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14 | # node-sendmail
15 |
16 | Send mail without SMTP server
17 |
18 | If you're interested in helping out this repo, please check out the roadmap below to see if anything interests you
19 |
20 | ## Roadmap
21 |
22 | * Add Testing
23 | * Add Better Error Handling
24 | * Add A Retry feature
25 | * Update how we do options
26 | * Respond with documented status codes
27 | * CRLF
28 | * replyTo
29 | * returnTo
30 | * Please submit your ideas as PR's
31 |
32 | ## Install
33 |
34 | ``` bash
35 | npm install sendmail --save
36 | # or
37 | yarn add sendmail
38 | ```
39 |
40 | ## Options
41 |
42 | ``` javascript
43 | const sendmail = require('sendmail')({
44 | logger: {
45 | debug: console.log,
46 | info: console.info,
47 | warn: console.warn,
48 | error: console.error
49 | },
50 | silent: false,
51 | dkim: { // Default: False
52 | privateKey: fs.readFileSync('./dkim-private.pem', 'utf8'),
53 | keySelector: 'mydomainkey'
54 | },
55 | devPort: 1025, // Default: False
56 | devHost: 'localhost', // Default: localhost
57 | smtpPort: 2525, // Default: 25
58 | smtpHost: 'localhost' // Default: -1 - extra smtp host after resolveMX
59 | })
60 | ```
61 |
62 | ## Usage
63 |
64 | ``` javascript
65 | const sendmail = require('sendmail')();
66 |
67 | sendmail({
68 | from: 'no-reply@yourdomain.com',
69 | to: 'test@qq.com, test@sohu.com, test@163.com ',
70 | subject: 'test sendmail',
71 | html: 'Mail of test sendmail ',
72 | }, function(err, reply) {
73 | console.log(err && err.stack);
74 | console.dir(reply);
75 | });
76 | ```
77 |
78 | ## Examples
79 |
80 | Please checkout our great examples
81 |
82 | - **[attachmentFile.js](https://github.com/guileen/node-sendmail/blob/master/examples/attachmentFile.js)**
83 | - **[developmentMode.js](https://github.com/guileen/node-sendmail/blob/master/examples/developmentMode.js)**
84 | - **[dkim.js](https://github.com/guileen/node-sendmail/blob/master/examples/dkim.js)**
85 | - **[meetingRequest.js](https://github.com/guileen/node-sendmail/blob/master/examples/meetingRequest.js)**
86 | - **[simple.js](https://github.com/guileen/node-sendmail/blob/master/examples/simple.js)**
87 | - **[devHostPort.js](https://github.com/guileen/node-sendmail/blob/master/examples/devHostPort.js)**
88 | - **[smtpPort.js](https://github.com/guileen/node-sendmail/blob/master/examples/smtpPort.js)**
89 |
90 | ## Upgrading
91 |
92 | Note if you were on any previous version before `<1.0.0` You will need to start using `html` instead of `content`. Instead of creating emails ourselves anymore we have decided to use `mailcomposer` to compose our emails. Which means we can give you the same great package with the best mail composer package out there.
93 |
94 | In 1.2.0 "Converted to ES2015" which will break node 4.x
95 |
96 | ## Mail Options
97 |
98 | Note we use `mailcomposer` to compose our mail before we send it out so all mail options will be well documented [Here](https://github.com/nodemailer/mailcomposer). But for those who want something particular go ahead and search down below.
99 |
100 | ### E-mail message fields
101 |
102 | Below are a list of the most used options for email fields. Please read the entire list of options here [Here](https://github.com/nodemailer/mailcomposer#e-mail-message-fields):
103 |
104 | - **from**
105 | - **sender**
106 | - **to**
107 | - **cc**
108 | - **bcc**
109 | - **replyTo**
110 | - **inReplyTo**
111 | - **subject**
112 | - **text**
113 | - **html**
114 |
115 | ### Attachments
116 |
117 | You are also able to send attachents. Please review the list of properties here [Here](https://github.com/nodemailer/mailcomposer#attachments)
118 |
119 | ### Alternatives
120 |
121 | In addition to text and HTML, any kind of data can be inserted as an alternative content of the main body. Please check that out [Here](https://github.com/nodemailer/mailcomposer#alternatives)
122 |
123 | ### Address Formatting
124 |
125 | All e-mail addresses can be formatted. Please check that out [Here](https://github.com/nodemailer/mailcomposer#address-formatting)
126 |
127 | ### SMTP envelope
128 |
129 | SMTP envelope is usually auto generated from `from`, `to`, `cc` and `bcc` fields but you can change them [Here](https://github.com/nodemailer/mailcomposer#smtp-envelope)
130 |
131 | ### Using Embedded Images
132 |
133 | Attachments can be used as embedded images in the HTML body. To use this feature, you need to set additional properties [Here](https://github.com/nodemailer/mailcomposer#using-embedded-images)
134 |
135 | ## Change Log
136 |
137 | ### 1.0.0 Mail Composer
138 |
139 | * A better way to compose the emails while still sending them out in the exact same way.
140 |
141 | ### 1.1.0 Support for development SMTP
142 |
143 | * A property describing a port for a local SMTP server (see [MailHog](https://github.com/mailhog/MailHog)) was added. If the property is omitted, sendmail behaves like it used to. This feature makes it possible to test an application offline and for multiple email addresses without needing to create hundreds of mail accounts. - Special thanks goes out to gumannp for [PR 21](https://github.com/guileen/node-sendmail/pull/21)
144 |
145 | ### 1.1.0 Add DKIM signing
146 |
147 | * Added a `dkim` object to options that can have two properties: `privateKey` and `keySelector`. These options correspond to the options for [`dkim-signer`](https://github.com/andris9/dkim-signer). Added an example for these options. Special thanks goes out to download13 for [PR 23](https://github.com/guileen/node-sendmail/pull/23)
148 |
149 | ### 1.1.1 Readme fix
150 |
151 | * simple link and text updates
152 |
153 | ### 1.2.0 Added Support for devHost & devPort
154 |
155 | * Add option to override "localhost" when sending all SMTP traffic to a dummy server & "Converted to ES2015"
156 |
157 | ### 1.3.0
158 |
159 | * Add option to override "smtpPort:25"
160 |
161 | ### 1.4.0
162 |
163 | * Add option to add extra smtp host after resolveMX "smtpHost:-1"
164 | * Added Yarn Lock
165 |
166 | ### 1.4.1
167 |
168 | * Update Readme
169 |
170 | ### 1.5.0
171 |
172 | * Update Readme - Special thanks goes out to zzzgit for [PR 58](https://github.com/guileen/node-sendmail/pull/58)
173 | * sort mx records by priority (lowest first) - Special thanks goes out to seasick for [PR 57](https://github.com/guileen/node-sendmail/pull/57)
174 |
175 | ### 1.6.0
176 |
177 | * Updated parsing to use auto parse
178 |
179 | ### 1.6.1
180 |
181 | * Rollback of autoparse
182 |
183 | ## Questions, Comments & Concerns
184 |
185 | Please reach out to [Green Pioneer](https://github.com/greenpioneer). If I dont respond the first time please feel free to reach out again to get help( Also try using @greenpioneer in issues or prs). [Guileen](https://github.com/guileen) is the original creator.