1 | const {createConnection} = require('net');
2 | const {resolveMx} = require('dns');
3 | const {DKIMSign} = require('dkim-signer');
4 | const CRLF = '\r\n';
5 |
6 | function dummy () {}
7 | module.exports = function (options) {
8 | options = options || {};
9 | const logger = options.logger || (options.silent && {
10 | debug: dummy,
11 | info: dummy,
12 | warn: dummy,
13 | error: dummy
14 | } || {
15 | debug: console.log,
16 | info: console.info,
17 | warn: console.warn,
18 | error: console.error
19 | });
20 | const dkimPrivateKey = (options.dkim || {}).privateKey;
21 | const dkimKeySelector = (options.dkim || {}).keySelector || 'dkim';
22 | const devPort = options.devPort || -1;
23 | const devHost = options.devHost || 'localhost';
24 | const smtpPort = options.smtpPort || 25
25 | const smtpHost = options.smtpHost || -1
26 | |
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53 |
54 | function getHost (email) {
55 | const m = /[^@]+@([\w\d\-\.]+)/.exec(email);
56 | return m && m[1];
57 | }
58 |
59 | function groupRecipients (recipients) {
60 | let groups = {};
61 | let host;
62 | const recipients_length = recipients.length;
63 | for (let i = 0; i < recipients_length; i++) {
64 | host = getHost(recipients[i]);
65 | (groups[host] || (groups[host] = [])).push(recipients[i])
66 | }
67 | return groups
68 | }
69 |
70 | |
71 |
72 |
73 | function connectMx (domain, callback) {
74 | if (devPort === -1) {
75 | resolveMx(domain, function (err, data) {
76 | if (err) {
77 | return callback(err)
78 | }
79 |
80 | data.sort(function (a, b) { return a.priority > b.priority });
81 | logger.debug('mx resolved: ', data);
82 |
83 | if (!data || data.length === 0) {
84 | return callback(new Error('can not resolve Mx of <' + domain + '>'))
85 | }
86 | if(smtpHost !== -1)data.push({exchange:smtpHost})
87 | function tryConnect (i) {
88 | if (i >= data.length) return callback(new Error('can not connect to any SMTP server'));
89 |
90 | const sock = createConnection(smtpPort, data[i].exchange);
91 |
92 | sock.on('error', function (err) {
93 | logger.error('Error on connectMx for: ', data[i], err);
94 | tryConnect(++i)
95 | });
96 |
97 | sock.on('connect', function () {
98 | logger.debug('MX connection created: ', data[i].exchange);
99 | sock.removeAllListeners('error');
100 | callback(null, sock)
101 | })
102 | }
103 |
104 | tryConnect(0)
105 | })
106 | } else {
107 | const sock = createConnection(devPort, devHost);
108 |
109 | sock.on('error', function (err) {
110 | callback(new Error('Error on connectMx (development) for "'+ devHost +':' + devPort + '": ' + err))
111 | });
112 |
113 | sock.on('connect', function () {
114 | logger.debug('MX (development) connection created: '+ devHost +':' + devPort);
115 | sock.removeAllListeners('error');
116 | callback(null, sock)
117 | })
118 | }
119 | }
120 |
121 | function sendToSMTP (domain, srcHost, from, recipients, body, cb) {
122 | const callback = (typeof cb === 'function') ? cb : function () {};
123 | connectMx(domain, function (err, sock) {
124 | if (err) {
125 | logger.error('error on connectMx', err.stack);
126 | return callback(err)
127 | }
128 |
129 | function w (s) {
130 | logger.debug('send ' + domain + '>' + s);
131 | sock.write(s + CRLF)
132 | }
133 |
134 | sock.setEncoding('utf8');
135 |
136 | sock.on('data', function (chunk) {
137 | data += chunk;
138 | parts = data.split(CRLF);
139 | const parts_length = parts.length - 1;
140 | for (let i = 0, len = parts_length; i < len; i++) {
141 | onLine(parts[i])
142 | }
143 | data = parts[parts.length - 1]
144 | });
145 |
146 | sock.on('error', function (err) {
147 | logger.error('fail to connect ' + domain)
148 | callback(err)
149 | });
150 |
151 | let data = '';
152 | let step = 0;
153 | let loginStep = 0;
154 | const queue = [];
155 | const login = [];
156 | let parts;
157 | let cmd;
158 |
159 | |
160 |
161 |
162 |
163 |
164 |
165 |
166 |
167 | queue.push('MAIL FROM:<' + from + '>');
168 | const recipients_length = recipients.length;
169 | for (let i = 0; i < recipients_length; i++) {
170 | queue.push('RCPT TO:<' + recipients[i] + '>')
171 | }
172 | queue.push('DATA');
173 | queue.push('QUIT');
174 | queue.push('');
175 |
176 | function response (code, msg) {
177 | switch (code) {
178 | case 220:
179 |
180 |
181 | if (/\besmtp\b/i.test(msg)) {
182 |
183 | cmd = 'EHLO'
184 | } else {
185 | cmd = 'HELO'
186 | }
187 | w(cmd + ' ' + srcHost);
188 | break;
189 |
190 | case 221:
191 | case 235:
192 | case 250:
193 | case 251:
194 | if (step === queue.length - 1) {
195 | logger.info('OK:', code, msg);
196 | callback(null, msg)
197 | }
198 | w(queue[step]);
199 | step++;
200 | break;
201 |
202 | case 354:
203 | logger.info('sending mail', body);
204 | w(body);
205 | w('');
206 | w('.');
207 | break;
208 |
209 | case 334:
210 | w(login[loginStep]);
211 | loginStep++;
212 | break;
213 |
214 | default:
215 | if (code >= 400) {
216 | logger.warn('SMTP responds error code', code);
217 | callback(new Error('SMTP code:' + code + ' msg:' + msg));
218 | sock.end();
219 | }
220 | }
221 | }
222 |
223 | let msg = '';
224 |
225 | function onLine (line) {
226 | logger.debug('recv ' + domain + '>' + line);
227 |
228 | msg += (line + CRLF);
229 |
230 | if (line[3] === ' ') {
231 |
232 |
233 | let lineNumber = parseInt(line);
234 | response(lineNumber, msg);
235 | msg = '';
236 | }
237 | }
238 | })
239 | }
240 |
241 | function getAddress (address) {
242 | return address.replace(/^.+</, '').replace(/>\s*$/, '').trim();
243 | }
244 |
245 | function getAddresses (addresses) {
246 | const results = [];
247 | if (!Array.isArray(addresses)) {
248 | addresses = addresses.split(',');
249 | }
250 |
251 | const addresses_length = addresses.length;
252 | for (let i = 0; i < addresses_length; i++) {
253 | results.push(getAddress(addresses[i]));
254 | }
255 | return results
256 | }
257 |
258 | |
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262 |
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270 |
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273 |
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283 |
284 |
285 | function sendmail (mail, callback) {
286 | const mailcomposer = require('mailcomposer');
287 | const mailMe = mailcomposer(mail);
288 | let recipients = [];
289 | let groups;
290 | let srcHost;
291 | if (mail.to) {
292 | recipients = recipients.concat(getAddresses(mail.to))
293 | }
294 |
295 | if (mail.cc) {
296 | recipients = recipients.concat(getAddresses(mail.cc))
297 | }
298 |
299 | if (mail.bcc) {
300 | recipients = recipients.concat(getAddresses(mail.bcc))
301 | }
302 |
303 | groups = groupRecipients(recipients);
304 |
305 | const from = getAddress(mail.from);
306 | srcHost = getHost(from);
307 |
308 | mailMe.build(function (err, message) {
309 | if (err) {
310 | logger.error('Error on creating message : ', err)
311 | callback(err, null);
312 | return
313 | }
314 | if (dkimPrivateKey) {
315 | const signature = DKIMSign(message, {
316 | privateKey: dkimPrivateKey,
317 | keySelector: dkimKeySelector,
318 | domainName: srcHost
319 | });
320 | message = signature + '\r\n' + message
321 | }
322 | for (let domain in groups) {
323 | sendToSMTP(domain, srcHost, from, groups[domain], message, callback)
324 | }
325 | });
326 | }
327 | return sendmail
328 | };