24.3 kBJavaScriptView Raw
1// Licensed to the Software Freedom Conservancy (SFC) under one
2// or more contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file
3// distributed with this work for additional information
4// regarding copyright ownership. The SFC licenses this file
5// to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
6// "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
7// with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
9// http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
11// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
12// software distributed under the License is distributed on an
14// KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the
15// specific language governing permissions and limitations
16// under the License.
19 * @fileoverview Defines the {@linkplain Driver WebDriver} client for Firefox.
20 * Before using this module, you must download the latest
21 * [geckodriver release] and ensure it can be found on your system [PATH].
22 *
23 * Each FirefoxDriver instance will be created with an anonymous profile,
24 * ensuring browser historys do not share session data (cookies, history, cache,
25 * offline storage, etc.)
26 *
27 * __Customizing the Firefox Profile__
28 *
29 * The profile used for each WebDriver session may be configured using the
30 * {@linkplain Options} class. For example, you may install an extension, like
31 * Firebug:
32 *
33 * const {Builder} = require('selenium-webdriver');
34 * const firefox = require('selenium-webdriver/firefox');
35 *
36 * let options = new firefox.Options()
37 * .addExtensions('/path/to/firebug.xpi')
38 * .setPreference('extensions.firebug.showChromeErrors', true);
39 *
40 * let driver = new Builder()
41 * .forBrowser('firefox')
42 * .setFirefoxOptions(options)
43 * .build();
44 *
45 * The {@linkplain Options} class may also be used to configure WebDriver based
46 * on a pre-existing browser profile:
47 *
48 * let profile = '/usr/local/home/bob/.mozilla/firefox/3fgog75h.testing';
49 * let options = new firefox.Options().setProfile(profile);
50 *
51 * The FirefoxDriver will _never_ modify a pre-existing profile; instead it will
52 * create a copy for it to modify. By extension, there are certain browser
53 * preferences that are required for WebDriver to function properly and they
54 * will always be overwritten.
55 *
56 * __Using a Custom Firefox Binary__
57 *
58 * On Windows and MacOS, the FirefoxDriver will search for Firefox in its
59 * default installation location:
60 *
61 * - Windows: C:\Program Files and C:\Program Files (x86).
62 * - MacOS: /Applications/Firefox.app
63 *
64 * For Linux, Firefox will always be located on the PATH: `$(where firefox)`.
65 *
66 * Several methods are provided for starting Firefox with a custom executable.
67 * First, on Windows and MacOS, you may configure WebDriver to check the default
68 * install location for a non-release channel. If the requested channel cannot
69 * be found in its default location, WebDriver will fallback to searching your
70 * PATH. _Note:_ on Linux, Firefox is _always_ located on your path, regardless
71 * of the requested channel.
72 *
73 * const {Builder} = require('selenium-webdriver');
74 * const firefox = require('selenium-webdriver/firefox');
75 *
76 * let options = new firefox.Options().setBinary(firefox.Channel.NIGHTLY);
77 * let driver = new Builder()
78 * .forBrowser('firefox')
79 * .setFirefoxOptions(options)
80 * .build();
81 *
82 * On all platforms, you may configrue WebDriver to use a Firefox specific
83 * executable:
84 *
85 * let options = new firefox.Options()
86 * .setBinary('/my/firefox/install/dir/firefox-bin');
87 *
88 * __Remote Testing__
89 *
90 * You may customize the Firefox binary and profile when running against a
91 * remote Selenium server. Your custom profile will be packaged as a zip and
92 * transfered to the remote host for use. The profile will be transferred
93 * _once for each new session_. The performance impact should be minimal if
94 * you've only configured a few extra browser preferences. If you have a large
95 * profile with several extensions, you should consider installing it on the
96 * remote host and defining its path via the {@link Options} class. Custom
97 * binaries are never copied to remote machines and must be referenced by
98 * installation path.
99 *
100 * const {Builder} = require('selenium-webdriver');
101 * const firefox = require('selenium-webdriver/firefox');
102 *
103 * let options = new firefox.Options()
104 * .setProfile('/profile/path/on/remote/host')
105 * .setBinary('/install/dir/on/remote/host/firefox-bin');
106 *
107 * let driver = new Builder()
108 * .forBrowser('firefox')
109 * .usingServer('')
110 * .setFirefoxOptions(options)
111 * .build();
112 *
113 * [geckodriver release]: https://github.com/mozilla/geckodriver/releases/
114 * [PATH]: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/PATH_%28variable%29
115 */
117'use strict';
119const path = require('path');
120const url = require('url');
122const Symbols = require('./lib/symbols');
123const command = require('./lib/command');
124const exec = require('./io/exec');
125const http = require('./http');
126const httpUtil = require('./http/util');
127const io = require('./io');
128const net = require('./net');
129const portprober = require('./net/portprober');
130const remote = require('./remote');
131const webdriver = require('./lib/webdriver');
132const zip = require('./io/zip');
133const {Browser, Capabilities} = require('./lib/capabilities');
134const {Zip} = require('./io/zip');
138 * Thrown when there an add-on is malformed.
139 * @final
140 */
141class AddonFormatError extends Error {
142 /** @param {string} msg The error message. */
143 constructor(msg) {
144 super(msg);
145 /** @override */
146 this.name = this.constructor.name;
147 }
152 * Installs an extension to the given directory.
153 * @param {string} extension Path to the xpi extension file to install.
154 * @param {string} dir Path to the directory to install the extension in.
155 * @return {!Promise<string>} A promise for the add-on ID once
156 * installed.
157 */
158async function installExtension(extension, dir) {
159 if (extension.slice(-4) !== '.xpi') {
160 throw Error('Path ath is not a xpi file: ' + extension);
161 }
163 let archive = await zip.load(extension);
164 if (!archive.has('manifest.json')) {
165 throw new AddonFormatError(`Couldn't find manifest.json in ${extension}`);
166 }
168 let buf = await archive.getFile('manifest.json');
169 let parsedJSON = JSON.parse(buf.toString('utf8'));
171 let { browser_specific_settings } =
172 /** @type {{browser_specific_settings:{gecko:{id:string}}}} */
173 parsedJSON;
175 if (
176 browser_specific_settings &&
177 browser_specific_settings.gecko
178 ) {
179 /* browser_specific_settings is an alternative to applications
180 * It is meant to facilitate cross-browser plugins since Firefox48
181 * see https://bugzilla.mozilla.org/show_bug.cgi?id=1262005
182 */
183 parsedJSON.applications = browser_specific_settings;
184 }
186 let { applications } =
187 /** @type {{applications:{gecko:{id:string}}}} */
188 parsedJSON;
189 if (!(applications && applications.gecko && applications.gecko.id)) {
190 throw new AddonFormatError(`Could not find add-on ID for ${extension}`);
191 }
193 await io.copy(extension, `${path.join(dir, applications.gecko.id)}.xpi`);
194 return applications.gecko.id;
198class Profile {
199 constructor() {
200 /** @private {?string} */
201 this.template_ = null;
203 /** @private {!Array<string>} */
204 this.extensions_ = [];
205 }
207 addExtensions(/** !Array<string> */paths) {
208 this.extensions_ = this.extensions_.concat(...paths);
209 }
211 /**
212 * @return {(!Promise<string>|undefined)} a promise for a base64 encoded
213 * profile, or undefined if there's no data to include.
214 */
215 [Symbols.serialize]() {
216 if (this.template_ || this.extensions_.length) {
217 return buildProfile(this.template_, this.extensions_);
218 }
219 return undefined;
220 }
225 * @param {?string} template path to an existing profile to use as a template.
226 * @param {!Array<string>} extensions paths to extensions to install in the new
227 * profile.
228 * @return {!Promise<string>} a promise for the base64 encoded profile.
229 */
230async function buildProfile(template, extensions) {
231 let dir = template;
233 if (extensions.length) {
234 dir = await io.tmpDir();
235 if (template) {
236 await io.copyDir(
237 /** @type {string} */(template),
238 dir, /(parent\.lock|lock|\.parentlock)/);
239 }
241 const extensionsDir = path.join(dir, 'extensions');
242 await io.mkdir(extensionsDir);
244 for (let i = 0; i < extensions.length; i++) {
245 await installExtension(extensions[i], extensionsDir);
246 }
247 }
249 let zip = new Zip;
250 return zip.addDir(dir)
251 .then(() => zip.toBuffer())
252 .then(buf => buf.toString('base64'));
257 * Configuration options for the FirefoxDriver.
258 */
259class Options extends Capabilities {
260 /**
261 * @param {(Capabilities|Map<string, ?>|Object)=} other Another set of
262 * capabilities to initialize this instance from.
263 */
264 constructor(other) {
265 super(other);
266 this.setBrowserName(Browser.FIREFOX);
267 }
269 /**
270 * @return {!Object}
271 * @private
272 */
273 firefoxOptions_() {
274 let options = this.get('moz:firefoxOptions');
275 if (!options) {
276 options = {};
277 this.set('moz:firefoxOptions', options);
278 }
279 return options;
280 }
282 /**
283 * @return {!Profile}
284 * @private
285 */
286 profile_() {
287 let options = this.firefoxOptions_();
288 if (!options.profile) {
289 options.profile = new Profile();
290 }
291 return options.profile;
292 }
294 /**
295 * Specify additional command line arguments that should be used when starting
296 * the Firefox browser.
297 *
298 * @param {...(string|!Array<string>)} args The arguments to include.
299 * @return {!Options} A self reference.
300 */
301 addArguments(...args) {
302 if (args.length) {
303 let options = this.firefoxOptions_();
304 options.args = options.args ? options.args.concat(...args) : args;
305 }
306 return this;
307 }
309 /**
310 * Configures the geckodriver to start Firefox in headless mode.
311 *
312 * @return {!Options} A self reference.
313 */
314 headless() {
315 return this.addArguments('-headless');
316 }
318 /**
319 * Sets the initial window size when running in
320 * {@linkplain #headless headless} mode.
321 *
322 * @param {{width: number, height: number}} size The desired window size.
323 * @return {!Options} A self reference.
324 * @throws {TypeError} if width or height is unspecified, not a number, or
325 * less than or equal to 0.
326 */
327 windowSize({width, height}) {
328 function checkArg(arg) {
329 if (typeof arg !== 'number' || arg <= 0) {
330 throw TypeError('Arguments must be {width, height} with numbers > 0');
331 }
332 }
333 checkArg(width);
334 checkArg(height);
335 return this.addArguments(`--width=${width}`, `--height=${height}`);
336 }
338 /**
339 * Add extensions that should be installed when starting Firefox.
340 *
341 * @param {...string} paths The paths to the extension XPI files to install.
342 * @return {!Options} A self reference.
343 */
344 addExtensions(...paths) {
345 this.profile_().addExtensions(paths);
346 return this;
347 }
349 /**
350 * @param {string} key the preference key.
351 * @param {(string|number|boolean)} value the preference value.
352 * @return {!Options} A self reference.
353 * @throws {TypeError} if either the key or value has an invalid type.
354 */
355 setPreference(key, value) {
356 if (typeof key !== 'string') {
357 throw TypeError(`key must be a string, but got ${typeof key}`);
358 }
359 if (typeof value !== 'string'
360 && typeof value !== 'number'
361 && typeof value !== 'boolean') {
362 throw TypeError(
363 `value must be a string, number, or boolean, but got ${typeof value}`);
364 }
365 let options = this.firefoxOptions_();
366 options.prefs = options.prefs || {};
367 options.prefs[key] = value;
368 return this;
369 }
371 /**
372 * Sets the path to an existing profile to use as a template for new browser
373 * sessions. This profile will be copied for each new session - changes will
374 * not be applied to the profile itself.
375 *
376 * @param {string} profile The profile to use.
377 * @return {!Options} A self reference.
378 * @throws {TypeError} if profile is not a string.
379 */
380 setProfile(profile) {
381 if (typeof profile !== 'string') {
382 throw TypeError(`profile must be a string, but got ${typeof profile}`);
383 }
384 this.profile_().template_ = profile;
385 return this;
386 }
388 /**
389 * Sets the binary to use. The binary may be specified as the path to a
390 * Firefox executable or a desired release {@link Channel}.
391 *
392 * @param {(string|!Channel)} binary The binary to use.
393 * @return {!Options} A self reference.
394 * @throws {TypeError} If `binary` is an invalid type.
395 */
396 setBinary(binary) {
397 if (binary instanceof Channel || typeof binary === 'string') {
398 this.firefoxOptions_().binary = binary;
399 return this;
400 }
401 throw TypeError('binary must be a string path or Channel object');
402 }
407 * Enum of available command contexts.
408 *
409 * Command contexts are specific to Marionette, and may be used with the
410 * {@link #context=} method. Contexts allow you to direct all subsequent
411 * commands to either "content" (default) or "chrome". The latter gives
412 * you elevated security permissions.
413 *
414 * @enum {string}
415 */
416const Context = {
417 CONTENT: "content",
418 CHROME: "chrome",
423 process.platform === 'win32' ? 'geckodriver.exe' : 'geckodriver';
427 * _Synchronously_ attempts to locate the geckodriver executable on the current
428 * system.
429 *
430 * @return {?string} the located executable, or `null`.
431 */
432function locateSynchronously() {
433 return io.findInPath(GECKO_DRIVER_EXE, true);
438 * @return {string} .
439 * @throws {Error}
440 */
441function findGeckoDriver() {
442 let exe = locateSynchronously();
443 if (!exe) {
444 throw Error(
445 'The ' + GECKO_DRIVER_EXE + ' executable could not be found on the current ' +
446 'PATH. Please download the latest version from ' +
447 'https://github.com/mozilla/geckodriver/releases/ ' +
448 'and ensure it can be found on your PATH.');
449 }
450 return exe;
455 * @param {string} file Path to the file to find, relative to the program files
456 * root.
457 * @return {!Promise<?string>} A promise for the located executable.
458 * The promise will resolve to {@code null} if Firefox was not found.
459 */
460function findInProgramFiles(file) {
461 let files = [
462 process.env['PROGRAMFILES'] || 'C:\\Program Files',
463 process.env['PROGRAMFILES(X86)'] || 'C:\\Program Files (x86)'
464 ].map(prefix => path.join(prefix, file));
465 return io.exists(files[0]).then(function(exists) {
466 return exists ? files[0] : io.exists(files[1]).then(function(exists) {
467 return exists ? files[1] : null;
468 });
469 });
473/** @enum {string} */
474const ExtensionCommand = {
475 GET_CONTEXT: 'getContext',
476 SET_CONTEXT: 'setContext',
477 INSTALL_ADDON: 'install addon',
478 UNINSTALL_ADDON: 'uninstall addon',
483 * Creates a command executor with support for Marionette's custom commands.
484 * @param {!Promise<string>} serverUrl The server's URL.
485 * @return {!command.Executor} The new command executor.
486 */
487function createExecutor(serverUrl) {
488 let client = serverUrl.then(url => new http.HttpClient(url));
489 let executor = new http.Executor(client);
490 configureExecutor(executor);
491 return executor;
496 * Configures the given executor with Firefox-specific commands.
497 * @param {!http.Executor} executor the executor to configure.
498 */
499function configureExecutor(executor) {
500 executor.defineCommand(
501 ExtensionCommand.GET_CONTEXT,
502 'GET',
503 '/session/:sessionId/moz/context');
505 executor.defineCommand(
506 ExtensionCommand.SET_CONTEXT,
507 'POST',
508 '/session/:sessionId/moz/context');
510 executor.defineCommand(
511 ExtensionCommand.INSTALL_ADDON,
512 'POST',
513 '/session/:sessionId/moz/addon/install');
515 executor.defineCommand(
516 ExtensionCommand.UNINSTALL_ADDON,
517 'POST',
518 '/session/:sessionId/moz/addon/uninstall');
523 * Creates {@link selenium-webdriver/remote.DriverService} instances that manage
524 * a [geckodriver](https://github.com/mozilla/geckodriver) server in a child
525 * process.
526 */
527class ServiceBuilder extends remote.DriverService.Builder {
528 /**
529 * @param {string=} opt_exe Path to the server executable to use. If omitted,
530 * the builder will attempt to locate the geckodriver on the system PATH.
531 */
532 constructor(opt_exe) {
533 super(opt_exe || findGeckoDriver());
534 this.setLoopback(true); // Required.
535 }
537 /**
538 * Enables verbose logging.
539 *
540 * @param {boolean=} opt_trace Whether to enable trace-level logging. By
541 * default, only debug logging is enabled.
542 * @return {!ServiceBuilder} A self reference.
543 */
544 enableVerboseLogging(opt_trace) {
545 return this.addArguments(opt_trace ? '-vv' : '-v');
546 }
551 * A WebDriver client for Firefox.
552 */
553class Driver extends webdriver.WebDriver {
554 /**
555 * Creates a new Firefox session.
556 *
557 * @param {(Options|Capabilities|Object)=} opt_config The
558 * configuration options for this driver, specified as either an
559 * {@link Options} or {@link Capabilities}, or as a raw hash object.
560 * @param {(http.Executor|remote.DriverService)=} opt_executor Either a
561 * pre-configured command executor to use for communicating with an
562 * externally managed remote end (which is assumed to already be running),
563 * or the `DriverService` to use to start the geckodriver in a child
564 * process.
565 *
566 * If an executor is provided, care should e taken not to use reuse it with
567 * other clients as its internal command mappings will be updated to support
568 * Firefox-specific commands.
569 *
570 * _This parameter may only be used with Mozilla's GeckoDriver._
571 *
572 * @throws {Error} If a custom command executor is provided and the driver is
573 * configured to use the legacy FirefoxDriver from the Selenium project.
574 * @return {!Driver} A new driver instance.
575 */
576 static createSession(opt_config, opt_executor) {
577 let caps =
578 opt_config instanceof Capabilities
579 ? opt_config : new Options(opt_config);
581 let executor;
582 let onQuit;
584 if (opt_executor instanceof http.Executor) {
585 executor = opt_executor;
586 configureExecutor(executor);
587 } else if (opt_executor instanceof remote.DriverService) {
588 executor = createExecutor(opt_executor.start());
589 onQuit = () => opt_executor.kill();
590 } else {
591 let service = new ServiceBuilder().build();
592 executor = createExecutor(service.start());
593 onQuit = () => service.kill();
594 }
596 return /** @type {!Driver} */(super.createSession(executor, caps, onQuit));
597 }
599 /**
600 * This function is a no-op as file detectors are not supported by this
601 * implementation.
602 * @override
603 */
604 setFileDetector() {
605 }
607 /**
608 * Get the context that is currently in effect.
609 *
610 * @return {!Promise<Context>} Current context.
611 */
612 getContext() {
613 return this.execute(new command.Command(ExtensionCommand.GET_CONTEXT));
614 }
616 /**
617 * Changes target context for commands between chrome- and content.
618 *
619 * Changing the current context has a stateful impact on all subsequent
620 * commands. The {@link Context.CONTENT} context has normal web
621 * platform document permissions, as if you would evaluate arbitrary
622 * JavaScript. The {@link Context.CHROME} context gets elevated
623 * permissions that lets you manipulate the browser chrome itself,
624 * with full access to the XUL toolkit.
625 *
626 * Use your powers wisely.
627 *
628 * @param {!Promise<void>} ctx The context to switch to.
629 */
630 setContext(ctx) {
631 return this.execute(
632 new command.Command(ExtensionCommand.SET_CONTEXT)
633 .setParameter("context", ctx));
634 }
636 /**
637 * Installs a new addon with the current session. This function will return an
638 * ID that may later be used to {@linkplain #uninstallAddon uninstall} the
639 * addon.
640 *
641 *
642 * @param {string} path Path on the local filesystem to the web extension to
643 * install.
644 * @param {boolean} temporary Flag indicating whether the extension should be
645 * installed temporarily - gets removed on restart
646 * @return {!Promise<string>} A promise that will resolve to an ID for the
647 * newly installed addon.
648 * @see #uninstallAddon
649 */
650 async installAddon(path, temporary=false) {
651 let buf = await io.read(path);
652 return this.execute(
653 new command.Command(ExtensionCommand.INSTALL_ADDON)
654 .setParameter('addon', buf.toString('base64'))
655 .setParameter('temporary', temporary));
656 }
658 /**
659 * Uninstalls an addon from the current browser session's profile.
660 *
661 * @param {(string|!Promise<string>)} id ID of the addon to uninstall.
662 * @return {!Promise} A promise that will resolve when the operation has
663 * completed.
664 * @see #installAddon
665 */
666 async uninstallAddon(id) {
667 id = await Promise.resolve(id);
668 return this.execute(
669 new command.Command(ExtensionCommand.UNINSTALL_ADDON)
670 .setParameter('id', id));
671 }
676 * Provides methods for locating the executable for a Firefox release channel
677 * on Windows and MacOS. For other systems (i.e. Linux), Firefox will always
678 * be located on the system PATH.
679 *
680 * @final
681 */
682class Channel {
683 /**
684 * @param {string} darwin The path to check when running on MacOS.
685 * @param {string} win32 The path to check when running on Windows.
686 */
687 constructor(darwin, win32) {
688 /** @private @const */ this.darwin_ = darwin;
689 /** @private @const */ this.win32_ = win32;
690 /** @private {Promise<string>} */
691 this.found_ = null;
692 }
694 /**
695 * Attempts to locate the Firefox executable for this release channel. This
696 * will first check the default installation location for the channel before
697 * checking the user's PATH. The returned promise will be rejected if Firefox
698 * can not be found.
699 *
700 * @return {!Promise<string>} A promise for the location of the located
701 * Firefox executable.
702 */
703 locate() {
704 if (this.found_) {
705 return this.found_;
706 }
708 let found;
709 switch (process.platform) {
710 case 'darwin':
711 found = io.exists(this.darwin_)
712 .then(exists => exists ? this.darwin_ : io.findInPath('firefox'));
713 break;
715 case 'win32':
716 found = findInProgramFiles(this.win32_)
717 .then(found => found || io.findInPath('firefox.exe'));
718 break;
720 default:
721 found = Promise.resolve(io.findInPath('firefox'));
722 break;
723 }
725 this.found_ = found.then(found => {
726 if (found) {
727 // TODO: verify version info.
728 return found;
729 }
730 throw Error('Could not locate Firefox on the current system');
731 });
732 return this.found_;
733 }
735 /** @return {!Promise<string>} */
736 [Symbols.serialize]() {
737 return this.locate();
738 }
743 * Firefox's developer channel.
744 * @const
745 * @see <https://www.mozilla.org/en-US/firefox/channel/desktop/#aurora>
746 */
747Channel.AURORA = new Channel(
748 '/Applications/FirefoxDeveloperEdition.app/Contents/MacOS/firefox-bin',
749 'Firefox Developer Edition\\firefox.exe');
752 * Firefox's beta channel. Note this is provided mainly for convenience as
753 * the beta channel has the same installation location as the main release
754 * channel.
755 * @const
756 * @see <https://www.mozilla.org/en-US/firefox/channel/desktop/#beta>
757 */
758Channel.BETA = new Channel(
759 '/Applications/Firefox.app/Contents/MacOS/firefox-bin',
760 'Mozilla Firefox\\firefox.exe');
763 * Firefox's release channel.
764 * @const
765 * @see <https://www.mozilla.org/en-US/firefox/desktop/>
766 */
767Channel.RELEASE = new Channel(
768 '/Applications/Firefox.app/Contents/MacOS/firefox-bin',
769 'Mozilla Firefox\\firefox.exe');
772 * Firefox's nightly release channel.
773 * @const
774 * @see <https://www.mozilla.org/en-US/firefox/channel/desktop/#nightly>
775 */
776Channel.NIGHTLY = new Channel(
777 '/Applications/Firefox Nightly.app/Contents/MacOS/firefox-bin',
778 'Nightly\\firefox.exe');
784exports.Channel = Channel;
785exports.Context = Context;
786exports.Driver = Driver;
787exports.Options = Options;
788exports.ServiceBuilder = ServiceBuilder;
789exports.locateSynchronously = locateSynchronously;