5.05 kBTypeScriptView Raw
2 * @license
3 * Copyright (c) 2016 The Polymer Project Authors. All rights reserved.
4 * This code may only be used under the BSD style license found at
5 * http://polymer.github.io/LICENSE.txt The complete set of authors may be found
6 * at http://polymer.github.io/AUTHORS.txt The complete set of contributors may
7 * be found at http://polymer.github.io/CONTRIBUTORS.txt Code distributed by
8 * Google as part of the polymer project is also subject to an additional IP
9 * rights grant found at http://polymer.github.io/PATENTS.txt
10 */
11import { Range } from './common';
12import { Token } from './token';
14 * Class that implements tokenization of significant lexical features of the
15 * CSS syntax.
16 */
17declare class Tokenizer {
18 cssText: string;
19 /**
20 * Tracks the position of the tokenizer in the source string.
21 * Also the default head of the Token linked list.
22 */
23 private cursorToken_;
24 /**
25 * Holds a reference to a Token that is "next" in the source string, often
26 * due to having been peeked at.
27 */
28 private currentToken_;
29 /**
30 * Create a Tokenizer instance.
31 * @param cssText The raw CSS string to be tokenized.
32 *
33 */
34 constructor(cssText: string);
35 readonly offset: number;
36 /**
37 * The current token that will be returned by a call to `advance`. This
38 * reference is useful for "peeking" at the next token ahead in the sequence.
39 * If the entire CSS text has been tokenized, the `currentToken` will be null.
40 */
41 readonly currentToken: Token | null;
42 /**
43 * Advance the Tokenizer to the next token in the sequence.
44 * @return The current token prior to the call to `advance`, or null
45 * if the entire CSS text has been tokenized.
46 */
47 advance(): Token | null;
48 /**
49 * Extract a slice from the CSS text, using two tokens to represent the range
50 * of text to be extracted. The extracted text will include all text between
51 * the start index of the first token and the offset index of the second token
52 * (or the offset index of the first token if the second is not provided).
53 * @param startToken The token that represents the beginning of the
54 * text range to be extracted.
55 * @param endToken The token that represents the end of the text range
56 * to be extracted. Defaults to the startToken if no endToken is provided.
57 * @return The substring of the CSS text corresponding to the
58 * startToken and endToken.
59 */
60 slice(startToken: Token, endToken?: Token | undefined | null): string;
61 /**
62 * Like `slice`, but returns the offsets into the source, rather than the
63 * substring itself.
64 */
65 getRange(startToken: Token, endToken?: Token | undefined | null): {
66 start: number;
67 end: number;
68 };
69 trimRange({start, end}: Range): Range;
70 /**
71 * Flush all tokens from the Tokenizer.
72 * @return An array of all tokens corresponding to the CSS text.
73 */
74 flush(): (Token | null)[];
75 /**
76 * Extract the next token from the CSS text and advance the Tokenizer.
77 * @return A Token instance, or null if the entire CSS text has beeen
78 * tokenized.
79 */
80 private getNextToken_();
81 /**
82 * Tokenize a string starting at a given offset in the CSS text. A string is
83 * any span of text that is wrapped by eclusively paired, non-escaped matching
84 * quotation marks.
85 * @param offset An offset in the CSS text.
86 * @return A string Token instance.
87 */
88 tokenizeString(offset: number): Token;
89 /**
90 * Tokenize a word starting at a given offset in the CSS text. A word is any
91 * span of text that is not whitespace, is not a string, is not a comment and
92 * is not a structural delimiter (such as braces and semicolon).
93 * @param number An offset in the CSS text.
94 * @return A word Token instance.
95 */
96 tokenizeWord(offset: number): Token;
97 /**
98 * Tokenize whitespace starting at a given offset in the CSS text. Whitespace
99 * is any span of text made up of consecutive spaces, tabs, newlines and other
100 * single whitespace characters.
101 * @param number An offset in the CSS text.
102 * @return A whitespace Token instance.
103 */
104 tokenizeWhitespace(offset: number): Token;
105 /**
106 * Tokenize a comment starting at a given offset in the CSS text. A comment is
107 * any span of text beginning with the two characters / and *, and ending with
108 * a matching counterpart pair of consecurtive characters (* and /).
109 * @param number An offset in the CSS text.
110 * @return A comment Token instance.
111 */
112 tokenizeComment(offset: number): Token;
113 /**
114 * Tokenize a boundary at a given offset in the CSS text. A boundary is any
115 * single structurally significant character. These characters include braces,
116 * semicolons, the "at" symbol and others.
117 * @param number An offset in the CSS text.
118 * @return A boundary Token instance.
119 */
120 tokenizeBoundary(offset: number): Token;
122export { Tokenizer };