4.15 kBJavaScriptView Raw
1import { h } from 'preact'
2import Row from './row'
3import formatMoney from '../helpers/format-money'
4const borderClasses = 'mb3 ph2 pv2 br2 ba b--black-10'
6const rightRow = (title, content) =>
7 h(Row, {
8 title,
9 align: 'right',
10 width: 5
11 }, content)
13const longDate = date =>
14 `${date.toLocaleDateString()} ${date.toLocaleTimeString()}`
16const getProjectName = proj => {
17 let name = proj.name
18 if (proj.internalLabel) {
19 name += ` (${proj.internalLabel})`
20 }
21 return name
24export default props => {
25 const {
26 name,
27 year,
28 month,
29 address1,
30 address2,
31 totalDonations,
32 totalFees,
33 projects,
34 donors
35 } = props.data
37 const monthYearString = (new Date(year, month - 1)).toLocaleDateString('en-US', {year: 'numeric', month: 'long'})
39 return (
40 h('div', null,
41 rightRow('Statement month:', monthYearString),
42 rightRow('Statement for:', name),
43 rightRow('', address1),
44 rightRow('', address2),
45 h('h3', null, 'Summary:'),
46 h('div', {className: borderClasses},
47 rightRow('Total collected:', formatMoney(totalDonations)),
48 rightRow('Total fees:', formatMoney(totalFees)),
49 rightRow('Net collected', formatMoney(totalDonations - totalFees))
50 ),
51 h('h3', null, 'Donation totals by project:'),
52 h('div', {className: borderClasses},
53 projects.map(proj => h(Row, {
54 title: getProjectName(proj),
55 align: 'right',
56 width: 5
57 }, formatMoney(proj.total)))
58 ),
59 h('h3', null, 'Donations by donor:'),
60 h('div', null,
61 donors.map(donor => h('div', {className: 'mt3 pt2 br2 ba b--black-10'},
62 h('div', {className: 'ph2'},
63 h(Row, {
64 title: 'Name:',
65 width: 3
66 },
67 h('span', {className: 'pl3'}, donor.name || '(not supplied)')
68 ),
69 h(Row, {
70 title: 'Email:',
71 width: 3
72 },
73 h('span', {className: 'pl3'}, donor.email)
74 )
75 ),
76 h('ul', {className: 'list pa0 mb0 mt2'},
77 donor.lineItems.map(item => {
78 const date = new Date(item.date)
79 const isRefund = item.type === 'refundedCharge'
80 const chargeId = `****${item.chargeId.slice(-8)}`
81 const projectName = getProjectName(item.project)
82 const fee = formatMoney(item.fee)
83 const chargeDate = item.chargeDate ? new Date(item.chargeDate) : null
84 return (
85 h('li', null,
86 isRefund && h('div', {className: 'pt2 pb1 mh2 bt b--black-10 f6'},
87 h('div', {className: 'fw6 f6 red'}, `Refund of charge id: ${chargeId}`),
88 h('div', {className: 'pb2'}, 'The entire donation and all fees have been reversed'),
89 rightRow('Donation amount returned:', formatMoney(item.amount)),
90 rightRow('Fee credited back:', fee),
91 rightRow('Project name:', projectName),
92 rightRow('Original charge date:', longDate(chargeDate)),
93 rightRow('Refund date:', longDate(date))
94 ),
95 !isRefund && h('div', {className: 'pv2 mh2 bt b--black-10 f6'},
96 h('div', {className: 'flex items-center justify-start'},
97 h('div', {className: 'w4 fg0 fs0'},
98 h('div', null, formatMoney(item.amount)),
99 h('div', {className: 'red'}, fee)
100 ),
101 h('div', {className: 'pl2 pr2 fg2'},
102 h('div', null, projectName),
103 item.refunded && h('div', null, '(related refund below)')
104 ),
105 h('div', {className: 'tr fg1'},
106 h('div', null, longDate(date)),
107 h('div', {className: 'tr mt1 black-60'}, `id: ${chargeId}`)
108 )
109 )
110 )
111 )
112 )
113 })
114 )
115 ))
116 )
117 )
118 )