1.98 kBtext/x-handlebars-templateView Raw
1<!DOCTYPE html>
2<html lang="en">
3 <head>
4 <meta charset="UTF-8" />
5 <title>Index of {{url}}</title>
6 <link rel="stylesheet" href="/__seve/styles.css" />
7 </head>
8 <body>
9 <main>
10 {{#if error}}
11 <div class="box error">
12 <h1>
13 Error: 404 Not found
14 </h1>
15 <p>The resource <strong>{{url}}</strong> could not be found.</p>
16 </div>
17 {{/if}}
19 <div class="box">
20 <h1>
21 Index of
22 <strong>{{folder}}</strong>
23 </h1>
24 <ul>
25 {{#if hasParent}}
26 <li>
27 <a href="..">
28 <img src="/__seve/icons/parent.png" alt="" />
29 <strong>parent</strong>
30 </a>
31 </li>
32 {{/if}}
33 {{#each files}}
34 {{#if name}}
35 <li>
36 <a href="{{name}}" class="{{#if isFolder}}folder{{/if}}">
37 <img src="/__seve/icons/{{mime}}.png" alt="" />
38 <strong>{{name}}{{#if isFolder}}/{{/if}}</strong>
39 <time datetime="{{time.raw}}">{{time.human}}</time>
40 <span>{{#if isFolder}}-{{else}}{{size}}{{/if}}</span>
41 </a>
42 </li>
43 {{/if}}
44 {{/each}}
45 </ul>
46 </div>
47 <footer>
48 <a href="//github.com/leny/seve" rel="external" target="_new">sèvè/{{version}}</a>
49 serving <span>{{root}}</span> at localhost:{{port}}
50 </footer>
51 </main>
52 </body>
\No newline at end of file