$get$url", () => A.Context_Context($.$get$Style_url()));
98546 _lazyFinal($, "context", "$get$context", () => new A.Context(type$.InternalStyle._as($.$get$Style_platform()), null));
98547 _lazyFinal($, "Style_posix", "$get$Style_posix", () => new A.PosixStyle(A.RegExp_RegExp("/", false), A.RegExp_RegExp("[^/]$", false), A.RegExp_RegExp("^/", false)));
98548 _lazyFinal($, "Style_windows", "$get$Style_windows", () => new A.WindowsStyle(A.RegExp_RegExp("[/\\\\]", false), A.RegExp_RegExp("[^/\\\\]$", false), A.RegExp_RegExp("^(\\\\\\\\[^\\\\]+\\\\[^\\\\/]+|[a-zA-Z]:[/\\\\])", false), A.RegExp_RegExp("^[/\\\\](?![/\\\\])", false)));
98549 _lazyFinal($, "Style_url", "$get$Style_url", () => new A.UrlStyle(A.RegExp_RegExp("/", false), A.RegExp_RegExp("(^[a-zA-Z][-+.a-zA-Z\\d]*://|[^/])$", false), A.RegExp_RegExp("[a-zA-Z][-+.a-zA-Z\\d]*://[^/]*", false), A.RegExp_RegExp("^/", false)));
98550 _lazyFinal($, "Style_platform", "$get$Style_platform", () => A.Style__getPlatformStyle());
98551 _lazyFinal($, "IfExpression_declaration", "$get$IfExpression_declaration", () => A.ArgumentDeclaration_ArgumentDeclaration$parse(string$.x40funct, null));
98552 _lazyFinal($, "colorsByName", "$get$colorsByName", () => {
98553 var _null = null;
98554 return A.LinkedHashMap_LinkedHashMap$_literal(["yellowgreen", A.SassColor$rgb(154, 205, 50, _null, _null), "yellow", A.SassColor$rgb(255, 255, 0, _null, _null), "whitesmoke", A.SassColor$rgb(245, 245, 245, _null, _null), "white", A.SassColor$rgb(255, 255, 255, _null, _null), "wheat", A.SassColor$rgb(245, 222, 179, _null, _null), "violet", A.SassColor$rgb(238, 130, 238, _null, _null), "turquoise", A.SassColor$rgb(64, 224, 208, _null, _null), "transparent", A.SassColor$rgb(0, 0, 0, 0, _null), "tomato", A.SassColor$rgb(255, 99, 71, _null, _null), "thistle", A.SassColor$rgb(216, 191, 216, _null, _null), "teal", A.SassColor$rgb(0, 128, 128, _null, _null), "tan", A.SassColor$rgb(210, 180, 140, _null, _null), "steelblue", A.SassColor$rgb(70, 130, 180, _null, _null), "springgreen", A.SassColor$rgb(0, 255, 127, _null, _null), "snow", A.SassColor$rgb(255, 250, 250, _null, _null), "slategrey", A.SassColor$rgb(112, 128, 144, _null, _null), "slategray", A.SassColor$rgb(112, 128, 144, _null, _null), "slateblue", A.SassColor$rgb(106, 90, 205, _null, _null), "skyblue", A.SassColor$rgb(135, 206, 235, _null, _null), "silver", A.SassColor$rgb(192, 192, 192, _null, _null), "sienna", A.SassColor$rgb(160, 82, 45, _null, _null), "seashell", A.SassColor$rgb(255, 245, 238, _null, _null), "seagreen", A.SassColor$rgb(46, 139, 87, _null, _null), "sandybrown", A.SassColor$rgb(244, 164, 96, _null, _null), "salmon", A.SassColor$rgb(250, 128, 114, _null, _null), "saddlebrown", A.SassColor$rgb(139, 69, 19, _null, _null), "royalblue", A.SassColor$rgb(65, 105, 225, _null, _null), "rosybrown", A.SassColor$rgb(188, 143, 143, _null, _null), "red", A.SassColor$rgb(255, 0, 0, _null, _null), "rebeccapurple", A.SassColor$rgb(102, 51, 153, _null, _null), "purple", A.SassColor$rgb(128, 0, 128, _null, _null), "powderblue", A.SassColor$rgb(176, 224, 230, _null, _null), "plum", A.SassColor$rgb(221, 160, 221, _null, _null), "pink", A.SassColor$rgb(255, 192, 203, _null, _null), "peru", A.SassColor$rgb(205, 133, 63, _null, _null), "peachpuff", A.SassColor$rgb(255, 218, 185, _null, _null), "papayawhip", A.SassColor$rgb(255, 239, 213, _null, _null), "palevioletred", A.SassColor$rgb(219, 112, 147, _null, _null), "paleturquoise", A.SassColor$rgb(175, 238, 238, _null, _null), "palegreen", A.SassColor$rgb(152, 251, 152, _null, _null), "palegoldenrod", A.SassColor$rgb(238, 232, 170, _null, _null), "orchid", A.SassColor$rgb(218, 112, 214, _null, _null), "orangered", A.SassColor$rgb(255, 69, 0, _null, _null), "orange", A.SassColor$rgb(255, 165, 0, _null, _null), "olivedrab", A.SassColor$rgb(107, 142, 35, _null, _null), "olive", A.SassColor$rgb(128, 128, 0, _null, _null), "oldlace", A.SassColor$rgb(253, 245, 230, _null, _null), "navy", A.SassColor$rgb(0, 0, 128, _null, _null), "navajowhite", A.SassColor$rgb(255, 222, 173, _null, _null), "moccasin", A.SassColor$rgb(255, 228, 181, _null, _null), "mistyrose", A.SassColor$rgb(255, 228, 225, _null, _null), "mintcream", A.SassColor$rgb(245, 255, 250, _null, _null), "midnightblue", A.SassColor$rgb(25, 25, 112, _null, _null), "mediumvioletred", A.SassColor$rgb(199, 21, 133, _null, _null), "mediumturquoise", A.SassColor$rgb(72, 209, 204, _null, _null), "mediumspringgreen", A.SassColor$rgb(0, 250, 154, _null, _null), "mediumslateblue", A.SassColor$rgb(123, 104, 238, _null, _null), "mediumseagreen", A.SassColor$rgb(60, 179, 113, _null, _null), "mediumpurple", A.SassColor$rgb(147, 112, 219, _null, _null), "mediumorchid", A.SassColor$rgb(186, 85, 211, _null, _null), "mediumblue", A.SassColor$rgb(0, 0, 205, _null, _null), "mediumaquamarine", A.SassColor$rgb(102, 205, 170, _null, _null), "maroon", A.SassColor$rgb(128, 0, 0, _null, _null), "magenta", A.SassColor$rgb(255, 0, 255, _null, _null), "linen", A.SassColor$rgb(250, 240, 230, _null, _null), "limegreen", A.SassColor$rgb(50, 205, 50, _null, _null), "lime", A.SassColor$rgb(0, 255, 0, _null, _null), "lightyellow", A.SassColor$rgb(255, 255, 224, _null, _null), "lightsteelblue", A.SassColor$rgb(176, 196, 222, _null, _null), "lightslategrey", A.SassColor$rgb(119, 136, 153, _null, _null), "lightslategray", A.SassColor$rgb(119, 136, 153, _null, _null), "lightskyblue", A.SassColor$rgb(135, 206, 250, _null, _null), "lightseagreen", A.SassColor$rgb(32, 178, 170, _null, _null), "lightsalmon", A.SassColor$rgb(255, 160, 122, _null, _null), "lightpink", A.SassColor$rgb(255, 182, 193, _null, _null), "lightgrey", A.SassColor$rgb(211, 211, 211, _null, _null), "lightgreen", A.SassColor$rgb(144, 238, 144, _null, _null), "lightgray", A.SassColor$rgb(211, 211, 211, _null, _null), "lightgoldenrodyellow", A.SassColor$rgb(250, 250, 210, _null, _null), "lightcyan", A.SassColor$rgb(224, 255, 255, _null, _null), "lightcoral", A.SassColor$rgb(240, 128, 128, _null, _null), "lightblue", A.SassColor$rgb(173, 216, 230, _null, _null), "lemonchiffon", A.SassColor$rgb(255, 250, 205, _null, _null), "lawngreen", A.SassColor$rgb(124, 252, 0, _null, _null), "lavenderblush", A.SassColor$rgb(255, 240, 245, _null, _null), "lavender", A.SassColor$rgb(230, 230, 250, _null, _null), "khaki", A.SassColor$rgb(240, 230, 140, _null, _null), "ivory", A.SassColor$rgb(255, 255, 240, _null, _null), "indigo", A.SassColor$rgb(75, 0, 130, _null, _null), "indianred", A.SassColor$rgb(205, 92, 92, _null, _null), "hotpink", A.SassColor$rgb(255, 105, 180, _null, _null), "honeydew", A.SassColor$rgb(240, 255, 240, _null, _null), "grey", A.SassColor$rgb(128, 128, 128, _null, _null), "greenyellow", A.SassColor$rgb(173, 255, 47, _null, _null), "green", A.SassColor$rgb(0, 128, 0, _null, _null), "gray", A.SassColor$rgb(128, 128, 128, _null, _null), "goldenrod", A.SassColor$rgb(218, 165, 32, _null, _null), "gold", A.SassColor$rgb(255, 215, 0, _null, _null), "ghostwhite", A.SassColor$rgb(248, 248, 255, _null, _null), "gainsboro", A.SassColor$rgb(220, 220, 220, _null, _null), "fuchsia", A.SassColor$rgb(255, 0, 255, _null, _null), "forestgreen", A.SassColor$rgb(34, 139, 34, _null, _null), "floralwhite", A.SassColor$rgb(255, 250, 240, _null, _null), "firebrick", A.SassColor$rgb(178, 34, 34, _null, _null), "dodgerblue", A.SassColor$rgb(30, 144, 255, _null, _null), "dimgrey", A.SassColor$rgb(105, 105, 105, _null, _null), "dimgray", A.SassColor$rgb(105, 105, 105, _null, _null), "deepskyblue", A.SassColor$rgb(0, 191, 255, _null, _null), "deeppink", A.SassColor$rgb(255, 20, 147, _null, _null), "darkviolet", A.SassColor$rgb(148, 0, 211, _null, _null), "darkturquoise", A.SassColor$rgb(0, 206, 209, _null, _null), "darkslategrey", A.SassColor$rgb(47, 79, 79, _null, _null), "darkslategray", A.SassColor$rgb(47, 79, 79, _null, _null), "darkslateblue", A.SassColor$rgb(72, 61, 139, _null, _null), "darkseagreen", A.SassColor$rgb(143, 188, 143, _null, _null), "darksalmon", A.SassColor$rgb(233, 150, 122, _null, _null), "darkred", A.SassColor$rgb(139, 0, 0, _null, _null), "darkorchid", A.SassColor$rgb(153, 50, 204, _null, _null), "darkorange", A.SassColor$rgb(255, 140, 0, _null, _null), "darkolivegreen", A.SassColor$rgb(85, 107, 47, _null, _null), "darkmagenta", A.SassColor$rgb(139, 0, 139, _null, _null), "darkkhaki", A.SassColor$rgb(189, 183, 107, _null, _null), "darkgrey", A.SassColor$rgb(169, 169, 169, _null, _null), "darkgreen", A.SassColor$rgb(0, 100, 0, _null, _null), "darkgray", A.SassColor$rgb(169, 169, 169, _null, _null), "darkgoldenrod", A.SassColor$rgb(184, 134, 11, _null, _null), "darkcyan", A.SassColor$rgb(0, 139, 139, _null, _null), "darkblue", A.SassColor$rgb(0, 0, 139, _null, _null), "cyan", A.SassColor$rgb(0, 255, 255, _null, _null), "crimson", A.SassColor$rgb(220, 20, 60, _null, _null), "cornsilk", A.SassColor$rgb(255, 248, 220, _null, _null), "cornflowerblue", A.SassColor$rgb(100, 149, 237, _null, _null), "coral", A.SassColor$rgb(255, 127, 80, _null, _null), "chocolate", A.SassColor$rgb(210, 105, 30, _null, _null), "chartreuse", A.SassColor$rgb(127, 255, 0, _null, _null), "cadetblue", A.SassColor$rgb(95, 158, 160, _null, _null), "burlywood", A.SassColor$rgb(222, 184, 135, _null, _null), "brown", A.SassColor$rgb(165, 42, 42, _null, _null), "blueviolet", A.SassColor$rgb(138, 43, 226, _null, _null), "blue", A.SassColor$rgb(0, 0, 255, _null, _null), "blanchedalmond", A.SassColor$rgb(255, 235, 205, _null, _null), "black", A.SassColor$rgb(0, 0, 0, _null, _null), "bisque", A.SassColor$rgb(255, 228, 196, _null, _null), "beige", A.SassColor$rgb(245, 245, 220, _null, _null), "azure", A.SassColor$rgb(240, 255, 255, _null, _null), "aquamarine", A.SassColor$rgb(127, 255, 212, _null, _null), "aqua", A.SassColor$rgb(0, 255, 255, _null, _null), "antiquewhite", A.SassColor$rgb(250, 235, 215, _null, _null), "aliceblue", A.SassColor$rgb(240, 248, 255, _null, _null)], type$.String, type$.SassColor);
98555 });
98556 _lazyFinal($, "namesByColor", "$get$namesByColor", () => {
98557 var t2, t3,
98558 t1 = A.LinkedHashMap_LinkedHashMap$_empty(type$.SassColor, type$.String);
98559 for (t2 = $.$get$colorsByName(), t2 = t2.get$entries(t2), t2 = t2.get$iterator(t2); t2.moveNext$0();) {
98560 t3 = t2.get$current(t2);
98561 t1.$indexSet(0, t3.value, t3.key);
98562 }
98563 return t1;
98564 });
98565 _lazyFinal($, "ExecutableOptions__separatorBar", "$get$ExecutableOptions__separatorBar", () => A.isWindows() ? "=" : "\u2501");
98566 _lazyFinal($, "ExecutableOptions__parser", "$get$ExecutableOptions__parser", () => new A.ExecutableOptions__parser_closure().call$0());
98567 _lazyFinal($, "globalFunctions", "$get$globalFunctions", () => {
98568 var t1 = type$.BuiltInCallable,
98569 t2 = A.List_List$of($.$get$global0(), true, t1);
98570 B.JSArray_methods.addAll$1(t2, $.$get$global1());
98571 B.JSArray_methods.addAll$1(t2, $.$get$global2());
98572 B.JSArray_methods.addAll$1(t2, $.$get$global3());
98573 B.JSArray_methods.addAll$1(t2, $.$get$global4());
98574 B.JSArray_methods.addAll$1(t2, $.$get$global5());
98575 B.JSArray_methods.addAll$1(t2, $.$get$global());
98576 t2.push(A.BuiltInCallable$function("if", "$condition, $if-true, $if-false", new A.globalFunctions_closure(), null));
98577 return A.UnmodifiableListView$(t2, t1);
98578 });
98579 _lazyFinal($, "coreModules", "$get$coreModules", () => A.UnmodifiableListView$(A._setArrayType([$.$get$module(), $.$get$module0(), $.$get$module1(), $.$get$module2(), $.$get$module3(), $.$get$module4()], A.findType("JSArray<BuiltInModule<BuiltInCallable>>")), type$.BuiltInModule_BuiltInCallable));
98580 _lazyFinal($, "_microsoftFilterStart", "$get$_microsoftFilterStart", () => A.RegExp_RegExp("^[a-zA-Z]+\\s*=", false));
98581 _lazyFinal($, "global", "$get$global0", () => {
98582 var _s27_ = "$red, $green, $blue, $alpha",
98583 _s19_ = "$red, $green, $blue",
98584 _s37_ = "$hue, $saturation, $lightness, $alpha",
98585 _s29_ = "$hue, $saturation, $lightness",
98586 _s17_ = "$hue, $saturation",
98587 _s15_ = "$color, $amount",
98588 t1 = type$.String,
98589 t2 = type$.Value_Function_List_Value;
98590 return A.UnmodifiableListView$(A._setArrayType([$.$get$_red(), $.$get$_green(), $.$get$_blue(), $.$get$_mix(), A.BuiltInCallable$overloadedFunction("rgb", A.LinkedHashMap_LinkedHashMap$_literal([_s27_, new A.global_closure(), _s19_, new A.global_closure0(), "$color, $alpha", new A.global_closure1(), "$channels", new A.global_closure2()], t1, t2)), A.BuiltInCallable$overloadedFunction("rgba", A.LinkedHashMap_LinkedHashMap$_literal([_s27_, new A.global_closure3(), _s19_, new A.global_closure4(), "$color, $alpha", new A.global_closure5(), "$channels", new A.global_closure6()], t1, t2)), A._function4("invert", "$color, $weight: 100%", new A.global_closure7()), $.$get$_hue(), $.$get$_saturation(), $.$get$_lightness(), $.$get$_complement(), A.BuiltInCallable$overloadedFunction("hsl", A.LinkedHashMap_LinkedHashMap$_literal([_s37_, new A.global_closure8(), _s29_, new A.global_closure9(), _s17_, new A.global_closure10(), "$channels", new A.global_closure11()], t1, t2)), A.BuiltInCallable$overloadedFunction("hsla", A.LinkedHashMap_LinkedHashMap$_literal([_s37_, new A.global_closure12(), _s29_, new A.global_closure13(), _s17_, new A.global_closure14(), "$channels", new A.global_closure15()], t1, t2)), A._function4("grayscale", "$color", new A.global_closure16()), A._function4("adjust-hue", "$color, $degrees", new A.global_closure17()), A._function4("lighten", _s15_, new A.global_closure18()), A._function4("darken", _s15_, new A.global_closure19()), A.BuiltInCallable$overloadedFunction("saturate", A.LinkedHashMap_LinkedHashMap$_literal(["$amount", new A.global_closure20(), "$color, $amount", new A.global_closure21()], t1, t2)), A._function4("desaturate", _s15_, new A.global_closure22()), A._function4("opacify", _s15_, A.color___opacify$closure()), A._function4("fade-in", _s15_, A.color___opacify$closure()), A._function4("transparentize", _s15_, A.color___transparentize$closure()), A._function4("fade-out", _s15_, A.color___transparentize$closure()), A.BuiltInCallable$overloadedFunction("alpha", A.LinkedHashMap_LinkedHashMap$_literal(["$color", new A.global_closure23(), "$args...", new A.global_closure24()], t1, t2)), A._function4("opacity", "$color", new A.global_closure25()), $.$get$_ieHexStr(), $.$get$_adjust().withName$1("adjust-color"), $.$get$_scale().withName$1("scale-color"), $.$get$_change().withName$1("change-color")], type$.JSArray_BuiltInCallable), type$.BuiltInCallable);
98591 });
98592 _lazyFinal($, "module", "$get$module", () => {
98593 var _s9_ = "lightness",
98594 _s10_ = "saturation",
98595 _s6_ = "$color", _s5_ = "alpha",
98596 t1 = type$.String,
98597 t2 = type$.Value_Function_List_Value;
98598 return A.BuiltInModule$("color", A._setArrayType([$.$get$_red(), $.$get$_green(), $.$get$_blue(), $.$get$_mix(), A._function4("invert", "$color, $weight: 100%", new A.module_closure()), $.$get$_hue(), $.$get$_saturation(), $.$get$_lightness(), $.$get$_complement(), A._removedColorFunction("adjust-hue", "hue", false), A._removedColorFunction("lighten", _s9_, false), A._removedColorFunction("darken", _s9_, true), A._removedColorFunction("saturate", _s10_, false), A._removedColorFunction("desaturate", _s10_, true), A._function4("grayscale", _s6_, new A.module_closure0()), A.BuiltInCallable$overloadedFunction("hwb", A.LinkedHashMap_LinkedHashMap$_literal(["$hue, $whiteness, $blackness, $alpha: 1", new A.module_closure1(), "$channels", new A.module_closure2()], t1, t2)), A._function4("whiteness", _s6_, new A.module_closure3()), A._function4("blackness", _s6_, new A.module_closure4()), A._removedColorFunction("opacify", _s5_, false), A._removedColorFunction("fade-in", _s5_, false), A._removedColorFunction("transparentize", _s5_, true), A._removedColorFunction("fade-out", _s5_, true), A.BuiltInCallable$overloadedFunction(_s5_, A.LinkedHashMap_LinkedHashMap$_literal(["$color", new A.module_closure5(), "$args...", new A.module_closure6()], t1, t2)), A._function4("opacity", _s6_, new A.module_closure7()), $.$get$_adjust(), $.$get$_scale(), $.$get$_change(), $.$get$_ieHexStr()], type$.JSArray_BuiltInCallable), null, null, type$.BuiltInCallable);
98599 });
98600 _lazyFinal($, "_red", "$get$_red", () => A._function4("red", "$color", new A._red_closure()));
98601 _lazyFinal($, "_green", "$get$_green", () => A._function4("green", "$color", new A._green_closure()));
98602 _lazyFinal($, "_blue", "$get$_blue", () => A._function4("blue", "$color", new A._blue_closure()));
98603 _lazyFinal($, "_mix", "$get$_mix", () => A._function4("mix", "$color1, $color2, $weight: 50%", new A._mix_closure()));
98604 _lazyFinal($, "_hue", "$get$_hue", () => A._function4("hue", "$color", new A._hue_closure()));
98605 _lazyFinal($, "_saturation", "$get$_saturation", () => A._function4("saturation", "$color", new A._saturation_closure()));
98606 _lazyFinal($, "_lightness", "$get$_lightness", () => A._function4("lightness", "$color", new A._lightness_closure()));
98607 _lazyFinal($, "_complement", "$get$_complement", () => A._function4("complement", "$color", new A._complement_closure()));
98608 _lazyFinal($, "_adjust", "$get$_adjust", () => A._function4("adjust", "$color, $kwargs...", new A._adjust_closure()));
98609 _lazyFinal($, "_scale", "$get$_scale", () => A._function4("scale", "$color, $kwargs...", new A._scale_closure()));
98610 _lazyFinal($, "_change", "$get$_change", () => A._function4("change", "$color, $kwargs...", new A._change_closure()));
98611 _lazyFinal($, "_ieHexStr", "$get$_ieHexStr", () => A._function4("ie-hex-str", "$color", new A._ieHexStr_closure()));
98612 _lazyFinal($, "global0", "$get$global1", () => A.UnmodifiableListView$(A._setArrayType([$.$get$_length0(), $.$get$_nth(), $.$get$_setNth(), $.$get$_join(), $.$get$_append0(), $.$get$_zip(), $.$get$_index0(), $.$get$_isBracketed(), $.$get$_separator().withName$1("list-separator")], type$.JSArray_BuiltInCallable), type$.BuiltInCallable));
98613 _lazyFinal($, "module0", "$get$module0", () => A.BuiltInModule$("list", A._setArrayType([$.$get$_length0(), $.$get$_nth(), $.$get$_setNth(), $.$get$_join(), $.$get$_append0(), $.$get$_zip(), $.$get$_index0(), $.$get$_isBracketed(), $.$get$_separator(), $.$get$_slash()], type$.JSArray_BuiltInCallable), null, null, type$.BuiltInCallable));
98614 _lazyFinal($, "_length", "$get$_length0", () => A._function3("length", "$list", new A._length_closure0()));
98615 _lazyFinal($, "_nth", "$get$_nth", () => A._function3("nth", "$list, $n", new A._nth_closure()));
98616 _lazyFinal($, "_setNth", "$get$_setNth", () => A._function3("set-nth", "$list, $n, $value", new A._setNth_closure()));
98617 _lazyFinal($, "_join", "$get$_join", () => A._function3("join", string$.x24list1, new A._join_closure()));
98618 _lazyFinal($, "_append", "$get$_append0", () => A._function3("append", "$list, $val, $separator: auto", new A._append_closure0()));
98619 _lazyFinal($, "_zip", "$get$_zip", () => A._function3("zip", "$lists...", new A._zip_closure()));
98620 _lazyFinal($, "_index", "$get$_index0", () => A._function3("index", "$list, $value", new A._index_closure0()));
98621 _lazyFinal($, "_separator", "$get$_separator", () => A._function3("separator", "$list", new A._separator_closure()));
98622 _lazyFinal($, "_isBracketed", "$get$_isBracketed", () => A._function3("is-bracketed", "$list", new A._isBracketed_closure()));
98623 _lazyFinal($, "_slash", "$get$_slash", () => A._function3("slash", "$elements...", new A._slash_closure()));
98624 _lazyFinal($, "global1", "$get$global2", () => A.UnmodifiableListView$(A._setArrayType([$.$get$_get().withName$1("map-get"), $.$get$_merge().withName$1("map-merge"), $.$get$_remove().withName$1("map-remove"), $.$get$_keys().withName$1("map-keys"), $.$get$_values().withName$1("map-values"), $.$get$_hasKey().withName$1("map-has-key")], type$.JSArray_BuiltInCallable), type$.BuiltInCallable));
98625 _lazyFinal($, "module1", "$get$module1", () => A.BuiltInModule$("map", A._setArrayType([$.$get$_get(), $.$get$_set(), $.$get$_merge(), $.$get$_remove(), $.$get$_keys(), $.$get$_values(), $.$get$_hasKey(), $.$get$_deepMerge(), $.$get$_deepRemove()], type$.JSArray_BuiltInCallable), null, null, type$.BuiltInCallable));
98626 _lazyFinal($, "_get", "$get$_get", () => A._function2("get", "$map, $key, $keys...", new A._get_closure()));
98627 _lazyFinal($, "_set", "$get$_set", () => A.BuiltInCallable$overloadedFunction("set", A.LinkedHashMap_LinkedHashMap$_literal(["$map, $key, $value", new A._set_closure(), "$map, $args...", new A._set_closure0()], type$.String, type$.Value_Function_List_Value)));
98628 _lazyFinal($, "_merge", "$get$_merge", () => A.BuiltInCallable$overloadedFunction("merge", A.LinkedHashMap_LinkedHashMap$_literal(["$map1, $map2", new A._merge_closure(), "$map1, $args...", new A._merge_closure0()], type$.String, type$.Value_Function_List_Value)));
98629 _lazyFinal($, "_deepMerge", "$get$_deepMerge", () => A._function2("deep-merge", "$map1, $map2", new A._deepMerge_closure()));
98630 _lazyFinal($, "_deepRemove", "$get$_deepRemove", () => A._function2("deep-remove", "$map, $key, $keys...", new A._deepRemove_closure()));
98631 _lazyFinal($, "_remove", "$get$_remove", () => A.BuiltInCallable$overloadedFunction("remove", A.LinkedHashMap_LinkedHashMap$_literal(["$map", new A._remove_closure(), "$map, $key, $keys...", new A._remove_closure0()], type$.String, type$.Value_Function_List_Value)));
98632 _lazyFinal($, "_keys", "$get$_keys", () => A._function2("keys", "$map", new A._keys_closure()));
98633 _lazyFinal($, "_values", "$get$_values", () => A._function2("values", "$map", new A._values_closure()));
98634 _lazyFinal($, "_hasKey", "$get$_hasKey", () => A._function2("has-key", "$map, $key, $keys...", new A._hasKey_closure()));
98635 _lazyFinal($, "global2", "$get$global3", () => A.UnmodifiableListView$(A._setArrayType([$.$get$_abs(), $.$get$_ceil(), $.$get$_floor(), $.$get$_max(), $.$get$_min(), $.$get$_percentage(), $.$get$_randomFunction(), $.$get$_round(), $.$get$_unit(), $.$get$_compatible().withName$1("comparable"), $.$get$_isUnitless().withName$1("unitless")], type$.JSArray_BuiltInCallable), type$.BuiltInCallable));
98636 _lazyFinal($, "module2", "$get$module2", () => A.BuiltInModule$("math", A._setArrayType([$.$get$_abs(), $.$get$_acos(), $.$get$_asin(), $.$get$_atan(), $.$get$_atan2(), $.$get$_ceil(), $.$get$_clamp(), $.$get$_cos(), $.$get$_compatible(), $.$get$_floor(), $.$get$_hypot(), $.$get$_isUnitless(), $.$get$_log(), $.$get$_max(), $.$get$_min(), $.$get$_percentage(), $.$get$_pow(), $.$get$_randomFunction(), $.$get$_round(), $.$get$_sin(), $.$get$_sqrt(), $.$get$_tan(), $.$get$_unit(), $.$get$_div()], type$.JSArray_BuiltInCallable), null, A.LinkedHashMap_LinkedHashMap$_literal(["e", A.SassNumber_SassNumber(2.718281828459045, null), "pi", A.SassNumber_SassNumber(3.141592653589793, null)], type$.String, type$.Value), type$.BuiltInCallable));
98637 _lazyFinal($, "_ceil", "$get$_ceil", () => A._numberFunction("ceil", new A._ceil_closure()));
98638 _lazyFinal($, "_clamp", "$get$_clamp", () => A._function1("clamp", "$min, $number, $max", new A._clamp_closure()));
98639 _lazyFinal($, "_floor", "$get$_floor", () => A._numberFunction("floor", new A._floor_closure()));
98640 _lazyFinal($, "_max", "$get$_max", () => A._function1("max", "$numbers...", new A._max_closure()));
98641 _lazyFinal($, "_min", "$get$_min", () => A._function1("min", "$numbers...", new A._min_closure()));
98642 _lazyFinal($, "_round", "$get$_round", () => A._numberFunction("round", A.number0__fuzzyRound$closure()));
98643 _lazyFinal($, "_abs", "$get$_abs", () => A._numberFunction("abs", new A._abs_closure()));
98644 _lazyFinal($, "_hypot", "$get$_hypot", () => A._function1("hypot", "$numbers...", new A._hypot_closure()));
98645 _lazyFinal($, "_log", "$get$_log", () => A._function1("log", "$number, $base: null", new A._log_closure()));
98646 _lazyFinal($, "_pow", "$get$_pow", () => A._function1("pow", "$base, $exponent", new A._pow_closure()));
98647 _lazyFinal($, "_sqrt", "$get$_sqrt", () => A._function1("sqrt", "$number", new A._sqrt_closure()));
98648 _lazyFinal($, "_acos", "$get$_acos", () => A._function1("acos", "$number", new A._acos_closure()));
98649 _lazyFinal($, "_asin", "$get$_asin", () => A._function1("asin", "$number", new A._asin_closure()));
98650 _lazyFinal($, "_atan", "$get$_atan", () => A._function1("atan", "$number", new A._atan_closure()));
98651 _lazyFinal($, "_atan2", "$get$_atan2", () => A._function1("atan2", "$y, $x", new A._atan2_closure()));
98652 _lazyFinal($, "_cos", "$get$_cos", () => A._function1("cos", "$number", new A._cos_closure()));
98653 _lazyFinal($, "_sin", "$get$_sin", () => A._function1("sin", "$number", new A._sin_closure()));
98654 _lazyFinal($, "_tan", "$get$_tan", () => A._function1("tan", "$number", new A._tan_closure()));
98655 _lazyFinal($, "_compatible", "$get$_compatible", () => A._function1("compatible", "$number1, $number2", new A._compatible_closure()));
98656 _lazyFinal($, "_isUnitless", "$get$_isUnitless", () => A._function1("is-unitless", "$number", new A._isUnitless_closure()));
98657 _lazyFinal($, "_unit", "$get$_unit", () => A._function1("unit", "$number", new A._unit_closure()));
98658 _lazyFinal($, "_percentage", "$get$_percentage", () => A._function1("percentage", "$number", new A._percentage_closure()));
98659 _lazyFinal($, "_random", "$get$_random0", () => A.Random_Random());
98660 _lazyFinal($, "_randomFunction", "$get$_randomFunction", () => A._function1("random", "$limit: null", new A._randomFunction_closure()));
98661 _lazyFinal($, "_div", "$get$_div", () => A._function1("div", "$number1, $number2", new A._div_closure()));
98662 _lazyFinal($, "global3", "$get$global", () => A.UnmodifiableListView$(A._setArrayType([A._function5("feature-exists", "$feature", new A.global_closure26()), A._function5("inspect", "$value", new A.global_closure27()), A._function5("type-of", "$value", new A.global_closure28()), A._function5("keywords", "$args", new A.global_closure29())], type$.JSArray_BuiltInCallable), type$.BuiltInCallable));
98663 _lazyFinal($, "local", "$get$local", () => A.UnmodifiableListView$(A._setArrayType([A._function5("calc-name", "$calc", new A.local_closure()), A._function5("calc-args", "$calc", new A.local_closure0())], type$.JSArray_BuiltInCallable), type$.BuiltInCallable));
98664 _lazyFinal($, "global4", "$get$global4", () => A.UnmodifiableListView$(A._setArrayType([$.$get$_isSuperselector(), $.$get$_simpleSelectors(), $.$get$_parse().withName$1("selector-parse"), $.$get$_nest().withName$1("selector-nest"), $.$get$_append().withName$1("selector-append"), $.$get$_extend().withName$1("selector-extend"), $.$get$_replace().withName$1("selector-replace"), $.$get$_unify().withName$1("selector-unify")], type$.JSArray_BuiltInCallable), type$.BuiltInCallable));
98665 _lazyFinal($, "module3", "$get$module3", () => A.BuiltInModule$("selector", A._setArrayType([$.$get$_isSuperselector(), $.$get$_simpleSelectors(), $.$get$_parse(), $.$get$_nest(), $.$get$_append(), $.$get$_extend(), $.$get$_replace(), $.$get$_unify()], type$.JSArray_BuiltInCallable), null, null, type$.BuiltInCallable));
98666 _lazyFinal($, "_nest", "$get$_nest", () => A._function0("nest", "$selectors...", new A._nest_closure()));
98667 _lazyFinal($, "_append0", "$get$_append", () => A._function0("append", "$selectors...", new A._append_closure()));
98668 _lazyFinal($, "_extend", "$get$_extend", () => A._function0("extend", "$selector, $extendee, $extender", new A._extend_closure()));
98669 _lazyFinal($, "_replace", "$get$_replace", () => A._function0("replace", "$selector, $original, $replacement", new A._replace_closure()));
98670 _lazyFinal($, "_unify", "$get$_unify", () => A._function0("unify", "$selector1, $selector2", new A._unify_closure()));
98671 _lazyFinal($, "_isSuperselector", "$get$_isSuperselector", () => A._function0("is-superselector", "$super, $sub", new A._isSuperselector_closure()));
98672 _lazyFinal($, "_simpleSelectors", "$get$_simpleSelectors", () => A._function0("simple-selectors", "$selector", new A._simpleSelectors_closure()));
98673 _lazyFinal($, "_parse", "$get$_parse", () => A._function0("parse", "$selector", new A._parse_closure()));
98674 _lazyFinal($, "_random0", "$get$_random", () => A.Random_Random());
98675 _lazy($, "_previousUniqueId", "$get$_previousUniqueId", () => $.$get$_random().nextInt$1(A._asInt(A.pow(36, 6))));
98676 _lazyFinal($, "global5", "$get$global5", () => A.UnmodifiableListView$(A._setArrayType([$.$get$_unquote(), $.$get$_quote(), $.$get$_toUpperCase(), $.$get$_toLowerCase(), $.$get$_uniqueId(), $.$get$_length().withName$1("str-length"), $.$get$_insert().withName$1("str-insert"), $.$get$_index().withName$1("str-index"), $.$get$_slice().withName$1("str-slice")], type$.JSArray_BuiltInCallable), type$.BuiltInCallable));
98677 _lazyFinal($, "module4", "$get$module4", () => A.BuiltInModule$("string", A._setArrayType([$.$get$_unquote(), $.$get$_quote(), $.$get$_toUpperCase(), $.$get$_toLowerCase(), $.$get$_length(), $.$get$_insert(), $.$get$_index(), $.$get$_slice(), $.$get$_uniqueId()], type$.JSArray_BuiltInCallable), null, null, type$.BuiltInCallable));
98678 _lazyFinal($, "_unquote", "$get$_unquote", () => A._function("unquote", "$string", new A._unquote_closure()));
98679 _lazyFinal($, "_quote", "$get$_quote", () => A._function("quote", "$string", new A._quote_closure()));
98680 _lazyFinal($, "_length0", "$get$_length", () => A._function("length", "$string", new A._length_closure()));
98681 _lazyFinal($, "_insert", "$get$_insert", () => A._function("insert", "$string, $insert, $index", new A._insert_closure()));
98682 _lazyFinal($, "_index0", "$get$_index", () => A._function("index", "$string, $substring", new A._index_closure()));
98683 _lazyFinal($, "_slice", "$get$_slice", () => A._function("slice", "$string, $start-at, $end-at: -1", new A._slice_closure()));
98684 _lazyFinal($, "_toUpperCase", "$get$_toUpperCase", () => A._function("to-upper-case", "$string", new A._toUpperCase_closure()));
98685 _lazyFinal($, "_toLowerCase", "$get$_toLowerCase", () => A._function("to-lower-case", "$string", new A._toLowerCase_closure()));
98686 _lazyFinal($, "_uniqueId", "$get$_uniqueId", () => A._function("unique-id", "", new A._uniqueId_closure()));
98687 _lazyFinal($, "stderr", "$get$stderr", () => new A.Stderr(J.get$stderr$x(self.process)));
98688 _lazyFinal($, "Logger_quiet", "$get$Logger_quiet", () => new A._QuietLogger());
98689 _lazyFinal($, "_disallowedFunctionNames", "$get$_disallowedFunctionNames", () => {
98690 var t1 = $.$get$globalFunctions();
98691 t1 = t1.map$1$1(t1, new A._disallowedFunctionNames_closure(), type$.String).toSet$0(0);
98692 t1.add$1(0, "if");
98693 t1.remove$1(0, "rgb");
98694 t1.remove$1(0, "rgba");
98695 t1.remove$1(0, "hsl");
98696 t1.remove$1(0, "hsla");
98697 t1.remove$1(0, "grayscale");
98698 t1.remove$1(0, "invert");
98699 t1.remove$1(0, "alpha");
98700 t1.remove$1(0, "opacity");
98701 t1.remove$1(0, "saturate");
98702 return t1;
98703 });
98704 _lazyFinal($, "epsilon", "$get$epsilon", () => A.pow(10, -11));
98705 _lazyFinal($, "_inverseEpsilon", "$get$_inverseEpsilon", () => 1 / $.$get$epsilon());
98706 _lazyFinal($, "_noSourceUrl", "$get$_noSourceUrl", () => A.Uri_parse("-"));
98707 _lazyFinal($, "_traces", "$get$_traces", () => A.Expando$());
98708 _lazyFinal($, "_typesByUnit", "$get$_typesByUnit", () => {
98709 var t2, t3, t4,
98710 t1 = type$.String;
98711 t1 = A.LinkedHashMap_LinkedHashMap$_empty(t1, t1);
98712 for (t2 = B.Map_U8AHF.get$entries(B.Map_U8AHF), t2 = t2.get$iterator(t2); t2.moveNext$0();) {
98713 t3 = t2.get$current(t2);
98714 for (t4 = J.get$iterator$ax(t3.value), t3 = t3.key; t4.moveNext$0();)
98715 t1.$indexSet(0, t4.get$current(t4), t3);
98716 }
98717 return t1;
98718 });
98719 _lazyFinal($, "_knownCompatibilitiesByUnit", "$get$_knownCompatibilitiesByUnit", () => {
98720 var _i, set, t2,
98721 t1 = A.LinkedHashMap_LinkedHashMap$_empty(type$.String, A.findType("Set<String>"));
98722 for (_i = 0; _i < 5; ++_i) {
98723 set = B.List_AqW[_i];
98724 for (t2 = set.get$iterator(set); t2.moveNext$0();)
98725 t1.$indexSet(0, t2.get$current(t2), set);
98726 }
98727 return t1;
98728 });
98729 _lazyFinal($, "_emptyQuoted", "$get$_emptyQuoted", () => A.SassString$("", true));
98730 _lazyFinal($, "_emptyUnquoted", "$get$_emptyUnquoted", () => A.SassString$("", false));
98731 _lazyFinal($, "MAX_INT32", "$get$MAX_INT32", () => A._asInt(A.pow(2, 31)) - 1);
98732 _lazyFinal($, "MIN_INT32", "$get$MIN_INT32", () => -A._asInt(A.pow(2, 31)));
98733 _lazyFinal($, "_vmFrame", "$get$_vmFrame", () => A.RegExp_RegExp("^#\\d+\\s+(\\S.*) \\((.+?)((?::\\d+){0,2})\\)$", false));
98734 _lazyFinal($, "_v8Frame", "$get$_v8Frame", () => A.RegExp_RegExp("^\\s*at (?:(\\S.*?)(?: \\[as [^\\]]+\\])? \\((.*)\\)|(.*))$", false));
98735 _lazyFinal($, "_v8UrlLocation", "$get$_v8UrlLocation", () => A.RegExp_RegExp("^(.*?):(\\d+)(?::(\\d+))?$|native$", false));
98736 _lazyFinal($, "_v8EvalLocation", "$get$_v8EvalLocation", () => A.RegExp_RegExp("^eval at (?:\\S.*?) \\((.*)\\)(?:, .*?:\\d+:\\d+)?$", false));
98737 _lazyFinal($, "_firefoxEvalLocation", "$get$_firefoxEvalLocation", () => A.RegExp_RegExp("(\\S+)@(\\S+) line (\\d+) >.* (Function|eval):\\d+:\\d+", false));
98738 _lazyFinal($, "_firefoxSafariFrame", "$get$_firefoxSafariFrame", () => A.RegExp_RegExp("^(?:([^@(/]*)(?:\\(.*\\))?((?:/[^/]*)*)(?:\\(.*\\))?@)?(.*?):(\\d*)(?::(\\d*))?$", false));
98739 _lazyFinal($, "_friendlyFrame", "$get$_friendlyFrame", () => A.RegExp_RegExp("^(\\S+)(?: (\\d+)(?::(\\d+))?)?\\s+([^\\d].*)$", false));
98740 _lazyFinal($, "_asyncBody", "$get$_asyncBody", () => A.RegExp_RegExp("<(<anonymous closure>|[^>]+)_async_body>", false));
98741 _lazyFinal($, "_initialDot", "$get$_initialDot", () => A.RegExp_RegExp("^\\.", false));
98742 _lazyFinal($, "Frame__uriRegExp", "$get$Frame__uriRegExp", () => A.RegExp_RegExp("^[a-zA-Z][-+.a-zA-Z\\d]*://", false));
98743 _lazyFinal($, "Frame__windowsRegExp", "$get$Frame__windowsRegExp", () => A.RegExp_RegExp("^([a-zA-Z]:[\\\\/]|\\\\\\\\)", false));
98744 _lazyFinal($, "_terseRegExp", "$get$_terseRegExp", () => A.RegExp_RegExp("(-patch)?([/\\\\].*)?$", false));
98745 _lazyFinal($, "_v8Trace", "$get$_v8Trace", () => A.RegExp_RegExp("\\n ?at ", false));
98746 _lazyFinal($, "_v8TraceLine", "$get$_v8TraceLine", () => A.RegExp_RegExp(" ?at ", false));
98747 _lazyFinal($, "_firefoxEvalTrace", "$get$_firefoxEvalTrace", () => A.RegExp_RegExp("@\\S+ line \\d+ >.* (Function|eval):\\d+:\\d+", false));
98748 _lazyFinal($, "_firefoxSafariTrace", "$get$_firefoxSafariTrace", () => A.RegExp_RegExp("^(([.0-9A-Za-z_$/<]|\\(.*\\))*@)?[^\\s]*:\\d*$", true));
98749 _lazyFinal($, "_friendlyTrace", "$get$_friendlyTrace", () => A.RegExp_RegExp("^[^\\s<][^\\s]*( \\d+(:\\d+)?)?[ \\t]+[^\\s]+$", true));
98750 _lazyFinal($, "vmChainGap", "$get$vmChainGap", () => A.RegExp_RegExp("^<asynchronous suspension>\\n?$", true));
98751 _lazyFinal($, "_newlineRegExp", "$get$_newlineRegExp", () => A.RegExp_RegExp("\\r\\n?|\\n", false));
98752 _lazyFinal($, "argumentListClass", "$get$argumentListClass", () => new A.argumentListClass_closure().call$0());
98753 _lazyFinal($, "_filesystemImporter", "$get$_filesystemImporter", () => A.FilesystemImporter$("."));
98754 _lazyFinal($, "legacyBooleanClass", "$get$legacyBooleanClass", () => new A.legacyBooleanClass_closure().call$0());
98755 _lazyFinal($, "booleanClass", "$get$booleanClass", () => new A.booleanClass_closure().call$0());
98756 _lazyFinal($, "_microsoftFilterStart0", "$get$_microsoftFilterStart0", () => A.RegExp_RegExp("^[a-zA-Z]+\\s*=", false));
98757 _lazyFinal($, "global6", "$get$global7", () => {
98758 var _s27_ = "$red, $green, $blue, $alpha",
98759 _s19_ = "$red, $green, $blue",
98760 _s37_ = "$hue, $saturation, $lightness, $alpha",
98761 _s29_ = "$hue, $saturation, $lightness",
98762 _s17_ = "$hue, $saturation",
98763 _s15_ = "$color, $amount",
98764 t1 = type$.String,
98765 t2 = type$.Value_Function_List_Value_2;
98766 return A.UnmodifiableListView$(A._setArrayType([$.$get$_red0(), $.$get$_green0(), $.$get$_blue0(), $.$get$_mix0(), A.BuiltInCallable$overloadedFunction0("rgb", A.LinkedHashMap_LinkedHashMap$_literal([_s27_, new A.global_closure30(), _s19_, new A.global_closure31(), "$color, $alpha", new A.global_closure32(), "$channels", new A.global_closure33()], t1, t2)), A.BuiltInCallable$overloadedFunction0("rgba", A.LinkedHashMap_LinkedHashMap$_literal([_s27_, new A.global_closure34(), _s19_, new A.global_closure35(), "$color, $alpha", new A.global_closure36(), "$channels", new A.global_closure37()], t1, t2)), A._function11("invert", "$color, $weight: 100%", new A.global_closure38()), $.$get$_hue0(), $.$get$_saturation0(), $.$get$_lightness0(), $.$get$_complement0(), A.BuiltInCallable$overloadedFunction0("hsl", A.LinkedHashMap_LinkedHashMap$_literal([_s37_, new A.global_closure39(), _s29_, new A.global_closure40(), _s17_, new A.global_closure41(), "$channels", new A.global_closure42()], t1, t2)), A.BuiltInCallable$overloadedFunction0("hsla", A.LinkedHashMap_LinkedHashMap$_literal([_s37_, new A.global_closure43(), _s29_, new A.global_closure44(), _s17_, new A.global_closure45(), "$channels", new A.global_closure46()], t1, t2)), A._function11("grayscale", "$color", new A.global_closure47()), A._function11("adjust-hue", "$color, $degrees", new A.global_closure48()), A._function11("lighten", _s15_, new A.global_closure49()), A._function11("darken", _s15_, new A.global_closure50()), A.BuiltInCallable$overloadedFunction0("saturate", A.LinkedHashMap_LinkedHashMap$_literal(["$amount", new A.global_closure51(), "$color, $amount", new A.global_closure52()], t1, t2)), A._function11("desaturate", _s15_, new A.global_closure53()), A._function11("opacify", _s15_, A.color1___opacify$closure()), A._function11("fade-in", _s15_, A.color1___opacify$closure()), A._function11("transparentize", _s15_, A.color1___transparentize$closure()), A._function11("fade-out", _s15_, A.color1___transparentize$closure()), A.BuiltInCallable$overloadedFunction0("alpha", A.LinkedHashMap_LinkedHashMap$_literal(["$color", new A.global_closure54(), "$args...", new A.global_closure55()], t1, t2)), A._function11("opacity", "$color", new A.global_closure56()), $.$get$_ieHexStr0(), $.$get$_adjust0().withName$1("adjust-color"), $.$get$_scale0().withName$1("scale-color"), $.$get$_change0().withName$1("change-color")], type$.JSArray_BuiltInCallable_2), type$.BuiltInCallable_2);
98767 });
98768 _lazyFinal($, "module5", "$get$module5", () => {
98769 var _s9_ = "lightness",
98770 _s10_ = "saturation",
98771 _s6_ = "$color", _s5_ = "alpha",
98772 t1 = type$.String,
98773 t2 = type$.Value_Function_List_Value_2;
98774 return A.BuiltInModule$0("color", A._setArrayType([$.$get$_red0(), $.$get$_green0(), $.$get$_blue0(), $.$get$_mix0(), A._function11("invert", "$color, $weight: 100%", new A.module_closure8()), $.$get$_hue0(), $.$get$_saturation0(), $.$get$_lightness0(), $.$get$_complement0(), A._removedColorFunction0("adjust-hue", "hue", false), A._removedColorFunction0("lighten", _s9_, false), A._removedColorFunction0("darken", _s9_, true), A._removedColorFunction0("saturate", _s10_, false), A._removedColorFunction0("desaturate", _s10_, true), A._function11("grayscale", _s6_, new A.module_closure9()), A.BuiltInCallable$overloadedFunction0("hwb", A.LinkedHashMap_LinkedHashMap$_literal(["$hue, $whiteness, $blackness, $alpha: 1", new A.module_closure10(), "$channels", new A.module_closure11()], t1, t2)), A._function11("whiteness", _s6_, new A.module_closure12()), A._function11("blackness", _s6_, new A.module_closure13()), A._removedColorFunction0("opacify", _s5_, false), A._removedColorFunction0("fade-in", _s5_, false), A._removedColorFunction0("transparentize", _s5_, true), A._removedColorFunction0("fade-out", _s5_, true), A.BuiltInCallable$overloadedFunction0(_s5_, A.LinkedHashMap_LinkedHashMap$_literal(["$color", new A.module_closure14(), "$args...", new A.module_closure15()], t1, t2)), A._function11("opacity", _s6_, new A.module_closure16()), $.$get$_adjust0(), $.$get$_scale0(), $.$get$_change0(), $.$get$_ieHexStr0()], type$.JSArray_BuiltInCallable_2), null, null, type$.BuiltInCallable_2);
98775 });
98776 _lazyFinal($, "_red0", "$get$_red0", () => A._function11("red", "$color", new A._red_closure0()));
98777 _lazyFinal($, "_green0", "$get$_green0", () => A._function11("green", "$color", new A._green_closure0()));
98778 _lazyFinal($, "_blue0", "$get$_blue0", () => A._function11("blue", "$color", new A._blue_closure0()));
98779 _lazyFinal($, "_mix0", "$get$_mix0", () => A._function11("mix", "$color1, $color2, $weight: 50%", new A._mix_closure0()));
98780 _lazyFinal($, "_hue0", "$get$_hue0", () => A._function11("hue", "$color", new A._hue_closure0()));
98781 _lazyFinal($, "_saturation0", "$get$_saturation0", () => A._function11("saturation", "$color", new A._saturation_closure0()));
98782 _lazyFinal($, "_lightness0", "$get$_lightness0", () => A._function11("lightness", "$color", new A._lightness_closure0()));
98783 _lazyFinal($, "_complement0", "$get$_complement0", () => A._function11("complement", "$color", new A._complement_closure0()));
98784 _lazyFinal($, "_adjust0", "$get$_adjust0", () => A._function11("adjust", "$color, $kwargs...", new A._adjust_closure0()));
98785 _lazyFinal($, "_scale0", "$get$_scale0", () => A._function11("scale", "$color, $kwargs...", new A._scale_closure0()));
98786 _lazyFinal($, "_change0", "$get$_change0", () => A._function11("change", "$color, $kwargs...", new A._change_closure0()));
98787 _lazyFinal($, "_ieHexStr0", "$get$_ieHexStr0", () => A._function11("ie-hex-str", "$color", new A._ieHexStr_closure0()));
98788 _lazyFinal($, "legacyColorClass", "$get$legacyColorClass", () => {
98789 var t1 = A.createJSClass("sass.types.Color", new A.legacyColorClass_closure());
98790 A.JSClassExtension_defineMethods(t1, A.LinkedHashMap_LinkedHashMap$_literal(["getR", new A.legacyColorClass_closure0(), "getG", new A.legacyColorClass_closure1(), "getB", new A.legacyColorClass_closure2(), "getA", new A.legacyColorClass_closure3(), "setR", new A.legacyColorClass_closure4(), "setG", new A.legacyColorClass_closure5(), "setB", new A.legacyColorClass_closure6(), "setA", new A.legacyColorClass_closure7()], type$.String, type$.Function));
98791 return t1;
98792 });
98793 _lazyFinal($, "colorClass", "$get$colorClass", () => new A.colorClass_closure().call$0());
98794 _lazyFinal($, "colorsByName0", "$get$colorsByName0", () => {
98795 var _null = null;
98796 return A.LinkedHashMap_LinkedHashMap$_literal(["yellowgreen", A.SassColor$rgb0(154, 205, 50, _null, _null), "yellow", A.SassColor$rgb0(255, 255, 0, _null, _null), "whitesmoke", A.SassColor$rgb0(245, 245, 245, _null, _null), "white", A.SassColor$rgb0(255, 255, 255, _null, _null), "wheat", A.SassColor$rgb0(245, 222, 179, _null, _null), "violet", A.SassColor$rgb0(238, 130, 238, _null, _null), "turquoise", A.SassColor$rgb0(64, 224, 208, _null, _null), "transparent", A.SassColor$rgb0(0, 0, 0, 0, _null), "tomato", A.SassColor$rgb0(255, 99, 71, _null, _null), "thistle", A.SassColor$rgb0(216, 191, 216, _null, _null), "teal", A.SassColor$rgb0(0, 128, 128, _null, _null), "tan", A.SassColor$rgb0(210, 180, 140, _null, _null), "steelblue", A.SassColor$rgb0(70, 130, 180, _null, _null), "springgreen", A.SassColor$rgb0(0, 255, 127, _null, _null), "snow", A.SassColor$rgb0(255, 250, 250, _null, _null), "slategrey", A.SassColor$rgb0(112, 128, 144, _null, _null), "slategray", A.SassColor$rgb0(112, 128, 144, _null, _null), "slateblue", A.SassColor$rgb0(106, 90, 205, _null, _null), "skyblue", A.SassColor$rgb0(135, 206, 235, _null, _null), "silver", A.SassColor$rgb0(192, 192, 192, _null, _null), "sienna", A.SassColor$rgb0(160, 82, 45, _null, _null), "seashell", A.SassColor$rgb0(255, 245, 238, _null, _null), "seagreen", A.SassColor$rgb0(46, 139, 87, _null, _null), "sandybrown", A.SassColor$rgb0(244, 164, 96, _null, _null), "salmon", A.SassColor$rgb0(250, 128, 114, _null, _null), "saddlebrown", A.SassColor$rgb0(139, 69, 19, _null, _null), "royalblue", A.SassColor$rgb0(65, 105, 225, _null, _null), "rosybrown", A.SassColor$rgb0(188, 143, 143, _null, _null), "red", A.SassColor$rgb0(255, 0, 0, _null, _null), "rebeccapurple", A.SassColor$rgb0(102, 51, 153, _null, _null), "purple", A.SassColor$rgb0(128, 0, 128, _null, _null), "powderblue", A.SassColor$rgb0(176, 224, 230, _null, _null), "plum", A.SassColor$rgb0(221, 160, 221, _null, _null), "pink", A.SassColor$rgb0(255, 192, 203, _null, _null), "peru", A.SassColor$rgb0(205, 133, 63, _null, _null), "peachpuff", A.SassColor$rgb0(255, 218, 185, _null, _null), "papayawhip", A.SassColor$rgb0(255, 239, 213, _null, _null), "palevioletred", A.SassColor$rgb0(219, 112, 147, _null, _null), "paleturquoise", A.SassColor$rgb0(175, 238, 238, _null, _null), "palegreen", A.SassColor$rgb0(152, 251, 152, _null, _null), "palegoldenrod", A.SassColor$rgb0(238, 232, 170, _null, _null), "orchid", A.SassColor$rgb0(218, 112, 214, _null, _null), "orangered", A.SassColor$rgb0(255, 69, 0, _null, _null), "orange", A.SassColor$rgb0(255, 165, 0, _null, _null), "olivedrab", A.SassColor$rgb0(107, 142, 35, _null, _null), "olive", A.SassColor$rgb0(128, 128, 0, _null, _null), "oldlace", A.SassColor$rgb0(253, 245, 230, _null, _null), "navy", A.SassColor$rgb0(0, 0, 128, _null, _null), "navajowhite", A.SassColor$rgb0(255, 222, 173, _null, _null), "moccasin", A.SassColor$rgb0(255, 228, 181, _null, _null), "mistyrose", A.SassColor$rgb0(255, 228, 225, _null, _null), "mintcream", A.SassColor$rgb0(245, 255, 250, _null, _null), "midnightblue", A.SassColor$rgb0(25, 25, 112, _null, _null), "mediumvioletred", A.SassColor$rgb0(199, 21, 133, _null, _null), "mediumturquoise", A.SassColor$rgb0(72, 209, 204, _null, _null), "mediumspringgreen", A.SassColor$rgb0(0, 250, 154, _null, _null), "mediumslateblue", A.SassColor$rgb0(123, 104, 238, _null, _null), "mediumseagreen", A.SassColor$rgb0(60, 179, 113, _null, _null), "mediumpurple", A.SassColor$rgb0(147, 112, 219, _null, _null), "mediumorchid", A.SassColor$rgb0(186, 85, 211, _null, _null), "mediumblue", A.SassColor$rgb0(0, 0, 205, _null, _null), "mediumaquamarine", A.SassColor$rgb0(102, 205, 170, _null, _null), "maroon", A.SassColor$rgb0(128, 0, 0, _null, _null), "magenta", A.SassColor$rgb0(255, 0, 255, _null, _null), "linen", A.SassColor$rgb0(250, 240, 230, _null, _null), "limegreen", A.SassColor$rgb0(50, 205, 50, _null, _null), "lime", A.SassColor$rgb0(0, 255, 0, _null, _null), "lightyellow", A.SassColor$rgb0(255, 255, 224, _null, _null), "lightsteelblue", A.SassColor$rgb0(176, 196, 222, _null, _null), "lightslategrey", A.SassColor$rgb0(119, 136, 153, _null, _null), "lightslategray", A.SassColor$rgb0(119, 136, 153, _null, _null), "lightskyblue", A.SassColor$rgb0(135, 206, 250, _null, _null), "lightseagreen", A.SassColor$rgb0(32, 178, 170, _null, _null), "lightsalmon", A.SassColor$rgb0(255, 160, 122, _null, _null), "lightpink", A.SassColor$rgb0(255, 182, 193, _null, _null), "lightgrey", A.SassColor$rgb0(211, 211, 211, _null, _null), "lightgreen", A.SassColor$rgb0(144, 238, 144, _null, _null), "lightgray", A.SassColor$rgb0(211, 211, 211, _null, _null), "lightgoldenrodyellow", A.SassColor$rgb0(250, 250, 210, _null, _null), "lightcyan", A.SassColor$rgb0(224, 255, 255, _null, _null), "lightcoral", A.SassColor$rgb0(240, 128, 128, _null, _null), "lightblue", A.SassColor$rgb0(173, 216, 230, _null, _null), "lemonchiffon", A.SassColor$rgb0(255, 250, 205, _null, _null), "lawngreen", A.SassColor$rgb0(124, 252, 0, _null, _null), "lavenderblush", A.SassColor$rgb0(255, 240, 245, _null, _null), "lavender", A.SassColor$rgb0(230, 230, 250, _null, _null), "khaki", A.SassColor$rgb0(240, 230, 140, _null, _null), "ivory", A.SassColor$rgb0(255, 255, 240, _null, _null), "indigo", A.SassColor$rgb0(75, 0, 130, _null, _null), "indianred", A.SassColor$rgb0(205, 92, 92, _null, _null), "hotpink", A.SassColor$rgb0(255, 105, 180, _null, _null), "honeydew", A.SassColor$rgb0(240, 255, 240, _null, _null), "grey", A.SassColor$rgb0(128, 128, 128, _null, _null), "greenyellow", A.SassColor$rgb0(173, 255, 47, _null, _null), "green", A.SassColor$rgb0(0, 128, 0, _null, _null), "gray", A.SassColor$rgb0(128, 128, 128, _null, _null), "goldenrod", A.SassColor$rgb0(218, 165, 32, _null, _null), "gold", A.SassColor$rgb0(255, 215, 0, _null, _null), "ghostwhite", A.SassColor$rgb0(248, 248, 255, _null, _null), "gainsboro", A.SassColor$rgb0(220, 220, 220, _null, _null), "fuchsia", A.SassColor$rgb0(255, 0, 255, _null, _null), "forestgreen", A.SassColor$rgb0(34, 139, 34, _null, _null), "floralwhite", A.SassColor$rgb0(255, 250, 240, _null, _null), "firebrick", A.SassColor$rgb0(178, 34, 34, _null, _null), "dodgerblue", A.SassColor$rgb0(30, 144, 255, _null, _null), "dimgrey", A.SassColor$rgb0(105, 105, 105, _null, _null), "dimgray", A.SassColor$rgb0(105, 105, 105, _null, _null), "deepskyblue", A.SassColor$rgb0(0, 191, 255, _null, _null), "deeppink", A.SassColor$rgb0(255, 20, 147, _null, _null), "darkviolet", A.SassColor$rgb0(148, 0, 211, _null, _null), "darkturquoise", A.SassColor$rgb0(0, 206, 209, _null, _null), "darkslategrey", A.SassColor$rgb0(47, 79, 79, _null, _null), "darkslategray", A.SassColor$rgb0(47, 79, 79, _null, _null), "darkslateblue", A.SassColor$rgb0(72, 61, 139, _null, _null), "darkseagreen", A.SassColor$rgb0(143, 188, 143, _null, _null), "darksalmon", A.SassColor$rgb0(233, 150, 122, _null, _null), "darkred", A.SassColor$rgb0(139, 0, 0, _null, _null), "darkorchid", A.SassColor$rgb0(153, 50, 204, _null, _null), "darkorange", A.SassColor$rgb0(255, 140, 0, _null, _null), "darkolivegreen", A.SassColor$rgb0(85, 107, 47, _null, _null), "darkmagenta", A.SassColor$rgb0(139, 0, 139, _null, _null), "darkkhaki", A.SassColor$rgb0(189, 183, 107, _null, _null), "darkgrey", A.SassColor$rgb0(169, 169, 169, _null, _null), "darkgreen", A.SassColor$rgb0(0, 100, 0, _null, _null), "darkgray", A.SassColor$rgb0(169, 169, 169, _null, _null), "darkgoldenrod", A.SassColor$rgb0(184, 134, 11, _null, _null), "darkcyan", A.SassColor$rgb0(0, 139, 139, _null, _null), "darkblue", A.SassColor$rgb0(0, 0, 139, _null, _null), "cyan", A.SassColor$rgb0(0, 255, 255, _null, _null), "crimson", A.SassColor$rgb0(220, 20, 60, _null, _null), "cornsilk", A.SassColor$rgb0(255, 248, 220, _null, _null), "cornflowerblue", A.SassColor$rgb0(100, 149, 237, _null, _null), "coral", A.SassColor$rgb0(255, 127, 80, _null, _null), "chocolate", A.SassColor$rgb0(210, 105, 30, _null, _null), "chartreuse", A.SassColor$rgb0(127, 255, 0, _null, _null), "cadetblue", A.SassColor$rgb0(95, 158, 160, _null, _null), "burlywood", A.SassColor$rgb0(222, 184, 135, _null, _null), "brown", A.SassColor$rgb0(165, 42, 42, _null, _null), "blueviolet", A.SassColor$rgb0(138, 43, 226, _null, _null), "blue", A.SassColor$rgb0(0, 0, 255, _null, _null), "blanchedalmond", A.SassColor$rgb0(255, 235, 205, _null, _null), "black", A.SassColor$rgb0(0, 0, 0, _null, _null), "bisque", A.SassColor$rgb0(255, 228, 196, _null, _null), "beige", A.SassColor$rgb0(245, 245, 220, _null, _null), "azure", A.SassColor$rgb0(240, 255, 255, _null, _null), "aquamarine", A.SassColor$rgb0(127, 255, 212, _null, _null), "aqua", A.SassColor$rgb0(0, 255, 255, _null, _null), "antiquewhite", A.SassColor$rgb0(250, 235, 215, _null, _null), "aliceblue", A.SassColor$rgb0(240, 248, 255, _null, _null)], type$.String, type$.SassColor_2);
98797 });
98798 _lazyFinal($, "namesByColor0", "$get$namesByColor0", () => {
98799 var t2, t3,
98800 t1 = A.LinkedHashMap_LinkedHashMap$_empty(type$.SassColor_2, type$.String);
98801 for (t2 = $.$get$colorsByName0(), t2 = t2.get$entries(t2), t2 = t2.get$iterator(t2); t2.moveNext$0();) {
98802 t3 = t2.get$current(t2);
98803 t1.$indexSet(0, t3.value, t3.key);
98804 }
98805 return t1;
98806 });
98807 _lazyFinal($, "_disallowedFunctionNames0", "$get$_disallowedFunctionNames0", () => {
98808 var t1 = $.$get$globalFunctions0();
98809 t1 = t1.map$1$1(t1, new A._disallowedFunctionNames_closure0(), type$.String).toSet$0(0);
98810 t1.add$1(0, "if");
98811 t1.remove$1(0, "rgb");
98812 t1.remove$1(0, "rgba");
98813 t1.remove$1(0, "hsl");
98814 t1.remove$1(0, "hsla");
98815 t1.remove$1(0, "grayscale");
98816 t1.remove$1(0, "invert");
98817 t1.remove$1(0, "alpha");
98818 t1.remove$1(0, "opacity");
98819 t1.remove$1(0, "saturate");
98820 return t1;
98821 });
98822 _lazyFinal($, "exceptionClass", "$get$exceptionClass", () => new A.exceptionClass_closure().call$0());
98823 _lazyFinal($, "_filesystemImporter0", "$get$_filesystemImporter0", () => A.FilesystemImporter$("."));
98824 _lazyFinal($, "functionClass", "$get$functionClass", () => new A.functionClass_closure().call$0());
98825 _lazyFinal($, "globalFunctions0", "$get$globalFunctions0", () => {
98826 var t1 = type$.BuiltInCallable_2,
98827 t2 = A.List_List$of($.$get$global7(), true, t1);
98828 B.JSArray_methods.addAll$1(t2, $.$get$global8());
98829 B.JSArray_methods.addAll$1(t2, $.$get$global9());
98830 B.JSArray_methods.addAll$1(t2, $.$get$global10());
98831 B.JSArray_methods.addAll$1(t2, $.$get$global11());
98832 B.JSArray_methods.addAll$1(t2, $.$get$global12());
98833 B.JSArray_methods.addAll$1(t2, $.$get$global6());
98834 t2.push(A.BuiltInCallable$function0("if", "$condition, $if-true, $if-false", new A.globalFunctions_closure0(), null));
98835 return A.UnmodifiableListView$(t2, t1);
98836 });
98837 _lazyFinal($, "coreModules0", "$get$coreModules0", () => A.UnmodifiableListView$(A._setArrayType([$.$get$module5(), $.$get$module6(), $.$get$module7(), $.$get$module8(), $.$get$module9(), $.$get$module10()], A.findType("JSArray<BuiltInModule0<BuiltInCallable0>>")), type$.BuiltInModule_BuiltInCallable_2));
98838 _lazyFinal($, "IfExpression_declaration0", "$get$IfExpression_declaration0", () => A.ArgumentDeclaration_ArgumentDeclaration$parse0(string$.x40funct, null));
98839 _lazyFinal($, "global7", "$get$global8", () => A.UnmodifiableListView$(A._setArrayType([$.$get$_length2(), $.$get$_nth0(), $.$get$_setNth0(), $.$get$_join0(), $.$get$_append2(), $.$get$_zip0(), $.$get$_index2(), $.$get$_isBracketed0(), $.$get$_separator0().withName$1("list-separator")], type$.JSArray_BuiltInCallable_2), type$.BuiltInCallable_2));
98840 _lazyFinal($, "module6", "$get$module6", () => A.BuiltInModule$0("list", A._setArrayType([$.$get$_length2(), $.$get$_nth0(), $.$get$_setNth0(), $.$get$_join0(), $.$get$_append2(), $.$get$_zip0(), $.$get$_index2(), $.$get$_isBracketed0(), $.$get$_separator0(), $.$get$_slash0()], type$.JSArray_BuiltInCallable_2), null, null, type$.BuiltInCallable_2));
98841 _lazyFinal($, "_length1", "$get$_length2", () => A._function10("length", "$list", new A._length_closure2()));
98842 _lazyFinal($, "_nth0", "$get$_nth0", () => A._function10("nth", "$list, $n", new A._nth_closure0()));
98843 _lazyFinal($, "_setNth0", "$get$_setNth0", () => A._function10("set-nth", "$list, $n, $value", new A._setNth_closure0()));
98844 _lazyFinal($, "_join0", "$get$_join0", () => A._function10("join", string$.x24list1, new A._join_closure0()));
98845 _lazyFinal($, "_append1", "$get$_append2", () => A._function10("append", "$list, $val, $separator: auto", new A._append_closure2()));
98846 _lazyFinal($, "_zip0", "$get$_zip0", () => A._function10("zip", "$lists...", new A._zip_closure0()));
98847 _lazyFinal($, "_index1", "$get$_index2", () => A._function10("index", "$list, $value", new A._index_closure2()));
98848 _lazyFinal($, "_separator0", "$get$_separator0", () => A._function10("separator", "$list", new A._separator_closure0()));
98849 _lazyFinal($, "_isBracketed0", "$get$_isBracketed0", () => A._function10("is-bracketed", "$list", new A._isBracketed_closure0()));
98850 _lazyFinal($, "_slash0", "$get$_slash0", () => A._function10("slash", "$elements...", new A._slash_closure0()));
98851 _lazyFinal($, "legacyListClass", "$get$legacyListClass", () => {
98852 var t1 = A.createJSClass("sass.types.List", new A.legacyListClass_closure());
98853 A.JSClassExtension_defineMethods(t1, A.LinkedHashMap_LinkedHashMap$_literal(["getValue", new A.legacyListClass_closure0(), "setValue", new A.legacyListClass_closure1(), "getSeparator", new A.legacyListClass_closure2(), "setSeparator", new A.legacyListClass_closure3(), "getLength", new A.legacyListClass_closure4()], type$.String, type$.Function));
98854 return t1;
98855 });
98856 _lazyFinal($, "listClass", "$get$listClass", () => new A.listClass_closure().call$0());
98857 _lazyFinal($, "Logger_quiet0", "$get$Logger_quiet0", () => new A._QuietLogger0());
98858 _lazyFinal($, "global8", "$get$global9", () => A.UnmodifiableListView$(A._setArrayType([$.$get$_get0().withName$1("map-get"), $.$get$_merge0().withName$1("map-merge"), $.$get$_remove0().withName$1("map-remove"), $.$get$_keys0().withName$1("map-keys"), $.$get$_values0().withName$1("map-values"), $.$get$_hasKey0().withName$1("map-has-key")], type$.JSArray_BuiltInCallable_2), type$.BuiltInCallable_2));
98859 _lazyFinal($, "module7", "$get$module7", () => A.BuiltInModule$0("map", A._setArrayType([$.$get$_get0(), $.$get$_set0(), $.$get$_merge0(), $.$get$_remove0(), $.$get$_keys0(), $.$get$_values0(), $.$get$_hasKey0(), $.$get$_deepMerge0(), $.$get$_deepRemove0()], type$.JSArray_BuiltInCallable_2), null, null, type$.BuiltInCallable_2));
98860 _lazyFinal($, "_get0", "$get$_get0", () => A._function9("get", "$map, $key, $keys...", new A._get_closure0()));
98861 _lazyFinal($, "_set0", "$get$_set0", () => A.BuiltInCallable$overloadedFunction0("set", A.LinkedHashMap_LinkedHashMap$_literal(["$map, $key, $value", new A._set_closure1(), "$map, $args...", new A._set_closure2()], type$.String, type$.Value_Function_List_Value_2)));
98862 _lazyFinal($, "_merge0", "$get$_merge0", () => A.BuiltInCallable$overloadedFunction0("merge", A.LinkedHashMap_LinkedHashMap$_literal(["$map1, $map2", new A._merge_closure1(), "$map1, $args...", new A._merge_closure2()], type$.String, type$.Value_Function_List_Value_2)));
98863 _lazyFinal($, "_deepMerge0", "$get$_deepMerge0", () => A._function9("deep-merge", "$map1, $map2", new A._deepMerge_closure0()));
98864 _lazyFinal($, "_deepRemove0", "$get$_deepRemove0", () => A._function9("deep-remove", "$map, $key, $keys...", new A._deepRemove_closure0()));
98865 _lazyFinal($, "_remove0", "$get$_remove0", () => A.BuiltInCallable$overloadedFunction0("remove", A.LinkedHashMap_LinkedHashMap$_literal(["$map", new A._remove_closure1(), "$map, $key, $keys...", new A._remove_closure2()], type$.String, type$.Value_Function_List_Value_2)));
98866 _lazyFinal($, "_keys0", "$get$_keys0", () => A._function9("keys", "$map", new A._keys_closure0()));
98867 _lazyFinal($, "_values0", "$get$_values0", () => A._function9("values", "$map", new A._values_closure0()));
98868 _lazyFinal($, "_hasKey0", "$get$_hasKey0", () => A._function9("has-key", "$map, $key, $keys...", new A._hasKey_closure0()));
98869 _lazyFinal($, "legacyMapClass", "$get$legacyMapClass", () => {
98870 var t1 = A.createJSClass("sass.types.Map", new A.legacyMapClass_closure());
98871 A.JSClassExtension_defineMethods(t1, A.LinkedHashMap_LinkedHashMap$_literal(["getKey", new A.legacyMapClass_closure0(), "getValue", new A.legacyMapClass_closure1(), "getLength", new A.legacyMapClass_closure2(), "setKey", new A.legacyMapClass_closure3(), "setValue", new A.legacyMapClass_closure4()], type$.String, type$.Function));
98872 return t1;
98873 });
98874 _lazyFinal($, "mapClass", "$get$mapClass", () => new A.mapClass_closure().call$0());
98875 _lazyFinal($, "global9", "$get$global10", () => A.UnmodifiableListView$(A._setArrayType([$.$get$_abs0(), $.$get$_ceil0(), $.$get$_floor0(), $.$get$_max0(), $.$get$_min0(), $.$get$_percentage0(), $.$get$_randomFunction0(), $.$get$_round0(), $.$get$_unit0(), $.$get$_compatible0().withName$1("comparable"), $.$get$_isUnitless0().withName$1("unitless")], type$.JSArray_BuiltInCallable_2), type$.BuiltInCallable_2));
98876 _lazyFinal($, "module8", "$get$module8", () => A.BuiltInModule$0("math", A._setArrayType([$.$get$_abs0(), $.$get$_acos0(), $.$get$_asin0(), $.$get$_atan0(), $.$get$_atan20(), $.$get$_ceil0(), $.$get$_clamp0(), $.$get$_cos0(), $.$get$_compatible0(), $.$get$_floor0(), $.$get$_hypot0(), $.$get$_isUnitless0(), $.$get$_log0(), $.$get$_max0(), $.$get$_min0(), $.$get$_percentage0(), $.$get$_pow0(), $.$get$_randomFunction0(), $.$get$_round0(), $.$get$_sin0(), $.$get$_sqrt0(), $.$get$_tan0(), $.$get$_unit0(), $.$get$_div0()], type$.JSArray_BuiltInCallable_2), null, A.LinkedHashMap_LinkedHashMap$_literal(["e", A.SassNumber_SassNumber0(2.718281828459045, null), "pi", A.SassNumber_SassNumber0(3.141592653589793, null)], type$.String, type$.Value_2), type$.BuiltInCallable_2));
98877 _lazyFinal($, "_ceil0", "$get$_ceil0", () => A._numberFunction0("ceil", new A._ceil_closure0()));
98878 _lazyFinal($, "_clamp0", "$get$_clamp0", () => A._function8("clamp", "$min, $number, $max", new A._clamp_closure0()));
98879 _lazyFinal($, "_floor0", "$get$_floor0", () => A._numberFunction0("floor", new A._floor_closure0()));
98880 _lazyFinal($, "_max0", "$get$_max0", () => A._function8("max", "$numbers...", new A._max_closure0()));
98881 _lazyFinal($, "_min0", "$get$_min0", () => A._function8("min", "$numbers...", new A._min_closure0()));
98882 _lazyFinal($, "_round0", "$get$_round0", () => A._numberFunction0("round", A.number2__fuzzyRound$closure()));
98883 _lazyFinal($, "_abs0", "$get$_abs0", () => A._numberFunction0("abs", new A._abs_closure0()));
98884 _lazyFinal($, "_hypot0", "$get$_hypot0", () => A._function8("hypot", "$numbers...", new A._hypot_closure0()));
98885 _lazyFinal($, "_log0", "$get$_log0", () => A._function8("log", "$number, $base: null", new A._log_closure0()));
98886 _lazyFinal($, "_pow0", "$get$_pow0", () => A._function8("pow", "$base, $exponent", new A._pow_closure0()));
98887 _lazyFinal($, "_sqrt0", "$get$_sqrt0", () => A._function8("sqrt", "$number", new A._sqrt_closure0()));
98888 _lazyFinal($, "_acos0", "$get$_acos0", () => A._function8("acos", "$number", new A._acos_closure0()));
98889 _lazyFinal($, "_asin0", "$get$_asin0", () => A._function8("asin", "$number", new A._asin_closure0()));
98890 _lazyFinal($, "_atan0", "$get$_atan0", () => A._function8("atan", "$number", new A._atan_closure0()));
98891 _lazyFinal($, "_atan20", "$get$_atan20", () => A._function8("atan2", "$y, $x", new A._atan2_closure0()));
98892 _lazyFinal($, "_cos0", "$get$_cos0", () => A._function8("cos", "$number", new A._cos_closure0()));
98893 _lazyFinal($, "_sin0", "$get$_sin0", () => A._function8("sin", "$number", new A._sin_closure0()));
98894 _lazyFinal($, "_tan0", "$get$_tan0", () => A._function8("tan", "$number", new A._tan_closure0()));
98895 _lazyFinal($, "_compatible0", "$get$_compatible0", () => A._function8("compatible", "$number1, $number2", new A._compatible_closure0()));
98896 _lazyFinal($, "_isUnitless0", "$get$_isUnitless0", () => A._function8("is-unitless", "$number", new A._isUnitless_closure0()));
98897 _lazyFinal($, "_unit0", "$get$_unit0", () => A._function8("unit", "$number", new A._unit_closure0()));
98898 _lazyFinal($, "_percentage0", "$get$_percentage0", () => A._function8("percentage", "$number", new A._percentage_closure0()));
98899 _lazyFinal($, "_random1", "$get$_random2", () => A.Random_Random());
98900 _lazyFinal($, "_randomFunction0", "$get$_randomFunction0", () => A._function8("random", "$limit: null", new A._randomFunction_closure0()));
98901 _lazyFinal($, "_div0", "$get$_div0", () => A._function8("div", "$number1, $number2", new A._div_closure0()));
98902 _lazyFinal($, "global10", "$get$global6", () => A.UnmodifiableListView$(A._setArrayType([A._function12("feature-exists", "$feature", new A.global_closure57()), A._function12("inspect", "$value", new A.global_closure58()), A._function12("type-of", "$value", new A.global_closure59()), A._function12("keywords", "$args", new A.global_closure60())], type$.JSArray_BuiltInCallable_2), type$.BuiltInCallable_2));
98903 _lazyFinal($, "local0", "$get$local0", () => A.UnmodifiableListView$(A._setArrayType([A._function12("calc-name", "$calc", new A.local_closure1()), A._function12("calc-args", "$calc", new A.local_closure2())], type$.JSArray_BuiltInCallable_2), type$.BuiltInCallable_2));
98904 _lazyFinal($, "stderr0", "$get$stderr0", () => new A.Stderr0(J.get$stderr$x(self.process)));
98905 _lazyFinal($, "legacyNullClass", "$get$legacyNullClass", () => new A.legacyNullClass_closure().call$0());
98906 _lazyFinal($, "epsilon0", "$get$epsilon0", () => A.pow(10, -11));
98907 _lazyFinal($, "_inverseEpsilon0", "$get$_inverseEpsilon0", () => 1 / $.$get$epsilon0());
98908 _lazyFinal($, "legacyNumberClass", "$get$legacyNumberClass", () => {
98909 var t1 = A.createJSClass("sass.types.Number", new A.legacyNumberClass_closure());
98910 A.JSClassExtension_defineMethods(t1, A.LinkedHashMap_LinkedHashMap$_literal(["getValue", new A.legacyNumberClass_closure0(), "setValue", new A.legacyNumberClass_closure1(), "getUnit", new A.legacyNumberClass_closure2(), "setUnit", new A.legacyNumberClass_closure3()], type$.String, type$.Function));
98911 return t1;
98912 });
98913 _lazyFinal($, "numberClass", "$get$numberClass", () => new A.numberClass_closure().call$0());
98914 _lazyFinal($, "_typesByUnit0", "$get$_typesByUnit0", () => {
98915 var t2, t3, t4,
98916 t1 = type$.String;
98917 t1 = A.LinkedHashMap_LinkedHashMap$_empty(t1, t1);
98918 for (t2 = B.Map_U8AHF.get$entries(B.Map_U8AHF), t2 = t2.get$iterator(t2); t2.moveNext$0();) {
98919 t3 = t2.get$current(t2);
98920 for (t4 = J.get$iterator$ax(t3.value), t3 = t3.key; t4.moveNext$0();)
98921 t1.$indexSet(0, t4.get$current(t4), t3);
98922 }
98923 return t1;
98924 });
98925 _lazyFinal($, "global11", "$get$global11", () => A.UnmodifiableListView$(A._setArrayType([$.$get$_isSuperselector0(), $.$get$_simpleSelectors0(), $.$get$_parse0().withName$1("selector-parse"), $.$get$_nest0().withName$1("selector-nest"), $.$get$_append1().withName$1("selector-append"), $.$get$_extend0().withName$1("selector-extend"), $.$get$_replace0().withName$1("selector-replace"), $.$get$_unify0().withName$1("selector-unify")], type$.JSArray_BuiltInCallable_2), type$.BuiltInCallable_2));
98926 _lazyFinal($, "module9", "$get$module9", () => A.BuiltInModule$0("selector", A._setArrayType([$.$get$_isSuperselector0(), $.$get$_simpleSelectors0(), $.$get$_parse0(), $.$get$_nest0(), $.$get$_append1(), $.$get$_extend0(), $.$get$_replace0(), $.$get$_unify0()], type$.JSArray_BuiltInCallable_2), null, null, type$.BuiltInCallable_2));
98927 _lazyFinal($, "_nest0", "$get$_nest0", () => A._function7("nest", "$selectors...", new A._nest_closure0()));
98928 _lazyFinal($, "_append2", "$get$_append1", () => A._function7("append", "$selectors...", new A._append_closure1()));
98929 _lazyFinal($, "_extend0", "$get$_extend0", () => A._function7("extend", "$selector, $extendee, $extender", new A._extend_closure0()));
98930 _lazyFinal($, "_replace0", "$get$_replace0", () => A._function7("replace", "$selector, $original, $replacement", new A._replace_closure0()));
98931 _lazyFinal($, "_unify0", "$get$_unify0", () => A._function7("unify", "$selector1, $selector2", new A._unify_closure0()));
98932 _lazyFinal($, "_isSuperselector0", "$get$_isSuperselector0", () => A._function7("is-superselector", "$super, $sub", new A._isSuperselector_closure0()));
98933 _lazyFinal($, "_simpleSelectors0", "$get$_simpleSelectors0", () => A._function7("simple-selectors", "$selector", new A._simpleSelectors_closure0()));
98934 _lazyFinal($, "_parse0", "$get$_parse0", () => A._function7("parse", "$selector", new A._parse_closure0()));
98935 _lazyFinal($, "_knownCompatibilitiesByUnit0", "$get$_knownCompatibilitiesByUnit0", () => {
98936 var _i, set, t2,
98937 t1 = A.LinkedHashMap_LinkedHashMap$_empty(type$.String, A.findType("Set<String>"));
98938 for (_i = 0; _i < 5; ++_i) {
98939 set = B.List_AqW[_i];
98940 for (t2 = set.get$iterator(set); t2.moveNext$0();)
98941 t1.$indexSet(0, t2.get$current(t2), set);
98942 }
98943 return t1;
98944 });
98945 _lazyFinal($, "_random2", "$get$_random1", () => A.Random_Random());
98946 _lazy($, "_previousUniqueId0", "$get$_previousUniqueId0", () => $.$get$_random1().nextInt$1(A._asInt(A.pow(36, 6))));
98947 _lazyFinal($, "global12", "$get$global12", () => A.UnmodifiableListView$(A._setArrayType([$.$get$_unquote0(), $.$get$_quote0(), $.$get$_toUpperCase0(), $.$get$_toLowerCase0(), $.$get$_uniqueId0(), $.$get$_length1().withName$1("str-length"), $.$get$_insert0().withName$1("str-insert"), $.$get$_index1().withName$1("str-index"), $.$get$_slice0().withName$1("str-slice")], type$.JSArray_BuiltInCallable_2), type$.BuiltInCallable_2));
98948 _lazyFinal($, "module10", "$get$module10", () => A.BuiltInModule$0("string", A._setArrayType([$.$get$_unquote0(), $.$get$_quote0(), $.$get$_toUpperCase0(), $.$get$_toLowerCase0(), $.$get$_length1(), $.$get$_insert0(), $.$get$_index1(), $.$get$_slice0(), $.$get$_uniqueId0()], type$.JSArray_BuiltInCallable_2), null, null, type$.BuiltInCallable_2));
98949 _lazyFinal($, "_unquote0", "$get$_unquote0", () => A._function6("unquote", "$string", new A._unquote_closure0()));
98950 _lazyFinal($, "_quote0", "$get$_quote0", () => A._function6("quote", "$string", new A._quote_closure0()));
98951 _lazyFinal($, "_length2", "$get$_length1", () => A._function6("length", "$string", new A._length_closure1()));
98952 _lazyFinal($, "_insert0", "$get$_insert0", () => A._function6("insert", "$string, $insert, $index", new A._insert_closure0()));
98953 _lazyFinal($, "_index2", "$get$_index1", () => A._function6("index", "$string, $substring", new A._index_closure1()));
98954 _lazyFinal($, "_slice0", "$get$_slice0", () => A._function6("slice", "$string, $start-at, $end-at: -1", new A._slice_closure0()));
98955 _lazyFinal($, "_toUpperCase0", "$get$_toUpperCase0", () => A._function6("to-upper-case", "$string", new A._toUpperCase_closure0()));
98956 _lazyFinal($, "_toLowerCase0", "$get$_toLowerCase0", () => A._function6("to-lower-case", "$string", new A._toLowerCase_closure0()));
98957 _lazyFinal($, "_uniqueId0", "$get$_uniqueId0", () => A._function6("unique-id", "", new A._uniqueId_closure0()));
98958 _lazyFinal($, "legacyStringClass", "$get$legacyStringClass", () => {
98959 var t1 = A.createJSClass("sass.types.String", new A.legacyStringClass_closure());
98960 A.JSClassExtension_defineMethods(t1, A.LinkedHashMap_LinkedHashMap$_literal(["getValue", new A.legacyStringClass_closure0(), "setValue", new A.legacyStringClass_closure1()], type$.String, type$.Function));
98961 return t1;
98962 });
98963 _lazyFinal($, "stringClass", "$get$stringClass", () => new A.stringClass_closure().call$0());
98964 _lazyFinal($, "_emptyQuoted0", "$get$_emptyQuoted0", () => A.SassString$0("", true));
98965 _lazyFinal($, "_emptyUnquoted0", "$get$_emptyUnquoted0", () => A.SassString$0("", false));
98966 _lazyFinal($, "_jsThrow", "$get$_jsThrow", () => new self.Function("error", "throw error;"));
98967 _lazyFinal($, "_isUndefined", "$get$_isUndefined", () => new self.Function("value", "return value === undefined;"));
98968 _lazyFinal($, "_noSourceUrl0", "$get$_noSourceUrl0", () => A.Uri_parse("-"));
98969 _lazyFinal($, "_traces0", "$get$_traces0", () => A.Expando$());
98970 _lazyFinal($, "valueClass", "$get$valueClass", () => new A.valueClass_closure().call$0());
98971 })();
98972 (function nativeSupport() {
98973 !function() {
98974 var intern = function(s) {
98975 var o = {};
98976 o[s] = 1;
98977 return Object.keys(hunkHelpers.convertToFastObject(o))[0];
98978 };
98979 init.getIsolateTag = function(name) {
98980 return intern("___dart_" + name + init.isolateTag);
98981 };
98982 var tableProperty = "___dart_isolate_tags_";
98983 var usedProperties = Object[tableProperty] || (Object[tableProperty] = Object.create(null));
98984 var rootProperty = "_ZxYxX";
98985 for (var i = 0;; i++) {
98986 var property = intern(rootProperty + "_" + i + "_");
98987 if (!(property in usedProperties)) {
98988 usedProperties[property] = 1;
98989 init.isolateTag = property;
98990 break;
98991 }
98992 }
98993 init.dispatchPropertyName = init.getIsolateTag("dispatch_record");
98994 }();
98995 hunkHelpers.setOrUpdateInterceptorsByTag({ArrayBuffer: J.Interceptor, DataView: A.NativeTypedData, ArrayBufferView: A.NativeTypedData, Float32Array: A.NativeFloat32List, Float64Array: A.NativeFloat64List, Int16Array: A.NativeInt16List, Int32Array: A.NativeInt32List, Int8Array: A.NativeInt8List, Uint16Array: A.NativeUint16List, Uint32Array: A.NativeUint32List, Uint8ClampedArray: A.NativeUint8ClampedList, CanvasPixelArray: A.NativeUint8ClampedList, Uint8Array: A.NativeUint8List});
98996 hunkHelpers.setOrUpdateLeafTags({ArrayBuffer: true, DataView: true, ArrayBufferView: false, Float32Array: true, Float64Array: true, Int16Array: true, Int32Array: true, Int8Array: true, Uint16Array: true, Uint32Array: true, Uint8ClampedArray: true, CanvasPixelArray: true, Uint8Array: false});
98997 A.NativeTypedArray.$nativeSuperclassTag = "ArrayBufferView";
98998 A._NativeTypedArrayOfDouble_NativeTypedArray_ListMixin.$nativeSuperclassTag = "ArrayBufferView";
98999 A._NativeTypedArrayOfDouble_NativeTypedArray_ListMixin_FixedLengthListMixin.$nativeSuperclassTag = "ArrayBufferView";
99000 A.NativeTypedArrayOfDouble.$nativeSuperclassTag = "ArrayBufferView";
99001 A._NativeTypedArrayOfInt_NativeTypedArray_ListMixin.$nativeSuperclassTag = "ArrayBufferView";
99002 A._NativeTypedArrayOfInt_NativeTypedArray_ListMixin_FixedLengthListMixin.$nativeSuperclassTag = "ArrayBufferView";
99003 A.NativeTypedArrayOfInt.$nativeSuperclassTag = "ArrayBufferView";
99004 })();
99005 Function.prototype.call$0 = function() {
99006 return this();
99007 };
99008 Function.prototype.call$1 = function(a) {
99009 return this(a);
99010 };
99011 Function.prototype.call$2 = function(a, b) {
99012 return this(a, b);
99013 };
99014 Function.prototype.call$3$1 = function(a) {
99015 return this(a);
99016 };
99017 Function.prototype.call$2$1 = function(a) {
99018 return this(a);
99019 };
99020 Function.prototype.call$1$1 = function(a) {
99021 return this(a);
99022 };
99023 Function.prototype.call$3 = function(a, b, c) {
99024 return this(a, b, c);
99025 };
99026 Function.prototype.call$4 = function(a, b, c, d) {
99027 return this(a, b, c, d);
99028 };
99029 Function.prototype.call$3$3 = function(a, b, c) {
99030 return this(a, b, c);
99031 };
99032 Function.prototype.call$2$2 = function(a, b) {
99033 return this(a, b);
99034 };
99035 Function.prototype.call$6 = function(a, b, c, d, e, f) {
99036 return this(a, b, c, d, e, f);
99037 };
99038 Function.prototype.call$5 = function(a, b, c, d, e) {
99039 return this(a, b, c, d, e);
99040 };
99041 Function.prototype.call$1$0 = function() {
99042 return this();
99043 };
99044 Function.prototype.call$2$0 = function() {
99045 return this();
99046 };
99047 Function.prototype.call$2$3 = function(a, b, c) {
99048 return this(a, b, c);
99049 };
99050 Function.prototype.call$1$2 = function(a, b) {
99051 return this(a, b);
99052 };
99053 convertAllToFastObject(holders);
99054 convertToFastObject($);
99055 (function(callback) {
99056 if (typeof document === "undefined") {
99057 callback(null);
99058 return;
99059 }
99060 if (typeof document.currentScript != "undefined") {
99061 callback(document.currentScript);
99062 return;
99063 }
99064 var scripts = document.scripts;
99065 function onLoad(event) {
99066 for (var i = 0; i < scripts.length; ++i)
99067 scripts[i].removeEventListener("load", onLoad, false);
99068 callback(event.target);
99069 }
99070 for (var i = 0; i < scripts.length; ++i)
99071 scripts[i].addEventListener("load", onLoad, false);
99072 })(function(currentScript) {
99073 init.currentScript = currentScript;
99074 var callMain = A.main1;
99075 if (typeof dartMainRunner === "function")
99076 dartMainRunner(callMain, []);
99077 else
99078 callMain([]);
99079 });