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1// Licensed to the Software Freedom Conservancy (SFC) under one
2// or more contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file
3// distributed with this work for additional information
4// regarding copyright ownership. The SFC licenses this file
5// to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
6// "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
7// with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
9// http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
11// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
12// software distributed under the License is distributed on an
14// KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the
15// specific language governing permissions and limitations
16// under the License.
19 * @fileoverview Defines a library that simplifies writing assertions against
20 * promised values.
21 *
22 * > <hr>
23 * > __NOTE:__ This module is considered experimental and is subject to
24 * > change, or removal, at any time!
25 * > <hr>
26 *
27 * Sample usage:
28 *
29 * var driver = new webdriver.Builder().build();
30 * driver.get('http://www.google.com');
31 *
32 * assert(driver.getTitle()).equalTo('Google');
33 */
35'use strict';
37const assert = require('assert');
39function trueType(v) {
40 if (v === null) {
41 return 'null';
42 }
44 let type = typeof v;
45 if (type === 'object') {
46 if (Array.isArray(v)) {
47 type = 'array';
48 }
49 }
50 return type;
54function checkType(v, want) {
55 let got = trueType(v);
56 if (got !== want) {
57 throw new TypeError('require ' + want + ', but got ' + got);
58 }
59 return v;
62const checkNumber = v => checkType(v, 'number');
63const checkFunction = v => checkType(v, 'function');
64const checkString = v => checkType(v, 'string');
66const isFunction = v => trueType(v) === 'function';
67const isNumber = v => trueType(v) === 'number';
68const isObject = v => trueType(v) === 'object';
69const isString = v => trueType(v) === 'string';
72function describe(value) {
73 let ret;
74 try {
75 ret = `<${String(value)}>`;
76 } catch (e) {
77 ret = `<toString failed: ${e.message}>`;
78 }
80 if (null !== value && void(0) !== value) {
81 ret += ` (${trueType(value)})`;
82 }
84 return ret;
88function evaluate(value, predicate) {
89 if (isObject(value) && isFunction(value.then)) {
90 return value.then(predicate);
91 }
92 predicate(value);
97 * @private
98 */
99class Assertion {
100 /**
101 * @param {?} subject The subject of this assertion.
102 * @param {boolean=} opt_invert Whether to invert any assertions performed by
103 * this instance.
104 */
105 constructor(subject, opt_invert) {
106 /** @private {?} */
107 this.subject_ = subject;
108 /** @private {boolean} */
109 this.invert_ = !!opt_invert;
110 }
112 /**
113 * @param {number} expected The minimum permissible value (inclusive).
114 * @param {string=} opt_message An optional failure message.
115 * @return {(Promise|undefined)} The result of this assertion, if the subject
116 * is a promised-value. Otherwise, the assertion is performed immediately
117 * and nothing is returned.
118 */
119 atLeast(expected, opt_message) {
120 checkNumber(expected);
121 return evaluate(this.subject_, function(actual) {
122 if (!isNumber(actual) || actual < expected) {
123 assert.fail(actual, expected, opt_message, '>=');
124 }
125 });
126 }
128 /**
129 * @param {number} expected The maximum permissible value (inclusive).
130 * @param {string=} opt_message An optional failure message.
131 * @return {(Promise|undefined)} The result of this assertion, if the subject
132 * is a promised-value. Otherwise, the assertion is performed immediately
133 * and nothing is returned.
134 */
135 atMost(expected, opt_message) {
136 checkNumber(expected);
137 return evaluate(this.subject_, function (actual) {
138 if (!isNumber(actual) || actual > expected) {
139 assert.fail(actual, expected, opt_message, '<=');
140 }
141 });
142 }
144 /**
145 * @param {number} expected The maximum permissible value (exclusive).
146 * @param {string=} opt_message An optional failure message.
147 * @return {(Promise|undefined)} The result of this assertion, if the subject
148 * is a promised-value. Otherwise, the assertion is performed immediately
149 * and nothing is returned.
150 */
151 greaterThan(expected, opt_message) {
152 checkNumber(expected);
153 return evaluate(this.subject_, function(actual) {
154 if (!isNumber(actual) || actual <= expected) {
155 assert.fail(actual, expected, opt_message, '>');
156 }
157 });
158 }
160 /**
161 * @param {number} expected The minimum permissible value (exclusive).
162 * @param {string=} opt_message An optional failure message.
163 * @return {(Promise|undefined)} The result of this assertion, if the subject
164 * is a promised-value. Otherwise, the assertion is performed immediately
165 * and nothing is returned.
166 */
167 lessThan(expected, opt_message) {
168 checkNumber(expected);
169 return evaluate(this.subject_, function (actual) {
170 if (!isNumber(actual) || actual >= expected) {
171 assert.fail(actual, expected, opt_message, '<');
172 }
173 });
174 }
176 /**
177 * @param {number} expected The desired value.
178 * @param {number} epsilon The maximum distance from the desired value.
179 * @param {string=} opt_message An optional failure message.
180 * @return {(Promise|undefined)} The result of this assertion, if the subject
181 * is a promised-value. Otherwise, the assertion is performed immediately
182 * and nothing is returned.
183 */
184 closeTo(expected, epsilon, opt_message) {
185 checkNumber(expected);
186 checkNumber(epsilon);
187 return evaluate(this.subject_, function(actual) {
188 checkNumber(actual);
189 if (Math.abs(expected - actual) > epsilon) {
190 assert.fail(opt_message || `${actual} === ${expected}${epsilon})`);
191 }
192 });
193 }
195 /**
196 * @param {function(new: ?)} ctor The exptected type's constructor.
197 * @param {string=} opt_message An optional failure message.
198 * @return {(Promise|undefined)} The result of this assertion, if the subject
199 * is a promised-value. Otherwise, the assertion is performed immediately
200 * and nothing is returned.
201 */
202 instanceOf(ctor, opt_message) {
203 checkFunction(ctor);
204 return evaluate(this.subject_, function(actual) {
205 if (!(actual instanceof ctor)) {
206 assert.fail(
207 opt_message
208 || `${describe(actual)} instanceof ${ctor.name || ctor}`);
209 }
210 });
211 }
213 /**
214 * @param {string=} opt_message An optional failure message.
215 * @return {(Promise|undefined)} The result of this assertion, if the subject
216 * is a promised-value. Otherwise, the assertion is performed immediately
217 * and nothing is returned.
218 */
219 isNull(opt_message) {
220 return this.isEqualTo(null);
221 }
223 /**
224 * @param {string=} opt_message An optional failure message.
225 * @return {(Promise|undefined)} The result of this assertion, if the subject
226 * is a promised-value. Otherwise, the assertion is performed immediately
227 * and nothing is returned.
228 */
229 isUndefined(opt_message) {
230 return this.isEqualTo(void(0));
231 }
233 /**
234 * Ensures the subject of this assertion is either a string or array
235 * containing the given `value`.
236 *
237 * @param {?} value The value expected to be contained within the subject.
238 * @param {string=} opt_message An optional failure message.
239 * @return {(Promise|undefined)} The result of this assertion, if the subject
240 * is a promised-value. Otherwise, the assertion is performed immediately
241 * and nothing is returned.
242 */
243 contains(value, opt_message) {
244 return evaluate(this.subject_, function(actual) {
245 if (actual instanceof Map || actual instanceof Set) {
246 assert.ok(actual.has(value), opt_message || `${actual}.has(${value})`);
247 } else if (Array.isArray(actual) || isString(actual)) {
248 assert.ok(
249 actual.indexOf(value) !== -1,
250 opt_message || `${actual}.indexOf(${value}) !== -1`);
251 } else {
252 assert.fail(
253 `Expected an array, map, set, or string: got ${describe(actual)}`);
254 }
255 });
256 }
258 /**
259 * @param {string} str The expected suffix.
260 * @param {string=} opt_message An optional failure message.
261 * @return {(Promise|undefined)} The result of this assertion, if the subject
262 * is a promised-value. Otherwise, the assertion is performed immediately
263 * and nothing is returned.
264 */
265 endsWith(str, opt_message) {
266 checkString(str);
267 return evaluate(this.subject_, function(actual) {
268 if (!isString(actual) || !actual.endsWith(str)) {
269 assert.fail(actual, str, 'ends with');
270 }
271 });
272 }
274 /**
275 * @param {string} str The expected prefix.
276 * @param {string=} opt_message An optional failure message.
277 * @return {(Promise|undefined)} The result of this assertion, if the subject
278 * is a promised-value. Otherwise, the assertion is performed immediately
279 * and nothing is returned.
280 */
281 startsWith(str, opt_message) {
282 checkString(str);
283 return evaluate(this.subject_, function(actual) {
284 if (!isString(actual) || !actual.startsWith(str)) {
285 assert.fail(actual, str, 'starts with');
286 }
287 });
288 }
290 /**
291 * @param {!RegExp} regex The regex the subject is expected to match.
292 * @param {string=} opt_message An optional failure message.
293 * @return {(Promise|undefined)} The result of this assertion, if the subject
294 * is a promised-value. Otherwise, the assertion is performed immediately
295 * and nothing is returned.
296 */
297 matches(regex, opt_message) {
298 if (!(regex instanceof RegExp)) {
299 throw TypeError(`Not a RegExp: ${describe(regex)}`);
300 }
301 return evaluate(this.subject_, function(actual) {
302 if (!isString(actual) || !regex.test(actual)) {
303 let message = opt_message
304 || `Expected a string matching ${regex}, got ${describe(actual)}`;
305 assert.fail(actual, regex, message);
306 }
307 });
308 }
310 /**
311 * @param {?} value The unexpected value.
312 * @param {string=} opt_message An optional failure message.
313 * @return {(Promise|undefined)} The result of this assertion, if the subject
314 * is a promised-value. Otherwise, the assertion is performed immediately
315 * and nothing is returned.
316 */
317 notEqualTo(value, opt_message) {
318 return evaluate(this.subject_, function(actual) {
319 assert.notStrictEqual(actual, value, opt_message);
320 });
321 }
323 /** An alias for {@link #isEqualTo}. */
324 equalTo(value, opt_message) {
325 return this.isEqualTo(value, opt_message);
326 }
328 /** An alias for {@link #isEqualTo}. */
329 equals(value, opt_message) {
330 return this.isEqualTo(value, opt_message);
331 }
333 /**
334 * @param {?} value The expected value.
335 * @param {string=} opt_message An optional failure message.
336 * @return {(Promise|undefined)} The result of this assertion, if the subject
337 * is a promised-value. Otherwise, the assertion is performed immediately
338 * and nothing is returned.
339 */
340 isEqualTo(value, opt_message) {
341 return evaluate(this.subject_, function(actual) {
342 assert.strictEqual(actual, value, opt_message);
343 });
344 }
346 /**
347 * @param {string=} opt_message An optional failure message.
348 * @return {(Promise|undefined)} The result of this assertion, if the subject
349 * is a promised-value. Otherwise, the assertion is performed immediately
350 * and nothing is returned.
351 */
352 isTrue(opt_message) {
353 return this.isEqualTo(true, opt_message);
354 }
356 /**
357 * @param {string=} opt_message An optional failure message.
358 * @return {(Promise|undefined)} The result of this assertion, if the subject
359 * is a promised-value. Otherwise, the assertion is performed immediately
360 * and nothing is returned.
361 */
362 isFalse(opt_message) {
363 return this.isEqualTo(false, opt_message);
364 }
372 * Creates an assertion about the given `value`.
373 * @return {!Assertion} the new assertion.
374 */
375module.exports = function assertThat(value) {
376 return new Assertion(value);
378module.exports.Assertion = Assertion; // Exported to help generated docs