1 | # sequelize-typescript
2 |
3 | [](https://github.com/sequelize/sequelize-typescript/actions?query=workflow%3A%22Node.js+CI%22)
4 | [](https://codecov.io/gh/sequelize/sequelize-typescript)
5 | [](https://www.npmjs.com/package/sequelize-typescript)
6 |
7 | Decorators and some other features for sequelize (v6).
8 |
9 | - [Installation](#installation)
10 | - [Model Definition](#model-definition)
11 | - [`@Table` API](#table-api)
12 | - [`@Column` API](#column-api)
13 | - [Usage](#usage)
14 | - [Configuration](#configuration)
15 | - [globs](#globs)
16 | - [Model-path resolving](#model-path-resolving)
17 | - [Model association](#model-association)
18 | - [One-to-many](#one-to-many)
19 | - [Many-to-many](#many-to-many)
20 | - [One-to-one](#one-to-one)
21 | - [`@ForeignKey`, `@BelongsTo`, `@HasMany`, `@HasOne`, `@BelongsToMany` API](#foreignkey-belongsto-hasmany-hasone-belongstomany-api)
22 | - [Generated getter and setter](#type-safe-usage-of-auto-generated-functions)
23 | - [Multiple relations of same models](#multiple-relations-of-same-models)
24 | - [Indexes](#indexes)
25 | - [`@Index` API](#index)
26 | - [`createIndexDecorator()` API](#createindexdecorator)
27 | - [Repository mode](#repository-mode)
28 | - [How to enable repository mode?](#how-to-enable-repository-mode)
29 | - [How to use repository mode?](#how-to-use-repository-mode)
30 | - [How to use associations with repository mode?](#how-to-use-associations-with-repository-mode)
31 | - [Limitations of repository mode](#limitations-of-repository-mode)
32 | - [Model validation](#model-validation)
33 | - [Scopes](#scopes)
34 | - [Hooks](#hooks)
35 | - [Why `() => Model`?](#why---model)
36 | - [Recommendations and limitations](#recommendations-and-limitations)
37 |
38 | ## Installation
39 |
40 | - this assumes usage of `sequelize@6`
41 | - _sequelize-typescript_ requires [sequelize](https://github.com/sequelize/sequelize)
42 | - additional typings as documented [here](https://sequelize.org/master/manual/typescript.html) and [reflect-metadata](https://www.npmjs.com/package/reflect-metadata)
43 |
44 | ```sh
45 | npm install --save-dev @types/node @types/validator
46 | npm install sequelize reflect-metadata sequelize-typescript
47 | ```
48 |
49 | Your `tsconfig.json` needs the following flags:
50 |
51 | ```json
52 | "target": "es6", // or a more recent ecmascript version
53 | "experimentalDecorators": true,
54 | "emitDecoratorMetadata": true
55 | ```
56 |
57 | ### Sequelize Options
58 |
59 | - `SequelizeConfig` renamed to `SequelizeOptions`
60 | - `modelPaths` property renamed to `models`
61 |
62 | ### Scopes Options
63 |
64 | The `@Scopes` and `@DefaultScope` decorators now take lambda's as options
65 |
66 | ```ts
67 | @DefaultScope(() => ({...}))
68 | @Scopes(() => ({...}))
69 | ```
70 |
71 | instead of deprecated way:
72 |
73 | ```ts
74 | @DefaultScope({...})
75 | @Scopes({...}))
76 | ```
77 |
78 | ## Model definition
79 |
80 | ```typescript
81 | import { Table, Column, Model, HasMany } from 'sequelize-typescript';
82 |
83 | @Table
84 | class Person extends Model {
85 | @Column
86 | name: string;
87 |
88 | @Column
89 | birthday: Date;
90 |
91 | @HasMany(() => Hobby)
92 | hobbies: Hobby[];
93 | }
94 | ```
95 |
96 | ### Less strict
97 |
98 | ```typescript
99 | import { Table, Model } from 'sequelize-typescript';
100 |
101 | @Table
102 | class Person extends Model {}
103 | ```
104 |
105 | ### More strict
106 |
107 | ```typescript
108 | import { Optional } from 'sequelize';
109 | import { Table, Model } from 'sequelize-typescript';
110 |
111 | interface PersonAttributes {
112 | id: number;
113 | name: string;
114 | }
115 |
116 | interface PersonCreationAttributes extends Optional<PersonAttributes, 'id'> {}
117 |
118 | @Table
119 | class Person extends Model<PersonAttributes, PersonCreationAttributes> {}
120 | ```
121 |
122 | The model needs to extend the `Model` class and has to be annotated with the `@Table` decorator. All properties that
123 | should appear as a column in the database require the `@Column` annotation.
124 |
125 | See more advanced example [here](https://github.com/RobinBuschmann/sequelize-typescript-example).
126 |
127 | ### `@Table`
128 |
129 | The `@Table` annotation can be used without passing any parameters. To specify some more define options, use
130 | an object literal (all [define options](https://sequelize.org/v5/manual/models-definition.html#configuration)
131 | from sequelize are valid):
132 |
133 | ```typescript
134 | @Table({
135 | timestamps: true,
136 | ...
137 | })
138 | class Person extends Model {}
139 | ```
140 |
141 | #### Table API
142 |
143 | | Decorator | Description |
144 | | -------------------------------- | ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- |
145 | | `@Table` | sets `options.tableName=<CLASS_NAME>` and `options.modelName=<CLASS_NAME>` automatically |
146 | | `@Table(options: DefineOptions)` | sets [define options](https://sequelize.org/v5/manual/models-definition.html#configuration) (also sets `options.tableName=<CLASS_NAME>` and `options.modelName=<CLASS_NAME>` if not already defined by define options) |
147 |
148 | #### Primary key
149 |
150 | A primary key (`id`) will be inherited from base class `Model`. This primary key is by default an `INTEGER` and has
151 | `autoIncrement=true` (This behaviour is a native sequelize thing). The id can easily be overridden by marking another
152 | attribute as primary key. So either set `@Column({primaryKey: true})` or use `@PrimaryKey` together with `@Column`.
153 |
154 | #### `@CreatedAt`, `@UpdatedAt`, `@DeletedAt`
155 |
156 | Annotations to define custom and type safe `createdAt`, `updatedAt` and `deletedAt` attributes:
157 |
158 | ```typescript
159 | @CreatedAt
160 | creationDate: Date;
161 |
162 | @UpdatedAt
163 | updatedOn: Date;
164 |
165 | @DeletedAt
166 | deletionDate: Date;
167 | ```
168 |
169 | | Decorator | Description |
170 | | ------------ | ---------------------------------------------------------------------- |
171 | | `@CreatedAt` | sets `timestamps=true` and `createdAt='creationDate'` |
172 | | `@UpdatedAt` | sets `timestamps=true` and `updatedAt='updatedOn'` |
173 | | `@DeletedAt` | sets `timestamps=true`, `paranoid=true` and `deletedAt='deletionDate'` |
174 |
175 | ### `@Column`
176 |
177 | The `@Column` annotation can be used without passing any parameters. But therefore it is necessary that
178 | the js type can be inferred automatically (see [Type inference](#type-inference) for details).
179 |
180 | ```typescript
181 | @Column
182 | name: string;
183 | ```
184 |
185 | If the type cannot or should not be inferred, use:
186 |
187 | ```typescript
188 | import {DataType} from 'sequelize-typescript';
189 |
190 | @Column(DataType.TEXT)
191 | name: string;
192 | ```
193 |
194 | Or for a more detailed column description, use an object literal
195 | (all [attribute options](https://sequelize.org/v5/manual/models-definition.html#configuration)
196 | from sequelize are valid):
197 |
198 | ```typescript
199 | @Column({
200 | type: DataType.FLOAT,
201 | comment: 'Some value',
202 | ...
203 | })
204 | value: number;
205 | ```
206 |
207 | #### Column API
208 |
209 | | Decorator | Description |
210 | | ------------------------------------ | --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- |
211 | | `@Column` | tries to infer [dataType](https://sequelize.org/v5/manual/models-definition.html#data-types) from js type |
212 | | `@Column(dataType: DataType)` | sets [dataType](https://sequelize.org/v5/manual/models-definition.html#data-types) explicitly |
213 | | `@Column(options: AttributeOptions)` | sets [attribute options](https://sequelize.org/v5/manual/models-definition.html#configuration) |
214 |
215 | #### _Shortcuts_
216 |
217 | If you're in love with decorators: _sequelize-typescript_ provides some more of them. The following decorators can be
218 | used together with the @Column annotation to make some attribute options easier available:
219 |
220 | | Decorator | Description | Options |
221 | | --------------------------------- | ------------------------------------------------ | -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- |
222 | | `@AllowNull(allowNull?: boolean)` | sets `attribute.allowNull` (default is `true`) |
223 | | `@AutoIncrement` | sets `attribute.autoIncrement=true` |
224 | | `@Unique(options? UniqueOptions)` | sets `attribute.unique=true` | [UniqueOptions](https://github.com/sequelize/sequelize-typescript/blob/master/src/model/column/column-options/unique.ts#L3) |
225 | | `@Default(value: any)` | sets `attribute.defaultValue` to specified value |
226 | | `@PrimaryKey` | sets `attribute.primaryKey=true` |
227 | | `@Comment(value: string)` | sets `attribute.comment` to specified string |
228 | | Validate annotations | see [Model validation](#model-validation) |
229 |
230 | ### Type inference
231 |
232 | The following types can be automatically inferred from javascript type. Others have to be defined explicitly.
233 |
234 | | Design type | Sequelize data type |
235 | | ----------- | ------------------- |
236 | | `string` | `STRING` |
237 | | `boolean` | `BOOLEAN` |
238 | | `number` | `INTEGER` |
239 | | `bigint` | `BIGINT` |
240 | | `Date` | `DATE` |
241 | | `Buffer` | `BLOB` |
242 |
243 | ### Accessors
244 |
245 | Get/set accessors do work as well
246 |
247 | ```typescript
248 | @Table
249 | class Person extends Model {
250 | @Column
251 | get name(): string {
252 | return 'My name is ' + this.getDataValue('name');
253 | }
254 |
255 | set name(value: string) {
256 | this.setDataValue('name', value);
257 | }
258 | }
259 | ```
260 |
261 | ## Usage
262 |
263 | Except for minor variations _sequelize-typescript_ will work like pure sequelize.
264 | (See sequelize [docs](https://docs.sequelizejs.com/manual/tutorial/models-usage.html))
265 |
266 | ### Configuration
267 |
268 | To make the defined models available, you have to configure a `Sequelize` instance from `sequelize-typescript`(!).
269 |
270 | ```typescript
271 | import { Sequelize } from 'sequelize-typescript';
272 |
273 | const sequelize = new Sequelize({
274 | database: 'some_db',
275 | dialect: 'sqlite',
276 | username: 'root',
277 | password: '',
278 | storage: ':memory:',
279 | models: [__dirname + '/models'], // or [Player, Team],
280 | });
281 | ```
282 |
283 | Before you can use your models you have to tell sequelize where they can be found. So either set `models` in the
284 | sequelize config or add the required models later on by calling `sequelize.addModels([Person])` or
285 | `sequelize.addModels([__dirname + '/models'])`:
286 |
287 | ```typescript
288 | sequelize.addModels([Person]);
289 | sequelize.addModels(['path/to/models']);
290 | ```
291 |
292 | ### globs
293 |
294 | ```typescript
295 | import {Sequelize} from 'sequelize-typescript';
296 |
297 | const sequelize = new Sequelize({
298 | ...
299 | models: [__dirname + '/**/*.model.ts']
300 | });
301 | // or
302 | sequelize.addModels([__dirname + '/**/*.model.ts']);
303 | ```
304 |
305 | #### Model-path resolving
306 |
307 | A model is matched to a file by its filename. E.g.
308 |
309 | ```typescript
310 | // File User.ts matches the following exported model.
311 | export class User extends Model {}
312 | ```
313 |
314 | This is done by comparison of the filename against all exported members. The
315 | matching can be customized by specifying the `modelMatch` function in the
316 | configuration object.
317 |
318 | For example, if your models are named `user.model.ts`, and your class is called
319 | `User`, you can match these two by using the following function:
320 |
321 | ```typescript
322 | import {Sequelize} from 'sequelize-typescript';
323 |
324 | const sequelize = new Sequelize({
325 | models: [__dirname + '/models/**/*.model.ts']
326 | modelMatch: (filename, member) => {
327 | return filename.substring(0, filename.indexOf('.model')) === member.toLowerCase();
328 | },
329 | });
330 | ```
331 |
332 | For each file that matches the `*.model.ts` pattern, the `modelMatch` function
333 | will be called with its exported members. E.g. for the following file
334 |
335 | ```TypeScript
336 | //user.model.ts
337 | import {Table, Column, Model} from 'sequelize-typescript';
338 |
339 | export const UserN = 'Not a model';
340 | export const NUser = 'Not a model';
341 |
342 | @Table
343 | export class User extends Model {
344 |
345 | @Column
346 | nickname: string;
347 | }
348 | ```
349 |
350 | The `modelMatch` function will be called three times with the following arguments.
351 |
352 | ```text
353 | user.model UserN -> false
354 | user.model NUser -> false
355 | user.model User -> true (User will be added as model)
356 | ```
357 |
358 | Another way to match model to file is to make your model the default export.
359 |
360 | ```TypeScript
361 | export default class User extends Model {}
362 | ```
363 |
364 | > ⚠️ When using paths to add models, keep in mind that they will be loaded during runtime. This means that the path
365 | > may differ from development time to execution time. For instance, using `.ts` extension within paths will only work
366 | > together with [ts-node](https://github.com/TypeStrong/ts-node).
367 |
368 | ### Build and create
369 |
370 | Instantiation and inserts can be achieved in the good old sequelize way
371 |
372 | ```typescript
373 | const person = Person.build({ name: 'bob', age: 99 });
374 | person.save();
375 |
376 | Person.create({ name: 'bob', age: 99 });
377 | ```
378 |
379 | but _sequelize-typescript_ also makes it possible to create instances with `new`:
380 |
381 | ```typescript
382 | const person = new Person({ name: 'bob', age: 99 });
383 | person.save();
384 | ```
385 |
386 | ### Find and update
387 |
388 | Finding and updating entries does also work like using native sequelize. So see sequelize
389 | [docs](https://docs.sequelizejs.com/manual/tutorial/models-usage.html) for more details.
390 |
391 | ```typescript
392 | Person.findOne().then((person) => {
393 | person.age = 100;
394 | return person.save();
395 | });
396 |
397 | Person.update(
398 | {
399 | name: 'bobby',
400 | },
401 | { where: { id: 1 } }
402 | ).then(() => {});
403 | ```
404 |
405 | ## Model association
406 |
407 | Relations can be described directly in the model by the `@HasMany`, `@HasOne`, `@BelongsTo`, `@BelongsToMany`
408 | and `@ForeignKey` annotations.
409 |
410 | ### One-to-many
411 |
412 | ```typescript
413 | @Table
414 | class Player extends Model {
415 | @Column
416 | name: string;
417 |
418 | @Column
419 | num: number;
420 |
421 | @ForeignKey(() => Team)
422 | @Column
423 | teamId: number;
424 |
425 | @BelongsTo(() => Team)
426 | team: Team;
427 | }
428 |
429 | @Table
430 | class Team extends Model {
431 | @Column
432 | name: string;
433 |
434 | @HasMany(() => Player)
435 | players: Player[];
436 | }
437 | ```
438 |
439 | That's all, _sequelize-typescript_ does everything else for you. So when retrieving a team by `find`
440 |
441 | ```typescript
442 | Team.findOne({ include: [Player] }).then((team) => {
443 | team.players.forEach((player) => console.log(`Player ${player.name}`));
444 | });
445 | ```
446 |
447 | the players will also be resolved (when passing `include: Player` to the find options)
448 |
449 | ### Many-to-many
450 |
451 | ```typescript
452 | @Table
453 | class Book extends Model {
454 | @BelongsToMany(() => Author, () => BookAuthor)
455 | authors: Author[];
456 | }
457 |
458 | @Table
459 | class Author extends Model {
460 | @BelongsToMany(() => Book, () => BookAuthor)
461 | books: Book[];
462 | }
463 |
464 | @Table
465 | class BookAuthor extends Model {
466 | @ForeignKey(() => Book)
467 | @Column
468 | bookId: number;
469 |
470 | @ForeignKey(() => Author)
471 | @Column
472 | authorId: number;
473 | }
474 | ```
475 |
476 | #### Type safe _through_-table instance access
477 |
478 | To access the _through_-table instance (instanceOf `BookAuthor` in the upper example) type safely, the type
479 | need to be set up manually. For `Author` model it can be achieved like so:
480 |
481 | ```ts
482 | @BelongsToMany(() => Book, () => BookAuthor)
483 | books: Array<Book & {BookAuthor: BookAuthor}>;
484 | ```
485 |
486 | ### One-to-one
487 |
488 | For one-to-one use `@HasOne(...)`(foreign key for the relation exists on the other model) and
489 | `@BelongsTo(...)` (foreign key for the relation exists on this model)
490 |
491 | ### `@ForeignKey`, `@BelongsTo`, `@HasMany`, `@HasOne`, `@BelongsToMany` API
492 |
493 | | Decorator | Description |
494 | | ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- | -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- |
495 | | `@ForeignKey(relatedModelGetter: () => typeof Model)` | marks property as `foreignKey` for related class |
496 | | `@BelongsTo(relatedModelGetter: () => typeof Model)` | sets `SourceModel.belongsTo(RelatedModel, ...)` while `as` is key of annotated property and `foreignKey` is resolved from source class |
497 | | `@BelongsTo(relatedModelGetter: () => typeof Model, foreignKey: string)` | sets `SourceModel.belongsTo(RelatedModel, ...)` while `as` is key of annotated property and `foreignKey` is explicitly specified value |
498 | | `@BelongsTo(relatedModelGetter: () => typeof Model, options: AssociationOptionsBelongsTo)` | sets `SourceModel.belongsTo(RelatedModel, ...)` while `as` is key of annotated property and `options` are additional association options |
499 | | `@HasMany(relatedModelGetter: () => typeof Model)` | sets `SourceModel.hasMany(RelatedModel, ...)` while `as` is key of annotated property and `foreignKey` is resolved from target related class |
500 | | `@HasMany(relatedModelGetter: () => typeof Model, foreignKey: string)` | sets `SourceModel.hasMany(RelatedModel, ...)` while `as` is key of annotated property and `foreignKey` is explicitly specified value |
501 | | `@HasMany(relatedModelGetter: () => typeof Model, options: AssociationOptionsHasMany)` | sets `SourceModel.hasMany(RelatedModel, ...)` while `as` is key of annotated property and `options` are additional association options |
502 | | `@HasOne(relatedModelGetter: () => typeof Model)` | sets `SourceModel.hasOne(RelatedModel, ...)` while `as` is key of annotated property and `foreignKey` is resolved from target related class |
503 | | `@HasOne(relatedModelGetter: () => typeof Model, foreignKey: string)` | sets `SourceModel.hasOne(RelatedModel, ...)` while `as` is key of annotated property and `foreignKey` is explicitly specified value |
504 | | `@HasOne(relatedModelGetter: () => typeof Model, options: AssociationOptionsHasOne)` | sets `SourceModel.hasOne(RelatedModel, ...)` while `as` is key of annotated property and `options` are additional association options |
505 | | `@BelongsToMany(relatedModelGetter: () => typeof Model, through: (() => typeof Model))` | sets `SourceModel.belongsToMany(RelatedModel, {through: ThroughModel, ...})` while `as` is key of annotated property and `foreignKey`/`otherKey` is resolved from through class |
506 | | `@BelongsToMany(relatedModelGetter: () => typeof Model, through: (() => typeof Model), foreignKey: string)` | sets `SourceModel.belongsToMany(RelatedModel, {through: ThroughModel, ...})` while `as` is key of annotated property, `foreignKey` is explicitly specified value and `otherKey` is resolved from through class |
507 | | `@BelongsToMany(relatedModelGetter: () => typeof Model, through: (() => typeof Model), foreignKey: string, otherKey: string)` | sets `SourceModel.belongsToMany(RelatedModel, {through: ThroughModel, ...})` while `as` is key of annotated property and `foreignKey`/`otherKey` are explicitly specified values |
508 | | `@BelongsToMany(relatedModelGetter: () => typeof Model, through: string, foreignKey: string, otherKey: string)` | sets `SourceModel.belongsToMany(RelatedModel, {through: throughString, ...})` while `as` is key of annotated property and `foreignKey`/`otherKey` are explicitly specified values |
509 | | `@BelongsToMany(relatedModelGetter: () => typeof Model, options: AssociationOptionsBelongsToMany)` | sets `SourceModel.belongsToMany(RelatedModel, {through: throughString, ...})` while `as` is key of annotated property and `options` are additional association values, including `foreignKey` and `otherKey`. |
510 |
511 | Note that when using AssociationOptions, certain properties will be overwritten when the association is built, based on reflection metadata or explicit attribute parameters. For example, `as` will always be the annotated property's name, and `through` will be the explicitly stated value.
512 |
513 | ### Multiple relations of same models
514 |
515 | _sequelize-typescript_ resolves the foreign keys by identifying the corresponding class references.
516 | So if you define a model with multiple relations like
517 |
518 | ```typescript
519 | @Table
520 | class Book extends Model {
521 | @ForeignKey(() => Person)
522 | @Column
523 | authorId: number;
524 |
525 | @BelongsTo(() => Person)
526 | author: Person;
527 |
528 | @ForeignKey(() => Person)
529 | @Column
530 | proofreaderId: number;
531 |
532 | @BelongsTo(() => Person)
533 | proofreader: Person;
534 | }
535 |
536 | @Table
537 | class Person extends Model {
538 | @HasMany(() => Book)
539 | writtenBooks: Book[];
540 |
541 | @HasMany(() => Book)
542 | proofedBooks: Book[];
543 | }
544 | ```
545 |
546 | _sequelize-typescript_ cannot know which foreign key to use for which relation. So you have to add the foreign keys
547 | explicitly:
548 |
549 | ```typescript
550 |
551 | // in class "Books":
552 | @BelongsTo(() => Person, 'authorId')
553 | author: Person;
554 |
555 | @BelongsTo(() => Person, 'proofreaderId')
556 | proofreader: Person;
557 |
558 | // in class "Person":
559 | @HasMany(() => Book, 'authorId')
560 | writtenBooks: Book[];
561 |
562 | @HasMany(() => Book, 'proofreaderId')
563 | proofedBooks: Book[];
564 | ```
565 |
566 | ### Type safe usage of auto generated functions
567 |
568 | With the creation of a relation, sequelize generates some method on the corresponding
569 | models. So when you create a 1:n relation between `ModelA` and `ModelB`, an instance of `ModelA` will
570 | have the functions `getModelBs`, `setModelBs`, `addModelB`, `removeModelB`, `hasModelB`. These functions still exist with _sequelize-typescript_.
571 | But TypeScript wont recognize them and will complain if you try to access `getModelB`, `setModelB` or
572 | `addModelB`. To make TypeScript happy, the `Model.prototype` of _sequelize-typescript_ has `$set`, `$get`, `$add`
573 | functions.
574 |
575 | ```typescript
576 | @Table
577 | class ModelA extends Model {
578 | @HasMany(() => ModelB)
579 | bs: ModelB[];
580 | }
581 |
582 | @Table
583 | class ModelB extends Model {
584 | @BelongsTo(() => ModelA)
585 | a: ModelA;
586 | }
587 | ```
588 |
589 | To use them, pass the property key of the respective relation as the first parameter:
590 |
591 | ```typescript
592 | const modelA = new ModelA();
593 |
594 | modelA
595 | .$set('bs', [
596 | /* instance */
597 | ])
598 | .then(/* ... */);
599 | modelA.$add('b' /* instance */).then(/* ... */);
600 | modelA.$get('bs').then(/* ... */);
601 | modelA.$count('bs').then(/* ... */);
602 | modelA.$has('bs').then(/* ... */);
603 | modelA.$remove('bs' /* instance */).then(/* ... */);
604 | modelA.$create('bs' /* value */).then(/* ... */);
605 | ```
606 |
607 | ## Indexes
608 |
609 | ### `@Index`
610 |
611 | The `@Index` annotation can be used without passing any parameters.
612 |
613 | ```typescript
614 | @Table
615 | class Person extends Model {
616 | @Index // Define an index with default name
617 | @Column
618 | name: string;
619 |
620 | @Index // Define another index
621 | @Column
622 | birthday: Date;
623 | }
624 | ```
625 |
626 | To specify index and index field options, use
627 | an object literal (see [indexes define option](https://sequelize.org/v5/manual/models-definition.html#indexes)):
628 |
629 | ```typescript
630 | @Table
631 | class Person extends Model {
632 | @Index('my-index') // Define a multi-field index on name and birthday
633 | @Column
634 | name: string;
635 |
636 | @Index('my-index') // Add birthday as the second field to my-index
637 | @Column
638 | birthday: Date;
639 |
640 | @Index({
641 | // index options
642 | name: 'job-index',
643 | parser: 'my-parser',
644 | type: 'UNIQUE',
645 | unique: true,
646 | where: { isEmployee: true },
647 | concurrently: true,
648 | using: 'BTREE',
649 | operator: 'text_pattern_ops',
650 | prefix: 'test-',
651 | // index field options
652 | length: 10,
653 | order: 'ASC',
654 | collate: 'NOCASE',
655 | })
656 | @Column
657 | jobTitle: string;
658 |
659 | @Column
660 | isEmployee: boolean;
661 | }
662 | ```
663 |
664 | #### Index API
665 |
666 | | Decorator | Description |
667 | | ---------------------------------------- | --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- |
668 | | `@Index` | adds new index on decorated field to `options.indexes` |
669 | | `@Index(name: string)` | adds new index or adds the field to an existing index with specified name |
670 | | `@Table(options: IndexDecoratorOptions)` | sets both index and index field [options](https://sequelize.org/v5/manual/models-definition.html#indexes) |
671 |
672 | ### `createIndexDecorator()`
673 |
674 | The `createIndexDecorator()` function can be used to create a decorator for an index with options specified with an object literal supplied as the argument. Fields are added to the index by decorating properties.
675 |
676 | ```typescript
677 | const SomeIndex = createIndexDecorator();
678 | const JobIndex = createIndexDecorator({
679 | // index options
680 | name: 'job-index',
681 | parser: 'my-parser',
682 | type: 'UNIQUE',
683 | unique: true,
684 | where: { isEmployee: true },
685 | concurrently: true,
686 | using: 'BTREE',
687 | operator: 'text_pattern_ops',
688 | prefix: 'test-',
689 | });
690 |
691 | @Table
692 | class Person extends Model {
693 | @SomeIndex // Add name to SomeIndex
694 | @Column
695 | name: string;
696 |
697 | @SomeIndex // Add birthday to SomeIndex
698 | @Column
699 | birthday: Date;
700 |
701 | @JobIndex({
702 | // index field options
703 | length: 10,
704 | order: 'ASC',
705 | collate: 'NOCASE',
706 | })
707 | @Column
708 | jobTitle: string;
709 |
710 | @Column
711 | isEmployee: boolean;
712 | }
713 | ```
714 |
715 | ## Repository mode
716 |
717 | With `sequelize-typescript@1` comes a repository mode. See [docs](#repository-mode) for details.
718 |
719 | The repository mode makes it possible to separate static operations like `find`, `create`, ... from model definitions.
720 | It also empowers models so that they can be used with multiple sequelize instances.
721 |
722 | ### How to enable repository mode?
723 |
724 | Enable repository mode by setting `repositoryMode` flag:
725 |
726 | ```typescript
727 | const sequelize = new Sequelize({
728 | repositoryMode: true,
729 | ...,
730 | });
731 | ```
732 |
733 | ### How to use repository mode?
734 |
735 | Retrieve repository to create instances or perform search operations:
736 |
737 | ```typescript
738 | const userRepository = sequelize.getRepository(User);
739 |
740 | const luke = await userRepository.create({ name: 'Luke Skywalker' });
741 | const luke = await userRepository.findOne({ where: { name: 'luke' } });
742 | ```
743 |
744 | ### How to use associations with repository mode?
745 |
746 | For now one need to use the repositories within the include options in order to retrieve or create related data:
747 |
748 | ```typescript
749 | const userRepository = sequelize.getRepository(User);
750 | const addressRepository = sequelize.getRepository(Address);
751 |
752 | userRepository.find({ include: [addressRepository] });
753 | userRepository.create({ name: 'Bear' }, { include: [addressRepository] });
754 | ```
755 |
756 | > ⚠️ This will change in the future: One will be able to refer the model classes instead of the repositories.
757 |
758 | ### Limitations of repository mode
759 |
760 | Nested scopes and includes in general won't work when using `@Scope` annotation together with repository mode like:
761 |
762 | ```typescript
763 | @Scopes(() => ({
764 | // includes
765 | withAddress: {
766 | include: [() => Address],
767 | },
768 | // nested scopes
769 | withAddressIncludingLatLng: {
770 | include: [() => Address.scope('withLatLng')],
771 | },
772 | }))
773 | @Table
774 | class User extends Model {}
775 | ```
776 |
777 | > ⚠️ This will change in the future: Simple includes will be implemented.
778 |
779 | ## Model validation
780 |
781 | Validation options can be set through the `@Column` annotation, but if you prefer to use separate decorators for
782 | validation instead, you can do so by simply adding the validate options _as_ decorators:
783 | So that `validate.isEmail=true` becomes `@IsEmail`, `validate.equals='value'` becomes `@Equals('value')`
784 | and so on. Please notice that a validator that expects a boolean is translated to an annotation without a parameter.
785 |
786 | See sequelize [docs](https://sequelize.org/v5/manual/models-definition.html#validations)
787 | for all validators.
788 |
789 | ### Exceptions
790 |
791 | The following validators cannot simply be translated from sequelize validator to an annotation:
792 |
793 | | Validator | Annotation |
794 | | ------------------------------- | --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- |
795 | | `validate.len=[number, number]` | `@Length({max?: number, min?: number})` |
796 | | `validate[customName: string]` | For custom validators also use the `@Is(...)` annotation: Either `@Is('custom', (value) => { /* ... */})` or with named function `@Is(function custom(value) { /* ... */})` |
797 |
798 | ### Example
799 |
800 | ```typescript
801 | const HEX_REGEX = /^#([A-Fa-f0-9]{6}|[A-Fa-f0-9]{3})$/;
802 |
803 | @Table
804 | export class Shoe extends Model {
805 | @IsUUID(4)
806 | @PrimaryKey
807 | @Column
808 | id: string;
809 |
810 | @Equals('lala')
811 | @Column
812 | readonly key: string;
813 |
814 | @Contains('Special')
815 | @Column
816 | special: string;
817 |
818 | @Length({ min: 3, max: 15 })
819 | @Column
820 | brand: string;
821 |
822 | @IsUrl
823 | @Column
824 | brandUrl: string;
825 |
826 | @Is('HexColor', (value) => {
827 | if (!HEX_REGEX.test(value)) {
828 | throw new Error(`"${value}" is not a hex color value.`);
829 | }
830 | })
831 | @Column
832 | primaryColor: string;
833 |
834 | @Is(function hexColor(value: string): void {
835 | if (!HEX_REGEX.test(value)) {
836 | throw new Error(`"${value}" is not a hex color value.`);
837 | }
838 | })
839 | @Column
840 | secondaryColor: string;
841 |
842 | @Is(HEX_REGEX)
843 | @Column
844 | tertiaryColor: string;
845 |
846 | @IsDate
847 | @IsBefore('2017-02-27')
848 | @Column
849 | producedAt: Date;
850 | }
851 | ```
852 |
853 | ## Scopes
854 |
855 | Scopes can be defined with annotations as well. The scope options are identical to native
856 | sequelize (See sequelize [docs](https://sequelize.org/master/manual/scopes.html) for more details)
857 |
858 | ### `@DefaultScope` and `@Scopes`
859 |
860 | ```typescript
861 | @DefaultScope(() => ({
862 | attributes: ['id', 'primaryColor', 'secondaryColor', 'producedAt'],
863 | }))
864 | @Scopes(() => ({
865 | full: {
866 | include: [Manufacturer],
867 | },
868 | yellow: {
869 | where: { primaryColor: 'yellow' },
870 | },
871 | }))
872 | @Table
873 | export class ShoeWithScopes extends Model {
874 | @Column
875 | readonly secretKey: string;
876 |
877 | @Column
878 | primaryColor: string;
879 |
880 | @Column
881 | secondaryColor: string;
882 |
883 | @Column
884 | producedAt: Date;
885 |
886 | @ForeignKey(() => Manufacturer)
887 | @Column
888 | manufacturerId: number;
889 |
890 | @BelongsTo(() => Manufacturer)
891 | manufacturer: Manufacturer;
892 | }
893 | ```
894 |
895 | ## Hooks
896 |
897 | Hooks can be attached to your models. All Model-level hooks are supported. See [the related unit tests](test/models/Hook.ts) for a summary.
898 |
899 | Each hook must be a `static` method. Multiple hooks can be attached to a single method, and you can define multiple methods for a given hook.
900 |
901 | The name of the method cannot be the same as the name of the hook (for example, a `@BeforeCreate` hook method cannot be named `beforeCreate`). That’s because Sequelize has pre-defined methods with those names.
902 |
903 | ```typescript
904 | @Table
905 | export class Person extends Model {
906 | @Column
907 | name: string;
908 |
909 | @BeforeUpdate
910 | @BeforeCreate
911 | static makeUpperCase(instance: Person) {
912 | // this will be called when an instance is created or updated
913 | instance.name = instance.name.toLocaleUpperCase();
914 | }
915 |
916 | @BeforeCreate
917 | static addUnicorn(instance: Person) {
918 | // this will also be called when an instance is created
919 | instance.name += ' 🦄';
920 | }
921 | }
922 | ```
923 |
924 | ## Why `() => Model`?
925 |
926 | `@ForeignKey(Model)` is much easier to read, so why is `@ForeignKey(() => Model)` so important? When it
927 | comes to circular-dependencies (which are in general solved by node for you) `Model` can be `undefined`
928 | when it gets passed to @ForeignKey. With the usage of a function, which returns the actual model, we prevent
929 | this issue.
930 |
931 | ## Recommendations and limitations
932 |
933 | ### One Sequelize instance per model (without repository mode)
934 |
935 | Unless you are using the [repository mode](#repository-mode), you won't be able to add one and the same model to multiple
936 | Sequelize instances with differently configured connections. So that one model will only work for one connection.
937 |
938 | ### One model class per file
939 |
940 | This is not only good practice regarding design, but also matters for the order
941 | of execution. Since Typescript creates a `__metadata("design:type", SomeModel)` call due to `emitDecoratorMetadata`
942 | compile option, in some cases `SomeModel` is probably not defined(not undefined!) and would throw a `ReferenceError`.
943 | When putting `SomeModel` in a separate file, it would look like `__metadata("design:type", SomeModel_1.SomeModel)`,
944 | which does not throw an error.
945 |
946 | ### Minification
947 |
948 | If you need to minify your code, you need to set `tableName` and `modelName`
949 | in the `DefineOptions` for `@Table` annotation. sequelize-typescript
950 | uses the class name as default name for `tableName` and `modelName`.
951 | When the code is minified the class name will no longer be the originally
952 | defined one (So that `class User` will become `class b` for example).
953 |
954 | ## Contributing
955 |
956 | To contribute you can:
957 |
958 | - Open issues and participate in discussion of other issues.
959 | - Fork the project to open up PR's.
960 | - Update the [types of Sequelize](https://github.com/DefinitelyTyped/DefinitelyTyped/tree/master/types/sequelize).
961 | - Anything else constructively helpful.
962 |
963 | In order to open a pull request please:
964 |
965 | - Create a new branch.
966 | - Run tests locally (`npm install && npm run build && npm run cover`) and ensure your commits don't break the tests.
967 | - Document your work well with commit messages, a good PR description, comments in code when necessary, etc.
968 |
969 | In order to update the types for sequelize please go to [the Definitely Typed repo](https://github.com/DefinitelyTyped/DefinitelyTyped/tree/master/types/sequelize), it would also be a good
970 | idea to open a PR into [sequelize](https://github.com/sequelize/sequelize) so that Sequelize can maintain its own types, but that
971 | might be harder than getting updated types into microsoft's repo. The Typescript team is slowly trying to encourage
972 | npm package maintainers to maintain their own typings, but Microsoft still has dedicated and good people maintaining the DT repo,
973 | accepting PR's and keeping quality high.
974 |
975 | **Keep in mind `sequelize-typescript` does not provide typings for `sequelize`** - these are seperate things.
976 | A lot of the types in `sequelize-typescript` augment, refer to, or extend what sequelize already has.