3.82 kBTypeScriptView Raw
1import { InitOptions, Model as OriginModel, ModelAttributes, FindOptions, BuildOptions, Utils } from 'sequelize';
2import { AssociationGetOptions } from './association/association-get-options';
3import { AssociationCountOptions } from './association/association-count-options';
4import { AssociationActionOptions } from './association/association-action-options';
5import { AssociationCreateOptions } from './association/association-create-options';
6import { Repository } from '../../sequelize/repository/repository';
7export declare type ModelType<TCreationAttributes extends {}, TModelAttributes extends {}> = new (values?: TCreationAttributes, options?: any) => Model<TModelAttributes, TCreationAttributes>;
8export declare type ModelCtor<M extends Model = Model> = Repository<M>;
9export declare type ModelStatic<M extends Model = Model> = {
10 new (): M;
12export declare type $GetType<T> = NonNullable<T> extends any[] ? NonNullable<T> : NonNullable<T> | null;
13export declare abstract class Model<TModelAttributes extends {} = any, TCreationAttributes extends {} = TModelAttributes> extends OriginModel<TModelAttributes, TCreationAttributes> {
14 id?: number | any;
15 createdAt?: Date | any;
16 updatedAt?: Date | any;
17 deletedAt?: Date | any;
18 version?: number | any;
19 static isInitialized: boolean;
20 static initialize<MS extends ModelStatic<Model>, M extends InstanceType<MS>>(attributes: ModelAttributes, options: InitOptions): MS;
21 constructor(values?: Utils.MakeNullishOptional<TCreationAttributes>, options?: BuildOptions);
22 /**
23 * Adds relation between specified instances and source instance
24 */
25 $add<R extends Model>(propertyKey: string, instances: R | R[] | string[] | string | number[] | number, options?: AssociationActionOptions): Promise<unknown>;
26 /**
27 * Sets relation between specified instances and source instance
28 * (replaces old relations)
29 */
30 $set<R extends Model>(propertyKey: keyof this, instances: R | R[] | string[] | string | number[] | number | null, options?: AssociationActionOptions): Promise<unknown>;
31 /**
32 * Returns related instance (specified by propertyKey) of source instance
33 */
34 $get<K extends keyof this>(propertyKey: K, options?: AssociationGetOptions): Promise<$GetType<this[K]>>;
35 /**
36 * Counts related instances (specified by propertyKey) of source instance
37 */
38 $count(propertyKey: string, options?: AssociationCountOptions): Promise<number>;
39 /**
40 * Creates instances and relate them to source instance
41 */
42 $create<R extends Model>(propertyKey: string, values: any, options?: AssociationCreateOptions): Promise<R>;
43 /**
44 * Checks if specified instances is related to source instance
45 */
46 $has<R extends Model>(propertyKey: string, instances: R | R[] | string[] | string | number[] | number, options?: AssociationGetOptions): Promise<boolean>;
47 /**
48 * Removes specified instances from source instance
49 */
50 $remove<R extends Model>(propertyKey: string, instances: R | R[] | string[] | string | number[] | number, options?: any): Promise<any>;
51 reload(options?: FindOptions): Promise<this>;
54 * Indicates which static methods of Model has to be proxied,
55 * to prepare include option to automatically resolve alias;
56 * The index represents the index of the options of the
57 * corresponding method parameter
58 */
59export declare const INFER_ALIAS_MAP: {
60 bulkBuild: number;
61 build: number;
62 create: number;
63 aggregate: number;
64 all: number;
65 find: number;
66 findAll: number;
67 findAndCount: number;
68 findAndCountAll: number;
69 findById: number;
70 findByPrimary: number;
71 findCreateFind: number;
72 findOne: number;
73 findOrBuild: number;
74 findOrCreate: number;
75 findOrInitialize: number;
76 reload: number;