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1# Contributing
3First: Thank you for considering making a contribution! We're glad this project has been valuable to you.
5We try to make contributing simple. We believe code should be tested and documented. To make that simple, we have included mocha/chai tests for the [CLI](/tests/serverless-artillery.spec.js) and also the [function's handler](/tests/handler.spec.js) that you can add tests for your changes to as appropriate. We're not adverse to adding sinon too. The documentation is relatively thin since we have the opportunity to refer to the [serverless framework](https://serverless.com/framework/docs/) and [artillery](https://artillery.io/docs/) documentation. That said, we do our documenting of the CLI interaction in [README](/README.md) to cover all use cases.
7If you have questions, you can reach out to us in our [gitter channel](https://gitter.im/Nordstrom/serverless-artillery). We will do our best to respond quickly but do please keep in mind that we too have day jobs.
9Thanks again for considering a contribution, we hope to be reviewing your code soon!