1 | # Change Log
2 |
3 | All notable changes to this project will be documented in this file.
4 |
5 | The format is based on [Keep a Changelog](https://keepachangelog.com/en/1.0.0/),
6 | and this project adheres to [Semantic Versioning](https://semver.org/spec/v2.0.0.html).
7 |
8 | ## [2.0.2] - 2020-08-07
9 |
10 | ### Fixed
11 |
12 | - Adjust CDK source files to allow compatibility with Angular v10 ([#3a0bdc0](https://github.com/nitayneeman/schematics-utilities/commit/3a0bdc09744effc3cf8a9e07e376a61eccc176ce)) - thanks to [@mraible](https://github.com/mraible)
13 |
14 | ## [2.0.1] - 2020-01-04
15 |
16 | ### Fixed
17 |
18 | - Clone `@angular/cdk`'s schematics code to avoid version conflicts
19 |
20 | ## [2.0.0] - 2019-10-05
21 |
22 | ### Added
23 |
24 | - Add new utility functions:
25 |
26 | - `getRouterModuleDeclaration`
27 | - `addRouteDeclarationToModule`
28 | - `updateWorkspace`
29 | - `getConfig`
30 | - `relativePathToWorkspaceRoot`
31 | - `getProject`
32 | - `isWorkspaceSchema`
33 | - `isWorkspaceProject`
34 | - `hasNgModuleImport`
35 | - `appendHtmlElementToHead`
36 | - `getHtmlHeadTagElement`
37 | - `targetBuildNotFoundError`
38 |
39 | ### Changed
40 |
41 | - Change the code to import and reuse the original source
42 |
43 | ### Removed
44 |
45 | - Remove utility functions:
46 |
47 | - `getHeadTag`
48 | - `addHeadLink`
49 | - `getIndexHtmlPath`
50 | - `getStylesPath`
51 | - `runPostScheduledTasks`
52 |
53 | ## [1.1.3] - 2019-08-02
54 |
55 | ### Docs
56 |
57 | - Deploy docs after improving README file
58 |
59 | ## [1.1.2] - 2019-03-15
60 |
61 | ### Changed
62 |
63 | - Adjust code to the original source
64 |
65 | ## [1.1.1] - 2018-09-11
66 |
67 | ### Fixed
68 |
69 | - Change projects to use `targets` instead of `architect`
70 |
71 | ## [1.1.0] - 2018-08-03
72 |
73 | ### Added
74 |
75 | - Add new utilities:
76 | - `angular/lint-fix`
77 | - `angular/project-targets`
78 | - `material/build-component`
79 | - `material/get-project`
80 | - `material/lib-versions`
81 | - `material/testing`
82 |
83 | ### Changed
84 |
85 | - Adjust code to the original source
86 |
87 | ## [1.0.1] - 2018-07-19
88 |
89 | ### Removed
90 |
91 | - Remove redundant function: `findModuleFromOptionsWithPathHandling`
92 |
93 | ## [1.0.0] - 2018-07-15
94 |
95 | - 🎉 Initial release