1 | import { DataType } from '../data-types';
2 | import { CreateOptions, CreationAttributes, FindOptions, Model, ModelCtor, SaveOptions } from '../model';
3 | import { Association, AssociationOptions, SingleAssociationAccessors } from './base';
4 |
5 | // type ModelCtor<M extends Model> = InstanceType<typeof M>;
6 | /**
7 | * Options provided when associating models with belongsTo relationship
8 | *
9 | * @see Association class belongsTo method
10 | */
11 | export interface BelongsToOptions extends AssociationOptions {
12 | /**
13 | * The name of the field to use as the key for the association in the target table. Defaults to the primary
14 | * key of the target table
15 | */
16 | targetKey?: string;
17 |
18 | /**
19 | * A string or a data type to represent the identifier in the table
20 | */
21 | keyType?: DataType;
22 | }
23 |
24 | export class BelongsTo<S extends Model = Model, T extends Model = Model> extends Association<S, T> {
25 | public accessors: SingleAssociationAccessors;
26 | constructor(source: ModelCtor<S>, target: ModelCtor<T>, options: BelongsToOptions);
27 | }
28 |
29 | /**
30 | * The options for the getAssociation mixin of the belongsTo association.
31 | * @see BelongsToGetAssociationMixin
32 | */
33 | export interface BelongsToGetAssociationMixinOptions extends FindOptions<any> {
34 | /**
35 | * Apply a scope on the related model, or remove its default scope by passing false.
36 | */
37 | scope?: string | string[] | boolean;
38 | }
39 |
40 | /**
41 | * The getAssociation mixin applied to models with belongsTo.
42 | * An example of usage is as follows:
43 | *
44 | * ```js
45 | *
46 | * User.belongsTo(Role);
47 | *
48 | * interface UserInstance extends Sequelize.Instance<UserInstance, UserAttrib>, UserAttrib {
49 | * getRole: Sequelize.BelongsToGetAssociationMixin<RoleInstance>;
50 | * // setRole...
51 | * // createRole...
52 | * }
53 | * ```
54 | *
55 | * @see https://sequelize.org/master/class/lib/associations/belongs-to.js~BelongsTo.html
56 | * @see Instance
57 | */
58 | export type BelongsToGetAssociationMixin<TModel> = (options?: BelongsToGetAssociationMixinOptions) => Promise<TModel>;
59 |
60 | /**
61 | * The options for the setAssociation mixin of the belongsTo association.
62 | * @see BelongsToSetAssociationMixin
63 | */
64 | export interface BelongsToSetAssociationMixinOptions extends SaveOptions<any> {
65 | /**
66 | * Skip saving this after setting the foreign key if false.
67 | */
68 | save?: boolean;
69 | }
70 |
71 | /**
72 | * The setAssociation mixin applied to models with belongsTo.
73 | * An example of usage is as follows:
74 | *
75 | * ```js
76 | *
77 | * User.belongsTo(Role);
78 | *
79 | * interface UserInstance extends Sequelize.Instance<UserInstance, UserAttributes>, UserAttributes {
80 | * // getRole...
81 | * setRole: Sequelize.BelongsToSetAssociationMixin<RoleInstance, RoleId>;
82 | * // createRole...
83 | * }
84 | * ```
85 | *
86 | * @see https://sequelize.org/master/class/lib/associations/belongs-to.js~BelongsTo.html
87 | * @see Instance
88 | */
89 | export type BelongsToSetAssociationMixin<TModel, TPrimaryKey> = (
90 | newAssociation?: TModel | TPrimaryKey,
91 | options?: BelongsToSetAssociationMixinOptions
92 | ) => Promise<void>;
93 |
94 | /**
95 | * The options for the createAssociation mixin of the belongsTo association.
96 | * @see BelongsToCreateAssociationMixin
97 | */
98 | export interface BelongsToCreateAssociationMixinOptions
99 | extends CreateOptions<any>, BelongsToSetAssociationMixinOptions {}
100 |
101 | /**
102 | * The createAssociation mixin applied to models with belongsTo.
103 | * An example of usage is as follows:
104 | *
105 | * ```js
106 | *
107 | * User.belongsTo(Role);
108 | *
109 | * interface UserInstance extends Sequelize.Instance<UserInstance, UserAttributes>, UserAttributes {
110 | * // getRole...
111 | * // setRole...
112 | * createRole: Sequelize.BelongsToCreateAssociationMixin<RoleAttributes>;
113 | * }
114 | * ```
115 | *
116 | * @see https://sequelize.org/master/class/lib/associations/belongs-to.js~BelongsTo.html
117 | * @see Instance
118 | */
119 | export type BelongsToCreateAssociationMixin<TModel extends Model> = (
120 | values?: CreationAttributes<TModel>,
121 | options?: BelongsToCreateAssociationMixinOptions
122 | ) => Promise<TModel>;
123 |
124 | export default BelongsTo;