1 | # selenium-webdriver
2 |
3 | Selenium is a browser automation library. Most often used for testing
4 | web-applications, Selenium may be used for any task that requires automating
5 | interaction with the browser.
6 |
7 | ## Installation
8 |
9 | Selenium may be installed via npm with
10 |
11 | npm install selenium-webdriver
12 |
13 | You will need to download additional components to work with each of the major
14 | browsers. The drivers for Chrome, Firefox, and Microsoft's IE and Edge web
15 | browsers are all standalone executables that should be placed on your system
16 | [PATH]. Apple's safaridriver is shipped with Safari 10 for OS X El Capitan and
17 | macOS Sierra. You will need to enable Remote Automation in the Develop menu of
18 | Safari 10 before testing.
19 |
20 |
21 | | Browser | Component |
22 | | ----------------- | ---------------------------------- |
23 | | Chrome | [chromedriver(.exe)][chrome] |
24 | | Internet Explorer | [IEDriverServer.exe][release] |
25 | | Edge | [MicrosoftWebDriver.msi][edge] |
26 | | Firefox | [geckodriver(.exe)][geckodriver] |
27 | | Safari | [safaridriver] |
28 |
29 | ## Usage
30 |
31 | The sample below and others are included in the `example` directory. You may
32 | also find the tests for selenium-webdriver informative.
33 |
34 | ```javascript
35 | const {Builder, By, Key, until} = require('selenium-webdriver');
36 |
37 | (async function example() {
38 | let driver = await new Builder().forBrowser('firefox').build();
39 | try {
40 | await driver.get('http://www.google.com/ncr');
41 | await driver.findElement(By.name('q')).sendKeys('webdriver', Key.RETURN);
42 | await driver.wait(until.titleIs('webdriver - Google Search'), 1000);
43 | } finally {
44 | await driver.quit();
45 | }
46 | })();
47 | ```
48 |
49 | ### Using the Builder API
50 |
51 | The `Builder` class is your one-stop shop for configuring new WebDriver
52 | instances. Rather than clutter your code with branches for the various browsers,
53 | the builder lets you set all options in one flow. When you call
54 | `Builder#build()`, all options irrelevant to the selected browser are dropped:
55 |
56 | ```javascript
57 | const webdriver = require('selenium-webdriver');
58 | const chrome = require('selenium-webdriver/chrome');
59 | const firefox = require('selenium-webdriver/firefox');
60 |
61 | let driver = new webdriver.Builder()
62 | .forBrowser('firefox')
63 | .setChromeOptions(/* ... */)
64 | .setFirefoxOptions(/* ... */)
65 | .build();
66 | ```
67 |
68 | Why would you want to configure options irrelevant to the target browser? The
69 | `Builder`'s API defines your _default_ configuration. You can change the target
70 | browser at runtime through the `SELENIUM_BROWSER` environment variable. For
71 | example, the `example/google_search.js` script is configured to run against
72 | Firefox. You can run the example against other browsers just by changing the
73 | runtime environment
74 |
75 | # cd node_modules/selenium-webdriver
76 | node example/google_search
77 | SELENIUM_BROWSER=chrome node example/google_search
78 | SELENIUM_BROWSER=safari node example/google_search
79 |
80 | ### The Standalone Selenium Server
81 |
82 | The standalone Selenium Server acts as a proxy between your script and the
83 | browser-specific drivers. The server may be used when running locally, but it's
84 | not recommend as it introduces an extra hop for each request and will slow
85 | things down. The server is required, however, to use a browser on a remote host
86 | (most browser drivers, like the IEDriverServer, do not accept remote
87 | connections).
88 |
89 | To use the Selenium Server, you will need to install the
90 | [JDK](http://www.oracle.com/technetwork/java/javase/downloads/index.html) and
91 | download the latest server from [Selenium][release]. Once downloaded, run the
92 | server with
93 |
94 | java -jar selenium-server-standalone-2.45.0.jar
95 |
96 | You may configure your tests to run against a remote server through the Builder
97 | API:
98 |
99 | ```javascript
100 | let driver = new webdriver.Builder()
101 | .forBrowser('firefox')
102 | .usingServer('http://localhost:4444/wd/hub')
103 | .build();
104 | ```
105 | Or change the Builder's configuration at runtime with the `SELENIUM_REMOTE_URL`
106 | environment variable:
107 |
108 | SELENIUM_REMOTE_URL="http://localhost:4444/wd/hub" node script.js
109 |
110 | You can experiment with these options using the `example/google_search.js`
111 | script provided with `selenium-webdriver`.
112 |
113 | ## Documentation
114 |
115 | API documentation is available online from the [Selenium project][api].
116 | Additional resources include
117 |
118 | - the #selenium channel on freenode IRC
119 | - the [selenium-users@googlegroups.com][users] list
120 | - [SeleniumHQ](http://www.seleniumhq.org/docs/) documentation
121 |
122 | ## Contributing
123 |
124 | Contributions are accepted either through [GitHub][gh] pull requests or patches
125 | via the [Selenium issue tracker][issues]. You must sign our
126 | [Contributor License Agreement][cla] before your changes will be accepted.
127 |
128 | ## Node Support Policy
129 |
130 | Each version of selenium-webdriver will support the latest _semver-minor_
131 | version of the [LTS] and stable Node releases. All _semver-major_ &
132 | _semver-minor_ versions between the LTS and stable release will have "best
133 | effort" support. Following a Selenium release, any _semver-minor_ Node releases
134 | will also have "best effort" support. Releases older than the latest LTS,
135 | _semver-major_ releases, and all unstable release branches (e.g. "v.Next")
136 | are considered strictly unsupported.
137 |
138 | For example, suppose the current LTS and stable releases are v6.9.5 and v7.5.0,
139 | respectively. Then a Selenium release would have the following support levels:
140 |
141 | | Version | Support |
142 | | ------- | ------------- |
143 | | <= 6.8 | _unsupported_ |
144 | | 6.9 | supported |
145 | | 7.0-4 | best effort |
146 | | 7.5 | supported |
147 | | >= 7.5 | best effort |
148 | | v.Next | _unsupported_ |
149 |
150 | ### Support Level Definitions
151 |
152 | - _supported:_ A selenium-webdriver release will be API compatible with the
153 | platform API, without the use of runtime flags.
154 |
155 | - _best effort:_ Bugs will be investigated as time permits. API compatibility is
156 | only guaranteed where required by a _supported_ release. This effectively
157 | means the adoption of new JS features, such as ES2015 modules, will depend
158 | on what is supported in Node's LTS.
159 |
160 | - _unsupported:_ Bug submissions will be closed as will-not-fix and API
161 | compatibility is not guaranteed.
162 |
163 | ### Projected Support Schedule
164 |
165 | If Node releases a new [LTS] each October and a new major version every 6
166 | months, the support window for selenium-webdriver will be roughly:
167 |
168 | | Date | LTS | Stable |
169 | | --------- | ---: | -----: |
170 | | (current) | 8.9 | 9.0 |
171 | | 2018-04 | 8.x | 10.0 |
172 | | 2018-10 | 10.x | 11.0 |
173 | | 2019-04 | 10.x | 12.0 |
174 | | 2019-10 | 12.x | 13.0 |
175 |
176 | ## Issues
177 |
178 | Please report any issues using the [Selenium issue tracker][issues]. When using
179 | the issue tracker
180 |
181 | - __Do__ include a detailed description of the problem.
182 | - __Do__ include a link to a [gist](http://gist.github.com/) with any
183 | interesting stack traces/logs (you may also attach these directly to the bug
184 | report).
185 | - __Do__ include a [reduced test case][reduction]. Reporting "unable to find
186 | element on the page" is _not_ a valid report - there's nothing for us to
187 | look into. Expect your bug report to be closed if you do not provide enough
188 | information for us to investigate.
189 | - __Do not__ use the issue tracker to submit basic help requests. All help
190 | inquiries should be directed to the [user forum][users] or #selenium IRC
191 | channel.
192 | - __Do not__ post empty "I see this too" or "Any updates?" comments. These
193 | provide no additional information and clutter the log.
194 | - __Do not__ report regressions on closed bugs as they are not actively
195 | monitored for updates (especially bugs that are >6 months old). Please open a
196 | new issue and reference the original bug in your report.
197 |
198 | ## License
199 |
200 | Licensed to the Software Freedom Conservancy (SFC) under one
201 | or more contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file
202 | distributed with this work for additional information
203 | regarding copyright ownership. The SFC licenses this file
204 | to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
205 | "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
206 | with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
207 |
208 | http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
209 |
210 | Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
211 | software distributed under the License is distributed on an
213 | KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the
214 | specific language governing permissions and limitations
215 | under the License.
216 |
217 | [LTS]: https://github.com/nodejs/LTS
218 | [PATH]: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/PATH_%28variable%29
219 | [api]: http://seleniumhq.github.io/selenium/docs/api/javascript/module/selenium-webdriver/
220 | [cla]: http://goo.gl/qC50R
221 | [chrome]: http://chromedriver.storage.googleapis.com/index.html
222 | [gh]: https://github.com/SeleniumHQ/selenium/
223 | [issues]: https://github.com/SeleniumHQ/selenium/issues
224 | [edge]: http://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/?LinkId=619687
225 | [geckodriver]: https://github.com/mozilla/geckodriver/releases/
226 | [reduction]: http://www.webkit.org/quality/reduction.html
227 | [release]: http://selenium-release.storage.googleapis.com/index.html
228 | [users]: https://groups.google.com/forum/#!forum/selenium-users
229 | [safaridriver]: https://developer.apple.com/library/prerelease/content/releasenotes/General/WhatsNewInSafari/Articles/Safari_10_0.html#//apple_ref/doc/uid/TP40014305-CH11-DontLinkElementID_28