6.9 kBJSONView Raw
2 "name": "serverless",
3 "version": "1.73.0",
4 "engines": {
5 "node": ">=6.0"
6 },
7 "engineStrict": true,
8 "preferGlobal": true,
9 "homepage": "https://serverless.com/framework/docs/",
10 "description": "Serverless Framework - Build web, mobile and IoT applications with serverless architectures using AWS Lambda, Azure Functions, Google CloudFunctions & more",
11 "author": "serverless.com",
12 "license": "MIT",
13 "repository": {
14 "type": "git",
15 "url": "https://github.com/serverless/serverless"
16 },
17 "keywords": [
18 "serverless",
19 "serverless framework",
20 "serverless applications",
21 "serverless modules",
22 "api gateway",
23 "lambda",
24 "aws",
25 "aws lambda",
26 "amazon",
27 "amazon web services",
28 "azure",
29 "azure functions",
30 "google cloud functions",
31 "apache open whisk",
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38 "lib",
39 "scripts/postinstall.js",
40 "scripts/pre-release.js",
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42 "README.md",
43 "LICENSE.txt",
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50 "sls": "./bin/serverless.js"
51 },
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56 "integration-test-cleanup": "node tests/utils/aws-cleanup.js",
57 "integration-test-run-all": "mocha-isolated --pass-through-aws-creds --skip-fs-cleanup-check --max-workers=20 tests/integration-all/**/tests.js",
58 "integration-test-run-basic": "mocha tests/integration-basic/tests.js",
59 "integration-test-run-package": "mocha-isolated --skip-fs-cleanup-check tests/integration-package/**/*.tests.js",
60 "lint": "eslint .",
61 "lint:updated": "pipe-git-updated --ext=js -- eslint",
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71 "test": "mocha \"!(node_modules)/**/*.test.js\"",
72 "test:ci": "npm run prettier-check:updated && npm run lint:updated && npm run test:isolated",
73 "test:isolated": "mocha-isolated"
74 },
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79 {
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81 "scripts/pkg/*"
82 ],
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85 }
86 }
87 ]
88 },
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90 "lib/plugins/create/templates/**",
91 "lib/plugins/aws/customResources/node_modules/**"
92 ],
93 "mocha": {
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95 "require": [
96 "@serverless/test/setup/log",
97 "@serverless/test/setup/async-leaks-detector",
98 "@serverless/test/setup/async-leaks-detector/bluebird-patch",
99 "@serverless/test/setup/mock-homedir",
100 "@serverless/test/setup/restore-cwd",
101 "@serverless/test/setup/restore-env"
102 ],
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104 },
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108 "**/*.test.js",
109 "bin/**",
110 "coverage/**",
111 "dist/**",
112 "scripts/**",
113 "tests/**",
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115 "prettier.config.js"
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127 },
128 "types": [
129 {
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132 },
133 {
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135 "section": "Bug Fixes"
136 },
137 {
138 "type": "perf",
139 "section": "Performance Improvements"
140 },
141 {
142 "type": "refactor",
143 "section": "Maintanance Improvements"
144 }
145 ]
146 },
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150 }
151 },
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158 ]
159 },
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162 "@serverless/eslint-config": "^1.2.1",
163 "@serverless/test": "^3.8.0",
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192 "@serverless/components": "^2.30.15",
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194 "@serverless/inquirer": "^1.1.2",
195 "@serverless/utils": "^1.1.0",
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199 "bluebird": "^3.7.2",
200 "boxen": "^3.2.0",
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244 }